The Pentagon Officially Releases UFO Videos

Article by Michael Conte                            April 28, 2020                           (

• Between December 2017 and March 2018, Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences’ first released three US Navy videos of UAPs/UFOs. One of these was the infamous “Tic Tac” UFO from 2004 which Navy pilot David Fravor remarked, ‘moved in ways he couldn’t explain’, “like a ping pong ball, bouncing off a wall.”

• Also revealed was the existence of a classified Pentagon UFO program launched in 2007 at the behest of former Nevada Senator Harry Reid. The program was allegedly ended in 2012. The former head of the Pentagon program, Luis Elizondo, said in 2017 that he personally believes “there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone.” “These aircraft,” said Elizondo, “… are displaying characteristics that are not currently within the US inventory nor in any foreign inventory that we are aware of.” Elizondo resigned from the Defense Department in 2017 in protest over the secrecy surrounding the program and the internal opposition to funding it.

• In September 2019, the Navy acknowledged the veracity of the videos. Now, the Pentagon has officially released these same three short UFO videos taken by Navy pilots on infrared cameras – one in 2004 and two others in 2015 – “in order to clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real, or whether or not there is more to the videos,” said Pentagon spokesperson Sue Gough.

• Former Senator Reid tweeted that he was “glad” the Pentagon officially released the videos, but that “it only scratches the surface of research and materials available. The U.S. needs to take a serious, scientific look at this and any potential national security implications.”

• A spokesperson for Virginia Senator Mark Warner told CNN last summer, “If pilots at Oceana (Master Navy Jet Base in Virginia Beach) or elsewhere are reporting flight hazards that interfere with training or put them at risk, then Senator Warner wants answers. It doesn’t matter if it’s weather balloons, little green men, or something else entirely — we can’t ask our pilots to put their lives at risk unnecessarily.”


         Luis Elizondo

The Pentagon has officially released three short videos showing “unidentified aerial phenomena” that had previously

         Virginia Senator Mark Warner

been released by a private company.

The videos show what appear to be unidentified flying objects rapidly moving while recorded by infrared cameras. Two of the videos contain service members reacting in awe at how quickly the objects are moving. One voice speculates that it could be a drone.

The Navy previously acknowledged the veracity of the videos in September of last year. They are officially releasing them now, “in order to clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real, or whether or not there is more to the videos,” according to Pentagon spokesperson Sue Gough.

“After a thorough review, the department has determined that the authorized release of these unclassified videos does not reveal any sensitive capabilities or systems,” said Gough in a statement, “and does not impinge on any subsequent investigations of military air space incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena.”

2:42 minute video on release of declassified UFOs (‘ABC News’ YouTube)



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One Third of Americans Believe in UFOs, But They Aren’t All Looking For the Same Thing

Article by Starre Vartan                             April 24, 2020                                (

• Belief in UFOs is at a high point. A 2019 Gallup poll showed that 33% of Americans “believe that some UFO sightings over the years have in fact been alien spacecraft visiting Earth from other planets or galaxies.” After the New York Times ran a front-page story detailing a US Department of Defense UFO program along with several reports of UFO sightings by the US Navy, the head of the Pentagon program, Luis Elizondo, said, “In my opinion, if this was a court of law, we have reached the point of ‘beyond reasonable doubt.’ I hate to use the term UFO, but that’s what we’re looking at… [O]ne has to ask the question ‘where they’re from’?”

• In her book, They Are Already Here: UFO Culture and Why We See Saucers, author Sarah Scoles delves into the people behind the science, philosophy and conspiracy theories of UFOs. Scoles spoke to attendees at the annual UFO Congress; she traveled to famous UFO sites such as Roswell, Area 51, and Skinwalker Ranch. Her research revealed that not everyone in the UFO community holds common beliefs. While younger millennials were excited about ‘proof’ of extraterrestrial UFOs, older generations were more skeptical.

• Scoles says that a “large minority” within the UFO community are actually “science-minded” who look for “good explanations” for UFO sightings. “I was surprised to find the moderate types,” said Scoles. This group tends to use science to understand, explain, explore or disprove the idea of alien life, comparable to mainstream astronomers and scientists.

• Another subset of UFO enthusiasts are those who treat the idea of extraterrestrials as a kind of secular religion. They see the possibility of advanced alien life as a sign of hope. If a technologically-advanced extraterrestrial civilization has been able to survive, then humanity may also be able to overcome our challenges and keep moving toward the stars. Although we live in perilous times, there can still be positive visions of humanity’s future. “[A]liens could be a model for us,” says Scoles.

• Scoles noted those who experience ‘the sweet allure of the unknown’. She writes about a friend who found himself in a local bar in a small Iowa town where he brought up the subject of “spook lights” that had been reported nearby. The bar patrons were excited to tell a stranger what they had seen. “There was (still) some mystery and magic” here in this small town.

• Some people fear the idea of aliens and see them as an existential threat,” says Scoles. But others base their belief in UFOs almost entirely on their conviction that governments or authoritative groups have been “hiding aliens or their classified technology”, and covering up the alien presence for years.

• Finally, some people simply consider the number of stars and habitable planets in our galaxy and universe and deem life on other planets as not just theoretically possible but highly probable. The statistical odds are that there must be intelligent life outside Earth, and those life forms have likely visited our planet.

• So with all of these different groups of people interested in extraterrestrial spacecraft and alien civilizations for differing reasons, what unites the UFO community? According to Scoles, across the UFO spectrum, everyone “from skeptics to true believers, is motivated by a sense of wonder, encountering a thing that they don’t know.”


Behind every alleged unidentified flying object sighting, every creepy alien story and every first-contact theory, there’s a person. An earthling who believes a little — or a lot — in the idea that aliens have visited Earth or are trying to.

So who are all these people? Writer Sarah Scoles was interested in finding out, and it’s the people behind the science, philosophy and conspiracy theories of UFOs who she focuses on in her book, “They Are Already Here: UFO Culture and Why We See Saucers.”

Belief in UFOs is currently at a high point, with a 2019 Gallup poll showing that 33% of Americans “believe that some UFO sightings over the years have in fact been alien spacecraft visiting Earth from other planets or galaxies.” About 60% of Americans are skeptical and 7% aren’t sure — but 16% of people who answered the poll said they have personally witnessed a UFO.

Those numbers are on the rise again in recent years due, in part, to a bombshell of an article published in December 2017 by The New York Times. A front-page story detailed a five-year program at the Pentagon call the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). That program’s findings included a number of reports of unidentified flying objects. In later interviews, key members of that program offered more detail. As MNN covered at the time, Luis Elizondo, the head of AATIP, told then-Defense Secretary James Mattis: “In my opinion, if this was a court of law, we have reached the point of ‘beyond reasonable doubt.’ I hate to use the term UFO, but that’s what we’re looking at,” said Elizondo. “I think it’s pretty clear this is not us, and it’s not anyone else, so one has to ask the question where they’re from.”

Contrary to what might be assumed, many in the UFO community were skeptical of this news, though author Scoles said this was interestingly divided by generation, with older people more skeptical and Millennials excited to hear confirmation, a divide that got Scoles interested in the group. She attended the UFO Congress — a huge annual meeting of the UFO-interested — held just a couple months after the Pentagon program’s revelation. She talked to 22 people for her book, and what’s interesting is how different they are from each other; this is no monolithic group.

She traveled to famous sites on the extraterrestrial map, including Roswell, New Mexico and Area 51, the UFO Congress, the Pentagon, Skinwalker ranch in Utah and even meetings of a local UFO group in Denver where she lives. As she dug deeper into UFO society, Scoles discovered there are different reasons and attitudes that get people thinking or obsessing about UFOs.


1:03:25 minute ‘Somewhere in the Skies’ with Ryan Sprague (‘Ryan Sprague’ YouTube)



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Former French Director of Intelligence Believes UFOs May Come From Parallel Worlds

Article by Douglas Charles                         April 21, 2020                          (

• The former Director of Intelligence for France, Alain Juillet (pictured above), told Paris Match magazine recently, “In the particular field of UFOs… there are fighter pilots, astronauts, people who… report very precise observations. We must not say that they are nonsense, but… recognize that there are things that escape us. It is in this context that I became interested (in UFOs)… because the first thing we see when we study this phenomenon, is that… these machines… do not function according to the terrestrial laws, and in particular that they are not subjected to gravitation.”

• As to whether these UFOs could be coming from a parallel dimension, Juillet says, “[A] fly with its faceted eyes can see dimensions other than ours even though it lives in our world. Perhaps… there are things that are in our universe that we cannot see… because they are not in our field of vision. But perhaps, from time to time, something happens, that a phenomenon passes through our field of perception before disappearing.”

• Asked how he thinks society would react if the truth about UFOs was ever revealed to the general public, Juillet said, “If tomorrow morning we have confirmation that the UFOs come from a world parallel to ours, …within five years, everyone will have accepted it as a trivial phenomenon.”

• As we inch closer and closer to the truth about UFOs, numerous theories have surfaced which seem to defy all known science. Quantum physicists, Dr. Jack Sarfatti, suggested that the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO seen by US Navy pilots and personnel off of the coast of San Diego in 2004 was able to achieve its ‘otherworldly’ speed and maneuverability by using a “metamaterial” that allowed it to time travel. (see previous ExoArticle here)

• Professor of biological anthropology and author Dr. Michael P. Masters has written that the UFO sightings over the years are not aliens visiting our planet, but time-traveling human beings (from the future), piloting futuristic spacecraft. (see previous ExoArticle here)

• On the other hand, former Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) in the UK, Sir John Sawers, believes that aliens do exist. (see previous ExoArticle here) So who do we believe? When asked how he feels about governments not allowing the public know what’s really going on with the UFO phenomenon, Alain Juillet hits the nail on the head: “I don’t think secrecy is really useful.”


As we inch closer and closer to learning the truth about the hundreds upon hundreds of UFO sightings over the years, with a massive spike in them

              Dr. Michael P. Masters

taking place in 2020, numerous theories have surfaced which seem to defy all known science, yet in reality may actually be rather plausible.

                  Dr. Jack Sarfatti

One such theory put forth by one of the world’s top quantum physicists, Dr. Jack Sarfatti, suggests that the infamous USS Nimitz tic tac UFO was able to attain its otherworldly speed and maneuverablity by using a “metamaterial” that allowed it to time travel.

That theory dovetailed nicely into another hypothesis author Dr. Michael P. Masters wrote about in a recently published book, Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon. In his book, Masters, a professor of biological anthropology specializing in human evolutionary anatomy, archaeology and biomedicine, suggests that all the UFO sightings we’ve had over the years are actually NOT be aliens visiting our planet, but time-traveling human beings piloting futuristic spacecrafts.

                 Sir John Sawers

And now we’ve got former director of intelligence at the French Directorate-General for External Security (DGSE), Alain Juillet, who says he believes that UFOs may actually come from parallel worlds.

Speaking to French publication Paris Match recently, Juillet said, “In the particular field of UFOs, not to mention the people who see a flying saucer landing in a field, there are fighter pilots, astronauts, people who are anything but funny and report very precise observations. We must not say that they are nonsense, but just recognize that there are things that escape us. It is in this context that I became interested in this problem because the first thing we see when we study this phenomenon, it is that obvious these machines or these appearances do not function according to the terrestrial laws and in particular that they are not subjected to gravitation.”



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Skinwalker Ranch Where Cattle are Drained of Blood and Giant Wolves Roam

Article by Jane Lavender                             April 20, 2020                                (

• 150 years ago, the Native American Utes tribe were fierce enemies with the Navajo tribe. The Utes captured and enslaved Navajo. In return, the Navajo put a curse on the land. Ever since, this region of the Unitah Basin in what is today the state of Utah, in the United States has been rife with paranormal activity due to the shape shifters, known as ‘skinwalkers’, that roam the earth in the guise of giant creatures, according to Native American legend. For over 100 years, reports of strange noises, bizarre sightings, mutilated cattle, crop circles, and giant wolves have emanated from the ‘cursed’ 512 acre Skinwalker Ranch.

• In 1992, the Sherman family became the owners of the Skinwalker Ranch. They found their cattle dead in fields, drained of their blood, and with no pools of blood nearby. A quarter of their herd died under these gruesome circumstances. The Shermans say that they were ‘terrorized’ by strange beasts that would stalk their ranch. In one reported incident, a giant wolf came in off the plains, put his head through a holding pen and started pulling one of the calves out of the fence. Mr Sherman shot the wolf eight times before it let go and ran away. Chasing the animal to a river, Sherman noted that the wolf’s pawprints led to the river, but didn’t continue on the other side of it. “(The wolf) seemed to ‘vaporize’ by the time it had reached the other side.”

• In 1996, the Shermans sold the ranch to billionaire Robert Bigelow who wanted to scientifically study the paranormal events associated with the property. Bigelow recruited an army of experts – several of whom have vowed never to set foot on the property again because of what they found. In 2016, Bigelow sold the ranch to real estate magnate, Brandon Fugal. Fugal has been recording everything that happens on the site including UFOs and ‘light pillars’ reaching into the sky above the ranch.

• Researchers have measured unusually high recordings of electromagnetic waves and radiation at the ranch. Fugal recruited NASA astrophysicist, Dr Travis Taylor to look into it. Dr Taylor’s explanation goes back the 1950’s where above-ground nuclear bomb tests were conducted in neighboring Nevada. Some of the highest concentration of radioactive fall-out was recorded in northeast Utah just 30 miles from the ranch. Travis goes so far as to say, “It’s possible that exposure to radioactive fall-out could cause people to have strange symptoms or hallucinations and see, hear and even do things that might seem abnormal.” Doc Taylor plans to dig further on the site for more clues.

• Ranch superintendent Tom Winterton, however, cautions against digging on the Skinwalker Ranch. Winterton says he did some digging there, and a few days later he noticed a “goose egg” that had formed on the back of his head. By the time his wife brought him to the hospital emergency room, it had spread through his entire head. “My scalp separated from my skull and the pain was excruciating. The doctors didn’t know what had caused it or how to fix it,” said Winterton. “They were telling me that what had happened was medically impossible, and it caused a severe injury. I know I was warned not to dig but I didn’t believe it.”


Mutilated cattle, unexplained crop circles, giant wolves and even reports of UFOs all plague Skinwalker Ranch.

      Dr Travis Taylor and Brandon Fugel

The ‘cursed’ ranch in Utah in the US is the centre of some of the strangest unexplained incidents in the modern world.

Named after an old Native American belief that shape shifters, known as skinwalkers, roam the earth in the guise of giant creatures – and the ranch is said to be right in the path of one such group of beings.

For more than 100 years reports of strange noises, sightings and even deaths have haunted the 512 acre ranch, which is built in the Unitah Basin that was once home to a Native American tribe.

    Robert Bigelow

As early as 1911 there were reports of strange noises coming from the basin and those living on the ranch reported bizarre sightings. By 1979 these had become terrifyingly common.

People living on, or visiting the ranch, have also experienced a raft of strange symptoms from vertigo to nausea and even temporary paralysis.

In 1992 the Sherman family bought the property and things became very dark – cattle were found in fields drained of their blood and with no pools of blood nearby.

As many as a quarter of the herd died in these gruesome circumstances and the Sherman family were so scared by what was happening, the put their home up for sale.

Billionaire Robert Bigelow bought the ranch from the Shermans in 1996 and launched a huge scientific study into what was happening there.
He recruited an army of experts – several of whom have vowed never to set foot on the property again because of what they found.



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Eyewitnesses Describe ‘Aliens’ Landing in East Anglia

Article by Caroline Culot                             April 21, 2020                             (

• As many know, the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident in Suffolk, England occurred when American personnel from nearby military base RAF Bentwaters claimed they saw unusual lights, a mist, and a delta shaped craft with a ‘non-human’ entity in the forest. Skeptics blamed it on everything from bright stars, to a lighthouse, to a British prank on the Americans. The British Ministry of Defence stated at the time that the event posed no threat to national security and therefore it was never investigated. Today the forest is a popular destination for families and even has its own ‘UFO trail’.

• The film production company, ‘Indigo Transmit’ based in Ely, Cambridgeshire, UK, is currently in production on a new feature-length documentary movie about the Rendlesham Forest Incident entitled ‘Capel Green’, based on real-life events that were reported by military personnel back in December 1980. (see 4:37 minute trailer below)

• The filmmakers claim they have new witness accounts never before revealed on camera. One of them is sergeant Michael Stacy Smith who says he saw a red “glowing ball” two feet off the ground at the site. He said that he even cocked his M60 machine gun. “I was scared to death, I didn’t know if it was going to hurt me,” Smith told the filmmakers.

• The film’s director and producer, Dion M. Johnson, touts the use of aerial drones to capture “spooky aerial footage” and to recreate an alien spaceship hovering over a Suffolk forest. The drone photography gives “this film a unique cinematic feel,” says Johnson.


  director and producer, Dion M. Johnson

The famous case of an alleged Suffolk UFO sighting is the focus of a new film – with a Norfolk drone operator playing the ‘alien’.
Graeme Taplin – who runs Drone Photography, and whose day job usually consists of flying his craft over houses and fields for commercial use – never imagined he would be playing a starring role in something right out of the X-Files.

             on the set of ‘Capel Green’

But when invited to recreate an alien spaceship hovering over a Suffolk forest, Mr Taplin, from Bunwell, was delighted.

His drone creates spooky aerial footage for a new feature-length documentary Capel Green, based on real-life events that were reported by military personnel back in December 1980.

The incident, so famous it is often called ‘Britain’s Roswell’ referring to an event in the US in 1947 when people believed a spaceship had crashed landed, recalls a night of unexplained events in a field called Capel Green at Rendlesham Forest, near Woodbridge.

A group of American personnel from nearby military base RAF Bentwaters claim they saw unusual lights, a mist and delta shaped craft with a ‘non-human’ entity. At the time the MOD stated the event posed no threat to national security and it was therefore never investigated. Sceptics have said it was everything from a fireball to a nearby lighthouse or bright stars. More recently, it was said to be a prank by the British on the Americans.

4:37 minute movie trailer for “Capel Green” (‘Capel Green Rendlesham Forest Movie’ YouTube)



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Is There Extraterrestrial Life, Has It Visited Earth?

Article by Jim Clash                             April 20, 2020                            (

• NASA astronaut Story Musgrave has been to space six times. On one occasion, he helped to fix the Hubble Telescope. And he’s the only astronaut to have flown aboard all five Space Shuttles. But what does he think about UFOs and extraterrestrial life?

• Musgrave points out that, statistically speaking, there are billions and billions of planets that must have biological life. These biological entities have had millions of years to evolve. If so, they’ve certainly developed technology that would lead to star travel by now. They’re very likely to have been outside of their solar systems, and maybe outside of their galaxy. While here on Earth, humans have only begun to technologically develop over the past few hundred years.

• As far as UFOs and extraterrestrials visiting the Earth, “I want that to happen,” says Musgrave. “I send prayers out there for them to come and get me.” “First, you have to acknowledge that they’re there. If you turn your back, they’re not going to come.”

• For 30 years, Musgrave says, he’s been “listening to everyone’s tales.” But he feels that “there’s just not enough evidence” of extraterrestrial beings visiting our planet. Also, why would extraterrestrials want to come to Earth, he asks? “If you look at the number of wars going on, the history of humanity and its relationship to itself… there’s nothing to learn here, not yet.” “There are more promising places.”

[Editor’s Note] Apparently, Story Musgrave is still collecting his government pension and doesn’t want to say anything to jeopardize it.


Story Musgrave has led a storied life. He is the only astronaut to have flown aboard all five of the Space Shuttles – Endeavor, Discovery, Atlantis,

Story Musgrave saying that extraterrestrial beings have not visited the Earth, and trying not to laugh

Challenger and Columbia, the last two of which had mishaps that destroyed the spacecraft after he had flown in them. Musgrave has also been to space six separate times, just under the record of seven held by Franklin Chang-Diaz and Jerry Ross. In addition to Musgrave’s career as an astronaut,

he has worked as a trauma surgeon and currently owns a palm tree farm. Thirty years ago, he made history by helping fix the fragile Hubble Telescope. I thought it would be interesting to talk with Musgrave now, given the important Hubble anniversary later this week. In a one-hour phone interview, he discussed many things space, including the topic of UFOs. Following are edited excerpts from a spirited chat.

Jim Clash: What is your view on the topic of extraterrestrial life in the universe?

Story Musgrave: There are millions if not billions of them out there. We think we are the center of the universe, that the whole universe revolves around Earth. But they are coming up with so many new planets now. There are like 10 to the 29th stars, a number I can hardly wrap my fingers around, and most of them have planets. A planet can be at a place that’s friendly to biological life. Statistics have it that there are billions and billions of planets that have biological life. If they’ve behaved themselves and gotten their acts together, looked after themselves, there are millions of years for these people to have evolved, to have developed a technology that would lead to star travel. They’re outside of their own solar systems, maybe outside of their own galaxies, too. But here on Earth, technology only began probably 300 or 400 years ago, with the Industrial Revolution.



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Will China Mars Mission encounter Breakaway German Colony?

China is on schedule to launch an orbiter and rover to Mars in July 2020 in a mission called Tianwen-1 – meaning ‘questions to heaven’. While the mission goals for Tianwen-1 appear very mundane – mapping the surface and extracting soil samples – one of the “questions to heaven” that the Chinese are very interested in answering is: “are multiple insider accounts of a German space colony that moved to Mars from Antarctica in the 1950s/1960s true?”

Andrew Jones from SpaceNews explains what to expect with the Tianwen-1 mission:

The Tianwen-1 orbiter will be equipped with a high-resolution camera comparable to HiRise on board NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. It also carries a medium-resolution camera, subsurface radar, mineralogy spectrometer, neutral and energetic particle analyzers and a magnetometer. The orbiter will also play a relay role for the mission rover.

The roughly 240-kilogram solar-powered rover is nearly twice the mass of China’s Yutu lunar rovers. It will carry a ground-penetrating radar, multispectral camera, a Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy instrument and payloads for detecting the climate and magnetic environment. The rover has a mission design lifetime of three Earth months. The rover will receive a name through a public vote closer to launch.

The Chinese orbiter and rover will provide independent data to answer many questions Chinese researchers have about Mars in terms of its ancient history and life, without relying on third parties such as NASA and the European Space Agency, which are well known to disseminate disinformation.

The China National Space Administration is well aware of data from NASA’s 1976 Viking mission that showed evidence of both current and ancient life on Mars.

Gilbert Levin’s two experiments conducted by twin landers both showed evidence of microscopic life on Mars. Nevertheless, his positive results were dismissed by NASA as he explained in a 2019 article for Scientific American:

On July 30, 1976, the LR [Labeled Release] returned its initial results from Mars. Amazingly, they were positive. As the experiment progressed, a total of four positive results, supported by five varied controls, streamed down from the twin Viking spacecraft landed some 4,000 miles apart. The data curves signaled the detection of microbial respiration on the Red Planet. The curves from Mars were similar to those produced by LR tests of soils on Earth. It seemed we had answered that ultimate question.

When the Viking Molecular Analysis Experiment failed to detect organic matter, the essence of life, however, NASA concluded that the LR had found a substance mimicking life, but not life. Inexplicably, over the 43 years since Viking, none of NASA’s subsequent Mars landers has carried a life detection instrument to follow up on these exciting results.

Additionally, the Viking orbiter took photos of the famous Face of Mars in the Cydonia region that was analyzed in depth by a number of researchers. Dr. JJ Hurtak was among the first to bring public attention to the existence of artificial structures on Mars revealed by Viking and the earlier Mariner 9 mission in a number of television interviews beginning in 1977.

The first scientific analysis of the Viking data was published in 1982 in Omni Magazine by Vincent DiPietro, an electrical engineer, and Gregory Molenaar, a computer engineer. Their 1982 Omni article was an extract of their 77-page book, Unusual Martian Surface Features, also released that year. They were soon followed by Richard Hoagland, who in 1987 authored The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever; and Hurtak, who co-authored The Face on Mars: Evidence of A Lost Martian Civilization in 1989.

Officially, NASA cast scorn on the analyses of Hurtak, DiPietro, and Hoagland about the Cydonia region containing the remains of an ancient Martian civilization. Nevertheless, other US government agencies were very interested in Hurtak, DiPietro and Hoagland’s analyses.

A declassified Central Intelligence Agency document reveals that in 1984, the CIA employed a psychic “remote viewer” to look at a region of Mars as it was approximately one million years ago. The remote viewer (Joseph McMoneagle), who was not aware that the coordinates given were on the planet Mars, described seeing pyramids, futuristic technologies, and a very tall human-looking civilization facing impending environmental calamity.

What makes the CIA document remarkable is that the coordinates provided to the remote viewer, Joseph McMoneagle, were of the Cydonia region as depicted in the 1976 Viking Orbiter images of Mars.

There are many questions about microbial and ancient intelligent life on Mars that the Chinese will begin to answer for themselves with the upcoming Tianwen-1 mission. However, the more interesting ‘questions to heaven’ are whether indigenous intelligent life continues to exist on Mars and whether in the 1950s/1960s, a German space colony was established there with US funding and logistical support.

The first report of a German colony being established on Mars came from a Bulgarian electrical engineer, Vladimir Terziski, in the early 1990s. Terziski gave lectures around the US from 1991 to 1993, showing documents and videos of Nazi SS flying saucer prototypes, and of a space operations center established in Antarctica by the Germans.

In the 1950s, after agreements had been reached between the Eisenhower Administration and the German breakaway colony in Antarctica, US resources began to flow to the Germans’ secret space program. This was done under cover of the Apollo program, which was run by German paperclip scientists holding senior leadership positions in NASA.

In chapter 12 of the US Air Force Secret Space Program, I explain how the Apollo program was used to funnel resources and personnel to help the Germans establish colonies on the Moon, Mars, and elsewhere in deep space. The German and US cooperation largely took place through a corporate consortium involving leading German and US corporations.

In 1989, an electrical contractor, Al Bielek, came forward to allege that he and his brother, Duncan Cameron, were taken to Mars through a jump room or teleportation device located at Montauk, Long Island, New York. In interviews, Bielek confirmed the accuracy of the Alternative 3 scenario involving the establishment of bases on the surface of Mars for a continuity of species program as first revealed in a mock British TV documentary.

Bielek said he and Cameron were sent by teleportation technology into ancient bases in the interior of Mars on multiple occasions. He described these bases as approximately 20,000 years old, built by human-looking extraterrestrials and long ago deserted. Along with another witness, the electrical engineer Preston Nichols, all the witnesses emphasized the role of Operation Paperclip German scientists who were very much involved in setting up and running the Montauk Project.

In 2000, Michael Relfe came forward to reveal that he had spent 20 years on Mars as a pilot and psychic on a highly classified space program. His experiences were detailed in a two volume series called The Mars Records. He was the first person to come forward claiming to have participated in a “20 and back program” – wherein an individual is age-regressed and sent back in time to his/her initial deployment, after serving for 20 years in a secret space program.

Relfe’s incredible story was followed in April 2014 by Randy Cramer, who claimed to have spent 17 years on Mars after being signed into the “20 and back program” on a secret moon base called Lunar Operations Command in 1987. He says that his primary mission was as a space marine protecting a corporate-run Mars colony from indigenous life that was highly intelligent, territorial, and aggressive.

Corey Goode first came forward in October 2014 and early 2015 revealing his own experiences in a Navy-run secret space program, Solar Warden, and how he had, on several occasions, traveled to Mars to service equipment for a corporate-run program where Germans occupied senior leadership positions. Goode later revealed a more recent trip to Mars in 2015, about how the Mars (German) colonies were providing advanced technology to as many as 900 different extraterrestrial civilizations.

I compared Relfe, Cramer, and Goode’s respective “20 and back” secret space program experiences in Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs (2015). The congruity of their independent claims was highly significant and supported the idea of advanced Martian colonies established by a German-US corporate alliance.

There continue to be more alleged insiders coming forward with sensational claims of having traveled to Mars and being forced to work with a German-run secret space program in deep (interstellar) space. While such claims continue to raise controversy, the scope of the information and the credentials of some of the insiders is impressive.

The mounting testimonial and documentary evidence of intelligent life on Mars and of the establishment of breakaway German and US corporate-run colonies there would certainly raise legitimate questions for China, especially as it is soon to launch its first official mission to Mars.

Availabe in Paperback, eBook and Audiobook versions on Amazon

In Rise of the Red Dragon: Origins and Threat of China’s Secret Space Program, I explain how China has long-held suspicions about “UFOs being a western trick” trying to side-track from genuine research paths. In short, China has long suspected that UFOs were surveillance craft belonging to the US and the Soviet Union/Russia rather than being extraterrestrial in origin.

More recently, China has developed squadrons of antigravity spacecraft and is using its conventional rocket-powered space program as a cover for its true military operations in space. By 2030, China aims to achieve strategic dominance in space, which includes the ability to carry out a Space Pearl Harbor against the US if required.

China’s upcoming Tianwen-1 mission will begin the difficult task of answering key questions about the history of intelligent life on Mars, and of alleged corporate-run colonies secretly operating on the red planet. The definitive answers China finds to such questions are likely to shock their military and scientific establishment to the core.

China will confirm that it is a latecomer to human operations on Mars, and is far behind what the German and US corporate alliance have established there dating as far back as the 1950s/1960s. China’s Tianwen-1 mission will likely confirm multiple insider accounts of secret Mars bases and encounter some of the Germans’ advanced antigravity spacecraft. It’s likely to begin the challenging negotiating process that lies ahead if China wants to establish a long term presence on Mars, and hopes to participate in the remarkable scientific developments that are secretly occurring there under German control.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Gets an Upgrade

Article by Payal Dhar                               April 17, 2020                             (

• For over two decades, the SETI@home project harnessed the surplus computing power of over 1.8 million computers around the globe to analyze data collected by radio telescopes for narrow-band radio signals from space that could indicate the existence of extraterrestrial technology. SETI@home volunteers returned about 15 terabytes of data to analyze. On March 31st, SETI@home stopped posting new data for volunteers’ computers to process.

• SETI astronomer and project director of the SETI@home project, Eric Korpela, says that this isn’t the end of the road for the SETI project. The next phase of the project, says Korpela, is “to sift through the billions of potential extraterrestrial signals that our volunteers have found and find any that show signs of really being extraterrestrial,” and not just a human-made signal.

• So what indicates an extraterrestrial signal? “Nearby signals, from an (Earth-based) radar system for example, typically are seen at many positions on the sky,” says Korpela. But if we “come back and look at the same spot a month later and it’s still there, then maybe we have something.” “[I]f we think we’ve got something, we check to see if the same signal ever came from somewhere else.”

• Meanwhile, the SETI Institute is collaborating with the National Radio Astronomy Observatory to employ the world’s most versatile radio telescope, the Very Large Array of 27 dishes, to enable a SETI survey that will be far more powerful than any previous searches. The institute is developing a new interface called COSMIC (Commensal Open-Source Multimode Interferometer Cluster) that will access raw data from each antenna and route it through signal processing software to search for extraterrestrial technosignatures in real-time. ‘COSMIC SETI’ will process in excess of 300 GB/second of data.

• Notwithstanding SETI’s utter failure to find any sign of extraterrestrial intelligence in our galaxy, Korpela says, “[I]t’s very unlikely that we are alone.” “They (extraterrestrial beings) aren’t right next door, but they may be within a thousand light years or so.”

[Editor’s Note]  “They aren’t right next door, but they may be within a thousand light years or so.” This is what SETI wants you to think. The truth is that they are next door. Extraterrestrial beings are everywhere: throughout the galaxy and universe, on Earth-based secret space program bases and colonies throughout our solar system, in underground military/deep state facilities, and walking unnoticed in our cities. There are even non-human beings’ civilizations that exist within vast caverns deep under the Earth’s surface.

SETI is a deep state disinformation asset that is wasting an incredible amount of money and scientific resources only to make people believe that smart people are trying their best to locate intelligent extraterrestrial life in our galaxy, but so far they have found none at all. One day soon, hopefully, SETI will be held accountable for perpetuating this deep state lie for the past sixty years.


We’ve all wondered at one point or another if intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe. “I think it’s very unlikely that we are alone,” says Eric Korpela, an astronomer at the University of California Berkeley’s Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Research Center. “They aren’t right next door, but they may be within a thousand light years or so.”

Korpela is project director of the SETI@home project. For more than two decades, that project harnessed the surplus computing power of over 1.8

                 Eric Korpela

million computers around the globe to analyze data collected by radio telescopes for narrow-band radio signals from space that could indicate the existence of extraterrestrial technology. On 31 March 2020, SETI@home stopped putting new data in the queue for volunteers’ computers to process, but it’s not the end of the road for the project.

Now begins the group’s next phase. “We need to sift through the billions of potential extraterrestrial signals that our volunteers have found and find any that show signs of really being extraterrestrial,” says Korpela. That task is difficult, he adds, because humans “make lots of signals that look like what we would expect to see from E.T.”

The primary indicator that his team uses to determine whether a signal might be extraterrestrial is whether that signal remains stable in the sky. “So if we look at a spot in the sky and see a signal, and then come back and look at the same spot a month later and it’s still there, then maybe we have something,” he says. In addition, he notes: “Nearby signals, from a radar system, for example, typically are seen at many positions on the sky, so if we think we’ve got something, we check to see if the same signal ever came from somewhere else.” SETI@home volunteers have returned about 15 TB of data to analyze, Korpela reports.



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A Black Triangular Object the Size of the Moon Found Near the Sun

Article by Natasha Kumaron                          April 18, 2020                           (

• Video from a telescope has captured a black triangular object the size of the Moon that has been locked in orbit with the Sun for at least nine months. The dark color of the object indicates a relatively low temperature. This seems strange given the object’s close proximity to the Sun. (see 3:06 minute video below)

• It does not appear to be a spot on the surface of the Sun itself. Could it be a secret asset of the U.S. or another leading space power? Ufologist Scott Waring says that the object was only discovered thanks to new equipment.

• Waring believes that the object is an alien space station. Alien technology allows the object to withstand the Sun’s heat radiation.

• NASA has made no comment on the video.


Black triangular object the size of the moon rotating with the Sun at least nine months, says ufologist Scott Warring. It was discovered thanks to the new equipment.

The researcher put forward several hypotheses regarding the origin of UFOs. In the first, the telescope was able to capture spot on star. Scott Warring calls this assumption incorrect. The second version says about the launch of the mysterious object people, or rather the governments of the leading space powers. Moreover, the population was not warned about this project. According to the third assumption, the cameras captured the station of aliens. The color of the object indicates a relatively low temperature of UFOs. This may seem strange, given the proximity of its location with the hot Sun. However, the Warringah’t see anything surprising. In his view, the aliens have reached a high level of technology that allows them to have large research facilities near the emitting light and the radiation of the stars.

UFO researcher has shown that online video, which depicted a dark triangular UFO in the Sun. However, it still remains a mystery, an artificial or natural object hit the camera lens. In the American space Agency NASA does not comment on published video.

3:06 minute video of object beside the Sun (‘ET Data Base’ YouTube)



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UFO Spotted On ISS Live Feed, NASA Immediately Cuts Away

Article by Dave Basner                       April 20, 2020                      (

• While socially distancing at home, Blake Cousins who runs the YouTube channel ‘ThirdPhaseOfMoon’ sits at a computer all day watching NASA’s live stream from the International Space Station. On April 19th, Cousins noticed a large object floating through space near the ISS, and that the NASA feed quickly cut away.

• The footage was filmed as the space station passed over South America. Some commenters were convinced this was something extraterrestrial. Others felt that it was just some space junk. NASA hasn’t commented.


Staying at home has its downsides, but there are also some folks who take full advantage of the opportunity to sit at a computer all day without a boss looking over their shoulder. Some of them play games, others watch movies and some choose to view NASA’s live streams from the International Space Station all day long.

Blake Cousins is one of those people and while watching the footage from the ISS yesterday, he saw something very strange – a UFO. Cousins, who runs the ThirdPhaseOfMoon YouTube channel, shared the clip of a large object floating through space and noted how NASA allegedly cut away from the shot after they noticed the odd scene unfolding in front of them.

10:15 minute NASA video of something moving past the ISS (‘thirdphaseofmoon’ YouTube)



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US Military ‘Knows’ What the Mystery Red Lights Seen in 2020 Are

Article by Simon Green                          April 17, 2020                           (

  • So far this year, several videos have surfaced online appearing to show a collection of lights hovering in formation above US cities. Sometimes, a light will have a red appearance. 
  • Gary Heseltine is a former Detective Constable in Britain who is currently a “UFO hunter” and the editor of UFO Truth Magazine. He worked for the British Transport Police for 24 years before setting up the Police Reporting UFO Sightings database, where he claims to have more than 500 reports of UFO sightings from police officers dating back to 1901. 
  • While the videos of strange lights in the sky are often explained as Chinese lanterns, Heseltine said, “Lanterns flicker from a fire base and they can only move at the whim of the wind.” “[T]hese clips do not seem to be those.” “They can’t create formations which these lights appear to do.” 
  • Heseltine says that sightings of a collection of lights in the sky have been reported since the 1980s, but the red appearance of the 2020 videos is far more unusual. He ruled out theories that the lights were forming one single craft, instead saying “they are multiple objects”. 
  • “In my view we only know 10% of the UFO jigsaw in the public domain, the other 90% lies in the secret world of intelligence services and governments,” says Heseltine. He speculates that these lights are remote drones, “but not man-made.” “As to their purpose, I don’t know,” but “I am sure that some people in the US military do know what these objects are.”


A small number of military personnel can explain the mystery fleet of lights seen across the US, a former police detective has claimed.

      lights over New York January 2020

Since the beginning of the year, several videos have surfaced online appearing to show a collection of lights hovering in formation above US cities.

           mystery lights over Texas

From just the beginning of March, residents in Texas, Washington, Michigan and California have all posted videos appearing to show the objects in the sky – with many taking on a red appearance.

Following the huge surge in sightings, Daily Star Online spoke to Detective Constable-turned UFO hunter Gary Heseltine.

“I am sure that some people in the US military do know what these objects are,” he said.

“I speculate that there are remote drones but not man-made.

“As to their purpose, I don’t know.”

recent sighting  of a formation of lights over Cincinnati that disappear and then reappear



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Did DeLonge Reveal A Secret Pentagon Telekinesis Program In A Radio Interview?

Article by Jazz Shaw                           April 18, 2020                         (

• On April 16th, ‘To the Stars Academy’ (TTSA) founder, Tom DeLonge spoke with DJs Marty and Danielle at the San Diego radio station 91X to promote a newly released song by DeLonge’s band, ‘Angels and Airwaves’. At the beginning of the interview, when asked if he was trying to cheer people up during these dark times of the pandemic, DeLonge went on a tangent about how important it was for people to use the power of their minds to focus on positive things. This led to a discussion of how powerful human consciousness really is. (see beginning of 9:25 minute video below)

• DeLonge claimed to have a secret “sensitive” government document showing how the Pentagon was interested in a 10-year-old boy from China who could move things with his mind. He said that “it was part of the UFO program at the Pentagon” and that the Department of Defense had established its own program to find people who could replicate the telekinetic experiment.

• DeLonge went on to describe the Pentagon’s experiment: “[T]hey put a piece of paper in a glass mason jar and they screwed the lid on it. With their mind (the people recruited to the experiment) moved the paper through the lid of the jar six feet across the floor. And it says (it) right there in the document with the letterhead and everything, on our defense (letterhead).

• DeLonge goes on to say that he has another DoD report detailing how “they healed like thirty mice with crazy terminal cancers. [T]hey healed all the mice with just energy healing in a lab.”

• Luis Elizondo and the other former government and intelligence agency employees who are now with the ‘To The Stars Academy’ have stated that they have a lot more information on AATIP, UFOs and paranormal research conducted by the government that they cannot release due to Non-Disclosure Agreements. It would seem that DeLonge has let the proverbial cats out of the bag.

• Can there be any truth to this? We’ve known for a long time that the United States government – particularly the CIA – has had a running interest in psychic phenomenon and done research on related subjects. One such actual program was the basis for the 2009 movie ‘The Men Who Stare at Goats’.

• Tinkering around with telekinesis and energy healing is one thing, but official government documentation showing it has actually worked is a bombshell. If DeLonge does have what is likely to be a classified, top secret DoD document, it probably came from Elizondo or another one of his ‘TTSA’ associates. Luis’ phone might be ringing off the hook with people wanting to have a word with him.

• Or had DeLonge only seen such a DoD document? Or just heard about such a document? Regardless, it is still fascinating that we are veering into the realms of telekinesis and energy healing. The disclosure roller coaster ride will only get bumpier from here on out.


Buckle up, campers, because this is a truly bizarre story. Of course, I don’t remember the last time I read a story about former Blink 182 frontman Tom DeLonge that didn’t wind up diving down one rabbit hole or another. This week, Tom did an interview with two DJs on radio station 91X in San Diego. He was promoting a new song that was just released by his current band, Angels and Airwaves. The hosts seemed thrilled to have him on as a guest and they clearly weren’t there to talk about DeLonge’s more “unique” work with To The Stars Academy, UFOs, aliens or any of the rest of the stuff that Tom’s regularly asked about these days. Instead, they kicked off the interview by asking him how he decided to release the single now and if he was trying to cheer people up during these dark times of the pandemic.

That’s when things got weird. Tom started off talking about how it was important for people to use the power of their minds to focus on positive

                        Luis Elizondo

things, which was a normal enough thing to say. But then he derailed the conversation by talking about how powerful human consciousness really is. As an example, he claimed to have secret government documents showing how the Pentagon was interested in some kid from China who could supposedly move things with his mind. He then went further, claiming that the Department of Defense established its own program where they found people who could replicate the experiment. The radio hosts just sat there looking more and more bewildered. (Silva Record, emphasis added)

Tom DeLonge: I was struck, kind of, by public consciousness because there’s a lot of studies that have been done, and a lot within the US government as well that I’m aware of, but that your mind… your mind over matter… that saying is very true… where they found, and I actually have a really amazing sensitive document that… and I’d always tell people about this, where they actually were…it was part of the UFO program at the Pentagon. They were following this kid in China that can move objects with his mind and he was like 10 years old.

Danielle: What?

Tom DeLonge: Yeah, so they repeated the experiment in the Department of Defense. And they put a piece of paper in a glass mason jar and they screwed the lid on it. With their mind they moved the paper through the lid of the jar six feet across the floor. And it says right there in the document with the letterhead and everything, on our defense (letterhead).


9:25 minute video of DeLonge with Marty & Danielle (’91X San Diego’ YouTube)
discussing a Chinese telekenesis study and mass consciousness in first 3 minutes of video



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Did a Russian Scientist Discover Life on Venus 30 Years Back?

Article by Nirmal Narayanan                         April 17, 2020                             (

• In 1981, the USSR launched the Venera 13 space probe to explore Venus. The space race between the USSR and the United States had reached its peak and details of the Soviet space mission were highly confidential. Thirty years later, Russian scientist Leonid Ksanfomaliti published an article in the journal Solar System Research, claiming that the probe had detected something crawling across the surface of Venus, considered one of the hottest planets in the solar system. In his paper, Leonid Ksanfomaliti claims that the morphological features of the object spotted on Venus suggests that it was a living being.

• A Quest TV documentary – “NASA’s Unexplained Files” discusses the mysterious entity that moved across Venus. It describes the Venere 13 space probe’s mission: “A Soviet space probe reaches the hottest planet in the Solar System. A lander packed with a payload of cameras and scientific instruments plunges more than 48km through clouds of sulphuric acid to reach the surface. The probe sends back images that seem to show something moving on the surface. It takes three decades before a Russian scientist, Leonid Ksanfomaliti, reveals astonishing images from the archives.”

• Experts at NASA say that the object spotted in the photographic images taken by Venera 13 probe is the lens cap from the Venera’s camera.

[Editor’s Note]  The Soviets had been attempting unsuccessfully to land a viable probe on Venus witht the start of the Venera program in 1961. It wasn’t until Venera 4 in 1967 that a probe was able to send back atmospheric readings before succumbing to the harsh conditions of the planet. Veneras 5 and 6 in 1969 were more successful still, sending back atmosphereic readings for a full hour before going quiet. In 1975, Venera 9 sent back the first images taken of Venus’s surface terrain in natural sunlight. The 1978 Venera 10 probe confirmed the planet’s desolate surface which receives some small amount of sunlight throught its dense atmosphere. It also confirmed the particularly reflective nature of the of the cloud cover engulfing Venus. For the most part, the terrain of Venus was revealed to be a sterile, scorched desert with layers of solidified, crumbly lava. In 1978, the Soviets also sent up the Venera 11 and 12 Venus probes to collect more telemetry from the Venera 9 and 10 landers.

In March 1981, Veneras 13 and 14 landers were made with special alloys and lubricants to withstand the Venusian heat. They had color cameras mounted to the outside of the lander, nd the ability to drill into the surface. They both appeared to have landed on solidified lava flows in the same general area. In 1983, the Veneras 15 and 16 traveled to Venus and remained in orbit around the planet, relying on cloud-penetrating imaging radar to further map Venus’ surface.

Apparently, the “life” on Venus to which this article refers was a small caterpillar-like creature just at the foot of the lander, taken point blank by the color cameras mounted on the lander.


Several space experts strongly believe that alien life, at least in its microbial form could be present within the solar system. Most space scientists

            the Venera 13 space probe

speculate that the probable candidates to find alien life within the solar system are Mars, Venus, and Saturn’s moon Enceladus. Now, fresh reports suggest that the then Soviet Union discovered traces of extraterrestrial existence on Venus, around 30 years back.

Did the USSR discover alien life on Venus?

It was in 1981 that the USSR launched the Venere 13 probe to explore Venus. Details of the mission were maintained very confidentially by space scientists, and it was during this time that the space race between the USSR and the United States reached its peak.

After 30 years, Russian scientist Leonid Ksanfomaliti published an article in the journal Solar System Research, claiming that evidence of alien life was discovered by the probe three decades ago. The evidence was actually an unknown moving entity that crawled across the surface of Venus.

Quest TV documentary ‘NASA’s Unexplained Files’ also talked about the mysterious entity that moved across Venus, which is considered one of the hottest planets in the solar system.



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Russia Has Many Questions About US Activities in Outer Space

Tass News Agency (Russia)                           April 17, 2020                            (

• (On April 15th, General John “Jay” Raymond, the head of U.S. Space Command and chief of space operations for the U.S. Space Force publicly announced that Russia had conducted a direct ascent anti-satellite missile test. In a statement, Raymond declared that the Russian test provided “yet another example that the threats to U.S. and allied space systems are real, serious and growing.” Raymond added, “The United States is ready and committed to deterring aggression and defending the Nation, our allies, and U.S. interests from hostile acts in space.” (see article here))

• Commenting on recent statements by General Raymond about Russia’s test launch of an anti-satellite missile, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova (pictured above) said on Friday, “We also have a lot of questions (about the U.S. activities in outer space). We asked them quite a long time ago and want to have an answer.” Apparently, Moscow has been asking the U.S. for a meaningful Russian-U.S. dialogue on a wide spectrum of issues of space activities. Senior Russian and US diplomats agreed on January 16th to resolve mutual concerns.

• Zakharova says that Raymond’s statements are part of a deliberate campaign to discredit Russia’s peace initiatives in space, to avoid another Cold War. She said that US Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Ford had made similarly provocative claims about Russian space activities. Zakharova believes these verbal attacks are “nothing but the United States’ attempt to divert public attention from real threats in space, and to justify its moves to deploy weapons in outer space and obtain extra financing for such causes.”

• The Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson branded U.S. alarm about Russian space activities as “fake”. “[S]erious concerns… cannot be resolved by means of such statements,” said Zakharova. “It is necessary to use the existing channels for expert and political dialogue… We do have such channels and it is necessary simply to use them. Unwillingness to do so is rather an evidence of [the] insufficiently grounded position of our American colleagues.”

[Editor’s Note]  In February, General Raymond publicly called Russia out about a pair of Russian satellites deployed to pursue a US satellite last November, sometimes coming within 100 miles of it. “This is unusual and disturbing behavior …[that] has the potential to create a dangerous situation in space,” said Raymond. “The United States finds these recent activities to be concerning and do not reflect the behavior of a responsible spacefaring nation.” (see previous ExoArticle here)


      General John “Jay” Raymond

MOSCOW – Moscow is waiting for Washington to answer its questions about the US activities in outer

  Christopher Ford

space, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Friday, commenting on the statements by Gen. John Raymond, the first chief of space operations for the U.S. Space Force, about Russia’s alleged test launch of an anti-satellite missile.

“We also have a lot of questions. We asked them quite a long time ago and want to have an answer after all. A full-fledged meaningful Russian-US dialogue on a wide spectrum of issues of space activities security Russian and US senior diplomats agreed on on January 16 will help resolve mutual concerns,” she said.

Zakharova described Raymond’s statements as “Washington’s deliberate campaign to discredit Russia’s space activities and peace initiatives to prevent an arms race in outer space.” She recalled that it was not the first such allegation voiced by the US side. “Previously, such claims were voiced by US Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Ford. We have commented on each and every such anti-Russian attack which are all nothing but the United States’ attempt to divert public attention from real threats in space and to justify its moves to deploy weapons in outer space and obtain extra financing for such causes,” Zakharova stressed.



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Mystery of ‘Oumuamua’s Creation Explained

Article by Paul Ratner                            April 14, 2020                         (

• On October 19, 2017, astronomers in Hawaii first spotted a 1,300 feet, cigar-shaped, reddish, dry, strangely-elongated object passing through our solar system. Dubbed ‘Oumuamua’, this was the first interstellar object that we’ve seen passing through our neck of the galaxy. It became the subject of much speculation, especially after it accelerated away from the Sun in a trajectory not explainable by the effects of gravity. Some even brought up the idea it might an extraterrestrial spacecraft or a probe.

• A new study conducted by Zhang Yun from National Astronomical Observatories of Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC) and Douglas N. C. Lin from University of California, Santa Cruz, says the mystery object Oumuamua is natural. Zhang and Lin believe it’s a piece that was ripped off of another celestial object by a larger object. Clues of its natural origin include the object’s coloring and its lack of any radio emissions coming from it.

• As to Oumuamua’s sudden acceleration away from the Sun, the researchers concluded that, although the object appeared ‘dry’, the Sun heated up the water ice under its surface resulting in a release of gas that served as a propellant.

• The scientists propose that when an object travels close by a star, the star’s gravitational “tidal forces” cause the object to break apart, melt and stretch into elongated fragments. The object then cools off as it moves away from the star, hardening into a crust. “This,” says Zhang, “would account for the vast population of rocky interstellar objects.” He thinks that all types of space objects, like comets, debris disks, and possibly even planets, can be turned into elongated Oumuamua-size bodies upon getting close to a star.

• The researchers believe that there are more such rocky objects flying in between solar systems than they previously considered. “‘Oumuamua is just the tip of the iceberg,” said Lin, adding, “We anticipate many more interstellar visitors with similar traits will be discovered by future observation.”


Scientists may have discovered the origins of ‘Oumuamua, the first interstellar object that was spotted visiting our Solar System. The reddish, dry, and strangely-elongated ‘Oumuamua, known to move in unexpected ways, has been a subject of much speculation. Some have, of course, brought up the idea it might an extraterrestrial spacecraft, possibly a probe. Now, scientists propose that tidal forces, gravitational interactions similar to those on Earth, are responsible for its existence and unusual behavior.

                 Douglas N. C. Lin

The cigar-shaped ‘Oumuamua is 400 meters (1,300 feet) in length and was first discovered on October 19, 2017 by the Hawaii-based Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System 1 (Pan-STARRS1). Scientists and armchair astronomers the world over have since wondered about where it came from, especially in light of factors like its acceleration away from the Sun in a trajectory that is not explainable simply by the effects of gravity.

The new study, which was carried out by by Zhang Yun from National Astronomical Observatories of Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC) and Douglas N. C. Lin from University of California, Santa Cruz, says the object of mystery is natural. Clues pointing to that include the space body’s colors and the lack of any radio emissions coming from it.

While scientists expect an interstellar visitor to be icy, like a comet, Oumuamua is dry and has a rocky body like an asteroid, leading the researchers to conclude that there are more such rocky objects flying in between solar systems than they previously considered.



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What a ‘Secret of Skinwalker Ranch’ Scientist Thinks Proof of Aliens Will Do to Society

Article by Adrienne Jones                         April 14. 2020                            (

• Dr. Travis Taylor (pictured above) is an astrophysicist who has worked, lived and studied the mysterious occurrences at the Skinwalker Ranch for the History Channel series: The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch. The Skinwalker Ranch is the 512-acre property located in the Uinta Basin in northestern Utah, which has been an epicenter of UFO and paranormal activity for the past 200 years.

• Journalists recently had the opportunity to ask Taylor whether he now believes in extraterrestrial life, and what the effect such a revelation might have on our society. “I don’t think that people are going to go nuts,” said Taylor. “Most people in the general public believe there are aliens anyway. I don’t think it’s going to do anything except assure them.”

• What about the conspiracies that the government is hiding the existence of extraterrestrials? Says Taylor, “I don’t believe in big conspiracies. There’s no way that humans are adept enough and trust each other enough to create conspiracies so large it would take hundreds and hundreds of people to maintain it.” So according to Dr. Taylor, there probably aren’t any government programs that are allowing humans to be impregnated by extraterrestrials, or whatever else Mulder and Scully would like to convince us of.

• Taylor makes an exception for ‘national security’, saying, “Now, there is possibility that things have been classified for national security reasons. And, at such time when it should be, it could be disclosed and not reveal a national security advantage, then I could see [disclosure] taking place…”

• “If there were an alien invasion… it [would] improve the funding for programs to do research like the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, advanced spacecraft technology or advanced spacesuit technology,” says Taylor. “Why all of our soldiers don’t have Iron Man suits, I can’t explain that. … [T]hat should be one of the biggest defense projects we have. But we don’t spend any money on it. So, that’s the things that will change… where we’re spending our money… That’s all I think disclosure will do. The everyday person [will just say] ‘I told you so.”


There are few place in the country that have been the site of more mysterious happenings and UFO sightings than Skinwalker Ranch. The 512-acre property located in Utah’s Uinta Basin has been at the center of such events for 200 years, with the area even being nicknamed “UFO alley” during the 1950s. The scientists of The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch set out, last year, to see if there were actual scientific explanations for what’s gone on there, but now one member of the team, Dr. Travis Taylor, has revealed what he thinks would happen if we ever actually prove that aliens have been on Earth.

Dr. Taylor is an astrophysicist who helped to study Skinwalker Ranch for the series last year, and myself and several other journalists had the opportunity recently to ask him about his time working and living at the mysterious location. When asked what he believed proof of alien life having been on our planet would do to society, Dr. Taylor had an answer that might surprise you.

“I don’t think that people are going to go nuts…So, what about disclosure? I don’t believe in big conspiracies. There’s no way that humans are adept enough and trust each other enough to create conspiracies so large it would take hundreds and hundreds of people to maintain it. Now there is possibility that things have been classified for national security reasons. And, at such time when it should be it could be disclosed and not reveal a national security advantage, then I could see that taking place but what’s it going to do to the general public? Most people in the general public believe there are aliens anyway. I don’t think it’s going to do anything except assure them.”


3:58 minute excerpt from The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch (‘HISTORY’ YouTube)



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Center for World’s Largest Single-Dish Radio Telescope

Article by Li Yan                            April 14, 2020                           (

• China’s ‘National Development and Reform Commission’ has approved a feasibility study for a data processing center to support the world’s largest single-dish radio telescope in the Guizhou Province. Experts believe the massive radio telescope will significantly improve the study of the universe, including the discovery of extraterrestrial life.

• The $24.14 million center for ‘China Sky Eye’, which will technically support the “FAST” radio telescope, contains a scientific research and data processing center to facilitate observation, scientific research, and data storage. The center will facilitate the calculation of the enormous amount of data generated by the telescope.

• Senior technology expert Xiang Ligang said that data is constantly being produced from the telescope and is then stored and analyzed, including information about the births and deaths of planets and extraterrestrial life. Says Xiang, “Recording both pulsar and hydrogen data streams requires a massive process of information collection, storage and analysis. The establishment of the center will undoubtedly play an important role in information screening and discovery, and help produce more discoveries and research results in the study of the universe.”

• FAST has already accumulated a total of 1,000 hours of observation time, one-third of its entire mission for this year. It has detected and certified 114 pulsars (ie: stars or other celestial bodies that emit radio wave pulses). In the next three to five years, the FAST telescope and processing center will likely lead to breakthroughs in low-frequency gravitational wave detection, the origins of rapid radio bursts and interstellar molecules.


A feasibility report for the FAST scientific research and data processing center, to be built in Guizhou Province, has been approved by the National Development and Reform Commission.

Experts believe the center will significantly improve the study of the universe — including the discovery of extraterrestrial life.

With a total investment of roughly 170 million yuan ($24.14 million), the center for China Sky Eye, the world’s largest single-dish radio telescope known as FAST, will facilitate three scientific research frameworks — observation, scientific research and data – providing support for the storage and calculation of massive data generated by long-term operations, media reported.

Xiang Ligang, a senior technology expert, told the Global Times on Monday that in theory, data is being produced from the telescope constantly and is then stored and analyzed, including information about the births and deaths of planets and extraterrestrial life.



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Mach 10 UFOs Are Spying on Iranian Nuclear Sites

Article by David Axe                           April 15, 2020                           (

• During the Iran/Iraq War in the 1980s, Iranian F-14 Tomcat pilots successfully employed the F-14’s long-range, heavyweight AIM-54 Phoenix missiles to shoot down enemy planes. Over the decades, Iran has continued to repair and upgrade its surviving F-14s, scouring the globe for parts in defiance of a US government embargo. While the U.S. retired its’ F-14s in 2006, Iran still operates its’ forty remaining F-14 Tomcat fighter jets, some of history’s most powerful interceptor aircraft.

• Since then, Tehran has built three major nuclear facilities that could, in theory, be used to assemble atomic weapons. When this became public knowledge in 2002, “A number of reconnaissance UAVs (‘unmanned aerial vehicles’) were sent to collect intelligence to prepare for a possible attack” by Western forces, according to a 2013 story in Combat Aircraft magazine by Babak Taghvaee. In 2004, Iran deployed a task force composed of eight F-4E fighters and eight F-14s, plus a former 707 airliner and a C-130 cargo plane outfitted with sensors and radios to protect its nuclear facilities.

• Iran’s Tomcat fighter jets have reportedly come in close contact with mysterious aircraft while defending its airspace. The Iranian task force believes these were CIA drones with “astonishing flight characteristics.” The UAVs could jam radars and disrupt jet interceptors’ navigation systems. They could hover and fly at night. They flew “outside the atmosphere” at hypersonic speeds of up to Mach 10, while most air forces around the world struggle to reach Mach five. And they emitted a telltale blue light that led to their nickname: “luminous objects.”

• In 2009, the US Air Force and the CIA deployed the RQ-170 Sentinel drone based in southern Afghanistan within short flying distance of Iran. In December 2011, a Sentinel crashed on the Afghanistan-Iran border and was captured by Iranian troops. In 2013, Iranian fighters tried to intercept American Predator reconnaissance drones outside Tehran’s airspace. A US Air Force F-22 stealth fighter blocked the intercept with some Top Gun-style maneuvers. However, neither the Predator nor the Sentinel is a particularly high-flying drone. Neither has the electrical power to scramble radars and navigation gear, and neither can hover or glow blue.

• In 2012, one of these hypersonic drones allegedly shot down an Iranian F-14. Wrote Taghvaee: “In several cases … F-14s faced them but were unable to operate their armament systems properly.” “One Tomcat taking off to intercept a luminous object on January 26, 2012 mysteriously exploded, killing both crewmen,” implying that the UAV drone was responsible.

[Editor’s Note]  Did these US Air Force drone UAVs look anything like a tic tac?


Here’s What You Need To Remember: Rumors abound that the Air Force and CIA operate a stealthy new drone that has not been disclosed to the public. Even if they do, it’s unlikely that the new UAV is capable of Mach-10 hypersonic flight—the Pentagon is still struggling to reach Mach five.
Iran is the only other country besides the United States to operate arguably history’s most powerful interceptor aircraft, the F-14 Tomcat. And the Islamic republic has worked the twin-engine, swing-wing fighters hard.

The F-14s played a major role in Iran’s war with Iraq from 1980 to 1988. Iranian Tomcat pilots were the only ones to successfully employ the F-14’s long-range, heavyweight AIM-54 Phoenix missile to shoot down enemy planes.

In the decades after the war, Tehran repaired and upgraded the surviving F-14s, scouring the globe for parts in defiance of a U.S. government embargo.

The Americans retired their F-14s in 2006, but around 40 of Iran’s Tomcats remain active. Their main role is defending Iran’s nuclear sites. It’s a mission that has brought the interceptors in close contact with some very mysterious aircraft, according to a bizarre and fascinating 2013 story in Combat Aircraft magazine by reporter Babak Taghvaee.

The Iranians believed the objects were spy drones belonging to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, sent to sniff out Tehran’s suspected atomic weapons program. But they attribute to these alleged unmanned aerial vehicles flight characteristics and capabilities far beyond what any known drone can achieve.



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Video Shows UFOs Flying In Formation Over Cincinnati

Article by Inigo Monzon                           April 9, 2020                         (

• In 2019, Samantha Mains was in Cincinnati, Ohio and video recorded five strange lights hovering in the sky that appear to be in some sort of formation. Three of the bright orbs appear next to each other, while a fourth one hovers over them and a fifth orb stays below the cluster of orbs. THen they all disappear from the sky. Then the objects appear again in a similar formation but a slightly different location. (see 1:16 minute video below)


A woman in Ohio was able to capture videos of strange lights hovering in the sky. According to an expert, the objects appear to be a fleet of UFOs that were flying in a strange formation.

The videos of the UFO sighting was captured and shared on YouTube by Samantha Mains. According to Mains, the sighting occurred in 2019 but she was only able to upload the videos earlier this week.

As noted by the uploader, she was in the city of Cincinnati when she spotted the bright objects hovering in the sky. Based on the video, the objects appear to be bright orbs that have the same sizes and brightness.

In total, five bright objects appeared in the videos. Three of them appeared next to each other while a fourth one hovered over them. The fifth orb stayed below the cluster of orbs.

The objects remained motionless for a couple of seconds in the video. Then, one by one, each of them started to disappear from the sky. After a while, the objects appeared again but in slightly different locations.

1:16 minute video of strange lights over Cincinnati, Ohio (YouTube)



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The Pentagon’s ‘Real Men in Black’ Investigation of Tom DeLonge’s UFO Videos

Article by Tim McMillan                           April 14, 2020                           (

• In spite of the fact that the US Navy video recorded the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO off of San Diego in 2004 and two other UFO videos in 2015, which were published in December 2017 by the New York Times, a new report acquired by Motherboard (Vice) shows that it was the US Air Force that conducted an investigation. (see Vice article for actual report)

• The Air Force’s Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) looked into the classification of the videos called “GoFast,” “Gimble,” and “FLIR.” (FLIR was the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO video; the Go Fast and Gimble videos were taken off of the US East Coast in 2015) (The AFOSI are known as “The Real Men in Black” in the UFO community.) The videos were ultimately released to the NY Times by Tom DeLonge’s ‘To the Stars Academy’. The AFOSI determined that while a declassification request had been made for these videos, it was never granted. Therefore, the videos were technically still classified.

• The AFOSI investigation also confirmed that Luis Elizondo did in fact run the Pentagon’s UFO program, the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’, which did investigate UFOs. It was Elizondo who applied for the release of the three UFO videos before leaving his position as an intelligence specialist in the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence’s Office to join ‘To the Stars’. The Pentagon had falsely denied both the program and Elizondo’s role in it.

• While some assume that Elizondo ‘side-stepped’ regulations in releasing the videos, a former colleague claims that any process errors were the fault of the ‘Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review’ agency, and not Elizondo. Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough agreed with this appraisal.

• According to the report, the videos were submitted to multiple offices within the Navy for review, and it was determined they contained “No sensitive symbology or other items of concern.” The videos were determined to be “Unclassified and For official use only.” Apparently, there was some confusion as to the videos’ origin and classification status. By April 2018, both the AFOSI and the Air Force’s ‘Unauthorized Disclosure Program Management Office’ had reversed their initial finding by declaring the videos ‘unclassified’ and the matter ‘closed’.

• But why was the Air Force investigating Navy videos in the first place? In December of 2019, DoD spokesperson Susan Gough said she would look into the matter but has since failed to respond to numerous follow-up requests by Motherboard. Other journalists such as Tyler Rogoway of The War Zone have experienced similar stone-walling by the DoD.

• When asked his view, Elizondo stated, “Even though there was no wrongdoing on the part of my office, there are still elements within the Pentagon who are very sensitive about this topic and are unhappy with this information being brought forward for public discussion.”


A new document acquired by Motherboard shows that the Air Force launched an investigation into the release of classified UFO videos by former Blink-182 singer Tom DeLonge’s UFO outfit To the Stars Academy.

            Luis Elizondo

At the end of last year, we revealed the U.S. Air Force’s Office of Special Investigations had looked into several videos, which The Pentagon claims show “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” or UFOs. This news was particularly curious considering the videos were initially filmed by the Navy (not the Air Force) in 2004 and 2015. Since the videos were published in a New York Times article in December 2017, the Air Force has refused to discuss anything related to UFOs.

The new document, obtained from the Air Force Office of Investigations (embedded below), shows that after that New York Times article, AFOSI looked into the classification of the released videos, called “GoFast,” “Gimble,” and “FLIR.” Originally, it found “all three videos were classified” and that, though a declassification request had been made for these videos, it was never granted. As we reported in December, AFOSI has become known as “The Real Men in Black” in the UFO community.

The AFOSI investigation also contradicts the Pentagon’s claims that Luis Elizondo, the man who says he ran the Pentagon’s UFO program, called Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, never worked on UFOs at all.

Though his name is redacted, the investigation is clearly focused on Elizondo, who left the Pentagon, spoke to the New York Times, and has since joined DeLonge’s To the Stars Academy. Before leaving his position as an intelligence specialist in the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence’s Office, it was Elizondo who applied for the release of the three UFO videos.

In the years since the videos’ release, the Pentagon has contentiously denied the existence of a current Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, and has denied that Elizondo investigated UFOs for the DoD. This appears to be disputed by this investigation. The AFOSI report states, “[Elizondo] disclosed his involvement (to several news outlets) with the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which focused research issues on Unidentified Flying Objects.”

Similar to what’s implied in the OSI report, since Fall of 2019 when the Pentagon made it known the videos weren’t cleared for public release, the court of public opinion has widely assumed Elizondo was responsible for side-stepping regulations and releasing the videos before leaving the DoD.



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Do We Want a Piece-Meal Space Force?

Article by Henry F. Cooper                         April 10, 2020                            (

• In the 1980s, during Ronald Reagan’s era of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), America’s defense against the enemy’s use of ballistic missiles was to create a space-based ballistic missile defense. The “Brilliant Pebbles” space-based interceptor system could shoot down Soviet missiles in their “boost phase,” while their rockets still burned and before they could release its warheads. Brilliant Pebbles was considered our most cost-effective SDI system.

• In 1972, the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty was signed wherein the U.S. would lead the way in reducing offensive nuclear weapons by agreeing to end the deployment of our Minuteman ICBMs. But it was dubious whether Russia also ended the production and use of its ICBMs. So Reagan turned to the space-based SDI program. At the 1986 Reykjavik Summit, Mikhail Gorbachev attempted to negotiate the restriction of such space-based systems in principle, but Reagan refused to concede to this. Political observers say that this SDI system gave Reagan the leverage to negotiate a true bi-lateral reduction in nuclear weapon development and a ban on all Russian Mirved ICBMs. British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher stated: “SDI ended the Cold War without firing a shot.”

• In 1993, Clinton Administration Defense Secretary Les Aspin returned to a defense strategy based on “mutual assured destruction” by strengthening the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with Russia, and abandoning the SDI program. Then in 2002, the George W. Bush administration withdrew from the ABM Treaty altogether, without reviving the SDI program. This is where things stand today.

• Now, the Department of Defense is concerned about Russia’s hypersonic missiles able to evade our ballistic missile defenses. A ‘boost-phase’ SDI system would have been able to defeat these hypersonic missile systems. The development of the ‘Brilliant Pebbles’ system might have discouraged the Russians from developing such a next-generation ballistic missile system to deliver nuclear weapons in the first place.

• Now America’s strategy seems to be a new hypersonic nuclear weapon arms race with Russia, even though the U.S. ended its development of hypersonic weapons decades ago. We seem to have abandoned any interest in space-based missile defenses to defeat these new hypersonic weapons.

• Current plans for the new US Space Force reveal an inability to defend against the growing offensive intercontinental ballistic missile threat, particularly those with hypersonic capabilities. The Trump administration’s apparent strategy is to play “catch-up” with Russian and Chinese hypersonic missile capabilities, and to rely on the Cold War scenario of mutual assured destruction as a defense strategy.

• This article’s writer, Henry Cooper, served as Reagan’s chief Defense and Space Talks negotiator with the Soviet Union, and later he served as SDI Director in the George H.W. Bush administration. Cooper advocates a return to a Reagan-era SDI program by deploying 1,000 Brilliant Pebbles for $20 billion, to be operational within 5 years.

[Editor’s Note]   Perhaps this article’s writer, Henry Cooper, and others are missing a big piece of the puzzle. What if our global “space race” went far beyond the hypersonic ballistic missiles that the public is aware of? What if there were numerous secret space programs having technology far beyond ICBM or SDI technology? And what if we already had orbital platforms in space that could shoot energy beams and kinetic energy weapons at any target or missile on Earth? Such a reality would render ballistic nuclear missile treaties and Reagan-era space-based missile defense systems moot.


Current plans for the new U.S. Space Force and its implied underpinning strategy reveal a key deficiency — an ability to defend against the growing offensive intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) threat, particularly those that employ hypersonic capabilities.

      Reagan and Gorbachev in Reykjavik

In effect, the Trump administration’s funding priorities display an apparent strategy to play “catch-up” with the growing Russian and Chinese hypersonic threat capabilities — and to rely totally on the Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) strategy of the Cold War.

Do we really want a new Cold War, now involving a multilateral offensive nuclear arms race?

     Henry F. Cooper

Ronald Reagan had a very different idea based on a vital role for truly effective ballistic missile defense (BMD) systems that could defeat such threatening ballistic missiles.

In President Reagan’s administration, that idea led to his Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) that emphasized space-based defenses. I was privileged to serve as his chief Defense and Space Talks negotiator defending his perspective with the Soviet Union — and later to serve as SDI Director during the George H.W. Bush administration.

Space-based defenses always had a central role during the SDI era — 1983 until early 1993 when Defense Secretary Les Aspin “took the stars out of Star Wars,” ending Ronald Reagan’s vision and heralding a return to the MAD doctrine of strengthening the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty “as the cornerstone of strategic stability,” as became the oft-stated claim of the Clinton administration.

And even though the George W. Bush administration withdrew from the ABM Treaty in 2002, nothing was done to revive the central role of the most cost-effective product of the SDI era — the Brilliant Pebbles space-based interceptor system.



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NASA Close to Finding Life on Mars

Article by Tewodros Kore                            April 10, 2020                             (

• In an interview with the Sunday Telegraph discussing the March launches of both the European Space Agency (ESA) Mars rover ‘ExoMars’ and the NASA Mars rover ‘Mars 2020’, NASA Chief Scientist Dr. Jim Green was quoted as saying that he expected the rovers to find life on the red planet. “This revolutionary discovery will open a whole new way of thinking,” said Green. “But I think humans are not ready for this result.”

• During the mission, the ESA’s ExoMars will drill two meters deep for samples, and both of the Mars rovers will target rock formations in their respective searches for extraterrestrial life and organic matter. Recent data from the Martian surface collected by the “Mars Express” orbiting satellite revealed geological evidence of large-scale water resources below the Martian surface, and an “underground lake” that once existed. The rovers will take rock samples mainly in the ancient seabed area of Mars.

• Francisco Selsey of the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands stated in the journal Geophysics that 3 or 4 billion years ago, Mars was a watery world. But as the climate changed, the water receded below the Martian surface to form ponds and “groundwater.” “We have found geological evidence that Mars has widespread groundwater systems,” said Selsey.


The chief scientist of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) predicted that the Mars probe launched this year will find life on this red planet, but he warned that humans on Earth are not yet ready for this “revolutionary” discovery.

According to the British “Daily Mail” reported, the European Space Agency (ESA) Mars rover ExoMars and NASA Mars rover Mars 2020 launched

                       Dr. Jim Green

together in March this year to Mars. ESA’s Mars rover is also known as Rosalind, in honor of British chemist Rosalind Franklin. They will target rock formations and search for extraterrestrial life and organic matter. Among them, the ExoMars will drill a sample of 2 meters deep.

In an interview with the Sunday Telegraph, NASA Chief Scientist Dr. Jim Green, who participated in these two missions, said that within a few months, signs of extraterrestrial life were expected. He said, “This revolutionary discovery will open a whole new way of thinking, but I think humans are not ready for this result.”

According to reports, the two Martian rover will take rock samples mainly in the ancient seabed area of Mars. Dr. Green said, “When the environment becomes extreme, life will turn into rocks.”



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‘Project Blue Book’ Explores Secret UFO History

Article by Kerry Harvey                               April 9, 2020                               (

• The second season of History Channel’s “Project Blue Book” opens with a two-part episode involving the Roswell, New Mexico “crashes” in 1947, which many are convinced the US government covered up. Then it delves deeper. Laura Mennell, the actor who plays Dr. Hynek’s wife, Mimi, says, “We’re even dealing with the issue of the CIA mind-control program that was going on at the time.” “There’s some really crazy stuff that I loved reading about and finding more about and I think the audience will too.”

• Project Blue Book is a fact-based historical drama revolving around secret US Air Force investigations into UFO encounters and unexplained phenomena, undertaken by astrophysics professor and Project Blue Book head, Dr J Allen Hynek (played by Aiden Gillen, Littlefinger in Game Of Thrones) in the 1950s and 1960s.

• “It’s one of the biggest mysteries of all time,” said Mennell who plays Mimi Hynek. “I think it would be pretty ignorant to dismiss everything. I think there is something to the mystery of UFOs. What that is exactly I don’t know. Will we fully know during our lifetime? Who knows? But it’s pretty exciting.”

• The Hyneks were indeed real people. Their sons are now heavily involved in the series’ production. Hynek’s Blue Book partner in the show, Captain Michael Quinn, is inspired by USAF Captain Edward J Ruppelt, the first director of the real-life Project Blue Book and other characters are similarly based on historical figures.

• “We’re not making a documentary but, yeah, we’re definitely infusing some real-life aspects into the show, particularly the cases,” Mennell says, adding she is amazed how much was kept from the American public – and the world – in the 50s and 60s.

• “Project Blue Book was one of the first versions of fake news in a way. It misinformed the public to quell any possible mass hysteria that could have happened,” says Mennell. These were real-life cases. There were over 12,000 of them and a little over 700 are still unresolved to this day.

• Mennell’s character Mimi has a revelation in PBB season 2, transforming from a typical 50s domestic housewife into a UFO hunter herself. Her friend, Suzi (Ksenia Solo) is revealed to be a KGB spy. Says Mennell, “Even if we could prove one of those cases – and I think there’s some pretty great evidence in our show – we’d have the quintessential truth of one of the greatest mysteries of all time.” “… [B]ut for people who love Mimi and Susi, give it a bit of time … they will reconnect and when they do some pretty crazy things will definitely happen.”

[Editor’s Note]  Project Blue Book has become one of my favorite shows. It is well written, superbly directed and acted, and doesn’t sugar-coat the UFO subject matter. It is a great series. And it appears that season 3 will take Dr. Hynek and Captain Quinn to Antarctica. I can’t wait! (see deep dive discussion of Project Blue Book Season 2 by cast and writers in Hollywood Reporter YouTube video below). Also, I’ll bet you didn’t know that Michael Malarkey, who plays Captain Quinn, was once an alt rock singer. (see one of Malarkey’s music videos below)


Canadian Laura Mennell has no trouble going where few actors have gone before in Project Blue Book.

 Laura Mennell as ‘Mimi Hynek’

The fact-based historical drama revolves around secret US Air Force investigations into supposed UFO encounters

Michael Malarkey as ‘Captain Quinn’

and unexplained phenomena, undertaken by astrophysics professor – and Project Blue Book head – Dr J Allen Hynek (Aiden Gillen, Littlefinger in Game Of Thrones) in the 1950s and 1960s.

Mennell didn’t know much about UFOs, alien sightings and the like when she was cast as Hynek’s wife Mimi but she quickly became fascinated by the subject.

“It’s one of the biggest mysteries of all time,” says the 39-year-old actor, admitting she is now open to the possibility that humans are not the universe’s only inhabitants.

“I think it would be pretty ignorant to dismiss everything. I think there is something to the mystery of UFOs. What that is exactly I don’t know. Will we fully know during our lifetime? Who knows? But it’s pretty exciting.

“There was some infrared footage released in the last couple of years of this 40-foot-long Tic Tac-shaped craft up in the sky. Stuff like that is bizarre and fascinating. I don’t know how that can’t stir up more questions in the general public.”

Although Project Blue Book is based on fact, it is still a drama.


34:44 minute round table discussion of Project Blue Book Season 2 (The Hollywood Reporter YouTube)


4:00 minute Michael Malarkey music video “Captain Solitaire” (Michael Malarkey YouTube)


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Trump Order Encourages US Mining on the Moon


Article by Oliver Milman                         April 7, 2020                        (

• In 1979, nations on planet Earth signed the ‘Moon Treaty’, stipulating that activities in space should conform to international law. The United States never signed that treaty. In fact, a 2015 law explicitly allows American companies to use resources from the Moon and asteroids. On April 6th, President Trump signed an Executive Order encouraging the U.S. to mine the Moon for minerals. The order states that “Americans should have the right to engage in commercial exploration, recovery, and use of resources in outer space.” (see Trump’s Executive Order here)

• The Executive Order makes clear that the US reserves the right to mine the Moon without any sort of international treaty. Furthermore, the US will object to any attempt to use international law to hinder American efforts to mine chunks of the Moon, Mars, or “other celestial bodies”.

• Trump’s zeal to commence the drilling on the Moon is consistent with his enthusiasm for mining here on Earth. The administration has opened up vast tracts of federal land for oil and gas drilling, with Trump rolling back various environmental laws in an attempt to revive the ailing coal industry. Although, not all of the drilling leases have been taken up by fossil fuel companies. The executive order states that the federal government will “require partnership with commercial entities to recover and use resources, including water and certain minerals, in outer space”. But it is uncertain what interest there might be in the private sector to blast into space to mine the Moon.


The world may be racked by the coronavirus, but Donald Trump has less earthly concerns on his mind, too, after signing an executive order encouraging the US to mine the moon for minerals.

The executive order makes clear that the US doesn’t view space as a “global commons”, opening the way for the mining of the moon without any sort of international treaty.

“Americans should have the right to engage in commercial exploration, recovery, and use of resources in outer space,” the order states, noting that the US had never signed a 1979 agreement known as the moon treaty. This agreement stipulates that any activities in space should conform to international law. In 2015, the US Congress passed a law explicitly allowing American companies to use resources from the moon and asteroids.

According to Trump’s executive order, the US will object to any attempt to use international law to hinder its efforts to remove chunks of the moon or, should the opportunity arise, additional mining of Mars and “other celestial bodies”.



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