Space Debris is a Major Threat to Satellites and Extraterrestrial Travel

Article by Anna Harnes                                      September 27, 2020                                        (

• According to NPR, the International Space Station almost came into contact with space junk this past week for the third time this year. The debris usually consists of the broken pieces of satellites technology that have been used over the past 63 years of space exploration, travelling at 18,000 miles per hour. So even small objects can have dire consequences. Space debris is quickly becoming a major threat for satellites and extraterrestrial travel — and could have fatal implications.

• Raffi Khatchadourian, a reporter for The New Yorker, detailed the growing problem. One of the first signs that space debris would become an issue was back in 2015, when astronauts realized that an object was projected to hit the ISS at a staggering 31,000 miles per hour. The astronauts only had four hours to move the station, but it was too little time. So those on the craft had move into the capsule “lifeboat” and hope that the object missed. Fortunately, it did.

• “It’s estimated that there are 8,000 metric tons of sort of human-engineered mass zooming around the planet,” Khatchadourian explained. “About 26,000 of those (objects) are of a size that the US military can track, so 10 centimeters or larger. But when you get below the size of 10 centimeters, then you end up with, you know, something like a hundred million pieces that are the size of a millimeter or even a hundred trillion, the size of a micron. At the speeds we’re talking about, something the size of a grain of sand can destroy an entire spacecraft.”

• Scientists have not come up with a plan on how to clear the atmosphere, with suggestions ranging from lasers to nets to the seemingly sci-fi inspired “harpoons or robotic pincers.” Astronomers have long warned about ‘Kessler syndrome’, in which space becomes so crowded that it is unusable. This would have dire consequences for our modern world, which relies on satellites and other objects for a number of necessities.


Space debris is quickly becoming a major threat for satellites and extraterrestrial travel — and could have fatal implications for the latter if the issue is

     Raffi Khatchadourian

not stopped.

According to NPR, the International Space Station (ISS) almost came into contact with space junk this past week for the third time this year. The debris usually consists of the broken pieces of technology that have been used over the past 63 years of space exploration — most often from satellites. The trash often travels at speeds of around 18,000 miles per hour, meaning that even small objects can have dire consequences.

In an interview, Raffi Khatchadourian, a reporter for The New Yorker, detailed the growing problem.

Khatchadourian explained that one of the first signs that space debris would become an issue was back in 2015, when astronauts realized that an object was projected to hit the ISS at a staggering 31,000 miles per hour. It was detected late, so the astronauts only had four hours to move the station. It was too little time, so those on the craft had move into the capsule “lifeboat” and hope that the object missed. Fortunately, it did.



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Packers’ Aaron Rodgers Recounts Story of UFO Sighting in 2005

Article by Jordan J. Wilson                                 September 30, 2020                                  (

• On September 29th, in a guest appearance on The Pat McAfee Show (see video below), Green Bay Packers veteran quarterback Aaron Rodgers talked about a UFO he saw on a snowy night n New Jersey in 2005. The story has stuck with him throughout his NFL career.

• “I was in New Jersey with a teammate of mine, Steve Levy,” and Steve’s brother, began Rodgers. “[W]e saw a crazy thing in the sky that filled up most of the vantage point that we had. It was a snowy night, it was orange and moving in the clouds from left to right. And the bizarre part that was attached to it was that after it went out of sight and we were frozen looking at each other wondering what the hell just happened, about 30 seconds after that, we heard fighter jets. And you know, if you’ve seen a flyover or you’ve watched Top Gun or you’ve been to an air show, you know what that sounds like, the sound of a plane zipping by. It’s undeniable, and there were three of them that seemed to be chasing whatever this was.”

• Once Rodgers put the UFO story out there, it didn’t take long for Steve Levy to back up his version of the events with the only small amendment – it was in New York, not New Jersey. “Steve has been asked after I shared this on the podcast five years ago or so, he’s been asked to verify my story,” said Rodgers. “[A]nd thankfully, he did.”

• Levy’s version goes like this: “We started hearing this weird noise and we were like, ‘What the hell is that?; it’s 12:30-1 at night. We popped open the front door and we heard it, but it’s coming from the backyard. We go out to the backyard and before you know, within minutes we are in a daze because we are looking at something. It’s reddish, yellow, orange-ish and light, and it’s moving back and forth and peeking out of the clouds and going back. …It was absolutely unreal. I don’t know what it was — that’s why they are called unidentified flying objects.” Levy also insists both he and Rodgers were “completely, completely coherent” and not under the influence of any kind, as many have asked and assumed.

• “After that, I really got into researching that,” Rodgers continued, “because we had this story that we couldn’t explain that wasn’t in the papers the next day, that wasn’t in the papers the day after that, that was never really talked about, so it was something that I definitely got into and was interested more in and did some research over the years. Had some other interesting experiences as well, but that was probably the most vivid and expansive interaction that never got talked about or explained.” When McAfee pressed Rodgers for details about some of those ‘other interesting experiences’, the 36-year-old future Hall of Famer just smiled and told him “that’s for another time, Pat.”

• A 2019 Gallup poll found that 16% of Americans say they have “personally witnessed” a UFO, while 33% of US adults believe that some UFO sightings over the years have “in fact been alien spacecraft visiting Earth from other planets or galaxies.”


                 Aaron Rodgers

Fifteen years later, Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers still wonders about what he saw in the clouds that snowy night in New Jersey.
Rodgers was asked about his UFO experience Tuesday during his weekly guest appearance on The Pat McAfee Show and recounted a story he told several years ago on a podcast with friend and comedian Pete Holmes, going into detail about the weird experience in 2005 that has stuck with him throughout his storied NFL career.

“Long before this happened 15 years ago, I told this story on the (You Made it Weird) Podcast with Pete

                        Steve Levy

Holmes, a comedian friend of mine,” Rodgers said. “I told a story about how I was in New Jersey with a (California) teammate of mine, Steve Levy, and Steve has been asked after I shared this on the podcast five years ago or so, he’s been asked to verify my story and, thankfully, he did.

But it was him and his brother at their house in Jersey, and we saw a crazy thing in the sky that filled up most of the vantage point that we had. It was a snowy night, it was orange and moving in the clouds from left to right. And the bizarre part that was attached to it was that after it went out of sight and we were frozen looking at each other wondering what the hell just happened, about 30 seconds after that, we heard fighter jets. And you know, if you’ve seen a flyover or you’ve watched Top Gun or you’ve been to an air show, you know what that sounds like, the sound of a plane zipping by. It’s undeniable, and there were three of them that seemed to be chasing whatever this was.”

Rodgers and Levy are hardly alone when it comes to strange and inexplicable experiences with unidentified flying objects. A 2019 Gallup poll found that 16% of Americans say they have “personally witnessed” something they believed to be a UFO, while 33% of U.S. adults believe that some UFO sightings over the years have “in fact been alien spacecraft visiting Earth from other planets or galaxies.”

Regardless of where Packers fans fall on the subject of UFOs, it seems they would all agree these past fifteen years have been brighter with Rodgers in Green Bay — and, you know, not abducted aboard some supposed alien spaceship.

3:59 minute video of Aaron Rodgers discussing UFOs (‘The Pat McAfee Show’ YouTube)



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‘What Is the Alien Agenda?’ Asks Reader Who Witnessed ‘Air Battle Between Two UFOs’ 40 Years Ago

Article by Michael Alexander                                 September 26, 2020                                  (

• Malcolm Robinson is a Scottish UFO investigator, but somewhat of a skeptic, he says, because 95% of all UFO sightings can ultimately be explained. The glaring fact of this phenomenon is the enormous scale and secrecy. Reports of alien contact and craft sightings are world-wide, but their operations are still at the fringes of our awareness.

• Robinson himself saw an extraterrestrial craft forty years ago that was decidedly not military. He believes that aliens have almost certainly visited the Tayside and Fife regions of Scotland. Robinson says that the question is no longer “are we alone”? Instead we must ask “what is the alien agenda”?

• Australian investigator Phil Tindale also witnessed UFO craft forty years ago and is convinced we are not alone. The UFO question is “a question that we have ignored for the past 70 years,” he says. Actually, Tindale says that as 10-year-olds in the South Australian town of Aldgate, he and his twin brother Rob witnessed a “hostile chase between two highly advanced craft resulting in one of those craft crashing into a tree”. The crash was reported by a third witness who was able to have a close look at the craft which resembled an “eight metre long yellow speed boat from it’s under side”. But by the time police arrived, the object had disappeared leaving only unexplained broken branches. (see previous ExoArticle)

• Reported UFO cases date back to the 1500’s when townsfolk in Nuremberg, Germany witnessed a battle between celestial objects. It was reported in the broadsheet journals of the time.

• Then in the 1940’s, a new and increased wave of alien activity began. Pilots reported seeing strange spherical craft following them into battle during WW2 known as ‘Foo Fighters’. These were initially thought to be advanced Nazi technology.

• Then in 1947, the Roswell UFO crash was made famous by a military report printed in the local paper. The report was quickly redacted and replaced with an explanation involving a weather balloon. But first hand witnesses have since validated the initial report, leading to an explosion of conspiracies.

• In 1961 came the first report of an alien abduction, with Betty and Barney Hill providing compelling and consistent testimonies of the incident which occurred along a roadside late at night. They described being taken on board a craft and subject to various procedures. Subsequent investigations verified the Hill’s experience and left authorities scratching their heads.

• Even mass sightings have been reported on numerous occasions. One of the more compelling events occurred in in Ruwa, Zimbabwe in 1994 where a craft landed near the Ariel primary school. No less than 60 people witnessed the event. Humanoid entities disembarked from the craft and approached the children. Some witnesses reported telepathic communication that included a warning about humanity’s destructive trajectory. A number of investigators looked into the Ruwa event, including John E. Mack, head of Harvard Medical Psychiatry.

• The environmental message is now recognized as a common theme of the contact experience. “It is estimated that nearly 40% of people who have had alien contact receive some variation of an environmental message or warning, says Tindale. “Mass sightings and high quality witnesses have been useful in confirming the reality of the alien presence, but it is the individual and detailed accounts that provide better insight into what is truly going on.” The emerging picture is complex and incomplete. It shows multiple alien groups exist with different intentions, and varying degrees of interest in humanity’s well being, ranging from benevolent to hostile.

• Before Terry Lovelace became a lawyer, he was in the military. While serving in the US Army, Lovelace and a friend were camping at ‘Devils Den’ in Arkansas when they had a terrifying abduction experience which left Lovelace and his friend badly burned by radiation. Both were brutally interrogated and humiliated by the Army’s investigation unit. “It was made clear to them that the event was not to be discussed ever again,” says Tindale.

• Disagreement and even conflict between alien groups has been observed. Yet other people describe ongoing contact with entities that seem benevolent and appear to be concerned for our welfare. Reports describe varying physical features, while other extraterrestrials are indistinguishable from humans.

• “Many people are helped physically and spiritually by these contact events,” says Tindale. “Over half of all contact experiences are described as positive and nearly all communication is telepathic. “Telepathic ability seems to vary between alien groups, but it appears to be the galactic language.”

• Abductees describe being “willed” to perform tasks or comply with requests. The experience resembles a compelling need or a personal desire to obey. Some abductees report using their own will power to deny the alien requests, but claim that it is considerably difficult to do so.

• In May 2018, at Melkbosstrand South Africa, a witness described seeing a point in the sky that looked “crinkled”. Then from this small area a craft emerged into the atmosphere, and then three more objects chasing and attacking the first craft. Then a fleet of around 100 “cloaked” craft of varying shapes and sizes popped out of the sky, flying towards the horizon at incredible speed. Their color matched the blue sky but not perfectly. Some of the craft were so large they covered as much as 90 degrees of his field of vision. And all were totally silent.

• Knowledge of the UFO reality affects every aspect of our society. It challenges our beliefs in religion, science and even politics. We are now faced with arguably the greatest challenge in human history. One consolation is the common environmental interest that we share with these beings.

• It is not difficult to understand the secrecy, both from an extra-terrestrial perspective and from our own military’s point of view. Can we learn to appreciate the creatures that we share our planet with, and appreciate the value of our own beautiful Earth? Will this new reality change our view towards each other? Whether this intervention ultimately helps humanity or not, our response will be paramount.


16th century illustration of UFOs over Nuremberg

Australian investigator Phil Tindale, who witnessed an “air battle between two UFOs” 40 years ago and is

                  Malcolm Robinson

interested in Scottish sightings, explains why he is convinced we are not alone.

Australian man Phil Tindale has good reason to have a strong interest in UFOs.

As 10-year-olds in the South Australian town of Aldgate just over 40 years ago, he and his twin brother Rob witnessed a “hostile chase between two highly advanced craft resulting in one of those craft crashing into a tree”.

The crash was reported by a third witness who was able to have a close look at the craft which resembled an “eight metre long yellow speed boat from it’s under side”.

                Betty and Barney Hill

However, by the time police arrived, the object had disappeared leaving only unexplained broken

                            Phil Tindale


Phil recently contacted The Courier from Australia after reading a Courier feature online about renowned Scottish UFO investigator and self-confessed UFO sceptic Malcolm Robinson who believes that aliens have almost certainly visited Tayside and Fife.

Like Malcolm, Phil has concluded 95% of UFO sightings are explainable by “natural identifiable solutions”.

         WWII “Foo Fighters”

However, he also takes the view that 5% fall into the unexplained category.

                     Terry Lovelace

Four decades on from his own experience, Malcolm says he is “100%” convinced what he saw was extra-terrestrial, and not military.

But he also believes the question is no longer “are we alone”. Instead we must ask “what is the alien agenda”?

“It’s a question that we have ignored for the past 70 years,” says Phil.

“Reported UFO cases date back to the 1500’s when a township in Germany witnessed a battle between celestial objects which was reported in the broadsheet journals of Nuremberg.

“From the 1940’s a new and increased wave of alien activity began.



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UFO Sightings Shoot Up in NY in 2020

Article by Adam Nichols                                   September 25, 2020                                    (

• Nationwide, there have been thousands of witness accounts of UFOs submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center. New York has seen a dramatic increase in UFO sightings. While there were 151 sightings reported in all of 2019, there are already 184 sightings of unexplained flying craft in the sky in 2020, including bright lights, strange sounds and oddly shaped objects.

• Following a sighting of a UFO craft, a witness in Staten Island, New York gave a terrifying description of a burning sensation. “…I felt this heat like feeling going through my body,” this person reported. “Starting at my head, like some sort of radiation. Burning me like frying me. And that’s when I realized it was the craft.”

• In another account, witnesses said, “We were on a rooftop viewing the Persiuds when the glowing green UFO passed directly overhead at a low altitude, followed by what sounded like a military aircraft. The green lights were revolving in a figure eight as the craft moved quickly from east to west towards Manhattan. The military aircraft that appeared to follow it was very loud.”

• The credibility of UFO got a boost when The New York Times and Politico reported on a $22 million, multi-year Pentagon UFO research program that began in 2007 known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. Funding for the program came through former US Senator, Harry Reid, who is from Nevada where Area 51 is located – also the reported home to alien beings and craft.

• In late 2017, retired Navy Commander David Fravor was conducting a training mission off the coast of California in 2004 when he saw an oblong craft flying erratically through his airspace at incredible speed, maneuvering in a way that defies accepted principles of aerodynamics. Described as a wingless object, about 40 feet long and shaped like a Tic Tac, Fravor remarked, “I can tell you, I think it was not from this world.” “[A]fter 18 years of flying, I’ve seen pretty much about everything that I can see in that realm, and this was nothing close.”

• When Fravor saw the object from the air, controllers on one of the Navy ships on the water below reported that objects were being dropped about 80,000 feet from the sky, then headed “straight back up.” Fravor could see the disturbances on the water below and breaking waves on the surface, “like something’s under the surface.” The radar jammed, and as Fravor flew closer, the craft rapidly accelerated and zoomed upward and disappeared. Once the object was gone, the ocean below was a still sheet of blue with no evidence of disturbance. Infrared scanning also showed no evidence of an exhaust trail.


  Retired Navy Commander David Fravor

NEW YORK CITY – Add War of the Worlds to everything else 2020 is throwing at New York.

Skygazers have reported a huge increase of unidentified flying objects seen in the state – already, 184 unexplained flying crafts or lights seen in the state have been logged with the National UFO Reporting Center.

In almost all of 2019, only 151 were seen.

The sightings include bright lights, strange sounds and oddly shaped objects. A person in Staten Island gave a terrifying description of a burning sensation following a sighting.

“And that’s when I felt this heat like feeling going through my body,” they reported.

“Starting at my head, like some sort of radiation. Burning me like frying me. And that’s when I realized it was the craft.”

Others were less disturbing.

“We were on a rooftop viewing the Persiuds when the glowing green ufo passed directly overhead at a low altitude, followed by what sounded like a military aircraft,” said one.

“The green lights were revolving in a figure eight as the craft moved quickly From east to west towards Manhattan. The military Aircraft that appeared to follow it was very loud.”

Nationwide, there have been thousands of witness accounts of UFOs submitted to the center.

UFO hunting has been a popular pursuit in the United States since the mid-20th century, when Kenneth Arnold, a businessman piloting a small plane, filed the first well-known report in 1947 of a UFO over Mount Rainier in Washington. Arnold claimed he saw nine high-speed, crescent-shaped objects zooming along at several thousand miles per hour “like saucers skipping on water.”

Although the objects Arnold claimed to see weren’t saucer-shaped at all, his analogy led to the popularization of the term “flying saucers.” And since then, Americans have been more or less obsessed with the idea that alien life is among us.



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Scientists Find Moon’s Radiation Levels 200 Times Higher Than on Earth

Article by Sabastian Kettely                                       September 25, 2020                                     (

• Knowing how radiation on the Moon affects the body is critical for long-term missions. The next generation of US astronauts is expected to return to the Moon by 2024 with NASA’s Artemis program. By 2028, the NASA hopes to establish a “sustained presence” on the Moon. But the further we travel into the solar system, the more that space radiation becomes a major threat. A journey to Mars, for instance, would last between six and eight months and expose astronauts to unprecedented levels of radiation.

• In January 2019, the Chinese Chang’e 4 probe, which landed on the far side of the Moon, took the first measurements of radiation levels on the lunar surface. The Moon might also be more hazardous than previously thought. According to the data received from German-built Lunar Lander Neutron and Dosimetry (LND) instrument attached to the Chinese probe, the Moon’s radiation levels are 60 microsieverts per hours, or more than 200 times higher than the radiation measurements on Earth.

• In space, most radiation is high-energy protons streaming from the Sun, traveling 93 million miles in less than an hour. On Earth, the planet’s magnetic bubble, or the ‘magnetosphere’, protects us from most of this radiation. But in space, spacecraft and spacesuits are much more vulnerable.

• Astronauts flying to the Moon would be exposed to the radiation for many days, which represents an additional risk. Ruthan Lewis, an engineer for NASA’s human spaceflight program, said, “The danger of radiation is always present, whether you’re in orbit, in transit, or on a planetary surface.” Christine Hellweg from the German Aerospace Center noted that by studying and preventing an astronaut’s exposure to radiation, their risk of getting cancer and other diseases could thus be reduced during long-term stays on the Moon. Dr Wimmer-Schweingruber of Kiel University added, “[I]f a manned mission departs to Mars, the new findings enable us to reliably estimate the anticipated radiation exposure in advance.”

• These findings will be critical for future missions to the Moon and Mars. Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber says, “We humans are not really made to withstand space radiation. “[A]stronauts can and should shield themselves as far as possible during longer stays on the Moon, for example, by covering their habitat with a thick layer of lunar soil.”


              Chinese Chang’e 4 probe

The Moon is the farthest humans have ever travelled beyond Earth, starting and ending with NASA’s Apollo programme in the 1960s and 1970s.

Dr Robert Wimmer-  Schweingruber

Further travel into the solar system is fraught by many perils, technological and natural alike, with space radiation being a major threat. A journey to Mars, for instance, would last between six and eight months and expose astronauts to unprecedented levels of radiation.

But the first measurements of radiation levels on the lunar surface show the Moon might also be more hazardous than previously thought.

          Ruthan Lewis

The measurements were carried out in January 2019 by the Chinese Chang’e 4 probe that landed on the far side of the Moon.

In a new study published in Science Advances, Chinese and German scientists have reported the data the probe has collected.
And the results are stark – the Moon’s radiation levels are more than 200 times higher than on Earth.

The measurements were made by the German-built Lunar Lander Neutron and Dosimetry (LND) instrument attached to

      Christine Hellweg

the Chinese probe.

The data was then used to calculate the so-called equivalent dose, which is the measure of the biological effect of radiation.

In space, most of this radiation is high-energy particles streaming from the Sun – protons that can travel 93 million miles in less than an hour.
On Earth, the planet’s magnetic bubble, the magnetosphere, protects us from most of this radiation.

But in space, spacecraft and spacesuits are much more vulnerable.



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Saturn’s Moon Has New Ice and Scientists Aren’t Sure Why

Article by Chris Ciaccia                               September 24, 2020                                 (

• With its global ocean, unique chemistry and internal heat, Saturn’s moon, Enceladus, is a promising lead in the search for worlds where extraterrestrial life could exist.

• The NASA Cassini space probe spent 13 years circling Saturn, taking pictures and data of and its moons which were relayed to Earth before it was sent crashing into the planet in 2017. Researchers has used Cassini’s readings of its ‘on-board Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer’ (VIMS) to look at heat signatures on Enceladus to create a map of the moon.

• In 2005, Cassini observed that the southern hemisphere of Enceladus had more than 100 geysers shooting “out enormous plumes of ice grains and vapor from an ocean that lies under the icy crust,” according to a NASA statement. The new research, published in the scientific journal Icarus, revealed more recent images showing that the northern hemisphere of Enceladus has been resurfaced with ice.

• “The… south pole is young, which is not a surprise because we knew about the jets that blast icy material there,” said study co-author, Gabriel Tobie, VIMS scientist with the University of Nantes in France. “Now, thanks to these infrared eyes, you can go back in time and say that one large region in the northern hemisphere appears also young and was probably active not that long ago, in geologic timelines.” The southern geysers are believed to have caused the moon’s “tiger stripes” – evenly spaced fissures, approximately 81 miles long and 22 miles apart.

• It’s unclear how the icy resurfacing occurred or when it occurred. The ice could have come from icy geyser jets or by a more gradual movement of subsurface ocean rising to the surface through fractures in the crust. In 2017 Cassini detected the presence of hydrogen in Enceladus’ atmosphere, which could be meaningful as a “potential source for energy from any microbes,” said Cassini project scientist Linda Spilker. The next year, scientists announced that they had found complex organic molecules, the “building blocks” for life, on the moon.

• In June, NASA announced its ‘Dragonfly’ mission to explore Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, which could potentially host extraterrestrial life.


              Enceladus ‘tiger stripes’

Enceladus, Saturn’s mysterious moon that could support life, could be more geologically active than previously thought, according to a new study.

The research, published in the scientific journal Icarus, looked at new images from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft and found the northern hemisphere of

         Gabriel Tobie

Enceladus has been resurfaced with ice.

In 2005, Cassini observed that the southern hemisphere had more than 100 geysers shooting “out enormous plumes of ice grains and vapor from an ocean that lies under the icy crust,” according to a NASA statement. However, the new images point out it is happening in the northern hemisphere as well.

With its global ocean, unique chemistry and internal heat, Enceladus has become a promising lead in our search for worlds where life could exist.
The researchers used Cassini’s on-board Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) to look at heat signatures on Enceladus and created a new map of the moon to come up with their findings.

“The infrared shows us that the surface of the south pole is young, which is not a surprise because we knew about the jets that blast icy material there,” said study co-author, Gabriel Tobie, VIMS scientist with the University of Nantes in France, in the statement. “Now, thanks to these infrared eyes, you can go back in time and say that one large region in the northern hemisphere appears also young and was probably active not that long ago, in geologic timelines.”



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Russian Cosmonauts On How to Greet Extraterrestrials

September 24, 2020                                (

• On September 24th, Russian cosmonaut Sergei Kud-Sverchkov spoke at a press conference organized by the government news agency, Rossiya Segodnya. Flight engineer Kud-Sverchkov will join mission commander Sergei Ryzhikov and NASA astronaut Kathleen Rubins in the ‘Expedition 64’ (all pictured above) to the International Space Station in October. This will be Kud-Sverchkov’s first flight to space.

• Russian scientists join with those from other countries in the search for extraterrestrial life, making plans to launch multiple new scientific missions to the Moon, Mars and Venus, and, earlier this year, announcing the construction of a high-powered telescope that can be used to search for signals from extraterrestrial civilizations transmitted in the optical spectrum.

• In 2012, veteran cosmonaut Gennady Padalka told Chinese media that “detailed instructions” had been created at the United Nations “in case of first contact” with extraterrestrial beings. He added at the time that “sooner or later we will meet our like-minded brothers” from another planet.

• However, Kud-Sverchkov sats that Russian cosmonauts have not been given any special instructions when it comes to greeting aliens, but would try to do so in a diplomatic matter. “I think that when meeting intelligence extraterrestrial life, we will exhibit friendliness, goodwill and consideration, just as we do when meeting intelligent and unintelligent life on Earth,” the cosmonaut said.

• The Soyuz MS-17 spacecraft will blast off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on October 14th upon a Soyuz-2.1 ‘carrier rocket’. The spacecraft expected to reach the ISS in a record 3 hours, 20 minutes. The mission will last until April 2021, during which the team will activate the Bartolomeo scientific platform outside the European Space Agency’s Columbus lab module. Ryzhikov, Kud-Sverchkov and Rubins will be joined by three more NASA astronauts and a Japanese astronaut, who will make their way to the ISS in a SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule shortly after the Soyuz craft’s arrival.

• A cosmonaut doll knitted by Kud-Sverchkov’s wife will become the expedition’s mascot, named Yuri after Yuri Gagarin, the first human being in space. Mission commander Ryzhikov told reporters that he would take with him a miniaturized set of Gospels, as well as a handful of Russian soil and stones from Mount Tabor, which Christians believe was the site of the transfiguration of Jesus following his resurrection.

• NASA astronaut Kathleen Rubins said she plans to collect thousands of microbial samples inside the space station, and revealed that she plans to vote in the US presidential election from aboard the ISS.


    Sergei Kud-Sverchkov

As one of the world’s major space powers, Russia has done its part helping humanity search for extraterrestrial life,

                      Kathleen Rubins

recently beginning the construction of a powerful telescope capable of searching for signals coming from distant alien civilisations.

Russian cosmonauts have not been given any special instructions when it comes to greeting aliens, but would try to do so in a diplomatic matter, cosmonaut Sergei Kud-Sverchkov has said.

“I think that when meeting intelligence extraterrestrial life, we will exhibit friendliness, goodwill and consideration, just as we do when meeting intelligent and unintelligent life on Earth,” the cosmonaut said, speaking at a press conference organized by Rossiya Segodnya, on Thursday.

Kud-Sverchkov will join mission commander Sergei Ryzhikov in Expedition 64 to the International Space Station in

              Sergei Ryzhikov

October as a flight engineer. This will be his first flight to space.
The Soyuz MS-17 spacecraft will carry the two Russian cosmonauts and NASA astronaut Kathleen Rubins to the ISS aboard a Soyuz-2.1a carrier rocket blasting off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on October 14,

        Yuri Gagarin

with the spacecraft expected to reach its destination in a record 3 hours, 20 minutes.

Kud-Sverchkov says a knitted cosmonaut doll named Yuri will become the mascot for Expedition 64, with the doll knitted by his wife, and named after Yuri Gagarin, the first human being in space.

Mission commander Ryzhikov told reporters that he would take with him a miniaturized Gospels, as well as a handful of Russian soil and stones from Mount Tabor, which Christians believe was the site of the transfiguration of Jesus following his resurrection.

For her part, NASA astronaut Kathleen Rubins said her plans include work collecting thousands of microbial samples inside the space station, and revealed that she plans to vote in the US presidential election from aboard the ISS.




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China’s FAST Telescope May Detect Over 1,000 New Pulsars in 5 to10 Years

Article by Fahad Shabbir                                   September 24, 2020                                  (

• The world’s largest Aperture Spherical Telescope, China’s FAST Telescope, has ‘priority tasks’ of finding pulsar stars and extraterrestrial life in the vast Milky Way galaxy. Completed in 2016, the FAST Telescope is located in the mountains of Pingtang county in southwestern Guizhou province, China. The telescope is the size of 30 football fields and cost $176 million USD to build.

• FAST senior researcher, Li Di, says that FAST’s sensitivity makes it possible to process signals coming from possible extraterrestrial civilizations within a few hundred light-years. The telescope is also equipped with a special digital terminal for high-speed and highly efficient sampling and research of the electromagnetic field of our galaxy.

• Li Di also says that the FAST Telescope may detect over 1,000 new pulsars in the next 5 to 10 years. A pulsar is a rapidly rotating neutron star that emits regular beams of electromagnetic radiation. Since the launch in 2016, FAST has found 114 new pulsars.


BEIJING – China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST), the largest one in the world, may detect over 1,000 new pulsars in the next five to 10 years, FAST senior researcher Li Di told the CCTV broadcaster.

A pulsar is a rapidly rotating neutron star that emits regular beams of electromagnetic radiation. Since the launch in 2016, FAST has found 114 new pulsars.

“We hope that in five to 10 years, it [FAST telescope] will be able to detect more than 1,000 new pulsars in a blind search,” the scientist said.
Along with studying pulsars, the telescope’s priority tasks include searching for extraterrestrial civilizations.

Li Di noted that FAST’s sensitivity makes it possible to process powerful signals coming from possible extraterrestrial civilizations within a few hundred light-years.

The telescope is also equipped with a special digital terminal for high-speed and highly efficient sampling and research of the electromagnetic field of our Milky Way galaxy, the researcher added.

With the project first proposed back in 1994, the construction of the huge telescope began in 2011 and was completed in 2016. Located in the mountains of Pingtang county in southwestern Guizhou province, the 1.2 billion Yuan ($176 million at the current exchange rate) telescope is the size of 30 football fields.



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Approaching Space Object Might Become Earth’s Mini-Moon

Article by Eddie Irizarry and Deborah Byrd                              September 24, 2020                                 (

• On September 17, 2020, astronomers at the Pan-STARRS1 telescope at Maui, Hawaii sighted a small asteroid on an unusually slow approach to Earth. Designated as ‘2020 SO’, the asteroid is expected to be captured by the Earth’s gravity – temporarily – from October 2020 perhaps until around May 2021. It wouldn’t be the first time Earth has captured a mini-moon, but this object is unusual and perhaps no ordinary asteroid. It might be a lost rocket from the Surveyor 2 mission launched from Earth to the Moon in the 1960s.

• The unmanned Surveyor 2 mission was meant to send the second unmanned lunar lander to explore the Moon. The Surveyor 2 spacecraft blasted into space atop an Atlas LV-3C Centaur-D rocket from Cape Kennedy, Florida on September 20, 1966. A mid-course correction failure caused space controllers to lose contact with the craft three days later, after a thruster failed to ignite. The failure caused the spacecraft to tumble and ultimately to crash near the Moon’s Copernicus crater. The 2020 SO object has an estimated size between 20 and 45 feet, a not-unreasonable match for the dimensions of an Atlas LV-3C Centaur-D rocket.

• How could we have lost an entire 41-foot-long rocket? Space archaeologist Alice Gorman of Flinders University in Australia told ScienceAlert that – before our modern era of reuseable rockets – the rockets that launched craft into space were surprisingly easy to lose. Said Gorman, “You have to keep tracking these things… [I]f they do something a little bit unpredictable, and you look the wrong way, then you don’t know where it’s gone. It is quite astonishing, the number of things that have gone missing.”

• This isn’t the first time Earth has captured a mini-moon. Once in a while, one of the many small asteroids out there will be temporarily captured by our planet’s gravity before being cast out back into the solar system at large. Two confirmed mini-moons are 2006 RH120 (in Earth orbit between 2006 and 2007), and 2020 CD3 (in our orbit between 2018 and 2020).

• Also, this isn’t the first time we’ve mistaken space junk for an asteroid. What was thought to be the asteroid WT1190F, initially detected in October 2015 on approach to Earth, disintegrated in our atmosphere on November 13, 2015. An analysis of the spectroscopy revealed that the object might be a spacecraft component or part of a spent rocket returning home.

• So is ‘2020 SO’ an ordinary asteroid? Or is it an old Earthly rocket returning home? We just don’t know yet. Scientists hope that further observations and spectroscopic observations of light reflected from its surface will allow us to know if it’s in fact a strange, slow space rock, or human-made space debris.

[Editor’s Note]   There seems to be a lot of unknown objects acting strangely within our solar system right now. While we’re speculating, I will add the possibility that we are seeing a fleet of spaceship and mother ships that are waiting for a grand consciousness event that will necessitate billions of people to be temporarily removed from planet Earth while the Earth itself transforms. A compelling proponent of this information is the Portland Oregon channeler, Allison Coe. See below a video of Allison providing some of this channeled information which she gave in a presentation at ECETI ranch.


A newly discovered “asteroid” may become a new mini-moon for Earth. Instead of an ordinary asteroid, it might be a lost rocket from the Surveyor 2 mission, launched from Earth more than 50 years ago.

An approaching space object – labeled 2020 SO – is about to briefly become a new “mini-moon” for Earth, captured by our planet’s more powerful

              Alice Gorman

gravity. Orbit models show that both the low speed and trajectory of the approaching object indicate Earth will capture it, temporarily, from October 2020 perhaps until around May 2021. It won’t be the first time Earth has captured a mini-moon, but this object is unusual and perhaps no ordinary asteroid. It might be a lost rocket, originally launched from Earth more than 50 years ago.

         Allison Coe-Dunn

On September 17, 2020, astronomers sighted the object on approach to Earth, using the 71-inch (1.8-meter) Pan-STARRS1 telescope at Maui, Hawaii. They designated it as asteroid 2020 SO and added it as an Apollo asteroid in the JPL Small-Body Database.

However, 2020 SO has some features that set it apart from ordinary asteroids. According to NASA/JPL calculations, the object will soon pass by Earth’s moon at a speed of 1,880 miles per hour (3,025 km/h) or 0.84 km per second (.5 mi/sec). That is an extremely slow speed for an asteroid.

These calculations also show the apparent “slow asteroid” orbiting the sun every 1.06 years (387 days). The low relative velocity, along with the Earth-like orbit, suggest it can be an artificial object that might have been launched from our planet.

Paul Chodas, manager of NASA’s Near Earth Object center at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, suggested the object might be the rocket booster of Surveyor 2, a robotic spacecraft that was launched to the moon on September 20, 1966.


42:31 Allison Coe [at 17:43] on the spaceships involved in “the Event” (‘Allison Coe’ YouTube)



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Air Force Pilot Who Saw UFO Says ‘Highly Possible’ Governments Have Alien Tech

Article by Simon Green                             September 19, 2020                              (

• Commander David Fravor (pictured above) was one of two United States Air Force (USAF) pilots to first encounter the “Tic-Tac” craft off the coast of San Diego in 2004. The Pentagon has publicly acknowledged that they have no idea what the object was.

• Appearing on Lex Fridman’s podcast in early September, Fravor was asked whether it was possible that there was “out of this world” aircraft or beings in possession of governments around the world. “It’s highly possible, if you look at all the sightings,” Fravor said. In fact, Fravor is certain that governments are in possession of alien technology. “If you look at Project Blue Book – there were how many thousands of sightings?” Fravor notes that 10% of those Bluebook reports could not be explained. This amounts to thousands of cases just like the Tic Tac UFO. (see video excerpt from podcast below)

• “What are the chances that not one of (these thousands of unexplained UFOs) crashed somewhere on the globe and was recovered?” asks Fravor. “Is there is a chance that a foreign government, or our government, or someone in the globe of 7 billion people, has something that is not from this world, something that is manufactured?” “I don’t care if it was an intact system or you have pieces of a metal we can’t explain, or some biological matter.” “It could be a drone,” says Fravor. “If that’s the case, you would think something is out there… that we can’t explain.”


A fighter jet pilot who was one of the first to witness the now-famous Nimitz UFO believes it is “highly possible” the US government is in possession of alien technology.

Commander David Fravor was one of two United States Air Force (USAF) pilots to first encounter the “tic-tac” craft off the coast of San Diego in 2004.

The sighting would go on to become one of the most famous encounters ever caught on camera, with the Pentagon publicly acknowledging they had no idea what the object was.

While Fravor believes the UFO was not of this Earth, he is certain similar alien technology is being held by governments across the world.

Appearing on Lex Fridman’s podcast last week, he was asked whether it was possible that there was “out of this world” aircraft or beings in possession of governments around the world. “It’s highly possible, if you look at all the sightings,” he said.


25:43 minute video excerpt of David Fravor on the Lex Fridman podcast (‘Lex Clips’ YouTube)



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Did CIA Hire a Psychic to ‘Remote View’ Aliens on Mars?

Article by Nirmal Narayanan                                     September 23, 2020                                     (

• In 1984, the CIA hired an anonymous psychic to conduct a ‘remote viewing’ task to find signs of life on Mars as part of the CIA’s ‘Project Stargate’. This psychic had the ability to remote view Mars while remaining physically on the Earth. In 2017, the CIA released records from the project online.

• Project Stargate was a $20 million classified mission carried out by the US Army with the help of psychics and paranormal investigators.

• The remote viewing psychic claimed to have indeed seen aliens on Mars. He described them as: “… very tall, very large people but they’re very thin. They look thin because of their height and they dress like in, oh hell, it’s like a real light silk, but it’s not flowing type clothing, it’s like cut to fit.” He also claimed to have seen pyramids and building-like structures on Mars.

• The psychic revealed that the aliens on Mars are dying out due to environmental changes, and they are now trying hard to survive. Nick Redfern wrote a book on the declassified CIA ‘Project Stargate’ file, in which he determined that Mars was once a hospitable world with its own civilization. But something disastrous has happened on Mars, resulting in the extinction of most of life on the Red Planet. “When we put together the many and varied anomalies that have been photographed on the surface of the planet – such as the Face on Mars, the ancient pyramids, and even strange lifeforms such as the “Face-Hugger” creature – it’s clear to me that life existed on Mars,” said Redfern. Redfern suggested that aliens could be still living on Mars, and that space agencies like NASA should send a manned mission to there to uncover these mysteries.

• Chief NASA scientist Dr. Jim Green has predicted that alien life could be discovered on Mars in 2021. But Green believes that Earth humans are not ready to accept the realities surrounding an extraterrestrial existence.

[Editor’s Note]  For more information on the CIA’s ‘Project Stargate’, see these three previous ExoArticles: Skilled Army Remote Viewer Reveals Details About The ET Presence On Earth; Army Remote Viewer & NASA Scientist Share the Truth About Life on Mars; and Bizarre Government Experiments and Strange Psychic Powers.


Several space scientists strongly believe that life is not confined to earth, as there could be alien life forms in the deep nooks of the universe thriving in other space bodies. Believing this assumption, the CIA had once hired an anonymous psychic to discover aliens that might be living on Mars.

Project Stargate

According to a report published in the Sun, this psychic allegedly had remote viewing capability, and it helped him to

                        Dr. Jim Green

view the surface of Mars while being on earth. The seemingly creepy experiment took place in 1984 as a part of Project Stargate, a confidential mission carried out by the US Army with the help of psychics and paranormal investigators.

This secretive project cost $20 million, and in 2017, the CIA released records from the project online. It was British investigator Nick Redfern who uncovered CIA’s experiment to discover an alien civilization on the Red Planet.

Psychic Saw Aliens on Mars

Using the alleged remote viewing ability, the psychic claimed to have seen aliens on Mars, and these extraterrestrial beings were unusually tall. He also claimed to have seen pyramids and building-like structures on Mars.

“Ah very tall, very large people but they’re very thin. They look thin because of their height and they dress like in, oh hell, it’s like a real light silk, but it’s not flowing type clothing, it’s like cut to fit,” said the psychic, The Sun reports.



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A Year Later, ‘Storm Area 51’ Still Affects Nevada Town

Article by Christopher Lawrence                                   September 18, 2020                                    (

• September 20th marked the first anniversary of the ‘Storm Area 51’ Facebook event when over two million people responded to a college student’s ‘late-night goof’, and pledged to storm Area 51 to “see them aliens.” Leading up to the event, the world was obsessed with how many people would descend on a tiny town called Rachel, Nevada – 50 miles from anywhere – and what they’d do when they got there.

• The event was thrown into disarray just days before when the young man who coined the phrase “Storm Area 51” severed ties with it. Plans to “storm” the nearby gate at the secretive military facility morphed into a music and arts festival dubbed ‘Alienstock’ for the 2000 or so people who were curious enough to show up.

• As the proprietor of the only business in Rachel, Connie West and her Little A’Le’Inn restaurant and hotel were thrust into the international spotlight. “I’m still not unwound from it,” West says of that wild summer that found media from around the world wandering into her small cafe, “because I have to deal with the aftermath of it every day.” “In this last year (with COVID), we’ve been hit so hard, we’re barely treading water.”

• As a result of this random Facebook meme, Lincoln County, Nevada is out $200,000; two small-business owners lost a combined $250,000; litigation involving the meme’s creator is pending; and Rachel has become divided, with many of its residents no longer speaking to one another. “I’ve known these people for a long, long time,” said West. “Alienstock made me see some ugly in people that I never thought were that deep and ugly, right here in my community.” West estimates the event cost her $200,000, and that tab keeps climbing because of the legal bills. She’s due in court again in late February.

• None of that deterred West from attempting to host another festival in 2020, which was canceled due to the pandemic. “I put a hell of a lot of work into it,” said West. “I had some awesome sponsors.” Those sponsors seem willing to work with her again when it is deemed safe, in 2021 or 2022. “All year, people have reached out to me,” West says. “They want this to happen again.”

• Rachel resident Joerg Arnu says that “The event… deeply divided our town into two camps.” One group backs West and her plans. Arnu leads the other group who wishes that West would just throw in the towel. “There’s a lot of animosity all of a sudden,” says Arnu. “Rachel was a very friendly town, where everybody knew everybody, everybody greeted everybody, waved at everybody. Now it’s come down to the exact opposite. Nobody even wants to talk to anyone anymore.”

• Since the Alienstock festival, Arnu says he’s been harassed, had strangers trespass on his property and has been photographed inside his home via long lenses. He complains of tourists driving through the residential areas of Rachel, and he has reinstalled the security lighting he bought last summer. “Our town that was a very peaceful and quiet place, and friendly place, has changed. I don’t know if it will ever mend, if it will ever go back to how it was,” says Arnu. “I will fight another Alienstock with everything I have.”

• Aside from the town of Rachel, the ‘Area 51 Basecamp’ at the Alien Research Center in Hiko, Nevada also had grand ambitions. British DJ Paul Oakenfold was so excited about the event that he flew from England on his private jet to perform for free on opening night at the center. But so few festival-goers showed up, plans were scrapped and tickets were refunded.

• “I don’t think we have anything to be embarrassed about,” says George Harris, the owner of the Alien Research Center. “And, by the way, I lost a lot of money, because I really thought there was going to be about 25,000 or 30,000 people, so we prepared for a lot.” Instead, 8,500 people stopped by over the course of a couple of days. That discrepancy cost him $42,000, and Harris says it will take him four or five years to pay off the bank loan. But the Alien Research Center was busier than normal for the next several weeks, and Harris says visitors still can’t get enough of his “I Stormed Area 51” merchandise. Like West, he plans to do it again.

• Eric Holt had been Lincoln County’s emergency manager for 18 months when calls started pouring in about ‘Storm Area 51’. A predicted number of 100,000 people coming to Lincoln County was a logistical nightmare in a rugged environment with almost no infrastructure. “We spent a month and a half straight just dedicating all of our resources to planning efforts for this,” Holt recalls. Even the 6,000 people who showed up for the event was “still kind of unheard of for up here” where there are only about fifty permanent residents. Holt says the county’s final costs for that weekend topped $200,000, and that was only because several other agencies offered their services at no charge. “[I]t would have been over $1 million easy.” Holt says that, between the event and the pandemic, it could take years for the full economic impact to be felt. Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak has indicated that help from Carson City isn’t likely.

• The idea to storm Area 51 at 3 a.m. Sept. 20 was born out of late-night boredom as the 20 year old college student Matty Roberts played World of Warcraft while scrolling through Facebook and watching self-proclaimed Area 51 whistleblower Bob Lazar on Joe Rogan’s podcast. Then he watched as the Facebook challenge went viral all over the world. “I was just like, ‘Oh man, the FBI’s going to show up.’ And they did. And I’m pretty sure I’m still on a watchlist.”

• Now, a year later Roberts lives in Bakersfield, California working in a vape shop, waiting for his ‘in person’ college classes to resume, and hoping one day to become an electrician. “It almost feels kind of like a wild fever dream in a way,’ says Roberts. “But I lived that. And that’s kind of bonkers to me. That’s a story not a whole lot of people can tell. I kind of wanna write a book.”

• After he pulled out of the Rachel event, Roberts ended up hosting a party September 19th at the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center, which served as a launch for Bud Light’s limited-edition Area 51-themed beer. Similar parties were planned in Vegas for this summer, including escape rooms and obstacle courses, and a tour of the East Coast. But COVID-19 stopped all of it in its tracks. “I’ve had quite a few people that kind of mentioned that they thought I made millions from this thing,” says Roberts. But in reality, he only sold a few t-shirts.

• Roberts’ legal rights to the term ‘Alienstock’ are part of the legal dispute with Connie West. But would he do the whole thing again some day? “Absolutely. I mean, if we can, I would love to,” Roberts says. “I think whenever it is, and if it is safe to gather again, I’d really like to kind of just keep pursuing the dream.”


                        Joerg Arnu

It seems closer to a generation ago than 12 measly months.

Long before the 2020-ness of life began pulverizing us on a daily basis — back when the biggest thing many of us were concerned about was whether we’d ever get our hands on one of those Popeyes chicken sandwiches — the world was obsessed with how many people would descend on a tiny blip on the Nevada map, 50 miles from anywhere, called Rachel and what they might do when they got there.

Sunday marks the first anniversary of the day on which more than 2 million Facebook users, responding to a college student’s late-night goof, had pledged to storm Area 51 to “see them aliens.”

           George Harris

As a result of that random joke, Lincoln County is out $200,000, two small-business owners lost a combined

                      Connie West

$250,000, litigation is pending and Rachel has become divided, with many of its residents — all of whom could safely gather without violating the state’s 50-person coronavirus guidelines — no longer speaking to one another.

‘I’m still not unwound’

“In this last year, we’ve been hit so hard, we’re barely treading water,” Connie West says.

As the proprietor of the only business in Rachel, the nearest thing

                      Matty Roberts

resembling a town to Area 51, she and her Little A’Le’Inn were thrust into the international spotlight in July 2019 as that Facebook prank went viral.

Plans to breach the nearby gate of the secretive military facility morphed into an ambitious music and

                          Eric Holt

arts festival dubbed Alienstock. The event was thrown into disarray days before, on Sept. 9, when the man who coined the phrase “Storm Area 51” severed ties with it. The resulting four-day festival, put together at the last minute, offered the couple of thousand people curious enough to attend more of a DIY vibe.

“I’m still not unwound from it,” West says of that wild summer that found media from around the world wandering into her small cafe, “because I have to deal with the aftermath of it every day.”

That aftermath includes a lawsuit and countersuit involving the meme’s creator and his team, as well as the wrath of some members of her once-close-knit group of neighbors who remain angry with the way things played out.

“I’ve known these people for a long, long time. … Alienstock made me see some ugly in people that I never thought were that deep and ugly, right here in my community.”



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UK Scientists in Bid to Find Building Blocks of Alien Life on Exoplanets

Article by Sebastian Kettley                                   September 22, 2020                                 (

• Astronomers at the University of Warwick (Coventry/West Midlands, England) have been searching for a more efficient way to measure water vapor on distant gas giant planets when our best telescopes cannot penetrate through the exoplanet’s cloud covering. According to the science paper offered by the University’s Department of Physics, high-resolution spectroscopy technology could be the ticket. Says lead author of the paper, Dr Siddharth Gandhi, “Ground-based high-resolution spectroscopy as well as the next generation of space telescopes will be able to detect these trace species on cloudy planets, offering exciting potential for biosignatures in the future.”

• The hunt for alien life is extremely limited due to the vast distances between planets and the technology currently at our disposal. Rover on nearby rocky planets like Mars take many months looking for signs of life, with no guarantee that they can even detect such life using the technology that they carry with them. We can see light bouncing off of a far more distant exoplanet’s atmosphere, but too often clouds will prevent a light spectrum from penetrating closer to the surface.

• The Warwick scientists’ paper describes a novel way of examining exoplanet atmospheres for water vapor, ammonia, methane, and other chemicals that could be an indicator of life. High-resolution spectroscopy is a potential way of doing that, even where there is a cloudy atmosphere. “The chemical abundances can tell you quite a lot about how the planet may have formed because it leaves its chemical fingerprint on the molecules in the atmosphere,” says Dr Gandhi. As the light skims the top of the atmosphere, its spectrum is shifted and specific wavelengths of light can then be matched to specific chemicals in the air. “Detecting the molecules at the top of the atmosphere… offers a window into the internal structure as the gases mix with the deeper layers.”

• So far, most observations of exoplanets have been carried out using space telescopes like NASA’s Hubble or Spitzer. “Quite a lot of these cooler planets are far too cloudy to get any meaningful constraints with the current generation of space telescopes,” says Dr Gandhi. “But all of this could change if the proposed technology takes off.”


ASTRONOMERS at the University of Warwick have proposed a cutting-edge technique that could detect water on distant exoplanets, boosting the search for alien life.

The hunt for alien life is very limited due to the vast distances between planets and the technology currently at our disposal. Although scientists can send probes and rovers like NASA’s Perseverance Rover to nearby worlds like Mars, these missions take many months before their targets are reached. And even once these missions reach their destinations, there is no guarantee they are well equipped or sophisticated enough to find any signs of extraterrestrial life.

Matters are further complicated when astronomers study distant exoplanets far beyond our reach.

Often times we can catch a glimpse of these planets’ atmosphere by the light bouncing off them, but we cannot see much further than that.

And if dense clouds are in the way, preventing light from penetrating, the planets’ secrets could be forever hidden from sight.

But researchers at the University of Warwick have now proposed high-resolution spectroscopy technology could potentially detect traces of water well above these impenetrable clouds.

The technique, presented in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, could offer a major boost in the hunt for alien life beyond Earth.

Life as we know it requires water to exist as it is one of the building blocks of life alongside carbon-based molecules and energy.



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Laser Weapons in Space Will Shoot Down Missiles

Article by Kris Osborn                                    September 18, 2020                                   (

• The space environment is highly conducive to laser weapons. Laser technology is being developed that carries a multitude of applications, particularly in space. The obvious application is space-based anti-missile laser weapons which can be used at “scalable” levels, ie: they can be used solely for detection and surveillance, or they can be gradually powered-up to stun, disable or destroy a target, or even to simply ‘jam’ enemy weapons or communications networks. A laser can be fired from an orbiting satellite to hit an inter-continental ballistic missile (ICBM) at different phases of the missile’s trajectory.

• Weapons developers are now working on “power-scaling” laser systems to engineer weapons strong enough to incinerate enemy missiles in space. This not only requires range but also power systems sufficient to generate the desired effects. The Pentagon is developing surface ship-fired lasers strong enough to travel out to the boundaries of the Earth’s atmosphere. Defense contractors are working on a new kind of unmanned ‘space drone’ able to travel beyond the Earth’s atmosphere for missile defense, surveillance or attack missions.

• Lasers travel more effectively beyond the earth’s atmosphere and experience less “beam attenuation” or weakening which can often happen due to weather or other obscurants operating closer to Earth. Also, lasers can attenuate at longer ranges, and many beams need to be consolidated into a single weapon to generate enough power to achieve the desired effect.

• A lesser known application is the use of lasers as optical sensors, according to experts with the Air Force Research Laboratory. “Lasers are super useful as optics in space. We view lasers as foundational to our space architecture,” says Colonel Eric Felt, Director, Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles Directorate, Kirtland Air Force Base.


Space-based anti-missile laser weapons calls many military possibilities to mind. After all, there are already different lasers built, some more often

                     Colonel Eric Felt

discussed than others. For instance, is well known that lasers are being explored for intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) defense in space. Moreover, the Missile Defense Agency officials tell The National Interest that weapons developers are now working on “power-scaling” laser systems to engineer weapons strong enough to incinerate enemy missiles in space. This not only requires range but also power systems sufficient to generate the desired effects.

Where would they fire from? Well that is a fascinating question which is already receiving a lot of attention. Lasers could at some point fire directly from satellites to burn holes in ICBMs either in space, during a beginning boost phase or during the terminal phase as it is closing in on a target.

Also, the Pentagon is developing surface ship-fired lasers strong enough to travel out to the boundaries of the earth’s atmosphere. Engineers at firms like Booz Allen Hamilton are already doing conceptual work on the possibility of building new kinds of hardened, space drones or unmanned systems able to travel beyond the earth’s atmosphere for missile defense, surveillance or even attack missions.

Much work still needs to be done, yet initial efforts are beginning to show great promise, as many explain that the space environment is highly conducive to laser weapons. Lasers travel more effectively beyond the Earth’s atmosphere and experience less “beam attenuation” or weakening which can often happen due to weather or other obscurants operating closer to earth. Also, lasers can attenuate at longer ranges, and many beams need to be consolidated into a single weapon to generate enough power to achieve the desired effect.



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“The Phenomenon” Asks ‘Why Are UFOs Visiting Us? What Do They Want?’

Article by Susan Leighton September 17, 2020 (

• October 6th will mark the digital release of the James Fox’ UFO documentary, The Phenomenon. Fox, who is known for a previous UFO related History Channel film, I Know What I Saw, brings out supporting evidence of UFOs from Biblical accounts to modern revelations brought forth by New York Times journalist Leslie Kean of the Pentagon’s AATIP UFO program, and the Navy’s cockpit video of the ‘Tic Tac’ and other types of UFO craft roaming around our skies.

• Narrated by veteran actor Peter Coyote and distributed on digital platforms by 1091 Media, The Phenomenon deals with the government’s ongoing efforts to cover-up the existence of UFOs with testimonies from “high-ranking government officials” including President Clinton, John Podesta and Senator Harry Reid. Audiences will have access to never-seen-before UFO footage.

• NASA rocket engineer, Josef Blumrich, constructed a blueprint of what the “wheel” spaceship depicted in the Old Testament’s Book of Ezekiel might have looked like based on the prophet’s account in the Scriptures. But if UFOs have been visiting us for thousands of years, what do they want? Why are they here?


The Phenomenon is a documentary from the mind of James Fox dealing with UFOs and the government’s ongoing efforts to cover-up their existence.

                          James Fox

Fox is well known for the History Channel film, I Know What I Saw, which featured detailed reports of alien crafts and investigations into the sightings by analysts and experts.

According to Deadline, veteran actor Peter Coyote, who appeared in Steven Spielberg’s, ET the Extra-Terrestrial, narrates the production. The Phenomenon contains testimonies from “high-ranking government officials” including President Clinton, John Podesta and Senator Harry Reid.

Audiences will have access to never seen before UFO footage. Also covered, the hard-hitting revelation of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification (AATIP) program in The New York Times by journalist Leslie Kean. The now famous declassified Navy fighter jet videos of the “Tic-Tac” and “Gimbal” incidences are mentioned, as well.

2:21 minute trailer for 1091’s “Phenomenon” the movie (‘1091 Pictures’ YouTube)



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The New Israeli-Arab Extraterrestrial Accords

Article by Sam Rutzick                             September 17, 2020                        (

• The September 15th Middle Eastern ‘Abraham Accords’ formally normalized Israel’s relationship with both Bahrain and United Arab Emirates. As part of the accords, former rivals Israel and United Arab Emirates have agreed to cooperate in space exploration. In the accords, the signatories pledge a “common interest in establishing and developing mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes,” which may include “joint programs, projects, and activities.”

• Both Israel and the United Arab Emirates have thriving space programs. The Israeli Space Agency has launched a number of satellites, including the Beresheet Lander sent to the Moon in 2019. Unfortunately, the lander crashed into the lunar surface due to a mechanical error. But the fact that the Israeli Space Agency was able to get that close is significant. The only other nations who have been able to get that close to the lunar surface are the Americans, the Chinese, and the Russians.

• The Emirati space program is also significant. Its Al-Amal (Arabic for “Hope”) satellite was launched in July and is expected reach Mars in February where it will monitor Martian weather patterns.

• On August 17, even before the Abraham Accords were signed, Israeli Minister of Science and Technology Izhar Shay said that cooperation was “imminent” and that “[t]he infrastructure is there for the commercial engagements for the sharing of know-how and mutual efforts.” The Israeli lander technology and the Emirates’ Mars shot could combine to culminate in a Mars landing. Emirati and Israeli astronauts plan to join the US on an Artemis moon mission, and the two nations may launch a joint mission to explore the dwarf planet Ceres.

• Clearly, space exploration is no longer the exclusive realm of the world’s superpowers. And whatever objections one might have to spending public dollars on space, scientific cooperation is certainly preferable to political rivalry.


                Al-Amal satellite

The new Middle Eastern accord quite literally reaches for the stars. As part of the deal, inked earlier this week, Israel and United Arab Emirates have committed to cooperate in space exploration.

The Abraham Accords, signed September 15, formally normalized Israel’s relationship with both Bahrain

                Izhar Shay

and United Arab Emirates. While geopolitical concerns have dominated both the substance of the accords and media coverage of the deal, the signatories also pledged a “common interest in establishing and developing mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes,” which may include “joint programs, projects, and activities.”

Both Israel and the United Arab Emirates have thriving space programs. The Israeli Space Agency, founded in 1982, has launched a number of satellites—most notably, in 2019, the Beresheet Lander to the moon. Co-designed and built by the Israeli companies SpaceIL and Israeli Aerospace Industries, Beresheet was launched on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and made it all the way to the Moon for less than $100 million dollars.

Unfortunately, the Beresheet lander crashed into the lunar surface due to a mechanical error. Still, the fact that the Israeli Space Agency was able to get that close is significant. The only other nations who have been able to get that close to the lunar surface are the Americans, the Chinese, and the Russians.



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Were Aliens Present at the Birth of Jesus Christ? Ask Tom DeLonge

Article by Joe Divita                                     September 16, 2020                                      (

• Over this past summer, former rock star Tom Delonge spoke with The Guardian about his lifelong obsession with aliens. Lately, he has become a high-profile voice within the UFO disclosure community as a founder of ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science’ which helped to release the US Navy cockpit videos of UFOs and is now working with the US Army on UFO related research. He is also featured in History Channel’s Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation.

• DeLonge doesn’t consider the government cover-up of extraterrestrials and UFOs to be ‘conspiratorial’. “Anybody can go on to the CIA website and read thousands of reports (on UFOs),” says DeLonge. “There’s just a vacuum of conversation. Our government has had decades of the very difficult burden of dealing with something that is extremely advanced but poorly understood. They need time to dig into this, to understand it, to gather data and analyze it.”

• “People need to buckle up, open their minds and stop talking about, you know, aliens and extraterrestrials, because I have a feeling that that’s not exactly what it is,” DeLonge said. “I can’t say much, but I do know there have been moments when certain presidents have come close (to disclosing the alien presence).” The issue is whether the public can digest full disclosure of extraterrestrials and UFO technology. “That’s scary for people in the Pentagon when they’re trying to keep civilization duct-taped together,” says DeLonge.

• DeLonge believes that the evidence shows that alien beings have been present on this Earth for thousands of years. He cites cave drawings depicting abductions and even suggested that a spacecraft may have presided over the birth of Jesus Christ. “Things were written in text thousands of years ago, like hearing voices in your head, or a burning bush that was talking. The ancient texts may have called it God, but I’m just saying it’s not that simple.” DeLonge continued, “The star of Bethlehem – was that a star or a craft? Because a star is really big. It wouldn’t be hovering over a manger.”

[Editor’s Note]   Here, Tom DeLonge is setting up the next nugget of UFO disclosure that the Pentagon will allow him to reveal. Apparently, he and his Pentagon pals don’t think that the public can handle full disclosure of the truly ubiquitous extraterrestrial presence, much less how far the US deep state has expanded its secret space program using extraterrestrial technology. So first, they want the public to start getting used to the idea that UFOs and the beings that fly in them are real. Then they will let us in on who these beings really are. This long drawn out type of ‘limited hangout’ disclosure – only giving bits and pieces of the picture – is what the deep state military industrial complex has in mind, and it will take decades if they have their way.

Don’t be surprised if we are told that the UFOs are really our Earth human descendants who in the future have gained advanced spaceship technology and, due to a time warp, they keep appearing now and then in our skies. Earlier in the summer, Corey Goode was briefed on this ‘limited hangout’ scenario. Corey reported his briefing to Dr Michael Salla as follows: “POTUS’ ‘Roswell Briefings’ are basically this: Roswell was not an alien event. It was a mishap from us in the future. POTUS is told that the majority of the lights seen in the sky are from our own craft operating in the future and creating a temporal butterfly effect. They are told that what the ancients saw in the sky was often the exact same phenomenon….” Corey Goode continues: “POTUS is under the impression that because of tests being run in Roswell during the same time that future craft were operating in that space at a later time… that it caused the craft to pull into the past and crash, thus beginning the new tech boom after WWII.” You can read an extensive essay on limited hangout scenarios and what else Corey had to say in Dr Salla’s previous ExoArticle: “Roswell UFO Crash to be Officially Disclosed as Time-Traveling Future Humans”.


a UFO hovering over the ‘Baptism of of Jesus Christ’

Former Blink-182 member Tom DeLonge has become an increasingly high-profile voice within the extraterrestrial community. He’s not just spewing

painting of the birth of Christ with a UFO in the background

conspiratorial nonsense — his To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science struck a research deal with the U.S. Army and the nation’s Navy even published UFO videos shared by To The Stars. Now, he’s suggested that aliens presided over the birth of Christian deity Jesus Christ.

Season 2 of the musician/alien researcher’s History Channel program Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation aired over the summer and he spoke with The Guardian about his lifelong obsession with aliens.

DeLonge isn’t quick to attribute every mysterious aircraft sighting (now referred to as UAP — unidentifiedaerial phenomenon) to otherwordly inhabitants/cosmic joyriders. “People need to buckle up, open their minds and stop talking about, you know, aliens and extraterrestrials, because I have a feeling that that’s not exactly what it is,” he said.

Quick to disown the idea that his research and other efforts are mere ballyhoo and that there is a dedicated practice of governments covering up the existence of extraterrestrial life, potentially even on Earth itself, DeLonge charged, “It’s not conspiratorial. Anybody can go on to the CIA website and read thousands of reports. There’s just a vacuum of conversation. Our government has had decades of the very difficult burden of dealing with something that is extremely advanced but poorly understood. They need time to dig into this, to understand it, to gather data and analyze it.”

        Tom DeLonge
  what are medieval artists trying to tell us?

He also understood the sensitivity of such rattling revelations if world leaders were to disclose with the general public that alien life had indeed been confirmed. “I can’t say much, but I do know there have been moments when certain presidents have come close,” explained DeLonge. “The issue always becomes: how are people going to digest this if we hit them over the head with a giant sledgehammer? That’s scary for people in the Pentagon when they’re trying to keep civilization duct-taped together.”

As for the idea of an enduring presence of alien visitors on Earth, DeLonge cited cave drawings depicting abductions and even suggested that a spacecraft could have been presiding over the birth of Jesus Christ.

“Things were written in text thousands of years ago, like hearing voices in your head, a burning bush that was talking. The ancient texts may have called it God, but I’m just saying it’s not that simple,” DeLonge urged, wondering aloud, “The star of Bethlehem – was that a star or a craft? Because a star is really big. It wouldn’t be hovering over a manger.”



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Venus Is a ‘Russian Planet,’ Says Roscosmos Chief

September 15, 2020                               (

• Following new research published in the journal Nature Astronomy of British and American scientists’ discovery of phosphine gas in Venus’ clouds, suggesting the possibility that there might be extraterrestrial life in Venusian clouds (see yesterday’s ExoArticle here) the chief of the Russian space agency ‘Roscosmos’, Dmitry Rogozin, contended that prior research by Russian scientists has indicated that Venus is inhospitable to life.

• “Our country was the first and only one to successfully land on Venus,” Rogozin told the audience at the 2020 HeliRussia exhibition. “The [Russian] spacecraft gathered information about the planet. [I]t is like hell over there.” He assured the audience that, as such, Venus is a “Russian planet”.

• While the Russian space agency still plans to carry out the Venera-D mission in cooperation with the United States this coming decade, Roscosmos announced plans to launch an independent Russian expedition to Venus as well, without international cooperation.

• ‘Breakthrough Initiatives’, a program funded by Russian billionaire Yuri Milner in association with SETI, announced that it will fund a study into the possibility of life in Venus’ clouds, led by Sara Seager from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Venus is a “Russian planet,” the head of Russia’s state space agency said Tuesday following new research that suggests there could be life on the

                      Dmitry Rogozin

second planet from the sun.

The research, published in the journal Nature Astronomy on Monday, details British and American scientists’ discovery of phosphine gas in Venus’ clouds and puts forward possible theories for its origin, including that of extraterrestrial life.

Speaking at the 2020 HeliRussia exhibition, Roscosmos chief Dmitry Rogozin said prior research by Russian scientists indicated that the planet is inhospitable to life.

“Our country was the first and only one to successfully land on Venus,” Rogozin said. “The [Russian] spacecraft gathered information about the planet — it is like hell over there.”

Roscosmos also announced plans Tuesday to launch an independent Russian expedition to Venus “without involving wide international cooperation.” The expedition will take place in addition to the previously planned Venera-D mission, which is being carried out in cooperation with the United States.



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A Chemical on Venus Hints at Possible Life, Says Study

Article by Becky Ferreira                                 September 14, 2020                                (

• Jane Greaves and her fellow astronomers at Cardiff University wanted to dial into the Atacama Telescope Array in Chile and the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope in Hawaii to look for ‘biosignatures’, or ‘signs of life’ on the planet Venus (pictured above). Lo and behold, they identified the spectral fingerprints of the gas, phosphine – a compound produced by some lifeforms on Earth – at about 20 parts-per-billion in the Venusian clouds, according to a study published September 14th in Nature Astronomy.

• Greaves cautioned that the discovery of phosphine is “not robust evidence for life” on Venus. While it may be produced by certain lifeforms on Earth, the research team notes that “phosphine could originate from unknown photochemistry or geochemistry, or, by analogy with biological production of phosphine on Earth, from the presence of life.”

• Greaves and her colleagues simulated possible alternative sources of phosphine that might arise on Venus without any help from life, including photochemical reactions, lightning or meteorites. None of those scenarios can explain the presence of phosphine on Venus, which means a ‘biotic origin’ cannot be ruled out at this point.

• Venus is notoriously inhospitable to life on its surface. The environment in the Venusian skies, about 30 to 40 miles above its surface, is far friendlier and has been characterized as relatively Earth-like. But Venus is woefully unexplored compared to the Moon and Mars, leaving scientists with huge knowledge deficits about its intricate natural processes. “[T]o determine whether there is life in the clouds of Venus, substantial modelling and experimentation will be [needed],” the team concluded.


  James Clerk Maxwell Telescope in Hawaii

Scientists have detected tantalizing traces of a gas on Venus that may indicate the presence of alien life

      Atacama Telescope Array in Chile

in its clouds, according to a bombshell study published on Monday in Nature Astronomy.

This discovery of phosphine, a compound produced by some lifeforms on Earth, is “not robust evidence for life” on Venus, emphasized researchers led by Jane Greaves, an astronomer at Cardiff University.

However, there’s currently no abiotic explanation for the presence of the gas, which means a biotic origin cannot be ruled out at this point.

The presence of phosphine remains “unexplained after exhaustive study” that yielded “no currently known abiotic production routes” in Venus’s atmosphere, clouds, surface, or subsurface, Greaves and her colleagues said in the study.

“Phosphine could originate from unknown photochemistry or geochemistry, or, by analogy with biological production of phosphine on Earth, from the presence of life,” the team added.

Venus is notoriously inhospitable to life on its surface, which is a hellscape of nightmarish proportions. But the environment in the Venusian skies, about 30 to 40 miles above its tortured landscape, is far friendlier, and has been characterized as relatively Earthlike.



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Japanese Military Says It Will Track UFOs

Article by MJ Banias                                      September 15, 2020                                       (

• In April, the Japanese Ministry of Defense announced that it would begin drafting guidelines on tracking and investigating UFO sightings. On September 14th, Japanese Defense Minister Taro Kono instructed the Japanese Self Defense Forces to record and report any UFO sightings in Japan’s airspace, to assess any data collected, and to investigate any credible sightings.

• A Japanese press release on September 4th reported that US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper spoke with Kono about the UAP issue at a meeting in Guam on August 29th. According to UFO researcher Giuliano Marinkovic, Kono stated that while he could not go into detail, the two nations would work closely together on the UFO/UAP issue. A Pentagon press release confirmed the meeting between Esper and Kono in Guam, stating that the two nations will work together to operate an “integrated air and missile defense” system, as well as enhancing the integration of “intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance functions.” The Pentagon brief also mentions the strengthening of its “secure networks and security to protect advanced defense technologies.”

• According to the Japanese Defense Minister Kono, there have been no cases of Japanese Self Defense Force pilots encountering UFOs. Kono said that while he personally does not believe in otherworldly UFOs, he is interested in the findings the United States may have regarding the subject. In August, the Pentagon announced the formation of a UAP Task Force to investigate incursions of unknown objects in US airspace. Evidence exists that the US Navy has been operating this task force out of the Office of Naval Intelligence since 2018 in response to the shuttering of the Pentagon’s preceding UFO program, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, in 2012.


  Japanese Defense Minister Taro Kono

On Monday, Japanese Defense Minister Taro Kono instructed Japanese military personnel on what to do if they spot unidentified aerial objects that could potentially pose a threat to national security.

According to Japanese news agencies, Kono instructed the Japanese Self Defence Forces to record and

     US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper

report any sightings of unknown objects in Japan’s airspace. The move comes just weeks after Kono spoke with U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper in a conversation that apparently touched on UFOs.

Taking a lead from the United States, Kono also tasked the SDF to assess any data collected and investigate any credible sightings.

In April, the Japanese Ministry of Defence announced that it would begin drafting guidelines on tracking and investigating UFO sightings. Citing the United State’s release of three videos shot by Naval aviators of unknown objects in 2004 and 2015, Kono expressed that while he personally does not believe in the otherworldly nature of UFOs, he is interested in the findings the United States may come to regarding the subject. In early August, the Pentagon announced the formation of a UAP Task Force to investigate incursions of unknown objects in US airspace. Evidence exists that the United States Navy has been operating this task force out of the Office of Naval Intelligence since 2018 in response to the shuttering of the Pentagon’s UFO program, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or AATIP, in 2012.



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NASA Seeks Out Self-Funded Explorers to Mine Moon Dirt

Article from Bloomberg News                               September 11, 2020                                 (

• Although NASA’s Artemis program aims to land astronauts on the Moon in 2024, the space agency has put out a general offer to procure Moon rocks from anyone who plans on going to the Moon before then, whether they be private corporations or other nations’ space programs. They’ll only get paid $15,000 to $25,000, but they don’t need to actually bring the rocks back to Earth. Just tag and document them as sold. NASA isn’t as interested in Moon rocks as they are in setting a legal precedent for mining resources on the lunar surface that would allow NASA to one day collect ice, helium or other materials useful to colonies on the Moon and, some day Mars.

• Activities beyond the Earth are governed by the United Nations Outer Space Treaty of 1967, to which the U.S. is a signee. The 1967 Treaty bars extraterrestrial military bases or nuclear weapons, and basically requires nations to explore in peace and clean up their own mess. The treaty stipulates that outer space is not subject to “national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means”. But it does not specifically address space mining. “It’s time for regulatory certainty to extract and trade space resources,” says NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine.

• The winning bidder will collect about a pound of lunar regolith (ie: ‘rocks’), photograph it, document its location and then “conduct an ‘in-place’ transfer of ownership of the lunar or rocks to NASA. NASA will sort out the retrieval plans for the material at a later date. NASA will pay only for the lunar material that is collected. The contractor will be responsible for all costs associated with the mission.

• India is planning a second try at landing a rover on the Moon after its first attempt failed in September 2019. A $100M privately funded Israeli mission to land on the lunar surface failed in April 2019. In March 2018, Google and the XPrize Foundation ended its $30M lunar competition after multiple private teams were unable to launch and land a small rover on the Moon and to drive it at least 1,640 feet.


Nasa wants to buy some moon rocks, and it’s seeking out companies to make space mining trips so that it can establish a legal framework for its galactic aspirations.

    NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine

The agency is soliciting bids from explorers anywhere on Earth who are willing to finance their own trips to the moon and collect soil or rock samples without actually returning the material to earth. The effort is meant to set a legal precedent for mining on the lunar surface that would allow Nasa to one day collect ice, helium or other materials useful to colonies on the moon and, eventually, Mars.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration also wants to demonstrate the potential for “in situ resource utilisation”, or using locally sourced materials for future space missions, it said on Thursday. Nasa anticipates paying roughly between US$15,000 to US$25,000 per moon contract, agency Administrator Jim Bridenstine said, though final pricing will be determined by the competition.

Activities beyond the earthly plane are currently governed by the United Nations Outer Space Treaty of 1967. Signed by the United States, it bars extraterrestrial military bases or nuclear weapons and basically requires nations to explore in peace and clean up their own messes.



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Why the US is Risking a Pearl Harbor in Space

Article by Brandon J. Weichert                              September 12, 2020                                    (

• For the last decade, Beijing and Moscow have both reorganized their militaries — and developed weapons to wage a space war against the United States. President Trump created the US Space Force and charged it with ensuring American dominance in space. But over the past 20 years, US leaders have failed to maintain American dominance in space. The situation is now so precarious that we could see another “Pearl Harbor” in space.

• Without the Space Force, America’s satellites would be left completely open to attack. Still, Space Force is criticized, lampooned, or opposed based only on partisan politics. It has received no support from the US Air Force, as it thinks that the Space Force will siphon funding and resources away from it. Congress itself has not adequately resourced the new military branch, and in-fighting at the Pentagon has not helped.

• Meanwhile, China has developed multiple ways of deactivating or destroying an orbiting satellite, from powerful lasers that can blind American satellites to ground-based anti-satellite (ASAT) rockets. In 2007, China demonstrated its capabilities by launching an ASAT weapon to decimate a derelict Chinese weather satellite, thereby creating the largest debris field in human history. Beijing even has the ability to “spoof” American GPS satellites, to confuse American military units and weapons in times of war.

• On September 3rd, China launched a reusable spacecraft that, before returning to Earth three days later, released a smaller object that still remains in orbit today. There is concern that this device is an offensive “space stalker” designed to covertly tailgate American satellites and push them from their orbits. (see ExoArticle here) Russia has nearly identical counter-space capabilities. As recently as July, the US and UK governments accused Russia of illegally testing a space stalker in orbit.

• Without the dominant protection of our assets in space, US forces patrolling the South China Sea could find themselves under attack and unable to respond due to our satellites being disabled. Russia could do the same to nudge US satellites out of orbit, rendering vulnerable our NATO forces in Eastern Europe. Space Force will need considerably more support and less bureaucratic squabbling to provide this essential protection – and it must happen in relatively short order.

[Editor’s Note]   The US’ military and those of China and Russia are well aware of the United States’ vast but undisclosed secret space program which is decades ahead of anything that the Chinese or the Russians have. Starting with Space Force, President Trump is consolidating our disparate space assets and programs to secure space dominance in near orbit (cis-lunar) space while the Navy’s Solar Warden will continue to patrol the solar system and deep space. Not that there aren’t other advanced space programs out there to worry about, such as the Draco Reptilian fleet and the Nazi Dark Fleet. But from an exopolitical standpoint, China and Russia are the least of our worries.


For the last decade, Beijing and Moscow have both reorganized their militaries — and developed weapons — to wage a space war against the United States. The situation is now so precarious that America could face a Pearl Harbor in space.

As far back as 2007, China shocked the world when it launched an antisatellite (ASAT) weapon into low-Earth orbit and decimated a derelict weather satellite. ASAT technology is not new but the way China deployed it was both irresponsible and aggressive. Traditionally, countries have publicly announced when they planned to conduct ASAT tests, because they could damage satellites passing by the test site. China told no one. Then, China’s ASAT test created the largest debris field in human history. It also signaled to the West that China was ready for a new form of combat.

China has invested heavily in lasers powerful enough to blind American satellites. Beijing has also developed the ability to “spoof” American GPS satellites, which could confuse American military units and weapons in times of war. On Sept. 3, China surprised the world when it launched a reusable spacecraft that, before returning to Earth three days later, released a smaller object that still remains in orbit today. There is concern that this device is an offensive “space stalker” designed to covertly tailgate American satellites and push them from their orbits.

Russia has nearly identical counterspace capabilities. As recently as July, the US and UK governments accused Russia of illegally testing a space stalker in orbit.

This is all deeply worrying. Either Beijing or Moscow could use their technological might to rewrite the geopolitical order in their favor. US forces patrolling the South China Sea, for example, could find themselves under attack from China but unable to call for reinforcements or coordinate a viable defense — simply because their critical satellites have been destroyed before the siege began.

Similarly, Russia could disable NATO forces charged with defending an Eastern European state — simply by nudging US satellites out of orbit.



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The Pentagon Has No Intention of Sharing UFO Information

Article by Jazz Shaw                                  September 10, 2020                                         (

• All of the UFO/UAP (‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena’) news this summer created a considerable excitement in the air. Florida Senator Marco Rubio made an unprecedented request for a report from the Pentagon’s UAP Task Force. Most people, civilians and government officials alike, didn’t even know we HAD a UFO task force. Then the Pentagon came out and officially announced the ‘formation’ of the task force. Then the NY Times published an article alluding to additional programs and an acknowledgment of a government “crash retrieval program” that could be in possession of “off-world materials”. Heady stuff.

• Journalist Roger Glassel contacted Pentagon UAP spokesperson Susan Gough with some specific questions about the new task force. Ms. Gough provided answers in a professional fashion, but seemingly doused most hopes for some new era of government transparency on the subject.

• Question: Will the public be informed about any findings from the UAPTF of the nature and/or origins of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena?   Answer: “[T]o avoid disclosing information that may be useful to our adversaries, DOD does not discuss publicly the details of either the observations or the examination of reported incursions into our training ranges or designated airspace, including those incursions initially designated as UAP.” (ie: “No.”)

• Question: Will the newly established UAP Task Force look into other aspects of the nature and origins of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, or will the UAPTF just look at the aspect of UAP being a potential threat to U.S. national security?   Answer: “The Department of Defense established the [task force] to improve its understanding of, and gain insight into, the nature and origins of UAP incursions into our training ranges and designated airspace. The mission of the task force is to detect, analyze and catalog UAP incursions that could potentially pose a threat to U.S. national security. (ie: Pentagon is sticking to its position that they have no curiosity as to what these things are or where they came from, and are solely focusing on the potential national security threat, severely limiting the scope of what might be examined.)

• To summarize, the Pentagon’s UFO task force will take reports about UAP encounters if they might constitute a threat to national security and they promise to do a better job collecting and correlating such reports. But they won’t be releasing any of it for public consumption. The same goes for the Senate Intelligence Committee and the report the “requested”. That committee request may not even make it to the House bill, much less law. Furthermore, Congress hasn’t tied the request to any funding, so the DoD is under no obligation to comply. They can simply thank Congress for their input and proceed to ignore them, just as Ms Gough evaded the journalist’s questions.

• If there’s going to be any serious UFO disclosure it’s going to be up to the private sector and organizations such as Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’, or whistleblowers like Luis Elizondo, or some high-ranking deathbed confessions – which the Pentagon can deny or obfuscate.


                 Roger Glassel

Some disappointing news on the UFO front came out this week, likely dampening the hopes of many people in the ufology community who have been eagerly looking forward to some sort of forthcoming disclosure from the government on this subject. As regular readers are already aware, there was considerable excitement in the air this summer following a number of revelations and surprising announcements on the topic of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs). First we saw a request from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, led by Marco Rubio, for a public report from the Pentagon’s UAP Task Force. This came as quite a surprise to people, including many in the government, who didn’t even know that we had a UAP Task Force.

           Susan Gough

That was followed by an official announcement of the formation of the task force by the Pentagon. After that, major newspapers such as the New York Times began digging into the subject, even raising the prospect of the potential disclosure of additional programs that might even include an acknowledgment of a government “crash retrieval program” that could be in possession of “off-world materials.

This led journalists in the ufology field to press the Pentagon for additional details. One such person was investigative journalist Roger Glassel, who contacted Pentagon UAP spokesperson Susan Gough with a number of specific questions about the new task force and its anticipated activities as they proceed to compile existing information on UAP encounters by the military and create channels for the collection of future reports. I first saw the article teased on Twitter.

The answers Roger received give us the disappointing news I alluded to above. Ms. Gough (which is pronounced “Goff,” by the way, as I only learned from her this week) provided Glassel with answers in a professional fashion, but seemingly doused most hopes for some new era of government transparency on the subject. Here are two of the key questions that produced bad news.



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SETI Survey of Vela Region Finds No Signs of ET Intelligence

Article by News Staff                                 September 8, 2020                              (

• Astronomers searching for technosignatures of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations using the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) radio telescope (in Western Australia) published their findings in a paper that appears in the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. “The MWA is a unique telescope, with an extraordinarily wide field-of-view that allows us to observe millions of stars simultaneously,” said Dr. Chenoa Tremblay, an astronomer at the CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science.

• Dr. Tremblay and her colleague, Professor Steven Tingay from the Curtin University node of the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (in Perth), searched for narrow-band radio signals consistent with radio transmissions from six known exoplanets and 10,355,066 stellar systems in the Vela region of our Milky Way Galaxy.

• “The telescope was searching for powerful radio emissions at frequencies similar to FM radio frequencies, that could indicate the presence of an intelligent source,” said Dr. Tremblay. “We observed the sky around the constellation of Vela for 17 hours, looking more than 100 times broader and deeper than ever before.”

• “Even though this was the broadest search yet,” said Professor Tingay, “… we found no technosignatures – no sign of intelligent life.” “[E]ven though this was a really big study, the amount of space we looked at was the equivalent of trying to find something in the Earth’s oceans but only searching a volume of water equivalent to a large backyard swimming pool.”

• “Since we can’t really assume how possible alien civilizations might utilize technology, we need to search in many different ways,” said Professor Tingay. “Although there is a long way to go in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, telescopes such as the MWA will continue to push the limits – we have to keep looking.”

[Editor’s Note]   I’m certain that many of these astronomers working with SETI are unaware that SETI is a Deep State front whose purpose is to make sure that scientists and astronomers do not find any intelligent extraterrestrials. The game is rigged to maintain the Deep State’s seventy-five year psyop, convincing the public that there is no such thing as UFOs and there are no extraterrestrial beings anywhere near here, when the exact opposite is the truth. I wonder how these unwitting scientists and astronomers are going to react to the imminent disclosure of the ubiquitous presence of advanced extraterrestrial beings and civilizations everywhere; that they have been lied to by their superiors; and that they themselves have been promoting Deep State disinformation all of this time.


     Dr. Chenoa Tremblay

Astronomers using the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) radio telescope have searched for technosignatures —

       Steven Tingay

indicators of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations — in six known exoplanets and over 10 million stellar systems in the Vela region of our Milky Way Galaxy. But in this part of the Milky Way at least, it appears alien civilizations are elusive, if they exist.

“The MWA is a unique telescope, with an extraordinarily wide field-of-view that allows us to observe millions of stars simultaneously,” said Dr. Chenoa Tremblay, an astronomer at the CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science.

Dr. Tremblay and her colleague, Professor Steven Tingay from the Curtin University node of the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, searched for narrow-band signals consistent with radio transmissions from six known exoplanets (HD 75289b, HD 73526b, HD 73526c, HD 70642b, DE0823-49b and KELT-15b) and 10,355,066 stellar systems in the Vela region.

“The telescope was searching for powerful radio emissions at frequencies similar to FM radio frequencies, that could indicate the presence of an intelligent source,” she explained.



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