Scientists Find ‘Odd Radio Circles’ Emitting Ring-Like Pulses in Space

Article by Anna Savva                               July 10, 2020                               (

• During a survey by the Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder telescope, astrophysicists’ cameras discovered unexplained radio wave patterns being emitted from an invisible force in deep space, possibly from another galaxy. The waves take the form of blasts of colorful circular objects, lending to its name, ‘Odd Radio Circles’.

Nature Astronomy reports that researchers concluded that it is a ‘never before recorded phenomenon’. No optical, infrared or x-ray source could be traced to the pulses. The extraordinary study offers a tantalizing glimpse of a deep space mystery that could one day yield answers about the mysteries of the universe.

• The circular pulses were found to match a similar radio wave structure located in March 2013. But rather than normal sphere space objects – like remnants of dying stars as well as proto-planetary discs – these new ones “appear to be a new class of astronomical objects”. “The objects appear in radio images as circular edge-brightened discs about one arcmin diameter, and do not seem to correspond to any known type of object,” the astrophysicists wrote. “We speculate that they may represent a spherical shock wave from an extra-galactic transient event, or the outflow, or a remnant, from a radio galaxy viewed end-on.”

• Speaking of weird radio signals coming from another galaxy, this past February, ‘Fast Radio Bursts’ were documented at the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment in in British Columbia. (see previous ExoArticle here) The ‘FRBs’ were coming from a galaxy some 500 million light-years from our solar system sending out fast radio bursts like clockwork. The cycle stretches over a roughly 16 day period, including 1-2 bursts per hour over a four-day period and then a 12-day gap before it starts again.

• Such signals have long given fuel to theories about extraterrestrial life existing elsewhere across the cosmos.


Astrophysicists have discovered unexplained radio wave patterns being emitted from an invisible force in deep space.

Known as ‘Odd Radio Circles’ or ORC, it’s believed they may be coming from a mysterious structure from another galaxy, unseen by human eyes.

The waves take the form of blasts of colourful circular objects, which were pinpointed by cameras during a survey by the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder telescope (ASKA).

Despite searching for an optical, infrared, or X-ray source to the pulses, none could be traced, leaving experts baffled.

Researchers have concluded it is a never before recorded phenomenon, a review in Nature Astronomy reports.

The results of the extraordinary study are still to be peer-reviewed but offer a tantalising glimpse of a deep space mystery that could one day yield answers about the mysteries of the universe.

Researchers zoomed in on the objects during a survey of the universe using the ASKA.

After three snaps of the mysterious ORCS were captured they were compared to the existing archive and found to match a similar radio wave structure located in March 2013.

The authors of the study note radio images are normally sphere space objects – like remnants of dying stars as well as proto-planetary discs
These new ORCs by contrast “appear to be a new class of astronomical objects” they said.



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NASA Awards SETI Institute Planetary Protection Support Contract

July 10, 2020                           (

• Upcoming NASA science missions such as the Mars 2020 and Europa Clipper missions, and NASA’s Mars Sample Return mission, NASA’s Artemis program’s Gateway lunar orbital outpost, Human Lander System, and Commercial Lunar Payload Services initiative, all will need to be in compliance with planetary protection standards. ‘Planetary Protection’s’ role is to protect both Earth and mission destinations from biological contamination.

• NASA has awarded the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California, a $4.7 million ‘indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity’ contract for five years to head NASA’s Planetary Protection Program beginning July 1st. To ensure compliance with planetary protection standards, SETI (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence). The SETI Institute will work with NASA’s Office of Planetary Protection to provide technical reviews and recommendations, validate biological cleanliness on flight projects, provide training for NASA and its partners, develop guidelines for implementation of NASA requirements, and disseminate information to stakeholders and the public.

• “The depth of mission experience and breadth of knowledge on the SETI Institute team will help NASA meet the technical challenges of assuring forward and backward planetary protection on the anticipated path of human exploration from the Moon to Mars,” said Lisa Pratt, NASA’s planetary protection officer at NASA Headquarters in Washington.

• “[P]lanetary protection [has become] an increasingly important component of mission planning and execution,” said Bill Diamond, president and chief executive officer of the SETI Institute. “We are proud to be NASA’s partner for this mission-critical function, protecting Earth from backward contamination, and helping ensure that the life we may find on other worlds, didn’t come from our own.”

• NASA and the SETI Institute have worked together on planetary protection for more than a decade and have developed a strong relationship and core competency in this area. SETI Institute scientists have extensive experience in understanding microbial life and how it can affect missions, even in the extreme conditions of spaceflight and extraterrestrial environments.

[Editor’s Note]   “SETI Institute scientists have extensive experience in understanding microbial life and how it can affect missions”? Really? Isn’t SETI the deep state pseudo-agency puppet that has been monitoring radio waves for signs of extraterrestrial signals since Frank Drake in 1960? Is this the same SETI who had to turn to private financing because of the ridicule they were taking from Congress? Now we learn that these astronomers who peer through telescopes all day, also have a knack for detecting microbial contamination on NASA spacecraft traveling to and from the Moon and Mars. The only thing that SETI has ever been tasked to do is to pretend to search for intelligent ETs and never find any, when everyone knows that they’re all around us and have been for the past century. Now, another deep state pseudo-agency puppet, NASA, is giving SETI the responsibility of preventing REAL microbial contamination in REAL space? Is this a joke? Or is it just a money transfer between two deep state toadies for some other agenda?


        SETI’s Bill Diamond

NASA has awarded the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California, a contract to support all phases of current and future planetary protection missions to ensure compliance with planetary protection standards.

The SETI Institute will work with NASA’s Office of Planetary Protection (OPP) to provide technical reviews and recommendations, validate biological cleanliness on flight projects, provide training for NASA and its partners, as well as develop guidelines for implementation of NASA requirements, and disseminate information to stakeholders and the public. The role of OPP is to promote responsible exploration of the solar system by protecting both Earth and mission destinations from biological contamination.

        NASA’s Lisa Pratt

“The depth of mission experience and breadth of knowledge on the SETI Institute team will help NASA meet the technical challenges of assuring forward and backward planetary protection on the anticipated path of human exploration from the Moon to Mars,” said Lisa Pratt, NASA’s planetary protection officer at NASA Headquarters in Washington.

Planetary protection preserves environments, as well as the science, ensuring verifiable scientific exploration for extraterrestrial life. Some of the upcoming NASA science missions that will be supported by this contract include the Mars 2020 and Europa Clipper missions, and preparations for NASA’s Mars Sample Return mission. In addition, future human spaceflight exploration under NASA’s Artemis program, such as the Gateway lunar orbital outpost, the Human Lander System, and Commercial Lunar Payload Services initiative, will be supported under this contract, as part of America’s Moon to Mars exploration approach.

The contract is a fixed-price indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract with a maximum award value of $4.7 million over a five-year period that began July 1.



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How a NASA Scientist Explains the Truth Behind Moon Conspiracy

Article by Sebastian Kettley                              July 8, 2020                               (

• On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong (pictured above) and Buzz Aldrin became the first men to stand on the surface of the Moon. A popular story is that Armstrong encountered an extraterrestrial presence on the Moon’s surface that forced NASA to drastically alter its lunar plans. Three Apollo missions were canceled, and Apollo 17 became NASA’s final Moon landing in 1972. The space agency’s goals were refocused on constructing an operational space station in low Earth orbit. An unused Saturn V rocket from one of the canceled missions was repurposed and transformed into Skylab – the US’s first space station – which was operational for about 24 weeks between 1973 and 1974. For the past twenty years, astronauts have been living on the International Space Station.

• The seeming lack of progress in NASA Moon missions led many to question whether the Moon landings ever happened at all, or if something had prevented the agency from returning. On December 18, 2007, the NASA Lunar Science Institute was asked directly whether the reason that NASA had not gone back to the Moon was because Armstrong saw alien base camps on Moon. Astrophysicist and interim director for the institute at the time, Dr David Morrison answered, “Although you would never know this from the distorted perspective of some groups that post crazy claims on the internet, there is no scientific evidence for UFOs or aliens; no aliens or alien artifacts were seen on the Apollo or any other human space missions; and such false claims are irrelevant to the space policy of the United States or NASA.” “Fringe groups who believe in UFOs and aliens do not influence NASA space policy, fortunately.”

• In November 2017, Dr Morrison was asked again if it was true that Armstrong saw an alien base camp on the far side of the Moon, and whether other “missionaries” had been sent to the Moon as well. Dr Morrison replied, “It is not true. …There were no aliens on the Moon. Armstrong and other Apollo astronauts saw no evidence of aliens either on the near-side or the far-side of the Moon.” “You seem to be confusing science fiction with reality.” And “they were not missionaries,” Morrison added.

• “Believe me,” said Dr Morrison, “reality is more interesting than this sort of fantasy. And in addition, it is real.” Morrison claimed that the Apollo program was cut short as a result of drastic budget cuts that made the Moon landing effort unfeasible.”There are many complex issues that have determined our human space program for the past 30 years, mostly dealing with politics, technology, and availability of funding.”

[Editor’s Note]  We know from several sources that Armstrong did see extraterrestrial craft during his visit to the Moon in 1969. Because he was under a strict non-disclosure order, he became close-mouthed and reticent to discuss his feat for the rest of his life, which is strange being the first man to walk on the Moon (as far as the mainstream public is aware).

We know why Armstrong remained quiet about his encounter with alien craft. The question here is why is Dr Morrison claiming that “there were no aliens on the Moon…(there is) no evidence of aliens either on the near-side or the far-side of the Moon,” “… (there is) no scientific evidence for UFOs or aliens…or alien artifacts…”? Is he lying as directed or simply ignorant of the truth? We have learned that the NASA space agency is really two organizations. The NASA that the public sees is merely a front for the Uber-NASA that is far more advanced than its public counterpart. The secret Uber-NASA is one of a handful of secret space programs run by the US government, and one of many out in deep space. This distinction was made at the space agency’s inception in the late 1950s. They brought in former Nazi rocket scientists to create a public space program to get to the Moon using out-dated rocket technology, just to appease the masses. Behind the scenes however, the former Nazis struck a deal to provide the American military-industrial-complex (deep state) with advanced anti-gravity/electromagnetic spacecraft technology so long as American industry assisted the Nazis with the development of the breakaway German colony’s own space fleet under the ice of Antarctica.

High-level NASA administrators know about this hidden history and are sworn to secrecy. Lower level NASA administrators and scientists do not. I would guess that Dr Morrison is not aware of NASA’s secret space program, and is simply regurgitating the disinformation and propaganda that the deep state has instilled into his and the entire mainstream mindset.


On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first men to stand on the surface of the Moon. Three years later, NASA astronauts Gene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt of Apollo 17 were the last to do so. In the 50 years since the Moon landing, human space exploration has been limited to low Earth orbit as humans have been living on the International Space Station (ISS) for close to 20 years now.

   NASA’s Dr David Morrison

The seeming lack of progress in sending crews to the Moon has led many to question whether the Moon landing ever happened at all.

Even more bizarrely, many people have suggested over the years NASA did go to the Moon but something has prevented the agency from returning.
A popular myth among online conspiracy theorists is Mr Armstrong saw something on the Moon’s surface that forced the US space agency to drastically alter its plans. Namely, some people believe the astronaut encountered an extraterrestrial or alien presence on the Moon.

On December 18, 2007, NASA was challenged to address the theory, putting to rest rumours of an alien base on the Moon.

A question posed to the NASA Lunar Science Institute read: “If this is not true that Armstrong saw alien base camps on Moon then why no NASA plans for a base station at Moon and there have been no moon missions for the past 20 years or so?”

The question was answered by Dr David Morrison, an astrophysicist who at the time served as the interim director for the institute, now the Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute.

He said: “Although you would never know this from the distorted perspective of some groups that post crazy claims on the internet, there is no scientific evidence for UFOs or aliens, no aliens or alien artefacts were seen on the Apollo or any other human space missions, and such false claims are irrelevant to the space policy of the United States or NASA.



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Did History’s Show ‘Unidentified’ Influence Congress and UFO Disclosure?

Article by Alejandro Rojas                           July 10, 2020                      (

• The team on History’s show ‘Unidentified’ has completely changed the way the public and media view the UFO phenomenon. The public is taking UFOs more seriously than ever. And now the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) is demanding answers and is concerned they have been left in the dark on the issue. It is hard to think of another show that has had such a paradigm-shifting impact.

• The show’s UFO research team is comprised of a rock star, a former executive of a company that develops top-secret aircraft and built Area 51, a former intelligence officer who investigated UFO for the Pentagon, and the former United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence. They are all part of the umbrella organization known as ‘To the Stars Academy of Art and Science’.

• In season 1, ‘Unidentified’ investigated US Navy jet fighter pilots who chased objects they say exhibited technology well beyond our own, and even caught them on video. They were released to the public via the New York Times in 2017. We saw ‘To The Stars’ members escorting some of these military witnesses to Washington D.C. to share their encounters with lawmakers.

• Cut to season 2 which started July 11th.. On June 23rd, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence called on US intelligence agencies to coordinate and pool their UFO data, or “UAP” unidentified aerial phenomenon as the government likes to call them these days. The committee even calls out an existing UAP Task Force to coordinate the effort and coordinate the future collection of UAP data.

Den of Geek spoke to ‘Unidentified’ research team member, ‘To The Stars’ member, and former US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Chris Mellon (see picture above). Mellon has no doubt that ‘To The Stars’ had a considerable influence on the drafting of the SSCI UAP report request. Said Mellon, “The report requirement would not be in there, wouldn’t exist if we had not been engaged in bringing witnesses forward and advocating this and writing about it and so forth.”

• “I worked on that committee (Senate Select Committee on Intelligence) for over a decade,” Mellon says. “I still know people on the Hill, and so there are some people there who are still there from when I served. And because we worked together and are friends and I don’t abuse the privilege, they were willing to take my calls and listen to what we had to say.” Mellon says senators and their staffers were concerned they had been left in the dark regarding UFOs, which led to the SSCI asking for more information.

• With all of the media coverage the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO and other Navy videos received worldwide, “the Navy [had] to own up to the fact [the UAP issue] was real.” Said Mellon,”[T]hey had active-duty pilots and others going on the record… this report requirement is a recognition that there is something going on with national security ramifications.”

• The SSCI is requiring the intelligence agencies to give us their position on UFOs, implying that some of these agencies have already been involved in UFO research, which the government has always denied. “[H]opefully [all of this] will force the Executive Branch to get its act together and pool all the intelligence, … establish some accountability, and force them to take a position… as opposed to just giving some briefings,” says Mellon.

• Mellon gives a glimpse of other real UFO occurrences recorded by the military to be seen in season 2. “[Y]ou’re going to see new accounts; new cases that have never been aired before. They’re going to add to the picture… and I think they’re going to add to the impetus and the need for Congress to be asking questions. … [A] report of that nature should be able to produce some very interesting findings.”


History’s Unidentified is like no other show on television, and perhaps like no other show that has ever been on TV. It follows UFO researchers in an organization called To the Stars Academy of Art and Science (TTSA), as they investigate credible cases. Reality shows following UFO researchers are common enough, but what is unique about this show is the makeup of the team, which includes a rock star, a former executive of a company that develops top-secret aircraft and built Area 51, a former intelligence officer who investigated UFO for the Pentagon, and the former United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence.

           Christopher Mellon

The cases covered in Unidentified season one made headlines across the world, including several articles in The New York Times. These cases included testimony from United States Navy jet fighter pilots who chased objects they say exhibited technology well beyond our own. Some of the pilots caught these objects on video.

In the first season of Unidentified, we saw TTSA members escorting some of these witnesses to Washington D.C. to share their encounters with lawmakers.

Unidentified season 2 starts July 11th, and the TTSA team is already making headlines. On June 23rd, 2020, Politico reported that the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) requested that several military intelligence agencies, and the FBI, provide reports on the data they have collected on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP is a more “respectable” term for UFOs). It even calls out a UAP Task Force to coordinate the effort and coordinate the future collection of UAP data.

Den of Geek recently had the opportunity to interview TTSA member Chris Mellon. Mellon is a TTSA team member on Unidentified, and Politico included him in the previously referenced article. Mellon was the former United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence mentioned earlier. He also served as the Staff Director of the SSCI in the early 2000s.

Mellon says he has no doubt TTSA had a considerable influence on the drafting of the SSCI UAP report request.

“The report requirement would not be in there, wouldn’t exist if we had not been engaged in bringing witnesses forward and advocating this and writing about it and so forth,” Mellon tells us.



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Bonnybridge/Falkirk Triangle and Roswell UFO Hotspots; and Recovered ‘Alien’ Prints

Article by Ron McKay                               July 5, 2020                              (

• Scotland has its own ‘Area 51’ hotspot of UFO sightings known as the Falkirk Triangle, centered on Bonnybridge (in central Scotland between Edinburgh and Glasgow) where 300 sightings are reported annually. It began in 1992 when James Walker was driving between Falkirk and Bonnybridge and stopped when he spotted a shining, star-shaped object hovering over the road, blocking his path. Then the object just flew away at “an incredible speed”.

• Other residents of the Falkirk Triangle have reported a “howling” UFO that buzzed their car; a cigar-shaped craft seen landing on a local golf course; being abducted and taken aboard an alien craft for examination, and then having their mind wiped. Local politician Billy Buchanan has demanded inquiries with three letters to the Prime Minister. “How do we know aliens aren’t walking about?” Buchanan said in 2005.

• In July of 1947, Dan Wilmot and his wife were sitting on their porch near Roswell, New Mexico just before 10pm when they witnessed “a large glowing object (that) zoomed out of the sky”, hovering, and then vanished at high speed. The Roswell Daily Record newspaper famously quoted an Air Force intelligence officer that a ‘flying saucer’ had been recovered on a nearby ranch. The term ‘flying saucer’ has been coined just days before by an amateur pilot named Kenneth Arnold who watched a formation of UFOs fly past Mount Rainier in Washington State.

• The military quickly reversed their assessment, calling it a downed weather balloon. But the Roswell incident resurfaced in 1978 when a former Air Force intelligence officer, Jesse A Marcel, mentioned seeing the crash and the alien occupants to a ham radio correspondent, who told UFO researcher Stanton Friedman. In 1947, Marcel was in charge of security for the atomic weapons research program both at the Roswell Army Air Base and in the Pacific where they planned to detonate atomic bombs.

• Major Marcel’s son, Jesse Junior, then 11, later claimed that he handled pieces of alien material. It was also later reported that a nurse at the base said she had been present at autopsies of three creatures which had been recovered from the crash debris. The nurse was never identified and was said to have died in a plane crash. In July 1997, days before the 50th anniversary of the Roswell crash, the US Air Force released a 231-page report – The Roswell Report: Case Closed – which stated that there was no UFO crash, and the recovered bodies were crash test dummies.

• In 2012, Joseph Beason inherited a series of color slides from his sister who, 14 years earlier, had been hired to dispose of the belongings of an old woman and she couldn’t bring herself to throw away the undeveloped Kodachrome film. Years passed until she got round to looking at them. They appeared to be post-war pictures of General Dwight Eisenhower on a victory train tour, accompanied by Clark Gable and Bing Crosby. There were also contemporary shots taken in European capitals. But two of the slides were wrapped in parchment. It appeared to be a small, brown creature with withered arms, shriveled legs and a large, triangular skull with gaping eye sockets lying in a glass case. (see featured image above) She was sure it was a dead space alien.

• Beason and his videographer friend, Adam Dew, found that the slides had belonged to a women named Hilda Blair Ray in Arizona. An analysis by Kodak confirmed the prints had not been tampered with and dated them to between 1945 and 1950, the time frame of the Roswell incident. The news started to leak out, and in May 2015, 7,000 people paid up to $86 to attend ‘BeWitness’, a four-hour show in Mexico City’s grandest theater where, after innumerable speakers and ufologists, the slides were projected onto huge screens.

• Soon afterward, an online enthusiast screennamed Neb Lator, examined the high-resolution image using an internet software program called Smart DeBlur Pro and managed to decipher an indistinct placard below the glass case holding the “alien”. It read, “Mummified body of two year old boy… At the time of burial the body was clothed in a (unreadable) cotton shirt. Burial wrappings consisted of these small cotton blankets. Loaned by Mr (unreadable) San Francisco, California.”

• The mummy, claimed to be that of a Native American child, was previously on display at the Chapin Mesa Archeological Museum in Mesa Verde, Colorado. It had been discovered in a series of cave dwellings cut into Arizona cliffs in 1896 and later donated to the museum. Had it been an elaborate scam to make a quick buck? The two men own up to a grand mistake on their part but deny any fraud.

[Editor’s Note]   Does this look like a mummified, 2-year old human child to you? Just because it was found in 1896 and was in an Arizona museum doesn’t mean it can’t be an alien body. Get Dr. Steven Greer and Emery Smith on it. They’re experts in small, mummified alien beings.


                     The Falkirk Triangle

Dan Wilmot and his wife were sitting on their porch reflecting on the day. It was a few minutes before 10 in the evening, the brutal sun had given way to a balmy evening and the New Mexico sky was clear when, in their words, “a large glowing object zoomed out of the sky”, hovered, and then disappeared from view at high speed.

                Dan Wilmot and wife

They both ran to their garden fence to try to follow its path before it vanished.

Six days later the local daily newspaper reported – quoting the intelligence officer from the local air force base – that a flying saucer, which had crashed into scrub at Foster’s Ranch, had been recovered.

   Major Jesse A Marcel

That report, in the Roswell Daily Record on this day in 1947, set off either one of the world’s greatest conspiracy theories – or a monumental and successful cover-up which makes the JFK affair look like child’s play.

The story was quickly denied. It was said to be an experimental weather balloon. And there it may well died had not that intelligence officer, Jesse A Marcel, allegedly bound for decades by official secrets, subsequently mentioned it to a ham radio correspondent who, in 1978, told Stanton Friedman, a UFO researcher. The aliens were out of the closet, or coffin.

                       Billy Buchanan

The Roswell air base in 1947 was the centre of the United States’ atomic weapons research programme. Marcel was in charge of security, not just there but in the Pacific where tests were planned to take place. His son, Jesse Jnr, then 11, later claimed that he handled pieces of the craft. Even later it was reported that a nurse at the base said she had been present at autopsies of three creatures which had been recovered from the debris. Both Marcels are dead (but you can see their accounts on YouTube), the nurse was never identified and, as in most of these mysteries, she is said to have conveniently died in a plane crash.

In July 1997, just days before the 50th anniversary of the crash when spectators would flock to Roswell, the US Air Force released a 231-page report – The Roswell Report: Case Closed – which rubbished the theories and explained that the three aliens were crash test dummies. Closure? It was merely proof for ufologists that the state secrecy about what really happened in what was known as Area 51 was being reinforced.



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UFO Secrecy Has Changed Our World

Article by Christina Stock and Donald Burleson                              July 6, 2020                           (

• Being from Roswell, New Mexico, Donald Burleson became a UFO researcher and author. He has given numerous lectures at the International UFO Museum and Research Center, especially during the annual UFO festival in Roswell, which had been canceled this summer due to the pandemic. Here, Burleson points out two examples of when the US government “eliminated” high-profile individuals deemed ‘dangerous’ because they knew too much about the hidden reality of an extraterrestrial presence, and “traitorous’ because they were considered ‘at risk’ of revealing the truth to the public.

• In Burleson’s book, UFOs and the Murder of Marilyn Monroe, the real story about how and why the renowned actress died was sufficiently disturbing to break ground “that badly needed breaking”. In 1962 at the age of 36, Monroe became privy to classified information about UFO crash retrievals due to her secret dalliances with President John Kennedy. A famous CIA document, issued the day before she died, states that Monroe knew about “the visit by the president at a secret air base for the purpose of inspecting things from outer space.”

• Monroe happened to talk to several people on the telephone about her plans to have a news conference to tell all she knew from her affairs with both John and Robert Kennedy, including evidence of alien beings kept at a military installation. If this had been revealed publicly, President Kennedy would have been exposed to charges of treason for divulging classified information. Attorney General Robert Kennedy then would have been duty-bound to prosecute his own brother for an arguably treasonous act. Instead, Monroe was murdered by lethal injection to keep her from talking.

• Burleson filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the wiretap transcripts of Marilyn’s telephone conversations referring to JFK inspecting aliens at a military base. Being denied, he filed an appeal based on the bombshell CIA document. The government accepted the appeal, thereby recognizing the authenticity of the CIA document.

• Burleson’s second example involves J. Robert Oppenheimer, the renowned and respected scientist who produce the world’s first atomic bomb, allowing the United States to prevail in World War II. But in 1953, the shadow government didn’t like Oppenheimer’s public opposition to the H-bomb. (Oppenheimer believed the government should focus on tactical nuclear weapons and didn’t have a need to develop the H-bomb.) President Eisenhower caved in to political pressures to revoke Oppenheimer’s top secret security clearance.

• But in truth, the shadow government wanted Oppenheimer out of the picture because he knew too much about the hidden extraterrestrial presence. It is a documented fact that Oppenheimer was part of the government scientific team that was sent to investigate the UFO crash in Aztec, New Mexico in March 1948. It is probable that Truman had also called him in on the Roswell UFO crash in 1947. After he lost his security clearance in 1953, Oppenheimer went before the Atomic Energy Commission in 1954 to try to get his clearance back. The chairman of the commission was Gordon Gray, a member of the secret government over sight group known as Majestic 12, and he knew of Oppenheimer’s involvement in top-secret UFO crash retrievals. No matter how persuasive his letters of support, Gray felt that it was time to take Oppenheimer out of the loop, effectively discrediting and silencing him.

• Burleson and others find it reprehensible that the government would treat a beloved actress and a national hero so badly. He wishes that he could right the wrongs perpetrated on such people by a malevolent government. He correlates his circumstance with that of Cassandra in Greek mythology who was blessed with the gift of prophecy, but cursed to have no one ever believe any of her prophecies. Burleson feels as if he too were cursed by the gods to be given the ability to see and reveal the truth of a shadow government acting only upon its own malevolent agenda — while it being too late to do the victims any good. But we can at least try to do something about the quality of their memory.


                 J. Robert Oppenheimer

The cancellation of the 2020 Roswell UFO Festival because of the coronavirus pandemic has set me thinking about lectures I’ve done myself at the International UFO Museum and Research Center for that yearly extravaganza, based on my own research.

                  Gordon Gray

I recall the first lecture I did on the contents of my book “UFOs and the Murder of Marilyn Monroe,” where I had the feeling that by putting those facts before an audience, we were starting to break some ground that badly needed breaking. The real story about how and why the timelessly renowned actress died is a stunningly disturbing account.

Basically, the argument I make in the book is that Marilyn Monroe was murdered by government people, in 1962 at the age of 36, because in her dalliances with President John Kennedy, she became privy to classified information about UFO crash retrievals.

                     Donald Burleson

A now famous CIA document, issued just the day before she died, states that one secret she unfortunately knew about had to do with “the visit by the president at a secret air base for the purpose of inspecting things from outer space.” (I’m quoting exactly.) When I filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the wiretap transcripts of Marilyn’s telephone conversations, the CIA declined to admit having them, and I filed an appeal based on the CIA document mentioned. They accepted the appeal, thus inadvertently authenticating the document for me, and for all of us. They wouldn’t accept an appeal based on a purported CIA document that they didn’t recognize as being legitimately their own.

Sadly, shortly before her death, Marilyn spoke to various people over the telephone about her plans to have a news conference to tell all she knew from her affairs with both John and Robert Kennedy, and all the facts converge upon the conclusion that she was murdered by lethal injection to keep her from talking. Otherwise it would have been a nightmare for the Kennedy administration, as Robert Kennedy, being Attorney General, would have been called upon to prosecute his own brother for the arguably treasonous act of disclosing highly classified information to someone not authorized to possess it.

And the Marilyn Monroe matter isn’t the only time I’ve found myself digging into the dark truths surrounding a prominent person’s disastrous treatment at the hands of a secret-loving government.



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Most Americans Think the US Government Would Hide Evidence of UFOs

Article by Jamie Ballard                                 July 7, 2020                           (

• In 2017,, an international research and analytics polling company headquartered in London, surveyed Americans whether a newly discovered alien species would more likely be friendly or hostile. 29% of US adults believed that the extraterrestrials would be friendly. Less then 19% thought that an alien species would be hostile towards us.

• In July 2019, a YouGov poll showed that 54% thought it was likely that the US government is withholding information it has about UFOs and extraterrestrials from the American pubic.

• Since the Senate Intelligence Committee recently authorized a bill that, if passed, would require US intelligence agencies and the Pentagon to put together a detailed analysis on all unclassified information it has on UFOs and the extraterrestrial presence, a new YouGov survey asked American if they believe that the government would share even its unclassified information with the public. 56% of the 8,000 Americans polled said that no, they did not think that the government would be forthcoming. Only 22% said they thought the government would share unclassified information with the people. On average, women were more skeptical about the likelihood of government disclosure to the public of the extraterrestrial presence.


In recent weeks, the Senate Intelligence Committee included language in an authorization bill that if passed, would require US intelligence agencies and the Pentagon to put together a detailed unclassified analysis of all the data they have collected on “unidentified aerial phenomenon.” But Americans aren’t necessarily convinced the government will share any evidence of UFOs with the public.

A YouGov poll of more than 8,000 US adults finds most (56%) Americans believe that if the government had evidence of UFOs, this information would be hidden from the public. About one in five (22%) believes the government would share this evidence with the public.

Men (27%) are 10 percentage points more likely than women (17%) to believe the government would share this information. That said, a majority of both men (54%) and women (58%) believe the government would hide evidence of UFOs from the public.



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Three Mars Launches This Month in Hope of Finding Alien Life

Article by Sean Martin                              July 7, 2020                              (

• The United States, China and the United Arab Emirates all have Mars launches scheduled this month.

• Between July 20 and July 25th, the China National Space Agency will launch an orbiter known as Tianwen-1, which translates to ‘the quest for heavenly truth’ to circle the Red Planet for a year. The rocket will also carry a rover vehicle that will land on the Martian surface and collect soil samples. The oribter will serve as a communications relay for the lander.

• The UAE will launch an orbiter named ‘The Hope’, which will spend two years orbiting Mars. The UAE’s primary objective is to flex its financial muscle and show the world that it is capable of in space exploration.

• On July 30th, NASA will send the Perseverance Rover to roam the Red Planet looking for signs of life – both past and present. The main instrument, the ‘Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman & Luminescence for Organics & Chemicals’ (or ‘SHERLOC’), will be mounted on the end of one of the Mars rover’s robotic arms. SHERLOC will emit a quarter-sized ultraviolet laser at the ground, and scientists will measure how the light scatters when it hits the ground to determine its mineral and chemical compounds. This will identify the spectral “fingerprint” of certain alien organic material for signs of past or present life. “Life is clumpy,” said NASA’s Luther Beegle. “If we see organics clumping together on one part of a rock, it might be a sign that microbes thrived there in the past.”

• Earth and Mars are currently at their closest orbital points in the solar system. So now is the optimal time to make the relatively short journey – which will still take up to six months.


                   China’s Tianwen-1

THREE countries are set to launch rockets to Mars this months as the search for life on the Red Planet is turned up a notch.

          The UAE’s ‘The Hope’ orbiter

China, the US and the UAE are all gearing up for historic Mars launches this month with the hopes of discovering more about Earth’s dusty neighbour. Starting with China, the new space force will be launching an orbiter known as Tianwen-1, which translates to ‘the quest for heavenly truth’ to circle to Red Planet. The orbiter will spend a year around Mars, serving as a communication relay for humanity’s eventual arrival with the launch date scheduled between July 20 and July 25.

Alongside the orbiter, China will send a rover to roam the surface of the Red Planet and collect soil samples.

           NASA’s Perseverance Rover

China National Space Agency (CNSA) chief mission architect Zhang Rongqiao said: “Our goal is to explore and gather as much scientific data as possible.”

The UAE is also launching an orbiter named The Hope, which will spend two years orbiting Mars, following a 200-day journey.

According to The Hill, the UAE’s primary objective is to flex its financial muscle and show the world what it is capable of in the space exploration industry as the appeal of oil, which UAE has in abundance, loses its appeal.



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The Perils and Promise of LEO Constellations

Article by Sandra Erwin                                 July 4, 2020                              (

• Mike Griffin, the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, says that the Pentagon must reduce its dependence on large, billion-dollar satellites in geosynchronous orbit that are vulnerable to anti-satellite weapons. As an alternative, the DoD’s Space Development Agency plans to deploy satellites in ‘proliferated low Earth orbit’ constellations, or ‘PLEO’, to put up a communications transport layer and a surveillance and tracking layer of satellites for hypersonic missile defense.

• The smaller satellites comprising the PLEO constellations provide a resilient space infrastructure that is cheaper and easier to replace than geostationary systems, should they be destroyed by anti-satellite weapons. A key question is whether satellites and launch vehicles can be made cheap enough to make the cost of taking down a LEO system not worth it. “Changing the “cost equation” for an enemy will be a key challenge for DoD and the U.S. Space Force,” said Michael Martindale, the Director of Space Education for Space Force.

• ‘Low Earth orbit’ (LEO) satellites are easier to hit from ground-based anti-satellite weapons. Sophisticated in-space weaponry is not required for LEO satellites, as it would be to take down satellites in geostationary orbit (GEO).

• A recent study by Todd Harrison of the Center for Strategic and International Studies shows that China and Russia, despite their rhetoric about wanting to ban weapons in space, are building arsenals of ground-based anti-satellite weaponry. This sends a message to other countries that ground-based anti-satellite weapons are fair game. Says Harrison, “With its 2019 ASAT test, India made clear that it believes kinetic Earth-to-space ASAT weapons are a legitimate means of self-defense by deterrence.”

• In their respective space-arms control proposals, China and Russia do not prohibit ground-based weapons. “Their behavior says they’re only interested in banning the capabilities that they don’t already have,” says Martindale. With more LEO systems about to be deployed by the DoD, which are vulnerable to the ground-based anti-satellite missiles, American space superiority is now being contested.

• Space Force can’t possibly protect every satellite in Earth’s orbit, so it must figure out ways to deter countries from even attempting to take one down. The United States has more to lose than anyone else if satellites become targets in a war. The key is to make it too costly for an enemy to mount an attack. “You have to reduce the value of each individual target.” Says Martindale, “[I]f there are hundreds of targets, and the enemy knows that the U.S. can replenish those assets quickly, the cost equation changes and using missiles is not as effective.”

• Such a deterrent strategy would require a ready supply of replacement satellites and rapid access to launch services so constellations can be replenished quickly and inexpensively. Right now, it generally takes years to get a DoD satellite off the ground. Space Force needs to bring this equation down to days or weeks to launch and replace a LEO positioned satellite.


                        Mike Griffin

The Pentagon has already created an acronym — PLEO — for its plans to deploy satellites in proliferated low Earth orbit constellations.

DoD’s Space Development Agency is leading the way as it prepares to put up a communications transport layer and a surveillance and tracking layer for hypersonic missile defense.

The Pentagon’s staunchest proponent of PLEO, undersecretary of defense for research and engineering Mike Griffin, has argued that the Pentagon must reduce its dependence on large, billion-dollar satellites in geosynchronous orbit that are vulnerable to anti-satellite weapons.

              Todd Harrison

The case for proliferated constellations in low Earth orbit is based on the idea that it provides a resilient space infrastructure. Smaller satellites would be cheaper and easier to replace than geostationary systems if they were destroyed by anti-satellite weapons. That approach should work in theory. A key question is whether satellites and launch vehicles can be made cheap enough to make the cost of taking down a LEO system not worth it.

Changing the “cost equation” for an enemy will be a key challenge for DoD and the U.S. Space Force, says Michael Martindale, a former U.S. Air Force space operator and currently the director of space education for the Space Force Association.

As much as DoD worries about GEO satellites becoming targets of China’s orbital weapons, LEO systems are much easier to hit — no sophisticated in-space weapons required. So-called direct-ascent weapon such as ordinary surface-to-air missiles and anti-ballistic missile interceptors are far more likely to be used against low-orbiting satellites than space-based weapons, Martindale says.



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Roswell UFO Crash to be Officially Disclosed as Time-Traveling Future Humans

On June 18, President Donald Trump replied to a question about the Roswell UFO crash from his son, Don Jr, in a podcast. Trump’s reply was that he would consider declassifying what occurred at the 1947 event that was “very interesting”. According to new information from Secret Space Program Insider Corey Goode, Trump was told that the Roswell UFO Crash involved time-traveling humans from the future.

Goode has recently revealed that he is again receiving briefings from reliable insiders about various classified programs. I have in the past discussed Goode’s credibility both as an insider himself with first-hand witness information, and also as a conduit for other insiders who release information and documents to him. This was best exemplified in two leaked Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) documents that he was the first to publicly reveal back in December 2017, the documents were given to him from a trusted DIA source.

According to newly acquired information from Goode, there is consensus within the “deep black” operations community to move forward with a “limited hangout” where some of the truth about secret space programs will be revealed, while much will continue to remain hidden including the existence of extraterrestrial life.

This is what Goode wrote to me about what Trump has been told and what is about to be officially disclosed:

I have mentioned this in the past. It was brought up again recently after Trump commented on Roswell. POTUS ‘Roswell Briefings’ are basically this: Roswell was NOT an Alien event. It was a mishap from US in the future. POTUS is told that the MAJORITY of the lights seen in the sky are from our own craft operating in the future and creating a temporal butterfly effect. They are told that what the ancients saw in the sky was often the exact same phenomenon….

POTUS is under the impression that because of tests being run in Roswell during the same time that future craft were operating in that Space at a later time… that it caused the craft to pull into the past and crash thus beginning the new tech boom after WWII.

This more accurate account of what happened at Roswell, when compared to an official USAF report released in 1995, will nevertheless disappoint many wanting full disclosure of the extraterrestrial intervention in human affairs that stretches back into antiquity.It appears that those briefing Trump have decided that it is too soon for humanity to be told the full truth, and that a “limited hangout” must be put into effect, and Roswell will be the linchpin for that to happen.

Goode continued to explain what he had been told by his sources:

There is a constant contact between the present and the future since the late 50’s. The ‘PLAN’ that Q often mentions was delivered to the mid 1960’s ‘pre-alliance’ members in full and that plan has been followed ever since. These people carry these weird looking pagers (like from the 80’s/90’s) that has a flip out keyboard that allows the person to communicate with their FUTURE self and command center within these programs.

There are Quantum Computers that are used for this communication and it operates in ‘reciprocal dimensions’ where time flows in different directions and at different rates. Data is transmitted in these alternate dimensions.

There is a major time war going on between humans from 2 timelines. One is more of the ‘Wing Maker’ type of future where AI controls a very small population on Earth. There is another group fighting to preserve the timeline by stopping the manipulation of timelines so that they all collapse into the proper one (per ET / Anshar Guidance).

This will not be the first time that a narrative explaining a temporal war between two factions of future humans has been leaked into the public arena.

Back in 2004, Dan Burisch, a microbiologist, came forward to reveal what he had witnessed in classified programs about the existence of two factions of time-traveling future humans (aka extraterrestrials) trying to deal with a converging timeline paradox that would occur by 2012. Of course, what Burisch predicted did not happen suggesting that he was disseminating disinformation in a limited hangout, or such a converging timeline paradox had been delayed.

I did have a series of email Q&A’s with Burisch back in April 2004, and concluded he was part of a limited hangout. It’s no great surprise that information similar to his is now being spun for a more modern audience including Trump, according to Goode:

We are told that some of these people from the future are working directly with elements of current era deep black intel agencies. They have portals in these locations that they do point to point transfers of people and supplies from.

Very interesting stuff… and I can see how POTUS would buy this over little green men. Especially with his history with his uncle who worked on the Tesla papers.

Goode was here referring to Dr. John Trump who was a full professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1943 when he was asked by the FBI to evaluate the national security implications of the papers of the recently deceased Nikola Tesla. Professor Trump later told his nephew, Donald, about some of the advanced technologies used in classified programs, which has led to much speculation over what the current President knows about flying saucers and the Roswell crash.

On July 13, I spoke with Goode who explained that future disclosure announcements will be limited to advanced technology patents that will be released to the general public, similar to five recent patents granted to the US Navy concerning electromagnetic propulsion, power and defense. This patents oriented disclosure process will better familiarize the scientific community and public with principles of time travel and electromagnetic propulsion in order to get them to accept the limited hangout narrative that all UFO sightings involve humans from the future.

Goode explained that the Deep State’s limited disclosure narrative is to be dragged out for as much as 50 years. This will prevent the truth from emerging about what has been occurring since the World War II era concerning extraterrestrial visitors and reverse engineering programs. Space Force will gradually incorporate advanced technologies used in secret space programs, but there will be no public acknowledgement that such technologies were covertly used prior to the formation of Space Force. More of what was covered in our July 13 discussion will be released soon.

The fact that Roswell has been put on the public radar by Trump and his son does make it very possible that the first official disclosures about the UFO phenomenon is going to involve this classic 1947 flying saucer event. The language used by Trump in describing his knowledge of the incident, “it’s very interesting”, does suggest he was briefed about a more terrestrial explanation, than extraterrestrial visitors. “Time traveling humans”, as Goode claims his sources told him, would be more consistent with Trump’s low-key response to the question posed by his son.

The explanation that Roswell involved time traveling future humans who arranged for the crash to occur to speed up our technological development certainly sounds plausible, and will appeal to those wielding Occam’s Razor to dismiss the extraterrestrial hypothesis. Nevertheless, we need to keep in mind that even such a significant disclosure would still be a limited hangout designed to punt the full truth far into the future.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Note: Audio Version of this article is available on YouTube]

Further Reading

NASA Astronaut Confession: ‘Noticed a Cylindrical Object’

Article by Sebastian Kettley                              July 3, 2020                               (

• NASA’s Gemini 4 mission, in June 1965, was the tenth American spaceflight and the second crewed spaceflight. (Astronauts James McDivitt and Ed White circled the Earth 66 times in four days.) On the second day of the mission, as White was sleeping, McDivitt recalled seeing an unidentified object outside the Gemini spacecraft.

• McDivitt said in 1975, “We were in drifting flight… there was something out in front of me or outside the spacecraft that I couldn’t identify and I never have been able to identify it.” It was “a white cylindrical shape with a white pole sticking it out of one corner of it – it looked like a beer can with a smooth pencil sticking out.”

• McDivitt guessed that the object was close to the spacecraft since he could easily see it. He grabbed two cameras and took photos of the UFO. “As the sun shone on the window, I could no longer see out and the thing just disappeared,” said McDivitt. “(Later) they checked NORAD records to see what they had up on radar and there wasn’t anything within very close range of us.”

• After the astronauts returned to Earth and the mission’s photographs were processed, the pictures failed to reveal what the astronaut has seen. “I went back and went through each frame of all of the pictures that we took and there wasn’t anything in there like what I had seen,” said McDivitt. Some journalists speculated that the astronaut may have seen a secret Soviet satellite. Or it could have been ‘orbital debris’ from the Gemini 4 launch.

• Former space engineer and rocket scientist James Oberg said the Gemini 4 was the only one of 10 manned flights in which a rendezvous was attempted (and nearly accomplished) with a beer can-shaped target (ie: the upper stage of the Titan II rocket that had been floating in space for 50 hours). It is likely the astronaut witnessed the Titan’s booster stage.

• Oberg noted that McDivitt “refused to believe he could have misidentified that object – but both his degraded eyesight and different viewing angle at the time of the sighting eliminate any reliability from that claim.” “[Y]ears of UFO research have taught us the surprising lesson that pilots re, in truth, among the poorest observers of UFOs,” said Oberg, “because of their instinctive pattern of perceiving visual stimuli primarily in terms of threats to their own vehicles.”


The NASA astronaut encountered the UFO on the second day of the Gemini 4 mission in June 1965. Gemini 4 was the second crewed spaceflight in the Gemini programme and the tenth American spaceflight. On the second day of the mission, which saw Mr White perform the first US EVA or spacewalk, Mr McDivitt recalled seeing an object outside the Gemini spacecraft.

       astronaut James McDivitt

He said back in 1975: “At the time I saw it, I said there was something out in front of me or outside the spacecraft that I couldn’t identify and I never have been able to identify it, and I don’t think anybody ever will.

“We were in drifting flight and my partner, Ed White, was asleep.

“I couldn’t see anything out in front of me except just the black sky.

“And it was rotating around, I noticed something out in front that was a white cylindrical shape with a white pole sticking it out of one corner of it – it looked like a beer can with a smooth pencil sticking out.”

The astronaut then grabbed his camera and took a few photos of the object.

But he did not correctly focus or expose the photographs to properly capture the UFO.

He did, however, later guess the object was floating fairly close to his spacecraft since it was visible to him.

The astronaut said: “I grabbed two cameras and took pictures of it.

“As the sun shone on the window, I could no longer see out and the thing just disappeared.



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The Berkshires UFO Sightings

Article by Rebecca Patton                             July 1, 2020                   

• As young boys, Thomas Reed and his brother, Matthew, of the town of Sheffield in the southwestern corner of Massachusetts, encountered UFOs at least three separate times between 1966 and 1969. The September 1, 1969 encounter left a big impression. The brothers along with their mother and grandmother were driving over Sheffield Bridge when they all saw a bright light. Their station wagon came to a stop on the side of the road. Says Reed, “Everything got really calm. It was like being in the middle of a hurricane. There was like a barometric change in pressure…. Then we remember bits and pieces of being in like a hangar. Other people there. It was quite confusing.”

• Dozens of eyewitnesses reported seeing a disk-shaped flying object over Sheffield that night. Some people said that they were also taken and returned by the UFO. Episode 5 of Netflix’s “Unsolved Mysteries”, which explores the Berkshires UFO sighting, features other accounts of townspeople Tom Warner, Nancy Reed, Jane Green, and Melanie Kirchdorfer who corroborate the incident.

• In 2015, the Great Barrington Historical Society officially recognized the Reeds’ account as the first off-world UFO case in U.S. history. Later that year, the townspeople erected a 5,000-pound monument by the Sheffield Bridge to commemorate the Reed family’s story. But in 2019, local officials said that the monument had been erected on town property and removed it.

• While Reed has shared his story on a number of shows, including “Paranormal Paparazzi”, “Alien Mysteries”, and “Ancient Aliens”, he hasn’t always been happy with the coverage. He considers the term ‘abduction’ to be ‘cornball terminology’. “The papers and the stories have gotten so ridiculous that the truth has been lost,” says Reed. “Our family is very credible. We’re not a bunch of lunatics.”


      Thomas Reed today

Netflix’s Unsolved Mysteries, a reboot of the beloved ’80s and ’90s series of the same name, mostly focuses on murder and missing persons cases. But toward the end of the first season, things take a, uh, brief detour. Episode 5 explores the Berkshires UFO sighting that happened in Sheffield, Massachusetts on Sept. 1, 1969. And boy, is it a ride.

               Thomas Reed as a boy

According to the Boston Globe, Thomas Reed claimed that he and his brother, Matthew, encountered UFOs at least three separate times between 1966 and 1969, but the last incident left the biggest impression on him. He told the radio station WAMC that he and his brother, mother, and grandmother were driving across Sheffield Bridge on that fateful evening when they all saw a bright light.

“Then that was the last thing we really remembered from the station wagon,” he said. “It came to a stop off the right side of the road. Everything got really calm. It was like being in the middle of a hurricane. There was like a barometric change in pressure…. Then we remember bits and pieces of being in like a hangar. Other people there. It was quite confusing.”

In 2015, the Great Barrington Historical Society officially recognized the Reeds’ account as the “first off-world/UFO case in U.S. history,” per WAMC. The program director at the time, Debbie Oppermann, told the Boston Globe that she knew they would get a lot of backlash, but that they’d “given it an awful lot of thought” and based on the evidence, “believe this is a significant and true event.”

The society was particularly convinced by the dozens of eyewitnesses from the same night, who reported seeing a disk-shaped flying object or else said they were also taken and returned by the UFO. Some of these accounts, including those of Tom Warner, Nancy Reed, Jane Green, and Melanie Kirchdorfer, are featured in Unsolved Mysteries.



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Space Force Details Structure of New Service

Article by Christen McCurdy                                  June 30, 2020                                (

• Since the military branch’s inception in December 2019, more than 16,000 military members and civilians have been assigned to the Space Force, including over 8,500 active-duty members of the Air Force who have volunteered for Space Force. Said Secretary of the Air Force Barbara Barrett, “This is the most significant restructuring of space units undertaken by the United States since the establishment of Air Force Space Command in 1982,”

• General Jay Raymond, USSF Chief of Space Operations said in a June 30th press release, “This is an historic opportunity to launch the Space Force on the right trajectory to deliver the capabilities needed to ensure freedom of movement and deter aggression in, from and to space. How we organize the Space Force will have a lasting impact on our ability to respond with speed and agility to emerging threats in support of the National Defense Strategy and Space Strategy.”

• Under the new organizational structure, Space Force will be comprised of three field commands: the Space Operations Command (aka ‘SpOC’); Space Systems Command (aka ‘SSC’); and Space Training and Readiness Command (aka ‘STARCOM’).

• Space Operations Command is the “field command” comprised of commands, deltas and squadrons. The field organization would “consolidate and align all organize, train and equip mission execution” from space-related units formerly run by the Air Force. It will be headquartered at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado.

• Space Systems Command will be responsible for launch, developmental testing, on-orbit checkout and maintenance of USSF systems. It will also be responsible for developing and acquiring lethal space capabilities for warfighters.

• Space Training and Readiness Command will train and educate space professionals and develop combat-ready troops to address the challenges of combat in space.

• “Innovation and efficiency are driving our mission as we position the Space Force to respond with agility to protect our nation’s space capabilities and the American way of life,” said Barrett.


           Gen. John “Jay” Raymond

June 30 (UPI) — The Space Force will be comprised of three field commands, with many of the Air Force’s existing space acquisition organizations being moved into a newly created Space Systems Command, the service announced on Tuesday.

Secretary of the Air Force Barbara Barrett

USSF officials said the field organization would “consolidate and align all organize, train and equip mission execution” from space-related units formerly run by the Air Force.

“This is an historic opportunity to launch the Space Force on the right trajectory to deliver the capabilities needed to ensure freedom of movement and deter aggression in, from and to space,” Gen. Jay Raymond, USSF chief of space operations, said in a press release. “How we organize the Space Force will have a lasting impact on our ability to respond with speed and agility to emerging threats in support of the National Defense Strategy and Space Strategy.”

The USSF field echelons will be called, in order of hierarchy, field commands, deltas and squadrons.

The service’s field commands will be called Space Operations Command, or SpOC, Space Systems Command, or SSC, and Space Training and Readiness Command, or STARCOM.

The first two field commands will be led by three-star general officers, and the third will be led by a two-star general.



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Japan Aims to Put Man on the Moon, Collaborate With US

July 2, 2020                              (
• The Japanese government announced the country’s 10-year ‘Basic Plan on Space Policy’. Japan aims to double its space industry budget from $11 billion to $22 billion by the early 2030s, and work with the United States to track missiles and use intelligence-gathering satellites during natural disasters.

• One of the key components of the plan is to put a Japanese man on the Moon by 2024, while working with NASA. Japan plans to utilize its resources to strengthen its space policy through the ‘whole-of-government’ approach, while promoting public-private collaborations.

• Japan recently inaugurated the first ‘Space Operations Squadron’ at Fuchu Air Base in Tokyo as an “Air Self-Defense Force”, which will become fully operational by 2023. The squadron will work with the US Space Command to protect the country’s satellites from damage, including armed attacks according to the ‘Basic Space Law’.

• Japan already operates the ‘Quasi-Zenith Satellite System’ to enhance the US’s Global Positioning System in the Asia-Oceania regions. Japan plans to launch a new GPS navigation system of its own in 2023 with 7 satellites. It is concerned over China’s capability to jam or attack satellites with other neighboring countries North Korea and Russia capable of upsetting the regional balance in arms technology.

• In January 2019, China became the first nation to land a rover on the dark side of the lunar surface. This month, China plans to launch a mission to remote-controlled robot on the surface of Mars. The US has already sent four exploratory vehicles to Mars, and intends to launch a fifth this summer which should arrive around February 2021.

• China recently completed its own GPS-type geolocation system which it began in the early 1990s. 120 countries including Pakistan and Thailand are using the Chinese GPS system for port traffic monitoring, to guide rescue operations during disasters and other services, according to Chinese state media.

• When Donald Trump announced the creation of the new Space Force in December, Russia accused the US of seeing space as a place to wage war. In return, the US accused China and Russia of developing tools for jamming and cyberattacks that directly threaten US satellites.

• The Pentagon has stressed that it intends to maintain superiority in space to protect its GPS satellites. In the midst of an escalating space war, the US and Japan have strengthened their “space relations” to build their joint space network and strengthen their satellite force over the next 10 years.


Amid the coronavirus pandemic, the Japanese government for the first time in five years updated its Basic Plan on Space Policy while outlining the country’s 10-year basic space policy. It will work with the United States to not only track missiles but use intelligence-gathering satellites during natural disasters.

Japan’s President, Shinzo Abe, and US President Donald Trump

Japan aims to double its space industry by the early 2030s, which currently stands at $11 billion.

One of the key components of the plan is to put a Japanese man on the Moon by 2024 while working with NASA scientists.

Experts say Japan’s space policy is being led as a reaction to China’s 2013 Jade Rabbit lunar rover mission.

Public-private collaboration

“The Government of Japan, recognizing such huge potential of outer space and the severe situation that it is facing, hereby decides a basic plan on space policy for coming ten years with the view of the next two decades, and will secure sufficient budgetary allotments and other necessary resources, and effectively and efficiently utilize these resources to strengthen its space policy through the whole-of-government- approach, while promoting public-private collaborations,” the Japanse government said in a statement.

Air Self-Defense Force

Japan recently inaugurated the first Space Operations Squadron in Tokyo at Fuchu Air Base as an “Air Self-Defense Force” which will become fully operational by 2023.

It is meant to protect the country’s satellite from damage, including armed attacks while working with the US Space Command.



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How NASA Exposed Truth Behind ‘Spacecraft From Another World’

Article by Sebastian Kettley                        June 30, 2020                             (

• In 1972, Apollo 16 was NASA’s fifth successful Moon landing. As astronauts John Young, Thomas Mattingly and Charles Duke were leaving the Moon, looking out of the Command Module window they saw a UFO – “saucer-shaped object with a dome top” – passing over the Moon.

• Said NASA: “The object appears momentarily near the Moon. As the camera pans, it moves out of the field of view. It reappears as the camera pans back.” The object was only seen for four seconds, but was recorded on a 16mm video camera, appearing in about 50 frames of the film.

• UFO expert Donald Ryles says, “This footage, if it is authentic, is quite amazing.” And in a 2003 article in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, Japanese engineer Hiroshi Nakamura says, “We believe that the object is a large extraterrestrial artefact. This is the only hypothesis that is consistent with the data.”

• But in a 2004 analysis report, using digitized Apollo 16 footage with high-resolution scans for a detailed analysis, NASA’s official explanation was that the object was not an alien UFO, but rather an extravehicular activity floodlight boom sticking out from the Command Module. “[T]he object appeared to move slightly with respect to the Moon, because of parallax brought about by slight camera motions and the nearness of the object to the camera. Said NASA: “All of the evidence in this analysis is consistent with the conclusion that the object in the Apollo 16 film was the EVA (spacewalk) floodlight/boom. There is no evidence in the photographic record to suggest otherwise.”


astronauts John Young, Thomas Mattingly and Charles Duke

The unidentified object (UFO) was briefly filmed by the crew of NASA’s Apollo 16 mission in 1972 – the fifth successful Moon landing. Peering through the window of NASA’s Command Module spacecraft, an alien object appears to pass over the Moon. According to the US space agency, some have described the UFO as a “saucer-shaped object with a dome top”.

NASA said: “Beginning their return from the Moon to an April 27, 1972, splashdown, astronauts John Young, Thomas Mattingly and Charles Duke captured about four seconds of video footage of an object that seemed to look a lot like Hollywood’s version of a spacecraft from another world.”

The UFO was recorded on a 16mm video camera, appearing in about 50 frames of the film.

NASA said: “The object appears momentarily near the Moon.

“As the camera pans, it moves out of the field of view. It reappears as the camera pans back.”

In total, the object was only seen for four seconds through the Command Module’s window.

But the brief appearance was enough for alien enthusiasts to get excited.

UFO expert Donald Ryles said: “This footage, if it is authentic, is quite amazing.”



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Mysterious Orbs Fly in Diamond Formation Above Houston

Article by Sofie Jackson                             June 30, 2020                                    (

• On June 27th, Lee Wutang was walking her dog near her home in south Houston at sunset, when her neighbor pointed out some lights moving across the sky. Wutang video recorded the UFO formation (see 2:50 minute video below).

• The video shows a group of silent, glowing spherical objects clustered together in the dark sky, moving horizontally. The objects are arranged in a vaguely diamond-shaped pattern, or like a kite that is sideways. An object on the far right appears to accelerate until it is closer to the others. “That speed rules out a drone or balloon to catch up to the others would mean, to me, someone is flying it!” write a YouTube commenter.

• “Wow! That’s nuts! Wow!” Wutang remarks in the video. “They’re kind of lining up.” A YouTube commenter notes that one of the objects “speeds up” to catch up with the others which indicates they are not merely being blown in the wind like a balloon. Another comments: “No flashing lights, so it’s not copters or planes. They look like they’re moving too fast to be drones.” “They’re definitely not balloons,” another view writes. “They very likely could be the real deal.”

• The video narrator insists that the lights are not “Starlink” (Elon Musk’s SpaceX internet communications low-earth-orbit satellite constellation). Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites fly in a straight line rather than this pattern. “Starlink is supposed to be equidistant in its coverage,” noted a YouTuber.


A strange video of white glowing orbs sailing across the night sky in Houston, Texas has sparked UFO conspiracy theories – with believers saying it’s “not Starlink”.

Footage shows a group of glowing spherical objects appear in the dark sky and move horizontally at a fair speed.

The objects are arranged in a vaguely diamond-shaped pattern, or like a kite that is sideways.

Bizarrely, an object on the far right appears to accelerate until it is closer to the others.

“Wow! That’s nuts! Wow!” says the woman filming on her phone.

“They’re kind of lining up too,” she adds.

“I was thinking they were drones,” her neighbour says.

Lee Wutang, who recorded the video, shared it with conspiracy theory YouTube channel The Hidden Underbelly 2.0 where it has been watched more than 1,000 times.

She told the paranormal channel: ”While out walking my dog, a neighbour pointed out these strange lights in the sky.”

Lee said she lives in the southern side of Houston and recorded the phenomenon about half an hour after sunset.

She added: “I didn’t observe any sounds coming from the objects.

“If you look closely at the first few seconds of the video you will see several lights clustered together (not in a singular line).

“I’m sharing this for the sake of sharing.

“Has anybody else seen anything similar?”

2:50 minute video of lights in formation over Houston (‘The Hidden Underbelly 2.0’ YouTube)



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What Happened at Roswell, the Birthplace of the Flying Saucer Legend?

July 2, 2020                                      (

• On July 7, 1947, when ranch worker William Brazel, discovered unusual debris 75 miles north of the town of Roswell, New Mexico, he wouldn’t have believed that this would be the first incident in a long sequence of events, spanning over seven decades, to form a rich and mysterious conspiracy theory that continues to fascinate and bewilder UFO theorists today. The ‘Roswell Incident,’ as it has now come to be called, provided to many the proof of extraterrestrial visitation and spawned a cultural movement.

• In 1947, stories of ‘flying discs’ or ‘flying saucers’ had already been circulating in the national press. So when Brazel discovered the debris, did the previous news of flying saucers lead him to believe that this may have been of an extraterrestrial origin? Brazel informed Roswell’s sheriff, who, in turn contacted Colonel William Blanchard, the commanding officer of the Roswell Army Air Field. The following day saw the RAAF issue a shocking press release confirming that a “flying disk” had, indeed, crashed at a ranch near the town of Roswell.

• As scientists arrived to the area, a press conference was hastily put together to explain that debris tinfoil, sticks and rubber strips was no more than that from a fallen weather balloon. The Roswell Daily Record newspaper which initially claimed that the debris came from a UFO, corrected their story to fit the RAAF’s weather balloon narrative.

• The incident faded from the news until 1980 when authors Charles Berlitz and William Moore published a book called The Roswell Incident. This book alleged that the weather balloon story was nothing more than a cover-up. Then in 1994, the US Air Force released a report claiming that the debris actually came from a spy device designed to fly at high-altitudes over the former USSR to detect sound waves, called Project Mogul, with the purpose of monitoring the Soviet Union’s efforts to develop an atomic bomb.

• But the USAF report did not address the eyewitness accounts of bodies seen at the crash site. So a follow up report was drawn up in 1997 to debunk the theory that alien corpses were discovered and transported by the US government to a top secret facility, saying that the figures were merely parachute test-dummies.

• To many, the reaction of the US government remains suspicious. Some have contended that, in attempting to originally claim one version of events, and then immediately backtrack on it, the government’s response had the unintended effect of attracting even greater attention to, not just the incident, but the covert operation as well.

• Roswell has since become the unofficial UFO capital of the world, and houses the International UFO Museum and Research Center. Since 1996, Roswell has also been the home of an annual UFO festival that sees thousands of tourists congregate at the little town to conduct scientific experiments, workshops and seminars, perform plays, experience its planetarium and even dissect fake alien corpses as part of the spectacle.


The little town of Roswell, New Mexico has been made famous for an incident that took place in 1947 that several conspiracy theorists maintain was

Major Jesse A. Marcel with tinfoil, sticks and rubber strip “debris”

proof of extraterrestrial visitation.

When ranch worker William Brazel, discovered what he thought to be unusual debris 75 miles north of the little town of Roswell, New Mexico, on that fateful day of July 7, 1947, he wouldn’t have, in his wildest dreams, believed that his was to be the first incident, in a long sequence of events, spanning over seven decades, forming a rich and mysterious conspiracy theory that continues to fascinate and bewilder UFO theorists even today. The ‘Roswell Incident,’ as it has now come to be called, has spawned a cultural movement, that has defied both, reason and time.

A whole host of conspiracy theories have made their way into the mainstream over the last few decades, and, it appears that we may never actually learn the full truth, amid all the cacophony. Nevertheless, some facts of the tale remain undisputed beginning with Brazel’s discovery.

Stories of ‘flying discs’ or ‘flying saucers’ had already been circulating in the national press that year, and, perhaps, these may have been what led Brazel to believe that the tinfoil, sticks and rubber strips he uncovered, may have had extraterrestrial origins. He soon informed Roswell’s sheriff of his discovery, who, in turn, contacted Colonel William Blanchard, the commanding officer of the Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF).



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NASA to Use a Steam-Powered Robot to Explore Icy Moons that Could Host Alien Life

Article by Chris Ciaccia                              June 30, 2020                                  (

• NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory notes on its website that researchers are developing a soccer-ball sized robot known as SPARROW (Steam Propelled Autonomous Retrieval Robot for Ocean Worlds) that “would use steam propulsion to hop across the sort of icy terrains found on Jupiter’s moon Europa and Saturn’s moon Enceladus.”

• “The terrain on Europa is likely highly complex,” said Gareth Meirion-Griffith, JPL roboticist and the lead researcher of the concept. “It could be porous, it might be riddled with crevasses, there might be meters-high penitentes” – long blades of ice known to form at high latitudes on Earth – “that would stop most robots in their tracks. But SPARROW has total terrain agnosticism; it has complete freedom to travel across an otherwise inhospitable terrain.” By using steam to power the robot, SPARROW could thrive in the “low-gravity environment” of Enceladus and Europa, hopping “many miles over landscapes that other robots would have difficulty navigating.”

• Enceladus and Europa both likely have oceans that exist under a layer of ice crust. In 2019, researchers determined Enceladus’ ocean is likely 1 billion years old. In 2018, researchers acknowledged they had found complex organic molecules, the “building blocks” for life on Enceladus.

• The SPARROW concept is dependent upon a lander to serve as a home base, which would “mine ice and melt it”, later heating it to create the steam necessary to power the SPARROW. It’s possible “many SPARROWs could be sent together, swarming around a specific location or splitting up to explore as much alien terrain as possible,” says NASA.
• In June, NASA announced the latest mission in its New Frontiers program known as Dragonfly, to explore Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, which could also potentially host extraterrestrial life. NASA has also confirmed a future mission to Europa.


  Gareth Meirion-Griffith

NASA’s plans to explore the ice moons of the Solar System are getting more detail as the space agency is developing a robot that would use steam to power itself in deep space.

In a post to its website, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory notes researchers are developing a soccer-ball sized robot known as SPARROW (Steam Propelled Autonomous Retrieval Robot for Ocean Worlds) that “would use steam propulsion to hop across the sort of icy terrains found on Jupiter’s moon Europa and Saturn’s moon Enceladus.”

“The terrain on Europa is likely highly complex,” said Gareth Meirion-Griffith, JPL roboticist and the lead researcher of the concept, in the statement. “It could be porous, it might be riddled with crevasses, there might be meters-high penitentes” – long blades of ice known to form at high latitudes on Earth – “that would stop most robots in their tracks. But SPARROW has total terrain agnosticism; it has complete freedom to travel across an otherwise inhospitable terrain.”

Both moons have been mentioned as candidates to possibly host life previously, including one study published in December 2019 that suggested they could be “indigenous.”



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Tom DeLonge Joins Ex-Government Agent to Hunt for Truth About UFOs

Article by Natasha Wynarczyk                               June 28, 2020                           (

• Tom DeLonge, the former rock star with the band Blink-182, has teamed up with Luis Elizondo who ran the Pentagon’s UFO research program for eight years, to create a television documentary called “Unidentified”. DeLonge and Elizondo use eyewitness ¬accounts and -unseen footage to ¬reveal details of the US government’s alleged awareness – and cover-up – of extra-terrestrial life forms visiting Earth.

• “My gut tells me we are going to be able to pull this all together,” DeLonge told the Daily Star. “One of the biggest ¬misconceptions is that we are only experiencing these phenomena in modern time. There are a lot of unanswered questions about a lot of things going back thousands of years. In ancient Indian texts, for example, there’s descriptions of flying crafts with twisting -engines, similar to what people have seen in the past 60 years. I have a feeling we are going to get to a place where our ¬understanding of things such as the pyramids might change as we learn more about what these are and where they come from.”

• DeLonge has long been a believer in UFOs. In 2017, he founded the institute, ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science’, and became one of America’s most prominent UFO researchers. Last September, the U.S. Navy admitted that some of the ¬declassified videos published by ‘To The Stars’ were in fact “unidentified aerial phenomena”. DeLonge says, “People have asked me…if I feel vindicated because I was out there in the front taking arrows for everybody. I actually don’t. I signed up to be that person for a little bit of time until the facts came out and started turning the tide of public opinion.” “So I don’t go around going: ‘Oh, I told you so’. I go around saying: ‘Well if you thought that was a lot to digest, just wait for the next few years’.”

• Last year DeLonge worked on the first series of ‘Unidentified’ with Elizondo. “I’ve had a long time learning about this stuff, and being around people such as Luis and my team who know a lot more about it than I do,” said DeLonge. “It’s given me the ability to look at something that is hard to digest for a lot of people.” In 2012, Elizondo sensationally quit the Pentagon to become a freelance investigator, as he believed the US government was covering up the true extent of UFOs. “This is a serious topic that affects us all,” says Elizondo. “We are now at a point where there is so much overwhelming evidence out there.”

• “UFO sightings in the U.S. picked up after the country started increasing its nuclear ¬activities during World War Two,” notes Elizondo. “There is some information that shows unidentified aerial phenomena may have interest in our nuclear capabilities.” “If something is flying over your most sensitive facilities and has the ability to interfere with them, it can be a big problem.”

• DeLonge says the ¬final episode of last year’s season of ‘Unidentified’ was “really eye-opening”. “Luis and I met with members of the Italian government… We spoke to one individual and his partner who were involved in an investigation in Sicily and the Mediterranean.” “They had photos of objects, they had some damage done to a helicopter, a lot of sightings.” “[T]here was a pattern of things that had been happening around the world that were definitely going on there.”

• “The last conversation Tom and I have on camera at the end of series one is: ‘Are the American people really prepared to handle what comes next?’” says Elizondo. “We have now taken this conversation to the point where the Department of Defense and our military apparatus has acknowledged the reality of the phenomena. I think we are beginning to accept the fact there’s things in our airspace behaving in ways we don’t understand. We know these things are real.”


       Tom DeLonge and Luis Elizondo

EX-Blink-182 star Tom DeLonge has teamed up with a ¬former US government agent to finally uncover the truth about UFOs.

Tom and Luis Elizondo, who spent eight years running a ¬secret Pentagon programme that investigated alien sightings in America, are presenting a TV documentary series called Unidentified.

In the show the pair use eyewitness ¬accounts and ¬unseen footage to ¬reveal details of the US government’s alleged awareness – and potential cover-up – of extra-terrestrial life forms.

And Tom, 44, reckons we might one day even discover a link between ancient structures, such as the pyramids, and alien visitors.
“My gut tells me we are going to be able to pull this all together,” he tells the Daily Star.

“One of the biggest ¬misconceptions is that we are only experiencing these phenomena in modern time. There are a lot of unanswered questions about a lot of things going back thousands of years.

“In ancient Indian texts, for example, there’s descriptions of flying crafts with twisting ¬engines, similar to what people have seen in the past 60 years.
“I have a feeling we are going to get to a place where our ¬understanding of things such as the pyramids might change as we learn more about what these are and where they come from.”



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Idaho Top State for UFO Sightings in 2020

Article by Journal Staff                          June 27, 2020                        (

• According to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), Idaho was the top U.S. state per capita for UFO reports with 164 UFO sightings so far in 2020.

• According to a report by Satellite Internet, using the data from NUFORC, 2020 has been an especially busy period for reports of extraterrestrial activity. During the first three months of 2020, sightings are up by 112% compared with the same time period in 2019. There were 6,340 sightings in 2019, up from 3,456 sightings in 2018.

• Idaho’s 164 UFO sightings equals 9.18 sightings per 100,000 people. Other top states included Montana, New Hampshire, Main and New Mexico. UFOs apparently avoid the Texas sky, reporting only 1.29 sightings per 100,000 people, the fewest per-capita. Reports of glowing objects above the foothills of Southeast Idaho have recently made a buzz on social media. But police said they received no calls about the sightings.

• Most sightings are later identified as drones, satellites or weather balloons. But up to 5% of UFO sightings remain unexplained. The National UFO Reporting Center accepts tips via a hotline at 206-722-3000 and an online form here.


Idaho was the top U.S. state for UFO sightings per capita during the first three months of 2020, which was an especially busy period for reports of extraterrestrial activity, according to a new report by Satellite Internet.

The internet company used data from the National UFO Reporting Center and issued per-capita rankings based on state population data.

Idaho residents have reported 164 UFO sightings — or 9.18 sightings per 100,000 people — according to the study. Other top states included Montana, New Hampshire, Main and New Mexico, which is home to Roswell, renowned for an alleged UFO crash in 1947 and home to the International UFO Museum and Research Center.

Reports of a pattern of glowing objects above the foothills of Southeast Idaho, described by paranormal enthusiasts as UFOs, recently made a buzz on social media. Pocatello police said they received no calls about the sightings, however. Furthermore, in April the Pentagon reportedly released three videos of suspected UFOs captured by infrared cameras.



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Swiss Start-up ClearSpace Has Support from Microsoft to Clean Up Space

Article by Microsoft Schweiz                            June 22, 2020                            (

• With a rapidly increasing number of satellites launched every year, the population of man-made debris orbiting Earth has exploded over the last ten years. Today there are more than 3,000 failed satellites orbiting Earth. These uncontrollable objects present risks of explosions or collisions with other satellites.

• After repeated notifications by the US Air Force Space Observation Center of collision risks between the SwissCube and other Space objects, the European Space Agency selected ClearSpace to execute the first-ever capture and removal of an uncontrolled satellite orbiting at 7 Kilometers per second at more than 600 Kilometer above sea level. The mission, called ClearSpace-1, is scheduled for 2025. In the meantime, ClearSpace, based in Ecublens, Switzerland, will focus on developing state-of-the-art technologies for sensor fusion, autonomous navigation and space robotics, integrating them into an agile satellite chaser.

• Luc Piguet, CEO and founder of ClearSpace, said, “ClearSpace-1…is the first milestone on the road to a future Space debris removal service at an affordable cost. …We are honored and delighted to have been selected for the Global Social Entrepreneurship Program and look forward to taking our collaboration to the next level – benefitting from Microsoft’s deep expertise and global reach while pursuing our quest in a cutting-edge, secure environment.”

• Andrew Reid, Head of the Swiss Microsoft for Startups program is very excited about the support from Microsoft saying, “The fact that ClearSpace has been selected to join Microsoft’s Global Social Entrepreneurship Program is a well-deserved recognition of the achievements and commitment of the entire team. This enables us to support ClearSpace on a global level and with even more international resources.”


Today there are more than 3,000 failed satellites orbiting Earth. These uncontrollable objects present risks of explosions or collisions with other satellites. With a rapidly increasing number of satellites launched every year, the population of man-made debris orbiting Earth has exploded over the last ten years. Keeping space clean in order to ensure sustainable growth in the future has become a huge challenge.

                         Luc Piguet

ClearSpace is committed to solve this problem. The international team, which brings together many years of experience from science and research (EPFL, MIT), agencies (ESA, Nasa/JPL and DLR) and major prime integrators (Airbus, Thales, Ruag, SSTL and others), can also count on the support of a high-ranking Advisory Board, including Swiss astronaut Claude Nicollier. The idea emerged from the joint work of some of the founding members of ClearSpace at the EPFL Space Center after the launch of the SwissCube satellite in 2009. The team decided to tackle the problem following repeated notifications by the US Air Force Space observation center of collision risks between the SwissCube and other Space objects.

Pioneering the capture and removal of space debris

The European Space Agency (ESA) has decided to break the ground into sustainable Space development by pioneering this landmark mission and selected ClearSpace to lead it. ClearSpace’s mission is to execute the first-ever capture and removal of an uncontrolled satellite, that is orbiting at 7 Kilometers per second at more than 600 Kilometer above sea level. The team, in collaboration with renowned industrial partners, will focus on developing state-of-the-art technologies for sensor fusion, autonomous navigation and space robotics, integrating them into an agile chaser. The mission called ClearSpace-1 is scheduled for 2025.



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The Curious Case of Crop Circles in Ngatea NZ

Article by Scott Bainbridge                            June 23, 2020                            (

• On September 4, 1969, Bert O’Neill was walking on his farm near Ngatea, New Zealand (in the north just southeast of Auckland) and noticed that his normally green Manuka trees appeared to be silvery in color on the tips. O’Neill came to a formation of trees that were completely dead and bleached with a silvery color. They formed a perfectly round circular patch 142 centimeters in circumference. In the center of the circle were three very clear and deep V-shaped impressions in the ground, evenly spaced, giving the appearance that some object with three long tripod legs came down and landed there, apparently with such great force that it cut deep down to the roots of the trees.

• At 7.30pm on that same day, two Straits Air Freight Express pilots reported an unidentified flying object in the form of a fluorescent blue pulsating light out of the pilots’ side window.

• Several nights later, O’Neill told some friend about the strange occurrence. They told him that there had been a UFO sighting a few nights earlier in Wellington, further south, and wondered if the two events could be linked. Was it a spacecraft that landed on O’Neill’s farm? Was the damage and silver sheen on the trees caused by the spacecraft blasting off again?

• One of O’Neill’s friends phoned Harvey Cooke, president of the Tauranga Science Space Research Group, who traveled immediately to the farm. Cooke told New Zealand Geographic in 1997 that the circle had not been made by humans. The three equally spaced depressions into the Manuka formed an equilateral triangle, and was the result of an estimated 20 tons of pressure. Cooke also noted that “the toes had been moved out from the pad after the object had landed. The ground had been pushed away and the flat end cut through the roots of the Manuka.”

• The story made front page news around the country. The reporter for the Thames Star, Kingsley Field, said, “The thing I do recall quite clearly was the three triangular footmarks. They would have been the size of, say, bread-and-butter plates, and were embedded quite deeply in the ground, sort of sloping. Each of them had a cross in the center and a hole in the middle … Many believed the triangular grooves were caused by a UFO or some kind of spacecraft blasting off. There were a lot of sceptics too, but really nobody had any logical explanation.”

• Before long, reporters, UFO enthusiasts and picnicking families began to arrive in droves to see the phenomenon. For researchers like Harvey Cooke it was extremely frustrating to have thousands of people traipsing over the farm, disturbing potentially vital evidence which could prove the existence of life in outer space.

• Guy Speedy who lived near the O’Neill farm said, “The circles had a huge impact on Ngatea. The population swelled as soon as the papers wrote about it. Cars were clogging up the roads and hundreds of people just trod all over poor Bert’s farm, so he couldn’t get any work done. He would’ve made a hell of a lot of money by charging at the gate. I think it didn’t take long before he grew sick of the whole thing, the attention, and it just went on for months.”

• Cooke collected soil and vegetation samples and consulted members of the University of Auckland’s UFO research group and the New Zealand Scientific Space Research Group. Horticulturist John Stuart-Menzies, who initially suspected the cause was spray damage, changed his mind and said he couldn’t determine what had caused the dead foliage. A Geiger counter showed signs of shortwave radiation, which grew stronger in the thicker parts of the timber. New Zealand’s Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, however, wanted no part of it.

• Stuart-Menzies carried out his own tests on the foliage samples. On October 6, 1969, he released his findings: “Some kind of short-wave high-frequency radiation has cooked the material from the inside outwards. The effects appear to have been instantaneous. The energy received has reduced the pith to black carbon without the outsides showing any signs of burning.” “I know of no earthly source of energy which could have produced these effects. A meteorite or lightning couldn’t do this, and it has been too sudden for combustion. Some outside object appears to have landed on the spot, and in taking off emitted the energy which cooked the plants.”

• Stuart-Menzies’ conclusion caused a media frenzy. The people wanted to know why the government’s Department of Scientific and Industrial Research wasn’t officially investigating the incident, but the department refused to comment.

• Shortly thereafter, cattle on a farm in Puketutu, just southwest of Ngatea, were spooked at their drinking pond. Reeds on an island in the middle of the pond had been flattened into a circular shape about 25 meters across. The reeds appeared to have been burned, pressed down and spread outwards in a spiral pattern, and there were tripod marks in the middle of the circle.

• A family near Dargaville, further south still, reported seeing what they thought was a low-flying aeroplane on fire, like a torpedo with flames shooting from the back, for a few minutes one night. The following day, four circles measuring a bit over five meters in diameter were found on a hill on a nearby farm.

• Finally, a month after the initial discovery of the Ngatea circle, the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research sent scientists to take and analyze samples from the site. But the place had been ransacked by sightseers and souvenir collectors. So they relied on the material collected by Harvey Cooke. The resulting official government report claimed that the samples were consistent with death from a saprophytic fungus attack. There was no mention of the triangular grooves. The government scientists refused to provide any further explanation. Locals were angered because they knew that this fungus attacked dead trees but didn’t cause the trees’ death.

• Ngatea resident Peter Thompson was 10 years old at the time. He recalls that there were those who were absolutely certain that it was a UFO encounter. That year, in 1969, almost every float in the annual Santa parade was a UFO or had some kind of space theme. For the rest of his life, Harvey Cooke remained adamant that the Ngatea Circle was caused by visiting extraterrestrials.


  Ngatea depressed crop circle in 1969

At 7.30pm on September 4, 1969, two Straits Air Freight Express pilots reported an unidentified flying object in the form of a fluorescent blue pulsating light out the pilot’s side window. Earlier that day, farmer Bert O’Neill had taken a walk around his farm near Ngatea (New Zealand) near Thames. He’d noticed that some of his normally green manuka trees appeared to be silvery in colour on the tips. He thought it was a bit odd, so decided to investigate. He couldn’t quite believe what he found.

O’Neill came to a formation of trees that were completely dead and had been bleached a silvery colour. They formed a circular patch, perfectly round, measuring 142 centimetres in circumference.

               diagram of crop circle

Within the centre of the circle were three very clear and deep V-shaped impressions in the ground. They were evenly spaced, giving the appearance of some object with three long tripod legs coming down and landing with great force. The marks were pushed into the earth with so much force that it had cut deep down to the roots of the trees.

O’Neill had never seen anything like it and could not fathom what the hell had caused it.

Several nights later, he had a group of friends over for dinner and he regaled them with tales of what he had seen. The group were stunned. Talk turned to the UFO sighting in Wellington a few nights earlier. One guest half-joked that both events might be linked, suggesting that the Martians had decided to pay us a visit. Had they landed their spacecraft at that spot on the farm? Had the craft’s legs caused the deep grooves in the earth? Was the damage caused by the spacecraft blasting off again?

The next day, one of the dinner guests phoned Harvey Cooke, president of the Tauranga Science Space Research Group, who travelled immediately to the farm.

In 1997, Cooke told New Zealand Geographic he was adamant that the circle had not been made by humans. He recalled how the three equally spaced depressions into the manuka formed an equilateral triangle, the result of an estimated 20 tonnes of pressure. He also noted that “the toes had been moved out from the pad after the object had landed. The ground had been pushed away and the flat end cut through the roots of the manuka.”

Cooke collected a number of samples and consulted members of the University of Auckland’s UFO research group and the New Zealand Scientific Space Research Group. The scientists made haste. The story had become front page news around the country. Initially, there was some suggestion that the damage had been caused by a neighbour’s weed killer. But they denied it, and a weed expert confirmed that even a high level of spraying would not cause the extent of damage seen in the paddock.

Kingsley Field, then a junior reporter for the Thames Star, reported the story. He says, “I headed out there and saw these peculiar circles. It was a strange looking formation and not easy explainable. I had absolutely no idea what caused it.



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Tom DeLonge Says the Government Has Information That Would Change the World

Article by Emily Brown                              June 29, 2020                              (

• Tom DeLonge, 44 (pictured above), former member of the rock band Blink-182 and currently a founding member of the UFO research organization ‘To the Stars Academy’, grew up in a ‘hardcore’ Christian family. But once he was touring with his band, there was ‘nothing to do but read books’ and his eyes were opened to different belief systems. He was consumed by an obsession to find out why we’re here on this planet and what it’s all about. The subject of aliens and UFOs seemed to encompass everything he wanted to know – dealing with religious beliefs systems, the potential for life out in the universe, and different ways of thinking and understanding new technologies.

• DeLonge says there are ‘thousands and thousands of documents and pieces of evidence (about UFOs) that have come out from the [US] government’, whether they be from ‘flag level (military) officers, or CIA declassification, or people that work on programs’. He is convinced that government officials are hiding information that could change life as we know it. He and fellow ‘To The Stars’ researcher, Luis Elizondo, who headed a Pentagon UFO research program, have created the History Channel show, “Unidentified”, which just began its second season. The show discusses sightings, patterns and experiences that suggest we’re not alone in the universe. “Do they have things that I think would blow it wide open and change the world in 10 seconds? Yes, I [think they] do,” says DeLonge. “But I don’t have any evidence of that myself, and I can’t prove that to the world. But I have my reasons, and I hope that one day that does happen, in a constructive way that doesn’t scare people.”

• DeLonge believes the government has its reasons for keeping information classified. It could be ’embarrassing or scary’, or even dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands. But he stressed that government officials ‘don’t have a monopoly on info’. He says that his own research academy has ‘a great deal of information’ it’s hoping to release ‘when the time is right – when it makes sense and when [they] can do it respectfully and in a way where it’s not adversarial with [their] partners in the US government.’

• DeLonge says that humans are making ‘gigantic strides’ on the subject of extraterrestrial life. Through ‘To The Stars’, he hopes everyone will be ‘part of this awakening’ in a way that is ‘scientifically accurate, scientifically based, and credible.’ He points to a memo by US Air Force General Nathan Twining in the early 1950s, in which Twining states, ‘not only are these (aliens) real, but they’re not visionary, they’re not fictitious’. Said DeLonge, “I remember reading that in my early 20s and I was just floored by it, I was like ‘oh my God’. People [ask] ‘where’s the evidence?’, well (Twining) came out and said it. That’s just one of tens of thousands of documents that have come out on the stuff but… that was one particular piece that I’ve always remembered.”

• In his UFO research, DeLonge started to notice patterns emerging. Then he started to draw attention from ‘a lot of people from the government’ and found himself in ‘a little hot water’ as a result of his findings. While he couldn’t go into detail, DeLonge admitted to finding something that ‘really scared him’ during his research. “If you’re in the ocean and you saw a great white shark, does that mean everything in the ocean is a great white shark? No, it means that one particular species is pretty dangerous if you’re dealing with it in a certain environment. It doesn’t mean that blue whales are dangerous, or that dolphins are dangerous. You’ve got to think of the universe as teeming with life and different types of supernatural forces.”

• “I think that we’re dealing with multiple frequencies of existence as well as linear travel,” explains DeLonge. “So my analogy is: you’re in the ocean and you see a jellyfish, then you see a dolphin, then you see a blue whale and you think you’ve seen it all. Then, all of a sudden, a coke can drifts by and you’re like, ‘What’s that? What the hell?’, when you don’t even know there’s land and humans making cans of soda. You’ve got to think of the universe that way – it’s not just one group, it’s not just one thing, it’s everything. It’s infinite, so I just think we have to wrap our heads around that.”

• The government might have details that would blow our minds, but it’s key that those in charge understand it first. DeLonge admits that he would ‘absolutely be thinking the same thing’ when it comes to keeping information classified and making sure ‘people don’t lose control of their emotions over a subject that we don’t even understand yet’. The government is not ‘one symbiotic, perfect functioning organism. There may be some people who agree with keeping information secret while others are keen to share it. But DeLonge says that, ultimately, ‘what everyone’s after are peaceful, progressive conversations that don’t scare people [and] that can help us achieve the things we need to achieve with regards to (the extraterrestrial) subject.’ Until then, the best we can do is explore the evidence and keep an open mind.


DeLonge, 44, has long been open about his interest in aliens; a subject he first delved into while on tour with Blink-182 before the days of smartphones, when there was ‘nothing to do but read books’ during long trips.

           Luis Elizondo

The musician grew up in a religious household, his mother a ‘hardcore devout Christian lady’ who made the family go to church multiple times a week, so it wasn’t until he started touring that DeLonge realised his mother’s beliefs weren’t upheld by everyone.

     General Nathan Twining

DeLonge told UNILAD that learning about different belief systems really ‘opened his eyes’ and incited an ‘obsession’ with finding out ‘what is this all about? Why are we here? Is it really an accident?’

The UFO enthusiast was determined to discover how humans could ‘change the way we think so we can progress as a species’, and found that the subject of aliens seemed to encompass everything he wanted to know, dealing with ‘religious beliefs systems, the potential for life out in the universe, different ways of thinking and [the] potential for understanding new types of technologies.’

DeLonge ultimately put music on the backburner to focus on his research with the help of his company To The Stars Academy, and in recent years the team has made waves with their work, one of the most recent accomplishments being the release of three videos showing UFOs.

The former frontman further explores the subject alongside Luis Elizondo, who headed the US government’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) between 2007-2012, in the new series of Unidentified.

In the show, airing on BLAZE between June 29 and July 4 as part of UFO week, the researchers discuss sightings, patterns and experiences that suggest we’re not alone in the universe.

While it can be hard to wrap your head around the idea of life beyond Earth, DeLonge has stressed there’s ‘thousands and thousands of documents and pieces of evidence that have come out from the [US] government’, whether they be from ‘flag level officers or Central Intelligence Agency declassification or people that work on programmes’.

In spite of the abundance of information that’s been made public however, DeLonge is convinced officials are holding some information close to their chests; information that could change life as we know it.



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Air Force Reports on Aircrew Encounters with Unidentified Flying Craft

Article by Joseph Trevithick and Tyler Rogoway                          June 26, 2020                           (

• In 2019, reports emerged from US Navy pilots of UFO encounters off the East Coast and in the Middle East. (see previous ExoArticles here and here) Since then The War Zone website has collected Navy and Air Force incident reports through Freedom of Information Act requests. In this article, The War Zone has compiled 25 reports obtained through FOIA from the Air Force Safety Center.

• The UFO issue, especially involving US military aircraft, was thrust back into the public spotlight in June when the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence demanded a full accounting of matters pertaining to UFOs from the Pentagon and the US Intelligence Community. (see previous ExoArticle here) The incident reports listed below may be among the information provided to the Senate Committee.

• Only the November 1, 2017 report involves a combat jet and only the April 21, 2015 report involves ‘tactical aircraft’, which The War Zone considers “extremely odd”. Fighter jets and tactical aircraft have the most capable radars and other sensors to spot and track small, unidentified objects. Additional reports may be getting passed through separate or even classified systems, outside the normal reporting channels for military aviation safety incidents. The Black Vault received a number of internal Air Force Emails via FOIA related to this topic, including one that said, “Currently the Air Force is not working any specific guidelines for reporting UAPs.”

• The 25 reports show the steady rise of lower-end drone activity – an increasing issue for commercial air operations. Regulators around the world, including the Federal Aviation Administration, have struggled to develop rules and guidelines that are practical and enforceable. This underscores the fact that small drones present real safety concerns to U.S. military activities at home, as well as abroad. The proliferation of cheap but capable drone technology enables non-state actors, in addition to the military forces of nation-states, to increasingly employ unmanned aircraft for surveillance and actual kinetic attacks on and off the battlefield. This is a threat that the DoD was astonishingly too incurious to recognize.

• #1 June 17, 2014: 27th Special Operations Wing – The 27th Special Operations Wing at Cannon Air Force Base in New Mexico reported an unidentified fixed-wing aircraft flying under Visual Flight Rules intruding into the nearby R5104 range area between 11:04 and 11:22am. Communications could not be established with the aircraft.

• #2 July 2, 2014: 58th Special Operations Wing – An “unidentified helicopter” flew under the two aircraft at a distance of between 100 and 300 feet near Sorocco, New Mexico. The HC-130P’s crew first spotted a bright light near the aircraft. An accompanying HH-60G crew also saw it. The light grew brighter, blinding the pilots using night-vision goggles. No communication was established with the unidentified helicopter.

• #3 July 24, 2014: 317th Airlift Group – A C-130J Hercules airlift had a near-collision with an unidentified light fixed-wing aircraft approximately eight miles to the south of Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington State, during a training mission.

• #4 November 21, 2014: 121st Aerial Refueling Wing – A KC-135R tanker was given notice of a potential hazard from its Traffic Collision Avoidance System while climbing away from Wilmington Airpark near Wilmington, Ohio.

• #5 February 7, 2015: 45th Space Wing – An HC-130 Combat King combat search and rescue and tanker aircraft had an encounter with what was described as “a possible remote control aircraft” with a “flashing red light”. Personnel at Patrick Air Force Base tower spotted the remote control aircraft and contacted the Brevard Country Sheriff’s Office to investigate along with the Air Force Security Forces Squadron at Patrick. They found no further evidence of the object, which had been flying an estimated 900 to 1,000 feet in the air.

• #6 April 21, 2015: 379th Air Expeditionary Wing – A KC-135R tanker at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar visually saw an “unidentified aircraft” while conducting an aerial refueling mission over Afghanistan near Kandahar, but the object did not appear on radar with the tanker plane or air traffic control.

• #7 May 15, 2015: 100th Aerial Refueling Wing – A KC-135R Stratotanker had several near collisions with an unidentified aircraft while on approach to its home base of RAF Mildenhall, UK. When the tanker descended to 2,600 feet as part of their approach, air traffic controllers warned them about another aircraft directly below them. The crew climbed to 3,600 feet to avoid the craft. The crew never visually saw the other aircraft or received any radio calls from another plane warning of a potential collision.

• #8 May 21, 2015: 452nd Air Mobility Wing – A C-17A Globemaster III airlifter had a near-collision with an “unidentified remotely piloted aircraft” while on approach to March Air Reserve Base in California. The pilot said that the flying object came within 15 feet of the aircraft, passing it above and to the left.

• #9 July 25, 2015: 129th Rescue Wing – An MC-130P Combat Shadow search and rescue tanker aircraft had to take evasive action to avoid hitting an unidentified object during a nighttime training mission near Niagara Falls International Airport in New York State. While on approach to the airport, the pilot saw through their night-vision goggles an “object [that] appeared to be illuminated by a single external light” and that looked to “be accelerating from left to right” in front of them. The pilot took evasive action and passed directly over the object.

• #10 August 13, 2015: 452nd Air Mobility Wing – A KC-135R tanker suffered a near collision with what the crew described as a “quad-copter-type drone” 100 feet below the craft while flying a pattern around March Air Reserve Base in California. It continued on in the opposite direction from the KC-135R and “disappeared from sight.”

• #11 January 15, 2016: 45th Space Wing Wing – An American detachment at RAF Ascension Island, a territory of the United Kingdom in the South Atlantic Ocean, reported seeing an “unauthorized personal drone” at two separate locations. The RAF pilots did not see the drone nor did it interfere with their landing, but the 45th Space Wing described the incident as having a “high accident potential.”

• #12 April 21, 2016: 193rd Special Operations Wing – An EC-130J(SJ) aircraft had a near collision with a small drone flying at around 4,000 feet while in contact with aircraft controllers at Philadelphia International Airport. The crew initially thought they saw a bird, until they saw a flashing red light pass 3 feet above the left wing.

• #13 January 25, 2017: 27th Special Operations Wing – An unidentified private fixed-wing aircraft flying at around 10,000 feet intruded into restricted airspace near Cannon Air Force Base in New Mexico at 4:10pm. Cannon’s Radar Approach Control lost the signal from the aircraft’s transponder by 4:37.

• #14 June 9, 2017: 12th Flying Training Wing – A T-6A Texan II trainer had a near collision with a “red unmanned aerial system” while flying south of the Mobile Bay Bridge in Alabama. “The UAS was spotted approximately one half to one wingtip away from the EA [Event Aircraft] and was co-altitude.”

• #15 November 1, 2017: 48th Fighter Wing – An F-15E Strike performed evasive maneuvers to avoid colliding with an “unidentified flying object” while flying near its home base at RAF Lakenheath in the United Kingdom. “The object passed over the right side of the aircraft with an estimated minimal separation of 100 feet.”

• #16 January 20, 2018: 47th Flying Training Wing – A T-1 Jayhawk training jet reported a near-collision with an “unidentifiable unmanned drone” while on approach to Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport in Arizona, 4.2 miles from the airport’s runway. The aircraft was flying at 1,300 feet and flew right under the drone. Both pilots identified it as a UAV due to the fact it was hovering, and they saw a small white steady light emanating as they passed underneath it.

• #17 February 7, 2018: 71st Flying Training Wing – A T-38C Talon jet trainer had a near collision with a drone while on approach to Vance Air Force Base in Oklahoma, coming within 300 feet of the jet trainer.

• #18 February 5, 2018: 325th Fighter Wing – The pilot of a transient US Navy T-6A Texan II aircraft was on approach to Tyndall Air Force Base at 1000 feet when they spotted an unmanned aircraft 1,200 feet off his left wing. The pilot “noticed sun glint off of metal, this is when he realized the black object was not a bird and that it was moving to the southeast.”

• #19 March 26, 2018: 45th Space Wing – The pilot of a civilian helicopter flying near Patrick Air Force Base in Florida “had a model airplane come within about 100 feet.” All the other major details about this incident are redacted, but it appears to have led to the issuance of a formal Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) regarding the potentially hazardous situation.

• #20 September 10, 2018: 86th Airlift Wing – A C-130Js had a near collision with an unidentified unmanned aerial vehicle while flying near Ramstein Air Base in Germany. The report describes the drone as “spherical with an approximated 6 feet diameter top mounted rotor.”

• #21 March 6, 2019: 12th Flying Training Wing – A T-1 Jayhawk training jet reported seeing “a quad copter or non-traditional aircraft” that was “silver in color” while flying in Mississippi on a low-level training flight. “The UAS was stationary or near stationary” and was seen within one nautical mile of the T-1 hovering at around 1,500 feet.

• #22 March 13, 2019: 445th Airlift Wing – A C-17A Globemaster III airlifter had to take evasive action to avoid a small drone during a training sortie on March 13, 2019. The aircraft was flying at approximately 3,500 feet over Ohio. “The pilot flying (PF) observed a white sUAS [small unmanned aerial system] with either brown or black accents or propellers just below the [Aircraft]…. within 50 feet.”

• #23 March 21, 2019: 552nd Air Control Wing – An E-3B Sentry flying at 3,000 feet reported that a “DJI style quad-copter/unmanned aerial system” passed by the aircraft approximately 20 feet below its number four engine. The crew also told air traffic controllers at Oklahoma City Approach that “they came close to one.”

• #24 July 25, 2019: 445th Airlift Wing – A C-17A Globemaster III airlifter, when departing RAF Lakenheath in the United Kingdom, “visually acquired an orange colored small unmanned aerial system as it passed approximately 50′ below the left wing” after climbing out to an altitude of 7,500 feet. “

• #25 September 9, 2019: 109th Airlift Wing – An LC-130H Hercules airlifter reported a near-miss with a quad-copter-type drone while conducting a proficiency flight around Albany International Airport. During a climb out at 1,100 feet, the crew spotted the drone, yellow in color, approximately 300 feet away laterally and between 100 and 200 feet below.


Last year, reports emerged about Navy fighter pilots having numerous encounters with unidentified flying objects while flying in restricted airspace off the East Coast of the United States. Details remain limited, though The War Zone has been steadily collecting more and more information that could help explain many of those incidents. At the same time, curiously, there haven’t been virtually any revelations about similar encounters with other U.S. military services’ flying branches, especially the Air Force, which is the entity primarily responsible for safeguarding America’s airspace.

In May, The War Zone was first to publish details from a number of hazard reports from the Naval Safety Center, obtained via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). regarding interactions between that service’s aircraft and unknown aerial craft that offered an additional look into what might be happening, why, and how these encounters were or weren’t getting reported. We can now share information from 25 similar reports obtained through the FOIA from the Air Force Safety Center.

This whole issue, especially regarding U.S. military aircraft encountering unidentified objects when flying over or near the United States proper, was thrust back into the public consciousness just this week. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence said that it was looking to get a full accounting of the issue from the U.S. Intelligence Community and the Pentagon. As part of a report accompanying the latest draft of the Senate version Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, the Committee members included language asking for a detailed review of exactly what information about these kinds of incidents exists now, how new data is getting collected, how this is all shared within the federal government, and what threats these aerial objects might pose, including whether they might reflect technological breakthroughs by potential adversaries. These Air Force reports, as well as the previously disclosed ones that the Navy has on file, could easily be among the information that the Intelligence Community and the Department of Defense might end up compiling for Senators to review.

The 25 reports that The War Zone obtained, which cover various types of incidents around the world and come from the Air Force Safety Automated System (AFSAS) database, came in response to a request that asked for copies of “any flight incident, hazard, or similar reports that the Air Force Safety Center received during the calendar years 2013 to 2019 that deal with encounters that any Air Force aircraft had anywhere in the world with any unidentified aerial objects.”

This date range was meant to capture a snapshot of similar experiences that the Air Force might have been having around when Navy pilots said they saw a spike in the number of encounters with unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP, more commonly known as unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, off the East Coast of the United States through the end of the most recent complete calendar year.

Personal identifying information is redacted throughout the Air Force reports. “Safety investigation boards’ Findings, Evaluations, Analyses, Conclusions, and Recommendations are exempt from disclosure,” the Air Force Safety Center also said in a letter accompanying the release, citing various Air Force and Department of Defense regulations, as well as relevant FOIA case law, which you can read in full, with certain personal information redacted by us, here.

“All other privileged portions of the report have been withheld according to established laws,” the letter added. “Unfortunately, some pages are virtually illegible due to the quality of the microfilm record and our capability to reproduce it.”



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