A ‘Turning Point’ on UFOs: Physicist Michio Kaku Tells Ufology Conference the Truth is Out There
Listen to “E107 9-27-19 A ‘Turning Point’ on UFOs: Physicist Michio Kaku Tells Ufology Conference the Truth is Out There” on Spreaker.Article by Melissa Rossi September 13, 2019 (yahoo.com)
• Michio Kaku, a well-known science writer and professor of theoretical physics at the City University of New York Graduate Center, spoke to the audience at the Ufology World Congress in Barcelona, Spain (September 6-9, 2019) about UFOs and the true extraterrestrial presence on Earth. Kaku exhorted the audience of 1,000 at the Hesperia Barcelona Tower hotel, that if they were ever taken aboard an extraterrestrial craft, “For God’s sake, steal something! … a pocketed alien paper clip, alien fork, even a bit of “alien dandruff” that would yield useful chemical and genetic information to scientists. Scientists such as Kaku at the conference called for the world to take the study of UFOs more seriously and respectable.
• The field of astrobiology – the study of life outside Earth – has been invigorated by some provocative findings released over the past 20 months. The US Navy video was released of UFOs behaving like no known aircraft. Kaku told the crowd, “We now know they fly between Mach 5 and Mach 20 — five to 20 times the speed of sound. We know they zigzag so fast that any pilot would be crushed by centrifugal force. That they have no exhaust that we can see.” “The explanations usually invoked for UFO sightings — meteors, weather balloons, even the planet Venus — can’t explain these live-action high-precision shots.” Then Kaku reached his conclusion: either they are of human origin, representing a technology so cutting-edge that even leading scientists are puzzled by it. Or, he said, “maybe they are evidence of an advanced outer space civilization.” After all, Kaku noted, the universe is 13.8 billion years old, while earthly science was born 300 years ago. On any of 4,000 recently discovered exoplanets, where life as we know it might be able to exist, alien civilizations may well have had much longer to advance their scientific and technological skills. In fact, Kaku surmised that pilots in alien spacecraft may be cybernetic or robotic.
• “We’ve reached a turning point,” said Kaku. “It used to be that believers had to prove that these objects were from an intelligent race in outer space. Now the burden of proof is on the government to prove they’re not from intelligent beings in outer space.”
• In a throwback to the ’50s and ’60s, when sightings of flying saucers were front-page news, the media is now giving the topic more airtime and more ink. Congress is demanding more information. New TV shows and documentaries are popping up. There is a renewed interest in the 1947 Roswell incident, the Rendlesham Forest incident, and in Area 51. Rock star Tom DeLonge has created a research academy and History channel series that explores the Pentagon’s own UFO study program, which released several Navy cockpit videos of “unidentified aerial phenomenon’.
• The Pentagon study – the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ – also revealed hint that the Defense Department is studying far more than the existence of extraterrestrial UFOs in the skies, but also how they work. Titles of AATIP reports have surfaced that include “Traversable Wormholes,” “Invisibility Cloaks,” “Space Communication Implications of Quantum Entanglement” and “Warp Drive, Dark Energy and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions.” The head of that Pentagon program, Luis Elizondo, left the government in 2017 to join DeLonge’s UFO research academy. Billionaire Robert Bigelow and former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence Christopher Mellon are also consultants with the academy.
• Formerly with the U.K.’s Ministry of Defense’s UFO program in the 1990’s, Nick Pope says, “We’re in game-changing, paradigm-busting territory.” Pope said UFOs are the topic that Brits most often ask their government about. Citing reports from European governments as well as the U.S. and accounts of sightings by “police officers, pilots and military personnel,” he hopes to “bring the subject out of the fringe and into the mainstream.” Pope believes that “more likely than not,” some UFOs may be of extraterrestrial origin.
• The conference’s three days of lectures and workshops explored the diversity of UFO craft (shaped like barbells, cigars, shiny orbs or even Tic Tacs), the numerous varieties of alien races (from the lizard-like Dracos and large-eyed, hairless Greys to the tall, human-like Nordics), and the phenomena of crop circles, lucid dreaming, and preparing the pineal gland for alien arrivals by learning “the language of light.”
• Mexican journalist Jaime Maussan spoke about the three-fingered mummies from Peru. Social scientists J.J. and Desiree Hurtak spoke about pyramids on Mars, UFOs spotted near the destroyed Fukushima nuclear power plant, footprints of giants in South Africa, and alien corpses that are under top-secret control. Spanish parapsychology investigator Sergio Ruiz said that he has been studying demonic possession, and the first thing that’s taught is that victims of possession may in fact have been overtaken by extraterrestrials.
• Jan Harzan, executive director for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), claims that “We are definitely not alone. It’s a fact!” Harzan said the majority of the 500 or more UFO reports his organization receives monthly are dismissed. But “about 5 percent appear to be legitimate.” That implies around 300 genuine sightings of alien craft per year. When asked why beings from outer space would have any interest in Earth, most speakers said they were coming in peace and to help humanity. Harzan, said that most extraterrestrial sources are concerned about saving the planet from destruction.
• But American “exopolitics lawyer”, Alfred Webre, said that extraterrestrials are coming to Earth to recruit human slave labor. Said Webre, “There are some estimates that 60 million humans are enslaved in industrial facilities in the solar systems, producing products used through the galaxy.” Even worse, the race known as Draco-Reptilians, believed to come from the Orion constellation, have a taste for human babies. Webre said that our world is actually being overseen by a regional galactic government of “seven or eight civilizations,” and humanity will be “rejoining the (peaceful) galactic community of nations.”
BARCELONA, Spain — For the often-ridiculed followers of ufology, the study of unidentified flying objects, there was a sense of validation when the celebrated physicist and author Michio Kaku took a break from his work on string field theory to address the Ufology World Congress here last weekend and offer some advice on how to behave aboard an alien spaceship.

“For God’s sake, steal something!” he exhorted the audience of 1,000 at the Hesperia Barcelona Tower hotel, famous for its spaceship bar perched off the 29th floor. Kaku said a pocketed alien paper clip, alien fork, even a bit of “alien dandruff” would yield useful chemical and genetic information to scientists.
It is, of course, a matter of speculation whether extraterrestrials have hair, let alone dandruff. Drawings based on the descriptions of people who claim to have seen them typically depict them as bald, although there is also believed to be a race of blond

humanoid aliens known as “Nordics.”
Kaku, a well-known science writer, media personality and professor of theoretical physics at the City University of New York Graduate Center, also spoke to Yahoo News about assorted planetary matters, including his concerns about a future traffic jam in orbits around the moon, in a separate interview.

Even without extraterrestrial dandruff to analyze, the field of astrobiology, the study of life outside Earth, has been invigorated recently by some provocative findings released over the past 20 months. Researchers have been poring over recently declassified videos shot by U.S. Navy pilots over the East Coast in 2015, showing mysterious flying objects that behave like no known aircraft. Thanks to newly updated radar systems in Navy jets, the videos have aided scientists by providing “testability” and previously unknown metrics about UFOs. “We now know they fly between Mach 5 and Mach 20 — five to 20 times the speed of sound,” Kaku said. “We know they zigzag so fast that any pilot would be crushed by centrifugal force. That they have no exhaust that we can see.” The explanations usually invoked for UFO sightings — meteors, weather balloons, even the planet Venus — can’t explain these live-action high-precision shots, said Kaku, leading to either of two possible conclusions: They are of human origin, representing a technology so cutting-edge that even leading scientists are puzzled by it. Or, he said, “maybe they are evidence of an advanced outer space civilization.”

Could they be Russian, not Martian? Perhaps, Kaku allowed, given that last year Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that “Russia had built a hypersonic flying vehicle that can zigzag.” The U.S. and China are also working on hypersonic drones. On the other hand, Kaku emphasized, “maybe they are extraterrestrial.” After all, he noted, the universe is 13.8 billion years old, while earthly science was born merely 300 years ago; on any of 4,000 recently discovered exoplanets, where life as we know it might be able to exist, alien civilizations may well have had much longer to advance their scientific and technological skills.

Even if not smoking-gun proof, the declassified videos — bolstered by confirmation of multiple sightings of unexplained aerial vehicles during 2014 and 2015, including at least one near-collision — are giving ufology new weight. “We’ve reached a turning point,” Kaku said. “It used to be that believers had to prove that these objects were from an intelligent race in outer space. Now the burden of proof is on the government to prove they’re not from intelligent beings in outer space.”
The possibility that they are vehicles from other planetary civilizations, Kaku told Yahoo, “now has to be put on the table.”
Still, in the absence of even a molecule of aliens’ DNA, if they have DNA — Kaku cautioned that pilots in alien spacecraft may be cybernetic or robotic — astrobiology remains largely a discipline without a material subject matter. Which is why Kaku wants something scientists can touch and examine in the lab, predicting that “it will end the debate right then and there.”
Whatever the state of provability, ETs and spinning discs are again the rage, as evidenced in more than just ticket prices for the three-day Ufology World Congress, which ranged up to $1,600 for premium seating and a “meet-and-greet” with Kaku.
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Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, Alfred Weber, area 51, Barcelona Spain, Christopher Mellon, Hesperia Barcelona Tower hotel, History Channel, J.J. and Desiree Hurtak, Jaime Maussan, Jan Harzan, Michio Kaku, Navy cockpit videos, Nick Pope, podcast, Rendlesham Forest incident, Robert Bigelow, Roswell Incident, Sergio Ruiz, Tom Delonge, Ufology World Congress