More UFO Activity in Lima Perú – Future Implications?

UFO in LIma Peru
UFO in LIma Peru  on Jan 18, 2014

There’s been more UFO activity reported in Lima, Peru recently. There are some expectations here and there because the beginings of Mision Rahma contacts was 40 years ago. The contacts multiplied and several contactees appeared besides the first contactees, Sixto and Charlie Paz. Each brings a new complementary perspective and information. Out of 7 events witnessed by reporters (with varying degrees of success due to excessive excitement or lack of respect and preparation on the part of curiosity seekers and attendees), according to Sixto Paz, perhaps only 10% of the reporters were courageous enough to speak up and to hold on to their witnessing of craft. One of them was J.J. Benitez who wrote his experience in “OVNI: S.O.S. a la Humanidad,” lost his job and started an incredible career researching and writing about mysteries.

Thankfully, even in today’s highly commercial and modernizing Peru, there’s also somewhat more awareness and respectability for the UFO issue and a larger segment of the population is being informed by UFO programs like those from History Channel and so forth. Besides, some people are aware that the Air Force has recently opened an Anomalous Aerial Objects Research Office.

Recently, some photos were taken in downtown Lima by a RPP radio network reporter and have been circulating. Whether lens flares or not, it raises the issue in people’s minds.
Besides those photos taken by an RPP Radio reporter (the largest radio network in Perú),  recently several callers reported that on Dec 14 UFOs were also dramatically seen at around 8PM on a (crowded) northern part of Lima, Peru between the Panamerican Higway north and a street called Habich. The event its said to have stopped traffic for a while because many people stopped to watch the display. Some  callers even mentioned a large, multi colored (rugby football-shaped) object  which was suddenly seemed to be hased or circled by a smaller star-like one until it had to leave. The reports were received on Radio Capital program “Viaje a Otra Dimension” conducted by UFO and paranormal investigator Anthony Choy.  

Also, colorful lights constantly appearing, dissappearing, moving and changing positions with respect to each other lights in the District of Cieneguilla, Lima, Peru. The sincerity of the peoples’ dialogue during filming is quite telling that it doesn’t seem to be pre-planned or faked. (part one) Two sets of videos were posted on You Tube Dated 15 December, 2013 and 18 December, 2013

Cieneguilla has been a place where UFOs have been seen before.

On Dec 9 Anonymous Peru informed that an object had crashed near Cieneguilla Peru. That created some stir but that report has not been confirmed.

Now we have this cell ph video taken in the District of San Miguel in Lima, Peru dated Dec 23, 2014. It shows a helicopter and what SEEMS to be a metallic disc hovering nearby to the left of the chopper. The film is from Gladys Cordoba. The link is   During a very brief fraction within the first second of the video there SEEMS to be a metallic disc hovering to the left of the helicopter. Then, it disappears from view because the camera moves to the right. The sunlight seems to shine on the left side of the object which coincides with how it shines on objects casting shadows (toward the right) on the ground.A blow up photogram of that brief moment is included.

Foto: MIS AMIGOS SE PASEAN POR TODO LIMA!!!</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>Esta mañana un joven que vive en el distrito de San Miguel - Lima Perú se despertó por el ruido de un helicóptero y esta es la foto que tomó al ver que un OVNI  era perseguido por un helicóptero!!! (amaneció con sol radiante la ciudad pero en el transcurso de la mañana cambió el clima y el sol se oculto, la sensación de calor es alta)<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Saludos cordiales desde el Cerro de la Amistad!<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Gladys Córdova.

It’s too early to tell but, if this is a lasting trend that will continue beyond ocasional sightings but, perhaps, some Latin American contactees connected to a spiritual perspective will eventually show that some UFOs are indeed ET and that a better approach toward friendlier, respectful  contacts with extraterrestrial beings is not only possible and necessary, but can be objective and politically viable. They will probably show along with the effort of so many other researchers that a TABOO on this matter is BEHIND THE TIMES and that without panic, adoration or condemnation, we can engage in more intelligent exchanges with extraterrestrial beings.

A probable connection with a distant – but always latent – past in which knowledge about ancient beings coming from the stars and-or living underground as survivors of old, wise civilizations exists. Thus, in old traditions there are memories of the “Paco Pacuris” (illumined beings that live in special undergound sites) and of the “Ñaupas” (the ancestors who dressed in white came from the the sea). When on November, 2010, my friend, colleague, reporter and researcher Marco Barraza was investigating at the famous “Aramu Muru” Portal or the “Hayumarca Door” in Juli, Puno, Peru two seemingly anomalous objects moved behind him while he was mentioning specific words as seen here.   From minute 5.30 on when he especifically said “There are places in the planet surrounded by myths, magic and mysteries ” a mist-like thing appeared moving behind him from left to right. Next, when he says “there are places where one can even perhaps feel the presence of the so-called extraterrestrial deities” a UFO appeared, also moving from left to right behind and above him.  The link is at

I think that modern society needs to recuperate the highest memories of a wiser past in which ETs were not a threat as seen today. Not everyone ‘out there’ or inside here( (inside the Earth’s crust) is a threat and we must evolve beyong our extreme warrior-like projections on them. After considering the experiences of some contactee friends with eyewitnesses accompanying them, and after thinking of information contasined in ancient lore and current “wisdom keepers” I am certain that there are benevolent masters of wisdom and extraterrestrials waiting for us to become aware of who we are and to responsibly participate in a cosmic community. While in our fantastic cultural milieu “benevolence” might sound like gullibility and a non-realistic attitude I’d say that the overall emphasis on negativity and aggression is exagerated.

Sixto Paz, one of the main contactees objectively verified by witnesses (and succesfully preparing other people to experience their own contacts), estimates that, out of about 60 extraterrestrial “races” interacting with Earth and humanity, only 5 don’t want the original cosmic plan for humanity to suceed. First, we need to find who we are and is the highest thing expected from us to “suceed.” We also need to think less dichotomically, more intelligently and to choose our direction wisely.

The time to focus more on our friends and less on our probable foes (perhaps in some cases beings that might need our assistance without allowing them to exploit us) is at hand. Let’s contact them with integrity and no fear!

Crop circle reveals comet ISON was spacecraft & July 2014 ET event

Screenshot of KSBW TV coverage of Salinas crop circle interpretation. Comet ISON depicted in upper left background.
Screenshot of KSBW TV coverage of Salinas crop circle interpretation. Comet ISON depicted in upper left background.

A crop circle that appeared 11 miles southeast of Salinas, California on December 28, 2013 contains three coded messages according to renowned crop circle researcher, Dr Horace Drew. According to Dr Drew, a retired molecular biologist who worked at Caltech and Australia’s CSIRO, one of the coded messages was to be vigilant about an upcoming astronomical event. The next message referred to a date in the near future when an astronomical event is to occur by July 8, 2014. The third and most startling message was that comet ISON was a space transportation system. Taken in their entirety, the three messages appear to be encouraging people to watch the skies for an upcoming astronomical event featuring remnants of ISON that will in fact be an extraterrestrial event of some kind. If genuine and correctly interpreted, the Salinas crop circle is a vindication for those claiming that Comet ISON was no comet at all, but one or more objects under intelligent extraterrestrial control with a specific mission for the inner solar system and Earth.

The December 28, Salinas crop circle attracted widespread attention due to its unusual timing and location. It appeared well after the crop circle season in southern England had concluded, and most crop circle researchers had quietly withdrawn to write summaries of the 2013 summer season. According to an email by crop researcher Paul Jacobs, who began investigating the Salinas crop circle:

No one in the area has made claim to it and the locals had no knowledge of it or its construction. I estimate it would have taken three men working in daylight conditions doing 9-hour shifts for nearly 9 days to complete this pattern. My gut feeling is we have an important event on our hands here.

More tellingly, a security firm was hired by an unknown agency to begin guarding the crop circle on the same day it was discovered. According to Linda Moulton Howe from

On Saturday morning, December 28, 2013, Echelon Security in San Jose, California, was hired by an agency to guard the intricate pattern in the 2 to 3 foot high barley in the Chualar field east of Salinas. This fact was confirmed the afternoon of December 31, 2013, by staff writer Phillip Molnar at the Monterey County Herald.

Howe described an account by Jeff Krause, of how the security firm deployed four security trucks with personnel to keep people out of the crop circle:

I arrived at the site near 7:15 AM Pacific on December 31, 2013. When I got there, four security trucks were parked on the road outside the circle to keep people from going in. They were very adamant about not letting anybody on the field property.

It would be odd for a farmer to hire and pay for four security trucks and personnel to protect a barley field. The clear implication is that an unnamed U.S. agency saw the Salinas crop circle as having national security implications and funded Echelon Securities to keep the public away. So what was the message that the crop circle contained and may have sparked a national security response by an unknown U.S. agency?

The Salinas crop circle had a circular design with a number of complex geometric patterns that appeared to be coded messages. The main breakthrough came when a Braille language interpreter identified some of the crop patterns as being text book characters from the Braille language. The Braille message was quickly interpreted as a series of numbers and letter – (192)-(192)-2-(192)-1-(192)-(192).

According to Dr Drew, when the British search engine is used, the code can be translated as: “The blind will see, and those who seek will find.” If interpreted correctly, the message here was that something will shortly happen that will be so unambiguous, that even die-hard skeptics will see what they previously denied. For others, the upcoming event will be vindication for what they have been seeking.

The second message was identified by Dr Drew as an outer code featuring three tall poles accompanied by numbers using Morse code. The message was 3-space-3-space-1. Dr Drew interpreted this as referring to an event timed to occur in the near future: “we should go around the “polar clock” by three full turns (days, weeks, months?) until some “event time” is reached.” According to a retired US Navy Flight Officer, Captain Mark Wood, the date referred to by the number 192 in the main coded message is July 8, 2014, which is 192 days from December 28. Significantly, the alignment of planets on July 8, matches the crop circle configuration of celestial bodies.

The third message was an inner code again using Morse code according to Dr Drew. This message was the most startling since it appeared to refer to comet ISON. He translated the code as: E-T B I-S-O-N S-T-S. Here is how Dr Drew interpreted the code:

One interpretation of this cryptic message might be: “E T B(e)” or “extra-terrestrials exist”. Then “I-S-O-N (comet)” is an “S-T-S (space transportation system)” like for the NASA space shuttles (see

So could the Salinas crop circle refer to an upcoming extraterrestrial event connected to the remnants of Comet ISON, which was no comet at all? Comet ISON received widespread scientific interest as a possible Comet of the century, but fizzled out shortly after its perihelion on November 28, 2013. After perihelion astronomers quickly concluded that the comet had disintegrated. Yet comet ISON made a remarkable recovery surprising many scientific observers. It was only temporary, however, and ISON soon disappeared again. Most astronomers concluded that it had perished after all. All that remained was small comet debris that temporarily lit up after perihelion giving the illusion that the comet had survived.

There were others, however, who claimed that ISON was in fact an artificially targeted object designed to interact with the inner solar system in a specific manner on certain dates. Others went further to claim that ISON was a small fleet of extraterrestrial vehicles on a specific mission designed to educate Earth’s inhabitants about extraterrestrial life. These startling analyses of ISON seemed to be quashed by ISON’s disappearance after perihelion. Now the Salinas crop circle suggests that these analyses of ISON may have been right all along. We will have to wait and see in the months ahead, and the possible July 8 date, whether an astronomical event occurs that settles once and for all the true nature of comet ISON and whether an extraterrestrial intelligence was behind it.

[Update: 1/7/14The tech company Nvidia announced on Sunday night that it made the Salinas crop circle as part of a marketing campaign to promote its latest chip. What does this bode for its message – human contrivance or a deeper agenda is being played out? The situation reminds me of Richard Hoagland’s dictum, “the lie is different at every level.”]

© Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

NORAD Briefing Document sent to Canadian Minister of Defence









Press Release

For Immediate Distribution

The Hon. Paul Hellyer and Stanton T. Friedman co-sign NORAD Brief to Canadian Minister of Defence Nicholson

Toronto [ZNN] The NORAD Briefing document developed by ZNN indicating Canadian CF-18 jets were scrambled to chase three unknown targets at 35,000 feet has been sent to the Hon. Rob Nicholson Minister of Defence in Canada. The briefing document has been co-signed by the Hon. Paul Hellyer former Canadian Minister of Defence and nuclear physicist and renowned UFO research expert Stanton T. Friedman, as well as by several other concerned Canadians.

The brief has also been sent to Liberal Party Leader Justin Trudeau, Leader of the Opposition the Hon. Thomas Mulcair and Ontario Finance Minister the Hon. Charles Sousa. Minister Sousa was briefed by ZNN on matters related to the UFO/ET issue in February of 2009.

Each of the aforementioned political figures has been asked no less than 10 specific questions about the NORAD UFO incident along with demands that Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau and Leader of the Opposition, the Hon. Thomas Mulcair, raise the NORAD incident and issues of unnecessary secrecy in the Canadian House of Commons.

The brief provides an in-depth assessment of the NORAD Secret Status and Events flight log report of 2001. The complex six page log tracks the flight activity of 2 CF-18 Hornets out of COMOX AFB in British Columbia Canada as they were scramble to pursue ‘unknowns’ – targets – captured on radar.

It is clear that interpreting the highly complex, sterile and jargon-laden Air Traffic Control communication log between the CF-18s presents a daunting task for anyone wishing to determine what the aircraft were doing during their pursuit and what the pilots were actually chasing. However – after an exhaustive review and a line by line analysis of the entire NORAD log by ZNN, the events during this ‘Secret Status’ event are more than obvious.

The flight log clearly indicates the following:

  •  As the CF-18s approached the ‘unknown(s)’ a log entry reads “Time to target for CF-18s is 90 secs…”. This statement in the NORAD log clearly demonstrates the CF-18s were in fact pursuing and approaching something.
  • CF-18s made contact with an ‘unknown’ at 35,000 feet. [Log Entry Ref: page three, date index 01/09/12, time index 12:13:54 “YQQ CF18s have contact at 35,000ft.”] No visual description of the target is mentioned in the log.
  • The following page in the NORAD log clearly indicates that another aircraft – an LR-35 MEDEVAC jet out of Anchorage Alaska made either visual or radar contact with the ‘unknown(s)’. The LR-35 jet reported that their aircraft could not ‘keep up’ with the ‘unknown(s)’. This implies intelligent control in straight and level flight by the ‘unknown(s)’ at speeds exceeding 530 mph. [The LR-35 (Lear jet) has a maximum speed of 530 mph – Mach 0.81 in straight and level flight.]

Because these events in the log have now been clarified, significant questions remain as to what the NORAD jets encountered.  Now that the facts contained in this provocative series of events have been thoroughly analyzed, citizens are in a better position to demand very specific answers from elected officials. Therefore, in the brief – each member of Parliament has been requested to respond to questions and demands – for example:

ZNN respectfully requests that you investigate and assess the NORAD SECRET Status Events Report 2001. Please send us the entire results of your investigation within a reasonable amount of time. Please include all results you may obtain referring to log entries on page 3, date index 01/09/12 – time index 12:13:54, regarding CONTACT made by the scrambled jets [<CADSMCC> “YQQ CF18s have contact at 350’,…wm”] 

If the government’s position is that no scientific evidence exists to prove UFOs are real and possibly under intelligent control, why then do the government and the DND classify and mark documents as ‘secret’ and continue to remain unresponsive in public to and entirely silent on the UFO matter? 

Trudeau and Mulcair are challenged to ask these same questions of the Minister of Defence in the House of Commons during question period.

If acted upon by government leaders – the public exposure of the NORAD BRIEFING DOCUMENT will indeed be a confirmation that Canadian NORAD jets made contact with one or more UFOs within Canadian airspace – an explosive event in Canadian history – an event to which the Canadian people have been refused access.

It should also be pointed out that within the briefing document sent to Ottawa, major Canadian intelligence documents uncovered by ZNN demonstrate – again with no doubt what so ever – that the UFO matter is and was considered as a high priority despite government claims that UFOs do not exist.

These documents in tandem with the NORAD BRIEFING DOCUMENT prove that the matter of UFOs were and remain a matter of intense scrutiny beyond public awareness.

The brief can be reviewed in its entirety at:

Journalists and members of the public are encouraged to send their concerns and questions to these Members of Parliament:

The Hon. Rob Nicholson Minister of National Defence: CLICK HERE
The Hon. Thomas Mulcair – Leader of the Opposition: CLICK HERE
Mr. Justin Trudeau – Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada: CLICK HERE
The Hon. Charles Sousa – Ontario Minister of Finance: CLICK HERE


ZNN Contact details:
Toronto | Canada | | 905.278.1238
A news service that takes you to the edge… and beyond.

Canadian NORAD Jets Chase UFOs


ZlandlineUnder-2Stunning Access to Information requests reveals five documents – Canadian government fully aware of UFOs in Canadian airspace


[ZNN UPDATE Nov 29.2013: ZNN has discovered new information within the NORAD Secret Status Event Report discussed and shown in this press release. One line in the NORAD log indicates the CF-18s actually did make contact with an unknown. See ZNN Nov 29 COMMENTS below for the complete UPDATE.]

Press Release – For Immediate Distribution

ZlandlineUnder-2Bagotville-CF-18s-BN2006-0060-05aToronto [ZNNZlandCommunications has been successful in using the Canadian Access to Information Act to obtain first-hand data from the Department of National Defence in Ottawa indicating that Canadian NORAD CF-18 jets were scrambled to intercept ‘unknown tracks’ that had entered Canadian airspace in an unauthorized manner as recently as 2001.

ZlandCommunications has also been successful in obtaining Canadian government documents that indicate correspondence, internal memos and discussions by joint intelligence committees suggesting Canadian government officials were concerned about UFOs and were involved in discussing attempts to keep information from the public about UFOs. Ministers of Defence on at least two separate occasions attempted to explain government policy and activity concerning UFOs.

One joint intelligence committee memo suggests that plans be made should a UFO land on Canadian territory; while another clearly states that Canada should follow the lead of the US Air Force to keep information about UFOs from the public.

Each of the documents below not only describes government UFO documentation, but they each specify actual ‘incidents’ demonstrating that the UFO phenomenon has been assessed, analyzed and sequestered at high levels of intelligence and military authority in Canada.

[Ed. Note: The entire 89 page AIA information document obtained by ZNN includes air traffic controller notations on UFO reports, RCMP officers’ reports, tracking notations and citizen reports on UFOs. These are beyond the scope of this press release however they are available upon request.]


ZNN has uncovered and acquired five discrete government and NORAD documents.

Three of these documents originate from government archives. One document has been obtained by ZNN through the Access to Information Act. The final document is correspondence from the Hon. Peter MacKay former Canadian Minister of National Defence to the news director of  ZlandCommunications.

None of the following documents require authentication – as each is original. Details of the repository of over 9500 Canadian UFO related government files is available upon request.


As stated in Chapter 2 of the JANAP (Joint Army Navy Air Force Publication) an agreement between the US and Canada, little doubt exists that the unauthorized incursion of unidentified flying objects into Canadian airspace is of national security concern to both countries.

Communication Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings (CIRVIS) list unidentified flying objects among the eight categories of vital intelligence to be reported.

The Canadian documents listed below, in addition to the now de-classified NORAD SECRET EVENT STATUS report in the possession of ZNN, indicate the Canadian government has been and remains vitally concerned about the unauthorized incursion of unidentified flying objects within Canadian airspace – so much so that highly trained pilots, the expansive technical and radar resources of NORAD, in addition to NORAD’s most sophisticated aircraft – CF-18s – are all employed to chase and intercept unknown craft at sub-sonic speeds at 35,000 feet with little or no reported success. 

[Ed. Note: It is note-worthy that Minister MacKay in his correspondence to ZNN – after a less-than-thorough examination of the facts and questions submitted to him by ZNN – attempts to explain these event sightings to ZNN as migratory geese or flocks of birds. ZNN is unaware of any species of ornithoids capable of flying at 35,000 feet at over 400 to 500 mph.

All of the above raises serious and unacknowledged questions.

  • What command structure is in place to authenticate and mobilize a decision to chase UFOs?
  • What reporting mechanisms are in place to inform or brief elected officials on these events?
  • Why is none of this national security information ever scrutinized by media or members of the Opposition in the Canadian House of Commons?
  • What kind of craft are able to elude NORAD’s most sophisticated aircraft?

These and other questions bring into sharp focus substantial historical, on-going and covert discussions and documentation about the UFO phenomenon among Canadian government agencies – none of which has ever been openly addressed by bureaucrats, military officials or elected representatives.

In this context, and in the opinion of ZNN research staff, these discussions and the available documentation are so substantive that it may represent sufficient evidence – if not proof – that:

a) Unidentified flying objects are real;

b) Both Canada and the US have put in place mechanisms for tracking, reporting on, and pursuing unidentified flying objects;

c) The Canadian and American governments consider these objects as authentic.

d) No attempt has been made by government, NORAD or Canadian Air Force officials to inform the general public about these concerns.

Conclusion: Factual evidence exists that the UFO phenomenon is of sufficient authenticity as to be of a real and on-going concern to the Canadian government and its joint NORAD operations with the USA.

The second reason why this freedom of information request is significant is that it represents an initial step in raising the need for a serious, on-going and in-depth investigation into what these objects may be and why the Canadian government and its military are so reluctant to carry on an open dialogue within the House of Commons, with the media and with the citizenry of Canada.

It remains the position of ZlandCommunications that the historical and on-going government documentation and military activity – both domestic and international – is sufficient evidence to launch either co-terminus or independent investigations by media and government over-sight agencies to assess shadow-government or intell-agency(s) complicity in covert operations that deny the public its democratic rights with respect to the nature of the UFO issue and extraterrestrial interaction on the planet.

Finally – this freedom of information request is significant because – as seen in ZNN’s correspondence to then Minister of Defence the Hon. Peter MacKay – the Minister avoided answering 9 of the 10 questions put to him by ZNN.

This lack of transparency surrounding a national security issue suggests that either Canadian government officials are totally ignorant of the facts surrounding the UFO matter or – they and the infrastructure of government and its military have something to hide with respect to the existence of UFOs.

It further suggests that members of the Official Opposition and leaders of other parties in the House of Commons demand answers from both the Prime Minister of Canada and the current Minister of Defence the Hon. Rob Nicholson and the former Minister of Defence the Hon. Peter G. MacKay – not only about the correspondence and documents listed below but about:

1) The Canadian government’s position on the issue of unidentified flying objects;

2) NORAD’s records outlining the frequency with which Canadian jets are scrambled to track, intercept or identify craft of unknown origin, and;

3) Seeking answers to the 9 other questions put to the Minister in the ZNN correspondence to him.

To date, the mainstream press has remained silent on this front – avoiding any in-depth investigation – despite the evidence that government agencies and the military take the UFO matter very seriously.


The following documentation is submitted for consideration.


Joint Intelligence Committee Memo“Playdown” Flying Saucers


Canadian Research Defence Board Memo: Landing Event Preparations


Canadian Department of Transportation Intra-Departmental Correspondence – Wilbert Smith Senior Radio Engineer: Quote: “UFOs are real… rated even higher than the H-bomb.” page 2

Review all Department of Transport Documents:

Wilbert Smith Doc page one

Wilbert Smith Doc page two

Wilbert Smith Doc page three


NORAD SECRET Status Events

The following pages are part of an 89 page set of documents that were obtained by ZNN through the AIA (Canadian Access to Information Act). The report catalogs the scrambling of 2 CF-18’s out of COMOX AFB in British Columbia Canada in 2001 to chase three ‘unknown tracks’. It should be pointed out that during this episode – a MEDVAC (LR-35 Medical Evacuation jet) was also involved in what appears to be the visual confirmation of the “unknown tracks”.

It also should be noted that large sections of these documents have been redacted in white. Over 50% of pages one and two are redacted. Note also that within the ATC flight transcripts obtained by ZNN multiple time-segments of the activities performed by the CF-18’s have been redacted under the provision of section 15(1) of the Access to Information which states the head of a government institution may refuse to disclose information:

         (a) relating to military tactics or strategy, or relating to military exercises or operations undertaken in preparation for hostilities or in connection with the detection, prevention or suppression of subversive or hostile activities…

NORAD SECRET Status Events Document

Significant Event – Page One

NORAD Status Event ATC Report















These correspondence reflect exchanges between the office of the former MoD the Hon. Peter MacKay and ZNN about his knowledge of this incident concerning specific questions put to him by ZNN.

It should be noted that:

a) The Minister failed to respond to all 10 questions but one, and,

b) He was unable to locate the NORAD Status Event report that was obtained by ZNN. [The Minister’s response is shown first. The questions from ZNN are below the Minister’s response.]

Questions or comments may be directed to ZNN.

Visit our blog site at:


ZNN Contact details:

The ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork

Toronto | Canada | | 905.278.1238

A news service that takes you to the edge… and beyond.


Former US Presidential Candidate and Senator wades in on Extraterrestrials

Press Release

For Immediate Distribution

SENGRAVEL-570Toronto [ZNN] This Sunday Oct 27 at 12:00 midnight EST, former US Senator and Presidential candidate Mike Gravel will be interviewed by Canadian radio broadcaster Richard Syrett about the former Senator’s position on the evidence he heard as part of the panel of former Congressional leaders at the Washington National Press Club in May of 2013 regarding extraterrestrials and UFOs. Richard will be joined by ZNN News Director Victor Viggiani.


The Congressional Hearing on Disclosure – conducted over five days in May 2013 included 40 witnesses providing over 30 hours of firsthand testimony about the UFO phenomenon and an extraterrestrial presence that may be engaging the planet.

Testimony was given by airline and military pilots, FAA administrators, police officers, nuclear missile launch commanders, a former NASA astronaut – Dr. Edgar Mitchell and the former Canadian Minister of Defence and Deputy Prime Minister the Hon. Paul Hellyer.

In a final summation statement Gravel said: “If it’s out there – if it’s real – we have a right to know.” 

During an earlier interview he stated – after his own research and the hearing’s 30 hours of witness testimony: “The government of the United States is in total denial of this [the UFO/ET issue].”

Gravel maintains the US Congress will avoid official hearings on the UFO/ET matter because of the political risks involved. He further stated that: ” [T]he White House – that they don’t know anything about it – that they don’t have any files – that’s an out-right lie.”

Gravel was very clear in his assessment that military officials who were involved in the cover-up – specifically during the Roswell incident were intimidated and forced to sign non-disclosure agreements.

These interviews of military officials and renowned researchers will remain as overwhelming evidence that the UFO/ET matter has been discussed, analyzed and sequestered at the highest levels of governance on the planet. Gravel added: “The nature of the military and the nature of those in power in this country is they have a perception totally towards secrecy.”

Following the Gravel interview – Richard Syrett and Victor Viggiani will discuss the Senator’s revelations with lawyer and international human rights activist Daniel P. Sheehan and researcher Linda Moulton-Howe.

Why would a former US Senator risk his reputation and standing in American history by coming forward to challenge the US government to end its embargo on the truth about the UFO/ET matter?

To find out – tune in to AM 740 Radio in Toronto or listen live on the net to The Conspiracy Show with Richard Syrett at: – Click there – ON LISTEN LIVE

Watch segments of the Citizen Hearing at: http://www.citizenshearing.org

Read the Toronto Star’s coverage of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure at:

Visit former Senator Mike Gravel’s web site at:

Details on this interview at:

Contact details:
Toronto | Canada | | 905.278.1238
A news service that takes you to the edge… and beyond.

Report on Launch of Peruvian Air Force’s UFO Department

Peru Air Force and UFOs-2By Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera (Lima, Peru)

The launch of the DIFAA (Departamento de Investigaciones de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos/Anomalous Aerial Phenomena Research Department) of the Peruvian Air Force was cordial and successful.  It took place within the gorgeous Tudor Style house built in the 1920’s in Miraflores, Lima, Perú and which is the current seat of the DINAE (División de Intereses Aero Espaciales/Aero Space Interests Division) of the Peruvian Air Force.

Even while taking place on a Friday morning, the event was approximately attended by 60-70 individuals, among whom was a small group of academics, people involved in political and cultural life, Peruvian Air Force personnel, a representative of the National Police, a varied contingent of local and international media and even some alleged UFO and contact experiencers (one of which had been associated to the Air Force and briefly stood up speaking up in favor of the new Department). The ceremony proceeded formally, smoothly, mostly on time and with the attendance of Peruvian Air Force Operations Commander, Lieutenant General Carlos Bohorquez Castellanos and the director of DINAE Col. Julio Vucetich Abanto representing the Air Force.

Col. Vucetich announced that the DIFAA was assisted by a team of civilian experts forming the Advisory Council currently composed of Barthelemy D’ans (president of the Peruvian Astronomy Association), Manuel Aguirre Morales (archeologist, philosopher), Enrique Álvarez Vita (engineer, mathematician), Patricia Meseth (librarian, information systems), Marco Barraza (journalist and researcher), Luis Enrique Alvizuri (writer, journalist, philosopher) and I.

Archeologist Manuel Aguirre Morales gave a remarkable presentation on what is scientifically known about the Nazca Lines, their historical timeline, the probably shamanic aspect, their astronomical alignments and the associated Nazca cultural artifacts, debunking undue claims made in popular accounts. While agreeing with him on these explanations (and agreeing with him that these figures were NOT physically made by extraterrestrials), I gave a presentation on evidence for an extraterrestrial presence among a small percentage of anomalous aerial phenomena suggesting that such a presence might have inspired or influenced ancient cultures such as the Nazca whose geometric figures and geoglyphs are better seen from the sky.

I also mentioned that a widespread verification of the extraterrestrial presence – for which there’s serious evidence accumulating – would encourage a reassessment of our cultural premises.  In this context, and after mentioning some UFO sightings in the Nazca and nearby and associated areas (such as Palpa, Ica and Paracas), I briefly mentioned the academic approach to “Exopolitics,” calling it an emerging discipline, mostly based on the social sciences and providing assessments based on objectively comparing multiple sources of evidence. Besides, I also spoke about highly unique, alleged ET implants recovered and analyzed through the efforts of Dr. Roger Leir, mentioned the 1999 COMETA Report from France, the declarations of former Canadian Minister of Defence Paul Hellyer, and the need to demystify and de-stigmatize UFO reporting.

Both General Bohorquez and Colonel Vucetich spoke about the practical need for keeping track, researching, cataloguing and understanding the wide range of events  that constitute “anomalous aerial phenomena,” some of which (like meteorites reaching the ground, falling satellites, or even spy airplanes and probes) might pose more prosaic threats to civilian population or to national sovereignty. From what I’ve seen there’s a genuine interest to objectively understand all aspects of these phenomena, yes, including the possibility that some might refer to the extraterrestrial presence. I evaluated that neither these gentlemen nor most people in the audience discarded the possibility that a small percentage of observations and events might even refer to extraterrestrial vehicles. I think that the latter idea – while still generating some uneasiness – is gaining recognition as a perfectly rational option in some cases.

Almost immediately after the official launch of the DIFAA some credible witnesses of anomalous aerial phenomena (even bringing along some interesting supporting evidence) have come up to provide their report. All were thankful that there was an office willing to take their reports in and after evaluating them be willing to look into chosen cases more deeply.


Peruvian Air Force to Research Anomalous Aerial Phenomena

Escudo_de_armas_FAPOn Friday, October 18th, 2013 the Peruvian Air Force will launch a Department focused on researching the presence of anomalous aerial phenomena. It will be called “DIFAA” which stands for  the (Departamento de Investigación de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos or Anomalous Aerial Phenomena Research Department). This department will be directly assisted by a Civilian Advisory Council which, as far as I know, is a unique arrangement in the world. This council is composed of researchers, scientists and intellectuals and it includes Commander Julio Cesar Chamorro Flores (ret) who a few years earlier (while still on duty) directed the Peruvian Air Force’s UFO research office called OIFAA. During that time I also acted as a civilian advisor.

Currently, the Civilian Advisory Council also includes archeologist Manuel Aguirre Morales, research journalist Marco Barraza Camacho; the Director of the Peruvian Institute of astronomy Barthelemy d’Ans; Engineer and cultural events promoter Enrique Álvarez Vita; communications expert Patricia Meseth Petrucelli; philosopher Luis Enrique Alvizuri and I, Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera, sociologist and Exopolitics Institute advisor.

The prevalent attitude I surmise both in the Civilian Advisory Council and at the Peruvian Air Force is one of flexible, open-minded and also objective research and of considering the wide range of aspects which the UFO Phenomenon and the alleged or actual presence of extraterrestrial beings may entail.  There’s also a desire to educate the civilian population on a wide variety of scientific and culturally appropriate subjects through conferences and other outreach events. While we currently don’t operate with a substantial budget,  I think that all parties involved display a sufficiently flexible attitude and an interest to develop a more integrative, sui generis and still objective approach to research.

On Friday, October 18th, 2013 the “Dirección Nacional de Intereses Aero Espaciales” (DINAE) of the Peruvian Air Force (under whose jurisdiction the DIFAA operates) will host the inaugural event at DINAE’s headquarters in Miraflores, Lima, Peru and it will be accompanied by a formal explanation, presentation and two brief conferences with a question and answers period. Due to the limited capacity of the venue, the event is for the most part by invitation only. Archeologist Manuel Aguirre Morales will speak about the Nazca Lines from a more classical scientific perspective and I will speak about the possible presence of extraterrestrials and exopolitics. Distinguished academics, relevant political and military personalities plus the local and international press have been invited.

I believe this is an opportunity to bring exopolitical issues to the fore and to demonstrate that formal institutions can consider anomalous aerial phenomena and some of their possible implications as important, serious subjects worthy of scientific and cultural interest. As is well-known by UFO and exopolitical researchers, many countries in the Latin American region are actively pursuing a similar path to legitimate these issues and overcome the unnecessary stigma attached to reporting about UFOs and the possible or real extraterrestrial presence.

Giorgio Piacenza
Lima, Peru
Oct 14, 2013


Is Comet ISON accompanied by UFOs?


The latest news reports reveal Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) is brightening and may yet become the comet of the century. But is ISON a comet? A startling photo has been circulating of comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) that shows it comprises three objects rather than a solitary nucleus as claimed by NASA astronomers. The photo was taken by the Hubble space telescope on April 30, 2013, and it shows two of the objects are highly symmetrical cylinder shapes. In August, a number of bloggers began claiming that comet ISON was accompanied by two UFO motherships, and/or its core was in fact a large biosphere. Not so according to NASA scientists who officially responded in a post that the three objects are merely an overlay of three different time exposures of comet ISON.

Comet ISON was discovered in September 2012 by Russian amateur astronomers. It was first photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope on April 10. After disappearing behind the sun from June to August, it appeared again in late August. According to NASA, the Hubble image shows a conventional comet with a small nucleus and a large coma. NASA estimates the nucleus as between three to four miles across, while its coma is about 3100 miles wide and its tail is 57,000 miles long.

Comet ISON began passing Mars on October 1. It was photographed by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on September 29. Comet ISON will make its closest approach to the sun on November 28, which is Thanksgiving Day in the USA. On its way back from the sun, Comet ISON makes its closest approach to Earth on December 26, where it will be 40 million miles away. Clearly too far away for doomsday collision theories. NASA has plotted the trajectory of Comet ISON showing how it passes relatively close to Mars, makes a close flyby of the sun, and then orbits back at some distance from Earth. Many astronomers hope it displays spectacular fireworks as it passes close to the sun in late November. Some going as far as claiming it will the “comet of the century.” Normally, comets heat up and some expand spectacularly as the icy core heats up and gasses ignite. Comet ISON has begun brightening as it approaches the inner solar system. Alan Pickup from the Guardian newspaper today wrote: “The comet was near the 10th magnitude a week ago and may brighten to the 8th or even the 7th magnitude by the end of October. As such, it may soon become visible through binoculars as it dives closer to the Sun.”

Amateur astronomers have analyzed the Hubble telescope images and found that one of them shows the core of Comet ISON comprises three objects – two of which are highly symmetrical cylinder shaped. The three objects clearly reveal themselves when the lighting in the photo is turned down. You can test this yourself here  or watch the embedded video below. According to the amateur astronomers, NASA could not have failed to have noticed this. It is claimed that NASA is hiding the true composition of Comet ISON with images it has released that show only a solitary nucleus. Did NASA simply overlook that the comet’s core comprises three objects or is it hiding something?

Hubble astronomers claim, however, the April 30 photo of ISON doesn’t show three objects at all. In an official reply to blogger claims, Hubble astronomers claimed that the photo, “is the result of combining three exposures that produce the three components, and the shapes are produced by the combined motion of the Hubble telescope and the comet.”

 What makes the issue even more mysterious is an alleged video of comet ISON that appears to show the nucleus being circled by two UFOs. The video is claimed to be from a Chinese satellite, however, the Chinese Space Agency does not contain the video on its website. Furthermore, the resolution is too clear for such a distant object suggesting the video has been forged. Why would someone go to the trouble to create a fake video of comet ISON comprising two cylindrical UFOs circling a nucleus? Was it to generate confusion over the true composition of comet ISON or to call attention to it being accompanied by UFOs?

Regarding the latter possibility, there are many competing claims. One blogger, Tolec, claims that Comet Ison is, in fact, a large biosphere accompanied by two smaller ships:

It is not a comet. This is a large scale ship operated by Galactic Federation forces. Expect it to arrive in the ‘sol’ (solar) system, in Earth’s ‘space’ & in orbit over this planet… sometime in the near future. Consider this sighting to be another major harbinger of the many changes coming to this planet!

One thing is clear so far, a Hubble image of comet ISON taken in April does appear to show that it comprises three objects making up its nucleus – two of which are highly symmetrical cylinder shaped. Could it be that the image is simply an overlay of three different time exposures as Hubble astronomers suggest? In this scenario favored by NASA, the most we can hope for is that ISON spectacularly expands to become the “comet of the century.” Alternatively, does Comet ISON comprise two UFOs accompanying its nucleus as depicted in the alleged Chinese satellite imagery, or is it a large biosphere accompanied by two escort ships? We will have to wait for the truth to emerge as Comet ISON makes its closest approach to the sun in November 2013.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading

A Tribute to Jesse Marcel Jr.


In Memoriam

It is with great sadness and a sense of profound loss that we announce the death of Jesse Marcel Jr.

Few figures in history have captured the imagination and journalistic presence that Jesse brought to the world community about contact with the Others.

His conviction and testimony about what his father Jesse Marcel Sr. showed him one night as a young boy in July of 1947 – the remnants of the ROSWELL CRASH – are an indelible part of a history denied to us by those in government and the military that Jesse himself served with honour and dignity.

It is fitting therefore that a tribute to Jesse, from one who knew him well – Kevin Randle – be a legacy to the people of the world who will read it.

ZNN is proud to bring you this intimate tribute.

Take a moment to know the man through the eyes of Kevin Randle – one who well knew the man – Jesse Marcel Jr.


A news service that takes you to the edge… and beyond.
ZlandCommunications is an independent Canadian news service.


Area 51 is now official: where are the alien spaceships?

Area-51-map-with signCIA has admitted for the first time that Area 51 exists by officially acknowledging it by name in a document released through the Freedom of Information Act. Major media networks today gave wide coverage to the CIA admission that Area 51 is real. The CIA document was released to Jeffrey Richelson, a Senior Fellow at the National Security Archive, George Washington University who requested further information on the history of the U-2 Spy Plane. In the document, the CIA acknowledges that Area 51 was chosen due to the suitability of the Groom Lake dry sand flat for testing secret spy planes. What the CIA document didn’t mention was another dry lake bed nearby, Papoose Lake, which is only 12 miles away. According to whistleblowers, this is the location of an even more secretive facility called S-4 where a variety of saucer shaped spacecraft are tested and reverse engineered. This is the facility named by Bob Lazar in 1989 who briefly worked there, and disclosed all to George Knapp in a series of interviews for Las Vegas television station KLAS. S-4 is where you will find alien spacecraft and even live extraterrestrials according to Lazar and other whistleblowers.

According to the document released by the CIA, The Central Intelligence Agency and Overhead Reconnaissance: The U-2 and Oxcart Programs, Area 51 was discovered in April 12, 1955 during an overflight and landing at Groom Lake located near the Nevada (Atomic) Test Site. The document authors, Gregory Pedlow and Donald Welzenbach, wrote that no less than the U.S. President officially approved the building of the secret facilities at Area 51: “President Eisenhower also approved the addition of this strip of wasteland, known by its map designation as Area 51, to the Nevada Test Site.”

According to Richelson, the official acknowledgment:

… marks an end of official secrecy about the facts of Area 51. It opens up the possibility that future accounts of this and other aerial projects will be less redacted, more fully explained in terms of their presence in Area 51.

What Richelson doesn’t mention, along with the authors of the CIA document, is another facility nearby at Papoose Lake. This is where the whistleblower Bob Lazar claims to have been taken after flying to Area 51 from Las Vegas on a JANET flight – an air shuttle for Area 51 workers. Lazar claims to have personally seen up to nine different flying saucer type craft, some of which were alien in origin. Lazar worked on the propulsion system and was paid by an unacknowledged branch of the US Navy called the Department of Naval Intelligence. Lazar eventually decided to go public, and become a whistleblower. His interviews with George Knapp from KLAS-TV became world famous, and put Area 51 on the map for UFO investigators.

More recently, in May 2013, a retired CIA agent going by the pseudonym ‘Kewper’ gave video testimony before six retired members of the US Congress about an incident involving President Eisenhower requesting information and access to the S-4 facility in 1958. It appears that in the three years or so since the building of Area 51 and the adjacent S-4 facility, that the managers of S-4 decided to withhold information about what was happening there. Eisenhower had to threaten to invade S-4 with the US First Army before its managers decided to share classified information with him. According to the CIA agent, the S-4 facility housed a number of extraterrestrial space vehicles along with a captured live alien that he personally saw. His CIA boss, along with other agents, even got to directly interview the live alien. In 1997, a whistleblower using the pseudonym Victor, released a video of a live alien being interviewed at S-4.

The official acknowledgement by the CIA that Area 51 exists is welcome advance in getting the CIA to release information about secret aviation projects near Groom Lake. However, the testimony by Lazar, Kewper and others suggests that Area 51 is not where the most classified projects take place. Area 51 is a convenient cover for even more secretive advanced aviation programs housed at S-4 at the nearby Papoose Lake. The CIA is only telling a half-truth that you won’t find any extraterrestrial technologies or alien beings at Area 51 according to Lazar and others. It is at the nearby S-4 facility next to Papoose Lake where alien spacecraft and their pilots can be found.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading

The Missing Times – News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-up


“When UFOs Appear, National News Agencies Fall Silent…” Terry Hansen

Very few if any books written about the mass media and the UFO cover-up display the insight and hard hitting critical analysis as that provided by Terry Hansen in his book The Missing Times – NEWS MEDIA COMPLICITY IN THE UFO COVER-UP.


Although it was published nearly 14 years ago Hansen’s research has withstood the test of time by sustaining and keeping relevant the incestuous relationship that exists between the American intelligence agency infrastructure and the news media.

Hansen describes it best when he quotes Joseph DeTrani, former CIA Director of public affairs:

“In many cases, we (the CIA) have persuaded reporters to postpone, change, hold or even scrap stories that could have adversely affected national security interests…”

Hansen uses an enthralling assortment of examples to illustrate how the US military and its co-terminus intelligence agencies have constructed a well-orchestrated political strangle-hold on the news. He graphically depicts how exquisite governmental manipulation of public perception is used to under-mind democracy while at the same time deftly sustain the facade of a free press. This theme flows consistently through his work.

President Kennedy – A Media Master

Hansen uses President Kennedy’s interaction with the New York Times as a classic exemplar of government and media complicity.

Little known to the public, President John Kennedy cleverly attempted to utilize covert censorship when he contrived to restrain Times publisher Orvil Dryfoos from publishing details of a controversial CIA program to recruit and train Cuban exiles in Guatemala for what eventually became the disaster known as the Bay of Pigs invasion. Kennedy’s glowing and almost saint-like persona would have been severely tarnished had this kind of news been allowed to seep into the public domain. Moreover, the political price Kennedy would have had to pay had the Times not complied was reason enough to impose his will on Dryfoos.

In another startling revelation Hansen also reveals that during the development of the atomic bomb in the 1940’s, government and military and government officials contrived to have the media communicate to an unwitting public that the horrendously huge first test of the A-bomb was a ‘munitions dump explosion’ that caused little or no damage and; that claims by some journalists about radiation poisoning were nonsense – both as it turned out were blatant government lies.

Somehow they got away with it. Eventually this kind of historical deception in journalism has become an accepted way of doing business among those in the media and between the government interests they are persuaded to protect.

Katherine Graham – A Media Mistress

In altering public opinion by manipulating facts and perceptions over the decades, it has become almost impossible to distinguish the truth from treachery. Regrettably this kind of complicity between the news media and the American political system has continued unabated for decades. It leads any inquiring mind to question the kind of ‘democracy’ we really have – or, even more disturbingly – is there a democracy at all? Hansen provides more specific clarity on this point with a poignant illustration that many may feel borders on sedition.

The one-time matriarch of the American press industry Katherine Graham is quoted as saying, before select members of the CIA, “There are some things the general public does not need to know and shouldn’t.”

This kind of editorial philosophy by a leading American newspaper should be of real concern to the American public.

Hansen goes on to quote Graham in the same address – “I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows.” This unambiguous statement by a media giant does more than imply complicity between government and media – it guarantees it!

Members of the press who may read Hansen’s work might need to pause to re-assess their role as journalists when they hear one of their own describe how those in the upper echelons of government and media contrive to control the news and succeed at institutionalizing it. The question occurs to this author – what was Katherine Graham doing talking to the CIA in the first place?

Methods of Media Mendacity

As Hansen discusses later in his book, it is of little surprise that US intelligence agency’s propensity to feign disinterest in the UFO phenomenon gives mainstream press carte-blanche to do exactly the same. Even though some foreign news agencies do a fine job of exposing UFO related stories – the powerful American mainstream media seems to be able to pulls its influential trump card to manage UFO news – thus keeping foreign press stories on UFOs from reaching international wire services.

Hansen suggests several methods have been and are used to manage news about UFOs: recruiting influential journalists, monitoring and intercepting UFO-related news, instilling fear through the film industry about ‘evil aliens’, surveillance of UFO organizations, propaganda, misleading information or disinformation or, recruitment of influential people as media spokespersons to name a few.

Hansen goes into great detail to illustrate how these strategies are regularly used to pummel UFO news or evidence of it into oblivion so that no reputable news agency will touch it.

The result is a woefully uniformed and indolent citizenry that ensures the success of an institutionalized form of control through mendacity and complicity.

Hansen also goes to great lengths in pointing out that some of the historical media-control strategies used to manipulate public opinion during the second world war, the war in Vietnam and the Gulf war were re-cycled to tackle the ‘new media-menace’ called UFOs and extraterrestrials. The fact that the UFO issue has never become the massive mainstream story of the century is a testament to the success and over-all effectiveness of these strategies.

Monster Media-Machine

Ultimately what we learn from Hansen’s research is that this mendacity has created a two headed monster media-machine; one funded by tax dollars and one funded by billions in commercial advertising revenues.

We also learn how large corporate-media interests are permitted, in an unrestrained manner, to flood or dilute the essence of the political and national security implications of the UFO matter with fantasy, delusion and, what many call – the ‘giggle-factor’. Fundamentally the UFO issue is the most openly talked-about government secret in history – yet few in the public domain take it seriously.

Under these nearly perfect set of circumstances Hansen depicts why there is little wonder the authentic nature of the UFO phenomenon has virtually no chance of ever being fully disclosed in American mass media.

[Ed. Note: This feature of UFO secrecy has changed significantly since Hansen first published his book. Today – global efforts by many activists and groups to bring UFO/ET Disclosure into the political arena for the public have met with good success but continue to fall short of full government disclosure.]

Hansen goes on to suggest news stories about UFOs circulate with vigour within American intelligence channels. Hansen’s assertion is clearly corroborated by many UFO analysts who have often written about how validated information about UFOs is routinely supplanted by stories on terrorist bombings, war in the Middle-East or the waist size of Jennifer Aniston.

Routinely, the general public satiates itself on a feast of celebrity trivia, the banality of local news and the tireless on-slot of an expensive war economy. With little or no resistance, this news media-monster has come to life. It tramples on the US constitution by employing obfuscation, diversion and censorship as key tools in the dumbing-down of public awareness.

This is the world of the American news consumer – and quite frankly – they seem to gleefully accept it all as a way of life.

The Hansen Alternative

In The Missing Times Terry Hansen reminds us that all information – regardless of how unpalatable or uncomfortable it may be, must be accessible by the public. This is especially true when the source and holder of this information is the elected body known as the ‘government of the people and by the people’. Any other standard for or use of information that restricts the public’s right-to-know is an abrogation of authority and an illegitimate use of power.

Most if not all of Hansen’s book is quite familiar territory to UFO researchers and analysts. However to those unfamiliar with the UFO issue or with the historical techniques used by military and intelligence agencies to control public perceptions about everything from weapons of mass destruction to Monsanto’s influence within the American pharmaceutical industry, what Terry Hansen has to say about government/media complicity may appear quite unbelievable even mind-boggling to the average consumer of news who accepts at face value what the media spews out on a daily basis.

Hansen offers a thoroughly different worldview.

For those who may wish to venture beyond the edge of the worldview of Nightly News, Dancing with the Stars, Kate and William’s baby and who might win the World Series, Terry Hansen has drawn a picture of an alternative, uncomfortable yet very authentic new worldview about our place in the universe – among off-world civilizations who are knocking at our door and, more importantly – why the US government and media refuse to answer the door. The adventure of reading this powerful and professionally researched work by an accredited journalist is as energizing as it is painless for those who wish to know more than what’s on TV or Facebook.

As one reads Hansen’s entire work, the complicity of the diversionary brand journalism he describes so articulately becomes readily apparent in the very first chapter. The careful reader will discover two essential ideas from Hansen’s analysis. First, the UFO cover-up is real and second – the truth is free – not open to negotiation, attack or control by elite factions that seek to define reality for their own purposes.

In its infancy, the press served to protect such attacks on the truth. As the watch-dog for the people the press at one time exposed and challenged attempts by government to control news.

According to Terry Hansen – it appears this is no longer the case.


NOTES: For those who are interested in gaining a full appreciation of  how the media has become an unofficial arm of government propaganda with respect to the UFO issue – The Missing Times by Terry Hansen is a must read.

Sample Topics in The Missing Times:

  • Sources of Silence
  • A brief History of Lies
  • Editing History
  • Perception Management

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Victor Viggiani

29 July 2013


Victor Viggiani is the News Director of ZNN – the ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork

Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure – Will the US Congress act?

Committee of former Congressional Members sitting at Citizen Hearing
Screenshot of Committee of former Congressional Members sitting at Citizen Hearing

Today began the Citizen Hearing on (UFO) Disclosure at the National Press Club. Six former members of the US Congress began hearing 40 witnesses and experts reveal what they know about UFOs, and the extraterrestrial hypothesis – that some UFOs are interplanetary spacecraft. In the first two panels, four experts in each testified about the history of the UFO phenomenon and the likelihood that they are guided by an extraterrestrial intelligence. The event is being live streamed to the world. For organizer Stephen Bassett the hearings aim to stimulate the U.S. Congress to investigate the issue of UFOs, and whether they are alien in origin. The ultimate goal for Bassett is to pressure the executive branch of the US government to disclose what they know about UFOs, extraterrestrial life and technology, and lift what he calls the “government truth embargo.”

The motto for the Citizen Hearing is: “If the Congress won’t do it’s job, the people will.” The Citizen Hearing hopes to progress beyond earlier UFO disclosure related events at the National Press club – the first was in May 2001 – and get the U.S. Congress to act. Unlike earlier UFO events which were hold over a two hour period or so, the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure will last five full days. The former Congressional members will hear 30 hours of witness and expert testimony on UFOs, and the extraterrestrial hypothesis. Bassett succeeded in raising over a million dollars to fund his Citizen Hearing and related projects. Each Congressional member is being paid $20,000 which is a nice paycheck to hear people speak passionately about a topic that the former member may have had little active interest or knowledge about previously. This has led to some criticism, but so far Bassett appears vindicated insofar as the former Congress members have demonstrated keen insights into the political process and what is feasible in getting the current U.S. Congress take the UFO issue seriously.

The common element for the witnesses and experts is that the UFO phenomenon is very real, and raises profound questions about the occupants and their intentions. Are they extraterrestrials, interdimensionals, time travelers or something else? Why are they here, what are they trying to achieve by flying in our skies, and why has there been an official cover-up of this information? In the first two panels, the experts focused on the physical and documentary evidence to substantiate what they know about UFOs, and offered helpful insights into questions about the occupants of UFOs and their intentions.

The Congressional members agreed with the approach taken by the experts, and asked about the physical evidence of UFOs and whether it could be submitted for the public record. Interestingly, the role of religion came up a few times in discussions. It appeared that religion offered a means of moving forward on UFO disclosure, in the face of official political resistance. One of the experts, Daniel Sheehan, a former legal counsel to the Jesuit headquarters in Washington DC pointed out the Vatican’s interest in UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Now that we have a Jesuit Pope, Francis 1, the Vatican could play the lead role in disclosing the truth about UFOs and extraterrestrial visitation as Congressional members suggested. Indeed a recent book, Exovaticana, argues that the Catholic Church plans to do precisely this.

All the members of Congress appeared genuinely impressed by the quality of the expert testimony and the range of official documents available for public review. By lunch time of the first day, the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure already has succeeded in getting evidence of UFOs and the extraterrestrial hypothesis taken seriously, at least by former members of the U.S. Congress.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

MSNBC Recognizes the Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure. Who Will Follow Suit?

By Giorgio Piacenza

image002On April 12, 2013, The Rachel Maddow Show from MSNBC gave us a full segment on the upcoming Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure to be held in Washington DC between April 29 and May 5, 2013. Her segment was titled “Watch This Space”  and mentioned that, not long ago, the White House was forced to respond (after receiving 12,000 signatures) to a “We the People Petition” to reveal an extraterrestrial presence visiting Earth. While the White House’s Office of  Science & Technology Policy responded in the negative in that “there is no credible evidence” for this.  Could it be that the White House will indefinitely represent the policy of official denial in a world in which Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Belgium, England and other countries are revealing part of the UFO report files? Can a simple denial from an Office (which  probably is neither informed, or has cared to carefully investigate) appease the general citizenry (perhaps for a few more decades) and that’s about it?

Probably, official denial won’t hold too much water this time as a 5-day marathon fake hearing in a room configured at the National Press Club to resemble a Senate hearing with the participation of 5 genuine former members of Congress.  This event invites us all who are convinced that there is serious credible evidence of the extraterrestrial presence to support -as Ed Komarek says-our leaders for them to come out finding the courage to treat this subject seriously. We should be healing, rather than negative about our leaders since we are all part of the same human situation facing an eye-opening reality. It is a big step for our leaders to take as initially worldviews are questioned and “orthodox” science (it wouldn’t be likely for ETs  to get here they say) which is the official “common sense” standard for most institutionally-focused persons would also be questioned.   However as Rachel Maddow showed (taking an honest initiative among the large U.S. networks), it may take a make believe congressional hearing to allow the Government to take notice move on with the issue (as the U.S. is one of the world’s last holdouts of official government denial of a major country’s interest in the UFO phenomenon).

This is news as it may well be a sure-footed beginning…not unlike taking a first step into a new direction that can change the destiny of a major journey; a first long-lasting, political-cultural step towards recognizing the legitimacy and respect for the issue of the many important (legal, scientific, philosophical, spiritual, political) implications of a genuine extraterrestrial presence. More news networks and opinion-guiding institutions should follow (unless told to keep away or to downplay it?) in one way or another even if their spoke persons -by training and habit- may still attempt to throw to us a reaction-provoking, tongue-and-cheek style, either to dismiss or simply to create a form of controversy.  Bryce Zabel and Richard Dolan’s analytically-adequate book A.D. (After Disclosure) might also become newsworthy, at least among the next generation of the daring intelligentsia trying to catch up with the Exopolitical issues that should have been recognized about 65 years ago (and are already being seriously discussed by individuals like Michael E. Salla and Manuel Lamiroy).

Rachel Maddow announced that the five former senators will be paid $ 20,000 each to conduct the hearings. I don’t know about that detail but I know that the witnesses in general are seriously reporting very real -even if incredible- aspects of a worldwide phenomenon that could be admitted in many objective and impartial courts and that has been officially and non-officially recognized since the 1940’s but which, in spite of enormous amounts of adequate evidence (including physically analyzed alien implants ) it has been largely ignored, debunked, laughed at and distorted by most of our cultural, political, scientific and religious leaders.  Let’s study the whole of the Exopolitical phenomena inclusively, both in its objective and in its qualitative aspects.

Other important pro-disclosure events (like Dr. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project gathering of important witnesses in 2001 at the National Press Club) have taken place and interest has peaked and subsided as the media gave a lukewarm coverage to them. However, Larry King from CNN was valiant enough to interview several key witnesses as well. This time there is a greater opportunity for the issue to cease being in the entertaining fringe boondocks of Fantasia and to gradually (or even sooner) become a cultural “meme” as seriously considered as the national debt or other normal political concerns. The more respectable individuals like former Canadian Minister of Defence Paul Hellyer speak up, the less movers and shakers and regular folk will try to look the other way (so as to look respectable within formal culture). The less the issue elicits smirks, fear, denial or excessive, blinding enthusiasm , the more we’ll be able to collectively deal with its implications, change our selves on purpose as adults and (literally) soar to the Cosmos. My take on this is that dangerous technological secrets (one of the valid reasons for the cover-up/truth embargo) will still be kept for quite some time and -after some degree of official disclosure- we will continue with our lives while gradually opening up to a whole new world in which science, metaphysics and spirituality are seen as a more complete kind of knowledge.  Moreover, the possibility of strengthening positive, mutually-respectful relations with conscious human choice-respecting varieties of ETs could also come to fruition as this option would be in the natural interest of most people on Earth.

Let’s Support our Leaders UFO/ET Discosure Efforts

By Ed Komarek

Earthdaysiriusdocumentary-300x424Not since Operation Right To Know (ORTK) has there been the potential to gain as much mainstream media attention for disclosure, and of course as much controversy.  Anybody that attempts to break out of the Bilderberg CIA’s constraints and marginalization imposed upon us in the mainstream media will be attacked from both without and within.  This just goes with the territory.

The CIA’s assets in particular, the Washington AP, the Washington Post, New York Times and the LA Times can be counted on to mostly succeed in keeping the UFO community marginalized by using denigrating words and phrases, as well as attention to the Exo-flakes and Exo-scammers in the UFO/ET field.  This is all about information warfare, a 70 year covert attack on public consciousness by the Globalist Elite, to maintain control over ET technology and information.

     The propaganda press moves in on the early stages of a developing story, not only with UFOs, but in general, to propagandize and spin the collective conversation in the favor of the Globalist Mafia to control the rest of the mass media.  The CIA has even admitted publicly that they have their assets in every newswire and major newspaper in the country.  Furthermore, the Chairmen of these key media outlets attend the annual Bilderberg conferences and have been praised by David Rockefeller himself for not exposing Bilderberg, and for supporting Bilderberg’s Orwellian New World Order.
     Steven Greer using the Sirius Documentary is attacking the heart of the Bilderberg Mafia’s meal ticket, the secret classified monopoly on trillions of dollars being made reverse engineering ET technology and suppression of other technologies.  These technologies threaten established obsolete institutions, like the fossil fuels industry, transportation industry and medical industry. No matter that these centuries old mafia families destroy our civilization and the earth in the process, putting us into an evolutionary dead end!
     Steven Bassett is using the Citizen Hearings to break the Truth Embargo and move Exopolitics into the mainstream conversation.  The public conversation should be steered away from Unidentified Flying Objects that maybe exist, to Exopolitics and the issues and implications of contact.  Steve Basset is building a strong public foundation on whistleblower testimony same as Steven Greer has already done.
     Richard Dolan, one of our best, told me when he interviewed me recently for two hours on his radio program, that he supports Exopolitics as based on hypotheticals, but for me and those that have had direct and indirect contact it’s based on reality.  I have burrowed down locally to become directly involved with local contactees who have become good friends and experienced indirectly communications from the ETs themselves.  In one case my friends videotaped a craft and after I saw it, we had to erase the videotape as requested by the ETs.  These types of personal experiences run through many of my blog articles.
    Now that both these disclosure indicatives are hitting the mainstream press the controversy is heating up in the UFO community just as it did for us in ORTK.  In the case of Sirius, Steven is using a purported very small human with alien genetics to help market his Sirius Disclosure Documentary and his more general Sirius indicatives.  He is taking a risk that this could blow up on him, but I don’t think he is stupid enough to go out on a limb on this without feeling very confident that the limb is strong.  Steven is now taking heat also for “gasp” trying to raise significant sums of money for his greater indicatives and using his disclosure movie in the process  This is understandably upsetting some of his donors who expected the movie to be free to the public.
     Steven Bassett and the Citizen Hearing are taking controversy because his donor who is making another documentary using the Hearing, is paying former members of Congress $20,000 each to attend the Hearing.  Excuse me, but considering the fear of ridicule and the corrupt nature of politics today, how are you going to get members of Congress at a hearing without a large payment.
     The purists say not to play the money game to make disclosure, and maybe they have a point to some degree, but just look at my own modest disclosure effort promoting my book.  UFOs Exopolitics and the New World Disorder available on Amazon is the best foundation book for Exopolitics presently available.  It has the potential to greatly assist in disclosure by providing a solid credible briefing based on the credible evidence supporting Exopolitics, and even more important takes the reader beyond collections and analysis, to issues and implications of contact.  We are fighting a formidable adversary that has a huge advantage over us in this psywar.  This is because they moved directly from collections and analysis to issues and implications to exploit ET technology and protect their institutions and industries 70 years ago.
     I have no marketing money supporting my modest disclosure drive. I am only reaching thousands of people mostly through distribution of the free Kindle Downloads in these special promotions allowed to me and through blog articles such as this one.  The purists even have a problem with a little trickle down money coming to me from paid sales of the well formatted print book and the Kindle.
     This, even though I have the book priced on Amazon at half the price of most books.  I make about the amount of my social security check of 350 dollars a month in royalties, so I figure I am making pennies an hour right now for all the effort I have put into this book.  I have spent 40 years researching and promoting disclosure at a cost of thousands of dollars right out of my own back pocket.  I even get criticized on the social networks for promoting the free Kindles. Jeez.
     Steven Greer and Steve Bassett are working with hundreds of thousands of dollars and they are reaching millions perhaps billions of people.  Let’s get real folks, even though it’s a corrupt system based on money, there is a place for people working within the system as well as those working outside the system like myself.
     Furthermore how come if our leaders in the UFO community are doing so badly that the critics don’t get out and pull the disclosure wagon themselves.  Why, because they are afraid and to disempowered to do so.  Now don’t get me wrong, there is a place for critics and I value honest criticism. We can’t let the Exo-frauds and Exo-flakes hijack the emerging field of Exopolitics before we hardly get off the ground.
     Some people feel like Steven Greer is running a scam just for the money, but look at what the man has been through all these years, as he is going to bring out in the Sirius Documentary.  Maybe there is some validity in the critic’s criticisms of Steven because he does exaggerate, but who’s perfect and Steven understands marketing.  Is Steven marketing something real or his he marketing a fraud?  I am still willing to give Steven the benefit of the doubt.
     What I am saying to the rest of the UFO community, and I think top people like Richard Dolan have also indicated, is give these folks a chance.  Of course the CIA’s assets in the mainstream media are going to do their best to attack the weak links in the chain and avoid the strong links.  This just goes with the territory.  Do we just retreat into a corner when we get a beating like whipped dogs, or do we fight back with everything we got!!!  If the critics got a better way to break the 70 year old Truth Embargo, I say show us what you can do, or otherwise just chill out for a while.
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Ed Komarek’s blog:

Former congressmen to hear evidence of UFO & ET cover-up

Citizen Hearing on 'UFO & Alien' Disclosure 2013It has just been confirmed that five former members of the US Congress will hear evidence of a sixty year cover-up of evidence of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. In an April 8 Press Release, it was announced that from April 29 to May 3, 2013, former Senator Mike Gravel (1961-1981); former Congressman Merrill Cook (Rep, 1997-2001); former Congresswoman Darlene Hooley (1997-2009); former Congresswoman Carolyn Kilpatrick (1997-2011); and former Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (1993-2013) will sit and hear evidence from forty witnesses. Modeled on a U.S. Senate hearing room formula, the five members will hear the evidence presented by “researchers, activists and military/agency/political witnesses” in what will be called a “Citizen Hearing on Disclosure.” The former Congressional members will hear evidence that the Roswell Crash did happen, that the US military issued shoot-to-kill orders against UFOs, that the FAA was ordered to cover up UFO sightings, that the reality of extraterrestrial life has officially been covered up since at least 1947, and that nuclear weapons facilities have been deactivated by UFOs.

The “Citizen Hearing on Disclosure” is the brainchild of Stephen Bassett from the Paradigm Research Group who succeeded in raising over a million dollars in funding for the event which will be streamed live to world and held in the National Press Club. Bassett says that:

The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure will attempt to accomplish what the U. S. Congress has failed to do for forty-five years – reveal the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time.

The last time the US Congress heard evidence about UFOs was in 1968 at a symposium held before the Committee On Science And Astronautics, which comprised 30 members of the U.S. House Of Representatives. The Congressional Committee heard evidence from six scientists, and accepted written statements from a further six scientists including Stanton Friedman, M.Sc. who will be a presenter at the 2013 Citizen Hearing on Disclosure.

On the Citizen Hearing website, the format is explained:

All will conduct themselves in the same manner appropriate to a Congressional hearing. To the extent possible the protocols for congressional hearings will be followed. Committee members will receive written statements from witnesses, hear oral statements and ask whatever questions they wish about the subject matter at hand.

Witnesses include former astronaut Edgar Mitchell, former Canadian Minister for Defense, Paul Hellyer, and witnesses/researchers from Brazil, Uruguay, Peru and China.

I spoke today to Stephen Bassett, Executive Director of the Citizen Hearing, about what he expects to emerge from the Citizen Hearing. He said that no report is expected from the former members of Congress who will simply hear witness testimony, receive reports, ask questions and maintain a suitable congressional model for the Citizen Hearing. The main intention is to have the evidence presented for follow up. In this regard, he explained five main goals:

  1. Send a message to the U.S. Congress that it is not doing its job, by having the Citizen Hearing gather evidence about UFOs and extraterrestrial life that deserves further investigation by the Congress.
  2. Reply to a White House claim in an official response to an earlier petition that there is no evidence supporting the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
  3. Stimulate Citizen Hearings in other countries by having the Citizen Hearing translated into the five most important world languages.
  4. Draw attention to the tremendous number of witnesses, researchers and activists working on disclosing the evidence of an extraterrestrial presence.
  5. Create a 501(c)3 organization that can gain funding for future Citizen Hearings.

A documentary will be produced from the Citizen Hearing which will be titled Truth Embargo. The April 28-May 3 Citizen Hearing is free and open to the public. More details are available at its main website.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

A New Kind of Ufology & Exopolitics Emerging

Steve Snodgrass Integral Ufology
Steve Snodgrass and Integral Ufology
Integral Theory (a highly comprehensive, multi-paradigm-connecting theory created by philosopher Ken Wilber) is slowly transforming how different academic fields are understood and practiced from a narrow, mutually competing sense to a mutually nourishing and transdisciplinary sense. In today’ s complex world in which planetary-wide problems are taking hold, previous partial or reductionist approaches are proving less and less effective every day. Among these planetary-wide problems (like economic collapse, ecological degradation, global security, disappearing cultures and possible pandemics caused by resistant viruses) we have an exopolitical problem. How are we going to deal intelligently with the ever more evident extraterrestrial presence affecting the entire world?  Well, at least in relation to the field of Ufology, a more intelligent way of studying evidence is emerging by making use of concepts such as the “Four Quadrants” of Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory.

While researching for an upcoming article on how Exopolitics might benefit from Integral Theory, I found that social scientist Steve Snodgrass, LCSW (director of the Omaha UFO Study Group) is developing an intelligent extension of Ufology using that theory. In fact, this is a trend that will affect many academic and non-academic fields of knowledge. As Dr. Michael E. Salla, Snodgrass finds that it is necessary to utilize the methods of the social sciences along with those of the hard sciences. He wrote these and other ideas in a work published on October, 2010 titled “Integral UFOlogy: A Rubric for Evaluating Extraterrestrial Contact.” 

My upcoming article will focus on how Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory could be useful to Exopolitics, but Steve Snodgrass' application of this theory to Ufology and to its ongoing search of evidence is commendable. Both Ufology (usually) emphasizing evidence and Exopolitics (usually) emphasizing political processes are increasing their approaches to understanding by including both qualitative and quantitative methods and the resulting complexity (more suitable for today’s complex demands) could be better undertaken with the simplifying and universally applicable organizing pattern offered by Integral Theory. Snodgrass’ work, presented at the 2011 UNO-UFO Symposium at the University of Nebraska-Omaha is a welcome, creative move toward a necessary and inclusive approach suitable for the XXI century and beyond. A good link to his elucidation can be found here.

In relation to Exopolitics (which deals not just primarily with evidence but with Earth-based and alien-based political, social-scientific and paradigmatic implications of the extraterrestrial presence and with itself as a political movement) Integral Theory can also clarify this complex matter as –in order to study exopolitical situations and phenomena- a pattern with universally recurring elements is offered. Some of these elements are: four distinctive and irreducible perspectives, their eight methodological “zones,” several “lines” or evolutionary capacities, multiple stages of development, typologies, states of consciousness and even (a consideration which I give more credence to) the existence of several interacting realms of existence. Thus, Exopolitics (already developing as an inclusive field of research with real-world political applications) can be further supported and nourished by a content-free, wide-ranging model which is already being applied to different academic fields. The book Integral Theory in Action, edited by Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, PhD as well as the work by many professionals at Integral Institute shows that Integral Theory is not only generating a more complete form knowledge that relates disciplines in a transdisciplinary manner but also expanding the applicability of particular fields such as medicine, psychology, politics, business, education and ecology.

Former Presidenty Bill Clinton also gave a statement of support for Integral Theory in the 2006 meeting at Davos. Furthermore, in 2008 the State of the World Forum established by Jim Garrison and Michail Gorbachev adopted Integral Theory as its organizing framework. More is to come as academicians (already dissapointed with postmodernity and perhaps already thinking or sensing life in holistic terms or beyond), other political leaders and people in general catch up with this historical developmental "wave" which not only deals with concepts and “theory” but -evolutionarily speaking- also reflects a larger emerging sense of being with respect to an intelligently organized Cosmos teeming with Life.

By Giorgio Piacenza

A New Kind of Ufology & Exopolitics Emerging

Steve Snodgrass Integral Ufology
Steve Snodgrass and Integral Ufology
Integral Theory (a highly comprehensive, multi-paradigm-connecting theory created by philosopher Ken Wilber) is slowly transforming how different academic fields are understood and practiced from a narrow, mutually competing sense to a mutually nourishing and transdisciplinary sense. In today’ s complex world in which planetary-wide problems are taking hold, previous partial or reductionist approaches are proving less and less effective every day. Among these planetary-wide problems (like economic collapse, ecological degradation, global security, disappearing cultures and possible pandemics caused by resistant viruses) we have an exopolitical problem. How are we going to deal intelligently with the ever more evident extraterrestrial presence affecting the entire world?  Well, at least in relation to the field of Ufology, a more intelligent way of studying evidence is emerging by making use of concepts such as the “Four Quadrants” of Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory.

While researching for an upcoming article on how Exopolitics might benefit from Integral Theory, I found that social scientist Steve Snodgrass, LCSW (director of the Omaha UFO Study Group) is developing an intelligent extension of Ufology using that theory. In fact, this is a trend that will affect many academic and non-academic fields of knowledge. As Dr. Michael E. Salla, Snodgrass finds that it is necessary to utilize the methods of the social sciences along with those of the hard sciences. He wrote these and other ideas in a work published on October, 2010 titled “Integral UFOlogy: A Rubric for Evaluating Extraterrestrial Contact.” 

My upcoming article will focus on how Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory could be useful to Exopolitics, but Steve Snodgrass' application of this theory to Ufology and to its ongoing search of evidence is commendable. Both Ufology (usually) emphasizing evidence and Exopolitics (usually) emphasizing political processes are increasing their approaches to understanding by including both qualitative and quantitative methods and the resulting complexity (more suitable for today’s complex demands) could be better undertaken with the simplifying and universally applicable organizing pattern offered by Integral Theory. Snodgrass’ work, presented at the 2011 UNO-UFO Symposium at the University of Nebraska-Omaha is a welcome, creative move toward a necessary and inclusive approach suitable for the XXI century and beyond. A good link to his elucidation can be found here.

In relation to Exopolitics (which deals not just primarily with evidence but with Earth-based and alien-based political, social-scientific and paradigmatic implications of the extraterrestrial presence and with itself as a political movement) Integral Theory can also clarify this complex matter as –in order to study exopolitical situations and phenomena- a pattern with universally recurring elements is offered. Some of these elements are: four distinctive and irreducible perspectives, their eight methodological “zones,” several “lines” or evolutionary capacities, multiple stages of development, typologies, states of consciousness and even (a consideration which I give more credence to) the existence of several interacting realms of existence. Thus, Exopolitics (already developing as an inclusive field of research with real-world political applications) can be further supported and nourished by a content-free, wide-ranging model which is already being applied to different academic fields. The book Integral Theory in Action, edited by Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, PhD as well as the work by many professionals at Integral Institute shows that Integral Theory is not only generating a more complete form knowledge that relates disciplines in a transdisciplinary manner but also expanding the applicability of particular fields such as medicine, psychology, politics, business, education and ecology.

Former Presidenty Bill Clinton also gave a statement of support for Integral Theory in the 2006 meeting at Davos. Furthermore, in 2008 the State of the World Forum established by Jim Garrison and Michail Gorbachev adopted Integral Theory as its organizing framework. More is to come as academicians (already dissapointed with postmodernity and perhaps already thinking or sensing life in holistic terms or beyond), other political leaders and people in general catch up with this historical developmental "wave" which not only deals with concepts and “theory” but -evolutionarily speaking- also reflects a larger emerging sense of being with respect to an intelligently organized Cosmos teeming with Life.

By Giorgio Piacenza

Giant Triangular UFO photos found on NASA website

Space Shuttle Columbia STS 61 photo taken on 12 Jan 1986. 13:59:25 GMT. Credit: NASA, JSC
NASA’s Gateway to Astronaut Photography website continues to provide tantalizing evidence of UFOs in space. The latest in a series of astronaut photographs revealing UFOs taken during the Space Shuttle Program was ‘rediscovered’ two days ago, and reveal a very large triangular object on a descent trajectory towards the Earth. The photos were taken in 1986 during the Space Shuttle Columbia mission STS-61C. Is it space debris as NASA claims; an extraterrestrial mothership as some UFO researchers believe; or a highly classified government spacecraft called a flying triangle or TR-3B? The ‘rediscovery’ of the two photographs may be further hard evidence that something is flying in space near NASA space missions that is an unknown spacecraft of some kind.  

The two photographs were uploaded onto Youtube two days ago with commentary, and to date have almost 10,000 views. The Youtube user, DAHBOO7 incorrectly stated that the photos were taken from the International Space Station. The photo descriptions reveal, however, that they were taken from the Space Shuttle Columbia. In a news update released today on UFO Daily Sightings, Scott Waring wrote: “Someone this week discovered these cool NASA photos at an official NASA site that has two extraordinary photos of a black triangle UFO in orbit around Earth.” The two photos, however, were known and circulated much earlier. A retired USAF and Department of Defense employee, Edgar Fouche, for example, cited one of the photos as early September 2011. He wrote regarding the first photo in the sequence: “An interesting Flying Triangle photo by NASA. They called it space junk. Ha… Such BS! Ed.”

Fouche was a Director of Engineering and Senior Program Manager in the USAF and Department of Defense, and after retirement “worked for companies like SAIC, PCA, CEA, and SSAI.” He is the first major whistleblower to come forward to reveal details about a classified aerospace program creating antigravity craft capable of spaceflight – flying triangles. Fouche claims that the TR-3B generates an intense magnetic field that reduces its weight by 89 percent. He says that the TR-3B uses the Biefeld-Brown effect (created by large electrostatic charges) to reduce its weight so that more conventional propulsion systems such as scramjets can give it amazing speeds. This would be well above Mach 18 that he claims is the speed of the SR-74. Fouche claims the TR-3B is 600 feet across which would make it similar in size to an aircraft carrier. This is what Fouche believed was photographed by the NASA astronauts on STS-61C.

Another possibility is revealed by Clark McClelland who finished a 34 year career working as a NASA contractor by working as a NASA SpaceCraft Operator. In a statement released on his website on July 29, 2008, McClelland revealed that he witnessed an extraterrestrial vehicle and one of its occupants rendezvous with a Space Shuttle mission he was monitoring from the Kennedy Space Center. He wrote:

I, Clark C. McClelland, former ScO [Spacecraft Operator], Space Shuttle Fleet, personally observed an 8 to 9 foot tall ET on his 27 inch video monitors while on duty in the Kennedy Space Center, Launch Control Center (LCC). The ET was standing upright in the Space Shuttle Payload Bay having a discussion with TWO tethered US NASA Astronauts! I also observed on my monitors, the spacecraft of the ET as it was in a stabilized, safe orbit to the rear of the Space Shuttle main engine pods. I observed this incident for about one minute and seven seconds. Plenty of time to memorize all that I was observing. IT WAS AN ET and Alien Star Ship!

One issue that needs clarification is whether the triangular object is moving towards the Space Shuttle or falling/moving away from it. According to Waring:

When you compare the first and second photos, you see that the triangle UFO has turned in its position facing a new direction. Also in the second photo the UFO is 2X closer than in the first. Another thing is that the UFO moves closer to the edge of the Earth compared to the first photo where its slightly farther away. From the clouds which change position we can determine that the photos were taken less than minute of one another. Time stamp on #1 photo says 13:59:25 (Hours, Min, Sec) and photo #2 was taken at 13:59:42 so we now know there was 17 seconds in between the photos. This info tells us that it moves very fast towards the Shuttle Columbia which probably panicked the astronauts.

Unfortunately, Waring is mistaken about the time sequence of the photos. The photo with the larger UFO (“2X closer”) is the first in the sequence, which suggests that it is moving away, not towards, the Space Shuttle.

So could the NASA photographs have been an alien star ship as witnessed by McClelland? Alternatively, could it be space debris as claimed by NASA? Or perhaps Fouche is correct that the triangular UFO is a highly advanced classified flying triangle, TR-3B, belonging to a secret military space fleet photographed by NASA astronauts.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. 

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading

Time to re-visit a classic – UFOs on the Record – a Political Act

By Victor Viggiani M.Ed.
News Director -The ZlandCommunications News Network

Leslie Kean’s UFOs – Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record.

Author and journalist Leslie Kean may have written a blockbuster on what pilots and generals know about UFOs; but has the mainstream press over-looked this powerful piece of journalism that could change American politics and even alter history itself?

Quite often works on the UFO issue like Ms. Kean’s, rise to prominence then disappear. Those familiar with the UFO issue have witnessed this time and again. After reading a professional piece of journalism like that produced by Leslie Kean most would agree that this work must never suffer that fate – not only because of its factual content and accuracy but for the political fire-storm it could ignite if taken seriously by her peers in the mainstream media.

The Constitution of the United States allows Leslie Kean to state her case – but it doesn’t necessarily grant her the influence held by some who are far more powerful. This is precisely why it is essential that the media re-visit her work – to take the conversation to the people.

Ms. Kean is far too professional to publicly criticize her colleagues in the relentlessly punishing world of the press and big media for ignoring the serious national security issues raised in her work as well as her open invitation to government to participate in meaningful, public discussion and investigation of the UFO matter.

At least a dozen of her colleagues should have rushed into a White House Press Conference – book in hand – presenting it as more powerful than the likes of the Pentagon Papers or the initial news of a bungled burglary at the Watergate building. “President Obama – have you read this?”

The intention of this piece is to rectify this situation by challenging those in the media who are on the cusp of making a dramatic move to propel this issue to the front burner of North American newspapers and investigative news programs. These people do exist.

National Security, Governance and CIA Media Mendacity
Consider this. Be it a Congressional crisis, a Senate scandal, election tampering, an act of terrorism or a US financial collapse, it is expected that the media will grab the issue by the throat and throttle answers from the mouths of elected officials. It is the opinion of many in the UFO research community the evidence and national security implications unearthed by Ms. Kean and many other researchers about UFOs and government secrecy is, by comparison more grave than anyone can imagine.

The shocking and indisputable nature of the evidence provided by Kean goes far beyond filibusters and fiscal cliffs. The evidence gives rise to questions that are not only fundamental to constitutional law, politics, jurisprudence and national security but ultimately raises a substantive question about governance: Who actually runs the United States of America?

Kean’s testimony and whistle-blowers are still poised to precipitate a frightening political train wreck in Washington DC. Sometimes there are certain things that even the most influential cannot keep out of the news.

UFOs – on the Record as it has come to be known internationally, made the New York Times Best Seller List – a circumstance that has undoubtedly not gone unnoticed by the White House and other military and intelligence agencies in the USA because of the book’s decidedly provocative examination of UFOs and related national security issues. The evidence provided by Ms. Kean and Air Force officials has fractured the United States Air Force contention that, “No UFO reported, investigated and evaluated by the Air Force was ever an indication of threat to our national security.” In addition to being dated, this statement and large portions of USAF Fact Sheet are inaccurate as well as evasive. The facts presented by Ms. Kean, Air Force witnesses and other government officials clearly demonstrate that the USAF’s attempt to ignore the evidence is both transparent and deceptive.

The elite status and sense of achievement garnered by any author who makes the New York Times Best Seller List is considerable. This kind of recognition is not easy to come by for most authors. In Kean’s situation, the book uncovers what high ranking American and international government and military officials say their governments already know about UFOs and threats to national security. They make it clear their UFO encounters and government complicity remain behind a well orchestrated wall of secrecy; never to be publicly acknowledged.

This adds up to a cover-up the mainstream media refuses to deal with because, if the same set of standards of ignorance and media complicity were applied today to a cover-up or potential national security threat, David Petraeus would still be Director of the CIA, Nixon would have completed his term in office in the 1970’s, and Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein would be covering sports for the Miami Tribune. This all begs the question: Where is the press today on Kean’s national security revelations? (In essence; they’re in back rooms taking orders from the NSA, CIA or NRO not to report any of this – but that’s another story for another day. See Pulitzer Prize Winner Carl Bernstein’s CIA and the Media)

In any case, Leslie Kean certainly must have enjoyed the quiet panic among American government officials caused by her new book as they watched her spectacular and incriminating best seller entitled UFOs – Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record chug its way up the New York Times Best Seller List to number 29.

Government officials remain quite pleased the press decided not to ratchet up the level of political pressure this book could have easily caused. They may still be a little edgy about its possible resurrection and what the collateral damage might be within an economically staggering Obama administration if the mainstream press engages this issue head-on.

There is no way of knowing how, or if pressure may have been exerted on the ownership of the New York Times to stifle the rise of Ms. Kean’s book up their own best seller list – denying it the possibility of reaching a top 10 or even number one ranking.

If the NY Times connection to the CIA is as cosy as we are lead to believe by an interesting series of e-mails between CIA spokeswomen Maria Harf and the NY Times national security and intelligence reporter, Mark Mazzetti, then Carl Bernstein’s assertion about the co-operation between the CIA and the New York Times adds impetus to the train wreck Ms. Kean’s would have caused in Washington DC had her book risen to the number one position or even the top ten on the NY Times Best Seller List.

Given that manipulation of – pressure on – or “advice” to the literary geniuses at the NY Times is not something beyond the tactics of the CIA in its relationship with all media, then it may not be that much of a stretch to postulate that Ms. Kean’s best seller may have risen farther up the NY Times Best Seller List, higher than reported – eliminating any real possibility that it would cause grief for the Obama administration; pressuring someone in the White House to comment on a book about UFOs and government secrecy that had risen to number one in the nation.

Wait it gets better.

The CIA’s policy has always been to minimize public interest in UFOs and the secrecy surrounding their presence. In an August 1st memo entitled “Flying Saucers” found in the CIA archives, clear statements are made concerning how news about UFOs was to be treated. The memo unambiguously states:

“Notwithstanding… so long as a series of reports remains unexplained (interplanetary aspects and alien origins not excluded) caution requires that intelligence continue on the subject.”

The memo continues:

“It is strongly urged… that no indication of CIA interest or concern…reach the press or the public… of the soundness of ‘unpublished facts’ in the hands of the US Government.”

Given the white-wash treatment of UFOs in two CIA sponsored UFO enquiries; the Robertson Panel and the Durant Report, it can be suggested quite effortlessly that Ms. Kean’s status as a top ten best selling author was tampered with in some manner.

In the context of these alarming connections, even a first-year journalism student would be prone to ask: In whose interest is it to keep politically sensitive revelations about UFOs under wraps and how might the White House react if Ms. Kean’s book were to get a second-wind?

Political Potential
To answer those questions we must ask: Why is Kean’s book so powerful in its political potential? It seems to boldly instigate a conversation about an issue the American government says is non-existent, yet contradicts itself by perversely spending tax payers’ money; funding a cover-up of something that is non-existent. What makes Kean’s best seller a political bombshell that blows this contradiction out of the water?

Well, first off – Kean’s book is relentless; replete with harrowing UFO events that will perplex and bewilder the average reader. It chronicles exceptionally disturbing incidents of ‘close-up’ military, commercial and civilian pilot UFO near- misses, close encounters, near-combat and visual sightings of actual bizarre craft of unknown origin… all told directly in first-hand accounts by the highly credible whistle-blowers themselves. Whistle-blowers cite – chapter and verse – how military and aviation officials imposed strict secrecy and even threats of job loss upon pilots who wished to go public.

In one 1982 incident, Portuguese military pilot Captain Julio Miguel Guerra encountered a UFO for well over 15 minutes as a semi-globe shaped metallic craft paced, then began to circle his aircraft multiple times at immense speed in a large, sideways elliptical orbit between five and ten thousand feet. Each orbit was completed in mere seconds. The orbiting UFO encounter lasted so long that he was able to contact another aircraft being flown by two other pilot colleagues.

Upon arriving at Guerra’s co-ordinates, the two other pilots, stunned by what they were seeing, clearly witnessed the event from outside the UFOs orbit as it circled Captain Guerra’s aircraft which remained inside the UFO’s orbital track. All three pilots to this day remain deeply affected by this life-altering encounter with the unknown.

This gripping incident is just one of the many compelling multiple expert eye-witness testimonies submitted as evidence in what amounts to a comprehensive and controversial indictment of lies, denial and indifference in the public and secretive management of the UFO issue – a rare political act within the world of non-fiction and investigative journalism.

Secondly, a book like this, one that provides case-in-point levels of incrimination, could in fact mean that thousands if not millions of Americans and people around the world will come to recognize – with little or no doubt – substantial evidence exists, that UFOs are real and that the government has covered it up for over sixty years. One can only conclude that Ms. Kean’s compilation of evidence points out how the brilliant tactical minds of United States Air Force specialists and their government counter-parts continue to wallow in blatant public denial – while behind the scenes they remain keenly aware of the UFO reality.

This is a bold political act.

A book like this also raises the political and practical possibilities of more government and military witnesses coming forward. If the last twelve years of former military, corporate and government witnesses coming forward by the hundreds is any indication – then catalysts such as Kean’s UFOs on the Record, in concert with greater media coverage, will accelerate the process of other, even  more highly placed government and military officials to reveal either their part in the cover-up or participation in a UFO related event. This too is a political act.

These same people not only served their country bravely but served as political hostages. They tell of being held in check by threats, direct orders, ridicule and a system of shadowy-governance no one can quite put their finger on but that assuredly exists, much in the same veiled manner as do UFOs. The irony of that situation is almost as intoxicating as it is perplexing.

One man did refuse to be held hostage. Former United States Governor of Arizona, Fife Symington, a pilot himself, witnessed first-hand, the massive craft involved in the Phoenix Lights in March of 1997. Kean devotes an entire chapter to Symington’s own personal witness account. Symington states, “… we want the United States government to cease perpetuating the myth that all UFOs can be explained away… Instead, our country needs to re-open the official investigation it shut down in 1970.”

New Cracks in an Aging Cover-up
Secondly, as more cracks appear in the stale and worn American UFO cover-up, the political pressure placed on the American government to fully engage and acknowledge the UFO matter is becoming extraordinary – not simply based on the high quality of evidence in Ms. Kean’s book, but by the carefully crafted political support given to Kean first, by the likes of Fife Symington and then… by the President and CEO of the Center for American Progress John Podesta. These developments demonstrate the cover-up is unwell – sick and festering from inside.

  • Consider these fundamental cracks in the American government’s UFO cover-up:
  • Podesta, co-chair of the Barack Obama White House Transition Team in late 2009, wrote the dramatic foreword to Ms. Kean’s book on UFOs.
  • It is not trivial that Podesta, as President Clinton’s White House chief of staff was instrumental in declassifying 800 million secret documents.
  • If this were not enough political backing, John Podesta, at a 2002 press conference held at the revered Washington Press Club stated unequivocally, “I think it’s time to open the books on questions that have remained in the dark on the question of government investigations of UFOs. It’s time to find out what the truth really is that’s out there. We ought to do it because it’s right, we ought to do it because the American people, quite frankly, can handle the truth and we ought to do it because it’s the law.”
  • One of the most auspicious cracks in the cover-up is the cadre of former USAF ICBM missile launch commanders who have provided signed and witnessed affidavits attesting not only to facts surrounding unauthorized incursion of UFOs over American nuclear facilities and subsequent missile shut-downs en mass, but that in virtually every case, officers we told by their superiors never to publicly divulge their experiences.
  • Internationally, governments and the military in countries like Brazil are now in co-operation with civilian UFO organizations – virtual cohorts in the open admission that the  UFO phenomenon is real and worthy of study and investigation. This trend is more likely to expand rather than diminish – where will this leave the US after other G20 countries acknowledge this matter in the same manner?

These kinds of political and military supporters are not easily convinced unless they are convinced themselves. Sometimes the political fall-out and risk for them isn’t worth it. Obviously Podesta, Symington and USAF officers feel very passionately about this matter. We all know what happens when passion meets politics… sometimes the heads that roll aren’t the ones you expect.

What many analysts of Kean’s work have overlooked is that such support by high profile figures has an infectious transition or cross-pollination effect on other political and media heavyweights. A well-timed resurrection of the book’s ideals by the same media that ignored it will clearly threaten the current silence in the White House, at the United States Air Force, the CIA and in the Office of Science and Technology Policy. Each of these agencies are explicit in their stand that no ‘credible evidence’ about UFOs exists; a bald-faced lie if there ever was one. Soon however, the position of’no evidence’will be viewed as absurd and irrational if not comedic. The mantra – “the cover-up is over” will move disclosure into its final stages.

This mantra, if heard by an open-minded media mogul, a rogue reporter or a renegade Congressman, could be the mild nudge needed to create the kind of political tempest that just might make the administration too dizzy to engage in any meaningful damage control; especially once the next avalanche of other UFO evidence already amassed by the many hundreds of other keen UFO researchers hits the streets in the wake of the resurrection of Ms. Kean’s book.

In addition to ostensibly falling victim to the ‘Fall of the Roman Empire Syndrome’ in its inept handling of its own economy, foreign policy and social agenda, the United States of America will become the laughing stock of the G20 once countries like France, Brazil, the UK, Canada, Norway, Uruguay and Denmark formally acknowledge the UFO reality in either in a joint statement or through a cascade of individual announcements.

It is obvious Kean and her adept management of inside political forces has brought the UFO reality to the fore-front of public awareness as no other book has done before. The matter of UFOs has taken on a public shape and persona that remains authentic, and not surprisingly, is still sustainable as backed-up by proof and individuals with a history of substantive governance status.

The jury – according to Ms. Kean and her UFO whistle-blowers – is still out that UFOs might be Extraterrestrial. What is certain however, is that Ms. Kean has indeed proven – with out any question; governments know all about UFOs – and they’re not talking. This could affect the US government’s policy of total silence on this matter now that incriminating information like this has stood its ground and the test of time; ultimately becoming part of the public record.

Assailing the Wall of Secrecy
ZlandCommunications – a Canadian UFO disclosure news service takes the following positions on the government secrecy and media complicity in the UFO matter:

  • Mainstream media’s priorities are skewed towards a repugnant banality that anaesthetizes the public.  The possibility that craft of unknown origin are flitting around in our skies with impunity – as told by insiders like pilots, generals and other government officials – is now indisputable news. This could eventually become a public relations nightmare for the American government. It could represent the beginning of the end for the government truth embargo surrounding the UFO matter – the biggest story of the 20th and 21st century.
  • The hand-picked group of experts; upper echelon pilots, generals and government officials called upon by Ms. Kean have established  beyond any doubt that government, Air Force and other military agencies have known for decades about UFOs and have applied extreme pressure to keep this information from the public.
  • This astutely assembled group of government, military and corporate personnel have come forward at great personal risk to themselves and their families to expose factual information to the people of the planet, who by and large remain ignorant of factual UFO information. It is now time for our finest journalists to experience the same moral and ethical imperative. We would support any call from her former colleagues at the Boston Globe and other journalists to revitalize her work so that the press can do its job… to inform and enlighten the public on matters of government secrecy.
  • Clearly, governments and the airline industry have for too long – duped the public – consistently enforcing a tight-lipped ‘no-tell’ policy to keep any of the major sightings and testimony – out of the news and away from the public. This is a clear violation of air safety regulations that put passengers and crews in danger. Ms. Kean remains resolute in her conviction this secrecy must end.  Ms. Kean seems to be going about it in the right way and we support her courage in doing so.

Hope and Caution
It appears Leslie Kean and her witnesses have decided to no longer accept the standard government response ‘No comment…’ or silence. Ms. Kean’s whistle-blower testimony train has been firmly affixed on the ‘iron rails’ provided by the New York Times Best Seller List. Perhaps being readied for re-departure to Obamaland, we will hear “…all aboard!” by some brave colleagues of Ms. Kean who just might have a person like Ben Bradley standing behind them in the White House Press Gallery.

Essentially what Ms. Kean has done – perhaps without necessarily intending to – is implicitly say to the American people, “We don’t need the government to tell us UFOs are real – the facts are self-evident and we are going to talk about it…” Press – take the dais!

By persuading any and all journalists in the mainstream press to re-visit Ms. Kean’s book, to do their homework and have the courage to promote her research – the political and national security issues she raises – not to mention the truth – will cause the media-meltdown of the century; perhaps even re-write history as some researchers have already suggested. No excuse, no lie, no spin, no lounge-lizard smooth talk by any politician will be able to withstand Ms. Kean’s authenticity and the barrage of facts she calls upon to galvanize the authenticity of the UFO matter.

Finally, a cautionary but essential political question must be posed: Are there powers so influential, so far behind the scenes – a shadow government – so dominant, so cloistered they cannot be seen or heard? Yet from beneath a cowl of secrecy they can, with a wink or a nod, rip the pages from any book they do not sanction… including the Constitution of the United States.

This may be Ms. Kean’s next battle.

UFOs – Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record by Leslie Kean

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For news on the UFO/ET Disclosure issue visit: The ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork


Did US Navy battle UFOs protecting Nazi Antarctic sanctuary in 1947?

By Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Nazi UFOs arriving in Antarctica. Accompanied by Nazi UFOs. Artwork: JIm Nichols.

An extraordinary 2006 Russian documentary was recently translated into English revealing new information about a US Navy Antarctica expedition in 1946/47. Originally scheduled for a six month period, the “scientific” expedition was officially called “The United States Navy Antarctic Development Program,” and given the operational name Highjump. The naval component of Operation Highjump was known as Task Force 68 and comprised 4700 military personnel, one aircraft carrier (the USS Philippine Sea among the largest of all carriers of the time), and number of naval support ships and aircraft. The Naval expedition was headed by famed polar explore Admiral Richard Byrd, who had been ordered to: “to consolidate and extend American sovereignty over the largest practical area of the Antarctic continent.” Byrd’s expedition ended after only 8 weeks with “many fatalities” according to initial news reports based on interviews with crew members who spoke to the press while passing through Chilean ports. Rather than deny the heavy casualty reports, Admiral Byrd revealed in a press interview that Task Force 68 had encountered a new enemy that “could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds.”

Admiral Byrd’s statements were published in the Chilean Press but never publicly confirmed by US authorities. Indeed Byrd did not speak again to the Press about Operation Highjump, leaving it for researchers to speculate for decades over what really happened, and why Byrd was silenced. After the Soviet collapse in 1991, the KGB released previously classified files that cast light on the mysterious Byrd led Naval expedition to Antarctica. A 2006 Russian documentary, recently translated, made public for the first time a 1947 secret Soviet intelligence report commissioned by Joseph Stalin of Task 68’s mission to Antarctica. The intelligence report, gathered from Soviet spies embedded in the US, revealed that the US Navy had sent the military expedition to find and destroy a hidden Nazi base. On the way, they encountered a mysterious UFO force that attacked the military expedition destroying several ships and a significant number of planes. Indeed, Operation Highjump had suffered “many casualties” as stated in initial press reports from Chile. While there is a possibility the report resulted from US disinformation fed to a known Soviet mole, the more likely explanation is that the report exposes the first known historical incident involving a battle between US naval forces and an unknown UFO force stationed near Antarctica.

It is a historical fact that Nazi Germany devoted significant resources to the exploration of Antarctica, and established a prewar presence there with its first mission in the Antarctic summer of 1938/1939. According to a statement by Grand Admiral Donitz in 1943, “the German submarine fleet is proud of having built for the Führer, in another part of the world, a Shangri-La land, an impregnable fortress.” If the fortress was in Antarctica, was it built by the Nazis, or discovered there? After the defeat of Nazi Germany, according various sources, elite Nazi scientists and leaders escaped to this impregnable fortress by Uboats, two of which experienced difficulties and surrendered in Argentina.

In the Soviet intelligence report, never before known testimony by two US Navy servicemen with Operation Highjump was revealed. A recent article in New Dawn by Frank Joseph gives a detailed analysis of the two eyewitness accounts, only the latter of which was mentioned in the 2006 Russian documentary. John P. Szehwach, a radioman stationed on the USS Brownson, gave testimony of how UFOs appeared dramatically out of the ocean depths. On January 17, 1947 at 0700 hours, Szehwach said:

I and my shipmates in the pilothouse port side observed for several minutes the bright lights that ascended about 45 degrees into the sky very quickly… We couldn’t i.d., the lights, because our radar was limited to 250 miles in a straight line [Our Real “War of the Worlds”]

Over the next several weeks, according to the Soviet report, the UFOs flew close over the US naval flotilla which fired on the UFOs which did retaliate with deadly effects. According to Lieutenant John Sayerson, a flying boat pilot:

The thing shot vertically out of the water at tremendous velocity, as though pursued by the devil, and flew between the masts [of the ship] at such a high speed that the radio antenna oscillated back and forth in its turbulence. An aircraft [Martin flying-boat] from the Currituck that took off just a few moments later was struck with an unknown type of ray from the object, and almost instantly crashed into the sea near our vessel…. About ten miles away, the torpedo-boat Maddox burst into flames and began to sink… Having personally witnessed this attack by the object that flew out of the sea, all I can say is, it was frightening.” [Our Real “War of the Worlds”]

There is a major problem with Sayerson’s quote. There has been no torpedo boat named Maddox in the US Navy.   In the Russian documentary, the incident described by Sayerson (misspelt Sireson) refers instead to the destroyer “Murdoch.” There was, however, no destroyer named “Murdoch” active in the US Fleet in 1947. Instead there was a destroyer named “Maddox” (DD-731), but it did not serve in Operation Highjump. In fact, the USS Maddox was the destroyer fired upon in the Gulf of Tonkin incident of 1964.

According to Frank Joseph the USS Maddox was “either a torpedo boat, or torpedo-carrying destroyer.” He goes on to explain what may have happened to the Maddox mentioned in the Soviet report:

A USS Maddox was indeed sunk by enemy action, but five years earlier by a German dive-bomber during the Allied invasion of Sicily. Actually there were at least three American destroyers known by that name (DD-168, DD-622 and DD-731) all of them contemporaneous. The US Navy has long been notorious for falsifying the identity of its ships and re-writing their histories if they embarrass official policy…. So too, the “Maddox” cited by Soviet espionage was similarly consigned to an official memory hole. [Our Real “War of the Worlds”]

If Joseph is correct, then it is very possible that a USS Maddox was destroyed during Operation Highjump, and the US Navy changed official records to hide this. An alternative explanation is that the 1947 Soviet report contained U.S. orchestrated disinformation that was being conveyed to Soviet authorities by a Soviet mole known by the US intelligence community. Though plausible, this is highly unlikely given that the US and USSR were still allies at the time of Operation Highjump, and had a common interest in finding and destroying any hidden Nazi base(s) in the South Atlantic.


The destructive technology used by the UFOs in the Soviet intelligence report was not something that had been developed by the defeated Nazis who had only shortly before been forced to retreat to the South Atlantic. It appears the UFOs were not intent on destroying Task Force 68, but forcing it to turn back. Were the UFOs protecting the retreating Nazis and/or their own presence in Antarctica? Was the Stalin era report disinformation deliberately fed to Soviet authorities by US intelligence? What is the most likely answer is that the Soviet era report released in the 2006 Russian Documentary was substantially correct. This suggests that Admiral Byrd’s initial press report was accurate – a new enemy that could fly from pole to pole at “incredible speeds” had emerged. Most importantly, the UFO force had inflicted heavy casualties on the US Navy that was powerless to oppose it. The world’s first known battle between the United States military and an unknown UFO fleet based near Antarctica very likely occurred in 1947, and the general public has never learned about it until now.

© Copyright 2012. Michael E. Salla.

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission.

Further Reading

Another US Air Force Officer tells of missile shut-down by UFOs – Told by superiors ‘…never to speak about the incident.’


For Immediate Release

Toronto,Canada [ZNN] More evidence has come to light concerning how levels of secrecy imposed by the United States Air Force on their own officers has served to restrict the public’s access to information about unauthorized incursions into restricted airspace and the unauthorized shut-down of nuclear missiles by craft of unknown origin.

Documentation and testimony by senior officials and military officers continue to come forward that describe an intriguing chronicle of repression, government control and secrecy.

The ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork has learned that yet another ICBM Deputy Launch Commander has come forward to describe not only his recollections about the unauthorized shut-down of nuclear missiles at an American nuclear installation but that he was told never to speak of the incident.

Based on this incident and others like it: Is there sufficient evidence to conclude that there may be an unacknowledged but orchestrated form of behaviour that taints the entire super-structure of the US government, its military and intelligence agencies – not only to deny the public its right to the truth but obliterating their access to it?

The evidence appears overwhelming in favour of this hypothesis.

Not only are airspace violations by unidentified aerial phenomenon over US nuclear weapons installation sites widespread, but ranking US Air Force officers are being told by their superiors never to discuss these matters.


These officers – despite threats and intimidation – are now coming forward despite this apparent super-structure of secrecy. This time, Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota is the centre of the controversy. Minot has a history of incidents involving UFO’s. (See also Minot B-52)

The missile shut-downs in this incident and those at other nuclear facilities coincide with the reported presence of craft of unknown origin as described by multiple USAF officers who were manning nuclear weapons installations in the mid-westUnited States during the mid 1960’s.

In yet another chapter of this narrative, retired USAF Captain David D. Schindele, as a First Lieutenant and Deputy Missile Combat Crew Commander in the 742nd Squadron of the 455th Strategic Missile Wing at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota has come forward to describe not only how he was told at a briefing that the previous night’s missile crew had experienced some unusual circumstances where some missiles came “off alert”, but that he was also directed never to speak of the matter.

In an article by researcher Robert Hastings, Hastings cites a front page news story in the Minot Daily News in December 1966 that covered flying saucers over Minot AFB. In the same article Hastings also outlines former Captain Schindele’s corroborating testimony.

The now retired Captain David D. Schindele said, “I remember that when we were relieved the next morning and arrived topside, I attempted to query the Flight Security Controller, who told me he could not speak about the incident. It was then that my commander also informed me that he had received word, during my rest break below, that we were to never speak about the incident.”

This curious pattern of incursions by craft of unknown origin, the coinciding shut-down of nuclear missiles and clamps on staff observations is now coalescing. It now reads like a military litany of events the US Air Force will be hard pressed to explain when forced to do so by media pressure and public curiosity.

Airspace violations in 1954 at Maxwell AFB in Alabama, Malmstrom AFB Montana 1967, Wurtsmith Air Force Base Michigan in 1975, Walker AFB New Mexico and Warren AFB in Wyoming are well documented. These are just some of the incursions researchers have uncovered – how many more are there that the Pentagon knows about but are yet to be unearthed?


It is true that these strange incidents are difficult to comprehend. However, the military secrecy and the mysterious culture of political silence surrounding these and other similar incidents are even more perplexing.

The less-exposed and broader pattern of military secrecy and obfuscation seem to provide what many might describe as a systemically unacknowledged backdrop of a wider conspiratorial context. The US government’s total silence on this matter is a testament to this assessment.

All the evidence seems to point in this direction.

If, as the United States Air Force maintains – UFOs are not a threat to national security, then why are USAF officers who report such a phenomenon told to keep quiet? Moreover, from where do these directives and policies emanate? What culture of concealment – fuelled by an addiction to secrecy – radiates such a well-orchestrated form of mendacity?

Two instructive events might illustrate the depth of what can only be described as a subtle form of institutional deceit.

In communication with the USAF and in response to questions about compromised nuclear missiles, ZNN was told by Vicky Stein of the US Air Force Public Affairs Office there is no comment on this matter beyond the US Air Force FACT SHEET on its web site; a flimsy if not inept response to very serious and substantive allegations about compromised nuclear weapons by craft of unknown origin – clearly an egregious and straightforward matter of national security.

In another conversation – NORAD Media Relations Naval officer Lt. Desmond James indicated to ZNN that they were aware of the 2010 Washington press conference at which USAF officers described multiple incursions by UFOs over US nuclear facilities; however because this was an ‘American asset issue’, he pointed ZlandCommunications to the same United States Air Force web site to obtain the insipidly generic statement about UFOs on its Fact Sheet.

In the context of these kinds of dead-pan responses by expressionless Air Force officials, it is little wonder why those who research the secrecy behind the UFO matter come to conclude that an orchestrated form of behaviour contaminates the entire super-structure of the US government and its military and intelligence agencies. The result – the public remains ignorant of the facts.

This recurring theme of imposed secrecy molds almost seamlessly with the now public and disturbing testimony of former Division Chief of the Accidents and Investigations Branch of the FAA in Washington DC, John Callahan. Callahan speaks of a meeting held with President Ronald Reagan’s scientific study team that included the FBI and the CIA on November 17 1986 to discuss the Japan Air Lines flight 1628 UFO incident captured on radar. Tapes and radar records were reviewed.

Callahan, a senior FAA official, was then categorically instructed that the incident never occurred and this meeting never happened.

To more clearly accentuate the insidious nature of  US secrecy surrounding UFOs, the respected astronaut and US Air Force pilot Gordon Cooper stated during an interview, “For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists in astronautics. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us. And there are thousands of witness reports and a quantity of documents to prove this, but nobody wants to make them public.”

Cooper’s remarks demonstrate that questions continue to swirl around how the US government’s complete lack of transparency, threats of intimidation towards its own military personnel and a 65 year-old silence on the UFO matter has affected the constitutional right of citizens to know about this crucial issue.

Not only does this impact upon the lives of Americans but the nature of our planet’s history.


Will the incessant silence in this matter continue to be tolerated by the press, elected officials and concerned citizens?

What group, agency, elected official or media publisher is courageous enough to take on this monolith of government and military secrecy?

Three things have to happen:

1. The US government must be pressed to come forward and openly inaugurate public discourse about all evidence in this matter; examine the testimony of its own military officials and; ultimately admit they have been wittingly or unwittingly part of an extended generation of liars.

2. Amnesty must be offered to all and every individual within the military and intelligence community who may wish to come forward about their experiences or their part in the cover-up.

3. The North American mainstream media must set aside their indolent corporate conscience and get to work on exposing every aspect of the UFO cover-up.

Former USAF officers like Captain Schindele, Captain Robert Salas, Lt. Colonel Dwynne C. Arneson and many others who faithfully served America deserve to be heard.

If and when this scourge of secrecy ever ends, and the truth about the reality of UFOs and an ET presence does emerge – the history of an entire planet will have to be re-written.

ZNN will continue to follow these events.


Related Press Release: Chair of Homeland Security Committee has documents on missile shut-downs

Toronto Ontario Canada
A news service that takes you to the edge… and beyond.

Is Alien false flag event on the way?

By Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Is real life version of Battleship happening off the coast of San Francisco?

According to Gordon Duff, senior editor of Veterans Today, intelligence sources are revealing that hostile extraterrestrials are militarily engaging with world naval forces. In an article, provocatively titled, “UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco,” Duff claims that the Chinese navy is lending assistance to the US in battling these hostile forces in what looks like a real life version of the recent movie Battleship. Duff claims that his intelligence sources are Asian, and that US naval forces are stretched thin in the Pacific due to a beefed up naval presence in the Persian Gulf. Duff admits that the story stretches credibility but that his source is usually reliable, thereby raising the possibility that either the story is largely accurate and/or officially sanctioned disinformation. Are we being prepared for an alien false flag invasion?

Duff is a former Marine and has been very outspoken in exposing the misuse of government power and authority. Veterans Today is a highly popular newsblog taking on many controversial topics not covered by the mainstream media. It includes former senior military officers on its international Board of Directors. So it was very surprising to see Veteran’s Today on Monday leading with Duff’s attention grabbing headline and article. Duff claims:

This last week, reports of Chinese naval vessels off the US coast, Northern Californian in particular, have been reported but denied. Now an Asian intelligence agency reports that a combined fleet operation between the US and China has been going on, a full combat operation against what we are told is a “highly unfriendly extra-terrestrial threat.” The verifications of the fleet operations have been many, there have been no confirmations from the US side though the ships have been seen by every vessel that makes it offshore.  The true nature of both the threat and the extent of the multinational military force used is beyond any imaginable classification level.

The claim that a multinational military force is battling a UFO threat off the coast of San Francisco appears to be circumstantially supported by unusually high US naval activity in the region. Duff claims that no US military sources are confirming these events. He refers to a classified memo that apparently is being circulated to only a small group of need-to-know officials. Duff claims the memo mentions:

  • Opposition is extraterrestrial and extremely aggressive and unfriendly
  • The threat represents a “clear and present danger” and is isolated to the Pacific Basin
  • China is forced to carry US responsibility because our own naval capability is sitting in the Persian Gulf when America is under a very real threat.
  • Attempts to seek confirmations or to directly verify these operations will lead to fatal consequences.

In his conclusion Duff writes: “I either have to give this a 70% or reclassify a reliable official source as purposefully leaking something that makes no sense.”

In the swirl of rumors surrounding UFO naval incidents described in Duff’s article, it’s clear that some intelligence agency is depicting extraterrestrials as hostile. This goes against the evidence accumulated over more than six decades that extraterrestrials have been peacefully engaging with governments and private citizens to raise consciousness, share advanced technologies, and prevent nuclear warfare. While the abduction phenomenon rightly raises concerns over the emotional and psychological impact of some extraterrestrial activities, it’s rare to hear of citizens being physically injured. While it is always possible that a new faction of extraterrestrials may have recently arrived that are indeed hostile, it’s more likely that the incidents Duff describes are part of a psychological warfare program. The goal is to firmly establish UFOs and extraterrestrial life as issues belonging to the national security domain, rather than to international diplomacy.

An alien false flag event – a contrived extraterrestrial invasion using advanced technologies – would ensure that public awareness of evidence concerning alien life is skewed towards national security concerns. Viewing extraterrestrials as hostile, intent on overcoming the world’s military forces, would justify national security policies that would further erode constitutional principles in the USA. More importantly, it would sideline international organizations such as the United Nations intent on promoting diplomatic solutions to international crises.

Rumors of a false flag alien date back to the “Report from Iron Mountain” document first released in the early 1960s and published in 1967. Dr Werner Von Braun later confided to a close colleague that a false flag alien invasion was indeed been planned by corporate entities along with their national security agency partners. An alien false flag event would be the ultimate way in which national security agencies and their multinational corporate partners could engineer government policies that increase their respective power, and maintain the secrecy of an extensive number of classified programs that are funded by a quasi-legal black budget. What Duff describes in his article, and parallels with the recent Battleship movie, has the tell-tale characteristics of a psychological warfare program to prepare the general public for a false flag alien invasion.

© Copyright 2012. Michael E. Salla.

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission.

Further Reading

White House Petition seeks new Roswell UFO crash investigation

By Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

The White House has once again launched “We the People,” an online platform designed to hear from the American public about their key issues. In the midst of a highly competitive election season, President Obama is once more reaching out to the public to show he cares about their issues. The White House website declares:“We the People provides a new way to petition the Obama Administration to take action on a range of important issues facing our country. We created We the People because we want to hear from you. If a petition gets enough support, White House staff will review it, ensure it’s sent to the appropriate policy experts, and issue an official response.”  Among the many petitions being launched, and hoping to pass the lofty 25,000 threshold, is one dealing with the famous Roswell UFO incident and the possibility that it was extraterrestrial in origin.

Steve Bassett from the Paradigm Research Group (PRG) has formally petitioned the Obama Administration to: “reinvestigate an alleged extraterrestrial vehicle crash near Roswell, NM in 1947 and an Air Force cover-up of the facts.” In support of his petition, which he titled, “Disclosure Petition V – Roswell,” Bassett cites a former astronaut, military officers and a retired CIA officer who all believe that something out of this world really did happen at Roswell:

Lt Col. Philip Corso (USA) “I came into possession of the Roswell File. This file contained field reports, medical autopsy reports and technological debris from the crash of an extraterrestrial vehicle.”

Capt. Edgar Mitchell (USAF/NASA) “Roswell was a real incident, and that indeed an alien craft did crash, and that material was recovered from that crash site.”

Chase Brandon (CIA) “It was a craft that clearly did not come from this planet.”

Lt. Col. Richard French (USAF) “There were actually two crashes at Roswell.”

Bassett even cites Gov. Bill Richardson to support his petition for a new investigation: “The mystery surrounding this crash has never been adequately explained – not by independent investigators, and not by the U.S. government.”

I contacted Steve Bassett and asked him a few questions about his current petition which is the fifth in a series of White House petitions launched by him

Q1. Why is this petition important?

Disclosure Petition V focuses on Roswell and is aimed to point back to the White House response to Disclosure Petition – I claiming there was no evidence for extraterrestrial engagement of the human race or for government suppression of any evidence for such.

The immediate effect of the White House “We the People” project was to permit the ET issue to be posted to the White House website for the first time.  This was a milestone.   As it happened the first Disclosure petition received the necessary 5,000 signatures triggering a formal written response from the Obama administration – also a first.   It remained up on the White House website for two months.   The subsequent Disclosure petitions were posted for 30 days each.   This is not just any website, it is the Internet presence for the President of the United States, and since September 22, 2011 the ET issue has been addressed on that website with regularity.

I expect the “We the People” section to be closed after the election, regardless of the outcome.  Until then, PRG will continue to post Disclosure petitions to the site.

Q2. What was the White House response to your earlier petitions on UFO disclosure? Do you expect a different response this time? Why?

There will be no White House response to Disclosure Petition V – Roswell as there is little chance it will acquire the necessary 25,000 signatures.  The “We the People” project is fading out, largely due to actions by the White House.  There is an upside as the number of posted petitions has shrunk to about 30 providing the Disclosure petitions more visibility.

Q3. What do you think will happen if you achieve the 25,000 threshold?

Under their own rules 25,000 signatures would generate a White House response.  It would be quite interesting to see how the White House would maneuver around the statements of Col. Corso, Capt. Mitchell, Gov. Richardson, Agent Brandon and Col. French.  Essentially, these men have called the U. S. Air Force a liar.  Awkward.  Such contradictions are rife throughout the truth embargo.  However, as long as the public and the media are willing to live with these contradictions, the truth embargo will continue.

After the first successful petition, Phil Larson from the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy, officially responded:

The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public’s eye. However, that doesn’t mean the subject of life outside our planet isn’t being discussed or explored. In fact, there are a number of projects working toward the goal of understanding if life can or does exist off Earth.

Larson went on to discuss the Search for Extraterrestrial Life Initiative (SETI); the Kepler Space Telescope seeking Earth-like exoplanets; and the Mars Science Laboratory, as examples of government projects focused on possible extraterrestrial life.

If “Disclosure Petition V – Roswell” does reach the 25,000 threshold it would be helpful to know if Mr Larson or the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy could give a different response this time. The official Obama Presidential Campaign slogan is Forward – it would be good if we could move forward on a genuine investigation of the Roswell UFO Crash and possible cover up of extraterrestrial life.

You can sign Disclosure Petition V here:

How to Think about UFO-ET Contacts: Complexity is Here to Stay

By Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera

Image Source: The Daily Galaxy blog

HELLO EXOPOLITICIANS! I agree with our great colleague Paola L. Harris that, unless more valiant politicians and exopoliticians (like the Honorable Hellyer) with evidence about the UFO/visitors reality are willing to come “out of the closet”, the “silence of the unwilling” will drown once again the valiant voices. I also concur that bringing up contactee experiences tends to make disclosure efforts less credible but, for me, the main issue is that the main blockage appears to arise from limiting human attitudes.  It is in us and awareness could perhaps liberate us as well. I think that there still are great opportunities through contactees (in spite of uncritical, non-analytical, “true believer” tendencies perhaps in most who also tend not to be in positions of respectable public power).

Contactees are also important, not just because of their candidness which can give us a gentler sense of the reality behind some of the contacts but because they can help us to re-connect with aspects of ourselves based on inherent goodness. Just as we may think that some of the “visitors” have “good reasons” why they are conducting abduction procedures (for our own good) (always?) we can think that they have “good reasons” why other prefer to contact nonacademic, non-powerful, non-analytical people that will often develop a “true believer,” missionary attitude. Perhaps this is a way to gently reach an average level of awareness in humanity allowing room to accept or not to accept that contacts are taking place.

We must understand that contactee, abductee, integrated contactee-abductee, accidental, channeling, historical and research ufological literature shows ever-increasing evidence there are varieties of ETS (not just Annunakis; not just lizards attempting to control us or greys with a variety of agendas, needs, agreements, timeline degrees of evolution; not just human-like benevolent space brothers and human-like and non-human-like negative Orions; not just future Essasani, art-loving Pleiadians, trans-dimensional Venusians, matter-of-fact scientists, inhabitants of Ganymede, semi-angelic beings and giants from Lyra ). The range is HUGE and we should neither fall in fear and disrepair nor ignore that -during some contacts- warnings about deceiving entities were also received. We are the ones that place limits.

Moreover, to understand how to think of “them” as “good or evil” and, simultaneously, not as “good or evil” we need to complexify our thinking. For instance, it’s not just that “if they were violent they would have conquered or wiped us out a long time ago.” If there are many groups of ETS with different agendas, needs and levels of development, there may be a control mechanism as to who is allowed to interact with us or not. There might be hierarchies between those that have transcended certain needs and those that have not. These hierarchies might not even be understood as between those ETS that are older or from particular far-flung futures (and thus more evolved) and those newer or closer to our present in terms of experience. We need to complexify our thinking in order to reach beyond the “adolescent stage” some of us may be in right now. We need to think in terms of Meta patterns reflecting a cosmic-level culture.

As researchers (and as non-integral humans in general) we tend to choose the aspect of Ufology that resonates more with us. This is a big problem. This is THE problem when facing a complex issue such as learning how to live in today’s world or learning how to relate with the ET presence. If we cannot handle a radical shift in our sense of reality and self-identity we (humans in general and not just researchers) will debunk even bona fide cases without learning from them or taking our time to carefully…research. Col. Corso’s case is a “case in point” as some researchers that contribute with other findings also invalidate this case…perhaps “unfairly.” This self-limiting attitude not only applies to government witnesses but to abductees, contactees, free energy researchers, and even amongst members of the UFO/ET research community. In fact, it applies to humanity in general as it stands now. As I’ll soon explain, we tend to invalidate each other too much, jumping onto the dissimilarities first rather than onto the similarities because our self-identities are limited because our three-vehicle instincts are disconnected.

There’s always someone with a great “piece of the puzzle” whose information we don’t FEEL as complementary but as dangerous to us. It is an irrational but effective attitude that which controls us in everything political we do. I think that we have three main types of instincts giving us a sense of exterior danger or of interior safety and that these instincts originate in our three main spiritual vehicles: The Physical, the Subtle and the Causal.  Each instinct is an adaptation to a primary cosmic environment reflecting the Body, Mind and Spirit aspects of being. This three-tiered partition of the Cosmos is present in many mystical-experiential disclosures such as in the philosophy of Vedanta. It behooves researchers to discover this.

If the instinct that controls us the most is physical we may always sense that what is most “real” is external stuff and think that the crux of ET interaction is in terms of technology, winning-losing, genetics and object manipulation and control. For this matter, benevolent contactee stories transmitting platitudes instead of technologies, or stories representing philosophical-humane understandings rather than, for instance, no-nonsense, physically manipulative genetic abductions, would also typically (and irrationally) feel to be much more “ludicrous” to most who think of themselves as “serious, objective researchers.” Then again, those that naturally sense a preponderance of instincts associated with the Subtle or the Causal spiritual vehicles may over-value inspiring platitudes. Enslaved by their preferred, non-integrated “instinct” researchers (and people in general attracted to the UFO-ET field) would focus on the mistakes of people whose main message represents other non-personally integrated instincts thus selecting out and dismissing parts of the genuine. Contactee reports and evidence (and along with that the invitations of ET groups willing to communicate more openly) are often summarily dismissed as genuine witnesses (however “credible,” “accredited” or not) they may be. They are simply non-instinctively detected. This happens irrationally if our “core sense of identity” and the “pieces of the puzzle” we hold on to EXCLUSIVISTICALLY (our personal “facts”) are challenged. The big problem we may not even be aware of is the non-integration of our three main instincts. When ideas and personal sense-making realizations reflect an imbalance between our three main instincts we violently sustain an incomplete self-sense boundary even to the point of endangering ourselves to sustain that boundary.

If we feel that (simplifying the situation) physically intervening ETS are more “real” that counsel-giving ETS we may ultimately prefer to contact the former than the latter. Still, I’d say that, between having a voluntary contact with more apparently communicative beings after a respectful invitation and exposing ourselves (however open-mindedly influenced by our current, cultural stage of post-modern relativism we may be) to anyone that comes along or to potentially abducting beings who (reasonably speaking, may or may not do it for ‘our own good’) and who may or may not be associated with “evil” controllers (we don’t really know if the word “evil” should be thrown out of our lexicon according to a universal ethics or to our religious ethics/biases normally decried as mistaken, limited and intolerant), it’s for me a ‘hands down’ choice for the first option. I think we can still gain much understanding and growth from ETS who are giving us opportunities to interact in a mutually respectful, friendly and kind way. By God, if there are opportunities to make an appointment for communicative contact with apparently kinder ETS why are we broadly preferring to hold on to a chance for contact through abducting ETS? Why do we hold on to a third person (often mutually undermining) research approach “after the facts” instead of finding out directly for ourselves? Why don’t we see past their pseudo-religious mistakes and attempt direct contact right away?

I think that, just as there was inhumane abusive intolerance in socially organized expressions of religious dogmatism in pre-modern religious and in biased-rational-modern (Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, right wing or left wing) absolutistic eras, we can also be blinded by the “relativism” of the current, more culturally advanced, post-modern era and ethos. BOTH the pre post-modern and the post-modern ideological positions are exclusivist and reductionist. The latter one is more difficult to detect but is radically flattening of differences and of a positive sense of hierarchy which, (according to integral and complexity thinkers) are natural facts of all forms of organization, regardless of level of development.

I think that, to start relating more intelligently with cosmic ‘cultures’ (culturally situated at least a couple of ‘notches’ beyond us) we need to develop our identities, ways of thinking, not just past the bigotry of pre-modern and modern but also past the post-modern ethos. Those of us willing to promote or lead toward a form of disclosure or to personally establish direct contact with ETS should conceptually and identitarily grow past post-modern (even if the self-identity of most people in the world seems still attached to pre-modern and modern ethos!): We must perceive more than equally valid, “horizontal” patterns; we must get a sense of the pattern that relates patterns. We must learn to think and to feel not only “systemically” (as in postmodernity) but “trans-systemically” the pattern behind patterned levels of complexity. Moving forward in “exopolitics” is not just about having pre-modern, clear-cut values; about modern-rational, effective pragmatism; about infinite egalitarian tolerance or about holistically including the best of all previous characteristics. It is about acquiring a non-monological initial degree of “cosmic understanding” (cosmic understanding “101”), the ABC’s of a common cosmic language (of the whole and the part) allowing us to share understandings to communicate with all varieties of “cosmic-faring” ETS more intelligently. Perhaps these ETS (regardless of their particular distinctions and inclinations are capable of simultaneously integrating exclusivist, relational and transcendental logics simultaneously.


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