Article by Jazz Shaw December 15, 2020 (
• As everyone knows by now, respected Israeli General Haim Eshed told Raanan Shaked of the Yediot Aharonot newspaper about an agreement between the United States and a “Galactic Federation” of extraterrestrials, and that President Trump was on the verge of spilling the beans but the aliens talked him out of it. Eshed also said that there is a secret base in the interior of Mars where American astronauts regularly work with the aliens.
• Some mainstream commenters are saying that Eshed has either gone crazy, or he grossly exaggerated some of his comments to make the article more viral (and to sell more of his new book).
• Tim McMillan at The Debrief reports that filmmaker Jeremy Corbell subsequently interviewed Shaked to gain additional details about the interview, Eshed’s state of mind, and where Eshed was getting his information. Shaked revealed that Eshed had cited a nearly 40-year-old conspiracy that President Dwight D. Eisenhower secretly met and signed an agreement with extraterrestrials. The Eisenhower story comes in large part from the “Granddaddy of American conspiracy theorists” – William “Bill” Cooper. In his book: “Behold a Pale Horse” (1991), Cooper claimed in the early 1970s while serving with the Navy’s Office of Naval Intelligence, that he was granted access to classified documents describing President Eisenhower’s meetings with extraterrestrials. Cooper also claimed a “Galactic Space Confederation” made up of eight different extraterrestrials species existed.
• So was Eshed misquoted or taken out of context? Most likely not. Bill Cooper has been dead for almost twenty years. Eshed was talking specifically about President Donald Trump and his interactions with representatives of the nine alien species comprising the Galactic Federation. He couldn’t have gotten that from Cooper’s writings. In fact, nobody has brought up anything like this about Donald Trump yet. So where did Eshed obtain this new “information?”
• In the original interview, Eshed admitted that he doesn’t have first-hand knowledge in the form of seeing the aliens himself. He told Shaked that there was “other information he saw” during his 30-year career with Israel’s space agency, some of which came from counterparts in the American space program whom he cannot reveal. So Eshed feels that his claims were credible and the evidence exists to back them up.
• Eshed is still in possession of his faculties and sincerely believes the things that he’s saying. He’s going well beyond the old conspiracy theories about Ike and is breaking some new ground. He assures us that he didn’t make up these new revelations himself, but learned about them from credible sources. (see Jeremy Corbin’s interview below)
Haim Eshed
When we recently discussed the story of the respected Israeli General who told a reporter about an
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
agreement between the United States and a supposed “Galactic Federation” of extraterrestrials, there was a lot to unpack. Haim Eshed told Raanan Shaked of the Yediot Aharonot newspaper that President Trump had been on the verge of spilling the beans about all of this, but the aliens talked him out of it at the last minute. He also mentioned that we have a secret federation base in the interior of Mars where American astronauts regularly work in cooperation with the aliens. We were mostly left to speculate why he would say such things, but I tracked down some social media comments from the author of a recent book about Eshed for further insight. I concluded that the most likely explanations were that Eshed was either losing his marbles or Shaked had grossly exaggerated some of his comments to make the article more viral.
As it turns out, there’s another possible explanation. As Tim McMillan reports at The Debrief, filmmaker Jeremy Corbell interviewed Shaked over the
William Cooper
weekend to gain additional details about the interview, Eshed’s state of mind and where he was supposedly getting his information. Assuming the reporter’s conclusions are accurate, Eshed is quite sane, but he does have a history of getting his “information” from conspiracy theory authors who aren’t generally viewed as being terribly reliable sources of hard data.
When it comes to secret pacts between the U.S. Government and extraterrestrials, rather than sharing anything he had first-hand knowledge of, Shaked explained Eshed was citing information long put out in some of the more fringe circles of Ufology. Namely, a nearly 40-year-old conspiracy that President Dwight D. Eisenhower secretly met and signed an agreement with extraterrestrials…
The majority of sources pin the origins of the Eisenhower story to the “Granddaddy of American conspiracy theorists” – William “Bill” Cooper.
In his best-known work, “Behold a Pale Horse” (1991), Cooper claimed in the early 1970s while serving with the Navy’s Office of Naval Intelligence, he was granted access to classified documents describing President Eisenhower’s meetings with extraterrestrials. Cooper also claimed a “Galactic Space Confederation” made up of eight different extraterrestrials species existed.
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Article by Rick Moran December 3, 2020 (
• While many believe in UFO/UAPs and alien visitation, proof seems to be lacking except for eyewitness accounts. Numerous reports point to a government conspiracy to “hide the truth” about alien visitation. But this “conspiracy” may simply be a military disinformation campaign to hide its development of super-secret, super-capable weapons.
• Some of these eyewitness accounts come from fighter pilots with video from sophisticated, high-tech imaging systems. A recent 2020 DoD report, shared throughout the civilian and military intelligence community (see previous ExoArticle here), includes an extraordinary photograph taken in late 2019 of a triangle-shaped UFO by a F/A-18F fighter jet operating off the US East Coast. According to the report, the Triangle UFO rose out of the Atlantic Ocean and rapidly accelerated out of sight on a vertical axis.
• If the military and the intelligence community are at a loss to explain these UFO sightings, might they be slowly coming to the conclusion, through the process of elimination, that these UFO/UAP craft did not originate on planet Earth? For anyone in government to reach this conclusion demands attention from the rest of us.
• These UFO/UAPs are apparently powered by unconventional, non-jet based flight propulsion systems, exhibiting no exhaust trails. And they are capable of rapidly navigating water, air, and space. No nation or corporation has been shown to possess, let alone manifest, such advanced engineering. Also, the UFOs seem to be particularly attracted to the Navy’s nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and regularly appear over our nuclear missile bases.
• The US Navy has sonar nets strung out around the world to listen for foreign submarines. But remarkably, the Navy is also tracking USOs – Unidentified Submersible Objects – moving at impossible speeds with no cavitating propellers and no known propulsion system.
• What could these UAP of alien origin want with our nuclear technology? Why would the US military believe that UAP pose a potential threat? These aliens have traveled trillions and trillions of miles, and for what? We don’t know. Their intelligence may operate on a completely different plane than ours — perhaps even a different reality.
• The UFO phenomenon is becoming too widespread and there have been far too many witnesses, not just on fighter jets but also on Navy warships. Soon – probably sometime in the next five years – the US Navy will have no choice but to admit the truth. Unfortunately, the most momentous announcement in human history will probably be a leak that the Navy will reluctantly confirm. Not the parades and brass bands such an announcement deserves, but it will do.
• [Editor’s Note] This article claims that “No nation or corporation has been shown to possess, let alone manifest, such advanced engineering.” Apparently, mainstream scientists, researchers and military personnel don’t read the ExoNews. If they did, they would know that the Navy itself has publicly divulged – through its patent applications – that it possesses the type of “alien” technology for ‘transmedium’ vehicles that can travel effortlessly through air, water and the vacuum of space. (see previous ExoArticles: “US Navy Disclosing Secret Space Program Technologies through Patents System” and “US Navy Regards Electromagnetic Propulsion & Tesla Shield Patents as Operable”) The US Navy is absolutely capable of building these type of craft, and the fact that they’ve submitted patents means that they possess at least an operational model. Perhaps the Navy doesn’t mind people believing that these craft are of ‘extraterrestrial origin’, although though they did derive the technology from extraterrestrial allies.
As the former head of Israel’s space program, Professor Haim Eshed recently revealed, the extraterrestrials themselves think that the people on Earth are not yet mentally ready to know the truth. (see previous ExoArticle: “Former Head of Israel’s Space Program Says Aliens Asked Not to Be Revealed as Humanity is Not Ready”) It is a fallacy, perpetuated by the deep state, that some isolated space crew of alien explorers traveled “trillions and trillions of miles” and just happened upon our planet. In reality, extraterrestrial civilizations permeate the galaxy (and universe), and this sector of the Milky Way is no exception. Representatives of the Galactic Federation, the benevolent authority in this galaxy, asked President Trump to hold off on announcing the long-standing presence of the many species of extraterrestrial beings that reside on, within, and around the Earth and our solar system, especially since World War II, until the Earth population is accustomed to the idea and it won’t cause “mass hysteria”. Therefore, full disclosure will depend on how long it will take for the population to ‘wake up’ and accept the pervasive ET reality.
recent ‘triangle USO’, 2019
Sometime in the next five years, the United States Navy will announce unmistakable, undeniable proof of the extraterrestrial origin of what they term “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” (UAP). The most recent report from the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, which is run out of the Office of Naval Intelligence, comes very close to making that determination public.
‘tic tac’ UFO off of San Diego, 2004
While many believe in alien visitation, the proof has been lacking except for eyewitness accounts. There also have been numerous reports of a government conspiracy to “hide the truth” about alien visitation. The “conspiracy” was a useful part of the military’s disinformation campaign to hide what they were really doing: building super-secret, super-capable weapons.
But these reports from fighter pilots with video from sophisticated, high-tech imaging systems have the spooks stumped. Through the process of elimination, they are slowly coming to the conclusion that the UAP phenomenon features aircraft that did not originate on planet Earth.
‘FLIR1’ UFO off of Florida, 2015
No-brainer, right? Except these are some of the most brilliant scientists in the world. They don’t leap to conclusions. They don’t play hunches. They don’t tell us what’s obvious. They base their conclusions on the facts. And for anyone in government to reach this conclusion demands attention from the rest of us.
Washington Examiner: It is the 2020 report, however, which is most striking. Shared very widely across
‘Go Fast’ UFO off of Virginia, 2015
the civilian and military intelligence community, it includes an extraordinary photograph taken in late 2019 of a triangle-shaped UFO. The photograph was taken by a F/A-18F fighter jet operating off the U.S. East Coast. According to the report, the Triangle UFO rose out of the Atlantic Ocean and rapidly accelerated out of sight on a vertical axis. I believe, but have been unable to confirm, that the aircrew responsible for the photo were operating off either the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower or the USS John C. Stennis.
The UAP are attracted to our nuclear reactors like bees to honey.
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Article by David Israel December 5, 2020 (
• Professor Haim Eshed, 87 (pictured above), is a highly decorated aeronautical engineer who served within the Israeli Defense Force’s Intelligence Division since the 1960s. Retiring from the Israeli military in 1980 with the rank of lieutenant colonel, Eshed then worked with the Israeli Ministry of Defense as the head of Israel’s Security Space Program until 2011.
• Professor Eshed recently told Israel’s largest daily newspaper, Yedioth Aharonoth, that President Trump was on the verge of revealing the existence of extraterrestrial beings in our midst, but the alien beings asked for a delay in the announcement as “humanity is not ready yet.” According to Professor Eshed, “[T]he aliens in the Galactic Federation are saying: Wait, let people calm down first. They (the aliens) don’t want to start mass hysteria. They want to first make us sane and understanding.”
• The highly advanced extraterrestrial beings of the Galactic Federation have been waiting for humanity to evolve and reach a stage where the people on Earth understand what space and spaceships truly are. “There’s an agreement between the US government and the aliens,” says Professor Eshed. The US government signed a contract allowing the extraterrestrials to research and do experiments on Earth and in this solar system. The ETs are trying to understand the fabric of the universe, and want Earth humans to unite with them in this galactic endeavor.
• Professor Eshed went on to reveal that there is an underground base on Mars, inhabited by extraterrestrial representatives of the Galactic Federation as well as American astronauts.
• Professor Eshed holds a bachelor’s degree in electronics engineering from the Technion, a master’s degree in performance research. In 1965, he served in the technological unit of the Israeli Defense Force’s (IDF) Intelligence Division in research and development. In 1969, he was sent by the IDF Military Intelligence division to the US to earn a doctorate in aeronautical engineering. Eshed was then appointed as head of the research and development department in the Israeli Intelligence Corps, achieving the rank of lieutenant colonel.
• Following his military service, Eshed was employed as a professor at the Technion’s Space Research Institute, and in 1981 became the first director of the Challenge Program – a unit of the Administration for Research, Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastructure (Mapat) in the Israeli Defense Ministry, which is responsible for satellite projects. He retired from the Defense Ministry in October 2011, having commanded the launching of 20 Israeli satellites. Professor Eshed has received the Israel Security Award three times, twice for confidential technological inventions.
• “If I had come up with what I’m saying today five years ago, I would have been hospitalized,” says Professor Eshed. “Wherever I’ve gone with this (extraterrestrial revelation) in academia, they’ve said: ‘the man has lost his mind’. Today, they’re already talking differently. I have nothing to lose. I’ve received my degrees and awards, I am respected in universities abroad, where the (extraterrestrial) trend is also changing.” Professor Eshed has recently published a new book and audio book entitled: The Universe Beyond the Horizon – conversations with Professor Haim Eshed.
• [Editor’s Note] Learn more in Dr Michael Salla’s insightful 12-minute video critique below.
Prof. Haim Eshed served from 1981 to 2010 as the head of Israel’s security space program and over the
Eshed’s book: “The Universe Beyond the Horizon – conversations with Professor Haim Eshed”
years received the Israel Security Award three times, twice for confidential technological inventions. So if he went nuts, and this possibility is always open, it had to have happened over the past decade. And the reason we think the good professor may have lost his marbles has to do with an interview he gave 7 Days, the Shabbat edition of Yedioth Aharonoth, Israel’s largest circulation for-pay newspaper, in which he says, “The aliens have asked not to announce that they are here, humanity is not ready yet.”
Prof. Eshed told Yedioth, among other things: The UFOs have asked not to publish that they are here, humanity is not ready yet. Trump was on the verge of revealing, but the aliens in the Galactic Federation are saying: Wait, let people calm down first. They don’t want to start mass hysteria. They want to first make us sane and understanding.
depiction of Galactic Federation ETs
They have been waiting for humanity to evolve and reach a stage where we will generally understand what space and spaceships are. There’s an agreement between the US government and the aliens. They signed a contract with us to do experiments here. They, too, are researching and trying to understand the whole fabric of the universe, and they want us as helpers. There’s an underground base in the depths of Mars, where their representatives are, and also our American astronauts.
If I had come up with what I’m saying today five years ago, I would have been hospitalized. Wherever I’ve gone with this in academia, they’ve said: the man has lost his mind. Today they’re already talking differently. I have nothing to lose. I’ve received my degrees and awards, I am respected in universities abroad, where the trend is also changing.
To those of us who have grown up following the history-altering warp flight of Zefram Cochrane, which was witnessed by a Vulcan spaceship and soon enough began Earth’s acceptance into the more evolved planets of our galaxy, Prof. Eshed’s teachings are familiar, even trite, with one important proviso: we know Cochrane is a fictional character (born in 2013 or 2030, Star Trek is not a very organized universe). Eshed may not be distinguishing so good between reality and fiction.
Eshed, 87, holds a bachelor’s degree in electronics engineering from the Technion, a master’s degree in performance research, and a doctorate in aeronautical engineering. In 1965, he served in the technological unit of the IDF Intelligence Division in research and development positions. In 1969, he was sent by the IDF Military Intelligence to study for a doctorate in aeronautical engineering in the United States. When he returned, he was appointed head of the research and development department in the Intelligence Corps. He retired with the rank of lieutenant colonel. Following his military service, he was employed as a professor at the Technion’s Space Research Institute, and in 1981 established and became the first director of the Challenge Program, a unit of the Administration for Research, Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastructure (Mapat) in the Defense Ministry, which is responsible for satellite projects. He retired from the Defense Ministry in October 2011, having commanded the launching of 20 Israeli satellites.
All of which does not mean that at age 87, Prof. Eshed can’t don a Hawaiian grass skirt and communicate with the Alien base in the depths of Mars. His new book, The Universe Beyond the Horizon – conversations with Professor Haim Eshed, as recorded by Hagar Yanai (published by Yedioth Aharonoth), is available in print at just NIS 68.6, with a kindle version for a laughable NIS 48. An ideal gift for Chanukah.
12:39 minute video of Dr Michael Salla on Haim Eshed’s ET disclosure (‘Michael Salla’ YouTube)
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Article by AJ Vicens November 2, 2020 (
• Before the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton and her key staff were talking about UFOs. The issue was treated as a joke on late-night television. But time has shown that clearly there was something afoot.
• In December 2017, the New York Times published a groundbreaking story which included DoD videos of unexplained aerial objects. While credible UFO reports go back decades, the Times story advanced the UFO discussion into the mainstream media. (see previous ExoArticle) Since then, the Times has published a series of additional pieces, as have a host of other respected publications.
• In April 2019, the US Navy announced it was updating its procedures for pilots to report encounters with UFOs – to destigmatize the issue and collect better data. (see previous ExoArticle) By September, the US Navy confirmed to John Greenewald Jr. of The Black Vault website that the published UFO videos were officially “unidentified aerial phenomena”. In February 2020, Popular Mechanics published a piece concluding that “unidentified flying objects are neither myth nor figment of overactive imagination,” elaborating that evidence suggests UFOs are real.
• In June, the Senate Intelligence Committee tasked the director of national intelligence with submitting a public report outlining the government’s work on UFO/UAPs. Senator Mark Warner, the vice chair of the committee, confirmed that he had been given a classified briefing on UAPs. “The military and others are taking this issue seriously,” Warner said, “which, I think in previous generations may not have been the case.” A month later, Senator Marco Rubio, acting chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, characterized it as a national security issue. “We have things flying over our military bases and places where we’re conducting military exercises and we don’t know what it is, and it isn’t ours,” Rubio said. “[F]rankly, if it’s something from outside this planet, that might actually be better” than the possibility novel aerial technology is being used by a foreign power. (see previous ExoArticle)
• The fact that two powerful senators are saying these sorts of things in public, with total earnestness, is huge. Greenewald, who has used the Freedom of Information Act to pry UFO documents from government vaults, agrees there is reason for optimism about further disclosures, but offered a note of caution. “The last two years have been fascinating in UAP world.” The Navy’s revelations provided renewed hope of transparency, and its acknowledgement that the objects on those famous videos were, in fact, UAPs, “was huge,” he said. “I never expected that.”
• However, Greenewald says a string of recently denied FOIA requests he filed indicates “that that door has shut,” and he warns that indications the government is taking UFOs as a serious potential threat could ultimately mean it will refuse to honestly disclose what it knows. “Whether or not we’re talking about a foreign adversary that has technology that we haven’t mastered yet, whether it’s one branch that’s being tested on by another branch of the military—which I think is a big possibility—or, what everybody wants, which is extraterrestrials, regardless, all of the above would be a national security risk,” said Greenewald.
• Greenewald is probably right. The government is not likely to tell us all it knows about these objects that can seemingly toy with the most advanced and sophisticated military equipment on the planet. But at least it’s now okay to talk about them in public. We must appreciate the wins where we can find them.
Senator Marco Rubio
Over the last few years, amid the daily avalanche of scandal, corruption, and intrigue, one could be forgiven for tuning it all out in favor of something else. Anything else. One storyline I’ve found intriguing and exciting: the US government and UFOs.
Senator Mark Warner
Before the 2016 election, I wrote a series of pieces about how Hillary Clinton and her key staff were saying interesting things about UFOs. Most laughed. The issue was treated as a joke on late-night television. But time has shown that clearly there was something afoot.
In December 2017, the New York Times published a groundbreaking story: “Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program,” which included Department of Defense videos of aerial objects the government could not explain. While credible UFO reports go back decades, the Times story increased the latitude for discussion of the issue under mainstream mastheads. Since then, the Times has published a series of additional pieces, as have a host of other respected publications.
John Greenewald Jr.
In April 2019, the US Navy announced it was updating its procedures for pilots who wish to report encounters with UFOs to destigmatize the issue and collect better data. By September, the US Navy confirmed to John Greenewald Jr., the founder of a repository of publicly available government documents called the Black Vault, that the videos published by the Times were officially “unidentified aerial phenomena,” a the term used for “unauthorized/unidentified aircraft/objects that have been observed entering/operating in the airspace of various military-controlled training ranges.” In February 2020, Popular Mechanics published a deeply reported piece concluding that “unidentified flying objects are neither myth nor figment of overactive imagination,” elaborating that documentary evidence and people who would know both suggest “UFOs are real.”
In June, the Senate Intelligence Committee tasked the director of national intelligence with submitting a public report, with a classified annex, outlining the government’s work on “unexplained aerial phenomena.” Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), the vice chair of the committee, confirmed that he had been given a classified briefing on UAP. “The military and others are taking this issue seriously,” Warner said, “which, I think in previous generations may not have been the case.” A month later, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), acting chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, characterized it as a national security issue. “We have things flying over our military bases and places where we’re conducting military exercises and we don’t know what it is, and it isn’t ours,” Rubio said, adding that “frankly, if it’s something from outside this planet, that might actually be better” than the possibility novel aerial technology is being used by a foreign power.
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Article by Joe Divita September 16, 2020 (
• Over this past summer, former rock star Tom Delonge spoke with The Guardian about his lifelong obsession with aliens. Lately, he has become a high-profile voice within the UFO disclosure community as a founder of ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science’ which helped to release the US Navy cockpit videos of UFOs and is now working with the US Army on UFO related research. He is also featured in History Channel’s Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation.
• DeLonge doesn’t consider the government cover-up of extraterrestrials and UFOs to be ‘conspiratorial’. “Anybody can go on to the CIA website and read thousands of reports (on UFOs),” says DeLonge. “There’s just a vacuum of conversation. Our government has had decades of the very difficult burden of dealing with something that is extremely advanced but poorly understood. They need time to dig into this, to understand it, to gather data and analyze it.”
• “People need to buckle up, open their minds and stop talking about, you know, aliens and extraterrestrials, because I have a feeling that that’s not exactly what it is,” DeLonge said. “I can’t say much, but I do know there have been moments when certain presidents have come close (to disclosing the alien presence).” The issue is whether the public can digest full disclosure of extraterrestrials and UFO technology. “That’s scary for people in the Pentagon when they’re trying to keep civilization duct-taped together,” says DeLonge.
• DeLonge believes that the evidence shows that alien beings have been present on this Earth for thousands of years. He cites cave drawings depicting abductions and even suggested that a spacecraft may have presided over the birth of Jesus Christ. “Things were written in text thousands of years ago, like hearing voices in your head, or a burning bush that was talking. The ancient texts may have called it God, but I’m just saying it’s not that simple.” DeLonge continued, “The star of Bethlehem – was that a star or a craft? Because a star is really big. It wouldn’t be hovering over a manger.”
• [Editor’s Note] Here, Tom DeLonge is setting up the next nugget of UFO disclosure that the Pentagon will allow him to reveal. Apparently, he and his Pentagon pals don’t think that the public can handle full disclosure of the truly ubiquitous extraterrestrial presence, much less how far the US deep state has expanded its secret space program using extraterrestrial technology. So first, they want the public to start getting used to the idea that UFOs and the beings that fly in them are real. Then they will let us in on who these beings really are. This long drawn out type of ‘limited hangout’ disclosure – only giving bits and pieces of the picture – is what the deep state military industrial complex has in mind, and it will take decades if they have their way.
Don’t be surprised if we are told that the UFOs are really our Earth human descendants who in the future have gained advanced spaceship technology and, due to a time warp, they keep appearing now and then in our skies. Earlier in the summer, Corey Goode was briefed on this ‘limited hangout’ scenario. Corey reported his briefing to Dr Michael Salla as follows: “POTUS’ ‘Roswell Briefings’ are basically this: Roswell was not an alien event. It was a mishap from us in the future. POTUS is told that the majority of the lights seen in the sky are from our own craft operating in the future and creating a temporal butterfly effect. They are told that what the ancients saw in the sky was often the exact same phenomenon….” Corey Goode continues: “POTUS is under the impression that because of tests being run in Roswell during the same time that future craft were operating in that space at a later time… that it caused the craft to pull into the past and crash, thus beginning the new tech boom after WWII.” You can read an extensive essay on limited hangout scenarios and what else Corey had to say in Dr Salla’s previous ExoArticle: “Roswell UFO Crash to be Officially Disclosed as Time-Traveling Future Humans”.
a UFO hovering over the ‘Baptism of of Jesus Christ’
Former Blink-182 member Tom DeLonge has become an increasingly high-profile voice within the extraterrestrial community. He’s not just spewing
painting of the birth of Christ with a UFO in the background
conspiratorial nonsense — his To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science struck a research deal with the U.S. Army and the nation’s Navy even published UFO videos shared by To The Stars. Now, he’s suggested that aliens presided over the birth of Christian deity Jesus Christ.
Season 2 of the musician/alien researcher’s History Channel program Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation aired over the summer and he spoke with The Guardian about his lifelong obsession with aliens.
DeLonge isn’t quick to attribute every mysterious aircraft sighting (now referred to as UAP — unidentifiedaerial phenomenon) to otherwordly inhabitants/cosmic joyriders. “People need to buckle up, open their minds and stop talking about, you know, aliens and extraterrestrials, because I have a feeling that that’s not exactly what it is,” he said.
Quick to disown the idea that his research and other efforts are mere ballyhoo and that there is a dedicated practice of governments covering up the existence of extraterrestrial life, potentially even on Earth itself, DeLonge charged, “It’s not conspiratorial. Anybody can go on to the CIA website and read thousands of reports. There’s just a vacuum of conversation. Our government has had decades of the very difficult burden of dealing with something that is extremely advanced but poorly understood. They need time to dig into this, to understand it, to gather data and analyze it.”
Tom DeLonge what are medieval artists trying to tell us?
He also understood the sensitivity of such rattling revelations if world leaders were to disclose with the general public that alien life had indeed been confirmed. “I can’t say much, but I do know there have been moments when certain presidents have come close,” explained DeLonge. “The issue always becomes: how are people going to digest this if we hit them over the head with a giant sledgehammer? That’s scary for people in the Pentagon when they’re trying to keep civilization duct-taped together.”
As for the idea of an enduring presence of alien visitors on Earth, DeLonge cited cave drawings depicting abductions and even suggested that a spacecraft could have been presiding over the birth of Jesus Christ.
“Things were written in text thousands of years ago, like hearing voices in your head, a burning bush that was talking. The ancient texts may have called it God, but I’m just saying it’s not that simple,” DeLonge urged, wondering aloud, “The star of Bethlehem – was that a star or a craft? Because a star is really big. It wouldn’t be hovering over a manger.”
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Article by Bec Heim August 31, 2020 (
• People believe in the existence of alien life. One in five Americans believe that UFO sightings prove the existence of extraterrestrials. Former Blink-182 singer and guitarist Tom DeLonge (pictured above) is one of those people. In the early 2000s, DeLonge told an interviewer that he believed that the US military knew more about UFOs than they were letting on. He claimed to have spoken with someone who ran into an alien seven stories underneath the Pentagon.
• DeLonge’s fascination with UFOs and aliens has been well documented and praised by the community. In 2015, DeLonge left the band to work on non-musical endeavors. Later he became the president and CEO of the UFO research organization, ‘To The Stars Academy’, which he founded due to his frustration with government secrets regarding space and the universe at large.
• In an interview with Papermag, DeLonge claimed that while camping on a flight path to Area 51, he tried to project his thoughts and “made contact with aliens”. That night, DeLonge claims he was “woken” at 3am. “My whole body felt like it had static electricity,” says DeLonge. “It sounded like there were about 20 people there, talking. And instantly my mind goes, OK, they’re at our campsite, they’re not here to hurt us, they’re talking about shit, but I can’t make out what they’re saying. But they’re working on something.”
• In 2016, WikiLeaks exposed emails between DeLonge and Hilary Clinton campaign manager, John Podesta. DeLonge was trying to arrange a meeting with Podesta about “intellectual life and greater government disclosure.” DeLonge also assisted Air Force Major General William N. McCasland in assembling his UFO advisory team. DeLonge’s research into UFOs gave him inroads with officials in government and the military.
• In 2017, as a New York Times article revealed the existence of Pentagon videos of Navy jets chasing UFOs, DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’ ‘unofficially’ released those videos. Those UFO videos were officially released by the Pentagon in 2020.
• In 2019, DeLonge struck a deal with the History Channel to produce a six-part series “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation” in which DeLonge and others investigate the secret UFO program of the US government. “I’m thankful to History for giving the To The Stars Academy team of world-class scientists, engineers, and intelligence experts the opportunity to tell the story in a comprehensive and compelling way,” said DeLonge in a written statement. “I think everyone that watches the show will walk away with questions answered and a feeling of, ‘Wow, I get it now.’”
• In October 2019, ‘To the Stars Academy’ entered into a five-year, $750,000 cooperative agreement with the US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command to “to advance To The Stars Academy’s (exotic) materiel and technology innovations in order to develop enhanced capabilities for Army ground vehicles.” Dr. Joseph Cannon of US Army Futures Command said, “[W]e look forward to this partnership and the potential technical innovations forthcoming.”
• In June 2020, DeLonge announced that ‘To the Stars Academy’ was able to have language regarding ‘unidentified aerial phenomenon’ (ie: UFOs) added to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Authorization Act. The act, if passed, will change how the government reports and conceals classified info about UFO sightings and related topics.
John Podesta
People believe in the existence of alien life. In fact, one in five Americans believe that cases of UFO sightings are, in fact, confirmation of alien visitation. There have been some odd UFO sightings over the years, infamous cases of probably alien abduction, and, of course, the infamous Pentagon tapes, that make people look to the sky and think “maybe”. One of those people? Former Blink-182 singer and guitarist, Tom DeLonge.
The “All the Small Things” singer has been looking into the existence of UFOs for decades. One of Blink-182’s
Maj General William N. McCasland
songs is entitled “Aliens Exist” and DeLonge also has his own UFO research organization called To The Stars Academy. DeLonge’s decades-long research and fascination with UFO sightings and aliens has been well documented and praised by the community. Here’s a somewhat condensed version of things.
Early 2000s — DeLonge talks about hidden UFO info in the military
In the early 00s, DeLonge had an interview with an unidentified person in which he shared his thoughts on the US military and their knowledge of UFO sightings. DeLonge mentions a friend who talked with government employees about UFO sightings and activity. DeLonge also has a collection of over 100 hours of testimonies about UFOs.
In one testimony, DeLonge claims, he has a story of a man who went seven stories underground of the Pentagon and ran into an alien.
2015 – DeLonge ramps up with his UFO investigation
2015 was a busy year for DeLonge, who left Blink-182, in order to work on non-musical endeavors. During that year, he claimed to have made contact with aliens in an interview with Papermag. He said that while camping on a flight path to Area 51, he tried to project his thoughts. DeLonge was woken up at 3am by the following:
“My whole body felt like it had static electricity . . . It sounded like there were about 20 people there, talking. And instantly my mind goes, OK, they’re at our campsite, they’re not here to hurt us, they’re talking about shit, but I can’t make out what they’re saying. But they’re working on something.”
Later in 2015, he founded To The Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences, where he is also President and CEO. The company was created due to DeLonge’s frustration with government secret regarding space and the universe at large.
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White Hats and the Deep State have competing plans to unveil a very limited disclosure of the truth behind Secret Space Programs and extraterrestrial life. The goal is not so much to inform, but to misinform the general public through a limited hangout that keeps the full truth hidden for decades to come. Learn about these competing agendas and how they contrast with full disclosure.
Competing agendas are playing out before our eyes concerning official disclosure of the UFO phenomenon. The Deep State and military White Hats are vying to convince the public with partial truths and misdirections. This video clip exposes the lies and what full disclosure really entails.
Full Disclosure vs Limited Hangouts – How the Deep State Plans to Hide the Truth about SSPs & ET Life.
Classified briefings given to staffers and officials from the U.S. Congress and Pentagon by Dr. Eric Davis on UFO/UAP reports have taken on great significance due to a July 23 New York Times story breaking the news that they were being briefed about “off-world vehicles not made on this earth”. In part one of this series, I discussed a 2019 interview with Dr. Davis, where he shared his knowledge of Special Access Programs, including a UFO crash retrieval project as providing the best insight into what he revealed in his classified briefings.
In the interview, Davis spoke of the lack of success scientists had in reverse engineering the “off-world vehicles” due to difficulties in understanding the new physics operating in the recovered craft. Of particular note was his belief that the reverse engineering program suffered from a lack of funding, which he explained as follows:
[1:23:43 Y.T.] So here’s the thing that you should know is that the crash retrieval program is a very small program. It is not a massive, huge government infrastructure…. It’s a very poorly funded program, and it hasn’t actually, probably hasn’t had money for a while.
Davis’ comment aligns with the revelations of Bob Lazar, who says he was recruited in late 1988 for a reverse engineering program at the remote S-4 facility at Area 51 on a flying saucer craft of extraterrestrial origin that was approximately 50 feet in diameter and 20 feet high.
In Dreamland: An Autobiography (2019), Lazar wrote about his surprise over the lack of people working on the highly classified project, called Galileo, compared to similar important projects at Los Alamos National Laboratory:
I did wonder briefly why it was that what seemed to me to be a relatively small group of people were working on a project that had the kinds of implications that this one did. Los Alamos and the project to produce nuclear bombs involved an enormous number of people and resources… For all I knew, there were teams all over the country working on this same project as Barry and I. At least I wanted to believe that. I wasn’t so egotistical as to believe that I was one of only a select few working on something so monumentally important as this was. [Dreamland: An Autobiography, p. 58]
Davis and Lazar’s comments appear odd given what is known about the “deep black budget” created by the CIA in 1949 to secretly fund extraterrestrial related advanced technology projects. As I have shown in my 2004 Black Budget report, the funding available for such projects is actually massive, exceeding over a trillion dollars annually, greatly exceeding the entire Pentagon budget according to estimates spanning the years 1997-2000.
Clearly, the vast sums were going elsewhere, as Lazar suspected, rather than the reverse engineering project(s) Davis and Lazar were exposing. This raises suspicion that Lazar’s project, as well as the one Admiral Thomas Wilson had attempted to learn about (see part one), were in fact red herrings, distractions, designed to misinform UFO researchers and the general public when they learned about them.
What strengthens such a suspicion is what Davis had to say about the reverse engineering program’s termination in 1989, the same year Lazar emerged as a whistleblower. This makes it all but certain that Davis was referring to Project Galileo, the very program Lazar had been involved with at the S-4 facility.
According to Davis, the scientists were unable to sufficiently communicate to understand the new physics behind the craft due to the compartmentalization security procedures that were in place:
[1:24:00 Y.T.] I do know that the program was terminated in 1989 for a lack of progress in reverse engineering anything that they had, any of the hardware that they had, and every so often, so many years go by, and they’ll try it again. And they just don’t succeed because compartmentalization is a killer. Scientists cannot communicate with other scientists to get help.
Davis pointed out that the difficulties experienced by scientists working in the crash retrieval program are common in compartmentalized projects where scientists are prevented from sharing their problems with outside experts who normally are called upon in similar situations in the open-source world:
[ 1:25:44 Y.T.] So this isn’t just unique to the crash retrieval program. This type of problem is unique to all the black programs that the DoD has, DHS has, and the military services branches has them, the Department of Energy has their own versions…. The purpose of a black program with a special access program security rap, is you got to limit the information and exposure to the information to as few people as possible in order to produce the maximum security protection against espionage by the enemy. And so that limits who you can work with that also is cleared to know. That limits the amount of experts that you can have working with you.
And gosh, you know, if your small group of experts are stumped, you’re screwed, because you basically can’t call your buddies or somebody you know, or somebody you know of, who’s an expert better than you … a bigger expert on the subject at a university either near you or at a university across the country, you can’t call those guys. You can’t even read them in because you’re not supposed to acknowledge some of these black, most of these black programs, they’re not supposed to be acknowledged.
Not coincidentally, Lazar made the same criticism over lack of progress in Project Galileo:
The system under which we operated, how Naval Intelligence (or whatever agency truly guided these efforts) insisted upon compartmentalization and secrecy got in the way of all of us doing our jobs easily and productively. Given that there was a metallurgy group functioning somewhere on the base where Barry and I had worked, you’d think it would be an easy matter to get a company directory, dial that line (these were pre-Internet days so no email) and request the answer to our question. Because all our efforts were so segregated and knowledge not shared, that was impossible for us to do. I can cite a half dozen or more examples of how this inefficient system worked against our efforts to be productive but that one should suffice. (Dreamland: An Autobiography, p. 66).
Consequently, Davis’ statement of such programs ending back in 1989 due to a lack of success is consistent with Lazar’s revelations. In Lazar’s autobiography, he wrote about what he read about setbacks in earlier failed reverse engineering attempts in a briefing document given to him when he arrived at S-4 for his first day of work in January 1989:
Though no dates were given, it was clear to me that the project was not in its infancy. Some references were made to past attempts to understand the nature of the power and propulsion system. Several attempts had been made to reproduce the kind of system that had come into their hands, but with no success…. I next read that a previous attempt to dismantle one of the existent propulsion systems had resulted in an accidental explosion. (Dreamland: An Autobiography, p. 44)
Ever since Lazar publicly emerged, he has revealed in multiple interviews how the reverse engineering project suffered from funding, had relatively few scientists working on it, and how scientists were handicapped from making breakthroughs due to stifling security constraints.
Lazar’s revelations align closely with what Davis revealed in his interview, and what he subsequently shared with the Congressional staffers and Pentagon officials about the failed reverse engineering project.
Once again, both Davis and Lazar’s observations appear awry with what others have claimed based on direct eyewitness testimony of reverse engineered flying saucer craft.
For example, one of Dr. Greer’s Disclosure Project witnesses, Mark McCandlish said that in 1988, the same year Lazar was recruited to work at S-4, a highly classified airshow featuring three reverse engineered flying saucers was held at Edwards Air Force Base. The three craft were sighted by a patent illustrator, Brad Sorenson, who says that the craft had been built by an unnamed major aerospace company, one that hosted one of the corporate development facilities at Edward’s Plant 42.
As professional patent illustrators, both Sorenson and McCandlish are experts in replicating the designs of advanced aerospace craft. McCandlish provided the following illustration of what Sorenson had witnessed.
Copyright Mark McCandlish 2014
McCandlish’s testimony is consistent with the testimony of other credible witnesses, which I have discussed at length in the U.S. Air Force Secret Space Program (2019). They have spoken of the success of reverse engineering efforts concerning flying saucers and other advanced aerospace technologies going all the way back to the 1950s.
High among the list of credible witnesses is Ben Rich, the former head of Lockheed Martin’s Skunkworks, who repeatedly made references to Lockheed having the technology “to take E.T. home.” At the end of public lectures, he would famously finish with a slide showing a flying saucer and saying: “We now have the technology to take E.T. home”.
His comment always got a big laugh from his audience who were fans of the movie, E.T., but privately Rich shared with colleagues what was really going on in the classified programs that Skunkworks was involved in:
We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity…. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.
If one accepts the information provided by McCandlish, Rich and others that flying saucer shaped craft have been successfully reverse engineered, built and deployed, where does that leave us with the testimonies provided by Eric Davis and Bob Lazar?
It’s quite a stretch to believe Davis’ contention, which is corroborated by Lazar’s experiences, that reverse engineering efforts effectively stopped in 1989 due to setbacks, difficulties posed by the compartmentalization process, and lack of funding. The alleged lack of funding is patently absurd given the enormous “black budget” that is annually generated by the CIA and funneled into the Pentagon for unacknowledged special access programs.
A more reasonable conclusion is that such reverse engineering efforts were being conducted elsewhere than at Area 51’s S-4 facility – as Lazar himself suspected. Unlike S-4, which was more a museum designed to hoodwink visitors into believing flying saucers had been retrieved but were far too advanced to successfully reverse engineer, the real reverse engineering was secretly being conducted elsewhere.
Well-funded corporate aerospace facilities such as Lockheed’s Skunkworks division located at Plant 42, Edwards Air Force Base, are among the most likely candidates, especially given what McCandlish, Rich, and others have shared. More recently, testimonial evidence has emerged that the Tic Tac craft sighted by Navy pilots in 2004, were built at Plant 42 on behalf of the U.S. Air Force.
The fact that the New York Times has given prominent coverage of Davis briefing Congressional staffers and Pentagon officials, around the same time that Lazar’s testimony is gaining widespread public exposure due to a new film and autobiographical book does raise legitimate questions over whether this is all part of a limited hangout.
Davis and Lazar appear to be unwitting pawns in a sophisticated psychological operation that dates back to at least 1989, which began with Lazar. The purpose of the psyop appears to be very transparent. Deceive the public about the successful reverse engineering of flying saucer and other antigravity aerospace technologies in corporate facilities, and to sidetrack the public into focusing on government-run facilities such as S-4, which were unsuccessful in their reverse engineering efforts.
I will explore the above scenario in-depth in my upcoming August 22 Webinar, “Full Disclosure vs. Limited Hangouts“, which will also explore contemporary efforts to portray UFOs as alien threats.
The ultimate goal is to set the stage for a false flag alien event – either an alien invasion as speculated by many in the past; or the even more intriguing possibility, given an increasing series of predicted global disasters about to occur, of an “alien rescue”!
Article by Alejandro Rojas July 20, 2020 (
• The United States Air Force claims that it stopped investigating UFOs in 1969 with the closing of the UFO research program, Project Blue Book. This is the official position in the “USAF UFO Fact Sheet”. But it is a lie. The US Air Force was gaslighting the public to believe that they have no real interest in UFOs. But, as often demonstrated, the government has been taking UFOs seriously for a very long time. And it continues to this day.
• In a memo dated October 20, 1969, Brigadier General Carroll H. Bolender noted that “reports of unidentified flying objects which could affect national security are made in accordance with JANAP 146 or Air Force Manual 55-11, and are not part of the Blue Book system.” The memo noted that the most critical cases did not go to Project Blue Book at all. First of all, why have an official UFO research program like Project Blue Book that excludes “the most critical cases”? Secondly, why aren’t UFOs that ‘could affect national security’ investigated?
• In 1993, the military modified its ‘no such thing as a UFO threat’ position when the Joint Chiefs of Staff said, “OPREP–3 reports containing information relating to unknown objects near US military installations are considered extremely sensitive, and thus not releasable.” So the US military says that it is not interested in investigating UFOs, while at the same time expressing concern about UFOs flying over military bases, including nuclear weapons installations.
• It seems the US and the UK had a similar UFO public relations strategy. In the 1990s, Nick Pope ran Britain’s Ministry of Defense’s “UFO desk.” Pope told the Huffington Post, “We were telling the public we’re not interested, this is all nonsense, but in reality, we were desperately chasing our tails and following this up in great detail.” “To really achieve our policy of downplaying the UFO phenomenon, we would use a combination of ‘spin and dirty tricks,’” said Pope. “We used terms like UFO buffs and UFO spotters — terms that mean these people are nut jobs. In other words, we were implying that this is just a very somewhat quaint hobby that people have as opposed to a serious research interest.” Whenever someone went to the aviation authorities or the police, as soon as they mentioned ‘UFO’ the authorities would immediately lose interest and refer them to civilian UFO groups, regardless of the perceived threat.
• Senator Marco Rubio is the chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI). In the proposed Intelligence Authorization Act for 2021, the SSCI asked that the Director of National Intelligence in conjunction with the Secretary of Defense put together a report on “unidentified aerial phenomenon [UAP].” The report is to include information from the ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force’. Rubio recently told CBS Miami that he was concerned about “things flying over your military bases… [that] exhibit, potentially, technologies that you don’t have at your own disposal.” “[T]o me,” said Rubio, this “is a national security risk and one that we should be looking into.”
• Why would Senator Rubio assume that the ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force’ would have this sort of information? Luis Elizondo is a former intelligence officer who headed up a previous Pentagon UFO research project called the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’, or AATIP. While the DoD claimed that the program ended (in 2012), Elizondo claimed that the program continued even after he had left. Eventually, the DoD admitted that the program existed and still exists. This is the Task Force.
• On July 21st, Elizondo told investigative journalist George Knapp on Coast to Coast AM that he was recently at a meeting having a classified discussion when one of the men present told him he had done Elizondo’s job in the 1980s. “[I]t was very clear to me that AATIP was not the first of its kind,” said Elizondo. “There was an organized effort back in the ’80s to do exactly this as well.”
• Chris Mellon is a former US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and a former Staff Director of the SSCI. He and Elizondo are currently featured on the History Channel’s UFO investigation series “Unidentified”. Such efforts to reveal the government’s knowledge of UFOs have resulted in the Navy admitting they took UAPs seriously, investigated UAP incidents, and have begun reporting them to Washington DC lawmakers.
• Mellon says they have several never before seen military cases featured in the HISTORY show’s new season. For example, Mellon relates the story of a NORAD officer who was tracking a UFO on radar. The military was “scrambling every jet they could get in the air.” But when researcher John Greenewald filed a Freedom of Information Act request on this incident, NORAD responded that it had “found no records.”
• Hopefully, mainstream science, media, and academia are beginning to realize that the government has been lying to us about what it knows about UFOs. So how will the government and the military respond to investigative agencies such as Rubio’s Senate Select Committee on Intelligence? Will they gaslight the SSCI, like they have done with the public at large since (at least) 1969?
Senator Marco Rubio
The United States Air Force claims it stopped investigating UFOs in 1969. It is a point they love to repeat when inquiries have been made for the last few decades, even when researchers present government documents to demonstrate otherwise. Often in the past couple of decades, instead of answering my inquiries about UFO documents, I am sent the USAF UFO Fact sheet. However, given recent revelations, the USAF fact sheet was wrong, and, as many have demonstrated, the government has been taking UFOs seriously for a very long time.
Nick Pope
According to the USAF UFO Fact Sheet, the USAF program to investigate UFOs, Project Blue Book, was closed because “No UFO reported, investigated and evaluated by the Air Force was ever an indication of threat to our national security.”
In a memo dated October 20, 1969, by Brigadier General Carroll H. Bolender, the reasons for closing Project Blue Book were outlined. In the memo, Bolender noted that “reports of unidentified flying objects which could affect national security are made in accordance with JANAP 146 or Air Force Manual 55-11, and are not part of the Blue Book system.”
Christopher Mellon
His note indicates that the most critical cases were not going to Project Blue Book, which begs the question, “what good is it to investigate UFOs without the best cases?” It also implies there were cases, “which could affect national security.”
“Unidentified flying objects” were one of the items listed as something to report.
Eventually, the military replaced CIRVIS with Operational Reporting (OPREP). A document distributed by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1993 says, “OPREP–3 reports containing information relating to unknown objects near U.S. military installations are considered extremely sensitive, and thus not releasable.”
Sure enough, UFO researchers have found several of these documents. They typically address UFOs incursions over weapons storage areas, including those that house nuclear weapons.
Despite having receipts, UFO researchers are often grouped in with the tin-foil hat crowd. Nick Pope ran the Ministry of Defense (MoD) “UFO desk.” He dealt with these issues from the government side. Pope told the Huffington Post, “We were telling the public we’re not interested, this is all nonsense, but in reality, we were desperately chasing our tails and following this up in great detail.”
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On July 23, the New York Times released an article describing classified UFO briefings delivered to the US Congress and the Pentagon by Dr. Eric Davis, a prominent astrophysicist, researching “out of the box” scientific phenomena since 1996. The authors of the New York Times story, Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal, provided few details of the briefings other than Davis’ sensational claim that UFOs (aka UAPs) involved “off-world vehicles not made on this earth”.
The New York Times article was quickly picked up by other major media such as the Huffington Post, Popular Mechanics, and popular news sites that included Yahoo News. More recently, Scientific American called for a resumption of scientific studies on UFOs in a very telling sign that mainstream scientists are finally paying attention.
Senator Marco Rubio was informed about the classified briefing given by Dr. Davis to staffers from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which Rubio currently heads. He subsequently arranged for his Committee to give a bipartisan vote of approval (14-1) for the Intelligence Community to write up a comprehensive report on UFOs/UAPs in 180 days after the Bill’s passage into law.
Significantly, the Director of National Intelligence was instructed that the “report shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may include a classified annex”. This means that the report is intended to be released to the general public.
What is missing in the New York Times article and subsequent news stories are the precise details of what Davis briefed members of Congress and Pentagon officials. It can be assumed that the briefings involved information derived from a 15-page leaked transcript/summary of an October 16, 2002 conversation between Dr. Davis and Vice Admiral Thomas Wilson, who retired as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, only a few months before the meeting.
I covered the Davis and Wilson leaked document in a three-part series (available here, here and here). Put simply, the document revealed Wilson’s failed efforts in 1997 to gain access to an Unacknowledged Special Access Program, which he had learned involved a corporation studying a retrieved UFO/extraterrestrial craft. Wilson had hoped Davis could shed light on what was happening in the corporate reverse engineering program.
While it is highly likely that parts of the 15-page document were included in Davis’ classified briefings to Congressional staffers and Pentagon officials, we don’t know what conclusions Davis had reached about what Wilson had confidentially shared with him. The leaked document focused on Wilson’s experiences, rather than what Davis knew about the topic.
Consequently, an interview given by Davis on May 10, 2019, five months before his briefing to Congressional staffers, where he gave his evaluation of UFOs and extraterrestrial life becomes highly significant. The interview gives us a very good idea of what Davis told Congress and the Pentagon, which has now been made an issue of national importance due to the New York Times story, and the looming Intelligence Community report destined to emerge in early 2021.
In fact, a strong case can be made that Davis’ briefings will be used as the fulcrum of a UFO/UAP disclosure narrative that will emerge in early 2021 with the release of the unclassified intelligence UAP report to Congress. This is where there is much in what Davis told Congressional staffers and Pentagon officials that raises alarming red flags that a “limited hangout” is being prepared over classified programs involving the retrieval and reverse engineering of crashed UFOs.
While the truth will be told of the non-Earthly origin of some retrieved UFOs, the successful reverse engineering of such craft by major aerospace corporations will be hidden from the public, along with the existence of visiting extraterrestrial life.
What follows is my analysis of Davis’s comments in the interview he conducted with Alejandro Rojas from Open Minds TV, which is available both in audio form on YouTube and as a rough transcript from an automated translation. I have corrected Rojas’ rough transcript using the original interview in my extracts below, which include the YouTube timestamps [YT].
In discussing the origins of the three videos showing UFO craft videotaped by Navy pilots in 2004 and 2015, and officially acknowledged as genuine by the Department of the Navy, Davis declares such advanced technology has not been developed by any government or nation:
[29:28 YT] In a matter of three to five seconds, you’re not basically talking about human technology. There is no Russian or Chinese or North Korean or Iranian or anybody else. No, NATO or any other Alliance, or non-Alliance country, non-Allied countries have any sort of technology that can perform the way these Tic Tacs were found to be performing….
The things we’re seeing are not shaped in the usual typical way that we humans would shape them. So you, you got to come up with another hypothesis and the only hypothesis is something unknown. And then its got a good chance that it’s not human technology….
Davis goes on to assert that the UFOs are operating on a new physics and humanity currently doesn’t have the means to replicate this:
[37:44 YT] In other words, they don’t, the objects don’t follow the aerodynamic rules of engineering. Okay, they just don’t. Okay, and that’s driven by physics. And they are not saying that they’re breaking the laws of physics. So don’t quote me on anything having to do with why they’re operating on a new physics, we have an event, or no, they’re breaking the laws of physics, it is possible to operating on the physics we haven’t invented or haven’t discovered yet. That’s possible, we don’t know. So anyway, the point is, is that these things are operating there you go way outside the envelope of our engineering and physics technologies. And, and I can guarantee you that no laws of physics are broken whatsoever.
Davis declares that the UFOs and their advanced flight capacities are not something that can be manufactured given the present level of technological development on Earth:
[38:58 YT] And these things don’t look like anything that we can manufacture on Earth. So we don’t have the manufacturing or industrial technology for it. We don’t have engineering for it. In other words, the blueprints and designs to get something … shaped like air fighter-sized piece of candy mouth mint and get that to fly through the air stably. And do the wonderful things that they do in the years reported by the F-18 pilots associated with the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group.
Davis is then asked about the truth of reports of UFO crashes and whether the craft have been retrieved for classified studies. He answers:
[1:14:32 YT] Yeah, there have been crashes. The super powers on the Earth have had their share of crashes. And they have recovered the vehicles from their crashes.
Davis goes on to explain how the truth about classified studies of recovered alien spacecraft is kept from most public officials:
[1:15:30 YT] So yeah, they have that technology. We do too. And it’s a very super sensitive topic. Because it’s something that your listeners, you’re probably going to be shocked at… probably a minute fraction, it’s like less than 1/1000th or 1/100,000th of the people with the “need to know” access, “need to know” authorization, and security clearances to be involved with that type of work, are the only ones that know. The vast majority of the rest of the government really doesn’t know. And that’s why one hand, like the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing…
Davis was likely referring to the process whereby even senior military officials like Admiral Wilson, with high level security clearances and “need to know” authorization, was still denied access to classified studies of retrieved non-Earthly spacecraft.
Davis elaborates on the complexity of the security clearances system in finding the truth about what’s happening in unacknowledged special access programs:
[1:16:16 YT] Because of the stovepipe thing that goes on in compartmentalized programs … you just can’t knock on doors and say, Hey, here’s who I am … I got clearances, but not the right ones. I don’t have a need to know. But I want to know, so can you tell me…. You’re going to be lied to, because that’s, that’s the rule. You don’t want to tell the enemy anything, when this guy is knocking on your door asking you about UFO crashes, could be an asset for the Soviet Union or the Russian Federation, or the Chinese PLA, or the nincompoops over in Iran and North Korea and so forth.
So, you know, even if it’s an American, you still don’t want to answer that question because you don’t know who they are. And you’re not supposed to be revealing that information. So it takes a lot of hard tracking and digging after working. And it can take years and years and years. And then you develop the security clearances and the authorization for you to know that appropriately … allow you access to that information, then you find out hey, yeah, it’s there, it’s true.
On the other hand, sometimes the information does come out on its own. But it doesn’t come out in the way that UFOlogy likes to fantasize about it. It comes out only to specific people, who have specific talents or skills, who have security clearances, they may not have the need to know. But they could have the need to know if they were presented with that requirement.
At this stage in his interview, Davis comments on the Disclosure Project witnesses that Dr Steven Greer arranged to come forward in 2001 in a ground-breaking Press Conference. According to Davis, most of Greer’s witnesses were crackpots and just “noise” when it came to identifying the genuine signal in the available public information on retrieved UFOs:
[1:21:05 YT] A good majority of them were crackpots, they were phonies. But there was a small number of them that were the real deal. And so he successfully picked up a very small number of them, and got some information. And now, as to the veracity and quality of that information. That’s another story.
But he did get some interesting information.… the information was not … verifiable. In other words, once people looked into it, they said, yeah, this is realistic. Whereas a good chunk, a good chunk of his disclosure witnesses. You know, they had middle of the road guys, they had some information, but it was too purple. It was just anecdotal.
And then you had the guys that were real liars. He’s got a chunk of liars out there … I don’t know how much effort he spent on vetting any of those people. And I’m not going to name names of who they are. It’s not important, because … the fact that they have no real information means it’s noise. We’re dealing with signal, we’re interested in signal and science folks, not the noise. Check the noise.
Next, Davis went on to elaborate on Greer’s witnesses who claimed to have first-hand knowledge of crash retrieval operations:
[1:22:25 YT] So, he did have a small signal of people that had verifiable information…. They came forward, they gave him information that was freely given to him. But it was after the fact, it was never expected that it could be acted upon. The people that gave him information … weren’t directly involved with the crash retrieval at all. They actually were either peripheral, or they heard it from somebody reliable. So the vertical information was high quality, but they were not first-hand people.
Davis is here suggesting, for example, that Clifford Stone, a 22 year US Army veteran, who was interviewed by Greer and claimed to have had first-hand knowledge of multiple crashed UFOs retrieved by the US military, was a crackpot and liar. There are many reasons to dispute Davis’ information when it comes to Stone’s testimony who has been successfully interviewed many times over several decades, and has maintained the same story with consistency and sincerity.
Davis provides no evidence that Stone or other Disclosure Projects witnesses are lying or crackpots, consequently his assertions need to be considered as unverified or misinformed. This is a major red flag that Davis testimony may be part of a “limited hangout” that is being unveiled to the American and World publics through the New York Times, arguably the most important media organ of the CIA and the Deep State.
The most significant aspect of Davis’s interview is his assertion that UFO crash retrievals were part of a small unsuccessful program that was terminated in 1989, around the time the famed whistleblower, Bob Lazar, emerged with his experiences claiming something very similar had occurred during his time at the S-4 facility at Area 51.
Article by Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean July 23, 2020 (
• The ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force’ is a program that appears in an unclassified US Senate budget report. Its function, however, which is to research sightings of unexplained aerial vehicles (i.e.: UFOs), is classified. Operating under the Office of Naval Intelligence, the Task Force is the latest incarnation of a previous covert Defense Intelligence Agency UFO research program said to have been ‘disbanded’ in 2012. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has taken notice of this covert program and is requiring the Navy to reveal at least ‘some’ findings to the public as part of the proposed Intelligence Authorization Act.
• Florida Senator Marco Rubio is the acting chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Rubio told CBS Miami that he wanted to get to the bottom of these Navy UFO videos because there are reports of unidentified aircraft over American military bases and we need to know if China or Russia has made “some technological leap”. (see first of three short videos below)
• The former head of the previous DIA UFO research program, known as the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’, Luis Elizondo is among a small group of former government officials and scientists with security clearances who say they are convinced that objects of undetermined origin have crashed on Earth and that extraterrestrial material have been retrieved for study. According to participants and unclassified briefing documents, this military UFO program has been briefing congressional committees, aerospace company executives and other government officials.
• Former Senate majority leader Harry Reid of Nevada pushed to fund the previous Pentagon UFO program in 2007. After reviewing reports from that program, Reid came to the conclusion that crashes of objects of unknown origin may have occurred, and “there were actual materials that the government and the private sector had in their possession” that should be studied. As yet, no crash artifacts have been publicly verified as being extraterrestrial in origin.
• Eric W. Davis is an astrophysicist who has worked with these government UFO programs since 2007. Although he could not offer any hard evidence of classified alien artifacts, Davis said that he had provided classified briefings to the DoD as recently as last March about retrievals of “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.” Davis also gave classified briefings on retrievals of ‘unexplained objects’ to Senate Armed Services Committee staff and to Senate Intelligence Committee staff in October 2019.
• In a June interview, President Trump told his son Donald Jr. that he knew “very interesting” things about Roswell but demurred when asked if he would declassify any information on Roswell. “I’ll have to think about that one,” he said, coyly.
• [Editor’s Note] Check out the three videos below. The first is a report on acting chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, talking about the ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force’ from ‘Rising with Krystal and Saagar’. The two and a half minute clip features footage of the three famous Navy UFO videos. The second video is a five minute clip from Fox News of Tucker Carlson talking to Leslie Kean, the NY Times article’s co-writer, on how the government is inexplicably indifferent to legitimate UFO sightings. (Can you say “cover-up”?) The third is a five minute video of Dr Michael Salla’s take on the article and Carlson’s interview with Kean. Dr Salla stresses a point made in the article that the US military and private aerospace defense contractors have been successfully reverse-engineering extraterrestrial craft for decades. This is particularly true with the US Air Force’s sizable secret space program.
Dr Salla wonders how the so-called experts in academia, media, government and the military, who have parroted the deep state’s false position that extraterrestrial UFOs simply don’t exist, are feeling now as they are confronted with the reality that they have been kept from knowing the truth all of these years, while they smugly spread their “tin foil hat” disinformation. To quote Dr Salla, “This is very important breakthrough. Millions of people are now waking up to a different reality. This has been a seismic shift.”
Senator Marco Rubio
Despite Pentagon statements that it disbanded a once-covert program to investigate unidentified flying objects, the effort remains underway —
Eric W. Davis
renamed and tucked inside the Office of Naval Intelligence, where officials continue to study mystifying encounters between military pilots and unidentified aerial vehicles.
Pentagon officials will not discuss the program, which is not classified but deals with classified matters. Yet it appeared last month in a Senate committee report outlining spending on the nation’s intelligence agencies for the coming year. The report said the program, the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force, was “to standardize collection and reporting” on sightings of unexplained aerial vehicles, and was to report at least some of its findings to the public within 180 days after passage of the intelligence authorization act.
Fmr Senator Harry Reid
While retired officials involved with the effort — including Harry Reid, the former Senate majority leader — hope the program will seek evidence of vehicles from other worlds, its main focus is on discovering whether another nation, especially any potential adversary, is using breakout aviation technology that could threaten the United States.
Senator Marco Rubio, the Florida Republican who is the acting chairman of the Senate Select Committee on
Luis Elizondo
Intelligence, told a CBS affiliate in Miami this month that he was primarily concerned about reports of unidentified aircraft over American military bases — and that it was in the government’s interest to find out who was responsible.
He expressed concerns that China or Russia or some other adversary had made “some technological leap” that “allows them to conduct this sort of activity.”
Mr. Rubio said some of the unidentified aerial vehicles over U.S. bases possibly exhibited technologies not in the American arsenal. But he also noted: “Maybe there is a completely, sort of, boring explanation for it. But we need to find out.”
In 2017, The New York Times disclosed the existence of a predecessor unit, called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. Defense Department officials said at the time that the unit and its $22 million in funding had lapsed after 2012.
People working with the program, however, said it was still in operation in 2017 and beyond, statements later confirmed by the Defense Department.
The program was begun in 2007 under the Defense Intelligence Agency and was then placed within the office of the undersecretary of defense for intelligence, which remains responsible for its oversight. But its coordination with the intelligence community will be carried out by the Office of Naval Intelligence, as described in the Senate budget bill. The program never lapsed in those years, but little was disclosed about the post-2017 operations.
2:31 minute clip from ‘Krystal and Saagar’ on Marco Rubio and Navy UFOs (‘The Hill’ YouTube)
5:04 minute video of Tucker Carlson and Leslie Kean on legit UFOs (‘Wise Wanderer’ YouTube)
5:14 minute video of Dr Michael Salla’s take on the NYT article (‘Michael Salla’ YouTube)
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On June 18, President Donald Trump replied to a question about the Roswell UFO crash from his son, Don Jr, in a podcast. Trump’s reply was that he would consider declassifying what occurred at the 1947 event that was “very interesting”. According to new information from Secret Space Program Insider Corey Goode, Trump was told that the Roswell UFO Crash involved time-traveling humans from the future.
Goode has recently revealed that he is again receiving briefings from reliable insiders about various classified programs. I have in the past discussed Goode’s credibility both as an insider himself with first-hand witness information, and also as a conduit for other insiders who release information and documents to him. This was best exemplified in two leaked Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) documents that he was the first to publicly reveal back in December 2017, the documents were given to him from a trusted DIA source.
According to newly acquired information from Goode, there is consensus within the “deep black” operations community to move forward with a “limited hangout” where some of the truth about secret space programs will be revealed, while much will continue to remain hidden including the existence of extraterrestrial life.
This is what Goode wrote to me about what Trump has been told and what is about to be officially disclosed:
I have mentioned this in the past. It was brought up again recently after Trump commented on Roswell. POTUS ‘Roswell Briefings’ are basically this: Roswell was NOT an Alien event. It was a mishap from US in the future. POTUS is told that the MAJORITY of the lights seen in the sky are from our own craft operating in the future and creating a temporal butterfly effect. They are told that what the ancients saw in the sky was often the exact same phenomenon….
POTUS is under the impression that because of tests being run in Roswell during the same time that future craft were operating in that Space at a later time… that it caused the craft to pull into the past and crash thus beginning the new tech boom after WWII.
This more accurate account of what happened at Roswell, when compared to an official USAF report released in 1995, will nevertheless disappoint many wanting full disclosure of the extraterrestrial intervention in human affairs that stretches back into antiquity.It appears that those briefing Trump have decided that it is too soon for humanity to be told the full truth, and that a “limited hangout” must be put into effect, and Roswell will be the linchpin for that to happen.
Goode continued to explain what he had been told by his sources:
There is a constant contact between the present and the future since the late 50’s. The ‘PLAN’ that Q often mentions was delivered to the mid 1960’s ‘pre-alliance’ members in full and that plan has been followed ever since. These people carry these weird looking pagers (like from the 80’s/90’s) that has a flip out keyboard that allows the person to communicate with their FUTURE self and command center within these programs.
There are Quantum Computers that are used for this communication and it operates in ‘reciprocal dimensions’ where time flows in different directions and at different rates. Data is transmitted in these alternate dimensions.
There is a major time war going on between humans from 2 timelines. One is more of the ‘Wing Maker’ type of future where AI controls a very small population on Earth. There is another group fighting to preserve the timeline by stopping the manipulation of timelines so that they all collapse into the proper one (per ET / Anshar Guidance).
This will not be the first time that a narrative explaining a temporal war between two factions of future humans has been leaked into the public arena.
Back in 2004, Dan Burisch, a microbiologist, came forward to reveal what he had witnessed in classified programs about the existence of two factions of time-traveling future humans (aka extraterrestrials) trying to deal with a converging timeline paradox that would occur by 2012. Of course, what Burisch predicted did not happen suggesting that he was disseminating disinformation in a limited hangout, or such a converging timeline paradox had been delayed.
I did have a series of email Q&A’s with Burisch back in April 2004, and concluded he was part of a limited hangout. It’s no great surprise that information similar to his is now being spun for a more modern audience including Trump, according to Goode:
We are told that some of these people from the future are working directly with elements of current era deep black intel agencies. They have portals in these locations that they do point to point transfers of people and supplies from.
Very interesting stuff… and I can see how POTUS would buy this over little green men. Especially with his history with his uncle who worked on the Tesla papers.
Goode was here referring to Dr. John Trump who was a full professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1943 when he was asked by the FBI to evaluate the national security implications of the papers of the recently deceased Nikola Tesla. Professor Trump later told his nephew, Donald, about some of the advanced technologies used in classified programs, which has led to much speculation over what the current President knows about flying saucers and the Roswell crash.
On July 13, I spoke with Goode who explained that future disclosure announcements will be limited to advanced technology patents that will be released to the general public, similar to five recent patents granted to the US Navy concerning electromagnetic propulsion, power and defense. This patents oriented disclosure process will better familiarize the scientific community and public with principles of time travel and electromagnetic propulsion in order to get them to accept the limited hangout narrative that all UFO sightings involve humans from the future.
Goode explained that the Deep State’s limited disclosure narrative is to be dragged out for as much as 50 years. This will prevent the truth from emerging about what has been occurring since the World War II era concerning extraterrestrial visitors and reverse engineering programs. Space Force will gradually incorporate advanced technologies used in secret space programs, but there will be no public acknowledgement that such technologies were covertly used prior to the formation of Space Force. More of what was covered in our July 13 discussion will be released soon.
The fact that Roswell has been put on the public radar by Trump and his son does make it very possible that the first official disclosures about the UFO phenomenon is going to involve this classic 1947 flying saucer event. The language used by Trump in describing his knowledge of the incident, “it’s very interesting”, does suggest he was briefed about a more terrestrial explanation, than extraterrestrial visitors. “Time traveling humans”, as Goode claims his sources told him, would be more consistent with Trump’s low-key response to the question posed by his son.
The explanation that Roswell involved time traveling future humans who arranged for the crash to occur to speed up our technological development certainly sounds plausible, and will appeal to those wielding Occam’s Razor to dismiss the extraterrestrial hypothesis. Nevertheless, we need to keep in mind that even such a significant disclosure would still be a limited hangout designed to punt the full truth far into the future.
The US Senate Select Committee for Intelligence has just approved a bill that includes a request for the Intelligence Community to write up a comprehensive report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs, aka UFOs) in 180 days. Most importantly, the report will be unclassified, meaning that its findings are intended to be released to the general public.
The eventual Intelligence Community report is intended to be a comprehensive interagency breakdown and analysis of what’s behind the UAP phenomena. Will the report turn out to be the official disclosure announcement that UFO activists have been working towards for decades, or will it become a limited hangout to hide the truth?
In the comments portion of the proposed Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 there is a section titled “Advanced Aerial Threats”, which begins by asserting the Committee’s concerns that no unified reporting mechanism exists for UAPs/UFOs given the potential threat they pose to US national security:
The Committee supports the efforts of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force at the Office of Naval Intelligence to standardize collection and reporting on unidentified aerial phenomenon, any links they have to adversarial foreign governments, and the threat they pose to U.S. military assets and installations. However, the Committee remains concerned that there is no unified, comprehensive process within the Federal Government for collecting and analyzing intelligence on unidentified aerial phenomena, despite the potential threat.
It’s important to emphasize that the Committee is particularly concerned about UAPs and “any links they have to adversarial foreign governments.”
The bill goes on to propose that the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) oversees the development of a comprehensive report:
Therefore, the Committee directs the DNI, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the heads of such other agencies as the Director and Secretary jointly consider relevant, to submit a report within 180 days of the date of enactment of the Act, to the congressional intelligence and armed services committees on unidentified aerial phenomena (also known as ‘‘anomalous aerial vehicles’’), including observed airborne objects that have not been identified.
The Senate Committee next outlines the different intelligence sources that are required to submit information for the report. The exhaustive listing shows that the report is intended to be very comprehensive:
A detailed analysis of unidentified aerial phenomena data and intelligence reporting collected or held by the Office of Naval Intelligence, including data and intelligence reporting held by the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force;
A detailed analysis of unidentified phenomena data collected by:
geospatial intelligence;
signals intelligence;
human intelligence; and
measurement and signals intelligence;
A detailed analysis of data of the FBI, which was derived from investigations of intrusions of unidentified aerial phenomena data over restricted United States airspace;
A detailed description of an interagency process for ensuring timely data collection and centralized analysis of all unidentified aerial phenomena reporting for the Federal Government, regardless of which service or agency acquired the information;
Identification of an official accountable for the process described in paragraph 4;
Identification of potential aerospace or other threats posed by the unidentified aerial phenomena to national security, and an assessment of whether this unidentified aerial phenomena activity may be attributed to one or more foreign adversaries;
Identification of any incidents or patterns that indicate a potential adversary may have achieved breakthrough aerospace capabilities that could put United States strategic or conventional forces at risk; and
Recommendations regarding increased collection of data, enhanced research and development, and additional funding and other resources. The report shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may include a classified annex.
What’s noteworthy in the Committee’s request is that there will be an official who will be given responsibility for overseeing the interagency process for releasing all UAP/UFO data. In addition to the intelligence community, this also includes the FBI and its ongoing investigations of UAPs.
Most significant is the Committee’s request that any breakthrough aerospace technologies possessed by foreign adversaries are included in the report. More specifically, the Committee is concerned that foreign adversaries, China, Russia, etc., have achieved technological breakthroughs in the aerospace arena that threatens US national security.
China, in particular, has made incredible strides over the last few decades in developing a secret space program based on advanced aerospace technology secrets and designs obtained from the US Air Force. In fact, the lead Chinese scientist who set up their secret space program, Dr. Tsien Hsue-shen (aka Qian Xuesen) began his career by working for the US (Army) Air Force in the 1940s, and co-wrote the blueprints for future advanced aerospace technologies based on retrieved Nazi and crashed UFO craft. To learn more about China’s secret space program, see my upcoming webinar series beginning July 11, and book, Rise of the Red Dragon (April 2020).
It’s important to keep in mind that the Advanced Aerial Threats section included in the bill just passed by the Senate Intelligence Committee still has to pass the full Senate. It then needs to be similarly passed by the House of Representatives, and finally signed into law by President Donald Trump. It’s not clear exactly when the bill will be enacted into law, but once it is, the 180 day countdown for the report’s release will begin.
Given the bill was passed on a bipartisan basis (14 votes in favor, 1 against), it can be concluded with great confidence that in early 2021, the US public will get to read a comprehensive UAP report by the Intelligence Community.
Why did the Senate Intelligence Committee include this unprecedented request to the Intelligence Community in the 2021 Intelligence Authorization Act?
According to Tom DeLonge, the request is a result of strong lobbying by his To The Stars Academy (TTSA).
Very proud that @TTSAcademy DID THIS— We galvanized Senators, organized briefings, submitted Natl’ Security language and wrote Op-Eds in major news outlets to achieve page 11 in the below link. THIS is how we get to DISLCOSURE
The involvement of DeLonge and his TTSA in lobbying for passages dealing with “Advanced Aerial Threats” does raise suspicions over the real agenda behind the request for a comprehensive report. Is the request for a UAP report something to be embraced as the long-awaited official disclosure anticipated by DeLonge and the UFO community, or is it a limited hangout by the Deep State designed to raise money for corporate run classified programs?
In the past, I’ve raised my concerns that DeLonge and his TTSA are involved in a limited hangout and is heavily influenced, if not controlled, by compromised Deep State officials. Yet, there’s no doubt that the impending passage of the Intelligence Authorization Act with passages on “Advanced Aerial Threats” is a major step forward that carries great significance for the UFO Disclosure Community.
The fact that it is happening after a new DNI Director, John Ratcliff, was officially confirmed by the US Senate on May 21 is a very encouraging sign. Ratcliff is a strong ally of President Trump, and has the authority to put a White Hat in charge of overseeing the interagency effort to release information to be included in a comprehensive report on UAPs/UFOs.
It’s perhaps no coincidence that in a June 18 interview, Trump was asked about UFOs by his son, Don Jr. President Trump said that information about Roswell is very interesting and that he will consider declassifying it in the future. Could the Intelligence report to be issued by Ratcliff be a vehicle for disclosure of many secrets behind the Roswell crash and Area 51?
Rather than the requested Intelligence report being a Deep State orchestrated limited hangout, as contended by some of DeLonge’s critics, it can very easily become a means for White Hats in the Trump administration to officially disclose major components of secret space programs developed by its major adversaries, China and Russia.
Once the Intelligence Community releases its report on the foreign aerospace technologies possessed by China, Russia and other “foreign” sources linked to UAP sightings, the stage will be set for the future disclosures concerning the USAF’s own secret space program, which is currently in the process of being transferred to the newly created Space Force.
Ratcliff and White Hats in the Trump administration can use the requested report to disclose to the America public important truths about suppressed advanced aerospace technologies and secret space programs.
The disclosures on UAPs and UFOs that lie ahead promise to be momentous even if the original intent in the Congressional bill was to limit the report to what China and Russia have secretly developed. Predictably such revelations will lead to calls for Congress to massively increase funds for Space Force so it can quickly develop and deploy similar technologies for national security purposes.
Clearly, the November 3 Presidential elections will impact on what comes out in Ratcliff’s UAP report anticipated in early 2021. Assuming President Trump wins re-election, then he and Ratcliff will be in a powerful position to disclose far more than merely what the Intelligence Community suspects China and Russia have secretly developed in the aerospace arena.
Ratcliff’s UAP report may well be part of an elaborate plan for a decades-old USAF secret space program being covertly transferred to Space Force, and then disclosed by Trump to the American public as newly acquired technologies developed in response to the threat posed by China and Russia’s secret space programs. While such a process would be disingenuous, it would nevertheless be a stepping stone to the public release of many revolutionary aerospace technologies that could transform life on our planet.
On June 18, President Donald Trump was interviewed by his son, Donald Trump, Jr., and was asked about the existence of alien/extraterrestrial life and its connection to the 1947 Roswell UFO incident. The President’s answer appeared to support decades-long rumors of an extraterrestrial crash at Roswell, and even hinted that the truth might be declassified before he leaves office.
Trump’s willingness to respond to such a controversial question, which was also answered by the mysterious military intelligence group Q(Anon) less than two years earlier, raises the intriguing possibility that a coordinated UFO disclosure campaign is underway where the world may soon learn the truth about what really happened at Roswell.
To begin with, it’s worth pointing out that the initial news reports on the Roswell incident were based on an official US Army Air Force Press Release that reported a flying saucer had crashed per an intelligence assessment made by two of its officers.
Only hours later, however, more senior Army Air Force officials came forward to refute the initial Press Release and claimed only a weather balloon had crashed. In this second Press Release, one of the two intelligence officers, Major Jesse Marcel, was shown crouching over the remains of a balloon appearing to settle the matter as a case of mistaken identity.
Over three decades later, in 1978, Major Marcel, came forward to reveal the truth about what he had seen. Ever since his public emergence there has been an intense debate over the reality of what happened at Roswell with growing evidence of an official government cover up.
The resulting controversy has turned the small New Mexico town of Roswell into a Mecca of UFO alien stories with a museum and annual conferences that have steadily grown over the years.
In raising the issue of aliens and Roswell, Trump Jr., indicated that he was genuinely intrigued by decades old reports of an alien crash and wanted to know the truth. In fact, he emphasized the personal importance of this issue to him, and he wanted an answer from his father. Here’s the transcript of the dialogue between Trump Jr (DJT, Jr) and President Trump (POTUS):
[DJT Jr.] Before you leave office will you let us know if there are aliens, because this is the only thing I really want to know. I want to know what’s going on. Would you ever open up Roswell, let us know what’s really going on there.
[POTUS] So many people ask me that question.
[DJT, Jr.] It sounds almost ridiculous but it’s actually the real question and what I got …
[POTUS] A cute question but it’s actually, there are millions and millions of people that want to go there that want to see it. I won’t talk to you what I know about it, but it’s very interesting. But Roswell is a very interesting place, with a lot of people that would like to know what’s going on.
[DJT. Jr.] So you’re saying you may declassify, you’ll take it.
[POTUS] I’ll have to think about that one.
President Trump was clearly very cautious in his reply, but two things stand out. First, he said that he “won’t talk about what I know about it” and that the truth about the incident is “very interesting”.
Trump’s acknowledgement that he knows something that he is not yet prepared to publicly disclose does indicate that he has received an official briefing on the topic, which is highly classified and which he has to think about declassifying.
What lends added plausibility to such a conclusion is a cryptic comment by the military intelligence group, Q(Anon), which is closely associated with the Trump administration and with the President in particular.
In a September 19, 2018 response to a series of random question on the 8chan forum, Q chose to respond to questions about extraterrestrial life and Roswell.
Q’s response clearly suggested that extraterrestrial life is real and that what happened at Roswell has the “highest classification”. More importantly, Q’s response strongly suggests that President Trump has received a briefing by military-intelligence officials associated with Q who are revealing to him many secrets long kept hidden by the Deep State from US Presidents.
The fact that Q (Anon) picked a random question about Roswell to concretely acknowledge both its existence and the reality of extraterrestrial life in September 2018, along with Trump., Jr. raising a similar Roswell question with POTUS in June 2020, emphasizing that it is the “only thing I really want to know” does raise the possibility that the question and answer were orchestrated.
Critically, the raising of Roswell and extraterrestrial issues only five months before the most significant Presidential election in history does emphasize the intriguing possibility that President Trump is in a position to disclose the truth about what he knows. If so, Trump will go down in history as the “UFO disclosure” President.
Article by Max Ufberg May 12, 2020 (
• A decade ago, Luis Elizondo headed the Pentagon’s UFO research program, the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’. In 2017, Elizondo left the government to work with other former government scientists and intelligence operative, and rock star Tom DeLonge, to form ‘To the Stars Academy’ (TTSA). ‘To the Stars’ was instrumental in the New York Times’ release of three UFO videos taken by Navy pilots, videos which the Department of Defense has fully acknowledged. So if we find out one day that aliens really do exist, we’ll have Luis Elizondo to thank.
• The ‘medium’ publication website, ‘GEN’, recently interviewed Elizondo about these Navy UFO videos. Elizondo says that he was “encouraged by the Pentagon’s forthcomingness and honesty”. “I remain optimistic the Pentagon will continue this trend of transparency.” This topic, however, “requires a conversation not just inside the government, but outside as well.”
• The UFO topic is fraught with stigma and taboo. The government’s release of the Navy’s UFO videos helped to establish the legitimacy of TTSA’s mission. “It’s a huge win for the American people that we can now have a conversation about UAPs without thinking about Elvis on the mothership or little green men,” says Elizondo.
• “Whether or not these videos are real is no longer up for speculation. They are real,” says Elizondo. Congress has been briefed on the video footage, and the President has acknowledged it. “For many years this topic was relegated to the fringe. Now this is a discussion we can have around the dinner table — and maybe even in the hallways of Congress.”
• Regarding those who say that the videos simply reveal atmospheric anomalies, reflections, or bugs in the system, “this doesn’t explain eyewitnesses seeing it with the naked eye. It also doesn’t explain the radar return.” Says Elizondo, “That doesn’t make sense.”
• Elizondo discussed the launch of the new TTSA mobile apps ‘SCOUT’ and ‘VAULT’, which uses “some of the most sophisticated A.I. technology we have right now.” If someone sees an anomaly in the sky, they can use the SCOUT app to immediately identify and filter out things such as a plane, a star, a planet, a meteorological effect, a weather balloon, or a rocket reentering the atmosphere. If the object remains ‘unidentified’ then it is “crunched and housed and stored” in the VAULT app, and “[a]nybody out there with a smartphone can quickly be alerted if there’s something in their sky.” With a smartphone, anyone can “triangulate and record audio and video” of the UFO. “I think we’re going to be really surprised by what we can collectively capture,” says Elizondo.
• With regard to the US government ‘covering up’ the UFO phenomenon, “… it is the job of the government to always have answers, especially from a national security perspective,” says Elizondo. “If there is a country out there with a technological capability that surpasses our own, then it is the job of our intelligence community to figure it out and warn certain individuals in our government… (But the government doesn’t) necessarily want to broadcast that something has this capability.”
• The TTSA often pushes the Pentagon to release documents and footage pertaining to UFOs. Might the TTSA’s new collaboration with the US Army Futures Command effect this whistleblower relationship? Elizondo points out that “we’re all ex-government or military intelligence officials… The fact we are working with the United States Army and other sections within the U.S. government isn’t a bad thing.”
• But as far as the government hiding information on UFOs, Elizondo says, “I (wouldn’t) want to be the last guy standing in the Pentagon saying, ‘This stuff isn’t real, nothing to see here folks’.”
Luis Elizondo
If we find out one day that aliens really do exist, there’s a good chance we’ll have Luis Elizondo to thank. Elizondo works as the director of government programs with To The Stars Academy (TTSA), an aerospace and science company founded in 2017 by a physicist for the Department of Defense, a former CIA operations officer, and Blink-182 guitarist Tom DeLonge.
TTSA specializes in research around unidentified aerial phenomena — military-speak for any extraterrestrial presence in the atmosphere. Before joining TTSA, Elizondo headed the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program at the Pentagon, an initiative secured and promoted in 2009 by Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada for the study of “anomalous” aircraft.
Soon after joining TTSA, Elizondo helped facilitate the release of three videos taken by Navy pilots of unidentified objects. Those videos quickly caught the public’s attention, thanks in part to credulous write-ups in the New York Times. Just last month, the Defense Department officially released the videos and finally acknowledged the presence of these unidentified aerial phenomena.
GEN: What was your reaction to the Pentagon’s acknowledgment of unidentified aerial phenomena in the video?
Luis Elizondo: I was encouraged by the Pentagon’s forthcomingness and honesty. This is something I have been engaged with for the last two and a half years after I left the Pentagon because I think this topic requires a conversation not just inside the government, but outside as well. I remain optimistic the Pentagon will continue this trend of transparency. Acknowledging there’s an issue is always the first step in remedying it.
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Article by Patrick Doyle May 7, 2020 (
• In late April, the US Department of Defense declassified three videos of UFOs taken by Navy jets – one over the Pacific Ocean off of San Diego in 2004, and two others over the Atlantic Ocean off of Florida and Virginia in 2015. These were the same videos that were published in December 2017 by the New York Times, and provided by ‘To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences’, a UFO research organization headed by rock guitarist Tom DeLonge (pictured above). And these are the same videos which the US Navy acknowledged in 2019 that they were indeed real and not fabricated.
• DeLonge sees this official government release as the culmination of a long journey that began when he walked away from his band, Blink-182, in 2015 to spend more time developing ‘To the Stars’ as a “transmedia” experience working with former intelligence officials to uncover information about unidentified aerial phenomena. DeLonge feels that the government acknowledged the videos because of the investigative work his team is doing. “I can’t believe we pulled this off,” he said. “It’s a big deal, and so much more is coming. I think people need to buckle up.”
• DeLonge was struck by how many people somehow missed the original release of the videos in 2017 or the Navy’s acknowledgment of them in 2019. At the time that the New York Times published the videos, they also revealed that until 2012, the Pentagon had a program to study UFOs as well. “I think it’s something we should all be focusing on right now, because it’s a big, big thing that’s gonna change the world as we know it,” said DeLonge.
• DeLonge points out that the government works for us, the people. There were leaks at the Pentagon, “… and basically we caught them dealing with something, and now they’re forced to recognize it and acknowledge it.” So the government is like, ‘Alright it’s time to start talking about it because Tom and his rascals are putting our feet to the fire,’ you know?”
• The Gimbal UFO video that was recorded by Navy jets from the USS Theodore Roosevelt carrier battle group off of Florida in 2015 is DeLonge’s favorite. * When he first saw the video, all he could say was, “’Oh my God, this is the real deal.’ I have never seen a UFO that clear before.” “[Y]ou can see the plasma on the bottom, you can see the blurry edges. You see all the things that are just absolutely impossible with any technology that we know of,” says DeLonge.
• “Steve Justice, who runs our aerospace division, was one of the top guys at Lockheed Martin Skunk Works,” said DeLonge. “Steve is looking at this going, ‘Wow, this is not something anyone can do on earth right now.’ But the scarier part could be if Russia or China or someone else did create something that could do that, that’s a big deal. It’s a game changer and we should be all over it. So either way, we need to focus on this.”
• When people say, “oh, it could be anything.” No. The definition is incredible with these Navy jet cameras. “[I]t literally is like taking a black and white photo with the exact amount of clarity,” says DeLonge. “That’s why the pilots were so animated. They knew that this was a special event.”
• When skeptics claim that the Navy’s UFO videos could be the result of “bugs in the imaging code” of the fighter jet video recorders, DeLonge points out that there wasn’t just video footage. There were trained observers who saw it. There was also radar data from the absolute top radar systems that have ever been invented. This is coupled with satellite data. There was a DoD investigation. “So we’re not saying, ‘Hey, this is an unidentified aerial object because one guy saw something.’ We’re saying it because it’s been captured on so many systems and been confirmed by so many different groups, so I think it’s a really big deal.” “For someone just to say it’s a bug or a glitch is literally pure ignorance,” says DeLonge. “[I]t just shows the close-mindedness of people that are supposed to be some of the smarter people here. It just blows my mind. I hold these guys up to a higher standard than that.”
• “To the Stars Academy made all the noise,” says DeLonge. “We’ve been working tirelessly to get all the senators and congressman briefed… (and making) sure the info is getting passed around. We’ve been giving advice on national security policy… and basically have all the data flow up to the proper think tanks.” “Now that the cat is out of the bag, …what you’re seeing is them having meetings and saying, ‘What are we going to do? Are we going to try to act like this isn’t real? I’m not going to be the guy… that has to get hauled before Congress and be deposed on CNN live.”
• Trump has “talked about the fact that he’s had a (Navy UFO) briefing,” DeLonge says. “I tend to wonder when he says things like, “I don’t particularly know if these are real or not.” “I don’t talk to the President. I just know that he got briefed…. I think whatever his reasons are for saying the things he’s saying are probably because behind the scenes, there’s a lot more discussions on how to best handle this with the public. So you know, I’m excited that he mentioned it again, because I think it helps.”
Last week, the Department of Defense released three declassified videos of “unexplained aerial phenomena.” The videos — filmed by Navy pilots in 2004 and 2015 — show “objects hurtling through the sky, one rotating against the wind, and pilots can be heard expressing confusion and awe,” wrote the New York Times, who published two of the videos in 2017 at the same time as To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences, a company that researches unidentified aerial phenomena co-founded by Tom DeLonge, the original singer-guitarist of Blink-182. A third video, of a 2015 incident off the East Coast, was released by To the Stars the following year. Though the Navy acknowledged that the videos were not fabricated in 2019, for people still in doubt, the Department of Defense officially released the videos last week and made them available for download “to clear up any misconceptions by the public.”
While the Pentagon did not offer any more hints on what we are looking at, DeLonge saw the official government acknowledgment as the culmination of a long journey — one that began when he walked away from his band in 2015 to spend more time developing To the Stars, a “transmedia” experience for music, books, films, and UFO research. DeLonge works alongside former intelligence officials to uncover information about unidentified aerial phenomena, and helped expose the Pentagon’s mysterious UFO program in 2017.
“It’s wild,” says DeLonge, who feels that the government released the statement because of the investigative work his team is doing. “I can’t believe we pulled this off. It’s a big deal, and so much more is coming. I think people need to buckle up.” We talked to DeLonge — whose History Channel show Unidentified is gearing up for its second season — about the UFO videos, his life in isolation, and the possibility of a reunion with Blink-182.
What was your reaction when the government officially released these videos?
My first reaction was how many people didn’t see when the Navy acknowledged the videos were real, the objects were real, and UFOs were real. That all happened a year ago. And then before that, the New York Times blasted out that UFOs were real and the Pentagon was studying them, so it’s funny that this came out now, with the Department of Defense, which is obviously higher than the Navy. It just shows you how much news is out there and how many people are out there, and how much work we have to do.
I did not see it coming, but I do know some of the inside leaks that are happening at the Pentagon. And they’re not allowed to lie, and basically we caught them dealing with something, and now they’re forced to recognize it and acknowledge it. They do work for us. They’re like, “Alright it’s time to start talking about it because Tom and his rascals are putting our feet to the fire,” you know? I think it’s something we should all be focusing on right now, because it’s a big, big thing that’s gonna change the world as we know it.
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Article by Sean Martin April 28, 2020 (
• Ronald Reagan (pictured above), President of the United States from 1981 to 1989, attempted to warn the public about the existence of aliens by asking the United Nations to imagine ‘how quickly humanity would come together if it was confronted by an extraterrestrial civilization’. (see excerpt from UN speech below)
• In one speech to the UN, President Reagan said: “What if all of us in the world were threatened by an outer power, from outer space, from another planet?” “We would all of a sudden find out that we didn’t have any differences at all.” In another speech, Reagan said, “Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond.” “I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”
• While most people saw this as an attempt to defuse simmering tensions between the US and the then Soviet Union, conspiracy enthusiast Scott C Waring believes President Reagan was trying to subtly warn the public of aliens “against national security”. “Of course,” blogs Waring, “President Reagan had inside information from the CIA and NASA and was told that aliens do exist. …But he couldn’t just come out and say so.”
• Waring says that a small percentage of the other nations’ presidents at the United Nations meeting also knew about the existence of aliens. “Now pondering about world peace is nice, but I feel that President Reagan felt a weight on his shoulders, a burden of carrying this knowledge of the existence of aliens.” “It must have been very frightening for him to know that aliens existed, but to have so few people he could sit down and talk about this subject openly.”
Ronald Reagan, who served as the 40th president of the United States from 1981 to 1989, attempted to warn the public about the existence of aliens, according to a new claim. During the decades-long Cold War between Russia and the US, President Reagan attempted to calm the tension between the two powerhouses by stating there is not much difference between them.
In doing so, the president asked the United Nations to imagine how quickly humanity would come together if it was confronted by an extraterrestrial civilisation.
In one speech to the UN, President Reagan said: “What if all of us in the world were threatened by an outer power, from outer space, from another planet.
“We would all of a sudden find out that we didn’t have any differences at all.”
In another, he said: “Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond.
“I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”
While most people saw this as an attempt to defuse simmering tensions between the US and the then Soviet Union, one person believes President Reagan was trying to subtly warn the public of aliens.
42-second excerpt from Reagan speech to the UN about an “alien threat” (‘kritzingerx24’ YouTube)
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Article by Lake Schatz April 30, 2020 (
• On April 27th, the US Department of Defense released three UFO videos originally published by Tom DeLonge and his ‘To the Stars’ research academy. In a corresponding statement, the Pentagon confirmed the veracity of the videos, saying it was publishing them to “clear up any misconceptions… whether or not the footage… was real.”
• Donald Trump was asked what he thought about one of the Navy UFO videos. He exclaimed, “That’s a hell of a video.” “I just wonder if it’s real.” Reassured that the Navy just released and authenticated them, again, Trump walked the remark back, says that he meant as a “lighthearted remark”.
• In a 2019 interview, Trump was asked about the rise in UFO reports by Navy pilots, the same ones that have now been re-released. Trump said, “People are saying they’re seeing UFOs. Do I believe it? Not particularly.”
• Undeterred by Trump’s skepticism, DeLonge commented in a recent interview with, “The UFO subject, lifeforms coming here…when it comes out, [it] is going to change the way people think about themselves, the beliefs systems that they have, religion, geopolitical order, technology that can give clean running water and clean energy. All these things…will come from it.”
• “And…there’s no other subject that will bring the whole world together except for [UFO’s/extraterrestrials], and that’s why I believe in it so much,” said DeLonge.
• In addition to the Pentagon’s recent acknowledgment, DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’ has landed a research deal with the US Army.
• [Editor’s Note] Dr. Michael Salla wrote an article on March 25th entitled, “Tic Tac UFOs Revealed in 2005 Briefing to be Secret USAF Spacecraft”. (see ExoArticle here) Has President Trump been reading the ExoNews?
Earlier this week, the Pentagon released three UFO videos originally published by Tom DeLonge and his research academy To the Stars. In a corresponding statement, the Pentagon confirmed the veracity of the videos, saying it was publishing them to “clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real or whether or not there is more to the videos.” However, there’s still one person who remains unconvinced: Donald Trump.
As Reuters reports, Trump expressed his doubts during a recent interview in the Oval Office. “I just wonder if it’s real,” POTUS said when asked about one of the clips. “That’s a hell of a video.”
Although meant as a “lighthearted remark”, Trump has been a skeptic of UFOs in the past. In a 2019 interview, he was asked about the a rise in reports of unidentified aircraft by U.S. Navy pilots. “People are saying they’re seeing UFOs. Do I believe it? Not particularly,” he said.,
DeLonge is unlikely to be deterred by Trump’s skepticism. The Angels & Airwaves leader has been diligently studying all things UFOs since quitting Blink-182 in 2016, and his efforts haven’t been in vain. In addition to the Pentagon’s recent acknowledgment, his work landed DeLonge a research deal with the US Army.
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Article by Rosemary Bystrak April 29, 2020 (
• With the Department of Defense’s April 27th release of three US Navy UFO videos, including the infamous ‘Tic Tac’ UFO, Tom Delonge’s (pictured above) ‘To The Stars Academy’ tweeted” “This week, history was made. #Pentagon officially released three Navy videos acknowledging the existence of #UAPs and confirming that footage that was taken by US Navy fighter jets was authentic.” UAPs, or ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’ of course, is military jargon for UFOs.
• After years of denials from the US government, and mockery from the general public,TTSA and DeLonge must be feeling some vindication. Those three ‘UAP’ videos, had originally been shared on TTSA’s website. The Pentagon’s released of the videos has “removed doubt around the authenticity of evidence in the public domain,” DeLonge told the New York Times.
• A founding member of both Blink-182 and Angels and Airwaves, and featured personality on the History Channel’s “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation,” DeLonge explained his interest in UFOs: “I got to that point where my daughter was 2 years old, and I was gone for two years straight, and I really really needed a break. The only other thing I was ever interested in was UFOs.”
• DeLonge began communicating with and recruiting a research team of strategists and scientists to for the ‘To The Stars Academy’, including ex-military and ex-CIA officials, who also believe that the government should be more forthcoming about information they have about UAPs as it pertains to national security.
• As it pertains to the Pentagon’s “official” release of the UFO videos, DeLonge told the Times, “We believe that this level of recognition is exactly what is required to eliminate the extreme skepticism surrounding UAP events, so we can finally move forward to sharing and analyzing reliable data from respected institutions.”
“This week, history was made. #Pentagon officially released three Navy videos acknowledging the existence of #UAPs and confirming that footage that was taken by U.S. Navy fighter jets was authentic,” reads a Tweet from the To the Stars Academy (@TTSAcademy) on Tuesday.
“UAPs,” to those not familiar with Navy jargon, are “unidentified aerial phenomena” — more familiarly known to most as “UFOs,” or “unidentified flying objects.”
To the Stars Academy is, of course, an organization co-founded by Tom DeLonge — the former frontman of Blink-182 — in 2017.
“To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science (TTSA) specializes in creating, acquiring and commercializing science-focused intellectual property within the technology and entertainment verticals,” the academy states on its website. Their offices are based in Encinitas along with a merchandise storefront.
TTSA, and DeLonge specifically, are likely feeling some vindication. After years of skepticism and denials from the U.S. government, and plenty of mockery from the general public, the Pentagon acknowledged the authenticity of three videos and the “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” captured on those videos, which had originally been shared on TTSA’s website.
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• On April 16th, ‘To the Stars Academy’ (TTSA) founder, Tom DeLonge spoke with DJs Marty and Danielle at the San Diego radio station 91X to promote a newly released song by DeLonge’s band, ‘Angels and Airwaves’. At the beginning of the interview, when asked if he was trying to cheer people up during these dark times of the pandemic, DeLonge went on a tangent about how important it was for people to use the power of their minds to focus on positive things. This led to a discussion of how powerful human consciousness really is. (see beginning of 9:25 minute video below)
• DeLonge claimed to have a secret “sensitive” government document showing how the Pentagon was interested in a 10-year-old boy from China who could move things with his mind. He said that “it was part of the UFO program at the Pentagon” and that the Department of Defense had established its own program to find people who could replicate the telekinetic experiment.
• DeLonge went on to describe the Pentagon’s experiment: “[T]hey put a piece of paper in a glass mason jar and they screwed the lid on it. With their mind (the people recruited to the experiment) moved the paper through the lid of the jar six feet across the floor. And it says (it) right there in the document with the letterhead and everything, on our defense (letterhead).
• DeLonge goes on to say that he has another DoD report detailing how “they healed like thirty mice with crazy terminal cancers. [T]hey healed all the mice with just energy healing in a lab.”
• Luis Elizondo and the other former government and intelligence agency employees who are now with the ‘To The Stars Academy’ have stated that they have a lot more information on AATIP, UFOs and paranormal research conducted by the government that they cannot release due to Non-Disclosure Agreements. It would seem that DeLonge has let the proverbial cats out of the bag.
• Can there be any truth to this? We’ve known for a long time that the United States government – particularly the CIA – has had a running interest in psychic phenomenon and done research on related subjects. One such actual program was the basis for the 2009 movie ‘The Men Who Stare at Goats’.
• Tinkering around with telekinesis and energy healing is one thing, but official government documentation showing it has actually worked is a bombshell. If DeLonge does have what is likely to be a classified, top secret DoD document, it probably came from Elizondo or another one of his ‘TTSA’ associates. Luis’ phone might be ringing off the hook with people wanting to have a word with him.
• Or had DeLonge only seen such a DoD document? Or just heard about such a document? Regardless, it is still fascinating that we are veering into the realms of telekinesis and energy healing. The disclosure roller coaster ride will only get bumpier from here on out.
Buckle up, campers, because this is a truly bizarre story. Of course, I don’t remember the last time I read a story about former Blink 182 frontman Tom DeLonge that didn’t wind up diving down one rabbit hole or another. This week, Tom did an interview with two DJs on radio station 91X in San Diego. He was promoting a new song that was just released by his current band, Angels and Airwaves. The hosts seemed thrilled to have him on as a guest and they clearly weren’t there to talk about DeLonge’s more “unique” work with To The Stars Academy, UFOs, aliens or any of the rest of the stuff that Tom’s regularly asked about these days. Instead, they kicked off the interview by asking him how he decided to release the single now and if he was trying to cheer people up during these dark times of the pandemic.
That’s when things got weird. Tom started off talking about how it was important for people to use the power of their minds to focus on positive
Luis Elizondo
things, which was a normal enough thing to say. But then he derailed the conversation by talking about how powerful human consciousness really is. As an example, he claimed to have secret government documents showing how the Pentagon was interested in some kid from China who could supposedly move things with his mind. He then went further, claiming that the Department of Defense established its own program where they found people who could replicate the experiment. The radio hosts just sat there looking more and more bewildered. (Silva Record, emphasis added)
Tom DeLonge: I was struck, kind of, by public consciousness because there’s a lot of studies that have been done, and a lot within the US government as well that I’m aware of, but that your mind… your mind over matter… that saying is very true… where they found, and I actually have a really amazing sensitive document that… and I’d always tell people about this, where they actually were…it was part of the UFO program at the Pentagon. They were following this kid in China that can move objects with his mind and he was like 10 years old.
Danielle: What?
Tom DeLonge: Yeah, so they repeated the experiment in the Department of Defense. And they put a piece of paper in a glass mason jar and they screwed the lid on it. With their mind they moved the paper through the lid of the jar six feet across the floor. And it says right there in the document with the letterhead and everything, on our defense (letterhead).
9:25 minute video of DeLonge with Marty & Danielle (’91X San Diego’ YouTube) discussing a Chinese telekenesis study and mass consciousness in first 3 minutes of video
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Article by Anna Savva March 19, 2020 (
• The UK Government’s UFO unit closed in 2009 after more than 50 years, concluding that there was never evidence of a potential extraterrestrial threat. Existing records are now being slowly released. The Royal Air Force is set to declassify a cache of UFO sighting files into the public domain this month. A Ministry of Defence spokesman said: “It had been assessed that it would be better to publish these records, rather than continue sending documents to the National Archives, and so they are looking to put them onto a dedicated web page.” (see previous ExoArticle here)
• Tony Buckingham, of the East Anglia UFO group, claims that notwithstanding its move toward more transparency, the UK government is still covering up the truth about the existence of UFOs and aliens due to the coronavirus pandemic. He says that disclosure of extraterrestrials during the coronavirus pandemic could very well tip Britons over the edge. Said Buckingham, “I don’t believe the power movers think we are ready for full disclosure yet, and seeing people fight over loo rolls I have to agree with that line of thought.”
• While he feels that UK authorities will be selective in what they choose to release, Buckingham will certainly look at them to see if there are any hidden bombshells that the government may have missed. “[I]f this is anything like the previous attempts to release documents they were quite a disappointment, as they were pretty much only the public’s own sightings they had reported,” said Buckingham. “Having said that, perhaps these reports will really be RAF sightings that have been logged by the military.”
• For many, evidence to suggest UFOs visit Earth is the greatest government secret of all time. Still, Buckingham thinks it won’t be long before the lid is completely blown off the UFO cover-up, with evidence to suggest an alien invasion is in the cards. “There is plenty of evidence and it is all over the world.” “US presidents, UK prime ministers including Margret Thatcher and Churchill, Soviet leaders, military leaders and many more have said we should be concerned,” said Buckingham, “and some say they ‘can’t tell the people’. “There has been a worldwide truth embargo on the topic and is now coming to an end, with soft programming for the past few decades, to where we are now with a majority acceptance of the phenomenon.”
• Former Chief of Defence, Admiral Lord Hill-Norton (1915-2004), had long cited a mass UFO/extraterrestrial cover-up. Said Hill-Norton, “I have frequently been asked why a person of my background, a former Chief of the Defence Staff, a former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, why I think there is a cover-up of the facts about UFOs. Governments fear that if they did disclose those facts, people would panic. I don’t believe that at all. There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations. It behooves us to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want.”
A UFO hunter claims the government is covering up the truth about UFOs and aliens because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Admiral Lord Hill-Norton
Tony Buckingham, of the East Anglia UFO (EAUFO) group, believes panic buying over toilet rolls in the wake of the global health crisis is proof the public can’t handle the truth.
Tony Buckingham
It comes as the RAF is set to declassify a cache of UFO sighting files into the public domain this month – after the government faced calls for greater transparency.
But Tony, from Littleport in Cambridgeshire, says the release of the documents which could prove aliens exist coming at a time when whole countries are on a war footing with the coronavirus could tip humanity over the edge.
He said: “I don’t believe the power movers think we are ready for full disclosure yet, and seeing people fight over loo rolls I have to agree with that line of thought.”
But he reckons people are in for a let down if they think they’ll find a treasure trove of spacecraft sightings from top brass if the docs are in fact made public.
However he says he will be “taking a look” at the files to see if they contain bombshell discoveries.
He said: “I have been aware of the latest release for a while now and must say if this is anything like the previous attempts to release documents they were quite a disappointment, as they were pretty much only the public’s own sightings they had reported.
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President Donald Trump signed the Space Force Act into law yesterday night. It was included in the omnibus 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) funding Pentagon operations for another year, and officially creates a sixth branch of the military – US Space Force (USSF). Trump’s signing sets the stage for some amazing disclosures of what the USAF has secretly deployed in space for decades.
The budget allocated to Space Force is a paltry $40 million for its first year of operations, which effectively covers little more than the costs of hiring 200 new personnel and changing signs for personnel transferring from Air Force Space Command to the new Space Force. Approximately 16,000 civilian and military personnel will transfer from Air Force Space Command, which currently hosts 26,000 personnel, to the new Space Force.
On the surface, there appears to be little to be excited about with the creation of Space Force, which will continue to operate with largely the same personal and commander of the current Air Force Space Command – General John “Jay” Raymond.
Space Force will operate under the authority of the Department of the Air Force as an independent military branch, a temporary compromise, according to President Trump who would like to see the creation of a Department of Space Force eventually.
Critically, General Raymond is also in charge of US Space Command, the Pentagon’s newly created combatant command, which integrates the aerospace resources of the USAF, Army, Navy and USMC in combat operations around the world and outer space.
For the first year of Space Force’s existence, General Raymond will be dual-hatted as Chief of Space Operations and Commander of Space Command. This will allow Space Force to closely coordinate with other branches of the US military that have assets in space.
The big change that lies ahead is what the USAF plans to do with the highly classified space program it has secretly developed and deployed with futuristic aerospace technologies dating back to the 1970s. Lieutenant General Steven Kwast (USAF ret.) recently mentioned some of the cutting edge technologies developed in classified Air Force laboratories in a November 2019 lecture:
The technology is on the engineering benches today. But most Americans and most members of Congress have not had time to really look deeply at what is going on here. But I’ve had the benefit of 33 years of studying and becoming friends with these scientists. This technology can be built today with technology that is not developmental to deliver any human being from any place on planet Earth to any other place in less than an hour.
Less than a week before Trump signed the Space Force Act, the Secretary of the Air Force, Barbara Barrett, and Mike Rogers, one of the Congressman who co-sponsored the original bill for Space Force, both called for the USAF to declassify the advanced space technologies it has developed. Barrett said:
Declassifying some of what is currently held in secure vaults would be a good idea… You would have to be careful about what we declassify, but there is much more classified than what needs to be.
All the assets and personnel that clandestinely operate within the USAF secret space program will be transferred over to Space Force and the authority of General Raymond.
This will be welcomed by the commanders and personnel in the secret space program whose space activities have been classified so highly that it has negatively impacted career advancements and benefits when compared to their peers in more conventional Air Force programs.
The creation of Space Force sets the stage for the official disclosure of major components of the Air Force’s secret space program which I have discussed in detail in the US Air Force Secret Space Program. Disclosure is likely to begin with antigravity vehicles such as the legendary TR-3B, a flying triangle that was first sighted in the late 1980s, and newer rectangle-shaped flying platforms, which were photographed near McDill Air Force base in 2018.
There are also disk-shaped flying saucer craft and stealth space stations that were jointly developed with the National Reconnaissance Office. More incredible are the “stargates” or traversable wormholes that have been secretly developed and used for decades according to multiple insiders.
The disclosure of these and other advanced technologies will be mind-boggling and revolutionize the aerospace industry. More importantly, for the Trump administration, they will help re-industrialize America and establish Space Force as the leading military power in space for decades to come.
Do you know that, recently, Mrs. Susan Gough (PR spokeswoman of the OSD – Office of the Secretary of Defense) allegedly/apparently wrote an email to Mr. John Greenwald (The Black Vault) saying (according to Mr. Greenwald) that AATIP did not investigate UAP (UFOs)? I still haven’t read the original letter but it is something that has to be known.
I expect more information to come out soon, from Mr. Greenwald, perhaps from Mrs. Gough, perhaps from the Navy and from TTSA. Is it a misunderstanding or a fundamental conflict of factual information? Is it a strange strategy to confuse people?
These declarations would have to deny not only Mr. Elizondo’s but also Mr. Jim Semivan, Chris Mellon, H. Puthoff and other serious people (such as Senator Harry Reid), not only knowledgeable about classified information (and intelligence clearances) but also linked to TTSA, credible persons who today – as a whole – guarantee that AATIP did investigate UAPs (UFOs).
Is all of this a confusion or a reversal of policy?
It doesn’t seem to make sense but (if the information shared by Mr. Greenwald is accurate) WHY would this be happening now? Do some persons “in the know” want to lock the cat back after it came out of the box?
Or is Mr. Greenwald’s information not very clear? Or perhaps is this the old pattern of those who try to control what the population knows, using the practice of revelation followed by denial? (However, this revealing was to one or a few individuals only before the denial).
Is it a mistake from Mrs. Gough who doesn’t know all the information? Or has she been told to say that? Is this a strategy from a faction inside those “in the know” because something else is in the offing? Is this apart of an old plan or a new move?
In terms of UFO disclosure, the “powers that be” follow a pattern of revealing and denying information to society as Randy Koppang and Grant Cameron would likely agree. They usually reveal something to one or a few individuals and later deny it after these individuals have been used to deliver a message to society. But this time they would be denying a whole team of intelligence- savy VIPs gathered in TTSA.
A few days before, another letter by Mrs. Gough (in response to an SCU (Scientific Coalition for Ufology request) publicly shared by Mr. Greenwald) stated that the U.S. Navy only had the “source” videos similar in quality and in length of the 3 videos shown to the public through TTSA (“GIMBAL” “GO FAST” and “FLIR 1”). That these were not classified. She doesn’t actually deny that there may be full-length and higher quality “original ” videos somewhere else but seems to be minimizing or trying to minimize expectations from the general public regarding what the U.S. Navy (and, by extrapolation, the Government in general) may have.
What is happening here?
LINK to John Greenwald’s report in The Black Vault: