State Library of Queensland Collects Its Own X-Files

by Anna Levy                  February 11, 2018                      (

• In the 1960’s, at the peak of UFO culture in Queensland, Australia, one of the premier UFO magazines in Australia was UFO Encounter. Copies of publications such as these, from as early as 1957, are still held today in the State Library of Queensland. State Library of Queensland library blog post writes that publications like UFO Encounter provide “fascinating insight” into the Australian niche UFO community. “No matter what your views on aliens and flying saucers, these periodicals provide a distinctively Queensland perspective on examining the unexplained”.

• Luke Roberts was born and raised in central Queensland. He says that Queensland is UFO central and a bit “eccentric” in its extraterrestrial leanings. “It’s an unusual place,” says Roberts, “Even my Catholic mother was always fascinated by UFOs.”

• “In the earlier days, it was a very nuts-and-bolts… [we were] focused on the hardware of UFOs, spacecraft shape, what are they made of, how do they work, what are their propulsion systems were like. These days the subject has evolved again, where people are starting to think more about consciousness and… having contact through dreams, through meditation, [or]… an out of body experience.”

• Roberts grew up to create his alter ego, Pope Alice (pictured above), a manifestation of extraterrestrial consciousness who fell to earth thousands of years ago to become an extraterrestrial spiritual leader helping people realize that we’re not alone in the universe and to help humanity to raise its own consciousness. Roberts has traveled the world performing as Pope Alice, and created a new belief system called “Raëlianism”. Raëlians believe life on earth was created by a technologically advanced species of extraterrestrials. The library also collects Pope Alice costumes.


A banana grower drove his tractor along a narrow track at the edge of a sugar cane farm in Tully, north Queensland on January 16, 1966.

The weather was calm, the morning sun high in the sky. The tractor passed over the track with its usual rumble, but beneath it the banana grower detected a faint hiss. He leant forward to investigate, assuming his tyres had a leak, but his eye caught something else instead.

A saucer-shaped object, silver-grey and about 25 feet in diameter, rose before him. The object ascended slowly from the nearby lagoon to the treetops before tilting slightly and speeding away to the south-western horizon.

The man ran through the thick reeds and sword grass surrounding the lagoon, forcing his way through the undergrowth until he could see the water. A large whirlpool had formed, devoid of all plant life. Over the next few hours, the dead reeds below the eddy rose to the surface, forming a “nest” within which there lay a perfect imprint of an inverted saucer.

This was the infamous Tully Saucer Nest, which sparked a national fascination with all things extraterrestrial. It also prompted an independent investigation by a number of UFO organisations, which published their findings in periodicals such as Light and The Australian Flying Saucer Digest. The incident marked a peak in Queensland UFO culture.

The State Library of Queensland has gathered these publications from as early as 1957, when the public was just growing wise to the world of UFOs. These magazines, newsletters and artifacts depicted Australia’s closest alien encounters, as well as the lives and times of UFO enthusiasts in Queensland.

UFO Encounter was one such publication. The newsletter, produced by the second-longest-running UFO group in the world, UFO Research Queensland, featured reports of recent sightings, think-pieces on historical “ufology” and theories about current world governments and their brushes with the supernatural.

Association president Sheryl Gottschall said Queenslanders reported about 100 UFO sightings and encounters each year, with more than half of all sightings coming from the Gold Coast. She said the UFO community’s focus had shifted over the years in response to purported incidents such as the Tully Saucer Nest.

“In the earlier days, it was a very nuts-and-bolts organisation, it was focused on the hardware of UFOs, spacecraft shape, what are they made of, how do they work, what are their propulsion systems like – not a whole lot of thought was going into who was driving the things,” she said.

“These days the subject has evolved again, where people are starting to think more about consciousness and people are reporting having contact through dreams, through meditation, when they’re having an out of body experience.”

Mrs Gottschall said Brisbane was a hotspot for UFO spotters, with more than eighty people turning up to UFO Research Queensland’s January meeting.

“At various stages, we’ve had three UFO groups just in Brisbane,” she said. “People are reporting things from seeing lights in the sky doing strange things that they know planes or helicopters or drones don’t do, to other things like seeing a light go from horizon to horizon in two seconds flat.

“I can’t say for sure that [these things] are not of this world, that they’re extraterrestrials possibly from another planet, but certainly they are not of our ordinary reality.”
State Library of Queensland project coordinator Myles Sinnamon wrote in a library blog post that publications like UFO Encounter provide “fascinating insight” into the niche community.



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Former Pentagon Director Says UFOs Warp Space-Time for Uncanny Movement: Did Aliens Figure Out Time Travel?

by Bihu Ray              February 10, 2018               (

• Former director of the Pentagon’s $22M Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, and current member of To The Stars Academy, Luis Elizondo has put forward an explanation about “the physics of how it works”.

• “We do believe all these observables we’ve been seeing, sudden and extreme acceleration, hypersonic velocities, low observability, trans medium travel, and last but not least, positive lift, anti-gravity – is really the manifestation of a single technology,” said Elizondo. It is the ability to warp space-time, Elizondo explained, and not by a lot, but by a little – a theoretical passage through space-time that could create shortcuts for long journeys across the universe.

• Does extraterrestrial spacecraft propulsion involved navigating space-time wormholes through the universe, to essentially time-travel?


Alien and Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) have been mind-boggling stuff since 1947 – the first time a well-known UFO sighting occurred. A businessman, who was flying his small plane, had claimed to have seen nine high-speed objects near Mount Rainier in Washington. He had said that the crescent-shaped objects had tremendous speed and moved “like saucers skipping on water.”

Cut to 2004, Navy pilots encountered a UFO off the San Diego coast. According to an eyewitness, pilot David Fravor, the 40-foot Tic-Tac shaped white vehicle moved, unlike any other thing he had ever seen in the air with lightning speed.

Not only in these two incidents but UFOs are often reported to display bizarre aerodynamics, defying the laws of Physics, which human minds are still incapable of apprehending.

Former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program – the Pentagon’s program to identify and investigate UFOs, Luis Elizondo has put forward an explanation about “the physics of how it works”.

“We do believe all these observables we’ve been seeing, sudden and extreme acceleration, hypersonic velocities, low observability, trans medium travel, and last but not least, positive lift, anti-gravity – is really the manifestation of a single technology,” Elizondo said, according to Daily Star.

It is the ability to warp space-time, Elizondo explained, and not by a lot, but by a little.

Space and Time Warps theory says that the fourth dimension called the space-time continuum, which fuses the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time, can be bent like a cloth when exposed to high gravity of objects.



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President Trump Validates QAnon – How Will UFO SSP Disclosure Happen?

On February 21, President Donald Trump hosted a gathering of students, teachers and parents from the Majory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting tragedy. Just before the meeting began at 4:21 pm, President Trump was photographed showing some handheld notes on White House stationary with a list of five talking points he planned to use during the meeting.

Unusually, Trump had the notes facing outward toward the cameras, rather than facing towards him which would be normal for any public speaker. This made it easy for the notes to be photographed leading to immediate media speculation about the appropriateness of Trump’s talking points.

Only a few hours after the meeting, at 7:34 pm, EST, QAnon released a coded post referring to five security tests.

The next day, QAnon posted an image showing Trump holding the note, alongside the later coded message. Trump’s hand placement, the five note’s points, appeared to have a connection to QAnon’s coded post.

The message QAnon was transmitting was that Trump had deliberately turned his notes outward facing the camera in order to pass on a coded message.

QAnon was telling his audience that Trump was hearing the voices of the many estimated to number as much as twenty million (Q post 809), who have been following the QAnon material – “I hear you”.

During the meeting itself, available on video, the notes are nowhere to be seen. Trump, only held the notes prior to the meeting’s start. This tells us that these were just talking points for Trump to memorize before the meeting began and were then discarded.

It’s possible that he accidently had the list of five points facing out prior to the start of the meeting, but its highly unusual for an experienced public speaker like Trump to do so. The more plausible explanation is that his action was deliberate.

Given the connection QAnon found in Trump’s odd hand placement around the notes, and the coded message released only three hours later, this makes it clearer that Trump’s action was deliberate and not accidental.

Consequently, it does appear that Trump was sending a coded message that corroborated the QAnon material, as investigative reporters such as Dr. Jerome Corsi contend.

If Trump was indeed passing on a coded message that both corroborated the February 21 security test, and that he was listening to people following the QAnon material, then some important conclusions can be drawn.

First, Donald Trump is aware of and endorsing the QAnon disclosures of classified information occurring on anonymous message boards. This conclusion supports the contention of Dr. Corsi that QAnon is a group of U.S. Army Military Intelligence officials that are disclosing classified information about real life events involving the White House.

Second, Donald Trump is actively participating in sending coded messages designed to legitimate the QAnon material, which confirms that his administration is directly connected with and supporting QAnon.

Third, President Trump is sanctioning the disclosure of classified information through QAnon’s posts, which opens the door to read-in insiders to anonymously disclose classified information on a range of topics. This is significant since many insiders possessing classified information would not normally release it, unless authorized by a higher authority, such as Trump.

Finally, the Trump Administration is locked into a no holds barred struggle against Deep State actors and forces as explained in over 800 posts to date by QAnon.  These cover a multitude of issues concerning secret indictments, arrests of Deep State officials involved in pedophile networks, treasonous actions by Obama administration officials, and the January 13 false flag ballistic missile attack on Hawaii.

In addition, Corsi has claimed that Trump is very familiar with the cover-up of information concerning UFO’s and Secret Space Programs. It’s therefore very possible that QAnon will be the means by which advanced technologies secretly developed in Unacknowledged Special Access Programs will be disclosed to the world.

This leads us to a comment Trump made in his inauguration speech:  

We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.

It’s therefore well worth closely monitoring QAnon’s posts and President Trump’s actions in supporting the release of classified information through anonymous whistleblowers, and what this is about to disclose about UFO’s and secret space programs.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

The MJ12 Documents: The Government’s Position

by Nick Redfern         December 9, 2017           (

• In 1980, William Moore co-authored the book,The Roswell Incident. Soon thereafter, Moore was contacted by intelligence insiders who would covertly pass along intelligence information. In 1984, Moore’s friend, tv producer Jaime Shandera received a roll of film of photos of MJ-12 documents. Moore, Shandera, and Stanton Friedman studied and attempted to authenticate the documents for 2 ½ years.

• MJ-12 or Majestic 12 is a clandestine UFO/extraterrestrial oversight group, above the President, created in 1947 in the wake of the Roswell crash. It was/is comprised by twelve elite military, scientific, and intelligence officials.

• In 1987, Timothy Good published his book, Above Top Secret, and revealed the existence of MJ-12 along with leaked copies of MJ-12 documents. With the release of Good’s book, William Moore released his information on MJ-12 as well and it all went public.

• According to Jacques Vallee, when the FBI were given these MJ-12 documents, they turned away in disgust, professing no interest in the matter. When UFO debunker Philip Klass contacted the FBI about the alleged MJ-12 documents in 1988, the FBI opened an investigation. Also in 1988, an unauthorized Air Force agent gave the Dallas FBI office a file of MJ-12 documents. The Air Force immediately told the Dallas FBI that the documents were part of a number of these fake documents circulating around the United States. They told the Dallas FBI office to close the investigation.

• In 1993, the Air Force told this article’s writer, Nick Redfern, that they never had any MJ-12 documents in their possession and that MJ-12 doesn’t exist. Furthermore, the Air Force had never discussed MJ-12 with the FBI. The Air Force could not, however, provide any documents or evidence showing that they actually investigated the matter. Today, the FBI’s investigation into MJ-12 is officially “closed”.

• In the 1990s, investigator Timothy Cooper brought to the FBI hundreds more pages of MJ-12 documents, but they never made it to the public domain.

• Redfern ponders: ‘how was the Air Force able to determine that the papers were faked if no investigation on their part was undertaken?’ Was it just an opinion based on the unlikely nature and content of the documents?

[Editor’s Note] Amazingly, Redfern takes the side of the Air Force cover-up, agreeing that the MJ-12 documents (presumably all of them) are bogus fakes. He considers the Air Force’s arbitrary dismissal of such a clandestine deep state government UFO committee to be “both understandable and reasonable”. Redfern ends the article flippantly, saying “[it] is time, methinks, for the rotted corpse to be laid to rest, once and for all,” the rotted corpse being the very existence of an MJ-12 oversight committee. It was all just a rumor. Really Nick?


It has been thirty years since the original, so-called “MJ12 documents” surfaced. In 1987, Timothy Good’s bestselling book Above Top Secret was published. One of the most-talked-about aspects of Good’s book was the mention of a supposed top secret research and development group established in 1947 to deal with highly classified UFO data. Referred to as either Majestic 12 or MJ12, it was said to have been created in the wake of the notorious events at Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947. It was said to have been comprised of military personnel, scientists, and the elite of the U.S. Intelligence community. Not only that: Good published copies of what were said to be leaked MJ12 documents that told of (a) the establishment of the group; (b) the apparent crash of a UFO, complete with alien bodies, at Roswell; and (c) a briefing given in 1952 on the matter to President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Shortly after Good’s publication of the documents, additional copies surfaced in the United States. They came from the then research team of well-known ufologist Stanton Friedman, William Moore (the co-author, with Charles Berlitz, of the 1980 book The Roswell Incident) and Jaime Shandera (a television producer). Moore had been working quietly with a number of intelligence insiders who had contacted him shortly after publication of The Roswell Incident. From time to time various official-looking papers were passed onto Moore, the implication being that someone in the U.S. Government, military or Intelligence Community wished to make available information on UFOs that would otherwise have remained forever outside of the public domain.

It was as a result of Moore’s insider dealings that a roll of film negatives displaying the MJ12 documents was delivered in the mail to the home of Shandera in December 1984. Moore, Friedman and Shandera worked carefully and quietly for two and a half years in an attempt to determine the authenticity of the documents. With Timothy Good’s release, however, it was decided that the best course of action was to follow suit. As a result, a controversy was created that still continues to this day. At least, it continues to a small degree. Most people in Ufology have moved on from the MJ12 documents. But, they still occasionally cause a brief raising of eyebrows, such as when the latest batch surfaced earlier this year. Who remembers them now? I try not to.

Jacques Vallee, UFO author, investigator, and former principal investigator on Department of Defense computer networking projects-stated in his book Revelations that the FBI turned away from the MJ12 documents in “disgust” and professed no interest in the matter. Papers and comments made to me by the FBI and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, however, reflect a somewhat different scenario. It was in 1988 that the FBI’s investigation began – after the late UFO skeptic/debunker Philip Klass contacted the FBI and told them all about the supposedly leaked, highly-classified documents and who had put them in the public domain.

We also know – thanks to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act – that what was possibly a separate autumn 1988 investigation was conducted by the FBI’s Foreign Counter-Intelligence division (operating out of Washington and New York). Some input into the investigation also came from the FBI office in Dallas, Texas – the involvement of the latter confirmed to me by the Dallas office in the early 1990s.



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New Audio Footage Reveals Moment F-18 Fighter Jets Spotted UFO

by Callum Hoare          February 16, 2018           (

• This is another article regarding the white UFO that was tracked on a northern course over northern California (near Mt Shasta) and into Oregon. When the UFO reached the Oregon border, it dropped off of radar, but was continued to be seen by commercial and military aircraft until it disappeared.

• This article features a minute-long recording of the Air Force F-15 fighter jet pilot as he sees the white UFO. “Oh look at that thing.” “Yeah, that’s crazy.”


Back in November, it was reported a mysterious aircraft was seen circling in a busy and well-monitored air space in the skies above Oregon, US.

In a bizarre and worrying twist the aircraft vanished – and the US Air Force failed to find it.

And now, to add to the already questionable situation, audio footage has been released from the fighter jets that pursued the phenomenon.

These materials include audio recordings of radio transmissions and phone calls made as the incident was unfolding.

In the video you hear the pilot relaying the issue.

He says: “You know that target south of the boundary moving very fast?”

Before someone on the other end replies: “Oh look at that thing.”

“Yeah, that’s crazy.”



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FAA Tapes From That Oregon UFO Incident That Sent F-15s Scrambling

by Tyler Rogoway            February 15, 2018           (

• This article gives a play-by-play of a UFO event that occurred on October 25th, 2017 over Northern California and Oregon, according to the radar images and lengthy voice recordings of FAA officials, Air Force radar operators, and airline pilots as they track a white aircraft at 37,000 ft.- bigger and faster than a Boeing 737. These recordings provide compelling insight how such an event is actually handled in real-time by Air Force and FAA officials. What it does not provide are explanations. Air control officials are completely puzzled as to what this UFO might have been.

• It began at 4:30pm PST when Oakland Center (California) Sector 31 first detected the target on radar traveling at very high speed due north up the eastern border of California in the vicinity of Mt Shasta. When it reaches the Oregon border, the “intruder” drops off radar. Over the next half hour air traffic control tracks the UFO through visual sightings reported by airline crews. Air Force F-15 fighter jets are scrambled out of Portland International Airport in northern Oregon.

• Commercial aircraft Alaska Airlines 525 cannot get a visual. United 612 can see it but cannot make it out. The Southwest 4712 crew has the best view of the large white UFO. It follows the Southwest flight at a visible distance all the way from Mt Shasta to the Portland International Airport. The Southwest pilot remarks that in 30 years of flying, he has never seen anything like it.

• At this point, the commercial aircraft lose sight of the UFO, the F-15’s apparently are not able to intercept, and radar is never able to reacquire the UFO. Seattle Center’s Manager In Charge of Operations is heard talking with Seattle Center and the three commercial airline pilots trying to figure out what just happened. An official with the FAA’s Quality Assurance Group, the division that specifically deals with unique aerial phenomenon, could only say, “Wow. That’s weird.”


Last November, The War Zone posted an exclusive story detailing a bizarre incident involving an unidentified aircraft that transited the skies of the Pacific Northwest in the early evening of October 25th, 2017. What started as a radar target moving at very high speed over Northern California turned into a series of eyewitness accounts made by nearby airline pilots traveling northward over Oregon. Even F-15 fighters were launched to intercept the mysterious intruder that quickly became invisible to radar.

Now, through the Freedom of Information Act, we present what could be one of the most insightful instances of official documentation surrounding such an encounter that had already been confirmed to have occurred by both the FAA and the USAF. These materials include fascinating audio recordings of radio transmissions and phone calls made as the incident was unfolding, as well as pilot interviews, and conversations between FAA officials made in the aftermath of the highly peculiar incident.

Fast forward three months later, and now we have so much more evidence that adds incredible depth and color to our original report and the limited radio recordings we originally had to go off of. Via our Freedom of Information Act Request we received hours of audio, all with unique elements that add to this story. What we have done is packaged that audio, as well as the radar data provided, into four separate videos. We will highlight some of the big takeaways from each video in our piece, but we cannot stress enough how interesting and eye opening this audio is to listen to in full, so we highly recommend you do so by watching each video in its entirety.

The first video includes audio from the initial spotting of the object as it ripped its way across Northern California at high speed, before it took a turn north and merged with nearby air traffic and disappeared from radar. Once again, beyond becoming invisible to radar, this aircraft had no transponder broadcasting nor did it ever communicate verbally with air traffic controllers. The audio in the video goes on to be sync’d in real-time with radar data obtained via our FOIA request.

Oakland Center Sector 31 first detected the target around 4:30pm PST. Below is a chart showing where Oakland Center’s high altitude sectors are situated around Northern California. Sector 31 spans roughly from Sacramento up towards Redding, before its northern edge, which is near the border with Oregon, terminates and Seattle Center’s airspace begins. To the east, the airspace sits along the California-Nevada border. This makes sense as the craft was eventually tracked by airline pilots as it made its way up over Crater Lake and towards the Willamette Valley.

In the audio the Oakland Center controller notes that it is near his boundary, so it seems the aircraft’s first appearance officially occurred near the border of Oakland Center Sector 31 and Seattle Center Sector 13 or 14. The target was moving “very fast at 37,000” feet when it was first detected.

The “intruder” quickly dropped off radar and that’s when the visual sightings made by airline crews began. They continued for roughly half an hour and over hundreds of miles. The exchanges between nearby pilots and air traffic control regarding the unidentified aircraft were constant in the audio, with the same description coming back time and again—that of a white aircraft cruising at around 37,000 feet that is too far away to tell the type or if it has markings of any kind on it.

At roughly 27:30 into the video we get our first indication that the F-15s out of PDX are about to scramble, with the air traffic controller noting this while talking to another FAA controller, during which the controller also reiterates that there has still been no radar contact with the aircraft. The controller also repeatedly asks aircrews nearby to check their Traffic Collision Avoidance Systems for the aircraft, which all come back negative.

The F-15s first appear on radar as they climb out of Portland to the south at time index 33:33 as “Rock” flight—a common call-sign used for the alert F-15s stationed at PDX. Alaska 439 asks for an update on the unidentified aircraft and the controller notes they still have nothing on him, saying colloquially that it must be in a kind of “stealth mode or something.” It’s also interesting that the F-15s first went south when it seems as if the object would have been north of PDX by the time they finally launched.

This second video is just the radar data in its raw form. It starts before the sync’d recording begins above so we thought we would post it in full so our readers can take a closer look if they want.

Next we move into some very interesting recordings of FAA phone calls that occurred as all of this was taking place. We edited out dead space in the audio between phone calls and bleeped the names of those who named themselves. Aside from that, the audio is unedited by us, although we cannot be certain if parts were redacted by the FAA or not. There were a few strange areas where conversations went mute and it’s not clear if this was edited or just an anomaly. The primary person talking in most of these calls is the Operations Manager In Charge for Seattle Center at the time that the incident took place.
The first call is to Oakland Center, and it occurs early on after the initial radar detection and as pilots began spotting the craft visually. He also mentions that “air defense” is looking for the target now too (on radar), so it shows how early the military was involved in the encounter.

You will notice that the term “DEN” is referred to repeatedly in these recordings. That is the Domestic Events Network, a sort of hotline system that is used to bridge the FAA with federal authorities, namely the military. You will also hear the term “WADS” and the nickname/call-sign “Bigfoot.” This refers to the Western Air Defense sector of NORAD that monitors the airspace over a huge swath of territory in the United States and Canada. Based out of McChord AFB in Washington, WADS scrambles the fighters when needed and works to direct them to their targets of interest during domestic air sovereignty missions, among other responsibilities.

When the Manager In Charge is asked if he was asking for military assistance by another FAA controller, the tape goes blank. The same inquiry is heard moments later, and it goes silent again before another call begins. Although it really doesn’t have much impact on the greater mystery, who asked for the F-15s to scramble and when, comes up in the next video in an exchange between the same manager and an FAA official.

In the final set of calls in the video we hear controllers talking about how the Air Force wants to set up an air patrol over Battle Ground, Washington, which is a dozen miles directly north of PDX. We know the F-15s headed south initially, so it isn’t clear if this call came after they initially headed in that direction or before they were even airborne and the plan changed later on for some reason. Once again “Rock” refers to the call-sign of the alert fighters.

Finally, we get to our last and most interesting of our evidence videos. It contains the calls made after the incident occurred. Seattle Center’s Manager In Charge of Operations tries to figure out what happened exactly. In doing so he talks once again with Seattle Center and the trio of airline pilots that spotted the craft visually and has some very interesting conversations with the FAA’s Air Traffic Organization Security office and the agency’s Safety and Quality Assurance Group.



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According to a New Theory, People With Rh-Negative Blood Don’t Come From Earth

by Anna Ketler             February 8, 2018            (

• Some say that the fifteen percent of people who have Rh-negative blood could be a separate humanoid species from the majority. A pregnant woman’s own blood might attack an Rh-positive fetus in the womb. Rh-negative blood has the exclusive ability to withstand or resist certain diseases. The Basque area of Spain has the highest percentage of people with Rh-negative blood at thirty percent.

• One theory suggests that people with Rh-Negative blood are descendants of the Hyperborean race, a blonde-haired and blue-eyed race of humans. Hitler believed them to be the superior Aryan race. And some link this race to Jesus of Nazareth.
• Might this blonde race (or sometimes red-headed) have been another human race on Earth, bred by extraterrestrial geneticists? Or are they the extraterrestrials themselves, stranded on Earth for some reason?

[Editor’s Note]  The possibilities don’t end there. There must be more than a dozen unexplained humanoid races or species ranging from the Neanderthals and Denisovans to the truly alien looking humanoids such as the Nazca and Paracas mummies in Peru.  A new one seems to show up every year. It supports the theory that we are a hodgepodge of humanoid races and species dumped on this planet to either save them from a cosmic war or calamity, or to mine Anunnaki gold.  My question is, were/are the Nazi Germans, who were selected to serve in the Dark Fleet space fleet alongside the Draco Reptilians, Rh-negative?


So, being that I myself, am someone who has RH negative blood, whenever I see something posted about how people with this blood type are alien, from another planet or are part of a special blood type I have been intrigued to learn more. I mean, I already know that I’m special, but is there some actual evidence to prove this? If so, I’ll take it.

You may have heard of the theories that those with Rh-negative blood actually have a kind of alien DNA. These theories exist because it is very difficult to explain why around 15% of the population have this type of blood. One factor worth considering is that monkeys – even though we apparently came from the same ancestor – do not have Rh-negative blood. All monkeys are Rh-positive, which I guess means that monkeys are not aliens, and potentially that we aren’t related to them after all? If we were, wouldn’t they carry the same blood type as us? The highest grouping of people who have Rh-negative blood live in the Basque area of Spain and around 30% of this population is Rh- negative.

A Woman With Rh-Negative Can’t Have An Rh-Positive Baby – Without Medical Assistance

Interestingly, if a woman who is Rh-negative is pregnant with a baby who is Rh-positive, her body may recognize this child as a foreign being and develop antibodies to attack it because Rh-positive and negative blood do not mix. Luckily with the assistance of modern medicine, there is a treatment that the mothers can have to prevent this from happening.

Those with Rh-negative blood also potentially have an ability to withstand or resist certain diseases, one in particular is a parasite called Toxoplasma. This can invade the body and damage the brain, especially in babies.

So, Where Did The Alien Idea Come From?

The most likely reason for this idea comes from the fact that it’s such a small percentage of the population and that the Rh-negative blood typed woman would terminate the pregnancy of an Rh-positive baby. Perhaps this human is not meant to procreate with the other type of human? Who really knows, but there are all sorts of fun theories floating around the internet, but as with many other things of this nature there is no real way to prove these theories.

A theory presented on Ancient-Origins suggests that the Rh-negative gene represents a completely separate branch of humanity that interbred with the “original” branch that came out of Africa, this theory also suggests that those with the Rh-Negative blood are descendants of the Hyperborean race, which is believed to be the real, original human race. Those who believe this idea also believe that this race was blonde-haired and blue-eyed – yes, this is similar to the belief of Hitler who believed that the Aryan race, also blonde-haired and blue-eyed, was the superior and supreme human race. Some followers of this theory also believe that this race includes most spiritual teachers, including the fairly well known, Mr. Jesus Christ.



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Secret Police Audio Files Prove Men Who Claim They Were Abducted by Alien Creatures With Lobster Claws Were Telling the Truth

by Emma Parry            February 7, 2018             (

• British ufologist Philip Mantle has republished a book about “the Pascagoula Abduction” a bizarre ET encounter that took place in in Pascagoula, Mississippi on the evening of October 11th 1973. Mantle deems this one of the “most unique close encounters on record.” The story is supported by audio tape of the two abductees obtained by the British news website, The Sun Online.

• Charles Hickson, 42, and Calvin Parker, 19 (pictured above), were fishing on the banks of the Pascagoula River when they heard a whizzing sound. An oval shaped craft, 8 ft across, suddenly appeared near them levitating 2 ft above the ground. A door opened and three 5 ft tall “humanoid” creatures emerged and “floated” them into the UFO.

• The ET beings had lobster-like claws at the ends of their arms, “carrot-like” growths for their nose and ears, no eyes, slits for mouths, one leg, and their heads connected directly to their shoulders with no discernible neck. The beings’ skin was described as wrinkled and pale in color.

• Both men reported being paralyzed and numb. The younger, Calvin, fainted from fright. Charles claimed that he was scanned by what looked like a large football-shaped mechanical eye, 6 to 8  inches in diameter. After about 20 minutes, the pair were levitated, or “floated”, feet dragging on the ground, back to their original place on the river bank. The craft left and terrified men went to their car and sat for 45 minutes.

• They first tried reporting the encounter to officials at Keesler Air Force Base, but were told to go to local sheriff’s department. They arrived at the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department at 10:30 pm and gave their report. After 30 minutes of questioning, Sheriff Fred Diamond decided to leave the men alone in a room rigged with a hidden microphone to try and find out if they were lying or not.

• In the recording, the men remain highly distressed and never stray from their story. This so-called “secret tape” had been held on file at the Jackson County Sheriff’s department since 1973. Charles and Calvin even asked to take a lie detector test to prove their honesty.

• Within days, Pascagoula was the center of an international news story with reporters swarming the town. Tiring of the publicity, Charles and Calvin moved 150 miles north of Pascagoula where Calvin was admitted to a hospital for an emotional breakdown.

• Charles, on the other hand, appeared on Dick Cavett’s TV talk show in January 1974, and spoke occasionally at UFO conferences. Charles also co-wrote a book about the event titled UFO Contact at Pascagoula, which is now being republished by Philip Mantle. Charles died on September 9, 2011, at age 80, but never backed away from his alien abduction story.


Secret police audio files reveal that the two men behind one of the craziest “alien encounters” ever recorded were telling the truth, a UFO researcher has claimed. The bizarre Pascagoula incident involved two fishermen who claimed to have been captured by three alien creatures with lobster-like claws and taken into a UFO – before being released.

Audio recorded by the sheriff’s department when the men reported the incident, obtained by Sun Online, show the men were highly distressed by the alleged incident – and never strayed from their story – even when cops left them alone and secretly taped them.

The audio files prove the two men were telling the truth, according to Brit ufologist Philip Mantle, who has republished a book about the incident, which he calls one of the “most unique close encounters on record.”

The incident took place in October 1973, when keen fishermen Charles Hickson, 42, and Calvin Parker, 19, were on the banks of the Pascagoula River, in the US state of Mississippi, and heard a whizzing sound overhead.

They claim that an oval shaped “craft”, some 8ft across, suddenly appeared near them and seemed to levitate about 2ft above the ground.

A door opened and three creatures – who were “humanoid” in shape and about 5ft tall – emerged and seized the men, “floating” them into the UFO, they later told police.

Both men reported being paralysed and numb – while Calvin claimed that he had fainted due to fright.

The men said the creatures had lobster-like claws at the ends of their arms, “carrot-like” growths for their nose and ears, and only one leg and their heads also appeared connected directly to their shoulders, with no discernible neck.

The creatures’ skin was described as pale in colour, wrinkled, with no eyes and slits for mouths.

On the ship, Charles claimed that he was examined by what looked like a large football-shaped mechanical eye, about 6 to 8  inches in diameter, that seemed to scan his body.
Calvin claimed that he could not recall what had happened to him inside the craft, although later, during hypnotic regression he offered some hazy details.

The men said they were released after about 15-20 minutes and the creatures levitated them, with Hickson’s feet dragging along the ground, back to their original positions on the river bank.

The terrified men claimed to have sat in a car for about 45 minutes, trying to calm themselves before they tried to report the sighting to officials at Keesler Air Force Base, but were told to go to police.
At about 10:30pm, the pair arrived at the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department, Mississippi, where they gave a report of what happened and were questioned by officers.

After around 30 minutes of questioning, Sheriff Fred Diamond decided to leave the men alone in a room that was rigged with a hidden microphone – to try and find out if they were lying or not.

He assumed that if they were lying it would become immediately apparent when the two spoke privately but instead, they continued to act incredibly distressed – and never straying from their fantastic tale.

This so-called “secret tape” had been held on file at the Jackson County Sheriff’s department since 1973.

Seeing that the police were skeptical of their story, Charles and Calvin even insisted that they take lie detector tests to prove their honesty.

Within days, Pascagoula was the centre of an international news story, with reporters swarming the town.

Tiring of the publicity, Charles and Calvin moved to Jones County, Mississippi, about 150 miles north of Pascagoula, where Calvin was eventually admitted to hospital for what was described as “an emotional breakdown.”

While Calvin avoided public attention, Charles appeared on Dick Cavett’s TV talk show in January 1974, and spoke at occasional UFO conferences.

He also co-wrote a book about the event with William Mendez titled “ UFO Contact at Pascagoula”, which is now being republished by Philip Mantle.

Charles died in September 9, 2011, at age 80, but never backed away from his alien abduction story despite ridicule.



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‘They’re Watching the Military’ Spate of UFO Sightings Reported Near Air Field Base

by Sean Martin            February 12, 2018              (

• After a spate of recent sightings at the Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana have alien hunters speculating that extraterrestrials are watching the base. The website “UFO Hunters” shows there have been close to 20 sightings at Malmstrom within the past decade, making it a true hotspot for UFO activity. Malmstrom is the home for the 341st Missile Wing maintaining the Minuteman III intercontinental thermonuclear ballistic missiles.

• UFO sightings at Malmstrom AFB have been a common occurrence for the past fifty years. In 1967, it was reported by AF Captain Robert Salas that “an object came over and hovered directly over the site” when ten Minuteman missiles inexplicably shut down. Then the same thing happened a week later. Salas thinks that the UFOs were intentionally disrupting the missiles. “I personally think they (the UFOs) are not from planet Earth.”

• UFO hunters believe aliens are monitoring military bases in the US. A recent map from the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) shows UFO sightings across the United States. Retired marine Alex Hollings recently wrote an article (see here) noting that “many of the regions that seem to show a high frequency of UFO reports coincide with the locations of military installations.”

• The most recent sighting of an unidentified space craft came on January 24, when a black object, over “half an acre” in size, was spotted near the base, accompanied by a ten minute power outage at the base.


Alien hunters believe that extraterrestrials are watching the goings on at the Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana after a spate of sightings there.

The most recent sighting of an unidentified space craft came on January 24, when a black object, which was reportedly over “half an acre” in size was spotted near the base.

According to website UFO Hunters – which monitors and collects records of sightings – there was a power outage in the region for around 10 minutes at the same time as the sighting.

The website also shows there have been close to 20 sightings within the past decade, making it a true hotspot for UFO activity.

However, sightings there stretch back much longer than the last 10 years.

One former employee at the Malmstrom Air Force Base claims a UFO shut down 10 missiles in 1967.
Capt Robert Salas said: “I was on duty when an object came over and hovered directly over the site.
“The missiles shut down – 10 Minuteman missiles. And the same thing happened at another site a week later. There’s a strong interest in our missiles by these objects, wherever they come from. I personally think they’re not from planet Earth.”

UFO hunters believe aliens are monitoring military bases in the US.

A recent map from the US-based National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) was released which shows UFO sightings across the States.

However, it has been suggested the most dense areas for sightings coincide with US military installations.



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Nearly 60,000 UFO Sightings Show Correlation Between Sightings and Military Bases

by Alex Hollings               February 6, 2018               (

• In 2017, data analyst Adam Crahen plotted all 58,828 reports submitted between 1995 and 2014 to the National UFO Reporting Center on a map of the United States, resulting in a green swath across nearly the entirety of the nation. When this UFO map is overlaid with a map of all US military installations (see above), they generally coincide.

• This might mean that aliens take a particular interest in what our military is doing. Or it may mean that many UFO sightings are nothing more than misidentified military aircraft. Military aircraft are often mistaken for Unidentified Flying Objects because their shape and unconventional behavior.

• Or could it be both of these explanations? After all, the National UFO Reporting Center has documented nearly 60,000 sightings over a 19-year span.
[Editor’s Note] Or could it be that the extraterrestrials and the US military are working together?


In the past few months, the idea of Unidentified Flying Objects as spacecraft from another world has enjoyed a resurgence in the minds of the public, thanks in no small part to the revelation that the Pentagon has been secretly devoting millions of dollars to the investigation of just such anomalous sightings for years now. Of course, public interest in the idea that we’re being visited by advanced air platforms hailing from across the sea or across the galaxy, tends to be cyclical, and one could be forgiven for assuming that reports of strange objects in the sky had died down in the years since the last time the X-Files was on the air. Surprisingly, or perhaps, unsurprisingly (depending on your beliefs) that doesn’t seem to be the case.

The internet has allowed independent organizations devoted to the serious (and sometimes not-so-serious) study of UFOs the reach they need to compile massive amounts of data regarding sightings and even supposed interactions with everything from flying saucers to time machines. These largely self-reported sighting databases maintained by groups like The National UFO Reporting Center offer thousands of sightings to click through and read about – providing either a glimpse into the honest reporting of thousands of Americans… or the ravings of mad men and internet trolls. It’s honestly almost impossible to differentiate between the two.

None the less, there are some interesting things to glean from these data aggregators, whether you believe each data point represents a legitimate sighting of something unusual, the delusion of a wishful thinker, or the geographic location of an internet troll. Acknowledging that, deep within the Pentagon, there are senior defense officials tasked with investigating sightings of this sort suggests that there’s some value to be had in taking a look at some of these cases, or from a macro-perspective, to looking for trends in sightings that may offer reasonable explanations for regions with abnormal high rates of sightings.

Last year, data analyst Adam Crahen took of one of the largest databases of alleged UFO encounters online, maintained by the the aforementioned National UFO Reporting Center, and plotted all 58,828 reports submitted between 1995 and 2014 on a map of the United States. The final product is an impressive, or perhaps frightening, green swath across nearly the entirety of the United States, seemingly suggesting that UFOs are not only here, but American airspace is just lousy with them.
Or maybe not. It comes as no surprise that more sightings are reported in areas of the country that are heavily populated (more people means more sightings) but the greener patches of the map also seem to coincide with something else.

When laying that same map of reported UFO sightings over a U.S. map showing the locations of all military installations, an interesting trend starts to emerge: many of the regions that seem to show a high frequency of UFO reports coincide with the locations of military installations. For the conspiracy minded, this might mean our alien visitors have taken a particular interest in what our military is up to… but others might be inclined to conclude that many of these supposed UFO sightings may be nothing more than misidentified military aircraft.



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An Alien, An Air Marshal and Atomic War

by Nick Redfern          February 6, 2018          (

• From 1949 to 1956, Sir Peter Horsley served as an RAF officer n the home of the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, now known as Queen Elizabeth II and her consort, Prince Phillip (pictured above).

• Horsley became interested in UFO and extraterrestrials and UFO through Prince Phillip’s own fascination with UFOs. Prince Phillip introduced Horsley to an American General named Martin, and to Martin’s acquaintance the “mysterious” Mrs. Markham. General Martin “believed UFOs were visitors from an alien civilization which wanted to warn us of the dangers posed by atomic war.”

• In 1954, Markham invited Horsely to meet a strange man named Janus, which he did and they talked for hours about traveling in space and time. Horsely was certain that Janus was reading his mind, and he also knew all of Britain’s top-secret nuclear secrets. Said Horsley, “I don’t know what or who he was. He didn’t say he was a visitor from another planet but I had that impression.”

• Right up to his death in 2001, Horsely remained adamant that this bizarre episode was not some state-sponsored operation designed to gauge Sir Peter’s character and loyalty. Said Horsley, “I don’t care what people think. It was what happened. I would say they come from another planet somewhere in the universe but not in our galaxy. They are benign, not aggressive and, like us, are explorers.”


Born in 1921, Air Marshal Sir Beresford Peter Torrington Horsley began his career with the British military in 1939, when he boarded the TSS Cyclops, a steamer bound for Malaya. For the return journey, and as the Second World War was declared, he changed ships – to the TSS Menelaus – and eventually gravitated to a career in the Royal Air Force. First as an air-gunner, then as a pilot, and subsequently as a flight-instructor. Horsley was later attached to the Communications-Squadron of the 2nd Tactical Air Force in France. And, during the D-Day invasion of Normandy, he accepted the job of personal pilot to Major-General Sir Miles Graham. He returned to England in 1947, joined the staff of the Central Flying School, 23 Training Group, and was appointed Adjutant to the Oxford University Air Squadron in 1948.

             Sir Peter Horsley

In July 1949, Horsley entered the Royal Household as a Squadron Leader, and as Equerry to Her Royal Highness, the Princess Elizabeth, Duchess of Edinburgh (better known today as Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II), and to His Royal Highness, the Duke of Edinburgh. In 1952, Horsley became a Wing-Commander and in 1953 became a full-time Equerry to the Duke of Edinburgh; it was a role he held until 1956. His final post in the Royal Air Force was as the Deputy-Commander-in-Chief of Strike Command, which he held from 1973 to 1975. And there’s one more thing: Horsley’s other claim to fame is that, in late 1954, he had a face-to-face encounter with a human-looking alien who went by the memorable and mysterious name of Mr. Janus.

The very strange affair began when Horsley learned of the Duke    of Edinburgh’s fascination with the complexities of the UFO puzzle. According to Horsley (in his 1998 book, Sounds From Another Room): “[The Duke] was quite interested. As always his mind was open. He agreed I should do a study on the subject in my spare time; as long as I kept it in perspective and didn’t bring the Palace into disrepute. He didn’t want to see headlines about him believing in little green men.”

With typical British understatement, Horsley said: “At the end of my tour at the Palace, I had a very strange experience.” To say the least!

Sir Arthur Barratt, who worked at Buckingham Palace, as Gentleman Usher to the Sword of State, introduced Horsley to a certain General Martin, who, in turn, put him in touch with a mysterious Mrs. Markham. Interestingly, the English researchers Dr. David Clarke and Andy Roberts learned from Horsley that General Martin “believed UFOs were visitors from an alien civilization which wanted to warn us of the dangers posed by atomic war.” Mrs. Markham who told Horsley to turn up at a particular apartment in London’s Chelsea district on a specific evening, where he would meet a stranger: the aforementioned Mr. Janus.

Horsley said of his chat with the man that: “Janus was there, sitting by the fire in a deep chair. He asked: ‘What is your interest in flying saucers?’ We talked for hours about traveling in space and time. I don’t know what or who he was. He didn’t say he was a visitor from another planet but I had that impression. I believe he was here to observe us. I never saw him again. I have no qualms about the reaction to my experience with Mr. Janus.”


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Mysterious Portals and Stargates of the Ancient World

by Brent Swancer            February 7, 2018             (

• Portals and stargates are believed to be mechanisms by which beings may instantaneously travel to and from great distances and the Earth, where the portal or stargate is located. Portals occur naturally while stargates are artificially constructed.

• The Puerta de Hayu Marca, or “The Gate of the Gods” stargate is located near Lake Titicaca in Peru. It consists of a block 22 feet x 22 feet, with an inset “door” measuring 7 feet high, carved into the rock. The ancient Incas believed that the larger of the two “doorways” was used by the gods to travel between worlds, whereas the smaller one was for mortals. According to legend, an Incan priest fleeing from invading Spaniards in the early 16th century used a key to open the stargate, disappeared into a tunnel of light with the key, and was never heard from again.

• The “Gate of the Sun” is located within the ancient ruins of the city of Tiahuanaco, in Bolivia. Discovered in the 1800’s, the gate is an arch hewn from a single massive block of stone. It was said that the gate was used to travel from one dimension or world to the other.

• “The Stargate of Sri Lanka” is identified by strange symbols carved into stone on a grid measuring around 6 feet in diameter and located in a rocky wilderness on the island.

• Buried under the remains of the Mesopotamian city of Eridu near the Euphrates River in modern day Iraq is an ancient Sumerian stargate. Researcher Elizabeth Vegh believes that this stargate is mentioned to in Chapter 9 of the Book of Revelations as “the pit of the abyss”.

• A popular stargate in Egypt is at Abu Ghurab, known as “The Crow’s Nest” located near the Great Pyramid of Giza. It was built in 2400 BC as a temple to worship the god Ra and once stood about 15 feet high. It is said that it could harness certain vibrations and earth energies to directly communicate with sacred spirits or beings that occasionally visited Earth, possibly through Abu Ghurab itself, essentially making it a stargate.

• In Southeastern Arizona is a stone archway standing in the middle of nowhere, measuring 7 feet high and 5 feet wide with columns 15 inches in diameter. According to local Native American lore, people have vanished by walking through the archway.

• Near Nasiriyah, Iraq is another ancient Sumerian stargate hidden within an ancient ziggurat. After it was discovered the 1920’s, the Nazi’s expended great resources studying it during WWII, and some say that the Anglo-Iraqi War of 1941 was started as a means to control and exploit the stargate within. Some also believe that Saddam Hussein moved the stargate to a cavern underneath his palace in Baghdad and that the real reason for the Iraq War in 2003 was for the US military to seize the stargate for its own purposes. This palace now occupies the center of the American “green zone” in Baghdad.

• This article quotes Dr. Michael Salla: “Essentially more and more people are coming forward saying that they have been involved in these classified programs where these technologies are used quite regularly and that they are found all over the planet. Iraq is just one place they’re found. They are also located in places like Iran and Syria, which is why there is a push for America to go into Iran and intervene in the Syrian civil war. All this is very significant in what drives international conflict.”


The ancient world is infused with all manner of mysteries that have perplexed us or faded into history, and among these were the myriad remarkable inventions and displays of knowledge often shown by various peoples of the past, ranging from great feats of engineering, to strange devices, to remarkably accurate maps of the stars, and more. Often inexplicable and baffling, these curiosities demonstrate that, far from being primitives, these ancients often had access to technology and skills far ahead of their times. But some incredible artifacts, structures, and sites discovered around the world seem to suggest that this knowledge may have passed even beyond that, to reach out into the world of science fiction and fantasy and hint at a possible ability to step through doorways in order to traverse time and space or to somehow move through dimensions or worlds. Here is a look at some of these anomalous portals and stargates of the ancients.

Standing at Hayu Marca in Peru is a structure that consists of two apparent stone “archways,” with one measuring exactly 22 feet by 22 feet, and another smaller one measuring about 7 feet high, both carved into sheer rock. While the structure is mysterious and fascinating enough as it is, the legends and rumors that surround it are even more so. The ancient Incas believed that the larger of the two “doorways” was used by the gods to travel between worlds, whereas the smaller one was for mortals, and together they earned the name Puerta de Hayu Marca, or “The Gate of the Gods,” which could supposedly only be opened through a special ritual and a key shaped like a golden disc, called “The Key of the Gods of the Seven Rays,” which was said to have fallen from the sky long ago.

                  The Gate of the Gods

This gateway was allegedly used to great effect in the 16th century, when Spanish explorers came through hunting for gold and other valuable treasure. According to the tale, one Incan priest named Amaru Maru decided that he was not going to let the gateway key fall into Spanish hands, so he retreated to the doorway, performed the required rites, and inserted the key to open it. There then supposedly appeared a brilliant tunnel of light, into which the priest disappeared off to the land of the gods, never to be seen again.

The Hayu Marca Gate of the Gods would later be forgotten for centuries, lost to the winds of time, and its eventual rediscovery would turn out to be almost as weird as the legends associated with it. In 1996, a tour guide named Jose Luis Delgado Mamani stumbled upon the remote, long-lost ruins completely by accident, although he would later claim that he had for years had strange dreams of a doorway full of blinding blue light and a shimmering tunnel somewhere out in the jungle. Jose would say of his discovery and these dreams:
When I saw the structure for the first time, I almost passed out. I have dreamed of such a construction repeatedly over the years, but in the dream the path to the door was paved with pink marble, and with pink marble statues lining either side of the path. In the dream, I also saw that the smaller door was open and there was a brilliant blue light coming from what looked like a shimmering tunnel. I have commented to my family many times about these dreams, and so when I finally gazed upon the doorway, it was like a revelation from God… How do you make order of such a strange occurrence?

Interestingly, examination of the structure itself would show that there is indeed an alcove in the rock about just the right size and shape to hold a disc-like object. Additionally, there have been those who have claimed to have experienced strange sensations when near the gateway, such as anomalous noises, including music and whispers, as well as hallucinations of stars and “columns of fire,” and there are claims that a certain energy can be felt reverberating through the rock when touched. Was this ancient site really some sort of magical portal? If so who made it and why? It is unknown.

Also in South America is the “Gate of the Sun,” located within the ancient ruins of the city of Tiahuanaco, in Bolivia, which was once the capital of a great empire stretching from Bolivia all the way into Peru and Chile. The city is steeped in ancient lore, with the original inhabitants believing that the Sun god, Viracocha, had chosen this location to create the human race, and it was said that he used this gate to travel from one dimension or world to the other. The gate itself is an arch hewn from a single massive block of stone, which has etched onto its surface various images of strange winged figures with curled up tails and wearing what appear to be helmets, as well as a carving of the sun god himself, complete with beams of light emanating from behind him as he dramatically wields two staves.

                  The Gate of the Sun

The gateway has been said to have perhaps opened between worlds, but that it was damaged in some unspecified catastrophe, and sure enough when it was discovered by outsiders in the 1800s it was found to be toppled over onto its side with a large crack in the top right portion. It is unknown how this happened, but it certainly seems in keeping with the legend that it was destroyed and rendered inoperable in some event. Since the true purpose of the mysterious stone archway and the source of this damage is unknown, is it possible that it was once some sort of stargate? Interestingly, The Gate of the Sun is thought to lie along the same “grid line” as the gate in Hayu Marca, and the two undeniably resemble each other somewhat. Were the two connected somehow or even fashioned by the same mysterious, inscrutable builders? We will probably never know.

In Sri Lanka there is a place nestled within the remote rocky wilderness and caves of Ranmasu Uyana, or “Gold Fish Park,” between the Thissa Wewa reservoir and the Isurumuniya Rock Temple, where there were found numerous strange symbols carved into stone on a grid measuring around 6 feet in diameter, and even more bizarrely four stone seats located directly in front of it. It has been speculated that the symbols represent some sort of code-key to open a gateway between worlds, or even an ancient star map of some sort, which is called the Sakwala Chakraya, or roughly “The rotating circle of the Universe,” more commonly referred to as “The Stargate of Sri Lanka.” There is very little known about the creators of this particular site or even exactly how old it is, leaving its ultimate role mysterious.

            The Stargate of Sri Lanka

There is said to be an ancient stargate lost and hidden at the Euphrates River as well. According to researcher Elizabeth Vegh, who has written several books on ancient stargates, this portal is buried under the ruins and remains of the Mesopotamian city of Eridu, and which has remained utterly lost to us. This stargate is claimed to be connected to Sumerian gods and kings, which Vegh believes regularly used such portals to travel around the universe. She even claims that the lost stargate is mentioned in the Bible in Chapter 9 of the Book of Revelations, which says:
Then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth, and it was given the key to the pit of the abyss. The star opened the pit of the abyss, and smoke rose out of it like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the pit. And out of the smoke, locusts descended on the earth.

Vegh is convinced that this mention of the “Abyss” is referring to the stargate, which in this particular case seems to have led to someplace perhaps not very pleasant. Whether this passage is actually talking about portals or not, the idea of Sumerian stargates is somewhat supported by the occasional strange discoveries of depictions of Sumerian gods or kings using such devices, such as a seal with a god appearing on a stairway surrounded by what appears to be columns of water, and another that depicts the god Ninurta standing at a gateway ready to push a button while wearing what appears to be a modern wristwatch, of all things. Ancient Sumeria is often claimed to have had some of the most ancient of the supposed stargates, and were said to be portals used by entities from another world to travel between this planet and a mythical world called Niburu. It all sounds pretty far-fetched to be sure, but these ancient peoples certainly seemed to believe it. Is there anything to it at all?

Considering its role as an important ancient civilization, it is perhaps no surprise that Egypt should have its own alleged stargates. Perhaps the most well-known of these is the site called Abu Ghurab, located at the Abu Sir Pyramids and just about a 20-minute drive from the Great Pyramid of Giza. Commonly called “The Crow’s Nest,” Abu Ghurab is thought to have been built by the 5th Dynasty pharaoh Niussere in around 2400 B.C. as a temple to worship the god Ra. The site itself has deteriorated considerably over the centuries, to the point that it is now practically mostly rubble, but it is believed that it once stood around 15 feet high and likely imitated the sun temple at On, or Heliopolis.

The Abu Ghurab “Crows Nest”

One curiosity of the highly sacred site is a massive platform fashioned from alabaster, which is formed into in the shape of the Khemetian symbol Hotep, which stands for “peace.” Although the exact purpose of this platform has been lost to history, according to one theory by a researcher of ancient Egypt named Abd’El Hakim Awyan, it was used to harness and channel certain vibrations and earth energies, to convey a kind of harmonic resonance, in order to create an enhanced sense of enlightenment and awareness of the universe. This supposedly allowed one to attune themselves to the universe and to directly communicate with sacred spirits of the universe called the Neters, which were beings said to have on occasion actually visited Earth, possibly through Abu Ghurab itself, essentially making it a stargate. Unfortunately, we will probably never know if this was true or based on any sort of reality, or if it is all pure legend.

U.S. soldiers at the Nasiriyah ziggurat


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Mars Was Destroyed by Interplanetary Nuclear War in Battle Described in Bible

by Sean Martin           February 5, 2018              (

• Astrophysicist John Brandenburg brought forth evidence of a thermonuclear blast on Mars in his 2015 book, Death on Mars, which destroyed the Mars civilization there in the ancient past and rendered Mars a barren planet.

• This discovery supported widespread theories of an ancient war tens of thousands of years ago between the inhabitants of Mars and a much larger planet named Maldek. In the conflagration, Maldek was blown to bits and became the asteroid belt.

• Some believe that the inhabitants of Mars were human-like, while the inhabitants of Maldek were humanoid reptilians. Accounts found in the Bible might support this theory. Revelation 12:7 reads: “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels (Mars humans) fought against the dragon (Maldek reptilians); and the dragon and his angels fought.” Revelation 12:8-9, continues: “But he (Michael) was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.”

[Editor’s Note] See what George Kavassilas says about the destruction of Mars in this ExoNews video of February 12, 2018 beginning at 33:50


Huge devastation in Heaven was included in the Old Testament but now many believe there could be greater meaning.

Revelation 12:7 reads: “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought.”

This leads on to Revelation 12:8-9, which says: “But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.”

Christians and conspiracy theorists now believe that this was a “literal war” in the skies which took place on Mars and wiped out a civilisation on the Red Planet.

Dr John Brandenburg, a plasma physicist working as a consultant at Morningstar Applied Physics LLC, says in his book, Death on Mars, that nuclear isotopes found on the Red Planet “resemble those from hydrogen bombs on Earth” and a “Martian civilisation apparently perished due to a planet-wide catastrophe of unknown origin”.

According to conspiracy website Planet X News, this supposed war happened 75,000 years ago and was an interplanetary battle that happened between Mars and Maldek – a theorised planet once existing between Mars and Jupiter.

The war was between humanoids, which lived on Mars and reptilian creatures which occupied Maldek, the website claims.

While Maldek was completely destroyed, Mars was left uninhabitable and forced the residents of the Red Planet to move to Earth.



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Rudolf Steiner Describes the Hostile Spiritual Beings Who Feed Off of your Fear and Anxiety

by Dylan Charles           January 24, 2018            (

• Rudolf Steiner, 1861-1925 (pictured above), gifted scientist and philosopher, devoted much of his work to the task of peering behind the veil, sharing his insight into the deeper nature of life and of the world beyond. Steiner spoke of hostile beings in the spiritual world which influence and feed off of human emotion, which has been confirmed by modern day shamans and channelers who access the spiritual dimensions.

• “There are beings in the spiritual realms for whom anxiety and fear emanating from human beings offer welcome food. When humans have no anxiety and fear, then these creatures starve.” declared Steiner. “These beings are hostile towards humanity …and they become more and more powerful (from this negative human energy nutrition) …launching cruel attacks on human beings.”

• “Therefore,” says Steiner, “it is above all necessary… that the person who enters the spiritual world overcomes fear, feelings of helplessness, despair and anxiety. These are exactly the feelings that belong to contemporary culture and materialism because it estranges people from the spiritual world… to evoke hopelessness and fear of the unknown in people, thereby calling up the above mentioned hostile forces against them.”

• Negative self-talk, depression, crippling anxiety, or uncontrollable, irrational fear, is a sign of a disconnection from our true spiritual nature, exacerbated by beings who operate in the spiritual realms. This is why some consider disorders like this to be spiritual illnesses. Until the rift is healed, with proper attention given to the development of spirit, the feelings tend to exacerbate and drive one further into distress. Few pause to consider that in addition to the material influences in our lives, we may be also under the influence of beings which exist in dimensions outside of our ordinary perception.

• Of the matter that makes up the universe, 23% is made up of dark matter and 73% of it is made up of dark energy. The human eye is only capable of seeing around .0035% of the entire spectrum of electromagnetic (EM) radiation. In other words, 96% of our reality is invisible to us. Include in this the spiritual realms and there is an entire universe of possibilities which exists beyond our five senses.

[Editor’s Note] More recently, this negative human energy upon which latent negative entities feed has been termed “loosh” by esoteric researchers such as David Wilcock. Renowned channeler Karl Mollison reports that these negative beings include the Reptilians, the Arcturian Nordics, and the Greys, but it is likely that their higher density Anunnaki overlords and the higher dimensional Archons are the dark beings consuming the Earth’s negative energy loosh. The Reptilians, Arcutirans, and Grey are manipulating humanity to create the fear, anger, and misery to create the loosh. It is noted that the benevolent beings encountered by a group of Italians in the 1950’s in “The Friendship Case” informed their Italian associates that benevolent entities thrived on a love energy called “uredda” while negative entities thrived on a negative energy called “redda”.


Anxiety, depression, and fear ravage so many today, but few pause to consider that in addition to the material influences in our lives, we may be also under the influence of beings which exist in dimensions outside of our ordinary perception.

But there is much more to reality than what we can see, feel, hear, taste and touch. In fact, an accounting of the matter that makes up the universe reveals that some 73% of it is made up of dark energy, and another 23% is made up of dark matter, neither of which can we see, nor understand. Furthermore, the human eye is only capable of seeing around .0035% of the entire spectrum of electromagnetic (EM) radiation. When we look into the heavens, 96% of it is invisible to us. Include in this the spiritual realms and there is an entire universe of possibilities which exists beyond our five senses.

Very few scientists today are willing to explore metaphysics to examine life beyond ordinary perception in order to make a connection between the seen and the unseen.

Rudolf Steiner, though, one of the most prolific and gifted scientists, philosophers, and esotericists of his time, devoted much of his work to the task of peering behind the veil, sharing his insight into the deeper nature of life and of the world beyond.

Regarding anxiety and depression, Steiner spoke of hostile beings in the spiritual world which influence and feed off of human emotion; a concept flatly rejected by most today. Yet this analysis also holds true for shamans and others who access the spiritual dimensions in order to alleviate mental suffering for their patients.

Many are familiar with the notion of energy vampires, or people who suck your energy and feed off your negative emotions. On the existence of similar entities which exist in other dimensions, Steiner wrote:

“There are beings in the spiritual realms for whom anxiety and fear emanating from human beings offer welcome food. When humans have no anxiety and fear, then these creatures starve. People not yet sufficiently convinced of this statement could understand it to be meant comparatively only. But for those who are familiar with this phenomenon, it is a reality. If fear and anxiety radiates from people and they break out in panic, then these creatures find welcome nutrition and they become more and more powerful. These beings are hostile towards humanity.

Everything that feeds on negative feelings, on anxiety, fear and superstition, despair or doubt, are in reality hostile forces in supersensible worlds, launching cruel attacks on human beings, while they are being fed. Therefore, it is above all necessary to begin with that the person who enters the spiritual world overcomes fear, feelings of helplessness, despair and anxiety. But these are exactly the feelings that belong to contemporary culture and materialism; because it estranges people from the spiritual world, it is especially suited to evoke hopelessness and fear of the unknown in people, thereby calling up the above mentioned hostile forces against them.” ~Rudolf Steiner



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Humans Evolved on Another Planet and Were Brought to Earth by Aliens

by Sean Martin        February 3, 2018        (

• In his 2013 book Humans Are Not From Earth, Dr Ellis Silver claims that his analysis of the evolution of the human race has brought him to the conclusion that human beings evolved elsewhere in the universe and were brought to Earth by an alien civilization.

• Evidence of this includes our sensitivity to sunlight, our wide array of diseases and ailments, and chronic backaches due to our originating from a darker planet with less gravity.

• Dr Silver believes that it is most likely that that Earth is acting as a ‘prison planet’, which would explain our violent nature as a species.

[Editor’s Note] Or perhaps the Earth is a refuge for different human-type species fleeing planetary catastrophes, and were then genetically modified to acclimate to the Earth’s environment as hypothesized by David Wilcock and others. And alternatively, our propensity for violence may be due to negative ET beings employing widespread mind control over the planet to foment war, fear and strife, in order to create a dark energy “loosh” for their own nourishment. Just saying.


HUMAN beings evolved elsewhere in the universe and were brought to Earth by an alien civilisation to thrive, according to a new theory from a scientist who has been analysing the evolution of the human race.

Researcher and author Dr Ellis Silver has been looking at the human race and its physiology and comparing it to other species on the planet.

He concluded the human race was not born on this planet.

The scientist believes there are many differences between us and other species on Earth that point to the fact that we are actually from elsewhere in the universe.

In his book, aptly titled ‘Humans are not from Earth’, Dr Silver highlights the fact that as a species we are particularly sensitive to sunlight – something that other species seem to be immune to.

He said reptiles use the sun to regulate their temperature, but humans need to avoid spending long periods exposed to the sun as it can make us dizzy and cause heat stroke.

This, Dr Silver says, is evidence that humans are likely to have originated from somewhere where there was not as much sunlight.

Humans also suffer from a wider array of diseases and ailments than other animals, which Dr Silver says is another reason to believe we are from a less sunny planet where there is not as much UV radiation.

Dr Silver said: “We are all chronically ill. Indeed, if you can find a single person who is 100 percent fit and healthy and not suffering from some perhaps hidden or unstated condition or disorder I would be extremely surprised – I have not been able to find anyone.”

The researcher also points to the fact that humans regularly suffer from bad backs, which he says is due to the fact that we likely originally evolved on a planet with much lower gravity.



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DNA Tests Reveal Where ‘Elongated Heads Came From’

by Jon Austin          February 13, 2018              (

• In 1928, archaeologist Julio Tello discovered more than 300 odd skeletal remains in a complex grave system on the desert peninsula of Paracas, on the southern coast of Peru. The skulls were unusually elongated. These became known as the “Paracas skulls”.

• The Paracas History Museum, in conjunction with the Peruvian Government, recently conducted DNA tests on these Paracas skulls. They scientists have now concluded that these skeletons are from another human sub-species that first emerged from the area of the Caucasus Mountains between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, where other similar skulls have been found, 3,000 years ago. The museum’s director, Brian Foerster, has accepted that they are human in origin, and they somehow migrated to Peru.(see 6:05 minute YouTube video below)

• Foerster goes on to say that the Paracas skulls are “… structurally different and only have one parietal plate as opposed to the two normally found in human skulls. …You could say, in some ways… they were a mix or… hybrid of different people.” But it is certain that the skulls’ elongation is due to genetics and not by intentional cranial deformation by intentional binding, because the cranial volume of the Homo-Sapiens-Sapiens-Paracas is 25 per cent larger and 60 per cent heavier than that of a conventional human skull.

[Editor’s Note] It sounds like these mainstream scientists concluded that this had to be a new human sub-species indigenous to the Earth according to the generally accepted scientific principle that there’s no such thing as extraterrestrials. Nothing in the given evidence contradicts the theory that they could be remnants of an Anunnaki species that was stranded on the Earth after the pole shift in 12,000 BC that shifted Atlantis to the South Pole to become Antarctica. This makes more sense than a wildly deformed human sub-species that migrated 15,000 miles from the Caucuses eastward to Peru at the beginning of the Iron Age.


Researcher Brian Foerster initially thought the discovery would not fit into the “known evolutionary tree”.

The Paracas skulls were discovered on the desert peninsula of Paracas, on the southern coast of Peru, by native archaeologist Julio Tello in 1928.

In 2015, discussing earlier DNA tests on the remains, he said: “The mitochondrial DNA (from the mother) presented mutations unknown to any man, primate or any other animal and the mutations suggested we are dealing with a completely new human-like being, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals or Denisovans.

“I am not sure it will even fit into the known evolutionary tree.”

Research by skeptics later uncovered that those involved had a history of involvement and belief in research into paranormal subjects such as the Yeti and so-called alien hybrids, an alleged cross breed between humans and aliens.

Skeptics argue the skulls are just another example of intentional cranial deformation, as seen among many ancient South American tribes.

Now Mr Foerster, who is director of the Paracas History Museum, has released details of DNA tests he said were carried out in conjunction with the Peruvian Government and he appears to now accept they were probably human in origin.

In two video updates about the DNA, Mr Foerster made no mention of extraterrestrials.
He described how the Paracas skulls appeared to share DNA links with other elongated skulls found between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.

Mr Foerster believes the elongation is not just caused by artificial cranial deformation, but rather by genetics with some of the elongated skulls cranial volume being up to 25 per cent larger and 60 per cent heavier than conventional human skulls.

He says this means that they could not have been intentionally deformed through head binding or flattening, as cranial deformation can change the shape but does not alter the volume or weight of a skull.
Speaking at the Elongated Skulls Symposium in Los Angeles, Mr Foerster said: “What it does show for sure is that the Paracas elongated skull people were not 100 per cent Native American.

“They were a mix or even you could say, in some ways, a hybrid of different people.

“Their blood types are very complicated as well, they should be blood type O if they’re 100 percent Native American and that’s not the case.

“We are likely looking at a sub-species of humanity as regards to the Paracas. It seems to be a lot of DNA evidence from extreme eastern Europe and extreme western Asia.

“More specifically I’m talking about the area in between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea where ancient elongated skull people lived I think about 3,000 years ago.

“So I think we are looking at a migration pattern starting in the Caspian Black Sea area and then entering through the Persian Gulf and then moving eastwards eventually winding up on the coast of Peru.”

He added: “It appears that the largest elongated skulls on the planet have been found, A in Paracas, Peru and B in the Caucasus area in between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.

“So my theory is that there was a sub-species of human which we are going to be eventually calling Homo-Sapiens-Sapiens-Paracas, and they were living in the area in between the Caspian and Black Sea.
“They were invaded by somebody and so they were forced to flee.”

Archaelogist Mr Tello found more than 300 of the odd skeletal remains in a complex grave system in 1928.

Scientists say it was the most extreme example of skull elongation, a deformation practice carried out by several ancient cultures by binding infants heads through pieces of wood, ever found.

Many conspiracy theorists remain convinced they must have been the skulls of visiting aliens.



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Nuclear WW3 Between US and Russia Prevented by Aliens

by Jon Austin        February 1, 2018         (

• Steve Bassett, UFO disclosure lobbyist and founder of the Paradigm Research Group, was recently interviewed on a Russian TV program watched by 120 million viewers. (see 0:00 video below) Basset said that global governments are engaging with extraterrestrials on Earth and keeping it top secret from the public. He believes there is more chance of Russian President Vladimir Putin speaking out about the existence of extraterrestrials than Donald Trump.

• Bassett says that the main reason that alien-controlled UFO’s are here is to prevent us from initiating a major nuclear holocaust. He related that UFOs have been seen hovering over missile silos in both the US and Russia as launch computers were inexplicably shut down. The Russians say that in one instance, the launch sequences began to start up by themselves, then shut down.

• A new theory suggests that in the December 1980 ‘Rendlesham Forest Incident’ (Suffolk, UK), UFOs visited RAF Bentwaters because nuclear weapons were being stored at the US Air Force base.


Steve Bassett, founder of the Paradigm Research Group (PRG), is one of the most senior UFO campaigners based in the US, and is the only registered lobbyist in the US on the “aliendisclosure” subject.

Mr Bassett claims global governments are engaging with extraterrestrials on Earth and keeping it top secret from the public.

He believes there is more chance of Russian President Vladimir Putin speaking out than Donald Trump.
Mr Bassett spoke to Natalia Pryguina for Russian TV programme Most Shocking Hypotheses on Ren TV, one of the most watched networks in Russia with a viewer base of 120 million.

He has now released segments of the interview on the PRG website.

Mr Bassett said there was a wealth of testimony from witnesses about UFOs seen hovering over nuclear facilities in both the US and Russia.

And he revealed his thoughts on the main reasons “aliens are here.”

He said: “Number one, nuclear weapons tampering. There is evidence all the way back to the sixties, but the media would not deal with it.

“The ETs come down and hover a craft over a nuclear site and turn all the missiles off.

“That was impossible. These are all individually siloed, they have individual support, you would literally have to affect each one separately.

Steve Bassett

“When a SAT-based officer or personnel try to turn them back on, they run through three sequences and as soon as they turn them back on, they are turned off again and they cant turn them back on until the craft leaves.

“This has been happening in the US, we have got scores of witnesses capable of testifying, SAT-based officers with top-security clearance.”

He then detailed a more disturbing event said to have happened in Russia.

Mr Bassett said: “There was one event where there is some evidence, I am not saying it has been proved and that is an event of a different kind. We believe it happened in Russia.

“It was not a case of turning the missiles off, what happened, is, I understand the Russian nuclear facility, usually a series of missiles within a site, all of a sudden the launch sequence began within that facility and it shouldn’t have happened.

“The people that worked there didn’t initiate that.”



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The Narratives and Attitudes that Define Us

 The narrative in the UFO community is that the Government hides UFO information. It reflects a real situation but the way it is reinforced is also quite dogmatic and part of a much preferred “us vs them” tendency present in most human interactions especially when there is a communicative distance between individuals in different groups. This is why, when elements of the Government (for whatever reason) allow a way to release formerly classified UFO information to the public it doesn’t spread like wildfire inside the UFO community. It contradicts the narrative that defines us.
Then again, the perception in the general population is that UFOs are not terribly important but, instead, mostly a matter of curiosity or entertainment. Psychology and social narratives play strong cards in all this. It is quite irrational as, in order to avoid cognitive dissonance, we select under the phenomenon of confirmation bias what we admit as legitimate into our ego awareness.
That situation may express as an apathy which involves a lack of political will permitting an easy cover-up and for those obliged (for national security purposes) to get involved naturally do it in a secretive way. They (and usually the mass media) assume the role of “social superego units” ( a Freudian extrapolation) protecting the need to disbelief which a large chunk of the population feels about taking the issue of an actual extraterrestrial presence seriously.
But the apathy that often accompanies the internal uneasiness can change as narratives change and, thus, a more intelligent public recognition can also happen. However, subconsciously, most people need validation from authorities and from a majority of peers telling them that it is OK to accept a truly different perspective. And – indeed – the times-are-a-changing as pro-disclosure information sources coalesce. 
In fact, we are in a historical moment right now. All of humanity is into the disclosure in some way or another. Not just the ETs, secret Government, concerned citizens, including experiencers.  All of us together – if we relate – form a dynamic unit in an inner space of meaningfulness and consciousness, even the uninformed and the apathetic. Thus, it cannot be a productive “us vs them” relationship.
It is – at the very least – a three-in-one relationship. An old relationship. Inseparable in terms of the collective consciousness on this planet: The Government (secret or not), the citizens and the intelligences we often call “extraterrestrials” altogether equal an integrated or a dysfunctional interactive awareness.  Even if its has often been an “us vs them”relationship disclosure and open communication with the cosmos requires a more integrated relationship. And, as I see it, the incipient, but sufficiently formal and unequivocal revelations through To the Stars Academy change the equation, facilitating further integration of the 3 factors.
The challenge of Exopolitics (whether Earth-centered around human responses to the extraterrestrial presence or focused on cosmic legal, political relationships affecting Earth and humanity) as per making sense of the ET presence and relating well with it is inseparable from the challenge of our narratives and attitudes.
In the inner space of meaning, the feeling of connectedness or of disconnection affecting the integration of the 3 factors (Government, Citizens, Extraterrestrials) is crucial and this is why treating the ET presence only under an analytical process is insufficient. At least some of them (or perhaps most) getting through to interact with humanity must be understood as friends we can relate with. They must become part of our “we.” And this is why we must not try to control it all but also allow the voices of experiencers having harmonious, mutually respectful experiences to be heard. 

The Secret Space Program, Bariloche and The Vatican

The world gets more curious everyday.  Besides the fact that Syria might become in 2018 what Spain was in 1936, a testing ground for various political forces that preceded World War II, we have fascinating pronouncements from the Vatican as well as the unusual travel of folks like Rex Tillerson and Jeff Bezos.
According to Michael Salla and Joseph P. Farrell, both Secretary of State Tillerson and multi-billionaire, space entrepreneur Bezos, who owns the (CIA linked) Washington Post, traveled to the Patagonia region of South America that may have been the lair of Adolf Hitler  after WWII.
That unique venue has been the host to many top political figures over the years including Presidents Eisenhower, Carter, Obama and Clinton.  It is linked to both the Nazi secret bases in Antarctica as well as the destination of many top Third Reich Germans after WWII.
The nearly simultaneous arrival of both Tillerson and Bezos perked the interest of top Secret Space Program journalists Salla and Farrell who speculate that the events may be related to the unusual activities in the Patagonia and Antarctic regions. 
Political analyst Ben Fulford suggested that military and space technology secrets from the German’s Antarctica program may be released in the near future as the real reason for the visit by the two men last week.
The entire matter remains wrapped in secrecy which adds to the mystique of the subject of UFOs that has long been associated with alleged German bases in Antarctica as part of what Jim Marrs called the Fourth Reich. 
Adding pieces to the puzzle and further stimulating the imagination of those fascinated with the topic is the statement by a top Vatican official that an “alien god created humans” through genetic manipulation.  Putting that in the context of Pope Francis stating he would baptize aliens if they came to the Vatican makes it hard to dismiss as being a random comment by a rogue bishop: 

Pope Francis has also shown some zeal in embracing Communist China as the model for achieving the social doctrine of the Church.  (Maybe the Red Chinese are really aliens who are preparing to be baptized into the Church.)  

What we do know according to Salla and Farrell is that the Chinese are working with the Argentine government on space projects in Patagonia where Bariloche is located.
These are interesting times of dramatic change.  It is difficult to be clear on much of what is actually transpiring in public life today because of all the fake news and propaganda designed to serve the special interests of governments, multinational corporations and large religious institutions.
We will just have to wait to see how this all works out and where the truth lies as we attempt to digest the various activities and words of our leaders.

Rich Scheck,

Thousand Oaks, CA
February 14, 2018

Dan Aykroyd, UFOs, and the Men in Black

by Brent Swancer                 January 31, 2018                    (

• Ever since the writer, actor, and Saturday Night Live alumnus, Dan Aykroyd, saw the video broadcast of a formation of UFOs flying over the US Capitol building as a child in 1952, he’s had an intense interest in the UFO phenomenon.

• In the mid-1980’s Aykroyd was one of many in the upstate New York area who were telepathically told to go outside and see a pink spiral in the sky. Aykroyd thereafter served as the Hollywood representative of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), and in 2005 made a UFO documentary entitled Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs.

• In April 2010, on Larry King Live Aykroyd said, “(ETs) have come from a billion years in the future or the next dimension or wherever they are coming from… they have abducted people.”

• In 2015, Aykroyd said on The HuffPost Show, “I have seen four (UFOs), and I can’t say that they are alien craft and neither can the Air Force. The Air Force… don’t deny the existence of these hyperdynamic, super aerodynamic craft. They want to tell you anything but that they are extraterrestrial. Any excuse at all.”

• Aykroyd has told of seeing a pale man in a black suit outside of a New York studio who gave him a “dirty look” before getting in a black car and driving away. Immediately after this ‘Men In Black’ encounter, Aykroyd’s SciFi Channel show, Out There, was cancelled just as they were shooting a segment with UFO disclosure advocate, Dr. Steven Greer.

• In a Facebook posting, Aykroyd says that some ETs are here for good purposes and some are here for malevolent purposes. “(ETs) are visiting because this is the planet that produced… so many advances in science, art and culture… they don’t paint like Renoir, they don’t dance like Mick Jagger, they don’t write like Samuel Johnson or William Faulkner. We have the most beautiful planet. They are envious of us.”


There are many facets of the UFO phenomenon, and many types of witnesses who have come forward with their own extraordinary tales. These often get lost in the deluge of such reports and indeed rantings, but sometimes there is a well-know and beloved celebrity who will come forward with their own accounts, theories, and experiences. These particular witnesses and spokespeople have a way of making people listen, somewhat reinvigorating the UFO debate in the process, and certainly one of the most vocal and well-known of these is none other than the popular Canadian-American actor, comedian, producer, screenwriter, musician and businessman Dan Ackroyd. Getting his start on the hit sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live and going on to star in such beloved classics as Ghostbusters, Aykroyd is a well-known name to many people. He also just happens to be a major proponent and researcher of UFOs with some truly bizarre tales to tell.

Dan Aykroyd has never been shy about his intense interest in UFOs, and this seems to be a fascination that reaches all the way back into his childhood. The actor was fist enamored with the phenomenon when he saw a photo of mysterious lights over Capitol Hill from all the way back in 1952, an incident in which fighter planes had apparently been scrambled to chase the fast-moving objects off. This interest was only strengthened when he saw the classic sci-fi film The Day the Earth Stood Still, which he saw as a perfectly plausible scenario. Aykroyd would have the first of his own many close encounters with UFOs in the mid-1980s in upstate New York, when he claims that he woke up in the middle of the night in a panic and told his wife, “They are calling me, I want to go outside.”

He claimed that he had had the irresistible compulsion to go outside, which he credits to voices in his head compelling him to do so. When he did go outside as instructed by the voices in his head he reported that he had seen a pink spiral over the Great Lakes area, and it would turn out that others had had the same urge to go outside at the same time and had seen the same thing.

Aykroyd would go on to become a fairly hard-core proponent of UFOs, and he would eventually make a documentary on his interests, called Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs, in 2005, and he even served for several years as the official Hollywood representative of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), and he has accrued a vast knowledge of UFO research and lore over the years that would put most UFOlogists to shame. In April of 2010, Aykroyd appeared on the well-known TV show Larry King Live, where the topic was UFOs and Aykroyd appeared as a pro-UFO representative in the debate, among a panel of scientists who had been brought together to discuss the physicist Stephen Hawking’s assertion that any aliens coming from the stars would be certainly malevolent. Aykroyd shared some famous cases of UFO abductions, such as those of Travis Walton and Betty and Barney Hill, and on the show he stated: They are here, science should accept that they are here and look how they have come from a billion years in the future or the next dimension or wherever they are coming from. They have abducted people.
Aykroyd has appeared on other shows about his UFO beliefs, such as a 2015 episode of The HuffPost Show with host Marc Lamont Hill, where the topic turned to the strange and he talked candidly about the U.S. Air Force’s UFO alleged cover-up and some details about his own personal UFO sightings. When asked if he truly believed in UFOs, Aykroyd answered: “I do, absolutely, and I’m not alone. I have seen four, and I can’t say that they are alien craft and neither can the Air Force. The Air Force has been very interested in this. They don’t deny the existence of these hyperdynamic, super aerodynamic craft. They don’t deny. Their anguish comes in that they can’t tell you. They want to tell you anything but that they are extraterrestrial. Any excuse at all, even if they are unknown or unsolved. The Air Force cannot just come out and admit that there are extraterrestrial beings far in advanced of our culture that have built these machines. They are very interested in what is going on, but like us, they don’t know. I believe that there are probably many species coming and going and that the Air Force is very interested, but they can’t come out and say. Because then you’re going to go, ‘well wait a minute, the parish priest, the cop on the street, the President — you don’t got the power. They’ve got the power!’ You’d have complete breakdown of society.”

On the show, Aykroyd went on to give some further details into his own strange UFO sightings, saying:
Two specifically were definitely aerial constructs of some kind. One of them with a light, and one of them dull gray, and they were structures – one of them going very slow, one of them hovering over me. Then there were the two that my wife and friends and I saw – a high altitude sighting many years ago in Martha’s Vineyard. Two flying side by side. They were at about 100,000 feet up, and they were going fast.

                            Dan Aykroyd

Aykroyd has also gone on and on about UFOs on his Facebook page, often referencing research and books and talking about his conspiratorial ideas about government cover-ups. He actively plugged the 2014 book The FBI-CIA-UFO Connection: The Hidden UFO Activities of USA Intelligence Agencies on his page, which goes over the vast research done on declassified documents by a physicist named Dr. Bruce Maccabee, who spent thirty-six years at the Naval Surface Warfare Center. Aykroyd would say in a Facebook post of the book thus: “Ex-Naval Surface Warfare employee and physicist Dr. Bruce Maccabee has assembled the most extensively and meticulously researched body of documentary evidence ever compiled on the U.S. government’s genuine interest in the UFO phenomena. The USAF has NEVER denied the existence of these super-performance aerodynamic vehicles. The Air Force’s continued anguish over PUBLIC disclosure is not due to the military’s genuinely admitted reality of these machines’ existence but due to the government’s struggle to categorize the phenomena as being ANYTHING but extra planetary in origin.”

Aykroyd also continuously praises and supports the organization called Mutual UFO Network (Mufon), for which he served as a consultant for a few years, and of who which he has said: “Basically, [Mufon are] scientists from all kinds of disciplines that have formed this group to analyze what is real and what is a hoax. Now you could say every one of them is a fake – that footage of 200 whirling white dots in the sky, or the Phoenix Lights [a series of lights seen over Phoenix, Arizona, in 1997] – which 17,000 people saw – the Tinley Park sightings in Illinois, where whole suburbs saw these triangles and wedges go over at three miles an hour. Is it a mass hallucination? If so, why is it appearing on digital cameras and film? They’re coming and going like taxis.”



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The Unsolved Death of a Conspiracy Theorist

by Tatiana Calzado                    January 30, 2018                   (

• In this article, the writer recounts the mystery surrounding the death of British UFO researcher and conspiracy theorist, Max Spiers (1976-2016).

• Spiers’ recent investigations had involved government and military cover ups and how it ties in with the ET presence and UFOs. In July 2016, Spiers was in Warsaw, Poland to speak at a conference where he would speak on the use of black magic in politics (e.g. pizzagate), extraterrestrials and mind control.

• Some years back, Spiers fractured his pelvis. He became addicted to opiate pain killers, and then to heroin. In an interview that he gave just before his death, he appears inexplicably high. Spiers was later found unconcious in his friend’s Warsaw apartment. He had reportedly vomited copious amounts black ooze. A British autopsy determined that he died of natural causes.

• Spier’s mother, Vanessa Bates, suspects foul play. She says that several days before her son’s death, Spiers told her “[I’m] in trouble. If anything happens to me, investigate.” When the British authorities gave her Spiers’ belongings, she noted that his laptop had been wiped clean of it contents, including Spiers’ research.


“Your boy’s in trouble. If anything happens to me, investigate.”

This was a text British conspiracy theorist Max Spiers sent to his mother just a few days before his death.

Spiers had many investigations regarding government/military cover ups, extraterrestrial life/UFOs, etc. Spiers was passionate about his research and believed in many conspiracy theories; he wanted to share his research with the world. On July 16, 2016 in Warsaw, Poland, Spiers was found dead on the sofa in a friend’s apartment.

Spiers was in Poland because he was scheduled to speak at a conference. Colleagues and friends of Spiers believed he was going to expose most of the information he knew regarding black magic involved in politics, his experience with extraterrestrial life, and how he believed he was being mind controlled.

The idea of being abducted and examined by extraterrestrials was something Spiers believed he had experienced. He also believed he had supernatural powers since birth.

Throughout the years, Spiers had some drug issues. He was in an accident while he was living in the U.S and cracked his pelvis. He was given a prescription of opiate pain relief and later developed an opioid use disorder. When Spiers was no longer able to receive opiates, he used heroin. According to his actions during an interview, where Spiers appeared to be drugged, it seems he may have relapsed, but I have a theory about this I will get to later.

When Spiers died on his friend’s sofa, his friend had called for an ambulance. But when the paramedics arrived, they were unable to revive him. The Polish authorities then handed Spiers’ body over the the British authorities. The Polish police never conducted an autopsy; the British authorities, on the other hand, did. Mysteriously, they ruled that Spiers died of natural causes. Does vomiting amounts of black liquid seem natural? Not at all.

The case was said to be closed, but Spiers’ mother, Vanessa Bates, would not let the case die.

Bates believed her son did not die of natural causes. Bates would investigate, as her son told her to in that text a few days before his death.

When Bates was made aware of Spiers’ death and was given her son’s belongings, including his laptop, she discovered the laptop had been wiped clean. None of Spiers’ research was found on the computer, nothing was left to indicate that this laptop belonged to Spiers’ at all.

Bates believes her son was killed on purpose. It is not known by who exactly, but she believes someone or some group of people, wanted Spiers’ research to remain a secret.



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Bill Clinton Tried to Discover Truth About UFOs and JFK Murder

by Jon Austin                January 30, 2018                  (

• When Bill Clinton became President in 1992, he appointed his friend, Webster Hubbell, Associate Attorney General and tasked him with finding out what there was to know about the JFK assassination and the UFO phenomenon.

• In Hubbell’s 1997 memoir, Friends in High Places, he relates that CIA chief James Woolsey provided Hubbell with information that the CIA had run two projects to study whether UFO were a threat to national security. The official determination was that UFOs did not pose a threat to national security, and that’s where it ended. Hubbell was allowed no information at all on the JFK assassination.

• Hubble concluded that there are “unacknowledged special access projects” within the US government that officials will not reveal, and that a “secret government wing” holds classified information that even the President is not privy to.

[Editor’s note]  This is the notorious “Deep State” that is keeping secrets.


President Bill Clinton tried to discover the truth about the assassination of JFK and UFOs while he was in office. Mr Clinton asked Webster Hubbell, his associate attorney general, to find out all he could about two of the world’s biggest conspiracy theories – that more people than Lee Harvey Oswald were involving in killing his predecessor John F Kennedy, and the US Government has covered up for years the fact that aliens have visited Earth.

According to his memoir Friends in High Places, Mr Hubbell hit a brick wall at every turn.
He was unable to find out anything more about the death of JFK.

Thousands of files made public by the CIA about the death late last year were not handed over.
And, while he was able to get the disclosure of some files on US interest in UFOs, there was no smoking gun evidence that aliens conspiracy theorists are seeking.

Mr Hubble concluded that a “secret government wing” holds all such data, that even the President is not privy to.

Mr Hubbell wrote that the two tasks given to him by Mr Clinton were to resolve the mysteries surrounding the murder of JFK and to get to the bottom of the understanding of the government on UFO sightings.

His conclusion of a secret government wing appears to tally with the claims of conspiracy theorists, like the Paradigm Research Group (PRG), which campaigns for alien disclosure that there are “unacknowledged special access projects” within the US government, that are not only top secret but not even admitted to.

However, Mr Hubbell was given some information on UFOs from the then CIA chief James Woolsey. Mr Woolsey revealed the agency had run two projects named ‘Project SIGN’ and ‘Project SAUCER’ to access whether if UFO sightings were a threat to national security.
The inquiries concluded there was no such threat.


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QAnon Corroborates Hawaii Missile Attack & Hunt for Rogue CIA Submarine

On February 11, the anonymous whistleblower “QAnon” posted information that corroborates claims that a false flag ballistic missile attack was launched against Hawaii on January 13, and that a submarine linked to the CIA is currently being hunted by the U.S. and other regional military forces.

QAnon has quickly grown in popularity since first appearing in late October, 2017 discussing the “coming storm” of revelations, document dumps, trials, events, etc., linked to Trump White House pledges to “Drain the Swamp”.

Today QAnon has an estimated audience of millions who closely follow his/her posts. Major media sources such as Newsweek have published highly critical stories in an attempt to dismiss QAnon as just the latest incarnation of unsubstantiated right wing conspiracy theories.

QAnon’s cryptic style of communication involves questions, links, photos, acronyms and codes, which are used as breadcrumbs for the reader to learn about highly classified efforts underway by White Hats in the government/military opposed to Deep State corruption and human rights abuses in the U.S. and around the world.

The most telling official document that substantiates QAnon’s claims to date is an extraordinary Executive Order passed by President Trump on December 21, 2017 declaring a national emergency and freezing the financial assets of anyone involved in human rights abuses and corruption anywhere around the world.

The mainstream media has strangely ignored Trump’s “Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Abuse or Corruption”, and its deep significance, especially given what QAnon has previously stated. If Trump’s Executive Order was indeed targeting the Deep State, it’s not surprising that it would provoke a strong reaction by powerful groups suddenly cut off from their financial assets.

That’s where the ballistic missile alert on the morning of January 13 in Hawaii becomes relevant. As discussed in three previous articles (see here, here and here), there have been a number of whistleblowers, witnesses and analysts who have all said the missile alert was genuine, and not a false alarm at all, as public officials contend.

QAnon followed the Hawaii missile alert the next day warning about an upcoming week of false flag attacks by the Deep State. This implied that the Hawaii incident was part of a series of false flag attacks, and not a false alarm.


Since January 14, however, QAnon has not said much to cast light on the Hawaii ballistic missile alert. That is until February 11 when QAnon provided a long post referring to a recent false flag missile attack intended to start a war. The relevant post appears below and the section of comments relevant to the Hawaii missile alert is highlighted in red.


It is worth examining QAnon’s questions in light of what has been previously learned about the Hawaii missile alert and Trump’s December 21 Executive Order. QAnon wrote:  

Ask yourself, who is trying to start a war?

The most obvious answer is those targeted by Trump’s Executive Order. Individuals and groups responsible for human rights abuses and corruption in the U.S. and globally, have the most to lose if their financial assets are frozen.

QAnon then wrote:

Ask yourself, if a missile was launched by rogue actors, what would be the purpose?

The purpose would be to create a false flag attack where blame would be pinned on a credible state actor capable of launching a ballistic missile that could hit Hawaii: North Korea. The “rogue actors” really responsible for the attack, would thereby have created a scenario where the U.S. military would have been forced to respond.

QAnon next pointedly asks:

Ask yourself, what would/should immediately start a WAR?

We know from World War II history that the December 7, 1941, surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, home of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, was the catalyst for America entering the war. The next day, the U.S. Congress overwhelmingly voted to declare war on the Empire of Japan.

QAnon is here telling us that a successful nuclear missile attack on Pearl Harbor would have triggered a similar War Declaration by the U.S. Congress against the alleged perpetrator. North Korea.

Were the “rogue actors” behind the attack, also hoping that an unsuccessful nuclear missile attack, in the event the missile was shot down, would also trigger war?

This possibility arises from what an anonymous Hickham Air Force Base fusion analyst says he overheard after the missile was shot down. In a post to a website protecting the anonymity of posters, s/he said:

Most significant here is what the analyst says he overheard a Federal Investigator and a Hawaii state official say about Trump’s refusal to order a retaliation, that this “demonstrated weakness in the Trump admin and a refusal to protect the people”.

QAnon’s next question is very important for identifying who was behind the missile Hawaii attack:

Ask yourself “would the PUBLIC understand the following statement: Rogue actors (Clowns/US former heads of State) initiated a missile launch in order to ‘force’ the US into a WAR/conflict against X?”

QAnon has previously referred to the CIA as “Clowns in Action”, and has described former Presidents Bush (Snr), Clinton and Obama as Deep State/CIA assets. In short, “Clowns” is QAnon’s codeword for the CIA.

In a previous article, I provided documentary evidence supporting insider claims that the CIA’s clandestine services division created a shadowy navy with its own aircraft, ballistic missile carrying submarines, and even an aircraft carrier battle group that all together comprises a “Dark Fleet”.

This is where QAnon’s cryptic references in other February 11 posts to “Red October” become pertinent. 


In response to a question seeking clarification on what he means by “Red October”, QAnon wrote:


QAnon is quite clear that s/he is referring to the famed 1990 movie, “The Hunt for Red October”. The plot of the movie described how the major powers were all hunting for a rogue Soviet submarine equipped with ballistic nuclear weapons whose captain and officers wished to defect with their new stealth technology.

QAnon’s repeated references to Red October is telling us that a similar scenario is currently occurring with the U.S. and other major world powers all seeking a rogue CIA submarine equipped with ballistic nuclear missiles and advanced stealth technology. Rather than the captain and crew wishing to defect however, the CIA submarine may be seeking a new opportunity to launch a false flag attack designed to precipitate a major regional war.

While QAnon remains controversial in the major media, multiple sources have claimed s/he is the real deal and deserves serious consideration. Many alternative media sites closely follow QAnon’s information including Dr. Jerome Corsi who has become the resident expert on QAnon.

QAnon’s references to a recent missile attack by rogue actors wishing to start a major war needs to be considered with what we know about the January 13 Hawaii missile alert.

QAnon is telling us that it was not a false alarm, and that it was a genuine attempt to start a major war by pinning the blame for a contrived nuclear attack, successful or not, on North Korea. The CIA linked submarine involved is apparently still at large, and capable of attempting further false flag attacks using ballistic nuclear missiles.  

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Newfound Artifacts May Prove Aliens Visited Mexico 5,000 Years Ago

by Matthew Loffhagen               January 29, 2018              (

• A YouTube video by ‘UFOmania – the truth is out there’ (see 2:33 video below), shows a series of 5000-year-old artifacts that look a lot like extraterrestrial beings and spacecraft.

• The artifacts have been in the possession of the local Mexican farmers who presumably found them. There are “tons more where they came from” say the farmers. They apparently brought in veteran relic researcher, Klaus Dona.

• It remains uncertain whether these are the genuine article, or whether the artifacts truly depict aliens and spaceships. They could be just run-of-the mill humans with big eyes and over-sized heads, showing off their fancy dinnerware.


Mexico is experiencing a surge of alien activity, recent reports suggest.

Earlier this month, witnesses reported a mysterious craft flying over parts of the Central American country, providing us with our first noteworthy UFO sighting of the year.

Then, archeologists discovered what they believe to be a loose map of the universe in a crater in Mexico, based on the knowledge that the natives had at the time, and depicting spheres as floating in an inky black sky.

Now, many dedicated alien truthers are getting excited about much older accounts of alien encounters as recorded through the medium of ancient Mexican art and sculpture.

A YouTube video from UFOmania – The truth is out there shows off a series of intriguing ancient artifacts, purported to be 5,000-year-old relics in the possession of Mexican farmers, which seem to depict humanoid beings that look very similar to our typical interpretation of aliens in the modern era.

A text-to-speech voice that starts the video explains a little of the backstory behind these artifacts, but as is always the case with these kinds of conspiracy theories, concrete details are sketchy at best. The pictures have no sources nor explanations, and the video merely implies a tangential connection to artifacts that have been studied by researcher Klaus Dona, a recurring player in the UFO truther community.



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