Author: Rich Scheck

Ufologists Need To Be Cautious In Predicting (Full) Disclosure

In the Introduction to his excellent book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances (2015). Dr. Michael Salla qualified the demand by famed Astronomer Carl Sagan that “extraordinary claims
require extraordinary evidence” with a corollary to that doctrine as it applies to Secret Space Program whistleblowers.

Salla stated that “a more appropriate research dictum” to use in their cases is that “extraordinary claims require extraordinary investigation” when dealing with those alleging “eyewitness” status to SSP activities.

He noted the extreme difficulty of such individuals producing physical evidence of their observations, especially considering the dangers to them stemming from the national security implications of their experiences.

I see great merit in his position and would add a further modification when it comes to those making predictions of imminent (Full) Disclosure.

Ufologist Richard Dolan is famous for a cautious, meticulous approach to all things extraterrestrial. I would, therefore, label my recommendation the Dolan Corollary to the Sagan/Salla Thesis and require Disclosure proponents demonstrate “extraordinary caution” in their remarks.

Back in early May, PRG Ex Dir Steve Bassett announced that “Full Disclosure is imminent”, something he has done in the past as I pointed out here.

More recently, Robert David Steele stated that:  David Wilcock is certain that President Donald Trump — who is fully familiar with both free energy and stellar civilization — wants to do disclosure in September.

Perhaps……but I strongly doubt that will happen.  Wilcock has been predicting Disclosure for years now.. Both he and Steele are brilliant and hard-working…….but often wrong in their predictions.  I appreciate
their enthusiasm and confidence but wishful thinking is no substitute for accurate forecasting.

I urge greater caution in such matters as a way of insulating Ufology from attacks that it is the delusional rantings by the tin-foil hat crowd and conspiracy theorists.

I am often guilty of making predictions because of my urgent desire to share with others what I believe is  about to happen. But I style such writings “speculative musings” a way of diffusing their impact and lessening
their ability to mislead readers into accepting them as totally accurate.

Ufology is a serious matter that has played a significant role in human history but which is often distorted or  shrouded in secrecy by those with hidden agendas bent on maintaining their power.

Adoption of the Dolan Corollary while maintaining respect for Sagan’s mandate and Salla’s valuable insight may well accelerate the potential for (Full) Disclosure.  By creating an atmosphere where leaders feel a higher comfort level with the risks associated with transparency, the UFO community may achieve an end to the Truth Embargo in the near future as its most ardent advocates desire.

Rich Scheck
Ferndale, WA
September 10, 2019

Branson Evangelicals To Evaluate ETs, Hyperdimensional Physics and So Much More

In anticipation of the upcoming annual Branson gathering sponsored by devout Christians who discuss matters relating to ETs, Dave Hodges has published several articles about his knowledge of UFOs.

The latest addition of his multi-part series regarding “Revelations From The Underworld” refers in detail to the controversial work of Richard C. Hoagland, specifically as it relates to his Face On Mars Theory and discussion of hyperdimensional physics.

Hodges is an avowed Christian who has much to say about the New World Order, political corruption and other serious topics related to contemporary events that he covers daily on his Common Sense Show website that is accessible at

His contribution to Ufology, the topic of ETs, and related issues will be on display along with the work of others with similar beliefs such as Steve Quayle and LA Marzulli in Branson the weekend of September 13-14.

This year, The True Legends Conference intends to answer “The Alien Question!”  Whether they will be able to do so to the satisfaction of the entire UFO community remains to be seen.  It is likely to be a fascinating discussion for all who travel to Missouri to see if the participants are able to integrate advanced scientific theories such as those of Hoagl and with their deeply held religious leanings.

The presence of Richard Dolan with his grounded, evidence based approach to the topic might have provided an interesting bridge between those reluctant to embrace certain aspects of Christian theology and those espousing theories about wormholes, stargates, EBEs and related matters…….but Dolan has apparently bowed out.

When one contemplates that it was Mueller’s uber prosecutor Andrew Weissmann who went after Enron while they were attempting to implement a “free energy community” in Colorado based on Tesla’s physics, the relevance of more mundane events like Russia Gate to aspects of the Secret Space Program become evermore intriguing:

One thing seems to be certain: more and more people across a broad continuum of differing perspectives, have come to believe in the reality of ETs. For those curious about what these folks have to say, a trip to Branson, MO may be a good way to spend some time only a few days from now.   

Rich Scheck, Burlington, WA, September 4, 2019

Did Epstein’s Plane Recently Fly To An Elite Secret Base In Antarctica?

Here in beautiful British Columbia, it is difficult to fathom the extent of the filth surrounding our current political situation, especially in the US with the Epstein scandal following close on the heals of Russiagate with which it is closely related.Of course, Canada is not free from its own problems with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau under fire for his role in the SNC-Lavalin probe.

Problems abound globally whether in Kashmir, Venezuela, Ukraine or Hong Kong.  The potential silver lining in this mess is for a resetting of the financial architecture to reconstruct post WWII Bretton Woods arrangements that more accurately reflect current realities.

Now comes another incredible slice of the Epstein saga that upgrades the conversation from the tawdry world of spying, sex trafficking, secret arms deals, the funding of transhumanist research at Harvard and the other myriad intriguing links to this modern day twisted version of James Bond.

Epstein’s plane has apparently been flying to……….Antarctica!

Yes, Antarctica of all places, with its connections to Nazi bases, Project Highjump and its mysterious visits by religious figures, government officials and one Moon Walker, Buzz Aldrin.

Is there a secret elite base in Antarctica?  Does it have any connection to the Secret Space Program?  And why is a plane directly linked to Jeffrey Epstein going there while he was in jail awaiting trial……or should I say execution?

Epstein was some sort of deviant character.  But his unique life style and incredible connections to all sorts of powerful people will likely see him become a larger-than-life anti-hero like Che Guevera or Charles Manson.

With this latest revelation of a claimed link to one of the most remote regions  on Earth, another chapter is unfolding that may take us to places and entities far beyond our wildest imagination.

Rich Scheck
Chilliwack, BC
August 15, 2019

The Secret Space Program:  Roy Cohn, Donald Trump, Robert Swan Mueller & the VERY Deep State

Conspiracy research entails connecting lots of dots that most folks…..especially those articulating the official government narrative……. ignore or purposely distort through disinformation and outright lies.

As Veterans Today and others have pointed out since Trump emerged 4 years ago as a presidential candidate, New York mob lawyer, Roy Cohn, was Donald Trump’s mentor.

Joseph P. Farrell has pointed out that Cohn’s ties go far beyond his obvious links to the Deep State on display during the famous McCarthy hearings and include his knowledge of the Secret Space Program.

As I wrote in a previous article:

For those claiming I am too distrustful, I say perhaps.  But McCarthy and Cohn connected to above top-secret black projects and Nixon having a UFO time capsule:  who knew about any of that?   With Mueller tied to the MIC through Gibson Island and his family’s Uranium business as well as Comey helping him suppress cloaking technology, RussiaGate takes on a different complexion for me than what the official narrative wants us to believe.

The latest research from George Webb shows that Mueller and Bill Barr’s families are linked by a common focus on Uranium production and other VERY Deep State aspects of the Military Industrial Complex that go back to WWII, the OSS, the Manhattan Project, Operation Paper Clip and more.

All this is being ignored with the Epstein scandal; Mueller’s Russiagate hoax testimony; the Squad rumblings and other events designed to distract the public from the true agenda:  more wars using modern weaponry, i.e. the kind being designed by Trump’s Space Force which is first and foremost a new branch of our military:

Reagan had Iran Contra (which Barr and Mueller helped cover up) along with his Star Wars project (SDI).  Trump has his scandals and the Space Force to supposedly take us to the Moon and Mars while really being mostly about the weaponization of space.

The “soft disclosure” events of recent weeks also appear increasingly as a diversion to excite those fascinated by UFOs and appeal to the enthusiasm of the masses to that conversation while covering up the true agenda and activities of our Secret Space Program.

Sex sells as does tall tales of ETs and political corruption.  This is being carefully, brilliantly orchestrated by the VERY Deep State that includes Mueller, Barr and many others as key players in the Big Scam.

A review of the material below will bring willing readers up to date on how current events are used to achieve nefarious goals while keeping everyone pitted against each other thinking, understandably, that they have insight into what’s really going on.

They do, but invariably, we are all like the blind feeling different parts of an elephant and proclaiming they know what’s in their hands.  This immense Leviathan of the VERY Deep State remains cloaked to all but a few, even as the work of diligent researchers such as Joseph P. Farrell, Richard Dolan, Michael Salla, the late Jim Marrs, Linda Moulton Howe, Richard C. Hoagland, Alfred Webre and many other brilliant writers reveals much about this.

Will we achieve Full Disclosure?  Will our civilization be able to survive the coming turmoil and achieve the level of peace and prosperity seemingly available from the new technologies now kept hidden from us?  That is the question of the day and the hope of many who cling to the prospect of it happening soon.

Rich Scheck
Burlington WA
July 24, 2019

(N. B.:  This writer describes his articles as speculative musings…..educated guesses regarding the truth based on his intuition as he attempts to read the tea leaves of current events and between the lines of official narratives. He is much more gadfly than scholar and encourages readers to keep that in mind as they peruse the above article.)



To The Stars With The Stars:  Hollywood’s Love Affair With (Outer) Space   

Hollywood’s long love affair with all things Extraterrestrial continues into the present tense with two new films scheduled for release in the near future.  Brad Pitt and Tommy Lee Jones are heading Ad Astra (“To The Stars”) which will be on movie screens in a couple of weeks () while Natalie Portman will take her own “trip” to outer (and inner) space soon with her latest, Lucy In the Sky.

Seeing the promotions of these star powered new releases made me think of how many movies we have seen emerge from film studios intent on appealing to the public’s fascination with the subject.

Many of the leading cinematic productions of all-time have been related to ETs, space exploration and possible conflict with alien beings desiring to communicate and/or destroy Earth and its inhabitants.

The following is a brief survey in no particular order of some top Hollywood flicks with their “Stars” who have been sent To The Stars……on film:

The Martian (Matt Damon); Gravity (Sandra Bullock); Interstellar (Mathew McConaughey); Aliens (Sigourney Weaver); Blade Runner (Harrison Ford/Ryan Gosling); Elysium (Matt Damon); Star Wars; ET; Avatar; Star Trek; Solaris (George Clooney);  Mars Attack; Men In Black (Will Smith); The X-Files; War of the Worlds (Tom Cruise); Aliens and Cowboys; Space Balls (Mel Brooks); Prometheus (Ridley Scott, Director); The Day The Earth Stood Still (Michael Rennie); Outland (Sean Connery); Signs (Mel Gibson); The Arrival (Amy Adams); Oblivion (Tom Cruise); Kubrick’s 2001; First Man; Apollo 13 (Tom Hanks); The Right Stuff; Hidden Figures; Sunshine (Danny Boyle Director.); Life (Ryan Reynolds); Captive Nation (John Goodman); High Life (Robert Pattison); and so many others.

One might include movies like the X-Men series by Marvel as space related as well as cartoons that have futuristic themes and characters from the Flintstones to Toy Story (Buzz Lightyear) and the Lego films.

How about sci-fi films like Ex Machina; Transcendence and The Passengers with Jennifer Lawrence or The Matrix and even Superman?  I think they qualify, too.

Last year’s Best Film Oscar winner revisited the theme of reptilian (alien) creatures first addressed during the Cold War when The Creature from the Black Lagoon raised the same issues which were more dramatically portrayed in The Shape of Water.

The Russians have a few space classics of their own including the 1981, To The Stars By Hard Ways.

I do not own a TV so am missing all the great shows about Ancient Aliens; UFOs; and similar topics on The History Channel; GAIA TV; the new To The Stars Academy portrayal of The Unexplained; National Geographic’s discussion of these issues and everything else I read about or see snippets of on the internet.

The process of inculturating society to accept the ET presence via films, TV and other media has accelerated in recent months.  The New York Times has given the topic the imprimatur of legitimacy with reporting about Navy Pilots seeing Tic-Tac craft and other UFOs.

A former high level intelligence official, Admiral Wilson, had his notes about a crashed spacecraft released and Bob Lazar has reemerged into the public eye with references to Area S4, alien craft and Element 115.

All this “soft disclosure” is occurring in the context of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon landing on July 20th. Libraries are filled with books and lectures on space topics and teens being encouraged to “launch into space” as part of a summer reading program.

It appears a concerted effort is being made while President Trump promotes his Space Force project and his plan to be back on the Moon by 2004.  He also talked about UFOs with George Stephanopoulos and Tucker Carlson on Mainstream News.

I doubt there is anything accidental about this process.  Whatever the case, Hollywood is playing its part by using its biggest stars to promote a To the Stars agenda for us Earthlings. Ad Astra indeed!

Rich Scheck
Marysville, WA
July 13, 2019

Will “Open-Minded” Trump Be The Disclosure President?

The foundation continues to be laid to validate PRG Director Steve Bassett’s May 2019 prediction that “full disclosure is imminent!”

If that happens now it would make Donald Trump the disclosure president much to the chagrin of those suffering from TDS who dreamed that Hillary Clinton would garner that title.

There’s a strong argument to be made that she would have justifiably earned that label had she won the 2016 election.  Starting with her work with the Rockefeller Initiative back in the late 1990s and right up to the last presidential campaign where both she and her campaign manager, John Podesta, more than hinted of their intention to end The Truth Embargo, Hillary has been a champion of greater transparency when it came to UFOs/UAVs.

Trump’s discussion with Tucker Carlson in Korea a few days ago is fascinating:  he states that solid  grounds for believing UFOs are real even if he doesn’t embrace the idea that they are extraterrestrial.

The key point is that he is talking about the subject……again……following his recent chat with George Stephanopoulos where the subject was raised for the first time with him.

Trump is discussing this in public in the context of the media being inundated with reports on the formerly taboo topic and admits that he is “open-minded” about it all since the pilots and other witnesses are credible.

Is this another baby-step along the soft disclosure road set in motion with the formation of TTSA in October of 2017 and the New York Times article two months later describing the ATTP?  It sure seems like it to me.

Maybe Richard C. Hoagland will have something to say about this on July 20th when he may follow up his recent interview with Clyde Lewis where he suggested some sort of big announcement is on the way.

The 50th Anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing would seem the perfect time for Trump to say that he had received a new briefing and that ETs and/or their crashed craft are here.  Hoagland has sent the president a special report on the Moon and Mars which might be all he needs.

Combine the rash of discussion about UFOs after decades of official denial with Trump’s Space Force, other revelations like the Wilson/Davis notes about a downed alien vehicle and many reports by military and civilians of UFO sightings and we have a clear indication that Bassett may indeed be right.

I thought he was premature in his prediction and that another Middle East war with Iran was more likely.  Maybe it will turn out that both forecasts prove true.

But if we receive official confirmation of the ET presence on Earth, that would make Trump the Disclosure President, something a man with his lust for fame and notoriety would surely relish in the run-up to the 2020 election…….and as a permanent legacy of his presidency!

Rich Scheck
Woodland, WA
July 6, 2019


Michael Salla Delivers Valuable Overview of the Secret Space Program

Dr. Michael Salla has presented a valuable Big Picture overview and history of the Secret Space Program currently manifesting itself in both President Trump’s Space Force and, collaterally, with the Hillary/Podesta To The Stars Academy soft disclosure efforts that have accelerated in recent months.

Salla makes clear that these current revelations are part of the long history of this phenomena as William Bramley (The Gods of Eden), Jim Marrs (Alien Agenda) and many other excellent researchers have described.

Salla continues to lead the way in this controversial field which has seen the unofficial taboo disappear thanks to a variety of factors.  Those include the Clintons involvement with the Rockefeller Initiative; the work towards Disclosure of Dr. Steven Greer; Paradigm Research Group leader Stephen Bassett’s relentless campaign to end the Truth Embargo; the excellent research of Richard Dolan; the seminal work in Exopolitics of Alfred Webre in the late 1970’s; the New York Times publishing front page articles on the topic; Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt’s in depth investigations; and the willingness of the military to share some of its secrets.

These individuals often disagree or even clash, something to be expected under the circumstances. But each new day brings fresh revelations that appear to corroborate the possibility that we have been visited by alien craft even if most of what is seen in our skies is merely our advanced technology on display….possibly reversed engineered….but still of the Earth.

An excellent example of that occurred last night on the Jeff Rense Show when Dr. Bruce Cornish talked about a little known crash retrieval event in Wales in which meta material was recovered.  Scientists evaluating the debris think its strange patterns and composition may allow for Newtonian physics to be changed in such a way that gravity is suspended (bent) to enhance propulsion without crushing the spaceship’s occupants, thus allowing for interstellar travel.

Richard C. Hoagland is predicting that the special number of 19.5 related to his theory of hyper-dimensional physics may lead to a stunning announcement at yesterday’s mid-point of the 19th year of the 21st century, 7/1/19 (19.5)!

In his interview, Salla brings us up to date on the competition between the US Air Force and Navy and their parallel programs that are likely to converge within the new Space Force.

It remains to be seen whether any of what we are now learning is overt disinformation; a limited hang-out/soft disclosure effort to distract from the missing Pentagon trillions or some other nefarious plan possibly connected to establishing a One World Government.

What Salla, Dolan, Bassett, Greer, Hoagland and others have done is augment a serious conversation about a crucial subject as well as help lift the veil of secrecy that has come to dominate modern life.  This is a valuable contribution that hopefully will lead to a positive transformation of our world and a far better future for us all.

Rich Scheck
July 2, 2019

Space Is The Place – There’s GOLD In Them There – Asteroids!

Is this what President Trump’s Space Force is really all about?

Love him or hate him, the former New York realtor is a shrewd businessman with a long history of dabbling in every kind of enterprise from airlines to vodka and sport’s teams to high quality meats.

News of a nearby asteroid worth $700 quintillion in precious heavy metals no doubt has gotten his full attention and fueled his enthusiasm for promoting NASA’s ambitious plans to return to the Moon by 2024…. and then go to Mars.

The recent craze about tic-tacs, puffs of methane gas on Mars, strange lights on the Moon and other unusual events related to UFOs has gotten those who are eager to see an end to The Truth Embargo about ETs all excited.

But the real deal about Space may have more to do with hard cash and endless amounts of Gold than alien autopsies, leaked notes about downed ET craft, faces on Mars and the other mysterious doings that have made the headlines in recent weeks.

And when it comes to Big Deals, Trump can smell the money from 3 AUs away! That’s why he assigned son-in-law Jared Kushner the new technology portfolio in his Administration.

It is likely the father of Donald’s grandchildren by Ivanka has positioned himself to benefit from whatever transpires in the emerging space economy that Catherine Austin Fitts has described in great detail.

It was rumored that Kushner and Sheldon Adelson were among the private investors who financed the Israeli probe to the Moon, Beersheet, that made it into lunar orbit before apparently crashing due to technical glitches.

The new club of space billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson and Elon Musk are eyeing the heavens like the pick and shovel ’49ers of old.  But they will rely on robots, new rocket ships, advanced propulsion systems, AI, quantum computers and all the other paraphernalia of modern science instead of pack mules to get the job done.

The High Frontier of Space rather than the hills of California or the mountains of Alaska are where those in search of massive wealth have set their sights.  As Fitts, Joseph Farrell, Richard Dolan and other writers have stated, the missing trillions from the Pentagon may have already been siphoned off into a Secret Space Program as part of a Breakaway Civilization.  

The nerdy scientists, Tin Foil Hat crowd and those who indulge their Fortean forte for the esoteric and mystery school teachings regarding Disclosure and Ascension can keep on trucking with their books, conferences and impressive videos.

The literal smart money will probably be in Space where greedy Wall Street types and their ilk like President Trump pursue space commercialization with giant aerospace corporations like Lockheed, Boeing, Grumann and Raytheon privatizing their profits via secrecy and patents while socializing most of the cost into orbit which is financed by the taxpayers via NASA and the military.

Whatever intention Trump had to echo the sentiments of President Kennedy, who wanted to go to the Moon with the Soviets, or President Reagan, who reminded Gorbachev and the world at the UN that a common external threat from off-planet forces might require cooperation to save the Earth, Trump Derangement Syndrome and the Russiagate scandal probably have undermined that agenda.

Trump has shown himself more than willing to discard international law and reject treaties that he feels block making America great again.  It is safe to say that at this point he would have no reluctance to ignore or withdraw from the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 that proscribed privatizing the resources of space.

Yup:  Space is the Place for the future soldiers of fortune and businessmen willing to undertake the journey whether through their investment dollars or on-board like Han Solo!

Rich Scheck
Mount Vista, WA
June 27, 2019

2020 Foresight:  Are We Headed for World War III, Full Disclosure or Both?

Gerald Celente is famous for predicting that currency wars lead to trade wars which lead to shooting wars.  That’s the pattern that preceded both world wars of the 20th century and that’s what we have now.

In fact, one can make the argument that it is all one Long War like Dick Cheney predicted or that it is a continuation of the Crusades that Bush, Jr. let slip once soon after 9/11.

Can you say Clash of Civilization or Albert Pike?  James Redfield alluded to this process in Chapter 2 of The Celestine Prophecy entitled “The Longer Now.”

For those who have read William Bramley’s The Gods of Eden, you will recall that the book started out as his exploration of the causes of war before ending up as an overview of ETs and UFOs.

In other words, there is a clear connection between war and space because the same advanced technology that allows countries to go off planet has enormous potential for use as powerful weapons.  Can you say Star Wars (SDI), Space Force or the Nazi Bell program?

The latest crisis in the Middle East once again sees an escalation of tensions that could readily boil over into a global conflagration even more dramatic than what we saw in the first half of the twentieth century.

Simultaneously we have an increase in the observation of UFOs and a semi-official form of soft disclosure wherein the government is finally admitting they are real with the military tracking them.

To the extent that the official narrative couches the phenomena as a threat, it serves as justification for keeping the endeavor secret as a way of protecting national security.  Even the alleged attack on the Japanese tanker involved an “Unexplained Flying Object” reinforcing the theme that serves the MIC/Deep State agenda for more funding and virtual secrecy.

My suspicious mind keeps flashing red that the entire TTSA and ATTIP process including the Wilson leaks is a highly sophisticated, well-coordinated psychological operation serving the Deep State’s Agenda for more weapons and funding.

I am so wary of the seeming coincidences and convenient events that on some level I suspect that Trump coordinated the latest crisis with Prime Minister Abe during his recent visit to Japan.  There’s an outside chance that the Iranian Mullahs are also part of this “conspiracy” in which tensions are ratcheted up prior to the G20, thus laying the foundation for Xi, Putin and Trump to meet in a Yalta like Summit to work out the New World Order and save the day with no more bloodshed.

Such a bold scenario on the Grand Chessboard might entail a whole range of agreements reflecting the need for a new global financial architecture to replace the petrodollar; an end to the trade wars wherein the US joins OBOR; environmental concessions to address pollution issues; some sort of recognition of Palestinian rights as a first step to ending Middle East wars; and not least, some form of Disclosure with a plan for space cooperation rather than the militarization of the New Frontier.

All these things are possible, although unlikely.  The current situation has been aggravated by Trump Derangement Syndrome that has blocked whatever good intentions Trump had towards improved relations with Russia and China.

To the extent that Russiagate is being masterminded by VERY Deep State elements that prefer the continuation of the status quo with Space privatized and weaponized to insure imperial domination by the West, it is important for those who are so enthusiastic about soft disclosure to provide as much or more attention to the CONTEXT of the recent leaks as they do to their exciting content such as the Wilson/Davis notes describing a crashed alien craft.

Such a deep dive into who and what are behind the leaks and who benefits might yield the name of Robert Swan Mueller, 3rd as a key MJ12 type figure pulling lots of strings to the benefit of a select few.

I remain hopeful that the G20 will yield positive benefits at this most dangerous moment since the Cuban Missile Crisis.  It is also possible that things might rapidly deteriorate as push comes to shove with the war-like instincts of ego-driven leaders and military men eager to prove who is top dog.

We can also continue to muddle through in our current state of hostile rhetoric, proxy wars, a dubious soft disclosure and the immiseration of the middle class with trillions wasted on endless wars and funds secretly siphoned off by the Deep State as described so well by Catherine Austin Fitts.

Another scenario might see full disclosure and WWIII followed by the creation of a dystopia such as  portrayed in the Hunger Games, Blade Runner, Elysium and other sci-fi classics.

The immediate future is fraught with great danger and the potential for major breakthroughs that can lay the groundwork for peace and prosperity for billions of Earthlings.  Our fate is in the hands of flawed leaders but we are not helpless.  Our prayers, vigilance and activism can play a role in guiding them to make the right decisions.

We may be even receiving assistance from off-planet or interdimensional entities some call angels, others  label ETs and some consider demons.  It is a complicated situation.  May God have mercy on us and see us through to a better day!

Rich Scheck
Vancouver, WA
June 22, 2019

Jeff Bezos – The Man On The Moon and Beyond!

Move over Robert Bigelow, Richard Branson, Elon Musk and all you other billionaire space jockeys:  Jeff Bezos is taking the high ground on the New Frontier (part 2) space race by promoting the vision of his mentor, Gerard O’Neill.

It remains to be seen whether he is coordinating his efforts with those of President Trump whose plans for a Space Force along with a return to the Moon by 2024 coincide nicely with those of Bezos.

The Amazon/Whole Foods/Washington Post (CIA?) tycoon may be reflecting the theme of the film, Interstellar, as suggested in the article below.

For those noticing the bleak state of Planet Earth these days, the movie Elysium may be a more accurate expression of what is going on with the Secret Space Program (SSP) and the missing trillions from the US budget.

The marriage of private finance with advanced space technology projects has long been a key feature of the SSP as described by many researchers including Catherine Austin Fitts, Joseph Farrell and Jim Marrs.

That’s why I believe the presence of James Comey and Robert Mueller as heads of the FBI is likely important to understanding that RussiaGate is a cover for the SSP.  With their links to the Deep State and Military-Industrial Complex, these men have been well-positioned to divert attention from black projects and the corruption associated with them.

I believe the true importance of the ATTF revelations and the TTSA project is to let the public know in small doses the extent of the vast research being done to support programs such as those by Bezos, Musk and Bigelow which are carefully kept from widespread exposure.

Once again, it is the unique role of Donald Trump that is playing such an important part in these developments.  His ties to Nikola Tesla via his Uncle John’s role in reviewing the dead inventor’s files in 1943 may explain more than many might imagine about this president.

Other unusual aspects of his background including links to the murky world of Roy Cohn with all that might entail about the SSP provides the context for at least some of what is going on behind the scenes as well as public declarations such as the new Artemis Moon project.

With the 2020 election only 18 months away, we will learn soon enough whether this issue will be part of the campaign or remain largely hidden within the realm of secrecy provided by the National Security State.

Rich Scheck
Corvallis, Oregon
May 14, 2019



May The (Space) Force Be With You!

The Roller Coaster ride that is the Trump presidency has reached new heights with his efforts to implement another branch of the military he has labelled The Space Force.

Trump may be the most unique president in American history.  Much of what he says and does is worthy of the condemnation heaped upon him by the Main Stream Media, his many political opponents and even “independent” journalists such as Gordon Duff, Robert David Steele and yours truly…..even though I believe RussiaGate was a British intelligence operation designed to prevent his election and then undermine his presidency.

I find his close association with Bibi Netanyahu, Sheldon Adelson and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman which is facilitated by his son-in-law Jaren Kushner deeply troubling.

But, despite what I consider his war crimes in Syria, Yemen and elsewhere and his vulnerability to impeachment charges for the “high misdemeanor” of Maladministration after two years of chaotic leadership, this observer has to give him a begrudging vote of confidence for his boldness, tenacity and unflappable perseverance in the face of the most extreme assault on a presidency since Abe Lincoln.

The thing I find most interesting about his stewardship is his association with the Space Program. Although this area of public policy gets little attention compared to the glory days of the Apollo era, Trump is carving out his own legacy that might be comparable to JFK’s.

As Richard Dolan, Joseph Farrell, Michael Salla, Richard Hoagland, Jim Marrs, Daniel Liszt,and  other researchers have documented, there is impressive evidence of a well-funded and well developed “Breakaway Civilization” or Secret Space Program.

As we know, Trump is all about the money and for those looking for the $21 Trillion missing from the Pentagon, Katherine Austin Fitts and Farrell make a strong case there is a thriving economy based off-planet secretly funded by stolen public funds and private financing.  With Adelson and Kushner involved in backing the recent Israeli Moon shot, that may help explain some of what is going on behind the scenes.

As I have written previously, almost all of the recent Deep State scandals can be explained as covering up the existence of the Secret Space Program/Breakaway Civilization and is the missing piece of contemporary history precisely as Dolan has described.

That includes RussiaGate which still roils the public dialogue even as I compose this article. Few observers have commented on how Mueller and Comey “colluded” to suppress cloaking technology by a private entrepreneur in an apparent attempt to keep the invisibility factor within the provenance of the existing power structure in charge of the UFO file.  This occurred after Comey’s six years at Lockheed and time at HSBC!

As George Webb has explained in great detail, Mueller has deep family ties to the Military Industrial Complex that preceded both World Wars and then continued with the German Paper Clip scientists who helped create the US Space Program.

In the middle of this is Donald Trump with his Uncle John’s ties to Nikola Tesla, his calls for a Space Force, the strange relationship of his mentor Roy Cohn to Senator Joe McCarthy’investigation of UFOs in the 1950s………and so much more.

The UFO community is lusting for an end of the Truth Embargo and Disclosure of the ET presence. It is grasping at every tidbit of evidence that might signal its onset.  This helps explain the To The Stars Academy phenomena despite what many see as a sophisticated psy-op/limited hang-out designed by well-connected former CIA operatives.

Tom deLonge, Louis Elizondo and their crew may prove to be the real deal as Steve Bassett and others claim.  But those of us who have our doubts see warning signs attached to names like Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and Harry Reid on top of the company’s muddled links to the CIA.

Somehow, despite Syria, Venezuela, Iran, Yemen, North Korea, the immigration crisis, RussiaGate, health care, environmental issues, the economy and more, Trump has found a niche to arguably elevate the conversation into a whole other realm reminiscent, may I dare say, of JFK.

However reluctant I am to make the comparison, it was Kennedy’s decision to go to the Moon that serves as a template upon which other presidents have forged their space policies. JFK then proposed working with the former Soviet Union.  Salla and others have posited that Trump and Putin may be revisiting that dialogue as part of their private talks that has outraged Hillary and others.

These are all curious developments that add confusion and complexity to understanding his behavior as well as possibly explaining Trump Derangement Syndrome which has dominated political debate for the last three years.

I am not a UFO scholar and have no answers to the questions I raise.  Some things might become clearer during the 2020 election if candidates interject the topic of Disclosure into the campaign as Hillary did meekly in 2016.  Ironically, if Trump is re-elected, he may become the long-desired “Disclosure President” with his Space Force leading the way
into a New Frontier and beyond!

Rich Scheck
Santa, Rosa, CA
May 6, 2019


Bassett on TTSA – The Most Important Development In History of Disclosure Movement! 

Steve Bassett is a dedicated, hard-working proponent of ending the ET Truth Embargo.  He has come up with a series of creative initiatives as the Director of the Paradigm Research Group to promote Disclosure.

Steve has relied on perseverance and an excellent sense of humor to stay at the forefront of this issue for over two decades. I met Bassett in 2002:   I respect and like him but as he well knows, I do not trust his judgment! Despite his relentless efforts and predictions, he is almost always wrong in what he forecasts about Disclosure.

Now he has taken his enthusiasm one step further by claiming that the TTSA is “the most important development
in the the history of the disclosure movement!”

  To the Stars Academy  of Arts and Science (TTS/AAS)…….is the most
important development in the history of the Disclosure movement.  It will
almost certainly be a critical part of ending the truth embargo.

I doubt it!  More important than what I think are the views of such experts as Daniel Liszt, Joseph Farrell and
Richard Dolan, all of whom have publicly challenged the bona fides of TTSA.

Bassett disagrees and continues to forge ahead with support for the Clinton/Podesta faction and the Rockefeller
Initiative from which TTSA was spawned.  I am not sure if Bassett suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome but
it feels like it to me. Trump appears to have his own approach to Disclosure that garners no mention from Bassett.

Our current political process is profoundly corrupt.  Both parties are beholden to the Military Industrial Complex that
promotes endless wars.  As Farrell, Dolan, Michael Salla, Jim Marrs and other excellent researchers have documented,
the Secret Space Program is a direct outgrowth of the MIC and the VERY Deep State that protects it.

The case for TTSA being a limited hang-out, mini-Disclosure has been made by DJ Liszt and others.  Bassett ignores
that line of argument and embraces the Clinton/Podeta/Brennan/Elizondo version. He also ignores the curious role of
President Trump’s Uncle John with his connections to Nikola Tesla in any potential Disclosure scenario.

There is much to ponder regarding this highly sensitive issue.  What role if any the Assange case entails in Disclosure
remains an intriguing element to the overall discussion.

What is clear despite the fog of unending wars, massive political corruption and unrelenting secrecy, propaganda and disinformation about ETs, is that this is a fascinating subject worthy of the public’s interest and of maximum transparency
for us all.

Perhaps Bassett is correct.  Hopefully, we will see soon enough!

By Rich Scheck
Santa Rosa, CA,, April 30, 2019


Connecting Dots:  Assange, Musk, RussiaGate and the Secret Space Program

It is my contention that virtually all recent Deep State scandals relate to covering up the Secret Space Program. Certainly the Kennedy Assassination merits that claim.  Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt has shown how Watergate also has connections to the SSP via Richard Nixon and his UFO Time Capsule.  George Webb’s endless research provides links between RussiaGate and the WWII Paper Clip scientists who got us to the Moon.

Joseph Farrell just supported my belief with his latest book indicating that even Joseph McCarthy was investigating UFOs and space related matters in the 1950’s that included a role for Trump’s mentor, Roy Cohn.

Now an enterprising researcher on the internet has come out with her own version of a link between current
Deep State scandals and the space program, at least as it concerns a connection to Elon Musk.

I am the only one I know who claims that there is something suspicious about the timing of the Assange
arrest and the so-called failed moon landing by Israel that was planned as a celebration of Bibi’s reelection.

I suspect that the arrest was designed to divert attention from the Moon shot—–a remarkable feat for any
country much less such a small one as Israel——–and may include the possibility the mission did NOT
fail despite the official narrative.  To me it is very suspicious!

I completely understand and agree with those who are outraged by the Assange arrest.  As a former civil
liberties attorney, anti-war activist, conspiracy researcher and journalist, I get how disgusting this attack
on an individual speaking truth to power is!

Assange’s Arrest Was an Act of Revenge by US Government

All I am saying is that these events operate on a multitude of levels and need to be peeled back like an
onion to get the full picture of what is involved.  Please keep in mind Assange’s troubled childhood,
criminal activity as a hacker, as well as his likely intelligence connections to obtain a full perspective
including his potential role as an informant/Deep State operative.

And while the world has its attention on him, we get distracted from very serious events like Trump vetoing
the War Powers Resolution for the US to stop supporting the Saudi war in Yemen.  Meanwhile, we are selling
them nuclear technology, still kissing up to Mohammad bin Salman and doing everything we can to provoke
Iran into a new Middle East war.

As the video above shows, there are many heavy-hitters connected to Assange whom the public is ignorant
of while the MSM portray him as a mixture of hero for outing the Empire as well as a bad guy for threatening
national security.

Now with the Musk link to him, however tenuous, my suspicions have increased.  These folks in the VERY
Deep State play at a higher level of intensity that goes way beyond hard ball.  If you think it’s a coincidence
rather than being a big dot that connects lots of top players including John Podesta, then we disagree!

For those claiming I am too distrustful, I say perhaps.  But McCarthy and Cohn connected to above top-secret
black projects and Nixon having a UFO time capsule: who knew about any of that?  With Mueller tied to the
MIC through Gibson Island and his family’s Uranium business as well as Comey helping him suppress cloaking
technology, RussiaGate takes on a different complexion for me than what the official narrative wants us to believe.

Please watch the entire video and reflect on what I am admittedly speculating about.  And be sure to watch it
all the way to the end (about 20 minutes) where you get to see the final link that may be foreshadowing the
person poised to be the Disclosure President after the 2020 election.   Enjoy!


Rich Scheck

Cloverdale, CA

April 17, 2029

Richard Dolan Calls TTSA “Limited Disclosure That Marginalizes Serious UFO Info”

Richard Dolan spoke directly to the issue of limited disclosure and TTSA on his show yesterday.

Starting at around minute 45 he leads up to this quote:  “With initiatives like TTSA (we have) limited disclosure that’s
happening under very controlled circumstances while at the same time most of the UFO phenomena is being marginalized
even more by the mainstream.  This little bit of UAP activity………… being put out their as genuine!”

He and Tracy then make a key point:  rebranding UFO’s to UAPs is “making it safe for disclosure.”

This seems to me to be highly political:  Hillary and Podesta promote deLonge’s TTSA and the notion of UAPs which
is a form of X Protect as described by Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt.

Trump is arguably more attuned to the JFK approach of X Share with his plan to return to the Moon, his Space Force
proposal and the legacy of his Uncle John Trump’s access to Tesla’s files in 1943.

This may be oversimplified.  But it gets real interesting when one looks at the Mueller investigation in depth as
has George Webb (who seems oblivious to the UFO issue).  Webb documents in enormous detail the Deep State
links of Mueller’s family to the Military Industrial Complex and weapons industry as well as to the WWII Paper Clip
scientists who ran NASA.

Webb brings us up to date on its modern embodiment…..what I call Paper Clip 2…that showed up as the Russiagate
scandal without him being aware of the direct links to the questions of Disclosure or the Secret Space Program.

The VERY Deep State is very deep indeed!  Even sincere folks who think they understand some of the vast corruption
embedded in the District of Criminals can be fooled into accepting partial truths rather than the having the whole swamp

We can and must do better:  our future depends on it!

Rich Scheck
Rohnert Park, CA
April 3, 2019

Disclosure Update:  Hillary Pal Podesta Talks ETs in NZ Prior To Christchurch Shootings

Another one of those “connect the dots” moments has occurred in the wake of the recent New Zealand Mosque shootings.

Top HRC confidante and UFO advocate John Podesta found himself down under in NZ praising the virtues of Hillary protege, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern a few days prior to the slaughter in Christchurch.  This event has all the trappings of a false flag/psy op as outlined in great detail by Ole Dammegard and others who have analyzed the video as well as the context of the tragedy.

It is fascinating to those who track these events closely to learn that Podesta felt compelled to reference ETs on this trip while also disparaging President Trump in the harshest terms.

Almost simultaneously, the carnage commenced!  How convenient to attribute the killings to a “white supremacist” so as to link the (false flag?) event to Trump.  How convenient to find former HRC campaign manager Podesta in the vicinity of the tragedy while promoting Ardern, a Left/Socialist politician with close ties to the former Secretary of State and Democratic nominee.

How convenient that the timing reignites the flagging assault on Trump’s legitimacy just as the Mueller investigation of RussiaGate was losing steam and Steele’s deep ties to British intelligence and top Obama Administration officials at the DOJ, FBI and CIA are being corroborated.

Conspiracy research thrives on such coincidences because the official narratives are usually implausible while those promoting these dubious accounts are often the main beneficiary of blaming their enemies.  If one adds to the equation the rush to secrecy by criminalizing possession of the live-stream video and censoring the internet to obscure what really happened, the image of cover-up instantly leaps to mind.

The ET factor adds additional juice to this scenario.  It implicitly continues the 2016 election competition on the topic where Podesta and HRC championed the John Brennan/CIA-linked To The Stars Academy, limited hangout approach (X Protect) whereas Trump seems to be opting for the JFK/full disclosure route (X Share) that some believe got Kennedy killed.

Trump’s Space Force, enthusiasm for a more adventurous NASA and family ties to Nikola Tesla suggest the potential of a bolder, more dramatic perspective than the Clinton/Podesta/deLonge effort.  Not to be ignored is the Israeli Moon Shot that adds further relevance to the Space angle.  It further connects Trump via his technology adviser, son-in-law Jared Kushner, who along with financier, Sheldon Adelson helped back the launch as another way of lending their pal Bibi Netayanhu more pre-election viability.

Meanwhile, all this is unfolding while Mrs. Clinton is suspected of selling Secret Space Program technology to China.

However over-the-top (far-out!) this speculative view is, this author feels justified in posing the possibility as he previously did with RussiaGate, that the Mueller investigation and these other events are ultimately all tied to the ET Truth Embargo and Disclosure.  The work of George Webb in detailing the links of Mueller to all aspects of the Military-Industrial Complex including the processing of Uranium as a fuel source along with the revelation of Mueller working with Comey to suppress the private development of cloaking technology are examples of this important connection.

If Hillary somehow claws her way to the top of the ticket again in 2020 and Trump escapes impeachment, we are likely to see this subject energized and revisited in ways few people are willing to entertain.

Rich Scheck, Camarillo, CA

March 17, 2019 (Revised on 3/19/19 in Ventura, CA)


The Secret Space Program, Bariloche and The Vatican

The world gets more curious everyday.  Besides the fact that Syria might become in 2018 what Spain was in 1936, a testing ground for various political forces that preceded World War II, we have fascinating pronouncements from the Vatican as well as the unusual travel of folks like Rex Tillerson and Jeff Bezos.
According to Michael Salla and Joseph P. Farrell, both Secretary of State Tillerson and multi-billionaire, space entrepreneur Bezos, who owns the (CIA linked) Washington Post, traveled to the Patagonia region of South America that may have been the lair of Adolf Hitler  after WWII.
That unique venue has been the host to many top political figures over the years including Presidents Eisenhower, Carter, Obama and Clinton.  It is linked to both the Nazi secret bases in Antarctica as well as the destination of many top Third Reich Germans after WWII.
The nearly simultaneous arrival of both Tillerson and Bezos perked the interest of top Secret Space Program journalists Salla and Farrell who speculate that the events may be related to the unusual activities in the Patagonia and Antarctic regions. 
Political analyst Ben Fulford suggested that military and space technology secrets from the German’s Antarctica program may be released in the near future as the real reason for the visit by the two men last week.
The entire matter remains wrapped in secrecy which adds to the mystique of the subject of UFOs that has long been associated with alleged German bases in Antarctica as part of what Jim Marrs called the Fourth Reich. 
Adding pieces to the puzzle and further stimulating the imagination of those fascinated with the topic is the statement by a top Vatican official that an “alien god created humans” through genetic manipulation.  Putting that in the context of Pope Francis stating he would baptize aliens if they came to the Vatican makes it hard to dismiss as being a random comment by a rogue bishop: 

Pope Francis has also shown some zeal in embracing Communist China as the model for achieving the social doctrine of the Church.  (Maybe the Red Chinese are really aliens who are preparing to be baptized into the Church.)  

What we do know according to Salla and Farrell is that the Chinese are working with the Argentine government on space projects in Patagonia where Bariloche is located.
These are interesting times of dramatic change.  It is difficult to be clear on much of what is actually transpiring in public life today because of all the fake news and propaganda designed to serve the special interests of governments, multinational corporations and large religious institutions.
We will just have to wait to see how this all works out and where the truth lies as we attempt to digest the various activities and words of our leaders.

Rich Scheck,

Thousand Oaks, CA
February 14, 2018

References: cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=93591 space-program-antarctica-to-re veal-itself/ 2018/02/anyone-else-part-two- bezos-bariloche/ /02/anyone-else-tillerson-visi ts-bariloche/

Bill Tompkins, Richard Dolan & the Future of UFOLOGY

By Rich Scheck
The sudden death of Bill Tompkins on the day of the total solar eclipse provides a
fitting moment to evaluate the current state of UFOLOGY.
The on-going controversy surrounding the bona fides of those like Corey Goode
and Andrew Basiago claiming to be part of the Secret Space Program’s (SSP) 20 and
back Operation Pegasus is a major concern to many in the Disclosure Movement.
Richard Dolan, Bill Ryan and others have essentially demanded more concrete evidence 
in support of such claims of participation before they can sign off on their legitimacy and
relevance to UFOLOGY.
Michael Salla has attempted to address the Dolan group’s concerns and has been a
strong voice championing them through his many articles covering various aspects of 
Goode’s account.
His confidence in their legitimacy has been fundamentally bolstered by the work of Bill
Tompkins who spent the last 2 years of his life sharing his extraordinary experiences
during a long life that appears to include a major role with the Navy’s SSP.
As the well respected historian of the SSP and the inventor of the term Breakaway
Civilization, Dolan’s low comfort level with the Goode/Salla/Tompkins position has
had an impact on the Disclosure community that remains unresolved.
His dissatisfaction with Tompkins book which he refused to publish because he thought
it was poorly written does not refute what appears to be clear evidence that the former
Navy ship designer was indeed part of the SSP.
Bill’s extensive interviews on the Jeff Rense show are fully archived and available for
evaluation by everyone interested in this topic.  Having listened to him many times on
Rense, I was convinced he was speaking honestly about his role.  The combination of
humility, humor, intelligence and thorough knowledge of the material lent considerable
strength to his claims.
Now Bill has moved on with his dramatic transition on the day of The Great American
Eclipse.  Whether that is just some cosmic coincidence and/or his way of confirming
he was the real deal remains to be seen.
It would behoove those in leadership roles like Salla and Dolan as well as Stephen
Greer, Paola Harris, Steve Bassett, Grant Cameron and others to bring some degree
of closure to this issue in the spirit of enhancing the future of UFOLOGY and the
Disclosure Movement.
What that looks like and how it is achieved remains to be seen.  But resolve it they
must at the risk of undermining an important discussion in modern life.  It would also
be a fitting testament to the memory of Tompkins, the recently departed Jim Marrs
and the countless truth seekers among us who have labored long and hard in the
UFOLOGY arena.

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