US Navy Pilot reports of UFOs go mainstream

On May 26, 2019, the New York Times published a story about five US Navy pilots reporting UFO sightings in 2014 and 2015 off the coast of Florida. The story cites their descriptions of unknown craft that could fly at hypersonic speeds and hover over the ocean. Their reports were handed off to the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerial Threat Identification Program (AATIP).

The five Navy pilots were interviewed by the New York Times reporters about the UFO sightings that occurred while they were conducting training maneuvers off the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt before deployment to the Middle East. The Times reporters said that due to the 2014 and 2015 sightings, that the Navy upgraded its classified guidance for how pilots are to report UFOs, which now are officially referred to as Unexplained Aerial Phenomena (UAP).

A video was included of one of the UFO incidents where the pilots could be heard exclaiming: “Wow, what is that, man? Look at it fly!” The video had been released over a year earlier and was the subject of a March 12, 2018, Fox News interview with Luis Elizondo, the former Pentagon official, who headed AATIP from its 2007 up to 2017 when he retired in protest over the lack of support the program was receiving.

In the Times story, the pilots made clear that no known piloted aircraft could perform the UFO’s complex aerial maneuvers:

What was strange, the pilots said, was that the video showed objects accelerating to hypersonic speed, making sudden stops and instantaneous turns — something beyond the physical limits of a human crew.

They speculated that the UFOs might be part of a highly advanced drone program that raised several safety issues due to the possibility of a midair collision. They refused to speculate further about the UFO’s origins. Earlier in April 2019, the Navy issued new guidelines for reporting UFO sightings, and cited safety concerns as a factor for the need to improve the reporting process.

There are several important takeaways from this latest New York Times story that follows a December 16, 2017 story that analyzed similar sightings reported by Navy pilots back in 2004.

The first is that the US Navy is allowing its pilots to go on the public record about UFO sightings that have national security implications. This has effectively reversed a decades-long military policy dating back to 1954 called JANAP 146(C), which forbade military and civilian pilots discussing UFO sightings that were deemed to have national security implications. JANAP 146 referred to possible prosecution under Espionage Laws for unauthorized transmission of UFO sightings reported by military and civilian pilots that fell under the official reporting mechanism established by JANAP.

The second takeaway is that the Pentagon is allowing official military surveillance video to be leaked to the public about a phenomenon which on the surface appears unknown, at least to the pilots witnessing them. It is more than likely, however, that the phenomenon is very well known to the military hierarchy who have sanctioned the leaking of the videos, which it needs to be emphasized are official Navy videos whose unauthorized disclosure carries severe penalties as JANAP 146 makes clear.

Third, the fact that the New York Times has released the story is sending a clear signal to other mainstream media sources that it is OK to discuss UFO sightings and their national security implications. We can, therefore, expect many more mainstream media stories about UFOs/UAPs in the near future as evidenced by multiple news sources immediately reporting on the Times story.

What can be concluded about the mainstream media’s newfound enthusiasm to discuss pilot reports of UFO?

It’s important to emphasize that there is no way the Pentagon would reverse its decades-long policy (JANAP 146) unless it was convinced that it could adequately explain the national security implications of UFO sightings. It’s more than likely the video leaks and pilot interviews are part of an official disclosure process of advanced aerospace technologies that are well known to US military leaders.

The Pentagon is slowly educating the public about advanced technologies it has secretly developed. There is abundant and compelling evidence that both the USAF and US Navy have developed secret space programs that utilize the kind of advanced aerospace technologies witnessed by the Navy pilots in the 2014/2015 and 2004 incidents.

It is most likely, however, that the US Air Force’s arsenal of advanced aerospace technologies will be the first secret space program that is to be revealed given the abundance of evidence proving its existence as I have documented in the US Air Force Secret Space Program. While the Navy program focused on deep space operations, the Air Force focused on near Earth operations and its craft deployed technologies that will be easier to explain as human engineered.

It will help the unfolding UFO disclosure narrative greatly if US Navy pilots are bewildered by the advanced technologies they are witnessing, thereby pointing to such technologies belonging to another military service. This will deflect attention away from the Navy SSP to the Air Force’s SSP.

It’s becoming very clear that the Pentagon has decided to move forward with preparing the general public for future announcements of advanced aerospace technologies that have been secretly developed in highly classified programs. This will be used to explain the origins of many UFO sightings over the decades, including those witnessed by military pilots that were studied by AATIP. I for one, don’t believe all UFO sightings can be explained as terrestrially developed advanced technologies, but certainly a great many are.

The advanced aerospace technologies secretly developed by the Air Force, as I explain in the US Air Force Secret Space Program, will be gradually disclosed with the official launch of Space Force, which is part of a long term strategic plan to eventually disclose and merge all advanced aerospace technologies developed by different branches of the US military.  In the meantime, to get more information about AATIP and multiple military pilot reports of UFOs since 2007, you can tune in this Friday to the official launch of the History Channel’s, “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation”.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Dan Aykroyd Says Aliens Are Here – and They Want Sex With Human Women

by Vicki Newman                   May 17, 2019                        (

• Actor and writer, Dan Aykroyd, 66, claims to have seen four UFOs during his life, and that 60% of the people already “know it’s true” that aliens and UFOs exist. “The proof is going to start dribbling out,” says Aykroyd.

• According to Aykroyd, most extraterrestrials pop by the Earth just to “look at this beautiful planet”. But the SNL/movie star is concerned that some aliens want to harm people and use them as “lab rats”. ET’s “would love to impregnate a [human] woman and produce a hybrid baby, this is what they’re up to here.”

• Former model and ex-wife of Rolling Stones star Ronnie Wood, Jo Wood, 64, also witnessed a UFO with Ron in Brazil. “I went outside and there over the sea was this shape that had lights that just came down and reflected onto the sea.” She said the lights shot to one side before disappearing quickly. The next day’s newspaper revealed that hundreds of people had also seen this UFO. Jo Wood saw another UFO from her plane as she was travelling with her son, Tyrone. Looking out of the plane’s window, they could see a blue-green orb. “I’m fascinated by the universe and by space,” Jo said.


Ghostbusters star Dan Ackroyd (sic) is convinced aliens are already here – and that they want to have sex with human women.

The actor says he’s seen four UFOs and that most extraterrestrials who pop by Earth are just tourists coming to “look at this beautiful planet”.

However, the star is concerned that some aliens want to harm people and use them as “lab rats”.

And Dan is convinced that 60% of us already “know it’s true”.

He told the Daily Star : “The proof is going to start dribbling out. The aliens are interested in your ova, your femininity, your reproductive parts, your DNA.

“They would love to draw blood and fluid and would love to impregnate a woman and produce a hybrid baby, this is what they’re up to here.”

He added: “I believe some aliens are here to harm us. There are many that come here with nefarious purposes and want to use us as lab rats.”

       Jo and Ronnie Wood, 1985

The Blues Brothers actor, 66, isn’t the only star who has spoken about their alien encounters.

Former model and ex-wife of Rolling Stones star Ronnie Wood, Jo Wood, has been open about her belief in the extra terrestrial too.

She recently appeared on This Morning to talk about her new podcast Alien Nation.

Jo said her fascination with the extraterrestrial started at around age 12 when her dad was reading a magazine called ‘Is God an Astronaut?’

Jo, 64, told hosts Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield about the time she saw a UFO in Brazil.



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Roswell Alien Was Sub-Human Creation of Auschwitz Nazi Josef Mengele Claim

by Sean Martin                     May 9, 2019                        (

• Annie Jacobson, “investigative journalist” and author of the book: Area 51: An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base, told Fresh Air podcast recently that the Roswell, New Mexico crash in the summer of 1947 was neither an extraterrestrial craft or a weather balloon. It was, according to Jacobson’s “source” and detailed in her book, a Soviet ‘dark propaganda’ program to create panic in the United States over an alien invasion.

• During World War II, Nazi doctor Josef Mengele had conducted horrendous human experiments at Auschwitz and had become known as the ‘Angel of Death’. After WWII, Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin captured Mengele and tasked him with creating “grotesque, child-size” pilots who could be placed on board a small plane which was flown remotely to the United States. US citizens would see the “grotesque” children, think they were aliens, and cause mass hysteria. There are scant details on how this actually may have happened. “[I]t was a warning shot over President Truman’s bow, so to speak,” said Jacobson.

• “If you look at the timeline with Josef Mengele, he left Auschwitz in January of 1945 and disappeared for a while, and the suggestion by my source is that Mengele had already cut his losses with the Third Reich at that point and was working with Stalin,” claims Jacobson.

• The Soviet Union didn’t have nuclear weapons capability at the time, so they employed this interplanetary hoax. Said Jacobson, “[O]ne of the most interesting documents is the second CIA director, Walter Bedell Smith, memos back and forth to the National Security Council talking about how the fear is that the Soviets could make a hoax against America involving a UFO and overload our early air-defense warning system, making America vulnerable to an attack.”

[Editor’s Note]   It appears that the Deep State propaganda machine is running in high gear to dump as much disinformation on the public as possible with regard to the UFO phenomenon and the continuing extraterrestrial presence on and around our planet. Deep State shills like Jacobson use the time-tested method of taking an actual historic event and then adding new pieces of information to twist and turn it into something completely different. Whether it is plausible or not is not the point. The goal is to create so many possibilities that the public cannot determine the real truth. People become exasperated with so many ‘explanations’ that they get tired of hearing about it, and mentally block it. It is just another psy-op to distract people from what is truly going on.


In 1947, a mysterious flying disc was reported to have landed in the desert of New Mexico near the town of Roswell. The US Air Force rushed to the scene and claimed a weather balloon had crashed, but 70 years later, conspiracy theorists still maintain an alien flying saucer had crashed. However, one researcher believes both of these claims are false, and that the crash was that of a Soviet plane carrying deformed soldiers which was sent to spy and spook US citizens.

This is at least according to journalist Annie Jacobson who believes the Soviet Union was employing “dark propaganda” to send the US into meltdown.

Following the end of the Second World War, Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin employed Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, who had conducted horrendous human experiments at Auschwitz and had become known as the ‘Angel of Death’, to create “grotesque, child-size” pilots who could be placed on board a small plane which was flown remotely.

In return for Dr Mengele’s experiments, Stalin promised the former Nazi a eugenics lab where his unethical experiments could continue.

After the ‘child pilots’ were created, of which there are scant details on how this actually happened, Stalin and the Soviet Union sent them on a small aircraft to the US.

The plan was then to have the plane land in the US, where citizens would see the “grotesque” children and think they were aliens and cause mass hysteria – similar to the 1937 radio broadcast of Orson Welles’ War of The Worlds, according to Ms Jacobson, who authored the book Area 51: An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base.

Ms Jacobson told the Fresh Air podcast: “The child-sized aviators in this craft were the result of a Soviet human experimentation program, and they had been made to look like aliens a la Orson Welles’ War of the Worlds, and it was a warning shot over President Truman’s bow, so to speak.



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The Pentagon Finally Admits It Investigates UFOs

by Steven Greenstreet                 May 22, 2019                 (

• In an ‘about face’, US Department of Defense (DoD) spokesman, Christopher Sherwood, was uncharacteristically open and honest with the NY Post about the fact that the Pentagon’s $22M ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ which ran from 2007 to 2012 was intended to study UFOs – or “unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAPs) as they call them now – and continues to investigate extraterrestrial UFO reports. (see 4:22 minute video about the NY Post interview below)

• “The department will continue to investigate, through normal procedures, reports of unidentified aircraft encountered by US military aviators in order to ensure defense of the homeland and protection against strategic surprise by our nation’s adversaries,” said Sherwood.

• Former UFO investigator for the UK’s Ministry of Defence, Nick Pope, called the DoD’s comments a “bombshell revelation.” “Previous official statements were ambiguous and left the door open to the possibility that AATIP was simply concerned with next-generation aviation threats from aircraft, missiles and drones — as skeptics claimed,’ said Pope. “This new admission makes it clear that they really did study what the public would call ‘UFOs.’ ”

• John Greenewald Jr., of ‘The Black Vault’ government document archival website, called the Pentagon’s use of the term “unidentified aerial phenomena” unprecedented in its frankness. “I’m shocked,” said Greenwald “… they’ve seemingly worked very hard not to say that.” “[N]ow we have actual evidence — official evidence — that said, ‘Yes, AATIP did deal with UAP cases, phenomena, videos, photos, whatever.’” “[A]t least we’re one step closer to the truth.”


The Pentagon has finally uttered the words it always avoided when discussing the possible existence of UFOs — “unidentified aerial phenomena” — and admits that it still investigates reports of them.

Pentagon spokesman, Christopher Sherwood

In a statement provided exclusively to The Post, a Department of Defense spokesman said a secret government initiative called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program “did pursue research and investigation into unidentified aerial phenomena.”

And while the DOD says it shut down the AATIP in 2012, spokesman Christopher Sherwood acknowledged that the department still investigates claimed sightings of alien spacecraft.

“The Department of Defense is always concerned about maintaining positive identification of all aircraft in our operating environment, as well as identifying any foreign capability that may be a threat to the homeland,” Sherwood said.

“The department will continue to investigate, through normal procedures, reports of unidentified aircraft encountered by US military aviators in order to ensure defense of the homeland and protection against strategic surprise by our nation’s adversaries.”

Nick Pope, who secretly investigated UFOs for the British government during the 1990s, called the DOD’s comments a “bombshell revelation.”

4:22 minute New York Post video with Steven Greenstreet discussing DoD UFO disclosure



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Pilot Reports UFO Sighting in Turkish Skies; Says ‘Never Seen Something Like This Before’

by Nirmal Narayanan                    May 17, 2019                     (

• On May 10, 2019, during a flight from Istanbul, Turkey to Cologne, Germany, Turkish pilot Atilla Senturk saw and video recorded a white UFO performing maneuvers with incredible speed. “[W]e saw an incredibly bright celestial body at high altitude. It wasn’t a satellite or a star. It was the first time I saw something like this. It was very close to us and very bright despite the sun,” said Senturk.

• The UFO sighting went viral and the YouTube conspiracy theory channel, ‘UFO Mania’, uploaded the video. (see 1:32 minute video below) Most of the people commenting on the video claimed that the bright orb could be actually a secret space vehicle developed by aliens. “That’s exactly what we need, more credible airline pilots stepping up and capturing evidence. Keep it up,” commented YouTube user

• Skeptics claim that this white object is either a weather balloon or a plastic bag floating in the air.


A Turkish pilot has claimed to have seen a speeding UFO during a domestic flight from Istanbul to Cologne on May 10. The pilot, Atilla Senturk, revealed that the UFO moved in an incredible speed across the skies.

Interestingly, Senturk also filmed the visuals of the UFO, and in the video, the apparently white unidentified flying object can be seen performing weird manoeuvres at an incredible speed in the day sky.

After witnessing the incident, the pilot also made it clear that he had never seen such an object in his flying career. He added that the object was very bright and visible despite bright sunlight.

“During Germany to Cologne flight, we saw an incredibly bright celestial body at high altitude. It wasn’t a satellite or a star. It was the first time I saw something like this. It was very close to us and very bright despite the sun,” said Senturk, Dailystar reports.

As the news of the UFO sighting went viral, popular conspiracy theory channel ‘UFO Mania’ also uploaded a video on YouTube detailing about this incident. The video soon went viral, and it has already racked up more 18,000 views.

1:32 minute video of Turkish pilot’s video of a UFO (UFO mania)



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Spinning, Flashing UFO Spotted in Gaston

by Cole Miller                 May 16, 2019                 (

• On a January night in Gaston, Oregon, David Stone and his wife were preparing to turn in for the night when Mrs. Stone ran her husband and said, “You got see this!” There was a bright, spinning light in the dark sky.

• “It was a spinning, colorful light and it was too, it wasn’t too far away but yet it wasn’t right here …. it was like, what could it be?” said Stone (seen above pointing at the place in the sky where he saw the UFO). “It would spin and it would get bigger and bigger and bigger and then it would poof just go away for like I don’t know a quarter mile, half mile, just gone and then come right back,” he said.

• Stone’s wife posted the video on social media, which began Mutual UFO Network’s Tom Bowden’s investigation. Bowden looked into air traffic patterns and astronomy, eventually concluding the flashing orb was an unidentified flying object.

• “Nobody could say one way or the other what it was,” Stone said. “God created the heaven and the earth so I guess there’s more to it than that.” Stone says despite witnessing the UFO, he’s still a skeptic.

[Editor’s Note]   Apparently seeing isn’t believing for David Stone who remains a skeptic of UFOs. Cognitive dissonance and mind control are not easily overcome.


GASTON, Ore. (KOIN) — It was a quiet January night in Gaston when David Stone’s wife saw something she couldn’t explain.

“I was in bed, my wife came home and she was putting some groceries away. She comes running in, ‘come out husband, you gotta see this,'” Stone said.

There was a bright, spinning light in the dark sky.

“Out here it’s quiet anyway and the stars come alive,” Stone said. “It was a spinning, colorful light and it was too, it wasn’t too far away but yet it wasn’t right here …. it was like, what could it be?”

2:45 minute video of orb light UFO over Gaston, Oregon (KOIN 6 News)



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NASA’s Full Artemis Plan Revealed: 37 Launches and a Lunar Outpost

by Eric Berger                   May 20, 2019                    (

• In March 2019, Vice President Mike Pence directed NASA to return to the Moon by 2024. Since then, NASA has been working on a plan to accomplish this using existing technology, large projects nearing completion, and commercial rockets. The first draft of this unofficial “Artemis Plan” reveal a human landing in 2024, annual sorties to the lunar surface, and the construction of a Moon base beginning in 2028. It involves 37 launches of private and NASA rockets, and a mix of robotic and human landers. This plan is everything Pence asked for—an urgent human return, a Moon base, a mix of existing and new contractors.

• NASA’s projected cost for this program is $6 billion to $8 billion per year on top of NASA’s existing budget of about $20 billion. NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine has asked for an additional $1.6 billion in fiscal year 2020 to jump-start its lander development. Due to its massive cost, an international partnership will be needed to sustain this plan. The White House has proposed paying for the lunar project with a surplus in the Pell Grant Reserve Fund (provided to low-income college students). But this appears to be a non-starter with House Democrats.

• Boeing has been working on the core stage of the Space Launch System for eight years. The three-stage, reusable lunar lander envisioned by NASA to get humans to the lunar surface will require new, upgraded engines and control systems, including fuel management. It is uncertain that Boeing will be able to deliver an SLS core stage in 2020, then again in 2022, and then six more between 2024 and 2028, according to this ambitious plan.

• Funding for the lunar program is a harsh political reality. Will Congressional Democrats insist that NASA funding may only come from Department of Defense funds earmarked for Space Force? And what if Trump is not re-elected in 2020? Will a new administration pursue a lunar program that has barely gotten off the ground? Or will it pivot toward a lower-cost space program that makes extensive use of the new private space industry?

• If the funding issues are resolved, this NASA plan could take us back to the Moon. But it probably won’t happen by 2024. A more realistic date would be 2026 at the earliest, say sources inside NASA.


In the nearly two months since Vice President Mike Pence directed NASA to return to the Moon by 2024, space agency engineers have been working to put together a plan that leverages existing technology, large projects nearing completion, and commercial rockets to bring this about.

Last week, an updated plan that demonstrated a human landing in 2024, annual sorties to the lunar surface thereafter, and the beginning of a Moon base by 2028, began circulating within the agency. A graphic, shown below, provides information about each of the major launches needed to construct a small Lunar Gateway, stage elements of a lunar lander there, fly crews to the Moon and back, and conduct refueling missions.

This decade-long plan, which entails 37 launches of private and NASA rockets, as well as a mix of robotic and human landers, culminates with a “Lunar Surface Asset Deployment” in 2028, likely the beginning of a surface outpost for long-duration crew stays. Developed by the agency’s senior human spaceflight manager, Bill Gerstenmaier, this plan is everything Pence asked for—an urgent human return, a Moon base, a mix of existing and new contractors.

One thing missing is its cost. NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine has asked for an additional $1.6 billion in fiscal year 2020 as a down payment to jump-start lander development. But all of the missions in this chart would cost much, much more. Sources continue to tell Ars that the internal projected cost is $6 billion to $8 billion per year on top of NASA’s existing budget of about $20 billion.

The plan also misses what is likely another critical element. It’s not clear what role there would be on these charts for international partners, as nearly all of the vehicles could—and likely would—come from NASA or US- based companies. An international partnership, as evidenced by the International Space Station program, is likely key to sustaining a lunar program over the long term in the US political landscape.

Three miracles

Although the plan is laudable in that it represents a robust human exploration of deep space, scientific research, and an effort to tap water resources at the Moon, it faces at least three big problems.

The first issue is funding and political vulnerability. One reason Bridenstine has not shared the full cost of the program as envisioned is “sticker shock” that has doomed other previous efforts. However, if NASA is going to attempt a Moon landing with this specific plan—rather than a radical departure that relies on smaller, reusable rockets—the agency will need a lot more money.

So far, the White House has proposed paying for this with a surplus in the Pell Grant Reserve Fund. But this appears to be a non-starter with House Democrats. “The President is proposing to further cut a beneficial needs-based grants program that provides a lifeline to low-income students, namely the Pell Grants program, in order to pay for the first year of this initiative—something that I cannot support,” House science committee chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson has said.

Congress is also not going to give NASA an unlimited authority to reprogram funds, with an apparently open-ended time frame, which Bridenstine has sought.

A second problem is that NASA’s current plan relies on its contractors to actually deliver hardware. Boeing’s work on the core stage of the Space Launch System is emblematic of this problem. The company has been working on the core stage for eight years, and it is unlikely to be ready for flight before another year or two. Boeing’s management of the contract has been harshly criticized by NASA’s Inspector General. After all this, can Boeing be counted on to deliver an SLS core stage in 2020, then again in 2022, and six more between 2024 and 2028?



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Former US Soldier Claims He Buried Metal From Alien Craft That Crash-Landed in 1973

May 13, 2019                (

• In 1973, US Army Sergeant Clifford Stone (pictured above) was tasked with the retrieval of crashed extraterrestrial craft. During this time he cataloged 57 different species of aliens. Some, he stated, looked very much like human beings that could walk among us and wouldn’t be noticed.

• While serving in this capacity with the Army, Stone says that one time he took a piece of metal from the site of a crashed alien spaceship, stuck it in his boot, took it home and buried it on his property in New Mexico. In the video clip below, Stone says, “Yes I have it and wouldn’t dare to keep it in the house.” “I had it here to show some people where I kept it…and then somebody actually came here and tried to take it. I almost shot somebody that day.” Stone added, “I can’t replace this. You don’t go to the store and buy this, and I took a big chance when I went ahead and got it.” (see 10:13 minute video below)

• Blake Cousins of ThirdPhaseofMoon YouTube channel, who telephone interviewed Stone, said his conversation with the former sergeant “could change history as we know it”.


A former US Air Force (Army) sergeant has claimed that he buried metal from a recovered alien aircraft and catalogued 57 species of extraterrestrials while in service.

Sergeant Clifford Stone claimed that in 1973, he was involved in the retrieval of a crashed extraterrestrial craft.

            Army Sgt Clifford Stone

He claims that he hid a small piece of the craft’s metal exterior in his boot and buried it near his home in New Mexico, US, after leaving the US (Army) in 1989.

The man also bizarrely claims that prior to his departure, he had catalogued 57 different species of aliens.

Some, he states, looked very much like human beings that could walk among us and wouldn’t be noticed.

YouTube conspiracist Blake Cousins – of thirdphaseofmoon – has since uploaded a video of a conversation he had with the former US Army soldier.

10:13 minute video on Sgt Clifford Stone’s alien artifact
(Blake Cousins ‘thirdphaseofmoon’ YouTube)



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ESA Antenna Could Intercept Alien Messages From Black Holes, Scientists Say

by Niño Cabatingan                      May 10. 2019                        (

• When launched, the next-generation ‘Laser Interferometer Space Antenna’ (LISA – pictured above) developed by the European Space Agency will be the first-ever space-based gravitational wave detector. It will consist of space probes arranged in a triangular formation with distance of about 2.5 million kilometers from each other.

• Professor Marek Abramowicz, the lead researcher from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, believes that LISA may also be able to detect extraterrestrial communication. If the space antenna array were placed around a black hole, it could possibly decipher encrypted messages from an advanced alien civilization. Abramowicz said that that there is a chance of finding such an alien civilization if we know where to look. Technologically advanced civilizations may use the black hole’s innermost stable orbit to send messages to the rest of the galaxy.

• Abramowicz and his colleagues suggest that in the Milky Way, the central black hole called Sagittarius A* would be the ideal spot for a technologically advanced alien civilization to broadcast communications for the rest of the galaxy. “In order to be recognized as (a message), a gravitational wave Messenger beacon must emit a clearly unnatural signal, such as a persistent emission of gravitational waves at a constant frequency,” added Abramowicz.

• “We argue that if a sophisticated extraterrestrial civilization would decide to construct a device to study the massive black hole in the galactic center, or to extract energy from it, or even for intentions unfathomable to the human mind, this device can also serve as a Messenger,” Abramowicz explained.

• The ESA’s LISA is scheduled to launch into space to study gravitational waves by the year 2034.


A sophisticated space-based antenna developed by the European Space Agency (ESA) is designed to measure gravitational waves, but it could possibly also decipher encrypted messages from an advanced alien civilization, a new paper suggests.

A team of physicists suggested that the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) would be able to detect messages from an advanced alien civilization if it is placed around a black hole where the hypothetical extraterrestrials could look to.

LISA is the next-generation space instrument that is designed by ESA to detect and measure gravitational waves from space. If successfully launched, it will be the first-ever space-based gravitational wave detector. It will consist of space probes arranged in a triangular formation with distance of about 2.5 million kilometers from each other.

Professor Marek Abramowicz, the lead researcher from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, believes that LISA is the answer to uncovering alien life in the Milky Way galaxy.

“Gravitational waves phenomena are omnipresent in the universe and with sufficient technological prowess relatively straightforward to detect,” the researchers said, adding they believe LISA plays a role in detecting extraterrestrial communication.

With the number of habitable planets in our galaxy and the estimation of the existence of advanced alien life using the Drake Equation, Abramowicz said that that there is a chance of finding one if we know where to look.



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Biologist Claims ‘Mars Still Has Life’ But ‘It’s Hiding’

by Tom Fish                 May 10, 2019                 (

• Four billion years ago, the Martian surface featured habitable rivers, lakes and even a deep ocean. Some astrobiologists believe that ancient Mars was a more conducive cradle for life than early Earth. Mars lost its habitability when the Red Planet lost its global magnetic field and the Sun’s radiation stripped away the once-thick Martian atmosphere. This process transformed Mars into the cold, dry world of today.

• Michael Finney, co-founder of The Genome Partnership said, ”If Mars had life 4 billion years ago, Mars still has life.” “Nothing has happened on Mars that would’ve wiped out life.” “So, if there were life on Mars, it may have moved around, it may have gone into hiding a bit, but it is probably still there.” One of the most promising hiding places for finding alien life is beneath the Martian surface.

• Although there is a lack of running water on the Martian surface, there is likely lots of water in buried aquifers. The Mars Express orbiter data suggests that a big lake lies beneath the Mars’ south pole. The existence of methane on Mars that may have been produced by organisms indicates life on the planet in the past.

[Editor’s Note]    Yes, in its past Mars had all of the features needed for a thriving planet, e.g.: an atmosphere, running surface water, vegetation. In fact, it was home to an intelligent and sophisticated civilization. After its catastrophe 500 million years ago, the indigenous intelligent beings – including humans and reptoid beings – went underground where remnants of these past cultures are still living. Now there appears to be a contest between the Draco/German/Corporate SSP and an insectoid race of beings, each contending for control over the planet.


When looking for locations where alien life could potentially live, few places fire the imagination like Earth’s nearest neighbour – Mars. Humans have for centuries has looked to the heavens and wondered whether Mars is a home for extraterrestrials. And although NASA research has yet to find evidence of alien life on Mars, it does not necessarily mean the Red Planet is dead, a NASA scientist has announced.

Four billion years ago, the Martian surface was a wetter world, featuring habitable rivers, lakes and even a deep ocean.
“If Mars had life 4 billion years ago, Mars still has life,” Dr Michael Finney

And some astrobiologists believe an ancient Mars was a more conducive cradle for life than early Earth.

While a growing scientific consensus suspect life on Earth may have been sowed by Martian asteroids slamming into our planet.

However, Mars lost its habitability when the Red Planet lost its global magnetic field.

This in turn allowed deadly [?] emanating from the Sun to strip away the once-thick Martian atmosphere.

NASA’s MAVEN orbiter has showed how this process transformed Mars into the cold, dry world we recognise today.
However this planetary evolution does not necessarily mean the Red Planet is now a dead planet.

Michael Finney, co-founder of The Genome Partnership said: ”If Mars had life 4 billion years ago, Mars still has life.
“Nothing has happened on Mars that would’ve wiped out life.



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US Air Force Secret Space Program – Book Review

Dr Salla’s new book:
US Air Force Secret Space Program
-Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances & Space Force
goes on sale today!!!

by Duke Brickhouse, Chief Editor, ExoNews

In book four of his secret space program series, eminent exopolitical historian, Dr Michael Salla, walks us through the inception of the US Air Force military branch in 1947; through the development of the USAF’s own clandestine secret space program; the deceptions played on the Air Force by the Deep State; the Air Force’s recent ideological shift in alliances; and its most recent actions to disclose its secret space program to the public.

US Air Force Secret Space Program – Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances & Space Force follows Dr Salla’s previous books in the series, Antarctica’s Hidden History (2018); The US Navy’s Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance (2017); and Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances (2015) – all of which will bring the reader up to date on the various secret space programs that began to develop in the 1940’s and continue to this day. I would also recommend Dr Salla’s book Kennedy’s Last Stand: Eisenhower, UFOs, MJ-12 & JFK’s Assassination (2013) as it fits nicely within this SSP subject matter.

Due to the realization by Air Force leaders in 2016 that they had been deceived for many years by Deep State factions within the US government, as well as Deep State groups within the regimes of America’s major allies, the US Air Force made an ideological shift in alliances away from the Deep State secrecy and toward the public disclosure of its highly advanced technologies and off-planet assets.

These Deep State groups had encouraged USAF leaders to believe that their arsenal of secretly developed spacecraft and space weaponry would make the Air Force a power to be reckoned with in space. Only recently did Air Force space program commanders learned that, rather than being the “tip of the spear” of the US military’s entry into deep space, it was in fact a “coast guard”, lagging far behind other military forces possessing deep space capabilities.

Dr. Salla begins his as yet untold history of the US Air Force with its roots in the US Army’s Signal Corps and its reorganization as a separate and equal military branch after WWII. Salla then delves into the USAF’s secretive policy changes brought on by the recovery of extraterrestrial craft in the 1940’s; secret pacts made with a breakaway Nazi German colony in Antarctica; and Eisenhower’s secret treaties with various extraterrestrial groups in the 1950’s. This leads to the infiltration by Antarctic Germans into the military-industrial complex and NASA during the 1960’s, and the USAF’s development of stealth space stations in the 1970’s. By the 1980’s and 90’s, the USAF was building and deploying squadrons of saucer, triangle and rectangular-shaped craft which many witnesses would mistake for extraterrestrial UFO craft.

Prior to the revelation of a grand deception and its ideological shift in alliances, the USAF was a major asset of the Deep State and its shadowy Fourth Reich German allies, and not necessarily a protector of US national interests. But since its existential epiphany, the USAF has taken significant steps to realign its covert near-Earth space program with a more ethical group of extraterrestrials who have been working with the US Navy’s deep space program. In January 2018, the USAF demonstrated its positive shift in alliances by thwarting a Deep State CIA plot to destroy the island of Hawaii, thereby triggering a third world war.

            Author: Dr Michael Salla

The USAF’s profound ideological shift seems to have motivated President Donald Trump to create a sixth US military branch, the Space Force, by merging our near-Earth space assets under the authority of Air Force Command – no longer affiliated with the Deep State and its Fourth Reich allies. Dr. Salla anticipates a day when the Navy’s deep space Solar Warden program will also be revealed, and will join with the USAF’s space program to form a fully-independent Space Force military branch.

The creation of a transparent Space Force and exposing these endeavors to the public light will phase out the corrupting influence of Deep State/CIA black budget funding as the preferred method of building and operating military space programs in secret, which compromises the Constitutional directive of the US military. This will transform the civilian aviation and space industries, provide free energy sources that liberate humanity from its dependence on fossil fuels, and revolutionize the medical industry with the release of holographic and electromagnetic healing technologies that have been used for decades within the secret space programs. Space Force will also provide the opportunity for US authorities to disclose the truth about visiting extraterrestrial life, allowing the Earth to become a nascent member of a richly diverse galactic community.

When the American people, and people all over the planet, learn about the various secret space programs and breakaway civilizations that have been conceived and created over the past seventy years since WWII, we will all become awakened to our true reality. Suddenly so many historical puzzles will begin to make sense, e.g.: Hitler’s maniacal quest for world domination; the emergence of the Deep State under Truman; the incessant denial of the UFO/extraterrestrial presence; Eisenhower’s warning about the military-industrial complex; the assassination of JFK; the controversy surrounding the 1969 Moon landing; Ronald Reagan’s cryptic warnings of alien invasions; 9-11; perpetual wars; climate change; the steady decline of society and the planet itself; our stunted technological development and continued dependence upon fossil fuel energy; the election of Donald Trump as President; and the violent, self-centered idiocy that plagues our planet. Understanding our true reality will also provide a more accurate glimpse into the future.

America’s decline is due mainly to the fact that for seven decades our full financial and industrial resources have not been used toward the positive advancement of our own society. Instead, much of it – perhaps most of it – has been siphoned into off-planet elite Deep State enterprises. We will need to reclaim these resources, especially when the seas rise by an estimated thirty feet. Dr Salla’s secret space program book series will give those with open and inquisitive minds a tremendous head start in their research into this vast and sinister deception that has been perpetrated upon all of us.

Do We Need Space Force to Protect us from Space Pirates?

On May 14, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) gave a speech in support of Congress moving forward with the creation of Space Force as a new branch of the US military. Cruz gave an intriguing perspective on what the proposed new military branch would protect the country from – space pirates!

Cruz said the following in his Space Force speech at a hearing of the Senate Subcommittee on Aviation and Space, which he chairs:

Since the ancient Greeks first put to sea, nations have recognized the necessity of naval forces and maintaining a superior capability to protect waterborne travel and commerce from bad actors. Pirates threaten the open seas, and the same is possible in space. In this same way, I believe we, too, must now recognize the necessity of a space force to defend the nation and to protect space commerce and civil space exploration.

Cruz’s implicit reference to “space pirates” quickly garnered much internet attention, particularly on Twitter’s “moments” news thread, where tweets of multiple people mocking him appeared. Cruz fired back at Jack Dorsey, creator of Twitter, for not giving equal coverage to his responses:

President Donald’s Trump’s proposed Space Force is currently being debated in the US Congress which is considering legislation officially creating it as a new military branch under the US Air Force.

The Pentagon has come out in support of Space Force being created, despite initial opposition by the Secretary of the Air Force, Heather Wilson, and its Chief of Staff, David Goldfein. Patrick Shanahan, the Acting Secretary of Defense, has been the driving force behind the Pentagon getting behind Trump’s proposal.

A two stage process was outlined by the Pentagon on August 9, 2018, for realizing Trump’s goal. One of the four components in the first stage was was the elevation of the Air Force’s current Space Command into one of the Pentagon’s unified combatant commands. Currently there are ten combatant commands that are at the apex for command and control of different geographical regions and specific functions performed by all branches of the US military.

On March 27, 2019, John William “Jay” Raymond, a four-star general who is the current head of Air Force Space Command (2016-), was proposed by President Trump to head up the new Space Command.

In his February 19, 2019, Space Policy Directive 4, Trump proposed that legislation be created for the formal establishment of a Space Force as a separate military branch initially placed under the Department of the Air Force. Trump’s desire for a separate Department of the Space Force, would be revisited at a later stage.

Legislation for Space Force was submitted to Congress in February by Secretary Shanahan and is currently being debated in various congressional committees, including Cruz’s. The Space Force legislation is a major test for whether or not the new military branch has enough Congressional support to have its creation passed into law.

While the partisan nature of the current Congress makes any passage of policies proposed by Trump challenging, there is still strong bipartisan support for policies supported by the Pentagon. A letter of support from 43 former Pentagon officials is proving to be very influential in overcoming doubts expressed by members of Congress. The letter states that Space Force will:

… develop military space culture and ethos; recruit, train, educate, promote, and retain scientists, engineers, and warriors with world-class space skills and talent; advocate for space requirements and resources; develop space doctrine and operational art; develop, field, and deliver advanced space capabilities; and steward resources to sustain America’s strategic advantage and preeminence in national security space activities.

Consequently, because Shanahan and other Pentagon officials are committed to the creation of Space Force, it’s very likely that Congress will pass the proposed legislation and authorize its creation.

This finally brings us to Cruz’s indirect reference to “space pirates”. Was this just hyperbole for why Space Force is needed?

In his tweet to Dorsey, Cruz tried to walk back his comment by referring to the capability of major nations such as China to destroy satellites as his real point. However, according to multiple insider sources, the idea of the US having to defend itself against space pirates is not as ridiculous as it appears. There are a number of non-state actors secretly operating in space that do threaten US national interests, and the planet more generally.

One of these sources is rogue special access programs, which operate outside of lawful government control. Former Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell confirmed that the sitting head of intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Vice Admiral Tom Wilson, was denied access in 1997 to an Unacknowledged Special Access Program (USAP) involving UFOs.

This incident and many others point to rogue USAPs conducting various advanced aerospace projects that can impact US space operations and Earth installations. These USAPs are loosely controlled by shadowy entities such as the Deep State, which have their own distinct globalist agendas that conflict with nationalist policies.

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An example of existing rogue operations is given in my new book, the US Air Force Secret Space Program: Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances and Space Force a chapter discusses how the Deep State used its MASER equipped satellites to steer Hurricane Irma against MacDill Air Force Base in retaliation for Air Force Special Ops openly displaying some of its antigravity craft to members of the general public in support of disclosure. The conclusion is that rogue USAPs are a modern day form of space pirates.

We also have the idea of Space Nazis which was proposed by insiders such as William Tompkins who worked for the US Navy during World War II, and said he was part of a Navy espionage program that monitored the Nazi’s flying saucer program. Tompkins asserted that the Germans successfully established a breakaway colony in Antarctica which became a space power over the succeeding decades.

According to Tompkins and other insiders, the Germans have established colonies on Mars, Ceres, and elsewhere in Deep Space, and have developed some of the most advanced aerospace technologies known to humanity. Given their non-state status, the breakaway German Antarctic/Mars colonies may also be considered a modern form of space pirates.

Finally, we have the idea of a transnational corporate network that has developed its own space fleet that operates outside of any national or global institutional authority. According to insiders such as Corey Goode, the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate has the most advanced spacecraft in existence as a result of their long-time cooperation with the breakaway German group in Antarctica.

Given their official non-state status, transnational corporate entities such as the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate may also be included in the category of space pirates that Cruz was warning the public about.

As the head of a key Congressional subcommittee dealing with space affairs, Cruz may have acquired some inside knowledge of these different non-state actors operating in space outside of any recognized lawful national or global authority.

The problem of “space pirates” is very real and not just hyperbole. Whether by design or accident, Cruz has just pointed out a major reason why Space Force is being created, and is being fast-tracked into existence by the Trump administration.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Letter: No Weather Balloon

May 9, 2019                       (

[Editor’s Note]    This is a Letter to the Editor from the Virginian-Pilot, the local newspaper for the Norfolk/Virginia Beach region, from May 9th.

Re: “Navy to take UFO sightings seriously” (front page, April 26): I was so pleased to see that the U.S. Navy has decided that UFOs do exist and they will be investigating the sightings.

In May 1968, while serving in the U.S. Coast Guard, I encountered an object in Atlantic Beach, N.C. I was within 50 to 70 feet of the object when it landed and actually seemed to welcome my interest. It made no noise, no thrust, no nothing. It moved around like a laser dot on a screen, an approximately 24-inch-diameter ball of light but left a much larger imprint on the ground. The encounter lasted maybe 15 minutes.

There were four others who witnessed this event. They wanted to report the event, but I refused. I didn’t want to be labeled as some sort of nut. However, the next day I was summoned to a meeting with a Marine Corps captain from Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station. He stated he was representing the Air Force’s Blue Book investigation and asked if I wanted to report a UFO. I said to him, “I’m reporting either God, an angel or a UFO, something that flies that we don’t have.” He said I had seen a weather balloon and to return to my duties.

It was no balloon. Ladies and gentlemen, there is something more powerful and knowledgeable than the United State, Russia, China, North Korea and the world combined.

Reginald E. Stubbs, Jr.

Chincoteague Island



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The Paranormal Roots of the Pentagon’s UFO Program

by Alejandro Rojas                    May 15, 2019                     (

• The Pentagon’s five-year, $22M ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ (AATIP) UFO study program, headed by Luis Elizondo, which The New York Times revealed in a December 2017 article (see here), did not begin with interest in UFOs. It began with the Defense Intelligence Agency’s interest in the paranormal activities going on at billionaire Robert Bigelow’s ‘Skinwalker Ranch’ in Utah. The original name for the secret project was the Advanced Aerospace Weapons System Application Program (AAWSAP).

• Soon, the fundamentalist Christians within the various US intelligence agencies began to raise their religious concerns. “They’re basically high-level people in different intelligence agencies… who think that anything involving UFOs and the paranormal is satanic,” said George Knapp (the I-Team Las Vegas television journalist who has been closely following this story). “Certain senior government officials thought our collection of facts on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) was dangerous to their philosophical beliefs,” said Elizondo. “[T]he data was a threat to their (Christian) belief system.”

• By 2008, the pressure from the Christian right to end these demonic “paranormal investigations” caused them to create a sub-group inside of AAWSAP that focused only on military UFO cases. This was AATIP. When Elizondo took over as the head of the program in 2010, he only worked within the AATIP UFO division while the DIA closed the AAWSAP paranormal division. By 2012, the AATIP was closed down as well (so they say), and Elizondo left the government to work with Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’.

• The DIA had initially approached Las Vegas billionaire Robert Bigelow “to visit Mr. Bigelow’s ranch in the Uintah Basin of Utah, where he conducted research”. The original AAWSAP Paranormal division’s investigations included “bizarre creatures, poltergeist activity, invisible entities, orbs of light, animal and human injuries and much more,” according to a senior manager on the project.

• Bigelow’s first significant foray into the unknown was an organization created in 1995 called the National Institute for Discovery Sciences (NIDS). Its purpose was to conduct scientific investigations of the paranormal. Bigelow bought the Skinwalker Ranch in 1996. By the time the DIA official had approached him, Bigelow had already spent decades and large sums of money researching the paranormal.

• Among the paranormal manifestations at the Skinwalker Ranch were floating orbs and a giant wolf-like creature that attacked cattle, could withstand multiple point-blank gunshots, and seemed to disappear into thin air. On one occasion, NIDS investigators were observing the ranch from the edge of a bluff when one of them noticed a light in the forest below. The light began to grow. Once it became a couple of feet wide, they say it looked like a tunnel opening up, and they saw a creature within. It was large and black with no face. It crawled out of the light and into the dark forest. The light then began to disappear until it was gone.

• After the DIA began investigating the Skinwalker Ranch in 2007, DIA officials met with Nevada Senator Harry Reid about starting a paranormal research program. Senator Reid, a friend of Bigelow’s, shared Bigelow’s interest in the topic and found bipartisan support from a couple of fellow members of Congress to secure funding and get the project launched in 2007. Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) won the government contract to manage the project.

• John Alexander, a retired Colonel in U.S. Army Intelligence, helped organize NIDS investigations. “What we learned was that the events were real and tangible, and definitely occurring,” Alexander explained. “These weren’t figments of someone’s imagination, or folklore or any of these sorts of things.”


At the end of 2017, The New York Times broke the story of a secretive Pentagon program with a budget of $22 million to investigate UFOs called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). The man who exposed the existence of the program, Luis Elizondo, was the former head of the project. Elizondo’s ongoing efforts to investigate the UFO mystery with his new employer, the To the Stars Academy (TTSA), will be featured in a History Channel series premiering May 31 called Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation.

          Luis Elizondo and George Knapp

However, what The New York Times apparently did not know when they published their story is that the program went by a different name at its inception, and the scope of the program was much broader than just UFOs. In fact, according to a senior manager on the project, the investigations included “bizarre creatures, poltergeist activity, invisible entities, orbs of light, animal and human injuries and much more.”

It is unknown whether Undisclosed will cover the paranormal aspects of the program. Although Elizondo did work with this paranormal project, he only worked in the UFO division. By the time he was the head of the entire program, the UFO division was all that was left. The rest of the program had been shut down, and you will never guess why. It wasn’t because people inside the Department of Defense (DoD) thought the program was too weird, although some did. It was shut down because of demonic forces.

Don’t worry, demons didn’t attack the Pentagon, but apparently, some people inside the government were afraid the potentially paranormal incidents being investigated could be demonic, especially scary occurrences taking place at a ranch in Utah, and they wanted no part of it. They didn’t want the government messing with demons either, so they lobbied for the program to be ended and it was.

                    Robert Bigelow

This may sound extremely odd, but according to those involved, it’s true.

The New York Times story that broke the Pentagon UFO program began when an official with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) approached Las Vegas billionaire Robert Bigelow “to visit Mr. Bigelow’s ranch in Utah, where he conducted research.”

That sounds innocent enough, but what the article did not cover is what Bigelow researched at this ranch in Utah. Bigelow was known for his interest in the paranormal and UFOs, and by the time the DIA official had approached him, Bigelow had already spent decades and large sums of money researching the paranormal. Bigelow’s first significant foray into the unknown was an organization created in 1995 called the National Institute for Discovery Sciences (NIDS). Its  purpose was to conduct scientific investigations of the paranormal.



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Black Ring-Shaped UFO Spotted Hovering in Argentina

by Nirmal Narayanan                   May 14, 2019                  (

• A video taken in broad daylight in Argentina on May 7, 2019 shows a black ring-shaped UFO hovering in the skies. (see 4:02 minute video below)

• Conspiracy theorist Scott C Waring, who released the video on his ET Data Base YouTube channel, claimed that the maneuvers of this UFO in the skies indicate that it is not a balloon floating in the air. “The video shows the black ring moving like a disk…which is strange. Had this been a balloon it would be flipping like a wheel end over end. This one seems to stay flat, unlike any balloon I have ever seen,” wrote Waring.


Popular conspiracy theorist Scott C Waring has recently released a video apparently taking from Argentina that shows a black ring-shaped UFO hovering in the skies. Interestingly the video was captured in broad daylight, and the visuals of the incident literally resembled scenes from Hollywood sci-fi flicks.
In his website post, Scott C Waring revealed that the video was sent to him via mail by an Argentinian resident. After analysing the video, Waring claimed that the manoeuvres of this UFO in the skies indicate that it is not a balloon floating in the air.

“The video shows the black ring moving like a disk…which is strange. Had this been a balloon it would be flipping like a wheel end over end. This one seems to stay flat, unlike any balloon I have ever seen,” wrote Waring on his website ET Data Base.

4:02 minute video of black ring over Argentina (ET Data Base YouTube channel)



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Video Shows ‘Reflective and Rotating’ Diamond UFO in Phoenix

by Tom Fish                    May 10, 2019                   (

  • UFO researcher Jeff Woolwine video recoded a brightly illuminated, diamond-shaped UFO in the skies over Phoenix, AZ using his Cannon HD camera 2:37 PM. It appears to rotate as it moves.  (see 1:19 minute UFOmania video below)
  • [Editor’s Note]    It looks a lot like the object recently captured on video hovering over a highway in Argentina (see here).


The latest shock UFO sighting has occurred over Phoenix, Arizona. The video – seen more than 28,000 times on Facebook – was uploaded by known UFO conspiracy theorist Scott Waring. And despite the amateur nature of the footage, Waring is in no doubt that it shows evidence of another alien spacecraft visiting Earth.

Waring wrote on his bog: “This sighting was recorded by UFO researcher Jeff Woolwine of Phoenix.

“The video is one of the clearest I have seen in a while. said Scott Waring.

“The UFO itself is so reflective its difficult to get detail of its surface.

1:19 minute video of diamond shaped UFO over Phoenix (UFOmania YouTube channel)



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UFO Researcher Stanton Friedman Dies After Half-Century Effort to Prove Alien Life

May 14, 2019                   (

• Stanton T. Friedman, nuclear physicist, lecturer and world-renowned devotee of extraterrestrial existence, died at the age of 84 on Monday, May 13th. On his way home to Fredericton (New Brunswick, Canada) from a speaking engagement in Ohio, Friedman passed over at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport. Friedman’s daughter Melissa Friedman did not disclose the cause of death. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made.

• Friedman grew up in Linden, N.J., and was employed for 14 years as a nuclear physicist by companies including General Electric, Westinghouse and McDonnell-Douglas. He first became interested in UFOs in 1958 and began lecturing on the topic in 1967. ”I have never seen a flying saucer, and I have never seen an alien. But remember, I chased neutrons and gamma rays for a lot of years as a physicist and never saw one of them either,” Friedman said in 2007.

• Friedman’s belief in extraterrestrials was based on data about UFO events he found buried in U.S. government documents over the years. In 2007, the City of Fredericton declared Stanton Friedman Day to honor him. Friedman said he owed his personal success to the fact that people have an endless fascination with space and the unknown. “Can you think of anything that touches more deeply on who we are, where we stand and the mystery and the cover up?” he asked. “People are excited because it opens up the universe to wonderful possibilities.”

• Kathleen Marden, a friend of Friedman for more than 30 years and co-author of three books on UFOs with him said, “When he knew the truth, he told the truth.” “He was the original civilian investigator of the Roswell crash. Stanton was a man who did his homework. He always criticized the debunkers because they hadn’t done theirs.”


FREDERICTON — Stanton T. Friedman, nuclear physicist, lecturer and world-renowned devotee of extraterrestrial existence, has died at the age of 84.

The famed UFO researcher died Monday at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport, his daughter Melissa Friedman confirmed Tuesday. She said he was on his way home to Fredericton from a speaking engagement in Ohio.

She did not disclose the cause of death and asked that the family’s privacy be respected.

                  Stanton T. Friedman

Friedman built a reputation as a leading authority on unidentified flying objects, alien abductions and the so-called Roswell incident, considered by many to be the definitive UFO event.

He said his belief in extraterrestrials was based on data about UFO events he found buried in U.S. government documents over the years.

Friedman grew up in Linden, N.J., and was employed for 14 years as a nuclear physicist by companies including General Electric, Westinghouse and McDonnell-Douglas.

According to his book, Flying Saucers and Science, he first became interested in UFOs in 1958. He began lecturing on the topic in 1967, but he never actually saw one himself.

”I have never seen a flying saucer, and I have never seen an alien. But remember, I chased neutrons and gamma rays for a lot of years as a physicist and never saw one of them either,” he told The Canadian Press in 2007.

”In fact, I’ve never seen Tokyo, but I’m convinced it’s there.”



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Indigenous Elder Shares Story About The “Star People” That Crashed On His Reservation

by Arjun Walia                    May 7, 2019                     (

• Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, a psychologist and Professor Emeritus at Montana State University, is also a Cherokee/Choctaw Native American who has worked with indigenous people for most of her career. She has some amazing stories to tell in her book, Encounters With Star People, Untold Stories of American Indians.

• In her book Dr. Clarke writes, “I first learned about the “Star People” when my grandmother told me the ancient legends of my people. My childhood reality included narratives that traced the origins of the indigenous people of the Americas to Pleiades; stories of little people who intervened in people’s lives; and legends about the magical gift of the DNA of the “Star People” that flowed in the veins of the indigenous tribes of the Earth. I embraced the stories of the celestial visitors who lived among the Indian people as part of my heritage.”

• Dr. Clarke shares a story about a Native American named Harrison. Harrison told a story of how an extraterrestrial spaceship crashed into the side of a nearby butte (a steep hill) in the fall of 1944 when Harrison was 12 years old. It was a long cylindrical craft, about 30 feet wide and 60 feet long. The craft hit with such force that only a small section stuck out of the butte. The location was isolated, about ten miles from the nearest ranch, which was abandoned anyway. From a distance, Harrison’s grandfather kept watch over the craft and the beings that exited the craft for several days.

• When Harrison’s grandfather first tried to approach them, the beings would vanish before his eyes. After the beings realized that he meant no harm, they didn’t disappear when he came to them. One day, his grandfather approached them with food. The beings told him they did not eat flesh. His grandfather said that the fourteen extraterrestrials whom he saw milling about the spacecraft were 7 to 8 feet tall, with white hair, long slender fingers and skin that was very white and thin, almost translucent. Their eyes changed color depending on the light. They wore a one-piece light green outfit which would dry instantly if they waded into the nearby water.

• Harrison’s grandfather was told that the beings had been dropped off by a bigger ship that was circling Earth. They were voyagers and traveled the universe observing life on other worlds. They had been coming to Earth for thousands of years observing, collecting and noting changes. They took his grandfather aboard their craft and showed him pictures of their home world. He was enthralled by what he called “a picture machine”, which was likely a computer monitor. The ‘flashing pictures’ showed him a place different from Earth. It reminded him of the bad-lands, but with no vegetation. The ETs houses were underground. He asked them if it was Heaven, and they told him they did not have a place such as heaven. The star visitors told him they liked the green of Earth. They loved the water. On their world, water was underground. Nothing existed on the surface.

• The extraterrestrial beings waited with their derelict spaceship from late November 1944 until April 1945 when another ship came to rescue them. On April 17, 1945, as the visitors prepared to leave on the rescue ship, each of the stranded beings came to him and bowed before they left. He understood they appreciated his discretion. Then he watched them leave and never saw them again.

• After the beings had left, the craft was well camouflaged to the point that nobody would be able to recognize it unless they knew specifically what they were looking for. Harrison’s grandfather said that there were seventeen seats on board the craft. He said that when you sat in a chair, it enveloped and ‘melted’ around him, as if it was alive, and then released you when you wanted to get up. The craft also had what looked to be hieroglyphics.

• In the summer of 1947, the Army Corps of Engineers confiscated Harrison’s grandfather’s land and in return gave him a worthless piece of land on the other side of the butte. They built a dam there and flooded the area where the craft was to create a reservoir. He suspects that the Army Corps took the craft.

• The Native Americans tell of a prophesy where, after a period of 500 years, a great spiritual spring time would emerge with such intensity that all that had been covered in the cold bitter snow would be revealed and cleansed and purified. We would emerge galvanized, reunited as a reunion of the entire human family. That time is now.


I recently came across the work of Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, who brings to the field of ufology degrees in history, English, psychology, and educational leadership and a background as a teacher, university professor, junior college and university administrator, licensed therapist and psychologist, and social science researcher. She is a Professor Emeritus at Montana State University and former Director of the Center for Bilingual/Multicultural Education. Dr. Clarke, who is Cherokee/Choctaw, has worked with indigenous people for most of her career, and has some amazing stories to tell.

Here is a great quote at the beginning of her book, Encounters With Star People, Untold Stories of American Indians. “I first learned about the “Star People” when my grandmother told me the ancient legends of my people. My childhood reality included narratives that traced the origins of the indigenous people of the Americas to Pleiades; stories of little people who intervened in people’s lives; and legends about the magical gift of the DNA of the “Star People” that flowed in the veins of the indigenous tribes of the Earth. I embraced the stories of the celestial visitors who lived among the Indian people as part of my heritage.”

In her book, she shares many stories, and one of them comes from a gentleman named Harrison. She writes: “\Located in the states of North and South Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana, the Northern Plains Indian Tribes have many accounts about UFOs. The story in this chapter is told by a well-respected elder of a Northern Plains tribe. His encounter predates the crash at Roswell. Since I recorded this story, Harrison has passed, but the time I spent with them over the years, changed my life.”

Harrison told a story of how his grandfather took him on a spaceship in the summer of 1945. He said he was 12 at the time, and explained how the Army Corps of Engineers came to the reservation around the summer of 1947 to survey the river and surrounding area “for the reservoir.” So originally, there was no reservoir. The Corps confiscated the land and in return gave Harrison’s grandfather a worthless piece of land on the other side of that butte.

“I spent every summer on his place from the time I was six years old. Mom and pop both worked for the tribe and they didn’t want me home alone during the summers. So every May I packed two paper bags: one with a change of clothes and the other with books, marbles, and my toy gun. My folks dropped me off to live with Gramps from June to late August. I loved my summers here, even the isolation. I was the only child for miles. I rode horses and herded cattle. Helped with the chores. Whatever I could do. As I got older, there were bigger chores and more responsibility. There was no TV or videos like kids have today. At night Gramps amused me with the ancient myths and legends of our people.”

Clarke’s relationship with Harrison grew over the years, and the two of them met when his school district requested her assistance in applying for a federal grant. Harrison was her contact and was responsible for escorting her around the reservation.

She explains, “It took nearly 25 years of visits before Harrison asked me if I believed in Star People.” She replied with a yes, and then he said, “Someone told me you collect stories about the Star People, I find that unusual.”



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Area 51 Bombshell: Could Papers Prove FBI Raided Property Looking For Substance?

by Callum Hoare                       May 4, 2019                      (

• Thirty years ago, Bob Lazar (pictured above) was a scientist working on extraterrestrial technology and spacecraft at the government’s top secret military installation known as S-4, near Area 51 in Nevada. He revealed this to journalist, George Knapp in 1989. Lazar then went silent for thirty years.

• Recently, filmmaker Jeremy Corbell convinced Lazar to retell his story for a documentary called “Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers”, which went to number one on iTunes. One of the film’s scenes showed an FBI raid on Lazar’s business, United Nuclear.

• The FBI claimed that they were looking for a purchase receipt for ‘potentially toxic materials’ that may have led to a death of a past client of United Nuclear. But Lazar and Corbell found it curious that in a private conversation the day before, they had been discussing an anomalous, non-Earthly material known as Element 115, which Lazar had secreted from the top secret military base thirty years prior. (In the 2 minute video below, Lazar and Corbell relate how they had their cell phones in their pockets during the conversation, and they strongly suspect that the government was monitoring their conversation.) The FBI’s extensive multi-agency raid turned up nothing.

• “Lazar was able to acquire some of the element when it was being machined at Area 51,” Corbell told “Lazar did have a stabilized version of Element 115 in his possession at one time… He did tests on it – and filmed the element bending light due to its unique gravitational characteristics. A handful of witnesses observed these tests – including investigative reporter, George Knapp. There is footage of one of these tests in my film.”

• Corbell believes that the raid was meant as a direct threat to Lazar. “I suspect the raid was used as a tactic to apply pressure to Lazar because he was about to talk publicly again – regarding his role in a top-secret government UFO back-engineering program,” said Corbell. “This admittedly bizarre raid comes off the heals of the exact moment Lazar was planning to speak out publicly again – after essentially 30 years of silence.” “[P]eople have been trying to debunk Lazar for 30 years, they have not succeeded.”


Bob Lazar became a conspiracy legend when he sparked a frenzy more than 30 years ago, claiming alien technology was being tested inside Area 51. In 1989, with the help of journalist George Knapp, Mr Lazar detailed a story where he claimed he was stationed at a base known as S-4, south of the USAF’s Homey Airport. He speculated the auxiliary facility in the Nevada Desert was being used by the US Government to reverse engineer technology used by UFOs.

Following the revelation, Mr Lazar went quiet for three decades, until investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell finally convinced him to retell his story.

Together, the pair filmed “Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers”, which aimed to prove the claims of Mr Lazar.

During the show, which shot to number one on the iTunes chart in just days, a scene showed Mr Lazar’s business “United Nuclear” allegedly being raided by federal agents.

Many critics claimed the FBI were simply carrying out a standard investigation due to the nature of Mr Lazar’s claims.
However, Mr Corbell claims that documents shared with suggest that the FBI, alongside assistance from Laingsburg Police Department, were following up on an investigation using a material believed to have been purchased from United Nuclear.

The papers discussed the search for a “poison” explaining why a HAZMAT (Hazardous Materials) truck was present.

However, Mr Corbell believes they were actually looking for something known as Element 115, which Mr Lazar is said to have taken from Area 51.

2:00 minute video clip of Lazar and Corbell on Larry King (Hulu) discussing the FBI raid



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Jeff Bezos – The Man On The Moon and Beyond!

Move over Robert Bigelow, Richard Branson, Elon Musk and all you other billionaire space jockeys:  Jeff Bezos is taking the high ground on the New Frontier (part 2) space race by promoting the vision of his mentor, Gerard O’Neill.

It remains to be seen whether he is coordinating his efforts with those of President Trump whose plans for a Space Force along with a return to the Moon by 2024 coincide nicely with those of Bezos.

The Amazon/Whole Foods/Washington Post (CIA?) tycoon may be reflecting the theme of the film, Interstellar, as suggested in the article below.

For those noticing the bleak state of Planet Earth these days, the movie Elysium may be a more accurate expression of what is going on with the Secret Space Program (SSP) and the missing trillions from the US budget.

The marriage of private finance with advanced space technology projects has long been a key feature of the SSP as described by many researchers including Catherine Austin Fitts, Joseph Farrell and Jim Marrs.

That’s why I believe the presence of James Comey and Robert Mueller as heads of the FBI is likely important to understanding that RussiaGate is a cover for the SSP.  With their links to the Deep State and Military-Industrial Complex, these men have been well-positioned to divert attention from black projects and the corruption associated with them.

I believe the true importance of the ATTF revelations and the TTSA project is to let the public know in small doses the extent of the vast research being done to support programs such as those by Bezos, Musk and Bigelow which are carefully kept from widespread exposure.

Once again, it is the unique role of Donald Trump that is playing such an important part in these developments.  His ties to Nikola Tesla via his Uncle John’s role in reviewing the dead inventor’s files in 1943 may explain more than many might imagine about this president.

Other unusual aspects of his background including links to the murky world of Roy Cohn with all that might entail about the SSP provides the context for at least some of what is going on behind the scenes as well as public declarations such as the new Artemis Moon project.

With the 2020 election only 18 months away, we will learn soon enough whether this issue will be part of the campaign or remain largely hidden within the realm of secrecy provided by the National Security State.

Rich Scheck
Corvallis, Oregon
May 14, 2019



Alien Life Search Update: NASA Could Soon Locate Extraterrestrials With New Telescope

by Johnny Vatican                       May 1, 2019                       (

• The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), which will go online in 2021 replacing the Hubble Telescope, will be the most sophisticated space telescope ever made. The JWST will be able to observe high redshift objects that are too old and too distant for the Hubble and other earlier instruments to observe. It promises to see deeper into time, and with much greater clarity, than any space-based or terrestrial optical telescope on Earth.

• One of the JWST’s major goals is observing some of the most distant events and objects in the universe such as the formation of the first galaxies, the formation of stars and planets, and direct imaging of exoplanets and novas. The JWST will be able to see 0.3 billion years after the Big Bang to when visible light itself was beginning to form. It will accurately measure the content of water, carbon dioxide and other components in the atmosphere of an exoplanet hundreds of light years away and will tell scientists more about the size and distance of these exoplanets are from their host suns. By measuring the chemical make-up of a planet, scientists will be able to see if it can host life.

• “Even if we never find other life in our Solar System, we might still detect it on any one of thousands of known exoplanets,” Cathal O’Connor, researcher and center manager at the University of Melbourne, said. “The ancient question ‘Are we alone?’ has graduated from being a philosophical musing to a testable hypothesis. We should be prepared for an answer.”


When the astonishing James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) sees first light in 2021, the world of science as we know it will never be the same again.

The most sophisticated space telescope ever made promises to see deeper into time, and with much greater clarity, than any space-based or terrestrial optical telescope on Earth. Some of the more starry-eyed fantasize JWST might even glimpse alien spacecraft hovering over their home planet.
The replacement for the venerable Hubble Telescope will be able to see 0.3 billion years after the Big Bang to when visible light itself was beginning to form. It will accurately measure the content of water, carbon dioxide and other components in the atmosphere of an exoplanet hundreds of light years away and will tell scientists more about the size and distance of these exoplanets are from their host suns.

By measuring the chemical make-up of a planet, scientists will be able to see if it can host life.


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Antarctic Ice Core records resolve competing Pole Shift Theories

A declassified CIA document called The Adam and Eve Story has generated much controversy over predictions of an upcoming pole shift (aka crustal displacement) and catastrophic events that may sweep the planet in the not distant future. The 57-page document is based on a book authored by Chan Thomas in 1963. In it, Thomas proposed a pole shift scenario that differed in significant ways with what Charles Hapgood had earlier proposed in his pioneering 1958 book, The Earth’s Shifting Crust.

Hapgood’s theory, which was endorsed at the time by Albert Einstein, proposed that the geophysical poles periodically move by as much as up to 40 degrees through crustal displacements. This phenomenon was brought about by the increasing weight of the polar ice caps which accumulate more and more ice over the millennia until they eventually generate sufficient centrifugal force due to the planet’s rotation, to make the crust move over the mantle as Einstein explained in the book’s foreword.

In The Adam and Eve Story, Chan proposed that the pole shift was much greater, as much as 90 degrees with the poles shifting into the equatorial zone in less than a day. Chan has proposed the poles would flip back and forth in this way so that Antarctica would eventually return to the South Pole region, and the Arctic would do likewise.

Each time the geographical poles did one of these 90 degree flips, there would be catastrophic winds and tidal waves all over the planet, especially in the equatorial region where the Earth’s spin was  1000 mph. Water and wind would continue to move in the westerly direction through the law of inertia, sweeping over the landmasses that traveled over the equatorial region during the shift as Thomas explained:

In ¼ to ½ a day the poles move almost to the equator, and all hell lets loose. The atmosphere and oceans don’t shift with the shell – they just keep on rotating West to East – and at the equator that speed is 1000 miles per hour. It has to be, normally, to make one rotation per day. So, while the shell shifts with the poles going toward the equator, the winds and oceans go eastward, blowing across the face of the earth with supersonic speeds, inundating continents with water miles deep….

You can see, then,  that ice ages are not a matter of advancing and retreating ice; it’s simply that different areas of the Earth are in polar regions at different times, for different durations of time, with the changes between positions taking place in a fraction of a day. [The Adam and Eve Story, pp.13-14]

The following video illustrates what happens during one of these 90 degree shifts, and what Thomas was proposing for what’s to come. One can easily see how devastating such a 90 degree shift could be and why the CIA may have been motivated to suppress such information.

According to Ben Davidson, author of the popular Earth Catastrophe series, this flipping back and forth would address paleomagnetic studies that show that the magnetic poles have been in their present locations for millions of years. Davidson concluded that this made Thomas’ pole shift theory much more compelling than Hapgood’s. In fact, Davidson believed Hapgood was putting out his theory as a “limited hangout” by the CIA in order to put the truth out in a way that later could be easily discredited.

Unfortunately for Davidson, ice core samples from Antarctica clearly support Hapgood and not Thomas’ theory. Ice core samples from East Antarctica date back as much as 1.5 million years. The following diagram illustrates ice core samples taken from different Antarctic regions and show how far back in time the ice sheets date.

Figure 1. Antarctic ice core drill sites with depth and record duration. From the US ITASE project.

The results from the ice core drill sites show that East Antarctica has been covered by ice for hundreds of thousands years, with Lake Vostok having some of the oldest discovered ice (220,000 years). Older ice core samples than those recorded in the above map have subsequently been found both at Lake Vostok (400,000 years), and the Dome C area (800,000 years) as shown in NOAA records.

A subsequent 2013 study asserted that ice core samples of up to 1.5 million years are most likely to be found in the Dome C area of East Antarctica. Put simply, scientists agree that East Antarctica has been covered by ice sheets for at least 1.5 million years, and likely much longer than that.

In contrast, the ice core samples in West Antarctica are only a few centuries old, with only one so far matching the age of many of the East Antarctic sites. This site is in the drilling area designated Boyd whose ice was found to be 70,000 years old as the above map illustrates.

The ice core records show conclusively that much of the Antarctic continent has been located in the polar zone (latitudes greater than 66 degrees) for at least 1.5 million years, and not in the equatorial zone (O-23 degrees latitude) as proposed by Thomas. Hapgood’s theory offers a better explanation for why only part of Antarctica has been ice-free for significant periods. But how do we explain the 70,000 year old ice sample found in the Byrd region of West Antarctica?

To find a definitive answer to where the geographical poles have been located and then move via crustal displacements to new positions, preserving some but not all the ice accumulated before the displacement, we can turn to the work of Rand and Rose Flem-Ath, authors of When the Sky Fell.

In their well-documented book, they used a range of archeological and fossil records to show where ice sheets have been found over the last 100,000 years, and how these positions had changed due to crustal displacements as first proposed by Hapgood. To date, I have found no other authors laying out such a compelling case for using available scientific data to track the respective positions of the geographic poles during the last 100,000 years.

Their findings provide a clear explanation for the varying ages found in the ice core samples extracted from different regions of Antarctica; and why Hapgood, rather than Thomas, provides a more accurate explanation for how the crustal displacement theory works.

First, I begin with Flem-Aths’ illustration of the positions of the North and South poles prior to 91,600 BC. It shows how the bulk of East Antarctica was inside the Antarctic circle, while West Antarctic lay in the temperate zone – similar to the present day location of New Zealand. Note the South Pole was located just off the coast of East Antarctica at the time, while the North Pole was located in Alaska.

Importantly, the Dome C area containing some of the oldest ice core samples found to date was located within the Antarctic circle, thereby preserving much of the ancient ice sheets acquired over the previous 1.5 million years or more.

Figure 2. p. 83 from Rand and Rose Flem-Ath, When the Sky Fell


The next diagram shows the Antarctic continent in relation to the South Pole after a crustal displacement led to a pole shift around 91,600 BC. Consequently, during the period from 91,600 BC to 50,600 BC, much of lower region of West Antarctica, along with the Transantarctic mountains, lay within the Antarctic circle, while the Palmer peninsula and significant areas of East Antarctica lay within the temperate zone.

Once again the physical South Pole was located over the ocean, rather than the Antarctic continent – this time off the coast of West Antarctica – adjacent to the Ross Sea. The geophysical pole had moved approximately 40 degrees from off the coast of East Antarctica to just off the West Antarctic coast during the 91,600 BC pole shift.

This is very close to what Hapgood had proposed was the crustal displacement that would occur during a pole shift.  Significantly, it is far less than the 90 degree pole shift claimed by Thomas.

Importantly the Dome C area remained entirely within the Antarctic circle thereby preserving its ancient ice sheet. Furthermore, the Byrd area where the 70,000 year old ice sample was found, had been moved from its prior location in the temperate zone prior to the 91,600 BC pole shift, to deep inside the Antarctic circle. This allowed the accumulation of ice to begin, thereby accounting for its estimated age.

Figure 3. p. 84 from Rand and Rose Flem-Ath, When the Sky Fell

The next pole shift occurred around 50,600 BC, and an illustration provided by the Flem-Aths shows the approximate locations of the poles from 50,600 BC to 9,600 BC.

Around 50,600 BC, the South Pole has flipped back to the other side of the Antarctic continent, where it again lay just off the coast of East Antarctica. An approximate 30 degree pole shift had occurred, which is again consistent with Hapgood’s estimate for the cyclic crustal displacements that the Earth undergoes. It’s important to emphasize that the 50,600 BC pole shift was far less than the 90 degree shift predicted in Thomas’ theory.

Most of East Antarctica was again located inside the Antarctic circle, both preserving its ancient ice sheets and allowing them to expand. The Byrd region, containing the 70,000 year old ice core sample, was now located just outside the Antarctic Circle. Its marginal position marginally inside the temperate zone, which would allow the Byrd region to preserve the bulk of its ice sheets similar to the glaciers of southern New Zealand.

Figure 4. p. 85 from Rand and Rose Flem-Ath, When the Sky Fell

The period from 50,600 BC to 9600 BC is significant since it corresponds to the last time major portions of the Antarctic continent lay outside the polar circle. The bulk of West Antarctic lay in the temperate zone, and its coastal area would therefore have been ice free. Significantly, West Antarctica’s coastline and interior would have been navigable, just as the 1513 Piri Reis Map showed.

In the following diagram, the Piri Reis map is superimposed over a map of the globe showing how the Antarctic coastline from the tip of the Palmer Peninsula, all the way down its eastern flank to East Antarctica was known to ancient sea captains.

Fig 5. Piri Reis Map superimposed over map of the globe

Also vital to understand is that this period, 50,600 BC to 9600 BC corresponds to the Atlantean civilization that Plato wrote about in his famous dialogues, Critias and Timaeus. Plato explained Atlantis’ extensive island system and waterways deep into its interior, and how it was the hub for a mighty empire that ruled over much of Africa, Europe, and Asia.

This finally takes us to the 9600 BC pole shift that led to the entire Antarctic continent, being moved to wholly inside the Antarctic circle. The magnitude of the Earth crustal displacement moving the South Pole from its previous location just off the East Antarctic coast to its present location was approximately 20 degrees. Again, significantly less than what Thomas was proposing in his crustal displacement theory.

The Flem-Aths contend that Atlantis was located in Antarctica and that the remnants of this legendary lost civilization today lie under the West Antarctic ice sheets. This is consistent with what several whistleblowers and insiders have been revealing concerning the discovery of a flash-frozen civilization under the ice sheets.

If the Flem-Aths and others are right that Plato’s Atlantis is buried under the Antarctic ice, this gives us a means of estimating the devastation that would be caused by a crustal displacement of approximately 20 degrees. It would be sufficient to wipe out the coastal regions all over the globe such as the low-lying archipelagos such as Atlantis, but allow those living in elevated or mountainous regions to survive the subsequent tsunamis, earthquakes, and hurricanes accompanying a pole shift.

When ice core samples are examined in relation to what we know about Earth crustal displacement theories proposed by Hapgood and Thomas, they lead to a clear conclusion. The examination of ice core samples from different parts of Antarctica support Hapgood’s theory that earth crustal displacements happen periodically, and involve Pole Shifts of up to 40 degrees.

The Flem Aths book, When the Sky Fell, gives us a means of tracking the most significant pole shifts over the last 100,000 thousand years, and illustrates how these have occurred in a manner that is consistent with what ice core samples tell us.

Thomas’ theory that the Earth regularly experiences 90 degree pole shifts that flip the poles back and forth from equatorial regions is not supported by Antarctic ice core records. While it is comforting to know that the Earth is unlikely to experience anything like the cataclysmic 90 degree pole shift predicted by Thomas, it is sobering to know that even a 20 degree pole shift devastated the worldwide Atlantean civilization 11,600 years ago.

The likelihood that we will soon experience a pole shift due to another crustal displacement caused by solar activity, cosmic rays, collapse of the Earth’s magnetic field, activity from the Earth’s core, and/or a rapid melt off of the West Antarctic, appears to be quite high as I have suggested in previous articles examining Davidson’s Earth Catastrophe series.

This calls for an unprecedented level of transparency by governments in sharing data about Antarctica’s history, what is known about prior pole shifts, and the disclosure of suppressed technologies that would enable the bulk to humanity to prepare and escape from impending cataclysmic events.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Victim of Alien Abduction? There’s an Insurance Policy for That

by Patrick Connolly                    May 2, 2019                     (

• Mike St. Lawrence of Altamonte Springs, Florida has sold nearly 7000 ‘alien abduction insurance’ policies since 1987. A digital-only policy costs $19.95, while a paper copy costs $24.95, in return for $10 million in coverage which is paid in installments. A claimant will receive $1 a year for 10 million years. The cast of “The X-Files” and the producers of the movie “Contact” took out abduction coverage.

• St. Lawrence (71) has accepted and began paying on two claims. Early in the 1990s, one policy holder filed a claim, saying that he had been abducted. This man produced a UFO implant and, according to St. Lawrence, an MIT professor determined that it was “not made of any earthly substance.” To authenticate a claim, St. Lawrence normally requires the signature of an authorized extraterrestrial. But Lawrence waived that requirement for this individual. Another abductee policy holder produced a dark Polaroid photo of the inside of an alien spaceship with his claim. After some consideration, St. Lawrence approved the claim. Both of them are now due $10 million.

• In the event the aliens insist on conjugal visits or consider the abductee a meal, that person could receive $20 million under the policy’s double indemnity coverage.

• St. Lawrence said that while there are some exceptions, most people understand the insurance policy is a joke. “It says on our website, ‘You can’t get it if you don’t get it,’ ” says St. Lawrence. “I’ve had professors use my policy in their college class on critical thinking.”

• Donald Blackwell, a Hudson, Florida resident who claims to have been abducted multiple times, bought two policies for friends after reading an article in the St. Petersberg Times. “I enjoyed seeing how facetious it was,” Blackwell said. “I got a kick out of it, and I’m still laughing about it. Of course, I am the beneficiary.”

• St. Lawrence’s Alien abduction insurance policies are available at


People prepare for the worst. They buy car insurance, health insurance, eye and dental insurance, maybe even flood insurance. But what about alien abduction insurance?

Mike St. Lawrence, an Altamonte Springs resident who once had ambitions of becoming a comedy writer, started selling UFO abduction policies in 1987 after reading “Communion” by Whitley Strieber.

“It was a best-selling book that kind of brought the UFO abduction phenomena to the public’s consciousness,” St. Lawrence, 71, said.

                     Mike St. Lawrence

He changed the name to “alien abduction insurance” upon realizing the term alien trumped UFO in public discourse. Otherwise, the policy has remained largely the same since its inception.

A digital-only policy costs $19.95, while a paper copy will set a person back $24.95. As for the amount of coverage you get for that price, it’s $10 million.

Out of 6,000 — 7,000 active policies, St. Lawrence has accepted and began paying two claims.

One man, early in the 1990s, reached out to St. Lawrence and claimed that he had been abducted. This man produced a UFO implant and, according to St. Lawrence, an MIT professor determined that it was “not made of any earthly substance.”

To authenticate a claim, St. Lawrence requires the signature of an authorized extraterrestrial but waived the requirement for that individual.



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University Mathematician Decodes the Crop Circle With a Binary Code & Extraterrestrial Face

by Arjun Walia                  May 2, 2019                 (

• In 2002, in a field near Crabwood/Winchester, Hampshire, England, this famous crop circle appeared overnight (pictured above). It’s been exhaustively filmed, documented, photographed and researched by multiple scholars all over the world. These types of crop circles are intricate, remarkable and very complex designs that are “sown” into crop fields.

• Richard Taylor, a physicist from the University of Oregon, notes that the nodes of these stalks are blasted out on one side, and not simply flattened. This ‘blasting’ effect has been replicated by highly localized microwave heating, which causes water inside the crop to vaporize and dislodge. As a result, the stock flops completely over to one side. Taylor concludes that crop circle artists are using GPS devices, lasers, and microwaves to create these astonishing patterns of geometric forms.

• Paul Vigay, a British computer consultant notable for work in developing and supporting RISC OS software and longtime researcher in the field, was the first to discover that the message was encoded in ASCI binary code.

• Miia Pitkonen, a physicist from the University of Helsinki in Finland, published a paper titled “Crop Circles and Life at Parallel Space-Time Sheets”, a two part series that examines the Crabwood crop circle. Pitkonen reports, “Crabwood message consists of two parts. An alien picture and a picture representing spiral like bit sequence starting from the center of the picture and proceeding counterclockwise. It has been proposed that the message is coded using 9-bit code and that 8-bit portions obey ASCII code. With this assumption the message reads as: ‘Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. EELI!UVE. There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING\’

• Pitkonen explains, “The (crop circle) interpretation relies on extremely general aspects of the ASCII code: capital and small letters correspond to amino-acids and capital and small forms of a given letter denote for the same amino-acid. Control signs denote the amino-acidic counterparts for the code associated with the exotic RNA. The ordering of the symbols does not matter. One could also use different kinds of symbols: only the numbers of various kinds of symbols telling how many code words are mapped to a particular amino-acid (or whatever counterpart of it) matter.”

• Whoever made this circle is extremely artistically, technologically, and mathematically advanced to a point beyond belief.


Did you know that crop circles are actually real? How they’re made and who or what is making them is up for debate, but the existence of intricate, remarkable and very complex designs that are “sown” into crop fields all around the world is a fact that’s not open for debate. Looking at some of these designs, especially footage taken from a plane or a helicopter, should give you goosebumps.

Why? Richard Taylor, a physicist from the University of Oregon, outlines it best. Despite ridiculing any type of ‘supernatural’ explanation for these designs, he states that this is “the most science-oriented art movement in history.” It’s also interesting to note that many of these designs have been studied in a laboratory setting, as some of the nodes of these stalks are blasted out on one side. Not many people know this about crop circles, but the crops are not simply flattened. It’s quite clear that some sort of high level technology is being used.

This ‘blasting’ effect has been replicated by highly localized microwave heating, which causes water inside the crop to vaporize and dislodge. As a result, the stock flops completely over to one side. Because of this, Taylor concludes that crop circle artists are using GPS devices, lasers, and microwaves to create these astonishing patterns of geometric forms due to the measurements he found in his research.

There will always be those who reject some sort of supernatural hypothesis, but for those who actually look deeper into the crop circle phenomenon, it’s hard to argue that something strange isn’t happening. Personally, I would say it’s obvious.

The crop circle you see above appeared in 2002 in a field near Crabwood, United Kingdom. Yes, it was real. It’s been filmed, documented and photographed. There is footage all over the internet. It made a lot of noise as it’s documented in the Crop Circle archives and has been researched by multiple scholars all over the world.

Who could do something like this? Who could design a binary code and implant a face within a crop in the dead of night in only a few hours, leaving no entrance or exit marks, while being artistically and mathematically precise?
Miia Pitkonen is one of many scholars who have examined this particular circle. He is a physicist from the University of Helsinki in Finland, specializing in medical physics. Clearly, he has an interest in this phenomenon because he published a paper titled “Crop Circles and Life at Parallel Space-Time Sheets.” It’s a two part series, and in it he examines the Crabwood crop circle.



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