E16 Why Pilots Are Seeing UFOs

7-02-19 In the summer of 1947, following a widely reported incident of a “flying saucer” over Mt. Rainier in Washington state, people began to believe that these unidentified flying objects (UFOs) were actually alien spacecraft prowling the Earth.

E15 Is the Air Force Flying Planes Developed From Alien Tech?

6-30-19 Top Secret super high-tech experimental airplanes that are tested over notorious air force bases such as Wright-Patterson, Groom Lake, and Area 51 have often been mistaken for UFOs. In fact, UFOs and secret military aircraft have been so intimately related that it is thought that they were actually “reverse engineered” from crashed and captured UFOs.

NASA Space Video Shows Swarms of UFOs Floating Near Soyuz Rocket

by Inigo Monzon                       June 26, 2019                       (ibtimes.com)

• A new International Space Station (ISS) video on YouTube has revealed a swarm of UFOs approaching a Russian Soyuz spacecraft as it prepares to dock with the ISS in December 2015. As sunlight hits the spacecraft and illuminates its surroundings, tiny orbs of light begin to appear in the background. Some of these, including a ring-shaped object, closely approach the spacecraft as if they’re examining it. (see 10:14 minute video below)

• The 2015 event closely resembles the infamous UFO Tether Incident from the STS-75 Space Shuttle mission in 1996. The main objective of the Columbia shuttle mission was to deploy a tethered satellite in space, but the tether securing the satellite broke. The NASA cameras then picked up dozens of small ring-shaped orbs converging on NASA’s satellite as it drifted in space. (see 2 minute video below)


A new video revealed a swarm of UFOs approaching a Soyuz spacecraft as it prepared to dock with NASA’s International Space Station (ISS). The event closely resembled the infamous UFO Tether Incident from the STS-75 mission in 1996.

UFO enthusiast Scott Waring of ET Data Base recently shared a video made by a YouTube user about a strange incident that happened with the ISS. In the clip, a Soyuz spacecraft can be seen preparing its approach in order to dock with the station.

As sunlight hits the spacecraft and illuminates its surroundings, tiny orbs of light begin to appear in the background. Some of these, including a ring-shaped object, even closely approach the spacecraft as if they’re examining it.

Due to the deliberate and non-uniformed movements of the objects, Waring speculated that the UFOsseen in the video could actually be living organisms. He even likened the objects to plankton found on Earth. Waring theorized that they approached the Soyuz spacecraft out of curiosity.

10:14 minute video of UFO’s around a Russian Soyuz spacecraft near the ISS
on December 15, 2015 (Of Sound Mind and Body YouTube)

2 minute video of disc-shaped UFOs swarming around a broken tether

in a February 1996 NASA mission (AP Archive YouTube)



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What We Get Wrong When We Talk About UFOs

Listen to “E22 7-7-19 What We Get Wrong When We Talk About UFOs” on Spreaker.
by Faye Flam                       June 25, 2019                         (bloomberg.com)

• Navy pilots have reported seeing alien UFOs is the skies, and Congressmen are being briefed on it. These UFO sightings should be investigated in a scientific way, but errors in thinking are undermining the effort. There are two reasons why we should not conclude that these are extraterrestrial craft.

• But the pro-extraterrestrial visitation arguments rest on two serious errors. One is the confusion of observations with interpretations, and the other is a slight twist on an error called ‘god of the gaps’.

• The first error is that Navy pilots cannot know a flying object’s speed or acceleration without knowing whether these were little things seen up close, or bigger things farther away. Former NASA engineer James Oberg says, “The bizarre events reported by Navy pilots are not ‘observations’; they are interpretations of what the raw observations might mean.”

• The second error is that when a scientist cannot explain something, they go to the supernatural explanation or an “act of God”. The same thing is happening with UFOs, with alien visitors being used to fill gaps in our understanding of the latest detection technology, the sky and human vision. Extraterrestrial visitors and gods fall into the same category of unscientific explanation because they haven’t shown themselves to humanity in a coherent enough way for claims about them to be tested.

• The arguments for extraterrestrial UFOs falsely equate the possibility that extraterrestrial life exists with the plausibility that it’s visiting us. Yes, there are other planets out there, and some might harbor life forms. But why should we assume they’d want to come here? Are we really that exciting?

• Many UFOs have been explained scientifically. The Air Force conducted studies starting in 1947, and continuing through the 1960’s, when the matter was turned over to a panel of civilian scientists headed by physicist Edward Condon at the University of Colorado. The committee explained most of the outstanding cases as reflections, equipment glitches, balloons, astronomical phenomena and human-built craft. So what about the unexplained cases?

• Len Finegold, a retired UC physics professor who consulted on a few Condon cases says there are plenty of unexplained phenomena left in physics, “so we’re used to that.” Mysteries of life may one day be solved, but in the meantime, let’s get comfortable with the gaps.

[Editor’s Note]    This is a hard core Deep State response to the UFO phenomenon, which the government has maintained since the 1940’s. They roll out their greatest hits of half-baked, irrational arguments to prove that UFOs and aliens do not exist. First, experienced Navy pilots have no idea what they are looking at. Second, the ignorant public tends to attribute outrageous religious or supernatural explanations to natural but as yet undiscovered phenomenon. Thirdly, the government has thoroughly and scientifically examined the UFO phenomenon and proclaimed that there is nothing to it. Lastly – and this is the best one – why would any extraterrestrial want to come here? It appears that the Deep State has shifted its ‘deny and cover-up’ strategy from all-out ridicule to a reasoned argument that we’re all just a bunch of idiots who should leave the heavy thinking to the ‘experts’.


If you’re reluctant to believe the latest round of media claims that alien spacecraft are lurking around our airspace and surprising Navy pilots, well, you are not alone.

The New York Times leaned toward aliens as the reason Navy pilots have seen unexplained flying objects, and the Washington Post made a similar case in its news coverage followed by a guest editorial: “UFOs exist and everyone needs to adjust to that fact.” Others followed suit. Congress is getting classified briefings.

But the pro-extraterrestrial visitation arguments rest on two serious errors. One is the confusion of observations with interpretations, and the other is a slight twist on an error called god of the gaps. The UFO sightings should be investigated in a scientific way, but the errors are undermining the effort.

The first error made in most of the news coverage was to claim that Navy pilots observed craft that accelerated, rose upwards or turned faster than was physically possible. But pilots can’t know any object’s speed or acceleration without knowing whether these were little things, seen close up, or bigger things, that were farther away. It’s just one clue that the vocabulary is being blurred.

James Oberg, a former NASA engineer turned space journalist, pointed out: “The bizarre events reported by Navy pilots are not ‘observations’; they are interpretations of what the raw observations might mean.” To start an investigation from a conclusion rather than from data is, he says, “a recipe for confusion and frustration and dead-ended detours.” 1

The other error cropped up many times when I wrote newspaper stories about evolution. Readers would sometimes write in to argue that if scientists couldn’t completely explain some phenomenon – say, the origin of DNA – then it must be an act of God. Theologians sometimes use the term “god of the gaps” to describe the erroneous use of supernatural explanations for natural phenomena that aren’t yet explained. The same thing is happening with UFOs, with alien visitors being used to fill gaps in our understanding of the latest detection technology, the sky and human vision.



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Will “Open-Minded” Trump Be The Disclosure President?

The foundation continues to be laid to validate PRG Director Steve Bassett’s May 2019 prediction that “full disclosure is imminent!”

If that happens now it would make Donald Trump the disclosure president much to the chagrin of those suffering from TDS who dreamed that Hillary Clinton would garner that title.

There’s a strong argument to be made that she would have justifiably earned that label had she won the 2016 election.  Starting with her work with the Rockefeller Initiative back in the late 1990s and right up to the last presidential campaign where both she and her campaign manager, John Podesta, more than hinted of their intention to end The Truth Embargo, Hillary has been a champion of greater transparency when it came to UFOs/UAVs.

Trump’s discussion with Tucker Carlson in Korea a few days ago is fascinating:  he states that solid  grounds for believing UFOs are real even if he doesn’t embrace the idea that they are extraterrestrial.

The key point is that he is talking about the subject……again……following his recent chat with George Stephanopoulos where the subject was raised for the first time with him.

Trump is discussing this in public in the context of the media being inundated with reports on the formerly taboo topic and admits that he is “open-minded” about it all since the pilots and other witnesses are credible.

Is this another baby-step along the soft disclosure road set in motion with the formation of TTSA in October of 2017 and the New York Times article two months later describing the ATTP?  It sure seems like it to me.

Maybe Richard C. Hoagland will have something to say about this on July 20th when he may follow up his recent interview with Clyde Lewis where he suggested some sort of big announcement is on the way.

The 50th Anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing would seem the perfect time for Trump to say that he had received a new briefing and that ETs and/or their crashed craft are here.  Hoagland has sent the president a special report on the Moon and Mars which might be all he needs.

Combine the rash of discussion about UFOs after decades of official denial with Trump’s Space Force, other revelations like the Wilson/Davis notes about a downed alien vehicle and many reports by military and civilians of UFO sightings and we have a clear indication that Bassett may indeed be right.

I thought he was premature in his prediction and that another Middle East war with Iran was more likely.  Maybe it will turn out that both forecasts prove true.

But if we receive official confirmation of the ET presence on Earth, that would make Trump the Disclosure President, something a man with his lust for fame and notoriety would surely relish in the run-up to the 2020 election…….and as a permanent legacy of his presidency!

Rich Scheck
Woodland, WA
July 6, 2019


Did a Flying Rectangle shoot down a Nuclear Ballistic Missile aimed at Hawaii?

On July 3, 2019, a photo was released of a flying rectangle shaped UFO near the island of Maui that was taken over a year earlier, and only recently discovered by the photographer. What is remarkable about the photo is that it shows what appears to be a craft very similar to one photographed near MacDill Air Force base in October 2017, which was revealed by my Florida source, JP, to be a weapons platform used by U.S. Air Force Special Operations.

The similarity of the craft seen in the respective photos raises the intriguing possibility that the flying rectangle photographed near Maui may have been involved in the shooting down of a nuclear ballistic missile aimed at Hawaii on January 13, 2018, widely thought to have been a false missile alert.

First, here is the photo of the Maui rectangle along with an insert showing a close-up.

According to the photographer:

While driving up mount haleakala in maui i took this picture and didnt notice anything until weeks later when i was going over my vacation photos. the object was not seen live. the object was in only one frame, nothing before or after. unkown altitude but as you can see it was above the cloud line [sic].

The photo was taken on May 24, 2018, but the flying rectangle only discovered and reported by the photographer on July 3, 2019, to MUFON.

Now here is some important background for understanding the deep significance behind the 2018 Maui rectangle UFO sighting in terms of photos previously sent to me by JP.

I have known JP since 2008, and he has regularly given me updates on his multiple contact experiences with human looking extraterrestrials, along with his experiences with covert Air Force operatives who have abducted and interrogated him at classified facilities or in their antigravity spacecraft. My evaluation of him is that he is a reliable and credible source, and I have created a webpage with my articles about the photos he regularly sends me.

In October 2017, JP sent me a series of photos of a rectangle shaped UFO that he witnessed near MacDill Air Force Base, home of US Special Operations Command. He took the photos after being prompted to do so by two mysterious men he believes were covert Air Force operatives.

One set of nine photos taken on October 19, 2017, shows a rectangle shaped UFO flying together with a triangle shaped craft.

In another set of five photos taken on October 23, 2017, JP witnessed a rectangle UFO flying alone near MacDill. Both incidents involved covert operatives encouraging JP to take the photos. What follows is a short video featuring the October 23 photos and with some close-ups.

In one of the October 2017 incidents, JP recalls having been taken aboard the flying rectangle where he saw personnel wearing the patches of Air Force Special Operations.  He says that during his visit to the flying rectangle, he was in a corridor where he could peer outside and saw many instrument panels. He later speculated that these were part the craft’s weapons control system.

JP’s experience matched other insider accounts that flying rectangles are heavily armed weapons platforms used by a secret space program run by the Air Force, Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office. Corey Goode, a prominent Secret Space Program insider, had the following to say about the weapons systems of flying rectangles:

I think similar platforms or UFOs have been reported in the 80s and 90s as they were first building out of these platforms that have modular weapons and personnel delivery systems or configurations. They were built up on that superstructure type frame a long time ago and they been on improved upon since but these are pretty old technologies both the TR 3B and the square platform.

JP recalled his experience aboard the rectangle craft only after he photographed it as a result of being prompted by the two Air Force covert operatives. After being prompted and taking the photos, he then remembered being just taken aboard the craft as his head gradually cleared from a daze after receiving an injection during the abduction.

In my earlier analysis of JP’s photos and his eyewitness testimony, I concluded that the flying rectangle is a weapons platform used by Air Force Special Operations that can be deployed in the upper atmosphere and in Earth orbit.

The similarity between the flying rectangles photographed by JP in October 2017, with the UFO photographed near Maui on May 24, 2018, is remarkable. Here is a side by side comparison of the Maui photo with what was photographed by JP on October 19 and 23.

What lends great significance to the Maui photo is that it was taken four months after the alleged “false ballistic missile alert” for Hawaii issued on January 13, 2018.

I covered the alleged false missile alert in a series of online articles (see here, here & here), and more recently in an extensive chapter in my 2019 book, the U.S. Air Force Secret Space Program: Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances and Space Force.

Remarkably, the military intelligence group QAnon, appeared to have given a warning of an impending false flag attack involving a “Defcon 1” scenario in a series of posts beginning on January 7, 2018, only six days before the Hawaii alert.

What my research revealed was that the ballistic missile alert was not a false alarm at all, but was instead a false flag attack intended to start World War III by framing North Korea. What stopped the false flag attack was the US Air Force Secret Space Program (SSP), which had recently undergone a dramatic change in attitude, policies, and leadership, the genesis of which I discuss in great detail in my 2019 book.

There were multiple witnesses of something being shot down on the morning of January 13, 2018, near Maui. The US Coast Guard subsequently spent the next week scouring the ocean for debris of what had been shot down as Maui boat captains have confidentially reported to me and others.

These witness reports, along with the testimonies of multiple whistleblowers all support the conclusion that a nuclear ballistic missile was shot down by White Hats within the US military opposed to a Deep State effort to covertly start another world war.

The false flag attack occurred in January 2018, and four months later a flying rectangle is accidentally photographed near the island of Maui. Given the photos and testimony of JP, it appears that a flying rectangle used as a weapons platform by Air Force Special Operations was being secretly deployed near the Hawaiian islands during the critical months after the attack. If so, it may have been also directly involved in neutralizing the January 13 false flag attack on Hawaii.

Synchronistically, a day after the release of the Maui flying rectangle photo, President Donald Trump declared at the July 4 Independence Day celebration that Space Force was soon to be created as the sixth branch of the US military.

It is highly likely that soon after the formal inauguration of Space Force, and its incorporation of classified space units manned by Air Force Special Operations, that some of its secret arsenal of antigravity vehicles will be revealed to the general public.

In a future July 4 celebration, perhaps as early 2020, flying rectangles may be among the highlights of the air show as they drop down from space directly over the Washington Mall. Included among the flying rectangle craft may be the one that was photographed near Maui in 2018, and which may have also been involved in shooting down a ballistic nuclear missile attack on Hawaii that was intended to start World War III.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Pentagon UFO Briefing Spreads, But How Likely Is Extraterrestrial Life?

Listen to “E21 7-6-19 Pentagon UFO Briefing Spreads, But How Likely Is Extraterrestrial Life?” on Spreaker.
by Jonny Lupsha                       June 25, 2019                    (thegreatcoursesdaily.com)

• As the US Navy is revealing information about encounters with UFOs, the question of life on other planets may warrant new examination from a scientific perspective.

• “There are possibly as many as about one Earth-like planet [orbiting] around every three Sun-like stars,” says Dr. Laird Close, Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at The University of Arizona. “We know that there are about 74 such Sun-like stars out to some 32 light years. That means… there should be on the order of 20-some, Earth-like planets within 32 light years of the Earth.”

• Dr. Close said that some planets in nearby star systems are near enough that we can use scientific instruments and methodology to detect whether or not they currently have or have ever had living microorganisms on them. Finding simple microbial life would “be a hallmark occasion for humanity,” says Dr. Close.

• The odds of finding intelligent life on other planets could be significantly lower than those of finding simple life. The likelihood is far less that an exoplanet would maintain a stable environment long enough for single-celled organisms to evolve into intelligent creatures, as it has done on this planet.

• Dr. Close relies on a book called Rare Earth by University of Washington geologist Peter Ward and astronomer Don Brownlee which requires that a habitable star system must have a ‘sun’ that is similar in size, type, and position in the galaxy to that of the Earth. “These, as we have seen, have been key to keeping the Earth stable for life for so long,” Dr. Close said.

• To make conditions on other planets even less likely to harbor life, Dr. Close further distinguishes the Earth by its having a Moon that stabilizes the spin axis of the Earth and helps create tide pools, and having Jupiter as a shield protecting the innermost planets from incoming impacts.

• When it’s all boiled down, Dr. Close gives the odds of finding another Earth-like planet in an Earth-like solar system is 1 in a million. With about 100 billion stars in our galaxy, and about 1.5 billion planets in the “habitable zone”. With 1 in a million odds of a planet with Earth-like conditions, and that leaves between 150 and 1,500 planets in the galaxy that might support life. Further qualifications like Earth’s hot core, tectonic plates, proper placement in the galaxy, and so on greatly reduce that number. “According to a strict interpretation of the Rare Earth hypothesis, you would probably only expect there to be three to 30 truly Earth-like photocopy planets in our galaxy right now,” reasons Dr. Close.

[Editor’s Note]   Dr. Close has found an obscure scientific study that allows him to narrow down the number of planets in the galaxy inhabited with lifeforms to three. He should be called Dr. Close Minded. First of all, mainstream science presumes that humans evolved from a primordial soup without any intervening assistance. Secondly, why is it that astrophysicists insist that the existence of extraterrestrial life depends on finding a planet that is just like our own, positioned in its solar system just like our own? Isn’t it more likely that a being will adapt to its planetary environment, or that the species is actually created for those conditions? It’s not a coincidence that the biology of a human being is naturally suited to this planet. Other intelligent beings surely inhabit planets naturally that are not particularly suited to humans. This narrow view of life in the galaxy simply supports the Deep State agenda of denying that intelligent extraterrestrial life exists anywhere else in the galaxy, and concealing that this planet has long maintained a widespread extraterrestrial presence, especially since World War II.


Most people are likely to have seen a fictionalized depiction of alien life by the time they reach adulthood, and these depictions are often caricatured. Science fiction novels and films, cartoons, video games, television series, and other media have told stories for quite some time of “little green men” visiting our planet for benevolent or malicious purposes. However, with the Pentagon ramping up its release of classified information about alleged naval encounters with UFOs to various government officials, the question of life on other planets may warrant new examination from a scientific perspective.

Optimistic View for Existence of Simple Life Forms

       Dr. Laird Close

When we discuss life on other planets, microbial life may be more probable than it is exciting, but it’s a valid point of discussion. “There are possibly as many as about one Earth-like planet [orbiting] around every three Sun-like stars,” said Dr. Laird Close, Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at The University of Arizona. “We know that there are about 74 such Sun-like stars out to some 32 light years. That means if we optimistically keep the ratio of about 30 percent, there should be on the order of 20-some, Earth-like planets within 32 light years of the Earth.”

Dr. Close said that some planets in nearby star systems are near enough that we can use scientific instruments and methodology to detect whether or not they currently have or have ever had living microorganisms on them. Should we find that they do, it would be a good indicator that much of the universe is brimming with simple life.

“It’s a very exciting quest for science and if we discover this it will be a hallmark occasion for humanity,” he added.

The Rare Earth Theory and Intelligent Life

On the other hand, the odds of intelligent life on other planets could be significantly lower than those of simple life. This is partly because of the amount of time it took for single-celled organisms to evolve into intelligent creatures. The corresponding likelihood—or lack, thereof—of other planets maintaining stable environmental conditions for that long isn’t very optimistic.

Dr. Close cited a book called Rare Earth by two University of Washington scientists—geologist Peter Ward and astronomer Don Brownlee—that details the factors needed for intelligent life to spring up on Earth, according to the “Rare Earth Hypothesis.” “First of all, our Sun is in the right part of the galaxy,” Dr. Close said. “It is not too close to the crowded center, nor does it exist way out on the element-poor fringe of our galaxy. This seems to be an important factor.”



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History Channel Greenlights ‘The Secret Of Skinwalker Ranch,’ Which Delves Into UFO Sightings In The Area

by Rachel Tsoumbakos                    June 24, 2019                        (inquisitr.com)

• A+E Network television distribution and HISTORY (formerly the History Channel) has announced the development of a new UFO/paranormal non-fiction series entitled The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch. It will delve into the unexplained occurrence of alleged paranormal and UFO-related sightings at Skinwalker Ranch for at least 200 years, a 512-acre property located in Utah’s Uinta Basin. The ranch itself gets its name from a Native American legend about a shape-shifting creature referred to as “The Skinwalker”.

• Since the 1950s, the ranch and the area surrounding it has often been referred to as UFO alley and has garnered international media attention. In 1996, billionaire businessman and UFO enthusiast, Robert Bigelow, purchased the property and embarked on his own research into the Skinwalker Ranch. Three years ago, the ranch was sold to an anonymous buyer. Over the years, much study has gone into the area, some of which is believed to have been secretly funded by the US Government. But there has been little official access granted to the media and only a handful of documentary crews have been allowed access inside the ranch.

• Executive producer Kevin Burns, who is also the creator for HISTORY’s The Curse of Oak Island, will be “gaining full and unprecedented access to the ranch as he tries to uncover the truth about this strange location. The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch is being developed by Prometheus Entertainment and Letter 10 Productions. A+E Networks holds worldwide distribution rights.


The creator of The Curse of Oak Island is bringing a new series to History Channel with The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch. The new nonfiction series will delve into the unexplained occurrence of alleged paranormal and UFO-related sightings at the location.

According to Deadline, The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch is currently the working title for this new series.

Executive producer Kevin Burns, who is famous for The Curse of Oak Island and Ancient Aliens, will be “gaining full and unprecedented access to one of the most infamous and secretive hotspots of paranormal and UFO-related activities on earth” as he tries to uncover the truth about this strange location.

Skinwalker Ranch is a 512-acre property located in Utah’s Uinta Basin that has been host to claims of multiple UFO sightings and paranormal activity dating back as much as 200 years. Along with the suspected paranormal activity and allegations of UFO sightings, the ranch has had its fair share of reported cases of animal mutations. The ranch itself gets its name from a Native American legend about a shape-shifting creature referred to as The Skinwalker.

Since the 1950s, the ranch and the area surrounding it has often been referred to as UFO alley and has garnered international media attention. Over the years, much study has gone into the area, some of which is believed to have been secretly funded by the U.S. Government.



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Nat Geo Photographer Admits to Encountering Alien Beings Underwater

by Inigo Monzon             June 21, 2019              (ibtimes.com)

• Luis Lamar, an underwater director of photography for National Geographic and OceanX, says that he has encountered alien beings during his underwater assignments. “[I]n the ocean, I have come across potentially beings from another heavenly body that are more highly advanced than humans,” Lamar says in the OceanX video. (see 1:36 minute video below)

• Lamar apparently claims that these advanced beings in the ocean depths come in the form of enhanced sea creatures. Says Lamar, “I’ve seen giant deep sea arachnids, venomous sea snakes far offshore with, like bright-yellow heads… Some sort of you know, hyper-advanced aquatic alien creatures inhabiting the shallow waters, which almost look like stingrays.”


A renowned photographer for National Geographic and OceanX claimed that he has encountered alien beings during his underwater assignments. According to the photographer, the beings resembled stingrays and appeared to be more advanced than humans.

The claims about the underwater aliens were made by Luis Lamar, an underwater director of photography for National Geographic and OceanX. He made the revelation through a recent video made by the latter company.

                            Luis Lamar

The clip, which is only about a minute and a half long, focuses on Lamar’s profile and his remarkable experience working as an underwater photographer. At the beginning of the video, Lamar immediately confessed his encounters with alien lifeforms from other planets.

“I think, in the ocean, I have come across potentially beings from another heavenly body that are more highly advanced than humans,” he said.

In another part of the video, Lamar discussed the various marine lifeforms he came across underwater. While talking about the strange marine organisms he encountered, Lamar also discussed the appearance of some of the underwater aliens that he saw.

“I’ve seen giant deep sea arachnids, venomous sea snakes far offshore with, like bright-yellow heads,” he said.

“Sharks in a frenzy, Orcas swarming all around me,” he continued. “Some sort of you know, hyper-advanced aquatic alien creatures inhabiting the shallow waters, which almost look like stingrays.”


1:36 minute video of Lu Lamar talking about advanced underwater beings (OceanX YouTube)




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Film on Netflix Finds UFO Whistleblower Bob Lazar Seeming Less Crazy Than Ever

Listen to “E20 Film on Netflix Finds UFO Whistleblower Bob Lazar Seeming Less Crazy Than Ever” on Spreaker.
by Vinay Menon                     June 25, 2019                     (thestar.com)

• In 1989, a young scientist working at the top secret Area 51 in Nevada told CBS affiliate KLAS News in Las Vegas that the US government had recovered and were analyzing numerous alien spacecraft at the even more secret S-4 base near Area 51. His name was Bob Lazar. It made global headlines and put Area 51 on the cultural map. Jeremy Corbell tells the story from a perspective of 30 years in his Netflix documentary, Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers.  (see 1:37 minute trailer below)

• Lazar claimed there were nine UFOs at the facility, some of which were operational. He had been hired at S-4 to “back-engineer” the propulsion systems. Powered by Element 115 — which at the time had never been synthesized in a lab — these UFOs allegedly had an antimatter generator that created gravity waves and manipulated the space-time continuum.

• Bob Lazar’s story has not changed in 30 years. To his supporters, family and friends who know him best, Lazar has always been telling the truth. Others refute Lazar’s story and his veracity.

• Says Corbell, “These milestones along the way, no matter how much we nitpick it apart, no matter how much people don’t want to believe, the evidence that he’s telling the truth outweighs the evidence that he’s not.”

• When Lazar first cited Element 115 in 1989, mainstream science had never heard of it. But in 2003 the element was synthesized, added to the periodic table, and later named Moscovium.

• Lazar also says in the film that these UFOs flew “belly-up”, with the ‘bottom’ of the craft pointing at its destination. Recent Navy footage shows UFOs flying exactly as Lazar described: tilted at an angle, rotating, emitting no exhaust, and maneuvering in ways that violate the laws of physics.

• The biggest questions hanging over Lazar concern his pre-UFO past. He claims to have studied at Caltech and MIT. He said his job before S-4 was with the Los Alamos National Laboratory. But investigators could find no record of Lazar at either of the schools or the facility. Lazar says his whistle-blowing led to the government scrubbing him from existence. But wouldn’t he still have physical evidence – diplomas, photos, correspondence, the names of professors or other students and colleagues?

• Investigative reporter George Knapp, who broke the story in 1989 and continues to publicly defend Lazar, found an old phone directory from Los Alamos that listed him. There were also newspaper stories that identified Lazar as a Los Alamos scientist. And some classmates and colleagues have since come forward.

• For decades, the US government’s position on UFOs was blanket denial. But that deep freeze is starting to thaw. The Navy recently issued guidelines for pilots to report sightings, free of stigma and judgment. Congress was recently given a classified briefing on the subject. And U.S. President Donald Trump, to his credit, has been forthright in acknowledging unexplained encounters.

• If Lazar is a hoaxster, as many claim, what did he actually get out of this whistle-blowing? He certainly hasn’t profited. He’s mostly shunned the spotlight and attempted to distance himself from UFOs while coping with relentless attacks on his character and credibility. Still, all these years later there is no persuasive evidence that he is lying. But what if Bob Lazar is telling the truth?

[Editor’s Note]   In response to the Netflix documentary, Dr. Eric W. Davis has been quite outspoken in denouncing Bob Lazar. In a November 2018 conversation with writer, Joe Murgia on George Knapp’s public Facebook page promoting the Lazar documentary, Eric Davis had this to say about Lazar: “[I]t is impossible for Lazar to have any Muscovite isotope in his house nor the gigantic particle accelerators that produced it via the collisions of other large atoms.” (Which Lazar purported to have built.) “… unless the house or their entire property is dozens of square miles in size.” (see Joe Murgia’s article here from www.ufojoe.net)
• Dr. Davis went on to say, “[A] Roadrunner (who ran programs at Area-51 for Los Alamos) told me that he knew Lazar’s female supervisor at Area-51 and had her pull up his personnel file. Lazar worked as a radiation health monitor in the unsecured logistics contractor facility outside of Area-51, so he was never inside that site, and he never held security clearances because he didn’t need them to work in an unclassified area. Lazar made up his entire cockamamie story about the UFO that he saw in a building inside Area-51. He was never exposed to any classified information, facilities, or programs in his work area.”
• “It was impossible for Lazar to do Ph.D. level work at (Los Alamos National Lab),” writes Dr. Davis, “because he only had a high school education with a C average grade, thus he had no education or training to be a scientist. He did not take high school physics. His job was radiation health monitor which did not require security clearances so he did not get access to Area-51 since his workstation was at the off-site logistics support facility which is unclassified. He’s also a convicted felon in the state of Nevada.” 
• Dr Davis is an astrophysicist with Austin-based EarthTech International and is affiliated with Tom DeLonge’s “To The Stars Academy”, which some including Dr. Michael Salla have labeled a “limited hangout” effort, influenced by the Deep State government to only disclose a threshold of information on the vast UFO and extraterrestrial presence. Dr. Davis was also a central figure where it was recently revealed that in 1997, Vice Admiral Thomas Wilson, who was the Deputy Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and Vice Director for Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the time, was flat out denied access to the admitted reverse-engineering of an extraterrestrial craft by a US defense contractor. (see Exoarticle here)
• Stanton Friedman is another critic of Bob Lazar. In a 1997 article on Lazar (see article here), Friedman wrote: “(Lazar) was publicly asked when he got his MS from MIT. He said “Let me see now, I think it was probably 1982.” Nobody getting an MS from MIT would not know the year immediately. He was asked to name some of his profs, He said: “Let’s see now, Bill Duxler will remember me from the physics department at Caltech.” I located Dr. Duxler. He’s a Pierce Junior College physics prof, and never taught at Caltech. Lazar was registered in one of his courses at the same time Lazar was supposedly at MIT! Nobody who can go to MIT goes to Pierce JC, not to mention the rather long commute between LA and Cambridge, Mass.” Later, Friedman would confirm that Lazar would, in fact, go on to work at the Los Alamos National Labs in an unknown capacity, and that this would have required a security clearance just to get inside the building.


The most chilling part of Bob Lazar’s story is that it has not changed in 30 years.

The scientist first made global headlines in 1989 with allegations that were truly out of this world: the U.S. government had recovered alien spacecraft and were analyzing the vessels at a top-secret base in Nevada, close to Area 51.

It was like hearing a whistleblower claim there was a clandestine cistern near Sea World that contained the Loch Ness Monster. Equally unsettling was the matter-of-fact manner in which Lazar detailed his astonishing claims.

In total, Lazar said there were nine UFOs, some of which were operational. He had been hired at the S-4 facility to “back-engineer” the propulsion systems, which were unlike anything on Earth. Powered by Element 115 — which at the time had never been synthesized in a lab — these UFOs allegedly had an antimatter generator that created gravity waves and manipulated the space-time continuum.

Or something like that.

The interviews Lazar did that year with KLAS, a CBS affiliate in Las Vegas, ricocheted around the world, put Area 51 on the pop-cultural map and cemented his status as one of the most polarizing figures in the realm of ufology.

To his supporters, including the family and friends who know him best, Lazar was telling the truth then and he’s telling it now. To critics, including some who otherwise believe aliens are real, Lazar was a terrestrial liar.

If you’re unfamiliar with the story, I encourage you to watch Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers, now streaming on Netflix. As director Jeremy Corbell puts it: “These milestones along the way, no matter how much we nitpick it apart, no matter how much people don’t want to believe, the evidence that he’s telling the truth outweighs the evidence that he’s not.”

That’s an audacious statement.

But the milestones, big and small, are definitely intriguing.

1:37 minute Netflix’ trailer for Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers (The Orchard Movies)



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NASA Space Video Shows UFO Hovering Over Earth, ‘100% Proof’ Of Aliens

by Inigo Monzon                     June 27, 2019                     (ibtimes.com)

• On June 25th, A UFO hovering above Earth was spotted through the live feed footage of NASA’s International Space Station. Scott Waring of ET Data Base spotted the UFO while watching the live feed, and noted that the ISS suddenly switched cameras to presumably focus on an object hovering in the distance.

• The UFO was visible for a couple of seconds before fading into the background. Through editing software, Waring was able to zoom in on the image to reveal the UFO’s classic disk shape, with distinct humps in the upper and lower portions. It also had a strange aura its body, likely an optical effect caused by the craft’s propulsion system. (see 9:54 minute video below)


A UFO hovering above Earth was spotted through the live feed footage of NASA’s International Space Station (ISS). According to a UFO expert, the footage is definitive proof of the existence of extraterrestrial life.

Scott Waring of ET Data Base spotted the UFO while watching the live feed of the ISS. As he was watching, Waring noted that the ISS suddenly switched cameras to presumably focus on an object hovering in the distance.

Based on the video that Waring shared, the UFO was visible for a couple of seconds before mysteriously fading into the background. Through editing software, he was able to zoom in on the image to reveal the UFO’s distinct shape. According to Waring, it closely resembled the classic image of disk-shaped UFOs that have distinct humps in their upper and lower portions.

Aside from the shape of the object, another aspect that caught Waring’s attention was the strange aura that it displayed around its body. He speculated that it could be traces of the strange craft’s propulsion system.

9:54 minute video of Scott Waring describing a UFO near the ISS on June 25th (ET DATA BASE)



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A Glint Of Light And A Hint Of Life: Mars Is Getting Very Interesting Right Now

by Ed Mazza                  June 24, 2019

• On June 16th, as NASA’s Mars Curiosity rover lumbered across the plains of Mars, a glowing object was captured on camera hovering just above the Martian surface (pictured above). Another camera image taken 13 seconds after showed nothing.  (see 38-second video below)

• When a similar flash of light made headlines in 2014, Justin Maki of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory said, “In the thousands of images we’ve received from Curiosity, we see ones with bright spots nearly every week.” Maki wrote them off as cosmic-ray hits or sunlight glinting off of rock surfaces.

• Days later, the rover detected possible microbial life on or inside the planet as indicated by a large spike in methane. While conducting further analysis, NASA said the rover had detected methane in the past and that the planet seems to have seasonal peaks and dips. NASA is coordinating with the scientists working with the European Space Agency’s Trace Gas Orbiter, which is orbiting Mars, to find the origin of the gas.


NASA’s Mars Curiosity rover spotted a strange glowing object that seemed to hover just above the surface of the Red Planet earlier this month.

While the glint on Mars has captured the imagination of folks on social media, it was likely just sunlight, a cosmic ray or a camera artifact. But in an unrelated development days later, the rover detected something else ― and it could be a long-sought signal of possible microbial life on or inside the planet.

The glowing object was captured on camera ― look at the right side of this raw image taken from the NASA website on June 16.

It doesn’t appear on any of the images snapped before or after, taken about 13 seconds apart, so if it was an object of some kind it moved quickly. More likely, however, it was nothing too out of the ordinary.

“In the thousands of images we’ve received from Curiosity, we see ones with bright spots nearly every week,” Justin Maki of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory said in 2014 when a similar flash of light made headlines. “These can be caused by cosmic-ray hits or sunlight glinting from rock surfaces, as the most likely explanations.”

So, the flash of light was unlikely to be a sign of activity on the planet.

But something else was detected on Mars last week that just might be a sign of life: methane. The New York Times reported that Curiosity detected a spike in methane, which, if confirmed, could hint of microbial life hidden beneath the surface of Mars.

38-second video of light seen hovering over Mars’ surface by Curiosity Rover (‘Amaze Lab’ YouTube)




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“Trilobites & Homo Sapiens” –Is Our Evolution Unique in the Cosmos?

Listen to “E19 “Trilobites & Homo Sapiens” –Is Our Evolution Unique in the Cosmos?” on Spreaker.
Jun 23, 2019                     (dailygalaxy.com)

• Fossil evidence suggests that life began very early in Earth’s history, and this has led people to determine that life might be quite common in the universe because it happened so quickly here. But life on Earth doesn’t translate to a probability of life on other planets according to the Oxford paper, “Dissolving the Fermi Paradox” (see here for exoarticle).

• A 2018 study from the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University suggests that, although this universe potentially hosts 50 quintillion habitable planets, the expectation that life has or will develop on other planets as it has on Earth might be based more on optimism than scientific evidence.

• Oxford neurobiologist Colin Blakemore took this a step further by suggesting that a mutation in the brain of a single human being 200,000 years ago that turned primates into a super-intelligent species was a genetic accident. Says Blakemore, “This leads to… conclude that there is a fairly high likelihood that we are alone.”

• David Spiegel of Princeton University and Edwin Turner from the University of Tokyo used Bayesian reasoning to show that just because we evolved on Earth, doesn’t mean that the same occurrence would necessarily happen elsewhere. Just because the universe is vast and we therefore have an expectation that life would exist outside of Earth, doesn’t prove that such extraterrestrial life actually exists. And even if it did, abiogenesis would require Earth-like circumstances.

• Spiegel continues by pointing out that, “Discoveries by NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope of potentially habitable exoplanets provide no evidence that they exist.” “Instead, these planets have our knowledge of life on Earth projected onto them.” If the earth id 4.5 billion years old, and it takes 3.5 billion years for intelligent life to develop, then the Earth had a head start that other planets did not have. It is very possible that Earth is a cosmic aberration and “no evidence exists to substantially change that.”
[Editor’s Note]   This article’s writer contends that the pro-UFO argument for the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations is based on conjecture and not scientific proof. But the ‘science’ that he uses to assert that the human race developed through unlikely happenstance, and therefore it is unlikely that other civilizations have done the same thing, is based on the ‘scientific fact’ that there is no evidence of extraterrestrials ever having visited the Earth. “Homo sapiens appear to be a genetic accident.” “The Earth is a cosmic aberration.” These Deep State academics are using the fact that Deep State governments have been hiding the extraterrestrial presence for the past seventy years as their proof that extraterrestrial beings probably don’t exist. The Deep State’s desperation for keeping the ET presence a secret is really starting to show.


In contrast to Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb’s optimism that extraterrestrials are less speculative than dark matter or extra dimensions, a study that we posted in September of 2018 conducted by three scholars from the Future of Humanity Institute (FHI) at Oxford University, suggests that although we exist in a universe with a potential 50 quintillion habitable planets, the expectation that life — from inorganic to bacteria to sentient beings —abiogenesis– has or will develop on other planets as it has on Earth, might be based more on optimism than scientific evidence.

Colin Blakemore, an Oxford neurobiologist not involved in the FHI study argued that a mutation in the brain of a single human being 200,000 years ago turned intellectually able primates into a super-intelligent species that would conquer the world. Homo sapiens appears to be genetic accident. Or are we?

                           David Spiegel

“There is no sign that the human brain has reached its capacity to accumulate knowledge,” adds Blakemore, “which means that the wonders we have already created – from spaceships to computers – represent only the start of our achievements.”

Fossil evidence suggests that life began very early in Earth’s history and that has led people to determine that life might be quite common in the universe because it happened so quickly here, but the knowledge about life on Earth simply doesn’t reveal much about the actual probability of life on other planets. suggests the Oxford paper, “Dissolving the Fermi Paradox”.

The study was jointly-conducted by Anders Sandberg, a Research Fellow at the Future of Humanity Institute and a Martin Senior Fellow at Oxford University; Eric Drexler, the engineer who popularized the concept of nanotechnology; and Tod Ord, Australian moral philosopher at Oxford University.

The study concluded that “even using the guesstimates in the literature (we took them and randomly combined the parameter estimates) one can have a situation where the mean number of civilizations in the galaxy might be fairly high – say a hundred – and yet the probability that we are alone in the galaxy is 30%! The reason is that there is a very skewed distribution of likelihood.

                 Edwin Turner

“The probability of getting life and intelligence on a planet has an extreme uncertainty given what we know – we cannot rule out that it happens nearly everywhere there is the right conditions, but we cannot rule out that it is astronomically rare. This leads to an even stronger uncertainty about the number of civilizations, drawing us to conclude that there is a fairly high likelihood that we are alone. However, we also conclude that we shouldn’t be too surprised if we find intelligence!”

In an earlier study, David Spiegel of Princeton University and Edwin Turner from the University of Tokyo turned the Drake equation upside down using Bayesian reasoning to show that just because we evolved on Earth, doesn’t mean that the same occurrence would necessarily happen elsewhere; “using evidence of our own existence doesn’t show anything” they argue, “other than that we are here.”



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New Broadcasters Come on Board for A+E’s Project Blue Book

Listen to “E18 New Broadcasters Come on Board for A+E’s Project Blue Book” on Spreaker.
by Joseph O’Halloran                     June 24, 2019                    (rapidtvnews.com)

• A+E Networks and HISTORY (History Channel) have a runaway hit in its UFO drama series Project Blue Book. The show has secured a raft of new sales among international broadcasters for its second season.

• The drama series, executive produced by Robert Zemeckis, is based on the true, top-secret investigations into UFOs and related phenomena conducted by the US Air Force in the 1950’s and 60’s, and stars Aidan Gillen (Game of Thrones) and Michael Malarkey (The Vampire Diaries). Each episode draws from the actual case files, blending UFO theories with authentic historical events from one of the most mysterious eras in United States’ history.

• After a highly successful first season, Project Blue Book has attracted new broadcasters to a 10-episode second season, including TNT (Spain), Warner TV via EuroTV (France), D’Live (South Korea), Vietnam Satellite Digital Television Company (Vietnam), and CIS Yandex (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan). These add to the likes of Sci Fi Channel Europe, TVNZ, HISTORY, Showmax and U-Next.

• A+E claims that Project Blue Book is the leading new cable TV series in the United States, averaging 3.2 million total viewers in Nielsen Live+7 delivery. During season 1, HISTORY was cable’s #1 entertainment network on Tuesday nights.

[Editor’s Note]   This demonstrates the incredible popularity of the topic of UFOs and the US government’s cover-up of the extraterrestrial presence – not only in America, but throughout the world. The public knows that there is more to the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon than the Deep State government is letting on, and the world is ready to know the truth.


Leading content firm A+E Networks has secured a raft of new sales among international broadcasters for a second season of its hit UFO drama series Project Blue Book.

Executive produced by Academy Award and Golden Globe winner Robert Zemeckis (Forrest Gump, Back to the Future, Contact), the 20-episode drama series is based on the true, top-secret investigations into Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and related phenomena conducted by the United States Air Force in the 1950s and 60s and stars Aidan Gillen (Game of Thrones) and Michael Malarkey (The Vampire Diaries). Each episode draws from the actual case files, blending UFO theories with authentic historical events from one of the most mysterious eras in United States history.

New broadcasters on board for the all-new 10-episode second season include TNT (Spain), Warner TV via EuroTV (France), D’Live (South Korea), Vietnam Satellite Digital Television Company (Vietnam), and CIS Yandex (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan). These add to the likes of Sci Fi Channel Europe, TVNZ, HISTORY, Showmax and U-Next.

The first season was announced at MIPCOM 2018 and in September 2018. A+E claims that in the US, Project Blue Book is currently the leading new series on cable this TV season, averaging 3.2 million total viewers in Nielsen Live+7 delivery. During season 1, HISTORY was cable’s #1 entertainment network on Tuesday nights with total viewers.



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Why Have There Been So Many UFO Sightings Near Nuclear Facilities?

“E17 Why Have There Been So Many UFO Sightings Near Nuclear Facilities?”
by Adam Janos                     June 23, 2019                        (history.com)

• Former high-ranking US defense and intelligence officials, aerospace-industry veterans, academics and others associated with ‘To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science’ are asking: ‘why are so many UFOs being reported near nuclear facilities—and why isn’t there more urgency on the part of the government to assess their potential national-security threat?’ Their investigations are the subject of HISTORY’s limited series “Unidentified.”

• In the past century, more than a few UFO sightings have been reported in military contexts. In late World War II, U.S. airmen called the bright orange UFOs flying along the French-German border “foo fighters”. During the Korean War, soldiers claimed that a blue-green light emitting “pulsing rays” made their whole battalion sick with radiation poisoning.

• In the last 75 years, high-ranking U.S. military and intelligence personnel have also reported UFOs near sites associated with nuclear power, weaponry and technology—from the early atomic-bomb development and test sites of the past to active nuclear naval fleets in the present. “All of the nuclear facilities—Los Alamos, Livermore, Sandia, Savannah River—all had dramatic incidents where these unknown craft appeared over the facilities and nobody knew where they were from or what they were doing there,” said investigative journalist George Knapp.

• “There seems to be a lot of correlation there,” says Lue Elizondo, who from 2007 to 2012 served as director of the Pentagon UFO study program called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.

• Robert Hastings, a UFO researcher and author of the book: UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites, says that ‘Nuclear-adjacent’ sightings go back decades. Witnesses to these incidents are often highly trained personnel with top security clearances. In recent years, their reports are being corroborated by sophisticated technology.

• In late 1948, “green fireballs” were reported in the skies near atomic laboratories in Los Alamos and Sandia, New Mexico, where the atomic bomb was first developed and tested. A declassified FBI document from 1950 mentions “flying saucers” measuring almost 50 feet in diameter near the Los Alamos labs. Over a dozen workers from the Nevada desert atomic test site told Knapp that UFO activity was commonplace.

• In the 1960s and ’70s, repeated UFO sightings emerged at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana, a storage site for nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles. At one such sighting in 1967, former Air Force Capt. Robert Salas reported several of those missiles becoming inoperative, or “unlaunchable”, at the same time that base security reported seeing a glowing red object, about 30 feet in diameter, hovering over the facility.

• In December 1980, the US Air Force secretly housed nuclear weapons in 25 fortified bunkers beneath the Royal Air Force base at Bentwaters in Suffolk, England. USAF master sergeant Ivan Barker saw an object on radar having remarkable speed and maneuverability, covering 120 miles in a matter of seconds. He looked out of the window and saw a craft hovering over a water tower. “It was between about 1,500 and 2,000 feet high. The thing was…at least a city block…in diameter,” said Barker. Barker says it was shaped like a giant basketball, with portholes around the center, from which lights were emanating outward. “I was shocked… There was nothing aerodynamic about it. Basketballs don’t fly.” Then in a second it was gone. But Barker didn’t report the sighting to his superiors. “You don’t understand what the Air Force did to people who reported UFOs,” he said.

• Colonel Charles Halt was the deputy commander at RAF Bentwaters that night. Halt led a patrol to investigate the strange colorful lights seen descending into the nearby Rendlesham Forest. He saw a red light moving horizontally though the trees, “obviously under some kind of intelligent control.” A laser-like beam, he said, “landed 10-15 feet away from us. I was literally in shock.” Then the object flew north towards the base. Says Halt, “We could hear chatter on the radios that the beams went down into the weapons storage area.” The Air Force generals closed the case without investigation.

• In recent years, the US Navy has reported several UFO encounters off of both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Navy F-18 fighter pilots saw UFOs almost daily for several months between the summer of 2014 and the spring of 2015 along the Eastern seaboard between Virginia and Florida. “Wherever we were, they were there,” said Ryan Graves, an F-18 fighter pilot who holds a degree in aerospace engineering. The objects appeared in three shapes, Graves says—some were discs, others looked like a cube inside a sphere, while smaller round objects flew together in formation. All lacked visible engines or exhaust systems. Some tilted, mid-flight, like spinning tops, as seen in cockpit video. One UFO almost caused a collision by zipping dangerously between two jets. Graves said that the UFOs also appeared in the Persian Gulf.

• In November 2004, Navy pilots and radar operators from the USS Nimitz carrier fleet saw a 40-foot long tic-tac shaped object flying just above the ocean, 100 miles off the coast of California near San Diego. When F-18 fighter jets were scrambled to approach the object, it accelerated and easily outran the supersonic Navy craft.

• Chris Mellon, former US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence said that a carrier battle group being shadowed by UFOs all the way across the Atlantic to the Middle East “makes an extremely compelling case for the existence of technologies we didn’t think were possible.”

• There is an increasing openness in the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill to taking these sightings seriously as potential threats. In April 2019, the US Navy announced that it was updating its guidelines for how pilots and personnel should report unexplained aerial phenomena—making it easier for military members to report sightings to superiors without facing stigma and backlash. And now Congress has taken more interest in these UFO briefings.

• George Knapp says there is more UFO activity now than he has seen in three decades. Knapp notes that personnel at the military facilities, bases, ships and submarines where nuclear weapons are built, tested and deployed “have seen these things”. “Are they all crazy?”


Why are so many UFOs being reported near nuclear facilities—and why isn’t there more urgency on the part of the government to assess their potential national-security threat?

Those are questions being asked by a team of high-ranking former U.S. defense and intelligence officials, aerospace-industry veterans, academics and others associated with To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science. The team has been investigating a wide range of these sightings—and advocating more serious government attention.

Their investigations are the subject of HISTORY’s limited series “Unidentified.”

Throughout history, unexplained aerial phenomena (UAPs) have shocked, frightened and fascinated sky watchers. And in the last century, more than a few have been reported in military contexts. In late World War II, U.S. airmen called them “foo fighters”: strange orange flying lights by the French-German border. During the Korean War, some soldiers claimed a blue-green light emitting “pulsing rays” made their whole battalion sick with what, to some, resembled radiation poisoning.

Less known: In the last 75 years, high-ranking U.S. military and intelligence personnel have also reported UAPs near sites associated with nuclear power, weaponry and technology—from the early atomic-bomb development and test sites to active nuclear naval fleets.

“All of the nuclear facilities—Los Alamos, Livermore, Sandia, Savannah River—all had dramatic incidents where these unknown craft appeared over the facilities and nobody knew where they were from or what they were doing there,” says investigative journalist George Knapp, who has studied the UAP-nuclear connection for more than 30 years. Knapp has gathered documentation by filing Freedom of Information Act requests to the departments of defense and energy.

“There seems to be a lot of correlation there,” says Lue Elizondo, who from 2007 to 2012 served as director of a covert team of UAP researchers operating inside the Department of Defense. The program, called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), received $22 million of the Pentagon’s $600 billion budget in 2012, The New York Times reported. Elizondo now helps lead To the Stars’ investigations.

The UFO-nuclear Connection Began at the Dawn of the Atomic Age.

Nuclear-adjacent sightings go back decades, says Robert Hastings, a UFO researcher and author of the book UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites. Hastings says he’s interviewed more than 160 veterans who have witnessed strange things in the skies around nuclear sites.

“You have objects being tracked on radar performing at speeds that no object on earth can perform,” Hastings says. “You have eyewitness [military] personnel. You have jet pilots.” Witnesses to these incidents are often highly trained personnel with top security clearances. In recent years, their reports are being corroborated by sophisticated technology.



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Michael Salla Delivers Valuable Overview of the Secret Space Program

Dr. Michael Salla has presented a valuable Big Picture overview and history of the Secret Space Program currently manifesting itself in both President Trump’s Space Force and, collaterally, with the Hillary/Podesta To The Stars Academy soft disclosure efforts that have accelerated in recent months.

Salla makes clear that these current revelations are part of the long history of this phenomena as William Bramley (The Gods of Eden), Jim Marrs (Alien Agenda) and many other excellent researchers have described.

Salla continues to lead the way in this controversial field which has seen the unofficial taboo disappear thanks to a variety of factors.  Those include the Clintons involvement with the Rockefeller Initiative; the work towards Disclosure of Dr. Steven Greer; Paradigm Research Group leader Stephen Bassett’s relentless campaign to end the Truth Embargo; the excellent research of Richard Dolan; the seminal work in Exopolitics of Alfred Webre in the late 1970’s; the New York Times publishing front page articles on the topic; Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt’s in depth investigations; and the willingness of the military to share some of its secrets.

These individuals often disagree or even clash, something to be expected under the circumstances. But each new day brings fresh revelations that appear to corroborate the possibility that we have been visited by alien craft even if most of what is seen in our skies is merely our advanced technology on display….possibly reversed engineered….but still of the Earth.

An excellent example of that occurred last night on the Jeff Rense Show when Dr. Bruce Cornish talked about a little known crash retrieval event in Wales in which meta material was recovered.  Scientists evaluating the debris think its strange patterns and composition may allow for Newtonian physics to be changed in such a way that gravity is suspended (bent) to enhance propulsion without crushing the spaceship’s occupants, thus allowing for interstellar travel.

Richard C. Hoagland is predicting that the special number of 19.5 related to his theory of hyper-dimensional physics may lead to a stunning announcement at yesterday’s mid-point of the 19th year of the 21st century, 7/1/19 (19.5)!

In his interview, Salla brings us up to date on the competition between the US Air Force and Navy and their parallel programs that are likely to converge within the new Space Force.

It remains to be seen whether any of what we are now learning is overt disinformation; a limited hang-out/soft disclosure effort to distract from the missing Pentagon trillions or some other nefarious plan possibly connected to establishing a One World Government.

What Salla, Dolan, Bassett, Greer, Hoagland and others have done is augment a serious conversation about a crucial subject as well as help lift the veil of secrecy that has come to dominate modern life.  This is a valuable contribution that hopefully will lead to a positive transformation of our world and a far better future for us all.

Rich Scheck
July 2, 2019

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