Demi Lovato Thinks Alien Encounters Could Lead to a Shift In Consciousness

Article by Fred Topel                               May 1, 2020                                (

• On April 30th, 27 year old singer, songwriter and actor Demi Lovato (pictured above) was on the podcast Wild Ride! with Steve-O podcast discussing meditation and the shift in consciousness that is now occurring. (see video of the podcast below)

• Lovato said that during the coronavirus down time she focused on her meditation and then recommended a movie she had just watched: “Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind.” (see here for previous ExoArticle on the Steven Greer film) Said Lovato, “Technically, it’s about aliens. They talk about how you can have a close encounter of the fifth kind which is contact with aliens.” “But it’s all about… meditation (actually).”

• “The first encounter would be like seeing a UFO,” Lovato said. “The second would be some kind of proof being left behind. The third encounter would be like you have some sort of interaction with the alien. The fourth is like you’re on board, you get abducted and then the fifth is human initiated contact with aliens. I sound nuts right now.”

• Lovato doesn’t necessarily believe in aliens, but she believes our consciousness needs to be open to different ways of relating to the universe. She thinks the coronavirus crisis is bringing about such a shift so that the documentary came at just the right time. “This documentary is talking about that shift of consciousness,” said Lovato. “It’s just also interesting that it was one of the top viewed movies…I think this time right now is forcing a lot of people to look within themselves. That consciousness is totally shifting.”

• “I’m doing a lot of meditating,” Lovato said. “I swear, I haven’t meditated so much in my life. You find… there’s literally nothing to do, so you might as well do nothing. Sometimes I’ll do guided prayers…. Other meditations will be like I do some Kundalini. Some is just breathing.” “I believe that meditation is hard work. That’s why so many people don’t want to do it.” If you’re putting of meditation, Lovato says, just do it.


Demi Lovato has been studying aliens. Don’t worry, she’s not going to Area 51. This is going somewhere, but it begins with aliens. Lovato was on the Wild Ride! with Steve-O podcast on April 30 discussing how she is spending her down time during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The conversation ultimately turned to shifting consciousness with meditation but it began with aliens.

Demi Lovato watched a movie about aliens and meditation

Lovato was describing her meditation practice to Steve-O and recommended a movie that connects to her practice.

“I just saw this movie called Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind,” Lovato said. “It’s a brand new documentary and it was just released in April. It was just released on Apple TV but it’s all about actually meditation. Technically it’s about aliens but they talk about how you can have a close encounter of the fifth kind which is contact with aliens.”

Demi Lovato outlines all the close encounters you can have with aliens

You may remember the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It turns out that movie stopped halfway!

“The first encounter would be like seeing a UFO,” Lovato said. “The second would be some kind of proof being left behind. The third encounter would be like you have some sort of interaction with the alien. The fourth is like you’re on board, you get abducted and then the fifth is human initiated contact with aliens. I sound nuts right now.”

56:01 minute video of the Wild Ride! with Steve-O podcast –
Lovato discusses meditation from the 45 to 47 minute mark;
discusses the shift in consciousness from the 47:30 to 50:30 mark
(‘Steve-O’s Wild Ride! Podcast’ YouTube)



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Newly Released Incident Reports Detail Navy’s ‘UFO’ Encounters

Article by Ryan Browne and Mike Conte                              May 14, 2020                              (

• On May 13th, CNN newly released Navy Safety Center “hazard reports” (see here) detailing potentially hazardous encounters between Navy jets and UFOs, or “unidentified aerial phenomena” as the military has taken to calling them. Such concerns were reinforced when the Pentagon officially declassified videos of three encounters late last month. The newly released reports describe the UFOs as “Unmanned Aerial Systems,” or drones. The reports were obtained through a FOIA request filed by the website ‘the Drive’.

• Videos of UFOs recorded by Navy jet infrared cameras show rapidly moving objects and Navy aviators reacting in awe to them. One report describes an incident from March 26, 2014 states that an “unknown aircraft appeared to be small in size, approximately the size of a suitcase, and silver in color” passed within 1000 feet of a Navy F/A-18 jet. The US Navy pilot “attempted to regain visual contact with the aircraft, but was unable.”

• Another incident report describes an incident from November 2013 in which a Navy F/A-18 pilot “was able to visually acquire a small aircraft. The aircraft had an approximately 5 foot wingspan and was colored white with no other distinguishable features.” An indecent from June 27, 2013 described a Navy jet’s encounter with an aircraft that “was white in color and approximately the size and shape of a drone or missile.”

• But the military has been unable to identify who was operating the drones, presenting a major safety and security challenge to the Navy jets training in the restricted military training airspace off the east coast of Virginia. “I feel it may only be a matter of time before one of our F/A-18 aircraft has a mid-air collision with an unidentified UAS,” a report warned. “In many ways, (drones) pose a greater midair risk than manned aircraft. They are often less visually significant and less radar apparent than manned aircraft.”

• There is also the possibility that the drones could be operated by an adversary such as Russia or China seeking to collect information on US military operations. But the former head of a classified Pentagon UFO research program, Luis Elizondo, told CNN in 2017 that he personally believes “there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone.” Elizondo says the UFOs display “characteristics that are not currently within the US inventory nor in any foreign inventory that we are aware of.”

• For his part, President Trump called the recently “officially” released Pentagon videos a “hell of a video”. “I just wonder if it’s real,” Trump said.


Washington (CNN)  Newly released “hazard reports” detailing encounters between US Navy aircraft and “unidentified aerial phenomena” reveal details about incidents that were thrust into the spotlight when the Pentagon officially declassified and released videos of three encounters late last month.
“The unknown aircraft appeared to be small in size, approximately the size of a suitcase, and silver in color,” one report describing an incident from March 26, 2014, said.

During that encounter one of the Navy F/A-18 jets “passed within 1000′ of the object, but was unable to positively determine the identity of the aircraft,” the report added, saying the US Navy pilot “attempted to regain visual contact with the aircraft, but was unable.”

CNN on Wednesday obtained the Navy Safety Center documents, which were previously labeled “For Official Use Only.” They follow the Pentagon’s official release late last month of three short videos showing “unidentified aerial phenomena” that had previously been made public by a private company.

The reports were first published by the Drive, a website covering auto news and military issues, which obtained the documents through a Freedom of Information Act request.

The videos show what appear to be unidentified flying objects rapidly moving while recorded by infrared cameras. Two of the videos contain Naval aviators reacting in awe at how quickly the objects are moving. One voice speculates that it could be a drone.

Objects could be drones

The newly released reports appear to share this assessment, describing many of the unidentified aircraft as “Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS),” the Pentagon’s official name for drone aircraft.

According to another incident report from November 2013 a Navy F/A-18 pilot “was able to visually acquire a small aircraft. The aircraft had an approximately 5 foot wingspan and was colored white with no other distinguishable features.”

“Due to the small size, the aircraft was determined to be a UAS,” the report said.



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Tom Cruise Plans to Shoot the First Movie in Space

Article by Philip Ellis                            May 5, 2020                            (

• Mike Fleming Jr. at Deadline reports that the actor, Tom Cruise, will partner with Elon Musk’s SpaceX to be the first to shoot an action movie in outer space. Cruise is reportedly in talks with NASA, although at present no studio is involved. While the film project is described as being in “the early stages of liftoff”, and there are no details available surrounding the plot of the film or its budget.

• Tom Cruise is known for going all-out and taking risks while filming, insisting on performing all of his own ‘high-octane’ stunts in his movies, even when it leads to serious injury, like the time he broke his ankle during an action sequence in Mission: Impossible – Fallout.

• SpaceX was founded by billionaire Elon Musk in 2002, with the mission of reducing the costs of transporting humanity to Mars. The organization’s Crew Dragon spacecraft is due to launch on May 27, marking SpaceX’s first ever flight with humans aboard.


Tom Cruise is known for going all-out and taking risks while filming, insisting on performing all of his own stunts in his movies, even when it leads to serious injury, like the time he broke his ankle during an action sequence in Mission: Impossible – Fallout. And it looks like he’ll soon be taking his daredevil approach to acting further than ever — where no movie star has gone before.

According to Mike Fleming Jr. at Deadline, Cruise is rumored to have partnered with Elon Musk’s SpaceX on his most ambitious project to date; an action movie that would be actually be shot in outer space. Fleming writes that Cruise is already in talks with NASA, although no studio is involved at present.



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UFO Videos From the Pentagon in Quarantine, Chance or Opportunity?

May 2, 2020                           (

• Cuban science fiction writer, Daína Chaviano, thinks that the UFO phenomenon is real. But he wonders why the Pentagon waited until now to declassify the Navy UFO videos that have already been on the internet for years. “How can they say now that they have declassified recordings that years ago were all over the internet and that have already been the subject of numerous (studies) by experts?” asks Chaviano. His Venezuelan colleague and fellow sci fi author, Ibrahim Buznego, believes that everything is part of a “preparation plan”.

• The US Department of Defense recently published video recordings of three UFO sightings by Navy pilots, one from 2004 and two from 2015, which had previously been leaked and circulating on the internet since 2007 and 2017. “I couldn’t help but be outraged,” Chaviano told Spanish news agency Efe. Why these three videos, when “there are many more videos of that kind(?)” There are many other UFO videos “taken by pilots from different countries and branches of the aviation industry” that have already been analyzed by organizations such as MUFON,” says Chaviano.

• Buznego is surprised that at a time when the daily lives of millions of people seem to be taken out of a science fiction book because of the coronavirus, it is the Pentagon that remembers the extraterrestrial phenomena. The US Air Force “has been preparing us for a long time” said Buznego, who, like Chaviano, is based out of Miami. “It comes like a drop by drop,” says Buznego. Why does the Pentagon “quarantine” UFO disclosure when it’s an ‘open secret’?

• At 13 years old, in the sky over his native Venezuela, Buznego “observed an immensely large light that was leaving a striking trail. This object was going through the mountain range along the horizon.” Buznego believes that everything that has now happened “is part of an extraterrestrial search program” that started when NASA sent a signal into space in the 1980s from Puerto Rico.

• Last March, Chaviano was the winner of the ‘Florida Books Awards’ for the best book in Spanish for his novel, The Children of the Hurricane Goddess. Chaviano is bothered by the bad intentions of those who try to discredit scholars of the UFO phenomenon. “The UFO phenomenon is a real fact,” says Chaviano. “Those of us who have seen it, filmed it or studied it know it with as much certainty as the governments themselves that try to hide it or silence (UFO disclosure).”

• “The fact that there are idiots who have ‘tricked’ (ie: faked) videos does not detract from all that material recorded by the thermal and infrared cameras of military or civil aircraft and helicopters. I have spoken with military pilots who have seen (UFOs) and who have told me, ‘I don’t know what they are, but they are not ours’,” meaning the entire human species, says Chaviano.

• Last September, Buznego joined a Facebook group that organized an “invasion” of the US Air Force base in Nevada known as Area 51. He was one of the around one hundred people who attended the event to find that there were “soldiers outside who prevented us from entering.”

• Buznego’s fictional novel, SERES, part of a trilogy, begins at the end of the Second World War with “Operation Paperclip”, the mission to bring Nazi German scientists into the United States after the war. The plot then travels to 2019 when a pair of scientists move to Ohio to work in an ultra-secret laboratory that studies extraterrestrial activity. Buznego says that the novel is 40% true, featuring documentary research on the Nazca Lines in Peru and the pyramids of Egypt and Chichén Itzá, in Mexico.


              Daína Chaviano

Cuban science fiction writer Daína Chaviano affirms that “the phenomenon UFO it’s a real event ”, but he is surprised that the Pentagon has declassified in the mid-forties of COVID-19 Videos that have been on the internet for years, while his young Venezuelan colleague Ibrahim Buznego believes that everything is part of a

        Ibrahim Buznego

“preparation plan”.

“When I saw the headlines about the alleged declassification of those videos by the Pentagon, I couldn’t help but be outraged,” Chaviano tells Efe.

“How can they say now that they have declassified recordings that years ago were all over the internet and that have already been the subject of numerous analyzes (even on TV programs) by experts?” Asked the writer, a reference in science fiction in Spanish.

The US Department of Defense It published last Monday the recordings of three sightings of unidentified flying objects by Air Force pilots, one from 2004 and two from 2015, which had previously been leaked and had been circulating on the network since 2007 and 2017.

Author of the novels “The man, the female and the hunger” (Azorin Prize 1998) and “The island of infinite loves”, among other works, Chaviano affirms that there are many more videos of that kind.

They have been “taken by pilots from different countries and branches of the aviation industry” and have already been analyzed by organizations such as MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), the most respected NGO in the investigation of UFO activity, with 30,000 cases under their belt.



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“The Search for Techno-Artifacts” From an Earlier Civilization in the Solar System

May 2, 2020                             (

• In his 2016 study, ‘Prior Indigenous Technological Species’, Penn State’s Jason Wright discussed possible origins and locations for “technosignatures” of a technological species’ civilization that could have existed in the solar system prior to humanity’s rise on Earth, or on nearby planets Venus and Mars. “From a purely scientific standpoint, it’s a perfectly reasonable question to ask whether life may have existed elsewhere in the Solar System, or does today,” said Wright, who is also a member of the ‘Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds’ at Penn State.

• What could have ended a prior technologically advanced civilization within our solar system? “The most obvious answer is a cataclysm, whether a natural event, such as an extinction-level asteroid impact or self-inflicted, such as a global climate catastrophe,” says Wright. “[S]uch an event would only permanently extinguish the species if there were many cataclysms across the solar system closely spaced in time, (such as) a swarm of comets or interplanetary warfare, …an unexpected nearby gamma ray burst or supernova…”

• In the case of Venus, its global greenhouse and resurfacing might have erased all evidence of a prior civilization’s existence on the Venusian surface. In the case of Earth, erosion and plate tectonics may have erased most of such evidence if the species lived a billion years ago. Remaining indigenous technosignatures would be extremely old, limiting the places they might still be found to beneath the surfaces of Mars and the Moon, or in the outer solar system.

• In a 2019 study co-written by Manasvi Lingam (at Florida Tech) and Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb entitled, “The Moon as a Fishing Net for Extraterrestrial Life”, Loeb suggested that Earth’s Moon might yield traces of technological equipment that crashed on the lunar surface a billion years ago. “The absence of a lunar atmosphere,” wrote Loeb, “guarantees that these messengers would reach the lunar surface without burning up. In addition, the geological inactivity of the Moon implies that the record deposited on its surface will be preserved and not mixed with the deep lunar interior. Serving as a natural mailbox, the lunar surface collected all impacting objects during the past few billions of years. Most of this “mail” comes from within the solar system.”


         Jason Wright

One of the primary open questions of astrobiology is whether there is extant or extinct life elsewhere the Solar System. Astrophysicists Avi Loeb at Harvard and Penn State’s Jason Wright have both explored the question, with Loeb suggesting that ancient technological artifacts from beyond the Solar System may exist on Earth’s Moon amounting to a letter from an alien civilization saying, “We exist.”

Wright, a member of the Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds, has considered the possibility that a technological

             Avi Loeb

species could have existed in the Solar System prior to humanity’s rise on Earth in his study, Prior Indigenous Technological Species.

In 2016, Wright authored a paper that discussed possible origins and locations for “technosignatures” of such a civilization while other astronomers have suggested looking for lights on Kuiper Belt Objects that “may serve as a lamppost which signals the existence of extraterrestrial technologies and thus civilizations.”

The origins and possible locations for technosignatures of such a prior indigenous technological species might have arisen on ancient Earth or another body, such as a pre-greenhouse Venus or a wet Mars. In the case of Venus, the arrival of its global greenhouse and potential resurfacing might have erased all evidence of its existence on the Venusian surface. In the case of Earth, erosion and, ultimately, plate tectonics may have erased most such evidence if the species lived a billion years ago. Remaining indigenous technosignatures, observes Wright, might be expected to be extremely old, limiting the places they might still be found to beneath the surfaces of Mars and the Moon, or in the outer Solar System.



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Pentagon’s Release of UFO Videos a Big Deal for Believers in Extraterrestrial Life

Article by CBC Radio                            May 1, 2020                           (

• On April 27th, the U.S. Department of Defense released three short UFO/UAP videos recorded in 2004 and 2015. Those same videos were posted online since 2017 by Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences’. The DoD declassified the clips to “clear up any misconceptions” about whether the footage was real and “whether or not there is more to the videos.”

• Former British Defence Ministry UFO investigator Nick Pope says that “This new revelation, I think, takes us to some very interesting territory and at least lays the groundwork for serious adult conversation about this that goes beyond Sci-Fi memes.” For believers in extraterrestrial life, the Pentagon’s acknowledgement is a big deal. “After years of what they see as government denial, they think that this is a prelude to disclosure,” said Pope. “… the moment when the government formally acknowledges an extraterrestrial presence.”

• While the Pentagon offered no information about what’s actually seen in the three clips, some believe the pilots’ incredulous reactions to what they’re seeing indicates something bizarre. “The U.S. Navy top guns are not easily impressed in terms of things like speed and maneuverability,” Pope said. “So when they get excited, it tells you there’s something a little bit unusual about this, to say the least.” Whatever the videos show, it “doesn’t matter in a sense,” says Pope. “The important point is this subject has now come out of the fringe and into the mainstream.”

• Mick West, author of Escaping the Rabbit Hole: How to Debunk Conspiracy Theories Using Facts, Logic, and Respect, points out that the Navy essentially acknowledged the UAP videos back in September 2019. Says West, “These videos have been out for two years and the Navy has never really said that these are not real videos from Navy planes.”

• West isn’t fooled by UFO theories. He explains that the video of a rotating, potato-like object – indeed, “a whole fleet of them” as one Navy aviator exclaims in the Gimbal video, is simply “the heat signature of the jet engine” as it “flares up in the infrared [camera].” “It’s like if you shone a flashlight into a camera,” says West who is a licensed pilot, “you don’t see the flashlight itself, you just see a bright glare around it.” The rotation is nothing but a moving part in the camera’s lens. “[P]ilots will naturally see things in the sky that they can’t identify.”

• Although there may be logical explanations for the objects pictured in the videos, West says they may be kept confidential for national security reasons, no matter how benign. “The Navy probably has a very good idea of what types of things these are — that they’re drones or balloons or aircraft or whatever they are — but they’re not going to tell you about it because that’s part of a classified investigation,” he said.

• The Department of Defense said the objects in the video remain “characterized as ‘unidentified.'” Pope agrees that the government likely has the required intelligence to shed more clarity on what’s in the videos. West acknowledges that even when offered alternate explanations (ie: “drones or balloons or aircraft or whatever”), die-hard UFO believers won’t give up hope that the videos show proof of extraterrestrial life. West sees the UFO crowd’s interest as benign, so long as it veers into anti-government conspiracy that could prevent them from trusting important information, like health guidelines.

• That curiosity, Pope argues, allows humankind to ponder bigger, more philosophical questions. “What if there are other civilizations out there that will have profound implications for almost every aspect of human society: politics, religion, science, economics, philosophy?” “Let’s have that conversation, says Pope. “It would be interesting and it would be fun.”

[Editor’s Note]   Well, there it is folks. Mick West has provided irrefutable proof … that he’s a highly educated idiot.


The Pentagon’s official release of footage that appears to show unidentified flying objects sets the stage for an “adult conversation” about a once fringe topic, a former British defence ministry investigator argues.

                           Mick West

“This new revelation, I think, takes us to some very interesting territory and at least lays the groundwork for serious adult conversation about this that goes beyond Sci-Fi memes,” said Nick Pope, former head of the British government’s UFO research project.

                          Nick Pope

On Monday, the U.S. Department of Defense released three short videos, recorded in 2004 and 2015, depicting what they call “unidentified aerial phenomena.”

Those same videos have been available online since 2017 when To The Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences, a company founded by former Blink-182 musician Tom DeLonge, posted them online.

In a release, the department says it declassified the clips to “clear up any misconceptions” about whether the footage was real and “whether or not there is more to the videos.”

For believers in extraterrestrial life, the Pentagon’s acknowledgement is a big deal, Pope says.

“After years of what they see as government denial, they think that this is a prelude to disclosure, the moment when the government formally acknowledges an extraterrestrial presence,” he told The Current’s Matt Galloway.

While Pope is far more cautious in his assessment of the videos’ contents — he is “unsure” of what they depict — he says whatever is shown “doesn’t matter in a sense.”

“The important point is this subject has now come out of the fringe and into the mainstream.”



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Astronomers in No Rush to Toast Pentagon UFO Footage

Article by Alexandra Jones                             May 1, 2020                          (

• On April 27th, the Pentagon made history by releasing three grainy, black-and-white videos of UFOs, saying the footage taken by US Navy fighter-jet pilots was real. The Pentagon said it released the footage “in order to clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real, or whether or not there is more to the videos. The aerial phenomena observed in the videos remain characterized as ‘unidentified.’”

• Astronomer Daniel Fabrycky, an associate professor at the University of Chicago, says it is telling that he was not immediately aware that the Pentagon released the clips. “[G]iven how much scientists like to talk about this among ourselves,” said Fabrycky, “I would have been (aware) if (the UFOs) were plausibly aliens.”

• Fabrycky is part of a group who have identified many thousands of planets, more than a dozen having liquid water on the surface. “No one knows if any life is actually there (on those planets),” Fabrycky said. “We have no idea if any life forms are advanced enough to visit Earth, but as a group, scientists do not see any evidence of any previous visits.”

• George Fritz Benedict, a senior research scientist at the University of Texas’s McDonald Observatory, called it common for people to be unable to identify flying objects. “Humans and their machines are easily fooled,” he said. Benedict noted that he is a UFO skeptic and that the low-quality video footage had not swayed his stance. “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” he said.

• Former Nevada senator Harry Reid indicated that there may be more videos coming out soon. “I’m glad the Pentagon is finally releasing this footage, but it only scratches the surface of research and materials available,” Reid tweeted. “The U.S. needs to take a serious, scientific look at this and any potential national security implications. The American people deserve to be informed.”

[Editor’s Note]   Mainstream scientists have been lulled into complacency by their deep state training to debunk and ridicule anything that pertains to UFOs or extraterrestrials. While the DoD has confirmed that the released Navy videos depict “unknown” aerial vehicles, and witnesses have said that these UFOs performed “other worldly maneuvers,” mainstream scientists’ heads remain firmly entrenched in the sand. Where is the intellectual curiosity? They resort to the worn-out adage: “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” as popularized by Carl Sagen who himself has been exposed as a deep state disinformation agent and former member of Majestic 12. By employing this phrase, mainstream scientists can go about their business with their brainwashed minds free from the clutter of the extraterrestrial reality and safe from peer ridicule. Mainstream scientists have become lazy, apathetic and basically mind-controlled. They are far more concerned about maintaining their funding from their deep state sources and institutions than they are about true scientific exploration.


The Pentagon made history this week when it released three grainy, black-and-white videos of unidentified flying objects, saying the footage was real and had been taken by U.S. Navy fighter-jet pilots.

   Daniel Fabrycky

No one has been able to confirm what the objects in the videos are, but skepticism in the scientific community is almost as

             George Fritz Benedict

high as the hopes of others.

In an interview Thursday afternoon, astronomer Daniel Fabrycky called it telling that he had not been aware that the Pentagon released the clips on Monday.

“And I would have been if they were plausibly aliens, given how much scientists like to talk about this among ourselves,” the associate professor at the University of Chicago said.

As an astronomer, Fabrycky is part of a group of people who have found many thousands of planets around other stars, with more than a dozen that may have liquid water on the surface, an assumed minimum requirement for hosting life.

“No one knows if any life is actually there,” Fabrycky said referring to the other planets, “but most of my colleagues believe there are likely lower life-forms whose effect on the atmospheres of those planets may be remotely detectable in a few decades from now. We have no idea if any life forms are advanced enough to visit Earth, but as a group, scientists do not see any evidence of any previous visits.”



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Solar One: The First Manned Interstellar Spaceship

April 29, 2020 (

• In a new paper (see here), astronomer Alberto Caballero presents the concept and design of a light-sail propelled by a laser propulsion system that could reach 30% the speed of light and reach the Alpha Centauri star system in 15 years. A small nuclear fission reactor would provide the needed electicity. Caballero says that the 2-crew spacecraft, called ‘Solar One’, could become the first manned interstellar spaceship by the late-20s.

• The human-crewed spaceship would integrate the LANL Mega Power Reactor, a larger version of NASA’ Sunjammer light sail, and an updated version of the HELLADS laser system, all of which are existing or ‘near-term’ technologies. The LANL (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Mega Power Reactor is a 35 ton fission reactor able to produce continuous power for 12 years. The 38m x 38m Sunjammer light sail is proposed by NASA. And the HELLADS (High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System) is a ground-based laser weapon system operated by DARPA. It would all be launched with SpaceX’s Big Falcon Rocket. The total cost of Solar One spacecraft would be in the $100 million range.

• Solar One’s large sail would produce an incredible force resulting in a constant acceleration and deceleration during the trip. “The key aspect of this idea resides in the extremely large size of the light sail” – says Caballero. When the spaceship is neither accelerating nor decelerating, the light sail would be rolled up to reduce possible damage by asteroids. The module containing the nuclear micro-reactor would have a protective coating thicker than the rest of the spaceship to protect it from micro-asteroid impacts. But in case of nuclear failure, the chances to survive would be minimal.

• Once the destination is reached, the crew could orbit the exoplanet, take images and send a robot to the surface. If the air is breathable, the crew could choose to land and personally explore the exoplanet.


In a new paper, astronomer Alberto Caballero presents the concept and design of a beam-powered propulsion system that could become the first manned interstellar spaceship by the late-20s.

Solar One, the name he gives to the spaceship, could reach 30% the speed of light, reaching Alpha Centauri system in 15 years.

           Alberto Caballero

Alberto argues that, despite light-sail spacecrafts such as the so-called Starships from the Starshot project have already been designed, they might not be the best option to explore exoplanets in detail.

The new type of spaceship would have a light-sail propelled by a laser system, which would receive the necessary electricity from a small nuclear fission reactor.

The Concept

Solar One is a proposed human-crewed spaceship that would integrate three existing or near-term technologies: the LANL Mega Power Reactor, a larger version of NASA’ Sunjammer light sail, and an updated version of the HELLADS laser system.

Firstly, the LANL (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Mega Power Reactor is a fission reactor that weighs 35 tons. It is able to produce up to 10 MW, or the equivalent of 2 MW of continuous power for 12 years.

Secondly, the Sunjammer light sail is a proposed NASA sail with a size of 38 x 38 m (1,444 m2).

Thirdly, HELLADS (High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System) is a ground-based laser weapon system demonstrator operated by DARPA, with a goal of 5 kg per KW by 2023.

The idea behind Solar One is to combine these three projects. A 2-crew spaceship with a total mass of 91 tons would be powered by a mile-long light sail in order to achieve the speed of 0.3c.

The large sail would produce an incredible force of more than 170,000 newtons, resulting in a constant acceleration and deceleration of 0.18g during the first and last one year and a half of the trip.

“The key aspect of this idea resides in the extremely large size of the light sail” – says Alberto.



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CIA Bribed UK Musician to Hide Facts About Alien Autopsy, Claims Researcher

Article by Nirmal Narayanan                          April 30, 2020                         (

• The ‘Alien Autopsy’ video shows an autopsy procedure conducted on an alien that was found in the Roswell crash debris in 1947. The video has been on the internet for years, and was originally premiered on Fox Television under the name: ‘Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction’. (see full video below)

• The video’s owner, Ray Santilli, says that a clip from the original alien autopsy military video was supplied to him by an anonymous military cameraman. In 2006, Santilli admitted that the released film was actually a staged reconstruction of the original clip, which had badly deteriorated. There are still a few frames from the original autopsy in the reconstructed footage. This admission put Santilli in a bad light as merely a publicity seeker.

• Filmmaker Spyros Melaris is the theatrical artist who reconstructed the video. The reconstructed footage was shot at Melaris’ girlfriend’s house in Camden, north London. Melaris revealed that a foam alien sculpture filled with offal, animal organs and pig brains was used to fake the autopsy. “It was not an easy task,” said Melaris. “I was fortunate to have access to professional filming and editing equipment. More importantly, I also had access to a handful of very talented people.” “I wanted to create the biggest illusion ever performed on a global stage.”

• Now, alien hunter Scott C Waring is claiming that the released clip was indeed the original, and that the CIA and MI5 paid Santilli to say that the footage was fabricated. They wanted the public to stop believing in this raw footage from the actual Roswell UFO crash. Waring says it is all part of a disinformation program called Project Blue Bird.

• To support his theory, Waring cites the fact that fake videos started dominating the world in 2008 when YouTube started monetizing clips. But the autopsy footage was shot in 1947. The techniques used by the doctors in the video clearly shows that it was shot in the 1940s. “The autopsy video shows detailed inside organs, blood, and bones that no video would show until the 1970s. Not only is the autopsy of an alien seen in the video, but actual metal parts from the Area 51 crash site were seen in the doctor’s hands with the only high detail of the alien writing symbols in existence.”

[Editor’s Note]   Ray Santilli purchased the rights and video to the actual 1947 Roswell alien autopsy, and the famous grainy photo is an actual photo of the event. But the original footage he acquired was too grainy and deteriorated for a full video, so he recreated part of the scene for the video that he ultimately released. So the “alien autopsy” film that Santilli released in 1995 was not a hoax but a “restoration or recreation” based on and containing some real footage. “Let me just be clear,” said Santilli, “I was not there in 1947, so I can’t say for sure if it is an alien, but it is the original camera footage.” “By the time we got back, (the film) had deteriorated to a certain extent and we were not able to use it, and (we) recreated a fair section.”

When the recreated footage was released, however, Mr Santilli and his team did not make it clear it was a remake of poor quality original footage, which Santilli still possesses. The recreation video was produced inside a north London flat. The “dead alien” was sculpted by motion picture special effects expert John Humphreys, using cow and lamb organs from a local butcher shop. The 1940’s-era surgeons’ outfits and medical equipment were supplied from prop providers in the UK and USA. The 16mm film was then spliced with an original Pathe newsreel to help convince experts from Kodak that it could be real.

According to Linda Moulton Howe and Richard Dolan, a Memorandum by Dr. Christopher “Kit” Green dated March 23, 2001, giving his “professional evaluation of the ‘Alien Autopsy Film/Video and other related information”, was leaked by physicist Eric W. Davis to Robert Bigelow, and revealed that this 1995 Santilli video of an alien autopsy of a “6-fingered, 6-toed” alien entity is in fact real. The being was retrieved from a crashed saucer in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.

Dr. Green’s career began in 1969 as a Senior Division Analyst for neurosciences at the CIA. In the mid-1970s, Dr. Green was a program manager for Controlled Remote Viewing research. Dr. Green “was briefed three different times during and after his tenure at the CIA on topics relevant to UFOs and the Roswell Incident Alien Autopsy.” Dr. Green confirmed that the “Alien Autopsy film/video is real, the alien cadaver is real, and the cadaver seen in the film/video is the same as the photos Kit saw at the Pentagon during briefing # 2.”


A video that shows an autopsy procedure conducted on an alien has been rounding the internet for many years. The video was originally premiered

         Ray Santilli

on Fox Television under the name ‘Alien autopsy: Fact or Fiction’, and in the show, musician Ray Santilli claimed that the autopsy was conducted on an alien body recovered from the Roswell UFO crash site in 1947. The British musician also made it clear that the clip was supplied to him by a military cameraman who wished to stay anonymous.

         grainy “original” film clip

Was Santilli silenced?

However, in 2006, Santilli admitted that the released film was not authentic, and it was a staged reconstruction of the original clip. As per Santilli, the original clip became deteriorated, but there are a few frames from the original autopsy which were included in this reconstructed footage. The admission from Santilli put him on bad light, and several people alleged that the British musician had released the clip just for the sake of publicity.

It was filmmaker Spyros Melaris who reconstructed the video, and he apparently shot these visuals in his then girlfriend’s house in Camden, north London. After nearly two decades of the video release, Melaris revealed that a foam alien sculpture filled with offal was used to fake the autopsy, and he also used animal organs and pig brains to fool the public.

“It was not an easy task and, apart from the look and feel, the film had to be correct in every aspect — the props, the costumes, every little detail. I was fortunate to have access to professional filming and editing equipment. More importantly, I also had access to a handful of very talented people. For me, ‘The alien autopsy’ film was a challenge. Could it be done? As a magician, I wanted to create the biggest illusion ever performed on a global stage,” said Melaris, the Sun reports.


The infamous “Alien Autopsy” film



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The Truth Behind Russia’s Mystery ASAT Launch – ‘Not Operational’

Article by Sebastian Kettley                           May 4, 2020                          (

• On April 15th, Russia risked the ire of America’s Space Force with the launch of a DA-ASAT Nudol interceptor – a direct-ascent anti-satellite mobile missile system designed to destroy satellites in low Earth orbit. Space Force Chief General John W Raymond branded the test another example of “Russia’s hypocritical advocacy of outer space arms controls”.

• A 2018 Pentagon report suggested that China and Russia would have an arsenal of anti-satellite technology ready for deployment by 2020. “The United States is ready and committed to deterring aggression and defending the Nation, our allies and US interests from hostile acts in space,” said General Raymond.

• The Nudol test is not the first time Russia’s actions in space have caught the world’s attention. Earlier this year, a pair of Russian satellites were seen tailing a multi-billion dollar US spy satellite. General Raymond warned the actions could have the “potential to create a dangerous situation in space”.

• According to, last month’s Russian satellite interceptor test did not produce a swarm of debris in orbit, meaning it did not hit a target. During a webinar broadcast on April 24th, Brian Weeden, director of program planning for the Secure World Foundation, discussed the ASAT technology. Russia is has tested its Nudol system at least 10 times as of May 4. Weeden says, “As far as we can tell, it’s not operational.” Weeden believes Russia is still a long way from successfully deploying its ASAT technology against foreign targets.

• The Nudol interceptor can target satellites up to 1,240 miles in low earth orbit. Most US spy satellites are in geostationary orbits of about 22,200 miles above the earth. Pavel Podvig, director of the Russian Nuclear Forces Project and senior research fellow at the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, said during the webinar that “Basically, with this kind of (anti-satellite weapon), or even with a more kind of advanced ASAT, it’s hard to imagine a military mission in which this capability would be useful.” “In that sense, I’m an optimist. I do believe these capabilities will not be used (militarily), just because I do believe that they don’t give you much in terms of military capability.”


On April 15, Russia risked the ire of America’s Space Force with the launch of a DA-ASAT Nudol interceptor – a direct-ascent anti-satellite mobile

                  Brian Weeden

missile system. The ASAT system is designed to destroy satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO), which the US considers a possible threat to its interests.General John W Raymond, Space Force Chief of Space Operations, branded the test another example of “Russia’s hypocritical advocacy of outer space arms controls”.

             General John W Raymond

He said: “The United States is ready and committed to deterring aggression and defending the Nation,

our allies and US interests from hostile acts in space.”

The test came after a Pentagon report published in 2018 suggested China and Russia would have an arsenal of anti-satellite technology ready for deployment by 2020.

Some security experts, however, are not convinced Russia’s April launch proves Moscow’s ability to shoot

                  Pavel Podvig

down satellites just yet.

Unlike a similar test carried out by India in March 2019, the launch was not an impact test.

According to, the launch did not produce a swarm of debris in orbit, meaning it did not hit a target.

And Brian Weeden, director of programme planning for the Secure World Foundation, does not believe the system is fully operational.



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Brazilian Mystics Sent by Aliens to ‘Jump-Start Human Evolution’ For a More Just Society

Article by Kelly E. Hayes                       April 29, 2020                       (

• Adherents to the religious organization known as the ‘Valley of the Dawn’, who are called the ‘Jaguars’, believe they are the reincarnated descendants of highly advanced extraterrestrials sent by God 32,000 years ago to jump-start human evolution. Valley of the Dawn members “manipulate” cosmic energies to heal themselves and others.

• Every May 1st before sunrise, several thousand Valley of the Dawn Jaguars come from around the world to gather in silence at a temple outside the Brazilian capital of Brasília to “synchronize their spiritual energies.” Attired in fairy-tale-like garments, the members perform a ritual chant that fills the air with a collective drone to invoke cosmic forces. This year, the ceremony was postponed due to the coronavirus – dismaying Valley of the Dawn members who believe their spiritual force-field could really help in this global crisis.

• Valley of the Dawn is a recognized religion in Brazil with over 700 affiliated temples worldwide and nearly 139,000 registered members. According to Valley of the Dawn doctrine, the Jaguars have inspired some of humanity’s greatest achievements, including the great pyramids of ancient Egypt and Mesoamerica. Their spiritual tribe was reunited in Brazil in 1964 by a woman called Aunt Neiva, who foresaw the world as we know ending within decades.

• To redeem their bad karma, Valley of the Dawn members offer spirit-healing to the public at the Mother Temple, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In Brazil, such healing is widely accepted. Each month, thousands of Brazilians who have had unsuccessful experiences with Western medicine and other religions visit the Valley of the Dawn to remove negative spiritual influences and channel healing forces. Rejecting capitalist values, members refuse to work for money. Healings are offered freely as an expression of unconditional love.

• With the passing of its founder, Aunt Neiva, in 1985, The Valley of the Dawn has grown steadily, spreading from Brazil to Portugal, the United States and England. Some dismiss it as a cult. But to others, it offers a more progressive, egalitarian version of modernity. In Brazil, and across much of the West, the promise that modernity would bring higher living standards, greater personal freedoms and a more just society remains largely unfulfilled. Instead, the advancements of the modern age has only benefitted the rich and powerful. The majority are increasingly isolated and lonely. The Valley of the Dawn offers a collective life that members find gratifying. They are free to join or leave the Valley of the Dawn at any time, and the community provides food and housing for Jaguars who cannot afford training.

• The Valley of the Dawn has its own educational system premised on merit, not privilege. It offers free “courses” on personal development, moral conduct and mediumship taught by trained instructors. Educational advancement earns members a title, like “Master” or “Commander,” and the right to wear specific clothing, participate in new rituals and take on leadership duties.

• In the Valley of the Dawn, justice means reconciliation for past harms – not punishment and incarceration. According to Valley of the Dawn doctrine, much human suffering and wrongdoing is the work of spirits – usually a family member or friend who was harmed by a Jaguar in a past life and is now ‘collecting a debt’. When this spirit attaches itself to its living “debtor”, it results in depression or aggression. A Jaguar will spend a week gathering signatures from fellow Valley members who wish them positive energy to pay off their spiritual debt. The week-long ‘prison ritual’ culminates in a courtroom ‘trial’ where the channeled afflicted spirit explains the wrongdoing that caused the karmic debt. After the prisoner expresses regret, balance is restored and the Jaguar is released from the spiritual debt.

• By all indications, members find real meaning in the Valley of the Dawn’s egalitarian work, education and legal systems, all structured on the principles of equality and justice. Despite their mystical nature, the social practices of the Valley of the Dawn is a reaction to the very real deficiencies of modern secular society – with some flamboyant costuming on the side.


Every May 1, before sunrise, several thousand members of the religion known as the Valley of the Dawn gather in silence at a temple outside the Brazilian capital of Brasília. They come from around the world to “synchronize their spiritual energies.”

As the Sun’s first rays appear over the horizon, the members, in fairy-tale-like garments, chant their personal “emissions” – a ritual invocation of cosmic forces that fills the air with a collective drone.

Valley of the Dawn adherents “manipulate” cosmic energies to heal themselves and others. They describe themselves as members of a spiritual tribe called the Jaguars, who are the reincarnated descendants of highly advanced extraterrestrials sent by God some 32,000 years ago to jump-start human evolution.

Normally, the May 1 Day of the Indoctrinator ceremony attracts Jaguars from across the globe, as well as spectators and journalists.

This year, the ceremony has been postponed because of the coronavirus – dismaying Valley of the Dawn members, who believe their spiritual force field could really help in this global crisis.

The Valley of the Dawn’s beliefs are fantastical, but their practices may be less otherworldly than bemused journalists have often suggested. My scholarship on Brazilian religions and research at the Valley of the Dawn finds that some of the group’s rituals speak directly to the harsh realities of the modern world.

Jaguars past and present

Valley of the Dawn, called Vale do Amanhecer in Portuguese, is a recognized religion in Brazil. It has over 700 affiliated temples worldwide and nearly 139,000 registered members.

According to Valley of the Dawn doctrine, the Jaguars inspired some of humanity’s greatest achievements, including the great pyramids of ancient Egypt and Mesoamerica, before eventually straying from their mission.

Their spiritual tribe was reunited in Brazil in 1964 by a woman called Aunt Neiva, who foresaw the world as we know it ending within decades.

My research indicates that Valley of the Dawn members are mostly middle- and working-class Brazilians, of all races. Many live in the town that has grown up around the Mother Temple; others travel there for ceremonies.

To redeem the bad karma they believe they have accrued over the millennia, Valley of the Dawn members perform spirit-healing rituals called “trabalhos,” or works. These are offered to the public at the Mother Temple nearly 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

In Brazil, which has hundreds of spirit-based religions, such healing is widely accepted.



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Will General Flynn Exoneration Impact UFO/SSP Disclosure?

The dropping of all charges against Lt Gen Michael Flynn brings to an end a lengthy legal battle stemming from the Russian Collusion investigation of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and his subsequent administration. While there are certain to be powerful legal consequences for the perjury trap launched by senior FBI officials against Flynn, who had just begun his short stint as Trump’s National Security Advisor, what remains to be answered is why was Flynn targeted? Did it have anything to do with Flynn’s knowledge of UFOs, secret space programs and his new position where he could legally gain access to and disclose such information to Trump, who in turn would be able to disclose it to the general public?

It’s important to emphasize that as a former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) from July 2012 to August 2014, Flynn would have been briefed on an extensive number of Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (USAPs) run by or involving the DIA. Perhaps even more significantly, he would have learned about those USAP’s which the DIA Director and his Deputy had been denied access.

USAPs he would have been briefed about included a secret space program run by the US Air Force and the National Reconnaissance Office with the help of the National Security Agency and the DIA. The collaboration of these different Department of Defense entities in USAP’s involving space is discussed in my USAF Secret Space Program: Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances & Space Force (2019).

Additional USAPs run by major aerospace companies involving reverse engineering captured extraterrestrial technologies would have been of much interest to the DIA Director, despite lacking formal oversight responsibilities, as I will shortly show.

One of Flynn’s responsibilities as DIA Director was to coordinate the gathering and analysis of intelligence data concerning the space capabilities of potential US military rivals. This included China which Flynn had extensively investigated as part of his intelligence portfolio during his military career.

At the same time, Flynn and his predecessors as DIA Directors were greatly interested in what major aerospace companies were researching, building, and deploying for their confidential “customers”.

A clue into just how much a DIA Director and/or his deputy is briefed on secret space programs and the reverse engineering of captured alien technologies behind them is gained by examining the case of one of Flynn’s predecessors, Vice Admiral Thomas Wilson, and what he knew of such programs.

On April 10, 1997, then Rear Admiral Wilson received an informal UFO briefing by former Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell and Stephen Greer, an emergency room physician from North Carolina who would soon after launch the famed Disclosure Project. After Wilson was given information about an Unacknowledged Special Access Program (USAP) involving the reverse engineering of a recovered alien spacecraft, he looked into it and was denied access by three corporate officials even though he occupied the concurrent positions of Deputy Director of the DIA and Vice Director for Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff from November 1994 to September 1997.

Wilson was very unhappy with the situation and expressed his frustration to Mitchell and Greer who both publicly revealed elements of what had happened. In 2019, a 15-page document that Mitchell had acquired of a verbatim interview between Admiral Wilson and a prominent physicist, Dr. Eric Davis, surfaced after Mitchell’s death, providing significantly more details of what had happened.

Wilson had appealed to the Special Access Program Oversight Committee to be granted access to a reverse engineering program run by the aerospace company but was denied. Furthermore, Wilson was threatened to stop his inquiries, or his military career would suffer.

Wilson acquiesced, and after a short assignment to the CIA, was subsequently promoted to Vice Admiral and became Director of the DIA from July 1999 to July 2002. Importantly, Wilson was backed by his superior, Lt General Patrick Hughes, who had sat in on the April 1997 “briefing” along with other DIA officials ensuring that the Wilson incident was now part of the institutional memory of the DIA rather than an isolated incident involving one official that would be forgotten.

Shortly after his July 2002 retirement, Wilson met with Davis in October and disclosed details of what had happened in the hope of learning more about the corporate-run program. I covered the October 2002 meeting in a series of three articles (see Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3).

What the Admiral Wilson affair tells us is that there is a tightly controlled secrecy system in place to restrict access to USAP’s conducted by corporations that are actively reverse engineering extraterrestrial technologies. While DIA Directors have oversight of the end products produced for the Air Force and Navy – electromagnetically propelled antigravity spacecraft – they lack the formal power to investigate what’s happening in corporate-run facilities, many of which are situated on military bases according to multiple insiders.

Consequently, it is certain that Lt General Flynn inherited the institutional memory of the Wilson incident when he became DIA Director in 2012. Flynn would not only have been officially briefed about USAPs related to an Air Force and NRO run secret space program, but also learned about which  corporations were conducting reverse engineering programs that he and the DIA did NOT have access to.

The Special Access Program Oversight Committee that denied Wilson access to one of these programs would presumably have similarly denied Flynn access if he had made similar inquiries. Consequently, Flynn would have known that a higher institutional authority would have been required to override the Special Access Program Oversight Committee in order to grant the DIA need-to-know access to such USAPs.

Consequently, the danger posed to the Deep State by Flynn being appointed Trump’s National Security Advisor becomes all too clear. Flynn was in the position to advise Trump to grant the DIA Director and the National Security Advisor need-to-know access to corporate-run reverse engineering programs protected by the Special Access Programs Oversight Committee.

Furthermore, Flynn could arrange for an official briefing where Trump would learn about the secret space program that involved the USAF, NRO, NSA, and DIA. After such an official briefing, Trump would have been in a position to publicly disclose such information if he believed it was in the national interest.

The perjury trap set up by corrupt FBI/Deep State officials against General Flynn was not only a travesty of justice orchestrated by the Deep State to sabotage the Trump Presidency,  but was also to prevent Flynn advising Trump in ways that would undermine the decades-long secrecy system.

The exoneration of General Flynn makes it now possible for him to be reappointed to a senior position in the Trump administration, and to facilitate the disclosure of a secret space program and corporate-run alien reverse engineering USAPs.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Recounting Lebanon County PA’s Brief UFO Frenzy of the 1960s

Article by Joshua Groh                         April 28, 2020                         (

• Several dozen UFO sightings have been reported through the years in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania. But 1965 seemed to be an especially eventful year.

• After the Lebanon Daily News ran a story on reported UFO sightings over the county on July 12, 1965, jets from Olmsted Air Force Base were dispatched to intercept the same UFO the next day. It was described as a “mainly circular” object miles up in the sky. But the USAF said it was a half-inflated balloon. Lebanon resident R. L. Clauser wrote a letter to the editor asking: “How stupid does the Air Force think the people of Lebanon are?”

• More news reports of UFOs were coming from states including Oklahoma, Texas, and Nebraska.

• On July 9, 1965 at 10pm, 16 year old Connie Wolferd saw a clam-shaped craft 10-feet in diameter with red lights around the rim, and a “lavender flame” blazing from its underside “that hovered above the trees.” Wolferd said that it “beeped, whirred, and made sounds like loud radio static when it flew away.” Wolferd’s family also spoke of electrical disturbances in their home that night. Several other Bunker Hill neighborhood residents claimed to have seen “something more than a celestial or atmospheric disturbance” but were afraid to speak up. Wolferd’s account seemed to spark a small local wave of reports from other county residents over the next several months.

• On August 23, 1965, teenage brothers Frederick and Robert were sleeping in a car at their house in North Lebanon at 2 am when they saw a red “oval ball of flame” overhead, “as large as a passenger aircraft.” As they watched it travel north toward Jonestown, they called Civil Defense headquarters. Later, they compared experiences with Connie Wolferd.

• On the evening of September 19, 1965, Giles Brown of Jonestown, PA and his family saw a low-flying “grey hulk” with a bluish ring of lights at the back of their trailer home. It caused their television to roar with distortion. Brown said he later found strange imprints on a new pile of sand.

• The Young family reported a sighting on that same evening, but described it as larger and differently colored. The sighting was blamed on a blimp that had passed over Lebanon County on that particular evening, but there was a dependency about the locations of the UFO sightings and the blimp’s course.

• A week later that September 1965, a trucker reported seeing a red glow on the infield of the Fredericksburg Speedway. The speedway’s operators Elmer and Dale Richard found a strange, “perfect circle” patch of ‘burnt’ land seven feet in diameter that had appeared on the infield overnight. Other reports from the Annville-Cleona area apparently coincided with the time of the event.

• Finally, on December 9, 1965, the citizens of Kecksburg, Pennsylvania to the west toward Pittsburgh, saw an acorn-like object crash into the woods. Witnesses reported that the object was covered with some kind of “hieroglyphs”. The Air Force investigated and, according to witnesses, carting away the object. This incident has become famous and regarded as “Pennsylvania’s Roswell”.

• In the years following 1965, Lebanon County residents reported several more sightings, including some over nearby Mt. Gretna and Cornwall. In 1967, a high school student caught a series of unknown flashes of light on film while he was photographing Jupiter. The student, Michael Kohl, stated that the lights were not from aircraft.

• According to the National UFO Reporting Center, the latest UFO sighting in Lebanon happened on October 5, 2019, when a resident observed “two round bright white objects” floating over their house during the afternoon for 45 minutes.


If you lived in Lebanon County back in the mid-1960s, you might have been among a group of residents who claimed witness to a number of unidentified flying objects, or UFOs. Several dozen sightings of UFOs were reported through the years, though 1965 seemed to be an especially eventful year.

The modern idea of the UFO and its connection to aliens is usually traced back to a famous 1947 incident in Roswell, New Mexico, involving what some declared to be a government coverup. From that point on, UFOs and rumors of extraterrestrials became embedded in the American consciousness, and in the summer of 1965, Lebanon County joined in on the frenzy.

On July 13, the Daily News reported the sighting of a “mainly circular” object miles up in the sky over Lebanon seen a day earlier. A jet from Olmsted Air Force Base approached the object and identified it as an unoccupied plastic balloon in the process of inflation, but some Lebanon residents doubted this report. Days later, the Daily News printed a letter to the editor written by one R. L. Clauser that took issue with the Air Force’s explanation.

 model of the Kecksburg “acorn” UFO

“How stupid does the Air Force think the people of Lebanon are?” Clauser wrote. “I have read all the books on UFOs that I could get my hands on and have also have heard and have seen numerous radio and television reports on them[…] Did Lebanon have an interplanetary visitor on [the 12th]? From all evidence available it did.”

That week in early July was evidently a busy one for extraterrestrials. In August, a Bunker Hill resident named Connie Wolferd spoke with the Daily News about an sighting she claimed to experience on July 9.

The 16-year-old Wolferd described a “huge hulk that hovered above the trees” that “beeped, whirred, and made sounds like loud radio static when it flew away.” It was around 10 feet in diameter, with red lights ringing the rim of the clam-like shape, and was propelled by a “lavender flame” that blazed out from its underside. She estimated the event to have taken place at 10 p.m. on July 9, and Wolferd’s family spoke of electrical disturbances in their home that accompanied it (evidently, only incandescent lights were affected).

The Daily News reported that other Bunker Hill residents had seen it but feared to speak up, and opined that “it is obvious, however, that Connie and the others saw something more than a celestial or atmospheric disturbance.”



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Space Force Releases Recruitment Video

May 6, 2020                           (

• The US Space Force is calling your name. On May 6th, the newly formed military branch posted a recruitment video to social media. The video starts off with a man gazing up towards a luminous night sky, as images of high-tech space hardware and rockets flash by.

• Established in December 2019, the US Space Force became the sixth branch of the armed services. Chief of Space Operations Gen. Jay Raymond and US Air Force Secretary Barbara M. Barrett previewed the recruitment video during a webinar Wednesday.

• According to its website (see here), “the USSF is a military service that organizes, trains, and equips space forces in order to protect U.S. and allied interests in space and to provide space capabilities to the joint force.”


For those who dream of a future in the stars, the U.S. Space Force is calling your name.

On May 6, the newly formed military branch posted a recruitment video to social media. The video starts off with a man gazing up towards a luminous night sky, as images of high-tech space hardware and rockets flash by.

The recruitment video was previewed by Chief of Space Operations Gen. Jay Raymond and U.S. Air Force Secretary Barbara M. Barrett during a Wednesday webinar, in which they also discussed the X-37B space plane.

Established in December 2019, the U.S. Space Force became the sixth branch of the armed services.


30-second Space Force recruitment video (‘Military Videos’ YouTube)



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Scientists Detect Powerful Radio Burst Coming From Our Galaxy

Article by Voctor Tangermann                         May 1, 2020                          (

• On April 28th, astronomers have detected ‘fast radio burst’ (FRB) originating in our own galaxy for the first time. “Something like this has never been seen before,” Caltech astronomer Shrinivas Kulkarni told ScienceAlert.

• The signal, a millisecond- long burst of bright radio waves, was traced back to a neutron star within our Milky Way galaxy with an extremely strong magnetic field. The signal was so intense that it could have been detectable from another galaxy. The massive outburst of radio waves could also be an indication that there are plenty of other FRBs that we are currently unable to detect.

• Despite some releasing more energy than 500 million suns, fast radio bursts are extremely unpredictable. They don’t seem to have a pattern and last for only a tiny fraction of a second. Astronomers have suggested the FRB signal might originate from a star’s massive, shifting gravitational forces causing a starquake or magnetar flare, a disturbance in the magnetic field surrounding it.


                Shrinivas Kulkarni

Astronomers have detected the first-ever fast radio burst (FRB) originating in our own galaxy, ScienceAlert reports.

“Something like this has never been seen before,” Caltech astronomer Shrinivas Kulkarni told ScienceAlert.

The signal, a millisecond-wave bursts of radio waves, was traced back to a Milky Way magnetar, a type of neutron star with an extremely strong magnetic field. The magnetar suddenly lit up, sending out a gargantuan millisecond-long burst of bright radio waves, picked up by astronomers on April 28.

According to ScienceAlert, the blip was so intense that it could’ve been detectable from another galaxy.
“If the same signal came from a nearby galaxy, like one of the nearby typical FRB galaxies, it would look like an FRB to us,” Kulkarni told ScienceAlert.



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On Podcast Jack Osbourne Talks About Aliens With Human DNA

Article by Susan Leighton                           May 1, 2020                             (

• On the April 29th episode of the “Aliens Like Us” podcast with Rhys Darby, Ozzie’s son Jack Osbourne and ufologist Richard Dolan talked about UFO crashes and alien technology.  Darby is a well-known actor/comedian in New Zealand. (click here for the 36:22 minute Spotify audio of “Aliens Like Us” radio show which features Jack Osbourne at the 17 minute mark and Richard Dolan at the 29 minute mark)

• Jack Osbourne was there to promote a series on the Travel Channel, called Portals to Hell which he hosts. (see “Portals to Hell” trailer below) Jack and his father are both believers in extraterrestrials and the paranormal.  Osbourne said that he actually saw a UFO in California when he was 13-years-old.

• In the podcast, Osbourne relates a story about a friend if his who produced shows on UFOs for Fox in the 1990’s, who while researching a 1970’s crash of an ‘otherworldly craft’, stumbled upon documents acknowledging that the United States military had recovered bodies from the craft. But they weren’t the traditional Greys with the huge craniums and large dark, almond shaped eyes. They were human in appearance except taller with bigger heads and larger eyes. The “writing” found inside the UFO craft was also “exceedingly familiar”. ‘Tissue typing’ blood tests performed on the humanoid beings revealed the presence of a Human Leukocyte Antigen, ie: a protein found in the human body. The conclusion, says Osbourne, was that these occupants of the UFO were in essence, time travelers.

• A recent article on, talks about the book, Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon. In it, Michael Masters, a biological anthropology professor at Montana Technical Institute in Butte, alleges that alien spacecraft are vehicles created to move through time and that the occupants are more evolved versions of us. (see previous ExoArticle here)

[Editor’s Note]   I wish Rhys Darby had asked Dolan more about the UFO crash in the 1970’s that Jack Osbourne brought up.


           Jack Osbourne

Jack Osbourne and renowned ufologist, Richard Dolan recently appeared on actor/comedian Rhys Darby’s new podcast, Aliens Like Us. Darby is a well-known New Zealand entertainer who played Guy Mann in the popular The X-Files episode, Mulder & Scully Meet the Were-Monster. He also starred in Flight of the Conchords on HBO as Murray Hewitt.

On the inaugural episode, Osbourne and Dolan discussed alien technology, UFO crashes and a shocking discovery

          Richard Dolan

that one of Jack’s producer friends made while researching a TV project.

Everyone knows that Ozzy’s son is into the paranormal. Currently, he is hosting a series on Travel Channel, called Portals to Hell.

Apparently, Jack and his father are both believers in extraterrestrials. The younger Osbourne witnessed an Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) in California when he

                     Rhys Darby

was 13-years-old. So, it is no surprise that he is open minded when it comes to fringe topics.

A close friend of Jack’s used to produce shows on UFOs for Fox in the 1990’s. While researching a 1970’s crash of an otherworldly craft, he stumbled upon some disturbing information. When the military recovered the UAP, they found bodies.

Now, whenever aliens are mentioned most people think of the traditional greys with the huge craniums and gigantic dark, almond shaped eyes. However, this isn’t what the officers found when they were combing the wreckage.


19:18 minute trailer for Jack Osbourne’s “Portals to Hell” Travel Channel paranormal series (“BUILD Series” YouTube)



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President Reagan Attempted to Warn the World About Alien Species

Article by Sean Martin                         April 28, 2020                        (

• Ronald Reagan (pictured above), President of the United States from 1981 to 1989, attempted to warn the public about the existence of aliens by asking the United Nations to imagine ‘how quickly humanity would come together if it was confronted by an extraterrestrial civilization’. (see excerpt from UN speech below)

• In one speech to the UN, President Reagan said: “What if all of us in the world were threatened by an outer power, from outer space, from another planet?” “We would all of a sudden find out that we didn’t have any differences at all.” In another speech, Reagan said, “Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond.” “I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”

• While most people saw this as an attempt to defuse simmering tensions between the US and the then Soviet Union, conspiracy enthusiast Scott C Waring believes President Reagan was trying to subtly warn the public of aliens “against national security”. “Of course,” blogs Waring, “President Reagan had inside information from the CIA and NASA and was told that aliens do exist. …But he couldn’t just come out and say so.”

• Waring says that a small percentage of the other nations’ presidents at the United Nations meeting also knew about the existence of aliens. “Now pondering about world peace is nice, but I feel that President Reagan felt a weight on his shoulders, a burden of carrying this knowledge of the existence of aliens.” “It must have been very frightening for him to know that aliens existed, but to have so few people he could sit down and talk about this subject openly.”

[Editor’s Note]   See Dr Michael Salla’s 2015 article on Reagan linking an ‘alien threat’ to a Secret UN Interstellar Space Fleet. 


Ronald Reagan, who served as the 40th president of the United States from 1981 to 1989, attempted to warn the public about the existence of aliens, according to a new claim. During the decades-long Cold War between Russia and the US, President Reagan attempted to calm the tension between the two powerhouses by stating there is not much difference between them.

In doing so, the president asked the United Nations to imagine how quickly humanity would come together if it was confronted by an extraterrestrial civilisation.

In one speech to the UN, President Reagan said: “What if all of us in the world were threatened by an outer power, from outer space, from another planet.
“We would all of a sudden find out that we didn’t have any differences at all.”

In another, he said: “Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond.

“I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”

While most people saw this as an attempt to defuse simmering tensions between the US and the then Soviet Union, one person believes President Reagan was trying to subtly warn the public of aliens.

42-second excerpt from Reagan speech to the UN about an “alien threat” (‘kritzingerx24’ YouTube)



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David Icke Booted Off of Facebook for Spreading COVID-19 ‘Conspiracy Theories’

Article by Sput Nick                         May 2, 2020                        (

• Facebook has removed the official page of conspiracy theorist David Icke (pictured above) for “repeatedly violating our policies on harmful information.” Mr Icke had reportedly shared a number videos in which he made claims that the Coronavirus pandemic is linked to 5G networks, while in another he said that the disease had been spread by a Jewish group. Mr Icke’s now deleted Facebook page boasted nearly 800,000 followers.

• The 5G theory alleges that Coronavirus has been caused by frequencies used for the new wireless technology which impair the human immune system. The theory has spread like wildfire across social media. As a result, across the UK alone, there have been attacks on around 60 5G masts recorded by the authorities, most of which were set on fire.

• The Centre for Countering Digital Hate said in an open letter (see here) calling for Mr Icke’s banning from social media that his conspiracies about Coronavirus had been viewed more than 30 million times. The CCDH chief executive, Imran Ahmed, said that the kind of information shared by Mr Icke “puts all of our lives at risk by encouraging the public not to comply with clinical guidance.”

• UK-based campaign group, Hope Not Hate, said that it, “welcome news that Facebook have removed David Icke’s page,” adding that Icke “has promoted dangerous conspiracy theories including the idea that COVID-19 is a hoax.”

• Following his removal from Facebook, Mr Icke went to Twitter to slam Facebook as “fascist”, sharing a picture of Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, with the caption, “The little boy gofer for global tyranny.” A Twitter spokesman responded to criticism, saying we will not take enforcement action on every tweet that contains incomplete or disputed information about COVID-19. Since introducing these policies on 18 March, we’ve removed more than 2,200 tweets. As we’ve doubled down on tech, our automated systems have challenged more than 3.4 million accounts which were targeting discussions around COVID-19 with spammy or manipulative behaviors.”

[Editor’s Note]   To see where ExoNews falls in the 5G-Covid controversy, see Dr Michael Salla’s March 14th article: Is Coronavirus a Deep State Bioweapon Attack on China Planned in 2005?


                        Imran Ahmed

Facebook has removed the official page of renowned conspiracy theorist David Icke after he made a controversial post about the origins of COVID-19.

Mr Icke had reportedly shared a number videos in which he made claims that the Coronavirus pandemic is linked to 5G networks, while in another he said that the disease had been spread by a Jewish group.

The social media giant said that it had removed Mr Icke from its website for “repeatedly violating our policies on harmful information.”

Following his removal from Facebook, Mr Icke then stormed to Twitter to slam the company as “fascist” for deleting his page. Furthermore, Mr Icke shared a picture of Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, with the caption, “The little boy gofer for global tyranny.”

Mr Icke’s now deleted Facebook page boasted almost 800,000 followers when it was removed.



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Trump Questions Authenticity of Tom DeLonge UFO Videos

Article by Lake Schatz                         April 30, 2020                             (

• On April 27th, the US Department of Defense released three UFO videos originally published by Tom DeLonge and his ‘To the Stars’ research academy. In a corresponding statement, the Pentagon confirmed the veracity of the videos, saying it was publishing them to “clear up any misconceptions… whether or not the footage… was real.”

• Donald Trump was asked what he thought about one of the Navy UFO videos. He exclaimed, “That’s a hell of a video.” “I just wonder if it’s real.” Reassured that the Navy just released and authenticated them, again, Trump walked the remark back, says that he meant as a “lighthearted remark”.

• In a 2019 interview, Trump was asked about the rise in UFO reports by Navy pilots, the same ones that have now been re-released. Trump said, “People are saying they’re seeing UFOs. Do I believe it? Not particularly.”

• Undeterred by Trump’s skepticism, DeLonge commented in a recent interview with, “The UFO subject, lifeforms coming here…when it comes out, [it] is going to change the way people think about themselves, the beliefs systems that they have, religion, geopolitical order, technology that can give clean running water and clean energy. All these things…will come from it.”

• “And…there’s no other subject that will bring the whole world together except for [UFO’s/extraterrestrials], and that’s why I believe in it so much,” said DeLonge.

• In addition to the Pentagon’s recent acknowledgment, DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’ has landed a research deal with the US Army.

[Editor’s Note]   Dr. Michael Salla wrote an article on March 25th entitled, “Tic Tac UFOs Revealed in 2005 Briefing to be Secret USAF Spacecraft”. (see ExoArticle here) Has President Trump been reading the ExoNews?


Earlier this week, the Pentagon released three UFO videos originally published by Tom DeLonge and his research academy To the Stars. In a corresponding statement, the Pentagon confirmed the veracity of the videos, saying it was publishing them to “clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real or whether or not there is more to the videos.” However, there’s still one person who remains unconvinced: Donald Trump.

As Reuters reports, Trump expressed his doubts during a recent interview in the Oval Office. “I just wonder if it’s real,” POTUS said when asked about one of the clips. “That’s a hell of a video.”

Although meant as a “lighthearted remark”, Trump has been a skeptic of UFOs in the past. In a 2019 interview, he was asked about the a rise in reports of unidentified aircraft by U.S. Navy pilots. “People are saying they’re seeing UFOs. Do I believe it? Not particularly,” he said.,

DeLonge is unlikely to be deterred by Trump’s skepticism. The Angels & Airwaves leader has been diligently studying all things UFOs since quitting Blink-182 in 2016, and his efforts haven’t been in vain. In addition to the Pentagon’s recent acknowledgment, his work landed DeLonge a research deal with the US Army.



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Planning Will Begin for Japan’s Response to UFO Encounter

Article by Diazo Teramoto                          April 28, 2020                          (

• On April 28th, in response to the US Department of Defense re-releasing the Navy’s UFO videos (including the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO off of San Diego), Japanese Defense Minister Taro Kono announced at a news conference the preparation of a Self-Defense Forces (SDF) plan in the event of contact with extraterrestrial UFOs. While Kono says that he still doesn’t believe in alien UFOs, he stated, “We would like to establish procedures in the event an encounter is made with a UFO.”

• In February 2018, the Japanese government issued its official position on UFOs saying, “no confirmation has been made of their existence.” Now, Japanese ministry officials want to ask their Pentagon counterparts about the release of the UFO videos as well as any analysis they have conducted. While Kono said that Japan’s SDF had not yet encountered a UFO, he stated, “If video can be taken (of a UFO encounter) and if a report is possible, then a report will be made. Discussions will be held with the Air SDF about just what can be done.”

• In response to a lawmaker’s question as to what response the SDF would take should it encounter a UFO, Kono stated, “The government has not considered in any specific manner what will be done should a UFO be sighted flying toward Japan.”

• When asked at the news conference whether he believed in supernatural powers or psychic phenomenon, Kono only said, “That is a corporate secret.”


Although Defense Minister Taro Kono doesn’t believe in UFOs, he wants the Self-Defense Forces to have a plan in place for any encounter–just in case.

Kono made the comment at a news conference on April 28 after the U.S. Defense Department declassified and released videos shot by Navy pilots pointing to the possibility that UFOs exist.

“We would like to establish procedures in the event an encounter is made with a UFO,” Kono said.

He indicated his ministry and the SDF would begin preparing for such an event.

While Kono said the SDF had not yet encountered a UFO, he added, “If video can be taken (of a UFO encounter) and if a report is possible, then a report will be made. Discussions will be held with the Air SDF about just what can be done.”

He said ministry officials will ask their Pentagon counterparts about the release of the videos as well as any analysis they had conducted.



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Russian Scientists Prove Life Can Survive on Mars, Venus, and Jupiter’s Ice Moon

Article by Sput Nick                        April 26, 2020                      (

• Researchers from the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Space Research Institute conducted simulations of Venus’ atmospheric conditions and discovered that microscopic fungi can survive and thrive in high levels of ionizing radiation and sharp jumps in temperature. Scientists believe that microorganisms may be present in the upper layers of Venus’s atmosphere.

• The researchers also studied microorganisms in temperatures of -50 degrees Celsius (minus 58 degrees Fahrenheit) in the Arctic to simulate conditions on the surface of Mars. Here too, the bacteria proved quite adaptable to survival.

• The Russian scientists then studied soil bacteria present in the Mojave Desert, which is considered analogous to the kinds of microbial communities that may be found on Mars. The micororganisms were highly resistant to temperature, pH levels, and the presence of salts and strong oxidizing agents.

• The researchers also tested whether microorganisms could survive in conditions found on Jupiter’s moon, Europa, known to have a water-ice crust. Recreating bacteria embedded in ice at -130 degrees Celsius (minus 202 degrees Fahrenheit), scientists found that the bacteria could still theoretically survive at depths of 10-100 cm over a period of 1,000-10,000 years in the moon’s subglacial oceans.

• The prestigious Space Research Institute is a complement to Russia’s manned space program, taking part in multiple ongoing Roscosmos, European Space Agency and NASA missions on the study of the solar system, and goes back to Soviet-era probes of Venus and Mars.


Theories about the possible habitability of Earth’s closest neighbours go back to the dawn of the space age, with scientists creating increasingly complex instruments to try to confirm beyond a doubt whether such life exists in the years since.

Researchers from the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Space Research Institute have completed simulations of the Venetian atmosphere’s conduciveness to sustaining life, discovering that micromycetes (a type of microscopic fungi) can survive and thrive in Venus-like atmospheric conditions, where high levels of radiation and sharp jumps in temperature are the norm. Specifically, laboratory testing found that high doses of ionizing radiation do not lead to the fungi’s demise.

Scientists conducted their experiments on the basis of long-held scientific theories that microorganisms associated with mineral particles may be present in the upper layers of Venus’s atmosphere.

The researchers also performed research involving microorganisms found in the Arctic to simulate conditions on the surface of Mars – subjecting them to radiation and temperatures of -50 degrees Celsius. Here too, scientists found that the bacteria proved quite adaptable to survival.

Additionally, the Russian scientists studied soil bacteria present in the Mojave Desert, considered by many academics to be a terrestrial analogue to the kinds of microbial communities that may be found on Mars. The research showed that these micororganisms are highly resistant to a range of stress factors, such as cultivation temperature, pH levels, and the presence of salts and strong oxidizing agents.



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Tom DeLonge Vindicated By Navy Acknowledgement of ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena’

Article by Rosemary Bystrak                          April 29, 2020                      (

• With the Department of Defense’s April 27th release of three US Navy UFO videos, including the infamous ‘Tic Tac’ UFO, Tom Delonge’s (pictured above) ‘To The Stars Academy’ tweeted” “This week, history was made. #Pentagon officially released three Navy videos acknowledging the existence of #UAPs and confirming that footage that was taken by US Navy fighter jets was authentic.” UAPs, or ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’ of course, is military jargon for UFOs.

• After years of denials from the US government, and mockery from the general public,TTSA and DeLonge must be feeling some vindication. Those three ‘UAP’ videos, had originally been shared on TTSA’s website. The Pentagon’s released of the videos has “removed doubt around the authenticity of evidence in the public domain,” DeLonge told the New York Times.

• A founding member of both Blink-182 and Angels and Airwaves, and featured personality on the History Channel’s “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation,” DeLonge explained his interest in UFOs: “I got to that point where my daughter was 2 years old, and I was gone for two years straight, and I really really needed a break. The only other thing I was ever interested in was UFOs.”

• DeLonge began communicating with and recruiting a research team of strategists and scientists to for the ‘To The Stars Academy’, including ex-military and ex-CIA officials, who also believe that the government should be more forthcoming about information they have about UAPs as it pertains to national security.

• As it pertains to the Pentagon’s “official” release of the UFO videos, DeLonge told the Times, “We believe that this level of recognition is exactly what is required to eliminate the extreme skepticism surrounding UAP events, so we can finally move forward to sharing and analyzing reliable data from respected institutions.”


“This week, history was made. #Pentagon officially released three Navy videos acknowledging the existence of #UAPs and confirming that footage that was taken by U.S. Navy fighter jets was authentic,” reads a Tweet from the To the Stars Academy (@TTSAcademy) on Tuesday.

“UAPs,” to those not familiar with Navy jargon, are “unidentified aerial phenomena” — more familiarly known to most as “UFOs,” or “unidentified flying objects.”

To the Stars Academy is, of course, an organization co-founded by Tom DeLonge — the former frontman of Blink-182 — in 2017.

“To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science (TTSA) specializes in creating, acquiring and commercializing science-focused intellectual property within the technology and entertainment verticals,” the academy states on its website. Their offices are based in Encinitas along with a merchandise storefront.

TTSA, and DeLonge specifically, are likely feeling some vindication. After years of skepticism and denials from the U.S. government, and plenty of mockery from the general public, the Pentagon acknowledged the authenticity of three videos and the “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” captured on those videos, which had originally been shared on TTSA’s website.



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Astronomers Have Formula for Finding Subsurface Oceans in Exomoons

Article by Erik Arends                             April 23, 2020                            (

• In the search for extraterrestrial life, we have typically looked at Earth-like planets at a distance from their parent star where the temperature is between the freezing and boiling point of water. But as in our own solar system, most of the liquid water seems to be outside of this ‘habitable zone’ on moons where interior water is heated beyond the melting point by tidal forces.

• In our solar system only Mars and Earth have ‘habitable’ surfaces. But moons within our solar system, such as Enceladus, Europa and six other moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, are examples of celestial bodies that are freezing cold on the surface but may harbor habitable subsurface oceans.

• Researchers from SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research and the University of Groningen (RUG) have derived a formula that indicates whether a subsurface ocean is present on an ‘exomoon’ and how deep it is. Adding moons to the equation, exoplanet hunters have a much larger field of potentially habitable places to search for extraterrestrial life. In fact, “there could be four times as many habitable exomoons as exoplanets,” says lead author Jesper Tjoa.

• The formula analyzes factors including the diameter of the moon, the distance to its planet, the thickness of the gravel layer on the surface, and the thermal conductivity of the ice or soil layer below the surface to provide a lower limit for the ocean depth.

• Just as “astronomers study starlight shining through the atmospheres of exoplanets” to identify oxygen, for example, says Tjoa, future telescopes “may see geysers like on Enceladus, stemming from a subsurface ocean”, as an indication of life there.


So far, the search for extraterrestrial life has focused on planets at a distance from their star where liquid water is possible on the surface. But within

              Jesper Tjoa

our Solar System, most of the liquid water seems to be outside this zone. Moons around cold gas giants are heated beyond the melting point by tidal forces. The search area in other planetary systems therefore increases if we also consider moons. Researchers from SRON and RUG have now found a formula to calculate the presence and depth of subsurface oceans in these ‘exomoons.”

In the search for extraterrestrial life, we have so far mainly looked at Earth-like planets at a distance from their parent star where the temperature is between the freezing and boiling point of water. But if we use our own Solar System as an example, moons look more promising than planets. Enceladus, Europa and about six other moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune may harbor a subsurface ocean. They all reside far outside the traditional habitable zone—it is literally freezing cold on the surface—but tidal interaction with their host planet heats up their interior.

With moons entering the equation, exoplanet hunters such as the future PLATO telescope—which SRON is also working on—gain hunting ground regarding the search for life. When astronomers find a so-called exomoon, the main question is whether liquid water is possible. Researchers from SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research and the University of Groningen (RUG) have now derived a formula telling us whether there is a subsurface ocean present and how deep it is.



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Alien Invasion? Not a Problem, Says Russia

Article by David Axe                               April 25, 2020                         (

• Mainstream scientists maintain that we have not yet made contact with extraterrestrial intelligence, and believe that first contact with alien life will come in the form of either a robotic space probe finding evidence of microbes on Mars, Enceladus, Europa or some other distant body; or telescopes detecting radio broadcasts from far-away civilizations.

• In a 2011 paper (see here), a team of scientists from America’s NASA Planetary Science Division conceded that contact with intelligent extraterrestrials “remains possible”. “Contact with uncooperative [extra-terrestrial intelligence] seems likely to be harmful to humanity,” they warned.

• In 2012, Paul Springer, a history teacher at the US Air Command and Staff College in Alabama, told an Australian TV program that Washington has contingency plans for ‘attackers from beyond the solar system’. In the event of an alien invasion, “the first thing you would need to try to do is preserve your forces,” Springer said. In other words, hide. After that, “learn as much about the enemy as possible.” The aliens, meanwhile, would probably target Earth’s communications networks and its most potent weapons.

• As the world’s leading military powers, America and Russia would be the main targets. The two super powers would likely lead the eventual counterattack. Together, the two countries could field huge air, land, sea and space forces numbering thousands of warplanes, millions of soldiers, hundreds of ships and most of the world’s spacecraft.

• In the event of an alien attack, America and Russia would need to join forces, becoming close allies in the ‘First Alien War’, says Springer, and would remain unified thereafter. “Keep in mind, many of the greatest civilizations in human history formed to counter a common enemy.”

• In 2013, Sergei Berezhnoy, a Russian space official on the staff of the Titov Space Control Center remarked, “There are enough problems on Earth and in near-Earth space.” Moscow has no strategy for combating an invasion by galactic marauders.


In an odd episode in 2013, a Russian space official admitted, unprovoked, that Moscow has no strategy for combating an invasion by galactic

                Paul Springer

marauders. Luckily for Planet Earth, the United States does have a plan. And it counts on Russia and America fighting together.

Sergei Berezhnoy, on the staff of the Titov Space Control Center near Moscow, said that Russian air-defense officers “have not been tasked with preparing for the contingency of an alien attack,” according to Ria Novosti.

“There are enough problems on Earth and in near-Earth space,” Berezhnoy added.

A team of scientists from America’s NASA Planetary Science Division disagreed. “While humanity has not yet observed any extraterrestrial intelligence, contact with ETI remains possible,” Seth Baum, Jacob Haqq-Misra and Shawn Domagal-Goldman wrote in a 2011 paper.

The scientists conceded that extraterrestrials could be friendly or ambivalent—but we can’t be sure. “Contact with uncooperative [extra-terrestrial intelligence] seems likely to be harmful to humanity,” they warned.



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