UK Government Bans Release of Secret UFO Dossier Leaving Experts Furious

Article by Paul Sims                                October 9, 2020                                 (

• In 1990, two Perthshire, Scotland hikers watched the 100ft “diamond-shaped metallic craft” hovering over the village of Calvine in the Scottish Highlands for ten minutes before it shot up vertically out of sight. They also said that they saw military jets fly a series of low-level passes. And they took six photos to prove it. UFO investigator Nick Pope helped colorize the image (seen above).

• The photographs were turned over to British Ministry of Defence officials. Pursuant to the “30-year rule”, these photos were to be declassified and made public on January 1, 2021. But the Ministry of Defence has announced that the release of the photos will be blocked until 2072 – without explanation. The MoD released a redacted version of the file, which includes a blurred photocopy of the original UFO image.

• Former MoD UFO investigator, Nick Pope stated: “Despite an extensive investigation, we never found a definitive explanation for what was seen at Calvine”, said to be one of the most intriguing of all the UFO mysteries. “By the time the world gets to see the file, the two witnesses will be dead. It is crazy. What are the authorities trying to hide?” The redacted file also omitted the names and contact details of the hikers.

• A Freedom of Information Act complaint lodged against the National Archives for withholding the documents is now under investigation by the ‘Information Commissioner’s Office’, a UK information watchdog. The National Archives and the MoD refused to comment.


UFO experts hit out when it emerged a dossier into Britain’s most significant sighting is to be kept secret for another 50 years.

                 Nick Pope

The file is said to contain astonishing colour photographs of a 100ft craft hovering over the village of Calvine in the Scottish Highlands in 1990.

A 30-year rule meant it was due to be declassified on January 1 — but the Ministry of Defence has now blocked release until 2072 without explanation.

Photographs were taken by two Perthshire hikers who watched the “diamond-shaped metallic craft” for ten minutes before it shot up vertically out of sight.

They also claimed to see military jets fly a series of low-level passes.

Evidence collected and held on to by officials included the hikers’ six colour snaps.

A redacted version of the file has been released, including just a blurred photocopied image.

UFO investigator Nick Pope helped colourise the image, seen above.

Last night, Mr Pope said: “Despite an extensive investigation, we never found a definitive explanation for what was seen at Calvine.”

A UFO hunter added: “This is all so frustrating. The Calvine Incident is one of the most intriguing of all the UFO mysteries from that period.

“Under the 30-year rule, the file should have been released on January 1 2021, but if the ministry get their way it won’t be released until January 1 2072 — an 82-year closure.

“By the time the world gets to see the file, the two witnesses will be dead. It is crazy. What are the authorities trying to hide?”



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Tucker Carlson: It’s ‘Outrageous’ That the Government is Still Hiding Evidence of UFOs

Article by Phil Owen                                      October 10, 2020                                      (

• On October 9th, Tucker Carlson ended his Fox News show by discussing UFOs and aliens. (see 4:47 minute video clip below) The topic was prompted by the release of an obscure new documentary called “The Phenomenon” – which claims to be “the most credible examination of the global mystery and cover-up involving UFOs.” (see previous ExoArticle here)

• The documentary features former Senator Harry Reid talking about how the government is still keeping most of the evidence of UFOs under wraps. “If this wasn’t an election year we’d be doing a full hour of this, maybe a full week. It’s that important,” Tucker said of the release of the documentary. “We used to be defensive on this topic, but there’s no reason to be. There is now an enormous amount of evidence, including physical evidence, that UFOs — whatever they are — are real.”

• Carlson then played a clip from the documentary in which Reid says he thinks “it’s very, very bad for a country” that the government won’t tell us about the UFOs, and that “most” of the physical evidence for UFOs has remained locked away. “It’s outrageous,” Carlson said. “And it’s not a partisan question, by the way. That of course was former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, a Democrat if there ever was one.”

• According to the film, Reid said that UFOs have actually and repeatedly interfered with our nuclear weapons capabilities. “So where are these UFOs from?” Carlson asks. “Some researchers told the filmmakers that their origins are becoming clearer.”

• Carlson plays a film clip in which the narrator says: “Dr. Jacque Vallee has collected purported metal debris from UFO cases dating as far back as 1947 that experts are analyzing in a state-of-the-art laboratory. He was astonished to find their composition was unlike any known metal.” Vallee claims that the materials he has were “manufactured” by someone, as they are “not natural to the materials that we have… on the Earth.”

• Carlson then chats briefly then with the documentary’s director, James Fox, and former Defense Department official Christopher Mellon. Carlson asked Fox about this story Reid tells in the film about the UFOs messing with nuclear missiles. “Well, that was one of the big bombshells that Harry Reid dropped during production of the film. It really kind of caught me off guard because it’s the first time, you know, a government official of his magnitude, of his level, had revealed that these UFOs were not only seeing over, you know, super secret nuclear weapons facilities, but they were interacting, shutting on and off some of the missiles,” Fox said. “(Reid) went as far as even saying that if the president had called upon– to launch the missiles on several occasions, they couldn’t have done it. The missiles were deactivated. And this has also been happening in Russia, and we document those cases very thoroughly with high level military officials testifying about these incidents.”

• “In terms of the materials, there are private researchers, Jacques, perhaps foremost among them,” said Mellon. “Jacques is a meticulous scientist, so he’s sending it to peer review and multiple labs. But the gist of it is that those materials were engineered at an atomic level. It’s a capability that we don’t even possess. If they can prove that, demonstrate that, that’ll raise a lot of interesting questions.”


As he often does, Tucker Carlson took a break from talking politics for a few minutes at the very end of his Fox News show on Friday night — to talk about aliens and UFOs.

The last time Tucker talked about aliens on his show was mid-September, when we got the the news that there is very likely some form of life on Venus. This time, the topic was prompted by the release of an obscure new documentary called “The Phenomenon” — which claims to be, according to the product description on Vudu, “the most credible examination of the global mystery and cover-up involving UFOs.”

The doc, which was put up for sale and rental on streaming services this past Tuesday, features former Sen. Harry Reid talking about how the government is still keeping most of the evidence of UFOs under wraps. It’s also narrated by “Sphere” star Peter Coyote.

“If this wasn’t an election year we’d be doing a full hour of this, maybe a full week. It’s that important,” Tucker said of the release of the documentary, which currently has six reviews from critics listed on Rotten Tomatoes, and five user reviews.

“We used to be defensive on this topic, but there’s no reason to be. There is now an enormous amount of evidence, including physical evidence, that UFOs — whatever they are — are real,” Tucker went on. “Why don’t we know a lot more about this? Because the government has hidden that information from us, outrageously. But now some of that information has come into public view thanks to a new documentary called ‘The Phenomenon.’

“Tucker Carlson Tonight” then pulled up a clip from the film in which Reid says he thinks “it’s very, very bad for a country” that the government won’t tell us about the UFOs. And that “most” of the physical evidence for UFOs has remained locked away.

“It’s outrageous,” Tucker said after the clip. “And it’s not a partisan question, by the way. That of course was former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, a Democrat if there ever was one. But that’s not even the biggest claim he makes. According to the film, Reid said that UFOs have actually and repeatedly interfered with our nuclear weapons capabilities.

4:47 minute video of Tucker Carlson on new UFO documentaryfilm (‘Let It Snow’ YouTube)



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Strange Video of UFOs Landing on the Moon

Article by Stacey Williams                                   October 14, 2020                                   (

• A short YouTube video shows two UFO’s flying in close proximity to the Moon before seemingly landing just moments after. (see 1:10 minute video below)

• YouTube user ZeaL uploaded the video from YouTuber Jean-Michel Tenac, who uploaded it from an anonymous poster in Montréal, France. ZeaL says that he has permission from the original uploader of this video. The anonymous source says that he ‘only wants the video to be known’.

• According to the anonymous source who filmed the footage on March 26, 2020, “I regularly film the Moon by day, at time of the first and last crescent. I think hidden activity has to be visible on the Moon, it is at that moment the population does not observe it because the first and last crescent makes it more discreet.”


Shared on April 3, 2020 and already amassing hundreds of thousands of views, the video shows what the man filming describes as “hidden activity […] visible on the Moon”.

YouTube user ZeaL was responsible for uploading this video depicting UFO activity that has already been viewed over 350,000 times, but he has admitted that he’s not the one behind the camera filming. Apparently, this video has seen itself passed on multiple times before it landed on ZeaL’s channel.

“I see a lot of channels spreading false information about where this video was captured. Please take note that we were the first to speak with the original uploader of this video and given permission to share it by him.”

As we trace back the video to its origins, we can find the first appearance of it on YouTube featured on the channel of a user by the name of Jean-Michel Tenac. At the time of posting, he had 0 subscribers but has since seen that number jump up to nearly 2,000. However, despite being the first one to upload the video, it wasn’t actually Jean-Michel behind the camera.

Jean states that this video was filmed somewhere from Montréal, France NOT Canada. This footage was given to him by his friend who wishes to remain anonymous. We have asked him to reach out and take full credit but if he decides not to then we will respect that. At the current moment he only wants the video to be known.


1:10 minute video of two objects near the Moon’s surface (‘Jean-Michel Tenac’ YouTube)



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Russia’s TASS Confirmed Voronezh UFO Incident in 1989

Article by Zaini Majeed                                   October 9, 2020                                      (

• On October 9, 1989, Russia’s press agency TASS confirmed the report of sightings of three aliens in the city of Voronezh, Soviet Union. 31 years ago (only a month before the fall of the Berlin wall and the Soviet State). The local community watched as a “banana-shaped” UFO appeared in the sky, and three robot-like beings emerged from it along with a ‘shining ball’.

• “Scientists have confirmed the recent unidentified flying object recently landed in a park in the Russian city of Voronezh,” read the TASS press release. “The aliens were three or even four meters (9 to 12 feet) tall, but with very small heads.″ Apparently, the aliens made a short promenade around the city park, and then ″they walked near the ball or disc and… disappeared inside.″

• Genrikh Silanov, head of the Voronezh Geophysical Laboratory, was reported by TASS as saying that Russian scientists found a 20-yard depression with four deep dents at the site. But they were most excited about finding that the beings left behind two abnormal rocks. “At first glance, they looked like sandstone of a deep-red color,” said Silanov. “However, mineralogical analysis has shown that the substance cannot be found on Earth.”

• When inquired, TASS and other Soviet news outlets stood by the Voronezh UFO incident and claims of aliens. However, a TIME magazine journalist, Howard G. Chua-Eoan, reported that the 1980’s policy of ‘glasnost’ – or ‘openness’ – led the Soviet media to be more open about events such as the Voronezh UFO incident. The news source also stands by other UFO sightings such as the ‘Petrozavodsk phenomenon’ that involved 48 unidentified flying objects, and an encounter between a milkmaid and a “cosmic creature” that occurred in region of Perm, Russia, close to the Ural mountains.

[Editor’s Note]  Since the Voronezh UFO incident was such a major media event in Russia, with aliens landing in the city park, and since this article is woefully lacking, I will embellish the account from Wikipedia. The actual incident occurred on September 29, 1989 and was witnessed by a group of a dozen children and some adults in the city park. The children first spotted a small ball floating through the park, which morphed into a large disc landing near them. Witnesses then reported a “three-eyed alien” and a robot exiting the craft. The aliens never spoke, but stared at the horrified people, then went back to the disc craft and departed into the sky. Five minutes later the craft returned to the same spot (thought to have utilized a “biolocater”) to abduct a 16-year-old boy, using what was described as a 50 cm-long “pistol tube”. The children were the only ones claiming to have witnessed the aliens. (Judging by the illustrations of the alien creatures, they do appear to be ‘cartoonish’.) Although, Lieutenant Sergei A. Matveyev of the Voronezh district police station claimed to have seen the craft.

The scientist quoted in the TASS news report, Genrikh Silanov, later denied ever making any remarks or conducting any experiments about the Voronezh UFO. But many Soviet media outlets jumped on the bandwagon to promote the incident, with a reporter from Komsomolskaya Pravda even claiming to have an exclusive interview with the alien beings. The Soviet Scientific Commission ordered an official inquiry into the alleged incident. Though the city park area was found to have an above-average presence of the radioactive isotope cesium, the vice-rector of the University of Voronezh quickly dismissed the incident as fiction.


Russia confirmed the report of sightings of three aliens in the city of Voronezh arriving on the “banana-shaped” object (UFO) on October 9, 1989, 31 years ago.

On this day, October 9, 1989, 31 years ago Russia’s press agency TASS claimed that the extra-terrestrial contact on earth had already been made as it confirmed the report of sightings of three aliens in the city of Voronezh arriving on the “banana-shaped” object (UFO). “Scientists have confirmed the recent unidentified flying object recently landed in a park in the Russian city of Voronezh,” the release by TASS read. “They identified the landing site and found traces of aliens who made a short promenade about the park,” it added, claiming that two pieces of unidentified rocks were left behind which cannot be found on Earth.

According to a TIME report from the October 23, 1989 issue, a strange encounter between a milkmaid and a “cosmic creature” was reported to have happened in the Russian region of Perm, close to the Ural mountains. Soviet newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda claimed that the Russian researchers registered the “influence of energies” after a geologist made claims of the discovery of the flying saucer in the region. When enquired, TASS and several other Soviet news outlets stood by the existence of aliens’ claims in the Voronezh UFO incident of 1989.

Genrikh Silanov, head of the Voronezh Geophysical Laboratory, was reported by Tass as saying that Russians scientists found a 20-yard depression with four deep dents at the site, suspecting that it was intact a UFO, adding, two abnormal rocks sent scientists in a jiffy. “At first glance, they looked like sandstone of a deep-red color. However, mineralogical analysis has shown that the substance cannot be found on Earth,” AP cited Silanov’s statement in the TASS report. “However, additional tests are needed to reach a more definite conclusion,” he added.




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China Amassing “Tens-of-Thousands” of Troops in Canada

Article by Hal Turner                                     October 9, 2020                             (

• In late 2019, Canada and China signed a treaty that allows the People’s Liberation Army of China to station Chinese troops in Canada, beginning in 2020. It has long been rumored that China has been massing troops in southern Mexico. But the rumors that Chinese troops had set up bases in Canada was pretty much laughed off until video emerged of Chinese troops marching along a road in Salt Spring Island, near Vancouver, British Columbia. (see 35 second video below)

• What are Chinese troops doing on the US border in British Columbia, Canada? According to a January 15, 2020 Canadian Independent Press Review report: “Under the terms of the Foreign Investment Protection Act (FIPA), a bi-lateral treaty ratified with China by the Trudeau government in 2019, Chinese security forces can be stationed on Canadian soil to protect vital Chinese investments, without the knowledge or consent of local authorities.”

• Why would Prime Minister Justin Trudeau enter such a treaty? Does Canada not have its own military to “protect vital Chinese investments?” Or was Trudeau paid off by China to betray the United States like this?

• According to British Columbia locals, PLA troops are troops being stationed in Stanley Park in Vancouver pending the construction of a permanent base. Stanley Park is now off limits to Canadians, as enforced by Vancouver police. One Canadian citizen is quoted as saying: “You got ‘em (PLA Troops) all over the coast, man, based outta Prince Rupert. A bunch of their military intel people work outta their consulate in town (Vancouver) and they can airlift the assault troops here in an hour, is what I been told.”

• Hal Turner of the Hal Turner Radio Show notes that there was a news story a few weeks ago about how the U.S. military is redeploying F-22’s and F-35 jets to Alaska. An ABC News story in March noted that President Trump had authorized the activation of a million U.S. military reservists. Were these counter-moves to prepare the U.S. for a Chinese invasion from Western Canada?

• Over the summer, the U.S. west coast has seen ferocious wildfires that have burned millions acres and destroyed tens-of-thousands of American homes, (fires that seemed to stop at the Canadian border). Were these fires orchestrated to chase the population away from the U.S. West Coast? stumbled upon ‘environmental videos’ from US satellites that picked up literal “beams” in the near-infra-red spectrum being fired into the wildfires. (see article here) When these ‘directed energy weapon’ beams hit, the fires would immediately spread and grow in intensity. People on the ground have also taken pictures of these energy beams coming from the sky to create or spread wildfires.

• Secretary of Defense Mark Esper has revealed that China and Russia have “weaponized space”. In an address to an Air Force conference, Esper said that China and Russia are employing “asymmetric capabilities”, stating that they have “weaponized space” with “directed energy weapons.” An image of a car taken at the site of a wildfire shows how the wheels on the car had actually melted. How can burning wood melt steel? It can’t. The burn temperature doesn’t get hot enough. But a directed energy weapon could do it.

• China knows that American citizens are armed to the teeth under the Second Amendment. Is their strategy to decrease the American population on the West Coast so they won’t be facing so many of those armed citizens? Are they softening-up the West Coast for invasion? Are the Chinese bringing in military equipment such as tanks, armored personnel carriers, self-propelled artillery, helicopters and planes as well?

[Editor’s Note]  It would seem implausible that the Chinese military could amass the number of troops it would take to stage a US invasion from British Columbia without the US being aware of it and ready. But Dr. Michael Salla suggests another purpose for the Chinese being stationed in Canada: “It is more likely that Chinese troops are being pre-positioned for some kind of false flag event that devastates U.S. infrastructure, such as an asteroid impact or an EMP attack, where they stream over the border for ‘humanitarian assistance’, rather than an outright invasion.” These troops could be a vanguard to enter the U.S. under the guise of humanitarian assistance, be in a position to incapacitate key communications centers and power grids, and then open the door to the main Chinese ground invasion.

As the deep state has already infiltrated the hard-line Chinese government and military, what measures are the Alliance white hats taking to counter this move? Defeating the deep state, converting the world’s financial system, and replacing the corrupted communist PRC with a Gesara Republic under President Xi would certainly do the job.


   Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Under a Treaty signed in late 2019 with Canada, the People’s Liberation Army of China has been quietly massing military troops in Canada since the beginning of 2020 and those troops are believed to be readying for an actual military invasion of the United States.

While it has long been rumored that China began massing troops and armor in southern Mexico for a similar invasion goal, word of such troops appearing in Canada only began this year. Those rumors were pretty much laughed off until video emerged this week of Chinese troops on a back road of Salt Spring Island, near Vancouver, British Columbia. Here is that 35 second video:

Once actual proof emerged of Chinese troops in Canada, we started digging into where they were in relation to US soil and how such a thing could be given that Canada was _supposed_ to be a U.S. ally?

It turns out that the globalist/Commie Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, signed a Treaty with

         alleged directed energy beams

China in late 2019. In January, 2020, the Canadian Independent Press Review reported it as follows: ‘Under the terms of the Foreign Investment Protection Act (FIPA), a bi-lateral treaty ratified with China by the Trudeau government in 2019, Chinese security forces can be stationed on Canadian soil to protect vital Chinese investments, without the knowledge or consent of local authorities.’ – Canadian Independent Press Review, January 15, 2020

               ‘melted wheels’ on car

One has to ask why Prime Minister Trudeau would sign such a treaty? Does Canada not have its own military to “protect vital Chinese investments?” Does Canada not trust its own Royal Canadian Mounted Police? Are Canada’s Provincial Police forces somehow inadequate? Or did Prime Minister Trudeau somehow find that allowing China to mass troops in his country might be beneficial to HIMSELF? Did Trudeau get a massive payoff from China to betray the United States like this? What other explanation could there be?

                        melted wheels

According to locals in British Columbia, PLA troops are troops being stationed in Stanley Park (almost an entire island of a park) in Vancouver, as temporary housing until they are assigned something permanent.

Oh, and get this . . .Canadians say THEY CANNOT GO INTO THAT PARK because it is taken over by China’s People’s Liberation Army! Anyone trying to enter the park is stopped by Vancouver police and refused entry unless they are PLA troops!

One Canadian tells me “You got ‘em (PLA Troops) all over the coast, man, based outta Prince Rupert. A bunch of their military intel people work outta their consulate in town (Vancouver) and they can airlift the assault troops here in an hour, is what I been told.”

That same source went on to say “That’s how that fucking traitor Trudeau’s arranged it with Beijing, man. The west coast is theirs. They’re gonna be the ones managing the curfews and all the other shit that’s gonna follow.


35 second video of Chinese military on Salt Spring Island, Canada (‘BananaJSSI’ YouTube)



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UFO Sighting Involved a Royal Canadian Mounted Police Officer

Article by Elizabeth Keith                                  October 10, 2020                                      (

• A historic UFO incident in Clarenville, Newfoundland, Canada in 1978 is still so popular that the Canadian Mint has recently made a $130 glow-in-the-dark coin to commemorate it. The 5,000 coins in the limited edition are 90% sold out.

• Responding to a call on this evening in 1978, Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer Constable James Blackwood went to the location and saw “something” hovering about 100 feet in the air over some water between Clarenville shoreline and Random Island. Blackwood turned on the lights on his police car and the floating object responded by flashing its own lights. It hovered there for two hours.

• The Clarenville UFO event isn’t Canada’s only suspicious sighting. In 1967, a man reported seeing some glowing objects in the sky at Falcon Lake, Manitoba. Then a 35-foot craft landed nearby. The man got close enough to touch it before it took off again. In the weeks after the sighting, he became sick with very suspicious symptoms that doctors could not diagnose. That same year, in St. Paul, Alberta, they built the first-ever UFO landing pad in the world.


   Constable James Blackwood

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, its a weird disc floating in the sky? It may sound straight out of a sci-fi film but something just like that happened in Canada.

The Clarenville alien sighting from 1978 is one of the country’s biggest mysteries. It’s so wild that the Mint even made a glow-in-the-dark commemorative coin about it.

What happened in Clarenville?

One night, back in 1978 an RCMP officer named Constable James Blackwood responded to a call in Clarenville, Newfoundland where witness had noticed something weird in the sky.

According to an interview with a local paper called The Packet, Blackwood saw something hovering about 100 feet above the water between Clarenville and Random Island. He says its was there for two hours.

Commemorative Coin both normal and ‘glow in the dark’

He reportedly turned on the lights on his police car and the floating object responded by flashing its own lights.

It later left without a trace and still remains a mystery.

waterway where UFO hovered for two hours

What does the glow-in-the-dark coin look like?

It’s spooky season and potential UFO sightings are undoubtedly spooky and Canada’s official coin creators seem to be aware of that too.

To mark the weird event in history, the Canadian Mint just launched a commemorative coin depicting the saucer hovering over the Newfoundland town.

The square shape is unique enough on it’s own but this coin also glows in the dark.

The mint only made 5,000 of the money-pieces, which sell for a whopping $129.95 each and they are already 90% sold out.



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Russian Submarines Battle ‘Aliens’ Deep Under the Oceans

Article by Emma Parry                                         October 8, 2020                                        (

• In the book, Russia’s USO Secrets, co-author British UFO investigator Philip Mantle has collected stories about Russian/Soviet Navy encounters with UFOs and ‘USOs – ‘unidentified submerged objects’ – dating back to World War II, based on unclassified Russian documents and accounts from military veterans.

• Former nuclear submarine commander, Yury Beketov, related an incident that occurred in 2009 within the ‘Bermuda Triangle’. The submarine’s instruments repeatedly “detected the movements of material objects at unimaginable speed, around 230 knots (400 km per hour)” under the sea. “The beings that created those material objects significantly exceed us in development,” remarked Beketov.

• Another account is given by a Russian Navy veteran during the Cold War. They would see UFOs flying in towards them, and then dive down beneath the waves. In one incident, the sub’s captain ordered depth charges to be dropped into the path of a USO, which then changed direction and sped off.

• In another encounter, a Russian submarine crew watched as a cigar shaped UFO shot three beams of light down into the Atlantic Ocean. The UFO was about 250 meters long, and slowly descended into the ocean making a strange hissing sound about half a mile from the submarine. The object could not be tracked on radar, however.

• Russian Lieutenant-Commander Oleg Sokolov told his students that while on duty he once spotted, through a submarine periscope, a strange object rising out of the water. Marine scientists in the port city of Sevastopol, Ukraine, claimed they spotted a huge “wheel” rotating below the Black Sea while they were deep sea diving. Other UFOs have appeared over Soviet submarine bases forcing the Soviet General Staff to take them seriously.

• In a 1951 incident, a Soviet submarine encountered a gigantic underwater object heading towards the shore. The captain ordered depth bombs to be dropped into the path of the USO. The USO did not react to the attack and stayed on its course before darting towards the surface. At a depth of 50 meters, it stopped its ascent, changed course and departed.

• In July 1978, Soviet sailors aboard the ship, Yargora, observed a UFO in the Mediterranean. The ship’s captain sent a radiogram to the Soviet Academy of Sciences in Moscow telling them the object was shaped like a flattened-out sphere and was a white pearl color.

• The book publishes the results of a study by the Anomalous Phenomena Commission of the Russian Geographical Society in Saint Petersburg, which concluded that: “UFOs are real”. The author, Mantle, notes that, “[B]oth Russian and American subs have encountered USO’s in various parts of the world.” “More and more researchers around the world are taking a closer look at the … USO phenomena, [which] looks… to be the future of UFO research in general.”


In scenes straight out of a Hollywood movie, Soviet subs are playing a game of cat and mouse with strange underwater craft, according to a new book called Russia’s USO Secrets, by Brit investigator Philip Mantle, based on Russian documents and accounts from military veterans.

                         Philip Mantle

Describing a bizarre incident in the Bermuda Triangle in 2009, former nuclear submarine commander Yury Beketov said: “We repeatedly observed that the instruments detected the movements of material objects at unimaginable speed, around 230 knots (400 km per hour).

“It’s hard to reach that speed on the surface – only in the air [is it possible]… The beings that created those material objects significantly exceed us in development.”

The book also contains accounts from Russian veterans about their close encounters – including hostile acts – at sea during the Cold War.

They have described how UFOs would apparently appear in the sky before diving down beneath the waves.

In one terrifying incident, a captain ordered depth charges to be dropped into the path of a USO which changed direction and sped off.

Lieutenant-Commander Oleg Sokolov told students that while on duty he spotted a strange object through a periscope rising out of the water.



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The Unresolved Rendlesham Forest UFO Sightings

Article by B.B. Wagner                                   October 7, 2020                                       (

• The Rendlesham Forest UFO incident at the joint British-American air base RAF Woodbridge/RAF Bentwaters in Suffolk, England is one of the most famous UFO sightings ever recorded. It has created a wide range of first-hand sightings, audio recordings, multiple reports, and continuous testimony – sometimes contradictory. With so many angles and perspectives to this story, which are actually correct and what happened exactly?

• On December 26, 1980, at the east gate of the RAF Woodbridge base, US Air Force security patrol Budd Stevens and Sergeant Jim Penniston saw strange, intensely bright fiery-red lights gleaming through the trees of the nearby Rendlesham Forest . They reported their sightings to their commanding officer. At 3:00 am, Penniston was ordered to investigate while Stevens stayed at his post.

• Penniston was accompanied in a jeep by John Burroughs to where the “bogie” reportedly landed. It was here that Burroughs and Penniston saw a mysterious glowing but silent craft whose movement and rapid speed defied the laws of physics. In his statement, Penniston said: “[T]he craft was three meters tall, and about three meters wide at the base… No landing gear was apparent, but it seemed like she was on fixed legs… I moved a little closer… I walked around the craft, and finally, I walked right up to the craft. I noticed the fabric of the shell was more like a smooth, opaque, black glass…” Suddenly, the craft took off at full speed, heading towards a barn where its bright lights disturbed the farm animals and wildlife. Burroughs and Penniston raced after it, climbed over a fence, and watched as the red and blue lights shining from the craft vanished as it passed the barn.

• When Penniston and Burroughs returned to the base, they both decided to downplay what they had seen in their incident report. They simply stated: “[S]aw a mechanical object with red, blue and white lights, but the craft disappeared before we could get a better look…” They were both ordered to keep silent about what they saw.

• The next day, Penniston returned to the landing site and discovered circular impressions on the ground made by a heavy object, spaced three meters apart. He made plaster cast impressions of the landing marks. There was also burn damage and broken branches at the site. Other USAF servicemen on the base became interested in the encounter and the Rendlesham Forest site became a curious hot spot.

• Two days later, on December 28, 1980, deputy base commander Lieutenant Colonel Charles Halt was informed that the UFO had returned near the original site. Lt Colonel Halt assemble a team of personnel armed with floodlights, night scopes, audio recording devices, and radiation detectors, and set out for the UFO site. He ordered floodlights to be set up around the perimeter of the site. But the floodlights malfunctioned, so the men used their night vision scopes. The scopes revealed abrasions on surrounding trees. The Geiger counters recorded high radiation. Then the UFO appeared again, approaching from the south. It flew by at an incredible speed, pulsing a vibrant red light through the branches of the trees. In Lt Colonel Halt’s audio recording, he is heard to say, “(The UFO) looks like an eye winking at you…Here he comes from the south, he’s coming towards us now…now we’re observing what happens to be a beam coming down to the ground. This is unreal…” The lights continued to hover and beam over the forest and the field, but as the craft moved it seemed to fall apart.

• When Lt Colonel Halt shared his story with the Office of Special Investigations, he too was told to keep quiet about the experience to protect his own reputation and, more importantly, the reputation of the US Air Force. Boroughs and Penniston were sworn to secrecy. Lt Colonel Halt was allowed to write a memo to the British Ministry of Defense about the events that had occurred. Thanks to the US Information act of 1983, Lt Colonel Halt’s memo is on public record, for anyone to read.

• On January 25, 1985, The Guardian published an article on the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident. But a mysterious U.S. airman named Larry Warren, using the alias “Art Wallace”, had been giving interviews about the incident to local newspapers and television shows. Warren claimed to be an eye-witness, alongside Burroughs, Penniston, and Halt. However, in Warren’s version, he claimed that Lt Colonel Halt and a few other officers at the landing site actually introduced themselves to the tiny aliens that emerged from the spacecraft. This account wildly contradicted the other USAF officers’ accounts. Warren claimed that the USAF Office of Special Investigations had brainwashed him by injecting him with truth serum while forcing him to watch films about UFOs, in order to frame him as a mentally disturbed individual. Lt Colonel Halt, Burroughs, and Penniston avoided Warren.

• In June 2010, the now retired Lt Colonel Halt committed his memories of the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident to a two-page affidavit. But Halt’s recollection of the numbers of objects, the lights’ direction, and the positions of the landing marks were imprecise and only cast more confusion and doubt on the story. So in 2015, to re-establish his reputation, the elderly Lt Colonel Halt obtained written statements from the RAF Brentwater radar operators working on the nights in question.

• The radar operators admitted to tracking the objects on the 26th and 28th of December 1980, but they wanted to put off discussing the matter until after they too had retired from the military. They did say that they saw lights that traveled 60 miles in three seconds, rotate and come to a sudden stop by a water tower, and return again to the forest where Lt Colonel Halt’s team were on the ground investigating. Other witnesses also came forward to confirm the servicemen’s accounts as they retired from the military, sometime with contradictory details.

• Skeptics have seized on the contradictions, claiming that the lights seen by USAF personnel was due to an intensely bright meteor shower over southern England. Others claim that the servicemen had caught glimpses of light from the Orfordness Lighthouse, considered to be ‘the brightest lighthouse in the U.K.’

• But according to an anonymous source of UFO researcher Dr. David Clark, the entire Rendlesham Forest UFO incident was nothing but a “revenge hoax” by the British Special Air Service (SAS) on the US Air Force personnel stationed at RAF Woodbridge/ RAF Bentwaters. Knowing that the American servicemen might be influenced by recent revelations of the Roswell UFO incident in 1947, several SAS personnel allegedly parachuted onto the base to simulate an alien invasion as a joke. The US servicemen, however, captured the SAS soldiers; abused, beat, and humiliated them; and identified them as “unidentifiable aliens”. The SAS were angry at the treatment of their men and decided to plot their revenge by staging a real “alien invasion.” The SAS devised multi-colored flares rigged to go off at certain times in the forest while certain SAS personnel remote-controlled dark-colored helium balloons along with gliders and controlled kites to mimic a single moving craft.

• In spite of the first-hand accounts recorded by US military personnel, and discussions of these events by senior officers, the UK Ministry of Defense accepted the explanation that the Americans only saw glimpses of light from the Orfordness Lighthouse. The Brits deemed the incident as insignificant, posing no threat to national security, and therefore requiring no further investigation.

• The truth behind the Rendlesham Forest UFO incidents is not easy to unravel. The accounts from USAF personnel Sargent Jim Penniston, officer John Burroughs, officer Budd Stevens, Lt Colonel Charles Halt and others include descriptions of supernatural lights, triangular spacecraft as dense and as glossy as obsidian, and burned marks in the ground. What the witness reports suggest may be hard to comprehend, but that doesn’t necessarily make them a hoax.


Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. The Rendlesham Forest UFO incident is without question one of

      Charles Halt

the strangest tales, defined by considerable evidence and also serious questions. On December 28, 1980, US Air Force deputy base commander Lieutenant Colonel Charles Halt received word of bizarre sightings near and around the RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge airbases. These multiple first-hand observations of supernatural lights and craft sightings occurred during the dead of night and the truth behind these facts is by no means easy to unravel. What the Rendlesham Forest UFO incidents suggest are still hard to comprehend but that doesn’t necessarily make them a hoax.

The accounts from airmen personnel Sargent Jim Penniston, officer John Burroughs, officer Budd Stevens and others included vague descriptions of sightings ranging from unusual supernatural lights, triangular spacecraft as dense and as glossy as obsidian and burned marks in the ground. Although Penniston and Burroughs were perfectly clear about what they saw, their commanding officer told them to remain silent and not mention the full story in their report . . . until the sightings happened again. The second time word was sent directly to deputy base commander Lieutenant Colonel Charles Halt, who was eating in the mess hall. The Lieutenant Colonel had no choice but to put aside his dinner and his doubt, grab his tape recorder, and see what was happening outside for himself.

            Jim Penniston

The First Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident: What Was Seen?

The Rendlesham Forest UFO incident is one of the most famous UFO sightings ever recorded, almost as well covered as the Roswell crash of 1947. The Rendlesham incident has created a wide range of first-hand sightings, audio recordings, multiple reports, and continuous testimony. And this has created a popular phenomenon that keeps bringing UFO enthusiasts back to this forested area for more. But with so many angles and perspectives to this story, which are actually correct and what happened exactly? To understand all the evidence related to this extraterrestrial mystery, it is essential to review the key figures, variations to the story, and the primary alternative explanations of other experts. Only then can anyone reach an objective conclusion about what these reports are saying and what, ultimately, lies behind them.

        John Burroughs

Of all the accounts that exist, the most notable experiences came from Jim Penniston, John Burroughs, and Colonel Halt. They recounted bright burning multi-colored lights, mimicking a kaleidoscopic collage of red and blue lights, coming from a mysterious aircraft . This event took place on two consecutive days starting on December 26, 1980, for Penniston and Burroughs, and then again on December 28, 1980, for Colonel Halt and his team of soldiers. In both encounters, the mysterious aircraft reflected lights, hovered, landed, took off at alarming speed, and then appeared to “magically” dissolve or fade.

The First Incident: What Penniston And Burroughs Saw

On December 26, 1980, at the east gate of the RAF Woodbridge base, security patrol Budd Stevens and Sargent Jim Penniston saw strange, intensely bright fiery-red lights gleaming through the trees of Rendlesham Forest . When they reported their sightings at the guard shack, their commanding officer confirmed that something was detected descending into a small clearing near the forest’s eastern edge. It was then, at 3:00 am, that Penniston was given the order to investigate what was seen. Though Stevens stayed at his post, Penniston was accompanied by John Burroughs in a jeep to where the “bogie” reportedly landed. It was here that Burroughs and Penniston saw a mysterious glowing craft whose movement and speed defied the laws of physics . Despite its rapid speed hardly any sound was made by the craft. Of the two men, only Penniston provided a report on the sighting. In his statement, he said:

“…The craft was three meters tall, and about three meters wide at the base […] No landing gear was apparent, but it seemed like she was on fixed

       Orfordness Lighthouse

legs… I moved a little closer… I walked around the craft, and finally, I walked right up to the craft. I noticed the fabric of the shell was more like a smooth, opaque, black glass…” (Young 2020)

But as they observed the craft it suddenly took off at full speed, heading towards a barn, causing further havoc as its bright lights disturbed the local wildlife and farm animals. Burroughs and Penniston raced after it, climbed over a fence, and then watched as the red and blue lights shining from the craft vanished as it passed the barn.

When both Penniston and Burroughs returned to the base, they were wary of writing their report of the incident for their commanding shift officer. Both decided to write a version that downplayed what they had seen. In their testimonies, they simply stated:
“…Saw a mechanical object with red, blue and white lights, but the craft disappeared before we could get a better look…” (Cutler and Castro 2019).

To their dismay, both Penniston and Burroughs were ordered to keep silent about what they saw. However, this command did not stop Penniston from returning to the area the next day to examine the landing site. On the forest floor, Penniston discovered circular impressions made by a heavy object, which were spaced 9.8 feet (3 meters) apart. He immediately made plaster cast impressions of the landing marks. Burroughs and Penniston also revealed that burn damage and broken branches were present near the indentations in the ground. Though their commanding shift officer told them to remain silent, the plaster casts and the tree damage made other servicemen extremely curious, turning the sight into a curiosity hotspot for military personnel.



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DOD Outlines Space Strategy

Article by David Vergun                                   October 7, 2020                                (

• In June, the US Defense Department released its Space Strategy Summary document (see here) laying out the DoD’s four-pillar strategy for space activities within the next decade and beyond.

• The first line of effort, says Justin T. Johnson, the acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy, is for the Space Force to build a comprehensive military advantage in space.

• The second effort is to integrate space in the joint force of the US Space Command and with allies and partners, to organizes military exercises and prepare for battle in space, should that become necessary.

• The third effort is to shape the strategic environment. This includes educating the public about off-planet threats, promoting responsible activities in space, and putting adversaries on notice that harmful meddling will be met with a deliberate response from the United States military.

• The fourth effort, said Johnson, is to work with allies, partners, industry and other US agencies such as NASA, the FAA and the Commerce Department, to help streamline regulations for the space industry, which the DoD relies upon. The Space Development Agency is the key strategist in this regard. Allies and partners are excited to work with the United States Defense Department. Already, 20 nations and 100 academic and industry partners are collaborating with the DoD.

• “China and Russia are aggressively developing counter-space capabilities specifically designed to hold US and allied space capabilities at risk,” said Johnson. “China and Russia have made space a warfighting domain” by deploying systems that could potentially knock out US satellites – satellites which are vital to the missile warning system; precision, navigation and timing; and weather forecasting.

• In addition to the military aspect of space, Johnson notes that space is vital to US and global commerce. “Our $20 trillion US economy runs on space.”


In June, the Defense Department released its Space Strategy document. That document lays out the department’s four-pillar strategy for work that

                 Justin T. Johnson

needs to be done in space within the next decade and beyond.

Justin T. Johnson, acting deputy assistant secretary of defense for space policy, discussed that strategy at a virtual Heritage Foundation event today.
The first line of effort, he said, is for the U.S. Space Force to build a comprehensive military advantage in space.

The second effort is to integrate space in the joint force and with allies and partners. That mission is primarily the responsibility of U.S. Space Command, which organizes exercises and prepares for the fight in space, should that become necessary, he said.

The third effort, he said, is to shape the strategic environment. That includes such things as educating the public about threats, promoting responsible activities in space and putting adversaries on notice that harmful meddling will be met with a deliberate response from the department at the time and means of its choosing.



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First Recorded UFO Sighting in the US Was Nearly 400 Years Ago

Article by Katie Machado                                    October 6, 2020                                   (

• In 1639, the Massachusetts Puritan, John Winthrop, wrote in his journal an account of one of his men, James Everell, which occurred on the dark evening of March 1st. Described as a ‘sober’ man, Everell and two other men were on a river in a rowboat. Suddenly, a light lit up the night sky and appeared to “flame up”. The bright object, estimated to be about nine feet in diameter, remained stationary in the sky. Then it would speed off ‘in the figure of a swine’, according to Everell. The entire event was said to have gone on for hours with the light darting back and forth above them. The distance the light flew back and forth between was a span of roughly two miles. This eyewitness account was confirmed by other eyewitnesses in the area.

• When the light finally faded, the men in the boat found themselves a mile upstream with no idea as to how they arrived there. None of them had any memory of having rowed themselves in that direction. Some speculated that the boat drifted with a strong current or wind. However, others believe that there was something even more unexplainable at work.

• Five years later, Winthrop recorded another incident in his journal. This encounter occurred in Boston in January of 1644. Around midnight, three men were rowing into Boston harbor when they saw lights emerging from a cave in the shape of a human being. The lights then flew over town before vanishing into thin air. Later that week at 8 o’clock in the morning, a light ‘as bright as the Moon’ rose over Boston harbor before joining with another. The two lights converged and split several times, according to Winthrop’s account, before flying out of view and disappearing into the night. Winthrop noted that the lights sometimes ‘flamed’ and sometimes ‘sparkled.’ Even more astonishing, a disembodied voice accompanied the lights, saying ‘Boy! Boy! Come away! Come away!’ – repeating twenty times. Then it occurred again, two weeks later, with the same voice bellowing on the other end of Boston town.


               John Winthrop

It’s a known fact that many early civilizations allegedly had their fair share of extraterrestrial and paranormal encounters although they may have described things a bit differently than we do today. Rather than watching an episode of Ghost Hunters on TV or scanning through an article just like this one on the internet, the first-ever recorded accounts of anything suspicious were written down in things such as journals. Rarely, they would make it in the village paper, and often, stories of the unknown would be spread through town via word of mouth.

One such account is actually that of early settler John Winthrop in 1639 and it has proven to have been the first known account of something seemingly extraterrestrial. While the Puritans certainly didn’t refer to these things as UFOs or strange beings as ‘aliens,’ his account, for all intents and purposes, is quite interesting… and it’s not the only one from that time.

March 1, 1639: The Encounter
For starters, we must remember that during the 1600s, things such as jet engine planes and military craft were not in existence (at least, not to the knowledge of the common people). Therefore, spotting anything in the sky that wasn’t a star or potentially a planet was shocking, as satellites certainly didn’t exist then, either. This is why on a particularly dark spring night during 1693, the account by John Winthrop was so chilling. Among stories of early Puritan life, Winthrop recorded an incident during which a man by the name of James Everell and two others had been out on a rowboat on the river when a light lit up the night sky. Everell was described as a ‘sober’ man, according to, therefore his word was not to be taken lightly.

The light they saw appeared to ‘flame up’ and was estimated to be roughly three square yards. After it lit up the sky and remained stationary for a short time, Everell’s account says that it sped off ‘in the figure of a swine.’ Interestingly, the entire event was said to have gone on for hours with the light darting back and forth above them. The account takes an even stranger turn, however, when it’s alluded to that the men were actually momentarily abducted – or at least, that’s what it would have been called in today’s age. Since the distance the light flew back and forth between was a span of roughly two miles, this eyewitness account was confirmed by other eyewitnesses in the area, as well.



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UFO in Japan Being ‘Followed Through Sky’ by Mysterious Orbs

Article by Sofie Jackson                                       October 6, 2020                                      (

• Recently, in Kagoshima City in Japan, ‘Chris M’ spotted a large bright UFO in the night sky above the urban area, with the silhouette of Sakurajima volcano behind. (see 2:20 minute video below) Some claim that they can see that the large UFO is being chased by smaller craft. As the shiny object zips from the right of the frame to the left, a group of smaller-looking lights that appear to be flying in a triangle formation appear and follow in its wake.

• Chris M sent his video to the YouTube channel ‘The Hidden Underbelly 2.0’. In the caption, Chris explains: “These objects were seen by the viewers of this live stream that is set up to monitor the Sakurajima volcano.” “That’s a fantastic capture, definitely one large one and then a smaller group following,” said one YouTube commenter.

• Another viewer commented: “Mother ship trying to fly away from her baby ships. In all seriousness though, it was very good footage”. “There’s always UFO activity near volcanos, like the one in Mexico,” wrote another fan.


        Sakurajima volcano in daylight

Footage of an alleged “UFO” cruising through the skies near a volcano in Japan has sent conspiracy theorists wild, with some claiming it is being chased by smaller craft.

                 Kagoshima City, Japan

In the clip, recorded at Kagoshima City in Japan, a large bright object appears in the night sky above the urban area, with the silhouette of Sakurajima volcano behind.

As the shiny object zips from the right of the frame to the left, a group of smaller-looking lights that appear to be flying in a triangle formation appear and follow in its wake.

The footage was spotted by Chris M who sent it to the popular YouTube conspiracy theory channel The Hidden Underbelly 2.0 where it had since been viewed more than 1,000 times.

In the caption, he explained: “These objects were seen by the viewers of this live stream that is set up to monitor the Sakurajima volcano.”

Unsurprisingly, the clip drew an enthusiastic debate about whether the lights were UFOs or not.

“That’s a fantastic capture, definitely one large one and then a smaller group following,” commented one believer.

2:20 minute video of UFOs over Kagoshima City, Japan (‘The Hidden Underbelly 2.0’ YouTube)



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China’s Qing Dynasty UFO Occurrence of 1892

Article by Dianna Clary                                     October 5, 2020                                   (

• On September 28, 1892, in the 18th year of the Guangxu Emperor’s reign in China, a crowd gathered on Zhuque Bridge, near the Confucius temple in Nanjing, Jiangsu province to see a burning ball cross the sky. The Qing Dynasty scene was the first highlighted account of a UFO occurrence in China, memorialized in a painting by Wu Youru, known as ‘Red Flame Skyrocketing in the Sky’. (pictured above)

• A translation of the 190- character description on the painting reads as follows: ” At 8 O’clock On The Night Of September 28, A Bright Red Object Appeared Suddenly In The Southern Sky Of Nanjing City. Its Shape Resembled A Gigantic Egg And It Was Traveling Gradually Eastward. The Object Was Clearly Visible In The Night Sky. Hundreds Of Civilians Were Basing On Red Sparrow Bridge, Scrambling For A Great View, Basing On Tip-Toe, Craning Their Necks Upward.”

• “It Remained For A Duration Of A Meal’s Time, Fading Into The Range Little By Little. Some Stated It Was A Meteor, But A Meteor Takes However An Instant To Slip Away, While This Ball’s Movement — From Its First Appearance In The Near Sky To The Final Disappearance In The Distance — Was Rather Stagnant. It Can Not Have Been A Meteor.”

• “Others Said It Was A Lantern-Kite That Children Flew. However The Wind Was Blowing To The North That Night While That Things Was Heading East. It Can Not Have Actually Been A Lantern-Kite Either. For A Time Everyone Spoke, But None Could Solve The Mystery. None Of The Theories Made Good Sense.”

• “An Elderly Man Stated, ‘When It Initially Developed, There Was A Minor Noise Which Was Hardly Audible, Like The Buzzing Method Of Guys Darting Across The South Gate. The Noise Was So Soft That The Majority Of People Would Have Missed It.’ He Included That The Things Soared Up Into The Sky From The Southern Outskirts Of The City. It Was So Unusual!”


On the 28th day of the 9th month in the 18 th year of the Guangxu Emperor’s reign–1892– a crowd gathered on Zhuque Bridge, near the Confucius

         Emperor Guangxu

temple in Nanjing, Jiangsu province to see a burning ball cross the sky.

The Qing Dynasty scene was tape-recorded by painter Wu Youru, whose’ Red Flame Skyrocketing in the Sky’ (赤 焰 騰 空 ‘ Chi Yan Teng Kong‘) is the first highlighted account of a UFO occurrence in China. The work has in fact ended up being a valuable historic file for UFO scientists.

Wu Youru’s ‘Red Flame Skyrocketing in the Sky’ (赤 焰 騰 空 ‘ Chi Yan Teng Kong’)

A translation of the 190- character description on the painting checks out as follows:
” At 8 O’clock On The Night Of September 28, A Bright Red Object Appeared Suddenly In The Southern Sky Of Nanjing City.

Its Shape Resembled A Gigantic Egg And It Was Traveling Gradually Eastward. The Object Was Clearly Visible In The Night Sky. Hundreds Of Civilians Were Basing On Red Sparrow Bridge, Scrambling For A Great View, Basing On Tip-Toe, Craning Their Necks Upward.

It Remained For A Duration Of A Meal’s Time, Fading Into The Range Little By Little. Some Stated It Was A Meteor, But A Meteor Takes However An Instant To Slip Away, While This Ball’s Movement — From Its First Appearance In The Near Sky To The Final Disappearance In The Distance — Was Rather Stagnant. It Can Not Have Been A Meteor.



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China’s Space Program Has ‘Outmatched’ Decades of US Space Research and Investment

Article by Eurasian Times Desk                                    October 4, 2020                                (

• Although it currently trails the United States and Russia in volume of orbiting satellites, China has been expanding its network of military intelligence satellites. Last year, it conducted 32 successful rocket launches while the US executed 21 successful launches. And China is set to launch the core module for its Tianhe space station next year. According to ‘the Center for Strategic and International Studies’, China will become a major space power by 2030.

• The US House of Representatives ‘China Task Force’ has stated that “If the PRC [People’s Republic of China] succeeds in its efforts to launch its first long-term space station module in 2022, it will have matched the U.S.’ nearly 40-year progression from first human spaceflight to first space station module in less than 20 years.” Meanwhile, the China Manned Space Agency announced last month that the first Tianhe module of China’s first crewed space station has passed a final review, and has selected the crew of eighteen astronauts for its planned 2021 launch.

• A US DoD ‘Pentagon 2020 report’ notes that “Beijing has devoted significant resources to growing all aspects of its space program, from military space applications to civil applications such as profit-generating launches, scientific endeavors, and space exploration.” Beijing’s stated defense policy is to safeguard China’s security interests in outer space, electromagnetic space, and cyberspace.

• The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is vocal about plans to establish a human base on the Moon. The US should be concerned about the technological innovations and leadership role for the CCP that could come from missions crewed by PRC-nationals to the Moon,” the Pentagon 2020 report said.

• Analysts believe that the race between the US and China to militarize space increases the risk of war between the two global powers. “China is not the Soviet Union,” Chinese air force major general Qiao Liang warned. “If the United States thinks it can also drag China into an arms race and takedown China as it did with the Soviets … in the end, probably it would not be China who is down on the ground.” “China has little choice but to enhance its own capabilities,” said Qiao. “China’s purpose to develop space capabilities, firstly, is we do not want to be blackmailed by others.”

• Qiao insists that China hopes to use space peacefully. “But if others want to oppress us by occupying the heights of space and opening up a fourth battlefield, China will certainly not accept it,” said General Qiao. China and the US have seen a military escalation in the South China Sea where Washington has deployed several warships along with the B-52 Bomber. Beijing has mirrored these actions and has threatened to take action against US provocations. But China’s space capabilities may provide a strong counter to the US Space Force, and may reduce the risk of war if tensions escalate any further.


          AF General Qiao Liang

In recent developments, the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) that works under the wing of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) announced last month that the first module of China’s space station, the ‘Tianhe’ module, has passed the final review.

Moreover, CMSA has selected 18 new astronauts to participate in the country’s upcoming space station project,

         China’s Chang’e 4 lunar mission

said a SPACENEWS report.

Out of 2,500 candidates, 18 were selected consisting of seven pilots, seven spaceflight engineers, and four payload specialists. It includes only one woman. This is the first time that the selection process was open for civilians.

Earlier in 1998 and 2010, only air force pilots were eligible to participate in the process, said the report.

With both the US and China racing to militarise space, the analysts believe is increasing the risk of war between the two global powers. “China is not the Soviet Union,” said Qiao Liang, a major general in the Chinese air force, in an interview with SCMP.

“If the United States thinks it can also drag China into an arms race and takedown China as it did with the Soviets … in the end, probably it would not be China who is down on the ground.”

Beijing’s stated defense policy is to safeguard China’s security interests in outer space, electromagnetic space, and cyberspace. “Beijing has devoted significant resources to growing all aspects of its space program, from military space applications to civil applications such as profit-generating launches, scientific endeavors, and space exploration,” stated the Pentagon 2020 report.

China who is currently trailing Russia and the US is set to become a space power by 2030. It has been expanding its network of military intelligence satellites. Last year, it conducted 32 successful rocket launches as per the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington-based think tank.

This puts China on top for the second year in a row, exceeding the 21 launches in the US in 2019.



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Skinwalker Ranch and Native American Legends

Article by Ryan Dube                                 October 2, 2020                                (

• The Sherman Ranch in Northeastern Utah, more infamously known as the ‘Skinwalker Ranch’, has a long history of paranormal phenomenon. It has been noted that the UFO “hotspots” that are located in the ‘four corners’ states of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado – where the most intense number of UFO sightings and paranormal phenomenon occur – are typically close to US military installations. Another significant correlation is the fact that many of these hotspots are located near Native American reservations, namely the great Navajo Nation.

• Regarding the tribal history of Northeastern Utah in particular, the Ute Tribe’s ancestors occupied the area for over a thousand years. In the 19th century, the Utes (among other tribes hostile to the Navajo) allied with the United States Army to carry out some of the worst atrocities against the Navajo people. In 1863, part of the ‘Canyon Chelly Campaign’ included Kit Carson and General James Charlatan attempting to starve the Navajo by placing a bounty on Navajo livestock. Ultimately, military campaigns, starvation and bribery resulted in the Navajo surrender.

• Only a few Navajo surrendered, however. Adopting a scorched earth policy, Colonel Carson and his men scouted throughout Navajo-land, chasing, killing, capturing Navajo, confiscating and burning crops, and offering food, clothing and shelter to those who surrendered. Some Navajo were permitted to keep their flocks and drive them to Ft. Stanton, aka Bosque Redondo. The troops were aided by other Native American tribes with long-standing memory and enmity toward the Navajos, chiefly the Utes.

• The Navajo finally surrender en masse in the spring of 1864. This resulted in the “Long Walk”, when over 8,000 Navajo men, women and children were forced to march for two months, over 300 miles to Fort Sumner, New Mexico. Two hundred Navajo died in this forced march. Some, however, escaped to the mountains such as Navajo Mountain and the Bears Ears. Anger and hatred grew in the Navajo hearts against the whites and the Utes. This resentment was handed down from generation to generation. Even today, Navajo ‘witches’ will conjure extra-dimensional beasts to ward off white men and Utes.

• Navajo witchcraft is apparent in stories of the Navajo “Skinwalker”. Skinwalkers were considered “wer-animals” – native people who used an animal skin to transform themselves into a particular animal. Still, anyone could see that they were not the animal, but a human in disguise.

• James Donahue, a writer who lived with a practicing witch on a Navajo reservation, relates witnessing such a shape-shifter. One evening in July 1980, he and his wife were alone at their house. Their dogs began to bark, and his wife told Donahue that there was a wolf in their yard. They tracked the wolf to an old Navajo “Hogan” or primitive structure. But as they tracked the animal, the wolf’s paw prints turned to a petite human woman’s footprints. They ended at the wall of the Hogan. It was plain to the Donahues that the woman had taken on the appearance of a wolf, then reverted back to her human body and walked through the wall of the locked Hogan structure.

• Anthropologists believe that most Native American tribes of this region are descendants of the Anasazi, or “Ancient Ones”. The Anasazi suffered a mysterious and sudden decline, much like the Mayans. Ancient petroglyphs found near Hopi villages providing a “mythical” history. The ‘Emergence Myth’ depicts spirits, or ‘kachinas’, emerging to this world through a hole in the ground at a sacred site near the Little Colorado River close to the Grand Canyon known as the ‘sipapu’.

• Las Vegas newsman and co-author of the 2005 book: Hunt for the Skinwalker, George Knapp notes that UFO events don’t begin to describe the rich array of unusual phenomena in the Skinwalker Ranch area. While Native American tribal leaders are reluctant to speak to outsiders, a local who knows the Ute tribe well told Knapp that the Utes take the tribal lore of strange creatures and sightings very seriously. Said the local, Hicks: “They think the Skinwalkers are powerful spirits that are here because of a curse that was put on them generations ago by the Navajos. And the center of the whole legend is this ranch. The Utes say the ranch is ‘the path of the Skinwalker.’ Tribal members are strictly forbidden from setting foot on the property” as Navajo ‘witches’ still conjure reality-bending, multi-dimensional magic that goes back to the days of the Ancient Anasazi.

• Tom Gorman and his wife bought and lived on the Skinwalker Ranch during the 1990s. When they first moved there, they were unloading furniture when Mrs. Gorman spotted an extremely large wolf walking across their pasture. It came right up and sat next to the Gorman’s dog. The Gormans even petted the animal. Then the wolf strolled over to the corral and grabbed a calf by the snout through the bars. Gorman and his father began beating on the wolf’s back with sticks but it wouldn’t release the calf. So Gorman grabbed a .357 Magnum pistol from his truck and shot the wolf twice at point-blank range. It dropped the calf and calmly looked at the family. Gorman shot it two more times, but the animal showed no sign of distress – or even blood. Gorman got his hunting rifle and shot the wolf again, this time causing part of its flesh fly off. But the wolf wasn’t even fazed. After a sixth shot, the wolf casually trotted across the field into a muddy thicket. Gorman and his father tracked the beast for about a mile, following its paw prints through the mud. But the tracks suddenly ended as if the wolf had simply vanished into thin air.

• When Gorman examined the chunk of wolf flesh, he said it looked and smelled like rotten meat [EN: the reanimated corpse of a wolf?]. None of his neighbors knew anything about any tame, over-sized wolves in the area. But many other witness accounts of Skinwalker sightings speak of strange misshapen, odd wolf-like creatures. A few weeks later, Mrs. Gorman encountered another wolf that was so large, its back was parallel with the top of her window as it stood beside her car. The wolf was accompanied by a dog-like animal that she couldn’t identify. Keep in mind that the appearance of the shapeshifter depends on the appearance of the human “witch” who forms the beast.

• An excerpt from Knapp’s book recounts a local describing the occurrences at a particular location: “Some very strange things have happened at the precise spot where I’m sitting. It is here that a visitor was accosted by a roaring but nearly invisible creature, something akin to the Predator of movie fame. It is here that a Ph.D. physicist reported that his mind was invaded, literally taken over, by some sort of hostile intelligence that warned him that he was not welcome. It is here that an entire team of researchers watched in awe as a bright door or portal opened up in the darkness and a large humanoid creature crawled out before quickly vanishing. And it is here that several animals–cattle and dogs–were mutilated, obliterated or simply disappeared.”

• A couple of years later, Gorman and his wife were driving on the ranch and saw something “low to the ground, heavily muscled, weighing perhaps 200 pounds, with curly red hair and a bushy tail” attacking – and almost playing with – one of their horses. When Gorman got within 40 feet of the animal, it literally vanished before his eyes. There were claw marks on the horse’s legs. Others reported seeing this beast as well.

• On another occasion, a friend was visiting the Gormans at the ranch. This visitor was alone meditating when they saw something “large and blurry” moving through the trees – not quite invisible, but camouflaged like in the Predator movie. It swiftly moved across the pasture, covering 100 yards in seconds. When it reached the man, it let out a ferocious roar. The visitor was so scared, he grabbed on to Gorman and wouldn’t let go. He has never returned to the ranch.

• On the night of March 12, 1997, barking dogs alerted the team to something lurking in a tree near the ranch house. Tom Gorman grabbed a hunting rifle and they all took off in their trucks toward the tree. At a distance of forty yards, they could see huge set of yellowish, reptilian eyes on head that had to be three feet wide. At the foot of the tree was a massive dog creature. Gorman shot at both animals. The creature on the ground vanished. The thing in the tree fell, landing heavily in the patch of snow below. When the men ran up to the tree, they found neither the animal nor any blood. They had a professional tracker come out the next day to no avail. But at the bottom of the tree, they found and photographed claw prints which they later matched to that of a prehistoric velociraptor.

• The common denominator to all of these sightings is that these creatures can be recognized from their imperfect gait, appearance and movements. In addition, sometimes the pastures would unexplainably light up at night like a football stadium, with shafts of light emanating from the ground. Others have said they’ve heard what sounded like heavy machinery operating under the earth. Tom, his son and his nephew once heard loud, disembodied male voices emanating from 20 feet above their heads, talking in some unintelligible language.

• According to Pueblo history, there are two kinds of sipapus (holes in the ground). One is the original sipapu mythology, from which the ‘First People’ emerged from the ‘Lower World’. This is the portal through which the dead pass to the spirit world. Legend has it that the dead would reemerge after a few days, their bodies revived. But today only the spirits (e.g.: ‘kachinas’) may pass through the sipapu. Secondly, Native Americans believe that the numerous small holes in the ground, or on ice/in water, are sipapus from which spirits can come up to communicate with the humans. Such holes have been found at the Skinwalker Ranch. One cold day, Gorman found many of the holes dotted around his pasture. They were perfect, concentric circles, as if scooped up by a large ‘cookie cutter’. Smaller ones were also found there.

• Special bodies of water or even special places in the landscape are often considered to be sipapus as well. A circular impression was once carved out of the ice on a pond near the ranch. It was six feet in diameter and about a quarter-inch deep into the half-inch thick ice. But there were no muddy footprints at the bank. The ice could not have supported much weight anyway.

• In 1995 and 1996, the Gormans and others reported 12 separate incidents of seeing large orange circles flying over the trees of the homestead. They would commonly see floating spheres of different sizes and colors. Gorman claims that holes would open up on the orange spheres for other smaller spheres to fly out. By early 1996, sightings of blue spheres the size of a softball, made of glass, and filled with bubbling blue liquids that seemed to rotate inside, became commonplace at the ranch. In April 1996, the Gormans watched a blue orb repeatedly circle the head of one of their horses. The horse was illuminated by an intense blue light, and there was a sound like static electricity in the air. The orb seemed to be intelligently controlled. When Gorman approached the horse with a flashlight, the orb darted off, maneuvering through tree branches with speed and dexterity.

• The Navajo refer to the use of “lightning” which they utilize through Navajo witchcraft as either positive protection or as a negative weapon. Witches can also conjure a form of magic called the “Frenzy Way” which magically influences the minds and emotions of others. The Gormans say the blue spheres seemed to generate severe psychological effects on the family. Family members felt waves of fear roll over them whenever the blue orbs appeared.

• One evening in May 1996, Gorman was outside with three of his dogs when he noticed a blue orb darting around in the field near the ranch house. Gorman urged his dogs to go after the orb. The three dogs chased and snapped at the orb, but it dodged and maneuvered just beyond their reach. The orb led the dogs out across the pasture and into the thick brush that borders the field. Gorman says he heard the dogs make three terrible yelps, then they were silent. The next morning, Gorman found there three round spots of dried and brittle vegetation. In the middle of each circle was a black, greasy lump. Gorman surmised that his dogs had been incinerated. After this encounter, the Gormans decided to sell the ranch and move.

• The famous scientist and Ufologist, Jacques Vallee, believes that UFOs are “windows” to other dimensions manipulated by intelligent, often mischievous, always enigmatic beings. Did the the Anasazi/ Ancient Ones learn to harness these “windows”? Navajo mythology speaks of a ‘trickster’ being who, through his foolish actions, reveals the limitations of the spiritual and material realities and the consequences of transgressing them for one’s own ego. According to Vallee, “The UFO phenomenon …represents a level of consciousness that we have not yet recognized, and which is able to manipulate dimensions beyond time and space as we understand them. It…generally behaves as a control system…that is subtly manipulating human consciousness.”

• With the creation of these extra-dimensional ‘windows’, a picture starts to form of a misleading and malevolent ‘trickster’ being or force that is able to pass through dimensional wormholes and enter our plane of reality at will. The Ancient Anasazi’s spiritual practices and rituals may have weakened the fabric of space and time between the spiritual worlds. The horrors and bloodshed brought by the white colonists may have created a consciousness of retaliation that gives malevolent spiritual forces free reign in this region of Northeastern Utah.


The Skinwalker Ranch in Northeastern Utah, otherwise known as the Sherman Ranch, has a long history of paranormal phenomenon. This phenomenon received the most media attention after the December 2005 publication of Hunt for the Skinwalker, a detailed book about the ranch and the NIDS investigation, co-written by Dr. Colm Kelleher and George Knapp.

The Skinwalker and Other Dimensions

The purpose of this article is not meant to outline the activities at the ranch – the NIDS investigation and Knapp’s visit to the ranch was described in great detail in Hunt for the Skinwalker.

The purpose of this article is to compare many of the phenomenon observed by the researchers at the ranch, with the long and fascinating Native American history in the area. The parallels that are uncovered when the two are placed side by side are very interesting, as well as somewhat disconcerting.

To place the phenomenon into a historical context, it’s important to explore the history of Northeastern Utah – in particular the history of the land before Europeans ever arrived and during their arrival.

Many people recognize the significance that most of the UFO “hotspots” which are located from Utah down through Arizona and New Mexico, are also located near military installations. But another significant correlation is the fact that many of these hotspots are located bordering or at least neighboring Native American reservations.

Many people don’t realize that the area of the country where most of the intense number of UFO sightings and paranormal phenomenon occur – New Mexico, Arizona and Utah – is also the location of a country within a country – the great Navajo Nation.

    the ‘Long Walk’ of the Navajo nation

THE NAVAJO NATION — A third world country

September 2002
I had not realized that there is a third world country in the USA, but there is. It is the Navajo Nation. This country is a huge area in New Mexico, Arizona and Utah that is mostly desert and mountains. I recently spent nine days in the area doing a pastors’ conference, preaching and lecturing. The country is awe inspiring for the stark beauty of the landscape.

Not only is the land beautiful – but it is rich in Native American history, culture, as well as an entire host of strange phenomenon, including UFO’s.

A Wicked Past

Anyone familiar with the infiltration of this area of the country by white settlers will recall the horrors, the slaughter, and the unimaginable actions by both the United States military and the Natives of the area.

The tribal history of Utah in particular, including the Ute Tribe, who’s ancestors occupied the area for over a thousand years, includes a great deal of tragedy and horror. It’s important to make note of the fact that the Utes allied with the United States army in attacks against the Navajo people.

The mid 1800’s saw some of the worst atrocities by the United States Army against the Navajo people of this region. In 1863, part of the Canyon Chelly Campaign included Kit Carson and General James Charlatan attempting to starve the Navajo by placing a bounty on Navajo livestock.

This is an important footnote for our following observations – that this was an important target of the whites to obtain submission from the Navajo – the reduction of Navajo livestock. Livestock are often a target of the strange UFO phenomenon – such as the cattle mutilations.

After numerous military campaigns, the conflicts with their Utes neighbors, and pressure from New Mexican allies – the resulting starvation of the Navajo, followed by the use of bribery, resulted in a massive Navajo surrender: Few Navajo surrendered and with a scorched earth policy, he [Colonel Kit Carson] and his men scouted throughout Navajoland, chasing, killing, capturing some Navajo, confiscating and burning crops, and offering food, clothing and shelter to those who surrendered. Some Navajo were permitted to keep their flocks and drive them to Ft. Stanton, aka Bosque Redondo. The troops were aided by other Native American tribes with long-standing memory and enmity toward the Navajos, chiefly the Utes.

This massive Navajo surrender resulted in an 8,000 Navajo march, called the “Long Walk”, before being incarcerated at Fort Sumner, New Mexico.

In the spring of 1864, over 8,000 Navajo men, women and children were forced to march over 300 miles to Fort Sumner, New Mexico. Approximately 200 Navajo died during the two month long march, known as the Long Walk of the Navajo.

This is an important second item to note – that those who didn’t surrender escaped to the mountains, in particular Navajo Mountain and the Bears Ears.

There they waited for the release of their relatives. It isn’t hard to imagine the anger and hatred that grew in the hearts of those who escaped the fate of the Long Walk toward the whites, and possibly toward the Ute as well.

The tradition of the Navajo to maintain an oral history means that only the Navajo truly understand the magnitude of the effect this event had on the hearts and minds of the Navajo people. The generational memory of the Navajo run deep…we can be certain that any resentment from this event has been handed down from generation to generation.



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Artemis Accords Are a First Step to a Space NATO & Future Star Fleet

Below is my video blog on the Artemis Accords signed on October 13 between the United State and seven allied nations with national space programs: Australia, Canada, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom. While the language is designed to fit into the provisions of the Outer Space Treaty ratified by UN member nations in 1967, these are bilateral accords with the US, and the UN is merely a place where the accords are placed for international recognition. 
The Artemis Accords contain mutual defense provisions if any nations experience harmful interference in their explorations of the Moon, Mars, asteroids and minor planets. This is first step towards a Space NATO, and eventually a future Star Fleet.
The choice of Artemis as the name for the accords is also very significant symbolically given what has been happening in space in terms of space weapons, false flag events, galactic slave trade, etc., by major nations such as China and rogue secret space programs. Artemis was the Goddess of the forest, hunt, Moon, and righteous behavior. The hidden intent of the Artemis Accords is to clean up these rogue space programs, ensure ethical behavior in space, and to rein in Communist China, which plans to become the undisputed hegemon on Earth and in  Space.
Michael Salla, Ph.D.

UK UFO ‘Hub’ Revealed in Declassified MoD Files

Article by Svetlana Ekimenko                                    October 4, 2020                                    (

• From the early 1950s until 2009, a department in the UK Ministry of Defence documented and investigated reports of UFOs. These documents, many of which were gathered by The Royal Air Force, had been sealed for 61 years and have been released following a Freedom of Information request. The files offer a head-spinning account of strange objects all shapes and sizes, detailed in over 620 sightings across the UK between 1959 and 2009.

• The very last UFO report published online by the MoD dates to 2009, and covers sightings that took place that year. A report dated January 2009 painted a vivid picture of a “a silver disc-shaped light”. Another one, in June that year, made mention of “up to 20 orange and red glowing lights”. In September, a witness described “three blazing gold orbs in a diagonal line in the sky”.

• One of the UK regions particularly noted for frequent “UFO sightings” over the years has been Lincolnshire, in the East Midlands. Lincolnshire was “a busy hub” for UFOs according to the MoD reports. Northern Lincolnshire witnessed more than 30 reports filed by the MoD over the years including 13 sightings in just one year.

• One Lincolnshire account described seeing a UFO with “a big red dome” and “suspicious” white lights, moving in a straight line. After being “stationary for some time, it … started moving making small erratic movements”. Another account described a quarter-of-a-mile long UFO with “three large green windows”. Yet another account depicts a “silver, cigar shaped object” with sharp “pointed wings”, a red light on one side and a green light on the other. After hovering, it swiftly disappeared.

• According to the declassified MoD files, London was at the top of the list with 54 sightings, followed by Kent (30) and Lancashire (24). The official documents are now available to read on the UK Government’s website (see here).


One of the UK regions particularly noted for frequent “UFO sightings” over the years has been revealed.

               Lincolnshire UK

Lincolnshire, in the East Midlands, was apparently a busy “hub” for Unidentified Flying Objects, according to a range of previously classified documents from a department of the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD).

Lincolnshire ranked in 15th place across all locations in the country, registering a suspected 13 eerie sightings in just one year.

Apparently, Northern Lincolnshire has witnessed more than 30 reports filed by the MoD over the years.

From the early 1950s until 2009, a department in the MoD documented and investigated reports of UFOs.

These documents, many of which were gathered by The Royal Air Force (RAF), had been sealed for 61 years and were released following a Freedom of Information request.

The files offer a head-spinning account of strange objects all shapes and sizes, detailed in over 620 sightings across the UK between 1959 and 2009.

The very last UFO report published online by the MoD dates to 2009, and covered alleged sightings that took place from January through the end of November of that year.

The descriptions of what “witnesses” saw are mind-boggling.A report dated January 2009 painted a vivid picture of a “a silver disc-shaped light”.



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Coyne UFO Incident Over Charles Mill Lake, Ohio 1973

Article by Kenny Libben                                    October 4, 2020                                     (

• On October 18, 1973, north central Ohio residents witnessed strange lights in the sky to the west over Charles Mill Lake (near Mansfield, just between Cleveland and Columbus). The next morning they were shocked to hear that a military helicopter also reported the lights in what is now known as the ‘Coyne Incident’. According to the Center for UFO Studies, the Coyne Incident is considered the most credible incident in a wave of sightings in 1973.

• At approximately 10:30 p.m. a UH-1H helicopter with the United States Army Reserve left Port Columbus en route to Cleveland Hopkins airport to the northeast. In command was Capt. Lawrence J. Coyne, a 36 year old pilot and with 19 years of flying experience. The front co-pilot was 26 year old 1st Lt. Arrigo Jezzi, a chemical engineer. Behind then sat Sergeant John Healey, 35, a Cleveland policeman and flight medic, and Sergeant Robert Yanacsek, a 23 year old computer technician.

• The night was totally clear, calm, and starry. The helicopter was cruising at 1,200 feet above the ground. Around 11 p.m., 10 miles south of Mansfield, Healey noticed a single red light to the west, flying south. A few minutes later, the red light turned toward the helicopter and began to rapidly approach. Coyne powered a descent of 500 feet per minute to avoid a collision, and contacted the National Guard aircraft tower in Mansfield to help identify the craft. Just as he heard the Mansfield Tower reply, all transmission was lost.

• Coyne increased their descent to 2,000 feet per minute but still could not outrun the approaching object coming right at them. Just as the crew braced for impact, the light halted and began hovering above and in front of the helicopter. Coyne, Healey and Yanacsek all described a cigar-shaped, slightly domed but otherwise featureless, gray metallic structure. Yanacsek described what appeared to be windows along the top of the dome. There was a red light at the bow and an indented white light at the stern, and then while the object hovered over the helicopter.

• Plexiglass windows in the helicopter’s roof allowed the flight crew to view the UFO as a green ‘pyramid shaped’ beam similar to a spotlight appeared — first passing over the helicopter’s nose and then up through the windshield and upper window panels enveloping the cockpit in green light. At the same time, the helicopter was being pulled up by the object for about 10 seconds. The UFO then accelerated off to the west, leaving the helicopter behind, before executing a turn and racing north over Lake Erie.

• The helicopter crew continued on to Cleveland, unable to determine what they saw. Coyne, who described himself as a skeptic of UFOs, admitted he couldn’t provide a reasonable answer for what happened. When Coyne contacted the Mansfield National Guard Tower, he discovered that they had no recordings of any contact with him that night — not even the initial contact — but did determine that no other aircraft were in the area at that time. Coyne had also noticed that during the incident his magnetic compass in the helicopter stopped working correctly. The maintenance crews were unable to fix it and had to replace the entire unit.

• The flight crew was awarded the National Enquirer Blue Ribbon Panel’s $5,000 award for “the most scientifically valuable report” of 1973.


 Capt. Coyne with helicopter

LOUDONVILLE — On Oct. 18, 1973, north central Ohio residents witnessed strange lights in the sky to the west over Charles Mill Lake.

The next morning they were shocked to hear that they weren’t the only ones — a military helicopter flying near

            pilot’s sketch of the UFO

Mansfield also reported the lights in what is now known as the Coyne Incident. According to the Center for UFO Studies, the Coyne Incident is now considered the most credible incident in a wave of sightings in 1973.

At approximately 10:30 p.m. a UH-1H helicopter with the United States Army Reserve left Port Columbus, en route to Cleveland Hopkins airport, 96 nautical miles to the north-northeast. In command, in the right-front seat, was Capt. Lawrence J. Coyne. He was 36 years old and with 19 years of flying experience.

At the controls, in the left-front seat, sat 1st Lt. Arrigo Jezzi, 26 years old and a chemical engineer. Behind Jezzi sat Sergeant John Healey, 35, a Cleveland policeman who was the flight medic, and the crew chief, Sergeant Robert Yanacsek, 23 years old a computer technician.

The helicopter was cruising at 2,500 feet above sea level at an indicated airspeed of 90 knots, above mixed hills, woods, and rolling farmland, averaging an elevation of 1,200 feet. The night was totally clear, calm, and starry. The last quarter moon was just rising.

Around 11 p.m., 10 miles south of Mansfield, Healey noticed a single red light to the west, flying south. A few minutes later, Yanacsek reported a single red light on the southeast horizon, assuming it was a tower beacon or aircraft port wing light, until it then turned toward the helicopter and began rapidly approaching.

Coyne quickly powered a descent of 500 feet per minute, simultaneously contacting the National Guard aircraft tower in Mansfield to check if it was one of theirs, but after the initial contact of “This is Mansfield Tower, go ahead Army 1-5-triple-4” all transmissions were lost.

Meanwhile, Coyne increased their descent to 2,000 feet per minute at a speed of 100 knots, but still could not outrun the approaching object. Just as the crew braced for impact the light halted and began hovering above and in front of the helicopter.



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Virginia Rocket Launch Site is About to Grow With the Most Successful Startup Since SpaceX

Article by Christian Davenport                                   October 2, 2020                                (

• Over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, down past Chincoteague toward the southern tip of the Eastern Shore, sits an isolated spit of shoreline near a wildlife refuge. Wallops Island, Virginia is home to one of the most unusual and little known rocket launch sites in the country.

• Wallops Island contained a naval air station during World War II. In the late 1950s, with the dawn of the Space Age, the air station morphed into the Wallops Flight Facility, serving as a test site for the Mercury space program. The facility has now reinvented itself yet again as a modern commercial space industry rocket hub launching national security missions for Rocket Lab, and is soon to launch missions to the International Space Station for Northrop Grumman. The Wallops facility is poised to become the second busiest launch site in the country, behind Cape Canaveral, which itself is on track to launch 39 rockets into orbit this year.

• Over the last 25 years, the state of Virginia has pumped $250M into the ‘Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport’. In addition, NASA has made $15.7M in upgrades to the site, including a mission operations control center, which opened in 2018. The state also contributed $15M to repair a launch pad after an Antares rocket exploded in 2014.

• Perhaps the most successful space upstart since Elon Musk’s SpaceX, Rocket Lab first considered Cape Canaveral. But Wallops was the winner because it had a facility nearby where the company could process its payloads, get the satellites ready for launch and then mate them to a rocket quickly. “The whole facility is designed for rapid launch,” said Rocket Lab CEO, Peter Beck. “And that’s a real requirement out there right now from our national security and national defense forces, to have an ability to respond to threats quickly.”

• At 60 feet tall, Rocket Lab’s ‘Electron’ rocket may be about a quarter of the size of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket. But the company hopes it will be a workhorse, launching once a month from Wallops, in flights that should be visible up and down the Mid-Atlantic. The Electron rocket has already had 14 successful launches to orbit from its launch site in New Zealand, earning a reputation for quick turnaround in an industry where getting rockets ready to fly was once a months-long endeavor. The Pentagon and NASA have taken notice.

• NASA has hired Rocket Lab to launch a small satellite to the Moon in 2021 to gather data about the thin lunar atmosphere, as a precursor for human missions. Instead of launching large, expensive satellites that stay in orbit for years and are targets for potential adversaries, the Pentagon is interested in putting up swarms of smaller, inexpensive satellites that could be easily replaced. Both NASA and DARPA are looking at Rocket Lab’s Wallops facility as a launch base having the desired short turnaround time between launches.

• While the number of launches at Wallops now is relatively low, the cadence could grow dramatically, especially as Rocket Lab gets going. And Gen. John “Jay” Raymond, chief of space operations for the US Space Force, has made it clear the department wants to rely heavily on the private sector. “We have developed a significant amount of partnerships in the national security space business,” said General Raymond during a recent event. “We share some of those partners. We share an industrial base.”

• Wallops wants to capitalize on the growth says Dale Nash, CEO and executive director of Virginia Space. “[W]e can get a few more launchpads close together in here.” “We’re urbanizing.” “One launch a month will not be a big deal.” “Once a week, once we get going, won’t be a big deal either. … We have the capability to grow to 50 or 60 launches a year.”

• Richard Branson has also gotten into the small rocket business with ‘Virgin Orbit’ that would launch a small rocket by dropping it from the wing of a 747 airplane. But while the space industry has made strides, there are still more failures than successes, especially in the early attempts to build small rockets. Rocket Lab has been the unlikely success story. Founded by Peter Beck in 2006, it today has a significant backlog of launches.

• Initially, Beck said, the company planned to ditch its rockets in the ocean, as had been the practice for decades. But like SpaceX, Rocket Lab intends to recover its first stages so they can be reused for future flights for greater efficiency. But instead of flying the boosters back to land and then firing the engines to slow it down, as SpaceX does, Rocket Lab is going to have its booster deploy a parachute to slow it down as it falls back through the atmosphere. Then it would have a helicopter retrieve it with a grappling hook.

• In addition to the NASA moon mission, Beck has long been intrigued with Venus, and planned to send a probe there to look for signs of life. The Venus mission, tentatively scheduled for 2023, would be largely self-funded and launch most likely from New Zealand. “If you can prove that there is life on Venus, then it’s fair to assume that life is not unique but likely prolific throughout the universe,” tweeted Beck.


WALLOPS ISLAND, Va. — Over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, down past Chincoteague toward the southern

                           Peter Beck

tip of the Eastern Shore, sits an isolated spit of shoreline, near a wildlife refuge, that is home to one of the most unusual, and little known, rocket launch sites in the country.

Born as a Navy air station during World War II, it has launched more than 16,000 rockets, most of them small sounding vehicles used for scientific research. But the Wallops Flight Facility, which at the dawn of the Space Age played a role as a test site for the Mercury program, is about to reinvent itself at a time when the commercial space industry is booming and spreading beyond the confines of Florida’s Cape Canaveral.

After the Federal Aviation Administration last month granted Rocket Lab, a commercial launch company, a license to fly its small Electron rocket from the facility, Wallops could soon see a significant increase in launches as the company joins Northrop Grumman in launching from this remote site. While Rocket Lab is largely focused on national security missions, Northrop Grumman launches its Antares rocket to send a spacecraft to the International Space Station on cargo resupply missions at a rate of about two a year, including a picture-perfect launch from the Virginia coast Friday at 9:16 p.m. Northrop also launches its Minotaur rocket from Wallops.

            Dale Nash

Rocket Lab wants to launch to orbit as frequently as once a month from Wallops, which would make the facility the

                Wallops Island, Virginia

second busiest launch site in the country, behind Cape Canaveral, which is on track to fly 39 rockets to orbit this year.

Hoping to give birth to another rocket hub on the Eastern Seaboard, the state of Virginia has over the last 25 years pumped some $250 million into what it calls the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport, most of that coming in the last decade, said Dale Nash, the agency’s CEO and executive director of Virginia Space. NASA has also made some significant upgrades to the site, including a $15.7 million mission operations control center, which opened in 2018.

The state also contributed to the $15 million it took to repair a launchpad after an Antares rocket exploded in 2014.

The efforts paid off when Rocket Lab, perhaps the most successful space upstart since Elon Musk’s SpaceX, announced last year it would launch its Electron rocket from here. Once NASA signs off on the company’s autonomous flight abort system, it should be cleared to launch, with a mission coming potentially before the end of the year.

Initially, Rocket Lab looked at Cape Canaveral, of course. But there are already a lot of big companies stationed there — Boeing, the United Launch Alliance and SpaceX. Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin is renovating a pad there while building a massive manufacturing facility nearby. (Bezos owns The Washington Post.)

“We ran a competitive process,” Peter Beck, Rocket Lab’s chief executive, said in an interview. In the end, Wallops was the winner because it had a facility nearby where the company could process its payloads, get the satellites ready for launch and then mate them to a rocket quickly.

“The whole facility is designed for rapid launch,” Beck said. “And that’s a real requirement out there right now from our national security and national defense forces, to have an ability to respond to threats quickly.”



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Texas Company Aims to 3D-Print Buildings on the Moon

Article by Mike Wall                                      October 2, 2020                                   (

• The Austin-based company ICON, known for 3D-printing houses here on Earth, just launched Project Olympus to develop a space-based construction system to help get a foothold on the Moon and Mars. “From the very founding of ICON, we’ve been thinking about off-world construction,” said ICON CEO Jason Ballard. “I am confident that learning to build on other worlds will also provide the necessary breakthroughs to solve housing challenges we face on this world.”

• Project Olympus recently signed a four-year, $14.55M Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) deal with the U.S. Air Force to expand the capabilities of its 3D-printing tech. NASA is contributing 15% of the SBIR funding.

• NASA’s interest in ICON’s 3D-printing construction tech is tied to the Artemis program for manned lunar exploration and permanent base on the Moon by 2030. Making this happen will require extensive use of lunar resources, including water ice (for life support and rocket fuel) and moon dirt (for building materials). A similar devotion to “living off the land” will likely be necessary for sustained human exploration of Mars.

• ICON will partner with NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama to test a variety of processing and printing technologies using simulated lunar soil. “We want to increase the technology readiness level and test systems to prove it would be feasible to develop a large-scale 3D printer that could build infrastructure on the Moon or Mars,” said Corky Clinton, associate director of Marshall’s Science and Technology Office. “The team will use what we learn from the tests with the lunar simulant to design, develop and demonstrate prototype elements for a full-scale additive construction system.”

• ICON is also teaming with two architecture firms on the program – SEArch+ (Space Exploration Architecture) and Denmark-based BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group. “To explain the power of architecture, ‘formgiving’ is the Danish word for design, which literally means to give form to that which has not yet been given form,” said Bjarke Ingels, creative director at the BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group. “This becomes fundamentally clear when we venture beyond Earth and begin to imagine how we are going to build and live on entirely new worlds.”

• “With ICON, we are pioneering new frontiers – both materially, technologically and environmentally,” Ingels said. “The answers to our challenges on Earth very well might be found on the Moon.”


                         Jason Ballard

A Texas company aims to take its innovative homebuilding approach into the final frontier.

Austin-based startup ICON, known for 3D-printing houses here on Earth, just launched Project Olympus,

                 Corky Clinton

an ambitious effort to develop a space-based construction system. The program will eventually help humanity get a foothold on the moon and Mars, if all goes according to plan.

“From the very founding of ICON, we’ve been thinking about off-world construction. It’s a surprisingly natural progression if you are asking about the ways additive construction and 3D printing can create a better future for humanity,” ICON co-founder and CEO Jason Ballard said in a company statement.

“I am confident that learning to build on other worlds will also provide the necessary breakthroughs to solve housing challenges we face on this world,” Ballard said. “These are mutually reinforcing endeavors.”

Project Olympus will get a boost from a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract that ICON recently signed with the U.S. Air Force to expand the capabilities of its 3D-printing tech.

The four-year deal is worth $14.55 million, according to the Austin Business Journal. (You can find the outlet’s story

           Bjarke Ingels

here, but it’s behind a paywall.) NASA is contributing 15% of the SBIR sum, ICON representatives told

NASA’s interest in ICON’s tech makes sense. The space agency is working, via its Artemis program of crewed lunar exploration, to establish a long-term human presence on and around the moon by the end of the 2020s. Making this happen will require extensive use of lunar resources, including water ice (for life support and rocket fuel) and moon dirt (for building materials), NASA officials have stressed.

A similar devotion to “living off the land” will likely be necessary for sustained human exploration of Mars, an ambitious goal that Artemis will inform and advance, NASA officials have said.

As part of the newly announced SBIR deal, ICON will partner with NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama to test a variety of processing and printing technologies using simulated lunar soil. The research will build upon tech that ICON demonstrated in 2018 during NASA’s 3D Printed Habitat Challenge, company representatives said.



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DARPA Awards $14M to Develop Nuclear Rocket Engine for US Military

Article by Luke Dormehl                                    October 2, 2020                                (

• The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded Gryphon Technologies $14 million to develop a nuclear thermal propulsion system for the US military rockets (similar to the one pictured above). The High-Assay Low Enriched Uranium (HALEU) Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP) system will be used to enable the military to carry out missions in cislunar space, or the area between the Earth and the orbit of the Moon.

• “A successfully demonstrated NTP system will provide a leap ahead in space-propulsion capability, allowing agile and rapid transit over vast distances as compared to present propulsion approaches,” said Tabitha Dodson, Gryphon’s chief engineer. In an NTP system, a nuclear reactor heats a propellant, like hydrogen, to extreme temperatures. It then expels it via a nozzle to create thrust. This method could be significantly more efficient than current chemical rockets, with a ‘thrust-to-weight ratio’ reportedly 10,000 times greater than electric propulsion.

• The CEO of Gryphon, P.J. Braden, said in a statement. “We are proud to support DRACO and the development and demonstration of NTP, a significant technological advancement in efforts to achieve cislunar space awareness.” The NTP system development is part of DARPA’s Demonstration Rocket for Agile Cislunar Operations (DRACO) program.

• Between this, the rise of Space Force, NASA commissioning private companies to retrieve space resources, and the continued work of companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin, space exploration is about as fast-moving and full of promise as it’s been in many years.

[Editor’s Note]  The Pentagon’s deep state infested Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency named its advanced propulsion development program “DRACO”? That is a bit on the nose, isn’t it?


The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded Gryphon Technologies $14 million to develop a nuclear thermal propulsion system for the U.S. military. Part of DARPA’s Demonstration Rocket for Agile Cislunar Operations (DRACO) program, the High-Assay Low Enriched Uranium (HALEU) Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP) system will be used to enable the military to carry out missions in cislunar space, meaning the area between the Earth and the orbit of the moon.

“A successfully demonstrated NTP system will provide a leap ahead in space-propulsion capability, allowing agile and rapid transit over vast distances as compared to present propulsion approaches,” Tabitha Dodson, Gryphon’s chief engineer on the support team and a national expert in NTP systems, said in a statement.

The militarization of space, this time largely involving the United States and China, has been in the news in recent years in a way that it hasn’t since the decades-old Space Race between the U.S. and the Soviets. The idea of using Nuclear Thermal Propulsion to power spacecraft is that a nuclear reactor utilized to heat a propellant like hydrogen to extreme temperatures, prior to expelling it via a nozzle in order to create thrust, could be significantly more efficient than current chemical rockets. It would also have a thrust-to-weight ratio that is reportedly 10,000 times greater than electric propulsion.



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Space Force Doesn’t Want to Send a Human to Do a Robot’s Job

Article by Nathan Strout                                 September 29, 2020                                 (

• While Space Force officials have tried to keep the focus on what their personnel will do on the ground to support the nation’s space assets, this hasn’t dampened public speculation as to when Space Force will they send humans into orbit. A recent recruiting ad seemingly implied its members would literally be going to space.

• But for anyone joining the Space Force to be an astronaut, Maj. Gen. John Shaw has some bad news. “I think it will happen,” Shaw said on September 29th, “But I think it’s a long way off.” Shaw serves as both commander of Space Force’s Space Operations Command and for the U.S. Space Command’s Combined Force Space Component Command. Shaw sees two big reasons why it’s not likely to happen soon: “First, space isn’t really all that habitable for humans.” “And the second is, we’re getting darned good at this robotics thing in space.”

• “You know, the best robots that humans have ever created are probably satellites — either ones that explore other planets or operated within our own Earth/moon system,” said Shaw. “GPS satellites might be among those …and we’re only getting better with machine learning and artificial intelligence. We’re going to have an awful lot of automated and autonomous systems operating in Earth and lunar orbit and solar orbit in the days and years to come doing national security space activity.”

• The Space Force and the US Air Force are investing in robotic capabilities that preclude the need for humans in space. Most notable is the Robotic Servicing of Geosynchronous Spacecraft (RSGS) program being run by DARPA (illustrated above). With RSGS, DARPA wants to develop a robotic arm that can be placed on a free flying spacecraft which can navigate up to satellites to conduct repairs, orbital adjustments, or even install new payloads. DARPA hopes to launch a robotically enhanced vehicle into orbit in late 2022, where SpaceLogistics will provide the spacecraft and DARPA will provide the robotic arm.

• The Air Force Research Laboratory is building ROBOpilot, a robot that can fly planes, completely replacing the need for human pilots. It can press pedals to activate brakes, pull on the yoke to steer, adjust the throttle, and even read the dashboard instruments to see where it is and where it’s going.

• The secretive X-37b space plane is an unmanned vehicle is currently able to take off, carry host experiments into orbit, deploy satellites, and return to earth without humans on board.

• But Shaw believes that it’s inevitable. “At some point, yes, we will be putting humans into space,” said Shaw. “They may be operating command centers somewhere in the lunar environment or someplace else that are continuing to operate an architecture that is largely perhaps autonomous.”

• In July, the Sierra Nevada Corporation announced it had received a study contract for such autonomous orbital outposts in low Earth orbit. Missions will include hosting payloads, supporting space assembly and manufacturing, microgravity experimentation, logistics, training, testing and evaluations. SpaceNews confirmed that two other companies – Nanoracks and Arkisys – have also received study contracts.

• While these orbital outposts will be unmanned for now, a Defense Innovation Unit spokesperson said that it would be interested in securing a “human rating” for future outposts. So even if humans on orbit are not part of the military’s immediate plans, it remains a tantalizing possibility. “At some point that will happen. I just don’t know when,” said Shaw. “And it’s anybody’s guess to pick the year when that happens.”


                  Maj. Gen. John Shaw

Since it was established in Dec. 2019 — and probably even before that — one question has plagued the U.S. Space Force: when will they send humans into orbit?

While Space Force officials have tried to keep the focus on what their personnel will do on the ground to support the nation’s space assets, they’ve done little to dampen speculation. The Space Force probably didn’t help itself when it released a recruiting ad earlier this year that seemingly implied its members would literally be going to space.

But for anyone joining the Space Force to be an astronaut, Maj. Gen. John Shaw has some potentially bad news.

“I think it will happen,” said Shaw during the AFWERX Engage Space event Sept. 29. “But I think it’s a long way off.”

Shaw would know. He’s been a key member of the lean staff standing up both the Space Force and U.S. Space Command, serving simultaneously as commander of the former’s Space Operations Command and the latter’s Combined Force Space Component Command. While Shaw sees humans in orbit as part of the military’s plans somewhere down the line, there are two big reasons why it’s not likely to happen soon:
“First, space isn’t really all that habitable for humans. We’ve learned that since our early space days,” he explained. “And the second is, we’re getting darned good at this robotics thing in space.”



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NASA Needs Your Help in the Search for Alien Life

Article by Becky Ferreira                                  October 2, 2020                                 (

• Since the 1990s, scientists have discovered thousands of exoplanets throughout our galaxy contain a dizzying variety of extraterrestrial environments, some of which may host life.

• On September 29th, NASA launched the citizen science project ‘Planet Patrol’ on Zooniverse, inviting volunteers to join the hunt for new exoplanets by examining images snapped by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), which has been in orbit around Earth since 2018.
• Veselin Kostov, a research scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland and the SETI Institute in California, said the project has already attracted more than 1,600 participants who have collectively delivered 100,000 individual classifications in just three days.

• “Citizen science projects are a great way to engage our built-in, never-ending curiosity about the world we live in,” says Kostov. Planet Patrol can also “promote a sense of a community pursuing the common goal of understanding the universe and our place in it.”

• The TESS satellite is designed to spot exoplanets as they pass in front of the stars they orbit, causing the star’s brightness to fade slightly. If these light dips occur at regular intervals, it’s a good sign that a planet may be present. Once the existence of an exoplanet has been confirmed, scientists can conduct follow-up observations that reveal basic properties of the distant world, including whether it might be habitable. For this reason, exoplanet-hunting is an important component of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI).

• Scientists use automated software and machine learning to sift through the hundreds of thousands of pictures TESS takes each year. These systems can flag likely exoplanets to a certain extent, but they have trouble recognizing “imposter” false transit events. For instance, binary systems that contain two stars can produce a light dip, or instrument and/or astrophysical noise that distort the TESS images, which automated processing software might accidentally catalog as an exoplanet candidate. “The human eye is very good at quickly and reliably spotting such image distortions,” says Kostov.

• Planet Patrol participants are tasked with evaluating the quality of TESS images used to distinguish between potential false positives and bona-fide planet candidates. It’s the latest of several exoplanet-hunting platforms that have benefitted from the time and dedication of amateur space enthusiasts, such as Planet Hunters and Exoplanet Explorers. Says Kostov, “My hope is that the project sparks a continuous interest in exoplanets in particular and in astrophysics in general.”


Since the 1990s, scientists have discovered thousands of exoplanets, which are worlds that orbit stars other than the Sun, revealing that our galaxy

                       Veselin Kostov

contains a dizzying variety of extraterrestrial environments, some of which may host life.

Now, NASA is inviting volunteers to join the hunt for new exoplanets by examining images snapped by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), which has been in orbit around Earth since 2018.

On Monday, NASA launched the citizen science project Planet Patrol on Zooniverse, enabling anyone with an internet connection to spot and classify likely exoplanets in TESS’ starry images.

Veselin Kostov, a research scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland and the SETI Institute in California, said the project already has more than 1,600 participants who have collectively delivered 100,000 individual classifications in just three days.

“Citizen science projects are a great way to engage our built-in, never-ending curiosity about the world we live in—be it our own planet or a planet a hundred light years away,” said Kostov in an email.

Planet Patrol can also “promote a sense of a community pursuing the common goal of understanding the universe and our place in it,” Kostov added, which is especially welcome at a time when many people are stuck at home due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

TESS is designed to spot exoplanets as they pass in front of the stars they orbit, which is known as a transit. Transits cause the star’s brightness to fade slightly, and if these light dips occur at regular intervals, it’s a good sign that a planet may be present.


1:02 minute NASA “Planet Patrol” video (‘NASA Goddard’ YouTube)



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Navy Seal Recruited as CIA Assassin Guarded Flying Saucers at S-4 Area 51

What follows is my two part series of articles originally published on July 16 and July 19, 2009, on concerning the revelations of an alleged Navy Seal who spent time at the S-4 facility at Area 51, which he described as a museum for flying saucers and aliens. The former Seal claimed that guard duty at S-4 was used as a means of “cooling down” assassins used by the CIA to permanently silence government critics and/or remove national security threats.

The whistleblower, Derek Hennessy, used the pseudonym “Connor O’Ryan” in a set of interviews with Lt Col Wendelle Stevens in 1991 that was recorded on video. Hennessy/O’Ryan provided a number of documents supporting his testimony. This was especially important since the Seal claimed that records of his Navy service had been purged from official records in a similar manner to what had earlier happened with Bob Lazar in 1989.

Col. Stevens spent a decade verifying Hennessy’s story and supporting documents before he felt confident enough about their authenticity to come forward in 2001 to discuss his investigation at two UFO conferences in Australia and the US (International UFO Congress). He says that prior to the Australia conference he received a phone call warning him not to go too far in releasing the information, but that only convinced him that Hennessy/O’Ryan was telling the truth.

The subsequent release of the video interviews in 2009 (nearly two decades later), which were edited by Rick Keefe from UFO Hypotheses, provided the general public their own opportunity to hear Hennessy/O’Ryan’s story in his own words. I described some of the contents in my original two part series.

I began to assist Steven’s investigation of Hennesy/O’Ryan after watching the video interviews, researching some of the supporting documentation, and interviewing participants such as Jim Dilettoso, who gave Hennessy/O’Ryan sanctuary on his property where the interviews took place. In my last conversation with Col. Stevens, he said that Hennessy/O’Ryan had re-emerged, but had no memories of his earlier life.

Unfortunately, on September 7, 2010, Col. Stevens passed away at his home in Tuscon Arizona, effectively bringing the investigation of Hennessy/O’Ryan to an end. Now after a decade, it appears that the timing of Col. Steven’s death is suspicious given the renewed public interest in his investigation of trained CIA assassins recruited from elite military units such as Navy Seals.

Seymour Hersch had broken the news of a pool of CIA assassins linked to former Vice President Richard Cheney, as I discussed in my first article. Stevens’ information that these CIA controlled “Black Seals” were rested between assignments at highly classified facilities housing UFO related artifacts, and that Cheney had been sighted there, took on special new significance given Hersh’s revelations.

The six hours of video interviews provide extensive details of life on the S-4 facility, what is hidden there, how assassins are recruited and rested there, and of visiting dignitaries such as Cheney and former Director of the NSA, Admiral Bobby Ray Inman. The videos are available in three parts (Vol 1, Vol 2, Vol 3)

I am republishing both articles in the series today since they add considerable information on the historical reverse engineering efforts undertaken in the USA for the development of multiple secret space programs as described in my Secret Space Programs book series. With the demise of the back in 2016, both articles are difficult to find, even using the Wayback machine. They appear in their original form with minor grammatical editing and updates where appropriate [in square brackets].

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice


Part 1 – Testimony of CIA Assassin Recruited from Navy SEALS Goes Online with Documents

On July 13 [2009], the New York Times ran a story about the CIA running an assassination squad using U.S military special forces against foreign terrorists without Congressional approval on the orders of former Vice President Dick Cheney.  The Times story confirms claims by Seymour Hersh in March 2009 that an assassination squad had been created that reported directly to Cheney using special forces personnel.

The covert CIA project was shut down by CIA Director Leon Panetta when he learned of it on June 23. Details of the project were passed on the next day to the U.S. Congress and led to furor over the reports. A statement by seven members of the House Intelligence Committee concerning the CIA misleading Congress was subsequently released.

The covert CIA program allegedly began in 2001 soon after the 911 attacks. The unfolding revelations of CIA death squads using U.S. military special forces personnel coincides with the online release of video testimony of a former U.S. Navy SEAL who said he was recruited to perform 18 assassination assignments for the CIA.

If true, the Seal’s testimony reveals that covert assassinations predate the 911 attacks, and also targeted U.S. citizens. Curiously, the assassinations were related to covert projects Dick Cheney was allegedly involved in when he was Secretary of Defense for George H.W. Bush from 1989 to 1993.

Connor O’Ryan was a pseudonym used by Derek Hennessy who claims in video testimony recorded in 1991, that he performed covert missions for the CIA in the 1980s assassinating enemies of the United States. After joining the U.S. Navy in the early 1980s, O’Ryan/Hennessy claims he joined the elite Seals and was eventually tasked to perform his covert assassination missions.

He said that targets of the assassination hits even included U.S. citizens. He described his 18th and final mission as a sergeant for the U.S. Army Green Berets stationed at the U.S. Embassy in Budapest, Hungary.

O’Ryan’s/Hennessy’s extraordinary claims were investigated over a ten year period by a retired Lt Colonel with the U.S. Air Force, Wendelle Stevens. During his investigation, Stevens was able to confirm Hennessy’s military I.D. and that he was assigned to the CIA performing covert missions. Concerned that O’Ryan/Hennessy may have been part of an intelligence operation to discredit him, Stevens did not release the initial results of his investigation until 2001.

Video testimony of O’Ryan/Hennessy is included in a set of interviews conducted with Stevens released on the internet in 2009. In the interviews, Steven’s discussed documents he had in his possession verifying Hennessy’s covert CIA missions.

One document was written on CIA letter head (see above graphic) with instructions for O/Ryan/Hennessy on his last mission. Steven’s read out the document’s contents as follows:

You are to report to the American Embassy in Budapest, Hungary. You will be received by S.A. Greywolf. As a unit you will proceed to terminate an ex S.A. David T. Johnson.

According to Stevens, the document was O’Ryan’s/Hennessy’s final hit order one month before he left his last assignment at a secret facility in Nevada.

Another document is O’Ryan’s/Hennessy’s W-2 salary statement that showed he was earning $74,000 for the CIA. Though only a sergeant he was earning the equivalent of a colonel’s salary at the time. Steven’s was able to confirm that the serial number and code word on the W-2 were active through an anonymous FBI source.

In the video Stevens mistakenly refers to the salary statement as a W-4, but a copy of the W-2 is clearly shown [see below].


Combined with O’Ryan’s/Hennessy’s recorded video testimony, the documents, if genuine, would be smoking gun evidence that a CIA assassination squad using U.S. military personnel predated 2001 and even targeted U.S. citizens.

To date, neither of the documents has been released to the public. Only video images are available. Independent document authentication still has to be conducted.

The confirmation of the W-2 by an anonymous FBI contact of Stevens is powerful support for the legitimacy of O’Brian’s/Hennessy’s story.

There is good reason, however, to be skeptical about the CIA hit order document’s legitimacy. It is difficult to accept that the CIA would be so explicit in putting on CIA stationary orders to terminate a serving U.S. military non-commissioned officer.

MJ012 Assassination Directive – Source: Majestic Documents

One could reasonably argue that such orders, if put on paper, would be done in a more cryptic manner without the CIA logo. This would be consistent with an Assassination Directive that former CIA Director Allen Dulles allegedly drafted in 1961, and was later authorized by a group responsible for covert operations called Majestic-12.

The alleged Dulles’ Assassination Directive used the cryptic phrase “it should be wet” as a code word for assassinations designed to protect Majestic-12 operations.

If indeed there has been a CIA assassination program that predates 2001, it may originate from Dulles’ 1961 draft Assassination Directive. The directive was allegedly received by the chief of CIA counterintelligence, James Jesus Angleton in 1961, and subsequently linked to the President Kennedy Assassination.

If O’Ryan/Hennessy did eliminate a serving Green Beret in Budapest in 1991 as he claims, then the authority for such an assassination may derive from Dulles’ 1961 draft Assassination Directive.

If O’Ryan/Hennessy’s CIA hit order letter is a hoax, that raises an equally perplexing question. Why would Wendelle Stevens, a long time researcher of the UFO phenomenon, be targeted in an elaborate intelligence operation to discredit him with a contrived story about CIA assassins using elite military special forces personnel in 1991? O’Ryan/Hennessy spent an extended period hiding with Stevens and associates while allegedly on the run.

During this time, a series of events occurred that persuaded those giving shelter to O’Ryan/Hennessy that he was genuinely being monitored and threatened to return voluntarily to his program. Eventually, O’Ryan/Hennessy disappeared and was not heard of for approximately a decade when he re-emerged with a new identity, and no memories of his covert activities with the CIA.

If O’Ryan/Hennessy’s testimony is even partially correct, as Stevens’ confirmation of his W-2 suggests, it would confirm the existence of an assassination team run by the CIA prior to 2001. His testimony reveals that even U.S. citizens were eliminated due to agendas of a highly classified covert operations run out of the CIA. O’Ryan/Hennessy himself apparently become a target when he shared his information with Stevens and this may have been related to his disappearance.

For the last nine months of his military service during his final assassination missions, Hennessy was assigned to a covert facility in Nevada called S-4 to perform sentry duty for a highly classified covert project. It was there that he witnessed Dick Cheney arrive one day for an inspection for a project, maintaining the secrecy of, which was related to his earlier assassination missions.

To be continued …

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

[Note Part 1 was originally published July 16, 2009 on]

Part 2 – Cheney taken inside S-4 to view flying saucers & EBE bodies

Around April 1991, Dick Cheney was taken inside a secret underground facility located in a remote area in Nevada adjacent to Nellis Air Force base to view captured flying saucers and dead extraterrestrial bodies. The startling claims were made by a former security guard at the facility who in October 1991 gave his testimony on video. The guard had documents and photos supporting his claims of working on the secret facility called S-4.

The guard, Derek Hennessy, used the pseudonym Connor O’Ryan in giving his testimony in a set of interviews with Lt Col Wendelle Stevens (USAF, ret.) and his associate Gem Cox. O’Ryan/Hennessy claims he had worked for 8/9 years as a Navy SEAL and performed various covert operations. He said that 18 of these missions were assassinations sanctioned by the CIA or other agencies. During the last nine months of his military service in 1991, he worked at the remote S-4 facility which had stringent security procedures. It appeared that the isolation and security at S-4 helped assassins hide their trail after missions.

O’Ryan/Hennessy described his work on the second level of the S-4 facility. S-4 employed approximately 75 personnel on levels 1 and 2. He said he was aware of a further two levels of the facility, but was never allowed to enter levels 3 and 4. He said that approximately 12-15 personnel worked at Levels 3 & 4. His primary duty was to guard the elevators to them which required three keys, a thumbprint and a retinal scan to open.

O’Ryan/Hennessy described the hangar facilities on level two for storing the seven flying saucers retrieved from various crash sites. There were ten hangar bays in total.

The facility was described as “the museum” suggesting it was designed to store advanced extraterrestrial technologies that had been superceded. He revealed how one or more of the flying saucers would be raised to the surface for a flight test. This would only occur when no Russian or other spy satellites were passing overhead. All testing would stop when satellites were detected.

He also described seven tubes with bodies of extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs) typically described as Grays. A biologist would regularly check the fluids to maintain the right temperature and fluid mix to maintain the bodies. In addition to the photos he showed to two witnesses, O’Ryan/ Hennessy drew pictures in his taped interview describing the facilities.

O’Ryan/Hennessy described the day Cheney visited as around the time when the U.S. was closing military bases at the end of the Cold War. Cheney was accompanied by three other officials and escorted by two base security personnel. He said Cheney only visited the first two levels of the S-4 facility and saw both the flying saucers and the bodies of dead extraterrestrials. O’Ryan/Hennessy said:

I was on level two at the time of his visit … and I watched him go in and he went into the back building and we were called up to guard the front of the hangar areas. … He saw the bodies too – the seven little grey people.

A supercomputer and photo analysis expert, Jim Dilettoso, allowed O’Ryan/Hennessy to stay at his property for a month. Dilettoso said O’Ryan/Hennessy showed both him and Gem Cox photographs allegedly taken at S-4. He saw photos of what appeared to be extraterrestrial vehicles, and extraterrestrial bodies in glass tubes.

He also saw a photo with Dick Cheney standing on a balcony allegedly inside the S-4 facility viewing the area below with the flying saucers and bodies while O’Connor/Hennessy was allegedly on duty. Dilettoso also recognized the former Director of the National Security Agency, Admiral Bobby Ray Inman (USN ret.) as one of the officials in the photo with Cheney.

How credible is O’Ryan’s/Hennessy’s testimony? The most significant documentary evidence is the W-2 obtained by Stevens [see above]. The control number (45851), Employer Identification Number (95-6593572) and Employers State ID (2464423P) were checked and confirmed by Stevens’ FBI contact.

According to the FBI contact, O’Ryan/Hennessy had been “deprogrammed and reprogrammed” after being taken back in to covert programs by the CIA and Naval intelligence on various covert assignments. The W-2 and numbers can be investigated for independent confirmation.

Furthermore, O’Ryan/Hennessy revealed many details in his video testimony to Wendelle Stevens and Gem Cox about his background and events, that can also be investigated for corroboration. Finally, O’Ryan/Hennessy stayed for a month with supercomputer and photo analysis expert, Jim Dilettoso who along with Cox witnessed his photos and a duty roster that O’Ryan/Hennessy showed him.

Dilettoso also described a bizarre incident that changed his initial skepticism towards O’Ryan//Hennessy’s amazing story. Returning from a 1991 Thanksgiving party that O’Ryan/Hennessy attended, Dilettoso found a package at the inside front gate of his ranch. Thinking it was for him, Dilettoso took it.

When it was later opened, a severed finger was found along with a threatening note directed at O’Ryan/Hennessy to return photos and other evidence of S-4. Together with other strange episodes indicating close surveillance by a mysterious group of people, Dilettoso decided it was time for O’Ryan/Hennessy to leave.

O’Ryan/Hennessy says he decided to come forward after he was told that he had contracted a virulent form of Hodgkin’s disease. Being 29 at the time, and in good health with no history of the disease in his family, he suspected that he was being set up for elimination. In retaliation, he decided to become a whistleblower and release photographs taken at S-4.

O’Ryan//Hennessy’s remarkable testimony, if substantiated, clearly reveals that Richard Cheney while Secretary of Defense, had directly witnessed S-4, and covert programs involving extraterrestrial life and technology. That may explain why George Bush deferred to Cheney during the 2000 Presidential Campaign on a question concerning when UFO information would be released: “It will be the first thing he (pointing to Cheney) will do. He’ll get right on it.”

Alas, after a tumultuous eight years as Vice-President, Cheney never chose to disclose anything about his alleged visit to S-4, and knowledge of extraterrestrial life and technology.

[Authors Note: I thank Rick Keefe for his assistance in confirming details of this article and for editorial assistance. The S-4 Informers video is available online: More information about the video and its production is available at:]

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Note: Part 2 was originally published July 19, 2009 on] [An audio version of this article is available at: ]

Australian Kelly Cahill’s UFO Abduction Story Still Stirs Passions

Article by Matt Neal                                  September 26, 2020                                  (

• August 7, 1993, Kelly and Andrew Cahill were driving through Narre Warren IN the Gippsland region of South Australia (east of Melbourne, Victoria) to a friend’s house. Along the way, Kelly noticed five or six large orange spheres lined up in a row inside a some kind of horses’ paddock enclosure. When they arrived at their destination, her husband and friends, and eventually even Kelly, laughed it off.

• But driving home on the same road at about midnight, Kelly and Andrew again saw the same lights ‘hanging above the road’. “I could then see that the orange lights were really windows (on a craft that she assumed was a horses’ paddock) . . . I could make out figures standing behind the portals,” writes Kelly. Then the object flew off ‘at incredible speed’, then again, they saw the object with the orange windows sitting to the side of the road. Kelly says that it was then that the couple’s memory went blank. Their car had travelled several hundred meters down the road without them knowing.

• In the days and weeks that followed, Kelly claimed to find strange marks on her body, including a small triangular wound below her bellybutton. She began experiencing stomach pains and night ‘visitations’ from tall black-hooded figures with glowing red eyes.

• Later, through hypnosis, Kelly learned that her husband had pulled the car over to get a better look at the ‘brightly lit object in the paddock’. Further up the road, another car had parked, its occupants standing at the edge of the field. A tall thin figure appeared in front of the (craft) and Kelly heard in her mind the being’s thoughts: ‘‘Let’s kill them’’. More beings appeared, unleashing an energy force that knocked Kelly to the ground as she screamed to her husband: ‘‘They’ve got no souls! They’re evil! They’re going to kill us!’’

• Bill Chalker of the UFO Investigation Centre in Sydney contacted Kelly Cahill. Chalker alerted a Melbourne group of paranormal investigators called Phenomena Research Australia [PRA], led by then-director John Auchettl. Auchettl interviewed Kelly many times and examined the scene of the alleged sighting near Eumemmerring Creek. He placed an ad in local newspapers in an effort to find the occupants of the second car. Remarkably, they got a response. The story from the second car was identical to Kelly’s account, but went even further, detailing experiences inside the mystery craft where they were strapped to a table and examined by the beings. The other woman also had strange marks on their bodies including the same triangular wounds near their navels.

• The PRA discovered that a third car driven by a local lawyer was witness to the ‘Eumemmerring Creek Encounter’, whose story lined up with the other witnesses. The researchers began prepping an exhaustive 300-page report that promised to reveal the truth.

• Eventually, the Australian media got wind of the story. Kelly appeared on current affairs TV show Today Tonight, and her story ran in newspapers and magazines. By 1996, Kelly was a big name on the UFO conference circuit. With every appearance, Kelly unveiled new tidbits from PRA’s forthcoming report. She published a popular book. But by 1998, Kelly had disappeared from the scene. Still, none of the other witnesses –including her now ex-husband Andrew – came out publicly to back her story. And the PRA’s extensive report was nowhere to be found.

• Aside from a brief moment of interest in 2016 when Kelly’s case was mentioned by Fox Mulder on The X-Files reboot, the Eumemmerring Creek encounter was lost to posterity. In 2020 there was still no PRA report. Auchettl hinted that ‘it was possible the PRA’s report might still come out, but not soon’. Auchettl said that “the case was so good”, however, that the report “is worthy of release.” “[But] we won’t release it [now] because once we release our report, then we become the focus of the case,” as they could not locate the witnesses to the encounter. “[S]o if we release anything, all the focus is going to be on us. We’ll get hammered.”

• Auchettl said that when Kelly and her husband began to ask for information to be taken out of the PRA report, and they refused to allow the publication of medical and psychological reports to back up their stories, the original 300-page report was whittled down to an unusable ‘100 pages or so’. Also, when Kelly went to the media and other UFO groups in early 1994, it ‘‘muddied’’ the case.

• The Sydney investigator, Bill Chalker, still believes Kelly’s story but regrets handing the case over to PRA in 1993. “There was a lot of bad blood that’s passed between them and me as a consequence of their role in this case,” said Chalker. “I’ve seen a lot of information that suggests [the investigation] was carried out … but unfortunately they didn’t [want] to share the material.” “This was an extraordinary lost opportunity.” “It was frustrating that such a promising case was caught up in a situation where the group involved (PRA) chose not to make their data available.” Chalker said that UFO enthusiasts had a right to feel disappointed by PRA keeping their research secret. “I can understand the reaction from various members of the UFO research community.”

• As for Kelly Cahill, she dropped off the radar around 1998. In the early 2000s, she called Chalker and sent him ‘three large archival boxes’ of files, and left the country. She is now back in the Latrobe Valley in Gippsland, the same region that her ‘‘encounter’’ happened. She did not respond to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s request for an interview. “She really wanted to …put all this behind her,” says Chalker. When she realized that she was going to be the only one that was going to go public on this, and that the PRA wasn’t backing her up, she felt less confident about being the constant contact point on the case, and backed away from the media spotlight.

• While it’s unclear how Kelly Cahill feels about it all today, for a lot of UFO enthusiasts her case is either the one that got away or, worse, another one that never really was.


If her story is to believed, on August 7, 1993, Gippsland woman Kelly Cahill saw a UFO and beings from another world.

As detailed in her in 1996 book Encounter, Ms Cahill’s case had all the hallmarks of the classic alien abduction story of the era – lost time, strange spaceships, bright lights, inhuman creatures and inexplicable marks on her body.

But her story had something other alien visitations didn’t – independent witnesses who could potentially back up her story.

Along with her then-husband Andrew, who was in the car with her on that fateful night on Melbourne’s south-eastern fringes, there were reportedly four other people in two separate cars who would be able to verify her otherworldly claims.

Kelly Cahill’s drawing of the beings

Because of its multiple witnesses, the incident was hailed as the “holy grail” of alien abduction stories by UFO

                  Kelly Cahill

researchers and enthusiasts.

It was the one with the potential to provide definitive proof, once and for all, that the truth was out there.

Cult TV show The X-Files even referenced the case in an episode.

But 27 years on, the truth about the so-called Eumemmerring Creek encounter is anything but clear.

A detailed report into the claims was never released, the other witnesses never came forward publicly, and Ms Cahill disappeared from public view.
So was her ‘encounter’ a missed opportunity, or just another UFO hoax?


‘Hooded figures with glowing eyes’

              Bill Chalker

According to Ms Cahill, she and her then-husband Andrew were driving along the Belgrave-Hallam Road in Narre Warren on that fateful winter’s night in 1993.

They were en route to a friend’s house when Ms Cahill saw in a paddock a row of five or six large orange lights on a ‘distinct circular shape . . . like nothing I had ever seen before’, she wrote in her book.

When they arrived at their destination, her husband and friends, and eventually even Ms Cahill, laughed it off.

But about midnight, driving home on the same road, she and Andrew apparently saw what she believed to be the same lights ‘hanging above the road’.

early Kelly Cahill interview



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