Article by Patrick Knox November 16, 2019 (
• On October 1st 1995, fishermen Fernando Beserra and Wilson da Silva Oliveira were gathering their nets into their boat along the Piacabucu River near the city of Santos, Brazil when they saw a brightly lit UFO with a “yellowish hue” over their heads, landing just a few meters away. Said Beserra, “On the lower part of the UFO there was a number spinning lights.” As the object passed over them, their boat’s engine stopped. Oliveira was so frightened that he hid in the bottom of the boat. Beserra watched the UFO rise again and move to a small island where it landed. The speed of the object convinced them it was not a balloon but something otherworldly.
• Beserra got the boat’s engine started again and they made their way home as fast as they could to tell their relatives about the incident. At dawn the next day, the two fishermen returned to the scene and found indentations in the soil and grass, flattened in a clockwise circular formation 18 feet in diameter. There were also four proportionately distributed marks from the object’s rectangular support legs, each measuring 10cm by 15cm and sinking 1.5cm into the soil. They believed the UFO was much heavier and may not have put all its weight into the soft ground.
• The fishermen reported their sighting to the newspaper The Tribuna in Santos. Experts from the National Institute of Aerospace Phenomenab immediately launched a probe and took plaster molds of the landing marks. Soil and vegetation samples were also taken. Traces of radiation were detected. Tests were also conducted showing that seeds planted in the soil sample from the burnt circle of the UFO germinated better than seeds planted in the soil taken just outside of the circle. It was clear to the researchers that the marks on the ground were not from conventional helicopters or aircraft. The Santos Military Air Base stated that it had no aircraft in the area at the time.
• The sighting was classified as a ‘Close Encounter of the Second Kind’, because of the marks and broken vegetation left on the ground, the electromagnetic effect it had on the boat’s engine, and the eye irritation and diarrhea later reported by the fishermen.
• Brazil’s leading UFO investigator Thiago Thichetti, who has been researching the phenomenon for more than 22 years, has written about the case in his new book UFO Contacts in Brazil. Thichetti says that the two fishermen “have constantly stuck to their story. …[T]here is little doubt in what they had to say.”
A UFO left strange landing marks on the ground and burnt the grass during a harrowing close encounter with two terrified fishermen in Brazil.
These photos, which have never been made public before, show the strange indentations in the soil and grass flattened in a circular formation.
artist’s depiction of UFO encounter on riverbank
Fishermen Fernando Beserra and Wilson da Silva Oliveira were gathering their nets when they saw the bright UFO land just a few metres away.
indentation where UFO landed
They thought it was a balloon at first, but when the speed of the object convinced them they were faced with something otherworldly.
According to the terrified witnesses, the UFO landed on an island called Ilha do Major, Soa Vicente, near São Paulo.
The UFO left marks on the ground and traces of radiation.
Fernando said: “When the light was over our heads, it changed direction and went to an a small island, where it landed.
“On the lower part of the UFO there was a number spinning lights.”
Wilson Oliveira added: “I almost died of fear. I hid in the bottom of the boat.”
The UFO had a yellowish hue and was so intense the two frightened fishermen tried to flee, but bizarrely they say their boat’s engine stopped as the object passed over.
Fernando said: “We made about ten attempts until the engine started and then we left as fast as we could.
“We could see that the UFO had landed on a small island located between us and the mangroves of the Piaçabuçu river.”
After the scare, Fernando and Wilson made their way back home to tell their relatives.
At dawn the next day, the two fishermen returned to the scene and noticed a circular mark where they believed the UFO had landed.
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• In October 2019, Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’ entered into a partnership with the US Army to study an exotic ‘meta-material’. (See previous ExoArticle here) So where did this exotic material come from?
• In the summer of 1947, (just prior to the infamous Roswell crash of July 4, 1947) locals found a wedge-shaped craft that had crashed near the White Sands proving grounds in New Mexico where two dead aliens were discovered and one that was still alive. One local man yanked a piece of the metal off of the craft as a souvenir. The man gave the piece of metal to his grandson who became a sergeant in the US Army. In 1996, this anonymous sergeant turned the metal over to Art Bell, the late host of Coast to Coast AM, and investigative journalist and UFO researcher Linda Moulton Howe (pictured above).
• Moulton Howe took the piece of bismuth magnesium alloy to Carnegie Science’s Department of Technical Magnetism to have it assessed. The findings at the time were inconclusive. Then she took the metal sample to the chair of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Austin Texas, Dr. Hal Puthoff. Again, the tests were inconclusive. Puthoff did suggest that another test could be done with special instrumentation. It was hypothesized that if you blasted the metal with enough terahertz of magnetic field energy, it would cause it to float. Tom Delonge repeated this in a podcast interview with Joe Rogan.
• Moulton Howe allowed ‘To The Stars Academys’ scientists, including Puthoff, further attempts to test the metal without success. Then in July 2018, ‘To The Stars’ COO and former director of Lockheed Martin’s Skunkworks, Steve Justice gave Moulton Howe a phone call. Justice said that the US Army might be interested in studying the metals. The US Army Ground Vehicle Systems Center had a Materials Analysis and Electro-Magnetic Spectrum laboratory. The Army was interested in blasting the meta-material with magnetic fields to elicit a “demonstrable physical phenomena.” ‘To The Stars Academy’ would partner with the US Army, and they hoped that Moulton Howe would come to San Diego and deliver the piece to them. The Army wanted to apply any resulting physical phenomenon to its ground vehicle applications.
• Moulton Howe estimated that she’d spent about $900 to $2,000 a year from 1996 to 2019 “in all the various things that I’ve done.” Finally, she decided that her only option was to sell the pieces of metal to ‘To The Stars’ and the US Army. Said Moulton Howe, “I don’t want to stop what may be the only way they’re going to be able to test this.” She offered the metal for $35,000, which the buyers considered a low figure. In its September 2019 SEC filings, ‘To The Stars’ reported that it had paid $35,000 for ‘exotic’ meta-materials in July.
• Downplaying the exotic nature of this meta-material, Dr. Chris Cogswell, a PhD in Chemical Engineering who hosts the Mad Scientist Podcast said that he believes that this type of ‘exotic’ metal alloy is “made by mistake in metallurgy facilities all the time” by using magnesium to remove bismuth according to the Betterton-Kroll process.
The UFO researcher who sold bits of ‘exotic’ metal to former Blink-182 singer turned UFO mogul Tom DeLonge for $35,000 explained to Motherboard why she parted with the artifact and what will happen to it now.
In 2017, the New York Times ran an article about a secret Pentagon UFO program known as the “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.” The article noted that aerospace billionaire Robert Bigelow, whose interest in UFOs is no secret, modified buildings to house “metal alloys and other materials…that [allegedly] had been recovered from unidentified aerial phenomena.” Earlier this year, DeLonge’s UFO outfit To The Stars Academy paid $35,000 for ‘exotic’ metamaterials according to its September SEC filings.
Linda Moulton Howe with Art Bell
TTSA bought the metals from Linda Moulton Howe, a UFO researcher, in order to “conduct rigorous scientific evaluations to determine its function and possible applications,” the company said in a press release in July. In October, the company entered into a partnership with the US Army to research the metal and also study some pretty wild science, such as active camouflage, inertial mass reduction, and quantum communication.
Dr Hal Puthoff
In an interview, Moulton Howe said that she and Art Bell, the late host of Coast to Coast AM, acquired the metal in 1996, along with a handful of letters from an alleged sergeant in the United States Army who still remains anonymous. Moulton Howe has made some pretty wild claims about the metal: She says that the sergeant’s grandfather yanked the metal off a wedge-shaped craft that crashed in 1947 near the White Sands proving grounds in New Mexico. She has also publicly claimed that the crash recovery team discovered two dead aliens and one that was still alive.
Moulton Howe and DeLonge both believe that, by blasting the metals with a magnetic field, it will float: “They had a piece and they explored whether magnetic fields would cause it to turn into a lifting body. Different frequencies,” Moulton Howe said. These are the same materials mentioned by DeLonge on his Joe Rogan interview where he stated, “if you hit it with enough terahertz, it’ll float.”
In any case, the metal is of interest to not only DeLonge and Moulton Howe, but also to the US Army, which told Motherboard that it would be studying metals like it by blasting it with magnetic fields and looking for “demonstrable physical phenomena.”
“The USG and US Army Ground Vehicle Systems Center has broad ranging Materials Analysis and Electro-Magnetic Spectrum laboratory capabilities at our disposal,” Jerry Aliotta, a U.S. Army spokesperson, told Motherboard. “There are materials and technologies of interest that TTSA possesses that we will evaluate and exploit.”
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Article by Tim McMillan November 12, 2019 (
• Popular Mechanics magazine and website recently assembled five former sailors who served with the USS Nimitz carrier group and witnessed first hand the Navy’s November 2004 encounter with ‘tic tac’-shaped UFOs, one hundred miles off of the coast of San Diego. Gary Voorhis, Jason Turner, P.J. Hughes, Ryan Weigelt, and Kevin Day were all featured in the documentary film The Nimitz Encounters.
• In November 2004, Gary Voorhis was a Petty Officer 3rd Class on the USS Princeton guided missile cruiser on a routine training exercise. Voorhis was a six year veteran having served two combat tours. They were getting the “kinks out” of the ship’s new Spy-1 Bravo radar system. Voorhis was told by radar techs that they were getting “ghost tracks” and “clutter” on the radars. As a system technician, Voorhis was concerned about a possible malfunction. The air control systems were re-calibrated. But the ghost tracks were only clearer. Said Voorhis, “Sometimes they’d be at an altitude of 80,000 or 60,000 feet. Other times they’d be around 30,000 feet… Their radar cross sections didn’t match any known aircraft. …No squawk, no “IFF” (Identification Friend or Foe).”
• Kevin Day was the Princeton’s Combat Information Center Operations Specialist Senior Chief. It was his job to protect the airspace around the strike group. Day noticed strange radar tracks near San Clemente Island. But they were appearing in “groups of five to ten at a time and they were pretty closely spaced to each other,” said Day. “[They] were 28,000 feet going a hundred knots tracking south.” Ryan Weigelt remembers Senior Chief Day’s name being called over the comms.
• In the meantime, Voorhis was watching the highly precise radar returns. He would plot the UAP’s position, run up to the bridge, grab a pair of heavily magnified binoculars, and could faintly see the UAPs hovering there in broad daylight. [T]hen all of a sudden,” says Voorhis, “in an instant, they’d dart off to another direction and stop again.” “At night, they’d give off a kind of a phosphorus glow and were a little easier to see than in the day.”
• By November 14th, the strange returns had been continuously showing up for close to a week. With an air defense exercise scheduled for that morning, Day convinced his commanding officer to let him direct aircraft to attempt an intercept of these anomalous radar returns. Squadron Commander David Fravor was sent to engage with what Fravor would later describe as “an elongated egg or a ‘Tic Tac’ shaped” flying object, 46 feet long.
• Voorhis, Day, and the rest of the Princeton listened to the live comm chatter, as the UAPs effortlessly evaded the two fighter jets by demonstrating “an advanced acceleration, aerodynamic, and propulsion capability.” Outmaneuvered, Fravor and his wingman returned to the USS Nimitz. Another F/A-18 was sent to the intercept point. Lieutenant Chad Underwood would record the infamous “tic tac” video which would be released by ‘To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science’ and the New York Times in December 2017.
• While delivering supplies to the ship’s Signal Exploitation Space, former Petty Officer 3rd Class Jason Turner happened to see a video display of the tic tac object which was not part of the brief video released to the public. (see FLIR1 video below) Said Turner, “This thing was going berserk… It made a maneuver, like they were chasing it straight on,… then this thing stopped turning, just gone. In an instant. The video you see now, that’s just a small snippet in the beginning of the whole video. But this thing, it was so much more than what you see in this video.” Weigelt and Voorhis confirmed that the video they watched was far longer – 10 minutes – and clearer than the released version.
• Petty Officer Patrick “PJ” Hughes job on the Nimitz carrier was to secure inside a safe the hard drive data recorders from the airborne early-warning aircraft, the E-2 Hawkeye, which contains the plane’s operational software and recorded data that the aircrew sees during flight. He was unaware that the Hawkeye had encountered the tic tac UFOs. Hughes was visited by his commanding officer and two unknown individuals who ordered him to give them the data recordings for the AEGIS system, and then they left. He was told that the ship’s advanced Combat Engagement Center along with the optical drives with all the radio communications had been wiped clean. Voorhis remarked, “They even told me to erase everything that’s in the shop—even the blank tapes.”
• Weigel reports that the two unknown individuals wearing generic flight suits also visited the USS Princeton, went to the Admirals Quarters and posted a guard at the door. Pilot David Fravor has acknowledged that his squadron’s video tapes of the “Tic Tac” intercept had mysteriously vanished. But he never saw any ‘unidentified’ personnel removing data recorders and conducting an investigation, and he himself was never interviewed. Fravor calls all of that “bullshit”.
• The enlisted witnesses were disappointed to hear Fravor suggest some of their accounts are inaccurate. They all stand by their experiences, and also support Fravor’s account. Paco Chierici, a former F-14 pilot and the person credited with first sharing the news of the Nimitz UAP encounter in a 2015 Fighter Sweep article, had this to say: “The combination of those aviators, the Princeton Aegis Radar operators, and the E-2 crew convinced me beyond a doubt of the veracity of the story.” “I know those people and how that world works. There is no way it could have been fabricated or misinterpreted.”
• Popular Mechanics was able to locate a previously unknown witness who was with the Nimitz carrier group in 2004, but asked to remain anonymous. He says he was an Operations Specialist aboard the USS Princeton. Says this witness, “What really made this incident alarming was when a Blackhawk helicopter landed on our ship and took all our information from the top secret rooms.” “We were all pretty shocked and it was an unspoken rule not to talk about it because we had secret clearances and didn’t want to jeopardize our careers.”
• Since none of the witnesses or pilots involved say they were ever interviewed at the time, it appears the most significant concern for the ‘two unknown individuals’ who showed up after the incident was the ship’s electronic data. Nick Cook, the former aviation editor for Jane’s Defense Weekly, says there are a number of reasons why personnel might have boarded ships and seized electronic data. “It could mean it was sensitive information.” But in Cook’s opinion it is unlikely this was some sort of classified test or exercise. Says Cook, “It would be so against the norm of my experience with how the black world conducts testing.” Cook also says that it’s possible, but not likely, that the “Tic Tac” was some type of classified drone. “I searched for 10 years, and never found any compelling evidence that the type of technology exists.” “In the balance of probabilities, I don’t think it’s ‘ours’.”
• This is a portion of the Executive Summary filed on the Nimitz encounter.
The five men share an easy rapport with each other, playfully ribbing one another while also communicating a deep sense of mutual respect. It’s clear they all share the bond of having once served in the armed forces. Yet for Gary Voorhis, Jason Turner, P.J. Hughes, Ryan Weigelt, and Kevin Day—assembled together (right) in a private group chat by Popular Mechanics—something much bigger ties them together beyond simply serving in the U.S. Navy.
These men also share a connection of being witnesses to one of the most compelling UFO cases in modern history: the Nimitz UFO Encounters, an event that the Navy recently confirmed indeed involved “unidentified aerial phenomena.”
Largely overshadowed by a grainy black-and-white video, and a former Topgun fighter pilot eyewitness, these veterans offer new and intriguing details on what occurred with the Navy’s Strike Carrier Group-11 as it sailed roughly 100 miles off the Southern California coast in 2004—details that a former career intelligence agent who investigated the Nimitz Encounter while at the Pentagon can neither confirm, deny, or even discuss with Popular Mechanics.
Ultimately, these five men—the “other” Nimitz witnesses—could be key to understanding an event that a leading aviation defense expert says “likely wasn’t ours.”
So whose was it?
image of “tic tac” ufo
Stationed on the USS Princeton, a Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser, as the Nimitz carrier group went underway in early November 2004 for a routine training exercise, this would be the last time former Petty Officer 3rd Class Gary Voorhis would set sail aboard a Navy vessel.
Having already done almost six years in the Navy, including two combat tours, Voorhis was ready to transition to life outside the world of passionless grey metal hulls and vast leavening seas.
“The group was going to be deploying in a few months and there was a bunch of new systems, like the Spy-1 Bravo radar,” Voorhis tells Popular Mechanics. “It was really about getting all the kinks out.”
While chatting with some of the Princeton’s radar techs, Voorhis says he heard they were getting “ghost tracks” and “clutter” on the radars. For Voorhis, the Princeton’s only system technician for the state-of-the-art Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) and AEGIS Combat System, news of these systems possibly malfunctioning was especially concerning.
Fearing the ship’s brand new AN/SPY-1B passive radar system was malfunctioning, Voorhis says the air control systems were taken down and recalibrated in an effort to clear out—what’s assumed to be false radar returns.
“Once we finished all the recalibration and brought it back up, the tracks were actually sharper and clearer,” Voorhis says. “Sometimes they’d be at an altitude of 80,000 or 60,000 feet. Other times they’d be around 30,000 feet, going like 100 knots. Their radar cross sections didn’t match any known aircraft; they were 100 percent red. No squawk, no IFF (Identification Friend or Foe).”
Sitting in the Princeton’s Combat Information Center (CIC), Operations Specialist Senior Chief Kevin Day was tasked with the critical role of protecting the airspace around the strike group. “My job was to man the radars and ID everything that flew in the skies,” Day said in the documentary film The Nimitz Encounters.
On or around November 10, 2004, roughly 100 miles off the coast of San Diego, Day began noticing strange radar tracks near the area of San Clemente Island. “The reason why I say they’re weird [is] because they were appearing in groups of five to 10 at a time and they were pretty closely spaced to each other. And there were 28,000 feet going a hundred knots tracking south,” Day said in the documentary.
In another YouTube clip, Ryan Weigelt, the former Leading Petty Officer and power plant specialist for the SH-60B “Seahawk” helicopter, recalled the tone aboard the missile cruise at the time.
“Senior Chief Day, his name, was being called over the comms, no bullshit, every two minutes.” Weigelt said. “I recall hearing something, like a big, real-world scenario was going on, but I just didn’t really understand.”
While Day and the Princeton’s air traffic controllers continued to monitor the strange radar returns, Voorhis says he began to take the opportunity to use the ship’s advanced tracking systems to catch a glimpse of whatever these objects were.
“When they’d show up on radar,” Voorhis says, “I’d get the relative bearing and then run up to the bridge and look through a pair of heavily magnified binoculars in the direction the returns were coming from.” Describing what he saw during the daytime, Voorhis says the objects were too far off to make out any distinguishing features, however, he could clearly see something moving erratically in the distance.
“I couldn’t make out details, but they’d just be hovering there, then all of a sudden, in an instant, they’d dart off to another direction and stop again,” Voorhis says. “At night, they’d give off a kind of a phosphorus glow and were a little easier to see than in the day.”
2:45 minute “FLIR1” video of “Tic Tac” UFO off of San Diego in 2004 (‘To The Stars Academy’ YouTube)
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Article by Wilson da Silva November 13, 2019 (
• A decade ago, the organizers of Australia’s National Science Week wanted to promote its annual ten day event and they dreamed up the project called ‘Hello From Earth’. The project would be a “Twitter to the stars” where they would collect short personal messages from the public, package them into a single transmission, and send them to the nearest habitable planet beyond our solar system. Now, ten years since the NASA transmission of these goodwill messages, they have passed the halfway mark on their long journey through the cosmos.
• The ‘Hello From Earth’ organizers chose as its communication target a “super-Earth” orbiting the habitable zone of its parent star 20.4 light-years away known as Gliese 581d. The interstellar Tweet was scheduled for August 28, 2009, utilizing three facilities within NASA’s Deep Space Network that together represented the largest and most sensitive scientific telecommunications system in the world. They included a transmission facility near Madrid, Spain, another in Barstow, California, and the Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex in Australia. The transmission was repeated twice over two hours with a combined power of over 300 billion mobile phones at once.
• “[T]here’s no statute covering interstellar messages, and no-one has jurisdiction over transmissions,” said Paul Davies of Arizona State University who also chaired SETI’s Post-Detection Subcommittee. While there is no permission required to transmit an interstellar message, responding to an extraterrestrial signal requires the approval of the SETI Subcommittee. But even the transmission of signals into space will upset some people who consider it unwise and potentially catastrophic to invite an alien invasion. As humans have been inadvertently transmitting signals into space since the 1930s from television broadcasts to military radar, most scientists don’t object to interstellar texting. Technologically advanced extraterrestrials would already know we’re here.
• In 1974, the Arecibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico was the first to intentionally broadcast an interstellar message to a star 25,000 light years away. There have been 31 such messages sent out to the cosmos. One was sent in 2008 from the facility outside of Madrid to commemorate the 50th anniversary of NASA. It also happened to be the 40th anniversary of the recording of the Beatles song, “Across the Universe”. Hence it was selected for transmission — with approval from Paul McCartney, Yoko Ono, and Apple Records. The song was transmitted to Polaris, “the North Star” 431 light years away.
• NASA approved the ‘Hello from Earth’ proposal just eight days before the start of National Science Week. Organizers quickly built a website and invited people to offer messages for transmission. Australia’s science minister, Kim Carr, submitted the first message: “Hello from Australia on the planet we call Earth. These messages express our people’s dreams for the future. We want to share those dreams with you.” The website was bombarded with visitors from all over the world. In all, 25,880 messages were encoded into a binary signal at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California and sent into space. (See a sampling of the messages below)
• NASA insisted on a very high level of decorum in the cosmic messages: nothing remotely suggestive, no risque humor or anything aggressive. When, in 1973, NASA sent a plaque with the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 space probes, it included an illustration of a naked man and woman. NASA received complaints from members of US Congress, and newspapers ran letters objecting to NASA “exporting pornography to the stars”.
• It’s mind-boggling that we sent goodwill messages from a random selection of humans to a potentially habitable planet that might have a technical civilization. The chance that the messages reach an intelligent civilization on the distant exoplanet is highly unlikely, but it’s not zero. If a reply does come, it will arrive decades from now.
• What would you say to an alien civilization on an Earth-like planet far, far away? Here are some of the messages that were sent in August of 2009:
– “Greetings from a girl on Earth who, every so often, looks up at the night sky and waves hello in the hope that someone on another planet is doing the same.” – Sophie of Longmont, Colorado
– “If you come to Earth, look into: music, the beach, ice cream, hugs, family, love, dancing, cheese, trampolines, friendship, books and dreams. Just for a start.” – Tamasin, Richmond, Australia
– “If someone is reading this, I hope that our children will someday have the privilege of meeting one another.” — Tegan Larsen, San Antonio, United States
– “What do you see when you look up into the sky? Do you feel small and lonely, just like us? From now on, I can assure you one thing: you are not alone. Be happy.” – Sergio Camalich, Hermosillo, Mexico
– “Hello Baba, if you are out there I love you and hope you are watching me. I wonder if when you died you went to this planet.” — Liam Oliver, Coogee, Australia
– “All our petty disputes, disagreements and wars fade into insignificance when we consider our tiny world’s place in the cosmos.” — Silvio Zarb, Melbourne, Australia
– “There is only one thing bigger than this vast universe, the desire to discover. I hope I discovered you.” — T.S.M., Skopje, Macedonia
– “My aim of contacting you is to seek your assistance in transferring the sum of thirty-five million US dollars out of Nigeria and into your trusted bank account abroad.” – Hapatikiatwengo, Australia
– “Hi there. Sorry about the Outer Limits; hope you enjoyed I Love Lucy. Have you got all our missing socks? Love, Earth.” — Fred Mason, Roberts Creek, Australia
What would you say to an alien civilisation on an Earth-like planet far, far away?
“Greetings from a girl on Earth who, every so often, looks up at the night sky and waves hello in the hope that someone on another planet is doing the same.”
This message from Sophie of Longmont, Colorado, in the United States, is just one of almost 26,000 sent from Australia to an Earth-like planet 20 light-years away.
It’s been a decade since NASA transmitted these goodwill messages, and this week the transmission passed the halfway mark on its long, lonely journey through the silent cosmos.
The project, called Hello from Earth, began as a science communication campaign to get people excited about Australia’s National Science Week.
Those of us running the annual 10-day event were looking for an idea that would create a buzz on social media.
We decided on a kind of “Twitter to the stars”. We would collect short messages from the public and transmit them to the nearest habitable planet beyond our solar system.
Each message would be short, later packaged into a single transmission and sent using one of NASA’s facilities.
Our target was Gliese 581d, a “super-Earth” orbiting the habitable zone of its parent star.
First detected in 2007, studies in 2009 suggested it could have large oceans.
And since it was 20.4 light-years away, it would help give people a real appreciation of just how big the universe is.
“If you come to Earth, look into: music, the beach, ice cream, hugs, family, love, dancing, cheese, trampolines, friendship, books and dreams. Just for a start.” — Tamasin, Richmond, Australia
‘It might trigger an invasion’
When I suggested the idea, the bureaucrats involved with National Science Week were intrigued, if a little sceptical, but asked me to explore it.
Paul Davies
In the months that followed, I had conversations with sometimes quizzical senior CSIRO staff, leading astronomers and US government officials, negotiating terms and agreeing to specifications.
Surprisingly, we didn’t need approval to transmit an interstellar message — but we would have if we wanted to respond to an extraterrestrial signal.
You can understand why: if an extraterrestrial signal is received, you can’t have everyone with a high-gain antenna answering back.
So who speaks for Earth? That turned out to be the SETI Post-Detection Subcommittee, which at the time was chaired by astronomer Paul Davies of Arizona State University, an old friend and former colleague.
“What do you think?” I asked in an overnight phone call after explaining Hello from Earth.
“Will we breach any unwritten rules in the scientific community?”
“Well, there’s no statute covering interstellar messages, and no-one has jurisdiction over transmissions,” Davies said from his home in Tempe, Arizona.
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• Stephen Bassett has been campaigning since 1996 for the US government to end the “truth embargo” and declassify its knowledge of extraterrestrials and UFOs. He is the Executive Director of the Paradigm Research Group which lobbies Congress for disclosure of the UFO phenomenon. In an exclusive Daily Star interview, Bassett said that “NASA was formed in 1958 by the Space Act, and by then the government was already well aware of the extraterrestrial presence.” But since the Russians were developing their space agency, the US needed to create a comparable civilian space agency.
• The drafters of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 realized that the space agency would “very likely” encounter the UFO/ET phenomenon which government insiders were intent on keeping a secret. So they included a clause in the Space Act that should NASA encounter anything that affected national security, they must say and do nothing and turn it over to the Department of Defense. Since the very existence of ET and UFOs is a matter of national security, this effectively prevented NASA from talking about UFOs at all.
• Bassett expressed his sympathy for NASA personnel. NASA’s ‘hands are tied’, said Bassett. “They have been in a really tough spot.” “The (UFO and extraterrestrials) are out there, (NASA) probably sees things, but they can’t address it. It has to go to the Pentagon.” And so NASA has to lie to the public in order to obey the federal law. NASA is a “victim” of the ‘truth embargo’ says Bassett. “I greatly respect NASA, but they are in an impossible position.” “Since 1958, NASA has been between a rock and a hard place.”
• Many researchers suspect that whenever a UFO turns up on NASA’s live feed from the International Space Station, that they must deliberately cut the feed and blame it on a ‘loss of signal’.
• Bassett says that if the existence of aliens were publicly revealed, rendering the government’s truth embargo moot, then NASA would throw a party. This would be a “massive boom” for NASA. By lifting this secretive posture, says Bassett, “interest in space and space research (would) expand and explode. NASA will be the recipient of that.” So the day after the government finally confirms the ET presence, “… they will be throwing some serious parties at various NASA facilities around the country”.
NASA has its “hands tied” and is forced to cut the International Space Station (ISS) live feed when UFOs turn up, according to a campaigner who has studied alleged alien phenomena for years.
Conspiracy theorists have often claimed the US space agency covers up the existence of extraterrestrial life by terminating the live feed from the ISS at the exact time UFOs appear.
This has never been proven and, according to the message that pops up when the feed is cut, it is simply down to a “temporary loss of signal with the International Space Station”.
Stephen Bassett
But Stephen Bassett, who has been relentlessly campaigning since 1996 for the government to declassify its supposed knowledge of aliens, believes NASA’s hands are tied.
He told Daily Star Online: “They have been in a really tough spot and I feel for them and so if they are turning off the video cameras because something is flying by the space station it is not NASA being the bad guy.
“It’s them essentially obeying the law, which is what the National Security Act is, and simply not doing anything which would, quote, endanger the truth embargo because under the act of national security it has to remain.”
Stephen is the Executive Director of the Paradigm Research Group, an organisation set up to end the supposed government-imposed “truth embargo” on extraterrestrial presence on Earth.
This truth embargo, he explained, is what is stopping information on aliens being released to the public and something that NASA is also the victim of.
“I greatly respect NASA but they are in an impossible position,” he continued.
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Article by David Sibray November 13, 2019 (
• Dave Spinks, a top paranormal and UFO investigator and author who has appeared on the Travel Channel, the History Channel, and Destination America, says you can’t beat West Virginia when it comes to UFO lore. Spinks will speak on these matters at the Flatwoods Monster Museum in Sutton, WV on Saturday, November 23rd, and will sign copies of his new book, “Real West Virginia UFOs”.
• Spinks says West Virginia has a long association with UFO activity because of its role in the search for extraterrestrial life and because it is the location of many early UFO encounters. “Two of the earliest and most famous encounters in the U.S. were reported here,” Spinks says, referring to legendary encounters involving Mothman and the Flatwoods Monster.
• A former federal law-enforcement officer, Spinks began to collect notes about encounters with UFOs and the paranormal in the 1990s. He left law enforcement in 2011 and became a full-time paranormal investigator, appearing in nationally televised shows and in thousands of news articles and podcasts. Spinks grew up nearby near Birch River and some of the members of his family had attended school with some of the witnesses from Flatwoods. “That’s what started me thinking.”
• In 1952, people reported seeing a spacecraft crashing in the hills south of the town of Flatwoods, WV. On investigation, they encountered its apparent occupant, a super-human being called the Flatwoods Monster, which chased them from the crash site. Spinks also heard tales of Mothman, a winged creature said to haunt the Ohio Valley in the 1960s.
• West Virginia is also the home to the Green Bank Observatory where Frank Drake established the first telescopes used in the SETI program—the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.” Says Spinks, “Here he met with Carl Sagan” to speculate about the possibilities of intelligent (extraterrestrial) life.
A top paranormal investigator says West Virginia has a long association with UFO activity, because of its role in the search for extraterrestrial life and because it is the location of many early alleged UFO encounters.
David Spinks
Dave Spinks, perhaps best known for his appearances on the Travel Channel, the History
Flatwoods Monster
Channel, and Destination America, says you can’t beat the Mountain State when it comes to UFO lore.
“Two of the earliest and most famous encounters in the U.S. were reported here,” Spinks says, referring to legendary encounters involving Mothman and the Flatwoods Monster.
“But it was here, too, at Green Bank Observatory that Frank Drake established the first telescopes used in the SETI program—the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.”
“Here he met with Carl Sagan,” Spinks said, referring to the collaboration with scientists who met with the proponent of the Drake Equation, an argument used to speculate about the possibilities of intelligent life off the planet.
A former federal law-enforcement officer, Spinks began to collect notes about encounters with UFOs and the paranormal in the 1990s. However, his inspiration came from his youth spent in the hills near Flatwoods, the site of one of the state’s first encounters.
In 1952, a group of Flatwoods residents reported seeing what they believed was a spacecraft crashing in the hills south of the town. On investigation, they encountered its apparent occupant, a super-human, the Flatwoods Monster, a being that chased them from the alleged crash site.
Spinks grew up nearby near Birch River and some of the members of his family had attended school with some of the witnesses from Flatwoods. “That’s what started me thinking.”
Spinks also heard tales of Mothman, a winged creature said to haunt the Ohio Valley near Point Pleasant in the 1960s, during which West Virginians frequently watched the sky, hoping to catch a glimpse, which some claim to have done.
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Article by George Knapp November 4, 2019 (
• When former Nevada Senator Harry Reid was the Majority Leader, he was the go-to guy when it came to UFOs. When Bill Clinton was still president, Reid discussed UFOs with him during a White House visit. Reid told George Knapp that the truth behind UFOs was “something (Bill Clinton) was interested in”. In 2016, Hillary Clinton vowed to open up the Pentagon’s UFO files if elected. The Clintons still seek out Reid for his advice on UFOs.
• Reid had similar conversations with other national figures during his years in the Senate, including Senators Ted Stevens and Daniel Inouye, and former astronaut John Glenn. Knapp, a KLAS-TV Channel 8 reporter in Las Vegas (a CBS-affiliate), asked Reid what specifically John Glenn was interested in about UFOs. Reid said that Glenn remained tight-lipped about the subject, but he was “very interested”. “I didn’t want to push him,” said Reid.
• Bigelow Aerospace was the Nevada contractor who spearheaded Reid’s initial government sponsored UFO study. After that contract ended, Reid, along with Senators Stevens and Inouye appropriated funding for a scaled-down Pentagon UFO program in 2007 called Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or AATIP. In 2010, Lue Elizondo became the point man for AATIP. Now the Pentagon denies that Elizondo ever worked there.
• UFO critics have pounced on the claim that Elizondo never worked for a Pentagon UFO project. Reid says he’s not surprised. Reid says that there is a fringe group who want to control the UFO narrative, the “so-called conspiratorial folks”. “They go online and try to belittle Elizondo and me and anybody else that is trying to (figure out the UFO stuff) in a scientific way,” says Reid. “Elizondo is a man with a great record serving our country and …he’s not backing off. And I appreciate that very much.”
• Although the Pentagon says AATIP ended in 2012, Reid is informed that the program is ongoing, with greater resources than it had before. And the US Navy has announced that it will encourage UFO encounter reports by pilots, indicating that the subject is no longer taboo. The ongoing wave of media interest has even convinced Reid’s most formidable skeptic – his wife who admitted, “[M]aybe you aren’t crazy after all.”
• [Editor’s Note] I’ll bet that the “conspiratorial folks” are even more nervous about how close Harry Reid is with Deep State toadies like Bill and Hillary Clinton.
LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — Former Nevada Senator Harry Reid says he’s enthusiastic about reaction to a once-secret study of UFOs that Reid and congressional colleagues authorized more than a decade ago.
The last two years have seen an explosion of interest in UFOs among mainstream media, but there’s been push back from conspiracy enthusiasts, and some military officials.
astronaut and senator John Glenn
When Bill and Hillary Clinton came to Las Vegas in May to speak to a large audience on the Las Vegas Strip, their first stop was the Henderson home of former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. It’s the same path followed by many Democratic politicians and presidential candidates who visit Nevada, seeking guidance from the retired, but still-crafty senator.
Reid and the Clinton”s share an interest in a controversial subject — UFOs. As a presidential candidate in 2016, Hillary Clinton vowed to open up the Pentagon’s UFO files. And when Bill Clinton was still president, Reid asked him about UFOs during one White House visit.
Lue Elizondo
George Knapp: “You discussed it with Bill Clinton. Don’t know if we can talk about this?”
Harry Reid: “Yeah, yeah Bill is, one thing about President Clinton, no one ever said he wasn’t smart. He was and is an extremely intelligent man, and this is something he was interested in.”
Reid was cagey about whether the Clintons discussed UFOs during their recent visit, but told us the subject is definitely on the agenda for their next get together. Reid had similar conversations with other national figures during his years in the senate, including Senators Ted Stevens and Daniel Inouye, who lent their support to the creation of a secret Pentagon study of UFOs, as well as senator and former astronaut John Glenn.
Knapp: “Did he ever give you specifics about why?”
Reid: “Nope, nope, but he, I didn’t want to push him, but he was very interested.”
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Article by Sean Martin November 8, 2019 (
• Sara Seager is an astronomer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the deputy science director of NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). The TESS space telescope uses an array of wide-field cameras to survey 85 percent of the sky to study the mass, size, density, and orbit of exoplanets, and telltale brightness dips potentially indicating planetary “transits” across its star. By analyzing data from TESS, scientists will determine which distant planets they should focus on in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
• Breakthrough Listen and the Berkeley SETI Research Center recently announced they are partnering with NASA to use its TESS space telescope to assist SETI in its search for exoplanets that may harbor extraterrestrial intelligence (see previous ExoArticle). Said Ms Seager, “We are very enthusiastic about joining the Breakthrough Listen SETI search.”
• Findings such as other earth-like exoplanets, evidence of the past existence of water on Mars, and habitable moons in our solar system suggest conditions for life are not unique to our planet. However, there is yet to be any concrete evidence of the existence of aliens. But scientists believe it will come. But when the discovery of other life in the galaxy does come, it is likely to be a gradual process. Speaking on a panel at the (70th annual) International Astronautical Congress in Washington DC (October 21-25, 2019), Ms Seager stated, “[W]hen alien life is found, it will …[be] a painstaking process where study after study will have to confirm alien existence.” “[N]ot like the little green humanoids arriving here on earth scaring everybody.” “It’s probably going to take a long time,” which will help humanity process the concept of extraterrestrial life. Ms Seager concluded: “Out of all the exoplanet endeavors (in the world) only SETI holds the promise for identifying signs of intelligent life.”
• [Editor’s Note] Let’s see. An astronomer at MIT with the most advanced technology in the world at her disposal, is saying that there is no evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life beyond this planet. But when it happens, it will be a long and painstaking process of discovery. Sounds suspicious. Ah! Of course. They are being assisted by the Deep State puppet show known as SETI. Now it makes sense. Just more disinformation intended to assure the public that there is no such thing as UFOs and extraterrestrial beings visiting the planet, all evidence to the contrary.
Ms Seager says that the process of discovering extraterrestrial life will be very long. What exactly does she mean? Her line of thought probably goes something like this: First, SETI will one day announce the great discovery of an exoplanet with unmistakable signs of extraterrestrial intelligence. Then we’ll spend fifty years sending signals back and forth. Language “experts” will spend another fifty years formulating some sort of communication with them. Then we’ll decide on a mid-point between our planets where our representatives can meet, and set out for a hundred year journey to that rendezvous. Under this presumption, it would take a thousand years or so before we would be technologically able to visit each other’s planet. Yes, given Newtonian physics and this myopic perspective, it certainly would take a looooong time.
But this planet has been visited by various extraterrestrial groups for hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of years, influencing each stage of life and civilization. A hundred years ago we reached a level of technology that caught the attention of the various ET groups that operate in the background today. With the detonation of the first atomic bomb, both benevolent and negative ET groups began working with world military leaders and governments, and several of them met with President Eisenhower during the 1950’s. The new shadow government killed JFK to prevent him from disclosing all of this to the public, and then set up a secret cultural exchange program between Eben beings from the planet Serpo and American astronauts who went to Serpo in the early 1960’s and returned in the mid-1970’s. The world’s wealthy elite allied themselves with a group of negative ET beings in return for advanced technology that would allow them to create several secret space programs. Mind-controlled Deep State operatives were charged with maintaining this secrecy by any means. Mass mind control is the most common method.
People believe what has been drilled into them since birth. Their cognitive dissonance won’t allow them to contemplate anything except the agreed upon “scientific” narrative, as promulgated by the Deep State education system. Since humans “evolved” unassisted from a primordial soup under unique circumstances, these brain-washed scientists and academics like to point out the tremendously long odds of there being any other intelligent life in the universe. Surely there can only be a minimum of other intelligent beings that also developed by accident and happen to be at our level of technological skill at this same moment in time – if any. And as this universe is so vast, it would be a miracle that the two or three intelligent civilizations in the universe happened to find one another. And if we ever did meet an alien being, it would be so different from humans that we might not be able to effectively communicate with it, or even recognize it. The message from our most educated scientists is that the odds of humans ever finding another extraterrestrial civilization is so impossible, that for the average person its not worth even thinking about. … ‘Move along. There’s nothing to see here. Move along.’
The reality is that our universe is teeming with life. Virtually every star system in the galaxy is home to an extraterrestrial civilization. Here in our particular cluster of 52 stars, most of these civilizations are human-like, according to Corey Goode, and they are all watching and waiting to see if our time has finally come. Will we wake up to this deception that has stolen our reality, and join with our human cousins in the Galactic Federation? Will we overthrow the elite cabal and embark upon a new era of humanity on earth, with instant access to the advanced technologies that can solve our existing societal and environmental problems, and make it possible for us to expand our presence into the galaxy as we are meant to do?
The possibility of extraterrestrial life has intrigued humanity for centuries, but recent discoveries seem to prove that we are edging closer to the discovery. Findings such as Earth-like exoplanets, the past existence of water on Mars and habitable moons in our solar system suggest conditions for life are not unique to our planet. However, there is yet to be any concrete evidence of the existence of aliens, but scientists believe it will come.
Sara Seager
But when that discovery does come, it is unlikely to be instantaneous, but rather a gradual process.
Sara Seager, an astronomer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) who focuses on detecting exoplanets, said when alien life is found, it will not be how the movies depict it where extraterrestrials invade Earth, but a painstaking process where study after study will have to confirm alien existence.
Speaking on a panel at the International Astronautical Congress in Washington, Ms Seager said: “It’s probably something that’s going to be a slow discovery, not like the little green humanoids arriving here on Earth scaring everybody.
“It’s probably going to take a long time.”
Ms Seager said the slow discovery will help humanity process the concept of extraterrestrial life.
Ms Seager is also NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) deputy science director.
Just a few weeks ago, Breakthrough Listen, an organisation which scans the stars in the hope of finding alien signals, bosses said they will collaborate with scientists on TESS – which looks for planets outside the solar system.
By analysing data from TESS scientists will be able to determine which distant planets they should focus on in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI).
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Article by Christopher Mellon November 2, 2019 (
• Government paralysis is something we’ve grown accustomed to on domestic matters but, when it affects national security as well, we truly are a nation at risk. Sixty years ago, Americans were shocked when the Soviet Union put Sputnik, the world’s first artificial satellite, into orbit. Congress promptly acted on Americans’ concerns and spurred “the space race”, culminating in a Moon landing twelve years later.
• The U.S. Navy has publicly acknowledged that the vehicles observed and recorded by U.S. Navy fighter pilots (off of both the East and West coasts), which are able to maneuver above 80,000 feet; can hover and then instantly accelerate to supersonic and even hypersonic speeds; and use a means of propulsion and control that does not appear to involve combustion, exhaust, rotors, wings or flaps, are indeed ‘unidentified aerial phenomenon’.
• This shocking announcement has scarcely been noticed by Congress. To date, there have been congressional oversight committee briefings but no hearings, no funds appropriated to study the phenomenon, not even a request for a report or a threat assessment. It appears that Congress has no problem with being kept in the dark all of these years by the military regarding these UFOs. Is the information too radical to process? Is the U.S. government in denial? It would seem a matter of utmost urgency.
• The writer, former Defense Department and US Senate intelligence staffer Chris Mellon, has interviewed numerous active-duty and retired military personnel who have encountered these UFOs. Without exception they express grave concern for their colleagues and near disbelief that our government is not reacting more vigorously. Policymakers should pay close attention to the experiences of U.S. military personnel, investigate thoroughly, and respond effectively.
• Myriad services and agencies including the National Reconnaissance Office, Defense Intelligence Agency, CIA, Air Force and Navy, FBI and National Security Agency, possess a pool of relevant data on UFOs, says Mellon. But we are not analyzing the vast quantity of data already collected by America’s vast ‘sensor networks’. We simply need to implement a strategy for the centralized collection and analysis of this data.
• We have entered a new frontier. Similar to our forebears who settled the Western half of the continent, we must still confront the unknown. But as President Eisenhower said in a speech he gave in 1958 in Ligonier, Pennsylvania, nineteenth century frontiersmen “were not turned back by terror; they did not succumb to the tensions …encountered beyond the fringes of civilization. They moved ahead as companions in adventure, well-knowing that danger is often the inseparable partner of progress and honor.”
In what could be a precursor to further stunning developments, the U.S. Navy has publicly acknowledged that the advanced aircraft depicted in several recently declassified gun-camera videos are UFOs, or what the Navy prefers to call “Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon” (UAPs). “The Navy designates the objects contained in these videos as unidentified aerial phenomena,” acknowledged Joseph Gradisher, spokesman for the deputy chief of naval operations, referring to the bizarre vehicles that have brazenly operated in restricted U.S. military airspace.
Christopher Mellon
Strangely, this shocking announcement seems to have scarcely been noticed by Congress or the Trump administration. Is the information too jarring and radical to process? Are U.S. government officials in denial? One can only wonder, given the glaring disconnect between the Navy’s announcement and the limited government actions to protect U.S. military personnel and the nation as a whole.
The vehicles observed and recorded by U.S. Navy fighter pilots seem impervious to altitude or the elements; they are able to maneuver above 80,000 feet; they can hover and then instantly accelerate to supersonic and even hypersonic speeds; they have very low radar cross-sections and use a means of propulsion and control that does not appear to involve combustion, exhaust, rotors, wings or flaps.
Since the Navy asserts these are not U.S. aircraft, we are confronted by the daunting prospect that a potential adversary of the United States has achieved the ability to render our most sophisticated aircraft and air defense systems obsolete. Much like the Japanese reacting to the appearance of Admiral Perry’s steam-powered fleet in Tokyo Bay in the 1850s, it would seem a matter of utmost urgency to determine who is operating these craft, how they work and the intentions of those commanding them.
I’ve interviewed numerous active-duty and retired military personnel who have encountered these mysterious vehicles. Without exception they express grave concern for their colleagues and near disbelief that our government is not reacting more vigorously.
This situation is not altogether unprecedented. Some 60 years ago Americans were shocked when the Soviet Union orbited Sputnik, the world’s first artificial satellite. Sputnik garnered sustained front-page coverage, however, and Congress promptly acted on Americans’ concerns by approving increased space and defense expenditures and enhanced education programs for math and science. The concerns roused by Sputnik spurred America to enter “the space race.” The nation rallied to the cause and the commitment paid off when astronaut Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon a mere 12 years later.
Consider by contrast our government’s tepid response to the latest news about UAPs. Some congressional oversight committees have asked for and received briefings, but none has held a hearing, either open or closed; none has appropriated funds for collection or analysis; none has even asked for a report or a threat assessment. Nor have Congress members expressed concern over apparently being kept in the dark on this issue for years by the executive branch, a situation that changed only after a small private organization — To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences, which I advise on national security affairs — made Department of Defense gun-camera footage available to the press and to Congress.
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• In May 2018, from a radar facility in Tromsø, Norway, ‘Sónar Calling’ trained its antennas on a potentially habitable exoplanet located 12 light years from Earth called GJ237b. Sónar Calling is an interstellar messaging project by the nonprofit METI International, or ‘Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence’ which began in 2017 (as the sister organization to SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence).
• The Sónar Calling messaging project has sent two transmissions to potential cosmic cousins. Both messages, each sent over the course of three days, have consisted of a selection of short songs and a primer on how to interpret the contents. The second broadcast was notable for sending an extraterrestrial language devised by physicists Yvan Dutil and Stephane Dumas in the late 1990s.
• Dutil and Dumas’ “language” is based on a communication system known as “Lincos”, a mathematical format developed by Dutch mathematician Hans Freudenthal in 1960. The ‘primer’ begins by introducing ET to numerals and basic arithmetic, and then progresses to more complex topics like human biology and the planets in our solar system. This mathematical language has been sent into space twice before in 1999 and 2003.
• Many mathematicians believe that math is a constant in the fabric of reality. Math isn’t something that humans created so much as it is something that the human mind discovered. Still, Lincos rests on the assumption that an ET is “human-like in its mental state”. If ET does in fact think like a human, does that alien also have some kind of human-like language? Early artificial intelligence researcher Marvin Minsky argues that ET is likely to have language because language is an ideal solution to fundamental problems faced by any intelligent species including constraints on time, energy, and resources.
• A deeper question is whether ET’s language will be similar to our own. Noam Chomsky has argued that universal grammar is a structure common to all human languages on earth. Brain imaging studies have shown that the structure of human language manifests in our neural brain activity. So if extraterrestrials do have a language similar to earth languages, it might imply that they also have a functionally equivalent neurobiology.
• Astrobiologist Charles Cockell compares the likelihood of biological similarities between humans and extraterrestrial beings with the similarities between humans and other animals here in earth. Cellular life arises from the same four nucleotides to create the structure of an eye or a wing. Universal biological similarities puts constraints on the trajectory of evolution tempered with adaptations to conditions on their home world. It is therefore reasonable to assume that extraterrestrial evolution might arrive at similar solutions to common issues, such as evolving a brain capable of recursive languages.
• If that’s the case, then the best way to communicate may not be designing artificial languages, but sending ET a set of encyclopedias. If ET has developed its own artificial intelligence, it could potentially decipher the structure of a natural language message. Aliens will still need some kind of language to connect some language symbols to their meaning. But as on earth, the best way to start an interstellar conversation might simply be by saying “hello.”
• [Editor’s Note] A lot of assumptions were made to get to the theory that extraterrestrial beings may have similar language skills, and therefore similar neurobiology as humans on earth. This strikes me as a lot of scientific gibberish meant to assure the average mind-controlled human that smart scientists are working day and night to unlock the mystery of whether there may be other intelligent extraterrestrial life in the universe. What other organization commonly uses this modality…. hmmm… oh yes! SETI. This sounds a lot like what SETI does to make people believe they are earnestly searching for extraterrestrial intelligence, when they and their Deep State handlers know for a fact that intelligent extraterrestrials exist all around us and regularly interact with our elite. According to these ‘deep thinkers’, a major obstacle is how we might communicate with these advanced beings. Have they ever heard of telepathy which requires no spoken language, and which virtually everyone who has had an encounter with an alien being has reported?
In May 2018, a radar facility in Tromsø, Norway, trained its antennas on GJ237b, a potentially habitable exoplanet located 12 light years from Earth. Over the course of three days, the radar broadcast a message toward the planet in the hopes that there might be something, or someone, there to receive it. Each message consisted of a selection of short songs and a primer on how to interpret the contents.
Stephane Dumas Yvan Dutil
This was the second iteration of Sónar Calling GJ273b, an interstellar messaging project by the nonprofit METI International that began in 2017. Although both transmissions were billed as a “music lesson for aliens,” the second broadcast was notable for rehabilitating an extraterrestrial language developed by the physicists Yvan Dutil and Stephane Dumas in the late 1990s.
This custom symbolic system begins by introducing ET to numerals, and then progresses to more complex topics like human biology and the planets in our solar system. An earlier version of the language was first sent into space in 1999 and again in 2003 as part of the Cosmic Call messages—a crowd-sourced interstellar messaging project that marked the first serious attempt at interstellar communication since Carl Sagan and Frank Drake sent the Arecibo message into space 25 years earlier.
All of these formal messaging attempts have taken basically the same approach: Teach numerals and basic arithmetic first. But as some recent insights in neurolinguistics suggest, it might not be the best way to greet our alien neighbors.
Charles Cockell
The world’s first interstellar communication system, the lingua cosmica, or Lincos, set the tone for all subsequent attempts by placing
Marvin Minsky
basic math at its core. Designed by the Dutch mathematician Hans Freudenthal in 1960, Lincos inspired several other mathematicians and scientists to try their hand at designing extraterrestrial languages. Each system is ultimately an attempt at solving a remarkably complex problem: How do you communicate with an intelligent entity you know nothing about?
The question gets at the nature of intelligence itself. Humans are the only species on Earth endowed with advanced mathematical ability and a fully fledged faculty of language, but are these hallmarks of intelligence or human idiosyncrasies? Is there an aspect of intelligence that is truly universal?
Scientists and mathematicians have grappled with these questions for centuries. As the Nobel laureate Eugene Wigner once observed, mathematics is “unreasonably effective” at describing the natural universe, which has led a significant contingent of mathematicians to conclude that math is baked into the fabric of reality. From this perspective, mathematics isn’t something produced by the human mind so much as something the human mind discovers.
Most interstellar communication systems were designed around this conclusion. The goal isn’t to teach ETs about addition and subtraction—presumably they know as much if they can build a telescope to receive the message. Instead, these systems teach ETs about the way we code numbers as symbols. Then they can build up to more complex ideas.
It’s an elegant solution to a difficult problem, but Lincos still rests on the assumption that an ET is “human-like in its mental state,” as Freudenthal once conceded. But if ET does in fact think like a human, does that alien also have some kind of human-like language?
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• Since 1958, Green Bank, West Virginia has been home to the United States’ first national astronomy hub, the Green Bank Observatory. The world’s largest steerable radio telescope, the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope, has located black holes, gravitational waves, and pulsars to name a few cosmic anomalies. In September, GBT researchers detected the most massive neutron star ever captured by telescopic lenses.
• Green Bank is also where the ‘Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence” (or “SETI”) began in 1960 with Project Ozma, a state-funded effort to listen for signals from potential extraterrestrial intelligences. SETI’s work is still ongoing at Green Bank.
• The 8,500 residents living in surrounding Pocahontas County are prevented by law from emitting any radio frequency interference (or RFIs) by their home electronic devices and appliances, to avoid data interference with Green Bank’s astronomical studies. Anti-RFI legislation dates back to a 1956 Act that says it’s “illegal to operate or cause to be operated any electrical equipment within a two-mile radius of… any radio astronomy facility”.
• Frequencies emitted by astronomical phenomena are similar to ordinary WiFi connections at 2.4 GHz. Staff at the observatory are charged with pinpointing local RFI hotspots that could potentially harm its research. RFI technician Chuck Niday drives around the county looking for unauthorized radio waves. In today’s era of high-tech gadgets and smart homes, unauthorized RFIs are becoming ubiquitous. Popular Mechanics quoted Niday as saying “We got tons of WiFi around here. It’s kind of don’t ask, don’t tell”. Niday notes that there is little that could be done about it – apart from the locations being properly mapped for further study, as observatory staffers don’t have the power to strip residents of their WiFi spots.
• Green Bank’s site director Dr Karen O’Neil says, “The GBT is the most sensitive telescope in the world”. O’Neil admits that it is challenging to keep track of new RFI-causing WiFi connections. But being such a rural area, RFI interference is not nearly as ubiquitous as in other more densely populated areas. Says O’Neil, “If we ever lose the GBT, we will lose ability to dig deep into the universe.”
Green Bank, West Virginia is a key location for past and present-day cosmic research, as it’s been home to the iconic Green Bank Observatory ever since it first
rural Pocahontas County West Virginia
opened in 1958 as the United States’ first national astronomy hub.
Dr Karen O’Neil
Here, operational telescopes, including the world’s largest steerable radio telescope, the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope, or GBT, have found black holes, gravitational waves, pulsars, and whatnot. Also, it is where just last month, local researchers detected the most massive neutron star ever captured by telescopic lenses.
And it doesn’t stop here: Green Bank is also where the comprehensive study and search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) kicked off. In 1960, Frank Drake started Project Ozma here, the first US state-funded effort to listen for extraterrestrial intelligence and intercept signals, if there are any. Besides, the town is the place where he wrote his famed equation about the possibility of worlds other than ours.
Chuck Niday searching for WiFi scofflaws
SETI work is still ongoing at Green Bank, with a gigantic trove of one million gigabytes of related data filed over the last three years having been released to the public.
However, there is a nuance, if not a setback that comes with the continuous scientific progress in the area.
This part of the larger Pocahontas County, with a population of only 8,500 people, has long lived under binding anti-radio frequency interference (RFI) legislation, which forbids any devices or appliances at home or beyond that would emit RFIs – as these may ruin research, experts claim.
One of the past legislative acts that still applies there is the Virginia’s Radio Astronomy Zoning Act of 1956 that says it’s “illegal to operate or cause to be operated any electrical equipment within a two-mile radius of… any radio astronomy facility”.
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• In the early morning of October 30th 1969, just before dawn on a clear night, John Cudby, the security officer at the Waipukurau Aerodrome in Central Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand was making his rounds at the airport. He was alerted by his dog to a “humming” similar to a vacuum cleaner. Then he saw three lights hovering about 70 feet above the ground – two green lights separated by a red light. The humming seemed to be coming from this “large object” in the air. Cudby grabbed a flashlight from his vehicle and shined a light on the object. He estimated the hovering object to be at least 60 feet wide. Then it tilted at an angle and “shot up into the sky”.
• When the UFO flew away, a hanger windsock began rotating and squeaking, and then “suddenly the sock stood straight out from the pole and then dropped, as if cut with a knife,” according to Cudby’s report. Cudby ran behind the airplane hanger to where the object had been hovering. The spot of ground where the object had hovered over was still warm, as was the air above that part of the ground. But the rest of the grass was cool and wet. Cudby, who has since passed, went directly to the local police station where he recounted his story in an official report.
• Cudby said that the object had moved southwest in the direction of the town of Pukeora. Two farming families located near Pukeora reported that they heard what they thought was a jet passing over, possibly in distress. The farmer’s sheep were unusually disturbed.
• A Mr. Grant was driving down a highway from Pukeora toward the Waipukurau Aerodrome that night. Driving over a hill, he looked down toward the air field and saw what he reported to be a “dark” object over the area silhouetted against the starry sky. Grant realized “with a kind of sick shock” that he was looking at a UFO. He described the object as circular, stationary, and about 100 feet above the ground. Then, said Grant, “it gradually gained height, and abruptly took off southwards.” Grant was not aware that Cudby had also seen the object and had also filed a police report.
• Cudby’s son, Mike, who still lives in Waipukurau, said that he remembers that his father spoke about the incident.
A prominent UFO sighting in Central Hawke’s Bay half a century ago remains a mystery despite what became common acceptance of its authenticity.
drawing of the hovering UFO
The sighting, at “close quarters”, was made 50 years ago on a Wednesday by security officer John Cudby during his rounds at the Waipukurau Aerodrome.
Following up suspicions a loose dog was on the grounds and concerns about sheep that appeared to have been herded into the corner of a paddock, the now-late Cudby had, on later reflection, had his awareness of something less natural aroused when he heard a “humming” similar to that of a vacuum cleaner.
With his own dog growling and spotting unusual reflections in the windows of a hangar, he turned to see three lights — two green separated by a red light — coming from something that appeared to be hovering about 20m above the ground. The humming appeared to be also coming from the “large object” in the air.
Cudby ran to his vehicle, and grabbed a light which he managed to play on to the object, as the humming increased to a louder whining and he became aware of the size of the suspended object he estimated to be at least 20m across.
“It tilted towards me and shot up into the sky at an angle,” he wrote in a report reproduced in later UFO research.
“The windsock on top of the hangar started rotating very fast and squeaking, and I was distracted by this, but suddenly the sock stood straight out from the pole and then dropped, as if cut with a knife.”
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Article by Ian Hurst October 24, 2019 (
• In November 1980, police officer Alan Godfrey (pictured above drawing the UFO and human he encountered) was on routine patrol in Todmorden, England (between Manchester and Leeds; see map below) when he saw a bright light ahead. He stopped the car and looked at a diamond-shaped metallic disc with a dome and a row of windows hovering five feet above the ground. As he sketched the object in his notebook, there was a burst of light and he found himself 100 yards farther down the road. The UFO was gone. Godfrey realized there had been “missing time.”
• So Officer Godfrey underwent hypnosis where he recalled being struck by a beam of light which floated him into the craft. Inside the spaceship, he was bathed in an intense white light. A human-like being named Joseph, wearing Biblical clothing, questioned him. Godfrey recalled lying on a table, surrounded by small figures with bulb-like heads where he was physically examined.
• It was only a month after Officer Godfrey’s encounter that a UFO was reported to have landed in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, outside RAF Woodbridge.
• This is only one of several sightings which have made the Todmorden area a well-known supernatural hot-spot. On September 4th 2003, a witness reported seeing “six lights that split, at one point becoming eight lights, that were orange and red in color.” On April 22nd 2004, an object was sighted in nearby Queensbury. In the early morning on November 21st 1980, three police officers in Halifax saw a “very bright steel blue flashing light” high in the sky, moving left to right towards the north.
• On July 15th 1995, three people in Halifax reported an object hovering above their house. They said that the object looked like the planet Saturn, with a ring around it, red portholes and four blue lights. It seemed to come down out of nowhere and hovered just feet away. After five minutes, the UFO made jerky movements before moving off in a southwest direction.
Police officer Alan Godfrey was on routine patrol in Todmorden in November 1980.
He had been called out to Ashenhurst and was driving along Burnley Road.
Ahead was a bright light.
He stopped the car. Blinked once – and blinked again.
What stood before him, he says, was a metallic disc with a dome and a row of windows.
He began sketching what he saw in his notebook.
Suddenly, there was a burst of light and he found himself 100 yards farther down the road. The UFO was gone.
Later, under hypnosis, he recalled being struck by a beam of light which floated him into the craft.
There, he says, he met a human-like being named Joseph, whose clothing was Biblical.
Alan says that inside the spaceship he was physically examined and asked questions.
ret. officer Alan Godfrey today
He said what he had first seen was a diamond-shaped UFO, hovering about five feet above the ground in Burnley Road before disappearing.
PC Godfrey said he realised he had suffered “missing time.”
At the hypnosis session, he described being enveloped in an intense white light.
He recalled lying on a table, surrounded by small figures with bulb-like heads.
That was one of several sightings that made Todmorden become well-known as a supernatural hot-spot.
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Article By Marc Bonomelli 28 October 2019 (
• The small central Argentinian town of Capilla Del Monte is surrounded by mountains. The locals there believe that deep beneath the mountains is a large UFO base called “Erks”. Famous throughout southern South America, the town has been labeled “the spiritual capital of the country”.
• The many mystics, shamans and healers who are drawn to the Erks subterranean city say that it is more like a galactic base that contains an “energy portal” to accommodate inter-dimensional travel, or even time-travelers from the future. Their mission is “to herald and prepare an alliance between the universe and humankind.” Though unconfirmed, the locals claim that NASA has also built a base nearby.
• According to a local mountain guide, Claudio, this place has been sacred since time immemorial, particularly to the Comechingones Indians, an indigenous group who lived here before the arrival of the conquistadors. Says Claudio, “Legend has it that the surviving Comechingones escaped into the mountains and …disappeared without a trace. [M]any believe they went to the alien city using secret tunnels”.
• The townspeople of Capilla Del Monte tell of varied experiences of extraterrestrial or extra-dimensional activity there. On January, 9th, 1986, three locals reported seeing a huge round ship with windows land next to a nearby mountain, charring a 12-metre-long and 64-metre-wide mark in the grass. Others have reported seeing luminous spheres flying in formations, light spectres, and humanoid beings. One woman’s husband disappeared for a few days, and on his return he claimed that he had been abducted by aliens and subjected to “horrible things”.
• UFO and alien sightings are rather commonplace in South America. In the Chapada Diamantina National Park in Bahia, eastern Brazil, the locals are terrified of the “trippy” humanoid “beings coming and going from the base of the hills”.
• But the townspeople of Capilla Del Monte regard the Erks beings as wise and positive. Local mountain guide Raul describes the place as an important epicenter for the awakening of consciousness, and a spiritual refuge after the coming cataclysms. Ana Maria explains that Erks exist within a more subtle dimension than the physical world, and their technology allows them to make themselves and their ships invisible through energy frequencies. The locals can intuitively sense their presence.
• All this extraterrestrial business attracts tens of thousands of tourists to Capilla Del Monte every year. Naturally, the town holds an annual ‘Alien Festival’, and is loaded with extraterrestrial shops and bookstores, and tourist agencies offering UFO tours. There is even an observation center to look for UFOs.
• “In Capilla Del Monte,” says Claudio the mountain guide, “you have the skeptics and you have the mystics. The skeptics have to see before they believe, and the mystics have to believe before they see.”
The woman trying to sell me healing crystals couldn’t be clearer. “You have to go to Capilla Del Monte,” she says. “It’s the spiritual capital of the country.”
I’ve heard a lot about this small central Argentinian town. Its claim to fame is its apparent UFO appearances, which are so frequent that local press have given it the rather unimaginative nickname of “the town where everyone has seen a UFO”. According to locals, the reason for all the extra-terrestrial activity is an underground UFO base buried deep beneath the mountains surrounding the town, which residents call “ERKS”. Unsurprisingly, all this extraterrestrial business attracts tens of thousands of tourists to Capilla Del Monte every year.
From the Chilean desert to Nazca in Peru, local anecdotes of UFO appearances are hardly a rarity in South America. Last month, in the Brazilian state of Bahia, a hiking guide confided in me that while he feared neither jaguars nor poisonous snakes, he was terrified by the “beings coming and going from the base of the hills at Chapada Diamantina National Park” – a nature reserve in eastern Brazil. According to him, the creatures have “mixed” their DNA with that of the local population, thus explaining their “trippy” behaviour.
Although many mistake hot-air balloons and a variety of natural phenomena for flying saucers, plenty of credible witnesses have claimed to have spotted UFOs recently, like American fighter pilots, for example, who report having seen strange objects during their missions. A few months ago, Navy officials confirmed that these sightings were in fact unexplainable.
Capilla Del Monte is emblematic of the excitement surrounding UFO stories. The morning I get to the town, a local news site is reporting on a complaint filed by a panicked resident whose husband had disappeared for a few days. After returning, her husband claimed to have been abducted by aliens and subjected to “horrible things”.
The town became famous on the 9th of January, 1986, when three locals – including a child – claimed to have seen a huge round ship with windows land next to a local mountain, charring a 12-metre-long and 64-metre-wide mark in the grass. Since then, more and more people say they have seen strange things in the area, like luminous spheres flying in formations, saucers, humanoid beings and light spectres.
The town quickly figured out how to turn a profit from the attention, capitalising on UFO tourism with a yearly Alien Festival, extraterrestrial shops and bookstores, as well as tourist agencies offering UFO tours. An observation centre was also established here 21 years ago, and locals claim that NASA has a base close by, but I wasn’t able to verify that.
“In Capilla Del Monte,” explains Claudio, a mountain guide, “you have the skeptics and you have the mystics. The skeptics have to see before they believe, and the mystics have to believe before they see.” Claudio seems to fall somewhere between the two camps.
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Article by Meghan Mitchell October 28, 2019 (
• One evening in February 1989, Fred Works (pictured above) was just ending his shift as a policeman in Fyffe, Alabama when the police dispatcher got a call from a woman reporting an immobile light in the sky. Works and police chief Junior Garmany jumped into a patrol car and headed to the woman’s location in Kelly’s Chapel. As they drove, they spotted the strange light. They stopped the car and looked at it. Works says, “It looked about the size of a streetlight in the distance.”
• After trailing the light for some time, several local police officers decided to meet at the top of Sand Mountain where they could get a better look at the UFO flying over Dekalb County. They watched it fly away southwest over the valley.
• Thinking the UFO encounter was “over and done with”, Garmany drove the patrol car back to Fyffe while Works still kept watch for the illuminated object. Then a police officer in nearby Crossville, a town just south of Fyffe, reported over the radio that a craft went over him flying “low and fast”. Garmany parked the car pointed to the south. He and Works got out and watched the sky. Suddenly Works saw the UFO heading towards them from the east. Said Works, “I saw a craft flying, coming straight at us over the treeline.”
• As the craft neared, Works realized there was something not quite right about the oncoming aircraft. Works told Garmany to shut off the car engine, and the eerie quiet confirmed his suspicion. The craft was deadly silent. It flew so closely overhead that the policemen scanned the craft for any identifying markings. All they could see was a large, thick, charcoal-colored triangle flying against the starry sky. The corners of the craft were ‘rounded off’ and it had three lights shining underneath. Works assumed that it was a classified military aircraft “that we might know about 10 years in the future.”
• Since the encounter, multiple UFO-spotters have visited Works to hear the story first-hand. Regional news reporters created a sensational story and cast the townsfolk in Fyffe as “country hicks.” Despite the criticism, the Fyffe community stood by their UFO spotters as 100% credible.
• [Editor’s Note] A flying triangle with three lights underneath it, seen in February 1989? In chapter 15 of Dr Michael Salla’s 2019 book: US Air Force Secret Space Program – Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances & Space Force, he discusses the origin of the US Air Force’s top secret Aurora Program which developed the TR-3B triangle craft, able to perform both in the earth’s atmosphere and in near space. Salla cites Edgar Fouche who confirms that the TR-3B, code named ‘Astra’, was a tactical reconnaissance craft developed in the 1970s and built by private aerospace companies for the Air Force during the 1980s. Fouche served with the US Air Force from 1967 to 1987 and then spent another eight years with defense contractors working on a number of classified aviation programs at Groom Lake Area 51.
From November 1989 to April 1990, prototype black flying triangles, approximately 250 feet in length, were sighted and photographed in Scotland and Belgium by hundreds of witnesses including police officers. On March 30, 1990, the Belgium Air Force even sent F-16 fighters to intercept a flying triangle. According to Fouche the 600-foot wide model TR-3B became operational in the early 1990’s, and three were flying by 1994.
The TR-3B employs a “Magnetic Field Disrupter” which rotates highly pressurized mercury-based plasma around a circular accelerator ring which reduces the craft’s weight by a factor of 89%. Three rocket engines using conventional fuel sources like hydrogen, oxygen and/or methane provide the thrust. The TR-3B is a high altitude, stealth, reconnaissance platform with an indefinite loiter time. Fouche claimed that the TR-3B was able to silently hover for at least 10 minutes and gave off “a corona of silver blue light” that glowed around it while hovering.
Corey Goode asserts that the TR-3B was a “hand me down” to the USAF’s military space program and to cabal “elites” from an even more highly classified space program controlled by NASA and the Antarctic German Space Program.
When Fred Works holds out his hands – palms down, thumbs together, index fingers touching – it’s his best attempt to approximate the shape of something he saw in the sky more than 30 years ago.
The corners were more rounded off, he said, but that’s the gist of it. A thick, charcoal-colored triangle flew through the night sky, with three lights shining back onto its undercarriage. From Works’s spot on a hillside back in February of 1989, he saw the craft glide toward him before flying overhead. And he isn’t alone.
Works’ UFO experience began earlier that Friday night, when a woman called the local dispatcher to report an immobile light in the sky. When Works got word of the call from the dispatcher, he was just ending his shift at the Fyffe, Alabama, police department.
photo of a triangle craft over Belgium in 1989
Despite his attempt to pass the call off on his boss, then-Chief of Police Junior Garmany, Works ended up coming along for the ride.
As Garmany and Works headed toward Kelly’s Chapel, their caller’s location, they spotted the light back to their left.
“[Garmany] stopped the car, and we looked at it for a bit,” Works said. “It looked about the size of a streetlight in the distance.”
After trailing the light for some time, several local police officers planned to meet up at the top of Sand Mountain, where they would hopefully get a better look at whatever was flying over Dekalb County.
They watched it fly southwest over the valley, Works said, and he thought his night of UFO chasing was “over, said and done with.”
Garmany drove the patrol car back to Fyffe, with Works still keeping his eyes to heaven in the passenger seat. Then another call came, this time over the radio. A police officer in Crossville reported that a craft went over him flying “low and fast,” Works said.
With Works’ eyes on the sky, Garmany pointed the car south and found a place to pull over, in the wide, circular driveway of a local farmer. They got out of the car and took a look around.
“I turned and looked back to the east,” Works said. “I saw a craft flying, coming straight at us over the treeline.
Works assumed it must be a plane, but as the craft neared, he realized there was something not quite right about the oncoming craft. Works asked Garmany to shut off the car engine, and the eerie quiet that followed confirmed his suspicion about the craft, Works said. It was deadly silent.
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Article by Joseph P. Farrell October 7, 2019 (
• There’s a new school of thought that if the human species intends to become a space-faring civilization, it will not only require advancements in propulsion technology’ (i.e.: ‘warp drive’, ‘anti-gravity’ and ‘ ion propulsion’ for example), but enhancements in human physiology as well. This “transhumanist space agenda” was put forward in an article entitled “Why Human Enhancement is Necessary for Successful Human Deep-space Missions” by Konrad Szocil and Martin Braddock.
• Space agencies around the world understand that we will never get anywhere using chemical rockets and tiny little “space capsules”. India, China, Russia, Japan, and NASA are all investigating exotic propulsion technologies. NASA’s ‘Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’ has set a goal for the USA to be “warp capable” within a century.
• In their paper, Szocil and Braddock argue that a permanent human presence in space requires literal enhancements of the human body. Proponents of the transhumanist space explorer agenda insist that physical enhancements are needed to protect astronauts from the hazards of a hostile space environment so that human physical limitations do not hinder the rate of development of advanced technologies. Not only are these enhancements a rational solution, say the paper’s authors, but they are an ethical necessity if you’re going to expose astronauts to prolonged time in space.
• This “transhumanist space agenda” is opposed by the “technology traditionalists”. Going far beyond providing space explorers with the conservative diet, exercise, pharmaceuticals, and anti-radiation shielding that ‘traditionalists’ support, the ‘transhumanists’ advocate genetic engineering, nanotechnology, robotics and cognitive adaptation. Szocil and Braddock go even further, suggesting that a human might be genetically modified to breathe an alien atmosphere unaided by mechanical life support. How far can gene-splicing go? Is the goal to create the perfect cyborg-human with built-in bio-computer interface in the brain? Fill the lymph and circulatory systems with nanobots able to make quick surgical repair of damaged cells and body parts? Would such an enhanced being still be “human”?
• Yet, haven’t we heard this story before? In the ancient myths of the war of the “gods” between angels and demons, those gods genetically “tinkered with” humans to help them to adapt to this planet’s environment. Or was this done to intentionally hinder our natural human development? After all, the ancient texts indicate that we once lived far longer than we do now. Genetic modification of the human species to suit a new environment or agenda may be commonplace in our species’ short history.
There’s a school of thought out there that has been gaining some traction in the past few years, and it’s time to pay attention to it. That school of thought thinks that (1) the future of humanity is in space, and that we must “go to the stars”, and (2) in order to do so, we need not only (a) exotic new technologies, things like ion propulsion, warp drives, “anti-gravity” and so on, but also (b) a fundamental “enhancement” or modification of the humans destined to do so. It is point (2(b)) with which we are concerned today. It could, perhaps, be argued that this point is the fusion of the transhumanist agenda with that of space. It’s important to distinguish what’s going on here, between the “technology traditionalists” – and I would definitely number myself in that camp – and the “transhumanist space explorers”, which are newcomers in a certain sense to the debate on space.
For the “technology traditionalists”, the idea of a sustainable and permanent human presence in space and an interplanetary extension of that presence is not possible without the achievement of exotic propulsion and artificial environment technologies. As I’ve stated on many occasions, chemical rockets and tiny little “space capsules” simply are not going to be adequate to the job. If you’ve wondered why, with all the talk of missions to Mars and space hotels and asteroid mining and returning to the Moon, nothing is ever actually accomplished towards those ends of any real practical nature, this is why, and everyone in the space agencies from India, to China, Russia, Japan, and NASA knows it. This is why NASA has a whole division investigating exotic propulsion technologies, including the idea of warp drives. In fact, as I’ve indicated on a number of occasions and blogs, The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has made it a goal that the USA be “warp capable” in a century.
But the newer approach is that which I’m calling the “transhumanist space explorers,” who admit the need for all the exotic propulsion, but who are also arguing that a sustained and permanent human presence in space requires not just the exotic technological modifications of our ideas of propulsion and space travel, artificial environments, life support, habitats, and so on, but also of the human being himself. It is this meme that one sees increasingly being argued and advanced in recent years.
The principal challenges lie in current space technology and engineering which includes the protection of astronauts from the hazards of working and living in the space environment. These challenges may lead to a paradoxical situation where progress in space technology and the ability to ensure acceptable risk/benefit for human space exploration becomes dissociated and the rate of scientific discovery declines. In this paper, we discuss the predominant challenges of the space environment for human health and argue that development and deployment of a human enhancement policy, initially confined to astronauts – for the purpose of future human space programmes is a rational solution to these challenges.
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• CIA employee turned whistle blower, Edward Snowden recently released a memoir entitled: “Permanent Records” wherein he says that when he had access to CIA databases and resources he could find no evidence of any contact with extraterrestrial beings. Writes Snowden, “For the record, as far as I could tell, aliens have never contacted Earth, or at least they haven’t contacted US intelligence.”
• Snowden repeated the same on a recent episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience” podcast where he said, “I had ridiculous access to the networks of the (National Security Agency), the CIA, the military, all these groups. I couldn’t find anything”. “If we are hiding them,” said Snowden, “…it’s hidden really damn well, even from people who are on the inside”. (watch the full 2:49:32 minute Joe Rogan Experience Podcast below)
• Snowden could confirmed that the 1969 moon landing did happen. Snowden writes: “Yes, man really did land on the moon. Climate change is real. Chemtrails are not a thing.”
• [Editor’s Note] Corey Goode has said that the United States’ National Security Agency is only aware of a couple of classified USAF-operated space stations orbiting the earth and the TR3B triangular anti-gravity craft that services these classified space stations. The NSA is not allowed access to the most top secret information, probably because of whistle blowers such as Snowden.
And as to the existence of chemtrails, in 2013 the website ‘Geoengineering Watch’ published an article that discussed the US government’s weather modification programs from the 1950’s, and it linked a November 1966 NASA report that supported the governments involvement in seeding the atmosphere with silver dioxide (not to mention aluminum, barium and strontium to affect not only the weather but the food supply and the health of the population in general). I live in Virginia Beach, and while in July I noticed a decrease in the daily crisscrossing of chemtrails in the sky, they resumed with a vengeance in August. Here are some photos I took in the late evening just the other day. Maybe Snowden doesn’t think that chemtrails are “a thing” because he lives in Moscow, but we in the US need only to look up to confirm that chemtrails continue to proliferate in our skies. Or have the American people become conditioned not to believe what they see with their own eyes?
Despite hundreds of films, science fiction and fantasy novels as well as thousands of conspiracy theories, humans have never found proof of aliens existing or ever contacting Earthlings.
In fact, Area 51, one of the most secretive military bases in the United States, is actively believed by thousands of people to be the site of alien experiments conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). However, CIA employee turned whistle blower Edward Snowden recently debunked one of the biggest conspiracy theories prevalent in the US – that aliens managed to contact the US government and/or its security agencies and that the government actively hides this bit of information from the world.
In his recently released memoir “Permanent Records”, however, Snowden revealed that during his time at the CIA, he had searched the CIA databases and resources find out if the US or any of its agencies had ever been in contact with extraterrestrial creatures.
However, Snowden found no evidence of any official (or unofficial) contact with aliens. “For the record, as far as I could tell, aliens have never contacted Earth, or at least they haven’t contacted US intelligence,” Snowden writes in his recent memoir,” Snowden wrote.
He also confirmed that the moon landing, another famously disbelieved moon landing – a favourite with conspiracy theorists in US – did indeed happen.
“In case you were wondering: Yes, man really did land on the moon. Climate change is real. Chemtrails are not a thing,” he wrote.
Full 2:49:32 minute Joe Rogan Experience Podcast (PowerfulJRE YouTube)
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• Scientists at the University at Buffalo and Case Western Reserve University in the US, and Yangzhou University in China have published new research in Physical Review D to detail a way to locate wormholes.
• In theory, a wormhole is a tubular structure that can link together two parts of space at totally different points in time and regardless of the distance between them. But as yet, mainstream science hasn’t proven that they actually exist.
• Wormholes, in theory, require the extreme gravitation conditions of an enormous black hole. The research scientists propose honing in on the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy known as Sagittarius A. If a wormhole exists there, then the stars near this black hole would be affected and create gravitational anomalies.
• The study’s co-author Dr Dejan Stojkovic notes that people and spaceships will not be able to travel through the wormhole until we find a source of negative energy to keep the wormhole open and stable. Says Stojkovic, “To create a huge wormhole that’s stable, you need some magic.”
Physicists have published a new methodology that will surely delight hardcore science fiction fans: a how-to guide for finding wormholes, a theoretical structure that provides passage between different areas of spacetime.
In theory, a wormhole could link together two parts of space at totally different points in time and regardless of the distance between them. However, reliable sci-fi plot device though they may be, no one knows if they really exist.
Now, scientists at the University at Buffalo and Case Western Reserve University in the US, and Yangzhou University in China have published new research in Physical Review D to detail a way to potentially locate wormholes.
They propose honing in on Sagittarius A*, believed to be a supermassive black hole right at the centre of our galaxy. Wormholes, in theory, require the extreme gravitation conditions of such an enormous black hole.
If a wormhole exists then the stars nearby would be affected by the gravity of stars on the other side of the wormhole’s tunnel, so the researchers argue that searching for anomalies in the orbits of the stars close to Sagittarius A*.
However, don’t get your hopes up about the prospect of time travel via wormhole just yet; study co-author Dr Dejan Stojkovic says that if wormholes even exist, then they’re probably not as we’ve seen them on our screens.
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Article by Sean Martin October 23, 2019 (
• On October 23rd at the 70th annual International Astronautical Congress in Washington, DC, the SETI initiative known as ‘Breakthrough Listen’ announced that it is partnering with NASA to use its Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) to search for exoplanets in the galaxy. Executive Director of the Breakthrough Initiatives Dr Pete Worden said, “It’s exciting that the world’s most powerful SETI search, with our partner facilities across the globe, will be collaborating with the TESS team and our most capable planet-hunting machine.” “We’re looking forward to working together as we try to answer one of the most profound questions about our place in the Universe: Are we alone?”
• Using an array of wide-field cameras to survey 85 percent of the sky, the TESS space satellite identifies telltale brightness dips that indicate planets crossing in front of its star to allow it to study the mass, size, density and orbit of small planets, including rocky planets in the habitable zones of their host stars. Using this data, TESS scientists will be able to determine which distant planets that the Breakthrough Listen team should focus on in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Says TESS Deputy Science Director Sara Seager, “Out of all the exoplanet endeavours only SETI holds the promise for identifying signs of intelligent life.”
• The technique for finding exoplanets by identifying dips in luminosity of a star allowed the Kepler space telescope to discover Boyajian’s Star in 2015 by the online astronomers known as ‘Planet Hunters’. Astronomers speculated that this dip in luminosity might be due to an artificial ‘megastructure’ or ‘Dyson Sphere’ partially constructed around the star to harbor its energy. But Dr Andrew Siemion, leader of the Breakthrough Listen science team at the University of California, now says that “dust particles in orbit around the star are responsible for the dimming”.
• [Editor’s Note] The top tier leadership of both SETI – the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, and NASA know that we have a secret space program that interacts with a variety of extraterrestrial beings and civilizations within our own solar system and throughout the galaxy. This ‘partnership’ between them is just a show to make people believe that astronomers and scientists are hard at work searching for alien civilizations on distant exoplanets, but despite their best efforts they have not found any. The reason is because both SETI and NASA exist to do the bidding of the uber-elite and their attack dog, the Deep State, who want to maintain its 70-year history of covering up the extraterrestrial presence and hiding the truth from the rest of the people on this planet.
Breakthrough Listen, an organisation which scans the stars in the hope of finding alien signals, has announced it will be
Dr Pete Worden
teaming up with NASA in the hunt for aliens. Making the announcement at the International Astronautical Congress in Washington, DC, Breakthrough Listen bosses said they will collaborate with scientists on NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) – which looks for planets outside the solar system. Together, the teams hope to answer the age-old question: Are we alone?
Sara Seager
By analysing data from TESS scientists will be able to determine which distant planets they should focus on in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI).
The space telescope uses an array of wide-field cameras to perform a survey of 85 percent of the sky.
TESS is capable of studying the mass, size, density and orbit of a large cohort of small planets, including a sample of rocky planets in the habitable zones of their host stars.
The satellite works by searching for telltale brightness dips potentially indicating planetary “transits” — the passages of orbiting worlds across their parent stars’ faces.
Dr Andrew Siemion
Dr Pete Worden, Executive Director of the Breakthrough Initiatives, said: “It’s exciting that the world’s most powerful SETI search, with our partner facilities across the globe, will be collaborating with the TESS team and our most capable planet-hunting machine.
“We’re looking forward to working together as we try to answer one of the most profound questions about our place in the Universe: Are we alone?”
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Article by Brian Bethel October 24, 2019 (
• On October 4 – 6, AlienCon 2019 was held in Dallas, Texas, and it was a sell-out. The curious, the true believers and the downright fanatics all gathered at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center to see their favorite UFO researchers and media personalities. Why was AlienCon such a success? Attendee Vanessa Pascher offered, “I think we’ve all had certain experiences, things that just make us wonder.” Have extraterrestrials influenced our past, and what might they mean to our future?
• AlienCon topics included “History of Quantum Consciousness”; “Megalithomania Around The World: Impossible Engineering and Secret Traditions of the Ancients”; “Secrets of a Government UFO Investigator” and “Do ‘Spacetime Portals’ Exist on Earth?” “I like the idea of just opening my mind to possibilities,” said attendee Erica Beach. “I want to expand mentally. I want to be challenged.” “(The speakers) aren’t saying this is one hundred percent fact. But at the same time, this is something you can think about and just make your own mind up.”
• History Channel’s hit television series ‘Ancient Aliens’ (starting its 14th season) was well-represented by co-executive producer Giorgio Tsoukalos, David H. Childress, Nick Pope, Travis Taylor and others who claim that human history has indeed been influenced by contact with extraterrestrial life. Aliens might even be our progenitors, tampering with native animal DNA or outright engineering us for reasons baneful or benevolent, depending on one’s point of view. The show’s alternative interpretation of science and history draws some ire from detractors, such as the Smithsonian, Forbes, the New York Times. As Tsoukalos told a crowded convention hall in a panel discussion, many of the things that our ancestors thought were magic of the gods, are simply an advanced extraterrestrial technology.
• Robert Zamora drove eight hours from Brownsville to attend the conference with his wife, son and daughter. Zamora’s love of UFOs began when a boyhood friend would lend him UFO magazines. “Mathematically speaking, there’s a big possibility that we’re not alone in this universe,” said Zamora. “[T]here has to be life out there. It just might not be what we think of life in normal forms like ours.”
• Bill Genzer and his wife, Cat, won the convention’s costume contest by portraying a wild-haired Giorgio Tsoukalos and his extraterrestrial “girlfriend.” They beat out memory-erasing Men in Black, proton pack-wielding Ghostbusters, ancient Egyptians and a whole Star Wars cantina of extraterrestrial life. Said Cat Genzer, “Mainstream archaeology has said civilization is only 3,000 years old, but what about all of these things that (indicate) that it’s far, far older? … I think it’s time that we started kind of rewriting the history of man.”
• Kiko Salazar and his wife, Christina, came all the way from Brazil, Indiana to attend, and paid $1,300 each for a “Galactic Pass,” which provided meet-and-greets with celebrity guests and a special set of other perks and experiences, including a private panel with headlining guests. “Ten years ago, you wouldn’t have even had a convention like this,” said Salazar. “Being… with like-minded people, it’s just awesome. [I]t’s something we’ll (continue to) do.” Salazar says that he once saw a black diamond-shaped UFO with “big, white lights” silently crossing the Arizona sky in 2001.
• There has been plenty of interest in “unidentified aerial phenomena,” or UAPs, in the mainstream of late, with the US Navy videos encountering strange objects and the existence of the U.S. government investigation of UFOs under the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. That program’s benefactor, Robert Bigelow told “60 Minutes” in May 2017 that he was absolutely convinced” aliens exist – and that they have come here. These events were frequently mentioned in presentations throughout the weekend.
• Perhaps the most important word to those in current UFO culture is… disclosure. They have the fervent hope that the U.S government and others finally will admit we live in a world in which aliens exist, that we will learn the true nature of our relationship to them, and that the resulting flood of new technologies will help us accomplish tasks from cleaning the oceans to uplifting humanity to its rightful place among the stars. Executive director of Paradigm Research Group, Stephen Bassett told convention-goers that he was expecting announcements to come from major government entities in a relatively few months. “The post-disclosure world is ahead of us,” said Bassett, “… three, four, five, six, seven years from now.”
• Pat Martin of Houston said she decided at age 73 it was time to take a chance, go to a convention, and absorb as much as she could. Martin believes the government “knows something.” She said the entire experience had been well worth it, opening her mind to new possibilities. “There probably are aliens here doing something,” Martin said with a sly smile. “They may be at this convention, who knows?”
Brilee Elliott believes in aliens.
“We have this whole universe,” 10-year-old Brilee, of Ohio, observed at AlienCon in Dallas earlier in October. “We just can’t be the only ones.”
In that opinion, she is not alone.
Elliott, her aunt Erica Beach, uncle Derek Watson and hundreds of others crowded into Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center for a massive gathering of the curious, true believers and downright fanatics.
AlienCon is ‘More than just cool’
Elliott has given the problem of aliens much consideration.
After coming to realize that aliens were “more than just cool,” she started “thinking about (them) when I was supposed to be in bed.”
She now openly ponders — at her relatively tender age — time-tested enigmas, such as how the ancient Egyptian constructed the pyramids.
“How could do the Egyptians do that without any help?” Elliott asked, echoing an argument some have made for decades on end.
Cue the familiar image of Ancient Aliens’ co-executive producer Giorgio Tsoukalos, whose tremendous mane of hair and unwavering assertion of “Aliens” has become an internet image meme with a seemingly limitless lifespan.
That level of recognition has turned Tsoukalos, along with other “Ancient Aliens” contributors such as “real-life Indiana Jones” David H. Childress, former U.K. Ministry of Defense UFO investigator Nick Pope, engineer/physicist Travis Taylor and a slew of others into virtual rock stars in the outré world of paranormal TV.
Such star-power ensured that AlienCon was a sell-out on an early fall Saturday, and remained crowded through the weekend.
Like many attending, Vanessa Pascher, waiting for a panel by well-known UFO researcher Stephen Bassett to start, said that the show is a “guilty pleasure.”
“But in a sense, I think we’ve all had certain experiences, things that just make us wonder,” she said, adding that she’s had her own share of anomalous experiences that have made her look at the sky and wonder.
Instead, it’s to what extent could such beings have influenced us in the past, and what might they mean to our future.
Such a stance is perhaps natural given the event’s tie-in to the History Channel’s “Ancient Aliens” program, which carries a thesis that human history has been in ways covert and gross influenced by contact with extraterrestrial life.
At the extreme end, the program entertains the notion that aliens might even be our progenitors, tampering with native animal DNA or outright engineering us for reasons baneful or benevolent, depending on one’s pet theory.
The show attempts to present a sort of puzzle-piece narrative.
Under that umbrella, pretty much anything is fair game, from mysterious Hudson Valley-area structures that imply ancient druids may have traveled to New England, to speculation that the octopus may have come to Earth from the stars, to the implications of liquid water found inside a meteorite, to in-depth examinations of how an alien ship might travel among the stars.
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Article by Jasper Hamill October 22, 2019 (
• Zaza Osmanov of the Free University of Tbilisi, Georgia has written a paper which discusses ‘extraterrestrial micro replicators’ called Von-Neumann probes that are capable of reproducing themselves. Osmanov theorizes that an alien civilization could ‘invade’ our solar system using tiny ‘micro-robots’ which astronomers would probably fail to spot unless they knew exactly what to look for.
• It’s entirely possible, says Osmanov, that extraterrestrial beings could unleash a massive squadron of undetected microscopic probes across the entire galaxy, through clouds of interstellar gas which exist between star systems. Osmanov imagines that if the tiny mechanical probes landed on a rocky planet, it would have the resources needed to continuously reproduce the energy and resource-efficient micro-robots.
• Osmanov believes that ‘detection (of swarms of these micro-robots) is quite realistic’ as the machines’ luminosity ‘might reach enormous values’ to be visible to Earth astronomers. But if we are unable to spot them, this may fall under the ‘Fermi Paradox’ as we wonder why we have not been able to detect other galactic civilizations.
• Nick Longrich, a senior lecturer in palaeontology and evolutionary biology at the University of Bath, England, has said that the evolution of complex intelligent life on Earth (from a primordial soup) is so spectacularly unlikely it may have happened just once in the entire universe. Said Longrich, “Our (human) evolution may have been like winning the lottery … only far less likely. …The universe is astonishingly vast.” But even if habitable worlds are rare, there are still enough of them out there to suggest that there is also life out there.
• According to evolutionary theory, says Longrich, ‘Humans couldn’t evolve until fish evolved bones that let them crawl onto land. Bones couldn’t evolve until complex animals appeared. Complex animals needed complex cells, and complex cells needed oxygen, made by photosynthesis. None of this happens without the evolution of life, a singular event among singular events. … All organisms come from a single ancestor; as far as we can tell, life only happened once.” The odds of evolving intelligence become one in 10 million. “[O]ur evolution wasn’t like winning the lottery. It was like winning the lottery again, and again, and again.”
• “[I]ntelligence will evolve on just 1 in 100 trillion habitable worlds.” Reasons Longrich. “If habitable worlds are rare, then we might be the only intelligent life in the galaxy, or even the visible universe.” “And yet, we’re here. That must count for something, right? If evolution gets lucky one in 100 trillion times, what are the odds we happen to be on a planet where it happened?”
• “Intelligence seems to depend on a chain of improbable events. But given the vast number of planets, then like an infinite number of monkeys pounding on an infinite number of typewriters to write Hamlet, it’s bound to evolve somewhere. The improbable result was us.”
[Editor’s Note] Mainstream scientists and astronomers have not “found” any other galactic civilizations because they are actively trying NOT to find any other civilizations, as they exist throughout this universe. So they get these ‘scientists’ from Deep State-controlled universities to talk about Fermi’s paradox and the long odds of life happening on the earth, and longer odds that it has occurred on other planets, to make us believe that we are the only intelligent life in the galaxy. But wouldn’t the odds dramatically increase if other more ancient intelligent beings were assisting in our human development, or even creating it over hundreds of millions of years? And what if these extraterrestrial beings were still here, controlling and manipulating the human species on earth? This is the reality that the Deep State and its elite masters want to keep secret.
Here on Earth, you know a country has been conquered when loads of tanks, attacks helicopters and burly great soldiers roll into town.
But aliens could ‘invade’ our solar system using tiny ‘micro-robots’ which astronomers would probably fail to spot unless they knew exactly what to look for.
Zaza Osmanov
A new study has revealed that it’s entirely possible an extraterrestrial civilisation has unleashed a massive squadron of microscopic probes which have spread out across the galaxy undetected.
Zaza Osmanov of the Free University of Tbilisi in Georgia has written a paper which discusses ‘extraterrestrial micro replicators’ called Von-Neumann probes that are capable of reproducing themselves.
Currently, the search for alien intelligence is focused on discovering huge ‘megastructures’ such as Dyson Spheres – hypothetical giant power stations built around stars to harvest their energy.
Osmanov suggested that advanced civilisations might actually build tiny machines to explore the galaxy and calculated how they would spread through a cloud of interstellar gas – the name for great billows of gas which exist between star systems.
Nick Longrich
‘The total number of probes might increase extremely rapidly ”invading” the whole region of an interstellar cloud,’ he wrote.
When we think of aliens invading a star system, it’s often assumed they would land on a planet and begin munching up its resources while enslaving or slaughtering its unfortunate inhabitants.
This approach might actually be counterproductive because it requires more energy and effort than unleashing swarms of robots.
‘Extraterrestrials would prefer to use micro-robots than large-scale macro probe,’ Osmanov continued.
‘Still there is a possibility to make the process of reproduction efficient but for that, the probes need to land on rocky planets.
‘This compared to the continuous process of replication of microdevices in interstellar clouds seems to be less efficient because landing on a planet and fleeing from it require special manoeuvring.’
Thankfully, if a horde of robots colonised a cloud in the Milky Way we would probably notice them.
Osmanov said ‘detection is quite realistic’ because the machines’ luminosity ‘might reach enormous values’, meaning they would give off enough light to be visible.
He wrote: ‘If one detects a strange object with extremely high values of luminosity increment, that might be a good sign to place the object in the list of extraterrestrial Von-Neumann probe candidates.’
The apparent contradiction between the likelihood of aliens existing in our gigantic universe and our inability to find them is called the Fermi Paradox.
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Article by Brett Tingley October 29, 2019 (
• For the better part of a century, the most advanced laboratories under control of both the armed forces and the academic world have been trying their best to harness “anti-gravity” and extremely advanced next-generation propulsion technologies. The U.S. military and the federal government have been formally researching these radical concepts since the 1950s, and according to research by “The Warzone” on website, those efforts have continued to this day. And since this information comes from unclassified sources, there is definitely more than just what is represented here.
• In 1956, the New York Herald Tribune published a series of articles by Ansel Talbert naming research institutes that were studying the secrets of anti-gravity in the 1950s by focusing on electromagnetism, high speed rotation, and various methods of reducing an aircraft’s mass. Nearly every major aerospace company at the time was involved in some way with researching “the gravity problem”: Convair, Lear, Sikorsky, Sperry-Rand Corp., General Dynamics, and Avro Canada. While some of the brightest minds in aerospace engineering and physics were devoted to studying gravity at the time, no working anti-gravity technologies ever came from these endeavors. Talbert noted that “the biggest deterrent to scientific progress is a refusal of some … scientists to believe that things which seem amazing can really happen.”
• Grover Loening was the first aeronautic engineer hired by the Wright Brothers. After a forty year career, he was decorated by the United States Air Force for his work as a special scientific consultant. Said Loening, “I firmly believe that before long man will acquire the ability to build an electromagnetic contra-gravity mechanism that works.” “Much the same line of reasoning that enabled scientists to split up atomic structures also will enable them to learn the nature of gravitational attraction and ways to counter it.”
• The US Air Force established its own anti-gravity research project early on. Joshua N. Goldberg served as a research physicist at Wright-Patterson’s Aerospace Research Laboratories from 1956 to 1962 where dozens of theoretical studies were produced. Some have claimed, however, that the Air Force-funded laboratories were set up merely to investigate reports of Russian anti-gravity research as a result of ‘Sputnik’-shock”.
• Wright-Patterson’s anti-gravity research concluded in the early 1970s with the passage of the Mansfield Amendments that limited military funding of research to that which had a direct relationship to a specific military function. Following the Mansfield Amendments, the Department of Defense’s research strategy shifted more towards the proposal-grant model seen at university and private laboratories today. The scientists at Wright-Patterson moved on to long careers in academia where they continued their research for the Air Force.
• In 1972, Franklin Mead, then Senior Aerospace Engineer with the Air Force Aerospace Research Laboratories, published ‘Project Outgrowth’ – a technical report discussing advanced propulsion concepts ranging from traditional rocket propulsion to “anti-gravity propulsion”. Two main approaches to anti-gravity in the report were “gravitational absorption” and a “unified field theory” which unites electromagnetism and gravitation. Mead and his group believed that these types of breakthrough propulsion concepts may be possible once materials sciences caught up with concepts developed in theoretical physics.
• In 1988, a New York lab submitted a concept report to the US Air Force at Edwards AF base which discussed the Biefield-Brown effect, where electrical fields produce propulsive forces. In 1989, a similar report explored the interactions between gravitational, electrical, and electromagnetic fields, resulting in the ‘Mach effect’. It also explores the concept of inertial mass variation using a rotating cylinder filled with mercury. While much of the research cited is still in its infancy, says the report, “… chemical propulsion is reaching its theoretical limits and nuclear propulsion has political difficulties.’ …[I]t is more likely that gravitational and electromagnetic studies will lead to future breakthroughs… (as well as) more recent low temperature fusion work.”
• A 2006 study compiled at the request of the US Air Force Research Laboratory and published by the American Institute of Physics claimed that next-generation propulsion may be achieved sometime within the next three decades. The study predicts that power systems will come in the form of field propulsion by inducing mass fluctuations using high-frequency electromagnetic fields.
• With the recent announcement of a partnership between the ‘To the Stars Academy’ and the US Army, the Army plans to explore the same principles the USAF has studied for decades: mass manipulation, electromagnetic metamaterial waveguides, and quantum physics.
• In 1996, NASA invited some of the brightest minds in physics and aerospace engineering to propose radical new ideas to propel spaceflight into a new paradigm. The program’s director, Marc Miller, noted that “it is known from observed phenomena and from the established physics of General Relativity that gravity, electromagnetism, and space-time are inter-related phenomena” that “…have led to questioning [whether] gravitational or inertial forces can be created or modified.”
• In 1997, NASA’s John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field held a conference on breakthrough propulsion concepts with titles such as “Inertial Mass as a Reaction of the Vacuum to Accelerated Motion”, “Force Field Propulsion”, and “The Zero-Point Field and the NASA Challenge to Create the Space Drive”. Among the students attending the conference may have been Salvatore Cezar Pais, the inventor of the Navy’s recently submitted anti-gravity ‘UFO’ patents. Many of the concepts in Pais’ patents are similar to those which were researched at Wright-Patterson and other facilities in the 1950s and are still being explored today by academic and independent laboratories such as Lockheed Martin.
• A 2007 private sector publication found a connection between electric and magnetic fields, writing that there is a “possibility to manipulate inertial mass” and potentially “some mechanisms for possible applications to electromagnetic propulsion and the development of advanced space propulsion physics.” A 2010 Air Force-funded study at the University of Florida produced a “wingless electromagnetic air vehicle” with “no moving parts” and “near-instantaneous response time” that “was able to hover a few millimeters above the surface for (about three minutes)”.
• For years, various branches of the Armed Forces have been actively researching metamaterials that can propagate high energy electromagnetic fields. Navy budget documents show that between 2011 and 2016, the Navy conducted research into the “dispersion and control of electromagnetic waves in the microwave region, using fabricated metamaterial structures”. Starting in 2017, the Navy changed its project reporting to make it more difficult to know whether this metamaterial research continues today.
• The long and detailed history of interest by the U.S. military and the scientific community in this exotic field has resulted in significant amounts of research that spans nearly seven decades. All this occurred in spite of the fact that scientists realized as far back as the 1950s that the topic was largely taboo and often scoffed at by the larger scientific community.
• But anyone familiar with military research and development knows that there is a vast trove of projects, associated data, and technologies the public has yet to be shown and may never be shown. As the US Air Forces ‘Project Outgrowth’ document states: “We are just beginning to understand the true nature of space and to attempt to utilize this environment for our propulsion needs. …[N]ot until man truly becomes a creature of space will the restrictions imposed on his imagination be removed and radically new propulsion concepts devised.”
Decades-old questions about the potential existence of fantastical anti-gravity propulsion technologies have resurfaced following the Navy’s own disclosure of encounters with unidentified aerial phenomena and our own original reporting on a series of bizarre patents assigned to the U.S. Navy that seem to defy our current understanding of physics and aerospace propulsion. While the discussion continues over whether any such technologies are feasible, the truth is that the theoretical concepts behind them are anything but new. In fact, the U.S. military and the federal government have been formally researching these radical concepts since the 1950s, and according to our own research, those efforts have continued on to this very day.
In our dive into what seems like something of a bottomless rabbit hole of government studies into this exotic scientific realm, we have collected a body of research, news reports, and firsthand accounts. These establish the fact that the types of “anti-gravity”, propellantless propulsion, and mass reduction technologies described in the Navy’s recent “UFO” patents are at least based on more than 60 years of peer-reviewed research conducted and published by the likes of the American Institute of Physics, NASA, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and the Air Force Research Laboratory.
While we can’t say that any of this research led to actually being able to harness “anti-gravity” or extremely advanced next-generation propulsion technologies to any useful extent, the most advanced laboratories under control of both the armed forces and the academic world have certainly been trying their best to get there for the better part of a century. Also, keep in mind that all of this information comes from unclassified sources, and there is definitely more of it than just what is represented here. We can only wonder how much work has been done in the classified realm on what was once openly considered the next massive revolution in aerospace technology.
The Martin Company’s Early Foray Into Anti-Gravity
In terms of the Air Force’s early anti-gravity research, one intriguing first-hand account comes from Dr. Louis Witten, who was a professor of physics at the University of Cincinnati from 1968 to 1991. Throughout his career, Witten conducted research into gravitation, quantum gravity, and general relativity. The last one of these is the theory first put forward by Albert Einstein that proposes that gravity is essentially a warp or curve in the geometry of space-time caused by mass.
During a roundtable discussion titled “Recollections of the Relativistic Astrophysics Revolution” held at the 27th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics in 2013, Witten recounted his own work on what he somewhat puzzlingly refers to as “the discovery of anti-gravity.”
In his portion of the roundtable, Witten recalls being recruited by George S. Trimble, then serving as Vice President for Aviation and Advanced Propulsion Systems at the Glenn L. Martin Company, which evolved first into Martin-Marietta and eventually merged with Lockheed in 1995 to form Lockheed Martin. The project for which Witten was recruited would come to be known as the Research Institute for Advanced Studies (RIAS) and was officially founded in 1955 by George Bunker, president of Martin, with the goal of advancing aerospace science and development.
“The vice president [Trimble] had the wonderful idea which was to develop anti-gravity,” Witten says, noting he immediately balked at the proposal. “When he tried the idea in public, you can imagine the greeting he received from scientists. So he said to himself ‘those poor bastards, I’ll show them.'” Despite his skepticism, Witten ended up accepting Trimble’s offer to join the powerful Martin executive’s pet project.
Throughout his short speech given at the roundtable, Witten says that even though he faced ridicule within the scientific community for his research, there was no shortage of people who would tell him they knew how to achieve anti-gravity.
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Article by Arianne Gift October 22, 2019 (
• Jerry Linenger (pictured above) is a former NASA astronaut and captain of the U.S Navy Medical Corps who spent time in space on both the International Space Station and the Russian Space Station Mir before it was decommissioned in 2001. Linenger says there were several instances aboard the International Space Station when he and his fellow crewmates saw “unidentified objects” in space during his five-month stay, although he won’t go so far as to claim they are of extraterrestrial origin.
• Linenger says that in space, astronauts often have a hard time making out if an object is far or nearby. What the astronauts see could be space junk or it could be legit UFO. “I saw stuff that made me call my crewmates over and say ‘what the heck is that?’,” Linenger said in a September interview. “[Y]ou would see things and you go ‘wow, that’s cool – I don’t know what that was exactly, but it’s not a satellite.'”
• Linenger also spent five months on the Space Station Mir along with two Russian crewmates. He was the first American to perform a spacewalk from a non-American space station, wearing a foreign space suit. While aboard the Mir, Linenger and his two Russian crewmembers dramatically survived the most severe fire that has ever occurred aboard an orbiting spacecraft.
• Linenger was in India in September to be interviewed and featured in a National Geographic television show that explored the Chandrayaan 2 space mission. He was in the Indian Space Research Organization control room during the September 7th telecast of the Chandrayaan 2’s ill-fated Moon landing.
Former NASA astronaut Jerry Linenger has revealed there were several instances aboard the International Space Station that made the entire space crew scratch their heads. He referred to the anomalies as “unidentified flying objects,” pleading the press not to take him out of context.
In one of Linenger’s live interviews, he admitted to seeing several bizarre objects or unexplained sightings during his five-month stay in space. The astronaut recalled how he and his colleagues could only guess and ask among themselves what they saw.
Jerry Linenger in India
“I saw stuff that made me call my crewmates over and say ‘what the heck is that?’,” the Linenger said.
Linenger, who is also a retired captain of the U.S Navy Medical Corps, not only stayed at NASA’s International Space Station – he also did a stint at the Russian Space Station Mir, which operated from the mid-1980s to 2001.
The former astronaut, along with two Russian crewmates, spent five months at the SS Mir, which at the time was situated 50 million miles about Earth while orbiting the planet 2,000 miles. It was the first time an American astronaut was able to perform a spacewalk from a non-American space station while wearing a foreign space suit.
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• On October 22nd the UFO documentary Witness of Another World, premiered on Vimeo and Amazon Prime. (see 1:50 minute trailer below) Directed by Alan Stivelman, the film is distributed by 1091 Media, formerly the Orchard, which has an established line-up of documentaries that focus on the paranormal and the ufological.
• The writer, MJ Banias, likes this movie because it focuses on “the people at the center of the frenzy, and the trauma they experience.” He says it is “the best documentary on the subject that I have ever seen.”
• Stivelman set out to make a different UFO documentary. But the film ended up being an allegory about the deleterious effect that a famous UFO sighting in South America in 1978 had on young boy named Juan Pérez. As the documentary shows, it marked him for the rest of his life and ruined Pérez’s life. Stivelman’s Witness of Another World is successful because it really isn’t about UFOs, but about the people who have alleged encounters with them.
• What the film portrays is a man who is living alone, emotionally and socially removed from his peers and family, still haunted by his alien encounter and wondering “why he had to have lived through that.” Watching Pérez break down on camera is one of the film’s most powerful moments. Says Stivelman, “It’s deep, emotional, and filmed in a way that fully encompasses what the abduction experience must’ve felt like. The film’s also shot more like a feature than a documentary with beautiful reenactments. This really set the title apart from the rest in the genre…” said Jim Martin, Vice President of Paranormal Content for 1091 Media.
• The film also features Jacques Vallée who interviewed Pérez when he was a boy, and has since held a firm conviction that the young gaucho had an encounter with a non-human intelligence. But since the film is about Pérez’s experience, it still works even if you don’t believe the UFO premise. Stivelman says that the audience is left “to draw their own conclusions.”
• [Editor’s Note] MJ Banias is right where the Deep State wants mainstream media journalists to be – admitting that there is too much evidence to deny the existence UFOs but not willing to admit to the bigger picture, i.e.: that UFOs are integral to the extraterrestrial presence. For the past seventy years, the Deep State has been actively denying and covering up the true existence of ET-controlled UFOs and our secret space program which interacts with these beings, and instilling this falsehood as ‘rational’. Apparently, Banias has been guzzling the Deep State’s rhetorical kool aid for so long that he is brainwashed, along with the majority of the public.
Banias starts this article by stating: “I have seen a lot of UFO documentaries, and after a while, they start to get boring. They tend to tell the same old stories, or promote some snake-oil-selling UFO “expert.” Then Banias says, “UFO documentaries usually make the same mistake: they try to “prove” that UFOs are real, or that they are alien, or interdimensional, or paranormal, or something else. They all inevitably fail.” Here Banias reveals his bias against UFO researchers whom he compares to “snake-oil salesmen”.
Banias says that the movie is saved because it doesn’t focus on the silly notion of UFOs, but the people who’s lives are negatively affected because they believed in UFOs. The UFO, says Banias, is “really just a MacGuffin”, or a plot device, and the viewer isn’t required to believe any of it. The moral here is that believing in UFOs will end up ruining your life.
Not two weeks after this article was published, Banias again displayed his Deep State mindset in an October 29th Vice article titled: “QAnon and UFO Conspiracies Are Merging” in which he casts aspersions against UFO researchers such as Jordan Sather, Michael Salla and Steven Greer. In this more recent article, Banias attacks the government insider group known as ‘QAnon’ for spreading ‘disinformation’ that the Deep State is hiding the UFO/extraterrestrial presence from the public. Banias belittles both the “UFO conspiracy” and the “QAnon conspiracy”, branding their common link as “particularly dangerous”.
Banias says, “[Q] is beginning to find an audience among UFO hunters and people who believe the government is hiding aliens.” He touts the Deep State position that UFO and aliens are a figment of the imagination, that there is no such thing as a “secret space program”, and that the US government is innocent of any cover-up to prevent UFO/ET “Disclosure”.
According to Banias, it isn’t the Deep State government that has been using the media to mind-control the public into ridiculing and rejecting the UFO/ET reality, but it is this conspiracy movement itself that is “sewing discord and mistrust in established institutions, such as the government or military, [as] a known tool of psychological warfare and social engineering. Conspiracies, conspiracy theorists and those individuals who promote them can be far from harmless,” says Banias.
And then, incredibly, Banias employs yet another notorious Deep State tactic in its mind-control playbook by the triggering the public’s fear that the Russians are behind QAnon in order to “generate mistrust within [an American] populace”.
In rebuttal to Banias’ outrageous accusations, Jordan Sather responded to Banias’ article in an episode of Sather’s ‘Destroying the Illusion” YouTube channel (see 44:35 minute video below). Likewise, Dr Michael Salla posted a scathing article on and (see Salla’s article here) pointing out that QAnon has revealed how compromised “journalists” are compensated for following the “talking points” that the Deep State sends to journalist’s private email accounts at 4 am each morning to control their “news commentary”. Dr Salla also points out that the UK intelligence community, as well as the other “Five Eyes” nations’ intelligence agencies, regularly targets and destroys the reputation of anyone contesting the Deep State’s talking points. Indeed, this has been a Deep State policy since the CIA/Robertson Panel’s “Durant Report” in 1953, recommending that the mass media ‘evoke a strong psychological reaction’ by debunking so-called “flying saucers”.
As Dr Salla puts it, “Banias is merely providing a new twist to the decades-long psychological warfare policy of discrediting UFO researchers and reports.” These two recent articles by MJ Banias, both published on the website, “suggests he is either simply naïve or has begun receiving 4 am talking points”.
44:35 minute rebuttal against MJ Banias by Jordan Sather (‘Destroying the Illusion’ Youtube channel)
I have seen a lot of UFO documentaries, and after a while, they start to get boring. They tend to tell the same old stories, or promote some snake-oil-selling UFO “expert.” Perhaps the biggest issue I take with UFO documentaries is that they never focus on what actually matters: the people at the center of the frenzy, and the trauma they experience.
By this measure, Alan Stivelman’s film Witness of Another World is the best documentary on the subject that I have ever seen.
Witness of Another World tells the story of Juan Pérez, a lonely gaucho who, as a young boy, allegedly had an encounter with an anomalous aerial vehicle and the strange entities inside. In the 1970s, this incident made headline news in South America and, as the documentary shows, very much ruined Pérez’s life. The film dives into Pérez’s life 40 years later. Living alone, Pérez is still haunted by his alleged encounter.
“In the beginning, I proposed to make this film in order to decode the mystery behind the UFO phenomenon,” said Stivelman. “This mission was overshadowed by the acute sadness that Juan brought with him and the desire to understand why he had to have lived through that supernatural experience that marked him for the rest of his life.”
UFO documentaries usually make the same mistake: they try to “prove” that UFOs are real, or that they are alien, or interdimensional, or paranormal, or something else. They all inevitably fail. Stivelman’s Witness of Another World is successful because it really isn’t about UFOs, but about the people who have alleged encounters with them.
Yes, it is a movie about an alleged UFO encounter from 1978, but the UFO is really just a MacGuffin. Pérez is the real story here, and the conflicts he has with other people are really what the film is about. Watching Pérez break down on camera is one of the film’s most powerful moments. It is jarring and painful—a close up shot of his face, lined with wrinkles that don’t seem to match his boyish bravado in the previous scenes.
“It was there, as a filmmaker, that I had to make a crucial decision for the rest of the shooting. To continue with the investigation of the UFO phenomenon, to stay only in the phenomenological aspect, or to attend to Juan, to his suffering, and to look for a way to help him,” Stivelman said.
The film is distributed by 1091 Media, formerly the Orchard, which has an established line-up of documentaries that focus on the paranormal and Ufological.
1:50 minute trailer for “Witness of Another World” documentary (Humano Films YouTube)
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