Article by Inigo Monzon December 15, 2019 (
• Maggie Aderin-Pocock is a British scientist who specializes in physics and astronomy. She co-hosts the astronomy-themed BBC program “The Sky At Night.” Aderin-Pocock recently acknowledged that intelligent alien life forms exist and that it’s only just a matter of time before humans encounter them. She also believes that an invasion carried out by aliens might actually be good for humanity.
• “I sometimes wonder where the aliens are, but I have little doubt that they’re out there,” Aderin-Pocock told The Guardian. “It’s the numbers game. There are just too many planets, galaxies, solar systems, moons and stars to think there can’t be more life.” (see Adam Frank video below on the likelihood of intelligent extraterrestrial life)
• Aderin-Pocock suggested that aliens may have already visited this planet at a time when humans had not yet evolved, and then left. Said Aderin-Pocock, “Maybe they came in the age of the dinosaurs and left because they had no one to communicate with.”
• If aliens did return to our planet to carry out a wide-scale invasion, Aderin-Pocock believes that this would still be good for the people of Earth. An alien invasion would unify everyone to stop our wars and our in-fighting in order to fight against a common enemy.
• [Editor’s Note] I agree with Maggie Aderin-Pocock that “There are just too many planets, galaxies, solar systems, moons and stars to think there can’t be more life.” It seems obvious. So why can’t scientists take the leap to admit that alien life is all around us, but the world’s power elite and the governments they control are actively hiding the truth about extraterrestrials? What is it that makes scientists cling to the notion that the government is telling us the truth when they say that the Roswell UFO crash was a Project Mogul balloon; or that the UFOs flying over Washington D.C. in the summer 1952 were caused by “temperature inversions”; or that the ‘tic tac’ UFOs seen by Navy pilots over the past 25 years, displaying exotic technology which ‘defies our concept of physics’ are simply a new generation of military hardware? And why would they believe anything that comes out of SETI? Is it because funding for any type of scientific research comes from government or private foundation grants, which are controlled by this same deep state elite?
A British astronomer believes that intelligent alien life forms exist and that it’s only just a matter of time before humans encounter them. She also believes that an invasion carried out by aliens might actually be good for humanity.
Maggie Aderin-Pocock
Scientist Maggie Aderin-Pocock specializes in the fields of physics and astronomy. Since 2014, she has been co-hosting the astronomy-themed BBC program “The Sky At Night.” Recently, she shared her thoughts on extraterrestrial intelligence. According to Aderin-Pocock, it is highly possible that humans are not the only intelligent forms of life in the universe primarily because of its vastness.
Due to the number of planets, stars and galaxies that are yet to be identified by space agencies, it is possible that there are worlds that are inhabited by intelligent alien beings.
“I sometimes wonder where the aliens are, but I have little doubt that they’re out there,” Aderin-Pocock told The Guardian. “It’s the numbers game. There are just too many planets, galaxies, solar systems, moons and stars to think there can’t be more life.”
Aside from the possible existence of extraterrestrial life, the scientists noted that it is possible that aliens may have already visited. However, since this may have occurred during the time when humans have not yet evolved, the aliens most likely left the planet after failing to connect with an intelligent life form.
Adam Frank on the likelihood of intelligent extraterrestrial life (‘University of Rochester’ YouTube)
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Article by Andrew Griffen December 11, 2019 (
• The Institute of Astronomy at Cambridge, England recently completed the most extensive survey of the chemical compositions of exoplanets ever conducted. They found that water was “common” across many of those exoplanets. But they also discovered that there was less of it on those planets than expected, and there was great variety between the different kinds of worlds. Said project leader Dr. Nikku Madhusudhan, “We are seeing the first signs of chemical patterns in extra-terrestrial worlds, and we’re seeing just how diverse they can be in terms of their chemical compositions.”
• Water is thought to be a key component of extraterrestrial life, and so finding it elsewhere in the universe is key to discovering life elsewhere in the universe. The researchers used data from 19 exoplanets to get detailed measurements of the chemical and thermal properties. They looked at a wide variety of different worlds, from relatively small “mini-Neptunes” that are 10 times bigger than our Earth to “super-Jupiters” that are as big as 600 times the Earth.
• The theory is that when our solar system was forming, the gravity of the high carbon content in giant planets pulled in ice and other hydrogen particles to form water reserves. If this holds true for giant exoplanets, they should also hold large amounts of water.
• Using data from a huge array of different space and ground telescopes, researchers found water vapour present in 14 of the 19 planets, along with an abundance of sodium and potassium in six planets. But they also found less oxygen relative to other elements. So they may not contain significant amounts of ice.
• Luis Welbanks, lead author of the study, said, “Measuring the abundances of these chemicals in exoplanetary atmospheres is something extraordinary, considering that we have not been able to do the same for giant planets in our solar system yet, including Jupiter, our nearest gas giant neighbor.”
• Says project leader Dr. Madhusudhan, “Given that water is a key ingredient to our notion of habitability on Earth, it is important to know how much water can be found in planetary systems beyond our own.”
• [Editor’s Note] With the recent news of Navy patents on anti-gravity propulsion and zero-point energy, and the declassification of government ‘secret space programs’, deep state institutions such as Cambridge University are pouring on the “scientific studies” of the potential habitability of distant exoplanets as a distraction from the soon-to-be-disclosed reality that virtually every star in the galaxy has a habitable planet with intelligent life.
Water is “common” on alien worlds, scientists have found in a study that could change our understanding of how planets form and where we might find alien life.
The discovery comes from the most extensive survey of the chemical compositions of planets ever conducted, and challenges our search for water in our own solar system and elsewhere.
Dr. Nikku Madhusudhan Luis Welbanks
Water is thought to be a key component of extraterrestrial life, and so finding it elsewhere in the universe is likely to be central to discovering whether aliens exist elsewhere in the universe.
The researchers used data from 19 exoplanets to get detailed measurements of the chemical and thermal properties of exoplanets. They looked at a wide variety of different worlds, from relatively small “mini-Neptunes” only 10 times bigger than our Earth to “super-Jupiters” that are as big as 600 of our own planet, and from places that are between 20C and 2000C.
They found that water was “common” across many of those exoplanets. But they also discovered that there was less of it on those planets than expected, and there was great variety between the different kinds of worlds.
“We are seeing the first signs of chemical patterns in extra-terrestrial worlds, and we’re seeing just how diverse they can be in terms of their chemical compositions,” said project leader Dr Nikku Madhusudhan from the Institute of Astronomy at Cambridge.
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• It’s been a heckuva year for unidentified flying objects. 2019 has been awash with news of UFOs, aliens, reports and video from verifiably sane sources. In May, soon after Navy pilots claimed to not only have seen but recorded UFOs during training exercises in 2004 and 2015, the Navy brass admitted it investigates UFOs. (see ExoArticle)
• In November, Popular Mechanics reported that after the 2004 ‘Nimitz incident’, two “unknown individuals” took the data tapes away and wiped the Navy’s hard drives. (see ExoArticle)
• Meanwhile, unidentified flying objects were captured on video off North Carolina’s Outer Banks (see ExoNews Update Article) and the Army announced a partnership with Tom DeLonge’s ‘To the Stars Academy’ to research alien technology. (see ExoArticle)
• According to the National UFO Reporting Center, on September 21st, in Gallipolis, Ohio, “A husband (former law enforcement) and wife (scientist), while sitting outside their recreational vehicle at a public campsite, witnessed a very bright light approach their campsite from the south in an erratic manner, appearing to slow or stop on several occasions as it drew near. It got within 50 yards, they estimate, of their campsite, at which time, out of a sense of alarm, the husband reached for his .45 caliber sidearm, but he felt unable to use his arm, or lift the firearm. The object, estimated by the witnesses to have been approximately 20 feet in diameter, hovered nearby for approximately 8 seconds, and then suddenly accelerated toward the west, and disappeared very quickly to the west.” (see ExoArticle)
• On September 1st in Taos, New Mexico, “Three elk hunters allegedly witnessed two alien creatures, standing upright, on a nearby hilltop. The next day, two of them return to the same area to look for evidence, and they allegedly witnessed an unusual looking craft resting on the ground.” (see ExoArticle)
• On August 12th on New Jersey’s Garden State Parkway, “A husband and wife were driving north on the NJ Garden State Parkway when their attention was drawn to two peculiar white lights that appeared to be approaching their location. Suddenly, they realized that the lights were affixed to a very large, triangular craft, which maneuvered to above the highway and hovered. The witnesses could see ‘windows’ on the top of the craft, from which light appeared to emanate. Traffic was passing underneath the craft.”
• According to the UFO HotSpot Infographic , aliens apparently prefer colder climes as UFO hotspots include Washington State, Montana, Vermont, Alaska and Maine. The states with the least alien activity are Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama.
It’s been a helluva year for unidentified flying objects.
Once thought to be fictional works used to sell tabloids, 2019 has been awash with news of UFOs, aliens and strange phenomena — including reports (complete with video) from verifiably sane sources.
In May, the Pentagon admitted it investigates UFOs soon after Navy pilots claimed to not only have seen but recorded UFOs during training exercises in 2004 and 2015.
In November, another report in Popular Mechanics confirmed that after the 2004 incident, two “unknown individuals” took the data tapes away and wiped the Navy hard drive.
Meanwhile, just around the time the Popular Mechanics report was released, unidentified flying objects were captured on video off North Carolina’s Outer Banks and the Army announced a partnership with Blink-182 frontman Tom DeLonge’s To the Stars Academy to research alien technology.
But while astronomers say humans finding aliens may take a long time, 2019 was a particularly active year for UFOs visiting Earth.
According to the National UFO Reporting Center, on Sept. 21, in Gallipolis, Ohio, “A husband (former law enforcement) and wife (scientist), while sitting outside their recreational vehicle at a public campsite, witnessed a very bright light approach their campsite from the south in an erratic manner, appearing to slow or stop on several occasions as it drew near. It got within 50 yards, they estimate, of their campsite, at which time, out of a sense of alarm, the husband reached for his .45 caliber sidearm, but he felt unable to use his arm, or lift the firearm. The object, estimated by the witnesses to have been approximately 20 feet in diameter, hovered nearby for approximately 8 seconds, and then suddenly accelerated toward the west, and disappeared very quickly to the west.”
Meanwhile, on Sept. 1, in Taos, New Mexico, “Three elk hunters allegedly witnessed two alien creatures, standing upright, on a nearby hilltop. The next day, two of them return to the same area to look for evidence, and they allegedly witness an unusual looking craft resting on the ground.”
Closer to home, on Aug. 12, on New Jersey’s Garden State Parkway (near exit 38B by Atlantic City), “A husband and wife were driving north on the NJ Garden State Parkway when their attention was drawn to two peculiar white lights that appeared to be approaching their location. Suddenly, they realized that the lights were affixed to a very large, triangular craft, which maneuvered to above the highway and hovered. The witnesses could see ‘windows’ on the top of the craft, from which light appeared to emanate. Traffic was passing underneath the craft.”
If you’re worried about your home state, a handy UFO HotSpot Infographic was created by that shows the states with the most alien activity.
According to the infographic, aliens apparently prefer colder climes as “UFO hotspots include Washington State (the home of the National UFO Reporting Center), Montana and Vermont. Alaska and Maine are also popular states for alien encounters.”
The states with the least alien activity are Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama — despite former President Jimmy Carter logging an official report with the International UFO Bureau in 1969, claiming he had seen a self-illuminated, multi-colored UFO before giving a speech at the Lions Club in Leary, Georgia.
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Article by Dirk Schulze-Makuch December 10, 2019 (
• After more than three years of testing, the world’s largest single-dish radio telescope—the Five Hundred-Meter Aperture Spherical Telescope, or “FAST” in southern China (pictured above) – is about to become operational. Chinese officials claim that FAST is already three times as sensitive as the Arecibo observatory in Puerto Rico, the second-largest single-dish telescope in the world.
• While the FAST trials have focused on detecting neutron stars, one of the goals during the telescope’s operational lifetime will be to search for signals from intelligent extraterrestrials. Do they exist? Are they bound by a non-interference ‘prime directive’? Many claim that UFOs and alien visitation has been covered up by the government, such as the 1947 Roswell UFO crash. Of course, this was only a high altitude balloon used by the U.S. Air Force for Project Mogul.
• In fact, 99 percent of all UFO reports can be easily explained as natural atmospheric phenomena like sprites – which produce dancing flashes of bright light when lightning is exciting the electrical field above a storm. Scientists focus their investigations on the one percent of UFO events that are stubbornly difficult to explain – not that the investigators have any evidence of aliens. But any scientific investigation has to be based on experiments and reproducibility. And when it comes to alien visitations, those standards can be difficult or impossible to apply.
• Considering that we still have no answer for the Great Silence of the elusive aliens, we have to leave open the possibility that aliens have been visiting Earth. From a practical standpoint, science may be better suited to analyzing alien artifacts or possible alien objects in space, such as the interstellar asteroid ʻOumuamua’. As our observatories improve, and better telescopes like FAST come online, we may find ourselves with many more such mysteries to solve.
• [Editor’s Note] Wow. This writer has guzzled so much of the deep state’s kool aid, he is completely mind controlled and devoid of independent thought. He accepts without question that the Roswell crash was a weather balloon. He believes that 99 percent of all UFO sightings are mere atmospheric phenomenon. It is hard to take anyone with such cognitive dissonance seriously. Hopefully, Chinese astronomers won’t be as hampered by deep state propaganda as are the hapless scientists in America. Humanity will welcome the truth for a change, regardless of where it comes from.
The world’s largest single-dish radio telescope—the Five Hundred-Meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) in southern China—is about to start operation after more than three years of testing and commissioning. While the trials have focused on detecting neutron stars, one of the goals during the telescope’s operational lifetime will be to search for signals generated by intelligent extraterrestrials. Since Chinese officials claim that FAST is already three times as sensitive as the Arecibo observatory in Puerto Rico, the second-largest single-dish telescope in the world, we surely expect new discoveries.
We don’t know, of course, whether the giant telescope will detect signs of extraterrestrial technology. But we’d love to have an explanation for what’s been called the Great Silence, also known as the Fermi Paradox: If there is intelligent life out there, why don’t we see any evidence of it?
There are many possible answers, including the idea that we live in a kind of designated nature preserve, or zoo. Or, if you like Star Trek, maybe the aliens are applying their version of the prime directive and trying not to interfere with life on Earth.
When I was in New Mexico recently for a workshop on extant life on Mars, I also visited the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell. While the museum did have some interesting exhibits, including artwork and depictions of aliens in science fiction movies, its focus on the famous 1947 Roswell UFO incident seemed to suggest a government cover-up of an alien visitation. Never mind that the Roswell event likely has a much more mundane explanation: the crash of a high altitude balloon like the ones used by the U.S. Air Force for Project Mogul.
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• US Air Force Lieutenant General Steven L. Kwast (pictured above) served as Commander of the 47th Operations Group at Laughlin Air Force Base and the 4th Fighter Wing at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, and had support within the Armed Forces to be appointed as the Commander of the Pentagon’s Space Force. Instead, Kwast retired this past September. On November 20, 2019, Kwast gave a lecture titled “The Urgent Need for a U.S. Space Force” at Hillsdale College in Washington, D.C.
• In his talk, Kwast claimed that China is already building a “Navy in space” complete with the space-based equivalents of “battleships and destroyers”, and that the US is not keeping up. We know that China has been rapidly expanding its presence in space in recent years, placing a lander on the Moon last year as a possible first step toward a permanent Moon base. China has also been developing “mothership” aircraft from which to launch ‘space planes’ and other payloads into space. China has been investing heavily in manned and unmanned space technologies that rivals, and in some ways, exceeds our own. Kwast believes we need a Space Force in order to counter Chinese advances and win the competition over the economy of the future and, as an extension, the political values for the future.
• Kwast says the “the power of space will change world power forever” and that it’s up to the United States military to leverage that power. The nature of the power of a competitive advantage is “you either have it and your values rule or you do not have it and you must submit. We see that play out again and again in history and it’s playing out now,” Kwast argues. “[China] will pass us in the next few years if we do not do something. They will win this race and then they will put roadblocks up to space.”
• Around the 12:00 mark in the speech (see video below), Kwast makes the somewhat bizarre claim that the U.S. currently possesses revolutionary technologies that could render current aerospace capabilities obsolete: “[M]ost Americans and most members of Congress have not had time to really look deeply at what is going on here. … [T]echnology can be built today (that can)… deliver any human being from any place on planet Earth to any other place in less than an hour.”
• Other military leaders have made curious comments lately alluding that we could be on the precipice of a great leap in transportation technology. There are many within the U.S. military and analyst community who feel a great need to boost investment in American space technologies and the U.S. military’s presence in space. That vision is taking root across the Defense Department.
• Kwast has published several op-eds in recent years pushing for the U.S. military to take on a greater role in space in order to ensure American economic dominance and what he sees as the continued proliferation of American values. Some have said that Kwast was blacklisted and prematurely relieved of his duties after speaking out on space-related issues in violation of a service-wide gag order. Kwast declined to comment.
• Is all this setting the stage for a new space race that will benefit mankind by furthering scientific and technological development, or is it ushering in the conditions for the first great space war?
Recently retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General Steven L. Kwast gave a lecture last month that seems to further signal that the next major battlefield will be outer space. While military leadership rattling the space sabers is nothing new, Kwast’s lecture included comments that heavily hint at the possibility that the United States military and its industry partners may have already developed next-generation technologies that have the potential to drastically change the aerospace field, and human civilization, forever. Is this mere posturing or could we actually be on the verge of making science fiction a reality?
Who Is Steven Kwast?
According to his official USAF biography, Lt. Gen. Kwast graduated from the United States Air Force Academy with a degree in astronautical engineering, and also holds a master’s degree in public policy from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. Kwast previously served as Commander of the 47th Operations Group at Laughlin Air Force Base and the 4th Fighter Wing at Seymour Johnson AFB. Kwast boasts more than 3,300 flight hours in the F-15E, T-6, T-37, and T-38 and over 650 combat hours.
Lt. Gen. Kwast most recently served as Commander of the Air Education and Training Command (AETC) at Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA), but retired in August. According to some reports, Kwast was prematurely relieved of his duties at JBSA and blacklisted for promotion after speaking out on space-related issues despite a service-wide gag order. Kwast declined to comment on the reports and retired on September 1, 2019.
Despite the controversy surrounding his removal from his post at AETC, some defense analysts and Lt. Gen. Kwast’s own supporters within the Armed Forces were suggesting prior to his retirement that he should be appointed as Commander of the Pentagon’s budding Space Force. Kwast has published several op-eds in recent years pushing for the U.S. military to take on a greater role in space in order to ensure American economic dominance and what he sees as the continued proliferation of American values.
Gaining The High Ground In Space
Kwast delivered a lecture at Hillsdale College in Washington, D.C. on November 20, 2019, titled “The Urgent Need for a U.S. Space Force.” Kwast’s wide-ranging speech described the power of new technologies to revolutionize humankind, referencing the competitive advantage the discovery of fire offered to early humans and the strategic value that nuclear weapons offered 20th-century superpowers. When it comes to current revolutionary technologies, Kwast says the “the power of space will change world power forever” and that it’s up to the United States military to leverage that power: “As a historian, reflecting on the fact that throughout the history of mankind… technology has always changed world power. But the story of rejecting the new and holding and clinging to the paradigms of the past is why no civilization has ever lasted forever, and values are trumped by other values when another civilization figures out a way of finding a competitive advantage. The nature of power, you either have it and your values rule or you do not have it and you must submit. We see that play out again and again in history and it’s playing out now.”
As has been common as of late, Lt. Gen Kwast cites rapidly growing Chinese military and technological advances as the reason why the United States must invest heavily in new space-based technologies. “We can say today we are dominant in space but the trend lines are what you have to look at and they will pass us in the next few years if we do not do something. They will win this race and then they will put roadblocks up to space,” Kwast argues, “because once you get the high ground, that strategic high ground, it’s curtains for anybody trying to get to that high ground behind them.”
1:06:24 video of Steven Kwast on the Need for Space Force (‘Hillsdale College’ YouTube)
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Article by Nathan Strout December 7, 2019 (
• On December 7th during a panel at the Reagan National Defense Forum, Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett remarked on the need to declassify a large amount of information about America’s military space programs to both intimidate foes and encourage support among the public. “America is the best there is in space,” said Barrett. “[O]ur capability in space was predominantly built at a time when we thought space was a benign environment.” “[T]here is much more classified than what needs to be.”
• Fellow panelist Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala) responded that he met with the Secretary Barrett earlier in the week to discuss that very issue, calling the information on space programs “overwhelmingly classified.” Rogers cited overclassification as one of the reasons it’s been so difficult for him and others to build support both in the public and with other members of Congress for a Space Force, a sixth branch of the military under the Air Force uniquely focused on space as a war-fighting domain.
• “As members of the Armed Services Committee and the defense appropriators, …we have to have our colleagues in the Congress to be supportive of us making the changes we need and the resources we need” for our space program, said Rogers. “It’s not going to happen until they understand the threat and the dependence we have. And I don’t think that can happen until we see significant declassification of what we’re doing in space and what China and Russia are doing, and how space is in their day-to-day lives.” Once Americans have access to that currently classified data, they will throw their support behind a Space Force, he said.
• Barrett and Rogers declined to say how much of the black space portfolio could move into the public, nor when changes would start happening. But Barrett pledged that it would be a focus for her office moving forward, a sign that progress could come during 2020.
• The intelligence community is also moving to declassify more information in order to combat threats posed by China, Russia and other nations. Then-Principal Deputy Director of Intelligence Sue Gordon stated in June that declassification is key to combating attempts by foreign powers to target American civilians for data collection. That same month, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., called on the intelligence community to declassify more data to combat the growing threat that China’s government poses to American businesses.
• [Editor’s Note] This article doesn’t even appear in a Google search. Someone doesn’t want the door opened to our highly classified secret space programs. I’m sure that Secretary Barrett and Congressman Rogers have no idea the can of worms they are prying open here. Barrett’s quote is interesting however: “[O]ur capability in space was predominantly built at a time when we thought space was a benign environment,” she says. Yes, the US secret space program was indeed built long ago. It began in the 1950s when the American military industrial complex secretly partnered with Antarctic German Nazis and the Draco Reptilians who provided the Germans with their advanced spaceship technology. When this technology was not forthcoming, Nordic extraterrestrials offered to assist the US Navy with an American secret space program which was developed in the 1960s. It was built during the 1970s in underground caverns under the Wastach Mountains in Utah. And the resulting eight kilometer-long, cigar-shaped spaceships of the top secret space program, ‘Solar Warden’, was deployed in the 1980s. Learn all about the extraordinary hidden history of the United States’ space programs in Dr. Michael Salla’s four-book ‘secret space program’ series.
And in case you missed it, see Dr. Salla’s December 13th article on this profound news story here.
SIMI VALLEY, California — The U.S. Air Force’s top civilian and a key member of Congress agreed Saturday on the need to declassify a large amount of information about America’s military space programs to both intimidate foes and encourage support among the public.
Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett
“Declassifying some of what is currently held in secure vaults would be a good idea,” Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett said during a panel at the Reagan National Defense Forum. “You would have to be careful about what we declassify, but there is much more classified than what needs to be.”
Fellow panelist Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala., said he met with the secretary earlier in the week to discuss that very issue, calling the information on space programs “overwhelmingly classified.”
Rep. Mike Rogers
For Rogers, that overclassification is one of the reasons it’s been so difficult for him and others to build support both in the public and with other members of Congress for a Space Force, a sixth branch of the military under the Air Force uniquely focused on space as a war-fighting domain.
“As members of the Armed Services Committee and the defense appropriators, we get it. But we have to have our other colleagues in the Congress to be supportive of us making the changes we need and the resources we need into this,” he said. “It’s not going to happen until they understand the threat and the dependence we have. And I don’t think that can happen until we see significant declassification of what we’re doing in space and what China and Russia are doing, and how space is in their day-to-day lives.”
Once Americans have access to that currently classified data, they will throw their support behind a Space Force, he concluded.
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Article by Sianna Boschetti December 9, 2019 (
• On Saturday, July 19, 1952, Washington National Airport radar picked up a group of UFOs flying over Washington, D.C. That evening the UFOs remained, hovering over the capitol. “There was an attempted intercept,” says Dr. Kevin Randle, ufologist and author of the book: Invasion Washington: UFOs Over the Capitol. “But the (fighter) planes got there and everything was gone.”
• One week later, on Saturday, July 26th, the same crew operating the radar at Washington National Airport saw the same blips on their screen. The crew called for another fighter plane interception. Said Randle, “It seemed that every time the fighters showed up, all the uncorrelated blips disappeared from the radar. In other words, all the UFOs went away. When the fighters returned to base, the blips came back.”
• The incidents over D.C. were turned over to the Air Force’s ‘Project Blue Book’ investigation. Project Blue Book is currently commemorating the 50th anniversary of the investigation’s end in 1969 with an exhibit of declassified documents in the National Archives.
• According to Rebecca Charbonneau of the University of Cambridge (in Cambridge, England), and an ‘expert’ on the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, also known as SETI, Project Blue Book was more than an attempt to follow up on UFO sightings. With the Cold War looming, Project Blue Book was a way to see if these UFOs could actually be technologically advanced Soviet aircraft. In the early 1950s, tensions with the Soviet Union were increasing and American surveillance technology was far less effective than today.
• Statistics supplied by the National Archives list 12,618 UFO sightings investigated by Project Blue Book between 1947 and 1969. All except 700 of those cases were readily “identified”. According to the Archives, Project Blue Book arrived at three major conclusions: 1) none of the UFO sightings posed a threat to US national security; 2) the technology present in all UFO sightings did not suggest otherworldly advancements to aircraft technology of the day; and 3) there was no evidence suggesting that the UFOs were from outer space.
• By January 1953, Harvard University astronomer and prominent UFO debunker, Dr. Donald Menzel, announce the CIA’s findings regarding the UFOs seen over D.C. and recorded on radar the previous July. The official explanation was temperature inversions, which occur when a layer of hot air moves over a layer of cool air and bends radar beams. Says Randle, the “so-called experts” came in and told the National Airport radar crew ‘what they really saw’.
• Regardless, Washington, D.C. was in the throes of UFO excitement. The Washington Post regularly reported updates on the sightings. “All’s Quiet Along the Potomac On the Flying Saucer Front,” read one headline in late July of 1952. They reported that a girl in Northwest D.C. saw a saucer in August. The American University student paper reported sightings over their campus in October.
• But one Vienna, Virginia resident wondered what all of the “whoop-de-doo” was about. In a Washington Post letter to the editor on August 15, 1952, he wrote: “I don’t see anything astounding about (flying saucers) at all. The air and the sky around us are full of wonders much more spectacular than saucers.”
• [Editor’s Note] Where do I begin? These UFOs flew over Washington DC on two consecutive weekends, and hovered over the city for everyone to see. When fighter planes got near them, they disappeared from radar, and came back when they left. But all of this is “explained” as layers of air that can “bend radar beams” by the CIA and a Harvard astronomer who never met a UFO that he couldn’t debunk. Then a ‘SETI expert’ from Cambridge University, another deep state institution, defends Project Bluebook by pointing out that the Air Force was more interested in monitoring Soviet technology than actually explaining UFOs. What could be more important than a national security threat? Except that Project Bluebook’s conclusion was that these D.C. UFOs posed no threat to national security.
Furthermore, according to Project Bluebook, UFO technology across the board was no more advanced than the ordinary aircraft technology of the day and there was no evidence suggesting that the UFOs were from outer space. If you believe this, then you need to have your head examined. This is clearly a government cover-up straight out of the Robertson Panel Report of January 1953, and the Condon Report of 1968.
In reality, the CIA and the Air Force didn’t want the public to know that the UFOs buzzing Washington, D.C. were actually German Nazi-built spacecraft using extraterrestrial technology that was meant to coerce the US government into covertly joining with them and their Draco Reptilian allies, which the military industrial complex did. This began the deep state elite’s secret space program, which has developed over the past seventy years beyond anyone’s imagination. When the deep state is defeated by the higher consciousness of a (still mind-controlled) human population, all of these advanced technologies, including aerospace, medical, and food production technology, will become available to the planet.
On Saturday, July 19, 1952, the crew at Washington National Airport saw something unusual, according to the next day’s national headlines.
“Saucers Swarm Over Capitol,” read the front page of the Cedar Rapids Gazette. That headline, among many others that day, expressed an anxious curiosity as to why a group of unidentified flying objects spent their Saturday night hovering over D.C. just five years after the now-legendary incident in Roswell, New Mexico.
While other sightings may have eyewitness testimony or indirect evidence of the objects moving through our world, these UFOs spotted at National Airport were undeniably present on a radar.
Dr. Kevin Randle
It’s the reaction to the blips on the radar screen that really sets D.C.’s alleged alien incident apart, says Dr. Kevin Randle, a prominent ufologist and author of Invasion Washington: UFOs Over the Capitol. At one point, Randle says, fighter planes tried to head out to the UFOs’ locations.
“There was an attempted intercept,” he says. “But the planes got there and everything was gone.”
One week later, on Saturday, July 26, the same crew was working at the radar facility, Randle says. This time around, though, they were prepared for the potential of seeing UFOs. Sure enough, the blips reappeared on the radar screen, and the crew called for another interception.
Rebecca Charbonneau
“It seemed that every time the fighters showed up, all the uncorrelated blips disappeared from the radar. In other words, all the UFOs went away,” Randle says. “When the fighters returned to base, the blips came back.”
The incidents over D.C. was one of a number of UFO sightings across the country that the Air Force investigated via Project Blue Book, a study that began five years prior in Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. A code name for the country’s most well-known investigation into UFOs, it eventually became a household name for alien enthusiasts.
The investigation staff tracked sightings and wrote summaries of reports from around the country, according to the National Archives. In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the investigation’s end, declassified documents from Project Blue Book are now on display in the East Rotunda Gallery of the National Archives.
Project Blue Book was a systematic attempt to follow up on UFO sightings, says Rebecca Charbonneau, a Ph.D. candidate and Gates Cambridge scholar at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge. She is an expert on the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, also known as SETI.
With the Cold War looming, the 1950s was a fascinating time for these sightings to have taken place, she says.
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Article by Jazz Shaw December 7, 2019 (
• On December 6th in an email to John Greenewald’s ‘Black Vault’ website, Pentagon spokeswoman, Susan Gough, wanted to ‘correct the record and clear up some inaccuracies’. Now the Pentagon is saying that neither the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) nor its progenitor, the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) were related to investigating UFOs.
• According to the Pentagon’s email, “Neither AATIP nor AAWSAP were UAP related.” “The purpose of AATIP was to investigate foreign advanced aerospace weapons system applications with future technology projections over the next 40 years, and to create a center of expertise on advanced aerospace technologies.” This announcement comes after two years of constant media buzz following the bombshell announcement in December of 2017 that the Pentagon had been investigating UFOs.
• Either the Pentagon or the people at To The Stars Academy (specifically Luis Elizondo) are lying. TTSA has consistently claimed that Elizondo not only ran the AATIP program but that it definitely involved investigating UFOs. In fact, Elizondo said he left government service because of his frustration over the slow pace of those UFO investigations. But Susan Gough has previously stated that Elizondo wasn’t even involved with AATIP.
• Elizondo is given the benefit of the doubt here because it’s the Pentagon that’s been changing their story. They’ve been telling reporters for two years now that AATIP was created at the request of Harry Reid to investigate unidentified aerial phenomena. Then the Navy came out and affirmed that the objects in those three famous videos were indeed UAPs because they had no other clue what they were.
• Two possibilities come to mind. The first is that the DoD has grown uncomfortable with how close TTSA and others are getting to uncovering the truth about UFOs and have decided to shut down any sort of “disclosure”. The other possibility is that the Pentagon is aware of these UFOs belonging to secret military programs in the US, China or Russia. But this is unrealistic because it would require an unimaginable leap in technology that most scientists don’t think possible. Until the government offers any further clarification, this just doesn’t add up.
After two years of constant media buzz following the bombshell announcement in December of 2017 that the Pentagon had been investigating UFOs (or UAPs, as they prefer to call them now), the government dropped another bombshell yesterday. Or perhaps we should call it a “curveball,” as John Greenewald jr. of The Black Vault described it. According to a Pentagon spokeswoman I’ve also worked with in the past, neither the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) or its progenitor, the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) were related to investigating UFOs.
Susan Gough John Greenewald
Claiming they want to correct the record and clear up some inaccuracies, the Pentagon now says AATIP was not a UFO or UAP program.
“Neither AATIP nor AAWSAP were UAP related,” said Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough in an e-mail to The Black Vault. “The purpose of AATIP was to investigate foreign advanced aerospace weapons system applications with future technology projections over the next 40 years, and to create a center of expertise on advanced aerospace technologies.”
Since 2017, details have been scarce. However, the DoD’s latest position that AATIP wasn’t a UFO program, seems to represent one of their most dramatic about-faces on the issue since the program was first revealed.
This caused quite the stir in the ufology community last night as you could probably imagine. Some were pointing out that the language used in Gough’s email seemed carefully worded and left some wiggle room for them. It was noted that the phrase “foreign advanced aerospace weapons system” is somewhat ambiguous because “foreign” simply means “not from the United States” in this context, and that could extend to the rest of the universe, not just “foreign countries” on Earth. But that would seem to be in direct contradiction to the opening statement saying that neither program was “UAP related.”
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Article by Amanda Horowitz December 6, 2019 (
• In recognition of the 50th anniversary of the end of Project Blue Book in 1969, from December 5th through January 8th the National Archives Museum will display a sampling of the Air Force’s declassified UFO investigation program in the East Rotunda Gallery in Washington, D.C. The bulk of the thousands of pages of Project Blue Book records remain at the National Archives College Park, Maryland location. These include home movies that people from all over the United States shot between 1952 and 1967.
• But these Archives may only be the tip of the iceberg. According to UFO historian Richard Dolan, “Serious research must also include the many thousands of pages of documents released over the years via the Freedom of Information Act.” Dolan pointed to criticism of Blue Book, “Frankly, (Project Blue Book) was designed to explain UFO reports away, rather than actually explain them.”
• According to an Air Force website, the conclusions of Project Blue Book were: “No UFO reported, investigated and evaluated by the Air Force was ever an indication of threat to our national security; There was no evidence submitted to or discovered by the Air Force that sightings categorized as “unidentified” represented technological developments or principles beyond the range of modern scientific knowledge; and there was no evidence indicating that sightings categorized as “unidentified” were extraterrestrial vehicles.”
• However, a representative for the National Archives said “Our mission is to make records accessible, not to draw conclusions.” Ryan Faith, space and defense policy expert said, “At the end of the day, it’s kind of immaterial what UFOs are until we can somehow, of our own initiative, interact with them.”
Washington, D.C. — You can become a UFO researcher starting with a new display at the National Archives Museum.
In recognition of the 50th anniversary of the end of Project Blue Book, the code name for the Air Force program that investigated UFO sightings, the National Archives Museum started displaying a selection of Project Blue Book records Thursday.
The records are a just sample from thousands of pages of unclassified records and items related to Project Blue Book that the National Archives has in its possession. Including things like unedited, unaltered home movies used in the investigation that people from all over the United States shot between 1952 and 1967.
You can access the bulk of the Archives Project Blue Book documents at its College Park location. But if you want to reach full-on ufologist status, what the Archives has may only be the tip of the iceberg.
“Serious research much also include the many thousands of pages of documents released over the years via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), UFO historian and author Richard Dolan said. “One can learn much more by studying the declassified literature on this matter via a number of public sources and websites.”
Dolan said the Project Blue Book archives are a good resource. He also pointed to criticism of Blue Book. “Frankly, it was designed (especially after 1952) to explain UFO reports away, rather than actually explain them,” he said.
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Article by Kimberly Johnson December 4, 2019 (
• UFOs have been seen in the US since at least the mid-20th century when Kenneth Arnold, piloting a small plane, saw nine high-speed, crescent-shaped objects zooming along at several thousand miles per hour “like saucers skipping on water.” Although the objects weren’t saucer-shaped at all, his analogy led to the popularization of the term “flying saucers.” Ever since, the idea that aliens are circling the planet in strange-looking spacecraft has fascinated us.
• The National UFO Reporting Center’s website receives thousands of UFO reports annually. Here is one account from Gallipolis, Ohio: “A husband (former law enforcement) and wife (scientist), while sitting outside their recreational vehicle at a public campsite, witness a very bright light approach their campsite from the south in an erratic manner, appearing to slow or stop on several occasions as it drew near. It got within 50 yards, they estimate, of their campsite, at which time, out of a sense of alarm, the husband reached for his .45 caliber sidearm, but he felt unable to use his arm, or lift the firearm. The object, estimated by the witnesses to have been approximately 20 feet in diameter, hovered nearby for approximately 8 seconds, and then suddenly accelerated toward the west, and disappeared very quickly to the west.”
• At least 143 reports have been filed in North Carolina so far in 2019. For instance, On October 9, 2019 in Mooresville, North Carolina: “I was taking my dog out and I just by chance happened to see a bright flash in the sky. I looked up to see what I can only describe a ‘scrambler’ ride from the fair spinning in circle like a top and every time it spun around the arm had some “meteor blue” lights on each arm that swung around.. It didn’t have a repeating movement it was very erratic, but it just moved slowly right across the sky.”
• On October 12, 2019 in Huntersville, North Carolina: “I was driving on Saturday night… (when) I spotted several Orange pulsating orbs moving in straight line across the sky. These where not Chinese lanterns, flares, or airplanes. I could see directly into the orbs and they appeared to be generating some type of energy pulse. These objects where completely silent. They also appear out of nowhere and quickly disappeared once they passed by my direct view. The sighting lasted about 5 minutes one after another.”
• On November 25, 2019 in Wilksboro, North Carolina, a witness reported a “Circle looking silver object was hovering in the sky. … I thought I was crazy and even sprayed my windshield and wipers but it was still there. Weather was great and no clouds absolutely no way it was aircraft because it was there then it was gone so fast and not moving in the sky.”
• The idea of intergalactic UFOs got a boost when it was revealed that in 2007, Democratic Senator Harry Reid from Nevada, home of Area 51, funded a $22 million, multi-year Pentagon program to study UFOs.
• Then, in 2017, it was revealed that retired Navy Commander and pilot David Fravor had seen an oblong craft flying erratically through his airspace at incredible speed off of the coast of California in 2004, maneuvering in a way that defies accepted principles of aerodynamics. Fravor described the wingless object as about 40 feet long, shaped like a ‘Tic Tac’, and “other worldly”. When Fravor’s radar jammed and he flew closer, the craft zoomed upward and disappeared.
• [Editor’s Note] Speaking of UFOs over North Carolina, an Updated Exoarticle from October 21st exclusively reported that the “fleet” of lights which a tourist on the Outer Banks described as coming “from the Atlantic Ocean” was actually coming from the direction of Camp Lejune Marine Corp base and Jacksonville, NC to the southwest, and not from the ocean, due east. See Exoarticle here.
NORTH CAROLINA — The idea that we’re not alone and aliens from another galaxy are circling the planet in strange-looking spacecraft has long fascinated us. Thousands of reports of unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, are filed every year. In North Carolina, at least 143 reports have been filed in 2019.
The National UFO Reporting Center’s website is filled with accounts like this one, from Gallipolis, Ohio:
“A husband (former law enforcement) and wife (scientist), while sitting outside their recreational vehicle at a public campsite, witness a very bright light approach their campsite from the south in an erratic manner, appearing to slow or stop on several occasions as it drew near. It got within 50 yards, they estimate, of their campsite, at which time, out of a sense of alarm, the husband reached for his .45 caliber sidearm, but he felt unable to use his arm, or lift the firearm. The object, estimated by the witnesses to have been approximately 20 feet in diameter, hovered nearby for approximately 8 seconds, and then suddenly accelerated toward the west, and disappeared very quickly to the west.”
Intrigued? Don’t be jealous of those folks in Ohio. Here’s some of what’s been reported in North Carolina:
• On Oct. 9, a Mooresville resident reported seeing an object moving north to south in the sky, saying: “I was taking my dog out and I just by chance happened to see a bright flash in the sky. I looked up to see what I can only describe a ‘scrambler’ ride from the fair spinning in circle like a top and every time it spun around the arm had some “meteor blue” lights on each arm that swung around.. It didn’t have a repeating movement it was very irractic, but it just moved slowly right across the sky.”
• Three days later, fireball shaped orange pulsating orbs were spotted in Huntersville. “I was driving on Saturday night 10/12/19 at 9:30pm in Huntersville North Carolina. I spotted several Orange pulsating orbs moving in straight line across the sky. These where not Chinese lanterns, Flares, or Airplanes.. I could see directly into the orbs and they appeared to be generating some type of energy pulse. These objects where completely silent. They also appear out of nowhere and quickly disappeared once they passed by my direct view. The sighting lasted about 5 minutes one after another,” the report said.
• Nov. 25, an unidentified object was reportedly spotted in Wilkesboro, North Carolina. “Circle looking silver object was hovering in the sky as I was driving past chick fil a towards Boone on 421 I thought I was crazy and even sprayed my windshield and wipers but it was still there. Weather was great and no clouds absolutely no way it was aircraft because it was there then it was gone so fast and not moving in the sky,” the report said.
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Article by Jazz Shaw December 2, 2019 (
• Quantum physicist and CEO of the quantum computing company ‘ReactiveQ’, Deep Prasad (pictured above), is part of a group of professionals who intend to get to the bottom of the UFO incidents that US Navy aviators video recorded and authenticated. Why would he devote his valuable quantum computer time to the study of UFOs? Over Thanksgiving, Prasad told this article’s writer, Jazz Shaw, about an “absurd, world-changing experience” he had at the beginning of this year.
• On a sunny day in February 2019, at 9:40 am, Prasad was lying down at his home when he suddenly became paralyzed. Three small etheric humanoid ‘entities’ appeared and began to project a hologram of thousands of sentences and paragraphs in a language that looked like a marriage of Japanese and Egyptian hieroglyphics. Prasad was terrified, nauseous, and in disbelief. He tried to make sense of the symbols, but the sentences and paragraphs kept flipping so rapidly he couldn’t understand or translate them. The only English he recognized was “DNA”. So whoever was doing this understood English, but was choosing not to use it.
• When Prasad tried to raise his head, the image of his room would disappear and he could see that he was not in his room but somewhere else. When he rested his head, the image of his room returned, along with the stream of symbols. He began to feel less fear and more fascination – astutely observing everything that was going on.
• One of the beings displayed golden holograms with golden sparkles in the middle of its suit. Then it jumped on top of Prasad’s stomach and slowly walked towards his head. Prasad felt a weird light hit the top of his head and he suddenly felt blissful and euphoric. The feeling was one of warmth and nostalgia. It was like a reminder that space is teeming with life, the Universe was sentient and aware of his existence, and that we’re all related to one another as cosmic beings.
• Prasad lost consciousness. Then he ‘woke up’ and not a minute had gone by since the experience started. Prasad was in shock. He couldn’t believe that no time had actually passed. After the experience, Prasad realized that the blissful feeling of oneness had never gone away. He had no more anxiety, depression, stress or trauma. It was impossible for him to feel fear. He felt only love for everyone. His beliefs in God changed too. He went from an atheist to being spiritual. Just weeks after this experience, Prasad had his first UFO sighting. He’s had three more over the past year. Others saw them as well.
• The first two weeks after it happened, Prasad experienced electrical anomalies wherever he went. He started having dreams of the inside of a UFO. His dream characters spoke through telepathy. He started feeling unnerved at this newfound fearlessness and unconditional love that were coming from outside of him. After a couple more weeks, the feelings dwindled down until he was back to normal. But with some effort, he was able to return to that blissful state of mind. Prasad is forever grateful for the experience. He now believes that humanity has an incredible future ahead of it.
• Why would a brilliant young scientist with so much going for him make up a story like that? He has nothing to gain and plenty to lose. He’s not making any money off of this UFO research. He’s actually spending his own money in ridiculous amounts. And he runs a tech corporation that requires investment money. Big investors don’t offer venture capital to crazy people. It’s bad for business.
• Deep seems like one of the sanest and smartest people you’re likely to meet. The incident took place in his home after he’d been awake for several hours, so it wasn’t sleep paralysis or a lucid dream. Something happened to him. The creatures he describes are classic Grey aliens. Were they in the room with him or were they projecting something into his mind? The “mental download” that Prasad experienced sounded reminiscent of the account that Sergeant Jim Penniston described after touching a spacecraft during the Rendlesham Forest incident, though Penniston received all ones and zeros.
Something remarkable happened this past weekend. So remarkable, in fact, that I wanted to share it with everyone (after receiving permission to do so). The story once again involves quantum physicist Deep Prasad. Regular readers will recall Deep from previous interviews I did with him about his quantum computing company (ReactiveQ) and his new venture where a group of professionals is attempting to hunt down more solid evidence about the UFOs the Navy has been talking about.
One thing I’d always wondered about Deep is how and why he became so interested – some might say obsessed – with the topic of UFOs and perhaps extraterrestrials. He’s a busy guy with a lot on his plate, trying to change the world of quantum computing. Why would he be on such a quest? He had previously hinted that he’d had an “experience” earlier that unleashed his interest, and that he might talk about it at a later date.
Well, on Thanksgiving, that date arrived. In a massive Twitter thread, Deep decided to come clean and share his experience with the world. Having obtained his consent, I’m going to republish it here for you. I’ve cleaned it up a bit to remove Twitter thread formatting, broke it up into paragraphs for better readability and corrected a couple of typos, but aside from that, these are his own words. And the story is out there. Way out there. And yes… it involves extraterrestrials. This is kind of long, but if you have even the slightest interest in this topic, I assure you it will be worth the time. I’ll add my own comments and conclusions at the end, but first, let’s let the man speak for himself.
It’s Thanksgiving, and this is going to be a rather complicated post. It’s also objectively not a good idea for me to write it given every Scientist has a target on their back in the UFO community (rightly so) and given that I am still a tech CEO.
Near the beginning of this year (February 1st), I had the most absurd, world-changing experience of my life. It happened in broad daylight at 9:40 in the morning in my home. More specific details will be for another time when I have a better safety net and can expand more. But to put it simply: I was paralyzed against my will, could not move, and saw 3 entities that had no-chill. Could I be crazy? Sure. Do I think I am? Obviously not. Could this have been a hallucination? I can’t prove it wasn’t or I wouldn’t be so worried about sharing this.
These entities projected hundreds/thousands of sentences and paragraphs in a language that looked like a marriage of Japanese and Egyptian hieroglyphics. I was terrified that I could barely move and was in complete disbelief at what was happening. I’d go back and forth between, convincing myself that I was having some sort of seizure or had fallen unconscious and that there was no way this was happening, to downright fear realizing that it all felt more real than reality.
I was scared that I couldn’t move and was not in control of the situation yet could think perfectly straight. My mind was racing. “These things are really real? Is this really happening right now? Are my family and friends ready for this if it ever happens to them? Are they going to kill me? How do I convey that I don’t want to die and that I’m not a threat?”
At the same time, I was trying to make sense of the symbols. It was incredibly frustrating that I couldn’t understand or translate them. The sentences and paragraphs would keep flipping rapidly and the only English word I saw, at least 3 times, was the word, “DNA”. This means that whoever or whatever was doing this (even if it’s my brain), clearly understood English. But was choosing not to use it for everything. The image of my room would disappear when I raised my head a little. But it was hard to do that and I would feel extremely nauseous.
When it disappeared I realized I was no longer in my room but somewhere else. When I would put my head back down, the image of my room would come back on again and the symbols were back on again. I decided to stop fighting what was happening and for some reason no longer felt fear but total fascination. The fear feeling would come back every now and then, but by this point, I was astutely observing everything that was going on. The color of their suits, their size, their mannerisms, the feeling that my mood was being rapidly cycled, etc.
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Article by Kyle Rempfer November 28, 2019 (
• In a study released by the U.S. Army’s Combat Capabilities Development Command, enhancements of the human ear, eye, brain and muscular system will be “technically feasible by 2050 or earlier.” The report: “Cyborg Soldier 2050: Human/Machine Fusion and the Implications for the Future of the DOD” was written by a study group from the DoD Biotechnologies for Health and Human Performance Council.
• While the Department of Defense anticipates comparisons to sci fi dystopian narratives in creating cyborg-style soldiers, the civilian healthcare market will drive the demand for these types of physical enhancements as advances in modern medical science within a “robust bio-economy that is at its earliest stages of development in today’s global market.”
• The Biotech team identified four capabilities as technically feasible by 2050: 1) ocular enhancements to imaging, sight and situational awareness; 2) muscular control through an optogenetic bodysuit sensor web; 3) auditory enhancement for communication; and 4) direct neural enhancement of the human brain for two-way data transfer which could revolutionize combat.
• According to the report, “This technology is predicted to facilitate read/write capability between humans and machines and between humans through brain-to-brain interactions.” “These interactions would allow warfighters direct communication with unmanned and autonomous systems, as well as with other humans, to optimize command and control systems and operations.”
• But the report also warns that the eventual integration of these “augmented human beings” into the general population “will lead to imbalances, inequalities, and inequities in established legal, security, and ethical frameworks.” The DoD study group suggests that the Pentagon brass consider the ethical impact upon Americans; the impact on allied operational forces; the development of a legal and ethical framework to ensure individual privacy and lessen organizational risk; to reverse the negative cultural impressions the public has of “cyborg” technologies; to gauge the impact of biotechnologies on combat tactics through wargames; and to open up commercial investment in cyborg technologies to keep up with the Chinese, and the long-term safety of these technologies.
• The DoD report assures the public that “The benefits afforded by human/machine fusions will be significant and will have positive quality-of-life impacts on humankind through the restoration of any functionality lost due to illness or injury,” while maximizing the safety of our society.
Ear, eye, brain and muscular enhancement is “technically feasible by 2050 or earlier,” according to a study released this month by the U.S. Army’s Combat Capabilities Development Command.
The demand for cyborg-style capabilities will be driven in part by the civilian healthcare market, which will acclimate people to an industry fraught with ethical, legal and social challenges, according to Defense Department researchers.
Implementing the technology across the military, however, will likely run up against the dystopian narratives found in science fiction, among other issues, the researchers added.
The report — entitled “Cyborg Soldier 2050: Human/Machine Fusion and the Implications for the Future of the DOD” — is the result of a year-long assessment.
It was written by a study group from the DoD Biotechnologies for Health and Human Performance Council, which is tasked to look at the ripple effects of military biotechnology.
The team identified four capabilities as technically feasible by 2050:
• ocular enhancements to imaging, sight and situational awareness;
• restoration and programmed muscular control through an optogenetic bodysuit sensor web;
• auditory enhancement for communication and protection; and
• direct neural enhancement of the human brain for two-way data transfer.
The study group suggested that direct neural enhancements in particular could revolutionize combat.
“This technology is predicted to facilitate read/write capability between humans and machines and between humans through brain-to-brain interactions,” an executive summary reads. “These interactions would allow warfighters direct communication with unmanned and autonomous systems, as well as with other humans, to optimize command and control systems and operations.”
Cyborg technologies are likely to be used among civil society as well over the next 30 years, the researchers noted.
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Article by Leonard David November 26, 2019 (
• So far, astronomers have found more than 4,000 exoplanets and more are being discovered, suggesting that every star in the Milky Way galaxy hosts more than one planet. asked top SETI experts whether they will detect life elsewhere in the galaxy or even intelligent extraterrestrials?
• In searching for extraterrestrial intelligence, senior SETI astronomer Seth Shostak relies on detecting narrow-band radio signals or brief flashes of laser light from nearby star systems. If there are 10,000 extraterrestrial societies broadcasting radio signals in the galaxy, then he estimates that SETI will need to examine 10 million star systems to find one. That will take at least two more decades.
• But with the new receivers for the Allen Telescope Array in northern California that is scheduled for 2020, SETI will be able to search for laser technosignatures, which may improve their chances. Says Shostak, “[O]ne can always hope to be taken by surprise.”
• Michael Michaud, author of the book: Contact with Alien Civilizations: Our Hopes and Fears about Encountering Extraterrestrials, says that improvements to search technologies could boost the odds of success. But there are still vast areas of the galaxy that we are not looking at. In searching for chemical technosignatures, we’ll most likely find simple life forms before finding a technological civilization.
• If SETI did find evidence of life in the galaxy, Michaud thinks the news will leak quickly. How should they announce the discovery? “[G]overnmental authorities won’t have much time for developing a public-affairs strategy,” says Michaud. Premade plans for such an announcement are unlikely because agency personnel won’t be able to get past the “giggle factor”, thinking that it is all just too absurd.
• Pete Worden, executive director of the Breakthrough Initiatives, which is affiliated with SETI, said, “I think this is going to be a long-term project. I estimate a very small probability of success (of finding extraterrestrial life) in any given year.” Nevertheless, “The Breakthrough Initiatives is committed to full and immediate disclosure of any and all results,” said Worden.
• Steven Dick, an astrobiology scholar and author of the book: Astrobiology, Discovery, and Societal Impact, says despite the work by Breakthrough Listen and NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), there’s no reason to think 2020 would be the year for discovery. “[A]ll these things combine to increase the chances over the next decade of finding extraterrestrial intelligence. I would caution, though, that any discovery will be an extended process, consisting of detection and interpretation before any understanding is achieved,” said Dick. “I see the search advancing incrementally next year, but with an accelerating possibility that life will be discovered in the near future.” “One thing that is certain is that we are getting a better handle on the issues of societal impact, should such a discovery be made.”
• Douglas Vakoch, president of the SETI-affiliated nonprofit Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence (METI), notes that “We are right now on the verge of finding out whether there is life elsewhere in the universe.” We scan with available technologies: Earth-based observatories, space-based telescopes, and even craft that travel to other planets and moons in our solar system. “It all depends on how plentiful intelligent extraterrestrials are. If one in 10,000 star systems is home to an advanced civilization trying to make contact, then …the news we’re not alone in the universe could well come in 2020,” Vakoch says.
• “As the next generation of space telescopes is launched, we will increase our chances of detecting signs of life through changes to the atmospheres of planets that orbit other stars, giving us millions of targets in our search for even simple life in the cosmos,” says Vakoch. But we probably won’t have “definitive proof” until after 2020 when NASA launches the James Webb Space Telescope, or 2028 when the European Space Agency starts its Atmospheric Remote-Sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey, or ARIEL, to study the atmospheres of exoplanets for potential signs of life.
• “[D]on’t hold your breath for discovery by 2020,” says Vakoch. Humans cannot control whether or not there is life elsewhere in the universe. “Either it’s there or it’s not.” “To be human is to live with uncertainty.” “If we demand guarantees before we begin searching, then we are guaranteed to find nothing. But if we are willing to commit to the search in the coming year and long afterwards, even without knowing we will succeed, then we are sure to discover that there is at least one civilization in the universe that has the passion and the determination to understand its place in the cosmos — and that civilization is us.”
• [Editor’s Note] Seth Shostak and his band of idiots at SETI make their living by covering up the widespread existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life all around us, on behalf of their puppet masters, the Deep State elite. Are they liars or are they being fooled themselves? If they are half the scientists they claim to be, they must know the truth. Therefore, they are the very face of the Deep State lying to the public. They are reprehensible. They talk in scientific terms about the new technologies that they employ in their phony search to find a needle in a haystack. But they insist that it will take years, and probably lifetimes before they find a microbe on a distant exoplanet. Then they add platitudes of what a grand discovery it will be if they ever find life in the universe besides humanity. But make no mistake. Their job is to never find life beyond the Earth, and they have gotten very good at it.
In the past three decades, scientists have found more than 4,000 exoplanets. And the discoveries will keep rolling in; observations suggest that every star in the Milky Way galaxy hosts more than one planet on average.
Seth Shostak
Given a convergence of ground- and space-based capability, artificial intelligence/machine learning research and other tools, are we on the verge of identifying what is universally possible for life — or perhaps even confirming the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence?
Is 2020 the celestial payoff year, in which objects of interest are found to offer “technosignatures,” indicators of technology developed by advanced civilizations? asked top SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence) experts about what next year may signal regarding detecting other starfolk.
Michael Michaud
Gaining speed
“Well, despite being the widely celebrated 100-year anniversary of the election of Warren G. Harding, 2020 will not likely gain fame as the year we first discover extraterrestrial life,” said Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California.
The search for intelligent beings elsewhere, Shostak said, is largely conducted by checking out nearby star systems for either narrow-band radio signals or brief flashes of laser light. And those might succeed at any time, he told
“But one should remember that this type of search is gaining speed in an exponential fashion, and that particular technical fact allows a crude estimate of when SETI might pay off. If we take — for lack of a better estimate — Frank Drake’s opinion that there might be 10,000 broadcasting societies in the Milky Way, then we clearly have to examine at least one [million] – 10 million stellar systems to have a reasonable chance of tripping across one. That goal will be reached in the next two decades, but certainly not in 2020,” Shostak said.
Pete Worden
Improved searches
But there are still reasons for intelligent-alien hunters to be excited and optimistic about the coming year. Multiple existing projects will either be expanded or improved in 2020, Shostak said. For example, the SETI Institute will get new receivers for the Allen Telescope Array in northern California, and both the SETI Institute and the University of California, Berkeley, will conduct new searches for possible laser technosignatures.
“And, of course, there’s always the unexpected,” Shostak said. “In 1996, the biggest science story of the year was the claim that fossilized Martian microbes had been found in a meteorite. No one really saw that coming. So one can always hope to be taken by surprise.”
Previous predictions
“I am skeptical about picking a specific year for the first discovery. Previous predictions of success have been wrong,” said Michael Michaud, author of the thought-provoking book “Contact with Alien Civilizations: Our Hopes and Fears about Encountering Extraterrestrials” (Copernicus, 2007).
“I and others have observed that the continued improvement of our search technologies and strategies could boost the odds for success,” Michaud said, noting that the primary focus of SETI remains on radio signals. “However, we still don’t cover all frequencies, all skies, all of the time. Other types of searches have failed, too, such as looking for laser signals or Dyson spheres [ET mega-engineering projects]. Those campaigns usually have limited funding and often don’t last long.”
Steven Dick
A new possibility has arisen because of exoplanet discoveries, Michaud said: “In some cases, astronomers now can look for chemical evidence of life in planetary atmospheres. It is conceivable that we will find simple forms of life before we find signals from a technological civilization.”
Douglas Vakoch
Prevailing opinion
If astronomers do someday confirm a SETI detection, how should they announce the discovery? It is an old question that has been answered in several ways.
“The prevailing opinion among radio astronomers has been that the news will leak quickly. If that is correct, scientific and governmental authorities won’t have much time for developing a public-affairs strategy,” Michaud said.
“It remains possible that the sophisticated monitoring capabilities of intelligence agencies might be the first to detect hard evidence,” Michaud said. “One might think that the government would have a plan to deal with such an event.”
But, Michaud said that his own experience suggests that such plans are unlikely to be drawn up due to a “giggle factor” and would be forgotten as officials rotated out of their positions. He previously represented the U.S. Department of State in interagency discussions of national space policy.
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Article by Jasper Hamill November 26, 2019 (
• In a press release on the Ohio University website earlier in November, Professor Emeritus William Romoser said that after analyzing images captured by NASA’s Mars rovers, the images clearly showed ‘fossilized and living creatures’ on the Red Planet’s surface. Romoser added, “There has been and still is life on Mars.” A poster of his research online suggested NASA is already ‘acquainted with Martian insect- and reptile-like creatures’ which live on Mars. That press release and the wire service that released it have now been deleted from the university website.
• Before being deleted, Romoser’s paper took the opportunity to reveal that ‘the “Red Planet” enjoys a surprising abundance of higher life forms’, including creatures resembling ‘bumblebees or carpenter bees’ as well as reptile-like animals which preyed on them. ‘The insect-like fauna observed appeared to be sheltering/nesting in caves, in burrows beneath the surface, and in specialized structures,’ Romoser wrote. ‘Other images show a fossilized creature that resembles a snake.’ ‘Once a clear image of a given form was identified and described, it was useful in facilitating recognition of other less clear, but none-the-less valid, images of the same basic form,’ said Romoser.
• Romoser has been an entomology professor at Ohio University for 45 years. He also spent nearly 20 years as a vector-borne disease researcher at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases. Between 1973 and 1998, Romoser authored and co-authored four editions of the widely-used textbook called ‘The Science of Entomology’. Romoser said that ‘interpretations of insect- and reptile-like creatures he described may change in the future as knowledge of life on Mars evolves, but that the sheer volume of evidence is compelling’. ‘The presence of higher metazoan organisms on Mars implies the presence of nutrient/energy sources and processes, food chains and webs, and water as elements functioning in a viable, if extreme, ecological setting sufficient to sustain life.’
• Romoser said, ‘I have observed instances suggestive of standing water… a moist bank area, and a drier area beyond’. Water on Mars, including surface water, has been detected by instrumentation on the Viking, Pathfinder, Phoenix, and Curiosity rovers. ‘The evidence of life on Mars presented here provides a strong… justification for further study.’
• [Editor’s Note] How did this professor evade the deep state’s truth embargo in the first place?
William Romoser
The claim that extraterrestrial beasties are living on Mars always sounded too good to be true. Now the university which published a press release
which alleged insects had been spotted on Mars has performed a dramatic u-turn. Last week, Professor Emeritus William Romoser, an entomologist from Ohio University, said images captured by Nasa’s Mars rovers clearly show ‘fossilised and living creatures’ on the Red Planet’s surface. ‘There has been and still is life on Mars,’ Romoser said in a press release which has now been deleted from the Ohio University website as well as wire services which distribute releases to journalists. We found a poster of his research online, which is still available to read, which suggested Nasa is already ‘acquainted with Martian insect- and reptile-like creatures’ which live on Mars.
‘It appears that the “Red Planet” enjoys a surprising abundance of higher life forms,’ the paper continued. The research analysed images sent back to Earth by the Mars Rover and made several astonishing allegations. It suggested that creatures resembling ‘bees’ lived on Mars as well as reptile-like animals which preyed on them. ‘The insect-like fauna observed appeared to be sheltering/nesting in caves, in burrows beneath the surface, and in specialized structures,’ the paper continued. Rosomer’s claims made international headlines last week.
Once again, ladies and gentlemen, the late, great David Bowie’s “Life on Mars?” (David Bowie YouTube)
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• “The Drive” on the WarZone website recently interviewed T.D. Barnes, a retired engineer who worked at Area 51. Barnes tells of a time around 1960 when the CIA had designed and was building the Mach 3 A-12 Blackbird to replace the U-2 spy plane. The problem was that the Soviets built the P-14 “Tall King” radar system that would be able to detect the A-12 flying over their airspace. Before this, US spy planes operated virtually undetected.
• So the US Navy built the ‘Netted Emulation of Multi-Element Signature Against Integrated Sensors’ or ‘NEMESIS’. This device tricked the Soviet radar system by giving the illusion of “ghost fleets” of vessels in on and below the oceanic surface, and formations of aircraft in the sky.
• Retired CIA executive officer, S. Eugene Poteat says that the CIA accomplished the same trickery by building ‘PALLADIUM’ which launched balloons from submarines carrying metallic spheres” that would simulate flocks of real jets on Soviet radar. Poteat, who founded and ran PALLADIUM, said descriptions of the “metallic spheres” sound somewhat similar to those of UFOs reported by Navy aviators on the East Coast in 2014 and 2015, describing them as floating “orbs with cubes inside.”
• Both Barnes and Poteat believe that the Navy’s sightings of UFOs with no visible engine or exhaust plumes, that could reach 30,000 feet at hypersonic speeds can be attributed to a similar top-secret radar-tricking program being developed by the military. “I don’t have the answers to what the Navy aviators saw,” says Barnes, “but in my mind, I’m thinking, we are doing it again.”
• Barnes noted that many past UFO sightings in the Seattle and Southern California areas were actually advanced aerospace tests by Boeing or Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works conducting “proof of concept” test flights before turning them over to the US military.
• [Editor’s Note] So these old-timers believe that the UFOs that the Navy fliers have reported are really radar phantoms that don’t actually exist? But David Fravor and the other pilots saw them with their own eyes. Gary Voorhis watched them through binoculars from the bridge of the USS Princeton. And a fellow Navy pilot told Ryan Graves, a Navy aviator out of Oceana Jet Base in Virginia Beach, that a “sphere encasing a cube” ‘flew’ between him and his wingman. These were definitely not metal spheres falling from a balloon or radar phantoms that the Navy pilots encountered.
These are two Cold War veterans who have been conditioned all of their lives not to believe in extraterrestrial UFOs. And they will never believe in extraterrestrial UFOs, even if one landed on their front lawn and a couple of ETs offered them a ride to the Moon. They will always dismiss all of the evidence out of hand, certain that it must be some top secret advanced military aircraft.
There’s never a shortage of UFO stories, with arguments raging between skeptics and those who want to believe. But a pair of CIA and Area 51 retirees claims the mysterious sightings might have quite a prosaic explanation.
T.D. Barnes
The mystery behind the unidentified flying objects was highlighted again recently when leaked videos – filmed by the US Navy’s Super Hornet jets – popped up in the public domain, showing the military aircraft interacting with UFOs. The Pentagon had stirred up much hype among ufologists, officially saying that the viral clips actually depicted “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” (UAP).
S. Eugene Poteat
But for veterans of two of America’s most secretive institutions, these sightings, at least, were not at all sensational. They claim the UFO encounters can be attributed to a top-secret radar-tricking program commissioned for the military, according to the Drive.
The website’s WarZone project, which covers military tech, examined the Navy’s top-secret project, awkwardly called ‘Netted Emulation of Multi-Element Signature against Integrated Sensors’ (NEMESIS).
It enables the Navy to trick enemy sensors and radars by giving the illusion of “ghost fleets” of vessels on and below the oceanic surface; the system can also simulate formations of aircraft in the sky. Incredibly, the tech resembles another secretive project developed at the height of the Cold War, as veterans of two of America’s most secretive institutions told the website.
The NEMESIS “takes me back to circa the 1960s when the CIA designed and was building the Mach 3 A-12 Blackbird to replace the U-2,” says T.D. Barnes, a retired engineer who worked at Area 51, referring to the top-notch spy planes used to collect imagery intelligence on the USSR and its allies.
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Article by Michael Moran November 26, 2019 (
• On Saturday November 26, 1977, during a routine broadcast of Southern TV’s 5 o’clock news, a mysterious six-minute message was broadcast across southern Britain from a being identifying himself as “Vrillon”, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command. The message was never repeated and never explained. (see 8:27 minute video below)
• In the news broadcast, newsman Andrew Gardner’s image suddenly wobbles strangely while a deep buzzing sound emerges. Then came the bizarre message: “This is the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. For many years you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet Earth. We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disaster which threatens your world, and the beings on our worlds around you.”
• Explaining that the Earth was moving into a new era which could usher in an age of peace and harmony for all mankind, the voice warns that it was time to ban all weapons of mass destruction: “All your weapons of evil must be removed. The time for conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the higher stages of its evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this. You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill.”
• Vrillon adds, “We have watched you growing for many years as you too have watched our lights in your skies,” referring to UFOs. “There are more beings on and around your Earth than your scientists admit.”
• Warning not to listen to false leaders, Vrillon signs off saying that he and his colleagues at Ashtar Galactic Command are “now leaving the planes of your existence” as it is time for them to evolve into a higher form.
• A spokesman for Southern Television told reporters at the time “A hoaxer jammed our transmitter in the wilds of North Hampshire by taking another transmitter very close to it.” A spokesperson for The Independent Broadcasting Authority said that a hoax of this kind would take “a considerable amount of technical know-how”
• The alleged hoaxer never came forward to claim responsibility for the bizarre broadcast, and they have managed to keep their secret for 42 years. It’s possible that Vrillon really is out there watching over us and waiting for us to give up our nuclear weapons so they can welcome us into an interplanetary community.
On this day in 1977, a mysterious six-minute message was broadcast across southern Britain.
The chilling warning, from someone identifying themselves as “Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command,” has never been explained.
It was on Saturday 26 November 26, during a routine broadcast of Southern TV’s 5 o’clock news, that viewers saw newsreader Andrew Gardner’s image wobble strangely while a deep buzzing sound came from their TV sets.
Then came the bizarre message: “This is the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you.,” it said.
“For many years you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet Earth.
“We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disaster which threatens your world, and the beings on our worlds around you.”
Explaining that the Earth was moving into a new era which could usher in an age of peace and harmony for all mankind the voice when on to warn that it was time to ban all weapons of mass destruction: “All your weapons of evil must be removed. The time for conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the higher stages of its evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this. You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill.”
8:27 minute video of Vrillion’s speech broadcasted in 1977 with subtitles (‘The A Files’ YouTube)
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Article by Jamie Carter November 25, 2019 (
• The Habitable Exoplanet Hunting Project is a global attempt to discover potentially habitable exoplanets within 100 light years, involving a network of over 25 amateur astronomy observatories around the globe. It will focus on ten stars within 100 light years of Earth, all of which have confirmed transiting exoplanets within the so-called “habitable zone”.
• The exoplanet known as Kepler 442b, which orbits a K-type star and could be even more habitable than Earth. M-type stars, or ‘red dwarfs’, are small, cool stars that are impossible to see with the naked eye, but they are by far the most common type of star in our region of the Milky Way. G, K and M-type stars are “the stars that are most likely to host exoplanets with water on their surface because they don’t flare,” says Alberto Caballero, an amateur astronomer at The Exoplanets Channel and the coordinator of the ‘Habitable Exoplanet Hunting Project’. “If a star flares, it can damage the atmosphere of the exoplanets.”
• The ideal exoplanet is a dense and rocky “super Earth” planet, almost seven times bigger than Earth, called LHS 1140 b, orbiting within the habitable zone of the red dwarf star LHS 1140 about 40 light years distant in the constellation of Cetus. Three other prime candidates would be:
Proxima Centauri b – an exoplanet orbiting an M-type red dwarf star 4.24 light years away in the constellation of Centauri;
Tau Ceti e – an exoplanet orbiting an M-type red dwarf star 11.9 light years away in the constellation of Cetus;
Teegarden b -an exoplanet orbiting an M-type red dwarf star 12 light years away in the constellation of Aries.
• Tau Ceti e is a “super Earth” exoplanet almost four times the mass of Earth. It is so massive that you can see Ceti in the constellation Cetus with the naked eye, level with Orion’s Belt in the northern hemisphere.
• The Project has been careful to ignore stars that have Jupiter-sized gas giant exoplanets in their habitable zones unless the star is so big that it may not adversely affect other exoplanets in the star’s orbit. “We’re trying to monitor the stars 24/7 for about two months,” says Caballero, “so it’s easier for us if we focus on M-type stars because any exoplanets would have really short orbital periods. But the most ideal ones are K-type stars.”
• NASA’s orbiting space telescope, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite or ‘TESS’ has already found 29 confirmed exoplanets. Caballero says, “So far (TESS has) not detected any potentially inhabited planets, but it’s only just starting on the northern hemisphere.” In the long term, Caballero thinks that studying an exoplanet’s ‘biosignature’ from its light spectrum with better instruments will yield the most potentially habitable exoplanets. Says Caballero, “[I]t’s all about having better technology.”
• [Editor’s Note] The Habitable Hunting Project might need to strike Proxima b off of their list. In March 2018, the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in the Chilean Andes, reported that the red dwarf star, Proxima Centauri, fired off a powerful “superflare” which could be seen from the Earth. (see article here) It briefly boosted the star’s brightness by a factor of 68. The astronomy team noted that “life would struggle to survive in the areas of Proxima b exposed to these flares.”
The search for extraterrestrial life is easily the most profound question in modern astronomy, but it’s hampered by a lack of both technology and time.
Is life possible beyond the solar system? If we’re ever to find out, we must study and categorise the stars to answer this one, simple question: if we had a spaceship we could send to the nearest Earth-like planet, which one would we send it to?
Alberto Caballero
When astronomers find exoplanets, they put them on a list marked “potentially habitable” or else use them as clues that habitable exoplanets may lurk in their star system. Most of them are exceptionally far away. So far we’ve found three close exoplanets that orbit within a star’s so-called “habitable zone” where liquid water could exist on its surface.
If astronomers had to choose a planet in another star system to send a spaceship, these three would be prime candidates:
• Proxima Centauri b: an exoplanet orbiting an M-type red dwarf star 4.24 light years away in the constellation of Centauri.
• Tau Ceti e: an exoplanet orbiting an M-type red dwarf star 11.9 light years away in the constellation of Cetus.
• Teegarden b: an exoplanet orbiting an M-type red dwarf star 12 light years away in the constellation of Aries.
Where will we most likely find others? Though the vast majority of star systems remain unexplored, we know of plenty that contain planets not in the star’s habitable zone. These star systems are surely the best places to look.
Cue the Habitable Exoplanet Hunting Project, a global attempt attempt to discover potentially habitable exoplanets within 100 light years, and involving over 25 observatories.
What is the Habitable Exoplanet Hunting Project?
It’s a network of amateur astronomy observatories around the globe—from the U.S. and Uzbekistan to South Africa and Australia—that is studying 10 stars within 100 light years for signs of new, as yet unfound exoplanets. All of the stars that will be studied already have confirmed transiting exoplanets outside the so-called “habitable zone”. “We’ve chosen observatories in deserts or high regions or mountains because weather is always the main problem with projects like this,” says Alberto Caballero, an amateur astronomer at The Exoplanets Channel and the coordinator of the Habitable Exoplanet Hunting Project. “But we will need to find more observatories in the southern hemisphere.”
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Article By Eric Spitznagel November 25, 2019 (
• NASA’s roving Martian science lab, Curiosity, has detected dimethyl sulfide, methanethiol, and trace amounts of oxygen on Mars, along with the compounds we already know about, like nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. This is the same chemical composition as flatulence.
• Clara Sousa-Silva, a molecular astrophysics postdoctoral associate at MIT, agrees. “Most of my work in astrobiology looks at anaerobic environments, which have a lot in common with the environments that produce farts. So, yes, aliens are reasonably likely to smell like farts.”
• There are other examples of planets and other celestial bodies with theoretically pungent life forms. For instance, Saturn’s icy moon Titan holds lakes of liquid methane. Using data from the Cassini space probe, NASA was able to replicate the mixture of nitrogen, methane, and benzene found on Titan to learn that Titan smells like farts and gasoline.
• Sousa-Silva points out that the molecule phosphine could be the key to detecting life on other planets. Phospine needs to be manufactured by a process associated with biological life on the earth, because it won’t exist naturally in a mild climate. So if phospine is detected on a habitable planet, there is likely to be life there.
• Carrie Paterson, an LA-based artist and expert in the “cosmology of the senses” points out that there are olfactory receptors not only in our nose but in our skin and internal organs. She thinks there is a “distinct possibility that we might be able to communicate with aliens through our sense of smell”. “A ‘moldy’ smell is not just a smell”, Paterson says, “it’s a sensation our bodies have in the presence of fungus. Fresh’ isn’t just about air without pollution, but rather, how a clean environment is sensed by our skin.” What might smell ‘good’ or ‘bad’ to an alien would depend on their particular ‘corporeal composition’.
• In 1996 in Varginha, Brazil, sisters Liliane and Valquíria encountered a creature they thought might be the devil. When their mother went to investigate, she noticed a putrid odor of ammonia hanging in the air. Ammonia is a sulphurous gas, similar to a fart. And it is the predominant odor on the planet Uranus.
• Michael Menkin, a former technical writer for NASA, has heard firsthand from extraterrestrial abductees that aliens “really smell.” Menkin says that “their alien-human hybrids (also) stink because they never bathe.” But as much as an alien’s odor may offend us, our human scent, and the scents we find appealing, might be just as offensive to them. “Right now I have an abductee who stops aliens by spraying Lysol all over her house,” said Menkin. “So Lysol works as well as perfumes.”
• [Editor’s Note] I recall Stewart Swerdlow saying that reptilians smelled horrible, like ammonia and sulfur. And it felt good to the reptilians to spray Lysol disinfectant spray on their body’s skin. Maybe that helped a little with the smell?
But something doesn’t ring true here. NASA is said to have detected dimethyl sulfide and methanethiol on Mars, supporting the flatulent atmosphere theory. But they found only “trace amounts of oxygen on Mars”. Those who claim to have been on Mars have all said that that there is enough oxygen in the atmosphere for light breathing without an oxygen tank. I have never heard anyone who has been on Mars say that the air smelled like farts.
Is NASA feeding universities such as MIT data to make people think that the Mars atmosphere is not only uninhabitable but disgusting, to discourage anyone from wanting to go there?
Sometimes it takes a child to point out the important questions.
My 8-year-old is a burgeoning amateur scientist, so he keeps up with the latest science news a little more closely than I do. He learned recently that Curiosity, NASA’s roving Martian science lab, has been detecting some rather interesting organic and chemical molecules on the red planet, some of which could be clues of life. So far it’s discovered dimethyl sulfide, methanethiol, and most surprisingly, trace amounts of oxygen.
Clara Sousa-Silva
Along with the compounds we already know about, like nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide, Mars has the same chemical composition of flatulence. Which led my son to one inescapable conclusion: If aliens exist, they probably smell like farts.
I don’t know enough about farts, Mars, or aliens to refute him, so I reached out to somebody who does: Clara Sousa-Silva, a molecular astrophysics postdoctoral associate at MIT.
“Your son is absolutely correct in his inference,” she told me. “Most of my work in astrobiology looks at anaerobic environments, which have a lot in common with the environments that produce farts. So, yes, aliens are reasonably likely to smell like farts.”
And at least according to Sousa-Silva, the answer to that question is: not especially pleasant. Even if Martians denied it, they most definitely supplied it.
But we don’t need to single out Mars. There are other examples of planets and other celestial bodies with theoretically pungent life forms.
Saturn’s icy moon Titan has gotten a lot of attention of late, thanks to data collected from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft over a 14-year mission. Its lakes of liquid methane, which may be filled with alien crystals, have raised questions about the “possibility of life,” as NASA planetary geologist Rosaly Lopes phrased it to Reuters last week.
A few years back, some of the gases and hydrocarbons collected by Cassini were used to create a recipe that replicated the “aromatic flavors” of Titan. Composed mostly of nitrogen, methane, and benzene (and a few other aromatics), NASA researchers were able to create in the lab what could be dubbed Eau de Titan, the cologne of choice for Titan aliens (should they exist).
What they discovered: Titan smells like farts and gasoline.
Does that mean Titan aliens could conceivably share the hearty stench of a garage filled with flatulent auto mechanics? Possibly … but probably not, says Sara Seager, an astrophysicist and planetary scientist at MIT.
“If the alien life was producing hydrocarbons, that life would smell like gasoline,” she says. “Right now it sounds like the Titan atmosphere at large smells like gasoline, independent of life.”
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• In February 1959, a group of Soviet graduate students were hiking 217 miles through extremely harsh terrain in the northern Ural Mountains of Russia known as the Dyatlov Pass. All were well-equipped, experienced hikers. They took pictures along the way and kept journals, describing the trip’s joyful atmosphere and other mundane things hikers do. All seemed like a typical trip to the mountains.
• But when the hikers failed to send a signal from the scheduled endpoint, a rescue team was dispatched to find them. The scene the rescuers stumbled onto was gruesome and puzzling at the same time. A tent was found empty, cut open from the inside. All belongings, including shoes, were left there intact. This led many to believe the students were forced to flee in terror, desperately trying to get out as quickly as they could.
• The first two shoeless hikers, dressed only in their underwear, were found lying under a pine tree about a mile from the tent. Three more bodies were located nearby. The last four victims were found several months later – buried under snow in a nearby creek. Four of the hikers had sustained massive internal injuries, skull fractures and chest damage. One woman had her eyes, tongue and part of her lips missing.
• A Soviet criminal probe could never establish why the hikers suddenly left the tent half-naked or explain the tragedy. The notes and photos made by the victims offered no clues. The final report only stated that everyone was killed by “an unknown overwhelming force.” Crime-related scenarios were discarded due to lack of evidence, say prosecutors. The case was shelved and by some accounts, even classified. More than 70 theories have been put forward on what may have caused the hikers’ deaths, ranging from secret military tests and radiation, to UFOs and paranormal activity.
• On November 22nd, a spokesperson for the Prosecutor General’s Office, Aleksandr Kurennoy, announced that investigators are officially reopening the case. Investigators and forensics experts will visit Dyatlov Pass in March to search for a plausible explanation for the incident. Said Kurennoy, the victims’ “relatives, media and the public want to know the truth.”
Army test, UFO or deadly blizzard? Russia reopens 60yo probe of mysterious Soviet hiker deaths Russian investigators are set to re-examine the chilling mystery of a deadly hiking trip made by group of Soviet students in 1959. The story spurred more than 70 theories and even inspired Hollywood thriller, ‘The Devil’s Pass’.
Known as the Dyatlov Pass incident the deaths of a Soviet student hiking group in a remote area in the Urals six decades ago remains one of Russia’s most chilling unsolved mysteries. It shocked and bewildered investigators right from the start. After the original probe failed to produce any results, the case was shelved and, by some accounts, even classified.
The eerie story inspired Hollywood director Renny Harlin to make the thriller Devil’s Pass in 2013. Now the authorities are determined to finally uncover what happened.
Investigators are officially reopening the probe, spokesperson for the Prosecutor General’s Office, Aleksandr Kurennoy, on Friday. The victims’ “relatives, media and the public want to know the truth,” he said.
A group, led by Igor Dyatlov, embarked on their last hiking trip in February 1959. They were mostly in their 20s, graduate students at a local technical university. All were well-equipped, experienced hikers. The plan was to trek 350km (217 miles) through extremely harsh terrain in the northern Urals.
One student had to drop the hike due to leg pains, returning home early. That decision saved his life. Others went on. They took pictures along the way and kept journals, describing the trip’s joyful atmosphere and other fairly mundane things hikers do. All seemed like a typical trip to the mountains.
The hikers failed to send a signal from the scheduled endpoint however and a rescue team was dispatched to find them. The scene the rescuers stumbled onto was gruesome and puzzling at the same time.
The tent was found on a slope, which translates to ‘The Mountain of the Dead’ in the local dialect. It was empty, cut open from the inside by a sharp object. All belongings, including shoes, had been left there, intact. This led many to believe the students were forced to flee in terror, desperately trying to get out as quickly as they could.
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Article by MJ Banias November 22, 2019 (
• In an interview with MJ Banias of Popular Mechanics, Richard Hoffman and Robert Powell discuss the creation of the ‘Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies’. Hoffman and Powell occupy two of the three seats on the non-profit’s governing board. The purpose of the ‘SCU’ is to establish a scientifically credible organization that will collect “multiple sensory data” on UAPs, such as radar tracks and video, which can be analyzed and studied by scientific experts, rather than to simply report and tally random UFO sightings. They intend to publish these studies in a biannual peer-reviewed journal set to begin next year.
• ‘Unidentified Ariel Phenomenon’ or UAP is the current rebranding of Unidentified Flying Objects because the term UFO carries too much cultural baggage.
• The SCU currently has 69 active members who are mostly scientists, former military officers, and former law enforcement personnel with technical experience and investigative backgrounds with companies and agencies such as Lockheed, NORAD, the U.S. Space Command, and NASA. Device physics expert Robert Powell says, “To date, there hasn’t been an extensive and well-funded scientific investigation of these phenomena using state-of-the-art investigative tools and a dedicated investigative team.” The SCU intends to change this.
• Richard Hoffman is a 25-year information technology expert on contract with the U.S. Army’s Material Command at the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. Hoffman notes that “The scientific community still has to deal with the decades of stigma associated with what they see as pseudoscience or fringe science.” “Many scientists do have interests in the phenomena, but are most often discouraged by others to embrace it so they hide it.”
• While the SCU doesn’t suppose that non-human intelligence is responsible for UFOs, some scientists have starting to ask more questions in the wake of revelations by the US Navy that UAPs having “capabilities…beyond any known technology” exist, and that the Pentagon ran an Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program to study UFOs. The organization has suggested that “the public release of all Navy records associated with (the Nimitz ‘tic tac’ UFO) incident to enable a full, scientific and open investigation is strongly recommended.”
• Still, contemporary ufology makes many academics and scientists nervous. For as long as humans have claimed to have seen UFOs, the established scientific community has been conditioned to consider them nonsense. And the decades-long taboo surrounding UFOs can still kill a professional career. When physical evidence or data has been presented, the well-established ufological conspiracy and myth-making machines set out to discredit that data.
• In 1953, the Robertson Panel was formed at the behest of the government to look at UFO reports after a string of odd aerial objects were seen over Washington, D.C. the previous year. The panel concluded that UFOs posed no risk to national security. Furthermore, it proposed that the National Security Council actively debunk UFO reports and make them the subject of ridicule. The Panel even recommended that UFO investigative and research groups be monitored by intelligence agencies for subversive activity. (see Robertson Panel Report here)
• In 1969, the US Air Force and the University of Colorado produced the Condon Report to close down Project Blue Book (see Condon Report here). A controversial memorandum surfaced that revealed that the report itself had to “trick” the public into thinking the study was objective, but would ensure that the final and official position is that all UFO incidents were hoaxes, delusion and human error. (see memorandum here) UFOs were lumped in with stories of space men from Venus, alien bases in Antarctica, and a subculture of people claiming to be alien channelers, time-traveling ambassadors, and new-age UFO prophets.
• Other UFO study organizations include Project Hessdalen in Norway that monitors strange light phenomena, and the UFO Data Acquisition Project that is designing computer software to monitor and track aerial phenomenon as well as provide metadata that can be analyzed. Alexander Wendt is a political science professor at the Ohio State University who sits on the board of UFOData which also tracks anomalous phenomena in the skies. According to Wendt, neither the government nor the established scientific community are going to fund UFO research. Says Wendt, “I don’t get the sense the scientific community is any more interested or open than it was before. The solution seems to be crowdfunding or finding private donors to invest in these projects.
• In the end, we are simply left to wonder, “What if?” Could the source of some of these data-rich UFO incidents be secret government technology, an alien intelligence, or something fundamentally beyond our physical and philosophical understanding?
• [Editor’s Note] While the purported intention of this article is to bring the UFO community the good news that “real” scientists have stepped forward to conduct “serious” study of the UFO phenomenon, the underlying design of the article, as is typical of this writer, MJ Banias, is to create ‘limited disclosure’ by separating scientifically worthy UFO data from the “conspiracy theories” that deserve to remain on the fringe. I suspect that Banias’ assertive use of the term UAP rather than UFO is also a subconscious cue to treat UAPs as legitimate and UFOs as crazy talk. Soon they will draw a hard line of demarcation as to the type of UFOs that people should pay attention to, and the type that people should not.
The clever Banias employs the mention of past official efforts to stymie UFO research to make his writing seem fair and objective, as if he is “fighting the stigma”. Banias ends the article with the open-ended question “what if” to make it appear that his limited disclosure camp would actually consider that these UFOs might be associated with intelligent extraterrestrial sources interacting with our world – which he doesn’t. MJ Banias can barely wrap his head around the Navy authenticating UFOs with unknown technology. He can’t even bring himself to use the term UFO. To Banias, the existence of anything beyond nebulous UAP sightings is still impossible, belonging to the realm of kooky science fiction rather than mainstream science. Banias maintains the same old dictum: ‘extraterrestrials do not exist, therefore it can’t be extraterrestrials’ while the deep state grins.
For as long as humans have claimed they’ve seen UFOs—and it’s been a long, long time—the established scientific community has more or less considered them to be nonsense. While that hasn’t changed much, even as we’re in the midst of a modern ufological renaissance, some renegade scientists are fighting to bring academic rigor to UFO research.
Take Richard Hoffman, a 25-year information technology expert on contract with the U.S. Army’s Material Command at the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. As a Senior Lead Architect, he keeps the Army’s digital infrastructure running and safe from attack.
Richard Hoffman
He’s also a UFO researcher.
“The scientific community still has to deal with the decades of stigma associated with what they see as pseudoscience or fringe science,” Hoffman tells Popular Mechanics. “Many scientists do have interests in the phenomena, but are most often discouraged by others to embrace it so they hide it.”
Hoffman is one of three board members who run a nonprofit scientific organization known as the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU). Unknown or unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) is the current rebranding of unidentified flying objects (UFO), a term that many believe to carry too much cultural baggage.
Robert Powell
“There are very few UFO organizations remaining today,” Hoffman says. “Of the few that do remain, they each have their unique contributions to the phenomena, but most are in data collection roles versus long term scientific study of cases.”
The difference with the SCU—and it’s a big one—is that it collects data that can be analyzed and studied by scientific experts, subsequently generating peer-reviewed papers published in journals and on websites, says Hoffman. The SCU doesn’t collect day-to-day UAP sighting reports, but rather, digs into the more complex cases where multiple sensory data like radar tracks and video may exist.
An Objective of Legitimacy
The SCU played a significant role in studying the Nimitz UFO Encounter, when it released a nearly 300-page report on the incident. The requisite refresher: Two year ago, the New York Times posted a story about Navy pilots who intercepted a strange object off the coast of San Diego in November 2004 and captured video of the object with their F-18’s gun camera.
Earlier this month, Popular Mechanics published a story about several other military personnel who also witnessed the Nimitz encounter on their radar systems and over their ship’s video system.
The SCU paper examined the available public data and testimony available regarding the case and concluded that the “results suggest that given the available information, the AAV’s capabilities are beyond any known technology.”
To be clear, the SCU hasn’t concluded that some non-human intelligence is responsible. Fully aware of the significant gaps in data, the organization has suggested that “the public release of all Navy records associated with this incident to enable a full, scientific and open investigation is strongly recommended.”
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• UFO-themed tourism has become big business. From Roswell, New Mexico to Sri Lanka, Chile, Russia, Japan and Australia, tourists are booking UFO hot spots for their vacations.
• After the “Storm Area 51” Facebook challenge that went viral this past summer, the Area 51 military facility where many believe spaceships, alien artifacts, and even the remains of alien bodies are stored has become another “must see” for the UFO tourist. Nate Arizona seized the moment and started an Area 51 guided tour where he brings clients to the gates of Area 51, under the constant scrutiny of security cameras and “cammo guys” wearing mirrored sunglasses and driving white SUVs. “Don’t worry,”says Nate. “[A]s long as we don’t enter the base proper, we’ll be absolutely fine.” Nate’s ‘Paranormal Tour of the US Southwest’, which also takes in the nearby Extraterrestrial Highway and the town of Rachel, Nevada, eight miles from Area 51, recently became one of Airbnb’s official ‘experiences’, and bookings are landing quickly.
• Airbnb’s head of Adventures, Caroline Boone, says the company is “delighted” with the demand for Nate’s paranormal tours. But it is the committed conspiracy theorists that’s driving the current trend — causing a rise in bookings both in Rachel and other UFO hotspots. Cody Theising, the manager of the ‘Little A’Le’Inn’ in Rachel, says that she has also seen an uptick in bookings. “There’s definitely been an increase in business out here in the last couple of years. We’re seeing a lot more tours… coming through.”
• Armando Martinez from Denver says he ‘absolutely loved’ Nate’s Nevada tour. Armando thinks paranormal tourism is growing for one simple reason — more people are believing in it. “Improvements in technology, particularly mobile phones, means there’s far more evidence of the paranormal being collected. There’s so much documentation out there now that you have to really step back and re-evaluate things, and tours like this are great for that kind of perspective.”
• Roswell, New Mexico is the site of perhaps the most famous UFO crash in July 1947, and what many believe is the mother of all government cover-ups. UFO tourism has kicked into hyperdrive of late and the ‘grey dollar’ is being spent as never before. Dennis Balthaser runs extraterrestrial-themed tours in Roswell, twice daily, five days a week. “By the end of this year I’ll have cleared 300 tours,” says Dennis who books visitors from the UK, China, Australia, South Africa and Japan, as well as most US states.
• Other UFO hot spots in the US include the Pacific Northwest, where the National UFO Reporting Center received three times the annual average of reported UFO sightings in 2018; Kecksburg, Pennsylvania where a car-sized, acorn-shaped metal object covered in hieroglyphics fell to earth in a fiery blaze in 1965; and Sedona, Arizona which hosts some of the most frequent UFO sightings in the world.
• In 2008, Chile opened a UFO Trail near the town of San Clemente, an ET hub that’s generated hundreds of sightings. Arguably the best way to experience it is with one of the local horse-riding operators, which carry telescopes in their saddle bags and teach you about the stars while discussing the Earth-bound craft that supposedly came from them. These extra-terrestrial sightseeing expeditions typically end with an intergalactic debate over pisco sours around a campfire.
• Sri Lanka’s UFO tourism focuses on ‘alien mystery tours’ in the North Central Province. Japan’s own UFO tourism capital is Asuka, a tiny village famed for its mysterious carved granite monoliths including the Rock Ship of Masuda, a 15ft-tall, 800-tonne block with a straight central ridge and two one-metre square holes cut from it.
• The self-proclaimed UFO capital of Australia is Wycliffe Well, locate in the Northern Territory where there is a recorded UFO sighting every couple of days, on average. Visitors can stay in cabins at the Wycliffe Well Holiday Park where the walls are covered in newspaper clippings of UFO sightings. Stay more than 48 hours and you’re ‘guaranteed’ a sighting of your own.
• Russia’s answer to Area 51 is the remote village of Molyobka, 600 miles east of Moscow. Here in the foothills of the Urals, locals have reported seeing a range of phenomena, including hovering lights, strange symbols written across the sky, and even translucent beings. There are persistent rumors of people developing enhanced intelligence or superhuman powers after visiting the area.
From the gate, Area 51 looks deserted. It would be so easy to simply step over the dotted line in the road here, to enter America’s most mysterious military installation. But Nate Arizona knows better.
“Don’t even think about it,” warns my previously jovial guide, brow furrowing under his neon-coloured bandana. “You’d be face first in the dirt with a gun to the back of your head before you knew what was happening.”
Rachel, Nevada’s ‘Little A’Le’Inn’
For alien enthusiasts, this is ground zero. The secret air force base in Nevada has been at the centre of extra-terrestrial speculation since the 1940s. Many believe UFO wreckage from the infamous Roswell Incident of 1947 is hidden inside this perimeter — along with the remains of its intergalactic pilots. Others speculate that the facility is dedicated to the reverse engineering of recovered alien technology, or even time travel. Whichever way you cut it, an awful lot of people believe that if the truth is out there, it’s probably in here.
Roswell’s UFO Museum
The ‘Storm Area 51’ Facebook joke, which went viral earlier this summer (with two million people signing up for the mass invasion of the facility in order to ‘see them aliens’) put this highly classified military base firmly back in the public eye. But another trend has been growing out here too: that of UFO tourism.
Nate’s own tour, which also takes in the nearby Extraterrestrial Highway and the tiny town of Rachel — a hub of purported paranormal activity — recently became one of Airbnb’s ‘experiences’, and bookings are landing faster than the Martian invasion force in HG Wells’ classic sci-fi novel The War of the Worlds.
Kecksburg’s ‘acorn’ UFO replica
“People get very excited about coming out to Area 51, but once we arrive at the gates, they realise how serious the whole thing is,” says Nate as we march along the perimeter, looking for a better vantage point. “The US government didn’t even officially admit this place existed until 2013, after all. There are motion sensors and cameras everywhere, and they follow your every move. Don’t be under any illusion — there are multiple guards watching us right now.”
alien monument near Molyobka, Russia
Those guards are what ufologists call ‘camo guys’ — the real-life equivalent of the Men in Black from the Hollywood film. I’ve heard these defenders of the Earth drive unmarked white SUVs, sitting sphinx-like behind mirrored sunglasses as they trail visitors from a discreet distance. Sure enough, as we approach another gate, Nate spots a white SUV parked on a bluff, which flashes its headlights as we approach.
“The camo guys are just letting us know they’re there,” says Nate. “Don’t worry — as long as we don’t enter the base proper, we’ll be absolutely fine.”
Under these watchful eyes, we continue our exploration, Nate pointing out satellite towers, barracks and even a bizarre mirrored pyramid visible within the perimeter. As we pass, mounted cameras grind and whir in our direction and the inscrutable SUV maintains its vigilant watch.
the Rock Ship of Masuda in Sri Lanka
Shadows slowly lengthening, we finally retreat to Rachel — a dusty, one-horse town a bumpy, eight-mile drive from Area 51. At its only motel, the appropriately monikered ‘Little A’Le’Inn’, manager Cody Theising says they too have seen a noted uptick in bookings as UFO tourism has taken off.
“There’s definitely been an increase in business out here in the last couple of years; we’re seeing a lot more tours like yours coming through,” says Cody, as I sip one of the Little A’Le’Inn’s signature ‘Spiced Abduction’ cocktails next to a sign that reads ‘Earthlings Welcome’.
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Article by Jasper Hamill November 23, 2019 (
• A NASA-backed study (see here) proposes that a 126 antennae array observatory be established on the far side of the Moon that would scan the sky and look for habitable planets capable of sustaining extraterrestrial life. The FARSIDE array, which stands for Farside Array for Radio Science Investigations of the Dark Ages and Exoplanets, would scour the sky for planets having a magnetic field like our own, which is considered ‘a key ingredient for planetary habitability’, as well as looking for gases and other ‘biosignatures’ indicating the presence of alien organisms.
• In addition to searching for exoplanets within the ‘habitable zone’ of distant star systems, the Moon observatory could also aid in the search for ‘Planet 9’, a mysterious and as-yet-undiscovered world believed to be lurking in the furthest reaches of the solar system. It could also aid in trying to find ‘dark matter’, a substance believed to make up a large proportion of all the matter in the universe. The FARSIDE array can also study ‘coronal mass ejections’ from the surface of distant stars and explore the evolution of the universe itself.
• The placement of the FARSIDE observatory on the back of the Moon would shield it from both radio frequencies from the Earth and ‘noise’ created by the Sun’s solar wind.
• Authors of the FARSIDE observatory proposal include scientists from NASA as well as academics from various American universities. They write that: “The discovery of life on a planet outside our solar system is at the heart of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. … Such a discovery may arrive within the next few decades and is the focus of a number of planned and concept NASA missions.”
• While NASA has not actually committed to building FARSIDE,optimistic scientists have claimed that alien life could be found on an ‘exoplanet’ outside our own system ‘within a few decades’.
• [Editor’s Note] Considering that a previous report titled: ‘Final Report: Design of a Lunar Far Side Observatory’ was written in 1989, NASA hasn’t put a lot of effort into making an observatory on the far side of the Moon a reality. It is likely that NASA has never had any real intention of establishing a public presence on the far side of the Moon. For if they did, it would expose that the back of the Moon is a veritable beehive of activity, with spacecraft flying to and from a number of lunar bases occupied by a variety of extraterrestrial species, including the Lunar Operations Command – a large base located on the back of the Moon at the ten o’clock position (from our point of view), that serves as US military alliance headquarters with many subsurface levels. The LOC was originally built by German Nazis in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s, and was then modernized and expanded through a formal alliance of the American military industrial complex with the Nazis in the 1950’s, which continues to the present day.
Humanity could be on the verge of answering the biggest question in the universe.
A Nasa-backed study has claimed that alien life could be found on an ‘exoplanet’ outside our own system within a few decades.
Researchers have just published a proposal paper calling for an observatory to be placed on the dark side of the moon.
The proposed FARSIDE instrument (Farside Array for Radio Science Investigations of the Dark ages and Exoplanets) would scan the sky and look for habitable planets capable of sustaining extraterrestrial organisms.
It would also search for Planet 9, a mysterious and as-yet-undiscovered world believed to be lurking in the furthest reaches of the solar system, as well as trying to find dark matter, a substance believed to make up a large proportion of all the matter in the universe.
As well as these impressive ambitions, the overachieving instrument would ‘explore how the universe began and evolved’ and look for ‘coronal mass ejections’ – outbursts from the surface of stars.
But the goal which is likely to get the most attention is the search for exoplanets capable of sustaining life.
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Article by Gerrard Kaonga November 20, 2019 (
• The Apophis asteroid, (a 1,210 foot-diameter rock) is due to arrive in the vicinity of the Earth in 2029. NASA has deemed it a ‘Potentially Hazardous Asteroid’, but is confident that it is ‘highly unlikely’ that the asteroid will hit the planet.
• The famed Swiss extraterrestrial contactee, Billy Meier, was warned by his alien friends in 1981 of the destruction that will occur with the passing of the Apophis ‘God of Chaos’ asteroid, according to Meier’s representative, Michael Horn, including a ‘split’ in the earth’s crust from the North Sea down to the Black Sea (in Eastern Europe), spewing forth hot lava and resulting in the creation of a new continent. The lava and gasses coming from within the earth will create a “deadly sulfurous wall, which, drifting westward, will cover the land and with that create an additional death-zone,” says Horn.
• Horn noted that Meier’s ‘space travelers’ have far more knowledge on the subject than does NASA. “To prove it, they gave Meier more than 250 specific examples of prophetically accurate scientific information decades before our own scientists discovered it,” he said. Horn also referenced the 2013 graphic novel “The Adventures of Billy Meier” in which Meier discovers the Apophis asteroid before NASA does (in 2004).
• In an interview with Express,co,uk, Horn related that extraterrestrial beings told Meier how to deflect the asteroid and save the planet: “The most highly recommended means is to detonate a nuclear charge in the proper proximity as to just deflect and nudge the ‘God of Chaos’ asteroid Apophis off its trajectory.”
• Asteroid researches, spacecraft engineers, and asteroid specialists from the NASA, the European Space Agency, and around the world gathered in Rome this past September to discuss how to best deal with asteroids heading towards earth. They came up with a project called HERA that would use two spacecraft to physically push the asteroid off of its deadly trajectory. They plan to test their technique on an unsuspecting asteroid.
Michael Horn, research scientist and representative for ufologist Billy Meier, said Mr Meier believed he was contacted by aliens to warn of the dangers of the ‘God of Chaos’ Apophis asteroid. During an interview with, Mr Horn revealed the claims of alien life wanting the world to come together to deflect the asteroid. NASA has insisted the space rock is highly unlikely to strike the planet in its next flyby.
Although NASA remains confident that the asteroid will not hit the planet in its next fly by the planet in 10 years time, they have deemed it a Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (PHA).
Billy Meier
Mr Horn said: “Fortunately as far back as 1981 when Meier was given this information by these people and he documented it.
“They said here is the recommended means of averting impact.
“They said look there are things such as solar sales and other means they might want to try.
“They may also want to try to blow up the asteroid but that is not recommended.
“The most highly recommended means is to detonate a nuclear charge in the proper proximity as to just deflect and nudge ‘God of Chaos’ asteroid Apophis off its trajectory.”
When asked why Mr Horn’s team and Billy Meier’s conclusions differ from NASA’s he said: “The space travellers’ technologies greatly exceed NASA’s.
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Article by Jazz Shaw November 17, 2019 (
• Christopher Mellon, a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and now a senior adviser for ‘To The Stars Academy’ has argued that there are a significant number of intelligence and data gathering assets that could be put to use by our government to study UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomenon), but apparently are not being used. (See TTSA article here) Mellon poses the question: “If these are vehicles created by another species, (how do we) study an intelligence greater than our own that apparently does not wish to communicate or be understood(?)”
• Through their interaction with our military, we have now established that there are unknown craft displaying phenomenal capabilities entering and leaving our airspace at will, and there seems to be nothing we can do about it. We’d like to learn more about the beings who created them. We’d like to examine their technology which could launch a new era in human development, or result in our immediate self-destruction.
• But by all indications, these extraterrestrial beings have shown zero interest in making contact with us. They appear to go out of their way to avoid it – publicly anyway. They could have landed a tic-tac on the lawn of the White House and said hello. What if they simply choose to ignore us and go on about whatever business they have here on our planet? What are we supposed to do then?
• Some have suggested that we shoot one down so we can examine the wreckage. This is a horrendous idea. It is far better to attempt a cordial greeting. Are we too unthreatening and uninteresting for ET to even bother with us? Do we have weapons that could bring down such advanced technology? Would they wipe us out in retaliation?
• This entire conversation relies on the assumption that our government is being at least somewhat honest with us, which is far from assured. We know for a fact that the United States government has covered up all manner of things in the past. And during the Nimitz encounters, it’s been reported that unidentified officials showed up in the aftermath, collected all of the video and radar data, and ordered the records to be erased. It is reasonable to assume that the military/government has a lot more data than just those three short video clips we’ve seen.
• At this point, full official disclosure by the government would go a long way in building confidence with the public, and to let bygones be bygones for past deceptions and indiscretions. Has there been any real interaction between extraterrestrials and our leaders? Or do these ETs have a different agenda? As paranormal investigator John E.L. Tenney says, “When was the last time you flew across the globe to visit a far distant land in order to explain algebra to a cat?” Is this how these technologically advanced extraterrestrials perceive us here on Earth?
• [Editor’s Note] There certainly has been contact between extraterrestrial beings and Earth humans since the dawn of time, as evidenced by ancient rock art, sculptures, and even accounts in the Old Testament. This has continued throughout human existence. But with the huge mobilization that came with World Wars I and II, and particularly with the detonation of the first atomic bomb in New Mexico in 1945, extraterrestrial beings took notice that humanity had arrived at a level of technological development to make us worthy of intercommunication. ETs telepathically communicated the means to build anti-gravity spacecraft. Spacecraft probes manned by android “Greys” and “Ebens” were deposited on the Earth for us to reverse engineer. Benevolent ETs came in peace to exhort us to end our military escalation in order to join with our galactic cousins. Seeing in the 1950’s that our military leaders were loath to demilitarize, negative ETs offered our ‘military industrial complex’ their space technology in return for assisting them to impound our industrial resources and enslave the population of the Earth for their own negative agenda.
Unfortunately, our ‘leaders’ chose the latter and Dwight Eisenhower gave a dire warning that this was happening. The benevolent ETs could only watch as we endured the consequences of our choice. For the past seventy years, the corporate and military elite, allied with a negative ET group, have harnessed advanced ET technology to create a “breakaway civilization” of off-planet bases, manufacturing plants, and secret space programs capable of traversing the galaxy, while placating an increasingly contentious Earth population through mind-control. Although the ‘prime directive’ in the universe is to keep any interaction with lesser developed beings (like us) to a minimum, higher benevolent beings realized that this situation was impeding humanities’ natural spiritual development. Recently, they have been more willing to assist positive human factions with overcoming the negative ET agenda so that a greater proportion of the human population might ascend in consciousness to a higher level of spirituality during this limited window of opportunity.
This is the situation in which we currently find ourselves, while the majority of the populace remains mind-controlled and oblivious to our true reality. So yes, full disclosure of what the shadow government or “Deep State” knows would be of enormous benefit to humanity. Open knowledge of advanced technologies would eliminate most of this planet’s societal and environmental problems, and allow us to become a space-faring civilization. But this also reveals the tremendous scope of the latent conflict. It is now up to us – all of humanity on this planet – to awaken to our plight and overthrow this elite negative agenda that is preventing us from our natural positive technological and spiritual development as a species.
The question I want to toss out for everyone’s consideration today is a bit complicated and it deals once again with all of the revelations that have been coming out about interactions between America’s military and the strange UFOs (or UAPs as the government now wants to call them) in our airspace. But this very serious question requires a number of assumptions, so let’s get them out of the way first.
First, we don’t know who built these vehicles and the government at least claims that they don’t either. So let’s take them at their word and accept that they don’t know. (I don’t find this an unreasonable assumption, by the way. Our government and military probably don’t know nearly as much about UFOs as some of us may suspect.) And since the technology displayed by the tic-tacs seems to be such a quantum leap ahead of any current human capabilities (emphasis on seems to be), let’s just assume for the sake of discussion that they were created by some non-human, presumably extraterrestrial intelligence.
If that’s the case, we’re witnessing one of the most remarkable moments in human history. And we should naturally want answers. Who are these aliens? Where do they hail from? What do they want here? And we should rightly be very, very interested in that technology and if we might be able to use it to launch a new era in human development. (Or possibly our immediate self-destruction. I wouldn’t rule either of them out.)
Christopher Mellon
Now here’s the big question. How do we manage to study this situation and come up with any answers? Earlier this year, Christopher Mellon, a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and now a senior advisor for To The Stars Academy (TTSA), published a paper on how best to collect information on these visitors (whether there’s anyone inside of them or not) and their technology. He lists a significant number of intelligence and data gathering assets that could be put to use by our government, but apparently are not.
That’s all useful information, but no matter how good our gear may be, there’s still one outstanding problem. At the end of the paper, Mellon poses the following question. (Emphasis added.)
This UAP issue is already uniquely challenging. It lacks recognition or understanding; it lacks acceptance; there is a serious stigma to overcome; and even more difficult is the deceptively serious challenge of helping government officials and the public process such incongruous, disorienting, disruptive and potentially disturbing information. Finally, if these are vehicles created by another species there is the wholly unprecedented challenge of seeking to study an intelligence greater than our own that apparently does not wish to communicate or be understood.
That emphasized excerpt strikes at the heart of the matter. We have now established, at least to my satisfaction, that there are unknown craft displaying phenomenal capabilities entering and leaving our airspace at will and there seems to be nothing we can do about it. We’d like to find a way to get in contact with whoever or whatever created these vehicles and learn about them. We’d like to examine their technology because it could potentially revolutionize our entire global culture.
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