Covert Disclosure of Antigravity Rectangles by USAF Special Operations

In Part 3 of this interview series we learn from JP that he was prompted by covert personnel to take photos of flying rectangles he witnessed near McDill AFB, Tampa, Florida, in October 2017. He then recalled that he had been earlier subjected to a Military Abduction (MILAB) and was inside the rectangular vehicle that he later photographed. In the video he describes his experience inside the flying rectangle, the USAF Special Operations personnel he encountered and more.

For Part 2 go to:

For Part 1 go to:

To learn more about JP and the photos he has taken of antigravity craft go to:

Aliens May Discover Us Very Soon, Here’s Why

by Lorraine Lorenzo                  March 19, 2019                     (

• Clara Sousa-Silva, a quantum astrochemist, said during a segment in BBC’s online presentation “Ideas”: “We have been sending (television and radio) signals for the past 100 years, and those signals have gone into space and traveled at the speed of light and by now have reached hundreds of stars and hundreds of planets around them” There is a big chance that these aliens now know a lot about human origins, culture and history thanks to all the “material” that we’ve been sending them for years. “If there was an alien civilization then they would have heard the first BBC broadcasts… and have a rough idea of how our humanity works,” said Sousa-Silva.

• Sousa-Silva also said that some prominent scientists actually think that humans are sharing too much to the galaxy, especially since we know nothing about them. “Aliens may not be very kind so we shouldn’t be giving them our position.”

• But even without these television and radio signals, the Earth has a biosphere that basically gives any alien civilization an idea as to what type of species thrive in it. Aliens would be able to use a powerful prism to filter the white lights of our galaxy and separate the colors of the rainbow to determine our position in the universe. The shadows would tell them that this is indeed a lively planet filled with vast oceans and organic life forms.

• By the same principle of using radio signals to find earth, the scientist also believes that we can use alien biospheres to determine if there are extraterrestrials that actually exist in the universe. “At MIT, I develop the tools that try to decipher these potential alien biospheres. Those tools are how I will be listening in to alien messages. Until then I will try to find signs of life from signals aliens didn’t even mean to create,” Sousa-Silva said.


If you think that watching your favorite sitcom on Netflix or cable TV is just limited to entertainment, think again. We are also unknowingly sending vast signals to the universe and pretty much letting any possible aliens out in space know how to find us.

In fact, we’ve been sending out so many radio signals for the past 100 years that even if we turn off all satellites today, extraterrestrials from outer space will still be able to find us, Clara Sousa-Silva, a quantum astrochemist, said during a segment in BBC’s “Ideas.”

                      Clara Sousa-Silva

“We have been sending signals for the past 100 years and those signals have gone into space and traveled at the speed of light and by now have reached hundreds of stars and hundreds of planets around them,” Sousa-Silva, who is doing her post-doctorate degree in MIT and is a Ph.D. holder from the University College London, said.

The astrochemist said that the signals are now strong enough to be detected should there be alien civilizations out in the universe. Aside from this, there is also a big chance that these aliens now know a lot about human origins, culture and history thanks to all the “material” that we’ve been sending them for years.

“If there was an alien civilization then they would have heard the first BBC broadcasts and now they would have seen many, many years of Coronation Street and have a rough idea of how our humanity works,” she said.

Sousa-Silva also said that some prominent scientists actually think that it’s silly how humans are sharing too much to the galaxy especially since we know nothing about them.

“Aliens may not be very kind so we shouldn’t be giving them our position.”



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Perfectly Smooth Shell of a Craft” – A Look Inside The Real Secret Space Program

by Arjun Walia                   March 26, 2019                       (

• In spite of disinformation campaigns, bad journalism, and infiltration by intelligence agencies into mainstream media outlets that try to convince the public through “an official campaign of ridicule and secrecy” that there is no such thing as UFOs, we know that they’re real. There is a plethora of credible sources – including documents, data, physical evidence, and more – suggesting we’re not alone, and that we have been visited by intelligent extraterrestrial beings from other worlds and possibly other dimensions.

• Garry McKinnon, for example, spent ten years in danger of extradition from the UK to the US for accessing nearly 100 NASA and military computers including the United States Space Command. On this government website, McKinnon found a photo of a large cylindrical shaped UFO hovering in space, a list of “non-terrestrial officers”, and logs of “fleet to fleet” transfers of materials. Is this evidence of a Secret Space Program using reverse engineered ET technology?

• Dr. David Clarke, an international investigative journalist who regularly comments on UFOs, said, “… the UK military were interested in capturing UFO technology… [and] were desperate to capture this technology… before the Russians or the Chinese got hold of it first.”

• In the US, these UFO investigative and research efforts are hidden within Special Access Programs which contain both unacknowledged and waived SAPs. Better known as ‘deep black programs’, these programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. We know that there is a black budget to fund these programs. A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.”

• According to Herman Oberth, one of the founding fathers of rocketry and astronautics in the 1950’s, “flying saucers are real and . . . they are space ships from another solar system. I think that they possibly are manned by intelligent observers who are members of a race that may have been investigating our Earth for centuries.” “We have, indeed, been contacted — perhaps even visited — by extraterrestrial beings, and the US government, in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public.”

• Former Chief of Defence Staff, Five-Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, and former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, said: “There are objects in our atmosphere which are technically miles in advance of anything we can deploy… we have no means of stopping them from coming here… there is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations… This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubbishing’ by tabloid newspapers.”

• There are literally hundreds of people with extensive academic, political and military backgrounds, all the way to astronauts, who have been blowing the whistle on extraterrestrial UFOs for a very long time. Many scientific publications describe radar-confirmed military sightings of UFOs by military pilots.

• The point is, if you believe some of these UFOs are indeed extraterrestrial, you are not alone.


The field of UFOlogy has long been muddled with disinformation campaigns and bad journalism, and sometimes this journalism includes infiltration efforts by intelligence agencies themselves. This is clear given the fact that intelligence agencies have a direct relationship with journalists and mainstream media outlets, as there are declassified documents showing so. Operation Mockingbird is a great example, not to mention all of the mainstream media journalists who have come out and said that mainstream media is directly influenced by intelligence agencies, governments and corporations. When it comes to UFOs, we know that they’re real, but we also know that along with that reality there has been “an official campaign of ridicule and secrecy.” (Ex-CIA Director Roscoe Hillenkoetter) Perhaps this ridicule campaign carries on today through some rather ghastly, unbelievable claims, but let’s not let that mask the fact that this phenomenon is indeed real, and there are a plethora of credible sources including documents, data, physical evidence, and more suggesting we’re not alone, and that we probably are being visited and have been visited by intelligent extraterrestrial beings from other worlds and possibly other dimensions.

A lot of this evidence has come from UFOlogist Richard Dolan, who has always been a key resource for me with regards to accessing credible information about the UFO phenomenon. I find that it’s important to seek out proper researchers who share information in a credible and verifiable way, especially about a subject that can so easily be ridiculed when you are trying to reach the masses who don’t have much knowledge about it, but are genuinely curious. I also feel that my generation of UFO researchers lack proper research and investigative skills, are easily influenced and swayed, and in the age of social media are simply trying to share whatever they can, no matter how credible, to simply ‘stay relevant,’ instead of doing it for the love and genuine desire to share important, truthful information.

Like I said, there are some rather ‘outside the box claims’ out there that have absolutely no credibility behind them, and to share those actually does more disservice to the movement, in my opinion. On the other hand, there are some very outside the box claims and information that do indeed have tremendous amounts of credibility behind them, and these are the ones we should be paying attention to.

One example comes from the case of Garry McKinnon, who for 10 years was in great danger of extradition to the United States for accessing nearly 100 NASA and military computers including the United States Space Command. This was the real deal, as Obama and the UK Prime Minister at the time revealed while fielding a question about Garry. This breach made headline news.

Gary was able to access these computers in real time and view files on them. He found some startling pictures, one in particular was of a large cylindrical shaped UFO hovering in space, in addition to a strange spreadsheet document with a list of “non-terrestrial officers,” presumably belonging to a publicly unacknowledged branch of the United States military operating in space, as well as “fleet to fleet” transfers of materials, whatever that means.

The Real Secret Space Program

Is there a secret space program, and have clandestine groups been reverse engineering ET technology?



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Man Posts Video of UFO Over Potters Bar

by Mia Jankowicz                     March 25, 2019                   (

• In June 2017, Jamie Warwick was driving towards Potters Bar (in North London, England) on a clear evening when he spotted a bright white speck of light in the clouds. He managed to take some photos before it disappeared. A dark shape then appeared in the sky nearby, which he calls a “craft”. Another photo shows a smaller dark shape just above the first one, which he believes is the craft separating into two. (see 2:21 minute video of Warwick’s account below)


Property manager and artist Jamie Warwick told this newspaper that he had been driving on the M25 towards Finchley on a clear evening in June 2017 when he spotted a bright white speck of light in the clouds.

He managed to get a few snaps of the scene.

Then the light disappeared, he said, and a dark shape then appeared in the sky nearby, which he calls a “craft”.

Another picture shows a further, smaller dark shape just above the first one, which he believes is the craft separating into two. He took the pictures to UFO research organisation Mufon, who took an interest because they’ve looked into another reported encounter at the same site since then.

Jamie has now put a video retelling the story of his encounter on YouTube for the first time.

“A good friend of mine who is a pilot and has worked in aeronautics has no idea what this can be,” he said in his YouTube posting.

He attributes his sharp eye to being a property developer.

2:21 minute video of Jamie Warwick’s account of seeing the UFOs near London



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The UFO Community Still Believes — and Science is Starting to Listen

by Chabeli Herrera                March 19, 2019                   (

• Over the past two years, scientists, politicians and professionals have increasingly been willing to touch the taboo subject of UFOs and perhaps lend a little credence to those who still believe.

• In December 2017, the New York Times reported that the U.S. had funded a secret, $22 million project to study UFO claims from 2007 to 2012. Declassified video taken in 2004 by two Navy F/A-18F fighter jets off the coast of San Diego showed a craft with no apparent propulsion moving at alarmingly fast speeds. Navy pilot Commander David Fravor who witnessed the Tic Tac-shaped craft told the Washington Post that it was “something not from Earth.”

• Harvard’s astronomy department chair, Avi Loeb, along with colleague Shmuel Bialy, wrote in a publication in Astrophysical Journal Letters that an interstellar object seen passing through our solar system called Oumuamua “is a lightsail, flowing in interstellar space as a debris from an advanced technological equipment.” Loeb theorized that, “Oumuamua may be a fully operational probe sent intentionally to Earth vicinity by an alien civilization.”

• NASA’s Ames Research Center scientist Silvano Colombano went on record recently to suggest that NASA and the scientific community should be more open-minded in its approach to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. NASA is preoccupied with finding biosignatures through its Center for Life Detection Science than interested in analyzing alleged UFO sightings.

• MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) does analyze UFO sightings. It has 3,500 members in 42 countries. Barbara Stusse, 80, has been coming to MUFON meetings for three years. She says that her mother saw a UFO in 1947. In 1965, she read about Betty and Barney Hill and “believed it”.

• Kathleen Marden is MUFON’s director of experiencer research. She was 13 years old in September 1961 when her Aunt Betty Hill and her Uncle Barney Hill saw a UFO in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. There were two hours they couldn’t account for, and Barney was sure he’d seen eight to eleven figures dressed in black shiny uniforms that were “somehow not human”. Under hypnosis, the Hills related how they were abducted and physically examined inside the UFO. “They examined their hands, they took their shoes off, they examined their feet, they did tests on them that appear to be testing their nervous systems, as well,” says Marden. She has written about the government’s ‘tampering’ with the Hill case. But lately Marden has seen a recent shift in the credence that people give to the UFO phenomenon, with the 2017 New York Times article being the turning point.

• Trish Bishop of Kissimmee, Florida, relates her story of March 2013 at dusk when she saw a tall, muscular man wearing a formfitting tan colored uniform, boots and gloves was lingering in her backyard at the edge of a forest. But his face wasn’t human. His eyes bulged far out of their sockets. His jaw was over-sized. And his skin was white as chalk. Paralyzed with fear, she pretended not to watch the man while she called for help on her phone. Then man appeared to be climbing invisible steps. When he was about 10 feet off the ground, he turned his back to her and pulled himself up “into a UFO?” she thought — and he was gone. After four years, she got the nerve to report the incident to MUFON.

• The challenge with UFO and alien sightings has always been the lack of evidence. Bishop said she was too scared to take a photo of her alien. Little to no consequential evidence exists in other cases. University of Central Florida psychology professor Alvin Wang thinks that people project their predisposition to believe in conspiracy theories, and seek out others who reaffirm that belief. “[T]hey get …confirmation support, when they are members of UFO believers community,” said Wang.


He appeared as if a hologram at first — then solid — suddenly there and clear as you or I, at the edge of the forest behind Trish Bishop’s home in Kissimmee.

It was a Thursday in March 2013, the glow of the afternoon tucking in for the day behind the trees. He stood tall, at least 6-foot-3, perhaps 220 pounds and certainly muscular, wearing a formfitting tan colored uniform, boots and gloves. He lingered by the crape myrtle tree in the middle of the backyard.

When he turned around, it was his face, she remembers, that stopped her.

Bulging eyes jutting so far out of the sockets that Bishop wondered whether he could close them. Skin white as chalk.
And a jaw so large, it dispelled any notions the government worker had of the visitor being human.

“If you compare a human jawbone to his, we would be a chihuahua to a pit bull,” Bishop said.

Paralyzed with fear, she watched as what she believed to be an alien appeared to climb invisible steps, stopping often to snatch glances at her from where she sat on her back porch, fumbling with her phone to appear as though she couldn’t see him.

Her finger was pressed on the number “9” to dial for help.

When he was about 10 feet off the ground, he turned his back to her and pulled himself up — “into a UFO?” she thought — and was gone.

Bishop sat stunned. “I’ve got a freaking alien in my backyard,” she thought.

It would be four years before she told anyone her story, before she’d discover the Mutual Unidentified Flying Objects Network, a nationwide organization 50 years old, and file her report under case number 84886 with the local Florida chapter.

But she worried: Who would believe her?

These days, more people than you’d think.

Across restaurants and meeting rooms in the United States, MUFON groups still gather every month to discuss cases like Bishop’s with the enthusiasm that once gripped the nation during the Cold War, when UFO sightings still made a splash on the front page.

The Space Coast group, made up of some former NASA employees and engineers, has 118 members, the largest in the state. Across the U.S. they number 3,500, with additional offices in 42 countries.

For many years, they were alone entertaining UFO theories. No more.

In the past two years, scientists, politicians and professionals have increasingly been willing to touch the taboo subject and perhaps lend a little credence to those who still believe.



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Amateur Astronomer Spots Two UFOs Flying Over the Moon

by Nirmal Narayanan                 March 23, 2019                       (

• An amateur astronomer from Turkey has spotted two diamond-shaped UFOs hovering low over the Moon’s surface, and then speeding across the lunar surface. One flying object seems twice the size of the other. (see 1:07 minute video of the pair of UFOs over the Moon’s surface below)

• As the video went viral, popular alien researcher Scott C Waring analyzed the clip and assured that this sighting is authentic proof of extraterrestrial presence on the Moon. “This object is actually two UFOs flying side by side, like a military wingman for USAF fighter jets. Both objects are diamond shaped, yet one is twice the size of the other. If these were meteors, they would be leaving a trail of debris behind them, and there is no way they would be perfect diamond flying side by side. These are alien craft flying over our Moon. This is 100% proof that aliens are actively using our Moon not just as a base, but as a home,” wrote Waring on his website ‘UFO Sightings Daily’.

• Even though many experts have dismissed the claims made by Waring as a case of pareidolia, the researcher is continuing his search to find anomalies in NASA images. At one point in time, he had also asked United States president Donald Trump to appoint him as the head of NASA so that he can open up crucial details regarding the existence of alien life.


Conspiracy theorists all across the world strongly believe that an advanced extraterrestrial civilization is living on the moon and space agencies like NASA are well aware of its existence. Adding heat to these claims, an amateur astronomer from Turkey has spotted two unidentified flying objects (UFO) hovering low over the moon’s surface.

The UFOs was later seen speeding across the lunar surface and the sighting seems to be very similar to the visuals we have witnessed in Hollywood movies.

The UFOs spotted in the video are diamond-shaped and one flying object seems double the size of the other. As the video went viral, popular alien researcher Scott C Waring analyzed the clip and assured that this sighting is authentic proof of extraterrestrial presence on the moon.

“This object is actually two UFOs flying side by side, like a military wingman for USAF fighter jets. Both objects are diamond shaped, yet one is twice the size of the other. If these were meteors, they would be leaving a trail of debris behind them, and there is no way they would be perfect diamond flying side by side. These are alien craft flying over our moon. This is 100% proof that aliens are actively using our moon not just as a base, but as a home,” wrote Waring on his website UFO Sightings Daily.

A few days back, after analyzing NASA images, Scott C Waring discovered a seemingly alien ship in the moon’s Waterman crater. Waring also assured that it could be a gigantic alien space vessel which might be more than 10 miles long.

1:07 minute Scott Waring video of UFO traveling over the Moon



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‘I Lost My Virginity to a Busty Alien Called Crescent and Have Fathered Hundreds of Extra-Terrestrial Babies’

by Samantha Brick                  March 25, 2019                       (

• Six per cent of the population believe they have been abducted by aliens. Abductees often claim that they are ‘taken’ so that aliens can take their sperm and eggs to create a new ‘hybrid’ race, targeting the same families to harvest their genetic specific material.

• David Huggins, 75, was living on his parents’ farm in Georgia, USA, when he says he was seduced by a big-breasted alien woman named Crescent as he was walking through the woods. Since then, Huggins claims he’s had many sexual encounters with extraterrestrials and believes he has fathered hundreds of alien babies. Although he has no evidence, David paints portraits of his alien lover to remember their moments together. (pictured above) “My relationship with Crescent was warm and friendly…. She was my girlfriend, really,” said Huggins (also pictured above).

• Myriame Belmyr, 68, was first abducted as a little girl, and has continued to be taken throughout her life. “I often saw dwarf-sized grey beings around my bed,” she said. “They were like pixies with black almond eyes. I never knew what they were and I didn’t know why they were in my room or what they did with me.” “Throughout my life I’d been left with unexplained marks on my body. One time I had three coin shaped bruises on my thigh that formed a triangle, and on another occasion I had a throbbing pain in my right side close to my kidney. It was only thanks to hypnosis I realized that the pain was a result of the probes they had used inside me.”

• Belmyr became the head of CeroFrance, an association created in 2014 which holds regular meet ups for those who claim to have been abducted by extra-terrestrials. “Many of us are terrified by what have happened,” she continues. “Some have lost their jobs and lost their marriage. They are very disturbed by what’s happened. But together we can safely talk about what has happened to us.” Many members recount that they’ve had their ovarian eggs or sperm removed or harvested. Aliens target the same families multiple times. “We know they follow family lines. My parents have been abducted. My children in their childhood were taken too. Each time I was abducted a probe would enter my body and my ovarian eggs were removed. I was powerless to stop it. When I was in therapy I was able to discover that the aliens viewed humans as a brutal destructive and suicidal race. That we are destroying our planet and our governments are crazy. So they are creating a new race of species with a different civilization.”

• “The most profound abduction happened to me when I was staying at my employer’s apartment in the French Alps,” says Belmyr. “It was on the sixth floor. I was in bed enjoying the view of the stars through the ceiling window. I began to doze off so I turned off the light. That’s when I heard a click. The room suddenly lit up and I saw the window was open and a cable was hanging down. I couldn’t move. I was paralyzed in bed. When I came round I was on a metallic table. There was a soft fabric over me and it was hard to breathe – I could hear the movement of surgical instruments and machines. Then the cable entered my body. I tried to fight it but I couldn’t. Little grey aliens were all around me and there was a large insect alien too. Eventually I opened my eyes and I was back in the bedroom, it was dark and the window was closed – there was no one there, but there was a heavy atmosphere in the room… I had an awful lower abdomen pain afterwards.”

• Belmyr also believes the aliens communicate with her via telepathy. “The extra-terrestrials don’t want us to remember what happens to us when we are taken so they try and mask our memories,” she says. “When I remembered the second time, I recalled being in bed. There was no roof on the house – instead there was a massive round circle above and I saw a red net coming for me. The red net took me back to the dome room and again they harvested my eggs. After I understood what had happened to me – I was much calmer. I wasn’t going mad. It’s something people don’t talk about for fear of others thinking they are crazy.” Belmyr says that, “As we humans age… [the aliens] try to leave us alone to live out the rest of our lives without their interference.”

• Gerry Battles from Co Limerick, says he was dazzled by bright light before being abducted onto a ship by an alien with a “big cone head” and “beautiful, ginormous eyes” who communicated to him telepathically in December 2001. Garry believes he was sent back to pass on a message that in over 800 years time a giant asteroid the size of the Irish province Munster is going to obliterate our planet. “The asteroid will approach your planet from the 35th Quadrant”, according to his alien abductor.

• Hilary Porter, 71, claims she was first abducted when she was just 5 years old and left her with “triangular suction marks on my stomach, blood suction marks”. After subsequent abductions, Porter suffers migraines and wakes up with bruising or bloody marks on her clothes or bed sheets. She agrees with the theory aliens want to create a hybrid race. Porter believes aliens target certain human “tribes” whose genetic make-up is of more interest. “The Celtic tribes from Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall and Brittany are definitely on the list,” she says. “They are trying to make alien human hybrids and it seems the genetic material of these races are more compatible.”

• Skeptics rationalize abductees’ experiences as everything from sleep paralysis to false memory syndrome, but there is no definitive answer to explain what abductees are experiencing. Psychologist Nicolas Dumont has spent seven years speaking to 100 ‘abductees’ in France. He is open-minded about the alien experiences. “[Abductees] have marks on their body. They have seen things around their home. We’re finding that they often report a spiritual change too: they have visions or even develop psychic powers. One woman… had a brain tumor which covered her temporal lobe in her brain like a spider’s web. After an abduction, the tumor completely disappeared… We don’t have a scientific explanation for this.”

• According to Dr. Dumont, abductees talk about six different species of aliens. “The little grey ones are popular sightings and they tend to be the ‘workers’. They have a distinct job during these abductions. [T]he tall white ones oversee what’s going on. Abductees often regard them as protective as they are stronger and more paternal. The hooded aliens can be small or large. They wear a big coat with a hood and you don’t see their faces. Then there are the reptilians, insects – a very tall Scandinavian-type alien, and also there are similar very tall blue people.”


While alien abduction might sound unbelievable to most of us, up to six per cent of the population believe they have been abducted by alien, and recently experts have been exploring the new theory aliens do exist – but we’re just ‘too stupid’ to handle it.

According to The Times, scientists are considering the possibility aliens are keeping their existence quiet – because we’re too primitive compared to them.

                         David Huggins

Those who claim they have had encounters often claim that they are ‘taken’ so that aliens can take their sperm and eggs to create a new ‘hybrid’ race, targeting the same families to harvest their genetic specific material.

Here, The Sun Online meets three people who bizarrely claim they have the proof that aliens do exist.

‘I’ve fathered hundreds of alien babies’

David Huggins, 75, was living on his parents’ farm in Georgia, America, when he says he was seduced by a big-breasted alien woman as he was walking through the woods.

“I thought, if anything, I’d be losing [my virginity] in the backseat of a Ford—something like that. But it didn’t work out that way,” he says.

Since then, David claims he’s had many sexual encounters with extraterrestrials and believes he has fathered hundreds of alien babies.

            Myriame Belmyr

Although he has no evidence, David paints portraits of his alien lover to remember their moments together.

“My relationship with Crescent was warm and friendly. A little strange. What do I mean, a little? Very strange. She was my girlfriend, really,” David said.

‘I had probes inserted inside me’

Computer engineer Myriame Belmyr, 68, also believes aliens exist.

She says she was first abducted as a little girl, and has continued to be taken throughout her life.

                            Gerry Battles

“I don’t remember when it started but I often saw dwarf-sized grey beings around my bed,” she told The Sun Online.

“They were like pixies with black almond eyes. I never knew what they were and I didn’t know why they were in my room or what they did with me.”

However, the mum-of-two, who lives in the southwest of France, didn’t realise what this meant until she was hypnotised in 2012.

She continues: “I recognised I had been abducted by extra-terrestrials throughout my life.

                              Hilary Porter

“Throughout my life I’d been left with unexplained marks on my body.

“One time I had three coin shaped bruises on my thigh that formed a triangle, and on another occasion I had a throbbing pain in my right side close to my kidney.

“It was only thanks to hypnosis I realised that the pain was a result of the probes they had used inside me.”

Aliens are using us for our sperm and eggs to create a new civilisation’

After her encounters, Myriame became the head of CeroFrance, an association created in 2014 which holds regular meet ups for those who claim to have been abducted by extra-terrestrials.

“Many of us are terrified by what have happened,” she continues. “Some have lost their jobs and lost their marriage. They are very disturbed by what’s happened. But together we can safely talk about what has happened to us.”

The members of the group have much in common: many say they have had their ovarian eggs or sperm removed or harvested, some also say they have been abducted since childhood.

According to CeroFrance members, aliens target the same families multiple times.

“Why are we taken? It’s the big question,” Myriame adds.



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‘Falling’ Object in Anchorage Skies Caught on Video

by KTVA Web Staff                   March 21st 2019                       (

• On the evening of March 29th, 18 year-old Adonus Baugh noticed something “falling” from the sky over Anchorage, Alaska, and video recorded it. A pair of smoke plumes seem to be following it (pictured above). Baugh submitted the video footage to local CBS news affiliate KYVA channel 11 Alaska checked with various federal agencies who also could not identify the object. (see 3:03 minute video of the falling object below)

• Federal Aviation Administration officials said the object seen in the video was not an aircraft, and that the FAA didn’t receive any reports of aviation issues Tuesday night. Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson spokeswoman Erin Eaton who monitors a variety of aircraft operating from the base, ranging from F-22 Raptor stealth fighters to C-130 Hercules and C-17 Globemaster III transports as well as E-3 Sentry AWACS command jets, said, “That doesn’t look like any of our planes.”

• In the original video, two people discuss the falling object: “You see that? It’s something falling,” a woman says. “Yeah, definitely falling,” a male voice agrees. Bebe Kang saw it and said, “It really didn’t look like a plane or a jet.” King later deleted her post, ‘because she “didn’t want people to think I was seeing aliens.”’

• Peter Davidson, of the National UFO Reporting Center, says it is only a parallax view of “a high-altitude jet airliner, with a contrail behind it.”

[Editor’s Note]  Or could it be another spacecraft shot down in a near-earth space battle between a Deep State Secret Space Program faction and the SSP Alliance?


An object was recorded in the skies over Anchorage Tuesday night, but the truth wasn’t out there when KTVA checked with various federal agencies.

A video submitted to KTVA Wednesday by Adonus Baugh shows a plume following an object tracking across local skies as two people discuss it.

“You see that? It’s something falling,” a woman asks.

“Yeah, definitely falling,” a male voice agrees.

Facebook user Bebe Kang said in a since-deleted Alaska Scanner Joe post, containing two photos of the object, that she saw it at 8:23 p.m. Tuesday.

“It didn’t look like an airplane or one of those jets. It was big, super slow and RED!!” Kang wrote. “I tried to get a video but it got further and smaller.”

On Wednesday, Kang said she deleted the photos because she “didn’t want people to think I was seeing aliens.”
“I really just thought it might be an asteroid,” Kang wrote.

Kang saw the object as she was headed west on Dimond Boulevard, but her photos didn’t do it justice.
“But it was much more awesome to see in person,” she wrote. “It really didn’t look like a plane or a jet.”

3:03 minute video of object falling in Anchorage sky (ShantiUniverse)



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NASA Expert Urges to Take Alien Claims Seriously – ‘There Must Be Life’

by Sebastian Kettely                 March 19, 2019                       (

• With the rocket-based space travel, it is estimated that it would take between 5 and 50 million years for a civilization like ours to colonize our Milky Way galaxy. This should have happened several times already with previous civilizations in the history of our galaxy. But there is still no hard evidence of space faring civilizations. This discrepancy has been dubbed the Fermi Paradox.

• While a growing community of UFO researchers are certain that aliens visit Earth on a regular basis, such claims are immediately dismissed by the scientific community. Scientists demand solid proof – “smoking gun” evidence – which could once and for all prove the existence of UFOs.

• A former NASA researcher and physicist at the University of Albany, Kevin Knuth, argues that such immediate skepticism to all UFO-related theories is counterproductive. “I think UFO skepticism has become something of a religion with an agenda, discounting the possibility of extraterrestrials without scientific evidence, while often providing silly hypotheses describing only one or two aspects of a UFO encounter reinforcing the popular belief that there is a conspiracy,” says Knuth. “In the end, the skeptics often do science a disservice by providing a poor example of how science is to be conducted.”

• Knuth does not rule out the possibility of extraterrestrial UFOs visiting the Earth. “[S]ince little is known, the extraterrestrial hypothesis cannot yet be ruled out. “The fact is that many of these encounters… defy conventional explanation.”

• Knuth said it would greatly benefit the scientific community to try and better understand alien visitors should they ever arrive. “[T]his would present a great opportunity for mankind, promising to expand and advance our knowledge and technology, as well as reshaping our understanding of our place in the universe.”

• William Borucki, the principal investigator for NASA’s Kepler mission, said, “If we find lots of planets like ours we’ll know it’s likely that we aren’t alone, and that someday we might be able to join other intelligent life in the universe.” The biggest problem faced by human explorers today is the lack of speedy and efficient interstellar travel technology. “Unless we get lucky, the search for signs of life could take decades.”


NASA’s hunt for proof of alien life is at the forefront of the space agency’s deep space exploration. But here on Earth, many conspiracy theorists and self-appointed UFO-hunters are already certain aliens visit Earth on a regular basis. Most of these alien claims, supposed UFO sightings and stories of mysterious crop circles appearing overnight are immediately dismissed by the scientific community. A former NASA researcher and physicist at the University of Albany, however, has argued immediate scepticism to all UFO-related theories is counterproductive.

             Dr. Kevin Knuth

Kevin Knuth, an associate professor at Albany, argued in an opinion piece for Cosmos Magazine, the odds of life existing outside of Earth are pretty high.

The “unsettling and refreshing” possibility is exactly why, he argued, more attention needs to be paid to what is happening in the skies.

Dr Knuth said: “I think UFO scepticism has become something of a religion with an agenda, discounting the possibility of extraterrestrials without scientific evidence, while often providing silly hypotheses describing only one or two aspects of a UFO encounter reinforcing the popular belief that there is a conspiracy.

“A scientist must consider all of the possible hypotheses that explain all of the data, and since little is known, the extraterrestrial hypothesis cannot yet be ruled out.

“In the end, the sceptics often do science a disservice by providing a poor example of how science is to be conducted.
“The fact is that many of these encounters – still a very small percentage of the total – defy conventional explanation.”



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Richard Dolan Calls TTSA “Limited Disclosure That Marginalizes Serious UFO Info”

Richard Dolan spoke directly to the issue of limited disclosure and TTSA on his show yesterday.

Starting at around minute 45 he leads up to this quote:  “With initiatives like TTSA (we have) limited disclosure that’s
happening under very controlled circumstances while at the same time most of the UFO phenomena is being marginalized
even more by the mainstream.  This little bit of UAP activity………… being put out their as genuine!”

He and Tracy then make a key point:  rebranding UFO’s to UAPs is “making it safe for disclosure.”

This seems to me to be highly political:  Hillary and Podesta promote deLonge’s TTSA and the notion of UAPs which
is a form of X Protect as described by Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt.

Trump is arguably more attuned to the JFK approach of X Share with his plan to return to the Moon, his Space Force
proposal and the legacy of his Uncle John Trump’s access to Tesla’s files in 1943.

This may be oversimplified.  But it gets real interesting when one looks at the Mueller investigation in depth as
has George Webb (who seems oblivious to the UFO issue).  Webb documents in enormous detail the Deep State
links of Mueller’s family to the Military Industrial Complex and weapons industry as well as to the WWII Paper Clip
scientists who ran NASA.

Webb brings us up to date on its modern embodiment…..what I call Paper Clip 2…that showed up as the Russiagate
scandal without him being aware of the direct links to the questions of Disclosure or the Secret Space Program.

The VERY Deep State is very deep indeed!  Even sincere folks who think they understand some of the vast corruption
embedded in the District of Criminals can be fooled into accepting partial truths rather than the having the whole swamp

We can and must do better:  our future depends on it!

Rich Scheck
Rohnert Park, CA
April 3, 2019

Navy Insiders Confirm Multinational SSP with bases throughout Solar System & Beyond

In the third instalment of a remarkable Earthfiles Youtube series on Antarctica, Emmy Award Winning Investigative Journalist, Linda Moulton Howe, has released more stunning video testimony from two anonymous Navy insiders/whistleblowers about a multinational coalition that has a secret space program with bases in Antarctica, on the Moon, Mars and even beyond our solar system.

In accord with their wishes, Howe has not disclosed their identities and has instead used the pseudonyms Spartan 1 and 2, and featured backlighting and voice altering technologies in their interviews. Howe has confirmed through official documentation they have supplied her that Spartan 1 served as a US Navy Seal from 1984 to 2004, when he retired with the rank of Commander. Spartan 2 served with the US Marine Corps (which falls under the Department of the Navy) and as an intelligence specialist from 1992 to 2016.

Spartan 1 claims he visited Antarctica in August 2003 where he witnessed a large octagon shaped structure buried 50 feet under the Beardmore Glacier, which extended down deep into the interior of Antarctica, as discussed in part 1 of Howe’s series.

Spartan 2 appeared for the first time in part 2, and discussed covert activities run out of the 8th floor of the NSA headquarters in Fort Meade, home of US Cybercommand, both of which are involved in running the space operations of a multinational alliance and the interstellar trade it conducts.

One of these multinational missions involved a trip to the interstellar object Oumuamua, which was discovered to be an ancient derelict spacecraft, as discussed in my previous article.

Spartan 1 described a secret base on the far side of the Moon used by a multinational alliance:

From my understanding, it’s both above and below ground. It’s a multi-structured facility that goes deep into the planet’s [Moon’s] crust. [Timestamp 6:16]

Spartan 2 also explained what he knew of the Moon base:

I was told that the dark [far] side of the Moon there’s not just above ground structures, there’s also an operation going. They’re building a mothership up there. They’re mining materials. [Timestamp 9:02]

He went on to assert that there are 2500 individuals working on the Moon on such operations, statements Spartan 1 agreed with.

The moon base statements by both Spartan 1 and 2 suggest that neither has actually visited the Moon base themselves, but they know about it from documentation, briefings and/or through a first-hand source they encountered during classified missions or intelligence work.

Spartan 2 has repeatedly referred to his primary contact as a senior official in U.S. Cyber Command called Kim (or Ken) who has briefed him on the classified operations of the multinational space force.

In response to questions about when the building of the Moon base began and which countries were using it, Spartan 1 responded:

It goes back to the coalition, it’s been happening for years. A lot of the times when stuff was going up, and we were told it was going up to the International Space Station, it wasn’t. It was going up to this moon… I would have to say it’s a multinational group… Great Britain, France, Germany, United States, Canada [Timestamp 7:04]

There were 15 countries that signed the International Space Station Intergovernmental Agreement on January 29, 1998. In addition to those named by Spartan 1, other nations that signed the founding documents are: Russia,  Norway, Spain, Sweden, Italy, the Netherlands, Brazil, Denmark, Japan, and Belgium.

In part 2 of Howe’s video series, Spartan 2 said that the multinational collation has had “a space fleet in existence for the last 25 years” [Timestamp 9:01] This dates back to 1994,  just four years before the formal signing of the agreement establishing the International Space Station, and just three years after the formal dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union.

Remarkably, this corroborates what secret space program insider Corey Goode has been publicly asserting since 2015. He was the first to reveal the existence of a multinational alliance that operates interstellar missions. Goode called this multinational alliance the “Global Galactic League of Nations”, and he claims to have visited one of their interstellar bases on an exomoon during his 20 year and back service (1987-2007).

An entire chapter in my 2015 book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances analyzed Goode’s claims about the multinational alliance, its operations, and how it was formed as result of a covert agreement reached that ended the Cold War.

Spartan 1 went on to explain the activities occurring at the secret moon base:

I think they’re training, and as far as where they go…. I know it’s many light years away. [Timestamp 8:02]

His statement that operations are conducted “many light years away” is very significant given Goode’s earlier claims of having visited an Exomoon in an unknown solar system run by the multinational alliance.

The testimonies of Spartan 1 and 2 furthermore corroborates what Goode and other secret space program insiders have been saying about a secret base on the Moon called Lunar Operations Command (LOC). Goode says he has been taken multiple times to the LOC, and in January 2018 was given an extensive tour of much of the facility that exists deep underground.

Lunar Operations Command according to Corey Goode. Graphic: Sphere Being Alliance

Also, Spartan 1 and 2 discussed portals, or stargate technology found in Antarctica. One of these portals is located in the vicinity of the Wilkes Land magnetic anomaly, which Spartan 1 elaborated on:

What I’ve heard is that it’s a portal. A portal takes you from one structure to another vessel outside of our atmosphere. Like an invisible elevator. This particular portal was underground inside a structure… It had a frame. It had hieroglyphics… The frame of this portal acted like a wormhole from point A to point B. [Timestamp 15:45]

He described the portal as very similar to the surface of a Moon Pool, where rather than moving through it into water, one walks through the vertically aligned portal. He described it as follows:

“I’m sure you’ve seen the movie Stargate…. Exactly same thing except the frame is square.” [Timestamp 17:48].

A Moon Pool: Source: International Ocean Discovery Program

Similarly, Emery Smith, a former US Air Force Surgical Assistant, says that he performed portal missions for a multinational corporate alliance, and described the portals as rectangle shaped.

Spartan 1 and 2 also discussed coming Earth changes and the widespread destruction this is expected to create, and how the multinational coalition has created many staging posts around the planet in case of an emergency situation requiring the immediate planetary evacuation of personnel and resources, not unlike that depicted in the movie, 2012.

The dire scenario described by Spartan 1 and 2 is similar to earlier revelations of Goode and others who disclosed foreknowledge possessed by secret space program leaders about a coming Solar Flash event and/or pole shifts, both geomagnetic and geophysical.

Many of the revelations of Spartan 1 and 2 corroborate earlier claims by Goode, William Tompkins, Pete Peterson, Emery Smith and other insiders who have bravely come forward to share their knowledge of secret space programs and the role of Antarctica in these operations.

The testimonies of Spartan 1 and 2 shed a lot of light on the multinational coalition behind these secret space programs, which can be traced to signatories of major international treaties such as the Antarctic Treaty and the International Space Station Intergovernmental Agreement.

In Antarctica’s Hidden History (2018), evidence was presented that the signing of the Antarctic Treaty was used as a cover for secret agreements reached between the Eisenhower administration and a breakaway German nationalist group in Antarctica. This led to the start of extensive cooperation between US and European companies, especially German companies linked to the breakaway Antarctic group.

Both Spartan 1 and 2’s testimonies corroborate that such a coalition had indeed been established and that Antarctica was a hub for its subsequent operations, which culminated decades later with the emergence of a multinational space fleet emerging from the end of the Cold War and the signing of the International Space Station Intergovernmental Agreement.

Linda Moulton Howe’s interview series of Spartan 1 and 2 cast is vitally important in understanding the major nations and governmental agencies involved in secret space programs, off-world activity and what may lie in the future for our planet itself.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

“Existence of Extraterrestrial Space Vehicles OF Enormous Size & Power Is a Fact” – Ex NASA Scientist

by Arjun Walia                   March 19, 2019                       (

• The evidence for the existence of UFOs is overwhelming, whether it’s credible witness testimonies from thousands of high-ranking military personnel, academicians, scientists, astronauts, and politicians, or the millions of pages of UFO files published by dozens of governments, or platforms like Tom Delong’s ‘To The Stars’ that has former high-ranking intelligence agency officials on their team. UFO disclosure within the mainstream world is occurring in many different ways.

• It’s a sad reality that mainstream media mouthpieces like CNN and the New York Times have to acknowledge something in order for it to gain credibility. But mainstream media is completely run by intelligence agencies, government agencies and powerful corporations as a tool to program the minds of the masses to best suit their owners’ interests. Authoritative figures (like the government) are actively censoring information and deeming certain outlets that address controversial issues as ‘fake news’ simply because it threatens corporate, political, and elitist agendas.

• UFOs are no longer taboo. But the extraterrestrial hypothesis as a possible explanation for their existence is still taboo. When it comes to the idea that some of these crafts are extraterrestrial in origin, there is no shortage of verified credible sources. One of them is Dr. Norman Bergrun who had a long career with Ames Research Laboratory, NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, and NASA. (Bergrun died in California in July 2018.)

• In his 1986 book, Ringmakers of Saturn, Bergrun states multiple times that extraterrestrial vehicles 100% exist. Writes Bergrun, “Luminous sources at Saturn have been observed. In one instance, a fiery source moved suddenly away from the A-ring outer edge. In another unrelated instance a bright, elongated source pursuing a straight-line course entered the A-ring outer edge.” “Existence of extraterrestrial space vehicles of enormous size and power is a fact.”

• The pictures NASA got back from the Voyager mission to Saturn in 1980, which produced the photo images to which Bergrun refers, were apparently so mind-altering that they locked them up according to retired U.S. Army Command Sergeant Major Bob Dean, a close friend of Bergrun.
• In 2012, Project Camelot’s Kerry Cassidy interviewed Bergrun. Kerry asked him about extraterrestrial beings, and Bergrun stated, “[T]here is the ship that picked up the Voyager Capsule at Alameda Naval Shipyard. And they have a picture there of, I think it’s the Apollo flight that Buz and Niel were on, but anyway, there’s one image there that shows Black People getting off.” Bergrun described them as very tall, stating that “7 feet would be a conservative estimate.”

• Humanity is living in a very special, prophesied, and very spiritual time. The truth is indeed out there for those who look. The extraterrestrial UFO topic relates to every aspect of the human experience. We are still in our infancy as a race, and throughout history there have always been paradigm-shifting realizations and events. We are simply at stage one in the progression of humanity that we have to go through to inevitably become a spacefaring race ourselves.


When it comes to credible sources for the existence of UFOs, there is no shortage. The evidence for the existence of UFOs is overwhelming to say the least, whether it’s credible witness testimonies from thousands of high-ranking military personnel, academicians, scientists, astronauts, and politicians, or the millions of pages of UFO files published by dozens of governments, or platforms like Tom Delonge’s To The Stars that has former high-ranking intelligence agency officials on their team. UFO disclosure within the mainstream world is occurring in many different ways.

          Norman Bergrun

That being said, it’s always been occurring, and it’s a sad reality that mainstream media and establishment mouthpieces like CNN and the New York Times have to give attention to something in order for it to gain credibility. Mainstream media has always been used as a tool to program the minds of the masses and influence their perception for ulterior motives, typically to best suit their owners’ interests. A great example would be the ‘the war on terror.’ Now, authoritative figures (like the government) are actively censoring information, deeming certain outlets that address controversial issues as ‘fake news’ simply because it threatens corporate, political, and elitist agendas. Even mainstream media journalists themselves have been ‘blowing the whistle’ that these outlets are completely run by intelligence agencies, government agencies and powerful corporations. Are you really that surprised? There are also declassified documents showing the influence intelligence agencies have over not just mainstream media, but academia as well.

Why is the above paragraph relevant to the topic of UFOs? Because this field has a long history of infiltration and disinformation. Given mainstream media’s track record of spreading misinformation and hiding the truth, it’s not easy to trust anything that comes from these sources, including any information that comes out regarding UFOs. That being said, mainstream UFO disclosure so far seems to involve no deception, as they simply continue to push the fact that these objects are real and have steered away, so far, from any type of false interpretation.

UFOs are no longer taboo, but the extraterrestrial hypothesis as a possible explanation for their existence still seems to be. Prior to all of the official witness testimonies, electrooptical data, video footage, and pictures being released proving the existence of UFOs, claiming the existence of these crafts was also taboo.

When it comes to the idea that some of these crafts are extraterrestrial in origin, there is no shortage of verified credible sources. One of them is Dr. Bergrun, who had a long career with Ames Research Laboratory, NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, and NASA.

In his book, Ringmakers of Saturn, he states multiple times that extraterrestrial vehicles 100% exist. On page 89, for example, he states: “Existence of extraterrestrial space vehicles of enormous size and power is a fact, the significance of which is difficult to grasp, let alone assess. Departing now from the tedious fact-development process, this chapter stands back and takes a philosophical look at the findings.”

In his book, Norman provides pictures taken from Voyager 1 and 2 flybys of Saturn to illustrate this. “Luminous sources at Saturn have been observed, notably by Herschel, Knight and Ainslie. In one instance, a fiery source moved suddenly away from the A-ring outer edge. In another unrelated instance a bright, elongated source pursuing a straight-line course entered the A-ring outer edge. After these dramatic events, luminous sources did not become a specific subject of inquiry as might be expected – that is, until this analysis many years later.”

Another great quote from the book found on page 49 is: “Evidence is 100 percent positive that propulsive vehicles generate the inner and outer Enke A rings of Saturn. Presence of these units is made fortuitously clear in Plates 5 through 8.”

The pictures NASA got back from the Voyager mission to Saturn in 1980 were apparently so mind-altering that they locked them up–at least that’s what retired U.S. Army Command Sergeant Major Bob Dean said in this lecture. He also showed numerous photographs from the Apollo missions that were never released to the public.

Dean was a good friend of Bergrun, and mentioned that Norman had to go through some trouble to get his book published. Below you will see another picture of a ‘luminous source’ provided in Bergrun’s book from the Voyager missions, hovering just outside one of Saturns rings. I circled it in red. This one is also approximately the size of our planet. According to Bergrun, there are several large crafts “proliferating” out around Saturn and its moons.



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Flying Triangles at MacDill AFB & Hurricane Irma

The first two segments of a four part audio interview series with JP, who has been releasing photos of flying triangles, flying rectangles, flying saucers and other antigravity craft witnessed in the vicinity of MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, and Orlando, Florida, is now available on ExoNews TV.

JP is a contactee who has had contacts with human looking “Nordic” extraterrestrials since 2008. In addition to ongoing contact experiences with the Nordics, he has also had experiences with a U.S. Air Force run secret space program that has been taking him aboard flying triangles and rectangles.

What makes JP stand out among many contactee/insider claims is that he has taken stunning photos of the craft that he has been taken aboard, and/or belonging to the Nordics. In some cases, JP was encouraged by personnel associated with USAF Special Operations to take photos of their antigravity vehicles.

In Part 2 (released today) we learn from JP how he began releasing photos of flying triangles he witnessed near MacDill AFB, Tampa, Florida, in August 2017, after being prompted to do so from unknown covert personnel. Soon after Hurricane Irma appeared and reached Category 5 on the hurricane scale, and made a beeline for MacDill, which led to its first ever evacuation and closure.

According to JP’s sources, Irma was retaliation for the USAF Special Operations Command making its fleets of antigravity craft known to the general public.

In Part one (released on March 30) we learn about how JP’s contacts began during his early childhood, and resumed in 2008 where he encountered Nordics for the first time. He soon after began communicating his experiences with me and I have kept a record of his encounters and began writing a series of articles on them in September 2017 .

To learn more about JP and the photos he has taken of antigravity craft go to:

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Feel free to share this article with original links.


[Special Note: JP recently lost his job after he began sharing his photos with more members of the general public, after repeated warnings of not to do so by personnel associated with the CIA. He has been pressured to join the U.S. military in order to resolve his financial problems, but has resisted since it would impact his ability to share his startling experiences with the public.

If you would like to support JP in his efforts to continue disseminating his photos and information, you can do so through a donation via the Exopolitics Institute. Please use the following Paypal link for your donation and mark it, “JP Donation” .]

The 1941 Cape Girardeau, Missouri UFO Crash With Extraterrestrial Bodies

by Arjun Walia                   March 18, 2019                      (

• In 1941, Reverend William Huffman of Cape Girardeau, Missouri was called by the local sheriff to come and assist in delivering some sort of last rights at a plane crash. When Huffman arrived at the scene, he realized that it was not a plane but rather a classic silver flying saucer. There were multiple dead bodies on the scene, which appeared to be extraterrestrial.

• UFO researcher Leonard Stringfield, who heavily researched this case, says that near the scene of the saucer crash were laid ‘three bodies, not human’. It was hard to tell if these ET’s were wearing clothes, but they were covered head to foot in what looked like wrinkled aluminum foil. They were small framed, about 4 feet tall, but had larger heads and longer arms. They had no hair. Their faces had ‘large, oval-shaped eyes, no noses, no ears, just holes and no lips, just small slits for mouths’.

• Huffman was told by one of the military officers at the scene not to tell anyone what he had witnessed for security reasons. Nevertheless, Huffman told his wife, Floy, and their two sons what he had seen when he returned home from the crash site but never spoke of it again.

• “Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about where we were headed and offered to help. But instead, we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after.” – Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Defence Minister

• As time goes on, more truths will continue to be revealed. This (UFO) topic and the disclosure of it leaves no aspect of humanity untouched. It will and is changing everything with regards to how we view the planet, and how we view ourselves.


Roswell, New Mexico is known for the famous alleged ‘crash’ that happened there in 1947. But if you’re not a UFO researcher, you probably wouldn’t know that alleged crashes of unidentified objects with alien bodies found inside of them have occurred dozens of times, not just at Roswell. Why Roswell became the focus of attention for this type of phenomenon, who knows, but perhaps it was the big media hype surrounding the crashed craft at that site with bodies recovered.

         Rev. William Huffman

The idea that alien bodies were recovered as well as a crashed craft not only came from media outlets at that time, but from what are considered to be very credible sources within the military like Colonel Philip Corso, author of the book The Day After Roswell, and Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon during Apollo 14.

extraterrestrial being from
     the Cape Girardeau
             UFO crash

Not only do we have credible witness testimonies for this type of thing, but we have an abundance of declassified documentation and current modern day mainstream disclosure of ‘UFO technology’ as well. For example, Steve Justice, the recently retired Director of Advanced Systems at Lockheed Skunkworks, who signed on board with the modern day mainstream UFO disclosure initiative To The Stars Academy, has stated publicly that it would be an understatement to call the technologies he’s been around, worked with, and seen, “revolutionary.” It states that right on their website.
He also stated, while discussing the concept for the craft that To The Stars plans to build,      the following: “This is a concept for an international point-to-point transportation craft that will erase the current travel limits of distance and time. It mimics the capabilities observed in unidentified aerial phenomenon by employing a driver system that alters space-time metric. We have glimpses of how the physics of this works, but we need to harvest technologies from the Science Division to ‘realize’ the capability.”

What he is saying here is that we have these technologies. The quote “harvest them from the Science Division” gives that away.

This gives credibility to the statements made by one of his predecessors, Ben Rich, who was the second director of Lockheed Skunkwork’s from 1975-1991. He’s been called the Father of Stealth, having overseen the development of the stealth fighter, the F-117A Nighthawk. With regards to UFO technology, he stated: “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do it.”

As far as documentation, the amount of electrooptical data and files indicating various military encounters with UFOs is outstanding. We also have evidence that governments are and were desperate to reverse engineer this technology, and given the above statements, they already have.

Dr. David Clarke is an investigative journalist, reader and lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University in England. He was also the curator for The National Archives UFO project from 2008-2013, and regularly comments in national and international media on UFOs. He uncovered documents showing how the Royal Air Force expressed great interest in finding UFOs to help come up with new and innovative ways to overcome their enemies during the Cold War. “Even though they have been partly censored they can’t conceal the fact the UK military were interested in capturing UFO technology or what they coyly refer to as ‘novel weapon technology’… And the files reveal they were desperate to capture this technology – wherever it came from – before the Russians or the Chinese got hold of it first… Although this was 1997, Russia was still regarded as an undefeated enemy with a weapons programme regarded as a threat to the West.”

This type of lore dates back to the 1950’s. Here’s an interesting piece found within the CIA’s electronic reading room: “A German newspaper recently published an interview with George Klein, famous German engineer and aircraft expert, describing the experimental construction of ‘flying saucers’ carried out by him from 1941 to 1945.”



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Rock Hill Man Says He Saw a UFO Near His Home. He’s Not Alone.

by Hannah Smoot                   March 20, 2019                       (

• On December 16, 2018, Richard Heath of Rock Hill, South Carolina saw a UFO. Heath decided to publicly talk about what he saw after reading an article in the local newspaper about a South Carolina woman who witnessed a red flying sphere in the sky near Kiawah Island, south of Charleston. “I would’ve said something before but I said ‘OK, they’re going to think I’m crazy,’” Heath said.

• What Heath saw was slightly different. Heath saw a rotating silver orb with two lights on one side, and one on another, flying above the AMC Classic Rock Hill 7 movie theater. Heath made a video of it (see 1:15 minute jumpy video below)

• Heath followed the object down the interstate highway to Chester, SC, where he lost sight of it over the treeline. He said it was difficult to video record the object on his digital camera. “My hands were shaking so bad,” he said. “Because I saw it up close. I was freaked out.” At one point the object seemed to change color and shape and do flips. He said he believes it was either extraterrestrial tech or a top secret government project. “To be honest with you, I think it had to be a UFO,” Heath says.

• The National UFO Reporting Center database shows 76 reports of UFO sightings in South Carolina from 2018, and a total of 1,797 reports from South Carolina going back to 1939. One person in Lancaster reported seeing something that looked like a “jiggly ball of bright white vibrating jello” in the sky on Dec. 21, 2017. According to the UFO Reporting Center database, one person reported seeing three orange orbs that rotated in Myrtle Beach on May 15, 2017. Another person in Fort Mill reported seeing three objects rotating vertically and horizontally in the sky Oct. 18, 2014.


A Rock Hill man says he saw a UFO in December, but he’s just talking about it now.
“I would’ve said something before but I said ‘OK, they’re going to think I’m crazy,’” Richard Heath said.

Heath decided to admit to what he saw after he read an article in The Herald about a South Carolina woman who believes she witnessed something unexplainable — a red flying sphere in the sky near Kiawah Island, south of Charleston.

That’s not what Heath said he saw Dec. 16, 2018, but he’s glad there are other people talking about UFOs. Heath posted the video of what he saw on YouTube and immediately called his mom.

On Tuesday, he brought the video to The Herald.

He said he saw the flying object — a rotating silver orb with two lights on one side, and one on another — near his home, flying above the AMC Classic Rock Hill 7 movie theater on Cherry and Anderson roads. He said the object was just feet above the movie theater roof, but later flew higher in the sky.

Heath said he followed the object down Interstate 77 to Chester, where he lost sight of it over the treeline. He said it was difficult to get the object on video. His phone wouldn’t pick it up on camera, so he had to use a digital camera.

“My hands were shaking so bad,” he said. “Because I saw it up close. I was freaked out.”

1:15 jumpy video of possible UFO in the South Carolina sky



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Super-Intelligent Aliens Have Probably Put Humans ‘In Galactic Quarantine’ So They Can Watch Us Like Zookeepers

by Sean Keach                   March 18, 2019                      (

• Astronomers from around the world came to the ‘Observatoire de Paris’ (the Paris Observatory) for a bi-annual gathering to discuss the ongoing search for alien life. Many in attendance agreed that extraterrestrial beings simply don’t want to be found. “Past experience shows that any meeting of two civilizations is dangerous for both,” said astrophysicist Danielle Briot.

• Of course, that suggests that aliens do actually exist – and have spotted us from far across space. Scientists and sci-fi writers have suggested for decades that intelligent aliens are watching over us from above. “Perhaps extraterrestrials are watching humans on Earth, much like we watch animals in a zoo,” said Douglas Vakoch, the president of METI (Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence), a non-profit that aims to communicate with extraterrestrial civilizations. Douglas thinks it’s possible for us to signal our intelligence to an alien species, to provoke them into making contact with us, which would be far easier than travelling across space in search of alien life ourselves.

• Scientists have been sending off signals into space for decades. And yet we’ve had no response from a universe so vast that it seems impossible for alien life not to exist. “It seems likely that extraterrestrials are imposing a ‘galactic quarantine’ because they realize it would be culturally disruptive for us to learn about them,” said Jean-Pierre Rospars, the honorary research director at the Institute National de la Recherche Agronomique, who also co-chaired the METI Paris workshop.

• “We should expect to see more or less similar forms of intelligence everywhere, under favourable conditions,” says Rospars. “There’s no reason to think that humans have reached the highest cognitive level possible. It’s also possible that alien life may look very different from humankind – which may hamper our discovery process.”

• “The environment on an exoplanet will impose its own rules,” said Jean-Sébastian Steyer, a palaeontologist from the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle. “There is no trend in biological evolution. The huge range of various morphologies observed on Earth renders any exobiological speculation improbable, at least for macroscopic ‘complex’ life.”


Genius astronomers from around the world have descended on Paris for a bi-annual gathering to discuss the ongoing search for alien life – and some think aliens simply don’t want to be found.

Some professional stargazers attending the event admitted that they think aliens see meeting up with humanity is simply too risky.

                    Observatoire de Paris

“Past experience shows that any meeting of two civilisations is dangerous for both,” said Danielle Briot, an astrophysicist at the Observatoire de Paris.

“Knowing that, civilised extraterrestrials will not try to communicate with us.”

Of course, that suggests that aliens do actually exist – and spotted us from far across space.

Scientists – and sci-fi writers – have been suggesting for decades that ultra-intelligent aliens are watching over us from above.

“Perhaps extraterrestrials are watching humans on Earth, much like we watch animals in a zoo,” said Douglas Vakoch, the president of METI, a non-profit that aims to message extraterrestrials.

“How can we get the galactic zookeepers to reveal themselves?

Douglas thinks it’s possible for us to signal our intelligence to an alien species.

This could provoke them into making contact with us, which would be far easier than travelling across space in search of alien life ourselves.

“If we went to a zoo and suddenly a zebra turned toward us, looked us in the eye, and started pounding out a series of prime numbers with its hoof, that would establish a radically different relationship between us and the zebra,” the space boff explained.

“And we would feel compelled to respond.



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The Future’s Coming: Why We Need to Prepare for Sci-Fi Tomorrows Today

by Sarah Wells                  March 17, 2019                    (

• On March 14th, at the ‘Beyond the Cradle’ conference from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a panel of science fiction creators (pictured above) Ytasha Womack, Daniel Suarez and Marc Okrand shared their ideas on sci-fi futures. The trio argues that science fiction provides an important opportunity to expand the scope of our own cultural perspectives. (see 2:40 minute video of William Shatner discussing science fact vs science fiction below)

• “I think a lot of the science that we work towards is sometimes inspired by what we see in science fiction,” said Womack who explores ‘Afrofuturism’. “[I]t can really continue to help… [in] creating possible utopian societies.”

• Sci Fi also tends to focus on future dystopias. By imagining societies of the future, we can explore how to improve human relations today, and in some cases even shine a harsh light on the ways our society has failed to live up to the standards we write about, says Womack. For example, the term ‘alien’ has developed a negative image of illegals or people different from ourselves.

• The panelists urge Sci Fi enthusiasts to take a positive approach to meeting people who are different here on earth, just as we would hope to do with extraterrestrial beings one day – to search for commonalities among humans instead of differences, and imagining ourselves as intergalactic beings unified by a sense of responsibility to something greater than ourselves. This can be an empowering experience for people.

• Marc Okrand, a linguist known for creating “Star Trek’s” Klingon language, thinks that it is important to view extraterrestrial aliens, or different people here on earth from an interpersonal level – not conforming to our own societal model, but to recognize another being’s or person’s perspective.

• Ariel Ekblaw, the coordinator of the conference and founder of the Media Lab’s Space Exploration Initiative, said the focus of the day was to explore ways to democratize space and make it accessible not only to people all around the world, but also across many disciplines, including technology, art and design. “The idea is… to show [everyone] all here together, talking together and co-designing the future of space,” said Ekblaw.

• “In many ways, we’re living in a sci-fi future already,” says panelist Daniel Suarez. Suarez’s approach to Sci Fi writing is to combine technology and culture to imagine a future where humanity can believe in a common goal, and imagine themselves as a single human race. “I try to bring my readers through the issues and challenges we’re going to be facing.” It can help people feel like they have a stake in these stories and their futures, says Suarez.

• Womack explains the value of imagining our collective future, “Imagination can be a tool of resilience to help people…envision a future. And envisioning a future then inspires them to feel like they have [a stake] in that future and take steps to create the kind of world that values humanity.”


CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — The technological utopias of science fiction may still be centuries away, but building the culture of that future starts now, a trio of sci-fi creators said.

On a panel at the ‘Beyond the Cradle’ conference on March 14, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab, science fiction creators Ytasha Womack, Daniel Suarez and Marc Okrand shared their ideas on sci-fi futures.

The trio discussed their perspectives on science, fiction and culture, arguing that this intersection not only creates an important opportunity to expand the scope of our own perspectives but also provides agency for those often left out of the conversation about space exploration.

“I think a lot of the science that we work towards is sometimes inspired by what we see in science fiction,” said Womack, producer, director and author of works exploring Afrofuturism. “One of the exciting possibilities around sci-fi is that it can really continue to help push this notion of what we can create, especially as it comes to creating possible utopian societies.”

Or dystopias, which popular science fiction and young adult novels tend to focus on. Womack said that while readers have an interest in dystopian stories of the future, many peoples and communities today are already living in their own forms of dystopias. By imagining societies of the future, we can explore how to improve human relations today, and in some cases even shine a harsh light on the ways our society has failed to live up to the standards we write about, Womack added.

One such disconnect is the way first contact with aliens is typically treated in fiction compared to how “aliens” on Earth are thought of and treated. While used in fiction to refer to extraterrestrials, Womack said that the initial meaning of the word “alien” simply referred to people on Earth who were different. “Even how we use it today around illegal aliens, or undocumented workers, I think it refers to a certain mentality around differences,” said Womack.



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Air Controller Wowed By Pilot’s Ability To See Mystery Object Over Las Vegas With Night Vision

by Tyler Rogoway                   March 17, 2019                     (

• Around 9pm local time on Saturday, March 16th, 2019, a Mercy Air 21 air ambulance helicopter was flying about 15 miles west of central Last Vegas when the helicopter pilot noted to an air traffic controller that he had spotted a UFO in the distance, and could only see it because he was wearing night vision goggles. The controller responded that he had nothing on radar in the area. (listen to the 1:17 minute radio exchange below)

• In the radio transmission, you can hear the pilot alert the controller to spotting something over the “Southern Hills area – a hospital in the southwest corner of the Las Vegas metropolitan area. He notes that the objects appears to be at around 7,000 feet and that it could be a balloon or “something along those lines”. It does, however, seem a bit odd spotting an unlit balloon at night, with night vision goggles, from miles away.


Around 9pm local time on Saturday, March 16th, 2019, an air ambulance helicopter was flying roughly 15 miles west of central Last Vegas when something odd caught his aided eye. During an exchange with an air traffic controller, the pilot of Mercy Air 21, an Agusta 119 Koala helicopter, noted spotting an unidentified object some distance from his position and only he was likely able to see it in the darkness as he was wearing night vision goggles (NVGs). The controller responded that he had nothing on radar in the area where he was seeing the object, but when he heard the pilot could only see it through his NVGs, he responded with amazement.

Our good friend @Aircraftspots mentioned the odd exchange on twitter and posted the audio to Soundcloud, which you can listen to in full below. Apparently, he was tipped off to it by fellow Twitter user and aviation aficionado @KE6ZGP.

You can hear the pilot alert the controller to spotting something over the “Southern Hills area.” This is not a topographic landmark, it is a hospital in the southwest corner of the Las Vegas metropolitan area. He notes that the objects appears to be at around 7,000 feet and that it could be a balloon or “something along those lines” and that it is unlit.

The controller responds saying he doesn’t see it, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t something out there. The pilot then informs him that he has night vision goggles on and that he can only see it through the goggles. The controller seems pretty amazed with the pilot’s capabilities, responding “oooh that’s awesome.”

1:17 minute audio of an air ambulance pilot reporting
an unidentified object over Las Vegas (The Hidden underbelly 2.0)



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Mystifying Circular ‘Hole in the Sky’ Stuns UAE

by Sara Malm                    March 18, 2019                       (

• On March 17th, citizens were baffled after a mysterious ‘whirlpool hole’ suddenly appeared in the sky above the city of Al Ain, United Arab Emerates, near the border with Oman. The large circular patch of clear sky emerged inside the otherwise heavy cloud, as if somebody had punched a hole in the atmosphere.

• Meteorologists rushed to explain the mystifying hole. When high-level clouds have super-cooled but not frozen water droplets, an aircraft moving through this cloud layer can cause air to expand and cool as it passes. This causes a ‘fallstreak hole’ which can expand up to 30 miles across within an hour of appearing as neighboring droplets start to freeze.

• Astronomer and meteorologist Ebrahim Al Jarwan posted the video clip of the hole, confirming that the ‘rare and beautiful’ sight was referred to as a ‘fallstreak hole’ or ‘hole punch cloud’. These are often mistaken for an extraterrestrial UFO.


UAE citizens were left baffled after a mysterious ‘whirlpool hole’ suddenly appeared in the sky above the city of Al Ain this weekend.

The large circular patch of clear sky emerged inside the otherwise heavy cloud near the border with Oman, as if somebody had punched a hole in the atmosphere.

Astronomer and meteorologist Ebrahim Al Jarwan posted a short video clip of the hole on Twitter, adding that the ‘rare and beautiful’ sight was referred to as a ‘Fallstreak hole’ or ‘hole punch cloud’.

One user replied that it looked as as if ‘God has thrown a stone into a lake’, while others pondered whether the strange phenomenon had been caused by an extra terrestrial UFO.

But meteorologists quickly cleared up the mystery with a scientific explanation for the mystifying hole.

see 1:07 video of whirlpool-like ‘fallstreak hole’ appears in sky (from Ebrahim Al Jarwan)



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Trump’s Space Force & Full Disclosure

by Shoshi Herscu              (

• Shoshi Herscu is a professional Israeli/English translator in Haifa, Israel. As an independent journalist, Herscu conducted in-depth research of the testimonies of insiders and whistleblowers over several years. In 2018, she published a book, Mass Awakening, exposing a global policy of mass depopulation and exploitation carried out behind the scenes by an elite cabal over the past fifty years. Despite this cabal’s grim agenda, a positive shift of mass awakening is occurring worldwide. By prosecuting these elite offenders, disclosing hidden advanced technologies, and promoting a new economic model, humanity is claiming its rightful heritage as spiritual beings charting the course for our collective ascension in consciousness.



This is a plan to create a new Space Force within the Air Force which would be the sixth branch of the U.S. military by 2020. This Space Force is not supposed to fight extraterrestrials (or aliens as they are sometimes called), but those who are competing the U.S. in space: Russia and China. The renowned author, Dr. Michael Salla, who promotes theories about U.S. SSPs and longtime extraterrestrial presence on Earth says that the goal of creating this force is to patrol the atmosphere and thwart threats to the U.S. satellites.

This will accelerate the government’s “full disclosure” of secret space programs (and black budget projects as a result), extraterrestrials, the connections of governments with extraterrestrials for decades, and advanced technology discovered on crashed alien spacecrafts. This may provide a release of advanced technologies used in the SSP, such as real free energy (not the use of solar, wind, or other such resources that some erroneously call them “free energy”) and anti-gravity.

               Shoshi Herscu

However, this plan also positions Trump against his bitter adversary: the “Deep State” operatives within the government which keep these secrets and oppose the establishment of such force. According to Jordan Sather, disclosure filmmaker and commentator, the Pentagon [and Deep State operatives within] would oppose a separate space force, as it “would provide an avenue for the public release of advanced technologies such as free energy and anti-gravity.”

It appears that one side, President Donald Trump, pushes toward disclosure of these secrets while the other side wants to continue business as usual and keep these secrets sealed from the public.  The separate space force will facilitate the disclosure of SSPs on Mars, the Moon, and perhaps other planets which will lead to the release of super advanced technologies used in these programs and could free humanity. This disclosure could usher us into a star trek society, as SSP whistle blower Corey Goode said.


The advanced ET technologies hidden from us include zero gravity space crafts, free energy, and advanced healing technologies to name a few (The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil by David Wilcock). According to Corey Goode, (a whistleblower who worked twenty years in the secret space program), super-advanced products are already manufactured by military defense contractors and once they are released it will totally transform life on Earth as we know it. This will immediately transition our society into a Star Trek society, with teleportation, food materializers (replicators as shown in the Star Trek TV series), free energy, and super advanced healing technologies. (The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil by David Wilcock). As you may already know, both the Cabal and the Alliance exposed these technologies in movies, on TV and other MSM outlets.

These technologies have been hidden from us to prevent us from an age of peace and prosperity according to Goode. But if you think that it’s only “we the people” all over the world who are being kept in the dark, you’re wrong. For instance, the president of the U.S. is at 17 security clearance and there are twenty-one security clearance levels above the president of the U.S. Cosmic clearance level (at 35 clearance level supposedly one gains access to information about UFO’s).

We can deduce from this that the president is a mere PR tool in the hands of the Cabal that continues to hide this knowledge, while misleading us (not only in the U.S.) that we have a real choice by voting once every four years. It appears that we don’t have any say on our governance.

I’m using the pronoun “us,” as this same deception applies to Israel and other countries with so-called free elections. (I even argued with my family during lunch before the last elections here in Israel, March 2015, that it’s all a show and the results are pre-planned in advance. I asked them, “Do you want me to prove it to you?” And everyone around the table shouted in unison “No.”) It appears that the top ten clearance levels are supposedly based around “black” government projects such as the alien presence cover-up, underground alien bases, super soldiers, men in black, etc.

Apparently, the whistleblowers disclosures and their loss of control has precipitated reckless behavior, like some of them trying to escape earth in cloaked spaceships. Newsweek even claimed they attempted to leave for Mars.
Maybe the Space Force would herald the full disclosure of these “black” budget projects.

According to Randy Cramer (former U.S. marine who used the pseudonym Captain Kaye) and Corey Goode, there are corporate bases on Mars and the Moon for them to flee to.

About two or three years ago, I even watched a video of this alleged escape from earth in a cloud-cloaked spaceship. After being shot down (by the alliance or the resistance movement, I presume), I could see a small spaceship moving out of a cloud. They are confined to earth. I tried to find this footage, but unfortunately, it appears that it was taken down. I had a lot of fun watching this video with friends who follow this intel cover-up.

Randy Cramer is another whistleblower, one who served as a marine both on the moon (as a pilot) and on Mars (as security) for twenty years combined. He was authorized by a superior in the military to “spill the beans,” and he’s sharing his experience and knowledge about the technologies used by the Cabal.

Randy’s information and firsthand accounts of this strange new world backs up what other whistleblowers have also shared, including the establishment of bases on Mars. The experience that really shook me was his description of the trauma of almost dying after a battle and “being put [back] together many times,” with technology that could “replace his whole body, and depending on what parts [organs] needed replacement, often took days to accomplish.” The original article was taken down by those who published it, so I’m sharing this video of an interview with Randy Cramer who provides his testimony about the time he spent in the SSP.

For those who are new to this information and not aware that these super-advanced, unintrusive healing technologies exist and in use, they are called “Med beds” or “Holographic Medical Pods”.

Can you imagine a world where all illnesses could be eradicated by using painless healing procedures? So much suffering would be eliminated and prevented from so many people. No more intrusive, harming, and useless procedures that cause so much suffering worldwide!

Why would the Cabal allow and even authorize these leaks? According to Cramer, “Under authorization from the U.S. Marine Corps chain of command, Capt. Cramer is speaking out against US government policies, a secret gene-pool colony on Mars, the depopulation plans of what he calls the Breakaway civilization of the military industrial complex.” He stated that he was authorized to reveal his experiences on Mars and other suppressed information as it was part “of a secret mechanism established by U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower to warn American citizens in the event their government was compromised and in danger of failing them or being overtaken.”


There are other testimonies from people who worked on projects related to these ultra-advanced technologies, such as time travel, teleportation, and anti-gravity-driven space craft.

They come from a variety of people, including military leaders, bankers, media executives, corporate CEOs, judges and lawyers, Hollywood actors and producers, law enforcement, and insiders from various intelligence agencies, whether it’s NSA, CIA, KGB, FBI, DHS/MI-5&6, or MOSSAD. According to testimonies from whistleblowers, it allegedly has to do with an alien directive to disconnect people from the “prime creator,” which some would call “the source.”

According to various scientists, many strands of our genetic code (DNA) were tampered with and have been totally disconnected (what is called the dormant or junk DNA strands) from the primary chromosome strands to disconnect humans (us) from the Great Cosmic Intelligence. This was done so that “we humans,” as a species, would be vulnerable and accept their different mind control programs, which are compelling us to behave in ways that are highly destructive to us and to our planet. This lower vibrational modality maintains our controlled and illusionary reality. Without a connection to the “source,” we can only “serve” the team dark, those dimensional beings who are feeding off the discord of this false “matrix.”

It’s really intriguing that even our language has hints of some ancient ET intervention. Think about all the expressions containing the word draconian in English. We have the same expressions in Hebrew, too. And why are there statues of dragons in the City of London marking its borders? The history of dragons has been known for six millennia. It can be traced back to approximately 4,000 B.C. So they hide their existence in plain sight? I’m starting to sound like QAnon, the famous intel source thought to be in Trump’s workforce, or a team in the intelligence community close to Trump, who raises the readers’ awareness by posting questions on his Twitter account.

It makes us think about what we actually know about our origins. According to David Wilcock, “There are at least 40 different humanoid extraterrestrial groups that have tinkered around with our DNA for many thousands of years[…] We have a lot of problems that are because of them tinkering with our DNA. That includes the fact that we have bad backs, the fact that we get sunburns, and the fact that the sun is bad for our eyes. There are lots and lots of strange things that we have that are because our genetics have been tampered with.”

Although all this sounds too “out there” to be true, David Wilcock says that insiders and other researchers, who have shared information on these technologies with him, claim that the Cabal has and does use “cloning technologies, highly advanced space craft and they’ve been talking about alien invasion [like] this since the 1950’s.”

The separate Space Force may be the alliance’s way to slowly reveal these truths to the unaware masses and mentally prepare them so they won’t experience future shock when it is all revealed, which among other things is, “that cloning of humans is possible & has gone on for decades.”

This technology has been mainly suppressed and is being used to control us. How do they hide these technologies in plain sight? They present those, which have already been invented, in “science fiction” movies (as mentioned previously). This is why I call our true reality: “Our Science Fiction reality.” Think about such Hollywood films for a moment: “Clones and cloning in Avatar; “Jurassic Park – cloning animals; Genesis II – underground genetics laboratories that are connected by tube shuttles; Terminal Man – brain stem implants; Star Trek – various items.”

I know it’s hard to believe all this, but what about the Jimmy Kimmel interview with Obama about the aliens (even if it seems that Obama is joking). Here’s the excerpt from the interview: [Kimmel] wanted to know whether Obama had tried to get to the bottom of the “UFO files” about the mysterious desert region known as Area 51.

“The aliens won’t let it happen,” Obama joked. “You’d reveal all their secrets. They exercise strict control over us.”
But President Clinton once said he’d checked on the matter and found nothing, Kimmel protested. “That’s what we’re instructed to say,” Obama responded.


Corey Goode explains that, “The ‘free energy’ technologies would end the need of the ‘Current Oil/Petro Energy Companies,’ The ‘Frequency and Light Healing’ technologies would end the ‘Current Pharmaceutical Corporations,’ the ‘Neurological Interface’ technologies would end the need for ‘Large Education Institutions’ and the ‘Food Replication’ technologies and ‘Environmental Purification and Restoration’ technologies would end poverty, starvation, and begin to reverse the damage humanity has done to the earth virtually overnight. The real reason is that these technologies have been suppressed is that they would immediately collapse the world economies and make the ‘Babylonian Money Magic Slave System’ of no use anymore. It means the ‘Loss of Control’ of the .01% (Elite) over the ‘Masses’ and a complete ‘Paradigm Change’. In short it means ‘Freedom’! Freedom for the first time in humanity’s ‘known’ recorded history.”


Namaste is a beautiful word that most people who use it don’t know it’s meaning which hints to our real source. Next time you hear someone saying this you’ll know that it means “I see your divinity and you see my divinity within me.” Here’s a more detailed explanation.

How our world would look if we all felt this way about each other? It would really become what Louis Armstrong sang about a few decades ago in his song What a Wonderful World.



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Nordic Extraterrestrial Contact – JP Interview Series Part 1

JP is a contactee/insider who has had contacts with human looking “Nordic” extraterrestrials since 2008. In addition to ongoing contact experiences with the Nordics, he has also had experiences with a U.S. Air Force run secret space program that has been taking him aboard flying triangles and rectangles. What makes JP stand out among many contactee/insider claims is that he has taken stunning photos of the craft that he has been taken aboard, and/or belonging to the Nordics. In some cases, JP was encouraged by personnel associated with USAF Special Operations to take photos of their antigravity vehicles.

In Part one of this four part series, we learn about how JP’s contacts began during his early childhood, and resumed in 2008 where he encountered Nordics for the first time. He soon after began communicating his experiences with Dr. Michael Salla who has kept a record of his encounters and began writing a series of articles on them in September 2017 .

For more information about JP, his photos and experiences, go to:

Special Thanks to Rene Armenta for his graphic depiction of JP standing next to the craft he sighted in Brazil in 2008.

NASA Astronauts ‘Stopped From Revealing Truth About Aliens’

by Katy Gill                  March 18, 2019                        (

• Conspiracy theorists have claimed for years that NASA has cut live feeds in order to hide the truth about alien lifeforms. The History Channel series Ancient Aliens delved into the computer hacker Gary McKinnon claims of discovering an image of a UFO on the NASA database before his computer was mysteriously “shut down”.

• Kevin Burns, the producer of Ancient Aliens, says that astronauts fear speaking about UFOs. “We have interviewed NASA astronauts who are convinced that they have seen UFOs and who have confirmed with us that that information has been suppressed,” said Burns to the Daily Star Online. (see 4:53 minute video on Gary McKinnon’s hacking of NASA’s computers from Ancient Aliens S12-E9 below)

• “The astronaut Edgar Mitchell (the sixth man on the moon) was famous for believing in extraterrestrials based on his personal observation,” said Burns. Mitchell also said in 2008 that the Roswell crash was a UFO and that governments around the world had been covering that and other incidents up.

• “Buzz Aldrin also spoke about it,” said Burns. Aldrin, (pictured above in famous t-shirt) was a member of the Apollo 11 Moon landing mission in 1969.  He has spoken out in the past about aliens being real. But, says Burns, “NASA, being a government agency, kind of frowns on it.”

• Kevin said it was hard to dismiss the testimony of such men who were in space. “They tend to be very credible,” Burns says. “Edgar Mitchell came back very convinced on what he saw and there are a lot of people, more and more astronauts.” Burns predicts that the control over information will wane as space becomes more ‘privatized’.


Conspiracy theorists have claimed for years that NASA has hidden the truth about alien lifeforms, pointing to live feeds being cut and mysterious blackouts as supposed evidence.

               Kevin Burns

History Channel series Ancient Aliens also aired an episode about the conspiracy.

It revealed how computer hacker Gary McKinnon claimed to have discovered an image of a UFO on the NASA database, before his machine was mysteriously “shut down”.

And Kevin Burns, the producer of the show, has gone one step further by suggesting astronauts fear speaking about UFOs.

Speaking to Daily Star Online, he said: “We have interviewed NASA astronauts who are convinced that they have seen UFOs and who have confirmed with us that that information has been suppressed.

“The astronaut Edgar Mitchell was famous for believing in extraterrestrials based on his personal observation.

“Buzz Aldrin also spoke about it.

“There’s a reluctance to confine a lot of this because of NASA, being a government agency, kind of frowns on it.”

4:53 minute video on Gary McKinnon’s stunning discovery
on NASA’s computers (Ancient Aliens S12-E9)



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Aliens Secretly Living in Saturn’s Moon Pan?

by Nirmal Narayanan                 March 17, 2019                   (

• After analyzing the images of this moon captured by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, alien enthusiast Scott C Waring has proclaimed that aliens are secretly living in Saturn’s moon Pan. (see image above)

• Waring argues that the shape of this Saturn’s moon is so weird, and it is actually a probable space station that orbits the planet. “This disk moon doesn’t appear to be a moon at all, but probably a space station that orbits Saturn. Notice the Saturn ring that is attached to it? This ring is 100% proof that aliens on Saturn created this artificial moon to be a space station in orbit around the planet,” wrote Waring on his website UFO Sightings Daily.

• “Aliens can calculate the odds of events happening before they happen, and apparently space is still a dangerous place, so much so that even advanced alien cultures need to hide and protect their ships, space stations, buildings and bases using camouflage to mask their existence. That would defiantly affect the odds of survival, and those are the odds they care most about,” added Waring.


Scott C Waring is now one of the most popular figures among conspiracy theorists and alien enthusiasts as he used to unveil various image anomalies on photos released by NASA taken from Mars and Moon. Recently, the self-proclaimed extraterrestrial researcher revealed that aliens are secretly living in Saturn’s moon Pan.

Scott C Waring made this conclusion after analysing the images of this moon captured by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft. The alien researcher argues that the shape of this Saturn’s moon is so weird, and it is actually a probable space station that orbits the planet.

“This disk moon doesn’t appear to be a moon at all, but probably a space station that orbits Saturn. Notice the Saturn ring that is attached to it? This ring is 100% proof that aliens on Saturn created this artificial moon to be a space station in orbit around the planet,” wrote Waring on his website UFO Sightings Daily.

Waring added that aliens have used this tactic to hide from potential dangers as space is a very risky place to survive.



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A Real World ‘Star Trek’ Replicator Is Now Possible Thanks To New Breakthrough

by Eric Mack                 March 9, 2018                  (

• The New York-based Mattershift, a start-up business founded by alumni from MIT and Yale, has reported in the journal Science Advances that they’ve successfully created a ‘replicator’ machine that can 3-d print literally anything out of thin air using large-scale carbon nanotube (CNT) membranes that are able to combine and separate individual molecules.

• Mattershift’s approach is more about separating and combining molecules to form new raw materials, which is why working on creating fuels is a logical place to start. Mattershift founder and CEO Dr. Rob McGinnis says, “[R]ight now we’re working to remove CO2 from the air and turn it into fuels. This has already been done using conventional technology… Using our tech, I think we’ll be able to produce carbon-zero gasoline, diesel, and jet fuels that are cheaper than fossil fuels.”

• “It should be possible… to make anything we need from basic molecular building blocks,” said McGinnis. “We’re talking about printing matter from the air. Imagine having one of these devices with you on Mars. You could print food, fuels, building materials, and medicines from the atmosphere and soil or recycled parts without having to transport them from Earth.”

[Editor’s Note]  This certainly give credence to the claims by Corey Goode, Emery Smith, and other insiders that our secret space programs commonly use food replicators in its off-planet and underground facilities, which draws molecules from food scraps and the air to make various types of meals. It is said that these foods are particularly healthy and tasty because they are not grown from pesticide and chemical-infested mega-farm fields, and processed with food additives. So the replicated food tastes pure and fresh and is more healthy. This is a technology that should be among the first to be available to the public, even though Monsanto will surely attempt to suppress this technology.


A startup with alumni from MIT and Yale says it’s made a breakthrough in creating a next-generation material that should make it possible to 3-d print literally anything out of thin air.

New York-based Mattershift has managed to create large-scale carbon nanotube (CNT) membranes that are able to combine and separate individual molecules.

Dr. Rob McGinnis

“This technology gives us a level of control over the material world that we’ve never had before,” said Mattershift Founder and CEO Dr. Rob McGinnis in a release. “For example, right now we’re working to remove CO2 from the air and turn it into fuels. This has already been done using conventional technology, but it’s been too expensive to be practical. Using our tech, I think we’ll be able to produce carbon-zero gasoline, diesel, and jet fuels that are cheaper than fossil fuels.”

CNTs have been identified as holding promise for a number of potential applications, from better golf clubs, fuels and medicines to far-out concepts like space elevators. A study published this week in the journal Science Advances confirms that Mattershift’s large CNT membranes perform as well as the small prototypes we’ve seen so far.
The company says their breakthrough brings down the difficulty and cost of manufacturing the material, which should allow the technology to burst out of the confines of university labs.

“It should be possible to combine different types of our CNT membranes in a machine that does what molecular factories have long been predicted to do: to make anything we need from basic molecular building blocks,” said McGinnis. “We’re talking about printing matter from the air. Imagine having one of these devices with you on Mars. You could print food, fuels, building materials, and medicines from the atmosphere and soil or recycled parts without having to transport them from Earth.”



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