Assange Expected to Confirm Wikileaks Source of DNC Emails Was Seth Rich, Not Russians

The April 11 arrest of Julian Assange has resurrected the narrative that emails stored on the Democratic National Committee (DNC) were not hacked by Russia, but leaked by a disenchanted employee, Seth Rich, who wanted to expose how Bernie Sanders was systematically undermined during the 2016 primaries by the DNC. According to this narrative, Rich communicated with Assange and handed over the DNC emails through Wikileaks’ secure online drop box.

Assange first stated in a June 12, 2016, interview that Wikileaks had more of the missing emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server during her time as Secretary of State: “We have upcoming leaks in relation to Hillary Clinton … We have emails pending publication, that is correct.”

Two days later, the computer security company “Crowdstrike” published a report that the DNC email servers had been hacked by Russia. The mainstream media quickly embraced the Russia hacking narrative to explain why Clinton and DNC emails were in the hands of Wikileaks.

Here’s what the Washington Post’s Ellen Nakashima had to say on June 14, 2016:

Russian government hackers penetrated the computer network of the Democratic National Committee and gained access to the entire database of opposition research on GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, according to committee officials and security experts who responded to the breach.

However, multiple sources pointed out major problems with Crowdstrike as a competent and impartial investigator into the alleged Russian hacking:

The Nakamura [Nakashima] piece marked the first salvo in the Russian hacking meme. But the claim was not backed up by independently verified forensic evidence—it rested solely on the conclusions of a computer security company—Crowdstrike. The pro-Ukrainian politics of Crowdstrike’s founder, Dmitri Alperovitch, and his strident opposition to Russia cast a pall of bias over the findings of Crowdstrike. No U.S. Federal Law Enforcement official or agency was given access to the DNC servers. Neither the FBI nor Homeland Security were permitted to examine the servers and the alleged evidence of a hack.

In his 2019 best-selling book, Spygate: The Attempted Sabotage of Donald J. Trump, Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service officer, detailed the multiple flaws in the Crowdstrike investigation and the puzzling decision to deny the FBI access to the allegedly hacked DNC email server.

Almost a month after Assange’s interview that Wikileaks had more Clinton emails and was vetting them for eventual release, Rich was murdered on July 10, 2016, in very strange circumstances. Nearly two weeks later, on July 22, Wikileaks dumped 20,000 DNC emails on its website.

A July 25, 2016, story published in Vox by Timothy Lee covered the Wikileaks DNC dump and found that many showed the DNC favored the Clinton campaign over Bernie Sanders. In November 2017, Donna Brazile, the former chair of the DNC, confirmed that the DNC had systematically supported Clinton over Sanders. Brazile’s admission provides a solid foundation for understanding what motivated Rich to leak to DNC emails to Wikileaks in the first place.

In an August 2016 Dutch television interview, Assange firmly hinted that Rich’s murder was related to his leaking of DNC emails to Wikileaks:

Assange: Whistleblowers go to significant efforts to get us material and often significant risks. There was a 27-year old that works for the DNC who was shot in the back… murdered.. for unknown reasons as he was walking down the street in Washington.

Host: That was just a robbery wasn’t it?

Assange: No. There’s no finding.

Host: What are you suggesting?

Assange: I am suggesting that our sources take risks and they become concerned to see things occurring like that.

Wikileaks then offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of those responsible, fueling the rumors that Rich was Wikileaks source.

Those who claimed that Rich was responsible for the release of the DNC emails were vilified and forced to backtrack on their claims. Here’s how Wikipedia summarized the situation:

Fact-checking websites like,[5][8],[9] and stated that these theories were false and unfounded.[4] The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and The Washington Post wrote that the promotion of these conspiracy theories was an example of fake news. [10][11][12]

Influential figures such as Fox News and Sean Hannity were forced through litigation to abandon their investigations into Rich’s murder due to his parents leading the charge condemning “conspiracy theories”.

Rich’s parents condemned the conspiracy theorists and said that these individuals were exploiting their son’s death for political gain, and their spokesperson called the conspiracy theorists “disgusting sociopaths”.

A story published by two Fox News reporters, Malia Zimmerman and Ed Butowsky, in May 2017 was subsequently pulled from the news site and Hannity also stopped covering the story.

Even Bongino’s book, Spygate, failed to mention the Rich connection and what this meant to the whole Russia hacking narrative, which he uncritically endorsed as valid.

After Fox News reporters and Hannity suspended their investigations into Rich leaking the DNC emails, only alternative news sources were willing to investigate the available evidence. Most prominent among them was National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower, William Binney, who was among the first to conclude that Rich was responsible for the leaking and that Russia was being framed by the Deep State.

Binney, a former Technical Director at the NSA, together with Ray McGovern, a 27 year CIA analyst, wrote on September 20, 2017:

We stand by our main conclusion that the data from the intrusion of July 5, 2016, into the Democratic National Committee’s computers, an intrusion blamed on “Russian hacking,” was not a hack but rather a download/copy onto an external storage device by someone with physical access to the DNC.

After Q Anon publicly emerged in late October 2017, Seth Rich was soon mentioned in several posts alluding to his role as the true source for the Wikileaks DNC email leaks, and that he was murdered as a result by hitmen tied to the MS-13 criminal gang and the Clintons.

The alternative news investigation into Rich’s role in leaking the DNC emails subsequently languished but gained renewed life a year later on October 4, 2018, when the NSA responded to a Freedom of Information request that showed Rich had indeed been communicating with Assange. In their response to a FOIA request filed by attorney Ty Clevenger about information concerning Seth Rich and Julian Assange, the NSA wrote:

Your request has been processed under the provisions of the FOIA. Fifteen documents (32 pages) responsive to your request have been reviewed by this Agency as required by the FOIA and have found to be currently and properly classified in accordance with Executive Order 13526. These documents meet the criteria for classification as set forth in Subparagraph © of Section 1.4 and remains classified TOP SECRET and SECRET.

Since the FOIA request and the NSA response were not released, the NSA’s startling admission received no attention by the mainstream media, and only a few alternative media sources picked up the story. One of these was an April 19, 2019, article by Mark McCarty who cited a blog post published six months earlier (October 23, 2018) that first discussed the NSA FOIA response.

McCarty raised important questions over the precise language used in Clevenger’s FOIA request and what this meant in terms of documents being withheld. In his April 19, 2019, article he pointed out that many of these questions were resolved by Binney in an April 17 interview:

“Ty Clevenger has FOIAed information from NSA asking for any data that involved both Seth Rich and also Julian Assange.

And they responded by saying we’ve got 15 files, 32 pages, but they’re all classified in accordance with executive order 13526 covering classification, and therefore you can’t have them.

That says that NSA has records of communications between Seth Rich and Julian Assange. I mean, that’s the only business that NSA is in — copying communications between people and devices.”

Binney’s interpretation of what the NSA had admitted through FOIA is astounding in its implications. The single issue that has come to dominate analyses of the 2016 election is that Russia hacked the DNC and interfered with the integrity of the US Presidential election by passing this on to Wikileaks.

This spawned the nearly two-year Mueller investigation into Trump’s collusion with Russia, which generated reams of anti-Trump and anti-Russia stories in the mainstream media. Both Trump and Russia were vilified by a hostile media that was anxious to promote the Russia hacking narrative, and ridiculing anyone suggesting that Rich was the true source of the DNC info being released to Wikileaks, not Russia.

The NSA’s admission is the first concrete sign that the Deep State and the mainstream media are about to be exposed for willfully lying and misrepresenting the truth. Assange is all but certain to be extradited to the USA, and will reveal what he knows about Rich and his connection to the DNC email dumps.

While the questioning and extradition of Assange are likely to take an extended period of time, it’s worth emphasizing that the truth is already known to the NSA, which is keeping this classified for the moment. It is not known when and how this information will be released, and whether it will be done through Assange, the NSA or some other process.

Despite knowledge of the Rich and Assange connection, the NSA and its two directors since the DNC hacking – Admiral Mike Rogers (2014-2018) and General Paul Nakasone (2018-) – have done very little to publicly alter the mainstream news narrative that Russia had hacked the DNC servers; and that Rich’s murder was unrelated to the DNC documents that Wikileaks released less than two weeks after his murder.

Why did the NSA stand by and allow the accusations of Russian hacking to grow to the extent that relations with Russia have been severely damaged, economic sanctions imposed, and a two-year long investigation was established into potential collusion between the Trump Presidential Campaign and the Russians?

One answer worth exploring is that the Deep State had much to fear about a potential collaboration between Trump and Putin in revealing many advanced technology secrets possessed by their respective intelligence services; secrets which President John F. Kennedy and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev unsuccessfully attempted to unlock 56 years ago, with tragic consequences for both.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Note: An expanded audio version of the above article is available on YouTube.] [Editorial Note: A three part ExoNews series of articles on Seth Rich was published two years ago and is available here]

[Update 4/25/2019 – A May 16, 2017 article published by the Free Thought Project discussed reports about alleged email communications between Julian Assange and Seth Rich provided by a former homicide detective, Rod Wheeler, from confidential FBI sources. A week later, Wheeler’s comments were retracted. It’s important to note that the 2018 NSA FOIA release confirms that the email correspondence did take place and was being tracked by the NSA]

Further Reading

U.S. Navy Drafting New Guidelines for Reporting UFOs

by Brian Bender                 April 23, 2019                   (

• The U.S. Navy announced that it is drafting new formal guidelines for pilots and other Navy personnel to report UFO encounters to the ‘cognizant authorities’. This is in response to a series of sightings by Navy pilots of UFOs, particularly the ‘tic tac’ UFO incident involving the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group in 2004 when Navy fighter jets were outmaneuvered by an unidentified aircraft that flew in ways that defied the laws of known physics.

• The development comes amid growing interest from members of Congress following revelations by POLITICO and the New York Times in late 2017 that the Pentagon established a $25 million UFO research office, known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. That program ostensibly ended in 2012. A statement by the Navy explained, “In response to requests for information from Congressional members and staff, Navy officials have provided a series of briefings by senior Naval Intelligence officials as well as aviators who reported hazards to aviation safety.”

• The Navy isn’t endorsing the idea that its sailors have encountered alien spacecraft. But it is acknowledging there have been enough strange aerial sightings by credible and highly trained military personnel that they need to be recorded in the official record and studied — rather than dismissed as some kooky phenomena from the realm of science-fiction.

• Chris Mellon, a former Pentagon intelligence official and ex-staffer on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said establishing a more formal means of reporting UAPs (Unexplained Aerial Phenomena) would be a “sea change.” “Right now, we have situation in which UFOs and UAPs are treated as anomalies to be ignored,” said Mellon. “[I]n a lot of cases [military personnel] don’t know what to do with that information… They will dump [the data] because that is not a traditional aircraft or missile.”

• Advocates for treating such UFO sightings as a potential national security threat have long criticized military leaders for giving the phenomenon relatively little attention, and for encouraging a culture in which personnel feel that speaking up about it could hurt their career.


The U.S. Navy is drafting new guidelines for pilots and other personnel to report encounters with “unidentified aircraft,” a significant new step in creating a formal process to collect and analyze the unexplained sightings — and destigmatize them.

The previously unreported move is in response to a series of sightings of unknown, highly advanced aircraft intruding on Navy strike groups and other sensitive military formations and facilities, the service says.

“There have been a number of reports of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft entering various military-controlled ranges and designated air space in recent years,” the Navy said in a statement in response to questions from POLITICO. “For safety and security concerns, the Navy and the [U.S. Air Force] takes these reports very seriously and investigates each and every report.

“As part of this effort,” it added, “the Navy is updating and formalizing the process by which reports of any such suspected incursions can be made to the cognizant authorities. A new message to the fleet that will detail the steps for reporting is in draft.”

To be clear, the Navy isn’t endorsing the idea that its sailors have encountered alien spacecraft. But it is acknowledging there have been enough strange aerial sightings by credible and highly trained military personnel that they need to be recorded in the official record and studied — rather than dismissed as some kooky phenomena from the realm of science-fiction.

Chris Mellon, a former Pentagon intelligence official and ex-staffer on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said establishing a more formal means of reporting what the military now calls “unexplained aerial phenomena” — rather than “unidentified flying objects” — would be a “sea change.”



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Abnormal Figure Emerging from Pacific Ocean

by Svilen Petrov                   April 16, 2019                     (


Evidence of alleged extraterrestrial origin no longer appear on the internet, so it’s no surprise that news portals continue to share with the public photos and videos of UFOs or aliens disguised as humans, have you seen the footage where conductive shows your reptilian identity?

According to the UFO SPAIN, a huge dark triangle recently emerged in the Pacific Ocean, this event was captured by the infrared channel of a NOAA satellite.

Like this event, there are many others that awaken the most crazy conspiracy theories. Recently we showed you an image in Machu Pichu that shocked several internauts for the clear sample of the alien existence.

This case was reported by a UFO researcher when he was studying data for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States (NOAA). The specialist admitted that he cannot find a logical explanation for the huge and mysterious object.

4:23 minute NOAA satellite video of black triangle hovering over the Pacific Ocean



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There is an important, welcome step forward towards de-stigmatizing UFOs and learning to relate more intelligently with this clearly intelligent and highly advanced technological phenomenon. I think that the briefings by To the Star Academy of Arts and Sciences and its vital sharing of credible information about this important matter were influential for Navy decision-makers to take this important step, and publicly revealing (as reported in POLITICO) that the U.S. Navy is drafting new guidelines for reporting UFOs.

On April 23, 2019, many of us who consider that we have entered since 2017 a new phase in UFO revelations happily received an article by Bryan Bender titled

“U.S. Navy drafting new guidelines for reporting UFOs”

The LINK to the article in POLITICO is:

The UFO/UAP/AAP phenomenon is thus gaining credibility and scientists once reluctant to study or even consider this issue should change attitudes.

Now, we need to deepen a serious, intelligent conversation about what this intelligent phenomenon means. Overall it seems to have cooperated in not forcing its presence to overtly on us but times are changing with too many verified sightings, documents, experiencer testimonies and even more formal source of videos and images with a chain of custody reaching the USG (U.S. Government).

Moreover, unique manufactured materials (metamaterials) allegedly originating in some UAPs are being studied (for instance with the collaboration of Earthtech Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin, TX) and have been found to have unique isotopic ratios not present on Earth as well as other characteristics that still seem impossible to assemble with known Earth technology.

Of course, the U.S. Navy is still not saying that we have extraterrestrials in our midst but who can manufacture such things? However, this is a step forward to de-emphasize the social taboo factor, perhaps from now on allowing military personnel to report and to talk more naturally about UFO sightings and more.

Soon (in May 2019) various episodes in the History Channel will also show new details of the investigation by TTSA (To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences). I believe these will serve to legitimize even more the phenomenon, possibly even leading to the acknowledgment of unique varieties of intelligences operating the advanced technological craft.

IF other intelligences are finally, unequivocally verified and officially recognized, a necessary, intelligent, exopolitical conversation must ensue beyond condemnation and fanaticism in favor or against.

SOME NECESSARY QUESTIONS for EXOPOLITICS and an Adaptive Cultural Revision (possibly leading to a long term transformation):

For instance, what legal rights and protections would we concede to some or all of these intelligences that also appear to have been here on Earth way before modern times?  Who amongst them might be our true allies?

What are their rules of engagement with us? Can we relate with at least some of them more directly, thus getting to know them better? Why are they mostly operating in a surreptitious manner?

If all space-faring ‘races’ are not benevolent towards are other space-faring ‘races’ (species) protecting us?  Should we also have a space force to defend ourselves from some of them combining our force with that of protective intelligences? Or, due to our lack of maturity, should we simply stay out of any such militarization of space in order not to attract further problems and – for now – simply trust (for instance according to the F.R.E.E. survey (found at that a majority of encounters with the “UAP intelligences” are benevolent or have positive effects (spiritual and even healing effects) even if they are normally nerve-racking in the beginning?

How must our educational systems change to adapt to the reality of intelligences that may be culturally different, for instance, if they have been able to overcome spacetime for a long time and with it – I assume – a classical understanding of the world for which our nature and emotional-mental tendencies following physical sensory perceptions are adapted? In fact, does our human nature have the potential to adapt? Or do we need to genetic engineer ourselves or, perhaps, enhance ourselves with technology to meet the challenge? Could it be that -unbeknownst to us – we already have the genetic wherewithal and inner resources to adapt to open personal and cultural contact with these entities?

Shouldn’t we, rather, emphasize more a spiritual connection with SOURCE (the Source of all being) than a technological one? Experiencers often mention that ETs understand there is a Universal Source (“God” for some if you will and The Absolute, Tao, Budha Mind, Parabrahm, Allah and The Great Mystery for others) and some experiencers mention that some intelligent creatures work with this Source for the good of others while the Source allows others to work for themselves controlling, enslaving or stealing forms of light or energy from others. But the latter actions – while allowed by free will – have a limit that cannot be indefinitely sustained as it is a contradiction since the Source of all contingent beings in itself is giving.

How will international law have to improve if we find out that there have been a presence or even bases from otherworldly beings for centuries or thousands or millions of years in different parts of the world? What are the rules of engagement that they abide by? Is there a balance of forces among different UAP intelligences with different motivations? I believe that we should make peaceful contact with some of them.

Where are they From? 

As per the UAP intelligences are they after all displaying advanced technology from another country? Or perhaps ‘us’ from the future? An advanced civilization native from Earth but mostly hiding from us? From inhabited planets in the Solar System or from other solar systems in our universe? From physical parallel universes? From subtler physical universes? Are they ‘Transdimensional’ (using the non-physical to manifest in a variety of physical universes and to manipulate spacetime)? Do they manipulate a universal hologram information matrix and materialize where and when they need to? Do they have greater control of their present moment as Mr. Luis Elizondo suggested in a MUFON interview? Do they control retrocausality? Angels and demons (and/or at least connected with them)?

Is the development of psychic capacities and an integrative perspective needed to understand them? Are they mostly benign as most experiencers of contact tell? Are they – ultimately – us or an aspect of us?

A saucer shape in Niaux Cave, France

Flying disc-like objects depicted in a cave of Peche Merle, France?

What if God exists but they intervened in our development as a species? How will religions become more inclusivist rather than rigid and be able to join the conversation in a civil way? How will science expand to include the phenomenon of consciousness which – according to many testimonies and scientific research – appears to be inexorably linked to the UFO phenomenon?

How will our most basic concepts about the ‘nature of reality’ expand? An integral way of being may help us to adapt to the new realities thriving in forms of connectivity that transcend spacetime limitations. How do we motivate human development worldwide into a post-postmodern, integrative way of being psychologically, culturally, technologically and systemically (including our economic and political systems)?

Besides any level of a cover-up, there may be, I understand how even after genuine sightings the UFO issue tends to be dismissed or ignored by authorities WORLDWIDE. For instance, I heard from a good source that there are unknown traffics or targets detected quite regularly by the Jorge Chavez International Airport control in Lima, Perú. Unless they are too close or too visible their presence tends to be ignored for various psychological and sociological reasons.  For once, it is not acceptable to speak about it without risking one’s job because it is a TABOO. Perhaps a sense of not being able to do anything about it and the feeling that it is ‘weird’ is sufficient for most people to dismiss it as irrelevant or partially irrelevant…unless explicitly assigned to track, investigate and report them. But, should a worldwide phenomenon like this; a more technologically advanced phenomenon, posing cultural and institutional challenges like this be treated as irrelevant or perhaps as silly or as entertainment indefinitely? Definitely NOT.

But, thankfully, the situation is changing, for instance, through military officials (credible witnesses from institution that must be extremely serious about what they say and do) coming out to give their testimonies like the U.S. is doing….including the courageous former seamen and officers from the USS Nimitz strike group (here seen with Mr. Dave C. Beaty producer of the popular short film “The Nimitz Encounters”). 

A Fox News note on the issue. Navy Prepares New Guidelines for reporting UFO Sightings (Fox News, Apr 24, 2019)

Fox News. The U.S. Navy’s New Guidelines for UFOS. I’m so glad that they are coming out more openly about this. Other armed forces and countries should catch up!


UFO (or UAP) in FLIR System during a U.S. Navy encounter.



There are other alleged images of UFOS and encounters pertaining to the U.S. Navy but few have the verified chain of custody to the USG. However, these and other cases add up.


Official footage released by Chile. Instead of maintaining an excessive, rigid attitude of denial, is the public U.S. Navy policy catching up with that of other countries like Chile?

Shouldn’t we all “catch up” now?
















Skilled Army Remote Viewer Reveals Details About The ET Presence On Earth

by Arjun Walia                April 12, 2019                   (

• Remote viewing, i.e.: an ability of a human “viewer” to mentally “see” a remote time and place, which they may have never been to, has been proven scientifically to be accurate and consistent. Governments all around the world, including the United States, have had successful remote viewing programs. Still, because the concept of remote viewing conflicts with people’s belief systems, especially those in academia, it is often brushed off as ‘pseudoscience’.

• Dr. Jessica Utts, the Chair of the Department of Statistics at the University of California, Irvine, said, “What convinced me (that remote viewing was real) was… the accumulating evidence as I worked in this field…. I visited the laboratories, even beyond where I was working to see what they were doing, and I could see that they had really tight controls…and so I got convinced by the good science that I saw being done.”

• Harold E. Puthoff, the lead scientist and co-founder of Stanford’s remote viewing program, said, “… remote viewing in independent laboratories has yielded considerable scientific evidence for the reality of the phenomenon. Adding to the strength of these results was the discovery that a growing number of individuals could be found to demonstrate high-quality remote viewing, often to their own surprise. . . . The development of this capability at [the Stanford Scientific Research Institute] has evolved to the point where visiting CIA personnel with no previous exposure to such concepts have performed well under controlled laboratory conditions.”

• The DIA’s remote viewing program was known as Stargate Project (established in Fort Meade, Maryland in 1978 until 1995) in which multiple viewers with exceptional skills were utilized. Among them were Lyn Buchanan, Pat Price and Ingo Swann.

• Through his remote viewing experiences, Lyn Buchanan categorized the four types of extraterrestrial beings interacting here on the Earth: “We’ve got those [ETs] who are more psychic than us and those that are less psychic than us. In each of those two categories we’ve got friendly to us [ETs] and unfriendly to us, the unfriendly non-psychic ones tend to not come here. They don’t like us, they don’t want to be around us. The non-psychic friendly ones come here for trade. The psychic friendly ones actually want to help us develop our abilities and become stronger at it. And the unfriendly psychic ones want us wiped off the planet, they want us dead, period, no questions asked.”

• Lyn Buchanan also mentions five extraterrestrial bases on (or “in”) the Earth. They are all inside of mountains, and humans are working with these extraterrestrials at some of these bases. Ingo Swann has also talked about extraterrestrial bases on Earth in his book, Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy.

• Pat Price had also remotely viewed four alien bases on Earth, one of which was located under Mount Ziel, some 80 miles west-northwest of Pine Gap (Australia). Price believed that this base contained a mixture of ‘personnel’ from the other bases. The other bases were said to be under Mount Perdido in the Pyrenees (Spain), Mount Inyangani in Zimbabwe (Africa), and under Mount Hayes in Alaska. Price described the bases’ occupants as ‘looking like homo sapiens, except for the lungs, heart, blood and eyes’.


For anybody who’s looked into the Remote Viewing programs that were (and probably still are) in operation within several governments around the world, it’s very easy to become awe struck with regards to the validity of these programs, despite the fact that they’ve received a lot of criticism from skeptics. One merely has to look at the facts to get a good picture of just how successful, accurate, and useful these programs were, and again, probably still are. Here is a great quote from Dr. Jessica Utts, the Chair of the Department of Statistics at the University of California, Irvine and a professor there since 2008.

“What convinced me was just the evidence, the accumulating evidence as I worked in this field and I got to see more and more of the evidence. I visited the laboratories, even beyond where I was working to see what they were doing and I could see that they had really tight controls…and so I got convinced by the good science that I saw being done. And in fact I will say as a statistician I’ve consulted in a lot of different areas of science; the methodology and the controls on these experiments than any other area of science where I’ve worked.”

Lyn Buchanan

Such an eye opening and revealing quote, and a fact that needs to be emphasized because when it comes to remote viewing, it conflicts with so many people’s belief systems, including many within the fields of academia. Thus, it is often brushed off as ‘pseudoscience’ without any proper investigation or inquiry. This is odd, given the fact that multiple governments have admitted to studying remote viewing and other phenomena that falls under the umbrella of parapsychology.

What is remote viewing? It’s an ability that allows the ‘viewer’ to be able to describe a remote geographical location up to several hundred thousand kilometres away (even more) from their physical location — one that they have never been to.

Here’s another great quote from the declassified literature in 1995 from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) archives, from scientist and co-founder of Stanford’s remote viewing program, Harold E. Puthoff: “To summarize, over the years, the back-and-forth criticism of protocols, refinement of methods, and successful replication of this type of remote viewing in independent laboratories has yielded considerable scientific evidence for the reality of the [remote viewing] phenomenon. Adding to the strength of these results was the discovery that a growing number of individuals could be found to demonstrate high-quality remote viewing, often to their own surprise. . . . The development of this capability at SRI has evolved to the point where visiting CIA personnel with no previous exposure to such concepts have performed well under controlled laboratory conditions.”

Multiple viewers were used with exceptional skills inside of this program, which was known as the STARGATE program. One of them was Lyn Buchanan, a veteran and an Army Remote viewer who worked inside of the program. His status within the program has been verified by the declassified literature that was released on the program in 1995.



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Exopolitics Summer Courses Start May 13

[April 22, 2019 – Holualoa, Hawaii] The Exopolitics Institute is pleased to announce that classes begin on May 13 for a number of educational programs designed for those interested in developing professional qualifications in exopolitics; and/or acquiring analytical tools, research methods and investigative techniques for evidence concerning extraterrestrial life.

Our experienced faculty of educators and trainers collectively offer decades of experience in the teaching profession and in researching extraterrestrial life; and offer you the opportunity to apply exopolitics in a number of unique areas. All classes are conducted online, through the internet.

Classes offered for the Summer 2018 Semester are:

For 2019 schedule visit: click here. Some comments from students completing earlier courses.

  • Be prepared to have your mind blown … Andrew French, Hong Kong – Exo-102
  • This course will not only expand your knowledge and awareness of the subject but also provide intellectual and emotional stimulation and challenges that can hone your perspectives and the ability to communicate them clearly and effectively. Karen Kael – Exo-102
  • We covered a broad range of topics about the motivations, activities and intentions of various ET groups and our ‘elites’ and humanity’s best response to them in the form of citizen diplomacy; they not only made us realize how much there is to take into consideration to obtain the whole picture and act appropriately, but also had I think a huge psychological/emotional impact on each student. – Nevenka Likar, Slovenia – Exo-102
  •  I would say that the course is important because it deals with the early years of the attempts of contactees to draw the public’s attention to the presence and efforts of friendly extraterrestrial beings who were supportive of peace and cohesion among the human race and were deterring us from the use of advanced technologies and nuclear energy for hostile, destructive purposes. . – Nevenka Likar, Slovenia – Exo-109

For more student comments on past courses click here Whether you plan to be or are a journalist, a diplomat, educator, artist, scientist, historian, researcher, lawyer, policy maker, or health, government, religious, or business professional, you will find a suitable way of incorporating evidence concerning extraterrestrial life into your chosen profession.

The certification program offers a two-tiered system of courses that culminate in an Exopolitics certificate or diploma.
Exopolitics Certificate – Entry level certification provides the core conceptual understanding so you have basic competency in writing about, researching or investigating exopolitical issues.
Exopolitics Diploma – Certification designed for those intending to teach or train others in exopolitics.

These certification programs are competitively priced and provide you the opportunity to learn and practice exopolitics in a way that is suited to your interests and career. With a minimal investment of time and energy, you could soon be on the way to acquiring the skills and training to set you off to a path that will establish you as an exopolitical pioneer in your respective fields.

Explore our certification program then register for the certificate program that will open your path to exopolitical knowledge and training.

Website: click here. Email:

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The Exopolitics Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization based in Holualoa, Hawaii. Website:

Great Pyramid’s Builders ‘Spread Their Knowledge Around the World’

by Sebastian Kettley                  April 15, 2019                  (

• Dr. Carmen Boulter, an expert in ancient Egyptian studies who led the documentary series The Pyramid Code, says that according to a ‘Dr. Sam’, there are more than 80,000 pyramids peppered around the globe, and they can all be traced back through the ages to a single advanced civilization. Enthusiasts claim that these pyramids were constructed by alien, or the knowledge of how to build them was given to humans by extraterrestrials.

• “So it seems that there was some kind of a worldwide pyramid building effort over tens of thousands of years because they’re not all the same style and there are some modern ones – more modern, relatively more modern,” says Dr Boulter. “Most pyramids, if you go through the center of the pyramid down through the center of the Earth, you come out of a volcano.”

• Pyramids are positioned around the Earth near mystical sources of power known as ley lines – the magnetic lines naturally generated by the planet on which have been built various holy sites, monuments and other significant structures. Some UFO enthusiasts believe these ley lines are some form of markings or pathways for UFOs to travel by.

• Archaeology Professor Matthew Peeples of Arizona State University says, “These ideas are not supported by scientific evidence.” “The building technology is impressive, but we don’t need to invoke aliens to explain it.”


There are more than 80,000 pyramids peppered around the globe by some conspiracy researcher’s counts. The mysterious structures appear to vary in design and purpose but can all be traced back through the ages to a single advanced civilisation. The bizarre pyramid theory was presented by Dr Carmen Boulter, an expert in ancient Egyptian studies who led the documentary series The Pyramid Code. Speaking to Coast to Coast AM radio, Dr Boulter said pyramid building knowledge was spread around the planet at a distant point in the past.

             Dr. Carmen Boulter

She said: “I think that the pyramid building endeavour, and now we’re looking at about 80,000 pyramids on the planet by Dr Sam’s count, that it would have been a world-wide effort.

“Most pyramids, if you go through the centre of the pyramid down through the centre of the Earth, you come out of a volcano.

“So it seems that there was some kind of a worldwide pyramid building effort over tens of thousands of years because they’re not all the same style and there are some modern ones – more modern, relatively more modern.

“So I think we’re saying we’re looking for Atlantis and everything that went with it, then all the pyramids on the planet become relevant.”

The pyramid expert went on to say pyramids are positioned around the Earth near mystical sources of power known as ley lines.



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Did Our Ancestors Receive Help From Extraterrestrial Visitors?

by Verona Jones                     April 10, 2019                       (

• It is apparent to viewers of the History Channel show, Ancient Aliens, that somehow, our ancestors had a much deeper understanding of both building techniques and aeronautical technologies than we do today. We cannot re-create today what our ancestors built ages ago using only the rough tools available to them in their era. Modern-day experts who have reviewed ancient sites remain bewildered. Did our ancestors receive help from extraterrestrials?

• From the 1st century BC to the 8th century AD, the ancient city of Monte Alban (in Oaxaca, Mexico) was the center of the Zapotec culture. The blocks used to build Monte Alban were cut and molded to specific mathematical equations, and then stacked together so tightly that the gaps were almost non-existent. How was it possible using less than basic tools?

• In Baalbek, Lebanon is the 2000 year-old temple known as the Jupiter of Olympus. The structure is set atop three-thousand-ton stone blocks. The structure’s pillars were cut from pink granite from the Aswan quarry over nine hundred miles away. Today, it would take two trucks pulling and five trucks pushing a single thousand-ton stone block. Imagine transporting three granite pillars.

• In 1898, a 2200 year old carved wooden bird on a stick was discovered in a tomb in Saqqara, Egypt. Except it doesn’t look like a bird. Its looks more like a model plane. Hieroglyphs on the model read ‘Gift of Amon’, and it was found with three papyrus scripts that included the phrase “I want to fly.”

• In a grave in Tolima, Columbia were found dozens of two-inch gold figurines called the Quimbaya (Tolima) airplanes. These figurines look like modern jet fighters. In 1994, two German aeronautical engineers, Peter Belting and Conrad Lubbers, built larger but exact scaled versions of the figurines. The figurines were so aerodynamically correct that they were able to make the model planes fly.

• In the Ethiopian translation of Solomon’s dynasty, known as the Kebra Nagast, the scripture mentions King Solomon routinely flying to different locations on a ‘magic carpet’ 60-feet-wide by 60-feet-long. Was this King Solomon’s private aircraft?


In various episodes of Ancient Aliens, modern-day experts have reviewed some of the ancient sites that still have us bewildered. They’ve commented on the complex architectural designs and compared the technology that was available in ancient times with the advancements available today—and apparently—not everything adds up.

                 the ‘Saqqara Bird’

It becomes readily apparent to viewers almost immediately that building these temples would be difficult even with today’s technological achievements. The Ancient Aliens experts, however, believe our ancestors had a much deeper understanding of both building techniques and aeronautical technologies than we do today—thanks in part to help from extraterrestrials.

Theorists suspect the source of that knowledge came from alien astronauts visiting earth from another galaxy. One cannot help but wonder if there really had been extraterrestrial involvement in our ancestor’s increased technological knowledge. And since we cannot re-create today what our ancestors built ages ago, then how on earth were they able to build these cities using only the rough tools available to them in their era?

        some of the Quimbaya figurines

Sites like Monte Alban—an ancient city in Oaxaca, Mexico—was at one time the center of the Zapotec culture from the 1st century BC to the 8th century AD. What makes this city so fascinating is the architecture of the ruins left behind.

The blocks used to build Monte Alban were cut and molded to specific mathematical equations. Those blocks were then stacked so tightly together that the gaps between the boulders were minute. Such accuracy is difficult by even today’s standards so how was it possible for our ancestor’s using less than basic tools?

                   Jupiter of Olympus

Another example of unexplained ancient archeology can be found in the Temple of Jupiter which is located in Baalbek, Lebanon. It is a two-thousand-year-old temple dedicated to the King of Gods himself: Jupiter of Olympus.

The temple is deemed unique for its grand concrete pillars, mainly because the structure is set atop three-thousand-ton stone blocks. To put this image in a better perspective—the pillars of Stonehenge weigh about a fortieth of that. So, how were they lifted and how were they moved to the site?




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Huge UFO Spotted Near Moon Sparks Invasion Fear

by Nirmal Narayanan                April 15, 2019                 (

• The YouTube channel, UFO Mania, has released mysterious video that shows a huge UFO trying to hide behind the moon. The video was taken by Daniil Tumanny of Indianapolis, Indiana.

• The UFO seems to be so large in size that it appears right next to the Moon, and looks like a classic Hollywood space vessel. Is it going behind the Moon toward a ‘dark side’ base?

• Some YouTubers think that it is an alien craft. Others say that it indicates that Donald Trump’s Space Force is already operational and patrolling in ‘near space’.

• “At this point, people are so dumbed down you could have space ships flying all over the place and people wouldn’t even notice because they are too addicted to looking at their cellphones. I have seen many UFO’s flying around over my house in the last two years but who would believe me? It is sad how most humans are now just zombies,” commented YouTuber Synthia Burns.

• “A 500km diameter object not seen in any other country in the entire world… I don’t buy it. Besides it’s a computerized model of Kubrick’s space station in 2001: A Space Odyssey,” commented YouTube skeptic Diego Rucci.


Conspiracy theorists and alien enthusiasts have long been claiming that extraterrestrials from deep space used to visit the earth to monitor human activities. As per these conspiracy theorists, the rise in UFO sightings all across the world is an indication of alien activities, and some of them even believe that disclosure is going to happen soon. Adding heat to their views, popular conspiracy theory channel UFO Mania has now released a mysterious footage that shows a huge UFO trying to hide behind the moon.

image from the movie
                    2001: A Space Odyssey

The video was originally uploaded to YouTube by a user named Daniil Tumanny, but it gained popularity after it was shared by UFO Mania. In the video, the UFO which seems so large in size can be seen hovering very near to earth’s natural satellite. Interestingly, the shape and nature of the flying object spotted near the moon seem very similar to the alien vessels that we have seen in Hollywood sci-fi films.

As the video went viral on YouTube, most of the people who watched the clip argued that this UFO is nothing but an alien spaceship from the deep space. Some conspiracy theorists even went a step ahead and revealed that aliens have a secret base on the far side of the moon.

2:18 minute video of circular object hiding behind the Moon



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Did the USSR destroy a secret US Moon Base in 1977?

A Wikileaks document that referred to the destruction of a US moon base sometime in the 1970s has recently gained renewed attention. The document is dated January 24, 1979, and is titled “Report that UR Destroyed Secret US Base on Moon.” It was correspondence involving one or more officials from the U.S. State Department to Samuel L. Devine, a Republican member of the US Congress.

The document has tags “Operations–General | UR – Soviet Union (USSR)” which reveals that “UR” stands for the USSR. The document was marked unclassified, which suggests that the content of the correspondence did not contain classified information, and involved open source material widely available at the time. The fact that officials were discussing such a topic raises the question, did the USSR destroy a secret US moon base sometime before January 1979?

Wikileaks included the document in its dump of State Department diplomatic cables that it began releasing online in November 2010 and ended on September 1, 2011. Julian Assange’s arrest on April 11, 2018, sparked renewed interest in him and Wikileaks document dumps over the years.

Arjun Walla published an article in Collective Evolution that discussed Assange’s arrest and examined the controversial Wikileaks’ Moon base document. Walla discussed it in relation to a host of Moon-related information that has been leaked over the years. This included a Congressional statement on building a permanent Moon base; CIA concern over Soviet plans to build a Moon base; Soviet concerns over the US plans to use the Moon as a military base of operations; and whistleblowers discussing photographic evidence of moon bases. I recommend reading Walla’s article for a succinct overview of this data.

However, to explore the question of whether or not the USSR destroyed a secret Moon base in the 1970’s we need to go back a few years to the remarkable audio letters of Dr. Peter Beter. Beter was the General Counsel of the Export-Import Bank (1961-67) and had high-level sources who confided to him what was happening behind the scenes in space from the 1960s to the early 1980s. In this modern era of whistleblowers, it’s worth emphasizing that Beter was the first genuine insider to come forward with details about secret space programs.

He described how the US and USSR were fiercely competing both in a race to the Moon and in the development of particle beam weapons that could operate between the Moon and Earth. It was clear that whoever first developed a particle beam weapon that could operate from the Moon would possess an overwhelming strategic advantage.

According to Beter, while the US was forging ahead in the race to the Moon, the Soviets were ahead in developing particle beam weapons. In his Audio Letter 26, released on September 30, 1977, Beter wrote:

By 1972, these experiments still were a long way from a suitable weapon for deployment on the moon. But ominous developments in the Soviet Union led to the decision to cut off the Apollo program prematurely so that the construction of the secret moon base could be rushed ahead.

According to Beter, Diego Garcia was used as a spaceport for building the moon base:

Early in 1973, soon after the supposed end of the American moon program, we began hearing about a place called Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. Supposedly we were merely building a communications installation there, yet the drastic step was taken of relocating all the 20,000 or so natives of this little island to other areas. More recently, we have heard about Diego Garcia as the site of a new American naval base; but, my friends, you still haven’t been told the whole story. Diego Garcia, my friends, is the new space-port from which secret missions to the moon have been launched during the building of the moon base.

Diego Garcia was the ideal location for a space launching pad according to Beter:

Unlike Cape Canaveral, where Saturn rocket launches are impossible to hide, Diego Garcia is remote and isolated, and even the natives are no longer there to watch what goes on. What’s more, Diego Garcia is practically the perfect moon-port, located as it is almost on the earth’s equator, and a space vehicle launched eastward into orbit from Diego Garcia passes over a nearly unbroken expanse of water for more than half the circumference of the earth. The only means of monitoring the early flight of a space craft launched from Diego Garcia, therefore, is from ships.

In his 1977 newsletter, Beter wrote about the information he had received from his sources about the US moon base:

I was first alerted to the existence of a secret base on the moon last November 1976–but it has been one of the best kept of all Rockefeller secrets, and it was only a few weeks ago that I was able to confirm its existence and learn the complete story; and since that time, events have moved with lightning speed.

Beter went on to give details about the deadly race to develop particle beam weapons as it played out in 1977:

Throughout this year an unseen but deadly race has been underway to see who would get an operational Particle Beam first: the Rockefellers, at their secret moon base; or the Soviet Union, in earth orbit. By late spring, a Salyut manned space craft was launched that carried out preliminary tests of beam-weapon techniques, using lasers in order to simulate the Particle Beam.

Beter next gave details about the race between the USSR and US to develop particle beam weapons for deployment in space and/or the Moon. The Soviets succeeded in developing the first operational particle beam weapons in Earth orbit, and destroyed the newly built US moon base:

By the 26th of September, American personnel at the secret Rockefeller moon base nestled in Copernicus Crater were almost ready. Their Particle Beam was almost operational–but they were too late. By late that day, the Soviet Union began bombarding the moon base with a Neutron Particle Beam. Through the night, and all day on September 27 the moon base was bombarded without mercy with neutron radiation just like that produced by a neutron bomb; and by that evening as Americans looked up at the peaceful full moon overhead known as the Harvest Moon, the last few Americans on the moon were dying of neutron radiation. America had lost the Battle of the Harvest Moon.

It’s not clear what the contents of the document titled “Report that UR Destroyed Secret US Base on Moon” discusses. Given its unclassified status, and the date it was created, the most plausible explanation is that it involved a discussion between Congressional and State Department officials about Beter’s “Harvest Moon Battle”, or some other unclassified material regarding destruction of a US Moon base and the development of particle beam weapons.

Why would Congressional and State Department officials be interested in such information; and, more importantly, what did they have to say about it? A Freedom of Information Act request will help answer such questions.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Top-Secret Government Investigation ‘Probed Health Effects of UFO Encounters’

by Jasper Hamill                   April 8, 2019                     (

• The list of titles to the 38 declassified documents generated under the Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program (AATIP) that were released last year show that investigators studied ‘exotic technologies including wormholes, antigravity, invisibility cloaking, warp drives and high energy laser weapons’. Now it’s claimed that AATIP also explored the health ‘consequences’ suffered by people who witnessed UFO incidents.

• One of the studies was called ‘Field Effects on Biological Tissues’. Former head of the Ministry of Defence’s UFO investigation desk, Nick Pope, says that this is likely to be the paper which explored the health effects of close encounters. Pope also points to a statement made by AATIP scientist Dr Hal Puthoff, speaking of a Brazilian Air Force investigation that included “…a lot of medical injuries when people encountered these (UFO) craft at close range.” Pope says that this is confirmation that the Pentagon’s AATIP program looked not only at UFOs but also at close encounters and alien abductions.

• Pope goes on to say, “I can’t prove it, but from sources close to this I’m almost certain that part of this work involved getting blood and DNA samples from close encounter witnesses – including at least one and maybe two witnesses to the UK’s infamous Rendlesham Forest incident.” “I believe this was done in a way that disguised the fact that this was for a US intelligence program, with witnesses being told that they were participating in a scientific or academic study.”


The classified study was called the Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program (AATIP) and investigated mysterious aircraft or other unexplained phenomena. Official documents reveal that investigators studied ‘exotic technologies’ including wormholes, antigravity, invisibility cloaking, warp drives and high energy laser weapons. Now it’s been claimed that AATIP explored the health ‘consequences’ suffered by people who witnessed UFO incidents.

                                Nick Pope

Details of 38 papers published during the AATIP probe were released last year, although only a handful of the actual documents have been released to the public. One of the studies was called ‘Field Effects on Biological Tissues’. Nick Pope, who was head of the Ministry of Defence’s UFO investigation desk, said this is likely to be the paper which explored the health effects of close encounters. Pope pointed us to an article published on Las Vegas Now in which Dr Hal Puthoff, a scientist who worked on AATIP, said: ‘We as part of this program looked at some cases that were really good from Brazil. ‘In 1977, 78, it was like Close Encounters of the Third Kind, a thousand pages of documents all done by the Brazilian Air Force investigative team, 500 photographs, 15 hours of motion film, a lot of medical injuries when people encountered these craft at close range.’ Pope told Metro the statement is ‘confirmation that the Pentagon’s AATIP program looked not only at UFOs but also at close encounters and alien abductions’. He said: ‘I can’t prove it, but from sources close to this I’m almost certain that part of this work involved getting blood and DNA samples from close encounter witnesses – including at least one and maybe two witnesses to the UK’s infamous Rendlesham Forest incident.



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Former Nevada Senator Urges Feds to Do More UFO Research

by S.T. Patrick                 April 7, 2019                 (

• Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is calling for formal congressional hearings to study the government’s investigations into UFOs. By law, U.S. senators are barred from lobbying the legislative branch for two years after leaving office. That probationary period ended for Reid in January. Since then, he has been lobbying key Washington, D.C. insiders about UFOs and projects that have to date been shrouded in mystery.

• Reid was instrumental in creating a secret Pentagon study of UFOs known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) that supposedly ended in 2012. In December 2017, The New York Times reported on the AATIP program and its offshoot, the Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Application Program. Reid says that it would be naïve to blindly ignore the accumulation of existing UFO stories reported by highly qualified aerospace and aviation professionals. Regarding the origin of whatever unidentified flying objects have been reported, Reid is leery about venturing a guess about something still unknown. “I personally don’t know if there exists little green men other places. I kind of doubt that, but I do believe that the information we have indicates we should do a lot more study,” Reid said. “We have hundreds and hundreds of people that have seen the same thing—something in the sky.” “[Y]ou can’t just hide your head in the sand and say these things are not happening.”

• While mainstream scientists and media have derided using government funds to research “fringe science”, Reid appears dedicated to the value of the work still being done at the various levels of government. One of the more fascinating publications undertaken by AATIP concerned research into the invisibility cloaking of aircraft – both invisible to radar and literally invisible.

• The care that must be maintained with Reid’s work concerns the further militarizing of space. Just six months after the Times released news of the AATIP program, Donald Trump announced Space Force and called upon its establishment as the sixth military branch. Is this the “Hollywoodization” of a much more sinister program for only military purposes? Or is this a genuine acceptance of a more open policy regarding UFOs? If it is the latter, we may just find out that the truth is out there, after all.


Located due north of Las Vegas, Lincoln County is one of Nevada’s largest and most sparsely populated counties. With a population barely surpassing 5,000, Lincoln County, the seventh-largest county in America in land area, does not seem like a bustling metropolis of activity. There are no colleges, no professional sports franchises, no Wal-Mart stores, and few gas stations. A common sight along Route 93 that traverses the county is a faded blue sign that reads “Next Gas 91 Miles.” But for close to 30 years now, Lincoln County has been the international hub for UFO enthusiasts as Groom Dry Lake (popularly known as Area 51) is located in the heart of this desert county.

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is among the Silver State’s most widely known politicians. As the majority leader through much of the Obama years, Reid was privy to the high-level security concerns of America’s post-9/11 society. Now, as reported by KLAS-TV’s George Knapp, Reid is calling for formal congressional hearings to study the government’s investigations into UFOs.

“I personally don’t know if there exists little green men other places. I kind of doubt that, but I do believe that the information we have indicates we should do a lot more study,” Nevada’s most well-known Democrat said. “We have hundreds and hundreds of people that have seen the same thing—something in the sky; it moves a certain way.”
Many will question Reid’s qualifications and his sanity, despite the fact that, until 2012, he led a secret Pentagon study of UFOs that was based in Las Vegas. In December 2017, The New York Times reported on the AATIP program that had been created to study the UFO phenomena. The AATIP, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, was the brainchild of Reid and two colleagues in the Senate. It spawned an offshoot, the Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Application Program (AAWSAP). Neither discusses UFOs openly, or even by name, but Reid admits that it would take some naiveté to just blindly ignore the accumulation of existing stories reported by highly qualified aerospace and aviation professionals. Regarding the origin of whatever unidentified flying objects have been reported, Reid is leery about venturing a guess about something still unknown.

“We do not know,” Reid said. “What I have learned is, you can’t just hide your head in the sand and say these things are not happening. We have military installations where hundreds and hundreds of people who are there see these things.”



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Connecting Dots:  Assange, Musk, RussiaGate and the Secret Space Program

It is my contention that virtually all recent Deep State scandals relate to covering up the Secret Space Program. Certainly the Kennedy Assassination merits that claim.  Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt has shown how Watergate also has connections to the SSP via Richard Nixon and his UFO Time Capsule.  George Webb’s endless research provides links between RussiaGate and the WWII Paper Clip scientists who got us to the Moon.

Joseph Farrell just supported my belief with his latest book indicating that even Joseph McCarthy was investigating UFOs and space related matters in the 1950’s that included a role for Trump’s mentor, Roy Cohn.

Now an enterprising researcher on the internet has come out with her own version of a link between current
Deep State scandals and the space program, at least as it concerns a connection to Elon Musk.

I am the only one I know who claims that there is something suspicious about the timing of the Assange
arrest and the so-called failed moon landing by Israel that was planned as a celebration of Bibi’s reelection.

I suspect that the arrest was designed to divert attention from the Moon shot—–a remarkable feat for any
country much less such a small one as Israel——–and may include the possibility the mission did NOT
fail despite the official narrative.  To me it is very suspicious!

I completely understand and agree with those who are outraged by the Assange arrest.  As a former civil
liberties attorney, anti-war activist, conspiracy researcher and journalist, I get how disgusting this attack
on an individual speaking truth to power is!

Assange’s Arrest Was an Act of Revenge by US Government

All I am saying is that these events operate on a multitude of levels and need to be peeled back like an
onion to get the full picture of what is involved.  Please keep in mind Assange’s troubled childhood,
criminal activity as a hacker, as well as his likely intelligence connections to obtain a full perspective
including his potential role as an informant/Deep State operative.

And while the world has its attention on him, we get distracted from very serious events like Trump vetoing
the War Powers Resolution for the US to stop supporting the Saudi war in Yemen.  Meanwhile, we are selling
them nuclear technology, still kissing up to Mohammad bin Salman and doing everything we can to provoke
Iran into a new Middle East war.

As the video above shows, there are many heavy-hitters connected to Assange whom the public is ignorant
of while the MSM portray him as a mixture of hero for outing the Empire as well as a bad guy for threatening
national security.

Now with the Musk link to him, however tenuous, my suspicions have increased.  These folks in the VERY
Deep State play at a higher level of intensity that goes way beyond hard ball.  If you think it’s a coincidence
rather than being a big dot that connects lots of top players including John Podesta, then we disagree!

For those claiming I am too distrustful, I say perhaps.  But McCarthy and Cohn connected to above top-secret
black projects and Nixon having a UFO time capsule: who knew about any of that?  With Mueller tied to the
MIC through Gibson Island and his family’s Uranium business as well as Comey helping him suppress cloaking
technology, RussiaGate takes on a different complexion for me than what the official narrative wants us to believe.

Please watch the entire video and reflect on what I am admittedly speculating about.  And be sure to watch it
all the way to the end (about 20 minutes) where you get to see the final link that may be foreshadowing the
person poised to be the Disclosure President after the 2020 election.   Enjoy!


Rich Scheck

Cloverdale, CA

April 17, 2029

Terrifying UFO Encounter That Led to $20 Million Lawsuit Remains a Mystery

by Robbie Graham                   April 5, 2019                      (

• On the evening of December 29, 1980, Betty Cash (52) and her friend Vickie Landrum (57), along with Vickie’s grandson, Colby Landrum (6), went out for a drive on two lane road on the outskirts of the little town of Huffman, near Houston, Texas. As they rounded a bend, they saw a huge, blindingly bright, unidentified flying object hovering over the road, intermittently emitting flames downward. Afraid, they stopped the car. Betty stepped out of the car in attempt to get a better look at the object. Soon, the object lifted up and slowly flew away. Then they saw what they assumed were military helicopters trying to surround the object to either to pursue it, or perhaps escort it. Afterward, they all went home. This has become known as the ‘Cash-Landrum Incident’.

• After she dropped Vickie and Colby off, Betty went home and went to bed with a terrible headache. This was the beginning of a lengthy illness that resulted in her hospitalization. Vickie and Colby also reported flu-like symptoms, milder than Betty’s problems. Betty’s hair loss and flu-like symptoms caused the physicians to check her for radiation exposure, but the results were negative. The cause of her health problems was not determined.

• Due to Betty’s lingering health problems, she suspected that her encounter with the strange object on the night of December 29th may have been the cause. Betty reported the incident to the National UFO Reporting Center. This led to news coverage and a civilian investigation.

• In 1981, Betty wrote to Texas senators who advised her to file a complaint at Bergstrom Air Force Base near Austin, Texas. Military investigators interviewed the witnesses, but concluded that it was ‘improbable’ that the event occurred. US Congressional Representative Ron Wyden asked for an investigation into whether US aircraft had been involved in the incident. The Department of the Army investigated, yet found no indication to support the ladies’ claims that any military helicopters had been involved.

• The ladies hired attorney Peter Gersten to file a $20M lawsuit against the government. Gersten stated that the chances of winning were “slim and none,” but he wanted to use the suit as a means of forcing the government to disclose UFO documents. The judge dismissed the case on August 21, 1986 for lack of evidence. The complainants had failed to prove that US aircraft were involved in the incident or that it was responsible for causing the alleged injuries.

• Next, the media got hold of it. ABC’s Good Morning America gave it national exposure as a UFO story. The press presented a simplified narrative of the incident, and before long, the witnesses were telling a homogenized version based on what they’d read about their own story. It also attracted other less-credible witnesses to seeing the UFO/helicopters that night. The Aerial Research Phenomena Organization (APRO) decided to investigate the incident, only to have one of its own employees sell the story to a tabloid. Others such as the deputy director of the Mutual UFO Network John F. Schuessler, William Moore and Richard Doty used the Cash-Landrum story to promote their own agendas.

• A leading expert on UFO mysteries, legends, and hoaxes, Curt Collins, took on the Cash-Landrum case. But the more he researched, the more he discovered that the real events had been obscured by misinformation and rumors to the point that the real story began to vanish. But after learning more about the requirements for equipment and personnel, the military helicopters aspect of the story was implausible.

• Then Vickie Landrum was quoted as trying to comfort her grandson, Colby, by telling him that the UFO was “Jesus”, and “He will not hurt us”. Religious zealots have clung to the UFO phenomenon since ‘extraterrestrials’ first came into the public limelight in 1947. Since then, god-like aliens have become a fundamental UFO belief in some circles. Collins warns that we should not waste time hoping that “parents” from space will come down and solve our problems.

• Collins concedes that we may never know exactly what happened on that Texas roadway the night of Dec. 29, 1980. More information has surfaced over the years from government documents to researchers’ archived files and correspondence, and there’s probably more to come. “It’s a fascinating UFO puzzle.”


One of the world’s leading experts on the Cash-Landrum case is Curt Collins, the author behind Blue Blurry Lines, a website focused on UFO mysteries, legends, and hoaxes. In 2015, Curt was on the investigative team that exposed the BeWitness “alien” photo fiasco, the Roswell Slides Research Group; his detailed accounting of this exposé was featured in my 2017 book UFOs: Reframing the Debate. More recently, Curt launched The Saucers That Time Forgot with Claude Falkstrom, focused on unearthing “tales that UFO history has overlooked or would rather forget.” Curt has spent many years retrospectively investigating the Cash-Landrum incident. Here, Curt separates the fact from the fiction as he talks to me about this fascinating yet hugely problematic case.

     Vickie Landrum (left) and Betty Cash

RG: Summarise the Cash-Landrum incident for us.

According to the story that surfaced, Betty Cash (52) and her friend Vickie Landrum (57) were out for a drive on the evening of December 29, 1980. Along with them was Vickie’s grandson, Colby Landrum, just shy of seven years old. The location was near Houston, Texas, on a two-lane country road in a sparsely populated area on the outskirts of the little town of Huffman. They rounded a bend and found a huge, blindingly bright, unidentified flying object hovering over the road. It intermittently emitted flames downward, and the witnesses were afraid and stopped. Betty stepped out of the car in attempt to get a better look at the object, but the other two quickly returned to the car. Shortly afterwards, the object lifted up and slowly flew away. The witnesses saw helicopters following it, and they had the impression they were military helicopters trying to surround the object, either to pursue it, or perhaps escort it. Once the aircraft had passed, they continued their drive home. Betty dropped Vickie and Colby off, and went home, where she went to bed with a terrible headache, which was the beginning of a lengthy illness that resulted in her hospitalization. Vickie and Colby also had flu-like symptoms and reported similar, but milder problems than Betty’s. None of them initially connected their illness with the UFO sighting, but, due to Betty’s lingering problems, came to suspect it may have been the cause.

RG: You’ve spent many years of your life researching the Cash-Landrum incident; what is it about this case in particular that you find so compelling? Why is it so significant?

CC: I was interested in the whole of UFO history, but drawn to focus the C-L story due to its reputation for being one of the best-documented and credible cases. The reported involvement of the military made me think that there must be further evidence to be uncovered, from declassified documents or perhaps from new witnesses such as retired helicopter pilots. However, as I dug in, I learned that the real events have been obscured by misinformation and rumors to the point that the real story has begun to vanish. A great stroke of luck was finding Christian Lambright who had independently interviewed Vickie Landrum twice in 1985, uncovering important differences in the witnesses account from the way ufologists were packaging the UFO story. This fueled my desire to dig beneath the mythology to find exactly what could be documented about the case.

RG: Did the US government ever provide an official explanation for the incident?

CC: No. There has never been any tangible proof that there actually was an incident.



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Preparing for Disclosure & Solar Flash Events – Corey Goode at Cosmic Waves

What follows are the key elements in Corey Goode’s two presentations at the Cosmic Waves seminar in Kealakekua, Hawaii on April 9 and 11. Goode made important predictions about how the disclosure process is going to play out, how to prepare for an imminent solar flash (aka micronova) event that would be in the range of an X-100 solar flare, and our entering an End Times era. It is helpful to make a record of such predictions in order to validate other aspects of Goode’s pioneering secret space program (SSP) testimony, which has had an impact far beyond the UFO and exopolitics communities.

While many of the points Goode made have been stated before, there was new information that casts light on recent events, especially in his April 11 presentation. The first presentation was intended as a summary of Goode’s testimony and experiences. I will endeavor to cover the basic points Goode covered for those new to his SSP testimony, and offer a brief commentary on new information.

Immediately prior to Goode’s April presentation, Elizabeth Wilcock (wife of researcher David Wilcock), made some surprising corroborations of Goode’s prior information on an inner Earth civilization called the Anshar. Using a shamanic communication method, she was able to meet and independently confirm the name of the sister of the Anshar Priestess Ka Aree that Goode has previously described as his chief liaison with the Anshar, and who had shown him possible timelines about Earth’s future.

Ka’ Aree, the Anshar High Priestess Goode has closely worked with since 2015. Source: SBA

She pointed out that the Anshar Priestess was working with her to reintroduce the ideas of the “sacred warrior” and the “sacred feminine” into the mass consciousness, and that she teaches classes on how to achieve this.

Wilcock also had a shamanic encounter with a group of Olmecs who had previously inhabited areas of South America, and mysteriously left, like the Mayans, centuries ago. She pointed out that the shamanic encounter happened the same day that Goode had his own experience with Mica, who has described himself as a descendant of the Olmecs who returned to their homeworld to eventually liberate it from Draconian Reptilian control.

Previously, Goode has described other worlds controlled by Draconians, which go through a similar planetary liberation process where an individual plays a role similar to Enoch described in historic biblical texts, in mediating between conflicting sides in a planetary wide conflict involving extraterrestrials (aka Angels).

Goode began his presentation by acknowledging the complementary nature of his and Wilcock’s information about the importance of re-balancing the divine feminine as an essential part of the ascension process.

He pointed out that the blue spheres that he had initially interacted with and transported him to different off-planet locations, were not technologies but were actually higher density beings, that can morph into different shapes for any purpose.

Goode being transported by a blue sphere. Credit: SBA

Goode described the beginning of his SSP service to when he was identified at the age of 6 as having the requisite genetic traits, and was enrolled in a special needs children program at his elementary school. He was subsequently exposed to an extensive training routine for children marked for SSP service over the next decade. At 16 years of age, during the Xmas school break, he was formally taken into the SSP service and had to sign draft papers even though it was illegal for minors to join a military service.

Goode then switched to recent events and talked about the ambush and assassination at Lunar Operations Command (LOC) of Sigmund, who was his former military abductor from an SSP run by the USAF/DIA/NRO/NSA, who eventually joined the SSP alliance that Goode has been working with since early 2015. Sigmund had confirmed the veracity of Goode’s testimony and realized that the USAF SSP had been deceived by the Deep State about the existence of other SSPs and their more advanced technologies.

Goode described how an electromagnetic bomb that would discharge a brief burst of deadly radiation, was placed in the ceiling of a room, and detonated when Sigmund and other meeting participants were killed without any structural damage to the LOC.

Goode went on to mention that some high-level Earth Alliance sources, comprising senior officials, whom he was working with, had been introduced to David Wilcock, Jordan Sather and myself. I can confirm that I have met a senior military intelligence official from a NATO country whom Goode introduced me to, and upon whom I conducted due diligence.

I was able to confirm his rank as a general, but have been asked not to reveal more about his identity. What I can confirm is that the general was convinced about the reality of Goode’s SSP information and was actively helping him gather intelligence information that would support his mission.

Goode pointed out that the people who handed him two Defense Intelligence Reference Documents were able to print off the documents directly from the Defense Intelligence Agency database. This was a significant admission since it showed his contact still retains security clearances and access to highly classified government documents.

The fact that Goode was the first to publicly release these documents is highly significant since it helps verify his status as a genuine insider who is being helped in his SSP disclosure efforts by DIA personnel.

Goode pointed out that QAnon is an intelligence operation backed by the Earth Alliance (an assortment of White Hats from the world’s militaries). This suggests that at some point in the future, QAnon will elaborate upon previous posts referring to secret space programs and extraterrestrial life.

Goode described similarities between his contact experiences and those described by Enoch – the pre-Flood patriarch. He pointed out that this kind of catastrophic event is something that happens at the end of every cycle. These cycles are described in the Law of One book series where a planet’s population has an opportunity to ascend after a 25,000 year period.

In my recent book, Antarctica’s Hidden History, I explain some of the similarities between Goode and Enoch, and how these point to extraterrestrial civilization choosing to work with an individual during an End Times scenario as a witness and truth-teller of planetary events.

He emphasized that full disclosure of SSPs and extraterrestrial life can’t be averted due to the disclosures that have happened so far with Goode’s and other people’s testimony. There are simply too many people who would ask questions about bases on Mars, extraterrestrial life, galactic slave trade, a Navy SSP, etc., for a limited disclosure scenario to work as it was originally envisaged by the Deep State.

Goode asserted that even though he attempts to be as faithful to accuracy as possible when reporting about events and his contact experiences, his info is influenced by his personal perceptions and distortions. This echoes what the Law of One material says about the information transmitted by RA.

He affirmed that Earth is a mixing point for a great variety of 3rd density souls who travel here for multiple purposes and missions. Incarnation on Earth is an accelerated opportunity for individual souls to ascend with the help of a planet, Earth, undergoing its own ascension process.

Goode described the former super-Earth “Maldek”, whose remnants today make up the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. He pointed out that a major part of Maldek’s destruction was solar activity associated with a solar flash/micronova.

A significant number of Maldekians fled to our Moon (which was a satellite of Maldek up to its destruction) which subsequently traveled here as a refugee ship. Goode pointed out, however, that the bulk of the Maldekian population died, and transferred to Earth through death and the reincarnation process

Goode emphasized that Earth has historically been a refugee planet for the inhabitants of former civilizations on Maldek and Mars who had to escape planet-wide catastrophes. He also affirmed that Earth has been a refugee planet for different extraterrestrial races over its history. The Olmec and the Mayans are examples of extraterrestrial civilizations that escaped to Earth to escape destruction or tyranny on their homeworlds, and eventually returned.

Illustration of Mayan SSP representatives. Credit: SBA

He said that the Mayans spent thousands of years on Earth before returning to their home. All the Mayan pure-bloods returned back to their homeworld, and left behind those who were mixed-blood. This group is currently the native Mayan populations found in Central America.

Goode’s information parallels the traditions of many indigenous peoples, including the native Hawaiians, who believe that they are descended from travelers from star systems such as the Pleiades, who visited, started a civilization, and then mysteriously left.

Goode pointed out that there are approximately 60 human-like extraterrestrial groups that make up the Confederation of Planets, which has been directly interacting with humanity. The vast majority of these are multicultural in appearance, and only a minority are white.

He met representatives of these different extraterrestrial groups when he served as an intuitive empath for SSP factions at Confederation meetings.

He discussed the 22 genetic programs that have been run by the 60 human-like extraterrestrial groups. These have been run for approximately 500,000 years. Goode asserted that these are competing programs and that the extraterrestrials will sabotage rival programs by creating viruses, war, or other means to decimate a rival’s genetic program. The Confederation of Planets is a representative body that historically regulated the behaviors of the different extraterrestrial groups in conducting their programs.

He emphasized that the genetic experiments were heavily compartmentalized by the social conditioning of the human population to stay apart from one another.  Factors such as religious/spiritual belief systems, cultural practices, genetics, etc., were all used to maintain separation between the ethnic groups found around the planet.

Goode elaborated on an earlier disclosure he had made that the Confederation of Planets comprising the 60 extraterrestrial races running the genetic experiments has been disbanded. After the next solar flash event, humanity will take on full responsibility for its own evolution. This suggested that despite widespread destruction, enough of humanity and its infrastructure would survive for us to take our place as a full member of the galactic community.

Goode gave an outline of how the “partial disclosure” process will play out beginning with Space Force. The ultimate goal of Space Force is to roll out the existence of flying triangles, flying rectangles and stealth space stations that were covertly built and deployed by the MIC SSP. Some of these crafts have been photographed by one of my sources, JP, who has been encouraged to reveal these by USAF personnel.

Space Force will allow the USAF to aggregate military technologies deployed in space under the one authority. Nevertheless, this will be a partial disclosure according to Goode since the Navy’s Solar Warden program would not be included.

He affirmed that ruins of a civilization in Antarctica will be announced as part of the disclosure process. Eventually, these ruins will be connected to extraterrestrials who arrived on motherships that Goode has previously referred to as the Pre-Adamites.

He pointed out that the 13 ruling bloodlines will make an effort to identify themselves as the genetic descendants of the extraterrestrial groups found in Antarctica. He believed that this connection is largely fictional and that the elites have been lied to about their genetic ancestry. Nevertheless, the global elite has accepted such lies since it sets them apart from the general population, and helps them justify their political and economic dominance.

In addition, Goode said that the ruins of an ancient civilization buried underwater between Australia and Antarctica, and also between South America and Antarctica will be disclosed. These civilizations were formally located on islands, that were submerged by the last great flood, approximately 9600 BCE.

Goode said that he saw some of the sonar images of the civilization found between South America and Antarctica. Advanced sonar on submarines was used to provide highly detailed images of the ruins that have been extensively examined by scientists.

He said that a new whistleblower is being groomed for disclosures about ancient civilizations found in Grand Canyon. Goode described underground cities, and extraterrestrial artifacts that will substantiate Hopi and Zuni folklore. The whistleblower will discuss the discovery of extraterrestrial bodies that match what the Hopi/Zuni said about the Ant people.

Goode summarized some of his previous disclosures about ruins found on Mars, which included pyramids. He affirmed the current existence of plant and animal life on Mars. Most importantly, he pointed out that SSP scientists had found remnants of a solar flash event on Mars.

During Q & A, he elaborated on how SSP scientists learned about legends of a micronova destroying much of solar system on a cyclic basis. The SSP sent missions to confirm this and found it on Mars and the Moon.

In order to prepare humanity for the shocking news that our sun has periodically generated enormous solar flash (micronova) events that have wiped out civilizations on different planets, it was arranged for NASA to send lunar missions to find “black glass”. This was the residue of an enormous plasma discharge that heavily impacted the Moon and Mars during an earlier solar flash event.

Indeed, scientific papers have appeared confirming that black glass found on the Moon was the residue of an enormous coronal mass ejection from the sun. Article link

Importantly, Goode stated that our collective consciousness can mitigate how the solar flash plays out. He emphasized that we have the power to influence reality around us by our thoughts. Therefore, our mass consciousness can influence the sun while it goes through the solar flash event that will happen in a relatively short period of time.

In a subsequent personal discussion, he stated that the window for this happening is approximately 13 years, and it would occur during a solar minimum when the Sun’s heliosphere was weak enough for a solar flash to be triggered by incoming cosmic waves. The current solar cycle 24 is about to enter a solar minimum predicted to start around 2019/2020, and this window would end with the next solar minimum (starting solar cycle 26) around 2031/2032.

Graphs showing relationship between sunspot cycles and cosmic rays

He said that after the solar flash there will be a major consciousness event on the planet. A wall of electromagnetic plasma energy from the Sun will trigger ascension, which is the expansion of consciousness according to Goode.

This will make it much easy for humanity to resolve age-old problems. This will be literally the start of the long-predicted thousand years of peace on Earth. He stated that this process happens on every planet going through an ascension event.

Goode asserted that all technology will be destroyed by the solar flash in the timeline the Anshar showed him during a visit. In this timeline, the extraterrestrials show up en masse to help humanity. Many of those that die in the cataclysms caused by the solar flash will be recycled to other planets.

He emphasized the importance of making preparations for the solar flash event, both physical and spiritual. Goode endorsed “prepper” recommendations to live in high mountainous areas, away from low lying ocean areas, and to have enough food and water to survive a collapse of the electrical grid. He concluded that the spiritual preparations were the most important and that this would directly impact how the solar flash event itself would play out.

Lecture 2 – April 11, 2019

Goode’s second presentation at the Cosmic Waves seminar focused on information he has received about End Times prophesy, and what he was shown by a variety of extraterrestrials and secret space programs about possible cataclysmic events associated with the end of various historic cycles associated with the Earth and Sun.

Goode began by first acknowledging David Wilcock and myself for supporting his secret space program disclosures despite pressure from peers and groups opposed to his ground breaking testimony. Wilcock in particular has been subjected much harassment and financial pressure to disassociate himself with Goode, but has refused all financial incentives to do so. In my own case, I have received much peer pressure to abandon Goode’s testimony and to accept a more limited SSP disclosure narrative by those advocating a science-based UFOlogy that excludes whistleblower testimony.

Goode then launched into the main theme of his presentation concerning end times prophecy. He began by pointing out that his grandfather was a Nazarene Minister who elaborated upon the End Times, and many revelations that would occur during this period. Goode defined “apocalypse” a great revealing, which we can understand in modern terms as full disclosure.

He pointed out that during a solar flash event that devastates a planetary civilization, it is allowed under cosmic law for extraterrestrials to openly reveal themselves and interact with the population.

Goode referred to end times prophecy in Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim and Christian prophetic traditions that point to a massive solar event occurring during the end times. In addition, he referred to Hopi prophecy about the Blue Star (Kachina) that will herald a major cataclysmic event associated with the sun.

NASA was created to research a massive solar event, according to Goode. Continuity of species was the carrot used to bring nations together in a joint scientific effort to study a possible solar flash/micronova event that could wipe out much of a planet’s population and infrastructure.

Scientists are now talking about the solar minimum – when sunspot activity is minimal thereby creating a weak solar wind and heliosphere shielding our solar system from cosmic rays – as the most likely time for a massive solar event. We are currently at the end of solar cycle 24, and waiting for the start of solar cycle 25

Scientists are desperately trying to predict when the solar minimum begins and ends in order to better understand the window when a micronova is most likely going to happen.

Goode referred to a geophysical pole shift having been recently detected on Mars.

All major nations with indigenous space industries have pledged to commit a percentage of their GDPs to the multinational secret space program that Goode has previously described as the “Global Galactic League of Nations”. The movie 2012 was a soft disclosure initiative since it showed the multinational attempt to preserve the species by building massive arks, and how this was kept a secret from humanity.

Trillions of dollars go every year into funding the multinational SSP to build similar massive ships, according to Goode.

He explained that in other star systems there have been solar flash events that have impacted their planetary systems. Goode said that the giant electromagnetic filaments (aka Birkeland currents) that connect different stars in our Cosmic Web create a feedback loop, which is triggering other stars, including our sun, to experience solar flash events.

The Electric Universe model is one that different SSPs have adopted as most accurate, and that concepts such as “dark matter” and “dark energy”, used to explain shortfalls within the Standard Model’s understanding of the mass of the universe, will be shortly disproved.

SSP scientists understand that there is an energetic relationship between each star through giant electromagnetic filaments. The SSP’s uses this energetic relationship to travel throughout the galaxy.

Goode asserted that the cosmic web comprising giant electromagnetic filaments between stars, has an important connection with human consciousness. Consciousness is linked in ways that are very similar to these electromagnetic filaments.

He stated that we are being acclimated to the electric universe model to prepare humanity for new technologies that will be shortly introduced and future SSP disclosures.

He predicted that cosmic rays will increasingly hit the Earth and cause major earthquakes. Super volcanoes such as Yellowstone are likely to be triggered by the cosmic waves that are pouring into our planet due to the current solar minimum and the weakening of the Earth’s magnetosphere.

Goode cited the Adam and Eve document that was discussed in Ben Davidson’s Earth Catastrophe Cycle Series. Scientists state every 200,000 to 300,000 years, the Earth’s physical poles flip. The poles attempted to flip 40,000 years ago but this was unsuccessful.

He said there was a pole shift about 11,000 years ago. This corresponds to the catastrophic end of Atlantis around 9600 BC.

The Pre-Adamite civilization that Goode previously described as having landed in Antarctica around 55,000 years ago,  and which subsequently established a highly advanced technological civilization with colonies all over the planet (Atlantis), experienced cataclysmic events prior to the one that destroyed Atlantis. He affirmed that we are overdue for this to happen again.

He cited a 1986 scientific paper published by the Royal Astronomical Society, authored by Professor James Deardorff with the title “Possible Extraterrestrial Strategy for Earth”, as accurately illustrating how extraterrestrials have chosen to work with individual contactees as the optimal way to influence our planet’s evolution.

The Galactic Super Wave theory, Goode explained, was first published by Paul LaViolette in 1983. Different SSP factions began looking at evidence of this in 1987, and sent expeditions to study the wall of energy approaching our solar system.

Goode described how people on the science missions were affected by the incoming cosmic waves. People that were temperamentally relaxed became even more mellow and genial, while those temperamentally more tense would become aggressive and violent. This led to the idea of “End Times madness”, which is only going to increase according to Goode, as predicted in different religious and indigenous traditions.

The different SSP’s know that our star system is entering into this region of the galaxy. He pointed out that there is a feedback between our sun, cosmic waves and other star systems linked through the cosmic web.

Goode affirmed that giant Blue Spheres have been actively assisting in buffering the energy from these cosmic waves until very recently. They first appeared in the 1930s, and were buffering the solar energies at the time, which could have otherwise led to solar events that humanity would have been unprepared for. He believes that humanity would have self-destructed if the blue spheres had not buffered these solar and cosmic energies.

The Mandela Effect, according to Goode, indicates that multiple times lines are converging in our present era. These different timelines were created by elites wanting to change the course of human history, but they are doomed to fail as time is elastic, he explained.

Goode described what he was shown by the Anshar about an asteroid, or possible coronal mass ejection, hitting the earth’s atmosphere just prior to a polar shift, tsunamis, extreme winds, and global wild fires. Impact happens over the Pacific Ocean creating medium sized tsunami, which is a marker for what’s to come. He then witnessed stars coming out of the sky, which were in fact extraterrestrial spacecraft arriving to help the surface population.

Extraterrestrials have been compelling the different SSPs to share their advanced technology with the rest of humanity to maximize the numbers that could survive the upcoming solar flash event. This helps explain why the USAF SSP has been increasingly allowing its antigravity craft to be photographed by private individuals.

Goode then spent time on how humanity can prepare themselves for the solar flash and end times events. He said that we need to detox our bodies of metals so that we don’t react to increasing solar plasma pouring into our planet. Spontaneous combustion is very possible during a Solar flash due to the accumulation of different metals in our bodies.

He recommended vegetables such as celery, cilantro, kale, etc. for detoxing our bodies. A vegetarian diet is also very helpful for detoxing and a more general cleansing.

In addition, we need to clear our karma and traumas through forgiveness and much inner work. This is especially important for negative emotions which store in our bodies as mass that will react to heightened solar and cosmic radiation. He emphasized that the incoming cosmic energies will cause us to judge ourselves so it’s good to start practicing forgiveness.

He discussed some additional ways we to become physically and mentally prepared for these solar events: stay out of fear; join mass meditations; and build off-grid communities. He mentioned high altitude mountainous regions such as Boulder, Colorado and the Ozark Mountain as good locations for surviving Earth changes.

During the Q & A, Goode described how the Zulu-looking dwellers of a planet that practiced shamanism who were never conquered by the Draconians, were able to consciously collapse their physical bodies and utilize micro-wormholes in their bodies to travel anywhere. This was an example of individuals learning how to use their physical bodies as stargates, something which I discussed in detail during my first presentation.

After the solar flash event, those that have sufficiently raised their consciousness and developed their abilities will be able to similarly used their physical bodies as stargates.

In response to a question about QAnon, Goode said that he is receiving the same briefings that are going through the QAnon channel, and also being briefed about the Q Anon codes. As mentioned above, Goode is being advised by a group of military intelligence officials, one of whom is a general from a NATO country I met in 2017.

QAnon is directly tied to President Trump, and the three generals that persuaded him to run for the Presidency. While the generals are retired, they still have strong ties with the military intelligence community. Goode said he has been involved with people directly tied to QAnon for a long time.

On the recent arrest of Julian Assange and his likely extradition to the USA, Goode said Assange is going to have a hard time with dark actors inside the British justice system, before ending up in the US where he can trade his intelligence for a deal. It has long been rumored that Assange was given data from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) servers from Seth Rich, a former DNC employee, who was murdered. If true, it is very possible that Assange can leverage such information for a deal with U.S. prosecutors.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Update 4/18/2019: In an earlier version I incorrectly wrote that Corey Goode was given a vision of a meteor crashing into the Atlantic Ocean near Europe/Africa rather than over the Pacific Ocean. Thanks to Har Har Singh for pointing out the error.]

Further Reading

Former Polish Leader Lech Walesa Believes in UFOs and Warns of an ET Invasion

by Paul Seaburn              March 29, 2019                   (

• Lech Walesa, the founder of Poland’s Worker’s Solidarity Movement in the 1980’s and President of Poland from 1990 to 1995 gave a speech recently to a civic club in Krosno, Poland. Not there to talk about UFOs, Walesa wandered off the script about his belief in UFOs and aliens. Said Walesa, “There are three levels of intellectual development on other galaxies. We are the lowest. And the higher civilization comes as a UFO and others, and looks at what they are doing here.” Walesa is saying that the highest level of extraterrestrial civilizations are visiting the Earth in UFOs. The middle level extraterrestrial is passively watching the Earth. And we humans are at the lowest level of civilization, allowing it all to happen to us.

• The passive watchers, however, will move in if they feel the need. Walesa warns that destabilizing actions by current politicians such as French president Emmanuel Macron and Russian president Vladimir Putin could trigger an intervention by a higher civilization of watchers before the Earth collapses. Walesa believes their interference would not be benevolent and the consequences would be long-lasting. “They will send Adam and Eve and we will build the world again,” said Walesa.

• While there’s no indication that Walesa himself has had a UFO or alien encounter, does he know something we don’t?

• The most famous UFO/ET encounter in Poland is the so-called Emilcin Incident. In 1978, a farmer from the eastern town of Emilcin, Poland met olive-skinned aliens who took him onboard their ship. Polish UFO researcher and author Piotr Cielebiaś says there were plenty of reports of alien encounters by military pilots until Poland joined NATO in 1999.


When a current or former world leader professes a belief in UFOs, the public ponders about their sanity and about what they might really know concerning the cause of unidentified flying objects. When that world leader also warns about potentially catastrophic extraterrestrial invasions, ears and antennas both go up. That was the case last week in Poland, when former Polish president and head of the Solidarity movement Lech Walesa pontificated on UFOs, aliens and their role in the potential demise of Earth as we know it.

“There are three levels of intellectual development on other galaxies. We are the lowest. And the higher civilization comes as a UFO and others, and looks at what they are doing here. If we threaten to destabilize here with Macron, Putin there, they will interrupt us, cut us in half, the Earth will collapse, everyone will crush.”

Multiple Polish media sources reported on a speech Walesa made to a civic club in Krosno, an ancient city in southwestern Poland. While not there to talk about UFOs, Lech wandered off the script (as world leaders seem to do a lot these days) and worked UFOs and “higher civilizations” into the conversation. While he doesn’t seem to have spoken publicly about his belief in UFOs and aliens, his comments suggest he’s of the opinion that they’re the type that’s observing us without interference (the ‘zoo’ theory) but will move in if they feel the need. Then he warns that actions by current politicians (French president Emmanuel Macron and Russian president Vladimir Putin) could trigger just such a decision by a higher civilization of watchers. Walesa believes their interference would not be benevolent and the consequences would be long-lasting.



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Harvard Astronomer Stands By His Alien Theory

by Dugan Arnett                     April 3, 2019                     (

• ‘Oumuamua’, a mysterious celestial object that hurtled close to the Earth in 2017, is the first known object to come here from outside the solar system. Rob Weryk, the person who initially spotted Oumuamua at the University of Hawaii, says that there isn’t “any reason to believe that it’s anything but a natural object.”

• But Professor Abraham ‘Avi’ Loeb (pictured above) of Harvard’s Center for Astrophysics noted that the object did not behave like a typical comet or asteroid. If it were a comet, Loeb said, its excess acceleration would have likely been apparent in the form of a tail of dust or gas. Also, its elongated shape is unlike any asteroid or comet observed before. Loeb said he is simply using the available data to draw an evidence-based conclusion. “Let’s put all the possibilities on the table,” Loeb said. Perhaps, Loeb reasoned, the object had been an artificial object sent from an extraterrestrial civilization. “If someone would show me clear evidence that it’s natural in origin, then I would admit it and move on,” he said.

• Loeb’s speculation has drawn the ire of the scientific community. Astrophysicists from across the country have spoken out against Loeb’s theory, painting him as a sensationalist and worse. Some think that Loeb’s assertions will damage the field’s long-term credibility. “[P]eople think that astronomers are just hunting for aliens,” said Paul M. Sutter, astrophysicist at Ohio State University. “The next time we go out to Congress or the public asking for money, there’s going to be a lot of people shaking their heads saying, ‘Oh, you guys are just nutballs.’”

• But Loeb has refused to back down, digging in his heels against what he considers unjust appraisal. His work, he insists, is not the result of some half-baked sci-fi fantasy. The researchers whose opinions Loeb does value have offered support for the idea — even if they’ve been wary of putting their names to it publicly. Loeb argues that scientific study has become far too conservative — avoiding controversial or unpopular examinations in favor of safer subjects that might earn a scientist an award or induction into a prestigious society, but are not necessarily conducive to substantial scientific advances.

• Irwin Shapiro, the former longtime director of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, called Loeb “brilliant.” Stephen Hawking once dined at his home. In 2012, Loeb was named one of the 25 most influential people in space by Time Magazine.

• Loeb was raised in an Israeli farming village. He passed his days reading philosophy books and writing notes to himself. He didn’t move into the field of astrophysics until the age of 26. “The reason I’m different from my colleagues,” he said, “is because I was different from the beginning.”

• In spite of the backlash, Loeb has been happy to field calls from media outlets across the world, and is close to signing a deal for a book on ‘Oumauamua’. Seven different filmmakers have reached to him out about the possibility of doing a film.


Like a lot of people, Avi Loeb, the chairman of Harvard University’s renowned astronomy department, does his best thinking in the shower.

It’s where he has hatched ideas for papers on black holes and the future of the universe, and where, last year, he spent some time pondering a notion that would eventually make him — in some circles, at least — the subject of considerable ridicule.

artist’s rendering of ‘Oumuamua’

He’d been thinking about the phenomenon of ‘Oumuamua, a mysterious object that hurtled close to the Earth in 2017. It had become an instant sensation in the scientific community, the first known object from outside the solar system, and astronomers and astrophysicists had jumped to analyze and explain the anomalous object. Theories were developed. Papers were published.

Loeb had a theory, too, and late last year, he detailed it, along with co-author and postdoctoral researcher Shmuel Bialy, in an article for The Astrophysical Journal Letters. Perhaps, he reasoned, the structure had been an artificial object sent from an extraterrestrial civilization.

Almost immediately, the piece ignited the kind of firestorm rarely, if ever, seen in the buttoned-down world of modern-day astronomy.

In the months since the paper’s publication, astrophysicists from across the country have spoken out against Loeb’s theory, painting him as a sensationalist and worse. The researcher who first discovered ‘Oumuamua — Hawaiian for “messenger from afar arriving first” — via telescope has called Loeb’s suggestions “wild speculation.” Another compared Loeb’s logic to that of flat-earthers.

But even as criticism has continued to pour in, Loeb — who is short and slight and wears a near-constant half-smile — has refused to back down, digging in his heels against what he considers unjust appraisal.

He has brushed off much of the negative feedback as the jealous or prejudiced grumblings of scientists he doesn’t respect, adding that the researchers whose opinions he does value have offered support for the idea — even if they’ve been wary of putting their names to it publicly.



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UFOs Are Time Machines From the Future, Professor Claims

by Chris Ciaccia                    April 2, 2019                        (

• Dr. Michael Masters, a biological anthropologist at Montana Tech says that UFOs are time machines from the future. “The (UFO) phenomenon may be our own distant descendants coming back through time to study us in their own evolutionary past,” Masters said.

• Masters bases his conclusion on the fact that the reported extraterrestrials are human-like: “The extra-tempestrial are ubiquitously reported as being bipedal, upright-walking, five fingers on each hand and foot, bi-lateral symmetry that they have two eyes, a mouth a nose, they can communicate with us in our own languages.”

• Masters discusses the topic in his new book, “Identified Flying Objects,” which he says is written just as much for his “academic peers as much as it is for anyone in the UFO community.” Masters hopes that the topic of extraterrestrial life and UFOs can “get past some of the stigma….”.

• There has been a renewed interest in extraterrestrial life, due in part to revelations over the past few years that the U.S. government had funded a secret project at the Pentagon at the request of former Senator Harry Reid.

• In late 2017, the New York Times reported of the existence of the Pentagon’s ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ with a $22 million annual budget. The Times said that “most of the money” went to Reid’s friend, Bob Bigelow’s research company, Bigelow Aerospace. Bigelow says that he is “absolutely convinced” aliens exist and UFOs have visited Earth. The Times reports that the Defense Department still investigates potential episodes of unidentified flying objects.

• Earlier this year, the Pentagon released newly declassified documents that revealed the Department of Defense funded projects that investigated UFOs, wormholes, alternate dimensions and a host of other ‘exotic technology’ subjects.


The fascination with UFOs and whether life exists outside of Earth has intrigued humanity for centuries. But one professor at Montana Tech believes the fascination may run deeper than that.

He believes UFOs are time machines from the future.

Dr. Michael Masters

Dr. Michael Masters, a biological anthropologist specializing in human evolutionary anatomy, archaeology, and biomedicine, suggests that people view UFOs largely the same way and uses his background to back up his controversial claim. “The phenomenon may be our own distant descendants coming back through time to study us in their own evolutionary past,” Masters said in an interview with Montana’s

He continued: “The extra-tempestrial are ubiquitously reported as being bipedal, upright-walking, five fingers on each hand and foot, bi-lateral symmetry that they have two eyes, a mouth a nose, they can communicate with us in our own languages.”

Masters discusses the topic in detail in his new book, “Identified Flying Objects,” which he says is written just as much for his “academic peers as much as it is for anyone in the UFO community.”

With the book, Masters hopes that the topic of extraterrestrial life and UFOs can “get past some of the stigma and not have to defend this as science because it is very scientific as well.”



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Could Nearby Asteroids Be Hideouts for Alien Spies?

by Eric Mack                   March 26, 2019                   (

• The vast majority of asteroids orbit the sun in a wide belt between Jupiter and Mars. Some wander farther into the inner solar system near Earth’s orbit. There’s a rarer type of object called a “quasi-satellite” that may spend centuries or longer making oddly shaped orbits around our planet. One example is asteroid 2016 HO3, also known as “Earth’s Constant Companion” (pictured above). These ‘co-orbital objects’ have only come to our attention in the past decade, for the most part. (watch 1:14 minute video on asteroid 2016 HO3 below)

• James Benford, a SETI enthusiast (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) has authored a paper that postulates that these “co-orbital objects [are] an attractive location for extraterrestrial intelligence to locate a probe to observe Earth while not being easily seen.” Benford refers to alien spies the sky as “lurkers.” We may not have noticed anything because any sort of ancient automated alien spy system could be dead or lie dormant for long periods of time.

• James Benford’s twin brother Gregory, an astrophysicist, also weighs in saying, “Lurkers from the far past may have done their duty and slowly failed … the ruins of Lurker installations, including mining for resources on nearby orbiting sites, may be visible, even though their animating intelligences are long gone.” “This means we should consider searches over decades-long time scales.”

• SETI focuses on looking beyond our solar system and essentially listening to distant stars for signs of life. James Benford argues that it’s much easier to prove or disprove some alien construction is in a near-Earth orbit. “We can observe them, ping them with radar, transmit messages to them, send robotic probes to them and visit them with human spacecraft missions,” writes Benford.

• Douglas Vakoch, formerly of the SETI Institute and currently president of METI (Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence), which is funded in part by NASA, says, “The notion of searching for lurkers by transmitting to likely locations in our solar system provides an intriguing possibility for finding common ground in Active SETI.” “Some of the same individuals who have been cautious about Active SETI transmissions to other stars are advocates of pinging nearby aliens — on the grounds that the extraterrestrials would already know we are here.”

• The idea that an extraterrestrial spy satellite might be hidden near our planet isn’t new. The late Stanford professor Ronald Bracewell proposed in a 1960 paper that advanced alien civilizations might place artificial intelligence near inhabited planets to monitor the progress of less advanced worlds and perhaps make contact at some point.

• “What have we to lose by checking out these objects?” Benford writes. “Nobody has really looked at these co-orbitals, other than orbital calculations and faint images. We know almost nothing about them.” Benford plans to submit his paper to the Astrophysical Journal.


Plans are in the works to send a tiny spacecraft to another star system in search of alien life. But what if another civilization has already launched a similar mission to observe Earth without our knowledge?

James Benford, who authored the definitive book on high-power microwaves and has written about the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, says in a draft paper that a “recently discovered group of nearby co-orbital objects is an attractive location for extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) to locate a probe to observe Earth while not being easily seen.”

              James Benford

In the paper, which has yet to be peer-reviewed, Benford refers to alien eyes in (or above) the sky as “lurkers.” He goes on to give several examples of co-orbital objects (all of which are probably asteroids) that could be worth checking for them.

Benford runs a company called Microwave Sciences that designs and consults on high-power microwave systems. He often collaborates on his SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence) work with his twin brother Gregory Benford, a noted science-fiction author, and his son Dominic Benford, a scientist at NASA.

While the vast majority of asteroids orbit the sun in a wide belt between Jupiter and Mars, some wander farther into the inner solar system near Earth’s orbit.

There’s an even rarer type of object called a “quasi-satellite” that may spend centuries or longer making often oddly shaped orbits around our planet. One example is asteroid 2016 HO3, also known as “Earth’s Constant Companion,” which is detailed in the below video from NASA.

The idea that an extraterrestrial spy satellite might be hidden near our planet isn’t new. The late Stanford electrical engineering professor Ronald Bracewell proposed in an oft-referenced 1960 paper that advanced alien civilizations might place artificial intelligence near inhabited planets to monitor the progress of less advanced worlds and perhaps make contact at some point.

Of course, we have observatories keeping watch on the thousands of known near-Earth objects and discovering new ones almost daily. A handful of asteroids has been visited by spacecraft, including NASA’s Osiris-Rex and Japan’s Hayabusa-2 that are currently orbiting space rocks. So far, such observations have yielded no evidence of anything alien or artificial.

But the co-orbital objects that Benford said deserve more attention are relatively new discoveries, having come to our attention in the past decade for the most part. And we may not have noticed anything because any sort of automated alien spy system placed long ago could be dead or lie dormant for long periods of time, making it difficult to detect.

1:14 minute NASA video on Asteroid 2016 Ho3 – Earth’s Constant Companion



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UFO, Ghost Ship or Submarine? Video of Giant Floating Object Stuns Netizens

April 3, 2019               (

• Video of a long black object hovering over Lake Erie was posted last Christmas. While some speculate that it could be a US Navy submarine, or even a whale floating on the lake, others point out that the object is hovering above the water, and you can see its reflection on the surface of the water. (see video of hovering object below)

• “This is clear evidence of a USO (Unidentified Submerged Object) in action”, one YouTube commenter posted. “There’s got to be a base down there…” another commented.


Footage, reportedly from around last Christmas, has emerged online showing an enigmatic blackish object hovering just above the vast Lake Erie, which stretches well beyond the Canadian province of Ontario’s borders, into three US states.

Casting a reflection on the water’s mirror-like surface, the object, which has an elongated shape, seems to be flying a short distance above the lake, with the sight causing some to speculate that it could be a US Navy submarine popping up on the horizon, or even a UFO.

“Some people are speculating that this could be a US Navy submarine surfacing, but it doesn’t look like that and seems like it’s hovering above the surface of the lake”, one commenter said in the voiceover, going on to assume that there might be a kind of underwater base in the lake’s depths. “This is clear evidence of a USO (Unidentified Submerged Object) in action”, the other replied.

Lou V44 suggested that the object is, surprisingly, indeed “off the water”.

Yet, there was also room for jokes, with one suggesting it is “his mother-in-law coming”.

Other hypotheses sound more classic, though:  “Maybe it’s a ghost ship… A lot of ships got lost in lake Erie”, another said, picking up on the mystery around the undetermined object, with some users ruling out the version of a submarine surfacing, citing the lake’s shallow waters.


video of large object hovering over lake Erie (relevant ‘thirdphaseofthemoon’ clip ends at 3:00)



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Artist Tells of Nebraska UFO Story in Comic Book

by Austin Koeller                  April 1, 2019                      (

• On the night of December 3, 1967, near Ashland, Nebraska (between Lincoln and Omaha), Nebraska State Patrolman Herbert Schirmer was headed west toward Lincoln. At the time, Schirmer was 22 years old and had been a patrolman for seven months. As he approached the junction of Highways 6 and 63, he saw what he initially thought was a tractor trailer. As he got closer, however, it turned out to be a UFO.

• The next thing Schirmer knew, he was back at the police barracks, and wrote in his duty log exactly what he had experienced. The next morning, the police chief saw Schirmer’s log and wondered what was going on. Schirmer responded that he wasn’t feeling well and thought he had experienced something beyond what he remembered. So Schirmer and the police chief went to a government-sanctioned Air Force committee of UFO specialists, called the Condon Committee. There, the specialists put Schirmer under hypnosis several times to recall a 20-minute time lapse that Schirmer could not make up for between 2:30 a.m. and 3 a.m. that morning. They made an audio recording of that hypnosis session, where Schirmer described being taken aboard the craft, shown how the craft operated, and was told why they were there.

• Fast-forward to present day when Los Angeles-based comic book author Michael Jasorka listened to Schirmer’s 1967 hypnosis session recording “hundreds of times”. Long having an interest in UFOs, Jasorka decided to turn it into a comic book based on a transcription of the recording.

• “I really had to listen to the way he (Schirmer) spoke and allow the time between another sentence or what he would say next, as my dictation to when I would draw the next panel. I had to really feel the time every time I was working on a new page to make sure that where panel would work to the flow,” explained Jasorka.

• On Monday, April 1st, Jasorka presented his comic book entitled, “December 3rd 1967: An Alien Encounter”, at Kinkaider Brewing Co in Grand Island, Nebraska, answering questions and doing a read-along of his comic book. (see 26:24 minute “read along” of Jasorka’s comic book below)


Kinkaider Brewing Co., 316 N. Pine St., welcomed Los Angeles comic book author Michael Jasorka to discuss his comic book, “December 3rd 1967: An Alien Encounter.” Using transcribed audio from a 1970s UFO conference, the comic book recounts the experiences of Nebraska State Patrolman Herbert Schirmer, who experienced a UFO on the night of Dec. 3, 1967, near Ashland.

     comic book author, Michael Jasorka

On Monday, Kinkaider released its Star Snake Dank IPA to honor Schirmer’s story within its existing line of Nebraska folklore-themed beers. As part of the beer’s release, Kinkaider hosted a “mini tour” where Jasorka answered questions and did a read-along of his comic book.

Jasorka said at the time of Schirmer’s UFO experience, he was 22 years old and was only a patrolman for seven months. He was headed west when he saw what he initially thought was a tractor trailer at the junction of Highways 6 and 63. However, Jasorka said, it turned out to be a UFO.

        Nebraska State Patrolman Herbert              Schirmer under hypnosis, with police chief

“He (Schirmer) came back to the barracks — he was the only one on duty — and wrote in his duty log exactly what he had experienced,” Jasorka said. “The next morning, the chief said he saw his log and wondered what was going on. He responded that he wasn’t feeling well and experienced something beyond what he think he experienced.”

He added Schirmer and the chief went to work to unravel what Schirmer experienced that night, going to the Condon Committee, a government-sanctioned Air Force committee of UFO specialists, “They basically put Herbert under a refreshing hypnosis several times to recall a 20-minute time lapse that he could not make up for between 2:30 a.m. and 3 a.m. that morning,” Jasorka said. “Upon that, he listened to the audio back to himself and recollected that he was actually taken aboard the craft, shown how it operated and told why they were there.”

26:24 minute ‘read along’ of Michael Jasorka’s graphic novel,
with audio of patrolman, Herbert Schirmer, under hypnosis describing
“December 3rd 1967: An Alien Encounter” (BombshellComics)
(audio begins at 1:30)



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Oregon’s Annual UFO Festival is Just the Place to Channel Your Inner Green Man

by Helen Soteriou                      March 30, 2019                       (

• On May 16-19, the 20th annual McMenamins UFO Festival will take place in McMinnville in Yamhill County, Oregon, featuring marching bands, garish floats, and a wine-tasting billed as ‘Close Encounters of the 3rd Vine’. The highlight of the festival is the costume parade, a colorful spectacle of tinfoil outfits and spaceships.
• The festival attracts believers in extraterrestrial life, alien abductions, out-of-body experiences, and close encounters, as well as non-believers who come to enjoy the spectacle. As Jeff Knapp, executive director of Visit McMinnville, says, “It’s the one weekend when locals feel it’s OK to let their freak flag fly.”

• The UFO festival began after a local farmer, Paul Trent, photographed an alleged UFO hovering around his farm outside McMinnville. Now known as the ‘The Trent Sightings’, his two photographs, taken on May 11, 1950, have passed into UFO legend. (see photo below)

• This year’s speakers at the 600-seat auditorium in the community center include Bob Lazar who worked on the ‘reverse-engineering’ of crashed/captured alien spacecraft at Area 51, and Commander David Fravor, a retired Top Gun Navy pilot, who in 2004 encountered an oblong-shaped “tic tac” craft hovering above the Pacific Ocean.

• Where else can you join an alien parade, dance in the streets, attend a lecture from an ex-intelligence officer and end the day with sipping pinot noir with ET?


All the ingredients of a small-town carnival are in place: marching bands, garish floats, a costume parade, candy floss. Flamboyance and fanfares. But here, in the deepest corner of Oregon on the north-west coast of the United States, it might help if you believe in aliens.

This is the home of UFO Fest, held in the small town of McMinnville in Yamhill County.
Each May, McMenamins Hotel in Oregon stages its celebration of the extra-terrestrial: the world of abductions, out-of-body experiences and close encounters.

                     Paul Trent UFO photo

Many of the 20,000 who attend the three-day festival — and you can still get tickets — are firm believers in alien life, often referred to as ufologists; others, the doubters and the sceptical, come to enjoy the spectacle. In McMinnville’s Main Street, locals and out-of-towners, believers and non-believers, mingle. No one falls out.

As Jeff Knapp, executive director of Visit McMinnville, says: ‘It’s the one weekend when locals feel it’s OK to let their freak flag fly.’

This year will see the 20th anniversary of the festival, which began after a local farmer, Paul Trent, photographed an alleged UFO hovering around his farm outside McMinnville. Now known as the ‘The Trent Sightings’, his two photographs, taken on May 11, 1950, have passed into UFO legend.



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A Galactic Receiving Station Opens in Grand Marais, MN

by Susan Du                  March 27, 2019                    (

• Australian-born Christine Day, 65, communicates with Pleiadian Nordics from the constellation Taurus, and has written books about them as their conduit. In the 1990’s, Day lived for a time near Mt Shasta at the California/Oregon border where she studied homeopathic healing. This led Day to becoming a shaman and leading vision quests. One day she encountered a spaceship in an open meadow. Pleiadian Nordics emerged, telepathically bestowing upon her universal truths meant to help humans attain a higher state of self-awareness.

• According to Day, the tall blond Pleiadians have cultivated humanity’s progress since the dawn of time, building the Egyptian pyramids and transmitting teachings to indigenous civilizations worldwide. Day believes that she is a descendent of these Pleiadian Nordics.

• In 2013, Day spent 10 days in a remote cabin on Minnesota’s Gunflint Trail near the Canadian border, working on her second book. Once it was done, Pleiadians guided her out of the wilderness and down a long driveway to an unkempt house on three acres of land beside Lake Superior which happened to be for sale. The area is pristine, far from urban clutter. And the energy there is incomparable due to its ancient bedrock of magnetite-rich iron deposits which even creates a magnetic anomaly of 18 degrees. With spaceships in attendance, Day set about arranging large stone circles on the beach. She describes a transmission of light emerging from beneath Lake Superior as a submerged portal opened, activating what she calls one of Earth’s most powerful receiving stations for alien entry. In addition to this portal, located about a mile into Lake Superior, the property is bounded by two other portals within the property.

• In 2013, Day bought the house on the shores of Lake Superior in Grand Marais, Minnesota, along with another house in-town where she lives during the colder months. She replaced the roof of the beach retreat and remodeled a barn into a heated meditation room. As a “Pleiadian Ambassador” Day charges $450 per person to attend her weekend retreat. She points out that her students are wealthy people who would lodge in town and take their meals in local restaurants. Day’s Pleiadian teachings aren’t religious. Students come in search of guidance on how to live in this time, which is “pretty intense”. They pay thousands of dollars for online coursework, seminars, and immersive retreats in Grand Marais. Families with children as young as 10, groups of girlfriends, and people of all ages are drawn through her website and word-of-mouth. Business is robust.

• Lately, however, Day has been getting push-back from her neighbors who complain about the noise of the people on the beach, the increased vehicle and foot traffic, trash brought by Day’s students, and diminished property values. The residential district isn’t zoned for business, her neighbors insist. A nearby artist, Jan Attridge, believes that the Pleiadians pose a spiritual invasion. She can’t hear the noise of the retreat, but Attridge says she can feel the energy emanating from Day’s interdimensional depot, giving her migraines. “Clearly, a situation needs to be approved of first by Cook County and its inhabitants.”

• Day acknowledges that there’s hostility. Despite the small town’s liberal reputation, certain anonymous people exaggerate, and some churchgoers are prejudiced. Brian Larsen, editor of the News Herald and town crier for more than 30 years, is willing to entertain the idea that Grand Marais might be some kind of alien hotspot. Most people who’ve lived in Grand Marais long enough have seen UFOs, he explains. “[W]hen you see them and they fly in straight lines and they go as fast as you can see… I’m not saying they’re from outer space… but when… you’ve got 50 people all looking at the same thing, you’re going, ‘Ahh.’”

• Last year, Day requested a five-year permit for her Pleiadian retreat. According to the county’s zoning code, even in residential neighborhoods, cottage businesses are allowed as long they’re consistent with rural life. The county planning commission granted her a probationary permit so long as she soundproofed her gathering spaces and showed she could be respectful of neighbors. Day has decreased the size of her student groups from 50 to 25 at a time, and set business hours from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. She has booked six retreats this year, from May to August.

• “People go to these paranormal sites to have this sort of special spiritual experience with the land, or just to connect with something beyond themselves. It feels like there’s something missing in our society these days that makes people want to reach out for things like that.”


I. A slice of paradise

For 15 years, Kristen Sobanja has lived in a secluded house in the woods off Highway 61 in Grand Marais. Stalwart pines flank the gravel path to the front door. Her backyard is a rocky shore overlooking Lake Superior’s white immensity. The center of “America’s Coolest Small Town” is but a short drive away.

North Shore summers aren’t long, but they are sweet. Sobanja and her sister spent those precious months last year tending their garden and staining the deck, where they’d watch for eagles and play board games.

One day a howl rang out from the house next door. It was a low, full-throated bellow so loud she could hear it over the television. Somebody’s being killed, Sobanja thought with a start, rushing to the window.

She found a train of cars parked in the neighbor’s yard. Down on the beach, a large assembly of people were crying, chanting, and hugging trees.

The neighbor was Christine Day, a motivational speaker who moved to the neighborhood in 2013. The women never got to know each other, as tentative plans to get together for a glass of wine always fell through. Day was polite but somewhat brusque, giving the impression of forever rushing off somewhere to attend to more important matters. She spent three-quarters of the year away, teaching self-improvement classes around the world.

               the beach on Lake Superior

If they’d struck up a conversation, Sobanja might have learned that Day called herself the “Pleiadian Ambassador,” and that her work involved channeling the energy of Nordic aliens from distant stars. Last summer, Day booked five weekend retreats for groups of 50 to commune with extraterrestrials inside galactic portals constructed on her property. Each person was charged $450 to partake.

“I do believe in life other than on earth, so that aspect doesn’t bother me at all,” Sobanja says.

But tipped, overflowing garbage cans do. Beeping cars, wailing as early as 6 a.m., and the traffic of dozens of people on the boat path ruined her solitude. Their residential district wasn’t zoned for business.

And then there was the more baffling transgression: Day had neglected to inform her human neighbors about the imminent arrival of aliens—and their adherents.

II. Visions on the Gunflint Trail

Christine Day is an energetic 65, with a smooth face, sharp violet eyes, and a shock of silver hair cropped short, which gives her a monochromatic, slightly futuristic look. She speaks in gently coursing tones with a soft accent courtesy of her native Australia.

Two decades ago, Day traveled to California and lived at Mt. Shasta, a volcano near the Oregon border so striking that people have conferred spiritual meaning on it for centuries. A sacred site for Native American tribes turned New Age tourism hotspot, it’s now a mecca for believers in Bigfoot, the Abominable Snowman, and UFOs.

Day studied healing touch—the homeopathic concept of transferring wellness energy from one person to another through laying hands—before becoming a shaman and leading vision quests.

One day she encountered a spaceship while walking in an open meadow, Day says. Nordic aliens emerged, telepathically bestowing universal truths meant to help humans attain a higher state of self-awareness.

She claims to be descendants from these Nordic aliens, a.k.a. Pleiadians, who are tall, blond, and beautiful. They’ve existed in popular culture since the 1950s as benevolent visitors who hail from the Pleiades, a brightly burning clutch of stars in the constellation of Taurus. Day is one author among many who writes books about them, and considers herself a conduit.

In her telling, Pleiadians have cultivated humanity’s progress since the dawn of time, building the Egyptian pyramids, and transmitting teachings to indigenous civilizations worldwide. Minnesota’s Native Americans inherited their star knowledge from Nordic alien astronauts, she says.

“A lot of the Native people say only Natives can do these ceremonies, but the Pleiadians would say it was important that the pure teachings went out.” She describes Native practices as “broken down” derivatives of Pleiadian tradition, “twisted” by the erosion of time.

In 2013, Day spent 10 days holed up in a remote cabin on Minnesota’s Gunflint Trail, working on her second book. Once it was done, she says, Pleiadians guided her out of the wilderness and down a long driveway to an unkempt house on three acres of land beside Lake Superior. It happened to be for sale.

With spaceships allegedly in attendance, Day set about arranging large stone circles on the beach. She describes a transmission of light emerging from beneath Lake Superior as the portals with the circles opened, activating what she calls one of Earth’s most powerful receiving stations for alien entry.



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Insights About Secret Scientific Research in the U.S.

by Come Carpentier de Gourdon                March 23, 2019                  (

• How much more time and effort will it take for certain agencies in the US government to confess to the mind-boggling secrets they have kept from the public, often in violation of constitutional principles and legal norms and procedures? Unacknowledged scientific and “exotic” technical programs being carried out in various publicly and privately funded laboratories and research centers, often affiliated to military and intelligence agencies, and unknown to democratically elected authorities, demonstrate the existence of a two-tier scientific culture in the US at least, if not in the rest of the world.

• What do we know about “special access” programs hiding within the American military-industrial-intelligence complex? Among whistleblowers, Bob Lazar is noteworthy because of the extensive information he provided in videotaped talks about research he had carried out in Area S-4, near the notorious Area 51 in the Nevada desert. Lazar claimed to have been part of a team reverse engineering a 52 feet wide saucer-shaped craft that he quickly realized was not built by humans. The craft could sit three small sized (3 feet tall) crew members and generated its own gravitational field, enabling the craft to reach fantastic speeds.

• Lazar’s report was supported by well-connected investigators, including John Lear, son of the Learjet inventor and a veteran CIA operative who testified that he was also exposed to covert research into “alien” technologies. Area 51 aeronautics engineer Edgar Fouché reported the development of the secret Tr3-B triangular mercury plasma fueled spacecraft.

• In 1997, former Pentagon intelligence officer and White House staffer Colonel Philip Corso’s bestselling book, The Day After Roswell, lifted the veil on much of the clandestine research pursued since 1947 by various branches of the federal government and compartmentally outsourced to defense contractors such as Lockheed, Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Martin Marietta, Northrop, Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics and others. Corso alleged that major technical breakthroughs such as microtransistors, superconductors, fibre optics, Kevlar and night vision goggles had been developed through reverse engineering of alien materials, although the results of those advanced investigations remained largely undisclosed.

• Dr Robert Wood from McDonnell Douglas, Corey Goode, William Tompkins also formerly at McDonnell Douglas, and the more controversial Dan Burisch, are among the alleged “insiders” who have blown the whistle on various “black” programs. Their accounts have been extensively reported and analyzed by veteran researchers such as Linda Moulton Howe as part of her Earthfiles series, Paola Harris, Dr Steven Greer (in his widely publicized Disclosure Project) and Dr Michael Salla, co-founder of the Exopolitics Institute.

• In 2007, Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, who then chaired the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, with the support of fellow Senators, Inouye and Stevens, set up the $22 million/ five-year ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ to conduct research on UFOs and the collected evidence of the extraterrestrial presence. The program commissioned 38 classified papers from a number of universities and research centers and a 490-page report which are still unissued publicly. The DIA did release a list of titles to the 38 government-funded research reports, and Corey Goode released two of these exotic propulsion studies.

• In June 2017, a 47-page top secret MJ-12 briefing document was leaked and analyzed by various experts. It contains detailed descriptions of alien craft and their recovery, transcripts of communications with alien beings and spells out the measures taken by concerned agencies to keep the entire subject secret, even to the highest elected authorities.

• A private initiative called ‘To the Stars Academy’ has been set up with the participation of some of the former staffers of AATIP, including its former director Luis Elizondo. TTSA is working with retired military and civilian officials to further disclose the extensive and long-standing secret military R&D pursued between government agencies and private contractors involved in what is commonly called the Deep State. Its executive director Tom DeLonge has produced a new documentary series for the History Channel relying on military insider testimonies and entitled Unidentified.

• Cynics who alleged that all this is speculative mumbo-jumbo amounting to a waste of public money did not consider that the disclosure from AATIP seems to be what the CIA calls a “limited hangout”: i.e. a superficial glimpse of a much larger secret cloaked in “plausible deniability”.


Many investigators and whistleblowers in the United States have, over the last 40 years, called attention upon unacknowledged scientific and technical programmes being carried out in various publicly and privately funded laboratories and research centres, affiliated to military and intelligence agencies, in “exotic” areas that are officially not regarded as deserving of serious attention in civilian institutions such as universities. The existence of such programmes, now being proven, would demonstrate the existence of a two-tier scientific culture in the US at least, if not in the rest of the world, of which the upper tier would be a domain for clandestine R&D, unsupervised by, and unknown to, democratically elected authorities. If only for this reason, finding out the truth about the situation is of great value to society.

What do we know about the long suspected “special access” programmes hiding within the American military-industrial-intelligence complex and what is backed by material evidence?

Among the first whistleblowers, who emerged in the 1980s (1989 in his case), Bob Lazar is noteworthy because of the extensive information he provided in videotaped talks about research he had carried out in Area S-4 close to the since notorious Area 51 in the Nevada desert’s atomic testing range, around the dry Groom lake riverbed.

Lazar claimed to have being recruited by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), through defence contractor EG&G, to work as part of a team on a highly classified project which involved examining and reverse engineering a 52 feet wide saucer-shaped craft that he quickly realised was not built by humans. He further explained that it was made of some unknown ceramic-like material, could sit three small sized (3 feet tall) crew members and was powered by a hitherto undiscovered super-heavy element, eventually identified as number 115 on the periodic table, which generated its own gravitational field and enabled the craft to reach fantastic speeds. Lazar further explained that the retrieved space vehicle was being test flown in Area 51/S-4 although neither its materials nor its propulsion systems could be figured out or reproduced. However, he warned that the US military had somehow gotten hold of a substantial quantity of Element 115, stored at Los Alamos and intended for weaponisation. His report was supported by well connected investigators, including John Lear, son of the Learjet inventor and a veteran CIA operative who testified that he was also exposed to covert research into “alien” technologies.

Lazar’s testimony (retraced and updated in a recent documentary by Jeremy Corbell entitled Bob Lazar, Area 51 and Flying Saucers) was one of many that were more or less publicised in the following decades despite stubborn denials from official quarters. In 1997, former Pentagon intelligence officer (foreign technology desk) and White House staffer Colonel Philip Corso’s bestselling book, The Day After Roswell, purported to lift the veil on much of the clandestine research pursued since 1947 by various branches of the federal government and compartmentally outsourced to defence contractors such as Lockheed, Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Martin Marietta, Northrop, Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics and others. However, the results of those advanced investigations remained largely undisclosed, although Corso alleged that major technical breakthroughs such as microtransistors, superconductors, fibre optics, Kevlar and night vision goggles had been developed through reverse engineering of alien materials. Since then aeronautics engineer Edgar Fouché, who reports having worked for the Aurora Project at Area 51 which built the secret Tr3-B triangular mercury plasma fuelled spacecraft, Dr Robert Wood from McDonnell Douglas, Corey Goode, William Tompkins also formerly at McDonnell Douglas, and the more controversial Dan Burisch, are among the alleged “insiders” who have blown the whistle on various “black” programmes. Some like Goode claim to have served on an SSF (Secret Space Fleet), a branch of the US Navy which began operating in the 1960s or 1970s under the Solar Warden code name. Their accounts have been extensively reported and analysed by veteran researchers such as Linda Moulton Howe as part of her Earthfiles series, Paola Harris, Dr Steven Greer (in his widely publicized Disclosure Project) and Dr Michael Salla, co-founder of the Exopolitics Institute.



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