Multiple Investigations Reveal Secrets About Where US Tax Dollars Are Really Going

by Arjun Walia                   April 19, 2019                  (

• The US government takes in an astronomical amount of money in taxes, and they’ve convince the American public that there really is no other way of doing things. What the government is hiding is that trillions upon trillions of our tax dollars are actually going towards projects that the public has absolutely no idea about, known as ‘black budget programs’.

• Black budget programs include Special Access Programs (SAPs). Within these we have unacknowledged and waived SAPs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.” The Washington Post revealed that the “black-budget” documents indicate that a staggering 52.6 billion dollars was set aside for operations in fiscal year 2013.

• A 2010 investigation by Washington Post journalists Dana Priest and William Arkin concluded that America’s classified world has: “Become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work.”

• The most recent investigation was conducted by economist and Michigan State professor Mark Skidmore, alongside some of his graduate students as well as Catherine Austin Fitts, former assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development. They discovered trillions of unaccounted for dollars missing from the Department of Housing & Urban Development as well as the Department of Defense. Much of the time they received no response from government agencies, and the Office of the Inspector General even disabled links to all key documents that revealed unsupported spending. Said Skidmore, “Given the Army’s $122 billion budget, that meant unsupported adjustments were 54 times spending authorized by Congress. Typically, such adjustments in public budgets are only a small fraction of authorized spending… Skidmore thought Fitts had made a mistake. “Maybe she meant $6.5 billion and not $6.5 trillion,” he said. “So I found the report myself and sure enough it was $6.5 trillion.” The Michigan State study found documents indicating a total of $20 trillion worth of undocumented adjustments made from 1998 to 2015.

• Our tax dollars are going directly into these black budget programs, which often cost far more than our roads and services. Says Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of National Defence: “It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects which both congress and the commander in chief know nothing about.”

• Fitts has been quite outspoken about a secret space program and where this missing money is actually going. She explains how enormous amounts of resources were handed over to covert operations to create the CIA, a security system of finance, and a select group of people in charge of UFO technology. Said Fitts, “By the time JFK came into office ready to challenge this shadow government and make space program the centerpiece of his administration, the civil war between the Deep State and the public state was in full force.”


It’s amazing how much money is scraped off of each pay cheque, and how much money multiple small and big businesses pay. We are told that it’s necessary, that this is the money going towards various programs that are responsible for building our schools, employing people for necessary services and infrastructure, among many other things. It’s truly amazing how much money governments rake in from taxes.

It’s an astronomical amount that makes it hard to see how all of the money is allocated to services that are in the people’s favor, instead of the possibility of it going into the pockets of certain politicians and elitists, among other places. Yet we are heavily taxed, and reasons for taxation are constantly brought up and justified, almost as if to imply that there really is no other way of changing things and doing things differently here on planet Earth. Our potential is huge, yet we are convinced that money and taxation are our only ways to operate.

Sure, some of our taxes are going toward various needs and services we deem necessary, but how much off of our pay cheques is really required for this? Judging by the amount of money that has been poured into black budget programs, it doesn’t seem like much is needed at all, and this is because trillions upon trillions of our tax dollars are actually going towards projects that the public has absolutely no idea about.

These projects are known as ‘black budget programs,’ which include Special Access Programs (SAPs). Within these we have unacknowledged and waived SAPs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as ‘deep black programs.’ A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.”

Not many people have investigated the black budget world, but The Washington Post revealed that the “black-budget” documents indicate that a staggering 52.6 billion dollars was set aside for operations in fiscal year 2013. More recent investigations, however, reveal a lot more than that. The topic was discussed in 2010 by Washington Post journalists Dana Priest and William Arkin. Their investigation lasted approximately two years and concluded that America’s classified world has: “Become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work.”



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Argentinian Man Records Video of Bright UFO Hovering Low in Skies

by Nirmal Narayanan                     May 4, 2019                   (

• On April 17, 2019, Gustavo Fabian Zarate shot video of a bright, saucer-shaped UFO hovering over a highway in Argentina and posted it to his Facebook page. (see 1:56 minute video below)

• “I never thought I’d go through something like this. Look, it’s a matter of belief or bust. The kids are speechless. Look at this thing, it’s impressive,” says Zarate in the video.

• The YouTube channel, ‘UFOMania’ reposted it, inciting numerous comments. UFO enthusiasts say that it is the military using extraterrestrial technology. Other claim that it shows that extraterrestrial beings are monitoring the earth, or even living on the earth. Skeptics say it is just a reflection of the windshield inside the car.


A creepy video shared to YouTube by popular conspiracy theory channel ‘UFO Mania’ is now the hottest debating point among conspiracy theorists and extraterrestrial enthusiasts. In the video, a bright UFO, probably disc-shaped can be seen hovering in low in the night sky.

Interestingly, the shape of the object seen in the video seems very familiar to the alien spaceships which we have seen in popular Hollywood sci-fi flicks.

The YouTube channel reveals that the video was apparently shot by a man named Gustavo Fabian Zarate on April 17, 2019, in Argentina. After seeing the bizarre structure in the skies, Gustavo soon took his smartphone and captured the incident.

“I never thought I’d go through something like this. Look, it’s a matter of belief or bust. The kids are speechless. Look at this thing, it’s impressive,” said the man in the video.

After capturing the incident, Gustavo shared in on his Facebook page, where it racked up more than 3568 shares. However, the clip became popular after it was shared by UFO Mania on YouTube.

After watching the video, viewers of ‘UFO Mania’ too put forward various theories explaining this weird sky sighting. Most of the people who watched the video claimed that aliens from deep space have visited the earth to monitor our activities, and some of them even went a step ahead and claimed that extraterrestrials are living together with humans.

1:56 minute video of UFO hovering over Argentinian highway (UFOmania YouTube channel)



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Navy: No Release of UFO Information to the General Public Expected

by Paul Sonne                  May 1, 2019                   (

• In recent news, it was revealed that the U.S. Navy has drafted a procedure to investigate and catalogue reports of unidentified flying objects coming in from its pilots. (see article on new Navy UFO guidelines here) But the service doesn’t expect to make the information public, citing privileged and classified reporting that is typically included in such files.

• Joe Gradisher, a spokesman for the office of the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, said in a statement that the Navy expects to keep the information it gathers private for a number of reasons. “Military aviation safety organizations always retain reporting of hazards to aviation as privileged information in order to preserve the free and honest prioritization and discussion of safety among aircrew,” Gradisher said. “Furthermore, any report generated as a result of these investigations will, by necessity, include classified information on military operations.” “Therefore, no release of information to the general public is expected.”

• The Navy’s new UFO reporting guidelines follow the revelation that in late 2017 the Pentagon ran a secret, 5-year, $22M “UFO” office to collect and analyze “anomalous aerospace threats”. It was known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. The program resulted in the release of video footage from the cockpit cameras of Navy aircraft, which appeared to document oval-shaped vessels that resemble flying Tic Tacs. (see NY Times article from Dec 2017 here)

• Reports of curious sightings from military aircraft aren’t new. During World War II, Allied military pilots witnessed unexplained objects and fireballs that they dubbed “foo fighters”. A number of official government investigations looked into such phenomena during the postwar period.

• Even though the Navy has indicated it has no plans to release any UFO data, unclassified portions of the information or broad overviews of the findings could come out, according to Luis Elizondo, an intelligence officer who ran AATIP before leaving the Pentagon. “If it remains strictly within classified channels, then the ‘right person’ may not actually get the information. The right person doesn’t necessarily mean a military leader. It can be a lawmaker. It can be a whole host of different individuals,” Elizondo said. Even if the information isn’t made available to the public, it could be reported to Congress.


The U.S. Navy has drafted a procedure to investigate and catalogue reports of unidentified flying objects coming in from its pilots. But the service doesn’t expect to make the information public, citing privileged and classified reporting that is typically included in such files.

Joe Gradisher, a spokesman for the office of the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, said in a statement that the Navy expects to keep the information it gathers private for a number of reasons.

“Military aviation safety organizations always retain reporting of hazards to aviation as privileged information in order to preserve the free and honest prioritization and discussion of safety among aircrew,” Gradisher said. “Furthermore, any report generated as a result of these investigations will, by necessity, include classified information on military operations.”

He added, “Therefore, no release of information to the general public is expected.”

The Navy’s recent decision to draft formal guidelines for pilots to document encounters with unexplained aerial phenomena comes after the revelation in late 2017 that the Pentagon ran a secret “UFO” office that spent $22 million over five years to collect and analyze “anomalous aerospace threats.” Funding for the office, known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or AATIP, officially ended in 2012, though operations continued.

Among other things, the program resulted in the release of footage from the cockpit cameras of military aircraft, which appeared to document oval-shaped vessels that resemble flying Tic Tacs.

Reports of curious sightings from military aircraft aren’t new. During World War II, Allied military pilots witnessed unexplained objects and fireballs that they dubbed “foo fighters”— a term that later inspired the name of the eponymous 1990s rock band. A number of official government investigations looked into such phenomena in the postwar period.

Now, the Navy has agreed to a more formalized process for cataloguing and investigating reports from pilots, a decision welcomed by former U.S. officials who want the military to take the matter seriously and remove the stigma in the armed forces of reporting such incidents.

Even though the Navy indicated it has no plans in the imminent future to release the data, unclassified portions of the information or broad overviews of the findings could come out, according to Luis Elizondo, an intelligence officer who ran AATIP before leaving the Pentagon.



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How Winston Churchill’s Views on Aliens Were Revealed in Lost Letter

by Callum Hoare                     May 1, 2019                        ( )

• Sir Winston Churchill was a hero politician and army officer who led the UK to victory in World War II as Prime Minister. What many do not know, is Churchill was also fascinated by the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

• At the beginning of WWII in 1939, Churchill wrote a science document which he updated in the 1950’s. One of the sections asked the question: “Are we alone in the Universe?” wherein he reasoned like a scientist about the likelihood of life on other planets capable of sustaining advanced life.

• Churchill defined ‘life’ as “the ability to breed and multiply”, noting the importance of water to sustain life. In considering the likelihood that other stars could host planets, Churchill concluded that a large fraction of these distant worlds “will be the right size to keep on their surface water and possibly an atmosphere of some sort”. And some worlds would be “at the proper distance from their parent sun to maintain a suitable temperature”. Churchill is describing what scientists now describe as the “habitable” or “Goldilocks” zone – the narrow region around a star where it is neither too hot nor too cold for life.

• “I for one, am not so immensely impressed by the success we are making of our civilization here that I am prepared to think we are the only spot in this immense universe which contains living, thinking creatures, or that we are the highest type of mental and physical development which has ever appeared in the vast compass of space and time,” wrote Churchill.

• Churchill’s essay predicts great opportunities for exploration of the Solar System. “One day, possibly even in the not very distant future, it may be possible to travel to the Moon, or even to Venus and Mars,” Churchill wrote.

[Editor’s Note]  British intelligence records released in 2010 showed that the prime minister also ordered that a reported UFO sighting by the Royal Air Force during World War II be kept secret in order to avoid “mass panic.”


Sir Winston Churchill, the embodiment of the British bulldog spirit, was a hero politician and army officer who led the UK to victory in World War 2. The wartime leader, who was Prime Minister from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955, played a vital role in defending liberal democracy from the spread of fascism adopted by Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany and the Axis Powers. However, what many do not know, is Churchill was also fascinated by the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

In 1939, just after World War 2 broke out, the Nobel Prize winner put pen to paper to create an 11-page science document.

It wasn’t until the Fifties that Churchill returned to the document, though, and the updated version was never published.

Churchill passed away on January 24, 1965, and the papers were forgotten about until they reemerged in 2017 at the National Churchill Museum in Fulton, Missouri, by director Timothy Riley.

He noted how one part questioned: “Are we alone in the Universe?”

In this, the wartime leader reasoned like a scientist about the likelihood of life on other planets capable of sustaining advanced life.

The former Prime Minister builds on the Copernican Principle – the idea that human life on Earth should not be unique given the vastness of the Universe.

He went on to define life as “the ability to breed and multiply”, noting the importance of water to sustain life, adding: “All living things of the type we know require it.”

More than 50 years before the discovery of exoplanets, he considered the likelihood that other stars would host planets, concluding that a large fraction of these distant worlds “will be the right size to keep on their surface water and possibly an atmosphere of some sort”.



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Buzz Aldrin: It’s Time to Focus on the Great Migration of Humankind to Mars

by Buzz Aldrin                  May 1, 2019                   (

• In a Washington Post opinion piece, former NASA astronaut Buzz Aldrin says that America should take the lead in a global effort to go to the moon and to Mars. ‘When Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and I went to the moon 50 years ago this July, we did so with… America’s can-do commitment to space exploration,’ wrote Aldrin. ‘More of that is needed now.’ ‘The United States should… offer itself as a willing team leader.’ Aldrin added that ‘Mars is waiting to be discovered… by living, breathing, walking, talking, caring and daring men and women.’

• ‘[M]embers of Congress, the Trump administration and the American public must… make human exploration missions to Mars a national priority. I do not mean spending billions of taxpayer dollars on a few hijinks or joy rides, allowing those who return to write books, tweet photos and talk of the novelty. ’ ‘It is time we get down to blueprints, architecture and implementation, and to take that next step — a sustainable international return to the moon, directly charting a pathway to Mars.’ ‘The United States… should focus on… the great migration of humankind to Mars.’

• ‘The next step would build on our early lunar landings and establish permanent settlements on the moon. In the meantime, preparations for permanent migration to the red planet can be made. All of this is within reach for humans alive now. …The nation best poised to make it happen is the United States.’

• [P]otentially, the ultimate survival of our species demands humanity’s continued outward reach into the universe. …Put simply: We explore, or we expire. That is why we must get on with it.

• ‘[T]he Trump administration and this Congress would be remembered decades forward for putting humans permanently on the moon and Americans on Mars — for making human footprints in red dust and subsequent migration possible.’ ‘I thank President Trump and the vice president for their commitment. But my eyes drift higher, to the red orb that, even now, awaits an American flag and plaque that reads: “We Come in Peace for All Mankind.”

[Editor’s Note]   What Buzz Aldrin is cleverly advocating here is transparency. There are already secret bases on the moon and colonies on Mars and elsewhere. President Trump’s public foray into space will reveal that, over the past seventy years, governments and corporations have secretly built a vast breakaway civilization within our solar system. It is time the world learned the truth.


Last month, Vice President Pence announced that we are headed back to the moon. I am with him, in spirit and aspiration. Having been there, I can say it is high time we returned. When Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and I went to the moon 50 years ago this July, we did so with a mission. Apollo 11 aimed to prove America’s can-do commitment to space exploration, as well as its national security and technological superiority. We did all that. We also “Came in Peace for all Mankind.” More of that is needed now.

Today, many nations have eyes for the moon, from China and Russia to friends in Europe and Middle East. That is all good. The United States should cooperate — and offer itself as a willing team leader — in exploring every aspect of the moon, from its geology and topography to its hydrology and cosmic history. In doing so, we can take “low-Earth orbit” cooperation to the moon, openly, eagerly and collegially.

Meanwhile, another looming orb — the red one — should become a serious focus of U.S. attention. Mars is waiting to be discovered, not by clever robots and rovers — though I support NASA’s unmanned missions — but by living, breathing, walking, talking, caring and daring men and women.

To make that happen, members of Congress, the Trump administration and the American public must care enough to make human exploration missions to Mars a national priority. To be clear, I do not mean spending billions of taxpayer dollars on a few hijinks or joy rides, allowing those who return to write books, tweet photos and talk of the novelty. I mean something very different.

The United States’ eyes — and our unified commitment — should focus on opening the door, in our time, to the great migration of humankind to Mars. Books aplenty have been written about how to do this, and they have inspired government and non-government leaders to make lofty plans. But plans without a detailed architecture, and without that “next step” into the future, are just fantasy.

Americans are good at writing fantasy, and incomparable at making the fantastic a reality. We did it with Mercury, Gemini, Apollo — and in thousands of other ways. It is time we get down to blueprints, architecture and implementation, and to take that next step — a sustainable international return to the moon, directly charting a pathway to Mars.



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The Navy Admits Something Weird Has Been Going On in the Skies

by Keith Kloor                  April 30, 2019                   (

• In December 2017, the New York Times and Politico reported that the Navy’s USS Nimitz battle group encountered a ‘Tic Tac’ UFO off of the coast of San Diego in November 2004. They included video of the incident, followed by video of two other UFO encounters off of the coasts of Florida and Virginia. The Pentagon remained quiet about these incidents. (see NY Times article here)

• On April 23rd the Navy issued a statement to Politico admitting, “There have been a number of reports of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft entering various military-controlled ranges and designated air space in recent years.”

• While the Navy hasn’t gone so far as to admit to any alien-controlled craft, it has changed its guidelines so that sailors and aviators can make UFO reports to Navy authorities without fear of ridicule or reprisal. (see article on new Navy guidelines here)

• This development comes on the heels of a detailed paper that supports the accuracy of of the 2004 incident entitled: “A Forensic Analysis of Navy Carrier Strike Group Eleven’s Encounter with an Anomalous Aerial Vehicle.” The lead author, Robert Powell, mailed the analysis to various congressional committees, intelligence agencies, and branches of the military several months ago.

• The paper reveals that in the immediate aftermath of the 2004 ‘Tic Tac’ incident, a video of the encounter was shared and viewed widely by members aboard the USS Princeton and Nimitz via an internal military email system. Within 12 hours of the incident, a helicopter carrying nonuniformed personnel landed on the USS Princeton (pictured above) and approached Petty Officer Voorhis, who was in charge of the ship’s Cooperative Engagement Capability system, and requested that he turn over all the ship’s radar data, electronic information, and data recordings. Voorhis asked for their ID and was refused. But the ship’s captain soon ordered Voorhis to relinquished all the information, which was stored on magnetic tapes.

• The tapes contained crucial data that would shed light on the mysterious Tic Tac–shaped object. Said Voorhis, “You could literally plot the entire course of the object, you could extract the densities, the speeds, the way it moved, the way it displaced the air, its radar cross-section, how much of the radar itself was reflected off its surface. I mean you could pretty much recreate the entire event with the CEC data.”

• Powell and his colleagues found a 2013 Facebook page for the Nimitz that contains a conversation about the 2004 incident among various shipmates who served together at the time. All those on duty that day recalled it vividly in their Facebook comments; many said they were still befuddled by what they saw and why the data mysteriously disappeared.

• In mid-March 2019, Powell and other authors of the Nimitz incident paper gave a detailed presentation at a conference in Huntsville, Alabama, called the Scientific Conference on Anomalous Aerospace Phenomena. The conference was organized by a group that calls itself the “Scientific Coalition for Ufology” and includes scientists from NASA, the European Space Agency, and the North American Aerospace Defense Command. The group says it endeavors to take a ‘cold-eyed’ approach to the UFO issue, examining only cases that have hard data and credible witnesses. “We’re looking to stay neutral and build a coalition of like-minded scientists,” says Rich Hoffman, who does information systems work for the U.S. military and was the lead organizer of the event.

• The event’s big draw was Luis Elizondo, a career military intelligence officer who had managed security for the Pentagon’s highly classified $22M Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. Elizondo didn’t offer anything new or noteworthy about the UFO program he once led at the Pentagon, although he did say the “effort” was ongoing (and didn’t expire in 2012 as the Pentagon says). Elizondo told the audience that he had remained in close touch with his successor in the program “… who’s still at the Pentagon, who works this effort, very closely…. I don’t mean the past, but actively working this. So it definitely continues. It’s still going. That, too, will come out hopefully soon in a very official way.”

• Elizondo insists that “disclosure has occurred” and that UFOs “are real.” “You now have people at the highest levels of the United States government and international communities of their governments finally taking this (UFO phenomenon) serious, applying real resources, real talent, real expertise to look at this and finally figure out what this is.”

• In late 2018, Elizondo gave a presentation to European UFO buffs in Rome. He mentioned a famous 1952 incident when flying saucers were reported over Washington D.C. and showed a slide of the famous image of the UFOs flying over the US Capitol. Skeptics were quick to point out that this photo was a fake. “It was actually a still [image] from a CGI [computer generated image],” says John Greenewald of the Black Vault. Elizondo apologized for the error on his company’s Facebook page.

• Skeptics have also attacked Elizondo for facilitating the release in 2017 of several video clips of Navy encounters with UFOs, saying that these videos had not been declassified, even though these video clips had been on the internet since 2007. (George Knapp and his ‘I-Team’ have recently proven that the Pentagon did, in fact, authorize those videos’ release.) Online skeptics maintain that these videos only show some sort of classified missile, aircraft or drone.


On the afternoon of Nov. 14, 2004, two F/A-18 “Super Hornet” fighter jets were 30 minutes into a training drill off the coast of Southern California when they were redirected by a Naval radio operator to a “real world situation.” Earlier that day, the USS Nimitz nuclear aircraft carrier and the USS Princeton missile cruiser had detected more than a dozen unidentified objects on their radar screens—what the Navy then referred to as anomalous aircraft vehicles.

The F/A-18s were told by the Princeton’s captain to intercept the closest anomalous vehicle, which was located about 150 miles southwest of the San Diego coastline. When the pilots reached their coordinates, they spotted from an altitude of 20,000 feet a disturbance at the ocean’s surface. One of the pilots, commanding officer Dave Fravor, reported that he saw a white oval or “Tic Tac”–shaped object about 50 to 60 feet in size moving just above the churning water.

Fravor headed down for a closer look. What happened next was “like nothing I’ve ever seen,” he recounted in a 2017 New York Times article. The object accelerated so fast that it disappeared in a blink of an eye. A pilot in the other F/A-18 has subsequently described the episode similarly; he also says he watched as the object zipped around Fravor’s plane before it darted off in a flash.

Meanwhile, according to testimony from Petty Officer Gary Voorhis, who was stationed on the Princeton at the time of the episode, “At a certain point there ended up being multiple objects that we were tracking. That was towards the end of the encounter and they all generally zoomed around at ridiculous speeds, and angles, and trajectories and then eventually they all bugged out faster than our radars.”

Vague details of the incident first came to light several years ago, after the Times and other media outlets reported on it. No human-created military technology had such capabilities, the news stories suggested, so were the mysterious objects otherworldly or a mass delusion? The Pentagon wasn’t saying anything. But now, according to a statement issued on April 23 to Politico, the Navy admits, “There have been a number of reports of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft entering various military-controlled ranges and designated air space in recent years.”

Whoa. That was major news, as was the part about the U.S. military now pledging to update its guidelines so “reports of any such suspected [UFO] incursions can be made to the cognizant authorities.” Politico notes, “To be clear, the Navy isn’t endorsing the idea that its sailors have encountered alien spacecraft. But it is acknowledging there have been enough strange aerial sightings by credible and highly trained military personnel that they need to be recorded in the official record and studied—rather than dismissed as some kooky phenomena from the realm of science-fiction.”

This development comes on the heels of a detailed paper of the 2004 incident that was recently completed and made public by a group of researchers who aimed to demonstrate that the incident actually happened. Titled “A Forensic Analysis of Navy Carrier Strike Group Eleven’s Encounter with an Anomalous Aerial Vehicle,” the paper, which was not published in an academic journal, does not make any claims for the origins of the objects, though it should be stated that all the authors have a long-standing interest in the UFO topic. The lead author, Robert Powell, tells me that he mailed the analysis to various congressional committees, intelligence agencies, and branches of the military several months ago. Whatever the biases of Powell and his fellow authors, there is no denying the body of evidence they amassed via Freedom of Information Act requests and interviews with service personnel.



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Efforts To Search For, Send Messages To Extraterrestrial Life Advance In Digital Age

by Molly McCrea and Juliette Goodrich                 April 25, 2019                   (

• In 1977, NASA scientists installed a golden record on two space probes that were part of the Voyager Mission. On each copy were dozens of images, sounds from nature, and multiple greetings in 55 different languages. The record also contained music from around the world, and included classical as well as a recording of Chuck Berry’s “Johnny B Goode.” “This was a way of telling another civilization about us,” explained the legendary astronomer and astrophysicist Frank Drake.

• Drake and fellow astrophysicist, the late Carl Sagan, also wrote what’s known as the Arecibo Message in 1974, the first interstellar radio message sent from earth to a globular star cluster known as M13 in hopes that extraterrestrial intelligence could receive and decipher it.

• Drake and Sagan also designed what is known as the Pioneer plaques. These plaques were another kind of message from earth that scientists hoped would be intercepted by extraterrestrial beings from the 1972 Pioneer 10 and the 1973 Pioneer 11 spacecraft missions.

• In 2015, Russian billionaire Yuri Milner unveiled a project called the “Breakthrough Initiatives” to search for extraterrestrial intelligence over the span of at least 10 years. Part of the Initiatives program includes a $1M Breakthrough Message competition, where the task is to design a digital message to send to advanced civilizations. But no message has yet been sent. And some, such as Doug Vakoch who heads up: Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence (METI), want to send the messages now and hear back from other civilizations. He explained that the messages would be sent by radio or in the near future, by lasers using very brief laser pulses.

• Not everyone agrees we should be rapidly concocting and sending messages. Stargazer Alicia Adams says, “I’ve seen Mars Attacks and that ended horribly!” Retired Professor of Astronomy Andrew Fraknoi says it’s a question over which space scientists are now grappling. “If we’re going to be deciding to advertise our presence to the universe, we should have a discussion with the rest of the world,” said Fraknoi. “Are we ready to signal out there that we on earth exist? We are barely getting along with each other. Are we ready to get along with aliens?”

• Drake thinks intelligent beings already know we’re here due to television and radio signals traveling in space. “It’s too late, folks. We’ve made our presence known big-time,” said Drake.

• A recent survey by Glocalities involving 24 countries found nearly half of all humans believe in extraterrestrials.


An ambitious new effort is underway to make direct contact with intelligent life beyond earth, improving upon 70s-era space missions which included attempts to bring messages from Earth to extraterrestrials.

For centuries, we’ve gazed up at the stars, and wondered are we alone? Some say it is time to move more aggressively and find out.

In early April, NASA’s newest planet hunter called the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) discovered its first Earth-sized alien planet. A recent survey by Glocalities involving 24 countries found nearly half of all humans believe in extraterrestrials.

                Frank Drake

ETs are on our mind. At the California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park, an entire evening’s event was all about extraterrestrials. A special dance troupe performed to an eclectic mix of sounds. The sounds were excerpts taken from a famous golden record, intended for intelligent life in the universe. The 12-inch copper gold plated disk is known as the Pioneer Golden Record.

Artist Katerina Wong choreographed the performance and was thrilled to know its history.

“They were hoping if there was an opportunity to meet an ET, that they would get a little bit of understanding about what life on earth was like.” remarked Wong.

In 1977, NASA scientists installed a golden record on two space probes that were part of the Voyager Mission.

On each copy were dozens of images, sounds from nature, and multiple greetings in 55 different languages. The record also contained music from around the world, and included classical as well as a recording of Chuck Berry’s “Johnny B Goode.”

According to NASA, the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are exploring where nothing from Earth has flown before. Their primary mission was the exploration of Jupiter and Saturn in our own solar system but now, both probes are billions of miles away from earth – carrying a message from earth on these golden records. The hope was that somewhere beyond our solar system, intelligent life or advanced civilizations will find them and be able to decipher their contents.
“This was a way of telling another civilization about us,” explained the legendary astronomer and astrophysicist Frank Drake.



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May The (Space) Force Be With You!

The Roller Coaster ride that is the Trump presidency has reached new heights with his efforts to implement another branch of the military he has labelled The Space Force.

Trump may be the most unique president in American history.  Much of what he says and does is worthy of the condemnation heaped upon him by the Main Stream Media, his many political opponents and even “independent” journalists such as Gordon Duff, Robert David Steele and yours truly…..even though I believe RussiaGate was a British intelligence operation designed to prevent his election and then undermine his presidency.

I find his close association with Bibi Netanyahu, Sheldon Adelson and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman which is facilitated by his son-in-law Jaren Kushner deeply troubling.

But, despite what I consider his war crimes in Syria, Yemen and elsewhere and his vulnerability to impeachment charges for the “high misdemeanor” of Maladministration after two years of chaotic leadership, this observer has to give him a begrudging vote of confidence for his boldness, tenacity and unflappable perseverance in the face of the most extreme assault on a presidency since Abe Lincoln.

The thing I find most interesting about his stewardship is his association with the Space Program. Although this area of public policy gets little attention compared to the glory days of the Apollo era, Trump is carving out his own legacy that might be comparable to JFK’s.

As Richard Dolan, Joseph Farrell, Michael Salla, Richard Hoagland, Jim Marrs, Daniel Liszt,and  other researchers have documented, there is impressive evidence of a well-funded and well developed “Breakaway Civilization” or Secret Space Program.

As we know, Trump is all about the money and for those looking for the $21 Trillion missing from the Pentagon, Katherine Austin Fitts and Farrell make a strong case there is a thriving economy based off-planet secretly funded by stolen public funds and private financing.  With Adelson and Kushner involved in backing the recent Israeli Moon shot, that may help explain some of what is going on behind the scenes.

As I have written previously, almost all of the recent Deep State scandals can be explained as covering up the existence of the Secret Space Program/Breakaway Civilization and is the missing piece of contemporary history precisely as Dolan has described.

That includes RussiaGate which still roils the public dialogue even as I compose this article. Few observers have commented on how Mueller and Comey “colluded” to suppress cloaking technology by a private entrepreneur in an apparent attempt to keep the invisibility factor within the provenance of the existing power structure in charge of the UFO file.  This occurred after Comey’s six years at Lockheed and time at HSBC!

As George Webb has explained in great detail, Mueller has deep family ties to the Military Industrial Complex that preceded both World Wars and then continued with the German Paper Clip scientists who helped create the US Space Program.

In the middle of this is Donald Trump with his Uncle John’s ties to Nikola Tesla, his calls for a Space Force, the strange relationship of his mentor Roy Cohn to Senator Joe McCarthy’investigation of UFOs in the 1950s………and so much more.

The UFO community is lusting for an end of the Truth Embargo and Disclosure of the ET presence. It is grasping at every tidbit of evidence that might signal its onset.  This helps explain the To The Stars Academy phenomena despite what many see as a sophisticated psy-op/limited hang-out designed by well-connected former CIA operatives.

Tom deLonge, Louis Elizondo and their crew may prove to be the real deal as Steve Bassett and others claim.  But those of us who have our doubts see warning signs attached to names like Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and Harry Reid on top of the company’s muddled links to the CIA.

Somehow, despite Syria, Venezuela, Iran, Yemen, North Korea, the immigration crisis, RussiaGate, health care, environmental issues, the economy and more, Trump has found a niche to arguably elevate the conversation into a whole other realm reminiscent, may I dare say, of JFK.

However reluctant I am to make the comparison, it was Kennedy’s decision to go to the Moon that serves as a template upon which other presidents have forged their space policies. JFK then proposed working with the former Soviet Union.  Salla and others have posited that Trump and Putin may be revisiting that dialogue as part of their private talks that has outraged Hillary and others.

These are all curious developments that add confusion and complexity to understanding his behavior as well as possibly explaining Trump Derangement Syndrome which has dominated political debate for the last three years.

I am not a UFO scholar and have no answers to the questions I raise.  Some things might become clearer during the 2020 election if candidates interject the topic of Disclosure into the campaign as Hillary did meekly in 2016.  Ironically, if Trump is re-elected, he may become the long-desired “Disclosure President” with his Space Force leading the way
into a New Frontier and beyond!

Rich Scheck
Santa, Rosa, CA
May 6, 2019


I Blame the Deep State for the Collapse of the Medical Industry

by Duke Brickhouse, Chief Editor, ExoNews          May 1, 2019

Back in 1998, I suddenly developed multiple and recurrent throat ulcers that seem to correspond with changes in the weather. Through the 2000’s, I went to doctors and specialists from Virginia Beach/Norfolk to Berlin, Germany where I lived for a couple of years. If you look up ‘apthous stomatitis’ on the internet, you’ll see that there is ‘no known cause, no known cure’ for this condition. Therefore, all that the doctors could do was to prescribe pain medication, and I would just have to live with it until it ‘ran its course’.

Its twenty years later, and I am still suffering from these acute and recurrent throat ulcers that come in groups of two to five at a time, each lasting ten to fifteen days. So with overlapping occurrences, these episodes can continue for a couple of months at a time, continually. This is what happened last winter. I live in Virginia Beach. Between the middle of January and the middle of March, we had a non-stop series of low pressure rain systems roll in, along with severe drops and rises in temperature. This caused a two month series of severe throat ulcers when I cannot eat or drink without pain medication. At its worst, I cannot get out of bed.

In the past, I would get a prescription for 90 pain pills which would last me through maybe two or three of these extended ulcer episodes, costing me a $15 insurance co-pay. But since this recently manufactured ‘opioid crisis’, the Deep State has focused only on the abusers, making sure that people in actual pain are totally disregarded. The system dumped a ton of opioid pain meds on the population, allowing the ultra-selfish, third-density idiots with no regard for their own mortality to abuse them and eat them by the handfuls. The pharmacies got rich by over-selling them. The elite billionaire Richard Sackler and his family (owners of Perdue Farm/worth $13B) made a lot more money by creating this epidemic. (see John Oliver HBO video clip below) The Deep State used the foreseeable result of a small percentage of people abusing these pain meds to declare an ‘opioid crisis’, to justify the implementation of severely restrictive laws. This is what I found myself facing in the winter of 2019.

After waiting a couple of weeks for an appointment with my primary care physician, I was informed that she could no longer prescribe my pain pills. I had to go to a ‘pain management specialist’ for that now. More money. More time to wait. I was suffering and urgently needed the pain meds. So I made an appointment with the pain management doctor. He could see me in three weeks. Three more weeks of suffering to pay another doctor for what my own doctor used to do.  (I hadn’t harmed myself in twenty years of taking these medications, but now I am considered ‘high risk’.)

When I went to the pain management doctor, he had no clue about my throat ulcer condition and was therefore suspicious about whether I was really in pain or if I was just a dirty drug addict trying to manipulate the system. That’s exactly how I was treated. In two hours, I had to go through three rounds of paperwork promising that I would not abuse the pills or do anything else to attempt to relieve my pain, and I would be routinely pee-tested to make sure. I have never been treated so poorly, like a drug addict felon. Finally, at the end of this degrading encounter, the hapless doctor wrote me a prescription for 30 pain pills.

I took the prescription to my pharmacy and they informed me that they didn’t carry this type of medication, and they would have it shipped to them. This would take yet another week. More time and more suffering. After a week it came in, but at a cost of $350. I was astounded. I can’t afford that. So my pharmacist got my insurance company involved. After another week, my insurance company agreed to pay half of it. I still couldn’t afford $175 for 30 pills. So after five more weeks, the requisite ‘pain management’ only made me suffer longer, forcing me to take extra strength Tylenol like candy, which does not adequately control the pain. It was a complete waste of time. But that wasn’t the end of it. The pain management doctor sent me a bill for $625, and after insurance covered a portion, I was expected to pay them $135. So this elitist doctor, who knew that under the new ‘opioid crisis’ regulations he was the only option left to me, had no problem extorting the system for $625 for doing absolutely nothing. In fact, he only made my situation much worse by dragging it out for another 5 weeks.

I was missing a lot of work due to these ulcers, and my boss – a great guy – was worried. He went out of his way to find an ear, nose and throat doctor and told me to go see him. Well, it’s my boss, so I can’t say no. Of course, my boss doesn’t labor under the stress of money like the rest of us do. By this point in April, I had gotten past my throat ulcer episodes for a while. I told the receptionist at the ENT why I was there, and that I currently had no ulcers for the doctor to look at, but since I had made the appointment I would at least get into the computer system so that the next time I developed these throat ulcers I could go right in. I saw the doctor for less than five minutes during which time I explained my condition, and he looked at my throat for about ten seconds. He had nothing to offer except to come back when they were active again. A few weeks later I got a bill from the ENT doctor for a $283 ‘consultation’, of which my payment was $115. I complained that the doctor did nothing at all, and I was told that this was the standard charge for a consultation.

So I went back to my primary care physician and related my story.  She prescribed me 30 pills of a different kind of pain medication called Tramadol.  The pharmacy said that, again, they would have to order it since it was not a common medication.  When it came in a week later, I was told that it cost $250.  The pharmacist said that my insurance might cover it if my PCP doctor called them.  So I waited three more weeks to learn that my insurance had denied coverage. I spoke to some people in my office who had been prescribed Tramadol, and our mutual insurance carrier, Anthem Healthkeepers, had covered it for them no problem.  But I received a letter from Anthem saying that they had denied my request because “We did not see information that show you have an illness that qualifies… such as a diagnosis of cancer-related pain…terminal condition…sickle cell anemia, or …chronic pain.”  These doctors have no idea what apthous stomatitis (throat ulcers) is so they relegate it to a milder disease.  I tried to call the person who denied my request at Anthem but she would not take my call.

I got someone else at Anthem on the phone who told me that my PCP could schedule a ‘peer to peer’ phone call to restate my case and try to educate them.  When I told my PCP doctor this, she responded that she would not do this as she was monitored for this sort of activity, and I would have no alternative but to go back to the pain management specialist.  So after about ten weeks in chronic pain, I was right back where I started, in the same situation with an incompetent pain management doctor who was indifferent to actually helping patients since he is the only game in town.

I must interject here that the only relief that I have found has been through Karl Mollison, a channeler of Creator and the Higher Self, whom I met through my friend, Denny Hunt, in 2017.  Karl provides medical issue channeling through his websites, and  After “vetting” Karl, and being so impressed by his channeling of historic figures that I wrote a handful of articles on them for ExoNews, I asked Karl to do a channeling for my throat ulcer condition.  He did so in the summer of 2017, through a ‘holographic memory resolution’ protocol, and I saw a marked improvement literally overnight.  I must say that it did not completely eliminate my throat ulcers, but it did reduce the frequency and severity of them. (They are still quite painful when they do come.)  Thank God I found Karl when I did.  Everything, it seems, is tied to our spiritual self.  This is a promising field of medical research that the Deep State does not want revealed, and is widely disregarded by the mainstream medical community.

The medical industry is no longer about providing medical treatment to patients. It is about making money, and lots of it. And this concocted opioid crisis has allowed the system to jack up prices and place the burden of paying it on the patient.  This funnels more money into the Deep State coffers.  If you cannot afford their costs, then to hell with you. By my research, fully 50% of the US population cannot afford these costs – much less any sort of life insurance or retirement savings. Most of these people cannot even afford health insurance, which I have only because it is provided through my employer. But these days, fewer and fewer employers are even offering a health insurance plan. And the Deep State Republicans are trying as hard as they can to eliminate the Affordable Care Act so that even fewer people can afford health care. This is a manufactured crisis.  And they are using this crisis to bleed us dry.

In Germany and other European countries, doctors and attorneys charge their fees on a sliding scale according to the person’s income. Not in America. In America is it all about the money, not the people. And it’s not only the doctors, but the pharmacies, hospitals and health insurance companies who are complicit in this unconscionable system that the Deep State elite have devised. Today, the medical industry doesn’t care one bit about treating patients. The only thing it wants to preserve is the tradition of paying doctors a six-figure salary to support these Deep State policies while doing less and less for their patients. In America, medical services are only for the wealthy who can grudgingly afford this ridiculous system. As for the rest of us, we are left out in the cold and nobody cares. And on top of it all, we are hearing from insiders that we now have amazing medical technology in the secret space programs that are kept from mainstream society. This latent technology could eliminate all disease, cancer, anything at all.

Why would the Deep State elite want to do this? Because it keeps the lower half of the population both economically and medically subjugated so that we have no time to look around and see what is truly going on here, and we have no resources to do anything about it. We are the ones who are suffering under this corrupt Deep State system. The top economic half of the population are simply grateful that they are not in the bottom half, so they consider themselves as ‘winning’ in this system and they don’t want to do anything to upset the dynamic. In other words, it is the Deep State’s way of keeping us all as economic slaves, one way or the other, rich or poor.

The corruption and collapse of the medical industry is only a microcosm of the Deep State tactics employed in every sector of American society. They manipulate small fluctuations in various taxes, interest rates, inflation, bank loan requirements, student loan debt, stock market, etc. in order to keep us right on the edge – financially insecure and frightened that we are but one small catastrophe away from losing everything. This is so we don’t have the time, the resources, or the nerve to rise up and demand the reform of this corrupt American system. It is a system where all they want is to do is to generate money, and then funnel all of that money to an elite wealthy class.  And they employ all of these mechanisms to make sure it stays this way. The corruption of the medical industry is only one of these mechanisms, which I’ve just experienced first-hand.

Please share your related story in the Comments section below.

New Book! US Air Force Secret Space Program – Shifting ET Alliances & Space Force

The US Air Force is experiencing a profound shift! In order to aggregate the military’s major space assets under one authority, they are being moved into a new branch under the purview of the Air Force. This new branch is to be called “Space Force”.

The true purpose of Space Force will be to publicly unveil the most well-guarded secrets in the Air Force’s stunning arsenal of exotic spacecraft, unconventional weapons and mind-blowing technologies assembled over the more than seventy years since its official emergence in 1947.

This book lays out the history of the Air Force Secret Space Program:

  • Ushering in a new era with the recovery of several extraterrestrial craft in the 1940’s.
  • Secret agreements with a breakaway German colony in Antarctica (the Fourth Reich) & different extraterrestrial groups in the 1950’s.
  • Its complicity in the German infiltration of NASA & the Military-Industrial Complex in the 1960’s.
  • Development of stealth space stations beginning from the 1970’s.
  • Deployment of squadrons of disk, triangle and rectangular-shaped craft in the 1980’s & 1990’s.

After its 2016 discovery that it had been deceived by the Deep State and their shadowy Fourth Reich allies, Air Force leaders made the momentous decision to shift alliances and realigned their covert space program with human-looking extraterrestrials. This has led to bold steps being taken by the Air Force to reveal the existence of its arsenal of spacecraft to the US public.

About the Author: Dr Michael Salla is a former university professor in international relations, and is the author of Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances (Book 1 in Secret Space Program Series, 2015); The US Navy’s Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance (Book 2 in the Series); Antarctica’s Hidden History (Book 3 in the Series) all of which became #1 Amazon Best Sellers. He is also the author/editor of nine other books dealing with ‘Exopolitics’, International Conflict, U.S. Foreign Policy  and Global Peace.

US Air Force Secret Space Program: Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances and Space Force is 494 pages in length, and is Book 4 in the Secret Space Programs Series. Cost $25.95

Release Date: May 21, 2019!

Kindle Edition now available for Pre-Order on .

Paperback edition will be available at Amazon from May 21.

Audible edition will be available mid-June.

To order your autographed paperback edition from click Add to Cart, and follow instructions.


Just Don’t Call Them UFOs

by Marina Koren                     April 27, 2019                      (

• Apparently, enough incidents have occurred in “various military-controlled ranges and designated airspace” in recent years to cause members of Congress to ask questions and to prompt military officials to establish a formal system to collect and analyze the unexplained phenomena. The U.S. Navy is drafting new rules for Navy officials and pilots to report such sightings. The Navy is trying to assure its pilots that they won’t be laughed out of the cockpit or deemed unhinged if they bring it up.

• While the Navy indicates it’s willing to discuss the taboo topic, it is loath to make any reference to “UFOs”. Instead, they’re called “unexplained aerial phenomena,” “unidentified aircraft,” “unauthorized aircraft,” and, perhaps most intriguing, “suspected incursions.” This is peculiar since it was the military that came up with the phrase “unidentified flying objects” in the first place.

• Government programs dedicated to investigating UFO sightings in the late 1940s treated UFO sightings as a big joke. As a rule, officials dismissed and debunked any reports as hoaxes and hallucinations. The military created Project Blue Book to investigate claims of strange objects in the sky. Its director, Edward Ruppelt, introduced the term ‘unidentified flying object’ sometime around 1953. The definition carried no hint of extraterrestrial life.

• Edward Ruppelt probably didn’t imagine the journey his three-letter abbreviation would take over the years. Military reports were careful to avoid any mention of the dreaded ‘UFO’. In 1955, Ruppelt wrote: “… facts have been obscured by secrecy and confusion, a situation that has led to wild speculation on one end of the scale and an almost dangerously blasé attitude on the other.”

• Notwithstanding, UFOs infiltrated the public consciousness. They sailed into Hollywood with stories about aliens, from friendly creatures to nightmarish monsters. The lines between fiction and reality blurred. People told harrowing stories of nighttime abductions. UFOs became the focus of conspiracy theories about government secrecy. The people who believed in UFOs and aliens were regarded as ‘crazies’, a lasting stigma surrounding UFO truthers.

• After two decades in operation, Project Blue Book eventually concluded there was “no evidence that [UFOs] were intelligently guided spacecraft from beyond the Earth.” They attributed most sightings to clouds, weather balloons, and even birds. And any project that studied UFO was deemed a waste of time and money.

• Christopher Mellon, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence in the Clinton and Bush administrations and an advocate for UFO study, has said service members worry that reporting UFOs puts their careers at risk. They also worry that staying silent could threaten national security, in case one of those mysterious objects turns out to be a new form of aircraft from a rival country. “Nobody wants to be ‘the alien guy’ in the national-security bureaucracy,” Mellon wrote in a Washington Post op-ed last year. “Nobody wants to be ridiculed or sidelined for drawing attention to the issue.”


Pilots are about to receive a new memo from management: If you encounter an unidentified flying object while on the job, please tell us.

The U.S. Navy is drafting new rules for reporting such sightings, according to a recent story from Politico. Apparently, enough incidents have occurred in “various military-controlled ranges and designated airspace” in recent years to prompt military officials to establish a formal system to collect and analyze the unexplained phenomena. Members of Congress and their staffs have even started asking about the claims, and Navy officials and pilots have responded with formal briefings.

The Washington Post provided more details in its own story: In some cases, pilots—many of whom are engineers and academy graduates—claimed to observe small spherical objects flying in formation. Others say they’ve seen white, Tic Tac–shaped vehicles. Aside from drones, all engines rely on burning fuel to generate power, but these vehicles all had no air intake, no wind and no exhaust.

The Navy knows how this sounds. It knows what you must be thinking. But the fact stands that some pilots are saying they’ve seen strange things in the sky, and that’s concerning. So the Navy is trying to assure pilots that they won’t be laughed out of the cockpit or deemed unhinged if they bring it up. “For safety and security concerns, the Navy and the [U.S. Air Force] takes these reports very seriously and investigates each and every report,” the Navy said in a statement to Politico.

Yet even as the Navy indicates it’s willing to discuss the taboo topic, it’s also shying away from three notorious little letters. UFO carries an airport’s worth of baggage, bursting with urban legends, government secrecy, and over-the-top Hollywood movies. The statements and quotes that the Navy provided to news outlets are devoid of any reference to UFOs. Instead, they’re called “unexplained aerial phenomena,” “unidentified aircraft,” “unauthorized aircraft,” and, perhaps most intriguing, “suspected incursions.”

The message is, if you see something, say something, but for God’s sake, lower your voice. Don’t call it a UFO. Which is funny, since the military came up with the name in the first place.



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I-Team Confirms Pentagon Did Release UFO Videos

by George Knapp and Matt Adams                     April 29, 2019                       (

• U.S. Navy officials recently announced that it is changing its policy regarding the reporting of UFOs/UAPs by Navy pilots and personnel (see announcement article). But since a December 2017 New York Times article (see here) revealed a 5-year/$22M Pentagon UFO study program that ended in 2012, along with several videos with images of apparent UFOs, the Pentagon has insisted that the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) had nothing to do with UFOs, and it has denied that the videos came from the Department of Defense (DoD). Now, George Knapp’s ‘I-Team’ has learned that this is not accurate.

• The U.S. Navy’s 2004 encounter with a ‘Tic Tac’ UFO off of San Diego; the 2015 incursion by multiple unknowns off the coast of Florida dubbed ‘Gimbal’; and a zippy craft off of the coast of Virginia known as “Go Fast” did, in fact, come from the DoD. “The videos were released by the Department of Defense. The Department of Defense made the decision to release them,” said Lue Elizondo, a former DoD intelligence officer and director of the Pentagon’s AATIP study.

• Before Elizondo resigned from his Pentagon detail, he initiated a process to get the three videos, and many more, declassified for public release. He insisted in a June 2018 interview these UFO encounters were not isolated incidents. “There were many incidents we looked at and we looked at them on a continuing basis,” said former US Senator Harry Reid. Senator Reid confirmed ‘there’s a lot more where these came from’.

• To back up their assertions, the I-Team obtained a copy of the DD 1910 form issued by the Department of Defense office of prepublication and security review, the final step in a multi-step process to have them publicly released. (click here for the DD 1910 form) The request specifies the three videos: Go Fast, Gimbal and FLIR, which was the original name for the Tic Tac encounter. The document shows that authorization for release was granted on August 24, 2017. The I-Team also acquired the DoD directive which spells out how the video release procedure works.

• Since their release, the three videos and the pilots involved in those encounters have been part of several closed door briefings given to Congress, set up by Chris Mellon who formerly worked for the Senate Intelligence Committee and the Department of Defense. High ranking Navy officials claimed to be ‘just as surprised’ at the UFO evidence as congressional staff. The Navy now wants to encourage pilots to report unusual encounters without fear of damaging their careers.

• Mellon, now of ‘To The Stars Academy’, told the I-Team that the Navy officials realized it was “indefensible” to not have a system that allowed more reporting of these incidents.


U.S. Navy officials issued a stunning statement a few days ago. The Navy announced it is developing new policies that will make it easier for pilots and other military personnel to file official reports about encounters with “unexplained aerial phenomena”, otherwise known as UFOs.

What’s behind this dramatic announcement? And is it related to the UFO videos which were made public at the end of 2017?

For the U.S. Navy to issue such a forceful statement about UFOs and the importance of investigating each incident is such an abrupt change. It stands in marked contrast to all the conflicting statements made by the Pentagon in the past 15 months — claims that the secret study sponsored by Nevada Senator Harry Reid wasn’t really about UFOs, that it ended years ago, and that the three videos weren’t really released by the Department of Defense. Suffice to say, those Pentagon statements are simply not accurate.

The U.S. Navy’s 2004 encounter with an object dubbed the Tic Tac UFO. The 2015 incursion by multiple unknowns off the coast of Florida dubbed Gimbal. And a zippy craft aptly known as “Go Fast”.

Two of the three videos were made public in December 2017, released simultaneously by the New York Times and To The Stars Academy. The provenance of the videos has been disputed ever since.

“The videos were released by the Department of Defense. The Department of Defense made the decision to release them,” said Lue Elizondo, a former intelligence officer.

Reporter George Knapp: “So, someone gave this the green light?”

Lue Elizondo: “Absolutely, and it wasn’t me.”



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The Pentagon’s Bottomless Money Pit

by Matt Taibbi                   March 17, 2019                    (

[Editor’s Note]  This lengthy article from Rolling Stone demonstrates that the Deep State controlled heads of both Congress and the Defense Department are doing all they can to keep the Department of Defense’s budget and accounting practices in such a dysfunctional quagmire that trillions of dollars in unaccountable funding can continue to be funneled into the government’s secret space program at various levels.

• In 1787, the US Constitution mandated “a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.” By the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, hundreds of billions of tax dollars were being spent annually, and no one really knew where. No independent examiner had ever fully checked the government’s books.

• So in 1990, US Senators Chuck Grassley and John Glenn, and Rep. John Conyers authored the “Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990” (the “CFO Act”). This forced government agencies to name a CFO, conduct audits and create a “modern federal financial management structure.” Twenty-three agencies, from Defense to Labor to State, were ordered to begin submitting “department-wide annual audited financial statements” by 1994. In the first year, only six agencies and departments were able to pass. Within a few years, however, most were in compliance. By 2013, the Department of Defense was the only federal agency that had not submitted a financial statement.

• For the most part, the Department of Defense (“DoD”) does not know how much it spends. It has a handle on some things, like military pay, but in other places it’s clueless. None of its services — Navy, Air Force, Army, Marine Corps — use the same system to record transactions or monitor inventory. Each service has its own operations and management budget, its own payroll system, its own R&D budget and so on. It’s an empire of disconnected budgets, or “fiefdoms,” as one Senate staffer calls them.

• Ahead of misappropriation, fraud, theft, overruns, contracting corruption and other abuses that are almost certainly still going on, the Pentagon’s first problem is its books. It’s the world’s largest producer of wrong numbers, an ingenious bureaucratic defense system that hides all the other rats’ nests underneath.

• In 2011, Congress passed the Budget Control Act which caps the defense budget at roughly 54 percent of discretionary spending. Almost immediately, the DoD began using so-called Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO), a second checking account that can be raised without limit. In 2019, the Pentagon secured $617 billion in “base” budget money, which puts it in technical compliance with the Budget Control law. Then it used the OCO slush fund to generate another $69 billion. Other ‘defense’ departments received additional funding: the VA ($83 billion), Homeland Security ($46 billion), the National Nuclear Security Administration ($21.9 billion). Then the DoD drew from the OCO fund again for anti-ISIS operations. The resulting actual defense outlay is over $855 billion, and that’s just what we know about. Programs like the CIA’s drones are part of the secret “black budget” of the intelligence community (which this article doesn’t go into).

• The long-standing Antideficiency Act makes it illegal for any government agency to spend money appropriated for one purpose on a different program. Yet the military routinely commingles its various pots of money. The DoD is supposed to give its unspent money back to Congress. Instead, the DoD created a computer program algorithm called Mechanization of Contract Administration Services that spends “old money” first, i.e.: money from whatever funds were about to expire – in clear violation of the law. The DoD simply orders its accountants to make the numbers fit to avoid having to return any money.

• DoD accountants are told by superiors that if they cannot find invoices or contracts to prove the various expenses they should execute “unsubstantiated change actions”, i.e.: make them up. The accountants systematically “plug” in fake numbers to match the payment schedules handed down by the Treasury. These fixes are called “journal voucher adjustments”, “forced-balance entries”, “workarounds”, or “plugs.” Thus, the year-end financial statements submitted to Congress are fictions, a form of systematic accounting fraud that Congress has quietly tolerated for decades.

• A 2017 Michigan State University study revealed $21 trillion in plugs over a 17-year period. The Pentagon didn’t even receive that much money during the time period in question. In 2015, the Army with an annual budget of $122 billion, generated $6.5 trillion in accounting plugs – or 54 times its annual budget.

• The Pentagon compounded its lack of oversight by reducing its staff of internal criminal investigators. “No other federal agency could get away with this,” said one Senate staffer. The military has been told repeatedly to stop plugging and develop more rational accounting systems.

• The ubiquitous plugging and quantity of bad numbers in the Pentagon’s books are so massive that it will take a labor of the ages to untangle. Next to the enormously bloated DoD budget itself, the attempted accounting reconciliation effort has created a second massive DoD expenditure – accounting reformation.

• To appear as though it is attempting to cooperate with Congressional mandates, in 1991 the DoD created the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS), which would collect financial reports from all of the different DoD sub-agencies at the end of each month, without bothering to adjust its accounting rules. But the Pentagon’s books are so choked with bad data that discovering abuses in real time is virtually impossible.

• The Air Force awarded a “big four” accounting firm, Deloitte, $800 million to help with “audit preparation.”  The Navy countered with a $980 million audit-readiness contract spread across all four accounting firms: Deloitte, Booz Allen Hamilton, Accenture and KPMG. In 2003, Defense comptroller Dov Zakheim told the House Budget Committee, “We anticipate having a clean audit by 2007.” Soon after disavowing that promise, he said, “The further we dug . . . the more difficulties turned up.” Taxpayers were paying gargantuan sums to private accounting firms just to write reports about how previous recommendations had been ignored.

• In 2005, the Pentagon began to provide Congress with Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness (FIAR) reports. These reports’ purpose was to assure Congress that the DoD was getting closer to sorting all of this stuff out. December 2005: “Progress has been achieved.” September 2006: “Progress has been made.” September 2007: “Progress has been made in several areas.” March 2008: “Substantial progress has been made.” March 2009: “Significant progress has been made, but much needs to be done.”

• In an attempt to standardize the military’s payroll and personnel records system, in 2009 the DoD created the Defense Integrated Military Human Resources System. Over 12 years and more than $1 billion in expenditures later, it was scrapped. Earlier, in 2005, the Air Force set out to buy a standardized computer system from Oracle called the Expeditionary Combat Support System. It took 7 years and more than $1 billion for that plan to be scrapped.

• Despite the DoD’s 60,000 financial-management employees who’ve had 21 years to producing financial statements, by the mid-2000s the task was given to 200 auditors from the DoD inspector general to create a single annual financial statement. They made some helpful recommendations, but it didn’t get very far before they concluded that an audit was not possible. In 2011, then-Defense comptroller Robert Hale confessed to Congress, “We don’t really fully understand in the Department of Defense what you have to do to pass an audit for military service, because we have never done it.” You’ve heard of “too big to fail”. The DoD’s universe is too big to count. One exasperated DoD official complained, “Impossible. . . . We can’t do it. . . . It’s too big.”

• The annual DoD audit has brought enormously expensive accounting firms into the family of permanent high-end military contractors like Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Boeing and Raytheon. One estimate puts the annual cost for accounting at about a billion: $400 million a year for audits by firms like Ernst & Young, and about $600 million for firms like Deloitte to fix problems identified by said audits.

• In April 2016, U.S. Comptroller General Gene Dodaro testified before the Senate that the Pentagon had spent up to $10 billion to modernize its accounting systems. Those attempts, he said, had “not yielded positive results.” Asked how much progress has been made toward creating a workable accounting system at the Pentagon, Dodaro says, “At my level, I would have to say zero.”

• One thing that the audits did uncover was a tremendous amount of waste. The DoD found about $125 billion in administrative waste. Inspectors found “at least” $6 billion to $8 billion in waste in the Iraq campaign, and said that $15 billion of waste found in the Afghan theater was probably “only a portion” of the total lost.

• By the end of 2018, the DoD did submit an audit by some 1,200 auditors at a cost of $400 million. It was, however, a failure and did not “pass”. The auditors could offer no opinion, saying that the military’s acronymic accounting system was too illogical to penetrate. Deputy Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan said it was nothing to worry about, because “we never expected to pass it.” As one Senate staffer put it, “These systems were not designed to be audited.” Remarked Senator Chuck Grassley: “Based on the track record, it seems like they don’t want to fix it.”

• The Pentagon bureaucracy has no reliable method of recording financial transactions. Some of its accounting programs are still using COBOL, a computing language that was cutting-edge in 1959. The DoD still hasn’t progressed to serial numbered bar codes to tracking inventory. Assets tend to vanish on financial ledgers. A few years ago the DoD admitted to losing track of 478 buildings and 39 Black Hawk helicopters. A retired Air Force auditor said that the Air Force has no idea how much of anything it has at any given time. However, since 2006 when the Air Force accidentally loaded six nuclear weapons in a B-52 and flew them across the country, unbeknownst to the crew, it has made a special effort to track its nuclear weapons.

• In the 1980’s, Senator Grassley was inspired to scrutinize DoD accounting due to reports that it was spending $640 for toilet seats and $436 for hammers. Today, the DoD is still spending $10,000 apiece for 3D printed airborne toilet-seat covers and $1,280 each on reheatable drinking cups. In 1992, the military was under pressure to resolve its “poor cost estimating”, and created a middleman with the power to set prices and choose subcontractors known as the “prime vendor”. This system became corrupted and only inflated prices even further. By 2004, the Pentagon was spending $7.4 billion annually on prime-vendor purchases. In 2005 it was reported that the military was buying 85-cent ice trays from prime vendors for $20 apiece, and had purchased nine refrigerators from a prime vendor for $32,642.

• In 1997, the Army spent $4 billion on the Global Combat Support System ‘audit-readiness program’ to centralize its accounting system, and the Marine Corp spent $1 billion on a similar system. In 2009, the General Accounting Office complained about the $6 billion that had been spent in audit preparation with no results. In 2010, Chuck Grassley created an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act to stop the runaway mobilization of hundreds of auditors that the CFO Act still mandated, creating a Catch-22 between the two opposing laws.

• Three decades into the effort, we’ve only been spending billions of dollars to get nowhere in one of the most expensive jokes any nation has played on itself. “When everything’s always a mystery,” says Grassley, “nothing ever has to be solved.”

• Even if there were a way for the DoD to reorganize its accounting practices, it would inevitably be mired in politics. There is a strong bloc of Congressmen whose office depends on campaign contributions from the defense sector (even though defense contractors themselves cannot make campaign contributions). They hold up any type of withholding on defense expenditures in committees such as Armed Services or Appropriations. Says one Congressional staffer, “You can’t get the Pentagon to take an audit seriously unless you threaten to stop funding, and you can’t stop funding without campaign finance reform.” Senator Bernie Sanders laments the unwillingness of Congress to take the real steps needed to enforce auditing compliance. The system of campaign contributions that keeps key committees captive will lock this problem in place until there’s reform on that end. “When it comes to the massive waste, fraud and abuse at the Pentagon, there’s a deafening silence,” says Sanders.

• The military has become an unstoppable mechanism for absorbing trillions of taxpayer dollars and using them in the most inefficient manner possible. The armed services are filling warehouses for some programs with “1,000 years’ worth of inventory,” as one Navy logistics officer recently revealed. According to a Congressional staffer: “[The] DoD loves to find inefficiencies. It just means more they can spend.”


A retired Air Force auditor — we’ll call him Andy — tells a story about a thing that happened at Ogden Air Force Base, Utah. Sometime in early 2001, something went wrong with a base inventory order. Andy thinks it was a simple data-entry error. “Someone ordered five of something,” he says, “and it came out as an order for 999,000.” He laughs. “It was probably just something the machine defaulted to. Type in an order for a part the wrong way, and it comes out all frickin’ nines in every field.” Nobody actually delivered a monster load of parts. But the faulty transaction — the paper trail for a phantom inventory adjustment never made — started moving through the Air Force’s maze of internal accounting systems anyway. A junior-level logistics officer caught it before it went out of house. Andy remembers the incident because, as a souvenir, he kept the June 28th, 2001, email that circulated about it in the Air Force accounting world, in which the dollar value of the error was discussed.

Wanted to keep you all informed of the massive inventory adjustment processed at [Ogden] on Wednesday of this week. It isn’t as bad as we first thought ($8.5 trillion). The hit . . . $3.9 trillion instead of the $8.5 trillion as we first thought.

The Air Force, which had an $85 billion budget that year, nearly created in one stroke an accounting error more than a third the size of the U.S. GDP, which was just over $10 trillion in 2001. Nobody lost money. It was just a paper error, one that was caught.

“Even the Air Force notices a trillion-dollar error,” Andy says with a laugh. “Now, if it had been a billion, it might have gone through.”

Years later, Andy watched as another massive accounting issue made its way into the military bureaucracy. The Air Force changed one of its financial reporting systems, and after the change, the service showed a negative number for inventory — everything from engine cores to landing gear — in transit.

Freaked out, because you can’t have a negative number of things in transit, Air Force accountants went back and tried to reverse the mistake. In doing so, they somehow ended up adding more than $4 billion in value to the Air Force’s overall spare-parts inventory in a single month.

This suspicious number is still there. You can see a sudden spike in the Air Force’s working-capital fund’s stagnant spare-parts numbers. It was $23.2 billion in 2015, $23.3 billion in 2016, $24.4 billion in 2017, and then suddenly $28.8 billion in September 2018.

That doesn’t mean money was lost, or stolen. It does, however, mean the Air Force probably has less inventory on hand than it thinks it does.

Now retired, Andy sometimes visits his neighborhood library, which uses RFID smart labels, or radio frequency identification, allowing it to know where all its books are at all times.

Meanwhile, the Air Force, which has a $156 billion annual budget, still doesn’t always use serial numbers. It has no idea how much of almost anything it has at any given time. Nuclear weapons are the exception, and it started electronically tagging those only after two extraordinary mistakes, in 2006 and 2007. In the first, the Air Force accidentally loaded six nuclear weapons in a B-52 and flew them across the country, unbeknownst to the crew. In the other, the services sent nuclear nose cones by mistake to Taiwan, which had asked for helicopter batteries.

“What kind of an organization,” Andy asks, “doesn’t keep track of $20 billion in inventory?”

Despite being the taxpayers’ greatest investment — more than $700 billion a year — the Department of Defense has remained an organizational black box throughout its history. It’s repelled generations of official inquiries, the latest being an audit three decades in the making, mainly by scrambling its accounting into such a mess that it may never be untangled.

Ahead of misappropriation, fraud, theft, overruns, contracting corruption and other abuses that are almost certainly still going on, the Pentagon’s first problem is its books. It’s the world’s largest producer of wrong numbers, an ingenious bureaucratic defense system that hides all the other rats’ nests underneath. Meet the Gordian knot of legend, brought to life in modern America.



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Oxford Professor Believes Alien-Human Hybrid Species Will Save Earth

by Eileen AJ Connelly                    April 27, 2019                       (

• Dr. Young-hae Chi , an instructor in Korean at Oxford’s Oriental Institute (England) has penned a new book in Korean entitled: Alien Visitations and the End of Humanity. In it, Chi claims that a race of insectoid beings are interbreeding with humans in order to create an intellectually superior hybrid race that can solve humanities’ problems starting with climate change.

• Chi says that these highly intelligent ‘aliens’ are stepping in because they share this Earth with humans, so the survival of the Earth biosphere is a matter of self-preservation for them. “[T]he hybrid project is a response to this impending demise of human civilization,” Chi said in a 2012 lecture where he first introduced the possibility of the hybrid race. They are living among us, but we cannot perceive them with our limited human senses.

• Chi told the Oxford student newspaper that there are four types of aliens,: “Small; tall and bold; aliens with scales and snake eyes; and finally, insect-like.” The insect-like ones rank highest on the totem pole and probably boss around the others, Chi said.

• Chi said he’s searching everywhere under the sun to support his theory, but he still needs “more evidence to support my view.”

[Editor’s Note]   Insectoid beings taking over the planet…. for our own good. This is the latest disinformational distraction coming from the Deep State bastion, Oxford University. This is a basic Deep State ploy: to take the factual premise of the existence of alien beings, such as the insectoid, and present it in a way to cause fear or ridicule so that most people will dismiss all of it as ridiculous tabloid fiction – especially since the professor admits that he cannot find anything to support his viewpoint.


The search for signs of intelligent life in the universe may have to skip Oxford University.

A spacey professor at the austere British institution claims bug-like aliens walk among us, and says they’re having very close encounters with humans — interbreeding to create a new hybrid species that could one day save Earth from climate change and other disasters.

                      Dr. Young-hae Chi

The visitors are hardly altruists — they are meddling in our affairs because they share a “comprehensive biosphere” with humans, according to Dr. Young-hae Chi , an instructor in Korean at Oxford’s Oriental Institute.

“They come not for the sake of us, but for the sake of them, their survival, but their survival is actually our survival as well — the survival of the entire biosphere,” explained Chi, who has penned a new book in Korean on the topic called “Alien Visitations and the End of Humanity.”

It’s no coincidence that the visitors are appearing now that Earth is facing major problems, such as nuclear weapons proliferation and climactic change, he said.

“Judging from the way the ETs are acting, they have a better view of our future, perhaps it is pointing to a pessimistic future,” Chi told the Oxford Student campus newspaper this past week.

“It may be more or less assumed that the hybrid project is a response to this impending demise of human civilization,” Chi said in a 2012 lecture where he first introduced the possibility of the hybrid race.



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Glowing ‘Alien Ship’ is Proof Aliens Live on Earth, Claims UFO Expert

by Sebastian Kettley                    April 28, 2019                      (

• On April 17th, visitors to Mount Shasta in Northern California near the Oregon border took a photo of a “large light” with a cigar-shaped object directly below it exiting the mountain and flying into the atmosphere. The photographer submitted the photos to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). (see photo image above)

• Self-styled UFO expert Scott C Waring analyzed the images and believes they are genuine pictures of an alien spaceship. Waring says the US volcano (Shasta) has a long history associated with alien encounters. “‘In some stories, the city is no longer inhabited, while in others, it is inhabited by a technologically advanced society of human beings or mythical creatures’.”

• “I was told as a kid the stories of beings that lived below Mount Shasta, one of which is supposed to be the legendary Saint Germain who is famous for starting the new cultural Age of Aquarius, also called Master Rakoczi,” said Waring. “I call it an advanced alien race that is spiritual in nature and mostly keeps to themselves below Mount Shasta.” “These photos are proof that aliens still live within the mountain.”

• According to UFO expert Brian David Wallenstine, Mount Shasta is one of the most frequent UFO sighting hotspots on the planet. “To think that we humans are the only conscious life form in an infinite universe is not only trite but also egotistical and inaccurate. “It is for us to assert and see the truth through the plentiful discoveries made over the millennium in sightings recorded on rock drawings, archaeological digs, anthropological data, writings, pictures from telescopes and the advanced technology found, as our roadmap home.”

• Brigitte Nerlich, a professor of science at the University of Nottingham, blames the image on a psychological mind trick known as pareidolia: ‘the imagined perception of a pattern or meaning where it does not actually exist’.


The supposed alien UFO was snapped coming-out of Mount Shasta – a volcanic peak in Siskiyou County, California. A witness photographed the unidentified object on April 17 this year and submitted the photos to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). The UFO witness said the object was a “large light” with a cigar-shaped object directly below it. The UFO then supposedly took off and disappeared from sight.

The images have since been analysed by self-titled UFO expert Scott C Waring, who believes they are genuine pictures of an alien spaceship.

Mr Waring runs the website ET Data Base, where he analyses and compiles UFO sighting reports, video clips and photos.
In regards to the Mount Shasta UFO, Mr Waring said the US volcano has a long history associated with alien encounters.
He said: “Mount Shasta in the Wikipedia says ‘it is often said to hide a secret beneath its peaks.

“‘In some stories, the city is no longer inhabited, while in others, it is inhabited by a technologically advanced society of human beings or mythical creatures’.”



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Newest US Democratic Candidate Says He Won’t Build a Wall, Even If Mars Attacks

April 23, 2019                 (

• Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass, pictured above) is the latest Democrat to announce his candidacy for President of the United States in 2020. On Buzzfeed’s AM2DM podcast, Moulton indicated that he would run on the issues of the evilness of Russia: “the only country on earth that can literally wipe out all life in America”, and heightened national-security. (Are we sure that he is a Democrat?)

• When the hosts asked Moulton what he would do as President in the event of an alien invasion, Moulton was apparently uncertain whether the aliens referred to were illegal immigrants or extraterrestrials. So Moulton covered his bases by replying that he would emphasize diplomacy over ‘weapons or walls’. “I would not build a wall between here and Mars,” said Moulton. “What I would do with this alien is I’d give him a classic American meal. I’d serve a beer and a burger. . .If the meeting starts to not go so well, I’d say, ‘by the way, that burger, those were the last aliens who visited’”.

[Editor’s Note]  In a single podcast, Democrat US Representative Moulton managed to ‘alienate’ both anti-war liberals and Mars’ extraterrestrials. So much for Moulton’s Presidential campaign.


A Democratic congressman joining the jam-packed 2020 US presidential primary field has assured voters he’ll use diplomacy, not weapons or walls…to combat an alien invasion. Finally, a candidate who cares about the issues!
“I would not build a wall between here and Mars,” Massachusetts Rep. Seth Moulton told the hosts of Buzzfeed’s AM2DM podcast, who asked him what he would do if he was president during an alien invasion.

New 2020 candidate (and Bill Pullman lookalike?) @sethmoulton on what he would do if he were president during an alien invasion: “You gotta start with diplomacy.” ?
— AM2DM by BuzzFeed News (@AM2DM) April 22, 2019

“You’ve gotta start with diplomacy,” Moulton continued, glossing over the mix-up of his immigration and national-security soundbites. “What I would do with this alien is I’d give him a classic American meal. I’d serve a beer and a burger. . .If the meeting starts to not go so well, I’d say, by the way, that burger, those were the last aliens who visited,” Moulton concluded.

Even the hosts admitted Moulton faces an uphill battle for the nomination, joking that the top questions their audience wanted to ask him after he announced his candidacy Monday morning included, “Why?” and “Who is this guy?” At last count, there are over 20 candidates vying for the chance to wrest the presidency from Donald Trump – whom Moulton, like many of his competitors, ironically calls the “most divisive president in American history.”



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Bassett on TTSA – The Most Important Development In History of Disclosure Movement! 

Steve Bassett is a dedicated, hard-working proponent of ending the ET Truth Embargo.  He has come up with a series of creative initiatives as the Director of the Paradigm Research Group to promote Disclosure.

Steve has relied on perseverance and an excellent sense of humor to stay at the forefront of this issue for over two decades. I met Bassett in 2002:   I respect and like him but as he well knows, I do not trust his judgment! Despite his relentless efforts and predictions, he is almost always wrong in what he forecasts about Disclosure.

Now he has taken his enthusiasm one step further by claiming that the TTSA is “the most important development
in the the history of the disclosure movement!”

  To the Stars Academy  of Arts and Science (TTS/AAS)…….is the most
important development in the history of the Disclosure movement.  It will
almost certainly be a critical part of ending the truth embargo.

I doubt it!  More important than what I think are the views of such experts as Daniel Liszt, Joseph Farrell and
Richard Dolan, all of whom have publicly challenged the bona fides of TTSA.

Bassett disagrees and continues to forge ahead with support for the Clinton/Podesta faction and the Rockefeller
Initiative from which TTSA was spawned.  I am not sure if Bassett suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome but
it feels like it to me. Trump appears to have his own approach to Disclosure that garners no mention from Bassett.

Our current political process is profoundly corrupt.  Both parties are beholden to the Military Industrial Complex that
promotes endless wars.  As Farrell, Dolan, Michael Salla, Jim Marrs and other excellent researchers have documented,
the Secret Space Program is a direct outgrowth of the MIC and the VERY Deep State that protects it.

The case for TTSA being a limited hang-out, mini-Disclosure has been made by DJ Liszt and others.  Bassett ignores
that line of argument and embraces the Clinton/Podeta/Brennan/Elizondo version. He also ignores the curious role of
President Trump’s Uncle John with his connections to Nikola Tesla in any potential Disclosure scenario.

There is much to ponder regarding this highly sensitive issue.  What role if any the Assange case entails in Disclosure
remains an intriguing element to the overall discussion.

What is clear despite the fog of unending wars, massive political corruption and unrelenting secrecy, propaganda and disinformation about ETs, is that this is a fascinating subject worthy of the public’s interest and of maximum transparency
for us all.

Perhaps Bassett is correct.  Hopefully, we will see soon enough!

By Rich Scheck
Santa Rosa, CA,, April 30, 2019


Mysterious UFO Lights Spotted in Beijing Sparks Controversy

April 21, 2019                        (

• On his website, ‘ET Data Base’, Scott Warning has shared an interesting video of mysterious lights hovering in the skies over Beijing, adding that such bright lights have also been spotted over other regions of China. (see 1:01 minute video below)

• “The lights caught the attention of most of Beijing, but it was seen by people that were 100 km away! That means the UFOs went to many locations, not just over Beijing. The light is lumpy and contained. That means it’s not a spotlight from the ground,” Waring wrote on his website.


It’s been a quite long time that alien hunters from across the globe have been working hard to establish the truth that there are some sorts of small life-forms on other habitable planets around the cosmos. While earlier studies have sparked several debates over the existence of aliens, also called extraterrestrial lives, the latest findings by popular conspiracy theorist – Scott C Warning – is yet again raising ray of hopes among UFO scientists.

Taking to his website ET Data Base, Warning shared an interesting video showing some mysterious UFO lights hovering in the skies of Beijing and added that such bright lights are also spotted in other regions of China. The video, which makes the hashtag #aliens started to trend on social media, has gone viral on social networking sites.

“The lights caught the attention of most of Beijing, but it was seen by people that were 100 km away! That means the UFOs went to many locations, not just over Beijing. The light is lumpy and contained. That means it’s not a spotlight from the ground,” Waring wrote on his website while sharing the creepy UFO sightings.

1:01 minute video of strange blue lights over Beijing, China



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Why Alien ‘Megastructures’ May Hold Key to Making Contact With Extraterrestrials

by Seth Shostak                   April 20, 2019                      (

• For nearly 70 years the scheme favored by most scientists in looking for extraterrestrial life on other planets, and that employed by SETI (the search for extraterrestrial intelligence), has been to beam radio transmissions toward celestial objects in space. Radio waves can easily traverse light-years. (The article’s writer is a former director and senior astronomer at SETI.)

• Successful results from our beaming a radio transmission into space is dependent upon the ET society beaming back a response, should they happen to receive it at all. They may not want to reveal themselves. Similarly, we may not want to reveal ourselves to an evil race of ETs.

• An attractive alternative might be in searching for alien structures and large artifacts in the form of massive engineering works constructed by an advanced extraterrestrial society.

• University of Chicago physicist Daniel Hooper recently suggested looking for clusters of stars where an advanced civilization may have moved distant stars into their own orbit as back-up suns. Corralled stars would be easy to spot, reasons Hooper.

• In 2015, astronomer Tabetha Boyajian and her colleagues thought that they’d found a star around which a Dyson sphere had been constructed by an extraterrestrial civilization. It was noted that ‘Tabby’s Star’, 1400 light years away, would dim as the star rotated. Today, scientists believe that the dimming comes not from a mega-structure, but heavy dust surrounding the star.


If you’re trying to come up with the best game plan for proving the existence of extraterrestrials, you’ve got plenty of options. Naturally, you want a strategy with a high chance of success, simply in the interests of time, money and a shot at the Nobel Prize.

For nearly 70 years the scheme favored by most scientists has been to look for signals — radio transmissions. That’s the classic approach of SETI (the search for extraterrestrial intelligence), and frankly, it makes sense. Radio can easily traverse light-years, and the technology for detecting it is well known and highly sensitive.

But is looking for signals really the best plan? Is it possible that we’re making the wrong bet?

There’s an attractive alternative: searching for physical artifacts — alien structures. We’re not talking about crop circles or other odd phenomena here on Earth. We’re talking about massive engineering works that an advanced society has constructed somewhere in space.

Why search for artifacts? Because it eliminates the requirement that the aliens have chosen to get in touch — to transmit radio signals our way. Sure, maybe they’d want to do that, but then again maybe they’d rather lay low. If you’re not sure you’re the Milky Way’s top-dog society, you don’t want to bet the farm by assuming that the alpha aliens, wherever they might be, have good intentions. Silence could have survival value.

There’s another point: Picking up an alien civilization’s transmissions requires that the signal reach your telescope at the very moment that you’re pointing it in their direction. This is SETI’s well-known “synchronicity” problem, and it’s been likened to firing a bullet and expecting that it will intercept, head-on, another bullet shot by someone else. Improbable.

In nearly every radio SETI experiment, the amount of time spent listening at any given frequency is but a few minutes. The universe has been around for nearly ten thousand trillion minutes, so SETI efforts are a bit like stepping into the backyard hoping you’re just in time to catch a raccoon stealing the cat food.

Of course, you can believe the aliens have some good reason to spend lots of time transmitting to Earth, but if they’re even a short distance away (astronomically speaking), they won’t know we’re here — there hasn’t been enough time for our radar and television signals to reach them yet, even at the speed of light.

In contrast, artifacts may be lurking in space just waiting our discovery, all night, every night. China’s Great Wall and the Egyptian pyramids are earthly constructions that have existed for centuries. Finding them doesn’t demand much synchronicity.



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The Most Credible UFO Sightings and Encounters in Modern History, According to Research

by Callum Paton              April 17, 2019              (

  • Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have been recorded since ancient times. But it was Kenneth Arnold’s sighting of flying saucers near Mount Rainier in 1947 that launched the modern era of UFO sightings. The U.S. military immediately moved to discredit Arnold’s claims, along with any other claim of the existence of an extraterrestrial UFO. “The (Arnold) report cannot bear even superficial examination, therefore, must be disregarded,” the Air Force Materiel Command wrote.  With Project Blue Book, the Air Force went on to discredit every single UFO sighting until the project’s end in 1969. 
  • However, the civilian scientist who helped to run Project Blue Book, Allen Hynek, claimed that the Air Force had underplayed the credibility of UFOs. He went on to devise a classification system for grading UFO sightings – ‘close encounters of the third kind’, etc. 
  • Taking its cue from Hynek, Newsweek magazine created its own rating system for UFO sightings on a point-based system. They points are awarded, or subtracted, based on factors such as witness credibility, photographic/video evidence, flight attributes, proximity, physical effect, and discredit by the government/military.  The writer also used input from the Scientific Coalition for UFOlogy (SCU) composed of 45 UFO ‘experts’. 
  • SCU board member Robert Powell says that some 6,000 UFO encounters are reported every year. “Ninety-eight percent or more of sightings are basically misidentifications of airplanes or Chinese lanterns, or a variety of different things,” Powell told Newsweek. Chiming in, Seth Shostak, the Senior astronomer at the SETI Institute, told Newsweek, “Could the rest be alien craft?  Maybe, but that’s like saying that the 40 percent of homicides committed in New York City that are unsolved could be due to alien murderers. Possible, but not likely.” 
  • Here are 25 UFO sightings and their ‘credibility rating’ according to this Newsweek writer: 
  1. Roswell Incident – Roswell, New Mexico July 1947: Hundreds of witnesses claim an alien craft crash landed near a ranch with one or more dead extraterrestrial beings inside. In 1997, the Air Force released a report denying everything, and declaring “case closed”. Credibility Rating: -2
  1. Kenneth Arnold UFO Sighting – Mount Rainier, Washington June 1947: Pilot Kenneth Arnold witnessed nine “circular-type” objects flying in formation at twice the speed of sound. It was dismissed out of hand by an Air Force investigation. Arnold maintained his account until his death in 1984. Credibility Rating: 0  
  1. Levelland UFO Case – Levelland, Texas November 1957: Multiple witnesses reported seeing an egg-shaped object or a large flash of light moving across the sky in the small Texas town. The sighting was later discredited by the Air Force’s Project Blue Book, claiming the phenomenon had been caused by severe electrical storms and ball lightning. Credibility Rating: 0 
  2. Stephenville, Texas Sighting – Stephenville, Texas January 2008: Multiple witnesses reported seeing inexplicable objects moving through the sky or bright lights. Naval Air Station Fort Worth at first said that no planes had been active from that base that night. Then they retracted and claimed that those were their planes after all.  Credibility Rating: 0
  1. NASA Curiosity Rover Photograph – Mars March 2019: Ufologist Scott C. Waring claims to have spotted a UFO on Mars in images beamed back from NASA’s Curiosity Rover. Credibility Rating: 1 
  2. The Washington, D.C. Flap – Washington, D.C.  July 1952: On two separate occasions Air Force F-94s were scrambled over Washington after UFOs were sighted on radar at Andrews and Bolling Air Force bases. The bogeys cruised at between 100 to 130 mph before zooming off at incredible speed, outrunning the military jets. Credibility Rating: 3
  1. Valensole UFO Sighting – Valensole, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France
    July 1965:
    Maurice Masse claimed he saw two humanoid aliens land a spherical UFO in a field and exit the craft. The French farmer said he was left paralyzed when one of the beings pointed a cylindrical instrument at him. The pair then flew away after briefly inspecting the surroundings. Credibility Rating: 3
  1. Delphos Ring Incident – Delphos, Kansas November 1971: Sixteen-year-old Ronald Johnson claimed to have seen a glowing object hovering over a specific area close to his family farm in the early evening. When he went to fetch other witnesses the object had vanished. However, an eerie glowing ring was found where the UFO had been. Another witness corroborated to police the sighting of the strange flying object. Credibility Rating: 3
  1. Loring Air Force Base Sighting – Loring Air Force Base, Maine October 1975: On two successive nights service members reported seeing a cigar-shaped UFO hovering over Loring Air Force Base, which was also seen on radar. The government attributed it to “unidentified helicopter(s) flying out of Canada.” Credibility Rating: 3 
  2. Val Johnson Incident – Marshall County, Minnesota August 1979: On the morning on September 11, 1979, Marshall County sheriff’s deputy Val Johnson encountered what he described as a white ball of light hovering a few feet above the ground while driving on a rural section of a State Highway.  “[S]uddenly it was in the car with me”. Johnson woke up in a ditch half an hour later. His patrol car had suffered superficial damage and he had burns around his eyes.  Credibility Rating: 3 
  3. Cash-Landrum Sighting – Dayton, Texas December 1980: Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum and Colby Landrum claim they were followed by hovering disc with a single fiery thruster as they drove home in eastern Texas. When the trio abandoned their car they felt intense heat generated by the UFO. All three claimed to suffer health problems in the aftermath of the encounter.  Credibility Rating: 3 
  4. Trans-en-Provence Case – Trans-en-Provence,Var, France  January 1981:  Renato Nicolaï, a 55-year-old farmer, observed a saucer-shaped UFO land on his property at a distance of about 50 yards. The lead-colored vessel then lifted off from the ground and flew towards a nearby tree line. The case is considered remarkable because of scorch marks left by the machine, documented and extensively analysed by French authorities. Credibility Rating: 3
  1. Belgian UFO Wave – Belgium March 1990: Over a number of days, scores of individuals reported seeing strange lights in the sky over Belgium. Belgian Air Force F-16s claimed to have seen nothing.  But the European media   exploded when an image of one of the triangular UFOs emerged, which was then revealed to be a fake. Credibility Rating: 3 
  2. Phoenix Lights Phenomenon – Phoenix, Arizona March 1997: Hundreds of witnesses saw “otherworldly” lights move across the night sky over Arizona, Nevada and northern Mexico. The sighting consisted of a giant V-shaped craft with lights and a series of stationary orange and red lights hanging in the sky. Arizona’s governor at the time, Fife Symington, said. “It was bigger than anything that I’ve ever seen. It remains a great mystery.”  Credibility Rating: 3 
  3. McMinnville UFO Photographs – McMinnville, Oregon  May 1950:  Paul Trent captured images of a UFO on camera after his wife spotted a slow-moving metal disk near their farm. The images were printed in Life magazine. The pair maintained their account until their deaths. Credibility Rating: 4
  1. Shag Harbour SightingShag Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada October 1967:  Multiple witnesses, including pilots, reported to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police that they had witnessed a UFO with many flashing lights flying over the shoreline. A dozen or so witnesses said they saw a glowing orange sphere crash into the water and then slip beneath the surface. No wreckage was ever found.  Credibility Rating: 4 
  2. The 1976 Tehran Incident – Tehran, Iran September 1976:  Two Iranian F-4 interceptor aircraft reported their equipment jammed as they approached a star-shaped UFO over the Iranian capital. Ground control equipment at Mehrabad International Airport was also affected by the strange craft. The pilot Parviz Jafari said he attempted to fire on the UFO but was unable to cause any damage. “My weapons jammed and my radio communications garbled.” Credibility Rating: 4
  1. Coyne, Mansfield Helicopter Incident – Mansfield, Ohio October 1973: Four crew members of an Army Reserve helicopter recorded a near collision with a UFO near Charles Mill Lake. The incident was corroborated by witnesses in Richland and Ashland counties who described an object or a ball of light moving in a manner inconsistent with human flight. The crew on the helicopter, piloted by Lawrence Coyne, reported seeing a 60-foot-long, cigar-shaped object with a bright green light.  Credibility Rating: 4 
  1. Nancy France Sighting – Nancy, Grand Est, France October 1982:  A biologist, M. Henri, and his wife observed a UFO that hovered for 20 minutes over their garden. The egg-shaped vessel had a shiny metallic appearance. Henri attempted to photograph the craft but found his camera had jammed. After the UFO regained altitude it moved at a speed and trajectory impossible for man-made aircraft. Credibility Rating: 4
  1. Japan Airlines Flight 1628 Incident – Alaska November 1986:  The pilot, Kenji Terauchi, and crew of a Japan Airlines cargo flight from Paris to Tokyo reported seeing strange flashing colorful lights that followed their aircraft over Alaska while the plane cruised at 35,000 feet.  Credibility Rating: 4
  1. Chicago O’Hare Airport Sighting – Chicago, Illinois November 2006: On an overcast day, United Airlines staff and pilots at Chicago O’Hare Airport reported seeing a flying saucer hovering over the airport terminal. The vessel then shot up into the air so quickly that it punched a hole in the clouds. The FAA called it a “weather phenomenon” and did not further investigate the incident.  Credibility Rating: 4
  1. Rendlesham Forest Incident – Suffolk, England December 1980: Between December 26-28, 1980, U.S. Air Force personnel stationed at RAF Bentwaters reported seeing strange lights near Rendlesham forest. The incident was never investigated. However, radar operators at the base recounted how they had observed a UFO moving too quickly for normal human flight.  Credibility Rating: 5
  1. Aguadilla Airport Incident – Aguadilla, Puerto Rico April 2013:  A UFO was seen flying at low altitude across the Rafael Hernandez Airport runway in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. A U.S. Customs and Border Protection aircraft captured infrared video of the episode that was given to the Scientific Coalition for UFOology (SCU). The video shows the vessel travelling without lights below tree-top altitude, at speeds close to 100 mph.  Credibility Rating: 6
  1. USS Nimitz Tic-Tac UFO Incident – California Coast November 2004:  U.S. Navy pilot Cmdr. David Fravor recalled seeing “something not from this earth” – a tic-tac shaped vessel moving at great speed – while commanding a U.S. Navy strike fighter squadron during exercises some 60 to 100 miles off the coast of Baja California. He recounted observing. A separate Navy jet crew tracked the object and filmed it for more than a minute. The footage was publicized by the New York Times following following the Pentagon’s acknowledgement of its Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program, a recent study of UFO sightings.  Credibility Rating: 6
  1. F/A-18 Super Hornet GO FASTER Video – East Coast 2015:  The third video recently released by the Pentagon shows the high-speed flight of an unidentified aircraft at low altitude by a U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet off over the Atlantic off of Virginia.
  • [Editor’s Note] All of these UFO incidents, with the exception of Scott Waring’s UFO on Mars, are credible and true, and are excellent accounts to look into.  This arbitrary rating system, however, is simply the mainstream media’s way of assuring the public that they are on top of the UFO phenomenon, and, as usual, there is nothing here to be concerned about.  But should anything new happen that might change this perspective, the mainstream media will be there to tell the people what to believe.


The modern era of UFO sightings began in 1947 when Kenneth Arnold, a businessman and pilot from Idaho, spotted what he believed was a formation of flying saucers near Mount Rainier in Washington. Encounters with unidentified flying objects have been recorded since ancient times, but Arnold’s sighting hooked the American public. It was the encounter that launched a thousand theories.

The U.S. military attempted to discredit Arnold’s claims. “The report cannot bear even superficial examination, therefore, must be disregarded,” the Air Force Materiel Command wrote in a now-declassified document.

As reported sightings increased and UFO obsession spread like wildfire, its flames fanned by the notorious Roswell incident, the military attempted to douse the issue. A series of UFO studies commissioned by the U.S. Air Force culminated in Project Blue Book, which wrapped up in 1969 and found no evidence of the presence of extraterrestrial vehicles on Earth or in the skies above.

The Air Force clearly hoped to put an end to the UFO craze—but the studies had the opposite effect. Josef Allen Hynek, who had overseen the Air Force efforts, broke with the military, claiming the importance of UFOs had been underplayed. His scientific analysis forms much of the basis of modern UFOlogy and his close encounters classification system is the benchmark in grading the credibility of UFO sightings.

In devising our own credibility rating system for UFO sightings, Newsweek built upon Hynek’s foundations. The astronomer and preeminent UFOlogist valued sightings that involved multiple or highly credible witnesses. We have also incorporated advances in technology into our scale. The advent of cameras and infrared devices on aircraft have presented new kinds of evidence for sightings.

The credibility scale works on a point-based system. One point is given for sightings with multiple witnesses, another for an expert witness (a pilot, air traffic controller, military or government official). One point is awarded for picture evidence and an additional point for film of a moving UFO. Unidentified flying objects can often be explained away as foreign aircraft, so an additional point is given for UFOs seen to be flying in a manner inconsistent with flight as humans know it.

Hynek also prized close encounters. Close encounters of the first kind—sightings of an object less than 500 feet away—are given one point. Close encounters of the second kind, a UFO event where a physical effect is felt (a car light breaks, extreme heat is felt, scorch marks on the ground), are given two points. Finally, close encounters of the third kind, instances where an animated pilot is seen, earn three points.

A system for removing points has also been incorporated to account for cases where military or government bodies have discredited the sightings. Three points are removed in these cases, as the baseline for credibility in the scale begins at three.



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Classified CIA Files ‘Reveals Who Jesus Really Was – and Coming End of Days’

by Henry Holloway                     April 21, 2019                    (

• Declassified files contained in the CIA archives include the book “The Adam and Eve Story” by Chan Thomas (click here), dating from 1966. Thomas appears to have been a UFO researcher working on a project for the US Air Force. Thomas begins his book with dedications to a string of the top US military brass, saying without them “this book might not exist”. He specifically mentions US Air Force Generals Curtis LeMay and Harold Grant, and CIA intelligence officer Admiral Rufus Taylor.

• One revelation that Thomas makes in the book is that the Earth is subject to “cyclical pole shifts” every 7,000 years. Thomas claims there are “null zones” in the Milky Way through which our solar system passes every few thousand years, which cause cataclysmic changes to Earth such as the poles shift. These cataclysmic events have been foretold by figures throughout history, including Jesus. The most recent cataclysm was Noah’s Flood. Another revelation is that Jesus was not a prophet of Jerusalem, but a scholar who trained in India. Yet, Jesus had predicted a coming global disaster and wanted to prepare people for the end times.

• Thomas claims to have translated Jesus’s dying words on the cross, speaking in an Indian dialect, “I am fainting, I am fainting, darkness is overcoming me”. And when Jesus ascended to heaven, he was actually picked up by a “space vehicle” according to Thomas.

• Thomas says that the Genesis story in the Old Testament is actually a parable about the collapse of a previous civilization due to an extinction event before Noah’s Flood.

• It is believed that Thomas was part of a team employed by aerospace firm McDonnell Douglas and led by Dr Robert Wood, who has since gone on to become a prominent expert on UFOs. Wood names Thomas in an article published in 2007 as one of the men he employed to research UFOs. Wood describes the author as an “exceptionally innovative” man who “claimed to be in contact with ETs”, and a “total out of the box thinker”.

• Thomas’s book was originally published in 1963 and 1965 – with a copy entering the CIA files in 1966. It then went unpublished again until 1993 and hasn’t been published since. But full versions of the book can be found online. Internet conspiracy forums have stumbled across the book this year, and Google Trends reveals interest in the book has increased by 700% over the past 12 months.

• So why would the CIA initially classify this document? In the book’s closing, Thomas writes: “To all of those who ridiculed, scorned and laughed, relegating me to the nuthouse and even firing me… “For how else would I have been so driven to pursue, solve, find and derive the truth. I owe them.”

[Editor’s Note]  This information is strikingly similar to the information that Corey Goode, David Wilcock, other insiders and prominent channelers have revealed about an imminent “solar event” that will occur within the next ten years or so, due to our solar system drifting into an energetic ‘rift’ in this part of the galaxy which has caused all of the planets in our solar system, including the Earth, to see an increase in temperature as well as volcanic and seismic activity. This is said to be a precursor to a possible pole shift, which may have caused the continent of Atlantis to shift to the South Pole some 12,000 years ago to become Antarctica. It is said that this energetic event will trigger those humans on Earth who are prepared, to ascend to a fourth density of consciousness, and will usher in a thousand-year “Golden Age” on Earth. Those who are woefully unprepared will return to a third density existence elsewhere until their next opportunity to ascend in roughly 25,000 years.


Declassified files from the CIA archives reveal the strange book “The Adam and Eve Story” by Chan Thomas, dating from 1966.

It is contained in a packet of other documents alongside an article from Time magazine – and a “transmittal slip”.
Listed on the handwritten document includes a toolbox, tire gauges, key holder and fender repair kit.

The book – written by author Chan Thomas – makes a string of outrageous claims about the history of the world and a coming cataclysm linked to the Bible story of Noah’s Flood.

Daily Star Online can reveal Thomas appears to have been a UFO researcher working on a project for the US Air Force.
Reasons for the CIA’s classification of this text and the other items is unknown, but it’s resurfacing has inflamed conspiracy theories.

Handwritten on the front of the scanned book is “for Art L., from”, with the second name redacted by the CIA – suggesting the text may have been seized from someone given it as a gift.

Thomas makes a series of claims in the book the world is subject to “cyclical pole shifts”.

It claims civilization is wiped away every 7,000 years by this cataclysmic event, which has been foreseen by figures throughout history – including Jesus.

He claims Jesus is not the prophetic figure we now him as in the Bible, but instead a scholar who trained in India.

And it writes that Jesus had predicted a coming disaster and attempting to prepare people for the end times – with the last cataclysm being Noah’s Flood.

Thomas claims to have translated Jesus’s dying words on the cross, claiming he was actually speaking in the language he learned in India – in which he said “I am fainting, I am fainting, darkness is overcoming me”.

And he alleges on Easter Sunday when Jesus is said to have ascended to heaven, he was actually picked up by a “space vehicle”.

The book’s title – The Adam and Eve Story – comes from Thomas’s assessment that the Genesis story is actually a parable about the collapse of a previous civilization, in an extinction event before Noah’s Flood.

He claims there are “null zones” in the Milky Way our Solar System passes through every few thousand years, which cause cataclysmic changes to Earth as the poles shift.



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The US Navy Secretly Designed a Super-Fast Futuristic Aircraft Resembling a UFO, Documents Reveal

by Jasper Hamill                  April 18, 2019                     (

• The US Navy applied for three patents in 2016. One of them was for a “craft using an inertial mass reduction device”, and it was granted last year. US Navy scientist Salvatore Cezar Pais filed the patent. The theoretical craft would use an ‘inertial mass reduction device’ generating artificial gravity waves. With this reduction in mass, it thereby lessens the object’s resistance to motion, or ‘inertia’, and is able to travel at a much greater velocity in water, air or even space.

• ‘It is possible to reduce the inertial mass and hence the gravitational mass, of a system/object in motion, by an abrupt perturbation of the non-linear background of local space-time,’ the patent states. ‘This hybrid craft would move with great ease through the air/space/water mediums, by being enclosed in a vacuum plasma bubble/sheath.’

• The craft described in the patent features a cavity wall filled with gas, which is then made to vibrate using powerful electromagnetic waves. This then creates a vacuum around the craft, allowing it to propel itself at high speeds.

• Earlier this year, it was revealed that US government researchers investigated wormholes, antigravity, invisibility cloaking, warp drives and high energy laser weapons during an official but covert probe into ‘unexplained aerial phenomena’ called the Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program (AATIP). The program allegedly ended in 2012. Details of AATIP were first released in 2017.

• Nick Pope, former UFO investigator at the Ministry of Defence, noted that this patented design was “uncannily similar” to the ‘tic tac UFO’ that was reported by Navy jet pilots from the USS Nimitz off of the coast of San Diego in 2004. The pilots saw a huge patch of churning, turbulent water suggesting something was beneath the surface, and then a tic tac UFO that accelerated at an ‘impossibly’ high speed. Pope also said that a similar incident of a UFO flying underwater occurred in Puerto Rico in 2013. “It’s possible that the patent is inspired by the incident and is part of an attempt to work out the technology behind the objects that were chased by the Navy F-18s. This is known as ‘reverse-engineering’,” says Pope.

• The Navy patent also mentions Dr. Harold Puthoff, a key figure in AATIP who commissioned the 38 papers exploring exotic propulsion system technologies, which were used in Defense Intelligence Agency briefings filed with the US Congress. This is the type of “technology that we’d need for interstellar travel,” Pope added. “These patents might be the first steps in taking humankind to the stars.”

• Another Navy patent was for a “high-frequency gravitational wave generator”. “If they have built the technology described in the patents, I’m sure the program is highly classified,” said Pope. “The bottom line is that if any of this works, we’re in game-changing territory.”

• Although the US Navy applied for the patent in 2016 and it was granted last year, it doesn’t necessarily mean the craft has been built and tested. However, the technology is further evidence of the military’s interest in developing ‘exotic’ technologies.


Military inventors filed plans for a highly unusual flying machine which uses an ‘inertial mass reduction device’ to travel at ‘extreme speeds’. What that means is that the aircraft uses complex technology to reduce its mass and thereby lessen inertia (an object’s resistance to motion) so it can zoom along at high velocities. The patent is highly complex and describes methods of reducing the mass of an aircraft using various techniques including the generation of gravity waves, which were first detected in 2016 after being produced when two black holes collided.

‘It is possible to reduce the inertial mass and hence the gravitational mass, of a system/object in motion, by an abrupt perturbation of the non-linear background of local spacetime,’ the patent says. The craft described in the patent features a cavity wall filled with gas, which is then made to vibrate using powerful electromagnetic waves. This then creates a vacuum around the craft, allowing it to propel itself at high speeds. The UFO-style ship can be used in water, air or even space. ‘It is possible to envision a hybrid aerospace/undersea craft (HAUC), which due to the physical mechanisms enabled with the inertial mass reduction device, can function as a submersible craft capable of extreme underwater speeds… and enhanced stealth capabilities,’ the patent continues. ‘This hybrid craft would move with great ease through the air/space/water mediums, by being enclosed in a vacuum plasma bubble/sheath.’ Although the US Navy applied for the patent in 2016 and it was granted last year, it doesn’t necessarily mean the craft has been built and tested. However, the technology is further evidence of the military’s interest in developing ‘exotic’ technologies.



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Contact with Nordic Alien in USAF uniform whose spacecraft was photographed

In the final installment of this four part interview series we discuss photos JP took of spacecraft belonging to human looking “Nordic” extraterrestrials over MacDill AFB, Tampa, and also near his new home in Orlando, Florida. He describes an encounter he had with a Nordic in a USAF uniform who says they are helping the Air Force with advanced technology projects. JP described the Nordic’s uniform and a distinct patch he wore, before taking photos of the departing craft.

For Part 3 go to:

For Part 2 go to:

For Part 1 go to:

To learn more about JP and the photos he has taken of antigravity craft go to:

Alien Life Could Be Evolving on Four Nearby Exoplanets Right Now

April 12, 2019                 (

• In a study published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Cornell University scientists have found that life here on Earth evolved from creatures that endured even greater UV radiation exposure than some of the closest exoplanets outside our solar system. By modelling the surface UV environments of our four closest potentially habitable exoplanetary neighbors, the authors found that these exoplanets’ radiation exposure was significantly lower than what Earth received 3.9 billion years ago.

• They conclude that ultraviolet radiation should not be considered a limiting factor in the search for planets that can host life. The four planets studied were: Proxima-b; TRAPPIST-1e; Ross-128b; and LHS-1140b. The researchers also found that rocky outliers in the habitable zone of neighboring red dwarf stars could host life despite the planets’ high levels of radiation exposure.


Scientists studying the habitability of Earth-like worlds have discovered that the conditions for alien life exist on some of the nearest planets to our solar system.

The researchers found that rocky outliers in the habitable zone of neighboring red dwarf stars could host life despite the planets’ high levels of radiation exposure.

In a study published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Cornell University scientists found that life here on Earth evolved from creatures that endured even greater UV radiation exposure than nearly a handful of the closest exoplanets, i.e. planets outside our solar system.

By modelling the surface UV environments of our four closest potentially habitable exoplanetary neighbors, the authors found that these exoplanets’ radiation exposure was significantly lower than what Earth received 3.9 billion years ago.

They concluded that ultraviolet radiation should not be considered a limiting factor in the search for planets that can host life. “Our closest neighboring worlds remain intriguing targets for the search for life beyond our solar system,” the researchers wrote in their paper.



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