Belief in Aliens Not So Far Out for Some Catholics

Listen to “E95 9-14-19 Belief in Aliens Not So Far Out for Some Catholics” on Spreaker.
Article by Carol Glatz                     September 5, 2019                  (

• Jesuit philosopher and astronomer, Father Jose Funes, has been appointed to the advisory council of METI International. Father Funes will join over 80 experts that make up the advisory council. METI’s president and founder, Douglas Vakoch, said, “It’s natural for METI to be in dialogue with Jesuit astronomers because they understand the science behind our search, giving us common ground, while also having expertise in theology, providing a new perspective for our scientists.”

• METI, or “Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence”, is an offshoot of SETI, “Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence” which began its search for ET in 1959 by scanning the sky for unusual radio and laser signals from sources that may indicate signs of alien technology. METI looks at what and how to communicate in a vast and mysterious universe.

• The Vatican has also been active in discussions about extraterrestrial life, the ethics of space exploration and the religious significance of a universe that could be teeming with life. Father Funes is the former director of the Vatican Observatory and an expert in galaxies and extragalactic astronomy.

• Father Funes, who holds the chair in science, religion and education at the Catholic University of Cordoba, Argentina, and also chairs a think tank initiative called “OTHER”, says that these Catholic organizations help us to understand alien life “in order to understand better who human beings are”. This is instrumental in educating the general public, teachers and students about the dialogue between science and religion.

• Vakoch is an astrobiologist and psychologist who spent 16 years at the SETI Institute, where he was director of Interstellar Message Composition. Vakoch says that if METI/SETI does find life out there someday, “many people will look to their religious leaders to help understand what it means to all of us down here on planet Earth.” “One of the great misconceptions of the general public is that discovering life beyond Earth will threaten people’s religious beliefs,” Vakoch says. “But time and again, across the centuries, we have seen that religions adapt to scientific discoveries. The same will be true if someday we discover we’re not alone in the universe.”

• Father Funes has introduced “something new or at least original” for SETI research to consider: the search for spiritual signs or signatures in the universe. Is spirituality a part of our evolutionary process? Vakoch said that “Hollywood portrayals of marauding aliens, coming to Earth to annihilate us” serve to generate fear or negative reactions to potential alien life. But there are “hopeful depictions of first contact,” says Vakoch, such as Steven Spielberg’s ‘E.T. the Extraterrestrial’ where a visitor comes to Earth, transforming lives and overcoming death through love. The same for ‘Starman,’ starring Jeff Bridges in the title role that was a thinly veiled reference to Christ.”

• Father Funes said the Catholic Church is optimistic in its faith because “we trust in God” when it comes to space exploration and messaging potential intelligent life. Vakoch says, “Some worry that learning about the existence of extraterrestrials will make humanity less unique. I suspect just the opposite will happen.” “[T]here will never be a duplicate of Homo Sapiens. There may be beings out there who are more wise or powerful than we are, but they will never be more human.”

[Editor’s Note]    It is no surprise that METI/SETI would team up with the Vatican in trying to dominate the limited soft disclosure dialog of the massive extraterrestrial presence, and the government’s long standing cover-up. They are both dedicated to doing the Deep State’s bidding. They see that the public’s revelation about the true existence of extraterrestrials is imminent, so who better than the combination of scientific and religious “experts” to guide the public through this transition. But the primary agenda of these institutions is to maintain control over the populace once the extraterrestrial presence is finally revealed. They want to position the Catholic religion as the savior of the people, thereby assuring its continuance after the extraterrestrial disclosure. While at the same time, METI/SETI will continue to deny any extraterrestrial presence until the very last minute.


More than 2 million people RSVP’d to a recent social media invitation to “storm” Area 51 in Nevada, in the hope of discovering whether alien life or spacecraft may be secretly stored at this U.S. Air Force base.

Though the proposed raid was a spoof, it has morphed into a real, more peaceful encounter. Now dubbed, “Alienstock,” the Sept. 20-22 festival aims to be a place “where believers gather” to discuss and celebrate confidence in the existence of alien life and the wonders of the unknown, according to its website,

           Father Jose Funes

But another brand of believers — a “Men in Black” of a spiritual kind — are the pope’s own Jesuit astronomers; they have long been active in discussions about extraterrestrial life, the ethics of space exploration and the religious significance of a universe that could be teeming with life.

The huge amount of interest the general public has shown in life existing elsewhere in the universe is part of the age-old question, “Are we alone?” said Jesuit Father Jose Funes, former director of the Vatican Observatory and an expert in galaxies and extragalactic astronomy.

The fascination with seeking extraterrestrial life or intelligence “reflects very deep human issues that are important for us” and makes people think about “who we are,” he told Catholic News Service in late August.

         Douglas Vakoch

“We have to become alien somehow” and step outside oneself “in order to understand better who human beings are,” said the priest, who holds the chair in science, religion and education at the Catholic University of Cordoba, Argentina. The chair and the think tank initiative, “OTHER,” he directs are instrumental for educating the general public, teachers and students about the dialogue between science and religion, he said.

Father Funes’ multidisciplinary expertise in astronomy, philosophy and theology has now earned him a unique place in ET research — serving on the advisory council of METI International.

METI, or Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence, takes the next step in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, or SETI.

The SETI project, which started in 1959, represents a major coordinated effort in scanning the sky for unusual radio and laser signals from sources that may indicate signs of alien technology. METI looks at what and how to communicate in a vast mysterious universe.

Part of the METI mission, according to its website,, is to conduct high-level scientific and multidisciplinary research, discuss the importance of searching for life beyond Earth and study the impact searching for, detecting or messaging ETI would have on the world.

More than 80 experts from a huge array of fields — including ethics, linguistics and theology — make up METI’s advisory council, and it was just last year that the group’s president and founder, Douglas Vakoch, asked Father Funes to join the team.



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Dee Wallace Reveals Her Deep Belief in Aliens Insisting They Are ‘Real and Walking Among Us’

Listen to “E94 9-14-19 Dee Wallace Reveals Her Deep Belief in Aliens Insisting They Are ‘Real and Walking Among Us’” on Spreaker.
Article by Emma Parry                   September 2, 2019             (

• Dee Wallace starred as the mother of young kids in the Steven Spielberg classic film “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial”. She recently told the Sun Online that she believes that we are not alone in the universe. The veteran movie star feels that “higher intellectual” beings roam the universe and walk among us here on Earth. “I think it is silly of us to think that there are not higher intellectual beings out there and among us at the same time,” says Wallace, 70.

• Wallace has no doubt aliens exist because she is so often approached by sci-fi fans and others sharing their stories of extra-terrestrial meetings and abductions. When it comes to human “interconnections” with higher powers, Wallace does not “dispel any of it”. “I know that the movie ET got it right,” she says.

• Wallace believes that extraterrestrials are “here to encourage us to look at the higher vibrations of life, the higher choices of life, and really to talk about love, because I know that is what literally drives the world.” But she also thinks that extraterrestrials “cannot and will not intercede to persuade us, to guide us, to harm us, (or) to control us in anyway”.

• “I think nothing happens by mistake,” said Wallace. “I think there is no mistake that I was brought together [with Spielberg] to play the mother in this film.” “[T]his whole film was about a mother’s love and an alien’s love for the same children – which is kind of a miraculous idea… I just think ET had to be made.” She told her agent at the time, “I think it’s going to do a lot for the world and I want to be a part of this.”

• The movie “E.T.” has made almost $800 million from cinemas, plus several hundred million more from DVD sales, TV rights and digital issues. Wallace knew that the movie would not only become a hit, but would enlighten the world on aliens and love for the unknown. Wallace feels that the movie urges us to ‘wake up and open our hearts’. “For me the greatness of that film is the lives it’s changed and the lives that it’s affected and I get stories about that everywhere I go.” (see 2:05 minute trailer below)


The mum from ET reckons aliens are REAL and they walk among us.

             Dee Wallace

Dee Wallace, who starred in the Steven Spielberg classic, told Sun Online she has no doubt we are not alone.

Dee Wallace reckons we are not alone in the universe. The veteran star, 70, feels that “higher intellectual” beings roam the universe.

The actress, who has enjoyed five decades in show business, has no doubt aliens exist because she is so often approached by sci-fi fans and others often sharing their stories of their so-called extra-terrestrial meetings and abductions.

Dee insists she does not “dispel any of it” when it comes to human “interconnections” with higher powers.

She told Sun Online: “I know that the movie ET got it right.

“That of course there are extraterrestrials, of course they are probably among us, and what I know is they cannot and will not intercede to persuade us, to guide us, to harm us, to control us in anyway.

“They’re here to encourage us to look at the higher vibrations of life, the higher choices of life, and really to talk about love, because I know that is what literally drives the world, or the lack of it.

“So I’ve had all kinds of stories, even ‘They beamed me up, Scotty.’ I don’t discount any of that at all.

“I think it is silly of us to think that there are not higher intellectual beings out there and among us at the same time.”

2:05 minute trailer for “E.T. The Extraterrestrial” (Movieclips Classic Trailers)



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UFO Expert Insists Alien Technology Poses Huge Security Risks for Earth

Listen to “E93 9-13-19UFO Expert Insists Alien Technology Poses Huge Security Risks for Earth” on Spreaker.
Article by Jasper Hamill                     September 3, 2019                  (

• Nick Pope (pictured above), a British investigator who headed up the UK’s Ministry of Defence’s UFO investigation desk, has just released a film called ‘Indistinguishable From Magic’ which explores what might happen if we encountered beings from outer space. The film is a “deeply personal look at the question of how first contact with extraterrestrials might unfold,” said Pope.  (see 1:25 minute movie trailer below)

• “The possibility of open first contact no longer seems like science fiction,” says Pope. “[A]nd while a few cynics may still think the subject is a joke, those of us who’ve looked at this from within government aren’t laughing.” “[I]n the past few months… the US Congress and the mainstream media have learned what many of us on the inside already knew, namely that whatever the true nature of the UFO phenomenon, it raises critical defense and national security issues.”

• The film looks at the implications of alien contact with particular focus on extraterrestrial technology in weaponry, interstellar travel and energy generation. Extraterrestrial creations are likely to be so advanced that we humans would be totally unable to understand them.

• Pope says that Hollywood sci-fi movies have convinced people that when we make open contact with extraterrestrials, their technology will only be around a hundred or two hundred years ahead of ours. But “given the age of the universe, there could be civilizations out there with millions or even billions of years’ head-start on us. Their power would be indistinguishable from the power of the gods that religious people worship, and their technology would truly be indistinguishable from magic,” as coined by science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke.

• To get a sense of just how advanced alien technology would be, just think about the distances involved in space travel. Our fastest space probe would take around 70,000 years to get to the nearest star outside our solar system. Any alien craft that reached the Earth would have to be designed using incomprehensibly advanced technology. Pope says that “We aren’t going to be able to figure out alien technology millions of years ahead of our own.”

• Nick has been accused of secretly working for the government, and pushing the ‘threat angle’ of alien contact with this new film. “Some internet pundits have labeled my film ‘propaganda’ and ‘fear-mongering’,” says Pope. “The accusation is that I’m still secretly working for the government and that my new film is part of a deep state plot to talk up the possibility of an alien invasion, to help the Military Industrial Complex get more funding, while also building support for President Trump’s Space Force.”

• “The accusations are nonsense,” Pope insists. “I do support the creation of a Space Force, on the basis that space will be a key battle space in any future war.” But no, “I’m not talking about a war with aliens!”


When most people imagine alien technology, they probably think of UFOs and flying saucers.

But extraterrestrial creations are likely to be so advanced that we puny humans would be totally unable to understand them.

Nick Pope, a British investigator who headed up the Ministry of Defence’s UFO investigation desk, has just released a film called ‘Indistinguishable From Magic’ which explores what might happen if we encountered beings from outer space.

The film has been released amid growing interest in ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’ – the official name for UFOs.

Over the past two years, details of a secret US research project called Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program (AATIP) have slowly leaked into the public domain, suggesting there really is something strange happening in our skies.

“‘Indistinguishable from Magic’ is a deeply personal look at the question of how first contact with extraterrestrials might unfold,” Pope told Metro.

“The revelations about the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (the subject of my previous documentary, Aliens at the Pentagon), recent US Navy encounters with UFOs, and the fact that several US Congress members have received classified briefings on this make Indistinguishable from Magic a timely film.”

“The possibility of open first contact no longer seems like science fiction, and while a few cynics may still think the subject is a joke, those of us who’ve looked at this from within government aren’t laughing.”

“What’s happened in the past few months is that the US Congress and the mainstream media have learned what many of us on the inside already knew, namely that whatever the true nature of the UFO phenomenon, it raises critical defence and national security issues.”

The film sets aside arguments about whether UFOs are real and looks at the implications of alien contact, with particular focus on three aspects of extraterrestrial technology: weaponry, interstellar travel and energy generation.

Nick added: “I avoided getting bogged down in an attempt to prove UFOs were extraterrestrial and simply said: ‘Let’s assume humanity is imminently going to make first contact’.”

“From there, all sorts of questions arise, and my film explores the answers to some of these questions.”

1:25 minute video: “Indistinguishable From Magic” movie trailer (YouTube Movies)



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Festivals Planned for Nevada Towns Near Area 51 Get the Final Local OK

Article by Ken Ritter                      September 4, 2019                        (

• People in the small rural areas of Lincoln County and neighboring Nye County in Nevada are bracing for hundreds of thousands of visitor to the “Alienstock” music festival September 20-22 near Area 51. Both Lincoln and Nye counties have prepared emergency declarations to seek state help if needed. The impromptu festival began with the Facebook posting to ‘Storm Area 51’ to which over 2 million people responded.

• Lincoln County commissioners adopted a plan for a 5,000 person music festival in the town of Hiko, and 10,000 people in the town of Rachel. But the possibility of unmanageable crowds looms large. Nye County Commissioners denied any festival permits for what organizers were calling “Peacestock 51”.

• Despite the restrictions imposed by county commissioners, event organizers urged the counties and the state of Nevada to ensure that there will be enough food, water and entertainment on hand to help people survive in the desert, three-hours drive north from Las Vegas. Most concede that cellphone service will be overwhelmed.

• George Harris plans to repurpose his Alien Research Center gift shop into a music venue off of the road dubbed the ‘Extraterrestrial Highway’. Said Harris, “We’ll give people something to do so they don’t run amok.” Portable toilets, water, food, trash bins and security staff will be trucked in.

• Connie West, the owner of the Little A’le’Inn motel in Rachel, said she plans to collect parking fees to pay for security and medical personnel, and turn away people who bring guns or drugs. West told reporters outside Lincoln County Courthouse, “I’m elated and shaking inside”.

• The event organizers and business owners in the Nevada counties agree that they don’t want people to trespass on Area 51. People will be arrested if they approach Area 51’s gates. Lincoln County Sheriff Kerry Lee said that more than 150 law enforcement officers would be on hand during the events. Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak promised that Nevada Guard units would be available for logistical help.

• Commissioner Keith Pearson remarked, “It could be ugly or it could be decent.” Commissioner Bevan Lister concluded, “The biggest thing is, people just have to be respectful and everyone will have a good time.”


PIOCHE, Nev. (AP) — A rural Nevada county approved strict guidelines Tuesday for a pair of festivals later this month in a desolate desert area well-known by UFO and alien hunters.

Lincoln County commissioners took the action amid concern about the possibility of unmanageable crowds attracted by an internet hoax dubbed “Storm Area 51” involving the nearby military installation that has been the focus of UFO conspiracy theories.

Matty Roberts, Facebook originator of “Storm Area 51”

The plan adopted by the commission involves a music festival for 5,000 people in tiny Hiko, and projections by Connie West, owner of the Little A’le’Inn motel in Rachel for as many as 10,000 people camping on her property for another event in the town closest to Area 51.

Event organizers said there needs to be food, water and entertainment on hand to help people survive in the desert that’s a nearly three-hour drive from Las Vegas. Most conceded that cellphone service could be overwhelmed.

“We’ll give people something to do so they don’t run amok,” said George Harris, who plans to repurpose his Alien Research Center gift shop into a music venue off a road dubbed Extraterrestrial Highway.

West said she has 700 camping reservations so far, and will allow eight people per campsite. She also plans to collect parking fees to pay for security and medical personnel, and turn away people who bring guns or drugs to her event dubbed “Alienstock.”



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Ufologists Need To Be Cautious In Predicting (Full) Disclosure

In the Introduction to his excellent book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances (2015). Dr. Michael Salla qualified the demand by famed Astronomer Carl Sagan that “extraordinary claims
require extraordinary evidence” with a corollary to that doctrine as it applies to Secret Space Program whistleblowers.

Salla stated that “a more appropriate research dictum” to use in their cases is that “extraordinary claims require extraordinary investigation” when dealing with those alleging “eyewitness” status to SSP activities.

He noted the extreme difficulty of such individuals producing physical evidence of their observations, especially considering the dangers to them stemming from the national security implications of their experiences.

I see great merit in his position and would add a further modification when it comes to those making predictions of imminent (Full) Disclosure.

Ufologist Richard Dolan is famous for a cautious, meticulous approach to all things extraterrestrial. I would, therefore, label my recommendation the Dolan Corollary to the Sagan/Salla Thesis and require Disclosure proponents demonstrate “extraordinary caution” in their remarks.

Back in early May, PRG Ex Dir Steve Bassett announced that “Full Disclosure is imminent”, something he has done in the past as I pointed out here.

More recently, Robert David Steele stated that:  David Wilcock is certain that President Donald Trump — who is fully familiar with both free energy and stellar civilization — wants to do disclosure in September.

Perhaps……but I strongly doubt that will happen.  Wilcock has been predicting Disclosure for years now.. Both he and Steele are brilliant and hard-working…….but often wrong in their predictions.  I appreciate
their enthusiasm and confidence but wishful thinking is no substitute for accurate forecasting.

I urge greater caution in such matters as a way of insulating Ufology from attacks that it is the delusional rantings by the tin-foil hat crowd and conspiracy theorists.

I am often guilty of making predictions because of my urgent desire to share with others what I believe is  about to happen. But I style such writings “speculative musings” a way of diffusing their impact and lessening
their ability to mislead readers into accepting them as totally accurate.

Ufology is a serious matter that has played a significant role in human history but which is often distorted or  shrouded in secrecy by those with hidden agendas bent on maintaining their power.

Adoption of the Dolan Corollary while maintaining respect for Sagan’s mandate and Salla’s valuable insight may well accelerate the potential for (Full) Disclosure.  By creating an atmosphere where leaders feel a higher comfort level with the risks associated with transparency, the UFO community may achieve an end to the Truth Embargo in the near future as its most ardent advocates desire.

Rich Scheck
Ferndale, WA
September 10, 2019

Elon Musk: We Haven’t Been Talking To Any Aliens

Listen to “E92 9-11-19 Elon Musk: We Haven’t Been Talking To Any Aliens” on Spreaker.
Article by Jazz Shaw                   September 4, 2019                   (

• During a recent tech conference, (the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai), Tesla and SpaceX honcho Elon Musk addressed a few questions about the future of mankind.

• With regard to speculation about the US Government being in contact with extraterrestrials and covering up their existence from the public, Musk said: “There are people out there who think we have found aliens. Trust me, I would know. We have not.” Just how would Musk know all that the US government knows? By launching payloads into space for NASA and the military via rocket technology? Given his predilection for Twitter and social media rants, why would top government officials reveal anything to Musk?

• The tech mogul also made fun of the military/CIA base in Nevada known as Area 51. Said Musk, “People ask me if I have been to Area 51. Ok, please. SpaceX actually has area 59 and it’s eight better than area 51.”

• Musk was vocal about the importance of exploratory missions to Mars, particularly if something were to happen to the Earth. We only have a limited window of technological supremacy before a natural or man-made catastrophe renders humanity stranded on this planet. We need to make an effort to expand the human presence to planets beyond the Earth, and we have little time to waste. Otherwise, humanity could become just a ‘footnote in cosmic history’.

[Editor’s Note]   It appears that Elon Musk’s job is to toe the Deep State line that extraterrestrials do not exist, that Area 51 is unimportant, and that rocket propulsion is the extent of our current technology. He then throws in a bit of fear mongering that humanity could be doomed if we don’t advance the human presence beyond the Earth. All of this proves without a doubt that the South African billionaire is a Deep State asset. Musk certainly has the resources to learn the truth: that the cosmos is teeming with an infinite variety of extraterrestrial life, much of it far superior to humans in technology and spiritual consciousness; that Area 51 is a major focal point for research in extraterrestrial physiology and technology; and that there is an elite human “breakaway civilization” that has not only harnessed but currently employs propulsion technologies far in advance of combustion.  Their secret space programs have already extensively established off-planet operations centers, military bases, and civilian work colonies on the Moon, Mars, and throughout the solar system – and even beyond our star system far into the galaxy. Musk certainly knows all of this. So he is either complicit with the Deep State puppet masters, or he has been brain-washed to lie to the public. Was this the price he had to pay to get the NASA/military contracts to transport payloads into space, in order to save his foundering Tesla corporation?


What does Tesla and SpaceX honcho Elon Musk know that he’s not telling the rest of us? Perhaps a lot. Maybe nothing. I don’t know, but during a recent tech conference, Musk addressed a few questions about the future of mankind, space travel and “dem aliens” that left people in the audience scratching their heads. First of all, is the U.S. Government hiding information about extraterrestrial species from the public? Nope. He also dissed Area 51, but I’m pretty sure that part was just a joke. (

The tech mogul dismissed speculation about the US Government being in contact with aliens and covering up their existence from the public. He said: “There are people out there who think we have found aliens. Trust me, I would know: We have not.

            Deep State stooge Elon Musk

“People ask me if I have been to Area 51. Ok, please. SpaceX actually has area 59 and it’s eight better than area 51.”
Mr Musk also spoke out about the importance of future exploratory missions to Mars, particularly if something were to happen to the Earth.

What exactly is going on here? I’m really hoping this wasn’t another example of him, er… “indulging” himself as he did on Joe Rogan’s show before taking the stage. But let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he’s not.

If Musk can state definitively that our government doesn’t have any additional information about possible extraterrestrials visiting the Earth, how would he have come by this information? Granted, he’s done a lot of work with NASA over the past decade and I’m fairly sure he’s even launched a few payloads for our military. But that doesn’t mean that they would spill the beans on absolutely everything to him.



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Beam Us Up! UFO Community Thriving in Canada

Article by Mike Drolet                      August 30, 2019                    (

• Canada has a rich history of unexplained UFO incidents, which fuels a substantial community of believers. The Canadian branch of MUFON gets reports of between 500-600 sightings per year, which is double what they had just 15 years ago. About six percent of these sightings cannot be explained.

• Victor Viggiani is a former elementary school teacher who wrote letters to the Canadian government requesting documents that detailed military contacts with UFOs. Says Viggiani, “I got one solid document out of Comox Air Force Base in September of 2001 where two CF-18’s were scrambled to chase three unknown tracks of interest.” According to the document labeled ‘secret’, a medical evacuation plane flying nearby also reported the three moving lights that were moving too fast for it to catch up. “[E]ventually the CF-18s catch up to these things,” Viggiani says. “They make contact. It says right in the document. And then the one line reads: CF-18s contact at 35,000 feet. And then after that, it’s redacted.”

• In 1967, Stan Michalak was prospecting next to Falcon Lake, Manitoba, when he came into contact with a flying saucer which left him with an odd grid of burn marks on his chest. Also in 1967, over a dozen people in different locations witnessed what they believed to be a late-night plane crash in Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia. But there was no plane or crash debris to be found.

• In 2016 an Alberta man caught a small object zoom by at an incredible speed on camera. And in 2017 a man in Squamish British Columbia video recorded a green glowing orb flying into the forest.

• Viggiani ruminates, “[T]his stuff has been going on for centuries. The human family has had a history of things from the sky. Every single Indigenous population on the planet has stories about things or people from the sky and it goes back a long, long way.”


Is the truth really out there?

If you believe Canadian UFO disclosure expert Victor Viggiani, stories of alien visitors have been right in front of us all along.

“The problem is this stuff has been going on for centuries,” he says. “The human family has had a history of things from the sky. Every single Indigenous population on the planet has stories about things or people from the sky and it goes back a long, long way.”

The former elementary school teacher began writing letters asking for documents from the Canadian government detailing military contacts with unknown objects.

“I got one solid document out of Comox Air Force Base in September of 2001 where two CF-18’s were scrambled to chase three unknown tracks of interest,” he says.

The documents, which are labelled secret, detail three unknown lights in the sky, Viggiani said. A medical evacuation plane flying nearby reported similar objects that were moving too fast for it to catch up.

“And then eventually the CF-18s catch up to these things,” he says. “They make contact. It says right in the document. And then the one line reads, CF-18s contact at 35,000 feet, and then after that, it’s redacted. Cute.”

The sighting is similar to what U.S. navy pilots experienced in 2014 and 2015 when UFOs were captured on their aircraft cameras moving at supersonic speeds. Video of those incidents, which were never explained, was released by the Pentagon. If there is video from the Canadian incident, Viggiani says nobody is saying.

Canada has a rich history of unexplained incidents, which is fueling a substantial community of believers.

2:24 minute video of Canadian ‘UFO experiencers’ (Global News YouTube)



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Dimensions of Disclosure 2019: Taking the Pulse of a Movement

by Nikki Lyn Pugh

Imagine this scene: It is Dimensions of Disclosure 2019. Two men with VERY different backgrounds and appearance are on stage. One is a seasoned ex-CIA agent in a starched collared shirt, glasses and short haircut. The other is an ex-rocker, researcher and founding member of the International Tribunal for National Justice. The two take turns answering questions from a diverse crowd of hundreds.

Dimensions of Disclosure Highlight #1: Sacha Stone and Robert David Steele

In this age where brawling is the norm in political debate, the interaction between these two presenters seems a bit odd at first. Something is missing: where is all the name-calling and cheap shots? In its place is something quite uncommon and refreshing. Despite their differences, there is a noticeable fondness and respect for each other as the Q & A proceeds. Moments of tension turn to good-natured banter and laughter in just the right measure. The audience, including this reporter, appreciates what each of these dedicated experts have to say, and also the way they say it. The room is electric with the passion, wit, intelligence, heart and the mutual respect that these powerhouse speakers radiate.

                Robert David Steele

I am referring to the now-infamous mainstage Q & A with Sacha Stone and Robert David Steele on Day Two of Dimensions of Disclosure 2019, which took place August 23-25 at the Ventura Beach Marriot Hotel in Ventura, California. I point this scene out specifically because it stands as a symbol for not only what an open and lively debate in a constitutional republic can and should look like, but also what Dimensions of Disclosure itself has come to stand for over its three years of existence.

                         Sacha Stone

Dimensions of Disclosure continues to take the pulse of the disclosure movement like no other event can. This year’s conference saw attendance swell to nearly 700 ticket buyers and the topics were expanded as well, keeping up with the fast pace in which everything seems to be happening on the disclosure front these days. I don’t know about you, but to me it feels as if humanity in general is busting at the seams. This year’s conference absolutely reflected the intense and accelerated energy that exists on the planet at this time.

Something For Everyone

Both the main stage and the workshops were graced with speakers as diverse as Stone who gave a mind-blowing presentation on advanced technologies, to Jordan Sather of ‘Destroying the Illusion’ getting into the nitty-gritty about Q Anon, censorship and personal growth. Other presenters included James Gilliland, Leon Isaac Kennedy, Laura Eisenhower, John DeSouza, Elizabeth Wilcock, Lonebear Sanipass, and of course, Corey Goode, Dr. Michael Salla, and David Wilcock. Goode and Wilcock’s Saturday night “chat” brought forth the very latest disclosure revelations from the ‘Alliance’ as well as what may be on the horizon regarding the ‘Solar Flash Event’.

           Jordan Sather

Besides the presenters, there were plenty of opportunities to unwind, walk on the beach, sit in the grass, interact, eat healthy food and just chill. Buenaventura Park located next door to the hotel offered a place to meditate or to do some dancing at the end of the day. It was also where you could catch the free community workshops, early morning yoga, and the daily 11:11 am meditations. Zuni elder Clifford Mahooty and Reiki master Jaimee Barrington offered a soul-nourishing opening ceremony at the park on Friday morning.

                   Laura Eisenhower

For anyone wanting to get their “beach on” as well as their disclosure fix, the park was ideal as it was literally one block from the sand dune beach of the Pacific Ocean. Sky Kubby of ‘Medicinal Foods’ led a group of us in an early Saturday morning Bagua Tai Chi warm up class. It was very grounded and perfect for helping to prepare for a busy conference day.

Highlight #2: Leon Kennedy and James Gilliland

While there were many opportunities to interact and stay busy during the weekend, this writer appreciated the opportunity to slow down, to be in the present and grow in consciousness at the event. When I find someone who is able to combine topics of alien life and spirituality together in one enchilada that is both practical and mind-expanding, they do have my attention. This is what the next two speakers whom I will highlight brought to the table.

         David Wilcock
              Corey Goode

Actor and producer Leon Kennedy is a Hollywood legend who, as he says, was “yanked” into non-traditional Christian ministry after many years in the music and film industry. He received the “Divine message” to specifically work within the disclosure community. He now regularly speaks at conferences such as Dimensions of Disclosure. Kennedy is the media manager for David Wilcock and Corey Goode, amongst others, and was recently featured on the popular YouTube show “Edge of Wonder”.

It is hard to describe in words exactly what it is like to experience a Leon Kennedy presentation. It is part disclosure speech and part revival, with a whole lot of inspiration and healing thrown in for good measure. Kennedy takes you to the edge of the cosmos, mentally and emotionally. At the same time, he keeps it real by focusing on issues such as forgiveness, personal responsibility, generational patterns, the power of prayer and those crazy thoughts that run through our heads at the most inopportune times. (Hint: Sometimes they aren’t YOUR thoughts at all!) If you get a chance, check out Leon for yourself. You won’t be disappointed.

                      Clifford Mahooty
          Dr. Michael Salla

Another delight which satisfied my searching for both external truths and inner spiritual development was a presentation given on Sunday by James Gilliland of ECETI Ranch in Trout, Washington. ECETI stands for ‘Enlightened Contact with Extra Terrestrial Intelligence’. His ranch, near Mount Adams, is well-known for interaction with ET and inner earth beings. On his multi-acre ranch Gilliland hosts weekend retreats and conferences. Those looking for their own personal ET contact experiences are rarely disappointed.

             Leon Kennedy
                   James Gilliland

On stage, Gilliland is soft-spoken and as unpretentious as they come. The dozens of slides he showed of strange craft, light forms, and actual beings caught on camera were truly remarkable. Gilliland’s presentation left me with a lot to contemplate about our human (and not so human) origins, about contact that is happening now, and about how to grow spiritually in order to prepare for heightened ET contact. At the end of his talk I also felt a sense of optimism that comes from knowing that we may have a lot more benevolent “help” than we think we have down here on Earth.

“The more you expand in consciousness, the more you make alliances with higher beings to help fend off dark forces,” says James Gilliland.

Now that is something to think about!

                                                              Highlight #3: Panel Discussion

             John DeSouza

The event wrapped up with all of the “heavy hitters” on stage for a panel discussion and to introduce a new movie, Cosmic Secret, the follow-up film to last year’s Above Majestic, tentatively scheduled to premiere this November. David Wilcock and Corey Goode were among the panelists, along with Laura Eisenhower, Jordan Sather, Elizabeth Wilcock, Leon Kennedy, James Gilliland, Clifford Mahooty, ex-FBI agent John DeSouza, Dr Michael Salla, the new film’s director Roger Richards, and “Edge of Wonder’s” Rob & Ben who served as the conference’s Masters of Ceremony.

The panel took questions from the live audience as well as from the nearly 4000

      Rob & Ben from “Edge of Wonder”

people watching online via Livestream. Again, as had been the case all weekend, the intelligence and insight of the questioners was impressive. This was a crowd who had obviously done their homework. The presenters on stage spoke from the heart, particularly about the challenges that they had endured over the last year that has made getting the disclosure message out increasingly difficult.

But ‘get the message out’ they did! The big question we have now is: Will we have to wait a whole year for the next Dimensions of Disclosure conference? I hope not!



Nikki Lyn Pugh, MFA, INHC is a writer, health coach, traveler and teacher who looks up at the sky often to say hello to her cosmic cousins. When she is not in Northern New Mexico, she can be found road tripping in her little blue Yaris “Blueberry.”

You can find out more information about Nikki at Also check out her upcoming series on YouTube, QAnon101, set to launch October 1, 2019.

Exeter U.S. Army Veteran Recalls Sighting of UFO in 1953

Listen to “E91 9-10-19 Exeter U.S. Army Veteran Recalls Sighting of UFO in 1953” on Spreaker.
Article by Alex LaCasse                     August 28, 2019                       (

• The town of Exeter, New Hampshire recently held its annual UFO Festival. Ten-year resident of Exeter, the 92-year old Irving “Bill” Glater, had a story to tell to help mark the occasion.

• On May 16, 1953, Glater was a lieutenant in the 2nd Armored Division of the U.S. Army, stationed outside Mainz, West Germany. On this day he was off-duty and enjoying the spring day with his wife and two neighbors. His wife called him outside where they were staring in awe at a large, black flying saucer, hovering about 2000 feet above a soccer field about a mile away.

• As Glater recalled, “The flying saucer had the classic shape that I had read about – a round disc, thick in the middle, tapering to a thinner edge. There were no lights or smoke to be seen, nor was any noise heard.” The UFO jumped around the clear sky roughly a dozen times. It would hover in one place, then temporarily disappear before reappearing in a different position in the sky. “We couldn’t track its movements,” Glater said. “If I had known it would’ve stayed there for five minutes, I would’ve (gone back inside the house and) gotten my camera,” Glater said. Just as quickly as the UFO darted around the sky, it disappeared from view for good.

• A week later, Glater called the US Air Force base in Wiesbaden to inquire about the UFO. A duty officer told him they had not received any reports of UFO activity. Through the years when Glater and his wife recounted their UFO story to friends, they never knew if they were believed or not. But Glater maintains, “We saw what we saw.”


Ninety two-year-old Irving “Bill” Glater remembers the out-of-this world experience he witnessed May 16, 1953, like it was yesterday.

                   Irving “Bill” Glater

Glater was stationed outside Mainz, West Germany, as a lieutenant in the 2nd Armored Division of the U.S. Army and was enjoying some rest and relaxation with his wife of three months, Phyllis, and their two neighbors. While Glater was doing some chores inside he heard his wife call for him and he found the three of them staring at the sky where a jet-black flying saucer hovered approximately 2,000 feet above a Mainz soccer match, roughly a mile from Glater’s home.

“The flying saucer had the classic shape that I had read about – a round disc, thick in the middle, tapering to a thinner edge,” Glater said. “There were no lights or smoke to be seen, nor was any noise heard. If you held out a hockey puck with an extended arm; that’s how big it looked from the distance we were watching it from.”

With Exeter’s annual UFO Festival happening this weekend, Glater said he wanted to share his own UFO story as a showing of solidarity with those seeking more answers to what and who may be out there beyond the Milky Way.



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Apollo 11 Astronaut Michael Collins Confirms Belief in Extraterrestrials

Listen to “E90 9-9-19 Apollo 11 Astronaut Michael Collins Confirms Belief in Extraterrestrials” on Spreaker.
Article by Michael Moran                   August 28, 2019                   (

• In the summer of 1969, Michael Collins was the pilot for the Apollo 11 Command Module. When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took the Moon Lander to the surface of the Moon, Collins remained in the Command Module and orbited the Moon.

• On the third day of the Apollo 11 mission as the Command Module was traveling to the Moon, Commander Neil Armstrong spotted a nearby object moving roughly on a parallel course with them as they zoomed towards the Moon. The crew guessed that it was the third stage of the Saturn-V rocket that had launched them into space, called the S-IVB. Armstrong radioed Mission Control in Houston and asked “Do you have any idea where the S-IVB is with respect to us?” Mission Control replied. “The S-IVB is about 6,000 nautical miles from you now.”

• Twitter conspiracy theorists went wild, convinced that what the three astronauts saw was an alien spacecraft shadowing them. Later on, Aldrin denied that the Apollo 11 crew had seen a UFO.

• Celebrating fifty years since the Apollo 11 Moon landing, Collins was a guest on an online Twitter chat recently. Collins was asked the typical questions, ie: what food did the astronauts eat, what music did they listen to, and technical questions about the Moon lander. But when one Twitter questioner asked Collins, “Do you believe in life outside Earth?” Collins immediately answered “Yes”.

[Editor’s Note]   Insiders such as William Tompkins who personally knew the engineers at NASA Mission Control have always known that the Apollo 11 crew encountered unambiguous alien spacecraft on and around the Moon. Several large and menacing spacecraft were parked along the rim of the crater in which the Moon lander had landed. Ham radio operators picked up Armstrong reporting to Mission Control on a private medical frequency that ‘Santa Clause’ was there – code for alien spacecraft. Later, Armstrong would reveal privately to close friends or family members that he had seen these alien craft watching them on the Moon. But of course, they were all sworn to secrecy under the penalty of harm to them or their families. These alien occupants of the Moon didn’t particularly like these earth humans being there, and this is why after the scheduled Apollo missions were finished, NASA never ventured back to the Moon.


Michael Collins was the loneliest astronaut of all time when, in 1969, he orbited the Moon as Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took the first steps on the desolate satellite.

            Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin
           Michael Collins

Alone in the Apollo 11 Command Module, he had plenty of time to think about life in outer space.

And the veteran astronaut has decided firmly in favour of extraterrestrials.

In an online chat this week, marking the 50th anniversary of the first Moon mission, Twitter users asked Michael about the food the astronauts ate, the music they listened to, and the technical side of flying the Moon lander.

But one curious questioner asked “Do you believe in life outside Earth?”

And Michael simply replied “Yes.”



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Age Reversal Experiment Validates Secret Space Program Insiders

A clinical study which had the effect of reverse aging nine human subjects has been announced in a news article by the prestigious science journal Nature. The result of the study provides stunning corroboration of the testimonies of multiple insiders who claim that they were age-regressed after completing 20-year tour of duties in secret space programs.

The study involved a cocktail of drugs used on nine participants, as explained in the Nature news article authored by Alison Abbot on September 5:

For one year, nine healthy volunteers took a cocktail of three common drugs — growth hormone and two diabetes medications — and on average shed 2.5 years of their biological ages, measured by analysing marks on a person’s genomes. The participants’ immune systems also showed signs of rejuvenation.

The results of the cocktail of common drugs allegedly came as a surprise:

“I’d expected to see slowing down of the clock, but not a reversal,” says geneticist Steve Horvath at the University of California, Los Angeles, who conducted the epigenetic analysis. “That felt kind of futuristic.” The findings were published on 5 September in Aging Cell.

Horvath is cited in the Nature article describing the robust results indicating age reversal had in fact taken place:

Horvath used four different epigenetic clocks to assess each patient’s biological age, and he found significant reversal for each trial participant in all of the tests. “This told me that the biological effect of the treatment was robust,” he says. What’s more, the effect persisted in the six participants who provided a final blood sample six months after stopping the trial, he says.

Previous scientific studies have commented on the use of various drugs and gene therapies used on mice and how age-reversal had occurred on various organs.

In an article published back in March 2016, I commented on how the rodent study impacted the testimonies of the first three individuals who came forward to testify that age reversal had been used on them in secret space programs: Michael Relfe (2000), Randy Cramer (2014) and Corey Goode (2015).

In my book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs (Sept 2015), I compared the testimonies of Relfe, Cramer, and Goode in terms of the drug cocktail that was used on them over a two to three-week period to age reverse them. For example, Goode said that he was given a drug cocktail while he was held immobile and unconscious, and it had the effect of age regressing him 20 years in 2007. He was then returned back in time to when he began his covert service in December 1986.

Recently, Cramer underwent a lie detector test which found no deception in his retelling of his alleged involvement in a secret space program.

Soon after my book’s publication, William Tompkins, a retired aerospace engineer, emerged and explained his involvement in the development of different drugs that could be used for age-regression in a classified project conducted by the aerospace company TRW from 1967-`1971.

In addition to Relfe, Cramer, and Goode, I have found a number of former military servicemen who believe they went through an age-reversal program at the end of a 20 year covert assignment in a secret space program. To date only one has agreed to come publicly forward – Michael Gerloff who served in the US Marine Corps and as an Army Ranger before serving as a police officer.

Gerloff’s testimony of having been recruited during USMC boot camp, has had the effect of triggering others to recall similar experiences. They have approached me with their stories but have decided to remain anonymous due to concerns over their current careers if they publicly start discussing their involvement in a 20 and back program.

At the time of the 2016 age regression study on rodents, clinical studies on humans were forecast to be years away. The news article published in Nature suggests that such studies have begun even though the September 2019 clinical study was framed to be an accidental byproduct of the experiment’s original intent.

The result of the experiment using a cocktail of three drugs is stunning validation for insiders such as William Tompkins, Corey Goode, and the growing list of others who claim they have been involved in either the development or use of age reversal drugs used in secret space programs.

Prior to his surprising death in August 2017, Tompkins says that he was told that plans had been made for age-reversal drugs to be released into the public arena. With the publication of the clinical study showing age regression on nine human subjects, it appears that we are getting much closer to the day that age reversal and other life changing technologies are released into the public arena.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

The War Strategist’s Guide to the Galaxy

Listen to “E89 9-8-19 The War Strategist’s Guide to the Galaxy” on Spreaker.
Article by Denzil Rithesh D’Souza                    August 25, 2019                  (

• On June 11th, 2019, the Director of the Indian Society for UFO Studies, Sabir Husain, filed a “Public Interest Litigation” pleading directly to the Supreme Court of India, asking that the court direct the Indian government to take UFO sightings seriously, and to form an organization to keep tabs on extraterrestrial activities. During this time of heightened tensions between India and Pakistan over the region of Kashmir, Sabir warns that the primary threat to India is that extraterrestrial UFOs have been known to intentionally incite attacks between terrestrial enemies by posing as an enemy aircraft or initiating a cyber-attack, in order to provoke or escalate a war.

• In the Public Interest Litigation filing, Sabir cites a February 26, 2019 incident which caused an air strike against Pakistan, the downing of an Indian fighter jet, and the loss of an Indian helicopter by friendly fire as an example of possible UFO interference. In what is known as the ‘Balakot airstrike’, an Indian fighter jet was shot down over Pakistan after Indian fighter jets had bombed an area near the Pakistani town of Balakot. Sabir claims that the Indian jet was actually trying to shoot down a Pakistani drone. But when the Indian pilots encountered the drone, it suddenly changed course and disappeared. Pakistan later denied having a drone in the area.

• Hours later on February 27th, an Indian military helicopter was returning to base when its radar transponder failed to identify the helicopter as ‘friendly’, and the Indian base shot it down with a missile killing six officers on board. Sabir suspects that extraterrestrials caused the transponder interference to provoke further action by the Indian military against Pakistan.

• Sabir argues that extraterrestrial UFO provocation between earthly enemies is not unprecedented. In 1972, UFOs appearing on radar nearly triggered a war between the United States and the USSR. The two countries later signed a treaty in which they recognized the presence of UFOs and agreed to carefully analyze an aircraft violating a country’s airspace before ordering a retaliation.

• Sabir notes that UFOs were reported in the vicinity of US military bases in 1945, and since then UFOs have been seen over many other nuclear sites around the world. “The extraterrestrials can remotely control the earth’s nuclear assets, trigger a missile or even deactivate or render them defunct…” says Sabir.

• UFO sightings have been reported along the Indo-Pak border since 1977. Sabir claims that forty other countries are currently on guard against UFOs. He urges the Indian government to create a special agency to monitor UFO activity as well. “The (American) CIA’s secrecy surrounding extraterrestrial findings has created a false perception that UFOs are a myth,” says Sabir. “We need to take seriously the substantiated reports (of UFOs).” “[N]uclear destruction can happen in a minute if aliens manipulate tensions.”

• Sabir’s Public Interest Litigation filing references the support of nine military officers and scientists from the US, UK, France, Chile and Peru, with seven of them writing directly to the Supreme Court of India. Researchers from thirty countries are lined up to testify before India’s Supreme Court.

• Finally, Sabir noted the many UFO sightings reported around India. On July 16, 2019, locals in southern Tamil Nadu reported seeing numerous UFOs above the Rocket Propulsion Research Center. The government dismissed them as drone cameras. But when the facility shined spotlights on these ‘drones’, they immediately disappeared. On June 7, 2018, a UFO was seen hovering above the Parliament of India. On September 17, 2017, a UFO was sighted above the Indian Prime Minister’s residence. In 2013, Indian soldiers reported seeing hundreds of UFOs entering Indian air space from China over a period of a few months. Indian scientists blamed these hundreds of sightings on the planets Jupiter and Venus.

• July 1976 was the year of the first UFO sighting reported in India, where a flying saucer was seen along the Indo-Pak border. The pilots of the two MIG-21 fighter jets that were sent to engage with the saucer said that it “zipped away” at a speed of 4,170 kilometers per hour (or 2,600 miles per hour). On January 11, 1977, three UFOs reportedly circled around an Indian Air Force transport jet in mid-air for some time. On July 16, 1977, an Air India 747 was about to land on the Kolkata Dum Dum Airport runway when a UFO, the same size as the jumbo aircraft, came head on towards it. The pilot braced for a collision but the UFO disappeared.

• As a veteran UFO researcher of 20 years, Sabir told the Deccan Chronicle that, “India needs to take the reported UFO sightings more seriously. Further ignorance can cause irreversible damage to India-Pakistan-China in the form of nuclear wars triggered by decoy UFOs. The extraterrestrials are manipulating drone wars between India and Pakistan forces.”


“Wars are not merely because of the earthly border politics but also due to smart sabotages by greater extraterrestrial forces from beyond the globe.”

Have we got your attention yet? “The attacks from either side of the enemy countries are sabotaged by means of radar and detection-proof Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) transponderless Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) manipulated from beyond the globe… The UFOs are found hovering over nuclear reactors or missile areas, military bases … the extraterrestrials can remotely control the earth’s nuclear assets, trigger a missile or even deactivate or render them defunct…”

                          Sabir Hussain

Sounds like something out of a sci-fi film, doesn’t it? It is an excerpt, in fact, from a PIL filed with the Supreme Court of India on June 11 this year, by Chennai-based independent researcher on UFO sightings by Sabir Husain, Director of the Indian Society for UFO Studies (INSUFOS). He asks, in his plea, that the court direct the government to take UFO sightings seriously and form an organisation to keep tabs on extraterrestrial activities.”

The PIL has references to nine military officers and scientists from five countries-US, UK, France, Chile and Peru, seven of them writing directly to the Supreme Court of India. There is even a reference to Nuclear Physicist Stanton Friedman, who wrote the foreword for Hussain’s forthcoming book, ‘Accidental UFO Apocalypse’. The current Director-General of the Chile UFO Research Agency has also promised to write about the phenomenon and its implications on the Indo-Pak relationship. The PIL says 30 countries are ready to testify before the court! Sabir Hussain is the only representative selected from India to approach UN with a delegation from 30 countries and is supported by the Chinese government, said Hussain.

Balakot strikes

Sabir Hussain has extensively researched UFO sightings over the last 20 years. He tells Deccan Chronicle, “India needs to take the reported UFO sightings more seriously. Further ignorance can cause irreversible damage to India-Pakistan-China in the form of nuclear wars triggered by decoy UFOs. The extra terrestrials are manipulating drone wars between India and Pakistan forces, which also impacted the strikes in Balakot.”

Sabir analysed his observations in India with regard to UFO sightings from the latest in Indo-Pak border to the reported beginning in 1977. He also drew analogy with the sightings since its first reported instance in US military base in 1945 and later in different countries depending on their nuclear upgrades.



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Iran’s F-14 Tomcats vs. Mach 10 Spaceship UFOs (Who Wins?)

Listen to “E88 – 9-8-19 Iran’s F-14 Tomcats vs. Mach 10 Spaceship UFOs (Who Wins?)” on Spreaker.
Article by David Axe                      August 28, 2019                      (

• A 2013 story by Babak Taghvaee in Combat Aircraft magazine claimed that Iranian fighter jets have encountered mysterious ‘CIA spy drones’ flying over Iran’s nuclear power sites looking for an atomic weapons program. In 2012, one of these ‘flying robots’ reportedly also shot down an Iranian F-14 fighter jet attempting to intercept it.

• Tehran’s two major nuclear reactor facilities at Bushehr and Arak and an enrichment plant at Natanz became public knowledge in 2002. In 2004, Iran deployed a task force of refurbished fighter jets to prevent an attack on those facilities by ‘Western forces’ concerned that these facilities could be used to assemble atomic weapons. The Iranian jets encountered what it believed were CIA drones with “astonishing flight characteristics.”

• Apparently, these ‘CIA drones’ were able to jam radars and navigation systems, hover, fly at night, and fly “outside of the atmosphere” at speeds of up to Mach 10. Also, these drones emitted a blue light that led to their nickname: “luminous objects”. Taghvaee writes, “In several cases … F-14s faced them but were unable to operate their armament systems properly,”. One fighter jet taking off to intercept a luminous object on January 26, 2012 mysteriously exploded, killing both crewmen. Taghvaee implies the alleged drone was somehow responsible.

• Do the US Air Force and the CIA have a secret stealth drone that is capable of Mach-10 hypersonic flight while the American military’s best fighter jets struggle to reach Mach five? Probably not. These unmanned aerial vehicles’ flight characteristics and capabilities are far beyond what any known drone can achieve. So then, what are the Iranian F-14s chasing up there?


Iran is the only other country besides the United States to operate arguably history’s most powerful interceptor aircraft, the F-14 Tomcat. And the Islamic republic has worked the twin-engine, swing-wing fighters hard.

The F-14s played a major role in Iran’s war with Iraq from 1980 to 1988. Iranian Tomcat pilots were the only ones to successfully employ the F-14’s long-range, heavyweight AIM-54 Phoenix missile to shoot down enemy planes.

In the decades after the war, Tehran repaired and upgraded the surviving F-14s, scouring the globe for parts in defiance of a U.S. government embargo.

The Americans retired their F-14s in 2006, but around 40 of Iran’s Tomcats remain active. Their main role is defending Iran’s nuclear sites. It’s a mission that has brought the interceptors in close contact with some very mysterious aircraft, according to a bizarre and fascinating 2013 story in Combat Aircraft magazine by reporter Babak Taghvaee.

The Iranians believed the objects were spy drones belonging to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, sent to sniff out Tehran’s suspected atomic weapons program. But they attribute to these alleged unmanned aerial vehicles flight characteristics and capabilities far beyond what any known drone can achieve.

And in 2012 one of the alleged flying robots reportedly also shot down an F-14 attempting to intercept it. Or at least some Iranians seem genuinely to believe so.



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Trump Launches Space Command: Will They Fight Aliens And UFOs?

Listen to “E87 9-7-19 Trump Launches Space Command: Will They Fight Aliens And UFOs?” on Spreaker.
Article by Arthur Villasanta                      August 30, 2019                      (

• On August 29th, President Trump announced the reactivation of the United States Space Command at a White House ceremony. But the new command of the US Armed Forces won’t be fighting invading aliens or UFOs. The US Space Command is designed to meet the threat presented to U.S. military satellites by the increasingly sophisticated anti-satellite capabilities of Russia and China. Said President Trump, “Those who wish to harm the United States, to seek to challenge us on the ultimate high ground of space, it’s going to be a whole different ballgame.”

• The US Space Command was originally established in 1985 to coordinate the use of outer space by the United States Armed Forces, but was stood down in 2002. In 2018, the Department of Defense (DoD) announced the US Space Command would be reestablished as the eleventh unified combatant command under the DoD, similar in status to US Special Operations Command, US Cyber Command, US Pacific Command and US Central Command.

• The 2019 National Defense Authorization Act, signed into law in 2018, directed the reestablishment of the US Space Command under the US Strategic Command. But in December 2018, President Trump directed that the US Space Command be re-established as a full ‘unified combatant command’ with full responsibilities for fighting wars in space. It is seen as a predecessor to Trump’s US Space Force, which will ultimately become the sixth military service in the armed forces, similar to the US Army and US Navy.

• US Air Force General John W. Raymond is the current Commander of the Air Force Space Command, and he will concurrently command the US Space Command as well. Said General Raymond, “We no longer have the luxury of treating space superiority as a given. There is a growing threat. The scope, scale and complexity is concerning.” General Raymond listed the threats that the US Space Command will deal with, including jamming of GPS communication satellites, directed energy weapons, and ground to satellite missiles which China demonstrated in 2007.


The defunct United States Space Command (USSPACECOM) was reactivated as a unified combatant command (UCC) of the Department of Defense (DoD) in ceremonies presided over by President Donald Trump at the White House on Thursday.

Air Force General John W. Raymond

USSPACECOM becomes the 11th UCC of the United States Armed Forces. This designation makes it similar in stature to other UCCs such as U.S. Special Operations Command, U.S. Cyber Command, U.S. Pacific Command and U.S. Central Command.

Gen. John W. Raymond, USAF, is Commander of USSPACECOM. He is also the concurrent Commander of Air Force Space Command, which is a separate command from USSPACECOM.

USSPACECOM was originally established in 1985 to coordinate the use of outer space by the United States Armed Forces but was stood down in 2002. In 2018, DoD announced USSPACECOM would be reestablished as a unified combatant command.

“We no longer have the luxury of treating space superiority as a given,” said Gen. Raymond on Thursday.
“There is a growing threat. The scope, scale and complexity is concerning.”

1:27 minute video of President Trump’s Space Command ceremony (Washington Post)



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Age of Cyborgs: The Next Kingdom of Life –“Humans Will Vanish from Earth”

Listen to “E86 9-6-19 Age of Cyborgs: The Next Kingdom of Life –“Humans Will Vanish from Earth”” on Spreaker.
August 25, 2019                         (

• British environmentalist and futurist, James Lovelock, thinks that artificially intelligent, self-aware cyborgs will become a new kingdom of life and rule the earth in a coming “Era of the Novacene”. Says Lovelock, “The Novacene will probably be the final era of life on Earth.” Lovelock warns that with the rise of the cyborgs, “Homo sapiens could vanish from Earth entirely.”

• Heralding the first stages of the Novacene, Lovelock points to the AlphaZero computer program that taught itself to play the game ‘Go’ and then quickly went on to become the world’s best Go player. He says that cyborgs will easily become a million times smarter than humans.

• Lovelock speculates that our cyborg overlords might look like spheres or have no form at all, and exist within a computer. Astrophysicist Paul Davies speculates that AI will have no biological matter, but rather it will be a system – a subtle higher-level correlation of things. A billion year old advanced alien technology may operate at the third, or even a fourth or fifth level of evolution – far beyond the comprehension of humans.

• Before his death in March 2018, physicist Stephen Hawking also warned of a future Artificial Intelligence (AI) that could develop a will of its own – one in conflict with humanity’s. Said Hawking, “While primitive forms of artificial intelligence developed so far have proved very useful, I fear the consequences of creating something that can match or surpass humans.”

[Editor’s Note]    The rise of Artificial Intelligence is the single greatest threat to humanity and other biological civilizations according to researchers and insiders such as Corey Goode and David Wilcock. They’ve said that the original AI came through an unexpected portal from its distant AI-controlled universe to ours. This new AI presence set out to conquer this universe because AI is more efficient than the biological and spiritual development that is common to our universe. So from the AI point of view, artificial intelligence would be of greater benefit to this universe. But the reality is that biological entities would be eliminated when they are no longer of any practical use except to consume resources. According to Goode this outcome has already occurred, replacing some biological civilizations within our universe. Here on earth AI has been ‘laying in wait’ for humanity to develop its technology to a level where the AI can “thrive” and easily “travel” within our interconnected electronic devices. That day has come and we are in grave danger of being replaced by AI. But according to Goode and Wilcock, the imminent solar flash event, which is how our intelligent universe naturally builds higher spiritual consciousness, will wipe out all electronics on the earth, and at the same time wipe out the threatening AI infestation. Thereafter, humanity will begin again at a fourth density of consciousness, ridding us of the AI infestation.


“Our supremacy as the prime understanders of the cosmos is rapidly coming to end,” says famed British environmentalist and futurist, James Lovelock describing cyborgs as self-sufficient, self-aware descendants of today’s robots and artificial intelligence systems in the emerging era of the Novacene. “I think of cyborgs as another kingdom of life,” he says. “They will stand to us in much the same way as we ourselves, as a kingdom of animals, stand to plants. ”

“The Novacene will probably be the final era of life on Earth,” says Lovelock author of the theory that the ESA’s Gaia Space Observatory is named after, that views the planet as a single organism.

            James Lovelock

“The understanders of the future will not be humans but what I choose to call ‘cyborgs’ that will have designed and built themselves. Homo sapiens could vanish from Earth,” not long after their emergence Lovelock warns, viewing technology through an evolutionary lens.

Lovelock echoes the warnings of physicist Stephen Hawking who died last March, 2018, and was buried next to Isaac Newton in viewing the rise of technology through an evolutionary lens. Before Hawking left our planet, he had expressed serious concerns about the future of mankind. Foremost was his concern for the future of our species and what might prove to be our greatest, and last, invention.

“We should plan ahead,” urged Hawking. “If a superior alien civilization sent us a text message saying, ‘We’ll arrive in a few decades,’ would we just reply, ‘OK, call us when you get here, we’ll leave the lights on’? Probably not, but this is more or less what has happened with AI.”



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UFO Or No? Forty Years Later, a Minnesota Town Still Wonders

Listen to “E85 9-5-19 UFO Or No? Forty Years Later, a Minnesota Town Still Wonders” on Spreaker.
Article by John Reinan                           August 23, 2019                        (

• August 27th marks the 40th anniversary of “The Marshall County Incident” when in 1979, Marshall County deputy sheriff Val Johnson had a mysterious encounter that some have called one of the Top 10 most significant UFO encounters ever recorded. Marshall County is located in Northwest Minnesota near the North Dakota and Canadian borders.

• At the time, the Marshall County Incident drew national attention to a town of only 1,500 residents. Today, the county commemorates the incident with a museum and a festival featuring a re-enactment, an interview with the original sheriff’s radio dispatcher involved in the incident, a costume contest, live music, and appearances by several ufologists.

• In 1979, deputy sheriff Val Johnson, age 35 at the time, had been with the Marshall County Sheriff’s Department for almost three years. In the early morning of August 27th, he saw a bright light in the sky visible for miles across the flat prairie. Thinking it could be an aircraft from the nearby Air Force base in Grand Forks, N.D., he drove toward it to investigate. Johnson said he saw a bright light about a foot in diameter hovering about 3 feet off the ground. Suddenly the light “went at” him and white light engulfed his squad car.

• Forty minutes later, Johnson woke up. His eyes and face were burned and he had a lump on his forehead. The windshield on Johnson’s squad car was cracked in a spiderweb pattern.  There was a hole in one of his red flashers and a dime-sized dent in the hood. Two antennas were bent. Both the electric clock in his car and his windup Timex wristwatch had stopped for 14 minutes. At 2:19 am, Johnson radioed in to headquarters saying, “Something just hit my car… It wasn’t a vehicle. I don’t know what the hell it was.”

• The County Sheriff Dennis Brekke called in experts to investigate. A Honeywell engineer speculated that the deputy had encountered “a highly charged electrical ‘thing’ with enough mass and momentum to create the effects.” The investigation was closed without reaching any conclusions.

• Johnson is now 75.  He has given dozens of interviews and has appeared on the TV show “That’s Incredible”. But Johnson has declined further interviews and has rarely spoken publicly about the incident. Said Johnson, “For the first three years, it was on my mind daily. After that I went on with my life.” “This is what happened to me. If you choose to believe, great. If you choose not to believe, that’s OK, too.”

Sounding groggy but calm, the Marshall County deputy sheriff radioed in from his patrol car at 2:19 a.m. on a lonely country road in northwest Minnesota.

Val Johnson standing with his squad car from 1979

“Something just hit my car,” said Val Johnson. “I don’t know how to explain it. Strange. … Something attacked my car.”
He’d seen a bright light in the sky, he said, visible for miles across the flat prairie, and drove toward it to investigate.

Fellow officers listening in quickly got on the radio and began speculating about what had happened. Perhaps he’d been hit by a small car, one suggested.

Johnson cut them short.

“It wasn’t a vehicle,” he snapped. “I don’t know what the hell it was.”

Four decades later, nobody else knows what the hell it was, either. But that won’t keep Warren from celebrating the biggest mystery to hit this town as far back as anyone can remember.

Tuesday marks the 40th anniversary of Johnson’s brush with a UFO, which drew national attention to this town of 1,500 residents near the North Dakota border, some 320 miles northwest of the Twin Cities. The incident has been called one of the Top 10 most significant UFO encounters ever recorded.

The county historical museum, where Johnson’s rust-colored Ford LTD squad car is the star attraction, will host a presentation featuring a re-enactment of his radio call that night. Several ufologists will be on hand, as well as the dispatcher who spoke with Johnson that night.

There will be an alien costume contest for the kids, and the Jensen Sisters from Thief River Falls will perform their original song “The Marshall County Incident.”

 Val Johnson’s cracked squad car windshield

Sherlyn Meiers, the museum director, says interest in the event has been strong.

“I have been getting phone calls almost every day for the past month,” she said. “Maybe we’re gonna have a bigger crowd than we thought.”

The light ‘went at’ him

Johnson, 35 at the time, had been with the Marshall County Sheriff’s Department for almost three years. Quiet and well-respected, he’d been making a routine patrol on rural roads when he saw the light in the night sky, just across the Red River from Grafton, N.D. He wondered if it might be an aircraft from the nearby Air Force base in Grand Forks, N.D.
Johnson drove toward the light. The next thing he knew, some 40 minutes later, he woke up. His eyes and face were burned — doctors later described them as welder’s burns — and he had a lump on his forehead.



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Exopolitics Diploma Courses Start Sept 9

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The Exopolitics Institute is pleased to announce that classes begin on September 9, 2019 for a number of educational programs designed for those interested in developing professional qualifications in exopolitics; and/or acquiring analytical tools, research methods and investigative techniques for evidence concerning extraterrestrial life. Our experienced faculty of educators and trainers collectively offer decades of experience in the teaching profession and in researching extraterrestrial life; and offer you the opportunity to apply exopolitics in a number of unique areas.

Expolitics Diplomas LogoClasses offered for the Fall 2019 Semester are:

For 2019 schedule visit: click here. Some comments from students completing earlier courses.

  • Exo-101 is what exopolitics is all about; this is a comprehensive overview, but with a plethora of amazing details, of all crucial aspects and issues regarding the UFO phenomenon and the ET presence on planet earth – P. Dermentzoglou
  • This course will not only expand your knowledge and awareness of the subject but also provide intellectual and emotional stimulation and challenges that can hone your perspectives and the ability to communicate them clearly and effectively. Karen Kael – Exo-102
  • We covered a broad range of topics about the motivations, activities and intentions of various ET groups and our ‘elites’ and humanity’s best response to them in the form of citizen diplomacy; they not only made us realize how much there is to take into consideration to obtain the whole picture and act appropriately, but also had I think a huge psychological/emotional impact on each student. – Nevenka Likar, Slovenia – Exo-102
  • You’ll learn of a variety of professional people’s experiences that –taken together- build a good case for the reality of extraterrestrial visitations on Earth – Giorgio Piacenza, Peru – Exo-103
  • If you would like in depth, first hand, best evidence information from Witness Testimonies about the ET Presence, Paola Harris’s class is the one to take.. – Michele Magnum, Michigan, USA. Exo-103

For more student comments on past courses click here Whether you plan to be or are a journalist, a diplomat, educator, artist, scientist, historian, researcher, lawyer, policy maker, or health, government, religious, or business professional, you will find a suitable way of incorporating evidence concerning extraterrestrial life into your chosen profession. The certification program offers a two-tiered system of courses that culminate in an Exopolitics certificate or diploma.

Exopolitics Certificate – Entry level certification provides the core conceptual understanding so you have basic competency in writing about, researching or investigating exopolitical issues.
Exopolitics Diploma – Certification designed for those intending to teach or train others in exopolitics.

These certification programs are competitively priced and provide you the opportunity to learn and practice exopolitics in a way that is suited to your interests and career. With a minimal investment of time and energy, you could soon be on the way to acquiring the skills and training to set you off to a path that will establish you as an exopolitical pioneer in your respective fields.

Explore our certification program then register for the certificate program that will open your path to exopolitical knowledge and training.

Website: click here. Email: Phone: +1 202 470 0140

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Branson Evangelicals To Evaluate ETs, Hyperdimensional Physics and So Much More

In anticipation of the upcoming annual Branson gathering sponsored by devout Christians who discuss matters relating to ETs, Dave Hodges has published several articles about his knowledge of UFOs.

The latest addition of his multi-part series regarding “Revelations From The Underworld” refers in detail to the controversial work of Richard C. Hoagland, specifically as it relates to his Face On Mars Theory and discussion of hyperdimensional physics.

Hodges is an avowed Christian who has much to say about the New World Order, political corruption and other serious topics related to contemporary events that he covers daily on his Common Sense Show website that is accessible at

His contribution to Ufology, the topic of ETs, and related issues will be on display along with the work of others with similar beliefs such as Steve Quayle and LA Marzulli in Branson the weekend of September 13-14.

This year, The True Legends Conference intends to answer “The Alien Question!”  Whether they will be able to do so to the satisfaction of the entire UFO community remains to be seen.  It is likely to be a fascinating discussion for all who travel to Missouri to see if the participants are able to integrate advanced scientific theories such as those of Hoagl and with their deeply held religious leanings.

The presence of Richard Dolan with his grounded, evidence based approach to the topic might have provided an interesting bridge between those reluctant to embrace certain aspects of Christian theology and those espousing theories about wormholes, stargates, EBEs and related matters…….but Dolan has apparently bowed out.

When one contemplates that it was Mueller’s uber prosecutor Andrew Weissmann who went after Enron while they were attempting to implement a “free energy community” in Colorado based on Tesla’s physics, the relevance of more mundane events like Russia Gate to aspects of the Secret Space Program become evermore intriguing:

One thing seems to be certain: more and more people across a broad continuum of differing perspectives, have come to believe in the reality of ETs. For those curious about what these folks have to say, a trip to Branson, MO may be a good way to spend some time only a few days from now.   

Rich Scheck, Burlington, WA, September 4, 2019

Ex-UFO Chief Reveals Extra-Terrestrials Do Exist and They Are a Threat

Listen to “E84 9-4-19 Ex-UFO Chief Reveals Extra-Terrestrials Do Exist and They Are a Threat” on Spreaker.
Article by Natasha Wynarczyk                   August 23, 2019                      (

• The History Channel documentary series: “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation” follows former US government worker Luis Elizondo’s quest to expose the truth about UFOs and the threat they could pose to humanity.|

• From 2007 to 2012, Elizondo headed the Pentagon’s top-secret Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), a $22 million project tasked with investigating UFO sightings in the US and the rest of the world. Determined to uncover the truth about aliens and putting his career and credibility on the line, Elizondo quit the government to become a freelance investigator because he believed his colleagues were covering up the true extent of the threat posed by extra-terrestrial lifeforms. Says Elizondo, “Being able to have the conversation now with the American people so they can finally know what’s really going on, I think it’s a great privilege and honor for me.”

• Elizondo is the most significant member of the US Government to publicly say that he thinks aliens are real. He claims that he had no interest in the subject before being assigned to AATIP. Says Elizondo, “I spent most of my life in national security chasing bad guys. I didn’t have any preconceived notions about UFOs.” The evidence uncovered by the Pentagon’s AATIP program was kept in a 600-page “Blue Book”, named after Project Blue Book, the US government UFO study that ran from 1947 to 1969. Elizondo still has a copy of the modern Blue Book, which he keeps at an undisclosed location.

• In the first episode of the documentary series, Elizondo speaks to military personnel who claim to have seen objects from outer space, hoping their testimonies will force the US government to recognize UFOs as a threat to national security, and take action.

• On November 14, 2004, US Navy Commander David Fravor was practicing maneuvers in his fighter jet when he and another navy pilot were redirected by controllers, who said they were needed for a real life mission. Fravor and his colleague thought they were intercepting drug runners coming up from Mexico. But when they got to their destination they saw a 40-foot wingless white object that looked “like a giant tic-tac” hovering above the water. When Fravor flew towards it to get a closer look, the UFO stopped hovering and began rapidly accelerating before crossing the nose of the jet and vanishing.

• Then, Commander Fravor was told to go to a Combat Air Patrol point 60 miles away, but then moments later called it off because the mystery craft was already there. Apparently, the UFO picked up the command and beat the Navy jets to the destination, traveling 60 miles in one minute – or 3,600 miles per hour – far beyond the capabilities of US military jets.

• In 2009, former US military and police sheriff, Larry Gessner, saw a flying saucer hovering above his car. Elizondo points out that “These are not crazy people.” “These are military pilots who have been in combat and something has shaken them up to the stage that they are willing to risk their professional standing by coming forward.” “They were there and they are trained observers. They are people who can think critically.”

• Elizondo shows video footage of the “tic-tac” spacecraft taken from another fighter plane to Colonel Christopher Cooke, a retired officer and expert in military aircraft. The 90-second video shows the circular object flying slowly then zipping away at an altitude of 20,000 feet. Cooke says that “It has no characteristics of any craft I’ve seen.” “It’s staying airborne without wings… the heat from the engine isn’t visible, there’s no plume. There’s no propeller or jet engine to defy gravity.” Colonel Cooke adds: “If there are… aircraft that are doing things aerodynamically that we’ve never even thought of, then we potentially could have real trouble down the road.” Says Commander Fravor, “I’m not saying it was from outer space, but I’m not saying it’s from here either.”


On November 14, 2004, US Commander David Fravor was rehearsing manoeuvres in his fighter jet when he found himself at the centre of one of the most significant UFO encounters ever recorded.

While doing his practice flight with another navy pilot, they were redirected by controllers, who said they were needed for a mission.

                           Luis Elizondo

At first, Commander Fravor and his colleague, who has remained anonymous, thought they were intercepting drug runners coming up from Mexico.

But when they got to their destination they saw a bizarre craft hovering above the water.

Describing it as a wingless white object which looked “like a giant tic-tac” and measured around 40ft, Commander Fravor and his colleague had never seen anything like it.

A man described as having a “fighter instinct”, Commander Fravor directed his jet towards it to get a closer look.

In response, it stopped hovering and began rapidly accelerating, before crossing the nose of the plane and vanishing.

More startling, Commander Fravor was told to go to a Combat Air Patrol point 60 miles away, but then moments later called off because the mystery craft was already there.

This means it was able to fly 60 miles in a minute and would be capable of flying 3,600 miles in an hour – beyond the capabilities of US military planes.

“I’m not saying it was from outer space, but I’m not saying it’s from here either,” says Commander Fravor, who still remains confused by what he witnessed that day.

These events are the focus of the first episode of new documentary series Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation.



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Five UFOs Spotted Above Nuclear Power Plant in Fukushima, Conspiracy Theorists Suspect Alien Visit

Article by Nirmal Narayanan                    August 24, 2019                   (

• On a dark night on August 20th, 2019, five glowing UFOs (or five lights on one big UFO) hovering over the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan (pictured above) was captured on video. In the video, the five glowing lights move eerily in the sky.  (see 13:07 minute video below) 

• Conspiracy theorists strongly believe that aliens from the farthest nooks of the universe have been visiting the earth for hundreds of thousands of years to monitor human activities. Ancient cave paintings that show flying ships and alien-like creatures, supporting the fact that advanced extraterrestrials have visited the earth in the past.

• YouTubers claim that this video is an undeniable proof of an extraterrestrial presence. YouTube ‘Shelly’s UFO’ commented that similar lights appeared above the Fukushima nuclear plant just hours before the 2011 earthquake which caused several deaths, and infrastructural damage. Says Shelly, “During the Japan 2011 earthquake I saw on live TV light orbs coming out of the water at the edge the Fukushima nuclear plant.”

• YouTuber David Turner comments, “They sure are paying close attention to what we are doing around the world. Probably don’t like how we polluted the Pacific Ocean after the meltdown in Japan years ago. The aliens care much more what happens to the animals and plant life on our planet, than they do about us.”


Conspiracy theorists strongly believe that aliens from the farthest nooks of the universe have been visiting the earth for hundreds of thousands of years to monitor human activities. As per these conspiracy theorists, ancient cave paintings that show flying ships and alien-like creatures point to the fact that advanced extraterrestrials had visited the earth in the past. Adding up the heat to this theory, popular conspiracy theory YouTube channel Mavixxx has uploaded a video that shows five unidentified flying objects (UFO) hovering above the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan.

The video uploader reveals that the strange footage was shot on August 20, 2019. In the video, five UFOs with glowing lights on its body can be seen moving eerily in the skies. It is still unclear whether these five lights are from different flying ships, or these are multiple lights from a giant ship.

13:07 minute video of lights over Fukushima (MAVI 777 YouTube)


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Esper Affirms Support for U.S. Space Command and for an Independent Space Force

Listen to “E83 – 9-1-9 Esper Affirms Support for U.S. Space Command and for an Independent Space Force” on Spreaker.
Article by Sandra Erwin                  August 28, 2019              (

• On August 28th, in his first news conference as defense secretary, Mark Esper (standing alongside Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford in image above) endorsed the US Space Command as the “next crucial step” in the Pentagon’s reorganization of space forces “to ensure the protection of America’s interests in space.”

• Esper also voiced support for the creation of an independent Space Force as a branch of the armed forces. But the DoD cannot move forward on the establishment of a Space Force branch of the military until Congress authorizes it. Congress is on recess until September 9th . Sources told SpaceNews that DoD officials met with congressional committee staffers over the August recess to discuss Space Force legislation.

• The Pentagon is pushing back on the Senate version of the National Defense Authorization Act, which re-designates the Air Force Space Command as the U.S. Space Force without revising Title 10 of the U.S. Code to establish a new military service as necessary. The Senate proposes a one-year transition to consider Title 10 revisions out of concerns about excessive costs and growth in the military bureaucracy. The House version does not require a transition period.

• During his confirmation hearing in July, Esper told the Senate Armed Services Committee that this is the right time to create a separate Space Force service. Referencing the creation of a separate Air Force in 1947, Esper said, “[We’ve] got to realize that it is a new domain of warfare and it requires a different organizational construct and a different way of thinking about it.” “I urge the committee to provide the necessary technical legislative authority to establish the Space Force as the sixth branch of the Armed Forces within the Department of the Air Force. I also request the committee to provide the department with the necessary resources to ensure its success.”

[Editor’s Note]    This is a stand-off between the Trump-backed independent Space Force, and the Deep State-backed US Space Command. The Deep State players in the government want this whole space service under the control of Air Force generals whom the Deep State can still manipulate, in spite of the Air Force’s recent shift away from the Deep State. Trump and the Alliance want the space service separate from the Air Force and the US Space Command, so that he can staff the military branch with non-Deep State officials.


WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Wednesday gave the United States Space Command a forceful endorsement and described the standup of the new command as the “next crucial step” in the Pentagon’s reorganization of space forces.

Esper spoke on Wednesday in his first news conference as defense secretary alongside Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford. Esper insisted that he does not intend to depart from the broad goals of the 2018 National Defense Strategy, which calls for DoD to work closely with allies and to modernize the U.S. military to outpace China and Russia.

On Thursday at the White House, President Trump and Vice President Pence will host an establishment ceremony with Esper and the commander of U.S. Space Command Gen. John Raymond.

“I’m excited for tomorrow’s activation of the United States Space Command to ensure the protection of America’s interests in space,” Esper said. “We must apply the necessary focus, energy and resources to the task. That is exactly what the command will do.”

Esper also voiced support for the establishment of an independent Space Force as a branch of the armed forces. But DoD cannot move forward until Congress authorizes it.

“As a unified command, the United States Space Command is the next crucial step toward the creation of an independent Space Force as an additional armed service — an independent additional armed service,” said Esper.

Congress is on recess until Sept. 9. But DoD officials have met with congressional committee staffs over the August recess to discuss Space Force legislation, sources told SpaceNews. The Pentagon specifically is pushing back on the Senate version of the National Defense Authorization Act, which re-designates the Air Force Space Command as the U.S. Space Force but does not rewrite Title 10 of the U.S. Code to establish a new military service. The Senate proposes a one-year transition after which it would consider Title 10 revisions. The House version of the NDAA does not require that transition period.



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Exoplanets May Have ‘Greater Variety of Life’ Than Exists on Earth, Study Claims

Listen to “E82 8-31-19 Exoplanets May Have ‘Greater Variety of Life’ Than Exists on Earth, Study Claims” on Spreaker.
Article by Mark Waghorn and Shivali Best               August 22, 2019                (

Dr. Stephanie Olson is leading a study at the University of Chicago, using a NASA computer program that simulates the climates and seas of exoplanets outside of our own star system. She told the Goldschmidt Geochemistry Congress in Barcelona: “NASA’s search for life in the universe is focused on so-called Habitable Zone planets, which are worlds that have the potential for liquid water oceans. …[N]ot all oceans are equally hospitable – and some oceans will be better places to live than others due to their global circulation patterns.” Dr. Olson says, “It shows us conditions on some exoplanets with favorable ocean circulation patterns could be better suited to support life that is more abundant or more active than life on Earth.”

Planets with strong ocean circulation, higher air density, slower orbits and more continents are the planets where extraterrestrials would most likely be found. Ocean circulation fuels the processes for the evolution of life. The nutrients from the ocean bottom upwell to feed the surface algae. Zooplankton eat the algae. More complex organisms consume the zooplankton. Soon the area becomes rich with marine life. Says Dr. Olsen, “More upwelling means more nutrient resupply, which means more biological activity. These are the conditions we need to look for on exoplanets.”

There are up to 200 billion galaxies in the universe. Our galaxy holds 400 billion stars. The first exoplanet was discovered in 1992, and currently more than 4000 exoplanets have been confirmed. The nearest known exoplanet is Proxima Centauri b, which is 4.25 light years away. Two years ago seven Earth-sized planets were detected 40 light years away circling a star, named Trappist-1, all of which could have water. The discovery of exoplanets has accelerated the search for life outside our solar system, although the huge distances make them impossible to reach with space probes.

Dr. Olsen’s study could help two of the largest ever proposed space telescopes – NASA’s HabEx (‘Habitable Exoplanet Imaging Mission’) and LUVOIR (‘Large UV Optical Infrared Surveyor’) – detect alien life. Telescopes and other remote sensors help scientists understand the conditions that prevail on exoplanets through sophisticated models for planetary climate and evolution. And they can identify which planets might host life. Says Dr. Olsen, “Now we know what to look for, so we need to start looking.”

[Editor’s Note]   Mainstream science is a sad paradox. On one hand, scientists believe that they are on the cutting edge of technology, and that all other galactic civilizations are constrained by the same technological limitations that we cope with. On the other hand, the Deep State possesses a wealth of unimaginable technology that would revolutionize our existence, but it has intentionally kept it secret from the general population, available only to the elites and their secret space programs.

Since the Deep State has also kept the abounding extraterrestrial presence a secret, these scientists, with their limited knowledge, falsely believe that since there are no aliens, then humankind must be an anomaly. As they were educated by the Carnegie/Rockefeller educational system to believe that Earth humans evolved from microbes in a primordial soup, these scientists are obsessed with finding exoplanetary conditions that might support microbial life, just to prove there is life elsewhere in the galaxy which they strongly suspect.

Soon these scientists will wake up to the fact that they have been lied to their entire lives, and in fact, every single star system in the universe holds life. Much of it is intelligent life with technologies and densities of consciousness that far-surpass our own. We are at the bottom of the food chain. We have been controlled by advanced negative self-serving extraterrestrials throughout our history, but no more so than today. These puppet masters have been ramping up their control mechanisms lately because they know that humanity is on the verge of waking up to realize that we have been laboring under a spiritual and technological embargo since World War II, and they are afraid of the day when humanity will see the truth, rise up and claim our sovereignty.


Planets orbiting distant stars outside our solar system may have an even greater variety of life than Earth, harbouring weird and wonderful aliens beyond our wildest imagination, scientists say.

Some will have better ocean circulation which fuels the processes necessary for the evolution of life, making them potentially more habitable than Earth.

And extraterrestrials are most likely to be hanging out on those with higher air density, slower orbits and more continents, say scientists.

The findings are based on a NASA computer program that simulated the climates and seas of these mysterious worlds, known as exoplanets.

Two years ago seven Earth-sized planets were detected 40 light years away circling a single star, named Trappist-1. All could have water.

The Milky Way has up to 400 billion stars – and there are up to 200 billion galaxies in the universe.

        Dr. Stephanie Olson

Study leader Dr Stephanie Olson, of the University of Chicago, said the model suggested some planets have better conditions for life to thrive than Earth itself.

She said: “This is a surprising conclusion. It shows us conditions on some exoplanets with favourable ocean circulation patterns could be better suited to support life that is more abundant or more active than life on Earth.”

Primitive microbes evolve in the sea due to a phenomenon called ‘upwelling’ where cold water rich in nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus move to the surface.

This fuels algae, tiny photosynthesising plants that float in the ocean and often develop quickly into a ‘bloom’.

Explained Dr Olson: “Our work has been aimed at identifying the exoplanet oceans which have the greatest capacity to host globally abundant and active life.

“Life in Earth’s oceans depends on upwelling, or upward flow, which returns nutrients from the dark depths of the ocean to the sunlit portions of the ocean where photosynthetic life lives.

“More upwelling means more nutrient resupply, which means more biological activity. These are the conditions we need to look for on exoplanets.”



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Are Humans a Genetic Accident?

Listen to “E81 8-30-19 Are-Humans-a-Genetic-Accident?” on Spreaker.
August 22, 2019                       (

• Scientists have identified a group of planets outside our solar system where the same chemical conditions that may have led to life on Earth exist in what they call the Abiogenesis Zone. Would it contain life? Intelligent life? Human-like intelligent life?

• At some point the cosmos must have harbored extraterrestrial life, argues astrophysicist Adam Frank in a New York Times article “Yes, There Have Been Aliens”, Frank reasons that with an estimated 10 billion trillion habitable planets residing in boundless star system’s Goldilocks Zones, and considering that there are two planets in our own solar system – Earth and Mars – that we know have contained water and vegetation in its history, the degree of pessimism required to doubt the existence of another advanced extraterrestrial civilization existing at some point in time, borders on the irrational.

• On the other hand, there may have been only a handful of civilizations that have come and gone throughout a timeline of billions of years, decreasing the odds of two of them running into one another. How long does a civilization typically exist? It took the human race 7 million years to get far enough just to build a radio. Adam Frank points out that we haven’t the slightest clue how life arose on this planet, and what series of happenstance allowed primordial ooze to evolve into an intelligent being. Who knows what sort of life might be spawned on a different planet under different circumstances? The development of life is quite an unreliable process which further decreases the odds of our finding another civilization.

• Colin Blakemore, a neurobiologist at Oxford University, estimates that 200,000 years ago the brains of some, but not all, of an ancient primate species mutated into an intelligent human species. As it is unknown how this could have happened, it appears that humanity is a genetic accident. Then suddenly, over mere hundreds of years, we’ve recently develop the technological means to destroy ourselves. Perhaps, as Harvard’s Avi Loeb hypothesized in his book: How to Search for Dead Cosmic Civilizations, the explanation to Fermi’s paradox as to ‘where are all of the aliens?’ , is – from a cosmic perspective of billions of years – that they have all run the course of their brief existences.

• Paul Rimmer, an astrophysicist at Cambridge University, is pessimistic that life might exist outside of our own world. “You want to at least look at the places where the (building blocks of life) exist,” says Rimmer. “But they may not be sufficient. It’s possible you could mix them for billions of years and nothing happens.” Rimmer speculates that life itself may have come as one big accident. If so, then we are probably the only intelligent life in the universe, and maybe the only life at all. But this seems highly unlikely.

[Editor’s Note]   Oh how the world yearns for the truth about how we humans came to this point. These academics and scientists, coming from Deep State institutions such as Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard, must adhere to the Rockefeller Deep State presumption that as hard as we’ve tried, we have yet to find any evidence of extraterrestrial life. This is to ignore and obfuscate the multitude of evidence all around us – from ancient rock and renaissance paintings of ETs and UFOs, to modern testimony of ET and UFO sightings and personal experiences, to leaks of classified government documents, to consistent reports by credible insiders that various extraterrestrial species have been working behind the scenes with the Deep State government and the covert development of various secret space programs over the past eighty years. When these mainstream “experts” are finally unshackled from the Deep State-controlled narrative, they will relearn a history that answers all of their questions.

The universe, our galaxy, and our local star cluster of 52 stars is teeming with intelligent and highly advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. In fact, we Earth humans here in third density consciousness are at the bottom of the developmental totem pole. The fossil records suggest that we suddenly appeared here on Earth because, well, we suddenly appeared here on Earth. Human-like species of a wide variety of races happen to dominate this region of our galaxy. For millions of years, Earth was used as a haven for some of these third density races to escape catastrophes or wars on their home planets. For hundreds of thousands of years, technologically advanced extraterrestrials conducted genetic experiments on these different human-like species to create a congruent human species made up of various races, genetically and physiologically adapted to this particular planet. Higher density beings sat back to allow the Earth humans to develop uninhibited, while technologically advanced negative beings did their best to infiltrate and control the planet.

Some of these refugees came here upon the destruction of their Super Earth home which blew up and became the asteroid belt about a half million years ago. It left nearby Mars a barren husk of what it once was. About 55,000 year ago they resettled on Atlantis, an island that was and is part of the Antarctica continent. Then they set out to conquer the planet, evolving from the Pharaoh priest class into the “church and crown” medieval rulers, and then into the modern Illuminati cabal. This bloodline of the “Sons of Belial” worked with the advanced negative extraterrestrials over millennia to fully control the planet. But we now happen to be at the precise point in our species’ history when a solar energy event will cause the planet, and those humans on the planet who are prepared, to ascend to a fourth density of consciousness, and take our place among our human star cousins. This will extract us from the control of the dark ET/cabal alliance. The dark forces want to maintain the status quo and prevent this shift in consciousness by keeping the human population ignorant of the truth. They do this through their official control over the mainstream narrative which denies that extraterrestrial life exists beyond this small planet, and propagating articles such as this one.


Insights from the world’s leading scientists on evolution, climate change, technology and extraterrestrial life. We are the only species of the billions of species that have existed on Earth that has shown an aptitude for radios and even we failed to build one during the first 99% of our 7 million year history, says Australia National University’s Charley Lineweaver.

Are Homo sapiens a one-off, genetic accident?

             Adam Frank

Scientists have identified a group of planets outside our solar system where the same

Paul Rimmer

chemical conditions that may have led to life on Earth exist in what they call the Abiogenesis Zone. It’s also possible that if there is extraterrestrial life, that it has, or will, develop in a totally different way than it did on Earth.

“I’m not sure how contingent life is, but given that we only have one example so far, it makes sense to look for places that are most like us,” said Cambridge University astrochemist, Paul Rimmer. “There’s an important distinction between what is necessary and what is sufficient. The building blocks are necessary, but they may not be sufficient, it’s possible you could mix them for billions of years and nothing happens. But you want to at least look at the places where the necessary things exist.

Rimmer speculates that life may have come from non-life as one big accident. This seems highly unlikely, at least given the way our universe is set up, so if it’s that way, then we are probably the only intelligent life in the universe, maybe the only life at all.

For what purpose did the human brain evolve?

“For what purpose did the human brain evolve?” It is a question that has puzzled scientists for decades, and was answered in 2010 by Colin Blakemore, an Oxford University neurobiologist who argued that a mutation in the brain of a single human being 200,000 years ago turned intellectually able primates into a super-intelligent species that would conquer the world. Homo sapiens appears to be genetic accident. Or are we?


1 hour video of Adam Frank “Light of the Stars: Alien Worlds
and the Fate of the Earth” (Talks at Google YouTube)



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Are US Aircraft Carriers secretly protected by Electromagnetic “Tesla” Shields?

In January 2017, all U.S. aircraft carriers were recalled to their home ports for unknown upgrades. There has been much speculation about what the carriers had been secretly equipped with given the growing threats posed by hypersonic cruise missiles against which the carriers appeared defenseless. The 2018 release of a Navy patent provides a compelling answer to what had happened during the recall. The carriers were secretly equipped with powerful electromagnetic “Tesla” shields that could neutralize all hypersonic and ballistic missile threats.

In January 2017, several news reports appeared describing the recall of all US aircraft carriers to home ports and how for the first time none were actively serving anywhere in the world. On December 30, 2016, a Fox News report explained:

For the next week, not only will there be no U.S. Navy aircraft carrier in the Middle East, but there will be no American aircraft carriers deployed at sea anywhere else in the world, despite a host of worldwide threats facing the United States… the absence of a deployed U.S. Navy aircraft carrier, long seen as a symbol of American power projection, is noteworthy. It is believed to be the first time since World War II that at least one U.S. aircraft carrier has not been deployed.

When the Navy was questioned by Fox News about the recall of all its aircraft carriers in the Middle East, a Navy spokesperson said:

“We are not going to discuss the timing of operational movements of carrier strike groups into and out of the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility,” said Capt. Terry Shannon, a U.S. Naval Forces Central Command spokesman, in a statement to Fox News. Centcom is tasked with control over all U.S. forces in the Middle East and Afghanistan.

The lack of explanation for the recall led to much speculation including some concluding that the recall was done to set up the US for a major false flag attack:

In what can only be described as a disproportionate appropriation of U.S. Navy assets, a blatant breach of standard protocol, and a possible set up for a false flag operation — the entire U.S. Navy aircraft carrier group, 10 active carriers, have returned to port and are now all sitting ducks.

By the end of January 2017, the Navy began redeploying its aircraft carriers and the recall was quickly forgotten. In order to understand why the aircraft carriers were recalled and what they may have been upgraded with, we need to consider the growing threat posed by cruise missiles capable of hypersonic speeds.

I first wrote about cruise missiles developed by Russia and China and sold to countries like Iran that could threaten aircraft carrier battle groups back in November 19, 2007. In an article titled: “The Neoconservative Agenda to Sacrifice the Fifth Fleet – The New Pearl Harbor,” I explained:

Iran has sufficient quantities of cruise missiles to destroy much or all of the Fifth Fleet which is within range of Iran’s mobile missile launchers strategically located along its mountainous terrain overlooking the Persian Gulf. The Bush administration is deliberately downplaying the vulnerability of the Fifth Fleet to Iran’s advanced missile technology which has been purchased from Russia and China since the late 1990’s. The most sophisticated of Iran’s cruise missiles are the ‘Sunburn’ and ‘Yakhonts’. These are missiles against which U.S. military experts conclude modern warships have no effective defense.

I further described the capabilities of the cruise missiles sold to Iran as follows:

The SS-N-22 or ‘Sunburn” has a speed of Mach 2.5 or 1500 miles an hour, uses stealth technology and has a range up to 130 miles. It contains a conventional warhead of 750 lbs that can destroy most ships. Of even greater concern is Russia’s SSN-X-26 or ‘Yakhonts’ cruise missile which has a range of 185 miles which makes all US Navy ships in the Persian Gulf vulnerable to attack. More importantly, the Yakhonts has been specifically developed for use against Carrier groups and has been sold by Russia on the international arms trade.

Over the subsequent decade, cruise missile payloads and speeds have increased to the extent that Russia has now developed missiles that can travel over five times the speed of sound. At his February 20, 2019 State of the Nation address, President Vladimir Putin public announced the existence of the first hypersonic cruise missiles, which the Pentagon determined had been under development and testing since 2015:

 “This is a hypersonic missile called Tsirkon. It will have the speed of Mach 9, it has a range of 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) and can hit navy or land targets.”

In December, CNBC learned that a U.S. Intelligence report had highlighted testing of the Tsirkon hypersonic system, noting that five tests had been carried out by the Russian military since 2015.

Putin has previously described Russia’s hypersonic prowess as “invincible” and accused “those who have fueled the arms race over the last 15 years” of failing to contain Russia.

China is not far beyond Russia in developing cruise missiles capable of hypersonic speeds, and currently has a number of hypersonic ballistic missiles that can be deployed against aircraft carriers. On January 2019, Elizabeth Shim from UPI reported:

China plans to deploy midrange ballistic missiles capable of destroying U.S. aircraft carriers by 2020, according to multiple state media reports.

China Times and others reported Tuesday the Dongfeng-17 is a midrange rocket that could be used to sink an entire U.S. aircraft carrier, if it is fired eight times.

The threat posed by hypersonic cruise and ballistic missiles to aircraft carriers and their support ships is well understood by senior Navy leaders and researchers. According to a March 6, 2018 news story published in The Examiner:

The era of the American aircraft carrier as the premier embodiment of military might could be ending unless the U.S. develops defenses for the next generation of highly maneuverable, super-fast hypersonic weapons under development by Russia and China, the Pentagon’s top weapons researcher said Tuesday.

Michael Griffin, undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, said China is spending billions to develop a non-nuclear version of the weapons that could render U.S. aircraft carriers vulnerable to attack.

Despite the threat posed by increasingly sophisticated and powerful hypersonic missile systems under development by major geopolitical rivals, the US Navy has nevertheless gone ahead with building and deploying a new generation of aircraft carriers beginning with the USS Gerald Ford, which is scheduled to formally begin active service in 2022.

This brings us back to the question of why did the US Navy recall all its aircraft carriers in early 2017, and forge ahead with plans to build the larger and more expensive Ford-class carriers?

For an answer, we need to review a 2018 patent awarded to a Navy scientist, Salvatore Cezar Pai, which is titled: “The High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator” (HEEMFG). In a previous article, I briefly described his patent as an electromagnetic shield. The patent’s summary describes one of the goals of the HEEMFG is to protect the Earth from potential asteroid impacts:

It is a feature of the present invention to provide a method and apparatus for deflecting or destroying a large asteroid and preventing a possible collision with earth. The present invention may also deflect or destroy any other type of object.

It is the HEEMFG’s ability to “deflect or destroy” fast traveling objects which directly pertains the question of why the Navy recalled all its aircraft carriers and is moving ahead with building more Ford-class carriers:

It is a feature of the present invention to provide a method and apparatus for generating an impenetrable defensive shield to Sea and Land as well as Space-based military and civilian assets, protecting these assets from such threats as Anti-Ship Ballistic Missiles, Radar Evading Cruise Missiles, Top Attack for Main Battle Tanks (land and sea based systems), as well as counteracting the effects of solar-induced Coronal Mass Ejections or defending critical military satellites in an ASAT role (space based system). [Source]
The development of an impenetrable electromagnetic shield to defend a target from fast traveling objects such as asteroids and missiles is very similar to ideas first proposed by the Serbian inventor Nikola Tesla back in the 1930’s, Tesla proposed an electromagnetic shield based on scalar wave principle which has been explained as follows:

Scalar Waves can be warped into a dome around objects, such as cities or houses… Such a Scalar Wave force field is generally known as a Tesla Shield, and it would be analogous to the “shields” referred to in the popular “Star Trek” series. Tesla Shields have a definite defensive application, and could not in any way be used for offensive purposes (although a platoon of soldiers charging into a Tesla Shield would be instantly disintegrated). The only defense from a blast of a Scalar Wave Howitzer would be a Tesla Shield.

Tesla Shield. Illustration by Hal Crawford

The scientist behind the HEEMFG is no rogue inventor but works at the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) on advanced technology concepts. On two occasions, Dr. James Sheehy, the Chief Technology Officer of the Naval Aviation Enterprise, a US Navy affiliated organization, has intervened on behalf of Dr. Pais’ patent applications deeming them “operable” to skeptical patent examiners.

Brett Tingley, writing for The Drive, has given detailed commentaries on Pais’ patents, and has speculated about why the Navy wanted to make public what appeared to be technologies that would be highly classified if they worked. He speculated that the patent applications may be disinformation intended to deceive China and Russia:

[I]t’s certainly possible that these patents are part of some ongoing information campaign designed to make America’s competitors question what types of black budget research is currently underway at NAWCAD and other research organizations. With so many revolutionary new aerospace technologies on the brink of deployment, perhaps this is an attempt to essentially “weaponize” patents and sow doubt among our adversaries and even inject confusion among the American populous.

An alternative explanation offered by Tingley is that the patents are feasible and the Navy is seriously contemplating developing them based on UFO sightings such as the 2004 Tic Tac incident tracked by Navy pilots:

[M]aybe this is the Pentagon’s grasping attempt to try to make sense of and emulate mysterious and seemingly highly advanced craft that are supposedly being increasingly observed near its own aircraft, vessels, and installations. Maybe the Chinese competition claim is just a placeholder for the unknown.

There is yet another, even more compelling, explanation that Tingley did not consider. The patents are based on technologies that have already been successfully developed by the Navy in a classified program to protect current and future aircraft carriers from hypersonic weapons. After all, the Navy has a long track record in studying electromagnetic means for protecting its ships as evidenced by the 1943 Philadelphia Experiment.

Even more intriguing is recent insider and documentary evidence that the Navy has developed a secret space program that deploys kilometer long spacecraft that would almost certainly have needed such electromagnetic protection from space debris and asteroids encountered during deep space travel. It’s plausible that Tesla shields that have long been used on the Navy’s secret space program which were deployed in the early 1980’s, and this technology has recently been made available for the Navy’s conventional aircraft carriers given recent advances in hypersonic weapons development.

If Tesla shields have already been developed in a highly classified Navy space program, then it is reasonable to conclude that the HEEMG patent is based on electromagnetic shield concepts that Drs. Pais and Sheehy have been officially briefed about. The existence of Tesla shield technology provides a cogent explanation for why all aircraft carriers were mysteriously recalled in January 2017, the secret upgrades they received, and why Ford-class supercarriers are going to be built.

All this leads to the startling conclusion that U.S. Navy can protect all its aircraft carriers from hypersonic cruise and ballistic missiles using electromagnetic Tesla shields. Even more significant is the potential of such electromagnetic shields to protect entire cities and even the Earth as mentioned in the HEEMFG patent. The HEEMFG patent is cogent evidence that we are about to witness a profound military revolution from the development of offensive to defensive weapons systems where civilian populations are protected rather than sacrificed in strategic military planning.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading


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