ET Life as We Don’t Know It


Article by Wade Roush                           April 7, 2020                            (

• This blog article’s writer, Wade Roush, has written a book entitled Extraterrestrials which attempts to explain why, after sixty years, SETI (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) has never found a hint of advanced extraterrestrial life. At its inception in the 1960s, SETI assumed that the best way to discover ET was by monitoring radio and optical frequencies. But as Nathalie Cabrol of the SETI Institute wrote, “[S]o far, in our quest to find ET, we have only been searching for other versions of ourselves.” The flaw in SETI’s approach is that it has been too ‘Earth-centric’ and ‘human-centric’.

• SETI’s focus has been on exoplanets within the “habitable zone” of a star system, where water remains in liquid form. But we didn’t understand how adaptable life can be. We’ve found life in places with crushing pressures and scalding temperatures, and even inside nuclear reactors where living organisms feed on radiation.

• In 1985, when Roush was a college journalist, he was ‘star-struck’ while covering a Harvard symposium inaugurating the Megachannel Extraterrestrial Assay (or META), which was attended by his heroes Carl Sagan and Steven Spielberg. It felt like the launch of a voyage that would finally turn science fiction into science reality. If you’d told the assembled scientists that 35 years would go by without SETI, META, or any of its successors detecting even a hint of an ET signal, they’d have reacted with disbelief.

• It’s time to move beyond the idea that extraterrestrials would think like us or use technologies like ours. We should continue to listening for technosignatures and look for industrial biosignatures on exoplanets, but we should also expand the search beyond familiar sun-like stars and red dwarfs. Beings who evolved in exotic environments might have very different sense organs and neural systems. We need to get outside of our own heads and think more like aliens. We need new observing and filtering systems that look for the kinds of messages that exotic beings might be sending.

[Editor’s Note]  Now that SETI has wasted sixty years’ worth of funding searching in vain for extraterrestrial signals, scientists are preoccupied with debating ‘why’. There is no doubt that SETI is funded and run by the deep state. Carl Sagan himself was a member of deep state UFO control group, Majestic 12. So, from the perspective of its cabal overlords, SETI’s perfect record of finding and reporting absolutely no sign of intelligent extraterrestrial life for six decades has been an unmitigated success. For sixty years, they’ve been trying NOT to find ET life in the galaxy as part of the deep state’s objective of convincing the public that extraterrestrials do not exist. They don’t want the public knowing that the deep state government routinely works with alien beings, utilizing alien technology exclusively for the benefit the cabal ‘elite’. And ‘journalists’ like Wade Roush are either naïve and uninformed, or they are compromised deep state puppets.


In 1985, when I was a baby journalist writing my first college newspaper story, I covered a symposium at Harvard inaugurating the Megachannel Extraterrestrial Assay (META), a computer system designed by physicist Paul Horowitz to sift through millions of narrow radio channels for signals from other civilizations.

Carl Sagan was on hand that weekend to represent the Planetary Society, which had helped fund the project. So was Steven Spielberg, who’d written a

                Wade Roush

$100,000 check. Having grown up on Sagan’s Cosmos and Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind and E.T.: The Extraterrestrial, I was star-struck. But I was also thrilled to witness what felt like the launch of a voyage that would finally turn science fiction into science reality.

No one at the symposium was rash enough to predict whether or when Horowitz’s project would succeed. But if you’d told the assembled scientists that 35 years would go by without META or any of its successors detecting even a hint of a signal, they’d have reacted with disappointment and disbelief. The aliens ought to be out there; they ought to be broadcasting; we ought to be able to hear them. But a 2020 Astronomical Journal paper detailing a search of 1,327 nearby stars at the highest sensitivity to date found zero candidate signals. So how is it that the Great Silence—to use the title phrase from astronomer Milan Ćirković’s 2018 book— continues?

Well, having just written my own book about the history of that question (Extraterrestrials, MIT Press, April 2020), I’ve come to suspect that there’s something missing in our approach to the search for off-world intelligence. This search is built around the hope that if technological societies are out there, they’re communicating (1) using the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum we can most easily scan from Earth’s surface, namely radio and optical frequencies, and (2) using encoding schemes such as pulse modulation that we can easily recognize. Those assumptions made sense in the early days of SETI in the 1960s, when the field was still a quirky offshoot of radio astronomy.

But today they seem fatally Earth-centric and human-centric. As Nathalie Cabrol of the SETI Institute wrote in a paradigm-busting 2016 Astrobiology paper, “[S]o far, in our quest to find ET, we have only been searching for other versions of ourselves.”



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‘Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind’ Offers an Alternative Way of Thinking


Article by Jeri Jacquin                            April 6, 2020                               (

• Following his previous documentaries, Sirius and Unacknowledged, Dr. Steven Greer has digitally released a new film entitled Close Encounters of the Fifth Time which challenges what the government knows about the existence of extraterrestrials and why they are here on our planet. While the government has created a fear-based narrative around extraterrestrials, Greer promotes the creation of a positive relationship between humans and ET. (see 2:19 minute film trailer below)

• Greer is a globally-recognized authority on extraterrestrials and the founder of the Disclosure Project. Directed by Michael Mazzola and produced by 1091 Media (formerly ‘the Orchard’), the film is narrated by Jeremy Piven and contains interviews with Adam Curry of Princeton’s PEAR lab, civil rights attorney Daniel Sheehan, and CIA’s Dr. Russel Targ. Close Encounters of the Fifth Time shatters the bounds of the ET phenomenon secrecy with groundbreaking video/photographic evidence and reassures us that “scientists have known that ‘The Force’ is real for a very long time”.

• Although UFO sightings are not a new phenomenon, the proliferation of UFO photos and videos caught on cell/smart phones have made these sightings impossible to deny. Something is definitely happening in our world. With the information that he has gathered, Greer has submitted briefings to five US Presidents on the subject.

• In the film, Greer discusses how he was visited by ET beings as a child. Through joint learning and meditation with the ET’s, he was able to create the ‘CE5 protocol’ which, through telepathy, invites the ET beings to know where the good guys are and to communicate with emissaries on Earth. Greer has established a CE5 retreat where attendees can pay $2,500 to $3,500 to spiritually connect with extraterrestrials.

• One thing is certain, Dr. Greer emphatically believes in the existence of alien beings and their proximity to Earth. Of course, the viewer will decide whether to believe Greer’s fascinating assessment or not.


        Dr. Steven Greer

Available on Digital from director Michael Mazzola and 1091 comes a look at straight forward revelations about CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FIFTH KIND.

Dr. Steven Greer is a global authority on extraterrestrials who has previous works with Sirius and Unacknowledged and now founder of the Disclosure Project, brings this documentary to talk about shattering the bounds of secrecy of the ET phenomenon.

   attendees to a CE5 protocol session

People seeing UFO’s (Unidentified Flying Objects) is not a new phenomenon. What has been sightings spoken has turned into sightings being video’s with cell phones making it impossible to deny that, at the very least, something is happening in our world. Dr. Greer has submitted briefings to five presidents on the subject and with information that he has gathered.

While the government creates their own narrative based on fear, Dr. Greer wants to put the facts together in this brutally honest documentary. He believes that it is possible to create a relationship between humans and Extraterrestrials (ET).

This documentary brings groundbreaking video/photographic evidence along with the interviews of Princeton’s PEAR lab Adam Curry, civil rights attorney Daniel Sheehan and CIA’s Dr. Russel Targ. These interviews are as equally important as with what Dr. Greer has to share.

The most important is Greer’s story of being visited as a child and through learning joint meditation with the ET’s, he was able to create the CE5 protocol which allows goodwill telepathy inviting ET’s to know where the good guys are.


2:19 minute “Close Encounters for the Fifth Kind” movie trailer (YouTube)



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This Beatle Saw UFOs, Met With Aliens


Article by Hannah Wigandt                             April 5, 2020                               (

• We have all heard the story about Beatle John Lennon and his ‘lost weekend’ girlfriend May Pang seeing a UFO from their Manhattan apartment balcony on August 23, 1974. Lennon was lying in bed naked when he suddenly “got the urge” to walk out onto his balcony where he saw a flying disk with white blinking lights and a red light blinking on top. He took photos, but they didn’t come out. Lennon even made mention of the sighting in his song, Nobody Told Me, saying, “There’s UFOs over New York and I ain’t too surprised.”

• May Pang recounted the encounter: “As I walked out onto the terrace my eye caught this large, circular object coming towards us. It was shaped like a flattened cone, and on top was a large, brilliant red light, not pulsating as on any of the aircraft we’d see heading for a landing at Newark Airport. … When it came a little closer, we could make out a row or circle of white lights that ran around the entire rim of the craft – these were also flashing on and off. There were so many of these lights that it was dazzling to the mind.”

• Uri Geller, the British psychic and illusionist, was friends with John Lennon. Geller claims that Lennon told him that not only did he see a UFO hovering outside of his apartment, but he had met actually with the aliens on this occasion. “I’ve kept this story to myself for many, many years and never told it to anyone,” Geller told The Weekly News. “When John told me of this event, it was so bizarre and weird and so ahead of its time that no-one would have believed it, but today people are telling how they have been taken into UFOs and probed by aliens from outer space.” “John never asked me to keep his story a secret… It basically blew my mind because I was already then a believer in extraterrestrials visiting our planet,” Geller said.

• According to Geller, Lennon told him that while lying in his bed, “… an extremely bright light [poured] in from around the edges of the bedroom door. It was so powerful, [Lennon] thought it was someone aiming a searchlight through his apartment. He got up, crossed to the door and flung it open. The next thing he could remember was four thin-looking figures. Lennon said that the figures came over to him as he just stood there. Two of them held his hands and the other two gently pushed his legs and he was gently guided into this tunnel of light. He was shown [images] of his life, just like watching a movie, and he told me it was the most outstandingly beautiful thing he’d ever seen.” Lennon described the alien creatures as ‘bug-like’.

• Geller says that Lennon recalled the aliens giving him “this odd-looking, not quite egg-shaped, ball of metal – very smooth and very heavy, about an inch or so wide… Then he put his hand in his pocket, pulled out the object the aliens had given him and gave it to me.” Lennon said he didn’t want the metallic egg because “It’s too weird for me. If it’s my ticket to another planet, I don’t want to go there.” Geller still has the egg to this day.


Throughout much of John Lennon’s life, a lot of bizarre things have happened to him and there are tons of well-known anecdotes about him, but nothing compares to the story about how John Lennon saw UFOs over New York City and how he met with them in person.

     John Lennon and May Pang
 Geller with ‘metallic egg’

John Lennon first alluded to seeing UFOs when he discreetly put, “On the 23rd Aug. 1974 at 9 o’clock I saw a U.F.O.” on the cover of his classic album Walls and Bridges. This was not an attempt by Lennon to be weird and funny on purpose, he actually did see the UFOs apparently.

According to, Lennon was lying in bed naked when he suddenly “got the urge” to walk out onto his balcony where he saw a flying disk with white blinking lights and a red light blinking on top.
Lennon explained that he was completely sober during the entire experience, even though the siting happened during Lennon’s infamous “lost weekend” where he separated from his wife Yoko Ono and went off the rails drinking and doing loads of drugs with his friends. said May Pang, Lennon’s girlfriend throughout the “lost weekend”, said this: “As I walked out

               Lennon sketch drawing

onto the terrace my eye caught this large, circular object coming towards us. It was shaped like a flattened cone, and on top was a large, brilliant red light, not pulsating as on any of the aircraft we’d see heading for a landing at Newark Airport. … When it came a little closer, we could make out a row or circle of white lights that ran around the entire rim of the craft – these were also flashing on and off. There were so many of these lights that it was dazzling to the mind.”

Lennon also apparently took photos of the UFOs but when he developed them nothing showed, but when he also called the police about it they told him they’d had similar calls coming in. Later on, Lennon put his experience in his song, Nobody Told Me, saying, “There’s UFOs over New York and I ain’t too surprised.” But this experience was nothing compared to another story of Lennon coming in contact with extraterrestrial life.



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Footage Catches UFOs Flying Over Surface of the Moon

Article by Susan Leighton                       April 6, 2020                       (

• On March 26th, Jean-Michel Tenac was video recording the moon with a Nikon P1000. At the 40-second mark, a small silvery object comes into frame and is then joined by a similar object. While there are no details about where it was taken and no links to an original source, a fascinating aspect of the video are the shadows cast on the moon’s surface by the UFOs. (see 2:20 minute video below)


UFOs are a hot subject lately with various series on the air like Project Blue Book and The Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch that question whether or not we are truly alone in the universe. There are some schools of thought that believe most Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon are explainable.
They cite swamp gas, weather balloons, weather anomalies and the list goes on and on. Others feel that we have been visited before and are still being visited today by otherworldly beings.

With access to complex video editing technology, anyone can create a UFO sighting by just pointing and clicking their mouse. That is why when presented with something out of the ordinary perhaps people shouldn’t just jump to the conclusion that an unfamiliar craft in the sky is automatically the product of extraterrestrials.


2:20 minute video of two objects moving over the Moon’s surface (‘willease’ YouTube)



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UFO Story: Lifetime of Extraterrestrial Encounters


Article by Becca Martin-Brown                        April 5, 2020                           (

• Terry Lovelace had a career as a trial attorney and staff lawyer with the office of the Attorney General. Before that he was a medic in the US Air Force. He has a family and has been married for 46 years. He seems to be a stable, well-adjusted person. But Lovelace has also written of his experiences with “entities not from Earth” in his 2018 book: Incident at Devil’s Den: A True Story.

• Because of these recurring episodes, Lovelace has been diagnosed with PTSD twice in recent years. He says that writing his book and speaking at public conferences has been therapeutic for him. And speaking at UFO conferences has largely been a positive experience. He insists that these alien encounters are true. “If you think I’m a liar,” says Lovelace, “there’s nothing I can do to change that. Have a nice day.”

• Lovelace had long suffered from nightmares, and he hated being in wide-open, exposed places. But it wasn’t until he was jogging in 2012 that he noticed that whenever he’d hit the 2-mile mark, a place just above his knee would go numb. Medical tests revealed an unexplained piece of metal the size of a fingernail implanted in his leg. There was no entrance scar. He had no memory of ever being injured there. He’d never had surgery.

• When Lovelace was about 8 years old, he started seeing ‘little monkey-like people’ in his bedroom at night. As an adult, he would see UFOs, sometimes when he was alone, sometimes with his Air Force buddy, Toby, or his wife.

• In 1977, Lovelace was stationed at an Air Force base in Missouri. One day, he and Toby made the unusual decision to go camping at Devil’s Den State Park in in Arkansas. They found a remote spot on a summit, pitched a tent, and settled in for an evening of sky watching and taking photos of animals and the beautiful scenery. 24 hours later, Lovelace and his friend believe they were taken aboard a spacecraft before being returned to the campsite. Says Lovelace, “[W]hatever they did to me, Toby got a double-dose of it.” The two men never spoke about it, except when Lovelace reassured Toby that he wasn’t crazy and it really did happen as he remembered it.

• Now that Lovelace has written a book and spoken at UFO conferences, he says that something about his story seems to resonate with his audience members. He’s received some 1,300 emails from people who claim they too have had experiences with ETs. “There’s a core group of about 700 that really ring true,” Lovelace says. “There’s a certain commonality that runs through them. They start by saying, ‘You’re not going to believe this’ — and then they tell me unbelievable stories that I absolutely believe.”

[Editor’s Note]   Apparently, Lovelace remembers a triangular UFO craft. This casts doubt that it was actual extraterrestrials that abducted him and his friend. It sounds more like a “MILAB” or ‘military abduction’ using the Air Force’s TR3B craft, with a little mind control thrown in for good measure.


      Lovelace in the USAF

It’s hard to dismiss Terry Lovelace as a crazy man. He was an EMT and medic in the Air Force, earned a law degree from the University of Michigan, worked as both a defense attorney and in the offices of the attorney general — oh, and he’s been married to the same woman for 46 years and raised a reportedly happy and functional family.

Lovelace says he never intended to tell the rest of his story — or to write a book about it — until he took up jogging in 2012. Although he’d always suffered from nightmares and hated being in wide-open, exposed places, it was then he noticed something about his body he couldn’t explain. Every time he’d hit the 2-mile mark, a place just above his knee would go numb. Finally, medical tests revealed an unexplained piece of metal the size of a fingernail implanted in his leg.

It wasn’t shrapnel; he’d never been in active combat. He’d never been through surgery. There was no entrance scar. And he had no memory of ever being injured — or did he?

          sketch of the triangle craft

Lovelace is the author of “Incident at Devil’s Den: A True Story” and one of the speakers on the roster at the 33rd annual Ozark Mountain UFO Conference in Eureka Springs, which has been rescheduled for July 24-26. What happened at Devil’s Den in 1977 was the worst event in a lifetime of interactions with what he believes are entities not from Earth.

“I want to be clear from the start,” he says in the introduction to his book, published in 2018. “I’m not on a mission to change your mind about the topic of UFOs or the existence of alien life. … I planned to take my story to my grave.” But having started to tell it two years ago this month, when his book came out, Lovelace says the experience of speaking at UFO conferences has largely been positive.

“After 40 years of speaking to juries, I have zero anxiety speaking in front of people,” he says. “I just tell my story as honestly as I can without embellishment. People appreciate it, and something about the story seems to resonate with them.”

He has also received some 1,300 emails from people who claim they too have had experiences with ETs.



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‘Communion’ Author Whitley Strieber Sums Up His Life With Alien Visitors in ‘A New World’


Article by Ed Conroy                          April 3, 2020                              (

• San Antonio native Whitley Strieber (pictured above), the author of the 1987 New York Times’ nonfiction bestseller Communion: A True Story, has published a new book entitled: A New World. This article’s writer calls it “the most deeply insightful and powerfully provocative book of his extensive literary career”.

• In A New World, Strieber eloquently explains the most essential lessons he has learned from his continuous efforts to communicate with and understand his other-worldly “visitors”, impelled by a great sense of urgency about the fate of humanity, and the Earth. The book intends to make accessible the mysteries of the UFO phenomenon for the benefit of humanity in these perilous times.

• Much has changed over the past few decades in terms of media coverage of UFOs and the attitudes of many top military, intelligence and other leaders towards UFOs. The New York Times articles about federal funding of UFO research, with sightings and videos of extraordinary vehicles by Navy pilots have gone viral. Academic scholars from prestigious universities have undertaken serious studies of paranormal phenomena. Jeffrey J. Kripal’s introduction in the book contains a stinging indictment of the materialist worldviews that still dominate academic discourse in our day.

• In A New World, Strieber balances his narrative between the “real world” social and political implications of regarding UFOs and the visitors as real, and the inner, spiritual dimensions and demands of contact. His sustained communication with his ET visitors have turned his initial horror into pure amazement, inspiration and awe.

• Strieber shares keys to how he has opened locked spiritual doors. He explains his meditative method for making conscious contact with his ET visitors. During a visit to a Lakota Sioux reservation, he was shown the landscape of another parallel world. Strieber provides insights on the nature of his visitors’ relationship with time and their desire to communicate and interact with humans.

• Strieber asserts that our best defense in establishing contact is to develop a strong soul through exercising compassion and living a truthful, blameless life. Strieber nourishes the hope that we can evolve as a species into a state where we are stronger, more conscious human beings able to overcome the challenges that threaten our survival.


San Antonio native Whitley Strieber and his stories of encounters with extraordinary beings — and their vehicles that reportedly defy the laws of gravity — are deeply interwoven into the fabric of the Alamo City.

Strieber’s stories of attending classes with other local children in a nocturnal “secret school” in the Olmos Basin — not to mention the accounts of anomalous events in Terrell Hills and Alamo Heights that I have received from interviews with his childhood friends and others — have grown to become the stuff of local, national and indeed international legend.

Now, after more than three decades of what he calls his contact, conversation and communion with the beings he simply refers to as visitors, Strieber has written the most deeply insightful and powerfully provocative book of his extensive literary career, “A New World.”

In 13 captivating chapters, Strieber eloquently explains the most essential lessons he has learned from his continuous efforts to communicate with and understand his visitors, impelled by a great sense of urgency about the fate of humanity, and the Earth.

“A New World” is arguably the most well-informed, authoritative and readable book yet written with the intention of making accessible the mysteries of the UFO phenomenon for the benefit of humanity in these perilous times.



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UFOs Are Definitely Here, But Why?

Article by Donald Burleson                         March 30, 2020                                (

• UFOs have long been seen in our skies. With reliable eyewitness accounts, radar tracks and valid photographs, the evidence for their presence is clearly overwhelming. If we assume that these are alien visitors from other star systems, why are they here? Why do they visit us?

• In sci-fi movies, Hollywood’s typical answer is something like: “We’re from a planet that’s dying, and we have come to take over Earth.” But these anomalous UFOs are obviously of advanced technology and they have been visiting our planet for so long — quite possibly for centuries — that if their intention was to take possession of Earth, they could long since have done so. This reasoning of course assumes that one can infer things about an aliens’ thought process. It seems improbable though, that an alien race in need of a new home would wait for centuries before securing it, when they could so easily prevail.

• It may not be coincidental that a spate of UFO events followed so soon after the atomic detonations at Trinity and Hiroshima. Possibly, alien UFO crews thought: “What are these miscreants up to now? Maybe we ought to keep an eye on them.” If they’ve lingered nearby for years, closely watching the antics of humankind, one could scarcely blame them for having some concerns about our mental stability as a species.

• Perhaps some UFO crews are time travelers from the distant future of our own planet, coming back to visit us, their ancestors. Seeing as they have mutilated cattle and abducted humans, are they collecting DNA to prevent animal extinction or for some future use of human DNA? The first step in the process of answering questions is to ask them.


Unidentified flying objects have long been seen in our skies. In terms of reliable eyewitness accounts, radar tracks and valid photographs, the evidence for their presence is clearly overwhelming, but we’ll probably always have more questions about them than we have answers. One haunting question: Why are they here? Why do they visit us?

Let’s entertain this question first under the assumption that at least some UFOs are indeed alien visitors from other star systems. Hollywood offers a reason for their presence, almost surely not the right reason. In dozens of sci-fi movies, aliens have told their human contacts something like: “We’re from a planet that’s dying, and we have come to take over Earth.” In reality, such plans of conquest are exceedingly unlikely, for one compelling reason. The anomalous airborne objects we have observed are so obviously of advanced technology, and have been visiting our planet for so long — quite possibly for centuries — that if their intention was to take possession of Earth, they could long since have done so.

This reasoning of course assumes that one can infer things about aliens’ thought processes from their observed behavior. Arguably this is a dubious assumption, since their minds may be as different from ours as ours are different from the brain of a housefly or an ant. It seems improbable though, that an alien race in need of a new home would wait for centuries before securing it, when they could so easily prevail.



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We Should Message Extraterrestrial Civilizations, and Not Just Listen for Them


Article By Jerome H. Barkow                          March 29, 2020                            (

• The collaboration between SETI’s Breakthrough Listen project and NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite provides thousands and thousands of ‘Goldilocks Zone’ targets for the ongoing search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Yet so far, neither SETI nor NASA have announced contact with far off extraterrestrial civilizations or aliens visiting our planet. Ask Fermi would ask, ‘if they exist, where are they?’

• Perhaps these ET civilizations have not reached a technological level of development. Perhaps the chances of two technologically advanced civilizations are too great. Perhaps advanced civilizations have a habit of self-destructing. Perhaps they simply do not find Earth interesting.

• Is the human species on a trajectory of “species maturity”? Or is our development random? Will we as a species ever see the wisdom in less murder and self-destruction? … in increased kindness and compassion? A necessary step to our species’ maturing is to recognize the right of other animal species on Earth to exist in their own way, and to extend this to the recognition of other sovereign extraterrestrial species in the universe.

• We are rapidly becoming a spacefaring species. In the future, we will mine asteroids and create manufacturing bases on the moon. Even today, we are looking for life – albeit microscopic life – in our own solar system. Seeking life on other planets and moons is characteristic of a maturing species, understanding that our community doesn’t end at the outskirts of our solar system.

• We humans possess a natural desire to expand and meet new people outside of our world. Awareness that we are not alone could make us a morally better species. This is why SETI’s cousin METI – messaging extraterrestrial intelligence – ought to go ahead and actively call out to the galaxy. Some fear that we will expose our planet to hostile aliens. But we’ve been sending tell-tale radio waves into space for decades. Should we live in fear? In hiding? The greater likelihood is that contact with other species will help us to mature and lessen our own internecine conflict.

• Imagining galactic neighbors and what we would want to say to them is in itself a step towards species maturity. In ancient times, we looked to the stars for guidance. Today we look to them for neighbors and witnesses to our species’ trajectory.

[Editor’s Note]  I hope that people like this writer remember their casual ‘hypothetical’ position on meeting intelligent extraterrestrials. Because the thoughtful, educated people who have clung relentlessly to the deep state propaganda from places like SETI – that extraterrestrials can’t be found and probably don’t exist – are in for a rude awakening. We are witnessing the first dominoes to fall that will ultimately expose the existence of numerous intelligent ET species that have been here a long time, and have been working directly with our deep state government since World War II. The pandemic/ economic collapse/ global financial reset will begin a series of amazing public revelations, thereby revealing the deep state that has kept it all secret. We as a planet will learn about existing technologies that have been hidden from us, including: medical scans that will not only detect but cure disease; free energy devices, 3-D printers and replicators that can print anything from clothing and tools to food; warp drive propulsion and portal travel. We will learn about the evil agenda of the deep state and the depravity of its leaders and members. We will discover how these wealthy elite and a military industrial complex have actually achieved far-reaching secret space programs and breakaway civilizations. We’ll find that there already exist numerous human and extraterrestrial bases and colonies all across our solar system. We will realize that all of our history as a species has been heavily corrupted, and we will re-learn our true history, and our true reality. We are at the beginning of a new era of Earth humanity’s development.


In a press release dated Wednesday, October 23, 2019, Breakthrough Listen announced its collaboration with NASA and the space agency’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). TESS is expected to add thousands more to the thousands of exoplanets already discovered. The collaboration means that Breakthrough Listen will now have specific directions in which to listen and look both for extraterrestrial signals, signs of intelligent life and technosignatures—signs of advanced technology.

Some exoplanets are in the “Goldilocks zone,” meaning that their distance from their sun likely permits the existence of liquid water, essential for life as we know it. Listening for the radio sounds of extraterrestrial life and for other technosignatures, SETI, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, has become an industry. True, so far we have found no extraterrestrials and no one (as far as we can ascertain) has visited us; this is Fermi’s Paradox, the “if they exist where are they?” issue—but there could be many reasons why we have yet to detect other intelligent species.

For one thing, most of them, like most intelligent species on our own planet, are probably not technological. Then, too, the span during which a high technology species both can and might wish to make contact with a relatively low-technology species such as our own may be limited. Technological species may even regularly destroy their capacity for interstellar contact, something that not inconceivably could be our own fate. Perhaps other intelligent species are simply not interested in us, their evolved curiosity driving them in other directions. Most likely (in my opinion), we aren’t very interesting to them, at least not yet.

How relatively easy it is to study child development, with billions of children growing up all the time, each with a brief and comparable trajectory. How hard it is to study the development of a high-technology species, with an n of 1 so far and a developmental trajectory of tens of thousands of years.
Worse, that one intelligent species we do know about has not (I hope) finished growing up. Worse still, perhaps the very idea of “species maturity” is a misguided analogy, and all we will ever have is history’s rather random walk.

If we are to mature it will require us to become less self-destructive; we must increase kindness and compassion and decrease murder and mutilation. It must include an end to environmental destruction. In practical terms, our growing up is likely to be associated with continuing technological development and change, making greater achievements possible while creating dangerous challenges. In a sense, we must move to a new neighborhood.

One aspect of the U-Haul rental that could take us there is our increasing recognition of other species as having their own kinds of intelligence and their own rights. Even as biodiversity shrinks and extinction rates soar, many of us are learning to think of the entire planet as our community.
Species maturity also means that we are learning that “home” is broader than our planet. We are rapidly becoming a spacefaring species with the necessary technology and investment being generated by competition among nations, billionaires and immense corporations. In the future, we will mine asteroids and create manufacturing bases on the moon. Even more exciting, today’s space exploration emphasizes the search for microbial life elsewhere in our solar system, or at least for the possible building blocks of life.

No one today anticipates finding intelligent, high-technology organisms anywhere in our own planetary system, but seeking life on other planets and their moons makes it easier to accept that the community in which we live does not end at the outskirts of the solar system. If it did, what a pity, as a mature species may need neighbors.



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‘The Research is Only Just Starting,’ UAlbany Prof Says of UFOs


March 28, 2020                          (

• Why do people reject notions of extraterrestrial life on Earth? Associate professor of physics at the University of Albany, Dr. Kevin Knuth, chalks it up to “human arrogance.” “It happens time and time again,” said Knuth, a former NASA scientist. Often, humans are simply unable to accept the truth.

• When Knuth was working toward his doctorate at the Univeristy of Minnesota, he and some other students were mulling over a newspaper report of cattle mutilations near the school’s campus. A physics professor added to the puzzle by informing the students about UFO sightings at a nearby nuclear site. Knuth and the students laughed it off. Years later, Knuth came across a video of Robert Hastings talking about “nuclear incursions” by UFOs, including the time they were seen over that same Minnesota nuclear site. Knuth decided that perhaps he should take a closer look into it.

• Knuth examined at the case of the head of Harvard’s psychiatry department, Professor John E. Mack, who had interviewed hundreds of proclaimed alien abductees. Before his passing in 2004, Mack told the BBC, “I would say there is a compelling, powerful phenomenon here that I can’t account for in any other way.” “[I]t seems to me that it invites a deeper, further inquiry.” Harvard dropped the investigation.

• Knuth says that interest in UFOs has fallen victim to “circular logic” where, because it feels so unscientific, many scientists won’t touch the subject, leading to a reinforcement of the idea that interest in UFOs is solely the purview of pseudoscientists and conspiracy theorists. Knuth noted that, “There’s been scientists who have been interested in this all along, but… were afraid of the stigma.” The government’s new term, ‘UAP’ or ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’ is another deliberate attempt to escape the stigma of UFO research.

• Since the US Navy acknowledged last year that Navy videos released in 2017 (including the ‘tic tac’ UFO) were “real”, Knuth has sensed a shift in credibility toward UFOs. Some of these UFOs achieved up to 5000 times the acceleration of gravity and indicated an unnatural, non-human origin. He now sees a ‘very real science’ to these strange observances that have been made across the globe and throughout history. “Now the trick is looking for an explanation.”

• Knuth entertains two working hypotheses in approaching a UFO incident. One is that extraterrestrials are behind the encounters. The other considers the possibility of an Earth-based civilization having “extreme technology.” Said Knuth, “For me, it suggests that we missed some physics somewhere.”

• To that end, Knuth became a member of both UAP eXpeditions and the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies. UAP eXpeditions will be renting two vessels to navigate an area of the Pacific Ocean that is considered a UFO hotspot, and is near where the USS Nimitz had an infamous (‘tic tac’) encounter in 2004. (see previous ExoArticle here) Knuth is also working on simulations to predict where these craft might have originated from within the universe.

• Knuth believes that the UFO subject could prove critically important someday. “No matter what it is, it’s something we don’t know [scientifically],” says Knuth. “And isn’t that something we should want to know about?”


ALBANY COUNTY — When asked why people reject notions of extraterrestrial life on Earth, Kevin Knuth, an associate professor of physics at the

University of Albany and a former scientist for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, chalked it up to “human arrogance.”

                     Robert Hastings

“It happens time and time again,” Knuth said. “‘The Earth is flat. Humans couldn’t possibly have descended from apes.’ It’s hard to believe, so it’s easier not to.”

That a pandemic would tank the United States economy and fundamentally alter the lives of every American was also hard to believe, just a month ago. Now, millions, if not billions, of people are confined to their homes, wondering about new hypotheticals after what was once an impossibility exploded into their reality.

The story of Knuth’s interest in UFOs is not dissimilar. While he was at the University of Minnesota, two weeks into working toward his doctorate, a report in the local paper of two cattle mutilations near the school’s campus caught the attention of incoming students.

“We were actively discussing this,” Knuth recalled, “scratching our heads, trying to figure out what kind of crazy place we all came to.”

Overhearing one of those conversations, a physics professor offered the students information about UFO sightings at a nearby nuclear site as a means of furthering discussion, but the students, including Knuth, largely ignored him.

“When he walked away, we laughed our asses off because it seemed so ridiculous,” Knuth said.



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30 Years Later, We Still Don’t Know What Happened During the Belgian UFO Wave


Article by Jeva Lange                          March 30, 2020                           (

• On a clear November night in 1989, near the town of Eupen, Belgium near the German border, policemen Heinrich Nicoll and Hubert Von Montigny called their dispatcher to report seeing “a strange (silent) object in the sky.” By the end of the evening, three other pairs of police officers and at least 30 different groups of people would also report seeing the UFOs. This “UFO wave” would continue for months, culminating on March 30, 1990 with two Belgian Air Force F-16s chasing the triangular UFOs on their radars, which they couldn’t even see.

• A Belgian police officer described the hovering craft “like lights on a huge football field” so bright you could read by them. Only gradually did you notice the object they emitted from — a hulking triangular shape, with three enormous spotlights pointed toward the ground, and a red, flashing light at its center. “The whole thing,” recalled the policeman, “was floating in the air.”

• In December 1989, Belgian Army Colonel André Amond and his wife reported seeing the silently floating lights while driving in their car. But the Belgian military had no answers. The Chief of Operations of the Belgian Air Staff, General Wilfried De Brouwer (pictured above), told investigative reporter Leslie Kean that he suspected the UFOs were experimental American military craft. De Brouwer filed inquiries with the US Embassy in Brussels. But the Americans responded by saying that “no USAF stealth aircrafts were operating in the… area during the periods in question.”

• So the Belgian Air Force, aviation authorities, and police devised a plan. They had F-16 jets ready to take off at the first sign of another UFO. On March 30, 1990, police and radar stations spotted an unknown object in the sky. The Belgian pilots tried to intercept the crafts and recorded targets on their radar with unusual behavior, such as jumping huge distances in seconds and accelerating beyond human capacity. But the pilots could never actually see the object. De Brouwer concluded that there was insufficient evidence to prove that the crafts were really there. Still, in April 1990, thousands more sightings were reported before the encounters dropped off.

• Of course, many explanations were offered to debunk the sightings. Some scientists considered the event to be an example of mass hysteria. UFO skeptic Philip Klass blamed the sightings on “mass excitement” caused by media reports of UFOs, where people would see ordinary things in the sky and “hopeful viewers” would then believe they were UFOs. Brian Dunning of the UFO skeptic podcast Skeptoid imaginatively claimed that the craft were helicopters. The Reuters news organization claimed it was a Soviet satellite ‘breaking up’.

• Some pranksters admitted in 2011 to concocting the “Petit-Rechain picture” often used as a photo of the Belgian triangle UFO. Said one hoaxer, “We made the model with polystyrene, we painted it, and then we started sticking things to it, then we suspended it in the air … then we took the photo.”

• Notwithstanding, General De Brouwer said, “I can conclude with confidence that the observations during what is now known as the Belgian wave were not caused by mass hysteria. The witnesses interviewed by investigators were sincere and honest. They did not previously know each other. Many were surprised by what they saw and today … they are still prepared to confirm their unusual experience.”

• While the Belgian UFO wave likely wasn’t an alien visitation, it remains unanswered even all these decades and technological advances later. “That is a pity,” says Colonel Amond who saw the lights with his wife, “I want to know before dying… that is all I can ask.”

[Editor’s Note]   In chapter 15 of Dr Michael Salla’s 2019 book: US Air Force Secret Space Program – Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances & Space Force, he discusses the origin of the US Air Force’s top secret Aurora Program which developed the TR-3B triangle craft, able to perform both in the earth’s atmosphere and in near space. Salla cites Edgar Fouche who confirms that the TR-3B, code named ‘Astra’, was a tactical reconnaissance craft developed in the 1970s and built by private aerospace companies for the Air Force during the 1980s. Fouche served with the US Air Force from 1967 to 1987 and then spent another eight years with defense contractors working on a number of classified aviation programs at Groom Lake Area 51.

From November 1989 to April 1990, prototype black flying triangles, approximately 250 feet in length, were sighted and photographed in Scotland and Belgium by hundreds of witnesses including police officers. On March 30, 1990, the Belgium Air Force sent F-16 fighter jets to intercept a flying triangle. According to Fouche the 600-foot wide model TR-3B became operational in the early 1990’s, and three were flying by 1994.

The TR-3B employs a “Magnetic Field Disrupter” which rotates highly pressurized mercury-based plasma around a circular accelerator ring, reducing the craft’s weight by a factor of 89%. Three rocket engines using conventional fuel sources like hydrogen, oxygen and/or methane provide the thrust. The TR-3B is a high altitude, stealth, reconnaissance platform with an indefinite loiter time. Fouche claimed that the TR-3B was able to silently hover for at least 10 minutes and gave off “a corona of silver blue light” that glowed around it while hovering.
Corey Goode asserts that the TR-3B was a “hand me down” to the USAF’s military space program and to cabal “elites” from an even more highly classified space program controlled by NASA along with the Antarctic German Space Program.


At first, the witnesses claimed, all you noticed were the lights.

They were so bright you could read by them, so brilliant that a policeman described them as “like lights on a huge football field.” Only gradually did you notice the object they emitted from — a hulking triangular shape, with three enormous spotlights pointed toward the ground, and a red, flashing light at its center. “The whole thing,” recalled the policeman, as if barely able to believe it himself, “was floating in the air.”

It was a clear November night in 1989, near the town of Eupen, Belgium, which sits some seven miles from the German border. Heinrich Nicoll, the policeman, and his partner, Hubert Von Montigny, called their dispatcher to report the object they’d stumbled on while on a routine patrol. “Suddenly, they told me they were seeing a strange object in the sky,” Albert Creutz, who was on the receiving end, told Unsolved Mysteries in a 1992 episode. “It made no noise. We joked about it and said it might be Santa Claus trying to land.”

         the fake “Petit-Rechain” photo

But by the time the evening was over, at least 30 different groups and three separate pairs of police officers would allege to have seen the unidentified flying object. And they wouldn’t be the last. Belgium’s months-long “UFO wave” culminated 30 years ago today — on March 30, 1990 — in a physics-defying chase through the skies over Europe as two Belgian Air Force F-16s pursued mysterious objects on their radars that they couldn’t even see.

But, okay okay, did aliens really visit Belgium? It certainly seems deeply, deeply unlikely. Yet three decades later, it’s still hard to entirely dismiss the 2,000-odd sightings that took place in the country between November 1989 and April 1990. As Patrick Ferryn, the president of the Belgian committee for the study of space phenomena, SOBEPS, told The Telegraph, “You must know that most of these sightings will have the most banal explanation but there is a residue, which we simply can’t explain. And of those, there may be two or three where we may have questions over where they came from.”



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Bob Dylan Releases 17-Minute Song About the JFK Assassination


Article by Chris Wellman                          March 26, 2020                            (

• On March 26th, Bob Dylan released a new ‘song’ called ‘Murder Most Foul’. The epic track, which runs nearly 17 minutes, focuses on the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Said Dylan of the release, “Greetings to my fans and followers with gratitude for all your support and loyalty over the years. This is an unreleased song we recorded a while back that you might find interesting. Stay safe, stay observant and may God be with you – Bob Dylan.”

• Whether “a while back” means Dylan recorded the song months or years ago remains a mystery. It is Dylan’s first self-written song release in eight years. It contains minimal violin, piano and light percussion backing his quiet vocal tone. (see YouTube music video of ‘Murder Most Foul’ below) There’s literally half an album’s worth of lyrical material for Dylanologists to dissect. (see Editor’s Note below for my own dissection)

• The lyrics speak extremely literally of the Kennedy assassination, with a bent toward conspiratorial takes on the event. As the song goes along it breaks more freely into a pop-culture fantasia, referencing 1960s and 70s events with catchphrases such as “The Beatles are coming, they’re gonna hold your hand” and “I’m going to Woodstock, it’s the Aquarian age / Then I’ll go to Altamont and stand near the stage.” Dylan invokes myriad cultural references, from Buster Keaton to Houdini, ‘Gone With the Wind’ to Nat King Cole, Marilyn Monroe to Patsy Kline, the Eagles to the Allman Brothers. (see the song lyrics here – and NPR’s list of the 74 referenced songs here)

• Occasionally, Dylan directly marries his pop-culture references and the assassination, as when he sings, “You got me Dizzy Miss Lizzy, you fill me with lead.” Or: “What’s new pussycat, what’d I say / I said the soul of a nation been torn away.” When it comes to the actual assassination, Dylan doesn’t skimp on the details, describing the kill shot and frantic exit from Dealey Plaza in Dallas. Dylan does not shy away from provocative lines such as “We’ve already got someone here to take your place” and with regard to Kennedy’s brothers, “we’ll get them as well.”

• In 1964, only three months after the murder, Dylan and entourage reportedly drove the President’s route through Dealey Plaza so that Dylan could determine for himself what happened on that fateful day. He’s had 56 years to think about it. Writes Dylan: the killing of JFK was “right there in front of everyone’s eyes,” but became the “greatest magic trick” — one he thinks still has some relevance in 2020.

[Editor’s Note]   It is telling that among the few words that Dylan has said about this song, ‘Murder Most Foul’, he exhorts us to “stay safe, stay observant and may God be with you.” For me, Dylan’s opus marks a seminal moment in human history. I can feel the change happening in our society as the false reality that has been the mainstream narrative since World War II is being stripped away. It is a glorious thing to behold. And with this release, Bob Dylan contributes greatly to this paradigm shift.

There are very few artists with the star-power to be able to pull this off. The mainstream media cannot ignore this level of celebrity. As a cultural icon, he is now regarded as a ‘wise elder’ in American society. He is someone we believe has not been compromised, and whom we can look to for the truth. We can assume that as a major celebrity since the 1960s, Dylan has been exposed to truths at the highest level. And, courageously, Dylan uses his renown to call out the deep state government jackals who murdered JFK, cementing their sinister grip on governmental power for their own ends.

In this opus, Bob Dylan clearly blames a conspiratorial group of men for the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Being led to the slaughter like a sacrificial lamb,
He said, “Wait a minute boys, you know who I am”
“Of course we do, we know who you are”
Then they blew off his head while he was still in the car

There’s no mention of Oswald. The assassination is depicted as a professional hit job, “Perfectly executed, skillfully done.” Just who was this group of men that Dylan accuses? Public ridicule and mocking are notorious tools of the deep state, as UFO researchers well know. In perhaps the most obvious reference to the deep state government, Dylan alludes to Lyndon Johnson being ‘put in office’ by them:

We’ll mock you and shock you and we’ll put it in your face
We’ve already got someone here to take your place

In verse 2, Dylan assures us that he is familiar with JFK assassination lore and knows what he’s talking about. “There’s three bums comin’ all dressed in rags” is a reference to the ‘three tramps’ who were arrested at Dealey Plaza, said to be Chauncy Holt, Charles Rogers and Charles Harrelson (the actor Woody Harrelson’s father), who were deep state operatives deployed there to sow confusion after the shooting.

Dylan also manages to randomly include the work ‘bannister’ in verse 2 – perhaps alluding to Guy Bannister, an FBI agent turned private investigator who recruited Oswald to the intelligence community in New Orleans. As an FBI agent, Bannister had been charged with investigating several UFO sightings in the Idaho/Montana area. Of course, every sighting was dismissed as a hoax.

Toward the end of verse 2, Dylan asks: “What is the truth and where did it go? Ask Oswald and Ruby, they oughta know.” Oswald and Ruby were two of many related to the assassination who were subsequently silenced by the deep state. Says Dylan, “There’s a party going on behind the Grassy Knoll.”

Verse 3 continues with Dylan’s blatant references to “they” who plotted Kennedy’s death. “I’ve (JFK) been led into some kind of trap.” “They mutilated his body and they took out his brain. What more could they do? They piled on the pain.” This refers to persistent evidence that Kennedy’s brain had been replaced for the autopsy, with his real brain kept as a deep state souvenir.

Kennedy’s soul was the soul of the nation. “But his soul was not there where it was supposed to be, For the last fifty years they’ve been searchin’ for that freedom, but only dead men are free.” Dylan is saying that fifty years after JFK’s death, freedom still doesn’t exist among we the living.

Then Dylan shifts to the point of view of Kennedy: “[Y]ou filled me with lead, that magic bullet of yours has gone to my head.” Of course, the ‘magic bullet’ is a fiction used by prosecutor Arlen Specter of the Warren Commission to support a ‘single bullet theory’, in order to draw attention away from the true deep state culprits.

They killed him once and they killed him twice
Killed him like a human sacrifice

Dylan is saying that the deep state killed Kennedy, the man, and they also killed Kennedy, the dream. Kennedy’s dream was to overcome the deep state tyranny and ‘splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.’ But with the assassination, “[T]he age of the Antichrist has only just begun”. With “Johnson sworn in at 2:28”, the fate of America was sealed, and the American people may as well “throw in the towel.”

Verse 4 is devoted to the American culture that consequently suffered under decades of deep state rule. Among these pop culture references, Dylan mentions Jack Ruby and Marilyn Monroe – both of whom were connected to the assassination and were poisoned by CIA/deep state operatives. (Monroe was told of the extraterrestrial presence by Kennedy, and threatened to reveal it to the press. Dallas nightclub owner Ruby was a bagman for the deep state tasked with killing Oswald before he could talk. The deep state then killed Ruby in turn.) Dylan may have also included an extraterrestrial being among those affected by the assassination, citing “the man with the telepathic mind”.

Toward the end of the opus, Dylan reminds us that “They killed him on the alter of the rising sun”, just as America was rising with the consciousness of the planet. Then, Dylan invokes the Kennedy brothers, Bobby and Ted, to characterize the deep state’s utter contempt for rule of law and the American public.

Don’t worry, Mr. President, helps on the way
Your brothers are comin’, there’ll be hell to pay
Brothers? What brothers? What’s this all about?
Tell them, “We’re waiting, keep coming, we’ll get them as well”

The deep state’s ruthless and invisible hand suppressed the Kennedy brothers and taunted the American public. Where was the public outrage against the plotting deep state operatives within our government? The public proved too intimidated or brain-washed to stand up against this evil cabal. Being all powerful, the deep state only continued to threaten anyone who dared to question their authority: “We’re waiting, keep coming, we’ll get them as well.”

It is very unusual for a celebrity to put a target on their back by coming out and bluntly revealing such dangerous truths. It is said that Dylan worked for years on the wording for this composition. Why then did he choose to release it now? Is Dylan telling us that the time has come for a shift in human consciousness? Is Dylan aware of the imminent downfall of the deep state? Of the arrests? The termination of the Federal Reserve? The global financial reset? Is Dylan aware of an awakening within the mainstream public? Such an awakening will invariably lead to further revelations of the existence of advanced technologies that can transform the planet; the existence of secret space programs, bases and colonies throughout the solar system and beyond; and not only the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations, but the fact that they are all around us, and that it is time for the human species on Earth to join with a thriving galactic community.

To be sure, Dylan’s presentation to the American mainstream establishment of the truth about the JFK assassination by a deep state bastion within the government represents a fundamental shift in our collective consciousness. I commend and applaud Bob Dylan for his courage, his patriotism, and his fidelity to the people, as opposed to the uber-elite cabal and the deep state military industrial complex that usurped our democracy for themselves when they eliminated a President who would return the legacy of this planet to we, the people.


                     John F. Kennedy

For years, Bob Dylan fans have spoken in a sort of hushed awe about the longest song he ever released,

                            Bob Dylan

“Highlands,” an album side-length 1997 track that ran 16 minutes and 31 seconds. Now, 23 years later, he’s slightly outdone himself. As the clock struck midnight on the east coast Friday morning, Dylan released a new song, “Murder Most Foul,” that has a running time just seconds shy of the 17-minute mark — and it’s an epic free association on the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Little information was given about the surprise track, except for a brief statement from Dylan himself:

“Greetings to my fans and followers with gratitude for all your support and loyalty over the years.

“This is an unreleased song we recorded a while back that you might find interesting.

“Stay safe, stay observant and may God be with you.

“Bob Dylan”

A Dylan representative said the statement was all the information they would be releasing about the song, so whether “a while back” means a matter of months or many years remains a mystery.

Dylan’s tender vocal tone — a trademark of his more recent shows and recordings — and elements of the song’s minimal bed of violin, piano and light percussion quickly had hardcore fans guesstimating that the tune might actually be of fairly recent vintage.

His last album of original material, “Tempest,” came out in 2012, although he has released three sets of his interpretations of songs from the Great American Songbook in-between, the last of which was the triple-album “Triplicate” three years ago. Rumors have been rampant that this year Dylan might be releasing his first album of self-penned songs in eight years, but there’s been no confirmation of that.

The lyrics of the monumental track will fascinate Dylanologists who’ve waited years for something fresh to dissect, since there’s literally half an album’s worth of lyrical material just in one track here.

In verses that proceed freely enough that it’s not always easy to break them down into separate stanzas, the lyrics often speak extremely literally of the Kennedy assassination, with a bent toward conspiratorial takes on the event. But as the song goes along it breaks more freely into a pop-culture fantasia.

16:56 minute – Bob Dylan’s ‘Murder Most Foul’ official music video (‘Bob Dylan” YouTube)



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Reaching the Singularity Could Be Humanity’s Greatest and Last Accomplishment


Article by Dirk Schulze-Makuch                            March 27, 2020                           (

• Joseph Gale from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and his co-authors have published a paper in the The International Journal of Astrobiology, which predicts that the “singularity”, ie: the point when quantum computers will be able to outsmart the human brain, will happen much sooner than expected. When this occurs, we may be on a more intellectually even playing field with advanced extraterrestrials and be able to readily communicate with them.

• Recent advances in artificial intelligence, or ‘AI’, in self-learning, pattern recognition, and quantum computing make the estimated time of reaching ‘the singularity’ much sooner that previously predicted. Futurist Ray Kurzweil predicted the singularity would occur in 2045. Now, Gale and his co-authors believe it is imminent.

• Comparing the ‘calculating capacity’ of quantum computers to the neurons in the human brain, Gale says that the singularity could be reached within this decade. However, as the human brain is ‘wired differently’ than a computer brain, the human brain may still have the advantage. Also, an elephant’s brain holds twice the number of neurons as a human brain, but it isn’t smarter. So the number of neurons doesn’t equate to intelligence.

• In 2014, Stephen Hawking predicted that when the singularity does arrive, it may very well be the end of the human race, as humans might be replaced by robots or a human/machine hybrid android.

• If advanced extraterrestrial civilizations have already made the change from human to android, they may not like the warm climate of planets located within a star’s habitable zone, and we’ve been looking in the wrong places. Such civilizations might prefer locations with little electronic noise in a dry and cold environment, perhaps in space, where they could use superconductivity for computing and quantum entanglement as a means of communication. They may not even be aware of the primitive radio waves we’ve been sending out to the galaxy.

• A saving grace is that the evolved human brain is also connected to consciousness. Ever-increasing consciousness could outpace the self-learning ability of super-conducting computers, keeping humanity always one step ahead and avoiding the singularity. Otherwise, as the paper’s authors contend, ‘reaching the singularity could be humanity’s greatest and last advance’.


        Joseph Gale

In a new paper published in The International Journal of Astrobiology, Joseph Gale from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

             Ray Kurzweil

and co-authors make the point that recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI)—particularly in pattern recognition and self-learning—will likely result in a paradigm shift in the search for extraterrestrial intelligent life.

While futurist Ray Kurzweil predicted 15 years ago that the singularity—the time when the abilities of a computer overtake the abilities of the human brain—will occur in about 2045, Gale and his co-authors believe this event may be much more imminent, especially with the advent of quantum computing. It’s already been four years since the program AlphaGO, fortified with neural networks and learning modes, defeated Lee Sedol, the Go world champion. The strategy game StarCraft II may be the next to have a machine as reigning champion.

If we look at the calculating capacity of computers and compare it to the number of neurons in the human brain, the singularity could be reached as soon as the early 2020s. However, a human brain is “wired” differently than a computer, and that may be the reason why certain tasks that are simple for us are still quite challenging for today’s AI. Also, the size of the brain or the number of neurons don’t equate to intelligence. For example, whales and elephants have more than double the number of neurons in their brain, but are not more intelligent than humans.



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What Really is the U.S. Space Force?


Article by Alex Polimeni                            March 23, 2020                              (

• Space has become an increasingly contested environment. The United States relies on satellites for missile warning, GPS navigation, secured communications, and intelligence gathering, all which are essential to America’s national security. But China, Russia, and India are among the countries that have rapidly advanced their anti-satellite weaponry to pose an extreme danger to American assets.

• If GPS satellites were to go offline, the financial system would crash, public navigation would be hindered, the power grid would be affected, military aircraft would lose navigation, and GPS guided bombs and missiles would be rendered useless. The US Space Force was formed late last year following increased hostility from other nations in space.

• At the initiation of Space Force, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said, “Now is the time for the US Space Force to lead our nation in preparing for emerging threats in an evolving space environment.” With Space Force, the US will be in a position to defend our national interests and outpace potential adversaries. Today, all GPS navigation satellites are controlled by the Space Force.

• Before the inception of Space Force, when satellites were seemingly out of reach, the US Air Force Space Command was responsible for the defense of our military assets in space. But in recent years, Russia and China have increased their aggression in space, deploying military satellites near US commercial satellites and building anti-satellite weapons within range of nearly all Earth satellite orbits. Space is now a warfighting domain.

• General John Raymond, head of Space Force, told the House Armed Services Committee, “Let me be very clear, we do not want a conflict that extends into space. But one way to keep that from happening is to make sure that we’re prepared for it and [can] fight and win that conflict if it were to occur.”

• Although Space Force remains under the supervision of the Department of the Air Force, it is separately funded and has a Joint-Chief of Staff that directly advises the President. Former Air Force bases at Cape Canaveral and Vandenberg are to be renamed and transferred to Space Force.

• Space is the next battleground frontier. America’s military-might now depends on space. It is paramount that we are ready and willing to counter aggression and protect our space assets at all costs.


Missile warning, GPS navigation, secured communications, and intelligence gathering; all of these share

Secretary of Defense Mark Esper

one commonality— they are essential to America’s national security.

The United States Space Force was formed late last year following increased hostility from other nations in space including China and Russia.

Space has become an increasingly contested environment. The United States relies on a plethora of defense satellites, spanning through multiple orbits. Orbits thought to be safe and out of reach. However, anti-satellite weapons have rapidly advanced, and pose an extreme danger to American assets.

According to an NPR report, countries including China, Russia, and India all have demonstrated anti-satellite capabilities through test launches.

       General John Raymond

Yet, as most Americans are not aware of these critical space-based assets, they could not even picture life without these unique capabilities. These satellites orbit overhead, in the shadow of the public eye. The satellites of the United States Space Force support every warfighting domain; including land, sea, air and space.

Daily life is intertwined around satellites owned by the Space Force. All GPS navigation satellites are controlled by the United States Space Force. If GPS satellites were to go offline, the financial system would crash, public navigation would be hindered, the power grid would be affected, military aircraft would have no sense of navigation, and more, according to an article from The Atlantic. Furthermore, GPS guided bombs and missiles would be rendered useless, according to a 60 Minutes interview with Bridger General Bill Cooley, the Commander at the Air Force Research Laboratory located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.

In addition to the well-known GPS satellites, America relies on several other constellations, or groups of satellites, to monitor the globe for missile launches, provide secured communications, and more.




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Astrophysicist on Top Secret US Air Force Craft Used for ‘Testing Hardware’ in Space


Article by Douglas Charles                               March 23, 2020                                  (

• In a YouTube video (see below), astrophysicist Scott Manley discusses the US Air Force’s use of a secret craft known as the X-37B. The USAF has deployed the small, reusable robotic space plane over the past ten years in classified payload missions in low Earth orbit.

• Manley, who holds a Masters in computation physics, recounted the X-37B’s history as a NASA project that saw its first flight in 2005. A ‘White Knight’ carrier aircraft would carry the X-37B to its launch altitude and release it. After several tests, it made a successful drop and flight in 2006 where “the thing flew beautifully”. Under autonomous control, the craft landed perfectly in the center of the runway, but ran off the end sustaining minor damage. But NASA repaired it and conducted further flawless test flights.

• It was then that the US Air Force took notice and built an X-37B of it own under a classified DoD project. Being an autonomous craft, “There is no cockpit, or windows, or anything like that for people inside, but there is a payload bay door that is a couple of meters long,” says Manley.

• Manley says that “there have been five flights with this vehicle” so far. There are actually two separate X-37B vehicles having “subtle differences in their hardware.” The X-37B has a large engine in the rear with control thrusters at the front and rear, neatly integrated onto the surface of the craft. The original NASA design called for a pair of engines using hydrogen peroxide and a kerosene-based jet propellant. The Air Force version uses more volatile propellants.

• Manley believes that the US Air Force “…is testing hardware for future satellites.” “They can test the electronics, sensors, propulsion, thermal control systems…[to] assess how it performs in space and how it [degrades] over time.” Manley says that while NASA uses its X-37B with the International Space Station, the Air Force would prefer to keep its upgraded classified version away from prying eyes.


                          Scott Manley

According to details recently reported by the Daily Express, “The U.S. Air Force has a top-secret mission in

space that uses an old NASA project to ‘test hardware’ in the cosmos before officially launching it.”

That information was shared by astrophysicist Scott Manley with his 1.03 million subscribers on his popular YouTube channel. (Manley notes in his bio that he is not a professional YouTuber, he has a day job, and doesn’t take sponsored content for his videos.)

In his video titled “Everything We Know About The U.S. Air Force’s Secret Space Plane – The X-37B,” Manley discusses the classified missions that the Air Force has been carrying out for the past 10 years in low Earth orbit using a small reusable robotic space plane designated X-37B.

Manley, who holds a Masters in computation physics, states in the video while discussing the history of the plane, “NASA’s X-37 would see its first flight in 2005, carried under the White Knight, the carrier aircraft that would take the spaceship one vehicle to its launch altitude, where it would perform its prize-winning flights.

“So it did several captive carry tests and in 2006 they finally got to drop it and test it and the thing flew beautifully under a fully autonomous control, it aimed for the runway, it put itself down gently in the center of the runway and ran off the end where it sustained some minor damage.

12:37 minutes – Scott Manley describing the NASA/USAF X-37B (‘Scott Manley’ YouTube)



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Will Deep State Arrests Happen During 3 Day Internet Shutdown?

Planned military arrests of Deep State figures have been put on hold until an impending three day shutdown of the internet, according to information presented by David Wilcock in a March 29 webinar. Even more startling is Wilcock’s assertion that at the end of the shutdown, there will be a series of major disclosures covering a spectrum of issues ranging from Deep State crimes to the release of suppressed technologies used in secret space programs. How likely is the sequence of events proposed by Wilcock?

Wilcock’s webinar was watched live by approximately 35,000 viewers, with a total of over 645,000 views to date since its airing. He provided an update to the Defender Europe 20 military exercises, which he explained provided the necessary personnel and equipment that would be used in conjunction with U.S. special forces to raid the European fortresses of senior Deep State figures hiding from secret indictments issued by U.S. grand juries.

As I briefly mentioned in my previous article on Wilcock’s webinar series, the Defender Europe 20 exercises were significantly cut back as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, Wilcock’s claim that newly arrived U.S. personnel and equipment could provide armored support for U.S. special forces conducting mass arrests is still plausible.

According to a March 17 news release by the U.S. Army:

In response to the current outbreak of the COVID-19 virus and recent guidance by the United States Secretary of Defense, we have modified exercise Defender-Europe 20 in size and scope. As of March 13, all movement of personnel and equipment from the United States to Europe has ceased…. As we make the appropriate adjustments, the linked exercises to Exercise Defender-Europe 20 – Dynamic Front, Joint Warfighting Assessment, Saber Strike and Swift Response – will not be conducted. We anticipate the involved U.S. armored brigade combat team already deployed to Europe will conduct gunnery and other combined training events with Allies as part of a modified Allied Spirit exercise.

In short, most of the exercises that made up Defender Europe 20 have been canceled, except for the Allied Spirit exercise, which comprises the bulk of six thousand U.S. soldiers shipped to Europe along with “approximately 3,000 pieces of equipment via sea from the United States.” Many of the 3,000 pieces of equipment are 70 ton Abrams tanks to be used in Allied Spirit.

Could a U.S. armored brigade, which normally numbers up to 5,000 personnel, provide the armored support for special forces raiding Deep State compounds to conduct the mass arrests that Wilcock originally contended?

Wilcock cited a number of anonymous sources known to him and secret space program insider, Corey Goode, that confided to him the sequence of events leading up to the mass arrests under the Defender Europe 20 exercises. I have personally met one of the sources, a former NATO general, who Goode introduced me to in September 2017.

After conducting my due diligence, I was able to verify that the General was a retired military official, who has been informally briefing Goode and Wilcock, about events in Europe and around the world. I have also, on occasion, had the General’s briefings passed on to me for review and background information in conducting my secret space program research.

In addition, it’s worth pointing out that another of Goode’s active sources works within the Defense Intelligence Agency, and had passed on to him two Defense Intelligence Reference Documents that were released for the first time into the public arena in December 2017. They were marked “Unclassified: For Official Use Only,” and their release much surprised the papers’ author, Dr. Eric Davis, who pointed out that only a serving public official could have taken such an action, as I have previously pointed out.

The release of the DIA papers was done in Goode’s words, “to slowly ‘read in’ certain people in the DOD/DIA to Special Access Programs.” The DIA papers provided powerful corroboration for key elements of Good’s remarkable secret space program testimony, which I investigated at length and documented in the book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs (2017).

Nevertheless, many leading UFO researchers have disingenuously ignored Goode’s role in releasing these official DIA documents, and instead made disparaging comments of him starting a “blue chicken cult” based on little more than public deception.

This is despite the fact at least one active DIA official and a retired senior NATO official accept Goode’s core claim about him being the liaison for a group of higher dimensional entities comprising “Blue Avians” and others belonging to a “Sphere Being Alliance”, that are intent on transforming political power structures on Earth, our solar system and galactic neighborhood.

In his webinar, Wilcock explained what had been revealed to him from Goode’s sources, particularly the General, after the bold pronouncements made in Wilcock’s previous webinars concerning the Defender Europe 20 exercises as the cover for mass arrests taking place, which I covered in my previous article.

In his March 29 seminar, Wilcock described the delay to the timing of the mass arrests, as explained to him by the General:

The first glimmer that I got was from Corey Goode on Saturday, March 21 he has multiple sources feeding us information. I had already done the video and discussed Defender Europe 20 as if arrests were already happening. That was the first video we did, the general, we have a couple of guys we call the general, but the general called and laughed and said no, it’s not happening yet. Nobody’s been arrested in Europe yet (1:39:19). But he was amazed that I got all those details right.

He said the final stage will involve about three days where we do not have access to regular phone calls you can make emergency calls to 911 … but you are not going to have the internet or the phone.

Wilcock went on to explain that during the three days of darkness, the Presidential Broadcast System will be used to inform people of what is happening:

They want you to know about his so that you don’t freak out and commit suicide I guess…. So there will be an emergency presidential broadcast system that they will use. The QAnon source talked about this on December 19, 2019. They will use a national presidential alert system, and why was this created and tested for political and information warfare.

During these three days they believe that they’re going to be able to get everybody. They’ve got it all planned out how they’re going to get this thing done. They think they can get it all done in three days. It might take a little bit longer, but they probably will get it done in three days and it’s going to be fast. Probably 24 hours a day shifts that these soldiers are working.

Wilcock cited a text message received from Corey Goode March 21, who summarized what he had been told about the upcoming internet shutdown and mass arrests:

I sure hope arrests are going on. I was also told recently that all communications (except 911) would go offline. I am not sure if they mean cell comm’s only … that the internet would slow to a crawl during any actual mass arrests. Then the National Emergency network would come on like you said in the video. With the Virus scenario, they may not need to take comm’s down or shut down electricity in regions. This virus, the cabal’s last ditch effort … may be the perfect screen to do the arrests. I am just hearing majorly conflicting information on that from my contacts.

The General was hearing in the beginning but then said ‘it was called off’.

I am also hearing that there are very strange troop movements, Nat Guard but also elite Marine units that specialize in breeching compounds have been seen moving about in a frantic manner on their base (can’t remember which one).

That FEMA was gearing up some of the camps that were set aside but they are not being setup in a ‘pattern’ that would be expected for a pandemic. So, prisons?

So much speculation even among the top brass because over a week ago all briefings (Proper ones) stopped and ‘Comm’s went down’ … Silent Running.

Was also told to expect a lot of strange E.Q.’s [earthquakes] around areas that you would expect secret bases to be at.

Comm’s being down and troop movement is going on for sure.

It is way toooo much overkill for a virus outbreak of this magnitude.

The General was even saying that there were rumors of using this situation for an economic reset of some kind.

The critical point in Goode’s information here is that the COVID-19 pandemic is a last-ditch effort by the Deep State to create the necessary international chaos necessary to implement their New World Order.

In another article,  I discussed how the origins of the pandemic could be traced back to a 2005 meeting in the City of London, where Deep State figures discussed a plan that had been developed for implementing their New World Order. The key point was that the elaborate sequence of events involving a global pandemic needed to be implemented in full in order to achieve success for the creation of a New World Order.

Not doing so would lead to failure. Consequently, the release of the COVID pandemic is indeed a last ditch effort by the Deep State to overwhelm nation states. Not only is the Deep State plan destined to fail, which we see already with China successfully emerging out of the lockdowns that initially crippled their economy, but the lockdowns do provide an opportunity for Deep State figures to be arrested, as proposed by Wilcock.

Wilcock points out that while some will panic, thinking that the impending mass arrests are tantamount to a military takeover, it is the opposite:

They are not going to tell you this is the mass arrests. So some people are going to have a serious dark night of the soul when we go through these three days because they’re worried that this is the end okay, and this is martial law and this is a government takeover that’s not what it is. The real takeover was going to happen if the illuminati had not been opposed by this amazing group of military and intelligence officials not just from the U.S. but all over the world that are working to make sure these plans don’t succeed, which once again after the only three days what  we are hearing is that everybody’s going to get the truth. These eight-hour chunks of data they’re going to run three times a day you got to watch the whole eight hours to get the data and once you’ve done that you’ll basically now be aware of what’s really going on, who these people are, what they were trying to do, and how they’re being stopped.

It’s clear, according to the information provided by Wilcock, that something very important was originally planned in Europe with the Defender Europe 20 military exercises, until these were significantly scaled back due to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Goode’s General, the arrests were called off.

Nevertheless, significant U.S. military resources and personnel have been shipped to Europe and could under the remaining  Allied Spirit exercise provide the necessary armored firepower to back up U.S. special forces in storming Deep State compounds in Europe, as Wilcock originally contended.

Could this happen during a three day internet shutdown as both Wilcock and Goode’s sources predicted? If so, then their advance warning will be very helpful in navigating the uncertain times that lie ahead as the covert civil war between the Deep State and the Military White Hats/Trump Administration comes to a stunning conclusion, while the bulk of the citizenry in the U.S., Europe and much of the planet are experiencing unprecedented national lockdowns.

The arrest and removal of the Deep State officials from positions of power would certainly have major implications for the disclosure of thousands of suppressed advanced technologies dealing with new energy sources, health, and exotic propulsion systems. The possibility that the whole planet will soon learn the truth about secret space programs and extraterrestrial life is quite high if the scenario laid out by Wilcock comes to pass.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Update – 3/31/20.  In my initial version of this article I erroneously wrote that David Wilcock said the mass arrests would follow the three days of darkness, rather than during them. Thanks to readers that alerted me to the error which has been corrected.

Further Reading

UFO Fans Recognize Abduction Claims on Extraterrestrial Abduction Day


Article by Sam Thompson                             March 20, 2020                              (

• March 20th was Extraterrestrial Abduction Day, a day devoted to those who claim to have had personal encounters with visitors from outer space. So a Winnipeg radio station reached out to Canadian ‘weirdologist’, Chris Rutkowski. “We do get… reports from time to time that people have… been contacted directly by aliens,” he told 680 CJOB.

• Rutkowski, who has written a number of books on the abduction topic, said abduction incidents have profound impacts on the claimants — whether they’re true or not. People who claim to be abductees are adamant that it happened. It’s something that warrants more research.

• “Maybe it’s something as simple as misidentification of something else in their lives, but it’s a very profound experience,” says Rutkowski. “And the numbers of people having such experiences are very significant.” “[P]eople really do experience these things and it’s rife for being studied by science.”

• “Some (abductees) feel that they have been selected by creatures beyond this Earth to give us a message, or the aliens want to help humankind… and I have to say, if they really want to do that, this would be a time to give us a hand.”


Although the world is in a serious health crisis with the COVID-19 pandemic, March 20, for some people, commemorates another type of crisis entirely — although it’s one more frequently seen in science fiction.

                      Chris Rutkowski

Extraterrestrial Abduction Day is an annual focus on those who claim to have had personal encounters with visitors from outer space. And while it’s easy to pass it off as comic book fantasy, a local UFO expert says these incidents have profound impacts on the claimants — whether they’re true or not.

“We do get those reports from time to time that people have said they’ve been contacted directly by aliens,” science writer and ‘weirdologist’ Chris Rutkowski told 680 CJOB.

“Some feel that they have been selected by creatures beyond this Earth to give us a message, or the aliens want to help humankind… and I have to say, if they really want to do that, this would be a time to give us a hand.”



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Top Physicist Claims Nimitz UFO ‘Time Travelled’ to Reach 19,000mph


Article by Simon Green                             March 20, 2020                            (

• The sighting of the “Tic Tac”-shaped craft off the coast of San Diego by Navy personnel in 2004 has become one of the most famous UFO encounters of all time. According to a navy pilot, the UFO dropped from 80,000ft to around 28,000ft in several seconds and then from 28,000ft to just above sea level in under a second. This means that the craft was travelling at 19,000mph – a speed unimaginable for Earthly propulsion technology.

• Dr. Jack Sarfatti, a world-renowned expert in quantum physics, was a recent guest on The Hidden Truth Show with James Breslo. The 80-year old Sarfatti offered an explanation for the Tic Tac UFO’s incredible aerial maneuvers. He says that a ‘metamaterial’ (ie: extraterrestrial material) allows the craft to slow down the speed of light. (see full interview below)

• Sarfatti said that scientists tend to dismiss exotic technology such as warp drive, time travel and wormholes because it would take more energy to achieve than is possible. But the Tic Tac craft has no engines or visible means of propulsion. So it apparently does not require the amount of energy associated with ‘conventional propulsion’.

• The Tic Tac craft contain such ‘metamaterial’. According to Sarfatti, when you pump electromagnetic energy into this metamaterial, it creates a resonance. This resonance creates a ‘warp drive’ which “squeezes the space in front of it and stretch the space behind”, so that “the speed of light inside the material can go down to a very small number.” The craft therefore doesn’t just move through space, but “controls it”.

• Furthermore, Sarfatti claims that this Tic Tac metamaterial technology came from Earth humans from the future. When people from the future come back in time to create a ‘past event’, which in turn heralds the advent of this very technology, it creates a ‘causal loop time paradox’ known as the “Novikov loop”. Sarfatti explains, “Both events… exist in space-time, but their origin cannot be determined.” In fact, the Tic Tac UFO seen off of California in 2004 came from the future.

• Sarfatti says that metamaterial has already been extensively used in Earth’s industries, such as for sensors and lenses. He says that “talks are ongoing” to personally present his theory to President Donald Trump.


A top physicist has claimed the Nimitz UFO was able to reach never-before-seen speeds thanks to a “metamaterial” that let it “time travel”.

The sighting of the “Tic Tac” craft off the coast of San Diego in 2004 has become one of the most famous UFO encounters of all time.
One of the most startling descriptions given by the fighter pilot witnesses was that it somehow dropped from 80,000ft to around 28,000ft in several seconds and 28,000ft to just above sea level in under a second.

                      Dr. Jack Sarfatti

Such a feat to reach sea level would mean the craft would have had to be travelling at 19,000mph – speeds unimaginable for Earthly craft.
But Dr Jack Sarfatti, a world-renowned expert in quantum physics and author of several books in the field, believes he knows what happened.

Speaking on The Hidden Truth Show with James Breslo, he suggested the craft used a type of meta-material that allowed the speed of light to “slow down”.

“See the problem is this, if you read any of the standard papers in the field, if they’re talking about warp drive, time travel and wormholes they say the problem is it ‘takes too much energy’ to achieve it,” he explained on the YouTube podcast.

“The tic-tac does not need a lot of energy. They observed the tic-tac going from 80,000ft down to 50ft in less than two seconds and there’s no jet engines, no flares.

“It’s going at 1,000s of Gs, how’s it doing that? There is no way it can do that by conventional propulsion.”
Meta-material that the fuselage of the Nimitz UFO is built on helps explain this unimaginable speed.

Dr Sarfatti interviewed by Jim Breslo (‘Hidden Truth Show’ YouTube)



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How Soviet Science Magazines Once Fantasized About Life in Outer Space


Article by Winnie Lee                              March 13, 2020                            (

• Alexandra Sankova, director and founder of the Moscow Design Museum, has mined the proliferation of “Space Age” artwork from the Soviet Union during the Cold War in her new book: Soviet Space Graphics: Cosmic Visions from the USSR, containing more than 250 otherworldly images. Sankova discovered that the popularity of the artwork in Soviet science magazines through the decades mirrored not only the national pride in Soviet space achievements, but was used as a powerful propaganda tool promoting the idea that the Soviet cultural revolution need not be limited to Earth.

• Soviet citizens lived vicariously through science magazines which depicted surreal and fantastical images of a future space-faring lifestyle. Scientists, astronauts, and aircraft engineers were treated like living legends. Science magazines were so popular that at their peak there were 200 different publications.

• But Soviet space illustrations were not drawn to entertain as much as to educate and promote the Communist mission. Posters, magazines, books, brochures, etc., were a most effective means of propaganda. They were fast and cheap to manufacture, and they presented material in a striking and vivid way, making information visual and generally understood.

• In the early days, Russian philosophers and inventors were at the forefront of promoting a fantastic technological future that included travel between planets and universes, and the existence of highly developed extraterrestrial civilizations throughout the entire universe. Soviet writers and illustrators followed suit. With the upsurge of science-related publications, books, novels, and short stories, and the production of science fiction films in the 1920s and then in the 1950s and 1960s, Soviet artists often had a technical education and a sincere enthusiasm for new discoveries in various fields of science.

• With the successful launch of the Soviet Union’s Sputnik 1 satellite in the 1950s, the romanticization of space in science magazines was replace with real images of the universe and the newest versions of Soviet rockets, satellites and spacecraft. Illustrations tended to look like real photographs. These fantasy illustrations typically depicted Soviet cosmonauts in a lunar habitat or laboratory with a window view of the moonscape, rather than being in open space. The citizen was always depicted as part of a larger endeavor.

• In the 1960s, the “cosmic style” became the leading motif in Soviet design and architecture. Houses and public buildings began to resemble interplanetary ships, satellites, and flying saucers. Planets, rockets, and space stations dominated playgrounds. Stars and galaxies adorned the walls of schools. The streets were filled with slogans and posters saying, “Communists pave the way to the stars”.

• While previously the Soviet people had not shown much interest in meeting aliens, space exploration stimulated a creative class of Soviet people. Suddenly, alien themes became a popular topic in movies and animation. Scientists and cosmonauts were brought in as film consultants. Many ‘space’ films became instant Soviet classics.

• In the late 1960s and early 1970s when the Soviets and Americans made their first space flights, magazines were immediately filled with images of man in space. The scale of the artist’s imaginations became completely different, depicting massive star cities where people could live for years. A new avant-garde style emerged – vivid, futuristic and full of bright colors. Far off planets seemed like friendly, welcoming worlds.

• The traditional Soviet aesthetic was standardization and unification. It was almost impossible to introduce anything new. The space and defense industries, however, were areas in which new production was encouraged. Reflecting this openness, scientific and technical magazines would often provide sanctuary and ‘official’ employment to nonconformist, underground artists. In the 1970s, there was a shift in magazine design towards psychedelic graphics with unusual perspectives and more complicated characters and storytelling.

• By the 1980s, the space race was in decline (along with the Soviet Union itself). Not a trace of the dreams of the 1960s or the futurology of the 1970s remained. Soviet science magazines were in decline as well. The idealistic images had vanished. Illustrations became gloomier. Images were as realistic as possible, the colors less vivid. And the plots of stories centered on the everyday life of cosmonauts and scientists.

• Today, Russians no longer view space as an end in itself. It is now a means of survival where new sources of energy and technology may be found to address real modern issues, e.g.: the ecology, alternative energy, reasonable consumption, overpopulation, and waste recycling. The romanticism has vanished. Now, everyone sees the job of a cosmonaut or astronaut as basically the same as any other.


Alexandra Sankova, author of ‘Soviet Space Graphics’

A tall stele rises from a deeply cratered surface, casting a long, ominous shadow past a row of smaller towers. Straight lines connect the structures to each other, like streets on a map or the projected moves in a game of cosmic chess. The Earth floats serenely in the dark sky, next to the logo that reads Tekhnika—molodezhi, Russian for Technology for the Youth, a Soviet popular science magazine that launched in 1933. The magazine cover, from 1969, illustrated an article highlighting photographs from Luna 9, the Soviet unmanned spacecraft that was the first to survive a landing on the Moon a few years earlier.



This imagined moonscape is one of more than 250 otherworldly images from the upcoming, visually delightful book, Soviet Space Graphics: Cosmic Visions from the USSR, by Alexandra Sankova, director and founder of the Moscow Design Museum, which collaborated on the book with her. Space Age artwork proliferated alongside the Soviet Union’s popular science magazines—there were up to 200 titles at their peak—during the Cold War. From the mid-1950s to the mid-1970s, in particular, the cosmos became a battleground for world powers jockeying for global dominance. Though the Space Age began with the successful launch of the Soviet Union’s Sputnik 1, it was the United States that, just three years after Luna 9, first put a man on a moonscape like the one on the magazine cover.

Soviet illustrations, even ones with whizzing UFOs and bafflingly futuristic machines, were not drawn to entertain as much as to educate and promote the Communist project. An open letter from cosmonauts to the public in a 1962 issue of Technology for the Youth

read “… each of us going to the launch believes deeply that his labor (precisely labor!) makes the Soviet science and the Soviet man even more powerful, and brings closer that wonderful future—the communist future to which all humanity will arrive.” Scientists, astronauts, and aircraft engineers were treated like legends, since outer space was such an important idea in the Soviet Union, according to Sankova. “Achievements of the USSR in the field of space have become a powerful weapon of propaganda,” she says. Soviet citizens lived vicariously through such images, and even the more surreal and fantastical visuals—living in space, meeting new life forms—demonstrated that the idea of cultural revolution need not be limited to Earth.

What do you think informed or inspired these artists’ distinctive takes on other worlds?

Two directions served as an inspiration for the illustrations: the intensive development of the scientific and technical sphere and the serious enthusiasm of designers and artists for new discoveries in various fields of science as a whole. Artists often had technical education. Another important factor that influenced the visuals was the upsurge of publications, books, novels, and short stories, and the production of science fiction films in the 1920s and the 1950 and 1960s.

Long before the dream of space flight came true, inventors and philosophers were convinced that travel between planets and even universes would become possible with time. In Russia, these ideas became widespread after the works of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky were published. In them, the scientist expressed his view that intelligent life must exist not only on Earth, but throughout the whole universe. Tsiolkovsky became famous not only for his work in engineering, but also for the conviction there must exist highly developed extraterrestrial civilizations capable of influencing the organization of matter and the course of natural processes, and for the aspiration to find a road to the cosmic intelligence and establish an organic connection between man and space.

Soviet writers had expressed the most unbelievable versions of encountering extraterrestrial civilizations. Then, in the 1970s and 1980s, space fantasy faded into the background, giving way to chronicles of the real space exploration program.



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Farmington NM 70th Anniversary of Mass UFO Sighting


Article by Mike Easterling                             March 17, 2020                          (

• 70 years ago, during three days – March 16, 17 and 18, 1950 – the town of Farmington in the northwestern corner of New Mexico experienced a sustained UFO invasion. Hundreds of residents watched a display of saucer-shaped UFOs in broad daylight over these three days. But this area was a hotspot for UFOs at the time. Two years earlier in March of 1948, a saucer craft landed on a mesa near the town of Aztec, about 15 miles from Farmington, and was taken away by the military. And of course the infamous Roswell crashes (there were actually two downed craft there) had occurred only three years earlier in 1947 in the southeastern part of the state.

• Farmington was a smaller community in those days with a population of no more than 5,000 people. The sightings took place between 11 a.m. and 12 noon each day in the dusty skies over San Juan County. People stood on the streets looking up at the spectacle. The sightings were thoroughly documented in various regional newspapers at the time. An Associated Press story was picked up by newspapers across the country. References to the Farmington UFO incident exist in many government documents.

• The Farmington UFO armada has become family lore for many long-time residents. Patty Tharp recalls her uncle, Clayton Boddy, recalling the sighting when she was growing up. Clayton was the business manager of local newspaper, The Daily Times, in 1950. “He described the object and said several other people saw it, as well,” Patty said. She noted that he wasn’t the kind to call attention to himself by manufacturing outlandish stories. The Daily Times’ account chronicles how pedestrians along Main Street could be seen looking skyward and pointing, and the paper was “deluged” with calls from readers reporting the objects.

• The saucer-shaped objects appeared to play tag, traveling at “almost unbelievable speeds.” The paper quoted a former Army captain who was walking on Broadway Avenue: “All of a sudden, I noticed a few moving objects high in the sky. Moments later, there appeared to be hundreds of them.” The Army officer said they appeared to be flying at an altitude of approximately 15,000 feet. Witnesses emphatically denied a theory that the objects were bits of cotton floating in the air. Many reported seeing a single red object that appeared to be leading the others.

• Marlo Webb, who later became the mayor of Farmington, was a 26-year old automotive parts manager at the time. Someone alerted him to the objects in the sky so he went out to look at them. He watched 12 to 20 objects, loosely arranged but moving steadily from east to west. The objects moved in an unusual way — “sideways, on edge and at every conceivable angle,” said Webb. “They were darting around almost like leaves in the sky being blown around. This is what made it easy to determine that they were saucer-shaped.”

• Marilu Waybourn was in college in the spring of 1950 when the incident took place. When she came home on break, she must have heard a dozen stories from her friends about the UFOs. Some of her friends even took her to the landing site of one of the objects. It was “a large circle, about 60 feet in diameter, with the sagebrush flattened out and singed weeds around the edge.”

• Pauline McCauley was a little girl herding sheep south of town at the time of the sighting. She heard a sound above her, looked up and spied a circular object that looked like an upside-down bowl. She could see windows on the saucer, and she could see three people inside of it wearing striped caps and navy blue uniforms with brass buttons.

• Ron Boddy is the son of one witness, Clayton Boddy. Ron said that his father was a veteran of World War II and the Korean War and was not easily impressed. His father was still a major in the Army Reserve at the time of the incident. Ron recalled his father getting a phone call later from a military official asking him to refrain from doing any more interviews on the subject. “I remember him saying he was asked not to bring it up or talk about it,” Ron said. But Ron’s father felt that these were some sort of military craft, not extraterrestrial spacecraft.

• On the final day, March 18th, a UFO sighting occurred that day in the town of Tucumcari, New Mexico, to the east near Texas. An Air Force captain and two technical sergeants stationed at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque reported seeing three strange objects in the sky. Newspaper accounts reveal that there were UFO sightings from that time period not just across New Mexico, but all over Texas and well into Mexico.

• A government official responded to the event by claiming the objects in the sky were the remnants of a ruptured, high-altitude U.S. Navy Skyhook balloon. But this isn’t plausible for an occurrence over a three day period. Also, there were no documented Skyhook balloon launches during that time frame.

• David Marler, an independent UFO researcher and author, has spent years studying the Farmington UFO incident. Marler says he is not sure why the Farmington UFO incident hasn’t gotten the attention it deserves. His research has uncovered dozens of similar sightings in the American Southwest, Mexico and Central America during that same time period. “There was a lot more other than Farmington going on (during March 1950),” Marler said.

[Editor’s Note]   No doubt that this region of the United States was a hotspot for UFO sightings in the late 1940s and early 1950s. At the time, this region was sparsely populated but contained numerous Army and Air Force military bases. Could this ‘armada’ of UFO craft over northwest New Mexico have been a demonstration of the early stages of the Nazi German ‘Dark Fleet’ being built underneath the ice of Antarctica? Were the Roswell crashes by German/Reptilian servants – the bio-android Greys – a way to ‘seed’ technology to the U.S.?  Perhaps this region of the U.S. was chosen by the Germans/Reptilians as a good place to reveal themselves and their technology to the American military without causing a public panic, paving the way for the US military industrial complex to join with them to provide the industrial capacity to build more advanced spacecraft for both sides, which ultimately happened.


FARMINGTON — Farmington has reached the 70th anniversary of one of the more sensational events in its history this week, but it’s a safe bet to say few residents will pay much attention to that milestone – or even be aware of it.

UFO ‘armada’ over Farmington NM

From March 16 to March 18 in 1950, the city experienced a mass UFO sighting, with some reports indicating “hundreds” of residents saw strange objects in the sky in broad daylight over the three-day period.

Their accounts were reported in breathless fashion not just in this publication — “HUGE ‘SAUCER’ ARMADA JOLTS FARMINGTON” screamed the banner headline on page 1 of The Daily Times on March 18, 1950 – but in many others as well. Those include The Santa Fe New Mexican (“Farmington ‘Invaded’ by Saucer Squadron”) and the Las Vegas (New Mexico) Daily Optic (“‘Space Ships’ Cause Sensation”).

An account of the incident by The Associated Press was picked up by newspapers across the country.

It’s a fantastic story, one that might have seemed destined to leave an indelible impression on UFO history and the sizable community of amateur sleuths and researchers who have made it their duty to investigate and publicize such incidents.

And, yet, the Farmington UFO incident of 1950 largely has been lost to history, especially when it is compared to its in-state counterpart, the famed, alleged crash of an alien spacecraft on a ranch northwest of Roswell in June 1947.

While that incident — sketchy as its details may be — is widely regarded as the most famous UFO-related event in history, having achieved legendary status over the years, the Farmington event that took place a few years later barely registers on anyone’s radar.

With seven decades having passed, that remains true, even though Farmington’s brush with UFO fame, or infamy, holds up to scrutiny far better than most other incidents, many of them much better known. That’s the assessment of an Albuquerque man who studies such phenomena, but who acknowledges the need to take a skeptical approach to most UFO reports.

David Marler, an independent UFO researcher and author who works in the health care field, has spent years studying the Farmington UFO incident, delivering his findings in the form of a website that serves as the most exhaustive and in-depth report on the event. He labels it “one of the most dramatic and well-documented cases in the history of UFO phenomenon” and said his research has uncovered dozens of similar sightings in the American Southwest, Mexico and Central America during that same time period.

“There was a lot more other than Farmington going on (during March 1950),” he said.



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Hikers Accidentally Photograph a UFO in California

Article by Inigo Monzon                              March 23, 2020                            (

• March 22nd in Riverside, California, a married couple were hiking, and the wife decided to take a photo of her husband and their dog. When they viewed the photo, the husband noticed an object that appeared to flying across the sky behind him. The couple noted that they did not notice the object when they took the photo. It may have been flying too fast for the human eye to see.

• The unidentified flying object appeared to have a dark-colored body, but it did not resemble any traditional aircraft. The object did not show any visible means of propulsion.

• “Wife took this pic this morning while we were on a hike,” the hiking hubby stated. “When we looked at this pic, we saw this strange object. We noticed an odd hole in the clouds to the far left. Also a strange aura around the object. This was while viewing the pic as we did not see this with our eyes.”


A couple hiking in California accidentally captured a UFO with their camera. According to a UFO expert, it is possible that the strange object was moving too fast for the human eye to see.

Scott Waring of ET Data Base reported that the UFO sighting took place in Riverside, California, on March 22. It was spotted by a couple hiking in the region.

According to the eyewitness, he and his wife were hiking in the area when she decided to take his photo. As they were viewing the photo, he noticed an object that appeared to be flying across the sky behind him. The couple noted that they did not notice the object when they took the photo.

“Wife took this pic this morning while we were on a hike,” the eyewitness stated. “When we looked at this pic, we saw this strange object. We noticed an odd hole in the clouds to the far left. Also a strange aura around the object. This was while viewing the pic as we did not see this with our eyes.”



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‘Government Cover-Up Over UFOs’ to Avoid Mass Panic as the Public ‘Can’t Handle Coronavirus’


Article by Anna Savva                        March 19, 2020                          (

• The UK Government’s UFO unit closed in 2009 after more than 50 years, concluding that there was never evidence of a potential extraterrestrial threat. Existing records are now being slowly released. The Royal Air Force is set to declassify a cache of UFO sighting files into the public domain this month. A Ministry of Defence spokesman said: “It had been assessed that it would be better to publish these records, rather than continue sending documents to the National Archives, and so they are looking to put them onto a dedicated web page.” (see previous ExoArticle here)

• Tony Buckingham, of the East Anglia UFO group, claims that notwithstanding its move toward more transparency, the UK government is still covering up the truth about the existence of UFOs and aliens due to the coronavirus pandemic. He says that disclosure of extraterrestrials during the coronavirus pandemic could very well tip Britons over the edge. Said Buckingham, “I don’t believe the power movers think we are ready for full disclosure yet, and seeing people fight over loo rolls I have to agree with that line of thought.”

• While he feels that UK authorities will be selective in what they choose to release, Buckingham will certainly look at them to see if there are any hidden bombshells that the government may have missed. “[I]f this is anything like the previous attempts to release documents they were quite a disappointment, as they were pretty much only the public’s own sightings they had reported,” said Buckingham. “Having said that, perhaps these reports will really be RAF sightings that have been logged by the military.”

• For many, evidence to suggest UFOs visit Earth is the greatest government secret of all time. Still, Buckingham thinks it won’t be long before the lid is completely blown off the UFO cover-up, with evidence to suggest an alien invasion is in the cards. “There is plenty of evidence and it is all over the world.” “US presidents, UK prime ministers including Margret Thatcher and Churchill, Soviet leaders, military leaders and many more have said we should be concerned,” said Buckingham, “and some say they ‘can’t tell the people’. “There has been a worldwide truth embargo on the topic and is now coming to an end, with soft programming for the past few decades, to where we are now with a majority acceptance of the phenomenon.”

• Former Chief of Defence, Admiral Lord Hill-Norton (1915-2004), had long cited a mass UFO/extraterrestrial cover-up. Said Hill-Norton, “I have frequently been asked why a person of my background, a former Chief of the Defence Staff, a former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, why I think there is a cover-up of the facts about UFOs. Governments fear that if they did disclose those facts, people would panic. I don’t believe that at all. There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations. It behooves us to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want.”


A UFO hunter claims the government is covering up the truth about UFOs and aliens because of the coronavirus pandemic.

             Admiral Lord Hill-Norton

Tony Buckingham, of the East Anglia UFO (EAUFO) group, believes panic buying over toilet rolls in the wake of the global health crisis is proof the public can’t handle the truth.

                  Tony Buckingham

It comes as the RAF is set to declassify a cache of UFO sighting files into the public domain this month – after the government faced calls for greater transparency.

But Tony, from Littleport in Cambridgeshire, says the release of the documents which could prove aliens exist coming at a time when whole countries are on a war footing with the coronavirus could tip humanity over the edge.

He said: “I don’t believe the power movers think we are ready for full disclosure yet, and seeing people fight over loo rolls I have to agree with that line of thought.”

But he reckons people are in for a let down if they think they’ll find a treasure trove of spacecraft sightings from top brass if the docs are in fact made public.

However he says he will be “taking a look” at the files to see if they contain bombshell discoveries.
He said: “I have been aware of the latest release for a while now and must say if this is anything like the previous attempts to release documents they were quite a disappointment, as they were pretty much only the public’s own sightings they had reported.



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This UFO Map Shows All Reported Sighting Hotspots

Article by Gabriela Izquierdo                            March 17, 2020                              (

• If you’ve ever wanted to be a UFO hunter, now’s the perfect chance without having to leave the house (which comes in handy these days). Using information from the National UFO Reporting Center, has created an online interactive map of the United States showing locations and concentrations of UFO sightings. (see interactive map here)

• The map is covered in green and blue dots. The blue dots mean that it was one witness report at that location and green means that there was more than one report. The green dots get bigger in size with the number of reports there are.

• Navigating through the site will bring you across many different and interesting UFO sightings, giving you plenty of info on where to go scouting for evidence. Zoom in and out of the map and hover over each dot to find more information on the report. Click on a dot and the date of the report, location, UFO shape, and the witness report or reports (if there’s more than one sighting at that location) will pop-up.

• The interactive map has over 90,000 reports with sightings dating over a century to 1905. Texas has its fair share of UFO sightings. Most of the reports seem to be in the major metropolitan areas like Houston, Austin and Dallas. Austin had the most witness reports, with 13 different reports saying that they saw a circle-shaped UFO in the sky on July 12, 2014.


If you’ve ever wanted to be a UFO hunter, now’s the perfect chance! Especially if you have some extra time on your hands (which many of us now do), you can pick up a new hobby and track down the paranormal. You don’t even have to leave your house to go visit different reported locations, because there’s a website with a map of all reported UFO sightings in Texas! has taken information from the National UFO Reporting Center and made it easy for anyone to look into by laying all sightings out on an interactive map.

The map is easy to use and is covered in green and blue dots. The blue dots mean that it was one witness report at that location and green means that there was more than one report.

The green dots get bigger in size with the number of reports there are.

You can zoom in and out of the United States map and hover over each dot to find more information on the report.

When you click on a dot the date of the report, location, UFO shape, and the witness report or reports (if there’s more than one sighting at that location) will pop-up.



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Tic Tac UFOs Revealed in 2005 Briefing to be Secret USAF Spacecraft

A former US Air Force Intelligence Specialist Mike Turber, has sparked much controversy over his recent claims that Tic Tac shaped UFOs first witnessed and videotaped by Navy pilots back in 2004, were in fact highly classified USAF spacecraft. Turber asserts that this was first revealed to him back in 2005 by a USAF “Audiovisual Specialist” responsible for preparing PowerPoint slides for a classified briefing involving senior officials from the US Navy, Air Force, DARPA, and a major aerospace contractor at a think tank.

A number of individuals have questioned Turber’s authenticity and the accuracy of his information, but a December 2019 response by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) to a Freedom of Information Act request appears to confirm Turber’s core claim that such a classified briefing took place in 2005, and he was the first to report it.

What was discussed at the meeting and what Turber’s confidential source learned goes a long way in answering questions over the origins of the UFOs witnessed and videotaped by Navy personnel during training exercises held in 2004 (Tic Tac case), and later in 2015 (Go Fast and Gimball cases).

Turber’s information also points to a specific defense contractor, likely either Lockheed Martin or Northrup Grumman, that built the Tic Tacs for the USAF, which tested them against the Navy’s best surveillance and intercept capabilities in 2004. Turber further adds that the Navy later gained its own Tic Tac craft and tested these in the 2015 sightings cases.

I spoke to Turber on March 12, and asked him a series of questions about the 2005 briefing and what he was told about it by his confidential source. The source was a USAF serviceman whose Air Force Speciality Code (AFSC) at the time Turber first met him was AFSC 23030 (Audiovisual Specialist) whom Turber had befriended during his own prior military service with the USAF (1984-1988).

During Turber’s military service, his own AFSC was “Electronic Intelligence Operations Specialist” (20530-50). Turber’s job summary was described as: “Operates electronic monitoring and related equipment, operates electronic analysis equipment, and analyzes, processes, and produces results of monitored electronic emissions.”

This is a vitally important background fact to keep in mind when considering why Turber was later asked by his A/V specialist source to comment on classified intelligence data acquired during the 2004 Tic Tac incident.

Turber’s information is critical for understanding the true origins of the UFOs the Navy pilots began encountering in 2004 and later in 2015 during major Naval training exercises involving different carrier groups with the most advanced radar and electronic monitoring equipment used at the time.

What follows are extracts from my discussion with Turber and the information he shared, which was recorded and transcribed with his permission.

I began by asking Turber when he first met his confidential source who told him about the 2005 briefing. He replied:

Probably in the mid-80s. We’re doing through the Air Force, and so we kept contact, I’ve kept contact with quite a few people that were, you know … good friends or what have you. And I was utilized a lot, you know, I was kind of like the friend that everybody goes to … ask … what do you think about this or that or whatever … in relationship to all kinds of different subject matter. And then that correlated into the think tank program … where we met again because he was part of one of the think tanks that I was at. And he was actually doing the audiovisual for that location.

By 2005, Turber had been recruited from the Air Force with advanced skills in intelligence analysis of electronic communications, and he began working for different defense contractors and intelligence organizations.

Meanwhile, his source/friend continued to work with the Air Force as an A/V Specialist, and contacted him about “briefing slides” he was working on for an upcoming meeting involving Navy communications data about a UFO, which greatly excited him. Turber explains what happened back in 2005:

What he was doing was setting up the, they call them briefing slides, but it’s actually a power point presentation, but they still use old terminology.… The presentation involved the data that was acquired from the [USS] Nimitz and from [USS] Princeton, and also from the [E-2] Hawkeye and a couple of other sources. I can’t remember all of them.… He gave me a call. We talked for a few minutes … I could tell by his voice he was excited, but concerned at the same time.

He thought he was setting up a presentation about a UFO…. So he wasn’t sure how to approach it. But he went ahead and was obviously doing his job and what have you.

Now for him to contact me was obviously way out of norm because that’s just something that, you know, you wouldn’t do if you’re [in] a compartmentalize[d project], and you’re working inside of a certain area. So that’s understandable. So he’s given me permission to say what happened, but not any … specifics…. But the gist of the matter is … he’s listened to some of the comms going back and forth between the pilots and the [USS] Princeton and pilots, and then Hawkeye, and going back forth. But at the time, he didn’t even know what was actually going on. Because that was the first piece of information that he had.

“So well, without listening to them, I can’t really tell you”… and so when he called me back probably an hour or so later, and he played some of the comms over the phone, and I can hear the pilots talking back and forth and some of the other communications that were going on, and you could tell there was something rather odd.

The pilots were being asked what their loadout was, which obviously is a little bit strange. And then, you know, that’s information [that’s] been released, but the other odd thing that occurred was when the pilots of the second group now there’s three, I call them three groups. There was one pilot that was out first that was doing a maintenance check on his plane, and he was going to be part of a Red Team, Blue Team kind of thing.

And then you had Commander Fravor and his … two F-18s that went out for that intercept. And then of course, you had Chad Underwood’s intercept. So on the second flight, which is Commander Fravor’s flight, they were ordered to come back to the ship after the Tic Tac flew past him and went back to the CAP point. But there was more communication than what we’ve heard so far.

The communication that I recall was their request to go after the object and to continue the pursuit and the request to have someone else possibly come up and help them with the loadout problem. So that information has not been revealed. But they were denied that.

Turber went on to describe what happened a few days after he first listened to the radio communications between the different Navy planes and ships discussing the Tic Tac sightings:

About three or four days go by, and he calls back. And at that time, he had gathered a lot more information to say about this stuff we talked about the other day. “I [the AV source] figured it out. This is just Air Force, testing some new technology, blah, blah, blah. And it wasn’t what we thought it was.” Because on our first conversation, he was, we’re both thinking UFO, extraterrestrial origin or whatever. But during the second call, either “A” he was told to clean up the first call if someone knew about it, or “B”, he was actually just telling me what he really found out, which I believe …  to be the case…. The information that he gathered in the interim, and with the number of people that were coming to the location for the briefing, he determined that it was US in origin.

Critically, this is where the initial excitement that Turber’s source felt about the UFO sighting, quickly waned since he had learned that it was US built, and not extraterrestrial as he and Turber had first speculated.

Turber went on to describe how the manufacturer of the Tic Tac’s was interested in how the Navy and foreign nations responded to the secret Air Force craft maneuvers:

The name of the manufacturer of the object and the intelligence briefing, and by the people that were coming in, it was quite clear that they were just going over what would be considered existing technology at that time in seeing the response of the Navy, how they would respond to it as it would correlate to how the Russians or how the Chinese would respond to it. Mind that timeframe 2005. The Russians and the Chinese were both of primary concern. Now the Chinese seem to be more of a concern than Russia at the moment.

The critical thing to emphasize here is that Turber is telling us that he first heard in 2005, the data communications recorded on the USS Princeton, on the E-2 Hawkeye and on the USS Nimitz that had been confiscated a year earlier according to several Navy witnesses.

Patrick [PJ] Hughes, a Petty Officer on the USS Nimitz, says that two Air Force personnel confiscated the “data bricks” comprising all the electronic data recorded of the Tic Tacs. Meanwhile, on the USS Princeton, Gary Voorhis said that two unidentified civilians confiscated all the data.

If Turber is accurate in claiming that he listened to radio communications data that had been confiscated a year earlier from two Navy ships, but was now being analyzed for an upcoming briefing by his A/V specialist source, this directly supports the idea that the Tic Tac incidents were part of an Air Force covert operation.

Turber offered the following insight, which strengthens the case that the Tic Tac craft were part of a USAF covert operation.

Now, that, to me, is a very pivotal point in that if you have an object that’s inside military airspace or creating an issue for a training zone, which is where I guess it was whiskey one or whatever they named it, you wouldn’t allow these aircraft to go after an object such as this without some form of ordinance or what have you. But at the time, the question is, why wouldn’t you task someone from Coronado, or from Miramar or from any of these other … locations to go out to this area, which is obviously within minutes of flight time to aid in this in the search, especially if these objects were there for several days.

That’s always been a question of mine and that in some form that leaves proof that this is obviously an Air Force operation. And that the normal military response, if an object is infiltrating our airspace, is obviously send up more assets and to actually continue the pursuit until you figure out what this thing is where it came from, or even if necessary, shoot it down. But it was out in essentially international waters, but it was inside of a military training space.

Turber went on to respond to questions about the 2005 briefing and the defense contractor responsible for building the Tic Tacs that attended, and the role of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in helping develop the technologies. Significantly, Turber makes a connection to recent patents granted to the inventor Salvatore Pais on behalf of the US Navy, which had also attended the 2005 briefing.

The briefing, the way the slides were set up, was obviously as an introduction to the technology that was going to be utilized. The contractor was there … that actually developed the technology that created [the] Tic Tac.… DARPA was there as well. … DARPA’s own presentation, which is basically the history of how that technology was developed…. And that’s where apparently all the patents that come out from [Salvatore Pais] are now gaining some, some traction in the end. As far as the timing and everything, the timing is obviously ultra critical for what the Navy’s doing right now.

I asked Turber whether Lockheed Martin’s Skunkworks was the defense contractor that built the Tic Tac shaped craft, his response pointed out that the Navy was also working closely with the contractor that had originally built the Tic Tacs for the USAF:

I would neither confirm nor deny, okay. I will say that, obviously, there’s very few contractors that work. I’ve already revealed that the objects are built in Plant 42. And there’s very few contractors that are there, but there’s several adjacent contractors that would come in that would work with them, because some of the technology that was developed.

The antigravity technology that the Navy actually paid for, more recently, I guess, was from a company called EMC2. And then they shut off the funding to that organization, and then they ramped up the funding to one of the organizations at Plant 42. So apparently some transfer of information and technology was made and, and they want to keep it all under wraps at Plant 42 …

What supports Turber’s testimony here is that a 2016 article in Geekwire confirms that the Navy gave EMC2 a total of $12 million to study the feasibility of a nuclear fusion reactor using electromagnetic containment principles from 2008 to 2014. It is therefore very plausible that EMC2 received funding from the Navy for a classified antigravity research project at some point.

What is highly significant for Turber’s remarkable testimony about the true origins of the Tic Tac craft revealed at a classified 2005 briefing, is a recent Freedom of Information Act response by the Navy that appears to confirm that such a meeting had indeed taken place, and that highly classified “briefing slides” had been prepared for the meeting.

The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) had responded to an FOIA request sent on October 28, by UFO researcher, Christian Lambright. Specifically, Lambright asked:

This request is to include all releasable portions of records and reports related to investigation of the detection of and encounter(s) with Anomalous Aerial Vehicles (AAVs) by personnel involved with the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group (CSG) operations off the western coast of the United States during the period of approximately 10-16 November, 2004. The designation ‘AAVs’ is used here because it appeared in a summary of these events, so there may also be other terms used in the material I am requesting.

On December 9 … the ONI responded to Lambright’s FOIA request, and referred to “briefing slides” concerning the 2004 Tic Tac incident.

Our review of our records and systems reveal that ONI has no releasable records related to your request. ONI has searched our records for responsive documents. We have discovered certain briefing slides that are classified TOP SECRET. A review of these materials indicates that are currently and appropriately Marked and Classified TOP SECRET under Executive Order 13526, and the Original Classification Authority has determined that the release of these materials would cause exceptionally grave damage to the National Security of the United States.

The ONI FOIA response confirms that a trained military serviceman with skills as an “AV Specialist” would have been required to prepare the briefing slides for the Navy, and other military personnel and contractors in attendance at such a briefing. This makes Turber’s claim that his source was the AV Specialist who prepared the briefing slides based on classified intelligence data from the Navy ships acquired by the USAF, which he subsequently shared with Turber, quite plausible.

It’s also vitally important to emphasize here that Turber was the first person to discuss “briefing slides” concerning the 2004 Tic Tac sightings when he came forward on November 4, 2019, in an interview with Jim Breslo. Turber announced what his A/V source had confided to him about the briefing slides the source was working on for a classified 2005 meeting.

Turber’s own background as an “Electronic Intelligence Operations Specialist”, with a Top Secret security clearance, which he maintained after he was recruited into covert operations after 1988, makes it very plausible that his AV source shared the intelligence data from the 2004 Tic Tac sightings with him. It is understandable why Turber was being consulted by his AV source, who needed some expert advice in preparing his briefing slides by someone with the necessary clearances to advise him.

I asked Turber for his thoughts on the ONI FOIA response and whether it was referring to the 2005 briefing, or more recent classified briefings involving Navy personnel and members of the US Congress that took place from December 2018 to May 2019:

I believe because the FOIA requests that … Christian Lambright … put out … was trying to reference the Tic Tac event. And if you don’t, if you don’t reference, I know it was they wouldn’t bring up the Congress briefings if the FOI request didn’t mention them. I think he was … as it relates to the Tic Tac event. So I believe that the briefing that he’s referring to … obviously was geared towards the Tic Tac event. So I believe that the briefing that they’re speaking about would be the briefing back in 2005.

And there may have been more than one briefing but the briefing that I’m aware of is the one where the data bricks and all the data from Nimitz and the Hornet and the Hawkeye and the Princeton were all taken to a specific location … be to be analyzed. And they did analyze them individually. And then once that data was analyzed, there was there was a group that that analyzed the data.

Now the that group included DARPA, and included the contractor included Air Force, and it included Navy. So all of those people were there analyzing that same data. Then after the data was analyzed, then it was fed into this group that was going to make it into some form of presentation that the top brass could basically digest, and that’s where he came in. Now, that was done in early 2005. So that would be as much of that as I think I can discuss without getting in anyone in trouble.

I agree with Turber’s analysis that the FOIA response that Lambert got is referring to “briefing slides” that were prepared by his confidential A/V Specialist source concerning the original Tic Tac sightings back in 2004. The FOIA response by ONI is specific to the 2004 sightings, rather than recent briefings of members of Congress that have occurred.

Consequently, the ONI FOIA response is important corroboration for Turber’s account of what he learned about a classified 2005 briefing concerning the origins of the Tic Tac craft, and them being prototype aerospace vehicles built at Plant 42 first on behalf of the USAF, and later for the Navy, by a major aerospace contractor.

Turber’s recollections and analysis have important implications given recent efforts to depict the 2004 Tic Tac and subsequent Gimball and GoFast UFO sightings in 2015 as national security threats posed by possible extraterrestrial visitors. Indeed, Turber’s testimony helps counter a growing narrative over the Tic Tac sightings that may be used to implement a false flag alien invasion plan that has long been rumored to exist.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Note: An audio version of this article is available on YouTube

Further Reading

UFOs and the Space-Time Bending Technology Behind Them


Article by Tim Hinchliffe                          March 14, 2020                           (

• The Navy has confirmed that the UFOs (or UAPs) seen in Navy videos performing seemingly impossible maneuvers are “real”. But this doesn’t mean they are aliens. It is more likely that they were built by humans under a black budget secret space program. Supporting this assertion is the fact that the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has spent $22 million dollars on research into warp drives, antigravity, wormholes, extra dimension manipulation, and more.

• Declassified government research into warp drives provides insight into how UFOs could theoretically bend space-time as a means of propulsion. The DIA disclosed 38 research papers that were funded and created under the Pentagon’s ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’. One of the papers is entitled “Warp Drive, Dark Energy and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions.”

• According to the ‘Warp Drive’ research paper, “Physicists have discovered two loopholes to Einstein’s ultimate speed limit: the Einstein-Rosen bridge (ie: a ‘wormhole’) and the warp drive.” Both ideas involve manipulation of space-time itself. The paper’s authors extrapolate on the work of Miguel Alcubierre who in 1994 theorized that by manipulating extra dimensions, a warp drive could bend space around a craft by contracting space in front of it while expanding space behind it.

• The basic idea is to manipulate the fabric of space in the immediate vicinity of а spacecraft, by creating a bubble of space that is contracting in front of the spacecraft while expanding behind it, in order to create propulsion. Warping space and moving through time is known as “warp drive”. Within its own time-warp bubble, the craft itself isn’t exceeding the speed of light. The craft remains stationary inside this ‘warp bubble’. The movement of space around it facilitates the relative motion of the spacecraft.

• Warp drive manipulates extra dimensions in order to gain control of dark energy. If a technology were able “to influence the radius of an extra dimension, then it would acquire direct control over dark energy, and hence the expansion and contraction of space itself,” according to the paper. “[T]he dark energy density would… change only in the vicinity of the spacecraft, as would the expansion of space.” “[T]he universe would continue to expand at the гаtе we observe today, but that only in the proximity of the spacecraft would space bе “stimulated” to expand at some modified rate.”

• Michael Masters, a professor of biological anthropology at Montana Tech, claims in his book: Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon, that many UFOs are actually made by humans in the future, whom he calls “extratempestrials.”

• Joseph Agnew, an undergraduate engineer at the University of Alabama and research assistant at the Huntsville Propulsion Research Center, agrees that warp drive is theoretically possible, but that “further advances in quantum physics, quantum mechanics and metamaterials” are still needed to make them a reality.

• Whether or not these technologies are currently ‘operational’, the US government is certainly working on a slew of exotic advanced technologies. In addition to space-time bending warp drive propulsion, the government is also currently researching stargates, wormholes, and antigravity.


Last year the US Navy confirmed that UFOs exist, meaning someone has access to advanced technology to build them. Declassified government research into warp drives provides insight into how UFOs could theoretically bend spacetime as a means of propulsion.

Slowly but surely, the confirmed existence of UFOs is entering the public consciousness.

Leaked video footage depicts Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) making seemingly impossible maneuvers while the Air Force pilots recording the craft looked on in wonder, literally shouting, “Wow! What is that, man? Look at that flying!”

More palatable, perhaps, than claiming these UFOs come from ETs, is the probability that they were built by humans as part of some black budget secret space program.

When you stop to think about the magnitude of what that actually means, you realize that there is advanced technology out there that is way beyond anything that is commercially available at present.

The Navy has confirmed that the UFOs seen in leaked video footage are real UAP, senators have been briefed on UFO sightings, and between 2007 and 2012 the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) spent $22 million dollars on research into warp drives, antigravity, wormholes, extra dimension

          Michael Masters

manipulation, and whole lot more!

As a thought exercise, let’s take a look at one of the 38 research papers that the DIA disclosed it had funded as part of its “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program” called “Warp Drive, Dark Energy and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions.”

Therein it explains how an advanced technology could theoretically bend space and time around a craft as a form of propulsion called a warp drive — which doesn’t violate the cosmic speed limit.

“Physicists have discovered two loopholes to Einstein’s ultimate speed limit: the Einstein-Rosen bridge (commonly referred to as а ‘wormhole’) and the warp drive,” the paper reads.

“Fundamentally, both ideas involve manipulation of spacetime itself in some exotic way that allows for faster-than-light (FTL) travel.”



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