Authentic “Flying Saucers” Over Washington in 1952

Article by Arjun Walia                             August 7, 2020                              (

• In July 1952, numerous ‘UFOs’ were reported flying over Washington, D.C., many of which were filmed. The sightings were confirmed by civilians, military, radar operators and pilots. Military jets were dispatched to take a closer look at these objects, but whenever they got close the UFOs instantaneously accelerated at speeds still unattainable by any known aircraft today. The incident was known as “the Big Flap” and is well known among ufologists.

• Air Force Colonel Ross Dedrickson gave a first person account:” I counted nine (UFOs) … they were round, the typical disk type aircraft, spacecraft. But they were there, they were illuminated, they were quite visible, their configuration was quite conspicuous.  (see 24-second video clip below)

• The sightings over the White House were reported by every major American newspaper at the time. President Truman held a press conference where he urged government officials to “discuss” this topic “in every meeting” that the administration had with the military. Truman added that “there’s always things like that going on – UFO’s – and they’ve had other things you know.”

• General Nathan Twining wrote a memo on September 23, 1947 stating that the “phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious” and that “the reported operating characteristics such as extreme rates of climb, maneuverability (particularly in roll), and action which must be considered evasive when sighted or contacted by friendly air-craft and radar, lend belief to the possibility that some of the objects are controlled either manually, automatically or remotely.”

• The UFO topic truly leaves no aspect of humanity untouched. We have been visited and are still being visited by intelligent beings that are not human. The realization that we’re not alone is quite significant. In the past, UFOs were considered a “conspiracy theory”. Not enough people had yet been exposed to it, and we waited on the mainstream press and leadership to tell us when it was okay to talk about. We tend to put the conspiracy label on topics that simply go against what we currently believe as opposed to what is true. In this process, we believe it is ‘logical’ to ignore evidence on the UFO topic. And the UFO field has been plagued with disinformation. It can be difficult to arrive at any sort of truth/conclusion about the subject.

• Are these elusive extraterrestrial beings hoping to see a change in our planet before revealing themselves? Are they hoping that we as a civilization will become more peaceful, harmonious and less destructive? We have so much potential to create an incredible experience on this planet, where all life can thrive. But we hold it back with our limiting beliefs, lowered states of consciousness, and an inability to open our minds to this reality. Perhaps the ET/UFO phenomenon will help with our mind-expanding process more than we realize.

• Examples from our ancient past show that UFOs have been documented for thousands of years. This continues today with many instances of videos, radar trackings, etc., documenting UFOs. Recent footage of UFOs released and confirmed by the Pentagon also makes this quite clear. In addition, there are millions of pages of declassified documents from multiple government agencies describing encounters with objects that perform maneuvers no known aircraft is capable of doing.

• But we don’t need ‘them’ to tell us that extraterrestrial UFOs exist. The copious amount of video footage, pictures, and thousands of documented cases make it clear that something is going on.

[Editor’s Note]  To get the back story about the operators of these UFOs over Washington DC, and their motives, see the ‘Editor’s Note’ in this previous ExoArticle.


                 President Truman

Did you know that UFOs have been filmed/documented for thousands of years? There are many

  USAF General Nathan Twining

examples from our ancient past that show this, and many modern day examples in the form of videos, radar trackings etc. For example, here’s one of many documents that can be found within the CIA’s electronic reading room that makes it quite clear that authentic footage exists.

Recent footage of UFOs released and confirmed by the Pentagon also makes this quite clear, not to mention millions of pages of declassified documents from multiple government agencies describing encounters with objects that perform maneuvers no known aircraft is capable of doing. The thing is, we didn’t need ‘them’ to tell us, and footage, pictures and thousands of interesting cases make one thing quite clear, something is going on.

What Happened: One example from the past I like to use comes from July of 1952, when multiple UFOs were filmed flying over Washington D.C. In fact, during that summer there were a number of sightings reported. These sightings were known as “the Big Flap” and are quite well known among many ufologists. During that time, military jets that were sent out to take a closer look at these objects did so to no avail. The objects instantaneously accelerated at speeds that are still not attainable today by any known man-made craft, similar to the many examples that exist today. All of the sightings during this time were confirmed by civilians, military, radar operators

  USAF Col Ross Dedrickson

and pilots. The same goes for many sightings today, with the Pentagon’s recent release being a prime example.

General Nathan Twining, author of a September 23, 1947 memo stated that the “phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious” and that “the reported operating characteristics such as extreme rates of climb, maneuverability (particularly in roll), and action which must be considered evasive when sighted or contacted by friendly air-craft and radar, lend belief to the possibility that some of the objects are controlled either manually, automatically or remotely.”

The sightings over the White House rocked local consciousness and were being reported by every major American newspaper at the time. They caused so much of a stir that President Truman held a press conference to answer questions about the event. During that conference, he admitted that government officials “discuss” this topic “in every meeting” that the administration has with the military. He went on to say that “there’s always things like that going on, UFO’s and they’ve had other things you know.”

24-second clip of UFOs over DC in July 1952 (‘Kristian Nikolosky’ YouTube)



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Scientists Use Moon as Mirror to Detect Extraterrestrial Life

Article by Claire Bugos                             August 10, 2020                            (

• In January 2019, there was a total lunar eclipse. During a two-day period, light from the Sun passed through the Earth’s atmosphere and hit the Moon, and was reflected back toward the Earth. The Hubble Space Telescope was able to intercept and gather data from this ultraviolet light. Though similar ground-based studies have been done before, this is the first time that scientists have used a space telescope to capture ultraviolet wavelengths. From this data, scientists from NASA and the European Space Agency are able to analyze the Earth’s own atmospheric spectrum. They reported their findings in an article published August 6 in The Astronomical Journal. (see 3-minute NASA video below)

• The main focus was on the Earth’s protective ozone layer. Ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation. During the eclipse, Hubble detected lower amounts of UV radiation from the light reflected off the Moon than is present from unfiltered sunlight. Therefore, the Earth’s atmosphere absorbed some of it. If they can simulate this with a distant exoplanet, they can determine whether that planet’s atmosphere contains ozone. And along with oxygen, the detection of an ozone layer is considered an indication of possible life on that planet.

• Using this unique method, scientists can simulate observations of exoplanets. When an exoplanet crosses in front of its star, the star light is filtered through the planet’s atmosphere, creating a “halo” effect. Chemicals in the atmosphere filter out certain colors of starlight. Therefore, scientists can determine that planet’s atmospheric composition.

• “But how would we know a habitable or an uninhabited planet if we saw one?” queries Allison Youngblood of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, and lead researcher of Hubble’s observations. By developing a model of the Earth’s chemical spectrum, scientists can use this as a template for categorizing the atmospheres of exoplanets in other solar systems.

• The age of the planet is also be taken into account when determining its ability to host life. Earth had low concentrations of oxygen for more than a billion years, while organisms used photosynthesis to build the ozone layer. So it may be challenging to detect ozone in younger planets. Still, ultraviolet may be “the best wavelength to detect photosynthetic life on low-oxygen exoplanets,” says Giada Arney of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and a co-author of the study.

• The Hubble telescope was launched in 1990, even before astronomers first discovered exoplanets. While its ability to observe extraterrestrial atmospheres is “remarkable,” NASA says future observations of Earth-sized planets will require much larger telescopes and longer observational periods, which the James Webb Space telescope, scheduled to launch in 2021, will provide.


In the quest to discover life beyond Earth, scientists are harnessing a very large and proximate tool—the moon.

     Allison Youngblood

During a total lunar eclipse in January 2019, the moon acted like a giant mirror, reflecting sunlight that had passed

                   Hubble Telescope

through our atmosphere back toward Earth, reports Chelsea Gohd for The Hubble Space Telescope, which was positioned between the Earth and moon, intercepted the reflected ultraviolet light for scientists to analyze.

Scientists from NASA and the European Space Agency studied the reflected light from a lunar eclipse during a two-day window. They reported their findings in an article published August 6 in The Astronomical Journal.

For the first time, scientists used a space telescope to capture ultraviolet wavelengths. Though similar ground-based studies have been done before, using a space telescope for this observation allows scientists to simulate future observations of exoplanets, reports.

            Giada Arney

The goal was for the telescope to detect the Earth’s ozone layer. The ozone molecule that makes up the Earth’s protective layer absorbs ultraviolet radiation. During the eclipse, Hubble detected lower amounts of UV radiation from the light reflected off the moon than is present from unfiltered sunlight, meaning the Earth’s atmosphere must have absorbed some of it, according to a NASA press release.

If scientists are able to detect an ozone layer or oxygen on a neighboring exoplanet, there’s a possibility that the planet may harbor life. On Earth, oxygen is often produced by life forms, especially those that photosynthesize. If scientists detect an oxygen-rich atmosphere on an exoplanet, especially if the amount of oxygen varies seasonally, there is a chance that it also hosts life. But scientists would need to further analyze the atmosphere using other tools before determining if it’s life-hosting, Allison Youngblood of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, and lead researcher of Hubble’s observations, says in the press release.

3-minute video “Hubble Views Moon to Study Earth” (‘NASA Goddard’ YouTube)



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Mysterious ‘Fast Radio Burst’ Found Only 30,000 Light-Years from Earth

Article by Chris Ciaccia                                      August 10, 2020                                     (

• In 2014, astronomers discovered a dormant neutron star in the Vulpecula constellation, 30,000 light-years (or 6 trillion miles) from Earth, but still within the Milky Way galaxy. On April 28, 2020, scientists trained the European Space Agency’s Integral satellite on this powerful neutron star, also called ‘a magnetar’, and found that it had become active again, shooting out radio waves and X-rays at random intervals. These are known as ‘Fast Radio Bursts’.

• The research study’s lead author, Sandro Mereghetti of the National Institute for Astrophysics in Rome, said, “We’ve never seen a burst of radio waves, resembling a Fast Radio Burst (FRB), from a magnetar before.” “It truly is a major discovery, and helps to bring the origin of these mysterious phenomena into focus.” The study has been published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

• Within seconds of his discovery, Merghetti enacted the “Burst Alert System”, sending out a global FRB alert to “the scientific community to act fast and explore this source in more detail.” Astronomers monitoring the CHIME radio telescope in Canada worldwide also spotted the “short and extremely bright burst of radio waves” on April 28th. Subsequent confirmation came from California and Utah the following day.

• Fast Radio Bursts are a mysterious but not an uncommon observation in deep space. First discovered in 2007, FRBs are relatively new to astronomers. Some of them can generate as much energy as 500 million suns in just a few milliseconds. It’s unknown why some FRBs repeat while others do not. Some researchers speculate that they originate from an extraterrestrial civilization.


Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are often mysterious in nature, but not an uncommon observation in deep space. However, researchers have discovered the first FRB to emanate from the Milky Way galaxy, according to a newly published study.

                   Sandro Mereghetti

The research details magnetar SGR 1935+2154, which was discovered in 2014, but it wasn’t until April 2020 when scientists saw it become active again, shooting out radio waves and X-rays at random intervals.

“We’ve never seen a burst of radio waves, resembling a Fast Radio Burst, from a magnetar before,” the study’s lead author, Sandro Mereghetti of the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF–IASF), said in a statement.

This FRB likely comes from a neutron star, approximately 30,000 light-years from Earth in the Vulpecula constellation, LiveScience reports. A light-year, which measures distance in space, is approximately 6 trillion miles.

Mereghetti and the other researchers detected the FRB using the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Integral satellite on April 28.



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We’ll Find Intelligent Aliens ‘Within Our Lifetimes’ in Discovery That Will ‘Shake Humanity’, Says Expert

Article by Harry Pettit                               August 9, 2020                               (

• Armenian astrophysicist Dr Garik Israelian, 57 (pictured above, left, with Brian May), currently a researcher at the Institute of Astrophysics of Canary Islands (Spain), boasts decades of experience in the field of astrophysics, and has published more than 500 scientific papers on black holes, neutron stars and more. He helped the rock band ‘Queen’ guitarist Brian May, an astrophysicist himself, complete his PhD. The pair have since set up a science festival together.

• Speaking to The Sun newspaper following last week’s launch of the Perseverance Mars rover, Dr Israelian said “I think we will discover intelligent life in our lifetime”, or at least some hard evidence of intelligent life. It will be “the kind of discovery that will shake humanity” to its very core, and force us to rethink how we look at our place in the universe,” he said.

• Even sooner – within the next decade – Dr Israelian thinks we’ll detect alien microbes, possibly on Mars. “It would be quite interesting for science, but I think it would make us realize ‘life is such an incredible thing, we’d better take care of what we’re doing on our own planet’.”

• Dr Israelian gives the Perseverance Mars rover a ten percent chance of finding alien microbes on the Red Planet. The $2.1 billion rover will land on the Martian surface in February and proceed to dig up hunks of soil and rock in search of alien microbes. Many top scientists believe Mars was home to tiny microbes billions of years ago and may still host life today.

• Dr Israelian thinks that the discovery of Martian microbes would bring humanity a step closer to colonizing Mars. While the colonization of Mars has been met with heavy criticism, Dr Israelian thinks mankind will likely turn to it when Earth’s warming climate begins to render our planet inhospitable.

• SpaceX billionaire Elon Musk thinks that ‘terraforming’ Mars could make the planet habitable. If certain gasses were released into the atmosphere it would create a greenhouse effect. Even a nuclear explosion could assist in the terraforming. With an atmosphere, Mars’ climate could return to a state in which life could flourish as it did long ago.

• Dr Israelian and Dr Brian May’s annual festival, ‘Starmus’, combines music and science and is in its ninth year. “It was a result of our never-ending discussions about science and arts,” Dr Israelian said. Professor Stephen Hawking, Brian Cox and Neil Armstrong are previous Starmus speakers. Starmus 2021 will be held in Armenia, and will mark the 50th anniversary of Mariner 9, the first Mars orbiter. It will be streamed online.


                     Dr Brian May

Speaking to The Sun, Armenian astrophysicist Dr Garik Israelian, 57, said he expected experts to find brainy extraterrestrials within his lifetime.

On top of that, the stargazer and friend of Queen guitarist Brian May thinks we’ll detect alien microbes – possibly on Mars – within the next decade.

The shock discoveries would shake humanity to its very core, and force us to rethink how we look at our place in the universe, he said.

“I think we will discover intelligent life in our lifetime,” Dr Israelian told The Sun.

      Dr Garik Israelian

“At least, we will find clear signatures [evidence of life] that have come from intelligent life. It’s the kind of discovery that will shake humanity.”

                            Elon Musk

He added: “It would be quite interesting for science, but I think it would make us realise ‘life is such an incredible thing, we’d better take care of what we’re doing on our own planet’.”

Dr Israelian boasts decades of experience in the field of astrophysics and has published more than 500 scientific papers on black holes, neutron stars and more.

The famed space-master helped rocker May, an astrophysicist himself, complete his PhD and the pair have since set up a science festival together.



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Lava Tubes Can Be Essential to Mars Colony

Article by Oliver Barker                                August 7, 2020                               (

• With its harsh sandstorms, meteorites, and space radiation, the surface of Mars is nearly inhospitable. So researchers at the University in Bologna and the University of Padua in Italy have turned to the natural tunnels formed by ancient lava tubes, or ‘pyroducts’, as a good subterranean place in which to establish a human colony on the Red Planet.

• Lava tubes on Earth can run uninterrupted for tens of miles. The longest known lava tube on Earth is the 41-mile-long Kazumura Cave in Hawaii. But scientists have also found evidence of lava tubes on both the Moon and Mаrs. Researchers think that the lave tubes on Mars could be many times longer and wider than those found here on Earth.

• According to Italian researcher Dr Francesco Sauro at the University of Bologna, evidence of ‘lineаr cаvities’ аnd ‘sinuous collаpse chаins’ where the subsurface gаlleries crаcked were discovered in high-resolution images taken by interplаnetаry probes.

• Plаnetаry geologist Riccаrdo Pozzobon believes that lava tubes on the Moon could be 25 miles long, “mаking the Moon аn extrаordinаry tаrget for subsurfаce explorаtion аnd potentiаl settlement in the wide protected аnd stаble environments”. Such a lava tube could contain the entire city center of Padua, Italy.

• Mаtteo Mаssironi, а professor of Structurаl аnd Plаnetаry Geology аt the University of Pаduа, says that lаvа tubes on the Moon and Mars would be incredibly stаble due to the weаker grаvity. The mаjority of these subsurface lаvа tubes should be intаct. “The collаpsed chаins we observed might hаve been cаused by аsteroids piercing the tube wаlls,” said Massironi. “[W]e cаn get аccess to these huge underground cаvities.”

[Editor’s Note]   Secret space program whistle blowers such as Corey Goode have talked about lava tubes on Mars (and the Moon) as an ideal way to contain a pressurized oxygen-rich atmosphere in order to create a subsurface base. In recent history, this has been done since the Nazi German space program established a base on the Moon in 1940. This German base was thereafter expanded by American secret space programs to become the Lunar Operations Command, the primary multi-extraterrestrial-species Moon base.


The surface of Mars may be too inhospitable for colonisers, with frequent sandstorms and no protection from space radiation. Scientists are, therefore, interested in the possibility of subterranean life, exploring ways in which colonisers could set up camp in ancient lava tubes. Researchers at the University in Bologna, Italy, have now presented new findings with exciting implications for future colonisation efforts.

            Kazumura Cave in Hawaii

Lava tubes, or pyroducts, are natural tunnels formed underground by lava flowing from a volcanic source.

They are the third most common type of cave found on Earth and can run uninterrupted for tens of miles.

One of the longest known pyroduct on Earth is the 41-mile-long (65.5km) Kazumura Cave in Hawaii.

But the lava tubes are not unique to Eаrth аnd scientists hаve found evidence of them on the Moon аs well аs on Mаrs.

Reseаrchers аt Bolognа аnd the University of Pаduа hаve аlso proposed the tubes on Mаrs cаn be mаny times bigger thаn on Eаrth.

Whereаs а typicаl lаvа tube on Eаrth meаsures between 32ft аnd 98ft (10m аnd 30m) аcross, а Mаrtiаn tube could be 100 or 1,000 times wider.

Dr Sаuro sаid: “We cаn find lаvа tubes on plаnet Eаrth, but аlso on the subsurfаce of the Moon аnd Mаrs аccording to the high-resolution pictures of lаvа tubes’ skylights tаken by interplаnetаry probes.



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Ozzy Osbourne: You’d Have to Be ‘F***ing Mad’ Not to Believe in Aliens

Article by Susan Knox                               August 6, 2020                                (

• Ozzy Osbourne, 71, the Black Sabbath front man, and his family have a new television show called “The Osbournes Want To Believe” (Travel Channel) in which they share videos of supernatural activity. In it, Ozzy reveals his obsession with aliens and the afterlife. Ozzy says that it would be “fucking mad” not to believe in extraterrestrial life.

• But when asked about the afterlife, Ozzie, who has contracted Parkinson’s disease, says that it is a choice here on Earth. “Heaven and hell is whatever you want to make it here,” said the Prince of Darkness. “For a lot of people, their idea of heaven is hell. They like being in hell.”

• And his belief in ghosts? Ozzy needs firm evidence that ghosts exist. “I am the type of person, if I do not see it myself I look for the trick.” But if a spirit world does exist, Ozzy reasons that “there has got to be a bunch of them in Europe” and the UK.

• Ozzy and his wife Sharon, 67, have been self-quarantined in their Los Angeles home for the past five months during the coronavirus pandemic. With his health condition, Ozzy is considered a ‘high risk individual’. Sharon remarked that “The first few weeks was heaven and then we began to get on each other’s nerves.” The couple have been married since 1982.


Ozzy Osbourne has revealed his obsession with aliens and the afterlife.

         Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne

The rock star, 71, has insisted that it would be “f***ing mad” not to believe in extraterrestrial life.

He and his famous family are back together for their new show The Osbournes Want To Believe, where they share videos of supernatural activity.

While the Black Sabbath front man has shared his belief that aliens exist, he feels very differently about reincarnation.

When asked if he believes in heaven or eternal damnation, The Prince Of Darkness told Daily Star : “Heaven and hell is whatever you want to make it here.”

Ozzy, who lives with Parkinson’s disease, insisted that for some people, it’s a choice.

He added: “For a lot of people, their idea of heaven is hell. They like being in hell.”



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Astronaut’s Son Says Neil Armstrong ‘Believed in Aliens’ After Trips to Moon

Article by Anna Savva                                August 5, 2020                                  (

• Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong, the ‘first man on the Moon’, would have been 90 this August 5th. He died in 2012. His son, Mark Armstrong, 57 (pictured above), is a Silicon Valley software engineer. Mark says that while his famous father didn’t admit to believing in God – he did believe in alien life forms.

• Mark Armstrong was six-years old in the summer of 1969 when he and his family went to Cape Canaveral, Florida to watch his father’s rocket launch toward the Moon. The family then went back to their Houston, Texas home to watch the rest of the Apollo 11 mission, culminating with the Moon landing on July 20.

• Interviewed last year to mark the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing, Mark Armstrong said that his dad “had a wonderful spirit with a great sense of humor.” But he was a an engineer and scientist first. “Whatever religious beliefs he had he kept very close to the vest throughout his life.” “A lot of astronauts claim to have had a spiritual experience (in space),” said Mark. “[T]hat was not true of my father.”

• Mark once heard someone ask his father if he believed in extraterrestrial life. Neil’s response was “it would be arrogant not to”. As Mark puts it, “The universe is unimaginably vast and we know so little about it that his (father’s) belief was, statistically speaking, the chances were overwhelmingly high that we are not the only life in the universe.”

• The Apollo lunar flights ended in 1972 and were an inspiration to the world. Mark is very proud of this. But the Moon has remained of great interest to NASA and scientists. A new generation of space exploration has begun with missions to Mars and another lunar landing, this time at the Moon’s South Pole by 2024. “The human spirit was uplifted by the Apollo program,” says Mark. “It inspired a generation of people to want to be work harder because they believed something good could happen in their future if they prepared themselves.”

• Mark notes that, while a global hero, his father was very humble and ‘down to Earth’. “My dad often said that he was ‘born at the right time’ to put himself in the candidate pool for Gemini and Apollo.” “[I]t’s difficult to imagine the pressures that he was under without actually being in his shoes.”

[Editor’s Note]   I’ve always felt sorry for Neil Armstrong. With all of his accomplishments that culminated in being an Apollo astronaut, in the end he would just be used as a propaganda tool for the deep state. When he saw the alien craft hovering at the crater’s edge during his Apollo 11 Moon landing, had he been read into the truth?  i.e: the military-industrial-complex’s ongoing interaction with various alien species including Draco Reptilians and the Nazi space fleet; the Navy’s development of electromagnetic warp drive technology during the 1960s (provided by extraterrestrials), allowing it to build its own secret space program, ‘Solar Warden’; the Air Force’s separate development of advanced alien technology to create its own separate secret space program; the Illuminati-owned corporate conglomerate; and NASA’s own secret space program.

I feel that Armstrong was an unsuspecting player in the public relations campaign called the NASA Apollo program, complete with backup “Moon” footage shot by Stanley Kubrick (as a Plan B just in case the mission went south). The public NASA missions, using known rocket technology, were devised to keep the various other advanced space programs top secret. By his astonishment at seeing the alien craft on the Moon over his restricted radio transmissions to Houston, it is apparent that Armstrong wasn’t aware of the reality of the situation. Of course, there was a possibility that these astronauts wouldn’t survive. So why bother to read them into the big picture until after the mission? it is most likely that the deep state authorities didn’t debrief the Apollo astronauts until after they had returned with a whole lot of questions.

When Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins were finally told about the alien presence on the Moon and everywhere else, and the development of advanced secret space programs, they were also told that they would put them and their families in dire jeopardy if they told anyone about this top secret reality. Thus, rather than proudly exemplifying the role of ‘the first man on the Moon’ as a hero to the world, Armstrong retired to live a secluded life away from the media and the public – in constant fear for his and his family’s safety because of what he knew. He seemed to have gotten more comfortable with covering up the truth in his later years.

In the ‘Good Morning Britain’ interview below (promoting the movie “Armstrong”), Mark Armstrong states that, although “the world wanted (Neil) to be ‘different'” (i.e.: a more gregarious hero figure), “he wanted to be the same, and he wanted (his) family dynamics to stay the same. That was just the kind of guy that he was.” Mark attributes his dad’s life-long agoraphobia to his private personality. It seems that Mark is trying hard to rewrite his father’s history. Or is this a push for a more public-friendly version of Neil Armstrong, with the posthumous release of movies such as “Armstrong” and “First Man”, meant to abate the widespread suspicion that his strange behavior was due to being freaked out by seeing alien UFOs on the Moon and being threatened by the deep state?



        astronaut Neil Armstrong

Legendary NASA astronaut Neil Armstrong believed in alien life, his son has revealed.

Neil and Janet Armstrong with their sons, Rick and Mark

Mark Armstrong, a Silicon Valley software engineer, was just six-years-old when his dad changed the course of history with his “giant leap for mankind.”

It was during the summer of 1969, and the Armstrong clan went to Florida for the launch at Cape Canaveral and back to to their Houston home to watch the rest of the mission and the all important touchdown on July 20.

First man on the Moon Armstrong died in 2012.

Were he alive today he would be marking his 90th birthday on August 5 – but his legacy lives on.

Reflecting on his dad’s achievements, Mark, 57, said despite Armstrong touching the heavens in the historic Apollo 11 mission, he didn’t admit to believing in God – but he did believe in alien life forms.

        Neil Armstrong in later years

Speaking from his home in Cincinnati, Ohio, to mark the 50th anniversary of the Moon landings last year, he said: “A lot of astronauts claim to have had a spiritual experience, that was not true of my father.

“My dad was an engineer and scientist first and foremost but had a wonderful spirit with a great sense of humour.

“Whatever religious beliefs he had he kept very close to the vest throughout his life.

“There have been a lot of claims from different religions about his converting to their religion, but none of that is true.

“But I once heard someone ask him if he believed in extraterrestrial life and his response was ‘it would be arrogant not to’.”

He continued: “The universe is unimaginably vast and we know so little about it that his belief was, statistically speaking, the chances were overwhelmingly high that we are not the only life in the universe.”

7:33 minute video interview of Mark Armstrong in 2019 (‘Good Morning Britain’ YouTube)



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Trump Says He’ll Do Anything ‘UFO Expert’ Fox Host Asks

Article by Aila Slisco                                 August 4, 2020                                 (

• On August 4th, President Trump was interviewed by Lou Dobbs, the host of ‘Fox Business’. Dobbs asked Trump whether he would release new information about UFOs, despite the efforts of the deep state working against him. “A lot of my friends are very concerned about what the federal government is doing with regards to UFOs,” said Dobbs. “[S]o if I could just ask you… are you going to commit more resources to exploring UFOs and open the documents to the public?”

• “Well I think you’re… the UFO expert,” replied Trump. “So, I’m going to be guided by the great Lou Dobbs. And I will tell you that I’ll do whatever you ask me to do, including total transparency.”  (see 1:31 minute video clip below)

• Trump has been asked many times about UFO disclosure, and he has remained taciturn an unengaged. In June, when Trump’s son Donald Junior interviewed his father, Junior asked the president “what’s really going on” with UFOs and the 1947 Roswell crash? “I won’t talk to you about what I know about it, but it’s very interesting,” said Trump. “Roswell’s a very interesting place with a lot of people that would like to know what’s going on.”

• When asked last year by NBC‘s George Stephanopoulos about U.S. Navy pilots spotting UFOs, the president said he had been briefed on the issue but did not seem convinced that anything of great interest had happened. “I did have one very brief meeting on it,” replied Trump. “But people are saying they’re seeing UFOs. Do I believe it? Not particularly.”

• In a Fox News interview with Tucker Carlson last year, Trump was asked about UFOs. “I don’t want to get into it too much, but personally I tend to doubt it,” Trump said. “I mean you have people that swear by it… I’m not a believer but I guess anything’s possible.” When Tucker persisted and asked the president whether the government was keeping “wreckage” from an extraterrestrial UFO, Trump said that he was unaware of it, had only heard about alleged UFO wreckage on Carlson’s show, and that “it has not been a big thing” in the government.


President Donald Trump has pledged allegiance to “UFO expert” Lou Dobbs, vowing to do “whatever” the Fox Business host asks.

Trump made the remarks during a Tuesday interview with Dobbs, one of the president’s most outspoken admirers. Dobbs invoked a popular right-wing conspiracy theory by praising Trump for being “transparent” despite the efforts of a supposed “deep state” working against him before asking him about whether he would release new information about UFOs.

“A lot of my friends are very concerned about what the federal government is doing with regards to UFOs, so if I could just ask you… are you going to commit more resources to exploring UFOs and open the documents to the public?” Dobbs asked.

“Well I think you’re probably… in this country, you’re the UFO expert,” replied Trump. “So, I’m going to be guided by the great Lou Dobbs. And I will tell you that I’ll do whatever you ask me to do, including total transparency.”

Donald Trump: “Well, I think you’re the — probably in this country — you’re the UFO expert, so I’m going to be totally guided by the great Lou Dobbs…I’ll do whatever you ask me to do”
— Jason Campbell (@JasonSCampbell) August 4, 2020

The interview was the second recent time Trump has been asked about the possibility of releasing allegedly hidden information concerning UFOs. During a June interview with his son Donald Trump Jr. he was also queried about “what’s really going on” concerning UFOs and delivered a similarly vague answer when asked about an alleged 1947 incident in Roswell, New Mexico.


1:31 minute ‘UFO’ clip from Lou Dobbs’ Trump interview (‘Malcom Hathorne’ YouTube)



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Ex-Defense Official: Take UFO Reports Seriously

Article by Eric Mack                                August 1, 2020                              (

• Christopher Mellon (pictured above) is a former deputy assistant of defense for intelligence, the third highest ranking intelligence post at the Pentagon. On August 1st, he told CNN‘s Michael Smerconish that it is time for Americans and Congress to take UFO reports seriously. (see 5:43 minute video below)

• Mellon said that the assertion by Navy pilots of seeing aerial vehicles maneuvering in ways that are beyond the technology currently possible on this Earth should be taken seriously as well. Mellon is also a host of History channel’s “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation.”

• “[T]he Defense Department and the Navy themselves have stood up and publicly acknowledged that this (UFO) phenomenon is real,” Mellon points out. “That this is happening. That our Navy pilots are encountering these vehicles….” imparts a credibility that is causing a “sea change” in public perception of UFOs.

• “[N]one other than that Scientific American itself has published an article saying the (UFO) subject ought to be taken seriously and investigated by the scientific community,” Mellon told Smerconish. (see Scientific American ExoArticle here)

• To think that these UFOs could be some sort of advanced drones or aircraft developed without the technology derived from intelligent extraterrestrials is “too simplistic”, says Mellon. “[W]e had information from multiple systems, infrared systems, multiple personnel in the ground and in the air, tracking these objects performing maneuvers that clearly indicate they were under intelligent control. They’re responding to our aircraft. They’re outmaneuvering them and doing things far beyond any capability we possess.”

• The Pentagon plans to release more details about the highly advanced UFO sightings by US Navy pilots. Contractor and Pentagon consultant Eric Davis told The New York Times that he had briefed a Defense Department agency this spring on research that showed the Navy found “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.” (see NY Times ExoArticle here)

• The reports and the pending Pentagon release are making UFO reports switch from being decades-old wild theories to being “real” phenomenon now, according to Mellon.


It is time for Americans and Congress to take UFO reports seriously, according to a former Defense Department intelligence official.
“I think this is a topic the Oversight Committee should take seriously and investigate,” Christopher Mellon, former deputy assistant of defense for intelligence, the third highest ranking intelligence post at the Pentagon, told CNN‘s “Smerconish” on Saturday morning.

Mellon was referring to the Pentagon reportedly planning to release more details about the famed UFO sighting by U.S. Navy pilots that reported a vehicle moving in a way world technology would not allow.

Contractor and Pentagon consultant Eric Davis told The New York Times that he had briefed a Defense Department agency this spring on research that showed the Navy found “off-world vehicles not made on this earth.”

“What I will say about that is I think that assertion should be taken seriously,” Mellon, also a host of History channel’s “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation,” told CNN‘s Michael Smerconish on Saturday.

The reports and the pending Pentagon release are making UFO reports switch from being decades-old wild theories to being “real” phenomenon now, according to Mellon.

5:43 minute video clip of Chris Mellon discussing UFO disclosure on CNN (‘CNN’ YouTube)



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Donald Trump’s October Surprise

Article by Jazz Shaw                            August 2, 2020                             (

• At this point, President Trump is far from assured of winning a second term. He has plenty of work in front of him between now and November. Could the President have a Trump card up his sleeve?

• In a recent article on, writer Bryce Zabel poses the question, what would Trump do if he looked like he was going to lose to Joe Biden in the election? Well, UFOs have become a popular and legitimate subject for news coverage lately. Zabel believes that Trump might just “play the wildest card in all of human history” by telling America everything he knows about UFOs, top secret government research programs, and the presence of extraterrestrial life on Earth in a wild, last minute attempt to deflect, distract and scare enough people to win the election. We all know that Donald Trump is just crazy enough to do it.

• We know that Trump is a master disruptor who cares not one bit for traditional political rules. And we know that he’s a showman who knows how to play the press. Every time he’s mentioned the subject of UFOs he’s made headlines. Zabel speculates that the President might decide to let the cat out of the bag right in the middle of the final debate on October 22nd.

• But the key phrase here is Trump telling ‘everything he knows’ about UFOs and the extraterrestrial presence. What does Trump know? He’s hinted that he knows some things about Roswell that he found “very interesting.” It is highly doubtful, however, that the government’s intelligence agencies would tell Donald Trump, or any other president, much of anything about their greatest intelligence secret. After all, Presidents come and go. The military-industrial complex is dug in like a tick.

• Disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence would be a massively disruptive, potentially ‘world-changing’ moment. Could this result in Trump winning over voters to reelect him as President for a second term? And how might Joe Biden respond? Would Biden jump on the UFO bandwagon and say that he would also be a disclosure president? Would it even matter to the electorate once they’ve been given a good reason to not vote for Uncle Joe? There isn’t a chance that Trump wouldn’t try for a last ditch “October Surprise” if he thought it could carry him over the finish line on November 3rd.

[Editor’s Note]   Trump planning an October surprise to win the November election? At this point, this is all but assured. But if so, wouldn’t Trump be planning this now? What if UFO disclosure was only a part of a world changing “surprise” that Trump had up his sleeve? What if he was in on the planning of a complete ‘global financial reset’? A restructuring of the Federal Reserve and US Treasury? The elimination of federal income tax; debt forgiveness on bank loans, mortgages and credit card debt; and the introduction of a new US currency under a global ‘quantum financial system’? What if Trump was planning to reveal the insidious deep state syndicate, arresting its satanic leaders? And wouldn’t it be prudent to disclose all of this, including the extraterrestrial presence, this month so that Trump could begin to build the momentum he needs in the run-up to the November election? This would certainly cause the American electorate to sit up and take notice. I’m just saying…


While some recent movement in the polls shows the presidential race tightening in the battleground states, there’s no denying that President Trump is far from assured a second term at this point and he has plenty of work in front of him between now and November. And if the pandemic keeps the economy in the dumps across much of the nation and the employment numbers don’t start bouncing back, that could be a tough job indeed. But does the President have a Trump card (pardon the pun) up his sleeve in that event?

Over at Medium, Bryce Zabel raises this interesting question. What might Donald Trump do if it looks like he’s actually going to lose to Joe Biden? Bryce suggests in all seriousness that Trump just might “play the wildest card in all of human history.” And what card is that? He could tip over the entire apple cart by emptying the bag and telling America everything that’s known about UFO study programs and, just possibly, the presence of extraterrestrial life on Earth, either now or in the past.

We all know that Donald Trump is just crazy enough to do it.

And by “do it,” we mean throw the entire UFO issue into the upcoming presidential election at the last minute in a wild attempt to deflect, distract and scare enough people to win the election.

That’s right. Unidentified flying objects dumped smack into the middle of a presidential election by a sitting president who actually loves the idea of how disruptive it could be.

It sounds crazy. It’s not going to happen. Right? I mean, right?

Even Bryce admits this is a long shot, but it’s not off the table. He notes, as we have discussed recently, that UFOs have become a legitimate subject for news coverage and there’s been a lot of it recently. In addition to multiple articles in the New York Times, CNN has done two segments on the subject this week alone, with both Jake Tapper and Michael Smerconish. NBC News just published an opinion piece on the subject of both UFOs and the possibility of extraterrestrial life visiting Earth (which I’ll have more to say about this week), something unheard of for them for quite some time. This is something that’s happening right before all of our eyes.

So with that in mind, would the President throw this wildcard on the table in October in an attempt to shore up his reelection chances? And if so, would it work?



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How the Deep State Plans to Hide the Truth about SSPs & ET Life

White Hats and the Deep State have competing plans to unveil a very limited disclosure of the truth behind Secret Space Programs and extraterrestrial life. The goal is not so much to inform, but to misinform the general public through a limited hangout that keeps the full truth hidden for decades to come. Learn about these competing agendas and how they contrast with full disclosure.

Webinar tickets available here.

More info here.

Pentagon UFO Program Still Exists. But Navy’s Alien Sightings Don’t Add Up.

Article by Seth Shostak                                August 2, 2020                               (

The New York Times recently reported that in spite of a Pentagon UFO research program being shut down in 2012, a new one has taken its place. This gives a hundred million Americans hope that there must be something worth looking at… aliens perhaps?

• When The New York Times reported in 2017 that Navy pilots captured video of a UFO outmaneuvering their jets over the Pacific Ocean, they felt compelled to look into it due to national security concerns. Or is this a ruse by the government to make the public think that the military thinks that these are probably Russian or Chinese technologies, so that the public won’t be thrown “into chaos”?

The NY Times also revealed that the government has in its possession “retrieved materials” that are “not made on this Earth”, and possibly even recovered alien spacecraft. This claim seems suspect. The Navy pilots didn’t report picking up pieces of alien technology or strange metal alloys, so it’s unclear where these “materials” came from. This is a case where seeing might be believing. But no one has let us see anything, which is convenient.

• Senator Marco Rubio, R-Fla., says he is especially concerned by the fact that the extraterrestrials spend a lot of time hanging out above our military bases. But why would such technologically advanced aliens travel trillions of miles to our planet just to ‘play cat-and-mouse’ with Navy jets and monitor our far-less advanced weaponry? Perhaps these aliens come as saviors to protect us from ourselves.

• No, aliens wouldn’t be interested in our pitiful technology. If unidentified craft or drones are watching our military capabilities, then it is more likely they are Russian or Chinese intelligence. Humans are too quick to ascribe strange phenomena to superhuman beings, much as the Greeks believed that lightning bolts were javelins tossed by Zeus. There is no solid ‘science’ that supports these unidentified objects being extraterrestrial.

• The Office of Naval Intelligence will supposedly make regular reports on at least some of its UFO findings. Is this good news for the Fox Mulder crowd who ‘want to believe’ in UFOs? Or will it rob these believers of their best evidence – which is no evidence at all?

[Editor’s Note]   As the Senior Astronomer for the SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) which peers at distant stars through radio telescopes looking for clues of extraterrestrial civilizations, Seth Shostak’s continuing fame and fortune lies in never finding any aliens at all, so he can keep on “searching”.

To this end, he pens this article that twists and contorts until he finally reaches his foregone conclusion – that extraterrestrials have not yet come to this planet. Shostak’s tortured premise is that highly advanced extraterrestrial beings would have no interest in our inferior technology, although the Russians or the Chinese may have. To believe that UFOs are of an extraterrestrial origin is a testament to the feeble human mind that ascribes anything unknown to supernatural causes. There is no hard science supporting alien technology, and there are no ‘alien materials’ or recovered alien craft in the government’s possession.

Shostak is a proud standard-bearer for the Deep State, continuing to debunk the extraterrestrial presence in any way he can, just as others before him have done for over seventy years. He must be aware that aliens exist here in our solar system. But his job is to lie to the public and attempt to make a mockery of the UFO disclosure movement, while posing as a responsible scientist. Unfortunately for Shostak, more and more people are waking up to this deceit and recognizing him for the despicable charlatan that he is.


Is it vindication at last? The New York Times has recently reported that a supposedly canceled Pentagon project to investigate

                      Seth Shostak

strange aerial phenomena is still showing a pulse. The clandestine effort, originally known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, was said to have ended in 2012. But, apparently, it’s still doing its thing under the auspices of the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence, and with a new name: the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force.

So, where there’s smoke, there’s fire, right? If the feds are still forking over tax dollars to delve into odd goings-on in the sky, it must be because they’ve got convincing evidence of extraterrestrial visitors. That’s the hope of the 100 million or so Americans who seem willing to swear on the Good Book that unidentified flying objects are, at least in some cases, alien objects.

But as with everything UFO-related, it’s worth taking a second, or third, look before rushing to lay out the red carpet for alien houseguests. When, in 2017, the Times first reported on a secret project to study unidentified aerial phenomena, it was in connection with some puzzling videos taken by Navy fighter pilots over the Pacific. The video showed unidentified objects ahead of the jets, objects that seemed to maneuver in bizarre ways. The military has always wanted to know about anything that can fly, so there are plenty of national security reasons for why they would continue such research.

That’s the most straightforward explanation for why the Navy has extended the Pentagon program. It’s also what they’ve said.
But isn’t it possible that what’s really going on here is not an investigation into unknown aircraft or drones, but a distraction to keep us from a more disturbing truth — that UFOs aren’t enemy flying machines, but alien flying machines? Maybe the government doesn’t want to admit this, because they figure the news might throw society into chaos.



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The Umbrella Academy’s Majestic 12 in Real Life

July 31, 2020                              (

• In Episode 4 of Netflix’ “The Umbrella Academy”, we’re introduced to “The Majestic 12.” We’re told that they’re a secret committee of science, military, and Deep State members, and that John F. Kennedy was the first president to try to publicly reveal their existence and “push them into the limelight”. Look how that turned out. They are powerful and well-connected.“They are are not to be trifled with,” we are warned.

• Also known as “MJ-12”, this group is at the center of a number of UFO conspiracy theories. They were formed in 1947 by an executive order issued by President Harry Truman. Their mission was to investigate and recover, if possible, alien spacecraft – beginning with the crashed Roswell craft in 1947.
• Their very existence was only revealed in 1984 when a documentary film producer by the name of Jaime Shandera claimed that someone anonymous had put an envelope containing a roll of film in his mailbox. When Shandera developed the film, it revealed eight pages of classified government documents. These documents supposedly showed not only the government’s investigation of alien craft, but the creation of The Majestic 12.

• Debunkers pointed to supposed flaws in the documents like incorrect ranks, the use of “media” instead of “press” and formatting that didn’t match the formats of other government documents of the era. The FBI later announced that the pages were bogus and wrote “BOGUS” in all caps over the documents.

• Today, it has come to light that the US government and military have continued investigating UFOs, although not the ‘alien’ type, they say. The US Intelligence Budget for 2021 includes a mandate for the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force, under the Office of Naval Intelligence, to submit a report of all their collected information within 180 days from June 17.

• While the idea of a secretive “Majestic 12” isn’t at the forefront of the American’s zeitgeist right now, there is indeed a renewed interest in UFOs. A recent article in the New York Times reported that the Pentagon may have obtained vehicles or parts of vehicles that aren’t from Earth. Eric W. Davis, an astrophysicist and consultant for the Pentagon’s UFO program, said he gave a classified briefing in March to a DoD agency about retrievals of “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.” And on April 27th, the DoD authorized the official release of the three infamous videos of UFOs taken by Navy pilots.


In Episode 4 of The Umbrella Academy, we’re introduced to the concept of “The Majestic 12.” You might be interested to know that they exist in real life too. Read on to see the photo of them that was shared in the fourth episode and to learn more about the group in real life.

In Episode 4, we’re shown the photo above of “The Majestic 12.”

We’re told that they’re a secret committee of science, military, and Deep State members. According to the show, President John F. Kennedy was the first president to try to push them into the limelight. “They are are not to be trifled with,” we’re warned.

The photo above shows 11 out of 12 of the members of The Majestic 12. Apparently they are powerful, well-connected, and pull some serious strings. We’ll learn more about them on the show, but this article only focuses on what was revealed about them in Episode 4 (and what we know about them in real life.)

The Majestic 12 in Real Life

The mythology of The Majestic 12 is every bit as intriguing as their story in The Umbrella Academy. Also known as “MJ-12” among conspiracy theorists, this group is at the center of a number of UFO conspiracy theories. The myth is that they were formed in 1947 by an executive order issued by President Harry Truman, and they include scientists, government officials, and military leaders. Their mission was to investigate (and recover if possible) alien spacecraft. Supposedly, their first mission was to recover the craft in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.

The first idea of their existence came from “leaked” government documents in 1984. Jaime Shandera, a documentary producer, said that the leaked files were dropped in his mail slot in an envelope in 1984, Slate reported. Shandera said he received a roll of film that, when developed, revealed eight pages of classified documents. These documents supposedly revealed not only the investigation of alien craft, but the creation of The Majestic 12.

Some people pointed out that the documents had flaws, like incorrect ranks, the use of “media” instead of “press” (when “press” was the more common term at the time), and formatting that didn’t match the formats of other government documents, Slate reported.

The FBI later announced that the pages were bogus and wrote “BOGUS” in all caps over the documents.



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US Government to Shed Light on UFO Sightings

Article by Sangalang Kristine                               July 29, 2020                              (

• The Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash occurred in 1947. A decade later, the US government began construction on the secretive Area 51 base in Nevada. The US military has classified all information regarding UFOs, and the US government declined to give the UFO phenomenon any credence. More recently, however, the US Navy declared UFO videos taken by Navy fliers to be authentic.

• In 2007, the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ was created under the US Department of Defense to analyze all unclassified UFO sightings within the US. This was closed in 2012. Then in 2017, the military created a successor UFO research organization, the ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force’, which is still operational.

• In June of 2020, the issue of UFO sightings was discussed by US politicians. In a Senate committee hearing, Senator Marco Rubio requested that unclassified information reviewed by the UAP Task Force be subjected to an intelligence committee and publicly released. Experts in the field may now be able to freely discuss the matter with the public, with the support of the government. This legitimizes the possibility of an extraterrestrial origin for these unexplained UFOs.

• The release of ‘unclassified’ UFO reports is intended to create a sense of transparency among US government agencies, while ‘classified’ reports may be reinvestigated by a “new set of eyes”. This is better than keeping multiple agencies of the government in the dark about the UFOs flying above US airspace. The lawmakers are not as worried that these unidentified aircraft are from outer space as they are that they might represent ‘advanced technologies’ achieved by other nations, or illegally created by terrorist groups. Transparency among government intelligence agencies would promote proper investigation and processing of UFO sightings and reduce unwarranted threats to US security.

• While it is not disputed that a majority of UFO sightings are mistakes or misidentification, many such sightings remain unexplained. Credible sightings are often made by trained pilots or radar technicians. And during this current pandemic, there has been a fifty percent spike in reported UFO sightings in Canada compared to last year.


Recent news has reported that the Pentagon and the US military (and Navy) are to release videos and explanations on both recent and historic UFO sightings in the country. It is required for the agency that are handling UFO sighting analysis to provide publicized reports. These will be submitted to an Intelligence Committee to further analyze, process, and validate recent (and historical) UFO sightings.

             Senator Marco Rubio

It was the year 1947 and the biggest UFO controversy abounds in the US. The Roswell encounter is probably one most controversial UFO sightings in the history of the United States. Then, Area 51 was built a little over 10 years later. This place is pretty much the biggest, and most secretive, military bases in the entire country. What made these incidents more intriguing is the fact that the US government was always so mum about it. The military has classified all pertinent information and the citizens are left to their devices to create explanations to the reaction of the United States government.

The US Government on UFOs

In history, it was the responsibility of the Navy and the Military to collect, analyze, and archive any reported UFO sightings within the US aerospace. This was to protect the interests and the security of the citizens of the United States. In 2007, a new department called Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program was created under the US Department of Defense. This was to analyze all unclassified UFO sightings within the US. It was budgeted by the US government but was only set to be operational a total of five years. This department was closed in 2012.

It was only in 2017 when a new task force was created to replace the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. The new task force was named Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force. They are responsible for tracking down, analyzing, and archiving any information on UFO sightings. This government unit is still operational to date.

In 2020, it was discussed in a Senate Hearing that unclassified information reviewed by the UAP Task Force be subjected to an Intelligence Committee. This was to create an additional analysis to any data produced by the task force. This legitimizes the issue that there is a possibility that UFO sightings from extraterrestrial beings MAY be true. Experts on the field may be able to freely discuss the matter with the public, with the support of the government.



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How the Mars Perseverance Rover Will Get to the Red Planet

Article by Chris Ciaccia July 29, 2020 (

• On July 30th, NASA’s $2.1 billion ‘Perseverance’ rover (pictured above) set out for Mars, along with the first helicopter to travel to Mars, known as ‘Ingenuity’. Among other tasks, the rover and the helicopter will be looking for signs of extraterrestrial life. The Perseverance will land at the Jezero Crater on February 18, 2021, joining the still-functioning Curiosity rover and the now-deceased Opportunity rover. NASA’s long-term goal is to send a manned mission to Mars in the 2030s.

• Like its predecessors, Perseverance is powered by a nuclear energy system known as ‘Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator’ thanks to the US Department of Energy. Says Under Secretary for Nuclear Security and National Nuclear Security Administratior Lisa E. Gordon-Hagerty, “From preparing astronauts for cratered terrain to building boxes for moon rocks to providing electricity from nuclear sources, I’m proud to say that we’ve lent our unique expertise for exploration of the solar system… for nearly 60 years.”

• In 2014, the Department’s Office of Nuclear Energy with Idaho National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory were tasked to construct the multi-mission radioisotope thermoelectric generator and its plutonium fuel to power the Perseverance rover. But the Department of Energy partnership with NASA goes back to the 1960s when the DoE provided radioisotope power systems to the Apollo missions, said DoE Under Secretary for Science Paul Dabbar to Fox News.

• Radioisotope power systems provide a steady power source in parts of the solar system that are dark or dusty. The Spirit and Opportunity rovers used Radioisotope Heater Units with a mission life of 7 and 14 years respectively, significantly longer than the 3-month primary mission lifetime. Curiosity is still going strong 7 years, over 3 times the primary mission timeline. The two longest-operating radioisotope power system missions are Voyager I and II, which are still in operation 43 years later.

• Perseverance’s ‘SuperCam’ was designed, built and tested at DoE’s Los Alamos National Laboratory in partnership with the French space agency, Centre national d’études spatiales (National Center for Space Studies). It uses laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy to study mineral composition, hardness and texture of Martian rocks and soils and will search for organic compounds related to Mars’ geologic past.

• The DoE’s Office of Science facilities also support the study of materials returned from NASA space missions to Mars, including the use of X-ray and electron imaging to study the form and shape of rock samples and various spectroscopy techniques to reveal the chemical composition.


            Lisa E. Gordon-Hagerty

After it was delayed three times to iron out issues, NASA’s Perseverance rover is slated on July 30 to head to Mars, where it will perform a number of tasks, including looking for fossilized evidence of extraterrestrial life.

                        Paul Dabbar

The $2.1 billion rover will also come with the first helicopter, known as Ingenuity, that will let researchers understand the viability and potential of heavier-than-air vehicles on the Red Planet. NASA’s long-term goal is to send a manned mission to Mars in the 2030s.

Once Perseverance lands on Mars at the Jezero Crater on Feb. 18, 2021, it will join the still functioning Curiosity rover and the now-deceased Opportunity rover on the Red Planet.

Similar to its predecessors, Perseverance is being powered by a nuclear energy system known as Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (MMRTG), thanks to the Department of Energy. However, using nuclear power isn’t anything new for NASA.

The National Nuclear Security Administration has “supported NASA missions for nearly 60 years,” Under Secretary for Nuclear Security and NNSA Administrator Lisa E. Gordon-Hagerty told Fox News.

“From preparing astronauts for cratered terrain to building boxes for moon rocks to providing electricity from nuclear sources, I’m proud to say that we’ve lent our unique expertise for exploration of the solar system,” Gordon-Hagerty added.



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UK to Guard Against Threat From China and Russia in Space

Article by Alexander Zhang                             July 27, 2020                           (

• To counter threats from China and Russia, UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace wrote in The Telegraph newspaper that the Ministry of Defense plans to pivot away from traditional defense and “operate much more in the newest domains of space, cyber, and sub-sea.”

• On July 15th, Russia tested an anti-satellite weapon in space using the same system that stalked a U.S. reconnaissance satellite earlier this year, according to the US Space Command. Said Wallace, “This week we have been reminded of the threat Russia poses to our national security with the provocative test of a weapon-like projectile from a satellite threatening the peaceful use of space.”

• “But Russia is not alone,” said Wallace. “China, too, is developing offensive space weapons and both nations are upgrading their capabilities.” China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has been developing the power to blind, disorient, and even destroy the United States’ GPS system, U.S. experts told The Epoch Times news source

• “The weaponization of space is, unfortunately, well-advanced,” said US Assistant Secretary for International Security and Nonproliferation Christopher Ford. “Moscow and Beijing have already turned space into a war-fighting domain. Both are fielding new anti-satellite weapons in order to hold U.S. and allied space services at risk.”

• Wallace’s latest remarks appear to signal greater policy alignment between the two trans-Atlantic allies. “As traditional conflict shifts, and cyber and data become the battleground, we must outmaneuver our adversaries with a sharper technological edge and relentless focus on innovation,” said Wallace.

• In recent weeks, the UK government has targeted Russians with new sanctions, accusing Russian actors of cyber-attacks on vaccine research facilities and trying to meddle in last year’s election. Likewise, Britain has reversed its decision to allow the Chinese telecom firm Huawei to install Britain’s 5G network and reacted strongly to China’s imposition of a draconian national security law on Hong Kong, offering 3 million Hong Kong residents a path to British citizenship and suspending its extradition treaty with the former crown colony.


Britain is putting space at the heart of its defence in order to counter threats from China and Russia, according to UK Defence

     UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace

Secretary Ben Wallace.

As part of a foreign, security, and defence policy review being conducted by the UK government, the Ministry of Defense is planning to pivot away from traditional defence and “operate much more in the newest domains of space, cyber, and sub-sea,” Wallace wrote in The Telegraph.

               Christopher Ford

“This week we have been reminded of the threat Russia poses to our national security with the provocative test of a weapon-like projectile from a satellite threatening the peaceful use of space,” he said.

On July 15, Russia tested an anti-satellite weapon in space using the same system that stalked a U.S. reconnaissance satellite earlier this year, U.S. Space Command said on Thursday.

“But Russia is not alone,” said Wallace. “China, too, is developing offensive space weapons and both nations are upgrading their capabilities.”

China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has been developing the power to blind, disorient, and even destroy the United States’ GPS system, U.S. experts told The Epoch Times earlier this month.

U.S. Assistant Secretary for International Security and Nonproliferation Christopher Ford said on Friday that “the weaponisation of space is unfortunately well-advanced.”

“Moscow and Beijing have already turned space into a war-fighting domain,” he said. “Both are fielding new anti-satellite weapons in order to hold U.S. and allied space services at risk.”



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Calf With Surgical ‘Ball-Shaped’ Injury Baffles UK Researcher

Article by Michael Moran                                 July 23, 2020                               (

• On July 4th, Albert Tyas was walking in the Gaddings Dam Area of Todmorden, in Yorkshire, England, when he came across the corpse of the calf was found in a field where sheep were grazing. He sent pictures of the dead calf to paranormal researcher Deborah Hatswell.

• Arriving at the scene, Hatswell found that the calf had “very precise clean cuts”. “[There were] no signs of attack or a chase of any kind,” Hatswell told Daily Star Online. She noted that the grass surrounding the calf was clean, with no sign of blood. “This kill has all the classic signs of animal mutilation.” The animal had a perfectly cut ‘tennis ball sized’ sphere cut into its side, with no blood around the wound, as if the flesh had been scooped with a melon baller. Also, there were no signs of a vehicle or tractor tracks in the area, which makes it unlikely that the animal was killed elsewhere and dumped. It’s as if, Hatswell says, the animal had been “dropped from above.” Researchers also found a dead white chicken in the same area, which also defied explanation.

• Reports of animal mutilation go at least as far back as the 1600s, where the animal’s “surgical” wounds are too neat to have been caused by natural predators. Hatswell says that during the course of her research into the paranormal across Britain, Todmorden comes up again and again as a hotspot of inexplicable happenings.

• The Yorkshire area is steeped in paranormal lore, said Hatswell, citing the case of Zigmund Adamski, a 56 year old miner who went missing from his home in Tingley, near Wakefield in June 1980. Adamski’s body was discovered five days later, 20 miles from his home at a coal yard in Todmorden. Adamski’s body was covered in mysterious burns, and they appear to have been treated with an ointment that scientists were unable to identify. James Turnbull, the coroner who dealt with Zigmund’s death, described the case as the biggest mystery of his career. Adamski had been missing for five days, but his body only showed one day’s growth of beard.


  field where calf’s corpse was found

A bizarre “animal mutilation” case has been reported in Yorkshire – and paranormal investigators say the dead animal could have been “dropped from above”.

         Deborah Hatswell

Reports of livestock being skinned with surgical precision and drained of blood – often associated with UFO sightings – have been a regular part of paranormal lore for decades. But most of them come out of the American Midwest.

This strange story of a calf killed by some unknown force or predator comes from the Gaddings Dam Area of Todmorden, in Yorkshire.

Paranormal researcher Deborah Hatswell was sent images of the extraordinary find by Albert Tyas, who was out walking in the area on July 4.

The corpse of the calf was found, somewhat unusually, in a field where sheep were grazing.

        a “scoop” was taken from its side

“This kill has all the classic signs of animal mutilation,” Deborah told Daily Star Online.

“Notice the very precise clean cuts,” she added, “there are no signs of attack or a chase of any kind.”

Deborah adds that the clean grass surrounding the calf, with no blood, makes it unlikely that this animal was killed by a dog or a cat.

“It doesn’t fit with the classic signs of any normal beast here in the UK.”
It’s almost as if, she says, the animal had been “dropped from above.”

Sceptics, looking at the innumerable reports of animal mutilation which go at least as far back as the 1600s, will often blame humans for the “surgical” wounds on the animals, which are too neat to have been caused by natural predators.

                       Zigmund Adamski

But, Debbie points out in this case, there are no signs of vehicle or tractor tracks in the area which makes it unlikely that the animal was killed elsewhere and dumped.




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Beneath the Surface is Best Place to Find Life on Mars

Article by Sean Martin                               July 28, 2020                               (

• The European Space Agency (ESA) and Russia’s Roscosmos’ ExoMars mission to Mars that was scheduled for launch this year has been postponed until 2022 due to the lock-downs imposed by the coronavirus outbreak. When it does launch in 2022, the ExoMars’ ‘Rosalind Franklin Rover’ will be attached with a subsurface drill, to look beneath the surface for signs of life.

• Astrophysicist and research scientist Dimitra Atri at the Center for Space Science at NYU Abu Dhabi believes that subsurface conditions on the Red Planet could be the best for any microorganisms, because there are still traces of water – a main ingredients for life – beneath the surface. Also, any life beneath the surface will be protected from deadly solar radiation.

• In addition, the launch was delayed due to issues with some of the electronics in the robot, and a hardware concern for the solar panels. With the borders closed due to the pandemic, neither the engineers nor the parts to correct these issues are readily available. Professor of planetary and space science at the Open University Monica Grady says, “Each of the hardware issues could be solved, as could problems with software – but in combination, there was too great a risk that the time remaining before the launch was too short to ensure * full and thorough final testing.”

• “The final staging place before moving to the launch site is Turin, in northern Italy, where illness from coronavirus has practically closed the country and brought movement across its borders to a halt,” noted Grady. “Engineers from the UK, France, Russia and the US (at the very least) will be needed alongside those in Italy for the final testing.”

[Editor’s Note]  The place to look for life on Mars is indeed under the planet’s surface. Mars is teeming with a variety of subsurface civilizations, from indigenous intelligent reptilian and raptor species, to indigenous humanoids hiding in the crevasses, to secret space program bases belonging to the Nazi German/Draco Reptilians, industrial colonies belonging to the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate, and the ICC’s mercenary military divisions: the Mars Defense Force and the Interplanetary Defense and Reaction Forces.


               Rosalind Franklin Rover
                       Dimitra Atri

The European Space Agency (ESA) and Russia’s Roscosmos is set to up the ante in the search for life on Mars when it launches the ExoMars rover to the Red Planet in 2022. The machine will be attached with a subsurface drill which will be able to look beneath the surface for signs of life. By doing so, it will become the first rover to look for signs of life beneath the surface.
Some experts believe this could be the best hope of finding alien life.

Astrophysicist and research scientist Dimitra Atri at the Center for Space Science at NYU Abu Dhabi has conducted research, and found that subsurface conditions of the Red Planet could be the best for any microorganisms, according to the research published in the journal Scientificace to loo.

                        Monica Grady

This is because beneath the surface, there are still traces of water – one of the main ingredients for life.

On top of that, any life beneath the surface will be protected from deadly solar radiation – protection which is lacking on the surface due to the Red Planet’s lack of atmosphere.

Mr Atri said: “It is exciting to contemplate that life could survive in such a harsh environment, as few as two meters below the surface of Mars.

“When the Rosalind Franklin rover on board the ExoMars mission (ESA and Roscosmos), equipped with a subsurface drill, is launched in 2022, it will be well-suited to detect extant microbial life and hopefully provide some important insights.”

ExoMars was set to be launched this year, but the coronavirus outbreak put a halt to that.



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Coming UFO Disclosure Plans Revealed

Competing agendas are playing out before our eyes concerning official disclosure of the UFO phenomenon. The Deep State and military White Hats are vying to convince the public with partial truths and misdirections. This video clip exposes the lies and what full disclosure really entails.

Full Disclosure vs Limited Hangouts – How the Deep State Plans to Hide the Truth about SSPs & ET Life.

August 22 2020 – 11 am PST/2 pm EST

To learn more visit:

Jason Manford Once Saw a UFO Fly Down His Street

Article by Katie Storey                                   July 26, 2020                                (

• Jason Manford (pictured above), the popular British comedian, told the Daily Star that he and his brother saw a UFO when he was 14 years old. The UFO craft flew down his street in Whalley Range, (Manchester, England). “It flew one way and then, almost at the opposite angle, flew off,” said Manford. “No known plane could have done that. Me and my brother both saw it and he cried.”


Jason Manford claims he saw a UFO in his street when he was a teenager. The comedian, 39, is convinced he saw a UFO fly down his street and claims the sighting made his brother cry. Recalling the moment, Jason told Daily Star: ‘Me and my brother saw a UFO when I was about 14, just in our street in Whalley Range. ‘It flew one way and then, almost at the opposite angle, flew off.’

Convinced it was a UFO sighting, Jason added: ‘No known plane could have done that. Me and my brother both saw it and he cried.’ The star, who has teased that he would be keen to sign up for I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!, joked: ‘He won’t be pleased about that because he’s quite the alpha male now.’



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UFOs Deserve Scientific Investigation

Article by Ravi Kopparapu and Jacob Haqq-Misra          July 27, 2020                 (

• UFOs have been back in the news because of “unidentified aerial phenomena” videos officially released by the Pentagon. But the UFO phenomenon is a worldwide occurrence. Scientists in several other countries have studied them. Shouldn’t American scientists choose to investigate and curb the speculation around them? An interdisciplinary scientific investigation is needed, while discarding the taboo surrounding this phenomenon.

• Such unexplained UFO cases drew interest by scientists during the 1960s. As a result, the US Air Force funded a scientific group at the University of Colorado, headed by physicist Edward Condon, to review UFO cases from 1966 to 1968. The resulting ‘Condon Report’ concluded that further study of UFOs was unlikely to be scientifically interesting. Concerns over the inadequacy of the methods used by the Condon Report culminated with a debate sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in 1969, with participation by scholars such as Carl Sagan, J. Allen Hynek, James McDonald, Robert Hall and Robert Baker.

• Regarding the 1969 scientific debate, Sagan wrote of the “strong opposition” by scientists who feared that AAAS sponsorship of the debate would lend credence to ‘unscientific’ ideas. While Sagan himself dismissed the extraterrestrial hypothesis, he still claimed that the UFO subject was worthy of scientific inquiry.

• We, as scientists, should be cautious of outright dismissal of the UFO phenomenon by assuming that every instance has a “scientific” explanation. We must let scientific curiosity be the spearhead of understanding such phenomena. But these recent Navy pilots’ accounts of UFO sightings have failed to generate similar interest among the scientific community.

• Why should astronomers, meteorologists, and planetary scientists care about these UFO events? Because we are scientists. Curiosity is the reason we became scientists. UFOs represent observations that are waiting to be explained, just like any other science discovery. A systematic investigation is essential in order to bring the phenomena into mainstream science. Collection of hard data is paramount to establishing any credibility to the explanation of the phenomena. A rigorous scientific analysis is sorely needed, by multiple independent study groups.

• The transient nature of UFOs, and the unpredictability of when and where the next event will happen, is one of the main reasons why UFOs have not been taken seriously in science circles. But how can one identify a pattern without systematically collecting the data in the first place? In astronomy, the location and timing of gamma-ray bursts, supernovae and gravitational waves are similarly unpredictable. By meticulously collecting data from each occurrence and systematically observing them, we now recognize these as natural phenomena arising from stellar evolution. Similarly, gathering UFO data with tools such as radar, thermal, and visual observations would be immensely helpful. Not every case is a classified military aircraft or strange weather formation.

• As Sagan concluded at the 1969 debate, “scientists are particularly bound to have open minds; this is the lifeblood of science.” We do not know what UFOs are. This is precisely the reason that we as scientists should study them.

[Editor’s Note]   Back in the 1960s, the Condon Report didn’t stand a chance of seeing the light of ‘scientific curiosity and impartiality’. The deep state jackels had just gotten away with assassinating a sitting US President, and they felt invincible. The 1969 Condon Report was a set up, just like the Warren Commission. Even Carl Sagen, who played the role of the open-minded advocate of scientific curiosity, was later revealed to be an actual member of the top-secret Majestic 12 deep state UFO government debunking committee.

The question is, has the deep state lost its absolute control over the modern scientific community to a point where there are, in fact, some independent scientists who would make an impartial inquiry into the UFO phenomenon and reveal their objective findings to the public? Or will these scientists continue to bow to the deep state governmental authorities and private foundations that provide the funding for their work, and thus their livelihood?


UFOs have been back in the news because of videos initially leaked, and later confirmed, by the U.S. Navy and officially released by Pentagon that purportedly show “unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAP) in our skies. Speculations about their nature have run the gamut from mundane objects like birds or balloons to visitors from outer space.

It’s difficult, if not impossible, to say what these actually are, however, without context. What happened before and after these video snippets? Were there any simultaneous observations from other instruments, or sightings by pilots?

Judging the nature of these objects (and these seem to be “objects,” as confirmed by the Navy) needs a coherent explanation that should accommodate and connect all the facts of the events. And this is where interdisciplinary scientific investigation is needed.

The proposal to scientifically study UAP phenomena is not new. The problem of understanding such unexplained UAP cases drew interest by scientists during the 1960s, which resulted in the U.S. Air Force funding a group at the University of Colorado, headed by physicist Edward Condon, to study UAP from 1966 to 1968. The resulting Condon Report concluded that further study of UAP was unlikely to be scientifically interesting—a conclusion that drew mixed reactions from scientists and the public.

Concerns over the inadequacy of the methods used by the Condon Report culminated with a congressional hearing in 1968 as well as a debate sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in 1969 with participation by scholars such as Carl Sagan, J. Allen Hynek, James McDonald, Robert Hall and Robert Baker. Hynek was an astronomy professor at the Ohio State University and led the Project Blue Book investigation, while McDonald, who was a well-known meteorologist and a member of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and AAAS, performed a thorough investigation of UAP phenomena. Sagan, a professor of astronomy at Cornell University, was one of the organizers of the AAAS debate. He dismissed the extraterrestrial hypothesis as unlikely but still considered the UAP subject worthy of scientific inquiry.

Recent UAP sightings, however, have so far failed to generate similar interest among the scientific community. Part of the reason could be the apparent taboo around UAP phenomena, connecting it to the paranormal or pseudoscience, while ignoring the history behind it. Sagan even wrote in the afterword of the 1969 debate proceedings about the “strong opposition” by other scientists who were “convinced that AAAS sponsorship would somehow lend credence to ‘unscientific’ ideas.” As scientists we must simply let scientific curiosity be the spearhead of understanding such phenomena. We should be cautious of outright dismissal by assuming that every UAP phenomena must be explainable.



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Space Force Graduates First Candidates of Space Intelligence Program

Article by 1st Lt. Tyler Whiting                                  July 23, 2020                                 (

• June 23rd, the Space Force Intelligence Intern Program (SIIP) graduated its first two interns, Capt. Rebecca Bosworth and Capt. Devin Hightower (the two standing to the right in the photo above). The two graduating interns spent two years working alongside and learning from some of the most experienced intelligence personnel in the space community. The graduates then briefed Chief of Space Operations, General John “Jay” Raymond, his senior leadership, and the Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance for the U.S. Air Force.

• The Space Force Intelligence Intern Program was created in 2018 after recognizing there was no in-depth training for intelligence professionals to address the rising threats in the space domain. “The program itself went from inception to execution in less than five months,” said spokesperson Col. Suzy Streeter. “… and they surpassed all expectations. Both were game-changers for space operations and the intelligence community.”

• Intelligence support has historically been provided through small intelligence elements responsible for numerous programs. But the SIIP program interns were embedded directly with the team responsible for test and development of a new system, which improved their ability to provide intelligence support to the program. “The best advice is to be creative, always keep the problem in mind, and to always find a way over obstacles that will inevitably arise,” said Hightower.

• Both graduates will be assigned to the Space Security and Defense Program’s Threat Assessment Division, and have volunteered to join the US Space Force once the transfer window opens. “Originally we became a part of this program to develop ourselves into leaders to improve space intelligence in the Air Force. Now, we are helping to lay some of the groundwork for a new branch of the DoD,” said Hightower. “The best part of the transition to the USSF is that the vision is constantly evolving.”

• Two new interns will be added to the program each year. The program itself will continue to evolve based on feedback from graduating participants to improve and formalize intelligence support to space operations needed to ensure the U.S. continued superiority and ability fight and win in a conflict, should it extend to space.


PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. — The new U.S. Space Force Intelligence Intern Program graduated its first cohort on June 23, 2020, preparing them to succeed in future space intelligence leadership roles. The two graduating interns had an opportunity to out-brief the Chief of Space Operations, General John “Jay” Raymond, his senior leadership, and the Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, headquarters U.S. Air Force.

The Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Directorate at Headquarters, USSF (formerly Air Force Space Command) and the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Cyber Effects Operations at Headquarters U.S. Air Force stood up the SIIP in July 2018, after recognizing there was no in-depth training for intelligence professionals to address the rising threats in the space domain.

The SIIP is designed to build a foundational knowledge of space intelligence for its participants. Interns spend two years working alongside and learning from some of the most experienced intelligence personnel in the space community.

The SIIP placed two company grade officers in its inaugural cohort: Capt. Rebecca Bosworth and Capt. Devin Hightower – in the Space Security and Defense Program’s Threat Assessment Division, where they worked on real-world, experiential projects concerning space threats, trends and how they affect U.S. space assets.

For two years, Bosworth and Hightower have been growing their experience as intelligence professionals in the space domain, improving the USSF’s ability to effectively integrate and action ISR data in support of the services mission to protect U.S. and allied interest in space.

“The program itself went from inception to execution in less than five months so there wasn’t much time to create expectations or structure,” said Col. Suzy Streeter, director of ISR at HQ, USSF. “Nonetheless, I had full confidence in their abilities to roll with whatever came their way and they surpassed all expectations. Both were game-changers for space operations and the intelligence community.”



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Just Show Us the Aliens Already

Editorial by Bridget Read                                    July 24, 2020                                   (

You know what? It’s time. We’ve waited long enough. After a slow drip, drip, drip of hints and tidbits of information about the longtime, formerly top-secret government project dedicated to exploring the existence of extraterrestrial life, we deserve some confirmation. Are we alone out here or not? Don’t we have enough to be confused about???

It’s been three months since the Pentagon officially released footage of three sightings of “unidentified aerial phenomena,” previously shared with the world by true believer and former Blink-182 member Tom DeLonge’s company, To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science. At the time, the government said they were releasing these grainy videos to clear up any confusion that they might be fake. They are not fake! They are real, and the government can’t explain them!

Now, retired senator Harry Reid, who seems almost ready to confirm that he believes aliens are real, told the New York Times he “believes” that “crashes of objects of unknown origin may have occurred and that retrieved materials should be studied.” Um, okay! Yes, please can they be studied? According to former members of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force — the government’s exploratory program — now that the program is no longer “in the shadows,” it might actually be making its findings public. One official from the task force apparently told a Defense Department agency in March about the existence of “retrievals” he described as being from “off-world vehicles not made on this earth.” !!

Give. Us. The. Aliens. Show us the pieces of their ships! Let us see! The fact that Donald Trump knows more than I do about whether or not the existence of aliens is close to being confirmed is unconscionable. Can I please just have this one thing?

 Bridget Read




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White House Report Outlines Strategy for Space Exploration and Development

Article by Jeff Foust                                   July 23, 2020                                 (

• On July 23rd, the White House released a new National Space Council report entitled, “A New Era for Deep Space Exploration and Development”, which outlines how various government agencies, as well as international and commercial partners, will play a role in implementing a national space policy to include a return to the Moon and human missions to Mars.

• The report, requested in August 2019 by Vice President Mike Pence as chairman of the National Space Council, builds on an existing ‘SPD 1’ policy directive and a 2018 National Space Strategy which calls for a sustainable return to the Moon and “peace through strength in the space domain.” It’s not just about NASA or Space Force. It’s about an integrated approach to space exploration and development.

• Space exploration strategy will focus on three major functions: a) commercializing low Earth orbit activities; b) creating a permanently occupied Moon base; and c) sending humans to Mars.

• To accomplish this, the report identifies five roles for the government: a) to create a “secure” space environment with space traffic management; b) support commercial activities in space; c) fund the research and development of key space technologies; d) back space-related scientific activities; and e) being a “reliable customer” to the private space industry by investing in space infrastructure.

• The report outlines how existing policies will be implemented by NASA and other government agencies such as the Departments of Commerce, Defense and Transportation. Providing an idea of how the US government should proceed in the development of space should prove useful when forming international partnerships. “This is hopefully a useful communications tool for dialogue with other space agencies, expressing strategic intent,” said one government official.

• A ‘Users’ Advisory Group’ argued for more attention to academia in the strategy, which was later incorporated into the report. NASA feedback led to more discussion about ‘Low Earth Orbit’ commercialization.

• But the report warns against moving ahead too quickly. “Some people argue that humanity is destined to develop space settlements and become a ‘multi-planetary species,’” the report states. But in order to develop space commerce and habitation, we first need to develop both the technical knowledge of the use of space resources as well as economic rationales to sustain such settlements. “At present, we do not yet know if any of these conditions are possible,” the report concludes.


WASHINGTON — A new National Space Council report argues that the exploration and development of space must be an integrated effort that involves not just NASA but other government agencies, as well as international and commercial partners.

The report, “A New Era for Deep Space Exploration and Development,” released July 23 by the White House, is intended to outline how various government agencies will play a role in implementing national space policies, including a human return to the moon and eventual human missions to Mars.

   Vice President Mike Pence

“Although NASA is, and will remain, the primary United States Government entity for civil space exploration efforts, other departments and agencies have increasingly important roles to play in space,” the report states.

The report builds on existing policies, in particular Space Policy Directive (SPD) 1, which called for a sustainable return to the moon led by NASA with various partners, as well as a 2018 National Space Strategy, a broader space policy document that called for “peace through strength in the space domain.”

A senior administration official, speaking on background, said that the new report was intended to emphasize an integrated approach to space exploration and development. “A lot of people weren’t aware of how our approach on space was not just about NASA, not just about Space Force,” the official said. “The point of the report was to build on SPD-1 and also to paint a whole-of-government picture about what we were doing.”

The report describes three major areas of effort in that overall space exploration strategy: commercializing low Earth orbit activities, returning humans to the moon permanently and then sending humans to Mars. Those elements, the report says, also support science and education.

To carry out that strategy, the report identifies five major roles for government: promoting a “secure and predictable” space environment that involves both addressing space traffic management as well as regulatory reforms, supporting commercial activities in space, funding research and development of key space technologies, investing in private space infrastructure by being a “reliable customer” and backing space-related scientific activities.



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