Cloned zombies used for training of covert operatives according to whistleblower

CDC Poster that is part of a "tongue in cheek" Zombie Preparedness Program.
CDC Poster that is part of a “tongue in cheek” Zombie Preparedness Program.

A whistleblower using the pseudonym, Captain Kaye, claims that as part of his training to become a member of an elite Marine Corps unit that he and other “super soldiers” fought against cloned humans infected with a “zombie virus”. He claims that the zombie virus introduces genetic mutations into human physiology that makes individuals incredibly aggressive. He says that the Zombie Virus Protocol is a covert plan designed to release the virus into the public and wipe out between 50-85% of the human population within a five year period. As fantastic as Captain Kaye’s testimony appears, there is a “Zombie Preparedness” program that is being run, allegedly tongue in cheek, by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Captain Kaye also describes an Extraterrestrial Biological Entity (EBE) Manual that he was exposed to during both his super soldier training as a youth, and during his covert military service on a classified spacecraft carrier. The Manual had both medical and political information on up to 54 different types of alien races. Each of the races was given a color to designate how they would behave with humans ranging from friendly interactions to outright hostility. He identified up to ten different friendly extraterrestrial races wanting to assist in humanity’s evolution. Captain Kaye’s testimony is consistent with whistleblowers such as a retired 22 year Army veteran, Clifford Stone, who claims he saw a First Aid Manual for up to 57 extraterrestrial civilizations interacting with humanity.

Captain Kaye is currently seeking documents to corroborate his recollections of 20 years of military service that involved his memories initially being removed, and his earlier 12 years of training as a child supersoldier with the USMC Special Section. He offers his direct testimony as evidence of a break away human civilization that covertly recruits and trains personnel for military services in a variety of off-planet locations.

The fifth instalment in an exclusive series of interviews with Captain Kaye is now available on ExoNews TV. To watch the latest ExoNews TV episode featuring Captin Kaye, watch embedded video above or click here. To listen to the full audio of his latest testimony, click here.

The Emissary: A Book Review

TheEmissaryCoverBy Debbie West

The screenplay format of Patricia Cori’s The Emissary, quickly optioned by Global Entertainment Holdings, is already in development to become a major motion picture. It is a fact-based fictional account of the mass extinction event taking place on planet Earth. In Dan Brown’s eerie Da Vinci Code style, author Patricia Cori takes the reader into a world of unexplained reality and concepts perhaps too real for us to imagine in our busy lives.

In this newly released, spell-binding book, lead character Jamie Hastings is sought out due to her unique psychic and remote viewing skills and brought into a military black ops program, masked as oil exploration on the pretense of preserving whale sanctuaries. When it’s discovered that the real assignment is to search out an advanced civilization beneath the oceans, the mysterious nuances and synchronicities tied to events playing out on the world stage awaken the reader to a disturbing thought. Within our subconscious lingers the notion that we are not alone in this universe and that this fact has been hidden for a very long time.

Author Patricia Cori gives her readers a lot to ponder as she draws them into a new world of possibilities. In fact, can whales communicate, as they do with psychic Jamie Hastings in The Emissary? Our science argues that they do indeed communicate and are of a very high intelligence. On the wake of the most recent Taiji dolphin slaughters, legislation is arguing that dolphins be given the status of “Non-Human Personhood,” and activists like Ric O’Barry are pleading for humanity to get outraged. O’Barry’s award winning documentary, The Cove, produced in 2009 and listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for the most film awards ever recorded, is a daring look into the brutal inhuman treatment of unbelievable cruelty that occurs as dolphin families are separated from their young, causing mothers to abort and forcing the pod to watch as each one is either bludgeoned to death or led to a life in captivity.

Weaving an intriguing tale, Patricia Cori’s The Emissary reveals through her character, Jamie Hastings, how to persevere on a journey to seek truth using inner guidance and trust. Cori’s message of galactic hope and transparency are spelled out in her profound earlier trilogy, The Sirian Revelations, which for the discerning readers explores humanity’s continuing struggle to evolve into a new heart-centered frequency.

But The Emissary is relentless in driving home another main point: the reckless destruction by mankind of Earth’s oceans and all its inhabitants. Mirrored in truth, the story parallels a real life U.S. Navy sonar-testing program, as reported by the New York Times, that includes the annihilation of as estimated 13 million cetaceans – including whales and dolphins.

“These virtually unregulated Navy Warfare Testing Programs already approved are now taking a toll on all aquatic life. The sonar exercises at issue would take place off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, Hawaii, Alaska and in the Gulf of Mexico – affecting literally every coastal state. In many regions, the Navy plans to increase the number of training exercises or expand the areas in which they may occur,” stated Rosalind Peterson, California President and Co-Founder of the Agriculture Defense Coalition, a citizen watch organization that monitors geoengineering and warfare activities.

There again comes a glimpse of reality vs. fiction with memories of other actual news stories by the Huffington Post, The New York Times and CNN, citing countless mysterious reports of beached whales, entire dolphin pods, dead birds, fish and other marine life in unexplained genocide.

Beached Whales in New Zealand

The “Great Noise” described through communication with the whales in The Emissary, is related to sonar testing and to HAARP technology, an actual military program long suspected of being tied to geoengineering. Cori reminds us, through this marvelous fictional story, that our own discernment will lead us to the truth, that the only way to overcome adversity is to face it with courage and conviction and that the light prevails … but not without brave warriors like the novel’s heroine, Jamie Hastings, whose uncanny resemblance to the author does not go unnoticed.

Appealing to society to protest the destruction of our oceans, violence against whales and dolphins and a plea for humanity to wake up has been a tireless and lifelong personal crusade for Patricia Cori. In a previous book, entitled Before We Leave You: Messages from the Great Whales and the Dolphin Beings, she explores Earth’s energetic connection to whales and dolphins, whose sounds provide a vibration field for our Earth and chords of communication waves that raise the entire planet into higher realms of consciousness. Perhaps, as many report, battles in the oceans are more than marine testing programs and military bases like AUTEC (Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center) can lead to a bigger story.

USO’s (underwater submerged objects) have been sighted and recorded in our recent history by military eye witnesses and even by Christopher Columbus in his crossing to the New World as shown in the History Channel Documentary. Traces of an advanced society by Admiral Byrd’s expeditions in Antarctica, along with strange military operations and ancient texts of the Lemurian and Atlanataen cultures, support the existence of a greater interdimensional force on this planet.
As absurd as that might sound, the historical trail of continuous covert corruption by human hands concludes that, as stewards of Earth, we must stay diligent in our pursuit of justice and honor of all life – and sometimes that challenges us to use a knowing eye and a brave heart.

Cori’s real life fight to save our oceans began several years ago with a personal experience with whales and dolphins that shook her to the core: a life changing event that resulted in the formation of the non-profit Save Earth’s Oceans, where all can join together on the quest to save the whales and dolphins and our planet. Save Earths’ Oceans held an extraordinary event in London on April 25th, Singing the Oceans Alive, to raise awareness of the plight of marine life featuring the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and FLASHMOB kids who sang Under the Sea.

What IS under the sea that covers 2/3rds of this planet? Maybe we should listen to the whales and dolphins that have lived there for millions of years. Patricia Cori is.

Summer Courses for Exopolitics Certification Start on May 26, 2014

ExoCertificcate-Logo-300x300[May 10, 2014 – Kalapana, Hawaii] The Exopolitics Institute is pleased to announce that classes begin on May 26, 2014 for a number of educational programs designed for those interested in developing professional qualifications in exopolitics; and/or acquiring analytical tools, research methods and investigative techniques for evidence concerning extraterrestrial life. Our experienced faculty of educators and trainers collectively offer decades of experience in the teaching profession and in researching extraterrestrial life; and offer you the opportunity to apply exopolitics in a number of unique areas.

Classes offered for the Spring 2014 Semester are:

For 2014/2015 schedule visit: click here. Some comments from students completing earlier courses.

  • This course will not only expand your knowledge and awareness of the subject but also provide intellectual and emotional stimulation and challenges that can hone your perspectives and the ability to communicate them clearly and effectively. Karen Kael – Exo-102 – Summer 2013
  • We covered a broad range of topics about the motivations, activities and intentions of various ET groups and our ‘elites’ and humanity’s best response to them in the form of citizen diplomacy; they not only made us realize how much there is to take into consideration to obtain the whole picture and act appropriately, but also had I think a huge psychological/emotional impact on each student. – Nevenka Likar, Slovenia – Exo-102 – Summer 2012
  • As Ben Kenobi said : “ That’s good . You’ve taken your first step into a much larger world “ – Stanley Ho, Hong Kong – Exo-102 – Summer 2012
  • The course as a whole was very interesting. The quantum mechanics part was very useful, as this field has been “Greek” to me so far. The same must be said about RV. I also enjoy the exo 106 YouTube channel – very good movie clips! The course was produced and composed in a way that makes the student see comparative events (connecting the dots), and such methodology served as quite an eye opener to me. – Kai Olsen, Exo-106, Spring, 2011

For more student comments on past courses click here Whether you plan to be or are a journalist, a diplomat, educator, artist, scientist, historian, researcher, lawyer, policy maker, or health, government, religious, or business professional, you will find a suitable way of incorporating evidence concerning extraterrestrial life into your chosen profession. The certification program offers a three-tiered system of courses and seminars that each culminate in an Exopolitics certificate or diploma.

Exopolitics Certificate – Entry level certification provides the core conceptual understanding so you have basic competency in writing about, researching or investigating exopolitical issues.
Exopolitics Diploma – Higher level certification designed for those intending to teach or train others in exopolitics.

These certification programs are competitively priced and provide you the opportunity to learn and practice exopolitics in a way that is suited to your interests and career. With a minimal investment of time and energy, you could soon be on the way to acquiring the skills and training to set you off to a path that will establish you as an exopolitical pioneer in your respective fields.

Explore our certification program then register for the certificate program that will open your path to exopolitical knowledge and training.

Website: click here. Email: Phone: +1 202 470 0140

The Exopolitics Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization based in Kalapana, Hawaii. Website:

Huge cylindrical UFO captured by Mars Curiosity Rover

This image was taken by Navcam: Right B (NAV_RIGHT_B) onboard NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 613 (2014-04-28 04:48:22 UTC). Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
This image was taken by Navcam: Right B (NAV_RIGHT_B) onboard NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 613 (2014-04-28 04:48:22 UTC).
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

The latest images released by Mars Curiosity Rover show what appears to be a very large cylindrical shaped UFO traveling in the Martian night sky. The UFO appears in a sequence of five images over a ten minute period with the time stamp of April 28, 2014. The images ewere uploaded on April 30 by NASA, and immediately aroused the attention of UFO researchers monitoring the Curiosity Rover camera feeds which are regularly released on a website owned by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, located at the California Institute of Technology.

Scott Waring from UFO Sightings Daily today wrote that the images are not a result of time lapse photography and appear to show a huge self-propelled craft traveling in a uniform direction. While he considers the possibility that the images are a result of a small moon or asteroid, the shape suggests otherwise. One cause for concern is that NASA only released thumbnail sized versions of the images rather than the full resolution versions which is customary. This may be because NASA is trying to minimize the significance of the UFO images which may be clear evidence of an intelligently controlled space craft flying over Mars.

The first researcher to identify the cylindrical UFO was Waring who in his May 1 blog post dismissed the idea that the object was due to time lapse:

The shape of the UFO is just as we see it, long cigar shaped. At first a person will assume the exposure (shutter) was open allowing the photo to record for a few seconds, but no. The shutter speed is normal. This object was moving slow, which is proven by the time stamps on the photos on the NASA site. That means since it was moving slowly, the shape we see before us is the correct shape of the object.

One possible explanation is that the object is of one of Mars’ two moons, Phobos or Deimos. They are respectively 22 and 13 kilometers in diameter, and have respective orbits of 9,400 and 23,460 kilometers above Mars. They are thought to be captured asteroids and are irregular in shape. This is significant since as Waring points out, the objects in the Curiosity Rover image is not irregular:

Then again, could this be a moon or micro moon orbiting Mars? Yes, it could be possible, however a moon of this shape would have a high probability of flipping end over end. This object has slow, balanced movement like a ship in water…having the appearance of an object that is self propelled.

The object could also be one of the known terrestrial spacecraft orbiting Mars. Currently both NASA and the European Space Agency have orbiters flying around Mars. The European Space Agency placed the Mars Express in orbit in early 2004, and NASA currently has two orbiters, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (2006) and the Mars Science Laboratory (2011). Yet none of the Mars orbiters are cylindrical in shape or very large. If time lapse photography was not used in generating the NASA JPL images showing cylindrical UFO, then that would rule out any of the Mars orbiters.


What is of great concern is that NASA’s JPL only released thumbnail sized versions of the UFO images. Normally, JPL provides full sized versions, along with thumbnail versions. In the case of the sequence of five images showing the cylindrical UFO, along with a companion image that shows the night sky just after the UFO disappears over the horizon, these are only 192×256 pixels in size. The first of this sequence of six images has the time stamp of 2014-04-28 04:48:22 UTC. The image appearing just before the sequence of six has a timestamp of 2014-04-28 04:47:55 UTC and was released in the full version of 1024×1024 pixels. That means that the Curiosity Rover image taken just 27 seconds before the sequence of UFO pictures, was released in full size, rather than thumbnail size. The full scale image versions have yet to be released and are being studied by NASA. Why? This only fuels speculation that the sequence of five Curiosity Rover images did capture an intelligently guided cylindrical shaped UFO of tremendous size flying over Mars.

© Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading

Extraterrestrial Science through Understanding the “Etherians”?

  Advanced Wave Retarded Wave



What are some of the basics behind the different kinds of ET craft that seem to come in and out of our physical reality frame, to counteract gravity and inertia, to create MACRO QUANTUM effects and so on? All ET may have to behave according to some rules and most seem to be respectful toward us. Perhaps a minimum degree of a more ORGANIC consciousness would be necessary to be allowed to operate on Earth (and inside) whether positively or negatively inclined.  That consciousness would go hand in hand with a science that probably makes use of a realm that transcends and includes what we normally experience as the “Physical Realm.”  


To understand who is positive and primarily in “service to others” or negative or primarily in “service to self” would be innacurate based on the more dichotomous judgment standards we employ along with a common sense and science based on our classical physical experience. We would need to beging to understand retrocausality applicable to the Physical Realm but ultimately stemming (along with regular time-forward causality) from a higher non physical symmetry. However (as a brief comment diverging a little from the main theme of this article) I think that there should be much more recognition of benevolent extraterrestrial groups, similar in typology to Earth humans. By “benevolent” I mean respectful of consious free will choice and not only of subconsious free will. Also respectful of a preparation for contact process.



In spite of the interest in abductions (whether Et or human made) and a sense of reality that only validates an “us vs. them” mentality) these friendlier, conversant, respectful contacts (which have been ridiculed and misunderstood) are also real and would be highly beneficent for humanity helping us to (re) insert ourselves into a vast cosmic community; a vast galactic “family.” Those ETs of similar typology and human demeanor,  character and ‘feel’ may be for us (at this point in our individual-collective awareness) easier to contact as was the case of the 1950’s contacts. However, not all ‘space brothers’ need to be “Nordic” as mindlessly repeated in some places and eventually not all of them need to be human. And -while still benevolent and quite sufficiently human-looking – not all of them need be as easy to relate with psychologically as the kind space ‘friends’ George Adamski met. But that’s another theme. However, don’t miss it:  Carefully check out and check out Steckling video interviews like



Now, regarding the “Ethereans” (Etherean ETs) sometimes referred to in (non classical physics “nuts & bolts” limited UFO literature): This should be clarified to get a more scientific idea of it so that people may not think that space brothers (blond human shaped or not) is not a wishful thinking situation: Thinking about “ethereans” for some years I think that various rates of physical density (degrees of limitation into time forward space time experience) exist as the larger Physical Realm (a realm predominantly organized according to specific space time principles, material causality and its logic) interacts (in corresponding various degrees) with the Subtle Realm (also organized under space and time inclusive principles, another form of material causality and logic). In the Subtle Realm interiors (subjectivities) and exteriors (limiting material correlates to experience) would be causally co-equal and posses another form of substance; a space and time transcending and including “mental substance” (some of its sublevels are called the ‘astral subplanes’).



The nexi or intermediate combinations between the space time exteriorly experientially expressed Physical Realm and the null space time exteriorly expressed Subtle Realm is what we may call or experience as the “physical” etheric planes. They are stable intermediate states that retransmit the vivification of experiential menaing from the Subtle Realm into the Physical. They are actual but only perceived as potential from our ordinary causally time-forward, conscious experience. However, these intermediate “etheric” states transduce the retrocausal aspects (transcended and included under a higher metaphysical symmetry in the Subtle Realm). These retrocausal aspects are needed to materialize physical substance under space time parameters. They are expected under some quantum mechanical solutions that incorporate Einstein’s relativity (like the Klein-Gordon solution to Einstein’s original equation which in itself included physical momentum under a square root that gave a positive time-forward causal result and  time-backward causal solution).



The internal, non-local, holographic universe would originate in a Subtle Realm state prior to an experiential subdivision of time-forward and time-backwards complementary causalities. Also, inasmuch as the time-forward and time-backward physically relevant causalities cancel each other, we experience a partial return to the Subtle Realm state from which physical experience and the Physical Realm stem from.   Both degree of duality experience (and experiential decoding/interpretation (or epistemology) and exterior reality (ontology) co-exist inextricably. Only pure, non-dual “Consciousness” includes them both (and is not limited to subjectivity and epistemology).
The ETs are of the Physical Realm which is subdivided into various “densities” and rates of vibration according to how it stably relates with the Subtle Realm. Many ETs (while still physical and within space time exterior material causal predominance, thus still needing physical technology) originate in less “dense” alternative stable physical sub realms, with less inertia, entropy and other space time dependent physical parameters. The subtler (or more connected with the Subtle Realm) a physical reality is, the more negentropy, syntropy or self-organizing (converging) tendencies are experienced in a conscious manner from what could be today understood as “quantum potential retrocausal influences.”
We may perceive almost as spiritual forms and-or as luminous forms (from our ‘denser’ perspective) some of the less physically dense ETs (beyond what’s been termed “4th density” which still experience 3 Space directions of ‘distance’+ 1 Time rate of experience combining time-forward and time-backward to various degrees for the conscious mind). These can more easily be called “ethereans” (especially from our less etherean perspective) as some early contactees and researchers (Mead Lane comes to mind) did. However, we would also be “ethereans” to a lesser degree that normally limits us experientially to a linear (time-forward related) causality, greater exterior inertia (and less of its opposite “initia”) and so forth.  However, as said, even if the more etheran ETs can make more conscious and psychic use of Subtle Realm causality through a more conscious mental aactualization/manipulation of (normally subsconsciously experienced) retrocausal physical aspects, they are not purely Subtle or discarnate beings.

Startling HD video of UFO up close becomes available

Screen shot of Third Phase of Moon Video released April 19 2014
Screen shot of Third Phase of Moon Video released April 19 2014

Close up video of a UFO shot in HD was today released by Third Phase of Moon, a popular Youtube channel with over 150,000 subscribers. The footage was provided by “Ed,” an anonymous interviewee, who has been providing videos and pictures over the last couple of months to substantiate his experiences of extraterrestrial contact since 1976. In today’s video, the UFO appears up close and is rotating with internal lights shining out of portholes and its undercarriage. The video was taken using a HD camera and is very clear, and appears quite large. Blake Cousins, creator of Third Phase of Moon believes it could be an alien mothership. There is however no contrast with any adjacent terrain making it difficult to accurately estimate its size. The video was released prior to an upcoming interview where Ed would give details about when and how it was taken.

Opinion about the authenticity of the video is divided with some Youtube commentators claiming it is too clear to be real. Ed, however, has provided compelling testimony about his experiences in several interviews with Cousins. So far, there is no reason to doubt Ed’s sincerity suggesting that his UFO footage may be genuine. According to Cousins, more footage of the latest video will shortly be released thereby making possible closer examination. If the video is found to be genuine, it has the potential to be smoking gun proof that we are not alone, and that governments have been lying about extraterrestrial visitation.

© Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Whistleblower reveals serving for 3 years on secret space fleet

3 Earth Defense Force Logo
A new whistleblower has come forward to claim that he spent almost three years serving in a secret Space Fleet run by a multinational organization called the Earth Defense Force. In exclusive testimony released today on ExoNews TV, the whistleblower, who uses the pseudonym, Captain Kaye, said that the Earth Defense Force recruits personnel from the military services of different nations including China, Russia and the U.S. He claims that he was recruited from a covert branch of the U.S. Marine Corps called “Special Section,” after having served previously for 17 years on Mars protecting five human colonies from indigenous Martian life forms.

Captain Kaye’s testimony describes three different types of space fighters and three bombers that he was trained to fly. Training took place on secret moon base called Lunar Operations Command, Saturn’s moon Titan, and in deep space. The space fighters and bombers had different propulsion systems ranging from fission and fusion nuclear energy, an electro-gravitic system, temporal space drive and more traditional thruster systems. He also reveals the existence of at least five large cigar shaped space carriers that are capable of interstellar flight that house the smaller fighters and bombers. He claims he served on one called “EDF SS Nautilus” which was up to ¾ of a mile long.

Captain Kaye claims that there was strict enforcement of non-communications with Earth during one’s military service, and need-to-know requirements for operations outside the solar system. After completing his 20 year tour of duty, he describes a retirement ceremony on Lunar Operations Command that was presided over by VIPs including former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

Parts of Captain Kaye’s testimony is consistent with the claims of other whistleblowers describing a secret space fleet. Most prominent among these is former President Ronald Reagan who alluded to a highly classified space fleet in the June 11, 1985 entry in his diaries where he revealed that “our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people.” A succession of whistleblowers and aeronautical experts have come forward to reveal various details of advanced antigravity technologies that can, in the words of Ben Rich (former Lockheed Skunkworks CEO) “take ET home.” Captain Kaye is currently seeking documents to verify his incredible experiences, and for now offers his testimony as evidence of a break away human civilization that operates a secret space fleet.

To watch the ExoNews TV episode exposing Captain Kaye’s Secret Space Fleet, watch above embedded video or click here.

To listen to the audio of Captain Kaye’s first hand testimony, click here.

Further Reading

New evidence emerges that Monroe planned to reveal JFK saw crashed UFOs

Comparison of Monroe Wiretap document with declassified CIA Information Report
Comparison of Monroe Wiretap document with declassified CIA Information Report. Source: Outpost Forum

New evidence has just been released supporting the authenticity of a leaked CIA document allegedly of wiretaps of Marilyn Monroe and her friends shortly before her suspicious death on August 4, 1962. The wiretap document revealed that Monroe was planning to give a press conference about what President Kennedy had told her of a visit to an undisclosed Air Force facility where he saw the debris of a crashed UFO. The Monroe wiretap document was first leaked in 1992 to a UFO researcher, and was made public in 1994. It has not been confirmed by the CIA to be genuine, and remains open to dispute. The new evidence that was revealed yesterday shows that the leaked document conforms closely to a standard classified Information Report form used by the CIA in 1963. Either someone broke the law by forging or using a standard CIA Information Report form for classified reports at the time of Monroe’s death, or the Monroe wiretap document was indeed a classified report about a wiretap of Monroe and her friends.

This is what the alleged CIA wiretap document, dated August 3, 1962, had to say about Monroe’s knowledge of Kennedy and UFOs:

Rothberg indicated in so many words, that she [Monroe] had secrets to tell, no doubt arising from her trists [sic] with the President and the Attorney General. One such “secret” mentions the visit by the President at a secret air base for the purpose of inspecting things from outer space.
2. Subject repeatedly called the Attorney General and complained about the way she was being ignored by the President and his brother.
3. Subject threatened to hold a press conference and would tell all.

The discoverer of the CIA intelligence report is Lee Nicholson from the Outpost Forum. In his April 14 forum post he described what he found after visiting the CIA’s electronic reading room:

During the process of researching this article I spent several hours at the CIA’s electronic reading room looking at documents from the 1960s, in an attempt to find examples of similar typeface to that seen in our questioned document …. I discovered a CIA Information Report dated 18th March, 1963 with the subject heading: “Projected Soviet Space Launchings” which was declassified on the 16th of July 2011. This authentic CIA information report is an almost perfect match in style and presentation for the leaked ‘Marilyn document’.

Nicholson went on to describe new facts emerging from a comparison between the declassified CIA document and the Monroe wiretap document:

In fact a close comparison gleans some important new facts. Firstly, we can now see that both documents use the exact same form letter or template information report. Presumably the author would have a stack of these ‘blank’ forms which would be placed into a typewriter to add the relevant information before classification and distribution. We can also see that both documents contain the same secondary typeface, which is in fact Courier type commonly used on IBM typewriters in the 1960s.

Nicholson then described a series of parallels between the declassified 1963 Information Report and the leaked Monroe wiretap document. His conclusion was that they closely matched suggesting that the Monroe document is genuine.

The implications of the Monroe wiretap document being genuine are astounding. It reveals that only one day before her death, Monroe was planning a press conference that would reveal what President Kennedy had confidentially told her about UFOs. The fact that the CIA was monitoring her and wiretapping her phone calls, directly implicates the CIA in her suspicious death and the cover-up of information concerning UFOs.

© Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Does Curiosity Rover photo reveal buildings on Mars?

Zoom of NASA Curiosity Rover photo showing apparent buildings on Mars. Source: NASA JPL
Zoom of NASA Curiosity Rover photo showing apparent buildings on Mars. Source: NASA JPL

NASA’s Curiosity Rover has again transmitted intriguing pictures from the surface of Mars. On April 9, a photo was discovered that appears to show a set of buildings on top of a hill. On Earth, such building locations typically indicate strategic planning to give optimal views of the countryside to protect the inhabitants from attack. Did the Curiosity Rover photograph buildings on Mars that make up a base of unknown origin? If so, the buildings appear to have been constructed for strategic purposes in a Martian terrain that is hospitable to surface life contrary to what NASA has informed the public about Mars atmosphere.

The photo was uploaded in a YouTube video by an anonymous user, Streetcap1. The source for the photo is NASA’s JPL website. It would be a simple matter for the Curiosity Rover to travel to investigate the strange structures. Yet this is very unlikely according to UFO Sightings Scott Waring who wrote in a blog post today:

This discovery was made by Streetcap1 of Youtube. He found some structures on a hill in one of the Mars Curiosity rover photos. Look at the above photo and pay special attention to the white shiny walls on top of the hill. The walls are white on one side due to reflection and dark shadowy on the other side due to the suns angle. Is NASA trying to move the rover away from these obstacles to prevent the public from learning about life on Mars? SCW

According to NASA, Mars atmosphere is 95% carbon dioxide with only a trace amount of oxygen 0.13% – not enough to sustain life on Mars. Yet a series of Curiosity Rover photos have shown what appear to be small animals such as squirrels, lizards and ducks on Mars. If the Rover images do show such animals surviving on the Martian surface, then Waring is correct that NASA is actively preventing “the public from learning about life on Mars.”

The latest Curiosity Rover photo follows another released on April 3 that appeared to show an artificial light on the Mars surface. Media interest grew quickly forcing NASA scientists to publicly explain it. NASA’s explanation of a “vent-hole light leak” or a “glinty rock” was widely ridiculed.

On April 8, testimony was released by a whistleblower who alleges that a military base exists on Mars with the goal of protecting five human colonies from indigenous Martian life. He claims to have served on the military base for 17 years. Fantastic as such claims seem given what is officially known about Mars atmosphere, the latest Curiosity Rover photo showing what appear to be buildings, does make claims of secret military and civilian bases on Mars plausible. Further Curiosity Rover images showing small animal life forms along with strange lights on the Martian surface serve as further evidence of life existing on Mars surface, and of NASA actively covering this up.

© Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Whistleblower claims he served 17 years at secret Mars military base

1 Title-page-image-650A new whistleblower has come forward to claim that he spent 17 years on Mars serving at a secret military base whose main mission was to protect five civilian space colonies. In exclusive testimony released today on ExoNews TV, the whistleblower, who uses the pseudonym, Captain Kaye, said that the Mars Defense Force recruits personnel from different military services. He claims that he was recruited from a covert branch of the U.S. Marine Corps called “Special Section.”

Captain Kaye’s testimony reveals that the main human colony on Mars is called Aries Prime which is located inside a crater. Aries Prime serves as the headquarters for the Mars Colony Corporation. According to Captain Kaye, the air is breathable on the surface of Mars, and the temperature could be warm at times.

He claims that there are two indigenous species on Mars, both of which are highly intelligent. One of these was a Reptilian species that was very aggressive in defending its territory. The other was an Insectoid species that was equally capable of protecting its territory. He said that indigenous Martians are not particularly interested in expanding their territory, only maintaining it. Captain Kaye said that as long as the Mars Defense Force and Mars Colony Corporation did not encroach on the territory of the indigenous Martians, there would be stable relations.

After serving 17 years of a 20 year tour of duty, events changed dramatically when virtually all combat personnel from the Mars Defense force were asked to retrieve an extraterrestrial artifact from a cave sacred to the indigenous Reptilians. Captain Kaye described how over 1000 men and women were killed in a subsequent battle and only 28 of his colleagues, including himself, survived.

Captain Kaye is currently seeking documents to verify his incredible experiences, and for now offers his testimony as evidence of a break away human civilization based on Mars. Parts of his testimony is consistent with the claims of other whistleblowers who have previously come forward to reveal secret events on Mars. Michael Relfe, for example, claims that he also was recruited for a 20 year tour of duty that involved covert operations on Mars. Also, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, the great granddaughter of President Eisenhower, claims that covert efforts were made to recruit her to join a colony on Mars that was headed by famed physicist, Dr Hal Puthoff. Finally, Captain Kaye’s claims that Mars has a breathable atmosphere is supported by a number of NASA images revealing small animals on the surface.

To watch the ExoNews TV episode exposing Captain Kaye’s Mars experience, click here.

To listen to the audio of Captain Kaye’s first hand testimony, click here.

A New Stage of Contacts Predicted: Interview with Luis Fernando Mostajo from Bolivia

Luis Fernando 2014-03-29.Movie_SnapshotGiorgio Piacenza Interview to Luis Fernando Mostajo Maertens (7 April, 2014)

GP: OK Let’s start. What were the circumstances of the March 29, 2014 sighting? (see link to video attached).

LFM: Well, really only Anita and I went to a place called Janko Amaya which is almost at the base of Mount Illimani. Then, we went there because I was commemorating 36-37 years of my first contact here in Bolivia.

GP: Oh OK.

LFM: On March 23rd of 1978, after having my contact experiences in Perú, I had my first programmed contact experience here in Bolivia with 7 persons after a communication. So, I had received from the (ET) guides the message that they invited us to an experience of approximations though which they could also express their continuous support in this new stage that has begun according to some.   So Anita and I decided to go and travelled to a place about one hour away from La Paz to a mountain range where in 2012 I had a contact experience with the ET guide Amani. At 7.30 PM to almost 20 minutes to 8 PM, a space craft showed when we already where at the site and which simply sent beams of light, like intermittently. And the object could not be seen. It simply lit up its fuselage and turned it off. And it was interacting for about 15 to 20 minutes with Anita and I until Anita tells them out loud “OK OK OK, it’s time for you to show up more definitely! We want to see you from much closer!”

GP: Her Italian character came through (Anita is Italian)!

LFM: It is interesting but I (telepathically) received that we were going to have a second approach experience, not only, in that place but also at the Mount Sajama during the New Moon in April. So, I received that message but asking a confirmation for what I was then telepathically receiving since they were present at that moment.   Then that object that was sending us beams of light intermittently lit up and began travelling slowly, while still producing those light exchanges and then is was lost from sight. But seconds later after that object disappears another object that was stationed next to us lits up its fuselage at low altitude and begins to move slowly toward us, so Anita and I began to see it enraptured and, when it was almost directly above us and, upon observing that its light intensity did not diminish, I took my cell phone which was handy and began recording it. However, before that the object had moved for another 40 seconds approximately. Then, at that moment I am able to….   Em…you know that the recorder doesn’t really show how we witness things. The object was in fact lower than what it seems.

GP: Yes, I understand. It appears farther than what it is.

LFM: That’s correct. And it was a telephone camera, one of those Samsung Galaxy III. So, in fact, all of what it could register is there on the video.


LFM: So, the fact is that this sighting is a confirmation, a support which they provide to us at any rate and taking place after 37 years of a sustained contact, telling us that the experience continues. But the most important thing is that a new stage for their approach has begun; something which they had already told me in August of 2012…Do you remember a sort of sighting at Lake Titicaca?

GP: Yes.

LFM: There they had already anticipated me about a new stage of approach and of closer experiences.

GP: We are speaking about the submarine object inside Lake Titicaca.

LFM: Exactly! They had already told me that there would be closer experiences.

GP: To me it seems that it is not a school of fish because these assemble and disssemble in movement and this is different (compact, staying in one piece).

LFM: Off course and I’m an on-site witness that…look after 37-38 years of being in this contact experience, I had never seen anything like that at  Lake Titicaca as what we saw with that group from Italy in August. What we experienced is evident. And there they also told me that the experiences would be closer and it is true. In this new stage and with this contact and approach experience which I had with Anita that message was ratified. They are as never before committed to assist us, to support us and, although the responsibility is ours, they are on a par, by our side.

GP: How good.

LFM: And we are not going to have ordinary UFO sighting experiences as they have occurred on the previous decades in general with the (contact) groups…distant experiences. On the contrary, they are going to be very close approximations and contact experiences.

GP: Yes, how good. I would love to have a contact experience. I have always felt them as being my family and friends and have never been afraid of them, but on this life time I have never had a contact.

LFM: Ha Ha! You are going to have it.  Sure you will.  But you have been there (referring to the programmed sighting with invited reporters in Chilca with Sixto Paz in March 30-31, 2014) and, from what I have read, it has been quite interesting, right?

GP: Yes, thanks God.

LFM: Clear but not extremely so.

GP: Well, that depends on who has seen them. They were not extremely close, or like the best videos in You Tube, or perhaps not as close as your recent recording but, yes, there were several events day and night. They were not satellites, drones, airplanes, meteorites, although meteorites were also seen. And the March31st event was much clearer than the others. It had like an orange color and was a medium size sighting. It may have been 3KM away or so, appearing from West to East slightly low, over the Chilca desert toward the sea and from there began to fly toward us, flying over the camp site at that altitude and then disappeared above a hill behind us, a hill which commemorates the contact group’s 40th anniversary, disappeared after slightly changing course.

LFM: And could you film it?

GP: Well yes a little because Telemundo Network went there with Marco Barraza and they did film it. I will send you their report which is good, quite good. And I took some gadgets but couldn’t really film much. I took a picture and something comes up in it. Another person took another picture. They all look similar. It was visibly orange, a bit ovoid shape, a bit like a globular ovoid.

LFM: Well, you could record it. Having a good camera is another important thing.

GP: Yes, I’m getting another camcorder for another possibility there might be in the future.

Strange light appears on Mars: evidence of an underground base?

Light on Mars-650pxA photograph just released from the Mars Curiosity Rover reveals a strange nearby light that appears artificial. The image was part of a batch just uploaded from the Mars Curiosity Rover that were originally recorded on April 3, 2014 by the Right Navigation Camera. The image with the time stamp of 10:00:34 UTC shows an unusual light on the Martian surface only a mile or so away. The light does not appear to be related to the sun or any natural atmospheric phenomenon such as dust storms that have been known to produce lightning on Mars. The light is too distant to clearly identify but appears to be coming from underground suggesting an artificial light source located beneath the Martian surface.

The Curiosity Rover image was uploaded by NASA on April 3, 2014, and was seen by Youtube user Streetcap who posted a video today revealing the strange Martian light.There is no nearby atmospheric activity such as a dust storm that the image or other images in the same batch from the Curiosity Rover reveal. Dust storms can produce lightning as was observed in imagery taken by the Mars Orbiter Camera in June 2006 that was the first confirmation of lightning on Mars.

Another possible explanation is underground lightning which happens on Earth due to the rotation of molten metal beneath the Earth’s crust which creates rotating electric fields vital for creating a powerful magnetosphere. Mars, however, has no inner crustal dynamo comparable to Earth, and its magnetosphere is a fraction of Earth’s. It is therefore unlikely that underground lightning is a naturally occurring phenomenon on Mars. The light emission in the Curiosity Rover image is not likely a result of underground lightning.

Another explanation may be lensflare which is caused by a light source just outside of the image field being captured on camera. The most common source of lensflare is the setting or rising sun. However the light in the Curiosity Mars Rover does not appear to be a lensfIare caused by the sun given the lack of shadows in the nearby terrain. If the light source was from the Curiosity itself, then that would have been observed in the Mars images.

If both dust storm and underground lightning is ruled out, together with lens flare, then it raises the possibility that the light is an emission from some artificial underground source. Consequently, the light anomaly recorded by the Curiosity Rover may be evidence of an underground base on Mars.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

ExoNews TV: Super Soldiers & Operation Moon Shadow

1 Title-page-iPart-1-mageThe ExoNews TV episode released today is the first in a five part series about the explosive testimony of Captain K an anonymous whistleblower, who claims he served as a member of an elite Marine Corps unit that provides personnel for a secret military bases on the Moon, Mars and other parts of the solar system. He describes a break away human civilization that operates in outer space. Captain K agreed to give over five hours of video testimony of his experiences which have been recorded via Skype, and will first be released as audio files.

In part one of this series, we learn about Captain Kaye’s background where he began having strange experiences with extraterrestrials as far back in his childhood as he could recall. He believes that external intervention in his life, whether by aliens or U.S. military, went as far back as the time of his conception where his DNA was altered.

At five years of age, Captain Kaye was recruited into a covert US Marine Corps training program for super soldiers called Operation Moon Shadow. 300 children, both males and females, were involved in Operation Moon Shadow. Training took place at Marine Corps facilities. He was trained to develop his strength, agility and strategic thinking that would be needed later in his military service for off world missions. He recalled that at age 13, training shifted to include live weapons and working with adult special forces personnel who were both puzzled and impressed by the adolescents they were training with.

To learn more watch the ExoNews TV episode, see video above or click here.

To listen to the full audio of Part 1 of the Captain K testimony, see video above or click here.

Programmed Sighting at Chilca Desert March 30-31 2014

fotograma video ovni chilca 31 marzo 640-645 PM Canon Power Shot SX20is Marco Barraza telemundoChilca OVNI March 30 2014 Gino d'AngeloTop image : Night time Fotogram  by Gino D’angelo. Marco Barraza reporter/researcher & a Telemundo Network cameraman were present. They may have filmed more with a better video camera. More images or film should be upcoming. March 31st 6.40-6.45PM Canon Power Shot SX20is Underneath image: March 30 2014 day time photo by Gino D’Angelo also in Chilca during programmed sighting

Imagen2 (1) Rahma
Possible ET spacecraft at a previous Mission Rahma gathering.

A message corroborated by a daylight sighting was received for inviting the press for the 9th occasion to a “programmed sighting.” This particular programmed sighting (after a telepathically received transmission) was telepathically received by Sixto Paz Wells and it included the participation of some simple and (otherwise normal) key persons from “Mission Rahma” in Perú. I think that it was basically a success. It was not a dramatic or “jaw dropping” series of sightings or a landing of craft with a boarding but it was, nonetheless, successful. There were anomalous objects during the expected dates and at the place expected as the message said. Some reporters invited declined to attend but one of them came (Marco Barraza acting on behalf of Telemundo Network for the TV program “Caso Cerrado”). Marco is also a member of our civilian committee assisting the Peruvian AF in its newly opened office (DIFAA).

On March 30, at 7.40PM approximately there was one ‘OK’ anomalous-suggestive sighting (short lasting for a few seconds unique enough to suggest an ET craft). It was unique enough but nothing extraordinary. It may have been some 10 miles away, displaying with a yellowish color and it appeared to zigzag a little. It was a bit too short in duration and too distant. On this occasion the telepathic message received had not specified an exact hour or period of time as it had happened before on previous years. However, after that brief sighting event of March 30th there were others, more mostly taking place the following day.

During the camping event seeking contact verification we meditated, prayed and dedicated ourselves to many guided and intentional spiritual visualization efforts and activities requesting spiritual assistance not from ETs but from divinity (mostly God the Father & master Jesus Christ in our cultural milieu). After deciding to telepathically ask once again what would happen (very little seemed to be happening until then) our friend Sampiac, an ET human from a friendly civilization somehow located in Venus (likely under a different advanced inter-reality physics) communicated and said that they were in the area where we were and said to be attentive during day time. During daytime some minor UFO photos were taken after that. It is not ‘channeling’ with the unrealistic, grandiloquent expectations in the typical U.S. “New Age” sense. It is a method connected to verifiable collective experiences. I hope there is a cultural opening to what genuine and serious Hispanic & Latin American contactees can offer to the world.

Marcahuasi ET OIGA 16 de agosto 82'
Photograph of an Extraterrestrial Person/Extraterrestrial ‘Guide’/Friend in Perú

Then, the following day (March 31st),  there was a second and quite definitive sighting (semi “jaw dropping”) of an illuminated object lasting for 5 minutes slowly flying above closer and distinctively from West to East over the campsite in the desert of Chilca. We were 22 witnesses at the campsite and all of us saw it clearly. It also had a yellowish color. It was perhaps materially located above us at 1-3 miles in altitude and – for certain –  it wasn’t the Space Station, a drone, a meteorite, airplane, Chinese lantern or satellite. I still don’t know  if it was detected by AF radars. It happened yesterday, on March 31, 2014 according to my watch between 6.45.PM-6.50.PM. I tried to film it and perhaps did a little but failed because of choosing the wrong camcorder. Others filmed it and I should be getting one of those versions soon. I did take some photos. Only Marco and I were there – in a way – as reps of the Peruvian AF as civilian advisors.

Testigos Enero 87
Sixto (in the center) and friends from Mission Rahma 1987

There also were some semi good pictures taken. One by another contactee in daytime: disc shaped but not jaw dropping. A bit blurry, disc shaped object…metallic appearing. It will be better analyzed on computer later on. I’ll get the picture soon. Sixto also photographed a smaller manifestation dot like sphere. Not dramatic. Also, besides satellites seen and confused as space craft by less informed people at night some of us saw an ‘anomalous’ pulsating white light and others (including my wife saw a rather strange light descending too fast behind the mountain ridges some distance away from the campsite.

While it was not a fantastic landing event to shout to the four winds, I think it was an important corroboration and an appropriate beginning for a new stage of mutually respectful, easygoing, peaceful and natural interactions with benevolent, human ET friends waiting to interact with us in more intelligent and collective ways that what has taken place until now; this in a harmonic relationship and with a diversity of allies. The moderate but corroborated sightings and mental interactions after the telepathic appointment indicate to me that there also exists a gradual, reasonable, non-intrusive approach, good so as not to stir those people who while “in the know” harbor fears and suspicions attempting once again to block what may be going on- My opinion is that the ETs in general (and – more poignantly – those contacting through Mission Rahma) are respectful of our average collective mindset, of our human leadership and our human institutions trying to show restraint out of respect, but they know that humanity as a whole needs to know this reality and to make wise choices without being continuously caught in the fear of ignorance.

Success depends on our less divisive and dismissing attitudes, on greater openness but with objective criteria, greater humbleness, knowing that friendship and good will are possible; inviting them while respecting the meditation and consciousness preparation processes used in esoteric, “shamanic” and mystical ways. I think that most of “Them” don’t want to traumatize or to force their presence upon us. We should NOT just jump into judging them as “potential enemies” as traditional political relations (and political theories) have normally been. Maybe not even those genuine cases of typical abductions should be understood as such under simplistic terms. The rules of engagement coordinating different ET groups may be more sophisticated than what we normally proyect unto them.

The situation has a complexity that needs to be treated differently under an enhanced, less divisive, less simplistic approach. However, the tendency in the U.S. and elsewhere is to focus so much on the negative, the gory; on secrecy, manipulations, abductions, cover-ups, abuse of technology and so forth that (from the beginning of the “Modern UFO Era” in the 40’s & 1950’s some of the genuine contactee cases were – sadly and in detriment to human understanding- dismissed as crackpot cases (specially by some nuts & bolts Ufologists, academics and other “scientifically-minded” cultural leaders following modern-rational institutions). Officialdom and accredited institutions did not give the genuine contactees a proper, respectful chance to verify that what they said was true. The giggle factor prevailed backing up the official, orthodox view. That was unfortunate; against improving our collective understanding of an important aspect of what is really going on and credibility must be regained about respectful physical contacts with respectful extraterrestrial beings. Whether really necessary to wrap it up in secrecy and denial, it was a time in which protecting people’s innocence from disruptive news was taken seriously; a time in which understanding the technology involved was considered crucial to gain military advantage, especially soon after the Second World War in the midst of the “Cold War” and so forth.

Very good news: I learned that Sixto Paz was recently invited by two current congressmen (I think they may be Robert Menendez & Rep. Pascrell) to give presentations or to inform them (don’t know where) in NY, NJ,DC and after 25 years since the 1989 “programmed sighting” in Chilca (with several national and international reporters) after which when he was invited by two US Hispanic TV networks Telemundo and Univision to report on the events, he was stopped at the Miami Intn’l Airport and deported back to Lima. The events back in 89’ were a bit more dramatic and were witnessed and filmed by more reporters than the ones we witnessed yesterday and the day before yesterday. Now Sixto has been granted a VISA once again. It’s important for exopolitics. It’s important for all of us if we care for knowledge, truth, freedom of choice and positive cultural options in relation to our better future with extraterrestrial matters. What will take for the cultural elite and even many ufologists to at least open up to the possibility?

It is not a “civilization crisis” that has to ensue. From my assessment with Mission Rahma it is simpler and more natural than what many may think. Kindness, openness, humbleness and good will with serious effort and group coherence with the use of some basic techniques can be a path to real contact. We can indeed make contact and connect with many of these respectful, conversant civilizations on a definite but gradual basis, feeling at ease and neither treating them as “aliens” or us being treated as “specimens.” And it is real, although it may take time to realize that…to open up our eyes and cease thinking that it must be a fantasy, delusion or mistake. I think our focus should not basically be on technology but on the development of consciousness, values and (why not?) a more integral, less dichotomous spirituality. Feeling, idealism and effort with care and balance seem to be the key to success for these peaceful contacts rather than intellectual prowess (even if a good dose of objective and critical thinking should always be present).

Moreover, if there are some other types of beings unlike those more respectful ones known in Mission Rahma we may learn to understand them without considering them either as “enemies” or necessarily allowing them to use us as “specimens.” We can also come to understand how ETs in general operate and “travel” in space-modifying ways (not “through” space), even if most current academicians avoid dealing with the subject because it doesn’t make sense to them according to their current theories.

In general these friendlier, communicative ETs which have been the focus of attention within Mission Rahma may also be more “mental” and less emotional than us (although not like many of the so called “grays”) but they also transmit kindness and tranquility in peace and harmony and act accordingly. It’s been 40 years of such interactions which include preparations for different levels of contact and the reproduction of the contact experience in different countries and with different contactees; basically not a follow-the-leader cult. Many messages and contacts have been collectively verified. The next stage in “ufology” (to really find out what is going on) may be more interactive, as the work by astronaut Mitchell from , Dr. Joseph Burkess from , Dr. Steven Greer’s CSETI  and Dr. Michael E. Salla’s efforts also show.

An important point is to definitely establish that this is really happening and IS GOOD for Earth civilization(s) to grow up seeing themselves/ourselves as participants in a vast community of intelligence composed of larger wholes that may precede us in linear time but which have maintained a continuous involvement with our species since the beginning; growing up by taking in new perspectives that may lead us to assume a more integral responsibility and a more inclusive ethical approach.  No major social disruption is obligatory as a Brooking Institute report once suggested for NASA. Social cultural changes would be self-determined and gradual; increasing conscious interaction with extraterrestrial civilizations, understanding a more complete physics, cosmology, metaphysics and epistemology that instead of debasing our religions may render them more brilliant, inclusive, enhanced, tolerant, resilient, adaptive and non fear-based. We need to recognize that ET reality which sort of tangentially (until we become more aware and responsible as a species) interacts with our physical Earth system. I think that the contact is becoming less of a taboo and more obvious. We need that reference frame in order to develop into a more coherent/self-determining planetary society, better integrated while maintaining our healthiest regional/national differences.

It is convenient for the U.S. and the world to find out who are our friends and which ET varieties are more respectful of our conscious choice and doing it by going beyond an “us vs. them” attitude or unendingly reproducing a of lack of trust, focused on real or contrived abduction stories, and militarization, secrecy and a fear that sells with a quest for technology and manipulation as the only conduit for making sense of the ET reality. We should not blindly move against the ETs, particularly against those that may be more respectfully protective of us while trying not to create dependencies or unnecessary fear-based rejection. We may also gain respect from other ET varieties by consciously choosing with knowledge and certainty how to interact more as equals. Citizen diplomacy continues being a reality and it might be on the rise while (even in the absence of formal institutional recognition) each person or small group interaction should affect humanity through a form of non-local, quantum-related, information-based, holographic-type of connection. Nevertheless, a sufficiently clear, truthful official disclosure would probably be as important as contact events springing up worldwide.

I will try to post some current pictures and-or video of the March 30-31, 2014 event as soon as I get them. The pictures posted thus far are from previous efforts and gatherings. The following is a You Tube post from a March 30-31, 2009 event after a previous telepathic appointment.  Telemundo Network Marco Barraza reports

Next is a link to my 1st photo taken with Sony SELP 1650 Lens: 3.5-5.6 16-50mm. Date: Marzo 31, 2014.

Place “Quebrada de Chilca, Perú” (Chilca Gully, Perú). Time: 6.40PM. Seconds after sighting I turned the camera on and took this picture with its  “Superior Auto” mode as the object began to approach toward the group while seemingly maintaining its altitude.

The object was basically orange and appeared due West at an approximate angole of 45 degrees over the horizon. it seeemd to be at 3 KM altitude approximately. It looked larger at plain sight. The object approached the campsite (toward the east) and passsed almost above us turning a little bit above the hil that conememorates Mission Rahma’s (contact group) 40th anniversary and suddenly could not be seen anymore. We were 22 witnesses at the campsite. According to my watch the sighting lasted 5 minutes and clonclued at 6.45 PM. The object apparently reacted by lighting up to our verbal expressions like “Thank you brothers. You are welcome.”

Upon enlarging the image we can see some detail. Like a filament of orange plasma or light coming down from its right side and perhaps some (blurry) structure inisde the main ovoid shape.


In service,

Giorgio Piacenza

The Ring Miners of Saturn


Angela Thompson Smith, Ph. D.

Mindwise Consulting



In 1994 I was commissioned by a remote viewing applications group in California: Intuition Services. The project involved a “stream of consciousness” method called Extended Remote Viewing (ERV), to remote view an off-planet target: the Rings of Saturn. RV is most often carried out “blind” with no up-front information to the viewer, especially in training and research situations. In some operational cases, when unknown information is sought, the viewer receives minimal frontloading, this is termed being “legally blind” to the target.

In 2004, NASA’s Cassini Probe reached Saturn and sent pictures and data back to Earth. This data was documented in 2005 by a science magazine Science News that provided feedback on the initial 1994 remote viewing of the planet.

Then, on March 18th, 2014, selected NASA/JPL Cassini images were collated by Streetcap1* on YouTube  to show anomalies within the Rings of Saturn. This new data further confirmed my initial viewing: 20 years later!  In remote viewing, until a project receives feedback, it is deemed speculative, especially if it has a “high strangeness” factor.




The International Remote Viewing Association (IRVA), in an effort to standardize the term remote viewing, defined it as:  “….a parapsychological technique whereby a person can describe people, places, or events that are perceived mentally but are separated from the viewer by distance, shielding, and even time.”  Basically, remote viewing is the trained ability to mentally describe distant locations and events using something other than the known five senses. Remote viewing has a 40 year history of research, development, and applications and now has training schools, researchers, and practitioners around the world.

There was an important precedent to the rings of Saturn viewing: in 1973, Ingo Swann (the originator of the term remote viewing) completed a remote viewing of Jupiter noting many unique features, including a ring that was only discovered decades later**.

Cassini Probe: 2004

In November, 2005, the science magazine Science News *** published an article entitled”Groovy Science: Cassini gets the skinny on Saturn’s rings” that provided feedback for the Intuition Services rings of Saturn project. On July 1, 2004, the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft performed the SOI (Saturn Orbit Insertion) maneuver and entered into orbit around Saturn. The primary mission was slated to end in 2008, when the spacecraft had completed 74 orbits around the planet. Ron Cowen, a Science News writer, wrote, “Now, [2005] the Cassini spacecraft, which entered orbit around Saturn last year, has completed the most thorough examination ever of the rings. . . . Until last May, the craft has spent most of its time orbiting Saturn’s equator. That orientation is great for close-up studies of the planet’s moons, but provided only an obscured, edge view of the intricate ring system. Then, Cassini got a ringside seat. Just as scientists had planned, the craft rose out of the equatorialplane and for the next 5 months viewed the rings from above and below the planet’s equator. From those perches, it has studied the full breadth of the rings in unprecedented detail.”

Cassini scientist Joshua Colwell of the University of Colorado has said that, “It’s amazing to me that something as prominent in the solar system as the rings, still has so many fundamental unanswered questions.”

The following section documents the original Intuition Services tasking questions (Q), my responses (A), and corroborating data (Feedback) from Science News and the Cassini footage.

The Saturn Data

After two unsuccessful attempts to approach Saturn through the rings, I approached the planet from a vantage point a few thousand miles above its “north pole”, and viewed the rings as a flat circular area.

Science News Feedback: The Cassini craft also took up this orientation when it first arrived at Saturn in order to view the rings.

From this vantage point I was able to view the various elements of Saturn, its rings, and planets.

Q:  Are there natural phenomena that would account for bright luminous light sources in the rings, or in the vicinity of Saturn?

A: There are some very bright “hot rocks” circulating in the outer rings that have been attracted by the intense gravitational pull of Saturn. These rocks are both thermally and atomically “hot”. They circulate in the outer rings for varying periods of time while their constituent elements are broken down and distributed according to their degree of breakdown, between the rings.

Science News Feedback: “Cassini has identified a new moon in the outer rings of Saturn, provisionally named S/2005 SI; the tiny, newfound moon has a diameter of about 7 km and reflects about half the sunlight that falls on it, similar to the brightness of the neighboring ring particles. Some of Saturn’s moons are particularly effective in sculpting the rings….

Science News Feedback: “The whole (F ring) region is probably just a chaotic bumper car zone of moonlets that are getting scattered, suggests Jeff Cuzzi of NASA’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California.”

A:  Also in the outer rings are unmanned anomalous craft. Within the inner rings are vehicles that have been captured by the gravitational field and are in various stages of disintegration.

Cassini Footage Feedback: In Streetcap1’s 2014 YouTube compilation of images from the Cassini footage, appear several elongated, tubular and other anomalous shapes that are both static and moving.

Q: Are there rings that are incomplete? If so, how did the missing ring segment disappear?

A: The main factor that describes Saturn is “cyclic”. Due to its intense electromagnetic pull, space debris is constantly, but erratically, attracted to the planet. This debris initially rotates in the outer rings and undergoes a process of degradation, and then the various elements are distributed among the rings according to degree of molecular “weight”. Much like a gas spectrometer that distributes elements in a banded strip. Except in the case of Saturn the strip becomes circular. Because of the random and irregular nature of the space debris that is pulled into the gravitational field, the rings fluctuate in their completeness and cycle from open to closed along both their length and width – the rings are not uniform in their density. This cyclic nature of the rings is dictated solely by the nature and amount of debris that enters the gravitational field.

Science News Feedback: Carl D. Murray and his collaborators at Queen Mary University in London have performed simulations that suggest that “Saturn’s moon Prometheus approaches and recedes from the F ring every 14.7 hours,” confirming the cyclic nature. The team’s simulations indicate that each time that the moon begins receding, it pulls out strands of particles from the narrow, twisted ring. One orbit later, … Saturn’s tug distends the region from which the strands were stolen, creating the channels seen in the Cassini images.”

Q: Describe the nature and origin of the planet Saturn? How will the planet evolve and eventually die?

A:  Saturn evolved from a collection of electrically charged rocks that became attracted to each other and formed a nucleus. Gradually, as the mass became more magnetically powerful, it attracted an increasingly greater number of similar elements. These initial, charged rocks may have come from an earlier Saturn-like planet that became too “over-charged” and disintegrated. This may possibly be the future fate of the planet we now know as Saturn. We tend to think of Saturn as static but it has a decidedly cyclic and dynamic nature.

Science News Feedback. “‘There’s an enormous time variability in the rings. New clumps of material have appeared in rings since July 2004, when Cassini began orbiting the system. Rubble-pile moonlets—small, loosely bound collections of icy particles—appear to be continually assembling and breaking apart in the rings.” Also “Astronomers have proposed that the rings formed when an icy Saturnian moon got smashed to bits by a meteoroid or when a comet or moon that came too close to its parent planet was torn apart by gravitational stresses.”

Q: Describe and sketch the number, size and orientation of unusual anomalies in the rings of Saturn and how long have these anomalies been there and what is their main mission or goal?

A: Active within the outer rings of Saturn, and inactive within its innermost rings, are numerous, immense metallic, tube-like unmanned craft that are basically mining vehicles. They are hollow internally and space debris flows constantly through the interior. This debris passes through many sheet-like fields which act as transparent membranes which sort the various elements before they are attracted and degraded by an internal collection and storage ring, which is off-loaded periodically. These mining craft are silent and non-mechanical. They are powered by a very small amount of the elements they collect and the overall yield of these mining operations is a tiny fraction of the incoming collection and does not contribute significantly to the cyclic density of the rings. These craft have been here for at least the last hundred years and possibly long before that. It is difficult to date the craft. Occasionally, a large “hot rock” will enter the mining craft and destabilize its function. The inactive craft within the inner rings are mostly casualties of this accidental process and are basically left to disintegrate to their constituent elements.

Cassini Footage Feedback: As previously mentioned, Cassini captured images of large, cylindrical objects, and other anomalous objects, stationary within the outer rings as well as other cylindrical objects moving out of the rings of Saturn.

Q:  Why have they chosen Saturn and have they explored other planets of our solar system?

A:  Basically, Saturn is an enormous, concentrated resource of raw elements and this is the main reason the unmanned craft are in place. Periodically, other unmanned craft come to unload the yield. The craft that are seen within the region of Saturn and its moons are dedicated craft, whose sole purpose is the mining of elements from these areas and have not explored other planets of our solar system. The area was chosen by an intelligent species that directs the mining operations and they have explored other planets of our solar system including Earth. All of the planets of Saturn are not inhabited by this species, except the sixth, Titan. This species (humanoid, thin, tall, pale, smooth, and hairless) inhabit an underground/underwater region on Titan where they are able to enter semi-fluid (mud-like) surfaces. They live in cold, underground areas which contain a great deal of moisture. The walls are metallic but resilient to the touch.

Q:  What, if any, relationship, do the ETs working the rings of Saturn have to do with Earth?

A:  Very little. The ETs operating the mining activity in Saturn’s rings are aware of Earth as a potential mineral resource. However, its populated status, and the fact that the majority of the Earth’s minerals are not easily accessible, deters the ETs from active interaction with Earth. Earth has been extensively mapped and explored by this species. However, it is far easier for them to access the concentrated resources of Saturn.

Q:  Is this a cooperative intergalactic/inter-civilization alien activity in the rings? Or is it just one race or group?

A:  This is basically one race or species. However, they have knowledge of, and have interacted with other groups. The intergalactic term is a human-generated concept and does not apply to the majority of those groups outside Earth. There are some groups that have formed some sort of mutual coalitions but an all-encompassing intergalactic cooperative is not evident from this viewing. Other ET groups have explored and mapped the rings as a potential resource.

Q:  What makes the rings of value to these people?

A: An easily accessed source of concentrated mineral elements that are needed for manufacturing, medicinal, and other purposes. It is possible that they may also trade off some of the yield. The use of unmanned mining craft ensures the safety of the operation for the ET species and the loss of an occasional craft is expected.

Q: Are the gaps in the rings natural or created by the extraterrestrial intelligence?

A: No. The gaps in the rings are the effect of the cyclic nature of the rings themselves and the debris that they attract. The amount that is mined is negligible and cannot account for the gaps in the rings. Gaps will continue to occur and close in the rings at cyclic periods.

Science News feedback: “Recent Cassini observations [2004] are providing new clues about the past and future evolution of Saturn’s rings. Cassini images released by NASA in September 2005

reveal changes in Saturn’s D ring, the innermost ring, over the 25 years since the Voyager craft took a look at the system. One of the strands, or ringlets that make up the D ring, is now only one-tenth as bright as it appeared in 1981, and has migrated towards Saturn by 200 km.”

Q:  Are any of the moons of Saturn operating as ET bases? If so which ones?

A: Only one, the sixth, Titan. The eighth, Phoebe, may have been used at one time but a natural disaster caused it to be abandoned as a stable environment.

Q: Describe any new currently undiscovered aspects about Saturn that modern Earth science would find important.

A: A rich resource of readily-available raw minerals, including several new elements in combination. This combination could have potential as a new form of lightweight alloy. I am not sure if this has already been manufactured by Earth science. (This element was further examined in 1994, using remote viewing, and its possible production described to Intuition Services). Termed Element Z, the team tried to manufacture the alloy from identified Earth elements but blew up a garage in the process!


Seeing the close-up footage of the anomalies within the rings of Saturn (posted by Streetcap1) was an exciting confirmation of the remote viewing done 20 years earlier. Sometimes project feedback comes 11 years after the viewing, in the case of the Science News information, or 20 years later. Without feedback, remote viewing data is often deemed invalid: however, most cases will have eventual feedback: sometimes immediately, sometimes much later.





*** Science News  (2005) Vol. 168, pp. 328-29


Angela Thompson Smith Ph.D. has 30 years experience in the psychology, parapsychology and remote viewing fields including 5 years working at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Laboratory and 20 years in the RV field as a trainer, researcher, and in consulting. Dr. Smith is also a published author, an ordained shamanic practitioner, and currently lives and works in Boulder City, NV.




Remote Viewing at the 2014 UFO USA Tour

Angela Thompson Smith, Ph. D.

Mindwise Consulting

One-Day Introduction to Remote Viewing


UFO USA Tour 2014

The hotel conference table is littered with water bottles, paper, manuals, and packets of soft clay, pens, coffee cups, and workbooks. The 10 adult students, intent and engaged, are bent over sheets of templates and plain white paper, using black ink pens, and attempting to “see” a hidden picture target that has been identified only by a random alpha-numeric, a coordinate, 730ORQ.

The majority of the students have travelled over 7,500 miles from Hong Kong to attend the 2014 UFO USA Tour in Sedona, AZ. The week-long Contact in Sedona Tour has been organized by Director Neil Gould and Tour Master Jake Gould, in conjunction with the Exopolitics Institute, and runs from February 28th through March 4th, 2014. On the final day of the Tour, the team gathers in the hotel conference room for an accelerated introduction to the mind-skill of remote viewing.   Basically, remote viewing is the trained ability to mentally describe distant locations and events using something other than the known five senses. Remote viewing has a 40 year history of research, development, and applications and now has training schools, researchers, and practitioners around the world.


angela 2
Dr Angela Smith – Remote Viewer, Mindwise Consulting.







Dr Angela Smith – Remote Viewer, Mindwise Consulting.

The class begins each training session by identifying their name, location, date and time, on their paper – – because you have to know where you are before zooming off into the cosmos to locate another time and place! In this case, the random coordinate is the “address” of a specific event at a specific location at a specific time that the students are asked to identify.










neiljakeThe students have already been through remote viewing exercises that morning, learning to identify colors, shapes, and form; they have mentally tracked a member of the class out-and-about in Sedona; and receiving just a geographic coordinate, latitude and longitude, used this cue to remote view a specific location and event in the past. Now they come to something a bit more complex: they are given an “encrypted coordinate” of a hidden location and an event that they are asked to identify and model.

Cheuk Fei straightaway starts getting logical things going through his mind: he writes that this must be a photo/image, a newspaper image, reporters, all actual images from the previous picture target, and he shuttles these off to the side of the paper as analytical overlay or AOL.  Then he relaxes and lets his “inner vision” take over. He identifies a shape and begins to model it in clay: the shape is complex: convex and curved on one side and indented several times on the concave side. He doesn’t know what he is modeling, just whatever feels right. He takes only 5-10 mins to get his impressions, then write them down, and make his clay model.

Once all the students have completed their short session, they are given feedback: in this case the coordinate 730ORQ was linked to a hidden question: “What did Kenneth Arnold specifically see on June 24th, 1947 near Mount Rainier that he described as like ‘saucers skipping across the sky?’” What Kenneth Arnold sketched after his encounter were not “saucers” but 9 objects, like oddly-shaped boomerangs, traveling around 1,200 miles per hour.


Cheuk Fei models Kenneth Arnold’s target

There were other successes in the class, too. Using just an alpha-numeric coordinate and “stream of consciousness” remote viewing, students were able to identify other events, locations and individuals. Even an historic event that was described in a 16th century woodcut prompted correct images. At sunrise on April 14th, 1561, citizens of Nuremberg, Germany reported that “The sky appeared to fill with cylindrical objects, red, black, orange and white discs and globes emerged. Crosses and tubes resembling cannon barrels appeared whereupon the objects promptly began to fight one another.” The 16th century artist Han Glaser memorialized the event in a colorful woodcut. Students described the colors and shapes of the hidden picture target and Tour Leader Neil Gould actually described and drew cannon shapes in his session.


Nuremberg, Germany 1561

Where do we go from here, students were eager to read and learn more about remote viewing and were each given a copy of UK researcher Daz Smith’s book: CRV – Controlled Remote Viewing: Collected manuals and information to help you learn this informative art, as well as published articles on remote viewing applications. Another UFO USA Tour is planned for Roswell, NM in October, 2014 and I plan on returning to teach another Introduction to Remote Viewing course. Hope you will join us there for an experience that is “out of this world”!


Angela Thompson Smith Ph.D. has 30 years experience in the psychology, parapsychology and remote viewing fields including 5 years working at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Laboratory and 20 years in the RV field as a trainer, researcher, and in consulting. Dr. Smith is also a published author, an ordained shamanic practitioner, and currently lives and works in Boulder City, NV. Her website is

Citizens safely sedated – Thou shalt not believe in UFOs


“Participation in North American democracy is largely based on the belief that citizens should never be released into the world until they have been properly sedated.” This quote, taken from an unknown convocation address, not only magnifies the state of denial and ignorance in which a massive proportion of North Americans live; it is also an historical testament to the lies we are all prepared to accept for the sake of convenience.

neil-armstrong Digest that for a moment before we proceed – because, quite frankly, it doesn’t get much better.

No UFOs or elephants allowed in the dining room
Few issues are as stigmatized or ridiculed as the UFO/ET issue. Its reality is marginalized – its existence, as a viable mode of reasoning – that we are not alone in the universe – is disallowed. For those unfamiliar with UFOs, beginning around 1947 or perhaps earlier the UFO/ET issue burst onto the scene.


The matter since then has been investigated, scrutinized, ridiculed, stigmatized, written about and tossed around like a piece of red-hot coal for over 60 years.

Generally, world governments, their military and intelligence agencies have managed to ignore, cover-up and otherwise cauterize this issue from the consciousness of just about every politically astute human being on the planet.

Richard M. Dolan, one of the UFO research community’s finest authors, puts it best in his seminal work UFOs and the National Security State – Chronology of a Cover-up 1941 to 1973, “… the analysis [of the UFO issue] leaves us with the distinct impression of the ET hypothesis as the elephant in the dining room that no one would acknowledge.”

As it stands today, in the year 2014 the state of affairs in the UFO/ET issue will one day be looked back upon as a simplistic, naïve and perhaps awkwardly nascent search for what was before our eyes all the while. However for the time being humanity remains anesthetized to the political and anthropological imperatives-of-knowing within the UFO/ET reality.

Political spin-doctors and media schemers administer this seemingly harmless series of daily sedatives courtesy of our government, religious, scientific and educational institutions. The dosage – in a perfect drip formulation – removes the need for any belief in or consideration of the UFO/ET issue. A faint echo – as we spiral into our drug-induced siesta – it whispers – ‘thou shalt not believe in UFOs.’

History will show we were too blind, well sedated and collectively too stubborn to see what is happening to us along the way. Complicit with our handlers in the so-called democratic way of life we pretend to be part of, this collective ignorance spends its time around every kitchen table, in every newsroom and university lecture hall on the planet – ‘shalt not even try to understand what the UFO issue really means.’

But give your head a shake – let’s look at who and what we are and have become as a result of this politically induced sedation – it might explain how and why we have reached this point in our addiction.

All too familiar forms of sedation
Knowingly and in some cases, wantonly, we choose to eradicate a species of animals or plant life virtually by the hour. We permit and otherwise turn an infected blind-eye to the fact that every 45 seconds a child dies of malaria in Africa (W.H.O. Statistic) while we ensure the existence of an economic system that hordes the distribution of wealth and medical care into the bulging pockets of the ‘already rich’.

We build weapons platforms in space, stuff fossil fuels into the mouths of any machine capable of work, remaining oblivious to what comes out the other end. We deify celebrities beyond our own God, (movie theatres have become the churches for the worship of strange gods with lipstick, make-up, guns that carry the ammunition of fear and male homo sapiens with bizarre levels of testosterone) shall we go on – perhaps not, lest we identify too closely with one of these churches or another form of self-medication.

Lest those who are more familiar with the UFO/ET issue and its huge body of research conclude this assessment is too harsh – peer for a moment at our plight for the full Disclosure of the facts surrounding the ET presence. At each turn, as we inch forward and even after small Disclosure victories – a member of the sedated, be it media, government or even one of our own – manages to snuff out the light.

The only redeeming attributes we hold dear are our collective, internally-driven courage to relentlessly seek the truth but more powerfully, celebrate the reality that somehow we have been inoculated against the insidious vaccine forced upon most in a world who are consumed by the dumb-down messages of politics, religion, education, science and the mass media. These attributes just may be our deliverance.

Sadly though and still, a pathetic majority of humanity sits and stares at the passing parade of human events – hoping for that one really nice float at the end of the procession that will ease our conscience because we’ve sat on our hands for so long and at times covered our eyes and ears in the hope – ‘there must be something better coming soon.’

Like the perfect social sedative, indolence and inaction have compelled us to become inert; much like a deer frozen in the headlights of an on-coming car – knowing it must not stay to witness what might come next but is still, petrified and captivated by the sheer awe and magnitude of the ensuing collision.

Somehow all of this may hit a little too close to home for some.

These all too familiar forms of sedation are so cutely insidious – their administration is like a mosquito bite – irritating but soon forgotten when another itch takes its place. So – in a way we may not be totally to blame for our ignorance and inert posture because our handlers are so good at sedation.

But does this remove all culpability? No.

But it certainly explains why and how we have become so cleverly mesmerized by the sedative. We appear to have little time to ponder the rational argument and the deluge of documentation that the UFO /ET reality is as real as the air that we breathe and that sustains us.

When the sedation wears off
There is another murmur about the UFO/ET reality-question residing in the desk drawers of our handlers. ET is here and they seem to be, for whatever strange reason, willing to, wanting and waiting to help when the sedation finally wears off or an enlightened nurse enters our chambers to turn off the drip. Luckily, our handlers – in the midst of their own sedated stupor – have left behind clues about this fundamental truth.

This, in the final analysis could render them powerless and their sedatives a mere placebo. Let’s start with a simple piece of the truth or misdirection depending on your perspective or one’s reactionary tendency to disbelieve the written word. As we all know it’s hard to tell the difference these days. In a 1952 CIA web site document entitled “Flying Saucers” it states,

“Pursuant to your request for overall evaluation of the “flying saucers” and associated reports, the following is pertinent. Notwithstanding the foregoing… facts, so long as a series of reports remains “unexplainable” (interplanetary aspects and alien origin not being thoroughly excluded from consideration) caution requires that intelligence continue coverage of the subject. It is recommended that CIA surveillance of the subject matter, in coordination with proper authorities… be continued. It is strongly urged, however, that no indication of CIA interest or concern reach the press or public, in view of their probable alarmist tendencies to accept such interest as confirmatory of the soundness of ´unpublished facts´ in the hands of the U.S. government.” [EDWARD TAUS]

Choose to accept it or not, but as part of the American CIA web site this and other similar documentation cannot be dismissed. Many documents similar to this one, fully explain to those who are attentive to the UFO/ET matter – the how, when and why covert operations will be conducted and the strength of the sedative administered. Thousands more documents exist that we may never see – all bearing the same sniff of sedation.

Are we to believe that since 1952 we have been so well sedated that anything significant said about the UFO/ET issue would be so soaked in doubt and tainted by disbelief or disinformation that we are willing to disregard it outright because nothing, no-thing, can be trusted as a representation of reality when it comes to reaching some understanding that we may be being visited by off-world civilizations?

Any UFO researcher, politician or media journalist who cannot see that this CIA memo clearly indicates there is very good reason to believe that a recommendation was put in place by the American Central Intelligence Agency to obfuscate the UFO issue decades ago, and, who fails to investigate it in public, is either incompetent or stupid (in the true sense of the word – stooped with eyes cast down) or is part of the same obfuscation process which originated the memo in the first place.

They may also be more heavily sedated than the rest of us.

Where does the truth reside today?
Some maintain the truth sits in the bottom drawer of the sedators – a powerful elite. Others feel the truth has been embedded in our own cosmic sub-consciousness by our visitors eons ago and it is only now – as the sedation wears thin and we awake from our slumber, some of us have actually begun to catch a small glimpse of the truth.

The only way that drawer will be wrenched open is by a combination of persuasive Extraterrestrial intrusions, an amplified public awareness and a media that wakes from its slumber. The truth, being as pervasive as we know it is, also resides in the collective consciousness of those who diligently toil to over-throw secrecy and a pale government-entity that has somehow usurped democracy while the media remains numbed by the glitz of the trivial.

It is not surprising then that many of us feel we have been so cleverly lied to for so long. As a community we do not know what to believe any more. This has been the success of the sedators – to keep us thoroughly confused about the UFO/ET issue, keeping it cleverly hidden in the simple light of day under a canvas of secrecy.

Like a tarpaulin covering a car, it yields to the sedated mind a silhouette that tells us ‘yes it is a vehicle’. We see it before our eyes yet we are unable to discern details of its year, make, colour and model or whether it can be driven forwards or backwards; a very frustrating situation for our purportedly sophisticated intellectual human acuity.

Especially when we are being told it’s an elephant or… nothing at all.

Victor Viggiani M.Ed. News Director ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork


Making Sense of Ukraine Through a History of Extraterrestrial Intervention

Ukraine-Orion-CrusadersBy Richard C. Cook

            Why is there so much evil in the world, and if there is a God, why does God allow it? This is a question all thinking people ask, and to which every religion attempts to provide an answer. Christianity and Islam, for instance, pin evil on the Devil, or Satan, without ever explaining satisfactorily who/what that being is or where he/she/it comes from. Similarly, Hinduism and Buddism have their own panoplies of demons. In any case, the excuse that “the Devil made me do it” may be found in various forms worldwide.

There is another source, however, to which we might look for an explanation. This source is channelings from extraterrestrial entities which only became available to mankind in the last half-century, when visitors from other worlds began to visit through thought-forms, UFO appearances, telepathic communications, etc.

This article attempts to explain the origin and existence of so-called evil from the perspective of RA, a “social memory complex” originating on the planet Venus that was channeled by a group called L/L Research in the 1980s. These channelings, well-known to serious researchers, were published in a five-volume seriesentitled the “Law of One” or the “RA Material.” L/L Research, headed by Carla Ruekert, continues to function today, working out of Louisville, Kentucky.

The information in the RA Material may be especially pertinent at a time when, once again, the world appears to be drifting toward the possibility of total war, this time over disagreements among nations over events taking place in the Ukraine, but related to crises in other hotspots, including Iran and Syria. The basic showdown is between the U.S. and Russia, indicating that the Cold War never really ended and again threatens to bring about Armageddon, as was feared during the Cuban missile crisis of the early 1960s. But to assess the Ukraine situation objectively, a much deeper background than is usually given may be necessary.

The RA Material explains that the influx of UFOs/ETs starting around the time of World War II was prompted by the acquisition by mankind of nuclear energy and weapons. This led the higher-vibration beings who stand watch to make their presence known on planet earth. According to RA, these beings constitute a “Council of Guardians” whose headquarters are on the rings of Saturn. Other sources call this Council “The Nine.” Working with them are other extraterrestrial entities who together form the “Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator.”

Actually, the Confederation has been observing and, in some cases, shaping, events on earth for a long time. Jesus came here with the Council’s permission to perform his salvation mission. He originated, says one source, on the planet Hoova near the center of our Milky Way galaxy. Other Confederation members contributed to the flowering of the Renaissance. In some cases, extraterrestrial Wanderers have incarnated on earth, including, says RA, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. Many Wanderers are here today, working in ways known and unknown to keep humanity from destroying itself. RA itself is part of the earth’s past, having visited Atlantis and spending time in ancient Egypt, where it took form as living Egyptian deities, including Horus, the hawk-headed god. RA also played a role in the ancient spirituality of South America.

But the opening of the protective gates around earth has also allowed negative entities to slip through. Chief among these, says RA, have been the Crusaders of Orion. These are beings of self-serving character who try to gather disciples interested in manipulating, controlling, and enslaving others. In fact, RA adds, a majority of the UFO appearances of modern times have been of these Crusaders. These are the ones responsible for abductions, animal mutilations, and gloom-and-doom-type channelings. They are allowed by the order of things to prey on human beings, but only by appealing to people’s weaknesses, such as pride, lust, etc. It is the weak-minded who fall for their deceptions and try to use black magic to contact them.

By contrast, it is the service-to-others “polarity” that is the positive path engendered and supported by the Confederation. This path is entered upon through sincere practice of unconditional love. Those who follow it gradually ascend in vibration through harmony with other seekers and with the help of higher powers at various levels. One of these powers is a person’s own Higher Self. The positive service-to-others path is taught by many of earth’s spiritual teachers, and millions of people around the world make sincere efforts daily to act from compassion and love.

But the service-to-self influence of the Crusaders of Orion is also common, especially among those who see themselves as the elite. Their way is also called “the path of that which is not.” Practitioners are enemies of each other, with each jealously trying to dominate. So the energy of service-to-self entities is dissipated through infighting and fratricide. They can never reach oneness with all-that-is unless they discard their negative orientation and cross over to the positive side. But in the meantime they can wreak havoc. Horrible as it may seem, their basic motivation is the power and thrill of putting out the light of another.

Ra also says that the Crusaders may approach positive service-to-others people and groups and use telepathy to suggest to them messages of impending doom for humanity, earth, or themselves. The affected individuals may then broadcast prophecies of coming disasters, as happened with December 21, 2012. Then, when nothing happens, the deluded souls are made to look ridiculous. Of course there are also negative astral entities from earth’s inner planes by which individual entities may become possessed. But the Crusaders of Orion are of another order of magnitude.

The dual paths of service-to-others and service-to-self are allowed by the Creator as a means to enliven and speed conscious evolution. A succinct explanation may be sought in the Book of Job, where God allows the Devil to severely test his servant Job through inflicting on him horrendous losses. Another depiction with similar meaning may be found in the film “Star Wars,” produced by people who had been privy to messages from extraterrestrial channelings similar to the RA Material. In this film, the Crusaders of Orion were depicted by Darth Vader and the Empire. The Confederation was portrayed as the Republic, Yoda, and the Jedi Knights.

RA explains that our age is a time of great changes for earth and humanity, when our home planet is moving to a higher vibration within the universe. We humans have a chance to join in. RA says we are at the end of a 75,000-year cycle. If we are able to evolve within ourselves to where our center-of-gravity is in the heart, or green-ray, chakra, we become eligible for the “harvest.” This means that after death we may reincarnate at an entirely different level of being. We may then become inhabitants of what the Book of Revelation calls a “New Earth,” while those who do not “graduate” must travel to other planets in the cosmos to repeat the cycle. According to other sources, there are now extraterrestrials circling the earth in their spacecraft who are acting as the “harvesters” in guiding beings to their future destinations. Other extraterrestrials provide help to humans who have died traumatically, such as those at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. RA says that the process of harvest will take several centuries to accomplish and that no one can move on until after death, when our present “chemical body” is discarded. Interestingly, Jesus also spoke explicitly of “harvest” throughout the Gospels.

But the Crusaders of Orion are not giving up without a fight. They are doing everything possible to sow confusion and discouragement. For a couple of centuries, says RA, there has been warfare at the celestial level between representatives of the Confederation and the Crusaders. This conflict has been reflected on earth by the constant clash between forces of light and darkness at the human level.

On the side of light have been those who have worked for human freedom, including Franklin and Jefferson, mentioned above, and also, RA points out, Lincoln, Tesla, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. In fact, Lincoln was a person whose body was actually occupied by an angelic being who knew how critical Lincoln’s role in history was. Lincoln stood up against the slave power of the time, declared it would advance no further, succeeded in stopping it, but paid the martyr’s price.

Today, the slave power is embodied in the institutions of high finance, government intelligence, electronic surveillance, the controlled media, organized crime, drug running, warmongering, and many other self-serving and rigid societal structures. RA says that the use of money by the economy provides excellent conditions for human enslavement, with lending at interest one means by which money performs its nefarious purposes. We can see in the Ukraine situation, as documented on the Global Research website, how what appears at first glance to be a geopolitical clash is actually an attempt by shadowy figures of global banking to bring the Ukraine into their net of influence.

The Ukraine scenario fits into a larger scenario whereby the West has incorporated into NATO many of the states that border Russia and were formerly part of the Soviet Union. Russia has increasingly been depicted by the Western media as a potential threat to the U.S. or even to civilization itself. Much publicity was given to the Russian naval base in Syria as affording some type of protection to the Assad regime. And Russian influence has been pointed to in forestalling a U.S. and/or Israeli attack on Iran.

But why is Russia seen increasingly as an enemy? Didn’t we rejoice when the Soviet Union fell and its component states went democratic? Wouldn’t it make more sense to embrace Russia as the return of a long-lost friend to the fold of well-intentioned nations? Instead, it almost seems as if powerful elements behind the scenes want to foment a major war with Russia and possibly China. It makes no sense. The negative frame of mind this attitude signifies is harmful to the point of being pathological. Is it too much to speculate that the hand of the Chariots of Orion is fueling the fire with fear and war-hysteria? Are they stirring the pot just for the delight in seeing people suffer?

Also according to RA, the Confederation inspired earth’s scientists to bring forth the technology that gives humanity the opportunity for the leisure required for spiritual pursuits. But technology has been perverted by the Crusaders’ minions for economic exploitation and weapons of war. They use such “gadgets” as television and advertising to keep humanity asleep. Even the internet is used for negative as well as positive purposes. In the Ukraine incident, the Western media are working overtime to demonize Russia and its leaders. Leaders of the Republican Party mock President Obama for his supposed weakness in not being more aggressive, saying, as did former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, that the American people “cannot afford to be war-weary.” This is worse than insanity in a world on the brink.

We have also caught glimpses of the black magic rituals in which the negative forces engage, showing how the so-called “Illuminati” train and indoctrinate their children to kill without mercy and control others against their wills. The enslavers engage in black magic, says RA, to invoke the powers of the Crusaders of Orion, but they lose their own souls in the process, like Faust in the medieval legend. It is the Crusaders who are in fact the real controllers of the service-to-self individual. We know that before and during World War II some of the key Nazi leaders, including Hitler, were occultists, rightly suspected by historians of dabbling in the black arts. Reputed Nazi incursions into UFO technology may have been a direct link with the Crusaders’ technological prowess.

Naziism in the form of radical right-wing parties and politicians seemingly has returned through the Ukranian faction who overthrew the elected government and installed a regime that has announced its intent to slash government spending, reduce pensions, and eliminate public jobs. The purpose is so Ukraine can pay its debts to Western banks. Again, such extreme measures so harmful to ordinary people may point to the service-to-self ideology the Crusaders espouse.

But there is an atmosphere of desperation by which the negative powers seem to be trying to start another world war. In fact they are being thwarted at every turn. UFOs have disarmed nuclear weapons at military bases. The negative powers wanted war over Iran and didn’t get it. The same with Syria. The same now, perhaps, with the Ukraine. The leaders of the slave power, headquartered it seems in Wall Street, London, Frankfurt, and other financial centers are, in sense, fighting for their lives, perhaps knowing that their days are numbered. As indicated above, the planet we inhabit has already moved on to a higher level of consciousness, guided by the benign beings of extraterrestrial origin.

What is the ordinary individual to do, then, when faced with this situation? First, of course, we can decide which side we are on and what kind of person we wish to become. We then need to seek out the means for implementing our choice. By going within through meditation, contemplation, and prayer, we can seek guidance. We can also seek others of like mind with which to work toward a future we freely choose. We can be encouraged by the fact that, according to RA, there are far more positive people on earth today than negative. The Occupy Wall Street movement knows this, with their concept of the 99 percent.

Obviously, this short summary of some of RA’s ideas is only a fragment of what is clearly one of the most comprehensive teachings of truth available on the planet today. For a more complete account, the transcripts of the RA channelings are available through L/L Research on-line here or may be purchased in book format.


Richard C. Cook is a retired federal analyst and former NASA whistleblower who now teaches meditation. He is an adviser to the Exopolitics Institute. His latest book is “Return of the Aeons: The Planetary Spiritual Ascension.” His websites are and He welcomes inquiries and is available internationally for speaking engagements.

Video showing UFO up close may be genuine


Screenshot of UFO video released by Third Phase of Moon

The popular Third Phase of Moon Youtube channel today posted a 10 second video by a source who over the last month has released compelling video footage showing landed spacecraft and possible extraterrestrial occupants. According to Blake Cousins, founder of Third Phase of Moon which is based on the Big Island of Hawaii, the latest video appears to show an alien spacecraft. The source of the video, an alleged alien abductee called Ed, claims that the video is part of a collection taken by him dating as far back as 1976. The video shows an unmistakable saucer shaped UFO up close. While the quality of the video is grainy, it clearly is no conventional kind of aircraft. It is possible that the UFO is part of a classified military program, or a visiting extraterrestrial vehicle.

Little is publicly known about the source Ed who has been interviewed by Blake Cousins to discuss his experiences. Ed appeared sincere in explaining his decades long abduction experiences, and how he has taken photos and videos of extraterrestrial vehicles in remote rural locations. There is controversy over whether Ed’s latest video is genuine or not, and whether Ed is who he claims to be given the little that is publicly known about him. In the modern digital age of photoshop and CGI, all alleged UFO videos need to be investigated closely, and their sources verified. Based on his video testimony, Ed appears to be a sincere source and this latest video may be genuine. If so, along with other videos released by Ed, this video may be powerful evidence that we are not alone.

DR. ROGER K. LEIR Podiatric Surgeon DIES: His Contribution is Historical K Leir

Dr. Roger K. Leir died on March 14, 2014.

Dr.  Roger K. Leir, Doctor in Podiatric Medicine and a podiatric surgeon made history because through his efforts 17 truly anomalous objects were recovered from individuals claiming to have been surprised in their lives by alien abductions. The analysis of these objects were carefully done in a scientific manner in several accredited and serious research institutions and labs and showed a series of anomalies that still deserve to be studied.

Various results as to the metallurgy, the lack of foreign object/immune response rejection and of any signs of port of entry on the skin being medical mysteries, electromagnetic radio emissions at several frequencies detected while inside the body, hexagonal single wall carbon nano tubes associated with metals, a unique meteoric iron isotope and combinations of other isotopes that don’t naturally occur  on Earth, orthorhombic sodium chloride crystals,  and other truly anomalous, unique features were found. There were metallic objects coated with what appeared to be a biological material. There were attached filaments filmed following a magnet when some objects were removed from the body. There was so much more that needs to be understood! Why wouldn’t this already be the “smoking gun” evidence?

Dr. Roger K. Leir’s work deserves to be continued. It behooves us all as humans and it behooves honest scientists. We need to find out! Are we being tagged by some varieties of ET without our permission? 

Dr. Leir thank you for your devotion to the truth for the collective good of us all. Thank you for trying to find out what might these “implants” be for by trying to find out their characteristic for so many years! We need to know who is monitoring us or for what purpose some individuals are being “implanted” with unique objects that are nor rejected by the body and that emit electromagnetic waves while in the body!

In a recent interview at the Joshua Tree “Contact in the Desert” Conference (2013) he told me that some scientists in Brazil were beginning to associate themselves with him for this research.  There were new vistas opening up. This research must continue. More people must be interested! It shows PHYSICAL EVIDENCE of a unique technology which – in conjunction to other forms of physical and non physical evidence – shows that  the extraterrestrial hypothesis (an intelligent extraterrestrial presence on Earth) is indeed quite plausible and rational. Why would the speed of light be the limit our scientific understanding places on older, more technologically advanced intelligent beings? Why would we expect them to show up to us as we would show up to them if we were the ones travelling to an alien world?  Shouldn’t EVIDENCE on its own terms be what really guides our scientific and intellectual attitudes?… YES!
Given the general lack of interest and response from the mainstream medical and scientific community Dr. Leir’s work is highly commendable. He represented the courage and honesty missing and was a trailblazer with the strength of character to continue moving forward sharing as much information as allowed by our society… as it should be. He was a true American, a true Man and a true World Citizen! Dr. Leir manifested a healthy search for honest-to-God knowledge and ethical scientific procedure as it should be! He was a dedicated scientist that first of all cared to find the empirical facts to guide him beyond any attachment to established or conventional theories and social conventions in the “scientific” milieu. facts were first even if they surpassed theory.

Dr. Leir was a key figure bringing legitimacy to the extraterrestrial issue, contributed greatly to the disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence and did much to end the formal institutional academic-political taboo on the extraterrestrial subject. His work will continue serving that purpose. It will continue blossoming.

He didn’t want to be the only accredited scientific person in the world working on probable alien implants. Let’s join him in the effort.

Dr. Roger K. Leir worked with a team of valiant researchers. He lectured in many UFO conferences and among other books wrote seminal books titled “The Aliens and the Scalpel: Scientific Proof of Extraterrestrial Implants in Humans” and “Casebook: Alien Implants”  on the subject of alleged implants. He testified at the  2013 “Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure” at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. along with a number of scientific and academic experts, former government officials, retired military personnel and pilots. Shall we open our eyes to the truth and its implications?


Astropolitics and the Exopolitics of Unacknowledged Space Activities

Space-Top-Secret-ActivitiesEver wondered what kinds of highly classified military programs are happening in outer space?  Well if you happen to know something about one of them then chances are that it’s an Unacknowledged Special Access Program (USAP) and it’s a criminal offense to reveal anything about it to others. That creates a problem for the field of astropolitics which is dedicated to studying activities in outer space. As a field of study that began with the launch of the Soviet Sputnik satellite in 1957 and subsequent treaties ratified by space faring nations, astropolitics has grown into a multidisciplinary science studying a wide array of political, legal, economic and social issues related to publicly acknowledged activities in outer space. Yet when it comes to USAP’s there is precious little that is known about them by astropolitics scholars other than they exist and may impact “acknowledged” space activities in important areas of interest. This week, a novel approach to this problem was proposed in a respected peer reviewed academic journal on astropolitics that went live online on March 3. USAPs are a problem better left to the field of exopolitics which uses a very different approach to understanding what is happening in outer space.

 The latest edition of Astropolitics: The International Journal of Space Politics & Policy contains a paper titled, “Astropolitics and the ‘Exopolitics’ of Unacknowledged Activities in Outer Space.” For those that don’t yet know, exopolitics is broadly defined as the study of extraterrestrial life and its political implications, which raises much controversy among space scientists since most believe hard evidence is yet to be found for alien life. This has led to exopolitical scholars developing a range of social scientific tools to examine the available “soft” evidence that extraterrestrial life has been discovered and has been the subject of highly classified military/corporate programs for as much as seven decades. This soft evidence largely comprises whistleblower and first hand testimonies based on direct personal experiences. These testimonies are both hard to substantiate, yet difficult to completely dismiss. Something to be expected if the testimonies do genuinely involve USAPs.

This is where exopolitics offers astropolitics scholars a way of resolving the dilemma of what to do about USAPs. Many space scientists believe that in the absence of hard evidence, it is a waste of time speculating about what is happening with USAPs and the impact on space. Yet not to examine available soft evidence would mean that USAPs would continue indefinitely without any risk of exposure even though they may be significantly impacting on important space activities. The possibility that the impact may violate space treaties is an important area of concern.

The exopolitics approaches offers a way out of this dilemma since it can examine the available soft evidence in a way that does not compromise the discipline of astropolitics which would continue to focus on hard evidence concerning publicly acknowledged space activities. As a complement or sub-field of astropolitics, exopolitics offers a means of gaining insight into USAPs without turning astropolitics into a speculative field of study. Whether the proposal to incorporate exopolitics research into the astropolitics discipline succeeds or not, it is significant that the term “exopolitics” has now officially entered the academic lexicon. This suggests that at least some space scientists are interested in learning more about USAPs in Space. The day when astropolitics scholars begin learning about all activities in outer space, acknowledged and unacknowledged, may be arriving a lot sooner than expected.

Note: The article, “Astropolitics and the Exopolitics of Unacknowledged Space Activities” is available to subscribers of the Journal of Astropolitics here. An earlier version, the “Author’s Accepted Manuscript,” is available to non-subscribers here.

© Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading

Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine and exopolitics

Stillshot from video of a 1969 UFO crash in Russia leaked by former KGB officials. Source: The Secret KGB UFO Files
Stillshot from video of a 1969 UFO crash in Russia leaked by former KGB officials. Source: The Secret KGB UFO Files

In a Press Conference televised today, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared that it was unlikely that Russia would take over Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula. He declared: “We have reinforced protection of our military facilities, because we were receiving threats and saw that gunmen from terrorist organizations were coming,”   Russia’s military actions in the Crimea has sparked international condemnation with Western leaders calling for a coordinated response, and taking symbolic diplomatic actions to punish Russia. In contrast, President Putin declared in his Press Conference that the recent events in Ukraine was an “illegitimate state coup” orchestrated by the intelligence communities of the U.S. and Europe that arranged for the overthrow of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.  According to Putin, Russia’s military intervention was merely a proactive measure to defend Russian nationals in a territory that has been historically part of the Russia. U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry attacked Russia for brazenly violating the sovereignty of a U.N. member state on trumped up charges. Kerry today stated, “not a single piece of credible evidence” supported Russia’s intervention, ironically forgetting that the same could be said for the U.S. led invasion of Iraq based on non-existent weapons of mass destruction.

Ukraine is but the latest in a series of former territories of the Soviet Union that have been courted with membership offers to the European Union (EU) and promised eventual membership of NATO. As former Soviet era territories continue to join the EU and eventually NATO, the effect is to gradually squeeze the Russian sphere of influence, and make Russia subservient to the agenda of the Western power elite.  In the chess board of international politics, Ukraine is but a pawn in a grand strategy to checkmate Russia. Why? What makes Russia so politically dangerous to the Western power elite? Is it Russia’s nuclear arsenal? Is it Russia’s political tradition of standing up to forces of international banking and the Western power elite? Or is it another deeper form of international politics being played out with Russia – exopolitics? Is Russia’s main threat to the Western power elite a carefully orchestrated policy of slowly leaking information concerning UFOs and extraterrestrial life to its citizenry and the world?

To find the truth of whether Putin’s Russia is quietly pursuing an “exopolitics” agenda by leaking information extraterrestrial life, we need to begin with events in the early 1990’s. As the Soviet Union collapsed in December 1991, and 15 independent states emerged, the Soviet KGB dissolved and in the process lost control over a vast collection of files. Many of these leaked KGB files concerned the formerly Soviet era taboo subjects of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. The motivation for many KGB officers in leaking these files was largely monetary. A number of western media outlets were willing to pay large sums for information from Soviet era archives concerning UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Several thousand dollars for leaked documents, photos or videos would mean former KGB agents could feed themselves and their families for a few months in the uncertain times ahead as the Russian Federation found its footing in a capitalist international system. Roger Moore, the former James Bond star, took a film crew to Russia, then led by Boris Yeltsin, and found some of these files.

Moore’s documentary, The Secret KGB UFO Files, was released in 1998 and revealed some of the best UFO footage ever captured on film. It showed a crashed UFO in a remote rural location being filmed and retrieved by Soviet army units led by KGB officers. One also saw video of an autopsy being conducted of a dead alien, and other evidence of Soviet knowledge about UFOs and extraterrestrial life.

Later documentaries would reveal even more formerly classified KGB information such as the US Navy battling UFOs in Antarctica during the Operation Highjump expedition in 1946/47, and even secret meetings between U.S. government authorities and extraterrestrial ambassadors.

In 1997, the famous Italian stigmatist and self-declared “contactee,” Giorgio Bongiovanni was given permission to interview high ranking military officials and former KGB agents about extraterrestrial life. He met with Russian officials at the Anti-Aircraft Academy of Defense in Tver, Russia and discussed evidence of UFOs and extraterrestrial life possessed by the Russian government. Photos and videos of alien life were shown to him revealing that both the Soviet Union and USA were aware of and covering up evidence of alien life. Permission was also given to film the interview and it was released with the title: “UFO Disclosure in Russia.”

Under President Boris Yeltsin, whether by historical accident or deliberate state policy, an exopolitics agenda was being quietly implemented. With permission by Russian authorities, Soviet era UFO files were being leaked to independent researchers and film crews revealing the truth about alien life visiting our world.

A little known KGB Colonel, Vladimir Putin, rose quickly in the Yeltsin administration. His first major appointment was on 26 March 1997 when he was appointed Deputy Chief of the Presidential Staff. Putin continued to be rapidly promoted and on 25 July, 1998 was appointed head of the FSB, one of the successor agencies to the KGB. He became Prime Minister on 9 August 1999 and Yeltsin announced his desire that Putin would succeed him. After Yeltsin’s abrupt resignation in December 1999, Putin became acting President, and was elected President on 26 March 2000.

Putin appears to have quietly continued Yeltsin’s exopolitics agenda of allowing alien related information to be leaked to the public. Senior officials in the Russian Federation have been allowed to come forward on national TV to offer their frank assessment on the subject of extraterrestrial life visiting Earth. One of these officials was Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the sitting Governor of the Russian Republic of Kalmykia, the only Buddhist region in Europe.

In an extraordinary television interview conducted in May 2010, Ilyumzhinov claimed that in 1997 he was taken from his penthouse apartment on board an extraterrestrial vehicle. Ilyumzhinov claims that the extraterrestrials he met were humanoid and gave him a tour of their ship, and even took him to another world. According to Ilyumzhinov, his experience is backed by three witnesses who searched for him at his home after he had boarded the alien spaceship. Most revealing is that Ilyumzhinov appeared on Russia’s no.1 rated television station, Channel One, which is 51% controlled by the Russian government. The interviewer, Vladimir Pozner, began the segment with questions about Ilyumzhinov’s experience. This reveals that the host and producers knew in advance of what had happened, and wished to discuss it on air. Significantly, there was no censorship of Ilyumzhinov’s experience which was immediately made available on the Channel One website. At the very least, this signifies that the Russian government was open to public debate on extraterrestrial life sparked by its most prominent television station. More importantly, the airing of Ilyumzhinov’s experience signaled that Putin, who was Prime Minister at the time, and his successor President Dmitry Medvedev, were pursuing an exopolitics agenda to prepare Russian citizens for eventual public disclosure of extraterrestrial life.

In 2012, after Putin had been re-elected as President of the Russia Federation, his predecessor and now serving Prime Minister, Medvedev, startled a television hostess with his frank comments about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. After completing an on-air interview with five television reporters on December 7, 2012, Medvedev continued to respond to reporters and made some off-air comments without appearing to realize that the microphone was still on. He was then asked by one reporter if “the president is handed secret files on aliens when he receives the briefcase needed to activate Russia’s nuclear arsenal,” Medvedev responded:

Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the president of the country is given a special ‘top secret’ folder. This folder in its entirety contains information about aliens who visited our planet… Along with this, you are given a report of the absolutely secret special service that exercises control over aliens on the territory of our country… I will not tell you how many of them are among us because it may cause panic.

Just over a month after his startling on-camera admission, Medvedev opened the 2013 World Economic Forum held in Davos Switzerland, January 23-27. An 80-page analysis of 50 risks for the next 10 years had been distributed to attendees. The Global Risks 2013 report is lengthy list of prognostications of what world leaders need to plan for to avoid “systemic shocks and catastrophic events”. Among the list are five X factors that according to the report, “no country alone can prevent.” One of the X factors was the discovery of extraterrestrial life.

In understanding why the US and its Western allies are trying to encircle, pressure and intimidate the Russian Federation, we need to appreciate that this is the means by which Putin’s exopolitics agenda can be stopped. If Russia continues to allow senior officials to reveal the truth about extraterrestrial life and to leak Soviet era UFO files, this threatens a carefully developed and enforced policy of over seven decades of international secrecy.

While the international media depicts Western democracies led by the US as free and open societies, the reality is that when it comes to the issue of extraterrestrial life, the West is anything but free and open. In contrast, the Russian Federation is far more forthcoming when it comes to the issue of alien visitation to our planet. Unfortunately, the Ukraine is being used a pawn in an internationally orchestrated effort to weaken and intimidate the Russian Federation so it can be easily pressured to fall in line with the dictates of the international power elite on issues such as extraterrestrial secrecy. Putin understands this and that is why he proactively intervened in the Ukraine to defend Russian interests in this strategically vital nation. In allowing an exopolitics agenda implemented by his predecessor, Boris Yeltsin, to continue, President Vladimir Putin, and his chief ally Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, are doing humanity a great service.

© Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading

NASA confirms 768 new exoplanets making extraterrestrial life more likely

Credit: NASA, JPL
Credit: NASA, JPL

NASA astronomers yesterday released a paper announcing the discovery of an additional 768 exoplanets using a new validation technique for data from the Kepler Space Telescope. This has nearly doubled the number of confirmed exoplanets from the previous tally of 941 to 1710. Most dramatically, the number of earth sized exoplanets increased by a factor of five, now making it clear that rocky earths are pretty common throughout the galaxy. Importantly, four of the exoplanets were confirmed to rotate in the habitable zones of their suns – zones where liquid water can exist and extraterrestrial life can flourish. The rapid increase in exoplanet discoveries has come from analysis of only two years of data supplied by the Kepler Mission. Analysis of an additional two years of available data is expected to increase the number of confirmed exoplanets even more dramatically than the latest NASA release. The new confirmation method used by NASA astronomers means that the likelihood of eventually finding exoplanets with extraterrestrial life becomes far greater than previously thought.

NASA astronomers adopted a two-step process for detecting exoplanets using data gained by the Kepler Space Telescope and 11 other currently operating space telescopes. A new generation of space telescopes along with Earth based telescopes promise to provide even more data about exoplanets and their atmospheres. The world’s largest optical telescope is scheduled to begin construction this year on the summit of the Mauna Kea volcano at the Big Island of Hawaii – an hour’s drive from where this article is being written. The new 30 meter telescope is designed to examine exoplanets and their atmospheres for tell tale signs of life. The detection of large amounts of oxygen, for example, would be confirmation for the existence of extraterrestrial life.

When an exoplanet is first detected as it either passes in front of (the transit method) or near enough to its sun to cause detectable wobble (the Doppler effect), it becomes a “candidate” until further data confirms its existence. Currently, there are more than 2500 exoplanet candidates. The length of time need to confirm exoplanets depends on the period of an exoplanet’s rotation around its parent star. As the exoplanet makes its second or subsequent passage in front of or near its sun, astronomers gain the additional data to learn whether or not a candidate exoplanet has been confirmed. So far, only two years of a four year data pool from the Kepler Space Telescope has been analyzed. As more data becomes available, additional exoplanet candidates are likely to be confirmed.

Out of the 768 exoplanets just confirmed, 106 are less than 1.25 times Earth’s diameter. Previously, the data from Kepler and other telescopes had only confirmed 20 earth sized worlds. The four newly confirmed exoplanets orbiting in the habitable zones of their suns were roughly twice the diameter of Earth. This almost doubled the total of exoplanets confirmed in habitable zones from five to nine. What the NASA astronomers didn’t consider, however, was a new way of defining what constitutes a habitable zone for extraterrestrial life.

In January this year, Scientists at the University of Aberdeen and University of St Andrews, Scotland, released a paper titled “Circumstellar habitable zones for deep terrestrial biospheres,” in the journal, Planetary and Space Science. In the paper they redefined the “Goldilocks Zone”, the optimal zone for life to exist on planets. They have found that life can flourish beneath a planet’s surface where liquid water can be found at varying depths. This is how the abstract described this new way of locating extraterrestrial life:

We introduce a new term, subsurface-habitability zone (SSHZ) to denote the range of distances from a star within which rocky planets are habitable at any depth below their surfaces up to a stipulated maximum, and show how SSHZs can be estimated from a model relating temperature, depth and orbital distance. We present results for Earth-like, Mars-like and selected extrasolar terrestrial planets, and conclude that SSHZs are several times wider and include many more planets than conventional surface-based habitable zones.

Using computer simulations, the scientists found that if one goes to a depth of 5km below the surface, then the habitable zone in space increases by a factor of three. If one goes to 10km below the surface, then the habitable zone extends by a factor of 14 which would extend the habitable zone beyond Saturn. Thus several of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, could have life thriving in habitats kilometers beneath their surfaces.

Using the idea of subsurface-habitability zone, many more than only four of the 768 newly confirmed exoplanets could be suitable hosts for extraterrestrial life. As astronomers continue to develop new techniques for confirming the existence of exoplanets, a new understanding for what constitutes a habitable zone is needed. Liquid water can exist either on or beneath the surface of an exoplanet, thereby making it possible for extraterrestrial life to flourish on many more exoplanets than previously thought possible.

In previous announcements of the Kepler Mission data, astronomers confidently predicted that it was only a matter of time before an exoplanet in the habitable zone of its sun would be found to host extraterrestrial life. New techniques for confirming exoplanets and new ways of defining a habitability zone make it even more inevitable that extraterrestrial life will eventually be detected on exoplanets using advanced space telescopes.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

NASA scientist claims conclusive proof of extraterrestrial life

NASA ordered immediate destruction of this possible crinoid fossil in 20014. Photo Credit: Enterprise Mission.
NASA ordered immediate destruction of this possible crinoid fossil in 20014. Photo Credit: Enterprise Mission.

Richard Hoover, who worked for NASA as an astrobiologist for 46 years, claims to have found “the remains of life forms that are absolutely conclusively extraterrestrial.” In an interview with Lee Spiegel from the Huffington Post released on February 19, Hoover claims that his scientific research on meteorites revealing the existence of microbial extratrerrestrial life has been systematically ignored by NASA. In the interview, he reveals that criticism that his meteorite samples have been contaminated by Earth life is invalid, and can be proven to be so. Hoover was a highly acclaimed NASA scientist who in 1992 was awarded NASA’s inventor of the Year award. Hoover’s interview is yet more evidence that NASA is not only ignoring, but actively covering up evidence of extraterrestrial life.

Hoover’s interview was conducted in Fountain Hills, Arizona where he was a presenter at the Open Minds 2014 International UFO Congress from February 12-16. While at NASA, Hoover wrote papers about his work on meteorites that showed evidence of microfossils. He discovered the fossilized remains of life in meteorites recovered from France in 1864, from Australia in 1969 and from Sri Lanka in 2012. His research ruled out the possibility of earthly contamination, and in normal circumstances would have been heralded as a tremendous scientific breakthrough. On the contrary, NASA simply ignored his research findings about the discovery of microbial extraterrestrial life,

Furthermore, Hoover claims that in 2004, the Mars Rover, Opportunity photographed what clearly looked like the fossilized remains of a crinoid, a marine animal that looks like a sea lily. Hoover showed it to colleagues who immediately recognized the object as a crinoid. However, rather than examine the exciting possibility that Opportunity had photographed the fossilized remains of a living organism, Hoover said that less than four hours after taking the photo, Opportunity’s rock abrasion tool ground the area where the possible fossil lay into dust. He asked David McKay, the former chief astrobiologist at the Johnson Space Center, why this had been done. The response Hoover received was less than satisfactory.

In December 2012, Hoover was part of a research team that found evidence of ancient fossils that were discovered in Sri Lanka. Several papers were published in a scientific journal documenting the extensive research and examination of the microfossils recovered from the meteorite. Once again, NASA has ignored the research documenting the discovery of extraterrestrial life.

Hoover’s experiences while at NASA have convinced him that senior officials are making decisions that systematically ignore and/or lead to the destruction of fossilzed evidence of extraterrestrial life. Hoover’s ground breaking research and interview shows that conclusive proof has been found of microbial extraterrestrial life, but NASA refuses to publicly acknowledge such a discovery.

© Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

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