Seth Rich Channeled by Karl Mollison – A Review 5.1

By Duke Brickhouse, Part 5 in the Channeling Series    See Part 2, Part 3

Part 5.1 – The Truth Comes Out

One of the most confusing and disturbing things to come from the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign was the unsolved murder of a 27-year old employee of the Democratic National Committee, Seth Rich. The government, the U.S. intelligence community, the mainstream media, and even Seth’s family would write off his shooting on a street corner in the early morning of June 10, 2016 as merely a botched robbery having nothing to do with politics or the DNC. But many researchers and news sources have found too many inconsistencies and illogical assumptions in the mainstream narrative, and believe that there is much more to the story.

In a June 2016 installment of the “Why Is This True?” YouTube series , Denny Hunt interviewed the spirit of Seth Rich through the channeling of renowned hypnotherapist, Karl Mollison. Spirit Seth provided some very revealing answers to exactly what happened to him. But in order to fully understand Spirit Seth’s insights from the Spirit Realm, one needs to examine the events that took place during 2016 and 2017 that Seth’s actions set in motion.

Because there is such a large volume of information associated with the background story, I have divided this essay into three parts:

Part 5.1 – “The Truth Comes Out”
Part 5.2 – “The Making Of A Deep State Psyop”
Part 5.3 – “Hanging On By A Thread”

In this Part 5.1, I will provide an overview of the story from the perspective of the truth that Spirit Seth has provided in this channeling. In Parts 5.2 and 5.3, I support the premise of this article with further information given by Spirit Seth in the original channeling, and by examining the actual events pertaining to the parallel investigations of the Seth Rich murder and the DNC emails.

To begin, the mainstream narrative of Seth Rich’s murder goes like this straight out of Wikipedia: Seth Conrad Rich (January 3, 1989 – July 10, 2016) was an American employee for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) who was fatally shot in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Washington D.C. As of May 2017 the shooting is still under investigation by the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department. The murder spawned several right-wing conspiracy theories about the crime, including the claim that Rich had been involved with the leaked DNC emails in 2016, which runs contrary to U.S. intelligence that concluded the leaked DNC emails were part of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections. These theories were debunked by law enforcement, as well as by fact-checking websites like,, and The fabrications were described as fake news and falsehoods by The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post. Rich’s parents condemned the conspiracy theorists and said that these individuals were exploiting their son’s death for political gain, with their spokesperson calling them “sociopaths” and “disgusting”.

In Spirit Seth’s channeling, Denny gets right to the point. “Was your death a political assassination?”

“This was indeed a political assassination.” reveals Spirit Seth. “This was payback for the actions I took that were a form of wrongdoing and were harmful to certain vested interests politically. The retribution was directed towards me because of the role I played.”

The “role” that Seth played would be that of an insider leaking DNC emails to Wikileaks. As we will see, Seth was an altruistic light worker whose greatest desire was to help make the world a better place. He believed in democracy, and that a fair and robust election process is at the core of that democracy. There is evidence that more DNC emails had been passed along by an insider after Seth’s death, so he wasn’t working alone when he downloaded thousands of emails with attachments from a DNC computer and passed them along to Wikileaks. And he probably had help accessing those emails as well.

Seth had been working for the DNC as the Voter Expansion Data Director for two years. In this capacity, Seth helped to develop a computer program for the DNC whereby people could easily locate their polling place. So Seth would have been familiar with the DNC’s computers. The individual state primaries and caucuses that took place between February and June 2016 to determine the Democrat’s nominee for president would have been in full swing by April or May. This is when the DNC’s cyber-security firm, Crowdstrike, first detected irregularities in their email servers. During the spring, Seth would have been exposed to the DNC’s extreme bias against Bernie Sanders in favor of Hillary Clinton, and the galling favoritism shown to wealthy potential donors. To someone who cherished a pure democracy as much as Seth did, these distortions would have been abhorrent.

The Deep State

Behind the DNC’s bias for Hillary lurked a “deep state” that was heavily invested in seeing Hillary win the election. Hillary had earned her place as the next puppet president to be duly installed by the deep state. They knew that if these unethical DNC tactics were exposed it could greatly harm the Hillary Clinton campaign.

The “deep state” refers primarily to the career intelligence officials who have controlled the U.S. government and most other Western governments, as well as the media, educational, scientific, military, banking, energy (oil), and industrial institutions since the CIA was created in 1947. This shadow government is itself controlled by an Illuminati cabal allied with a belligerent group of negative extraterrestrial beings, as well as dark spirits called Archons that energetically induce and consume human negative emotions such as anger, fear and desperation. While American citizens have labored under the illusion of freedom and democracy, the deep state cabal has made sure that the world’s politics revolve around perpetual war, suffering, and financial slavery. At the same time, this cabal has funneled the Earth’s wealth and resources into their own hidden reality that includes massive underground bases, off-planet bases, population centers scattered around the solar system, tremendously advanced spacecraft and technologies, and regular interaction with numerous extraterrestrial beings and other worlds.

Every U.S. president since John F. Kennedy, with the possible exception of Jimmy Carter, has been a hand-picked stooge of the deep state. But as the mass consciousness of the world’s population sharply increases with the approach of an imminent cosmic energy change, the cabal knows that this could be a tipping point where the higher consciousness of light and love might very well topple this dark regime and bring forth a golden age as humanity ascends to a fourth density reality. In such a scenario, the dark entities and their depraved human counterparts would be exposed to the masses and face the wrath of an enlightened populace. These are the stakes of which the deep state cabal is well aware.

With the DNC emails out there, the cabal needed a plan. Their best chance at suppressing humanity’s mass spiritual ascension, thereby preserving the dark-side’s stranglehold on the planet, would be to make sure that they maintained their control over the White House by installing Hillary as the next president. But even if she were to lose the election, a fail-safe would be to implicate the Trump campaign in collusion with Russia against American interests. Then, should he become president, the deep state could continue to attack Trump to render him ineffective and of little threat during his relatively short term of office.

Spirit Seth confirms the deep state’s need to eliminate Seth in order to preserve their phony Russian narrative: “[There] was very much the need to cover up the truth about the origin of the leaking of emails, so that the cover story of corruption in the Trump administration could be maintained without a counterpoint or conflicting view. The needs went beyond those harmed politically in the immediate sense of perhaps influencing the outcome of the presidential race, but were mostly the need of the intelligence community to maintain the story of collusion between the White House and Russia. That was the primary motivation.”

The deep state would make it appear that the Russian government had hacked into the DNC servers, downloaded the DNC emails, and given them to Wikileaks. After it was established that Russia had hacked the DNC emails, they would convince the American public, through conjecture and circumstantial evidence, that there had been collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, which has continued into the Trump administration.

Karl Mollison, Channeler

This channeled interview with Spirit Seth was conducted by Karl Mollison who, in the 1980’s and 1990’s, was a hard core scientist working in the medical and pharmaceutical industry. Being in the medical industry, Karl was always looking for insights as to new methods of healing. Rather than turning a blind eye to the mounting empirical evidence of psychic and hypnotic healing, Karl decided to explore this himself by taking classes in hypnotherapy. To his surprise he discovered that he was especially adept at channeling the Divine Source and higher beings.

               Karl Mollison

By 2006, Karl had made hypnotherapy his vocation. Since then he has conducted hundreds of channeling sessions. He’s developed a trust in certain Spirit Realm sources and has honed his channeling protocols to achieve the most honest and accurate of readings. With each channeling session, Karl will set his intention in genuine love and goodness, without ego, fear or self-interest. Then he will begin by falling into a lucid trance, contacting the highest Divine Source, and working his way down to the particular spiritual being that the interviewer wants to channel while making sure that no outside negative forces elbow their way into the conversation. During a channeling session, Karl is able to monitor and recall these channeled conversations as a third party witness.

The Russian Narrative

So by June 2016, the cabal had decided on a false narrative that would accomplish four deep state goals: 1) to diminish any effect that Seth’s leaked emails might have on the election; 2) to sabotage the Trump campaign; 3) to perpetuate the Russian collusion investigation into the Trump presidency if necessary; and 4) to nudge America closer to war with Russia.

The deep state knew that a scenario in which Russian President Putin directed a cyber-attack on the DNC in order to sway the U.S. presidential election would be an easy sell. The Republican’s largely xenophobic base would look for any excuse to vilify Russia. Yet the the supposed Russian attack was against the Democrats. So this ploy would actually unite the Democrats and the Republicans against the Russians and Trump. It was a brilliant piece of deep state spy craft.

Of course, Russia is always the tried and true scapegoat. Ever since the CIA was created through the National Security Act of 1947 under President Truman, the deep state has carefully cultivated a Cold War between the United States and our former WWII ally, the Soviet Union/Russia. This was necessary in order to provide the military industrial complex with a plausible enemy and a reason to exist.

In truth, the Soviet Union could never stand up to an American military industrial complex that had the backing of an Illuminati cabal that controlled the world’s monetary system and pretty much everything else, and was allied with a sinister fourth-density Reptilian overlord with tremendously advanced technology. The United States admits to spending over ten times more on military defense than does Russia. It is surely much more than that. Russia is not the powerful enemy that the deep state government has always made them out to be. (Although Russia may have recently received advanced defensive weaponry from another extraterrestrial race in order to level the playing field in near space.)

Now that humanity is on the verge of ascending to a higher consciousness capable of overthrowing this Illuminati/Reptilian domination, the deep state would like nothing better at this time than to incite a war between the United States and Russia in an attempt to preserve their dominance – or destroy the planet trying. This is what the cabal would hope to accomplish by convincing the American people that Trump colluded with Russia to attack America. Thankfully, it appears that both Putin and Trump know what the cabal is up to and refuse to buy into the subterfuge.

Say what you want about Donald Trump. He may be a boorish narcissist who only worships the almighty dollar, but he is certainly not a part of the deep state. That may be the single best thing about Trump. If he were a deep state puppet, the cabal would not go to such lengths to attempt to ruin his campaign and destroy his presidency.

The reason why the Seth Rich story is so important is because it is the linchpin to unraveling the deep state before the public’s very eyes. If it became apparent that Seth did leak the DNC emails to Wikileaks in an altruistic gesture consistent with his Midwestern values, and he was murdered because of it, then every high-level politician, media outlet and intelligence agency that vehemently promoted the false Russian narrative would be publicly outed as a CIA asset or a deep state stooge. The public would see that they were all in on it. The population might begin to wake up and see how extensive the cabal’s web of lies and deception goes. And the American people might actually do something about it.

Mind Control

How does the deep state maintain this total subjugation of humanity? Well, as we’ve seen through our previous channelings of Dwight Eisenhower, James Forrestal, and Andrew Goodpaster in this series, its all about mind control. The highly intelligent negative beings with their greatly advanced technology know the structure of our minds better than we do, and they know exactly how to exploit our minds. They employ a combination of energy frequencies and gasses poured from cloaked craft flying low over population centers to render the human mind apathetic and vulnerable to the more targeted impressions that are transferred either indirectly through electronic media, or directly through targeted one-on-one telepathic mind control.

“The [Negative ET/Reptilian] influence is effectively universal.” says Spirit Seth. “It is only a matter of degree. All people are programmed, at all levels, starting from childhood. Everything that is seen via the media has multiple levels of messages in the content. Some are designed to foster various propaganda messages and these are reinforced subliminally with electromagnetic signals that are perceived below conscious awareness but within the deeper levels of the mind.”

Spirit Seth continues, “The fact nothing was taken from me (at the scene of his shooting) made this a poor semblance of a street crime. But that was beside the point to those in power. They are used to doing all manner of reckless acts because they know the press will not truly cover them fully and people will not look beneath the surface. This is deliberate and is under the control of the authorities at all times. They control the press, they control the electronic media, both radio and television, all of the programs, all of the commentators. All are subjected to mind control manipulation and will be forced to sift and choose among information and summarily reject things that may be awkward or embarrassing to those in power, and will downplay them or refuse to cover them.”

A damaging truth, such as Seth leaking the DNC emails, “will be rejected as a so-called conspiracy theory… and summarily dismissed on that basis alone. So [what appears to be] personal choices are truly a bias instilled within them to program their minds. There are few reliable purveyors of information left on the planet. No official accounts or stories can ever be truly trusted to include all the facts, let alone have a true conclusion or decision made about the meaning.” Official accounts will never reveal “the interconnection [of the deep state] with all of the hidden [extraterrestrial] forces wanting the world to not advance, to not improve, and for people to be held down and subjugated and suppressed in their thinking.”

“This is a global conspiracy of the first order we are speaking of. My misfortune was not understanding the true depth and reach of those forces.” says Spirit Seth. “Wandering into the political arena, I was tickling the tiger so to speak and not realizing the reach of the teeth and claws. This was my undoing.”

And what would Spirit Seth have done differently? “The first recommendation is to be very, very, cautious to document your material, to have witnesses, to make multiple copies, and have them in secure places, with people who will know how to use the information should something happen to you. We do not wish to cause undue fear, but we are realistic. And we are the poster boy of the day, so to speak, for the risks taken by whistleblowers who stray too close to the home front and do acts that are possibly capable of uncovering the hidden hand.” (ie: the deep state)

Spirit Seth laments that rather than having a positive effect on politics, the cabal used Seth’s actions to ramp up “fear of collusion with foreign powers as… having more control over affairs in America than is truly the case. And this is… a dangerous game. There needs to be an alliance among nations and not opposition, suspicion, and conflict.”

Seth’s Transition and Spirit Rescue

Spirit Seth takes the opportunity of this channeling to diverge from the topic of the subjugation of those living on the Earth to speak to the subjugation of those transitioning from the Earth to the Spirit Realm. The same negative energetic forces that manipulate humanity on Earth can have a similarly negative influence on the deceased.

Spirit Seth recounts his own arduous experience: “The consequence of negative spirit influence extends beyond the physical into the lower energetic planes that lie in between where we live as physical human and where we return in going home to the light in the higher vibrational realm, to be once again among our friends and family and our larger soul community and of course with Creator and the various divine beings who assist humans in all they do.”

“On the way to the light, things can go wrong. The reality is that a high percentage of people who die will be lost in between planes of existence and this can go on for many years. It is the human failing to see the light beings who come to assist them because they are not prepared, and that was the case for me. I did not give much thought to the Divine Realm and was not prepared to think about the hereafter. As a consequence, and also because of my unexpected passing, [I] was not prepared for anything in particular to happen, and was not aware of my death.”

“All I knew was that I was in darkness and did not understand why or where I might be. All I had was my consciousness. This is more than just being in limbo. It is a kind of suffocation because there is no sense of space, there is no sense of being, other than thought. It is like being smothered without a way to breathe. The absence of the body is quite a startling change and this left me in a genuine quandary because I did not have my ability to even think and perceive what might be happening.”

“I had awareness and the ability to think but with impairment, and with a limited memory, and with no bodily sensations, no sight, no hearing, no ability to feel, touch, know something was around me, or even there was space around me. And in the middle of that realization and quandary, there were dark visitors who came with their thoughts and reached out to mock me, and to demean me, to threaten, and to criticize, and to raise additional fear within me that more bad things would happen.” says Spirit Seth. “This was a kind of torture.”

Before Karl Mollison attempts any channeling, Karl first determines whether the spirit to be channeled has successfully transitioned into the light. In the case of Seth Rich, his spirit did not successfully transition and Karl conducted a successful spirit rescue to direct him into the light of the Divine Realm. Karl estimates that one in three transitions require a spirit rescue.

“Fortunately for me,” says Spirit Seth, “I came up on your radar and was given a rescuing outreach that was accomplished by bringing in healing for me to raise up my ability to connect with the light beings. And it was only at that point that I could see there was a presence there to help me. I was able to go to the light and rejoin my friends and have a re-awakening in full measure of my senses, and my ability to see and connect to my history, and have everything come back into focus. So I am eternally grateful for this rescue.”

“There are many, many, beings out there still, who are floundering. Many people’s loved ones have not successfully made their transition. This also is a consequence, an indirect one, of all of the subjugation and suppression. Human suffering does not prepare one to make a smooth, uneventful, transition but rather does the opposite. So this is, yet again, another legacy of the corruption and subjugation. And this, too, serves the darkness – the dark spirits (Archons) who prey on such hapless beings and draw energy from them, and also the extraterrestrials (Anunnaki; Reptilians; negative Nordics and Greys) seeking control over humanity. It becomes a kind of prison for [the deceased] in only reaching those lower levels and not moving beyond. They are taken out of action, so to speak.”

“So the lesson for those listening is to heed my words and understand there needs to be attention paid to preparation for your transition, as each one of you will transition one day. And all you need is to be wanting the light to come and wanting to go with the light and embracing that as a good outcome. And you will, after all, be in bliss and have a magnificent existence once again that makes your human life in the physical pale in comparison. This is the plight of humans currently, that their light being capabilities are being denied to them and that dimming of their light and the dumbing down has been in place for many, many, centuries and needs to change.”

“We are working on this from the light. You need to work on it from the physical. And between the two, you (in the physical) hold the greatest power. It is your decision to act, your decision to embrace the Divine Realm once again if you have drifted away. This will strengthen you and will strengthen the collective humanity, as you are all interconnected energetically whether you realize this or not. You are all brothers and sisters, whether you have different colors, different languages, different histories, different beliefs, you are all brothers and sisters of the light and you all share Creator’s love flowing through you.”

“Whether you allow yourself to drink from that well of inspiration and joy is up to you. Many choose not to do this, and it is their loss and misfortune. The choices are yours. We are delighted and will be forever grateful we are back in that flow once again, thanks to you. And you both (referring to Denny Hunt and Karl Mollison) share in this because you have worked together, and the origin of the session done for me came through the joint effort and the desire for truth to come forward.”

“This is but one small example of the reach and power of the divine human. You are saving souls every day by what you do, and the ripple effect as it moves outward. All watching this can take part and do the same by simply making their choice to be a worker for the light and adding their energy to the desire for human betterment. That in itself is substantial and a real contribution. If everyone set that intention, everything would shift at once because all would be on board, and that is the tipping point for this grand unveiling of the divine physical human.” “This is of great personal significance to me, and… to all who listen to these words. We are all humans. We are all in this together.”


Seth Rich’s motivation for leaking the DNC emails to the public was purely for the good of the American people. But Spirit Seth derides himself for being naive and seems to want to blame himself for giving the deep state the opportunity to turn it into a narrative that accuses the Russian government of cyber-attacking the DNC, and then tying Donald Trump to the Russian conspiracy.

Not only did the negative forces exploit Seth’s effort to expose political corruption in the DNC as a basis for their own narrative, they eliminated Seth in order to prevent him from revealing the ruse. Then, even after they took his life, the dark forces weren’t through with Spirit Seth. They took advantage of his mental confusion at his death to trap him in a marginal existence of sensory deprivation where malevolent beings could torment him.

Luckily for Spirit Seth, Denny and Karl came along. With his intuitive gift for channeling, Karl Mollison was able to rescue Spirit Seth from this purgatory and bring him into the light. But Spirit Seth shouldn’t be so hard on himself. According to Karl, it is a very common occurrence for a human in transition to need a spirit rescue to direct him or her toward the light of the Divine Realm.

And as far as feeling regret for giving the deep state a way to accuse Russia of attacking America, Spirit Seth shouldn’t blame himself. This is what the deep state does and they’re very good at it. In fact, Spirit Seth’s desire to make the world a better place might have created the catalyst for the American people to finally wake up and see what is really going on. It might expose the career politicians, the government bureaucrats, the police, the pundits, the war hawks, the mainstream media, the newspapers, and the intelligence community – all for being the puppets of the deep state that they are. If the planet’s consciousness was heightened so that we could all see the cabal for what it is, and what an impediment it is to humanity’s natural development, then the world would change quite rapidly.

Parts 5.2 and 5.3 of the Seth Rich story will examine in detail the events that occurred throughout 2016 and 2017 to see how the Russian/Trump narrative developed, how the deep state responded to skeptical independent investigations, and what Spirit Seth had to say about it.

Part Five in the Channeling Series (Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4)

Copyright 2017 Duke Brickhouse

$100,000 Reward for Evidence of Extraterrestrials on Earth

by Paul Seaburn                September 15, 2017               (

• Movie executive James Fox is offering $100,000 for solid, compelling evidence of a UFO.

• Fox is encouraging military and government officials to come forward, but anyone is eligible.

• Fox thinks that the time is right since so many people now believe in extraterrestrial UFOs.

• The money is actually coming from two unnamed but extremely high-profile American public figures and philanthropists.


Tired of buying Powerball Lottery tickets and never winning the top prize? Perhaps your odds (1 in 292 million) would be better if you tried taking a video of a UFO and submitting it to a movie executive who is offering a cool $100,000US for concrete evidence of extraterrestrial activity on Earth. Can a Reptilian just show up and collect the prize? Don’t be absurd. Why would a Reptilian need $100,000?

“It would have to be coupled with a piece of pretty substantial evidence. If there was a photograph of the object on the ground, a photograph of the object in the air, if there was a government document, irrefutable, confirming that, that would certainly be considered something that was bona fide.”

The offer was made this week by James Fox, the director of the UFO documentary Out of the Blue and the follow-up I Know What I Saw. On his first visit to Australia, during which he’s giving lectures and interviewing witnesses from the so-called Westall UFO incident in Melbourne in 1966 (when over 200 students and teachers saw a saucer-shaped UFO descend and take off), Fox announced his offer in an interview with

“And we are encouraging any military or government officials with some of these materials a rather large sum of money — $100,000 and possibly more — if they are willing to come forward.”

The prize will be paid to anyone, not just military or government officials, but Fox singles them out because he’s made this offer to them before … in 2013 at a UFO conference. The response was disappointing.

“We’ve got lots of compelling photographs but nothing where our jaw hit the floor.”

That’s why Fox is now opening the reward to the general public. He expects interest to be high because of the recent U.S. presidential election when John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager and former White House chief of staff, spoke opening about disclosing UFO secret files to the public. While he wouldn’t reveal if Podesta will be involved in the evaluation of submitted evidence, Fox says he’s talked to him (an interview that will appear in his next film):

“He said that the phenomena cannot be explained away … (not) all of it. That it merits further investigation and that other people should take it more seriously.”


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MacDill chuckling as UFO website reports ‘flying triangles’ at base

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By Howard Altman [Tampa Bay Times Staff Writer]

My Twitter feed on MacDill Air Force Base has been out of this world lately.


Dozens of people from across the globe have tweeted out images purporting to show unidentified flying objects in the skies over MacDill. The tweets began Sept. 1 when a self-described UFO expert named Michael Salla sent out pictures of what he claims are extraterrestrial conveyances.

The photos, he writes on his website, are “of a triangular shaped UFO” taken near the base at about 8 a.m. Aug. 31 by a source he refers to only as “JP,” with whom he had been communicating since 2008.

“These are not photoshopped or created by CGI, but genuine photos of a UFO that informed analysis suggests has design and technology characteristics similar to the TR-3B that is part of a USAF secret space air wing operating out of MacDill,” Salla writes on his website.

In a story posted in February about sightings of such aircraft, the London-based Daily Express described the TR-3B as “alleged by conspiracy theorists to be a secret ‘black project’ spy craft of the US Government that can be flown into space.”

A few days later, Salla tweeted more pictures, this time of what he claims were “a triangular UFO” taken near MacDill Air Force Base around 9:50 a.m. Sept. 4.

The movement “indicates that the triangular craft either used cloaking technology that would move from one end to the other end of the craft, or had entered a larger cloaked vehicle,” Salla wrote.

On Sept. 6, Salla posted again, claiming that on Sept. 5 and 6, “more flying triangle shaped craft were photographed in the vicinity of MacDill.”

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New DNA Evidence Nazca Humanoid Specimens are Real

Transcript/extract of segments of the lecture given by Mr. Maussan on September 20, 2017 at the Ufology World Congress in Montserrat, Spain:

Mr. Jaime Maussan: On September 5, the results of DNA analysis of the BioTecMol laboratory arrived. I gave the samples to them on June 15. Tests were carried out to arrive at an extraordinary conclusion: 30% of this DNA is similar to the human being, but 70% is not. As it is the report of a laboratory says that surely they are of bacterial origin. However, in a more detailed analysis, it was found that only 20% is of bacterial origin and 80% of that 70% it was not possible to establish its origin or find another species on Earth that shares it. About 2,000,000 more sequences need to be determined and this will take from 6 months to 1 year aprox. These are preliminary results.

Biologist Ricardo Rangel (shown in a video interview by Mr. Maussan): Some 600,000 sequences / molecules with an approximate length of 150 nucleotides have been obtained through a massive sequencing process. Of the 4 samples that have been studied, between 19% and 30% of similarities to the human genome have been identified. We have tried to compare databases using a progran known as BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool), an international database based on the complete human genome and other organisms and more than 2000 micro organisms, of bacteria. Sequences have not been found to have significant similarity to the human genome. Nor have they been found to have no similarities with the bacterial genome. We are comparing with animals like primates, the crocodile, the sea turtle to see if there are similarities and the results is that so far with the database we have there is no similarity. We still have a lot more DNA to sequence which will take us at least 6 months to 1 year.

Dr. José de Jesús Salce,  forensic medicine teacher for the Mexican Navy, has been contributing to this research in a personal capacity and referring about the smaller species (not about the larger specimen called “Maria”): “The location of the foramen magnum is interesting. The base of the skull has a square, cubic shape when in most primates, if it is not round, it is oval. It would be the first time that we are observing a species with a large hole of cubic form with edges of a square type. The foramen magnum is located exactly in the middle of the skull or in the middle segment and not in the posterior or posterior third segment as usually occurs.

In a human being the viewing angle is an average of 140 degrees. Here, the position of the orbital spaces tells us about the possibility of having a wider viewing range of perhaps 180 degrees. The bone structure would allow a greater amplitude of the human being.

The oral cavity again emphasizes that it has a very small jaw would only allow swallowing but not chewing and we see the pneumatization (black spaces that are trabeculae or spaces in the bone that are probably pneumatized. They give lightness to the skull. However, it does not diminish its capacity of resistance, that is to say, it remains rigid and resistant but is lighter, In addition, if they were to be pneumatized, this could favor the resonance of the skull, a resonance of a very weak sound that would be ultra sonic or sub sonic.

If the alteration had been made in life we would see the traces of surgery. And, if the alteration had been made after death, the tissue is not alive and therefore would not have regenerated and would not have regained its shape and the scars and the points of union would be noticed.

Regarding “Maria” the larger specimen, it is not possible (that two fingers in each hand have been cut and that phalanxes have been added) because the length of each bone is specific and this would give us traces that have been modified, cut or added. However, the anatomical correspondence between each bone and the relationship between them determines that it is not possible to alter or falsify these hands.”

Dr Raymundo Salas, Peruvian radiologist and expert in Tomography with 35 years of service said in a video tapoed interview that he determined that “María” (the larger specimen) had been a living being. She has internal organs (unlike mumies), perhaps even ovaries. The roots of the phalanxes in the feet show that it would not have been possible to alter the feet. The tomography shown no mutilation. Also, the bones in the hands which are unusualy large (20 cm) connect with each other perfectly well and neither “Maria” nor “Wawita” (a similar mummy but of a 1 year old once living being) show signs of manipulation. The larger mummy “María” has a gynecoid pelvis but the sex of smaller mummy “Wawita” has not been determined. Dr. Salas said that the skulls (cephalic perimeter) are somewhat larger than normal and elongated. 




In a video taped interview of Dr. Edson Salazar Vivanco (a Peruvian surgeon), Dr. Salazar Vivanco explained that: One of the small bodies (the decapitated body) has prominence in the iliac crest, absence of pubic bone, prominent clavicle, a single bone in the forearm that in the human we have the ulna and the radius, presence of carpal bone and 3 phalanges in 3 fingers. In the leg below the knee a single bone instead of the tibia and fibula. In the tarsus of the feet a single bone joined to 3falanges. The skin is in the form of scales and porous to the touch. It resembles the skin of a lizard.  We were able to study 3 new small bodies and they were called “the family”.

Mr.Maussan reminded that – while there are 6 and 7 finger syndromes in human beings – there are no known 3 finger  human beings. 

He mentioned that few detractors have been recently commenting about the 60cm beings. “Why would they speak of them if (for them) ‘it was demnonstrated’ that the larger body is false?” He also noted that although they are similar as a species, each one has unique facial and individual features. He  mentioned that after noticing that one showed a bulge pelvic area, 3 eggs were discovered in one specimen under X rays. 


Comment: We must consider biologist José de la Cruz Ríos’ study of the smaller specimens that look more reptilian in appearance. 

Mr. Maussan said in the conference in Montserrat that perhaps one of the reasons for so much resistance against this investigation (even within the ufological community) may be that history itself would have to be re-written. He and all the other researchers mentioned and also Mr. Thierry Jamin (who has been promoting this research almost from the begining)  have stated that they are willing to recant and say that they were mistaken if they are scientifically proven wrong. 

On the other hand, Mr. Maussan revealed that the Peruvian journalist, Mr. Jois Mantilla was taken to a cave like opening by “Mario” the huaquero who knows where the specimens are and – apparently – were they were found. Here it is claimed that several of the mummies were found in Nazca, on a very steep hill. A video of this was shown during Mr. Maussan’s conference in Montserrat, Spain.


This research effort is excellent and very important! The investigation must continue but there already is enough robust evidence in favor of the extraordinary. We must support research! Get to the bottom in more detail to support a position in scientific debates. And repeat studies if possible. It could very well be the definitive evidence that we are not alone because there are visitors from other worlds who have lived with us in the past or who still interact with us or maybe there are intelligent non-human beings in underground bases. Be that as it may, the ufological society, paranormal researchers, researchers of the mysteries of the past, alternative thought, spirituality, and extraterrestrial contact must respond by joining when the moment arrives …. which is now!

Support research and even more research for humanity to awaken under whoever has the capacity and willingness to “wake up” and change paradigms towards a more connective and healthy worldview. Please share.

The conference (for now in Spanish):




Lawsuit Reveals the NSA Received 29 “Extraterrestrial Messages” From Space A Long Time Ago

by Arjun Walia               September 18, 2017                  (

• In a possible response to a message sent into space by Carl Sagen and colleagues in 1974, scientists have detected seventeen radio bursts coming from deep space.

• The NSA was forced by a FOIA lawsuit to release a document in 2011 that reveals an attempt by scientists to decode these radio burst “messages”.

• The document claims that the agency had deciphered basic symbols and syntax rules, and even a few words. It has yet to translate its meaning but they are working on it.

• The documents include a letter from a University professor that contemplates an extraterrestrial presence now among us.

• The documents also point out that many so called UFO’s are actually government “black budget” craft.

• The documents also identify a German engineer who built spacecraft in the early 1940’s, and an encounter that the Iranian Air Force had with a UFO in 1976.

• There is “abundant evidence that we are being contacted,” says former NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary.

• The management of these UFO/ET topics is “most likely… some sort of secret government atop the Deep State.”


The picture above represents a broadcast known as the “Arecibo” message, put together by Carl Sagan and colleagues, that was sent into space via radio waves at a special ceremony to celebrate the remodelling of the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico. Apparently, they received a response. It’s speculative, for sure, but the information below, is not. This article pertains to a real deal document.

Strange signals detected from outer space are becoming quite popular, especially within the past couple of years alone. Here’s one of several studies positing that some of these signals could be from an intelligent extraterrestrial source.

Scientists have discovered six more bursts of radio signals coming from a place in deep space outside our galaxy from where similar signals were detected earlier this year and in 2012. From this specific location, a total of 17 such radio signals have been received, and given their nature, there is also heavy speculation about whether we are being ‘contacted’ by some type of extra-terrestrial life form.

This article touches upon an NSA document that was released via a lawsuit. Rumours around the internet say the agency was ordered to declassify the document in 2004, but did not officially release it until 2011, which they did so quietly. Not many details are available about the document, except for the fact that it is real, and published in the NSA database via their technical journal.

It’s titled ”Key to Extraterrestrial Messages,” and a gentleman by the name of “H. Campaigne” attempts to decode the messages.
It states:

“Dr. Campaigne presented a series of 29 messages from outer space…The following article develops a key to these messages.”
A paragraph from the Appendix reads as follows:

“Recently, a series of radio messages was heard coming from outer space. The transmission was not continuous, but cut by pauses into pieces which could be taken as units, for they were repeated over and over again.”

Towards the end of the document, the author states that “we have penetrated the meaning of basic symbols, and even more important, have learned some of the syntax rules- of the notation, and have caught mistakes in the process. We have a few words for sophisticated concepts, and given more data, with a little labor, we could establish its translation.”

There was no document to be found that actually describes what exactly they found out, and what that translation was.

Quite interesting to say the least.


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Eleven Real Deal Whistleblowers That Threaten the Global Elite’s Desire for a New World Order

by Arjun Walia               September 18, 2017                     (

• The Global Elite will stop at nothing to impose their vision of a New World Order.

• Russian President Putin said “the oligarchic ‘one percent’ that dominates our world have given over entirely to greed.

• One of the Global Elite’s tactics is to create justification for war in order to keep the military industrial complex running.

• As a result American citizens continually lose their basic rights.

• Whistleblowers reveal classified information, create more transparency, and reveal the true intentions for secrecy under “national security,” a term used to conceal vast amounts of information.

• The eleven whistleblowers mentioned are: 1. Edward Snowden 2. Sibel Edmonds 3. Thomas Drake 4. William Binney 5. Robert David Steele 6. Chelsea Manning 7. Dr. Udo Ulfkotte 8. Jeffrey S. Wigand 9. Dr. William Thompson 10 Dr. Johan Brandenburg 11. Dr. Norman Bergrun


The “New World Order,” a term that’s been referenced a number of times by various academics, politicians, and more over the years, has definitely gained more attention recently. Why? Because it refers to the desire of the global elite to enforce their vision of what the world should look like, basically imposing their ways and beliefs of “globalization” on the world’s populace. They employ various tactics to make this happen. Whether it be the infiltration of another country’s political system via Western intelligence agencies, manufacturing the consent of their own people through false flag terrorism, or simply flat out lying about global events, the New World Order agenda continues to move forward.

This has become such a major issue that the Perdana Global Peace Foundation organized and sponsored a conference about it, the International Conference on the New World Order.

At the 13th annual meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club, whose theme this year was “The Future in Progress: Shaping the World of Tomorrow,” Russian President Vladimir Putin began his speech by arguing that the oligarchic ‘1 percent’ that dominates our world have given over entirely to greed:

They essentially abandoned substantive and equal dialogue with other actors in international life, chose not to improve or create universal institutions, and attempted instead to bring the entire world under the spread of their own organisations, norms and rules. They chose the road of globalisation and security for their own beloved selves, for the select few, and not for all. But far from everyone was ready to agree with this.
Iraq, Syra, and Libya were all ravaged in the name of greed, and their invasions were based on lies, as four star General Wesley Clark also made quite clear.

So, where do whistleblowers come in? Well, the New World Order has many aspects, and they use many tactics to achieve their goal. This includes, as Putin put it, creating “imaginary and mythical” threats to justify their actions. One of their biggest tactics is to keep the entire military industrial complex running, to create justification for war and invasion/infiltration, and to heighten the global national security state. As a result of the heightened natural security state, citizens at home in America continually lose their basic rights, in many different forms.

When whistleblowers reveal classified information, it creates more transparency, and reveals the true intentions for secrecy under the justification of “national security,” a term that’s basically used now to conceal vast amounts of information.


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Fourteen Cutting Edge Tech Firms Funded by the CIA

by Kaalee Brown                September 17, 2017                        (

• The CIA’s investment capital firm In-Q-Tel funds the start-up for innovative tech companies.

• In-Q-Tel is funded through the government’s secret $50B+ “black budget” slush fund.

• Are we relieved or worried that the CIA has all of this advanced technology spyware?


The CIA has its own investment capital firm called “In-Q-Tel,” and it’s been funding innovative tech firms for years. This is both good news and bad. One the one hand, it allows the CIA to invest in technologies they deem useful for the intelligence community; however, some of these technologies are a little creepy when it comes to personal space and privacy.

In-Q-Tel has the ability to reach deep into the pockets of the U.S. government’s Black Budget, which is pretty hefty given that the Washington Post reported that a staggering $52.6 billion was set aside for Black Budget operations in fiscal year 2013. If you’re unfamiliar with the Black Budget program, that’s not very surprising; the entire point of the program is to keep these funds and the programs within it top secret.

Though these investments are much smaller than the total Black Budget spendings, amounting from somewhere between $500K and $2 million per investment as per a 2005 story in Washington Post, they’re still strategic contributions made in hopes of using the technology in the future.

Here’s a list of 14 firms the CIA has funded:

1. Cylance (malware detection)
2. Orbital (intricate searches of satellite images)
3. Cyphy (spy drones)
4. BlueLine Grid (highly secure communications platform)
5. Atlas Wearables (fitness trackers)
6. Fuel3d (handheld 3-D scanning devices)
7. MindMeld (applies voice command to any device or appliance)
8. SnapDNA (analyzes DNA in minutes, no lab)
9. Sonitus (communications device inside the mouth)
10. Palantir (interconnects tons of data from the CIA, NSA, and other intelligence agencies)
11. BBN Technologies (supplied the military with high-tech gadgets since 1948)
12. Keyhole (extremely advanced 3D mapping, they invented Google Earth)
13. Basis Technology (analyzes and translates foreign documents)
14. Oculis Labs (computer screens that only respond to a certain user)


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For the First Time, Astronomers Have Found A Giant ‘Magnetic Bridge’ Between Galaxies

by Arjun Walia               September 14, 2017                  (

• Astronomers have discovered an “intergalactic bridge” that links the Milky Way galaxy with our nearest neighbor, the Large Magellanic Cloud.

• The “Pan-Magellanic Bridge” is described as a magnetic strand of gas stretching 75,000 light years connecting the two galaxies.

• “Not only are entire galaxies magnetic, but the faint delicate threads joining galaxies are magnetic, too.”

[Editor’s Note]   This scientific study supports the concept of the “Cosmic Web”, a natural portal system of interconnected electromagnetic filaments that intelligent beings use to travel between planets, solar systems, and galaxies, which Corey Goode describes in S1E12 of Cosmic Disclosure (GaiaTV).


The study of magnetic fields is fascinating, and presents tremendous implications for how we perceive our physical material world. The leading scientists in this field are, as far as I’m concerned, over at the HeartMath Institute, which continues to publish groundbreaking research on how these magnetic fields, which all living things possess, reveal the interconnectedness of all life and impact us in a number of ways.

Now, for the first time, scientists have discovered sound evidence for a magnetic field that is “associated with the vast intergalactic ‘bridge’ that links our two nearest galactic neighbours.”

According to a press release by the University of Toronto’s Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics, “Such cosmic magnetic fields can only be detected indirectly, and this detection was made by observing the radio signals from hundreds of very distant galaxies that lie beyond the [large and small magnetic clouds].”

The field is associated with what’s known as the Megallanic Bridge, which is a strand of gas stretching 75 thousand lightyears between our Milky Way galaxy (and the others that most probably inhabit it) and its nearest galactic neighbours.

Just as the work of scientists at HeartMath has shown the connections between all living things via our magnetic fields, it appears there are also cosmic connections which link cosmic magnetic fields. Looking at the smallest forms of physical matter, scaled up to the geometric patterns in nature, these are also visible at the largest known scales, out in space.

According to PhD student Jane Kaczmarek:

There were hints that this magnetic field might exist, but no one had observed it until now. The radio emission from the distant galaxies served as background ‘flashlights’ that shine through the Bridge. . . . Its magnetic field then changes the polarization of the radio signal. How the polarized light is changed tells us about the intervening magnetic field. . . .Understanding the role that magnetic fields play in the evolution of galaxies and their environment is a fundamental question in astronomy that remains to be answered.

The signal of the magnetic field detected was 1 million times the strength of our own planet’s field. There are obviously still a lot of questions to be answered.

The U of T release finished off by emphasizing:

The paper is one of a growing number of new results that are building a map of the Universe’s magnetism. According to Prof. Bryan Gaensler, Director of the Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Toronto, and a co-author on the paper, “Not only are entire galaxies magnetic, but the faint delicate threads joining galaxies are magnetic, too. Everywhere we look in the sky, we find magnetism.”

The next question to answer is, how exactly are these magnetic fields generated, and what can they tell us about the nature of the universe and the nature of reality? Furthermore, what role do and did they play in the evolution of the galaxy, and of human life?

This study is also part of a much larger effort to map the magnetism of the entire universe.

The research has been published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, and you can read the full paper for free over at


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Alleged Declassified CIA File Says Hitler Survived WWII

by Brett Tingley             September 12, 2017                 (

• A newly declassified memo reveals that a CIA informant reported that Hitler was alive in 1955.

• Rumors of Hitler’s survival and relocation to South America after WWII have been widespread and persistent.

• Ignoring the report, the mainstream media deems the CIA memo disinformation concocted by the Russians to erode the American public’s trust in their government.

• In some circles it is suspected that the core of the Nazi Reich relocated to hideaways and bases in South America and Antarctica at the war’s end, and developed a space program known as the “Dark Fleet” which still thrives today in alliance with a Reptilian space fleet.


Allegations and conspiracy theories that Adolf Hitler might have actually survived are nothing new. It’s often claimed that Hitler escaped and that the Allies created the story of his death in order to fabricate a tidy ending to World War II. That story is once again circulating the internet, this time thanks to an alleged CIA memo which reveals a confidential informant reported knowing the whereabouts of Hitler in 1955.

Alleged CIA Memorandum from 1955

The memo was sent from the CIA station chief in Venezuela to the CIA’s Western Hemisphere Division (WHD) chief. In the supposed CIA document, the station chief reports that one of their informants indicated that he/she had regular contact with Hitler in South America:

During the latter part of September 1955, a Phillip CITROEN, a German SS trooper, stated to him confidentially that Adolph HITLER is still alive. CITROEN claimed to have contacted HITLER about once a month in Colombia on his trip from Maracaibo to that country as an employee of the KNSM (Royal Dutch) Shipping Co. in Maracaibo. CITROEN indicated to CIMELODY-3’s friend that he took a picture with HITLER not too long ago, but did’ not show the photograph. He also stated that HITLER left Colombia for Argentina around January 1955.

As far as the document’s authenticity, who knows. While the memo does indeed to be hosted on the CIA’s Reading Room website where declassified documents and files can be read by the public, realistic-looking documents are easily created or manipulated in the age of Photoshop. Such is the dilemma in the Post-Truth era.

Alleged photo of Hitler in 1955

Me, I’m chalking this one up to agitprop. Especially when the memo itself calls this a “fantastic story.” I think the real story here is why a few Russian and pro-Russian news outlets are suddenly rehashing this old conspiracy.


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Cigar UF0 Photographed near MacDill Air Force Base

  • admin

Only three days after MacDill Air Force Base reopened from a mandatory evacuation due to Hurricane Irma, UFOs were once again photographed near it. This time, the UFO’s were cigar-shaped, and at least 100 meters in size according to the photographer, JP (a pseudonym), who I have known for nine years and is a very credible source.

On September 14, at around 3 pm (EDT) JP took a series of 11 photos and also video of the cigar-shaped UFO which appeared approximately two miles from MacDill AFB. Several orb-like objects were also moving around the cigar-shaped ship, which first appeared coming out of the clouds, according to JP’s eyewitness account.

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Mysterious Artifacts With Engravings of ‘Aliens’ and ‘Spaceships’ Unearthed in Mexican Cave

by Ivan            (

• Explorers have found new stones with etchings depicting spaceships and Grey aliens in a Mexican cave.

• They have been dubbed “stones of the first encounter”.

• The Mexican National Institute of Anthropology and History will not weigh in on the find because its obvious implication contradicts mainstream archaeology.


A group of explorers has discovered in a Mexican cave evidence what they boast as the best evidence of alien contact on Earth.
The group of explorers recently visited the cave and explored it in detail.

The cave—part of three caves actually—is located between the cities of Veracruz and Puebla.

In two of the cases, researchers made unexpected discoveries including several carved stones with images that represent alien related engravings.
Furthermore, the group of explorers discovered a number of golden items in another cave.

On the surface of the stones, the group of researchers found evidence of what many people interpret as ‘extraterrestrial ships’ and ‘humanoid beings’; one of the stones, which was apparently fractured sometime in the past, supposedly shows the upper part of a spaceship together with a being which according to some people, is not from this world.

The depicted image features an alleged alien being standing next to an ancient ruler of a pre-Hispanic culture receiving a corncob, in addition to some other symbols that are still to be deciphered; these artifacts were dubbed “stones of the first encounter.”

It is reported that local legends speak of a mysterious ‘ship’ that has remained since time immemorial, hidden somewhere near the caves.
This was the main reason why the group of explorers set out to search the area three months ago.

Their search has yielded totally unexpected results. They have come across—what they believe is—the ultimate evidence that aliens beings visited Earth thousands of years ago, and had direct contact with ancient cultures inhabiting Mexico at that time.

Mexican Cave Etching of Grey Alien


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Video: Was Hurricane Irma Steered by Maser Satellites in Weather War against USA?

Into the early morning hours of September 11, Hurricane Irma lashed the Tampa Bay REGION of Florida for nearly four hours with its destructive force. Not only has Irma caused millions of civilians to flee Southern Florida, but has also led to the mandatory evacuation of military personnel from Tampa’s MacDill Air Force Base, home of US SPECIAL Operations Command. In a series of four previous articles, I showed how Special Operations Command was linked to flying triangle-shaped craft possessing antigravity technology photographed near MacDill as Irma approached. The flying triangles were allowed to be photographed near MacDill in a policy decision influenced by the approach of Irma, either as a policy response, hurricane mitigation effort, and/or to ascertain who was steering the hurricane.

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China’s ‘Physics-Defying’ EmDrive Could Allow Journey to Mars in Weeks

by Liu Kun           September 13, 2017             (

• Chinese scientists have developed a prototype electromagnetic thruster, or “EmDrive”, as an alternative propulsion system to a fuel-based propellant.

• The EmDrive propulsion system could allow travel to Mars in weeks.

• British scientist Roger Shawyer first proposed the EmDrive concept in 1999.

• The Chinese began their work on a practical EmDrive system in 2009.

• NASA has been working to develop its own EmDrive propulsion system since 2014.


A mysterious propulsion system that ‘defies physics’ may be close to reality in China, where scientists say they have finished work on the EmDrive. Much sought after by space agencies, the system could potentially allow for travel to Mars in weeks.

Scientists in China claim to have developed a working prototype of the EmDrive, according to state TV, with a test due to take place in space in the near future. Developed by scientist Dr Chen Yue at the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST), it would put China’s space agency ahead of NASA.

The EmDrive is key to the future of space exploration, eliminating the need for a conventional propellant to produce thrust. “For every action there must be an equal and opposite reaction,” Newton’s Third Law states, emphasizing the need for propellant in all modes of travel.

China claims to have defied that law, producing an EmDrive that produces thrust by bouncing microwaves around in a closed container with no propellant required. In theory, this is the equivalent of “trying to pull yourself up by your shoelaces and hoping you’ll levitate,” Steven Thomson of the University of St Andrews said in 2015.

A leaked paper from NASA last year showed the drive was possible and that the space agency was busy at work on their own version. Their theorized model could generate approximately 1.2 millinewtons of thrust per kilowatt were the power input to be scaled up.

In comparison, one of the most powerful thrusters in development and powered by ejecting plasma, the Hall thruster, generates about 60 millinewtons of thrust per kilowatt, reported Next Big Future.


In a previous article by Drew Prindle on August 1, 2014 ( entitled “NASA Confirms ‘Impossible’ Thruster Actually Works”, he reported that British scientist Roger Shawyer first developed the EmDrive, and Chinese and American NASA scientists later confirmed it:

When Roger Shawyer first unveiled his EmDrive thruster back around 2003, the scientific community laughed at him. They said it was impossible, that it was based on a flawed concept, and couldn’t work because it goes against the laws of conservation of momentum. But somehow, despite all of the reasons it shouldn’t work, it does.

Scientists at NASA just confirmed it.

Shawyer’s engine provides thrust by “bouncing microwaves around in a closed chamber.” That’s it. There’s no need for a propellant of any kind like rocket fuel. When filled with resonating microwaves, the conical chamber of the thruster experiences a net thrust toward the wide end. These microwaves can be generated using electricity, which can be provided by solar energy. In theory, this means that the thruster can work forever, or at least until its hardware fails.

Initially, the idea was met with criticism because it flies in the face of Newtonian physics, which dictate that no closed system can have this kind of net thrust. Shawyer, however, says that net thrust occurs because the microwaves have a group velocity that’s greater in one direction when Einstein’s relativity comes into play. But can it really?

Apparently, yes. The idea was first confirmed by a group of Chinese scientists back in 2009. They built their own version of Shawyer’s thruster and were able to produce 720 milinewtons of force — but even then, nobody really believed it.

Now, American scientists at NASA have given the EmDrive a go, and once again confirmed that it actually works. The test results were presented on July 30 at the 50th Joint Propulsion Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, and astonishingly enough, they are positive. The team behind the drive still doesn’t know why it works, just that it does.

“Test results indicate that the RF resonant cavity thruster design, which is unique as an electric propulsion device, is producing a force that is not attributable to any classical electromagnetic phenomenon and therefore is potentially demonstrating an interaction with the quantum vacuum virtual plasma,” the report reads.

Therefore, we’ve still got a long road ahead of us before we’ve got energy-harvesting, self-propelled intergalactic spacecraft, but these studies (assuming they’re not flawed) suggest we’ve made a major breakthrough in space propulsion systems. With further refinement, microwave thrusters could drastically cut the cost of satellites and space stations, and potentially even make it possible to travel to distant planets, like Mars, in weeks rather than months or years.


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Researchers Discover Massive Caves Beneath Antarctica Where ‘Secret Life’ May Thrive

by Ivan               (

• A cave system warm enough to harbor life has been discovered underneath the ice of Antarctica.

• DNA evidence of lifeforms living in the caves may be that of unknown species.

• Light filters deep into the cave system where the overhead ice is thin.

• It is said that in WWII, the Nazis relocated the core of the Third Reich to Antarctic caverns when it was becoming apparent that they could not win the war.

• Is this part of a soft disclosure to begin to tell people what is really going on under the ice in Antarctica?


The newly found cave systems on Antarctica may be home to unknown life forms, as the caves are warm enough to support plant and animals yet to be identified by experts.

Experts are very excited: “Some of the DNA evidence that we found implies that maybe there are things living in these caves that we know nothing about. There could even be new species.”

Researchers exploring Antarctica have made a shocking discovery as they’ve stumbled across extensive cave systems warmed by a nearby volcano.

Experts say that inside the caves a secret ecosystem of plants and animals supported by the warmth of an active volcano may thrive.

Furthermore, forensic analysis of soil samples from these caves have revealed intriguing DNA traces of algae, mosses, and small animals: “It can be extremely hot inside the caves – even up to 25 degrees Celsius in some caves. You could wear a T-shirt in there and be pretty comfortable,” said lead researcher Ceridwen Fraser from the Australian National University. “There’s light near the cave mouths, and light filters deeper into some caves where the overlying ice is thin.”

Fraser explained that most of the DNA found in the caves near or beneath Mount Erebus was similar to DNA of plants and animals including mosses, algae, and invertebrates found elsewhere in Antarctica, but not all sequences could be completely identified, which means that scientists may have stumbled across completely unknown species.

The cave system is believed to have formed after of steam traveling through their passages.

“The results of this study give us a tempting preview of what could live under the ice in Antarctica, there might even be new species of animals and plants,” he added.


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Warm Antarctic Caves Harbour Secret Life

September 8, 2017              (

• Australian scientists concede that there may very well be warm caves underneath Antarctica’s glaciers due to the volcanic activity.

• There is a possibility that entire ecosystems exist beneath the frozen surface, including new species of plants and animals.

[Editor’s Note]  This study supports the theory that Nazi’s established a base under Antarctica during WWII, and that secret bases still exist there today.


A secret world of animals and plants—including unknown species—may live in warm caves under Antarctica’s glaciers, scientists said Friday.

The caves, hollowed out by steam from active volcanoes, are light and could reach temperatures of 25 degrees Celsius (77 Fahrenheit), researchers said, raising the possibility of a whole ecosystem of flora and fauna deep beneath the frozen surface.

A study led by the Australian National University around Mount Erebus, an active volcano on Ross Island in Antarctica, showed extensive cave systems.

Lead researcher Ceridwen Fraser said forensic analyses of soil samples from the caves had revealed intriguing traces of DNA from algae, mosses and small animals.

While most of the DNA was similar to mosses, algae and invertebrates found elsewhere in Antarctica, not all sequences could be fully identified.

“The results from this study give us a tantalising glimpse of what might live beneath the ice in Antarctica -– there might even be new species of animals and plants,” she said.

“The next step is to go and have a really good look and see if we can find communities living beneath the ice in Antarctica.”


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Life Existed On Mars, Shocking Discovery Suggests

by Margi Murphy           September 07, 2017                 (

• Scientists have detected a key ingredient on the surface of Mars supporting the existence of organic lifeforms.

• Life on Mars may have been forced underground when a disaster occurred on the planet’s surface.

[Editor’s Note]  Is this a part of a “soft disclosure” to introduce those of us here on Earth to what is actually happening on Mars?


Scientists have found key evidence which suggests life may once have existed on Mars.

Nasa’s Curiosity rover has detected boron, a key ingredient for life, on the dusty surface of the Red Planet.
The discovery is a huge boost in the hunt for extraterrestrials and could back up a theory suggesting life on Mars may have been forced underground when disaster turned the planet into a “frigid desert”.

Patrick Gasda, a postdoctoral researcher at Los Alamos National Laboratory said: “Because borates may play an important role in making RNA – one of the building blocks of life – finding boron on Mars further opens the possibility that life could have once arisen on the planet.

“Borates are one possible bridge from simple organic molecules to RNA. Without RNA, you have no life. “The presence of boron tells us that, if organics were present on Mars, these chemical reactions could have occurred.” RNA is ribonucleic acid, a nucleic acid present in all modern life which is involved in the decoding and expression of genes from DNA. It is known to be unstable, so unless boron is present it decomposes quickly. Gasda’s work is detailed in a study published this week in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. It describes how Nasa’s buggy found the element in calcium sulphate mineral “veins” in the rocky surface. That means boron was present in Mars groundwater and indicates that the Gale crater, where Nasa’s robo buggy is right now, may have been home to life. It bolsters the bizarre theory that life originated on Mars and was carried to Earth on an asteroid.


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Should We Be Looking For Space Aliens A Bit Closer To Home?

by John Wenz            August 29, 2017               (

• Scientists consider the possibility that evidence of ancient aliens might exist on Earth or in our solar system.

• Ancient aliens might have left signs of their advanced technology, dubbed “technosignatures”.

• Dr. Jason Wright outlined his provocative argument in the “International Journal of Astrobiology”.

• The subsurface of Mars or the moon, with less geological activity, are the most likely places to find such evidence says Dr. Wright.

[Editor’s Note]  Is this a crack in the scientific mindset that humans are the only intelligent life that this solar system has ever seen?


Astronomers believe it’s possible that advanced beings lived in or visited our solar system eons ago — and perhaps left behind certain ‘technosignatures.’

We’re used to the idea of searching for space aliens by scanning the heavens for their radio signals — after all, that’s what Jodie Foster’s character does in the 1997 movie Contact and the way alien hunters commonly go about their work.

But some scientists think the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) shouldn’t be limited to far-flung star systems. Rather, they argue, we should consider the possibility that evidence of intelligent aliens might exist here on Earth, or on one or more of our nearest neighbors in the solar system.

These scientists aren’t saying aliens might be living among us now. They’re raising the possibility that another intelligent species lived or visited our cosmic neck of the woods millions or billions of years ago and left behind so-called “technosignatures” — things like radios, rockets, or other examples of advanced technology — that might yet exist deep underground or out in space.


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The Sun is Acting Pretty Strange Right Now

by Mike Wehner           September 8th, 2017              (

• Over the past few days, massive sunspots have erupted on the Sun bringing the possibility of solar flares and coronal mass ejections.

• Such sunspot activity is historically unlikely during the ‘solar minimum’, the Sun’s current stage in its eleven-year cycle.

• In fact, on September 6th the largest solar flare since 2005 was recorded.

• Solar flares can seriously disrupt communications satellites and orbiting astronauts.

[Editor’s Note]  Could this be the start of a build-up leading to an Earth-changing solar event as depicted by David Wilcock, Corey Goode, and many other psychics, experiencers and researchers?


Regardless of what religion (if any) you practice, there’s no denying that there’s one thing responsible for the continued existence of life on Earth, and it rises and sets every single day. Without the sun, we’d be gone, but just because it allows us to exist doesn’t mean it can’t also cause a bit of trouble every now and again. At the moment, the sun is doing something that scientists didn’t really expect, and some are struggling to find an explanation.

Over the past few days, massive sunspots on the sun’s surface have made their presence felt here on Earth. The spots, which appear as dark regions on the star’s surface, are areas where the sun’s complex magnetic fields affect its outer layer, and signal the possibility of solar flares and coronal mass ejections, or CMEs. When those particles from the sun arrive at Earth, they can cause serious issues with communications satellites and even make life a bit more dangerous for astronauts living in orbit.


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Wright-Patterson AFB, Ray Szymanski and Hidden Aliens

by Paul Seaburn              September 7, 2017                 (

• Raymond Szymanski worked at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base for 39 years.

• In his first days on the job, his mentor asked him if he’d heard about their aliens recovered from the Roswell UFO crash.

• “Everybody who works on base knows.”

• Not one single person ever denied that there were alien bodies on base.

• Szymanski never actually saw the alien bodies. Nevertheless he wrote a book about it.


Here’s a well-known mystery: many people believe that aliens and their spacecraft from the Roswell incident are hidden in special tunnels at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. Here’s a little-known fact: Raymond Szymanski worked at Wright-Patterson for 39 years and wrote a book published in 2016 called 50 Shades of Greys about what he saw there. Here’s a new mystery: why is the book suddenly back in the news? Is someone getting us ready for full disclosure?

A number of media outlets revisited (or visited) 50 Shades of Greys recently after its author was interviewed by Sun Online. In the book, published in January 2016, Szymanski begins with details of his first days on the job at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in 1973 when a mentor named Al introduced him to the Avionics Laboratory’s Management Operations Office by asking, “Have you heard about our aliens?”


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UFO Came Within 100 Feet of Passenger Plane over Glasgow, Says Official Report

by Mike Merrit             September 1, 2017               (

  • A UFO came within 100 feet of a passenger plane over Glasgow, an official report has revealed.

The incident happened on May 26 and involved an Airbus A320, which can carry around 200 passengers.

A report to the UK Airprox Board, which probes near misses, said the pilot saw an “orange light” above the plane as he was coming into land.

The crew thought it may have been a drone but the identity could not be determined and was officially classed as “unknown object.”



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Document Surfaces Showing CIA’s Plan to Infiltrate Academia & Change University/Collage Curriculums

by Arjun Walia              September 3, 2017                 (

• a pair of CIA internal memos from 1984 and 1991, recently exposed by Edward Snowden, show how the agency planned and implemented a heightened infiltration of academia, the press, and the entertainment media

• in 1984, CIA heads viewed the press as villains who had been corrupted by their “absolute power”, and regarded them as a hostile intelligence service

• in response, the CIA pursued centralized control of the press, to deceive and push their own agenda

• by 1991, the CIA had developed relationships with reporters from every major wire service, newspaper, news weekly, and television network in the nation, often persuading them to postpone, change, hold or even scrap news stories

• the CIA uses the vast entertainment industry as a distraction

• the U.S. government annually classifies an estimated half a billion documents

[Editor’s Note]  this is an example of how the intelligence community and the Deep State manipulate virtually every segment of society in order to hide government projects such as the Secret Space Program from the people


In this case, it’s the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the document in question, written up in 1984, shows how the agency had definite plans to infiltrate academia and change/influence the curriculum, specifically journalism.

As Emma Best from Muckrock reports, recently Tweeted by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, memos from the CIA Inspector General’s (IG) office reveal the agencies perspective on the press and how to handle them. It’s from 1984, approximately three decades prior to when the Agency declared Wikileaks a hostile non-state intelligence service. It shows how the CIA viewed the media the same way.

Are organizations like Wikileaks really a threat to National Security? Or are they simply a threat to a small group of powerful people who make millions, billions, or even trillions of dollars via government secrecy? Are they a threat to the global national security agenda that is taking place, disguised under the guise of globalisation? Was president Vladimir Putin right when he said “imaginary” and “mythical” threats are being used to impose the Deep State’s way on the entire world? Perhaps truth and transparency are a threat yes, but not to national security. If we continue to ignore these questions, the national security state will continue to be heightened, one in which our rights are constantly violated, with our right to privacy being one of many great examples.


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Joseph Farrell’s Hidden Empire Trilogy: Book Review

by Steve Erdmann, Edited by Robert D. Morningstar          September 1, 2017               (

• A book review of Joseph Farrell’s “Hidden Empire Trilogy”

• Book One: Post-WWII Nazi dominance of the world’s corporate sector; slave labor building advanced technology; the relationship between Nazi intelligence chief Richard Gehlen and the CIA’s Allen Dulles; Fourth Reich Nazi connections to international banking, Argentina, the Apollo missions, the Philadelphia Experiment; and the JFK assassination

• Book Two: Fourth Reich pillaging of global wealth; the Nazi/CIA planned economic collapse of the Soviet union; “full spectrum” technological dominance of the world; the development of a secret space fleet

• Book Three: the emergence of a breakaway civilization with access to occult knowledge and financial reserves of over $300 trillion; a sinister 9/11 plot


Joseph P. Farrell has written many interesting tomes on the occult, esotericism and mysterious happenings, and equally fascinating is his trilogy on the emergence, continuance and conquest by Nazism as revealed in (1) Nazi Fourth Reich: Nazi International: The Nazi’s Postwar Plan to Control, Finance, Conflict, Physics (2008), (2) Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations (2012), (3) Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks and Secret Sorcery: The Fascist International, 9/11, and Penetrated Operations (2016), Adventures Unlimited Press, One Adventure Place, Kempton, Illinois 60946, $19.95.

Extraterritorial Nazi State
Part I

His Nazi International analysis centers on how various high-ranking Nazi officials—particularly Martin Bormann—envisioned a long-range plan for control in the form of World Corporate socialism. Patterns of incestuous relationships existed between American corporate elites and Germany, involving companies such as Morgan Stanley, Standard Oil, and DuPont Chemical, I. G. Chemical and the German I.G. Farben Company, whereby Prescott Bush had business dealings with German Fritz Thyssen.

Under codename Akton Feurerland (Operation Fireland), such an elite movement created underground vaults and U-boats to connect to the far reaches of Argentina. In 1942, Bormann’s Project Bernhard created $600,000,000 of counterfeit British pound notes. Such tactics were all a part of Bormann’s Auslands-organization, a Fifth Column Network utilizing dummy corporations, finance agents, lawyers and research ventures.

SS Obergruppenfuhrer Dr. Ing Hans Kammler headed a think tank harboring German secret weapons research and a slave labor pool of about 14 million people. One of the suspected inventions was a revolutionary device called The Bell. Obergruppenfuhrer Dr. Johann Friedrich Scheid (Hermadorff & Schenburg Company) headed a secret conference where he coalesced and aligned many major firms of great importance as far as Spain South America and the Middle East.

Joseph Farrell

A strange relationship existed between Bormann, German military intelligence mastermind Richard Gehlen, and Allen Dulles, brother of John Foster Dulles of the law firm involved in the eventual forming of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Farrell gives concern to increasing pro-Nazi movements around the world in Arabia, Eygpt, Italy, and many other locations (pp. 193-200).

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