UFO Sightings Shoot Up in NY in 2020

Article by Adam Nichols                                   September 25, 2020                                    (patch.com)

• Nationwide, there have been thousands of witness accounts of UFOs submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center. New York has seen a dramatic increase in UFO sightings. While there were 151 sightings reported in all of 2019, there are already 184 sightings of unexplained flying craft in the sky in 2020, including bright lights, strange sounds and oddly shaped objects.

• Following a sighting of a UFO craft, a witness in Staten Island, New York gave a terrifying description of a burning sensation. “…I felt this heat like feeling going through my body,” this person reported. “Starting at my head, like some sort of radiation. Burning me like frying me. And that’s when I realized it was the craft.”

• In another account, witnesses said, “We were on a rooftop viewing the Persiuds when the glowing green UFO passed directly overhead at a low altitude, followed by what sounded like a military aircraft. The green lights were revolving in a figure eight as the craft moved quickly from east to west towards Manhattan. The military aircraft that appeared to follow it was very loud.”

• The credibility of UFO got a boost when The New York Times and Politico reported on a $22 million, multi-year Pentagon UFO research program that began in 2007 known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. Funding for the program came through former US Senator, Harry Reid, who is from Nevada where Area 51 is located – also the reported home to alien beings and craft.

• In late 2017, retired Navy Commander David Fravor was conducting a training mission off the coast of California in 2004 when he saw an oblong craft flying erratically through his airspace at incredible speed, maneuvering in a way that defies accepted principles of aerodynamics. Described as a wingless object, about 40 feet long and shaped like a Tic Tac, Fravor remarked, “I can tell you, I think it was not from this world.” “[A]fter 18 years of flying, I’ve seen pretty much about everything that I can see in that realm, and this was nothing close.”

• When Fravor saw the object from the air, controllers on one of the Navy ships on the water below reported that objects were being dropped about 80,000 feet from the sky, then headed “straight back up.” Fravor could see the disturbances on the water below and breaking waves on the surface, “like something’s under the surface.” The radar jammed, and as Fravor flew closer, the craft rapidly accelerated and zoomed upward and disappeared. Once the object was gone, the ocean below was a still sheet of blue with no evidence of disturbance. Infrared scanning also showed no evidence of an exhaust trail.


  Retired Navy Commander David Fravor

NEW YORK CITY – Add War of the Worlds to everything else 2020 is throwing at New York.

Skygazers have reported a huge increase of unidentified flying objects seen in the state – already, 184 unexplained flying crafts or lights seen in the state have been logged with the National UFO Reporting Center.

In almost all of 2019, only 151 were seen.

The sightings include bright lights, strange sounds and oddly shaped objects. A person in Staten Island gave a terrifying description of a burning sensation following a sighting.

“And that’s when I felt this heat like feeling going through my body,” they reported.

“Starting at my head, like some sort of radiation. Burning me like frying me. And that’s when I realized it was the craft.”

Others were less disturbing.

“We were on a rooftop viewing the Persiuds when the glowing green ufo passed directly overhead at a low altitude, followed by what sounded like a military aircraft,” said one.

“The green lights were revolving in a figure eight as the craft moved quickly From east to west towards Manhattan. The military Aircraft that appeared to follow it was very loud.”

Nationwide, there have been thousands of witness accounts of UFOs submitted to the center.

UFO hunting has been a popular pursuit in the United States since the mid-20th century, when Kenneth Arnold, a businessman piloting a small plane, filed the first well-known report in 1947 of a UFO over Mount Rainier in Washington. Arnold claimed he saw nine high-speed, crescent-shaped objects zooming along at several thousand miles per hour “like saucers skipping on water.”

Although the objects Arnold claimed to see weren’t saucer-shaped at all, his analogy led to the popularization of the term “flying saucers.” And since then, Americans have been more or less obsessed with the idea that alien life is among us.



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Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, David Fravor, Manhattan, National UFO Reporting Center, New York, Senator Harry Reid, Staten Island, tic tac UFO

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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