The Ancient Flying Machines of the Mahabharata, The Tibetan Books Tantyua, The Tulli Papyrus & More
by Arjun Walia September 29, 2017 (Collective-Evolution.com)
• “Whether in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Israel, Greece, Scandinavia, Britain, India, China, Africa, the Americas or elsewhere, most people believed the gods brought them the tools of civilization – agriculture, writing, medicine – everything worth having. When the monotheistic religions became dominant, the gods became a God, but the beat continued.” – Richard Dolan
• “What are the Eskimos doing talking about metal birds? Why do the Indians mention a Thunderbird? How are the ancestors of the Mayas supposed to have known that the earth is round?” – Erich Von Daniken
• The Ramayana, a Veda epic from the /fifth century BC, describes a “vimana” as “chariot that resembles the sun, that aerial and excellent chariot going everywhere at will, resembling a bright cloud in the sky, and the king got in and the excellent chariot rose up into the higher atmosphere.”
• The ancient Indian Mahabharata reveals the history of the “unmarried Kunti” who not only received a visit from the sun god but also had a son by him, a son who is supposed to have been as radiant as the sun itself.
• The Indian Samarangana Sutradhara from 1055 AD describes airships whose tails spout fire and quicksilver.
• The Tibetan books of Tantyua and Kantyua mention prehistoric flying machines, which they refer to as “pearls in the sky.”
• The ancient Egyptian Tulli Papyrus report, “In the year 22…among the scribes of the House of Life it was found that a strange Fiery Disk was coming in the sky. It came toward His Majesty’s house. After several days had passed, they became more numerous in the sky than ever.”
• In 1716, the Boston News Letter reported “strange appearances of Ships in the Air, which engaged each other for approximately thirty minutes. All of a sudden, a cloud of many colors covered them, which presented any further sight of them.”
• In 1847, the journal Philosophical Transactions reported “a very odd moving light.. [that] looked like a star passing over the Moon which, on the next moment’s consideration I knew to be impossible. It was a fixed, steady light upon the dark part of the Moon.”
• In 1845, a Royal Navy ship reported “three luminous bodies issued from the sea, about half a mile from the vessel, and remained visible for ten minutes”.
• Clearly, the UFO phenomenon is nothing new to our planet.
I want to start off by saying that what I present in this article is a very minuscule amount of information that’s available on prehistoric flying machines. I try to stay on the topic of flying objects, and stay away from details of extraterrestrial beings, for which there is also an enormous amount of information. What I’ve presented in this article is but a fraction of the numerous accounts of a very large body of ancient puzzling phenomenon that has been documented throughout the ages. To cover this topic in depth would require thousands and thousands of pages, simply because there is so much evidence and information all over the world in multiple cultures and religions that date back thousands of years up to the present day.
I give thanks to the multiple researchers and historians who have spent their lives in this field. They have made it possible for people like me to investigate such things. I am not very knowledgeable on these subjects as the experts and historians are, but I feel I can provide enough information for others to see that there is something here, and to encourage them to further their research if interested. Examining the sources I used for this article is a great place to start.
“We have spiritual beliefs today, but not like the ancients. Thousands of years ago, people confronted forces well beyond their control and understanding: hence the gods. During ancient times, it was universally held that human civilization was a gift of the gods. Whether in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Israel, Greece, Scandinavia, Britain, India, China, Africa, the Americas or Elsewhere, most people believed the gods brought them the tools of civilization – agriculture, writing, medicine – everything worth having. When the monotheistic religions became dominant, the gods became a God, but the beat continued.” – Richard Dolan.
Antiquity is filled with stories of beings, materials and flying objects that, according to modern day thinking, should not have existed. For anybody who has studied ancient mythology, they would know that a large amount of evidence exists today to turn those ‘mythical stories,’ (as we interpret them) into stories of possible ancient reality.
I’d also like to point out that today, highly advanced unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are a fact, and have been officially documented by governments and military agencies worldwide, not to mention hundreds of high level military and political witnesses. Who are we to say that these flying objects in ancient history are mythical apparitions of the mind? Who’s to say that they were not also documented like they are today? Thousands of years from now, will our present civilization and its encounters with UFOs be considered mythological? Something to think about. I believe they’ve been around for millions of years, I believe the phenomenon has been documented for thousands of years.
“The mythology of the Eskimos says that the first tribes were brought to the North by “gods” with brazen wings. The oldest American Indian sagas mention a Thunderbird who introduced fire and fruit to them. The Mayan legend, the Popol Vuh, tells us that the “gods” were able to recognize everything; the universe, the four cardinal points of the compass, and even the round shape of the earth. What are the Eskimos doing talking about metal birds? Why do the Indians mention a Thunderbird? How are the ancestors of the Mayas supposed to have known that the earth is round?” – Erich Von Daniken
The legends of the pre-Inca peoples say that the stars were inhabited by the “gods” who came down to them from the constellation of the Pleiades. Sumerian, Babylonian, Syrian and Egyptian cuneiform inscriptions constantly present the same picture, that “gods” came from the stars and went back to them. There is reference to extraterrestrial life in the Qur’an and Bible, beings that play in the realms of dark and light called Jins, Nephilim, Angles and more. There is reference to life on other planets and flying machines in the Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata and other ancient texts from all over the world that spread across many different continents. Is this just a coincidence?
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Ancient Aliens, Ancient Texts, UFOs