In the Introduction to his excellent book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances (2015). Dr. Michael Salla qualified the demand by famed Astronomer Carl Sagan that “extraordinary claims
require extraordinary evidence” with a corollary to that doctrine as it applies to Secret Space Program whistleblowers.
Salla stated that “a more appropriate research dictum” to use in their cases is that “extraordinary claims require extraordinary investigation” when dealing with those alleging “eyewitness” status to SSP activities.
He noted the extreme difficulty of such individuals producing physical evidence of their observations, especially considering the dangers to them stemming from the national security implications of their experiences.
I see great merit in his position and would add a further modification when it comes to those making predictions of imminent (Full) Disclosure.
Ufologist Richard Dolan is famous for a cautious, meticulous approach to all things extraterrestrial. I would, therefore, label my recommendation the Dolan Corollary to the Sagan/Salla Thesis and require Disclosure proponents demonstrate “extraordinary caution” in their remarks.
Back in early May, PRG Ex Dir Steve Bassett announced that “Full Disclosure is imminent”, something he has done in the past as I pointed out here.
More recently, Robert David Steele stated that: David Wilcock is certain that President Donald Trump — who is fully familiar with both free energy and stellar civilization — wants to do disclosure in September.
Perhaps……but I strongly doubt that will happen. Wilcock has been predicting Disclosure for years now.. Both he and Steele are brilliant and hard-working…….but often wrong in their predictions. I appreciate
their enthusiasm and confidence but wishful thinking is no substitute for accurate forecasting.
I urge greater caution in such matters as a way of insulating Ufology from attacks that it is the delusional rantings by the tin-foil hat crowd and conspiracy theorists.
I am often guilty of making predictions because of my urgent desire to share with others what I believe is about to happen. But I style such writings “speculative musings” a way of diffusing their impact and lessening
their ability to mislead readers into accepting them as totally accurate.
Ufology is a serious matter that has played a significant role in human history but which is often distorted or shrouded in secrecy by those with hidden agendas bent on maintaining their power.
Adoption of the Dolan Corollary while maintaining respect for Sagan’s mandate and Salla’s valuable insight may well accelerate the potential for (Full) Disclosure. By creating an atmosphere where leaders feel a higher comfort level with the risks associated with transparency, the UFO community may achieve an end to the Truth Embargo in the near future as its most ardent advocates desire.
Jeffrey Epstein was found dead via possible suicide on the morning of August 10, 2019. Jeffrey Epstein’s death comes only a day after unsealed court documents show that one of the accusers show that Jeffrey and Ghislaine Maxwell kept her as a sex slave!
Isn’t it convenient that with all this sex trafficking of women and children that is being exposed by Qanon and others over the past year or so that Jeffrey Epstein supposedly commits suicide. Or was it suicide? I believe and Michael Salla from believes that he was possibly murdered to prevent the the chance of him coming forward and exposing others in this deep satanic inner circle! Michael Salla stated in a email sent to me “The Deep State has many tentacles that reach into dark places.”
Michael stated within this interview that some of these missing children and women all over the world could possibly be used for many different nefarious agendas. Some are taken off planet apart of the galactic slave trade, murdered in these satanic ritual abuses, or taken to various underground facilities for experimentation.
In this interview with researcher and author Michael Salla, we dive deep into many of these dark places! We will try to uncover the truth behind the deep states nefarious sex trafficking ring and follow its tentacles that lead into a conspiracy that is so shocking it will leave you speechless!
In this mind blowing interview with Dr. Michael Salla, we discussed his most recent article “Did a Flying Rectangle shoot down a Nuclear Ballistic Missile aimed at Hawaii?” from his website
Dr. Michael Salla has presented a valuable Big Picture overview and history of the Secret Space Program currently manifesting itself in both President Trump’s Space Force and, collaterally, with the Hillary/Podesta To The Stars Academy soft disclosure efforts that have accelerated in recent months.
Salla makes clear that these current revelations are part of the long history of this phenomena as William Bramley (The Gods of Eden), Jim Marrs (Alien Agenda) and many other excellent researchers have described.
Salla continues to lead the way in this controversial field which has seen the unofficial taboo disappear thanks to a variety of factors. Those include the Clintons involvement with the Rockefeller Initiative; the work towards Disclosure of Dr. Steven Greer; Paradigm Research Group leader Stephen Bassett’s relentless campaign to end the Truth Embargo; the excellent research of Richard Dolan; the seminal work in Exopolitics of Alfred Webre in the late 1970’s; the New York Times publishing front page articles on the topic; Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt’s in depth investigations; and the willingness of the military to share some of its secrets.
These individuals often disagree or even clash, something to be expected under the circumstances. But each new day brings fresh revelations that appear to corroborate the possibility that we have been visited by alien craft even if most of what is seen in our skies is merely our advanced technology on display….possibly reversed engineered….but still of the Earth.
An excellent example of that occurred last night on the Jeff Rense Show when Dr. Bruce Cornish talked about a little known crash retrieval event in Wales in which meta material was recovered. Scientists evaluating the debris think its strange patterns and composition may allow for Newtonian physics to be changed in such a way that gravity is suspended (bent) to enhance propulsion without crushing the spaceship’s occupants, thus allowing for interstellar travel.
In his interview, Salla brings us up to date on the competition between the US Air Force and Navy and their parallel programs that are likely to converge within the new Space Force.
It remains to be seen whether any of what we are now learning is overt disinformation; a limited hang-out/soft disclosure effort to distract from the missing Pentagon trillions or some other nefarious plan possibly connected to establishing a One World Government.
What Salla, Dolan, Bassett, Greer, Hoagland and others have done is augment a serious conversation about a crucial subject as well as help lift the veil of secrecy that has come to dominate modern life. This is a valuable contribution that hopefully will lead to a positive transformation of our world and a far better future for us all.
by Melanie Poteat February 9, 2019 (
• On December 18, 2018, President Trump signed an order to establish a Space Command to oversee the military’s vast operations beyond the Earth’s atmosphere in defending American assets in space, such as satellites, and fending off cyberattacks. The US Space Command would be organized as an adjunct to the Air Force. This seemed to be a compromise to Trump’s initial effort to create a separate sixth branch of the armed services. But the Pentagon prefers to keep space operations within the Air Force.
• The idea of a separate Space Force has some believing that this is a step toward the government’s acknowledgment of extraterrestrials and technology gleaned from crashed alien spacecraft — what the UFO community calls “full disclosure.” But it also pits Trump against his natural enemy: the “Deep State” within the federal government which is the keeper of alien secrets, according to UFO researchers.
• Well known author, Michael Salla, noted that Pentagon top brass oppose the establishment of a sixth branch of the military to patrol above the atmosphere. “It is important to understand that by ordering the creation of a , is shaking the bureaucratic and corporate tree that hides the Secret Space Program that the Air Force runs along with the National Reconnaissance Office, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency,” Salla posted on his ExoPolitics website. “Large aerospace companies such as , Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics, etc., supply the technologies and components for the Air Force’s Secret Space Program. Consequently, the Military Industrial Complex/Deep State has played a major role in setting space policy due to its ability to manipulate Air Force officials through the supply and acquisition process.”
• Disclosure filmmaker, Jordan Sather, tweeted last summer that the Pentagon would not want a separate Space Force. “This is HUGE and something the Deep State does NOT want,” said Sather. An independent Space Force would provide an avenue for the public release of advanced technologies such as free energy and anti-gravity.
• There is abundant evidence that the Pentagon already has top-secret operations in space, such as advanced craft and spy satellites. Jan C. Harzan, executive director of MUFON, claims that the Air Force’s unmanned X-37B space plane has “been up there two years at a time doing classified missions.” The X-37B, basically a space drone that resembles a small version of NASA’s retired space shuttles. It has flown clandestine missions in Earth orbit since 2010. Mr. Harzan doubts the government was getting closer to “full disclosure” of what he believes the government hides about aliens. “I do believe that we have technology which has been reverse-engineered from aircraft that are not from here and that we are probably using that technology someplace. But are we trolling out amongst the stars like ‘Star Trek’ or something else? I don’t know that it has gotten that far,” Harzan said.
President ’s order to create a military gave conspiracy theorists another tantalizing piece of evidence — some say the best yet — that the government is hiding the truth about extraterrestrial visitors.
The idea is that launching the will be a big step toward the government’s acknowledgment of extraterrestrials and technology gleaned from crashed alien spacecraft — what the UFO community calls “full disclosure.”
Making it all the more real, the plan pits against his natural enemy: the “deep state” within the federal government. The deep state is also the keeper of alien secrets, according to UFO researchers.
“This is HUGE and something the Deep State does NOT want,” conspiracy theory filmmaker Jordan Sather posted on Twitter after issued the surprise June 18 order for the Pentagon to start planning a .
“Understand that with the #SpaceForce, the advanced technologies (free energy, antigravity) kept in secret think-tanks within , , & other corporate contractors will now have an avenue to be released publicly,” Mr. Sather tweeted.
Michael Salla, an author who promotes theories about secret U.S. space programs and longtime extraterrestrial presence on Earth, noted that Pentagon top brass oppose the establishment of a sixth branch of the military to patrol above the atmosphere.
“It is important to understand that by ordering the creation of a , is shaking the bureaucratic and corporate tree that hides the Secret Space Program that the Air Force runs along with the National Reconnaissance Office, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency,” he posted on his ExoPolitics website.
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The Amazon bestselling book that launched the Secret Space Program Series by Dr. Michael Salla is finally available as an audiobook. Get it here!
Classified space programs have been an integral part of a complex jigsaw puzzle concerning UFOs, extraterrestrial life, ancient civilizations and advanced aerospace technologies, which have long defied any coherent understanding. Now finally, we have something to put all the pieces together with the disclosures of secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode. A detailed investigation of Goode’s and other insider testimonies reveals the big picture of a parallel world of secret space programs and extraterrestrial alliances.
Learn from this audiobook: how the Vril/Nazi flying saucer programs in the 1930s gave birth to the ‘Dark Fleet’; how Operation Paperclip scientists both helped and hindered the development of the US Navy’s ‘Solar Warden’; how the MJ-12 Group was behind the creation of the ‘Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate’; and how Ronald Reagan was instrumental in the creation of the ‘Global Galactic League of Nations’ space program. Finally, learn how the Sphere Being Alliance and other extraterrestrials interact with these programs. The full disclosure of secret space programs and extraterrestrial alliances will unshackle the chains of deception holding humanity back from reaching its highest potential as galactic citizens.
The audiobook includes an added preface and afterword not found in the Paperback and Kindle editions.
Antarctica is a land about to be exposed over its well-guarded secrets and ancient hidden mysteries …
In 1955, as a result of a secret agreement reached between the Eisenhower Administration and a German breakaway group in Antarctica, a transnational corporate space program began to emerge. The secret infusion of personnel and resources from US military contractors into Antarctica allowed this transnational corporate program to steadily grow into a major space power, which would eventually surpass and eclipse the secret space programs run by the US Navy, Air Force, and the classified space programs of other nations.
Whistleblower claims substantiate that many of the classified programs conducted there violate the 1961 Antarctic Treaty, and constitute “crimes against humanity” due to the abuse of a captive slave labor force. Dr. Michael Salla daringly exposes the major corporations involved in these illegal programs, and how the truth is hidden from company shareholders and the public. Today, Antarctica’s secrets are slowly being revealed by the increasing volcanic activity that is melting the massive ice shelves, exposing ancient artifacts and crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft.
Full disclosure of Antarctica’s history, and current events involving multiple space programs and transnational corporations, will vitally aid in transforming our planet, and prepare humanity for the major geological events that lie ahead as the melting ice unveils all that has previously been hidden.
Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Program is approximately 380 pages in length, and is Book 3 in the Secret Space Programs Series.
The world gets more curious everyday. Besides the fact that Syria might become in 2018 what Spain was in 1936, a testing ground for various political forces that preceded World War II, we have fascinating pronouncements from the Vatican as well as the unusual travel of folks like Rex Tillerson and Jeff Bezos.
According to Michael Salla and Joseph P. Farrell, both Secretary of State Tillerson and multi-billionaire, space entrepreneur Bezos, who owns the (CIA linked) Washington Post, traveled to the Patagonia region of South America that may have been the lair of Adolf Hitler after WWII.
That unique venue has been the host to many top political figures over the years including Presidents Eisenhower, Carter, Obama and Clinton. It is linked to both the Nazi secret bases in Antarctica as well as the destination of many top Third Reich Germans after WWII.
The nearly simultaneous arrival of both Tillerson and Bezos perked the interest of top Secret Space Program journalists Salla and Farrell who speculate that the events may be related to the unusual activities in the Patagonia and Antarctic regions.
Political analyst Ben Fulford suggested that military and space technology secrets from the German’s Antarctica program may be released in the near future as the real reason for the visit by the two men last week.
The entire matter remains wrapped in secrecy which adds to the mystique of the subject of UFOs that has long been associated with alleged German bases in Antarctica as part of what Jim Marrs called the Fourth Reich.
Adding pieces to the puzzle and further stimulating the imagination of those fascinated with the topic is the statement by a top Vatican official that an “alien god created humans” through genetic manipulation. Putting that in the context of Pope Francis stating he would baptize aliens if they came to the Vatican makes it hard to dismiss as being a random comment by a rogue bishop:
Pope Francis has also shown some zeal in embracing Communist China as the model for achieving the social doctrine of the Church. (Maybe the Red Chinese are really aliens who are preparing to be baptized into the Church.)
What we do know according to Salla and Farrell is that the Chinese are working with the Argentine government on space projects in Patagonia where Bariloche is located.
These are interesting times of dramatic change. It is difficult to be clear on much of what is actually transpiring in public life today because of all the fake news and propaganda designed to serve the special interests of governments, multinational corporations and large religious institutions.
We will just have to wait to see how this all works out and where the truth lies as we attempt to digest the various activities and words of our leaders.
• Ancient writings from Cambodia to Africa refer to a race of semi-divine beings, half human and half reptilian, known as the ‘Naga’.
• These Naga can take on a serpentine form or a fully human form (or presumably any other form).
• Throughout history, the Naga have been both friendly to humans and potentially dangerous.
• According to these legends, the Naga live in a large kingdom underneath the Himalayan Mountains.
• Buddhist legends from Thailand and Cambodia hold that a Naga king sheltered the Buddha from the rain while he meditated for seven days, and later protected the Buddha from an attack by bird-like humanoid beings.
• A South African legend tells of reptilian-like ‘gods’ who ascended from the heavens in monstrous vessels to become the dictators of the human race. The reptilians filled humans with great hate and trained them as warriors to make terrible war.
• According to David Icke, reptilian beings came to the earth thousands of years ago from Orion, Sirius, and Draco, and began breeding humans through the manipulation of DNA coding, inserting their reptilian genetics.
• A human/reptilian bloodline has been preserved through the ages through European royalty, and has been passed along to all forty-four U.S. presidents as well as many media celebrities, says Icke.
• These Reptilians will be exposed. But then what to do with them? In our current state of consciousness humans might demand retribution. But with a shift to higher consciousness we may deal with them in a more positive way.
Extraterrestrials and UFOs are a very hot topic right now, and have been for quite some time, especially within the past few years. Why? Partly because it’s human nature to ponder the unknown and the mysterious, but it’s also in large part due to the fact that hundreds of high ranking whistle-blowers from around the world with verified credentials, have come forward sharing their stories and experiences regarding intelligent extraterrestrials visiting planet Earth.
The whistle-blowers range from professors, to NASA astronauts, all the way to high ranking military, political figures, and more. Not only that, to complement these testimonies, thousands of documents pertaining to the UFO/extraterrestrial issue have been released by dozens of governments. UFOs are no longer a fringe topic, and if the past few years have been any indication, more and more evidence is surely to surface as we move through 2017 and beyond.
When it comes to supposed encounters with extraterrestrials, it’s very interesting for multiple reasons. Firstly, many stories shared by contactees corroborate quite well with each other. Many people report encounters with human looking extraterrestrials who are concerned with our planet and well-being. Others have reported the typical grey alien, human looking aliens with different colour skin, like blue, to reptilian type extraterrestrials. The key factor to remember here is, not all of these interactions are ET, some are simply US military. Knowing the truth about who’s doing what can be very tricky.
The NAGA are said to be a race of non-human reptilian-type beings. They are found in the literature of multiple ancient cultures across the globe, especially within ancient Jainism, Hindu, and ‘mythology.’
They were considered to be semi-divine beings, half human and half reptilian who can either take on a full serpentine form or a fully human form. According to the legends, these beings existed underground and inside of the Earth, in large kingdoms. They were considered both beneficial and friendly to humans, as well as potentially dangerous.
According to encyclopedia Britannica:
“The female nagas (naginis or nagis) are serpent princesses of striking beauty. The dynasties of Manipur in northeastern India, the Pallavas in southern India, and the ruling family of Funan (ancient Indochina) each claimed an origin in the union of a human being and a nagi.
In Buddhism, nagas are often represented as door guardians or, as in Tibet, as minor deities. The naga king Muchalinda, who sheltered the Buddha from rain for seven days while he was deep in meditation, is beautifully depicted in the 9th–13th century Mon-Khmer Buddhas of what are now Thailand and Cambodia. In Jainism the Tirthankara (saviour) Parshvanatha is always shown with a canopy of naga hoods above his head.”
Naga’s were also considered as protectors of the Buddha and of the dharma, some (like David Icke) even claim that they were present at the birth of Buddha, despite the fact that they were still considered dangerous, especially when angered.
One example where the Naga’s are referenced in ancient scripture comes from the Mahabharata, where the Buddha actually protected Naga’s from an attack by half human half bird like creatures, Garuda. After this battle, both the Naga’s and Garudas (sic).
According to Barbara O’Brien, a journalist and student of Zen Buddhism, “In a legend of Tibetan Buddhism, once a great lama names Sakya Yeshe and his attendants were returning to Tibet from China. He carried invaluable copies of sutras given him by the Emperor. Somehow the precious texts fell into a river and were hopelessly lost. The travelers kept on and returned home to their monastery….When they arrived, they learned that an old man had delivered some sutras to the monastery for Sakya Yeshe. It was the Emperor’s gift, still slightly damp but intact. The old man apparently had been a Naga in disguise.”
She goes on to give more examples:
“In the Muccalinda Sutta (Khuddaka Nikaya, Udana 2.1), the Buddha was sitting in deep meditation as a storm approached. A Naga king named Muccalinda spread his great cobra hood over the Buddha to shelter him from the rain and cold.
In the Himavanta Sutta (Samyutta Nikaya 46.1) the Buddha used Nagas in a parable. The Nagas depend on the mountains of the Himalayas for strength, he said. When they are strong enough, they descend to small lakes and streams, then to larger lakes and rivers, and eventually to the great ocean. In the ocean, they attain greatness and prosperity. In the same way, monks are to depend on virtue developed through the Seven Factors of Enlightenment (mindfulness, investigation, energy, happiness, tranquility, concentration, equanimity) to attain greatness of mental qualities.”
Modern Day Claims of Reptilian Type Beings
To the left you will see a picture of William Tompkins and Admiral Larry Marsh. As a teenager Tompkins had an eye for detail and loved to create Navy ship and submarine models. The Navy took interest in his capabilities and recruited him to do work on advanced technology projects. Recently, he has come forward with claims, as many others have, revealing information about clandestine black budget operation programs.
Bill Tompkins and Adm Larry Marsh
These are Special Access Programs (SAP). From these we have unacknowledged and waived SAPs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as ‘deep black programs.’ A 1997 U.S. Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.”
We have no idea what goes on in these programs, except from those who have worked within them, like Edward Snowden.
Tompkins has been speaking about supposed Reptilian beings within the past few years. Below is an interview he did with Dr. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D., an internationally recognized scholar in international politics, conflict resolution and U.S. foreign policy. He is a pioneer in the development of ‘Exopolitics.’
It’s interesting that legend suggests these beings could shape-shift into human form, because today, many people actually believe that some high-ranking politicians and royal families have bloodline ties to these beings and consider them actual shapeshifters. This theory has been around for some time, but was popularized by David Icke.
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My Twitter feed on MacDill Air Force Base has been out of this world lately.
Dozens of people from across the globe have tweeted out images purporting to show unidentified flying objects in the skies over MacDill. The tweets began Sept. 1 when a self-described UFO expert named Michael Salla sent out pictures of what he claims are extraterrestrial conveyances.
The photos, he writes on his website, are “of a triangular shaped UFO” taken near the base at about 8 a.m. Aug. 31 by a source he refers to only as “JP,” with whom he had been communicating since 2008.
“These are not photoshopped or created by CGI, but genuine photos of a UFO that informed analysis suggests has design and technology characteristics similar to the TR-3B that is part of a USAF secret space air wing operating out of MacDill,” Salla writes on his website.
In a story posted in February about sightings of such aircraft, the London-based Daily Express described the TR-3B as “alleged by conspiracy theorists to be a secret ‘black project’ spy craft of the US Government that can be flown into space.”
A few days later, Salla tweeted more pictures, this time of what he claims were “a triangular UFO” taken near MacDill Air Force Base around 9:50 a.m. Sept. 4.
The movement “indicates that the triangular craft either used cloaking technology that would move from one end to the other end of the craft, or had entered a larger cloaked vehicle,” Salla wrote.
On Sept. 6, Salla posted again, claiming that on Sept. 5 and 6, “more flying triangle shaped craft were photographed in the vicinity of MacDill.”
Author Michael Salla talks about UFO’s, Aliens and discovery of an ancient city underneath the Antarctica and he thinks the governments will announce this by the end of year. Published on Truth Be Told WebTV, September 5, 2017.
By Rich Scheck The sudden death of Bill Tompkins on the day of the total solar eclipse provides a fitting moment to evaluate the current state of UFOLOGY. The on-going controversy surrounding the bona fides of those like Corey Goode and Andrew Basiago claiming to be part of the Secret Space Program’s (SSP) 20 and back Operation Pegasus is a major concern to many in the Disclosure Movement. Richard Dolan, Bill Ryan and others have essentially demanded more concrete evidence in support of such claims of participation before they can sign off on their legitimacy and relevance to UFOLOGY. Michael Salla has attempted to address the Dolan group’s concerns and has been a strong voice championing them through his many articles covering various aspects of Goode’s account. His confidence in their legitimacy has been fundamentally bolstered by the work of Bill Tompkins who spent the last 2 years of his life sharing his extraordinary experiences during a long life that appears to include a major role with the Navy’s SSP. As the well respected historian of the SSP and the inventor of the term Breakaway
Civilization, Dolan’s low comfort level with the Goode/Salla/Tompkins position has had an impact on the Disclosure community that remains unresolved. His dissatisfaction with Tompkins book which he refused to publish because he thought it was poorly written does not refute what appears to be clear evidence that the former Navy ship designer was indeed part of the SSP. Bill’s extensive interviews on the Jeff Rense show are fully archived and available for evaluation by everyone interested in this topic. Having listened to him many times on Rense, I was convinced he was speaking honestly about his role. The combination of humility, humor, intelligence and thorough knowledge of the material lent considerable strength to his claims. Now Bill has moved on with his dramatic transition on the day of The Great American Eclipse. Whether that is just some cosmic coincidence and/or his way of confirming he was the real deal remains to be seen. It would behoove those in leadership roles like Salla and Dolan as well as Stephen Greer, Paola Harris, Steve Bassett, Grant Cameron and others to bring some degree of closure to this issue in the spirit of enhancing the future of UFOLOGY and the Disclosure Movement. What that looks like and how it is achieved remains to be seen. But resolve it they must at the risk of undermining an important discussion in modern life. It would also be a fitting testament to the memory of Tompkins, the recently departed Jim Marrs and the countless truth seekers among us who have labored long and hard in the UFOLOGY arena.
Panel Discussion featuring Andy Basiago, Dr. Michael Salla, William Tompkins, Corey Goode and Richard Dolan on the final day of the MUFON 2017 Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, July 23, 2017. Debate ranged over a number of issues concerning eyewitness testimony, standards of evidence, investigating secret space programs, and multiple space programs.
Who believes Military-Intelligence have UFO-ET information to disclose to the American citizens that has not been leaked or that you do not already know?
Having obtained newly released Freedom of Information Act documents, Dr. Michael Salla is now able to verify the genesis of the U.S. Navy’s secret space program, and the key figures and institutions associated with its decades-long classified development that dates back to the 1942 Los Angeles Air Raid.
One of the world’s foremost investigators of unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrial visitation (UFO/ETV) is my close friend C.B. “Scott” Jones. It was Jones who organized and convened the 1995 Washington, D.C.-based conference “When Cosmic Cultures Meet,” which involved many of the world’s leading UFO scientists and analysts. It was also Jones who was funded and tasked by philanthropist Laurance Rockefeller to travel to Europe, Russia, China and other regions to gather information from ufologists and government officials regarding UFO/ETV activities in those and other parts of the world. Scott, who now resides in Kerrville, Texas, is a former U.S. Navy intelligence officer and special assistant to the late U.S. Sen. Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island. He is also a political scientist whose interests include peace research and impact analysis regarding human contact with off-planet cultures and other issues related to UFO/ETV phenomena. His website is
In his work, Jones bases his research on two major assumptions:
1. The consequences of cosmic cultures meetings will be profound in the extreme. Every segment of Earth’s civilization will be affected, including religion, politics, science, technology, health, agriculture, education, etc.
2. Contemplation of the UFO/ETV impact on various human cultures, including probable and preferred consequences as envisioned by members of those cultures, is a critical research/education project for the best minds willing to undertake the challenge.
According to Jones, some of the key questions for those worldwide scholars who accept the challenge are:
When full, open UFO/ETV disclosure occurs and meetings are held with the Visiting Others, what will be the likely impact on the populations/nations/cultures of each scholar’s primary concern?
Will some segments of these groups, including various religious denominations be more affected than others? Which ones? Why?
What difference, if any, do you anticipate regarding the meeting of Visiting Extraterrestrials with cultures in other parts of the world?
To what degree have the populations/nations/cultures of each scholar’s concern already anticipated a meeting with ETV representatives?
To what extent have the populations/nations/cultures of each scholar’s concern previously engaged in serious research regarding UFO/ETV phenomena?
On a global basis, how should our planetary response to UFO/ETV disclosure and contact be orchestrated? Who should speak for humankind?
In the future, as more UFO/ETV issues surface, there will be increasing pressure on the academic community to focus attention on related problems.
As Scott Jones has said: “The once very effective counter-intelligence program targeted against the U.S. public and supported by, or at least acquiesced in, most countries with a technical capability to recognize and assess ET activity has crumbled. … Thousands of daytime photos of UFOs taken in skies over countries around the world have statistically overwhelmed the usually trotted-out full allowance given to the usual cloud formations and weather phenomena, classified military aircraft and misidentified other ‘things’ that traverse the sky.” The government and others “could not continue to control by threat of fines and imprisonment, men and women of strong moral conviction about what society was being denied. Hundreds of whistleblowers have come forward revealing much and have agreed to reveal under oath when given protection by the White House or Congress. … Additionally, there is a mature Exopolitics community that has earned respect to the point where there is collaboration with military and intelligence organizations to garner and analyze information about phenomena still very much an enigma.”
Note: Exopolitics is defined as the art or science of government concerned with creating policy toward extraterrestrial phenomena and extraterrestrial beings. For additional information, see Michael Salla’s website
Jones further said: “Small parts of the global academic community have awakened. An Australian University recently awarded a Ph.D. in UFO Studies, and the University of Hong Kong is offering a credit course on the subject. In the U.S., there is a growing coverage of UFO/ET issues by college newspapers, and students are increasingly opening their minds to something very important to their future.”
Another scholar, the late astronomy professor J.Allen Hynek, who was the lead scientist for the U.S. Air Force’s 17-year UFO study “Project Blue Book,” made the case for stepped up efforts on the part of academics in the field of ufology.
He said: “If any other phenomenon had had thousands of witnesses like those of UFOs, there would have been hundreds of research studies with full support throughout academic institutions.”
Sadly this has not been the case.
The overarching goal of academic institutions throughout the world is the search for the true, the good, and the beautiful.
When unbiased, unfettered inquiry, powered by intellectual might is focused on a problem, we can expect that civilization will probably be well-served by such research. The UFO/ETV problem is indeed perplexing and, for some, frightening.
As such, it certainly qualifies as a problem for which the truth needs to be sought.
Peter Sturrock, emeritus professor of space and astrophysics and former deputy director of the Center for Space Astrophysics at Stanford University, has said it well: “The definite resolution of the UFO enigma will not come about unless and until the problem is subject to open and extensive scientific study by the normal procedures of established science and administration in universities.”
Bill Wickersham is an adjunct professor of Peace Studies at the University of Missouri-Columbia.
Available from on June 16, 2013. Click graphic for link.
Review by Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera
This book is a comprehensive source for individuals who think that sufficient evidence merits acceptance of the premise that intelligent extraterrestrials are already interacting with humanity and who are already asking what an appropriate, democratic, political response might be (even if an unsupervised “shadow government” maintains negotiations, exchanges and de facto agreements not only detached from common democratic processes but with the extraterrestrial groups it finds more appropriate. “Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET” is a seminal book written to offer a leading edge analysis of the nature of different extraterrestrial groups so that mindful citizens willing to represent their “vital interests” and even those of humanity, the Earth and even of all planetary sentient beings acquire basic, general information to intelligently proceed with a peaceful, “track two,” complementary, citizen’s “Galactic Diplomacy.”
Michael E. Salla has a PhD in Government from the University of Queensland and an M.A. in Philosophy from the University of Melbourne. He was Professor of Politics at American University and at George Washington University, held an academic appointment at the School of International Service and was a researcher in residence at the Center for Global Peace. As a distinguished scholar in conflict resolution and foreign policy Dr. Salla wrote The Hero’s Journey: Toward a Second American Century, substantiating America’s need to remember its national character by conducting a principled foreign policy. After conducting distinguished fieldwork and research in ethnic conflict resolution in East Timor, Sri, Lanka, Kosovo and Macedonia, Dr. Salla founded (in 2005) Exopolitics Institute and Exopolitics Journal and became an internationally acclaimed promoter of the leading-edge field of Exopolitics. In 2004, Dr. Salla published Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence (seminally defining Exopolitics within the framework of the social sciences)and in 2009,he published Exposing U.S. Government Policies on Extraterrestrial Life: The Challenge of Exopolitics carefully describing that the U.S. has secretly implemented a policy of research, technology gathering and exchanges with intelligent extraterrestrial life.
By cross-referencing information from selected notable contact experiencers (typifying a diversity of contacts), credible whistleblowers, selected channelers and leaked government documents Dr. Salla explores what different extraterrestrial civilizations might be up to, not only confirming that a major cover-up is proceeding (possibly nourishing unholy alliances with less convenient or adverse extraterrestrial groups) but also surveying what principled negotiations with extraterrestrial civilizations would entail, including the possibility that numerous denizens of our galactic community may respectfully offer us educational options while gently attempting to awaken remembrance of our cosmic nature and inmost potentials.
There’s a well-balanced exposition of issues pertaining to exodiplomacy. For instance (besides delving INTO who might adequately represent Earth in exodiplomatic negotiations), issues of how some ET groups might manipulate citizen diplomats or if (from the perspective of ET groups) open citizen’s negotiations will be as binding as covert government ones? Will exodiplomacy be allowed, found complementary to conventional diplomacyor suppressed by Earth-based powers?
1982 British newspaper story on Eisenhower ET meeting
Some of the surprising but necessary themes presented in this book (which endeavor to give a wide range of perspectives and information applicable to “Galactic Diplomacy”) include the diplomatic encounters with extraterrestrials that allegedly took place during the Eisenhower Administration, both in relation to “First Encounters” with human-looking ETs (allegedly including planetary system-based “solarians,” and other extraterrestrials offering a spiritually-based, edification programs for humanity to subsequently/gradually be able to handle advanced technology and to integrate with a vast cosmic society responsibly). It also includes the “Secondary Encounters” typically with non-human or humanoid-looking ETs (which apparently suffer from complex physical and social-hierarchical problems even though offering technology in exchange for some negotiated benefits). I felt that Dr. Salla’s emphasis on circumstantial and testimonial evidence on the alleged Eisenhower encounters (like Bill Kirkling’s and Phil Schneider’s) is important but also left me feeling that some exopolitically significant events transpiring before his term of office (perhaps since the early 1940’s) should have also been mentioned.
Dr. Salla’s inevitably audacious book also offers a preliminary analysis of possible Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex (MIEC) ETs and of possible non-Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex ETs; evidence for human-looking ETs living among us; evidence of a program (called Galactic COINTELPRO) to discredit or suppress contactees. Furthermore, it deals with the (never implemented) 1978 UN resolution “33/426” to establish an agency for researching and informing about UFOs and related phenomena; presents exopolitical, citizen’s resolutions to deal with the ET presence in constructive ways (including the creation of an expected “code of conduct” for ETs) and even touches upon the possible role of “celestials” (higher entities with less physical limitations which should be studied because they are repeatedly mentioned in contactee literature) might play in the transition to a higher degree of human consciousness.
It may be the first time a book like this has been written. In fact, Dr. Salla’s book isn’t – by necessity – just pioneering and mind-expanding on such a unique but politically vital topic like “extraterrestrial contacts” and associated decision-making. Furthermore, it isn’t just sufficiently academic and ‘rational’ but also quite ‘reasonable’ since each chapter substantiates the aforesaid issues in a comprehensive and critical manner using – with an open and inclusive attitude – the varieties of evidence a sufficiently rational, sensible but normal “citizen of the world” (not overly encoded with a haughty academic skepticism) would consider.
Dr. Salla’s book shows us that one can be intellectually proficient even if evincing that sense-of- reality-challenging events indeed occur while a variety of otherworldly beings approach us with different vested interests. It shows us (unlike what other books in the UFO/ET contact phenomenon and its implications have shown) that – besides an exclusivist, disproportionate interest in particular aspects of human-ET relations (like the cover-up, technology and the contact-experiencer phenomenon) an earnestly INCLUSIVE analysis of the complex human-ET interaction (often combining subjective and objective types of evidence) it is not only possible but clearly necessary to understand the situation wholesomely to make informed political decisions soon to affect our collective fate. I think that implied in the book is the need for a critical but inclusive approach to coming to terms with a reality beckoning us to expand our physically limited sense of reality.
Artist depiction of 8 foot extraterrestrial and his dwarf companion walking with three Italian contactees. Amicizia case. Italy 1956-1978.
This book covers many areas of inquiry but also elicits additional questions. For instance, I do favor citizen’s diplomacy as it seems that particular benevolent ET species/races (allegedly the ones not predominantly negotiating with the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex) even have indeed chosen to contact individuals attempting to share aspects of their particular “universalist” messages but, judging from how contactees every so often dismiss each other’s cases (or present their cases as central to human-ET contacts are we really able to definitely come together at once as a unified, planetary-wide group or only gradually?
As Dr. Salla also writes in chapter one “…a premium needs to be placed on maintaining a high level of integrity for this form of citizen based diplomacy. This will prevent undue manipulation by ‘unfriendly’ extraterrestrial races…” Will this ‘integrity’ include thinking in connected, mature ways embracing all compatible contact experiences? Thus far, a main quality sought in contactees seems to have been a principled mind capable of assuming a ‘mission’ to at least attempt to re-transmit parts of an emancipating, educational message. This subjective feature probably entails a degree of post formal ethics for which ETs sufficiently esteem such persons as bona fide Earth representatives. However, perhaps efforts should also be coordinated under a supervising, integrally aware council embracing all vital political (Earth-based and extraterrestrial) needs. Will it be best if citizens’ diplomacy with non-MIEC ETs is coordinated with broad-minded, post-formal, ethical overseers (perhaps connected to the UN) similar to how MJ-12 allegedly oversees MIEC-ET diplomacy?
The book mentions benevolent “first contacts” occurring before the “grays” became popular. Furthermore, it mentions contacts with “intraterrestrials” (entities living in underground bases), with “solarians” (Solar System based ETs) and with other human-friendly, galactic neighbors. While I agree that these types of contacts occur (I have truthful friends who claim to have had such contacts), because of the gravitational pull we experience (requiring sufficient planetary mass), I don’t think they can possibly relate (as suggested) to beings living in an extensively hollow Earth but, rather, those who in enhanced cavities within the Earth’s crust. However, I found the evidence for human-looking “solarians” more compelling, since the presence of extraterrestrials like “Val Thor” and from the “Amicizia” contacts in Italy was supported by several witnesses and photographs.
By agreeing with Dr. Salla’s politically reasonable idea that by incorporating and cross-referencing a broad range of plausible information from contact experiencers, researchers, leaked government documents, whistleblowers (like Stewart Swerdlow, Robert Dean, Philip Corso, Dan Sherman) and more credible channelers (like Lyssa Royal and Norma Milanovich) we may basically recognize the existence of two main types of extraterrestrials (those allegedly cooperating more actively with the MIEC and those that not doing so).
Crucially, I think that one of the main strengths of the book is a reasonable search for overall patterns without excessive efforts to validate any one aspect. While not being scientifically undeniable (even if some details have been amply corroborated, for instance, by serious Ufology), it is politically sufficient and useful. It is a balanced search which can provide an informed assessment appropriate to a social science approach or to an intelligence information gathering suitable to human decision-making. Given the circumstances this is a good example to follow since – in order to advance informed exopolitical responses – whether specific appraisals are correct or not, we must first come to terms with the general patterns.
Final speaker panel from 2006 ET Civilization and World Peace Conference adopting Hawaii Conference Declaration
Readers interested in this book and in plausible exopolitical responses might be particularly pleased by some chapters alluding to various citizen resolutions in which UFO/ET cognizant/aware people from different countries and Dr. Salla were involved. Thus, we read about the 2006 “Hawaii Declaration on Peaceful Relations with Extraterrestrial Civilizations” which not just affirms “the intent of humanity to join in peaceful and cooperative relations with extraterrestrial civilizations” and “the natural right of all citizens to have open contact with representatives of extraterrestrial civilization in all cases and to engage in non-official diplomacy” but also to declare “the need for Civil Society to develop acceptable protocols (standards of behavior) with extraterrestrial civilizations, that the protocols should be representative of humanity, and that all nations should work in concert to establish peaceful relations.”
In other words, concerned individuals will find in this pioneering book that citizens with principled intentions have already come together attempting to plant the kernels for peaceful and constructive interactions with extraterrestrials. In fact, they’ll find that there have already been at least six citizen (international civilian) diplomatic initiatives and that the concepts of ecological balance and respect for all life have been central. One of them was the 2007 “Earth Transformation Declaration” which focused on taking personal responsibility for the transformative creation of a planetary civilization while recognizing interconnected health and wholeness and affirming the “political sovereignty and self-determination of humanity in relation to extraterrestrial civilizations,” besides the “promotion of new energy technologies to provide solutions to urgent global environmental and resource depletion issues” and the protection of cetaceans as sentient, intelligent species. Other important diplomatic initiatives were the 2009 “Declaration for the Creation of a European Agency to Study UFOs and Extraterrestrial Affairs,” the 2008 “Declaration for Citizen Contact Councils” (promoting the use of positive, international contact procedures), and the “Statement of Aspirations and Code of Conduct for Extraterrestrials Interacting with Earth” which outlined “standards (of conduct) extraterrestrials would need to observe” (something I very much agree with).
“Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET” showed me that it was possible to treat the complex and startling exopolitical situation with fairness, academic distinction and a form of reasonableness that includes an objective analysis and qualitative assessment suitable to a useful, normal and moral human standpoint. It succeeds in presenting a necessarily challenging overview of various unique categories that must be inclusively studied to practice exopolitics and to responsibly launch a new stage in real-world human-ET interacting with a vital and extraordinary political situation.
[Note:Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET will be available in paperback and Kindle versions on June 16, 2013 at . Autographed copies are also available – click here.]
Video of presentation by Dr Michael Salla on extraterrestrial life and world government policies at the Exopolitics Congress 2012 is now available for free online. The Congress was held in Prague, Czech Republic from May 11-13, 2012, and was organized by Exopolitika Czech Republic and promoted by the non-profit organization Goscha. The video was recorded by Robert Fleischer (Exopolitics Germany) and is available here and embedded below.
Presentation Abstract
This presentation gives an overview of national government policies on extraterrestrial life. Presentation begins with a popular typology of extraterrestrial civilizations and proposes a motivation for their visitation in terms of how thermonuclear weapons may interfere with the propulsion systems of advanced civilizations in the vicinity of our planet and/or space time continuum. Presentation then focuses on how international responses to visiting extraterrestrials has been coordinated by governments and select global institutions, such as the Bilderberg Group, in the economic and political spheres. Military coordination by NATO member states in implementing shoot to kill orders against UFOs is examined, as is a coordinated response to extraterrestrials among us. Finally, a number of global initiatives are examined including the 1978 initiative by Sir Eric Gairy, Prime Minister of Grenada, to have the United Nations study extraterrestrial life; and the scientific impact of exoplanets being discovered in the habitable region of different solar systems.
Thanks to Robert Fleischer (Exopolitics Germany) for generously donating his time and resources to record and upload this video.