Tag: Luis Elizondo

Astounding Revelations Require More Comprehensive and Careful Assessments!!

TTSA  information


+  extra information


Image result for beyond ufos
+ extra information

+ extra information…?

= A More Complete, Necessary Disclosure?

The U.S. Government is disclosing the reality of UFOs (or UAPs) through the efforts of To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences (TTSA). Through the personal opinions of TTSA members, there is an informal admission that these vehicles appear to be made with technology not available in any country of the world.  Serious individuals participate in TTSA, like former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher Mellon, former CIA Directorate of Operations member Jim Semivan and former career intelligence officer and microbiologist Luis Elizondo. They are presenting an extraordinary credible series (“UNIDENTIFIED”) in the History Channel and their media interviews are rendering UFOs credible and worthwhile to “serious thinkers” that otherwise would have to continue laughing about it.

TTSA and the History Channel are giving us interviews with highly trained military pilots and other credible witnesses and telling us about the evidence that was found inside the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) that operated in the Pentagon under the DIA and under the Secretary of Defense. TTSA has promised to show a “metamaterial” made with extremely fine, pure otherworldly isotopic layers, that loses weight when irradiated with terahertz EM frequencies and which, possibly, has not been fabricated by any known Earth technology.

This mind-opening stage of informing the public about UFOs (now preferably called “UAPs”) is a historical turning point and can also be considered a “confirmation” of basic aspects about UFOs that many ufologists had previously found. It is also confirming what a greater percentage of the population already believed or suspected. Since the USG (U.S. Government) is collaborating with TTSA by providing the latter with declassified UAP (or UAP) evidence, we can also assume that it is a moderate form of official disclosure.

But recently leaked emails mentioned by historian Richard Dolan are revealing that some persons historically associated with current TTSA members were also trying to find out details about other even more secret programs that had also been researched and mentioned by other ufologists. For instance, a 1997 meeting at the Pentagon previously revealed many times by Dr. Steven Greer (and which involved Admiral Wilson, Commander Will Miller, Dr. Steven Greer, and Astronaut Edgard Mitchell) is being verified through these leaked emails. Astoundingly, they likely show that the main, formal system (the ‘white world’ of intelligence) within the intelligence community doesn’t know what another (possibly unconstitutional, ‘black world’ of intelligence) system is doing in terms of the deepest research on extraterrestrial (or UAP intelligences) presences.

The leaked emails would also show that many TTSA members and collaborators (including scientists and some military working together in formal UFO/UAP research like in NIDS, The Aviary and the Advanced Theoretical Physics Working Group) know more than what they currently announce publicly, such that ETs are here. On the other hand, according to a June 17, 2019 interview given by Grant Cameron to Spaced Out Radio, the emails were likely rescued (post mortem) from astronaut Edgard Mitchell’s stash of saved documents which leads me to suspect that some TTSA members or associates or someone close to Ed Mitchell may also want the information in the emails to come out.

See this YOUTUBE VIDEO: “UFO Leak of the Century, Richard Dolan Analyzes the Admiral Wilson Notes.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dk7wWp7iL60

And this YOUTUBE recording “June 17/19 – Grant Cameron on the UFO Leak and Ryan Stacey from TESA” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eO5S2ybi6hY&t=923s

Also, a good compilation of the 1997 Pentagon meeting by Giuliano Marinkovic is found at http://omnitalkradio.weebly.com/pentagon-ufo-briefing.html

The so-called “Core Secrets” emails now exposed seem to show that not even Admiral Wilson (then with the conventional authority to supervise multiple intelligence agencies) could obtain in-depth information about some extraordinarily secret research regarding extraterrestrials. I understand that Admiral Wilson has denied the content of these email letters, but of course, for various reasons he would. The situation requires extraordinary research instead of infighting within the more serious ufological community.

Since I think that there are a FEW nefarious extraterrestrial civilizations, I do not completely agree with Dr. Steven Greer’s assessment of extraterrestrial civilizations but I also recognize that the ‘leaked’ emails confirm Dr. Greer’s much more complex and personally involved research, and the overall situation suggests the existence of an unconstitutional, unsupervised, led-by-corporations, secret, de facto research organization or “cabal”; something akin to a Secret Government…functioning above the law; a form of “need to know” and “compartmentalized” organization far exceeding the spirit of the law under which it was probably created by an Executive Order during President Truman’s time; an alleged entity – surprisingly – operating utilizing the official Government and legitimate intelligence programs but which got out of control as a de facto outside-the-Government entity even capable of utilizing some of its legitimate installations.  IF it was originally set up by an Executive Order, it would have escaped constitutional, democratic supervision within a Government understood as part of a bona fide republic. But, is this just another “crazy conspiracy theory of the lunatic fringe” (as some versions about the Secret Space Program)?

And how could such an entity continue operating? How could someone like Admiral Wilson (“J2” the Intelligence Director for the Joint Chiefs of Staff) not have access to this entity’s research? As Dr. Steven Greer tells us, some of the reasons why this “Cabal” escaped formal control are that 1) Most formally elected politicians, academics and military do not want to do anything about it because the issue is a career-destroying taboo purposefully exacerbated by the Cabal’s influence on the media  2) That the means and methods involved to keep the secrets can destroy personal images and – in various ways – anybody that opposes them 3) That the general public and scientists, in general, have been manipulated to think that UFOs are either nonsense, entertainment or weird things of no consequence and 4) That they organize extremely compartmentalized projects and 5) That they don’t recruit morally upright individuals if they are to become knowledgeable of compromising information.



Recent ‘leaked’ emails that have come out:

View post on imgur.com



Also, a few days before, the following “Alien Autopsy” emails related to the film that Ray Santilli received and distributed in 1995 came out publicly.

Alien Autopsy Proof – Email Communication

Both sets of emails seem to be genuine as Richard Dolan would likely agree.

These unplanned disclosures appear to show that someone in the know within the formal Government or perhaps within the secret Government seems willing to reveal to the citizenry more and at a faster rate than what is being currently revealed by TTSA. This also has to be looked into carefully. It shows that apparently, from within the Bob Bigelow’s – NIDS research (associated with the white world of conventional intelligence and military), there was an informal attempt to find out about more specific extraterrestrial-related, secretive Government research, USAP programs. How is society going to respond? Can we collectively absorb a sped-up disclosure? Will most of society, including scientists, religious figures, politicians and mainstream media giants dismiss the importance of these revelations as they previously dismissed the importance of UFOs and the logical presence of UFO intelligences?

I am for an intelligent, comprehensive and educational type of disclosure. But, have we been collectively mal-educated by entertainment, polarizing tribal political influences, and greed to the point of not being able to sort out and intelligently adapt to life-changing information which challenges our classical sense of reality? Or, perhaps, we still have the resilience to do it. And perhaps for various exopolitical reasons revealed by a few genuine “prime” contactees we are sufficiently safe not to engage in antagonizing all ET presences even if some – a minority engaging Earth’s human family – are nefarious. Everything must be considered carefully.

As exopoliticians, we must learn not to discount verifiable and credible sources of information so as to over-rely on those sources that we personally prefer. We must be comprehensive but also careful with the verification of the source of information. Exopolitics should not be a “post-truth” endeavor! It must not be a matter of belief or it will be a tribal affair.

Moreover, besides taking seriously research that reveals multiple levels of secrecy regarding technology, we also need to come to terms with sincere accounts of actual contact with what could be called multi-reality UAP intelligences. If the intelligences that built the UAPs encountered during military maneuvers (possibly canceling what would correspond to 300g-400g acceleration forces) most likely do not originate in any country on Earth (as has been stated by TTSA members), then either the ETH (Extraterrestrial Hypothesis) or a more sophisticated type of “other reality hypothesis” (capable of being physical and also of overcoming spacetime physical limitations) must be accepted. Of course, there may be successful, yet unacknowledged retro-engineered vehicles that are not being admitted either for security issues or because (most or all?) TTSA members have not been ‘read into’ those programs. Thus, they can be truthful about what they say to the public.

Quite likely the TR- 3B and similar flying triangles incorporating gravity-canceling technology would be a product of some of those other secret (USAP?) programs but the dozens (perhaps up to one hundred) “tic-tac” UAPs detected during the 2004 Nimitz Incident would be more advanced and not be fabricated by Earth-based homo sapiens.


Different segments in the population and different researchers emphasize specific aspects of the UAP phenomenon instead of attempting to embrace the entire picture. Some will only accept the reality of UAPs and the intelligences involved if the evidence is presented by former Government officers in an official or semi-official manner as a “threat.” Citizen experiencers and serious research that bring up other aspects – including direct communications with diverse UAP intelligences – do not register in their minds as significant. However, if these aspects (still taboo) were presented integrally more people would open up to a comprehensive approach which not only includes consciousness and technology but also the reasons pertaining to the question of why.

For humanity to shift directions and stop destroying nature and itself it requires such an integrative, comprehensive approach to UAPS and UAP intelligences. We need to evolve in an unprecedented way beyond our xenophobic leanings to be able to see ourselves as one civilization capable of handling the upcoming technology.

The Edgard Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters (FREE) focuses on a grass-roots disclosure which – by means of a scientific, international survey – validates the patterns which emerge from the anonymous testimonies of thousands of experiencers of contact with (so-called) “non-human intelligences.”

I think that FREE’s survey ought to be recognized for a more complete assessment and disclosure.

The multidimensional evidence about different aspects of humanity’s interaction with more technologically advanced intelligences related to UAPs should be carefully assembled. From credible pilots encountering these craft during military maneuvers to credible historical and individual encounters with the alleged pilots of UFOS or UAPs. Otherwise, our understanding will not be comprehensive enough and we will most likely remain holding on to a primitive, tribal approach… dividing our “UFO community” into camps and dismissing useful information; for instance giving credit to military-based revelations but not to thousands of contact experiences (or vice versa).

I don’t know if society at large has been “dumbed down” so much under corporate interests, selfish way of being, seeking easy answers or to blame “others” for pent-up frustrations that it will not be able to adapt to the situation but at least some people with critical thinking skills, world-centric (and not only nationalist) values, and an open mind should try to understand all of this comprehensively. Can it only be handled by the selfish and above the law?

For a careful and more responsible exopolitical response and strategy we really need to know WHO is behind the multiple types of contacts related to UFOs or UAPs. Moreover, we need to recognize that the personal dimension of contact relationships with these (physical, transdimensional and supra-physical) intelligences is actually taking place and that thousands of sincere, anonymous testimonies reveal patterns that we need to understand.

A link to the F.R.E.E. foundation working with experiencers is www.experiencer.com  FREE’s information + UFO research + contactee experiences and research + CE-5 events help us to get closer to the whole picture. 

But by emphasizing only an introductory “we don’t know who they are” datum and even a “POTENTIAL threat” narrative (although technically correct and – perhaps – actually correct from a modern intelligence perspective), we (The People, political leaders and cultural-scientific leaders) will not be able to make adequate peace-enhancing exopolitical decisions. We will quite likely project an “us vs. them”, business-as-usual, xenophobic, primitive, tribal reaction. And under these impoverished cultural circumstances, we will need to trust the powerful making all the decisions perhaps under highly biased and simplistic ways.

While I don’t think that every member of TTSA has a fixated negative orientation regarding the – various – UAP intelligences, from previous declarations I’ve heard, Mr. De Longe seems to be bent on that emphasis. For instance, he mentioned something about nuking the bugs or so. Maybe he was told negative things about some of the UAP intelligences but, quite likely, only an emphasis on partial information.  Moreover, besides what information is initially coming out or being confirmed through TTSA, ufologists have been correct in different aspects of what is coming out and – historically speaking – many of them also emphasized that there also is a positive, in fact, benevolent side to the contact experience. Why would only a predatory expectation or an extrapolation from military human experience always have to be the credible or default position?

If some (or many) of the UAP intelligences manipulated (for good and ilth) our belief systems and even our genetic wherewithal that doesn’t instantly make them our enemies. That makes them more “parental” and it represents a complex relationship. If – besides FREE’s international survey – we carefully look into other historically reported two-way communications between these intelligences and persons around the world, we will find that – according to modern, conventional human standards – most of these entities do not mean us harm. Even abductions are better understood after some time. And the idea of there being more spiritually-inclined, yet also highly scientific “space-brothers” cannot be simply discarded because it doesn’t fit our current cynical ethos. I’ve known for decades of consistently benign contacts that also require serious working together for the benefit of humanity (and beyond) with some UAP intelligences.

Of course, through their technological power, UAP intelligences could POTENTIALLY harm us but for the most, this doesn’t appear to be their intention or modus operandi. They appear to have been here for centuries, even perhaps from the beginning of the human “experiment.” Perhaps we need to learn to work with a group of them and stay safely distant (unrelated) from another. We need to know. We need to know who is who. We need to make contact. We need to know the rules of engagement they operate with. Perhaps we simply forgot that we are them or that we are participants in a cosmic community. Both Sargeant Clifford Stone and Command Sargeant Robert Dean (whistleblowers with credentials) revealed the existence of many extraterrestrial species and a preponderance of well-intended, peace-loving extraterrestrials. Their credentials are authentic. We must learn to recognize credible whistleblowers. And we must learn not to attack these beings or force them to give us information or else, who is the ‘threat’? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwrp_Pxo_nc&t=871s

Sargeant Clifford Stone

Command Master Sargeant Bob Dean

Image result for master sargeant bobdean

In the more consistent and genuine contact experiences within the contact group Mision Rahma there was information that Earth was being actively protected from the incursion of some negative extraterrestrial entities and entities that didn’t want the human experiment to continue (out of jealousy and because – in due time – we could become very dangerous in the universe). This would mean that only a FEW inimical extraterrestrials would get through or be allowed to operate. The latter would be allowed due to the fact that they could have been here before the quarantine. In other words, the whole picture is complex and there may be a balance of power even among the ETs coming to Earth for a long time. But we cannot evolve in wisdom by cavorting only to a xenophobic mentality.

Given that only a few cases of UAP/UFO encounters have been deleterious or violent in no uncertain terms (like the Colares incidents in Brazil and some military pilots that apparently disappeared), sure, the possibility of an actual threat (at least from some of the UAP intelligences) has to be considered. But we should try to develop and publicly present a BALANCED VIEW of what is going on! And – generally speaking – FREE’s survey is a very important contribution that ought to be studied for a comprehensive and more responsible assessment leading to well-informed, balanced political-exopolitical decisions! It may well be that some (or most) UAP intelligences protect as against others and this is why we haven’t been conquered or wiped out. We need to find out and -instead of projecting all ETs as a ‘threat’ – befriend those (possibly a majority) which are in favor of us.

I currently believe that – in spite of the (understandable) Military Industrial National Security Emphasis – members of TTSA are sincerely trying to benefit society. I also believe that they (or most of them) are not really informed about other secret research programs, USAPs such as the most advanced retro-engineering and actual contact and knowledge about different extraterrestrial-multi-reality species. This may be why they are able to truthfully state that they don’t know who the UAP intelligences are. But can they truthfully deny that “anti-gravity” vehicles have already been manufactured from a long-term research project originating in the 1940’s?

They want to legitimate UFOs and start a widespread social conversation and ascertain threat. But how can a threat assessment program (as AATIP) assess ‘threat’ if the who and why is not studied?

While there should be self-interest to produce more advanced weapons and to militarize space for defensive purposes on the part of the corporate MIC elite, thus favoring the narrative of a new potential enemy – the extraterrestrial – I don’t think that most TTSA members would simply follow this. After briefly meeting them in a few UFO conferences they came across as very honorable, well-intended and patriotic men. Not as men that would do anything simply to satisfy power and greed.

If some in the formal and secret governments really know that extraterrestrials have been on Earth (and perhaps even modified our genes) why would they want to present them mostly or predominantly as a threat?

Possible prehistoric observations with saucer-like craft depicted in the Peche Merle cave.

A 1943 UFO picture from the city of Huánuco, Peru

There seems to have been contacts even in prehistoric times and ongoing military-related research not only after the demise of Project Blue Book but on a more secret level at least since 1947. I believe that AATIP was a SAP (a Special Access Project) to provide assessments to political leaders and military in the “white world.” It was not (or is not under a new name) a USAP (Unacknowledged Special Access Project) that probably worked more directly with UFO crashes, retro-engineering and extraterrestrial bodies.

Two Levels

We need to understand that there may be TWO LEVELS investigating UFOS/UAPS, their technology, implications and their intelligences. The deeper, more hand-on level would escape Government supervision and might be unconstitutional as Dr. Steven Greer has affirmed for years. Even personnel working in SAP-level projects like AATIP may not personally believe (or want to believe) about some of the details allegedly said to be going on in some of these USAPs (some of which are adopted by serious researchers falsely thought to be part of the “crazy fringe” and some are adopted with added disinformation by the true “crazy fringe”).

Thanks to a Facebook post by researcher Custodio Da Silva I was reminded that in a 2016 Huffington Post interview granted to investigative reporter Leslie Kean, Mr. Christopher Mellon responded as follows:

Leslie Kean (Q): “Some inside sources have proposed that retrieved hardware from a UFO may exist within a private aerospace company which has become independent from the DoD. In this way, it would be exempt from government oversight and known only to a few people. Do you think this is possible?

Christopher Mellon (A): “I find it hard to imagine something as explosive as recovered alien technology remaining under wraps for decades. So while I have no reason to believe there is any recovered alien technology, I will say this: If it were me, and I was trying to bury it deep, I’d take it outside government oversight entirely and place it in a compartment as a new entity within an existing defense company and manage it as what we call an “IRAD” or “Independent Research and Development Activity.”

LINK to the article: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/is-there-a-ufo-coverup-a_b_9865184?ncid=engmodushpmg00000003&fbclid=IwAR1OXING0VBNpJ4rDGlikyvSdGMBTI01oUYohjnVQ33KsCT44XfrEJnuJes

Thus, according to an expert in the inner workings of intelligence USAPS would work with or as IRADS.

But who is promoting (or approving) that the U.S. Government assists TTSA (whose members had and have clearances to work with certain SAPs) in bringing out (albeit gradually) more official, declassified information about UFOS/UAPS (and quite incipiently “UAP intelligences”) to the public? And why information related with the Pentagon confirms and subsequently denies some of what has come out? Is it standard intelligence procedure, like Grant Cameron says has been going on for decades, revealing but also leaving the door open for plausible deniability? It seems reasonable to me. In this case, this procedure would come from the formal – minimally supervised – SAP level, with some individuals partially aware of some of the USAP-level activities, a plausible reason why the Bennewitz MJ-12 papers (with genuine information) were released in the way that they were released…with the possibility of denial.

But who is promoting this simultaneous “managed” confirmation and disclosure? Patriotic senior level SAP managers worried that some USAPs are deleterious and out of control? The ETs themselves? Both? The fear that other nations may go at it first? Is it promoted by a cabal that wants to promote a fake alien invasion? Is it an internal decision from those that formally manage the information? Was the leak of the emails mentioned at the beginning of this article made by a rogue element that (as per his or her assessment) wants to speed up a more complete disclosure? Was he correct in leaking those emails? Have those emails been “doctored?”

There are allegedly leaked photos that suggest previous Navy detections of UAPs.

UFOs have been detected during the Navy’s military, practice maneuvers for a long time as in 1952 during Operation Mainbrace (Thanks to information shared by Mr. Dave C. Beatty). This suggests that these UFOS/UAPS are not an actual threat.  http://www.thinkaboutit-ufos.com/operation-mainbrace/?fbclid=IwAR2KAV9x2oyvBbNftvXlpYzJ5QVu4cFUFJ26lBRdHI7GIS4Nlev9EJetnCU

I think that when some TTSA members who participated in SAP programs sometimes basically say (about the intelligences behind UAPs) “we don’t know who they are” they are being honest because they may not have been ‘read into’ those more secretive compartmentalized USAP programs. The recently leaked email letters previously mentioned show people working in less secretly classified programs trying to find out more about more details from more strictly classified programs. Perhaps, as intelligent researcher and experiencer Melinda Leslie recently mentioned in a conference in MUFON Marin, Sonoma: (paraphrasing) elements of the white world of intelligence increasingly involved in a managed form of UFO-ET disclosure that extends for decades want to play more in the black (extremely covert, USAP, perhaps unsupervised) world of intelligence. They want to know what the latter knows and how they get their funding.  The link to her presentation and analysis is: https://mufonmarinsonoma.com/?page_id=50&fbclid=IwAR22OO93AFRcWMVOmnH712d4H_gCtHjq36DtmjjH3Ojms336PNdBGTdszlQ

Be as it may, even if TTSA naturally tends to present the issue in terms of a “threat” (and, naturally, maintain an alliance with the military world intelligence, aerospace industries and research labs related to the Government) in order to develop different projects like their announced gravity cancellation craft through their public company (while researching into issues like the negative health effects of some forms of UAP and ET contact), basically I think that these persons – TTSA members – are honorable people. As members of what should be called the “intelligence white world”, they are just part of an environment in which they are required to think like that.  However, I think that – in spite of their making UFOs and the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligences acceptable to “educated society” – the “threat” and military emphasis – while partially valid – should not dominate the entire social discourse and practical decision-making. As little as 5% of human -ET encounters may actually be ‘negative’.  Some of the non-ET encounters may even be MILAB and some may also be encounters with non-physical entities. We need to know with precision to make decisions. I certainly hope that the covert entity called “MAJIC” or Majority Joint Intelligence Committee (by Dr. Steven Greer) – if it exists – is not planning a fake ET invasion or “false flag” for an illicit cabal or power group (including some billionaires) to acquire more control based on fear, greed and not trusting humanity’s highest potentials. I certainly agree with former Canadian Minister of Defence the Honorable Paul Hellyer that this would be a terrible thing to do instead of taking advantage of the opportunity to peacefully relate with peace-loving advanced civilizations.


The Hon. Paul Hellyer

After personally conversing with some TTSA members, I got the sense that all or most are very honorable, well-intended individuals although (simply due to their involvement with the national security culture) they may naturally tend to over-represent the “threat” aspect.  I think that through the efforts of honorable TTSA representatives the white (public, legitimate) world in which our continuously hyper-polarized politics exists and ‘us’ (the population in general) are becoming accustomed to the reality of UFOs and their intelligences. I certainly hope that they are not inadvertently playing into the hands of the alleged “cabal” or – worse – that any one of them is following orders (from those that supervise USAPS related with UAPs -in fact, multi-reality extraterrestrial vehicles –  and extraterrestrials) helping to prepare the way for a false “alien invasion.”

It is a complex issue indeed, but an issue in which the future of human freedom (and the evolution of a culture that can truly flourish under democracy) is at stake.

Seeing these TTSA members speaking openly in interviews, in the news, and in the History Channel is instrumental to begin confirming (and officially disclosing) to the world that ETs (or multi-reality, technologically advanced beings) are here. After more than 70 years of suppression and of a “truth embargo” (as Steve Bassett would say) that situation is thankfully welcomed. But an emphasis in an “us vs them” interpretation of the whole situation regarding the UAP intelligences may be the most deleterious thing that could happen, fixating large segments of the population into a tribal and classic, dichotomous stage of evolution; disabling the possibility of a non-dichotomous adaptation; a necessary evolutionary, cultural response that should emerge for humanity to handle our current perilous age of simultaneous disruption and connectivity along with a post-classical “UAP reality”…a reality that challenges several epistemological foundations cross-culturally, forcing us to come to terms with a much vast, inclusive reality and way of being.

Below is a link to a summary of the basic experiencer survey results which also needs to be studied and understood in order to know who we are dealing with. This and further contact studies have to be pursued rather than dismissed in a condescending way as “ufology”:  The link is for CHAPTER ONE OF the book “BEYOND UFOS” by the Edgard Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounters (FREE):


FREE is in the 5th year of administering the world’s first comprehensive, multilanguage, quantitative and qualitative, academic research study, administered on a
worldwide basis, on individuals that have had UAP (UFO) related contact experiences
with Non-Human Intelligence (NHI)– The FREE Experiencer Research Study. We
are conducting our study in 5 languages (English, Spanish, French, German, Slovak
and very soon in Mandarin Chinese). We asked almost 700 quantitative questions for
our Phase 1-3 surveys and our Phase 3 qualitative survey is comprised of written
responses to 70 open-ended questions. We received more than 10,000 pages of
responses to these 70 open-ended questions from almost 1,400 participants in this
Phase 3 survey. For our English language surveys, we received more than 4,200
responses from respondents from over 110 countries. In our Spanish language survey,
we have received 770 responses and we have a separate Spanish speaking research
committee analyzing this data.

What follows is another scientific article from F.R.E.E. Presented at the Society for Scientific Exploration in 2018. “A Study on Reported Contact with Non-Human Intelligence
Associated with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena”




UFOs Exist and Everyone Needs to Adjust to That Fact

by Daniel W. Drezner                      May 28, 2019                     (washingtonpost.com)

• UFOs have historically been associated with crackpot ideas like Big Foot or conspiracy theories involving crop circles, and consistently dismissed. But as more military pilots come forward to describe encounters with unidentified flying objects, government officials reluctantly acknowledge that UFOs (or “UAP”s) do exist. At this point, authorities are trying to destigmatize the reporting of UFOs while adamantly refusing to say that these UFOs are extraterrestrial in origin.

• Alexander Wendt and Raymond Duvall authored a paper entitled: “Sovereignty and the UFO”, published in the journal Political Theory, which argues that state sovereignty is “constituted and organized by reference to human beings alone.” They argue that the real reason UFOs have been dismissed is because it challenges the worldview in which human beings are the most technologically advanced life-forms. “UFOs have never been systematically investigated by science or the state, because it is assumed to be known that none are extraterrestrial. Yet in fact this is not known, which makes the UFO taboo puzzling given the ET possibility.” So if humankind is the most technologically advanced life form, then in order to preserve this premise, UFOs cannot be of an extraterrestrial origin. The UFO can be “known” only by not asking what it is.”

• Wendt and Duvall’s paper makes a persuasive case that UFOs certainly exist, even if they are not necessarily ETs. For them, the key is that no official authority takes seriously the idea that UFOs can be extraterrestrials. As they note, “considerable work goes into ignoring UFOs, constituting them as objects only of ridicule and scorn.”

• In recent years, however, there has been a subtle shift that poses some interesting questions for Wendt and Duvall’s argument. Discussion of actual UFOs has become the topic of serious mainstream media coverage. The government acknowledged the existence of a Pentagon program to study UFOs. A noted astrophysicist claimed that the ‘asteroid’ Oumuamua could be of artificial construction relying on a solar sail. Military pilots came forward in December 2017 and then again in May 2019 relating their encounters with UFOs on both the West and East Coasts of the US. No one in the Defense Department is saying that the objects are extraterrestrial, though even skeptics cannot completely rule out the possibility that extraterrestrial activity is involved.

• So the government and mainstream media are not behaving as Wendt and Duvall would predict. Politico’s Bryan Bender reported that, “The U.S. Navy is drafting new guidelines for pilots and other personnel to report encounters with ‘unidentified aircraft,’ a significant new step in creating a formal process to collect and analyze the unexplained sightings — and destigmatize them.” Deanna Paul of the Washington Post wrote, “Luis Elizondo, a former senior intelligence officer, told The Post that the new Navy guidelines formalized the reporting process, facilitating data-driven analysis while removing the stigma from talking about UFOs, calling it ‘the single greatest decision the Navy has made in decades.”

• As the stigma against the existence of UFOs wears off, will Earth governments face the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations as the origin of these unexplained UFOs?


The term “UFO” automatically triggers derision in most quarters of polite society. One of Christopher Buckley’s better satires, “Little Green Men,” is premised on a George F. Will-type pundit thinking that he has been abducted by aliens, with amusing results. UFOs have historically been associated with crackpot ideas like Big Foot or conspiracy theories involving crop circles.

The obvious reason for this is that the term “UFO” is usually assumed to be a synonym for “extraterrestrial life.” If you think about it, this is odd. UFO literally stands for “unidentified flying object.” A UFO is not necessarily an alien from another planet. It is simply a flying object that cannot be explained away through conventional means. Because UFOs are usually brought up only to crack jokes, however, they have been dismissed for decades.

One of the gutsiest working paper presentations I have witnessed was Alexander Wendt and Raymond Duvall presenting a draft version of “Sovereignty and the UFO.” In that paper, eventually published in the journal Political Theory, Wendt and Duvall argued that state sovereignty as we understand it is anthropocentric, or “constituted and organized by reference to human beings alone.” They argued that the real reason UFOs have been dismissed is because of the existential challenge that they pose for a worldview in which human beings are the most technologically advanced life-forms: “UFOs have never been systematically investigated by science or the state, because it is assumed to be known that none are extraterrestrial. Yet in fact this is not known, which makes the UFO taboo puzzling given the ET possibility…. The puzzle is explained by the functional imperatives of anthropocentric sovereignty, which cannot decide a UFO exception to anthropocentrism while preserving the ability to make such a decision. The UFO can be “known” only by not asking what it is.”

When Wendt and Duvall made this argument, there were a lot of titters in the audience. I chuckled, too. Nonetheless, their paper makes a persuasive case that UFOs certainly exist, even if they are not necessarily ETs. For them, the key is that no official authority takes seriously the idea that UFOs can be extraterrestrials. As they note, “considerable work goes into ignoring UFOs, constituting them as objects only of ridicule and scorn.”



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Unidentified Review: History Series Takes UFOs to a New Level of Credibility

by Alejandro Rojas                    May 20, 2019                    (denofgeek.com)

• ‘History’ (formerly ‘The History Channel’) is set to debut its new six-part docuseries entitled: ‘Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation’. The show basically follows the ongoing investigations by Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences’ (TTSA), and introduce the Academy members as credible investigators and witnesses. With a former career intelligence officer (Luis Elizondo), a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (Chris Mellon), and multiple jet fighter pilots (David Fravor, et al), it becomes clear that research into what the hell UFOs are is more legit than ever.

• TTSA was formed in the fall of 2017. Elizondo left his Pentagon position and joined the TTSA team saying that the Department of Defense (DoD) was not taking the subject of UFOs seriously enough. They made a name for themselves in December 2017 when their efforts resulted in the New York Times revealing the Pentagon’s ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ (AATIP) and releasing Navy cockpit video of UFO, including the infamous “Tic Tac” UFO from 2004. History’s Unidentified intends to provide insight into AATIP investigations and TTSA’s more recent discoveries.

• The first episode will review in detail this 2004 incident where F-18 fighter jets from the US Navy’s Nimitz carrier group off of San Diego encountered the remarkable maneuvering of a 40-foot long ‘Tic Tac’ UFO. The wingmate of the F-18 piloted by Commander David Fravor when they encountered the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO – who has declined any public interviews thus far – will give her own testimony in the initial episode regarding the incident.

• Unidentified has a similar feel as other investigation focused reality shows. But instead of wild speculation or leaps in logic that strain credulity, Unidentified offers a more grounded perspective on a topic that the general public typically regarded as “out of this world.”

• “Both Chris Mellon and Lou Elizondo are closely involved with what’s going on inside the Pentagon over the course of this last year,” said Executive Producer Anthony Lappe. “They consider that Navy announcement (on new UFO reporting procedures) to be a huge victory for sort of everything they’ve been doing behind the scenes and we were able to chronicle that.”

• Another episode will focus on the 1980 UFO incident on a U.S Air Force base in the Rendlesham Forest, in England. Elizondo says that there will be other astounding cases presented from the AATIP files that have not yet been made public.


The first episode of Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation on History Channel uses a familiar format to deliver an unprecedented investigation. UFO reality shows have come and gone, but what makes Unidentified unique is the credibility of the show’s investigators and witnesses. From a former career intelligence officer, a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, and multiple jet fighter pilots, it becomes clear that research into what the hell UFOs are is more legit than ever.

Unidentified follows the ongoing UFO investigations of Luis Elizondo and To The Stars Academy (TTSA). Elizondo is a former intelligence officer who resigned in October 2017. That same month, former Blink-182 frontman Tom DeLonge announced the creation of TTSA, an organization focused on researching the unknown with an impressive list of members. Elizondo was on that list. During the press conference announcing TTSA, Elizondo claimed he left his job at the Pentagon because one of his posts entailed researching military UFO cases and he felt the Department of Defense (DoD) was not taking the subject seriously enough.

The following December, the New York Times, followed by Politico and The Washington Post, published articles providing more insight into Elizondo’s former UFO program, called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). The story garnered headlines around the world and created public interests into the nature of the secretive Pentagon project. History’s Unidentified intends to provide insight into AATIP investigations and TTSA’s more recent discoveries.

Unidentified will be a six-part series. The first episode introduces us to the TTSA team members and covers a fantastic UFO encounter as told by the witness, all of whom were on active duty with the Navy when the contacts took place.

The New York Times article that broke the AATIP story also included details about one of the most exciting AATIP cases. Over several days in November of 2004, the Nimitz Aircraft Carrier Strike Group captured objects on radar that performed unusual maneuvers. During a training exercise, several F-18 jet fighters were diverted to get a closer look at one of the objects. Commander David Fravor got the best view. He describes seeing an object that looked like a 40-foot-long white Tic Tac that performed remarkable maneuvers. This case, also covered by Den of Geek, is reviewed in detail in the first episode of Unidentified.



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These 5 UFO Traits, Seen by Navy Fighters, Defy Explanation

by Missy Sullivan and Greg Daugherty                     May 20, 2019                     (history.com)

• Luis Elizondo, the former DoD intelligence officer who headed up the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) until 2012, is now an investigator with Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’ and is featured on HISTORY’s new television program (ie: the History Channel), “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation”.

• It was Elizondo and the ‘To The Stars Academy’ that were integral in bringing to the public the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO Navy cockpit video from 2004, with USS Nimitz-based pilots’ comments that included, “Holy sh*t, what is that?”, and “It’s white. It has no wings. It has no rotors,” and “It didn’t fly like an aircraft. It was so unpredictable.”

• When Elizondo ran the DoD’s AATIP, he compiled a list of extraordinary, logic-defying capabilities most commonly associated with unidentified aerial phenomena sightings. Here are Elizondo’s “five observables”:

1) Anti-gravity lift – UAPs (Unidentified Ariel Phenomenon) have no visible means of propulsion and lack flight surfaces such as wings – thus the tubular, ‘Tic Tac’ description.

2) Sudden and instantaneous acceleration – UAPs will accelerate or change direction so quickly that no human pilot could survive the g-forces.

3) Hypersonic velocities without signatures – Aircraft traveling faster than the speed of sound will typically leave a “signature” like vapor trails and sonic booms. UAPs don’t.

4) Low observability or cloaking – Witnesses to a UAP will usually only see a glow or haze around them.

5) Trans-medium travel – UAPs have been seen moving in and between different environments, such as space, the earth’s atmosphere and even water. USS Princeton radar operator Gary Vorhees later confirmed from a Navy sonar operator in the area that day that a craft was moving faster than 70 knots underwater, roughly two times the speed of nuclear subs.

• UAPs’ origins are still unknown. Are they a super-top-secret U.S. defense project? Do they hail from Russia? China? Or from even further afield? The only thing we do know is that their capabilities exceed any technologies currently in the U.S. arsenal.


You know a UFO has earned its “unidentified” status when cockpit transcripts from elite Navy fighter jets include this frantic pilot exclamation: “Holy s___, what is that?”

When Luis Elizondo ran a small team at the U.S. Department of Defense investigating military-based reports of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), he heard numerous such accounts—by some of the most highly trained aeronautic experts in the military. They describe objects that appeared to be intelligently controlled, possessing aerodynamic capabilities that far surpass any currently known aircraft technology.

Now pursuing his investigations as part of To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences, Elizondo is an integral part of the investigative team featured on HISTORY’s “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation,” where they have continued to gather eyewitness accounts:

“It’s white. It has no wings. It has no rotors.”

“It didn’t fly like an aircraft. It was so unpredictable—high g, rapid velocity, rapid acceleration.”

“I didn’t see a trail.”

“It was going 70-plus knots underwater.”

Those reports—from Navy fighter pilots, radar operators and other witnesses from the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier strike group incident from November 2004—were among a handful of shocking encounters the Unidentified team explored. When Elizondo ran the Defense Department initiative, called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or AATIP, he compiled a list of extraordinary, logic-defying capabilities most commonly associated with unidentified aerial phenomena sightings. He calls those traits the “five observables”:



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‘Wow, What Is That?’ Navy Pilots Report Unexplained Flying Objects

by Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean                    May 26, 2019                (nytimes.com)

• In the summer of 2014, F/A-18 Super Hornet (pictured above) pilots Lieutenant Ryan Graves and Lieutenant Danny Accoin were part of the VFA-11 “Red Rippers” squadron out of Naval Air Station Oceana, Virginia Beach, VA, a US Navy master jet base. They were training for deployment to the Persian Gulf using an upgraded cockpit radar system. As they would climb to 30,000 feet and then dive down to sea level, they noticed consistent UFOs that their older radar systems wouldn’t pick up. They ignored them, reasoning that these were false tracks. “It would be a pretty big deal to have something up there,” said Lt Graves.

• But the UFOs persisted, showing up at 30,000 feet, 20,000 feet, even sea level. They could accelerate, slow down and then hit hypersonic speeds. Lt Accoin interacted with the UFOs twice. The first time, he set his plane to merge with it, flying 1,000 feet below it. He said he should have been able to see it with his helmet camera, but could not, even though his radar told him it was there. A few days later, Lt Accoin said a training missile on his jet locked on the object and his infrared camera picked it up as well. “I knew I had it, I knew it was not a false hit,” he said. But still, “I could not pick it up visually.”

• In late 2014, Lt Graves was back at base in Virginia Beach when he encountered a squadron mate just back from a mission “with a look of shock on his face.” The pilot told Lt Graves, “I almost hit one of those things.” The pilot and his wingman were flying in tandem about 100 feet apart over the Atlantic Ocean east of Virginia Beach when something that looked like a sphere encasing a cube flew between them. An aviation flight safety report was filed. This was no secret drone. “It was going to be a matter of time before someone had a “midair collision,” said Lt Graves.

• The cockpit videos showed UFOs accelerating to hypersonic speed, making sudden stops and instantaneous turns -something beyond the physical limits of a human crew.“These things would be out there all day,” said F/A-18 Super Hornet pilot Lt Ryan Graves who reported his sightings to the Pentagon and Congress. “Keeping an aircraft in the air requires a significant amount of energy. With the speeds we observed, 12 hours in the air is 11 hours longer than we’d expect.”

• According to the Navy pilots, these UFOs appeared almost daily from the summer of 2014 to March 2015, high in the skies over the East Coast. The pilots reported that the UFOs had no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes, but could reach 30,000 feet and hypersonic speeds. Some of the incidents were videotaped, including one taken by a plane’s camera in early 2015 that shows an object zooming over the ocean waves as pilots question what they are watching. “Wow, what is that, man?” one pilot exclaims. “Look at it fly!” (see 1:38 minute “Go Fast” video below)

• No one in the Defense Department is saying that the UFOs are extraterrestrial. But they have the attention of the Navy, which earlier this year sent out new classified guidance for how to report what the military calls unexplained aerial phenomena (UAPs), or unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

• Leon Golub, a senior astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, said the possibility of an extraterrestrial cause “is so unlikely that it competes with many other low-probability but more mundane explanations.” He added that “there are so many other possibilities — bugs in the code for the imaging and display systems, atmospheric effects and reflections, neurological overload from multiple inputs during high-speed flight.”

• The UFO sightings were reported to the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which from 2007 to 2012 analyzed the radar data, video footage and accounts provided by senior officers from the USS Roosevelt. Luis Elizondo, a military intelligence official who ran the program until he resigned in 2017, called the sightings “a striking series of incidents” and included the infamous “Tic Tac” UFO off of the coast of San Diego in 2004. The Navy recently admitted that it still investigates military reports of UFOs.

• Lt Graves and four other Navy pilots, who said in interviews with The New York Times that they saw the objects in 2014 and 2015 in training maneuvers from Virginia to Florida off the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, make no assertions of the UFOs’ origin. Lieutenants Graves and Accoin, along with former American intelligence officials, appear in a six-part History Channel series, “Unidentified: Inside America’s U.F.O. Investigation,” beginning Friday (May 31st).


WASHINGTON — The strange objects, one of them like a spinning top moving against the wind, appeared almost daily from the summer of 2014 to March 2015, high in the skies over the East Coast. Navy pilots reported to their superiors that the objects had no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes, but that they could reach 30,000 feet and hypersonic speeds.

“These things would be out there all day,” said Lt. Ryan Graves, an F/A-18 Super Hornet pilot who has been with the Navy for 10 years, and who reported his sightings to the Pentagon and Congress. “Keeping an aircraft in the air requires a significant amount of energy. With the speeds we observed, 12 hours in the air is 11 hours longer than we’d expect.”
In late 2014, a Super Hornet pilot had a near collision with one of the objects, and an official mishap report was filed. Some of the incidents were videotaped, including one taken by a plane’s camera in early 2015 that shows an object zooming over the ocean waves as pilots question what they are watching.

“Wow, what is that, man?” one exclaims. “Look at it fly!”

No one in the Defense Department is saying that the objects were extraterrestrial, and experts emphasize that earthly explanations can generally be found for such incidents. Lieutenant Graves and four other Navy pilots, who said in interviews with The New York Times that they saw the objects in 2014 and 2015 in training maneuvers from Virginia to Florida off the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, make no assertions of their provenance.

But the objects have gotten the attention of the Navy, which earlier this year sent out new classified guidance for how to report what the military calls unexplained aerial phenomena, or unidentified flying objects.

Joseph Gradisher, a Navy spokesman, said the new guidance was an update of instructions that went out to the fleet in 2015, after the Roosevelt incidents.

“There were a number of different reports,” he said. Some cases could have been commercial drones, he said, but in other cases “we don’t know who’s doing this, we don’t have enough data to track this. So the intent of the message to the fleet is to provide updated guidance on reporting procedures for suspected intrusions into our airspace.”

The sightings were reported to the Pentagon’s shadowy, little-known Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which analyzed the radar data, video footage and accounts provided by senior officers from the Roosevelt. Luis Elizondo, a military intelligence official who ran the program until he resigned in 2017, called the sightings “a striking series of incidents.”

1:38 minute “Go Fast” Navy cockpit video of UFO flying over the Atlantic
off of the coast of Virginia in 2015 (Global News YouTube channel)



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The Paranormal Roots of the Pentagon’s UFO Program

by Alejandro Rojas                    May 15, 2019                     (denofgeek.com)

• The Pentagon’s five-year, $22M ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ (AATIP) UFO study program, headed by Luis Elizondo, which The New York Times revealed in a December 2017 article (see here), did not begin with interest in UFOs. It began with the Defense Intelligence Agency’s interest in the paranormal activities going on at billionaire Robert Bigelow’s ‘Skinwalker Ranch’ in Utah. The original name for the secret project was the Advanced Aerospace Weapons System Application Program (AAWSAP).

• Soon, the fundamentalist Christians within the various US intelligence agencies began to raise their religious concerns. “They’re basically high-level people in different intelligence agencies… who think that anything involving UFOs and the paranormal is satanic,” said George Knapp (the I-Team Las Vegas television journalist who has been closely following this story). “Certain senior government officials thought our collection of facts on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) was dangerous to their philosophical beliefs,” said Elizondo. “[T]he data was a threat to their (Christian) belief system.”

• By 2008, the pressure from the Christian right to end these demonic “paranormal investigations” caused them to create a sub-group inside of AAWSAP that focused only on military UFO cases. This was AATIP. When Elizondo took over as the head of the program in 2010, he only worked within the AATIP UFO division while the DIA closed the AAWSAP paranormal division. By 2012, the AATIP was closed down as well (so they say), and Elizondo left the government to work with Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’.

• The DIA had initially approached Las Vegas billionaire Robert Bigelow “to visit Mr. Bigelow’s ranch in the Uintah Basin of Utah, where he conducted research”. The original AAWSAP Paranormal division’s investigations included “bizarre creatures, poltergeist activity, invisible entities, orbs of light, animal and human injuries and much more,” according to a senior manager on the project.

• Bigelow’s first significant foray into the unknown was an organization created in 1995 called the National Institute for Discovery Sciences (NIDS). Its purpose was to conduct scientific investigations of the paranormal. Bigelow bought the Skinwalker Ranch in 1996. By the time the DIA official had approached him, Bigelow had already spent decades and large sums of money researching the paranormal.

• Among the paranormal manifestations at the Skinwalker Ranch were floating orbs and a giant wolf-like creature that attacked cattle, could withstand multiple point-blank gunshots, and seemed to disappear into thin air. On one occasion, NIDS investigators were observing the ranch from the edge of a bluff when one of them noticed a light in the forest below. The light began to grow. Once it became a couple of feet wide, they say it looked like a tunnel opening up, and they saw a creature within. It was large and black with no face. It crawled out of the light and into the dark forest. The light then began to disappear until it was gone.

• After the DIA began investigating the Skinwalker Ranch in 2007, DIA officials met with Nevada Senator Harry Reid about starting a paranormal research program. Senator Reid, a friend of Bigelow’s, shared Bigelow’s interest in the topic and found bipartisan support from a couple of fellow members of Congress to secure funding and get the project launched in 2007. Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) won the government contract to manage the project.

• John Alexander, a retired Colonel in U.S. Army Intelligence, helped organize NIDS investigations. “What we learned was that the events were real and tangible, and definitely occurring,” Alexander explained. “These weren’t figments of someone’s imagination, or folklore or any of these sorts of things.”


At the end of 2017, The New York Times broke the story of a secretive Pentagon program with a budget of $22 million to investigate UFOs called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). The man who exposed the existence of the program, Luis Elizondo, was the former head of the project. Elizondo’s ongoing efforts to investigate the UFO mystery with his new employer, the To the Stars Academy (TTSA), will be featured in a History Channel series premiering May 31 called Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation.

          Luis Elizondo and George Knapp

However, what The New York Times apparently did not know when they published their story is that the program went by a different name at its inception, and the scope of the program was much broader than just UFOs. In fact, according to a senior manager on the project, the investigations included “bizarre creatures, poltergeist activity, invisible entities, orbs of light, animal and human injuries and much more.”

It is unknown whether Undisclosed will cover the paranormal aspects of the program. Although Elizondo did work with this paranormal project, he only worked in the UFO division. By the time he was the head of the entire program, the UFO division was all that was left. The rest of the program had been shut down, and you will never guess why. It wasn’t because people inside the Department of Defense (DoD) thought the program was too weird, although some did. It was shut down because of demonic forces.

Don’t worry, demons didn’t attack the Pentagon, but apparently, some people inside the government were afraid the potentially paranormal incidents being investigated could be demonic, especially scary occurrences taking place at a ranch in Utah, and they wanted no part of it. They didn’t want the government messing with demons either, so they lobbied for the program to be ended and it was.

                    Robert Bigelow

This may sound extremely odd, but according to those involved, it’s true.

The New York Times story that broke the Pentagon UFO program began when an official with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) approached Las Vegas billionaire Robert Bigelow “to visit Mr. Bigelow’s ranch in Utah, where he conducted research.”

That sounds innocent enough, but what the article did not cover is what Bigelow researched at this ranch in Utah. Bigelow was known for his interest in the paranormal and UFOs, and by the time the DIA official had approached him, Bigelow had already spent decades and large sums of money researching the paranormal. Bigelow’s first significant foray into the unknown was an organization created in 1995 called the National Institute for Discovery Sciences (NIDS). Its  purpose was to conduct scientific investigations of the paranormal.



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Navy: No Release of UFO Information to the General Public Expected

by Paul Sonne                  May 1, 2019                   (washingtonpost.com)

• In recent news, it was revealed that the U.S. Navy has drafted a procedure to investigate and catalogue reports of unidentified flying objects coming in from its pilots. (see article on new Navy UFO guidelines here) But the service doesn’t expect to make the information public, citing privileged and classified reporting that is typically included in such files.

• Joe Gradisher, a spokesman for the office of the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, said in a statement that the Navy expects to keep the information it gathers private for a number of reasons. “Military aviation safety organizations always retain reporting of hazards to aviation as privileged information in order to preserve the free and honest prioritization and discussion of safety among aircrew,” Gradisher said. “Furthermore, any report generated as a result of these investigations will, by necessity, include classified information on military operations.” “Therefore, no release of information to the general public is expected.”

• The Navy’s new UFO reporting guidelines follow the revelation that in late 2017 the Pentagon ran a secret, 5-year, $22M “UFO” office to collect and analyze “anomalous aerospace threats”. It was known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. The program resulted in the release of video footage from the cockpit cameras of Navy aircraft, which appeared to document oval-shaped vessels that resemble flying Tic Tacs. (see NY Times article from Dec 2017 here)

• Reports of curious sightings from military aircraft aren’t new. During World War II, Allied military pilots witnessed unexplained objects and fireballs that they dubbed “foo fighters”. A number of official government investigations looked into such phenomena during the postwar period.

• Even though the Navy has indicated it has no plans to release any UFO data, unclassified portions of the information or broad overviews of the findings could come out, according to Luis Elizondo, an intelligence officer who ran AATIP before leaving the Pentagon. “If it remains strictly within classified channels, then the ‘right person’ may not actually get the information. The right person doesn’t necessarily mean a military leader. It can be a lawmaker. It can be a whole host of different individuals,” Elizondo said. Even if the information isn’t made available to the public, it could be reported to Congress.


The U.S. Navy has drafted a procedure to investigate and catalogue reports of unidentified flying objects coming in from its pilots. But the service doesn’t expect to make the information public, citing privileged and classified reporting that is typically included in such files.

Joe Gradisher, a spokesman for the office of the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, said in a statement that the Navy expects to keep the information it gathers private for a number of reasons.

“Military aviation safety organizations always retain reporting of hazards to aviation as privileged information in order to preserve the free and honest prioritization and discussion of safety among aircrew,” Gradisher said. “Furthermore, any report generated as a result of these investigations will, by necessity, include classified information on military operations.”

He added, “Therefore, no release of information to the general public is expected.”

The Navy’s recent decision to draft formal guidelines for pilots to document encounters with unexplained aerial phenomena comes after the revelation in late 2017 that the Pentagon ran a secret “UFO” office that spent $22 million over five years to collect and analyze “anomalous aerospace threats.” Funding for the office, known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or AATIP, officially ended in 2012, though operations continued.

Among other things, the program resulted in the release of footage from the cockpit cameras of military aircraft, which appeared to document oval-shaped vessels that resemble flying Tic Tacs.

Reports of curious sightings from military aircraft aren’t new. During World War II, Allied military pilots witnessed unexplained objects and fireballs that they dubbed “foo fighters”— a term that later inspired the name of the eponymous 1990s rock band. A number of official government investigations looked into such phenomena in the postwar period.

Now, the Navy has agreed to a more formalized process for cataloguing and investigating reports from pilots, a decision welcomed by former U.S. officials who want the military to take the matter seriously and remove the stigma in the armed forces of reporting such incidents.

Even though the Navy indicated it has no plans in the imminent future to release the data, unclassified portions of the information or broad overviews of the findings could come out, according to Luis Elizondo, an intelligence officer who ran AATIP before leaving the Pentagon.



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The Navy Admits Something Weird Has Been Going On in the Skies

by Keith Kloor                  April 30, 2019                   (slate.com)

• In December 2017, the New York Times and Politico reported that the Navy’s USS Nimitz battle group encountered a ‘Tic Tac’ UFO off of the coast of San Diego in November 2004. They included video of the incident, followed by video of two other UFO encounters off of the coasts of Florida and Virginia. The Pentagon remained quiet about these incidents. (see NY Times article here)

• On April 23rd the Navy issued a statement to Politico admitting, “There have been a number of reports of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft entering various military-controlled ranges and designated air space in recent years.”

• While the Navy hasn’t gone so far as to admit to any alien-controlled craft, it has changed its guidelines so that sailors and aviators can make UFO reports to Navy authorities without fear of ridicule or reprisal. (see article on new Navy guidelines here)

• This development comes on the heels of a detailed paper that supports the accuracy of of the 2004 incident entitled: “A Forensic Analysis of Navy Carrier Strike Group Eleven’s Encounter with an Anomalous Aerial Vehicle.” The lead author, Robert Powell, mailed the analysis to various congressional committees, intelligence agencies, and branches of the military several months ago.

• The paper reveals that in the immediate aftermath of the 2004 ‘Tic Tac’ incident, a video of the encounter was shared and viewed widely by members aboard the USS Princeton and Nimitz via an internal military email system. Within 12 hours of the incident, a helicopter carrying nonuniformed personnel landed on the USS Princeton (pictured above) and approached Petty Officer Voorhis, who was in charge of the ship’s Cooperative Engagement Capability system, and requested that he turn over all the ship’s radar data, electronic information, and data recordings. Voorhis asked for their ID and was refused. But the ship’s captain soon ordered Voorhis to relinquished all the information, which was stored on magnetic tapes.

• The tapes contained crucial data that would shed light on the mysterious Tic Tac–shaped object. Said Voorhis, “You could literally plot the entire course of the object, you could extract the densities, the speeds, the way it moved, the way it displaced the air, its radar cross-section, how much of the radar itself was reflected off its surface. I mean you could pretty much recreate the entire event with the CEC data.”

• Powell and his colleagues found a 2013 Facebook page for the Nimitz that contains a conversation about the 2004 incident among various shipmates who served together at the time. All those on duty that day recalled it vividly in their Facebook comments; many said they were still befuddled by what they saw and why the data mysteriously disappeared.

• In mid-March 2019, Powell and other authors of the Nimitz incident paper gave a detailed presentation at a conference in Huntsville, Alabama, called the Scientific Conference on Anomalous Aerospace Phenomena. The conference was organized by a group that calls itself the “Scientific Coalition for Ufology” and includes scientists from NASA, the European Space Agency, and the North American Aerospace Defense Command. The group says it endeavors to take a ‘cold-eyed’ approach to the UFO issue, examining only cases that have hard data and credible witnesses. “We’re looking to stay neutral and build a coalition of like-minded scientists,” says Rich Hoffman, who does information systems work for the U.S. military and was the lead organizer of the event.

• The event’s big draw was Luis Elizondo, a career military intelligence officer who had managed security for the Pentagon’s highly classified $22M Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. Elizondo didn’t offer anything new or noteworthy about the UFO program he once led at the Pentagon, although he did say the “effort” was ongoing (and didn’t expire in 2012 as the Pentagon says). Elizondo told the audience that he had remained in close touch with his successor in the program “… who’s still at the Pentagon, who works this effort, very closely…. I don’t mean the past, but actively working this. So it definitely continues. It’s still going. That, too, will come out hopefully soon in a very official way.”

• Elizondo insists that “disclosure has occurred” and that UFOs “are real.” “You now have people at the highest levels of the United States government and international communities of their governments finally taking this (UFO phenomenon) serious, applying real resources, real talent, real expertise to look at this and finally figure out what this is.”

• In late 2018, Elizondo gave a presentation to European UFO buffs in Rome. He mentioned a famous 1952 incident when flying saucers were reported over Washington D.C. and showed a slide of the famous image of the UFOs flying over the US Capitol. Skeptics were quick to point out that this photo was a fake. “It was actually a still [image] from a CGI [computer generated image],” says John Greenewald of the Black Vault. Elizondo apologized for the error on his company’s Facebook page.

• Skeptics have also attacked Elizondo for facilitating the release in 2017 of several video clips of Navy encounters with UFOs, saying that these videos had not been declassified, even though these video clips had been on the internet since 2007. (George Knapp and his ‘I-Team’ have recently proven that the Pentagon did, in fact, authorize those videos’ release.) Online skeptics maintain that these videos only show some sort of classified missile, aircraft or drone.


On the afternoon of Nov. 14, 2004, two F/A-18 “Super Hornet” fighter jets were 30 minutes into a training drill off the coast of Southern California when they were redirected by a Naval radio operator to a “real world situation.” Earlier that day, the USS Nimitz nuclear aircraft carrier and the USS Princeton missile cruiser had detected more than a dozen unidentified objects on their radar screens—what the Navy then referred to as anomalous aircraft vehicles.

The F/A-18s were told by the Princeton’s captain to intercept the closest anomalous vehicle, which was located about 150 miles southwest of the San Diego coastline. When the pilots reached their coordinates, they spotted from an altitude of 20,000 feet a disturbance at the ocean’s surface. One of the pilots, commanding officer Dave Fravor, reported that he saw a white oval or “Tic Tac”–shaped object about 50 to 60 feet in size moving just above the churning water.

Fravor headed down for a closer look. What happened next was “like nothing I’ve ever seen,” he recounted in a 2017 New York Times article. The object accelerated so fast that it disappeared in a blink of an eye. A pilot in the other F/A-18 has subsequently described the episode similarly; he also says he watched as the object zipped around Fravor’s plane before it darted off in a flash.

Meanwhile, according to testimony from Petty Officer Gary Voorhis, who was stationed on the Princeton at the time of the episode, “At a certain point there ended up being multiple objects that we were tracking. That was towards the end of the encounter and they all generally zoomed around at ridiculous speeds, and angles, and trajectories and then eventually they all bugged out faster than our radars.”

Vague details of the incident first came to light several years ago, after the Times and other media outlets reported on it. No human-created military technology had such capabilities, the news stories suggested, so were the mysterious objects otherworldly or a mass delusion? The Pentagon wasn’t saying anything. But now, according to a statement issued on April 23 to Politico, the Navy admits, “There have been a number of reports of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft entering various military-controlled ranges and designated air space in recent years.”

Whoa. That was major news, as was the part about the U.S. military now pledging to update its guidelines so “reports of any such suspected [UFO] incursions can be made to the cognizant authorities.” Politico notes, “To be clear, the Navy isn’t endorsing the idea that its sailors have encountered alien spacecraft. But it is acknowledging there have been enough strange aerial sightings by credible and highly trained military personnel that they need to be recorded in the official record and studied—rather than dismissed as some kooky phenomena from the realm of science-fiction.”

This development comes on the heels of a detailed paper of the 2004 incident that was recently completed and made public by a group of researchers who aimed to demonstrate that the incident actually happened. Titled “A Forensic Analysis of Navy Carrier Strike Group Eleven’s Encounter with an Anomalous Aerial Vehicle,” the paper, which was not published in an academic journal, does not make any claims for the origins of the objects, though it should be stated that all the authors have a long-standing interest in the UFO topic. The lead author, Robert Powell, tells me that he mailed the analysis to various congressional committees, intelligence agencies, and branches of the military several months ago. Whatever the biases of Powell and his fellow authors, there is no denying the body of evidence they amassed via Freedom of Information Act requests and interviews with service personnel.



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Insights About Secret Scientific Research in the U.S.

by Come Carpentier de Gourdon                March 23, 2019                  (sundayguardianlive.com)

• How much more time and effort will it take for certain agencies in the US government to confess to the mind-boggling secrets they have kept from the public, often in violation of constitutional principles and legal norms and procedures? Unacknowledged scientific and “exotic” technical programs being carried out in various publicly and privately funded laboratories and research centers, often affiliated to military and intelligence agencies, and unknown to democratically elected authorities, demonstrate the existence of a two-tier scientific culture in the US at least, if not in the rest of the world.

• What do we know about “special access” programs hiding within the American military-industrial-intelligence complex? Among whistleblowers, Bob Lazar is noteworthy because of the extensive information he provided in videotaped talks about research he had carried out in Area S-4, near the notorious Area 51 in the Nevada desert. Lazar claimed to have been part of a team reverse engineering a 52 feet wide saucer-shaped craft that he quickly realized was not built by humans. The craft could sit three small sized (3 feet tall) crew members and generated its own gravitational field, enabling the craft to reach fantastic speeds.

• Lazar’s report was supported by well-connected investigators, including John Lear, son of the Learjet inventor and a veteran CIA operative who testified that he was also exposed to covert research into “alien” technologies. Area 51 aeronautics engineer Edgar Fouché reported the development of the secret Tr3-B triangular mercury plasma fueled spacecraft.

• In 1997, former Pentagon intelligence officer and White House staffer Colonel Philip Corso’s bestselling book, The Day After Roswell, lifted the veil on much of the clandestine research pursued since 1947 by various branches of the federal government and compartmentally outsourced to defense contractors such as Lockheed, Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Martin Marietta, Northrop, Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics and others. Corso alleged that major technical breakthroughs such as microtransistors, superconductors, fibre optics, Kevlar and night vision goggles had been developed through reverse engineering of alien materials, although the results of those advanced investigations remained largely undisclosed.

• Dr Robert Wood from McDonnell Douglas, Corey Goode, William Tompkins also formerly at McDonnell Douglas, and the more controversial Dan Burisch, are among the alleged “insiders” who have blown the whistle on various “black” programs. Their accounts have been extensively reported and analyzed by veteran researchers such as Linda Moulton Howe as part of her Earthfiles series, Paola Harris, Dr Steven Greer (in his widely publicized Disclosure Project) and Dr Michael Salla, co-founder of the Exopolitics Institute.

• In 2007, Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, who then chaired the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, with the support of fellow Senators, Inouye and Stevens, set up the $22 million/ five-year ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ to conduct research on UFOs and the collected evidence of the extraterrestrial presence. The program commissioned 38 classified papers from a number of universities and research centers and a 490-page report which are still unissued publicly. The DIA did release a list of titles to the 38 government-funded research reports, and Corey Goode released two of these exotic propulsion studies.

• In June 2017, a 47-page top secret MJ-12 briefing document was leaked and analyzed by various experts. It contains detailed descriptions of alien craft and their recovery, transcripts of communications with alien beings and spells out the measures taken by concerned agencies to keep the entire subject secret, even to the highest elected authorities.

• A private initiative called ‘To the Stars Academy’ has been set up with the participation of some of the former staffers of AATIP, including its former director Luis Elizondo. TTSA is working with retired military and civilian officials to further disclose the extensive and long-standing secret military R&D pursued between government agencies and private contractors involved in what is commonly called the Deep State. Its executive director Tom DeLonge has produced a new documentary series for the History Channel relying on military insider testimonies and entitled Unidentified.

• Cynics who alleged that all this is speculative mumbo-jumbo amounting to a waste of public money did not consider that the disclosure from AATIP seems to be what the CIA calls a “limited hangout”: i.e. a superficial glimpse of a much larger secret cloaked in “plausible deniability”.


Many investigators and whistleblowers in the United States have, over the last 40 years, called attention upon unacknowledged scientific and technical programmes being carried out in various publicly and privately funded laboratories and research centres, affiliated to military and intelligence agencies, in “exotic” areas that are officially not regarded as deserving of serious attention in civilian institutions such as universities. The existence of such programmes, now being proven, would demonstrate the existence of a two-tier scientific culture in the US at least, if not in the rest of the world, of which the upper tier would be a domain for clandestine R&D, unsupervised by, and unknown to, democratically elected authorities. If only for this reason, finding out the truth about the situation is of great value to society.

What do we know about the long suspected “special access” programmes hiding within the American military-industrial-intelligence complex and what is backed by material evidence?

Among the first whistleblowers, who emerged in the 1980s (1989 in his case), Bob Lazar is noteworthy because of the extensive information he provided in videotaped talks about research he had carried out in Area S-4 close to the since notorious Area 51 in the Nevada desert’s atomic testing range, around the dry Groom lake riverbed.

Lazar claimed to have being recruited by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), through defence contractor EG&G, to work as part of a team on a highly classified project which involved examining and reverse engineering a 52 feet wide saucer-shaped craft that he quickly realised was not built by humans. He further explained that it was made of some unknown ceramic-like material, could sit three small sized (3 feet tall) crew members and was powered by a hitherto undiscovered super-heavy element, eventually identified as number 115 on the periodic table, which generated its own gravitational field and enabled the craft to reach fantastic speeds. Lazar further explained that the retrieved space vehicle was being test flown in Area 51/S-4 although neither its materials nor its propulsion systems could be figured out or reproduced. However, he warned that the US military had somehow gotten hold of a substantial quantity of Element 115, stored at Los Alamos and intended for weaponisation. His report was supported by well connected investigators, including John Lear, son of the Learjet inventor and a veteran CIA operative who testified that he was also exposed to covert research into “alien” technologies.

Lazar’s testimony (retraced and updated in a recent documentary by Jeremy Corbell entitled Bob Lazar, Area 51 and Flying Saucers) was one of many that were more or less publicised in the following decades despite stubborn denials from official quarters. In 1997, former Pentagon intelligence officer (foreign technology desk) and White House staffer Colonel Philip Corso’s bestselling book, The Day After Roswell, purported to lift the veil on much of the clandestine research pursued since 1947 by various branches of the federal government and compartmentally outsourced to defence contractors such as Lockheed, Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Martin Marietta, Northrop, Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics and others. However, the results of those advanced investigations remained largely undisclosed, although Corso alleged that major technical breakthroughs such as microtransistors, superconductors, fibre optics, Kevlar and night vision goggles had been developed through reverse engineering of alien materials. Since then aeronautics engineer Edgar Fouché, who reports having worked for the Aurora Project at Area 51 which built the secret Tr3-B triangular mercury plasma fuelled spacecraft, Dr Robert Wood from McDonnell Douglas, Corey Goode, William Tompkins also formerly at McDonnell Douglas, and the more controversial Dan Burisch, are among the alleged “insiders” who have blown the whistle on various “black” programmes. Some like Goode claim to have served on an SSF (Secret Space Fleet), a branch of the US Navy which began operating in the 1960s or 1970s under the Solar Warden code name. Their accounts have been extensively reported and analysed by veteran researchers such as Linda Moulton Howe as part of her Earthfiles series, Paola Harris, Dr Steven Greer (in his widely publicized Disclosure Project) and Dr Michael Salla, co-founder of the Exopolitics Institute.



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History Orders UFO Docu-Series from Tom DeLonge

by Jessica Pena                   March 13, 2019                     (tvseriesfinale.com)

• The History Channel, along with A+E Originals, has announced it has ordered a six-episode, one-hour limited television docu-series entitled: “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation” to debut in May. The show’s executive producer is Tom DeLonge (pictured above) of the ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science’, along with ‘To The Stars’ team members Luis Elizondo and Chris Mellon who are among its roster of scientists, engineers and intelligence experts. The UFO docu-series will “reveal newly authenticated evidence and footage, interviews from eyewitnesses and former military personnel who have never spoken out before and extensive breakthroughs in understanding the technology behind these unknown phenomena in our skies,” says DeLonge.

• Former DIA military intelligence official Luis Elizondo and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense and Intelligence Chris Mellon were instrumental in the release of a New York Times’ exposé about the Pentagon’s secret UFO research program, the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’, in December 2017, along with several authentic videos of UFO encounters by the US military.

• “This is not a UFO hunting show,” said Eli Lehrer, Executive Vice President and Head of Programming at the History Channel, “but a series that will hopefully provoke a cultural conversation about unexplained phenomena and allow our viewers to ultimately draw their own conclusions. Tom’s curiosity and passion for this subject matter, combined with his team, are the perfect partners to deliver this breakthrough series.”

• DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars’ team also includes retired Program Director for Advanced Systems at Lockheed Martin’s Skunkworks, Steve Justice; renowned CIA researcher and quantum physicist, Hal Puthoff; and retired senior CIA member, Jim Semivan. The team will spearhead the disclosure of efforts being made to change government policy surrounding UFOs, and produce tangible evidence for the existence of UFOs ever assembled.

• “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation” will reveal newly authenticated UFO evidence and footage, interviews from eyewitnesses and former military personnel who have never spoken out before, and extensive breakthroughs in understanding the technology behind these Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. Says DeLonge, “I think everyone that watches the show will walk away with questions answered and a feeling of, “Wow, I get it now.”


New York, NY – March 12, 2019 – In December of 2017, The New York Times published a stunning front-page exposé about the Pentagon’s mysterious UFO program, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). Featuring an interview with former military intelligence official and Special Agent In- Charge, Luis Elizondo, who confirmed the existence of the hidden government program, the controversial story was the focus of worldwide attention. Previously run by Elizondo, AATIP was created to research and investigate Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) including numerous videos of reported encounters, three of which were released to a shocked public in 2017. Elizondo resigned after expressing to the government that these UAPs could pose a major threat to our national security and not enough was being done to deal with them or address our potential vulnerabilities. Now, as a part of HISTORY’s groundbreaking new six-part, one-hour limited series “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation(TM),” Elizondo is speaking out for the first time with Tom DeLonge, co-founder and President of To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science and Chris Mellon, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense and Intelligence, to expose a series of startling encounters and embark on fascinating new investigations that will urge the public to ask questions and look for answers. From A+E Originals, DeLonge serves as executive producer.

Says DeLonge, “With this show, the real conversation can finally begin. I’m thankful to HISTORY for giving the To The Stars Academy team of world-class scientists, engineers and intelligence experts the opportunity to tell the story in a comprehensive and compelling way. I think everyone that watches the show will walk away with questions answered and a feeling of, “wow, I get it now.”‘



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Human Nature-Based Disclosure

 Unique aerospace vehicles coming out of the ocean in Puerto Rico. Photo by José Fernandez.

How can we as “disclosure activists” and as practitioners of “exopolitics” (and, in many cases, as contact experiencers) really assist society to accept and to adapt to the disclosure of an extraterrestrial, multi-dimensional presence? Should we simply allow a more classic, militaristic interpretive tendency (as within the effort of To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences) convince politicians and citizens worldwide and let that extension of our political biases take its course or should we try to find another way of doing things?

I think that we (in fact, eventually, ALL of us and not just ‘experiencers’ who have been awakened to a vaster reality) must try to understand why we are as we are in terms of maintaining our personal identities, sense of meaning and moral politics. I think that our ability to see and our blindness impeding seeing how to “connect the dots” (in a healthy, healing, constructive way) is related to how consciousness itself is capable or not of embracing more aspects of reality in a coherent way. And some of the people speaking about this (although in less spiritual terms) are moral and developmental psychologists.  As boring as these studies might be (in contrast to cover-up revelations, for instance) they can serve as foundations based on empirical research to learn why we create dominance hierarchies and why we fight so much with each other, whether we are in the 0.1% elite group or in any other social strata.

In order to establish contact with healthy, benevolent interstellar beings on a par with their alleged lofty ideals and in a mutually beneficial fashion, with sovereignty as a species that can be sustained, we probably first need to be able to leave our”self-perpetuating wheel of unending conflict.”

What makes ‘sense’ to us is generally related to our intuitions of what is and is not. And this is an expression of the Principle of Identity. And the Principle of Identity (related to how we cognitively intuit what is and is not in our mental schemas and in relation to perception) is probably rooted in the equivalence of consciousness with being itself. It is rooted in the fact that we are (being) because we experience (cogito ergo sum). Thereafter, our interpretive experience is rooted in the self-evident fact that we first know that we are because we experience. It is an automatic part of our conscious awareness and even of our personal identity-based political operations in any “real world” we may be participating.

By extension, constructive “common cause” identity politics, and destructive, “common enemy” identity politics is based on that capacity of recognizing expressions of what is or of existence and being. We could summarize (according to some developmental psychologists like Kegan, Kohlberg, Peck, Cheryl, Gilligan, Fowler, Cook-Greuter, Baldwin, et al) our capacity to embrace and understand varies from person to person.

Levels of Ego Development according to one of the developmental psychologists, Suzanne Cook-Greuter. To face the challenge of DISCLOSURE we probably need a large percentage of the population and/or its cultural-political leaders in a Green (Pluralist), Teal or Turquoise stage of development. How could someone in a predominant “Amber” stage of ego development (the Diplomat- Conformist) act in the name of pluralist, world-centric values for the good of all humankind while willing to admit into his or her circle of care and concern non-human, extraterrestrial (or even intraterrestrial) beings?

It can be summarized as if the personal room for our consciousness and its degrees of possible embrace or identification with reality and interpretations were larger or smaller. It might also operate under a greater or lesser intensity of subjective walls or subdivisions in that inner conscious “space” or “room” and we would have biases possessing our conscious experience without us being aware of it, limiting how much and how we embrace what we disclose to ourselves in our experience.

The more we expand our consciousness as a permanent average trait the more we can embrace a “common emphasis” identity politics versus a “common enemy” identity politics. This issue related to how our CONSCIOUSNESS is freer and more inclusive or instead possessed by inner walls and biases that affect our interpersonal relationships, politics, ufology, disclosure. If we do not nourish a trusting environment we may not be ready for healthy social coordination after major UFO, experiencer revelations.

According to Ken Wilber (working with the information provided by some of those developmental psychologists) a large percentage of the population primarily functions in a premodern, mythic, authority-based level of development coloring their self-identities in which it is IMPOSSIBLE to feel, think, value and include multiple truths multilaterally, fact-based and pluralistically, or in a true modern democratic way, not to speak of the capacity to find a way to harmonize ideological differences via an integrative approach.

Dr. Jonathan Haidt emphasizes (conservative and liberal) moral TENDENCIES (rather than developmental levels) affecting self-identity and identity politics but his work is seriously related to this discourse and to how disclosure activists may effectively work in society beyond participating (even if based on reason) in the blame game.

In a world that needs to come together to process shared human problems: degradation of the oceans, climate change, nuclear warheads, terrorism across borders, artificial intelligence and job loss, information glut, and a long etc, the popularity of ethnic nationalism (now achieving power through democratic elections) is dismantling the international order that (at least in principle) promoted larger swaths of humanity to come together in cooperation with healthy democracies around a world of shared human rights using reason and facts to agree in applications.

How can a “post-truth” world order or a more disunited world made up of more dominating but competing for populist, nationalist polities welcome “the others”? (ETs). How can societies learn to deal in a constructive way and as part of a more unified global humanity if an “us vs them” mentality prevails?

If the classical liberal institutions and classical liberal people’s values in the world are in disarray as we tend to hold on to limited answers, how are we going to add the cultural challenge of verifying an extraterrestrial presence? The “rooms” or “spaces” in our consciousnesses need to expand.

I propose that as “disclosure activists” we also need to understand our own human psychology and what motivates us in order to engage in a more intelligent disclosure discourse and activism. Are most of us liberals (in the liberals vs conservative sense)? How can we value and speak with conservatives (both recognized by Wilber and Haidt as necessary)?

I definitely think that we need to study the work of moral psychologists like Johnathan Haidt and also the works of integrative philosopher Ken Wilber (who emphasizes developmental psychology). One emphasizes tendencies and, the other, capacities. And we need to understand both if we are to become aware of why we are how we are and why we become so invested in our beliefs.

If we are to overcome what may be the greatest challenge of all (probably challenging human nature as we normally experience it) we need to rise beyond opinions about each other. It must even go beyond the genuine and fantastic critiques of what an elite may be doing to us to retain control of us.

In order to be politically and exopolitically responsible we must really focus on understanding our tendencies and that of others (in regular citizens as well as elites and, simply, those in positions of leadership), tendencies naturally bearing on the degree of openness, personal biases and/or various specific interests toward the complex issue of disclosure. Simultaneously, we also need to understand why (sometimes, due to developmental level incapacity) many cannot rise to the challenge of disclosure because they – quite simply – they cannot rise above standard belief systems and cohere explanations discovering what they have in common and – from this platform – inform, share, educate.

The greatest transformative challenge humanity faces would be so deeply transformative that it cannot simply be based on simplistic belief system solutions. Revealing the degree of mischievousness with which an elite controls the cover-up or if a handful of contactees communicating with “space brothers” were – after all – correct in what, otherwise, looked like airy-fairy recommendations and narratives would be probably remain superficial, cosmetic solutions prone to produce more interpersonal conflict unless ‘we’ who care about truth, evolution and disclosure (at least as many of us as possible) come to value understanding why we are as we are, what can we really become and how to go about educating and transforming our current manifestations of “human nature.” This is why we need to expand our sphere of interest into Social Psychology, Behavioral Genetics, Biosociology, and other sources of information that shed light upon our “human nature.”

Thus far, the “UFO community” has made some contributions to society at large (albeit mostly preaching to the choir) but has not been able to provide a basis to come to basic agreements or to integrate the best information. We are also divided by our tendencies, often to the point of not recognizing each others’ contributions. So, we have also shown to the world how we subdivide ourselves as any other social group with a political message.

Do we simply need to become more conscious through more validated or grounded revelations, information, and through spiritual practices or do we need to re-engineer our tendencies and our developmental capacities by re-engineering our genes or simply becoming aware of why we are as we are (and to change our behavior and attitudes accordingly) is the key to become politically and exopolitically successful “citizens” in a complex, multi-dimensional cosmos?

A person to keep in mind to deepen this necessary conversation is Dr. Sean Esbjörn-Hargens who (probably in 2019) will be exploring (from an Integral Meta-Theory perspective) the issue of extraterrestrial contacts, Ufology, society, exopolitics.






Wilber, K. (2007). Integral Spirituality. Boston: Integral Books

More Details on Government UFO Findings Could Be Forthcoming

by George Knapp and Matt Adams                     December 14, 2018                    (lasvegasnow.com)

• Luis Elizondo (pictured above with George Knapp), the former head of the Pentagon’s UFO study and current member of the ‘To The Stars Academy’, has been dropping strong hints that, behind the scenes, a new broader effort to accumulate classified UFO reports, testimony, and evidence is underway, both inside and outside the government.

• In a recent interview with the I-Team’s George Knapp (see 3:50 minute excerpt from the interview below), Elizondo was asked, “When you say, something big is coming, what does that mean?” “I think we have a much better understanding in the depth and scope that the Department of Defense has played in recent times, not historical 40s and 50s. I’m talking very recent regarding the UFO phenomenon. I think people will be surprised just how frequent and the volume in which these things are apparently recorded and observed by active duty military people on missions, around the world, by the way,” Elizondo said.

• When Elizondo left the military and joined To The Stars Academy, he was instrumental in convincing the New York Times to publish a blockbuster front page story about the Pentagon UFO study. Media and public interest throughout 2018 have resulted in closed door briefings and testimony before senior staff and members of Congress.

• Elizondo hints that official interest in UFOs has been aroused. “For some people, this UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) issue, they’re really learning about it for the first time, despite what they may have seen on popular TV or maybe in some movie, this is really the first time they’re being told. Hey Jack or Jane, this is a serious topic. This is something your Department of Defense has been tracking.”

• To The Stars Academy has launched its own public outreach efforts, including meetings with foreign military officials, and scientific analysis of baffling samples of metamaterials acquired from so-called crash sites. Elizondo says it’s too early to reveal what that analysis has uncovered, but says the initial work is promising.


Sunday marks one year since the New York Times broke open a provocative secret when it reported about the existence of a long-term Pentagon study of UFOs – Unidentified Flying Objects.

In the 12 months since then, the I-Team has unveiled new details about the study, which was based in Las Vegas. So, what comes next? And will 2019 bring the public closer to understanding what the government already knows?

The I-Team’s George Knapp sat down for an exclusive interview with an intelligence officer who chased flying saucers for the Pentagon.

“When you say, something big is coming, what does that mean?” Asks Lue Elizondo with To The Stars Academy.
As a career intelligence officer, Elizondo learned to parse his words carefully. He spent nearly a decade managing a secret Pentagon study of encounters between U.S. military units and UAP’s, Unknown Aerial Phenomena, aka UFOs, including multiple incidents in 2015 off the coast of Florida with an object dubbed the Gimbal.

Fourteen months after leaving the Pentagon, during a visit to Las Vegas, Elizondo dropped strong hints that, behind the scenes, a new broader effort to accumulate classified UFO reports, testimony, and evidence is underway, both inside the government and outside.

“I think we have a much better understanding in the depth and scope that the Department of Defense has played in recent times, not historical 40s and 50s. I’m talking very recent regarding the UFO phenomenon. I think people will be surprised just how frequent and the volume in which these things are apparently recorded and observed by active duty military people on missions, around the world, by the way,” Elizondo said.

3:50 minute excerpt from George Knapp’s interview with Luis Elizondo



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I-Team: Race Is On to Solve the Mystery of Unknown Materials

by George Knapp and Matt Adams                October 31, 2018                     (lasvegasnow.com)

• For years, the Pentagon has secretly studied the seemingly impossible abilities of unknown craft captured in military videos. Scientists now want to know if the materials used in these UFOs allow them to do what they do. They’ve been collecting so-called “metamaterials”, especially any associated with crashed UFOs, from all over the world.

• Many material samples come through Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’s “A.D.A.M.” Research Project. “We have multiple samples from multiple sources, a wide range of variety and integrity,” says Luis Elizondo.
• One of the secret studies was carried out by BAASS (Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies), a Las Vegas operation hidden within Bigelow Aerospace, under contract with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) to study metamaterials as well as futuristic technologies. Last year, the New York Times reported that a sample of metamaterial was secretly stored at Bigelow aerospace. Managers of the BAASS program told George Knapp’s “I-Team” news team in Las Vegas that while they are familiar with some of the metamaterial samples, none were ever stored in Las Vegas.

• A type of metamaterial studied by Dr. Hal Puthoff with the Institute for Advanced Studies (in Austin, TX) was “… a multilayered bismuth and magnesium sample. Bismuth layers less than a human hair. Magnesium samples about 10 times the size of a human hair, supposedly picked up in the crash retrieval of an advanced aerospace vehicle. It looks like it’s been in a crash.” Puthoff and his colleague Dr. Eric Davis are on the cutting edge of attempts to identify an assortment of bits and pieces that are seemingly beyond anything we can create.

• Astrophysicist Dr. Jacques Vallee has been analyzing metamaterials since the 80s, often using the technical expertise of Stanford University and Silicon Valley to unravel unknown samples acquired from all over the world. Vallee pointedly steers clear of any military funding and he’s shared his findings at public conferences.


LAS VEGAS – A global scramble is underway to identify and perhaps replicate unidentified mystery materials that have been collected at multiple sites around the world.

A few of the samples have defied analysis by leading scientists, who say they don’t know how the material was engineered, or why, or by whom?

Some of the metamaterial was allegedly collected in connection with UFO incidents, which gives the whole endeavor an otherworldly glow.

For years, the Pentagon secretly studied the seemingly impossible abilities of unknown craft captured in military videos.

Scientists now want to know if the materials used in these mystery aircraft allow them to do what they do. For years, one of the secret studies was carried out by BAASS (Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies), a Las Vegas operation hidden within Bigelow Aerospace.

Documents first reported by the I-Team show that BAASS landed a contract with the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency), and one of the objectives was to study so called metamaterials, as well as futuristic technologies.

“It was a multilayered bismuth and magnesium sample. Bismuth layers less than a human hair. Magnesium samples about 10 times the size of a human hair, supposedly picked up in the crash retrieval of an advanced aerospace vehicle. It looks like it’s been in a crash,” said Dr. Hal Puthoff, with the Institute for Advanced Studies during a presentation in Las Vegas.

In June, physicist Hal Puthoff came pretty close to saying that the weird wedge of metamaterial came from a crashed saucer, but he can’t know for sure. Puthoff and his colleague Dr. Eric Davis are on the cutting edge of attempts to identify an assortment of bits and pieces that are seemingly beyond anything we can create.

This one sample is engineered in layers thinner than microns, through a process unknown on earth, and for a purpose we can only guess.

“Nowhere could we find any evidence that anybody ever made one of these when we talked to people in the materials field who should know, they said we don’t know why anybody would want to make anything like this,” Dr. Puthoff said.



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UFO Sightings May Be Falling, but Congress is Still Paying Attention

by Nick Pope                  October 15, 2018                     (theguardian.com)

• The Senate Armed Services Committee of the U.S. Congress is looking into a 2004 incident where US Navy pilots flying with the USS Nimitz strike group encountered, chased and filmed fast-moving unidentified objects. Reliable sources say at least two of the military pilots involved have already been interviewed. The House Armed Services Committee also received a DIA briefing on the Pentagon’s “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program” UFO project.

• The AATIP was the brainchild of the then Senate majority leader Harry Reid, and much of the work was contracted out to Bigelow Aerospace, run by former budget hotel magnate and believer in extraterrestrial visitation, Robert Bigelow. Now, some of the people formerly involved with the project, including the DIA official who ran it, Luis Elizondo, have joined “To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science”, fronted by Tom DeLonge, the former vocalist/guitarist of the pop punk band Blink-182. Their mission is “to explore exotic science and technologies … that can change the world”.

• The UFO phenomenon should not be judged by number of sightings, which has decreased, but by the compelling nature of the evidence: reports from pilots on different flights; visual sightings corroborated by radar; photos and videos regarded as genuinely intriguing by intelligence community. The term “UFO” itself has become as obsolete, usually referring to an extraterrestrial “flying saucer”, which may or may not be the case. The new “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” (UAPs) is a term not automatically associated with ETs.

• But Congress needs to get past debates over terminology and statistical analyses to focus more on the quality of reports in a far more meaningful assessment of the phenomenon. Irrespective of the outcome, these might turn out to be the most fascinating Congressional hearings in history.

There’s renewed interest in the UFO phenomenon and it’s coming from an unexpected source: the United States Congress.

The Senate Armed Services Committee is looking into a 2004 incident where US Navy pilots flying with the USS Nimitz strike group encountered, chased and filmed fast-moving unidentified objects. Reliable sources say at least two of the military pilots involved have already been interviewed, and a radar operator was subsequently invited to get in touch.

  Nick Pope and wife, Dr Elizabeth Weiss

In parallel, the House Armed Services Committee is taking an interest. Records from April show the committee received a Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) briefing on the Pentagon’s UFO project, the cryptically-named AATIP. We know so little about AATIP that there’s even dispute over whether the acronym stands for Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program or Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program. The very existence of the project caused a sensation, because until the New York Times broke the story in December 2017, the US government claimed it had not investigated UFOs since the 1960s when sightings were looked at in a study called Project Blue Book.

As noted in the Guardian recently, data from two civilian UFO research organisations show that the number of reported sightings has fallen in recent years. However, there’s no single, global focal point for reports (the Ministry of Defence stopped investigating UFOs in 2009) and statistics will never tell the full story.

It would be better if the phenomenon were assessed and judged not on numbers alone, but by focusing on cases where we have compelling evidence: independently submitted reports from pilots on different flights; visual sightings corroborated by radar; photos and videos regarded as genuinely intriguing by intelligence community imagery analysts. Irrespective of the methodology we use to assess the phenomenon, how can we do so in an even-handed way when the subject has so much pop culture baggage?



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Aliens At the Pentagon: Does the Government Know We Are Not Alone?

by Susan Leighton                  October 14, 2018                   (1428elm.com)

Aliens at the Pentagon, a documentary video just over an hour long and released by Reality Entertainment, features the former UFO anomaly researcher for the UK’s Ministry of Defence, Nick Pope, guiding the viewer through an examination of the U.S. Pentagon’s Advanced Aerial Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which the Department of Defense disclosed in December 2017, on a quest to determine whether Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAPs) are real.

• The documentary begins with the AATIP’s historical roots in Project Sign, which became Project Grudge, which became Project Blue Book, all purportedly searching for the truth behind UAPs (the hip new term for UFOs). Thirty-eight years after Blue Book was terminated, Nevada Senator Harry Reid created the AATIP at the behest of his friend and government contractor, Robert Bigelow. The AATIP covertly studied UAPs between 2007 until 2012.

• The person heading up the AATIP was former DIA and DoD employee Luis Elizondo. Elizondo’s mission was to determine what these UFOs were, whether they posed a threat to national security, and to discover the advanced technology behind them. He was responsible for the release of the Tic-Tac and Gimble UFO videos to the New York Times which ran an article on it in December 2017. Elizondo also stated that there were “meta materials” originating from “beyond earth” that were being tested at Bigelow Aerospace.

• The AATIP concluded that UFOs are capable of “metric engineering” space and time. Their exotic propulsion systems warp the continuum creating a “bubble” effect which enables the craft to fly incredible distances. The program developed a list of identifiable characteristics that were inherent in all reported encounters with UFOs:
– The craft travel at hypersonic velocities.
– They have a low observability factor.
– UAPs have sudden and extreme acceleration capabilities.
– Trans-medium travel abilities such as able to fly into the ocean or out of the ocean.
– Positive lift or what is known as anti-gravity propulsion.

• But was the AATIP itself a deliberate distraction intended to keep us from discovering the real truth? Is there a Majestic 12 Group running things behind the scenes which even the AATIP couldn’t identify? And is MJ-12 in the business of recovering and reverse engineering extraterrestrial craft? By releasing bits and pieces of information, videos and photographs, is the government acclimating the public to the existence of life beyond the Earth? Is it all a distraction while the Illuminati cabal institutes a subversive “New World Order”?

• According to Elizondo’s resignation letter to his DoD superiors, there is evidence that these UAPs pose a potential “existential threat to our national security.” Is Elizondo aware of a deep government secret that these visiting extraterrestrials harbor ulterior and malevolent motives? Aliens at the Pentagon presents this as a very real scenario.


Aliens at the Pentagon is a deep dive documentary focusing on the Advanced Aerial Threat Identification Program which was the U.S. government’s secret UFO operation that was disclosed in 2017. Join Nick Pope, Britain’s “Fox Mulder” as he takes us on a tour of discovery.

Small Beginnings

Aliens at the Pentagon is the type of documentary that anyone who loves science fiction, The X-Files and anything to do with the exploration of the universe will find fascinating. With a run time of 1 hour and 6 minutes, this video from Reality Entertainment wastes no time in hitting the ground running and exposing you to multiple sources of information out of the gate.

       Documentary Host, Nick Pope

Nick Pope who is a familiar face to fans of the program, Ancient Aliens is our guide on this tour of one of the Pentagon’s most secretive efforts, the now famous Advanced Aerial Threat Identification Program or AATIP for short.

Mr. Pope was an employee with the Ministry of Defense in the United Kingdom for over 20 years. He actually spearheaded their government UFO investigative unit and is known as the “real-life Fox Mulder.” One thing is for certain, Nick is very knowledgeable when it comes to military strategy and the behind the scenes protocol of public offices.

That is why he is the perfect individual to lead this excursion into finding out if Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon are real or bogus. First of all, we dive right into the history of AATIP which has its roots in Project Sign which morphed into Project Grudge which ended with Project Blue Book.

Blue Book was discontinued in 1969 but ended up getting a reprieve years later in another form when Senator Harry Reid created AATIP at the behest of his friend government contractor, Robert Bigelow. AATIP looked into UAP sightings from 2007 until 2012.

Enter the Seeker

During that time, the man at the center of the agency was Luis Elizondo. Luis was a veteran and a Department of Defense employee who worked with the Defense Intelligence Agency to investigate UFO encounters. For several years, Elizondo ran the program.

In that time, his mission was to determine what UFOs were and what was the technology behind them. Notice who or what was flying the craft never really came into play. Elizondo believed that these vehicles were a viable threat to our national security with good reason.

His tenure saw various bits of information emerge. He was responsible for the Tic-Tac and Gimble videos. These were provided to the New York Times who featured an article that blew the cover of AATIP wide open in December of last year.

The most famous one featured two Navy F-18 fighter jet pilots who had an encounter with an object not of this world. Elizondo also stated that there were “meta materials” that were being tested at Bigelow Aerospace. The conclusion was the fact that based on ionization and exposure to cosmic rays, the materials’ origins were deemed as originating from “beyond earth.”

1:33 minute movie trailer for Aliens at the Pentagon



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Former Blink-182 Vocalist Tom DeLonge On a Mission to Prove UFOs Are Real

by Eric Mueller                      October 12, 2018                        (mandatory.com)

• One year ago this month, Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science’ launched. The academy is divided into three divisions: aerospace, entertainment, and science. The net result has been Tom and his fellow compatriots confirming that UFOs are real. But an “unidentified flying object” is a vague term. It could mean any number of things, not all of them alien.

• To The Stars Academy also released some Department of Defense videos of UFOs. They claim it’s only the beginning. Up until now, the U.S. government has denied all UFO accounts.

• We learned last year that one of the To The Stars Academy’s principals is Luis Elizondo. Elizondo, it turned out, had headed the Pentagon’s $22 million ‘Advanced Aerospace Threats Program’ (AATP) to investigate unidentified aerial threats. The AATP only lasted for five years until 2012 when funding ran out. Elements of the program remain classified and many speculate that the program may still exist in some capacity. “We may not be alone,” Elizondo said publicly this time last year.

• The number of UFO sightings drastically rose, then declined, over the past 28 years. The National UFO Reporting Center reported only 315 UFO sightings in 1990, but by 1998, the number spiked to 2,000 UFO sightings. The number went up to 4,000 for 2006 and peaked at 8,670 in 2014. It has since gone down drastically, to only 1,329 at the end of June 2018. Are we too busy staring down at our new smart phones now to look up at the sky?


One year ago this month, To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science launched. The public benefit corporation was founded by Tom DeLonge, the former co-lead vocalist of blink-182 and the current lead guitarist and vocalist of Angels & Airwaves. The corporation is divided into three divisions: aerospace, entertainment, and science. Delonge originally became interested in all things otherworldly while doing research for a series of graphic novels. During a four-hour discussion with several former government officials at the launch of the corporation, he confirmed that UFOs are real.

No, that does not mean that aliens will suddenly invade our ears and switch bodies. An “unidentified flying object” is a vague term; it could mean any number of things, not all of them alien. Given the technology we have, from heat-sensing to enhanced images to metal detection, it’s amazing that anything is unidentifiable anymore.

It Doesn’t Get Much More Official Than This Guy

Luis Elizondo worked for the Department of Defense. He is the former director of programs to investigate unidentified aerial threats and headed the Advanced Aerospace Threats Program. The AATP formed in 2007 with a $22 million budget. The budget may sound big, but in context, it was small enough to go unnoticed by the public and unacknowledged by the government.

The AATP only lasted for five years when funding ran out. Elements of the program remain classified and many speculate that the program may still exist in some capacity. This is basically the plot to Men in Black and we’re obsessed.

“We may not be alone,” Elizondo said publicly this time last year.



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White House Could Stage ‘Public Hearings Into Aliens’ Exposing Truth Behind UFO Project

by Paul Harper                September 15, 2018                 (dailystar.co.uk)

• The U.S. Armed Services Committee has been investigating the public funding of the Pentagon UFO project, Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which investigated flying saucer reports from 2008 to 2012, according to Nick Pope who probed the UFO phenomenon for the UK’s Ministry of Defence in the 1990’s. Officials working alongside scientists from Bigelow Aerospace have examined videos of UFOs and reportedly studied debris from crashed objects. Video of one AATIP case study showed U.S. Navy pilots in the Pacific in 2004 watching an object appear suddenly at 80,000ft before hurtling towards the sea and stopping at 20,000ft.

• Luis Elizondo, who ran the Pentagon project, said researchers concluded some of the UFOs are using time-travel jumps to achieve such speeds and dramatic movements.

• Pope believes the investigation by the U.S. armed service committee could lead to a major public hearing which would be a “political bombshell”. “Some committee members and staffers may have been angered that they were kept in the dark about AATIP, not least because the US government had previously denied there was any official interest in UFOs,” said Pope.

• “(Congressional) hearings should probably go wider than just looking at AATIP, and should look at the UFO phenomenon as a whole,” said Pope. “It would be a great opportunity to get to the bottom of the UFO mystery.”


The influential US Armed Services Committee has been investigating the money spent on a top-secret X-Files type Pentagon project.

Seen as one of the most powerful committees in Washington, the group oversees military spending and legislation.

Top political members asked how much taxpayers’ cash was spent on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) which investigated flying saucer reports for four years from 2008.

Officials working alongside scientists from Bigelow Aerospace have examined videos of UFOs and reportedly studied debris from crashed objects.

VIdeo of one AATIP case study showed US pilots in the Pacific in 2004 watching an object appear suddenly at 80,000ft before hurtling towards the sea and stopping at 20,000ft.

Luis Elizondo, who ran the Pentagon project, said researchers concluded some of the UFOs are using time-travel jumps to achieve such speeds and dramatic movements.

Nick Pope, who probed the UFO phenomenon for the Ministry of Defence, believes the investigation by the US armed service committee could lead to a major public hearing which would be a “political bombshell”.

Mr Pope said: “I think the powerful House Armed Services Committee was as fascinated and mystified by the revelations about the Pentagon’s UFO project as everyone else.

“Some committee members and staffers may have been angered that they were kept in the dark about AATIP, not least because the US government had previously denied there was any official interest in UFOs.



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Do Aliens Exist? Blink 182 Co-Founder and Ex-Pentagon Official Are Determined to Prove We’re Not Alone

by Keith Kloor                    September 20, 2018                       (newsweek.com)

• On July 29th, Luis Elizondo, the former career military intelligence official in charge of the Pentagon’s UFO research program from 2007 to 2012 and current member of rock star Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’, spoke at the annual Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Symposium at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.

• Elizondo’s background is typical of a straight-arrow military officer with a distinguished career. He is the son of a Cuban exile who participated in the Bay of Pigs in 1961. Elizondo worked as a bouncer while attending the University of Miami. After graduating in 1995, he joined the Army and trained to be a military spy. Later, at the Pentagon, Elizondo showed no sign of being a disgruntled employee, spending much of his career chasing militants in South America and the Middle East.

• In 2010, Elizondo was made the head of a small group within the Pentagon charged with investigating reports of “unexplained aerial phenomena” – a less controversial term for UFOs. It was an ¬obscure, low-budget initiative created in 2007 at the behest of then-Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, and operated jointly by Elizondo and Robert Bigelow of Bigelow Aerospace. But the results of their UFO investigations made Elizondo a true believer. Although the Pentagon program was officially shut down in 2012, Elizondo insists it remains ongoing.

• Elizondo resigned from the Pentagon in October 2017 protesting what he considered lackluster support and unnecessary secrecy. “Why aren’t we spending more time and effort on this (UFO) issue?” Elizondo wrote to Defense Secretary James Mattis in his resignation letter, “Despite overwhelming evidence at both the classified and unclassified levels, certain individuals in the Department (of Defense) remain staunchly opposed to further research on what could be a tactical threat to our pilots, sailors, and soldiers, and perhaps even an existential threat to our national security.”

• When Tom DeLonge launched ‘To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science’ in October 2017, Elizondo joined and quickly became its public face. Its mission: to advance UFO research, produce science-fiction-themed entertainment about UFOs and, with luck, glean some insight into the super-advanced technology displayed by UFOs (such as spaceships that can seemingly defy gravity) that the Pentagon keeps ignoring. Over the past year, the Academy claims to have attracted more than 2,000 investors and raised roughly $2.5 million.

• ‘To The Stars Academy’ also boasts such heavy-hitters as Chris Mellon, the former deputy ¬assistant secretary of defense for intelligence during the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations who had oversight of the Pentagon’s super-¬secret ‘special access programs’ and highly classified ‘black operations’; Jim Semivan, a 25-year veteran of the CIA’s National Clandestine Service; and Hal Puthoff an electrical engineer who conducted controversial research on psychic abilities for the CIA and the DIA.

• The $22 million Pentagon UFO project marked the first time that the U.S. government admitted to studying UFOs since the Air Force’s ‘Project Blue Book’ was shut down in 1968. Despite Senator Reid’s assertion in an interview with New York magazine that “we have hundreds and ¬hundreds of papers… 80 percent at least, is public,” and Mellon’s statement in Washington Post op-ed, that referred to a “growing body of empirical data,” Elizondo says that much of these “large volumes” of academic studies and data are “FOIA-exempt,” meaning the public is not given access to them.

• There are those in the UFO community who are skeptical of DeLonge’s motives. They believe he simply wants to profit off his UFO-related books, websites and merchandise, and that his antics are part of the business plan.

• As the Academy’s head of Global Security and Special Programs, Elizondo serves as a liaison to the government, including Congress, the Pentagon and the intelligence services. Elizondo thinks that the next six months or so will be pivotal to the success of ‘To the Stars’ when he expects to be able to present more data on UFO sightings. “I’m not worried about credibility,” Elizondo says. “I’m worried about facts.” Reminded that the only facts the public has now are grainy videos, he insists, “There is data. It’s not out yet.”

• Elizondo understands why many remain dubious. “I get it. I’m a career spy,” he says.” “No, I am not running a government disinformation campaign.” “I took a huge risk in leaving a safe job to do this. If this doesn’t pan out, I’ll be working at Walmart.” “But…as crazy as it sounds, this is real.”


“I know what I saw.”

It was late July, and Teresa Tindal, a 39-year-old administrator for a consulting firm, was describing the incident that made her a believer: a round, golden object hovering in the evening sky over Tucson, Arizona. Weather balloon? No way. It could only be one thing: a UFO.

This kind of certainty had brought her—and 400 other people—to the Crowne Plaza hotel in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Symposium, the “premiere UFO event of the year,” according to its literature. They had gathered to talk about extraterrestrials, UFOs and how to avoid being abducted by an alien mothership (hint: yelling at it doesn’t work). “There are too many people that have seen things,” Christine Thisse, 44, a soft-spoken mother from Michigan, told Newsweek.

There were the typical guest speakers giving talks with titles like “Unexplained Disappearances in Rural Areas” and “Report From Mars,” in which a physicist lays out his theory that 75,000 years ago an intergalactic nuclear war wiped out a Martian civilization. And there were famous abductees, like Travis Walton, a former logger whose story of alien captivity became the 1993 movie Fire in the Sky.

But this year offered another attraction—a new, and extremely unlikely, superstar: Luis Elizondo. Seven months earlier, The New York Times had published a front-page story on the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program, a “shadowy” initiative at the Pentagon that “investigated reports of unidentified flying objects.” Elizondo, a burly Miami native with a billy-goat beard and colorful tattoos, was the career military intelligence official put in charge of the program a few years after it formed in 2007, until, according to the Pentagon’s press office, it was discontinued in 2012. (Elizondo insists the work is ongoing.) Last year, he resigned from the Pentagon, protesting what he considered lackluster support and unnecessary secrecy—red meat for the X-Files crowd. “Why aren’t we spending more time and effort on this issue?” he wrote to Defense Secretary James Mattis in his resignation letter.

In the private sector, Elizondo soon found an unlikely ally in his quest for the truth: Tom DeLonge, the former frontman for the pop/punk band Blink-182, the group behind a song called “Aliens Exist.” Turns out DeLonge actually believed it. In 2017, he launched To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science, and Elizondo quickly became its public face. The mission: to advance UFO research, produce science-fiction-themed entertainment about UFOs and, with luck, glean some insight into the super-advanced technology displayed by UFOs (such as spaceships that can seemingly defy gravity) that the Pentagon keeps ignoring.

The academy claims to have attracted more than 2,000 investors and raised roughly $2.5 million, and Elizondo found a mostly enthusiastic crowd in Cherry Hill. “Sometimes people may have associated you with being fringe—being out there,” he told the MUFON audience over a buffet dinner. “All along, you were right.” Not everyone was convinced: Some cited a lack of evidence in his presentation. Tindal was suspicious of the Pentagon connection. “It could be a cover for something else,” she said.

But if Elizondo is trying to lend credibility to research on unexplained sightings, why would he partner with a guy whose band had a hit album titled Enema of the State? And why would he choose as a venue a UFO conference teeming with conspiracy theorists?

“We have to start somewhere,” he told Newsweek that day. “I don’t get invited to Stanford or MIT.”

Super Hornets and Tic Tacs

Each year, thousands of people report UFO sightings to various authorities—the police, the Pentagon, radio talk show hosts. By one count, more than 100,000 sightings have been reported since 1905. Nearly all can be explained away as clouds, meteors, birds, weather balloons or some other quotidian phenomenon. Efforts at rational debunking serve only to harden the conviction of the true believers, who are convinced that abundant evidence of alien visitations is hidden in secret military documents—literal X-files—locked away in the bowels of the so-called deep state.

The X-files conspiracy theory is the beating heart of the UFO community—an article of faith among enthusiasts and the basis of almost every call to action on social media (#Disclosure). It is also encouraged by some prominent people, including John ¬Podesta, who lamented on Twitter a few years ago that he’d failed to secure the #disclosure of the UFO files, “despite being President Bill Clinton’s chief of staff.

When Elizondo went public, it gave a sheen of credibility to the conspiracy crowd. His background is typical of a straight-arrow military officer with a distinguished career. He is the son of a Cuban exile who participated in the Bay of Pigs—the failed CIA-¬sponsored plot to overthrow Fidel Castro in 1961. Elizondo worked as a bouncer while attending the University of Miami. After graduating in 1995, he joined the Army and trained to be a military spy. Later, at the Pentagon, Elizondo showed no sign of being a disgruntled employee or a loon, spending much of his career in the shadows, chasing militants in South America and the Middle East.

In 2010, he started to run a small group charged with investigating reports of “unexplained aerial phenomena”—a less controversial term for UFOs. It was an ¬obscure, low-budget initiative created three years before at the behest of then-Senator Harry Reid of Nevada. Details are murky, but the $22 million program seems to have been operated jointly by Elizondo and Bigelow Aerospace, a Nevada-based defense contractor whose billionaire owner, Robert Bigelow, is an avid believer in UFOs.

Two months before the Times published its front-page story, Elizondo retired from the Pentagon. He shows Newsweek what he says is a copy of his resignation letter, dated October 4, 2017, and addressed to Mattis. The letter expresses some frustration about the lack of attention his program was getting. And it suggests that something he learned at the Pentagon turned him into a true believer. “Despite overwhelming evidence at both the classified and unclassified levels,” he wrote, “certain individuals in the Department remain staunchly opposed to further research on what could be a tactical threat to our pilots, sailors, and soldiers, and perhaps even an existential threat to our national security.”



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From the X-Files – Is the Pentagon Hiding UFOs in a Las Vegas Hangar?

September 9, 2018                       (dailygalaxy.com)

• “Disclosure is not an event, it’s a process,” said Luis Elizondo, former head of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP). “My personal belief is that there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone.”

• Elizondo left the Pentagon program in October of last year, saying that the government was not taking UFO sightings by the military seriously enough. The Pentagon admitted the existence of AATIP, but claimed it was discontinued in 2012. But in an interview with The (UK’s) Sunday Times, Elizondo reports that the program was never wound up and continued to monitor UFO sightings until as recently as last October when he quit.

• On the northern edge of the Las Vegas sprawl where city meets desert is the headquarters of Bigelow Aerospace, a company that plans to launch and sell its own space stations and build a space hotel and a lunar base. Armed sentries guard the building which may hold exotic “metamaterials” – synthetic materials with composite structures that exhibit properties not found naturally materials – of a crashed UFO spacecraft, according to Elizondo. (see image below) From 2007 to 2011, Bigelow Aerospace, a company founded by Robert Bigelow, 73, an entrepreneur and self-avowed ufologist, was paid $22 million by the Department of Defense.

• Former Nevada Senator, Harry Reid, was the point man in funding the Pentagon program and Bigelow Aerospace. Reid said, “I had talked to (astronaut) John Glenn a number of years before. [Glenn] thought that the federal government should be looking seriously into UFOs, and should be talking to military service members, particularly pilots, who had reported seeing aircraft they could not identify or explain.”

• When the existence of the Pentagon UFO program was released late last year, the secret was out. Most questions, such as where the money went, and what Bigelow is closely guarding in Las Vegas, have remained unanswered. The conspiracy website, Abovetopsecret.com, reported that Bigelow approached Mufon in 2008 with a business proposal to buy its database of UFO sightings and archive of evidence, including quite possibly alien artifacts, for $672,000. By November 2009, $334,000 of it had been paid.

• “Captured alloys and material from UFOs — that has to be alien, right?” says John Greenewald of the Black Vault website. “This rivals the Roswell debris going to Hangar 18.”

• “Internationally, we are the most backward country in the world on this issue,” says Bigelow. “Our scientists are scared of being ostracized, and our media is scared of the stigma. China and Russia are much more open and work on this with huge organizations within their countries. Smaller countries like Belgium, France, England and South American countries like Chile are more open, too. They are proactive and willing to discuss this topic, rather than being held back by a juvenile taboo.”


“Disclosure has already occurred. Disclosure is not an event, it’s a process,” said Luis Elizondo, former head of a hitherto unknown government operation called the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP). “My personal belief is that there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone.”

On the northern edge of the Las Vegas sprawl where city meets desert, a vast building resembling a giant hangar, the headquarters of Bigelow Aerospace, a company that plans to launch and sell its own space stations and, more ambitiously, build a space hotel and a lunar base, occupies a 50-acre city block . This is the headquarters of Bigelow Aerospace, a company that plans to launch and sell its own space stations and, more ambitiously, build a space hotel and a lunar base. Today, the hangar doors are closed and tumbleweed now blows across the car parks.

 addition made to Bigelow Aerospace       corporate compound

The perimeter is secured with razor wire and concrete barriers, and the only staff visible from outside are armed guards, hiding inside what’s speculated to be salvage of a crashed extraterrestrial object –commonly known as a UFO.

Residents of the neat residential streets say security was tightened at Bigelow Aerospace late last year when it was revealed by the New York Times and Washington post that the company was paid by the Pentagon to store parts recovered from crashed “unidentified aerial phenomena” — military-speak for UFOs — exotic materials believed to be alloys that defied scientific analysis and physically affected those who came into contact with them.

                              Robert Bigelow

Not since 1947, when the US army said it had found a crashed UFO near Roswell, New Mexico, but in fact proved to be a weather balloon had the government come so close to admitting we are not alone in the vast reaches of the Milky Way.

But to date, there has been no retraction of the latest story of Pentagon UFO intrigue. Questioned about the events, the Pentagon has maintained an information blackout, as has Bigelow Aerospace. With no new leads, websites normally regarded as outlets for conspiracy theorists have turned up intriguing new evidence and stolen a march on America’s mainstream media.

The strange story of the salvaged UFOs began with the abrupt resignation last autumn of a senior Pentagon official, reports Nick Rufford for The Times of London. Luis Elizondo was the head of a hitherto unknown government operation called the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP), run by a team of 12, based on the fifth floor of the Pentagon called C-ring.

In a parting letter to Jim Mattis, the US defence secretary, Elizondo said the government was not taking sightings of unidentified craft by American warplanes seriously enough.

“Why aren’t we spending more time and effort on this issue? There remains a vital need to ascertain capability and intent of these phenomena for the benefit of the armed forces and the nation.” Elizondo’s leaked letter blew the lid off what was, in effect, a clandestine government UFO-watching unit, infuriating the Pentagon’s top brass. In a terse statement, the Pentagon admitted the existence of AATIP without mentioning the UFO connection: the program, it said, was set up “to assess far-term, foreign advanced aerospace threats to the United States”, it said, and was discontinued in 2012 to make way for “other higher priority issues”.

Since then, Elizondo, whose impeccable credentials were confirmed by The Washington Post, has remained largely silent on the subject. But in an interview with The Sunday Times, he reports that the program was never wound up and continued to monitor UFO sightings until as recently as last October, when he quit. In the fascinating video below emphatically states that “disclosure has already occurred. Disclosure is not an event, it’s a process.

5:18 minute video excerpt of Robert Bigelow interview on “60 Minutes”


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They’ve ‘Seen Things’

by Rozette Rago                 August 14, 2018                        (nytimes.com)

• UFO social groups are becoming popular. One such group was begun in Los Angeles by Robert Bingham, 62, who has held his annual UFO “Summon Events” in an LA park since 2010.  (seen above)  It began when Bingham was 39 and saw a 20-foot tall worm-shaped ship zipping through the clouds. He’s seen and taken photos of a ‘saucer’ and some flying objects shaped like beans. His photos began to attract dozens of believers from all over the world who come to share their own stories of UFOs and extraterrestrial communications. Bingham attempts to summon UFOs at these gatherings.

• “It’s a great community because you can talk about anything and you’re not worried about being called crazy,” said Hans Boysen, 53, who has participated in the last seven summoning sessions with Bingham since 2011. Boysen has gone on to co-found another group called the L.A. U.F.O. Channel who meet monthly.

• Rafael Cebrian, 29, a two-time attendee, brought a curious friend who was visiting from Spain. He said it was about being open and being in the right state of mind.

• Angel Llewellyn, 49, drove to Bingham’s event from San Jose, California, for a second year as a form of pilgrimage. “It’s like he charges you,” she said (as in ‘inspires’ you, not as in charging you admission). “He teaches you how to call [UFOs] and what to think and they just, boom, boom, boom. It’s like fishing. You never know what you’re going to get.”

• Other groups like the U.F.O. and Paranormal Research Society focus on discussions, often with speakers who talk about their research and experiences. A nonprofit group called the Mutual U.F.O. Network, or Mufon, founded in 1969, has over 4,000 members worldwide and convenes a yearly symposium. This year, a former Pentagon intelligence officer, Luis Elizondo, will give the Mufon keynote address. Many in the community believe that organizations such as the ‘To The Stars Academy for Arts and Science’, headed by Elizondo and former Blink-182 guitarist Tom DeLonge, are just the beginning to discovering the truth about ETs and UFOs.

• Yasmin Joyner, 35, an artist, recently formed another UFO discussion group, Indigo Army, that she hopes will attract a younger and more diverse crowd. Its members organize sightings at one another’s houses and nearby parks. Joyner says she understands that there are consequences to being outspoken about beliefs that many people may deem weird or crazy. “I think my family was a bit worried that I had snapped or something, but once they saw my footage and what I was seeing, they understood,” she said.

• Mallory Jackson, 26, who attends ‘hangouts’ led by Mr. Bingham and the Indigo Army, says she finds it difficult to maintain relationships outside the U.F.O. community with people who might not be as understanding of her interests. “[Y]ou’ll see all ages, all ethnicities, all genders,” says Ms. Jackson. “It’s beautiful, and we’re all just trying to figure it out as we go.” She became friends with several members “right away” before meeting another longtime attendee of Mr. Bingham’s events, Jim Martin, 38, who is now her boyfriend.

• How exactly does the group try to summon UFOs? Most agree that it’s similar to meditating, accompanied by a physical sensation. Joyner says the important thing is to focus. At the event in April, some participants closed their eyes and stood silently. Some stared intently into the sky. When someone spots something, they train a telescope on the object which is connected to a camera and a screen that shows and records what is being seen. They post the best videos on their YouTube channel.


Robert Bingham has “seen things.” When he was 39, he looked skyward and noticed a worm-shaped ship about 20 feet tall zipping through the clouds.

Unusual things kept popping up around him — or above him, rather. He saw a saucer and some flying objects shaped like beans next. He snapped a picture.

For over ten years, he kept his sightings to himself. That changed in 2010, when his neighbor came over to do some plumbing work. Mr. Bingham showed him his photos. The neighbor asked if he could invite his brother, who was very interested in unidentified flying objects, or U.F.O.s.

In awe of what they saw, they asked if they could invite more people to speak with Mr. Bingham — 40 more, actually. More than eight years ago, that was the first meeting of what is now known as “Summon Events with Robert Bingham,” at a park in Los Angeles across the street from where Mr. Bingham worked as a security guard.

Mr. Bingham, 62, an unassuming man who describes himself as shy, has become the nexus of a community of U.F.O. hunters in Los Angeles, fervent believers who come together to share their stories and persuade skeptics that extraterrestrial communications aren’t just a conceit for television shows.

Since then, he has attracted U.F.O. enthusiasts from all over the world, drawn together by the same questions: What are these things in the sky, exactly, and how can we learn more about them?

While there is just not enough documentation or scientific evidence to begin to explain or even confirm these sightings, that doesn’t stop the dozens of people that once a year descend on the same park to watch and assist Mr. Bingham as he tries to summon the “objects,” as they call them, and also to hang out with other enthusiasts who have turned into friends.

“It’s a great community because you can talk about anything and you’re not worried about being called crazy,” said Hans Boysen, 53, who has participated in the last seven summoning sessions with Bingham since 2011.

Other groups, like the U.F.O. and Paranormal Research Society, don’t organize sighting sessions, but rather focus on discussions, often with speakers who talk about their research and experiences. A nonprofit group called the Mutual U.F.O. Network, or Mufon, founded in 1969, has over 4,000 members worldwide and convenes a yearly symposium. This year, a former Pentagon intelligence officer, Luis Elizondo, will give the keynote address.

Last year, The New York Times conducted interviews and obtained records pertaining to the $22 million spent on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. The program — parts of which remain classified — investigated reports of unidentified flying objects, according to Defense Department officials. According to the article, officials insisted that the effort had ended after five years, in 2012. The article also stated that Sara Seager, an astrophysicist at M.I.T., cautioned that not knowing the origin of an object does not mean that it is from another planet or galaxy. “When people claim to observe truly unusual phenomena, sometimes it’s worth investigating seriously,” she said. But, she added, “what people sometimes don’t get about science is that we often have phenomena that remain unexplained.”

As much as scientists deal with probabilities, they rely on data and the reality is, no matter how many videos people upload on YouTube, they’re simply not enough to draw any definitive conclusions from.

But that doesn’t stop this community from searching. Many in the community that forms around Mr. Bingham believe that the multimillion-dollar alien research efforts of the former Blink-182 guitarist and singer Tom DeLonge are just the beginning to finding out some answers. Mr. DeLonge made headlines after To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science, a research group he founded — Mr. Elizondo is its director of global security and special programs — released declassified footage from the Department of Defense and continues his efforts.

Angel Llewellyn, 49, drove to the event from San Jose, Calif., for a second year as a form of pilgrimage. She said she started seeing things right after attending to Mr. Bingham’s event for the first time.

“It’s like he charges you,” she said. “He teaches you how to call them and what to think and they just, boom, boom, boom. It’s like fishing. You never know what you’re going to get.”



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The Pentagon Secretly Studied ‘Exotic and Sophisticated’ UFO Technologies, Bombshell Letter Reveals

by Jasper Hamill                          August 13, 2018                           (metro.co.uk)

• Last December, the world first learned of a Pentagon UFO research program called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) dedicated to exploring ‘unexplained aerial phenomena’ and a range of futuristic technologies. Former program manager, Luis Elizondo, said he believed there is ‘very compelling evidence we may not be alone’, and has alluded to mysterious ‘metamaterials’ from crashed alien spacecraft being stored in specially modified warehouses in Las Vegas.

• Now, a letter obtained by George Knapp’s KLAS ‘Las Vegas Now’ I-Team written June 24, 2009 by then Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to William Lynn III, Deputy Secretary of Defense has revealed the US government’s exploration of ‘disruptive aerospace technologies’. Without mentioning aliens or UFOs, the letter confirms that the US Senate ordered an assessment of ‘far term foreign aerospace threats’. These include ‘extremely sophisticated concepts within the world of quantum mechanics, nuclear science, electromagnetic theory, gravitics [anti-gravity], and thermodynamics’.

• Senator Reid warns in his letter that these technologies ‘have the potential to be used with catastrophic effects by adversaries’, but that ‘much progress has been made with the identification of several highly sensitive, unconventional aerospace-related findings’.

• ‘Ultimately, the results of AATIP will not only benefit the US Government but I believe will directly benefit the Department of Defense in ways not imagined,’ Senator Reid wrote. ‘The technological insight and capability gained will provide the US with a distinct advantage over any foreign threats and allow the US to maintain its preeminence as a world leader.’

• Former UFO investigator for the British Ministry of Defence, Nick Pope, said the document reveals just how seriously the US government takes the issue of ‘futurist technology’ and the associated threats and opportunities. Pope had previously said that the AATIP looked at UFO sightings as part of a wider intelligence assessment of the threat from next-generation aircraft, missiles and drones, and the ‘novel military applications’ that we felt might be derived from a fuller understanding of the phenomenon.’

• Britain and the US share concerns that Russia and China might beat us to the punch in the weaponization of futuristic technologies, says Pope. “[I]t’s time to drop our prejudices about the subject and to stop referring to ‘flying saucers’ and ‘little green men’. “It’s time to realize that… there are serious defense and national security issues involved and that the US, the UK, Russia, China – and maybe others – are engaged in potentially game-changing work on this subject.”

[Editor’s Note]  Futuristic weapons technologies. Trump’s declaration that ‘space is a war-fighting domain’. The creation of a US Space Force. Who or what are we gearing up to fight, or to defend ourselves from or free ourselves from? Perhaps the Draco Reptilian and Nazi Dark Fleet alliance?


Documents relating to a highly sensitive investigation government project called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) confirm that the US has studied a range of futuristic technologies which would allow it to exercise global military dominance for decades to come. This programme is dedicated to exploring ‘ unexplained aerial phenomena’ and is believed to have written a 490-page report which collects together UFO sightings from around the world. The world first heard about AATIP last year, when footage of an encounter between an F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter jet and an oval-shaped UFO travelling at astonishing speed was released.

Now a letter sent from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to William Lynn III, Deputy Secretary of Defense, has revealed tantalising new details of the US government’s exploration of ‘disruptive aerospace technologies’. Although the correspondence does not mention aliens or UFOs, it appears to confirm the US Senate ordered an assessment of ‘far term foreign aerospace threats’. It is not known whether these threats were alien in origin – or came from some rival military power. It said these include ‘extremely sophisticated concepts within the world of quantum mechanics, nuclear science, electromagnetic theory, gravitics [anti-gravity], and thermodynamics’. These technologies ‘have the potential to be used with catastrophic effects by adversaries’ Senator Reid warned in his letter, which was obtained by Las Vegas Now. The letter also said ‘much progress has been made with the identification of several highly sensitive, unconventional aerospace-related findings’.

‘Ultimately, the results of AATIP will not only benefit the US Government but I believe will directly benefit the Department of Defense in ways not imagined,’ he wrote. ‘The technological insight and capability gained will provide the US with a distinct advantage over any foreign threats and allow the US to maintain its preeminence as a world leader.’ Nick Pope, a former UFO investigator for the British Ministry of Defence, said the ‘bombshell’ document ‘reveals much more about the AATIP project than was previously known’. ‘These staggering revelations show just how seriously the US government took the issue. Irrespective of what they believed about the true nature of the UFO phenomenon, this letter gives a telling insight into the reasons why the Pentagon was interested, and what they thought the threats and opportunities might be,’ he told The Metro.


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I-Team Obtains Some Key Documents Related to Pentagon UFO Study

by George Knapp and Matt Adams              July 25, 2018               (lasvegasnow.com)

• Since the December 2017 NY Times article releasing U.S. military video of the “Tic-Tac UFO”, and subsequent UFO videos, thousands of Freedom of Information Act requests have been filed by UFO researchers. So far, the Pentagon hasn’t complied with any of the requests for more information. According to Luis Elizondo, the man who ran the military’s secret UFO study for years, says that there are as many as two dozen more unreleased videos still in the Pentagon vaults. The Las Vegas KLAS-TV “I-Team” has managed to obtain key documents related to the UFO inquiry.

• Former Senate Majority Leader, Nevada Senator Harry Reid instigated the Pentagon study back in 2007. Since his role was revealed last year, he’s had calls from many other lawmakers in Congress. Reid believes there have likely been classified Congressional briefings involving military eyewitnesses to similar UFOs. Reid wants the military UFO program to continue and its findings made public.  (See 2009 letter from Reid to the Deputy Secretary of Defense asking for more personnel to increase productivity in the Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program.)

• As the chief scientist for Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies, a government-sponsored research project, physicist Hal Puthoff made the first public presentation about the UFO study. In a newly released document, research subjects are listed including warp drive, invisibility, metamaterials from crash sites, worm holes, antigravity, and how to track hypersonic vehicles.

• “You’ve got these advanced aerospace vehicles flying around, that we don’t know where they come from, what the intent is, possibly off-world even,” said Dr. Puthoff. Puthoff says he doesn’t know if more UFO videos will be released, but says there is big news coming about the ones already made public.


LAS VEGAS – Those secret UFO files at the Pentagon are still secret, but not for a lack of trying.
Thousands of researchers have filed requests via the Freedom of Information Act, hoping to force the military to unleash documents or videos generated during the secret study. The main contractor for the Pentagon was a Las Vegas company.

So far, the Pentagon hasn’t complied with any of the requests for more information. But now, the I-Team has obtained key documents related to the UFO inquiry.

The Pentagon’s release last December of a 2004 encounter between pilots from the USS Nimitz and a mystery machine dubbed the Tic Tac UFO generated huge headlines and demands for more releases.

Two more followed. The Gimbal video from 2015 and another nicknamed Go Fast. As many as two dozen more videos are still in the Pentagon vaults, according to the man who ran the military’s secret UFO study for years.

During his time running the AATIP program, Elizondo set into motion the release of these and other videos. He doesn’t know if the spigot has been turned off now that he is longer there. Since October, he’s been working with To the Stars Academy to help change the perception of the UFO issue, particularly in Washington. And without revealing too much, Elizondo hints that progress is being made.

“It’s about changing the paradigm in which our government can finally take this issue seriously without worrying about their political survival, right, allowing Congress to have a conversation in open or closed session saying, all right guys, gals, what do we do about this?”



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Different ETs, Narrative Preferences and Recent Revelations

Today the UFO, exopolitics, experiencer communities are divided into factions. There is some cross-over from one preference to another but I believe that the  spirit of subdivision, of doctrinal partisanship prevents us from understanding and processing the whole of what is going on. More inclusivity is required. More integrative thinking is required…scientific, logical, intuitional, spiritual, experience-based, testimony-based…and all of it with a quality that is enhanced by attitude: respect, love for truth and humbleness. 
Yes, for instance, it may be true that perhaps AATIP and BAAS are somehow guided by secret proponents and allowed to ‘white world’ some of the ET-multi reality technology, hopefully mostly for the good of humanity rather than for the good of a few. They might not be inclined toward dialogue with the UFO community but I’m inclined to attempt to tend bridges and to give them the benefit of the doubt instead of blanket suspicion and rejection. Humanity is altogether in this reaching out to other cosmic civilizations and to our roots in the past and – perchance – in the future. Then again, excessive trust in Military Complex-related initiatives can be naive, especially if the negative side of ETs is so emphasized by Tom DeLonge at TTSA and in the book “Sekret Machines” while considering the military and helpful associates as the good guys…guys hiding stuff to protect us. I welcome patriots doing the right thing with good intentions and what they do may be partially true and good for society and for establishing the UFO reality issue in more solid grounds but it may not be necessary (or adequate) that we completely abide by this initiative. I welcome it and want to tend a hand in friendship but also think that there’s much more in terms of a paradigm-shifting, educational process.  
Decades of UFO research revealing all sorts of things in secret (maybe even unconstitutional) programs about UFOs (previous to AAWSAP-AATIP) cannot be denied. And we also need a non-militaristic approach.  Definitely not a “business as usual” approach. Indeed we need a fresh way to look at these things covering the range from the nuts & bolts to consciousness science and to the most allegedly “airy fairy” but sincerely rendered.
For instance, by instantly dismissing what classic contactees said and – more currently – what plausible whistleblowers and insiders of the alleged “Secret Space Program” say in ways that not only partly coincide but which too many people (and not just belief-prone personalities) already consider as truthful and sincere would either be arrogant or proper of a belief-settled personality whose subconscious cannot even tolerate entertaining certain issues. 
And regarding ET/inter reality beings, let’s not bad mouth these ETs/inter reality beings or become naively dependent on them. We need fresh eyes for everything, not generalizations about all being benevolent or malevolent. We need to exopolitically find out who is protecting us from unwarranted incursions and if a minority of ET/inter-reality beings coming into our system are inimical to our good, do we really need to develop a whole armada against them? Or can we rely upon outside-of-earth, exopolitical protection as some contactees have affirmed? 
In reality the whole issue is complex… grandiose, fascinating, life-changing with all sorts of more or less credible versions according to many types of experiences. Let’s listen to statistics-contributing experiencers worldwide and to “unique case” experiencers as well. That said, I hope that people on the “inside” (secret decision makers) are more motivated by enhancing democratic values through worldview expansion via truthful education…more than making money, securing more personal power, sustaining outmoded beliefs or expanding the militarization of space under a “business as usual” type of awareness. As we evolve and more of us connect with cosmic community those modes of ruling over the masses become obsolete and – I believe – prone to attract similarly-minded ET/inter reality beings stuck in repeating certain unresolved issues from previous evolutionary stages…in spite of their technologies.
And, inasmuch as technology goes, yes, please, the powers that be acting today in this incipient but certain “basic level” revelation (through TTSA), please be clear about the type of technology that can be revealed, that should get or not get into everyone’s hands worldwide!  Can a UFO-like craft be built without sharing the technology worldwide? We simply cannot give the power of deeper aspects of the universe to every immature member of society. Moreover, for those of us seeking further understanding, within the UFO community, let’s try to be humbler and not simply dismiss the more ‘far out’, alleged SSP (secret space program) revelations or each other’s main appreciations of plausible aspects about the whole UFO and ET ‘enchilada’.
It’s not so much a matter of believing or disbelieving, of embracing or of rejecting in the name of truth. It is more about extending a friendly hand and respectfully, carefully listening. Let’s make an effort to listen to those voices that make us feel uncomfortable. Some may surprise us as our tolerance for the extraordinary increases. 
There are too many sincere-sounding informers or “insiders” that appear to coincide in fundamental assertions and – if the assertions about highly developed SSPs is true – that could mean that TTSA efforts would be incipient, long-termed, allowed and managed…perhaps by well-intentioned (or not) individuals acting as our superiors with an alleged right over us for some reason or another. Perhaps if having to choose between a 20 year long gradual revelation led by Established forces and sooner (and more extreme revelations), we need to welcome and consider them both as possible. And not just that but we may need to guide and modify both approaches in a participatory manner. In other words, concerned citizens and researchers need to be not only more inclusive but also more exopolitically active. 
A Mission Rahma Photo
And let’s not forget not to dismiss either the possibility of repeatable (and sometimes verifiable) positive contacts with communicative, “space brother” types, as has been done through the Mission Rahma contact groups; is being done by other emergent “CE-5” contact groups and associated contactees. In some cases there would be contacts with beings precise and very mental but associated with spiritual masters highly in favor of assisting in the actualization of our deepest potentials without generating dependencies.  So, let’s not simply dismiss this issue brought up by some contactees and experiencers that apparently bring some means of verification and more in-depth information about aspects of humanity’s history that cannot be ignored. 
And, let’s not simply dismiss other plausible issues floating around in the UFO, exopolitics, experiencer communities falling back on comfortably thinking that they are “delusional” or “suspect” or “lying.” In an environment in which there are allusions to teleportation and time travel, SSP insiders working with ETs side by side, contactees speaking both with spiritual masters and friendly ETs that do not abduct, 3000+ “experiencers” mostly having beneficial encounters with little or no mention of what SSP insiders are telling, not to speak about a phenomenon that is “transdimensional” and “paranormal” and in which some of the main voices greatly differ as to who the “visitors” or “ancient aliens” may be we must ask ourselves how much are we willing to accept or at least to fairly consider. How much effort are we willing to put to debunk or to incorporate if it passes a truly careful analysis.
Is there a war in the heavens or are all beings that did not destroy themselves and were capable of leaving their home planet peaceful? Are there “Arkons” “Draco Reptilians” and former Nazis collaborating with them? Is there a “Cabal” that controls the U.S. military and USAPs (unacknowledged special access projects)? Was our species not only seeded by several ET species (some contributing and some harming us) but are we also today being hybridized by varieties of gray-looking beings which have a right to do so partly because we are destroying the Earth’s ecology and commons? Are all of those issues fantasies and neither the Government nor UFO “experts” truly know what is going on? How can science and “infallible” religious doctrines really be enhanced with a “transdimensional” ontology-metaphysics that begins to explain “the nature of reality?” How much of “the truth” is society at large – worldwide – really able to handle without a transdimensional, integrative ontology-metaphysics now that there is a political tendency challenging “liberal” (in the original sense of the word) democratic agreements and procedures, thus atomizing nation-states into separate, illiberal fiefdoms? 
To evolve exopolitically in a field of research which may be the most complex of them all, we need to make the effort to connect with each other much more and with each other’s preferred explanations in a coherent manner. Connect what aspects or parts can truly fit together, even perhaps those parts which today don’t seem to fit together. And we must learn to also do it across cultural divides or cultural preferences, carefully correcting our personal mistakes… more aware of our own cognitive biases, selected belief reinforcements and blind spots. 
This situation called “disclosure” is not only about the Government revealing that ETs are here but about growing up individually and collectively…as many of us as possible to shift our shared information field into a higher level…capable of harmoniously exchanging with beings that perhaps primarily do not think in “either-or” primitive terms.  But it is an unprecedented shift; a different type of “consciousness.” It’s about co-creating a “we” consciousness and unified field incorporating many more beings with care and respect into our personal sense of identity. Either more of us do it for the collective “field” to withstand the encounter or others representing our subconscious need for “power elites” will steer us as they prefer or understand for various reasons, under incomplete appreciations. Thus, WE must connect with each other more and all true factions in Ufology, exopolitics, what we value in experiencer information must increasingly come together.  And disclosure thus becomes a self education; an entire new attitude needed to adapt to what comes in shifting our “consensus reality.” Is this too much to ask for in order to face the greatest cultural, spiritual (and perhaps biological) needed modifications after the gravitas (the weight and seriousness) of what is going on becomes established and is widely felt?  Not if disclosure is about the impossible becoming possible and if our self-determining freedom requires such a move. 
To be exopolitically responsible let’s connect to see the information content filling the exopolitics “diagram” as a coherent whole. 
Let’s try to educate ourselves and to be able to suspend judgement when necessary. Our intention and awareness to do this can go a long way towards succeeding in it. To listen to each other’s testimonies, to well thought opinions and research. Let’s try to listen to apparently contradicting testimonies but carefully, even if we don’t like it. They may be wrong but that may also have key kernels of truth or large segments of truth that we haven’t figured out how to connect with our preferred narratives. But let’ also care for fact checking as thoroughly as possible and for cross-referencing and to be personally willing to change our views when necessary. 
To face the top challenge, we truly need to “grow up,” one by one and in what is acceptable to discuss in social settings; to be able to digest such a paradigm-shifting smorgasbord and to be able to make peaceful, intelligent, cooperative decisions about a variety of challenging truths with enormous consequences. Thus we will earn our cosmic sovereignty. 

In This Time of Tension and Anxiety, UFOs Are Back in the News

by Hedley Burrell                Jun 10, 2018                (www.heraldtribune.com)

• Stories of UFOs have ebbed and flowed over the decades, but now there is new chatter of a different kind. Today mainstream news outlets featuring heavily credentialed experts weighing in on the ongoing UFO phenomenon. In December (2017), CNN announced: “A former Pentagon official who led a … government program to research potential UFOs said … he believes there is evidence of alien life reaching Earth.”

• The New York Post summarized events: “… The New York Times released the results of an investigation into the U.S. military’s monitoring of UFO claims and came up with… a video released by the Pentagon that shows U.S. Navy pilots tracking the movements of a totally unexplainable aircraft. Now, a local news team from Las Vegas has obtained a military report that offers even more details on the sighting and the story is somehow becoming even more bizarre than it already was.” “The report explains in great detail how a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier played a strange game of hide and seek with multiple Anomalous Aerial Vehicles (AAVs) that demonstrated flight characteristics that should be downright impossible to pull off.”

• Then there was a Washington Post story describing how a rock star had “mustered a team of credentialed experts to put mysterious incidents on your radar.” “UFOs”, the headline said, “are suddenly a serious news story.” The rock star, the Post reported, was former Blink-182 frontman Tom DeLonge, who launched To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science. It will investigate the “outer edges of science.”

• Christopher Mellon, an adviser to the academy who served as deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence in the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations, wrote a Washington Post opinion piece that carried this headline: “The military keeps encountering UFOs. Why doesn’t the Pentagon care?”

• What we have today are heavy-duty experts taking UFOs seriously. “My personal belief is that there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone,” declared Luis Elizondo, the former Pentagon official in the CNN interview.

• It is intriguing to think of a new generation of journalists having to decide what attention, if any, should be given to new assertions that “the truth is out there,” to borrow a tagline from “The X-Files.”


Long ago, as a young reporter, I was well aware of UFO stories.

Out of curiosity, I read mainstream media pieces as well as tabloid tales. What repeatedly struck me was this: As with much else in life, we were reluctant to simply accept that we didn’t immediately know the answer to the mystery of the moment.

In any event, I would not have imagined that some six decades later, UFO stories would still be around, with heavily credentialed experts weighing in.

The stories ebbed and flowed over the decades, but now there is new chatter of a different kind.
In the past, I suspected that reports of sightings were likely to increase when popular entertainment featured space sagas, but I also thought they were a reflection of universal tensions and anxiety.

Given that these are truly tense and anxious times, I started to look around for UFO-type talk — or, rather, the reporting of same. I searched for some indication of renewed and perhaps more intense attention.

I found it, and it even had a new spin — namely an assertion that the subject was “serious.”

In December, CNN announced: “A former Pentagon official who led a … government program to research potential UFOs said … he believes there is evidence of alien life reaching Earth.” Other media outlets also weighed in. What was going on?

Last month, The New York Post summarized and updated events:
“UFO sightings are a dime a dozen … but back in December, The New York Times released the results of an investigation into the U.S. military’s monitoring of UFO claims and came up with something totally wild. It was a video released by the Pentagon that shows U.S. Navy pilots tracking the movements of a totally unexplainable aircraft. Now, a local news team from Las Vegas has obtained a military report that offers even more details on the sighting and the story is somehow becoming even more bizarre than it already was.”

The account continued: “The report explains in great details how a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier played a strange game of hide and seek with multiple Anomalous Aerial Vehicles (AAVs) that demonstrated flight characteristics that should be downright impossible to pull off.”
So there was all this.



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