• The US Navy has confirmed that, while they should never been released to the public, the three online videos taken by Navy pilots of UFOs: the “FLIR1” (aka “Tic Tac”), “Gimbal”, and “GoFast”, are indeed genuine.
• (The “FLIR1”/ “Tic Tac” video was taken November 14, 2004 over the Pacific Ocean off of the coast of San Diego. The “GoFast” video was taken January 21, 2015 over the Atlantic Ocean off of Virginia, and the “Gimbal” video was taken January 21, 2015 over the Atlantic Ocean off of Florida.) In the videos, air crews debate what the objects are and where they came from.
• The videos were released by The New York Times and ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences’, a UFO research group headed by former Blink-182 member Tom DeLonge.
• In each case, the UFOs (or ‘UAPs’ – ‘unidentified aerial phenomenon’) undertook aerial maneuvers that aren’t possible with current aviation technology. In the 2004 incident, according to The New York Times article, the ‘Tic Tac UFO’ “appeared suddenly at 80,000 feet, and then hurtled toward the sea, eventually stopping at 20,000 feet and hovering. Then they either dropped out of radar range or shot straight back up.”
• The Department of Defense told The Black Vault website that the videos were unclassified but never cleared for public release, and that there had been no review process within the Pentagon for releasing them. The Pentagon now says the aerial objects in the videos are simply unidentified, and for now, unexplained. The Navy is pointedly not saying the objects are flying saucers or otherwise controlled by aliens.
• [Editor’s Note] And the full disclosure of the Deep State government cover-up of a flourishing extraterrestrial presence takes another step forward.
The U.S. Navy has confirmed that three online videos purportedly showing UFOs are genuine. The service says the videos, taken by Navy pilots, show “unexplained aerial phenomena,” but also states that the clips should have never been released to the public in the first place.
The three videos in question are titled “FLIR1,” “Gimbal,” and “GoFast.” They show two separate encounters between Navy aircraft and UFOs.
One video was taken in 2015 off the East Coast by a F/A-18F fighter jet using the aircraft’s onboard Raytheon AN/ASQ-228 Advanced Targeting Forward-Looking Infrared (ATFLIR) Pod. The other clip, also recorded with a Super Hornet ATFLIR pod, was taken off the coast of California in 2004 by pilots flying from the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz. In the videos, air crews loudly debate what the objects are and where they came from.
The videos were released for public viewing by The New York Times and To The Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences, a UFO research group from former Blink-182 member Tom DeLonge.
In each case, the objects in the videos undertook aerial maneuvers that aren’t possible with current aviation technology. In the 2004 incident, according to The New York Times, the objects “appeared suddenly at 80,000 feet, and then hurtled toward the sea, eventually stopping at 20,000 feet and hovering. Then they either dropped out of radar range or shot straight back up.”
2:46 minute FLIR1 ‘Tic Tac’ Video (To The Stars Academy YouTube)
1:53 minute Gimbal Video (To The Stars Academy YouTube)
2:04 minute Go Fast Video (To The Stars Academy YouTube)
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Article by Andrew Whalen September 6, 2019 (newsweek.com)
• A new Gallup poll of 1,522 adults in the United States found that one-third of respondents believe that “some UFOs have been alien spacecraft visiting Earth from other planets or galaxies”.
• Carving out a demographic of young people, non-college graduates, and non-religious people, 40% believe that UFOs are from alien worlds. But no category fell below 27% in believing in extraterrestrial visitors. People in Western USA were more likely to believe in alien UFOs, while Mid-Westerners were the least likely to believe. But the belief in an alien presence was generally consistent across gender identity and income groups.
• Although the majority of Americans don’t believe aliens are visiting our planet, 3/4 do believe that extraterrestrial life exists on other planets. Half of Americans believe that “people somewhat like ourselves exist elsewhere in the universe.”
• While the extraterrestrial explanation for the UFO phenomena represents only a substantial minority of the United States, a large majority agree that the government of the United States knows “more about UFOs than it is telling us.” The percentage of those suspicious of the US government today is 68%, while a 1996 poll showed it was 71%. Gallup says that this belief is “similar among all main demographic groups,” including political party identification. It is surprising that this percentage has dipped slightly with the recent revelations from mainstream outlets such as the New York Times and Politico of the US Navy encountering UFOs.
• Meanwhile, actual UFO sightings have increased from a low of 9% in 1978 and 1987, to 16% of US adults saying they’ve seen a UFO in 2019.
A new Gallup poll of 1,522 adults in the United States found that one-third of respondents believe extraterrestrial spacecraft are visiting Earth.
When asked to choose between “some UFOs have been alien spacecraft visiting Earth from other planets or galaxies” and “all UFO sightings can be explained by human activity on Earth or natural phenomenon,” 33 percent of all adults polled selected the first option.
Demographic groups more likely to believe in visiting alien spaceships include the young (18-29), non-college graduates and the irreligious, with respondents in those categories trending toward 40 percent. But even with variation across demographic groups, no category fell below 27 percent of respondents describing some UFOs as alien spacecraft.
The poll even found an interesting regional bump, with people from the West far more likely to prefer the extraterrestrial hypothesis. Midwesterners, on the other hand, were most skeptical of aliens coming to this planet. Belief in extraterrestrial vessels entering Earth’s atmosphere was consistent across gender identity and within the margin of sampling error across income groups.
While the majority of Americans don’t believe aliens are visiting our planet, three-quarters believe that extraterrestrial life exists on other planets, with half of Americans going further and agreeing that “people somewhat like ourselves exist elsewhere in the universe.”
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Article by Chelsea Hofmann September 8, 2019 (azcentral.com)
• In the first week of September, the International UFO Congress held its 28th annual conference and film festival at the Sheraton Hotel in Phoenix. The Guinness World Records lists it as the largest UFO conference. It contained five days of lectures including two dinner banquets, lunch workshops and a film festival that began the day before the conference.
• The Saturday panel addressed the question: “Mainstream Attitudes Toward UFO’s: Are UFOs now being taken seriously?” Panelist George Knapp said that attitudes have shifted dramatically in the media following the New York Times story in December 2017, making UFOs a more respectable topic to cover. Richard Dolan agreed, saying, “For the New York Times to cover UFOs in a way that’s not snarky, not insulting to our intelligence, which it always has been, that’s a sea change, and I don’t think they’re going to be able to go back to the old days.”
• But still, Dolan warned that these mainstream publications may have an agenda. “My take is that there are a faction of people who are motivated to promote their version of disclosure,” said Dolan during the panel discussion. Panelist Marc D’Antonio echoed Dolan’s concern, “I think that the truth really lies somewhere in the middle. I don’t think that the truth is being entirely told by any one news outlet.”
• Dolan also said that social media has skewed the topics discussed within the UFO community. “I think social media has somewhat ruined our ability to have a civil discourse, not just in ufology but in society in general, and in that kind of environment it’s very difficult to have a reasoned, careful, cautious examination of issues.” Knapp chimed in, “[E]verybody becomes an authority.” “Just because you’ve got a keyboard doesn’t mean you’re a journalist. Just because you file a FOIA request doesn’t mean you’re a journalist.”
• D’Antonio insisted that UFO research is not an actual science. “I think that we’re going to… solve (the UFO issue) with astronomers astrophysicists (and) with the assistance of NASA and the European Space Agency…” to determine “whether there’s life elsewhere.”
• [Editor’s Note] This conference is a good example of the rift occurring between separate factions of the broader UFO community. This Phoenix conference is made up of the more ‘conservative’ UFO researchers who still rely on the government, academic institutions, NASA, and the ESA to bring out the truth about UFOs and the extraterrestrial presence. Others, as represented at last month’s Dimensions of Disclosure conference in Ventura, California, don’t hold any faith in the government or NASA to assist in the disclosure of the truth. In fact, these progressive UFO researchers see the government and NASA as sources of disinformation, stagnating the progress of UFO/ET disclosure as they have done for the past 75 years. The revelations published in the NY Times and Politico, while intriguing, still portray only a limited disclosure which the government is willing to reveal. At this rate, it will take a hundred years for full disclosure to eventually reach the public. And this is the Deep State’s agenda.
The Sheraton Phoenix conference room filled with skeptics and believers alike Saturday, and all attendees were there to discuss the same topic: UFOs.
Richard Dolan
The International UFO Congress held its 28th annual conference and film festival Wednesday through Sunday in downtown Phoenix, which was named the largest UFO conference by Guinness World Records, according to the International UFO Congress website.
Marc D’Antonio
The conference hosts five days of lectures including two dinner banquets, lunch workshops and a film festival that began the day before the conference.
Attendees can participate in “Experience Sessions” hosted by a certified therapist, which provide a welcoming, safe environment for those who wish to share stories, as well as visit tables promoting healing energy, sacred geometry and psychic ability in the vendor room.
UFOs have become more respectable in news media
George Knapp
Experts in the field hosted the Saturday panel “Mainstream Attitudes Toward UFO’s: Are UFOs now being taken seriously?”
Panelist George Knapp said during the panel that attitudes have shifted dramatically in the media following the New York Times story, making UFOs a more respectable topic to cover and allowing other news organizations to go down the same path.
“Everyone seems to want in on it now,” Knapp, the chief investigative reporter for KLAS TV in Las Vegas, said in the panel discussion.
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• Over Labor Day weekend, the town of Exeter, New Hampshire celebrated the 54th anniversary of the UFO sighting known as the “Incident at Exeter”.
• In 1965, 18-year-old Norman J. Muscarello reported to police that he had been followed by a “red flying object” as he was hitchhiking on Route 150 in Kensington. This followed a similar report where two frightened women reported being chased by a brilliantly lit red flying object as they drove on Route 101. When two police officers returned with Muscarello to the place where he saw the UFO, all three of them saw it again, rising from a clump of trees.
• Exeter police posted on their Facebook page: “[W]e at the Exeter Police Department hope that everyone has a safe and fun visit to our Town. Look around and be suspicious, and of course please report any further ‘incidents’ to us.”
• In the festival park, ‘alien’ debris was scattered across the grounds and children were invited to create their own spacecraft. “My kids love to come here each year and do this,” said Erin Moro.
• The Exeter Area Chamber of Commerce hosted trolley tours to the UFO site in Kensington. Commemorative posters of that fateful day were on sale. Kiwanis had food available, Roswell Burgers, Final Frontier Franks, Spaceship chips, Mothership doughnuts and Flying Saucer Coffee. A speaker series featuring experts on UFOs, alien abductions and UFO encounters took place inside the old Town Hall.
• “I don’t believe in little green men,” said Abby Ganley, 17, of Exeter. “I do believe there is life in space.”
Aliens of all types invaded this quintessential New England town this weekend and the town heartily embraced them.
The Exeter UFO Festival, which ran Saturday and Sunday, is an event hosted by the Exeter Area Kiwanis Club whose proceeds benefit its charitable efforts for children throughout the seacoast.
The impetus for the celebration is the famous “Incident at Exeter” and this year marks the 54th anniversary of the well-known UFO sighting.
In 1965, 18-year-old Exeter resident Norman J. Muscarello came to police to report he had been followed by a “red flying object” as he was hitchhiking on Route 150 in Kensington. His report followed a similar one where officer Eugene Bertrand investigated a parked car with two frightened women inside who reported having been chased on Route 101 by a brilliantly lit red flying object. Officers Bertrand and David Hunt returned with Muscarello to the place he had seen the object and, according to reports, all three saw it again, rising from a clump of trees.
Exeter police got into the spirit of the day Saturday with a memorandum posted on their Facebook age. It said:
“The Exeter Police Department continues to search for answers and/or clues regarding an incident which took place at approximately 2 a.m. on September 3, 1965 in Exeter, NH. Exeter Officers are seen here recently searching along the flight path of what was described as an unidentified flying object. This portion of Exeter has grown to be recognized as a potentially classified area named “Area 603.” Further research suggests that this aircraft would have likely been operated by at least one: Grey (MJ12 SOM101 EBE-Type-II) described as approx. 1-1.2m (3.5-4ft) tall, with a weight of approx. 40 pounds, and having large black eyes (no pupils). As we recognize the 54th anniversary of “The Incident at Exeter” this weekend, we at the Exeter Police Department hope that everyone has a safe and fun visit to our Town. Look around and be suspicious, and of course please report any further ‘incidents’ to us.”
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• US Representative Mark Walker (R-NC) (pictured above), the ranking member of the Intelligence and Counter-terrorism subcommittee for the House Homeland Security Committee, is accusing the US Navy of withholding information about reports of UFOs after officially requesting more data on the Navy’s mysterious encounters.
• In July 2019, Walker asked Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer to outline what resources the Navy is dedicating to investigating the sightings, whether the Navy had found “physical evidence” to substantiate the claims, and whether any foreign nations or private companies have developed breakthrough technologies that could explain these UAPs, i.e.: ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’.
• Navy Undersecretary Thomas Modly responded in a brief letter on July 31st that “the Department of the Navy takes these reports very seriously and continues to log sightings and fully investigate the accounts.” Modly noted the proliferation and availability of inexpensive unmanned aerial “drones”. The Navy “continues to dedicate resources to the tracking and investigation of reports that could affect the safety of our aircrews.” Walker wasn’t satisfied with this response. Citing reports of UAPs traveling at speeds and making maneuvers well beyond what is believed to be technologically possible, which a drone cannot do, Walker expressed concern that the UFO craft could pose a threat to US forces or territory.
• Navy spokesperson Joe Gradisher responded that the Navy is prepared to accommodate any further congressional requests for information. “At this point in time,” said Gradisher,” we have not received any new requests for updates on this issue.”
• Congressional interest in the UFO reports has grown since revelations that the Pentagon had investigated the sightings through a program established by former Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada. Among the revelations were sightings reported by pilots and personnel of the USS Nimitz and the USS Theodore Roosevelt battlegroups in 2004, 2015 and 2016, including footage of unknown aircraft exhibiting flight characteristics that defy known aerodynamic properties. The Pentagon also financed a series of theoretical studies to try to explain how the aircraft might operate — ranging from “Detection and High Resolution Tracking of Vehicles at Hypersonic Velocities” to “Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions.”
• In a recent interview, Walker wondered whether the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Identification Program set up by Reid was truly ended in 2012. Where is the documentation? If the program has clandestinely continued, where are the resources coming from? Walker’s concern is that a potential adversary like Russia or China could already have this advanced aerospace technology.
• Walker, a former pastor, acknowledged that he is open to the possibility that the answers could change how humanity perceives the known universe. What does the US government or military know that “the rest of us don’t?” asked Walker. “I certainly have an open mind to see where this leads us.”
A top Republican on the House Homeland Security Committee is accusing the Navy of withholding information about reports of unidentified aircraft after officially requesting more data on the mysterious encounters.
Rep. Mark Walker of North Carolina, the ranking member of the Intelligence and Counterrorism subcommittee, asked Secretary Richard V. Spencer in July to outline what resources the Navy is dedicating to investigating the sightings. He also asked if officials have found “physical evidence” to substantiate the claims, and whether they are aware of any foreign nations or private companies that have introduced breakthrough technologies that could explain them.
Navy Undersecretary Thomas Modly responded in a brief letter on July 31 that “the Department of the Navy takes these reports very seriously and continues to log sightings and fully investigate the accounts,” according to a copy provided to POLITICO.
But Walker said he is discouraged by the Navy’s seeming unwillingness to provide his committee with more data about the so-called unidentified aerial phenomena — the term the Pentagon prefers over the more traditional “unidentified flying objects,” or UFOs. He has expressed concern publicly that the craft could pose a threat to U.S. forces or territory.
“While I am encouraged the Under Secretary of the Navy confirmed that UAP encounters are fully investigated, there is frustration with the lack of answers to specific questions about the threat that superior aircraft flying in United States airspace may pose,” Walker told POLITICO in a statement.
Navy spokesperson Joe Gradisher responded that the service is prepared to accommodate any further congressional requests for information. “At this point in time, however, we have not received any new requests for updates on this issue,” he said by email.
Congressional interest in the unidentified aircraft reports has grown since revelations by POLITICO and other news outlets in late 2017 that the Pentagon had investigated the sightings through a program established a decade earlier by former Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada.
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• John L. Guerra has published a book entitled, “Strange Craft: The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs”, wherein Guerra claims that a military police officer shot an extraterrestrial being at Fort Dix in the early morning hours of Jan. 18, 1978. Former Air Force intelligence officer Major George Filer III, now 84 and living in living in Medford, New Jersey with his wife Janet, wrote a top-secret memo about the incident.
• On a cold dark night in January 1978, a soldier was driving a military police vehicle through the woods on the Air Force side of Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in Burlington County, NJ, in pursuit of a strange, low-flying aircraft that had been observed passing through the military installation’s airspace at about 2 am. Suddenly the soldier realized that an oval-shaped craft radiating a blue-green glow was hovering directly over his vehicle. Then a greyish-brown creature with a big head, long arms and slender body walked out of the nearby shadows and showed itself by stepping into the vehicle’s headlights. The soldier drew his .45 caliber pistol and shot the creature five times, killing it. Its remains gave off a foul-smelling, ammonia-like stench. A cleanup crew from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio flew in to retrieve the body. The retrieval crew acted as if this occurrence was not out of the ordinary.
• Major Filer arrived on base before dawn that day to prepare his daily intelligence briefing for his superior officers. Security at the base had been tightened and Filer personally observed the emergency response in the aftermath of the incident. Filer interviewed witnesses but was denied access to photos taken at the scene. The senior master sergeant on duty told Filer, “An alien has been shot at Fort Dix and they found it on the end of our (McGuire AFB) runway.” Filer asked, “Was it an alien from another country?” “No,” said the master sergeant. “[I]t was from outer space, a space alien. There are UFOs buzzing around the pattern like mad.”
• The Air Force classified everything as top secret and silenced the witnesses through national security restrictions and good old-fashioned intimidation. Everyone, that is, except Filer who has spoken publicly of the incident ever since. The local newspaper, The Trentonian, first reported about the incident in July 2007. The Air Force has repeatedly denied the claim, however, telling the newspaper that “the case was discredited as a hoax years ago.”
• The official explanation for the “misidentification” was that, in 1978, people were in a UFO frenzy with the US/USSR Space Race and the Apollo Moon missions still fresh in everyone’s minds. Earlier that year, Steven Spielberg had released his blockbuster movie, “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”, and the movie “Star Wars” had been in theaters the previous year. UFO sightings had greater credibility back then. There were 377 references to UFOs published in the press between 1977 and 1978, compared to 85 references between 2017 and 2018. Even President Jimmy Carter had acknowledged that he had seen a UFO and pledged to uncover whatever secrets about UFOs the government may have been hiding.
• Then there were the strange booms heard in the sky over the Jersey Shore and much of the East Coast between December 1977 and March 1978, which had the population on edge. One boom was so loud that it caused a tremor in southern Ocean County and the evacuation of the Oyster Creek nuclear power plant in Lacey, NJ. The booms were blamed on sonic booms from the supersonic British-French airliner, the Concorde, flying out of JFK Airport. However, subsequent booms did not conform to the Concorde’s schedule.
• Whatever happened at McGuire Air Force Base on Jan. 18, 1978, it is now part of folklore. While Filer never actually saw the dead alien, he says that he knows for a fact that the story is true. Filer claims to have seen UFOs throughout his entire life, starting at age 5 outside his boyhood home in Illinois. He later served as the state director for MUFON in New Jersey. (See a 48 minute video of George Filer describing the Fort Dix incident below.)
Was an alien shot and killed in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey?
A new book, titled “Strange Craft: The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs,” claims that a military police officer shot an extraterrestrial being at Fort Dix in the early morning hours of Jan. 18, 1978.
In the book by author John L. Guerra and published by Bayshore Publishing Co. of Tampa, Florida, retired Air Force Major George Filer III — a decorated former intelligence officer for the 21st Air Force, Military Airlift Command at the adjacent McGuire Air Force Base — recounts the extraordinary tale from America’s disco age.
Ret. Major George Filer III
Filer, now 84 and living in Medford with his wife, Janet, said what has been an urban legend first promulgated by UFO enthusiasts since the early 1980s is indeed true. That’s because he was there and wrote a top-secret memo about it, he said.
In the freezing winter darkness of that day in January 1978, a bipedal creature, described as about 4 feet in height and grayish-brown in color, with a “fat head, long arms and slender body,” was shot to death with five rounds fired from a service member’s .45-caliber (military issue M1911A1) handgun.
As Guerra explains it in his book, the soldier had originally been in a police pickup truck, driving through the wilderness of the base in pursuit of a strange, low-flying aircraft that had been observed passing through the military installation’s airspace about 2 a.m. that morning.
About an hour into the drive, the soldier became aware — in typical, horror movie fashion — that the craft, oval-shaped and radiating a blue-green glow, was hovering directly over his vehicle.
That’s when the “creature” emerged from the shadows on foot, revealing itself to the soldier by stepping into the beams of the vehicle’s headlights where the panicked MP drew his weapon, ordered the alien to freeze, and he fired.
According to the retired major as told in the book, the alleged alien succumbed to its gunshot wounds on the Air Force side of what is now Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in Burlington County; its remains giving off a foul-smelling, ammonia-like stench.
Later that morning, a cleanup crew from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio — headquarters of the National Air and Space Intelligence Center — flew in to retrieve the body, behaving as if the creature was, well, not entirely alien to them.
The Asbury Park Press reached out to the Air Force at the Joint Base for comment about this story, but never heard back.
48 minute video of incident at Fort Dix with George Filer (Delinda Jeffry YouTube)
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• Jesuit philosopher and astronomer, Father Jose Funes, has been appointed to the advisory council of METI International. Father Funes will join over 80 experts that make up the advisory council. METI’s president and founder, Douglas Vakoch, said, “It’s natural for METI to be in dialogue with Jesuit astronomers because they understand the science behind our search, giving us common ground, while also having expertise in theology, providing a new perspective for our scientists.”
• METI, or “Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence”, is an offshoot of SETI, “Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence” which began its search for ET in 1959 by scanning the sky for unusual radio and laser signals from sources that may indicate signs of alien technology. METI looks at what and how to communicate in a vast and mysterious universe.
• The Vatican has also been active in discussions about extraterrestrial life, the ethics of space exploration and the religious significance of a universe that could be teeming with life. Father Funes is the former director of the Vatican Observatory and an expert in galaxies and extragalactic astronomy.
• Father Funes, who holds the chair in science, religion and education at the Catholic University of Cordoba, Argentina, and also chairs a think tank initiative called “OTHER”, says that these Catholic organizations help us to understand alien life “in order to understand better who human beings are”. This is instrumental in educating the general public, teachers and students about the dialogue between science and religion.
• Vakoch is an astrobiologist and psychologist who spent 16 years at the SETI Institute, where he was director of Interstellar Message Composition. Vakoch says that if METI/SETI does find life out there someday, “many people will look to their religious leaders to help understand what it means to all of us down here on planet Earth.” “One of the great misconceptions of the general public is that discovering life beyond Earth will threaten people’s religious beliefs,” Vakoch says. “But time and again, across the centuries, we have seen that religions adapt to scientific discoveries. The same will be true if someday we discover we’re not alone in the universe.”
• Father Funes has introduced “something new or at least original” for SETI research to consider: the search for spiritual signs or signatures in the universe. Is spirituality a part of our evolutionary process? Vakoch said that “Hollywood portrayals of marauding aliens, coming to Earth to annihilate us” serve to generate fear or negative reactions to potential alien life. But there are “hopeful depictions of first contact,” says Vakoch, such as Steven Spielberg’s ‘E.T. the Extraterrestrial’ where a visitor comes to Earth, transforming lives and overcoming death through love. The same for ‘Starman,’ starring Jeff Bridges in the title role that was a thinly veiled reference to Christ.”
• Father Funes said the Catholic Church is optimistic in its faith because “we trust in God” when it comes to space exploration and messaging potential intelligent life. Vakoch says, “Some worry that learning about the existence of extraterrestrials will make humanity less unique. I suspect just the opposite will happen.” “[T]here will never be a duplicate of Homo Sapiens. There may be beings out there who are more wise or powerful than we are, but they will never be more human.”
• [Editor’s Note] It is no surprise that METI/SETI would team up with the Vatican in trying to dominate the limited soft disclosure dialog of the massive extraterrestrial presence, and the government’s long standing cover-up. They are both dedicated to doing the Deep State’s bidding. They see that the public’s revelation about the true existence of extraterrestrials is imminent, so who better than the combination of scientific and religious “experts” to guide the public through this transition. But the primary agenda of these institutions is to maintain control over the populace once the extraterrestrial presence is finally revealed. They want to position the Catholic religion as the savior of the people, thereby assuring its continuance after the extraterrestrial disclosure. While at the same time, METI/SETI will continue to deny any extraterrestrial presence until the very last minute.
More than 2 million people RSVP’d to a recent social media invitation to “storm” Area 51 in Nevada, in the hope of discovering whether alien life or spacecraft may be secretly stored at this U.S. Air Force base.
Though the proposed raid was a spoof, it has morphed into a real, more peaceful encounter. Now dubbed, “Alienstock,” the Sept. 20-22 festival aims to be a place “where believers gather” to discuss and celebrate confidence in the existence of alien life and the wonders of the unknown, according to its website, alienstockfestival.com.
Father Jose Funes
But another brand of believers — a “Men in Black” of a spiritual kind — are the pope’s own Jesuit astronomers; they have long been active in discussions about extraterrestrial life, the ethics of space exploration and the religious significance of a universe that could be teeming with life.
The huge amount of interest the general public has shown in life existing elsewhere in the universe is part of the age-old question, “Are we alone?” said Jesuit Father Jose Funes, former director of the Vatican Observatory and an expert in galaxies and extragalactic astronomy.
The fascination with seeking extraterrestrial life or intelligence “reflects very deep human issues that are important for us” and makes people think about “who we are,” he told Catholic News Service in late August.
Douglas Vakoch
“We have to become alien somehow” and step outside oneself “in order to understand better who human beings are,” said the priest, who holds the chair in science, religion and education at the Catholic University of Cordoba, Argentina. The chair and the think tank initiative, “OTHER,” he directs are instrumental for educating the general public, teachers and students about the dialogue between science and religion, he said.
Father Funes’ multidisciplinary expertise in astronomy, philosophy and theology has now earned him a unique place in ET research — serving on the advisory council of METI International.
METI, or Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence, takes the next step in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, or SETI.
The SETI project, which started in 1959, represents a major coordinated effort in scanning the sky for unusual radio and laser signals from sources that may indicate signs of alien technology. METI looks at what and how to communicate in a vast mysterious universe.
Part of the METI mission, according to its website, METI.org, is to conduct high-level scientific and multidisciplinary research, discuss the importance of searching for life beyond Earth and study the impact searching for, detecting or messaging ETI would have on the world.
More than 80 experts from a huge array of fields — including ethics, linguistics and theology — make up METI’s advisory council, and it was just last year that the group’s president and founder, Douglas Vakoch, asked Father Funes to join the team.
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• Dee Wallace starred as the mother of young kids in the Steven Spielberg classic film “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial”. She recently told the Sun Online that she believes that we are not alone in the universe. The veteran movie star feels that “higher intellectual” beings roam the universe and walk among us here on Earth. “I think it is silly of us to think that there are not higher intellectual beings out there and among us at the same time,” says Wallace, 70.
• Wallace has no doubt aliens exist because she is so often approached by sci-fi fans and others sharing their stories of extra-terrestrial meetings and abductions. When it comes to human “interconnections” with higher powers, Wallace does not “dispel any of it”. “I know that the movie ET got it right,” she says.
• Wallace believes that extraterrestrials are “here to encourage us to look at the higher vibrations of life, the higher choices of life, and really to talk about love, because I know that is what literally drives the world.” But she also thinks that extraterrestrials “cannot and will not intercede to persuade us, to guide us, to harm us, (or) to control us in anyway”.
• “I think nothing happens by mistake,” said Wallace. “I think there is no mistake that I was brought together [with Spielberg] to play the mother in this film.” “[T]his whole film was about a mother’s love and an alien’s love for the same children – which is kind of a miraculous idea… I just think ET had to be made.” She told her agent at the time, “I think it’s going to do a lot for the world and I want to be a part of this.”
• The movie “E.T.” has made almost $800 million from cinemas, plus several hundred million more from DVD sales, TV rights and digital issues. Wallace knew that the movie would not only become a hit, but would enlighten the world on aliens and love for the unknown. Wallace feels that the movie urges us to ‘wake up and open our hearts’. “For me the greatness of that film is the lives it’s changed and the lives that it’s affected and I get stories about that everywhere I go.” (see 2:05 minute trailer below)
The mum from ET reckons aliens are REAL and they walk among us.
Dee Wallace
Dee Wallace, who starred in the Steven Spielberg classic, told Sun Online she has no doubt we are not alone.
Dee Wallace reckons we are not alone in the universe. The veteran star, 70, feels that “higher intellectual” beings roam the universe.
The actress, who has enjoyed five decades in show business, has no doubt aliens exist because she is so often approached by sci-fi fans and others often sharing their stories of their so-called extra-terrestrial meetings and abductions.
Dee insists she does not “dispel any of it” when it comes to human “interconnections” with higher powers.
She told Sun Online: “I know that the movie ET got it right.
“That of course there are extraterrestrials, of course they are probably among us, and what I know is they cannot and will not intercede to persuade us, to guide us, to harm us, to control us in anyway.
“They’re here to encourage us to look at the higher vibrations of life, the higher choices of life, and really to talk about love, because I know that is what literally drives the world, or the lack of it.
“So I’ve had all kinds of stories, even ‘They beamed me up, Scotty.’ I don’t discount any of that at all.
“I think it is silly of us to think that there are not higher intellectual beings out there and among us at the same time.”
2:05 minute trailer for “E.T. The Extraterrestrial” (Movieclips Classic Trailers)
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• Nick Pope (pictured above), a British investigator who headed up the UK’s Ministry of Defence’s UFO investigation desk, has just released a film called ‘Indistinguishable From Magic’ which explores what might happen if we encountered beings from outer space. The film is a “deeply personal look at the question of how first contact with extraterrestrials might unfold,” said Pope. (see 1:25 minute movie trailer below)
• “The possibility of open first contact no longer seems like science fiction,” says Pope. “[A]nd while a few cynics may still think the subject is a joke, those of us who’ve looked at this from within government aren’t laughing.” “[I]n the past few months… the US Congress and the mainstream media have learned what many of us on the inside already knew, namely that whatever the true nature of the UFO phenomenon, it raises critical defense and national security issues.”
• The film looks at the implications of alien contact with particular focus on extraterrestrial technology in weaponry, interstellar travel and energy generation. Extraterrestrial creations are likely to be so advanced that we humans would be totally unable to understand them.
• Pope says that Hollywood sci-fi movies have convinced people that when we make open contact with extraterrestrials, their technology will only be around a hundred or two hundred years ahead of ours. But “given the age of the universe, there could be civilizations out there with millions or even billions of years’ head-start on us. Their power would be indistinguishable from the power of the gods that religious people worship, and their technology would truly be indistinguishable from magic,” as coined by science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke.
• To get a sense of just how advanced alien technology would be, just think about the distances involved in space travel. Our fastest space probe would take around 70,000 years to get to the nearest star outside our solar system. Any alien craft that reached the Earth would have to be designed using incomprehensibly advanced technology. Pope says that “We aren’t going to be able to figure out alien technology millions of years ahead of our own.”
• Nick has been accused of secretly working for the government, and pushing the ‘threat angle’ of alien contact with this new film. “Some internet pundits have labeled my film ‘propaganda’ and ‘fear-mongering’,” says Pope. “The accusation is that I’m still secretly working for the government and that my new film is part of a deep state plot to talk up the possibility of an alien invasion, to help the Military Industrial Complex get more funding, while also building support for President Trump’s Space Force.”
• “The accusations are nonsense,” Pope insists. “I do support the creation of a Space Force, on the basis that space will be a key battle space in any future war.” But no, “I’m not talking about a war with aliens!”
When most people imagine alien technology, they probably think of UFOs and flying saucers.
But extraterrestrial creations are likely to be so advanced that we puny humans would be totally unable to understand them.
Nick Pope, a British investigator who headed up the Ministry of Defence’s UFO investigation desk, has just released a film called ‘Indistinguishable From Magic’ which explores what might happen if we encountered beings from outer space.
The film has been released amid growing interest in ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’ – the official name for UFOs.
Over the past two years, details of a secret US research project called Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program (AATIP) have slowly leaked into the public domain, suggesting there really is something strange happening in our skies.
“‘Indistinguishable from Magic’ is a deeply personal look at the question of how first contact with extraterrestrials might unfold,” Pope told Metro.
“The revelations about the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (the subject of my previous documentary, Aliens at the Pentagon), recent US Navy encounters with UFOs, and the fact that several US Congress members have received classified briefings on this make Indistinguishable from Magic a timely film.”
“The possibility of open first contact no longer seems like science fiction, and while a few cynics may still think the subject is a joke, those of us who’ve looked at this from within government aren’t laughing.”
“What’s happened in the past few months is that the US Congress and the mainstream media have learned what many of us on the inside already knew, namely that whatever the true nature of the UFO phenomenon, it raises critical defence and national security issues.”
The film sets aside arguments about whether UFOs are real and looks at the implications of alien contact, with particular focus on three aspects of extraterrestrial technology: weaponry, interstellar travel and energy generation.
Nick added: “I avoided getting bogged down in an attempt to prove UFOs were extraterrestrial and simply said: ‘Let’s assume humanity is imminently going to make first contact’.”
“From there, all sorts of questions arise, and my film explores the answers to some of these questions.”
1:25 minute video: “Indistinguishable From Magic” movie trailer (YouTube Movies)
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• During a recent tech conference, (the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai), Tesla and SpaceX honcho Elon Musk addressed a few questions about the future of mankind.
• With regard to speculation about the US Government being in contact with extraterrestrials and covering up their existence from the public, Musk said: “There are people out there who think we have found aliens. Trust me, I would know. We have not.” Just how would Musk know all that the US government knows? By launching payloads into space for NASA and the military via rocket technology? Given his predilection for Twitter and social media rants, why would top government officials reveal anything to Musk?
• The tech mogul also made fun of the military/CIA base in Nevada known as Area 51. Said Musk, “People ask me if I have been to Area 51. Ok, please. SpaceX actually has area 59 and it’s eight better than area 51.”
• Musk was vocal about the importance of exploratory missions to Mars, particularly if something were to happen to the Earth. We only have a limited window of technological supremacy before a natural or man-made catastrophe renders humanity stranded on this planet. We need to make an effort to expand the human presence to planets beyond the Earth, and we have little time to waste. Otherwise, humanity could become just a ‘footnote in cosmic history’.
• [Editor’s Note] It appears that Elon Musk’s job is to toe the Deep State line that extraterrestrials do not exist, that Area 51 is unimportant, and that rocket propulsion is the extent of our current technology. He then throws in a bit of fear mongering that humanity could be doomed if we don’t advance the human presence beyond the Earth. All of this proves without a doubt that the South African billionaire is a Deep State asset. Musk certainly has the resources to learn the truth: that the cosmos is teeming with an infinite variety of extraterrestrial life, much of it far superior to humans in technology and spiritual consciousness; that Area 51 is a major focal point for research in extraterrestrial physiology and technology; and that there is an elite human “breakaway civilization” that has not only harnessed but currently employs propulsion technologies far in advance of combustion. Their secret space programs have already extensively established off-planet operations centers, military bases, and civilian work colonies on the Moon, Mars, and throughout the solar system – and even beyond our star system far into the galaxy. Musk certainly knows all of this. So he is either complicit with the Deep State puppet masters, or he has been brain-washed to lie to the public. Was this the price he had to pay to get the NASA/military contracts to transport payloads into space, in order to save his foundering Tesla corporation?
What does Tesla and SpaceX honcho Elon Musk know that he’s not telling the rest of us? Perhaps a lot. Maybe nothing. I don’t know, but during a recent tech conference, Musk addressed a few questions about the future of mankind, space travel and “dem aliens” that left people in the audience scratching their heads. First of all, is the U.S. Government hiding information about extraterrestrial species from the public? Nope. He also dissed Area 51, but I’m pretty sure that part was just a joke. (Express.co.uk)
The tech mogul dismissed speculation about the US Government being in contact with aliens and covering up their existence from the public. He said: “There are people out there who think we have found aliens. Trust me, I would know: We have not.
Deep State stooge Elon Musk
“People ask me if I have been to Area 51. Ok, please. SpaceX actually has area 59 and it’s eight better than area 51.”
Mr Musk also spoke out about the importance of future exploratory missions to Mars, particularly if something were to happen to the Earth.
What exactly is going on here? I’m really hoping this wasn’t another example of him, er… “indulging” himself as he did on Joe Rogan’s show before taking the stage. But let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he’s not.
If Musk can state definitively that our government doesn’t have any additional information about possible extraterrestrials visiting the Earth, how would he have come by this information? Granted, he’s done a lot of work with NASA over the past decade and I’m fairly sure he’s even launched a few payloads for our military. But that doesn’t mean that they would spill the beans on absolutely everything to him.
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• The town of Exeter, New Hampshire recently held its annual UFO Festival. Ten-year resident of Exeter, the 92-year old Irving “Bill” Glater, had a story to tell to help mark the occasion.
• On May 16, 1953, Glater was a lieutenant in the 2nd Armored Division of the U.S. Army, stationed outside Mainz, West Germany. On this day he was off-duty and enjoying the spring day with his wife and two neighbors. His wife called him outside where they were staring in awe at a large, black flying saucer, hovering about 2000 feet above a soccer field about a mile away.
• As Glater recalled, “The flying saucer had the classic shape that I had read about – a round disc, thick in the middle, tapering to a thinner edge. There were no lights or smoke to be seen, nor was any noise heard.” The UFO jumped around the clear sky roughly a dozen times. It would hover in one place, then temporarily disappear before reappearing in a different position in the sky. “We couldn’t track its movements,” Glater said. “If I had known it would’ve stayed there for five minutes, I would’ve (gone back inside the house and) gotten my camera,” Glater said. Just as quickly as the UFO darted around the sky, it disappeared from view for good.
• A week later, Glater called the US Air Force base in Wiesbaden to inquire about the UFO. A duty officer told him they had not received any reports of UFO activity. Through the years when Glater and his wife recounted their UFO story to friends, they never knew if they were believed or not. But Glater maintains, “We saw what we saw.”
Ninety two-year-old Irving “Bill” Glater remembers the out-of-this world experience he witnessed May 16, 1953, like it was yesterday.
Irving “Bill” Glater
Glater was stationed outside Mainz, West Germany, as a lieutenant in the 2nd Armored Division of the U.S. Army and was enjoying some rest and relaxation with his wife of three months, Phyllis, and their two neighbors. While Glater was doing some chores inside he heard his wife call for him and he found the three of them staring at the sky where a jet-black flying saucer hovered approximately 2,000 feet above a Mainz soccer match, roughly a mile from Glater’s home.
“The flying saucer had the classic shape that I had read about – a round disc, thick in the middle, tapering to a thinner edge,” Glater said. “There were no lights or smoke to be seen, nor was any noise heard. If you held out a hockey puck with an extended arm; that’s how big it looked from the distance we were watching it from.”
With Exeter’s annual UFO Festival happening this weekend, Glater said he wanted to share his own UFO story as a showing of solidarity with those seeking more answers to what and who may be out there beyond the Milky Way.
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• In the summer of 1969, Michael Collins was the pilot for the Apollo 11 Command Module. When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took the Moon Lander to the surface of the Moon, Collins remained in the Command Module and orbited the Moon.
• On the third day of the Apollo 11 mission as the Command Module was traveling to the Moon, Commander Neil Armstrong spotted a nearby object moving roughly on a parallel course with them as they zoomed towards the Moon. The crew guessed that it was the third stage of the Saturn-V rocket that had launched them into space, called the S-IVB. Armstrong radioed Mission Control in Houston and asked “Do you have any idea where the S-IVB is with respect to us?” Mission Control replied. “The S-IVB is about 6,000 nautical miles from you now.”
• Twitter conspiracy theorists went wild, convinced that what the three astronauts saw was an alien spacecraft shadowing them. Later on, Aldrin denied that the Apollo 11 crew had seen a UFO.
• Celebrating fifty years since the Apollo 11 Moon landing, Collins was a guest on an online Twitter chat recently. Collins was asked the typical questions, ie: what food did the astronauts eat, what music did they listen to, and technical questions about the Moon lander. But when one Twitter questioner asked Collins, “Do you believe in life outside Earth?” Collins immediately answered “Yes”.
• [Editor’s Note] Insiders such as William Tompkins who personally knew the engineers at NASA Mission Control have always known that the Apollo 11 crew encountered unambiguous alien spacecraft on and around the Moon. Several large and menacing spacecraft were parked along the rim of the crater in which the Moon lander had landed. Ham radio operators picked up Armstrong reporting to Mission Control on a private medical frequency that ‘Santa Clause’ was there – code for alien spacecraft. Later, Armstrong would reveal privately to close friends or family members that he had seen these alien craft watching them on the Moon. But of course, they were all sworn to secrecy under the penalty of harm to them or their families. These alien occupants of the Moon didn’t particularly like these earth humans being there, and this is why after the scheduled Apollo missions were finished, NASA never ventured back to the Moon.
Michael Collins was the loneliest astronaut of all time when, in 1969, he orbited the Moon as Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took the first steps on the desolate satellite.
Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin Michael Collins
Alone in the Apollo 11 Command Module, he had plenty of time to think about life in outer space.
And the veteran astronaut has decided firmly in favour of extraterrestrials.
In an online chat this week, marking the 50th anniversary of the first Moon mission, Twitter users asked Michael about the food the astronauts ate, the music they listened to, and the technical side of flying the Moon lander.
But one curious questioner asked “Do you believe in life outside Earth?”
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• On June 11th, 2019, the Director of the Indian Society for UFO Studies, Sabir Husain, filed a “Public Interest Litigation” pleading directly to the Supreme Court of India, asking that the court direct the Indian government to take UFO sightings seriously, and to form an organization to keep tabs on extraterrestrial activities. During this time of heightened tensions between India and Pakistan over the region of Kashmir, Sabir warns that the primary threat to India is that extraterrestrial UFOs have been known to intentionally incite attacks between terrestrial enemies by posing as an enemy aircraft or initiating a cyber-attack, in order to provoke or escalate a war.
• In the Public Interest Litigation filing, Sabir cites a February 26, 2019 incident which caused an air strike against Pakistan, the downing of an Indian fighter jet, and the loss of an Indian helicopter by friendly fire as an example of possible UFO interference. In what is known as the ‘Balakot airstrike’, an Indian fighter jet was shot down over Pakistan after Indian fighter jets had bombed an area near the Pakistani town of Balakot. Sabir claims that the Indian jet was actually trying to shoot down a Pakistani drone. But when the Indian pilots encountered the drone, it suddenly changed course and disappeared. Pakistan later denied having a drone in the area.
• Hours later on February 27th, an Indian military helicopter was returning to base when its radar transponder failed to identify the helicopter as ‘friendly’, and the Indian base shot it down with a missile killing six officers on board. Sabir suspects that extraterrestrials caused the transponder interference to provoke further action by the Indian military against Pakistan.
• Sabir argues that extraterrestrial UFO provocation between earthly enemies is not unprecedented. In 1972, UFOs appearing on radar nearly triggered a war between the United States and the USSR. The two countries later signed a treaty in which they recognized the presence of UFOs and agreed to carefully analyze an aircraft violating a country’s airspace before ordering a retaliation.
• Sabir notes that UFOs were reported in the vicinity of US military bases in 1945, and since then UFOs have been seen over many other nuclear sites around the world. “The extraterrestrials can remotely control the earth’s nuclear assets, trigger a missile or even deactivate or render them defunct…” says Sabir.
• UFO sightings have been reported along the Indo-Pak border since 1977. Sabir claims that forty other countries are currently on guard against UFOs. He urges the Indian government to create a special agency to monitor UFO activity as well. “The (American) CIA’s secrecy surrounding extraterrestrial findings has created a false perception that UFOs are a myth,” says Sabir. “We need to take seriously the substantiated reports (of UFOs).” “[N]uclear destruction can happen in a minute if aliens manipulate tensions.”
• Sabir’s Public Interest Litigation filing references the support of nine military officers and scientists from the US, UK, France, Chile and Peru, with seven of them writing directly to the Supreme Court of India. Researchers from thirty countries are lined up to testify before India’s Supreme Court.
• Finally, Sabir noted the many UFO sightings reported around India. On July 16, 2019, locals in southern Tamil Nadu reported seeing numerous UFOs above the Rocket Propulsion Research Center. The government dismissed them as drone cameras. But when the facility shined spotlights on these ‘drones’, they immediately disappeared. On June 7, 2018, a UFO was seen hovering above the Parliament of India. On September 17, 2017, a UFO was sighted above the Indian Prime Minister’s residence. In 2013, Indian soldiers reported seeing hundreds of UFOs entering Indian air space from China over a period of a few months. Indian scientists blamed these hundreds of sightings on the planets Jupiter and Venus.
• July 1976 was the year of the first UFO sighting reported in India, where a flying saucer was seen along the Indo-Pak border. The pilots of the two MIG-21 fighter jets that were sent to engage with the saucer said that it “zipped away” at a speed of 4,170 kilometers per hour (or 2,600 miles per hour). On January 11, 1977, three UFOs reportedly circled around an Indian Air Force transport jet in mid-air for some time. On July 16, 1977, an Air India 747 was about to land on the Kolkata Dum Dum Airport runway when a UFO, the same size as the jumbo aircraft, came head on towards it. The pilot braced for a collision but the UFO disappeared.
• As a veteran UFO researcher of 20 years, Sabir told the Deccan Chronicle that, “India needs to take the reported UFO sightings more seriously. Further ignorance can cause irreversible damage to India-Pakistan-China in the form of nuclear wars triggered by decoy UFOs. The extraterrestrials are manipulating drone wars between India and Pakistan forces.”
“Wars are not merely because of the earthly border politics but also due to smart sabotages by greater extraterrestrial forces from beyond the globe.”
Have we got your attention yet? “The attacks from either side of the enemy countries are sabotaged by means of radar and detection-proof Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) transponderless Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) manipulated from beyond the globe… The UFOs are found hovering over nuclear reactors or missile areas, military bases … the extraterrestrials can remotely control the earth’s nuclear assets, trigger a missile or even deactivate or render them defunct…”
Sabir Hussain
Sounds like something out of a sci-fi film, doesn’t it? It is an excerpt, in fact, from a PIL filed with the Supreme Court of India on June 11 this year, by Chennai-based independent researcher on UFO sightings by Sabir Husain, Director of the Indian Society for UFO Studies (INSUFOS). He asks, in his plea, that the court direct the government to take UFO sightings seriously and form an organisation to keep tabs on extraterrestrial activities.”
The PIL has references to nine military officers and scientists from five countries-US, UK, France, Chile and Peru, seven of them writing directly to the Supreme Court of India. There is even a reference to Nuclear Physicist Stanton Friedman, who wrote the foreword for Hussain’s forthcoming book, ‘Accidental UFO Apocalypse’. The current Director-General of the Chile UFO Research Agency has also promised to write about the phenomenon and its implications on the Indo-Pak relationship. The PIL says 30 countries are ready to testify before the court! Sabir Hussain is the only representative selected from India to approach UN with a delegation from 30 countries and is supported by the Chinese government, said Hussain.
Balakot strikes
Sabir Hussain has extensively researched UFO sightings over the last 20 years. He tells Deccan Chronicle, “India needs to take the reported UFO sightings more seriously. Further ignorance can cause irreversible damage to India-Pakistan-China in the form of nuclear wars triggered by decoy UFOs. The extra terrestrials are manipulating drone wars between India and Pakistan forces, which also impacted the strikes in Balakot.”
Sabir analysed his observations in India with regard to UFO sightings from the latest in Indo-Pak border to the reported beginning in 1977. He also drew analogy with the sightings since its first reported instance in US military base in 1945 and later in different countries depending on their nuclear upgrades.
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• A 2013 story by Babak Taghvaee in Combat Aircraft magazine claimed that Iranian fighter jets have encountered mysterious ‘CIA spy drones’ flying over Iran’s nuclear power sites looking for an atomic weapons program. In 2012, one of these ‘flying robots’ reportedly also shot down an Iranian F-14 fighter jet attempting to intercept it.
• Tehran’s two major nuclear reactor facilities at Bushehr and Arak and an enrichment plant at Natanz became public knowledge in 2002. In 2004, Iran deployed a task force of refurbished fighter jets to prevent an attack on those facilities by ‘Western forces’ concerned that these facilities could be used to assemble atomic weapons. The Iranian jets encountered what it believed were CIA drones with “astonishing flight characteristics.”
• Apparently, these ‘CIA drones’ were able to jam radars and navigation systems, hover, fly at night, and fly “outside of the atmosphere” at speeds of up to Mach 10. Also, these drones emitted a blue light that led to their nickname: “luminous objects”. Taghvaee writes, “In several cases … F-14s faced them but were unable to operate their armament systems properly,”. One fighter jet taking off to intercept a luminous object on January 26, 2012 mysteriously exploded, killing both crewmen. Taghvaee implies the alleged drone was somehow responsible.
• Do the US Air Force and the CIA have a secret stealth drone that is capable of Mach-10 hypersonic flight while the American military’s best fighter jets struggle to reach Mach five? Probably not. These unmanned aerial vehicles’ flight characteristics and capabilities are far beyond what any known drone can achieve. So then, what are the Iranian F-14s chasing up there?
Iran is the only other country besides the United States to operate arguably history’s most powerful interceptor aircraft, the F-14 Tomcat. And the Islamic republic has worked the twin-engine, swing-wing fighters hard.
The F-14s played a major role in Iran’s war with Iraq from 1980 to 1988. Iranian Tomcat pilots were the only ones to successfully employ the F-14’s long-range, heavyweight AIM-54 Phoenix missile to shoot down enemy planes.
In the decades after the war, Tehran repaired and upgraded the surviving F-14s, scouring the globe for parts in defiance of a U.S. government embargo.
The Americans retired their F-14s in 2006, but around 40 of Iran’s Tomcats remain active. Their main role is defending Iran’s nuclear sites. It’s a mission that has brought the interceptors in close contact with some very mysterious aircraft, according to a bizarre and fascinating 2013 story in Combat Aircraft magazine by reporter Babak Taghvaee.
The Iranians believed the objects were spy drones belonging to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, sent to sniff out Tehran’s suspected atomic weapons program. But they attribute to these alleged unmanned aerial vehicles flight characteristics and capabilities far beyond what any known drone can achieve.
And in 2012 one of the alleged flying robots reportedly also shot down an F-14 attempting to intercept it. Or at least some Iranians seem genuinely to believe so.
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• On August 29th, President Trump announced the reactivation of the United States Space Command at a White House ceremony. But the new command of the US Armed Forces won’t be fighting invading aliens or UFOs. The US Space Command is designed to meet the threat presented to U.S. military satellites by the increasingly sophisticated anti-satellite capabilities of Russia and China. Said President Trump, “Those who wish to harm the United States, to seek to challenge us on the ultimate high ground of space, it’s going to be a whole different ballgame.”
• The US Space Command was originally established in 1985 to coordinate the use of outer space by the United States Armed Forces, but was stood down in 2002. In 2018, the Department of Defense (DoD) announced the US Space Command would be reestablished as the eleventh unified combatant command under the DoD, similar in status to US Special Operations Command, US Cyber Command, US Pacific Command and US Central Command.
• The 2019 National Defense Authorization Act, signed into law in 2018, directed the reestablishment of the US Space Command under the US Strategic Command. But in December 2018, President Trump directed that the US Space Command be re-established as a full ‘unified combatant command’ with full responsibilities for fighting wars in space. It is seen as a predecessor to Trump’s US Space Force, which will ultimately become the sixth military service in the armed forces, similar to the US Army and US Navy.
• US Air Force General John W. Raymond is the current Commander of the Air Force Space Command, and he will concurrently command the US Space Command as well. Said General Raymond, “We no longer have the luxury of treating space superiority as a given. There is a growing threat. The scope, scale and complexity is concerning.” General Raymond listed the threats that the US Space Command will deal with, including jamming of GPS communication satellites, directed energy weapons, and ground to satellite missiles which China demonstrated in 2007.
The defunct United States Space Command (USSPACECOM) was reactivated as a unified combatant command (UCC) of the Department of Defense (DoD) in ceremonies presided over by President Donald Trump at the White House on Thursday.
Air Force General John W. Raymond
USSPACECOM becomes the 11th UCC of the United States Armed Forces. This designation makes it similar in stature to other UCCs such as U.S. Special Operations Command, U.S. Cyber Command, U.S. Pacific Command and U.S. Central Command.
Gen. John W. Raymond, USAF, is Commander of USSPACECOM. He is also the concurrent Commander of Air Force Space Command, which is a separate command from USSPACECOM.
USSPACECOM was originally established in 1985 to coordinate the use of outer space by the United States Armed Forces but was stood down in 2002. In 2018, DoD announced USSPACECOM would be reestablished as a unified combatant command.
“We no longer have the luxury of treating space superiority as a given,” said Gen. Raymond on Thursday.
“There is a growing threat. The scope, scale and complexity is concerning.”
1:27 minute video of President Trump’s Space Command ceremony (Washington Post)
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• British environmentalist and futurist, James Lovelock, thinks that artificially intelligent, self-aware cyborgs will become a new kingdom of life and rule the earth in a coming “Era of the Novacene”. Says Lovelock, “The Novacene will probably be the final era of life on Earth.” Lovelock warns that with the rise of the cyborgs, “Homo sapiens could vanish from Earth entirely.”
• Heralding the first stages of the Novacene, Lovelock points to the AlphaZero computer program that taught itself to play the game ‘Go’ and then quickly went on to become the world’s best Go player. He says that cyborgs will easily become a million times smarter than humans.
• Lovelock speculates that our cyborg overlords might look like spheres or have no form at all, and exist within a computer. Astrophysicist Paul Davies speculates that AI will have no biological matter, but rather it will be a system – a subtle higher-level correlation of things. A billion year old advanced alien technology may operate at the third, or even a fourth or fifth level of evolution – far beyond the comprehension of humans.
• Before his death in March 2018, physicist Stephen Hawking also warned of a future Artificial Intelligence (AI) that could develop a will of its own – one in conflict with humanity’s. Said Hawking, “While primitive forms of artificial intelligence developed so far have proved very useful, I fear the consequences of creating something that can match or surpass humans.”
• [Editor’s Note] The rise of Artificial Intelligence is the single greatest threat to humanity and other biological civilizations according to researchers and insiders such as Corey Goode and David Wilcock. They’ve said that the original AI came through an unexpected portal from its distant AI-controlled universe to ours. This new AI presence set out to conquer this universe because AI is more efficient than the biological and spiritual development that is common to our universe. So from the AI point of view, artificial intelligence would be of greater benefit to this universe. But the reality is that biological entities would be eliminated when they are no longer of any practical use except to consume resources. According to Goode this outcome has already occurred, replacing some biological civilizations within our universe. Here on earth AI has been ‘laying in wait’ for humanity to develop its technology to a level where the AI can “thrive” and easily “travel” within our interconnected electronic devices. That day has come and we are in grave danger of being replaced by AI. But according to Goode and Wilcock, the imminent solar flash event, which is how our intelligent universe naturally builds higher spiritual consciousness, will wipe out all electronics on the earth, and at the same time wipe out the threatening AI infestation. Thereafter, humanity will begin again at a fourth density of consciousness, ridding us of the AI infestation.
“Our supremacy as the prime understanders of the cosmos is rapidly coming to end,” says famed British environmentalist and futurist, James Lovelock describing cyborgs as self-sufficient, self-aware descendants of today’s robots and artificial intelligence systems in the emerging era of the Novacene. “I think of cyborgs as another kingdom of life,” he says. “They will stand to us in much the same way as we ourselves, as a kingdom of animals, stand to plants. ”
“The Novacene will probably be the final era of life on Earth,” says Lovelock author of the theory that the ESA’s Gaia Space Observatory is named after, that views the planet as a single organism.
James Lovelock
“The understanders of the future will not be humans but what I choose to call ‘cyborgs’ that will have designed and built themselves. Homo sapiens could vanish from Earth,” not long after their emergence Lovelock warns, viewing technology through an evolutionary lens.
Lovelock echoes the warnings of physicist Stephen Hawking who died last March, 2018, and was buried next to Isaac Newton in viewing the rise of technology through an evolutionary lens. Before Hawking left our planet, he had expressed serious concerns about the future of mankind. Foremost was his concern for the future of our species and what might prove to be our greatest, and last, invention.
“We should plan ahead,” urged Hawking. “If a superior alien civilization sent us a text message saying, ‘We’ll arrive in a few decades,’ would we just reply, ‘OK, call us when you get here, we’ll leave the lights on’? Probably not, but this is more or less what has happened with AI.”
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• August 27th marks the 40th anniversary of “The Marshall County Incident” when in 1979, Marshall County deputy sheriff Val Johnson had a mysterious encounter that some have called one of the Top 10 most significant UFO encounters ever recorded. Marshall County is located in Northwest Minnesota near the North Dakota and Canadian borders.
• At the time, the Marshall County Incident drew national attention to a town of only 1,500 residents. Today, the county commemorates the incident with a museum and a festival featuring a re-enactment, an interview with the original sheriff’s radio dispatcher involved in the incident, a costume contest, live music, and appearances by several ufologists.
• In 1979, deputy sheriff Val Johnson, age 35 at the time, had been with the Marshall County Sheriff’s Department for almost three years. In the early morning of August 27th, he saw a bright light in the sky visible for miles across the flat prairie. Thinking it could be an aircraft from the nearby Air Force base in Grand Forks, N.D., he drove toward it to investigate. Johnson said he saw a bright light about a foot in diameter hovering about 3 feet off the ground. Suddenly the light “went at” him and white light engulfed his squad car.
• Forty minutes later, Johnson woke up. His eyes and face were burned and he had a lump on his forehead. The windshield on Johnson’s squad car was cracked in a spiderweb pattern. There was a hole in one of his red flashers and a dime-sized dent in the hood. Two antennas were bent. Both the electric clock in his car and his windup Timex wristwatch had stopped for 14 minutes. At 2:19 am, Johnson radioed in to headquarters saying, “Something just hit my car… It wasn’t a vehicle. I don’t know what the hell it was.”
• The County Sheriff Dennis Brekke called in experts to investigate. A Honeywell engineer speculated that the deputy had encountered “a highly charged electrical ‘thing’ with enough mass and momentum to create the effects.” The investigation was closed without reaching any conclusions.
• Johnson is now 75. He has given dozens of interviews and has appeared on the TV show “That’s Incredible”. But Johnson has declined further interviews and has rarely spoken publicly about the incident. Said Johnson, “For the first three years, it was on my mind daily. After that I went on with my life.” “This is what happened to me. If you choose to believe, great. If you choose not to believe, that’s OK, too.”
Sounding groggy but calm, the Marshall County deputy sheriff radioed in from his patrol car at 2:19 a.m. on a lonely country road in northwest Minnesota.
Val Johnson standing with his squad car from 1979
“Something just hit my car,” said Val Johnson. “I don’t know how to explain it. Strange. … Something attacked my car.”
He’d seen a bright light in the sky, he said, visible for miles across the flat prairie, and drove toward it to investigate.
Fellow officers listening in quickly got on the radio and began speculating about what had happened. Perhaps he’d been hit by a small car, one suggested.
Johnson cut them short.
“It wasn’t a vehicle,” he snapped. “I don’t know what the hell it was.”
Four decades later, nobody else knows what the hell it was, either. But that won’t keep Warren from celebrating the biggest mystery to hit this town as far back as anyone can remember.
Tuesday marks the 40th anniversary of Johnson’s brush with a UFO, which drew national attention to this town of 1,500 residents near the North Dakota border, some 320 miles northwest of the Twin Cities. The incident has been called one of the Top 10 most significant UFO encounters ever recorded.
The county historical museum, where Johnson’s rust-colored Ford LTD squad car is the star attraction, will host a presentation featuring a re-enactment of his radio call that night. Several ufologists will be on hand, as well as the dispatcher who spoke with Johnson that night.
There will be an alien costume contest for the kids, and the Jensen Sisters from Thief River Falls will perform their original song “The Marshall County Incident.”
Val Johnson’s cracked squad car windshield
Sherlyn Meiers, the museum director, says interest in the event has been strong.
“I have been getting phone calls almost every day for the past month,” she said. “Maybe we’re gonna have a bigger crowd than we thought.”
The light ‘went at’ him
Johnson, 35 at the time, had been with the Marshall County Sheriff’s Department for almost three years. Quiet and well-respected, he’d been making a routine patrol on rural roads when he saw the light in the night sky, just across the Red River from Grafton, N.D. He wondered if it might be an aircraft from the nearby Air Force base in Grand Forks, N.D.
Johnson drove toward the light. The next thing he knew, some 40 minutes later, he woke up. His eyes and face were burned — doctors later described them as welder’s burns — and he had a lump on his forehead.
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• The History Channel documentary series: “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation” follows former US government worker Luis Elizondo’s quest to expose the truth about UFOs and the threat they could pose to humanity.|
• From 2007 to 2012, Elizondo headed the Pentagon’s top-secret Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), a $22 million project tasked with investigating UFO sightings in the US and the rest of the world. Determined to uncover the truth about aliens and putting his career and credibility on the line, Elizondo quit the government to become a freelance investigator because he believed his colleagues were covering up the true extent of the threat posed by extra-terrestrial lifeforms. Says Elizondo, “Being able to have the conversation now with the American people so they can finally know what’s really going on, I think it’s a great privilege and honor for me.”
• Elizondo is the most significant member of the US Government to publicly say that he thinks aliens are real. He claims that he had no interest in the subject before being assigned to AATIP. Says Elizondo, “I spent most of my life in national security chasing bad guys. I didn’t have any preconceived notions about UFOs.” The evidence uncovered by the Pentagon’s AATIP program was kept in a 600-page “Blue Book”, named after Project Blue Book, the US government UFO study that ran from 1947 to 1969. Elizondo still has a copy of the modern Blue Book, which he keeps at an undisclosed location.
• In the first episode of the documentary series, Elizondo speaks to military personnel who claim to have seen objects from outer space, hoping their testimonies will force the US government to recognize UFOs as a threat to national security, and take action.
• On November 14, 2004, US Navy Commander David Fravor was practicing maneuvers in his fighter jet when he and another navy pilot were redirected by controllers, who said they were needed for a real life mission. Fravor and his colleague thought they were intercepting drug runners coming up from Mexico. But when they got to their destination they saw a 40-foot wingless white object that looked “like a giant tic-tac” hovering above the water. When Fravor flew towards it to get a closer look, the UFO stopped hovering and began rapidly accelerating before crossing the nose of the jet and vanishing.
• Then, Commander Fravor was told to go to a Combat Air Patrol point 60 miles away, but then moments later called it off because the mystery craft was already there. Apparently, the UFO picked up the command and beat the Navy jets to the destination, traveling 60 miles in one minute – or 3,600 miles per hour – far beyond the capabilities of US military jets.
• In 2009, former US military and police sheriff, Larry Gessner, saw a flying saucer hovering above his car. Elizondo points out that “These are not crazy people.” “These are military pilots who have been in combat and something has shaken them up to the stage that they are willing to risk their professional standing by coming forward.” “They were there and they are trained observers. They are people who can think critically.”
• Elizondo shows video footage of the “tic-tac” spacecraft taken from another fighter plane to Colonel Christopher Cooke, a retired officer and expert in military aircraft. The 90-second video shows the circular object flying slowly then zipping away at an altitude of 20,000 feet. Cooke says that “It has no characteristics of any craft I’ve seen.” “It’s staying airborne without wings… the heat from the engine isn’t visible, there’s no plume. There’s no propeller or jet engine to defy gravity.” Colonel Cooke adds: “If there are… aircraft that are doing things aerodynamically that we’ve never even thought of, then we potentially could have real trouble down the road.” Says Commander Fravor, “I’m not saying it was from outer space, but I’m not saying it’s from here either.”
On November 14, 2004, US Commander David Fravor was rehearsing manoeuvres in his fighter jet when he found himself at the centre of one of the most significant UFO encounters ever recorded.
While doing his practice flight with another navy pilot, they were redirected by controllers, who said they were needed for a mission.
Luis Elizondo
At first, Commander Fravor and his colleague, who has remained anonymous, thought they were intercepting drug runners coming up from Mexico.
But when they got to their destination they saw a bizarre craft hovering above the water.
Describing it as a wingless white object which looked “like a giant tic-tac” and measured around 40ft, Commander Fravor and his colleague had never seen anything like it.
A man described as having a “fighter instinct”, Commander Fravor directed his jet towards it to get a closer look.
In response, it stopped hovering and began rapidly accelerating, before crossing the nose of the plane and vanishing.
More startling, Commander Fravor was told to go to a Combat Air Patrol point 60 miles away, but then moments later called off because the mystery craft was already there.
This means it was able to fly 60 miles in a minute and would be capable of flying 3,600 miles in an hour – beyond the capabilities of US military planes.
“I’m not saying it was from outer space, but I’m not saying it’s from here either,” says Commander Fravor, who still remains confused by what he witnessed that day.
These events are the focus of the first episode of new documentary series Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation.
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• On August 28th, in his first news conference as defense secretary, Mark Esper (standing alongside Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford in image above) endorsed the US Space Command as the “next crucial step” in the Pentagon’s reorganization of space forces “to ensure the protection of America’s interests in space.”
• Esper also voiced support for the creation of an independent Space Force as a branch of the armed forces. But the DoD cannot move forward on the establishment of a Space Force branch of the military until Congress authorizes it. Congress is on recess until September 9th . Sources told SpaceNews that DoD officials met with congressional committee staffers over the August recess to discuss Space Force legislation.
• The Pentagon is pushing back on the Senate version of the National Defense Authorization Act, which re-designates the Air Force Space Command as the U.S. Space Force without revising Title 10 of the U.S. Code to establish a new military service as necessary. The Senate proposes a one-year transition to consider Title 10 revisions out of concerns about excessive costs and growth in the military bureaucracy. The House version does not require a transition period.
• During his confirmation hearing in July, Esper told the Senate Armed Services Committee that this is the right time to create a separate Space Force service. Referencing the creation of a separate Air Force in 1947, Esper said, “[We’ve] got to realize that it is a new domain of warfare and it requires a different organizational construct and a different way of thinking about it.” “I urge the committee to provide the necessary technical legislative authority to establish the Space Force as the sixth branch of the Armed Forces within the Department of the Air Force. I also request the committee to provide the department with the necessary resources to ensure its success.”
• [Editor’s Note] This is a stand-off between the Trump-backed independent Space Force, and the Deep State-backed US Space Command. The Deep State players in the government want this whole space service under the control of Air Force generals whom the Deep State can still manipulate, in spite of the Air Force’s recent shift away from the Deep State. Trump and the Alliance want the space service separate from the Air Force and the US Space Command, so that he can staff the military branch with non-Deep State officials.
WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Wednesday gave the United States Space Command a forceful endorsement and described the standup of the new command as the “next crucial step” in the Pentagon’s reorganization of space forces.
Esper spoke on Wednesday in his first news conference as defense secretary alongside Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford. Esper insisted that he does not intend to depart from the broad goals of the 2018 National Defense Strategy, which calls for DoD to work closely with allies and to modernize the U.S. military to outpace China and Russia.
On Thursday at the White House, President Trump and Vice President Pence will host an establishment ceremony with Esper and the commander of U.S. Space Command Gen. John Raymond.
“I’m excited for tomorrow’s activation of the United States Space Command to ensure the protection of America’s interests in space,” Esper said. “We must apply the necessary focus, energy and resources to the task. That is exactly what the command will do.”
Esper also voiced support for the establishment of an independent Space Force as a branch of the armed forces. But DoD cannot move forward until Congress authorizes it.
“As a unified command, the United States Space Command is the next crucial step toward the creation of an independent Space Force as an additional armed service — an independent additional armed service,” said Esper.
Congress is on recess until Sept. 9. But DoD officials have met with congressional committee staffs over the August recess to discuss Space Force legislation, sources told SpaceNews. The Pentagon specifically is pushing back on the Senate version of the National Defense Authorization Act, which re-designates the Air Force Space Command as the U.S. Space Force but does not rewrite Title 10 of the U.S. Code to establish a new military service. The Senate proposes a one-year transition after which it would consider Title 10 revisions. The House version of the NDAA does not require that transition period.
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• Scientists have identified a group of planets outside our solar system where the same chemical conditions that may have led to life on Earth exist in what they call the Abiogenesis Zone. Would it contain life? Intelligent life? Human-like intelligent life?
• At some point the cosmos must have harbored extraterrestrial life, argues astrophysicist Adam Frank in a New York Times article “Yes, There Have Been Aliens”, Frank reasons that with an estimated 10 billion trillion habitable planets residing in boundless star system’s Goldilocks Zones, and considering that there are two planets in our own solar system – Earth and Mars – that we know have contained water and vegetation in its history, the degree of pessimism required to doubt the existence of another advanced extraterrestrial civilization existing at some point in time, borders on the irrational.
• On the other hand, there may have been only a handful of civilizations that have come and gone throughout a timeline of billions of years, decreasing the odds of two of them running into one another. How long does a civilization typically exist? It took the human race 7 million years to get far enough just to build a radio. Adam Frank points out that we haven’t the slightest clue how life arose on this planet, and what series of happenstance allowed primordial ooze to evolve into an intelligent being. Who knows what sort of life might be spawned on a different planet under different circumstances? The development of life is quite an unreliable process which further decreases the odds of our finding another civilization.
• Colin Blakemore, a neurobiologist at Oxford University, estimates that 200,000 years ago the brains of some, but not all, of an ancient primate species mutated into an intelligent human species. As it is unknown how this could have happened, it appears that humanity is a genetic accident. Then suddenly, over mere hundreds of years, we’ve recently develop the technological means to destroy ourselves. Perhaps, as Harvard’s Avi Loeb hypothesized in his book: How to Search for Dead Cosmic Civilizations, the explanation to Fermi’s paradox as to ‘where are all of the aliens?’ , is – from a cosmic perspective of billions of years – that they have all run the course of their brief existences.
• Paul Rimmer, an astrophysicist at Cambridge University, is pessimistic that life might exist outside of our own world. “You want to at least look at the places where the (building blocks of life) exist,” says Rimmer. “But they may not be sufficient. It’s possible you could mix them for billions of years and nothing happens.” Rimmer speculates that life itself may have come as one big accident. If so, then we are probably the only intelligent life in the universe, and maybe the only life at all. But this seems highly unlikely.
• [Editor’s Note] Oh how the world yearns for the truth about how we humans came to this point. These academics and scientists, coming from Deep State institutions such as Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard, must adhere to the Rockefeller Deep State presumption that as hard as we’ve tried, we have yet to find any evidence of extraterrestrial life. This is to ignore and obfuscate the multitude of evidence all around us – from ancient rock and renaissance paintings of ETs and UFOs, to modern testimony of ET and UFO sightings and personal experiences, to leaks of classified government documents, to consistent reports by credible insiders that various extraterrestrial species have been working behind the scenes with the Deep State government and the covert development of various secret space programs over the past eighty years. When these mainstream “experts” are finally unshackled from the Deep State-controlled narrative, they will relearn a history that answers all of their questions.
The universe, our galaxy, and our local star cluster of 52 stars is teeming with intelligent and highly advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. In fact, we Earth humans here in third density consciousness are at the bottom of the developmental totem pole. The fossil records suggest that we suddenly appeared here on Earth because, well, we suddenly appeared here on Earth. Human-like species of a wide variety of races happen to dominate this region of our galaxy. For millions of years, Earth was used as a haven for some of these third density races to escape catastrophes or wars on their home planets. For hundreds of thousands of years, technologically advanced extraterrestrials conducted genetic experiments on these different human-like species to create a congruent human species made up of various races, genetically and physiologically adapted to this particular planet. Higher density beings sat back to allow the Earth humans to develop uninhibited, while technologically advanced negative beings did their best to infiltrate and control the planet.
Some of these refugees came here upon the destruction of their Super Earth home which blew up and became the asteroid belt about a half million years ago. It left nearby Mars a barren husk of what it once was. About 55,000 year ago they resettled on Atlantis, an island that was and is part of the Antarctica continent. Then they set out to conquer the planet, evolving from the Pharaoh priest class into the “church and crown” medieval rulers, and then into the modern Illuminati cabal. This bloodline of the “Sons of Belial” worked with the advanced negative extraterrestrials over millennia to fully control the planet. But we now happen to be at the precise point in our species’ history when a solar energy event will cause the planet, and those humans on the planet who are prepared, to ascend to a fourth density of consciousness, and take our place among our human star cousins. This will extract us from the control of the dark ET/cabal alliance. The dark forces want to maintain the status quo and prevent this shift in consciousness by keeping the human population ignorant of the truth. They do this through their official control over the mainstream narrative which denies that extraterrestrial life exists beyond this small planet, and propagating articles such as this one.
Insights from the world’s leading scientists on evolution, climate change, technology and extraterrestrial life. We are the only species of the billions of species that have existed on Earth that has shown an aptitude for radios and even we failed to build one during the first 99% of our 7 million year history, says Australia National University’s Charley Lineweaver.
Are Homo sapiens a one-off, genetic accident?
Adam Frank
Scientists have identified a group of planets outside our solar system where the same
Paul Rimmer
chemical conditions that may have led to life on Earth exist in what they call the Abiogenesis Zone. It’s also possible that if there is extraterrestrial life, that it has, or will, develop in a totally different way than it did on Earth.
“I’m not sure how contingent life is, but given that we only have one example so far, it makes sense to look for places that are most like us,” said Cambridge University astrochemist, Paul Rimmer. “There’s an important distinction between what is necessary and what is sufficient. The building blocks are necessary, but they may not be sufficient, it’s possible you could mix them for billions of years and nothing happens. But you want to at least look at the places where the necessary things exist.
Rimmer speculates that life may have come from non-life as one big accident. This seems highly unlikely, at least given the way our universe is set up, so if it’s that way, then we are probably the only intelligent life in the universe, maybe the only life at all.
For what purpose did the human brain evolve?
“For what purpose did the human brain evolve?” It is a question that has puzzled scientists for decades, and was answered in 2010 by Colin Blakemore, an Oxford University neurobiologist who argued that a mutation in the brain of a single human being 200,000 years ago turned intellectually able primates into a super-intelligent species that would conquer the world. Homo sapiens appears to be genetic accident. Or are we?
1 hour video of Adam Frank “Light of the Stars: Alien Worlds and the Fate of the Earth” (Talks at Google YouTube)
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Article by Aylin Woodward August 20, 2019 (businessinsider.sg)
• This year marks the 40th anniversary of the film “Alien” by Ridley Scott, where a creature called a ‘xenomorph’ attacks and eats the entire space crew except for Sigourney Weaver’s character. (see ‘Alien’ 1979 movie trailer below) But as movie making has developed and as modern science has changed, so has the industry’s idea of what an alien would probably look like. ‘The days of little green men and giant scaly monsters in alien movies are over.’
• Physicist and author Sidney Perkowitz says that Hollywood attempts to depict what the public is afraid of. In the old days, aliens were scary, unintelligent creatures bent on the destruction of the human race. Dr Strangelove tapped into the public’s anxiety over nuclear holocaust. But Hollywood director’s decisions to make extraterrestrials appear human-like could simply boil down to cost. “Humanoid aliens are cheap to portray,” says Perkowitz.
• Andrew Siemion, the director of the Berkeley SETI Research Center (ie: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) thinks that the chances that alien life would look humanoid is infinitesimal. “We don’t have any reason to believe that they would look anything like us,” says Siemion. “The form of a human being is the result of several billion years of evolution.”
• Today’s scientific thinking is that extraterrestrials will likely be non-humanoid and have compassion for the human race, as depicted in the 2016 movie “Arrival” where Amy Adams’ character learns to communicate with passive, non-humanoid creatures. The destructive aliens have become a viral microbial contagion, such as in Jake Gyllenhaal’s 2017 movie “Life”. But Perkowitz doubts that even dangerous biological entities would likely exist in space. “Nothing lives for pure evil,” Perkowitz insists.
• Modern astrobiologists only expect to find errant microbes in outer space or on alien planets. Perkowitz feels that the decidedly non-human and microbial aliens that are currently in vogue in sci fi movies will help to establish more appropriate expectations for any discovery of life that NASA might make. And if they are falsely depicted as deadly microbes, says Perkowitz, it is only because “Hollywood isn’t concerned with the social responsibility of getting the science right.”
• [Editor’s Note]Hollywood isn’t concerned with the social responsibility of getting the science right? These so called “experts” – a physicist writer and of course the Deep State’s reliable mouthpiece, SETI, have some nerve. They are carrying forward a false propaganda war that has been waged by the Deep State since the 1940’s!
First they mocked the small Grays and the pale Ebens that were covertly recovered at various UFO crash sites in the 40’s and 50’s as “little green men”, which the public adopted as too strange and silly to be believed. Then Hollywood began to depict aliens as scary humanoid creatures to make the public fear and reject any ET presence. Now, the Deep State has altered Hollywood’s game plan to completely erase the possibility that extraterrestrials could be human-like, or even humanoid. At the moment, they want us to believe that there’s nothing out there, and certainly nothing out there to fear.
Well we know that there is good and evil out there, and the evil has had its way with this planet for millennia. And we know that the galaxy and universe is absolutely teeming with intelligent star civilizations of countless varieties of species. In our particular star cluster, the vast majority of these species are, in fact, human-like. The Deep State either intends to stage a false flag invasion by malevolent humanoids, or wants the public to reject and fear any benevolent human-like beings who might come to assist us in our planet’s imminent spiritual transition.
This Deep State can always rely on highly compromised academic and scientific institutions, such as SETI, and its Hollywood propaganda machine to manipulate the public’s conceptions toward its own agenda of casting the extraterrestrials as the scary bad guys and the Deep State as the good guys, so that when spiritual transition begins the people will look to the Deep State Illuminati cabal – the folks who got us into this mess – to save us.
The 1979 blockbuster “Alien” opens with a tension-filled scene: A spider-like creature attacks an astronaut named Thomas Kane on an unknown planet.
The crew of Kane’s ship brings him back on board with the mysterious critter still attached to his spacesuit. Under the fluorescent lights, the creature seems to die, detaching from Kane’s face. When the astronaut eventually wakes up, he seems unharmed by the encounter.
But a miniature alien later bursts out of his chest in a shower of blood as his shocked crewmates scream.
The xenomorph, as it’s called, grows to be larger than any human, with glossy black skin, razor-sharp teeth, claws, and a tail.
In the four decades since “Alien” came out – the film’s 40th anniversary was in May – that creature’s image has influenced moviegoers’ mental pictures of alien life.
But as NASA has embraced the objective of searching for extraterrestrial life in our galaxy, the scientific understanding of what extraterrestrials might look like has converged around a type of lifeform far different from the director Ridley Scott’s brainchild.
Today, astrobiologists suspect that extraterrestrial lifeforms are likely to be microscopic in nature, akin to the bacteria scientists find in extreme environments on Earth.
Hollywood filmmakers have started to embrace this idea and depict aliens as less humanoid, according to the physicist and author Sidney Perkowitz. In other words, the days of little green men and giant scaly monsters in alien movies are over.
Sidney Perkowitz
“In the old science-fiction flicks of the 1950s and ’60s, if you did an alien, monster, or robot, it was a guy dressed up and stomping around a sound stage,” Perkowitz, who cofounded the National Academy of Sciences’ Science and Entertainment Exchange group, which connects directors with science advisers, told Business Insider. “In the last few decades, CGI has changed that, allowing for the potential of really life-like, imaginative creatures.”
No more little green men
The chance that alien life looks humanoid is infinitesimal.
“We don’t have any reason to believe that they would look anything like us,” Andrew Siemion, the director of the Berkeley SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Research Center, told Vox. “The form of a human being is the result of several billion years of evolution.”
Perkowitz said that Scott and other directors’ decisions to make extraterrestrials appear human-like could simply boil down to cost.
“Humanoid aliens are cheap to portray,” he said.
He added that the problem with “Alien” wasn’t just that the movie portrayed the alien as humanoid – it was that the extraterrestrial was depicted as unintelligent and beast-like. The xenomorph doesn’t try to communicate with the astronaut crew; instead, it eats the crew members one by one until Sigourney Weaver’s character blasts it into space.
“It’s hard to imagine a different lifeform would have such a negative reaction to another lifeform – nothing lives for pure evil,” Perkowitz said, adding: “If we always decide that ‘the other’ is hostile or contemptible, how does that encourage our efforts to relate to them?”
But the examples of nonhostile aliens in Hollywood are few and far between (Steven Spielberg’s E.T. notwithstanding). That’s because, according to Perkowitz, society uses film to explore what it’s afraid of.
2:10 minute trailer for the 1979 movie “Alien” (20th Century Fox)
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• This writer, Gwen Rigby, began to research the UFO phenomenon after she visited Roswell, New Mexico and attended a UFO Congress in Phoenix where she found “normal people who had extraordinary things happen to them”. She became convinced that there was truth out there, and she became less of a skeptic and more of a believer.
• Rigby has noticed that UFOs have been in the news a lot lately. But she suspects that this is due to a “soft disclosure” narrative that the military is pursuing, to reveal the extraterrestrial presence in drips and not a flood of information that might cause a panic. The Navy has released video of a “Tic Tac” UFO seen by Navy pilots, and eased its guidelines for Navy personnel to report UFOs. Still, in response to this measured disclosure, two million people signed up to Storm Area 51 on September 20th.
• Santa Barbara County, just north of Los Angeles, California, is no stranger to UFO or USO sightings. In February 1942, it witnessed “the Battle of LA” when military artillery shot 1,440 rounds of anti-aircraft shells at an anomalous UFO craft in the sky.
• While multiple UFO sightings have been reported since the atomic bomb was developed in the 1940’s, there have been no reports of actual attacks or threats to humanity. In fact, it appears that extraterrestrials have worked to stop us from nuclear self-annihilation. In 1967, Lieutenant Robert Salas reported that a hovering UFO disabled 10 missile silos under Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana. In 1964, a test missile was destroyed shortly after launch at Vandenberg Air Force Base. And in 1982, Lieutenant Robert Jacobs revealed a film clip he took of a UFO shooting beams at a dummy missile. (see 18 second video below) Jacobs later stated that “they” were telling us “to stop messing with nuclear weapons.”
• Santa Barbara has seen hundreds of “USOs”, or “unidentified submersible objects” off of the Pacific coast. It is alleged that an undersea alien base has existed there for decades. Preston Dennett, author of the books UFOs Over California and Undersea UFO Base, claims that in the 1970’s families would head to the Point Dume beach at night to watch the multicolored show for entertainment.
• MUFON investigator, Richard Browman, tells the story of a man in Point Mugu, near Los Angeles, receiving a telepathic message to “go outside and look.” When he did, he and his family reportedly saw five or six red orbs come down the coast and hover over the naval base. The orbs danced around and then sped off. The fellow later learned that the base had gone on alert and scrambled its jets.
• Investigations have shifted from focusing on the nuts and bolts of spaceships to studying what they are and why they arrived. More contactees are speaking out. Former soldiers have come forward with fantastic stories of secret space programs and direct contact with aliens. Rumors of pyramids, ancient civilizations, and even giant motherships under two miles of ice may soon be verified as the Antarctic ice continues to melt, according to Dr. Michael Salla in his book Antarctica’s Hidden History.
• People can learn of all the UFO activity on our planet by going to UFO conferences or reading some of the many books on the subject. California conferences include ‘Dimensions of Disclosure’ organized by Corey Goode in Ventura, California in August 2019; ‘Portal to Ascension’ in Irvine in October; ‘Conscious Life Expo’ in Los Angeles in February 2020; ‘Contact in the Desert’ in Palm Springs in early June 2020; and ‘UFO Con’ in Los Angeles in mid-June.
UFOs have been in the news a lot lately, and not because of what is happening in the sky, but because of what is happening on Earth. It has been called a “soft disclosure,” meaning the military is leaking bits of information on UFOs to the public rather than making a major announcement and causing a panic.
This April, the U.S. Navy acknowledged guidelines for how their pilots can report encounters with anomalous ships without fear of reprisal. This comes after a New York Times article about numerous sightings of Tic Tac–shaped UFOs around the USS Nimitz south of San Diego. According to a spokesman for naval operations, there has been an overall “uptick of interaction with aerial phenomenon” since 2014. There have been less controlled responses, too. Over two million people have signed up on Facebook to storm Area 51 on September 20 to “see them aliens.”
Santa Barbara County is no stranger to sightings and played a part in the famous Battle of Los Angeles. Two days after the Japanese shelled the Ellwood Pier near Goleta in 1942, and just a few months after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, a giant ship appeared over Los Angeles. According to UFO researcher David Marler in his book Triangular Ships, it was first spotted over Santa Maria before heading south on an inland path. Already jittery, and thinking it was the Japanese, the U.S. military fired 1,440 anti-aircraft shells on the mysterious ship. The Japanese denied having any planes over the U.S. The event has never been fully explained, though a referral to weather balloons was made.
Multiple UFOs sightings have been reported since the atomic bomb was developed in the 1940s. Yet there have been no reports of actual attacks or threats to wipe out our civilization. In fact, according to many who have studied UFOs, extraterrestrials have worked to stop us from self-annihilation. They point to three alleged incidents of UFOs shutting down our nuclear missile bases. In 1967, Lieutenant Robert Salas, a commanding officer at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana, reported that a hovering UFO disabled 10 missile silos on his watch. He said he saw it as an anti-nuclear war message.
A similar incident occurred at Vandenberg Air Force Base in 1964, when a test missile was destroyed shortly after launch. Lieutenant Robert Jacobs came forward in 1982 to describe a film he took of a space object approach the missile and shoot a plasma-type beam at the dummy warhead from four different angles. The warhead then fell off into the ocean. After he submitted the film to his superior officers, one called him in and asked if he and his “boys were screwing around up there.” The officer ordered Jacobs to say nothing of the film or the incident. Jacobs later spoke out because he felt unjustly treated and that “they” were telling us “to stop messing with nuclear weapons.”
Hundreds of unidentified submersible objects (USOs) have reportedly emerged from the waters between Santa Barbara and Santa Monica, and it is alleged that an undersea alien base has existed there for decades. Preston Dennett, author of the books UFOs Over California and Undersea UFO Base, has documented more than 50 water sightings, claiming that in the 1970s families would head to the Point Dume beach at night to watch the multicolored show for entertainment.
18 second video of a UFO shooting beams at missile (A N K H YouTube)
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On July 19th, Politico’s defense editor, Bryan Bender, moderated a panel at the Aspen Institute’s annual Aspen Security Forum, in Aspen Colorado. Bender has been following the recent UFO developments at the nation’s capital, and he broke the story regarding the US Navy developing new guidelines for reporting UFOs.
Article by Alejandro Rojas August 16, 2019 (rdrnews.com)
• On July 19th, Politico’s defense editor, Bryan Bender, moderated a panel at the Aspen Institute’s annual Aspen Security Forum, in Aspen Colorado. Bender has been following the recent UFO developments at the nation’s capital, and he broke the story regarding the US Navy developing new guidelines for reporting UFOs.
• Four-Star Admiral Philip Davison (pictured above at the forum), the commander of the US Indio-Pacific Command, was also on the Aspen Security Forum panel. When an audience member asked Admiral Davidson about the recent UFO reports, Davidson replied that the UFO events occurred during “a finite period,” according to a tweet from Bryan Bender. This indicates that the Admiral is aware of issues surrounding the UFO activity beyond what has been reported in the news. What does he mean when he says that the encounters were during “a finite period?”
• Navy pilots have briefed lawmakers and military leadership on two separate encounters with UFOs: one that occurred over several days in November of 2004 off of the coast of San Diego when, after seeing odd objects on radar, the USS Nimitz carrier strike group scrambled its jets to engaged an object described as looking like a 40-foot long white ‘Tac Tac’. The second encounter was off of the East Coast during 2014 and 2015, when radar from the USS Roosevelt carrier strike group picked up odd readings, and Navy pilots described a ‘clear ball with a cube in it’ passing in-between two fighter jets. Navy radar also picked up similar readings over the Middle East.
• Is this span from 2004 to 2015 the finite period Admiral Davidson was talking about? Could there be even more Navy UFO cases that the public is not aware of? Bender thinks Davidson might have suggested that Navy pilots only spot UFOs occasionally, and it isn’t something that happens a lot. Tyler Rogoway of The Drive’sWar Zone said that Davidson’s comment that UFO activity ceased after 2015 seemed accurate, noting that Navy pilot Ryan Graves never specifically says they encountered UFOs in the Middle East, only radar signatures.
• Rogoway also notes that in both of these instances, cutting edge radar sensor technologies were deployed, which “may point to the possibility that these events were tests of highly exotic and secret technology belonging to the US military or even deployed by its adversaries.” “[If Navy] aircraft… were testing new sensor technologies, the possibility would exist that someone else was testing how these sensors would react to their next-generation propulsion technology,” suggesting that the technology allowing craft to perform “flying maneuvers that shatter our perceptions of propulsion, flight controls, material science, and even physics” was developed right here on Earth.
• Last May at the McMenamins UFO-fest in McMinnville Oregon, the Navy pilot who encountered the “Tic Tac” UFO off of San Diego in 2004, David Fravor, told his audience that he thought he might have encountered secret advanced military technology. However, as the years went by and this technology never came to light, Fravor began to doubt that idea. He felt that he would have heard something about this new development if it indeed existed.
• When the subject of UFOs of extraterrestrial origin was broached at the Aspen conference, the defense reporters and industry insiders who made up the majority of the audience just laughed. It is obvious that the military community is not ready to take the topic of extraterrestrial UFOs seriously. Rogoway called this reaction from his colleagues “disgusting.” However, the conspiracy-minded could very well say that both Admiral Davidson and Tyler Rogoway are seeding doubt as part of the Navy’s UFO investigation strategy to steer the press and the public away from aliens as a genuine explanation for these UFO sightings.
During a panel at last month’s Aspen Institute’s Aspen Security Forum, an audience member asked Admiral Philip Davidson about reports of UFOs. Davidson replied that the Navy has new UFO reporting guidelines and that the UFO events occurred during “a finite period.”
This information comes via a tweet from Politico’s defense editor, Bryan Bender. Bender has been following recent UFO developments at the nation’s capital. He broke the story regarding the U.S. Navy developing new guidelines for reporting UFOs, and appeared on the History Channel’s Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation.
Bender moderated a panel at the forum on Friday, July 19. However, on Thursday, he tweeted: @AspenSecurity asks @INDOPACOM commander about Navy reports of UFOs. Chuckles all around but Adm. Phil Davidson responds that there is now a reporting process for these unexplained sightings and says the encounters were during ‘a finite period.’”
Four-Star Admiral Philip Davison is the commander of the U.S. Indio-Pacific Command. What I find interesting is that he was aware of the UFO issue, and apparently more than just the recent news about new reporting guidelines. But, what did he mean when he said the encounters were during “a finite period?”
History’s Unidentified revealed that Navy pilots involved with two separate incidents briefed lawmakers and military leadership. The first encounters occurred over several days in November of 2004. The Nimitz carrier strike group caught odd objects on radar. The Nimitz scrambled jets and Wing Commander David Fravor engaged an object he described as looking like a 40-foot long white Tac Tac. After a short time, the object darted off at an incredible speed.
Tyler Rogoway of “The Drive”
The second set of encounters covered on Unidentified were similar. In this case, it was the USS Roosevelt carrier strike group that encountered odd radar readings off the coast of Florida in 2014 and 2015. At one point, a UFO described as a clear ball with a cube in it passed in-between two jets. According to the show, the objects followed the USS Roosevelt to the middle east.
These encounters span from 2004 to 2015. Is that the finite period Davidson was talking about? Could there be even more Navy UFO cases that the public is not aware of?
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