Aliens the Latest Pop Culture Trend in Television and Movies?

by Mads Lennon                     March 17, 2019                     (

• Today, there is a general acceptance of sentient life beyond our planet. There is no denial of that unless you’re naive about the sheer size and space of our never-ending universe. But instead of fearing an invasion of alien species as in the past, now we are actively seeking them out. Thus our media and storytelling has transformed as well when it comes to aliens.

• In the distant past, primitive humans recorded UFO and extraterrestrials sightings with petroglyphs and cave art. The Puritans were among the first Europeans in America to see them. During the 1900’s, aliens were scarier to us because they represented a vastly evolved technological civilization.

• By the 1950’s, post-war hysteria, fear of Russian weaponry and rocket experimentation manifested in a wave of “flying saucer” sightings. People were afraid that their bodies would be used for experiments. People were afraid of modernization and the growing eye of big brother.

• But today, aliens represent our ascent and ownership of advanced technology and cyberspace. Our world has transformed and therefore so has our lore and our urban legends. As our own technology has evolved, it appears that the number of reported sightings and abductions, and the fear of them, have diminished.

[Editor’s Note]   This is the simplistic view of the modern mainstream philosopher. We feared the unknown in the past, and that manifested our collective fear of UFOs and extraterrestrials. But today we are used to advanced ‘space age’ technology and we no longer fear extraterrestrial technology, and therefore the UFO/ET threat is gone. Problem solved. This goes out of its way not to address the very existence of UFOs and our continuing interaction with extraterrestrials, and alludes that UFOs and ET are somehow not real. This discussion is meant to side-step the issue and keep a mind-controlled public in a state of blissful ignorance. It is time that our society woke up and addressed the ET issue head-on, and not through editorials suggesting that our perception of the VERY existence of UFOs and extraterrestrials is merely a societal reaction depending upon our species’ level of technological development.


When was the first time you learned about aliens? I remember being fascinated by the idea of their existence when I was younger.

First I was exposed to E.T. and then I would spend hours googling different stories of UFO sightings and encounters. I would pretend blips in the night sky were alien spacecrafts instead of boring airplanes. They permeated our culture, we have always had a fear and fascination of what lies beyond our small (in the grand scheme of things) place in the universe.

History of Extraterrestrial Sightings

Of course, UFO sightings have been part of our history for thousands of years. The Puritans were some of the first known Americans to see them. But there were signs of primitive humankind having their own theories about extraterrestrials too, with petroglyphs and cave art being found as evidential relics of prior beliefs.

1940 UFO sightings were far different than the UFO sightings and stories we hear about today; they evolve along with humankind. Aliens were scarier to us in the 1900s because they represented a vastly evolved technological civilization. As our technology has evolved, alien sightings have become more scarce.

The Smithsonian featured a fascinating article by writer Greg Eghigian about how UFO reports have evolved with the technology of the times.

“Flying saucers” weren’t actually common until the post-war hysteria, fear of Russian entanglement in American space and rocket experimentation manifested these visuals and terrors of foreign weaponry. Prior to the 1940s, alien sightings were more celestial in nature and less about the technological component.

I believe, today, aliens represent our ownership of technology. It explains why people used to fear abductions and invasions. Many sightings (research specific cases) were people afraid their bodies would be used to conduct experiments. People were afraid of modernization and the growing eye of big brother.



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An Insanely Bizarre Account of Secret Projects, Super Soldiers, and Mars

by Brent Swancer                       March 14, 2019                    (

• In 2006, a man calling himself “Captain Kaye” (aka Randy Cramer, pictured above) came forward claiming to be a member of the United States Marine Corps’ ‘Mars Defense Force’, a part of the U.S. Secret Space Program established for the purpose of protecting Earth’s five Mars colonies.

• Cramer was covertly recruited at age 3 or 4 into a program called “Project Manequin” – an ultra-secretive government program designed to create super-soldiers who would be stronger, more efficient, and more obedient killers on the battlefield. Children were seen as more malleable and physically adaptable. As a child in the program, government agents would come and take Cramer away from his home in the middle of the night. He would be taken to a secret off-planet base where he was trained and indoctrinated for days or weeks at a time. Then he would be time traveled back to the exact place and moment from which he had been abducted. He simply thought it was a dream. Later, Cramer, along with 300 child recruits, would take part in a project run by the MK Ultra government mind control program called “Project Moon Shadow”.

• By 1987, with his training completed at age 17, Cramer was assigned to the ‘Mars Defense Force’- a joint program run by the United States, China, and Russia, secretly working together to operate the numerous personnel bases that have been on Mars since the 1960’s. Cramer says that he lived in Mars bases called ‘Aries Prime’ and ‘Forward Station Zebra’. He was surprised that the Martian air was breathable. The Sun was dimmer on Mars, but still hot and bright.

• Cramer found that humans were not alone on Mars. Underground colonies of Insectoids and Reptoids were there already. The Mars Defense Force occasionally skirmished with these two species. But these three races of beings would become allies, fighting a series of massive battles to drive off an army of evil Draconian (Reptilians) invaders. Cramer participated in some of these battles. During his time on Mars, Cramer also completed flight training.

• At the end of his 17-year Mars mission, Cramer was relocated to a Moon base where he was age-regressed and sent back to Earth at the age and time when Cramer was first taken into the program in 1987. Donald Rumsfeld attended the military ceremony on the Moon base to honor the occasion of his ‘retirement’ from the program. Back on Earth, it would then take Cramer years to regain his lost memories that had either been disrupted by the time travel process or intentionally wiped.

• After regaining his memories, Cramer says that his Marine Corps commander, Brigadier General Smythe, told Cramer that he had the “go-ahead” to go public with everything that he had experienced in the Secret Space Program. Other individuals have also come forward claiming to have been a part of the Mars Defense Force with their own tales to tell. And a large number of people who have listened to their stories of military bases on Mars do believe them.


The Internet can be a pretty wild place, a badlands of rumors, hearsay, tall tales, fake videos, and straight up misinformation at times, all unregulated and seeming a bit like the Wild West. Through this din of off-the-wall stories and outlandish accounts, every once in a while one will stand tall as particularly bizarre and absurd, yet managing to get picked up and talked about to the point that it takes on a life of its own. Surely one such tale is the story of a man who came forward with his experiences that deal with super soldiers, Martian bases, and intergalactic war, which he claims are all completely true. So strap yourself in and maybe put on your tinfoil hat, because we are about to blast off on a wild ride into the orbit of the truly odd.

In 2006, a man calling himself “Captain Kaye” (later found to be Randy Cramer but Captain Kaye sounds cool so we’ll stick with that) stepped from the shadows of top secrecy, claiming to be a member of the United States Marine Corps (USMC) and with quite the incredibly bizarre tale to tell. It began, he said, when he was just a very small child of just 3 or 4 years old, when members of a shadowy organization came to him in the night to covertly recruit him into a program called “Project Manequin.” According to him, this was an ultra-secretive government program designed to create super-soldiers who would be stronger, more efficient, and more obedient killers on the battlefield. Children were chosen because their young minds were seen as more malleable and easily warped, their bodies abler to withstand and adapt to the rigors of what awaited them, and he would claim of the whole training process:

“The techniques used to make me have been described to me as a ‘with-the-grain’ style of programming as opposed to most ‘against-the-grain’ styles of programming that try to force Super Soldiers to kill anything, anytime, anywhere – and as human animals, most of us just aren’t made that way, so we resist – and the main function then becomes ‘suppressing’ the urge to resist. Rather than creating the best Super Soldier you can, you only create the most compliant. The ‘with-the-grain’ style programming doesn’t try to create something that kills on command, but, rather, it creates a deep seated instinct to protect its tribe and its territory when threatened. So, as long as you can explain the threat credibly, the soldier will use all of its strength and cunning to destroy any that would harm those it’s genetically predisposed to protect.”

To engage in this training, he says that these agents would whisk him away from his home in the middle of the night and take him to a secret base off-planet, where he was trained and indoctrinated for days or weeks at a time. In order to make sure that no one knew he was gone, time travel was used to bring him back to the exact moment he had been abducted, leaving the memories within his mind like a dream. Kaye, along with the 300 child recruits, would also take part in a program called “Project Moon Shadow,” which was next stage and according to him an offshoot of the government mind control program called MK Ultra.

When he turned 17 his training was considered complete, and he was supposedly sent to join what he calls the “Mars Defense Force “(MDF) part of the U.S. Secret Space Program (SSP), which had been established for the purpose of protecting Earth’s five Mars colonies and claiming Mars as a U.S. territory, as well as providing a safe place to retreat in the event of some world-ending cataclysmic event on Earth. Interestingly, this was purportedly a joint program run by the United States, China, and Russia, who were secretly working together to make everything run smoothly behind the scenes. These colonies had apparently been on the planet since the 1960s(!) and that the moon landings had been a cover to divert public attention from the real aims of NASA, which was Martian colonization and planetary defense.



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Project Blue Book: Season 2 Will Be About Peeling Back the Layers

by Susan Leighton                      March 16, 2019                    (

• The first season of the History Channel/A&E’s hit show, “Project Blue Book”, ended with a thrill-ride finale entitled: “The Washington Merry-Go-Round”. After the July 1952 ‘lights over Washington D.C.’ events, and Quinn’s dogfight with these luminous objects, Hynek sells out Quinn, telling a government committee that Quinn’s account of chasing real UFOs was actually his hypoxic dementia brought on by the high altitude flying as he was only chasing the atmospheric effects of temperature inversions. But this was a tactic used by Hynek to allow them to continue in their UFO research for Season 2, free from the scrutiny of the government and the Air Force.

• What is most interesting is at the end of the episode, the Man in Black a.k.a. “The Fixer” is shown in Antarctica in front of what might be an extraterrestrial obelisk. This indicates that season 2 of Project Blue Book will delve into the mystery surrounding Antarctica after World War II. After the war, both the Americans and the Soviets had intel that the Nazi’s had established a base on Antarctica, and were possibly reverse engineering UFO technology. So they each established their own “research” bases there to study “electromagnetic, geological, hydrographic and meteorological conditions” in the area. While the Germans did explore Antarctica, Popular Mechanics debunked the theory of a Nazi base in Antarctica.

• But by setting the very last scene of Project Blue Book in Antarctica, the show’s writers are tapping into the mythology that surrounds the continent. Think of it as a point of origin in which to start Season 2 of the series. According to showrunner Sean Jablonski, “We want to get people excited that we’ve expanded the mythology and get them curious as to what that allows us to do in terms of peeling back the layers of the larger cover-up going on next season.”

• The show’s writers will depict the transition from the Truman to the Eisenhower Presidential Administrations. Also, the CIA will basically take over for Air Force generals Harding and Valentine, but not without a power struggle.

• Groom Lake or Area 51 will probably come into play because the CIA will be explaining the UFOs in the skies not as alien spacecraft but experimental military aircraft tests. Jablonski even hints that Roswell and the Maury Island incident will be two of the case files explored in the upcoming season. In 1947 near Maury Island, Washington (state), two harbor patrolmen were on their boat when they were surrounded by 6 UFOs. One of the craft started ejecting a “white metal” substance onto the vessel which resulted in a man breaking his arm and a dog being killed.

• It sounds like Sean Jablonski and his writers have another outstanding season of Project Blue Book planned for viewers.

[Editor’s Note]   Those who follow Dr Michael Salla and this ExoNews website know that there is ample evidence for the existence of a Nazi base, as well as other extraterrestrial bases, under the Antarctic ice despite being “debunked” by Popular Mechanics magazine. There are many Deep State operatives who would still like to keep this information a secret.


Project Blue Book had an incredible season one finale. From the first frame to the very last one, it was a sitting-on-the edge-of-your-seat kind of thrill ride.

The Washington Merry-Go-Round episode proved that the truth is out there and Hynek and Quinn are going to do whatever it takes to find it. Even if it means a little bit of deception on their part.

It took the last episode and Michael’s dogfight with the UFOs to make him finally believe. While it may have seemed like Allen sold him out with the temperature inversions and hypoxic dementia (lack of oxygen to the brain brought on by the high altitude flying) theories, in fact, he did just the opposite.

By lying to the committee, he actually removed them from constant scrutiny. Freeing them to receive more case files and more research to prove what they already know. We are not alone.

When the Man in Black a.k.a. The Fixer appears in Antarctica in front of the obelisk, it may appear that he is sending a signal to the aliens. After all, in the voiceover when Hynek calls Quinn he tells them they are about to make “real contact.”

Operation Highjump

Showrunner Sean Jablonski in an interview with Entertainment Weekly says it isn’t what we think. Let’s give a little background into why M.I.B. was there in the first place. If you watch the series Ancient Aliens, this isn’t going to be new information.

During World War II, the U.S. ended up in Antarctica alongside the Russians establishing bases for research. We wanted to keep an eye on each other but most importantly, we believed that the Nazi’s had a secret facility there for weapons testing. It was also rumored that they were reverse engineering UFO technology.

The official name for our mission was Operation Highjump. At the time, we were establishing a base called Little America IV. The idea was that we would study “electromagnetic, geological, hydrographic and meteorological conditions” in the area.

5:04 minute video recap of History Channel’s
S1-E10 Finale “The Washington Merry-Go-Round”


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History Orders UFO Docu-Series from Tom DeLonge

by Jessica Pena                   March 13, 2019                     (

• The History Channel, along with A+E Originals, has announced it has ordered a six-episode, one-hour limited television docu-series entitled: “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation” to debut in May. The show’s executive producer is Tom DeLonge (pictured above) of the ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science’, along with ‘To The Stars’ team members Luis Elizondo and Chris Mellon who are among its roster of scientists, engineers and intelligence experts. The UFO docu-series will “reveal newly authenticated evidence and footage, interviews from eyewitnesses and former military personnel who have never spoken out before and extensive breakthroughs in understanding the technology behind these unknown phenomena in our skies,” says DeLonge.

• Former DIA military intelligence official Luis Elizondo and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense and Intelligence Chris Mellon were instrumental in the release of a New York Times’ exposé about the Pentagon’s secret UFO research program, the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’, in December 2017, along with several authentic videos of UFO encounters by the US military.

• “This is not a UFO hunting show,” said Eli Lehrer, Executive Vice President and Head of Programming at the History Channel, “but a series that will hopefully provoke a cultural conversation about unexplained phenomena and allow our viewers to ultimately draw their own conclusions. Tom’s curiosity and passion for this subject matter, combined with his team, are the perfect partners to deliver this breakthrough series.”

• DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars’ team also includes retired Program Director for Advanced Systems at Lockheed Martin’s Skunkworks, Steve Justice; renowned CIA researcher and quantum physicist, Hal Puthoff; and retired senior CIA member, Jim Semivan. The team will spearhead the disclosure of efforts being made to change government policy surrounding UFOs, and produce tangible evidence for the existence of UFOs ever assembled.

• “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation” will reveal newly authenticated UFO evidence and footage, interviews from eyewitnesses and former military personnel who have never spoken out before, and extensive breakthroughs in understanding the technology behind these Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. Says DeLonge, “I think everyone that watches the show will walk away with questions answered and a feeling of, “Wow, I get it now.”


New York, NY – March 12, 2019 – In December of 2017, The New York Times published a stunning front-page exposé about the Pentagon’s mysterious UFO program, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). Featuring an interview with former military intelligence official and Special Agent In- Charge, Luis Elizondo, who confirmed the existence of the hidden government program, the controversial story was the focus of worldwide attention. Previously run by Elizondo, AATIP was created to research and investigate Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) including numerous videos of reported encounters, three of which were released to a shocked public in 2017. Elizondo resigned after expressing to the government that these UAPs could pose a major threat to our national security and not enough was being done to deal with them or address our potential vulnerabilities. Now, as a part of HISTORY’s groundbreaking new six-part, one-hour limited series “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation(TM),” Elizondo is speaking out for the first time with Tom DeLonge, co-founder and President of To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science and Chris Mellon, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense and Intelligence, to expose a series of startling encounters and embark on fascinating new investigations that will urge the public to ask questions and look for answers. From A+E Originals, DeLonge serves as executive producer.

Says DeLonge, “With this show, the real conversation can finally begin. I’m thankful to HISTORY for giving the To The Stars Academy team of world-class scientists, engineers and intelligence experts the opportunity to tell the story in a comprehensive and compelling way. I think everyone that watches the show will walk away with questions answered and a feeling of, “wow, I get it now.”‘



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The Big (Exopolitics) Picture behind Trump Russia Collusion Narrative & its Collapse

With the stunning collapse of the Trump Russia collusion narrative, many are now beginning to ask why an anti-Russia hysteria was fueled by the mainstream media that drove apart the world’s foremost nuclear powers, and brought them to the brink of direct military confrontation. An explanation lies in the pivotal role Russia has been playing behind the scenes in revealing the truth about visiting extraterrestrial life and secret space programs, and Trump’s desire to collaborate in such a momentous venture.

The dramatic Mueller Report that was released in summary form on March 24 made clear what President Donald Trump has been loudly proclaiming for well over two years. The Russia collusion narrative was a complete hoax that was contrived by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party to undermine Trump’s surprising 2016 electoral triumph.

In an article published by The Hill, a former bastion of the Trump Russia collusion narrative, an Emmy award winning investigative journalist, Sharyl Attkisson, has made clear that Trump is owed many apologies by the mainstream media:

We in the media allowed unproven charges and false accusations to dominate the news landscape for more than two years, in a way that was wildly unbalanced and disproportionate to the evidence.

We did a poor job of tracking down leaks of false information. We failed to reasonably weigh the motives of anonymous sources and those claiming to have secret, special evidence of Trump’s “treason.”

As such, we reported a tremendous amount of false information, always to Trump’s detriment.

And when we corrected our mistakes, we often doubled down more than we apologized. We may have been technically wrong on that tiny point, we would acknowledge. But, in the same breath, we would insist that Trump was so obviously guilty of being Russian President Vladimir Putin’s puppet that the technical details hardly mattered.

So, a round of apologies seem in order.

Attkisson goes on to say that emphasis now shifts to questions over how and why this false collusion narrative emerged:

Should we try to learn more about those supposed Russian sources who provided false “intel” contained in the “dossier” against Trump, Page and others? Should we learn how these sources came to the attention of ex-British spy Christopher Steele, who built the dossier and claimed that some of the sources were close to Putin?

When and where did Steele meet with these high-level Russian sources who provided the apparently false information?

Are these the people who actually took proven, concrete steps to interfere in the 2016 election and sabotage Trump’s presidency, beginning in its earliest days?

Just who conspired to put the “dossier” into the hands of the FBI? Who, within our intel community, dropped the ball on verifying the information and, instead, leaked it to the press and presented it to the FISC as if legitimate?

It can be anticipated that much attention will now focus on the discredited Steele dossier and how it was illegally used by Obama administration officials to attain FISA Court warrants to conduct surveillance operations of key figures in Trump’s Presidential campaign and his incoming administration.

The fallout is likely to be the investigation and prosecution of many former government officials, who knowingly used the discredited dossier as an “insurance policy” to advance their anti-Trump agenda.

According to anonymous group, Q Anon, which is linked to both the Trump administration and U.S. military intelligence, such an investigation has already been underway since November 2017 by John Huber, the US Attorney for Utah, and Michael Horowitz, the Inspector General (IG) of the Department of Justice.

Huber was granted authority by former Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, to use the investigative resources of Horowitz’s IG office to investigate and prosecute those involved in possible crimes that were a matter of concern for different House of Representatives and Senate committees.

Q Anon has said that thousands of sealed indictments have been prepared as Huber and other prosecutors have convened grand juries to hear the evidence provided by former Obama and Trump administration officials. Current estimates are that there are over 80,000 sealed indictments, and that these will be shortly unsealed with joint military and civilian trials.

It’s worth emphasizing that Q Anon has repeatedly referred to the Deep State (aka New World Order) as a global criminal syndicate which engages in Satanic rituals involving child sacrifice, human trafficking, and sex crimes which are used to compromise many government, corporate and media figures. For example, in a November 11, 2017 post, Q Anon wrote:

Eye of Providence.
Follow the bloodlines.
What is the keystone?
Does Satan exist?
Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?
Who worships Satan?
What is a cult?
Epstein island.
What is a temple?
What occurs in a temple?
Why is the temple on top of a mountain?
How many levels might exist below?
What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?
Why is this relevant?
Who are the puppet masters?
Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?
When? How often? Why?
“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”

While the Russia Trump collusion case can be traced to a Deep State attempt to support Clinton’s failed 2016 Presidential campaign, and even going as far as preventing Trump from being inaugurated, the ultimate purpose appears to have been an effort to sabotage any possibility that Trump would collaborate with President Vladimir Putin in solving a range of complex global issues.

To further explore why Putin’s Russia was being targeted by the Deep State we can begin with famed psychic Edgar Cayce who in 1935 made an extraordinary prophesy that a post-communist Russia would play a central role in liberating the planet from sinister dark forces who he called the “sons of Belial” that has oppressed humanity for centuries:

In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the Communistic, of the Bolshevistic; no. But freedom, freedom! that each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallized, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.

New York Times best selling author David Wilcock, who is allegedly Cayce’s reincarnation according to a popular 2010 book, has written extensively about the scientific and technological breakthroughs in Russia that have been openly shared with the world after the collapse of communism. In The Source Field Investigations, Wilcock lays out a cogent case for how these breakthroughs have impacted multiple disciplines spanning health, energy, torsion physics, etc.

Furthermore, in a series of articles (see here, here and here), I have showed how the leaders of a post-communist Russia, Presidents Boris Yeltsin, Putin and Dmitri Medvedev, have respectively played critical roles in helping release the truth to emerge about extraterrestrial visitors, and how Russia has been helped by the visitors to bridge the gap with the more technologically developed NATO nations.

There have been a number of insider reports that Russia’s new arsenal of hypersonic weapon systems have been developed with the help of human looking extraterrestrials. Some of these advanced technologies were allegedly used in a clandestine January 2016 battle over Antarctica by Russia participating in an “Earth Alliance” fighting against a transnational corporate space program operated by the Deep State according to secret space program insider, Corey Goode. He had this to say about Russia’s battle with a Satanic New World Order:

Putin and other elements of the “Earth Based Alliance” that make up the BRICS Alliance among others that dove tail together are all working for the common goal of defeating the “Satanic/Luciferian Cabal” that is now in control of the majority of the world and responsible for not only amazing deceptions of his and other countries populations but also some of the most horrific Crimes Against Humanity that have ever taken place in known history. There are many of these crimes that have become more and more known through recent disclosures behind the scenes. This has only caused these groups and people to want to bring down these Secret Earth Government Syndicates now more than ever.

Trump, by virtue of his uncle, John Trump, a former professor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has been long aware of incredibly advanced technologies, either created by inventors such as Nikola Tesla, or reverse engineered from retrieved extraterrestrial spacecraft.  These advanced technologies have been developed for highly classified space programs and suppressed from public release for decades.

The possibility that Trump would collaborate with Putin in the disclosure of suppressed technologies, reveal the truth about extraterrestrial visitors, and join a covert global battle against the Deep State, offers a compelling explanation for why the Russia Trump collusion narrative was concocted.

As multiple investigations and criminal trials emerge against former US government officials that illegally used the Steele dossier in ways designed to help the Clinton campaign and prevent Trump from being inaugurated, it’s important not to lose sight of the bigger “exopolitical” picture of why the Deep State was so desperate to use its hidden government assets in such a blatant manner.

If Trump and Putin ultimately go ahead in forging a genuine US Russia alliance, this would not only liberate the planet from Deep State control, but in the process reveal many of the suppressed technologies that can transform humanity and help us become a worthy member of a galactic community.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

How the Increasing Belief in Extraterrestrials Inspires Our Real World

by D.W. Pasulka                  March 11, 2019                     (

• It used to be that mainstream scientists such as Stephen Hawking would describe believers in UFOs and extraterrestrials as fringe “kranks”. But today, many respectable scientists not only believe in ET and UFOs, but claim to have been in communication with them, or have even had a close encounter. The article’s author, Diana Walsh Pasulka, has written a book entitled: American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology, which reveals how the increasing belief in nonhuman intelligence inspires our science and entertainment.

• Jacques Vallée is a computer scientist who has long been open to the reality of the extraterrestrial presence on and around the earth. He consulted on Steven Spielberg’s movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and he paved the way for other Silicon Valley scientists and biotechnologists to draw from alien technology, using technology from alien spacecraft crash sites and information from mental downloads.

• Technology entrepreneur Rizwan Virk claims to have spoken with top researchers at Stanford, MIT, and Harvard who have actually seen alien “artifacts”. Virk also says that he accompanied several research scientists to an alien spaceship crash site in New Mexico, which was not the Roswell crash.

• Pasulka maintains that religions are social phenomena that emerge from their environments. Today’s digital environment (through films, phones, and computers) is producing new forms of religious beliefs which take for granted that extraterrestrials are in regular communication with humans on earth. The difference between these “religious” beliefs is that traditional religions require blind belief without real proof. The belief in extraterrestrial intelligence interacting with earth humans, however, is something that will be proven true.

• Until now, scientists and researchers have shied away from expressing their belief in an extraterrestrial presence, due to what Pasulka calls “the John Mack Effect.” Dr. John Mack was a Pulitzer Prize winning research psychiatrist working at Harvard University. In the 1990s Mack began a study of people who believed that they were in contact with extraterrestrial intelligence and found that they were not delusional, but were perfectly normal. Still, Harvard University questioned his motives in an internal investigation, and portrayed him as a ‘kook’. This produced a chilling effect related to the study of UFOs as scholars became unwilling to risk their reputations to study the phenomena.

• However, a recent presentation by Garry Nolan of Stanford University at the Harvard Medical School’s Consortium for Space Genetics, argued that the people who would be best equipped to explore space would be those whose brains were attuned to nontraditional forms of knowledge, and who have the ‘hyperintuition’ – the ability to know things beyond normal means, like a sixth sense. These are the types of people who should be chosen to investigate extraterrestrial destinations, says Nolan.

• For her book, Pasulka interviewed a biotechnologist named Thomas, who works in the field of cancer research. Thomas has introduced ‘implant technology’ to the field, using implant devices etched with a laser and coded so that human tissue recognizes and adapts to them. But he made a point not to reveal to his fellow scientists that he got the idea of an implant from alleged extraterrestrial technology. Says Thomas, “It would have been so far removed from their own belief systems that it would have been impossible for them to implement my vision. So, I keep that part secret.”

• The potential of almost unimaginable space infrastructures has created a new form of religion based on possible realism. Given the ways in which religious and spiritual beliefs develop, the emerging connection between Silicon Valley technopreneurs and alien technology is not surprising. As Vallée said, ‘the apparent absurdity of the claims does not mean they are not true’.


I first met Thomas* through a mutual friend. By most societal standards, Thomas would be considered “normal”—he’s a successful biotechnologist with a partner and kid, he enjoys long walks on the weekend and eating out. In his work, he helps create technologies that help people recover from illnesses, such as cancer. But the inspiration for some of Thomas’s most successful technologies—such as implant devices that are etched with a laser and coded so that human tissue recognizes them as itself, and not a foreign agent, or the use of an ancient stem cell that appears to help alleviate pain associated with cancer—is not something he openly shares. Why? Because, he explained to me, the implants were inspired by “nonhuman intelligence.” In other words, it wasn’t his own brilliant idea, nor was it another human’s. He believes that it came from a supernatural source, perhaps extraterrestrial.

His research protocol was, to be blunt, not transparent. He never told any of the scientists he recruited to his team where he acquired the idea for the new technology, because, according to Thomas, “First, they would have thought I was really weird, and second—and most importantly—it would have prevented them from being successful in implementing the necessary steps to create the technology. It would have been so far removed from their own belief systems that it would have been impossible for them to implement my vision. So, I keep that part secret.”

     Diana Walsh Pasulka

It has long been the case that people who believe in UFOs or extraterrestrials are characterized, as Stephen Hawking has described them, as “cranks” or fringe dwellers. Despite that association, some of the world’s brilliant, Nobel Prize–winning minds, among them the mathematician John Nash and the biochemist Kary Mullis, have had experiences they perceive to be close encounters. The University of Oxford’s Richard Dawkins, famous for his advocacy of Darwin’s theory of evolution as well as his disbelief in God and religions, nonetheless has suggested that human civilization may have been seeded by an alien civilization.

More strikingly, according to research by psychologists, belief in extraterrestrials is increasing in unprecedented ways. I myself found this to be the case, especially among contemporary technopreneurs (entrepreneurs who use technology to make an innovation or fill a need), just like Thomas. A belief that was once on the fringe now appears to be the new black. Spending a day with high-functioning believers—as I have done several times in the past few months as research for my book American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology—reveals a lot about how the increasing belief in nonhuman intelligence inspires our real world as well as our entertainment.

                 Riz Virk

Perhaps the first technopreneur who has long been “out” concerning his belief in UFOs is Jacques Vallée, who worked on ARPANET (the proto-internet), a program funded by the military. In fact, he was working on this new technology while experimenting with telepathic phenomena, what some would call “woo-woo” science. Vallée was so well known for his study of UFOs that Steven Spielberg asked him to consult on the set of Close Encounters of the Third Kind (the French scientist played by François Truffaut in the movie is based on Vallée). He was one of the first vocal technologists to advocate for the study of UFOs, and he paved the way for a slew of other Silicon Valley scientists and biotechnologists who believe that the secret to their success is alien technology—in other words, artifacts found at alleged alien spacecraft crash sites or information provided to them through mental downloads.

                            Garry Nolan

The gaming expert, technologist, and investor Rizwan Virk confirms this new direction in the belief and practices associated with UFOs. In an article on the website Hacker Noon, he wrote, “I can say that I have personally spoken to researchers from top universities (Stanford, MIT, Harvard) who have seen the “artifacts” that the article references, and other similar ones that are even more secretive (and perhaps more functional).” In my own research, I have also met scientists who believe in these artifacts; I’ve even accompanied several of them on an expedition to an alleged alien crash site in New Mexico, which, I was told, was “not Roswell.” But I couldn’t tell you where, exactly, we were, as I was blindfolded so I wouldn’t be able to identify the location.



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Lake Michigan UFO Sightings Still Unsolved 25 Years Later

by Dejanay Booth                  March 7, 2019                  (

• On March 8, 1994, about 9:30 pm, Daryl and Holly Graves and their son, Joey witnessed lights in the sky over Holland, Michigan that filled the sky along nearly 200 miles of Lake Michigan shoreline to the Indiana border. “I saw six lights out the window above the barn across the street,” Joey Graves said in 1994. “They were red and white and moving.”

• Cindy Pravda, 63, of Grand Haven, Michigan remembers four lights in the sky that looked like “full moons” over the line of trees behind her horse pasture. Pravda still believes the lights were UFOs. “I watched them for half an hour. The one on the far left moved off to the highway and then came back in the same position,” Pravda said. “The one to the right was gone in blink of an eye and then, eventually, everything disappeared.”

• Holland Police officer Jeff Velthouse who described witnesses seeing five to six objects, some cylindrical with blue, red, white and green lights as he spoke to Leo Grenier, a meteorologist from the National Weather Service office in Muskegon County, who was following the lights’ movements on radar. “The movement of the objects was rather erratic. The echoes were there about 15 minutes, drifting slowly south-southwest, kind of headed toward the Chicago side of the south end of Lake Michigan,” said Grenier. “There were three and sometimes four blips, and they weren’t planes. Planes show as pinpoints on the scope, these were the size of half a thumbnail. They were from 5 to 12,000 feet at times, moving all over the place. Three were moving toward Chicago. I never saw anything like it before, not even when I’m doing severe weather.”

• Hundreds of calls flooded 911 and MUFON to report the strange sightings in the night sky. (listen to actual 911 calls in video below)  The reported UFO sightings was the largest since March 1966, said Bill Konkolesky, Michigan state director of MUFON. MUFON interviewed dozens of witnesses H, Konkolesky said, many of whom remain in contact with the organization. “There was a lot of enthusiasm into the UFO field (then) because of the amount of press coverage. It was outstanding,” he said. “They were paying attention to the phenomenon.”

• The mystery of one of the largest UFO sightings in Michigan history remains unsolved, but it continues to fascinate extraterrestrial researchers, psychologists and history buffs alike.


The eerie lights filled the sky along nearly 200 miles of Lake Michigan shoreline, from Ludington south to the Indiana border.

On March 8, 1994, calls flooded 911 to report strange sightings in the night sky. The reports came in from all walks of life — from police and a meteorologist to residents of Michigan’s many beach resorts. Hundreds of people witnessed what many insisted were UFOs — unidentified flying objects.

Cindy Pravda, 63, of Grand Haven, remembers that night in vivid detail — four lights in the sky that looked like “full moons” over the line of trees behind her horse pasture.

“I got UFOs in the back yard,” she told a friend on the phone.

Today, the mystery of one of the largest UFO sightings in Michigan history remains unsolved, but it continues to fascinate extraterrestrial researchers, psychologists and history buffs alike.

Pravda still believes the lights were UFOs.

“I watched them for half an hour. Where I’m facing them, the one on the far left moved off. It moved to the highway and then came back in the same position,” Pravda told the Free Press Thursday. “The one to the right was gone in blink of an eye and then, eventually, everything disappeared quickly.”

She still lives in the same house and continues to talk about that night.

“I’m known as the UFO lady of Grand Haven,” Pravda laugh.

Where it started

Daryl and Holly Graves and their son, Joey, told reporters in 1994 they witnessed lights in the sky over Holland at about 9:30 p.m. on March 8.

“I saw six lights out the window above the barn across the street,” Joey Graves told the Free Press in 1994. “I got up and went to the sofa and looked up at the sky. They were red and white and moving.”

Others gave similar accounts, including Holland Police officer Jeff Velthouse and a meteorologist from the National Weather Service office in Muskegon County. What’s more, the meteorologist recorded unknown echoes on his radar the same time Velthouse reported the lights.

“My guy looked at the radar and observed three echoes as the officer was describing the movement,” Leo Grenier of the NWS office in Muskegon said in 1994. “The movement of the objects was rather erratic. The echoes were there about 15 minutes, drifting slowly south-southwest, kind of headed toward the Chicago side of the south end of Lake Michigan.”

actual 911 calls from witnesses to the 1994 Holland Michigan UFO Incident


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The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Heats Up

by Dirk Schulze-Makuch                  March 11, 2019                    (

• A remarkable meeting occurred over the weekend of March 9-10 in Tutzing, Germany, just outside of Munich. Its theme: Are we alone in the Universe? Eminent German astrobiologists and scientists were invited to give presentations, including Karl Menten, Director of the Max Planck Institute, Gerhard Haerendel, recipient of the Allan D. Emil Memorial Award for pioneering achievements in space sciences, Andreas Losch from the Institute of Systematic Theology at the University of Bern, Switzerland, and the article’s author, Dirk Schulze-Makuch, who spoke on the Cosmic Zoo hypothesis.

• The meeting was hosted by the evangelical academy, underscoring the continuing interest of religious groups in the possibility of extraterrestrial life and what it might mean for faith communities. The Catholic Church appears to me to be the most interested group of all. In 2014 the Vatican Observatory even co-hosted a conference in Arizona on whether we are alone in the Universe.

• Earlier this year, the discovery of a new source of Fast Radio Bursts suggested that they could be messages from advanced technological civilizations. Tabby’s Star, which suddenly dips its light curve, has been linked to alien megastructures.

• Last November, Avi Loeb of Harvard University suggested that ‘Oumuamua’, the first object seen to enter our Solar System from interstellar space, could be a lightsail built by an advanced intelligent civilization. Its motion seems to indicate that something other than simple gravitation might be at work.

• The longest unresolved enigma is the Wow! signal, which has all the hallmarks of an alien transmission but unfortunately was only received once. It may have been a transmission from one starship to another, or perhaps from a ship to its home base, and Earth just happened to be in the way.

• However likely or unlikely these anomalies, it is clear that interest in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence is on the rise again, as shown not only by this latest conference near Munich, but by NASA’s renewed interest in what’s now called “technosignatures” of advanced life. Many people, beyond just scientists, understand what a detection of extraterrestrial intelligent life elsewhere would mean – nothing less than a complete re-assessment of our place in the Universe.


A remarkable meeting occurred outside Munich, Germany this past weekend. Its theme: Are we alone in the Universe? The most eminent German-speaking scientists in the field of astrobiology were invited to give keynote presentations, which included talks by Karl Menten, Director of the Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy, on the search for extraterrestrial intelligent life; by Gerhard Haerendel, recipient of the Allan D. Emil Memorial Award for pioneering achievements in space sciences, on messaging to extraterrestrial civilizations (METI); and by Andreas Losch from the Institute of Systematic Theology at the University of Bern, Switzerland, on the scientific, philosophical and theological consequences of the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations. I also gave a talk, on the possibility of complex life on other planets based on the Cosmic Zoo hypothesis.

The meeting was hosted by the evangelical academy in Tutzing, Germany, underscoring the continuing interest of religious groups in the possibility of extraterrestrial life and what it might mean for faith communities. The Catholic Church appears to me to be the most interested group of all. In recent years I’ve seen many of its representatives at scientific meetings. In 2014 the Vatican Observatory (yes, they have their own observatory) even co-hosted a conference in Arizona on whether we are alone in the Universe.

So, are we?

If you were to ask Avi Loeb of Harvard University, he would likely direct your attention to ‘Oumuamua, the first object seen to enter our Solar System from interstellar space. Last November Loeb pointed to six strange facts about ‘Oumuamua, suggesting that it could be an artificial object, possibly a lightsail built by an advanced intelligent civilization. Most puzzling of all is its shape: long, shiny and unusually thin for a rock. And its motion seems to indicate that something other than simple gravitation might be at work.



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Square-Shaped Black UFO Spotted in California Sparks Alien Debate

by Nirmal Narayanan              March 9, 2019               (

• UFO YouTube channel ‘Mavi777’ uploaded a video from Daniel Zermeno that shows a black square-shaped object spotted in the skies of California in broad daylight.

• The black-colored UFO is seen slowly and silently moving across the skies, and then spinning in the air at regular intervals. Zermeno says that the object “was deliberately moving in a certain direction”. “I personally have no idea what this is. But judging by the way it moves and everything I can personally concludes that it wasn’t a balloon because it wasn’t spinning around or anything strange.”

• Most comments on the video agree that the object is a sophisticated alien vessel from deep space. “Anybody think open contact may be soon? I believe in the Hopi prophecy of our star ancestors returning. Many tribes say that we used to walk this Earth with them long ago,” commented Shurmash, a YouTube user.

• Skeptics were quick to dismiss the alien claims, choosing to believe that the UFO was a weirdly shaped balloon floating in the air.


The video of a square-shaped black object spotted in the skies of California is now the hottest debating point among conspiracy theorists and alien enthusiasts. The video was shot in broad daylight, and in this eerie footage, the black colored UFO was seen moving slowly across the skies. Adding creepiness to the incident, the unidentified flying object featured in the video can be seen spinning in the air at regular intervals.

The video was initially uploaded to YouTube by a user named Daniel Zermeno. The eyewitness revealed that the silent object that he saw during his working hours was deliberately moving in a certain direction.

“A strange Square object floats by silently over my work. I don’t know if it’s some kind of drone or some kind of balloon. I personally have no idea what this is. But judging by the way it moves and everything I can personally concludes that it wasn’t a balloon because it wasn’t spinning around or anything strange. It was deliberately moving in a certain direction,” wrote the eyewitness in the video’s description.
The video later gained popularity after it was shared by popular conspiracy theory channel ‘Mavi777’. After watching the shocking clip, several conspiracy theorists and viewers of the YouTube channel put forward various theories explaining the creepy sighting.

12:41 minute video of square UFO over California



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In 1952, ‘Flying Saucers’ Over Washington Sent the Press Into a Frenzy

by Missy Sullivan                     March 10, 2019                      (

• In July of 1952, as UFO fever spread across Cold War America, the “grandfather of all ‘saucer’ sightings” took place in the skies above the nation’s capital. Over several weeks, up to a dozen unexplained objects repeatedly streaked across the skies over Washington, D.C. – spotted by radar operators, professional pilots and other highly credible witnesses. The ‘saucers’ outran Air Force fighter jets.

• When President Harry Truman called for answers, the Air Force’s Project Blue Book hastily convened a press conference, blaming the whole thing on the weather.

• Nationwide, newspaper headlines blared the fantastic news. Local publications ran stories, many drawn from national wire services, often edited with different details to fit their space. Some added sidebars with local ‘saucer’ news or tidbits like what Albert Einstein thought when asked about UFOs. One reporter got the bright idea to ask the Soviets if they were somehow behind it all.

• Below are some original clippings from around the nation during that extraordinary historical moment. Click on the newspaper title to link to the original article.

Monroe News-Star (Monroe, Louisiana), page 1, July 21, 1952 – ‘The Air Force today investigated reports that several “flying saucers” had been spotted by radar virtually in its own backyard on the outskirts of the nation’s capital. Not only were unidentified objects seen on radar—indicating actual substance instead of mere light—but two airline pilots and a newsman saw eerie lights fitting the general description of flying saucers the same night… Capt. S.C. Pierman piloting Capital Airlines Flight 807 said, “They couldn’t have been aircraft. They were moving too fast for that.”

The Cedar Rapids Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa), page 1, July 29, 1952 – ‘Radar showed that the air over the nation’s capital was full of flying objects early Tuesday…’

The Daily Inter Lake (Kalispell, Montana), page 11, July 31, 1952 – “It looked like a sphere, so deeply orange colored that it appeared almost the shade of rust. It was silent as death. It was moving too fast and evenly to be a balloon… Most persistent rumor is that Boeing Airplane Co. in Seattle, Wash., is either making flying saucers or has been in charge of the engineering of the project. In the weirder category of rumors is the one that the saucers are either Russian-built or from another planet and that several of them have crashed and have been picked up by the Air Force. ‘

Daily Independent-Journal (San Rafael, California), page 5, July 29, 1952 – ‘Reports of “saucers” have kept police, air force and weather bureau telephones jangling for several days recently in widely scattered localities… At Key West, Fla., the Navy said it was investigating accounts by several sailors who said they saw a “saucer” while attending an outdoor movie.’

Akron Beacon Journal (Akron, Ohio), page 2, July 30, 1952 – ‘Mrs. Floyd Wetzel of 901 Sayder st., said, “I think the government knows what’s back of it all and isn’t revealing it.” “I think they may be coming from another planet…,” asserted Al Rose of 74 Eastgay Dr.’

The Salt Lake Tribune (Salt Lake City, Utah), page 3, July 23, 1952 – ‘The Soviet embassy Tuesday denied any connection with flying saucers seen in this area…’

Standard-Sentinel (Hazleton, Pennsylvania), page 1, July 30, 1952 – ‘It was the third time in 10 days that radar… picked up signs of something unknown packing through pre-dawn black skies… And the Air Force threw lots of cold water on any chilling speculation about men or missiles from Mars—or enemy nations.’

The Paris News (Paris, Texas), page 1, July 30, 1952 – ‘The Air Force says… it’s certain of one thing: The saucers—whatever they are—don’t seem to be a menace to the United States.’

The Rhinelander Daily News (Rhinelander, Wisconsin), page 1, July 30, 1952 – ‘The bulk of these, after cross-checking, have been reasonably well identified as the product of friendly aircraft, out-and-out hoaxes, or electrical or meteorological phenomena… Two generals added that… a temperature inversion—a layer of warm air over cool air—sometimes may be sufficient to deflect radar waves and cause a false response on a radar set.’

• [Editor’s Note] Why would highly advanced “extraterrestrial” spacecraft target Washington D.C. several times during the summer of 1952?  It would seem to be politically motivated, but what extraterrestrial would know that D.C. is the capitol of the United States?  The explanation given by Corey Goode and William Tompkins makes a lot of sense.  At the end of WWII, the Nazi high command relocated to a base set up in a thermal pocket under the ice of Antarctica through the Nazi German’s alliance with the Draco Reptilians.  The Nazi/Draco coveted American industrial might which had “won” the war.  By the 1950’s, the American military industrial complex was being pressured to enter into a treaty to provide industrial support to the Nazi/Draco.  With the Draco’s assistance, the Nazi’s had built a fleet of spacecraft with electro-magnetic/anti-gravity propulsion technology.  This technology creates a “temporal bubble” around the craft itself basically creating its own self-contained environment, allowing it to accelerate and make sharp turns without being affected by gravitational g-forces.  To the observer on the ground, this temporal bubble appears as a bright light surrounding the craft.  In 1952, the Nazi’s flew their craft over Washington D.C. to demonstrate their tactical superiority over American military technology.  So in order to avoid widespread panic and the public’s revelation that the Nazi’s had actually escaped defeat in WWII, the American military (US Air Force) and its private industrial complex capitulated and entered into a secret treaty with the Nazi/Draco faction, which continues to this day.  And as depicted in the History Channel’s “Project Blue Book” episode 10, the Air Force generals were keen to cover up their alliance with the Nazi/Draco by blaming everything on the Russians, which also continues to this day.  (See 5:04 minute recap of History Channel’s “Project Blue Book” S1-E10 below.)


If 1952 marked the year that UFO fever spread across Cold War America, events in late July of that year spiked that mania to critical levels. That’s when the grandfather of all “saucer” sightings took place in the skies above the nation’s capital, causing a coast-to-coast collective jaw drop.

Over several weeks, up to a dozen unexplained objects repeatedly streaked across the skies over Washington, D.C.—spotted not just by crackpots, but by radar operators, professional pilots and other highly credible witnesses. The Air Force scrambled fighter jets, but the ‘saucers’ outran them. Around the U.S., sci-fi-like headlines blared, rumors flew and sightings soared.

When President Harry Truman quietly called for answers, a representative from the Air Force’s secret UFO-investigation team, Project Blue Book, was summoned to D.C. But before anyone could fully probe the incidents, the Air Force hastily convened a press conference to quell the panic, blaming the whole thing on the weather.

The incident didn’t just get covered in big-city papers. In every corner of the country, local publications ran stories, many drawn from national wire services, often edited with different details to fit their space. Some added sidebars with local ‘saucer’ news or tidbits like what Albert Einstein thought when asked about UFOs. One reporter got the bright idea to ask the Soviets if they were somehow behind it all.

5:04 minute recap of History Channel’s “Project Blue Book” S1-E10



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Mystery Line ‘Spanning Thousands of Miles’ Across Earth Spotted on ISS Feed

by Simon Green                 March 8, 2019                     (

• A Google Earth satellite image taken on the International Space Station has once again recorded an image of a gigantic atmospheric line, stretching for thousands of miles. A similar line appeared twice last year.

• The clip, which was posted by conspiracist MrMBB333, shows the massive “object” stretching across the surface of the planet. (see 1:11 minute video feed from the ISS below) “This is something in the sky above planet Earth,” he said. “I’ve been an observer of Earth for years and I’ve never seen anything like this.”


Conspiracy theorists were sent into a frenzy last year when a gigantic line was seen on Google Earth.
It then resurfaced several months later and some even claimed to have caught it from the ground.

And now, a satellite image taken on the ISS seems to show it has appeared once more.

The clip, which was posted by conspiracist MrMBB333, shows the massive “object” stretching across the surface of the planet.

“This is something in the sky above planet Earth,” he said.

“That’s not a continent – there’s nothing over there that is perfectly linear.

“That tells me, more than likely that whatever this is was in the sky.”

He then alters the contrast of the image to show the mystery sight in even more clarity.

“You can see there is definitely something there,” he adds.

“What are these things?”

1:11 minute video of ISS feed of Earth with a line across it


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Antarctic Mountain Rumoured to be ‘Earth’s Oldest Pyramid’ Built By Aliens

March 9, 2019                  (

• Citing the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens TV show, conspiracy theorists and UFO hunters claim that the oldest pyramids in existence may have been erected by extraterrestrials amid the frozen wastes of Antarctica. One Antarctic geological feature in particular draws the attention of conspiracy theorists: a “pyramid-like structure” located near the Shackleton mountain range, whose “four steep sides” make it look somewhat like the Great Pyramid of Giza.

• American author David Childress speculated that this so called “Shackleton pyramid” might be “the oldest of its kind” on the planet. “If this gigantic pyramid in Antarctica is an artificial structure, it would probably be the oldest pyramid on the planet and in fact it might be the master pyramid that all the other pyramids on planet Earth were designed to look like,” he said.

• Dr Michael Salla, an ET research expert, author of the “Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence” (and founder of the Exopolitics Institute, the umbrella organization for thinks that this rocky formation may be merely one node in a global network of power-generating pyramids strategically places around Earth. “One of the theories is that pyramids are power generators and so, if you have these pyramids strategically placed around the world generating a charge, it’s possible to create a general standing wave around the world that is a wireless transmission of energy,” Dr Salla noted.

• However, Dr Mitch Darcy, a geologist at the German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam, is sticking to mainstream geology’s position that these pyramids are just natural mountain peaks exposed above the ice. “[I]t’s a coincidence that this particular peak has that shape. By definition, it is a ‘nunatak’, which is simply a peak of rock sticking out above a glacier or an ice sheet. This one has the shape of a pyramid, but that doesn’t make it a human construction,” Darcy said.


While some conspiracy theorists and UFO hunters explore theories about aliens building pyramids in ancient Egypt and Mesoamerica, others now claim that the oldest pyramids in existence may have been erected by extraterrestrials amid the frozen wastes of Antarctica, the Daily Express reports citing the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens TV show.

As the newspaper notes, one Antarctic geological feature in particular draws the attention of conspiracy theorists: a “pyramid-like structure” located near the Shackleton mountain range, whose “four steep sides” make it look somewhat like the Great Pyramid of Giza.

David Childress, an American author and the owner of Adventures Unlimited Press, even speculated that this so called “Shackleton pyramid” might be “the oldest of its kind” on the planet.

“If this gigantic pyramid in Antarctica is an artificial structure, it would probably be the oldest pyramid on the planet and in fact it might be the master pyramid that all the other pyramids on planet Earth were designed to look like,” he said.
Dr Michael Salla, an ET research expert and author of the “Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence”, even ventured a guess that this rocky formation may be merely one node in a “global network of power-generating pyramids strategically places around Earth”.



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Galaxy Simulations Offer a New Solution to the Fermi Paradox

by Rebecca Boyle                March 7, 2019                   (

• The universe is filled with stars, nearly all those stars have planets, and some of those planets are surely livable. So where is everybody? This is the ongoing conundrum that is the Fermi Paradox, first presented by the Italian physicist Enrico Fermi in 1950.

• In 1981, Carl Sagan and William Newman speculated that the answer to the paradox was that intelligent people were simply too far away from us to come here. But they may do so in time. Others reason that tech-savvy civilizations are rare and prone to self-destruction, or are avoiding the Earth on purpose. In 1975, the astrophysicist Michael Hart declared there simply are no other intelligence civilizations in the universe (a hypothesis recently revived by Oxford researcher, Anders Samberg).

• Jonathan Carroll-Nellenback, an astronomer at the University of Rochester, has led another study, now under review by The Astrophysical Journal. Carroll-Nellenback says that it wouldn’t take very long for a space-faring civilization to spread across the galaxy because the movement of stars throughout the galaxy would “… spread life on time scales much shorter than the age of the galaxy” and help distribute life. “The sun has been around the center of the Milky Way 50 times.” According to simulations by Carroll-Nellenback and his colleagues Jason Wright, Adam Frank, and Caleb Scharf, natural variability will mean that sometimes galaxies will be settled, but often not — solving Fermi’s quandary.

• But the fact that no interstellar visitors are here now does not mean they do not exist, the study’s authors say. Civilizations do not last forever. Not every star is a destination, and not every planet is habitable. There’s also what Frank calls “the Aurora effect,” in which settlers arrive at a habitable planet on which they nonetheless cannot survive. When Carroll-Nellenback and his coauthors included these impediments in their model and ran simulations with different star densities, seed civilizations, spacecraft velocities and other variations, they found a vast middle ground between a silent, empty galaxy and one teeming with life. It’s possible that the Milky Way is partially settled, or intermittently so.

• Frank and Wright say that now we need to look for alien signals, which will be possible as more sophisticated telescopes open their eyes to the panoply of exoplanets and begin glimpsing their atmospheres. “We are entering an era when we are going to have actual data relevant to life on other planets,” Frank said. “This couldn’t be more relevant than in the moment we live.”

[Editor’s Note]   The wrangling over Fermi’s Paradox continues among mainstream scientists who are groping for an answer to a flawed premise. When you take the premise that no interstellar beings have ever visited the Earth as “Fact A”, there’s nowhere to go. It becomes a perpetual debate on why there are no beings here besides us. But this is a falsehood from the start. Of course there are extraterrestrial beings all around us. We have real evidence that they have been here for thousands of years, and anecdotal evidence that they have been here for hundreds of millions or even a couple of billion years. This galaxy and the universe are teeming with intelligent life. All of the 52 star systems in our local star cluster have human-like civilizations very similar to our own. We are apparently the last to join this community. It is our time. The problem is that the powers that be, which control the Deep State government and the mainstream science community, have made it a priority to keep Earth humans completely ignorant and unaware of our true reality, often through silly “scientific studies” such as this one.


As far as anyone knows, we have always been alone. It’s just us on this pale blue dot, “home to everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of,” as Carl Sagan so memorably put it. No one has called or dropped by. And yet the universe is filled with stars, nearly all those stars have planets, and some of those planets are surely livable. So where is everybody?

The Italian physicist Enrico Fermi was purportedly the first to pose this question, in 1950, and scientists have offered a bounty of solutions for his eponymous paradox since. One of the most famous came from Sagan himself, with William Newman, who postulated in a 1981 paperthat we just need patience. Nobody has visited because they’re all too far away; it takes time to evolve a species intelligent enough to invent interstellar travel, and time for that species to spread across so many worlds. Nobody is here yet.

Other researchers have argued that extraterrestrial life might rarely become space-faring (just as only one species on Earth ever has). Some argue that tech-savvy species, when they arise, quickly self-destruct. Still others suggest aliens may have visited in the past, or that they’re avoiding us on purpose, having grown intelligent enough to be suspicious of everyone else. Perhaps the most pessimistic answer is a foundational paper from 1975, in which the astrophysicist Michael Hart declared that the only plausible reason nobody has visited is that there really is nobody out there.

Now comes a paper that rebuts Sagan and Newman, as well as Hart, and offers a new solution to the Fermi paradox that avoids speculation about alien psychology or anthropology.

The research, which is under review by The Astrophysical Journal, suggests it wouldn’t take as long as Sagan and Newman thought for a space-faring civilization to planet-hop across the galaxy, because the movements of stars can help distribute life. “The sun has been around the center of the Milky Way 50 times,” said Jonathan Carroll-Nellenback, an astronomer at the University of Rochester, who led the study. “Stellar motions alone would get you the spread of life on time scales much shorter than the age of the galaxy.” Still, although galaxies can become fully settled fairly quickly, the fact of our loneliness is not necessarily paradoxical: According to simulations by Carroll-Nellenback and his colleagues, natural variability will mean that sometimes galaxies will be settled, but often not — solving Fermi’s quandary.

The question of how easy it would be to settle the galaxy has played a central role in attempts to resolve the Fermi paradox. Hart and others calculated that a single space-faring species could populate the galaxy within a few million years, and maybe even as quickly as 650,000 years. Their absence, given the relative ease with which they should spread, means they must not exist, according to Hart.

Sagan and Newman argued it would take longer, in part because long-lived civilizations are likelier to grow more slowly. Faster-growing, rapacious societies might peter out before they could touch all the stars. So maybe there have been a lot of short-lived, fast-growing societies that wink out, or a few long-lived, slowly expanding societies that just haven’t arrived yet, as Jason Wright of Pennsylvania State University, a coauthor of the new study, summarized Sagan and Newman’s argument. But Wright doesn’t agree with either solution.

“That conflates the expansion of the species as a whole with the sustainability of individual settlements,” he said. “Even if it is true for one species, it is not going to be this iron-clad law of xenosociology where if they are expanding, they are necessarily short-lived.” After all, he noted, life on Earth is robust, “and it expands really fast.”

In their new paper, Carroll-Nellenback, Wright and their collaborators Adam Frank of Rochester and Caleb Scharf of Columbia University sought to examine the paradox without making untestable assumptions. They modeled the spread of a “settlement front” across the galaxy, and found that its speed would be strongly affected by the motions of stars, which previous work — including Sagan and Newman’s — treated as static objects. The settlement front could cross the entire galaxy based just on the motions of stars, regardless of the power of propulsion systems. “There is lots of time for exponential growth basically leading to every system being settled,” Carroll-Nellenback said.



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If the Space Force Won’t Fight Aliens, Who the Hell Will?

by Kyle Mizokami                   March 6, 2019                    (

• During a recent Pentagon roundtable, military news site Task & Purpose’s Pentagon reporter Jeff Schogol asked if the Space Force “is concerned about threats posed by extraterrestrial intelligence.” The official answer he got back? “No.” But if an alien invasion did take place, which arm of the Pentagon would respond? The answer: probably all of them.

• Ironically, the service that would most likely take the lead is the US Navy. The US Navy is unique among the services in planning voyages, as would an alien spacecraft. From an operational and technical standpoint, aliens and sailors have a few things in common. Also, seventy-one percent of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. If aliens operated from the water, the Navy has manned aircraft, surface ships, and submarines above, on, and below the surface of the ocean. The Navy could also sail to the most remote locations in the world’s oceans to investigate and monitor for enemy activity.

• By contrast, the Air Force’s fighters and bombers could only remain engaged for a short time before returning to base. Such a force will be less useful against an alien capable of traveling extraordinary distances in a blink of an eye. In the meantime the Space Force, nestled under control of the Air Force, would contribute to the alien war by maintaining the U.S. military’s network of position, navigation, and timing/GPS satellites, communication satellites, and other space-based assets.

• If aliens attempted a landing in the United States, or attack one of our allies, the US Army’s ten combat divisions would spring into action, attempting to destroy the aliens with fire and maneuver. The Marines could also get in on the alien fighting, particularly overseas in Asia, Europe, or even the Middle East.

• Of course, all of this is contingent on the U.S. military being on par with alien technology… which, frankly, is extremely unlikely. Any species capable of interstellar flight is far more technologically advanced. Even a difference of a thousand years would be ample enough to ensure humanity’s defeat. If aliens do exist, our destruction at their hands would be nearly inevitable. In the end, maybe it doesn’t matter if the Pentagon has a plan to fight aliens after all.

[Editor’s Note] Well they have it right that the US Navy, not the Deep State Air Force, would be at the forefront of defending the planet against an alien attack. The US Navy has a far more advanced and formidable secret space fleet that deployed in the early 1980’s, called Solar Warden. The Air Force is more of a Coast Guard, controlling our terrestrial communications systems. The Marines are still a part of the Solar Warden Navy group. And the Army seems to be only terrestrial. But the negative extraterrestrials are here and have been here quite a while. So destruction of the planet is not what they have in mind. They prefer to keep us working for them as mind-controlled slaves, until we wake up, rise up, and claim our sovereignty.


Late last week, military news site Task & Purpose confirmed a disturbing fact: the newly created U.S. Space Force has no intention of fighting aliens. Despite the recent uptick of military UFO sightings, the Pentagon appears uninterested (at least officially) in the possibility of hostile aliens. But if an alien invasion does take place, which arm of the Pentagon would respond? The answer: probably all of them.

During a recent Pentagon roundtable, Task & Purpose’s Pentagon reporter Jeff Schogol asked if the Space Force “is concerned about threats posed by extraterrestrial intelligence.” The official answer he got back? “No.”

Schogol’s question was asked with tongue firmly planted in cheek, but the revelation last year that U.S. Navy fighter jets encountered alleged UFO craft in 2004 and again in 2015—in both instances appearing on radar and leaving behind video evidence—makes one wonder.

If the unidentified flying objects described by Navy pilots, as well as military and civilian personnel for the past seventy years, are really of extraterrestrial origin and unfriendly, how would the Pentagon deal with them?

If UFOs suddenly descended from the skies, toasting the Statue of Liberty, the Great Mall of America, and the Golden Gate Bridge with death rays, the Pentagon would need to convene some sort of study group to quickly determine what kind of threat it was dealing with. If that happens, forget the Air Force.

Ironically, the service that would most likely take the lead is the U.S. Navy.

Why the Navy? Aliens would likely come from vast distances, traveling light years in long distance voyages, to smash puny humans. The U.S. Navy is unique among the services in planning similar, though much, much shorter voyages. Both submarines and UFOs deal with pressure—in the case of submarines the pressure is on the outside, while in space the pressure is on the inside of the vehicle. From an operational and technical standpoint, aliens and sailors have a few things in common.

There are other reasons the Navy might take the lead. Seventy-one percent of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, and if aliens operated from the water (remember, the 2004 sighting included reports of a 737-sized object on the surface of the ocean) the Navy is unique in having manned aircraft, surface ships, and submarines prowling above, on, and below the surface of the ocean. The Navy could also sail to the most remote locations in the world’s oceans, establishing a military presence for weeks or months, to investigate and monitor for enemy activity.



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Alien Civilizations Might Be So Advanced That They Might Use Black Holes To Power Their Spaceships

by Erin VanDyke                 March 10, 2019                 (

• In a 1975 novel, Imperial Earth, science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke first put forward the idea of advanced alien civilizations utilizing a black hole-powered spacecraft. Charles Sheffield presented a similar idea in his 1978 short story, “Killing Vector”.

• Ten years ago, Kansas State University mathematician Dr Louis Crane, and physics grad student Shawn Westmoreland, co-authored a paper entitled, “Are Black Hole Spacecraft Possible?” which explored the possibility of using the Hawking radiation emitted by an artificial black hole.

• Dr Crane has now authored a new study entitled “Searching for Extraterrestrial Civilizations Using Gamma-Ray Telescopes” suggesting that spacecraft could be powered by the Hawking radiation from a tiny artificial black hole found by using gamma telescopes, which can also aid in the search for alien civilizations.


Scientists are always challenged to think outside the box, but when it came to looking for possible signs of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (ETI), it was even harder. One conclusion that scientists came upon was that many alien civilizations would be more technologically advanced than humanity since they might be older than us. People (who are) part of the Search for the Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) have to consider that the extraterrestrials might be more advanced.

One radical idea would be that spacefaring alien civilizations could harness radiation emitted from black holes (Hawking radiation) to generate the power they need for their spacecraft. Louis Crane decided to build on this, and as a mathematician at Kansas State University (KSU), the researcher recently authored a study that suggests evidence of spacecraft powered by tiny artificial black holes could be found by using gamma telescopes.

“Searching for Extraterrestrial Civilizations Using Gamma-Ray Telescopes,” as the new study was called, is now available online. Dr. Crane had published another paper before on the subject which was co-authored by a physics grad student with KSU, Shawn Westmoreland, titled “Are Black Hole Spacecraft Possible?” and published ten years ago.



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Disclosure Update:  Hillary Pal Podesta Talks ETs in NZ Prior To Christchurch Shootings

Another one of those “connect the dots” moments has occurred in the wake of the recent New Zealand Mosque shootings.

Top HRC confidante and UFO advocate John Podesta found himself down under in NZ praising the virtues of Hillary protege, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern a few days prior to the slaughter in Christchurch.  This event has all the trappings of a false flag/psy op as outlined in great detail by Ole Dammegard and others who have analyzed the video as well as the context of the tragedy.

It is fascinating to those who track these events closely to learn that Podesta felt compelled to reference ETs on this trip while also disparaging President Trump in the harshest terms.

Almost simultaneously, the carnage commenced!  How convenient to attribute the killings to a “white supremacist” so as to link the (false flag?) event to Trump.  How convenient to find former HRC campaign manager Podesta in the vicinity of the tragedy while promoting Ardern, a Left/Socialist politician with close ties to the former Secretary of State and Democratic nominee.

How convenient that the timing reignites the flagging assault on Trump’s legitimacy just as the Mueller investigation of RussiaGate was losing steam and Steele’s deep ties to British intelligence and top Obama Administration officials at the DOJ, FBI and CIA are being corroborated.

Conspiracy research thrives on such coincidences because the official narratives are usually implausible while those promoting these dubious accounts are often the main beneficiary of blaming their enemies.  If one adds to the equation the rush to secrecy by criminalizing possession of the live-stream video and censoring the internet to obscure what really happened, the image of cover-up instantly leaps to mind.

The ET factor adds additional juice to this scenario.  It implicitly continues the 2016 election competition on the topic where Podesta and HRC championed the John Brennan/CIA-linked To The Stars Academy, limited hangout approach (X Protect) whereas Trump seems to be opting for the JFK/full disclosure route (X Share) that some believe got Kennedy killed.

Trump’s Space Force, enthusiasm for a more adventurous NASA and family ties to Nikola Tesla suggest the potential of a bolder, more dramatic perspective than the Clinton/Podesta/deLonge effort.  Not to be ignored is the Israeli Moon Shot that adds further relevance to the Space angle.  It further connects Trump via his technology adviser, son-in-law Jared Kushner, who along with financier, Sheldon Adelson helped back the launch as another way of lending their pal Bibi Netayanhu more pre-election viability.

Meanwhile, all this is unfolding while Mrs. Clinton is suspected of selling Secret Space Program technology to China.

However over-the-top (far-out!) this speculative view is, this author feels justified in posing the possibility as he previously did with RussiaGate, that the Mueller investigation and these other events are ultimately all tied to the ET Truth Embargo and Disclosure.  The work of George Webb in detailing the links of Mueller to all aspects of the Military-Industrial Complex including the processing of Uranium as a fuel source along with the revelation of Mueller working with Comey to suppress the private development of cloaking technology are examples of this important connection.

If Hillary somehow claws her way to the top of the ticket again in 2020 and Trump escapes impeachment, we are likely to see this subject energized and revisited in ways few people are willing to entertain.

Rich Scheck, Camarillo, CA

March 17, 2019 (Revised on 3/19/19 in Ventura, CA)


Great Pyramid Constructed by ‘Extraterrestrial God’ Based on Ancient Texts

by Tom Towers                   March 6, 2019                    (

• Ancient alien theory author Zecharia Sitchin has analyzed and translated ancient texts from the Egyptian, Babylonian and Assyrian ages. He reveals a particular passage from The Lost Book of Enki that indicates that a Mesopotamian “god” named Enlil built the Egyptian Great Pyramid himself, ‘filled with chambers and “pulsating crystals”’. Thus, as the translation reads, “The sunlight to the horizon it reflected, by night like a pillar of fire it was. The power of all the crystals to the heavens in a beam it focused.”

• Scientists have discovered that the pyramid can concentrate electromagnetic energy in its internal chambers and under the base. Conspiracy theorists point to Sitchin’s translation to show that Enlil bestowed the pyramid with an untapped energy. One ‘truther’ argues that the pyramid could be used as a transporter, writing: “If you stood in the shaft by the King’s Chamber when the Earth was aligned for maximum electromagnetic energy, it will transport a human across the universe.” Experts now want to discover whether the structure can be fitted with technological devices, such as solar cells.

• “Aliens chose this location for a reason,” theorists explain. The geographic co-ordinates for the Great Pyramid are 29.9792458°N, and the speed of light is 299,792,458 metres per second. Humans could not even measure the speed of light with this precision until 1950. “This striking similarity is difficult to accept as a coincidence.”


Conspiracy theorists have long argued that “ancient astronauts” visited the Earth thousands of years ago and bestowed Egyptians with advanced scientific knowledge.

But some argue that one god built the pyramid himself – and point to one particular passage from The Lost Book of Enki.

     The Great Pyramid of Giza

In it, author Zecharia Sitchin analyses and translates ancient texts from the Egyptian, Babylonian and Assyrian ages.
There is one particular section that conspiracists draw on to prop up their theory.

It describes a Mesopotamian god called Enlil building the pyramid, filled with chambers and “pulsating crystals”.
It reads: “When this artful peak to the heavens rose, to place upon it the capstone the leaders were invited.

“Of electrum, an admixture by Gibil fashioned, was the Apex Stone made.

“The sunlight to the horizon it reflected, by night like a pillar of fire it was. The power of all the crystals to the heavens in a beam it focused.”

Scientists earlier discovered that the pyramid can concentrate electromagnetic energy in its internal chambers and under the base.



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UK Leads Hunt for Aliens With £25 Million Fund to Find Extraterrestrials

by Sean Martin                   March 8, 2019                    (

• The UK Space Agency has announced it will spend £25 million on the ‘Planetary Transits and Oscillations of Stars’ mission, placing 26 telescopes and cameras around the globe which will look for habitable planets in the ‘Goldilocks zone’ in one million nearby star systems. The mission will be headquartered at the University of Warwick (Coventry, England).

• The telescopes will look at the transit zones of the star when a planet crosses the face of a star, and scientists can note a dip in brightness. The telescopes will then examine the chemical make-up of the planets, and look for ‘biosignatures’ – signs of life. Science Minister Chris Skidmore said, “(This mission) may eventually lead to us answering the question of whether extra-terrestrial life exists.”

• Professor Don Pollacco of the University of Warwick leading the PLATO Science Management Consortium, said, “These planets will be close enough to facilitate a historic search for signs of life in their atmospheres using the next generation of large telescopes. For the first time we will start to understand if life exists beyond the solar system.”

• The UK government will also spend £10million to help create the ‘Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer’, which will examine how space weather interacts with Earth. “Space weather – such as solar wind – is a potential threat to our communications systems here on Earth so this research examining how the wind interacts with our planet’s electromagnetic system is important,” said Skidmore.

• “[O]ur investment will ensure UK scientists and engineers will be leading participants in all aspects of the mission… through our ongoing membership of the European Space Agency,” Chris Lee, Chief Scientist at the UK Space Agency, said. “(This) is a game changer in Exoplanet science.”


The UK Space Agency has announced it is committing the large sum to a mission which will browse the universe for signs of life. The mission is known as Plato, short for Planetary Transits and Oscillations of Stars, and will use 26 telescopes and cameras around the globe which will examine one million nearby star systems. University of Warwick is heading the mission, which states the plan is to look for habitable planets that are orbiting the ‘goldilocks zone’ – a region around a host star where it is neither too hot nor too cold.

The telescopes will look at the transit zones of the star to determine this. The transit zone is when a planet crosses the face of a star, and scientists can note a dip in brightness.

The telescopes will then examine the chemical make-up of the planets, and look for ‘biosignatures’ – signs of life.

Science Minister Chris Skidmore said: “Work to discover Earth-like planets around other stars may eventually lead to us answering the question of whether extra-terrestrial life exists.”

Professor Don Pollacco, University of Warwick, which leads the PLATO Science Management Consortium, said: “These planets will be close enough to facilitate a historic search for signs of life in their atmospheres using the next generation of large telescopes.

“For the first time we will start to understand if life exists beyond the solar system.”



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SOFIA Space Observatory Studying Jupiter Moon Europa for Life Signs

by Tom Fish                     March 5, 2019                       (

• Dr. Amanda Hendrix, co-lead of the NASA Roadmaps to Oceans World Group, believes that studying the oceans of other worlds is the key to finding alien life beyond the Earth – albeit microbial life. “We need to understand whether these oceans are habitable and if so, whether these oceans actually host life,” says Dr. Hendrix.

• In 2017, NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) flying observatory discovered that Jupiter’s moon Europa’s icy surface expelled water plumes containing approximately the amount of water in an Olympic-sized swimming pool. In 2018, the NASA Galileo probe flew through a giant plume of water vapor erupting from Europa. These plumes blast debris a hundred miles high, according to the spacecraft’s data.

• Hendrix reasons that life on Europa will most likely be clustered around hydrothermal vents on its subterranean ocean floor in a watery world of perpetual darkness. What passes for warmth on Europa is largely derived from tidal “kneading” caused by the colossal gravitational forces created by its orbit around gas giant Jupiter, the solar system’s largest planet.

[Editor’s Note]   Mainstream scientists continue their long, drawn out process of pretending to seek alien life beyond Earth, in order to give the impression that smart people are doing their best but still cannot come up with anything beside a theory of microbial life in thermal plumes. Therefore, the public is reassured that we are the only intelligent life in the universe, reinforcing the Deep State delusion that the galaxy really isn’t teeming with intelligent civilizations, nor are government and private secret space programs interacting with extraterrestrial beings on a regular basis.


Humans have long pondered whether our world is unique in the universe in sustaining life. Scientists are increasingly confident “wet” worlds resembling Earth are the best place to start the search for alien life. And accordingly, US space agency NASA a craft to search for clues of early life on Jupiter’s moon Europa.

The NASA Galileo probe last year flew through a giant plume of water vapour erupting from Europa’s icy surface.

These plumes blast debris a hundred miles high, according to a fresh analysis of the spacecraft’s data.

 Dr. Amanda Hendrix

The discovery has cemented the growing scientific consensus Jupiter’s moon, one of four first spotted by the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei in 1610, is the most promising place in the solar system to hunt for alien life.

Now NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) spacecraft has revealed tantalising clues to understanding Europa’s environment and its subsurface ocean.

Such erupting water plumes contain approximately the amount of water in an Olympic-sized swimming pool.
Although’s SOFIA’s 2017 observations did not directly detect the plume, it did establish an upper limit on how much water could be in the plumes.

This upper limit is pivotal to ongoing NASA analyses into the contents and origins of the plumes, which will help reveal if Europa has the ingredients to support life.

Any life found on Jupiter’s moon Europa will have to be made of sturdy stuff.
Europa’s surface temperature never rises above -160C (-256F).

And what passes for warmth on Europa is largely derived from tidal “kneading” caused by the colossal gravitational forces created by its orbit around gas giant Jupiter, the solar system’s largest planet.



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Alien Life ‘A Lot More Likely Now’ Study Reveals

by Tom Fish                  March 8, 2019                   (

• A new University of Sheffield research study suggests solar systems formed in turbulent times, when stars form in pairs, could actually improve the chances of allowing the planets around them to be the right temperature. About one third of our galaxy’s star systems are made up of binary star pairs. In such systems, when the stars are far enough apart, the habitable ‘Goldilocks zone’ is set by the radiation emanating from individual stars. If the stars are close enough, the zone’s size expands. The stars feel the warmth from each other and the planet is more likely to be in the habitable zone, doctors Bethany Wootton and Richard Parker write. When a pair of stars encounter a third star, the binary pair of stars might be pushed together. This, in turn, could expand the habitable zone, increasing the likelihood of life.

• And in a typical “stellar nursery”, where there would be 350 or so binaries, some 20 of them would be squeezed together in such a way as to expand their Goldilocks zone, and with it the chance of alien life. In some cases, those habitable zones even overlapped, consequently increasing the chances of life. These are the star systems toward which astronomers should turn their telescopes in the search for alien life.

• Dr Wootton said: ”Our (computer) model suggests that there are more binary systems where planets sit in Goldilocks zones than we thought, increasing the prospects for life. “So those worlds beloved of science fiction writers – where two suns shine in their skies above alien life – look a lot more likely now.”


Young planetary systems are violent, with new planets often colliding into each other. Such environments were thought to be too rough for life since they are so harsh and extreme. But the latest research now suggests astronomers should, in fact, turn their telescopes to these solar systems in the search for alien life.

The search for extraterrestrial life has so far centred around planets orbiting stars similar to our own.

This is because of a bias presuming other solar system containing aliens will likely look like ours.

But almost none of those “solar twins” – stars resembling our own – have actually been found to exist.

Now new University of Sheffield research suggests solar systems formed in turbulent times, when stars form in pairs, could actually improve the chances of allowing the planets around them to be the right temperature.

Such habitable planets sit in a zone where liquid water can exist and life could consequently flourish.

When they encounter a third star, a binary pair of stars might be pushed together.

This, in turn, could expand the habitable zone, increasing the likelihood of life.

The habitable zone is dubbed the “Goldilocks zone”: existing where the temperature is just right – not too hot and not too cold.

Those perfect conditions are believed to be necessary for life since water could allow complex molecules to eventually evolve into life can form.



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Forty Years on From the Dechmont Incident, Author Looks Back at Baffling Flying Saucer Sighting

by Tracey Bryce                   March 5, 2019                       (

• On November 9, 1979, Scottish forestry worker named Bob Taylor took his dog for a walk in the woodland near Deans, Livingston (West Lothian, Scotland), known as Dechmont Woods. There, Taylor saw a large “flying dome” hovering above the forest floor. It was dark metallic with a rough texture, and an outer rim with small propellers. As he approached it, two spheres dropped down. Their protruding spikes hooked on to his trousers and forcefully dragging him towards the hovering dome. Taylor reported that he smelled a strong acid odor when he felt as if being choked and then losing consciousness.

• When he came round he was laying face-down on the grass with his dog nearby, although the strange objects had disappeared. He couldn’t speak and his legs hurt. When he made it home to his wife, he was disheveled and his clothes were torn. Police were contacted and found strange marks in the soil beneath where the craft was said to have been hovering. They also determined that his clothes had been ripped by a sharp, upward pull.

• Taylor’s alien abduction claims were ridiculed. Some claimed that Taylor had eaten some hallucinatory berries. Others believed that it was an elaborate hoax. The authorities dismissed the matter as a simple assault.
• Malcolm Robinson, 61, is a paranormal investigator who spent four decades scrutinizing the Dechmont Woods Incident. He believes this was indeed a visitation from another planet. “This case is certainly a mysterious one,” Robinson says. “As a man who has spoken to hundreds of UFO witnesses over many years, none have convinced me so much as Bob Taylor.”

• “People often think the paranormal is a big joke, but the number of sightings in recent years has certainly increased,” says Robinson. “There have been many other astonishing UFO cases which have been recorded above the Scottish skies…” “In the last 10-15 years, there have been about 300 sightings in Scotland every year – and I would class at least a third of these as bona fide sightings.” “These are certainly not aircraft. We always try to find a rational explanation before we go down the route of UFOs.”

• “Robert Taylor passed away in 2007, but his story will live long into the future.”


When forestry worker Bob Taylor took his dog for a walk in the woodland near Deans, Livingston, he did not expect the next few hours would generate headlines around the world as police launched an investigation into his possible abduction by aliens.

The hypothetical causes of what became one of the world’s most notorious flying saucer sightings involve everything from hallucinatory berries and stellar mirages to an obscure type of lightning and even anti-tank helicopters.

After 40 years of research, Malcolm Robinson, however, is certain the most outlandish remains the most likely.

          Robert Taylor

Malcolm, a paranormal investigator who has spent four decades scrutinising the account, believes there was indeed a visitation from another planet. The Dechmont Woods incident on November 9, 1979, led to a small village in West Lothian being dubbed “the twilight zone” after Bob reported seeing a large “flying dome” hovering above the forest floor.

He described it as being made from a dark metallic material with a rough texture. It also had an outer rim with small propellers.

As he approached, two spheres dropped down – and started forcefully dragging him towards the dome, their protruding spikes hooking on to his trousers, and, after smelling a strong acid scent, he described being choked and eventually losing consciousness.

When he came round he was lying face-down on the grass with his dog nearby, although the strange objects had disappeared.

He found that he couldn’t speak and his legs hurt.

When he returned home his wife was concerned at the state he was in. He appeared dishevelled and his clothes were torn.

Police were contacted and found strange marks in the soil beneath where the craft was said to have been hovering.
They also determined it was likely his clothes had been ripped by a sharp, upward pull.

They would later record the matter as an assault and the alien abduction claims were ridiculed by many. But not, Malcolm, 61, who grew up in Tullibody, Clackmannanshire.



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Mysterious Lights Captured Over the Outer Banks

by Susan Leighton                 March 9, 2019                       (

• Last November, a fisherman on Cape Lookout (southern Outer Banks of North Carolina) caught strange lights hovering over the ocean late at night. Two glowing orange orbs appeared in the distance, then two other white lights joined them. These smaller white orbs then turn the same orange hue as the original pair. Then one pair drops out of sight leaving one pair remaining. (See 1:32 minute video below, courtesy of C.R. Larkin, ViralHog and the Charlotte Observer)

• According to the Charlotte Observer, this is not an unusual occurrence for residents of the area. The phenomenon has been occurring for more than two decades.

• Some viewers commented that it was probably parachute flares, although flares flicker and arc in the sky and these particular lights did not. Others suggested that the orbs were flames off the top of an oil rig. But there are no oil rigs out there. Cape Lookout lighthouse wasn’t the source of the strange lights either. Could they have been Marine Corp craft or drones returning to the Air Station New River? There are no reports of this. And wouldn’t the local population be used to seeing and identifying them?


UFOs are a hot topic again thanks to the extremely popular History Channel show, Project Blue Book. People want to believe, they really do. That is why whenever a sighting is reported, it usually turns into a viral news story.

Last November, a fisherman on Cape Lookout caught strange lights hovering over the ocean late at night. According to the Charlotte Observer, this is not an unusual occurrence for residents of the area. The phenomenon has been occurring for more than two decades.

In the fall of 2018, we reported on a North Carolina man that supposedly captured an unusual craft on his cell phone. This account later turned out to be debunked. It was deemed an optical illusion.

However, the sighting on the Outer Banks is something else entirely. At first, you see two glowing orange orbs in the distance. But then, out of nowhere, two other lights join. These smaller ones are white in color and then turn the same hue as the original pair.
After a bit of hovering together, one pair drops out of sight leaving one remaining. It is fascinating to watch. Check out the clip courtesy of C.R. Larkin, ViralHog and the Charlotte Observer.

Theories Abound

Much like the Phoenix Lights incident, some viewers commented on the video claiming that it was probably parachute flares. Although, as everyone knows, flares flicker. These particular lights did not.

Also, if they were distress flares and anyone that has watched Deadliest Catch on the Discovery channel can attest, they arc into the sky. Others felt that more than likely, the orbs were flames off the top of an oil rig. While there was a proposal by the Trump administration to “open the entire coastline of the lower 48 United States to oil and gas drilling, starting in 2019,” North Carolina chose preserving their ocean habitat over this initiative.

1:32 minute video of UFO over the Outer Banks of North Carolina



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UNCW Professor Explores UFOs

by Ben Steelman                 March 8, 2019                   (

• In her book, “American Cosmic”, professor Diana Pasulka, chair of the department of philosophy and religion at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, notes the similarities between people’s belief in extraterrestrial beings and starships, and people who believe in organized religion.

• For six years, Pasulka has focused on a small group of respectable academic scientists and researchers who believe that UFOs are real, ET beings have been in contact with us, and that the government knows much more than it’s telling. While many of these scientists remain anonymous, Pasulka was able to interview some including Jacques Vallee, the former NASA scientist and co-founder of ARPANET, an ancestor of the modern Internet.

• Several of the scientists Pasulka interviewed claim to have had non-verbal communication with alien beings. In some cases, the scientists believe the beings fed them inspirations or ideas for new innovations. For Pasulka, these descriptions sound a lot like traditional descriptions of divine inspiration or the Voice of God. She specifically notes the calling of Samuel in the Old Testament.

• ET believers’ often traffic in “artifacts” from UFO crashes which seem to possess uncanny powers. This reminds Pasulka of the medieval obsession with saints’ relics or with splinters from the True Cross.

• Descriptions of modern UFO encounters often involving loud humming, thunder, dancing lights and appearances of luminous beings — eerily similar to accounts of the miracles in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917.

• Pasulka notes a sharp disconnect between the believers who see the alien intelligences as mostly benign, and modern media which prefers scary stories like “Independence Day” or “Signs.”

• Again and again, she finds parallels between Catholic miracles and UFO beliefs. Ultimately, Pasulka sees both quests as a search for answers to unknowable mysteries and for guidance to who we are and where we are going.

[Editor’s Note]   Upon noting the similarities between ancient religions and modern UFO experiences, it isn’t such a great leap to speculate that these ancient religious accounts are actually descriptions of early human civilizations’ encounters with UFOs and extraterrestrial beings thousands of years ago, and they simply formed a religion around the experiences.


Depending on which poll you choose, between one-third and nearly half of Americans believe in unidentified flying objects, intelligent beings from other planets and those beings coming to visit (and, occasionally, probe) us.
The famed psychologist Carl Jung referred to UFOs as “a modern myth of things unseen.” For Jung, the question wasn’t so much whether UFOs exist or what they are as why we believe in them.

Diana Pasulka, a professor who chairs the department of philosophy and religion at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, takes much the same view in “American Cosmic.” For her, belief in starships and little green men proves remarkably similar to belief in organized (or disorganized) religion. At times, the two might be almost interchangeable.

            Diana Pasulka

Lots of “new” religions and cults place faith in UFOs, from Heaven’s Gate and Unarians to the Church of Scientologyand the Nation of Islam. A study of one such cult in the 1950s led psychologist Leon Festinger and colleagues to the theory of cognitive dissonance, how true believers adjust their worldviews when prophecy fails.

These, however, aren’t Pasulka’s real concern. For six years, she focused on a small tribe of academic scientists, published researchers with respectable records, who nevertheless believe UFOs are real, the government knows much more than it’s telling and non-human intelligences behind these craft have already contacted some of us.



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Research Laying Groundwork For Off-World Colonies

March 4, 2019                        (

• The University of Central Florida’s Center for Lunar and Asteroid Surface Science’s Exolith Lab creates simulated extraterrestrial surface material, ranging from lunar soil to Martian dirt, in order to lay the “groundwork” (pun intended) for establishing off-world colonies. Their most recent study is on asteroid surfaces, which Phil Metzger, a planetary scientist at UCF and lead author of the study, published in the journal Icarus.

• The wealth management company Morgan Stanley estimates that the space economy will be worth more than $1.1 trillion by 2040. Metzger believes that by the end of the century there will be more economic activity off planet Earth than on planet Earth. “With economics moving in that direction, it’s important for us to get a head start trying to create the regulatory and engineering environments to make sure everything is done safely and justly,” Metzger says.

• The team measured meteorites’ (as reference material) mineralogical composition; elemental composition; densities of rocks and crushed rocks known as regolith; mechanical strength; magnetic susceptibility; volatile release pattern; and particle size destruction. This standardization is highly needed, Metzger said, as previous attempts at creating simulated extraterrestrial surface material have used everything from floral foam to beach sand. If tests are performed on simulant that isn’t similar to the real thing or is not suited for that test, then it makes the test results invalid.

• The team achieved a “high-fidelity simulant”, which “will be very valuable for companies doing asteroid mining, doing tests of constructions of facilities and landing pads, metal extraction and more,” says Metzger. The studies’ co-author, Dan Britt added, “I think we did a good job of producing a simulant that mimics the parent asteroidal material pretty well.”

• Metzger said the research team will continue to grade simulants created in the Exolith Lab as well as offer their grading system to simulants created in other labs. They will also be receiving feedback from the community about improvements in the grading system and will work with the American Society of Civil Engineers for consensus on having the grading standards adopted.

[Editor’s Note] They’re right about there being more economic activity off-planet than on the Earth by the end of the century. Because this is already true. According to Corey Goode, the largest and most technologically advanced secret space program is the interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC), which is made up by dozens of mega-rich, multi-national corporations on Earth that have established at least fifteen work colonies on Mars, and who know where else, to manufacture unique technology-based goods, and is conducting ongoing trade with at least nine hundred extraterrestrial species throughout the galaxy.


University of Central Florida researchers are already laying the groundwork for the off-world jump by creating standards for extraterrestrial surfaces. Their work was detailed recently in a study published in the journal Icarus.

“I’m firmly convinced that by the end of the century there will be more economic activity off planet Earth than on planet Earth,” says Phil Metzger, a planetary scientist at UCF and lead author of the study.

              Phil Metzger

According to the wealth management company, Morgan Stanley estimates the space economy will be worth more than $1.1 trillion by 2040.

“With economics moving in that direction, it’s important for us to get a head start trying to create the regulatory and engineering environments to make sure everything is done safely and justly,” Metzger says.

In the study, Metzger and the team of researchers outlined standards for simulated extraterrestrial surface material and then applied the standards to a simulated extraterrestrial surface material created in the Center for Lunar and Asteroid Surface Science’s Exolith Lab housed at UCF.

While extraterrestrial surface material can range from lunar soil to Martian dirt, Metzger and the researchers created standards specifically for asteroid surfaces in this study.

                      Dan Britt

The team measured mineralogical composition; elemental composition; densities of rocks and crushed rocks known as regolith; mechanical strength; magnetic susceptibility; volatile release pattern; and particle size destruction.

This standardization is highly needed, Metzger said, as previous attempts at creating simulated extraterrestrial surface material have used everything from floral foam to beach sand.

If tests are performed on simulant that isn’t similar to the real thing or is not suited for that test, then it makes the test results invalid, Metzger said.

“We have to communicate what the properties are so everyone knows its limitations so they won’t use it for a test it wasn’t designed to simulate,” Metzger said.



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