Why Pilots Are Seeing UFOs

by Don Lincoln                      June 21, 2019                      (cnn.com)

• In the summer of 1947, following a widely reported incident of a “flying saucer” over Mt. Rainier in Washington state, people began to believe that these unidentified flying objects (UFOs) were actually alien spacecraft prowling the Earth. Over the past 70 years, more than ten thousand similar reports have been made.

• In 2004, Navy fighter jet pilots operating from the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier reported seeing UFOs off the coast of San Diego. More recently, other military pilots flying off of the East Coast have made similar claims and brought the incidents to the attention of government leaders. Pilots reported both high-altitude radar contacts and something just below the ocean water. But it would be hasty to link these observations together.

• So the question is: “Are these aliens?” Or are these pilots seeing something with a more ordinary explanation. The pilots could have seen a real object that they couldn’t explain, or they could have experienced glitch in the electronics. Given the professionalism of these pilots, it is fairly certain that they did indeed see a UFO. But this is not evidence that the Earth is being visited by aliens. There are no artifacts, no clear photographs, no captured aliens, no alien bodies – nothing to prove it is anything extraterrestrial.

• During World War II, allied pilots reported “foo fighters,” which were thought to be a new weapon employed by the German Luftwaffe – but not extraterrestrials. These modern UFO accounts should certainly be investigated, but this writer would be very surprised if the reports turned out to be anything other than ordinary.

• Still, the writer believes that we should continue to investigate the possibility that these are alien UFOs. After all, if these objects are real and actually move in the ways that the pilots reported, it’s something that any military would want to know about. Being aware of credible threats is one of the military’s key responsibilities.

[Editor’s Note]   This article’s writer’s reaction to the abundance of evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial-controlled UFOs is part mainstream rationalization and part cognitive dissonance. He recognizes only a small portion of the evidence – that which he can refute without looking like a complete fool. The writer completely ignores what pilots have seen with their own eyes, or the obvious advanced technology employed by these UFOs. He cherry picks whatever evidence he can isolate and debunk. He doesn’t even consider the thousands of other UFO sightings and the wealth of insider testimony and documentation that support the ET/UFO phenomenon. His mind simply cannot fathom the possibility that UFOs are real, that extraterrestrials are real, and that the US government has been covering it all up for the past 70 years. Also, he works for the Deep State-controlled media outlet, CNN, and he would like to keep his job. So he toes the Deep State line that there is nothing to see here. Do not believe your own eyes. Instead, believe a media and a government that has been ridiculing honest people and hiding the truth for decades.


For centuries, people have witnessed unexplained lights in the sky and thought that perhaps they might be ghosts or angels. However, it was in the summer of 1947 when a different explanation became popular. Following a widely reported incident over Mt. Rainier in Washington state, people began to believe that these unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are actually alien spacecraft prowling the Earth.

Over the past 70 years, more than ten thousand similar reports have been made. Most reports were eventually debunked as weather balloons, the planet Venus or even oddly shaped clouds. Some accounts simply arose from nothing more than the fevered imaginations of UFO enthusiasts. But not all reports could be dismissed so easily.

In 2004, Navy fighter jet pilots operating from the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier reported seeing UFOs off the coast of San Diego. And, more recently, other military pilots flying with the USS Theodore Roosevelt in the Atlantic made similar claims. The news of those accounts became public knowledge from a story in the New York Times and a new miniseries on the History Channel. These media and entertainment reports brought the incidents to the attention of government leaders.

The question that comes to mind is: “Are these aliens?” Sadly for anyone who is a fan of the television show “The X-Files,” it is simply far, far, more plausible that what these pilots were seeing is something with a more ordinary explanation, whether it be an instrumental glitch or some other unexplained artifact.

Given the professionalism of the pilots who reported the sightings, I am fairly certain that they did indeed see a UFO. The problem is that many people jump directly from the “unidentified” in “UFO” to “flying saucer.” And that’s just too large a jump to be reasonable. There is simply no credible evidence that the Earth is being visited by aliens. There are no artifacts, no clear photographs, no captured aliens, no alien bodies — nothing.



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Air Force Secret Space Program: Reptilian and Nordic Alliances

In this Mind Blowing Interview with Dr. Michael Salla, we discuss his new book US Air Force Secret Space Program – Shifting ET Alliances & Space Force. We talked about many thought provoking and serious topics that are desperately important in the human race moving forward as a civilization in these mysterious times we are facing. We talked about the Reptilian and Nordic Alien Alliances and there role in the cosmic scale of things. He also mentioned how these alliances are utilizing highly advanced technologies including the black triangles (TR3B) to help achieve some of their agendas. He discussed some of the Global Players agendas and their alliances with these extraterrestrials. He also talked about the Secret agreements with a breakaway German colony in Antarctica (the Fourth Reich) & different extraterrestrial groups in the 1950’s.

Dr. Salla stated how the United States has been ran by the Fourth Reich especially NAZI ideologies since World War 2. He also went on to talk about how the US Airforce was decieved by the Deep State and the Sinister Fourth Reich which eventually led to the switching of alliances to Human Looking Extraterrestrials (The Nordics). Later on in the interview we talked about the coming Moon missions and how that correlates with the Alien Alliances agendas that are at play on this global stage.

A FEW TOPICS DISCUSSED IN THIS INTERVIEW: – Reptilian and the Grey Alien Alliances – The German Breakaway Civilization to Antarctica – The Sinister and Dark Agendas that are at play – Differences of the Navy and Air Force Secret Space Programs – The Ramifications of Privatized Space Programs in Space – The Coming Moon and Mars Missions – How the Fourth Reich has secretly been running the United States – President Trumps knowledge of the Secret Space Program and the Extraterrestrial Alliances.

Dr. Michael Salla’s Website: exopolitics.org

Source: Beyond the Forbidden TV – 7/1/19

Stonehenge ‘Was Built by Flying ‘God-Like Alien Creatures’

by Emma Parker                  June 21, 2019                  (dailystar.co.uk)

• The origins of Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England are shrouded in mystery. Mainstream ‘experts’ believe that the stones were dragged overland in boats to Salisbury by sheer brute muscle power.

• Swiss author Erich von Daniken promoted the idea of alien astronauts visting Earth in his 1998 bestselling book Chariots of the Gods? Daniken theorises alien astronauts visited our planet in ancient times and had a role in the creation of Stonehenge and other megastructures that would have been beyond the ability of humans.

• Another hypothesis is that Stonehenge’s human builders replicated the shape of an alien space craft to pay homage to extraterrestrial visitors. Humans were alleged to have fashioned the ruins in the shape of the craft in the same way indigenous people of Tanna in the South Pacific worshipped American servicemen who brought them supplies in World War 2.


Thousands of people today gathered at the ancient site in Wiltshire to mark the summer soltice and the stones’ origins are still shrouded in mystery.

There are conflicting explanations about how Stonehenge’s builders managed to transport the iconc bluestones.
Some people suggest the stones were dragged overland in boats to Salisbury by sheer brute muscle power.

But those who believe in extraterrestrials are convinced the stones were put there with the help of aliens.
Swiss author Erich von Daniken promoted the idea of alien astronauts visting Earth in his 1998 bestselling book Chariots of the Gods?

Daniken theorises alien astronauts visited our planet in ancient times and had a role in the creation of Stonehenge and other megastructures that would have been beyond the ability of humans.

In his book, Daniken said: “Could it be that God was an extra-terrestrial? What do we mean when we say that heaven is in the clouds?

“From Jesus Christ to Elvis Presley, every culture tells us of high-flying bird men who zoom around the world creating magnificent works of art and choosing willing followers to share in the eternal glory from beyond the stars. Can all these related phenomena merely be dismissed as coincidence.”



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Is the Air Force Flying Planes Developed From Alien Tech?

“E15 Is the Air Force Flying Planes Developed From Alien Tech?”
June 21, 2019                    (survivalupdate.com)

• Top Secret super high-tech experimental airplanes that are tested over notorious air force bases such as Wright-Patterson, Groom Lake, and Area 51 have often been mistaken for UFOs. In fact, UFOs and secret military aircraft have been so intimately related that it is thought that they were actually “reverse engineered” from crashed and captured UFOs.

• No such story is better known among UFO circles than the fabled “Project Aurora”. In the late-1980’s/early 1990’s, the futuristic “Aurora” aircraft was being flown out of Area 51 under distinctly covert circumstances. The large, black-colored, triangular-shaped aircraft was said to be able to fly and maneuver at incredible speeds – over 6000 miles per hour – and could out-fly just about anything else on the planet. But according to the U.S. Government, the Aurora does not exist and has never existed.

• In March 1990, an article in Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine revealed that the term “Aurora” had appeared in the 1985 U.S. budget, possibly appearing by mistake as the program was so “Top Secret” that its very existence had to be denied at all costs. The rumored $500 million development cost for the aircraft had been paid to those at Area 51 working on an experimental “alien inspired” aircraft. By 1987, the budget for “Project Aurora” had soared to over two billion dollars.

• In the early 1990’s there were a string of sightings of large triangular shaped crafts over Scotland. Recently released documents show that Members of the United Kingdom’s Parliament had looked into rumors that the Aurora was operating secretly out of RAF Machrihanish Air Base at the tip of Kintyre, Scotland. Briefing notes to defense secretary Tom King on March 4, 1992 report, “[I]t would not surprise the relevant desk officers in the Air Staff and (Defense Intelligence Staff) if it did exist.”

• Chris Gibson, an aircraft expert having 12 years’ experience with the Royal Observer Corps, said he saw a triangular plane flanked by two US fighters being refueled in flight by tanker while he was working on the Galveston Key oil rig (Texas) in 1989. The plane was unlike anything he had ever seen and reported the sighting to Jane’s Defense Weekly in 1992.

• Predecessors to the Aurora triangle craft were the US Air Force’s SR-71 Blackbird spy plane from 1964 to 1998, and the U-2 spy plane in the late 50’s/early 60’s. In the late 1990’s, journalist Nick Cook of Jane’s Defense Weekly traveled to Lockheed’s ‘Skunk Works’ to interview its head, Jack Gordon, and tour the facility. Cook writes,“Just before I left the [Skunk Works] building, I stopped in front of a large chart on the wall of the lobby area. It proudly illustrated the lineage of every Skunk Works aircraft since the XP-80. Past the picture of the U-2, past the SR-71 Blackbird and the F-117A Stealth Fighter, past the YF-22 and DarkStar, and there was something called ‘Astra.’” Cook asked Lockheed’s press representative what “Astra” was, and weeks later he was told it was a 30-year-old concept for a “high-speed airliner.”

• In 2013, Lockheed announced that it had in development the SR-72, the successor to the famous SR-71 Blackbird. In 2017, observers reported the first sightings of a demonstrator model of the planned SR-72 high-speed aircraft. Rob Weiss, executive vice president and general manager of Lockheed Martin’s Advanced Development Programs, hinted that progress towards an optionally piloted SR-72 was proceeding on schedule. Weiss is quoted as saying “[W]e, along with DARPA and the services, are working hard to get that capability into the hands of our war-fighters as soon as possible.”

• So the SR-72 is definitely a thing, and it and may just owe its lineage and pedigree to a plane named “Aurora” or “Astra” that supposedly does not exist, sitting atop a famous Family Tree.

[Editor’s Note]   In Dr Michael Salla’s latest book: US Air Force Secret Space Program, Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances & Space Force, Dr Salla states that Edgar Fouche, who spent 12 years working at Area 51 in the 1980’s and 1990’s, confirmed that the SR-71 Blackbird had indeed been replaced by Aurora-class aircraft, e.g.: hypersonic aircraft that employs anti-gravity and stealth technology. (see chapter 15)  Said Fouche, “The Aurora comprises the SR-75 capable of speeds above Mach 5, and acts as a mother ship for the SR-74 that can travel at speeds of Mach 18 or more into space to deliver satellites.”

Fouche also revealed that there is a third vehicle belonging to the Aurora Program called the TR-3B, code named ‘Astra’, which was the most highly classified program that he and other workers at the Groom Lake/Area 51 facility were aware of. The triangular shaped and nuclear-powered Astra is the most classified aerospace development program in existence. The TR-3B Astra also incorporates three rocket engines using conventional fuel sources like hydrogen, oxygen and/or methane. The anti-gravity system is a “Magnetic Field Disrupter” which rotates highly pressurized mercury-based plasma around a circular accelerator ring. MFD technology reduces the craft’s weight by a factor of 89%, which allows it’s conventional jet propulsion system to provide the necessary thrust to make the TR-3B outperform conventional vehicles. The TR-3B is a high altitude, stealth, reconnaissance platform with an indefinite loiter time. Fouche references Scotland as one of the locations where an operational TR-3B was based. Hundreds of witnesses reported black triangle craft in the skies over Scotland and Belgium from November 1989 to April 1990, including a very well-documented incident on March 30, 1990 involving Belgian F-16 fighters attempting to intercept a flying triangle.

Corey Goode asserts that the TR-3B was a “hand me down” to the USAF’s military space program from an even more advanced and classified space program when covert US and German corporations combined to build a vast fleet of vehicles for the Antarctic German “Dark Fleet” space program throughout the 1960’s and early 70’s. The TR-3B was among the vehicles that were developed during this period. According to Dr Salla, as of September 2017 the USAF has abandoned its Deep State/ Antarctic German/ Reptilian/ Corporate allies and have now joined with a rival Nordic ET faction to reveal to the public its advanced air/space craft and low orbit space platforms under a forthcoming ‘limited disclosure’ scenario.


Over the years, mysterious military aircraft and UFO sightings have always marched in lockstep. Test flights of Top Secret or experimental airplanes have very often been mistaken for UFOs, and such research and development of these super high-tech airplanes is often conducted at the very air force bases most often associated with UFO lore, such as Wright-Patterson, Groom Lake, and of course, Area 51.

In fact, UFOs and secret military aircraft are so intimately related, it has often been suggested that such airplanes — for example the F-117A stealth fighter — were actually “reverse engineered” from crashed and captured UFOs.

No such story is better known among UFO circles, then the fabled “Project Aurora,” a project that has led to the development of actual military aircraft, some that to this day, officials still refuse to admit exist.

Aurora’s Origins

It all started back in the late-1980s/early 1990s, when rumors began to circulate among the aviation world that a highly secret, futuristic aircraft was being flown out of Area 51 – and under distinctly covert circumstances. The supposedly large, black-colored, triangular-shaped aircraft was said to be able to fly and maneuver at incredible speeds – as high as Mach 8, or over 6000 miles per hour – and could outfly just about anything else on the planet. It was rumored to be known as “The Aurora.”

Officially, at least, and according to the U.S. Government, the Aurora does not exist and has never existed.
The name “Aurora” was first ascribed to the mysterious super-plane in March 1990. That was when the well-respected magazine Aviation Week & Space Technology (AW&ST) had a cover story featuring the “non-existent” aircraft.

The article within revealed that the term “Aurora” had appeared in the 1985 U.S. budget – and had possibly appeared by mistake, which makes sense if the program was so “Top Secret” that its very existence had to be denied at all costs. And speaking of costs, it was rumored that around $500 million had been provided to those working out at Area 51 on secret, futuristic, some would even say even, “alien inspired,” aircraft.

AW&ST suspected that “Aurora” was not the name of any one single plane, but a “code-name” for any number of aircraft under development that were both radical in design and technology. Later investigators, though, concluded that Aurora referred to just one type of aircraft. AW&ST learned that by 1987 the budget for “Project Aurora” had soared to an excess of two billion dollars.



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Glowing Orbs Spotted Hovering Above Kansas, Authorities Clueless

by Nirmal Narayanan                       June 22, 2019                      (ibtimes.co.in)

• On June 20, 2019, two glowing orbs were spotted hovering in the skies over Kansas City.

• “Even the local news recorded a few and posted to Twitter what they had seen. This prompted DARPA to respond saying that they had released three lighter than air objects in the area (i.e.: balloons). I believe since DARPA is a government agency that it is lying to the public and trying to cover up an actual UFO fleet over Kansas City,” said self-styled UFO expert, Scott C Waring. “The US government will try anything and everything to cover up actual UFO sightings.”

• The National Weather Service tweeted: “We honestly have no explanation for the floating objects over Kansas City.”

• Other conspiracy theorists proffer that these glowing orbs could be secret anti-gravity military vessels developed by superpowers like the United States, Russia or China.


In an interesting development, two glowing orbs were spotted in the skies of Kansas. The sighting soon went viral on online platforms, and even weather authorities are completely clueless about the bizarre sighting.

The National Weather Service (NWS) wrote on Twitter that they literally have no explanation for the mysterious sighting. As NWS failed to give a proper explanation, several social media users started alleging that alien spaceships have reached the earth to monitor human activities. Some users even went a step ahead and assured that extraterrestrials are gearing up for an invasion.

We honestly have no explanation for the floating objects over Kansas City.
— NWS Kansas City (@NWSKansasCity) June 21, 2019

Popular UFO researcher Scott C Waring also analyzed the clip, and he alleged that the government is trying to cover up realities of alien life.  “Thousands of eyewitness in Kansas City saw huge UFO orbs in the sky over the city two days ago. Even the local news recorded a few and posted to Twitter what they had seen. This prompted DARPA to respond saying that they had released three lighter than air objects in the area. I believe since DARPA is a government agency that it is lying to the public and trying to cover up an actual UFO fleet over Kansas City. The US government will try anything and everything to cover up actual UFO sightings and here is 100% proof that they are doing it again here,” wrote Waring on his website ET Date Base.

1:03 minute video of two orbs over Kansas City on June 20, 2019 (Clint Banning YouTube channel)

1:18 minute video of two orbs over Kansas City on June 20, 2019 (Haki Social Media YouTube channel)



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Recent UFO Encounters With Navy Pilots Occurred Constantly Across Multiple Squadrons

“E14 Recent UFO Encounters With Navy Pilots Occurred Constantly Across Multiple Squadrons”

by Tyler Rogoway                      June 20, 2019                     (thedrive.com)

• It was recently reported that US Navy Super Hornet aircraft pilots out of Master Jet Base NAS Oceana in Virginia Beach, VA detected UFOs off of the East Coast multiple times on radar during the period of 2014/2015, and one pilot even had a virtual close encounter with one of them. (see article here) But what about the rest of the many Super Hornet squadrons based at Naval Air Station Oceana, not to mention the E-2 Hawkeye squadrons from nearby NAS Norfolk (Virginia)?

• It turns out that the presence of mysterious UFOs in the airspace off America’s East Coast was so pervasive that it was common knowledge among local flying units. The majority of the Super Hornet squadrons and the E-2D Hawkeye squadrons equipped with the same next-generation radar were having the same experiences. It literally became such a common and nearly everyday occurrence that Naval Aviators and Naval Flight Officers from the base would talk about it informally with regularity.

• After an official safety report was filed when one of the Hornets almost hit “a translucent sphere with a cube structure suspended inside of it”, ‘Notices To Airman’ (NOTAMs) were posted regarding the potential dangers posed by unknown aerial vehicles. Other East Coast squadrons came forward to report that there were many more such encounters with UFOs/UAPs, all with the exact same description of translucent objects.

• This underscores just how taboo this topic was to military aviators. The fact that these types of events could have been so pervasive, yet kept so hushed-up outside of Navy tactical aircraft aircrew circles, provides good evidence as to why the Navy had to officially change is procedures for its personnel reporting such strange incidents. We are definitely entering uncharted territory when it comes to this long shunned and abused topic.


One of the biggest questions surrounding the most recent known spate of UFO encounters with U.S. Navy pilots—those that occurred off the southeastern seaboard of the United States between 2014 and early 2015—pertains to how persistent they actually were. We know Super Hornet aircrews from Strike Fighter Squadron 11 (VFA-11), the Red Rippers, detected unknown objects multiple times on radar and one aircrew even had a close encounter visually with one of them, but what about the rest of the many Hornet squadrons based at Naval Air Station Oceana, not to mention the E-2 Hawkeye squadrons from nearby NAS Norfolk? We have the answer to this question and it is remarkable.

                 F/A-18 Super Hornet

A source with knowledge of the events has made it clear to The War Zone that presence of the mysterious objects in the restricted training airspace off America’s east coast was so pervasive that it was largely common knowledge among local flying units. They noted that the majority of the Super Hornet squadrons equipped with AN/APG-79 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radars—you can read all about this technology and how it was key in detecting these objects in our exclusive piece on the subject—at the time were having the same experiences, as well as the crews flying the new E-2D Hawkeye with its incredibly powerful AN/APY-9 radar suite. It literally became such a common and near everyday occurrence that Naval Aviators and Naval Flight Officers from the base would talk about it informally with regularity.

                     Navy E-2 Hawkeye

But that doesn’t mean formal action wasn’t taken. Beyond filing an official safety report after one of the jets almost hit one of the unidentified objects—described eerily as a translucent sphere with a cube structure suspended inside of it—Notices To Airman (NOTAMs) were posted regarding the dangers potentially posed by unknown aerial vehicles flying in the same military operating areas that aircraft from NAS Oceana frequented for training. This action was taken by the base’s command leadership as they couldn’t figure out how else to address the bizarre issue and its perceived threat to their aircrews’ safety.

We have since filed Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests for copies of these NOTAMs, as well as documents regarding how the decision to file the NOTAMs was made at the command level.



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E8 Scientists in the Dark Over ‘Moonquakes’

(6-21-19) Since 1967, astronomers have reported seeing flashes of light emanating from the Moon, usually reddish or pink in color, and appear to be about 10 miles in diameter. They can last for seconds, minutes or sometimes hours. There can be several such flashes in a single week. Some are smaller “sparkling” flashes that appear to be only a couple of miles wide. There are also corresponding “dark” flashes; periods where the surface of the Moon dims and disappears from our sight.

E04 Harry Reid Wants Hearings on What the Military Knows About UFOs

(6-19-19) Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev) told KNPR, the National Public Radio affiliate in Las Vegas, he wishes lawmakers would hold public hearings into what the military knows about UFOs. “They would be surprised how the American public would accept it,” Reid said on air.

E03 UFOs in Wisconsin: 1968 Roswell-Like Incident

(6-18-19) On January 21, 1968, more than 25 people saw a round, dark-gray object about the size of a hot-air balloon descend and crash-land in a field at Berge Farm, near Madison, Wisconsin. The UFO appeared to drop sparks and debris as it moved through the air. The farmer recovered a piece of metal from the UFO crash and gave it to an investigative journalist.

Lawmakers Are ‘Coming Out of the Woodwork’ to be Briefed on UFOs

by Matt Stieb                       June 20, 2019                          (nymag.com)

• The US Navy has been organizing UFO briefings for members of Congress, since Navy pilots’ reported encounters with ‘Tic Tac’-looking UFOs off of both US coasts. Briefings have been given to Defense Intelligence staff and Congressional oversight committee members.

• A spokesperson for the vice-chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) (pictured above) said, “If naval pilots are running into unexplained interference in the air, that’s a safety concern Senator Warner believes we need to get to the bottom of.”

• Staffers on Intelligence, Armed Services, and Defense Appropriations panels are “coming out of the woodwork” to obtain the information. An active intelligence official confirmed that “more requests for briefings are coming in.”

• Despite his interest in a Space Force, and even though President Trump theoretically has more access to unredacted information on UFOs than anyone, he told George Stephanopoulos that he doesn’t ‘particularly’ believe in UFOs.

• On the other hand, former Nevada Senator Harry Reid, the godfather of the recent push to normalize the discussion of UFOs within government, said that he would encourage lawmakers to hold public hearings on the matter. “They would be surprised how the American public would accept it,” said Reid.

• When Reid was Senate majority leader in 2007, he allocated $22 million to a Pentagon study of military sightings of UFOs. “That money was spent developing page after page of information,” says Reid. “There’s been a lot of activity since that.”

• The Navy has taken major steps in cutting the stigma around the reporting of UFO sightings. In April, the Navy announced it is “updating and formalizing the process” of UFO reports by its pilots in an attempt to analyze the phenomenon from a more scientific approach. Luis Elizondo, a former Pentagon senior intelligence officer, claimed that this was “the single greatest decision the Navy has made in decades.”


According to congressional officials who spoke to Politico, three senators received a classified briefing from the Pentagon on Wednesday regarding Navy encounters with unidentified aircraft. The briefing is one of a number of recent requests from oversight committee members following a report in May of Navy pilots who frequently saw Tic Tac-looking UFOs flying off the southeast coast of the United States between 2014 and 2015.

“If naval pilots are running into unexplained interference in the air, that’s a safety concern Senator Warner believes we need to get to the bottom of,” said a spokesperson for Virginia Democrat Mark Warner, the vice-chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. An active intelligence official confirmed to Politico that “more requests for briefings are coming in.” And a former government official, who has been present for some of the meetings with lawmakers, added that representatives and support staff on the Intelligence, Armed Services, and Defense Appropriations panels are “coming out of the woodwork” to obtain the information. The briefings have reportedly been organized by the Navy, and have included staff from the under secretary of Defense for Intelligence.

Despite his interest in a Space Force — even if it’s only a fundraising tool — Trump doesn’t seem engaged by the fact that he has more access to unredacted information on UFOs than, presumably, any other terrestrial being. “I did have one very brief meeting on it,” Trump told George Stephanopoulos on Sunday. “But people are saying they’re seeing UFOs. Do I believe it? Not particularly.”

But former Nevada senator Harry Reid, the godfather of the recent push to normalize the discussion of UFOs within government, remains quite invested. In an interview with Nevada’s KNPR last week, Reid said that he would encourage lawmakers to hold public hearings on the matter: “They would be surprised how the American public would accept it. People from their individual states would accept it.”



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Space Is The Place – There’s GOLD In Them There – Asteroids!

Is this what President Trump’s Space Force is really all about?

Love him or hate him, the former New York realtor is a shrewd businessman with a long history of dabbling in every kind of enterprise from airlines to vodka and sport’s teams to high quality meats.

News of a nearby asteroid worth $700 quintillion in precious heavy metals no doubt has gotten his full attention and fueled his enthusiasm for promoting NASA’s ambitious plans to return to the Moon by 2024…. and then go to Mars.

The recent craze about tic-tacs, puffs of methane gas on Mars, strange lights on the Moon and other unusual events related to UFOs has gotten those who are eager to see an end to The Truth Embargo about ETs all excited.

But the real deal about Space may have more to do with hard cash and endless amounts of Gold than alien autopsies, leaked notes about downed ET craft, faces on Mars and the other mysterious doings that have made the headlines in recent weeks.

And when it comes to Big Deals, Trump can smell the money from 3 AUs away! That’s why he assigned son-in-law Jared Kushner the new technology portfolio in his Administration.

It is likely the father of Donald’s grandchildren by Ivanka has positioned himself to benefit from whatever transpires in the emerging space economy that Catherine Austin Fitts has described in great detail.

It was rumored that Kushner and Sheldon Adelson were among the private investors who financed the Israeli probe to the Moon, Beersheet, that made it into lunar orbit before apparently crashing due to technical glitches.

The new club of space billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson and Elon Musk are eyeing the heavens like the pick and shovel ’49ers of old.  But they will rely on robots, new rocket ships, advanced propulsion systems, AI, quantum computers and all the other paraphernalia of modern science instead of pack mules to get the job done.

The High Frontier of Space rather than the hills of California or the mountains of Alaska are where those in search of massive wealth have set their sights.  As Fitts, Joseph Farrell, Richard Dolan and other writers have stated, the missing trillions from the Pentagon may have already been siphoned off into a Secret Space Program as part of a Breakaway Civilization.

The nerdy scientists, Tin Foil Hat crowd and those who indulge their Fortean forte for the esoteric and mystery school teachings regarding Disclosure and Ascension can keep on trucking with their books, conferences and impressive videos.

The literal smart money will probably be in Space where greedy Wall Street types and their ilk like President Trump pursue space commercialization with giant aerospace corporations like Lockheed, Boeing, Grumann and Raytheon privatizing their profits via secrecy and patents while socializing most of the cost into orbit which is financed by the taxpayers via NASA and the military.

Whatever intention Trump had to echo the sentiments of President Kennedy, who wanted to go to the Moon with the Soviets, or President Reagan, who reminded Gorbachev and the world at the UN that a common external threat from off-planet forces might require cooperation to save the Earth, Trump Derangement Syndrome and the Russiagate scandal probably have undermined that agenda.

Trump has shown himself more than willing to discard international law and reject treaties that he feels block making America great again.  It is safe to say that at this point he would have no reluctance to ignore or withdraw from the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 that proscribed privatizing the resources of space.

Yup:  Space is the Place for the future soldiers of fortune and businessmen willing to undertake the journey whether through their investment dollars or on-board like Han Solo!

Rich Scheck
Mount Vista, WA
June 27, 2019

Most Extensive Search Through Space Confirms We Are Alone

by Jessica Dunne                    June 19, 2019                       (10daily.com.au)

• The most comprehensive search for alien life to date has found we’re alone in the universe. For three years, the Breakthrough Listen project has searched 1,327 stars within an area covering 160 light years of Earth for signs of intelligent life. But the University of Berkeley researchers compare it to “searching for a needle in a haystack.” They came up with nothing.

• The Berkeley researchers used the Green Bank telescope in West Virginia and Australia’s Parkes telescope to find ‘technosignatures’ (i.e.: evidence of technologies) from other planets, while sifting through the plethora or signals coming from human technology on Earth.

• Tens of millions of signals were discarded through filtering techniques, and the team was then left with a handful of potential signatures that fit the bill. Researchers said that, “The few remaining technosignature candidates were carefully examined, and determined to be outlying examples of human-generated radio frequency interference that survived the two cuts.”

• But the team isn’t giving up hope of finding life out in the universe, says Breakthrough Listen Project scientist Dr. Danny Price. “We found no evidence of artificial signals from beyond Earth, but this doesn’t mean there isn’t intelligent life out there. We may just not have looked in the right place yet, or peered deep enough to detect faint signals.”

[Editor’s Note]   Once again, this “scientific” program plays right into the Deep State agenda of letting the public think that science is doing everything it can to find evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations. Does the fact that they’ve had no success prove that we humans are all alone in the universe? Or does it show that highly advanced extraterrestrials won’t be found so long as they don’t want to be found, and so long as the Deep State maintains its official government cover-up of a widespread extraterrestrial presence on and around our planet.


The most comprehensive search for alien life to date has found we’re alone in the universe, but scientists aren’t giving up hope.

Over a three-year period, the Breakthrough Listen project searched an area covering 1,327 stars within 160 light years of Earth for signs of intelligent life.

The University of Berkeley was behind the search for extraterrestrials, using the Green Bank telescope in West Virginia and Australia’s own Parkes telescope.

They said it was like “searching for a needle in a haystack”.

Researchers had to sift through the vast majority of signals coming from human technology to identify ‘technosignatures’.

“[Technosignatures are] evidence of technology (such as transmitters or propulsion devices) built by civilisations beyond Earth,” researchers said.

The first technique used looked for ‘narrow’ signatures that were too well-defined to come from natural sources.

A filter then removed signals that came from fixed points in the sky.

Researchers then compared scans of the area surrounding the star being targeted and removed signals not coming from that direction.



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Spruce Pine NC Holds First Alien Expo

by Mike Conley                     June 12, 2019                      (mcdowellnews.com)

• On June 14th and 15th, Spruce Pine, North Carolina (in the mountains near Asheville) hosted its first Spruce Pine Alien Conference and Expo (SPACE). The free festival is expected to attract 10,000 visitors.

• The featured speaker is Mike Bara from the History Channel’s “Ancient Aliens” show. Bara has written a series of books about ancient aliens and their visits to Earth and the Moon, and has made numerous public appearances lecturing on the subjects of space science, NASA, physics, UFOs.

• Also scheduled were a number of panel discussions by local authors, researchers and alien experts. Residents and visitors can tell their own stories about close encounters with unidentified flying objects and strange events at an “open mic”. The weekend also included free concerts and trips to the Dark Sky Observatory at Mayland Community College, a “My Favorite Martian” costume contest, an “E.T.” Children’s Bike Race, and a “Beam Me Up to the Bar” pub crawl.

• Spruce Pine native, Jimmy Hinshaw is the creator and director of SPACE. Hinshaw learned that Mitchell County holds the quartz that is mined for use in telescopes and the space shuttle, including the Palomar Observatory and the Hubble Space Telescope. Also, Mitchell County has experienced more UFO sightings than any other county in North Carolina. So a UFO festival was a natural fit.

• Hinshaw thinks his SPACE event is about having an experience. “If you come dressed up as an alien, you are part of the experience. Having an experience is really important,” says Hinshaw. “Our mountain region is a really special place whether it is Bigfoot, UFOs or ghosts.” “Our mountains are so beautiful. I want to share them with the world and everyone in the galaxy.”

[Editor’s Note]   The Deep State-controlled scientific and academic communities keeps rolling out news releases asserting that there are fewer habitable planets, an even lesser chance of the existence of other intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations, and a zero chance of any alien beings coming to this planet. This is to discourage the public from believing in UFOs and to cover up the very real extraterrestrial presence around our world. Meanwhile, the percentage of the population who believes in UFOs and who welcome extraterrestrial beings to Earth continues to grow. The rise and popularity of UFO festivals is one example. Regardless of the Deep State’s agenda to conceal the presence of alien visitors, the general public seems to instinctively know that there is much more to this than the government is letting on.


Marion has the WNC Bigfoot Festival but now Spruce Pine will have its first alien expo.

On Friday and Saturday, the first ever Spruce Pine Alien Conference and Expo (SPACE) will beam down in downtown Spruce Pine. This multi-dimensional event is free to anyone interested in the unknown and is expected to bring 10,000 visitors from around the United States. The featured speaker will be Mike Bara from the History Channel’s “Ancient Aliens” show, according to a news release.

Bara is a New York Times bestselling author, lecturer and TV personality whose books have sold more than 70,000 copies worldwide. He has written a series of books about ancient aliens and their visits to Earth and the Moon. He has made numerous public appearances lecturing on the subjects of space science, NASA, physics, UFOs and the link between science and spirit, and has been a featured guest on radio programs like “Coast to Coast AM” with George Noory, according to the web site for SPACE.

Also, there will be a number of panel discussions by local authors, researchers and alien experts. During the day, residents and visitors will be allowed an “open mike” to tell their stories about close encounters with unidentified flying objects and strange events.

Events will run from 7 to 10 p.m. on Friday with include free concerts and trips to the Dark Sky Observatory at Mayland Community College. Events will run from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday.

For those that love to play the part, there will be a “My Favorite Martian” costume contest for the young and young at heart plus the exciting “E.T.” Children’s Bike Race. Included in the downtown area will be food vendors, comic and book authors and a spacious beer garden, according to the news release.

SPACE will feature a “Beam Me Up to the Bar” pub crawl along with cosplay or an alien costume contest for children and adults. You can come as a character from “Star Wars,” “Star Trek,” the Marvel universe or some other alien. There will also be the “Area 51” Inflatable kids park, according to the web site for the event.


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UFO Sightings Exist But Not Aliens, Academics Say

by Brinkwire                     June 11, 2019                        (brinkwire.com)

• For years many have claimed to have seen alien spacecraft hovering above Earth, crop circles, and even evidence of alien species around us. Some scientists also believe that there are truly UFOs around us. But, scientifically speaking, this doesn’t necessarily mean that alien life exists.

• According to a study conducted by Alexander Wendt of The Ohio State University and Raymond Duvall of University of Minnesota, titled “Sovereignty and the UFO”, most of learned society accepts only the possibility that there are UFOs but not aliens because society is not yet ready to accept that a different and superior ET species exists. “UFOs have never been systematically investigated by science or the state, because it is assumed to be known that none are extraterrestrial.”

• Apparently, major educational institutions have accepted the possible existence of UFOs, but they do not confirm the existence of aliens. Perhaps more such institutions should take alien studies more seriously.

• Outside of academia, the existence of aliens and the study of UFO’s has received some serious media recognition. In 2017, the New York Times revealed the US Defense Department’s ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ which studied UFOs and alien technology. It also released military video of UFOs.


Considering how vast the universe is, it would seem like a great waste of space if we discovered that we are the only living species in the whole cosmos. This is most likely why part of man’s space explorations include the search for life on other planets.

For years, however, some witnesses have claimed that there is evidence of alien species around us. In fact, many have claimed to have seen numerous sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFO) hovering above Earth as evidenced by mysterious formations such as crop circles. These are believed to be alien spacecraft manned by creatures not from around here.

But here’s the clincher: some scientists believe that there are truly UFOs around us. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that alien life exists.

According to a report, a study conducted by Alexander Wendt of The Ohio State University and Raymond Duvall of University of Minnesota, titled “Sovereignty and the UFO” argued that society is perhaps not yet ready to accept that a different, much more superior species exist which is why most of learned society accepts only the possibility that there are UFOs but not aliens.



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The Strangest UFO Sightings From West London

by Robyn Darbyshire                        June 11, 2019                      (mylondon.news)

• Over the past 11 years, Britain’s Ministry of Defence has declassified secret files on UFO sightings, giving the public access to previously undisclosed information in the National UFO archives. Here are some of the strangest sightings documented by people across the city of London.

Uxbridge High Street ‘Beam’ – On July 31, 1996, a car driver reported “a big bright light and a humming noise”, and then a shaft of light that came down from the sky. When the beam reached the ground, a man appeared and walked down Uxbridge High Street. This was witnessed by four friends and a milkman. “[It] looked as if (the beam) tried to land, let the man out… and flew off,” a witness was quoted as saying.

The Stanmore Sighting – Ruth Novelli saw the UFO at 9:45 pm on April 26, 1984 in her back garden on Belmont Lane, Stanmore, after a neighbor alerted her to the strange object in the sky. Novelli said, “I looked up and there was a light in the sky that was changing colours from pink to yellow to blue.” “It was also moving back and forth and up and down, but we weren’t close enough to see it.” “The police blocked off the road and took pictures with a telescopic lens. I didn’t know what it was. I wasn’t scared, just mystified. It was there for three hours.” An officer described the object as moving erratically and being “circular in the middle with a dome on the top and underneath”. The police then followed the UFO as it moved down the M1, but they lost it when it took off into the sky at high speed.

Ruislip Burning Orb – On May 31, 2009, Loraine Wiley of Beechwood Avenue, Ruislip, and her family, saw what looked like a low flying aeroplane on fire flying behind our house. “My children… thought it was a meteorite, but we assured them it wasn’t because it wasn’t zooming to earth. It was flying steadily.” “We watched it until it disappeared out of vision behind a tree and waited for it to come out the other side. It didn’t, so we went down our back alley and on to the next road to see around the tree and it was there, but it had stopped and was just hovering in one spot.” “I grabbed my camera and took two photos and when I have zoomed in one of the photos it looked like two balls of fire and the other was more like one round object.” “We stood for about 10 minutes watching it and it didn’t move. We eventually went inside and when my partner went back out about 10 minutes later it was gone.” Wiley sent her photos to the Uxbridge Gazette.

Lights Over Hounslow – In 2008, Linda Chester saw strange hovering lights in the Hounslow area. Chester says, “I heard a rumbling noise and when I looked up I saw these blue, grey lights.” John Holland was driving near Hounslow that night and said the “pretty strange” lights were clearly visible that whole time. Gulsheen Kaur of Hounslow said, “My husband and I… just assumed it was a spotlight. But later we realised there had been no beam and we got scared.”

Silvery Orb Over Hounslow – On Saturday, February 26, 2011, Chris Kelly was near St Mark’s School, in Bath Road, when he saw an “awesome-looking” night sky over Hounslow. He took a photo with his iPhone, but when he got home he noticed a glowing orb in the center of the photo. It was too high to be an aircraft and too low to be a star. Kelly remarked,”It just looks like a silvery spherical object. Everyone thinks I’m a bit nuts but I can’t find any explanation as to what it might have been.” “I believe in UFOs – maybe not aliens, but there’s some kind of craziness going on.”

2018 Shannon UFO – On November 9, 2018, a British Airways pilot flying a Boeing 747 from Montreal to Heathrow Airport, London reported a UFO over the southwest coast of Ireland. Several pilots reported ‘bright lights’ flying at extremely high speeds. The Irish Aviation Authority launched an investigation. In audio communication between the pilot and Shannon Air Traffic Control, the pilot described seeing a bright light coming up alongside the 747 before heading north “at a very high speed”. Shannon Control had ”nothing showing on either primary or secondary [radar].”


Have you ever looked up at a mysterious object in the sky and wondered what’s really up there?

You’re not alone.

Lots of Londoners have seen strange lights, flying objects or unusual activity in the sky and thought it could be a sign of extra-terrestrial life.

Over the past 11 years, the Ministry of Defence has declassified secret files on unexplained sightings, giving the public access to information on events which otherwise we might have no idea about.

These are some of the strangest sightings and theories witnessed by people across the city.

Loraine Wiley photo of glowing orb in Ruslip, London

‘Man came down from beam’ on Uxbridge High Street

A report from the Ministry of Defence’s National UFO archives detailed a mysterious sighting in Uxbridge High Street, MyLondon reported in 2009.

On July 31 1996, a car driver reported “a big bright light and a humming noise”.

The previously classified document detailed an account of a man appearing as the beam came down.

It read: “[A] beam came down and a man came out and walked down Uxbridge High Street… looked as if it tried to land, let the man out… and flew off.”

The report stated that the worrying sighting was seen by four friends and a milkman.

Police rush to mysterious lights in Stanmore

A caterer from Stanmore revealed in 2008 how she spotted a UFO 24 years ago.

Ruth Novelli, of Bushey, said she saw the UFO at 9.45pm on April 26, in 1984, in her back garden in Belmont Lane, Stanmore .

The 61-year-old spotted the UFO after a neighbour alerted her to a strange object in the sky.

She said: “My next door neighbour knocked on my door and asked me to see what it was. I looked up and there was a light in the sky that was changing colours from pink to yellow to blue.

“It was also moving back and forth and up and down, but we weren’t close enough to see it.”

Mrs Novelli, who was 38 at the time, said: “My neighbour called the RAF to see whether they had anything up there and they didn’t, so she called the police.

“The police blocked off the road and took pictures with a telescopic lense. I didn’t know what it was. I wasn’t scared, just mystified. It was there for three hours.”



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Scientists Narrow Search After Shocking Find About Extraterrestrials

by Sean Martin                 June 11, 2019                  (express.co.uk)

• Scientists searching for habitable alien worlds usually focus on the ‘habitable zone’, where the region of space is neither too cold nor too warm for life to exist. Star gazers at the University of California Riverside believe that scientists have failed to take into account a build-up of toxic gasses within a planet’s atmosphere which would not allow complex life to evolve.

• For example, any planet on the coldest outer edge of the habitable zone with liquid on the surface would require carbon dioxide at levels thousands of times that of Earth’s to maintain liquid and not have it freeze, according to Edward Schwieterman, lead author of a study published in The Astrophysical Journal. “That’s far beyond the levels known to be toxic to human and animal life on Earth,” said Schwieterman.

• Another inhospitable example  is intense ultraviolet radiation as from the Earth’s two closest alien stars – Proxima Centauri and TRAPPIST-1, which would batter any planets within their habitable zones, leading to a build up of poisonous carbon monoxide.

• “This is the first time the physiological limits of life on Earth have been considered to predict the distribution of complex life elsewhere in the universe,” says Timothy Lyons, one of the study’s co-authors and a professor of biogeochemistry in UCR’s Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, and director of the Alternative Earths Astrobiology Center.

• “As far as we know, Earth is the only planet in the universe that can sustain human life,” concludes Schwieterman.

[Editor’s Note]    I’m sure that there are alien civilizations out there who consider this planet to be blanketed in a “poisonous” gas – oxygen. How can educated ‘experts’ make such ludicrous statements as “Earth is the only planet in the universe that can sustain human life”? Human-type beings exist throughout not only the universe, but throughout the galaxy and our own star system of 52 stars. This is just more disinformation calculated to make the public falsely believe that there is no alien presence on our world, or even close by. Lately, in the press there seems to be a concerted effort to push this Deep State agenda of ‘keep moving, there’s nothing to see here’.


Scientists’ search for aliens has become more focused on a smaller number of planets after making a discovery about the composition of most planets’ atmospheres. Typically, alien hunting experts have been analysing planets which are in the habitable zone of their host star – an region in space where it is neither too cold nor too warm for life to exist.

However, experts from the University of California Riverside (UCR) believe other scientists have failed to take into account a build up of toxic gasses within a planet’s atmosphere which would not allow complex life to evolve.
For example, by using computer models the researchers found that any planet on the outer edge of the habitable zone with liquid on the surface would require carbon dioxide – a greenhouse gas – levels thousands of times that of Earth’s to maintain liquid and not have it freeze.

Edward Schwieterman, lead author of the study published in The Astrophysical Journal, and a NASA Postdoctoral Program, said: “To sustain liquid water at the outer edge of the conventional habitable zone, a planet would need tens of thousands of times more carbon dioxide than Earth has today.

“That’s far beyond the levels known to be toxic to human and animal life on Earth.”



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2020 Foresight:  Are We Headed for World War III, Full Disclosure or Both?

Gerald Celente is famous for predicting that currency wars lead to trade wars which lead to shooting wars.  That’s the pattern that preceded both world wars of the 20th century and that’s what we have now.

In fact, one can make the argument that it is all one Long War like Dick Cheney predicted or that it is a continuation of the Crusades that Bush, Jr. let slip once soon after 9/11.

Can you say Clash of Civilization or Albert Pike?  James Redfield alluded to this process in Chapter 2 of The Celestine Prophecy entitled “The Longer Now.”

For those who have read William Bramley’s The Gods of Eden, you will recall that the book started out as his exploration of the causes of war before ending up as an overview of ETs and UFOs.

In other words, there is a clear connection between war and space because the same advanced technology that allows countries to go off planet has enormous potential for use as powerful weapons.  Can you say Star Wars (SDI), Space Force or the Nazi Bell program?

The latest crisis in the Middle East once again sees an escalation of tensions that could readily boil over into a global conflagration even more dramatic than what we saw in the first half of the twentieth century.

Simultaneously we have an increase in the observation of UFOs and a semi-official form of soft disclosure wherein the government is finally admitting they are real with the military tracking them.

To the extent that the official narrative couches the phenomena as a threat, it serves as justification for keeping the endeavor secret as a way of protecting national security.  Even the alleged attack on the Japanese tanker involved an “Unexplained Flying Object” reinforcing the theme that serves the MIC/Deep State agenda for more funding and virtual secrecy.

My suspicious mind keeps flashing red that the entire TTSA and ATTIP process including the Wilson leaks is a highly sophisticated, well-coordinated psychological operation serving the Deep State’s Agenda for more weapons and funding.

I am so wary of the seeming coincidences and convenient events that on some level I suspect that Trump coordinated the latest crisis with Prime Minister Abe during his recent visit to Japan.  There’s an outside chance that the Iranian Mullahs are also part of this “conspiracy” in which tensions are ratcheted up prior to the G20, thus laying the foundation for Xi, Putin and Trump to meet in a Yalta like Summit to work out the New World Order and save the day with no more bloodshed.

Such a bold scenario on the Grand Chessboard might entail a whole range of agreements reflecting the need for a new global financial architecture to replace the petrodollar; an end to the trade wars wherein the US joins OBOR; environmental concessions to address pollution issues; some sort of recognition of Palestinian rights as a first step to ending Middle East wars; and not least, some form of Disclosure with a plan for space cooperation rather than the militarization of the New Frontier.

All these things are possible, although unlikely.  The current situation has been aggravated by Trump Derangement Syndrome that has blocked whatever good intentions Trump had towards improved relations with Russia and China.

To the extent that Russiagate is being masterminded by VERY Deep State elements that prefer the continuation of the status quo with Space privatized and weaponized to insure imperial domination by the West, it is important for those who are so enthusiastic about soft disclosure to provide as much or more attention to the CONTEXT of the recent leaks as they do to their exciting content such as the Wilson/Davis notes describing a crashed alien craft.

Such a deep dive into who and what are behind the leaks and who benefits might yield the name of Robert Swan Mueller, 3rd as a key MJ12 type figure pulling lots of strings to the benefit of a select few.

I remain hopeful that the G20 will yield positive benefits at this most dangerous moment since the Cuban Missile Crisis.  It is also possible that things might rapidly deteriorate as push comes to shove with the war-like instincts of ego-driven leaders and military men eager to prove who is top dog.

We can also continue to muddle through in our current state of hostile rhetoric, proxy wars, a dubious soft disclosure and the immiseration of the middle class with trillions wasted on endless wars and funds secretly siphoned off by the Deep State as described so well by Catherine Austin Fitts.

Another scenario might see full disclosure and WWIII followed by the creation of a dystopia such as  portrayed in the Hunger Games, Blade Runner, Elysium and other sci-fi classics.

The immediate future is fraught with great danger and the potential for major breakthroughs that can lay the groundwork for peace and prosperity for billions of Earthlings.  Our fate is in the hands of flawed leaders but we are not helpless.  Our prayers, vigilance and activism can play a role in guiding them to make the right decisions.

We may be even receiving assistance from off-planet or interdimensional entities some call angels, others  label ETs and some consider demons.  It is a complicated situation.  May God have mercy on us and see us through to a better day!

Rich Scheck
Vancouver, WA
June 22, 2019

UFO Splits Into 6 Crafts and Disappears Leaving Airline Passengers Terrified

by Susan Leighton                    June 10, 2019                      (1428elm.com)

• Lucas Kim, a passenger on a Korean airline flight en route to Thailand when he noticed something just off of the plane’s wing. It wasn’t just another plane. He video recorded six flying craft surrounded by a “greenish-yellow pulsating light.” (see Kim’s 54-second video below) They appear to be distinct objects performing maneuvers not typically of an airplane.

• Was it another commercial airliner’s pulsating strobe lights? Was it light reflected from the wing? A military exercise? Judge for yourself.


A UFO kept pace with a Korean airliner recently that was en route to Thailand terrifying the passengers on board. The saga began when Lucas Kim looked out of his window. Just like the classic scene from The Twilight Zone episode, Nightmare at 20,000 Feet, something was near the wing of the plane.

According to Mirror U.K., Kim thought it was another jet despite the fact that the aircraft was too close for comfort. Something wasn’t sitting right with him, so he grabbed his phone and started recording the object.

He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. It wasn’t a plane. It was something else entirely. There wasn’t just one vehicle, there were six! What made it even more concerning is the fact that they were surrounded by a “greenish-yellow pulsating light.”

Since this was happening during the day, it is possible that what Kim witnessed was another airliner with its strobe lights on. Commercial planes do use them during the day. That would explain the pulsating.

Some of his fellow passengers that witnessed the strange UFO felt that reflected light from the wing may have led to an optical illusion. In looking at the video, you can clearly see there are distinct objects that are performing maneuvers that aren’t typically what commercial jets do or even personal planes.

54 second video of UFO next to a Korean airliner (News Leak YouTube channel)



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Trump & Congress briefed on US Navy Pilot UFO Sightings – The Connection to Space Force & Disclosure

President Trump and members of the US Congress have recently received briefings about US Navy pilot sightings of UFOs. When combined with the Pentagon acknowledging that it had created a classified program to study the UFOs from 2007 to 2012 with Congressional funding, the briefings are leading to increasing speculation on whether we are on the verge of official disclosure on UFOs and their true origin.

Furthermore, the briefings are occurring at the same time as legislation for the creation of a Space Force is making steady progress through Congress. This raises the intriguing question of whether Trump and members of Congress have been told Space Force is necessary to deal with UFOs being sighted by the Navy pilots which are being viewed by the Pentagon as a potential threat.

In an interview with ABC TV host, George Stephanopoulos, President Donald Trump admitted that he received a briefing about UFO sightings by US Navy pilots that occurred in 2004 and 2015. In a June 15 story titled: “Trump briefed on Navy UFO sightings,” Politico’s Matthew Choi wrote about what Trump told Stephanopoulos:

“I want them to think whatever they think,” Trump said of the Navy pilots. “I did have one very brief meeting on it. But people are saying they’re seeing UFOs. Do I believe it? Not particularly.”

Trump was here acknowledging that he doesn’t believe in UFOs, which has the connotation of being an extraterrestrial piloted spacecraft. Reading between the lines here, Trump is hinting that what the Navy pilots saw were not UFOs but something else that he and the Pentagon knew the answer to.

When asked the question of whether he knew of an extraterrestrial connection to the sightings, he told Stephanopoulos:

“I think our great pilots would know. And some of them see things a little bit different from the past. … We’re watching, and you’ll be the first to know.”

Trump appeared to be deflecting from what he really knew about the alien connection, but one thing he emphasized was that his administration is paying attention to what the Navy pilots have been reporting. Again, reading between the lines, Trump is saying that his administration is actively seeking answers to the UFO phenomenon, and when he finds out, he will relay this to Stephanopoulos and the general public.

A few days later on June 19, Politico ran a story where it discussed three US Senators that had also received classified briefings on the UFO sightings by Navy pilots. In “Senators briefed on Navy UFO sightings”, Bryan Bender wrote:

Three more U.S. senators received a classified Pentagon briefing on Wednesday about a series of reported encounters by the Navy with unidentified aircraft, according to congressional and military officials — part of a growing number of requests from members of key oversight committees.

One of them was Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, whose office confirmed the briefing to POLITICO.

 “If naval pilots are running into unexplained interference in the air, that’s a safety concern Senator Warner believes we need to get to the bottom of,” his spokesperson, Rachel Cohen, said in a statement.

Justifying their interest in the Navy pilot sightings as a “safety concern” is a convenient way for members of Congress to take an active interest in UFO reports, which have been officially dismissed and ridiculed for decades. This official policy goes back to 1953 when a CIA sponsored panel of scientists gave a damming report on UFO sightings that recommended a public education program to dismiss and ridicule UFO (aka flying saucer) sightings on national security grounds.

Ever since then UFO sightings have been reported by the mainstream press in a way that often mocks and ridicules the subject matter. What is very unusual today is that serving Navy pilots are given permission to talk about their sightings, and the press is giving their accounts serious attention in articles without any ridicule factor.

This is amply demonstrated in the many mainstream news stories that appeared after the New York Times and Politico ran simultaneous articles about the Navy pilot UFO sightings back on December 16, 2017. Both newspapers discussed the pilots’ UFO sightings, leaked videos of the UFOs recorded by their planes instruments, and the connection of the sightings to the establishment of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) back in 2007 with Congressional funding of $22 million.

All this coincides with the formation of Space Force as a sixth branch of the US military, which is currently being debated by both houses of Congress. In the last few weeks, two Congressional defense committees have approved the passage of bills authorizing the creation of Space Force. It will take another month or two for both the House of Representatives and Senate to pass their respective bills, and to then resolve differences in language and priorities between the two versions for their inclusion into the National Defense Authorization Act for 2020.

One thing is becoming very clear, Space Force enjoys genuine bipartisan support in Congress, and this appears to be a result of the current media and Congressional interest in UFOs generated by Navy pilot reports and Pentagon disclosures about its AATIP program. Was Senator Warner, a Democrat, told by his Pentagon briefers that the UFOs sighted by the pilots were an unknown threat, and this is why Space Force is necessary?

A few weeks earlier, Senator Ted Cruz spoke about Space Force being necessary to deal with space pirates. He was not talking about extraterrestrial visitors, but rogue elements from different countries or corporations that could challenge US supremacy in space.

It’s not coincidental that members of Congress are being briefed about Navy pilot reports of UFOs that led to the Pentagon setting up its AATIP program in 2007. They are being told that UFOs are an unknown threat, at the same time as the Trump Administration and the Pentagon are pushing for the establishment of Space Force.

It’s widely expected that Space Force will be officially created and set up under the Department of Air Force in 2020, mirroring the relationship between the Department of the Navy and the US Marine Corps. After its official launch, the stage will be set for the Air Force to unveil the classified space technologies it has been covertly developing for decades in a secret space program, which is described in detail in my newly released book, US Air Force Secret Space Program: Extraterrestrial Alliances and Space Force.

Official disclosure is likely to unfold in different stages. The first will be that many UFO sightings involve classified technologies developed by the USAF, along with similar aerospace technologies developed by Russia and China. Disclosure of an Air Force secret space program will be an optimal way of surprising the US public with news about the different sized and shaped antigravity vehicles that have been deployed for several decades now.

The second stage of disclosure likely involves future announcements involving the capture and reverse engineering of non-terrestrial technologies that date back to the 1940s, as also described in the US Air Force Secret Space Program.

A sure sign of what lies ahead is a leaked document about Vice Admiral Tom Wilson, former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, being denied access back in 1997 to a classified corporate program involving the reverse engineering of non-human made advanced technologies.

The leaked document identifies several scientists and former military officials who could be summoned before Congress to testify about their knowledge of such a reverse engineering program. Indeed the Pentagon official in charge of the AATIP program from 2007 to 2017, Luis Elizondo, gave an interview on Tucker Carlson on May 31 admitting that some UFO technologies had been retrieved and were being studied by the US government.

Carlson: Do you believe, based on your decade of serving in the US government on this question that the US government has in its possession any material from one of these aircraft?

Elizondo: I do. Yes.

Carlson: Do you think the US government has debris from a UFO in its possession right now?

Elizondo: Unfortunately Tucker I really have to be careful of my NDA [Non-Disclosure Agreement], I really can’t go into a lot of more detail than that …

Carlson: Okay.

Elizondo: But, ah, simply put, yes.


This would set in place a means by which the Pentagon and the Trump Administration could reveal how retrieved non-terrestrial technologies were used for the USAF for the research and development of advanced aerospace technologies using antigravity, torsion field and other exotic propulsion systems.

Finally, after Space Force has been created and its arsenal of antigravity spacecraft inherited from the USAF is publicly revealed, the truth about some of the extraterrestrials currently visiting our world can be announced. Extraterrestrial disclosure can be done in a way that does not undermine public confidence over the US and other national governments being able to defend their populations against any possible hostile extraterrestrial actions.

The widespread media attention given to US Navy pilot reports, the association of the UFOs with the AATIP program, and Congressional passage of legislation establishing Space Force are all sure signs of major disclosures that lie ahead.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

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