E49 8-01-19 UFOs Remain Elusive Despite Decades of Study

The Mutual UFO Network, or ‘MUFON’, celebrates 50 years of UFO investigation and research. Based in Irvine, California, the all-volunteer, nonprofit organization has endeavored since 1969 to be the ‘refuge seeking answers to that most ancient question, are we alone in the universe?’ The answer, very simply, is no.

UFOs Remain Elusive Despite Decades of Study

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by Leonard David                      June 27, 2019                     (livescience.com)

• The Mutual UFO Network, or ‘MUFON’, celebrates 50 years of UFO investigation and research. Based in Irvine, California, the all-volunteer, nonprofit organization has endeavored since 1969 to be the ‘refuge seeking answers to that most ancient question, are we alone in the universe?’ The answer, very simply, is no.

• Jan Harzan has been the executive director for MUFON since August 2013. “I’ve seen these craft. I know they are real,” he told Space.com. “I can’t tell you where they’re from. …But they are advanced technology.” Harzan continues, “We have over 100,000 UFO cases in our files … and it’s growing. We currently have worldwide over 500 certified MUFON field investigators that go out and look at each one of these cases.”

• A MUFON Science Review Board consists of scientists with degrees in physics, chemistry, geology and electrical engineering. Their work experience includes NASA, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and France’s national space program, CNES. The MUFON Board reviews the best cases and strongest cases that cannot be identified as any known object.

• Nearly 34% of reports coming into MUFON can be identified, be they aircraft, rocket launches, satellites, drones, astronomical events, or even Chinese lanterns. For example, Google’s Project Loon uses high-flying balloons to bring Wi-Fi internet to rural areas. It has repeatedly prompted UFO reports. “But on the other hand,” says Harzan, “when you read some of the reports – we call it the 5% – one out of twenty – that are incredible observations by very articulate and credible people, you get about 5% of cases that are so rock solid.”

• Harzan says that these extraterrestrial beings have advanced physics that we don’t yet understand, and which our current science is incapable of understanding. “I personally believe,” says Harzan, “once we do, we’ll be out there doing the same thing that they are doing. We’re probably 20 to 30 years away from being the aliens.”

• Former UFO investigator for the U.K.’s Ministry of Defence, Nick Pope compares the UFO community, and the MUFON subset, to a “broad church” – a group of people who have a range of different views, yet bound together by a common interest. As in the UFO community, MUFON has had its disputes and feuds. Pope maintains that “None of this detracts from the fact that [MUFON] provides a valuable service to UFO witnesses, with field investigators looking into the sightings, sometimes turning up a conventional explanation and other times simply giving perplexed witnesses someone with whom to engage.”

• “MUFON is clearly at a disadvantage,” Pope says, “given that most of their members are nonscientists.” But he doesn’t think this is necessarily a problem. MUFON provides the necessary day-to-day business of investigating UFOs, with interviews, evidence gathering, tracking down leads, and double checking facts. “Scientific advice should be sought when necessary – for instance, if a soil sample needs to be checked for radioactivity,” Pope said. “I don’t think we should get too hung up on whether or not MUFON as a whole is sufficiently scientific.”

• It is becoming harder to weed out and identify “real” UFOs, Harzan admitted. In 1987, MUFON fired two investigators who labeled some MUFON-endorsed Gulf Breeze photos as a hoax and disavowed their report. This caused a stir in the organization. In 2017, MUFON lost a number of experienced investigators when they invited proponents of the breakaway “secret space program” to participate in its symposium panels in Las Vegas. Robert Sheaffer, a leading UFO skeptic says, “MUFON proclaims its dedication to the scientific method in UFO investigations, but it seldom lives up to that ideal.”

• Sheaffer also points to MUFON providing cases for the producers of the TV series “Hangar 1”, which premiered in 2014 on The History Channel, which was “almost universally panned by serious UFO investigators for its sensationalist approach. “However, it too has been extremely successful in bringing people into MUFON,” said Sheaffer.

[Editor’s Note]   I like this Jan Harzan. Harzan says that no, we are not alone. He isn’t afraid of allowing for an extraterrestrial explanation. He reports that “nearly 34% of reports coming into MUFON can be identified”, therefore 66% are not identified. And that “5% – one out of twenty – are “incredible observations by very articulate and credible people.” “Rock solid.” I agree that MUFON is no less a valid UFO organization than the “scientific” organizations such as SETI, or academic institutions such as Harvard, Oxford and the Smithsonian Museum. In fact, I prefer these citizen investigations and tend to trust their reports. These are people who are motivated by getting to the truth, and they are not likely to be bought off or influenced by Deep State agents. On the other hand, the aforementioned organizations and institutions are an obvious front for the Deep State, predisposed to refute and deny any existence of extraterrestrial UFOs at all.


In July, the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) celebrates 50 years of investigating and promoting research on the unidentified flying object phenomenon. The all-volunteer, nonprofit, science-based organization has endeavored since 1969 to hunt down answers about baffling vehicles of unknown origin.

Based in Irvine, California, MUFON makes its credo clear-cut on its website: “Our goal is to be the inquisitive minds’ refuge seeking answers to that most ancient question, ‘Are we alone in the universe?’ The answer, very simply, is no. Whether you have UFO reports to share, armchair UFO investigator aspirations, or want to train and join our investigation team, MUFON is here for you. Won’t you please join us in our quest to discover the truth?”

After five decades, has there been any scientific pay dirt in studying UFOs? Are we inching closer to the truth that is perhaps out there?

Share the data

Jan Harzan is MUFON’s executive director, manning that post since August 2013.

“I’ve seen these craft. I know they are real,” he told Space.com. “I can’t tell you where they’re from. I don’t know if they are ours or belong to somebody else or whatever. But they are advanced technology.”

The world needs to understand UFOs, Harzan said. “This is real. We’ve got to put the data out there and share it. We have over 100,000 UFO cases in our files … and it’s growing. We currently have worldwide over 500 certified MUFON field investigators that go out and look at each one of these cases,” he said.

A MUFON Science Review Board (SRB) consists of scientists with degrees in physics, chemistry, geology and electrical engineering. Their work experience includes NASA, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and France’s national space program, CNES. The SRB reviews the best cases from the year to identify the strongest cases that cannot be identified as any known object.

Big leap

Assuming that weirdness in the sky represents an alien visitation is a big leap. But who knows?

Nearly 34% of reports coming into MUFON can be identified, be they aircraft, rocket launches, satellites, astronomical happenings — even Chinese lanterns (small hot air balloons made of paper) or the proliferating number of military, police and citizen-run drones of all shapes and sizes. For example, Google’s Project Loon, which uses high-flying balloons to bring Wi-Fi internet to rural areas, has repeatedly stirred up UFO reports.

It is becoming harder to weed out and identify “real” UFOs, Harzan admitted.

“But on the other hand, when you read some of the reports — we call it the 5%, one out of 20 — that are incredible observations by very articulate and credible people,” he said, “you get about 5% of cases that are so rock solid.”

Old beliefs

Harzan said that the No. 1 stumbling block to advancement as a civilization is holding on to old beliefs. Is our science even capable of understanding what UFOs truly represent?

“We have to be able to let go of some old beliefs, because maybe the way we think the universe works isn’t how it really works,” Harzan said. “I personally believe that these are extraterrestrial beings that have advanced physics that we don’t yet understand. And once we do, we’ll be out there doing the same thing that they are doing. We’re probably 20 to 30 years away from being the aliens.”



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E47 7-31-19 Yes, I’m Searching for Aliens – And No, I Won’t Be Going to Area 51 to Look For Them

Astronomy professor Jason Wright is a participating scientist with SETI, the ‘Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence’, and the 2018 winner of the Frank Drake Award that SETI bestows on its researchers who are “dedicated to understanding humanity’s place in the universe”. “Believe me, no one wants to find evidence of extraterrestrial life more than those of us in this field,” says Professor Wright.

E48 7-31-19 Apollo 11 Moon Landing Showed That Aliens Might Be More Than Science Fiction

On July 20, 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the Moon. Four days later, the astronauts were quarantined aboard the USS Hornet for a 21-day isolation period. This was to ensure that no potentially hazardous lunar microbes had hitchhiked back to Earth with them. The NASA scientists found no microbial aliens on the astronauts themselves or in the 50 pounds of lunar rocks they brought back.

Yes, I’m Searching for Aliens – And No, I Won’t Be Going to Area 51 to Look For Them

Listen to “E47 7-31-19 Yes, I’m Searching for Aliens – And No, I Won’t Be Going to Area 51 to Look For Them” on Spreaker.

Article by Bryan Keogh                 July 19, 2019                  (theconversation.com)

  • Astronomy professor Jason Wright is a participating scientist with SETI, the ‘Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence’, and the 2018 winner of the Frank Drake Award that SETI bestows on its researchers who are “dedicated to understanding humanity’s place in the universe”. “Believe me, no one wants to find evidence of extraterrestrial life more than those of us in this field,” says Professor Wright. “We scour the skies for evidence of such extraterrestrial technologies with some of the most advanced equipment in the world for understanding what’s going on in the sky, and we haven’t found anything compelling yet.”

  • With regard to the recent interest in “Storming Area 51” to emancipate aliens, Wright says, “I don’t know very much about Area 51, but I can say that the intense interest in the goings on there related to aliens reveals a deep public interest in what kinds of life might exist elsewhere in the universe.” Wright finds the most fascinating thing about Area 51 is Project Mogul, where the government floated balloons to detect Soviet nuclear testing in the 1940’s. Says Wright, “When one of those balloons… landed in a farm in Roswell, New Mexico it helped fuel the whole alien craze we’re still living with today.”

  • SETI’s space telescopes are designed to detect “biosignatures” with signs of microfossils or metabolism in the atmospheres of distant planets. But SETI is a privately funded operation. NASA and the National Science Foundation spend next to nothing looking for intelligent life in the universe, including technological life.

  • Says Professor Wright, “I see this (Frank Drake) award as validation of my work to help elevate the field of SETI as an academic discipline, and to persuade Congress, NASA and the public that it is worthy of public investment. It is, after all, the scientific approach to answering one of the most profound questions ever asked: Is Earth life unique? Or are there other beings like us out there in the universe?”

  • [Editor’s Note]  Frank Drake was a founding member of SETI and developer of the “Drake Equation” in 1961, which uses a list of subjective variables to determine that the number of planets similar to the Earth that could possibly host an extraterrestrial civilization advanced enough to use radio-wave communication is astonishingly small. This is the basis for SETI’s nearly 60-years of searching for extraterrestrial intelligence.

    As the most recent recipient of the Drake Award, Professor Wright is shilling for the re-establishment of SETI funding from the government which ended in 1993, even though SETI’s research has existed since the early 1960’s and they have found exactly nothing through this process. It seems that the purpose of SETI is to appear to the public to be scientifically searching for extraterrestrial civilizations, while actually finding nothing that might upset the Deep State’s cover-up of a long-standing extraterrestrial presence in our solar system. Wright pretends to know nothing about Area 51 or the Roswell crash, recognizing only Project Mogul which the Deep State used to cover-up the Roswell crash. This, apparently, is the primary criteria for being awarded the Frank Drake Award.

    This is further evidence that SETI is nothing more than a Deep State disinformation program to give the public the impression that serious scientists are doing serious work to locate extraterrestrial life, but there simply isn’t any in this universe to find besides humans on planet Earth. The “scientists” at SETI believe that they should be paid handsomely by the US government for doing the Deep State’s bidding.


What started as an internet joke has generated a stern military warning after more than a million people “signed up” to “raid” Area 51 – a secretive military installation in Southern Nevada long fancied by conspiracy theorists to be hiding evidence of a crashed UFO with aliens. The purpose of the planned raid is in order to “see them aliens.” In the following Q&A, astronomy professor Jason Wright discusses the public’s interest in answering the age-old question: Are we alone?

Professor Jason Wright

Since you have a longstanding scholarly interest in extraterrestrial life – and even wrote about the possibility of advanced civilizations in the distant past on Mars or Venus – I presume you’ve canceled your classes for Sept. 20 and signed up to go to the “raid” on Area 51?

To be honest, I was completely unaware of this “raid” until you brought it to my attention! I work in SETI, the scientific search for extraterrestrial intelligence, and believe me, no one wants to find evidence of extraterrestrial life more than those of us in this field. We scour the skies for evidence of such extraterrestrial technologies with some of the most advanced  equipment in the world for understanding what’s going on in the sky, and we haven’t found anything compelling yet. But we’re not paying much attention to what happens in Area 51.

Do you think the public knows enough about Area 51? Or is the widespread interest in this raid a good barometric read on how frustrated people are that the government appears to be hiding something there?

I don’t know very much about Area 51, but I can say that the intense interest in the goings on there related to aliens reveals a deep public interest in what kinds of life might exist elsewhere in the universe.

Have you yourself ever tried to do any real research into the happenings in Area 51?

Not Area 51, exactly. The closest I’ve come was a talk I heard by a physicist describing the fascinating science carried out by the military back in the late 1940s, especially Project Mogul, which launched microphones on balloons to see if they could detect nuclear testing going on in the Soviet Union. It’s an amazing story of physics and engineering ingenuity. When one of those balloons with its disc microphones and radar reflectors landed in a farm in Roswell, New Mexico it helped fuel the whole alien craze we’re still living with today. It’s a shame, because the science-fiction-inspired “aliens” conspiracy theory is – from my standpoint – so much less fascinating than the story of the research that was going on then.

There was a time when the federal government provided researchers with money to search for – and teach about the search for – extraterrestrial life. And you’ve lamented that that is no longer the case. If you had your way, how much money do you think the federal government should give America’s researchers to search for aliens or evidence of aliens?

The search for life in the universe is a major priority for NASA and American science. Many of our missions to Mars and our space telescopes are designed with the detection of biosignatures in mind – “biosignatures” being signs of life like microfossils or evidence of metabolism in the atmospheres of distant planets. But despite the billions of dollars spent on these missions, I think many members of the public would be surprised to learn that NASA and the National Science Foundation spend next to nothing looking for intelligent life in the universe, including technological life that might, after all, be easier to find. I think the level of funding for the field should be determined the way the rest of science is, by competitive peer review of proposals for research. So, I don’t know what the “right” level is, but I know it’s not zero.



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Apollo 11 Moon Landing Showed That Aliens Might Be More Than Science Fiction

Listen to “E51 8-03-19 A Private Tour of Roswell with a UFO Expert Looking for the Truth” on Spreaker.

Article by Brandon Specktor                       July 20, 2019                      (livescience.com)

• On July 20, 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the Moon. Four days later, the astronauts were quarantined aboard the USS Hornet for a 21-day isolation period. This was to ensure that no potentially hazardous lunar microbes had hitchhiked back to Earth with them. The NASA scientists found no microbial aliens on the astronauts themselves or in the 50 pounds of lunar rocks they brought back.

• Senior astronomer at the SETI Institute, Seth Shostak (pictured above), thinks that the Apollo 11 Moon mission did bring back aliens, in a sense. “Today, about 30 percent of the public thinks the Earth is being visited by aliens in saucers, despite the evidence of that being very poor,” says Shostak. “I think the Moon landing had something to do with that.” Live Science.com recently spoke with Shostak to find out more about how the Moon landing changed the scientific community’s pursuit of aliens and the world’s perception of them.

LS: What did the Moon landing teach humans about extraterrestrial life?  Shostak: Not too much. By 1969, most scientists expected the Moon would be dead. The Moon has no atmosphere, no liquid, and temperatures that range from hundreds of degrees to minus hundreds of degrees. “It’s awful!” But the Apollo missions showed that you could travel from one world to another on a rocket – and maybe aliens could, too. Suddenly, the universe was a little more open.

LS: In 1969, did scientists think there might be aliens somewhere else in the solar system?  Shostak: Mars was the ‘Great Red Hope’ of extraterrestrial life in the solar system. People were very optimistic in 1976 when the Viking landers plopped down onto Mars that there would be life. There wasn’t. These days, scientists will suggest looking at the moons of Jupiter or Saturn, such as Enceladus, where geysers shoot possible microbial material right into space, so you don’t have to land a spacecraft on the surface to find it.

LS: What did the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) look like around 1969? Shostak: Modern SETI experiments began in 1960 with astronomer Frank Drake and his Project Ozma, where he searched for inhabited planets around two stars using a radio telescope. (After four years of searching, no recognizable signals were detected.) By 1969, SETI research was being conducted informally by people who were working with telescopes in their spare time, looking up the coordinates of nearby stars and hoping to pick up radio waves. It wasn’t really organized until the NASA SETI program began in the 1970’s with a budget of $10 million a year. In 1993, a democratic congressman from Nevada killed the SETI funding, in spite of the fact that the NASA program profited from the public’s fascination with aliens more than from anywhere else.

[Editor’s Note]  Previous articles have established that Seth Shostak and SETI are Deep State assets whose objective is to lull the public into complacency by reassuring them that every planet and heavenly body, besides the Earth, is ‘dead’ and unable to support life beyond possible microbial life. Lately, SETI and Shostak have been shilling for the restoration of Deep State government funding, so they can line their pockets while maintaining the ongoing Deep State cover-up of a teeming extraterrestrial presence on, within, and orbiting our planet.


On July 20, 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on Earth’s moon for the first time in human history. Four days later, they — along with Apollo 11 command module pilot Michael Collins — were locked up on an American battleship in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

The triumphant astronauts were in quarantine. Per a NASA safety protocol written half a decade earlier, the three lunar visitors were escorted directly from their splashdown site in the central Pacific to a modified trailer aboard the USS Hornet, where a 21-day isolation period began. The objective? To ensure that no potentially hazardous lunar microbes hitchhiked back to Earth with them.

Of course, as NASA quickly confirmed, there were no tiny aliens lurking in the astronauts’ armpits or in the 50 pounds (22 kilograms) of lunar rocks and soil they had collected. But despite this absence of literal extraterrestrial life, the Apollo 11 astronauts still may have succeeded in bringing aliens back to Earth in another way that can still be felt 50 years later.

“Today, about 30 percent of the public thinks the Earth is being visited by aliens in saucers, despite the evidence of that being very poor,” Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute — a nonprofit research center focused on the search for alien life in the universe — told Live Science. “I think the moon landing had something to do with that.”

Shostak has been searching for signs of intelligent life in the universe for most of his life (and, fittingly, shares a birthday with the Apollo 11 landing). Live Science recently spoke with him to find out more about how the moon landing changed the scientific community’s pursuit of aliens and the world’s perception of them. Highlights of our conversation (lightly edited for clarity) appear below.

LS: What did the moon landing teach humans about extraterrestrial life?


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Powerful New Telescope Joins the Search for Possible Laser Pulses from Aliens

Listen to “E46 7-30-19 Powerful New Telescope Joins the Search” on Spreaker.

Article by Michael Irving                 July 19, 2019                 (newatlas.com)

  • The “Breakthrough Listen” initiative is the largest scientific program designed to survey the million closest stars to Earth for any signs of radio and laser transmissions, which extraterrestrials might use to communicate with one another or the galaxy at large. The project has gained a new tool for its arsenal, the ‘Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System’, or ‘VERITAS’.
  • VERITAS is made up of four 40-foot telescopes designed to detect gamma rays by the bursts of blue light they create as they hit the Earth’s upper atmosphere. The Breakthrough Listen team claims the tech is so powerful it can detect a laser with the energy of a regular light bulb from 25 trillion miles away. The idea is that if aliens are using lasers to communicate, Earth might just happen to cross the path of a rogue beam for a split second, alerting us to their presence even if that wasn’t their direct intention.
  • Yuri Milner, founder of the Breakthrough Initiatives, says, “When it comes to intelligent life beyond Earth, we don’t know where it exists or how it communicates. Our philosophy is to look in as many places, and in as many ways, as we can. VERITAS expands our range of observation even further.”
  • Andrew Siemion, leader of the Listen team, says, “Breakthrough Listen is already the most powerful, comprehensive, and intensive search yet undertaken for signs of intelligent life beyond Earth. Now, with the addition of VERITAS, we’re sensitive to an important new class of signals: fast optical pulses. Optical communication has already been used by NASA to transmit high definition images to Earth from the Moon, so there’s reason to believe that an advanced civilization might use a scaled-up version of this technology for interstellar communication.”


Statistically, it’s pretty much a given that alien life is out there somewhere, whether that’s Martian microbes or highly intelligent life beaming comms through the cosmos. While the Curiosity rover is poking around in the dirt for the former, the Breakthrough Listen initiative is searching for the latter. Now, a new telescope array has joined the hunt, scanning the skies for flashes of laser light that alien civilizations might be giving off.

Andrew Siemion

The Breakthrough Listen initiative is the largest scientific program designed specifically to find evidence of extraterrestrials. The aim is to survey the million closest stars to Earth for any signs of radio and laser transmissions, which aliens might be using to communicate with each other or even deliberately broadcasting their existence. The team claims the tech is so powerful it can detect a laser with the energy of a regular light bulb from 25 trillion miles (40 trillion km) away.

And now the project has a new tool in its arsenal. The Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (VERITAS) is made up of four 12-m (40-ft) telescopes, and was designed to detect gamma rays by the bursts of blue light they create as they hit the Earth’s upper atmosphere.

                           Yuri Milner

As part of Breakthrough Listen, VERITAS will search for pulses of laser light that might be as short as a few nanoseconds. The idea is that if aliens are using lasers to communicate, Earth might just happen to cross the path of a rogue beam for a split second, alerting us to their presence even if that wasn’t their direct intention.

“When it comes to intelligent life beyond Earth, we don’t know where it exists or how it communicates,” says Yuri Milner, founder of the Breakthrough Initiatives. “So our philosophy is to look in as many places, and in as many ways, as we can. VERITAS expands our range of observation even further.”



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Most Bizarre Area 51 Conspiracy Theories Revealed Including Weather Control, ‘Exotic Energy Weapons’ and Meetings With Aliens

Listen to “E45 7-29-19 Most Bizarre Area 51 Conspiracy Theories Revealed Including Weather Control, ‘Exotic Energy Weapons’ …” on Spreaker.

Article by Harry Pettit                July 19, 2019              (thesun.co.uk)

  • After more than six decades of covert tests at the top secret military site, Area 51 remains shrouded in mystery. Here are a few of the theories of what goes on at Area 51.
  • UFO Testing – The craft and alien crew of the UFO that crashed at Roswell, NM in 1947 was said to be taken to Area 51. A 1996 documentary entitled “Dreamland” featured a 71-year-old mechanical engineer who claimed that he worked on a flying disc simulator used to train US pilots, based on a crashed extraterrestrial UFO. Rumors of dissections of dead aliens and interrogations of living ones are said to have been carried out at Area 51. But there is no evidence to support this claim. Others have maintained that the only exotic craft flying out of Area 51 have been captured Soviet-built MiG jet fighters or our own advanced experimental aircraft.
  • Weather Control – Meteorologists at Area 51 are thought to have experimented with ‘cloud seeding’, where chemicals are dropped into clouds from planes to try to make them produce rain in order to combat water shortages in the Western US. A separate section is said to have tried producing hurricanes and storms that could be directed at enemy countries.
  • Majestic 12 – The Majestic 12 is a secret committee of US scientists, military leaders, politicians and civil servants created by President Harry Truman to manage alien investigations. Area 51 is supposedly a key location for the Majestic 12’s activities, including the examination of the aliens recovered from the 1947 Roswell incident. There is no concrete proof that Majestic 12 ever existed.
  • Energy Weapons – Some claim that the reverse-engineered alien tech at Area 51 has yielded futuristic weapons from lasers that can vaporize a man in seconds, to time travel gadgets. Stories of machines built using alien tech stretch as far as the imagination can go. Again, there’s no evidence this tech ever existed.
  • Future Transport – Many ex-employees have testified to the extensive underground facilities at Area 51. Area 51 is said to be the central hub for an underground train system that crosses the whole continent of North America. An Area 51 runway known as the ‘Cheshire Airstrip’ is believed to be visible only when water is sprayed on its cunningly camouflaged tarmac. Government authorities deny all of this.
  • A hidden military base from the 1860’s was recently found buried beneath Alcatraz prison. (see here)
  • [Editor’s Note]  The Deep State’s disinformation strategy here is to bring up a list of dubious claims associated with Area 51, and then debunk them all as lacking any evidence. In the public’s mind, storage of extraterrestrial craft and alien bodies become just as ridiculous as laser weapons, controlling the weather, underground train systems, and time travel machines. It becomes too much cognitive dissonance for the average unenlightened person to grasp, and so they toss it all away as one cumulative conspiracy theory. While the government is meticulous in ensuring that no hard evidence is ever revealed from its classified ‘black projects’, there is plenty of compelling anecdotal, documentary and testimonial evidence of alien craft and bodies in the possession of the US government, weather control programs, Majestic 12, advanced technologies including time travel, and an extensive deep underground bullet train system crisscrossing the continent, for anyone who has the mental capacity to research and accept these hidden truths. Still, these types of articles might one day backfire on the Deep State. By planting the seed of knowledge of these “unsubstantiated” covert activities, the mainstream public will be somewhat aware of them when further evidence is eventually revealed to support these accounts.


AREA 51 remains shrouded in mystery after more than six decades of secretive tests at the site.

It’s no wonder, then, that the military facility in Nevada has spawned a number of wacky conspiracy theories.

From a production site for ‘exotic weapons’ to meetings with extraterrestrials, we’ve put together some of the weirdest below.

UFO testing

Area 51 has long been rumoured to be America’s main base for testing captured and crashed UFOs.

At the heart of this theory is the Roswell Incident.

This was in 1947 when an occupied flying saucer was allegedly recovered from a crash site near the New Mexico town.

The UFO and its inhabitants were said to have been taken to Area 51.

The 1996 documentary Dreamland featured a 71-year-old mechanical engineer who claimed he worked on a flying disc simulator used to train US pilots.

It was based on a crashed extraterrestrial flying saucer, according to the film.

But others who have worked there say testing of captured aircraft was restricted to Soviet-built MiG fighters.

Rumours increased when the base was used to test Oxcart, the code name for the CIA-ordered Lockheed A-12 reconnaissance plane.

Annie Jacobsen, author of the book Area 51: An Uncensored History Of America’s Top Secret Military Base, explains: “The shape of Oxcart was unprecedented, with its wide disc-like fuselage designed to carry vast quantities of fuel.

“Commercial pilots cruising over Nevada at dusk would look up and see the bottom of Oxcart whizz by at 2,000-plus mph.

“The aircraft’s titanium body, moving as fast as a bullet, would reflect the sun’s rays in a way that could make anyone think: ‘UFO!'”

Dissections of dead aliens and interrogations of living ones are also said to have been carried out at Area 51.

There is, however, no evidence to support this claim.

‘Weather control’

Huge areas of the US suffer water shortages.

There are frequent disputes between farmers, ranchers and householders over access to water for irrigation, animals and domestic uses such as filling swimming pools and watering lawns.

Meteorologists at Area 51 are thought to have experimented with cloud seeding, where chemicals are dropped into clouds from planes to try to make them produce rain.

A separate section is said to have tried producing hurricanes and storms that could be directed at enemy countries.



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“Let’s See Them Aliens”: The Comic Futility of #StormArea51

Listen to “E43 7-27-19 “Let’s See Them Aliens”: The Comic Futility of #StormArea51” on Spreaker.

Article by Kate Knibbs                      July 17, 2019                      (theringer.com)

• Believing in aliens used to automatically catapult a person into kook territory, but things have changed. Prominent public figures are treating the UFO and extraterrestrial phenomenon seriously, from Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb, to aerospace billionaire Robert Bigelow, to the New York Times, to members of Congress demanding briefings. All of this has lent credence to a Facebook event called “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us.” (see previous ExoArticle) Well over a million Facebook users have pledged to show up at a Nevada tourist spot, to invade en masse the secret military base known as ‘Area 51’ at 3 am, September 20th.

• A similar online phenomenon happened in 2017 as Hurricane Irma approached the Florida coastline. Ryon Edwards created a Facebook event called “Shoot at Hurricane Irma.” Over 80,000 people responded with interest in attacking the hurricane, though no one did. It was a way to diffuse a frightening situation with a lighthearted meme.

• Like the Irma event, this is an obvious stunt. The post reads: “If we naruto run (like an animated video game character), we can move faster than their bullets.” And the Facebook page itself is called “Shitposting cause im in shambles”. Many attendees responded tongue-in-cheek: “I only RSVP’d for the memes” and “Let’s see them aliens.”

• Samantha Travis, the manager of the Little A’Le’Inn tourist spot where the invaders are scheduled to convene, said people have been calling “nonstop, all day,” and all of their rooms are booked. University student, Jackson Weimer, imagines that it will turn into a big party. Travis noted that there is plenty of available campground space.

• While the vast majority of participants are openly kidding around and not seriously planning to attack a military base, the military itself appears to be treating this as a matter of real concern. An Air Force spokesperson told the Washington Post that it is “ready to protect America and its assets.”

• There’s a good chance “Storm Area 51” will be a distant memory by the time September 20th actually rolls around. In the same way that people took a moment to laugh at the concept of attacking a hurricane, the punch line to “Storm Area 51” is how cartoonishly futile life can feel. It is the sort of joke that can puncture the terrors of climate change and evil governments. The popularity of “Storm Area 51” reflects a larger mood of low-grade fatalism and hyperbolic violence that is percolating online this summer.


Over a million people have RSVP’d to an event on Facebook called “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us.” The military has warned people to stay away. It’s just a gag—but one particularly well-suited to this summer.

In 2017, as Hurricane Irma twirled menacingly toward the Florida coastline, a young Floridian named Ryon Edwards coped with storm-related anxiety in a very modern way. He logged onto Facebook and created an event called “Shoot at Hurricane Irma.” Over 80,000 people responded that they were interested in staging an attack on the “GOOFY LOOKING WINDY HEADASS NAMED IRMA.” No one ever opened fire on Irma; at least, there is no documentation of such an event. The Facebook post was a joke, a way to diffuse a frightening situation with a lighthearted meme. Despite some hand-wringing by local authorities, it wasn’t actually worth fretting over.

In recent days, a similarly playful Facebook event has reached an even greater height of popularity. “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us,” an event scheduled for 3 a.m. on September 20 at the famously mysterious Nevada military base, has racked up over 1.4 million RSVPs over the past week, with more than a million other people expressing interest in storming Area 51 en masse. “We will all meet up at the Area 51 Alien Center tourist attraction and coordinate our entry. If we naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets,” the post reads. (“Naruto” is a reference to Naruto Uzumaki, an anime character who runs with an awkward stride.) “Lets see them aliens.”

Like the Irma event, it’s an obvious stunt. The viral appeal is equally obvious, as it is fun to imagine a ragtag group of strangers liberating Martians from one of the most notoriously locked-down places in the country, like the plot of a pleasantly stupid action movie.

“Honestly I only RSVP’d for the memes,” one event attendee told me via Facebook Messenger. A Discord chat room created to “strategize” about the attack is filled with memes about adopting aliens and chatter about role-playing. “I think we need a division of vapers. To make an escape cloud,” one participant suggested. “I don’t think no one is going to this,” another said. When I identified myself as a journalist and asked people on the event page whether they’d speak with me, I was repeatedly called a “Fed”—exactly what I deserved for posting on an event page co-created by an account called “Shitposting cause im in shambles.”

But for all the jokes, the event has sparked real-world uptick in interest in traveling to the Area 51 region. People have been calling the local hotel and bar Little A’Le’Inn, for instance, “nonstop, all day,” manager Samantha Travis told The Ringer. “Our rooms have been booked for a few days now.” (Travis noted that the area does have plenty of available campground space.) “I think that people actually might go and have a party,” Jackson Weimer, a University of Delaware student who runs a popular meme account and accepted that I was not a cop, told me. “Some idiots will probably take it too far and try and rush the base but I hope everyone is smart enough to realize when a meme is a meme.” While the vast majority of participants are openly kidding around and not seriously planning to attack a military base, the military itself appears to be treating this as a matter of concern. An Air Force spokesperson told the Washington Post that it is “ready to protect America and its assets.” (The Air Force did not respond to The Ringer’s request for comment.)



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E43 7-27-19 “Let’s See Them Aliens”: The Comic Futility of #StormArea51

Believing in aliens used to automatically catapult a person into kook territory, but things have changed. Prominent public figures are treating the UFO and extraterrestrial phenomenon seriously, from Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb, to aerospace billionaire Robert Bigelow, to the New York Times, to members of Congress demanding briefings.

Rectangular UFO Spotted Hovering in Skies of Hawaii

by Nirmal Narayanan                       July 12, 2019                        (ibtimes.co.in)


• A Hawaiian driver noticed a rectangular UFO in the sky  over Maui, and captured it on video. When zoomed in, the lights and metallic body of the UFO can be seen.

• “The object was in only one frame, nothing before or after. Unknown altitude, but as you can see it was above the cloud line,” said the man who took the video.

[Editor’s Note]   This appears to be another USAF rectangular anti-gravity craft which Dr. Michael Salla reveals in his latest book, US Air Force Secret Space Program: Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances & Space Force. (order here)


A mysterious video uploaded on YouTube by popular conspiracy theory channel ‘UFO Mania’ is now the hottest debating point among alien enthusiasts. Originally shot by a car driver from Hawaii, the rectangular UFO appeared in one among the many random clicks taken by the witness. Upon closer analysis, we can also see lights in the seemingly metallic body of the UFO.

“The object was in only one frame, nothing before or after. unknown altitude but as you can see it was above the cloud line,” said the man who captured the video.

After watching the video, viewers of UFO Mania also shared their thoughts to explain this bizarre sighting.

“Awesome picture!! By the dimension’s I would say it was alien!! Doesn’t look like it would be practical for humans by the size of it,” commented Curtis Hill, a YouTube user.

“My guess is it either cloaked out or performed a dimensional jump. These crafts are being seen more often now, it’s like they’re not worried about hiding, I believe something major may happen soon,” commented John Nightshade, another YouTuber.

1:29 minute video of rectangular craft over Maui (UFOmania YouTube)



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US Millennials Believe NASA Faked the Moon Landing and UFOs Visit Earth

Listen to “E42 7-26-19 US Millennials Believe NASA Faked the Moon Landing and UFOs Visit Earth” on Spreaker.

Article by Sebastian Kettley                   July 17, 2019                  (express.co.uk)

• Half-a-century after the Apollo 11 astronauts were televised landing on the Moon, one-in-10 Americans believe that NASA faked the whole thing, according to a new poll by SatelliteInternet.com. The number of people who doubt the Moon landing has risen over the last 20 years. A 1999 Gallup poll found that only six percent of Americans doubted the official NASA story.

• Young people, known as ‘Millennials’, make up 18% of these “truthers” who doubt the official NASA version of the mission. Rebecca Lee Armstrong, of SatelliteInternet.com, said, “[M]ore Moon landing conspiracists pop up with every new generation.” She added, “Millennials and Gen Z’ers between the ages of 18 and 34 are six times more likely to believe that NASA pulled the biggest con of the twentieth century than people who were actually around for the first Moon landing are.” 35 to 54 year old’s account for 8%, and Americans over 54 account for 3% who doubt the government. Those who witnessed the Moon landing live on television in 1969 were least likely to question the event.

• About 75% of Moon landing conspiracists also believe that aliens have visited our planet.

• Of those denying that the Moon landing ever happened, 41% think the US flag “waving” on the Moon was a dead giveaway. 53% of Moon landing deniers believe that the actual Moon landing occurred later than 1969. And 98% fear the government spies on its citizens through technology. 51% are also convinced NASA never landed a robotic rover on Mars.

• In response to these naysayers, NASA’s reply was, “Yes, we did.”

[Editor’s Note]   Since NASA is famous for ‘Never A Straight Answer’, it is no wonder that so many Americans harbor doubts about the 1969 Moon landing, especially the younger ones who have not spent a lifetime being indoctrinated by Deep State disinformation. NASA and the Deep State have always denied the truth of the mission.  The truth is that several large and menacing alien spacecraft directly oversaw the entire event, in plain view, as Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed their Lunar Module on the Moon and took a “giant leap for mankind”. On a secure NASA medical radio frequency, Armstrong relayed to mission control the presence of ‘Santa Clause’, code for alien craft. Anticipating this, NASA had “B” roll film footage of fake Moon scenes created by Stanley Kubrick using the sets from his movie “2001: A Space Odyssey”, although they never resorted to using this film footage during the televised event. They were able to edit the footage to hide the alien presence. The aliens did not want them to return. This is the reason why NASA never embarked on any new missions to the Moon after the Apollo missions were completed. Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were sworn to secrecy under the threat of harm to the men and their families. Armstrong lived a reclusive life, rarely giving interviews and only confirming the presence of alien craft to close family and friends. Aldrin has been more outspoken, although cryptic in his public statements, especially in recent years.


NASA landed the first man on the Moon 50 years ago this month on July 20, 1969. The Apollo 11 mission saw astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins fly to the Moon and back. But half-a-century later, conspiracists still doubt NASA with one-in-10 Americans accusing the space agency of faking the Moon landing. A new poll conducted ahead of the 50th Apollo 11 anniversary has found the highest number of these so-called truthers fall within the millennial age bracket.

According to the survey by SatelliteInternet.com, the number of people who doubt the Moon landing has risen in the last 20 years.

In 1999, a Gallup poll found only six percent of Americans doubted the official NASA story.

The most recent survey, however, has found 10 percent of Americans do not believe the Moon landing was real.

Of those who doubt the 1969 Moon landing, 18 percent are millennials and “Gen Zers” aged 18 to 34.

Rebecca Lee Armstrong, of SatelliteInternet.com, said in a report: “Survey results showed that more Moon landing conspiracists pop up with every new generation.

“Millennials and Gen Zers between the ages of 18 and 34 are six times more likely to believe that NASA pulled the biggest con of the twentieth century than people who were actually around for the first Moon landing are.

“Younger participants were also more likely to identify as flat-Earthers, but that’s more of a global problem.”
Those aged 35 to 54 only account for about eight percent of Moon landing deniers.

Another three percent of those who deny the Moon landing are aged 54 or older.

According to the survey, those who witnessed the Moon landing unfold live on television were least likely to question the event.



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The Secret Space Program:  Roy Cohn, Donald Trump, Robert Swan Mueller & the VERY Deep State

Conspiracy research entails connecting lots of dots that most folks…..especially those articulating the official government narrative……. ignore or purposely distort through disinformation and outright lies.

As Veterans Today and others have pointed out since Trump emerged 4 years ago as a presidential candidate, New York mob lawyer, Roy Cohn, was Donald Trump’s mentor.

Joseph P. Farrell has pointed out that Cohn’s ties go far beyond his obvious links to the Deep State on display during the famous McCarthy hearings and include his knowledge of the Secret Space Program.

As I wrote in a previous article:

For those claiming I am too distrustful, I say perhaps.  But McCarthy and Cohn connected to above top-secret black projects and Nixon having a UFO time capsule:  who knew about any of that?   With Mueller tied to the MIC through Gibson Island and his family’s Uranium business as well as Comey helping him suppress cloaking technology, RussiaGate takes on a different complexion for me than what the official narrative wants us to believe.

The latest research from George Webb shows that Mueller and Bill Barr’s families are linked by a common focus on Uranium production and other VERY Deep State aspects of the Military Industrial Complex that go back to WWII, the OSS, the Manhattan Project, Operation Paper Clip and more.

All this is being ignored with the Epstein scandal; Mueller’s Russiagate hoax testimony; the Squad rumblings and other events designed to distract the public from the true agenda:  more wars using modern weaponry, i.e. the kind being designed by Trump’s Space Force which is first and foremost a new branch of our military:

Reagan had Iran Contra (which Barr and Mueller helped cover up) along with his Star Wars project (SDI).  Trump has his scandals and the Space Force to supposedly take us to the Moon and Mars while really being mostly about the weaponization of space.

The “soft disclosure” events of recent weeks also appear increasingly as a diversion to excite those fascinated by UFOs and appeal to the enthusiasm of the masses to that conversation while covering up the true agenda and activities of our Secret Space Program.

Sex sells as does tall tales of ETs and political corruption.  This is being carefully, brilliantly orchestrated by the VERY Deep State that includes Mueller, Barr and many others as key players in the Big Scam.

A review of the material below will bring willing readers up to date on how current events are used to achieve nefarious goals while keeping everyone pitted against each other thinking, understandably, that they have insight into what’s really going on.

They do, but invariably, we are all like the blind feeling different parts of an elephant and proclaiming they know what’s in their hands.  This immense Leviathan of the VERY Deep State remains cloaked to all but a few, even as the work of diligent researchers such as Joseph P. Farrell, Richard Dolan, Michael Salla, the late Jim Marrs, Linda Moulton Howe, Richard C. Hoagland, Alfred Webre and many other brilliant writers reveals much about this.

Will we achieve Full Disclosure?  Will our civilization be able to survive the coming turmoil and achieve the level of peace and prosperity seemingly available from the new technologies now kept hidden from us?  That is the question of the day and the hope of many who cling to the prospect of it happening soon.

Rich Scheck
Burlington WA
July 24, 2019

(N. B.:  This writer describes his articles as speculative musings…..educated guesses regarding the truth based on his intuition as he attempts to read the tea leaves of current events and between the lines of official narratives. He is much more gadfly than scholar and encourages readers to keep that in mind as they peruse the above article.)


  • http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=127703
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nJTTKE3Dj0
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvv0mF5Gbrk&t=48s
  • https://themindunleashed.com/2019/07/real-story-jeffrey-epstein.html
  • https://stonecoldtruth.com/9-11-and-the-very-deep-state/

Trump Probably Hasn’t Been Told Anything About Area 51

Listen to “E41 7-26-19 Trump Probably Hasn’t Been Told Anything About Area 51” on Spreaker.

Article by Charles Creitz                      July 16, 2019                      (foxnews.com)

• Fox News’ commentator, Jesse Watters (pictured above with President Trump), pondered whether President Trump was aware of what goes on at the top secret military base known as ‘Area 51’. On the Fox News show “The Five”, Watters quipped, “I am surprised Trump has not slipped up about Area 51 yet… The man cannot keep a secret. I don’t even think they told him about Area 51.”

• Watters contends that if Trump is privy to knowledge about the base, ‘it is surprising he hasn’t told the public’. Watters noted that Trump is unusually open at campaign events. “He’ll just let it go at a rally,” Watters said. “But if he has kept that secret, I am very proud.”

• Area 51 is a government facility in the Nevada desert near Groom Lake, a salt flat located about 120 miles north of Las Vegas. The site was used during World War II as an aerial gunnery range for Army pilots. In the 1950’s it was converted to an Air Force test site for the U-2, F-117A, A-12 and TACIT BLUE aircraft. In 2013, the CIA acknowledged the base’s existence. Today, Area 51 employees take an unmarked passenger plane from a Las Vegas airport to the classified base.

• A Facebook page is advertising a ‘March on Area 51’ on September 20th at 3 am. The Facebook creator believes “they can’t stop all of us.” Well over one million people have pledged to participate in the invasion.

• While it isn’t exactly known what the base is currently used for, Air Force spokeswoman Laura McAndrews told The Washington Post that Area 51 is where, “we train American armed forces” and “is an open training range for the U.S. Air Force.” She discouraged civilians from visiting the area. “The U.S. Air Force always stands ready to protect America and its assets,” McAndrews added.


Ahead of a Facebook-advertised “storming” of Area 51, Jesse Watters considered whether President Trump has been told about what goes on at the secretive military installation.

If Trump is privy to top-secret information about the base, which has long been a point of discussion for conspiracy theorists who believe the facility holds government secrets about aliens and UFOs, it is surprising he hasn’t told the public, Watters said on “The Five.”

“I am surprised Trump has not slipped up about Area 51 yet,” he joked.

“The man cannot keep a secret. I don’t even think they told him about Area 51.”

The “Watters’ World” host added Trump is often unusually open at campaign events — to a greater extent than past presidents.

“He’ll just let it go at a rally,” he said. “But if he has kept that secret, I am very proud.”

On Facebook, a page advertising the purported event went viral over the past week, as more than 1 million users responded they would go to the top-secret military installation on Sept. 20 at 3 a.m., with the creator writing “they can’t stop all of us.”



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Richard Branson Doesn’t Believe in Aliens

by Chris Gardner                     July 16, 2019                     (hollywoodreporter.com)

• Billionaire Richard Branson, 68, (founder of the Virgin Group companies, including Virgin Records, Virgin Atlantic airline, and a spaceflight company called Virgin Galactic) is getting closer and closer to launching himself into the stratosphere aboard a Virgin Galactic rocket. Still, Branson thinks that it is “extremely unlikely” that extraterrestrial beings are visiting the Earth.

• “There’s no question that there are millions of other civilizations out there, but none of them are within reach of Earth,” says Branson. Despite the New York Times reporting on multiple Navy pilots seeing strange objects flying through the skies at impossible speeds, Branson says, “Sadly, when you look closely you’ll find that there’s another explanation for all of them.” “If people had really discovered a UFO, you can’t keep things secret in this day and age. It would be everywhere. And so I don’t think there’s any credible sightings yet. It would be wonderful if it were true.”

[Editor’s Note]   Where have you been, Richard Branson? Yes, there are credible sightings. Yes, it has been possible for the Deep State to keep this a secret. And yes, extraterrestrial beings are visiting the Earth. Perhaps you ought to read the ExoNews, rather than the mainstream news.


Billionaire Richard Branson insists he’s getting closer and closer to launching himself into the stratosphere aboard a Virgin Galactic rocket. (“My trip to space will be very soon,” he teased in May.) But he’s not expecting much traffic once he lifts off.

Despite a May 26 New York Times bombshell report on how multiple Navy pilots have reported (and recorded) strange objects flying through the skies at impossible speeds, Branson, 68, remains skeptical. “Sadly, when you look closely you’ll find that there’s another explanation for all of them in the same way that in the Bermuda Triangle there’s another explanation for all the mysteries [there]. There’s no question that there are millions of other civilizations out there, but none of them are within reach of Earth and therefore, my instinct is: extremely unlikely.”

Branson, who sat down with Rambling Reporter during a June 20 private party to celebrate Virgin Atlantic’s new LAX-Manchester, England route, had another answer as to why UFOs and the prospects of alien life continue to transfix humans.

“I can’t understand why these UFO discussions are always behind closed doors and done in secrecy. It just creates even more suspicion. If people had really discovered a UFO, you can’t keep things secret in this day and age, it would be everywhere. And so I don’t think there’s any credible sightings yet. It would be wonderful if it were true.”



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Bud Light Offers to Give Free Beer to ‘Any Alien That Makes it Out’ of Area 51

by Aris Folley                    July 18, 2019                     (thehill.com)

  • In response to an online campaign to “Storm Area 51”, referring to a Nevada military base where some believe the US government holds extraterrestrial craft and possibly ET beings, the beer company, Bud Light, is offering free beer to any aliens that make it out of Area 51.

  • The “Storm Area 51” Facebook event, which was conceived by Matty Roberts as a ‘joke’, has accumulated well over a million people who plan to meet up at the Area 51 Alien Center tourist attraction to coordinate their mass invasion of Area 51 on September 20th.

  • In a series of tweets, the beer maker first joked that it would “… be the first brand to formally announce that we will not be sponsoring the Area 51 raid.” Days later, the company changed its tune, tweeting: “Screw it. Free Bud Light to any alien that makes it out.”

  • Bud Light released a photo of what it referred to as its “Area 51 Special Edition” beer, showing a green and black beer bottle with a label reading: “Greetings Earthlings. This is the famous Area 51.” The beer label reads: “We know of no space beer by any other life form which is brewed and aged to be more refreshing. Our cryogenic aging produces a light bodied space lager with a fresh taste, a crisp, clean finish, and a smooth drinkability.” I then adds, “Take us to your leader. We come in peace.”

  • A spokeswoman for the base said, “[Area 51] is an open training range for the U.S. Air Force, and we would discourage anyone from trying to come into the area where we train American armed forces. The U.S. Air Force always stands ready to protect America and its assets.”


But Light is offering to give free beer to any aliens that make it out of Area 51 in Nevada, as an online campaign to “storm” the site has attracted the attention of millions.

The beer maker made the announcement in a series of tweets about the military base, which conspiracy theorists have long believed to be a place  where government officials hold secret information about extraterrestrial beings.

In one tweet on Monday, the company joked that it would “like to be the first brand to formally announce that we will not be sponsoring the Area 51 raid.”

But later in the week, the company changed its tune, tweeting: “Screw it. Free Bud Light to any alien that makes it out.”

The company then released a photo of what it referred to as its “Area 51 Special Edition” beer.
The photo showed a green and black beer bottle with a label reading: “Greetings Earthlings. This is the famous Area 51.”

“We know of no space beer by any other life form which is brewed and aged to be more refreshing,” the label continued. “Our cryogenic aging produces a light bodied space lager with a fresh taste, a crisp, clean finish, and a smooth drinkability.

“Take us to your leader,” it added. The promotion also featured the message: “We come in peace.”



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Moon Landing Mission Recordings Spark UFO Claims as ‘Tracks’ Seen by Apollo Astronauts

by Sean Martin                July 16, 2019                    (express.co.uk)

• In 1971, the crew of Apollo 15 – David Scott, Alfred Worden, and James Irwin – were the fourth group of astronauts to land on the Moon. When they got there, however, they saw neatly organized vehicle tracks on the surface and relayed this information to mission control. The conversation was picked up by UFOlogist Don Wilson. In his 1975 book ‘Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon’, Wilson wrote, “What are these tracks? Who made them? Where did they come from? Does NASA have an answer for the people?”.

• A transcript between the astronauts and ground control shows how the crew spotted the tracks leading up to Mt Hadley – a mountain range on the northern hemisphere of the Moon. James Irwin tells mission control “tracks here as we go down slope” “I can’t get over those lineations, that layering on Mt. Hadley”. David Scott adds, “I can’t either. That’s really spectacular.”

• Irwin continues, “That’s the most organized structure I’ve ever seen!” Scott says, “It’s so uniform in width.” Irwin notes, “Nothing we’ve seen before this has shown such uniform thickness from the top of the tracks to the bottom.”

• Conspiracy website UFO-Aliens.co.uk says there is something strange going on, with the page reading: “Many people feel we have not been told the complete truth regarding NASA’s space program, in particular the Apollo Missions of the late 60’s and early 70’s. “Something is seriously amiss.”


AN APOLLO mission which went to the Moon saw “organised” tracks on the lunar surface which conspiracy theorists believe is evidence of aliens.

The Apollo 15 crew, consisting of David Scott, Alfred Worden, James Irwin, became just the fourth group to land on the Moon in 1971. However, they were in for a shock once they got there, as they supposedly saw neatly organised tracks on the surface. A transcript between the astronauts and ground control shows how the crew spotted “organised” tracks leading up to Mt Hadley – a mountain range on the northern hemisphere of the Moon – leading to UFO theories.

The conversation between the crew and ground control is as follows:

Scott: Arrowhead really runs east to west.

Mission Control: Roger, we copy.

Irwin: Tracks here as we go down slope.

Mission Control: Just follow the tracks, huh?

Irwin: Right we’re (garble). We know that’s a fairly good run. We’re bearing 320, hitting range for 413 … I can’t get over those lineations, that layering on Mt. Hadley.

Scott: I can’t either. That’s really spectacular.

Irwin: They sure look beautiful.

Scott: Talk about organisation!

Irwin: That’s the most organised structure I’ve ever seen!

Scott: It’s (garble) so uniform in width.

Irwin: Nothing we’ve seen before this has shown such uniform thickness from the top of the tracks to the bottom.
The sighting has prompted speculation from alien hunters with a debate that still rages on to this day.

The conversation was picked up by UFOlogist Don Wilson, who in his 1975 book ‘Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon’, questioned whether NASA has any answers for the sighting.

Mr Wilson wrote: “What are these tracks? Who made them? Where did they come from? Does NASA have an answer for the people?”.

Conspiracy website UFO-Aliens.co.uk says there is something strange going on, with the page reading: “Many people feel we have not been told the complete truth regarding NASA’s space program, in particular the Apollo Missions of the late 60’s and early 70’s.

“Something is seriously amiss.”

5:32 minute interview, at 4:30 Apollo 15 astronaut
Al Worden talks about extraterrestrials (Good Morning Britain)



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Aliens May Exist in Ways We Can’t Fathom, Which is Why We Haven’t Found Them

Listen to “E44 7-23-19 Aliens May Exist in Ways We Can’t Fathom” on Spreaker.

Article by Colleen Killingsworth                    July 16, 2019                    (my9nj.com)

• In a report published in the journal Acta Astronautica, researchers from the University of Cadiz in Spain say that aliens could be all around us, but may exist in ways we cannot even fathom. We simply don’t know how to detect them. One of the report’s co-authors, Gabriel G. De la Torre, says, “Our traditional conception of space is limited by our brain, and we may… be unable to see them.”

• The Spanish research team used a classic psychological experiment that demonstrates “inattention blindness” as a possible explanation for our inability to see what we aren’t looking for. They point to a video of a social experiment by Daniel J. Simons and Christopher Chabris in 1999 where they asked participants to watch the video and keep a silent count of the number of passes of a basketball made by the people in white shirts. A person in a gorilla suit walks through the video frame for nine seconds, faces the camera, thumps his chest, then leaves. Only half of the people who watched the video in the original experiment saw the gorilla. (see 1:21 minute video below)

• The “Invisible Gorilla” experiment revealed that human perception isn’t foolproof. Most people miss a lot of what’s going on around them as they try to filter and process the incredible amounts of perceptual information being fed to their brains. Said De la Torre, “It is very striking, but very significant and representative of how our brain works.”

• De la Torre and co-author Manuel A. Garcia conducted a similar experiment. They asked 137 adults to look at aerial photographs and determine whether they featured artificial structures, like roads and buildings, or natural elements, like mountains and rivers. In one photo, De la Torre and Garcia inserted an image of a person in a gorilla suit. Only 45 out of the 137 participants noticed the gorilla in the aerial photograph. De la Torre says that the more “intuitive individuals identified the gorilla in our photo more often than those (who are) more rational and methodical.”

• According to De la Torre and Garcia, the result of the experiments show that just as people may not see the gorilla in the image, aliens could very well exist in a way that humans are not oriented to perceive or understand. “[W]e tend to see them from our perceptive.” Says De la Torre, “What we are trying to do with this differentiation is to contemplate other possibilities – for example, beings of dimensions that our minds cannot grasp; or intelligences based on dark matter or energy, which make up almost 95 percent of the universe and which we are only beginning to glimpse. There is even the possibility that other universes exist, as the texts of Stephen Hawking and other scientists indicate.”

• De la Torre and Garcia suggest that focusing too much on certain methods, like SETI‘s search for radio signals, is limiting our ability to discover the “cosmic gorilla” that is non terrestrial life. Solely searching for civilizations populating other planets or solar systems may limit our ability to conceive of and potentially locate inter-dimensional capable civilizations, the research team suggests. Expanding our search methods may bring us closer to the truth.

• In other words, De la Torre and Garcia think we need to first check our egos and account for the limitations of human biology and psychology before we can expect to comprehend advanced extraterrestrial or non-terrestrial life.


CADIZ, Spain – Aliens may exist in ways we cannot even fathom and they could be all around us, but because we don’t know how to detect them, we can’t see what’s right in front of our faces. At least that’s what a group of researchers from the University of Cadiz in Spain suggested in a report published in the journal Acta Astronautica.

“Our traditional conception of space is limited by our brain, and we may have the signs above and be unable to see them,” Gabriel G. De la Torre, one of the co-authors of the study, told the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT). “Maybe we’re not looking in the right direction.”

The research team used a classic psychological experiment to provide a possible explanation as to why we humans have not found any indication of extraterrestrial life. The theory hinges on the idea of inattention blindness, which suggests that we don’t see what we aren’t looking for.

     Gabriel G. De la Torre

Countless teachers and professors have used a video to illustrate exactly how this phenomenon works. The experiment was originally conceived and carried out by Daniel J. Simons and Christopher Chabris in 1999. They asked participants to watch the video and keep a silent count of the number of passes made by the people in white shirts.

Chabris and Simons showed the video to a group of participants at Harvard University, and the experiment went on to become one of the best-known in psychology because of its surprising outcome.

The experiment is called “The Invisible Gorilla” because a person in a gorilla suit spends nine seconds on screen — they stroll through the video frame at one point, face the camera and thump their chest, then leave — but half of the people who watched the video in the original experiment didn’t see the gorilla at all. It was like the gorilla was invisible.

The experiment revealed that human psychology and perception aren’t as foolproof as many of us would like to believe. Most people miss a lot of what’s going on around them as they try to filter and process the incredible amounts of perceptual information being fed to their brains through the senses and nervous system every nanosecond of every day.
“It is very striking, but very significant and representative of how our brain works,” De la Torre told FECYT.

De la Torre and co-author Manuel A. Garcia used a similar approach in their research. They asked 137 adults to take the cognitive reflection test, fill out a perception and attention questionnaire and look at aerial photographs and determine whether they featured artificial structures, like roads and buildings, or natural elements, like mountains and rivers. In one photo, De la Torre and Garcia inserted an image of a person in a gorilla suit to see if participants noticed.

Only 45 out of the total 137 participants noticed the gorilla in the aerial photograph.

1:21 minute “Invisible Gorilla” selective attention test (Simons and Chabris 1999)



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Strange Alien Spaceship Seen Over Rome in Clear as Day Video

by Sean Martin                        July 15, 2019                       (express.co.uk)

• On July 13th, 2019, a family in the ‘Villa Chigi’ area of Rome, Italy watched a luminous object from their home’s window, and got it on video. (see 1:59 minute video below) The video shows a bright orb rising into the sky. (It then stops, hovers, flashes in brightness and winks out.)

• The family was left baffled by the incident, with people in the video’s background saying in Italian: “What are they?” The person filming adds: “Here it is, it’s going up. What’s this stuff? It’s gone.” The video was picked up by several media outlets in Italy.

• Several UFO hunters are convinced this is a sign of alien activity, or even an alien abduction in Italy. One YouTuber commented: “It is a plasma drone. It’s got to be alien technology or something else, just understand that they are taking pictures of our landscape and maybe compared them to the old times.”

• Diehard skeptic, Michael Bryant, thought it was a kite. Stuart Walker thought it was a fake video. Says Walker, “Anybody who has been to Rome… will know how heavily populated it is, and everybody would have seen it.”


A UFO was has been seen over Rome in a clear video which shows a bright orb rising into the sky, conspiracy theorists believe.

An unknowing family was looking out of their window from their home in Rome when they spotted a bright light in the horizon. Suddenly, the light, which is yellowish and perfectly circular, shoots up towards the sky. The family is left baffled by the incident, with people in the background saying in Italian: “What are they?”

The person who films then adds: “Here it is, it’s going up. What’s this stuff? It’s gone.”

The video was picked up by several media outlets in Italy before conspiracy theorists got hold of it.
Several UFO hunters are convinced this is a sign of alien activity in Italy.

Popular YouTube channel UFOMania said: “A luminous sphere was spotted and recorded with a mobile phone by a family living in the area of Villa Chigi in Rome.”


1:59 minute video of weird light over Villa Chigi, Rome, Italy, July 13, 2019 (UFOmania YouTube)



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