UFO Society Claims To Be In Contact With Gods From Space

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Article by Tom Wood                             December 29, 2019                            (ladbible.com)

• The Aetherius Society was founded by Dr George King who claimed to have been contacted in 1958 by an advanced extra-terrestrial being called Aetherius. The being told King that he’d been ‘chosen’ and was given a command: “Prepare yourself, you are to become the voice of interplanetary parliament.” Dr King became the primary point of human contact for the Aetherius Masters until his death in 1997.

• Aetherius Society members claim that through yoga, Dr King was able to raise his consciousness to a level where extra-terrestrial beings could communicate through him – sometimes through telepathy, sometimes through direct channeling. The recordings and transcriptions of such messages from a variety of alien intellects are an important part of services held by the society.

• Mark Bennett attended his first Aetherius service at the age of 16. Over the past twenty years he’s risen to the level of International Director. Bennett admits that all of this may seem strange – especially to those with a lower spiritual understanding. Like all religious societies, a leap of faith is required for full understanding. “[T]he truth is so elevated that most people can’t get their heads around it.”

• One of the ‘Cosmic Masters’ messages proclaimed, “There will shortly come another among you, he will stand tall among men with a shining countenance. This one will be attired in a single garment of the type now known to you. His shoes will be soft-topped yet not made of the skin of animals. ….He will approach the Earth’s leaders, they will ask of him his credentials and he will produce these. His magic will be greater than any upon the Earth, greater than the combined materialistic might of all the armies. …They who heed not his words shall be removed from the Earth.”

• Bennett explains: “So, …at some point, an extra-terrestrial being will come to Earth … possibly in some kind of vehicle like what we might term a flying saucer.” “He will have great psychic powers. He will not age. When it says he will stand tall among men, that’s probably literally he will be really tall. … (possibly) around seven foot (tall). He will demonstrate great powers, as much as is necessary.”

• “From that point onwards,” Bennett continues, “people who continue to break the laws of God – for example, killing each other and warfare, hording massive amounts of wealth whilst others are starving – that will no longer be allowed to continue.” These people won’t be allowed to reincarnate onto this planet. “They will reincarnate onto another younger planet so that the only people left here will be those who are willing and able to build a new age upon Earth.” “Those who are reincarnated elsewhere aren’t being punished, it’s just the only way for them to make it. It’s a natural sorting, it’s spiritual evolution.”

• Bennett admits there’s a lot to take in. Aetherians believe that the Earth itself is a living goddess being that eventually ‘will have to express her true spiritual nature.’ When the Earth’s vibration raises, our own vibrations must rise as well in order to survive here. “Cosmic Masters will come to prepare those who may live in harmony with the Earth goddess, who have a chance of making it.”

• “All the other planets in this system are populated entirely by superior alien life forms known as Cosmic Masters,” claims Bennett. These Cosmic Masters want to be involved with us but can’t until we can reach a higher plane of spiritual evolution. Cosmic Masters do not age or die, but rather they change their bodily form after a few thousand years. They are in effect, immortal beings. Jesus, Moses, Buddha, Lao Tzu, and St Peter were all advanced intelligence beings from other planets. They have great psychic powers, telekinetic powers, healing powers, and all the kind of psychic abilities. “They are extremely spiritual and have evolved beyond petty emotion and only do what is best, according to karmic law.”

• Bennett argues that the Aetherian faith that is more logical than other religions. “[A]ll of these other faiths don’t explain why,” he says. “It’s almost like God’s run out of patience.” “[W]hereas in The Aetherius Society we have the exact explanation, which is that it just spiritually has to (happen).”

• A big part of what The Aetherius Society does today is to harness and store prayer energy in a spiritual battery devised by Dr King. Followers recite prayers and mantras in a semi-circular arrangement around the battery, whilst one member stands next to it, acting as a conduit. Targeted prayer energy can be sent to victims and aid workers involved in earthquakes, landslides, and warzones.

• The Aetherius Society has thousands of members in temples all around the world. It only costs $52 per year to be a member of the society, and this includes a magazine subscription.


Like all good tales of discovery, this one begins in the pub.

The Golden Lion pub in Todmorden, in fact – a pretty, peaceful West Yorkshire town that brims with stone cottages, rolling countryside and a pace of life that harks back to simpler times.

          Dr George King

This pub is not your average boozer though. It does things differently since being taken on by the local community. But I’m not here for that story. I’m here for the monthly Todmorden UFO Meet Up.

A couple of dozen people are here, convinced that the truth is out there. But that night’s speaker goes beyond flying discs and life on Mars. Much further.

Six weeks later I found myself sitting in The Aetherius Temple in Fulham with Mark Bennett, one of nine international directors of the society.
Bennett, along with the rest of the society, believes – among other things – that Jesus, Moses, Buddha, Lao Tzu, and St Peter were all advanced intelligence beings from other planets.

Oh, and that the Earth itself is a living goddess being. But more of that shortly.

The Aetherius Society was founded by Dr George King after he claimed to have been contacted in 1958 by a ‘Cosmic Master’ – an advanced extra-terrestrial being – called Aetherius and told him that he’d been chosen.

“Prepare yourself, you are to become the voice of interplanetary parliament,” was the message. In the society, this is known as ‘The Command’.
Dr King became the primary point of human contact for the Cosmic Masters until his death in 1997.

He was, the society claims, able to raise himself – through yoga – to such a level that extra-terrestrial beings could communicate through him, sometimes through telepathy, sometimes through direct channelling.

                    Mark Bennett

The recordings and transcriptions of such messages – from a variety of alien intellects – are an important part of services held by the society in present times.

After the initial contact, further commands followed for King.

One said: “There will shortly come another among you, he will stand tall among men with a shining countenance. This one will be attired in a single garment of the type now known to you. His shoes will be soft-topped yet not made of the skin of animals.

“He will approach the Earth’s leaders, they will ask of him his credentials and he will produce these. His magic will be greater than any upon the earth, greater than the combined materialistic might of all the armies.”

“They who heed not his words shall be removed from the Earth.

“This rock is now holy and will remain so for as long as the world exists, go ye forth and spread my word throughout the world, so that all men of pure heart may prepare for his coming.”

This is the statement that called the society into being. The belief that, one day, we might live as one with the aliens that inhabit our closest planetary neighbours.

Bennett explained: “So, what it means is that – at some point – an extra-terrestrial being will come to Earth openly, possibly in some kind of vehicle like what we might term a flying saucer.

“We don’t know where or when, but he will come as a cosmic master. He won’t be born among us, but it will be obvious to anyone with any sense that he is who he says he is.

“He will have great psychic powers. He will not age. When it says he will stand tall among men, that’s probably literally he will be really tall.
“There have been stories of them being around seven foot. He will demonstrate great powers, as much as is necessary.

“From that point onwards, people who continue to break the laws of God – for example, killing each other and warfare, hording massive amounts of wealth whilst others are starving – that will no longer be allowed to continue.

“So, then what will happen is that he won’t go around killing people or threatening them with weapons, but when those people die they will not reincarnate onto this planet. They will reincarnate onto another younger planet so that the only people left here will be those who are willing and able to build a new age upon Earth when we don’t have war, we don’t have poverty.

“Ultimately, we wouldn’t even have disease, although that would be further into the future.

“To create a heaven on Earth, basically.”


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Evansville-Area Man Once Had a Chilling Close Encounter With a UFO

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Article by Jon Webb                           December 27, 2019                               (courierpress.com)

• In June 1923, when Norman Massie was 10 years old, he was leading his family’s horses to the pasture at their farm in Mount Erie, Illinois (near Evansville, Indiana). “As I was closing the gate,” related Massie, “I looked back down the field and there was an object with lights all around it.” “… The machine was metallic and stood on three legs. The top was a dome with holes in it. The best way I could describe the top was it looked like melted glass.”

• When young Massie got within 50 feet of the thing, he noticed men milling around inside the ship, taking orders from a seated fellow they called ‘The Commander’. “I didn’t know what was going on until the end,” said Massie. “Then, one of the crew members told the Commander that the repairs had been made.” With that, the ship shot off the ground and zapped across the sky, disappearing forever. Massie estimates that the encounter couldn’t have lasted more than five minutes.

• Massie insisted that this UFO existed. He had seen it “with (his) own two eyes.” But Massie’s parents begged him not to talk about his UFO experience. ‘Keep the metallic ship — and the Commander — to yourself’, they told their son.

• While the US Air Force’s ‘Project Bluebook’ investigated 12,618 reported UFO sightings in the US during the Cold War between 1947 and 1969, and “solved” all but 700 of them, they made it clear that none of the sightings represented a threat to national security, and none of them had anything to do with aliens. So anyone claiming otherwise was labeled as “crazy”. This stigma has persisted until only recently.

• Massie remained silent until 1990 when he told his story to his son, a former colonel in the Air Force. The story didn’t surprise his son at all. Massie’s son told him that Air Force files were ‘full of pictures of UFOs’. Massie’s son accepted his father’s story as the truth.

• In 1998, Massie related his story to Len Wells, a writer for the Evansville Courier & Press. But Wells waited to publish a column about the sighting until after Massie died in 2004 at the age of 91. Wells knew that some people would accuse Massie of being crazy or a liar, or just some poor naïve man who had convinced himself that this ludicrous story from a childhood fantasy was real. But Wells says that Massie wasn’t that kind of guy. Massie worked in Wayne County schools as a teacher and basketball coach for almost 40 years. He also sold World Book Encyclopedias all over the Tri-State area. Massie’s son says that he heard Massie tell his UFO story many times, and “it was always the same. Never embellished from one time to the next.”



That’s how many times the U.S. Air Force fielded sightings of unidentified flying objects between 1947 and 1969.

Back then, they were toiling through the infamous Project Blue Book — an effort to investigate the scores of UFO sightings that popped up all over America during the Cold War.

Military officials dismissed a huge chunk of them, sometimes conjuring ho-hum explanations such as the time-honored “weather balloon.” But by the end of the project, more than 700 reports of strange lights or shapes in the sky remained unexplained.

This month marks 50 years since the Air Force shuttered the project with a shrug. According to findings released on Dec. 18, 1969, the Air Force said none of the sightings represented a threat to national security. And, most importantly, none of them had anything to do with aliens.

That didn’t dissuade the true believers, of course — including the hundreds in the Evansville area who reported sightings of their own.

And it certainly didn’t change the mind of Norman Massie.

The long-time Southern Illinois teacher and basketball coach lived through a chilling close encounter decades before Project Blue Book was even a twinkle in the government’s eye.

The machine

Massie worked in Wayne County schools for almost 40 years.

He sold World Book Encyclopedias on the side, schlepping hardbound volumes to knowledge-hungry residents all over the Tri-State.

But if you punch his name into Google today, none of that will come up. Instead, he’s become infamous for something he saw when he was only 10 years old.

According to an old Courier & Press column by Len Wells that’s been pirated and shot into the weirdest corners of the Internet, Massie grew up in the tiny town of Mount Erie, Illinois, about 60 miles west of Oakland City.

And one morning in June 1923, he led the family horses into the pasture.

“As I was closing the gate, I looked back down the field and there was an object with lights all around it,” Massie told Wells in 1998.

“… The machine was metallic and stood on three legs,” he said. “The top was a dome with holes in it. The best way I could describe the top was it looked like melted glass.”

When he got within 50 feet of the thing, he realized he wasn’t alone. Men milled around inside the ship, taking orders from a seated fellow they called “The Commander.”

“I didn’t know what was going on until the end,” he told Wells. “Then, one of the crew members told the commander that the repairs had been made.”
With that, the ship shot off the ground and zapped across the sky, disappearing forever. Massie told Wells the encounter couldn’t have lasted more than five minutes — but it haunted him for the rest of his life.



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Things We Learned About Aaron Rodgers From Danica Patrick’s Podcast

Listen to “E216 Things We Learned About Aaron Rodgers From Danica Patrick's Podcast” on Spreaker.

Article by Michelle R. Martinelli                            December 26, 2019                          (usatoday.com)

• In August, (former professional race car driver) Danica Patrick launched her podcast, Pretty Intense. So it was widely anticipated that she would interview her boyfriend, Green Bay Packers’ quarterback Aaron Rodgers, which she did on December 26th. Among the topics discussed was Rodgers’ UFO sighting.

• Rogers related that in early 2005, he was with a friend in New Jersey when they heard an alarm and went outside. Says Rodgers, “In the sky, we saw something moving through the clouds. The only reference that makes sense for people who have seen Independence Day is that scene when the spaceship is coming through the atmosphere, and the airplane’s coming toward it, and it’s just kind of a moving orange object. That’s what it was in the sky.”

• While the UFO was not moving at a high speed, Rodgers was struck by how large it was – “like a 747”. He said “it was unnatural, 100 percent”… not like anything he’d seen before.

• “This was tremendous size and moving left and right, glowing orange like fire, and we were just all frozen,” said Rodgers. “It was me, my buddy and his brother just frozen. Then it goes out of sight, [and we] kind of look at each other like, ‘What in the hell was that?’ And then nobody spoke. … “Before we could say anything… fighter jets … four of them, and then nothing. Turn the news on, nothing. Check the papers the next day, nothing.”

• Rodgers said that the alarm they heard was from a nearby nuclear power plant where, he learned, a number of UFO sightings have occurred.

• Either way, Rodgers and Patrick acknowledged they both definitely believe there is more life in the universe beyond Earth because “it’s not logical to me” (that humans would be alone in the universe).


Danica Patrick officially launched her podcast, Pretty Intense, back in August, and it’s featured a wide range of guests. But no one’s appearance has been more highly anticipated than Aaron Rodgers’.

       Danica Patrick and Aaron Rodgers

The Green Bay Packers quarterback and Patrick’s boyfriend was on the episode released Thursday, and in nearly two hours, they covered just about every topic, from football (obviously) to Jeopardy! to his sweet tooth to his UFO sighting.

Patrick confirmed the two were dating back in January of 2018, but they first met at the 2012 ESPY Awards and were friends first. So of course, they know a lot about each other, which didn’t hinder their conversation as Danica treated him like almost any other guest on her podcast (except for the fact that he spent Christmas with her family in matching pajamas).

But there was just too much to focus on one detail of their in-depth conversation. So instead, here are the 11 most important things we learned from Rodgers’ conversation with Patrick.



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Space Force’s Secret Tech Behind USS Nimitz UFO Will Be Revealed in 2020

Listen to “E215 Space Force's Secret Tech Behind USS Nimitz UFO Will Be Revealed in 2020” on Spreaker.

Article by Simon Green                            December 26, 2019                           (dailystar.co.uk)

• UFO researchers Blake and Brent Cousins, proprietors of the YouTube channel ‘thirdphaseofthemoon’, told the Daily Star that the Tic-Tac UFO video recorded by Navy pilots from the Nimitz carrier group off of the coast of San Diego in 2004 is reversed-engineered extraterrestrial technology that the US military has had for 30 or 40 years. Blake claims that pilots, airline passengers, and even he himself have seen this type of craft in the skies.

• Blake Cousins thinks that the Tic-Tac UFO is an example of secret military craft equipped with advanced alien technology that allows it to drop from an altitude of 20,000ft to just above sea level in a matter of seconds. Brother Brent believes the US Navy purposely identified the object as a UAP to hide from other countries the fact that our secret space program has this technology.

• Says Blake, “In my opinion, the tic-tac and that technology we have in our assets and they’re just not letting anyone know it’s in their assets.” “I have a feeling the whole Space Force program is using extraterrestrial technology that’s been around for a long time,” and that the US Space Force itself has secretly been in existence for years under the purview of the US Air Force.

• The existence of alien technology, and therefore aliens themselves, could be revealed if the Space Force is established next year. President Donald Trump has made it a priority to create Space Force as the sixth branch of the military, and the House of Representatives in Congress has already approved funding for the new military branch.

• “The tic-tac will be revealed to the public,” says Blake. “Will that be in 2020 when the Space Force is made public? I have a feeling it might.”


The technology behind the infamous USS Nimitz UFO incident could be revealed if the Space Force is established next year, a conspiracy theorist has claimed.

President Donald Trump has made it a priority to create the sixth branch of the military to combat threats in space.

              Brent and Blake Cousins

It is penned to be established next year and that aim was given a boost this month when the House of Representatives approved a £562bn bill which included plans for the Space Force in it.

But there are those in the conspiracy world that believe the Space Force has been in existence for years, secretly testing alien tech and transforming it into military craft for the US Air Force.

Blake and Brent Cousins, of YouTube channel thirdphaseofmoon , believe one such craft was the USS Nimitz UFO.

The UFO – which has been officially identified as an Unidentified Aerial Phenomena by the US Navy – was described by two witnesses as somehow dropping from heights of 20,000ft to just above sea level in a matter of seconds.

It then shot off at speeds never seen before and hasn’t been spotted since.



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Theologian Examines If the Discovery of Alien Life Could Kill Religion

Listen to “E214 Theologian Examines If the Discovery of Alien Life Could Kill Religion” on Spreaker.

December 25, 2019                      (sputniknews.com)

• The Peters ETI Religious Crisis survey conducted by Professor Ted Peters from the Center for Theology and Natural Sciences at Berkeley (California) asked people of different faiths – or not – whether the discovery of alien lifeforms, or intelligent extraterrestrials, might pose a threat to Earthly religion. The conclusion was that representatives of all religions seem to be at ease with “the discovery of aliens”.

• The surveys showed that those of traditional religious beliefs were actually optimistic about the discovery of extraterrestrial beings. One Protestant remarked, “I’d share a Pew with an alien any day.” Those labeled as non-traditional “self-appointed” believers were more worried whether their religions would survive alien contact. Non-religious respondents were the only group who predicted consequences for believers, predicting that ‘religious traditions would suffer or collapse’.

• Apparently, religious people are okay with the concept that Earthlings are not the only children of God. Many responders reasoned that ‘God is the creator of a very large universe and this universe was not meant only for us, but to be shared with other creatures of God’.

• Other believers delved deeper into the budding field of study known as ‘Astrotheology’, theorizing that God would incarnate (as a Jesus figure) on every planet with an intelligent civilization. But some determined that “… the historical event of Jesus Christ’s birth (on Earth) suffices for God’s atonement of the entire cosmos.”

• In the end, Professor Peters reassured the (apparently all-Christian) believers that in the event of contact with an intelligent alien civilization, “things will probably go on the way they have been, without much change.”


For centuries it has been the domain of various religions to seek the truth out in the universe. The possibility that there are other creatures somewhere in galaxies far away, perhaps more intelligent than we are, prompted some to speculate that their discovery could mean an end to all religious beliefs or even cause an existential crisis.

The possible discovery of alien life forms poses no threat to traditional religions, which have determined the scheme of things around us, Professor Ted Peters from the Center for Theology and Natural Sciences at Berkeley told The Daily Express. According to him, “things will probably go on the way they have been, without much change.”

He shared his concerns over some scholars and scientists’ assumption that “if we encounter creatures in space more intelligent than we are, our religions would somehow suffer. On the contrary, he noted that even one of the surveys dedicated to this problem revealed that believers seem optimistic about the prospect of meeting extraterrestrial intelligence.

“The Peters ETI Religious Crisis survey found that this was not the case with self-appointed or self-defined believers in various religious traditions. They’re a trifle worried about their traditions, but for the most part, their respective traditions will survive,” he explained, sharing one of his favourite comments on the matter, which came from “a mainline Protestant”: “I’d share a Pew with an alien any day.”



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Aliens Waiting For Right Time to Visit Earth, New Study Claims

Listen to “E213 Aliens Waiting For Right Time to Visit Earth, New Study Claims” on Spreaker.
Article by Inigo Monzon                           December 22, 2019                        (ibtimes.com)

• In response to the Fermi Paradox, where Enrico Fermi asks – in a galaxy that should be teeming with life, where all of the extraterrestrials? – Jonathan Carroll-Nellenback and his team of scientists have published a new study in the Astrophysical Journal that offers an answer. They think that aliens from another planet could be waiting for the right time when Earth or our Solar System gets closer to their home world before sending out a probe or launching an expedition.

• This concept is based on the fact that the objects within the galaxy are constantly in motion. In addition to planets and stars orbiting one another, entire solar systems are known to travel around the center of the galaxy.

• According to Fermi, Earth should have already been visited or at least contacted by aliens. But since there has been no evidence presented of intelligent extraterrestrial life, many doubt the very existence of alien civilizations.

• According to Carroll-Nellenback, “Habitable worlds are so rare that you have to wait longer than any civilization is expected to last before another one comes in range.” “Every system could be habitable and could be settled, but they wouldn’t visit us because they’re not close enough.”

[Editor’s Note]  The answer to Fermi’s Parodox as to why there has been no evidence presented of intelligent extraterrestrial life is that the deep state government has been hiding the existence of the many different species of extraterrestrial beings all around our solar system, and the elite human interaction with extraterrestrial beings that has continued since at least World War II.


Aliens might be following a strategic plan when it comes to visiting and contacting Earth, a new study suggests. According to the authors of the study, it is possible that the aliens are waiting for Earth to get closer to their home planet before initiating contact.

Jonathan Carroll-Nellenback

The new study, which was published in the Astrophysical Journal, serves as a response to the Fermi Paradox, a concept presented by physicist Enrico Fermi regarding the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence.

Basically, Fermi noted that due to the number of planets and stars in the galaxy, there should be another world teeming with intelligent extraterrestrial life. If this is true, then Earth should have already been visited or at least contacted by aliens.

However, since humans have not yet come across evidence of intelligent extraterrestrial life, many doubt the existence of alien civilizations. Recently, a team of scientists presented a new idea regarding the possible existence of extraterrestrial life.

In their study, the scientists noted that it is possible that alien civilizations are thriving in other planets in the galaxy. According to the scientists, these aliens have not yet visited Earth because they are still waiting for the right moment to do so.



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E209 How Europe’s Exoplanet Hunter Will Unravel the Mystery of Extraterrestrial Life

Scientists say that there are 100 billion stars in our galaxy, and at least 100 billion galaxies in the universe. CHEOPS will help them to have a better understanding of what those planets are made of, says mission chief David Ehrenreich. This will be an important step to unraveling the mystery of extraterrestrial life. “[T]he first results can be expected within months,” said Queloz.

E208 Navy Pilot Who Filmed the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO: ‘It Wasn’t Behaving by the Normal Laws of Physics’

In 2017, the New York Times released a 2004 Navy jet video of a UFO over the Pacific Ocean off of the coast of San Diego as the USS Nimitz carrier group was performing military exercises. Now, the pilot of the F/A-18 Super Hornet who took the infamous video, and who first described it as a “Tic Tac” UFO, Chad Underwood, has come forward for the first time in an interview with New York Magazine’s ‘Intelligencer’.

E207 The Real Reason the US Government is So Secretive About UFOs

Is the government behind a conspiracy to cover up the proof of alien visitation to Earth? Is the government in cahoots with alien species? Why do our politicians like Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama make joking non-denials when asked about UFOs? Why does the military brass maintain its secrecy about UFOs?

E205 50 Years Ago, the Air Force Tried to Make UFOs Go Away. But It Didn’t Work.

Fifty years ago, the U.S. Air Force closed its UFO investigation program, Project Blue Book. Its initial predecessor was Project Sign, created in 1947 (after Roswell). The problem with Sign was that it allowed for the notion that UFOs were of extraterrestrial origin. So the Air Force replaced it with Project Grudge in 1949. It was shut down in 1951 as it labeled all UFOs as hoaxes, although they couldn’t explain 25% of them.

E204 Astronomer Has ‘Little Doubt’ We Are Not Alone in the Universe

The discovery of extraterrestrial life is at the top of the priority list for NASA, the European Space Agency and the scientific community. In 2020, NASA will put another Mars rover on the Red Planet to look for evidence of past life. SETI continues listening to the night skies for signs of contact.

E203 Antarctica Under Lockdown as Secret Space Program Unveiling Begins

Multiple sources agree the U.S. government will soon unveil its secret space program. We are also hearing of a Chinese secret space program, a Nazi secret space program, and a Russian secret space program. All of these revelations are being accompanied by unusual movements of gold and other financial anomalies. These are all signs that some sort of mind-boggling planetary event may be coming.

George Noory is Glad That Other Media are Finally Covering the UFO Issue (Part 1)

Article by George Knapp                        December 24, 2019                     (mysterywire.com)

• The late-night radio talk show Coast to Coast AM is syndicated on 620 radio stations in the U.S. and Canada. The show also includes a podcast, a YouTube channel, a website, and a streaming service for ‘Coast insiders’. George Noory (pictured above), the popular host of Coast to Coast AM, spoke with George Knapp about the show in the first of a two-part interview.

• Noory points out that the show’s content has changed a little bit from the primarily paranormal content when Art Bell was doing the show. In addition to the usual fare of UFOs, alien abductions, and ghost stories, Noory has expanded into covering other conspiracies such as ‘alternative medicine’ and vaccines. “I try to… be a facilitator of getting the answers or the truth out without picking sides, without being judgmental, without hanging up on a caller,” says Noory. “I just try to do it the way I would want to be treated. And it seems to work for me.”

• Noory started out as the news director at a radio station in St. Louis, then an executive producer in Detroit, then the news director in Minneapolis. Today, his mainstream contemporaries appreciate and respect that Noory can cover some bizarre things in a professional manner. Noory is in the office from 1:00 pm to 2:00 am, five nights a week. He credits his crack production staff that “gets the guests, does the work and keeps me going.”

• “Years ago, the mainstream media would laugh at UFO stories,” says Noory. But since the topic has moved into the mainstream after the New York Times article in December 2017, “people aren’t laughing like they used to. They’re starting to be a little more serious, like, ‘Oh my gosh, maybe it is real. Maybe it is happening’.”


George Noory, weekday host of the late-night radio talk show Coast to Coast AM, talks about the program’s success with investigative reporter George Knapp. The program is syndicated to hundreds of radio stations in the U.S. and Canada by Premiere Networks. Previously unaired 2019 interview. First of 2 Parts.

George Knapp: George, the show, could you describe the parameters, how popular it is, how big it is now. I mean, it used to be a radio show. And now it’s much more than that.

George Knapp of KLAS-TV in Las Vegas and weekend host of Coast to Coast AM

George Noory: It’s become a phenom, George. We’re on 620 radio stations in North America, which includes Canada, which is probably the highest affiliated show in the country. It’s huge. We’re podcasting. We’re on YouTube now. We’re on the internet. We stream with the Coast Insiders. It’s become a huge program. And the content has changed a little bit from the days when Art Bell was doing the show. Where he was primarily paranormal, I tweaked it a little bit into conspiracies and issues that are affecting us as humans. Alternative medicine. Do we get vaccines? Do we not? And the programs just continue to take off.

Knapp: You know, I get emails as you do … just overwhelmed with the emails from listeners … they’re an opinionated bunch. They don’t keep their opinions to themselves. And they will offer suggestions to me. When they don’t like a show, they’ll tell me. The realization hit me years ago: You can’t please everybody all the time. You’re going to have people who like it, who don’t like it. It’s like riding a Brahma bull. You make it sound easy, but it’s not easy.

Noory: Johnny Carson once said, “I don’t do politics. And the reason I don’t is I don’t want to tick off 50% of my viewers.” I’m the same way. What I try to do is be a facilitator of getting the answers or the truth out without picking sides, without being judgmental, without hanging up on a caller. I just try to do it the way I would want to be treated. And it seems to work for me.

Knapp: Yeah, you let people tell their story. Right?

Noory: Exactly.



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Thoughts of China’s Astronomers on Advanced Extraterrestrial Life

Listen to “E212 Thoughts of China’s Astronomers on Advanced Extraterrestrial Life” on Spreaker.

December 22, 2019                         (dailygalaxy.com)

• With China poised to lead the world in Artificial Intelligence and supercomputers, astronomers are wondering if China will also be the first nation to discover extraterrestrial life. Here is what some Chinese scientists and science fiction writers say:

• Mao Shude of the National Astronomical Observatories of China and a professor of astrophysics at the Jodrell Bank Observatory said, “Who knows what they are and how they think? … we only have one sample (of intelligent life) from Earth.” “If we could find more [examples of intelligent life] in the universe, we could look at the puzzle more comprehensively and solve it more easily.” Mao continued, “I’d like to know how life spreads in the universe. Is it distributed uniformly in space or clustered?”

• “[O]ur radios and televisions [are] broadcasting in space all the time,” says Mao. “Aren’t you curious what our counterparts would look like?” “If they are much more intelligent than us, they wouldn’t be so narrow-minded as to compete with us. … [T]hey likely have the power to transform the entire globe already. What’s the point of eliminating a much lower civilization (as ours)?”

• Science fiction writer and winner of sci-fi’s Hugo Award, Liu Cixin observed: “Perhaps in ten thousand years, the starry sky that humankind gazes upon will remain empty and silent. But perhaps tomorrow we’ll wake up and find an alien spaceship the size of the Moon parked in orbit.” In his book, The Three Body Problem, Liu depicts the universe as a jungle, and every civilization a hidden hunter. Those who are exposed will be eliminated.

• Another Chinese science fiction writer, Han Song, believes humans naturally want to connect, citing the Internet as proof. “I think aliens might think similarly,” says Han. “It is a biological instinct to connect with each other. Everyone wants to prove that they are not alone in the universe. Loneliness is intolerable to humans.” “Humans will ultimately go to space to find resources and expand their living area, so it will be hard to avoid aliens. Contact with them, especially those with more advanced intelligence, may help us leap forward in civilization.”

• Perhaps China’s new FAST Radio Telescope, aka: ‘Eye of Heaven’, the world’s largest single-dish radio observatory, will provide an answer using radio waves to locate exoplanets that may harbor extraterrestrial life. Twice the size of the next-largest single-dish telescope, the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, the FAST Radio Telescope can detect extremely faint radio-wave whispers from an array of sources across the universe. The Chinese government is expected to give the observatory the final green light to begin full operations in January.

• But sci fi writer Liu Cixin points out that our current searches assume that aliens communicate in radio waves. “But if it’s a truly advanced civilization, it is possible [they will] use other more advanced forms of communication, such as gravitational waves.” FAST’s chief scientist, Li Di, responds, “We [will] look for not only television signals, but also atomic bomb signals. We’ll give full play to our imaginations when processing the signals.” “It’s a complete exploration, as we don’t know what an alien is like.”

• Jin Hairong, deputy curator of Beijing Planetarium, says, “It is highly possible that life on other planets is entirely different from that on Earth, and it might not be carbon-based.”

• “We can receive weaker and more distant radio messages,” said Wu Xiangping, director-general of the Chinese Astronomical Society, “[This] will help us to search for intelligent life outside of the galaxy and explore the origins of the universe,” underscoring China’s race to be the first nation to discover the existence of an advanced alien civilization.

• However it turns out, Professor Mao believes the result will be significant. “If we find other life, it will undoubtedly be the most important scientific discovery in our history.” “[I]f not, it shows that life on Earth is unique and we should respect life and cherish each other.”


With China poised to lead the world in AI and supercomputers, astronomers are wondering if it will also be the first advanced nation to discover extraterrestrial life? Perhaps the world’s largest single-dish radio observatory, China’s new FAST Radio Telescope –Tiyan, the “Eye of Heaven”– will

                     Liu Cixin

provide an answer as it prepares to explore a frontier in radioastronomy — using radio waves to locate exoplanets, which may harbor extraterrestrial life.

             Mao Shude

During a visit to the remote facility, Liu Cixin, China’s acclaimed science fiction writer and winner of the Hugo Award for his novel “The Three Body Problem”, observed: “Perhaps in ten thousand years, the starry sky that humankind gazes upon will remain empty and silent. But perhaps tomorrow we’ll wake up and find an alien spaceship the size of the Moon parked in orbit.”

Whispers from the Cosmos

The Chinese observatory’s massive dish will collect radio waves from an area twice the size of the next-largest single-dish telescope, the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico means that it can detect extremely faint radio-wave whispers from an array of sources across the universe, reports Elizabeth Gibney in Nature, helping in the hunt for gravitational waves and probe still-mysterious fleeting blasts of radiation known as fast radio bursts. The Chinese government is expected to give the state-of-the-art observatory the final green light to begin full operations at a review meeting scheduled for next month.

Concluding his tour of the gargantuan FAST facility nestled in the remote mountain fastness of Dawodang depression in the Guizhou province of southwest China, Liu Cixin pointed out our current searches assumes that aliens also communicate in radio waves. “But if it’s a truly advanced civilization, it is possible to use other more advanced forms of communication, such as gravitational waves.”

                              Han Song

With no clues of extraterrestrial life questions are constantly asked as whether the search methods are appropriate. “Some strange signals have been found, but it’s hard to confirm their origins, because these signals do not repeat,” says Li Di, FAST’s chief scientist. “We look for not only television signals, but also atomic bomb signals. We’ll give full play to our imaginations when processing the signals,” Li says. “It’s a complete exploration, as we don’t know what an alien is like.”

“We can receive weaker and more distant radio messages,” said Wu Xiangping, director-general of the Chinese Astronomical Society, “It will help us to search for intelligent life outside of the galaxy and explore the origins of the universe,” he added underscoring the China’s race to be the first nation to discover the existence of an advanced alien civilization.

The dish will have a perimeter of about 1.6 kilometers, and there are no towns within five kilometers, giving it ideal surroundings to listen for signals from space. Scientists have depicted it as a super-sensitive “ear” capable of spotting very weak messages – if there are any – from “cousins” of human beings.



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Multiple Reports of UFO ‘Traveling at 1,000mph’ Over Las Vegas

Article by Simon Green                         December 24, 2019                          (dailystar.co.uk)

• On December 19th, a YouTube user posted footage of a huge bright object slowly moving up from the mountains surrounding Las Vegas. The mysterious object repeatedly flashes blue as it hurtles over the bustling region.  (see 6:10 minute video below)

• The YouTuber said that four witnesses saw the same object and described it in exactly the same detail. The object lifts up into the sky and when it appears to reach its altitude it starts speeding up. “Once it starts moving, it is going to haul ass,” he says. “This thing is moving, no sound.”

• “This thing looks big and a long way away,” says YouTuber. “Nobody heard any sound at all and the UFO could have covered a 50 mile span in three minutes. …That would equal 1,000mph.” “No helicopter (or airliner) can do that.”

• YouTuber thinks it was a UFO. YouTube commenters leaned toward a military explanation, being that Nellis Air Force Base is nearby. “Secret Space Force having some fun with you guys.”


A conspiracy theorist claims to have captured a huge UFO hurtling at 1,000mph over Las Vegas – and says several other witnesses saw it.

YouTube user UFOs over Vegas posted the bizarre footage on December 19, where it has since become a viral sensation with 135,000 views.

The clip begins with a huge bright object slowly moving up from the mountains surrounding the Nevada city.

“This thing looks big and a long way away,” he says.

The object then lifts up into the sky and – when it appears to reach its altitude – it starts speeding up.

“Once it starts moving, it is going to haul a***,” he continues. “This thing is moving, no sound.”

The mysterious object repeatedly flashes blue as it hurtles over the bustling region.

According to the YouTube user, four witnesses saw the same object and described it in exactly the same detail.

“Nobody heard any sound at all and the UFO could have covered a 50 mile span in three minutes,” he added.

“That would equal 1,000mph. To be fair let’s just say it only travelled 25 miles.

“Even then it would have to be travelling at 500 miles an hour.

“No helicopter can do that, you must be a passenger on a commercial airline at altitude to do that.”

But he strongly dismissed these claims, suggesting instead that it was a UFO.


6:10 minute video of large object over Las Vegas (UFOs Over Vegas YouTube)


22:37 minute ‘162 Screengrabs’ of Las Vegas UFO (UFOs Over Vegas YouTube)



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Pentagon’s ‘Real Men in Black’ Investigated Tom DeLonge’s UFO Videos

Listen to “E211 Pentagon's 'Real Men in Black' Investigated Tom DeLonge's UFO Videos” on Spreaker.

Article by Tim McMillan                          December 20, 2019                           (vice.com)

• For the first time, spokesperson for the Secretary of Defense’s office of public affairs, Susan Gough, revealed that the Air Force Office of Special Investigations conducted an investigation of the two Navy videos, “Go Fast,” and “Gimbal”, that were captured off of the East Coast by Navy cockpit video in 2015. These two videos were released by the New York Times in 2017 along with a third FLIR1 ‘Tic Tac’ video taken by Navy fliers off of the coast of San Diego in 2004. Tom Delonge’s ‘To the Stars Academy’ were instrumental in releasing these video. (see videos below)

• While the Air Force’s Special Investigations affirmed that the “Original Classification Authority” for the UFO videos was the U.S. Navy and that Navy retains custody of the source videos, the Air Force also confirmed that the videos were not classified.

• For many in the UFO community, this comes as especially significant considering the nefarious history of the Air Force’s Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) when it comes to UFOs. Federal statute gives the AFOSI authority outside of the traditional military chain of command to conduct criminal investigative, counterintelligence, and protective service operations worldwide for the entire Department of Defense. Many consider the AF Special Investigators to be the original “Men in Black”.

• The AFOSI is notorious for seeding disinformation and denial of UFOs since the 1940’s. A 1997 CIA study (see here) detailed how in the 1950s and 1960s, the CIA and AFOSI promoted UFOs to cover up the then-classified U-2 and SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance planes. The agencies claimed that half of the UFO sightings back then were of top secret military spy planes. “This led the Air Force to make misleading and deceptive statements to the public…”

• It was the Air Force that conducted the only official investigation into UFOs with Project Blue Book in the 1950s and 60s. One of the most famous examples of Air Force deception is former AFOSI agent Richard Doty who admitted to seeding a cornucopia of misinformation on UFOs in the 1980s in an attempt to safeguard classified UFO technology.

• For over a year, the DoD admitted to investigating UFOs under the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). Last September, the Pentagon announced that all UFO matters would now be handled by the Under Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs office. Enter Susan Gough who then changed the DoD’s position, saying that the AATIP was not related to UFOs after all, but rather it investigated advanced aerospace weapons systems and future technology projections of adversarial Earth-bound foreign nations, “… to create a center of expertise on advanced aerospace technologies”.

[Editor’s Note]  It appears that the U.S. Air Force is still playing games, denying that the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program had anything to do with UFOs.  Now the Air Force has established a public relations office charged with disseminating more disinformation.

And by the way, if you read the entire article, Ebens are not the same as Greys. Ebens are a highly advanced species from the planet Serpo who retrieved one of their own from a UFO crash in the 1950’s, and then worked with government and military officials to organize a cultural exchange to send a dozen Americans to Serpo in the 1960’s, with most of them returning to Earth in the 1970’s. On the other hand, Greys are highly sophisticated android beings that typically make contact with Earthlings on behalf of their creators, the negative Arcturian Blonde Nordics that are allied with the Draco Reptilians. The two alien species look somewhat similar, but are distinctly different beings.


Since reports first surfaced in 2017 that the U.S. Navy had been encountering UFOs, the Air Force has been remarkably quiet when it comes to mysterious objects that may be flying around the skies.

             Susan Gough

Given the Air Force is America’s principal aerial and space warfare branch, and in the 1950s and 60s it conducted the

                           Richard Doty

only official investigation into UFOs with Project Blue Book , many UFOlogists have found the Air Force’s recent aversion to discussing the topic to be particularly odd especially when considering that the Navy has been rather vocal on the issue.

Yet after months of deafening silence, in an official statement, the Pentagon suddenly throw the Air Force into the mix with recent UFO reports. More excitingly, it also mentioned one of the most notorious agencies in all of UFO lore.

Susan Gough, a spokesperson for the Secretary of Defense’s office of public affairs, said the Air Force’s Office of Special Investigations looked into the release of two videos originally filmed in 2015.

            Grey extraterrestrial

According to the DoD, the objects shown in these videos, originally released by Tom DeLonge’s To the Stars Academy, are considered “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” or “UAP.”

“The two 2015 videos appeared in the New York Times in December 2017. At that time, AFOSI conducted an investigation, focusing on the classification of the information in the video,” said Gough.

     Eben extraterrestrial

Gough’s mention of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations looking into the popular “Go Fast,” and “Gimbal” videos is intriguing given it appears to be the first time the Pentagon has revealed the Air Force has indeed been involved in the Navy’s UFO encounters.

For many in the UFO community, this comes as especially significant and concerning news considering AFOSI has a long and nefarious history when it comes to UFOs, with many claiming AFOSI are the “real men in black.”






1:08 minute US Navy ‘Gimbal’ UFO video from Jan 20, 2015 (TIME YouTube)


36 second US Navy ‘Go Fast’ UFO video from 2015 (USA TODAY YouTube)



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‘Super-Puff’ Exoplanets With Density of Cotton Candy Discovered

Listen to “E210 ‘Super-Puff’ Exoplanets With Density of Cotton Candy Discovered” on Spreaker.

Article by Chris Ciaccia                       December 20, 2019                           (foxnews.com)

• A research study by astronomers (at the University of Colorado Boulder), utilizing data from the Hubble Space Telescope, have discovered three exoplanets in the Kepler 51 star system that are nearly the size of Jupiter but have extremely low densities – less than 100 times Jupiter’s mass. The study’s lead author, Jessica Libby-Roberts, stated that these “super-puff” exoplanets with the density of cotton candy are “very bizarre”.

• The Kepler 51 system is approximately 2,400 light-years from Earth and is approximately 500 million years old. A light-year equals 6 trillion miles.

• Studying the planets’ atmospheres, “We expected to find water,” said Libby-Roberts, “… but we couldn’t observe the signatures of any molecule.” In fact, the atmospheres were opaque rather than transparent. Libby-Roberts believes that the planets’ hydrogen and helium atmospheres are covered by a “thick haze… of methane” similar to Saturn’s moon, Titan.

• The research team also discovered that the exoplanets are losing gas rapidly, with the innermost of the three exoplanets putting an estimated “tens of billions of tons of material into space every second.” Should that trend continue, these planets could shrink considerably over the next billion years and might wind up looking similar to “mini-Neptunes”.

• One of the study’s co-authors, Zachory Berta-Thompson, said, “[W]e’re seeing them at a time in their development where we’ve rarely gotten the chance to observe planets.” “They give us an opportunity to study worlds that are very different than ours, but they also place the planets in our own solar system into a larger context.”


Astronomers have discovered a number of “super-puff” exoplanets in the Kepler 51 star system that are as dense as cotton candy.

                Jessica Libby-Roberts

Utilizing data from the Hubble Space Telescope, researchers found fewer than 15 of the planets that

    Zachory Berta-Thompson

are almost as big as Jupiter, but have extremely low density, at less than 100 times the gas giant’s mass or less than 0.1 grams per cubic centimeter of volume.

“They’re very bizarre,” said the study’s lead author, Jessica Libby-Roberts, in a statement.

“This is an extreme example of what’s so cool about exoplanets in general,” said Zachory Berta-Thompson, one of the study’s co-authors, said. “They give us an opportunity to study worlds that are very different than ours, but they also place the planets in our own solar system into a larger context.”

The three “super-puff” exoplanets in the Kepler 51 system were “straight-up contrary to what we teach in undergraduate classrooms,” Berta-Thompson added.

The Kepler 51 system is approximately 2,400 light-years from Earth and is approximately 500 million years old. A light-year, which measures distance in space, equals 6 trillion miles.



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How Europe’s Exoplanet Hunter Will Unravel the Mystery of Extraterrestrial Life

Listen to “E209 How Europe's Exoplanet Hunter Will Unravel the Mystery of Extraterrestrial Life” on Spreaker.

Article by Samhati Bhattacharjya                        December 19, 2019                          (ibtimes.sg)

• On December 18, 2019, the 11 member states of the European Space Agency launched the European Cheops space telescope – an acronym for ‘Characterizing Exoplanet Satellite’ – on a Russian-built Soyuz rocket. Didier Queloz, the 2019 Nobel Physics Prize winner, told AFP in French Guiana, “Cheops is (440 miles) away, exactly where we wanted it to be. It’s absolutely perfect. This is really an exceptional moment in European space history and in the history of the exoplanets.”

• Scientists say that there are 100 billion stars in our galaxy, and at least 100 billion galaxies in the universe. CHEOPS will help them to have a better understanding of what those planets are made of, says mission chief David Ehrenreich. This will be an important step to unraveling the mystery of extraterrestrial life. “[T]he first results can be expected within months,” said Queloz.

• The CHEOPS telescope will measure the density, composition and size of the 4,000 identified exoplanets. The telescope will measure the reflected light from the planets to discover new insights about the planet’s surface and atmosphere. The European Space Agency’s director of science, Guenther Hasinger, says the aim of the satellite is to compose “a family photo of exoplanets”.

• “In order to understand the origin of life,” says Queloz, “we need to understand the geophysics of these planets. It’s as if we’re taking the first step on a big staircase.”


             David Ehrenreich

The European Cheops planet-hunting space telescope was launched on Wednesday (December 18, 2019) to study the exoplanets outside our solar system. Cheops, an acronym for Characterizing Exoplanet Satellite, a joint endeavor of 11 member states of the European Space Agency (ESA), will observe the bright stars that are already known to be orbited by planets.

                      Didier Queloz

The telescope will measure the density, composition and size of the exoplanets. Didier Queloz, 2019 Nobel Physics Prize winner, told AFP in French Guiana, “Cheops is 710 kilometers (440 miles) away, exactly where we wanted it to be, it’s absolutely perfect. This is really an exceptional moment in European space history and in the history of the exoplanets.”

The first exoplanet, dubbed 51 Pegasi b, was identified by Queloz and his colleague Michel Mayor about 24 years ago. Since then roughly a total of 4,000 such exoplanets have been discovered.

           Guenther Hasinger

Existence of extraterrestrial life

The launch of the satellite took place a day after its lift-off was delayed due to a technical rocket glitch during the final countdown. However, on Wednesday it successfully took off at around 0854 GMT French Guiana. This year, it was the third launch for the Russian-built Soyuz rocket.

According to the scientists, there are at least as many galaxies as there are stars —approximately 100 billion and CHEOPS will help them to have a better understanding of what those planets are made of. “We want to go beyond statistics and study them in detail,” mission chief David Ehrenreich had told AFP ahead of Wednesday’s launch.



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E202 Top UFO Stories in 2019

2019 was a big year for UFO coverage, ranging from the U.S. Navy acknowledging for the first time that leaked videos were real to a wave of people attempting to “Storm Area 51.” Public interest in UFOs has never been higher. Here is some of what we saw.

E200 Alien Invasion On Earth Would Be Good For Humanity

If aliens did return to our planet to carry out a wide-scale invasion, Aderin-Pocock believes that this would still be good for the people of Earth. An alien invasion would unify everyone to stop our wars and our in-fighting in order to fight against a common enemy.

E199 Water is ‘Common’ on Alien Worlds, Scientists Say

The theory is that when our solar system was forming, the gravity of the high carbon content in giant planets pulled in ice and other hydrogen particles to form water reserves. If this holds true for giant exoplanets, they should also hold large amounts of water.

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