Raelians Hold International Online Forum to Discuss Diplomatic Protocols for Extraterrestrial Contact

Jul 23, 2020                                (prnewswire.com)

• It is becoming “obvious that an extraterrestrial civilization is preparing our humanity for an official contact through an ever-increasing number of UFO sightings, military reports describing encounters with UFOs, and very complex crop circles all over the world,” says Raelian Guide, Daniel Turcotte. “It’s just a matter of time before more diplomats and foreign affairs officials acknowledge this and advise their respective governments to care for a proper and formal welcome for an out-of-this-world civilization.”

• The Raelian philosophy states that the “Elohim” in the original Hebrew Bible is actually a peaceful and far more advanced extraterrestrial civilization that created the human race and all life on this Earth. When these advanced beings reveal themselves to us, it will usher in an era of peace – a Golden Age on Earth.

• “We are aware that this is an important paradigm shift… (with) the increasing governmental awareness” of an extraterrestrial presence, says Turcotte. “While some countries wrongfully anticipate an invasion by an armed extraterrestrial civilization and are preparing to go to war against them, we must offset such a primitive and dangerous position with a worldwide movement of peace, to educate people and government officials that we can only benefit from contact with beings from beyond the stars.”

• Turcotte is the promoter of the Raelian ‘Embassy for Extraterrestrials Project’, an international online forum where diplomats and foreign affairs officials from around the world tuned in to learn all of the steps required to officially welcome advanced human beings from another planet. “The main goal of this event was to inform diplomats and foreign affairs officials about this unique and ambitious project that could also bring wealth and scientific advancement to the hosting country.” explained Turcotte.

• The online forum featured Dr. Jon H. Levy, PhD., a world-renowned lawyer specializing in transnational and private international law; and Stephen Goldie, an experienced city planner, outlining the legal issues raised by this unique diplomatic and touristic project.

• “We need to increase [the] level of awareness about the important issues of international law that should be resolved before any extraterrestrial contact is made,” says Turcotte. “For decades now, Raelians have been canvassing countries to consider hosting an ‘Embassy for Extraterrestrials’, but in recent years these discussions have been increasing in number and seriousness.” “Many countries [have shown] a genuine interest in this very promising and important project. The presentation was very well received.”


NEW YORK, July 23, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — “A historical event just happened before our eyes,” announced Daniel Turcotte, Raelian Guide and leader of the Embassy for Extraterrestrials Project sponsored by the Raelian Movement. “Diplomats and Foreign Affairs officials recently attended our first international online forum to learn from our experts all the steps required to officially welcome human beings from another planet.”

 Raëlian founder, Claude Vorilhon, aka Raël
       Daniel Turcotte

“The main goal of this event was to inform diplomats and foreign affairs officials about this unique and ambitious project that could also bring wealth and scientific advancement to the hosting country,” explained Turcotte. “We need to increase their level of awareness about the important issues of international law that should be resolved before any extraterrestrial contact is made.”

During the presentation and after introducing the subject and giving an outline on the project, Dr. Jon H. Levy, PhD.—a world-renowned lawyer specializing in transnational and private international law—and Stephen Goldie—a very experienced city planner—outlined the legal issues raised by this unique and ambitious diplomatic and touristic project, as well as the steps necessary to make it happen.

“For decades now, Raelians have been canvassing countries to consider hosting an Embassy for Extraterrestrials, but in recent years these discussions have been increasing in number and seriousness,” said Turcotte. “Many countries showed a genuine interest in this very promising and important project, the presentation was very well received and all the participants agreed that the diplomatic aspect of it is not only mandatory but the priority.”

“Interest is growing as it becomes obvious that an extraterrestrial civilization is preparing our humanity for an official contact through an ever-increasing number of UFO sightings, military reports describing encounters with UFOs, and very complex crop circles all over the world,” Turcotte continued. “It’s just a matter of time before more diplomats and foreign affairs officials acknowledge this and advise their respective governments to care for a proper and formal welcome for an out-of-this-world civilization.



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UFO: Friend, Foe or Fantasy "CBS Reports" (1966) - YouTube
Come on, let’s try to think about these issues with greater granularity…or detail about the threat issue because we (all of us) tend to oversimplify and choose sides. I recently saw a video in which the anti threat + consciousness accepting position was stressed in excess, forgetting about the few negative interaction accounts in Ufology.
For what we seem to know out of decades of contact research and analyzing behavior, most are not an actual threat (technology + bad intentions or hostility against us). Some …a few are an actual threat, but they possibly are (for the most part) under a certain control or, according to some contactees (under an apparent agreement with a large confluence of several groups) not to exceed in their activities. There’s complexity here.
Our need to understand through over-simplification may be our own primary internal “enemy.”
Yes, there are SOME cases (a minority) that seem to be “negative.”
Depiction of a craft throwing a blood-suctioning beam on some individuals as was seen in Colares, Brazil, and thoroughly researched by the Brazilian Army.
Perhaps 6-9% according to the anonymous, international, FREE Foundation survey with more than 3,000 contact experiencer anonymous respondents and considering knowledge about a few verified hostile cases like the Colares case in Brazil (and what current cattle mutilations in Argentina and Skinwalker Ranch or other places might mean) relate to the actual threat that -according to some serious contact experiencers – are under control or functioning under some agreed-upon limitations.  
But we also need to find out who among “them” already is or can be our FRIENDS and ALLIES in spite of our current human frailties. And some serious contact experiences that have provided evidence over decades appear to show that specific varieties have respected us integrally during more than 40 years of interactions.
But since – among many of the movers and shakers – there is no direct knowledge about who is who among “them,” naturally, for any military, aviation, and national security evaluation team most have to be considered a “POTENTIAL” threat. However, whether we are supposed to depend on external protection forever or evolve in consciousness and – perhaps – not need external protection is an open question.
Moreover, as a species, we should be careful not to extend our own bellicose ways into space with nuclear weapons and especially directed against otherworldly civilizations in unfounded ways, without becoming part of a more inclusive exopolitical inter-world/inter reality agreement! At least not until we mature as a unified species worldwide that takes care of its planetary life and of its own members!
Thus, I can agree with Dr. Greer in some issues but not in his “all are benevolent,” absolutist stance. And I also agree about some issues with the ‘space brother’ crowd (in which I participate) that – in more recent times – has acquired a more balanced view in general. This means that (in spite of popular misconceptions) the entirety of this “crowd” doesn’t necessarily believe that “all are benevolent.” Again, we need to try to think with greater granularity and to… “CONNECT THE DOTS.”
We need to teach ourselves to overcome the habit of dichotomizing and over-simplifying things.  It is the tendency of our unprepared human minds to rely on fractional thinking, choosing the information that confirms our beliefs (cognitive bias), getting us into mutually distrusting identity groups based on our sacred partial beliefs and this doesn’t allow our species to move forward in understanding. But if we ‘grow up’ and enough of us reach a plateau of stable integrative values, thinking, activities (as oftentimes benign extraterrestrial entities tell “experiencers” that we are capable of doing), then we may be able to establish a reasonable degree of public open contact with the kindest types of non-human intelligent beings that we can choose. Through it, we may not just learn who is who among the intelligences behind the UFOs but also learn about the rules and principles governing a cosmic society probably waiting for us to join.  
What if besides the potential threat of an object that approaches our airplanes and some weird cases of cattle mutilation and a few deleterious cases there is some simple people that have been maintaining a close, friendly and mutually respectful relationship over decades of “working” good causes with benevolent extraterrestrials, like in the Amicizia case from Italy and some Mision Rahma groups or participants capable of working in a sincere ad rational way? Should contacteeism remain a taboo or become a possibility for learning about who is who among “them?”
To get a better handle on who is who in the non-human exopolitical community we also need to invest time in direct contact experience efforts and studies of the information bequeathed to us by persons that have allegedly experienced such contacts. And this includes remote viewing testimonies of vetted and credible former military viewers like former Sargeant Leonard E. Buchanan who mentions a whole variety of friendly and unfriendly psychic and non-psychic gray-type beings and other types of friendly and unfriendly ETs. This is after being asked to research the cases that project Blue Book had to admit as proven.
But is the only reason that the “threat” narrative is so much mentioned because it mobilizes politicians? Because it is sincere and natural to consider a “potential threat?” Because it is convenient either to lay the ground for a fake extraterrestrial invasion that would give more power to the powers that be? All of the above? Some of the above?
If we really find these issues important and care to find out, we really need to engage in a really serious COMPREHENSIVE study!

Limited Hangout vs Full Disclosure of Reverse Engineered Alien Spacecraft

Classified briefings given to staffers and officials from the U.S. Congress and Pentagon by Dr. Eric Davis on UFO/UAP reports have taken on great significance due to a July 23 New York Times story breaking the news that they were being briefed about “off-world vehicles not made on this earth”. In part one of this series, I discussed a 2019 interview with Dr. Davis, where he shared his knowledge of Special Access Programs, including a UFO crash retrieval project as providing the best insight into what he revealed in his classified briefings.

In the interview, Davis spoke of the lack of success scientists had in reverse engineering the “off-world vehicles” due to difficulties in understanding the new physics operating in the recovered craft. Of particular note was his belief that the reverse engineering program suffered from a lack of funding, which he explained as follows:

[1:23:43 Y.T.] So here’s the thing that you should know is that the crash retrieval program is a very small program. It is not a massive, huge government infrastructure…. It’s a very poorly funded program, and it hasn’t actually, probably hasn’t had money for a while.

Davis’ comment aligns with the revelations of Bob Lazar, who says he was recruited in late 1988 for a reverse engineering program at the remote S-4 facility at Area 51 on a flying saucer craft of extraterrestrial origin that was approximately 50 feet in diameter and 20 feet high.

In Dreamland: An Autobiography (2019), Lazar wrote about his surprise over the lack of people working on the highly classified project, called Galileo, compared to similar important projects at Los Alamos National Laboratory:

I did wonder briefly why it was that what seemed to me to be a relatively small group of people were working on a project that had the kinds of implications that this one did. Los Alamos and the project to produce nuclear bombs involved an enormous number of people and resources… For all I knew, there were teams all over the country working on this same project as Barry and I. At least I wanted to believe that. I wasn’t so egotistical as to believe that I was one of only a select few working on something so monumentally important as this was. [Dreamland: An Autobiography, p. 58]


Davis and Lazar’s comments appear odd given what is known about the “deep black budget” created by the CIA in 1949 to secretly fund extraterrestrial related advanced technology projects. As I have shown in my 2004 Black Budget report, the funding available for such projects is actually massive, exceeding over a trillion dollars annually, greatly exceeding the entire Pentagon budget according to estimates spanning the years 1997-2000.

Clearly, the vast sums were going elsewhere, as Lazar suspected, rather than the reverse engineering project(s) Davis and Lazar were exposing. This raises suspicion that Lazar’s project, as well as the one Admiral Thomas Wilson had attempted to learn about (see part one), were in fact red herrings, distractions, designed to misinform UFO researchers and the general public when they learned about them.

What strengthens such a suspicion is what Davis had to say about the reverse engineering program’s termination in 1989, the same year Lazar emerged as a whistleblower. This makes it all but certain that Davis was referring to Project Galileo, the very program Lazar had been involved with at the S-4 facility.

According to Davis, the scientists were unable to sufficiently communicate to understand the new physics behind the craft due to the compartmentalization security procedures that were in place:

[1:24:00 Y.T.] I do know that the program was terminated in 1989 for a lack of progress in reverse engineering anything that they had, any of the hardware that they had, and every so often, so many years go by, and they’ll try it again. And they just don’t succeed because compartmentalization is a killer. Scientists cannot communicate with other scientists to get help.

Davis pointed out that the difficulties experienced by scientists working in the crash retrieval program are common in compartmentalized projects where scientists are prevented from sharing their problems with outside experts who normally are called upon in similar situations in the open-source world:

[ 1:25:44 Y.T.] So this isn’t just unique to the crash retrieval program. This type of problem is unique to all the black programs that the DoD has, DHS has, and the military services branches has them, the Department of Energy has their own versions…. The purpose of a black program with a special access program security rap, is you got to limit the information and exposure to the information to as few people as possible in order to produce the maximum security protection against espionage by the enemy. And so that limits who you can work with that also is cleared to know. That limits the amount of experts that you can have working with you.

And gosh, you know, if your small group of experts are stumped, you’re screwed, because you basically can’t call your buddies or somebody you know, or somebody you know of, who’s an expert better than you … a bigger expert on the subject at a university either near you or at a university across the country, you can’t call those guys. You can’t even read them in because you’re not supposed to acknowledge some of these black, most of these black programs, they’re not supposed to be acknowledged.

Not coincidentally, Lazar made the same criticism over lack of progress in Project Galileo:

The system under which we operated, how Naval Intelligence (or whatever agency truly guided these efforts) insisted upon compartmentalization and secrecy got in the way of all of us doing our jobs easily and productively. Given that there was a metallurgy group functioning somewhere on the base where Barry and I had worked, you’d think it would be an easy matter to get a company directory, dial that line (these were pre-Internet days so no email) and request the answer to our question. Because all our efforts were so segregated and knowledge not shared, that was impossible for us to do. I can cite a half dozen or more examples of how this inefficient system worked against our efforts to be productive but that one should suffice. (Dreamland: An Autobiography, p. 66).

Consequently, Davis’ statement of such programs ending back in 1989 due to a lack of success is consistent with Lazar’s revelations. In Lazar’s autobiography, he wrote about what he read about setbacks in earlier failed reverse engineering attempts in a briefing document given to him when he arrived at S-4 for his first day of work in January 1989:

Though no dates were given, it was clear to me that the project was not in its infancy. Some references were made to past attempts to understand the nature of the power and propulsion system. Several attempts had been made to reproduce the kind of system that had come into their hands, but with no success…. I next read that a previous attempt to dismantle one of the existent propulsion systems had resulted in an accidental explosion.  (Dreamland: An Autobiography, p. 44)

Ever since Lazar publicly emerged, he has revealed in multiple interviews how the reverse engineering project suffered from funding, had relatively few scientists working on it, and how scientists were handicapped from making breakthroughs due to stifling security constraints.

Lazar’s revelations align closely with what Davis revealed in his interview, and what he subsequently shared with the Congressional staffers and Pentagon officials about the failed reverse engineering project.

Once again, both Davis and Lazar’s observations appear awry with what others have claimed based on direct eyewitness testimony of reverse engineered flying saucer craft.

For example, one of Dr. Greer’s Disclosure Project witnesses, Mark McCandlish said that in 1988, the same year Lazar was recruited to work at S-4, a highly classified airshow featuring three reverse engineered flying saucers was held at Edwards Air Force Base. The three craft were sighted by a patent illustrator, Brad Sorenson, who says that the craft had been built by an unnamed major aerospace company, one that hosted one of the corporate development facilities at Edward’s Plant 42.

As professional patent illustrators, both Sorenson and McCandlish are experts in replicating the designs of advanced aerospace craft. McCandlish provided the following illustration of what Sorenson had witnessed.

Copyright Mark McCandlish 2014

McCandlish’s testimony is consistent with the testimony of other credible witnesses, which I have discussed at length in the U.S. Air Force Secret Space Program (2019). They have spoken of the success of reverse engineering efforts concerning flying saucers and other advanced aerospace technologies going all the way back to the 1950s.

High among the list of credible witnesses is Ben Rich, the former head of Lockheed Martin’s Skunkworks, who repeatedly made references to Lockheed having the technology “to take E.T. home.” At the end of public lectures, he would famously finish with a slide showing a flying saucer and saying: “We now have the technology to take E.T. home”.

His comment always got a big laugh from his audience who were fans of the movie, E.T., but privately Rich shared with colleagues what was really going on in the classified programs that Skunkworks was involved in:

We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity…. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.

If one accepts the information provided by McCandlish, Rich and others that flying saucer shaped craft have been successfully reverse engineered, built and deployed, where does that leave us with the testimonies provided by Eric Davis and Bob Lazar?

It’s quite a stretch to believe Davis’ contention, which is corroborated by Lazar’s experiences, that reverse engineering efforts effectively stopped in 1989 due to setbacks, difficulties posed by the compartmentalization process, and lack of funding. The alleged lack of funding is patently absurd given the enormous “black budget” that is annually generated by the CIA and funneled into the Pentagon for unacknowledged special access programs.

A more reasonable conclusion is that such reverse engineering efforts were being conducted elsewhere than at Area 51’s S-4 facility – as Lazar himself suspected. Unlike S-4, which was more a museum designed to hoodwink visitors into believing flying saucers had been retrieved but were far too advanced to successfully reverse engineer, the real reverse engineering was secretly being conducted elsewhere.

Well-funded corporate aerospace facilities such as Lockheed’s Skunkworks division located at Plant 42, Edwards Air Force Base, are among the most likely candidates, especially given what McCandlish, Rich, and others have shared. More recently, testimonial evidence has emerged that the Tic Tac craft sighted by Navy pilots in 2004, were built at Plant 42 on behalf of the U.S. Air Force.

The fact that the New York Times has given prominent coverage of Davis briefing Congressional staffers and Pentagon officials, around the same time that Lazar’s testimony is gaining widespread public exposure due to a new film and autobiographical book does raise legitimate questions over whether this is all part of a limited hangout.

Davis and Lazar appear to be unwitting pawns in a sophisticated psychological operation that dates back to at least 1989, which began with Lazar. The purpose of the psyop appears to be very transparent. Deceive the public about the successful reverse engineering of flying saucer and other antigravity aerospace technologies in corporate facilities, and to sidetrack the public into focusing on government-run facilities such as S-4, which were unsuccessful in their reverse engineering efforts.

I will explore the above scenario in-depth in my upcoming August 22 Webinar, “Full Disclosure vs. Limited Hangouts“, which will also explore contemporary efforts to portray UFOs as alien threats.

The ultimate goal is to set the stage for a false flag alien event – either an alien invasion as speculated by many in the past; or the even more intriguing possibility, given an increasing series of predicted  global disasters about to occur, of an “alien rescue”!

To be continued in Part 3. For Part 1 click here.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Note: an Audio version of this article is available here]

Further Reading

New Technique for Tracking Exoplanets Could Help in Search for Habitable Regions of the Universe

July 22, 2020                                  (rt.com)

• There are hundreds of ‘lost planets’ in distant solar systems. The usual method of tracking an exoplanet is to train the telescope on the star and then wait for a dip in brightness to indicating an object (i.e.: a planet) passing in front of the star in its orbit around the star. The telescope will then follow the planet’s trajectory until it disappears behind the star. It is then ‘lost’.

• Astronomers at the University of Warwick (in Coventry, England) have added an additional way of tracking these exoplanets, in order to ‘rediscover’ them. They track the planet’s orbit from their telescope, but they also track it from another telescope elsewhere on Earth. This allows astronomers to determine its speed and orbital trajectory around the back of the star, and to determine its temperature based on its proximity to the star. Once they know the planet’s orbit, they can gauge when it will reappear on the other side of the star in its continuing orbit.

• For example, the exoplanet known as NGTS-11b orbits a star 620 light-years away. The planet has the size and mass of Saturn and an orbit of 35 days, which makes it relatively close to its star. According to Dr. Samuel Gill at the University of Warwick, “Longer (orbital) period planets are cooler, more like the planets in our own solar system.” But with its relatively short 35 day orbit, NGTS-11b is close to its star and therefore quite hot – 320 degrees Fahrenheit. But it is still cooler than the planet Mercury. So it is close, but not within the ‘Goldilocks Zone’ where a planet may have liquid water and be able to harbor life (as we know it).

• The findings open up a new world of potential planets within the ‘Goldilocks zone’ of a far distant solar system that could potentially harbor extraterrestrial life.


The rediscovery of a planet lost in outer space could signal the beginning of tracking a habitable world in the ‘Goldilocks zone’ of a far distant solar system.

                      Dr. Samuel Gill

The planet is one of hundreds of ‘lost’ planets discovered by astronomers from the University of Warwick, and was the result of a new way of tracking and logging planets in hopes of finding something similar to our own.

Some of these lost planets reside in the Goldilocks zone – a particular range of orbits that allow the existence of liquid on a planet’s surface: too close to the sun and it will be too hot, too far away, too cold.

To accomplish the research, the team adapted the usual transit method of tracking a planet, in which the telescope waits for a dip in light that indicates that there is an object passing between the telescope and a star. It then follows the planet’s trajectory for 27 days before it disappears.

In this instance, however, the team followed the planet and further tracked it from a different station, allowing them to assess its speed and therefore orbit.



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US Government Not Interested in UFOs? Don’t Believe It!

Article by Christina Stock and Donald Burleson                                July 20, 2020                                (rdrnews.com)

• When one submits a Freedom of Information Act request for information pertaining to UFO, the inevitable government response is ‘no records exist of this type’, and ‘the US government has no interest in the subject’.

• In 1950, Wilbert Smith, had a master’s degree (in electrical engineering) from the University of British Columbia and was in charge of a radio communications program for the Canadian government. He heard that American scientists shared his interest in exotic propulsion systems possibly used by UFOs. He was given an interview with a top scientific adviser to the U.S. Department of Defense named Robert Sarbacher, who was a Harvard professor and had an office at the Pentagon.

• During their meeting, Smith asked Dr Sarbacher if it was true that the subject of flying saucers was highly classified in the United States. Sarbacher replied, “Yes, it is classified two points higher than the H-bomb. In fact, it is the most highly classified subject in the US government at the present time.” Ah, but ‘the US government has no interest in the UFO subject.’

• After his meeting with Sarbacher, Smith wrote a top-secret memo to the Canadian government describing his theory that UFOs might employ a form of magnetic propulsion possible to adapt for human use, and referenced Dr. Sarbacher in D.C. As a result, the Canadian government instituted a research program called Project Magnet with Wilbert Smith in charge. (The top-secret 1950 Canadian memo was declassified in 1978.) The Canadian government was certainly taking UFOs seriously.

• Later, Smith joined other UFO investigators to research the 1948 Aztec, New Mexico UFO crash. They found a representation of alien hieroglyphics that were seen on the craft, and sent them to a National Security Agency chief cryptologist, William Friedman.

• But of course, the United States government has no interest in UFOs, at all.


     Robert Sarbacher

Any researcher in the field of UFO studies who has ever submitted Freedom of Information Act requests to government

          Wilbert Smith

agencies, as I have done many times, has probably had the experience of seeing those agencies reply that they have no records of the type requested, and in fact, aren’t interested in the subject of UFOs. One can amass an abundance of evidence that this isn’t true.

Let me tell you a story that is true. Years ago, there was a Canadian radio engineer named Wilbert Smith, who was very intrigued by the question of UFOs and their propulsion systems. He had heard that some American scientists shared his interest. In 1950, through some contacts at the Canadian embassy in Washington, he was granted an interview with a top scientific advisor to the U.S. Department of Defense named Robert Sarbacher, who was a Harvard professor and had an office at the Pentagon.

During their meeting, of which Smith recorded detailed notes, Smith asked him if it was true that in the United States the whole subject of flying saucers was highly classified. Dr. Sarbacher replied, “Yes, it is classified two points higher than the H-bomb. In fact, it is the most highly classified subject in the U.S. government at the present time.”

Imagine how absurd it would be for the government to say, on the one hand, “UFOs are of no importance to us” and to say, on the other, “but let’s classify what we know about them higher than we classify the hydrogen bomb.” One can’t have it both ways, and Dr. Sarbacher’s eminence as a scientist promotes one’s confidence that his remarks about UFO secrecy mean just what they say.



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House Lawmakers Propose Navy Ranks for Space Force

Article by Oriana Pawlyk                                 July 21, 2020                                 (military.com)

• A House of Representatives amendment to the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act, as proposed by Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, would have the Space Force adopt the Navy’s ranks and structure. On July 20th, the House approved the proposed amendment to the NDAA legislation, and the vote on the overall bill is pending.

• Todd Harrison, director of the Aerospace Security Project at the Center for Strategic & International Studies, said that “a good reason to use Navy ranks in the Space Force is to better distinguish [Space Force] personnel from Air Force personnel, kind of like [the Marine Corps] using different ranks than the Navy.”

• Retired Lt. Col. Peter Garretson said that a naval command structure would align with strategic similarities space operations have to laws of the sea. “In maritime theory, navies exist in order to secure commerce,” he said. The space domain has evolved beyond putting equipment in orbit to fostering free movement for commercial purposes, much like ocean shipping routes. Businessmen such as Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are now monetizing the domain and even plan to create space colonies. “Once that happens,” said Garretson, “it starts to look a lot more like naval power.”

• Last month, Space Force announced how its personnel will be organized. The service will operate with three primary field commands: Space Operations Command which will support combatant commanders with Space Force personnel and capabilities; Space Systems Command which will acquire space systems from industry; and Space Training and Readiness Command which will be responsible for training space professionals.

• Other pending Space Force decisions include uniform updates, insignia and a logo design. Officials are also deciding what to call its members.


House lawmakers have signed off on a proposal calling for the military’s sixth branch to adopt the Navy’s ranks and structure.

             Todd Harrison


                  Rep. Dan Crenshaw

The amendment to the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act, proposed by Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, would require the Space Force to use “the same system and rank structure as is used in the Navy,” according to a summary of the text. Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL, medically retired as a lieutenant commander.

The House approved proposed amendments to the NDAA legislation in a 336-71 vote Monday; it is expected to vote on the overall bill this week.
“A good reason to use Navy ranks in the Space Force is to better distinguish [Space Force] personnel from Air Force personnel, kind of like [the Marine Corps] using different ranks than the Navy,” Todd Harrison, director of the Aerospace Security Project at the Center for Strategic & International Studies, said last week via Twitter.

Harrison had previously told Military.com that Gen. John “Jay” Raymond, head of the Space Force, getting the title of “chief of space operations” is similar to the Navy’s “chief of naval operations” role — hinting that the newest branch of the military could follow in the Navy’s footsteps.



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Decades of Government UFO Gaslighting

Article by Alejandro Rojas                                 July 20, 2020                                (openminds.tv)

• The United States Air Force claims that it stopped investigating UFOs in 1969 with the closing of the UFO research program, Project Blue Book. This is the official position in the “USAF UFO Fact Sheet”. But it is a lie. The US Air Force was gaslighting the public to believe that they have no real interest in UFOs. But, as often demonstrated, the government has been taking UFOs seriously for a very long time. And it continues to this day.

• In a memo dated October 20, 1969, Brigadier General Carroll H. Bolender noted that “reports of unidentified flying objects which could affect national security are made in accordance with JANAP 146 or Air Force Manual 55-11, and are not part of the Blue Book system.” The memo noted that the most critical cases did not go to Project Blue Book at all. First of all, why have an official UFO research program like Project Blue Book that excludes “the most critical cases”? Secondly, why aren’t UFOs that ‘could affect national security’ investigated?

• In 1993, the military modified its ‘no such thing as a UFO threat’ position when the Joint Chiefs of Staff said, “OPREP–3 reports containing information relating to unknown objects near US military installations are considered extremely sensitive, and thus not releasable.” So the US military says that it is not interested in investigating UFOs, while at the same time expressing concern about UFOs flying over military bases, including nuclear weapons installations.

• It seems the US and the UK had a similar UFO public relations strategy. In the 1990s, Nick Pope ran Britain’s Ministry of Defense’s “UFO desk.” Pope told the Huffington Post, “We were telling the public we’re not interested, this is all nonsense, but in reality, we were desperately chasing our tails and following this up in great detail.” “To really achieve our policy of downplaying the UFO phenomenon, we would use a combination of ‘spin and dirty tricks,’” said Pope. “We used terms like UFO buffs and UFO spotters — terms that mean these people are nut jobs. In other words, we were implying that this is just a very somewhat quaint hobby that people have as opposed to a serious research interest.” Whenever someone went to the aviation authorities or the police, as soon as they mentioned ‘UFO’ the authorities would immediately lose interest and refer them to civilian UFO groups, regardless of the perceived threat.

• Senator Marco Rubio is the chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI). In the proposed Intelligence Authorization Act for 2021, the SSCI asked that the Director of National Intelligence in conjunction with the Secretary of Defense put together a report on “unidentified aerial phenomenon [UAP].” The report is to include information from the ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force’. Rubio recently told CBS Miami that he was concerned about “things flying over your military bases… [that] exhibit, potentially, technologies that you don’t have at your own disposal.” “[T]o me,” said Rubio, this “is a national security risk and one that we should be looking into.”

• Why would Senator Rubio assume that the ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force’ would have this sort of information? Luis Elizondo is a former intelligence officer who headed up a previous Pentagon UFO research project called the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’, or AATIP. While the DoD claimed that the program ended (in 2012), Elizondo claimed that the program continued even after he had left. Eventually, the DoD admitted that the program existed and still exists. This is the Task Force.

• On July 21st, Elizondo told investigative journalist George Knapp on Coast to Coast AM that he was recently at a meeting having a classified discussion when one of the men present told him he had done Elizondo’s job in the 1980s. “[I]t was very clear to me that AATIP was not the first of its kind,” said Elizondo. “There was an organized effort back in the ’80s to do exactly this as well.”

• Chris Mellon is a former US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and a former Staff Director of the SSCI. He and Elizondo are currently featured on the History Channel’s UFO investigation series “Unidentified”. Such efforts to reveal the government’s knowledge of UFOs have resulted in the Navy admitting they took UAPs seriously, investigated UAP incidents, and have begun reporting them to Washington DC lawmakers.

• Mellon says they have several never before seen military cases featured in the HISTORY show’s new season. For example, Mellon relates the story of a NORAD officer who was tracking a UFO on radar. The military was “scrambling every jet they could get in the air.” But when researcher John Greenewald filed a Freedom of Information Act request on this incident, NORAD responded that it had “found no records.”

• Hopefully, mainstream science, media, and academia are beginning to realize that the government has been lying to us about what it knows about UFOs. So how will the government and the military respond to investigative agencies such as Rubio’s Senate Select Committee on Intelligence? Will they gaslight the SSCI, like they have done with the public at large since (at least) 1969?


               Senator Marco Rubio

The United States Air Force claims it stopped investigating UFOs in 1969. It is a point they love to repeat when inquiries have been made for the last few decades, even when researchers present government documents to demonstrate otherwise. Often in the past couple of decades, instead of answering my inquiries about UFO documents, I am sent the USAF UFO Fact sheet. However, given recent revelations, the USAF fact sheet was wrong, and, as many have demonstrated, the government has been taking UFOs seriously for a very long time.

            Nick Pope

According to the USAF UFO Fact Sheet, the USAF program to investigate UFOs, Project Blue Book, was closed because “No UFO reported, investigated and evaluated by the Air Force was ever an indication of threat to our national security.”

In a memo dated October 20, 1969, by Brigadier General Carroll H. Bolender, the reasons for closing Project Blue Book were outlined. In the memo, Bolender noted that “reports of unidentified flying objects which could affect national security are made in accordance with JANAP 146 or Air Force Manual 55-11, and are not part of the Blue Book system.”

        Christopher Mellon

His note indicates that the most critical cases were not going to Project Blue Book, which begs the question, “what good is it to investigate UFOs without the best cases?” It also implies there were cases, “which could affect national security.”

JANAP 146 detailed “Communication Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings [aka CIRVIS].”

       Luis Elizondo

“Unidentified flying objects” were one of the items listed as something to report.

Eventually, the military replaced CIRVIS with Operational Reporting (OPREP). A document distributed by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1993 says, “OPREP–3 reports containing information relating to unknown objects near U.S. military installations are considered extremely sensitive, and thus not releasable.”

Sure enough, UFO researchers have found several of these documents. They typically address UFOs incursions over weapons storage areas, including those that house nuclear weapons.

Despite having receipts, UFO researchers are often grouped in with the tin-foil hat crowd. Nick Pope ran the Ministry of Defense (MoD) “UFO desk.” He dealt with these issues from the government side. Pope told the Huffington Post, “We were telling the public we’re not interested, this is all nonsense, but in reality, we were desperately chasing our tails and following this up in great detail.”



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NASA Planned to Leave Armstrong on Moon to Die if Mission Went Awry

Article by Tom Fish                                    July 20, 2020                                (express.co.uk)

• In 1962, President John F Kennedy called for a mission to the Moon, calling it a “new frontier”. On July 20, 1969, NASA astronaut Neil Armstrong realized this dream as he became the first man to set foot on the Moon, followed by pilot Buzz Aldrin 19 minutes later. As Armstrong famously proclaimed, “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. Armstrong, Aldrin and the pilot, Michael Collins, returned to Earth as heroes.

• But what if the 1969 Moon mission was not a success? In his book Shoot For The Moon, author Jim Donovan revealed how NASA prepared for the worst-case scenario. “I discovered that the Moon landing was even more dangerous than anyone outside Mission Control knew,” writes Donovan. “When the primitive Apollo Guidance Computer – with just 72kB of memory and a processing speed millions of times slower than today’s average smartphone – began to blare alarms at 40,000ft it took incredible skill on the part of the controllers not to abort the entire mission.”

• There were 18 different plans in place if something went wrong. Collins kept a notebook with all 18 emergency procedures pinned to the front of his space suit. If something went wrong, Collins was ordered to leave Armstrong and Aldrin on the Moon to die. Writes Donovan, “Collins developed tics in both eyes at the thought of being unable to retrieve his two comrades and having to turn homeward and leave them on the Moon or circle it until they perished.”

• One the day of the actual mission, Collins said he was “sweating like a nervous bride” waited for Armstrong and Aldrin to get in touch. He believed if he had to return to Earth alone he would be a marked man for life.

• Knowing the risk of disaster, NASA had President Richard Nixon’s speechwriter, William Safire, prepare the words for such an eventuality: “Fate has ordained that the men who went to the Moon to explore in peace will stay on the Moon to rest in peace.”


       author, Jim Donovan

In 1962, President John F Kennedy called for a mission to the Moon. It was, he said, a “new frontier”. Talk of frontiers

was a throwback to the nineteenth century, but it made a certain sense.

Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin

The prospect of claiming the Moon – vast, uninhabited, strategically useful and mineral-rich – is precisely the sort of thing the would have made the world conquerors of old salivate.

British arch-imperialist Cecil Rhodes once mused: “I would annex the planets if I could. I often think of that.”

NASA astronaut Neil Armstrong eventually realised this dream to some extent 51 years ago, on July 20, 1969.

He became the first man to set foot on the Moon, followed by pilot Buzz Aldrin 19 minutes later.

As he took his first steps on the lunar surface, Armstrong uttered the now immortal phrase “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”.

And after Armstrong, Aldrin and the pilot who had taken them to the lunar surface, Michael Collins, returned to Earth all three were given a hero’s welcome.

The mission was hailed a huge success – but it could have been very different.



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What was Revealed in Classified UFO Briefings to Congress & Pentagon?

On July 23, the New York Times released an article describing classified UFO briefings delivered to the US Congress and the Pentagon by Dr. Eric Davis, a prominent astrophysicist, researching “out of the box” scientific phenomena since 1996. The authors of the New York Times story, Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal, provided few details of the briefings other than Davis’ sensational claim that UFOs (aka UAPs) involved “off-world vehicles not made on this earth”.

The New York Times article was quickly picked up by other major media such as the Huffington Post, Popular Mechanics, and popular news sites that included Yahoo News. More recently, Scientific American called for a resumption of scientific studies on UFOs in a very telling sign that mainstream scientists are finally paying attention.

Senator Marco Rubio was informed about the classified briefing given by Dr. Davis to staffers from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which Rubio currently heads. He subsequently arranged for his Committee to give a bipartisan vote of approval (14-1) for the Intelligence Community to write up a comprehensive report on UFOs/UAPs in 180 days after the Bill’s passage into law.

Significantly, the Director of National Intelligence was instructed that the “report shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may include a classified annex”. This means that the report is intended to be released to the general public.

What is missing in the New York Times article and subsequent news stories are the precise details of what Davis briefed members of Congress and Pentagon officials. It can be assumed that the briefings involved information derived from a 15-page leaked transcript/summary of an October 16, 2002 conversation between Dr. Davis and Vice Admiral Thomas Wilson, who retired as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, only a few months before the meeting.

I covered the Davis and Wilson leaked document in a three-part series (available here, here and here). Put simply, the document revealed Wilson’s failed efforts in 1997 to gain access to an Unacknowledged Special Access Program, which he had learned involved a corporation studying a retrieved UFO/extraterrestrial craft. Wilson had hoped Davis could shed light on what was happening in the corporate reverse engineering program.

While it is highly likely that parts of the 15-page document were included in Davis’ classified briefings to Congressional staffers and Pentagon officials, we don’t know what conclusions Davis had reached about what Wilson had confidentially shared with him. The leaked document focused on Wilson’s experiences, rather than what Davis knew about the topic.

Consequently, an interview given by Davis on May 10, 2019, five months before his briefing to Congressional staffers, where he gave his evaluation of UFOs and extraterrestrial life becomes highly significant. The interview gives us a very good idea of what Davis told Congress and the Pentagon, which has now been made an issue of national importance due to the New York Times story, and the looming Intelligence Community report destined to emerge in early 2021.

In fact, a strong case can be made that Davis’ briefings will be used as the fulcrum of a UFO/UAP disclosure narrative that will emerge in early 2021 with the release of the unclassified intelligence UAP report to Congress. This is where there is much in what Davis told Congressional staffers and Pentagon officials that raises alarming red flags that a “limited hangout” is being prepared over classified programs involving the retrieval and reverse engineering of crashed UFOs.

While the truth will be told of the non-Earthly origin of some retrieved UFOs, the successful reverse engineering of such craft by major aerospace corporations will be hidden from the public, along with the existence of visiting extraterrestrial life.

What follows is my analysis of Davis’s comments in the interview he conducted with Alejandro Rojas from Open Minds TV, which is available both in audio form on YouTube and as a rough transcript from an automated translation. I have corrected Rojas’ rough transcript using the original interview in my extracts below, which include the YouTube timestamps [YT].

In discussing the origins of the three videos showing UFO craft videotaped by Navy pilots in 2004 and 2015, and officially acknowledged as genuine by the Department of the Navy, Davis declares such advanced technology has not been developed by any government or nation:

[29:28 YT] In a matter of three to five seconds, you’re not basically talking about human technology. There is no Russian or Chinese or North Korean or Iranian or anybody else. No, NATO or any other Alliance, or non-Alliance country, non-Allied countries have any sort of technology that can perform the way these Tic Tacs were found to be performing….

The things we’re seeing are not shaped in the usual typical way that we humans would shape them. So you, you got to come up with another hypothesis and the only hypothesis is something unknown. And then its got a good chance that it’s not human technology….

Davis goes on to assert that the UFOs are operating on a new physics and humanity currently doesn’t have the means to replicate this:

[37:44 YT] In other words, they don’t, the objects don’t follow the aerodynamic rules of engineering. Okay, they just don’t. Okay, and that’s driven by physics. And they are not saying that they’re breaking the laws of physics. So don’t quote me on anything having to do with why they’re operating on a new physics, we have an event, or no, they’re breaking the laws of physics, it is possible to operating on the physics we haven’t invented or haven’t discovered yet. That’s possible, we don’t know. So anyway, the point is, is that these things are operating there you go way outside the envelope of our engineering and physics technologies. And, and I can guarantee you that no laws of physics are broken whatsoever.

Davis declares that the UFOs and their advanced flight capacities are not something that can be manufactured given the present level of technological development on Earth:

[38:58 YT] And these things don’t look like anything that we can manufacture on Earth. So we don’t have the manufacturing or industrial technology for it. We don’t have engineering for it. In other words, the blueprints and designs to get something … shaped like air fighter-sized piece of candy mouth mint and get that to fly through the air stably. And do the wonderful things that they do in the years reported by the F-18 pilots associated with the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group.

Davis is then asked about the truth of reports of UFO crashes and whether the craft have been retrieved for classified studies. He answers:

[1:14:32 YT] Yeah, there have been crashes. The super powers on the Earth have had their share of crashes. And they have recovered the vehicles from their crashes.

Davis goes on to explain how the truth about classified studies of recovered alien spacecraft is kept from most public officials:

[1:15:30 YT] So yeah, they have that technology. We do too. And it’s a very super sensitive topic. Because it’s something that your listeners, you’re probably going to be shocked at… probably a minute fraction, it’s like less than 1/1000th or 1/100,000th of the people with the “need to know” access, “need to know” authorization, and security clearances to be involved with that type of work, are the only ones that know. The vast majority of the rest of the government really doesn’t know. And that’s why one hand, like the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing…

Davis was likely referring to the process whereby even senior military officials like Admiral Wilson, with high level security clearances and “need to know” authorization, was still denied access to classified studies of retrieved non-Earthly spacecraft.

Davis elaborates on the complexity of the security clearances system in finding the truth about what’s happening in unacknowledged special access programs:

[1:16:16 YT] Because of the stovepipe thing that goes on in compartmentalized programs … you just can’t knock on doors and say, Hey, here’s who I am … I got clearances, but not the right ones. I don’t have a need to know. But I want to know, so can you tell me…. You’re going to be lied to, because that’s, that’s the rule. You don’t want to tell the enemy anything, when this guy is knocking on your door asking you about UFO crashes, could be an asset for the Soviet Union or the Russian Federation, or the Chinese PLA, or the nincompoops over in Iran and North Korea and so forth.

So, you know, even if it’s an American, you still don’t want to answer that question because you don’t know who they are. And you’re not supposed to be revealing that information. So it takes a lot of hard tracking and digging after working. And it can take years and years and years. And then you develop the security clearances and the authorization for you to know that appropriately … allow you access to that information, then you find out hey, yeah, it’s there, it’s true.

On the other hand, sometimes the information does come out on its own. But it doesn’t come out in the way that UFOlogy likes to fantasize about it. It comes out only to specific people, who have specific talents or skills, who have security clearances, they may not have the need to know. But they could have the need to know if they were presented with that requirement.

At this stage in his interview, Davis comments on the Disclosure Project witnesses that Dr Steven Greer arranged to come forward in 2001 in a ground-breaking Press Conference. According to Davis, most of Greer’s witnesses were crackpots and just “noise” when it came to identifying the genuine signal in the available public information on retrieved UFOs:

[1:21:05 YT] A good majority of them were crackpots, they were phonies. But there was a small number of them that were the real deal. And so he successfully picked up a very small number of them, and got some information. And now, as to the veracity and quality of that information. That’s another story.

But he did get some interesting information.… the information was not … verifiable. In other words, once people looked into it, they said, yeah, this is realistic. Whereas a good chunk, a good chunk of his disclosure witnesses. You know, they had middle of the road guys, they had some information, but it was too purple. It was just anecdotal.

And then you had the guys that were real liars. He’s got a chunk of liars out there … I don’t know how much effort he spent on vetting any of those people. And I’m not going to name names of who they are. It’s not important, because … the fact that they have no real information means it’s noise. We’re dealing with signal, we’re interested in signal and science folks, not the noise. Check the noise.

Next, Davis went on to elaborate on Greer’s witnesses who claimed to have first-hand knowledge of crash retrieval operations:

[1:22:25 YT] So, he did have a small signal of people that had verifiable information…. They came forward, they gave him information that was freely given to him. But it was after the fact, it was never expected that it could be acted upon. The people that gave him information … weren’t directly involved with the crash retrieval at all. They actually were either peripheral, or they heard it from somebody reliable. So the vertical information was high quality, but they were not first-hand people.

Davis is here suggesting, for example, that Clifford Stone, a 22 year US Army veteran, who was interviewed by Greer and claimed to have had first-hand knowledge of multiple crashed UFOs retrieved by the US military, was a crackpot and liar. There are many reasons to dispute Davis’ information when it comes to Stone’s testimony who has been successfully interviewed many times over several decades, and has maintained the same story with consistency and sincerity.

Davis provides no evidence that Stone or other Disclosure Projects witnesses are lying or crackpots, consequently his assertions need to be considered as unverified or misinformed. This is a major red flag that Davis testimony may be part of a “limited hangout” that is being unveiled to the American and World publics through the New York Times, arguably the most important media organ of the CIA and the Deep State.

The most significant aspect of Davis’s interview is his assertion that UFO crash retrievals were part of a small unsuccessful program that was terminated in 1989, around the time the famed whistleblower, Bob Lazar, emerged with his experiences claiming something very similar had occurred during his time at the S-4 facility at Area 51.

To be continued in Part 2

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Note: an Audio version of this article is available here]

Further Reading

The Mexican Roswell Where Hurricanes Don’t Hit

Article by Beatriz García                              July 20, 2020                            (aldianews.com)

• During the hurricane season, cities along the Gulf of Mexico coastline brace for the worst. But for the past 54 years, whenever a hurricane was heading straight for the Mexican coastal towns of Tampico, Altamira and Madero, the hurricane would suddenly shift to the north (to the chagrin of Texas and Louisiana). The director of Civil Protection in Madero, Romel Martínez, says that this phenomenon is known as “tampicazo.” “We take all the precautions, we do our job… We even have our temporary shelters ready. This is not the first time this has happened to us, it has happened many times before,” says Martínez.

• A group of ufologists from the Association of Scientific Research on UFOs in nearby Tamaulipas believe that the reason for the lack of hurricane activity in this section of the Mexican coastline is because an extraterrestrial base is located underneath the beach there. The associations’ president, Juan Carlos Ramón López Díaz, said he has visited the alien base, known as Amupac, during an astral trip. López Díaz thinks that the intergalactic visitors probably established the base in the mid-1960s, after Hurricane Inez devastated the area in 1966. Ever since then, the beach has been under extraterrestrial protection. Many locals claim to have seen flying saucers and even to have been abducted in the region.

• Some say that there is an unusual structure accompanied by a magnetic field buried at the bottom of the sea near the beach. This is the technology that “the visitors” use to deflect big storms. Tampico historian Marco Flores told The Guardian newspaper, “If science doesn’t give us any explanation, we’ll get it by magic.”

• The idea that the Tampico coastline has an alien base underneath it has caught on so well with the populace that local businesses have capitalized on the alien presence. In shops along the Miramar Beach boardwalk you can find all kinds of Martian-shaped figurines and UFO images for sale. A local television station even proclaimed the last Tuesday in October as the ‘Day of the Martian’, with a green Martian presiding over the beach. López Díaz attributes the overnight popularity of the UFO culture in Tampico to “the collective mind”.

• Rosario Romero of the National Autonomous University of Mexico blames the lack of hurricane activity along this part of the Mexican coastline on prevailing westerly winds or high pressure subtropical systems, which are driving the hurricanes towards the southern coast of the United States. Romero notes that in 2013, Hurricane Ingrid caused significant flooding in the region. “We now have advanced monitoring systems and numerical models that allow us to predict the intensity and trajectory of a storm,” said Romero, “but trajectories still vary widely depending on those wider weather conditions.”


               Aliens are big business

The hurricane season arrives in Mexico as the country barely sticks its head out from under the coronavirus pandemic. While many are preparing for the worst dystopia in recent times, in the cities of the Gulf Coast, some people claim to feel protected from tropical storms like Cristina — a storm meteorologists announced will arrive in Tamaulipas in the form of showers. The reason?

An extraterrestrial base located, residents say, under Miramar Beach, in the town of Ciudad Madero and also in Tampico, whose intergalactic owners have been diverting cyclones for more than half a century.

That is the opinion of a group of ufologists from the Association of Scientific Research on UFOs in Tamaulipas (Aicot), whose president, Juan Carlos Ramón López Díaz, said he visited the alien base, known as Amupac, during an astral trip. However, many in this region claim to have seen flying saucers and even to have been abducted by mysterious guardians of the climate.

        depiction of Amupac alien base

According to López and his collaborators, the Amupac base must have been established in the mid or late 1960s, shortly after Hurricane Inez caused countless damage in the Caribbean, Bahamas, Florida and also in Mexico, where 74 people died.

But what really protects this region are not the aliens themselves, but the faith of neighbors, who have

 Google map image of alien base markings

turned the shops on the Miramar Beach boardwalk into a sanctuary where you can buy all kinds of glass figurines and Martian-shaped murals. They even have their big day, the Day of the Martian, which is celebrated on the last Tuesday in October, even though it does not exist and, like the green Martian that presided over the beach in 2013, was the idea of a local television station.

“The collective mind is charged with this concept, so it generates a large force field of repulsion,” López told The Guardian.

There are also those who talk about magnetic fields and a structure with bars of different material buried at the bottom of the sea, near the beach, which deflects storms on the advice of “the visitors.” Or those that accept the inexplicable and blessed phenomenon without giving it too much thought, as Tampico historian Marco Flores does,

“If science doesn’t give us any explanation, we’ll get it by magic,” he told The Guardian. “Fantasy is always more attractive than reality.”



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The Secret US Military Device for Seeing in the Past

Article by Brian McGleenon                                 July 18, 2020                                   (express.co.uk)

• Dr Steven Greer is one of the world’s leading authorities on extraterrestrials and an explorer of “consciousness technologies”, i.e.: a research and development frontier that combines meta physics with quantum mechanics, or, how “electronic systems are interfacing with the quanta of thought”. Founder of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, Greer has briefed presidents and heads of state on the ET phenomenon.

• Greer told Express.co.uk that he had a ‘military adviser’ who was once attached to US Naval Intelligence at the old White Oaks naval facility in Silver Spring, Maryland outside of Washington DC. The adviser told Greer about a time-traveling device that the US Navy had developed in the 1970s at the secret weapons laboratory at White Oaks, which allowed the scientists and intelligence agents view events of the past. This device could tune in to the “white noise of space-time” and extract the information about what happened a century ago, or a million years ago, at any given location. Greer speculates that this ‘white noise’ that the device taps into is actually the ‘Akashic Record’. Ancient mystics describe the Akashic Record as the storage place for all human events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent that have ever occurred in the past, present, or future. Greer believes that this record is stored in interdimentional space and the Navy’s device could interface with this interdimentional realm.

• Greer notes that the CIA’s successful development of remote viewing in the 1970s, where one can spy on anyone remotely through their consciousness, shows that the mind is not limited to our brain or our bodies. “Neither time nor space limits awareness.” He believes that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations are able to utilize quantum mechanics through consciousness to travel the universe and instantly appear or disappear from a physical realm. This would explain certain instances of strange UFO sightings, alien contacts, and paranormal apparitions.

• Greer says that he had interviewed many “whistle blowers” about advanced technologies that seemed to work via quantum entanglement. Quantum entanglement describes how two particles that are separated by vast distances in space, or time, can be linked and how their movements correlate. Quantum mechanics scientist, John Archibald Wheeler of Princeton University, explains that according to the laws of quantum mechanics, atomic particles exist in state of constant possibility. They can be anywhere, everywhere or nowhere at all in both the dimensions of time and space. What anchors them into position is the active thought of the observer, such as a scientist in a laboratory.

• Finally, Greer discussed the development of artificial intelligence such as Elon Musk’s Neuralink project which will create a low-latency broadband link in the human brain to facilitate thought-control of electronic devices. But with the growth of AI, Greer cautioned, there is the risk of the machines seizing control over human thoughts.

[Editor’s Note]  There have been many accounts that the government has experimented with time-viewing/time-travel technology for decades.

In a 1964 television interview, ET contactee George Van Tassell said that human-looking extraterrestrials showed him technology that could be used to view a visual scene from any historical time period, which the US Navy had in its possession. The description of this device that could view past events was very similar to what the legendary UFO whistleblower Bob Lazar revealed in 1989 as “Project Looking Glass”, a classified project run by the US Navy out of the S-4 facility at Area 51 since the early 1960s. Lazar claimed that the ‘Looking Glass’ technology was based on the distortion of space-time by gravity.

The earliest reference of ‘Project Looking Glass’ type technology came from Italy in the 1950s. A Dominican priest by the name of Father Pellegrino Ernetti invented a ‘chronovisor’ device capable of peering into the past by electronically modifying the frequencies of chants by Benedictine monks. Ernetti claimed to have witnessed the crucifixion of Christ and other historical events by this device. The chronoviser technology was turned over to the Vatican who passed it along to the CIA who continued to develop the technology through deep state black budgets in the 1960s and 70s.

CIA whistleblower Andrew Basiago confirmed the CIA’s experimentation with Ernetti’s ‘chronovisor’. Basiago said that from 1967-1971, as a six-year old boy, he was involved in ‘Project Pegasus’ when the CIA and DARPA refined the chronoviser technology. In 1970, Basiago and other child participants regularly visited various classified chronoviser facilities in northern New Jersey where they were able to access past and future events. Basiago corroborated his claim in a 2015 interview with C2C radio host Art Bell, when he told Bell that he remembered seeing Bell working on a classified project in an ITT facility in Nutley, New Jersey in 1970. An astounded Bell admitted that he was indeed employed by ITT in a classified NATO communication project at the time, which Bell had never publicly revealed. Basiago asserted that chronovisor technology was just one among many ways in which the CIA could view the past and future in order to gain intelligence data, and to also attempt to manipulate history through time travel missions.

In his 1992 book, Montauk Project: Experiments in Time, Preston Nichols described bizarre military experiments conducted at Montauk Air Station, Long Island, NY from 1971 to 1983. A navigation control chair from an extraterrestrial craft was set up at the facility. When a person sat in the ‘Montauk chair’, their psychic abilities became so enhanced that they were able to distort time to look into the past or future. Nichols described what happened when a test subject, Duncan Cameron, sat in the Montauk chair. He was directed by his military intelligence handlers to concentrate on an opening in time. A ‘hole’ or ‘time portal’ would then appear in front of the chair, which a person could walk through. It looked like a circular corridor with a light at the other end. The time door would remain open so long as Duncan (or whomever) would concentrate on a particular time in the past or future.

Peering ahead into future events and timelines emboldens the viewer to change circumstances in order to change that future timeline. This causes fractures in the timeline with many possible futures. As a result, peering into future timelines became undependable, and CIA/DARPA intelligence groups have lessened their use of this sort of timeline manipulation.

In a 2019 article by Dr Michael Salla entitled: “Project Looking Glass – the Q Anon & Deep State Temporal War”, Salla noted that both the deep state and the military intelligence ‘Alliance’ factions have access to this sort of time-viewing and time-travel technology, to peer into the future and anticipate each other’s moves. The deep state has used the technology to anticipate and thwart Alliance actions against them, as foretold by Q Anon. But since this is an undependable technology due to fractured timelines, both sides have focused more on time-travel technology. This has created a ‘temporal war’ with both factions attempting to manage past events in order to influence future timelines, to suit their respective agendas.


            Dr Steven Greer

Founder of the Centre for the Study of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence Doctor Steven Greer described a strange

        George Van Tassell

mechanism that was developed at the US secret weapons laboratory at White Oaks in Maryland. During his research he described how a military advisor for the US Navy informed him of a device that could extract information in a specific location from “a century ago, or even a thousand years ago”.

Speaking to Express.co.uk Doctor Greer said: “One of my military advisors was with naval intelligence.

“In the old days there was a naval facility at White Oaks outside Washington DC.

“The facility had an electronic device that could extract from any point in space something that had happened in the past in that location.
“They called it the white noise of space-time.”

The UFO researcher explained this time travelling project was developed in the 1970s.

     Father Pellegrino Ernetti

Doctor Greer described it as an electronic system “that allows you to see what happened an hour ago in the space that you are sitting in at that time”.

actual image of Jesus Christ in Father Ernetti’s ‘chronoviser’

He added: “You can also extract the information about what happened a century ago, or a thousand years ago, or a million years ago.”

Doctor Greer, who is one of the world’s leading authorities on extraterrestrials said that he had interviewed many “whistle blowers” about advanced technologies that seemed to work via quantum entanglement.

Quantum entanglement describes how two particles that are separated by vast distances in space, or time, can be linked and how their movements mysteriously correlate.

He said: “I briefed former ministers of defence on these projects.

“There are highly compartmentalised projects that have not been revealed to even members of the UK Government.

The UFO researcher suggested that the machines tapped into “what mystics used to call the Akashic record”.



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Greek Mariner Recalls Bermuda Triangle UFO

Article by Patricia Claus                                 July 15, 2020                                  (usa.greekreporter.com)

• In 1978, Greek Merchant Marine radio operator Polycarp Spentzas was working onboard the vessel “Pothiti SWJC” off of Bermuda. The ship had left Cuba bound for Algiers. Just before noon, officers on the ship’s bridge noticed that the ship was sailing at unusually high speed – but the instruments showed a constant speed of 10 to 11 nautical miles an hour. “Some of my colleagues initially hypothesized maybe I had made a mistake in timing, since I was the radio operator,” said Spentzas. “But that did not happen; and the ship continued to tear through the waves like a dolphin.” By noon, the captain asked the second officer to have someone take over the wheel, since he himself did not feel well. He could not lift his arms and his body felt heavy all over.

• Soon the electrician came up from the engine room. He was upset that all of the clocks on the boat had gone ahead two whole hours. Because the gyroscopic compass was turning like crazy, the helmsman was unable to hold the ship to a steady course. The ship was put on autopilot as they passed through the ‘Bermuda Triangle’ – the famed area between Bermuda in the north, the Bahamas in the south, and Miami, Florida in the west.

• By 5pm, Spentzas and the ship’s cook were playing backgammon in the smoking room when they looked out of the window to see a large, white UFO in the sky about a mile away. Then two smaller UFOs also appeared next to the larger UFO. Indeed, one of the smaller one seemed to be attached to the UFO. They reasoned that it must be some sort of American experiment. “I left immediately and went to the bridge to ask, full of anguish, if someone else had seen these bizarre devices,” said Spentzas. No one else had noticed.

• “I looked at my watch and time had passed. I put the radio receiver to 500 KHz, to fill in the calendar and heard Morse code — but it was unnaturally quick,” said Spentzas. “I put out a time request signal to 15 MHz RWM (Radio Moscow) and heard the answering time signals too quickly. …I thought it was the station’s fault.” Spentzas felt that time itself was being affected by the ‘acceleration of the movement of the UFOs’. He told the Captain that is hands wouldn’t work to transmit mores code, and it took him two minutes just to walk to the transmitter in the slow motion false reality happening. The Captain insisted that the ship’s autopilot stay on.

• The next day, the ship’s crew were discussing the bizarre events of the previous day. One sailor said his cigarette burned so fast that he didn’t have time to smoke it. Another crewmate said that as soon as he went to bed at midnight, his clock showed nearly 4:00am and he hadn’t even slept. They all remarked that they felt an abnormally slow heartbeat and hypothermia during the event. After years of thinking about it, Spentzas thinks that the slowed heartbeats of the crew was due to ‘gravitational time dilation’, where the gravitational waves emitted by the accelerating UFOs caused biochemical changes in the metabolism of the sailors’ bodies. This process occurs according to the theories of Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein,“ Spentzas said.

• Over the years there have been a multitude of odd, unexplainable occurrences in the Bermuda Triangle. July 10, 1945, twelve US Navy crewmembers on a seaplane had left the Banana River Florida, Naval Air Station the night before for a training flight to Great Exuma in the Bahamas. They disappeared near Providence Island. No trace of the crew or their aircraft was ever found. Later that same year, another military flight with 14 airmen aboard was lost. Then the plane sent out to locate that aircraft, carrying thirteen men, was also lost. By some counts, there have been as many as 155 people who have perished in that turquoise stretch of water east of Miami.


Greek Merchant Marine radio operator Polycarp Spentzas had an indescribably strange and unforgettable experience while working aboard the vessel “Pothiti SWJC” in 1978 off Bermuda. But he certainly wasn’t the only person to observe these odd occurrences in the last few decades.

Over the years there have been a multitude of odd, unexplainable and unsettling occurrences in that famed area between Bermuda in the north, the Bahamas in the south and Miami Florida in the west, including the disappearance of twelve US Navy crewmembers on a seaplane patrolling there during the Second World War, on July 10, 1945.

They had left the Banana River Florida, Naval Air Station the night before for a training flight to Great Exuma in the Bahamas. The last time they were ever heard from was 1:16 AM the next day, at a position of 25.22N, 7734W, near Providence Island. No trace of the crew or their aircraft has ever been found.

Late that same year, another military flight, with 14 airmen aboard, was lost — and then the plane sent out to try to locate that aircraft, carrying thirteen men — was also lost. By some counts, there have been as many as 155 people who have perished in that otherwise idyllic, turquoise-hued stretch of water east of Miami.

For Spetzos, the merchant mariner, the legendary dangers of that area suddenly became personal in 1978, when in the course of his normal duties he observed the following strange events unfold.

As he recalls it, “We started from Porto Matanzas, Cuba, bound for Algiers, with an average speed of 11 miles. Shortly before 12 noon local time, the officers of the ship’s bridge began to notice that it appeared to them that the ship was sailing at unusually high speed — but the instruments showed a constant speed of 10 to 11 nautical miles an hour.

“Some of my colleagues initially hypothesized maybe I had made a mistake in timing, since I was the radio operator. But that did not happen; and the ship continued to tear through the waves like a dolphin.



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The Ripple Effects of a Military Space Skirmish

Article by Ramin Skibba and Undark                                July 12, 2020                              (theatlantic.com)

• On April 22, with the successful launch of a military reconnaissance satellite, Iran joined a growing list of nations having weapons and military systems in orbit. In April, Russia tested a missile program designed to destroy satellites, and in March 2019, India launched an anti-satellite weapon. Many more countries now have space programs, including Iran, North Korea, France, Japan, and Israel.

• Two think-tanks, e.g.: the Secure World Foundation in Broomfield, Colorado, and the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C., both released reports this year (see SWF report here; see CSIS report here) pointing to an increase in countries deploying satellite-destroying weaponry and disruptive technologies that could put all peaceful activities in space at risk. Many of these technologies could ratchet up an arms race or spark an actual skirmish in space.

• “What worries us in the international community is that there aren’t necessarily any guardrails for how people are going to start interfering with others’ space systems,” said Daniel Porras, a space security fellow at the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research in Geneva.

• Thousands of satellites already circle low-Earth orbit (below an altitude of 1,200 miles) to provide key services such as internet access, GPS signals, long-distance communications, and weather information. More than half of those satellites are from the U.S., and most of the rest are from China and Russia. Any missile that smashes into a satellite would disperse thousands of bits of debris. “If you create debris, it might just as well come back and hit one of your own satellites,” says David Burbach, a national security affairs expert at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island. “So I think we’re pretty unlikely to see countries actually use those capabilities.”

• When China conducted an anti-satellite missile test in 2007, it created a massive cloud of space junk that drew international condemnation. India’s engineers tried to limit debris from their recent test by conducting it at a low altitude, so that Earth’s gravity would pull the pieces down and they would burn up on descent. But some pieces were flung up to the International Space Station’s orbit. There were no collisions; as of February, only 15 trackable pieces of debris remained in orbit.

• A number of countries are developing new military technologies for space. France is working on laser beams that could dazzle another country’s satellite, preventing it from taking pictures of classified targets. North Korea is studying how to jam radio frequency signals sent to or from a satellite. And Iran is devising cyberattacks that could interfere with satellite systems. Meanwhile, the big three space heavyweights – the U.S., Russia, and China – are already capable of all three approaches, according to the SWF report.

• The big three have also begun to develop satellites that can be used as surveillance devices or weapons. A satellite could maneuver within miles of a rival’s classified satellite, snap photos of equipment and transmit the pictures down to Earth. Or the satellite could sidle up to another and spray its counterpart’s lenses or cover its solar panels, cutting off power and rendering it useless. Russia may be ahead with this technology. Last fall, Space Force General John “Jay” Raymond accused Russia of deploying a satellite near a U.S. spy satellite, which he called a “potentially threatening behavior.”

• The SWF report notes that an incident or misunderstanding could escalate tensions if it’s perceived as an attack. With the new Space Force, the U.S. Defense Department seeks to “strengthen deterrence” and improve capabilities to “defend our vital assets in space,” says Space Force spokesperson Christina Hoggatt. The U.S. military will focus on making satellites more resilient to attack, however, rather than developing offensive weapons, said Hoggatt.

• Tense regional relationships could be particularly unpredictable. For example, if North Korean leaders found themselves in a standoff with South Korea and the U.S., they might launch and detonate a nuclear weapon in space where the radiation would disable most satellites. The U.N. and other international groups – including SWF and the Outer Space Institute, a global research organization based in British Columbia – are working to avoid such scenarios.

• Existing international laws offer little guidance. While the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963 and the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 prohibit weapons of mass destruction in space, they don’t explicitly limit other kinds of space weapons, tests, or military space forces. So until non-interference rules involving space weaponry are hammered out, unexpected satellite tests will inevitably fuel speculation and paranoia.


On April 22, after several failed attempts, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps announced a successful launch of what it described as a military reconnaissance satellite. That satellite joined a growing list of weapons and military systems in orbit, including those from Russia (which in April tested a missile program designed to destroy satellites) and India (which launched an anti-satellite weapon in March 2019).

Experts like Brian Weeden, director of program planning at the Secure World Foundation (SWF), a nonpartisan think tank based in Broomfield, Colorado, worry that these developments—all confirmed by the newly rebranded United States Space Force—threaten to lift earthly conflicts to new heights and put all space activities, peaceful and military alike, at risk. Researchers at SWF and at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a nonpartisan think tank in Washington, D.C., both released reports this year on the rapidly evolving state of affairs. The reports suggest that the biggest players in space have upgraded their military abilities, including satellite-destroying weapons and technologies that disrupt spacecraft, by, for instance, blocking data collection or transmission.

Many of these technologies, if deployed, could ratchet up an arms race and even spark a skirmish in space, the SWF and CSIS researchers caution. Blowing up a single satellite scatters debris throughout the atmosphere, said Weeden, co-editor of the SWF report. Such an explosion could hurl projectiles in the paths of other spacecraft and threaten the accessibility of space for everyone.

“Those are absolutely the two best reports to be looking at to get a sense of what’s going on in the space community,” said David Burbach, a national security affairs expert at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, who was not involved in the new research.

Today, Burbach added, the world is very different compared with the Cold War era, when access to space was essentially limited to the United States and the Soviet Union. Many more countries now have space programs, including India, Iran, North Korea, France, Japan, and Israel.

Despite this expansion—and the array of new space weapons—relevant policies and regulatory bodies have remained stagnant. “What worries us in the international community is that there aren’t necessarily any guardrails for how people are going to start interfering with others’ space systems,” said Daniel Porras, a space security fellow at the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research in Geneva. “There are no rules of engagement.”



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Retired RAF Pilot’s Close Encounters With UFOs – One Shaped Like the Michelin Man

Article by Stephen Moyes                                    July 12, 2020                                  (thesun.co.uk)

• Retired RAF pilot Brian Burdett, 83, who flew a Prime Minister, VIPs and the public around the world in a 47-year career, has revealed his own close encounter with a UFO shaped like ‘Michelin Man’.

• In 1970, Burdett was flying a Royal Air Force VC10 at 35,000ft, in a southerly route, 25 miles north of the island of Corsica off of western Italy, when he, his co-pilot, navigator and flight engineer all saw a shiny ‘oil drum’ shaped object hovering motionless in the sky. “All four of us on the flight deck saw exactly what I saw, obviously, and agreed with my description,” said Burdett.

• Speaking for the first time about the sighting, Burdett said, “Imagine a 56 gallon oil drum, the ones that come up to your hip and have those little bulges at regular intervals; imagine Michelin Man. …[I]t was suspended in our 11 o’clock position and above us.” “We concluded it could have been a mile or several (miles away) depending on its size, whatever that was. We lost sight of it when we could crane our heads no higher.” “It was motionless relative to us.”

• Burdett reported the incident to Nice, France Air Traffic Control. Two fighter jets were scrambled to intercept the UFO but the pilots saw nothing on radar. However, a Pan-Am jetliner “reported that he could see exactly what I saw and agreed with me.”

• “It was so unnatural and out of the ordinary and beyond our normal expectations of what things are or appear to be. You had to see it to not believe it,” says Burdett. “There is no doubt in my mind” that it was extraterrestrial or something not developed on this planet.

• But as a pilot, Burdett was no stranger to encountering strange objects in the sky. In 1951, Burdett noticed a light in the sky in the distance which shot off at warp speed. In 1957, while being briefed at RAF Trimingham with some visiting pilots from Belgium, alarms sounded when radar picked up a ’white return’ on the screen. It shot in a northerly direction from Holland at a massive speed and then stopped dead, then shot out again at massive speed toward northern England. “We were immediately ushered out.”

• There have been over 3,500 documented sightings of UFOs by military, civilian and commercial airline pilots, but researchers believe many more pilots are reluctant to report them officially for fear of ridicule or damage to their careers.

• Burdett has written about his close encounters in his book, Forty-Seven Years Aloft. He says, “I’ve never believed pilots are reluctant to report strange sightings. …[T]hey would always report them, in my opinion.” Burdett’s final flight was into Los Angeles in an Airbus 340, in December 2000, having 22,500 hours in his log book.


           Brian Burdett

A retired RAF pilot who flew a Prime Minister, VIPs and the public around the world in a 47-year career has revealed

          ‘Michelin Man’

his own close encounter with a UFO shaped like ‘Michelin Man’.

Brian Burdett, 83, was flying a Royal Air Force VC10 at 35,000ft when the strange ‘oil drum’ shaped object appeared 25 miles north of Corsica.

He was en-route from RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus to RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire and was carrying RAF service personnel and their families to and from Singapore. They were daily flights.

Brian, who was acting Squadron Leader, was left baffled by the object which looked like a bright shiny oil drum.

Speaking for the first time about the sighting, he said: “Imagine a 56 gallon oil drum, the ones that come up to your hip and have those little bulges at regular intervals; imagine Michelin Man.

“Imagine also that it was not black or dirty but shining bright with an immense glare. It was suspended in our 11 o’clock position and above us.

“In real terms, had it been the real thing its apparent size put it 20 feet away but the inability to sense its relative distance was eerie because we could not work it out.

“We concluded it could have been a mile or several depending on its size, whatever that was. We lost sight of it when we could crane our heads no higher.

“It was impossible to focus on it in any normal way. The impression was that it could have been any size and at any distance. As I said, it was eerie.It was motionless relative to us.”

He reported the incident to Nice ATC and two fighter jets were scrambled to intercept the UFO but the pilots saw nothing on radar.



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No Longer in the Shadows, Pentagon’s UFO Unit Will Make Some Findings Public

Article by Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean                               July 23, 2020                             (nytimes.com)

• The ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force’ is a program that appears in an unclassified US Senate budget report. Its function, however, which is to research sightings of unexplained aerial vehicles (i.e.: UFOs), is classified. Operating under the Office of Naval Intelligence, the Task Force is the latest incarnation of a previous covert Defense Intelligence Agency UFO research program said to have been ‘disbanded’ in 2012. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has taken notice of this covert program and is requiring the Navy to reveal at least ‘some’ findings to the public as part of the proposed Intelligence Authorization Act.

• Florida Senator Marco Rubio is the acting chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Rubio told CBS Miami that he wanted to get to the bottom of these Navy UFO videos because there are reports of unidentified aircraft over American military bases and we need to know if China or Russia has made “some technological leap”. (see first of three short videos below)

• The former head of the previous DIA UFO research program, known as the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’, Luis Elizondo is among a small group of former government officials and scientists with security clearances who say they are convinced that objects of undetermined origin have crashed on Earth and that extraterrestrial material have been retrieved for study. According to participants and unclassified briefing documents, this military UFO program has been briefing congressional committees, aerospace company executives and other government officials.

• Former Senate majority leader Harry Reid of Nevada pushed to fund the previous Pentagon UFO program in 2007. After reviewing reports from that program, Reid came to the conclusion that crashes of objects of unknown origin may have occurred, and “there were actual materials that the government and the private sector had in their possession” that should be studied. As yet, no crash artifacts have been publicly verified as being extraterrestrial in origin.

• Eric W. Davis is an astrophysicist who has worked with these government UFO programs since 2007. Although he could not offer any hard evidence of classified alien artifacts, Davis said that he had provided classified briefings to the DoD as recently as last March about retrievals of “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.” Davis also gave classified briefings on retrievals of ‘unexplained objects’ to Senate Armed Services Committee staff and to Senate Intelligence Committee staff in October 2019.

• In a June interview, President Trump told his son Donald Jr. that he knew “very interesting” things about Roswell but demurred when asked if he would declassify any information on Roswell. “I’ll have to think about that one,” he said, coyly.

[Editor’s Note]  Check out the three videos below. The first is a report on acting chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, talking about the ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force’ from ‘Rising with Krystal and Saagar’. The two and a half minute clip features footage of the three famous Navy UFO videos. The second video is a five minute clip from Fox News of Tucker Carlson talking to Leslie Kean, the NY Times article’s co-writer, on how the government is inexplicably indifferent to legitimate UFO sightings. (Can you say “cover-up”?) The third is a five minute video of Dr Michael Salla’s take on the article and Carlson’s interview with Kean. Dr Salla stresses a point made in the article that the US military and private aerospace defense contractors have been successfully reverse-engineering extraterrestrial craft for decades. This is particularly true with the US Air Force’s sizable secret space program.

Dr Salla wonders how the so-called experts in academia, media, government and the military, who have parroted the deep state’s false position that extraterrestrial UFOs simply don’t exist, are feeling now as they are confronted with the reality that they have been kept from knowing the truth all of these years, while they smugly spread their “tin foil hat” disinformation. To quote Dr Salla, “This is very important breakthrough. Millions of people are now waking up to a different reality. This has been a seismic shift.”


                 Senator Marco Rubio

Despite Pentagon statements that it disbanded a once-covert program to investigate unidentified flying objects, the effort remains underway —

                 Eric W. Davis

renamed and tucked inside the Office of Naval Intelligence, where officials continue to study mystifying encounters between military pilots and unidentified aerial vehicles.

Pentagon officials will not discuss the program, which is not classified but deals with classified matters. Yet it appeared last month in a Senate committee report outlining spending on the nation’s intelligence agencies for the coming year. The report said the program, the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force, was “to standardize collection and reporting” on sightings of unexplained aerial vehicles, and was to report at least some of its findings to the public within 180 days after passage of the intelligence authorization act.

   Fmr Senator Harry Reid

While retired officials involved with the effort — including Harry Reid, the former Senate majority leader — hope the program will seek evidence of vehicles from other worlds, its main focus is on discovering whether another nation, especially any potential adversary, is using breakout aviation technology that could threaten the United States.

Senator Marco Rubio, the Florida Republican who is the acting chairman of the Senate Select Committee on

                         Luis Elizondo

Intelligence, told a CBS affiliate in Miami this month that he was primarily concerned about reports of unidentified aircraft over American military bases — and that it was in the government’s interest to find out who was responsible.

He expressed concerns that China or Russia or some other adversary had made “some technological leap” that “allows them to conduct this sort of activity.”

Mr. Rubio said some of the unidentified aerial vehicles over U.S. bases possibly exhibited technologies not in the American arsenal. But he also noted: “Maybe there is a completely, sort of, boring explanation for it. But we need to find out.”

In 2017, The New York Times disclosed the existence of a predecessor unit, called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. Defense Department officials said at the time that the unit and its $22 million in funding had lapsed after 2012.

People working with the program, however, said it was still in operation in 2017 and beyond, statements later confirmed by the Defense Department.

The program was begun in 2007 under the Defense Intelligence Agency and was then placed within the office of the undersecretary of defense for intelligence, which remains responsible for its oversight. But its coordination with the intelligence community will be carried out by the Office of Naval Intelligence, as described in the Senate budget bill. The program never lapsed in those years, but little was disclosed about the post-2017 operations.

2:31 minute clip from ‘Krystal and Saagar’ on Marco Rubio and Navy UFOs (‘The Hill’ YouTube)


5:04 minute video of Tucker Carlson and Leslie Kean on legit UFOs (‘Wise Wanderer’ YouTube)


5:14 minute video of Dr Michael Salla’s take on the NYT article (‘Michael Salla’ YouTube)



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Sen Marco Rubio: It Might Be Better if the UFOs Are Aliens

Article by Jazz Shaw                               July 18, 2020                              (hotair.com)

• Last month, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence offered a bill that, if passed, would direct the Pentagon to issue a public report on what the government knows about UFOs. Florida Senator Marco Rubio (pictured above) is the acting head of that committee. When interviewed by Jim DeFade for CBS Miami on July 16th, DeFade asked Rubio if he thought there were non-human aliens in our galaxy visiting the Earth. Rubio first answered the question seriously in terms of national defense.

• But then Rubio said “Look, (here’s) the interesting thing for me about all this and the reason why I think it’s an important topic, OK? We have things flying over our military bases and places where we’re conducting military exercises, and we don’t know what it is, and it isn’t ours. So, that’s a legitimate question to ask.”

• “I would say that, frankly, if it’s something outside this planet, that might actually be better than the fact that we’ve seen some technological leap on behalf of the Chinese or the Russians or some other adversary that allows them to conduct this sort of activity,” said Rubio. “But the bottom line is: If there are things flying over your military bases and you don’t know what they are because they’re not yours, and they exhibit, potentially, technologies that you don’t have at your own disposal, that to me is a national security risk and one that we should be looking into.”

• Interestingly, Rubio did not even consider the possibility that the high tech UFOs we’ve seen may have been developed within America’s own black budget Special Access Programs that he might not know about it.

• Then DeFade hit him with a broad question: “What’s your gut? Are we alone in the universe, or is there something else out there?” Rubio sidestepped the question, simply calling it a ‘phenomenon’. “It’s unexplained,” said Rubio. I just want to know what it is, and if we can’t determine what it is, then that’s a fact point that we need to take into account. I wouldn’t venture to speculate beyond that.”

• The argument against wanting it to be aliens is that means that we are sharing our space with beings that are vastly technologically superior to us. These things have been with us at least since the Nimitz encounters of 2004, but probably much longer. During the Vietnam War, American fighter pilots reported seeing identical things in their airspace. (see video below) If the aliens were going to attack us, they could have done it long ago, with impunity.

• But if these things represent the type of technology possessed by the Russians or the Chinese, then that’s not an ideal situation either. If the Russians indeed had this sort of technology, wouldn’t they have used it to end the Cold War conclusively in their favor? And if it’s our own gear, why haven’t we broken it out yet and dominated our adversaries? Also, if we have anti-gravity technology, why are we still burning fossil fuels to get around?


As we discussed last month, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has released a bill which, if passed, would direct the Pentagon to get their act together on the UFOs our military has been chasing around in our airspace and issue a report on what’s going on and make it available to the public. The acting head of that committee is Florida Senator Marco Rubio, so he’s been receiving a lot of predictable media attention on this subject. From everything I’ve seen, Rubio has been taking the question in an admirably serious fashion and not ducking away from opportunities to comment. One of those cropped up this week, when he was interviewed by investigative journalist Jim DeFade for CBS Miami.

   a UFO image captured by a US Navy jet

DeFade didn’t pull any punches, directly asking the Senator of he thought there were actually aliens in our galaxy and if we might not be alone. Rubio keeps a serious tone, discussing the possibility of a threat to national security as represented by these strange craft. But he then goes on to offer a rather startling opinion as to their origin. While not directly invoking the word “aliens,” he says that if it’s “something outside this planet,” that might be better than finding out that the Chinese or the Russians have gotten a huge leap on us in the technology race.

“Look, here’s the interesting thing for me about all this and the reason why I think it’s an important topic, OK? We have things flying over our military bases and places where we’re conducting military exercises, and we don’t know what it is, and it isn’t ours. So, that’s a legitimate question to ask,” Rubio said in a Thursday interview with Jim DeFede of CBS4 News in Miami. “I would say that, frankly, that if it’s something outside this planet, that might actually be better than the fact that we’ve seen some technological leap on behalf of the Chinese or the Russians or some other adversary that allows them to conduct this sort of activity.”

Rubio added: “But the bottom line is: If there are things flying over your military bases and you don’t know what they are because they’re not yours, and they exhibit, potentially, technologies that you don’t have at your own disposal, that to me is a national security risk and one that we should be looking into.”



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Interview Recording Surfaces in Mississippi Alien Abduction Case

Article by Brian Broom                                July 13, 2020                             (dnj.com)

• On Oct. 11, 1973, Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson were fishing on the bank of the Pascagoula River in Pascagoula, Mississippi when the men claimed that they were abducted by floating, lobster-clawed aliens. They immediately reported the incident to the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office. During their initial interview, Sheriff Fred Diamond and Captain Glenn Ryder secretly recorded the conversation.  (find link to 30:38 minute Sheriff’s recording in Editor’s Note below)

• The ‘secret audio tape’ was kept on file at the Sheriff’s Office. Earlier this year, Parker had been speaking with a Pascagoula police officer. “I’d been talking with him on the internet. He just showed up at my house,” said Parker. The officer gave Parker copies of the secret recording. The police officer told Parker that he had fielded roughly 50 phone calls that same night from people claiming to have seen something unusual in the sky.

• “When I sat down and listened to it, it hit me how real all of this was,” Parker said. Parker was not aware at the time that he and Hickson’s conversation was being recorded. “It kind of choked me up a little bit. I’d never heard it — not the full recording — just the piece where Charlie and I were locked in the room and they walked out. I was surprised they had the whole thing on tape.”

• News of the event thrust the two men into the media spotlight. Parker tried to distance himself from unwanted attention. But later on, Parker felt he needed to tell his story and he published a book in 2018 detailing his experience. Now, the 47-year-old story continues with release of the interview recording.

• In a 2018 interview with the Clarion Ledger newspaper, Parker recalled that he noticed blue light reflecting off the water. When Parker looked up, “a big light came out of the clouds.” The light was coming from a craft like nothing he’d ever seen. “[I]t looked like it was shaped like a football,” said Parker. “[J]ust estimating, (it was) about 80-foot. (It made) very little sound. It was just a hissing noise.” Then three legless creatures floated from the craft. One had no neck with gray wrinkled skin. Another had a neck and appeared more feminine. Parker described their hands as being shaped like mittens or crab claws.

• One of the creatures put a claw around Parker’s arm. At first he was terrified, but then another feeling came over his body. “I think they injected us with something to calm us down,” Parker said. “I was kind of numb and went along with the program.” The creatures held his and Hickson’s arms and floated them into the craft where examinations were performed on the two. Then they were returned to the bank of the river.

• Hickson, who has since died, tried to explain what happened and what he saw during the 1973 sheriff’s interview, including going into the craft. “[T]hey glided me into that thing,” Hickson said. “All of us moved like we were floating through air. When I got in there they had me. …There were no seats, no chain, they just moved me around. I couldn’t resist them. I just floated, felt no sensation, no pain. They kept me in that position a little while, then they’d raise me back up.”

• Hickson tried to describe a machine the creatures used for the medical examination. “No, it wasn’t like no x-ray machine. There ain’t no way to describe it. It looked like an eye, like a big eye. It had some kind of an attachment to it. It moved. It looked like a big eye and it went all over my body, up and down. And then they left me.”

• Hickson described the aliens as being about five feet tall with a single ‘leg and foot-like appendage’ without toes. He said they had what appeared to be ears, a nose and a mouth, but none of the features looked human. He was so scared he couldn’t remember if they had eyes, or the details about leaving the craft. “The only thing I remember is that kid, Calvin, just standing there,” Hickson said. “I’ve never seen that sort of fear on a man’s face as I saw on Calvin’s. “It took me a while to get him back to his senses.”

• Captain Ryder, now retired, didn’t believe any of Hickson’s story. “I wasn’t really impressed with them,” Ryder said. “You have people trying to get notoriety and I thought they were trying to get notoriety with a spaceship.” So while Parker and Hickson were alone, the officers left the hidden audio recorder on. What was recorded changed Ryder’s mind. The two talked about fear, sleeplessness and needing to see a doctor among other things. Hickson can be heard in the recording saying, “Jesus Christ, God have mercy, I thought I’d been through enough of Hell on this earth and now I’ve got to go through something like this, see.” Hickson said. “But …they could have harmed us, son. They had us. They could have done anything to us, but they didn’t hurt me.”

• The 18 year old Parker, however, spoke mainly about his anxiety. “I just want to cry right now,” Parker said in the recording. “What’s so damn bad about it is nobody’s going to believe us. I got to get home and get to bed and take some nervous pills or something, see a doctor or something. I can’t stand this. I’m about to go all to pieces. I can’t sleep like it is. I’m damn near crazy.” Ryder said, “He was genuinely scared. He was telling Charlie, ‘Don’t talk to the deputies. They’ll come back and get us.’ They didn’t make it up. I can guarantee that.”

[Editor’s Note]   Listen to 11:20 minute audio of Calvin Parker’s hypnosis session with Budd Hopkins in 1974 below. Also, check out these three previous ExoArticles on the 1973 Pascagoula abduction incident here, here and here.

Listen to the 30:38 minute Pascagoula Sheriff’s audio recording of Hickson and Parker just after the lobster-clawed alien creature abducted them in 1973.


      a young Calvin Parker

It’s been 47 years since Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson contacted the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office claiming

sketch of clawed alien creature

they were abducted by aliens. Recently, a recording, said to be made that night of what they told Sheriff Fred Diamond and Capt. Glenn Ryder, has surfaced.

“It was about the time the coronavirus hit,” Parker, of Moss Point, said of when he received two copies of the recording. “I’d been talking with him on the internet. He just showed up at my house.”

Parker explained the man who gave him copies of the recording was an officer with the Pascagoula Police Department on the night the abduction occurred, but does not want to be identified. Parker said the officer was involved because he fielded roughly 50 phone calls that night from people claiming to have seen something unusual in the sky.

“When I sat down and listened to it, it hit me how real all of this was,” Parker said. “It kind of choked me up a little bit.

Charles Hickson on the bank of the Pascagoula River

“I’d never heard it — not the full recording — just the piece where Charlie and I were locked in the room and they walked out. I was surprised they had the whole thing on tape.”

At the time, Parker said he did not know there was a recorder in the room.

“I had no idea,” Parker said. “Apparently, Charlie didn’t, either. They was all hid.”

The interview took place on Oct. 11, 1973 after Parker and Hickson claimed they were abducted by aliens while fishing from the bank of the Pascagoula River. News of the event thrust the two into the media spotlight and put the town of Pascagoula on the map. It was unwanted attention for Parker, who tried to distance himself from it.

However, events in Parker’s life led him to feel he needed to tell his story and he published a book in 2018 detailing his experience. Once again, the event became the center of attention for many and Clarion Ledger published stories about the book and other people claiming to have witnessed unidentified objects in the sky that night.

Now, the 47-year-old story continues with release of the interview recording.

‘It was a blinding light’

In a 2018 interview with the Clarion Ledger, Parker said he noticed blue light reflecting off the water and his initial thought was law enforcement officers had arrived to tell the two fishermen they needed to leave the property. However, when Parker looked up, he realized the light was coming from a craft like nothing he’d ever seen.

“A big light came out of the clouds,” Parker said. “It was a blinding light.

“It was hard to tell with the lights so bright, but it looked like it was shaped like a football. I would say, just estimating, (it was) about 80-foot. (It made) very little sound. It was just a hissing noise.”

Parker said three legless creatures floated from the craft. One had no neck with gray wrinkled skin. Another had a neck and appeared more feminine. Parker described their hands as being shaped like mittens or crab claws.

11:20 minute audio of Parker’s hypnosis with Budd Hopkins in 1974 (‘UFO History’ YouTube)



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The Mystery of An Alien Abduction Still Captures the Imagination

Article by Joanna Jasinska                               July 11, 2020                                 (thefirstnews.com)

• On May 10, 1978, 71-year-old Jan Wolski was driving a horse-drawn carriage home to his farm in the small village of Emilcin in southwest Poland. Suddenly, two small beings with olive skin, webbed hands and slanting eyes appeared next to him and, speaking in a language Wolski didn’t recognise, led him to a small clearing where a white UFO craft, about half the size of a bus, was hovering five metres above the ground.

• Wolski told a pair of journalists shortly after the incident that at this point, “I tied my horse, then got off and went after [the beings] toward that machine. There was a tiny elevator of some kind… [O]ne of [the beings] went up and put his foot inside this craft. I followed him and was rapidly carried up to the entrance of the craft.” “They indicated that I had to undress,” Wolski continued. “Well, when I was partially undressed (above my waist) but then I received an order to undress completely. So I took off my shoes.”

• “One of the beings then appeared in front of me with an appliance in the form of two dishes combined in its hand,” said Wolski. “[The being] held ‘the saucers’ to my front, then turned me around holding my arm slightly. Then he raised my arm up and began to do something at my side with those plates… then from behind and on the other side. Then he indicated that I should get dressed, and as I did this I looked around but there were neither windows nor lights visible.” Wolski was politely let go.

• This is the account that Wolski told friends and family. When word got around and people went to the site of the abduction, they found strange footprints all over the clearing. The flying saucer was nowhere to be found. But a local boy, Adam Popiołek, also saw the alien craft and alerted his mother about a falling plane.

• Shortly after the event, different family members started to fall ill. One of Wolski’s sons, Edward, died in mysterious circumstances three years later – his body was found in a nearby forest. Today, the Wolski farm is abandoned.

• Researchers and journalists have tried to unravel the mystery of Emilcin. Krzysztof Drozd, the author of Emilcin 197 – In Search of Truth, and publicist Bartosz Rdułtowski re-examined all the research documentation and suggested that the case could have been a hoax. There were some inconsistencies in the first investigation, and a tendency to look for confirmation rather than evidence.

• Today, a UFO memorial stands in Emilcin, featuring a cube balanced on a plinth, to commemorate the alien abduction. It still attracts tourists and extraterrestrial enthusiasts. A time capsule is buried next to the monument to be opened in 3011.


      drawing of one of the alien beings

Tucked away in the quiet village of Emilcin in south-eastern Poland is a unique memorial. Featuring a

                             Jan Wolski

cube balanced on a plinth it commemorates an alleged alien abduction that whisked a local farmer away in a UFO.

Just what happened on May 10, 1978 to 71-year-old Jan Wolski is still a source of intense debate about whether or not it was a close encounter of the third kind.

On that day Wolski was on his way home, driving a horse-drawn carriage. All of a sudden, two small beings with olive skin, webbed hands and slanting eyes apparently appeared next to him and led him to a small clearing, where a UFO was waiting.

 drawing of the the alien craft

Speaking in a language the farmer didn’t recognise, the creatures took him to a white craft which was about half the size of a bus and happened to hovering five metres above the ground. Once inside he was examined by the strange visitors.

Two journalists, Krystyna Adamska and Henryk Pomorski, spoke to Wolski shortly after the extraordinary event. “I tied my horse, then got off and went after them [the beings] toward that machine,” the farmer said in the interview. “There was a tiny elevator of some kind for two people to hold – maybe it couldn’t carry two large people but it surely could slight people… And then one of them went up and put his foot inside this craft. I followed him and was rapidly carried up to the entrance of the craft.

“They indicated that I had to undress,” he continued. “Well, when I was partially undressed (above my waist) but then I received an order to undress completely. So I took off my shoes. One of the beings then appeared in front of me with an appliance in the form of two dishes combined in its hand.

“He held ‘the saucers’ to my front, then turned me around holding my arm slightly. Then he raised my arm up and began to do something at my side with those plates… then from behind and on the other side. Then he indicated that I should get dressed, and as I did this I looked around but there were neither windows nor lights visible.”



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Scottish ‘X-Files’ Kept Secret for Years by CIA Are Released

Article by Andy Shipley                               July 17, 2020                              (dailyrecord.co.uk)

• Declassified CIA documents have revealed “the global scope of CIA activities and the evolution of its interests… from assessments of the Soviet economy, to public perception of the Vietnam War abroad, to perceived communist influence in Latin America, to the rise of the terrorist threat, and more eccentric issues like UFOs and psychists,” said an expert in intelligence and international security at the University of Glasgow, Damien Van Puyvelde. “All of these can be linked to the broader context of the Cold War.”

• In particular, the documents show the extent that the American CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) have kept tabs on Scotland. Some of the weirdest records relate to the controversial Stargate program, which is credited for influencing the 2009 movie: The Men Who Stare at Goats, starring George Clooney and Ewan McGregor, in which US special forces attempt to harness paranormal powers as a weapon – by trying to explode the hearts of animals just by looking at them.

• A 1964 report by the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) research group lists UFO sightings across the globe and includes a mysterious case in Wigtownshire on April 4, 1957 when three Scottish radar posts tracked a UFO that “dove and circled” at between 60,000 and 14,000ft. Wing Commander and eyewitness, W P Whitworth, is quoted as saying, “Quite definitely this was no freak. It was an object of some substance and no mistake could have been made.” The report’s recommendations include boosting attempts to communicate with extraterrestrials and even drafting ‘space law’ to govern how humans interact with ET. “On the basis of the evidence in this report, NICAP has concluded that UFOs are real and that they appear to be intelligently controlled. We believe that it is a reasonable hypothesis that UFOs… are manifestations of extraterrestrial life.”

• In the 1980s, the CIA took an interest in the work of leading Edinburgh University parapsychologist Deborah Delanoy. With a hidden camera, Delanoy exposed a 17-year-old self-proclaimed metal-bender named Tim as a fake. A report reveals that “Tim confessed to deceptive behavior. He said that he was a practicing magician who had wished to see if it were possible for a magician to pose successfully as a psychic in a laboratory.” According to Van Puyvelde, the CIA took an interest in the Scottish spoon-bending teen after rumors that the Soviet Union was interested in psychics in the 1970s. “The CIA’s own conclusion by the mid-1990s was that the entire program was not useful to its operations.”

• On December 21, 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was brought down over the Scottish village of Lockerbie. By 1990, the investigation was still ongoing and it would be another year until two Libyans were indicted. According to CIA notes, on June 7, 1990, a psychic was tasked with describing a photo of the reconstructed baggage carrier which held the plane’s bomb. In 22 pages of scrawled notes and sketches, the psychic revealed: “There is a bomb in the box and it explodes. It makes me think of a bomb blowing up a person. I can see red, fire and jagged flames. Something about the target makes my eyes burn.”

• Another pair of ‘secret’ reports from August 1951, shows how meticulously US intelligence monitored the industrial output within the Soviet bloc to detect any military or technological use. The reports focused on the production of screws and bolts in what was then Czechoslovakia. An order from 1950 was made for ‘one tonne of two-pointed rivets imported to Prague from Dieck’s Ltd in Glasgow’. The CIA found it suspicious that “There is a complete lack of all sizes of winged screws. There are none at all in stock”. An evaluation of the material was ordered.

• A memo marked ‘confidential’ from August 6, 1964 – the day after a report was made to Congress on the notorious (and later debunked) Gulf of Tonkin incident which led to the US escalation of the Vietnam War – examined Scotland’s reaction to US retaliatory airstrikes in North Vietnam. The memo said that the escalating crisis in South East Asia was front page news in the UK – with most media backing US action. “The only anti-American incident reported was in Glasgow where demonstrators daubed slogans outside the US consulate.”

• A terrorism review from 1983 delves into a rise in letter bombs in the UK by groups such as the Scottish National Liberation Army. The report was deemed so sensitive, it was only released in 2010 in a “sanitized” form. The review identifies targets of letter bombs sent in 1982 to include government offices in both Edinburgh and Glasgow, unnamed political party headquarters, and the offices of the British Industry Secretary and the Prime Minister in London. They conclude: “In the attacks to date, the letter bombs have contained only small amounts of explosives, probably to avoid personal injury and to preclude discovery by security measures.”

• Another ‘secret intelligence report’ from 1984 tackles European, including Scots, support for communist regimes in Central America. With the Soviet Bloc’s “massive propaganda and disinformation” campaign, the leftist guerillas appeared to be winning the propaganda war in the west. Insurgents were coordinating their international ‘peace movement’ activities through Mexico City. “There is no way a small Central American country or even Cuba could mount a worldwide propaganda campaign of this kind,” said the report.

• Other CIA documents include an analysis of Social Democrat Roy Jenkins’ ‘Glasgow by-election’ victory in 1982, overturning a Tory majority; a ‘terrorist’ attack on the US consulate in Edinburgh with three “gasoline” bombs hurled against the building; and Pakistan’s move into a Scottish and Indian dominated jute fiber production industry.

• Van Puyvelde notes that, “Overall, it is quite remarkable that the CIA is making all of this material available online. By comparison, the (British) Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) does not make its records available at The National Archives or its website. This is a missed opportunity to improve public understanding of intelligence.”


Incredible evidence has emerged of the extent that American CIA agents have kept tabs on Scotland.

Declassified documents range from paranormal research to political intrigue – lifting the lid on the Scots ‘X-files’.

Dusty files locked away include UFO sightings, psychic powers and Cold War espionage over decades of spy games.

         Damien Van Puyvelde

Some of the weirdest records relate to the controversial Stargate programme which has long fascinated conspiracy theorists.

The shadowy work was widely credited for influencing the 2009 movie The Men Who Stare at Goats – starring George Clooney and Ewan McGregor.

In the film, US special forces attempt to harness paranormal powers as a weapon – by trying to explode the hearts of animals just by looking at them.

 Deborah Delanoy

Lecturer in intelligence and international security at the University of Glasgow Damien Van Puyvelde said: “The references reflect the global scope of CIA activities and the evolution of its interests.

“From assessments of the Soviet economy, to public perception of the Vietnam War abroad, to perceived communist influence in Latin America, to the rise of the terrorist threat, and more eccentric issues like UFOs and psychists.

“All of these can be linked to the broader context of the Cold War.”

Buried in the historical files is a 1964 report by the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena research group – which included retired armed services chiefs.

Kept in closed CIA files for nearly 40 years, the 186-page document lists UFO sightings across the globe and includes a mysterious case in Wigtownshire on April 4, 1957.

It tells how three radar posts tracked a UFO which “dove and circled” at between 60,000 and 14,000ft.

The close encounter was described by Wing Commander W P Whitworth, based in Scotland, as: “Quite definitely this was no freak.
“It was an object of some substance and no mistake could have been made.”



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‘Templar’ Sign In French Cornfield Attracts Thousands Of Tourists

Article by Aanchal Nigam                                 July 14, 2020                               (republicworld.com)

• On July 5th, in a Vimy field near Lens (in northern France), farmer Gerard Bernoit was astonished to find an elaborate crop formation in his wheat field. At first, Bernoit first only noticed some ears of corn lying on the ground and figured someone had vandalized the farm overnight. He didn’t imagine it could be a crop circle, because ‘they only see crop circles in movies’. The crop formation covers 300 square meters of corn/wheat that was supposed to be harvested the following week.

• Bernoit posted images of the giant crop circle on his social media without understanding what it actually meant. The images went viral and attracted a few curious visitors. But soon, flocks of people were coming to the field to see the crop circle which some say resembles a ‘Templar Cross’. Now it has triggered curiosity as well as the excitement of thousands of people.

• Bernoit says that several people have told him that ‘energy apparently flowed from the earth’ or that their field is ‘blessed’ and it can ‘cure multiple sclerosis’. The farmer calls these people crazy. But he admits to being overwhelmed by the attention while also stressing on the fact that the field is ‘private property’. “We have more people in our field than in our farm store,” says Bernoit. He has taken down the images he posted on Facebook.


In a rather shocking incident, a giant crop circle appeared out of the blue in Northern France and is now responsible for drawing people in huge flocks to witness the phenomenon. According to reports, the giant ‘templar’ sign appeared earlier this month on July 5 in a Vimy field near Lens and has triggered curiosity as well as the excitement of thousands of people.

The farmer who is the owner of the crops where the mysterious formation appeared, Gerard Bernoit reportedly said that he initially just thought the crops had been damaged because they only see crop circles in movies.

Bernoit had posted the images of the crop circle on his social media without the understanding of what it actually meant. However, the images not only went viral, but they also managed to attract several curious visitors. According to reports, the French farmer has explained that he first noticed the ears of corn lying on the ground and figured someone vandalised the farms overnight until they learnt about ‘crop circles’. Even though according to the family it is still ‘vandalism of crops’ but his son, Nicolas Bernoit noted ‘it’s good for once’.



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Yorkshire UK’s Strange Sightings Found in Secret UFO Files

Article by James Campbell                                July 11, 2020                                (hulldailymail.co.uk)

• Over the past few years, Britain’s Ministry of Defence has released many of its UFO files. Historian Mike Covell has summarized some of the reports emanating from Yorkshire in northeastern England.

• In July 1967, citizens in and around East Yorkshire (northeast England) watched a strange light in the sky moving east toward the coastline. The staff on a pirate radio ship off of the coast there also saw the light above their vessel and reported it live on air. Three thousand pirate radio listeners called in to say that they too were watching the UFO.

• In January 1967, residents of Hull in northeast Yorkshire UK reported seeing strange red lights over the city. The red lights were never identified, and were blamed on balloons.

• Also in July 1967, a physicist professor from the University of Hull saw a bright white light land in a field near Welton (in northeast Yorkshire). He felt a vibration and heard a buzzing noise. The intensity of the light was so bright that he had to shield his eyes. Then the object became airborne and headed over the nearby waterway. The sighting remains a mystery.

• In 1975, a saucer-shaped UFO craft reportedly landed on The Oval on Garden Village in Hull, UK. Residents were told that it was a gas explosion and they had to be evacuated. The residents suspected a cover-up, and were told by the military to keep quiet about it. The Ministry of Defence were forced to make a statement denying any cover-up.

• In October 1986, a resident in the Bransholme section of Hull, UK reported seeing a strange half-moon shaped object, much larger than a passenger aircraft, curved on the uppermost section, with a red light on the side, and emitting a white glow. The sighting was reported to the police who referred it to the Ministry of Defence. Twenty witnesses saw the craft move east to west, then back to the east, then hovered and vanished.

• In January 1987, after seeing the bright light vanish, residents of Bransholme reported seeing a bright red circular object which was closely followed by a thick trail of black smoke moving in a westerly direction on a clear evening. Humberside Police took the report and forwarded it to the Ministry of Defence.

• On February 26 1988 at 4am, a Hull resident saw a large craft with red and orange flashing lights flying south during a snowstorm. It too was reported to the Humberside Police.

• On December 10, 1988 at 7:45am, a small aircraft with a ‘glow around it’ was reported to Humberside Police, and was also spotted by two Hessle police officers. It was reported to the Royal Air Force.

• On July 12, 1989, witnesses reported seeing a stationary bright white object which then changed to red and traveled from Hull to nearby Humber. The single craft was then joined by five other lights that began to circle it. It was reported to Humberside Police who forwarded it to the Ministry of Defence.
• On September 5, 1989, a several witnesses saw a bright craft over the village of Keyingham and reported the incident to Humberside Police. At 1:20am, the UFO hovered for twenty minutes, flashing twice per second. It was reported to the Ministry of Defence.

• In November 1996, witnesses saw a series of strange balls of orange light spotted across the city of Hull. The lights weaved in and out of formation, circling each other as they flew from the north to the south. It was reported to the Humberside Police and was blamed on Chinese lanterns.
• In July 1990 just before midnight, a resident of Hessle reported seeing a triangular shaped craft circling over their house for 45 minutes. It had a square rear end and was constantly emitting a bright light as it moved. Then it hovered over their house for thirty minutes before ‘shooting off vertically’. It was reported to Humberside Police who could see the craft on its closed circuit tv. They forwarded it to the Ministry of Defence.

• Over several nights in July 1997, numerous eyewitnesses across Hull reported to Humberside Police seeing a series of silent, triangular craft in the sky over the Humber Estuary. At least nine people spoke to newspaper reporters at the Hull Daily Mail of seeing the craft. The first sighting took place at 7.30pm on July 25th, with reports coming in all night and for many days after, with the final sighting coming on August 4. The craft moved from west to east and headed toward the North Sea. One eyewitness watched the craft through binoculars. Another stated seeing similar craft over Hull on at least four occasions that year. A second sighting on July 26th described a silver cigar shaped object with sharp pointed wings and a red light on one side with a green light on the other. moving at a steady speed. Explanations included mass hallucinations, weather balloons, blimps, and Chinese lanterns.

• On July 26 2013, the Hull Daily Mail reported a UFO sighting over eastern Hull. A woman described the object as bright and almost fan shaped, about half the size of the moon. The object moved in a clockwise direction, rotating round and round, then dropped sharply to the earth, before rising again.


Hull maybe deemed the end of the line but it has proven a popular destination for alien visitors.

There have been a surprising number of sightings over the last 50 or 60 years with flying discs and curious bright lights being spotted across East Yorkshire’s open skies.

Some sightings can easily be explained away as satellites, airplanes or weather phenomenon.

These days such reports could now be drones and we have more ambitious satellite projects such as Elon Muck’s Starlink which has them positioned in a line.

But other sightings are more challenging to rationalise.

In the last few years the Ministry of Defence has released many of its UFO files and local historian Mike Covell delved into the online reports ton find out more.

Mass sighting

During July 1967, a number of people as far and wide as Hull, Bridlington, Hornsea, and Withernsea, saw a strange light in the sky, which moved towards the coast.

Staff on a pirate radio ship saw it above their vessel and reported it live on air, with thousands of callers calling in to state they could also see the craft.
By the end of the show, 3,000 listeners reported seeing it but it was never identified.

That was a bumper year for sightings around the world, but locally they started in January when Hull residents witnessed strange red lights over the Humber and across the city.

The coastguard confirmed they were not responsible for the lights and even launched to see if it was a stricken vessel in the Humber but nothing was found.

Others claimed the sighting was nothing more than a balloon.

Professor’s brief encounter of the third kind

The village of Welton was the scene of a bizarre encounter in July 1967.

A physicist professor from the University of Hull saw a bright white light land in a field near Welton.

He felt a vibration and heard a buzzing noise. He shielded his eyes because of the intensity of the light and next saw it airborne and heading across the Humber. The sighting was never fully explained away and remains a mystery.



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We Are in a Space Race That America Needs to Win

Article by Richard M. Harrison and Peter Garretson                          July 10. 2020                          (newsweek.com)

• The Trump administration views space as a new arena of strategic competition. The Pentagon’s recently released ‘Defense Space Strategy’ defines the space domain as “vital to our nation’s security, prosperity and scientific achievement.” Today, the space market is estimated to be $350 billion. But the US Department of Commerce says that current projections put the global space economy at $1 trillion by 2030 and $3 trillion by 2040.

• Meanwhile, American private sector space firms have reduced launch costs, making the positioning of technologies in space more feasible and affordable than ever before. New technological breakthroughs have made activities like mining asteroids achievable within a decade. But this future space economy depends on investment, which depends on security, which depends on a committed US military presence in space. The US Space Force must be capable of defending American interests against both global adversaries who would disrupt US space architecture, as well as natural threats such as asteroids and comets.

• Undoubtedly, the biggest danger is the People’s Republic of China. Beijing recognizes the value of the space domain, and is now trying in earnest to utilize space to achieve its great power ambitions. In April 2019, Dr. Namrata Goswami told the U.S.-China Economic & Security Review Commission that China had plans to become the world’s leading space power by 2045. To this end, China has already landed on the far side of the Moon and created a lunar biosphere simulation, housing inhabitants within its closed ecosystem for a year. China is developing techniques for asteroid mining, and has developed nuclear-powered shuttles for space exploration and for the industrialization of the Moon. It plans to fabricate satellites that can harness energy in space to become the world’s top supplier of non-carbon producing energy.

• More specifically, China plans to create space-based commercial and industrial facilities and transportation by 2021; space-based power generation by 2030; lunar mining by 2030; and asteroid mining by 2032. China could also gain advantages in areas such as artificial intelligence and cyber-related technologies, thereby increasing its war-fighting capabilities and telecommunications

• The strategic role in space to which Beijing aspires is potentially threatening to the United States, both economically and militarily. The United States will need a concrete plan to go on the strategic offensive to prevail as the planet’s dominant space power.


The Trump administration is getting serious about space. Although they have been mocked by critics ignorant of their importance, steps like the administration’s commissioning of the U.S. Space Force, its establishment of a dedicated Space Command and the creation of a dedicated space technology development arm are all signs that the White House is beginning to view space as a new arena of strategic competition. The latest sign in this regard came last month, when the Pentagon formally released its Defense Space Strategy, which defines the space domain as “vital to our nation’s security, prosperity and scientific achievement.”

       Dr. Namrata Goswami

This bold statement reflects a potentially transformative reality: that space is still a largely untapped resource. Today, the current space market is estimated to be $350 billion, but in three decades, it could be worth exponentially more. By the middle of the 21st century, both Bank of America and Merrill Lynch estimate, the space economy will be worth roughly $2.7 trillion.

American policymakers are eager to tap into that potential wealth. U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross gave a speech earlier this year at the World Economic Forum in Davos in which he noted that, “Current industry projections place the 2040 global space economy at between $1 trillion and $3 trillion. And I think we will certainly get to a trillion before 2030.” He specifically mentioned America’s near-term priorities in this domain to include lunar mining, asteroid mining and space tourism.

Industry, meanwhile, is already moving in this direction. American private sector space firms have reduced launch costs, making the positioning of technologies in space more feasible and affordable than ever before. Meanwhile, new technological breakthroughs have made activities like mining asteroids achievable within a decade.

But all of that hinges upon investor confidence, and that in turn requires security. For the space economy to expand to its full potential, tech firms and investors alike need to know that their stakes will be safeguarded by a U.S. government that is serious about space. Increasingly, American national security, and our growing list of space-based economic assets, requires a committed military presence with the capability to defend against dangerous naturally occurring phenomena (including asteroids and comets), as well as potential adversaries who are actively developing the means to disrupt, degrade and destroy vital components of the emerging U.S. space architecture.



Artwork by Dave Simonds for The Economist

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The First Ever UFO Was Seen in the Skies Above Berkshire UK

Article by Hugh Fort                                July 11, 2020                             (getreading.co.uk)

• On August 18, 1783 at around 9pm, townspeople in Berkshire (in south-central England) watched “flashes of light on the northern horizon” followed by a “roundish shiny object” as big as “half the width of the moon”. It started off still, but then began to move and became brighter. It became oblong-shaped and so bright it “illuminated the whole landscape”. Then the object developed a tail and “several luminous bodies, each with its own tail.” Then they disappeared. Reports say that, ten minutes later, witnesses from Shetland to Brussels saw the sphere become elliptical (egg-shaped) and repeatedly changed between the two shapes, high in the sky and traveling at an incredibly fast speed.

• According to a book by Duncan MacKay entitled, Bizarre Berkshire, the common explanation for the UFO was that it was a very bright meteor. But witnesses said it was travelling parallel with the earth, rather than hurtling towards it. Also, no crater was ever found.

• One witness, Tiberius Cavallo, wrote about the sighting: “It is certain of between 9.15pm and 9.30pm that night a very bright meteor, having entered the earth’s atmosphere over the open waters of the North Sea, passed along the whole eastern coast of northern Scotland and England.” Of course, in 1783, no one had ever heard of an extraterrestrial UFO craft.

• In 1783, photography was years away. A painter and Royal Academian, Paul Sandby did draw the scene for posterity. (see etching above) The incident was documented by the group of people who watched from Windsor Castle in Berkshire.


The modern world is littered with reports of UFOs.

Barely a day goes by without someone claiming they’ve seen a flying saucer as they reclined their seat in business class, or gazed into the skies above Bracknell, for example.

Tales of eerie happenings in the sky are tenfold, and most of the time are met with scepticism or, at the very least, a raised eyebrow.
Sightings have been commonplace since man took to the skies. But did you know the first recorded UFO sighting came way before the miracle of flight?

And did you know it was spotted in the skies above in Berkshire?
The brilliant book Bizarre Berkshire by Duncan MacKay, available from Reading’s Two Rivers Press, takes us way back to 1783 to tell the tale.

The world’s first UFO sighting

Photography was years away in 1783 and so the first sighting of a UFO had to be etched. It was created by painter and Royal Academian Paul Sandby after an extraordinary incident in Windsor.

It happened on August 18, at around 9pm.

People across Britain claimed to have seen it, but it was Sandby, his brother Paul, Tiberius Cavallo, Dr James Lind, Dr Lockman and two unknown women, who were in Windsor Castle at the time, who were able to document it.



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Pentagon Has ‘A Lot More’ Classified UFO Videos, Ex Head of Secret Government Program Says

Article by Aristos Georgiou                            July 10, 2020                                (newsweek.com)

• “Am I surprised that the government acknowledged the validity and the veracity of those videos? Not at all,” says Luis Elizondo (pictured above), director of government programs at ‘To The Stars Academy’, told Newsweek. “It was a matter of time. They didn’t have a choice because ultimately, the paper trail goes back to the authenticity of these videos. And anybody who does a little bit of research will recognize that they are real.” “It is truly a historical moment.”

• Last year, both the Navy and the Pentagon publicly confirmed that the three UFO videos captured by Navy pilots in 2004 and 2015 are real. “I knew they were genuine,” says Elizondo. “[A]nd there’s also a lot more (UFO video) the Pentagon currently has, unfortunately (they) remain highly classified.” And he should know. Elizondo once ran the Pentagon’s secret government UFO research project known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which helped facilitate the release of three UFO videos.

• While the veracity of the videos have been confirmed, this does mean that they show alien spacecraft. Officials simply cannot explain the phenomena in the video clips. Some experts suggest that the objects could be atmospheric effects or technical glitches in the fighter jet imaging systems. Elizondo welcomes this kind of skepticism, but says, “I would just encourage those who jump to conclusions prematurely to take in all the data that’s available, because it’s not just eyewitness testimony. It is electro-optical data from some of the most sophisticated intelligence sensors that we have on the planet. It’s also radar data all looking at the same object and coming to the same conclusion that the eyewitnesses are coming to.”

• “Let’s not forget that in today’s age of social media, anytime a (UFO) video comes out, within 24 hours someone has been able to disprove it,” notes Elizondo. “In this case, that’s never happened. They truly are anomalous.”


The Pentagon has “a lot more” highly classified videos of so-called unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP,) the ex-head of a secretive government program has said.

Luis Elizondo—who once led the U.S. government’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which was set up to investigate UAPs—helped facilitate the release of three videos showing unidentified aerial phenomena captured by Navy pilots in 2004 and 2015.

In April this year, the Department of Defense published the declassified videos online, which had already been circulating in the public domain following unauthorized releases in 2017 and 2018 by The New York Times and a company co-founded by Blink-182 singer Tom DeLonge called To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences (TTSA) that researches unidentified aerial phenomena.

Last year, Navy and Pentagon spokespeople confirmed that the videos—which show strange objects appearing to accelerate incredibly fast, travel at spectacular speeds and perform other unusual maneuvers—are real.

“Am I surprised that the government acknowledged the validity and the veracity of those videos? Not at all,” Elizondo, currently director of government programs at TTSA, told Newsweek. “It was a matter of time, they didn’t have a choice because ultimately, the paper trail goes back to the authenticity of these videos. And anybody who does a little bit of research will recognize that they are real.”



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