The Town Where Everyone Has Seen a UFO
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Article By Marc Bonomelli 28 October 2019 (vice.com)
• The small central Argentinian town of Capilla Del Monte is surrounded by mountains. The locals there believe that deep beneath the mountains is a large UFO base called “Erks”. Famous throughout southern South America, the town has been labeled “the spiritual capital of the country”.
• The many mystics, shamans and healers who are drawn to the Erks subterranean city say that it is more like a galactic base that contains an “energy portal” to accommodate inter-dimensional travel, or even time-travelers from the future. Their mission is “to herald and prepare an alliance between the universe and humankind.” Though unconfirmed, the locals claim that NASA has also built a base nearby.
• According to a local mountain guide, Claudio, this place has been sacred since time immemorial, particularly to the Comechingones Indians, an indigenous group who lived here before the arrival of the conquistadors. Says Claudio, “Legend has it that the surviving Comechingones escaped into the mountains and …disappeared without a trace. [M]any believe they went to the alien city using secret tunnels”.
• The townspeople of Capilla Del Monte tell of varied experiences of extraterrestrial or extra-dimensional activity there. On January, 9th, 1986, three locals reported seeing a huge round ship with windows land next to a nearby mountain, charring a 12-metre-long and 64-metre-wide mark in the grass. Others have reported seeing luminous spheres flying in formations, light spectres, and humanoid beings. One woman’s husband disappeared for a few days, and on his return he claimed that he had been abducted by aliens and subjected to “horrible things”.
• UFO and alien sightings are rather commonplace in South America. In the Chapada Diamantina National Park in Bahia, eastern Brazil, the locals are terrified of the “trippy” humanoid “beings coming and going from the base of the hills”.
• But the townspeople of Capilla Del Monte regard the Erks beings as wise and positive. Local mountain guide Raul describes the place as an important epicenter for the awakening of consciousness, and a spiritual refuge after the coming cataclysms. Ana Maria explains that Erks exist within a more subtle dimension than the physical world, and their technology allows them to make themselves and their ships invisible through energy frequencies. The locals can intuitively sense their presence.
• All this extraterrestrial business attracts tens of thousands of tourists to Capilla Del Monte every year. Naturally, the town holds an annual ‘Alien Festival’, and is loaded with extraterrestrial shops and bookstores, and tourist agencies offering UFO tours. There is even an observation center to look for UFOs.
• “In Capilla Del Monte,” says Claudio the mountain guide, “you have the skeptics and you have the mystics. The skeptics have to see before they believe, and the mystics have to believe before they see.”
The woman trying to sell me healing crystals couldn’t be clearer. “You have to go to Capilla Del Monte,” she says. “It’s the spiritual capital of the country.”
I’ve heard a lot about this small central Argentinian town. Its claim to fame is its apparent UFO appearances, which are so frequent that local press have given it the rather unimaginative nickname of “the town where everyone has seen a UFO”. According to locals, the reason for all the extra-terrestrial activity is an underground UFO base buried deep beneath the mountains surrounding the town, which residents call “ERKS”. Unsurprisingly, all this extraterrestrial business attracts tens of thousands of tourists to Capilla Del Monte every year.
From the Chilean desert to Nazca in Peru, local anecdotes of UFO appearances are hardly a rarity in South America. Last month, in the Brazilian state of Bahia, a hiking guide confided in me that while he feared neither jaguars nor poisonous snakes, he was terrified by the “beings coming and going from the base of the hills at Chapada Diamantina National Park” – a nature reserve in eastern Brazil. According to him, the creatures have “mixed” their DNA with that of the local population, thus explaining their “trippy” behaviour.
Although many mistake hot-air balloons and a variety of natural phenomena for flying saucers, plenty of credible witnesses have claimed to have spotted UFOs recently, like American fighter pilots, for example, who report having seen strange objects during their missions. A few months ago, Navy officials confirmed that these sightings were in fact unexplainable.
Capilla Del Monte is emblematic of the excitement surrounding UFO stories. The morning I get to the town, a local news site is reporting on a complaint filed by a panicked resident whose husband had disappeared for a few days. After returning, her husband claimed to have been abducted by aliens and subjected to “horrible things”.
The town became famous on the 9th of January, 1986, when three locals – including a child – claimed to have seen a huge round ship with windows land next to a local mountain, charring a 12-metre-long and 64-metre-wide mark in the grass. Since then, more and more people say they have seen strange things in the area, like luminous spheres flying in formations, saucers, humanoid beings and light spectres.
The town quickly figured out how to turn a profit from the attention, capitalising on UFO tourism with a yearly Alien Festival, extraterrestrial shops and bookstores, as well as tourist agencies offering UFO tours. An observation centre was also established here 21 years ago, and locals claim that NASA has a base close by, but I wasn’t able to verify that.
“In Capilla Del Monte,” explains Claudio, a mountain guide, “you have the skeptics and you have the mystics. The skeptics have to see before they believe, and the mystics have to believe before they see.” Claudio seems to fall somewhere between the two camps.
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“Erks”, Capilla Del Monte Argentina, Chapada Diamantina National Park, Comechingones Indians, extra-dimensional portal, NASA, podcast, subterranean city