Article by Nirmal Narayanan September 23, 2020 (
• In 1984, the CIA hired an anonymous psychic to conduct a ‘remote viewing’ task to find signs of life on Mars as part of the CIA’s ‘Project Stargate’. This psychic had the ability to remote view Mars while remaining physically on the Earth. In 2017, the CIA released records from the project online.
• Project Stargate was a $20 million classified mission carried out by the US Army with the help of psychics and paranormal investigators.
• The remote viewing psychic claimed to have indeed seen aliens on Mars. He described them as: “… very tall, very large people but they’re very thin. They look thin because of their height and they dress like in, oh hell, it’s like a real light silk, but it’s not flowing type clothing, it’s like cut to fit.” He also claimed to have seen pyramids and building-like structures on Mars.
• The psychic revealed that the aliens on Mars are dying out due to environmental changes, and they are now trying hard to survive. Nick Redfern wrote a book on the declassified CIA ‘Project Stargate’ file, in which he determined that Mars was once a hospitable world with its own civilization. But something disastrous has happened on Mars, resulting in the extinction of most of life on the Red Planet. “When we put together the many and varied anomalies that have been photographed on the surface of the planet – such as the Face on Mars, the ancient pyramids, and even strange lifeforms such as the “Face-Hugger” creature – it’s clear to me that life existed on Mars,” said Redfern. Redfern suggested that aliens could be still living on Mars, and that space agencies like NASA should send a manned mission to there to uncover these mysteries.
• Chief NASA scientist Dr. Jim Green has predicted that alien life could be discovered on Mars in 2021. But Green believes that Earth humans are not ready to accept the realities surrounding an extraterrestrial existence.
Several space scientists strongly believe that life is not confined to earth, as there could be alien life forms in the deep nooks of the universe thriving in other space bodies. Believing this assumption, the CIA had once hired an anonymous psychic to discover aliens that might be living on Mars.
Project Stargate
According to a report published in the Sun, this psychic allegedly had remote viewing capability, and it helped him to
Dr. Jim Green
view the surface of Mars while being on earth. The seemingly creepy experiment took place in 1984 as a part of Project Stargate, a confidential mission carried out by the US Army with the help of psychics and paranormal investigators.
This secretive project cost $20 million, and in 2017, the CIA released records from the project online. It was British investigator Nick Redfern who uncovered CIA’s experiment to discover an alien civilization on the Red Planet.
Psychic Saw Aliens on Mars
Using the alleged remote viewing ability, the psychic claimed to have seen aliens on Mars, and these extraterrestrial beings were unusually tall. He also claimed to have seen pyramids and building-like structures on Mars.
“Ah very tall, very large people but they’re very thin. They look thin because of their height and they dress like in, oh hell, it’s like a real light silk, but it’s not flowing type clothing, it’s like cut to fit,” said the psychic, The Sun reports.
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Article by Sebastian Kettley September 22, 2020 (
• Astronomers at the University of Warwick (Coventry/West Midlands, England) have been searching for a more efficient way to measure water vapor on distant gas giant planets when our best telescopes cannot penetrate through the exoplanet’s cloud covering. According to the science paper offered by the University’s Department of Physics, high-resolution spectroscopy technology could be the ticket. Says lead author of the paper, Dr Siddharth Gandhi, “Ground-based high-resolution spectroscopy as well as the next generation of space telescopes will be able to detect these trace species on cloudy planets, offering exciting potential for biosignatures in the future.”
• The hunt for alien life is extremely limited due to the vast distances between planets and the technology currently at our disposal. Rover on nearby rocky planets like Mars take many months looking for signs of life, with no guarantee that they can even detect such life using the technology that they carry with them. We can see light bouncing off of a far more distant exoplanet’s atmosphere, but too often clouds will prevent a light spectrum from penetrating closer to the surface.
• The Warwick scientists’ paper describes a novel way of examining exoplanet atmospheres for water vapor, ammonia, methane, and other chemicals that could be an indicator of life. High-resolution spectroscopy is a potential way of doing that, even where there is a cloudy atmosphere. “The chemical abundances can tell you quite a lot about how the planet may have formed because it leaves its chemical fingerprint on the molecules in the atmosphere,” says Dr Gandhi. As the light skims the top of the atmosphere, its spectrum is shifted and specific wavelengths of light can then be matched to specific chemicals in the air. “Detecting the molecules at the top of the atmosphere… offers a window into the internal structure as the gases mix with the deeper layers.”
• So far, most observations of exoplanets have been carried out using space telescopes like NASA’s Hubble or Spitzer. “Quite a lot of these cooler planets are far too cloudy to get any meaningful constraints with the current generation of space telescopes,” says Dr Gandhi. “But all of this could change if the proposed technology takes off.”
ASTRONOMERS at the University of Warwick have proposed a cutting-edge technique that could detect water on distant exoplanets, boosting the search for alien life.
The hunt for alien life is very limited due to the vast distances between planets and the technology currently at our disposal. Although scientists can send probes and rovers like NASA’s Perseverance Rover to nearby worlds like Mars, these missions take many months before their targets are reached. And even once these missions reach their destinations, there is no guarantee they are well equipped or sophisticated enough to find any signs of extraterrestrial life.
Matters are further complicated when astronomers study distant exoplanets far beyond our reach.
Often times we can catch a glimpse of these planets’ atmosphere by the light bouncing off them, but we cannot see much further than that.
And if dense clouds are in the way, preventing light from penetrating, the planets’ secrets could be forever hidden from sight.
But researchers at the University of Warwick have now proposed high-resolution spectroscopy technology could potentially detect traces of water well above these impenetrable clouds.
The technique, presented in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, could offer a major boost in the hunt for alien life beyond Earth.
Life as we know it requires water to exist as it is one of the building blocks of life alongside carbon-based molecules and energy.
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Article by Sam Rutzick September 17, 2020 (
• The September 15th Middle Eastern ‘Abraham Accords’ formally normalized Israel’s relationship with both Bahrain and United Arab Emirates. As part of the accords, former rivals Israel and United Arab Emirates have agreed to cooperate in space exploration. In the accords, the signatories pledge a “common interest in establishing and developing mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes,” which may include “joint programs, projects, and activities.”
• Both Israel and the United Arab Emirates have thriving space programs. The Israeli Space Agency has launched a number of satellites, including the Beresheet Lander sent to the Moon in 2019. Unfortunately, the lander crashed into the lunar surface due to a mechanical error. But the fact that the Israeli Space Agency was able to get that close is significant. The only other nations who have been able to get that close to the lunar surface are the Americans, the Chinese, and the Russians.
• The Emirati space program is also significant. Its Al-Amal (Arabic for “Hope”) satellite was launched in July and is expected reach Mars in February where it will monitor Martian weather patterns.
• On August 17, even before the Abraham Accords were signed, Israeli Minister of Science and Technology Izhar Shay said that cooperation was “imminent” and that “[t]he infrastructure is there for the commercial engagements for the sharing of know-how and mutual efforts.” The Israeli lander technology and the Emirates’ Mars shot could combine to culminate in a Mars landing. Emirati and Israeli astronauts plan to join the US on an Artemis moon mission, and the two nations may launch a joint mission to explore the dwarf planet Ceres.
• Clearly, space exploration is no longer the exclusive realm of the world’s superpowers. And whatever objections one might have to spending public dollars on space, scientific cooperation is certainly preferable to political rivalry.
Al-Amal satellite
The new Middle Eastern accord quite literally reaches for the stars. As part of the deal, inked earlier this week, Israel and United Arab Emirates have committed to cooperate in space exploration.
The Abraham Accords, signed September 15, formally normalized Israel’s relationship with both Bahrain
Izhar Shay
and United Arab Emirates. While geopolitical concerns have dominated both the substance of the accords and media coverage of the deal, the signatories also pledged a “common interest in establishing and developing mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes,” which may include “joint programs, projects, and activities.”
Both Israel and the United Arab Emirates have thriving space programs. The Israeli Space Agency, founded in 1982, has launched a number of satellites—most notably, in 2019, the Beresheet Lander to the moon. Co-designed and built by the Israeli companies SpaceIL and Israeli Aerospace Industries, Beresheet was launched on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and made it all the way to the Moon for less than $100 million dollars.
Unfortunately, the Beresheet lander crashed into the lunar surface due to a mechanical error. Still, the fact that the Israeli Space Agency was able to get that close is significant. The only other nations who have been able to get that close to the lunar surface are the Americans, the Chinese, and the Russians.
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Article by Brandon J. Weichert September 3, 2020 (
• China yearns to displace the United States as the dominant space power, and to inspire its people to make China a global hub of scientific research and development – the cornerstone of a knowledge-based economy. By placing the first rover on the dark side of the Moon in 2019, and by being the first nation to construct a lunar colony or to land ‘taikonauts’ on Mars, China is telling the world that it is truly the leader of today’s knowledge-based economy.
• But as China ascends, America is in decline. In 2019, on the 50th anniversary of the Apollo moon landings, a Harris Poll asked young people in both the United States and China what they wanted to be when they grow up. Most of the American youth surveyed said they wanted to be professional “Vlogger/YouTubers” when they grow up. The Chinese youth overwhelmingly aspired to be astronauts.
• In the 1970s and 80s, China made great wealth by becoming the world’s sweatshop. In the 1990s, China invested that wealth in infrastructure to build a large middle class and a stable economy. This was all part of China’s long-term plan to ultimately become the dominant knowledge-based economy in the world. Today, China is at the forefront of quantum computing, biotech, alternative energy, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and space technologies.
• In 2018, the head of China’s lunar program, Ye Peijian, put their national space ambitions this way: “The universe is an ocean, the Moon is [an island], Mars is [an island]. If we don’t get to [these islands] now, even though we’re capable of doing so, then we will be blamed by our descendants. If others go there, then they will take over, and you won’t be able to go even if you want to. This is reason enough [to go to the Moon and beyond].”
• Meanwhile, American leadership oscillates between indifference and abdication on the matter of space policy. President Donald J. Trump has developed a truly robust national space policy, but his policies and his new military branch, Space Force, are only met with derision by bureaucratic lawmakers. Democrats on Capitol Hill have already stated that Trump’s plans to return American astronauts to the lunar surface by 2024 will not be fiscally possible. NASA’s director of manned spaceflight challenges the very notion of successfully returning astronauts to the Moon before the decade is over.
• The future belongs to the country that wants it more. Without higher levels of funding, the Space Force will never mature into the robust force it must become to defend American interests in the strategic high ground of space. The American nationalist call to greatness is being squelched by the globalist demand for mediocrity. Without the embrace of nationalism in the United States, the country’s national mission in space will end in failure and its people will stop dreaming. America’s greatness will erode at every level.
• [Editor’s Note] How could America fall behind in the space race you ask? It was by design. Just after the Roswell crash in July 1947, Truman appointed twelve military, intelligence and scientific officials to form a secret group whose purpose was to hide from the public all evidence of the advanced extraterrestrial beings that were visiting the Earth, and to hide the fact that we were building our own space fleets and colonizing the solar system. This group is known as Majestic 12, and it still exists in the dark corridors of the deep state government’s power elite.
MJ-12 would use any means available to keep the truth from the American public, from ridiculing anyone who claimed to have seen a UFO or an alien being (and basically ruining their lives), to directing deep state funded media, scientists and academia to never take sightings seriously. The result has been generations of Americans who are conditioned to scoff at and ignore anything pertaining to UFOs and extraterrestrials. The deep state government doesn’t want people interested in exploring space. The deep state driven military hawks and corporate owners want to have space all to themselves – and the advanced space technology that goes with it. They simply deny that any of it exists. Deep state legislators routinely reject spending on space endeavors and laugh at the notion of a Space Force. They want to keep a lid on the enormous fraud that has been perpetrated on an unwitting public since World War II.
On the other hand, the Chinese have encouraged space exploration for both its national pride and to usurp American geopolitical and exopolitical dominance. Indeed, the deep state has become entrenched within the Chinese government as well, and will try to keep its space empire a secret. But how long can it be before countries such as China, Russia and India have pushed their way into deep space, and these ubiquitous deep state Secret Space Programs become obvious? The deep state won’t be able to hide the truth for very much longer.
On the 50th anniversary of the Apollo moon landings, Harris Poll asked young people in the United States and China what they wanted to be when they grew up. The results were strange. Most American youth surveyed — the young people who belonged to the only country to have ever placed astronauts on the lunar surface — admitted that they wanted to be professional “Vlogger/YouTubers” when they grew up. It was the Chinese youth
Ye Peijian
who overwhelmingly aspired to be astronauts.
Speaking to Chinese state media in 2018, the head of China’s lunar program, Ye Peijian, outlined the Chinese view of their national space strategy in explicit geopolitical terms, specifically in naval terminology: “The universe is an ocean, the moon is the Diaoyu Islands [sic], Mars is Huangyan Island. If we don’t get there now even though we’re capable of doing so, then we will be blamed by our descendants. If others go there, then they will take over, and you won’t be able to go even if you want to. This is reason enough [to go to the moon and beyond].”
China made great wealth by becoming the world’s sweatshop in the 1970s and ’80s. Throughout the 1990s, it reinvested that wealth into building out the infrastructure needed to both support an enlarged middle class and to ensure that China moved up the international development ladder.
China’s leadership never intended to remain just an industrial power subordinated to the United States in the post-industrial, knowledge-based
economy. China planned to become the dominant knowledge-based economy in the world. They have pioneered many innovations in the new industrial economy, notably 5G Internet, but are also heavily invested in quantum computing, biotech, alternative energy, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and space technologies.
For China, these new scientific innovations are not merely about making more money or even gaining a military edge over the West (Beijing certainly does care about those things). More than that, though, China yearns to displace the United States and dominant space power simply out of national pride.
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Article by Jack Beyrer September 2, 2020 (
• In September 1st, the US Department of Defense (DoD) rolled out its ‘2020 China Military Power Report’. (see here) In assessing Beijing’s militarized space program’s capacity and long-term strategy, the Pentagon announced that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army has every intention of reaching “space great power status”.
• President Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist leadership have developed a “space great power by every measurable yardstick that you can throw out there, not least of which is capacity for their military,” the DoD’s deputy assistant secretary of defense for China, Chad Sbragia, told the Washington Free Beacon.
• The DoD report concurs: “The PRC’s space enterprise continues to mature rapidly. Beijing has devoted significant resources to growing all aspects of its space program, from military space applications to civil applications such as profit-generating launches, scientific endeavors, and space exploration,” the report reads. “Its primary target is the United States.”
• China now boasts the second-largest fleet of satellites, regularly works with Russia on weapons development, and has launched a series of rockets and rovers as it takes aim at Mars. The report details China’s plans to have its own permanent space station by 2022 and a lunar surface research station by 2025. Significant portions of China’s missile warning and military communication networks will also reside in space.
• Such efforts have required the full thrust of Chinese Communist Party investment and commitment. “They have a very clear and definitive aspiration for becoming a global power preeminent by all measures, at least in terms of status, to any others. And space is not the least of that,” says Sbragia.
• Meanwhile in Washington, the 2018 National Defense Strategy (see here) explicitly outlines space as a potential “warfighting domain,” and calls for extensive investment in space-facing defensive capabilities. Donald Trump has promised to make Space Force a priority in his second term.
A top Pentagon official announced on Tuesday that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army is building its capacities
Chad Sbragia
toward “space great power status.”
“When you listen to the Chinese Communist leadership—particularly Xi Jinping, who serves as the core of the party—he’s outlined very specific requirements and expectations,” Chad Sbragia, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for China, told the Washington Free Beacon. “Xi’s done the same in terms of having space great power status—and that’s being a space great power by every measurable yardstick that you can throw out there, not least of which is capacity for their military.”
Sbragia’s comments came at an American Enterprise Institute event rolling out the 2020 China Military Power Report. The report offers a bird’s-eye view assessment of China’s military capacities, as well as its long-term strategy and trajectory. It also details Beijing’s development of a militarized space program.
“The PRC’s space enterprise continues to mature rapidly. Beijing has devoted significant resources to growing all aspects of its space program, from military space applications to civil applications such as profit-generating launches, scientific endeavors, and space exploration,” the report reads. “Its primary target is the United States.”
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Article by Mark Whittington August 30, 2020 (
• Among the promises that President Trump has made as part of his “Contract with America,” (see here) should he be re-elected, will be to “launch Space Force, establish permanent manned presence on the Moon, and send the first manned mission to Mars.”
• A permanent Moon base is not likely to happen in Trump’s second term. Nor will a mission to Mars. As his presidency draws to a close, the best that Trump can hope for during a second term is to preside over the first human Moon landing since 1972. The lunar landing promises to include the first woman to step on the Moon, ever.
• President Trump has executed the most far-reaching space policy since President Kennedy’s race to the Moon. Deep space exploration programs that involve returning astronauts to the Moon and dispatching crewed expeditions to Mars have been a perennial project for Republican presidents. Trump has proposed a deep space exploration program that employs a combination of NASA and the commercial sector. Both Trump’s executive orders and Congressional legislation have encouraged the economic development of space, particularly mining the Moon and the asteroids along with space-based manufacturing.
• Trump’s space agenda is more remarkable because he gave barely a hint of it during his first campaign. Twice, when he was running for president, Trump was dismissive of sending humans to Mars. Now he can talk of little else.
• While the idea of a separate space-faring military branch has been kicked around for years, the Space Force initiative came out of the blue. In a remarkably short time, Trump has turned an obscure policy proposal into reality. While some critics mock the Space Force, others agree that the nation’s dependence on communications satellites and GPS needs a Space Force branch to defend those assets.
• The Democrats have, quite cleverly, endorsed the President’s space agenda in their own party platform (see here), suggesting that it doesn’t matter who is president insofar as space is concerned. But how would a President Biden go to advance deep space exploration, commercial space development and the Space Force? No one can be quite sure about Biden, especially as he is being heavily influenced by space opponents like Bernie Sanders.
• We don’t know whether Joe Biden would work to enhance America’s space power, and one suspects that he won’t, if elected. Trump, on the other hand, will work relentlessly to make America a space superpower.
Instead of a party platform, the Republicans have deferred to President Donald Trump, who has offered what is in effect a “Contract with America,” similar to the one Newt Gingrich drew up in advance of the 1994 midterm elections. Among the promises Trump has made is the following:
“Launch Space Force, Establish permanent manned presence on the moon and send the first manned mission to Mars.”
Democrat nominee Joe Biden
The space promise, succinct and to the point, elicits a couple of quibbles.
First, a permanent moon base is not likely to happen in the second term. Nor will a mission to Mars. As his presidency draws to a close, the best that Trump can hope for is to preside over the first human moon landing since 1972, a remarkable feat regardless.
Also, the use of the adjective “manned” is likely to trigger outrage in certain quarters. America has been launching female astronauts since Sally Ride’s first flight in the early 1980s. Indeed, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine always takes pains to state that the first human moon landing in over 40 years will consist of “the first woman and the next man.”
One can also point out that, like the space plank in the Democratic Party platform, Trump’s promise lacks certain specifics. However, the president has a record forged during his current term that fills in the blanks in great detail.
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Article by Harry Pettit August 9, 2020 (
• Armenian astrophysicist Dr Garik Israelian, 57 (pictured above, left, with Brian May), currently a researcher at the Institute of Astrophysics of Canary Islands (Spain), boasts decades of experience in the field of astrophysics, and has published more than 500 scientific papers on black holes, neutron stars and more. He helped the rock band ‘Queen’ guitarist Brian May, an astrophysicist himself, complete his PhD. The pair have since set up a science festival together.
• Speaking to The Sun newspaper following last week’s launch of the Perseverance Mars rover, Dr Israelian said “I think we will discover intelligent life in our lifetime”, or at least some hard evidence of intelligent life. It will be “the kind of discovery that will shake humanity” to its very core, and force us to rethink how we look at our place in the universe,” he said.
• Even sooner – within the next decade – Dr Israelian thinks we’ll detect alien microbes, possibly on Mars. “It would be quite interesting for science, but I think it would make us realize ‘life is such an incredible thing, we’d better take care of what we’re doing on our own planet’.”
• Dr Israelian gives the Perseverance Mars rover a ten percent chance of finding alien microbes on the Red Planet. The $2.1 billion rover will land on the Martian surface in February and proceed to dig up hunks of soil and rock in search of alien microbes. Many top scientists believe Mars was home to tiny microbes billions of years ago and may still host life today.
• Dr Israelian thinks that the discovery of Martian microbes would bring humanity a step closer to colonizing Mars. While the colonization of Mars has been met with heavy criticism, Dr Israelian thinks mankind will likely turn to it when Earth’s warming climate begins to render our planet inhospitable.
• SpaceX billionaire Elon Musk thinks that ‘terraforming’ Mars could make the planet habitable. If certain gasses were released into the atmosphere it would create a greenhouse effect. Even a nuclear explosion could assist in the terraforming. With an atmosphere, Mars’ climate could return to a state in which life could flourish as it did long ago.
• Dr Israelian and Dr Brian May’s annual festival, ‘Starmus’, combines music and science and is in its ninth year. “It was a result of our never-ending discussions about science and arts,” Dr Israelian said. Professor Stephen Hawking, Brian Cox and Neil Armstrong are previous Starmus speakers. Starmus 2021 will be held in Armenia, and will mark the 50th anniversary of Mariner 9, the first Mars orbiter. It will be streamed online.
Dr Brian May
Speaking to The Sun, Armenian astrophysicist Dr Garik Israelian, 57, said he expected experts to find brainy extraterrestrials within his lifetime.
On top of that, the stargazer and friend of Queen guitarist Brian May thinks we’ll detect alien microbes – possibly on Mars – within the next decade.
The shock discoveries would shake humanity to its very core, and force us to rethink how we look at our place in the universe, he said.
“I think we will discover intelligent life in our lifetime,” Dr Israelian told The Sun.
Dr Garik Israelian
“At least, we will find clear signatures [evidence of life] that have come from intelligent life. It’s the kind of discovery that will shake humanity.”
Elon Musk
He added: “It would be quite interesting for science, but I think it would make us realise ‘life is such an incredible thing, we’d better take care of what we’re doing on our own planet’.”
Dr Israelian boasts decades of experience in the field of astrophysics and has published more than 500 scientific papers on black holes, neutron stars and more.
The famed space-master helped rocker May, an astrophysicist himself, complete his PhD and the pair have since set up a science festival together.
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Article by Oliver Barker August 7, 2020 (
• With its harsh sandstorms, meteorites, and space radiation, the surface of Mars is nearly inhospitable. So researchers at the University in Bologna and the University of Padua in Italy have turned to the natural tunnels formed by ancient lava tubes, or ‘pyroducts’, as a good subterranean place in which to establish a human colony on the Red Planet.
• Lava tubes on Earth can run uninterrupted for tens of miles. The longest known lava tube on Earth is the 41-mile-long Kazumura Cave in Hawaii. But scientists have also found evidence of lava tubes on both the Moon and Mаrs. Researchers think that the lave tubes on Mars could be many times longer and wider than those found here on Earth.
• According to Italian researcher Dr Francesco Sauro at the University of Bologna, evidence of ‘lineаr cаvities’ аnd ‘sinuous collаpse chаins’ where the subsurface gаlleries crаcked were discovered in high-resolution images taken by interplаnetаry probes.
• Plаnetаry geologist Riccаrdo Pozzobon believes that lava tubes on the Moon could be 25 miles long, “mаking the Moon аn extrаordinаry tаrget for subsurfаce explorаtion аnd potentiаl settlement in the wide protected аnd stаble environments”. Such a lava tube could contain the entire city center of Padua, Italy.
• Mаtteo Mаssironi, а professor of Structurаl аnd Plаnetаry Geology аt the University of Pаduа, says that lаvа tubes on the Moon and Mars would be incredibly stаble due to the weаker grаvity. The mаjority of these subsurface lаvа tubes should be intаct. “The collаpsed chаins we observed might hаve been cаused by аsteroids piercing the tube wаlls,” said Massironi. “[W]e cаn get аccess to these huge underground cаvities.”
• [Editor’s Note] Secret space program whistle blowers such as Corey Goode have talked about lava tubes on Mars (and the Moon) as an ideal way to contain a pressurized oxygen-rich atmosphere in order to create a subsurface base. In recent history, this has been done since the Nazi German space program established a base on the Moon in 1940. This German base was thereafter expanded by American secret space programs to become the Lunar Operations Command, the primary multi-extraterrestrial-species Moon base.
The surface of Mars may be too inhospitable for colonisers, with frequent sandstorms and no protection from space radiation. Scientists are, therefore, interested in the possibility of subterranean life, exploring ways in which colonisers could set up camp in ancient lava tubes. Researchers at the University in Bologna, Italy, have now presented new findings with exciting implications for future colonisation efforts.
Kazumura Cave in Hawaii
Lava tubes, or pyroducts, are natural tunnels formed underground by lava flowing from a volcanic source.
They are the third most common type of cave found on Earth and can run uninterrupted for tens of miles.
One of the longest known pyroduct on Earth is the 41-mile-long (65.5km) Kazumura Cave in Hawaii.
But the lava tubes are not unique to Eаrth аnd scientists hаve found evidence of them on the Moon аs well аs on Mаrs.
Reseаrchers аt Bolognа аnd the University of Pаduа hаve аlso proposed the tubes on Mаrs cаn be mаny times bigger thаn on Eаrth.
Whereаs а typicаl lаvа tube on Eаrth meаsures between 32ft аnd 98ft (10m аnd 30m) аcross, а Mаrtiаn tube could be 100 or 1,000 times wider.
Dr Sаuro sаid: “We cаn find lаvа tubes on plаnet Eаrth, but аlso on the subsurfаce of the Moon аnd Mаrs аccording to the high-resolution pictures of lаvа tubes’ skylights tаken by interplаnetаry probes.
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Article by Anna Savva August 5, 2020 (
• Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong, the ‘first man on the Moon’, would have been 90 this August 5th. He died in 2012. His son, Mark Armstrong, 57 (pictured above), is a Silicon Valley software engineer. Mark says that while his famous father didn’t admit to believing in God – he did believe in alien life forms.
• Mark Armstrong was six-years old in the summer of 1969 when he and his family went to Cape Canaveral, Florida to watch his father’s rocket launch toward the Moon. The family then went back to their Houston, Texas home to watch the rest of the Apollo 11 mission, culminating with the Moon landing on July 20.
• Interviewed last year to mark the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing, Mark Armstrong said that his dad “had a wonderful spirit with a great sense of humor.” But he was a an engineer and scientist first. “Whatever religious beliefs he had he kept very close to the vest throughout his life.” “A lot of astronauts claim to have had a spiritual experience (in space),” said Mark. “[T]hat was not true of my father.”
• Mark once heard someone ask his father if he believed in extraterrestrial life. Neil’s response was “it would be arrogant not to”. As Mark puts it, “The universe is unimaginably vast and we know so little about it that his (father’s) belief was, statistically speaking, the chances were overwhelmingly high that we are not the only life in the universe.”
• The Apollo lunar flights ended in 1972 and were an inspiration to the world. Mark is very proud of this. But the Moon has remained of great interest to NASA and scientists. A new generation of space exploration has begun with missions to Mars and another lunar landing, this time at the Moon’s South Pole by 2024. “The human spirit was uplifted by the Apollo program,” says Mark. “It inspired a generation of people to want to be work harder because they believed something good could happen in their future if they prepared themselves.”
• Mark notes that, while a global hero, his father was very humble and ‘down to Earth’. “My dad often said that he was ‘born at the right time’ to put himself in the candidate pool for Gemini and Apollo.” “[I]t’s difficult to imagine the pressures that he was under without actually being in his shoes.”
• [Editor’s Note] I’ve always felt sorry for Neil Armstrong. With all of his accomplishments that culminated in being an Apollo astronaut, in the end he would just be used as a propaganda tool for the deep state. When he saw the alien craft hovering at the crater’s edge during his Apollo 11 Moon landing, had he been read into the truth? i.e: the military-industrial-complex’s ongoing interaction with various alien species including Draco Reptilians and the Nazi space fleet; the Navy’s development of electromagnetic warp drive technology during the 1960s (provided by extraterrestrials), allowing it to build its own secret space program, ‘Solar Warden’; the Air Force’s separate development of advanced alien technology to create its own separate secret space program; the Illuminati-owned corporate conglomerate; and NASA’s own secret space program.
I feel that Armstrong was an unsuspecting player in the public relations campaign called the NASA Apollo program, complete with backup “Moon” footage shot by Stanley Kubrick (as a Plan B just in case the mission went south). The public NASA missions, using known rocket technology, were devised to keep the various other advanced space programs top secret. By his astonishment at seeing the alien craft on the Moon over his restricted radio transmissions to Houston, it is apparent that Armstrong wasn’t aware of the reality of the situation. Of course, there was a possibility that these astronauts wouldn’t survive. So why bother to read them into the big picture until after the mission? it is most likely that the deep state authorities didn’t debrief the Apollo astronauts until after they had returned with a whole lot of questions.
When Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins were finally told about the alien presence on the Moon and everywhere else, and the development of advanced secret space programs, they were also told that they would put them and their families in dire jeopardy if they told anyone about this top secret reality. Thus, rather than proudly exemplifying the role of ‘the first man on the Moon’ as a hero to the world, Armstrong retired to live a secluded life away from the media and the public – in constant fear for his and his family’s safety because of what he knew. He seemed to have gotten more comfortable with covering up the truth in his later years.
In the ‘Good Morning Britain’ interview below (promoting the movie “Armstrong”), Mark Armstrong states that, although “the world wanted (Neil) to be ‘different'” (i.e.: a more gregarious hero figure), “he wanted to be the same, and he wanted (his) family dynamics to stay the same. That was just the kind of guy that he was.” Mark attributes his dad’s life-long agoraphobia to his private personality. It seems that Mark is trying hard to rewrite his father’s history. Or is this a push for a more public-friendly version of Neil Armstrong, with the posthumous release of movies such as “Armstrong” and “First Man”, meant to abate the widespread suspicion that his strange behavior was due to being freaked out by seeing alien UFOs on the Moon and being threatened by the deep state?
astronaut Neil Armstrong
Legendary NASA astronaut Neil Armstrong believed in alien life, his son has revealed.
Neil and Janet Armstrong with their sons, Rick and Mark
Mark Armstrong, a Silicon Valley software engineer, was just six-years-old when his dad changed the course of history with his “giant leap for mankind.”
It was during the summer of 1969, and the Armstrong clan went to Florida for the launch at Cape Canaveral and back to to their Houston home to watch the rest of the mission and the all important touchdown on July 20.
First man on the Moon Armstrong died in 2012.
Were he alive today he would be marking his 90th birthday on August 5 – but his legacy lives on.
Reflecting on his dad’s achievements, Mark, 57, said despite Armstrong touching the heavens in the historic Apollo 11 mission, he didn’t admit to believing in God – but he did believe in alien life forms.
Neil Armstrong in later years
Speaking from his home in Cincinnati, Ohio, to mark the 50th anniversary of the Moon landings last year, he said: “A lot of astronauts claim to have had a spiritual experience, that was not true of my father.
“My dad was an engineer and scientist first and foremost but had a wonderful spirit with a great sense of humour.
“Whatever religious beliefs he had he kept very close to the vest throughout his life.
“There have been a lot of claims from different religions about his converting to their religion, but none of that is true.
“But I once heard someone ask him if he believed in extraterrestrial life and his response was ‘it would be arrogant not to’.”
He continued: “The universe is unimaginably vast and we know so little about it that his belief was, statistically speaking, the chances were overwhelmingly high that we are not the only life in the universe.”
7:33 minute video interview of Mark Armstrong in 2019 (‘Good Morning Britain’ YouTube)
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Article by Chris Ciaccia July 29, 2020 (
• On July 30th, NASA’s $2.1 billion ‘Perseverance’ rover (pictured above) set out for Mars, along with the first helicopter to travel to Mars, known as ‘Ingenuity’. Among other tasks, the rover and the helicopter will be looking for signs of extraterrestrial life. The Perseverance will land at the Jezero Crater on February 18, 2021, joining the still-functioning Curiosity rover and the now-deceased Opportunity rover. NASA’s long-term goal is to send a manned mission to Mars in the 2030s.
• Like its predecessors, Perseverance is powered by a nuclear energy system known as ‘Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator’ thanks to the US Department of Energy. Says Under Secretary for Nuclear Security and National Nuclear Security Administratior Lisa E. Gordon-Hagerty, “From preparing astronauts for cratered terrain to building boxes for moon rocks to providing electricity from nuclear sources, I’m proud to say that we’ve lent our unique expertise for exploration of the solar system… for nearly 60 years.”
• In 2014, the Department’s Office of Nuclear Energy with Idaho National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory were tasked to construct the multi-mission radioisotope thermoelectric generator and its plutonium fuel to power the Perseverance rover. But the Department of Energy partnership with NASA goes back to the 1960s when the DoE provided radioisotope power systems to the Apollo missions, said DoE Under Secretary for Science Paul Dabbar to Fox News.
• Radioisotope power systems provide a steady power source in parts of the solar system that are dark or dusty. The Spirit and Opportunity rovers used Radioisotope Heater Units with a mission life of 7 and 14 years respectively, significantly longer than the 3-month primary mission lifetime. Curiosity is still going strong 7 years, over 3 times the primary mission timeline. The two longest-operating radioisotope power system missions are Voyager I and II, which are still in operation 43 years later.
• Perseverance’s ‘SuperCam’ was designed, built and tested at DoE’s Los Alamos National Laboratory in partnership with the French space agency, Centre national d’études spatiales (National Center for Space Studies). It uses laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy to study mineral composition, hardness and texture of Martian rocks and soils and will search for organic compounds related to Mars’ geologic past.
• The DoE’s Office of Science facilities also support the study of materials returned from NASA space missions to Mars, including the use of X-ray and electron imaging to study the form and shape of rock samples and various spectroscopy techniques to reveal the chemical composition.
Lisa E. Gordon-Hagerty
After it was delayed three times to iron out issues, NASA’s Perseverance rover is slated on July 30 to head to Mars, where it will perform a number of tasks, including looking for fossilized evidence of extraterrestrial life.
Paul Dabbar
The $2.1 billion rover will also come with the first helicopter, known as Ingenuity, that will let researchers understand the viability and potential of heavier-than-air vehicles on the Red Planet. NASA’s long-term goal is to send a manned mission to Mars in the 2030s.
Once Perseverance lands on Mars at the Jezero Crater on Feb. 18, 2021, it will join the still functioning Curiosity rover and the now-deceased Opportunity rover on the Red Planet.
Similar to its predecessors, Perseverance is being powered by a nuclear energy system known as Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (MMRTG), thanks to the Department of Energy. However, using nuclear power isn’t anything new for NASA.
The National Nuclear Security Administration has “supported NASA missions for nearly 60 years,” Under Secretary for Nuclear Security and NNSA Administrator Lisa E. Gordon-Hagerty told Fox News.
“From preparing astronauts for cratered terrain to building boxes for moon rocks to providing electricity from nuclear sources, I’m proud to say that we’ve lent our unique expertise for exploration of the solar system,” Gordon-Hagerty added.
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Article by Sean Martin July 7, 2020 (
• The United States, China and the United Arab Emirates all have Mars launches scheduled this month.
• Between July 20 and July 25th, the China National Space Agency will launch an orbiter known as Tianwen-1, which translates to ‘the quest for heavenly truth’ to circle the Red Planet for a year. The rocket will also carry a rover vehicle that will land on the Martian surface and collect soil samples. The oribter will serve as a communications relay for the lander.
• The UAE will launch an orbiter named ‘The Hope’, which will spend two years orbiting Mars. The UAE’s primary objective is to flex its financial muscle and show the world that it is capable of in space exploration.
• On July 30th, NASA will send the Perseverance Rover to roam the Red Planet looking for signs of life – both past and present. The main instrument, the ‘Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman & Luminescence for Organics & Chemicals’ (or ‘SHERLOC’), will be mounted on the end of one of the Mars rover’s robotic arms. SHERLOC will emit a quarter-sized ultraviolet laser at the ground, and scientists will measure how the light scatters when it hits the ground to determine its mineral and chemical compounds. This will identify the spectral “fingerprint” of certain alien organic material for signs of past or present life. “Life is clumpy,” said NASA’s Luther Beegle. “If we see organics clumping together on one part of a rock, it might be a sign that microbes thrived there in the past.”
• Earth and Mars are currently at their closest orbital points in the solar system. So now is the optimal time to make the relatively short journey – which will still take up to six months.
China’s Tianwen-1
THREE countries are set to launch rockets to Mars this months as the search for life on the Red Planet is turned up a notch.
The UAE’s ‘The Hope’ orbiter
China, the US and the UAE are all gearing up for historic Mars launches this month with the hopes of discovering more about Earth’s dusty neighbour. Starting with China, the new space force will be launching an orbiter known as Tianwen-1, which translates to ‘the quest for heavenly truth’ to circle to Red Planet. The orbiter will spend a year around Mars, serving as a communication relay for humanity’s eventual arrival with the launch date scheduled between July 20 and July 25.
Alongside the orbiter, China will send a rover to roam the surface of the Red Planet and collect soil samples.
NASA’s Perseverance Rover
China National Space Agency (CNSA) chief mission architect Zhang Rongqiao said: “Our goal is to explore and gather as much scientific data as possible.”
The UAE is also launching an orbiter named The Hope, which will spend two years orbiting Mars, following a 200-day journey.
According to The Hill, the UAE’s primary objective is to flex its financial muscle and show the world what it is capable of in the space exploration industry as the appeal of oil, which UAE has in abundance, loses its appeal.
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Article by Alejandro Rojas June 3, 2020 (
• Tesla and Marconi, the renowned scientists who invented the radio, believed they had received contact from intelligent extraterrestrial beings. This subject is at the center of Amazon Prime’s drama, The Vast of Night, where a switchboard operator and a DJ in a small town in the 1950s discover a strange, potentially alien, audio signal that leads them on a wild investigation to find the origins of the signal.
• The famous inventor, Nikola Tesla, is often credited with the invention of the radio. Tesla claimed he received strange signals while experimenting with radio at his lab in Colorado Springs in 1899. He told Collier’s Weekly that he was alone in his lab at night when there was present “something mysterious, not to say supernatural”. “[S]ome time afterward… the thought flashed upon my mind that the disturbances I had observed (on the radio) might be due to an intelligent control,” said Tesla. “Although I could not decipher their meaning, it was impossible for me to think of them as having been entirely accidental. The feeling is constantly growing on me that I had been the first to hear the greeting of one planet to another.”
• The Collier’s article goes on to argue that despite whether the signal was from aliens or not (Tesla suspected it was Martians) the technology he was working on would have the potential to be used to communicate distances as vast as those between the planets in our solar system.
• Another pioneer in the invention of the radio is the Italian inventor, Guglielmo Marconi. In 1920, Marconi wrote, “I have encountered during my experiments with wireless telegraphy [a] most amazing phenomenon,” wrote Marconi. “Most striking of all is receipt by me personally of signals which I believe originated in the space beyond our planet. I believe it is entirely possible that these signals may have been sent by the inhabitants of other planets to the inhabitants of Earth.” “Linking of the science of astronomy with that of electricity may bring about almost anything.”
• The famous inventor, Thomas Edison, agreed with Marconi. “I can plainly see that the mysterious wireless interruptions experience by Mr. Marconi’s operators may be good grounds for the theory that inhabitants of other planets are trying to signal us,” said Edison. “Mr. Marconi is quite right in stating that this is entirely within the realm of possible.” Edison continued, “If we are to accept the theory of Mr. Marconi that these signals are being sent out by inhabitants of other planets, we must at once accept with it the theory of their advanced development.” “It would be stupid of us to assume that we have the corner on all the intelligence in the universe.”
• Tesla also weighed in on Marconi’s suggestion that we might be able to communicate with extraterrestrial civilizations on other planets, saying, “Marconi’s idea of communicating with the other planets is the greatest and most fascinating problem confronting the human imagination today.” Then Tesla related a similar story of his own: “One day my ear caught what seemed to be regular signals. I knew they could not have been produced upon Earth. The possibility that they came from Mars occurred to me…”
• Even Albert Einstein reflected on his fellow scientists’ theories. “There is every reason to believe that Mars and other planets are inhabited,” said Einstein. “Why should the Earth be the only planet supporting human life? It is not singular in any other respect. But if intelligent creatures do exist, as we may assume they do elsewhere in the universe, I should not expect them to try to communicate with the Earth by wireless [radio]. Light rays, the direction of which can be controlled much more easily, would more probably be the first method attempted.” Nevertheless, radio waves became the predominant method used to search for alien signals.
• In 1924, the U.S. Secretary of the Navy felt that the close approach of Mars would be an opportune time to listen in for signals from Martians. He sent out a telegram asking radio stations to listen in. After all, some of the biggest brains in the business thought it was possible.
A switchboard operator and a DJ in a small town in the 1950s discover a strange, potentially alien, audio signal that leads them on a wild investigation to find the origins of the signal. This is the plot for The Vast of Night, which is now streaming on Amazon Prime Video. Could our first contact with aliens be as simple as a radio signal from aliens saying, “Hi?” The renowned scientists who invented the radio believed they received precisely that early in their experiments. Today, scientists spend millions to listen in on radio signals from space hoping to hear that first transmission from an extraterrestrial civilization.
Nikola Tesla
A complicated debate rages as to who first invented the radio. On the U.S. side is Nikola Tesla, the
Guglielmo Marconi
famous inventor who is the namesake for Elon Musk’s Tesla electric vehicle company. Representing the Europeans is Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi. They both were pioneers in developing radio communication. For our purposes, it doesn’t matter who you feel should get credit for inventing radio communication, because both of them claimed to have possibly received radio signals from aliens.
The first was Tesla. In an article titled “Talking with the Planets” for Collier’s Weekly in 1901, Tesla claimed he received strange signals while experimenting with radio at his lab in Colorado Springs in 1899.
“Even now, at times, I can vividly recall the incident, and see my apparatus as though it were actually before me,” wrote Tesla. “My first observations positively terrified me, as there was present in them something mysterious, not to say supernatural, and I was alone in my laboratory at night; but at that time the idea of these disturbances being intelligently controlled signals did not yet present itself to me.”
Albert Einstein
“It was some time afterward when the thought flashed upon my mind that the disturbances I had observed might
Thomas Edison
be due to an intelligent control,” Tesla continued. “Although I could not decipher their meaning, it was impossible for me to think of them as having been entirely accidental. The feeling is constantly growing on me that I had been the first to hear the greeting of one planet to another.”
The article goes on to argue that despite whether the signal was from aliens or not (Tesla suspected it would likely be Martians) the technology he was working on would have the potential to be used to communicate distances as vast as those between the panels in our solar system. This may have been the first time anyone used the “I am not saying it’s aliens, but…” line. Which was pretty bold at the time, especially given that earlier in the article, he noted skeptics questioned whether two-way radio communication was possible.
Marconi shared his alien signal encounter in an article in 1920.
“I have encountered during my experiments with wireless telegraphy [a] most amazing phenomenon,” wrote Marconi. “Most striking of all is receipt by me personally of signals which I believe originated in the space beyond our planet. I believe it is entirely possible that these signals may have been sent by the inhabitants of other planets to the inhabitants of earth.”
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• NASA plans to launch a Mars rover mission on July 17, 2020 to arrive on Mars’ surface on February 18, 2021. The space agency has provided new insights about the sensors that will be used on its 2020 Perseverance Rover while it traverses the Martian surface in search of evidence of alien life. A cutting-edge camera and a unique ultraviolet laser will work in tandem to analyze the chemical and mineral makeup of the Red Planet’s soil. Experts hope this can track down potential signs of past alien life.
• The main instrument, called ‘SHERLOC’ (Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman & Luminescence for Organics & Chemicals) will be mounted on the end of one of the Mars rover’s robotic arms. SHERLOC will emit a quarter-sized ultraviolet laser at the ground to enable scientists to measure the way the light scatters, in order to identify a spectral “fingerprint” revealing certain organic material and to determine what kind of minerals and chemical compounds the soil is made from. “If we see organics clumping together on one part of a rock, it might be a sign that microbes thrived there in the past,” said NASA’s Luther Beegle.
• SHERLOC will work with ‘WATSON’ (Wide Angle Topographic Sensor for Operations and Engineering), another instrument that will help with the light-scattering spectroscopy and allow the Mars rover’s remote pilots to identify promising areas of the ground from which to collect samples. WATSON can also be rotated to take selfies of the Perseverance and to keep track of the rover’s condition. The Perseverance 2020 Rover will also monitor the effects of radiation on samples of human space suit fabric and helmet material to determine whether it is safe to use. The rover’s robotic arm will place the samples in half-inch wide metal tubes that will be left on Mars’ surface for a subsequent Mars mission crew to retrieve and return to Earth for detailed analysis.
US-based space agency NASA has offered new insights about the sensors used on its 2020 Perseverance rover while it traverses the Martian surface in
NASA’s Luther Beegle
search of evidence of basic forms of alien life. A cutting-edge powered camera and a unique ultraviolet laser will work in tandem to monitor the Red Planet’s soil to analyse its chemical and mineral makeup.
The main instrument, the Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman & Luminescence for Organics & Chemicals (SHERLOC), will be mounted on the end of one of the Mars rover’s robotic arms.
SHERLOC will emit a quarter-sized ultraviolet laser at the ground.
Space scientists will then measure the way the light scatters when it hits the ground to work out what kind of minerals and chemical compounds it is made from.
The technique will also identify the unique spectral “fingerprint” certain alien organic material might give off.
Extraterrestrial life experts hope this can track down potential signs of past alien life.
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Article by John Varge May 16, 2020 (
• The ‘Artemis Program’ is NASA’s project – supported by other international space programs and private companies – to establish a permanent human settlement on the Moon by 2028, beginning by landing two astronauts near the lunar south pole in 2024. On May 15th, NASA officials revealed the core values underpinning its mission in a document called the Artemis Accords (see here). NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine tweeted: “Today I’m honored to announce the #Artemis Accords agreements — establishing a shared vision and set of principles for all international partners that join in humanity’s return to the Moon. We go, together.”
• NASA said its over-riding vision was to “create a safe and transparent environment which facilitates exploration, science and commercial activities for all of humanity to enjoy.” This vision is in accordance with the “peaceful purposes only” principles enshrined in the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, the founding document of international space law, which has been ratified by more than 100 countries, including the US.
• The Accords seek to ensure no “harmful interference” by one nation in the off-Earth affairs of another, and to publicly disclose their exploration plans and policies as well as sharing their scientific data. Artemis partners pledge to protect historic sites and artefacts on the Moon and other cosmic locales, as well as to help minimize space-junk.
• Private Moon landers will begin to ferry NASA science and technology experiments to the lunar surface next year. The Accords also cover the space mining of resources on the Moon, Mars and asteroids conducted under the auspices of the Outer Space Treaty. Moon landers will be built by commercial companies such as Elon Musk’s SpaceX. SpaceX is currently developing its huge ‘Starship’ vehicle to help colonize Mars. Starship will launch atop a huge rocket called ‘Super Heavy’, but will land on, and launch off of, the Moon and Mars on its own. Other companies awarded contracts, worth a total of $967 million for 10 months of work, are Blue Origin and Dynetics.
• NASA’s Jim Bridenstine said, “This is the first time since the Apollo era that NASA has direct funding for a human landing system, and now we have companies on contract to do the work for the Artemis program.” “America is moving forward with the final step needed to land astronauts on the Moon by 2024,” including the first woman set foot on the lunar surface.
The US Space Agency has always recognised that international cooperation will be vital if its Artemis programme is to succeed. Artemis is the ambitious project to land two astronauts near the lunar south pole in 2024, as a precursor to establishing a permanent human lunar settlement by 2028. On Friday, NASA officials revealed the core values underpinning its mission in a document called the Artemis Accords, which stress the peaceful nature of its exploration.
In a tweet, NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine wrote: “It’s a new dawn for space exploration!
NASA’s Jim Bridenstine and SpaceX’s Elon Musk, doing his famous ‘Zoolander’ impression
“Today I’m honored to announce the #Artemis Accords agreements — establishing a shared vision and set of principles for all international partners that join in humanity’s return to the Moon.
“We go, together.”
In accordance with principles enshrined in the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, NASA said its over-riding vision was to “create a safe and transparent environment which facilitates exploration, science and commercial activities for all of humanity to enjoy.”
The outer Space Treaty (OST) is the founding document of international space law.
It has been ratified by more than 100 countries, including the United States and other leading space powers.
The OTS stipulates that space exploration should be carried out for peaceful purposes only.
Artemis partners will also be required to be completely transparent about their activities, which means publicly disclosing their exploration plans and policies as well as sharing their scientific data.
The Accords also cover space mining, which NASA sees as key to humanity’s exploration efforts over the long haul.
NASA officials said the ability to extract and use resources on the moon, Mars and even asteroids would be critical “to support safe and sustainable space exploration and development”.
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Article by Matt Williams May 15, 2020 (
• Two milestones have brought China closer to becoming a full-fledged superpower in space. One was the successful return on May 8th of a next-generation crewed spacecraft that launched into low earth orbit on May 5th and spent 67 hours in space. The other was the launch of China’s new Long March 5B (CZ-5B) heavy-lift rocket carrying a target payload for the first time. The heavy-lift rocket took the new spacecraft into orbit, although the spacecraft was unmanned for this test mission.
• The purpose of the spacecraft mission was to test its deep space capabilities since it will be carrying Chinese astronauts, or “taikonauts”, to the Moon and beyond in the coming years. The spacecraft reached a maximum distance of 4,970 miles from earth. The spacecraft deployed its three parachutes to slow down during its descent back to earth and airbags were deployed to cushion the landing. The previous Shenzhou spacecraft relied on only one parachute and had no airbags. Once it returns to Earth, crews will refurbish the new spacecraft by replacing the ‘foldable’ heat shield and removing any additional scoring from the hull.
• The purpose of the heavy-lift rocket mission was to test its payload ability, as it will be used to bring materiel to build a space station orbiting the Moon. The Chinese wanted to make sure that the heavy-lift rocket could handle a 22 US ton payload because they intend to eventually carry into orbit the components needed to construct the Tiangong-3 Modular Space Station. The uncrewed spacecraft and 22,000 lbs of fuel propellant brought its launch mass to 23.8 US tons.
• The rocket and spacecraft were launched from the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center – located on Hainan Island in the South China Sea. Upon reaching orbit, the booster and spacecraft separated. The spacecraft brought along a composite materials 3D printing system, a time-triggered Ethernet system, and a range of seeds intended to test the effects of microgravity and radiation from the Van Allen belts on the growth of plants, which is essential to any plan to build space stations and habitats in orbit. On its return, the spacecraft touched down at the Dongfeng landing area in China’s northeastern Jilin province.
• On May 11th, a spent rocket stage of the Long March 5B re-entered Earth’s atmosphere over the Atlantic Ocean. The booster landed safely in the ocean off the west coast of Africa. Some pieces of the rocket landed on an African village, however. If it had re-entered earth’s atmosphere fifteen minutes earlier, the debris would have landed on New York City. No injuries were reported.
• This latest mission has sent a clear message to the global astronomical community that China will be expanding its presence in ‘low earth orbit’ in the coming years. In this decade, China will have the capability to send taikonauts to the Moon, followed by the creation of a permanent lunar base in the next decade, and maybe crewed missions to Mars.
China’s next-generation crewed spacecraft, which will replace the venerable Shenzou spacecraft in the coming years, recently returned to Earth after spending almost three days in space. The purpose of this mission was to test the deep space capabilities of the spacecraft that will be sending Chinese astronauts (taikonauts) to orbit, to the Moon, and beyond in the coming years.
Chinese ‘taikonauts’
In addition, this mission also saw China’s new Long March 5B (CZ-5B) heavy-lift rocket launch a payload to space for the first time. This rocket is the latest installment in the Long March family and will be vital to the creation of the third and largest Chinese space station. These two milestones have brought China a step closer to becoming a full-fledged superpower in space.
The uncrewed spacecraft and Long March 5B launched on their maiden voyage together in the early morning hours of Tuesday, May 5th, from the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center – located on Hainan Island in the South China Sea. Once they reached orbit, the booster and spacecraft separated, and the second part of the mission commenced (i.e. the validation of the crewed spacecraft prototype).
Over the course of the next 67 hours, the spacecraft performed seven orbit-raising maneuvers and reached a maximum distance (apogee) of around 8,000 km (4,970 mi) from Earth’s surface. This is similar to what was done during Exploration Flight Test 1 (EFT-1) with the Orion spacecraft back in 2014 – though that mission lasted only 4 hours and completed 2 orbits.
By Friday, May 8th, at 01:21 AM EST (10:21 PM, May 7th, PST) the spacecraft completed its deorbit burn, which was followed by the separation of the service and crew modules about twelve minutes later. The new spacecraft deployed its three parachutes to slow down during descent and airbags were deployed from the underside to cushion the landing.
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Article by Nirmal Narayanan May 9, 2020 (
• NASA and private space companies like SpaceX are gearing up for human Mars colonization missions in the near future. NASA and top space scientists are concerned about viruses from other planets, and that strict protocols should be followed as astronauts return back to Earth.
• Stanford professor of aeronautics and astronautics Scott Hubbard thinks that astronauts returning from the space should live on quarantine for a specific period of time. “In my opinion, and that of the science community, the chance that rocks from Mars that are millions of years old will contain an active life form that could infect Earth is extremely low,” said Hubbard. “But, the Mars samples returned by NASA will be quarantined and treated as though they are the Ebola virus until proven safe.”
• Detailing the standard protocol that should be followed while quarantining astronauts coming back from Mars, Hubbard offered, “As for humans, the Apollo astronauts from the first few Moon missions were quarantined to ensure they showed no signs of illness. Once it was found that the Moon did not pose a risk, the quarantine was eliminated. Such a procedure will undoubtedly be followed for humans returning from Mars.”
As the coronavirus continues its killing spree on earth, a section of space experts believe that humans have to think seriously about alien viruses that could reach the earth during space missions.
Even though this concept may seem like a plot directly coming out from a Hollywood sci-fi film, space agencies like NASA and top space scientists are really bothered about viruses from other planets contaminating the earth.
The Mars mission dilemma
It should be noted that NASA and private space companies like SpaceX are gearing up for human Mars missions in the near future. As the Mars colonization mission progresses in full swing, experts warn that strict protocols should be followed to extraterrestrial pollutants attacking earth, as astronauts return back to the ground.
Scott Hubbard, a Stanford professor of aeronautics and astronautics revealed that astronauts returning from the space should live on quarantine for a specific period of time to prevent a possible virus attack from space.
“In my opinion, and that of the science community, the chance that rocks from Mars that are millions of years old will contain an active life form that could infect Earth is extremely low. But, the Mars samples returned by NASA will be quarantined and treated as though they are the Ebola virus until proven safe,” Hubbard told Stanford News.
Hubbard also detailed about the standard protocol that should be followed while quarantining astronauts coming back from Mars. “As for humans, the Apollo astronauts from the first few moon missions were quarantined to ensure they showed no signs of illness. Once it was found that the moon did not pose a risk, the quarantine was eliminated. Such a procedure will undoubtedly be followed for humans returning from Mars,” added Hubbard.
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Article by Nirmal Narayanan May 7, 2020 (
• A study-report published in the journal Astrobiology and Space Science states that mushroom-like objects oriented towards the sky can be seen on the surface of Mars. Researchers say objects show typical behaviors of mushrooms that grow on Earth. The researchers claim that the ‘puffball-shaped’ objects could be the result of a biological process and that non-biological presence could not explain the presence of the objects on Mars.
• According to the study-report: “There are no abiogenic processes that can explain the mushroom-morphology, size, colors, and orientation and growth of, and there are no terrestrial geological formations which resemble these mushroom-lichen-shaped specimens. Although the authors have not proven these are living organisms, the evidence supports the hypothesis that mushrooms, algae, lichens, fungi, and related organisms may have colonized the Red Planet and may be engaged in photosynthetic activity and oxygen production on Mars,” read the study’s abstract which is published in Research Gate.
• Initially published in 2019, study-report has been revised to make it clear that these findings are not conclusive proof of alien life, but can be considered as a stepping stone for future research.
• Chief scientist at NASA Jim Green strongly believes that alien life forms, at least in its microbial form, will be discovered on Mars by 2021. But Green says that the world is not prepared to accept the reality of extraterrestrial existence. The discovery of alien life could be revolutionary and it will open a whole new line of thinking.
• Green is one of the key personalities behind the NASA mission that will see the Mars Rover start drilling and collecting samples on the Martian surface in 2020. Green predicts that the testing of the samples will provide vital clues behind the existence of alien life on Mars.
A study report published in the journal Astrobiology and Space Science has claimed to have discovered alien life on Mars. The study report states that mushroom-like objects can be seen oriented towards the sky, and researchers believe that the alleged living beings are showing typical behaviors of mushrooms that grow on earth.
Jim Green
Biological causes behind these alien mushrooms
In the study report, the researchers revealed that non-biological presence could not explain the presence of the structures on Mars. They also claimed that the ‘puffball-shaped’ objects could be the result of a biological process.
Even though the study report was initially published in 2019, researchers have now revised their claims, and made it clear that their findings are not conclusive proof of alien life, but can be considered as a stepping stone for future research as humans are vigorously searching for extraterrestrial life on the Red Planet.
“There are no abiogenic processes that can explain the mushroom-morphology, size, colors, and orientation and growth of, and there are no terrestrial geological formations which resemble these mushroom-lichen-shaped specimens. Although the authors have not proven these are living organisms, the evidence supports the hypothesis that mushrooms, algae, lichens, fungi, and related organisms may have colonized the Red Planet and may be engaged in photosynthetic activity and oxygen production on Mars,” read the study’s abstract which is published in Research Gate.
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• In his 2016 study, ‘Prior Indigenous Technological Species’, Penn State’s Jason Wright discussed possible origins and locations for “technosignatures” of a technological species’ civilization that could have existed in the solar system prior to humanity’s rise on Earth, or on nearby planets Venus and Mars. “From a purely scientific standpoint, it’s a perfectly reasonable question to ask whether life may have existed elsewhere in the Solar System, or does today,” said Wright, who is also a member of the ‘Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds’ at Penn State.
• What could have ended a prior technologically advanced civilization within our solar system? “The most obvious answer is a cataclysm, whether a natural event, such as an extinction-level asteroid impact or self-inflicted, such as a global climate catastrophe,” says Wright. “[S]uch an event would only permanently extinguish the species if there were many cataclysms across the solar system closely spaced in time, (such as) a swarm of comets or interplanetary warfare, …an unexpected nearby gamma ray burst or supernova…”
• In the case of Venus, its global greenhouse and resurfacing might have erased all evidence of a prior civilization’s existence on the Venusian surface. In the case of Earth, erosion and plate tectonics may have erased most of such evidence if the species lived a billion years ago. Remaining indigenous technosignatures would be extremely old, limiting the places they might still be found to beneath the surfaces of Mars and the Moon, or in the outer solar system.
• In a 2019 study co-written by Manasvi Lingam (at Florida Tech) and Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb entitled, “The Moon as a Fishing Net for Extraterrestrial Life”, Loeb suggested that Earth’s Moon might yield traces of technological equipment that crashed on the lunar surface a billion years ago. “The absence of a lunar atmosphere,” wrote Loeb, “guarantees that these messengers would reach the lunar surface without burning up. In addition, the geological inactivity of the Moon implies that the record deposited on its surface will be preserved and not mixed with the deep lunar interior. Serving as a natural mailbox, the lunar surface collected all impacting objects during the past few billions of years. Most of this “mail” comes from within the solar system.”
Jason Wright
One of the primary open questions of astrobiology is whether there is extant or extinct life elsewhere the Solar System. Astrophysicists Avi Loeb at Harvard and Penn State’s Jason Wright have both explored the question, with Loeb suggesting that ancient technological artifacts from beyond the Solar System may exist on Earth’s Moon amounting to a letter from an alien civilization saying, “We exist.”
Wright, a member of the Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds, has considered the possibility that a technological
Avi Loeb
species could have existed in the Solar System prior to humanity’s rise on Earth in his study, Prior Indigenous Technological Species.
In 2016, Wright authored a paper that discussed possible origins and locations for “technosignatures” of such a civilization while other astronomers have suggested looking for lights on Kuiper Belt Objects that “may serve as a lamppost which signals the existence of extraterrestrial technologies and thus civilizations.”
The origins and possible locations for technosignatures of such a prior indigenous technological species might have arisen on ancient Earth or another body, such as a pre-greenhouse Venus or a wet Mars. In the case of Venus, the arrival of its global greenhouse and potential resurfacing might have erased all evidence of its existence on the Venusian surface. In the case of Earth, erosion and, ultimately, plate tectonics may have erased most such evidence if the species lived a billion years ago. Remaining indigenous technosignatures, observes Wright, might be expected to be extremely old, limiting the places they might still be found to beneath the surfaces of Mars and the Moon, or in the outer Solar System.
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Article by Sput Nick April 26, 2020 (
• Researchers from the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Space Research Institute conducted simulations of Venus’ atmospheric conditions and discovered that microscopic fungi can survive and thrive in high levels of ionizing radiation and sharp jumps in temperature. Scientists believe that microorganisms may be present in the upper layers of Venus’s atmosphere.
• The researchers also studied microorganisms in temperatures of -50 degrees Celsius (minus 58 degrees Fahrenheit) in the Arctic to simulate conditions on the surface of Mars. Here too, the bacteria proved quite adaptable to survival.
• The Russian scientists then studied soil bacteria present in the Mojave Desert, which is considered analogous to the kinds of microbial communities that may be found on Mars. The micororganisms were highly resistant to temperature, pH levels, and the presence of salts and strong oxidizing agents.
• The researchers also tested whether microorganisms could survive in conditions found on Jupiter’s moon, Europa, known to have a water-ice crust. Recreating bacteria embedded in ice at -130 degrees Celsius (minus 202 degrees Fahrenheit), scientists found that the bacteria could still theoretically survive at depths of 10-100 cm over a period of 1,000-10,000 years in the moon’s subglacial oceans.
• The prestigious Space Research Institute is a complement to Russia’s manned space program, taking part in multiple ongoing Roscosmos, European Space Agency and NASA missions on the study of the solar system, and goes back to Soviet-era probes of Venus and Mars.
Theories about the possible habitability of Earth’s closest neighbours go back to the dawn of the space age, with scientists creating increasingly complex instruments to try to confirm beyond a doubt whether such life exists in the years since.
Researchers from the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Space Research Institute have completed simulations of the Venetian atmosphere’s conduciveness to sustaining life, discovering that micromycetes (a type of microscopic fungi) can survive and thrive in Venus-like atmospheric conditions, where high levels of radiation and sharp jumps in temperature are the norm. Specifically, laboratory testing found that high doses of ionizing radiation do not lead to the fungi’s demise.
Scientists conducted their experiments on the basis of long-held scientific theories that microorganisms associated with mineral particles may be present in the upper layers of Venus’s atmosphere.
The researchers also performed research involving microorganisms found in the Arctic to simulate conditions on the surface of Mars – subjecting them to radiation and temperatures of -50 degrees Celsius. Here too, scientists found that the bacteria proved quite adaptable to survival.
Additionally, the Russian scientists studied soil bacteria present in the Mojave Desert, considered by many academics to be a terrestrial analogue to the kinds of microbial communities that may be found on Mars. The research showed that these micororganisms are highly resistant to a range of stress factors, such as cultivation temperature, pH levels, and the presence of salts and strong oxidizing agents.
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• In the search for extraterrestrial life, we have typically looked at Earth-like planets at a distance from their parent star where the temperature is between the freezing and boiling point of water. But as in our own solar system, most of the liquid water seems to be outside of this ‘habitable zone’ on moons where interior water is heated beyond the melting point by tidal forces.
• In our solar system only Mars and Earth have ‘habitable’ surfaces. But moons within our solar system, such as Enceladus, Europa and six other moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, are examples of celestial bodies that are freezing cold on the surface but may harbor habitable subsurface oceans.
• Researchers from SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research and the University of Groningen (RUG) have derived a formula that indicates whether a subsurface ocean is present on an ‘exomoon’ and how deep it is. Adding moons to the equation, exoplanet hunters have a much larger field of potentially habitable places to search for extraterrestrial life. In fact, “there could be four times as many habitable exomoons as exoplanets,” says lead author Jesper Tjoa.
• The formula analyzes factors including the diameter of the moon, the distance to its planet, the thickness of the gravel layer on the surface, and the thermal conductivity of the ice or soil layer below the surface to provide a lower limit for the ocean depth.
• Just as “astronomers study starlight shining through the atmospheres of exoplanets” to identify oxygen, for example, says Tjoa, future telescopes “may see geysers like on Enceladus, stemming from a subsurface ocean”, as an indication of life there.
So far, the search for extraterrestrial life has focused on planets at a distance from their star where liquid water is possible on the surface. But within
Jesper Tjoa
our Solar System, most of the liquid water seems to be outside this zone. Moons around cold gas giants are heated beyond the melting point by tidal forces. The search area in other planetary systems therefore increases if we also consider moons. Researchers from SRON and RUG have now found a formula to calculate the presence and depth of subsurface oceans in these ‘exomoons.”
In the search for extraterrestrial life, we have so far mainly looked at Earth-like planets at a distance from their parent star where the temperature is between the freezing and boiling point of water. But if we use our own Solar System as an example, moons look more promising than planets. Enceladus, Europa and about six other moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune may harbor a subsurface ocean. They all reside far outside the traditional habitable zone—it is literally freezing cold on the surface—but tidal interaction with their host planet heats up their interior.
With moons entering the equation, exoplanet hunters such as the future PLATO telescope—which SRON is also working on—gain hunting ground regarding the search for life. When astronomers find a so-called exomoon, the main question is whether liquid water is possible. Researchers from SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research and the University of Groningen (RUG) have now derived a formula telling us whether there is a subsurface ocean present and how deep it is.
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China is on schedule to launch an orbiter and rover to Mars in July 2020 in a mission called Tianwen-1 – meaning ‘questions to heaven’. While the mission goals for Tianwen-1 appear very mundane – mapping the surface and extracting soil samples – one of the “questions to heaven” that the Chinese are very interested in answering is: “are multiple insider accounts of a German space colony that moved to Mars from Antarctica in the 1950s/1960s true?”
The Tianwen-1 orbiter will be equipped with a high-resolution camera comparable to HiRise on board NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. It also carries a medium-resolution camera, subsurface radar, mineralogy spectrometer, neutral and energetic particle analyzers and a magnetometer. The orbiter will also play a relay role for the mission rover.
The roughly 240-kilogram solar-powered rover is nearly twice the mass of China’s Yutu lunar rovers. It will carry a ground-penetrating radar, multispectral camera, a Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy instrument and payloads for detecting the climate and magnetic environment. The rover has a mission design lifetime of three Earth months. The rover will receive a name through a public vote closer to launch.
The Chinese orbiter and rover will provide independent data to answer many questions Chinese researchers have about Mars in terms of its ancient history and life, without relying on third parties such as NASA and the European Space Agency, which are well known to disseminate disinformation.
The China National Space Administration is well aware of data from NASA’s 1976 Viking mission that showed evidence of both current and ancient life on Mars.
Gilbert Levin’s two experiments conducted by twin landers both showed evidence of microscopic life on Mars. Nevertheless, his positive results were dismissed by NASA as he explained in a 2019 article for Scientific American:
On July 30, 1976, the LR [Labeled Release] returned its initial results from Mars. Amazingly, they were positive. As the experiment progressed, a total of four positive results, supported by five varied controls, streamed down from the twin Viking spacecraft landed some 4,000 miles apart. The data curves signaled the detection of microbial respiration on the Red Planet. The curves from Mars were similar to those produced by LR tests of soils on Earth. It seemed we had answered that ultimate question.
When the Viking Molecular Analysis Experiment failed to detect organic matter, the essence of life, however, NASA concluded that the LR had found a substance mimicking life, but not life. Inexplicably, over the 43 years since Viking, none of NASA’s subsequent Mars landers has carried a life detection instrument to follow up on these exciting results.
Additionally, the Viking orbiter took photos of the famous Face of Mars in the Cydonia region that was analyzed in depth by a number of researchers. Dr. JJ Hurtak was among the first to bring public attention to the existence of artificial structures on Mars revealed by Viking and the earlier Mariner 9 mission in a number of television interviews beginning in 1977.
Officially, NASA cast scorn on the analyses of Hurtak, DiPietro, and Hoagland about the Cydonia region containing the remains of an ancient Martian civilization. Nevertheless, other US government agencies were very interested in Hurtak, DiPietro and Hoagland’s analyses.
A declassified Central Intelligence Agency document reveals that in 1984, the CIA employed a psychic “remote viewer” to look at a region of Mars as it was approximately one million years ago. The remote viewer (Joseph McMoneagle), who was not aware that the coordinates given were on the planet Mars, described seeing pyramids, futuristic technologies, and a very tall human-looking civilization facing impending environmental calamity.
What makes the CIA document remarkable is that the coordinates provided to the remote viewer, Joseph McMoneagle, were of the Cydonia region as depicted in the 1976 Viking Orbiter images of Mars.
There are many questions about microbial and ancient intelligent life on Mars that the Chinese will begin to answer for themselves with the upcoming Tianwen-1 mission. However, the more interesting ‘questions to heaven’ are whether indigenous intelligent life continues to exist on Mars and whether in the 1950s/1960s, a German space colony was established there with US funding and logistical support.
The first report of a German colony being established on Mars came from a Bulgarian electrical engineer, Vladimir Terziski, in the early 1990s. Terziski gave lectures around the US from 1991 to 1993, showing documents and videos of Nazi SS flying saucer prototypes, and of a space operations center established in Antarctica by the Germans.
In the 1950s, after agreements had been reached between the Eisenhower Administration and the German breakaway colony in Antarctica, US resources began to flow to the Germans’ secret space program. This was done under cover of the Apollo program, which was run by German paperclip scientists holding senior leadership positions in NASA.
In chapter 12 of the US Air Force Secret Space Program, I explain how the Apollo program was used to funnel resources and personnel to help the Germans establish colonies on the Moon, Mars, and elsewhere in deep space. The German and US cooperation largely took place through a corporate consortium involving leading German and US corporations.
In 1989, an electrical contractor, Al Bielek, came forward to allege that he and his brother, Duncan Cameron, were taken to Mars through a jump room or teleportation device located at Montauk, Long Island, New York. In interviews, Bielek confirmed the accuracy of the Alternative 3 scenario involving the establishment of bases on the surface of Mars for a continuity of species program as first revealed in a mock British TV documentary.
Bielek said he and Cameron were sent by teleportation technology into ancient bases in the interior of Mars on multiple occasions. He described these bases as approximately 20,000 years old, built by human-looking extraterrestrials and long ago deserted. Along with another witness, the electrical engineer Preston Nichols, all the witnesses emphasized the role of Operation Paperclip German scientists who were very much involved in setting up and running the Montauk Project.
In 2000, Michael Relfe came forward to reveal that he had spent 20 years on Mars as a pilot and psychic on a highly classified space program. His experiences were detailed in a two volume series called The Mars Records. He was the first person to come forward claiming to have participated in a “20 and back program” – wherein an individual is age-regressed and sent back in time to his/her initial deployment, after serving for 20 years in a secret space program.
Relfe’s incredible story was followed in April 2014 by Randy Cramer, who claimed to have spent 17 years on Mars after being signed into the “20 and back program” on a secret moon base called Lunar Operations Command in 1987. He says that his primary mission was as a space marine protecting a corporate-run Mars colony from indigenous life that was highly intelligent, territorial, and aggressive.
Corey Goode first came forward in October 2014 and early 2015 revealing his own experiences in a Navy-run secret space program, Solar Warden, and how he had, on several occasions, traveled to Mars to service equipment for a corporate-run program where Germans occupied senior leadership positions. Goode later revealed a more recent trip to Mars in 2015, about how the Mars (German) colonies were providing advanced technology to as many as 900 different extraterrestrial civilizations.
I compared Relfe, Cramer, and Goode’s respective “20 and back” secret space program experiences in Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs (2015). The congruity of their independent claims was highly significant and supported the idea of advanced Martian colonies established by a German-US corporate alliance.
There continue to be more alleged insiders coming forward with sensational claims of having traveled to Mars and being forced to work with a German-run secret space program in deep (interstellar) space. While such claims continue to raise controversy, the scope of the information and the credentials of some of the insiders is impressive.
The mounting testimonial and documentary evidence of intelligent life on Mars and of the establishment of breakaway German and US corporate-run colonies there would certainly raise legitimate questions for China, especially as it is soon to launch its first official mission to Mars.
In Rise of the Red Dragon: Origins and Threat of China’s Secret Space Program, I explain how China has long-held suspicions about “UFOs being a western trick” trying to side-track from genuine research paths. In short, China has long suspected that UFOs were surveillance craft belonging to the US and the Soviet Union/Russia rather than being extraterrestrial in origin.
More recently, China has developed squadrons of antigravity spacecraft and is using its conventional rocket-powered space program as a cover for its true military operations in space. By 2030, China aims to achieve strategic dominance in space, which includes the ability to carry out a Space Pearl Harbor against the US if required.
China’s upcoming Tianwen-1 mission will begin the difficult task of answering key questions about the history of intelligent life on Mars, and of alleged corporate-run colonies secretly operating on the red planet. The definitive answers China finds to such questions are likely to shock their military and scientific establishment to the core.
China will confirm that it is a latecomer to human operations on Mars, and is far behind what the German and US corporate alliance have established there dating as far back as the 1950s/1960s. China’s Tianwen-1 mission will likely confirm multiple insider accounts of secret Mars bases and encounter some of the Germans’ advanced antigravity spacecraft. It’s likely to begin the challenging negotiating process that lies ahead if China wants to establish a long term presence on Mars, and hopes to participate in the remarkable scientific developments that are secretly occurring there under German control.
Article from Liverpool Hope University February 6, 2020 (
• Recently installed Chancellor at Liverpool Hope University and Professor of Planetary and Space Science, Monica Grady told a university audience recently that the notion of undiscovered life in our galaxy isn’t nearly as far-fetched as we might expect. It’s ‘almost a racing certainty’, says Grady.
• “[I]f there’s going to be life on Mars, ‘it’s likely to be very small bacteria’ and it’s going to be under the surface of the planet,” said Grady. Under the surface of Mars “you’re protected from solar radiation. And that means there’s the possibility of ice remaining in the pores of the rocks, which could act as a source of water.”
• “I think we’ve got a better chance of having slightly higher forms of life on Europa, perhaps similar to the intelligence of an octopus.” Jupiter’s moon Europa is covered by a layer of ice up to 15 miles deep, and there’s likely liquid water beneath where life could dwell. The ice acts as a protective barrier against both solar radiation and asteroid impact. The prospect of hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor – as well sodium chloride in Europa’s salty water – also boost the prospects of life.
• As for what lies beyond the Milky Way galaxy, Professor Grady says that it is ‘highly likely’ that the environmental conditions that led to life on Earth could be replicated elsewhere. “Our solar system is not a particularly special planetary system, as far as we know, and we still haven’t explored all the stars in the galaxy,” says Grady, who has worked with the European Space Agency. “I think it’s highly likely there will be life elsewhere …made of the same elements.”
• Grady notes that based purely on a statistical argument, dinosaurs killed by an asteroid impact making way for furry mammals from which humans evolved is theoretically possible to replicate in this vast universe. “Whether we will ever be able to contact extraterrestrial life is anyone’s guess, purely because the distances are just too huge.” “As for so-called alien ‘signals’ received from space, there’s been nothing real or credible.”
• At least three separate missions will be launched to Mars this year. The ExoMars 2020 mission, a joint project of the European Space Agency and the Russian space agency, Roscosmos, launches in July and is planned to reach the red planet in February 2021. The space exploration probe, the Hope Mars Mission funded by the United Arab Emirates, is set to launch in the summer.
• Grady has been studying a single grain of rock that was brought back to Earth in 2010 from the asteroid ‘25143 Itokawa’ by the Japanese Hayabusa mission. “When we look at this grain, we can see that most of it is made up of silicates, but it’s also got little patches of carbon in it,” says Grady. “[W]e can see that it’s been hit by other bits of meteorite, asteroid, and interstellar dust. “It’s giving us an idea of how complex the record of extra-terrestrial material really is.”
• In order to avoid contaminating the Earth with a Mars virus, Professor Grady described how a NASA mission will collect soil samples in tubes and leave them on Mars. Then in 2026, an ESA mission will collect those samples and put them in orbit around Mars. Then, a third mission will come and collect that orbiting capsule. Says Grady, “It’s about breaking the chain of contact between Mars and the Earth, just in case we bring back some horrendous new virus.” “[W]e don’t want to contaminate Mars with our own terrestrial bugs.”
• Professor Grady points out that space mission sterilization protocols will also prevent other planets from being contaminated by Earth viruses. Current protocol requires boiling equipment in acid or heating it to high temperatures.”We could be all there is in the galaxy. And if there’s only us, then we have a duty to protect the planet.”
• [Editor’s Note] As usual, the universities dependent on deep state funding intend to maintain the status quo, giving the public the impression that they are open to the possibility of extraterrestrial life in the universe, but limiting it to bacterial life in underground crevasses or primitive sea life hidden underneath miles of ice. They will note that there is no “real or credible” evidence of any other type of extraterrestrial life. University chancellors and professors must remain in denial of the vast amount of evidence of intelligent extraterrestrial life, the presence of ET beings here on Earth, and the existence of several secret space programs in order to keep their well-paid jobs and comfortable life styles.
It’s ‘almost a racing certainty’ there’s alien life on Jupiter’s moon Europa—and Mars could be hiding primitive microorganisms, too.
That’s the view of leading British space scientist Professor Monica Grady, who says the notion of undiscovered life in our galaxy isn’t nearly as far-fetched as we might expect.
Professor Monica Grady
Professor Grady, a Professor of Planetary and Space Science, says the frigid seas beneath Europa’s ice sheets could harbor ‘octopus’ like creatures.
Meanwhile the deep caverns and caves found on Mars may also hide subterranean life-forms—as they offer shelter from intense solar radiation while also potentially boasting remnants of ice.
Professor Grady was speaking at Liverpool Hope University, where she’s just been installed as Chancellor, and revealed: “When it comes to the prospects of life beyond Earth, it’s almost a racing certainty that there’s life beneath the ice on Europa.
“Elsewhere, if there’s going to be life on Mars, it’s going to be under the surface of the planet.
“There you’re protected from solar radiation. And that means there’s the possibility of ice remaining in the pores of the rocks, which could act as a source of water.
“If there is something on Mars, it’s likely to be very small—bacteria.
“But I think we’ve got a better chance of having slightly higher forms of life on Europa, perhaps similar to the intelligence of an octopus.”
Professor Grady isn’t the first to pinpoint Europa as a potential source of extraterrestrial life.
And the moon—located more than 390 million miles from Earth—has long been the subject of science fiction, too.
Europa, one of Jupiter’s 79 known moons, is covered by a layer of ice up to 15 miles deep—and there’s likely liquid water beneath where life could dwell.
The ice acts as a protective barrier against both solar radiation and asteroid impact.
Meanwhile, the prospect of hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor—as well sodium chloride in Europa’s salty water—also boost the prospects of life.
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Article by Greg Daugherty January 9, 2020 (
• George Adamski is perhaps the most famous UFO contactee and is certainly one of the most controversial characters in UFO history. Throughout his life, Adamski took photos of UFOs, wrote books and told stories of his encounters with human-like extraterrestrials from other planets in our solar system, gaining international fame as well as criticism.
• Adamski was born in Poland in 1891, coming to the U.S. with his parents and growing up in northern New York state. He had little formal education. In 1934, he told a Los Angeles Times reporter that he had lived in Tibet as a child, and planned to establish the first Tibetan monastery in Laguna Beach, California. In 1936, he told the newspapers that he was going to establish the world headquarters of an organization called ‘Universal Progressive Christianity’ in Laguna Beach. He also offered a tax plan to end the Great Depression in 1938.
• After World War II, Adamski’s ambitions turned to UFOs. In October 1946, he spotted his first UFO – a motionless black cigar-shaped craft. In August 1947, he witnessed a procession of 184 UFOs in the sky. By 1949, he’d attached a camera to his six-inch telescope and began scanning the skies. Adamski estimated that he took about 500 flying saucer photos, from which he got a dozen good quality shots. Newspapers and magazines published Adamski’s photos, and he gave lectures on UFOs. He also operated a tiny restaurant with a small telescope set up out back (in a rural area between Los Angeles and San Diego).
• In 1952, Adamski reported that he had met and conversed with a visitor from Venus in a California desert using a combination of hand gestures and mental telepathy, which he recounted in his 1953 book: Flying Saucers Have Landed. His 1955 sequel: Inside the Space Ships, recounted meeting human-like emissaries from Mars and Saturn. Adamski claimed that every planet in our solar system had human-like inhabitants, as did a base on the dark side of the Earth’s Moon.
• In his books, Adamski claimed that his extraterrestrial friends took him aboard a scout ship, flew him to a mother ship hovering over the Earth, gave him a ride around the Moon, and treated him to a colorful travelogue about life on Venus. He said that a 1,000 year-old man shared with him the secrets of the universe, some of which he was not allowed to divulge back on Earth.
• Adamski recounted his meeting in November 1952 with a human-like visitor from Venus in a remote part of the California desert. “The beauty of his form surpassed anything I had ever seen,” said Adamski. “(His) hair was sandy in color and hung in beautiful waves to his shoulders, glistening more beautifully than any woman’s I have ever seen.” The Venusian had come to deliver a message: ‘Earthlings should stop messing around with atomic bombs before they destroy their entire planet.’
• Project Bluebook investigator J. Allen Hynek called Adamski’s flying saucer photos ‘crude fakes’. Hynek’s Bluebook partner, Edward J. Ruppelt, visited Adamski’s restaurant in 1953 to find Adamski hawking his UFO photos. While Ruppelt didn’t believe him, he wrote that he was impressed all the same. “To look at the man and to listen to his story, you had an immediate urge to believe him,” said Ruppelt, … he had “the most honest pair of eyes I’ve ever seen.” SciFi writer Arthur C. Clarke also denounced Adamski’s work and called his believers “nitwits.” But in 1959, Queen Juliana of the Netherlands invited Adamski to her palace to discuss extraterrestrials. Adamski is said to have also had a secret meeting with the Pope in 1963.
• In 1961, Adamski published his last book: Flying Saucers Farewell, and continued to lecture widely. In 1965, Adamski predicted that a large fleet of flying saucers would soon descend on Washington, D.C. He died in April 1965 at age 74.
• Since his death, Adamski’s critics have tended to portray him as a harmless, small-time con artist. Others like Arthur C. Clarke and J. Allen Hynek have accused Adamski of discrediting the entire field of UFO research. But Adamski stuck by his story to the end. In his first book, Adamski gave an upbeat but ominous message: “Let us be friendly. Let us recognize and welcome the men from other worlds! They are here among us.”
To some, he was a prophet. To others, a laughing stock. Even today, more than half a century after his death, George Adamski remains one of the most curious and controversial characters in UFO history.
Adamski had multiple claims to UFO fame. Starting in the late 1940s, he took countless photos of what he insisted were flying saucers. But experts, including J. Allen Hynek, scientific consultant to the Air Force’s Cold War-era UFO investigation team Project Blue Book, dismissed them as crude fakes.
George Adamski
Then, in 1952, Adamski reported that he had met and conversed with a visitor from Venus in a California desert, using a combination of hand gestures and mental telepathy.
His story would only get stranger from there.
A star gazer is born
Adamski chronicled his alleged adventures in several books. The first, Flying Saucers Have Landed (1953), coauthored with Desmond Leslie, recounted his chat with the Venusian. Widely read at the time, it later gained a new generation of fans in the trippy 1960s.
Adamski’s 1955 sequel, Inside the Space Ships, described further meetings, not only with the Venusian but also with emissaries from Mars and Saturn.In Adamski’s telling, every planet in our solar system was populated with human-like inhabitants, as was the dark side of the earth’s moon.
In the 1955 book, Adamski claimed that his new friends took him aboard one of their scout ships, flew him to an immense mother ship hovering over the earth, gave him a ride around the moon and treated him to a colorful travelogue about life on Venus.
Along the way, he was also tutored by a space man he called “the master.” The master, who was said to be nearly 1,000 years old, shared the secrets of the universe with Adamski, only some of which he was allowed to divulge back on earth.
Preposterous as his stories seemed, Adamski became an international celebrity and lectured widely. Queen Juliana of the Netherlands raised a public stir after inviting him to her palace in 1959 to discuss extraterrestrial doings. Adamski supposedly claimed a secret 1963 meeting with the pope, as well.
Adamski soon had followers all over the planet. But not everybody was on board. Arthur C. Clarke, the author of 2001: A Space Odyssey, not only denounced Adamski’s work but characterized his believers as “nitwits.”
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Article by Jasper Hamill November 26, 2019 (
• In a press release on the Ohio University website earlier in November, Professor Emeritus William Romoser said that after analyzing images captured by NASA’s Mars rovers, the images clearly showed ‘fossilized and living creatures’ on the Red Planet’s surface. Romoser added, “There has been and still is life on Mars.” A poster of his research online suggested NASA is already ‘acquainted with Martian insect- and reptile-like creatures’ which live on Mars. That press release and the wire service that released it have now been deleted from the university website.
• Before being deleted, Romoser’s paper took the opportunity to reveal that ‘the “Red Planet” enjoys a surprising abundance of higher life forms’, including creatures resembling ‘bumblebees or carpenter bees’ as well as reptile-like animals which preyed on them. ‘The insect-like fauna observed appeared to be sheltering/nesting in caves, in burrows beneath the surface, and in specialized structures,’ Romoser wrote. ‘Other images show a fossilized creature that resembles a snake.’ ‘Once a clear image of a given form was identified and described, it was useful in facilitating recognition of other less clear, but none-the-less valid, images of the same basic form,’ said Romoser.
• Romoser has been an entomology professor at Ohio University for 45 years. He also spent nearly 20 years as a vector-borne disease researcher at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases. Between 1973 and 1998, Romoser authored and co-authored four editions of the widely-used textbook called ‘The Science of Entomology’. Romoser said that ‘interpretations of insect- and reptile-like creatures he described may change in the future as knowledge of life on Mars evolves, but that the sheer volume of evidence is compelling’. ‘The presence of higher metazoan organisms on Mars implies the presence of nutrient/energy sources and processes, food chains and webs, and water as elements functioning in a viable, if extreme, ecological setting sufficient to sustain life.’
• Romoser said, ‘I have observed instances suggestive of standing water… a moist bank area, and a drier area beyond’. Water on Mars, including surface water, has been detected by instrumentation on the Viking, Pathfinder, Phoenix, and Curiosity rovers. ‘The evidence of life on Mars presented here provides a strong… justification for further study.’
• [Editor’s Note] How did this professor evade the deep state’s truth embargo in the first place?
William Romoser
The claim that extraterrestrial beasties are living on Mars always sounded too good to be true. Now the university which published a press release
which alleged insects had been spotted on Mars has performed a dramatic u-turn. Last week, Professor Emeritus William Romoser, an entomologist from Ohio University, said images captured by Nasa’s Mars rovers clearly show ‘fossilised and living creatures’ on the Red Planet’s surface. ‘There has been and still is life on Mars,’ Romoser said in a press release which has now been deleted from the Ohio University website as well as wire services which distribute releases to journalists. We found a poster of his research online, which is still available to read, which suggested Nasa is already ‘acquainted with Martian insect- and reptile-like creatures’ which live on Mars.
‘It appears that the “Red Planet” enjoys a surprising abundance of higher life forms,’ the paper continued. The research analysed images sent back to Earth by the Mars Rover and made several astonishing allegations. It suggested that creatures resembling ‘bees’ lived on Mars as well as reptile-like animals which preyed on them. ‘The insect-like fauna observed appeared to be sheltering/nesting in caves, in burrows beneath the surface, and in specialized structures,’ the paper continued. Rosomer’s claims made international headlines last week.
Once again, ladies and gentlemen, the late, great David Bowie’s “Life on Mars?” (David Bowie YouTube)
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