• We have all heard about the “Tic Tac” shaped “alien spacecraft” that was encountered by US Navy pilots in 2004, and made famous when a USS Nimitz fighter pilot’s footage was released in a 2017 New York Times article. The Pentagon confirmed that the footage was authentic.
• The Navy fighter pilots claimed that the Tic Tac craft flew at previously unseen breakneck speeds. This led the public to believe that it could be anything from extraterrestrials to a super-secret military vehicle. But the Navy pilot who actually filmed the video said in 2019 that the craft couldn’t be part of a secret project due to the “erratic” nature of the craft.
• Former US Air Force intelligence expert Mike Turber (pictured above) told Jim Breslo on the ‘Hidden Truth Show’ that he has personal knowledge regarding the “Tic Tac alien craft”. Turber claims that Donald Trump not only knew about the US military’s advanced Tic Tac craft, but exploited the craft as a demonstration of power. Turber says that Trump told the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, something like, “Hey look out of your window, I want to show you something”. A Tic Tac craft then appeared and demonstrated its advanced technology to the Supreme leader. The demonstration must have had some short-term effect on Kim, who immediately moved to temporarily suspend his nuclear missile tests.
• “As far as I know, said Turber, “it made the talks with Trump more conclusive and there were no more rocket launches around that time.”
• [Editor’s Note] See Hidden Truth Show” video below. Turber discusses the use of the Tic Tac with North Korea beginning at 48 minutes. Turber goes on to talk about where the Tic Tac and Gimble ‘UFOs’ are built, cloaking technology, the effects of flying at high speeds and the need to suppress public information on this technology.
The epic of the extraordinarily-shaped “alien spacecraft” has excited audiences since 14 November 2004, when pilots of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group reported the first encounter, with more alleged sightings soaking into the media in the years after.
Donald Trump personally knows about the so-called “Tic Tac alien craft”, it has been claimed in a sensational revelation, with former United States Air Force intelligence expert Mike Turber outlining the details on the Hidden Truth Show with Jim Breslo.
According to the expert, the craft, unrivalled in terms of speed, was even exploited for a cause in connection with North Korea and its nuclear programme – more specifically, it is alleged to have been deployed by the US military as a demonstration of power to the DPRK and its leader Kim Jong-un.
“The exact details are super-classified but he [Kim Jong-un] was made aware that the craft would show up which was where he was staying”, Turber claimed, trying to picture what POTUS might have said when allegedly notifying the North Korean leader about the deployment:
“Hey look out of your window, I want to show you something”.
2:09:39 hour-long Jim Breslo interview of Mike Turber (‘Hidden Truth Show’ YouTube)
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• On January 14th, General John Raymond (pictured above with Vice-President Pence) was sworn in as the first ever Chief of Space Operations for the new U.S. Space Force. “Not only is (Space Force) historical, but it’s … absolutely critical to our national security and that of our allies,” Raymond said.
• President Donald Trump signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law last month to officially launch the US Space Force. While the Space Force will operate under the Department of the Air Force, it is also a distinct military branch of service.
• The renewed focus on space as a military domain reflects concern about the vulnerability of military and commercial satellites that are susceptible to disruption by Chinese and Russian anti-satellite weapons. The new Space Command will conduct operations such as enabling satellite-based navigation and communications for troops and commanders in the field and providing warning of missile launches abroad.
Gen. John Raymond was sworn in Tuesday as the first ever Chief of Space Operations for the new U.S. Space Force.
President Donald Trump officially launched the Space Force last month when he signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law. It will fall under the Department of the Air Force but is a distinct military service.
The role of the new Space Command is to conduct operations such as enabling satellite-based navigation and communications for troops and commanders in the field and providing warning of missile launches abroad.
“Not only is this historical, but it’s critical and this establishment is absolutely critical to our national security and that of our allies and it’s not lost on me or it’s not lost on the airmen that I am privileged to serve with,” Raymond said.
The renewed focus on space as a military domain reflects concern about the vulnerability of US satellites, both military and commercial, that are critical to US interests and are potentially susceptible to disruption by Chinese and Russian anti-satellite weapons.
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President Donald Trump signed the Space Force Act into law yesterday night. It was included in the omnibus 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) funding Pentagon operations for another year, and officially creates a sixth branch of the military – US Space Force (USSF). Trump’s signing sets the stage for some amazing disclosures of what the USAF has secretly deployed in space for decades.
The budget allocated to Space Force is a paltry $40 million for its first year of operations, which effectively covers little more than the costs of hiring 200 new personnel and changing signs for personnel transferring from Air Force Space Command to the new Space Force. Approximately 16,000 civilian and military personnel will transfer from Air Force Space Command, which currently hosts 26,000 personnel, to the new Space Force.
On the surface, there appears to be little to be excited about with the creation of Space Force, which will continue to operate with largely the same personal and commander of the current Air Force Space Command – General John “Jay” Raymond.
Space Force will operate under the authority of the Department of the Air Force as an independent military branch, a temporary compromise, according to President Trump who would like to see the creation of a Department of Space Force eventually.
Critically, General Raymond is also in charge of US Space Command, the Pentagon’s newly created combatant command, which integrates the aerospace resources of the USAF, Army, Navy and USMC in combat operations around the world and outer space.
For the first year of Space Force’s existence, General Raymond will be dual-hatted as Chief of Space Operations and Commander of Space Command. This will allow Space Force to closely coordinate with other branches of the US military that have assets in space.
The big change that lies ahead is what the USAF plans to do with the highly classified space program it has secretly developed and deployed with futuristic aerospace technologies dating back to the 1970s. Lieutenant General Steven Kwast (USAF ret.) recently mentioned some of the cutting edge technologies developed in classified Air Force laboratories in a November 2019 lecture:
The technology is on the engineering benches today. But most Americans and most members of Congress have not had time to really look deeply at what is going on here. But I’ve had the benefit of 33 years of studying and becoming friends with these scientists. This technology can be built today with technology that is not developmental to deliver any human being from any place on planet Earth to any other place in less than an hour.
Less than a week before Trump signed the Space Force Act, the Secretary of the Air Force, Barbara Barrett, and Mike Rogers, one of the Congressman who co-sponsored the original bill for Space Force, both called for the USAF to declassify the advanced space technologies it has developed. Barrett said:
Declassifying some of what is currently held in secure vaults would be a good idea… You would have to be careful about what we declassify, but there is much more classified than what needs to be.
All the assets and personnel that clandestinely operate within the USAF secret space program will be transferred over to Space Force and the authority of General Raymond.
This will be welcomed by the commanders and personnel in the secret space program whose space activities have been classified so highly that it has negatively impacted career advancements and benefits when compared to their peers in more conventional Air Force programs.
The creation of Space Force sets the stage for the official disclosure of major components of the Air Force’s secret space program which I have discussed in detail in the US Air Force Secret Space Program. Disclosure is likely to begin with antigravity vehicles such as the legendary TR-3B, a flying triangle that was first sighted in the late 1980s, and newer rectangle-shaped flying platforms, which were photographed near McDill Air Force base in 2018.
There are also disk-shaped flying saucer craft and stealth space stations that were jointly developed with the National Reconnaissance Office. More incredible are the “stargates” or traversable wormholes that have been secretly developed and used for decades according to multiple insiders.
The disclosure of these and other advanced technologies will be mind-boggling and revolutionize the aerospace industry. More importantly, for the Trump administration, they will help re-industrialize America and establish Space Force as the leading military power in space for decades to come.
Conspiracy research entails connecting lots of dots that most folks…..especially those articulating the official government narrative……. ignore or purposely distort through disinformation and outright lies.
As Veterans Today and others have pointed out since Trump emerged 4 years ago as a presidential candidate, New York mob lawyer, Roy Cohn, was Donald Trump’s mentor.
Joseph P. Farrell has pointed out that Cohn’s ties go far beyond his obvious links to the Deep State on display during the famous McCarthy hearings and include his knowledge of the Secret Space Program.
For those claiming I am too distrustful, I say perhaps. But McCarthy and Cohn connected to above top-secret black projects and Nixon having a UFO time capsule: who knew about any of that? With Mueller tied to the MIC through Gibson Island and his family’s Uranium business as well as Comey helping him suppress cloaking technology, RussiaGate takes on a different complexion for me than what the official narrative wants us to believe.
The latest research from George Webb shows that Mueller and Bill Barr’s families are linked by a common focus on Uranium production and other VERY Deep State aspects of the Military Industrial Complex that go back to WWII, the OSS, the Manhattan Project, Operation Paper Clip and more.
All this is being ignored with the Epstein scandal; Mueller’s Russiagate hoax testimony; the Squad rumblings and other events designed to distract the public from the true agenda: more wars using modern weaponry, i.e. the kind being designed by Trump’s Space Force which is first and foremost a new branch of our military:
Reagan had Iran Contra (which Barr and Mueller helped cover up) along with his Star Wars project (SDI). Trump has his scandals and the Space Force to supposedly take us to the Moon and Mars while really being mostly about the weaponization of space.
The “soft disclosure” events of recent weeks also appear increasingly as a diversion to excite those fascinated by UFOs and appeal to the enthusiasm of the masses to that conversation while covering up the true agenda and activities of our Secret Space Program.
Sex sells as does tall tales of ETs and political corruption. This is being carefully, brilliantly orchestrated by the VERY Deep State that includes Mueller, Barr and many others as key players in the Big Scam.
A review of the material below will bring willing readers up to date on how current events are used to achieve nefarious goals while keeping everyone pitted against each other thinking, understandably, that they have insight into what’s really going on.
They do, but invariably, we are all like the blind feeling different parts of an elephant and proclaiming they know what’s in their hands. This immense Leviathan of the VERY Deep State remains cloaked to all but a few, even as the work of diligent researchers such as Joseph P. Farrell, Richard Dolan, Michael Salla, the late Jim Marrs, Linda Moulton Howe, Richard C. Hoagland, Alfred Webre and many other brilliant writers reveals much about this.
Will we achieve Full Disclosure? Will our civilization be able to survive the coming turmoil and achieve the level of peace and prosperity seemingly available from the new technologies now kept hidden from us? That is the question of the day and the hope of many who cling to the prospect of it happening soon.
Rich Scheck
Burlington WA
July 24, 2019
(N. B.: This writer describes his articles as speculative musings…..educated guesses regarding the truth based on his intuition as he attempts to read the tea leaves of current events and between the lines of official narratives. He is much more gadfly than scholar and encourages readers to keep that in mind as they peruse the above article.)
The National Security Agency has responded to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request concerning direct communications between Seth Rich, a former staffer for the Democratic National Committee, and Julian Assange and/or Wikileaks. The NSA issued a “Glomar Response”, where it chose to neither confirm nor deny the requested information due to its existence or “non-existence” being “properly classified”.
The NSA response reveals that communications between Rich and Assange/Wikileaks are subject to classification laws. Their release will have major national security implications that directly impact US Russia relations, and may facilitate disclosure of suppressed secret space program technologies.
I filed the FOIA request after communicating with Ty Clevenger, Esq., who had on October 10, 2017, filed an FOIA request regarding communications between Rich and Assange, along with many other individuals. In his original FOIA letter to the NSA, Clevenger requested:
All documents, records, or communications referencing or containing communications between Seth Rich and any of the following: Julian Assange, Wikileaks, Kim Dotcom, Aaron Rich, Shawn Lucas, Kelsey Mulka, Imran Awan, Abid Awan, Jamal Awan, Hina Alvi, Rao Abbas, and/or any person or entity outside of the United States. (pdf available here)
The NSA wrote a final response to Clevenger on October 4, 2018:
Your request has been processed under the provisions of the FOIA. Fifteen documents (32 pages) responsive to your request have been reviewed by this Agency as required by the FOIA and have found to be currently and properly classified in accordance with Executive Order 13526. These documents meet the criteria for classification as set forth in Subparagraph (c) of Section 1.4 and remains classified TOP SECRET and SECRET. (pdf available here)
The Clevinger’s FOIA request and the NSA’s response was the subject of an article by Mark McCarty published by Medium.com on April 19, 2019, where he analyzed its consequences for those claiming Rich was the real source of the DNC emails being handed over to Wikileaks. Unfortunately, McCarty’s article was taken down by Medium.com and he was removed as an author from the site in what appears to be a flagrant case of censorship.
I wrote an article on April 25, 2019 commenting on the issues raised in McCarty’s article and NSA’s response to Clevinger’s FOIA request. Of particular interest was what a prominent NSA whistleblower, William Binney, had to say about the NSA’s response:
“Ty Clevenger has FOIAed information from NSA asking for any data that involved both Seth Rich and also Julian Assange.
And they responded by saying we’ve got 15 files, 32 pages, but they’re all classified in accordance with executive order 13526 covering classification, and therefore you can’t have them.
That says that NSA has records of communications between Seth Rich and Julian Assange. I mean, that’s the only business that NSA is in — copying communications between people and devices.”
In closely examining Clevinger’s request and the NSA’s response, what is left unclear is exactly who Rich was communicating with that the 15 documents (32 pages) were referring to.
This was due to the initial FOIA request by Clevinger being very broad in scope since it asked for multiple individuals that Rich was communicating with in addition to Assange/Wikileaks. Basically, the NSA’s response, as cited above, made it unclear whether the information it had concerned communications between Rich and Assange, or Rich and one of the other named parties.
In order to narrow the scope of the inquiry into Rich’s communications, I filed my own FOIA request to the NSA on April 27, 2019:
I am researching the circumstances surrounding the death of Seth Conrad Rich (“Seth Rich, born January 3, 1968), who was murdered in the District of Columbia on July 10, 2016. I request all documents, records, or correspondence referencing or containing communications between Seth Rich and Julian Assange or Wikileaks.
I received the following response by the NSA on May 1, 2019.
We have determined that the fact of the existence or non-existence of the materials you request is a currently and properly classified matter in accordance with Executive Order 13526, as set forth in Subparagraph (c) of Section 1.4. Thus, your request is denied pursuant to the first exemption of the FOIA which provides that FOIA does not apply to matters that are specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign relations and are, in fact properly classified pursuant to such Executive Order.”
Sec. 1.4. Classification Categories. Information shall not be considered for classification unless its unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause identifiable or describable damage to the national security in accordance with section 1.2 of this order, and it pertains to one or more of the following:
(a) military plans, weapons systems, or operations;
(b) foreign government information; (c) intelligence activities (including covert action), intelligence sources or methods, or cryptology;
(d) foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States, including confidential sources;
(e) scientific, technological, or economic matters relating to the national security;
(f) United States Government programs for safeguarding nuclear materials or facilities;
(g) vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, infrastructures, projects, plans, or protection services relating to the national security; or
(h) the development, production, or use of weapons of mass destruction.
The NSA’s response is known as a “Glomar Response”, which is different from a regular denial of a request for official government records as explained by Nate Jones from Unredacted.com:
The Glomar Response is different than a regular FOIA denial—when an agency states that it has the records but that it will not release them. When an agency replies with a Glomar Response, it refuses even to admit that documents exist; this makes research (and the appeals process) much more difficult.
The NSA’s decision of neither confirming nor denying the existence of direct communications between Rich and Assange/Wikileaks affirms that the NSA is unwilling to directly admit such correspondence exists and makes it difficult for researchers to reach a definitive answer. Nevertheless, what the NSA’s response does reveal is that the alleged communications between Rich and Assange/Wikileaks are a matter of national security.
The NSA response is a startling admission given what has been previously learned about Rich’s role in handing over the DNC emails to Assange and Wikileaks as discussed in my previous article on Rich. Basically, we know that law enforcement sources told journalists Seymour Hersh and Sean Hannity/Fox News that Rich was the source for the DNC party email links.
In addition, Binney was part of a group of former U.S. intelligence officers that wrote a report released on July 24, 2017 explaining why it was impossible for the DNC files to have been downloaded by online hackers, and the most likely explanation was an inside source with direct access to the DNC server who leaked the files through a thumb drive:
Forensic studies of “Russian hacking” into Democratic National Committee computers last year reveal that on July 5, 2016, data was leaked (not hacked) by a person with physical access to DNC computer. After examining metadata from the “Guccifer 2.0” July 5, 2016 intrusion into the DNC server, independent cyber investigators have concluded that an insider copied DNC data onto an external storage device.
The NSA’s responses to Clevinger and my FOIA requests take on even more significance given recent attempts to debunk any purported connection between Rich and Assange/Wikileaks. Michael Isikoff, writing for Yahoo News on July 9, 2019, insisted that the Russians were the real source of the leak and not Rich:
Russian government-owned media organizations RT and Sputnik repeatedly played up stories that baselessly alleged that Rich, a relatively junior-level staffer, was the source of Democratic Party emails that had been leaked to WikiLeaks. It was an idea first floated by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who on Aug. 9, 2016, announced a $20,000 reward for information about Rich’s murder, saying — somewhat cryptically — that “our sources take risks.”
Many mainstream news sources ran with Isikoff’s story which neglected to discuss Binney’s intelligence assessment, the NSA FOIA responses, and what Seymour Hersh had been told about Rich being the source for the leak. It appeared that Isikoff’s story was an attempt to get in front of a developing story stemming from Assange’s looming extradition to the US, and his expected testimony tying Rich to the DNC emails released by Wikileaks.
The conclusion that emerges from the NSA FOIA responses and what other researchers have revealed is that the Deep State has framed Russia for a domestic leak by a disgruntled DNC employee, Seth Rich. The Deep State’s purpose was to undermine Trump’s presidential campaign and his subsequent administration through concocted Russia collusion charges, and to impede meaningful cooperation between Trump and Putin on a host of global policy issues.
One of these global policy areas concerns the official disclosure of exotic aerospace technologies secretly used by the US and Russia in their respective secret space programs, which I have described elsewhere. The disclosure of such technologies could do much to resolve global security and energy problems, but would have major repercussions for the petroleum and pharmaceutical industries that are dependent on antiquated fuel and medical technologies.
What has clearly emerged since the DNC emails were leaked is that the mainstream news media, along with major social media companies such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Google, have all colluded to deceive the US and the global public over the real source of the leaked DNC emails. As the truth emerges about Rich being the true source for emails leaked by Wikileaks in 2016, the role and power of the Deep State in manipulating public opinion so brazenly for over two years is about to be exposed. This exposure will open the door for exotic technology disclosures that can revolutionize life on our planet.
• On July 2nd, US Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH, pictured above) was in North Conway, New Hampshire where she confirmed receiving a briefing as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee on reports by Navy fliers of UFOs in the skies over both the East and West Coasts. Said Shaheen, “It was a classified briefing so I’m not allowed to talk about it. But if you were to ask me personally do I believe there are UFOs, I think that there are events that have happened that have not been explained adequately.”
• UFOs have been in the news quite a lot in recent years. The New York Times has reported a secret Pentagon UFO program from 2007-12 (and beyond), and released Navy cockpit video footage of a “tic tac” UFO flying over the Pacific Ocean in 2004. That Navy pilot was Windham, New Hampshire’s own David Fravor who has also told his story on the History Channel’s television show “Unidentified.” Last October, The Guardian reported that the Senate Armed Services Committee was briefed on the 2004 incident described by Fravor.
• Earlier this year, Navy pilots on the East Coast also were also interviewed by the Times about encounters with UFOs. The Navy has recently relaxed its UFO reporting policies. ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos asked President Donald Trump about UFOs. Trump confirmed that he was briefed on UFOs and didn’t “particularly” believe in them.
• Shaheen happened to be in Conway on “World UFO Day”, commemorating the July 2, 1947 crash of a UFO in Roswell, NM. The goal for the day was to raise awareness of UFOs and to promote what enthusiasts call “disclosure” of the same.
U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen she confirmed during her trip to North Conway Tuesday, which was “World UFO Day,” that she’s been briefed on unidentified flying objects.
July 2 was chosen as World UFO day because it “commemorates the supposed UFO crash in 1947,” said Wikipedia, making reference to an alleged incident in Roswell, N.M.
The goal for the day was to raise awareness of UFOs and also to promote what enthusiasts call “disclosure” of the same.
Shaheen is on the Armed Services Committee of the U.S. Senate. She was not aware of World UFO Day. However, she confirmed a briefing on them.
“We have been briefed,” said Shaheen. “It was a classified briefing so I’m not allowed to talk about it. But if you were to ask me personally do I believe there are UFOs, I think that there are events that have happened that have not been explained adequately.”
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• President Trump was interviewed by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson while the President visited the Far East in late June. It was aired on Fox News on July 5th. Carlson asked the President about a recent briefing he had regarding the Navy pilots who reported seeing “strange objects” flying at hypersonic speeds and emitting “no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes.” (see video below)
• Trump mused, “I mean, you have people that swear by it, right?… And pilots have come in and they said — and these are pilots that have — not pilots that are into that particular world, but we have had people saying that they’ve seen things.” This was the Commander-in-Chief’s way of saying he isn’t convinced UFOs exist.
• President Trump continued: “Well, I don’t want to really get into it too much. But personally, I tend to doubt it. … I’m not a believer, but you know, I guess anything is possible.” Apparently, he’s keeping an open mind.
• Recently, the Defense Department held a briefing with Senate Intelligence Committee Vice Chairman Mark Warner (D-VA) and two other Senators regarding Navy pilots’ encounters with UFOs. Carlson asked the President, who has access to any military base, about a claim made by a government official who said that the U.S. is in possession of UFO wreckage at an Air Force Base facility. Trump said he hadn’t heard about it but had seen the story covered on Carlson’s show.
• [Editor’s Note] Nick Pope was also interviewed by Tucker Carlson in the Fox News interview. Pope rejoiced that a US president was even discussing the subject. In a recent ExoNews article, Rich Sheck applauded Trump conceding that UFO’s are real, even if he doesn’t believe in extraterrestrials.(see here) Dr Michael Salla recently wrote an equally optimistic account of President Trumps interview with George Stephanopoulos. (see here) When asked if Trump believed in UFOs, the President responded “not particularly”. So Trump must have information of what these UFOs really are, and is actively seeking a way to inform the public. Many in the UFO community seem to be banking that Trump is only pretending to be ignorant and indifferent to the existence of UFOs of extraterrestrial origin as part of a master plan that the President has up his sleeve to affect full disclosure when the time is right. I wish I shared their optimism. But I have a feeling that Donald Trump isn’t pretending.
Does President Trump believe the truth is out there?
Apparently not.
During an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, Trump, who has all our information about extraterrestrials and UFOs at his disposal, said he isn’t convinced UFOs exist.
But he’s keeping an open mind.
“Well, I don’t want to really get into it too much. But personally, I tend to doubt it,” he told Carlson. “I’m not a believer, but you know, I guess anything is possible.”
Carlson was pressing the president on a recent briefing he had regarding the Navy pilots who reported seeing “strange objects” flying at hypersonic speeds and emitting “no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes.” Last week, the Defense Department also held a briefing with Senate Intelligence Committee Vice Chairman Mark Warner, D-Va., as well as two other senators as part of an apparent effort to communicate with politicians about naval encounters with unidentified aircraft.
5:43 minute video of Tucker Carlson’s interview with Pres Trump (Fox News)
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The foundation continues to be laid to validate PRG Director Steve Bassett’s May 2019 prediction that “full disclosure is imminent!”
If that happens now it would make Donald Trump the disclosure president much to the chagrin of those suffering from TDS who dreamed that Hillary Clinton would garner that title.
There’s a strong argument to be made that she would have justifiably earned that label had she won the 2016 election. Starting with her work with the Rockefeller Initiative back in the late 1990s and right up to the last presidential campaign where both she and her campaign manager, John Podesta, more than hinted of their intention to end The Truth Embargo, Hillary has been a champion of greater transparency when it came to UFOs/UAVs.
Trump’s discussion with Tucker Carlson in Korea a few days ago is fascinating: he states that solid grounds for believing UFOs are real even if he doesn’t embrace the idea that they are extraterrestrial.
The key point is that he is talking about the subject……again……following his recent chat with George Stephanopoulos where the subject was raised for the first time with him.
Trump is discussing this in public in the context of the media being inundated with reports on the formerly taboo topic and admits that he is “open-minded” about it all since the pilots and other witnesses are credible.
Is this another baby-step along the soft disclosure road set in motion with the formation of TTSA in October of 2017 and the New York Times article two months later describing the ATTP? It sure seems like it to me.
Maybe Richard C. Hoagland will have something to say about this on July 20th when he may follow up his recent interview with Clyde Lewis where he suggested some sort of big announcement is on the way.
The 50th Anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing would seem the perfect time for Trump to say that he had received a new briefing and that ETs and/or their crashed craft are here. Hoagland has sent the president a special report on the Moon and Mars which might be all he needs.
Combine the rash of discussion about UFOs after decades of official denial with Trump’s Space Force, other revelations like the Wilson/Davis notes about a downed alien vehicle and many reports by military and civilians of UFO sightings and we have a clear indication that Bassett may indeed be right.
I thought he was premature in his prediction and that another Middle East war with Iran was more likely. Maybe it will turn out that both forecasts prove true.
But if we receive official confirmation of the ET presence on Earth, that would make Trump the Disclosure President, something a man with his lust for fame and notoriety would surely relish in the run-up to the 2020 election…….and as a permanent legacy of his presidency!
President Trump and members of the US Congress have recently received briefings about US Navy pilot sightings of UFOs. When combined with the Pentagon acknowledging that it had created a classified program to study the UFOs from 2007 to 2012 with Congressional funding, the briefings are leading to increasing speculation on whether we are on the verge of official disclosure on UFOs and their true origin.
Furthermore, the briefings are occurring at the same time as legislation for the creation of a Space Force is making steady progress through Congress. This raises the intriguing question of whether Trump and members of Congress have been told Space Force is necessary to deal with UFOs being sighted by the Navy pilots which are being viewed by the Pentagon as a potential threat.
In an interview with ABC TV host, George Stephanopoulos, President Donald Trump admitted that he received a briefing about UFO sightings by US Navy pilots that occurred in 2004 and 2015. In a June 15 story titled: “Trump briefed on Navy UFO sightings,” Politico’s Matthew Choi wrote about what Trump told Stephanopoulos:
“I want them to think whatever they think,” Trump said of the Navy pilots. “I did have one very brief meeting on it. But people are saying they’re seeing UFOs. Do I believe it? Not particularly.”
Trump was here acknowledging that he doesn’t believe in UFOs, which has the connotation of being an extraterrestrial piloted spacecraft. Reading between the lines here, Trump is hinting that what the Navy pilots saw were not UFOs but something else that he and the Pentagon knew the answer to.
When asked the question of whether he knew of an extraterrestrial connection to the sightings, he told Stephanopoulos:
“I think our great pilots would know. And some of them see things a little bit different from the past. … We’re watching, and you’ll be the first to know.”
Trump appeared to be deflecting from what he really knew about the alien connection, but one thing he emphasized was that his administration is paying attention to what the Navy pilots have been reporting. Again, reading between the lines, Trump is saying that his administration is actively seeking answers to the UFO phenomenon, and when he finds out, he will relay this to Stephanopoulos and the general public.
A few days later on June 19, Politico ran a story where it discussed three US Senators that had also received classified briefings on the UFO sightings by Navy pilots. In “Senators briefed on Navy UFO sightings”, Bryan Bender wrote:
Three more U.S. senators received a classified Pentagon briefing on Wednesday about a series of reported encounters by the Navy with unidentified aircraft, according to congressional and military officials — part of a growing number of requests from members of key oversight committees.
One of them was Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, whose office confirmed the briefing to POLITICO.
“If naval pilots are running into unexplained interference in the air, that’s a safety concern Senator Warner believes we need to get to the bottom of,” his spokesperson, Rachel Cohen, said in a statement.
Justifying their interest in the Navy pilot sightings as a “safety concern” is a convenient way for members of Congress to take an active interest in UFO reports, which have been officially dismissed and ridiculed for decades. This official policy goes back to 1953 when a CIA sponsored panel of scientists gave a damming report on UFO sightings that recommended a public education program to dismiss and ridicule UFO (aka flying saucer) sightings on national security grounds.
Ever since then UFO sightings have been reported by the mainstream press in a way that often mocks and ridicules the subject matter. What is very unusual today is that serving Navy pilots are given permission to talk about their sightings, and the press is giving their accounts serious attention in articles without any ridicule factor.
This is amply demonstrated in the many mainstream news stories that appeared after the New York Times and Politicoran simultaneous articles about the Navy pilot UFO sightings back on December 16, 2017. Both newspapers discussed the pilots’ UFO sightings, leaked videos of the UFOs recorded by their planes instruments, and the connection of the sightings to the establishment of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) back in 2007 with Congressional funding of $22 million.
All this coincides with the formation of Space Force as a sixth branch of the US military, which is currently being debated by both houses of Congress. In the last few weeks, two Congressional defense committees have approved the passage of bills authorizing the creation of Space Force. It will take another month or two for both the House of Representatives and Senate to pass their respective bills, and to then resolve differences in language and priorities between the two versions for their inclusion into the National Defense Authorization Act for 2020.
One thing is becoming very clear, Space Force enjoys genuine bipartisan support in Congress, and this appears to be a result of the current media and Congressional interest in UFOs generated by Navy pilot reports and Pentagon disclosures about its AATIP program. Was Senator Warner, a Democrat, told by his Pentagon briefers that the UFOs sighted by the pilots were an unknown threat, and this is why Space Force is necessary?
A few weeks earlier, Senator Ted Cruz spoke about Space Force being necessary to deal with space pirates. He was not talking about extraterrestrial visitors, but rogue elements from different countries or corporations that could challenge US supremacy in space.
It’s not coincidental that members of Congress are being briefed about Navy pilot reports of UFOs that led to the Pentagon setting up its AATIP program in 2007. They are being told that UFOs are an unknown threat, at the same time as the Trump Administration and the Pentagon are pushing for the establishment of Space Force.
It’s widely expected that Space Force will be officially created and set up under the Department of Air Force in 2020, mirroring the relationship between the Department of the Navy and the US Marine Corps. After its official launch, the stage will be set for the Air Force to unveil the classified space technologies it has been covertly developing for decades in a secret space program, which is described in detail in my newly released book, US Air Force Secret Space Program: Extraterrestrial Alliances and Space Force.
Official disclosure is likely to unfold in different stages. The first will be that many UFO sightings involve classified technologies developed by the USAF, along with similar aerospace technologies developed by Russia and China. Disclosure of an Air Force secret space program will be an optimal way of surprising the US public with news about the different sized and shaped antigravity vehicles that have been deployed for several decades now.
The second stage of disclosure likely involves future announcements involving the capture and reverse engineering of non-terrestrial technologies that date back to the 1940s, as also described in the US Air Force Secret Space Program.
A sure sign of what lies ahead is a leaked document about Vice Admiral Tom Wilson, former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, being denied access back in 1997 to a classified corporate program involving the reverse engineering of non-human made advanced technologies.
The leaked document identifies several scientists and former military officials who could be summoned before Congress to testify about their knowledge of such a reverse engineering program. Indeed the Pentagon official in charge of the AATIP program from 2007 to 2017, Luis Elizondo, gave an interview on Tucker Carlson on May 31 admitting that some UFO technologies had been retrieved and were being studied by the US government.
Carlson: Do you believe, based on your decade of serving in the US government on this question that the US government has in its possession any material from one of these aircraft?
Elizondo: I do. Yes.
Carlson: Do you think the US government has debris from a UFO in its possession right now?
Elizondo: Unfortunately Tucker I really have to be careful of my NDA [Non-Disclosure Agreement], I really can’t go into a lot of more detail than that …
Carlson: Okay.
Elizondo: But, ah, simply put, yes.
This would set in place a means by which the Pentagon and the Trump Administration could reveal how retrieved non-terrestrial technologies were used for the USAF for the research and development of advanced aerospace technologies using antigravity, torsion field and other exotic propulsion systems.
Finally, after Space Force has been created and its arsenal of antigravity spacecraft inherited from the USAF is publicly revealed, the truth about some of the extraterrestrials currently visiting our world can be announced. Extraterrestrial disclosure can be done in a way that does not undermine public confidence over the US and other national governments being able to defend their populations against any possible hostile extraterrestrial actions.
The widespread media attention given to US Navy pilot reports, the association of the UFOs with the AATIP program, and Congressional passage of legislation establishing Space Force are all sure signs of major disclosures that lie ahead.
• At a May 27th joint press conference in Tokyo, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and President Donald Trump announced their agreement for the two nations to cooperate in space exploration. “I am pleased to confirm that Prime Minister Abe and I have agreed to dramatically expand our nations’ cooperation in human space exploration,” Trump said. “Japan will join our mission to send U.S. astronauts to space. We’ll be going to the moon. We’ll be going to Mars very soon. It’s very exciting.”
• The agreement between the two leaders was not released, and neither Trump nor Abe would elaborate. A State Department fact sheet noted that the two “agreed on the importance of a sustained human presence on and around the moon.” “Building on its International Space Station (ISS) experience, Japanese astronauts will strive to join American astronauts on the moon and destinations beyond,” the fact sheet noted.
• Japan, a major partner on the ISS, had shown an interest in participating in aspects of NASA’s renewed push to return to the moon, including contributing modules to the Gateway facility NASA plans to develop in lunar orbit to support human lunar landings. The agreement could include Japanese astronauts going to the moon.
• NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine tweeted that he was “very excited” about the agreement announced by Trump and Abe. “Japan and [JAXA] are critical partners in our efforts to go forward to the Moon and on to Mars!”
• In a video released by NASA, Hiroshi Yamakawa, president of the Japanese space agency said, “It’s a great pleasure to collaborate with NASA in that endeavor.”
• With the White House’s urging, NASA accelerated its plans to return humans to the lunar surface by 2024, versus the 2028 date in its previous plans. Major roles for international partners will mostly be deferred to the second phase, which will focus on establishing a sustainable human presence on and around the moon after the 2024 landing. Ken Bowersox, deputy associate administrator for human exploration and operations at NASA, said that if international partners can accelerate their contributions, “they’re welcome to participate in the early phases.”
• The Japanese company ‘ispace’ is developing commercial lunar landers as part of a team led by the American company, Draper, that won one of nine Commercial Lunar Payload Services agreements from NASA last November to transport research payloads to the lunar surface. Founder and chief executive of ispace Takeshi Hakamada stated, “We are thrilled to learn that the U.S. and Japan will deepen its strong relationship in space exploration through a focused effort on lunar exploration.”
WASHINGTON — The governments of the United States and Japan have agreed to further cooperation in space which could include flying Japanese astronauts to the moon.
At a joint press conference in Tokyo May 27 with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, President Donald Trump mentioned cooperation in space exploration as one outcome of their meetings during the president’s visit to the country.
“I am pleased to confirm that Prime Minister Abe and I have agreed to dramatically expand our nations’ cooperation in human space exploration,” Trump said. “Japan will join our mission to send U.S. astronauts to space. We’ll be going to the moon. We’ll be going to Mars very soon. It’s very exciting.”
Neither Trump nor Abe elaborated on the nature of that agreement, which was not released. A fact sheet released by the State Department May 27 noted that the two “agreed on the importance of a sustained human presence on and around the moon.”
“Building on its International Space Station (ISS) experience, Japanese astronauts will strive to join American astronauts on the moon and destinations beyond,” the State Department fact sheet noted.
A cooperative agreement of some kind between the United States and Japan was expected to be signed during Trump’s visit. Japan, a major partner on the ISS, had shown an interest in participating in aspects of NASA’s renewed push to return to the moon, including contributing modules to the Gateway facility NASA plans to develop in lunar orbit to support human lunar landings.
“It’s a great pleasure to collaborate with NASA in that endeavor,” Hiroshi Yamakawa, president of the Japanese space agency JAXA, said in a video released by NASA May 28 about international cooperation on the development of the Gateway and its overall lunar plans.
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The Roller Coaster ride that is the Trump presidency has reached new heights with his efforts to implement another branch of the military he has labelled The Space Force.
Trump may be the most unique president in American history. Much of what he says and does is worthy of the condemnation heaped upon him by the Main Stream Media, his many political opponents and even “independent” journalists such as Gordon Duff, Robert David Steele and yours truly…..even though I believe RussiaGate was a British intelligence operation designed to prevent his election and then undermine his presidency.
I find his close association with Bibi Netanyahu, Sheldon Adelson and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman which is facilitated by his son-in-law Jaren Kushner deeply troubling.
But, despite what I consider his war crimes in Syria, Yemen and elsewhere and his vulnerability to impeachment charges for the “high misdemeanor” of Maladministration after two years of chaotic leadership, this observer has to give him a begrudging vote of confidence for his boldness, tenacity and unflappable perseverance in the face of the most extreme assault on a presidency since Abe Lincoln.
The thing I find most interesting about his stewardship is his association with the Space Program. Although this area of public policy gets little attention compared to the glory days of the Apollo era, Trump is carving out his own legacy that might be comparable to JFK’s.
As Richard Dolan, Joseph Farrell, Michael Salla, Richard Hoagland, Jim Marrs, Daniel Liszt,and other researchers have documented, there is impressive evidence of a well-funded and well developed “Breakaway Civilization” or Secret Space Program.
As we know, Trump is all about the money and for those looking for the $21 Trillion missing from the Pentagon, Katherine Austin Fitts and Farrell make a strong case there is a thriving economy based off-planet secretly funded by stolen public funds and private financing. With Adelson and Kushner involved in backing the recent Israeli Moon shot, that may help explain some of what is going on behind the scenes.
As I have written previously, almost all of the recent Deep State scandals can be explained as covering up the existence of the Secret Space Program/Breakaway Civilization and is the missing piece of contemporary history precisely as Dolan has described.
That includes RussiaGate which still roils the public dialogue even as I compose this article. Few observers have commented on how Mueller and Comey “colluded” to suppress cloaking technology by a private entrepreneur in an apparent attempt to keep the invisibility factor within the provenance of the existing power structure in charge of the UFO file. This occurred after Comey’s six years at Lockheed and time at HSBC!
As George Webb has explained in great detail, Mueller has deep family ties to the Military Industrial Complex that preceded both World Wars and then continued with the German Paper Clip scientists who helped create the US Space Program.
In the middle of this is Donald Trump with his Uncle John’s ties to Nikola Tesla, his calls for a Space Force, the strange relationship of his mentor Roy Cohn to Senator Joe McCarthy’investigation of UFOs in the 1950s………and so much more.
The UFO community is lusting for an end of the Truth Embargo and Disclosure of the ET presence. It is grasping at every tidbit of evidence that might signal its onset. This helps explain the To The Stars Academy phenomena despite what many see as a sophisticated psy-op/limited hang-out designed by well-connected former CIA operatives.
Tom deLonge, Louis Elizondo and their crew may prove to be the real deal as Steve Bassett and others claim. But those of us who have our doubts see warning signs attached to names like Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and Harry Reid on top of the company’s muddled links to the CIA.
Somehow, despite Syria, Venezuela, Iran, Yemen, North Korea, the immigration crisis, RussiaGate, health care, environmental issues, the economy and more, Trump has found a niche to arguably elevate the conversation into a whole other realm reminiscent, may I dare say, of JFK.
However reluctant I am to make the comparison, it was Kennedy’s decision to go to the Moon that serves as a template upon which other presidents have forged their space policies. JFK then proposed working with the former Soviet Union. Salla and others have posited that Trump and Putin may be revisiting that dialogue as part of their private talks that has outraged Hillary and others.
These are all curious developments that add confusion and complexity to understanding his behavior as well as possibly explaining Trump Derangement Syndrome which has dominated political debate for the last three years.
I am not a UFO scholar and have no answers to the questions I raise. Some things might become clearer during the 2020 election if candidates interject the topic of Disclosure into the campaign as Hillary did meekly in 2016. Ironically, if Trump is re-elected, he may become the long-desired “Disclosure President” with his Space Force leading the way
into a New Frontier and beyond!
by S.T. Patrick April 7, 2019 (americanfreepress.net)
• Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is calling for formal congressional hearings to study the government’s investigations into UFOs. By law, U.S. senators are barred from lobbying the legislative branch for two years after leaving office. That probationary period ended for Reid in January. Since then, he has been lobbying key Washington, D.C. insiders about UFOs and projects that have to date been shrouded in mystery.
• Reid was instrumental in creating a secret Pentagon study of UFOs known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) that supposedly ended in 2012. In December 2017, The New York Times reported on the AATIP program and its offshoot, the Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Application Program. Reid says that it would be naïve to blindly ignore the accumulation of existing UFO stories reported by highly qualified aerospace and aviation professionals. Regarding the origin of whatever unidentified flying objects have been reported, Reid is leery about venturing a guess about something still unknown. “I personally don’t know if there exists little green men other places. I kind of doubt that, but I do believe that the information we have indicates we should do a lot more study,” Reid said. “We have hundreds and hundreds of people that have seen the same thing—something in the sky.” “[Y]ou can’t just hide your head in the sand and say these things are not happening.”
• While mainstream scientists and media have derided using government funds to research “fringe science”, Reid appears dedicated to the value of the work still being done at the various levels of government. One of the more fascinating publications undertaken by AATIP concerned research into the invisibility cloaking of aircraft – both invisible to radar and literally invisible.
• The care that must be maintained with Reid’s work concerns the further militarizing of space. Just six months after the Times released news of the AATIP program, Donald Trump announced Space Force and called upon its establishment as the sixth military branch. Is this the “Hollywoodization” of a much more sinister program for only military purposes? Or is this a genuine acceptance of a more open policy regarding UFOs? If it is the latter, we may just find out that the truth is out there, after all.
Located due north of Las Vegas, Lincoln County is one of Nevada’s largest and most sparsely populated counties. With a population barely surpassing 5,000, Lincoln County, the seventh-largest county in America in land area, does not seem like a bustling metropolis of activity. There are no colleges, no professional sports franchises, no Wal-Mart stores, and few gas stations. A common sight along Route 93 that traverses the county is a faded blue sign that reads “Next Gas 91 Miles.” But for close to 30 years now, Lincoln County has been the international hub for UFO enthusiasts as Groom Dry Lake (popularly known as Area 51) is located in the heart of this desert county.
Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is among the Silver State’s most widely known politicians. As the majority leader through much of the Obama years, Reid was privy to the high-level security concerns of America’s post-9/11 society. Now, as reported by KLAS-TV’s George Knapp, Reid is calling for formal congressional hearings to study the government’s investigations into UFOs.
“I personally don’t know if there exists little green men other places. I kind of doubt that, but I do believe that the information we have indicates we should do a lot more study,” Nevada’s most well-known Democrat said. “We have hundreds and hundreds of people that have seen the same thing—something in the sky; it moves a certain way.”
Many will question Reid’s qualifications and his sanity, despite the fact that, until 2012, he led a secret Pentagon study of UFOs that was based in Las Vegas. In December 2017, The New York Times reported on the AATIP program that had been created to study the UFO phenomena. The AATIP, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, was the brainchild of Reid and two colleagues in the Senate. It spawned an offshoot, the Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Application Program (AAWSAP). Neither discusses UFOs openly, or even by name, but Reid admits that it would take some naiveté to just blindly ignore the accumulation of existing stories reported by highly qualified aerospace and aviation professionals. Regarding the origin of whatever unidentified flying objects have been reported, Reid is leery about venturing a guess about something still unknown.
“We do not know,” Reid said. “What I have learned is, you can’t just hide your head in the sand and say these things are not happening. We have military installations where hundreds and hundreds of people who are there see these things.”
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• Shoshi Herscu is a professional Israeli/English translator in Haifa, Israel. As an independent journalist, Herscu conducted in-depth research of the testimonies of insiders and whistleblowers over several years. In 2018, she published a book, Mass Awakening, exposing a global policy of mass depopulation and exploitation carried out behind the scenes by an elite cabal over the past fifty years. Despite this cabal’s grim agenda, a positive shift of mass awakening is occurring worldwide. By prosecuting these elite offenders, disclosing hidden advanced technologies, and promoting a new economic model, humanity is claiming its rightful heritage as spiritual beings charting the course for our collective ascension in consciousness.
This is a plan to create a new Space Force within the Air Force which would be the sixth branch of the U.S. military by 2020. This Space Force is not supposed to fight extraterrestrials (or aliens as they are sometimes called), but those who are competing the U.S. in space: Russia and China. The renowned author, Dr. Michael Salla, who promotes theories about U.S. SSPs and longtime extraterrestrial presence on Earth says that the goal of creating this force is to patrol the atmosphere and thwart threats to the U.S. satellites.
This will accelerate the government’s “full disclosure” of secret space programs (and black budget projects as a result), extraterrestrials, the connections of governments with extraterrestrials for decades, and advanced technology discovered on crashed alien spacecrafts. This may provide a release of advanced technologies used in the SSP, such as real free energy (not the use of solar, wind, or other such resources that some erroneously call them “free energy”) and anti-gravity.
Shoshi Herscu
However, this plan also positions Trump against his bitter adversary: the “Deep State” operatives within the government which keep these secrets and oppose the establishment of such force. According to Jordan Sather, disclosure filmmaker and commentator, the Pentagon [and Deep State operatives within] would oppose a separate space force, as it “would provide an avenue for the public release of advanced technologies such as free energy and anti-gravity.”
It appears that one side, President Donald Trump, pushes toward disclosure of these secrets while the other side wants to continue business as usual and keep these secrets sealed from the public. The separate space force will facilitate the disclosure of SSPs on Mars, the Moon, and perhaps other planets which will lead to the release of super advanced technologies used in these programs and could free humanity. This disclosure could usher us into a star trek society, as SSP whistle blower Corey Goode said.
The advanced ET technologies hidden from us include zero gravity space crafts, free energy, and advanced healing technologies to name a few (The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil by David Wilcock). According to Corey Goode, (a whistleblower who worked twenty years in the secret space program), super-advanced products are already manufactured by military defense contractors and once they are released it will totally transform life on Earth as we know it. This will immediately transition our society into a Star Trek society, with teleportation, food materializers (replicators as shown in the Star Trek TV series), free energy, and super advanced healing technologies. (The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil by David Wilcock). As you may already know, both the Cabal and the Alliance exposed these technologies in movies, on TV and other MSM outlets.
These technologies have been hidden from us to prevent us from an age of peace and prosperity according to Goode. But if you think that it’s only “we the people” all over the world who are being kept in the dark, you’re wrong. For instance, the president of the U.S. is at 17 security clearance and there are twenty-one security clearance levels above the president of the U.S. Cosmic clearance level (at 35 clearance level supposedly one gains access to information about UFO’s).
We can deduce from this that the president is a mere PR tool in the hands of the Cabal that continues to hide this knowledge, while misleading us (not only in the U.S.) that we have a real choice by voting once every four years. It appears that we don’t have any say on our governance.
I’m using the pronoun “us,” as this same deception applies to Israel and other countries with so-called free elections. (I even argued with my family during lunch before the last elections here in Israel, March 2015, that it’s all a show and the results are pre-planned in advance. I asked them, “Do you want me to prove it to you?” And everyone around the table shouted in unison “No.”) It appears that the top ten clearance levels are supposedly based around “black” government projects such as the alien presence cover-up, underground alien bases, super soldiers, men in black, etc.
Apparently, the whistleblowers disclosures and their loss of control has precipitated reckless behavior, like some of them trying to escape earth in cloaked spaceships. Newsweek even claimed they attempted to leave for Mars.
Maybe the Space Force would herald the full disclosure of these “black” budget projects.
According to Randy Cramer (former U.S. marine who used the pseudonym Captain Kaye) and Corey Goode, there are corporate bases on Mars and the Moon for them to flee to.
About two or three years ago, I even watched a video of this alleged escape from earth in a cloud-cloaked spaceship. After being shot down (by the alliance or the resistance movement, I presume), I could see a small spaceship moving out of a cloud. They are confined to earth. I tried to find this footage, but unfortunately, it appears that it was taken down. I had a lot of fun watching this video with friends who follow this intel cover-up.
Randy Cramer is another whistleblower, one who served as a marine both on the moon (as a pilot) and on Mars (as security) for twenty years combined. He was authorized by a superior in the military to “spill the beans,” and he’s sharing his experience and knowledge about the technologies used by the Cabal.
Randy’s information and firsthand accounts of this strange new world backs up what other whistleblowers have also shared, including the establishment of bases on Mars. The experience that really shook me was his description of the trauma of almost dying after a battle and “being put [back] together many times,” with technology that could “replace his whole body, and depending on what parts [organs] needed replacement, often took days to accomplish.” The original article was taken down by those who published it, so I’m sharing this video of an interview with Randy Cramer who provides his testimony about the time he spent in the SSP.
For those who are new to this information and not aware that these super-advanced, unintrusive healing technologies exist and in use, they are called “Med beds” or “Holographic Medical Pods”.
Can you imagine a world where all illnesses could be eradicated by using painless healing procedures? So much suffering would be eliminated and prevented from so many people. No more intrusive, harming, and useless procedures that cause so much suffering worldwide!
Why would the Cabal allow and even authorize these leaks? According to Cramer, “Under authorization from the U.S. Marine Corps chain of command, Capt. Cramer is speaking out against US government policies, a secret gene-pool colony on Mars, the depopulation plans of what he calls the Breakaway civilization of the military industrial complex.” He stated that he was authorized to reveal his experiences on Mars and other suppressed information as it was part “of a secret mechanism established by U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower to warn American citizens in the event their government was compromised and in danger of failing them or being overtaken.”
There are other testimonies from people who worked on projects related to these ultra-advanced technologies, such as time travel, teleportation, and anti-gravity-driven space craft.
They come from a variety of people, including military leaders, bankers, media executives, corporate CEOs, judges and lawyers, Hollywood actors and producers, law enforcement, and insiders from various intelligence agencies, whether it’s NSA, CIA, KGB, FBI, DHS/MI-5&6, or MOSSAD. According to testimonies from whistleblowers, it allegedly has to do with an alien directive to disconnect people from the “prime creator,” which some would call “the source.”
According to various scientists, many strands of our genetic code (DNA) were tampered with and have been totally disconnected (what is called the dormant or junk DNA strands) from the primary chromosome strands to disconnect humans (us) from the Great Cosmic Intelligence. This was done so that “we humans,” as a species, would be vulnerable and accept their different mind control programs, which are compelling us to behave in ways that are highly destructive to us and to our planet. This lower vibrational modality maintains our controlled and illusionary reality. Without a connection to the “source,” we can only “serve” the team dark, those dimensional beings who are feeding off the discord of this false “matrix.”
It’s really intriguing that even our language has hints of some ancient ET intervention. Think about all the expressions containing the word draconian in English. We have the same expressions in Hebrew, too. And why are there statues of dragons in the City of London marking its borders? The history of dragons has been known for six millennia. It can be traced back to approximately 4,000 B.C. So they hide their existence in plain sight? I’m starting to sound like QAnon, the famous intel source thought to be in Trump’s workforce, or a team in the intelligence community close to Trump, who raises the readers’ awareness by posting questions on his Twitter account.
It makes us think about what we actually know about our origins. According to David Wilcock, “There are at least 40 different humanoid extraterrestrial groups that have tinkered around with our DNA for many thousands of years[…] We have a lot of problems that are because of them tinkering with our DNA. That includes the fact that we have bad backs, the fact that we get sunburns, and the fact that the sun is bad for our eyes. There are lots and lots of strange things that we have that are because our genetics have been tampered with.”
Although all this sounds too “out there” to be true, David Wilcock says that insiders and other researchers, who have shared information on these technologies with him, claim that the Cabal has and does use “cloning technologies, highly advanced space craft and they’ve been talking about alien invasion [like] this since the 1950’s.”
The separate Space Force may be the alliance’s way to slowly reveal these truths to the unaware masses and mentally prepare them so they won’t experience future shock when it is all revealed, which among other things is, “that cloning of humans is possible & has gone on for decades.”
This technology has been mainly suppressed and is being used to control us. How do they hide these technologies in plain sight? They present those, which have already been invented, in “science fiction” movies (as mentioned previously). This is why I call our true reality: “Our Science Fiction reality.” Think about such Hollywood films for a moment: “Clones and cloning in Avatar; “Jurassic Park – cloning animals; Genesis II – underground genetics laboratories that are connected by tube shuttles; Terminal Man – brain stem implants; Star Trek – various items.”
I know it’s hard to believe all this, but what about the Jimmy Kimmel interview with Obama about the aliens (even if it seems that Obama is joking). Here’s the excerpt from the interview: [Kimmel] wanted to know whether Obama had tried to get to the bottom of the “UFO files” about the mysterious desert region known as Area 51.
“The aliens won’t let it happen,” Obama joked. “You’d reveal all their secrets. They exercise strict control over us.”
But President Clinton once said he’d checked on the matter and found nothing, Kimmel protested. “That’s what we’re instructed to say,” Obama responded.
Corey Goode explains that, “The ‘free energy’ technologies would end the need of the ‘Current Oil/Petro Energy Companies,’ The ‘Frequency and Light Healing’ technologies would end the ‘Current Pharmaceutical Corporations,’ the ‘Neurological Interface’ technologies would end the need for ‘Large Education Institutions’ and the ‘Food Replication’ technologies and ‘Environmental Purification and Restoration’ technologies would end poverty, starvation, and begin to reverse the damage humanity has done to the earth virtually overnight. The real reason is that these technologies have been suppressed is that they would immediately collapse the world economies and make the ‘Babylonian Money Magic Slave System’ of no use anymore. It means the ‘Loss of Control’ of the .01% (Elite) over the ‘Masses’ and a complete ‘Paradigm Change’. In short it means ‘Freedom’! Freedom for the first time in humanity’s ‘known’ recorded history.”
Namaste is a beautiful word that most people who use it don’t know it’s meaning which hints to our real source. Next time you hear someone saying this you’ll know that it means “I see your divinity and you see my divinity within me.” Here’s a more detailed explanation.
How our world would look if we all felt this way about each other? It would really become what Louis Armstrong sang about a few decades ago in his song What a Wonderful World.
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With the stunning collapse of the Trump Russia collusion narrative, many are now beginning to ask why an anti-Russia hysteria was fueled by the mainstream media that drove apart the world’s foremost nuclear powers, and brought them to the brink of direct military confrontation. An explanation lies in the pivotal role Russia has been playing behind the scenes in revealing the truth about visiting extraterrestrial life and secret space programs, and Trump’s desire to collaborate in such a momentous venture.
The dramatic Mueller Report that was released in summary form on March 24 made clear what President Donald Trump has been loudly proclaiming for well over two years. The Russia collusion narrative was a complete hoax that was contrived by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party to undermine Trump’s surprising 2016 electoral triumph.
In an article published by The Hill, a former bastion of the Trump Russia collusion narrative, an Emmy award winning investigative journalist, Sharyl Attkisson, has made clear that Trump is owed many apologies by the mainstream media:
We in the media allowed unproven charges and false accusations to dominate the news landscape for more than two years, in a way that was wildly unbalanced and disproportionate to the evidence.
We did a poor job of tracking down leaks of false information. We failed to reasonably weigh the motives of anonymous sources and those claiming to have secret, special evidence of Trump’s “treason.”
As such, we reported a tremendous amount of false information, always to Trump’s detriment.
And when we corrected our mistakes, we often doubled down more than we apologized. We may have been technically wrong on that tiny point, we would acknowledge. But, in the same breath, we would insist that Trump was so obviously guilty of being Russian President Vladimir Putin’s puppet that the technical details hardly mattered.
So, a round of apologies seem in order.
Attkisson goes on to say that emphasis now shifts to questions over how and why this false collusion narrative emerged:
Should we try to learn more about those supposed Russian sources who provided false “intel” contained in the “dossier” against Trump, Page and others? Should we learn how these sources came to the attention of ex-British spy Christopher Steele, who built the dossier and claimed that some of the sources were close to Putin?
When and where did Steele meet with these high-level Russian sources who provided the apparently false information?
Are these the people who actually took proven, concrete steps to interfere in the 2016 election and sabotage Trump’s presidency, beginning in its earliest days?
Just who conspired to put the “dossier” into the hands of the FBI? Who, within our intel community, dropped the ball on verifying the information and, instead, leaked it to the press and presented it to the FISC as if legitimate?
It can be anticipated that much attention will now focus on the discredited Steele dossier and how it was illegally used by Obama administration officials to attain FISA Court warrants to conduct surveillance operations of key figures in Trump’s Presidential campaign and his incoming administration.
The fallout is likely to be the investigation and prosecution of many former government officials, who knowingly used the discredited dossier as an “insurance policy” to advance their anti-Trump agenda.
Huber was granted authority by former Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, to use the investigative resources of Horowitz’s IG office to investigate and prosecute those involved in possible crimes that were a matter of concern for different House of Representatives and Senate committees.
Q Anon has said that thousands of sealed indictments have been prepared as Huber and other prosecutors have convened grand juries to hear the evidence provided by former Obama and Trump administration officials. Current estimates are that there are over 80,000 sealed indictments, and that these will be shortly unsealed with joint military and civilian trials.
It’s worth emphasizing that Q Anon has repeatedly referred to the Deep State (aka New World Order) as a global criminal syndicate which engages in Satanic rituals involving child sacrifice, human trafficking, and sex crimes which are used to compromise many government, corporate and media figures. For example, in a November 11, 2017 post, Q Anon wrote:
Eye of Providence.
Follow the bloodlines.
What is the keystone?
Does Satan exist?
Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?
Who worships Satan?
What is a cult?
Epstein island.
What is a temple?
What occurs in a temple?
Why is the temple on top of a mountain?
How many levels might exist below?
What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?
Why is this relevant?
Who are the puppet masters?
Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?
When? How often? Why?
“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”
While the Russia Trump collusion case can be traced to a Deep State attempt to support Clinton’s failed 2016 Presidential campaign, and even going as far as preventing Trump from being inaugurated, the ultimate purpose appears to have been an effort to sabotage any possibility that Trump would collaborate with President Vladimir Putin in solving a range of complex global issues.
To further explore why Putin’s Russia was being targeted by the Deep State we can begin with famed psychic Edgar Cayce who in 1935 made an extraordinary prophesy that a post-communist Russia would play a central role in liberating the planet from sinister dark forces who he called the “sons of Belial” that has oppressed humanity for centuries:
In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the Communistic, of the Bolshevistic; no. But freedom, freedom! that each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallized, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.
New York Times best selling author David Wilcock, who is allegedly Cayce’s reincarnation according to a popular 2010 book, has written extensively about the scientific and technological breakthroughs in Russia that have been openly shared with the world after the collapse of communism. In The Source Field Investigations, Wilcock lays out a cogent case for how these breakthroughs have impacted multiple disciplines spanning health, energy, torsion physics, etc.
Furthermore, in a series of articles (see here, here and here), I have showed how the leaders of a post-communist Russia, Presidents Boris Yeltsin, Putin and Dmitri Medvedev, have respectively played critical roles in helping release the truth to emerge about extraterrestrial visitors, and how Russia has been helped by the visitors to bridge the gap with the more technologically developed NATO nations.
There have been a number of insider reports that Russia’s new arsenal of hypersonic weapon systems have been developed with the help of human looking extraterrestrials. Some of these advanced technologies were allegedly used in a clandestine January 2016 battle over Antarctica by Russia participating in an “Earth Alliance” fighting against a transnational corporate space program operated by the Deep State according to secret space program insider, Corey Goode. He had this to say about Russia’s battle with a Satanic New World Order:
Putin and other elements of the “Earth Based Alliance” that make up the BRICS Alliance among others that dove tail together are all working for the common goal of defeating the “Satanic/Luciferian Cabal” that is now in control of the majority of the world and responsible for not only amazing deceptions of his and other countries populations but also some of the most horrific Crimes Against Humanity that have ever taken place in known history. There are many of these crimes that have become more and more known through recent disclosures behind the scenes. This has only caused these groups and people to want to bring down these Secret Earth Government Syndicates now more than ever.
Trump, by virtue of his uncle, John Trump, a former professor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has been long aware of incredibly advanced technologies, either created by inventors such as Nikola Tesla, or reverse engineered from retrieved extraterrestrial spacecraft. These advanced technologies have been developed for highly classified space programs and suppressed from public release for decades.
The possibility that Trump would collaborate with Putin in the disclosure of suppressed technologies, reveal the truth about extraterrestrial visitors, and join a covert global battle against the Deep State, offers a compelling explanation for why the Russia Trump collusion narrative was concocted.
As multiple investigations and criminal trials emerge against former US government officials that illegally used the Steele dossier in ways designed to help the Clinton campaign and prevent Trump from being inaugurated, it’s important not to lose sight of the bigger “exopolitical” picture of why the Deep State was so desperate to use its hidden government assets in such a blatant manner.
If Trump and Putin ultimately go ahead in forging a genuine US Russia alliance, this would not only liberate the planet from Deep State control, but in the process reveal many of the suppressed technologies that can transform humanity and help us become a worthy member of a galactic community.
Another one of those “connect the dots” moments has occurred in the wake of the recent New Zealand Mosque shootings.
Top HRC confidante and UFO advocate John Podesta found himself down under in NZ praising the virtues of Hillary protege, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern a few days prior to the slaughter in Christchurch. This event has all the trappings of a false flag/psy op as outlined in great detail by Ole Dammegard and others who have analyzed the video as well as the context of the tragedy.
It is fascinating to those who track these events closely to learn that Podesta felt compelled to reference ETs on this trip while also disparaging President Trump in the harshest terms.
Almost simultaneously, the carnage commenced! How convenient to attribute the killings to a “white supremacist” so as to link the (false flag?) event to Trump. How convenient to find former HRC campaign manager Podesta in the vicinity of the tragedy while promoting Ardern, a Left/Socialist politician with close ties to the former Secretary of State and Democratic nominee.
How convenient that the timing reignites the flagging assault on Trump’s legitimacy just as the Mueller investigation of RussiaGate was losing steam and Steele’s deep ties to British intelligence and top Obama Administration officials at the DOJ, FBI and CIA are being corroborated.
Conspiracy research thrives on such coincidences because the official narratives are usually implausible while those promoting these dubious accounts are often the main beneficiary of blaming their enemies. If one adds to the equation the rush to secrecy by criminalizing possession of the live-stream video and censoring the internet to obscure what really happened, the image of cover-up instantly leaps to mind.
The ET factor adds additional juice to this scenario. It implicitly continues the 2016 election competition on the topic where Podesta and HRC championed the John Brennan/CIA-linked To The Stars Academy, limited hangout approach (X Protect) whereas Trump seems to be opting for the JFK/full disclosure route (X Share) that some believe got Kennedy killed.
Trump’s Space Force, enthusiasm for a more adventurous NASA and family ties to Nikola Tesla suggest the potential of a bolder, more dramatic perspective than the Clinton/Podesta/deLonge effort. Not to be ignored is the Israeli Moon Shot that adds further relevance to the Space angle. It further connects Trump via his technology adviser, son-in-law Jared Kushner, who along with financier, Sheldon Adelson helped back the launch as another way of lending their pal Bibi Netayanhu more pre-election viability.
Meanwhile, all this is unfolding while Mrs. Clinton is suspected of selling Secret Space Program technology to China.
However over-the-top (far-out!) this speculative view is, this author feels justified in posing the possibility as he previously did with RussiaGate, that the Mueller investigation and these other events are ultimately all tied to the ET Truth Embargo and Disclosure. The work of George Webb in detailing the links of Mueller to all aspects of the Military-Industrial Complex including the processing of Uranium as a fuel source along with the revelation of Mueller working with Comey to suppress the private development of cloaking technology are examples of this important connection.
If Hillary somehow claws her way to the top of the ticket again in 2020 and Trump escapes impeachment, we are likely to see this subject energized and revisited in ways few people are willing to entertain.
Rich Scheck, Camarillo, CA
March 17, 2019 (Revised on 3/19/19 in Ventura, CA)
Multiple independent sources have claimed that the Deep State has authorized disclosure of a buried civilization in Antarctica as a means of distracting the mainstream media and general public from looming mass arrests, which will involve charges of subversion, child trafficking and a host of other serious crimes against compromised government officials according to the military intelligence group Q Anon.
A large Octagon shaped structure that is estimated to be 62 acres in size and buried under 50 feet of ice near the Beardsmore Glacier in West Antarctica appears to be the catalyst for such an announcement. Two whistleblowers, a Navy Seal and a US Marine Corps special operator, using the pseudonym Spartan 1 and Spartan 2 have emerged and shared their testimonies with veteran UFO researcher Linda Moulton Howe about the Octagon and the buried technological wonders of Antarctica.
Spartan 1 described entering the Octagon in 2003 to extract a scientist in a video released by Howe on January 23, 2018. Spartan 1’s account of the ancient age and advanced technologies found in the structure, which had multiple layers stretching deep down into the two mile ice sheet was covered in an earlier article.
In the live streaming on February 20, where more of Spartan 1’s testimony was released, he described how a submarine was used to travel from the coastline under the ice sheet to enter the structure at an entry point approximately two miles beneath the ice. This corroborates historic claims that submarines where initially used by Nazi Germany to travel from the Antarctic coast line deep under the ice sheets to establish hidden bases in naturally formed caverns since the early 1940’s.
Howe also released the testimony of Spartan 2 who referred to Antarctica containing “wonders beyond what most can comprehend” with “ties to space and technology beyond belief”. [Timestamp 22:06]
New York Times best-selling author David Wilcock released his own video of Howe’s stunning interview with Spartan 1 and 2, which quickly amassed over 300,000 views by time of writing. After the release of his video, Wilcock was told by his insider sources that an official announcement about the Antarctic discovery had finally been authorized by the Deep State:
Additionally, just since this video went live, we have gotten additional briefings that the Deep State folks are apparently indeed moving forward with the plan to do the Antarctic Atlantis and undersea ruins disclosure in the near future. We heard for some time that they might do this when they are really in trouble, and that time is now.
In early 2017, secret space program insider Corey Goode says he was taken to Antarctica where he got to see first-hand the flash frozen civilization that had been discovered in Antarctica. Goode said that in 2002, scientists and archeologists were allowed to visit the buried artifacts and begin excavations and study the remains. This is consistent with what Spartan 1 later revealed about his August 2003 mission to go and retrieve a government scientist who had been earlier dropped off at the buried Octagon structure to study it.
Goode was the first to claim that the Antarctic ruins and excavations would be revealed in a partial disclosure initiative in order to distract the mass media from looming mass arrests and criminal cases involving Deep State officials:
The Partial Disclosure plan includes … The unveiling of ancient, high-tech ruins in Antarctica that have been newly excavated. This will prove that “Atlantis” was very real, and far more advanced than we thought….
The rapidly-escalating downfall of high-level elite human trafficking rings is bringing these issues to the immediate forefront. The Cabal has run out of time – and they know it.
For many years they have planned on using a partial disclosure to distract and inspire the public if the full nature of their crimes were to become known.
Another researcher with his own independent insider sources about recent discoveries in Antarctica is author Steve Quayle who told radio host, Dave Hodges about what his sources are telling him about an impending announcement, which was also a political deception contrived by the Deep State. Hodges announced in a February 22 video that:
… there is a great deception coming and it has to do with revelation about aliens, but it’s not going to be a real revelation, it’s going to be a fake revelation. There is going to be announced fossilized findings, geological findings that connect Antarctica to Mars… It’s a political purpose, it’s great deception…. I don’t know when they are going to release this. Steve got a heads up that it’s coming from inside sources.
In sum, Wilcock, Goode and Quayle all claim that an announcement about ruins discovered in Antarctica are impending, and that this is related to a political deception of some kind.
As to the question of why the time appears to have arrived for a political deception involving disclosure of discovered Antarctic ruins, we can turn to Q Anon who has described the great changes that are about to occur.
Q has posted (#2856) that once the Robert Mueller investigation delivers its report of alleged Russian subversion of the 2016 Presidential election, that many long-awaited events will occur:
The Mueller Report is expected to open the door to declassification [DECLAS] of multiple documents including unredacted versions of the FISA applications based on the contrived Steele Dossier which was used to justify surveillance of the Trump Presidential campaign.
This will not only expose Deep State officials involved concocting an “insurance policy” in case Trump won the election, but will also expose the roles of Britain and Australia – not Russia – in subverting the outcome of the 2016 U.S. Presidential election.
Next in Q’s sequence of predicted events is the release of the unedited original version of the June 14, 2018, Office of Inspector General (OIG) report on FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) actions relating to the 2016 election.
The release of these and other documents will lay out the “Truth” about the Deep State’s effort to subvert the 2016 election, and the criminal actions taken by compromised officials.
This in turn will lead to the final stage in Q’s predicted sequence of events, “Justice”, which will involve the US Attorney for Utah, John Huber, moving forward with the release of up to 60,000 sealed indictments. This is expected to trigger the prosecution of thousands of former officials and Deep State figures involved in a variety of crimes including subversion, human trafficking, and pedophilia in both military and civilian courts.
In a February 18, post (#2803), Q outlined the ramifications of all the information about to be released to the public:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 809f7f No.5257078
Feb 18 2019 23:25:17 (EST)
Look for ‘Placeholder’ updates @ /PatriotsFight
Indictments, arrests, and DECLAS will force WW coverage.
Leaks, bribery, collusion re: media will force resignations w/ follow up criminal prosecution.
On February 26, as President Trump landed in Vietnam for a summit with North Korea’s Kim Jung Un, Q posted [#2903] that the next 21 days were going to be historic:
It’s going to be HISTORIC!
Planned long ago. [-21]
Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.
In conclusion, according to Q Anon, we are on the verge of witnessing the collapse of the Deep State’s efforts to subvert the Trump administration, and the exposure of the criminal actions of many former FBI and DOJ officials in these efforts. In addition, the role of British and Australian Deep State officials in the subversion efforts will only serve to accentuate an anticipated world wide media frenzy over what is about to be revealed.
This is an overview of the political context by which we can now better understand why the Deep State has decided to move ahead with disclosure of the discovery of a long-buried civilization in Antarctica. Such announcements will help distract the mass media and the general public from what is about to be revealed in the coming criminal and military trials of former government officials who concocted an “insurance policy” to remove Trump from the Presidency.
The simultaneous public emergence of two military insiders, Spartan 1 and 2, discussing technological wonders discovered in Antarctica, including a 62 acre Octagon shaped structure lying only fifty feet below the ice, raises the possibility that this may be among the first of the ancient artifacts about to be revealed by the Deep State.
While any official announcement concerning discovery of an advanced ancient civilization buried in Antarctica is to be welcomed, it’s always important to be mindful of the political agenda behind such disclosures.
Unique aerospace vehicles coming out of the ocean in Puerto Rico. Photo by José Fernandez.
How can we as “disclosure activists” and as practitioners of “exopolitics” (and, in many cases, as contact experiencers) really assist society to accept and to adapt to the disclosure of an extraterrestrial, multi-dimensional presence? Should we simply allow a more classic, militaristic interpretive tendency (as within the effort of To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences) convince politicians and citizens worldwide and let that extension of our political biases take its course or should we try to find another way of doing things?
I think that we (in fact, eventually, ALL of us and not just ‘experiencers’ who have been awakened to a vaster reality) must try to understand why we are as we are in terms of maintaining our personal identities, sense of meaning and moral politics. I think that our ability to see and our blindness impeding seeing how to “connect the dots” (in a healthy, healing, constructive way) is related to how consciousness itself is capable or not of embracing more aspects of reality in a coherent way. And some of the people speaking about this (although in less spiritual terms) are moral and developmental psychologists. As boring as these studies might be (in contrast to cover-up revelations, for instance) they can serve as foundations based on empirical research to learn why we create dominance hierarchies and why we fight so much with each other, whether we are in the 0.1% elite group or in any other social strata.
In order to establish contact with healthy, benevolent interstellar beings on a par with their alleged lofty ideals and in a mutually beneficial fashion, with sovereignty as a species that can be sustained, we probably first need to be able to leave our”self-perpetuating wheel of unending conflict.”
What makes ‘sense’ to us is generally related to our intuitions of what is and is not. And this is an expression of the Principle of Identity. And the Principle of Identity (related to how we cognitively intuit what is and is not in our mental schemas and in relation to perception) is probably rooted in the equivalence of consciousness with being itself. It is rooted in the fact that we are (being) because we experience (cogito ergo sum). Thereafter, our interpretive experience is rooted in the self-evident fact that we first know that we are because we experience. It is an automatic part of our conscious awareness and even of our personal identity-based political operations in any “real world” we may be participating.
By extension, constructive “common cause” identity politics, and destructive, “common enemy” identity politics is based on that capacity of recognizing expressions of what is or of existence and being. We could summarize (according to some developmental psychologists like Kegan, Kohlberg, Peck, Cheryl, Gilligan, Fowler, Cook-Greuter, Baldwin, et al) our capacity to embrace and understand varies from person to person.
Levels of Ego Development according to one of the developmental psychologists, Suzanne Cook-Greuter. To face the challenge of DISCLOSURE we probably need a large percentage of the population and/or its cultural-political leaders in a Green (Pluralist), Teal or Turquoise stage of development. How could someone in a predominant “Amber” stage of ego development (the Diplomat- Conformist) act in the name of pluralist, world-centric values for the good of all humankind while willing to admit into his or her circle of care and concern non-human, extraterrestrial (or even intraterrestrial) beings?
It can be summarized as if the personal room for our consciousness and its degrees of possible embrace or identification with reality and interpretations were larger or smaller. It might also operate under a greater or lesser intensity of subjective walls or subdivisions in that inner conscious “space” or “room” and we would have biases possessing our conscious experience without us being aware of it, limiting how much and how we embrace what we disclose to ourselves in our experience.
The more we expand our consciousness as a permanent average trait the more we can embrace a “common emphasis” identity politics versus a “common enemy” identity politics. This issue related to how our CONSCIOUSNESS is freer and more inclusive or instead possessed by inner walls and biases that affect our interpersonal relationships, politics, ufology, disclosure. If we do not nourish a trusting environment we may not be ready for healthy social coordination after major UFO, experiencer revelations.
According to Ken Wilber (working with the information provided by some of those developmental psychologists) a large percentage of the population primarily functions in a premodern, mythic, authority-based level of development coloring their self-identities in which it is IMPOSSIBLE to feel, think, value and include multiple truths multilaterally, fact-based and pluralistically, or in a true modern democratic way, not to speak of the capacity to find a way to harmonize ideological differences via an integrative approach.
Dr. Jonathan Haidt emphasizes (conservative and liberal) moral TENDENCIES (rather than developmental levels) affecting self-identity and identity politics but his work is seriously related to this discourse and to how disclosure activists may effectively work in society beyond participating (even if based on reason) in the blame game.
In a world that needs to come together to process shared human problems: degradation of the oceans, climate change, nuclear warheads, terrorism across borders, artificial intelligence and job loss, information glut, and a long etc, the popularity of ethnic nationalism (now achieving power through democratic elections) is dismantling the international order that (at least in principle) promoted larger swaths of humanity to come together in cooperation with healthy democracies around a world of shared human rights using reason and facts to agree in applications.
How can a “post-truth” world order or a more disunited world made up of more dominating but competing for populist, nationalist polities welcome “the others”? (ETs). How can societies learn to deal in a constructive way and as part of a more unified global humanity if an “us vs them” mentality prevails?
If the classical liberal institutions and classical liberal people’s values in the world are in disarray as we tend to hold on to limited answers, how are we going to add the cultural challenge of verifying an extraterrestrial presence? The “rooms” or “spaces” in our consciousnesses need to expand.
I propose that as “disclosure activists” we also need to understand our own human psychology and what motivates us in order to engage in a more intelligent disclosure discourse and activism. Are most of us liberals (in the liberals vs conservative sense)? How can we value and speak with conservatives (both recognized by Wilber and Haidt as necessary)?
I definitely think that we need to study the work of moral psychologists like Johnathan Haidt and also the works of integrative philosopher Ken Wilber (who emphasizes developmental psychology). One emphasizes tendencies and, the other, capacities. And we need to understand both if we are to become aware of why we are how we are and why we become so invested in our beliefs.
If we are to overcome what may be the greatest challenge of all (probably challenging human nature as we normally experience it) we need to rise beyond opinions about each other. It must even go beyond the genuine and fantastic critiques of what an elite may be doing to us to retain control of us.
In order to be politically and exopolitically responsible we must really focus on understanding our tendencies and that of others (in regular citizens as well as elites and, simply, those in positions of leadership), tendencies naturally bearing on the degree of openness, personal biases and/or various specific interests toward the complex issue of disclosure. Simultaneously, we also need to understand why (sometimes, due to developmental level incapacity) many cannot rise to the challenge of disclosure because they – quite simply – they cannot rise above standard belief systems and cohere explanations discovering what they have in common and – from this platform – inform, share, educate.
The greatest transformative challenge humanity faces would be so deeply transformative that it cannot simply be based on simplistic belief system solutions. Revealing the degree of mischievousness with which an elite controls the cover-up or if a handful of contactees communicating with “space brothers” were – after all – correct in what, otherwise, looked like airy-fairy recommendations and narratives would be probably remain superficial, cosmetic solutions prone to produce more interpersonal conflict unless ‘we’ who care about truth, evolution and disclosure (at least as many of us as possible) come to value understanding why we are as we are, what can we really become and how to go about educating and transforming our current manifestations of “human nature.” This is why we need to expand our sphere of interest into Social Psychology, Behavioral Genetics, Biosociology, and other sources of information that shed light upon our “human nature.”
Thus far, the “UFO community” has made some contributions to society at large (albeit mostly preaching to the choir) but has not been able to provide a basis to come to basic agreements or to integrate the best information. We are also divided by our tendencies, often to the point of not recognizing each others’ contributions. So, we have also shown to the world how we subdivide ourselves as any other social group with a political message.
Do we simply need to become more conscious through more validated or grounded revelations, information, and through spiritual practices or do we need to re-engineer our tendencies and our developmental capacities by re-engineering our genes or simply becoming aware of why we are as we are (and to change our behavior and attitudes accordingly) is the key to become politically and exopolitically successful “citizens” in a complex, multi-dimensional cosmos?
A person to keep in mind to deepen this necessary conversation is Dr. Sean Esbjörn-Hargens who (probably in 2019) will be exploring (from an Integral Meta-Theory perspective) the issue of extraterrestrial contacts, Ufology, society, exopolitics.
President Donald Trump’s uncle, John G. Trump, was a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) from 1936 until his retirement in 1973. It is well known that declassified documents confirm that in January 1943 Professor Trump was called upon by the FBI to evaluate the personal papers of Nikola Tesla just over a week after his death. What is not well known is that there is also a leaked classified document that also connects Professor Trump to another famous event in US history – the crash of a flying saucer at Roswell in 1947.
According to a memorial tribute published by the National Academy of Engineering, John Trump joined MIT to work with Professor Robert J. Van de Graaff, who was a pioneer in “the new field of super-high voltage generation and applications.” After gaining a Doctorate under Van de Graaff in 1933, Trump went on to become an assistant professor in 1936, and a full professor in 1952 at MIT.
Robert Van de Graff demonstrating one of his early generators. Credit: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
According to the memorial tribute:
John Trump had two main interests: the insulation of super-high voltages in vacuum and compressed gases and the biological applications of high voltage radiation.
During World War II, Trump worked on microwave radar at MIT’s Radiation Lab, where he served as “field services director”, and also was posted to the British branch of the Radiation Lab where he worked directly with General Dwight D. Eisenhower:
In 1944, he was named director of the lab and given the responsibility of working directly with the Eisenhower Military Command. At the liberation of Paris, Trump rode into the city with General Eisenhower and immediately began to set up the Paris branch of the Radiation Lab.
Trump’s expertise with high voltages and radiation was widely acknowledged by U.S. authorities, and he also was very familiar with the requirements for working in classified government programs.
In 1943, he played a major role in the examination of Nikola Tesla’s personal papers that were acquired by the FBI/Office Alien Property Custodian soon after Tesla’s January 13 death. An FBI document included Trump among the scientists and experts investigating Tesla’s papers:
Tesla was the author of over 200 patents granted worldwide, and made numerous claims about building death rays and electrostatic walls of energy that could protect any country from attack.
Among Tesla’s inventions was a revolutionary disc shaped aircraft – a flying saucer – which he allegedly filed a patent application for in the early 1900’s, but it was not granted on national security grounds. Apparently, Tesla planned for his flying saucer to be remotely powered by a “world wireless system” which he first discussed in a March 5, 1904 paper titled: “The Transmission of Electric Energy Without Wires”. Tesla wrote:
Not only was it practicable to send telegraphic messages to any distance without wires, as I recognized long ago, but also to impress upon the entire globe the faint modulations of the human voice, far more still, to transmit power, in unlimited amounts, to any terrestrial distance and almost without loss…
Tesla went on to describe how his “world wireless system” would be powered by devices similar to his legendary Wardenclyff Tower, which would be eventually capable of generating huge electrostatic charges that surpassed that found in lightning bolts:
It is difficult to form an adequate idea of the marvelous power of this unique appliance, by the aid of which the globe will be transformed. The electromagnetic radiations being reduced to an insignificant quantity, and proper conditions of resonance maintained, the circuit acts like an immense pendulum, storing indefinitely the energy of the primary exciting impulses and impressions upon the earth of the primary exciting impulses and impressions upon the earth and its conducting atmosphere uniform harmonic oscillations of intensities which, as actual tests have shown, may be pushed so far as to surpass those attained in the natural displays of static electricity.
Tesla’s proposal of building a “world wireless system” that could power any remote device, including his proposed flying saucer, was certainly revolutionary. What is critical here is that his proposal for building devices capable of generating huge electrostatic charges was the precise topic that Professor Trump had specialized in at MIT with his work on Van de Graaff generators!
So did Tesla really design a flying saucer that would be powered by a some kind of Van de Graaff generator?
A New York inventor, Otis Carr, claims that he befriended Tesla in 1937 while Tesla was living at the New Yorker Hotel, and was instructed by Tesla on how to build a flying saucer that would be powered by an electrical generator.
Over a decade later, Carr succeeded in getting a patent for his revolutionary flying saucer craft, which he called an amusement park device in order to get it approved by the US Trade and Patent Office. After raising private funding to build his OTC-XI, he successfully tested his flying saucer in 1961. According to one of Carr’s former employees, Ralph Ring, the saucer incorporated high voltage machines for its propulsion and navigation systems.
Unfortunately, Ring also told of how Carr’s manufacturing facility was raided and closed down by Federal agents on bogus charges of securities fraud.
If Carr and Ring are to be believed, a civilian spacecraft based on Nikola Tesla’s ideas and inventions was successfully built and tested in 1961. Were any of Tesla’s ideas on building a flying saucer device found in his personal papers after his death?
Trump was involved in radar research for the Allies in the Second World War, and in 1943 the F.B.I. had enough faith in his technical ability and his discretion to call him in when Nikola Tesla died in his room at the New Yorker Hotel, in Manhattan, raising the question of whether enemy agents might have had a chance to learn some of his secrets before the body was found. (One fear was that Tesla was working on a “death ray.”) As Margaret Cheney and Robert Uth recount in “Tesla, Master of Lightning,”
Professor Trump examined Tesla’s papers and equipment, and wrote a report for the FBI stating nothing of national security significance was found within them:
As a result of this examination, it is my considered opinion that there exist among Dr. Tesla’s papers and possessions no scientific notes, descriptions of hitherto unrevealed methods or devices, or actual apparatus which could be of significant value to this country or which constitute a hazard in unfriendly hands. I can therefore see no technical or military reason why further custody of the property should be retained.
Professor Trump went on to give his conclusion about the importance of Tesla’s work over the prior 15 years:
It should be no discredit to this distinguished engineer and scientists whose solid contributions to the electrical art were made at the beginning of the present century to report that his thoughts and efforts during at least the past fifteen years were primarily of a speculative, philosophical, and somewhat promotional character – often concerned with the production and wireless transmission of power – but did not include new sound, workable principles or methods for realizing such results.
Trump did not appear to be impressed by Tesla’s background or what had been found in the latter’s papers when it came to its potential war application.
Given Tesla’s claims and what numerous researchers have discovered about his revolutionary ideas, this appears odd. Either Trump found nothing of importance as he reported to the FBI, or he was instructed by higher military authorities to cover up the true significance of Tesla’s papers in his report to the FBI.
According to Margaret Cheney, author of Tesla: Man Out of Time, some of Tesla’s documents, inventions and patents applications were seized by FBI agents and never released into the public arena. If Cheney is correct, then John Trump did find items of importance among Tesla’s collection that were taken and have been kept secret from the public to the present day.
Despite the controversy over what was retrieved from Tesla’s collection, it is clear that he worked on developing revolutionary technologies, some of which are relevant to flying saucer propulsion systems. Otis Carr’s claims directly connect Tesla to such exotic propulsion technologies.
The relevance of all this is that John Trump was the man the FBI wanted to help them decide whether Tesla’s personal papers contained revolutionary technologies that were vital to national security or not. Essentially, the FBI viewed Trump as the expert who could make the necessary recommendations on the revolutionary technologies, some of which concerned flying saucers, which the FBI and the US military was secretly studying from what had been retrieved at Roswell and other crash sites.
A little known historical fact is that Van de Graaff generators, which Professor John Trump specialized in at MIT, were a key component of flying saucer research being secretly conducted in Nazi Germany. According to Vladimir Terziski, an electrical engineer who was a member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences before emigrating to the US, Van de Graaff machines were part of the propulsion system for different flying saucer prototypes being developed by Nazi Germany.
Terziski explained that Vril and Haunebu models possessed an electro-gravitics propulsion system called Thule-Tachyonator drives. These were first developed in 1939 by a Nazi SS development unit which incorporated Van de Graaff generators, as learned from SS documents acquired and released by Terziski after the collapse of the Warsaw Pact:
This group developed by 1939 a revolutionary electro-magnetic-gravitic engine which improved Hans Coler’s free energy machine into an energy Konverter coupled to a Van De Graaff band generator and Marconi vortex dynamo [a spherical tank of mercury] to create powerful rotating electromagnetic fields that affected gravity and reduced mass. It was designated the Thule … [Tachyonator-7 drive] and was to be installed into a Thule designed disc.
If Trump’s expertise on Van de Graaff generators led to him learning about the propulsion systems used in flying saucer research, is there any documentary evidence linking Professor Trump to US government’s research and development in this regard?
Indeed, there is. A Majestic document called the “White Hot Report” was given a “High Level of Authenticity” rating by Dr Robert Wood and Ryan Wood, who specialize in researching and authenticating leaked government and military documents given MAJIC and similar level security classifications.
The leaked Majestic document concerns a report by then Major General Nathan Twining about the need to set up a permanent committee to evaluate the Roswell UFO Crash given the many vital national security issues surrounding the visitation of extraterrestrial life and their advanced technologies. The White Hot Report describes a list of scientific institutions involved in the study of such extraterrestrial artifacts. Prominently listed among them is MIT.
This is a stunning discovery since it directly links the institution where Professor Trump worked, with secret government studies of the Roswell UFO Crash. Given Trump’s expertise in high voltage radiation and Van de Graaff generators, his 1943 role in evaluating Tesla’s personal papers and work for classified US government programs during World War II, it is reasonable to conclude that Trump was almost certainly among the MIT experts consulted about the revolutionary technologies found at Roswell.
Trump was likely also very familiar with top secret research and development efforts by US authorities to develop flying saucer technologies for a future space program due to his expertise on Van de Graff generators – a vital component of flying saucer propulsion systems.
The big question is, did Professor Trump pass any of this amazing information to his nephew, Donald?
John Trump died in 1985, at age 78, when Donald was 39, and at the time a successful real estate magnate who was often giving interviews to major media outlets.
Trump first mentioned his uncle in a 1984 New York Times profile where he said that they first began to talk about physics and nuclear disarmament 15 years earlier. Donald was around 23 at the time and had a year earlier (May 1968) graduated from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, with a Bachelor of Science in economics.
[Donald Trump] says that his concern for nuclear holocaust is not one that popped into his mind during any recent made-of-television movie. He says that it has been troubling him since his uncle, a nuclear physicist, began talking to him about it 15 years ago.
At a June 12 2018 press conference, after his meeting with North Korean’s leader, Kim Jong-Un, President Trump spoke about his uncle and how he had helped shape his views on the importance of nuclear disarmament:
I used to discuss nuclear with him all the time … He was a great expert, he was a great brilliant genius.
Trump’s references to his uncle John, shows how influential he had been in shaping his views on nuclear disarmament and other advanced science topics. Could some of these discussions have covered inventions developed by Nikola Tesla and technologies retrieved from the Roswell UFO crash?
There are two actions taken by Trump during and after his Presidential inauguration that suggest that Tesla’s inventions and the Roswell UFO crash were among the subjects he and his uncle had privately discussed.
We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.
Trump is here clearly alluding to some revolutionary technologies that his administration plans to release, which will transform the health, transportation and space industries.
Trump issued a Top Secret Memorandum a day or so after his inauguration speech dealing with such revolutionary technologies, according to secret space program insider Corey Goode whose testimony has featured in the best selling documentary, Above Majestic. Essentially, Trump demanded that the intelligence community revoke their secrecy orders on a thousand of the then 5,680 patent applications that were being held up. He allegedly told them to do so within a two-year period.
It’s quite possible that some of the confiscated Tesla’s papers included patent applications that would be among those that had been held up by the intelligence community, and perhaps even include his alleged flying saucer device that would be remotely powered by a worldwide wireless system. According to the Federation of American Scientists, the number of patent applications held up by secrecy orders had increased to 5,784 by the end of 2017.
If Trump had issued such a Memorandum, there is yet no sign it is being put into practice by the intelligence community. This may be due to the intense behind the scenes battle between the Trump administration and the Deep State as I have covered in previous articles.
The second action suggesting his uncle had told him about Tesla’s inventions and the Roswell crash concerns President Trump’s proposal for a Space Force, despite objections by Congress and even the US military. His proposal may well be driven by his knowledge that flying saucer technologies incorporating high voltage radiation and Van de Graaff machines found at Roswell, which his Uncle John had confidentially told him about, had been secretly developed and built decades ago for one or more secret space programs.
The idea that Trump knows of secret space programs and extraterrestrial life is strengthened by recent posts by the military intelligence group working with his administration, Q Anon, confirming their reality. Most importantly, QAnon was signaling that the Trump administration has a full disclosure agenda.
Trump’s desire for a Space Force appears to be part of a plan to wrest control of information concerning secret space programs and extraterrestrial life, away from the Deep State and transnational corporations. If Trump succeeds in his plan to empower the Office of the President of United States to run such highly classified programs, then the revolutionary changes promised in his inauguration speech, may not be too far away at all.
If so, we may ultimately have John Trump to thank for inspiring his nephew at an early age about the existence of life changing health and transportation technologies connected to classified research of flying saucers, some of which originate dates back to the pioneering research of Nikola Tesla conducted over a century ago.
by Arjun Walia September 27, 2018 (collective-evolution.com)
• Elon Musk plans to take his SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket to the Moon and Mars. Tom DeLonge of the ‘To the Stars Academy’ wants to tell the world that UFOs are real. Is this part of a plan by the world’s elite to further their own selfish agenda? Or it is truly intended to disclose the truth?
• Donald Trump has announced the United States’ intention of putting a base on the Moon. Private corporations are jumping on the opportunity for some type of space “tourism.”
• A Tokyo-based lunar exploration startup named Ispace has signed up for launches on Musk’s SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket in 2020 and 2021. The first will carry a lunar lander into orbit around the Moon, and the second aims to put one on the moon’s surface so it can deploy a pair of rovers. And a Japanese billionaire has signed up for he and his guests to be the first paying passengers to travel around the Moon on a SpaceX rocket in the year 2023. Elon himself may even go on this voyage.
• Col. Ross Dedrickson is one of approximately 500 members of the United States military who have revealed the presence of extraterrestrials on the Moon. Dedrickson claims that in the late 1970’s extraterrestrials destroyed a nuclear weapon before it could be deployed on the Moon.
• Strange artifacts and bases have been said to exist on the ‘dark side’ of the Moon. The Society for Planetary research (SETI) has identified “Unusual Structures on the Far Side of the Moon in the Crater Paracelsus C”, which non-human beings may have built.
• Remote viewers like Ingo Swann and Dr. Paul Smith from the Stargate program have ‘seen’ strange structures and humanoid creatures on the Moon.
• Will Musk be allowed to go to the Moon? If so, what will he find there? Will Musk be allowed to talk about what they find?
Elon Musk is making a lot of noise with regards to space. His latest announcement that he plans to send multiple people not just to Mars but also to the Moon is making headlines in the alternative news community for several reasons. One of the reasons is because there has been a tremendous amount of controversy surrounding what exactly is going on in space.
This confusion was further sparked when the To The Stars Academy, founded by Tom Delonge, revealed a plan dedicated to letting the world know that unidentified flying objects are real, despite the fact that it is well known. This is for the mainstream. They’ve released several videos in cooperation with the US government, and the team consists of world-renowned scientists, recently retired defense employees from the US government, former senior intelligence officers, and a recently retired Director of Lockheed Aerospace, who has stated that the technology utilized in these objects can actually alter space & time. You can read more about that here.
UFO Disclosure
We are in the midst of mainstream UFO disclosure; whether this is coming from good intentions that have humanity’s best interests at heart is another question. The global elite has always used major phenomena, like terrorism, to create solutions and implement political actions that best meets their needs. And since world domination seems to be at the top of the list, some have even suggested that mainstream UFO disclosure is driven by an elitist desire to stage a false flag alien invasion. Of course it’s also possible that it’s driven by good people from within, who actually want to get the truth out to the public. Is that what we’re now seeing?
The fact remains, we now have credible testimony from hundreds of military people, scientists, and academicians. We also have actual radar data, and materials have been retrieved from these objects. This is no longer taboo, and a large portion of the world seems to be well aware that many of these strange objects might actually be extraterrestrial in origin.
To The Moon
But what about the Moon? Will Elon Musk actually be allowed to venture to the Moon if something ‘out of this world’ is really going on there? For years, the lore surrounding the dark side of the moon, strange artifacts, bases and more have all been hinted at. Reports of artificially made structures on the moon are both common and persistent. Among the first were from George Leonard’s 1976 book, Somebody Else is on the Moon.
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In a US Senate Confirmation hearing held on September 5, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was asked a series of questions that point to future cases involving the legality of military justice being used against U.S citizens. The military intelligence group QAnon has linked the questioning to an Executive Order by President Donald Trump that creates a legal basis for military justice being used against Deep State officials.
The linked Youtube video, which mysteriously became unavailable (blocked?), showed Senator Lindsay Graham asking Judge Kavanaugh about the legality of the military justice system being used against U.S. citizens who have been colluding with enemy forces. Kavanaugh explained how the Supreme Court has in the past created legal precedents for military justice being applied in such a way.
QAnon referred to Trump’s Executive Order issued on December 21, 2017 creating a “national emergency” in the US due to “serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world”. The Executive Order makes clear that all involved in such abuses constitute an “unusual and extraordinary threat” to U.S. national security:
I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the prevalence and severity of human rights abuse and corruption that have their source, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States, such as those committed or directed by persons listed in the Annex to this order, have reached such scope and gravity that they threaten the stability of international political and economic systems…The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons.
I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.
In addition to blocking the financial assets of all that are linked to such abuses, the Executive Order justifies the military justice system being used against all individuals, including US public officials, that participate in subversive acts at a time of a “national emergency”.
In post 1926, QAnon explicitly linked Trump’s Executive Order with acts of subversion. QAnon begins the post as follows:
QAnon is pointing out that U.S. public officials, both former and present, who are linked to subversive acts can have their financial assets frozen as stipulated by the December 21, 2017 Executive Order.
An example of subversion is an incriminating August 15, 2016 text by FBI counterintelligence agent, Peter Strzok, which explicitly states to another FBI official, Lisa Page, that an “insurance plan” had been developed by the Deep State to prevent Donald Trump from assuming or fulfilling the office of the President:
I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office that there’s no way he gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40….
The roles of Strzok and other officials in developing an insurance plan through the concocted “Steele Dossier” used in gaining FISA Court warrants is currently under investigation by the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees.
It is what QAnon went on to say in post 1926, which raises the possibility that the military justice system is going to be used against public officials accused of subversion against the incoming Trump administration.
Sec. 12. In accordance with Article 33 of the UCMJ, as amended by section 5204 of the MJA, the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, will issue nonbinding guidance regarding factors that commanders, convening authorities, staff judge advocates, and judge advocates should take into account when exercising their duties with respect to the disposition of charges and specifications in the interest of justice and discipline under Articles 30 and 34 of the UCMJ. That guidance will take into account, with appropriate consideration of military requirements, the principles contained in official guidance of the Attorney General to attorneys for the Federal Government with respect to the disposition of Federal criminal cases in accordance with the principle of fair and evenhanded administration of Federal criminal law.
QAnon is here saying that the military justice system will work with U.S. Attorneys, such as Utah’s John Huber, in investigating and prosecuting criminal cases brought against individuals accused of subversion and/or linked to the national security threat posed by “serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world”.
In post 1926, QAnon next referred to public and corporate officials that have been removed from office, alluding to secret indictments involving them, and the construction of new facilities at Guantanamo military prison for the most dangerous or recalcitrant officials.
What makes QAnon’s post particularly significant is the existence of the “+45,000 sealed indictments” which involve criminal charges against Deep State officials accused of subversion and/or “serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world”.
As I have shown in a previous article, the number of sealed criminal cases is extraordinarily high when compared to earlier years, and that a majority of the more than 50,000 sealed cases do involve indictments against Deep State officials.
From QAnon’s recent posts, it is becoming clearer that some of the indictments involve Deep State officials such as Strzok being charged with subversion, and being tried in military courts.
Finally, in post 2093, QAnon points to Hillary Clinton (aka HRC) being in a panic suggesting that she is also likely to be subjected to military justice for both subversion and involvement in “serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world”.
Since October 28, 2017, QAnon has been dropping breadcrumbs about human rights abuses and corruption by Deep State officials that have been subjected to secret grand jury investigations and indictments. The latest series of posts suggest that there is a definite countdown to when the secret indictments will be unsealed, and that the subsequent trials will involve some former public officials being subjected to military justice through Courts-Martial rather than Military Tribunals as previously thought.
The general public will learn for the first time the true extent of the criminal acts of Deep State officials when it comes to human rights abuses, corruption around the world, and the effort to subvert the incoming Trump administration. QAnon’s breadcrumbs only give a bare outline of facts that will deeply shock the general public as documentary evidence is publicly released for impending criminal and military trials.
As to when the sealed indictments will be unsealed, it’s worth noting that the reform to the “2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial” will take effect on January 1, 2019. Senator Graham’s line of questioning of Judge Kavanaugh suggests that the use of the military justice system against U.S. civilians is likely to be one of the legal issues that the new addition to the Supreme Court will be soon adjudicating.
One of the most significant effects of the looming criminal trials in civilian and military courts of Deep State officials is how all this will impact on a decades-long policy of suppressing the public release of advanced technologies associated with secret space programs, one of which QAnon recently credited with shooting down a missile involved in a false flag attack on Hawaii.
In addition, over 5,700 patent applications that could revolutionize the transportation and medical industries, have been held up and classified due to national security orders by Deep State officials. Much more will likely be also revealed about the September 11 false flag attack, the Kennedy assassinations, the hidden history of Antarctica, and the truth about extraterrestrial life.
The military intelligence group QAnon has revealed a deep historic connection between the Deep State and Nazism, and how this Deep State/Nazi force is actively attempting to foment a nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia.
QAnon is a group of military intelligence officials, which has been leaking classified information exposing Deep State machinations against Donald Trump back when he was a Presidential candidate, then as President-elect, and finally as President. What has become very clear to objective observers is that QAnon has been sanctioned by the Trump administration to conduct such leaks.
This was made very public during the Trump rally in Tampa, Florida on July 31 when the U.S. Secret Service broke its standard policy of confiscating all non-approved signs, and allowed many participants to openly carry QAnon signs.
Trump approvingly acknowledged QAnon supporters as evidenced in a short video featuring him pointing directly at someone holding a QAnon sign.
While this immediately set off a wave of mainstream media stories debunking QAnon as a crazy conspiracy theory, it showed that the Trump administration was openly supporting the QAnon disclosures and the world wide movement it has subsequently spawned.
In the first Youtube video, QAnon wanted the reader to watch a video clip from the movie, The Sum of All Fears. In the scene, a Neo-Nazi outlined what had been learned from history and how Nazism could secretly flourish in the modern era:
One more thing, let no man call us crazy. They call Hitler crazy, but Hitler wasn’t crazy. He was stupid. You don’t fight Russia and America. You get Russia and America to fight each other, and destroy each other.
In the second Youtube video, another scene from The Sum of All Fears was shown. It highlighted the importance of maintaining back channel communications between the intelligence agencies of Russia and the US to prevent future misunderstandings that could have catastrophic consequences.
Here QAnon is revealing that direct communication links have been established between Presidents Putin and Trump, who both share the same goal of having Russia and the U.S. avoid catastrophic misunderstandings, while exposing the Deep State and its historic connection to Nazism.
QAnon then poses a series of leading questions pointing to a connection between Nazism and the Deep State. QAnon said:
Was “Nazism’ every truly destroyed?
Was it merely a sub-division within a larger organization?
One finger attached to a hand?
QAnon is here alluding to the historical development of the Nazi Party, which was created by German Secret Societies that had chosen Hitler as a charismatic puppet they could control in order to manipulate the working class through pan-Germanic nationalist ideals. At the time, German industrialists greatly feared the growth of the working-class movement and a communist revolution, and thereby facilitated Hitler’s rise to absolute power.
The Nazi Swastika, for example, was modeled on the Thule Society logo, showing the influence this secret society had on Hitler and the emergence of Nazism.
German secret societies were able to use Hitler and the Nazi state to covertly fund projects in exotic locations such as South America and Antarctica that would lay the foundations for a post-War German economic revival – a Fourth Reich.
Rather than achieving global domination through brute military force, German secret societies understood how this needed to be achieved through covert economic means as both world wars had clearly demonstrated the strategic stupidity of Germany fighting wars on two major fronts to achieve such a goal.
The German secret societies were not alone in pursuing their globalist goals since they worked closely with powerful industrialists and banking organizations in the US and Britain who shared their occult belief systems. Incredibly, these secret societies shared the belief that they were the genetic off-shoots of ancient gods that once ruled the entire planet, who could today be summoned through black magic rituals involving human sacrifice.
Charles Higham, author of Trading With The Enemy, believed that these secret societies, industrialists and bankers formed a worldwide organization he called “The Fraternity”. Others have referred to this secret global organization as “the Illuminati”, “the Family”, “the Cabal”, and more recently, the “Deep State”.
In the book, Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs, I describe how the German Secret Societies, with the support of major U.S. corporations, set up bases in Antarctica, where they covertly developed advanced technologies for both a secret space program and a post-World War II Fourth Reich. Nazi practices such as slave labor and human experimentation would secretly continue in these joint German/U.S. corporate projects, which today include transnational corporations based in many other nations.
When QAnon refers to Nazism as one of the fingers of a hidden hand, they are referring to the Deep State/Fraternity as the larger transnational organization which made possible the Fourth Reich that continues to flourish in the modern era.
QAnon’s next set of leading questions reveal how the Deep State/Fraternity uses social movements to achieve its agenda.
Did ANTIFA organically form?
Flag design coincidence?
Socialist push in US/WW coincidence?
QAnon is here referring to the Deep State’s funding of Antifa through George Soros, the billionaire financial speculator, who has specialized in funding social movements to destabilize and overthrow governments.
The flags QAnon is referring to are those used by Antifa supporters and that used by the German Communist Party, whose similarities suggest the same Deep State influence behind both movements.
QAnon then goes on to make the following statements outlining what lies ahead as the Trump administration continues to do battle behind the scenes with the Deep State, which is embedded within his administration:
Global power struggle.
There is a price we will not pay.
There is a point beyond which they must not advance.
QAnon is here saying that the threat to U.S. constitutional ideals of liberty and justice will not be sacrificed as the Deep State pursues its globalist agenda, which is premised on America’s rapid decline as a global superpower, and replacement by China at the helm of a New World Order.
QAnon then links to a Youtube video of President Ronald Reagan alluding to a mythical Rubicon that the Deep State will not be allowed to cross in its attempt to undermine US constitutional values.
In their August 28 post, QAnon has succinctly pointed to how Nazism continues to flourish today due to a mysterious hidden hand, the Deep State/Fraternity, which gave rise to Nazism’s initial emergence in Germany, and its subsequent incarnation in the post-World War II era as a network of transnational corporations and secret societies collectively making up a Fourth Reich.
President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” rally in Tampa, Florida on July 31 saw many attendees bearing QAnon shirts and signs, and even had the President approvingly point to someone carrying a QAnon sign. This led to multiple mainstream media (MSM) stories later attacking the QAnon movement. Rather than putting a stop to the rapidly growing movement, the MSM attacks are instead putting QAnon on the radar of millions more Americans.
All this was occurring at the same time as researchers found an important link between QAnon’s tripcodes and lists of books, some of which deal with the topic of “exopolitics” – broadly defined as the political implications of extraterrestrial life. Is this a harbinger that future Q drops will deal with extraterrestrial disclosure and the control groups that have kept all this secret from Americans for decades?
First let’s begin with the Trump rally where QAnon members were prominent in the crowd and Trump approvingly acknowledged them as evidence in a short video featuring Trump pointing directly at someone holding a QAnon sign.
Many of the MSM stories skeptically covered some of QAnon claims such as the Clintons and Democratic Party being secretly dominated by pedophile groups; that George Soros is manipulating domestic U.S. groups to promote political violence; that the Rothschild family is at the apex of a global Satanic network; and of course that the Russia collusion charge was an insurance policy contrived by the Deep State operatives with the help of Britain’s MI6 and other Five Eyes intelligence partners in case Trump won the 2016 election.
The result that emerges from the Trump Tampa rally is that QAnon has now gone mainstream and has reached a critical threshold in terms of many millions of Americans learning about it.
What makes the rapid growth of the QAnon movement significant, despite negative mainstream media coverage, is that QAnon has now gained a mainstream platform for reaching millions of Americans who for the first time will be exposed to intelligence data that is highly classified.
According to several researchers, QAnon has dropped clues about the future direction of the intelligence dumps through the specific tripcodes that have been chosen. Rather than QAnon’s tripcodes being randomly chosen sequences of numbers and letters used for a temporary period for identification purposes on the 4chan and 8chan posting boards, it has been shown that these are references to lists of books on Googlebooks.
The following video posted on July 22 shows how QAnon’s tripcodes have referred to a series of ground breaking books dealing with a range of topics that have been covered in Q posts:
In a later July 29 article titled, “EVERY TripCode & UserID used by Q Points to a Book”, the author writes:
Q has used 11 TripCodes, and 1100 UserID’s. EVERY one of them points to a book when you search them in Google Books. Some are even pointing to specific pages within that book.
Sure enough, when one goes to the Google Books website and enter different tripcodes used by QAnon, one gets a list of books. The writer includes the following examples:
The above books cover a wide range of conspiracy related topics, in particular William Cooper’s Behold a Pale Horse (1991) comes up a staggering 620 times when entering QAnon’s trip codes and ID’s. Behold a Pale Horse is a classic when it comes to the topic of a government/military coverup of extraterrestrial life, which falls under the rubric of “exopolitics”.
In 1989, Cooper became one of the first whistleblowers to come forward to reveal what he had seen in classified U.S. Navy intelligence files when he served on the briefing team for the Commander of the Pacific Fleet. Perhaps most importantly for QAnon readers, he provided some pretty detailed information about the Illuminati (Deep State) and their connection to ruling bloodline families and Satanism.
Of particular interest to me was the tripcode used by QAnon from November 9 to December 15, 2017 (!ITPb.qbhqo) which included my first exopolitics book in page one of the listed books as illustrated below (highlighted by red bar).
On page 3 of the same tripcode, another one of my exopolitics books is listed: Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET.
Based on tripcodes, the conclusion that can be reached is that QAnon is signaling that in the future important disclosures about extraterrestrial life are going to be made, and that it behooves people to get up to speed with what the available “exopolitics” literature is telling us.
The Exopolitics and Galactic Diplomacy books were respectively published in 2004 and 2013. I recommend both of these, along with my more recent Secret Space Programs series as critical for any wanting to understand the decades long cover up of extraterrestrial life and technology.
As the QAnon movement grows rapidly with the mainstream media fixation on discrediting Q’s information only serving to rapidly accelerate Q’s popularity, we can get an idea of the direction of future Q drops by the tripcodes and ID’s that have been used, and what shows up on the Google Books listings for these.
The military intelligence source QAnon has dropped another bombshell with the latest round of leaked classified information, which has been released with the tacit approval of the Trump White House. QAnon has revealed that contrary to popular perception and an ongoing criminal investigation led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, it was senior government officials from the United Kingdom, rather than Russia, that interfered in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections.
QAnon has in previous articles been shown to be linked to a faction of U.S. military intelligence that recruited Trump to run for the U.S. Presidency in 2015. While the Deep State has leaked classified information to destabilize the Trump administration, Trump has responded in kind by authorizing QAnon to leak classified information that exposes the Deep State and its nefarious global activities.
On July 25 (post 1700), QAnon released the bombshell information by first posing a leading question and then went on to list different mechanisms by which this interference was attempted:
What if the UK gov worked hand-in-hand w/ the Hussein admin to sabotage the 2016 election? Data collection. Voice. Video. Bugging. Creation of fake intel dossier using ex spy. Co-sponsor insurance policy re: POTUS election. Co-sponsor insurance policy re: POTUS election.
What makes the scenario described by QAnon plausible is the nature of the Five Eyes agreement which makes it possible for the United Kingdom to gather intelligence on U.S. citizens and organizations, and then pass this on to U.S. officials. This practice is widely known as the means by which Five Eyes countries (U.S., Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) routinely circumvent domestic laws preventing intelligence agencies spying on their own national citizens without due legal process.
While the Five Eyes agreement makes it possible for information gathered by partner intelligence agencies to be shared through official channels, QAnon has revealed that this sharing can also be achieved unofficially. QAnon has pointed out that former government officials with the right security clearance, can get access to intelligence information when traveling to another Five Eyes country, and no official record is kept.
On May 8 (post 1320), QAnon referred to Hillary Clinton traveling to New Zealand and gaining access to U.S. Intelligence files through the Five Eyes system.
Why is HRC in NZ? Is NZ part of 5 Eyes? Why is that relevant? Suicide watch. Q
Former or serving officials can subsequently share or leak this information through unofficial means, as Congressman Devin Nunes discovered when reviewing intelligence data used to launch the FBI investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign:
Normally, intelligence passed on from a member of the “Five Eyes” alliance — Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the U.K., and the U.S. — to another member comes through an official channel for intelligence sharing.
However, Nunes, upon reviewing the document that formally launched the FBI’s investigation, said there was no intelligence shared through that official channel, meaning that the intelligence was shared through unofficial means.
QAnon is revealing that a number of US officials traveled to Britain to get access to Five Eyes intelligence information on the Trump Presidential campaign, which was then used to sabotage his campaign through a contrived narrative of Trump being secretly manipulated by Russia. This is consistent with what is known about the Christopher Steele Dossier which was produced through collaboration between elements of the British intelligence community and Obama administration officials.
QAnon listed some of the 32 U.S. officials that were part of this collective effort to derail the 2016 election regardless of the will of American voters:
QAnon has pointed out in particular that trips to London by John McCain, Peter Strozk and Lisa Page were done in order to gain intelligence data on the Trump campaign through the Five Eyes system, without leaving a paper trail.
It is more than coincidental that on July 23, two days prior to QAnon’s above post, it was announced at a White House Press Conference that several former Obama administration officials, several of whom QAnon included in the above list, may have their security clearances revoked:
Sanders said the administration is reviewing clearances for former CIA director John Brennan, former FBI director director James Comey, former national intelligence director James Clapper, former CIA director Michael Hayden, former national security adviser Susan Rice and former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe.
What gives plausibility to the above list of officials is the recent admission by James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence, that President Obama authorized spying on the Trump Presidential campaign to investigate Russian collusion claims.
QAnon went on to describe how the Obama administration, along with the British government, actively colluded in framing Russia:
What if intel masked penetration(s) to frame Russia? Crowdstrike? Servers. SR. [Seth Rich] JA. [Julian Assange] Why does the UK gov desperately want JA? Think source files. The more you know. Q
QAnon is here referring to Julian Assange’s knowledge that Seth Rich had access to Democratic National Committee servers, and was the real source for the files that were passed on to Wikileaks, not Russia as recently claimed by the Mueller indictment of 12 Russian intelligence officers.
Clearly these are explosive claims, some of which are currently being investigated by U.S. Attorney John Huber with the assistance of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Justice. It is not known when Huber and the Inspector General will release their findings and begin prosecutions of those that have identified in thousands of sealed indictments.
However, what QAnon’s information does clearly reveal is the thinking behind the Trump administration when it comes to dealing with historic allies such as the United Kingdom, who Trump and his military intelligence advisors believe played a key role in manufacturing the Russia collusion claims to subvert his Presidency.
QAnon’s revelation helps explain Trump’s unprecedented recent intervention in British politics where he supported a hard Brexit strategy for leaving the European Union, and undermined Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit policy. More startling was Trump’s endorsement of former British Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, who the President said would make an excellent Prime Minister.
Perhaps even more telling was Trump’s behavior when meeting with Queen Elizabeth II. He broke Royal protocols in a manner that led some to claim that the Deep State/International Cabal was signaling its surrender to Trump.
It has long been known that Britain is a key player in the Deep State through its powerful financial institutions based in the City of London. One of the key figures in the City of London is Baron Jacob Rothschild who is the fourth Rothschild to gain the hereditary peerage established by Queen Victoria in 1885.
According to QAnon, the Rothschild family controls world wide assets of over two trillion U.S. dollars and forms the occult leadership of the Deep State, which actively practices Satanism and performs child sacrifices. The Deep State compromises aspiring politicians through pedophilia as documented in books such as The Franklin Coverup: Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska (1992) by a former State Senator for Nebraska, John DeCamp.
Therefore, it is very feasible that Deep State elements of the British establishment did set out to undermine the Trump Presidential campaign through manufactured evidence of Russian collusion, which was approved by President Obama and pursued by multiple officials in his administration as QAnon claims. The disturbing conclusion that emerges is that British government officials, rather than Russian intelligence officers, are most responsible for interfering in the U.S. Presidential process by contriving evidence and leaking classified information through the Five Eyes agreement.
by Neel Roberts July 10, 2018 (vulcanadvocate.com)
• A documentary titled “Out of the Blue” reveals a March 19, 1999 NASA letter that presents the U.S. government’s position on UFOs. The government doesn’t deny the existence of UFOs but explicitly states that there is ‘no evidence alien life exists on other planets or that UFOs are related to aliens’. But the recent coverage of UFOs by the New York Times, CNN and Fox News are indeed the real deal. So, where are these UFOs coming from?
• UFO files are the highest classified files in the U.S. government – even higher than nuclear weapons, human cloning, etc. It is at least 21 classification levels above the President of the United States’ standard clearance. No wonder 50-year FBI director J. Edgar Hoover was denied access in July 1947.
• Former Canadian Defense minister Paul Hellyer has been a long-time advocate to make all UFO files public. Recently declassified documents reveal the Canadian government has long been documenting sightings.
• Catherine Austin Fitts, former assistant secretary at U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, has run several articles indicating that the over $21 trillion missing from the military budget has been finally pinned down to black project technology. President Donald Trump has indicated his intention to disclose decades of hidden advanced technology which rightfully belongs to the people.
The term ‘fake news’ has been a meme for the last couple of years but the recent coverage of UFOs by the New York Times, CNN and Fox News are indeed the real deal.
Despite secrecy and reluctance to discuss the subject by government officials, there’s a lot of good, readily available public information to get any enthusiast educated.
While the definition of UFO is Unidentified Flying Object, it is not necessarily associated with aliens or extra-terrestrial objects.
A documentary called “Out of the Blue” gives a great overview of this phenomenon with government involvement.
A March 19th, 1999 NASA letter in the documentary, it doesn’t deny existence of UFOs but explicitly concludes ‘no evidence of alien life exists on other planets or that UFOs are related to aliens’.
Well, where are they coming from then?
Recent declassified documents reveal the Canadian government has long been documenting sightings as they skyrocketed between 1966-1967.
The UFO files are the highest classified files in the U.S.A government; even higher than nuclear weapons, human cloning, etc.
Believed to be ranked at ‘magistrate level’, it is at least 21 levels above the president of the U.SA. standard clearance.
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