• Around 2,000 satellites orbit the Earth, and over half of them are operated by NATO countries, ensuring everything from mobile phone and banking services to weather forecasts. Military commanders rely on some of these satellites to navigate, communicate, share intelligence and detect missile launches. Around 80 countries have satellites, with private companies are moving in as well. In the 1980s, just a fraction of NATO’s communications was via satellite. Today, it’s at least 40 per cent.
• Article 5 of NATO’s founding treaty states that attacks on any one of the 30 NATO allies will be considered an attack on all of them. NATO’s collective defense clause has applied to military attacks on land, sea, or in the air, and more recently in cyberspace. It has only been activated once, when the members rallied behind the US following the September 11, 2001 attacks.
• Many NATO member countries are concerned about what they say is increasingly aggressive behavior in space by China and Russia. In December 2019, NATO leaders declared space to be the alliance’s “fifth domain” of operations, after land, sea, air and cyberspace. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg (pictured above) said that “any attack on space capabilities, like satellites and so on or attacks from space, will or could trigger Article 5 …which states that an attack on one will be regarded as an attack on all – that we all will respond.”
• Former US President Donald Trump raised deep concern among US allies, notably those bordering Russia like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, when he suggested that he might not rally to their side if they didn’t boost their defense budgets. Since occupying the office, Biden has tried to reassure them of America’s commitment to its European allies. Trump also ordered the creation of the US Space Force, which was launched in 2019. “Space is the world’s new war-fighting domain,” said Trump.
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg
NATO leaders are set to expand the use of their all-for-one, one-for-all, collective
President Donald Trump
defence clause to include attacks in space, the military organisation’s top civilian official says.
Article 5 of NATO’s founding treaty states that attacks on any one of the 30 allies will be considered an attack on all of them.
So far, it has only applied to military attacks on land, sea, or in the air, and more recently in cyberspace.
“I think it is important [with] our Article 5, which states that an attack on one will be regarded as an attack on all, that we all will respond,” NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg said.
Putin and Xi
“We will make it clear at this summit that, of course, any attack on space capabilities like satellites and so on or attacks from space will or could trigger Article 5,” he said, a few hours before chairing a summit with US President Joe Biden and his counterparts.
Around 2,000 satellites orbit the Earth, over half operated by NATO countries, ensuring everything from mobile phone and banking services to weather forecasts.
Military commanders rely on some of them to navigate, communicate, share intelligence and detect missile launches.
In December 2019, NATO leaders declared space to be the alliance’s “fifth domain” of operations, after land, sea, air and cyberspace.
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Article by Vinod DSouza April 28, 2021 (ibtimes.sg)
• Luis Elizondo claims that extraterrestrials are observing our planet and are specifically targeting only the nuclear capabilities of the US military. He says that countries such as China and Russia have a secret pact with aliens giving them control over the alien technology. Elizondo warned that such countries could strike the heart of US anytime with the help of their “foreign adversarial technology”.
• Elizondo, a former intelligence officer who worked as a director of the Pentagon’s UFO research program known as the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ (ATTIP) from 2007 to 2012, revealed his team had discovered that UFOs have targeted US nuclear technology to disabled US military weapons. Elizondo claims that the government is planning to lift the lid on aliens and reveal the “reality” of UFOs to the American public soon.
• Alien observers claim that the UFO report ordered by President Donald Trump (that is due to be released on June 1st) will contain vital information about super-smart aliens visiting the Earth. Tim McMillan, a former Police Lieutenant turned UFO investigator, has questioned why the Senate Select Intelligence Committee asked Trump to sign off on the UFO report so urgently, raising assumptions that it contains real life military encounters with aliens.
• ”I think for me the most concerning thing are those incidents that involve our nuclear equities,” Elizondo said in a recent press conference. ”There seems to be a very distinct congruency between [UAP/UFO] activity and our nuclear technology.” The New York Post quotes Elizondo as saying: “Whether it be propulsion or weapon systems or whatnot…we’ve actually had some of our nuclear capabilities disabled by these things.” He people to be prepared if there’s an imminent attack by external forces.
• [Editor’s Note] For a century, negative extraterrestrial groups such as the Draco Reptilians, the Anunnaki and the Orion group have controlled the Earth’s population with an iron grip. They chose to plunder the Earth’s economic and human resources rather than to destroy the world, which they certainly could have done. If nuclear bases were in fact disarmed, it most likely would have been done worldwide by the more benevolent extraterrestrial groups who understand that a nuclear holocaust on Earth would reverberate negatively throughout the rest of the galaxy. They would have done so in the name of peace, not invasion.
Is the real reason for Tom Delonge and Luis Elizondo’s ‘To the Stars Academy’, which works closely with the US Air Force to orchestrate a slow drip of ‘limited’ UFO/extraterrestrial disclosure, to stir up public fear of a false flag alien attack on Earth as predicted by Wernher von Braun in 1974, and recently publicized by Steven Greer? And to throw in perceived threats from China and Russia for good measure. (see Dr. Michael Salla’s recent article: “Is an Alien False Flag Event Coming?”) The deep state has their back against the wall and are losing control. This would be the ideal time to roll out such a false flag event as a last ditch effort by the deep state to wrest control back from the white hat Alliance. And Elizondo may just be helping to lay the groundwork.
Former US intelligence officer Luis Elizondo claims that America’s nuclear weapons have been disabled by UFOs and sent out a warning that countries such as China and Russia have control over the alien technology.
Elizondo rang warning bells fearing that other countries could strike the heart of US anytime with the help of their “foreign adversarial technology,” hinting the countries have a secret pact with aliens.
Luis Elizondo previously worked as a director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (ATTIP), which is a secret and undisclosed Pentagon team that reportedly studied UFOs, between 2007 and 2012.
Tim McMillan
He stated that there’s an extraterrestrial observation occurring on our planet and the powers are specifically targeting only the nuclear capabilities of the US, raising suspicions that other countries might be involved and equipped with alien technology.
Elizondo revealed that his team had found ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena’ (UAP) surrounding
Luis Elizondo
the nuclear weapons, and unknown technologies, which he claims to be UFO powers, targeted US nuclear technology and disabled it.
The ex intelligence officer also claimed that the government is planning to lift the lid on aliens and reveal the “reality” of UFOs to the American public soon.
”I think for me the most concerning thing are those incidents that involve our nuclear equities,” Elizondo said in a press conference. ”There seems to be a very distinct congruency between UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena), associated UAP activity and and our nuclear technology.”
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• In a move to avoid a new era of arms race in the outer space, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin approved the extension of the ‘Exploration and Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes’ agreement with the United States. A Russian press service said: “The extension of the agreement meets both countries’ interests and will facilitate the effective implementation of joint space projects.”
• The treaty was originally signed by Russian President Boris Yeltsin and US President George H.W. Bush on June 17, 1992. The agreement as extended will be in place until the end of 2030.
• Under the agreement, world powers are not allowed to place nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction in outer space orbit and must avoid harmful contamination of space. Outer space is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means, according to the document.
• US President Donald Trump directed the Pentagon to establish the Space Force, calling for American “dominance in space.” Space Force also became a full member of the US intelligence community. Following suit, both Russia and China are developing similar military capabilities as they seek to field the technology and erode America’s military dominance. Moscow and Beijing have proposed a treaty that prohibits the deployment of ground-based and space-based weapons targeting satellites in the space and are pushing Washington to sign it.
Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin
Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin approved the extension of the Exploration and Use
Boris Yeltsin
of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes, the cabinet’s press service said in a statement on Saturday.
“The agreement …on cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes will be in place until December 31, 2030,” it said.
“The extension of the agreement meets both countries’ interests and will facilitate the effective implementation of joint space projects.”
President Trump creating Space Force
The treaty was originally signed by then Russian President Boris Yeltsin and US President George W. Bush on June 17, 1992, in Washington.
Under the agreement, world powers are not allowed to place nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction in orbit or in the outer space and must
George H.W. Bush
avoid harmful contamination of space.
The outer space is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means, according to the document.
The administration of former US President Donald Trump directed the Pentagon to establish the Space Force – the first new US military branch in 72 years – calling for his country’s “dominance in space.”
The Treaty, the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space and of the Threat or Use of Force Against Outer Space Objects (PPWT), bans deployment of “any weapons in outer space.”
The PPWT signatories may not “resort to the threat or use of force against outer space objects” or engage in activities “inconsistent” with the purpose of the treaty.
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Article by Martin La Monica February 18, 2021 (theconversation.com)
• On January 19, 2021, the day before Biden’s inauguration, researchers at the University of New Orleans Survey Research Center conducted a state-wide poll of 633 registered voters in Louisiana. (see here for the Louisiana survey) The survey labeled those who believe that extraterrestrial beings visit Earth as ‘conspiracy oriented’. These conspiracy oriented people also tend to believe that Joe Biden was not the legitimate winner of the 2020 Presidential election due to election fraud, according to the poll.
• Researchers asked a series of questions about the participant’s religious beliefs, their beliefs in extraterrestrial life, and whether Joe Biden was the rightful winner of the 2020 US Presidential election. Recent surveys have shown that both Republicans and Democrats include a significant number of so-called ‘conspiracy theorists’, ie: the belief that hidden causes are behind real-world events. But it was always the Democrats and Independent voters who were more inclined to believe in conspiracy theories than the Republicans.
• With the evolution of social media networks, where people encounter only those who agree with them to create an ‘echo chamber’, conspiracy theories regarding the pandemic and election cycle have circulated broadly. The QAnon movement in particular, which holds the election was fraudulent, has developed from periphery to a growing mainstream group. QAnon believers see the fact that Trump has lost all the legal challenges to be just more evidence that powerful and secretive forces are at work to steal the election and hide the truth from the public.
• Most of the survey’s respondents – 59.7% – believe that life exists elsewhere in the universe than just on Earth. And nearly one-third – 32.3% – of the respondents believe that aliens have actually visited Earth, in spite of governments continuing to deny any such thing. Third-party and Independent voters are more likely to believe this than Democrats or Republicans.
• Just over half of the survey respondents do not believe Biden was rightfully elected President, with a clear partisan split. 74% of Democrats trusted the election results while only 12% of Republicans believe the election outcome. Third-party and Independent voters were more evenly divided. Of the respondents who believe aliens have visited Earth, 57.6% also believe Biden was not rightfully elected president.
• The poll reveals that a statistically significant percentage of the Louisiana population who believe that our government leaders are covering up alien visitation also believe that these government officials are misleading the public about the Presidential election results. As conspiracy theory beliefs continue to grow in the U.S., researchers expect a corresponding increase in mistrust of government officials and a drop in the public’s trust in future elections.
Partisanship is not enough to explain why so many Americans – mostly Republicans – distrust the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.
As scholars in political behavior and methods, we are aware of another factor in voters’ thinking that has increased right alongside electoral distrust: Americans’ beliefs in conspiracy theories, especially those that express mistrust of government officials.
Our research, which has not yet been published, finds that these two beliefs are linked – to the extent that Americans who believe aliens have visited Earth are more likely than disbelievers to say that Joe Biden is not the legitimate winner of the 2020 presidential election. As conspiracy theory beliefs grow in the U.S., we expect a corresponding drop in public trust in elections.
Polling voters
Drawing on academic literature focused on trust in electoral processes, we decided to look specifically at voters’ conspiratorial beliefs. On Jan. 19, 2021, the eve of President Joe Biden’s inauguration, we conducted a survey of 633 Louisiana registered voters, selected at random. We asked a series of questions about their religious beliefs, their beliefs in extraterrestrial life and whether Joe Biden had been the rightful winner of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.
The key questions we asked were:
• Do you believe that there is life in the universe other than on Earth?
• Do you believe that extraterrestrials have visited the Earth?
• Do you believe that Joe Biden is the rightful winner of the 2020 U.S. presidential election?
We weighted the answers to reflect the statewide population balance of gender, age and race.
Aliens and electoral trust
We found that Democrats and third-party and independent voters were somewhat more inclined to believe conspiracy theories than Republicans. That fits with other recent surveys indicating that both parties do indeed have conspiratorial leanings, though the partisan divide may influence which particular conspiracies a person believes.
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2020 was big year for exopolitics and UFO disclosure with multiple mainstream news sites reporting major developments. Legacy media is now regularly discussing UFOs/UAPs and extraterrestrial life, along with the latest developments with the US Space Force. I discussed my list of the Top 10 Exopolitics news stories with Corey Goode on Zoom (see video below) to get his take on what they mean for “full disclosure”. I consider Corey, along with the late William Tompkins, to be one of the most informed, legitimate and accurate insiders about secret space programs, extraterrestrial life, etc., with significant evidence to back up his claims, as I have discussed previously.
I will go into detail about my the Top 10 list with slides and news videos on January 3 in the upcoming Ascension, Exopolitics & Disclosure Conference with Laura Eisenhower, John DeSouza and Neil Gaur. This promises to be an exciting webinar discussing what happened in 2020 and what we can expect in 2021.
What follows is the zoom video with Corey and my list with links to relevant exopolitics.org articles published earlier in 2020.
Article by Ashleigh Rainbird December 15, 2020 (irishmirror.ie)
• British pop singer Robbie Williams (pictured above) is thrilled that his alien theories have been backed up, after Israel’s former space security chief, Professor Haim Eshed, said a “Galactic Federation” exists. Williams welcomed the “big news” that a few select Earthlings from Israel and the US are part of a top-secret organization with aliens. He describes Eshed as “a very learned gentleman who is respected very highly”.
• Eshed reportedly said Israeli and American representatives meet up with aliens at the Federation’s secret underground bunker on Mars. “I know when muggins says all these things about UFOs you go, ‘Oh yeah?’” says Williams. “But he’s top brass in the Israeli military. What about them cosmic apples?” (see 58 second clip of Williams discussing his UFO encounter below)
• Eshed claimed US President Donald Trump was “on the verge” of revealing their existence, but did not want to cause “hysteria” among us humans. Robbie, of course, has been expecting them.
Professor Haim Eshed
Robbie Williams is over the moon that his alien theories have been backed up, after Israel’s former space
US President Donald Trump
security chief said a “Galactic Federation” exists.
The singer welcomed the “big news” from Professor Haim Eshed – who headed up Israel’s space program for almost 30 years – that a few select Earthlings from Israel and the US are part of a top-secret organisation with aliens.
Rob describes Professor Eshed as “a very learned gentleman who is respected very highly”.
“I know when muggins says all these things about UFOs you go, ‘Oh yeah?’” admits Robbie, who previously made a Radio 4 documentary about a UFO conference in Nevada.
“But he’s top brass in the Israeli military. What about them cosmic apples?”
58 second clip of Robbie Williams relating a UFO encounter (’60 Minutes Australia’ YouTube)
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Article by Miriam Kramer December 15, 2020 (axios.com)
• President Trump put the American space program front-and-center during his tenure. Building upon years of work by the space industry, the Trump administration helped open up new commercial opportunities in orbit. But some question whether those gains are sustainable in the long term.
• “I think the space program is in better shape now than it was when he took office,” says John Logsdon, the founder of the Space Policy Institute at George Washington University. Trump consistently prioritized NASA funding in his budget proposals and relaunched the National Space Council which holds agencies accountable for their work with space. His administration extended the reach of commercial partnerships in space, outsourcing that work to private companies in a trend that is likely to continue far into the future. And Trump created Space Force.
• Most of the criticism of Trump’s space policy is due to the political rhetoric accompanying them rather than the substance. Trump consistently politicized NASA’s wins, claiming credit for the Obama and Bush-era policies, and framing NASA’s accomplishments as ways to “make America great again,” Logsdon said. That has put off some space allies, including Russia, which has yet to sign on to NASA’s Artemis Accords’ plans for the exploration of the Moon.
• The Trump administration moved the ball forward for the US space enterprise, to be sure. But credit also goes to those in the space industry who went before and did years of ground work. Commercializing space with private rockets and spacecraft has taken time and funding from a number of previous administrations. The Space Force was an idea long before Trump took office.
• Some experts are also concerned that some of the progress made in commercializing space may not be sustainable. Landing people on the Moon is an entirely new level of difficulty for any private company. Some lawmakers have expressed concerns about whether a human lander built by private companies would be as safe as one built by NASA. And the market for space services may be limited to government customers, at least for the foreseeable future, as the private market for those kinds of missions isn’t clear.
• Biden will need to decide what his administration will build on when it comes to Trump’s space policies. Some suggest the new administration should continue with the Artemis Moon missions, commercial opportunities, and Space Force while changing the rhetoric around space accomplishments.
President Trump put the American space program front-and-center during his tenure, defining priorities in orbit and beyond that will outlast his four years as president.
The big picture: The Trump administration helped open up new commercial opportunities in orbit, building on years of work by the space industry. But some question whether those gains are sustainable in the long term.
What’s happening: “I think the space program is in better shape now than it was when he took office,” John Logsdon, the founder of the Space Policy Institute at George Washington University, told me.
• Trump consistently prioritized NASA funding in his budget proposals and relaunched the National Space Council, which aims to hold agencies accountable for their work with space.
• The Trump administration also extended the reach of commercial partnerships in space. Instead of NASA building a human-rated lunar lander, for example, the agency is outsourcing that work to private companies in a trend that is likely to continue far into the future.
• “[Space] may be one of the least controversial areas of his legacy,” Michael Gleason of the Aerospace Corporation told me.
• And perhaps his biggest move was standing up the U.S. Space Force.
“While some of the Trump administration’s space policy decisions and initiatives have generated criticism, that is more due to the political rhetoric accompanying them than the substance.”
— The Secure World Foundation, in a briefing document
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Prof Haim Eshed, a senior scientist who for nearly 30 years headed Israel’s space security program has revealed secret US extraterrestrial agreements, a joint US ET base on Mars, and how a Galactic Federation is closely monitoring human affairs. Major media around the world is covering Prof Eshad’s revelations. He further declared that President Trump was on verge of extraterrestrial disclosure but was told to hold back by the Galactic Federation since we weren’t at the right level of technological development. Apparently Space Force was created.to help speed up humanity’s technology base.
In this podcast, Dr. Michael Salla covers Prof Eshed’s revelations, the close historic cooperation between Israel’s Mossad, the CIA and the National Reconnaissance Office when it comes to satellite surveillance and the covert use of advanced antigravity craft. He also discusses how the alleged Galactic Federation wants humanity to get closer to Type 1 civilization status according to the Kardashev scale, and how the lifting of national security orders on 5900 patent applications could quickly achieve this goal.
Article by Ian Whittaker and Gareth Dorrian November 11, 2020 (theconversation.com)
• Donald Trump set bold goals for space exploration during his time in office – from crewed missions to the Moon and Mars to a Space Force. Joe Biden has pledged to sign Executive Orders that will undo most of the Trump administration’s work – in the same way that Trump undid most of Obama’s work. But Biden has been relatively quiet on space policy. So how is space exploration likely to change going forward?
• During the Trump administration, NASA committed to the return of astronauts to the Moon in 2024 under the Artemis program. This builds on the Constellation program which was implemented by Republican president George W Bush in 2005 but was subsequently cancelled by Democratic president Barack Obama due to its high cost and difficulty.
• In a document released by the Democratic Party entitled “Building a Stronger, Fairer Economy”, the Democrats “support NASA’s work to return Americans to the Moon and go beyond to Mars, taking the next step in exploring our solar system.” Canada, the European Space Agency and Japan are all formal partners in the construction of the Lunar Gateway – a lunar orbiting outpost designed to support multiple expeditions to the Moon’s surface. It would be difficult for a Biden administration to unilaterally withdraw from the project.
• The Trump administration also pushed for a first crewed mission to Mars in the 2030s. An independent report by the Science and Technology Policy Institute in 2019 stated that a crewed Mars mission in the 2030s is currently unfeasible. It is unlikely Biden will try to resurrect this any time soon, especially since confronting the COVID-19 pandemic will likely drain discretionary funding.
• Viewing space as a potential war zone, the Trump administration formed Space Force. With a public approval rating of only 31%, Americans aren’t too impressed with the Space Force. But there are doubtlessly many difficulties of reintegrating Space Force back into the US Air Force. It is therefore likely that Space Force will remain in a Biden administration, possibly with reduced focus.
• US human spaceflight policy rarely survives a change in a Presidential administration. NASA’s chief, Jim Bridenstine, appointed by Trump, has already announced he is stepping down, saying that he wanted to let somebody with a “close relationship with the president” take over. Still, the success of the crewed SpaceX launch to the International Space Station means the commercial crew program is likely to keep running – taking the burden off NASA.
• Biden has made it clear that tackling climate emergency is a priority. While this is likely to be focused on industrial pollution limits and renewable energy sources, it does suggest that space policy could be more focused on Earth environmental observation satellite missions such as oil spills, deforestation and carbon emissions.
• Changes notwithstanding, many scientists will breath a sigh of relief at the prospect of not having to fight the kind of anti-science position that we have seen from Trump during his time in office.
Donald Trump set bold goals for space exploration during his time in office – from crewed missions to the Moon and Mars to a Space Force. By contrast, his successor Joe Biden has been relatively quiet on space policy. So how is space exploration likely to change going forward?
It is clear is that there will be change. NASA’s current chief, Jim Bridenstine, has already announced he is stepping down. And we know that US human spaceflight policy rarely survives a change in presidency.
That said, the amazing success of the crewed SpaceX launch to the International Space Station (ISS), however, means the commercial crew programme is likely to keep running – taking the burden off NASA. Indeed, the first operational flight of the Crew Dragon by commercial company SpaceX is due for launch on November 15, with four astronauts bound for the ISS.
During the Trump administration, NASA also committed to the return of astronauts to the Moon in 2024 under the Artemis program. This is due for its first test launch (uncrewed) next year with Artemis-1. This builds on the Constellation program which was implemented by Republican president George W Bush in 2005 but was subsequently cancelled by Democratic president Barack Obama due to its high cost and difficulty.
The only substantial clue as to the direction of a Biden presidency with regard to astronaut flights to the Moon can be found in a document by the Democratic Party entitled “Building a Stronger, Fairer Economy”. In one paragraph, the Democrats state that they “support NASA’s work to return Americans to the Moon and go beyond to Mars, taking the next step in exploring our solar system.”
No detail is offered on possible timelines. But, with international cooperation now a major feature of the Artemis program, it would be difficult for a fledgling Biden administration to unilaterally withdraw from the project. For example, Canada, the European Space Agency and Japan are all formal partners in the construction of the Lunar Gateway – a lunar orbiting outpost designed to support multiple expeditions to the surface.
The programme is also rapidly advancing research, particularly in terms of building materials, power supplies and food production. Just this week, the European Space Agency awarded a contract to the British company Metalysis to develop techniques to simultaneously extract oxygen and metals from lunar soil.
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The key to understanding what is happening today in America is to identify the mysterious group behind the Kennedy Assassination, and how its modern-day manifestation is covertly attempting to remove Donald Trump from the presidency for his efforts to similarly build international cooperation around a number of space-related initiatives. If successfully implemented, these Presidential initiatives will lead to the disclosure of incredibly advanced life changing technologies. November 22 will mark the 57th anniversary of the Kennedy Assassination where he similarly tried and failed to disclose the existence of such technologies. The real perpetrators skillfully remained in the shadows and were never prosecuted for their heinous crime.
In this four-hour webinar you will learn the dramatic and long hidden truths behind the Kennedy Assassination, including damning evidence only declassified in 2017/2018 by the National Archives.
Webinar: November 22, 2020 (Sunday)
12 noon – 4.30 pm PST/ 3 – 7.30 pm EST USA (Includes Q&A at the end)
Article by Tyler MacDonald November 7, 2020 (inquisitr.com)
• In the wake of media outlets calling the 2020 presidential election for Democrat Joe Biden, and since Donald Trump appears on track to be leaving the White House in January, many are pointing to the possibility that the president will declassify intelligence files on many mysterious issues, including UFOs.
• “Trump is still POTUS (until January 20th). He can release any information he wants via Twitter. Literally it’s legal for him to drop anything – UFO files, Russia stuff, total discretion,” tweeted conservative commentator Mike Cernovich.
• Trump has touched on the topic of UFOs on multiple occasions. He spoke about the Roswell UFOs during a Father’s Day interview with his son, Don Jr. “I won’t talk to you about what I know about it, but it’s very interesting,” the president said.
• During an October interview on Fox News, Maria Bartiromo pressed Trump on the existence of UFOs. Trump suggested that he would harness the U.S. military to examine the existence of extraterrestrial life. But in an interview with George Stephanopoulos in June of 2019, Trump acknowledged Navy pilot UFO sightings but did not appear convinced.
• Last month, Tucker Carlson claimed that there is a wealth of evidence that proves the existence of UFOs – including former Senator Harry Reid’s claim that UFOs have been interfering with American nuclear capabilities throughout history, and Christopher Mellon touting the research of Dr. Jacque Vallee, who collected metal debris from a UFO.
• In April, the Pentagon declassified three UFO videos that were captured by U.S. Navy infrared cameras and first released unofficially in December of 2017 and March of 2018.
Mike Cernovich
Now that Donald Trump appears on track to be leaving the White House in January, many are pointing to the possibility
Maria Bartiromo
that the president will declassify intelligence files on many mysterious issues, including UFOs.
“Trump is still POTUS. He can release any information he wants via Twitter. Literally it’s legal for him to drop anything – UFO files, Russia stuff, total discretion,” tweeted conservative commentator Mike Cernovich.
The possibility appears to be on the minds of many people in the wake of various media outlets calling the 2020 presidential election for Democrat Joe Biden.
Trump has touched on the topic of UFOs on multiple occasions. As reported by ABC News, he spoke about Roswell during a Father’s Day-themed interview with his son,
George Stephanopoulos
who pressed him on the New Mexico city that is known for its proximity to one of the most famous UFO events in
Tucker Carlson
popular culture.
“I won’t talk to you about what I know about it, but it’s very interesting,” the president said of the region.
Trump was also pressed on the existence of UFOs during an October interview with Mario Bartiromo on Fox News, Insider reported.
Trump pointed to the U.S. military and suggested that he would harness it to examine the existence of extraterrestrial life.
Elsewhere, Trump has been skeptical. During an interview with George Stephanopoulos in June of 2019, he pointed to pilot sightings but did not appear convinced.
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On November 12, 1963, President Kennedy reached a bold agreement with Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev: joint lunar missions to end the Cold War. While Kennedy’s earlier September 20, 1963 speech at the United Nations calling for the Soviets to cooperate on joint space missions and a moon landing is a well-known historical fact, Khrushchev’s acceptance less than two months later is virtually unknown to most.
Kennedy’s request and subsequent agreement with Khrushchev represented far more than an attempt to end Cold War tensions over the escalating number of nuclear weapons being built by the U.S. and Soviets. Kennedy was boldly attempting an end-run around the Deep State’s blockade on releasing classified UFO-related technologies that could spark worldwide advances.
On June 28, 1961, President Kennedy sent a Top Secret National Security Memorandum requesting his CIA Director, Allen Dulles, prepare for him a “review of MJ-12 Intelligence Operations as they relate to Cold War Psychological Warfare Plans.” Kennedy referred to an interagency control group called Majestic 12, which had been secretly set up on September 24, 1947, to manage the UFO-related issues and technologies. This authority placed MJ-12 at the core of the Deep State in the U.S. at that time.
While Kennedy’s June 28 Memorandum has not been officially declassified, expert examination of the leaked document supports its authenticity.
Dulles’ response to Kennedy’s memorandum is revealed in another leaked Top Secret document issued on November 5, 1961. Dulles’ response gives an overview of the MJ-12 activities with regard to psychological activities, which he confirms involves the UFO issue. It describes UFOs as part of “Soviet propaganda” designed “to spread distrust of the government.”
Dulles’ letter acknowledges it is possible that some “UFO cases are of non-terrestrial origin,” but these do not “constitute a physical threat to national defense.” Most significantly, Dulles’ letter states: “For reasons of security, I cannot divulge pertinent data on some of the more sensitive aspects of MJ-12 activities.”
What Kennedy did not know was that in addition to denying his request and blocking his other efforts to assert Presidential authority over MJ-12 operations and UFOs, Dulles organized for MJ-12 to issue eight directives in October 1961. The Directives authorized the removal from office of members of Kennedy’s administration if they threatened MJ-12 operations.
In Kennedy’s Last Stand (2013), I document Kennedy’s multiple efforts to assert Presidential authority over the MJ-12 Group and classified UFO files. In brief, after Kennedy reached his groundbreaking agreement with Khrushchev for joint space and lunar missions, the head of the CIA’s counterintelligence division, James Jesus Angleton, implemented one of the MJ-12 directives authorizing the removal from office of political figures.
The most extreme of the eight MJ-12 directives was a cryptic assassination authorization:
Draft – Directive Regarding Project Environment – When conditions become non-conducive for growth in our environment and Washington cannot be influenced any further, the weather is lacking any precipitation … it should be wet.
Dr. Robert Wood, the foremost expert in analyzing MJ-12 documents using forensic methods, has concluded that the burned document is an assassination directive. He points out that the cryptic phrase, “it should be wet” originates from Russia, where the phrase “wet works” or “wet affairs” denotes someone who had been killed and is drenched with blood.
The implementation of Project Environment led to Kennedy’s very public assassination and served as a clear warning to other political leaders not to challenge the Deep State.
The MJ-12 Group did not want U.S. and Russian cooperation in space since this threatened to expose their covert space operations using reverse engineered technologies acquired from Nazi Germany and crashed alien spacecraft. Even more sensitive were the agreements reached with the German breakaway colony in Antarctica and different extraterrestrial groups.
In the subsequent decades, the MJ-12 Group, working through the CIA, was in control of covert operations and intelligence activities in space. This was made possible by an enormous black budget of over one trillion dollars annually that the CIA funneled into various classified programs and defense agencies such as the National Reconnaissance Office.
The Department of Defense and the President’s executive office were largely left in the dark over exactly what was happening in Earth’s orbit and beyond.
Before becoming Secretary of Defense on January 20, 2001, Donald Rumsfeld headed a Congressionally appointed National Security Commission that delivered a report recommending the creation of a Space Corps to defend the U.S. from a Space Pearl Harbor:
An attack on elements of U.S. space systems during a crisis or conflict should not be considered an improbable act. If the U.S. is to avoid a “Space Pearl Harbor” it needs to take seriously the possibility of an attack on U.S. space systems. The nation’s leaders must assure that the vulnerability of the United States is reduced and that the consequences of a surprise attack on U.S. space assets are limited in their effects….
The use of space in defense of U.S. interests may require the creation of a military department for space at some future date…
A Space Corps within the Department of the Air Force may be an appropriate model in its own right or a useful way station in the evolution toward a Space Department.
Only eight months later, on September 10, 2001, as Congressional legislation for a Space Corps was about to be unveiled, Rumsfeld revealed 2.3 trillion dollars could not be accounted for and declared the Pentagon Bureaucracy to be America’s greatest threat:
The topic today is an adversary that poses a threat, a serious threat, to the security of the United States of America. This adversary is one of the world’s last bastions of central planning, governs by dictating 5 year plans… You might think I’m describing one of the last decrepit dictators in the world, but their day too is almost past and they cannot match the strength and size of this adversary. The adversary is closer to home, it’s the Pentagon bureaucracy… In this building, despite the era of scarce resources, taxed by mounting threats, money disappears into duplicative duties, bloated bureaucracy, not because of greed but gridlock. Innovation is stifled not by ill intent but institutional inertia.
In his speech, Rumsfeld was not only identifying the reasons for the missing money, but also signaling that it could be used to fund necessary, though expensive, Pentagon initiatives such as Space Corps.
One day after his provocative speech, the September 11 (false flag) terrorist attacks embroiled America in unending Middle East wars against a contrived global terrorist threat. Consequently, the proposal for a Space Corps was shelved for nearly 20 years until the second year of Donald Trump’s Presidency.
On March 13, 2018, President Trump first introduced and, in succeeding months, formally proposed the creation of Space Force as a 6th branch of the U.S. military.
Like President Kennedy before him, Trump had a bold vision of cooperating with Russia to implement his Presidential agenda and end the new Cold War. During his first presidential election campaign, Trump made many overtures to President Putin of Russia to cooperate on a range of global issues.
Again, like Kennedy, Trump envisaged the release of new technologies to take humanity into a new era of prosperity and cooperation. This is evidenced in Trump’s 2017 inaugural address where he said:
We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.
Like Kennedy, Trump called for joint moon missions with other space-faring nations, including Russia. On December 11, 2017, President Donald Trump issued Space Policy Directive-1, which called for the return of humans to the Moon, the commercial exploitation of space, and human missions to Mars and beyond.
The Directive called for “an innovative and sustainable program of exploration with commercial and international partners to enable human expansion across the solar system and to bring back to Earth new knowledge and opportunities.”
Just as Kennedy had attempted an end-run around the Deep State’s opposition to him gaining access to classified UFO files, Trump’s Space Force proposal is likewise an end-run around the Deep State’s blockade on releasing classified reverse engineered technologies that could spark a global technological revolution
In addition, Trump’s creation of Space Force threatens the Deep State’s attempt to make America vulnerable to a Space Pearl Harbor by embroiling it in a never-ending war on terror. At the same time, the Deep State has been covertly helping Communist China for decades to develop antigravity spacecraft, and to build a powerful space navy, as I warn in Rise of the Red Dragon (2020).
Trump is facing massive retaliation from the Deep State over his plans for outer space cooperation, joint moon missions, ending the Cold War with Russia, and establishing a Space Force, just like Kennedy had before him.
The eight Majestic-12 directives, or some updated iteration of them, establish drastic methods that can be used to remove or take out any political leader who threaten their operations. Today, a stolen election, rather than physical assassination, is the Deep State’s solution to removing President Donald Trump, yet another troublesome leader, from political office.
The key to understanding what is happening today in America is to identify the mysterious group behind the Kennedy Assassination, and how its modern-day manifestation is covertly attempting to remove Trump from the presidency for his efforts to similarly build international cooperation around a number of space-related initiatives.
November 22 will mark the 57th anniversary of the Kennedy Assassination. The real perpetrators skillfully remained in the shadows and were never prosecuted for their crime. Thus, their successors continue to plot and implement Deep State agendas tracing back to the original eight MJ-12 directives.
[Note: To learn more about President Kennedy’s assassination, the group behind it, and why this information critically links to President Trump’s epic battle today, I will be holding a Webinar Intensive on Sunday, November 22, 2020 – click here or banner below for more info].
Article by Jazz Shaw October 20, 2020 (hotair.com)
• On October 22nd, NBC’s Kristen Welker muted the microphones and scrapped the foreign policy focus of the debate to again pour over the pandemic, racial inequity and police reform. But when will a moderator bring up the topic of UFOs, now that the Pentagon has created a UAP Task Force. Would either Donald Trump or Joe Biden release government information on UFO incursions into our air space?
• An article on Newsweek.com (see here) asked “is it really unrealistic that the topic of UFOs could surface at the next presidential debate?” Would Weller set aside her anti-Trump agenda long enough to field a topic like UFOs? No. There are still too many people in mainstream media who are afraid that broaching the subject would make them appear unserious. or even unhinged. Welker has never publicly touched on the topic.
NBC’s Kristen Welker
• But that doesn’t mean that it’s not worth asking about or somehow not a valid point of debate. The Newsweek article shows how far the UFO topic has migrated from the realm of paranormal research into the mainstream media. Tucker Carlson hits the subject regularly on Fox News. Both Jake Tapper and Michael Smerconish have done serious segments about UAP incursions on CNN. The New York Times and the Washington Post have both done multiple articles covering these strange craft without making jokes about it.
• President Trump has been asked multiple times about UFOs. He’s never given us an answer beyond saying that he would “check into it”. But at least he hasn’t brushed it off entirely. But we’ve yet to hear anything from Joe Biden on the topic. Medium.com writer Bryce Zabel published a UFO briefing memo (see here) for Joe Biden earlier this year, although there’s nothing to indicate that Uncle Joe looked it over.
• One reporter in New Hampshire kept asking every Democratic presidential candidate during the primaries about their position on UFOs, but somehow never got around to Joe Biden. So we really don’t know if Biden HAS any position at all. If he does wind up winning the election, he really needs to get up to speed. According to former Senator Harry Reid, there is a ton more UFO evidence that the public hasn’t seen, and that UFOs have even shut down some of our nuclear weapons facilities in the past.
• On the other hand, what if President Trump dropped a truth bomb in the run up to the election? Wouldn’t that be a totally ‘2020’ thing to happen right about now?
NBC’s Kristen Welker
We’ve already learned some of what we should expect from the final presidential debate this week. For
Fox News’ Tucker Carlson
one thing, we know that the candidates’ microphones are going to be muted at times, possibly to avoid any “spicey” encounters. We’ve also heard that the original, scheduled focus of the debate, foreign policy, has been essentially scrapped by Kristen Welker. She will instead go back to the same list of topics that were dealt with last time, such as the pandemic, racial inequity, police reform, etc. But there’s one subject missing from the list. When will a debate moderator ask the candidates about the Pentagon’s UAP Task Force and whether or not they plan to release government information on UFO incursions into our air space? If you think it’s just me and the ufology enthusiasts asking about this, think again. The question popped up this week at Newsweek.
CNN’s Jake Tapper
“2020 has been a shocking year, to say the least, so is it really unrealistic that the topic of UFOs could
Fmr. Nevada Senator Harry Reid
surface at the next presidential debate? Believe it or not, some Americans want to see President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden address the topic of national security in a totally new way on Thursday night.
Bryce Zabel, writer and producer of NBC’s Dark Skies, published a Medium article on Monday that questions if debate moderator and NBC reporter Kristen Welker could bring up the topic of UFOs during the final presidential debate before the 2020 election.”
Zabel makes many good points as usual, but then again, UFOs are sort of his beat. So do I think that Welker will set aside her anti-Trump agenda long enough to field a topic like this? No. I would say the chances are basically zero. There are still too many people in mainstream media who are afraid that broaching the subject would make them appear unserious or even unhinged. I was doing some searching this afternoon and couldn’t locate a single instance where Welker has even touched on the topic.
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Article by Kyle Mizokami October 14, 2020 (popularmechanics.com)
• On October 11th, Fox News anchor Maria Bartiromo asked Trump, “Can you explain why the Department of Defense has set up a UFO task force? Are there UFOs?” “Well, I’m going to have to check on that,” Trump replied. Trump then took the opportunity to boast about the power of the U.S. military. In August, the Pentagon established an official ‘UAP Task Force’ to investigate UFO sightings, following confirmed UFO sightings by US Navy pilots between 2004 and 2014.
• “I will tell you this,” said Trump. “We have now created a military the likes of which we have never had before. In terms of equipment, the equipment we have, the weapons we have, and hope to God we never have to use it. But have created a military the likes of which nobody has, nobody has, ever had. Russia, China, they’re all envious of what we had. All built in the USA. We’ve rebuilt it all—$2.5 trillion dollars. As far as the other question I’ll check on it, I heard about it two days ago actually.”
• So what, exactly, was Trump getting at in this interview? Was this just about touting the $2.5 trillion Trump spent on defense with no real increase in America’s overall military strength and number of weapons? Or was it about warning extraterrestrial forces – or more likely, the foreign governments behind the UAPs that the Pentagon is investigating – with military action? If Trump considers aliens a threat, that would likely explain the sudden rush to establish the Space Force.
• Could the Pentagon fend off a UFO attack? It seems unlikely. Even America’s most high-tech military hardware and the thousands of nuclear weapons that make up our strategic nuclear forces would almost certainly be powerless against any technology advanced enough to travel between stars.
• Consider the progress in weapons technology over the last 200 years. Military forces of the 1820s, complete with muskets, horses, and field guns, would stand no chance against the armed forces of the 2020s. Alien civilizations could easily be thousands, or even millions, of years more advanced, with weapons that might seem miraculous to us. The unfortunate truth is Earth is likely ripe for the taking by any alien race technologically advanced enough to travel here.
• If anyone on this planet knows the real truth about UFOs and extraterrestrial life, it would be the President of the United States. So what might Trump someday reveal?
President Donald Trump, when asked about a new Pentagon task force for studying UFOs, replied that he would look into it—and then began boasting about the power of the U.S. military. Some observers saw this as Trump touting his funding of the Department of Defense, while others saw it as a threat to extraterrestrial beings.
Donald Trump / Maria Bartiromo
In an interview on Sunday, Fox News anchor Maria Bartiromo asked Trump, “Can you explain why the Department of Defense has set up a UFO task force? Are there UFOs?”
“Well, I’m going to have to check on that,” Trump replied. “I mean, I’ve heard that. I heard that two days ago. So I’ll check on that. I’ll take a good, strong look at that.”
Trump then went on to talk about the U.S. military: “I will tell you this: We have now created a military the likes of which we have never had before. In terms of equipment, the—the equipment we have, the weapons we have, and hope to god we never have to use it. But have created a military the likes of which nobody has, nobody has, ever had. Russia, China, they’re all envious of what we had. All built in the USA. We’ve rebuilt it all—$2.5 trillion dollars. As far as the other question I’ll check on it, I heard about it two days ago actually.”
In August, the Pentagon established an official task force to investigate UFO sightings, following confirmed UFO sightings by U.S. Navy pilots between 2004 and 2014. The Pentagon’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Task Force (UAPTF) will investigate the sightings of UAPs, also known as UFOs.
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• At this point, President Trump is far from assured of winning a second term. He has plenty of work in front of him between now and November. Could the President have a Trump card up his sleeve?
• In a recent article on medium.com, writer Bryce Zabel poses the question, what would Trump do if he looked like he was going to lose to Joe Biden in the election? Well, UFOs have become a popular and legitimate subject for news coverage lately. Zabel believes that Trump might just “play the wildest card in all of human history” by telling America everything he knows about UFOs, top secret government research programs, and the presence of extraterrestrial life on Earth in a wild, last minute attempt to deflect, distract and scare enough people to win the election. We all know that Donald Trump is just crazy enough to do it.
• We know that Trump is a master disruptor who cares not one bit for traditional political rules. And we know that he’s a showman who knows how to play the press. Every time he’s mentioned the subject of UFOs he’s made headlines. Zabel speculates that the President might decide to let the cat out of the bag right in the middle of the final debate on October 22nd.
• But the key phrase here is Trump telling ‘everything he knows’ about UFOs and the extraterrestrial presence. What does Trump know? He’s hinted that he knows some things about Roswell that he found “very interesting.” It is highly doubtful, however, that the government’s intelligence agencies would tell Donald Trump, or any other president, much of anything about their greatest intelligence secret. After all, Presidents come and go. The military-industrial complex is dug in like a tick.
• Disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence would be a massively disruptive, potentially ‘world-changing’ moment. Could this result in Trump winning over voters to reelect him as President for a second term? And how might Joe Biden respond? Would Biden jump on the UFO bandwagon and say that he would also be a disclosure president? Would it even matter to the electorate once they’ve been given a good reason to not vote for Uncle Joe? There isn’t a chance that Trump wouldn’t try for a last ditch “October Surprise” if he thought it could carry him over the finish line on November 3rd.
• [Editor’s Note] Trump planning an October surprise to win the November election? At this point, this is all but assured. But if so, wouldn’t Trump be planning this now? What if UFO disclosure was only a part of a world changing “surprise” that Trump had up his sleeve? What if he was in on the planning of a complete ‘global financial reset’? A restructuring of the Federal Reserve and US Treasury? The elimination of federal income tax; debt forgiveness on bank loans, mortgages and credit card debt; and the introduction of a new US currency under a global ‘quantum financial system’? What if Trump was planning to reveal the insidious deep state syndicate, arresting its satanic leaders? And wouldn’t it be prudent to disclose all of this, including the extraterrestrial presence, this month so that Trump could begin to build the momentum he needs in the run-up to the November election? This would certainly cause the American electorate to sit up and take notice. I’m just saying…
While some recent movement in the polls shows the presidential race tightening in the battleground states, there’s no denying that President Trump is far from assured a second term at this point and he has plenty of work in front of him between now and November. And if the pandemic keeps the economy in the dumps across much of the nation and the employment numbers don’t start bouncing back, that could be a tough job indeed. But does the President have a Trump card (pardon the pun) up his sleeve in that event?
Over at Medium, Bryce Zabel raises this interesting question. What might Donald Trump do if it looks like he’s actually going to lose to Joe Biden? Bryce suggests in all seriousness that Trump just might “play the wildest card in all of human history.” And what card is that? He could tip over the entire apple cart by emptying the bag and telling America everything that’s known about UFO study programs and, just possibly, the presence of extraterrestrial life on Earth, either now or in the past.
We all know that Donald Trump is just crazy enough to do it.
And by “do it,” we mean throw the entire UFO issue into the upcoming presidential election at the last minute in a wild attempt to deflect, distract and scare enough people to win the election.
That’s right. Unidentified flying objects dumped smack into the middle of a presidential election by a sitting president who actually loves the idea of how disruptive it could be.
It sounds crazy. It’s not going to happen. Right? I mean, right?
Even Bryce admits this is a long shot, but it’s not off the table. He notes, as we have discussed recently, that UFOs have become a legitimate subject for news coverage and there’s been a lot of it recently. In addition to multiple articles in the New York Times, CNN has done two segments on the subject this week alone, with both Jake Tapper and Michael Smerconish. NBC News just published an opinion piece on the subject of both UFOs and the possibility of extraterrestrial life visiting Earth (which I’ll have more to say about this week), something unheard of for them for quite some time. This is something that’s happening right before all of our eyes.
So with that in mind, would the President throw this wildcard on the table in October in an attempt to shore up his reelection chances? And if so, would it work?
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On June 18, President Donald Trump replied to a question about the Roswell UFO crash from his son, Don Jr, in a podcast. Trump’s reply was that he would consider declassifying what occurred at the 1947 event that was “very interesting”. According to new information from Secret Space Program Insider Corey Goode, Trump was told that the Roswell UFO Crash involved time-traveling humans from the future.
Goode has recently revealed that he is again receiving briefings from reliable insiders about various classified programs. I have in the past discussed Goode’s credibility both as an insider himself with first-hand witness information, and also as a conduit for other insiders who release information and documents to him. This was best exemplified in two leaked Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) documents that he was the first to publicly reveal back in December 2017, the documents were given to him from a trusted DIA source.
According to newly acquired information from Goode, there is consensus within the “deep black” operations community to move forward with a “limited hangout” where some of the truth about secret space programs will be revealed, while much will continue to remain hidden including the existence of extraterrestrial life.
This is what Goode wrote to me about what Trump has been told and what is about to be officially disclosed:
I have mentioned this in the past. It was brought up again recently after Trump commented on Roswell. POTUS ‘Roswell Briefings’ are basically this: Roswell was NOT an Alien event. It was a mishap from US in the future. POTUS is told that the MAJORITY of the lights seen in the sky are from our own craft operating in the future and creating a temporal butterfly effect. They are told that what the ancients saw in the sky was often the exact same phenomenon….
POTUS is under the impression that because of tests being run in Roswell during the same time that future craft were operating in that Space at a later time… that it caused the craft to pull into the past and crash thus beginning the new tech boom after WWII.
This more accurate account of what happened at Roswell, when compared to an official USAF report released in 1995, will nevertheless disappoint many wanting full disclosure of the extraterrestrial intervention in human affairs that stretches back into antiquity.It appears that those briefing Trump have decided that it is too soon for humanity to be told the full truth, and that a “limited hangout” must be put into effect, and Roswell will be the linchpin for that to happen.
Goode continued to explain what he had been told by his sources:
There is a constant contact between the present and the future since the late 50’s. The ‘PLAN’ that Q often mentions was delivered to the mid 1960’s ‘pre-alliance’ members in full and that plan has been followed ever since. These people carry these weird looking pagers (like from the 80’s/90’s) that has a flip out keyboard that allows the person to communicate with their FUTURE self and command center within these programs.
There are Quantum Computers that are used for this communication and it operates in ‘reciprocal dimensions’ where time flows in different directions and at different rates. Data is transmitted in these alternate dimensions.
There is a major time war going on between humans from 2 timelines. One is more of the ‘Wing Maker’ type of future where AI controls a very small population on Earth. There is another group fighting to preserve the timeline by stopping the manipulation of timelines so that they all collapse into the proper one (per ET / Anshar Guidance).
This will not be the first time that a narrative explaining a temporal war between two factions of future humans has been leaked into the public arena.
Back in 2004, Dan Burisch, a microbiologist, came forward to reveal what he had witnessed in classified programs about the existence of two factions of time-traveling future humans (aka extraterrestrials) trying to deal with a converging timeline paradox that would occur by 2012. Of course, what Burisch predicted did not happen suggesting that he was disseminating disinformation in a limited hangout, or such a converging timeline paradox had been delayed.
I did have a series of email Q&A’s with Burisch back in April 2004, and concluded he was part of a limited hangout. It’s no great surprise that information similar to his is now being spun for a more modern audience including Trump, according to Goode:
We are told that some of these people from the future are working directly with elements of current era deep black intel agencies. They have portals in these locations that they do point to point transfers of people and supplies from.
Very interesting stuff… and I can see how POTUS would buy this over little green men. Especially with his history with his uncle who worked on the Tesla papers.
Goode was here referring to Dr. John Trump who was a full professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1943 when he was asked by the FBI to evaluate the national security implications of the papers of the recently deceased Nikola Tesla. Professor Trump later told his nephew, Donald, about some of the advanced technologies used in classified programs, which has led to much speculation over what the current President knows about flying saucers and the Roswell crash.
On July 13, I spoke with Goode who explained that future disclosure announcements will be limited to advanced technology patents that will be released to the general public, similar to five recent patents granted to the US Navy concerning electromagnetic propulsion, power and defense. This patents oriented disclosure process will better familiarize the scientific community and public with principles of time travel and electromagnetic propulsion in order to get them to accept the limited hangout narrative that all UFO sightings involve humans from the future.
Goode explained that the Deep State’s limited disclosure narrative is to be dragged out for as much as 50 years. This will prevent the truth from emerging about what has been occurring since the World War II era concerning extraterrestrial visitors and reverse engineering programs. Space Force will gradually incorporate advanced technologies used in secret space programs, but there will be no public acknowledgement that such technologies were covertly used prior to the formation of Space Force. More of what was covered in our July 13 discussion will be released soon.
The fact that Roswell has been put on the public radar by Trump and his son does make it very possible that the first official disclosures about the UFO phenomenon is going to involve this classic 1947 flying saucer event. The language used by Trump in describing his knowledge of the incident, “it’s very interesting”, does suggest he was briefed about a more terrestrial explanation, than extraterrestrial visitors. “Time traveling humans”, as Goode claims his sources told him, would be more consistent with Trump’s low-key response to the question posed by his son.
The explanation that Roswell involved time traveling future humans who arranged for the crash to occur to speed up our technological development certainly sounds plausible, and will appeal to those wielding Occam’s Razor to dismiss the extraterrestrial hypothesis. Nevertheless, we need to keep in mind that even such a significant disclosure would still be a limited hangout designed to punt the full truth far into the future.
There have been multiple references to an “invisible enemy” by President Donald Trump and Q (aka QAnon), which White Hats in the US military-intelligence community are presently fighting in an “information war”. While mainstream news outlets claim Trump is merely referring to COVID-19 as the “invisible enemy” that has afflicted the US and the rest of the planet, what emerges from examining the wider context of his remarks and Q posts is that the real enemy Trump is alluding to is a Deep State which has a non-human dimension that is behind the “plandemic”.
Trump’s repeated references to the invisible enemy have been noted by mainstream media outlets as merely a rhetorical flourish to combating the COVID-19 virus. For example, Jack Shafer, writing for Politico, said on April 9:
Ever since President Donald Trump made his bootleg turn on coronavirus in mid-March, finally conceding the magnitude of the pandemic, he has attempted to brand the contagion as an “invisible enemy.”
Trump first used the phrase in a March 16 coronavirus task force press conference, saying, “No matter where you look, this is something—it’s an invisible enemy.” Obviously a conscious coinage designed to add Trumpian seasoning to headlines, the president made sure to return to the phrase about a minute later, saying, “I just say this: We have an invisible enemy.”
Ever since, Trump has used the expression in letters, remarks, interviews, tweets, video blogs, but especially in the campaign-style pressers about the virus he’s been staging almost daily since his turnaround. According to the Factbase database, Trump has exploited the expression at least 44 times in what looks like his effort to anthropomorphize the virus into a sentient thing with evil intentions on mankind.
Is this what Trump is doing with his repeated references to an “invisible enemy” merely alluding to something so small it can’t be seen? Or is he referring to an invisible enemy that orchestrated the emergence of COVID-19?
Trump’s repeated references to World War II in the lead up to the following quote provides a context suggesting that he is referring to something far more sinister behind the global virus than merely an accidental natural occurrence:
In World War II young people in their teenage years volunteered to fight. They wanted to fight so badly because they loved our country. Workers refused to go home and slept on factory floors to keep assembly lines running…. We must sacrifice together because we are all in this together and we’ll come through together. It’s the invisible enemy. That’s always the toughest enemy: the invisible enemy. But we’re going to defeat the invisible enemy. I think we’re going to do it even faster than we thought. And it will be a complete victory.
The wider context of Trump’s remarks on the invisible enemy point to it as the Deep State, which he and his administration have been battling even before his Presidential inauguration.
The civil war between the Trump Administration and the Deep State is a battle between those wanting to free humanity from an oppressive group of global controllers that has enslaved humanity through its domination of the mainstream media, and political, financial, cultural and religious institutions for centuries, if not millennia.
Authors such as as Jim Marrs, Rule by Secrecy (2001) and William Bramley, Gods of Eden (1993), have presented compelling evidence exposing the global controllers/Deep State as elite ruling bloodline families that trace their ancestry back to extraterrestrial colonists banished to Earth millennia ago. They both reveal that in humanity’s far distant past, extraterrestrials directly ruled over humanity, and then installed human-alien hybrids to rule as proxies as described in historical documents such as Sumer’s “King’s List “and Manetho’s chronicle of pre-dynastic Egyptian rulers.
These hybrid proxy rulers evolved to become the ruling bloodline families that have controlled humanity from behind the scenes using ancient knowledge and technologies handed down from their extraterrestrial overlords – Reptilian entities, according to Marrs and others.
In the 1930s and 1940s, these bloodline families gained access to more recent and powerful extraterrestrial technologies acquired through off-planet visitors attracted to Earth’s rapid industrialization, and looming development of atomic weapons.
First, Germany, Italy, and then the US, Britain, Soviet Union/Russia and China all gained access to extraterrestrial technologies that became the most highly classified secrets in their respective military industrial complexes. The advanced technologies were all developed in compartmentalized programs controlled by ruling elites who had no intention of sharing such technologies with the rest of humanity but merely appropriating them for their exclusive use.
In the US, these newly acquired extraterrestrial technologies were used to further the national and global control agendas of the ruling bloodline families. Influential national leaders who did not support the elite control agenda, such as the first US Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal, and President John F. Kennedy, were eliminated in a staged suicide and assassinated in public to warn off other national leaders from resisting the global control agenda implemented by the Deep State.
In Kennedy’s Last Stand, I explain how and why both Forrestal and Kennedy, who enjoyed a warm friendship, were killed by the Deep State for their respective efforts to disclose or gain access to classified extraterrestrial technologies, and reveal the principal figures and entities behind their respective assassinations.
Today China has been heavily infiltrated by the Deep State which has compromised its leading scientific and military institutions. It’s no accident that the epicenter for the emergence of the COVID-19 virus is China, which the Deep State has been covertly supporting since the Communist Revolution, as I explain in my book, Rise of the Red Dragon and upcoming Webinar series.
This takes us to President Trump, who was recruited by the US military intelligence community in 2015 to help free the US from the power of the Deep State, which I have discussed previously. Trump surrounded himself with both Deep State figures and White Hats to disguise his true intentions.
The contrived efforts by the Deep State to first prevent Trump from being elected, and then removing him from office is well illustrated in the Russia Collusion hoax, the sham investigation of his first National Security Advisor, Lt. General Michael Flynn, and the contrived Ukraine impeachment charges.
As we approach the November 3, 2020 election, the Deep State has finally unleashed its deck of global control cards to prevent Trump from winning re-election. The Covid-19 “plandemic” and civil unrest through a contrived race war are both driven by an incessant mainstream media narrative run by the Deep State to manipulate the general public into giving up their civil liberties. Image of 2020 calendar!
The Deep State has also arranged for major social media platforms to censor citizen journalists and alternative media, which are increasingly viewed as truth tellers by the awakening public who are disgusted by the non-stop fear porn generated by the mainstream media.
This is where Q and the global movement it has spawned becomes important for understanding the “invisible enemy” that is locked in a behind the scenes life and death struggle with the Trump administration.
Most who follow Q accept that it represents a group of individuals connected to the military intelligence community and officials that are closely tied to President Trump. Multiple images provided by Q are originals taken inside Trump’s Oval Office and Air Force One corroborating claims that the President is directly involved. Many believe that one of the signatures used by Q, Q+, is Trump himself.
Q, like Trump, has referred to the “invisible enemy” that is attempting to enslave humanity. In a June 29 post (#4545) Q wrote:
If America falls so does the world.
If America falls darkness will soon follow.
Only when we stand together, only when we are united, can we defeat this highly entrenched dark enemy….
We are living in Biblical times.
Children of light vs children of darkness.
United against the Invisible Enemy of all humanity.
Clearly, Q is not referring to the COVID-19 virus, but is instead describing a powerful group of individuals and organizations, the “children of darkness” aka the Deep State.
Q also quotes in its entirety a letter addressed to Trump from the former Papal Nuncio to the US, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano that similarly refers to the “Deep State” as an invisible enemy attempting to enslave humanity:
There are faithful Shepherds who care for the flock of Christ, but there are also mercenary infidels who seek to scatter the flock and hand the sheep over to be devoured by ravenous wolves. It is not surprising that these mercenaries are allies of the children of darkness and hate the children of light: just as there is a deep state, there is also a deep church that betrays its duties and forswears its proper commitments before God. Thus the Invisible Enemy, whom good rulers fight against in public affairs, is also fought against by good shepherds in the ecclesiastical sphere… United against the Invisible Enemy of all humanity, I bless you and the First Lady, the beloved American nation, and all men and women of good will.
Vigano equates a demonic “Deep Church” exerting a corrupting influence over honest clergymen wanting to serve humanity, with the Deep State doing the same with official government service.
Significantly, Q has alluded to a Reptilian extraterrestrial influence over the Vatican in an April 3, 2018 post (1002) that contained a meme with a serpent and the question: “If Satanists Took Over the Vatican Would you Notice”.
In an article examining Q’s post, I explain how the serpent imagery fits in with multiple insider claims of Reptilian extraterrestrials secretly controlling the Vatican.
It’s clear from examining President Trump’s repeated references to an invisible enemy, and similar references by Q and Archbishop Vigano, that he is referring to the Deep State as the true threat to humanity. An examination of the individuals and groups comprising the Deep State reveals a significant extraterrestrial factor in its origins and operations.
If Trump and White Hats succeed in defeating the Deep State, humanity will have freed itself of an ancient invisible enemy that has manipulated human affairs through contrived global events for centuries if not millennia. We are truly living in biblical times, as Archbishop Vigano asserts, where the children of light are locked in a spiritual war against the children of darkness.
The US Senate Select Committee for Intelligence has just approved a bill that includes a request for the Intelligence Community to write up a comprehensive report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs, aka UFOs) in 180 days. Most importantly, the report will be unclassified, meaning that its findings are intended to be released to the general public.
The eventual Intelligence Community report is intended to be a comprehensive interagency breakdown and analysis of what’s behind the UAP phenomena. Will the report turn out to be the official disclosure announcement that UFO activists have been working towards for decades, or will it become a limited hangout to hide the truth?
In the comments portion of the proposed Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 there is a section titled “Advanced Aerial Threats”, which begins by asserting the Committee’s concerns that no unified reporting mechanism exists for UAPs/UFOs given the potential threat they pose to US national security:
The Committee supports the efforts of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force at the Office of Naval Intelligence to standardize collection and reporting on unidentified aerial phenomenon, any links they have to adversarial foreign governments, and the threat they pose to U.S. military assets and installations. However, the Committee remains concerned that there is no unified, comprehensive process within the Federal Government for collecting and analyzing intelligence on unidentified aerial phenomena, despite the potential threat.
It’s important to emphasize that the Committee is particularly concerned about UAPs and “any links they have to adversarial foreign governments.”
The bill goes on to propose that the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) oversees the development of a comprehensive report:
Therefore, the Committee directs the DNI, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the heads of such other agencies as the Director and Secretary jointly consider relevant, to submit a report within 180 days of the date of enactment of the Act, to the congressional intelligence and armed services committees on unidentified aerial phenomena (also known as ‘‘anomalous aerial vehicles’’), including observed airborne objects that have not been identified.
The Senate Committee next outlines the different intelligence sources that are required to submit information for the report. The exhaustive listing shows that the report is intended to be very comprehensive:
A detailed analysis of unidentified aerial phenomena data and intelligence reporting collected or held by the Office of Naval Intelligence, including data and intelligence reporting held by the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force;
A detailed analysis of unidentified phenomena data collected by:
geospatial intelligence;
signals intelligence;
human intelligence; and
measurement and signals intelligence;
A detailed analysis of data of the FBI, which was derived from investigations of intrusions of unidentified aerial phenomena data over restricted United States airspace;
A detailed description of an interagency process for ensuring timely data collection and centralized analysis of all unidentified aerial phenomena reporting for the Federal Government, regardless of which service or agency acquired the information;
Identification of an official accountable for the process described in paragraph 4;
Identification of potential aerospace or other threats posed by the unidentified aerial phenomena to national security, and an assessment of whether this unidentified aerial phenomena activity may be attributed to one or more foreign adversaries;
Identification of any incidents or patterns that indicate a potential adversary may have achieved breakthrough aerospace capabilities that could put United States strategic or conventional forces at risk; and
Recommendations regarding increased collection of data, enhanced research and development, and additional funding and other resources. The report shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may include a classified annex.
What’s noteworthy in the Committee’s request is that there will be an official who will be given responsibility for overseeing the interagency process for releasing all UAP/UFO data. In addition to the intelligence community, this also includes the FBI and its ongoing investigations of UAPs.
Most significant is the Committee’s request that any breakthrough aerospace technologies possessed by foreign adversaries are included in the report. More specifically, the Committee is concerned that foreign adversaries, China, Russia, etc., have achieved technological breakthroughs in the aerospace arena that threatens US national security.
China, in particular, has made incredible strides over the last few decades in developing a secret space program based on advanced aerospace technology secrets and designs obtained from the US Air Force. In fact, the lead Chinese scientist who set up their secret space program, Dr. Tsien Hsue-shen (aka Qian Xuesen) began his career by working for the US (Army) Air Force in the 1940s, and co-wrote the blueprints for future advanced aerospace technologies based on retrieved Nazi and crashed UFO craft. To learn more about China’s secret space program, see my upcoming webinar series beginning July 11, and book, Rise of the Red Dragon (April 2020).
It’s important to keep in mind that the Advanced Aerial Threats section included in the bill just passed by the Senate Intelligence Committee still has to pass the full Senate. It then needs to be similarly passed by the House of Representatives, and finally signed into law by President Donald Trump. It’s not clear exactly when the bill will be enacted into law, but once it is, the 180 day countdown for the report’s release will begin.
Given the bill was passed on a bipartisan basis (14 votes in favor, 1 against), it can be concluded with great confidence that in early 2021, the US public will get to read a comprehensive UAP report by the Intelligence Community.
Why did the Senate Intelligence Committee include this unprecedented request to the Intelligence Community in the 2021 Intelligence Authorization Act?
According to Tom DeLonge, the request is a result of strong lobbying by his To The Stars Academy (TTSA).
Very proud that @TTSAcademy DID THIS— We galvanized Senators, organized briefings, submitted Natl’ Security language and wrote Op-Eds in major news outlets to achieve page 11 in the below link. THIS is how we get to DISLCOSURE https://t.co/rHTReJDdiQ
The involvement of DeLonge and his TTSA in lobbying for passages dealing with “Advanced Aerial Threats” does raise suspicions over the real agenda behind the request for a comprehensive report. Is the request for a UAP report something to be embraced as the long-awaited official disclosure anticipated by DeLonge and the UFO community, or is it a limited hangout by the Deep State designed to raise money for corporate run classified programs?
In the past, I’ve raised my concerns that DeLonge and his TTSA are involved in a limited hangout and is heavily influenced, if not controlled, by compromised Deep State officials. Yet, there’s no doubt that the impending passage of the Intelligence Authorization Act with passages on “Advanced Aerial Threats” is a major step forward that carries great significance for the UFO Disclosure Community.
The fact that it is happening after a new DNI Director, John Ratcliff, was officially confirmed by the US Senate on May 21 is a very encouraging sign. Ratcliff is a strong ally of President Trump, and has the authority to put a White Hat in charge of overseeing the interagency effort to release information to be included in a comprehensive report on UAPs/UFOs.
It’s perhaps no coincidence that in a June 18 interview, Trump was asked about UFOs by his son, Don Jr. President Trump said that information about Roswell is very interesting and that he will consider declassifying it in the future. Could the Intelligence report to be issued by Ratcliff be a vehicle for disclosure of many secrets behind the Roswell crash and Area 51?
Rather than the requested Intelligence report being a Deep State orchestrated limited hangout, as contended by some of DeLonge’s critics, it can very easily become a means for White Hats in the Trump administration to officially disclose major components of secret space programs developed by its major adversaries, China and Russia.
Once the Intelligence Community releases its report on the foreign aerospace technologies possessed by China, Russia and other “foreign” sources linked to UAP sightings, the stage will be set for the future disclosures concerning the USAF’s own secret space program, which is currently in the process of being transferred to the newly created Space Force.
Ratcliff and White Hats in the Trump administration can use the requested report to disclose to the America public important truths about suppressed advanced aerospace technologies and secret space programs.
The disclosures on UAPs and UFOs that lie ahead promise to be momentous even if the original intent in the Congressional bill was to limit the report to what China and Russia have secretly developed. Predictably such revelations will lead to calls for Congress to massively increase funds for Space Force so it can quickly develop and deploy similar technologies for national security purposes.
Clearly, the November 3 Presidential elections will impact on what comes out in Ratcliff’s UAP report anticipated in early 2021. Assuming President Trump wins re-election, then he and Ratcliff will be in a powerful position to disclose far more than merely what the Intelligence Community suspects China and Russia have secretly developed in the aerospace arena.
Ratcliff’s UAP report may well be part of an elaborate plan for a decades-old USAF secret space program being covertly transferred to Space Force, and then disclosed by Trump to the American public as newly acquired technologies developed in response to the threat posed by China and Russia’s secret space programs. While such a process would be disingenuous, it would nevertheless be a stepping stone to the public release of many revolutionary aerospace technologies that could transform life on our planet.
On June 18, President Donald Trump was interviewed by his son, Donald Trump, Jr., and was asked about the existence of alien/extraterrestrial life and its connection to the 1947 Roswell UFO incident. The President’s answer appeared to support decades-long rumors of an extraterrestrial crash at Roswell, and even hinted that the truth might be declassified before he leaves office.
Trump’s willingness to respond to such a controversial question, which was also answered by the mysterious military intelligence group Q(Anon) less than two years earlier, raises the intriguing possibility that a coordinated UFO disclosure campaign is underway where the world may soon learn the truth about what really happened at Roswell.
To begin with, it’s worth pointing out that the initial news reports on the Roswell incident were based on an official US Army Air Force Press Release that reported a flying saucer had crashed per an intelligence assessment made by two of its officers.
Only hours later, however, more senior Army Air Force officials came forward to refute the initial Press Release and claimed only a weather balloon had crashed. In this second Press Release, one of the two intelligence officers, Major Jesse Marcel, was shown crouching over the remains of a balloon appearing to settle the matter as a case of mistaken identity.
Over three decades later, in 1978, Major Marcel, came forward to reveal the truth about what he had seen. Ever since his public emergence there has been an intense debate over the reality of what happened at Roswell with growing evidence of an official government cover up.
The resulting controversy has turned the small New Mexico town of Roswell into a Mecca of UFO alien stories with a museum and annual conferences that have steadily grown over the years.
In raising the issue of aliens and Roswell, Trump Jr., indicated that he was genuinely intrigued by decades old reports of an alien crash and wanted to know the truth. In fact, he emphasized the personal importance of this issue to him, and he wanted an answer from his father. Here’s the transcript of the dialogue between Trump Jr (DJT, Jr) and President Trump (POTUS):
[DJT Jr.] Before you leave office will you let us know if there are aliens, because this is the only thing I really want to know. I want to know what’s going on. Would you ever open up Roswell, let us know what’s really going on there.
[POTUS] So many people ask me that question.
[DJT, Jr.] It sounds almost ridiculous but it’s actually the real question and what I got …
[POTUS] A cute question but it’s actually, there are millions and millions of people that want to go there that want to see it. I won’t talk to you what I know about it, but it’s very interesting. But Roswell is a very interesting place, with a lot of people that would like to know what’s going on.
[DJT. Jr.] So you’re saying you may declassify, you’ll take it.
[POTUS] I’ll have to think about that one.
President Trump was clearly very cautious in his reply, but two things stand out. First, he said that he “won’t talk about what I know about it” and that the truth about the incident is “very interesting”.
Trump’s acknowledgement that he knows something that he is not yet prepared to publicly disclose does indicate that he has received an official briefing on the topic, which is highly classified and which he has to think about declassifying.
What lends added plausibility to such a conclusion is a cryptic comment by the military intelligence group, Q(Anon), which is closely associated with the Trump administration and with the President in particular.
In a September 19, 2018 response to a series of random question on the 8chan forum, Q chose to respond to questions about extraterrestrial life and Roswell.
Q’s response clearly suggested that extraterrestrial life is real and that what happened at Roswell has the “highest classification”. More importantly, Q’s response strongly suggests that President Trump has received a briefing by military-intelligence officials associated with Q who are revealing to him many secrets long kept hidden by the Deep State from US Presidents.
The fact that Q (Anon) picked a random question about Roswell to concretely acknowledge both its existence and the reality of extraterrestrial life in September 2018, along with Trump., Jr. raising a similar Roswell question with POTUS in June 2020, emphasizing that it is the “only thing I really want to know” does raise the possibility that the question and answer were orchestrated.
Critically, the raising of Roswell and extraterrestrial issues only five months before the most significant Presidential election in history does emphasize the intriguing possibility that President Trump is in a position to disclose the truth about what he knows. If so, Trump will go down in history as the “UFO disclosure” President.
At the unveiling of the Space Force’s new flag on May 15, President Donald Trump delivered remarks claiming that Space Force is the first attempt by the US to deploy weapons and military forces in space, and the US is merely reacting to what China and Russia have previously done with their own respective space forces. Trump referred to fantastic new weapons systems that are being developed for Space Force, which are far more powerful than anything possessed by China and Russia.
Trump’s remarks are highly significant. They reveal a covert strategy of transferring weapons systems acquired secretly by a decades-long US Air Force led secret space program to Space Force, and proclaiming these as new weapons designed to counter recent Chinese and Russian advances in space technology.
Here’s what Trump said at the flag unveiling ceremony:
Well, thank you very much. This is a very special moment because this is the presentation of the Space Force flag. So we’ve worked very hard on this. And it’s so important from a defensive standpoint, from an offensive standpoint, from every standpoint there is.
As you know, China and Russia, perhaps others, started off a lot sooner than us. We should have started this a long time ago, but we’ve made up for it in spades. We have developed some of the most incredible weapons anyone has ever seen, and it’s moving along very rapidly. And we have tremendous people in charge.
After saying China and Russia got the early jump on the US, Trump went on to assert that “we have developed some of the most incredible weapons anyone has ever seen.” This is a very revealing statement which I will soon return to after briefly reviewing the respective conventional space forces developed by the US, Russia, and China.
Trump’s statement that China and Russia “started off a lot sooner than us” is a reference to the creation of new military branches exclusively dedicated to space operations and the deployment of advanced space weapons.
In the case of the US Space Force, the first call for its creation occurred during the Bill Clinton Administration (1993-2001). A Congressional Commission headed by Congressman Donald Rumsfeld (before he was appointed Secretary of Defense) advocated the creation of a Space Corps as a separate military branch back in a March 2001 report.
The September 11, 2001 (false flag) terrorist attacks and the subsequent “war on terror” delayed the creation of a Space Corps until it was revived by Republican Congressman Mike Rogers in 2017, and eventually endorsed by Donald Trump in March 2018 as Space Force. After Congress approved the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act that incorporated the “Space Force Act”, Trump signed it into law on December 20, 2019, formally creating the sixth branch of the US military.
Four years earlier, however, both Russia and China created Space Forces as new subordinate branches in their respective military services, which is why Trump is claiming the US is catching up to these major space adversaries in his speech.
On August 1, 2015, Russia re-established its Space Force under the newly reorganized and renamed Russian Aerospace Forces that combined the Russian Air Force with its former strategic missile defense forces. As a subordinate military branch dedicated exclusively to space operations, the Russian Space Forces focuses on a range of missions as described by the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:
Monitoring space objects and identification of potential threats to the Russian Federation in space and from space, prevention of attacks as needed;
Carrying out spacecraft launches and placing into orbit, controlling satellite systems, including Integrated ones (intended to be used for both military and civilian purposes) in flight, and using separate ones towards providing the Russian Federation Armed Forces with the necessary information;
Maintaining both military and integrated satellite systems with launching installations and assets of control in the workable order, and a number of other tasks.
Only a few months later, in December 2015, China developed a subordinate branch of its People’s Liberation Army (PLA) called the “Strategic Support Force”, which integrated space operations that were previously widely dispersed. Here is how Elysa Kanta, writing for Defense One, described the PLA’s Strategic Support Force (PLASSF):
[T]the PLASSF’s Space Systems Department (航天系统部), evidently a de facto ‘Space Force’ for the Chinese military, has consolidated control over a critical mass of China’s space-based and space-related capabilities. The establishment of a unified structure through the Space Systems Department seems to reflect a response to organizational challenges that resulted from the prior dispersal of these forces, systems, and authorities across the former General Armament Department and General Staff Department.
Consequently, while it is true that Russia and China’s respective Space Forces predate the creation of the US Space Force by four years, it’s wrong to believe that the US is playing catch up to military resources that Russia and China have previously developed and deployed in space.
The formation of the US Space Force is indeed proceeding slowly and lags behind its rival military branches in Russia and China. Currently, the number of Space Force personnel only includes its Chief of Space Operations, General John Raymond, the senior enlisted officer, CMS Roger Towberman, and 86 recent graduates from the US Air Force Academy. While 16,000 personnel are temporarily assigned to Space Force, these are all USAF airmen until they are formally reassigned, which may take up to early 2021 due to the complex bureaucratic process in transferring thousands of personnel from one military branch to another.
Also, Space Force is still in the process of having Air Force bases reassigned and renamed, after having had new uniforms designed on January 17, its seal approved on January 24, and now an official flag. All this indeed gives the impression that the US Space Force is still a few years off from matching what China and Russia have achieved in space, just as Trump described.
However, what Trump didn’t mention is that the USAF has developed and deployed a secret space program that includes squadrons of electromagnetically propelled spacecraft that utilize antigravity principles, along with powerful space-based weapons systems.
In the US Air Force Secret Space Program(2019), I provided extensive documentation and insider testimonies detailing the history of reverse-engineered spacecraft that were first deployed in the 1970s. I described how the USAF had deployed various designs such as saucer, triangle, and even rectangle-shaped craft that are weapons platforms.
Recently, it was learned that the cigar-shaped “Tic Tac” craft recorded by Navy pilots in 2004 were in fact USAF spacecraft being tested against the Navy’s most advanced radar and aircraft intercept technologies. The Tic Tac craft was built by a major US aerospace contractor located at Plant 42, which is adjacent to Edwards Air Force Base.
As described in the US Air Force Secret Space Program, these advanced space assets are in the process of being transferred over to Space Force. The process will take several years and will require public disclosure by the Trump Administration of these newly acquired technologies, and how they were developed.
In his Space Force flag ceremony speech, Trump is clearly laying the foundation for disclosing the “most incredible weapons anyone has ever seen”, and asserting these were only recently developed for Space Force in order to counter the advanced space weapons produced by the Russians and Chinese. The truth is that Space Force is inheriting such weapons from a decades-long USAF secret space program that long ago weaponized space.
Rather than playing catch up to Russia and China, the US has been the clear leader when it comes to the development and deployment of advanced weapons technology in space. This is why China has been hacking, spying on and stealing US advanced space technology secrets for the last three decades to bridge the technology gap, as I described in great detail in Rise of the Red Dragon (2020).
Space Force provides a convenient means of disclosing advanced space technologies that the US has secretly used for decades, without revealing too much about their historical development and deployment. President Trump’s remarks lay the foundation for declassifying advanced electromagnetic technologies that have bewildered Navy pilots and the public for decades in countless UFO sightings.
Article by Lake Schatz April 30, 2020 (consequenceofsound.net)
• On April 27th, the US Department of Defense released three UFO videos originally published by Tom DeLonge and his ‘To the Stars’ research academy. In a corresponding statement, the Pentagon confirmed the veracity of the videos, saying it was publishing them to “clear up any misconceptions… whether or not the footage… was real.”
• Donald Trump was asked what he thought about one of the Navy UFO videos. He exclaimed, “That’s a hell of a video.” “I just wonder if it’s real.” Reassured that the Navy just released and authenticated them, again, Trump walked the remark back, says that he meant as a “lighthearted remark”.
• In a 2019 interview, Trump was asked about the rise in UFO reports by Navy pilots, the same ones that have now been re-released. Trump said, “People are saying they’re seeing UFOs. Do I believe it? Not particularly.”
• Undeterred by Trump’s skepticism, DeLonge commented in a recent interview with Radio.com, “The UFO subject, lifeforms coming here…when it comes out, [it] is going to change the way people think about themselves, the beliefs systems that they have, religion, geopolitical order, technology that can give clean running water and clean energy. All these things…will come from it.”
• “And…there’s no other subject that will bring the whole world together except for [UFO’s/extraterrestrials], and that’s why I believe in it so much,” said DeLonge.
• In addition to the Pentagon’s recent acknowledgment, DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’ has landed a research deal with the US Army.
• [Editor’s Note] Dr. Michael Salla wrote an article on March 25th entitled, “Tic Tac UFOs Revealed in 2005 Briefing to be Secret USAF Spacecraft”. (see ExoArticle here) Has President Trump been reading the ExoNews?
Earlier this week, the Pentagon released three UFO videos originally published by Tom DeLonge and his research academy To the Stars. In a corresponding statement, the Pentagon confirmed the veracity of the videos, saying it was publishing them to “clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real or whether or not there is more to the videos.” However, there’s still one person who remains unconvinced: Donald Trump.
As Reuters reports, Trump expressed his doubts during a recent interview in the Oval Office. “I just wonder if it’s real,” POTUS said when asked about one of the clips. “That’s a hell of a video.”
Although meant as a “lighthearted remark”, Trump has been a skeptic of UFOs in the past. In a 2019 interview, he was asked about the a rise in reports of unidentified aircraft by U.S. Navy pilots. “People are saying they’re seeing UFOs. Do I believe it? Not particularly,” he said.,
DeLonge is unlikely to be deterred by Trump’s skepticism. The Angels & Airwaves leader has been diligently studying all things UFOs since quitting Blink-182 in 2016, and his efforts haven’t been in vain. In addition to the Pentagon’s recent acknowledgment, his work landed DeLonge a research deal with the US Army.
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Article by Oliver Milman April 7, 2020 (theguardian.com)
• In 1979, nations on planet Earth signed the ‘Moon Treaty’, stipulating that activities in space should conform to international law. The United States never signed that treaty. In fact, a 2015 law explicitly allows American companies to use resources from the Moon and asteroids. On April 6th, President Trump signed an Executive Order encouraging the U.S. to mine the Moon for minerals. The order states that “Americans should have the right to engage in commercial exploration, recovery, and use of resources in outer space.” (see Trump’s Executive Order here)
• The Executive Order makes clear that the US reserves the right to mine the Moon without any sort of international treaty. Furthermore, the US will object to any attempt to use international law to hinder American efforts to mine chunks of the Moon, Mars, or “other celestial bodies”.
• Trump’s zeal to commence the drilling on the Moon is consistent with his enthusiasm for mining here on Earth. The administration has opened up vast tracts of federal land for oil and gas drilling, with Trump rolling back various environmental laws in an attempt to revive the ailing coal industry. Although, not all of the drilling leases have been taken up by fossil fuel companies. The executive order states that the federal government will “require partnership with commercial entities to recover and use resources, including water and certain minerals, in outer space”. But it is uncertain what interest there might be in the private sector to blast into space to mine the Moon.
The world may be racked by the coronavirus, but Donald Trump has less earthly concerns on his mind, too, after signing an executive order encouraging the US to mine the moon for minerals.
The executive order makes clear that the US doesn’t view space as a “global commons”, opening the way for the mining of the moon without any sort of international treaty.
“Americans should have the right to engage in commercial exploration, recovery, and use of resources in outer space,” the order states, noting that the US had never signed a 1979 agreement known as the moon treaty. This agreement stipulates that any activities in space should conform to international law. In 2015, the US Congress passed a law explicitly allowing American companies to use resources from the moon and asteroids.
According to Trump’s executive order, the US will object to any attempt to use international law to hinder its efforts to remove chunks of the moon or, should the opportunity arise, additional mining of Mars and “other celestial bodies”.
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Article by Simon Green March 20, 2020 (dailystar.co.uk)
• The sighting of the “Tic Tac”-shaped craft off the coast of San Diego by Navy personnel in 2004 has become one of the most famous UFO encounters of all time. According to a navy pilot, the UFO dropped from 80,000ft to around 28,000ft in several seconds and then from 28,000ft to just above sea level in under a second. This means that the craft was travelling at 19,000mph – a speed unimaginable for Earthly propulsion technology.
• Dr. Jack Sarfatti, a world-renowned expert in quantum physics, was a recent guest on The Hidden Truth Show with James Breslo. The 80-year old Sarfatti offered an explanation for the Tic Tac UFO’s incredible aerial maneuvers. He says that a ‘metamaterial’ (ie: extraterrestrial material) allows the craft to slow down the speed of light. (see full interview below)
• Sarfatti said that scientists tend to dismiss exotic technology such as warp drive, time travel and wormholes because it would take more energy to achieve than is possible. But the Tic Tac craft has no engines or visible means of propulsion. So it apparently does not require the amount of energy associated with ‘conventional propulsion’.
• The Tic Tac craft contain such ‘metamaterial’. According to Sarfatti, when you pump electromagnetic energy into this metamaterial, it creates a resonance. This resonance creates a ‘warp drive’ which “squeezes the space in front of it and stretch the space behind”, so that “the speed of light inside the material can go down to a very small number.” The craft therefore doesn’t just move through space, but “controls it”.
• Furthermore, Sarfatti claims that this Tic Tac metamaterial technology came from Earth humans from the future. When people from the future come back in time to create a ‘past event’, which in turn heralds the advent of this very technology, it creates a ‘causal loop time paradox’ known as the “Novikov loop”. Sarfatti explains, “Both events… exist in space-time, but their origin cannot be determined.” In fact, the Tic Tac UFO seen off of California in 2004 came from the future.
• Sarfatti says that metamaterial has already been extensively used in Earth’s industries, such as for sensors and lenses. He says that “talks are ongoing” to personally present his theory to President Donald Trump.
A top physicist has claimed the Nimitz UFO was able to reach never-before-seen speeds thanks to a “metamaterial” that let it “time travel”.
The sighting of the “Tic Tac” craft off the coast of San Diego in 2004 has become one of the most famous UFO encounters of all time.
One of the most startling descriptions given by the fighter pilot witnesses was that it somehow dropped from 80,000ft to around 28,000ft in several seconds and 28,000ft to just above sea level in under a second.
Dr. Jack Sarfatti
Such a feat to reach sea level would mean the craft would have had to be travelling at 19,000mph – speeds unimaginable for Earthly craft.
But Dr Jack Sarfatti, a world-renowned expert in quantum physics and author of several books in the field, believes he knows what happened.
Speaking on The Hidden Truth Show with James Breslo, he suggested the craft used a type of meta-material that allowed the speed of light to “slow down”.
“See the problem is this, if you read any of the standard papers in the field, if they’re talking about warp drive, time travel and wormholes they say the problem is it ‘takes too much energy’ to achieve it,” he explained on the YouTube podcast.
“The tic-tac does not need a lot of energy. They observed the tic-tac going from 80,000ft down to 50ft in less than two seconds and there’s no jet engines, no flares.
“It’s going at 1,000s of Gs, how’s it doing that? There is no way it can do that by conventional propulsion.”
Meta-material that the fuselage of the Nimitz UFO is built on helps explain this unimaginable speed.
Dr Sarfatti interviewed by Jim Breslo (‘Hidden Truth Show’ YouTube)
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Article by Simon Green February 7, 2020 (dailystar.co.uk)
• Mike Turber, a US Air Force ‘insider’ and former USAF intelligence expert who had previously claimed that the Nimitz ‘tic tac’ UFO spotted in 2004 actually belongs to the US Air Force (see Exoarticle here) and that Donald Trump has already deployed it (to assist in his negotiations in North Korea – see Exoarticle here), now tells the Daily Star that the Air Force has developed cloaking technology to make their aircraft invisible.
• Turber told Jim Breslo on the Hidden Truth Show that the ‘tic tac’ UFO wasn’t cloaked in 2004 because the US military didn’t have cloaking technology then as they do now. Turber calls the cloaking “active camouflage”. “Active camouflage will put an image on the surface of the craft” created by screens attached to the craft, displaying the images behind it so that it will blend in, making it seem like there is nothing there. “If you look at it directly it would look like a scene from the Predator,” Turber said. “[T]hat (cloaking) technology’s been out of for a little bit,” Turber continued. “That’s the technology that is on the Nimitz UFO now and that came into fruition in 2008-2010.”
• Turber then claimed that there is another type of cloaking technology. Given that the tic-tac craft spotted in 2004 was described as going at 20,000mph, it may have the ability to control gravity, which could in fact lead to invisibility. If the object is using anti-gravity and has the ability to control gravity, requiring an incredible amount of energy, then it could possibly bend light around the craft. “[I]t would create an invisibility effect.”
A United States Air Force insider has sensationally claimed the military branch has developed cloaking technology to make one of their most secretive aircraft invisible.
Mike Turber
Mike Turber claims to have worked as an intelligence expert in the USAF and believes he knows what one of the most infamous UFOs of all time is.
He previously told this site that the Nimitz UFO spotted in 2004 actually belongs to the USAF and that Donald Trump has already deployed it.
In a bombshell new interview, Mike has said the same aircraft has now been adapted to include cloaking technology.
“Back in 2004, apparently the technology wasn’t there for the craft to use it, it is called active camouflage,” he said, having first hit headlines for his appearance on The Hidden Truth Show with Jim Breslo.
“You have passive camouflage and active camouflage.
“Active camouflage will put an image on the surface of the craft – that technology’s been out of for a little bit.”
Such technology, Mike said, is created by screens attached to the craft displaying images behind it – making it seem like there is nothing there.
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