According to the latest intelligence received from a representative of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, attacks have moved into high gear to remove corporate-run facilities that have recently relocated to Mars. On Sunday, April 25, Elena Danaan sent me an update on the ongoing campaign to free Mars of negative extraterrestrial and corporate influences after the Galactic Federation had previously freed the Moon as she explained in our fourth interview.
In my third interview with Elena on April 10, she explained that the Galactic Federation of Worlds was attacking negative extraterrestrial and deep state facilities on the Earth, Moon, and Mars. This was due to these three locations having been earlier revealed to be the epicenters of a future galactic tyranny that was initially reported by the Andromeda Council during the 1990s to their contactee, Alex Collier.
In Defending Sacred Ground, he said:
Apparently what they [Andromeda Council] have done, through time travel, is that they have been able to figure out where the significant shift in energy occurred that causes the tyranny 357 years in our future. They have traced it back to our solar system, and they have been able to further track it down to Earth, Earth’s Moon and Mars. Those three places. (Defending Sacred Ground, p. 10)
This is the email update I received from Elena on Sunday about current events as they pertain to the Galactic Federation eliminating all possibility of a Galactic Tyranny evolving from the Earth, Moon and Mars:
I finally know, from Thor Han, why the Galactic Federation says that now that they are attacking Mars, they also can destroy certain groups of satellites in orbit of Earth (which they were reluctant to do before). I didn’t quite understand why, what was the link between the raids on Mars and some types of satellites in orbit of Earth. Well, he gave me the answer:
The Galactic Federation was waiting that some specific big corporations finally relocated their headquarters on Mars, chased from Earth. These specific corporations own these satellite programs, which are tools in the agenda of enslaving the whole of humanity helped by the nanotechnologies and all that we know about the vax. To destroy these satellites, they needed to simultaneously neutralize these corporations. While the headquarters of these corporations were still on Earth, (mainly in underground fortresses) it was impossible to conduct armed offensives, which would have been disastrous for Earth and its civilians.
The Galactic Federation has been working at getting the moles out of the tunnels to be able to eradicate them. On Mars, the raids are touching targets way more easily. They trapped them. A lot of elites had seek [sought] refuge also on Mars, so that is going to be quite interesting in the coming times.
It has been known for some time that major corporations set up large industrial facilities on Mars. According to intel received from Corey Goode, these corporate facilities on Mars were trading with up to 900 different extraterrestrial civilizations. These corporations were part of what he described as an Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate that featured a superboard comprising CEOs from major companies that had built a powerful secret space program.
It therefore comes as no great surprise that major corporations would decide to relocate personnel and resources to Mars as the Deep State agenda is on the verge of collapse on Earth.
The collapse is due to an accelerated “Global Awakening” as more and more medical personnel expose the Covid-19 pandemic and worldwide government responses as a scam, and there is impending exposure of the truth that the 2020 US Presidential election was indeed stolen from President Trump as the forensic audit of Maricopa County electoral ballots ordered by the Arizona State Senate is expected to confirm.
In many aspects, we are in a very similar situation to August 10, 1944, when top industrialists from Nazi Germany met in Strasbourg and were ordered to relocate resources, personnel and finances to safe locations in South America, neutral countries and Antarctica to escape the impending military defeat. The same process is now repeating itself on Earth as top Deep State officials seek to escape capture and punishment by covertly relocating to Mars using spacecraft from a corporate-run secret space program.
As Elena points out, according to her source, Thor Han, the relocation of top corporate executives makes it easier for the Galactic Federation to militarily take out the satellite systems that were put in place to repress humanity. While Thor Han did not mention any systems, in particular, my guess would be that the failed Irridium Satellite system set up by Motorola and Thales Alenia Space is the most likely contender for the collapsing Deep State agenda.
What makes Elena’s remarkable claims plausible is that in December 2020, Professor Haim Eshed, the father Israel’s space program revealed in an interview, that a Galactic Federation was indeed playing a very active role in Earth affairs, and that a joint US extraterrestrial base had been established on Mars. This supports her claims that an exodus of top corporate executives to Mars is currently underway.
I will provide more updates and information as they become available, and will seek independent confirmation of these remarkable events as they develop.
Exopolitics Today Podcast discussing recent claims by Dr. Steven Greer that an Alien False Flag event is being planned by the Deep State, as best evidenced by political developments surrounding the upcoming June 2021 release of an Intelligence Community report on the threat posed by UFOs active near US Naval war exercizes and military facilities in general. Dr. Michael Salla examines the genesis of warnings concerning an alien false flag event going back to 1974, and the likelihood it will happen under the current Joe Biden Presidential administration.
This short film presents the history of extraterrestrial intervention on Earth, and how competing factions have warred over humanity’s destiny. Learn how Earth became a prison planet under the control of a negative group of extraterrestrials and their human proxies ( aka the Cabal/Deep State) that have historically manufactured poverty, disease and war. Discover what lies ahead as positive extraterrestrials work with an Earth Alliance of international leaders from major nations to free our planet, and usher in a new age of prosperity, freedom and becoming part of a Galactic Federation.
Space has for decades been used by the Deep State and rogue Secret Space Programs (SSPs) to manipulate humanity through false flag operations, staged “alien abductions”, targeted satellite-based behavioral alteration and genetic modification, a galactic slave trade, and generating an enormous black budget for funding highly classified corporate technology projects. The recent creation of the US Space Force terrifies the Deep State and rogue SSPs since Space Force threatens to upend these egregious practices.
In this webinar you will learn:
• The true intention behind the creation of Space Force.
• How the Deep State delayed the creation of Space Force for nearly two decades.
• The significance of Space Force’s plan to dominate Earth-Moon orbital environments.
• How the Deep State’s ability to stage false flag events will be ended by Space Force.
• How Space Force will thwart a planned Space Pearl Harbor event to be launched by China with Deep State backing.
• Why Space Force threatens the space operations of transnational corporations & their plans for dominance on Earth and in space.
• The Deep State’s behavioral alteration and genetic modification plans using new generation satellite networks & how Space Force threatens these.
• How Space Force is destined to put an end to the Galactic Slave Trade.
• How Space Force will eventually incorporate a US Navy-run SSP to form a multinational “Star Fleet”
September 26, 2020 (Saturday)
12 noon – 4.30 pm PDT/ 3 – 7.30 pm EDT USA (Includes Q&A at the end)
Cost: $55. To Register click here
*This LIVE event will be recorded, and attendees are able to watch unlimited replays for 60 days.
On November 4, 2016, NASA, FEMA, the Department of Energy, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), U.S. Air Force, and the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services collaborated in a planning exercise simulating a destructive asteroid impact set for September 20, 2020. The exercise planners envisaged that the asteroid, up to 800 feet (250 meters) in size, would hit somewhere along a narrow band across Southern California or just off the Pacific Coast.
Here’s what the NASA/JPL news release had to say about the simulated asteroid impact hypothesized to take place in three weeks time:
The exercise simulated a possible impact four years from now — a fictitious asteroid imagined to have been discovered this fall with a 2 percent probability of impact with Earth on September 20, 2020. The simulated asteroid was initially estimated to be between 300 and 800 feet (100 and 250 meters) in size, with a possibility of making impact anywhere along a long swath of Earth, including a narrow band of area that crossed the entire United States.
In the fictitious scenario, observers continued to track the asteroid for three months using ground-based telescope observations, and the probability of impact climbed to 65 percent. Then the next observations had to wait until four months later, due to the asteroid’s position relative to the sun. Once observations could resume in May of 2017, the impact probability jumped to 100 percent. By November of 2017, it was simulated that the predicted impact would occur somewhere in a narrow band across Southern California or just off the coast in the Pacific Ocean.
This is not the first or only simulated asteroid impact exercise designed by scientists and government agencies. A more recent asteroid impact exercise occurred in 2019 and hypothesized an asteroid impact for New York City on April 29, 2027. An asteroid similar in size to that envisaged earlier back in November 2016, would hit with a destructive force ranging from 100 to 800 megatons.
It’s worth noting that the largest hydrogen bomb test in history, the 1961 Tsar Bomba, had a destructive force of 50 megatons. “Coincidentally”, Russia just released classified footage of the Tsar Bomba showing its destructive effects in the remote Arctic region of Novaya Zemlya. Clearly, if an asteroid were to hit the continental U.S. or just off the Pacific Coast with anywhere near an 800 megaton destructive yield, an entire region would be devastated with an extremely high death toll.
What gives the September 20, 2020 asteroid impact simulation great relevance today is not the approaching target date for a hypothetical asteroid impact, but a series of worrying scientific and political developments. These developments firmly point to a major false flag attack that is about to be unleashed by the Deep State in a last-ditch effort to prevent the 2020 Presidential election from occurring.
In evaluating the possibility that an asteroid impact is about to be staged in real life for a political agenda, it’s worth pointing out that Dr. Werner von Braun, former head of NASA’s Marshall Flight Center, was the first to reveal that a false flag asteroid attack would one day be staged by the Deep State.
In 1974, he confided in Carol Rosin, a former executive to Fairchild Industries, about a sequence of false flag events that would be orchestrated by the Deep State in order to promote their agenda for the weaponization of space. [link to earlier article]
Von Braun said that an asteroid attack would be orchestrated once the Deep State had exhausted earlier contrived threats posed in turn by the Russians, terrorists, and nations of concern. When such threats no longer carried the political justification for massive military spending, a new scenario would be thrust upon the American public in order to maintain and even increase military spending further. This would ultimately lead to the weaponization of space, according to Von Braun.
What makes Von Braun’s warning particularly important given the September 20 date set in the 2016 asteroid impact exercise is the closing of over 100 of the Earth’s largest observatories due to the COVID-19 crisis. There appears to be no real health justification for such unprecedented closures. After all, night-time telescopes are largely automated involving relatively few astronomers.
What makes this situation even more remarkable is the recent “accidental damage” to the Arecibo telescope in Puerto Rico. On August 11, 2020, a large cable snapped, making the observatory unusable for the foreseeable future. This means that at this critical time, when asteroids are regularly being reported to be just missing the Earth, there are currently very few astronomers observing the night sky.
If everybody in the world stops observing, then we have a gap in our data that you can’t recover … This will be a period that we in the astronomy community have no data on what happened.
Jonowieck’s comment is critical since it confirms that there is no independent astronomical data on what is currently happening in space. What makes this even more telling is that in the 2016 Asteroid Impact exercize set for September 2020, observatories played the key role in identifying and tracking the asteroid before its destructive impact.
Here’s what Shepard Ambellas, from Intellihub, had to say about the recent closing of observatories:
Defying all logic, a number of telescopes and observatories around the world remain closed amid the coronavirus pandemic while the impact risk of near-earth Earthbound objects remains at an all-time high. Over 100 telescopes have been reported to have been shut down in a move that virtually makes no sense and now one of the world’s largest radio telescopes named the Arecibo Observatory has been rendered inoperable after sustaining damage after cable unexpectedly snapped creating about a 100-foot long gash in the dish itself, furthering fueling the problem…
To make matters worse, the Puerto Rico-based telescope was tracking a near-Earth object when it went offline. Withal, there has never been a more perfect time for an asteroid to strike and the Department of Defense, the White House, and other agencies are aware.
With the closure of so many observatories, if the Deep State was planning to stage a false flag asteroid attack, this would be the perfect time for it. There would be relatively few professional astronomers with data that could refute the narrative put out by government agencies and mainstream news sources if a false flag event were to occur.
For example, if covert space weapons such as “Rods of God”, were used to simulate an asteroid strike, there would be few astronomers with data to challenge a contrived official narrative orchestrated by the Deep State using their worldwide media assets.
Why now? One powerful reason is the Deep State’s assessment through internal polling that Donald Trump is going to easily win the 2020 Presidential election. This is supported by multiple polls showing that Trump is making major inroads among independent and minority voters with his law and order approach. Joe Biden is also showing no real desire to get out to meet with voters, seriously tackle Trump head-on, and there are even calls now for him to abandon the debates.
Even impartial left-leaning observers, such as Dr. Jonathan Turley, a Georgetown University Professor, are mystified by the Democratic Party’s lack of desire to condemn the riots and violence that has affected major urban areas and led to social chaos. This is leading to a massive swing to Trump as the law and order President.
It’s as though Democratic leaders have abandoned any hope of winning the election and are promoting widespread social chaos in the hope of pinning the blame on Trump in a desperate Hail Mary move.
What the above circumstantial evidence suggests is that rather than have Trump win another election, the Deep State is instead about to unleash a major false flag operation to prevent the 2020 election from occurring.
This would create even more chaos since the U.S. Constitution has no provision for President Trump remaining in office beyond January 20, 2021. This would also impact the House of Representatives and 1/3 of Senators who are facing reelection on November 3, and whose terms expire on January 3, 2021.
This is how Alan Dershowitz, a retired Harvard University Professor, who has Deep State ties through his close association with the convicted pedophile, Jeffery Epstein, frames the issue:
What does the Constitution provide in the event that an emergency precludes an election before the end of a term of the president? … We begin, of course, with the words of the Constitution…. the 20th Amendment says “the terms of the president and vice president shall end at noon” on January 20. Nothing could seem clearer…
But if there is no election, there is no president elect nor vice president elect. Congress does provide for a line of succession to the White House “if by reason of death, resignation, removal from office, inability, or failure to qualify,” there is neither a president nor a vice president…. However, even if Congress has the authority to fill this gap in the Constitution, it is unclear that it has done so with the existing law, because the line of succession begins with the House speaker.
But there would be no House speaker if there were no election, because there would be no House, all of whose members would be up for election in November. The terms of all members of the House would end, as stated in the Constitution, on January 3…
There would, however, be a Senate, with a majority of its members not up for election in November and, therefore, still serving their terms. This is important as the next in line would be the president pro tempore of the Senate, which is Charles Grassley. However, if there were no election, there may be a Democratic majority among the remaining senators not up for reelection, unless sitting governors or state legislators were allowed to fill vacant seats, which is another issue.
Dershowitz is pointing out that without an election, it would be up to the rump of U.S. Senate to select the next U.S. President. The two-thirds of the Senators that would still be serving until their terms ended either on January 3, 2023 or 2025, would make the necessary choices.
Out of the 65 sitting U.S. Senators who are not up for reelection in 2020, 33 are Democrats, 30 are Republicans, and 2 are Independents – Bernie Sanders and Angus King. Both Sanders and King caucus with the Democrats. This means that in the scenario of an abandoned 2020 Presidential election, after January 3, the current Majority Leader, Mitch McConnel, and President Pro-Tempore, Chuck Grassley, would be replaced by Democrats who would now be the majority party with a voting advantage of 35 to 30.
The new President Pro-Tempore of the U.S. Senate would be either Chuck Schumer (current Senate Minority Leader) or the replacement to the current Democratic Whip since Richard Durbin is among those who would lose his current position (Senate Minority Whip). Being fourth in the Presidential line of succession, after the positions of President, Vice President, and House Majority Leader positions all become vacate on January 3 and 20, 2021, Schumer or Durbin’s replacement would become the new President. New federal elections would then be scheduled according to the timetable and agenda of the now Democratic-controlled Senate.
What strengthens such an alarming scenario, which would nullify President Trump’s reelection campaign, is Nancy Pelosi’s recent strange claims about the Presidential chain of succession and Continuity of Government, which were made in a recent interview on MSNBC:
“Whether he [Donald Trump] knows it or not he will be leaving ,.. Just because he might not want to move out of the White House doesn’t mean we won’t have an inauguration ceremony to inaugurate a duly elected President of the United States.”… Pelosi’s statements were made after she had attended last month’s Continuity of Government meeting in which the Pentagon had revealed to top officials in the chain of succession to the presidency that there is a chance for a potential disaster to strike before the elections which could cripple the U.S and other countries.
Pelosi appears to be alluding to some Continuity of Government crisis that leads to Trump’s removal from office and the installation of a “duly elected” President after some natural disaster.
In sum, Von Braun’s warning of a future false flag asteroid impact, the closure of over 100 major observatories, swarms of recent asteroid near misses, the self-defeating electoral strategy of the Democratic Party in encouraging riots and social chaos, Joe Biden’s bizarre absence from serious politicking, Nancy Pelosi’s strange reference to Continuity of Government and Presidential succession rules, and finally Alan Dershowitz’s description of how the abandonment of the 2020 election would force Trump to leave office on January 20, 2021, all point to a Deep State plan to prevent Trump from being re-elected.
A contrived asteroid strike on the U.S. using covertly deployed space weapons controlled by the Deep State would lead to catastrophic destruction and almost certainly the abandonment of the November 3 federal elections.
The Deep State strategy would then be to run out the clock so that on January 20, Trump’s position as President is vacated as required by the Constitution. There would also no longer be a serving House of Representatives, and all that would be left is a rump U.S. Senate that would be controlled by the Democratic Party.
Could such a diabolical plan actually succeed in both deceiving the American public through a false flag asteroid attack and preventing President Trump’s all but inevitable reelection?
Currently, the U.S. Space Force is in the process of integrating all space assets from the different military services in a comprehensive way that would prevent such a false fIag event from occurring. Historically, the Deep State has used assets from the U.S. military, intelligence community, and major aerospace corporations for false flag attacks such as the September 11, 2001 “terrorist attack”, and the failed January 13, 2018, Hawaii ballistic missile attack.
Space Force will eventually end that practice as far as military space assets are concerned. Space Force’s rapid integration process is something that greatly worries the Deep State as I will explain in my upcoming September 26 webinar, “Why Space Force Terrifies the Deep State and Rogue Secret Space Programs”.
However, the Deep State still has significant space assets from the U.S. intelligence community, major aerospace corporations, and even foreign powers (China), that it could co-opt for a false flag asteroid impact event. Space Force and “White Hats” in the U.S. Military Industrial Complex will have to closely monitor these “rogue” space assets to ensure they would not be coopted into such a false flag event.
There is compelling circumstantial evidence pointing to a Deep State plan to launch a false flag asteroid attack, or some other contrived “natural disaster”, sometime between September 20 and the November 3, 2020, federal elections. However, widespread public awareness of such a diabolical plan and proactive intervention by Space Force or White Hats can prevent such a plan from being successful.
White Hats and the Deep State have competing plans to unveil a very limited disclosure of the truth behind Secret Space Programs and extraterrestrial life. The goal is not so much to inform, but to misinform the general public through a limited hangout that keeps the full truth hidden for decades to come. Learn about these competing agendas and how they contrast with full disclosure.
• In Episode 4 of Netflix’ “The Umbrella Academy”, we’re introduced to “The Majestic 12.” We’re told that they’re a secret committee of science, military, and Deep State members, and that John F. Kennedy was the first president to try to publicly reveal their existence and “push them into the limelight”. Look how that turned out. They are powerful and well-connected.“They are are not to be trifled with,” we are warned.
• Also known as “MJ-12”, this group is at the center of a number of UFO conspiracy theories. They were formed in 1947 by an executive order issued by President Harry Truman. Their mission was to investigate and recover, if possible, alien spacecraft – beginning with the crashed Roswell craft in 1947. • Their very existence was only revealed in 1984 when a documentary film producer by the name of Jaime Shandera claimed that someone anonymous had put an envelope containing a roll of film in his mailbox. When Shandera developed the film, it revealed eight pages of classified government documents. These documents supposedly showed not only the government’s investigation of alien craft, but the creation of The Majestic 12.
• Debunkers pointed to supposed flaws in the documents like incorrect ranks, the use of “media” instead of “press” and formatting that didn’t match the formats of other government documents of the era. The FBI later announced that the pages were bogus and wrote “BOGUS” in all caps over the documents.
• Today, it has come to light that the US government and military have continued investigating UFOs, although not the ‘alien’ type, they say. The US Intelligence Budget for 2021 includes a mandate for the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force, under the Office of Naval Intelligence, to submit a report of all their collected information within 180 days from June 17.
• While the idea of a secretive “Majestic 12” isn’t at the forefront of the American’s zeitgeist right now, there is indeed a renewed interest in UFOs. A recent article in the New York Times reported that the Pentagon may have obtained vehicles or parts of vehicles that aren’t from Earth. Eric W. Davis, an astrophysicist and consultant for the Pentagon’s UFO program, said he gave a classified briefing in March to a DoD agency about retrievals of “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.” And on April 27th, the DoD authorized the official release of the three infamous videos of UFOs taken by Navy pilots.
In Episode 4 of The Umbrella Academy, we’re introduced to the concept of “The Majestic 12.” You might be interested to know that they exist in real life too. Read on to see the photo of them that was shared in the fourth episode and to learn more about the group in real life.
In Episode 4, we’re shown the photo above of “The Majestic 12.”
We’re told that they’re a secret committee of science, military, and Deep State members. According to the show, President John F. Kennedy was the first president to try to push them into the limelight. “They are are not to be trifled with,” we’re warned.
The photo above shows 11 out of 12 of the members of The Majestic 12. Apparently they are powerful, well-connected, and pull some serious strings. We’ll learn more about them on the show, but this article only focuses on what was revealed about them in Episode 4 (and what we know about them in real life.)
The Majestic 12 in Real Life
The mythology of The Majestic 12 is every bit as intriguing as their story in The Umbrella Academy. Also known as “MJ-12” among conspiracy theorists, this group is at the center of a number of UFO conspiracy theories. The myth is that they were formed in 1947 by an executive order issued by President Harry Truman, and they include scientists, government officials, and military leaders. Their mission was to investigate (and recover if possible) alien spacecraft. Supposedly, their first mission was to recover the craft in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.
The first idea of their existence came from “leaked” government documents in 1984. Jaime Shandera, a documentary producer, said that the leaked files were dropped in his mail slot in an envelope in 1984, Slate reported. Shandera said he received a roll of film that, when developed, revealed eight pages of classified documents. These documents supposedly revealed not only the investigation of alien craft, but the creation of The Majestic 12.
Some people pointed out that the documents had flaws, like incorrect ranks, the use of “media” instead of “press” (when “press” was the more common term at the time), and formatting that didn’t match the formats of other government documents, Slate reported.
The FBI later announced that the pages were bogus and wrote “BOGUS” in all caps over the documents.
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Competing agendas are playing out before our eyes concerning official disclosure of the UFO phenomenon. The Deep State and military White Hats are vying to convince the public with partial truths and misdirections. This video clip exposes the lies and what full disclosure really entails.
Full Disclosure vs Limited Hangouts – How the Deep State Plans to Hide the Truth about SSPs & ET Life.
There have been multiple references to an “invisible enemy” by President Donald Trump and Q (aka QAnon), which White Hats in the US military-intelligence community are presently fighting in an “information war”. While mainstream news outlets claim Trump is merely referring to COVID-19 as the “invisible enemy” that has afflicted the US and the rest of the planet, what emerges from examining the wider context of his remarks and Q posts is that the real enemy Trump is alluding to is a Deep State which has a non-human dimension that is behind the “plandemic”.
Trump’s repeated references to the invisible enemy have been noted by mainstream media outlets as merely a rhetorical flourish to combating the COVID-19 virus. For example, Jack Shafer, writing for Politico, said on April 9:
Ever since President Donald Trump made his bootleg turn on coronavirus in mid-March, finally conceding the magnitude of the pandemic, he has attempted to brand the contagion as an “invisible enemy.”
Trump first used the phrase in a March 16 coronavirus task force press conference, saying, “No matter where you look, this is something—it’s an invisible enemy.” Obviously a conscious coinage designed to add Trumpian seasoning to headlines, the president made sure to return to the phrase about a minute later, saying, “I just say this: We have an invisible enemy.”
Ever since, Trump has used the expression in letters, remarks, interviews, tweets, video blogs, but especially in the campaign-style pressers about the virus he’s been staging almost daily since his turnaround. According to the Factbase database, Trump has exploited the expression at least 44 times in what looks like his effort to anthropomorphize the virus into a sentient thing with evil intentions on mankind.
Is this what Trump is doing with his repeated references to an “invisible enemy” merely alluding to something so small it can’t be seen? Or is he referring to an invisible enemy that orchestrated the emergence of COVID-19?
Trump’s repeated references to World War II in the lead up to the following quote provides a context suggesting that he is referring to something far more sinister behind the global virus than merely an accidental natural occurrence:
In World War II young people in their teenage years volunteered to fight. They wanted to fight so badly because they loved our country. Workers refused to go home and slept on factory floors to keep assembly lines running…. We must sacrifice together because we are all in this together and we’ll come through together. It’s the invisible enemy. That’s always the toughest enemy: the invisible enemy. But we’re going to defeat the invisible enemy. I think we’re going to do it even faster than we thought. And it will be a complete victory.
The wider context of Trump’s remarks on the invisible enemy point to it as the Deep State, which he and his administration have been battling even before his Presidential inauguration.
The civil war between the Trump Administration and the Deep State is a battle between those wanting to free humanity from an oppressive group of global controllers that has enslaved humanity through its domination of the mainstream media, and political, financial, cultural and religious institutions for centuries, if not millennia.
Authors such as as Jim Marrs, Rule by Secrecy (2001) and William Bramley, Gods of Eden (1993), have presented compelling evidence exposing the global controllers/Deep State as elite ruling bloodline families that trace their ancestry back to extraterrestrial colonists banished to Earth millennia ago. They both reveal that in humanity’s far distant past, extraterrestrials directly ruled over humanity, and then installed human-alien hybrids to rule as proxies as described in historical documents such as Sumer’s “King’s List “and Manetho’s chronicle of pre-dynastic Egyptian rulers.
These hybrid proxy rulers evolved to become the ruling bloodline families that have controlled humanity from behind the scenes using ancient knowledge and technologies handed down from their extraterrestrial overlords – Reptilian entities, according to Marrs and others.
In the 1930s and 1940s, these bloodline families gained access to more recent and powerful extraterrestrial technologies acquired through off-planet visitors attracted to Earth’s rapid industrialization, and looming development of atomic weapons.
First, Germany, Italy, and then the US, Britain, Soviet Union/Russia and China all gained access to extraterrestrial technologies that became the most highly classified secrets in their respective military industrial complexes. The advanced technologies were all developed in compartmentalized programs controlled by ruling elites who had no intention of sharing such technologies with the rest of humanity but merely appropriating them for their exclusive use.
In the US, these newly acquired extraterrestrial technologies were used to further the national and global control agendas of the ruling bloodline families. Influential national leaders who did not support the elite control agenda, such as the first US Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal, and President John F. Kennedy, were eliminated in a staged suicide and assassinated in public to warn off other national leaders from resisting the global control agenda implemented by the Deep State.
In Kennedy’s Last Stand, I explain how and why both Forrestal and Kennedy, who enjoyed a warm friendship, were killed by the Deep State for their respective efforts to disclose or gain access to classified extraterrestrial technologies, and reveal the principal figures and entities behind their respective assassinations.
Today China has been heavily infiltrated by the Deep State which has compromised its leading scientific and military institutions. It’s no accident that the epicenter for the emergence of the COVID-19 virus is China, which the Deep State has been covertly supporting since the Communist Revolution, as I explain in my book, Rise of the Red Dragon and upcoming Webinar series.
This takes us to President Trump, who was recruited by the US military intelligence community in 2015 to help free the US from the power of the Deep State, which I have discussed previously. Trump surrounded himself with both Deep State figures and White Hats to disguise his true intentions.
The contrived efforts by the Deep State to first prevent Trump from being elected, and then removing him from office is well illustrated in the Russia Collusion hoax, the sham investigation of his first National Security Advisor, Lt. General Michael Flynn, and the contrived Ukraine impeachment charges.
As we approach the November 3, 2020 election, the Deep State has finally unleashed its deck of global control cards to prevent Trump from winning re-election. The Covid-19 “plandemic” and civil unrest through a contrived race war are both driven by an incessant mainstream media narrative run by the Deep State to manipulate the general public into giving up their civil liberties. Image of 2020 calendar!
The Deep State has also arranged for major social media platforms to censor citizen journalists and alternative media, which are increasingly viewed as truth tellers by the awakening public who are disgusted by the non-stop fear porn generated by the mainstream media.
This is where Q and the global movement it has spawned becomes important for understanding the “invisible enemy” that is locked in a behind the scenes life and death struggle with the Trump administration.
Most who follow Q accept that it represents a group of individuals connected to the military intelligence community and officials that are closely tied to President Trump. Multiple images provided by Q are originals taken inside Trump’s Oval Office and Air Force One corroborating claims that the President is directly involved. Many believe that one of the signatures used by Q, Q+, is Trump himself.
Q, like Trump, has referred to the “invisible enemy” that is attempting to enslave humanity. In a June 29 post (#4545) Q wrote:
If America falls so does the world.
If America falls darkness will soon follow.
Only when we stand together, only when we are united, can we defeat this highly entrenched dark enemy….
We are living in Biblical times.
Children of light vs children of darkness.
United against the Invisible Enemy of all humanity.
Clearly, Q is not referring to the COVID-19 virus, but is instead describing a powerful group of individuals and organizations, the “children of darkness” aka the Deep State.
Q also quotes in its entirety a letter addressed to Trump from the former Papal Nuncio to the US, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano that similarly refers to the “Deep State” as an invisible enemy attempting to enslave humanity:
There are faithful Shepherds who care for the flock of Christ, but there are also mercenary infidels who seek to scatter the flock and hand the sheep over to be devoured by ravenous wolves. It is not surprising that these mercenaries are allies of the children of darkness and hate the children of light: just as there is a deep state, there is also a deep church that betrays its duties and forswears its proper commitments before God. Thus the Invisible Enemy, whom good rulers fight against in public affairs, is also fought against by good shepherds in the ecclesiastical sphere… United against the Invisible Enemy of all humanity, I bless you and the First Lady, the beloved American nation, and all men and women of good will.
Vigano equates a demonic “Deep Church” exerting a corrupting influence over honest clergymen wanting to serve humanity, with the Deep State doing the same with official government service.
Significantly, Q has alluded to a Reptilian extraterrestrial influence over the Vatican in an April 3, 2018 post (1002) that contained a meme with a serpent and the question: “If Satanists Took Over the Vatican Would you Notice”.
In an article examining Q’s post, I explain how the serpent imagery fits in with multiple insider claims of Reptilian extraterrestrials secretly controlling the Vatican.
It’s clear from examining President Trump’s repeated references to an invisible enemy, and similar references by Q and Archbishop Vigano, that he is referring to the Deep State as the true threat to humanity. An examination of the individuals and groups comprising the Deep State reveals a significant extraterrestrial factor in its origins and operations.
If Trump and White Hats succeed in defeating the Deep State, humanity will have freed itself of an ancient invisible enemy that has manipulated human affairs through contrived global events for centuries if not millennia. We are truly living in biblical times, as Archbishop Vigano asserts, where the children of light are locked in a spiritual war against the children of darkness.
From 1974 – 1977, Werner Von Braun began privately telling Carol Rosin, a colleague at a major aerospace company Fairchild Industries, about a sequence of contrived global false flag “cards” such as asteroid impacts and extraterrestrial invasion, which would lead to the militarization of space and usher in a New World Order. Now more than 40 years later, the sequence predicted by Von Braun appears to be on the verge of playing out as mainstream media increasingly speculate about asteroid strikes and an alien invasion in what many believe are cases of predictive programming.
Given Von Braun’s background as a former Nazi and the existence of a breakaway Nazi colony in South America and Antarctica in the post-World War II era seeking to establish a Fourth Reich, a key question is whether Von Braun’s warning was genuine or whether it was part of a deception by the Fourth Reich.
In answering such a question, it’s important to understand why Von Braun went to work with Fairchild Industries, where he learned about the planned sequence of false flag cards being discussed at boardroom meetings as described by Rosin in Part 1 of this series.
After NASA made the decision to end the Apollo Program, Von Braun decided to retire on May 26, 1972, six months before the launch of Apollo 17, the last moon landing mission. He had been the Director of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center (1960-1972), where he led the largely German engineering teams designing the Saturn V rockets that would power the Apollo Program.
Von Braun joined Fairchild Industries as a Vice President for Engineering and Development. Fairchild Industries was one of the aerospace contractors that was secretly involved in building a ring-shaped “Von Braun” space station based on Von Braun’s early designs for the USAF and the National Reconnaissance Office, as explained in chapter 13 of my book, the US Air Force Secret Space Program.
What is not widely known about the Apollo Program is that it was used as a very effective cover for massive amounts of funding, resources, and personnel covertly being transferred to Antarctica to help the expansion of a breakaway German Space Program hidden in underground bases.
In chapter 12 of the US Air Force Secret Space Program (2019), I detail how the Apollo program was used as part of an agreement reached between the Eisenhower Administration and the Antarctica based German colony, also known as the Fourth Reich.
Von Braun’s job at NASA was to mislead the US public about the potential of rocket propelled space travel, while ensuring the German space program in Antarctica had all the resources and personnel it needed for its electromagnetically propelled spacecraft to start space colonization on the Moon, Mars, and elsewhere in our solar system. Put simply, while the Apollo program got Americans to the Moon, it got Germans to Mars and beyond.
In return for its covert help through the Apollo program, the US military gained scientific assistance in its efforts to study and reverse engineer captured extraterrestrial technologies from former Nazi scientists who were brought into the US under Operation Paperclip (1945-1959). Many were secretly working for the Fourth Reich either voluntarily or were coerced to do so.
Werner Von Braun was among a select group of Operation Paperclip scientists who were asked to evaluate the remains of the 1947 Roswell Crash for the US (Army) Air Force as revealed in a leaked Majestic 12 document called the Counter Intelligence Corps/Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit Report:
Select scientists from the General Advisory Committee of the Atomic Energy Commission, most notably DR. J. ROBERT OPPENHEIMER, was interviewed at LZ-2 (second Roswell UFO crash site) as well as other members. Among PAPERCLIP specialists identified at LZ-2 were DR. WERNER VON BRAUN (Fort Bliss); DR ERNST STEINHOFF (AMC [Air Materiel Command, Wright Field]) and DR. HUBERTUS STRUGHOLD (AEROMEDICAL LAB, RANDOLPH FIELD).
This leaked Majestic document has an authenticity rating “Medium-High Level of Authenticity” according to a scale developed by Dr. Robert Wood and his son Ryan using a number of criteria developed for evaluating leaked government documents.
What helps corroborate the document’s account of the role played by Von Braun in evaluating the Roswell debris as an expert scientific consultant is a former NASA Spacecraft Operator, Clark McClelland, who asked Von Braun about the Roswell UFO crash.
Von Braun told McClelland about the incident on the condition that no details would be revealed until after his death.
Dr. Von Braun explained how he and unnamed associates had been taken to the crash site after the bulk of the military personnel had left the scene. They did a quick once over of the site, Van Braun stated. He related how the exterior of the space craft was not metal as we know it, but appeared to be made of something biological, like skin….
And yes, there were alien bodies which were being kept in a medical tent near the UFO. The beings were small, very frail, and reptilian in nature. Von Braun compared their skin to rattlesnakes that he and his group had encountered at White Sands.
Von Braun was puzzled by the nature of the debris. The material was very thin, aluminum colored, similar to chewing gum wrapping, according to the scientist.
The leaked Majestic 12 document and McClelland’s recollection does show that Von Braun and other Paperclip Scientists were actively advising the US [Army] Air Force on recovered alien technologies from Roswell and other locations from July 1947.
Dr. Arthur Rudolph was also a German rocket scientist that was brought into the US in Operation Paperclip. He worked at both NASA’s Kennedy Space Center and Marshall Space Flight Center as the chief architect for the Saturn 5 engines that powered the Apollo program and as Von Braun’s Special Assistant up to January 1969. Rudolph has been identified as working with the US Air Force in studying and reverse engineering a captured extraterrestrial spacecraft, especially after his “official” retirement in 1969.
David Adair, who designed an “Electromagnetic Fusion Containment Engine” for the US Air Force in 1971, describes how Rudolph was leading a highly classified scientific effort to reverse engineer a captured extraterrestrial spacecraft stored at Area 51. Adair described how Rudolph had authority over senior Air Force officials and was being actively helped by the CIA.
So, if German Paperclip scientists were helping the USAF study and reverse engineer alien technologies, were they genuinely assisting, or were they double agents sabotaging US efforts?
William “Bill” Tompkins, a draftsman/engineer with Douglas Aircraft, TRW, and other leading aerospace companies during the 1950s-70s, describes how the German Paperclip scientists occupying senior corporate positions would sabotage industry efforts to build electromagnetic and torsion field propulsion systems.
And even at Douglas and over at TRW, and all these other companies, General Dynamics included, some top-level people were throwing negatives on everything that we were attempting to do. So, you must ask the question: “Why do we have so much of this sabotage happening at such a high level in technology in the country, and in the whole military?” And, who is telling them to try to stop everything, try to cut it down when we’re trying to help ourselves? (Selected by Extraterrestrials, Vol 2, p. 92)
The power of a mysterious Fourth Reich over Operation Paperclip scientists, some of whom were forced to sabotage US R&D efforts is illustrated by McClelland who says he personally witnessed the former Nazi SS general Hans Kammler in the mid-1960s at the NASA office of Dr. Kurt Debus, head of the Kennedy Space Center. Kammler had escaped from Nazi Germany before its collapse to South America and Antarctica to help the Fourth Reich expand its underground bases there.
McClelland described the powerful influence exerted over the German scientists working for NASA who feared Kammler and the shadowy Fourth Reich:
I opened his office door and saw two people I had not seen at KSC [Kennedy Space Center]. He introduced me to both men. He only gave me their first names during the introduction…. One was introduced to me as Sigfried and the other was introduced as Hans…. Both had the look of Nazi High Command Officers…. Today I am certain of who these two men were. I eventually learned from other German scientists that one of them me was Siegfried Knemeyer. He was a very high ranking Nazi Oberst Officer in the Luftwaffe… The other man was difficult to recognize until I saw an older photo of him after he had later entered the USA. He was in my opinion Heinz (Hans) Kammler…. There were rumors after WWII that Kammler had made a deal with General George Patton to turn over German Top Secret technology for his support in getting Kammler into the USA. That may have actually happened. I personally believe it did happen. (The Stargate Chronicles, ch. 15).
What emerges from the testimonies of Adair, McClelland, Tompkins, and others is that the US military industrial complex had been successfully infiltrated by the Fourth Reich using Operation Paperclip scientists who were either forced or willingly working as double agents.
While the German scientists appeared to be providing technical assistance for US rocket and other advanced aerospace programs, many were sabotaging US industry efforts to replicate the advanced aerospace technologies the Nazis had reverse engineered from extraterrestrial spacecraft.
This naturally raises the question of whether Von Braun had truly broken free of all Nazi influences while heading the Marshall Space Flight Center and building the Saturn V rockets for the Apollo program, or whether he was a double agent.
Adair’s recollection of a warning given to him by Von Braun about Rudolph does suggest that as the inaugural Director of the Marshall Center, Von Braun was being handled by Rudolph who was the project director for the Saturn V rocket, and later Von Braun’s Special Assistant:
The thing is, von Braun warned me that if during my rocket work, I should encounter a man named Dr. Arthur Rudolph, I should be extremely careful because he was so dangerous.
It appears that Von Braun and other German Paperclip scientists were intimidated by Rudolph – an ardent Nazi – who was almost certainly recruited by Kammler as a key operative for the Fourth Reich. Rudolph’s covert mission was to coerce Paperclip scientists to do the bidding of the Antarctic Germans or face severe consequences.
If Von Braun either voluntarily or was coerced to work as a double agent for the Fourth Reich, this raises the question of what his true agenda was when he met Carol Rosin at Fairchild Industries in 1974.
Was Von Braun truthful to Rosin in warning her of a Deep State plot to stage an alien false flag invasion to justify space weapons, or was he attempting to sabotage US military efforts to one day bridge the defense technology gap with the German secret space program?
The Apollo Program took away valuable resources from scientific research and development of electromagnetic and torsion field propulsion systems, which the Germans had mastered for their Antarctica space fleet described by various insiders as the “Dark Fleet” or “Nacht Waffen” (Night Weapons)
Understanding Von Braun’s true role in the US Apollo and German Antarctic space programs is vital context for analyzing his subsequent opposition to space weapons, as recalled by Rosin. Was Von Braun genuinely committed to eliminating weapons in space as he convinced Rosin during the final years of his life, or was he a double agent secretly working for the Fourth Reich Antarctic Germans?
Just as Von Braun and other former Nazi scientists convinced the US Congress and the scientific community that rocket propulsion was the key to future space travel, as a distraction from the true potential of electromagnetic and torsion field propulsion systems, was Von Braun sowing the seeds for handicapping a future US military space program that could one day threaten or rival the German’s Dark Fleet/Nacht Waffen through advanced space weapons?
Shortly before his death in 1977, Werner Von Braun, a pioneer in both German and US rocket programs, warned that a group of global controllers, aka Deep State, would systematically move through a series of false flag events or “cards”, that would be played in a sequence designed to ultimately militarize space and usher in a New World Order.
Von Braun gave his famous warning to Carol Rosin, who, from 1974 to 1977, was a corporate manager at Fairchild Industries, Inc., a major aerospace contractor that Von Braun had joined two years earlier. Rosin says that Von Braun asked her to be his spokesperson after being diagnosed with terminal cancer and revealed an elaborate plan by the US military industrial complex to weaponize space.
In a recorded video interview from December 2000 for the Disclosure Project, Rosin described the following sequence of false flag events Von Braun explained to her:
The strategy that Wernher von Braun taught me was that first the Russians are going to be considered to be the enemy. In fact, in 1974, they were the enemy, the identified enemy. We were told that they had ‘killer satellites.’ We were then told that they were coming to get us and control us — that they were ‘commies.’
Then terrorists would be identified, and that was soon to follow. We heard a lot about terrorism.
Then we were going to identify Third World-country ‘crazies.’ We now call them ‘nations of concern.’ But he said that would be the third enemy against whom we would build space-based missiles.
The next enemy was asteroids. Now, at this point, he kind of chuckled the first time he said it. Asteroids — against asteroids we are going to build space-based weapons.
And the funniest one of all was what he called aliens, extraterrestrials. That would be the final scare. And over and over and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving speeches for him, he would bring up the last card. Carol, the last card is the alien card. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie.
As to identifying the group orchestrating this series of contrived global events, Rosin was reluctant to give names but said:
The room was filled with people in the revolving door game. There were people that I had seen once in a military uniform and other times in a gray suit and an industry outfit. These people play a revolving door game. They work as consultants, industry people and/or military and intelligence people. They work in the industries and they revolved themselves through these doors and right into government positions.
Rosin’s description of what was taking place in the boardroom of Fairchild Industry is very revealing about the company’s key role within the military industrial complex, and how the Deep State operates by manipulating global events and mainstream media narratives.
The sequence of contrived global events described by Von Braun reflected how far forward in time the Deep State projects its plans. Now almost 50 years later, we see the sequence described by Von Braun being played out in real time.
Russia, terrorism and rogue nations have collectively dominated decades of news cycles. More recently, we are witnessing an increasing number of stories of killer asteroids just missing the Earth in the mainstream media. The most recent examples are three massive killer asteroids heading towards the Earth and predicted to fly close by on June 6,8, and 20, any of which could cause cataclysmic damage.
Additional “cards” can be found in the Deep State playing deck described by Von Braun back in the 1970s. This includes a global pandemic, which was discussed in the City of London by a high-level group of bureaucrats in 2005 as part of a covert Deep State plan to usher in a New World Order.
Von Braun’s warning alerts us to the threat of an alien invasion being used as the final card in a long sequence of contrived events that would justify the weaponization of space, and the establishment of a New World Order desired by the Deep State.
Now there is a steady stream of news articles pointing to the possibility of an alien invasion in a post-COVID world. The potential for such an event occurring in the run-up to the 2020 election is a distinct possibility given the Deep State’s determination to remove the Trump administration by any means possible.
A paper leaked on October 18, 2016, allegedly by a major Democratic consulting firm, the Benenson Strategy Group, discussed the possibility of a staged alien invasion keeping Trump supporters home and helping the Clinton campaign win the 2016 election.
The paper reviewed some of the advanced holographic technologies that could be used in staging such a false flag event. While the paper’s authenticity remains disputed, it nevertheless showed how the alien invasion card could be used for electoral purposes.
As we approach the November 3 US Presidential Election, could the alien invasion card be played as Von Braun warned about back in the 1970s? Or did Von Braun have an entirely different purpose for telling Rosin about the alien invasion card being used by the military industrial complex?
Rather than heroically attempting to prevent the militarization of space, was Von Braun a double agent for an Antarctica-based breakaway German Colony wanting to prevent the US military from ever threatening their secret space program?
Article by Chris Wellman March 26, 2020 (
• On March 26th, Bob Dylan released a new ‘song’ called ‘Murder Most Foul’. The epic track, which runs nearly 17 minutes, focuses on the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Said Dylan of the release, “Greetings to my fans and followers with gratitude for all your support and loyalty over the years. This is an unreleased song we recorded a while back that you might find interesting. Stay safe, stay observant and may God be with you – Bob Dylan.”
• Whether “a while back” means Dylan recorded the song months or years ago remains a mystery. It is Dylan’s first self-written song release in eight years. It contains minimal violin, piano and light percussion backing his quiet vocal tone. (see YouTube music video of ‘Murder Most Foul’ below) There’s literally half an album’s worth of lyrical material for Dylanologists to dissect. (see Editor’s Note below for my own dissection)
• The lyrics speak extremely literally of the Kennedy assassination, with a bent toward conspiratorial takes on the event. As the song goes along it breaks more freely into a pop-culture fantasia, referencing 1960s and 70s events with catchphrases such as “The Beatles are coming, they’re gonna hold your hand” and “I’m going to Woodstock, it’s the Aquarian age / Then I’ll go to Altamont and stand near the stage.” Dylan invokes myriad cultural references, from Buster Keaton to Houdini, ‘Gone With the Wind’ to Nat King Cole, Marilyn Monroe to Patsy Kline, the Eagles to the Allman Brothers. (see the song lyrics here – and NPR’s list of the 74 referenced songs here)
• Occasionally, Dylan directly marries his pop-culture references and the assassination, as when he sings, “You got me Dizzy Miss Lizzy, you fill me with lead.” Or: “What’s new pussycat, what’d I say / I said the soul of a nation been torn away.” When it comes to the actual assassination, Dylan doesn’t skimp on the details, describing the kill shot and frantic exit from Dealey Plaza in Dallas. Dylan does not shy away from provocative lines such as “We’ve already got someone here to take your place” and with regard to Kennedy’s brothers, “we’ll get them as well.”
• In 1964, only three months after the murder, Dylan and entourage reportedly drove the President’s route through Dealey Plaza so that Dylan could determine for himself what happened on that fateful day. He’s had 56 years to think about it. Writes Dylan: the killing of JFK was “right there in front of everyone’s eyes,” but became the “greatest magic trick” — one he thinks still has some relevance in 2020.
• [Editor’s Note] It is telling that among the few words that Dylan has said about this song, ‘Murder Most Foul’, he exhorts us to “stay safe, stay observant and may God be with you.” For me, Dylan’s opus marks a seminal moment in human history. I can feel the change happening in our society as the false reality that has been the mainstream narrative since World War II is being stripped away. It is a glorious thing to behold. And with this release, Bob Dylan contributes greatly to this paradigm shift.
There are very few artists with the star-power to be able to pull this off. The mainstream media cannot ignore this level of celebrity. As a cultural icon, he is now regarded as a ‘wise elder’ in American society. He is someone we believe has not been compromised, and whom we can look to for the truth. We can assume that as a major celebrity since the 1960s, Dylan has been exposed to truths at the highest level. And, courageously, Dylan uses his renown to call out the deep state government jackals who murdered JFK, cementing their sinister grip on governmental power for their own ends.
In this opus, Bob Dylan clearly blames a conspiratorial group of men for the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Being led to the slaughter like a sacrificial lamb, He said, “Wait a minute boys, you know who I am” “Of course we do, we know who you are” Then they blew off his head while he was still in the car
There’s no mention of Oswald. The assassination is depicted as a professional hit job, “Perfectly executed, skillfully done.” Just who was this group of men that Dylan accuses? Public ridicule and mocking are notorious tools of the deep state, as UFO researchers well know. In perhaps the most obvious reference to the deep state government, Dylan alludes to Lyndon Johnson being ‘put in office’ by them:
We’ll mock you and shock you and we’ll put it in your face We’ve already got someone here to take your place
In verse 2, Dylan assures us that he is familiar with JFK assassination lore and knows what he’s talking about. “There’s three bums comin’ all dressed in rags” is a reference to the ‘three tramps’ who were arrested at Dealey Plaza, said to be Chauncy Holt, Charles Rogers and Charles Harrelson (the actor Woody Harrelson’s father), who were deep state operatives deployed there to sow confusion after the shooting.
Dylan also manages to randomly include the work ‘bannister’ in verse 2 – perhaps alluding to Guy Bannister, an FBI agent turned private investigator who recruited Oswald to the intelligence community in New Orleans. As an FBI agent, Bannister had been charged with investigating several UFO sightings in the Idaho/Montana area. Of course, every sighting was dismissed as a hoax.
Toward the end of verse 2, Dylan asks: “What is the truth and where did it go? Ask Oswald and Ruby, they oughta know.” Oswald and Ruby were two of many related to the assassination who were subsequently silenced by the deep state. Says Dylan, “There’s a party going on behind the Grassy Knoll.”
Verse 3 continues with Dylan’s blatant references to “they” who plotted Kennedy’s death. “I’ve (JFK) been led into some kind of trap.” “They mutilated his body and they took out his brain. What more could they do? They piled on the pain.” This refers to persistent evidence that Kennedy’s brain had been replaced for the autopsy, with his real brain kept as a deep state souvenir.
Kennedy’s soul was the soul of the nation. “But his soul was not there where it was supposed to be, For the last fifty years they’ve been searchin’ for that freedom, but only dead men are free.” Dylan is saying that fifty years after JFK’s death, freedom still doesn’t exist among we the living.
Then Dylan shifts to the point of view of Kennedy: “[Y]ou filled me with lead, that magic bullet of yours has gone to my head.” Of course, the ‘magic bullet’ is a fiction used by prosecutor Arlen Specter of the Warren Commission to support a ‘single bullet theory’, in order to draw attention away from the true deep state culprits.
They killed him once and they killed him twice Killed him like a human sacrifice
Dylan is saying that the deep state killed Kennedy, the man, and they also killed Kennedy, the dream. Kennedy’s dream was to overcome the deep state tyranny and ‘splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.’ But with the assassination, “[T]he age of the Antichrist has only just begun”. With “Johnson sworn in at 2:28”, the fate of America was sealed, and the American people may as well “throw in the towel.”
Verse 4 is devoted to the American culture that consequently suffered under decades of deep state rule. Among these pop culture references, Dylan mentions Jack Ruby and Marilyn Monroe – both of whom were connected to the assassination and were poisoned by CIA/deep state operatives. (Monroe was told of the extraterrestrial presence by Kennedy, and threatened to reveal it to the press. Dallas nightclub owner Ruby was a bagman for the deep state tasked with killing Oswald before he could talk. The deep state then killed Ruby in turn.) Dylan may have also included an extraterrestrial being among those affected by the assassination, citing “the man with the telepathic mind”.
Toward the end of the opus, Dylan reminds us that “They killed him on the alter of the rising sun”, just as America was rising with the consciousness of the planet. Then, Dylan invokes the Kennedy brothers, Bobby and Ted, to characterize the deep state’s utter contempt for rule of law and the American public.
Don’t worry, Mr. President, helps on the way Your brothers are comin’, there’ll be hell to pay Brothers? What brothers? What’s this all about? Tell them, “We’re waiting, keep coming, we’ll get them as well”
The deep state’s ruthless and invisible hand suppressed the Kennedy brothers and taunted the American public. Where was the public outrage against the plotting deep state operatives within our government? The public proved too intimidated or brain-washed to stand up against this evil cabal. Being all powerful, the deep state only continued to threaten anyone who dared to question their authority: “We’re waiting, keep coming, we’ll get them as well.”
It is very unusual for a celebrity to put a target on their back by coming out and bluntly revealing such dangerous truths. It is said that Dylan worked for years on the wording for this composition. Why then did he choose to release it now? Is Dylan telling us that the time has come for a shift in human consciousness? Is Dylan aware of the imminent downfall of the deep state? Of the arrests? The termination of the Federal Reserve? The global financial reset? Is Dylan aware of an awakening within the mainstream public? Such an awakening will invariably lead to further revelations of the existence of advanced technologies that can transform the planet; the existence of secret space programs, bases and colonies throughout the solar system and beyond; and not only the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations, but the fact that they are all around us, and that it is time for the human species on Earth to join with a thriving galactic community.
To be sure, Dylan’s presentation to the American mainstream establishment of the truth about the JFK assassination by a deep state bastion within the government represents a fundamental shift in our collective consciousness. I commend and applaud Bob Dylan for his courage, his patriotism, and his fidelity to the people, as opposed to the uber-elite cabal and the deep state military industrial complex that usurped our democracy for themselves when they eliminated a President who would return the legacy of this planet to we, the people.
John F. Kennedy
For years, Bob Dylan fans have spoken in a sort of hushed awe about the longest song he ever released,
Bob Dylan
“Highlands,” an album side-length 1997 track that ran 16 minutes and 31 seconds. Now, 23 years later, he’s slightly outdone himself. As the clock struck midnight on the east coast Friday morning, Dylan released a new song, “Murder Most Foul,” that has a running time just seconds shy of the 17-minute mark — and it’s an epic free association on the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Little information was given about the surprise track, except for a brief statement from Dylan himself:
“Greetings to my fans and followers with gratitude for all your support and loyalty over the years.
“This is an unreleased song we recorded a while back that you might find interesting.
“Stay safe, stay observant and may God be with you.
“Bob Dylan”
A Dylan representative said the statement was all the information they would be releasing about the song, so whether “a while back” means a matter of months or many years remains a mystery.
Dylan’s tender vocal tone — a trademark of his more recent shows and recordings — and elements of the song’s minimal bed of violin, piano and light percussion quickly had hardcore fans guesstimating that the tune might actually be of fairly recent vintage.
His last album of original material, “Tempest,” came out in 2012, although he has released three sets of his interpretations of songs from the Great American Songbook in-between, the last of which was the triple-album “Triplicate” three years ago. Rumors have been rampant that this year Dylan might be releasing his first album of self-penned songs in eight years, but there’s been no confirmation of that.
The lyrics of the monumental track will fascinate Dylanologists who’ve waited years for something fresh to dissect, since there’s literally half an album’s worth of lyrical material just in one track here.
In verses that proceed freely enough that it’s not always easy to break them down into separate stanzas, the lyrics often speak extremely literally of the Kennedy assassination, with a bent toward conspiratorial takes on the event. But as the song goes along it breaks more freely into a pop-culture fantasia.
16:56 minute – Bob Dylan’s ‘Murder Most Foul’ official music video (‘Bob Dylan” YouTube)
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Planned military arrests of Deep State figures have been put on hold until an impending three day shutdown of the internet, according to information presented by David Wilcock in a March 29 webinar. Even more startling is Wilcock’s assertion that at the end of the shutdown, there will be a series of major disclosures covering a spectrum of issues ranging from Deep State crimes to the release of suppressed technologies used in secret space programs. How likely is the sequence of events proposed by Wilcock?
Wilcock’s webinar was watched live by approximately 35,000 viewers, with a total of over 645,000 views to date since its airing. He provided an update to the Defender Europe 20 military exercises, which he explained provided the necessary personnel and equipment that would be used in conjunction with U.S. special forces to raid the European fortresses of senior Deep State figures hiding from secret indictments issued by U.S. grand juries.
As I briefly mentioned in my previous article on Wilcock’s webinar series, the Defender Europe 20 exercises were significantly cut back as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, Wilcock’s claim that newly arrived U.S. personnel and equipment could provide armored support for U.S. special forces conducting mass arrests is still plausible.
In response to the current outbreak of the COVID-19 virus and recent guidance by the United States Secretary of Defense, we have modified exercise Defender-Europe 20 in size and scope. As of March 13, all movement of personnel and equipment from the United States to Europe has ceased…. As we make the appropriate adjustments, the linked exercises to Exercise Defender-Europe 20 – Dynamic Front, Joint Warfighting Assessment, Saber Strike and Swift Response – will not be conducted. We anticipate the involved U.S. armored brigade combat team already deployed to Europe will conduct gunnery and other combined training events with Allies as part of a modified Allied Spirit exercise.
In short, most of the exercises that made up Defender Europe 20 have been canceled, except for the Allied Spirit exercise, which comprises the bulk of six thousand U.S. soldiers shipped to Europe along with “approximately 3,000 pieces of equipment via sea from the United States.” Many of the 3,000 pieces of equipment are 70 ton Abrams tanks to be used in Allied Spirit.
Could a U.S. armored brigade, which normally numbers up to 5,000 personnel, provide the armored support for special forces raiding Deep State compounds to conduct the mass arrests that Wilcock originally contended?
Wilcock cited a number of anonymous sources known to him and secret space program insider, Corey Goode, that confided to him the sequence of events leading up to the mass arrests under the Defender Europe 20 exercises. I have personally met one of the sources, a former NATO general, who Goode introduced me to in September 2017.
After conducting my due diligence, I was able to verify that the General was a retired military official, who has been informally briefing Goode and Wilcock, about events in Europe and around the world. I have also, on occasion, had the General’s briefings passed on to me for review and background information in conducting my secret space program research.
In addition, it’s worth pointing out that another of Goode’s active sources works within the Defense Intelligence Agency, and had passed on to him two Defense Intelligence Reference Documents that were released for the first time into the public arena in December 2017. They were marked “Unclassified: For Official Use Only,” and their release much surprised the papers’ author, Dr. Eric Davis, who pointed out that only a serving public official could have taken such an action, as I have previously pointed out.
The release of the DIA papers was done in Goode’s words, “to slowly ‘read in’ certain people in the DOD/DIA to Special Access Programs.” The DIA papers provided powerful corroboration for key elements of Good’s remarkable secret space program testimony, which I investigated at length and documented in the book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs (2017).
Nevertheless, many leading UFO researchers have disingenuously ignored Goode’s role in releasing these official DIA documents, and instead made disparaging comments of him starting a “blue chicken cult” based on little more than public deception.
This is despite the fact at least one active DIA official and a retired senior NATO official accept Goode’s core claim about him being the liaison for a group of higher dimensional entities comprising “Blue Avians” and others belonging to a “Sphere Being Alliance”, that are intent on transforming political power structures on Earth, our solar system and galactic neighborhood.
In his webinar, Wilcock explained what had been revealed to him from Goode’s sources, particularly the General, after the bold pronouncements made in Wilcock’s previous webinars concerning the Defender Europe 20 exercises as the cover for mass arrests taking place, which I covered in my previous article.
In his March 29 seminar, Wilcock described the delay to the timing of the mass arrests, as explained to him by the General:
The first glimmer that I got was from Corey Goode on Saturday, March 21 he has multiple sources feeding us information. I had already done the video and discussed Defender Europe 20 as if arrests were already happening. That was the first video we did, the general, we have a couple of guys we call the general, but the general called and laughed and said no, it’s not happening yet. Nobody’s been arrested in Europe yet (1:39:19). But he was amazed that I got all those details right.
He said the final stage will involve about three days where we do not have access to regular phone calls you can make emergency calls to 911 … but you are not going to have the internet or the phone.
Wilcock went on to explain that during the three days of darkness, the Presidential Broadcast System will be used to inform people of what is happening:
They want you to know about his so that you don’t freak out and commit suicide I guess…. So there will be an emergency presidential broadcast system that they will use. The QAnon source talked about this on December 19, 2019. They will use a national presidential alert system, and why was this created and tested for political and information warfare.
During these three days they believe that they’re going to be able to get everybody. They’ve got it all planned out how they’re going to get this thing done. They think they can get it all done in three days. It might take a little bit longer, but they probably will get it done in three days and it’s going to be fast. Probably 24 hours a day shifts that these soldiers are working.
Wilcock cited a text message received from Corey Goode March 21, who summarized what he had been told about the upcoming internet shutdown and mass arrests:
I sure hope arrests are going on. I was also told recently that all communications (except 911) would go offline. I am not sure if they mean cell comm’s only … that the internet would slow to a crawl during any actual mass arrests. Then the National Emergency network would come on like you said in the video. With the Virus scenario, they may not need to take comm’s down or shut down electricity in regions. This virus, the cabal’s last ditch effort … may be the perfect screen to do the arrests. I am just hearing majorly conflicting information on that from my contacts.
The General was hearing in the beginning but then said ‘it was called off’.
I am also hearing that there are very strange troop movements, Nat Guard but also elite Marine units that specialize in breeching compounds have been seen moving about in a frantic manner on their base (can’t remember which one).
That FEMA was gearing up some of the camps that were set aside but they are not being setup in a ‘pattern’ that would be expected for a pandemic. So, prisons?
So much speculation even among the top brass because over a week ago all briefings (Proper ones) stopped and ‘Comm’s went down’ … Silent Running.
Was also told to expect a lot of strange E.Q.’s [earthquakes] around areas that you would expect secret bases to be at.
Comm’s being down and troop movement is going on for sure.
It is way toooo much overkill for a virus outbreak of this magnitude.
The General was even saying that there were rumors of using this situation for an economic reset of some kind.
The critical point in Goode’s information here is that the COVID-19 pandemic is a last-ditch effort by the Deep State to create the necessary international chaos necessary to implement their New World Order.
In another article, I discussed how the origins of the pandemic could be traced back to a 2005 meeting in the City of London, where Deep State figures discussed a plan that had been developed for implementing their New World Order. The key point was that the elaborate sequence of events involving a global pandemic needed to be implemented in full in order to achieve success for the creation of a New World Order.
Not doing so would lead to failure. Consequently, the release of the COVID pandemic is indeed a last ditch effort by the Deep State to overwhelm nation states. Not only is the Deep State plan destined to fail, which we see already with China successfully emerging out of the lockdowns that initially crippled their economy, but the lockdowns do provide an opportunity for Deep State figures to be arrested, as proposed by Wilcock.
Wilcock points out that while some will panic, thinking that the impending mass arrests are tantamount to a military takeover, it is the opposite:
They are not going to tell you this is the mass arrests. So some people are going to have a serious dark night of the soul when we go through these three days because they’re worried that this is the end okay, and this is martial law and this is a government takeover that’s not what it is. The real takeover was going to happen if the illuminati had not been opposed by this amazing group of military and intelligence officials not just from the U.S. but all over the world that are working to make sure these plans don’t succeed, which once again after the only three days what we are hearing is that everybody’s going to get the truth. These eight-hour chunks of data they’re going to run three times a day you got to watch the whole eight hours to get the data and once you’ve done that you’ll basically now be aware of what’s really going on, who these people are, what they were trying to do, and how they’re being stopped.
It’s clear, according to the information provided by Wilcock, that something very important was originally planned in Europe with the Defender Europe 20 military exercises, until these were significantly scaled back due to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Goode’s General, the arrests were called off.
Nevertheless, significant U.S. military resources and personnel have been shipped to Europe and could under the remaining Allied Spirit exercise provide the necessary armored firepower to back up U.S. special forces in storming Deep State compounds in Europe, as Wilcock originally contended.
Could this happen during a three day internet shutdown as both Wilcock and Goode’s sources predicted? If so, then their advance warning will be very helpful in navigating the uncertain times that lie ahead as the covert civil war between the Deep State and the Military White Hats/Trump Administration comes to a stunning conclusion, while the bulk of the citizenry in the U.S., Europe and much of the planet are experiencing unprecedented national lockdowns.
The arrest and removal of the Deep State officials from positions of power would certainly have major implications for the disclosure of thousands of suppressed advanced technologies dealing with new energy sources, health, and exotic propulsion systems. The possibility that the whole planet will soon learn the truth about secret space programs and extraterrestrial life is quite high if the scenario laid out by Wilcock comes to pass.
Update – 3/31/20. In my initial version of this article I erroneously wrote that David Wilcock said the mass arrests would follow the three days of darkness, rather than during them. Thanks to readers that alerted me to the error which has been corrected.
While much of Europe has been closed off due to the Coronavirus pandemic, elite military forces from 17 NATO and partner countries are using the Defender Europe 20 Military Exercizes as a cover to arrest leading Deep State Satanists entrenched in fortified European compounds, according to a New York Times best-selling author. David Wilcock made his startling claim in his latest video live-streamed on March 19, to his 288,000 You Tube followers.
In his video presentation, Wilcock cites at length a March 15 English language summary of an article by Manlio Dinucci, who wrote about the Defender Europe 20 Exercices on March 3 for the Italian web newspaper Ill Manifesto. The March 15 article summarizing Dinucci’s earlier Italian language article is titled “30,000 American Troops Arrive in Europe Amidst COVID-19 Crisis”, and begins as follows:
Manlio Dinucci writing in the Italian web newspaper, Il Manifesto on March 3rd, 2020, reports that despite Trump’s travel ban 20,000 American troops will be traveling to Europe in the next few days–joining the 10,000 already there.
Despite the travel advisories issued by the U.S. State Department for Americans traveling to northern Italy and elsewhere in Europe, Dinucci is again cited from his original March 3 article:
However, one category of U.S. citizens is exempted from these rules: the 20,000 soldiers beginning to arrive from the United States in European ports and airports for the Defender Europe 20 exercise, the largest U.S. troop deployment in Europe in the last 25 years. Including those already present, about 30,000 U.S. troops will participate in April and May, flanked by 7,000 troops from 17 NATO member and partner countries, including Italy.
The author of the English language article citing Dinucci, who uses the pseudonym, Poppalloff, subsequently points out:
None of these troops have been issued with Bio/Hazchem suits or masks, which seems a little reckless of the American Government if COVID-19 is really the threat that we are being told that it is…
“The 30,000 U.S. soldiers, who “will spread through the European region,” are in fact exempted from the preventive COVID-19 regulations that apply to civilians. The assurance given by the U.S. Army in Europe that “we are monitoring the Coronavirus [COVID-19]” and that “our forces are in good health” is enough.
At the same time, the environmental impact of a military exercise of this magnitude is ignored. U.S. Abrams tanks will participate, weighing 70 tons, with depleted uranium shells. Each tank consumes 400 litres of fuel per 100 km, producing heavy pollution to deliver maximum power.”
Popalloff, in summarizing Dinucci, points out the suspicious nature of many European citizens being in locked down in their homes, while elite NATO troops are able to travel around without any restrictions at all. Popalloff, concludes his/her article by saying that the “pandemic is obviously a cover story for some kind of powerplay by the 1%.”
The implication here is that the Coronavirus pandemic, the European lockdowns, and the NATO exercise all combine into a nefarious coup being covertly orchestrated by the 1% (the Deep State), and people need to be concerned about what is really happening behind the scenes.
In contrast, Wilcock cites extensively from the March 15 English language summary of Dinucci’s earlier March 3 article, and reveals what he has been told by his own insider sources, who tell a very different story of what is really happening behind the scenes:
What we’re getting from our briefings folks is that this is a targeted effort for the mass arrests that I’ve been telling you about this whole time. That’s why they’re there. There 37,000 troops from 18 countries including the US, you better believe those are elite soldiers they’re very trained. What are they doing? They’re going to the places where the Deep State is. They’re infiltrating their strongholds and they are arresting people.
Wilcock goes on to discuss the use of Abrams tanks in the Defender Europe 20 Exercise for a purpose that is very different to the coup that Dinucci proposed was underway:
“U.S. Abrams tanks will participate, weighing 70 tons, with depleted uranium shells.” Ok, well that’s weird, why do they need tanks. It’s a military exercise, the biggest one in 25 years. Well maybe they’re going into to be going into some people’s stronghold’s folks. Some of these guys that are billionaires, they’re Satanic. If you start to learn about this, that’s what’s really going on. You got to bust in through those compounds, you got to get these people. You got to arrest them. Hopefully, they don’t provide armed resistance, they’re not going to make it, okay.
This is not a coup, this is not the end of the world. It’s saving the world. These people already tried to kill the planet. So if you think this is a coup, that’s okay, but they already fired their best shot and I don’t believe this is the end of the world at all.
This is the crux of Wilcock’s analysis of current events in Europe that involve an unprecedented shut down of people’s movements and businesses, while NATO is simultaneously conducting its largest military exercises in the last 25 years. The well-protected compounds of Deep State officials, many of whom are practicing Satanists who frequently conduct child sacrifices, are being raided by elite military special forces under cover of the NATO exercises.
Of the two explanations offered so far for the massive NATO exercises occurring in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown in Europe, Dinucci/Poppalloff’s concerns that these are a cover for a coup by the 1% (Deep State) and Wilcock’s diametrically opposing view that Deep State officials are being arrested under cover of the military exercises, I find Wilcock’s assessment to be far more plausible. This is despite reports that NATO leaders have cancelled a number of Europe Defender drills due to Coronavirus concerns.
Importantly, Wilcock’s assessment is consistent with ongoing revelations from the military intelligence group QAnon, which has worked closely with the Trump White House since first coming forward in October 2017. In a number of articles, I have pointed out my reasons for concluding that QAnon comprises White Hats within the U.S. military who are locked in a behind the scenes civil war against the Deep State, whose senior leadership comprises practicing Satanists.
If one accepts what QAnon has revealed in multiple posts which advises readers to “prepare for the storm”, and the taking down of Deep State leaders, then Wilcock’s assessment is more likely than the alternative offered by Dinucci and Poppalloff.
Fortunately, I believe we will not need to wait long to learn the truth about what’s happening in Europe with the scaled-back NATO drills, the unprecedented Coronavirus lockdown, and alleged mass arrests of Deep State leaders occurring behind the scenes.
The world wants to learn the truth about who is really behind the Coronavirus pandemic, and the U.S. military also has strong reasons to reveal the truth given that an increasing number of Chinese officials are accusing the U.S. Army in the initial spread of the Coronavirus in Wuhan during the October 2019 World Military Games.
In an interview and letter made available in 2010, an anonymous official within the City of London revealed a secret plan supported by high-level Masons to support a biological warfare attack against China designed to cripple its economic growth and growing military power. The biological weapon was to be part of a timeline of both contrived geopolitical events and a natural disaster that would eliminate half of the planet’s population.
The whistleblower was first interviewed in January 2010 by Bill Ryan from Project Camelot, who released a transcript along with his video summary of the interview the next month. The interview was followed by a letter from the whistleblower to Kerry Cassidy, who made it available through the Project Camelot website on March 19, 2010.
Prior to his interview, Ryan was able to confirm the whistleblower’s credentials as a former serviceman with the British military who later accepted a senior position in the City of London, which is an autonomous financial enclave within the Greater London.
In his interview, the whistleblower described a meeting held in June 2005 involving high-level Masons who were discussing how to put into effect a timeline of events developed by a more senior group of unknown persons:
From what I heard, they weren’t a decision-making group. They were like an action group. They were people who needed to come together now and then to discuss together what needs to be done, or what is getting done, and what should be getting done. And then they disperse and go back and do what they need to do, as a result of these
The whistleblower [W] explained to Bill Ryan [B] a planned biological weapons attack on China after a contrived limited nuclear war in the Middle East planned to occur sometime before 2012 that involved the direct participation of China and the US after Israel launched a preemptive attack against Iran:
W: … it’s in this ensuing chaos of a post-nuclear exchange that these biological weapons will be deployed in such a fashion where there will be no structure, no safety-nets, for anybody to counter this type of biological onslaught.
And it should be mentioned, for those who are not aware, that biological weapons are just as effective as nuclear ones; it just takes a while longer — that’s all.
B: Yes. Now, the deployment of the biological weapons following the ceasefire, is that something that happens covertly, like all of a sudden people will start getting ill and no one knows where it came from? Or is this an overt weapon deployment that would be very obvious?
W: I don’t think it would be overt, because the Chinese people are going to be hit by the flu! So there’ll be a worldwide flu epidemic, perhaps, with a country like China — or China, because China is mentioned — being the one that’s going to suffer most.
Thankfully, the predicted nuclear war in the Middle East never happened due to White Hats in the US military, preventing Israel from launching a preemptive (nuclear) attack against Iran. According to the whistleblower, Iran had been secretly assisted by China in gaining several nuclear weapons.
During the Bush Administration (2001-2009), for example, Admiral William Fallon, head of US Central Command (2007-2008), famously declared during his Senate confirmation hearing that an attack against Iran “will not happen on my watch.”
Later during the Obama Administration (2009-2017), to his great credit, President Obama resisted powerful behind the scenes efforts to give Israel the go-ahead for launching a preemptive (nuclear) attack against Iran. Instead, Obama participated in high-level diplomatic negotiations that resulted in the multinational Iran nuclear deal (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) in July 2015 that warded off a possible Israeli attack for years to come.
President Donald Trump ended US participation in the Iran nuclear deal on May 8, 2018, and the US and Iran have engaged in a number of subsequent military skirmishes. The most serious was the US assassination of the leader of Iran’s Quds Force, Major General Qasem Soleimani, and Iran’s quick military retaliation.
Fortunately, Trump and Iran’s leaders have avoided crossing the threshold into outright war, and Israel has again been restrained from attacking Iran.
In his interview, the whistleblower stressed that the timeline of events that were to be activated had to happen in the precise order desired by those that put the plan together. If the events didn’t happen in the correct order, then they were destined to fail.
This takes us to the present moment where China appears to have been attacked by a bioweapon, which is linked to the rollout of a 5G network in the city of Wuhan. In a previous article, I pointed out the link between 5G and biowarfare, and the likelihood that the Coronavirus (Covid-19) was a biological weapons attack.
Senior Chinese officials have also recently begun promoting the idea that the Coronavirus was a foreign-sourced bioweapons attack, and have pointed to the US and its participation in the Military World Games held in Wuhan in October 2019. However, as former US Marine Corps Intelligence Analyst and CIA Case Officer Robert David Steele has declared, President Xi Jinping knows that the real culprit is not the Trump administration, but rogue elements in the US tied to the Deep State.
The similarity between the events in China and what the whistleblower described back in 2010 is uncanny, and firmly implicates the City of London in a Deep State attack on China. However, as the whistleblower pointed out, the group of City of London officials was merely an action group. The real culprits behind the planned bioweapon attack were higher-level groups associated with elite banking families on the European continent, especially in Italy and the Vatican, working closely behind the scenes with, according to the whistleblower, extraterrestrial entities!
The Vatican has long been rumored to be working closely with extraterrestrial visitors, as I have explained in another article. The whistleblower learned that extraterrestrials are much involved in the high-level planning of geopolitical events as he highlighted in his summary of the planned timeline discussed at the 2005 meeting:
Let me summarize what was discussed at the meeting:
Iran will be attacked, possibly within 18 months. China will come to the aid of Iran, to protect its own interests. Nuclear weapons will be used either by Iran or China, with Israel provoking the first use. Much of the Middle East will be laid to waste. Millions will die within a very short period of time. And for some reason this is here, and I can’t tell you why: China will move forcibly into parts of Russia to extend ceasefire lines. Thereafter, biological weapons will be deployed against China. China will “catch a cold”.
And my own understanding is that there’s some sort of malevolent ET alliance at work for 50 years by the UK and US and other Western powers, and this includes Japan.
And, again, when we talk about a malevolent ET alliance that’s in the context of black projects, and this is an exchange of technologies that’s been going on for some considerable time. So there is an involvement there, and that involvement I can’t fully explain myself.
And I also understand that there are more humanitarian and altruistic ET entities working against this timeline and are somehow maintaining a precarious balance without taking any direct intervention themselves. And again, I can’t fully explain that but it’s a certain intuitive feeling that this is working and there’s other aspects of my experience that’s led me to make that statement — but that’s another story.
So what we’re talking about is the Western powers seeking a ‘perfect war’ — doing so throughout the 20th century right up till the present day, because this timeline goes way back. So we’re talking decades or hundreds of years of time where this timeline has been in use.
And also I think it’s quite important to associate the timeline with its other reference which I’ve heard several times now: it’s called THE ANGLO-SAXON MISSION. I feel that’s important to add because that may ring some bells with some people as I don’t think it’s been mentioned before.
As a result of military White Hat and “altruistic extraterrestrials”, the above timeline never happened. Consequently, what are we to make of the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic, and the Deep State’s plan for a biowarfare attack against China discussed back in 2005 in response to the latter’s rapid economic and military growth, which continues to alarm Western national security officials as detailed in my upcoming book, Rise of the Red Dragon: Origins and Threat of China’s Secret Space Program.
One explanation is that as a result of a global awakening to the machinations of the Deep State, the latter’s nefarious timeline of events has been derailed. This means that the biowarfare attack against China planned to happen after a limited nuclear war in the Middle East that would have severely weakened China and many nations in responding to a global pandemic, has instead occurred as an isolated event.
Consequently, China and many other nations have been able to use all their national resources to respond to the Coronavirus, making it all but certain that it will be eventually contained. China, in particular, implemented strict protocols that appear to have turned the tide in the fight against the Coronavirus, as Chinese officials are eagerly pointing out.
This takes me to a startling prediction made by the psychic Sylvia Brown in 2008, only three years after the City of London meeting, which appears to describe what we are now witnessing:
In around 2020, a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again ten years later, and then disappear.
As mentioned earlier, China understands that it was the Deep State rather than the Trump Administration that was behind the bioweapons attack. The 2010 revelations by the whistleblower firmly point the finger at the Deep State, and their accomplices in the City of London, elite banking families in Italy called the Black Nobility and the Vatican.
It’s not coincidental that the Coronavirus outbreak in Italy, which has recorded the most deaths outside of China, began in the provinces most associated with the Black Nobility and the rollout of 5G as observed by the blogsite, “State of the Nation”:
Northern Italy, especially the international financial capital of Milan and all of Lombardy, have been strictly quarantined because this region is the ancestral home of the all-powerful Black Nobility. Very few are aware but it is Milan and Venice that really rule the financial powerhouses of London and New York City. They locked down both of those Italian power centers in order to control all movement into and out of the region. This unprecedented quarantine was planned years in advance by way of the purposeful rollout of 5G throughout the greater Milan metro area…. In other words, wherever the military deployment of 5G has taken place, the numerous 5G super-hotspots will provide a very conducive environment for the coronavirus bioweapon to be released into the population with the desired effect. Just look at where the Coronavirus is exploding the most—countries that have the most 5G Hotspots!
This raises the possibility that the Coronavirus outbreak in Italy may be the Chinese military’s retaliation against the Deep State’s bioweapon attack, and the role played by the Black Nobility in attacking China.
It appears, however, that the bioweapon attack on China will not have the desired effect as originally conceived in the plan heard by the British whistleblower in 2005. Rather than a key step in a sequence of geopolitical events leading to global devastation, the Coronavirus is proving to be an isolated event that is being contained by nations and is raising many questions over its true origins.
Ultimately, as people investigate the true origins of the Coronavirus and the Deep State’s plan to attack China, there will be a global awakening as pointed out by the State of the Nation blogsite:
The bottom line here is that March Madness 2020 appears to be the beginning of the end of the New World Order agenda. It really is a do or die situation for the power elite now that they have totally committed to staging an unsustainable global pandemic. If they do not have the adequate enforcement mechanisms in place to police this pandemic as they conceived it, they’re in HUGE trouble. Because when the dust settles, every inhabitant of the planet is going to be asking some serious questions. There are no NIMBYs with this pandemic so everyone will want answers that will only lead back to that British officer’s damning 2010 letter.
Consequently, rather than the Coronavirus being part of an elaborate set of events designed to implement a New World Order controlled by the international banking elite through major Western nations, it appears to be a last ditch desperate effort by the Deep State that is doomed to fail. The exposure of the Deep State behind the Coronavirus pandemic will only accelerate the exposure and demise of key figures and institutions behind the Deep State, and an unprecedented awakening of global humanity.
Only days after drawing attention to “Operation Looking Glass”, Q(Anon) just took this reference further in another post by claiming foreknowledge of the Deep State’s plans. Q appears again to be alluding to an advantage the US military intelligence community has over the Deep State in terms of advanced technology enabling them to view the future.
In part one, I referred to the Deep State having similar technology in its possession and the incredible implication that we are witnessing a “temporal war” between the Q/military intelligence community and the Deep State. How deep does this temporal war go, who is involved, and what are the implications? If you agree these are questions worth pursuing, then read on. The answers will shock and surprise you.
In order to better understand the nature and extent of this temporal war, let’s begin with Q’s November 15 post [3596] which hints at time travel technology being used to gather foreknowledge over an opponent’s plans:
On its own, the above post may simply suggest that Q has reliable intelligence gained from traditional intel sources or from simply anticipating the moves of the Deep State based on conventional methods such as psychological profiling. However, only four days earlier, in post 3585, Q referred to a mysterious “Project Looking Glass” and made a quip about traveling forward in time to look back:
Project Looking Glass?
Going Forward in Order to Look Back.
We also need to consider a post (2548) made on December 4, 2018, where Q said:
You are witnessing something [firsthand] that many cannot possibly comprehend or accept as reality [Sci-Fi or precision M_planning?]
Taken together, posts 3596, 3585, and 2548 suggest that Q is doing far more than using conventional intelligence gathering to anticipate the moves of the Deep State for “precision military planning” – some unconventional “Looking Glass” technology that many consider to be Sci-Fi is being used.
In my earlier analysis of post 3585 (part one), I covered the origins of “Project Looking Glass”, and described how both the military intelligence community and the Deep State have been using such “time distorting” technology since at least the 1960s. I concluded that we are witnessing a “temporal war” where both sides can peer into the future and anticipate the other’s moves.
An insider who best describes the intelligence gathering uses of time distorting or time travel technology is Andy Basiago, J.D., currently a licensed attorney for the state of Washington. Basiago said that in 1969, as an eight-year-old, his father recruited him into a CIA-run intelligence gathering operation called “Project Pegasus” in which he served until 1972. Basiago states: “Project Pegasus at the time that I joined it in 1969 was not primarily a time travel project – it was an intelligence program for the CIA.”
Project Pegasus involved children testing up to a total of eight different time-travel and teleportation related technologies, and revealing what they had experienced in subsequent debriefings as Basiago explains:
Project Pegasus was debriefing the teleportees and the other forms of time traveling… time travelers – including myself, having gone to the past and future using different methodologies and different technologies – so we were being interviewed to derive when we were going forward in time … information with which the US government could create reports that were promulgated by the CIA, and then sent around the project in other areas of the government to people with a ‘need to know’ status, to know of certain events.
Basiago’s statement is vitally important given the role of the CIA in supporting the Deep State in the current undeclared civil war between the Trump administration/Q/military intelligence community and the Deep State/CIA. Basiago is telling us that as far back as the late 1960s, the CIA and Deep State began using time travel technology as an intelligence gathering tool.
As discussed in part one, the US military intelligence community has developed its own time-distorting methods to view the future via “Project Looking Glass”.
There is far more to a “temporal war” than just looking at the future or past to gather intelligence to outmaneuver an opponent or for “military precision planning”. There is also the ability to change time itself, which of course leads to many unpredictable outcomes.
We know from part one that the Montauk Project (aka Phoenix Project) conducted time distorting experiments involving extraterrestrial technology – a chair which significantly enhanced psychic abilities to open viewing portals into the past or future by the conscious intent of the viewer. These time portals could also be used for time travel, and I briefly mentioned that thousands of children were ruthlessly exploited in these “temporal experiments” when they were sent back or forward in time and were lost. Testimonies of child survivors of these experiments is available in the Montauk Chronicles documentary.
According to another insider, Corey Goode, the temporal experiments conducted at Montauk got out of hand, and extraterrestrials intervened to put a stop to it. Goode says he had access to a smart glass pad that had information on these earlier temporal experiments:
From what I read on the glass pad, one of the major reasons that they put buffers on this temporal technology is that some of this time travel experiment and technology got extremely out of hand. People were traveling back in time, deciding that if they killed one person, it would change the timeline. These people would end up coming back and being on the timeline they created. And it was creating all these schisms and split timelines.
Then they were sending people to go back and prevent it and fix it, and it was causing even more and more problems, and more and more timeline splits to where there were all kinds of fragmentations, and it was just way out of hand.
And they started getting visitations from very advanced ET groups saying ‘Enough! You guys have got to stop’. And it was also explained that time is very much an illusion, that just as they were using consciousness – that was a key component. They were using consciousness in that chair to manifest things, which is something that we do with our mass consciousness every day. We’re manifesting our reality. (Cosmic Disclosure, 9/22/2015)
Goode has previously described a group of humans from the future he calls the Anshar, traveling approximately 17 million years into the past to preserve the timeline against efforts to manipulate it after experiencing a future version of the Mandela Effect.
She finally confirmed for me that the Anshar are actually people from the future, from after we’ve gone through all of these fourth-density changes, somewhere in the future the Anshar had what we would consider like a Mandela Effect thing occurring in their society. Their people . . . had their own Mandela Effects occurring that caused them to look back and see about when this was, this bifurcation, was occurring, and they decided to send a group back 17 million years, around . . . just before the time that the temporal anomaly was occurring, to have this group be stewards of their timeline.
There’s a possibility if they don’t steward the timeline properly, that they could cease to exist. (Cosmic Disclosure, 7/4/2017)
The Anshar subsequently established themselves as an underground civilization that intervenes when the timeline is threatened or altered by other groups in what amounts to a temporal war.
The idea that advanced civilizations from the future are intervening in current human affairs to preserve the timeline is also supported by Alex Collier, who claims to have had contact with extraterrestrials from the Andromeda Constellation. He said in a 1996 interview:
Now, in our galaxy there are many councils. I don’t know everything about all those councils, but I do know about the Andromedan council, which is a group of beings from 139 different star systems that come together and discuss what is going on in the galaxy. It is not a political body. What they have been recently discussing is the tyranny in our future, 357 years from now, because that affects everybody.
Apparently what they have done, through time travel, is that they have been able to figure out where the significant shift in energy occurred that causes the tyranny 357 years in our future. They have traced it back to our solar system, and they have been able to further track it down to Earth, Earth’s moon and Mars. Those three places. (Defending Sacred Ground, p. 10)
Collier’s comment that a galactic tyranny suddenly appears in the future which can be traced to the Earth, Moon, and Mars is very revealing. These are the precise locations where a German-run secret space program had established itself after having first established a colony in Antarctica with the help of an extraterrestrial civilization called the Draconians.
The German SSP subsequently established a base on the Moon with the Draconian’s help and finally established multiple bases on Mars after reaching secret agreements with the Eisenhower administration. The Germans subsequently began serving alongside Draconian extraterrestrials in imperial galactic conquests taking place far outside our solar system.
While all this might appear to be Sci-Fi to some Q supporters, it’s important to keep in mind that Q has confirmed that time distorting technologies exist and are being used against the Deep State. What I wish to emphasize is that the Deep State, which is linked to this German-run secret space program, also possesses time distorting technology and is using it as well to alter the timeline in which we live.
The best physical evidence that our timeline is being altered is the Mandela Effect, which many people have observed and written about. The highly popular Edge of Wonder youtube channel created a video documenting the top ten proofs of the Mandela Effect.
Consequently, the struggle we are witnessing between the Trump administration/Q against the Deep State is part of a temporal war involving different extraterrestrial and human groups from the future intending to either protect or alter timelines that prevent a future galactic tyranny.
While the Q (Anon) movement has major implications for preserving the US Republic and exposing the Deep State, many may not appreciate the movement’s far greater significance for humanity’s future and the wider galaxy.
Soon after returning into the public arena with posts on the newly created 8kun channel, Q(Anon) made a very brief reference to a “Project Looking Glass”. Despite the post’s brevity, there is much behind this highly classified project that is relevant to the QAnon movement and the efforts of the Deep State to marginalize it and remove President Donald Trump from power.
The twitter link was to a tweet by Clark Petrounov, who claimed that what he first thought was a reference to a date in a Q post, 11.11.18, was an IP address belonging to the Department of Defense Network Information Center. The implication was that military servers were in some way involved in hosting the 8kun channel through which Q has once again resumed posting after 8chan was shut down due to different internet companies refusing to host it on their cloud servers.
Many believe that Q, based on multiple posts, is a group linked to US Army Intelligence working closely with the Trump White House. At first glance, it would be logical that military intelligence is helping 8kun to emerge online since 8chan/8kun was the only venue on which Q posts. However, it’s unlikely that the US military would do this in any transparent way, given the legal and political implications of supporting a posting board that many in the general public have been convinced by the mainstream media to be a venue for radical right-wing radicals.
Nevertheless, by referring to Petrounovu’s tweet, Q was sending a clear message that the military intelligence community is in some way helping 8kun establish a new internet presence, perhaps by protecting it from DOS (Denial-Of-Service) attacks. This is where Q’s reference to “Project Looking Glass” becomes very significant.
The first public reference to a “Project Looking Glass” came from the legendary UFO whistleblower Bob Lazar back when he first emerged into the public realm in 1989 when he identified it as one of the classified projects run out of the S-4 facility at Area 51. In an interview Lazar (L) replied to a question about the project as follows:
C: Wasn’t there something about “Looking Glass” project “Looking Glass”?
L: Yeah, that was later on… when we started getting into the heavy physics of it because gravity distorts space and time and what they were trying to do, and I say look back in time and some people conjure up images of a time tunnel… they’re looking at distorting time in microseconds to see whatever event they were trying to observe through a gravitational lens… so that was a different project they were dealing with that… but that was essentially playing with gravity distorting time.
While Lazar was not himself involved in Project Looking Glass, others have come forward to reveal what they knew about classified military experiments to distort time to peer into the past.
Among these was Preston Nichols, who was involved in a classified project called Montauk that was first publicly revealed in his 1992 book: Montauk Project: Experiments in Time.
Nichols explained that the Montauk Project ran from 1971 to 1983 at Montauk Air Station, Long Island, New York, and involved many human subjects in bizarre military experiments. Some of these experiments involved humans being trained to use extraterrestrial technology, such as a chair that significantly enhanced psychic abilities so one could do extraordinary things like distorting or warping time to look into the past or future.
Nichols explained what happened when the psychic Duncan Cameron sat in the Montauk chair:
Duncan would start out sitting in the chair, then the transmitter would be turned on. His mind would be blank and clear. He would then be directed to concentrate on an opening in time from say, 1980 (then the current time) to 1990. At this point, a ‘hole’ or time portal would appear right in the center of the Delta T antenna – you could walk through the portal from 1980 to 1990. There was an opening that you could look into. It looked like a circular corridor with a light at the other end. The time door would remain as long as Duncan would concentrate on 1990 and 1980. (Montauk Project, pp. 88-89).
Basically, psychics were placed in the Montauk Chair and were, in this way, able to peer into different historical periods to gain information of interest to their military intelligence handlers.
There was a lot more to Montauk than merely viewing the past and future, as suggested by Nichol’s reference to being able to walk through the time portal. A recent documentary called “The Montauk Chronicles” describes the many bizarre experiments that occurred there, and the first-hand testimonies of many participants, the majority of whom were terribly abused. In fact, thousands of children were involuntarily pulled from the streets and were lost or killed after being sent through the “time portals.”
The Montauk Project, however, is not the earliest reference to extraterrestrial technology being in the possession of the US military, which allowed it to view events in different historical periods.
In a 1964 television interview, George Van Tassell, who claimed to have had physical contact with human-looking extraterrestrials, says that they showed him technology that could be used to view a visual scene from any historical time period, which the US Navy had in its possession.
Van Tassell says that the technology was quickly classified by the Navy and the inventor was forced to work for it. The time travel/viewing technology described by Van Tassel in his 1964 interview is very similar to what was decades later described by Lazar as “Project Looking Glass” which he said was also run by the U.S. Navy.
If we accept the testimonies of Lazar, Nichols, van Tassell, and others, then it is clear that the US military intelligence community has been conducting “Project Looking Glass” since at least the early 1960s. Returning to Q’s November 11 post, is Q suggesting that the military intelligence community is using Project Looking Glass technology against the Deep State?
This is what Jordan Sather declares in his most recent video on his popular Destroying the Illusion youtube channel. He suggests, rather optimistically, this is why the Deep State has been befuddled by Q and the military intelligence community.
While I agree with Sather that Q and military intelligence community is using Project Looking Glass technology in a covert civil war with the Deep State, it is worth emphasizing that the Deep State has been using Project Looking Glass technology even longer than the US military intelligence community.
The earliest reference to the kind of technology discussed in Project Looking Glass actually comes from Italy in the 1950s! A Dominican priest by the name of Father Pellegrino Ernetti invented a Chronovisor by electronically modifying the frequencies of chants by Benedictine monks when viewed on a TV-like monitor. By manipulating the frequencies, Ernetti discovered one could look into the past. He claims to have witnessed the crucifixion of Christ and other historical events in this way.
In the book, Father Ernetti’s Chronovisor: The Creation and Disappearance of the World’s First Time Machine, Peter Krassa, investigates Ernetti’s amazing discovery. He explains how the technology was turned over to the Vatican hierarchy, which in turn passed it on to the Central Intelligence Agency. It’s worth emphasizing that the then chief of the CIA counter-intelligence division, James Jesus Angleton, handled both the Vatican and the Israeli desks during his long service from 1954 to 1975.
The CIA developed Chronovisor technology for the control group running extraterrestrial related projects, Majestic -12, one of the principal arms of the Deep State. Given that the CIA is the key agency for raising black budget funds for the entire military-industrial complex, it would have been easy to siphon off sufficient funds to conduct its own Project Looking Glass project.
Indeed, this is precisely what occurred, according to Andrew Basiago, a practicing attorney, who says he was involved in a Project Pegasus from 1967-1971 as a six-year old. He says that the chronovisor developed by Father Ernetti was refined by the CIA, in collaboration with the then Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA/now DARPA).
Basiago claims that in 1970, he and other Project Pegasus child participants visited various classified facilities hosting chronovisors:
In Fall 1970, the children in my group first began accessing past and future events via third and fourth-dimensional Ernetti-Gemelli chronovisors situated at the General Manufacturing Company in Convent Station, New Jersey; a public auditorium under construction in Morristown, New Jersey; and the ITT Defense Communications facility in Nutley, New Jersey.
Basiago’s assertion of visiting a classified facility run by ITT in Nutley, New Jersey in 1970 received surprising corroboration by no less a personage than famed radio host Art Bell, who was at the time employed by ITT in a classified NATO communication project. This was information Bell had never before publicly revealed. He was clearly shocked as Basiago revealed during a live radio interview on August 14, 2015, how he encountered Bell working on a classified project at the Nutley facility in 1970 when Basiago was only 8/9 years old.
Basiago asserts that chronovisor technology was one among many ways in which the CIA and its intelligence partners could view the past and future in order to gain intelligence data and to also attempt to manipulate history through time travel experiments.
Consequently, it’s worth emphasizing that both the military intelligence community (Q) and the Deep State/CIA are using time distorting technologies to peer into the future to anticipate each other’s moves. This would explain why many of Q’s predictions have not panned out, and the Deep State appears to have warded off the most damaging revelations made by Q.
The conclusion is that we are not just witnessing an information war between Q/military intelligence/Trump administration and the Deep State/CIA/Majestic 12, but also a temporal war. Q’s reference to “Project Looking Glass” invites members of the Patriot movement to dive deep into the highly classified world of time-distorting technologies and their connection to visiting extraterrestrial life.
Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide/murder came as a shock to all that believed his imprisonment was an effective means of protecting him from global elites that wanted to silence him and prevent his upcoming trial from ever going forward. The shock from Epstein’s surprising death was even more palpable after the release of 2000 pages of documents on July 9 naming some of the prominent global figures implicated in the international sex ring involving minors.
Especially disturbing was that his alleged suicide/murder came only two weeks after an earlier incident where he was found unconscious after a previous apparent suicide/murder attempt on July 25. His suicide/murder has led to outrage over apparent lapses at the Metropolitan Correctional Center Manhattan, a Federal facility, that left him alone and vulnerable in the early morning hours of August 10.
Epstein’s suicide/murder throws a spanner into efforts to expose the full extent of the sex trafficking network that he helped set up, and which would have exposed many prominent individuals. Those identified as having sex with minors procured by Epstein include former President Bill Clinton; Britain’s Prince Andrew; the former Governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson; and former US Senator/Ambassador George Mitchell.
Many are rightly incredulous that Epstein could have committed suicide or been murdered, and are seriously considering the possibility that it was all staged and he is still alive. Some believe Epstein may have been taken into protective custody by White Hats in the US military in order to reveal his secrets without being silenced. Others claim Epstein has been taken to Israel in a secret deal with the Mossad, where only a limited number of Deep State secrets will be exposed.
While rumors and unsubstantiated theories swirl over what really happened to Epstein, one of the things we know for sure is that the trial which would have provided an opportunity for state’s evidence to be presented exposing his criminal activities will never happen. The stunning disclosures of the full range of his activities that many expected to emerge in a trial may never occur.
While it is possible that key subordinates such as Ghislaine Maxwell may ultimately be arrested and brought to trial, it’s difficult to imagine that such trials would have anything near the impact of Epstein’s.
While media attention has been firmly focused on the widespread sex trafficking that Epstein was involved in with the help of Maxwell and others, there was a deeper and darker layer to his activities, which the mainstream media has avoided.
This darker layer concerns the Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) that occurred on Epstein’s private island of Little St James, which I discussed in a previous article based on what the military intelligence group QAnon has revealed. While pedophilia is the initial means by which elites are compromised by the Deep State so they can be exploited, SRA takes such exploitation to a far deeper level.
Elites that participate in SRA are fast-tracked into the most senior positions in the Deep State’s global network. This promotion system is what former Deep State insiders such as Ronald Bernard, a former successful Dutch banker, have revealed with their startling firsthand testimonies.
Bernard explained how the only way he could be promoted in the murky world of international finance, which is largely controlled by the Deep State, was to participate in the abuse of children. The thought of harming children through SRA is what led to Bernard’s emotional breakdown, separation from the Deep State, and why he later decided to come publicly forward.
In sum, the first tier of compromised global elites are those that have been caught up in the sex rings involving minors. The 2000 pages of court documents released on July 9 reveal some of the global elites that were caught up in these sex rings.
The second tier, which is far more influential, comprises elites that have participated in SRA, and risen to more senior positions in the Deep State. According to QAnon, the Rothschild family sits at the apex of this international network of Satanic worshippers and practitioners of SRA. Lynn de Rothschild has been cited by QAnon as a prominent Satanist with deep ties to Epstein, Maxwell, the Clinton family and other members of the global elite.
At this point, we need to consider how a global sex trade in minors and SRA are connected to Secret Space Programs and the existence of extraterrestrial life. In a previous article, I explained how SRA is related to the Vatican and Reptilian extraterrestrials who have great influence over the Catholic Church hierarchy.
There is also the galactic slave trade that involves the disappearance of millions of children from around the world every year as also explained previously. Most children are taken off-planet to be used as slaves, while a smaller number are recruited for SRA at elite gatherings such as regularly occurred at Epstein’s Little St James Island.
While the Deep State can deal with the exposure of its global sex trade in minors and have a few prominent individuals exposed, it will do everything possible to stop the exposure of the SRA occurring worldwide that is used to control prominent elites. In addition, the Deep State wants to hide the truth about the Reptilian extraterrestrial element in SRA, and the galactic slave trade that supplies a large pool of minors that elites can sacrifice in their SRA gatherings. These far deeper secrets are what the Deep State hopes to hide with Epstein’s murder.
Jeffrey Epstein was found dead via possible suicide on the morning of August 10, 2019. Jeffrey Epstein’s death comes only a day after unsealed court documents show that one of the accusers show that Jeffrey and Ghislaine Maxwell kept her as a sex slave!
Isn’t it convenient that with all this sex trafficking of women and children that is being exposed by Qanon and others over the past year or so that Jeffrey Epstein supposedly commits suicide. Or was it suicide? I believe and Michael Salla from believes that he was possibly murdered to prevent the the chance of him coming forward and exposing others in this deep satanic inner circle! Michael Salla stated in a email sent to me “The Deep State has many tentacles that reach into dark places.”
Michael stated within this interview that some of these missing children and women all over the world could possibly be used for many different nefarious agendas. Some are taken off planet apart of the galactic slave trade, murdered in these satanic ritual abuses, or taken to various underground facilities for experimentation.
In this interview with researcher and author Michael Salla, we dive deep into many of these dark places! We will try to uncover the truth behind the deep states nefarious sex trafficking ring and follow its tentacles that lead into a conspiracy that is so shocking it will leave you speechless!
Conspiracy research entails connecting lots of dots that most folks…..especially those articulating the official government narrative……. ignore or purposely distort through disinformation and outright lies.
As Veterans Today and others have pointed out since Trump emerged 4 years ago as a presidential candidate, New York mob lawyer, Roy Cohn, was Donald Trump’s mentor.
Joseph P. Farrell has pointed out that Cohn’s ties go far beyond his obvious links to the Deep State on display during the famous McCarthy hearings and include his knowledge of the Secret Space Program.
For those claiming I am too distrustful, I say perhaps. But McCarthy and Cohn connected to above top-secret black projects and Nixon having a UFO time capsule: who knew about any of that? With Mueller tied to the MIC through Gibson Island and his family’s Uranium business as well as Comey helping him suppress cloaking technology, RussiaGate takes on a different complexion for me than what the official narrative wants us to believe.
The latest research from George Webb shows that Mueller and Bill Barr’s families are linked by a common focus on Uranium production and other VERY Deep State aspects of the Military Industrial Complex that go back to WWII, the OSS, the Manhattan Project, Operation Paper Clip and more.
All this is being ignored with the Epstein scandal; Mueller’s Russiagate hoax testimony; the Squad rumblings and other events designed to distract the public from the true agenda: more wars using modern weaponry, i.e. the kind being designed by Trump’s Space Force which is first and foremost a new branch of our military:
Reagan had Iran Contra (which Barr and Mueller helped cover up) along with his Star Wars project (SDI). Trump has his scandals and the Space Force to supposedly take us to the Moon and Mars while really being mostly about the weaponization of space.
The “soft disclosure” events of recent weeks also appear increasingly as a diversion to excite those fascinated by UFOs and appeal to the enthusiasm of the masses to that conversation while covering up the true agenda and activities of our Secret Space Program.
Sex sells as does tall tales of ETs and political corruption. This is being carefully, brilliantly orchestrated by the VERY Deep State that includes Mueller, Barr and many others as key players in the Big Scam.
A review of the material below will bring willing readers up to date on how current events are used to achieve nefarious goals while keeping everyone pitted against each other thinking, understandably, that they have insight into what’s really going on.
They do, but invariably, we are all like the blind feeling different parts of an elephant and proclaiming they know what’s in their hands. This immense Leviathan of the VERY Deep State remains cloaked to all but a few, even as the work of diligent researchers such as Joseph P. Farrell, Richard Dolan, Michael Salla, the late Jim Marrs, Linda Moulton Howe, Richard C. Hoagland, Alfred Webre and many other brilliant writers reveals much about this.
Will we achieve Full Disclosure? Will our civilization be able to survive the coming turmoil and achieve the level of peace and prosperity seemingly available from the new technologies now kept hidden from us? That is the question of the day and the hope of many who cling to the prospect of it happening soon.
Rich Scheck
Burlington WA
July 24, 2019
(N. B.: This writer describes his articles as speculative musings…..educated guesses regarding the truth based on his intuition as he attempts to read the tea leaves of current events and between the lines of official narratives. He is much more gadfly than scholar and encourages readers to keep that in mind as they peruse the above article.)
The National Security Agency has responded to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request concerning direct communications between Seth Rich, a former staffer for the Democratic National Committee, and Julian Assange and/or Wikileaks. The NSA issued a “Glomar Response”, where it chose to neither confirm nor deny the requested information due to its existence or “non-existence” being “properly classified”.
The NSA response reveals that communications between Rich and Assange/Wikileaks are subject to classification laws. Their release will have major national security implications that directly impact US Russia relations, and may facilitate disclosure of suppressed secret space program technologies.
I filed the FOIA request after communicating with Ty Clevenger, Esq., who had on October 10, 2017, filed an FOIA request regarding communications between Rich and Assange, along with many other individuals. In his original FOIA letter to the NSA, Clevenger requested:
All documents, records, or communications referencing or containing communications between Seth Rich and any of the following: Julian Assange, Wikileaks, Kim Dotcom, Aaron Rich, Shawn Lucas, Kelsey Mulka, Imran Awan, Abid Awan, Jamal Awan, Hina Alvi, Rao Abbas, and/or any person or entity outside of the United States. (pdf available here)
The NSA wrote a final response to Clevenger on October 4, 2018:
Your request has been processed under the provisions of the FOIA. Fifteen documents (32 pages) responsive to your request have been reviewed by this Agency as required by the FOIA and have found to be currently and properly classified in accordance with Executive Order 13526. These documents meet the criteria for classification as set forth in Subparagraph (c) of Section 1.4 and remains classified TOP SECRET and SECRET. (pdf available here)
The Clevinger’s FOIA request and the NSA’s response was the subject of an article by Mark McCarty published by on April 19, 2019, where he analyzed its consequences for those claiming Rich was the real source of the DNC emails being handed over to Wikileaks. Unfortunately, McCarty’s article was taken down by and he was removed as an author from the site in what appears to be a flagrant case of censorship.
I wrote an article on April 25, 2019 commenting on the issues raised in McCarty’s article and NSA’s response to Clevinger’s FOIA request. Of particular interest was what a prominent NSA whistleblower, William Binney, had to say about the NSA’s response:
“Ty Clevenger has FOIAed information from NSA asking for any data that involved both Seth Rich and also Julian Assange.
And they responded by saying we’ve got 15 files, 32 pages, but they’re all classified in accordance with executive order 13526 covering classification, and therefore you can’t have them.
That says that NSA has records of communications between Seth Rich and Julian Assange. I mean, that’s the only business that NSA is in — copying communications between people and devices.”
In closely examining Clevinger’s request and the NSA’s response, what is left unclear is exactly who Rich was communicating with that the 15 documents (32 pages) were referring to.
This was due to the initial FOIA request by Clevinger being very broad in scope since it asked for multiple individuals that Rich was communicating with in addition to Assange/Wikileaks. Basically, the NSA’s response, as cited above, made it unclear whether the information it had concerned communications between Rich and Assange, or Rich and one of the other named parties.
In order to narrow the scope of the inquiry into Rich’s communications, I filed my own FOIA request to the NSA on April 27, 2019:
I am researching the circumstances surrounding the death of Seth Conrad Rich (“Seth Rich, born January 3, 1968), who was murdered in the District of Columbia on July 10, 2016. I request all documents, records, or correspondence referencing or containing communications between Seth Rich and Julian Assange or Wikileaks.
I received the following response by the NSA on May 1, 2019.
We have determined that the fact of the existence or non-existence of the materials you request is a currently and properly classified matter in accordance with Executive Order 13526, as set forth in Subparagraph (c) of Section 1.4. Thus, your request is denied pursuant to the first exemption of the FOIA which provides that FOIA does not apply to matters that are specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign relations and are, in fact properly classified pursuant to such Executive Order.”
Sec. 1.4. Classification Categories. Information shall not be considered for classification unless its unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause identifiable or describable damage to the national security in accordance with section 1.2 of this order, and it pertains to one or more of the following:
(a) military plans, weapons systems, or operations;
(b) foreign government information; (c) intelligence activities (including covert action), intelligence sources or methods, or cryptology;
(d) foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States, including confidential sources;
(e) scientific, technological, or economic matters relating to the national security;
(f) United States Government programs for safeguarding nuclear materials or facilities;
(g) vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, infrastructures, projects, plans, or protection services relating to the national security; or
(h) the development, production, or use of weapons of mass destruction.
The NSA’s response is known as a “Glomar Response”, which is different from a regular denial of a request for official government records as explained by Nate Jones from
The Glomar Response is different than a regular FOIA denial—when an agency states that it has the records but that it will not release them. When an agency replies with a Glomar Response, it refuses even to admit that documents exist; this makes research (and the appeals process) much more difficult.
The NSA’s decision of neither confirming nor denying the existence of direct communications between Rich and Assange/Wikileaks affirms that the NSA is unwilling to directly admit such correspondence exists and makes it difficult for researchers to reach a definitive answer. Nevertheless, what the NSA’s response does reveal is that the alleged communications between Rich and Assange/Wikileaks are a matter of national security.
The NSA response is a startling admission given what has been previously learned about Rich’s role in handing over the DNC emails to Assange and Wikileaks as discussed in my previous article on Rich. Basically, we know that law enforcement sources told journalists Seymour Hersh and Sean Hannity/Fox News that Rich was the source for the DNC party email links.
In addition, Binney was part of a group of former U.S. intelligence officers that wrote a report released on July 24, 2017 explaining why it was impossible for the DNC files to have been downloaded by online hackers, and the most likely explanation was an inside source with direct access to the DNC server who leaked the files through a thumb drive:
Forensic studies of “Russian hacking” into Democratic National Committee computers last year reveal that on July 5, 2016, data was leaked (not hacked) by a person with physical access to DNC computer. After examining metadata from the “Guccifer 2.0” July 5, 2016 intrusion into the DNC server, independent cyber investigators have concluded that an insider copied DNC data onto an external storage device.
The NSA’s responses to Clevinger and my FOIA requests take on even more significance given recent attempts to debunk any purported connection between Rich and Assange/Wikileaks. Michael Isikoff, writing for Yahoo News on July 9, 2019, insisted that the Russians were the real source of the leak and not Rich:
Russian government-owned media organizations RT and Sputnik repeatedly played up stories that baselessly alleged that Rich, a relatively junior-level staffer, was the source of Democratic Party emails that had been leaked to WikiLeaks. It was an idea first floated by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who on Aug. 9, 2016, announced a $20,000 reward for information about Rich’s murder, saying — somewhat cryptically — that “our sources take risks.”
Many mainstream news sources ran with Isikoff’s story which neglected to discuss Binney’s intelligence assessment, the NSA FOIA responses, and what Seymour Hersh had been told about Rich being the source for the leak. It appeared that Isikoff’s story was an attempt to get in front of a developing story stemming from Assange’s looming extradition to the US, and his expected testimony tying Rich to the DNC emails released by Wikileaks.
The conclusion that emerges from the NSA FOIA responses and what other researchers have revealed is that the Deep State has framed Russia for a domestic leak by a disgruntled DNC employee, Seth Rich. The Deep State’s purpose was to undermine Trump’s presidential campaign and his subsequent administration through concocted Russia collusion charges, and to impede meaningful cooperation between Trump and Putin on a host of global policy issues.
One of these global policy areas concerns the official disclosure of exotic aerospace technologies secretly used by the US and Russia in their respective secret space programs, which I have described elsewhere. The disclosure of such technologies could do much to resolve global security and energy problems, but would have major repercussions for the petroleum and pharmaceutical industries that are dependent on antiquated fuel and medical technologies.
What has clearly emerged since the DNC emails were leaked is that the mainstream news media, along with major social media companies such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Google, have all colluded to deceive the US and the global public over the real source of the leaked DNC emails. As the truth emerges about Rich being the true source for emails leaked by Wikileaks in 2016, the role and power of the Deep State in manipulating public opinion so brazenly for over two years is about to be exposed. This exposure will open the door for exotic technology disclosures that can revolutionize life on our planet.
The arrest of billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein on child sex trafficking charges threatens to unmask a far deeper layer of crimes that involved the ritualistic abuse of children on Epstein’s private island, and the many political elites that were flown there to participate. The arrest directly supports repeated claims made by the military intelligence group Q Anon that Epstein was part of a global Satanic cult that blackmailed political elites who were compromised at Epstein’s island through the sexual exploitation of children, and more serious physical abuses.
As US Federal prosecutors investigate the full extent of the crimes committed by Epstein through his child sex trafficking ring, the sinister activities that occurred on his island will receive closer scrutiny, as will the involvement of those elites that participated.
News of Epstein’s arrest was first broken by the Daily Beast, which revealed that he was to be formally charged with sex trafficking of children. On Monday, July 8, Epstein’s sealed indictment was unsealed and publicly released. It states:
As set forth herein, over the course of many hears, JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, sexually exploited and abused dozens of minor girls at his homes in Manhattan, New York, and Palm Beach, Florida, among other locations. Source.
In the unsealed indictment, the focus is on two of Epstein’s properties, those in Manhattan and Palm Beach. The indictment opens the door to further changes of similar sex trafficking at “other locations” including his private island in the U.S. Virgin Islands called “Little Saint James.” In addition to a mansion and guest houses, Little Saint James includes a temple-like structure, which I will discuss later (see Wikipedia).
At a press conference, prosecutors invited other victims to come forward and share their testimonies with investigators from the FBI and the Southern District of New York. The invitation is expected to open the floodgates to many new witnesses coming forward with their accounts of what they witnessed or participated in at the various residences owned by Epstein, especially his private island that was a popular retreat for elites as evidenced by flight records.
Among the first to draw attention to Epstein and the crimes being committed on his private island was the military intelligence group Q Anon. In a November 11, 2017 post, Q Anon laid out the big picture of how a Satanic cult controls social and political elites through the sexual exploitation and abuse of minors, and how Epstein’s Little Saint James was a key part of this global network.
Q began (post 133) by laying out who were the “puppet masters” atop this Satanic network and how they control more than seven trillion dollars in assets to manipulate governments and political elites through slush funds, war, and various global agreements:
Who are the puppet masters?
House of Saud (6+++) – $4 Trillion+
Rothschild (6++) – $2 Trillion+
Soros (6+) – $1 Trillion+
Focus on above (3).
Public wealth disclosures – False.
Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’.
Think slush funds (feeder).
Think war (feeder).
Think environmental pacts (feeder).
Q goes on to describe how at the pinnacle of global power structure lay different families (bloodlines) that are part of a global Satanic cult:
Triangle has (3) sides.
Eye of Providence.
Follow the bloodlines.
What is the keystone?
Does Satan exist?
Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?
Who worships Satan?
What is a cult?
Q next describes Epstein island and how it is an integral part of this global Satanic cult
Epstein island.
What is a temple?
What occurs in a temple?
Why is the temple on top of a mountain?
How many levels might exist below?
What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?
Why is this relevant?
Who are the puppet masters?
Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?
When? How often? Why?
“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”
The temple on Epstein’s island was situated atop a small hill on Little Saint James, and appeared to be the top level of a multilayered structure comprising tunnels and rooms situated deep beneath it, as illustrated by the following image. Q’s post alluded to the temple being part of a global network of Satanic worshippers.
By “puppet masters”, Q was referring to the Rothschild Family, the House of Saud, and the Soros Group, and asking supporters to investigate how many members of these elite families had visited Epstein’s Little Saint James.
It’s important to keep in mind that Q made the above post in November 2017, and has referred to Epstein many times since as attempting to hide the activities that occurred on his private island. In an April 3, 2018 post (#999), Q said:
Why is Epstein spending $29mm to bury the tunnels underneath is temple on Epstein Island?
Phones were allowed in.
These people are stupid.
So even though the tunnels under the temple on Epstein’s island were being destroyed to hide evidence of Satanic ritual abuses that occurred there, Q was alluding to phones that covertly recorded what had happened through backdoor hacking tools used by the NSA. Apparently, the NSA was able to monitor and record activities inside the temple through the phones brought in by elites who never thought they would be caught.
Q’s repeated posts mentioning Epstein, and the existence of thousands of sealed indictments targeting corrupt elites/Deep State have long been examined by supporters and critics alike. Critics have vehemently attempted to debunk the existence of thousands of sealed indictments even though court records show an unusually high number of sealed Federal cases that have accrued since October 2017.
The current estimate is over 100,000 sealed cases, a significant proportion of which are sealed indictments such as Epstein’s. Another recently unsealed indictment involved Keith Raniere, founder of the sex cult, NXIM who on June 19, 2019, was found guilty of sex trafficking by a Brooklyn jury.
Many major media sources are giving Epstein’s arrest prominent coverage, but are spinning the information in a way that is damaging to the Trump administration through his current Labor Secretary, Alex Acosta, who had negotiated a sweetheart deal for Epstein under previous Federal charges brought forward in Florida. Acosta is expected to soon resign or be sacked by the Trump White House.
Presently, the mainstream news is focused firmly on child sex trafficking abuses that occurred at Epstein’s Manhattan and Palm Beach residences. Yet, Q Anon has been telling us for over 1.5 years about even more sinister abuses occurring at Epstein’s private island, and the many elites that directly participated.
Given the current charges brought against Epstein, it’s all but certain that similar sexual exploitation of children was occurring at Epstein’s Little Saint James, and this will likely lead to further charges as victims come forward identifying those who abused them. However, it’s the far more sinister Satanic ritual abuses that occurred at Epstein’s island that Q Anon is telling us to pay close attention to, since this involved elites that would subsequently be blackmailed by the “puppet masters” (Rothschilds, Saudis, and Soros).
Epstein’s arrest is not the first time that evidence has emerged of political elites being compromised through sexual liaisons with minors and/or being involved in Satanic ritual abuse. The 1992 book, The Franklin Coverup, by John DeCamp, a former State Senator for Nebraska (1971-1987), presented much evidence of such practices.
Additionally, a former Dutch banker, Ronald Bernard, has given his firsthand testimony about how the pyramid structure of the Illuminati (aka Deep State) operates, and how the progression to higher levels requires participation in Satanic ritual abuse of children.
Unfortunately, both DeCamp’s book and Bernard’s revelations were widely ignored by the mainstream media, which, as Q repeatedly tells us, is controlled by the Deep State.
As Federal investigators dig deeper into the elite figures involved in the manipulation and abuse of minors in a sex trafficking ring, there will be many more sealed indictments being publicly unsealed for upcoming arrests and trials. This will ultimately lead to the exposure of abuses that occurred at Epstein’s other residences, particularly at Little Saint James.
The unsealing of the sealed indictment against Epstein comes as a powerful vindication for what Q has been revealing for well over a year about thousands of sealed indictments secretly put in place against Deep State figures. As more sealed indictments are released to the public, we will learn about the Satanic practices that lie at the core of how the Deep State operates and is run by leading families.
In previous articles, I have shown the connections between Satanism, ruling bloodline families, extraterrestrial life, and the suppression of advanced technologies. As the collapse of the Deep State accelerates with Epstein’s arrest, we are destined to learn much about many previously kept secrets and can thank Q Anon for having been a catalyst for the events we are presently witnessing.
by Arjun Walia April 19, 2019 (
• The US government takes in an astronomical amount of money in taxes, and they’ve convince the American public that there really is no other way of doing things. What the government is hiding is that trillions upon trillions of our tax dollars are actually going towards projects that the public has absolutely no idea about, known as ‘black budget programs’.
• Black budget programs include Special Access Programs (SAPs). Within these we have unacknowledged and waived SAPs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.” The Washington Post revealed that the “black-budget” documents indicate that a staggering 52.6 billion dollars was set aside for operations in fiscal year 2013.
• A 2010 investigation by Washington Post journalists Dana Priest and William Arkin concluded that America’s classified world has: “Become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work.”
• The most recent investigation was conducted by economist and Michigan State professor Mark Skidmore, alongside some of his graduate students as well as Catherine Austin Fitts, former assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development. They discovered trillions of unaccounted for dollars missing from the Department of Housing & Urban Development as well as the Department of Defense. Much of the time they received no response from government agencies, and the Office of the Inspector General even disabled links to all key documents that revealed unsupported spending. Said Skidmore, “Given the Army’s $122 billion budget, that meant unsupported adjustments were 54 times spending authorized by Congress. Typically, such adjustments in public budgets are only a small fraction of authorized spending… Skidmore thought Fitts had made a mistake. “Maybe she meant $6.5 billion and not $6.5 trillion,” he said. “So I found the report myself and sure enough it was $6.5 trillion.” The Michigan State study found documents indicating a total of $20 trillion worth of undocumented adjustments made from 1998 to 2015.
• Our tax dollars are going directly into these black budget programs, which often cost far more than our roads and services. Says Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of National Defence: “It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects which both congress and the commander in chief know nothing about.”
• Fitts has been quite outspoken about a secret space program and where this missing money is actually going. She explains how enormous amounts of resources were handed over to covert operations to create the CIA, a security system of finance, and a select group of people in charge of UFO technology. Said Fitts, “By the time JFK came into office ready to challenge this shadow government and make space program the centerpiece of his administration, the civil war between the Deep State and the public state was in full force.”
It’s amazing how much money is scraped off of each pay cheque, and how much money multiple small and big businesses pay. We are told that it’s necessary, that this is the money going towards various programs that are responsible for building our schools, employing people for necessary services and infrastructure, among many other things. It’s truly amazing how much money governments rake in from taxes.
It’s an astronomical amount that makes it hard to see how all of the money is allocated to services that are in the people’s favor, instead of the possibility of it going into the pockets of certain politicians and elitists, among other places. Yet we are heavily taxed, and reasons for taxation are constantly brought up and justified, almost as if to imply that there really is no other way of changing things and doing things differently here on planet Earth. Our potential is huge, yet we are convinced that money and taxation are our only ways to operate.
Sure, some of our taxes are going toward various needs and services we deem necessary, but how much off of our pay cheques is really required for this? Judging by the amount of money that has been poured into black budget programs, it doesn’t seem like much is needed at all, and this is because trillions upon trillions of our tax dollars are actually going towards projects that the public has absolutely no idea about.
These projects are known as ‘black budget programs,’ which include Special Access Programs (SAPs). Within these we have unacknowledged and waived SAPs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as ‘deep black programs.’ A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.”
Not many people have investigated the black budget world, but The Washington Post revealed that the “black-budget” documents indicate that a staggering 52.6 billion dollars was set aside for operations in fiscal year 2013. More recent investigations, however, reveal a lot more than that. The topic was discussed in 2010 by Washington Post journalists Dana Priest and William Arkin. Their investigation lasted approximately two years and concluded that America’s classified world has: “Become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work.”
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by Duke Brickhouse, Chief Editor, ExoNews May 1, 2019
Back in 1998, I suddenly developed multiple and recurrent throat ulcers that seem to correspond with changes in the weather. Through the 2000’s, I went to doctors and specialists from Virginia Beach/Norfolk to Berlin, Germany where I lived for a couple of years. If you look up ‘apthous stomatitis’ on the internet, you’ll see that there is ‘no known cause, no known cure’ for this condition. Therefore, all that the doctors could do was to prescribe pain medication, and I would just have to live with it until it ‘ran its course’.
Its twenty years later, and I am still suffering from these acute and recurrent throat ulcers that come in groups of two to five at a time, each lasting ten to fifteen days. So with overlapping occurrences, these episodes can continue for a couple of months at a time, continually. This is what happened last winter. I live in Virginia Beach. Between the middle of January and the middle of March, we had a non-stop series of low pressure rain systems roll in, along with severe drops and rises in temperature. This caused a two month series of severe throat ulcers when I cannot eat or drink without pain medication. At its worst, I cannot get out of bed.
In the past, I would get a prescription for 90 pain pills which would last me through maybe two or three of these extended ulcer episodes, costing me a $15 insurance co-pay. But since this recently manufactured ‘opioid crisis’, the Deep State has focused only on the abusers, making sure that people in actual pain are totally disregarded. The system dumped a ton of opioid pain meds on the population, allowing the ultra-selfish, third-density idiots with no regard for their own mortality to abuse them and eat them by the handfuls. The pharmacies got rich by over-selling them. The elite billionaire Richard Sackler and his family (owners of Perdue Farm/worth $13B) made a lot more money by creating this epidemic. (see John Oliver HBO video clip below) The Deep State used the foreseeable result of a small percentage of people abusing these pain meds to declare an ‘opioid crisis’, to justify the implementation of severely restrictive laws. This is what I found myself facing in the winter of 2019.
After waiting a couple of weeks for an appointment with my primary care physician, I was informed that she could no longer prescribe my pain pills. I had to go to a ‘pain management specialist’ for that now. More money. More time to wait. I was suffering and urgently needed the pain meds. So I made an appointment with the pain management doctor. He could see me in three weeks. Three more weeks of suffering to pay another doctor for what my own doctor used to do. (I hadn’t harmed myself in twenty years of taking these medications, but now I am considered ‘high risk’.)
When I went to the pain management doctor, he had no clue about my throat ulcer condition and was therefore suspicious about whether I was really in pain or if I was just a dirty drug addict trying to manipulate the system. That’s exactly how I was treated. In two hours, I had to go through three rounds of paperwork promising that I would not abuse the pills or do anything else to attempt to relieve my pain, and I would be routinely pee-tested to make sure. I have never been treated so poorly, like a drug addict felon. Finally, at the end of this degrading encounter, the hapless doctor wrote me a prescription for 30 pain pills.
I took the prescription to my pharmacy and they informed me that they didn’t carry this type of medication, and they would have it shipped to them. This would take yet another week. More time and more suffering. After a week it came in, but at a cost of $350. I was astounded. I can’t afford that. So my pharmacist got my insurance company involved. After another week, my insurance company agreed to pay half of it. I still couldn’t afford $175 for 30 pills. So after five more weeks, the requisite ‘pain management’ only made me suffer longer, forcing me to take extra strength Tylenol like candy, which does not adequately control the pain. It was a complete waste of time. But that wasn’t the end of it. The pain management doctor sent me a bill for $625, and after insurance covered a portion, I was expected to pay them $135. So this elitist doctor, who knew that under the new ‘opioid crisis’ regulations he was the only option left to me, had no problem extorting the system for $625 for doing absolutely nothing. In fact, he only made my situation much worse by dragging it out for another 5 weeks.
I was missing a lot of work due to these ulcers, and my boss – a great guy – was worried. He went out of his way to find an ear, nose and throat doctor and told me to go see him. Well, it’s my boss, so I can’t say no. Of course, my boss doesn’t labor under the stress of money like the rest of us do. By this point in April, I had gotten past my throat ulcer episodes for a while. I told the receptionist at the ENT why I was there, and that I currently had no ulcers for the doctor to look at, but since I had made the appointment I would at least get into the computer system so that the next time I developed these throat ulcers I could go right in. I saw the doctor for less than five minutes during which time I explained my condition, and he looked at my throat for about ten seconds. He had nothing to offer except to come back when they were active again. A few weeks later I got a bill from the ENT doctor for a $283 ‘consultation’, of which my payment was $115. I complained that the doctor did nothing at all, and I was told that this was the standard charge for a consultation.
So I went back to my primary care physician and related my story. She prescribed me 30 pills of a different kind of pain medication called Tramadol. The pharmacy said that, again, they would have to order it since it was not a common medication. When it came in a week later, I was told that it cost $250. The pharmacist said that my insurance might cover it if my PCP doctor called them. So I waited three more weeks to learn that my insurance had denied coverage. I spoke to some people in my office who had been prescribed Tramadol, and our mutual insurance carrier, Anthem Healthkeepers, had covered it for them no problem. But I received a letter from Anthem saying that they had denied my request because “We did not see information that show you have an illness that qualifies… such as a diagnosis of cancer-related pain…terminal condition…sickle cell anemia, or …chronic pain.” These doctors have no idea what apthous stomatitis (throat ulcers) is so they relegate it to a milder disease. I tried to call the person who denied my request at Anthem but she would not take my call.
I got someone else at Anthem on the phone who told me that my PCP could schedule a ‘peer to peer’ phone call to restate my case and try to educate them. When I told my PCP doctor this, she responded that she would not do this as she was monitored for this sort of activity, and I would have no alternative but to go back to the pain management specialist. So after about ten weeks in chronic pain, I was right back where I started, in the same situation with an incompetent pain management doctor who was indifferent to actually helping patients since he is the only game in town.
I must interject here that the only relief that I have found has been through Karl Mollison, a channeler of Creator and the Higher Self, whom I met through my friend, Denny Hunt, in 2017. Karl provides medical issue channeling through his websites, and After “vetting” Karl, and being so impressed by his channeling of historic figures that I wrote a handful of articles on them for ExoNews, I asked Karl to do a channeling for my throat ulcer condition. He did so in the summer of 2017, through a ‘holographic memory resolution’ protocol, and I saw a marked improvement literally overnight. I must say that it did not completely eliminate my throat ulcers, but it did reduce the frequency and severity of them. (They are still quite painful when they do come.) Thank God I found Karl when I did. Everything, it seems, is tied to our spiritual self. This is a promising field of medical research that the Deep State does not want revealed, and is widely disregarded by the mainstream medical community.
The medical industry is no longer about providing medical treatment to patients. It is about making money, and lots of it. And this concocted opioid crisis has allowed the system to jack up prices and place the burden of paying it on the patient. This funnels more money into the Deep State coffers. If you cannot afford their costs, then to hell with you. By my research, fully 50% of the US population cannot afford these costs – much less any sort of life insurance or retirement savings. Most of these people cannot even afford health insurance, which I have only because it is provided through my employer. But these days, fewer and fewer employers are even offering a health insurance plan. And the Deep State Republicans are trying as hard as they can to eliminate the Affordable Care Act so that even fewer people can afford health care. This is a manufactured crisis. And they are using this crisis to bleed us dry.
In Germany and other European countries, doctors and attorneys charge their fees on a sliding scale according to the person’s income. Not in America. In America is it all about the money, not the people. And it’s not only the doctors, but the pharmacies, hospitals and health insurance companies who are complicit in this unconscionable system that the Deep State elite have devised. Today, the medical industry doesn’t care one bit about treating patients. The only thing it wants to preserve is the tradition of paying doctors a six-figure salary to support these Deep State policies while doing less and less for their patients. In America, medical services are only for the wealthy who can grudgingly afford this ridiculous system. As for the rest of us, we are left out in the cold and nobody cares. And on top of it all, we are hearing from insiders that we now have amazing medical technology in the secret space programs that are kept from mainstream society. This latent technology could eliminate all disease, cancer, anything at all.
Why would the Deep State elite want to do this? Because it keeps the lower half of the population both economically and medically subjugated so that we have no time to look around and see what is truly going on here, and we have no resources to do anything about it. We are the ones who are suffering under this corrupt Deep State system. The top economic half of the population are simply grateful that they are not in the bottom half, so they consider themselves as ‘winning’ in this system and they don’t want to do anything to upset the dynamic. In other words, it is the Deep State’s way of keeping us all as economic slaves, one way or the other, rich or poor.
The corruption and collapse of the medical industry is only a microcosm of the Deep State tactics employed in every sector of American society. They manipulate small fluctuations in various taxes, interest rates, inflation, bank loan requirements, student loan debt, stock market, etc. in order to keep us right on the edge – financially insecure and frightened that we are but one small catastrophe away from losing everything. This is so we don’t have the time, the resources, or the nerve to rise up and demand the reform of this corrupt American system. It is a system where all they want is to do is to generate money, and then funnel all of that money to an elite wealthy class. And they employ all of these mechanisms to make sure it stays this way. The corruption of the medical industry is only one of these mechanisms, which I’ve just experienced first-hand.
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