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  • Man Claims He Strangled Female ‘Alien’ Who Poked Her Finger Up His Nose During Infamous UFO Encounter in Unearthed Hypnosis Tape

Man Claims He Strangled Female ‘Alien’ Who Poked Her Finger Up His Nose During Infamous UFO Encounter in Unearthed Hypnosis Tape

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Article by Emma Parry                     August 20, 2019                  (thesun.co.uk)

• In October 1973, Charlie Hickson and his young friend, Calvin Parker, were fishing on the banks of the Pascagoula River in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Suddenly a UFO landed nearby.  Strange humanoid alien creatures came out and took the men into their spacecraft. (See previous ExoArticles on the ‘Pascagoula incident’ here and here.)

• Parker, then 19 years old, underwent regressive hypnosis with the world’s top alien abduction researcher, the late Budd Hopkins, to recall the incident. These newly discovered session tapes were obtained by the Sun Online newspaper. (Listen to the actual recordings below.) Here are some excerpts from the hypnosis session while Parker was in a trance:

• Parker recalls seeing orange and blue lights coming towards him before a strange craft landed next to his car parked near the pier. Four creatures “built like football players” emerged. They had long arms and broad shoulders, but no face. As Parker’s eyes got blurry, one of the creatures grabbed him by the arm. “I felt a burning,” said Parker, “the second he touched me there was burning all the way through me. And it felt, it felt like hot coals.” Parker felt a “floating” sensation as the alien carried him onto the craft.

• Once inside the craft, Parker pleads, “Dear Lord, please take me. Please let me die… anything has to be better than this. What am I getting into?” Hopkins asks him what he would say to these creatures. Parker replied, “Leave me the fuck alone.”

• Parker feels himself being pulled into a room and strapped down on a table. “I’m strapped to this table, big black straps, there’s one around my legs, there’s one around my arms, there’s one on my stomach and then I’m left alone. … I’m pulling on them, but I can’t break them.” “Now I’m afraid.”

• Parker says that a door opens and a female alien wearing a mask enters the room. “[B]oy this bitch is ugly,” says Parker.  He asks, “Who are you?” “She stuck her finger in my nose and she’s got… a bad attitude. Just as soon as I get loose I’m fixing to twist her head off.” Then Parker adds, “I’ve seen her before, I really hate her.” “She has something in her hand, she’s takes the thing down my nose, around my nose and she’s reaching for my lip.” “[S]he pulls my lip up and I feel a stinging… I can’t catch my breath and… my lip is bleeding. She grabs me by the side of the face.”

• Parker continues, “[A]ll I could think of was killing her, but I knew that I was gonna die in there. Then everything just settles down, so I just kinda lowered back down.” “That bitch just cut my right hand now, I’m bleeding, just a steady drip of blood onto the floor.”

• Parker says the female alien unties his straps and starts undressing him before injected him with something, adding, “I feel like she changed all my blood out of my veins. I’ve never felt anything that hot in all my life.” The alien leaves and returns to the room. Parker says, “She walked in and I grabbed her. “I got her round her skinny-ass little neck and I’m choking her right now… I’m beating her head against this mirror and there’s some kind of black stuff coming out.” A male alien comes in and stops Parker’s attack. “I felt a stinging again,” says Parker.

• Parker then says that he is taken back to the bank of the river, where his friend Charlie Hickson has also been returned. Hickson also publicly claimed to have been abducted. He died in 2011 at age 80, and never backed away from his alien abduction story despite ridicule.

• British UFO investigator Philip Mantle published Calvin Parker’s book, Pascagoula – The Closest Encounter. Mantle says, “To my surprise the hypnosis session produced quite a lot of information that had not previously been available.” Parker, now 64, made his UK debut at the Outer Limits magazine conference in Pontefract, West Yorkshire, on Saturday August 17th.


Calvin Parker underwent regressive hypnosis with the world’s top alien abduction researcher, the late Budd Hopkins, to unlock memories buried in his deep subconscious of his alleged close encounter.

Now newly discovered tapes of the session, obtained by Sun Online, reveal how Calvin claimed he grabbed one of his captors and banged her head against a mirror after she examined him on a table.

         Calvin Parker in 1973

Calvin, then aged 19, was fishing on the banks of the Pascagoula River, in Mississippi, with his pal Charlie Hickson when they claim a UFO landed nearby and they were grabbed by strange creatures with lobster-like claws.

Calvin was put under a trance by Budd who asks him a series of questions about the Pascagoula incident in October 1973.

He remembers seeing strange orange and blue lights coming towards him before a strange craft lands next to his car parked near the pier.

Suddenly four strange creatures “built like football players” emerge.

Calvin recalls: “They came closer and closer and I realise what a serious situation we were in. There’s something I’ve never seen before in my life, they’re coming forward.”

Asked to describe the creatures, Calvin says: “Like a football player. Very broad shoulders, long, long arms, like they don’t have a face, there’s still no face.

The Alien Creatures

“The second one has something else, my eyes were really blurry. I noticed some like dots in front of my eyes. This first one had hold of my arm and there’s a feeling. I almost get sick to my stomach, like I’ll throw up, but I couldn’t throw up.

“Please let me die”

“I felt a burning, the second he touched me there was burning all they way through me. And it felt, it felt like hot coals.”
Calvin said he felt a “floating” sensation as one of the aliens carried him onto the craft.

Once inside the craft Charlie pleads with God to let him die. He said: “Dear Lord, please take me. Please let me die, I don’t know whether this is the way things are supposed to be but please just let me die. Please take me because anything has to be better than this. What am I getting into?”

           Budd Hopkins

Budd asks Calvin: “Let’s just say right now that you could say something to them, right now, a chance to say something to them, what would you say to them?” to which Calvin replies: “Leave me the f**k alone.”

“I’m being strapped down”

Things start to turn sinister as Calvin feels he is being pulled into a room and strapped down on a table.

He said: “I’m scared. I’m wondering where I am, but I’m being pulled by something but don’t know what’s pulling me and then I’m being strapped down. I’m strapped to this table, big black straps, there’s one around my legs, there’s one around my arms, there’s one on my stomach and then I’m left alone.

“Then I feel the adrenaline running through my body. I don’t know if I can break these straps if it’s the last thing I do.

“And I’m able to tug on them and I’m breaking them and I’m pulling on them, but I can’t break them.

11:20 minute audio of Parker’s hypnosis session with Budd Hopkins in 1974 (UFO History YouTube)



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Budd Hopkins, Calvin Parker, Charlie Hickson, Pascagoula - The Closest Encounter, Pascagoula Mississippi, Philip Mantle, podcast, Pontefract West Yorkshire UK, The Pascagoula Incident

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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