Roswell Alien Was Sub-Human Creation of Auschwitz Nazi Josef Mengele Claim

by Sean Martin                     May 9, 2019                        (

• Annie Jacobson, “investigative journalist” and author of the book: Area 51: An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base, told Fresh Air podcast recently that the Roswell, New Mexico crash in the summer of 1947 was neither an extraterrestrial craft or a weather balloon. It was, according to Jacobson’s “source” and detailed in her book, a Soviet ‘dark propaganda’ program to create panic in the United States over an alien invasion.

• During World War II, Nazi doctor Josef Mengele had conducted horrendous human experiments at Auschwitz and had become known as the ‘Angel of Death’. After WWII, Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin captured Mengele and tasked him with creating “grotesque, child-size” pilots who could be placed on board a small plane which was flown remotely to the United States. US citizens would see the “grotesque” children, think they were aliens, and cause mass hysteria. There are scant details on how this actually may have happened. “[I]t was a warning shot over President Truman’s bow, so to speak,” said Jacobson.

• “If you look at the timeline with Josef Mengele, he left Auschwitz in January of 1945 and disappeared for a while, and the suggestion by my source is that Mengele had already cut his losses with the Third Reich at that point and was working with Stalin,” claims Jacobson.

• The Soviet Union didn’t have nuclear weapons capability at the time, so they employed this interplanetary hoax. Said Jacobson, “[O]ne of the most interesting documents is the second CIA director, Walter Bedell Smith, memos back and forth to the National Security Council talking about how the fear is that the Soviets could make a hoax against America involving a UFO and overload our early air-defense warning system, making America vulnerable to an attack.”

[Editor’s Note]   It appears that the Deep State propaganda machine is running in high gear to dump as much disinformation on the public as possible with regard to the UFO phenomenon and the continuing extraterrestrial presence on and around our planet. Deep State shills like Jacobson use the time-tested method of taking an actual historic event and then adding new pieces of information to twist and turn it into something completely different. Whether it is plausible or not is not the point. The goal is to create so many possibilities that the public cannot determine the real truth. People become exasperated with so many ‘explanations’ that they get tired of hearing about it, and mentally block it. It is just another psy-op to distract people from what is truly going on.


In 1947, a mysterious flying disc was reported to have landed in the desert of New Mexico near the town of Roswell. The US Air Force rushed to the scene and claimed a weather balloon had crashed, but 70 years later, conspiracy theorists still maintain an alien flying saucer had crashed. However, one researcher believes both of these claims are false, and that the crash was that of a Soviet plane carrying deformed soldiers which was sent to spy and spook US citizens.

This is at least according to journalist Annie Jacobson who believes the Soviet Union was employing “dark propaganda” to send the US into meltdown.

Following the end of the Second World War, Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin employed Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, who had conducted horrendous human experiments at Auschwitz and had become known as the ‘Angel of Death’, to create “grotesque, child-size” pilots who could be placed on board a small plane which was flown remotely.

In return for Dr Mengele’s experiments, Stalin promised the former Nazi a eugenics lab where his unethical experiments could continue.

After the ‘child pilots’ were created, of which there are scant details on how this actually happened, Stalin and the Soviet Union sent them on a small aircraft to the US.

The plan was then to have the plane land in the US, where citizens would see the “grotesque” children and think they were aliens and cause mass hysteria – similar to the 1937 radio broadcast of Orson Welles’ War of The Worlds, according to Ms Jacobson, who authored the book Area 51: An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base.

Ms Jacobson told the Fresh Air podcast: “The child-sized aviators in this craft were the result of a Soviet human experimentation program, and they had been made to look like aliens a la Orson Welles’ War of the Worlds, and it was a warning shot over President Truman’s bow, so to speak.



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US Air Force Secret Space Program – Book Review

Dr Salla’s new book:
US Air Force Secret Space Program
-Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances & Space Force
goes on sale today!!!

by Duke Brickhouse, Chief Editor, ExoNews

In book four of his secret space program series, eminent exopolitical historian, Dr Michael Salla, walks us through the inception of the US Air Force military branch in 1947; through the development of the USAF’s own clandestine secret space program; the deceptions played on the Air Force by the Deep State; the Air Force’s recent ideological shift in alliances; and its most recent actions to disclose its secret space program to the public.

US Air Force Secret Space Program – Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances & Space Force follows Dr Salla’s previous books in the series, Antarctica’s Hidden History (2018); The US Navy’s Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance (2017); and Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances (2015) – all of which will bring the reader up to date on the various secret space programs that began to develop in the 1940’s and continue to this day. I would also recommend Dr Salla’s book Kennedy’s Last Stand: Eisenhower, UFOs, MJ-12 & JFK’s Assassination (2013) as it fits nicely within this SSP subject matter.

Due to the realization by Air Force leaders in 2016 that they had been deceived for many years by Deep State factions within the US government, as well as Deep State groups within the regimes of America’s major allies, the US Air Force made an ideological shift in alliances away from the Deep State secrecy and toward the public disclosure of its highly advanced technologies and off-planet assets.

These Deep State groups had encouraged USAF leaders to believe that their arsenal of secretly developed spacecraft and space weaponry would make the Air Force a power to be reckoned with in space. Only recently did Air Force space program commanders learned that, rather than being the “tip of the spear” of the US military’s entry into deep space, it was in fact a “coast guard”, lagging far behind other military forces possessing deep space capabilities.

Dr. Salla begins his as yet untold history of the US Air Force with its roots in the US Army’s Signal Corps and its reorganization as a separate and equal military branch after WWII. Salla then delves into the USAF’s secretive policy changes brought on by the recovery of extraterrestrial craft in the 1940’s; secret pacts made with a breakaway Nazi German colony in Antarctica; and Eisenhower’s secret treaties with various extraterrestrial groups in the 1950’s. This leads to the infiltration by Antarctic Germans into the military-industrial complex and NASA during the 1960’s, and the USAF’s development of stealth space stations in the 1970’s. By the 1980’s and 90’s, the USAF was building and deploying squadrons of saucer, triangle and rectangular-shaped craft which many witnesses would mistake for extraterrestrial UFO craft.

Prior to the revelation of a grand deception and its ideological shift in alliances, the USAF was a major asset of the Deep State and its shadowy Fourth Reich German allies, and not necessarily a protector of US national interests. But since its existential epiphany, the USAF has taken significant steps to realign its covert near-Earth space program with a more ethical group of extraterrestrials who have been working with the US Navy’s deep space program. In January 2018, the USAF demonstrated its positive shift in alliances by thwarting a Deep State CIA plot to destroy the island of Hawaii, thereby triggering a third world war.

            Author: Dr Michael Salla

The USAF’s profound ideological shift seems to have motivated President Donald Trump to create a sixth US military branch, the Space Force, by merging our near-Earth space assets under the authority of Air Force Command – no longer affiliated with the Deep State and its Fourth Reich allies. Dr. Salla anticipates a day when the Navy’s deep space Solar Warden program will also be revealed, and will join with the USAF’s space program to form a fully-independent Space Force military branch.

The creation of a transparent Space Force and exposing these endeavors to the public light will phase out the corrupting influence of Deep State/CIA black budget funding as the preferred method of building and operating military space programs in secret, which compromises the Constitutional directive of the US military. This will transform the civilian aviation and space industries, provide free energy sources that liberate humanity from its dependence on fossil fuels, and revolutionize the medical industry with the release of holographic and electromagnetic healing technologies that have been used for decades within the secret space programs. Space Force will also provide the opportunity for US authorities to disclose the truth about visiting extraterrestrial life, allowing the Earth to become a nascent member of a richly diverse galactic community.

When the American people, and people all over the planet, learn about the various secret space programs and breakaway civilizations that have been conceived and created over the past seventy years since WWII, we will all become awakened to our true reality. Suddenly so many historical puzzles will begin to make sense, e.g.: Hitler’s maniacal quest for world domination; the emergence of the Deep State under Truman; the incessant denial of the UFO/extraterrestrial presence; Eisenhower’s warning about the military-industrial complex; the assassination of JFK; the controversy surrounding the 1969 Moon landing; Ronald Reagan’s cryptic warnings of alien invasions; 9-11; perpetual wars; climate change; the steady decline of society and the planet itself; our stunted technological development and continued dependence upon fossil fuel energy; the election of Donald Trump as President; and the violent, self-centered idiocy that plagues our planet. Understanding our true reality will also provide a more accurate glimpse into the future.

America’s decline is due mainly to the fact that for seven decades our full financial and industrial resources have not been used toward the positive advancement of our own society. Instead, much of it – perhaps most of it – has been siphoned into off-planet elite Deep State enterprises. We will need to reclaim these resources, especially when the seas rise by an estimated thirty feet. Dr Salla’s secret space program book series will give those with open and inquisitive minds a tremendous head start in their research into this vast and sinister deception that has been perpetrated upon all of us.

Buzz Aldrin: It’s Time to Focus on the Great Migration of Humankind to Mars

by Buzz Aldrin                  May 1, 2019                   (

• In a Washington Post opinion piece, former NASA astronaut Buzz Aldrin says that America should take the lead in a global effort to go to the moon and to Mars. ‘When Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and I went to the moon 50 years ago this July, we did so with… America’s can-do commitment to space exploration,’ wrote Aldrin. ‘More of that is needed now.’ ‘The United States should… offer itself as a willing team leader.’ Aldrin added that ‘Mars is waiting to be discovered… by living, breathing, walking, talking, caring and daring men and women.’

• ‘[M]embers of Congress, the Trump administration and the American public must… make human exploration missions to Mars a national priority. I do not mean spending billions of taxpayer dollars on a few hijinks or joy rides, allowing those who return to write books, tweet photos and talk of the novelty. ’ ‘It is time we get down to blueprints, architecture and implementation, and to take that next step — a sustainable international return to the moon, directly charting a pathway to Mars.’ ‘The United States… should focus on… the great migration of humankind to Mars.’

• ‘The next step would build on our early lunar landings and establish permanent settlements on the moon. In the meantime, preparations for permanent migration to the red planet can be made. All of this is within reach for humans alive now. …The nation best poised to make it happen is the United States.’

• [P]otentially, the ultimate survival of our species demands humanity’s continued outward reach into the universe. …Put simply: We explore, or we expire. That is why we must get on with it.

• ‘[T]he Trump administration and this Congress would be remembered decades forward for putting humans permanently on the moon and Americans on Mars — for making human footprints in red dust and subsequent migration possible.’ ‘I thank President Trump and the vice president for their commitment. But my eyes drift higher, to the red orb that, even now, awaits an American flag and plaque that reads: “We Come in Peace for All Mankind.”

[Editor’s Note]   What Buzz Aldrin is cleverly advocating here is transparency. There are already secret bases on the moon and colonies on Mars and elsewhere. President Trump’s public foray into space will reveal that, over the past seventy years, governments and corporations have secretly built a vast breakaway civilization within our solar system. It is time the world learned the truth.


Last month, Vice President Pence announced that we are headed back to the moon. I am with him, in spirit and aspiration. Having been there, I can say it is high time we returned. When Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and I went to the moon 50 years ago this July, we did so with a mission. Apollo 11 aimed to prove America’s can-do commitment to space exploration, as well as its national security and technological superiority. We did all that. We also “Came in Peace for all Mankind.” More of that is needed now.

Today, many nations have eyes for the moon, from China and Russia to friends in Europe and Middle East. That is all good. The United States should cooperate — and offer itself as a willing team leader — in exploring every aspect of the moon, from its geology and topography to its hydrology and cosmic history. In doing so, we can take “low-Earth orbit” cooperation to the moon, openly, eagerly and collegially.

Meanwhile, another looming orb — the red one — should become a serious focus of U.S. attention. Mars is waiting to be discovered, not by clever robots and rovers — though I support NASA’s unmanned missions — but by living, breathing, walking, talking, caring and daring men and women.

To make that happen, members of Congress, the Trump administration and the American public must care enough to make human exploration missions to Mars a national priority. To be clear, I do not mean spending billions of taxpayer dollars on a few hijinks or joy rides, allowing those who return to write books, tweet photos and talk of the novelty. I mean something very different.

The United States’ eyes — and our unified commitment — should focus on opening the door, in our time, to the great migration of humankind to Mars. Books aplenty have been written about how to do this, and they have inspired government and non-government leaders to make lofty plans. But plans without a detailed architecture, and without that “next step” into the future, are just fantasy.

Americans are good at writing fantasy, and incomparable at making the fantastic a reality. We did it with Mercury, Gemini, Apollo — and in thousands of other ways. It is time we get down to blueprints, architecture and implementation, and to take that next step — a sustainable international return to the moon, directly charting a pathway to Mars.



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The Most Credible UFO Sightings and Encounters in Modern History, According to Research

by Callum Paton              April 17, 2019              (

  • Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have been recorded since ancient times. But it was Kenneth Arnold’s sighting of flying saucers near Mount Rainier in 1947 that launched the modern era of UFO sightings. The U.S. military immediately moved to discredit Arnold’s claims, along with any other claim of the existence of an extraterrestrial UFO. “The (Arnold) report cannot bear even superficial examination, therefore, must be disregarded,” the Air Force Materiel Command wrote.  With Project Blue Book, the Air Force went on to discredit every single UFO sighting until the project’s end in 1969. 
  • However, the civilian scientist who helped to run Project Blue Book, Allen Hynek, claimed that the Air Force had underplayed the credibility of UFOs. He went on to devise a classification system for grading UFO sightings – ‘close encounters of the third kind’, etc. 
  • Taking its cue from Hynek, Newsweek magazine created its own rating system for UFO sightings on a point-based system. They points are awarded, or subtracted, based on factors such as witness credibility, photographic/video evidence, flight attributes, proximity, physical effect, and discredit by the government/military.  The writer also used input from the Scientific Coalition for UFOlogy (SCU) composed of 45 UFO ‘experts’. 
  • SCU board member Robert Powell says that some 6,000 UFO encounters are reported every year. “Ninety-eight percent or more of sightings are basically misidentifications of airplanes or Chinese lanterns, or a variety of different things,” Powell told Newsweek. Chiming in, Seth Shostak, the Senior astronomer at the SETI Institute, told Newsweek, “Could the rest be alien craft?  Maybe, but that’s like saying that the 40 percent of homicides committed in New York City that are unsolved could be due to alien murderers. Possible, but not likely.” 
  • Here are 25 UFO sightings and their ‘credibility rating’ according to this Newsweek writer: 
  1. Roswell Incident – Roswell, New Mexico July 1947: Hundreds of witnesses claim an alien craft crash landed near a ranch with one or more dead extraterrestrial beings inside. In 1997, the Air Force released a report denying everything, and declaring “case closed”. Credibility Rating: -2
  1. Kenneth Arnold UFO Sighting – Mount Rainier, Washington June 1947: Pilot Kenneth Arnold witnessed nine “circular-type” objects flying in formation at twice the speed of sound. It was dismissed out of hand by an Air Force investigation. Arnold maintained his account until his death in 1984. Credibility Rating: 0  
  1. Levelland UFO Case – Levelland, Texas November 1957: Multiple witnesses reported seeing an egg-shaped object or a large flash of light moving across the sky in the small Texas town. The sighting was later discredited by the Air Force’s Project Blue Book, claiming the phenomenon had been caused by severe electrical storms and ball lightning. Credibility Rating: 0 
  2. Stephenville, Texas Sighting – Stephenville, Texas January 2008: Multiple witnesses reported seeing inexplicable objects moving through the sky or bright lights. Naval Air Station Fort Worth at first said that no planes had been active from that base that night. Then they retracted and claimed that those were their planes after all.  Credibility Rating: 0
  1. NASA Curiosity Rover Photograph – Mars March 2019: Ufologist Scott C. Waring claims to have spotted a UFO on Mars in images beamed back from NASA’s Curiosity Rover. Credibility Rating: 1 
  2. The Washington, D.C. Flap – Washington, D.C.  July 1952: On two separate occasions Air Force F-94s were scrambled over Washington after UFOs were sighted on radar at Andrews and Bolling Air Force bases. The bogeys cruised at between 100 to 130 mph before zooming off at incredible speed, outrunning the military jets. Credibility Rating: 3
  1. Valensole UFO Sighting – Valensole, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France
    July 1965:
    Maurice Masse claimed he saw two humanoid aliens land a spherical UFO in a field and exit the craft. The French farmer said he was left paralyzed when one of the beings pointed a cylindrical instrument at him. The pair then flew away after briefly inspecting the surroundings. Credibility Rating: 3
  1. Delphos Ring Incident – Delphos, Kansas November 1971: Sixteen-year-old Ronald Johnson claimed to have seen a glowing object hovering over a specific area close to his family farm in the early evening. When he went to fetch other witnesses the object had vanished. However, an eerie glowing ring was found where the UFO had been. Another witness corroborated to police the sighting of the strange flying object. Credibility Rating: 3
  1. Loring Air Force Base Sighting – Loring Air Force Base, Maine October 1975: On two successive nights service members reported seeing a cigar-shaped UFO hovering over Loring Air Force Base, which was also seen on radar. The government attributed it to “unidentified helicopter(s) flying out of Canada.” Credibility Rating: 3 
  2. Val Johnson Incident – Marshall County, Minnesota August 1979: On the morning on September 11, 1979, Marshall County sheriff’s deputy Val Johnson encountered what he described as a white ball of light hovering a few feet above the ground while driving on a rural section of a State Highway.  “[S]uddenly it was in the car with me”. Johnson woke up in a ditch half an hour later. His patrol car had suffered superficial damage and he had burns around his eyes.  Credibility Rating: 3 
  3. Cash-Landrum Sighting – Dayton, Texas December 1980: Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum and Colby Landrum claim they were followed by hovering disc with a single fiery thruster as they drove home in eastern Texas. When the trio abandoned their car they felt intense heat generated by the UFO. All three claimed to suffer health problems in the aftermath of the encounter.  Credibility Rating: 3 
  4. Trans-en-Provence Case – Trans-en-Provence,Var, France  January 1981:  Renato Nicolaï, a 55-year-old farmer, observed a saucer-shaped UFO land on his property at a distance of about 50 yards. The lead-colored vessel then lifted off from the ground and flew towards a nearby tree line. The case is considered remarkable because of scorch marks left by the machine, documented and extensively analysed by French authorities. Credibility Rating: 3
  1. Belgian UFO Wave – Belgium March 1990: Over a number of days, scores of individuals reported seeing strange lights in the sky over Belgium. Belgian Air Force F-16s claimed to have seen nothing.  But the European media   exploded when an image of one of the triangular UFOs emerged, which was then revealed to be a fake. Credibility Rating: 3 
  2. Phoenix Lights Phenomenon – Phoenix, Arizona March 1997: Hundreds of witnesses saw “otherworldly” lights move across the night sky over Arizona, Nevada and northern Mexico. The sighting consisted of a giant V-shaped craft with lights and a series of stationary orange and red lights hanging in the sky. Arizona’s governor at the time, Fife Symington, said. “It was bigger than anything that I’ve ever seen. It remains a great mystery.”  Credibility Rating: 3 
  3. McMinnville UFO Photographs – McMinnville, Oregon  May 1950:  Paul Trent captured images of a UFO on camera after his wife spotted a slow-moving metal disk near their farm. The images were printed in Life magazine. The pair maintained their account until their deaths. Credibility Rating: 4
  1. Shag Harbour SightingShag Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada October 1967:  Multiple witnesses, including pilots, reported to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police that they had witnessed a UFO with many flashing lights flying over the shoreline. A dozen or so witnesses said they saw a glowing orange sphere crash into the water and then slip beneath the surface. No wreckage was ever found.  Credibility Rating: 4 
  2. The 1976 Tehran Incident – Tehran, Iran September 1976:  Two Iranian F-4 interceptor aircraft reported their equipment jammed as they approached a star-shaped UFO over the Iranian capital. Ground control equipment at Mehrabad International Airport was also affected by the strange craft. The pilot Parviz Jafari said he attempted to fire on the UFO but was unable to cause any damage. “My weapons jammed and my radio communications garbled.” Credibility Rating: 4
  1. Coyne, Mansfield Helicopter Incident – Mansfield, Ohio October 1973: Four crew members of an Army Reserve helicopter recorded a near collision with a UFO near Charles Mill Lake. The incident was corroborated by witnesses in Richland and Ashland counties who described an object or a ball of light moving in a manner inconsistent with human flight. The crew on the helicopter, piloted by Lawrence Coyne, reported seeing a 60-foot-long, cigar-shaped object with a bright green light.  Credibility Rating: 4 
  1. Nancy France Sighting – Nancy, Grand Est, France October 1982:  A biologist, M. Henri, and his wife observed a UFO that hovered for 20 minutes over their garden. The egg-shaped vessel had a shiny metallic appearance. Henri attempted to photograph the craft but found his camera had jammed. After the UFO regained altitude it moved at a speed and trajectory impossible for man-made aircraft. Credibility Rating: 4
  1. Japan Airlines Flight 1628 Incident – Alaska November 1986:  The pilot, Kenji Terauchi, and crew of a Japan Airlines cargo flight from Paris to Tokyo reported seeing strange flashing colorful lights that followed their aircraft over Alaska while the plane cruised at 35,000 feet.  Credibility Rating: 4
  1. Chicago O’Hare Airport Sighting – Chicago, Illinois November 2006: On an overcast day, United Airlines staff and pilots at Chicago O’Hare Airport reported seeing a flying saucer hovering over the airport terminal. The vessel then shot up into the air so quickly that it punched a hole in the clouds. The FAA called it a “weather phenomenon” and did not further investigate the incident.  Credibility Rating: 4
  1. Rendlesham Forest Incident – Suffolk, England December 1980: Between December 26-28, 1980, U.S. Air Force personnel stationed at RAF Bentwaters reported seeing strange lights near Rendlesham forest. The incident was never investigated. However, radar operators at the base recounted how they had observed a UFO moving too quickly for normal human flight.  Credibility Rating: 5
  1. Aguadilla Airport Incident – Aguadilla, Puerto Rico April 2013:  A UFO was seen flying at low altitude across the Rafael Hernandez Airport runway in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. A U.S. Customs and Border Protection aircraft captured infrared video of the episode that was given to the Scientific Coalition for UFOology (SCU). The video shows the vessel travelling without lights below tree-top altitude, at speeds close to 100 mph.  Credibility Rating: 6
  1. USS Nimitz Tic-Tac UFO Incident – California Coast November 2004:  U.S. Navy pilot Cmdr. David Fravor recalled seeing “something not from this earth” – a tic-tac shaped vessel moving at great speed – while commanding a U.S. Navy strike fighter squadron during exercises some 60 to 100 miles off the coast of Baja California. He recounted observing. A separate Navy jet crew tracked the object and filmed it for more than a minute. The footage was publicized by the New York Times following following the Pentagon’s acknowledgement of its Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program, a recent study of UFO sightings.  Credibility Rating: 6
  1. F/A-18 Super Hornet GO FASTER Video – East Coast 2015:  The third video recently released by the Pentagon shows the high-speed flight of an unidentified aircraft at low altitude by a U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet off over the Atlantic off of Virginia.
  • [Editor’s Note] All of these UFO incidents, with the exception of Scott Waring’s UFO on Mars, are credible and true, and are excellent accounts to look into.  This arbitrary rating system, however, is simply the mainstream media’s way of assuring the public that they are on top of the UFO phenomenon, and, as usual, there is nothing here to be concerned about.  But should anything new happen that might change this perspective, the mainstream media will be there to tell the people what to believe.


The modern era of UFO sightings began in 1947 when Kenneth Arnold, a businessman and pilot from Idaho, spotted what he believed was a formation of flying saucers near Mount Rainier in Washington. Encounters with unidentified flying objects have been recorded since ancient times, but Arnold’s sighting hooked the American public. It was the encounter that launched a thousand theories.

The U.S. military attempted to discredit Arnold’s claims. “The report cannot bear even superficial examination, therefore, must be disregarded,” the Air Force Materiel Command wrote in a now-declassified document.

As reported sightings increased and UFO obsession spread like wildfire, its flames fanned by the notorious Roswell incident, the military attempted to douse the issue. A series of UFO studies commissioned by the U.S. Air Force culminated in Project Blue Book, which wrapped up in 1969 and found no evidence of the presence of extraterrestrial vehicles on Earth or in the skies above.

The Air Force clearly hoped to put an end to the UFO craze—but the studies had the opposite effect. Josef Allen Hynek, who had overseen the Air Force efforts, broke with the military, claiming the importance of UFOs had been underplayed. His scientific analysis forms much of the basis of modern UFOlogy and his close encounters classification system is the benchmark in grading the credibility of UFO sightings.

In devising our own credibility rating system for UFO sightings, Newsweek built upon Hynek’s foundations. The astronomer and preeminent UFOlogist valued sightings that involved multiple or highly credible witnesses. We have also incorporated advances in technology into our scale. The advent of cameras and infrared devices on aircraft have presented new kinds of evidence for sightings.

The credibility scale works on a point-based system. One point is given for sightings with multiple witnesses, another for an expert witness (a pilot, air traffic controller, military or government official). One point is awarded for picture evidence and an additional point for film of a moving UFO. Unidentified flying objects can often be explained away as foreign aircraft, so an additional point is given for UFOs seen to be flying in a manner inconsistent with flight as humans know it.

Hynek also prized close encounters. Close encounters of the first kind—sightings of an object less than 500 feet away—are given one point. Close encounters of the second kind, a UFO event where a physical effect is felt (a car light breaks, extreme heat is felt, scorch marks on the ground), are given two points. Finally, close encounters of the third kind, instances where an animated pilot is seen, earn three points.

A system for removing points has also been incorporated to account for cases where military or government bodies have discredited the sightings. Three points are removed in these cases, as the baseline for credibility in the scale begins at three.



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Artist Tells of Nebraska UFO Story in Comic Book

by Austin Koeller                  April 1, 2019                      (

• On the night of December 3, 1967, near Ashland, Nebraska (between Lincoln and Omaha), Nebraska State Patrolman Herbert Schirmer was headed west toward Lincoln. At the time, Schirmer was 22 years old and had been a patrolman for seven months. As he approached the junction of Highways 6 and 63, he saw what he initially thought was a tractor trailer. As he got closer, however, it turned out to be a UFO.

• The next thing Schirmer knew, he was back at the police barracks, and wrote in his duty log exactly what he had experienced. The next morning, the police chief saw Schirmer’s log and wondered what was going on. Schirmer responded that he wasn’t feeling well and thought he had experienced something beyond what he remembered. So Schirmer and the police chief went to a government-sanctioned Air Force committee of UFO specialists, called the Condon Committee. There, the specialists put Schirmer under hypnosis several times to recall a 20-minute time lapse that Schirmer could not make up for between 2:30 a.m. and 3 a.m. that morning. They made an audio recording of that hypnosis session, where Schirmer described being taken aboard the craft, shown how the craft operated, and was told why they were there.

• Fast-forward to present day when Los Angeles-based comic book author Michael Jasorka listened to Schirmer’s 1967 hypnosis session recording “hundreds of times”. Long having an interest in UFOs, Jasorka decided to turn it into a comic book based on a transcription of the recording.

• “I really had to listen to the way he (Schirmer) spoke and allow the time between another sentence or what he would say next, as my dictation to when I would draw the next panel. I had to really feel the time every time I was working on a new page to make sure that where panel would work to the flow,” explained Jasorka.

• On Monday, April 1st, Jasorka presented his comic book entitled, “December 3rd 1967: An Alien Encounter”, at Kinkaider Brewing Co in Grand Island, Nebraska, answering questions and doing a read-along of his comic book. (see 26:24 minute “read along” of Jasorka’s comic book below)


Kinkaider Brewing Co., 316 N. Pine St., welcomed Los Angeles comic book author Michael Jasorka to discuss his comic book, “December 3rd 1967: An Alien Encounter.” Using transcribed audio from a 1970s UFO conference, the comic book recounts the experiences of Nebraska State Patrolman Herbert Schirmer, who experienced a UFO on the night of Dec. 3, 1967, near Ashland.

     comic book author, Michael Jasorka

On Monday, Kinkaider released its Star Snake Dank IPA to honor Schirmer’s story within its existing line of Nebraska folklore-themed beers. As part of the beer’s release, Kinkaider hosted a “mini tour” where Jasorka answered questions and did a read-along of his comic book.

Jasorka said at the time of Schirmer’s UFO experience, he was 22 years old and was only a patrolman for seven months. He was headed west when he saw what he initially thought was a tractor trailer at the junction of Highways 6 and 63. However, Jasorka said, it turned out to be a UFO.

        Nebraska State Patrolman Herbert              Schirmer under hypnosis, with police chief

“He (Schirmer) came back to the barracks — he was the only one on duty — and wrote in his duty log exactly what he had experienced,” Jasorka said. “The next morning, the chief said he saw his log and wondered what was going on. He responded that he wasn’t feeling well and experienced something beyond what he think he experienced.”

He added Schirmer and the chief went to work to unravel what Schirmer experienced that night, going to the Condon Committee, a government-sanctioned Air Force committee of UFO specialists, “They basically put Herbert under a refreshing hypnosis several times to recall a 20-minute time lapse that he could not make up for between 2:30 a.m. and 3 a.m. that morning,” Jasorka said. “Upon that, he listened to the audio back to himself and recollected that he was actually taken aboard the craft, shown how it operated and told why they were there.”

26:24 minute ‘read along’ of Michael Jasorka’s graphic novel,
with audio of patrolman, Herbert Schirmer, under hypnosis describing
“December 3rd 1967: An Alien Encounter” (BombshellComics)
(audio begins at 1:30)



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Oregon’s Annual UFO Festival is Just the Place to Channel Your Inner Green Man

by Helen Soteriou                      March 30, 2019                       (

• On May 16-19, the 20th annual McMenamins UFO Festival will take place in McMinnville in Yamhill County, Oregon, featuring marching bands, garish floats, and a wine-tasting billed as ‘Close Encounters of the 3rd Vine’. The highlight of the festival is the costume parade, a colorful spectacle of tinfoil outfits and spaceships.
• The festival attracts believers in extraterrestrial life, alien abductions, out-of-body experiences, and close encounters, as well as non-believers who come to enjoy the spectacle. As Jeff Knapp, executive director of Visit McMinnville, says, “It’s the one weekend when locals feel it’s OK to let their freak flag fly.”

• The UFO festival began after a local farmer, Paul Trent, photographed an alleged UFO hovering around his farm outside McMinnville. Now known as the ‘The Trent Sightings’, his two photographs, taken on May 11, 1950, have passed into UFO legend. (see photo below)

• This year’s speakers at the 600-seat auditorium in the community center include Bob Lazar who worked on the ‘reverse-engineering’ of crashed/captured alien spacecraft at Area 51, and Commander David Fravor, a retired Top Gun Navy pilot, who in 2004 encountered an oblong-shaped “tic tac” craft hovering above the Pacific Ocean.

• Where else can you join an alien parade, dance in the streets, attend a lecture from an ex-intelligence officer and end the day with sipping pinot noir with ET?


All the ingredients of a small-town carnival are in place: marching bands, garish floats, a costume parade, candy floss. Flamboyance and fanfares. But here, in the deepest corner of Oregon on the north-west coast of the United States, it might help if you believe in aliens.

This is the home of UFO Fest, held in the small town of McMinnville in Yamhill County.
Each May, McMenamins Hotel in Oregon stages its celebration of the extra-terrestrial: the world of abductions, out-of-body experiences and close encounters.

                     Paul Trent UFO photo

Many of the 20,000 who attend the three-day festival — and you can still get tickets — are firm believers in alien life, often referred to as ufologists; others, the doubters and the sceptical, come to enjoy the spectacle. In McMinnville’s Main Street, locals and out-of-towners, believers and non-believers, mingle. No one falls out.

As Jeff Knapp, executive director of Visit McMinnville, says: ‘It’s the one weekend when locals feel it’s OK to let their freak flag fly.’

This year will see the 20th anniversary of the festival, which began after a local farmer, Paul Trent, photographed an alleged UFO hovering around his farm outside McMinnville. Now known as the ‘The Trent Sightings’, his two photographs, taken on May 11, 1950, have passed into UFO legend.



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The Future’s Coming: Why We Need to Prepare for Sci-Fi Tomorrows Today

by Sarah Wells                  March 17, 2019                    (

• On March 14th, at the ‘Beyond the Cradle’ conference from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a panel of science fiction creators (pictured above) Ytasha Womack, Daniel Suarez and Marc Okrand shared their ideas on sci-fi futures. The trio argues that science fiction provides an important opportunity to expand the scope of our own cultural perspectives. (see 2:40 minute video of William Shatner discussing science fact vs science fiction below)

• “I think a lot of the science that we work towards is sometimes inspired by what we see in science fiction,” said Womack who explores ‘Afrofuturism’. “[I]t can really continue to help… [in] creating possible utopian societies.”

• Sci Fi also tends to focus on future dystopias. By imagining societies of the future, we can explore how to improve human relations today, and in some cases even shine a harsh light on the ways our society has failed to live up to the standards we write about, says Womack. For example, the term ‘alien’ has developed a negative image of illegals or people different from ourselves.

• The panelists urge Sci Fi enthusiasts to take a positive approach to meeting people who are different here on earth, just as we would hope to do with extraterrestrial beings one day – to search for commonalities among humans instead of differences, and imagining ourselves as intergalactic beings unified by a sense of responsibility to something greater than ourselves. This can be an empowering experience for people.

• Marc Okrand, a linguist known for creating “Star Trek’s” Klingon language, thinks that it is important to view extraterrestrial aliens, or different people here on earth from an interpersonal level – not conforming to our own societal model, but to recognize another being’s or person’s perspective.

• Ariel Ekblaw, the coordinator of the conference and founder of the Media Lab’s Space Exploration Initiative, said the focus of the day was to explore ways to democratize space and make it accessible not only to people all around the world, but also across many disciplines, including technology, art and design. “The idea is… to show [everyone] all here together, talking together and co-designing the future of space,” said Ekblaw.

• “In many ways, we’re living in a sci-fi future already,” says panelist Daniel Suarez. Suarez’s approach to Sci Fi writing is to combine technology and culture to imagine a future where humanity can believe in a common goal, and imagine themselves as a single human race. “I try to bring my readers through the issues and challenges we’re going to be facing.” It can help people feel like they have a stake in these stories and their futures, says Suarez.

• Womack explains the value of imagining our collective future, “Imagination can be a tool of resilience to help people…envision a future. And envisioning a future then inspires them to feel like they have [a stake] in that future and take steps to create the kind of world that values humanity.”


CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — The technological utopias of science fiction may still be centuries away, but building the culture of that future starts now, a trio of sci-fi creators said.

On a panel at the ‘Beyond the Cradle’ conference on March 14, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab, science fiction creators Ytasha Womack, Daniel Suarez and Marc Okrand shared their ideas on sci-fi futures.

The trio discussed their perspectives on science, fiction and culture, arguing that this intersection not only creates an important opportunity to expand the scope of our own perspectives but also provides agency for those often left out of the conversation about space exploration.

“I think a lot of the science that we work towards is sometimes inspired by what we see in science fiction,” said Womack, producer, director and author of works exploring Afrofuturism. “One of the exciting possibilities around sci-fi is that it can really continue to help push this notion of what we can create, especially as it comes to creating possible utopian societies.”

Or dystopias, which popular science fiction and young adult novels tend to focus on. Womack said that while readers have an interest in dystopian stories of the future, many peoples and communities today are already living in their own forms of dystopias. By imagining societies of the future, we can explore how to improve human relations today, and in some cases even shine a harsh light on the ways our society has failed to live up to the standards we write about, Womack added.

One such disconnect is the way first contact with aliens is typically treated in fiction compared to how “aliens” on Earth are thought of and treated. While used in fiction to refer to extraterrestrials, Womack said that the initial meaning of the word “alien” simply referred to people on Earth who were different. “Even how we use it today around illegal aliens, or undocumented workers, I think it refers to a certain mentality around differences,” said Womack.



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Project Blue Book: Season 2 Will Be About Peeling Back the Layers

by Susan Leighton                      March 16, 2019                    (

• The first season of the History Channel/A&E’s hit show, “Project Blue Book”, ended with a thrill-ride finale entitled: “The Washington Merry-Go-Round”. After the July 1952 ‘lights over Washington D.C.’ events, and Quinn’s dogfight with these luminous objects, Hynek sells out Quinn, telling a government committee that Quinn’s account of chasing real UFOs was actually his hypoxic dementia brought on by the high altitude flying as he was only chasing the atmospheric effects of temperature inversions. But this was a tactic used by Hynek to allow them to continue in their UFO research for Season 2, free from the scrutiny of the government and the Air Force.

• What is most interesting is at the end of the episode, the Man in Black a.k.a. “The Fixer” is shown in Antarctica in front of what might be an extraterrestrial obelisk. This indicates that season 2 of Project Blue Book will delve into the mystery surrounding Antarctica after World War II. After the war, both the Americans and the Soviets had intel that the Nazi’s had established a base on Antarctica, and were possibly reverse engineering UFO technology. So they each established their own “research” bases there to study “electromagnetic, geological, hydrographic and meteorological conditions” in the area. While the Germans did explore Antarctica, Popular Mechanics debunked the theory of a Nazi base in Antarctica.

• But by setting the very last scene of Project Blue Book in Antarctica, the show’s writers are tapping into the mythology that surrounds the continent. Think of it as a point of origin in which to start Season 2 of the series. According to showrunner Sean Jablonski, “We want to get people excited that we’ve expanded the mythology and get them curious as to what that allows us to do in terms of peeling back the layers of the larger cover-up going on next season.”

• The show’s writers will depict the transition from the Truman to the Eisenhower Presidential Administrations. Also, the CIA will basically take over for Air Force generals Harding and Valentine, but not without a power struggle.

• Groom Lake or Area 51 will probably come into play because the CIA will be explaining the UFOs in the skies not as alien spacecraft but experimental military aircraft tests. Jablonski even hints that Roswell and the Maury Island incident will be two of the case files explored in the upcoming season. In 1947 near Maury Island, Washington (state), two harbor patrolmen were on their boat when they were surrounded by 6 UFOs. One of the craft started ejecting a “white metal” substance onto the vessel which resulted in a man breaking his arm and a dog being killed.

• It sounds like Sean Jablonski and his writers have another outstanding season of Project Blue Book planned for viewers.

[Editor’s Note]   Those who follow Dr Michael Salla and this ExoNews website know that there is ample evidence for the existence of a Nazi base, as well as other extraterrestrial bases, under the Antarctic ice despite being “debunked” by Popular Mechanics magazine. There are many Deep State operatives who would still like to keep this information a secret.


Project Blue Book had an incredible season one finale. From the first frame to the very last one, it was a sitting-on-the edge-of-your-seat kind of thrill ride.

The Washington Merry-Go-Round episode proved that the truth is out there and Hynek and Quinn are going to do whatever it takes to find it. Even if it means a little bit of deception on their part.

It took the last episode and Michael’s dogfight with the UFOs to make him finally believe. While it may have seemed like Allen sold him out with the temperature inversions and hypoxic dementia (lack of oxygen to the brain brought on by the high altitude flying) theories, in fact, he did just the opposite.

By lying to the committee, he actually removed them from constant scrutiny. Freeing them to receive more case files and more research to prove what they already know. We are not alone.

When the Man in Black a.k.a. The Fixer appears in Antarctica in front of the obelisk, it may appear that he is sending a signal to the aliens. After all, in the voiceover when Hynek calls Quinn he tells them they are about to make “real contact.”

Operation Highjump

Showrunner Sean Jablonski in an interview with Entertainment Weekly says it isn’t what we think. Let’s give a little background into why M.I.B. was there in the first place. If you watch the series Ancient Aliens, this isn’t going to be new information.

During World War II, the U.S. ended up in Antarctica alongside the Russians establishing bases for research. We wanted to keep an eye on each other but most importantly, we believed that the Nazi’s had a secret facility there for weapons testing. It was also rumored that they were reverse engineering UFO technology.

The official name for our mission was Operation Highjump. At the time, we were establishing a base called Little America IV. The idea was that we would study “electromagnetic, geological, hydrographic and meteorological conditions” in the area.

5:04 minute video recap of History Channel’s
S1-E10 Finale “The Washington Merry-Go-Round”


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History Orders UFO Docu-Series from Tom DeLonge

by Jessica Pena                   March 13, 2019                     (

• The History Channel, along with A+E Originals, has announced it has ordered a six-episode, one-hour limited television docu-series entitled: “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation” to debut in May. The show’s executive producer is Tom DeLonge (pictured above) of the ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science’, along with ‘To The Stars’ team members Luis Elizondo and Chris Mellon who are among its roster of scientists, engineers and intelligence experts. The UFO docu-series will “reveal newly authenticated evidence and footage, interviews from eyewitnesses and former military personnel who have never spoken out before and extensive breakthroughs in understanding the technology behind these unknown phenomena in our skies,” says DeLonge.

• Former DIA military intelligence official Luis Elizondo and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense and Intelligence Chris Mellon were instrumental in the release of a New York Times’ exposé about the Pentagon’s secret UFO research program, the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’, in December 2017, along with several authentic videos of UFO encounters by the US military.

• “This is not a UFO hunting show,” said Eli Lehrer, Executive Vice President and Head of Programming at the History Channel, “but a series that will hopefully provoke a cultural conversation about unexplained phenomena and allow our viewers to ultimately draw their own conclusions. Tom’s curiosity and passion for this subject matter, combined with his team, are the perfect partners to deliver this breakthrough series.”

• DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars’ team also includes retired Program Director for Advanced Systems at Lockheed Martin’s Skunkworks, Steve Justice; renowned CIA researcher and quantum physicist, Hal Puthoff; and retired senior CIA member, Jim Semivan. The team will spearhead the disclosure of efforts being made to change government policy surrounding UFOs, and produce tangible evidence for the existence of UFOs ever assembled.

• “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation” will reveal newly authenticated UFO evidence and footage, interviews from eyewitnesses and former military personnel who have never spoken out before, and extensive breakthroughs in understanding the technology behind these Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. Says DeLonge, “I think everyone that watches the show will walk away with questions answered and a feeling of, “Wow, I get it now.”


New York, NY – March 12, 2019 – In December of 2017, The New York Times published a stunning front-page exposé about the Pentagon’s mysterious UFO program, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). Featuring an interview with former military intelligence official and Special Agent In- Charge, Luis Elizondo, who confirmed the existence of the hidden government program, the controversial story was the focus of worldwide attention. Previously run by Elizondo, AATIP was created to research and investigate Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) including numerous videos of reported encounters, three of which were released to a shocked public in 2017. Elizondo resigned after expressing to the government that these UAPs could pose a major threat to our national security and not enough was being done to deal with them or address our potential vulnerabilities. Now, as a part of HISTORY’s groundbreaking new six-part, one-hour limited series “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation(TM),” Elizondo is speaking out for the first time with Tom DeLonge, co-founder and President of To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science and Chris Mellon, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense and Intelligence, to expose a series of startling encounters and embark on fascinating new investigations that will urge the public to ask questions and look for answers. From A+E Originals, DeLonge serves as executive producer.

Says DeLonge, “With this show, the real conversation can finally begin. I’m thankful to HISTORY for giving the To The Stars Academy team of world-class scientists, engineers and intelligence experts the opportunity to tell the story in a comprehensive and compelling way. I think everyone that watches the show will walk away with questions answered and a feeling of, “wow, I get it now.”‘



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Out-of-this-World Collection of John Lennon’s Drawings and Sci-Fi Magazines

February 28, 2019                     (

• John Lennon’s fascination with aliens and UFOs has been well documented throughout his life. As a member of The Beatles, Lennon often talked about his belief in alien life and even wrote about it. On March 30, 2019, Kruse GWS Auctions (Los Angeles) will offer an extraordinary collection of John Lennon’s personal drawings and Sci-Fi magazines, long collected by an old friend who shared his passion.

• On July 6, 1957, a fellow Liverpoolian befriended Lennon when he was performing as part of the Quarrymen in Woolten Village in Liverpool. The (anonymous) young man shared a fascination with space and would strike up a conversation with John who was looking through a UFO magazine. From there on, the friendship would continue on for decades, and John and the gentleman exchanged letters, drawings, opinions, and magazines about UFOs, space and all things extraterrestrial. During this time, John Lennon would send his new friend drawings and some of his personal science fiction books and magazines, all of which was kept throughout the gentlemen’s life and even after Lennon moved to the U.S. The drawings and magazines to be auctioned for the very first time are now being offered by the man’s stepson who has also chronicled the story of the unlikely friendship.

• There are four drawings done in crayon and pencil (see images above and below) and date to the 1950s and early 1960s, along with the collection of personal sci-fi books and magazines. Two of the pieces being offered are in red crayon, early examples of his characteristic line drawings. One appears to be someone smoking a marijuana joint, while the back side features a character possessing an excessively large nose and sad face. The other captures two inversed smiling faces, a kind of yin and yang, staring at each other. The other two drawings are done in pencil, with a UFO flying above his wife Cynthia’s head and the word “Cyn” on it and John’s initials ‘JL’ , and John’s full initials of ‘JWL’ (John Winston Lennon) incorporated into the illustrations. Each drawing will be accompanied by a copy of the letter received from the stepson describing the two’s lifelong friendship. The drawings will be offered in museum quality glass and frames and sold individually, and the sci-fi collection will be sold in one lot. The crayon drawings measure 4.5″ x 3″ and 4″ x 3.25″ and the pencil pieces are 8.5″ x 6″ and 5.5″ x 3.5.”

• Lennon’s fixation on ET visits and claims of alien abduction culminated in his most infamous sighting, when he saw a UFO from his balcony fly over the East River on August 23, 1974. John and his lover May Pang (during his separation from Yoko) were living in an apartment overlooking New York’s East River, when John saw what he described as a UFO. Lennon went on to describe it along with its path and May Pang has been noted as saying John screamed out the window “wait – take me with you.”


Los Angeles – John Lennon’s fascination with aliens and UFOs has been well documented throughout his life. As a member of one of the most famous bands of all time, The Beatles, Lennon often talked about his belief in alien life and even wrote about it. From his earlier years with wife Cynthia to his sighting in New York over the East River in 1974, the Beatles member continued to be mesmerized with life in space, even as much as to cite visitations from aliens when he was with Yoko Ono. On March 30, 2019, Kruse GWS Auctions will offer an extraordinary collection of John Lennon’s personal drawings and Sci-Fi magazines, long collected by an old friend who shared his passion.

On July 6, 1957, a fellow Liverpoolian befriended Lennon when he was performing as part of the Quarrymen, the group that eventually evolved into The Beatles. The band appeared in Woolten Village in Liverpool.

The young man shared a fascination with space and would strike up a conversation with John who was looking through a UFO magazine. From there on, the friendship would continue on for decades and John and the gentleman exchanged letters, drawings, opinions, and magazines about UFOs, space and all things extraterrestrial. During this time, John Lennon would send his new friend drawings and some of his personal science fiction books and magazines, all of which was kept throughout the gentlemen’s life and even after Lennon moved to the U.S. The drawings and magazines to be auctioned for the very first time are now being offered by the man’s stepson who has also chronicled the story of the unlikely friendship.

John Lennon on the balcony where he saw a UFO in 1974

There are four drawings done in crayon and pencil and date to the 1950s and early 1960s. The drawings along with the collection of personal sci-fi books and magazines represent a passion of a member of the world’s most famous band – The Beatles.



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Fox Network TV Producer Files Lawsuit Against CIA ‘Disinformation’ Scientist and Antigravity/UFO Research Firm

by Rob McConnell                   March 8, 2019                   (

• Veteran Fox Network UFO investigative television producer, Robert C. Kiviat, has filed a lawsuit in California for $300,000 in unpaid employment compensation for work done on behalf of an advanced physics firm called InterNASA since 2018. Named in his lawsuit are InterNASA, its’ CEO Joe Firmage, longtime CIA scientist Ron Pandolfi who is working with InterNASA, and investor Daniel Marriott, a Utah Congressman. Kiviat’s media division, InterNASA Studios, would be a news and entertainment entity for informing the public about the implications of Pandolfi’s gravity-control research, and ultimately the building of an anti-gravity device.

• Kiviat says he was “keenly aware that both a former Director of the NSA and a famous astronaut had moved into anti-gravity R&D upon leaving government service.” “So when InterNASA CEO Joe Firmage assured me he had secured the necessary funding and that Pandolfi was backing his gravity-control research, I accepted a position to oversee InterNASA’s Studios division.”

• Kiviat says that he performed multiple tasks for InterNASA, including corporate communications and investor relations, and he made multiple trips to New York to pitch a television series to two major TV Networks.

• But InterNASA ran into financial problems early on. Congressman Daniel Marriott kept coming up with reasons for holding up his investment payments, while threatening to pull out if they sought other investors. “It was this Catch-22 kind of dealing that basically strangled the company,” said Kiviat. “But Marriott did eventually make a minimum payment to keep InterNASA’s technological development going. Mariott paid me a small amount out of his own pocket to cover a tiny portion of my amassing InterNASA salary arrears.”

• In December 2017, when Firmage was recruiting Kiviat to oversee the media side of InterNASA, The New York Times ran the “Tic Tac” article about a UFO using advanced propulsion technology that easily outmaneuvered U.S. Navy pilots. The story and video came from Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’ (TTSA). Former government scientist, Dr. Hal Puthoff, who now works with TTSA, was a paid consultant for Firmage when he was just beginning to work on the anti-gravity device a decade ago. Kiviat says, “Firmage asked me repeatedly if I knew of any actual technology that was being developed by… DeLonge and Puthoff. [W]hen I told him I didn’t, he indicated he felt Puthoff must have usurped his [anti-gravity] concept [that Firmage] had been talking about for years.” Kiviat says that the plan was for InterNASA to beat TTSA to the punch by getting news stories and a TV series made about anti-gravity technology ahead of them.

• By the middle of 2018, Kiviat was told that a “gravity control” demonstration was being planned with Pandolfi’s assistance in Colorado. But due to Firmage’s inability to meet certain deadlines, the demonstration was canceled. Kiviat was informed the company was going “dark” to work on the machine without distraction, and the “Media” side would be the last to be paid.

• “From that point on, I focused primarily on getting a TV deal,” said Kiviat, “since it seemed money would have to come in from some outside source to keep InterNASA going.” “[The] TV executives I met with in both Hollywood and New York showed a lot of interest, and these negotiations are continuing despite the lawsuit being filed. One way or another, I think the series I presented will get made, and it will be the most definitive and far-reaching TV project ever concerning UFOs, the subject’s connection to exotic propulsion systems and what the U.S. government knows about possible extraterrestrial visitation.”

• Kiviat sees his case having much more significance than simply being about receiving his fair compensation. “[T]he suit has the added value of exposing the way the U.S. intelligence agencies have seemingly manipulated the UFO community and… the general public for years. And to put it mildly, it stinks. Many good people have been damaged and it has to stop.” The lawsuit promises to pry open for the first time, via legal discovery, the inner workings behind CIA operations ostensibly led by Pandolfi comprising a decades-long disinformation campaign designed to influence and confuse the public about UFOs and exotic technologies. (Pandolfi once ran the CIA’s “Weird Desk”.)

• Kiviat is best known for his hit TV Specials ‘Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction?’, ‘UFOs: The Best Evidence Ever Caught On Tape’, ‘World’s Greatest Hoaxes: Secrets Finally Revealed’, and a 2014 TV Special ‘Aliens On The Moon: The Truth Exposed’ which unveiled never-before-seen NASA photos taken by Apollo astronauts that appear to show gigantic lunar constructions of unknown origin.


Robert C. Kiviat, the investigative producer best known for his hit TV Specials FOX Broadcasting aired along with their X-Files series such as Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction?, UFOs: The Best Evidence Ever Caught On Tape and World’s Greatest Hoaxes: Secrets Finally Revealed, has filed a lawsuit in California against longtime CIA scientist Ron Pandolfi, who ran the CIA’s “Weird Desk” and most recently has been backing InterNASA, an advanced physics firm also named in the lawsuit which Kiviat worked for under contract since 2018, but has yet to pay him.

                 Robert Kiviat

According to the Complaint filed last week, Kiviat – whose 2014 TV Special for NBC Universal’s Syfy channel, Aliens On The Moon: The Truth Exposed unveiled never-before-seen NASA photos taken by the Apollo astronauts that appear to show gigantic lunar constructions of unknown origin – is seeking $300,000 in employment salary arrears InterNASA presently owes him. The suit also promises to pry open for the first time, via legal discovery, the inner workings behind CIA operations ostensibly led by Pandolfi comprising a decades-long disinformation campaign designed to influence and confuse the public about UFOs – or exotic technologies – by manipulating researchers, and worse, lead those involved to lose money, and more, in the process.

“Covering UFOs and other unexplained topics for TV networks made me keenly aware that both a former Director of the National Security Agency (NSA) and a famous astronaut had moved into anti-gravity R & D upon leaving government service,” Kiviat says. “So when InterNASA CEO Joe Firmage assured me he had secured the necessary funding and that Pandolfi was backing his gravity-control research, I accepted a position to oversee InterNASA’s Studios division.” Kiviat adds that Pandolfi’s apparent support of the science behind Firmage’s device was independently corroborated by a prominent researcher and author giving lectures at packed UFO conferences throughout 2017, claiming he learned of it from a known Pandolfi operative.

The same month that Firmage was recruiting Kiviat to oversee InterNASA Studios – which Firmage envisioned as a news and entertainment entity for informing the public about the implications of his discovery – The New York Times ran a front-page article announcing that unidentified “Tic Tac” shaped aircraft had been caught on video by U.S. Navy pilots easily outmaneuvering our fastest jets with gravity-defying capability. These videos The Times wrote about were not released by the U.S. military, but by a company headed by former Blink 182 guitarist Tom DeLonge and Dr. Hal Puthoff, a scientist who had conducted government ESP research and is a former paid consultant Firmage employed 10 years earlier when he was just beginning work on the anti-gravity device.

“Firmage asked me repeatedly if I knew of any actual technology that was being developed by the company DeLonge and Puthoff were heading, which they named To The Stars Academy (TTSA), and when I told him I didn’t, he indicated he felt Puthoff must have usurped his overall ‘new physics Academy’ concept he had been talking about for years,” Kiviat recalls. “To be fair, Firmage had a point, in that InterNASA – or its full name, International Academy of Science and Arts, does sound like it could have inspired TTSA. Then he gave me our plan, which was to beat TTSA to the punch and get news stories and TV series made about our efforts to prove gravity-control exists.”



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Former Senator Reid Wants UFO Studies Made Public

by George Knapp and Matt Adams               February 27, 2019                   (

• George Knapp’s Las Vegas-based CBS affiliate KLAS Channel 8 “I-Team” recently interviewed former Nevada Senator Harry Reid (pictured above) who is continuing to make the case for renewed studies into UFOs. Reid says that the Russian and Chinese military are certainly studying how UFOs work and how to build their own. (see 5:10 minute interview below)

• In 2007, Reid and a few senate colleagues sponsored a secret Pentagon program that investigated mystery aircraft and related phenomena. This is known as AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program), but Reid revealed that the original name for it was the Advanced Aerospace Weapons System Application Program (AAWSAP). This program ended six years ago. The former senator wants to see these ‘X-Files’ released to the public along with a renewed effort to get to the bottom of things.

• First there was the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO which buzzed the USS Nimitz carrier group in 2004 was not only seen by pilots and cameras but also by several high tech sensor systems, as documented in a 13-page report written for the Pentagon. Debunkers have tried to explain it as a rocket or something. Reid confirms that these craft are not [Earthly]. “People… who are in positions of responsibility, whether it’s the Pentagon or whatever it might be, …don’t want to have to try and explain something that many times is not explainable,” said Reid. “This has been going on a long time.”

• Then there was the so-called Gimbal UFO video recorded by military pilots in 2015. It was one of dozens of similar objects encountered off the coasts of Florida and Virginia over the past three years, according to Pentagon sources.

• More recently has been the release of the titles of 38 unclassified scientific papers produced by the AATIP/AAWSAP study, five of which has been made public in its entirety. Reid confirms that one of the unreleased studies involve the investigation reports of UFO activity over American nuclear missile bases. Another focused on a mysterious (Skinwalker) ranch in northeastern Utah, once owned by businessman Robert Bigelow, and the harmful health consequences for dozens of people who had close encounters there.

• Dr. Hal Puthoff, a Bigelow Aerospace physicist, says that the program also looked closely at a Brazilian investigation from the 1970’s that included a thousand pages of documents by the Brazilian Air Force, 500 photographs, 15 hours of film, and a lot of medical reports of injuries to people who encountered UFO craft at close range.

• Knapp asks Reid “What’s their [ETs] interest in us? Why are they buzzing around?” Reid replied, “Well, let’s turn that around. Why are we interested in them? Same answer to your question, because we don’t know.”

[Editor’s Note]  Since the AATIP/AAWSAP Program was revealed in December 2017, over 1200 Freedom of Information Requests have been filed with the Department of Defense for complete information on these declassified reports.


LAS VEGAS – Former Nevada Senator Harry Reid is continuing to make the case for renewed studies into the UFO mystery.

Back in 2007, Reid and a few senate colleagues sponsored a secret Pentagon program that investigated mystery aircraft and related phenomena.

The program was based in southern Nevada, but that effort ended six years ago, and very little from the study has been made public. Now, the senator not only hopes the X-Files get released but thinks there should be a renewed effort to get to the bottom of things.

“I’ll bet you anything that China is spending money to check this out I’ll bet you anything that KGB Putin is spending some money checking this out,” said former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

He dropped hard-edged hints that he knows potential adversaries Russia and China have carried out their own military studies to figure out how UFOs work and how to build their own.

The so-called Gimbal UFO recorded by military pilots in 2015 is one of dozens of similar objects encountered off the coasts of Florida and Virginia in the last three years, according to Pentagon sources.

The Tic Tac UFO which buzzed the USS Nimitz carrier group in 2004 was not only seen by pilots and cameras but also by several high tech sensor systems, as documented in a 13-page report written for the Pentagon, a document that went into the data base of AAWSAP, that’s the original acronym for the study Reid sponsored. The senator said these craft are not ours.

Reporter George Knapp: “What’s their interest in us? Why are they buzzing around?”

Former Sen. Harry Reid: “Well, let’s turn that around. Why are we interested in them? Same answer to your question, because we don’t know.”

Reporter George Knapp: “The Tic Tac. People have tried to explain it away, it’s almost an insult to our best pilots and sensors. It was real and we don’t understand it?”

Former Sen. Harry Reid: “This has been going on a long time. These sightings are said to have been set off by a rocket in California or something. People do not want, who are in positions of responsibility, whether it’s the Pentagon or whatever it might be, they don’t want to have to try and explain something that many times is not explainable.”

5:10 minute KLAS Channel 8 I-Team CBS News video of
Former Senator Reid’s interview (and Dr Hal Puthoff)



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On the Record American News Happened to Notice a UFO

by paradox                   February 23, 2019                     (

• On February 21st, Channel 3 NBC News in Cleveland, Ohio was broadcasting live when a UFO swept over the morning city in the background image of the broadcast. A bright, ball-shaped UFO flew up leaving behind a long trail in the sky and a few bewildered newspeople. The TV station received hundreds of calls from concerned viewers who noticed the incident. (see below an 18-second video clip of the WKYC News broadcast in real time, and a 2:02 minute enhanced video of the UFO)


A lot of viewers of the American Cleveland, Ohio, February 21, noticed something strange while watching TV channel “Channel 3 NBC”.

Live seemed to be an unidentified flying object, is rapidly swept over the morning city. Bright ball-shaped UFO flew up, leaving behind a long trail in the sky. Many people in front of the television proved to be very surprised by such a strange detail.

As you might guess, among the citizens and Internet users have viewed the videos below, immediately began to spread the theory about aliens visiting Cleveland.

Ufologists and curious people simple assume that the aircraft of the representatives of the extraterrestrials left Earth and accidentally got on camera of the TV crew. In this case, we have before us a real sensation, isn’t it? Indeed, in this case, it is difficult to blame the operator in rigging or fake.

18 second video clip of original WKYC News Cleveland with UFO

2:02 minute enhanced video of WKYC News Cleveland with UFO



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Austin Mayor Steve Adler: “We Are Putting Queso On The Moon”

February 22, 2019                    (

• Austen, Texas Mayor Steve Adler is one of a number of ‘celebrities, influencers, and dignitaries’ who has contributed a letter to the Arch Mission Foundation’s Lunar Library on the Moon. The letters are meant to be for extraterrestrials and future citizens of the solar system. They were placed on board the SpaceX Falcon rocket that launched out of Cape Canaveral, Florida on February 21st, and is scheduled to arrive at the Moon on April 11th. The SpaceX Falcon is carrying a moon lander from commercial space exploration outfit SpaceIL, which in turn is carrying the Lunar Library from the Arch Mission Foundation. It will touch down on the Moon’s surface and remain as part of the Arch Mission Foundation’s “Billion Year Archive” Lunar Library, permanently.

• The Arch Mission Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2015 by Nova Spivack and Nick Slavin, whose goal is to create multiple redundant repositories of the totality of human knowledge around the Solar System, including on Earth. The Lunar Library archive is comprised of millions of documents laser etched in microscopic analog form on a radiation-proof nickel Nanofiche™ disk.

• Mayor Adler sent a letter, on his official letterhead, dated August 17, 2018 welcoming Martians with a list of tongue-in-cheek reasons why they should visit Austin, and mentioning that Austin already has its own “extraterrestrial”, Albert “Leslie” Cochran, a popular homeless peace activist in the Texas Capitol. (see letter here)   On a more serious note, Adler notes that, “we are less proud [that] the world has not sufficiently responded to the dire threat of climate change and environmental injustice… the downtrodden, [and] failing to recognize that each human being… is alive with the same fire that lights the stars at night.”

• The Mayor’s letter also includes a copy of the original, authentic, and never-before-published Kerbey Queso (cheese dip) recipe from Kerbey Lane Cafe. “… and maybe someday chips as well, not because these things are easy, but because they are hard,” said Mayor Adler (with a nod to JFK’s 1962 speech in Houston).

• In addition to Mayor Adler’s letter on this trip is a copy of the English language Wikipedia, 25,000 books and collections from Project Gutenberg and the Internet Archive, and the Long Now Foundation Rosetta and PanLex datasets, with a linguistic key to 5000 languages with 1.5 billion cross-language translations.


Mayor Steve Adler today revealed the contents of an official letter to extraterrestrials and future citizens of the solar system that will be placed on the moon approximately 40 days from today, mid-April. The letter was aboard the SpaceX Falcon rocket that launched out of Cape Canaveral, Florida last night.

             Mayor Steve Adler

“Yes, the real moon.” said Mayor Adler.

The Falcon is carrying a moon lander from commercial space exploration outfit SpaceIL, which in turn is carrying the Lunar Library from the Arch Mission Foundation. The physical archive is comprised of millions of documents laser etched in microscopic analog form on a radiation-proof nickel Nanofiche™ disk. It will be placed on the moon permanently.

Space IL’s moon lander will circle the moon in gradually descending orbit in order to facilitate a soft landing. The first and nominal landing opportunity will happen on April 11.

The Arch Mission Foundation’s goal is to archive all human knowledge permanently in space. The Foundation provided this opportunity to Austin’s Mayor. Also included in the Billion Year Archive are:
• A full copy of the English language Wikipedia
• 25,000 books and other resources, including collections from Project Gutenberg and the Internet Archive
• The Long Now Foundation Rosetta and PanLex datasets, which provide a linguistic key to 5000 languages with 1.5 billion cross-language translations.

                      Nanofiche™ disks

As part of their program, the Arch Mission invited a limited number of celebrities, influencers, and dignitaries to make a contribution to the Lunar Library.

Mayor Adler’s letter includes a copy of the original, authentic, and never-before-published Kerbey Queso recipe from Kerbey Lane Cafe.

“We choose to send queso to the Moon – and maybe someday chips as well, not because these things are easy, but because they are hard,” said Mayor Adler. “The challenge to eat queso in zero gravity is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, among other key challenges, like next time remembering the chips.”



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Letter to the Editor: Are We Alone?

by Allen J. Novosad                 February 16, 2019                 (

• In a letter to the editor at the Victoria Advocate, Allen J. Novosad of Edna, Texas writes, ‘So why are nations refusing to admit the existence of UFOs? The answer may be fear of a worldwide panic, effect on religious beliefs and to maintain secrets regarding reverse engineering of alien technology.’

• ‘There is ancient architectural evidence of alien civilizations that are thousands of years ahead of us in technological development and are capable of space travel to the earth. There are many ancient written accounts of visual sightings of UFOs. In recent history there have been hundreds of thousands of UFO sightings by many individuals/groups including astronauts, engineers, pilots, military, etc., sometimes witnessing and removing all evidence of UFO crash material.’

• ‘Earth is an ecological paradise, which supports an endless variety of life forms. Perhaps aliens may have even contributed to the evolution of mankind and may have even manipulated animal and human DNA in this process. If aliens are still observing and exploring earth, we must ascertain their motives/reasons for such action and prepare accordingly.’

• ‘Lastly, if aliens’ existence is confirmed, religious beliefs in a supreme being (God) will most likely remain. After all, aliens face the same dilemma regarding how their life began and where the DNA came from to start their evolution process.’


Considering the vastness of the universe with its billions of stars and planets, most Americans believe there are other planets where intelligent life exists.

Also, it is highly likely that some alien civilizations may be thousands of years ahead of us in technological development and are capable of space travel and exploration of planets, including Earth. There is architectural evidence going back thousands of years including many written accounts of visual sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), which indicate the likelihood that earth has been visited by aliens. Even during recent history up to the present, there have been hundreds of thousands of UFO sightings by many individuals/groups including astronauts, engineers, pilots, military, etc. Many of these sightings remain unexplained, and there are events where an unknown flying object crashed followed by a military team from the nation involved arriving at the site and removing all evidence of crash material.

No nation has ever officially admitted an alien UFO was involved, but rather many different type explanations have been given to explain such crashes, usually which did not match eyewitnesses accounts. So why are nations refusing to admit the existence of UFOs? The answer may be fear of a worldwide panic, effect on religious beliefs and to maintain secrets regarding reverse engineering of alien technology.

If aliens have entered our solar system in the past, it is obvious the Earth and our moon would have been their primary targets for exploration. Earth is a water planet with slightly more than 70 percent of its surface being water, and has been called a “blue planet” as viewed by our astronauts. Additionally, earth is an ecological paradise, which supports an endless variety of life forms. Perhaps aliens may have even contributed to the evolution of mankind and may have even manipulated animal and human DNA in this process. If aliens are still observing and exploring earth, we must ascertain their motives/reasons for such action and prepare accordingly. Lastly, if aliens’ existence is confirmed, religious beliefs in a supreme being (God) will most likely remain. After all, aliens faced the same dilemma regarding how their life began and where the DNA came from to start their evolution process. Assuming alien contact will be achieved, perhaps the first question should be, do they believe in a supreme spiritual being and life after death?

Respectfully submitted,
Allen J. Novosad, Edna



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Three Alien Abduction Movies Based on True Events

by Ralph Hall                     February 7, 2019                       (

• For the real people represented in the following alien abduction films, extraterrestrial visitations to our planet are nothing short of the absolute truth. Through hypnosis and conscious recall, abductees of unearthly abductors are able to reproduce their experiences. It’s very clear to contactees that these alien abductors have an agenda of their own. The books written by or for these abductees usually portray aliens as non-threatening and somewhat friendly, although they are frequently depicted as hostile, cold, and steadfast.

• These three films, which were based on true events according to the authors and abductees, describe alien life as they have experienced it. It may not be the aliens’ intent to frighten us, but after watching these alarming dramatizations, we as the human species have much to think about.

COMMUNION (1989) – Based on the 1987 book of the same name by Whitley Strieber, Communion focuses on the struggles of the author himself, played by Christopher Walken, to come to terms with the possibility that he and his family may have been visited by aliens during a secluded winter vacation. Are these experiences hallucinations or dreams? What do the beings want? Strieber tries to answer these questions through hypnotic sessions with well-known UFO researcher, Budd Hopkins. (watch 1:46 minute trailer below)

INTRUDERS (1992) – This television miniseries is based on Budd Hopkins’ 1987 book Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods. It follows two women who are experiencing similar paranormal activity by non-human ‘invaders’, and who seek help from psychiatrist, Dr. Neil Chase. The series reinforces the idea that scientific studies should question the reasons behind alien abductions and their intentions for mankind. (watch 2:42:19 minutes of the series below)

FIRE IN THE SKY (1993) – Based on the 1978 book The Walton Experience, Fire in the Sky tells the story of Travis Walton who was abducted by a UFO in the woods of Northeastern Arizona in 1975, right in front of his friends and coworkers. Fire in the Sky is a dramatic story of a few men who witnessed something they could not explain, but must try to make the world believe in the unbelievable. The movie’s depiction of Walton’s experience inside the alien spacecraft was altered at the studio’s request, and is vastly different from Walton’s own description. Walton added a lot more detail to his story in his follow-up book, Fire in the Sky: The Walton Experience, published in 1996. (watch 5:14 minute ‘abduction scene’ below)


Can we as a film audience separate fact from science fiction? You can choose to believe in them or not, but for the real people represented in the following alien abduction films, extraterrestrial visitations to our planet are nothing short of the absolute truth. Using methods of hypnosis and conscious recall, abductees of unearthly abductors were able to reproduce their experiences through memoirs and documented case studies, which were later turned into books for the mass market.

Oftentimes, the media depicts alien life forms as either completely malevolent (as is the case in Alien or The Thing), or entirely harmless (think E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial or Mac and Me). While it’s up for debate what extraterrestrials’ meddlings with man ultimately accomplish, it’s very clear to contactees that they have an agenda of their own. The books written by or for these abductees usually portray aliens as non-threatening and somewhat friendly, although they are frequently depicted as hostile, cold, and steadfast.

These three films, which were based on true events according to the authors and abductees, describe alien life as they have experienced it, most of the time involuntarily so. It may not be the aliens’ intent to frighten us, but after watching these alarming dramatizations, we as the human species have much to think about.


1:46 minute trailer for the movie “Communion” (1989)


2:42:19 minute TV series, “Intruders” (1992)


5:14 minute ‘abduction scene’ in “Fire In The Sky” (1993)



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Project Blue Book Episode 4 Review: Operation Paperclip

Alejandro Rojas                  January 30, 2019                          (

• Episode 4 of the History Channel series, Project Blue Book, is entitled “Operation Paperclip” and delves into the events in Huntsville, Alabama in the late 1950’s, when the former Nazi rocket scientist, Wernher von Braun, was heading up the US military’s development of its own rocket weaponry. The show’s protagonist, J Allen Hynek, is led to Huntsville after he sees a UFO darting around his commercial airplane and his partner, Air Force Captain Michael Quinn, feels certain that it was a rocket from the Huntsville base. While there, they are introduced to Von Braun and other Germans that were brought here under Operation Paperclip to assimilate into American society and work on the rocket program. They see a humanoid alien floating on a vat of liquid, and a UFO or replica that disappears when a force-field is activated around it.

• Operation Paperclip was real, and Wernher von Braun was a real rocket scientist brought to the U.S. The German rocket scientists were first brought to Fort Bliss, Texas, but in the ‘50s, von Braun and his team were moved to Huntsville, Alabama. The Americans wanted the Germans to create the world’s first ballistic missiles for them.

• During WWII, the Nazi’s communicated with aliens (Draco Reptilians) and were able to develop technologies based on alien technology. There are pictures online of saucer-shaped craft with Nazi symbols and guns mounted on them, although firing the weapons disrupted the propulsion systems and would not work. The Germans were able to develop rudimentary anti-gravity propulsion with a “Nazi Bell” craft. The propulsion system consisted of two cylinders filled with a mercury-like substance that spun in opposite directions.

• In 1943, the USS Eldridge, a 300 ft long Navy destroyer, was used to experiment with cloaking technology. When the invisibility machine was enabled, the ship disappeared. When it reappeared crewmen reported feeling sick, and some were killed by somehow being embedded into the bulkhead of the vessel. Known as “The Philadelphia Experiment”, this is the technology alluded to in this episode of Operation Blue Book when the prototype spaceship disappears at the end of the show.

• This Project Blue Book episode seems to suggest UFO sightings are actually due to civilian sightings of our own experimental aircraft, or in this case, experimental rockets. This is a ruse that the CIA has often used. The problem is that the U.S. Air Force began investigating UFO sightings in 1947 with Project Sign and Project Blue Book began in 1952. The U.S. did not conduct test flights of the U-2 spy plane until the mid to late 50s. So it is not possible for the U-2 test flights to have been the UFOs that caused the creation of Project Blue Book.

Project Blue Book, the TV show, is getting more exciting. This particular journey into conspiratorial sci-fi is intelligent in that it is expertly incorporating the UFO and conspiracy mythologies while making the viewers think about alternate explanations to the UFO mystery.


Project Blue Book episode 4 takes a nosedive into the rabbit hole, but the wild storylines follow real conspiracy and UFO mythologies that are popular on the web. It also presents an intriguing alternate theory to the idea that UFOs have anything to do with aliens at all.

   the real Wernher von Braun

Take an odd part of history, add a bit of conspiracy mythology, then sprinkle with magic Hollywood dust and up sprouts a huge, beautiful tree of fantasy. That would sum up my feelings on “Operation Paperclip.” I am a student of history, so I relish in historical accuracy. However, I am also a sci-fi buff, and this latest episode frustrated the history buff in me while exciting my sci-fi side.

Let’s get into it. The show begins with Hynek on an airplane. The first mystery presented was that the passenger cabin of the aircraft looked more like a train with curtains over the windows and seats that faced one another. However, in a tweet, show creator and writer David O’Leary wrote: “Yes, these old 1950s planes really did have train-like booths that faced each other. And lots more leg room!” Score one for historical accuracy! Granted, it’s one of the few points that I will award in this category for this particular episode.

Hynek then sees a UFO flying around the airplane. We are lead to believe Hynek is experiencing this sighting, but then he wakes from a dream. He was dreaming about his most recent UFO case – a sighting by the passengers and crew of a commercial aircraft near Huntsville, Alabama.

          the real J. Allen Hynek

Quinn feels certain he knows who is responsible for this UFO incident and he is not very happy about it. Quinn explains that after World War II, German scientists were snatched up by the U.S. as part of Operation Paperclip. He says Huntsville was set up to house German scientists working on rocket technology, led by Wernher von Braun. Having fought in World War II, Quinn is with the situation.

Hynek and Quinn travel to Huntsville to find out what the Germans are up to. Quinn is convinced that the UFO that buzzed the airplane was a rocket built by the former German scientists, who he believes were not concerned with endangering the lives of the passengers.

Security denies Hynek and Quinn access to the base, but Quinn crashes through the barricades anyway. This does allow them an audience with Von Braun but also lands Quinn a suspension. Von Braun says he is familiar with Hynek’s work, shows them a secret rocket launch and offers Hynek a job. He admits it was one of his rockets that buzzed the airplane, but Hynek doesn’t believe him.

To make a long story short, after leaving, Hyenk and Quinn break into the base again. This time they sneak around and find a body floating in a suspended animation container. It looks like an alien. The base alarms sound, so the two race off, only to be caught. Von Braun tells them what they saw was a monkey that had been sent into space and was undergoing testing as to the effects of space on its body. Hynek tells him he is suspicious of their project because the rocket explanation for the UFO sighting did not fit the witness testimony. There is something von Braun is hiding.



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Alien Hunter Derrel Sims Keynotes Houston’s First Skydancer UFO Con

by Susie Tommaney                    January 17, 2019                     (

• On January 19th, the first Sky Dancer Native UFO Conference was held in Houston TX, to bring a Native American perspective on the UFO and extraterrestrial phenomenon. Presenters from the Cherokee, Zuni Pueblo, Navajo and Apache Nations included Kachina priest Clifford Mahooty; Greg Valdez, the son of New Mexico state trooper, Gabe Valdez, author of a book on mysterious cattle mutilations; and ‘Alien Hunter’ Derrel Sims.

• Some of the encounters discussed at the conference could be too frightening for the average person. For example, a pair of ex-policemen, who investigated paranormal activities in the Navajo nation during their career, narrate a movie that depicts the notorious “skinwalkers”, ie: evil beings that can transform into any animal at will.

• Derrel Sims, who is ‘part’ Cherokee, has an investigative background including military police, 40 years as a private investigator, and two years in CIA covert operations during the Vietnam War. As a child and teenager in Texas, Sims experienced several violent extraterrestrial alien abductions. More recently, his own son has had a similar experience. Sims says that ‘if you’ve been kidnapped by aliens, chances are one of your family members has also been snatched’. “They’re interested in your lineage.”

• Sims describes himself as the world’s leading expert on alien abductions as he has made it his life’s work to frustrate and defeat a malevolent alien agenda. “My general thought after doing this work for more than 40 years and literally 2,000 cases worldwide is that [alien abductors] are not benevolent. I’ve conducted 25 surgical interventions on people who have had small devices installed on them, some people call them alien implants, some of the devices turned out to be extraterrestrial,” says Sims.

• Both Sims and Mahooty have been tapped to speak at May’s Contact in the Desert in Indian Wells, California, the world’s largest UFO conference.


Alien Hunter Derrel Sims tells us that, if you’ve been kidnapped by aliens, chances are one of your family members has also been snatched. “You’re not special or unique; none of this weird stuff. They’re interested in your lineage,” he explains.

Sims says that as a child he was abducted by an alien in Midland and had a later, more violent encounter at the age of 17. He also says that years later his own son had been taken from their ranch near Huffman. He describes himself as the world’s leading expert on alien abductions and has since made it his life’s work to frustrate and defeat what he terms a malevolent alien agenda.

                            Derrel Sims

He’ll share information culled from more than 40 years of investigations at the inaugural Sky Dancer Native UFO Conference, where he’ll introduce fascinating statistics (45 percent of abductees are of Native American, Irish, English or Scottish descent), and deliver a keynote presentation, “Physical Evidence of the Alien and Where Are They Now?”

The conference, which is being presented through the prism of the Native American perspective, brings fresh insight to this mysterious subject with presenters from the Cherokee, Zuni Pueblo, Navajo and Apache Nations. Sims describes himself as “part blood, not full blood” and will be speaking from the Cherokee point of view. Topics include paranormal tribal histories, unexplained phenomena and extraterrestrial life.

Other speakers include Clifford Mahooty, a Zuni Pueblo leader and Kachina priest; and Greg Valdez, son of a New Mexico state trooper and author of Dulce Base The Truth and Evidence From the Case Files of Gabe Valdez, a book that delves into cattle mutilations.

“The whole idea is fun and information. I don’t mind telling you, you better be prepared. They’re going to tell you things you haven’t heard before,” says Sims, adding that a segment by Stanley Milford and Jonathan “Redbird” Dover just might be too frightening for some.



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What Does Foo Fighters Mean?

January 14, 2019                 (

• Many people know “Foo Fighters” as the name of ex-Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl’s rock band. But where did the name come from?

• The term “foo fighter” was first coined by the US Army Air Force in World War II, as a term for strange phenomena sighted in the sky. In November 1944, pilots flying over Western Europe had spotted glowing objects flying quickly around the night sky – which were thought to be a new Nazi secret weapon.

• These objects were dubbed “foo-fighters” by a radar operator, Donald J. Meiers, who named them after a then-current comic strip called Smokey Stover. Smokey was a fireman, or “foo fighter”, who traveled to incidents in his “Foomobile”. The term was in common usage by the 1930’s, even showing up in a Daffy Duck cartoon.

• “Had I actually considered this to be a career, I probably would have called it something else, because it’s the stupidest fucking band name in the world,” said Grohl.

• Grohl has long been fascinated by the extraterrestrial phenomenon. In 1996, he and his then-wife Jennifer Youngblood made a brief cameo appearance in an episode of the X-Files tv show. (see video clip below)

[Editor’s Note]   Actually, there were accounts of American pilots seeing glowing “foo fighter” balls as early as the summer 1943 on a bombing run over industrial targets around Schweinfurt, Germany, which resulted in a disastrous loss of American planes and crew. Survivors secretly spoke of these ‘foo fighters’ assisting the Nazi Luftwaffe in their defensive attacks. Did Hitler’s extraterrestrial allies deploy these orb craft to help protect Germany’s industrial efforts to build a space fleet, which soon led to the Nazi’s relocating their spacecraft industry to Antarctica?


Foo Fighters – a name that’s synonymous around the world with heavy guitar anthems and the legend that is Dave Grohl. But why did Big Dave pick such an unusual name? What does “Foo Fighters” actually mean?

Back in the Nirvana days, Grohl had written and recorded songs but had kept them to himself as he considered Kurt Cobain to be the musical genius in the group. When Cobain died in April 1994, it looked like Dave would join another band as a superstar drummer, but the world was surprised when he came out of the studio with a whole album’s worth of his own songs, recorded pretty much by himself.

           Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters

But Dave still wasn’t confident enough to release the music under his own name. He told Clash magazine in 2010: “Around the time that I recorded the first FF [demo] tape, I was reading a lot of books on UFOs. Not only is it a fascinating subject, but there’s a treasure trove of band names in those UFO books!”

“I had recorded the first record by myself, but I wanted people to think that it was a group, I figured that FOO FIGHTERS might lead people to believe that it was more than just one guy. Silly, huh?”

“Had I actually considered this to be a career, I probably would have called it something else, because it’s the stupidest fucking band name in the world.”

The term “foo fighter” was first coined by the US Air Force in World War II, as a term for strange phenomena sighted in the sky, before the term “unidentified flying objects” became a term. In November 1944, pilots flying over Western Europe had spotted glowing objects flying quickly around the night sky – which were thought to be a new German “secret weapon”.

Dave Grohl and wife in the background of the X-Files tv show – S3 E17



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Space Agency Reveals ‘We Can’t Hide Them’

by Callum Hoare                      January 12, 2019                        (

• In 2017, leaked records showed the Pentagon ran a secret $22 million extraterrestrial “black project” after reports of an aircraft moving at “very high velocities that hovered with no apparent means of lift”.

• Still, the Assistant Director of Science for Communications at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), in Maryland near Washington D.C. , Michelle Thaller, (pictured above) insists the space agency knows nothing about extra-terrestrial life. She reasons that there is no way alien life could be covered-up, and it would be obvious if there was ever a threat to Earth. “We are just people and if we knew something, there is no way to hide it,” Thaller insists. “We have nothing to hide.”

• “I know this won’t convince conspiracy theorists, but one of the things I love most about our science is how accessible it is,” says Dr Thaller, a 49 year-old astronomer who studies binary stars and their life cycle “We are now trying to involve the public in more than we do.”

[Editor’s Note]   There appears to be a strict line between the NASA secret space program which works with the MIC SSP and the Air Force SSP to conduct operations in near space around the planet and the Moon, and the Public Relations NASA that is told nothing about the various secret space programs and their interactions with extraterrestrial beings so they can claim ignorance with plausible deniability. NASA and the Air Force still dodge the issue by using the standard lines that they’ve used since the 1940’s – that our government simply cannot keep a secret, and that ‘there is no extraterrestrial threat’. Well of course there is no threat because the ETs are working directly with our government. Dr Thaller is either being intentionally kept in the dark or is under strict orders to lie to the press and to the public about the hidden extraterrestrial presence here on Earth.


Conspiracy theorists have long believed NASA is involved in a cover-up surrounding alien activity due to the number of UFO sightings worldwide that go unexplained. In 2017, leaked records showed the Pentagon ran a secret $22million (£17million) extra-terrestrial “black project” after reports of an aircraft moving at “very high velocities that hovered with no apparent means of lift”. However, NASA’s Assistant Director Michelle Thaller insists the space agency knows nothing more about extra-terrestrial life than what it has shared with the public.

She revealed there is no way alien life could be covered-up and it would be obvious if there was ever a threat to Earth.

Dr Thaller told BigThink: “The day you see all the NASA scientists max out their credit cards and disappear, that is when you should worry.

“We are just people and if we knew something, there is no way to hide it.”

“Whenever we find something that is even slightly interesting we go to the government and the press about it – we have nothing to hide.”

“This is something that is really difficult, people think we are hiding aliens, but that shows the gap between scientists and the public.”

“We are now trying to involve the public in more than we do.”



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New History Channel Show Tells of Pilot’s 1948 ‘Dogfight’ With UFO Above Fargo

by Kim Hyatt                       January 9, 2019                      (

• The first episode of “Project Blue Book” premiered on the History Channel Tuesday, January 8th. It focuses on a 25-year-old National Guard lieutenant’s encounter with an UFO in the skies above Fargo, North Dakota.

• In October 1948, the local Fargo newspaper interviewed Lieutenant George Gorman, a B-25 fighter pilot in World War II. He told ‘The Forum’ that his “dogfight” with the UFO was “the weirdest experience I’ve had in my life.”

• The Fargo newspaper ran an account of the incident at the time. Flying at night in a P-51 over what is now North Dakota State University during a football game, Gorman saw a “flying disk”. It was round with well-defined edges, brilliantly lit and circling over the city. Gorman decided to investigate and a 27-minute chase ensued. Gorman tried crashing into it, but the disk dodged him at speeds of 600 mph. His P-51 aircraft’s top speed was 400 mph. As he approached the disk, it lit up and, with a burst of speed, outdistanced him.

• “Once, when the object was coming head on, I held my plane pointed right at it,” Gorman reported. “The object came so close that I involuntarily ducked my head because I thought a crash was inevitable. But the object zoomed over my head.”

• His story was corroborated by another pilot flying over Fargo that night, and two air traffic controllers to whom Gorman relayed information regarding the disk. Maj. D. C. Jones, commander of the 178th fighter squadron at Hector airport, said Gorman was so shaken by the experience that Gorman had difficulty landing that night.

• The Air Force investigated the incident through Project Blue Book, as depicted in the television show. According to the National Archives, there were more than 12,500 sightings reported to Project Blue Book in the 1950’s and 60’s, but the investigations officially found no evidence that UFOs were “extraterrestrial vehicles” or a security threat, including this one. Air Force investigators noted that Gorman was a credible, sincere witness “who was considerably puzzled by his experience and made no attempt to blow his story up.” But the Air Force ultimately ruled it an encounter with a weather balloon.

• According to ‘The Forum’ newspaper clippings from 1947 to 1995, UFO sightings were a dime a dozen back then. “A flurry of reports of unidentified flying objects were made in North Dakota,” says an article from August 1965. Countless columns aimed to disprove the sightings, claiming that “flying saucers aren’t for real,” said one article from August 1963. A March 1950 article tried to downplay the UFO hype, saying UFOs aren’t anything new and that, in fact, sightings in North Dakota dated back to 1897.

• Nevertheless, the Fargo-Moorhead area has welcomed “ufologists” for lectures over the years. Officials investigated reports made by children, adults and law enforcement alike.

• As for Gorman, he carried out his career in the Guard quietly, never again speaking publicly about his UFO experience. He denied Life magazine an interview in 1952. Gorman told friends that “he was never convinced that he had been dueling with a lighted balloon for 27 minutes.”


A new History Channel series exploring U.S. investigations into UFOs has a strong Fargo tie.

The first episode of “Project Blue Book” premiered Tuesday, Jan. 8. It focuses on a 25-year-old National Guard lieutenant’s encounter with an unidentified flying object in the skies above Fargo.

The lieutenant, George Gorman, a B-25 fighter pilot in World War II, told The Forum in October 1948 that the “dogfight” with the UFO was “the weirdest experience I’ve had in my life.”

              Lieutenant George Gorman

According to the archived Forum article: Flying in a P-51 over what is now North Dakota State University during a football game, Gorman saw the “flying disk,” according to the archived Forum article. It was round with well-defined edges, brilliantly lit and circling over the city.

After Gorman decided to investigate the disk, a 27-minute chase ensued in the Fargo night sky.

Gorman tried crashing into it, but the disk dodged him at speeds of 600 mph, he recalled. His aircraft was going at a top speed of 400 mph, and as he approached the disk, it lit up and, with a burst of speed, outdistanced him.

“Once, when the object was coming head on, I held my plane pointed right at it,” Gorman said. “The object came so close that I involuntarily ducked my head because I thought a crash was inevitable. But the object zoomed over my head.”

His story was corroborated by another pilot flying in Fargo that night and two air traffic controllers who Gorman relayed information to regarding the disk’s antics.

Maj. D. C. Jones, commander of the 178th fighter squadron at Hector airport, said Gorman was so shaken by the experience that Gorman had difficulty landing that night.



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Experts Weigh In on Hollywood’s Take on Aliens and the Myths Surrounding Extraterrestrial Activity That Began in Roswell

by Sam Davidson                  January 12, 2019                     (

• With the release of CW’s newest series ‘Roswell, New Mexico’ on January 15th, we take a cursory look at the truths and misconceptions perpetuated by Hollywood when it comes to the topic of aliens and UFOs.

• According to Robbie Graham, author of Silver Screen Saucers, “Hollywood takes a huge amount of liberties obviously with any adaptation of any real event. Even Hollywood’s adaptations of well documented, agreed upon historical events often take great artistic liberties. There is a popular misconception that the phenomena as we understand it today has sprung from Hollywood’s imagining of such events.”

• Author and paranormal investigator Kitty Janusz, a UFO witness herself, says, “A lot of paranormal investigators avoid alien energy because it makes them really uncomfortable. …[T]hat kind of energy it is not a benevolent energy. In fact, not all paranormal investigators tap into the alien energy at all. …It makes some people nervous because they don’t know what their agenda is or what their intentions are.”

• Janusz believes that there is something far bigger going on here. Just like in the ‘Roswell, New Mexico’ television series, she does believe that it’s a possibility that there are incognito aliens walking among us. “I think it’s definitely a plausibility that aliens are infiltrating our society pretending to be one of us. Flying overhead and doing fly byes doesn’t seem beneficial unless they were infiltrating us. There are some schools of thought that say we are just an experiment, like a little farm, and I wouldn’t be surprised.”

• Former CIA agent Derrel Sims claims to have had several abduction experiences with extraterrestrials, and they were not good. In 1988 Sims founded Saber Enterprises to analyze evidence of extraterrestrial/human interaction. “Aliens have lied to every culture they have had contact with,” says Sims. “They are not like humans. It is a serious mistake to try to judge the alien based on the idea that they’re just like us, but a little different.”

• In shows like ‘Roswell, New Mexico’ aliens are always portrayed to have some kind of power that humans do not possess. Sims gives two examples: “Aliens appear to have a total understanding of gravity. This is how they move rapidly without injury. They understand the infrared and UV spectrum and use it to their advantage to cloak themselves and their craft. DSP (Defense Support Program) satellites knows this better than anyone.”

• Sims is also an expert on alien implants. There are thousands of medical accounts that truly have no other explanation. Says Sims, “Alien implants are a device or object left inside the human being by the alien presence. In 1994, I had spoken to 250 doctors and surgeons at the John Muir Medical Hospital in Northern California. [D]uring our first two surgeries, both surgeons were startled by the results. …There was a biological cocoon surrounding the objects. The cocoon was a non-inflammatory response, not made by the body, and according to the pathologist, was impossible for it to be in that location.”

• Do shows like ‘Roswell, New Mexico’ even get it remotely right? It’s not so crazy to think that perhaps Hollywood builds these narratives around some type of truth. According to Graham, “I think it’s always been a constant struggle to figure out what is going on here. I am sure people have drawn private conclusions in various intelligent and military circles, but I don’t think anyone has the truth. I mean the phenomena that has been reported over seven decades is so bizarre and it seems to be related to us a species and our consciousness levels as well. We play a part in manifesting this phenomena.”


Popular culture has been creating extraterrestrial narratives for about 70 years now, and each story explores the legends of aliens in different ways. With the release of CW’s newest series ‘Roswell, New Mexico’ coming in just a few days, we decided to dig deeper into these fascinating myths to perhaps find some kernel of truth in what many assume to be a highly fictionalized topic. According to Robbie Graham, author of Silver Screen Saucers and expert on all things extraterrestrial in popular culture, Hollywood does indeed twist whatever truths exist in regards to the topic of aliens and UFOs. Additionally, Graham even thinks that Hollywood is somewhat to blame about the common misconceptions surrounding this taboo topic.

                        Robbie Graham

“Hollywood takes a huge amount of liberties obviously with any adaptation of any real event. Even Hollywood’s adaptations of well documented, agreed upon historical events often take great artistic liberties. There is a popular misconception that the phenomena as we understand it today has sprung from Hollywood’s imagining of such events.”

However, with that being said, there has to be some truth behind these crazy theories, right? We spoke with author and paranormal investigator Kitty Janusz, who explained the type of energy that people in her field feel when trying to tap into the extraterrestrial realm. Janusz herself says that she has seen UFOs several times in her life, so is a believer that there is something else out there, but it likely isn’t what many perceive it to be.

              Kitty Janusz (on right)

“A lot of paranormal investigators avoid alien energy because it makes them really uncomfortable. We have an open mind and we would love to learn because we have a scientific mindset, but when we actually do encounter that kind of energy it is not a benevolent energy. In fact, not all paranormal investigators tap into the alien energy at all, as it can be very sporadic and tense. It makes some people nervous because they don’t know what their agenda is or what their intentions are.”

Even though Janusz is unclear on what it is that aliens would want from us, she does believe that there is something far bigger going on here. Just like in the ‘Roswell, New Mexico’ television series, she does believe that it’s a possibility that there are aliens incognito walking among us, but the million dollar question is, why?

                           Derrel Sims

“I think it’s definitely a plausibility that aliens are infiltrating our society pretending to be one of us. Flying overhead and doing fly byes doesn’t seem beneficial unless they were infiltrating us. There are some schools of thought that say we are just an experiment, like a little farm, and I wouldn’t be surprised. I don’t think we are the high ones on any ladder by any means.”

Derrel Sims, former CIA agent and one of the world’s leading experts on alien abductions, claims to have had several experiences with extraterrestrials, and they were not good. In 1988 Sims founded Saber Enterprises, and the initial objective was to collect physical evidence that would support the reality of extraterrestrial/human interaction and to analyze that evidence to learn as much as possible about the phenomenon. Sims has some fascinating stories and theories that explore both the intentions and methods aliens have when interacting with humans.

“Aliens have lied to every culture they have had contact with. They are not like humans. It is a serious mistake to try to judge the alien based on the idea that they’re just like us, but a little different.”



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15th Century Painting is Proof of UFO Visit

by Sean Martin                      January 12, 2019                        (

• “The Annunciation with Saint Emidius”, a painting by Carlo Crivelli which dates back to 1486 (shown below), depicts a UFO in the skies firing down a beam of light to the Virgin Mary. Ancient alien theorists interpret this scene as when the Virgin Mary was impregnated with her son, Jesus Christ. Thus, conspiracy theorists claim that Jesus was actually sent to Earth by a different race from another planet.

• The website Listverse states: “Their belief is that Jesus was not divine at all. Instead, it was the result of genetic engineering and the implanting of a child into the unsuspecting Immaculate Conception.” “Many people who claim to have been abducted (by aliens) state that they were inside their homes when a strange light shone from outside the buildings.”

• However, ufologist Jacques Vallee told Huffington Post that the painting is fictional, and there is no way the artist would know what is in the skies at the time of the supposed conception of Christ as it was painted almost 1500 years later.

• Similarly, the walls of the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral in Mtskheta, Georgia (Eastern Europe) contain an 11th century portrait of Christ being crucified with a large crowd gathered around Him (shown above). But in the top left and right corners are what appear to be dome-shaped flying craft with three trails coming out of each. Theorists claim that this is proof of the existence of alien UFO’s 2000 years ago. Art historians claim that the strange craft actually represent guardian angels.


A Painting dating back to the 1400s could prove that aliens coexisted with humans on Earth and may have played a part in the story of the Bible.

“The Annunciation with Saint Emidius” 1486

The paining in question is the “The Annunciation with Saint Emidius,” by Carlo Crivelli which dates back to 1486. In it, a strange object is seen in the skies firing down a beam to the Virgin Mary, supposedly impregnating her with Jesus Christ. While the thin laser-like light was meant to stem from a formation of angels, conspiracy theorists claim it is a UFO firing the beam, and is more proof of ancient aliens.

Conspiracy theorists claim that Jesus was not divine, but was actually sent by a different race from another planet.

The website Listverse states: “Their belief is that Jesus was not divine at all. Instead, it was the result of genetic engineering and the implanting of a child into the unsuspecting Immaculate Conception.

“Supposedly, she was abducted and impregnated by an alien race.They argue that the beam of light striking Mary while she is indoors is consistent with modern-day alien abductions.

“Many people who claim to have been abducted state that they were inside their homes when a strange light shone from outside the buildings.”

However, computer scientist Jacques Vallee told Huffington Post that the painting is fictional, and there is no way the artist would know what is in the skies at the time of the supposed conception of Christ as it was painted almost 1500 years later.



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Aliens and Cold War Paranoia Collide in ‘Project Blue Book’

by Judy Berman                    January 3, 2019                      (

• Based on the true story of J. Allen Hynek’s evolution from UFO skeptic as the head astronomer for Project Blue Book, to a believer suspicious of a government cover-up, premiered on January 8th on the History Channel. Project Blue Book was an Air Force project to ‘study’ and ultimately debunk all UFO reports, which existed from 1952 to 1969.

• The show, entitled “Project Blue Book” is executive produced by Robert Zemeckis. Aidan Gillen, Game of Thrones’ “Littlefinger”, portrays the brilliant but arrogant J. Allen Hynek. Set in the simpler times of the 1950’s and 60’s, the historical drama brings forth the underlying paranoia of government agendas and Soviet espionage that was brewing just below the surface.

Project Blue Book works as a paranormal procedural in the X-Files mold; the story moves quickly, the performances elevate the scripts and episodes strike the right balance between the character’s relationships and a darker scenario that drives the season-long arc of a ‘very watchable’ show.


After World War II, as tensions with the Soviet Union fueled both the space race and fears of nuclear apocalypse, the U.S. Air Force started investigating UFOs. For help debunking the strange reports flowing in from across the country, the military enlisted J. Allen Hynek, an astronomer later known for developing the “close encounter” classification system. But over the years, Hynek grew less skeptical about UFOs and more suspicious of his bosses’ agenda, even as he remained instrumental to the 17-year study Project Blue Book.

His story is so obviously the stuff of prestige TV that it’s surprising it has taken so long to reach cable, in the form of a sci-fi drama from executive producer Robert Zemeckis that premieres on Jan. 8 on History. Project Blue Book smartly casts Aidan Gillen (Game of Thrones‘ Littlefinger) as the brilliant but arrogant Hynek. Captain Michael Quinn (Michael Malarkey) is the grounded Scully to his obsessive Mulder, a World War II hero charged with overseeing Allen–and ensuring that he toes the Air Force line. Above Quinn’s pay grade, a cover-up is brewing. And at home, Allen’s long absences have primed his wife Mimi (Laura Mennell) for a friendship with a mysterious new woman in town (Ksenia Solo).

Many great historical dramas–Mad Men, Halt and Catch Fire, The Knick–have been built on similar setups, following difficult visionaries who struggle against contemporary mores and authorities to shape the future we inhabit. Project Blue Book calls back to The Americans too, with Soviet spies sniffing around Allen’s classified research.



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