ET Nanotech Used to Control Humans

by Paul Harper                 August 5, 2018                    (

• Dr. Roger Leir is a well-known Ufologist who claims to have removed “16 alien implants”. In independent filmmaker Jeremy Corbell’s new documentary, “Patient Seventeen”, Corbell follow Dr. Leir as he removes an alien implant from a seventeenth patient. Patient Seventeen believes he has had several experiences with intelligent lifeforms not from this planet, a claim made by more than three million Americans.

• Footage shows the patient’s surgery and then the results of scientific testing of the minute implant. Scientist Steve Colbern claims that the implant is made up of 36 elements, many of which are reportedly not found on Earth. “It’s probably a sophisticated nanotechnological device,” says Colbern.

• Nanophysicist Chris Cooper remarks, “There is nothing I can imagine that could explain why this man would have a witch’s brew of elements within a sample embedded in his leg.” “This is the most astounding array of elements in a simple sample I’ve ever seen.”

• Dr. Leir believes that the implanted device emits “scalar waves”, i.e.: electromagnetic radiation that could potentially be used for communication. Dr. Leir is convinced that the device “did not come from our solar system, much less the Earth”.

• The filmmaker asked Dr. Leir if he was sure that he wanted him to film his work. Leir said, “Yes, Jeremy. I’ve been doing this for more than two decades, and there’s something to this!” Corbell told Dr. Leir that he would film his surgery, “but if he was lying, bending the truth or trying to deceive the public in any way by altering his results, that I was going to out him.”

• “I might be sitting on the most astounding physical evidence of an off-world, non-terrestrial nanotechnological device from an advanced Alien intelligence,” exclaimed Corbell. As for Patient Seventeen, “I just want this to end, I just want it removed. ‘This is scarier than hell.”


The production is named after the 17 reported patients helped by a Dr Roger Leir, a well-known Ufologist, who alleges he has removed “16 alien implants”.

Dr. Roger Leir

Patient Seventeen believes he has had several experiences with intelligent lifeforms not from this planet, a claim made by more than three million Americans who suffer from what’s called “alien abduction syndrome”.

Jeremy Corbell

The unidentified man said he never realised that there was a tiny metal object – the size of the “end of a matchstick” – in his leg,  which is suggested was secretly inserted during an ET encounter.

“I just want this to end, I just want it removed,” he tells the camera.

“This is scarier than hell.”

Footage shows the patient’s surgery and then the results of scientific testing of the minute implant, which Dr Leir is convinced “did not come from our solar system, much less the Earth”.

Scientist Steve Colbern claims that the implant is made up of 36 elements, many of which are reportedly not traditionally found on Earth.



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How U.F.O.s ‘Exploded’ Into Public View

by Laura M. Holson                   August 3, 2018                      (

• Starting around 11:40 p.m. on July 19, 1952, air traffic controllers at Washington National Airport noticed radar blips speeding near Andrews Air Force Base. The unidentified aircrafts fanned out, flying over the White House and the U.S. Capitol (see photo image above). They vanished around 5 a.m. That morning, Capt. S.C. “Casey” Pierman was leaving Washington National Airport bound for Detroit. Air traffic control told Pierman to follow the unidentified flying objects. Flying over West Virginia, Pierman reported tracking as many as seven bluish-white lights.

• A week later on July 26th, unidentified radar blips were again spotted on radar at Washington National Airport. The Air Force dispatched jet fighters to intercept the flying objects. But every time one of the jets closed in, they disappeared. When the jets backed off, they reappeared. At one point, a pilot found himself in the midst of four unidentified aircrafts and asked what to do. Air control were speechless. Suddenly the objects began to move away. The pilot radioed, ‘They’re gone,” and returned to his base.

• Pentagon spokesman at the time, Albert Chop, told the press that “These things hung around all night long.” The next day, almost every major newspaper wrote about the UFOs. “‘Objects’ Outstrip Jets Over Capital,” was the headline in The New York Times.

• The Air Force and the CIA became worried that the Soviet Union would take advantage of the situation and launch an attack on the United States. Worse, no one could explain the phenomenon to President Harry Truman.

• On July 29, 1952, Maj. Gen. John Samford, the director of Air Force intelligence overseeing the inquiry, held a news conference to reassure the public. He dismissed the Washington sightings as a temperature anomaly. Still, the general conceded that not all the details could be explained by natural causes. Witness reports “have been made by credible observers of relatively incredible things,” he said at the time. The New York Times ran the headline “Air Force Debunks ‘Saucers’ as Just ‘Natural Phenomena.’”

• In January 1953, a scientific committee led by Howard Robertson, a well-known mathematician and physicist, was formed by the government to explore the phenomenon. “One of the conclusions was that they needed to debunk UFOs,” said former Army Lt Col. Kevin Randle, who has written a book on the incident, Invasion Washington: U.F.O.s Over the Capitol. The ‘Robertson Panel’ suggested that the government conduct a mass media education campaign to “reduce the current gullibility of the public and consequently their susceptibility to clever hostile propaganda.” The re-education campaign did not work. Few were convinced by the government’s explanation, and UFOs have persisted in pop culture.

• Government officials have sought to publicly debunk the existence of alien evidence ever since the 1952 Washington sightings. Nevertheless, the topic is back in the headlines. Last year, The New York Times wrote about a little known Pentagon project, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, founded in 2007 to investigate UFO sightings. A search of The NY Times’s historical archives reveals a rich bounty of UFO sightings, lore and explanations since the 1950s. And who can forget in 2016 when Hillary Clinton said she would reopen the real X-files if she were president?

[Editor’s Note]  According to sources such as Corey Goode and William Tompkins, the UFOs that buzzed Washington D.C. in the summer of 1952 were actually Nazi spacecraft from Antarctica.  After these incidents, President Eisenhower and the U.S. military were pressured into negotiating a truce with the Nazi faction, ultimately clearing the way for a cooperative treaty between the highly advanced Nazi group and the U.S. military industrial complex which endures even today. 


In the early morning of July 20, 1952, Capt. S.C. “Casey” Pierman was ready for takeoff at Washington National Airport, when a bright light skimmed the horizon and disappeared. He did not think much of it until he was airborne, bound for Detroit, and an air traffic controller told him two or three unidentified flying objects were spotted on radar traveling at high speed.

The controller told Captain Pierman to follow them, the pilot told government investigators at the time. Captain Pierman agreed, and headed northwest over West Virginia where he saw as many as seven bluish-white lights that looked “like falling stars without tails,” according to a newspaper report.

The sighting of whatever-they-were garnered headlines around the world. And in the decades since, U.F.O.s have become part of the pop culture zeitgeist, from “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” to “The X-Files.” In September, a star of that long-running series, Gillian Anderson, will appear in “UFO,” a movie about a college student haunted by sightings of flying saucers. A “Men in Black” remake is in the works. And the History Channel plans to air “Project Blue Book,” a scripted series about the government program that studied whether U.F.O.s were a national threat.

And the topic is back in the headlines. Last year, The Times wrote about a little known project founded in 2007, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, to investigate U.F.O. sightings. A search of The Times’s historical archives reveals a rich bounty of U.F.O. sightings, lore and explanations since the 1950s. And who can forget in 2016 when Hillary Clinton said she would reopen the real X-files if she were president?

Captain Pierman’s 68-year-old daughter, Faith McClory, said in an interview last month that her father became something of a celebrity as reports like his in the summer of 1952 fueled fear of a space alien invasion.

“My sister has memories of men coming to our home,” said Ms. McClory, who grew up in Belleville, Mich. (She said they were reporters.) “People were enthralled with the flying saucers,” she added.
Researchers say government officials have sought to publicly debunk the existence of alien evidence ever since the Washington sightings.

“Unidentified flying objects exploded into the public consciousness then,” said Mark Rodeghier, the scientific director for the Center for UFO Studies, a group of scientists and researchers who study the U.F.O. phenomenon. “There was concern in a way you hadn’t seen before.”



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“Calling All Earthlings” Changes The Course of Time

by Tony Sokol                       August 2, 2018                        (

Calling All Earthlings, a documentary film on the life of UFO/ET experiencer, George Van Tassel, opened August 1st at the Maysles Documentary Center in Harlem, New York City. Van Tassel was a former aircraft mechanic who opened a small airport and cafe in the desert town of Landers, California, adjacent to a “Big Rock” considered sacred by Native Americans. In the documentary, social scientists and futurists Dr. J.J. Hurtak and his wife Dr. Desiree Hurtak give running commentary, and a medium channels Van Tassel’s spirit.

• On August 24, 1953, Van Tassel was awakened by a man from Venus named Solganda who looked human and spoke English. The man gave Van Tassel blueprints for a wooden dome that spins and creates a powerful electromagnetic field which creates anti-gravity and time travel, and promotes human health through cellular rejuvenation. Van Tassel also incorporated the writings of Nikola Tesla to come up with the structure known as “The Integratron” (shown above). Made without nails or screws that could with the machine’s conductive properties, the structure is ringed by a rotating wheel of metal spikes. He chose the site in the Mojave Desert north of Joshua Tree National Park for the structure because of its proximity to magnetic vortices and its relationship to the Great Pyramids in Giza. Mostly paid for by Howard Hughes, it took Van Tassel 18 years to build The Integratron.

• The FBI considered Van Tassel a “mental case,” according to declassified files used in the documentary, and scoffed at the belief that communication with extraterrestrials was possible. But the agency also wondered whether the annual Giant Rock Interplanetary Spacecraft Convention, which Van Tassel hosted for over 20 years, was a commie front.

• Van Tassel died mysteriously in 1978, and his papers thereafter disappeared.


Mystery, murder and meditation meet aliens, federal agents and time travel in Calling All Earthlings. The documentary follows George Van Tassel, who mixed alien intelligence with the writings of inventor Nikola Tesla to come up with The Integratron, a time machine powered by electromagnetic energy. The documentary opens with a collage of witnesses testifying to strange lights, craft, and creatures with glowing red eyes, and then gets weird.

George Van Tassel

Tassel was far ahead of his time, both technologically and socially. He started at spiritual UFO cult which was stalked by busybodies worried about chants of love, peace and prosperity, while the FBI worked to infiltrate and influence the Integratron intelligentsia against their communistic ideas about free energy. Jack Parsons, the black magic rocket scientist who worked with the Great Beast Aleister Crowley and L. Ron Hubbard, explored free love as part of rocketry’s Suicide Club. But offering free energy proves more dangerous than a Babalon Working for Tassel.

Tassel was a former aircraft mechanic and inspector. He opened a small airport and cafe in the desert town of Landers, California, where some good smoke was being puffed, according to one of the locals interviewed. He set up shop next to a big rock considered sacred by Native Americans.

Tassel began the communication that led to the basic blueprints for the machine on August 24, 1953, when he was woken up by a man named Solganda who looked human and spoke English. The man from Venus gave Tassel plans for a dome that spins and creates a powerful electromagnetic field which promotes cellular rejuvenation allowing Van Tassel to grow old and wise enough to save humanity.

“Dedicated to Research in Life Extension,” the Integratron built as a “a time machine for basic research on rejuvenation, anti-gravity, and time travel.” The site in the Mojave Desert was chosen because of its proximity to magnetic vortices and its relationship to the Great Pyramids in Giza. The 21st century version of Moses’ Tabernacle is held down by a donut of cement that forms a small oculus at the apex of the dome. The structure is ringed by a rotating wheel of metal spikes. The two-story wooden building was metal-free. There were no nails or screws used because they could have interfered with the machine’s conductive properties. He also inadvertently invented Ikea.

It took Tassel 18 years to build the dome about 20 miles north of Joshua Tree National Park. The work was paid for by covert payments from legendary recluse Howard Hughes, members of Van Tassel’s Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc., and revenue from an annual Interplanetary Spacecraft Convention.

1:36 minute movie trailer for “Calling All Earthlings”


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The UFO Sightings That Launched ‘Men in Black’ Mythology

by Justin Sablich                    July 20, 2018                    (

• On June 27, 1947, Harold Dahl was boating on the Puget Sound near the eastern shore of Washington’s Maury Island when he saw six donut-shaped objects hovering about a half a mile above his boat. Suddenly, one of them fell nearly 1,500 feet raining metallic debris, some of which hit Dahl’s son, Charles, on his arm, as well as the family dog who didn’t survive. Dahl was able to take some pictures of the UFO with his camera which he later showed to his supervisor, Fred Crisman. A skeptical Crisman went back to the scene to look for himself and saw a strange aircraft with his own eyes.

• The following morning, Dahl was visited by a man in a black suit. At a local diner the man was able to recount in extraordinary detail what Dahl had just experienced. “What I have said is proof to you that I know a great deal more about this experience of yours than you will want to believe,” the man said, according to author Gray Barker’s 1956 book They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers. Dahl was told not to speak of the incident, or else bad things would happen.

• Dahl and Crisman called Kenneth Arnold, a pilot who had his own UFO encounter on June 24, 1947 near Mt. Rainier, Washington, three days after the Maury Island incident. This touched off the ‘flying saucer’ sensation.

• The mention of the man in the black suit would evolve into a key obsession for UFO enthusiasts and spread into American popular culture, thanks to a comic-book series and a blockbuster movie trilogy on the ‘Men in Black’. MIBs typically show up to muzzle witnesses of paranormal phenomena. They almost always wear black suits and hats with dark sunglasses, drive black cars and arrive in groups of two or three. Sometimes the MIB will have supernatural features like glowing eyes and strange complexions.

• Dahl and Crisman reached out to a Chicago magazine in an attempt to sell their story. The magazine editor contacted Arnold, hoping he could help verify their account. Arnold summoned two Army A-2 Intelligence officers to aid in the investigation of Dahl and Crisman’s claim. Afterward, the intelligence officers left aboard a B-25 plane. The plane caught fire and crashed, killing both officers.

• In 1956, author Grey Barker wrote a book on the Maury Island incident and mentioned that, just as a man in a black suit met with Harold Dahl after the incident, three men in black suits also met with another UFO enthusiast named Albert K. Bender in 1953. This sparked the ‘Men In Black’ lore. Barker described Bender’s visitors as, “Three men in black suits with threatening expressions on their faces. Three men who walk in on you and make certain demands. Three men who know that you know what the saucers really are!”

• In 1962, Bender wrote his own book and described the MIB as follows: “They floated about a foot off the floor… They looked like clergymen, but wore hats similar to Homburg style. The faces were not clearly discernible, for the hats partly hid and shaded them… The eyes of all three figures suddenly lit up like flashlight bulbs… They seemed to burn into my very soul as the pains above my eyes became almost unbearable.” But Barker’s motives were questioned. UFO researcher Robert Sheaffer corresponded with Barker and found that Barker “did not take the MIB… very seriously.”

• Nevertheless, countless MIB encounters have been reported over the past 60 years, not to mention books and motion pictures on the topic.


It’s possible that the story of the Men in Black, the mysterious figures that would become the subject of fascination in UFO conspiracy circles and eventually break into mainstream popular culture, can be traced back to one day: June 27, 1947. It’s quite possible that it all started with a man, a boy and a dog on a boat.

               Harold Dahl

As the story goes, Harold Dahl was on a conservation mission on the Puget Sound near the eastern shore of Washington’s Maury Island, gathering logs, when he saw six donut-shaped obstacles hovering about a half a mile above his boat. Before long, one of them fell nearly 1,500 feet, followed by raining, metallic debris, some of which hit Dahl’s son, Charles, on his arm, as well as the family dog, who didn’t survive the ordeal. Dahl was able to take some pictures of the aircraft with his camera, which he later showed to his supervisor, Fred Crisman. A skeptical Crisman went back to the scene to look for himself and saw a strange aircraft with his own eyes.

The following morning, Dahl was visited by a man in a black suit. They end up at a local diner, where the man was able to recount in extraordinary detail what Dahl had just experienced. “What I have said is proof to you that I know a great deal more about this experience of yours than you will want to believe,” the man said, according to author Gray Barker’s 1956 book They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers.

Dahl was told not to speak of the incident. If he did, bad things would happen.

The supposed events of Maury Island have continued to fuel conspiracy theories to this day, even though a U.S. government investigation deemed it a hoax after Dahl and Crimson later admitted as much. In particular, the mention of the man in the black suit would evolve into a key obsession for UFO enthusiasts and spread into American popular culture, thanks to a comic-book series and a blockbuster movie trilogy.

                    Kenneth Arnold

In all of their different incarnations, the Men in Black (MIB) usually have one main purpose: to muzzle witnesses of strange, paranormal phenomena. They almost always wear black suits and hats with dark sunglasses, drive black cars and arrive in groups of two or three. Some describe them as one would an FBI agent, while others recall the MIB as having strange appearances, sometimes with supernatural features like glowing eyes and strange complexions.

So how did we get from Harold Dahl to Will Smith?

“The transformation of the story from a first press report to a folkloric tale to a comic book and now to a film illustrates how the myth is transformed,” wrote Phil Patton in The New York Times around the time the first Men in Black movie was released in 1997. “That process is not unlike the children’s game of ‘telephone’ or what the literary critic Harold Bloom calls ‘innovation by misinterpretation.’ ”



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UFOs: The Greatest Story Never Told

by Cheryl Costa               July 13, 2018                (

• A 2012 National geographic poll revealed that 80 percent of Americans don’t believe the government when they say that there is no such thing as UFOs or extraterrestrials. The infamous New York Times article of last December revealed that the government/military had a formal program to monitor UFO activity. That article in December was to open the door to public disclosure of the truth about UFOs and extraterrestrials visiting our planet. But that didn’t happen.

• The main problem is that the news media is still reluctant to discuss the topic seriously. They aren’t sure what position to take. Most barely grasp the context and implications of the issue. So instead they either take the safe ground and admit that there must be some “bacterial life out there somewhere”, or revert to joking and ridicule and talk about “little green men”.

• On May 30th, The Washington Post published a story with the headline: “UFOs are suddenly a serious news story. You can thank the guy from Blink-182 for that.” This emboldened this article’s writer to lobby media outlets in New York state to report on reported sightings in the state. New York state had moved from the sixth position to fourth in the United States for UFO sighting reports.

• Buffalo and Erie County both ranked No. 3 within New York state, and in the Top 100 counties for UFO sightings of more than 3,000 counties in the United States. Monroe County also ranked nationally in the Top 100 counties. This writer pitched the story to Buffalo’s ABC affiliate WKBW, as well as the NBC affiliate WGRZ and their Fox outlet WUTV and was met with silence. She pitched the idea to the news director at ABC affiliate WHAM. He snickered and said he’d present it to his editorial team. Silence. She reached out to WUHF and presented a similar pitch. Silence. She reached out to Albany’s Fox affiliate newsroom. Silence. She pitched to Binghamton’s CBS affiliate WBNG. Silence. She spoke to a newsroom person at Fox affiliate WICZ and she was asked to email them the facts of the pitch. Silence

• At one television station, she called the marketing and sales department and explained the significant demographics related to audience interest, especially with Sweeps Week coming up. She suggested that a locally flavored UFO story would be excellent for the ratings. The nice marketing lady was interested and had their news team call me. When I gave them the same pitch, I was greeted with silence.

• So, if you are not hearing about UFOs from your local television or radio news team, it’s because they’ve bought into the notion that UFOs are the topic matter of kooks and crackpots, and they do not want to be labeled as “that UFO news director or news reporter.”  Still, 220 million Americans would prefer to hear the truth about UFOs and the ET presence.


People ask me all the time why the government won’t come clean about UFOs and perhaps the ET presence. After all, based on a 2012 National Geographic poll, 80 percent of Americans think the government is not being square with the American people.

After the Dec. 16, 2017, New York Times and Politico revelation that the Pentagon had a formal program for monitoring UFOs with regard to military bases and fleet operations, the story took the news media by storm. There was a major news cycle about the Pentagon effort, the congressional folks who got them the money and the videos that were released.

A lot of UFO disclosure activists hailed Dec. 16 as the starting point for a new era of openness and expected an information avalanche about all things UFO. It just didn’t happen.

I’m still waiting for the offices of New York’s U.S. senators, Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, to answer my correspondence. It has been more than a year.

But the real problem with UFO and ET disclosure in America is with the Fourth Estate, a.k.a. the Media.
The talking heads on some of America’s most popular daytime programs and news talk networks were unprepared for that Dec. 16 story. They seemed to be at a loss to discuss the topic intelligently, as they stumbled for words to express their thoughts. Most of them were barely grasping the context and implications.

Most defaulted to “Little Green Talk.” When asked their opinion whether there was alien life, more than a dozen news hosts either said “no” or simply took the safe ground with comments like, “Oh, I suspect there is bacterial life out there somewhere.” Nobody on any of these programs wanted to be the newsperson who believes in little green men.

But there is another very painful and telling reality: News producers and their on-camera broadcasters really didn’t want to talk about the UFO subject beyond the immediate story about the Pentagon’s Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP).



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Author Says Now is the Time for Serious Research of UFOs

by Craig Hislop                July 11, 2018                  (

• With the newly issued National Space Traffic Management Policy, which defends American assets in space and President Trump’s new Space Force Military Branch initiative, now is the time for more serious, long-term scientific research around the topic of UFOs says James T. Abbott, author of “The Outsider’s Guide to UFOs”.

• “The most important thing, I think, is that we’re becoming much more open and outward looking in terms of space,” says Abbott. “We’re talking seriously about going to Mars… So I think that outward facing aspect has prompted a more serious look, too, at some of the phenomena that are called UFOs.”

• “The need to find out what these things are is now becoming very pressing, and not really for defense purposes. The governments of virtually every developed nation in the world have decided whatever the phenomenon is, it is not a threat to humanity or any individual nation,” Abbott says.


In June, the White House issued the National Space Traffic Management Policy, which defends American assets in space.

James T. Abbott, author of The Outsider’s Guide to UFOs, said that new policy, combined with President Trump’s new Space Force Military Branch, means now is the time for more serious, long-term scientific research around the topic of UFOs, in support of a future Space Force.

James T. Abbott

“I think those assets are being defended on behalf of the free world, as you would call it,” says Abbott. “But the most important thing, I think, is that we’re becoming much more open and outward looking in terms of space.

“We’re talking seriously about going to Mars. We’re building some very competent pieces of kit at the moment. So I think that outward facing aspect has prompted a more serious look, too, at some of the phenomena that are called UFOs.”



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When an Alberta Town Decided to Build a UFO Landing Pad

CBC Archives               July 10, 2018                  (

• In 1967, the town of St. Paul, Alberta, Canada built the world’s first UFO landing pad. The circular cement deck landing pad is attached to a spaceship-shaped Chamber of Commerce, and even has space sounds piped in for extra effect.

• The UFO landing pad was built in an effort to attract both tourists and Martians to this rural pocket, starting off as a tongue-in-cheek celebration of Canada’s Centennial but growing to full-fledged intergalactic fervor.

• In 1998, the town hosted a UFO conference for believers and the merely curious. Aliens have yet to land in St. Paul.


The town of St. Paul, Alta., took western hospitality to a new realm in 1967. When others in Canada were building roadside outhouses or enormous fish statues as Centennial projects, the small farming town built the world’s first UFO landing pad.

           the landing pad in the 1960’s
                     the landing pad today

The landing pad, a circular cement deck attached to a spaceship-shaped Chamber of Commerce, even had space sounds piped in for extra effect.

An enduring tourist attraction

It was built in an effort to attract both tourists and Martians to this rural pocket, starting off as a tongue-in-cheek celebration of Canada’s Centennial but growing to full-fledged intergalactic fervour. Folks could dine on Saturn Salads and Martian Burgers and cruise aboard the Martian Express.

Aliens have yet to land in St. Paul, but in 1998 the town hosted a UFO conference for believers and the merely curious.



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Organizers Reflect on UFO Festival’s Impact

by Alison Penn                July 9, 2018                 (

• The 23rd annual UFO Festival (July 6-8) in Roswell, NM was a rousing success. City Director of Public Affairs Juanita Jennings reports that the Roswell Visitors Center saw 3,341 visitors over the weekend, compared with 895 visitors that came to the center during festival in 2017. And that includes only those who signed the sign-in sheet. Jim Hill, Director of the International UFO Museum and Research Center, says this year’s museum attendance broke all records with 9,168 visitors.

• The Roswell UFO festival offered events and activities for all ages, including the ‘Down to Earth Brewfest’, the GalactiCon Sci-Fi & Film Festival and costume contest, and the Steampunk Ball. “It was our opportunity to showcase the amount of traffic our city receives due to this festival and what we do for the state of New Mexico,” Jennings said. “The feeling and energy in the downtown area was phenomenal.”

• Kathy Lay, Executive Director for MainStreet Roswell, said the rock painting at the craft station and the music and entertainment were highly praised events in the festival. Lay has received “wonderful reports” from vendors and attendees alike. Repeat attendees have said this was the best year they have attended. Lay has noticed a trend where visitors stayed in Roswell for 4 to 5 nights, instead of one to two nights as in the past.

• This year drew crowds early and people wanted to stay up until the end. 78 vendors occupied 88 spaces ranging from $50 to $250 per booth. One vendor reported quadrupling their sales this year. “So we feel like… from all of the response we’re getting, it was a big success,” said Lay. In fact, visitors have requested the festival be extended to five days for more time to experience it all.

• Guest speaker, alien abductee Travis Walton, was well-received, along with the other speakers in the many facilities around the city (including Stanton Friedman who announced his retirement at the festival. See ExoNews article here).

• Another goal of the festival was in keeping the city clean and beautiful through the work of the sanitation department. The city asked vendors to bring their own electric generators. Jennings said the city will be working to providing more power and electricity for next year’s festival.

• “I think it was just an exceedingly well-run event and I can’t imagine the city of Roswell not having benefited greatly from this festival,” Hill said.

[Editor’s Note] All across the board, the popularity of events and conferences promoting information and disclosure of UFOs, and humanity’s ongoing relationship with extraterrestrial beings, is noticeably increasing. More and more people are waking up to the truth and thereby raising our collective consciousness on this planet.


As the dust settles from the 23rd annual UFO Festival, organizers and city partners are reflecting on its impact over the weekend. Now that the festival is over, organizers will be reviewing various data and surveys to determine turnout for the festival.

City Director of Public Affairs Juanita Jennings said the festival was a phenomenal and well put-together event for all ages. With activities for children, adults, sci-fi fans, adventurists and more, Jennings said she felt the festival was welcoming and inviting for visitors.

Including other events — like the first annual Down to Earth Brewfest at Third Street Station and GalactiCon Sci-Fi & Film Festival at the Roswell Mall — Jennings said, “the feeling and energy in the downtown area was phenomenal.”

Jennings said the significant digital exposure from the “selfie-stations” and other social media experiences, and the film crews, were beneficial for promoting the city.

One area for growth that she and her team touched on in their department recap meeting was they would like to see more community participation in the light parade in the future. Last year, Jennings said the parade was “amazing” and drew a huge crowd. This year some visitors said the parade was shorter than expected and Jennings said the delivery, “fell a little bit short this year compared to last year.” However, she said she thinks with more community involvement and planning it can improve next year.

Near the visitor center, the state’s tourism department had its NM True bus and Jennings said their presence extended visitors an opportunity to experience tourism around the state. Jennings added their presence was important, considering their tour from last week when Roswell received its NM True report card, in strengthening the partnership between the city and the state.

“It was our opportunity to showcase the amount of traffic our city receives due to this festival and what we do for the state of New Mexico,” Jennings said.



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Stanton Friedman Explores Future of Ufology; Retirement

by Alison Penn                July 6, 2018                   (

• On July 6th, nuclear physicist and world renowned ufologist, Stanton Friedman (84), attended his retirement party with 100 well-wishers at the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, New Mexico. For over 60 years Friedman has given 700 lectures in all 50 U.S. states and in many other cities internationally on the topic of UFOs. In his retirement, Friedman plans to find out what the aliens have in mind for Earth from testimonials of communications with extraterrestrials.

• Regarding his contribution to the historical narrative, Friedman said, “Man is not alone and our kids will grow up… knowing that — and that’s good.” Friedman said that the niece of Betty and Barney Hill, Kathleen Marden, will carry on his work. He also singled out John Greenwald who runs the Black Vault because he is “a sharp young man with plenty of data.”

• The International UFO Museum and Research Center staff presented Friedman with a plaque and a watch for his dedication, time and service, loyalty, friendship and generosity. He will be remembered as “one of the greats” of the museum. Friedman said the large number of visitors to the UFO Museum shows there is a genuine interest in aliens and UFOs. He thanked the city of Roswell for sharing controversial topics in a “sensible” way instead of being “ridiculous.”

• UFO investigator Donald Schmitt said of Friedman during the retirement party. “If not for this gentleman right here, this museum would not be here. Roswell would not be here. … The (weather) balloon explanation would have remained the extent and that would be it…” “Stan Friedman led the charge… (and) got the ball rolling.”


A crowd of around 100 people joined Stanton Friedman, a nuclear physicist and world-renowned ufologist, for his opening talk titled “Traveling through the Stars” on Friday morning and another audience gathered for a retirement party in the afternoon to celebrate Friedman’s potentially last UFO Festival.

The International UFO Museum and Research Center was buzzing with visitors and even had a line out the door around 9:30 a.m. The smaller crowd came at 4 p.m. for his retirement party in the North Library with an impromptu question-and-answer session that covered Friedman’s lectures and personal life. Friedman will be 84 on July 29 and said he has contributed over 60 years of work using science and collecting data to his UFO crusade.

Stanton Friedman

In the morning lecture, Friedman guided the audience through the famous 1947 Roswell Incident, his career as a nuclear physicist — and then his research on ufology.

As a believer in the existence of extraterrestrial life and its visitation to earth, Friedman said, “Man is not alone and our kids will grow up, grandkids, great-grandson will grow up knowing that — and that’s good.”

In March, it was announced Friedman intends to retire from the UFO Festival circuit. He estimates that he has done 700 lectures on this subject in all 50 states and even internationally. When asked about his retirement plans, he said he plans to philosophize on the big picture more and traveling for pleasure instead of work. Agreeing that he is still curious about ufology, he added in his retirement he intends to find out what the aliens have in mind for earth from testimonials of communicating with extraterrestrials.

Stanton Friedman with Kathleen Marden

To pass on his torch of research, Friedman said Kathleen Marden, niece of the allegedly abducted Betty and Barney Hill, is another author and lecturer that will carry on his work. Friedman said his first choice would be John Greenwald, who runs the Black Vault because he is “a sharp young man with plenty of data.”

His lecture and retirement party had themes regarding what he called “the galactic community” that may be a reality one day and there are more questions to be answered. To have this community, he said earthlings need to let go of the ego of being the center of the universe and examine the proclivity to war and how humans operate on planet earth. He said he has an 11-year-old great-grandson and often thinks of what world his descendant inhabits in the future.



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The Real-Life UFO Encounter That Inspired ‘Critters’

by Nat Brehmer                   June 29, 2018                  (

• The 1986 cult-classic monster movie, “Critters”, begins in space as the goblin-like Critters break out of their asteroid prison and crash their hijacked spaceship in Grover’s Bend, Kansas. Soon they besiege an isolated farmhouse where the frightened family holds them off with shotguns.

• As pointed out by veteran writer, Matt Molgaard, and by Bruce G. Hallenbeck in his chronology of Comedy-Horror Films, “Critters” is loosely based on a real-life alien confrontation known as the Kelly-Hopkinsville Encounter, one of the most well-documented UFO incidents out there. (see previous ExoNews article on the Hopkinsville Incident)

• On the evening of August 21, 1955 in a rural farmhouse located between the towns of Kelly and Hopkinsville, Kentucky, five adults and seven children were besieged by little monsters from space. As Billy Ray Taylor was drawing water from the well he saw shooting star streak across the sky and land somewhere nearby behind a tree line. Billy Ray and his friend Elmer Sutton went to investigate. They came upon a creature, ran back to the house and barricaded their family inside. Before long many of these creatures were besieging the farmhouse as Billy Ray and Elmer held them off with shotguns. Although the creatures were shot several times, even at point-blank range, they were apparently unharmed. At one point Billy Ray’s hair was grabbed by a huge, clawed hand. And several times family members would leap back, startled, from the glowing eyes and twisted faces of the creatures staring in at them through the window.

• After several hours, the family took an opportunity make a dash to their car, and they drove to the police station where they reported the entire thing. Four police officers raced out to the scene, alongside five state troopers, three deputy sheriffs and four military police from the nearby US Army base. They searched the property and found nothing except evidence of gunfire.

• In the early 1980’s when film writer/director Steven Spielberg was considering ideas for a UFO-themed movie, he planned to do a movie called “Night Skies” about a family besieged by vicious aliens in a farmhouse, while one of the children would befriend a gentler alien who was different from the others. Ultimately, Spielberg split the ideas into two different movies – “E.T.: The Extraterrestrial” about a child befriending an alien, and “Poltergeist” about a family besieged by a paranormal entity. Spielberg also produced Joe Dante’s “Gremlins” which has similarities to the creatures that visited Hopkinsville in 1955, but in a family-friendly way as Spielberg had envisioned “Night Skies”.

• But “Critters” is the film that most closely mirrors the Hopkinsville encounter, complete with a shooting star, vicious creatures from outer space, a family barricaded in a farmhouse with shotguns, glowing red eyes peering in through the window, and a space critter’s clawed hand grabbing one of them.


Critters is, with good reason, a cult classic of the mid-eighties. It followed on the heels of Gremlins and certainly has its similarities to Joe Dante’s little monster masterpiece, but Critters still manages to stand apart. It has a flavor all its own.

Whereas the Gremlins remained much more mysterious in origin—unless you go by the novelization, which goes obsessively into detail over their backstory—the Critters are extraterrestrial from the first moment we’re introduced to them. The movie begins in space, watching them break out of their asteroid prison before crashing their hijacked spaceship into Grover’s Bend, Kansas, where the film begins in earnest. That’s not only where we’re introduced to our main characters, but where we set up the surprising siege movie that Critters actually becomes.

For as fun and goofy as it is, Critters takes to heart the inherently unnerving concept of a family in a small, isolated farmhouse being besieged by little monsters. And that’s very interesting, not just because of how well it works tonally and stylistically for the film, but also because of the fact that it was based on an actual, famous real-life incident in which a family in a small, isolated farmhouse was apparently besieged by little monsters.

I’m not the first to make the connection. A great writer named Matt Molgaard, who tragically passed last year, wrote a terrific piece for that was how I first learned of the incident and how it connected to Critters. But I thought it would be worth not just looking at the fact that Critters takes its inspiration from this encounter, but specifically breaking down how it takes inspiration and what moments from the encounter clearly made their way into the film.

The incident is now widely known as the Kelly-Hopkinsville Encounter, though it has also been cited over time as the Hopkinsville Goblins Case and the Kelly Green Men Case. It is one of the most well-documented incidents in the history of UFO sightings and became famous because of that.

Said incident took place in 1955 in Kentucky, just between the towns of Kelly and Hopkinsville. Two families rushed into the police station claiming that they had been holding off vicious, small creatures for several hours, which they believed to have come from a UFO. Five adults and seven children apparently witnessed these events unfold over the course of the evening of August 21st. Elmer Sutton and Billy Ray Taylor seemed to take charge during the farmhouse siege, shooting at twelve to fifteen creatures that repeatedly attacked the group over the course of the evening.

It began around seven o’clock, when Billy Ray looked up while he was drawing water from the well to see what appeared to be a shooting star streak across the sky and disappear behind the tree line, somewhere behind the house. Taylor and Sutton went back out to investigate, running back into the house when they saw a creature outside, kicking off an apparent invasion that would last for the next three hours. At one point, Taylor’s hair was grabbed by a huge, clawed hand. At several points, family members would leap back, startled, from the glowing eyes and twisted faces of the creatures staring in at them through the window.

Although the creatures were shot at several times, none were killed, otherwise the incident would have become much more famous. Once they had a clear shot, the two families piled into their cars and drove to the police station where they reported the entire thing. The police responded, not because they believed the claims, but because they were legitimately worried about a possible gun battle erupting between local citizens. Four police officers raced out to the scene, alongside five state troopers, three deputy sheriffs and four military police from the nearby US Army base. They searched the property, but found nothing but evidence of gunfire; bullet holes were found in the trees, the side of the house and through the screens of the doors.

They found no monsters. No evidence that it was a hoax, either.


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Humanity Is Likely The Only Intelligent Civilization

by Lorenzo Tanos            June 22, 2018            (

• Oxford University senior fellow Anders Sanberg, Oxford moral philosopher Tod Ord, and nanotechnology “founding father” Eric Drexler have combined to release a study entitled “Dissolving the Fermi Paradox” that was published on June 8th. It seems that humanity on this Earth is the only intelligent civilization in the galaxy, nay, the entire universe.

• The esteemed researchers also revisited the Drake equation, which was proposed in the 1960’s by astronomer Frank Drake, factoring in a number of variables to show how there are various places in our galaxy  where one can find intelligent extraterrestrial life (approximately 10 places actually according to Drake).

• These deep thinking Brits have erased the possibility of intelligent extraterrestrial life in the galaxy to fewer than even Drake would have conceded. Zero. They arrived at their conclusion using ‘new chemical and genetic transition models’, coupled with the time-tested theorem that it would be just too unlikely that another advanced humanoid civilization comparable to our own could have pulled themselves out of the primordial ooze like we did.

• These academic giants do acknowledge, however, that there is a “considerable amount of scientific uncertainties” in the equation, and that this approach is “purely based on guesswork” and “what we already know”, and that “we shouldn’t be too surprised if we find (extraterrestrial) intelligence”.

[Editor’s Rant] This article and its’ companion article “Nazi UFO Toy Pulled for Historical Inaccuracy”, in which a German historian instigated the removal of a model of a Nazi Haunebu spacecraft from the toy company’s product line because “it never existed”, are glaring examples of how desperate the governmental Deep State and the global elite cabal is to suppress the public’s knowledge.

From removing a model of the Nazi Haunebu to Amazon’s decision not to offer Dr Michael Salla’s new book, Antarctica’s Hidden History for sale in all of Europe because a Nazi flag is shown in small part on the book’s cover (even though Dr Salla found many other books sold in Europe with prominent Nazi swastikas on their cover (see ExoNews article here), to insisting here that there is no such thing as extraterrestrial beings, the cabal is going the extra distance to whitewash the true history of the past century.

The giant multi-national banks and corporations hold sway over smaller companies to do their bidding, while both academia and the media are compelled to propagate the cabal’s decreed historical narrative.

On this July 4th Independence Day let us begin to free ourselves from the cabal’s programming, start thinking for ourselves, and outwardly respect and support those who dare to present an ‘alternative viewpoint’ that just happens to be the truth.


Are there other intelligent civilizations out there? Although there has yet to be solid, tangible proof of advanced alien life beyond our planet, many scientists and organizations continue searching for these extraterrestrial civilizations. However, there is a theory — physicist Enrico Fermi’s eponymous paradox — that illustrates the contradiction between the good chance that alien life exists and the aforementioned lack of evidence to back that up. A recent study has offered a new take on that classic paradox, and as it seems, the new interpretation suggests that humanity is the universe’s, or at least the Milky Way’s, only intelligent civilization.

Originally published on June 8 and recently posted on Arxiv, the study entitled “Dissolving the Fermi Paradox” was authored by Oxford University senior fellow Anders Sanberg, Oxford moral philosopher Tod Ord, and nanotechnology “founding father” Eric Drexler. As summarized by Universe Today, the researchers also revisited the Drake equation, which was proposed in the 1960s by astronomer Frank Drake, factoring in a number of variables to show how there are various places in our galaxy where one can find intelligent extraterrestrial life.

New variables, namely chemical and genetic transition models, were taken into account by the researchers, who then concluded that there is a “considerable amount of scientific uncertainties” in the equation. That’s on top of the uncertainties already present in the equation’s existing variables — the average rate of star formation in the Milky Way, the percentage of stars with planets, the number of planets that could support life, the number of plants that could facilitate life, the number of planets capable of developing intelligent life, the number of civilizations that could invent transmission technologies, and the length of time it might take to transmit those signals into space. All of these figures are multiplied by each other to come up with the likely number of intelligent civilizations in the Milky Way.

In an email sent to Universe Today, Sanberg explained the aforementioned uncertainties, which remain in place decades after the Drake equation was formulated. He said that it’s common for people to guess the values corresponding to each of the variables, which creates results that are likewise purely based on guesswork .

When trying to reinterpret the Fermi paradox, the researchers considered each of the parameters in the Drake equation as “uncertainty ranges,” with a smallest and largest possible value based on what we know today about each variable. Universe Today noted that there are some values that are more certain than others, such as the number of planets in the Milky Way, based on recent studies on exoplanets, and the number of planets within a star’s habitable zone.

After combining all the ranges, the researchers got a “broad spread” because there were so many parameters with uncertain values. But Sanberg told Universe Today that this spread helped him and his fellow researchers come up with a figure determining the likelihood that we are our galaxy’s sole intelligent civilization, at least based on what we already know.

Sanberg added that further review of scientific literature could result in more “extreme” results, where there is a “stronger uncertainty” about our galaxy’s number of civilizations, which suggests that there’s a very good chance humanity is “alone” as an intelligent civilization.

“However, we *also* conclude that we shouldn’t be too surprised if we find intelligence!” Sanberg hinted.

As stressed by Universe Today, the new study on the Fermi paradox does not absolutely say that humanity is “alone” and that it’s impossible to find proof of extraterrestrial life, but merely says that it’s likelier than ever that we might be the only advanced species in the Milky Way. As such, Sanberg stated that the search for extraterrestrial life (SETI) is definitely not pointless, though, at this point, there is so much uncertainty that needs to be reduced, largely through the many SETI initiatives being carried out at the present



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Nazi UFO Toy Pulled for Historical Inaccuracy

by Eric Limer              June 21, 2018                (

• The venerable Revell model company (acquired last year by Quantum Capital Partners) was forced to terminate their line of scale models depicting the Nazi Haunebu II spacecraft due to a complaint by the Dresden Military History Museum in Germany of its’ historical inaccuracy and lack of disclosure thereof on the packaging. The model’s packaging said that the Haunebu II was the first object able to fly in space with a top speed of over 3700 mph.

• According to the museum, the Haunebu II never existed. The source states that the toy model represents a historical narrative that overestimates the Nazi’s level of technology and scientific innovations and serve to mythologize the fascist regime.

• Dresden Military History Museum historian Jens Wehner told a German newspaper, “At that time [of WWII] it was technologically impossible to build something like this. … Enthusiasts can use this as a strategy to cast doubt on what we know today about National Socialism.” For good measure, Wehner added that the Nazi’s were unable to do anything ambitious, citing an over-sized tank that was tactically useless.

• And for the article’s writer’s part, he informs his readers that “there was no secret Nazi base in Antarctica either”.

[Editor’s Rant]  This article and its companion article “Humanity Is Likely the Only Intelligent Civilization”, in which Oxford scholars have concluded that the only place in the universe that harbors intelligent life is here on Earth, are glaring examples of how desperate the governmental Deep State and the global elite cabal is to suppress the public’s knowledge.

From discontinuing a model of the Nazi Haunebu to Amazon’s recent decision to not offer Dr Michael Salla’s new book Antarctica’s Hidden History for sale in all of Europe because a small part of a Nazi flag is shown on the book’s cover, even though Dr Salla found many other books sold in Europe with more prominent Nazi swastikas on their cover (see ExoNews article here), to insisting that there is no such thing as extraterrestrial beings, the cabal is going the extra distance to whitewash the true history of the past century. They simply deny the existence of extraterrestrial beings and brand any mention of Nazis as subversive propaganda per se.

The giant multi-national banks and corporations hold sway over smaller companies to do their bidding, while both academia and the media are compelled to propagate the cabal’s decreed historical narrative.

On this July 4th Independence Day let us begin to free ourselves from the cabal’s programming, start thinking for ourselves, and outwardly respect and support those who dare to present an ‘alternative viewpoint’ that just happens to be the truth.


A model of the nonexistent Nazi UFO “Haunebu II” produced by model company Revell will no longer be produced after criticism about its historical inaccuracy. The model’s packaging, which falsely proclaimed the “round aircraft” was the first object able to fly in space with a top speed of 6000 kph (over 3700 mph), failed to mention that the craft was never built, drawing fire from The German Children’s Protection Association (DKSB) and Dresden’s Military History Museum (MHM), according to German publication, The Local.

photograph of the Nazi Haunebu spacecraft during WWII

While Revel produces plenty of models depicting fictional spacecraft and real-life Nazi war machines this crossover product drew criticism because its lack of disclosure that the craft never existed or flew plays into prevalent, ahistorical narratives that overestimate the Nazi’s level of technology and scientific innovations and serve to mythologize the fascist regime.

As Military History Museum historian Jens Wehner told German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: “At that time it was technologically impossible to build something like this. … Enthusiasts can use this as a strategy to cast doubt on what we know today about National Socialism.”

The true legacy of many of the Nazi’s most ambitious technological projects is not success, but unrestrained excess and abject failure. Look no further than Hitler’s frenzied dreams of the Landkreuzer P.1000 Ratte, a tank so large as to be a land battleship. The project was ultimately a boondoggle, abandoned because its gargantuan size would have rendered it both extremely vulnerable and tactically useless.

Revell, for its part, agrees with the criticism, saying in a statement: “Unfortunately, our product description does not adequately express this and we apologize for it.”

While we’re at it, there was no secret Nazi base in Antarctica either, though the pollution from one of the Nazi’s actually existent battleships still affects Norway to this day.


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New Film Tells the Story of George Van Tassel and His UFO-Inspired “Integratron”

by Greg Eghigian             June 14, 2018               (

• Documentary filmmaker Jonathan Berman has released a new film Calling All Earthlings, based on 1950’s and 60’s ET contactee George Van Tassel. (see 1:36 minute movie trailer below)

• Right out of high school in 1927, Van Tassel began his career in aviation first as an airplane mechanic, then with Douglas Aircraft, then with Hughes and Lockheed. At Hughes he was involved in flight testing near Barstow, California, where he was attracted to the “clean air, the intense quiet nights, and outdoor living in the desert.” There he got to know an eccentric German-American by the name of Frank Critzer, who had carved out a “cave home” from a natural landmark known as Giant Rock in the Mojave Desert near Landers, California. In July 1942 when local police came to Giant Rock to question him, Critzer set off a dynamite explosion that resulted in his own death.

• Van Tassel purchased the land around Giant Rock and moved there with his wife Dorris and their three daughters. In addition to operating a small airport. In 1952, Van Tassel claimed he started having encounters with spacemen bringing warnings of looming destruction along with messages of universal peace. Van Tassel would hold annual UFO conventions at Giant Rock, with up to 11,000 people attending.

• According to Van Tassel, these ‘spacemen’ began instructing him on how to construct a building that could reverse the aging process. Dubbed the Integratron, the project would consume Van Tassel for years, although he never finished it.

• Van Tassel’s story had “all the things I love,” filmmaker Berman says, “weird, geeky quasi-science, living longer and better, and, of course, the world of the Great American Roadside Attraction.” As a native of Long Island, the filmmaker was struck by the allure of the California desert. In the end, he hopes the film captures some of the sense of adventure that brings people to places like Giant Rock.


Are we witnessing a renewal of interest in unidentified flying objects? Recent revelations about a secret Defense Department project for studying UFOs continue to draw media attention, while reports of unusual aircraft sightings show up regularly in the news.

Not quite as common these days, however, are stories of individuals claiming to have had contact with extraterrestrials. In his new documentary, Calling All Earthlings, filmmaker Jonathan Berman takes a look back at one of the most famous of these “contactees,” George Van Tassel. The film captures an aspect of UFO belief that often escapes skeptical outsiders—that it wasn’t so much anxiety about alien visitors as enthusiasm and hope that attracted believers to the idea of extraterrestrial contact.

                  George Van Tassel

Beginning in 1927 as an airplane mechanic right out of high school, Van Tassel had a long career in aviation, first with Douglas Aircraft, then with Hughes and Lockheed. At Hughes he was involved in flight testing near Barstow, California, where he was attracted to the “clean air, the intense quiet nights, and outdoor living in the desert.”

It was there that Van Tassel got to know an eccentric German-American by the name of Frank Critzer, who had carved out a “cave home” from a natural landmark known as Giant Rock in the Mojave Desert near Landers, California. Critzer came under government investigation in the early days of World War II for reasons that are not entirely clear, but most likely involved his use of dynamite. When local police came to Giant Rock to question him in July 1942, Critzer set off an explosion that resulted in his own death.

                      the Integratron

After the war Van Tassel purchased the land around Giant Rock and moved there with his wife Dorris and their three daughters. In addition to operating a small airport, he began to hold meditation readings for groups of 25 to 45 people—and for the first time reported hearing disembodied voices.

                         Giant Rock

Then, beginning in 1952, Van Tassel claimed he started having encounters with spacemen. At first, he said, these beings issued warnings of looming destruction along with messages of universal peace. But soon, according to Van Tassel, they began instructing him on how to construct a building that could reverse the aging process. Dubbed the Integratron, the project would consume Van Tassel for          years, although he never finished it.

He did, however, hold annual conventions at Giant Rock, where those interested in UFOs, alien contact, and the paranormal gathered to hear talks and exchange experiences. At its height, as many as 11,000 people attended these gatherings, by some accounts.

1:36 minute movie trailer for “Calling All Earthlings”



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In This Time of Tension and Anxiety, UFOs Are Back in the News

by Hedley Burrell                Jun 10, 2018                (

• Stories of UFOs have ebbed and flowed over the decades, but now there is new chatter of a different kind. Today mainstream news outlets featuring heavily credentialed experts weighing in on the ongoing UFO phenomenon. In December (2017), CNN announced: “A former Pentagon official who led a … government program to research potential UFOs said … he believes there is evidence of alien life reaching Earth.”

• The New York Post summarized events: “… The New York Times released the results of an investigation into the U.S. military’s monitoring of UFO claims and came up with… a video released by the Pentagon that shows U.S. Navy pilots tracking the movements of a totally unexplainable aircraft. Now, a local news team from Las Vegas has obtained a military report that offers even more details on the sighting and the story is somehow becoming even more bizarre than it already was.” “The report explains in great detail how a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier played a strange game of hide and seek with multiple Anomalous Aerial Vehicles (AAVs) that demonstrated flight characteristics that should be downright impossible to pull off.”

• Then there was a Washington Post story describing how a rock star had “mustered a team of credentialed experts to put mysterious incidents on your radar.” “UFOs”, the headline said, “are suddenly a serious news story.” The rock star, the Post reported, was former Blink-182 frontman Tom DeLonge, who launched To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science. It will investigate the “outer edges of science.”

• Christopher Mellon, an adviser to the academy who served as deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence in the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations, wrote a Washington Post opinion piece that carried this headline: “The military keeps encountering UFOs. Why doesn’t the Pentagon care?”

• What we have today are heavy-duty experts taking UFOs seriously. “My personal belief is that there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone,” declared Luis Elizondo, the former Pentagon official in the CNN interview.

• It is intriguing to think of a new generation of journalists having to decide what attention, if any, should be given to new assertions that “the truth is out there,” to borrow a tagline from “The X-Files.”


Long ago, as a young reporter, I was well aware of UFO stories.

Out of curiosity, I read mainstream media pieces as well as tabloid tales. What repeatedly struck me was this: As with much else in life, we were reluctant to simply accept that we didn’t immediately know the answer to the mystery of the moment.

In any event, I would not have imagined that some six decades later, UFO stories would still be around, with heavily credentialed experts weighing in.

The stories ebbed and flowed over the decades, but now there is new chatter of a different kind.
In the past, I suspected that reports of sightings were likely to increase when popular entertainment featured space sagas, but I also thought they were a reflection of universal tensions and anxiety.

Given that these are truly tense and anxious times, I started to look around for UFO-type talk — or, rather, the reporting of same. I searched for some indication of renewed and perhaps more intense attention.

I found it, and it even had a new spin — namely an assertion that the subject was “serious.”

In December, CNN announced: “A former Pentagon official who led a … government program to research potential UFOs said … he believes there is evidence of alien life reaching Earth.” Other media outlets also weighed in. What was going on?

Last month, The New York Post summarized and updated events:
“UFO sightings are a dime a dozen … but back in December, The New York Times released the results of an investigation into the U.S. military’s monitoring of UFO claims and came up with something totally wild. It was a video released by the Pentagon that shows U.S. Navy pilots tracking the movements of a totally unexplainable aircraft. Now, a local news team from Las Vegas has obtained a military report that offers even more details on the sighting and the story is somehow becoming even more bizarre than it already was.”

The account continued: “The report explains in great details how a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier played a strange game of hide and seek with multiple Anomalous Aerial Vehicles (AAVs) that demonstrated flight characteristics that should be downright impossible to pull off.”
So there was all this.



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The US Government Just Admitted To Recovering Materials From UFOs

by Arjun Walia                May 24, 2018               (

• In December 2017, the New York Times broke the story of a $22 million U.S. Department of Defense UFO research program called the “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program” headed by military intelligence official, Luis Elizondo, on the fifth floor of the Pentagon’s C Ring. The New York Times article mentions that materials gathered from UFO crash sites were shipped off to Bigelow Aerospace for examination. One of the authors of the NY Times report, Ralph Blumenthal, stated that the UFO materials were “…some kind of compound that they don’t recognize.” The host of the UFO Congress, Alejandro Rojas claims that Elizondo said of this UFO material, “I can tell you it is not an alloy like the New York Times claims.” “Elizondo has told me it is a ‘meta-material’ with strange isotopic values indicating it is not from Earth.” Elizondo has also mentioned that these encounters with UFO crash sites have occurred hundreds of times.

• But there has been no follow up regarding these UFO materials that have allegedly been recovered. In fact, we’re not really sure where these objects are. It still seems that we’ve been given only a part of the story.

• Historian and ufologist, Richard Dolan suggests that the government and the media collude to give a part of the truth made to look like the complete truth. It is part of a tactic where the media will share some genuine information, but doesn’t follow-up on the details. Says Dolan, “So, it’s five months later, and we’re clearly not dealing with a serious effort by the mainstream media, for that reason alone… I have had information now, from a very good source, that, what they’ve recovered aren’t metal alloys, that they’re being described as meta-materials…a very different thing.”

• Unfortunately, most of our media is controlled by a very small group of people who insist on ignoring revelations regarding UFOs and extraterrestrial contact. “The establishment media will never cover the UFO subject in a serious way, that is, until they [are] absolutely pushed to the wall ,” says Dolan.


“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about where we were headed and offered to help. But instead, we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after.” – Paul Hellyer, former Canadian defence minister.

First off, the fact that the official disclosure of Unidentified Flying Objects has happened is huge, and those who are avid researchers of the phenomenon saw this one coming. For years, we’ve experienced, as I’ve said many times before, an “official campaign of ridicule and secrecy” – Ex-CIA Director Roscoe Hillenkoetter of the phenomenon. The establishment, in many ways, was responsible for the foolish articles that would constantly appear in mainstream media publications, absolutely ridiculing a topic that was and is actually quite real.

Today, we’ve seen a complete 180 degree switch. UFOs are no longer ridiculed by the mainstream, which should raise a serious eyebrow because very seldom does mainstream media share any sort of truth, especially when we’re talking about projects that rank among the most secretive in the world.

Unfortunately, most of our media is controlled by a very small group of people, and declassified documents alongside whistle-blower testimony has made this very clear. Intelligence agencies have close relationships with “every major wire service, newspaper, news weekly, and television network in the nation, this has helped us turn some ‘intelligence failure’ stories into ‘intelligence success’ stories.’ and has contributed to the accuracy of countless others.” This comes straight from a CIA document. Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, Sharyl Attkisson, Amber Lyon and many others have also provided many examples of what it’s like to work inside a media organization that’s dominated by government/corporate/deep state interests.

This is exactly why mainstream UFO disclosure is questionable, and there appears to be multiple things happening here. One is the fact that the phenomenon was so obvious for anybody who looked into it, from a research perspective. There was and has been more than ample evidence to show that the UFOs were and are real, that there are “objects in our atmosphere which are technically miles in advance of anything we can deploy.” – Lord Admiral Hill Norton, Former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee

The statement below from Victor Marchetti, former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, doesn’t seem to hold so true anymore, at least the last part.
“We have, indeed, been contacted — perhaps even visited — by extraterrestrial beings, and the US government, in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public.”

One of the biggest mouthpieces for “the establishment,” The New York Times, admitted something that the establishment, or facets of it, have been concealing for years; UFOs are real.

The Times broke the story about a secret Pentagon program, but any UFO researcher knows these programs are more in-depth, expensive, and expansive than anything that’s described here.

According to the Times, “In the $600 billion annual Defense Department budgets, the $22 million spent on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program was almost impossible to find.”
Which was how the Pentagon wanted it.

For years, the program investigated reports of unidentified flying objects, according to Defense Department officials, interviews with program participants and records obtained by The New York Times.  It was run by a military intelligence official, Luis Elizondo, on the fifth floor of the Pentagon’s C Ring, deep within the building’s maze.

The Defense Department has never before acknowledged the existence of the program, which it says it shut down in 2012. But its backers say that, while the Pentagon ended funding for the effort at that time, the program remains in existence. For the past five years, they say, officials with the program have continued to investigate episodes brought to them by service members, while also carrying out their other Defense Department duties.

What’s Missing From Mainstream UFO Disclosure

One interesting thing to note here, is the sharing of information and truth in order to lie. For example, the MK Ultra program, a CIA based mind-control program is a great example. This is because the evidence became so obvious that the U.S. government had no choice but to disclose the reality of it. Although they clearly did not share all, the public thought they did. The program had been declassified and thus, all of the questions and inquiries into the program stopped because apparently, the government released everything there is to know.

This is what we could be seeing with the UFO program. Prior to this disclosure, dozens of other governments had already done so themselves, and the field is loaded with a ton of credible witness testimony as well as various documents released via The Freedom of Information Act.

Now that the Pentagon has admitted to this program, does that mean the existence of UFOs has been disclosed, and that’s all there is to it? Are we seeing a clever way of releasing information, in order to conceal more important information, or is this really a slow disclosure initiative by the U.S. government? And if it is, why are they doing it?

“Why is the mainstream covering this story the way they are? I have been saying for years that the mainstream media, the establishment media, will never cover the UFO subject in a serious way, that is, until they would be absolutely pushed to the wall and then do something…So the question is, what is going on here?…If they’re the voice of the establishment (mainstream media), then why have the establishment elected to put this story out?” – historian Richard Dolan, one of the most prominent thinkers of our time. He’s also one of the world’s leading researchers on the topic of UFO’s.

Richard goes on to explain, in the lecture linked below, that this is simply a tidbit of truth that’s been made to look like the complete truth. It brings up a number of key things that have been ignored by mainstream media regarding the recent UFO disclosure, which is being addressed through the To The Stars Academy.

“The best way to keep a secret is you pretend to share it, you give some information out, some genuine information, which they did, there were some significant revelations here, significant admissions, and much that was not followed up…” – Dolan



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Western Mass. Debates A UFO Monument — And How To Commemorate The Inexplicable

by Adam Reilly               May 31, 2018               (

• In 2015, the Great Barrington Historical Society erected a “Governor’s Citation” monument, the plaque reading in part, “… in recognition of the off-world incident on September 1, 1969… which has been established… factually upheld, founded, and deemed historically significant and true by means of Massachusetts Historians.” It is signed by Massachusetts Governor Charles D. Baker.

• Great Barrington, Mass resident Tom Warner says emphatically, “I saw that UFO.” Warner recalls seeing a saucer -shaped UFO “twenty feet or more in height, probably about 30 to 40 feet around.” “The lights were colors I’d never seen in my life.”

• General Manager of Great Barrington-based WSBS radio, David Isy, says that “Back in 1969, we had listeners call the radio station that evening [to say] ‘Something bizarre is happening’.”

• Thomas E. Reed, whose name appears on the monument’s plaque, has said that he saw an [extraterrestrial] creature resembling “an ant, with some human features. It had a head that looked almost like a football shape.” Reed says that he and his family saw a light that “ rose up maybe two, three stories —and it went, actually, further away from our vehicle.” Reed has since reported additional encounters with UFOs.

• Recently, the Great Barrington Historical Society’s Executive Director, Robert Krol stated that, in retrospect, it was a mistake to focus so much attention on witness Thom Reed, instead of everyone else who witnessed something inexplicable that night. “Children coming into school, talking about the event… An old student of mine. One [witness] is a local shop owner whose father was the… police chief in town. So these are reliable people. These are not self-promoters.” said Krol.

• But the backlash of institutional ridicule has begun. A spokesperson for Governor Charlie Baker told the Boston Globe that the citation was issued in error. The town of Sheffield now claims that the monument might be on public property, which could lead to its removal.


Some of us have trouble remembering what we were doing a week ago, or even last night. But Tom Warner, of Great Barrington, Mass., can say exactly where he was on the evening of September 1, 1969.
“I was laying right where we’re standing right here,” Warner said recently, standing in a yard with a stunning view of the Berkshires. “I was laying on the ground, like this, and there was a beam on me.”
As Warner tells it, that beam was emanating from an object that resembled nothing he’d ever seen.

“Twenty feet or more in height, probably about 30 to 40 feet around, and it had — as I’m looking now, I can see it — it had lights,” Warner recalled. “The lights were colors I’d never seen in my life.”

To skeptics, this tale of a close encounter half a century ago might sound implausible. But Warner isn’t the only one convinced he witnessed something remarkable that night.

“Back in 1969, we had listeners call the radio station that evening,” says David Isy, the general manager of Great Barrington-based WSBS. “They didn’t know it was a UFO at the time. They just called the station and said, ‘Something bizarre is happening.’

“We talked about it on the air just last week, and one of our listeners, Jane Brown, who’s now 84, she called in to the radio station and told us she was one of the first people to report it.”

These distant memories are back in the news thanks to a monument near a covered bridge in the neighboring town of Sheffield, where a man named Thom Reed says he and his family had their own close encounter that evening.

“This light, it rose up maybe two, three stories —and it went, actually, further away from our vehicle, over what’s now a large cornfield,” Reed told WGBH.

The monument in question didn’t arrive until much later, in 2015, after the Great Barrington Historical Society took the unusual step of calling Reed’s account “historically significant and true.” But now, its future is in jeopardy.

WGBH Greater Boston Television 4:48 minute news story


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Aliens Are Sabotaging Nuclear Weapons, Says Conspiracist

by Joy Basu                     May 26, 2018                      (

• Several years ago, a former U.S. Air Force lieutenant, Bob Jacobs, was interviewed on CNN’s Larry King Live. Jacobs said that he had witnessed a UFO at Vandenburg Air Force Base. When he told his superiors, “We got a UFO”, he was ordered by his senior officer to “…never to speak of this again”. “As far as you’re concerned, this didn’t happen.”

• In March of 1967, witnesses at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana saw a red glowing UFO hovering just outside the front gate. Malmstrom is responsible for a large amount of nuclear weapons. When the UFO appeared, all of their nuclear missiles shut down and went completely dead.

• Toward the end of the 1970s and early ’80s, the U.S. attempted to put a nuclear weapon on the moon and explode it for scientific measurements. “[ETs] destroyed the weapon before it got to the moon.”

• Could it be that extraterrestrials are trying to prevent humans from using nuclear weapons because we simply cannot be trusted with such massive power?

[Editor’s Note]   The article’s original title is “Aliens Are Sabotaging Nuclear Weapons, Says Wacky Conspiracist”. This is exactly the type of ridicule and deception that the government has employed since the 1940’s with regard to UFOs and extraterrestrials. It continues today. Paul Hertz, Astrophysics Division director at NASA Headquarters in Washington said last year: “The only life we know about is on Earth. NASA is always looking for life out there, and when we find it, we will tell you.” This is known as an institutional lie – a lie mandated by the government. Incidents such as those described in this article are always considered wacky until they are shown to be true. That is now happening with the Disclosure Movement. Will mainstream ‘journalists’ be regarded by future historians as ‘wacky’ when it is revealed that the mainstream media has been spouting Deep State propaganda and institutionalized ridicule for the past seventy years?


Conspiracy theorists have long believed the world’s governments are hiding knowledge of extraterrestrials.

The theory was boosted last year after it emerged the Pentagon had managed a secret multi-million dollar UFO programme for years.

And now an anonymous ufologist has claimed aliens are trying to prevent humans from using nuclear weapons, “because we simply cannot be trusted with such massive power.”

Writing on the website Alien Revelations, the author states the example of former US Air Force lieutenant Bob Jacobs’ interview on CNN’s Larry King Live show several years ago.

Bob claimed his seniors warned him to stay mum after they witnessed a UFO at Vandernburg Air Force Base.

He was told: “You are never to speak of this again”.

Bob had been the first officer awarded with an insignia for guided missiles in the Air Force.

On that evening, he claims to have witnessed something inexplicable, and told his superiors: “We got a UFO!”

However, Jacobs’ superiors did not seem as excited and he was immediately told: “As far as you’re concerned, this didn’t happen.”



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Experts Present Their Evidence of Ancient Aliens Roaming Earth at Contact in the Desert

by Corinne S. Kennedy               June 3, 2018             (

• Hundreds (more?) of people gathered at the posh Renaissance Resort and Spa in Indian Wells, California (just southeast of L.A. near Palm Springs) over the weekend of June 1st – 3rd to attend ‘Contact in the Desert’, an annual conference devoted to all things extraterrestrial. The conference was moved to Indian Wells from the desert town of Joshua Tree, where it has been held until now, because an increasing number of attendees were looking for a little more comfort than they were finding in the Yucca Valley desert, organizers said.

• This year’s Contact in the Desert featured a lineup that boasted PhDs, a former congressman, a Naval pilot, a man who researched UFOs for the British government and a former NASA employee who worked on the Apollo moon missions, among others (including ExoPolitics/ExoNews’ own Dr. Michael Salla). Conference-goers were treated to lectures and workshops on everything from UFO sightings, crop circles, the influence of aliens on ancient human societies, and the relationship between military forces and extraterrestrial beings.

• One of the featured speakers, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, the guy with the wild hair on the History Channel program “Ancient Aliens,” spoke about the technological developments that were brought to the ancient humans on earth. “The reason that we’re in the crap that we’re in today is because of misunderstood technology,” he said. “The reason we have religions today is because of misunderstood visits of extraterrestrials.” Tsoukalos says that examples of ancient technology, including the pyramids in Giza or Central America and ancient art and literature, pointed to signs of extraterrestrials who shared their technology with less advanced human societies on earth.

• Tsoukalos said that archaeologists and historians often dismissed ancient artwork depicting possible extraterrestrials as being beliefs in gods or magic, which was an insult to the intelligence of older civilizations. “We, people like us, are at least entertaining the question ‘where did it all come from?’.”

• Tsoukalos speculates that humans will eventually become the deep space explorers, sharing agriculture and engineering with other less technologically advanced alien societies.


The world is full of unanswered questions. And while it’s alright to admit if you don’t have an answer, the questions still need to be asked.

At least that was the consensus of experts and attendees at Contact in the Desert, an annual conference devoted to all things extraterrestrial. Hundreds of people gathered in at the Renaissance Resort and Spa in Indian Wells over the weekend, bound together by the belief that there’s something more to our world and the universe than many people realize or believe.

          Renaissance Resort and Spa
            in Indian Wells, California

The meeting, normally held in nearby Joshua Tree—an altogether more eclectic town than Indian Wells—was moved to the resort because the increasing number of attendees were looking for a little more luxury than they were finding in the high desert, organizers told The Desert Sun before the event.

While the subject of aliens, specifically contact with extraterrestrials and their presence on earth, has often drawn mocking and charges of pseudoscience, Contact in the Desert featured a lineup that boasted PhDs, a former congressman, a Naval pilot, a man who researched UFOs for the British government and a former NASA employee who worked on the Apollo moon missions, among others.

Conference-goers were treated to lectures and workshops on everything from UFO sightings, crop circles, the influence of aliens on ancient human societies and the relationship between military forces and extraterrestrial beings.

                    Giorgio A. Tsoukalos

One of Sunday’s featured speakers, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, famous for being the guy with the wild hair on the History Channel program “Ancient Aliens,” spoke about what he said were examples of the contact between ancient peoples of Earth and extraterrestrial beings.



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Looking Back at ‘Intruders’

by Robbie Graham                 May 24, 2018                    (

• In June of 1983, Debbie Jordan-Kauble abducted from her parents’ home and taken aboard an egg-shaped craft by ETs who impregnated her. They later removed the fetus and eventually introduced her to her human-alien hybrid child. She experienced other interactions with ET beings through her life.

• In 1987, noted ufologist and writer Budd Hopkins published his book Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods in follow-up to his instant classic, Missing Time, in 1981. In 1992, Intruders was adapted for a CBS television mini-series starring Richard Krenna as a psychologist investigating abductions including that of Jordan-Kauble, based on both Hopkins and the Harvard psychiatrist, John Mack, as Hopkins didn’t perform the abductee’s hypnosis himself.

• Tracy Torme, staff writer for the tv show “Star Trek the Next Generation” and son of legendary singer Mel Torme, was tapped to write the Intruders mini-series. Torme recalls that alien abduction movies were a hard sell in the late-1980s-early-1990s because abductions hadn’t yet entered the cultural zeitgeist. Torme says that he closely observed Hopkins in his UFO abduction research. “What Hopkins was uncovering,” said Torme, “were these clear patterns in abductions… pattern, after pattern, after pattern.” The more Torme worked with Hopkins, the more he became personally convinced of the reality of these abductions. “I’d just met too many people who were very sincere and who did not want their names in the newspaper, who did not want to be a part of UFO phenomena. They were victims in a lot of ways. They were damaged people; damaged by the experience.”

• Today, Torme relates that although he respected John Mack, he did not share his perspective on the abduction phenomenon. “He [Mack] believed that this is all being done for the benefit of mankind, and they [ETs] are our kind of our saviors and our brothers… and that they’re here to help us and save us from destruction and all that. I just didn’t see it. I do not believe that they are intentionally hostile, but they seem to be lacking in emotions and they don’t treat human beings with the respect that they deserve.”

The Intruders CBS mini-series was generally well-received remains significant for its thoughtful and sympathetic treatment of the abduction phenomenon, intrusive examinations, alien impregnation, hybrid children, screen memories, and hypnotic regression. Says Torme, “I really believe this project was part of the process of people becoming aware of how these things [abductions] allegedly work.” It may have prompted the popularity of succeeding shows such as the “X-Files” in 1992 and others. By the end of the 1990’s the Gray alien had become a staple in ufology. “The way that the image of the Grays has since become known in society is incredible. They’ve seeped into… all aspects of society, and they’re now part of Americana. The image is now worldwide.”


1987 saw the publication of Budd Hopkins’ Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods. The book investigated the claims of a number of alleged alien abductees, but was more specifically concerned with the case of Debbie Jordan-Kauble (known in the book as “Kathie Davis”). Jordan-Kauble described having been abducted from her parents’ home in June of 1983 and being taken aboard an egg-shaped craft which had landed outside. She claimed to have been impregnated by her alien captors, who later removed the fetus and eventually introduced her to her human-alien hybrid child. Jordan-Kauble was dissatisfied with the treatment of her case in Hopkins’ book and later went on to write her own, more detailed account, not only of her 1983 abduction, but of other related experiences throughout her life. As to the nature and origin of these experiences, Jordan-Kauble once mused:

                      Budd Hopkins

“I have had so many different types of experience with so many different aspects of this field that I am somewhat mixed as to what I think they are and where they come from. I have seen the hard evidence that debunkers claim does not exist. I have also experienced the psychological and physical effects, as well as the spiritual awakening of a close encounter. I am also smart enough to realize how powerful the human mind can be when faced with something that it cannot comprehend. All I have ever been able to do was report what I saw and let everyone else sort it all out.”

Hopkins’ Intruders book would later be very loosely adapted for television by screenwriter Tracy Tormé —son of legendary jazz singer and musician Mel Tormé. The 1992 mini-series was concerned less with the Jordan-Kauble story and more with the broader abduction phenomenon as it was then understood by the leading researchers in the field, namely Hopkins and Harvard psychiatrist, John Mack.

                               John Mack

In the mini-series, a psychiatrist, Dr. Chase (Richard Crenna), investigates the abductions of two seemingly unconnected women from different American states and, in the process, immerses himself in broader research into the UFO phenomenon. Eventually, he and a local UFOlogist start a therapy group where abductees can collectively attempt to make sense of their traumatic experiences. Richard Crenner’s psychiatrist character was modelled on both Hopkins and Mack. Crenner wears an oversized woollen fisherman’s sweater throughout, clearly inspired by Hopkins’ trademark garment. The actor drew greater influence from Mack, spending time with the Harvard psychiatrist in order to study his mannerisms.

Debbie Jordan-Kauble

I interviewed Tormé a few years back. He explained his writing process for Intruders and the cultural climate in which it was written. Tormé had been attempting to get an abduction movie off the ground long before Intruders. “I optioned Budd Hopkins’ first book, Missing Time, and spent three long years trying to get it launched in Hollywood,” the screenwriter told me of his initial effort. “At that time people didn’t take abductions very seriously and it seemed like a very odd subject to launch for a multi-million-dollar movie. This was in the early-to-mid 1980s.”

Tormé emphasized to me that abduction movies were a hard sell in the late-1980s-early-1990s:

“At that time there was not a lot of interest in this subject. People wonder why it was such a struggle to get these kinds of movies made. But the public really did not know about the abduction phenomenon. They weren’t following it, they weren’t reading about it. It had not broken through in a big way in the mass media.”

Tormé had developed a close relationship with Budd Hopkins during his research for the Missing Time movie and was an admirer of his work. “I felt he was a very good person, a very good thinker,” said Tormé of Hopkins. “He’d invite me to witness regression hypnosis sessions that he was conducting with abductees. I was hearing these stories that sounded so much like science-fiction, so unbelievable, but what Hopkins was uncovering were these clear patterns in abductions… pattern, after pattern, after pattern.” Tormé was also struck by the artistic renderings of the abductors shown to him by Hopkins:

“He had a great collection of different drawings of the beings made by various abductees, and it was amazing how similar they were to each other. This was at a time when no one knew about so-called Grays. This is back in the early 1980s when if you asked a hundred people what an alien was, you get a hundred different answers.”

                            Tracy Torme

As time passed, the initially undecided screenwriter became    a believer in the reality of the phenomenon:

“The more of Hopkins’ sessions I observed, and the more abductees I met, I became 98 percent convinced that this stuff was real. I couldn’t say 100 percent, because I hadn’t seen anything with my own eyes. But I’d just met too many people who were very sincere and who did not want their names in the newspaper, who did not want to be a part of UFO phenomena. They were victims in a lot of ways. They were damaged people; damaged by the experience. They expressed to me how they really didn’t like that they were never asked to go along with this [the abduction experience]; that this would happen to them if they liked it or not. They were very disturbed by that, and that made a big mark on me.”



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Are Military Pilots Interacting With UFOs in Local Skies?

by Brendan Ponton             May 5, 2018              (

• The CBS affiliate in Norfolk/Virginia Beach (Virginia), WTKR,  recently did an on-air report about UFO’s in the skies off of the East Coast. This is a corresponding article that ran on the news station’s website.

• The ‘To The Stars Academy’ group recently obtained and released videos of military pilots seeing UFOs. Rob Swiatek of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) says these types of sightings have been happening for decades. “[The UFO’s] seem to be moving in intelligent manners, intelligent patterns, and it does not seem to be a natural phenomenon,” said Swiatek. “Each year there are thousands of reports of UFO’s across the country and world. About 20% remain a mystery. Ultimately, I conjecture that we’re dealing with another intelligence, but I can’t prove it,” Swiatek said.

• In December (2017), The New York Times reported on a military program, called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which looked into the reports of UFO’s. Defense officials say the program ended but there’s a renewed interest in whether or not aliens are piloting UFO’s.

[Editor’s Note]  Kudo’s to the mainstream news in Norfolk/Virginia Beach! They are actually reporting on UFO’s that may be controlled by an extraterrestrial intelligence without derision, sarcasm or ridicule. As there are many Navy and Air Force pilots stationed in the Hampton Roads area, this is very relevant and vital information. It appears that we are turning a corner with mainstream acknowledgement of the extraterrestrial presence on our planet. See below the 3:51 minute news broadcast and two of the released US military videos of UFOs.


VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – Recently released videos purport to show military pilots seeing UFO’s, but what exactly are they seeing?

The group, To the Stars Academy for Arts and Science, obtained the videos and says they’re evidence pilots are coming into contact with Unidentified Foreign Objects.

Rob Swiatek, a UFO researcher and board member of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), and says these types of sightings have been happening for decades. “We can’t really explain it,” Swiatek said. “[The UFO’s] seem to be moving in intelligent manners, intelligent patterns, and it does not seem to be a natural phenomenon.”

Each year there are thousands of reports of UFO’s across the country and world, according to Swiatek. UFO investigators are generally able to determine explanations for the vast majority, but he says about 20% remain a mystery.

“Ultimately, I conjecture that we’re dealing with another intelligence, but I can’t prove it,” he said.

Following the release of the videos, there’s a renewed interest in whether or not aliens are piloting UFO’s. In December, The New York Times reported on a military program, called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which looked into the reports of UFO’s. Defense officials say the program ended in 2012, but others say the work continues.

Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter jet video
off of the coast of San Diego in 2004

Military video of a UFO flying low over the
Atlantic Ocean off of the East Coast of America


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Lafayette Had Its First ‘Close Encounter’ in 1890’s

by Bob Kriebel             May 4, 2018              (

• This is an account of a UFO sighting in Lafayette, Indiana as reported in the local newspaper, the Morning Journal, on May 9, 1897.

• A young man bicycling on a dark and deserted road near Stockwell IN on Saturday night, May 7th, between 8 and 9pm. He was startled by a loud hissing noise and an object passed over his head, so close that it blew his hat off. Reaching for his hat, he fell off of the bike. He looked up and saw in the sky a cigar-shaped craft, about 20 feet long and 8 feet in diameter. There was a box or car underneath the craft about 6 by 3 feet in dimension, suspended by a “network of tubular wires”. At either end of the cigar craft were bright, multi-colored lights.

• “Two men were standing on the ground by the side of the strange object and seemed to be busy with several of the wires leading from the lower part of the queer object to the upper part. They spoke occasionally and I heard one remark, ‘I wonder where we are?’ He spoke with a foreign accent and I thought at the time that he was some French scientist. His companion replied in excellent English and I supposed he was an American.”

• “I was still lying on the ground on my back and the strangers had not noticed me. I decided to go to the men and make some inquiries.” As soon as he stood, the two men saw him, the lights on the craft lit up on either end, and ‘in an instant’ the craft rose into the sky and flew away. “I watched it a moment and then rubbed my eyes to assure myself I was awake. Then I picked up my wheel, took a small pull at an amber-colored fluid I had purchased at Lebanon and then I pedaled for home as fast as I could.”


The phenomena of unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, in America popularly dates back to the summer and fall of 1947 when cigar-shaped objects, blinking lights, strange sounds, odd creatures and what-have-you made headlines.

Many books have been written about UFOs over the years since then, a television series and one of the 1970s’ biggest hits, “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” based on a fictional UFO sighting near Muncie, Ind.

The close student of history of Lafayette, though, would leap in amazement at a geniune UFO story printed in the Morning Journal on Monday May 9, 1897.

It is based on an account of a young man bicycling near Stockwell on Saturday night May 7.
Here’s the newspaper’s account:

A Strange Story

A Well Known Young Man Says He Saw the Mysterious Air Ship

“The strangest experience of my life,” said a well known young man in conversation with a Journal representative last evening, “came to me so unexpectedly Saturday evening that it startled me almost out of my wits for a moment.

“I had been out wheeling and was on my way home. I was on the road between Stockwell and Crane, the new name the post office had assigned to Culver station, and was treading at a pretty lively pace to get home in time to make a few purchases before the stores closed.

“Night had fallen and it must have been between 8 and 9 o’clock. The road was deserted and the only break in the monotony of my lonely ride was the occasional glimpse of a light shining fro the window of a farmhouse.

“My eyes were bent on the road in front of me and my thoughts were busy with matters common to the thoughts of most young men. I was conscious of the fact that it was dark, that I was alone and that I was moving. Beyond these conditions my mind had but little to do with the materiality of my surroundings.

“All at once there was a change in my mental status. I was brought back to a realization of earthly things by an unearthly occurrence. A loud, hissing noise very similar to the escape of steam from a locomotive sounded so near me that I was startled into alertness. I looked for a railroad and the headlight of an engine, expecting to see the latter at my elbow, but saw neither.

“Before I could get the engine idea out of my mind my hat was almost lifted from my head by the wind of an object passing over my head. I released my hold on the handlebars of my wheel and threw my hands to catch my hat. Just then my wheel struck a rock or something and I was dismounted in a trice, falling on my back on the road.

“As my eyes turned upward they met a sight that made me wish I had fallen into a deep hole with a cover on it. Only a few yards away to my right in a small meadow I saw the strangest object that any mortal has ever seen.



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Mr. Luis Elizondo’s MUFON Interview (salient points and comments)

In the article “LUIS ELIZONDO: MUFON’s Exclusive Interview” that came out in the May 2018 issue of the MUFON Journal, I found important points to think about and which relate with AATIP (The DOD’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) and with TTSA (To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences). The article authors were Chase Kloetzke, Kerry McClure and Roger Marsh.
Elizondo’s POINT 1) It becomes unclear whether TTSA will be allowed to reveal details of the metamaterial allegedly obtained from a UAP. After explaining that it is a mistake to call it a “metal alloy” Chase Kloetzke and MUFON colleagues-authors write:
“Lue (Luis Elizondo) was unable to answer if the material was used to develop anything, but added, “One would assume that we want to analyze and try to exploit as much as possible any type of new material that we find. So, we’re most likely not going to hear too much more of that, much like all of a sudden we have Velcro or Teflon.”
My COMMENT: To avoid dangerous technology from reaching the whole world I think that at least a few highly credible scientists should sign a non-disclosure agreement and verify the unique, non-earthly characteristics of the metamaterial(s) and publicly testify under oath to Congress that what they’ve seen and scientifically verified is unlikely to have been manufactured by any known country. This would give more credence to the confirmation/disclosures thus far given. It’s been 73 years+ of skeptics and scientists asking for a “physical evidence” related to genuine UFOs and now that it has been announced it should not be considered “evidence given” based only on the credibility and authority of the TTSA members. Civilians and various institutions should assist TTSA in research. This is a great opportunity for the scientific community to rise up to the challenge. The more social forces care about the subject the more information will be released and processed in a healthy manner.
Elizondo’s POINT 2) MUFON researcher Chase Kloetzke asked Mr. Elizondo if they learned anything that keeps him up at night. The reply was “I think it’s not necessarily negative. I think we are in the precipice of potentially understanding a new paradigm. You know, mankind, our evolution has been marked by moments of clarity….I believe we are on the precipice of understanding a little bit more of our place in the cosmic neighborhood and I think that should be exciting and thrilling. We must remain cautious and diligent, but I’m not sure we necessarily need to be afraid. Concerned, sure. I’ll buy that. Afraid, I don’t think so.”
My COMMENT: I’m glad he has not seen signs of danger in the UAP, intelligent phenomenon (besides its use of unauthorized airspace as modern nation-states legally think about “their” airspace). This coincides with about 90%+ of the survey responses by experiencers in the F.R.E.E. survey. However, IF other reports (based on more specific testimony) of a space fleet needed to defend Earth against intruders (with the assistance of other benevolent civilizations) is true, the issue would be more complex than expected.
Elizondo’s POINT 3) MUFON QUESTION: Is there a space force? ANSWER: “Lue smartly answered, “Next question. Can I buy a vowel?”
My COMMENT: What does this mean? Does it mean that, yes, there is a secret space force that he is aware about but cannot mention? If so, is it elementary-initial level or super advanced as some insiders claim? How is TTSA going to sort out this issue in the future? How far does the “rabbit hole” go?
Elizondo’s POINT 4) MUFON asked: “MUFON has had many cases with Government intervention, reports and even investigations that included military jets or helicopters chasing UFOs….Is there any desire for To the Stars Academy to look at some of this evidence?” ANSWER: “To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science intends to look at…all of these incidents.” Lue answered, “No matter how serious or how ridiculous, we want the full spectrum. We want chips to fall where they fall and let the data speak for itself while we develop and fully implement this community of interest. It is going to be every bit as capable as Google or anything else.
This is the first time we can analyze data nearly in real time, in a manner that allows us to determine very quickly: is it something legitimate or is it a hoax?”
My COMMENT: Great! The “full spectrum” is a truthful attitude especially for a complex subjects with many interrelated aspects.
I believe that TTSA will be allowed to reveal more IF the TTSA community and the human community at large becomes interested and shows that it can handle the information constructively. This seems to coincide with the overall attitude of most UAP intelligences. However, “full spectrum” should include the psychic and consciousness connection, the contactees and experiencers, their alternative histories of mankind, how the cosmic community is structured, possible interventions on humanity (genetic and cultural) and the human community should be able to digest this constructively after its various narrative probabilities have been studied and sorted out with as much scientific methodology as possible.
Elizondo’s POINT 5) When Mr. Elizondo was asked “What is your best guess on the intelligence behind these craft?” He replied, “I think there’s lots of possibilities. But as I said before, it could be from outer space, inner space or the space in between. …But let’s look at another paradigm here: the present is nothing more than an infinitesimally small point in space-time.
Probably measured in plane-time, in which elements of the future become elements of the past, right? And everything that we do as human beings is experienced in that infinitesimally small moment of space-time; by the way, it’s not static, it’s moving. In fact, one could use the analogy, time is like a fuse, and the parts of the fuse that have already burned that are ashes – that’s the past. The part of the fuse that remains intact – that is the future, and this moment, this flash right where the future becomes the past, is really hard to define, because if you were to zoom close enough, you would see parts of the fuse burn unevenly.
Parts of the future and parts of the past are kind of lying over each other, and we’re now seeing this in the quantum world….the electron is actually going through the fabric of space-time and is actually ebbing in and out of existence and reappearing at an infinitely fast rate. And so, therefore the electron is everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
So, if we experience everything through this tiny little optic, everything we’ve built, everything we’ve learned, every emotion, love, fear, hate, every experience as a human being is through this tiny little moment of space-time as we are moving forward. What if there were other species or even humans, where their understanding of the present, that optic, that spark, is maybe a little bigger?
Rather than being a point, maybe it’s a range. Mabe the understanding of the present isn’t a point, but it’s a range, and maybe there’s elements of the future and the past that are experienced as the present, and, therefore, what we perceive as linear space-time maybe others don’t. In fact, maybe these are things that have lived here forever, before us. Maybe, we share the space with them.”
My COMMENT: Yes,I also think that UAP intelligences may be able to experience a “wider present,” probably because they are capable of being consciously in contact with the atemporal…to see, let’s say, from above, more simultaneous probable futures and even one’s temporal line specific past and the probable pasts that did not specifically connect with our preferred temporal line frame of reference.
I consider the fact that these issues (whether correct or not) are being told by a former official, no-nonsense, accredited person that researched UAPs for several years as very important and mind-opening. Thank you Mr. Elizondo!! It is basically a more sophisticated admission of the serious possibility that we are in fact being “visited” by (in some ways) more advanced intelligences (simplistically known as “extraterrestrials”). Inner, psychological, experiential space and physical experiential space may connect in a more useful manner for these intelligences and our civilization needs to understand how this comes to be.
While the word “consciousness” was not mentioned, it was implicit as being able to perceive a wider range of “the present” relates with consciousness as the capacity to experience. Also, if we share the same space, perhaps our legal concerns about other intelligences manifesting in our detectable space would be concerns about the right to maintain our reduced experiential space-time (including its national atmospheric air space, oceans, inside the Earth’s crust space) without being interfered with. But what if there are other ranges of space-time on Earth that we have no access too? Shouldn’t we also recognize them as legitimate for the use of these UAP intelligences? Should we also legally accept their appearance in the specific space-time segment which we normally perceive? These legal issues are a sobering and beautiful challenge.
More of us really need to grow up (meaning to expand our views and identifications) and to personally work with these issues constructively in order to create a new civilization as demanded by wider facts; generating values to live with respect toward a more connected form of existence…a connection of experiencing consciousnesses in the deeper layers of reality which overcome less ontologically real space-time separations.
Meeting the challenge which involves these more formal “revelations” requires from us to successfully come to terms with the reality world of the “UAP intelligences” as a reality which is not separate from us, especially as their technology and the cultural, political and exopolitical implications of true UAPs and their intelligences become undeniable.
Mr. Elizondo also asks us as individuals in a society to “ask the hard questions and pursue the truth.” To become involved, to care about these issues and to recognize their importance. He said that that kind of inquiry should be done by true patriots; that To the Stars Academy should not be composed by “yes people.”  I heartfully agree.
After speaking (in the 2018 Contact in the Desert Conference) with Mr. Peter Levenda the chosen writer for TTSA and (in the 2018 joint IRVA/SSE Conference) with Dr. Hal Puthoff a well-known physicist working with TTSA, I found them to be sincere, well-intentioned, reasonable and cautious in what they declare. I think that they are sincerely working with the information available to them even though they may personally suspect that other programs have been researching different issues and aspects at since since the so called “Roswell Incident.” I don’t think that most members of TTSA are necessarily pushing the idea of “an alien threat” or the continuation of a cover-up in order to further a deeply-seated mindset and some self-serving powerful individuals and entrenched interests within the military industrial complex. I think that this group of people are simply trying to understand what is going on in a moderate, rational, scientific way that can responsibly educate the public and I think that they are simply a bit weary of some (often insufficiently validated) less moderate declarations within the UFO community.
I also tried to speak with Mr. Elizondo in a conference organized by A.J. Gevaerd in Porto Alegre, Brazil but he didn’t arrive. There were questions which needed clarification and had been sent to me by other researchers…for instance why it was not mentioned from the very beginning that AATIP was in fact a secondary name for a program whose official code name was AAWSAP (The Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Application Program). It would have facilitated obtaining validation that the Pentagon-DIA research indeed existed.
As much as TTSA needs to reach out not only to the general public but to serious – more rational and scientifically careful – researchers in the UFO community, I think that the UFO research community also needs to overcome excessive suspicions and to be more supportive of the effort led by TTSA members, even if the latter (understandably) consider the possibility of a ‘threat’ as something that has to be logically considered, especially in connection with the Pentagon. I think that the UFO community needs to extend bridges towards TTSA with a friendlier attitude and for – all of us together – to expand our personal identification psychological barriers so as to carefully sort the wheat from the chaff.

‘Ancient Aliens’ Host Giorgio Tsoukalos Talks, Aliens, UFOs, and Memes

by Rachel Bryant          April 26, 2018          (

• Friday, April 27, 2018 marks the 13th season of the History Channel show Ancient Aliens. The premiere episode is entitled ‘The UFO Conspiracy’ and will deal with the Pentagon revelations that came out in December of 2017 revealing that the U.S. Government has been researching and exploring UFO’s for years. Not only has the U.S. Government admitted to it, but they allowed the release of video footage that shows how fast and maneuverable are these UFOs. This UFO video footage will be featured in this premiere episode.

• ‘Ancient Aliens‘ host Giorgio Tsoukalos is one of many who have been telling us for decades what the Pentagon is just now admitting – that we are not alone in the universe. In the 1950’s and 60’s the question was whether extraterrestrial intelligence exists in the universe. Today, most astronomers will concede that intelligent life must exist elsewhere, and the question has become do they interact with us now on Earth? The answer, says Tsoukalos, can be found by the evidence here on Earth.

• “I am 100% convinced that our history goes back much much [earlier] than what accepted archeology teaches us,” says Tsoukalos. “Our ancestors… were meticulous in writing down their history as it happened to them at the time… [T]he origin of all the stories were the same – someone came and taught mankind.”

• “There is no question in my mind that our worldwide history goes further and deeper into time than we currently accept as the mainstream idea,” says Tsoukalos. For example, by studying the erosion marks of the Great Sphinx in Egypt, geologist Dr. Robert Schoch, believes that it dates back to 12,000 BC. This coincides with ‘The Golden Age’ of ancient Egypt, in 12,500 BC when so-called “gods” with a lower case ‘g’ (ie: technologically advanced extraterrestrial beings), mingled with human beings on Earth.


In the last several decades the topic of whether we are “alone” in the universe has always been a controversial one. As long as there have been reported “sightings”, the government has been denying that the “sightings” were true. However, in 2017 the New York Times released a story that proved that the US Government has been more concerned about the possibility of UFO’s than they lead the citizens of the country to believe. The New York Times reported that the US Government did indeed have a program called Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. The program lost its funding in 2012 but experts believe it has found funding under another name.

As the story of the US Government finally breaking their silence on one of the biggest and most tight-lipped topics in Washington DC hits major news sources, we turn our focus to the men and women who have been telling us for decades what the Pentagon is just now admitting. We are not alone in the universe.

I had the distinct honor of speaking with one of those brilliant minds today, ‘Ancient Aliens‘ host Giorgio Tsoukalos. I was so honored and excited to do this interview. It is not every day you are able to hold this kind of discussion with someone with the kind of passion he has for his work and I was extremely moved to learn as much as I could in our short time together.

                 Giorgio Tsoukalos

RB: What convinced you that the Ancient Alien theory could    be valid and that it needed further research and exploration?

GT: I was very lucky growing up with parents who were avid travelers. Ever since I was 6, 7 and 8 years old, my parents would travel to various countries and they would always carve out time to go the museums and to great gigantic monumental archeological sites. Also, my grandmother was a very open minded woman, and instead of reading ordinary bedtime stories to me, sometimes she would read would read Edgar Cayce ‘Atlantis‘ and ‘Chariots of the Gods‘. So the seed was planted fairly early in my life. Then, when I was around 14 or 15, I discovered the books by Erich von Däniken on my own, and as they say, the rest is history.

RB: Do you feel that the topic of Aliens and UFOs has become more accepted in the recent years-not just by the general public-but in the scientific field?

GT: Absolutely. I also think ‘Ancient Aliens‘ has been a huge influencer on that opinion today than, let’s say, in the 50’s and 60’s. There were only a few astronomers who were toying with the question if extra-terrestrial intelligence exists in the rest of the universe.

However, here we are 50 years later, and you would be very hard pressed to find any astronomer denying the idea of extra-terrestrial life. Even though the big question they have now is whether or not that life has had interactions with us here on Earth. That, of course, is answered through the ancient astronaut question. Bio-astronomers are at universities doing research and trying to find whether or not there are remnants of extra-terrestrial visitations in our solar system and on other planets. The question is, “Why are you looking at other planets, when the true evidence is right here in front of our eyes?” We should be looking right here on planet Earth.

RB: You have visited so many of the ancient sites, for example, Tribal and First Nations. They seem to all have similar creation accounts. What are the most common threads that stand out?

GT: That is a wonderful observation, and thank you for that question.

Let’s say we look at 20, just for argument’s sake. 20 ancient cultures dating back 3000 years. All the creation stories for each culture would be different, but most of the creation stories are the same. They talk about a silver egg, or a silver orb, arriving from the depths of nothingness that lands on Earth. Then, the egg or orb opens, and people emerge. From there on out, civilizations have begun. So, one has to ask the question, “Is this a figment of our ancestor’s imaginations or did they actually witness something.”

The one thing we have to remind ourselves is, it’s not me or the Ancient Aliens show that are inventing these stories. We can read these ancient accounts of someone descending from the sky on ancient text and also in oral traditions.

So, the fact is that our ancestors are the ones who say they have been visited. It is not us today who are just now saying it. It is our ancestors who were meticulous in writing down their history as it happened to them at the time. Of course, things were added over time. Stories were embellished, but the origin of all the stories were the same-someone came and taught mankind.

RB: Do you think it is possible that ancient civilizations much older than we think existed here on Earth, and they may have been some species other than human?

GT: I can’t answer to the question of other species because I am not aware of that, but, I am 100% convinced that our history goes back much much later than what accepted archeology teaches us.

I am not saying these things lightly. I am basing these ideas on research of scientists, because I don’t have a degree in science. I am a journalist. I talk about these ideas. For example, Dr. Robert Schoch, a bonafide scientist (a geologist) tells me that physical evidence, (the erosion marks of the great Sphinx in Egypt, Gisa Plato) indicate to him that the Sphinx may date back to 12,000 BC. I shall listen to a Geologist who has come to that conclusion.

There is ancient text that speaks of The Golden Age of ancient Egypt, back in 12,500 BC. It was a time when so-called “gods” with a lower case g, mingled among the human beings, so, there is no question in my mind that our worldwide history goes further and deeper into time than we currently accept as the mainstream idea.



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Paranormal Radio Show Host Art Bell Who Always Talked About UFOs and Aliens Dies

by Nirmal Narayanan             April 16, 2018             (

• Art Bell (pictured above), the original host of Coast to Coast AM died on April 13, 2018, aged 72. No cause of death has been announced.

• Art Bell was born on June 17, 1945, in Jacksonville, North Carolina. Bell was interested in radio hosting since his childhood, and at the age of 13 he became a licensed amateur radio operator.

• Bell became a hot figure among radio listeners when he started the paranormal/ conspiracy radio show ‘Coast to Coast AM’ in 1988. Bell retired in 2007 when George Noory and George Knapp began hosting the show.

• A trademark of ‘Coast to Coast AM’ was Bell’s mysterious voice and the eerie mood of the show. Bell’s influence can be seen in various paranormal programs including ‘Twin Peaks’ and ‘The X Files’.

• The most remembered episode in Art Bell’s professional career happened in 1997 when he received a frantic call from a person who claimed that he is an employee in the secret Nevada Air Force base known as ‘Area 51’The call lasted only for two minutes, and it was mysteriously knocked off the air. (See/hear 6.06 minute audio/video below.)

• “I am a former employee, I was let to go on a medical discharge about a week ago. What we are thinking as of aliens Art. They are extra-dimensional beings,” the man told Art as he was sobbing. The former employee of Area 51 also hinted about a new world order which aims to reduce the population, so that everyone can be controlled easily. He also revealed that his life is in danger.


Art Bell, the original host of the paranormal-themed radio program Coast to Coast AM died on April 13, 2018, aged 72. No cause of death has been announced pending an autopsy to be conducted later this week.

Art Bell was born on June 17, 1945, in North Carolina. Young Bell was interested in radio hosting since his childhood, and at the age of 13, he became a licensed amateur radio operator.

Bell became a hot figure among radio listeners when he started the show ‘Coast to Coast AM’ which mainly discussed topics related to paranormal activities and conspiracy theories. The radio show started in 1988, and Art Bell was the host of the show until he retired completely in 2007. After Art Bell’s retirement, George Noory and George Knapp started hosting the show.

The major USP of ‘Coast to Coast AM’ was Bell’s mysterious voice and the eerie mood of the show. Bell’s influence can be seen in various paranormal programs including ‘Twin Peaks’ and ‘The X Files’.

The most remembered episode in Art Bell’s professional career happened in 1997 when he received a frantic call from a person who claimed that he is an employee in Area 51, the most secret American Air Force base. Interestingly, the call lasted only for two minutes, and mysteriously, it got knocked off the air.



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