The Camera On Board the Spacecraft Photographed UFO Flying By

by Paradox                   December 15, 2018                      (

• On September 8, 2018, as Elon Musk’s Space X Unmanned Aerial Vehicle dubbed ‘Dragon’ was delivering it’s payload to the International Space Station, 400 km above the Pacific Ocean, a surveillance camera on the Dragon picked up another craft in the background. By the appearance of the craft, it was triangle-shaped, and may have been a ‘TR3B Astra’ craft. (see 10:24 minute video of triangular craft passing the ISS)

[Editor’s Note]  The TR3B is rumored to belong to the US Air Force and was built using secret advanced technology of the 1990’s, although far less advanced than some of the alien-based technology currently being developed. According to secret space program insiders such as Corey Goode, the TR3B is primarily used to transport cargo and personnel between Earth bases and the dozen or so Air Force space stations, which are far more technologically advanced than the International Space Station. Perhaps all of these secret stations and craft will be absorbed into President Trump’s new Space Force, and will then be revealed to the public.


Foreign media reported that the ISS crew successfully captured the cargo, delivered by UAV “Dragon”. The device, incidentally, belongs to the company “SpaceX”.

The head of the crew Alexander Gerst have used a mechanical “hand” to deliver “packages” on Board the space station. At the time of the punching operation, the astronauts raced at an altitude of 400 km above the Pacific ocean.

The drone was equipped with a surveillance camera which filmed everything that happens. As you might guess, it is on the video and noticed a strange triangular shaped object. As suggested by some individuals, UFOs, reflected light or emitted their own rays.

Ufologists decided that “Dragon” was filmed mythical flying machine called the “TR-3B Astra”. Device if you believe the stories, created in the United States with the use of alien technology.

However, many people agree that the frame has got the usual alien spacecraft. Is the company Ilona Mask you can’t cut a piece of video to show people the truth?

10:24 minute ‘Third Phase of the Moon’ YouTube video
of a TR3B passing by the ‘Dragon X’ in space (segment ends at 5:30)



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Why Do Extraterrestrial Visitors Come to Our Small Planet?

by Cheryl Costa                     December 12, 2018                       (

• Why are extraterrestrials here? It’s the most common question I (Cheryl Costa) get asked during media interviews, at UFO conferences, and from just everyday people who know I write about the subject. I think the best answer is that there is an unseen extraterrestrial caretaker species here to protect the Earth’s human species from an aggressor off-world species who would subjugate us or destroy us. And also to prevent the more aggressive Earth humans from selfishly destroying this lovely blue planet we live on.

• According to Ancient Astronaut theory, extraterrestrials have been teaching our forbearers arts and sciences, nudging our species toward being technologically capable of leaving this planet to explore the stars.

• Were the reported aerial battles over the skies of Nuremberg, Germany on April 14, 1561, and over Basel, Switzerland on July 27 and 28 and August 7, 1566 actually a clash between an off-world aggressor species and another caretaker species?

• In July and August 1945 the United States detonated three nuclear weapons: one in the New Mexico desert, followed by nuclear attacks on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. By June and July 1947, there was a massive wave of “flying saucer-type” craft reported from 39 states. Perhaps this set off concerns with our ET caretakers.

• In Robert Hastings’ book UFOs and Nukes, Hastings reported more than 80 accounts of unknown craft hovering over and disabling nuclear missiles and their control facilities at various times during the mid- to late-1960s. Were they our ET caretakers?

• In February 2018, I interviewed intelligence officer Luis Elizondo, the former director of the top-secret Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). He told me that the “UFOs seem to be interested in our most advanced military technology.”

• Thomas Conwell, the author of the THEY Are Here book series, has noted a trend where the ET caretakers seem acutely interested in cleaning up our polluted areas, strip mining and waste areas.

• It seems that our ET caretakers keep telling we humans a common message: “Take care of your planet!”


Why are extraterrestrials here? It’s the most common question I get asked during media interviews, at UFO conferences, and from just everyday people who know I write about the subject.

The answer isn’t easy because Earth humans don’t have a clue regarding the extraterrestrials’ interests. In our own culture we all have different motivations, be it fame, fortune, family life and other influences. We’re certainly not all the same in terms of our needs, desires and pursuits.

Cultural aspects play a big part in our interests and outlook. I’ve met people who have told me they’ve never seen Star Trek or Star Wars. I’ve also known others who have never read Harry Potter books or seen the movie adaptations. Just these few dissimilarities alone define a vast difference in western cultural perspective.

                  Cheryl Costa

So when it comes to extraterrestrials, too many people try to interpret them from a specific human cultural viewpoint.
Why are extraterrestrials here? I tend to think humans are interesting to watch and study. I suppose that might be the extraterrestrial xenoanthropologist’s viewpoint.

If you are a follower of the Ancient Astronaut theory, there seems to be a huge preponderance of evidence to suggest that extraterrestrials have been visiting during human evolution. They seem to have been teaching our ancient forbearers’ arts and sciences, as well as nudging us as a species toward technologically being capable of leaving this planet in the far future.

Then there’s what I call the extraterrestrial protector and nanny caretaker aspect. On the morning of April 14, 1561, the citizenry of the German city of Nuremberg awoke to a massive aerial battle going on in the skies over the city. It happened again five years later in Basel, Switzerland, on July 27 and 28 and Aug. 7, 1566. Was this a clash between an off-world aggressor species and another caretaker species?

Of course, Nuremberg and Basel were long ago, so how about something a bit more modern? In July and August 1945 the United States detonated three nuclear weapons: one in the New Mexico desert, followed by nuclear attacks on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Shortly afterward, strange crafts in our world’s skies became a major topic of discussion.

In June and July 1947, there was a massive wave of “flying saucer-type” craft reported from 39 states via the wire services of the day. There was an exhaustive study in the 1960s by NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) author Ted Bloecher in his book Report on the UFO Wave of 1947.

Did our nanny off-world caretakers realize that our war was like primitive species playing with a box of nuclear matches? Perhaps this set off concerns with the nanny ET caretakers.



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Las Vegas Man’s UFO Story Makes It To the Big Screen

by George Knapp and Matt Adams                   December 12, 2018                      (

• The world premiere of a new documentary film about UFO whistle blower Bob Lazar was held in Los Angeles on December 3rd, and Las Vegas I-Team Reporter George Knapp was there. The line of eager fans stretched around a city block for the premier. A sellout crowd of 1,600 people filed into the historic United Artists theater to see the film produced and directed by Jeremy Corbell and narrated by Hollywood star, Mickey Rourke.  

• Corbell took the stage at the premier to explain, “The reason I made this film is because I wanted to know the truth.” As the lights dimmed and the projector fired up, the subject of the movie Bob Lazar took a seat alongside other interested parties.

• It was 29 years ago that Lazar came forward, claimed he worked on technology out in the Nevada desert, and suddenly the Area 51 base became known all over the world. A 1989 interview on KLAS TV with George Knapp when Bob Lazar mentioned that there were “nine flying saucers, flying discs out there” at S-4, a camouflaged facility built into a mountain south of Groom Lake, the heart of the Area 51 military base changed things forever for Lazar.

• With Lazar’s revelation, UFO researchers by the busload made the pilgrimage to the Nevada desert, along with major news organizations. The story put Area 51 on the map worldwide, inspired movies, TV shows, and books, led to the creation of the E.T. highway and a namesake professional baseball team.

• In the film, Lazar goes into specific detail about the technology he says he saw, technology that is remarkably similar to the objects seen in videos released one year ago by the Pentagon. These craft can generate gravity and bend space-time, Lazar said nearly three decades ago. Now the topic is once again generating waves of media coverage.

• Audience response to the film’s premiere was overwhelmingly positive enough to coax a visibly uncomfortable Lazar onto the stage with the director to answer a few questions, including the attacks on his credibility. Lazar says he doesn’t blame people for their skepticism. “I understand it is an incredible story and I myself would have a hard time believing it.”  (that’s George Knapp, Bob Lazar and Jeremy Corbell sitting on stage at the event above)


2018 was a big year for UFO news. It was a year ago this month when the Pentagon admitted it has been secretly studying unidentified flying objects and also released a few videos recorded by military pilots.

The sudden re-emergence of official interest in these unknown aircraft has also resulted in a closer look at older UFO cases and testimony, including one story that started in Las Vegas.

A new documentary film about UFO whistleblower Bob Lazar is out and there’s no way I-Team Reporter George Knapp would miss the world premiere.

It was 29 years ago that Lazar came forward, claimed he worked on technology out in the Nevada desert, and suddenly the Area 51 base became known all over the world.

The I-Team has done occasional updates with Lazar over the decades but it is never easy to get him to open up. The premiere of the new film has fired up many of the same arguments about his credibility, but the first audience to see the movie didn’t need much convincing.

The line of eager fans stretched around a city block in downtown Los Angeles. A sellout crowd of 1,600 people filed into the historic United Artists theater to see a film narrated by movie star Mickey Rourke and to hobnob with like-minded enthusiasts, some brought their Area 51 saucer model kits. At least one wore an ET mask.

A few famous faces were in the audience when director Jeremy Corbell took the stage and explained why he was inspired to tackle this particular slice of UFO history.

“The reason I made this film is because I wanted to know the truth,” said Jeremy Corbell, documentary filmmaker. “People that are haters, debunkers talk smack. Some of you are in this audience. You don’t know the story. You didn’t get it right.”
As the lights dimmed and the projector fired up, the subject of the movie Bob Lazar took a seat alongside other interested parties.

“There are nine flying saucers, flying discs out there…”

That 1989 interview on KLAS TV changed things forever for Bob Lazar, whose identity was made public months later. His story about alleged alien technology being stored and analyzed at S-4, a camouflaged facility built into a mountain south of Groom Lake, the heart of the now infamous Area 51 military base, set off a stampede.



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Lancashire Man Has ‘Proof’ That Aliens Have Visited

by Matthew Calderbank                 December 13, 2018                   (

• Craig Megson, a 35-year-old warehouse worker from Barnoldswick and a life-long UFO enthusiast, has come forward with footage that he filmed in February 2018, which Megson believes shows a fleet of alien spacecraft flying over Fishergate (in Preston, England). (se 2:29 minute video below)

• Megson was returning home from a day out in Blackpool with his 6-year-old son when his eyes were drawn to the skies above Preston. He said: “We’d had a fantastic day in Blackpool and we were just changing trains in Preston when it happened. Outside of the train station, Megason “… saw these lights move silently across the sky, and then more came along. So I got my phone out and started filming.”

• “At first I thought they were planes, but there was no flashing lights or sound,” said Megson. Then more came along and I thought they might be Chinese lanterns… [I]t was a windy night and I remember thinking, I’ve seen Chinese lanterns before but they’ve never moved like this!”

• Megson said he was soon joined by other curious spectators who were drawn to the mysterious lights in the sky. “There were a lot of people around, at least 20, and we started talking about what they could be,” said Megson. “I asked the man next to me what he thought they could be and he simply said, “They’re not planes mate, that’s for sure.”

• Tim Dust, who runs the YouTube channel UFO MAN, ‘jumped at the chance’ to share Megson’s footage with his 31,000 followers. Dust said, “I have years of experience analyzing footage of unidentified phenomena in our skies and I can say for sure these are not Chinese lanterns. I know this because of their continual horizontal flight path. Lanterns will rise with the air currents and flicker out. These lights are steady. …They most likely are not drones either, because they made no sound and did not have navigation strobes.”

• Megson insists that what he recorded that night is the proof he has been seeking for years – proof that we are not alone. “I must admit I’ve seen a lot of strange lights over the years but not like this. This is on a different scale. If anyone needs proof of the existence of aliens, here it is.”


According to a warehouse worker from Barnoldswick, the truth is out there – right above the rooftops of Fishergate.

Craig Megson, a life-long UFO enthusiast, has come forward with footage that he believes shows a fleet of alien spacecraft flying over Fishergate.

The 35-year-old said the footage, filmed in February, is ‘compelling evidence’ for the existence of extraterrestrials.

Craig was returning home from a day out in Blackpool with his 6-year-old son when his eyes were drawn to the skies above Preston. He said: “We’d had a fantastic day in Blackpool and we were just changing trains in Preston when it happened.

“I went outside the station for a vape and I noticed these lights in the sky. I showed them my son and he found it quite funny. He just looked at me and laughed.

“I saw these lights move silently across the sky and then more came along. So I got my phone out and started filming.

“At first I thought they were planes, but there was no flashing lights or sound. Then more came along and I thought they might be Chinese lanterns. But they don’t move in formation like that do they?

“Plus, it was a windy night and I remember thinking, I’ve seen Chinese lanterns before but they’ve never moved like this!”
Craig said he was soon joined by other curious spectators who were drawn to the mysterious lights in the sky.

“There were a lot of people around, at least 20, and we started talking about what they could be”, said Craig.

“I asked the man next to me what he thought they could be and he simply said, “They’re not planes mate, that’s for sure.”

2:29 minute StarForce Team video of UFO lights over Lancanshire



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NASA, Harvard, and the Pentagon Are All Taking UFOs Seriously Now

by Alex Hollings                   December 12, 2018                     (

• The idea of alien life is continuing to gain acceptance among the world’s preeminent scientists and experts.

• NASA – Silvano Colombano, a researcher at NASA’s Ames Research Center, made international headlines with his assertion that our planet may have been visited by extraterrestrial life, just not in a form we readily comprehend. Colombano later explained that the intent of his analysis was to get people to take the concept of aliens visiting earth a bit more seriously than our culture permits. “My perspective was simply that reports of unidentified aerial phenomena should be the object of serious study,” he said.

• The Pentagon – A year ago, the New York Times broke the story that the Pentagon earmarking some $22 million for the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program, which was devoted specifically to investigating UFO sightings made by U.S. military personnel. Among the sightings the Pentagon had investigated was the now infamous “Nimitz incident,” which saw U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornets scrambled on multiple occasions to intercept UFOs in the airspace around the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier strike group.

• Harvard – This has also been a time of impressive scientific discoveries pertaining to exoplanets, some that Harvard scientists believe could potentially harbor life with technology so advanced, we humans struggle to comprehend what it could even be. A series of repeating Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) that have been recorded from a specific distant galaxy has led to a debate between scientists who simply can’t come up with a plausible explanation for the immense amount of energy being released with each burst.

A more recent Harvard paper contends that a cigar-shaped object called ‘Oumuamua that entered into our solar system from deep space last year may have actually been artificial. “‘Oumuamua may be a fully operational probe sent intentionally to Earth vicinity by an alien civilization,” a Harvard paper asserted, citing the celestial body’s apparent acceleration as it departed our solar system as evidence. It propelled itself forward more so than gravitational assistance and the release of gasses or water vapor would allow.


This past Monday, a paper written by Silvano Colombano, a researcher at NASA’s Ames Research Center, made international headlines thanks to the paper’s assertion that our planet may have been visited by extraterrestrial life. The ensuing media frenzy, Colombano admits, lost sight of his actual points in favor of exaggerated headlines and click-bait assertions… but the deeper premise remains: the idea of alien life is continuing to gain acceptance among the world’s preeminent scientists and experts.

The paper asserts that alien life may not come in forms we readily comprehend — in fact — it almost certainly would need to be vastly different from life we’ve seen thus far in order to survive the rigors of extended space travel. In keeping with that assertion about the nature of alien life, Colombano extended his line of thinking to the technology they may need to employ in order to traverse deep space.

“Considering further that technological development in our civilization started only about 10K years ago and has seen the rise of scientific methodologies only in the past 500 years, we can surmise that we might have a real problem in predicting technological evolution even for the next thousand years, let alone 6 Million times that amount,” Colombano wrote about the type of technology an alien civilization may utilize.

Since his paper made the global rounds, he has attempted to set the record straight about his analysis; explaining that his real intent was to get people to take the concept of aliens visiting earth a bit more seriously than culture permits at present.

“My perspective was simply that reports of unidentified aerial phenomena should be the object of serious study, even if the chance of identification of some alien technology is very small,” he explained.

Within the pockets of the internet devoted to UFO’s, alien life, and the government conspiracies that always seem to accompany them, none of Colombano’s assertions were all that new or original. The ideas that alien life may not be carbon based, would need to possess technology too great for us to imagine, and could be visiting us here on planet earth, are all old tropes for their community. To be honest, even having that signal boosted by a prominent NASA researcher and professor may not have been enough to really ruffle many feathers, but it’s the timing of Colombano’s work that’s helped garner attention.

His paper, titled, “New Assumptions to Guide SETI Research,” came after a series of notable stories once again catapulted UFOs, or UAPs, as they’re now frequently called (short for Unexplained Aerial Phenomena), back into the cultural lexicon. The first was the New York Times breaking a story about the Pentagon earmarking some $22 million for the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program, which was devoted specifically to investigating UFO sightings made by U.S. military personnel. Among the sightings the Pentagon had investigated was the now infamous “Nimitz incident,” which saw U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornets scrambled on multiple occasions to intercept UFOs in the airspace around the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier strike group.



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Strange Craft Seen Flying Over New York is ‘Proof’ of UFOs

by Sean Martin                      December 12, 2018                       (

• On December 6th, onlookers were stunned to see a disc-like object travel at supersonic speeds above Utica, New York. (see 25-second clip below)

• The craft appeared to be about 30 metres in length. At normal speed it is easy to miss, but the submitter added a slow motion clip which gives us a much better view. “The object moves behind the clouds, but is clearly seen in the cloud breaks. We took the still frame and moved in closer.” The possibility of a passenger plane was ruled out as freeze frames appeared to show it has no wings and is pitch black. The video was uploaded to Mutual UFO Network.


On December 6, onlookers were stunned to see a disc-like object travel at supersonic speeds above the state of New York. The sighting occurred over Utica, New York, and the craft appeared to be about 30 metres in length. The possibility of a passenger plane was ruled out as freeze frames appeared to show it has no wings and is pitch black.

Some UFO hunters are claiming it is “proof” that aliens are here.

The video was uploaded to MUFON, a UFO hunting YouTube channel, which said: “We see what appears to be a black object in an oval form moving from right to left.

“At normal speed it is easy to miss, but the submitter added a slow motion clip which gives us a much better view.
“The object moves behind the clouds, but is clearly seen in the cloud breaks. We took the still frame and moved in closer.”

25-second UFO Casebook video of black UFO
streaking through the clouds over Utica NY



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Pence Briefed on Space Force Proposal at Pentagon Meeting

by Sandra Erwin                    December 19, 2018                        (

• On Tuesday December 18th,Vice President Mike Pence announced President Trump’s Pentagon directive to establish a four star U.S. Space Command. While at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida on Tuesday, Pence said, “We’re working as we speak with leaders in both parties in Congress to stand up the United States Space Force before the end of 2020.”

• On Wednesday, VP Pence was at the Pentagon to receive a briefing on space operations and cyber defense. One of the topics was the Pentagon’s draft proposal, named SPD-4, establishing a Space Force as a sixth separate military branch. The directive is being finalized and could be signed by the president shortly after the new year.

• The SPD-4 directive would instruct Department of Defense to submit a legislative proposal on how the new service would be organized and a budget request. Deputy Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan said to reporters, “We’re right now in final coordination in the building on the legislative proposal.”

• The Space Force will most likely be initially organized under the Department of the Air Force. This approach would be less costly and more likely to get congressional support, experts said. The Air Force had already included an Air Force Space Command. Under this construct, Space Force would still meet the criteria to be considered a sixth service, said Thomas Taverney, the former vice commander of the Air Force Space Command.

• The Pentagon could keep costs under control by making the Space Force a leaner organization that does not require multiple layers of bureaucracy to get things done, Taverney said. “Maybe we can come up with a more efficient way to set up the organization.”

• One part of the plan that is still unresolved is the establishment of a preliminary Space Development Agency to accelerate innovation and insertion of commercial technology into space programs. Its functions and makeup have not yet been decided. A study team will have 60 days to complete this task. “What is it going to be? An overarching policy organization? A separate acquisition organization? Or a new acquisition organization that takes pieces from the others?” Taverney asked.

• Air Force brass is pushing for Fred Kennedy, the director of the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency’s (DARPA) Tactical Technology Office, to head the Space Development Agency. Kennedy has past experience working at the Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center and has ‘space acquisition’ expertise.

[Editor’s Note]   It now appears that the Deep State tentacles of the Air Force and DARPA are creeping into the creation and control of this supposedly “separate sixth branch of the military”. Is this the ‘Space Force’ that President Trump intended?


Vice President Mike Pence visited the Pentagon on Wednesday to receive a briefing on space operations and cyber defense. One of the topics was the proposal the Pentagon is drafting to establish a Space Force as a separate military branch.

Speaking with reporters shortly before Pence arrived at the Pentagon Wednesday morning, Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan said the establishment of a Space Force was one item on the agenda. “We’re going to talk to him about a number of projects going on here in the building,” Shanahan said, according to a pool report.

Pence came to the Pentagon one day after announcing that President Trump directed the Defense Department to establish U.S. Space Command as a four-star combatant command. Speaking on Tuesday at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, Pence said Trump will also sign a new space policy directive in the coming days that will lay out plans and a timeline to create a U.S. Space Force as a sixth branch of the armed forces. “We’re working as we speak with leaders in both parties in Congress to stand up the United States Space Force before the end of 2020,” said Pence.

The new space policy directive, named SPD-4, is the fourth major space policy action by the Trump administration. According to sources, the directive is being finalized and could be signed by the president shortly after the new year. The policy memo would instruct DoD to submit a legislative proposal on how the new service would be organized and a budget request. The National Space Council, led by Pence, has been in back and forth coordination with DoD on the legislative proposal.

Shanahan told reporters on Wednesday that the legislative proposal has not yet been shared with Congress. “We’re right now in final coordination in the building on the legislative proposal,” he said. “I think we’re still on the timeline. We’ve kind of all talked about it.”

DoD sources said the Space Force proposal will likely recommend organizing the new branch initially under the Department of the Air Force. This would make the Space Force comparable to the Marine Corps, which is part of the Department of the Navy. This approach would be less costly and more likely to get congressional support, experts said.

Organizing the Space Force under the Department of the Air Force is “probably the most logical way to solve this in the near term, said Thomas Taverney, a retired Air Force major general who served as vice commander of Air Force Space Command.

The Space Force under this construct would still meet the criteria to be considered a sixth service, Taverney told SpaceNews.



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Pink Doughnut-Shaped Flying Object Spotted in the Skies of Ireland

by Nirmal Narayanan                    December 11, 2018                        (

• A bizarre video released by the ‘UFOmania’ YouTube channel shows a luminescent UFO, in the shape of a pink glazed doughnut hovering across the night skies over Ireland. (see 4:10 minute video below)

• The UFO looks spherical in shape from a distance, but when the camera gets zoomed in, the doughnut shape of the UFO becomes evident.

• YouTube commenters say that UFOs come in a variety of shapes; triangular flying saucers, cigar-shaped flying objects, and now these doughnut flying crafts. But skeptics have already classified this video as a manipulated hoax, or perhaps a night vision security camera.

• The video has been now submitted to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), which is verifying its authenticity.


A bizarre video apparently shot in Ireland and released online by conspiracy theory YouTube channel ‘UFOmania’ is now the hottest debating point among conspiracy theorists and extraterrestrial enthusiasts. The video shows a luminescent UFO, in the shape of a doughnut hovering across the night skies, and at the first glance, it literally looks otherworldly.

A doughnut in the skies?

The strange object in the skies seems static, and at no point in time, it makes any manoeuvres in the atmosphere. In the initial moments of the footage, the unidentified flying object spotted in the skies looked spherical in shape, but when the camera gets zoomed in, the real shape of the UFO becomes evident.

The video has been now submitted to MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), and their team is now apparently checking the authenticity of the video.

4:10 minute video of “Pink Doughnut” UFO over Ireland



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Hitherto Unknown Secrets About Space and UFOs

December 13, 2018                    (

• The arguments about UFOs and aliens are well past the stage of whether they exist or not, and have entered the stage where people are now asking what new information has come to light. One new potential source of insight comes from Japanese, founder and CEO of Happy Science, Master Ryuho Okawa (pictured above).  Master Okawa uses his spiritual skills to conduct “readings” about aliens. (see 5:57 minute excerpt from one of Master Okawa’s talks below)

• Master Okawa’s readings reveal an amazing multiplicity of values amongst aliens and their purpose for visiting Earth. These readings have been compiled in numerous books published by HS Press. These books reveal that aliens are closely connected to Earth’s past civilizations, as well as our current global situations.

• One alien from a planet somewhere in Cygnus said his aim was to make China rise to world domination. The alien plans to feed on humans once the Earth’s population reaches 10 billion, and the voracious being has a close relation to Chinese president Xi Jinping.

• Another alien from a planet in Canis Major is said to be a cross between a dog, a wolf and a fox, but can stand on two legs. This being claims to have heavily influenced the Ancient Egyptian civilization.

• Another alien supports the LGBT movement on Earth. Another is experimenting with giving humans supernatural powers. And still another tries to protect people from typhoons.

• Whether this channeled information is accurate or not, such information serves to broaden our views of the possibilities of such a vast universe, and helps us to overcome conflicts that arise here on Earth.


When we hear about UFOs and aliens, the first image that comes to mind might be sci-fi geeks and multi-part space operas. Some people choose not to believe in them because they have never seen a UFO, and others may think it is irrelevant to their well-being.

But over the years, news channels such as CNN, have reported sightings, and in the U.S., there are events where specialists gather for serious debates on UFOS and extraterrestrials.

The U.S. air force facility in Nevada, also known as “Area 51”, is unofficially known to be sharing technology and information with aliens and UFOs. The arguments about UFOs and aliens are well past the stage of whether they exist or not, and have entered the stage where people are now asking what new information has come to light.

More and More Secrets Exposed

UFOs and aliens are most familiar to us through the medium of cinema. Star Wars and Star Trek are amongst the most famous, but there are many other Hollywood films about extraterrestrials.

Sci-fi adherents allege that these film scripts are based on information attained by the U.S. government that is secretly shared with Hollywood. Some people even suppose that aliens directly share information with film staff and directors. Indeed, the extraterrestrial and alien technology that appear in those films feel too real to be purely fictional.

While across the Pacific in Japan, secrets about aliens, that would surpass any Hollywood film, are being exposed.

Master Ryuho Okawa, founder and CEO of Happy Science is using his unparalleled spiritual skills to conduct “readings” about aliens: UFO sizes and shapes, the names of the passenger aliens, and their purpose for visiting Earth.

Master Okawa’s readings have uncovered information that was hitherto unknown, and they have been compiled in numerous books published by HS Press.

5:57 minute talk by Master Ryuho Okawa from his “The Opening of the Space Age” lecture



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Tom DeLonge’s Graphic Novel ‘Strange Times’ Is Getting a TV Adaptation

by Katrina Nattress                    December 10, 2018                       (

• In 2015, Tom DeLonge combined his passions for skateboarding and UFO to create a graphic novel entitled Strange Times. On December 10th, the entertainment industry reporter Variety announced that the graphic novel is being adapted for a television series, with DeLonge producing along with writer Aaron Karo, Strike Entertainment’s Russell Binder, and the Cartel’s Stan Spry and Jeff Holland.

• The story focuses on five mystery-solving skateboarders who are constantly outrunning Deep State government agents. “My love for all things paranormal and skateboarding are sometimes only superseded by my love for offensive humor,” DeLonge said in a statement. “This series combines them all into one.”

• “This is exactly what my company To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science does,” said DeLonge. “All the stories and themes I work on are meant to be shared through multiple mediums and on different platforms — film, TV, books, music and so on.” “’Strange Times’ began as an interactive website where people shared weird, paranormal stories — a lot of them with credible evidence. That helped inspire the story behind the graphic novel and also a prose novel that I published.”

[Editor’s Note]   Stand by for Corey Goode’s long-anticipated graphic novel, due for release in February 2019.


Though Tom DeLonge is still a beloved musician, the former blink-182 guitarist/singer has been focusing a lot of his energy on other endeavors. He just published a new children’s book and has been busy researching UFOs. In 2015, he combined both passions and published a graphic novel called Strange Times. Now, that project is getting a TV adaptation.

On Monday (December 10), Variety announced that the series is currently in development at TBS. The story focuses on five mystery-solving skateboarders who are constantly outrunning Deep State government agents. “My love for all things paranormal and skateboarding are sometimes only superseded by my love for offensive humor,” DeLonge said in a statement. “This series combines them all into one.”

The rockstar expanded on his creative vision in an interview with Variety.

“This is a dream I’ve had for over 10 years and it’s finally a reality,” he gushed. “All the stories and themes I work on are meant to be shared through multiple mediums and on different platforms — film, TV, books, music and so on. ‘Strange Times’ began as an interactive website where people shared weird, paranormal stories — a lot of them with credible evidence. That helped inspire the story behind the graphic novel and also a prose novel that I published.”

“This is exactly what my company To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science does,” he continued. “We hope to create something that could be described as sort of a ‘science fiction Disney,’ where our entertainment franchises are worlds that are inspired and informed by our own next-generation science division.”

DeLonge is set to executive produce the series with writer Aaron Karo, Strike Entertainment’s Russell Binder and the Cartel’s Stan Spry and Jeff Holland.



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Gigantic ‘Object’ Spotted Towering Over Earth From ISS – Before NASA Live Feed is Cut

by Emmet McGonagle                  December 7, 2018                   (

• People watching NASA’s live feed from the International Space Station recently saw a glowing blueish object with a white center in the background. As the camera zooms in, the alarming size of it becomes clearer as it towers over the planet. Bright-blue gases surrounding the figure seem to shift and change on the screen.

• Then NASA’s video feed is promptly cut short, reading: “Please stand by… The High Definition Earth Viewing experiment is either switching cameras, or we are experiencing a temporary loss of signal with the International Space Station”.


In a video posted online, a mysterious object seems to appear above the planet.

The glowing object – which appears blueish in hue with a white centre – can be seen in the background of NASA’s live feed.
As the camera zooms in, the alarming size of it becomes clearer as it towers over the planet.

Bright-blue gases surrounding the figure seem to shift and change on the screen, appearing in the background behind the International Space Station.

But NASA’s feed is promptly cut short, reading: “Please stand by.

“The High Definition Earth Viewing experiment is either switching cameras, or we are experiencing a temporary loss of signal with the International Space Station.”

Unsurprisingly, the unexpected cut left conspiracy theorists up in arms.

5:50 minute video of blue object near ISS



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Humans Sent Aliens a Detailed, Gold-Plated Message About Earth

by Vishal Kawadkar                      December 7, 2018                      (

• In 1977, NASA launched the Voyager 1 and 2 unmanned space probes (pictured above) in order to study the outer solar system. Both of these probes carried a 12-inch gold-plated copper phonograph record-type disc containing images and audio files which portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth. Thus, the Voyager 1 and 2 became time capsules meant to communicate with extraterrestrials.

• The contents of the phonograph records were chosen by a committee chaired by Carl Sagan. They assembled 115 images and a variety of natural sounds like the ones made from surf, wind and thunder, birds, whales, and other animals. They also selected 90-minutes of music from different cultures and eras and spoken greetings from Earth-people in fifty-five languages. It also has printed messages from President Carter and U.N. Secretary General Waldheim.

• Each record is kept in a protective aluminum jacket, together with a needle and a cartridge. It also includes symbolic language that depicts the origin of the spacecraft and indicates how the record is in audio.

• It will take forty thousand years for Voyager to approach to another planetary system. Carl Sagan noted, “[T]he launching of this bottle into the cosmic ocean says something very hopeful about life on this planet.”


The precursors of the Voyager – the Pioneers 10 and 11 both carried a metal plaque which provides information about their time and place of origin which will help other spacefarers that might find them in the future.

Taking cues from the Pioneers, NASA placed a more ambitious message on the Voyager 1 and 2, a kind of time capsule that is meant to communicate with the extraterrestrials. The Voyager message is contained in a phonograph record, a 12-inch gold-plated copper disk that has images and audio files which portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth.

The contents that will be saved on the record was handpicked for NASA by a committee chaired by Carl Sagan of Cornell University and his associates. They assembled 115 images and a variety of natural sounds like the ones made from surf, wind and thunder, birds, whales, and other animals.

Additionally, they selected music from different cultures and eras and spoken greetings from Earth-people in fifty-five languages. It also has printed messages from President Carter and U.N. Secretary General Waldheim.

“The spacecraft will be encountered and the record played only if there are advanced spacefaring civilizations in interstellar space.”


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Strange Things in the Sky Over Brandon, Suffolk UK

by Stacia Briggs and Siofra Connor                  December 7, 2018                     (

• On the afternoon of May 21,1646, “several apparitions” were “seene and hearde in the ayre” above Suffolk and Cambridgeshire (in eastern England), according to a pamphlet written at the time. “Also at Brandon, in the County of Norfolke, the inhabitants were forced to come out of their houses to behold so strange a spectacle of a spire steeple ascending to earth, an a pike or lance descending downwards from heaven.”

• The historic report also mentions that, “In Marshland, in the county of Norfolke aforesaid, within three miles of Kings Linne, a captain and a lieutenant, with divers other persons of credit, did heare, in the time of thunder, a sound as of a whole regiment of drums beating a call, with perfect notes and stops, much admired by all who heard it.” “[T]here were very strange sights and unwonted sounds heard in the Ayre, in severall places as followeth…”

• “In all these places there was very great thunder, with raine and haile-stones of extraordinary bignesse and round, and some hollow within like rings.” Based on this historic account, Cyril Blount, the secretary of the NAS, was convinced the pamphlet described a meteorite shower, a suspicion shared by Dr David Dewhurst of the Cambridge University observatory and Dr Keith Hindley of the Meteorite Section of the British Astronomical Society. In 1975, the Norwich Astronomical Society searched in vain for a ‘meteorite’ which might have fallen in Breckland three centuries ago.


Long before ufologists had descended on Rendlesham, mystery had filled the skies of Suffolk and left locals pondering their place in the universe.

In 1646, on the afternoon of May 21, “several apparitions” were “seene and hearde in the ayre” above Suffolk and Cambridgeshire. A pamphlet written at the time (when Brandon was still part of Norfolk) describes the strange spectacle which greeted those who saw it. “Also at Brandon, in the County of Norfolke, the inhabitants were forced to come out of their houses to behold so strange a spectacle of a spire steeple ascending to earth, an a pike or lance descending downwards from heaven,” it says.“In Brandon, in the county aforesaid, was seen at the same time a naïve or fleet of ships in the ayre, swiftly passing under sayle, with flags and streamers hanged out, as if they were ready to give an encounter.

“In Marshland, in the county of Norfolke aforesaid, within three miles of Kings Linne, a captain and a lieutenant, with divers other persons of credit, did heare, in the time of thunder, a sound as of a whole regiment of drums beating a call, with perfect notes and stops, much admired by all who heard it.”

    Norfolk County, England

In the summer edition of The Lantern in 1975, the journal notes that earlier in the year, a hunt has been made for a meteorite which might have fallen in Breckland three centuries ago. The search, by the Norwich Astronomical Society, was based on the information above, from the 1646 pamphlet. Cyril Blount, the secretary of the NAS, was convinced the pamphlet described a meteorite shower, a suspicion shared by Dr David Dewhurst of the Cambridge University observatory and Dr Keith Hindley of the Meteorite Section of the British Astronomical Society.

One possible point of impact suggested was the ‘Devil’s Punchbowl’, a large almost perfectly circular water-filled depression in the forest about four miles north of Thetford. Neat as the meteorite theory was, it did not explain some of the more fantastical elements of the 1646 account, which included fleets of ships, men fighting with swords in their hands and a beating of drums in the air.

“Upon the one and twentieth day of May in the afternoone, in this year 1646 there were very strange sights and unwonted sounds heard in the Ayre, in severall places as followeth,” wrote a T Forcett. “About New-Market in the county of Cambridge, there were seen by diverse honest, sober, and civill persons and men of good credit, three men in the Ayre striving, struggling and tugging together, one of them having a drawn sword in his hand, from which Judgement God in mercy preserve these three Kingdomes, England, Scotland and Ireland, from further conflicts and effusions of blood.”



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Huge UFO in the Sky Scared the Inhabitants of India

by magictr                December 9, 2018                   (

• The YouTube channel UFOmania has posted a video taken of the sky over Bangalore, India (in the Karnataka state) with what appears to be a massive UFO craft hidden in the clouds as they turn a fiery yellow. What is most impressive is the outline of a dark shape appearing through the clouds. It looks very similar to the UFO craft that burst through the clouds in the movie “Independence Day”(pictured above). (see 2:24 minute video below)


Among the thick clouds, the inhabitants of the Indian city of Bangalore, the locals saw a massive alien ship.
About it writes portal vladtime.

It became known that the capital of Karnataka state in southern India witnesses observed in the sky an unusual huge UFO. According to witnesses, an unidentified object had a flat shape, metal color and looked exactly like the UFO in the movie “independence Day” with actor will Smith in the title role.

Ufologists also note that even clouds changed the color to red when on the horizon appeared an alien object. Users of YouTube have been impressed by what he saw, but some users started to accuse the authors of the video in the installation.

2:24 minute UFOmania YouTube video of UFO Event over Bangalore, India



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Ufologists Predict When Aliens Will Return to Earth

December 9, 2018                     (

• At the 2018 UFO Summit conference in Brazil, ‘ancient astronauts’ proponents Erich von Daniken and Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, revealed when they think when extraterrestrial beings will return to Earth. According to Tsoukalos, the ETs are waiting for humans need to achieve something first.

• “In my opinion, it is that we, as a society, we need to become more friendly with each other. We really need to start looking at ourselves and say, you know, we are all brothers and sisters on this planet, we really are. And it is up to us to clean up our house, here on Earth. And I think then, after we cleaned up our mess, that’s when they will make contact,” Tsoukalos said.

• Von Daniken the ETs who visited the Earth in the past promised to “return in the far future, and probably they are back already.” “Now, what can we learn from that? We have to learn to become humble. We are not unique. We are not the crown of creation, neither the top of evolution. We are just one of the millions of species in outer space. They will come back. They will teach us again,” von Daniken remarked.

• With the numerous UFO sightings, von Daniken suggest that “somebody is around this planet and obviously is observing us, maybe studying our languages, our microbacterias, our weapons, our religious systems, our political systems.” “They are watching us.”


During their appearance at the UFO Summit 2018 conference in Brazil, Erich von Daniken and Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, two prominent ufologists and proponents of the ‘ancient astronauts’ theory which postulates that aliens visited Earth in the distant past and interacted with ancient humans, explained to Sputnik when these extraterrestrial entities might return.

According to Tsoukalos, the aliens didn’t attempt to make an official contact with mankind is that humans need to achieve something first.

“In my opinion, it is that we, as a society, we need to become more friendly with each other. We really need to start looking at ourselves and say, you know, we are all brothers and sisters on this planet, we really are. And it is up to us to clean up our house, here on Earth. And I think then, after we cleaned up our mess, that’s when they will make contact,” Tsoukalos said.

His sentiment was echoed by von Daniken who claimed that extraterrestrials who allegedly visited our planet in the past promised to “return in the far future, and probably they are back already.”

“Now, what can we learn from that? We have to learn to become humble. We are not unique. We are not the crown of creation, neither the top of evolution. We are just one of the millions of species in outer space. They will come back. They will teach us again,” he remarked.

Von Daniken also added that numerous suspected UFO sightings suggest that “somebody is around this planet and obviously is observing us, maybe studying our languages, our microbacterias, our weapons, our religious systems, our political systems.”
“They are watching us,” he surmised.



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US Government Targeting Lazar For Exposing Secrets About Alien UFO and Area 51

by Nirmal Narayanan                    December 6, 2018                   (

• In 1989, Bob Lazar (pictured above) put the secretive Area 51 government base in Nevada on the map when he told a Las Vegas TV station that nine alien spacecraft were being tested and analyzed there. Lazar emerged as a hero among conspiracy theorists who believe in the existence of extraterrestrials.

• Now in a new documentary titled “Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers”, he claims that he is being shadowed and targeted by government authorities for exposing the truth regarding aliens and UFOs. “At the risk of sounding paranoid, I always believe that someone is monitoring me,” says Lazar.

• Lazar made it clear that a reverse engineered spacecraft developed by the US Air Force is something beyond human technology, and even hinted at alien presence behind these developments.


Area 51, the secretive United States Air Force base initially became a debating point among conspiracy theorists when a man named Bob Lazar told a Las Vegas TV station that nine alien spacecraft were being tested and analyzed by experts, way back in 1989. Even though Lazar made these remarks under a pseudonym “Dennis, his identity was soon disclosed, and shortly thereafter he emerged as a hero among conspiracy theorists who believe in the existence of extraterrestrials.

Now in a new documentary titled “Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers”, he claims that he is being shadowed and targeted by government authorities for exposing the truth regarding aliens and UFOs. The alien hunter argued that he is being spied on by the government even though maintains a low profile.

“At the risk of sounding paranoid, I always believe that someone is monitoring me. It is something that is quite difficult to get out of my mind. The recent FBI raids which is not filmed pretty much cements it in my mind,” said Bob Lazar.

Lazar also added that the comments he made in 1989 negatively impacted his life and made it clear that he will never repeat it.

Bob Lazar at the time claimed to have seen nine flying saucers secretly developed by the US Air Force in Area 51. He also made it clear that a reverse engineered spacecraft developed by the US Air Force is something beyond human technology. He even hinted at alien presence behind these developments.


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Five (Recent) Signs That Alien Life Exists in Universe

by Nirmal Narayanan                 December 6, 2018                      (

Five clear signs which indicate the presence of extraterrestrial existence:

NASA Admission – A study report recently submitted by Silvano P. Colombano, a top scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Centre has suggested that advanced alien life forms might have already visited the Earth, but went unnoticed.

Fast Radio Bursts – Bright pulses of radio emissions that last just milliseconds can be detected by powerful instruments located on the Earth. In September, an observatory in Australia detected 20 mysterious signals from deep space, with 19 of them coming from a new source. These fast radio bursts could be sent by advanced alien civilizations to proclaim their existence.

UFO Activity – YouTube is loaded with a lot of UFO videos. Most of them show triangular craft hovering in the skies. Even the Pentagon has released military videos of UFOs, although neither NASA nor the government have bothered to acknowledge or explain what we are looking at.

Lake on Mars – In July, NASA discovered a 12 miles wide lake underneath a glacier on Mars providing a habitat for aliens.

Oumuamua “Asteroid” – Harvard astronomer Abraham Loeb had recently suggested that interstellar asteroid Oumuamua could actually be an alien spaceship due to the unexpected acceleration gained by the object during its course. Loeb also indicated that there might be many alien artifacts lurking within our solar system.


The existence of alien life is still the most perplexing question addressed by space experts all across the world. Even though scientists have speculated the existence of alien life somewhere in the depths of deep space, neither the NASA nor the ESA has succeeded in obtaining a concrete proof which substantiates the existence of extraterrestrial beings.

However, there are some visible proofs which raise speculations of possible alien life, sometimes, within our solar system. International Business Times, India presents you with five clear signs which indicate the presence of extraterrestrial existence.

NASA expert admits the existence of alien life

A few days back, a study report submitted by Silvano P Colombano, a top scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Centre has suggested that alien life forms might have already visited the earth.

As per Colombano, aliens from deep space might not necessarily use traditional building blocks of life which is carbon, and this might be the reason why these extraterrestrials went unnoticed in human probes. The NASA scientist also added that the alien beings that visited the earth might be more advanced than humans, and suggested that they could do interstellar space travel.

Mysterious Fast Radio Bursts

Mysterious Fast Radio Bursts (FRB) is another crucial sign that aliens might be living somewhere in the universe. Even though most of the FRBs last just milliseconds, their bright pulses of radio emissions can be detected by powerful instruments located on the earth.

Interestingly, in September, an observatory in Australia named Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) successfully detected 20 mysterious signals from deep space. Shockingly, out of the 20 radio bursts, 19 came from an entirely new source.

Some space scientists believe that these fast radio bursts are being sent by advanced alien civilizations to proclaim their existence.

Increased UFO sightings

In December 2017, the Pentagon admitted that they have conducted an investigation program named AATIP (Advanced Areal Threat Identification Program) to unveil the mysteries surrounding unidentified flying objects (UFO). The US agency also released a video of a UFO that performs several manoeuvres in the air, as if it defies all the laws of modern physics.

Apart from this video, YouTube is loaded with a lot of UFO videos, most of them that shows triangular flying objects hovering in the skies. Even though most of these clips have gone viral, neither the NASA nor the United States government has bothered to share their views about these sightings.



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CIA Document Shows What Happened After the KGB Shot Down a UFO

by Arjun Walia              November 26, 2018              (

  • In the CIA’s FOIA Electronic Reading Room archives, a document states that “U.S. intelligence obtained a 250-page file on the attack by a UFO on a military unit in Siberia”. The file contains not only many documentary photographs and drawings, but also testimonies by actual participants in the events. In the CIA file, one of the CIA representatives refers to this case as “a horrific picture of revenge on the part of extraterrestrial creatures – a picture that makes one’s blood freeze.”                                                                                                                                                                                                         
  • According to the KGB materials, a low-flying saucer-shaped spaceship appeared above a Soviet military unit that was conducting routine training maneuvers in Siberia. For unknown reasons, somebody unexpectedly launched a surface-to-air missile and hit the UFO. It fell to Earth not far away, and five short humanoids with“large heads and large black eyes” emerged from it.  The five humanoid creatures then “merged into a single object that acquired a spherical shape”.That object began to buzz and hiss sharply, and then became a brilliant white. Soon the spheres grew much bigger and exploded by flaring up with an extremely bright light. At that very instant, 23 soldiers who had watched the phenomenon turned into stone poles. Only two soldiers who stood in the shade and were less exposed to the luminous explosion survived to tell the tale.                                                      
  • The remains of the UFO and the “petrified soldiers” were transferred to a secret scientific research institution near Moscow. Specialists assume that a source of energy that is still unknown to Earthlings instantly changed the structure of the soldiers’ living organisms, having transformed it into a substance whose molecular composition is no different from that of limestone.                                                                                                               
  • The document ends with a comment from a CIA representative, who said,  “If the KGB file corresponds to reality, this is an extremely menacing case. The aliens possess such weapons and technology that go beyond all our assumptions.They can stand up for themselves if attacked.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Global governments and intelligence agencies around the world have released hundreds of thousands of pages of documents pertaining to the UFO phenomenon over the past few years. These files indicate that objects are commonly tracked on radar and pursued by our own military craft, which are then sent out to take a closer look. The files also reveal there have been sightings of strange objects travelling at tremendous speeds and performing maneuvers that no known aircraft is capable of performing.

These types of UFOs might now be officially verified within the mainstream, but they’ve been seen, photographed, and recorded by credible witnesses for decades. For example, a document(straight from the CIA’s FOIA Electronic Reading Room) pertains to “a group of red, green, and yellow flying saucers” that were seen “hovering” over multiple military bases in Antarctica. Another details how, when interceptors approached the object,pilots lost “all instrumentation and communications.” 

These objects are thought to be extraterrestrial in origin,not only because of their technological superiority, but also because many high-ranking political and military insiders, along with prestigious academics,have shared information they’ve been privy to regarding actual intelligent extraterrestrial beings visiting our planet. There could be several different groups doing so at the present moment. It may sound far-fetched,but as we move through 2017 and beyond, bits of truth will continue to leak out, and the “official campaign of secrecy and ridicule” that Roscoe Hillenkoetter described to the New York Times in 1960 may come to an end.

That being said, once this box is opened, everything will change. It will have tremendous implications for humanity — philosophically, scientifically, and technologically. Our world would change forever.

The Document

It shouldn’t really come as a surprise that the CIA  and other U.S.intelligence agencies were keeping tabs on other countries. We know spying happens all the time, and other governments probably did the same to North American governments as well.

The UFO issue has obviously been of extreme interest to these agencies, given the scale of resources put toward investigating it. One document within the CIA archives also shows that they were interested in reports of actual extraterrestrial bodies.

For example, here is one that was addressed to “certain scientists of distinction,” to “aeronautical and military authorities,” and to “a number of public officials.” The document, stored in the FBI database, shows interest in a letter written by someone with “several university degrees”  and a former“university department head.” It provides information about extraterrestrial beings, their craft, how they operate,and where they come from.

Again,the question to ask here is, why were intelligence agencies so interested in this? They continue to investigate any reports of extraterrestrial bodies, and I have to wonder if it’s because they’ve had secrets of their own. Is it because, as Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell once put it so bluntly,“there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered”?


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China to Launch Lander to Dark Side of the Moon

by Sean Martin                   December 7, 2018                    (                                         

  • On December 7th, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) launched a Moon lander, dubbed Chang’e-4, as the first ever probe to land on the dark side (back) of the Moon. Chang’e-4 will provide information about the side of the Moon that we never see, including the surface temperature and the chemical make-up of the soil. Chang’e-4 is also bringing a big container with seeds and insect eggs to hatch on the Moon itself.                                                                                      
  • The probe is scheduled to land on the Moon in early 2019.  While the Chinese space center is tight-lipped about the mission, it is speculated that the Chang’e-4 probe will land at the Von Karaman crater which is 180 kilometers in diameter, near the Moon’s south pole.                                                                                                                                                              
  • Because of its position, the Moon would block out any communication signals sent back to Earth.  So earlier this year the Chinese placed a satellite in orbit behind the Moon to act as a relay point for the probe to communicate with ground control.                                                                                                                                                                                                
  • Dr Carolyn van der Bogert, a planetary geologist at Westfälische Wilhelms Universityin Münster, Germany, said, “This mission is definitely a significant and important accomplishment in lunar exploration.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
  • NASA’s Solar System Exploration Research team said, “The lunar far side — that mysterious face of the Moon hidden from Earth – contains a cache of clues about how the Earth formed, how planets evolved, and how volcanic and impact cratering processes reshaped the Solar System.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
  • [Editor’s Note]  They say that the back of the Moon is a bee hive of activity with numerous bases.  According to Corey Goode, the Lunar Operations Command base is behind the Moon at the ten o-clock position.  From what we know, however,there is far less activity in the southern hemisphere of the back side of the Moon than in the northern hemisphere. Have the Chinese intentionally chosen a spot on the back of the Moon that is far removed from any bases, making this more of a public relations stunt than a true exploration?  It is more likely that the Chinese are well aware of the Moon bases on the dark side, and in reality this is an intelligence gathering mission which the Chinese will keep secret from the public anyway.

The east Asian nation has been typically secretive about the mission, keeping a lot of information under wraps. However, with the launch date of the lander scheduled today, December 7, at 6.30 PM GMT, China has been forced into releasing some information about the spaceship. The mission has been dubbed Chang’e-4 and will be the first ever probe to land on the dark side of the moon.

Chang’e-4 will provide a heap of information about the part of the moon which is never seen by Earth, including surface temperature, chemical make up of the soil and an amazing view into deep space, but what is being carried with the lander is the most peculiar.

China’s ship will take with it big container that includes seeds and insect eggs which will essentially create the first known extraterrestrials – a life-form which is born on another celestial body.

Communication would be difficult for Chang’e-4 as the moon will block out any signals sent to Earth.

This is why the lander is being accompanied by the Queqiao satellite which was sent earlier this year

Queqiao will act as a relay point between the dark side of the moon and Earth so ground control can remain in contact with the probe.

The China National Space Administration (CNSA) has kept a lot of information quiet, but it has garnered a lot of attention worldwide.

Dr Carolyn van der Bogert, a planetary geologist at Westfälische Wilhelms University in Münster, Germany, said: “This mission is definitely a significant and important accomplishment in lunar exploration.”


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Artifact From An Ancient Civilization? The Truth is Out There – in Seattle

by Erik Lacitis                   December 1, 2018                     (

• In 1961, a 2×3-inch rock was found in a mountain range near Olancha, California. When split open, a perfectly circular, porcelain-like section containing a tiny pin that responded to a magnet was found inside. An X-ray clearly showed the metal pin with a spring or helix at one end. The other half of the object showed metal covering the porcelain-like cylinder.

• The relic, known as the “Coso Artifact”, is part of a display entitled “What is Reality” at the Pacific Science Center in Seattle, Washington.

• In Erich von Daniken’s latest book, “Impossible Truths: Amazing Evidence of Extraterrestrial Contact”, he writes of the Coso Artifact, “The existence of the pin in an object that is at least 500,000 years old provides evidence of significant knowledge of metallurgy at that time.”

• Enter Pierre Stromberg, a software manager who has spent hundreds of hours researching the Coso Artifact. As a kid, Stromberg read von Daniken’s “Chariots of the Gods?”, which theorizes extraterrestrials influenced early human life. But he lost respect for von Daniken due to his impression that von Daniken would ‘obfuscate’ his assertions. “[S]ome ancient astronaut proponents were not just wrong, they were willfully dishonest,” says Stromberg.

• In 1999, Stromberg contacted the Spark Plug Collectors of America. Club member Chad Windham remembers looking at the X-ray of the Coso Artifact and identified it as a spark plug – a Champion-brand spark plug, in fact – and not half-million year-old extraterrestrial relic. Stromberg thinks that the spark plug may have come from mining equipment.

• Well then, how did a spark plug end up inside a rock? Geologists call it a concretion, when sediment builds up in successive layers around something like a shell or pebble. That’s good enough for Stromberg.


For 57 years, since its discovery by three rockhounds in the mountains of Eastern California, an oblong, 2- by 3-inch stonelike mass has been at the heart of speculation around the world.

Oh, how we want to believe that the truth is out there.

Was it a rock embedded 500,000 years ago with an electronic device left on earth by alien visitors? Or was it the remnant of a long-gone advanced civilization?

Beginning Saturday, you can see it for yourself at the Pacific Science Center.

Why all the speculation?

When the rocklike object was sliced in half shortly after its discovery, a perfectly circular, porcelain-like section was found inside it. In the center of that section was a tiny pin that responded to a magnet.

An X-ray clearly showed the metal pin, with a spring or helix at one end. The other half of the object showed metal covering the porcelain-like cylinder.

How could this technology end up inside such a primeval mass?

It became known as the “Coso Artifact,” after the California mountain range in which it was found.
Like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster, the Coso Artifact became the subject of widespread conjecture and speculation. The advent of the internet put that speculation into hyperdrive.

The Coso Artifact is featured in a YouTube video titled “Top 5 Artifacts That PROVE Past Advanced Civilizations Existed,” which has gotten 2.8 million views.

                       Pierre Stromberg

Enter Pierre Stromberg, a Woodinville software manager, who has spent hundreds of hours researching the artifact. It’s because of his work that the artifact is at the Pacific Science Center as part of a display space titled “What is Reality,” which also includes a walk-through virtual-reality adventure.

The Science Center says the purpose is “to confront a broad variety of mind-bending topics” alongside “scientists and innovators who are shaping the future.”

Stromberg, 54, a 1986 graduate in computer science from Manhattan College in the Bronx, where he grew up, says that as a kid he read Erich von Daniken’s “Chariots of the Gods?”, which theorizes extraterrestrials influenced early human life. Pretty neat stuff, he thought back then.

Stromberg says that in 1977, when he was 13, he lost his admiration for von Daniken after watching a TV interview with the author.

“I was stunned how von Daniken continued to obfuscate and maintain his assertions. I realized that some ancient astronaut proponents were not just wrong, they were willfully dishonest,” says Stromberg. “It really bothered me that I had let myself be influenced by them.”



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Close-Up Footage of ‘Superdome’ Alien Base Hidden in a Lunar Crater

by Gerard du Cann                 November 29, 2018               (

• A ‘Thirdphaseoftmoon’ YouTube channel contributor sent in a photo of a “Superdome”-sized structure hidden in a crater on the Moon taken with a DSLR camera mounted on a powerful telescopic lens. (The Superdome is a 10-acre domed stadium in New Orleans.) It might even be the top of a subterranean base.

• The video’s presenter says: “This is where full disclosure will break what’s going down via the big cover up. The secret space program is real and here’s the photographic evidence.” It appears that the dome is being held up by a platform or substation, perhaps an extraterrestrial structure.

• A YouTube commenter also posted two of his own images of the same structure which he previously posted on his Instagram in August 2016. He says: “Please feel to have a look. They’re not as good as this picture, but more sources are better than one.  And with the date I captured it, it validates this isn’t a hoax.”


UFO hunters claim to have spotted a “Superdome” sized structure hidden in a crater on the Moon.

The images, which were hosted on popular UFO-hunting YouTube channel Thirdphaseoftmoon, were reportedly taken with a modern DSLR camera mounted on a powerful telescopic lens.

NASA has not commented on the video or its claims.

The channel’s host said the footage was emailed into the channel, and appeared to show a domed structure reflecting sunlight.

The presenter says: “This is where full disclosure will break what’s going down via the big cover up. The secret space programme is real and here’s the photographic evidence.

The presenters say it appears the dome is being held up by a platform or substation, with the dome itself having a distinctly orange hue.

The channel goes on to theorise the dome could be an extraterrestrial structure – which the pair estimate to be roughly the size of the Superdome.

Other theories include that there may be a subterranean base, and the dome is only the surface entrance.

10:20 minute ‘Thirdphaseoftmoon’ video of dome within a Moon crater



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Structures Like Machu Picchu Are Works of Aliens, Suggests Ancient Technology Expert

by Nirmal Narayanan               December 3, 2018              (

• Ancient technology expert Brien Foerster has suggested that structures like Machu Picchu (pictured above) could be actually the works of aliens who visited the earth from deep space. Foerster makes it clear that the native Incas of South America could not build such gigantic structures. “The only options I think we gave are either the Atlanteans or extraterrestrials.” (see Foerster’s full interview in the 21:34 minute video below)

• “The Incas could not have built the megalithic structures because they were bronze aged people and the stone that was cut and shaped was much harder than bronze. Things are very clear and the basic principle of cutting is simple; the tool you are using should be harder than the material you are cutting,” said Foerster.

• One YouTube commenter subscribes to the theory that the earth has seen five advanced civilizations come and go, and suggests that one of these may have built these structures.


Brien Foerster, an ancient technology expert who authored the book ‘Lost Ancient Technology Of Peru And Bolivia’ has suggested that structures like Machu Picchu could be actually the works of aliens who visited the earth from deep space.

Foerster made it clear that human beings who lived in this area known as Incas could not build such gigantic structures as the stones that were cut and shaped for construction were much harder than bronze.

                          Brien Foerster

Foerster made these remarks while talking to the conspiracy theory YouTube channel ‘Third Phase of Moon’.

“The Incas could not have built the megalithic structures because they were bronze aged people and the stone that was cut and shaped was much harder than bronze. Things are very clear and the basic principle of cutting is simple; the tool you are using should be harder than the material you are cutting,” said Foerster.

Foerster also added that these kinds of megalithic structures could be only built by advanced civilizations.

“The only options I think we gave are either the Atlanteans or extraterrestrials. Either the Atlanteans were destroyed by ancient catastrophic events or sometimes, extraterrestrial aliens might be here at that time and they contracted these megalithic structures in Peru, and Bolivia, ” suggested Brien Foerster.

21:34 minute ‘ThirdPhaseoftheMoon’ video on megalithic structures



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NASA Scientist Admits There May Be Some UFO Sightings That Cannot Be ‘Explained or Denied’

by Jasper Hamill                 December 3, 2018                   (

• Silvano P. Colombano, of NASA’s Ames Research Center, says that some UFO sightings deserve to be taken seriously rather than dismissed out of hand. Colombano also insists that our species needs to be more ‘aggressive’ in its search for extraterrestrial intelligence and try to think about how alien technology might develop over millions of years.

• Colombano suggests that scanning deep space for radio waves could be a waste, as ET technology would be far different than our own. Instead, scientists should broaden their investigation into alien life by considering how technology might evolve over millions of years and what sort of society extraterrestrials would form.

• Colombano says that humanity needs to abandon its preconceptions of extraterrestrial beings as little green men. What if ET is actually a civilization of tiny hyper-intelligent robots, for instance? ‘If we adopt a new set of assumptions about what forms of higher intelligence and technology we might find… we could start some serious inquiry,’ Colombano writes.

• Colombano admits that his fellow NASA researchers will often avoid studying UFOs simply because they believe interstellar travel is impossible, and therefore most UFO sightings are ‘hoaxes, mistaken perceptions or even psychotic events’.

• Colombano is still not prepared to say that we have already been visited by extraterrestrials. But he’ll accede that there may be “signals” to indicate that some UFOs cannot be explained or denied. Colombano thinks that humanity simply may not be able to grasp the truth about extraterrestrial civilizations at our relatively primitive stage of technological development.

• “[W]e are quickly becoming symbiotic with computer power,” says Colombano. “Our form of… intelligence may just be a tiny first step in a continuing evolution that may well produce forms of intelligence that are far superior to ours and no longer based on carbon ‘machinery’”.

[Editor’s Note]  There are numerous secret space programs in existence. The US Air Force, the US Navy, even NASA itself all have a secret space program that is kept hidden from the public. All of these secret space programs have been interacting with many types of extraterrestrial beings for decades. In the interests of continuing with their subterfuge, NASA has chosen a spokesman who is also unaware of what is really going on, or at least he pretends to be.


In a piece of research produced earlier this year, S. P. Colombano from the Nasa Ames Research Center called for an investigation into UFOs and said that some of the sightings could deserve to be taken seriously rather than dismissed out of hand.

He insisted that our species needed to be more ‘aggressive’ in its search for extraterrestrial intelligence and try to think about how alien technology might develop over millions of years.

‘In the very large amount of “noise” in UFO reporting there may be “signals” however small, that indicate some phenomena that cannot be explained or denied,’ the scientist wrote.

Although Colombano stressed that ‘we have not been, and are not being visited’ by aliens, he went on to say that we simply may not be able to grasp the truth about extraterrestrial civilisations at our relatively primitive stage of technological development.

He said that humanity needs to abandon its preconceptions about the nature of extraterrestrial beings – which may not be little green men but tiny, hyper-intelligent robots.

Colombano also claimed fellow researchers often avoid studying UFOs because they believe interstellar travel is impossible and fear most sightings are driven by ‘hoaxes, mistaken perceptions or even psychotic events’.

‘If we adopt a new set of assumptions about what forms of higher intelligence and technology we might find, some of those phenomena might fit specific hypotheses, and we could start some serious enquiry,’ he wrote.

‘The intelligence we might find and that might choose to find us (if it hasn’t already) might not be at all be produced by carbon-based organisms like us,’ he continued.

‘How might that change the above assumptions about interstellar travel?

‘Our typical life-spans would no longer be a limitation (although even these could be dealt with multi-generational missions or suspended animation), and the size of the “explorer” might be that of an extremely tiny super-intelligent entity.’

The Nasa researcher added: ‘Our form of life and intelligence, may just be a tiny first step in a continuing evolution that may well produce forms of intelligence that are far superior to ours and no longer based on carbon “machinery”.



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A Passenger Plane Filmed Huge UFO Over New York

by magictr                         November 29, 2018                          (

• On November 23, 2018, a passenger in a commercial plane video recorded an orange glowing UFO over the state of New York. A copy of the recording was provided to MUFON (the Mutual UFO Network).  (see 2:02 minute video below)


The staff of Mufon has received the materials sent to witness events from the United States. The passenger of the plane captured on camera the flight of UFOs over New York, and was scared impressive dimensions of the object.

The author of the story published the video online, noting that for the first time faced with such a spectacle. Unusual alien spacecraft had the shape of a flying saucer, and was not going to hide from the eyes of people watching his maneuvers in the sky.

While researchers check information to find out the intentions of extraterrestrial visitors. The early inhabitants of the city were also afraid of the appearance UFO, which resembled a huge metal butterfly.

2:02 minute video of UFO over New York state 



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