Ex Air Force Officer Describes Four Types of Extraterrestrial Beings the Government Knows About

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Article by Arjun Walia                      September 23, 2019                   (collective-evolution.com)

• It’s no secret that UFOs have been a topic of concern, as academic publications, radar trackings, and millions of pages of documents have been released from multiple governments detailing numerous encounters with these objects. There are innumerable photos and even authenticated Navy videos of UFOs. Even NASA astronauts have confirmed that UFOs exist. UFOs are no longer taboo within the mainstream, but the idea that some of them are extraterrestrial still seems to be a touchy subject.

• Richard Doty is a retired Air Force Special Investigations Officer. Decades ago, his job was to infiltrate UFO circles and feed ufologists and journalists lies and half-truths so that they would never understand the real truth. In an interview that Dr. Steven Greer conducted with Doty (see 1:34:46 minute video below), Doty reveals four different extraterrestrial species that have visited this planet which the US government is aware of.

• Says Doty: “There were four types of crafts that they showed us, four types of extraterrestrials, and they never explained to us where they got the pictures of these extraterrestrials but there were actually pictures of these weird looking creatures that showed on the film that were extraterrestrials from some other location different from where the Ebens came from.”

• Doty continues: “One (extraterrestrial) was looking like an insect, had huge eyes, very large head, a small body. They had two different appendages on their arms, they had basically two hands on each arm. They had several joints in their legs, and they had a bubble-type appendage in the front and a lump or something in the back, that was one of them. They were about the size of an average human.”

• “The second one was a very tall thing, very very thin humanoid that had long arms. Arms reached down probably to its knees, they had regular hands. Their faces were very very thin. They were almost human looking, unless you really really study them and got real close to them. They didn’t have any hair, they had cat like eyes.”

• “And then there was a third creature… It looked something like the Eben but it was bigger, it had a bigger body. I found out later in a briefing that I had, in 1995, that that was a genetically engineered creature that the Ebens made… They knew it was genetically engineered, and I don’t know how, they didn’t ever tell us how.” [Note:  Eben is an acronym for ‘extraterrestrial biological entity’, for a species that comes from the planet Serpo, had visited the Earth in the 40’s and 50’s, and participated in a cultural exchange with a dozen American humans going to Serpo in the 60’s and returning in the 70’s.]

• Doty describes the Ebens as “about four feet tall” and that they “didn’t appear to have any ears. “They had an indentation for the nose. They had very big eyes. They had a very tight fitting suit, almost looked like they were nude, but they actually had a very thin but tight fitting suit on. No thumbs just four fingers, suction devices on their tips of their fingers. One of them had a head apparatus on it, maybe a helmet or some kind of an ear phone, or some type of device that they were communicating with the craft or with something else, and they found a number of different objects in the craft. They had a piece of what they thought was plexiglass that they kept for years before they figured out it was an energy device for the craft.”

• Jack Kasher, Ph.D, a professor emeritus of physics at the University of Nebraska, once said “there is another way (to travel through space), whether it’s wormholes or warping space. There’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that [extraterrestrials are] here shows us that they found a way.” Doty explains that multiple craft have been shown to use zero-point energy – meaning they’ve found a way to extract energy from the vacuum of space.

• Paul Hellyer, the Canadian Minister of National Defense during the 1960s, confirms that he is aware that “At least four known alien species have been visiting Earth for thousands of years.” According to Hellyer, the extraterrestrials “… have different agendas… Nearly all are benign and benevolent. They want to help us. [But] there may be one or two species which do not. … They come from various places. … There are some in our star system. There are actually extraterrestrials who live on… one of the moons of Saturn. There are others on Venus, and some on Mars. And they may be interacting between themselves… because there is what is called a federation of these people.”


Richard Doty is a retired Air Force Special investigations officer (AFSIO), and his job was to spread disinformation about the UFO subject during his time with the Air Force. Spreading disinformation about the reality of UFOs is no secret, and in Doty’s case, he admitted to infiltrating UFO circles along with his colleagues to feed ufologists and journalists lies and half truths so that they would never understand any real truth. This is something I believe is still occurring within the UFO community–multiple disinformation campaigns that are now perhaps more sophisticated as well as a number of frauds who are sharing their ‘experiences’ when they’ve really had done. In fact, it was decades ago when the very first Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, stated to The New York Times: “It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel.”

  illustration of an ‘Eben’

Several astronauts have been quite outspoken about UFOs, like Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell and high ranking military/government personnel from around the world as well. On top of all of this, the simple fact that many people have had their own experiences has also sparked interest in the subject. There are also multiple videos that’ve been released by governments around the world, as a couple came from the Pentagon over the past few years via the To The Stars Academy. Here’s a picture that the Canadian Air Force released in the 60s. It’s no secret that UFOs have been a topic of concern, as academic publications, radar trackings, and millions of pages of documents have been released from multiple governments detailing numerous interesting encounters with these objects.

So where does the extraterrestrial question come into play? It comes from hundreds, if not thousands, of people like the ones mentioned above. Credible sources with verified backgrounds have alluded to the fact that these objects are indeed extraterrestrial, and that this can be verified.

                    Dr. Steven Greer

“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.” – Dr. Edgar Mitchell

Not long ago, a leaked document exposed notes taken by legendary scientist Dr. Eric Davis during a meeting he had with Admiral Thomas Ray Wilson, the former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, regarding extraterrestrial space crafts.

This is why it’s always interesting to hear such people talk about actual extraterrestrial entities rather than ‘UFOs.’ UFOs are no longer taboo within the mainstream, but the idea that some of them are extraterrestrial still seems to be a touchy subject.

According to Richard Doty, in the interview below with Dr. Steven Greer, maker of the hit documentary that’s currently on Netflix called “Unacknowledged,” the US government is aware of at least four different extraterrestrial species that’ve visited this planet.

1:34:46 minute video of Richard Doty
interviewed by Dr. Steven Greer (Dr. Steven Greer YouTube)



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Silver Orbs Seen Hovering Over Clayville, New York

Article by Susan Leighton                   October 2, 2019                      (1428elm.com)

• On September 2, 2019, a pair of brilliantly white UFO orbs were seen hovering over Clayville, New York. Witnesses reported the orbs to the local MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) office.

• The Hudson River Valley is a hotbed for sightings of triangular shaped craft. Witnesses in Orange County recently flooded MUFON with reports of an unknown object dumping what appeared to be “barrels” into the river.

• Scott C. Waring of the ET DATA BASE website believes that the video depicts “cloaked” UFOs that are mimicking the color of the clouds which normally they travel behind. Waring notes that the video footage is 56 seconds long. If it were a CGI fake, it would have to be only 10-15 seconds in length.

• The US Air Force Research Laboratory is located 30 minutes away in Rome, NY. The research lab was moved to Rome from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base as the center for advanced aerospace projects and experimental craft in conjunction with NASA, the Department of Energy National Laboratories and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).


A pair of brilliantly white UFO orbs were seen hovering over Clayville, New York in September. This is interesting because we reported on a sighting of what appeared to be Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon over the Hamptons last month.

There is a history of UFO activity in the Empire State particularly along the Hudson River Valley. Apparently, this area is a hotbed for sightings of triangular shaped craft with a report of a recent sighting via WPDH. Witnesses in Orange County flooded the local MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) office with reports of an unknown object dumping what appeared to be “barrels” into the river.

The orbs of Clayville were also reported to MUFON by observers and later publicized by Scott C. Waring who runs the site, ET DATA BASE. According to the Ufologist, he believes that the footage that was captured definitely depicts “cloaked” UFOs that are mimicking the color of the clouds which normally they travel behind. However, the pair that were captured on video are outside of that realm.

2:43 minute video of two UFOs over Clayville, NY on Sept. 2, 2019 (ET Database YouTube)



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Aliens Could Wipe Us Out With ‘Coded Message’ That Shuts Down Electronics and Unleashes Killer Robots, Astrophysicists Warn

Listen to “E114 10-4-19 Aliens Could Wipe Us Out With ‘Coded Message’ That Shuts Down Electronics and Unleashes Killer Robots, Astrophysicists Warn” on Spreaker.

Article by Harry Pettit                     September 24, 2019                      (thesun.co.uk)

• Research scientists from the University of Hawaii and the Sonneberg Observatory in Germany have published a paper warning that evil extraterrestrials could attack the Earth more efficiently by introducing a computer virus than by blasting us with space weapons: “After all, it is cheaper to send a malicious message to eradicate humans compared to sending battleships,” according to the paper.

• The theory is that aliens would send us a message through our Earth telescopes warning of an existential threat to humanity, perhaps where our Sun is threatened, or there is a pandemic, or our computer systems worldwide are shut down. Then they’d send us an artificial intelligence solution to the problem. Once this AI ‘fix’ is implemented, it will turn on us, ‘chewing up Earth or its inhabitants until there’s nothing left’.

• The scientists’ solution is to be careful opening or decoding messages from extraterrestrials. A type of targeted message might come from what are known as “Fast Radio Bursts” – strings of radio waves detected multiple times on Earth that could be messages from a distant alien race. China’s new state-of-the-art FAST telescope, the largest telescope in the world, is currently looking for these FRBs.

• To avoid disaster, we should “decontaminate” any messages received by aliens, though the researchers say this is next-to-impossible. We may be better off discarding them without ever reading them. Fortunately for us, the chances of us ever meeting – let alone being attacked by – intelligent extraterrestrial life are almost zero.

• David Morrison, Director of Space at NASA-Ames Research Center, recently admitted that contact with aliens is “extremely unlikely”. Morrison predicts any message exchange would come in the form of radio waves sent across galaxies, rather than a physical meeting.

[Editor’s Note]   Let’s see… scientists from universities in America and Germany, along with NASA, are warning people to be very afraid of clever alien attacks on the Earth intended to “eradicate humans”. We should be suspicious of anything that comes from an alien source. It sounds like the Deep State is preparing for extraterrestrial disclosure, and wants everyone to look to them to save the planet.

First of all, multiple advanced extraterrestrial species – both good and evil – have been present on our planet and throughout our solar system for millennia, and they haven’t destroyed us yet. The good ETs are waiting for us to work things out for ourselves to preserve our species’ sovereignty. The evil ETs have been manipulating our society in order to generate the resources that they need for off-planet purposes. They have been doing this at a whole new level since World War II. Until now, humanity has posed no threat to them and we are more useful to them by remaining in a state of mind-controlled incomprehension.

But the Deep State knows that the extraterrestrial presence, and the advanced technologies that we have been prevented from accessing, will soon be disclosed to the public at large. The Deep State elite have been the sole recipients of this alien technology thus far and have used it to create breakaway space programs that only enrich themselves. They want humanity to continue to believe that there are no extraterrestrials out there, but if there were they would destroy the planet. The Deep State uses co-opted institutions such as universities, the government (NASA) and the media to disseminate this negative propaganda.

In reality, the positive faction of humanity that has access to secret space program technology and knowledge, known as the ‘Alliance’, is quickly gaining an advantage over the Deep State faction in order to reveal all of this to the world. The Deep State is pushing hard now to fashion any extraterrestrial contact as dangerous for humanity so that when disclosure comes, the people will be so panicked that they can be easily controlled and persuaded to do what the Deep State tells them to do.


Aliens will choose to destroy humanity by “hacking” our planet over blasting us with space weapons.

That’s the bonkers claim made by one group of scientists, who warn a single message sent by ET could wipe out all life on Earth.

That message, loaded with computer viruses, is a more efficient way to attack our planet than a fleet of warships, a team of German and American scientists said.

It could shut down our computer systems or gift us the plans to an alien technology that will eventually turn on us.

“After all, it is cheaper to send a malicious message to eradicate humans compared to sending battleships,” researchers from the University of Hawaii and Sonneberg Observatory in Germany wrote in a paper on their theory.

The team said messages sent by aliens would likely first be picked up by telescopes on Earth.

There are a number of ways they could be used to destroy us.

One would be to suggest the aliens are about to destroy our sun.

Even if it wasn’t true, the resultant chaos on Earth would prove catastrophic for humanity.

Another way would be to introduce an artificial intelligence that takes over or shuts down our computers or electricity grids.

One suggestion from the team is that instructions on how to build nano-robots that are sold as a new miracle cure for cancer could be sent in the message.

These robots may eventually turn on us, chewing up Earth or its inhabitants until there’s nothing left.



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Scientist Claims USS Nimitz UFO Might Have Been Looking For Something Underwater

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Article by Jake Massey                     September 19, 2019                       (ladbible.com)

• Kevin H. Knuth, a former NASA research scientist, has written a research paper entitled: ‘Estimating Flight Characteristics of Anomalous Unidentified Aerial Vehicles’ which claims that the ‘Tic-Tac’ UFO spotted by two jets from USS Nimitz carrier group off of San Deigo in 2004 may have been watching over something submerged under water.

• The Navy jets’ encounter with the ‘Tic-Tac’ UFO took place in 2004, but only came to light in December 2017 following a New York Times report which revealed the US Department of Defense ran a special program designated to tracking UFOs known as the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’. The Times article included a video taken by Navy fliers of the Tic-Tac UFO in flight, (or “UAP” – “unidentified aerial phenomenon” as the Navy prefers to call them).

• On that day of the UAP sighting in 2004, Chief Petty Officer Kevin Day saw a mysterious submerged object in the water. Knuth relates in his research paper that, based on Day’s description, the UAPs acted as if they “were looking for something by slowly tracking south at 100 knots or so at a 28,000ft altitude. The Tic-Tac UAP was then observed to be hovering with erratic motion over the churning water.” “An encounter with the Tic-Tac UAP ensued. After the encounter the submerged object was no longer present.”

• Knuth continues: “Clearly, the UAP was interested in the submerged object.” “It is possible that this object and others like it are the reason that the UAPs were in the area.” “Day reported that the UAPs appeared to be avoiding the Nimitz Carrier Group and its aircraft, which is very different from the encounters on the East Coast involving the Roosevelt Carrier Group in which case the UAPs seemed to be seeking out encounters.”


A former NASA researcher has claimed the UFO spotted by two jets from USS Nimitz may have been watching over something submerged under water.

               Kevin H. Knuth

If none of this means anything to you, a little explanation. Basically, the encounter took place way back in 2004, but only came to light in 2017 following a New York Times report which revealed the US government had a special programme designated to tracking UFOs.

A video showed the UFO – which is formally known as a Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) and looks a bit like a Tic-Tac – appearing to fly in front of camera.

Now, Kevin H. Knuth – a former NASA research scientist – has offered a theory as to what was going on, based on the description of witness and Navy Chief Petty Officer Kevin Day. The new hypothesis is based on the fact Day saw a mysterious submerged object in the water during the UAP sighting.

According to the Daily Star, Knuth writes in his research paper ‘Estimating Flight Characteristics of Anomalous Unidentified Aerial Vehicles’: “The thought was triggered by Kevin Day’s description of the UAPs as acting as if they were migrating.

“They also seemed to act like they were looking for something by slowly tracking south at 100 knots or so at 28,000ft altitude. The Tic-Tac UAP was then observed to be hovering with erratic motion over the churning water.

“An encounter with the Tic-Tac UAP ensued. After the encounter the submerged object was no longer present.
“Clearly, the UAP was interested in the submerged object.”



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E112 10-2-19 Human Evolution Will Soon Turn Geometric

I brought up the secret Blue Files. The KGB boss remarked, “The Blue Files are our equivalent of the US Blue Book.” Over the years I had learnt about the extensive work that American scientists had done to reverse-engineer downed interstellar craft, which have been observed for centuries, if not millennia. In a conversation with the director of the Strategic Defense Initiative in 1987, he conceded that Ronald Reagan’s ‘Star Wars’ project was mainly a cover for an ongoing multi-national endeavor to build a space shield, intended to protect mankind from a feared invasion by highly advanced organizations operating in outer space

Human Evolution Will Soon Turn Geometric

Listen to “E112 10-2-19 Human Evolution Will Soon Turn Geometric” on Spreaker.
Article by Come Carpentier De Gourdon       November 1, 2016       (sundayguardianlive.com)

[This article is from 2016, but is highly relevant today. The writer, Come Carpentier de Gourdon, is the Convener of the Editorial Board of the World Affairs Journal, a quarterly publication sponsored by the Kapur Surya Foundation in New Delhi, India. He has lived and traveled in more than fifty countries on four continents. He is an associate of the International Institute for Social and Economic Studies (IISES), Vienna, Austria, and a consultant to various companies and foundations in India and Europe. He is also the author of various books and over 200 articles and essays on such topics as the history of culture and science, geopolitics, exopolitics, and philosophy.]

• In 1992, I (De Gourdon) was in Moscow discussing the economic disarray after the dismemberment of the Soviet Union with the Deputy Chairman of the KGB and a military intelligence general. The KGB boss said, “[T]he Americans are trying to take away the most valuable inventions. Our country must be reorganised to protect itself.” “Our best scientists and engineers are leaving because we cannot pay them.”

• I brought up the secret Blue Files. The KGB boss remarked, “The Blue Files are our equivalent of the US Blue Book.” Over the years I had learnt about the extensive work that American scientists had done to reverse-engineer downed interstellar craft, which have been observed for centuries, if not millennia. In a conversation with the director of the Strategic Defense Initiative in 1987, he conceded that Ronald Reagan’s ‘Star Wars’ project was mainly a cover for an ongoing multi-national endeavor to build a space shield, intended to protect mankind from a feared invasion by highly advanced organizations operating in outer space.

• Ten years later I was able to connect the dots with the publishing of the book: The Day After Roswell by Colonel Philip Corso, which related how an undisclosed array of military satellites equipped with weapons capable of hitting incoming targets from outside the atmosphere had been deployed. We needed a protective system from alien forces more than arms to fight each other. This protective system was set up in the greatest secrecy through a panoply of “black” programs consuming untold billions of dollars. All those without a need to know would be kept in the dark. Too much was at stake.

• Back in 1954, President Eisenhower had met with a team of extraterrestrial envoys and entered a treaty for technology transfers, reportedly to fend off other dangerous and predatory species from outer space. To facilitate this transfer, “sanctuaries” had been allocated for those extraterrestrial guests to reside and operate away from prying eyes. The ETs would make subtle neural and genetic modifications in certain humans in order to make them intellectually capable of working in an expanded technological reality. The U.S., Russia, Canada and Australia among others had set aside vast, inaccessible areas where closed communities of technicians worked under the strictest protocols, and where national laws did not apply.

• In the beginning, these sanctuary communities experienced an ‘incubation period’. The UFO issue went underground, beneath a cloak of official denial and censorship. But it was promised that, once this new knowledge burst out, progress would become ‘exponential’. This occurred at the end of the 20th century with multiple validations and confirmations as pertinent documents were gradually declassified or leaked.

• Human evolution has gone at an arithmetic pace over the last few centuries. Soon it will become a geometric progression. We will discover travel at the speed of light, how to increase our lifespan and eradicate disease, and how to accumulate knowledge endlessly with the aid of cyber-electronics. Our brains and senses will merge with information networks. Computers and robots will harness the laws of quantic physics and will no longer be assembled, but grown like biological beings. We will create things out of subquantic stuff with plasma waveguides and machines of the size of atomic particles.”

• Military officers and civilians in positions of authority told De Gourdon during the 1980s and 1990s: “We will cease to be humans; we know that is possible because those we are following are already there. They move in unified field space-time in their subtle bodies and vehicles which they can materialize or tele-transport at will and they visit the past and the future like pages of a book opened at leisure without any particular order.” We now can see this transhumanist process at work. Yet it carries the gravest threats to our survival.

• Electromagnetic pulse and zero-point energy, warp drive propulsion, quantum radars and communication systems, gravito-magnetic engines, 3D printing, Artificial Intelligence, molecular and atomic machines, the interplanetary Internet of Things—all have obvious and terrifying applications for warfare. Their development is driven by defense labs and then quietly outsourced to military-industrial corporations. New companies are hatched out of Silicon Valley garages when algorithms and formulas come into the hands of whiz-kid entrepreneurs discreetly funded by government-related “angel investors”.

• In a leaked correspondence from former Apollo astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell to John Podesta, the special adviser to President Barack Obama in the summer of 2014, Mitchell relates: “Five decades of UFO information have dramatically shifted the public awareness of an extraterrestrial presence. And yet, our government is still operating from outdated beliefs and policies.” “Three disclosure issues are prominent: 1) planet sustainability via next generation energies such as zero point energy, 2) galactic travel and research undertaken as an advanced species aware of the extraterrestrial presence, not as uninformed explorers who revert to colonialism and destruction, and 3) the example of a confident, engaged government who respectfully regards the wisdom and intellect of its citizens as we move into space.”

• Still, only a fraction of the cosmic disclosure iceberg has yet emerged out of the dark ocean of official secrecy.


Statements made in this article are documented, but many readers may prefer to view them as “faction”: speculations and inferences based on real facts.

On a grey spring afternoon of 1992, I was in a restaurant near the Lubyanka in Moscow. Across from me were the Deputy Chairman of the KGB (6th Directorate) and a General from the GRU. Those were gloomy days in Russia, an economic disarray after the dismemberment of the Soviet Union.

Come Carpentier de Gourdon

My hosts, like several other officials, were working to find solutions to the crisis. Investments from abroad were sought in many sectors, including secretive high tech industries related to space, psychic research and warfare, but the KGB boss made his views clear: “We could go into joint ventures with other nations on certain projects,” he said, “but the Americans are trying to take away the most valuable inventions. Our country must be reorganised to protect itself. We are being ruined and will become a Third World nation otherwise. Our best scientists and engineers are leaving because we cannot pay them.”

In the United States in previous years, I had noticed the frequent arrivals of Soviet scientific teams into American universities. The visitors worked in frontier areas of research. In Moscow, I had been taken to some laboratories and given cryptic briefings on esoteric projects: parapsychology, bio-electromagnetics, plasma and lasers. However, I went to the point and I brought up the Blue Files. The two officials remained impassive, but they did not draw the curtain as I suspected they might.

“The Blue Files are our equivalent of the US Blue Book,” the KGB Deputy Chairman said matter-of-factly. “For decades we collaborated with certain NATO states on many aspects of our investigations. Now that we are down, the US wants to leave us far behind but we will keep our aces.”

I had learnt a lot over the years in America about the extensive work done to reverse-engineer awe-inspiring, exotic technologies retrieved from downed interstellar craft that are frequently tracked in the sky or spotted when they land. They have been observed for centuries, if not millennia. During a conversation held in 1987 in Boulder, Colorado the director of the Strategic Defense Initiative had conceded that Ronald Reagan’s controversial Star Wars project was mainly a cover for an ongoing multi-national endeavour to build a space shield, intended to protect mankind from a feared invasion by highly advanced organisations operating in outer space.

Ten years later in 1997, the “Holy Grail” appeared when Colonel Philip Corso’s book, The Day after Roswell was published. Corso, a veteran of the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Council, disclosed many secrets and connected the dots. I then understood better why an undisclosed array of military satellites equipped with weapons capable of hitting incoming targets from outside the atmosphere had been deployed. The superpowers had concluded that we needed a protective system from alien forces more than arms to fight each other, although the former did not exclude the latter.



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Chehalis is Laying Claim to the Term ‘Flying Saucer,’ and Throwing a Party to Celebrate

Listen to “E111 10-1-19 Chehalis is Laying Claim to the Term ‘Flying Saucer,’ and Throwing a Party to Celebrate” on Spreaker.
Article by Molly Gilmore                     September 19, 2019                      (theolympian.com)

• On the weekend of September 21st, the Lewis County Historical Museum in Chehalis, Washington (state) hosted the first annual Flying Saucer Party to commemorate Kenneth Arnold’s famed 1947 sighting of flying saucers over nearby Mt Rainier while piloting a plane from Chehalis to Yakima. The incident gave rise to the term “flying saucer” because he described the objects as saucer shaped.

• In the ’60s and ’70s, Chehalis held events called ‘Krazy Days’ where they tossed flying discs off of the town museum’s gazebo. The townspeople renewed the tradition of the ‘saucer drop’ at the Flying Saucer Party. The saucers have prizes attached for the kids.

• The event featured a talk by Arnold’s granddaughter Shanelle Schanz of Boise, who calls Arnold “the godfather of the UFO field”. Schanz says that her grandfather had no interest in UFOs before he spotted them (on June 24, 1947, just before the Roswell crash a month later). Said Schanz, “His first instinct when he spotted the flying objects was that they were some kind of Russian intelligence aircraft.”

• The event featured other speakers as well, and museum exhibits of local UFO sightings and on the impact UFOs have had on popular culture. The Chehalis Theater screened a pair of films: ‘Mystery Science 3000’ and the 1956 alien-attack flick ‘Earth vs. the Flying Saucers.’ A downtown restaurant hosted live music and an alien costume contest.

• Ever since Kennth Arnold’s “flying saucer” report made international headlines in 1947, Chehalis has loved the flying saucer. There have been plenty of other more recent UFO sightings there, too. The museum’s executive director Jason Mattson remarked, “I’ve been hearing stories from people I wouldn’t have expected who’ve seen things that they can’t explain.”


On Saturday, the flying saucers will return to Chehalis.

Kenneth Arnold in 1947

The occasion is the Lewis County Historical Museum’s first Flying Saucer Party. The event commemorates Kenneth Arnold’s famed 1947 sighting of what appeared to be flying saucers.

But the saucers that will take flight Saturday aren’t unidentified flying objects. They’re flying discs that will be tossed from the museum’s gazebo. It’s the return of the saucer drop, a beloved tradition at Chehalis’ Krazy Days during the ’60s and ’70s. The idea now, as then, is that kids can catch the discs, which will have prizes attached.

Though those saucers are the only ones expected to fly on Saturday, there’ll be plenty of other flying-saucer themed goings on, all inspired by the objects Arnold saw above Mount Rainier while piloting a plane from Chehalis to Yakima. The incident gave rise to the term “flying saucer” because he described the objects as saucer shaped.

                       Shanelle Schanz

Chehalis has loved the flying saucer ever since, and there have been more recent UFO sightings there, too, said Jason Mattson, the museum’s executive director.

In fact, more people have been talking about strange things they’ve seen since the museum announced the saucer soiree.

“I’ve been hearing stories from people I wouldn’t have expected who’ve seen things that they can’t explain,” Mattson told The Olympian.

The event will feature a talk by Arnold’s granddaughter Shanelle Schanz of Boise, who’ll talk about her memories of Arnold — whom she calls the godfather of the UFO field — and show some of his documents.

2:59 minute video: ‘The Return of the ‘Saucer Drop’
in Chehalis, WA (Pacific NorthWEIRD YouTube)



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E110 9-30-19 We Keep Looking for Space Aliens. Are They Looking For Us?

Researchers using data from NASA’s Deep Space Climate Observatory recently simulated how an extraterrestrial astronomer might gather information on the Earth, resulting in a world map more accurate than the Greeks had. It’s hardly inconceivable that alien astronomers have not only found Earth but learned that we humans inhabit it

We Keep Looking for Space Aliens. Are They Looking For Us?

Listen to “E110 9-30-19 We Keep Looking for Space Aliens. Are They Looking For Us?” on Spreaker.
Article by Seth Shostak                   September 18, 2019                     (nbcnews.com)

• “It seems a safe bet that if advanced aliens do exist in our galaxy, they would at least know our planet is here,” says Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. The real challenge for these inquisitive ET species isn’t finding habitable planets such as Earth, it is discovering details that will narrow their search – mass, size, approximate temperature. The aliens will have really big telescopes trained on us. Being aware of our world and its properties, would they be spurred to transmit signals in our direction? Extraterrestrials could have learned enough about us by now to even pay us a visit.

• An enormous alien telescope would see the Earth as a dot of light. Directed through a prism, they could analyze its spectral fingerprint and detail the Earth’s atmosphere. Researchers here on Earth recently used spectroscopy to detect water vapor in the atmosphere of planet K2-18b, 110 light-years from Earth. An alien telescope could surely detect oxygen on our planet. Oxygen betrays photosynthesis, a sure tip-off that this is a living planet. Light patterns would tell the alien astronomer that the Earth rotates, perhaps even revealing oceans and continents in low-res images.

• Shostak continues to ruminate: “If we can imagine it, some of (the aliens out there) have probably done it. Of course, the most interesting thing these hypothesized neighbors might find is not the outlines of the Americas or even the oxygen in our atmosphere. They might find us.” If they’re within 70 light-years of us, they could pick up the radar or television signals that we’ve been sending into space since during World War II. Roughly 15,000 star systems lie within 70 light-years.

• Researchers using data from NASA’s Deep Space Climate Observatory recently simulated how an extraterrestrial astronomer might gather information on the Earth, resulting in a world map more accurate than the Greeks had. It’s hardly inconceivable that alien astronomers have not only found Earth but learned that we humans inhabit it.

[Editor’s Note]   The assumption that Shostak is making here, is that intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations are as technologically deficient as we are here on earth – taking spectrometer readings from telescopes to search the galaxy for the elusive intelligent civilization. In reality, the plethora of extraterrestrials with advanced technologies have far more effective ways of watching us than telescopes, and they are literally here already. But Shostak goes through this meaningless drill of speculating what non-terrestrial aliens would do if there were any alien civilizations out there whose technology had “equaled” our own. Not that we don’t possess advanced technologies ourselves. But the elite power brokers on the planet have prevented the general populace from having knowledge of or access to these technologies. Instead, they limit the use of these technologies to their super-secret space programs and black projects, which Shostak’s disinformation is intended to hide.

The truth is that the extraterrestrial beings that are visiting our solar system and interacting with certain elite factions of our human species are far more advanced in their technological development than we. They know everything about us. But Shostak and his Deep State handlers want people to think they are continuing the hard work of searching for extraterrestrial worlds and beings. And since they haven’t found any (on purpose), there must not be any extraterrestrials out there who can reach our star system. It is all a carefully controlled psy-op that SETI has helped to perpetrate since 1960. But when it is finally revealed that advanced extraterrestrial beings not only exist but have been here throughout the history of this planet, Seth Shostak will be out of a job.


Scientists have been trying to discover planets around other stars for generations. They finally succeeded in the 1990s, and more than 4,000 have been catalogued since then.

But could aliens have found our planet? Is Earth cataloged by even a single population of extraterrestrials? If so, what do they really know about terra firma?

            Seth Shostak

You may consider this an idle question, of no greater importance than asking if gerbils enjoy oboe concertos. But the answer is of real consequence for those who scan the skies for signals from intelligent aliens. After all, if extraterrestrials are unaware of our world and its properties, what would spur them to transmit signals in our direction?

Additionally, if you’re among the many folks who are convinced that aliens are sailing through the troposphere, it might help your self-esteem to know that extraterrestrials could have learned enough about us to pay a visit.

It seems a safe bet that if advanced aliens do exist in our galaxy, they would at least know our planet is here. If human astronomers can find thousands of worlds in two dozen years, how many exoplanets —planets around other stars — will the denizens of other solar systems find in, say, a millennium of slogging away?

The real challenge for these exo-catalogers isn’t finding the planets, but discovering details beyond the gross characteristics — mass, size and approximate temperature. To learn more, the aliens will need really big telescopes.



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Stardust Ranch on Ghost Adventures: Owner John Edmonds Claims Aliens Are Watching Him

Listen to “E109 9-29-19 Stardust Ranch on Ghost Adventures: Owner John Edmonds Claims Aliens Are Watching Him” on Spreaker.
Article by Shaunee Flowers                   September 23, 2019                   (monstersandcritics.com)

• Located about an hour west of Phoenix is The Stardust Ranch. John Edmonds and his wife bought the Stardust Ranch in 1995 with hopes of operating a horse rescue. Those dreams were cut short when John Edmonds says that aliens made their way onto his property.

• Edmonds has put the ranch up for sale for $5 million. Two years ago, the New York Post reported that John Edmonds was desperately trying to sell the property because of the “alien infestation” after claiming that aliens were trying to abduct his wife. (see 2:05 minute video below) Edmonds told the local NBC affiliate, “They actually levitated [my wife] out of the bed in the master chamber and carried her into the parking lot and tried to draw her up into the craft.”

• On the Travel Channel’s show “Ghost Adventures”, ghost hunter Zak Bagans and his crew investigated the Stardust Ranch. Edmonds showed the television crew what he believes to be a portal at Stardust Ranch that allows extraterrestrials a way to access his ranch. Edmonds says that grey aliens have attacked his animals and tried to abduct his wife. His wife confirmed the claims, saying that she was attacked by aliens in the main bedroom of the Stardust Ranch home.

• Others claim to have had alien encounters out in the Arizona desert, including Travis Walton who claims that he was abducted by aliens. The aliens famously kept Walton for five days before returning him to Earth, where he used a payphone in Heber, Arizona to call for help.


On the next episode of Ghost Adventures, Zak Bagans and his crew are headed to Arizona to investigate the Stardust Ranch. The owner of the ranch is John Edmonds, who has made some shocking claims about aliens on the property.

Edmonds believes that there is a portal at Stardust Ranch that allows extraterrestrials a way to access his ranch. He even shows it to the Ghost Adventures crew.

                    The Stardust Ranch

And John Edmonds isn’t the only one claiming to have had an alien encounter on the Arizona property. His wife also claims to have been attacked by aliens. In fact, she says it happened in the main bedroom of the Stardust Ranch home.

Others also claim to have had alien encounters out in the Arizona desert, including Travis Walton, who also spoke with Zak Bagans’ crew. He claims that he was abducted by aliens and that they kept him for five days before returning him to Earth, where he used a payphone in Heber, Arizona to call for help.

The Stardust Ranch sits about an hour west of Phoenix. It’s a popular destination for those who believe in aliens and want to go looking for them.


2:05 minute video of Alien Ranch for sale in Buckeye (12 News YouTube)


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Why is NASA Investigating a UFO Sighting in Spain?

Article by Inigo Monzon                       September 18, 2019                       (ibtimes.com)

• In the early morning hours of September 14th, Alejandro Molla was awoken by a loud electrical storm over the city of Alicante, Spain. So he decided to take video footage of the impressive storm. While recording, something in the sky caught Molla’s attention. A fast-moving, silver saucer-like vessel darted across the sky and disappeared into the clouds. (see 4:57 minute video below)

• Molla sent the footage to the University of Alicante to be analyzed. The researchers noted an unexplainable object in the video. Interviewed by the Spanish news outlet, Agencia 6, Molla noted that his video could serve as proof of the first real UFO sighting in the city. The video was shared by Agencia 6 through its website.

• Then Agencia 6 was also contacted by NASA regarding the video. NASA wanted to study the original video to determine the true nature of the object. NASA has made no statements regarding the video investigation.


NASA is reportedly investigating a UFO sighting during a torrential storm in Spain. Based on a video taken during the incident, a silver saucer-like vessel appeared during an electrical storm over a city.

Footage of the alleged UFO was captured by Alejandro Molla during a storm in the city of Alicante. According to Molla, he was woken up by the loud thunders during the storm. He then decided to film the sky using his mobile device, according to the Spanish news outlet Agencia 6.

While recording the storm, Molla said he saw something in the sky that caught his attention. Based on the video, a fast-moving silver-colored object darted across the sky and disappeared into the clouds during the lighting storm.

Molla sent the footage to the University of Alicante to be analyzed by researchers. After going through the clip, the researchers noted that they also saw an unexplainable object in the video.

Molla noted that his video could serve as proof of the first real UFO sighting in the city.

“It is an honor to be able to collaborate with some images that could be the appearance of the first UFO in Alicante,” he told Agencia 6.

4:57 minute video of UFO in storm over Alicante, Spain (Agencia6 YouTube)



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E104 9-22-19 UFOs Responsible for Chandrayaan Failure

Sabir Hussain, a Chennai based independent researcher on UFO sightings and director of the Indian Society for UFO Studies, believes the loss of communication and telemetry was no accident but a warning from extraterrestrials.

Angels, Airships, and Aliens: The 3,500-Year History of UFO Sightings

Listen to “E108 9-28-19 Angels, Airships, and Aliens: The 3,500-Year History of UFO Sightings” on Spreaker.
Article by Matt Blitz                       September 24, 2019                        (popularmechanics.com)

• The US Navy has admitted that the three released videos of ‘unidentified aerial phenomenon’ are authentic, each depicting quick-moving oblong-shaped objects. The Navy has yet to identify the objects in these videos. The term “UAP” has replaced “UFO” which still carries a lot of historical “baggage” and stigma, and discourages people from reporting a sighting. Journalist Leslie Kean who helped break the New York Times story in December 2017 about the Navy’s UAP sightings says, “That term (UFO) is so loaded at this point, that you are never going to change people’s understanding of what it means.” “All you can do is adopt a new one.”

• But this is not a new phenomenon. Humans have seen and encountered unidentified flying objects for millennia. The only thing that’s changed is how people have interpreted these events over the years. Here is a summary of four eras of UFOs:

Biblical Beginnings – Diana Walsh Pasulka, author of American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology and a professor of philosophy and religion at UNC Wilmington reports that “Catholicism, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and all the major religions actually have pictures and anecdotes of aerial phenomenon.” In nearly every religion, there are “contact events” where an important figure makes contact with a heavenly figure. Moses and the burning bush, Mohammad and the angel Gabriel, and the Virgin Mary’s own angelic visitation. “These are human’s first contact with something they interpret to not be human or of this planet. And, if they are [not of this planet], they are de facto extraterrestrial.” Unexplainable phenomena can become religion.

The Era of Airships – In his 2010 book Wonders in the Sky: Unexplained Aerial Objects from Antiquity to Modern Times, French astronomer Jacques Vallee analyzed 500 historical UFO reports. The earliest sighting dates back nearly 3,500 years to modern-day Sudan, when a falling star “the like had not happened before” struck down the Nubians to give the Egyptians a military victory. These mysterious sightings dot human history and culminate in Dubuque, Iowa in 1879 when a “large, unexplained airship” was visible for an hour before it “disappeared on the horizon.”

• According to Pasulka, by the late 19th century humans began to shift their interpretation of the unknown from a religious framework to a technological one. In 1896 and 1897, mysterious “airships” were seen all over the U.S. with many witnesses signing affidavits. Thomas Edison remarked “it is absolutely impossible to imagine that a man could construct a successful airship and keep the matter a secret.” But by the late 19th century, hydrogen-filled airships were in development.

The Dawn of the UFO – Late into World War II, American fighter pilots started observing orange, glowing lights they dubbed “foo fighters”. Rumors circulated about the Nazi’s using advanced technology and even establishing a lunar base. But American scientists explained it away as “electrostatic phenomena”. Then in 1947, Kenneth Arnold saw strange round craft flying in formation in excess of 1,000 miles per hour. Again, the Army dismissed it as a mirage or hallucination. But others came forward to say they had also seen similar aerial phenomenon.

• A few years later, the Air Force coined the term ‘UFO’ and it was prominently used in the Robertson Report, the same scientific panel that dismissed the ‘foo fighters’. The convenient excuse for these UFOs became the Soviet’s testing of secret weapons. But the US military brass “wrote that off pretty early on because of the extreme sophistication of the technology,” says Kean. “It was unimaginable that the Russians could have something like this.”

An Extraterrestrial Threat? – The US Air Force created a secret project code-named “Sign” to investigate these UFO incidents. Kean says that there were “so many documents that show at the highest levels [the U.S. military] didn’t know what they were.” Some believed that these aerial phenomena were not from this planet. Then the July 1952 sightings over Washington D.C. convinced the government that the phenomenon could not be ignored. The military told the FBI that “the objects sighted may possibly be ships from another planet such as Mars”. The military told the public was that there was no “conceivable threat to the United States”, while they secretly feared a national security threat. Says Kean, “They just didn’t know what else to do at that point.”

The Mystery Remains – The Robertson Panel in 1953 determined to debunk UFO sightings as either man-made or natural phenomenon. And that’s exactly what federal authorities did for more than six decades. But recent events suggest a new government strategy in the works. As of the 2017 New York Times article, the government confirmed that it had been investigating the UFO/UAP phenomenon in a $22 million Pentagon program that officially ended in 2012, but insiders said it continued until 2017 when its head, Luis Elizondo, resigned. The program studied physical effects from encounters with the objects and the theoretical technology that could enable the UAPs to perform as they did. But most interesting was that the program had recovered materials from these UAPs.

• Kean thinks there is a lot of research going on behind-the-scenes. As it is presumed that the U.S. isn’t the only country in possession of UAP materials, there is a secretive global race associated with this research. Says Kean, “From what I’ve been told, it’s a competitive thing. Whoever understands the technology first has a real advantage. My sense of it is that there’s an undercurrent of competition among Russia, China, and the U.S.”

• Sources have also told her that the physics of how these objects move has already been cracked. “What they’ve figured out is very futuristic,” says Kean. “[T]hey can understand how it’s done.” Scientists and medical experts are also attempting to understand the biological effects on those humans who’ve come close to these phenomenon.

• More than two-thirds of Americans believe that the US government knows more about UFOs than they are telling the public. It’s becoming common to see UFO videos on YouTube. But are they extraterrestrial? “It’s a valid hypothesis,” says Kean. Or could they be explained as inter-dimensional, or time travelers, or super-secret weapons or aircraft developed by another nation on this planet? What was a mystery in ancient times remains a mystery today.

This past week, the U.S. Navy confirmed that several videos—two of which were first released by The New York Times in 2017 depicting so-called “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” (UAP)—are authentic. The three videos, (another was later published by The Washington Post), each depicting quick-moving oblong-shaped objects, were shot by Navy pilots during training exercises in 2004 and 2015. The Navy has yet to identify the objects in the video, and along with the Department of Defense, said the videos should have never been made public.

While a “UAP” may be an unfamiliar term, that’s sort of the point. UAPs are essentially the new UFO—but with a lot less historical baggage. A Navy spokesman told The Washington Post that the acronym “UFO” carries so much stigma that it discourages someone from reporting a sighting.

“That term is so loaded at this point, that you are never going to change people’s understanding of what it means,” journalist Leslie Kean, who co-wrote the 2017 New York Times investigation into the Pentagon’s UFO (or UAP) program, tells Popular Mechanics. “All you can do is adopt a new one.”

But humans didn’t just start seeing UFOs darting around above our heads in just the past few weeks…or in 2015, 2004, 1947, or even 1639. Humans have seen and encountered unidentified flying objects for millennia.


Unidentified flying objects have been recorded throughout human history. The only thing that’s changed is how people—stretched across thousands of years—have interpreted these unexplainable events.

“Catholicism, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and all the major religions actually have pictures and anecdotes of ariel phenomenon,” Diana Walsh Pasulka, author of American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology and a professor of philosophy and religion at UNC Wilmington tells Popular Mechanics.

Some of them were comets, asteroids, meteors, and other atmospheric optical phenomena that were scientifically unknown to our ancient ancestors, but others still defy modern explanations.

Pasulka explains in nearly every religion, there are “contact events” where an important figure makes contact with a heavenly figure. Moses and the burning bush, Mohammad and the angel Gabriel, and the Virgin Mary’s own angelic visitation.

“These are human’s first contact with something they interpret to not be human or of this planet. And, if they are [not of this planet], they are de facto extraterrestrial.”

Pasulka says the Torah’s tale of Jacob’s fight with an angel is a good example of an encounter with aerial phenomenon that was turned into a religious narrative. “When you go back to the original source and read it in its original language… it wouldn’t look like what the artists’ rendition of it are in Western history,” says Pasulka, “It would look like he’s fighting some kind of being from outer space.”

Pasulka isn’t saying that a biblical figure fought an alien and it turned into a religious text, but that vision of a figure descending from the sky could have come from a shared, human experience or observation. When religion is a lens to explain the universe, unexplainable phenomena can become religion.



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A ‘Turning Point’ on UFOs: Physicist Michio Kaku Tells Ufology Conference the Truth is Out There

Listen to “E107 9-27-19 A ‘Turning Point’ on UFOs: Physicist Michio Kaku Tells Ufology Conference the Truth is Out There” on Spreaker.Article by Melissa Rossi                       September 13, 2019                        (yahoo.com)

• Michio Kaku, a well-known science writer and professor of theoretical physics at the City University of New York Graduate Center, spoke to the audience at the Ufology World Congress in Barcelona, Spain (September 6-9, 2019) about UFOs and the true extraterrestrial presence on Earth. Kaku exhorted the audience of 1,000 at the Hesperia Barcelona Tower hotel, that if they were ever taken aboard an extraterrestrial craft, “For God’s sake, steal something! … a pocketed alien paper clip, alien fork, even a bit of “alien dandruff” that would yield useful chemical and genetic information to scientists. Scientists such as Kaku at the conference called for the world to take the study of UFOs more seriously and respectable.

• The field of astrobiology – the study of life outside Earth – has been invigorated by some provocative findings released over the past 20 months. The US Navy video was released of UFOs behaving like no known aircraft. Kaku told the crowd, “We now know they fly between Mach 5 and Mach 20 — five to 20 times the speed of sound. We know they zigzag so fast that any pilot would be crushed by centrifugal force. That they have no exhaust that we can see.” “The explanations usually invoked for UFO sightings — meteors, weather balloons, even the planet Venus — can’t explain these live-action high-precision shots.” Then Kaku reached his conclusion: either they are of human origin, representing a technology so cutting-edge that even leading scientists are puzzled by it. Or, he said, “maybe they are evidence of an advanced outer space civilization.” After all, Kaku noted, the universe is 13.8 billion years old, while earthly science was born 300 years ago. On any of 4,000 recently discovered exoplanets, where life as we know it might be able to exist, alien civilizations may well have had much longer to advance their scientific and technological skills. In fact, Kaku surmised that pilots in alien spacecraft may be cybernetic or robotic.

• “We’ve reached a turning point,” said Kaku. “It used to be that believers had to prove that these objects were from an intelligent race in outer space. Now the burden of proof is on the government to prove they’re not from intelligent beings in outer space.”

• In a throwback to the ’50s and ’60s, when sightings of flying saucers were front-page news, the media is now giving the topic more airtime and more ink. Congress is demanding more information. New TV shows and documentaries are popping up. There is a renewed interest in the 1947 Roswell incident, the Rendlesham Forest incident, and in Area 51. Rock star Tom DeLonge has created a research academy and History channel series that explores the Pentagon’s own UFO study program, which released several Navy cockpit videos of “unidentified aerial phenomenon’.

• The Pentagon study – the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ – also revealed hint that the Defense Department is studying far more than the existence of extraterrestrial UFOs in the skies, but also how they work. Titles of AATIP reports have surfaced that include “Traversable Wormholes,” “Invisibility Cloaks,” “Space Communication Implications of Quantum Entanglement” and “Warp Drive, Dark Energy and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions.” The head of that Pentagon program, Luis Elizondo, left the government in 2017 to join DeLonge’s UFO research academy. Billionaire Robert Bigelow and former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence Christopher Mellon are also consultants with the academy.

• Formerly with the U.K.’s Ministry of Defense’s UFO program in the 1990’s, Nick Pope says, “We’re in game-changing, paradigm-busting territory.” Pope said UFOs are the topic that Brits most often ask their government about. Citing reports from European governments as well as the U.S. and accounts of sightings by “police officers, pilots and military personnel,” he hopes to “bring the subject out of the fringe and into the mainstream.” Pope believes that “more likely than not,” some UFOs may be of extraterrestrial origin.

• The conference’s three days of lectures and workshops explored the diversity of UFO craft (shaped like barbells, cigars, shiny orbs or even Tic Tacs), the numerous varieties of alien races (from the lizard-like Dracos and large-eyed, hairless Greys to the tall, human-like Nordics), and the phenomena of crop circles, lucid dreaming, and preparing the pineal gland for alien arrivals by learning “the language of light.”

• Mexican journalist Jaime Maussan spoke about the three-fingered mummies from Peru. Social scientists J.J. and Desiree Hurtak spoke about pyramids on Mars, UFOs spotted near the destroyed Fukushima nuclear power plant, footprints of giants in South Africa, and alien corpses that are under top-secret control. Spanish parapsychology investigator Sergio Ruiz said that he has been studying demonic possession, and the first thing that’s taught is that victims of possession may in fact have been overtaken by extraterrestrials.

• Jan Harzan, executive director for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), claims that “We are definitely not alone. It’s a fact!” Harzan said the majority of the 500 or more UFO reports his organization receives monthly are dismissed. But “about 5 percent appear to be legitimate.” That implies around 300 genuine sightings of alien craft per year. When asked why beings from outer space would have any interest in Earth, most speakers said they were coming in peace and to help humanity. Harzan, said that most extraterrestrial sources are concerned about saving the planet from destruction.

• But American “exopolitics lawyer”, Alfred Webre, said that extraterrestrials are coming to Earth to recruit human slave labor. Said Webre, “There are some estimates that 60 million humans are enslaved in industrial facilities in the solar systems, producing products used through the galaxy.” Even worse, the race known as Draco-Reptilians, believed to come from the Orion constellation, have a taste for human babies. Webre said that our world is actually being overseen by a regional galactic government of “seven or eight civilizations,” and humanity will be “rejoining the (peaceful) galactic community of nations.”


BARCELONA, Spain — For the often-ridiculed followers of ufology, the study of unidentified flying objects, there was a sense of validation when the celebrated physicist and author Michio Kaku took a break from his work on string field theory to address the Ufology World Congress here last weekend and offer some advice on how to behave aboard an alien spaceship.

                  Michio Kaku

“For God’s sake, steal something!” he exhorted the audience of 1,000 at the Hesperia Barcelona Tower hotel, famous for its spaceship bar perched off the 29th floor. Kaku said a pocketed alien paper clip, alien fork, even a bit of “alien dandruff” would yield useful chemical and genetic information to scientists.

It is, of course, a matter of speculation whether extraterrestrials have hair, let alone dandruff. Drawings based on the descriptions of people who claim to have seen them typically depict them as bald, although there is also believed to be a race of blond

         J.J. and Desiree Hurtak

humanoid aliens known as “Nordics.”

Kaku, a well-known science writer, media personality and professor of theoretical physics at the City University of New York Graduate Center, also spoke to Yahoo News about assorted planetary matters, including his concerns about a future traffic jam in orbits around the moon, in a separate interview.

       Jaime Maussan

Even without extraterrestrial dandruff to analyze, the field of astrobiology, the study of life outside Earth, has been invigorated recently by some provocative findings released over the past 20 months. Researchers have been poring over recently declassified videos shot by U.S. Navy pilots over the East Coast in 2015, showing mysterious flying objects that behave like no known aircraft. Thanks to newly updated radar systems in Navy jets, the videos have aided scientists by providing “testability” and previously unknown metrics about UFOs. “We now know they fly between Mach 5 and Mach 20 — five to 20 times the speed of sound,” Kaku said. “We know they zigzag so fast that any pilot would be crushed by centrifugal force. That they have no exhaust that we can see.” The explanations usually invoked for UFO sightings — meteors, weather balloons, even the planet Venus — can’t explain these live-action high-precision shots, said Kaku, leading to either of two possible conclusions: They are of human origin, representing a technology so cutting-edge that even leading scientists are puzzled by it. Or, he said, “maybe they are evidence of an advanced outer space civilization.”

                       Nick Pope

Could they be Russian, not Martian? Perhaps, Kaku allowed, given that last year Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that “Russia had built a hypersonic flying vehicle that can zigzag.” The U.S. and China are also working on hypersonic drones. On the other hand, Kaku emphasized, “maybe they are extraterrestrial.” After all, he noted, the universe is 13.8 billion years old, while earthly science was born merely 300 years ago; on any of 4,000 recently discovered exoplanets, where life as we know it might be able to exist, alien civilizations may well have had much longer to advance their scientific and technological skills.

              Alfred Webre

Even if not smoking-gun proof, the declassified videos — bolstered by confirmation of multiple sightings of unexplained aerial vehicles during 2014 and 2015, including at least one near-collision — are giving ufology new weight. “We’ve reached a turning point,” Kaku said. “It used to be that believers had to prove that these objects were from an intelligent race in outer space. Now the burden of proof is on the government to prove they’re not from intelligent beings in outer space.”

The possibility that they are vehicles from other planetary civilizations, Kaku told Yahoo, “now has to be put on the table.”

Still, in the absence of even a molecule of aliens’ DNA, if they have DNA — Kaku cautioned that pilots in alien spacecraft may be cybernetic or robotic — astrobiology remains largely a discipline without a material subject matter. Which is why Kaku wants something scientists can touch and examine in the lab, predicting that “it will end the debate right then and there.”

Whatever the state of provability, ETs and spinning discs are again the rage, as evidenced in more than just ticket prices for the three-day Ufology World Congress, which ranged up to $1,600 for premium seating and a “meet-and-greet” with Kaku.



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Men Are Far More Likely Than Women to Want a Close Encounter With Aliens, Oxford University Study Finds

Listen to “E106 9-25-19 Men Are Far More Likely Than Women to Want a Close Encounter With Aliens, Oxford University Study Finds” on Spreaker.
Article by Danyal Hussain                     September 10, 2019                      (dailymail.co.uk)

• Dr Peter Hatfield of the Department of Physics at the University of Oxford told the audience at the British Science Festival, hosted by the University of Warwick, that an Oxford study shows that 55 per cent of men want to reach out to extraterrestrials, compared to 47 per cent of women.

• A Survation poll revealed that 11% of those polled favored a global referendum on the matter of seeking extraterrestrial contact. But it if there were a planet-wide vote, the majority of the 2,000 people surveyed said they would want to initiate contact.

• Hatfield told the crowd, “No-one knows if or when we will receive a message from extraterrestrials, but astronomers are listening – and it could happen any time.” One scientist who spoke at the event said that there was a 10% chance that contact with aliens could take place in the next 10 years.

• The study also compared Brits who favor ET contact with Brits who favor Brexit. Those who favored Britain staying within the EU – 66% – also favored initiating contact with ETs.

• According to the study, if we do receive a message from outer space, the public seems to have more confidence in scientists having a key role in the decision-making process of potentially replying, than politicians. Dr Hatfield says that scientists give a ten percent chance, on average, that humans will make contact with extraterrestrials within the next 100 years.

• Dr Leah Trueblood, from the Department of Law at the University of Oxford, said that the number of people responding with “I don’t know” suggests that the public is open-minded and open to persuasion. “[B]eing open to persuasion is good news” says Trueblood. “It’s also fascinating that most our responses were in favour of contacting aliens. Those surveyed are clearly much braver than me.” “[T]his is a hugely frightening prospect.”

• There is currently no international law setting out the protocol for making contact with extraterrestrials. In March 1996, the International Academy of Astronautics published a post-detections protocol which stated: “No response to a signal or other evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence should be sent until appropriate international consultations have taken place.”

[Editor’s Note]  Yes, don’t worry all of you frightened, simple-minded civilians; the Deep State scientists – who are trained to deny the obvious extraterrestrial presence – have everything under control… so long as those paychecks keep coming.


Men are more enthusiastic about speaking to aliens than women, new research from the University of Oxford has revealed.

Announced at the British Science Festival hosted by the University of Warwick, the data said that 55 per cent of men want to reach out to extraterrestrials, compared to just 47 per cent of women.

  Dr Peter Hatfield

Eleven per cent of those polled by Survation even said they would want a global referendum on the matter.

And, if it was left to a planet-wide vote, the majority of the 2,000 people surveyed said they would want to initiate contact.

Only 14 per cent would not want to initiate contact with aliens, though nine per cent wouldn’t vote and 11 per cent would not know what to do.

                    Dr Leah Trueblood

One scientist, who spoke at the event, even said that there was a 10 per cent chance contact with aliens could take place in the next 10 years.

Perhaps a sign of the public’s distrust in politicians, Brits would also pick scientists over MPs to decide what to do.

Interestingly, positions on Brexit also influenced whether people would want to initiate contact with aliens or not.
They survey also looked at the differences between Brexit voters.

Those who voted to Remain were more likely to vote to initiate contact than those who voted to Leave, at 66 per cent and 54 per cent respectively.

Dr Peter Hatfield, from the Department of Physics at the University of Oxford, said: ‘No-one knows if or when we will receive a message from extraterrestrials, but astronomers are listening – and it could happen any time.



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