OCTOBER 25, 2019

Docentes contratados de la UNICA no cobran hace 4 meses

There was an irregular, sudden incursion of archaeologists associated with the Ministry of Culture (and its local, regional chapter) accompanied by 7 policemen to go into the room where the mummies are being kept inside the university. They wanted to confiscate the 3-finger Nazca bodies (including the large mummy “María”) but could not because the person with the keys was not available. This move may have been illegal because there was no previous notification and the university has its own autonomy and rights.  The university took a valiant, creative step in defense of a true spirit of scientific investigation and now all of it is in peril.

The people doing this give the public impression that they want to do it because they are sure that the case of the three-finger mummies involves the illicit use of prehispanic bodies and animals. But the other impression which they give is that they do not want to give an opportunity for a scientific institution to conduct formal, careful research in Perú. Is it prejudice? A lack of mental flexibility? A defense of what they believe is the spoilage of national heritage to commit fraud? Or is it jealousy that they didn’t make the discovery under conventional circumstances? Obeying a conspiracy of silence? All of the above?

Since the beginning, the Ministry of Culture and associated scientists were invited in person and in writing many times when the three-finger bodies came to light but they either didn’t reply or were convinced from the beginning that the bodies were fake. Most of their objections have been answered by the scientists that (unlike them) studied the most important samples up close.

The individuals trying to take the bodies away may return to the university during the weekend or on Monday to confiscate the remains. Major local news services tend to side with the conventional position and do not seem to understand the importance of what such a discovery may be or to care about it besides their need to occasionally cover the news for ratings. The skeptic side seems to get more air time repeatedly.

Reporter Jois Mantilla is one of the few reporters that cares and is trying to do something about this. Other scientists quietly researching the “mummies” (even if convinced that at least some mummies can be genuine) still do not want their names to be known. New genetic results and other new results (due to tests performed after the person who found the bodies surrendered them to the university) were going to be revealed in about 10 days. I hope that they are revealed ASAP to show that confiscating the bodies would be a big mistake.

The international community should urgently ask the Ministry of Culture to allow this research to continue.

OCTOBER 28, 2019

Today was an important day to preserve the 3 finger-bodies or specimens. The Ministry of Culture wanted to confiscate the three-finger humanoid bodies taking them away from the custody of Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga that wants to invite scientists from all over the world to conduct proper research on them.

This day the authorities from the Ministry of Culture from Ica returned, also with police presence but they could not forcefully confiscate the 3-finger bodies. Both parties reached an agreement for the Ministry of Culture representatives to come back to take photos of the specimens another day. They didn’t seem to be well-informed about the research that had been conducted.

The Vice-rector Martin Alarcon was firm but conciliatory and did not exclude the scientists from the Ministry of Culture to participate in the research. Also, the police presence had been irregular in the first place because they had not been called and that is not permitted by law. It would have violated the university’s autonomy. They also didn’t have a court order and were basing their actions in a presumption. The rights of the university prevailed, at least today.

The conversation flowed in terms that in order to know what is the truth we must all come together to investigate. The vice-rector invited them as scientists to come back on the 5th and 6th of November also to participate in an international archaeology conference that will include one day for the three-finger specimens.

Some of the best 3-finger specimens are inside containers covered with red cloths and under lock and key behind a hermetically sealed glass door. Outside of the Vice -Rector’s office, about seven archaeology students were protesting the decision to safe keep several specimens, because they consider this to debase their professions.

OCTOBER 29, 2019

Yesterday (coinciding with the important meeting with the Ministry of Culture representatives as per the future of the three-finger humanoid bodies), the National Superintendence of Higher University Education (SUNEDU) denied renovating the operating license to Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga (also know as “UNICA”), founded in 1970 and with 19,400 students. SUNEDU had recently denied renovating the license of 21 private universities.  Unfortunately, the university became the first public university to be denied such a license. Unless the university’s license is re-established no new students will be able to enroll. Enrolled students can continue to attend classes.

At least since April 2019, the university was working with SUNEDU to solve the problems that had plagued the institution, problems related to a previous administration. There also are charges of corruption involving the previous administration. Strangely enough(and very suspiciously) their license was revoked on the same day in which the meeting with the Ministry of Culture regarding the three-finger bodies took place.

It seems to me that traditional political and scientific forces are psychologically blocked against the possibility of unique, non-human intelligent, humanoid beings actually being researched in a serious way in association with major institutions and that they try to find reasons to stop it.

I believe that if the university continues having classes (as it strives to meet the demands of SUNEDU) it should continue hosting the research on the 3-finger bodies to determine the truth.




Scientists Wonder If Extraterrestrial Life Has Visited Earth

Listen to “E142 10-26-19 Scientists Wonder If Extraterrestrial Life Has Visited Earth” on Spreaker.

Article by Albert McKeon                      October 15, 2019                       (northropgrumman.com)

• When people think of UFOs, they typically think of craft flying over their heads. No one talks much about the possibility that intelligent extraterrestrials may already be here among us on Earth. Last year, after writing a paper on theoretical ways for SETI to detect an alien presence, NASA physicist Silvano Colombano was accused by Fox News of claiming that aliens have indeed come to Earth. Colombano was quick to correct the Fox News story, saying that he believes an alien visit is only theoretically possible. However, Colombano also stated that “reports of unidentified aerial phenomena should be the object of serious study.” But mainstream scientists are loath to even discuss an extraterrestrial presence, much less study it.

• So the discussion about UFOs and extraterrestrials has been relegated to ‘claims’ and ‘theories’. Claims such as a New Hampshire couple being abducted by aliens one summer evening in 1961; or theories such as Harvard Professor Avi Loeb assertion that the rogue “asteroid” Omuhamuha may have been an alien probe, which “elicited some derision from scientists.”

• The vast majority of our efforts to discover intelligent extraterrestrials has been by looking out beyond our planet. The ‘Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence’ or ‘SETI’ employs more than 130 scientists, educators and administrative staff in a quest to “explore, understand, and explain the origin and nature of life in the universe and the evolution of intelligence.” They do this by monitoring telescope arrays that study the characteristics of red dwarf stars and newly-discovered exoplanets. Unfortunately, SETI has recently had to cross a large number of potential exoplanets off of their list for having “unsuitable environments”.

[Editor’s Note]   So this is where the line is currently drawn. The compromised media welcomes any news on a ‘scientific research group’ like SETI (also compromised) searching for life on other planets, but they will attack you as soon as you suggest that the aliens are already here. Organizations such as Fox News and SETI only exist to do the Deep State’s bidding, which in this case is to make it sound like smart people are doing everything possible to find other extraterrestrial life or even a viable explanation for UFOs, but alien civilizations beyond the Earth simply do not exist. They have most of the world believing this. The Deep State and the elite they protect does not want people to know that they have been fleecing the natural and economic resources of the Earth and its inhabitants for the past seventy years in order to develop advanced technologies and create a secret space program to rival the other space programs, both human and extraterrestrial, that exist all around us and throughout the galaxy. And they will stop at nothing to prevent the population from “waking up” to this reality.


Of course, whether extraterrestrial life has actually touched the soil of Earth — or floated above it, observing us all — has been a burning question for almost as long as humankind could look at the stars. The many claims of alien sightings, often buttressed by grainy photos of UFOs, and the many theories about outer space creatures already living among us could fill enough books to weigh down a spacecraft that’s collecting samples of our planet.
One thing is for certain: The public and private agencies that deal with all things space focus on finding life away from Earth. They are not researching, at least publicly, the scientific possibility of whether aliens have already been on our planet. For that matter, governments answer stories of UFO sightings on Earth by pointing to the weather or by saying the claim couldn’t be corroborated. There are no official records of aliens visiting Earth.

Claims and Theories of Aliens Visiting Earth

Discussion about aliens on Earth can be, for the sake of argument, placed into two camps: claims and theories. Claims are those that appear on the covers of supermarket tabloids or occasionally make for a fun feature in a mainstream news publication. For instance, a New Hampshire couple that spoke of being captured by aliens on a late-summer evening in 1961 as they drove through the White Mountains is the first widely-publicized alien abduction claim, a tale that started a legion of others.

Theories of alien visits can also spread like wildfire in the mainstream news if they are made by someone with authority. It happened only recently. Avi Loeb, the chair of Harvard University’s astronomy department, didn’t propose that aliens were even close to Earth. Rather, he and a colleague posited that Oumuamua, a cigar-shaped comet or object that whizzed by the sun in 2017, might have been a probe sent to the vicinity of Earth by an alien civilization. The theory, published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, elicited some derision from scientists.

      Silvano Colombano

The minor controversy led NASA physicist Silvano Colombano to say that scientists essentially rock the establishment when they theorize about extraterrestrial life. “General avoidance of the subject by the scientific community” creates a catch-22, Colombano told Quartz. He means that scientists might appear crazy for posing questions about aliens, but society will never know about alien life or any possible alien missions to Earth if no one in the scientific community examines the concept.

Colombano himself got caught up in the debate last year, when Fox News reported he claimed aliens have indeed come to Earth, pointing to a document of his on the space agency’s website. But Colombano was quick to correct the Fox News story, saying it was taken out of context and that he believes an alien visit is only theoretically possible. “My perspective was simply that reports of unidentified aerial phenomena should be the object of serious study, even if the chance of identification of some alien technology is very small,” he told Live Science.



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NASA’s Hubble Telescope Spotted ‘Being Watched by Mysterious Flying Saucer’

Article by Simon Green                     October 20, 2019                       (dailystar.co.uk)

• Trawling through pictures from NASA’s Hubble Telescope, Tyler Glockner of the YouTube channel ‘secureteam10’ noticed nearby a flying saucer-shaped UFO “watching” the space telescope in the background. (see video clip starting at 5 minutes)

• Tyler says in the video, “If you look in the distance, almost as if there’s something sitting and watching the Hubble telescope, there appears to be something alien.” “[It] looks like a flying saucer.” Glockner added, “[W]hen NASA is not busy cutting the feed and hiding these things from us, we get to see some pretty cool pieces of evidence.” “Could this be a satellite? It could be but I don’t know of any satellite that looks like a flying saucer.”

• One YouTube commenter said this was the “best UFO video I’ve seen in a while”. Another claimed that it was just a “lens flare”.


A flying saucer-shaped UFO has been captured “watching” NASA’s Hubble Telescope, a renowned conspiracy theorist has claimed.

Tyler Glockner – of YouTube channel secureteam10 – noticed the bizarre sight as he trawled through NASA pictures this week.

In his video, a bright light can be seen in the background of the telescope, above Earth.

He goes to zoom in and discovers the “craft” is shaped just like a flying saucer.

“If you look in the distance, almost as if there’s something sitting and watching the Hubble telescope, there appears to be something alien,” Tyler said in the video.

“This looks alien to me, it’s not just the light but looks like a flying saucer.

“It almost looks like it’s flying head on with the telescope, it could be something passing by.

“It looks like something was captured here in space – there’s almost more UFO sightings captured above Earth then on the planet.

“It seems like these things are buzzing by like rush-hour traffic and when NASA is not busy cutting the feed and hiding these things from us, we get to see some pretty cool pieces of evidence.

“Could this be a satellite? It could be but I don’t know of any satellite that looks like a flying saucer.”

video clip of UFO ‘watching’ the Hubble Telescope (starts at 5 min, ‘secureteam 10’ YouTube)



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Three Reasons to Investigate the US Navy UFO Incidents

Listen to “E141 Three Reasons to Investigate the US Navy UFO Incidents” on Spreaker.

Article by Mark Von Rennenkampff                  October 13, 2019                  (thehill.com)

• UFO “sightings” may have been relegated to tin-foil hat conspiracy theorists until the extraordinary and as-yet unexplained account of retired U.S. Navy Commander David Fravor and his colleagues of an incident that occurred off the coast of Southern California in 2004.

• CDR Fravor was flying a routine training mission along with another two-seat F/A-18F Super Hornet on a calm, clear November day when they were instructed to divert on a “real-world vector.” Apparently, the USS Princeton, has spent weeks tracking numerous radar contacts moving in ways that defy explanation. The USS Princeton’s radar had again picked up these contacts and the Super Hornets were tasked with taking a closer look.

• Arriving at the coordinates, Fravor was “weirded out” by an object – with no visible propulsion system or wings – that accelerated, decelerated and, ultimately, disappeared from view at extreme speed. The Princeton radar reacquired the object 30 seconds later – 60 miles away. Therefore, this object must have traveled at roughly six times the top speed of Fravor’s Super Hornet. Later that day, a follow-up flight managed to capture the “Tic Tac”-shaped object on video. (see ‘Tic Tac UFO’ video below) No fewer than seven naval aviators as well as surface warfare officers witnessed this event, which was also corroborated by radar, infrared and optical data.

• Eleven years later, in 2014-2015, a series of similar events occurred off the U.S. East Coast with Naval aircrews reporting objects conducting extreme maneuvers that defied any known technological capabilities, again supported by sophisticated multi-source sensor data.

• The Pentagon has confirmed that videos of the 2004 and the 2014-2015 incidents are genuine. These pilots witnessed technology well beyond the bounds of science. The capabilities exhibited by these objects represent an astonishing leap forward from the status quo. The return on investment in fully investigating these phenomena could be significant, for a few key reasons.

• First, there are national security implications. These unknown objects might pose a serious collision risk. And by some accounts, these incidents are occurring with increased frequency. Such advanced technology should be seized by a world democratic power rather than an authoritarian power.

• Second, there can be no doubt that earth’s climate is undergoing tremendous change. Researchers are examining how clouds can be manipulated to combat climate change. Alternative technology that allows for indefinite flight time at extreme speeds deserves particularly close scrutiny.

• Third, the technology Fravor witnessed could allow a craft to move effortlessly through water, air and space at extraordinary speeds. This should prompt a fundamental shift toward the study of this new physics. The human inclination to explore the unknown has precipitated monumental advances in a short span of time. A well-funded and efficiently managed public investigation of this technology should be a priority.


UFO “sightings” are the stuff of tin-foil hat conspiracy theorists. That is, until one hears the extraordinary account of retired U.S. Navy Commander David Fravor and his colleagues. Fravor, a career fighter pilot, former squadron commander and level-headed skipper in an acclaimed PBS documentary, makes a particularly compelling witness to an as-yet unexplained incident that occurred off the coast of Southern California in 2004.

As CDR Fravor recalls, he, his weapon systems officer and another two-seat F/A-18F Super Hornet were flying a routine training mission on a calm, clear November day. But their exercise is suddenly canceled and their two-ship formation instructed to divert on a “real-world vector.” Unknown to Fravor and his fellow officers, a nearby ship, the USS Princeton, has spent weeks tracking numerous radar contacts moving in ways that defy explanation.

For the first time, fast-moving fighter aircraft are aloft when the Princeton’s hyper-sensitive radar array picks up the peculiar contacts. CDR Fravor’s Super Hornet and the jet accompanying them are tasked with taking a closer look.
What happens next is best described only by CDR Fravor and one of the weapon systems officers flying that day. In short, Fravor was “weirded out” by an object – with no visible propulsion system or wings – that accelerated, decelerated and, ultimately, disappeared from view at extreme speed, “like nothing [he had] ever seen.”

             David Fravor

In Fravor’s account, the USS Princeton’s radar reacquired the object 30 seconds later – 60 miles away. If accurate, this implies a velocity roughly six times that of the top speed of Fravor’s super-fast Super Hornet.

Later that day, thanks to a combination of luck and targeting skill, a follow-up flight managed to capture the object on video.

Without a doubt, the 2004 incident is unique. No fewer than seven naval aviators as well as surface warfare officers – hardly conspiratorially-minded nut jobs – reported first-hand accounts of this event. Perhaps most importantly, they are corroborated by radar, infrared and optical data.

A series of similar events occurred 11 years later. Naval aircrews operating off the U.S. East Coast reported contacts with objects conducting extreme maneuvers that defied any known (or remotely conceivable) technological capabilities. Like the 2004 incident, their accounts are reinforced by sophisticated multi-source sensor data.

The Pentagon has confirmed that videos of the 2004 and 2014-2015 incidents are genuine, ultimately drawing scrutiny from Congress.

2:45 minute ‘Tic Tac’ UFO video from November 2004 off of San Diego
(To The Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences YouTube)



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I’m Convinced We Found Evidence of Life on Mars in the 1970s

Listen to “E140 10-24-19 I’m Convinced We Found Evidence of Life on Mars in the 1970sjnnnh” on Spreaker.
Article by Gilbert V. Levin                     October 10, 2019                      (scientificamerican.com)

• On NASA’s 1976 Viking mission to Mars, NASA dispatched the ‘Labeled Release’ (LR) experiment to detect life on the red planet. On July 30, 1976, the LR returned its initial results from Mars with four positive results, supported by five varied controls, streamed down from the twin Viking spacecraft that landed some 4,000 miles apart. Engineer Gilbert Levin was the principal investigator for the LR experiment.

• According to Levin, the data curves signaled the detection of microbial respiration similar to those produced by LR tests of soils on Earth. But the Viking’s Molecular Analysis Experiment failed to detect organic matter, so NASA concluded that the LR had found a substance mimicking life, but not really life. Since then, none of NASA’s Mars landers have carried a life detection instrument to follow up on these initial results. Over the past 43 years, NASA has instead launched a series of missions to Mars to determine whether there was ever a habitat suitable for life, but not to detect life itself already there.

• NASA maintains that the search for alien life is among its highest priorities. Mars could even hold life that came via ejecta from the Earth . Laboratory experiments have proven that microbial species could survive the Martian environment. Indeed, microorganisms have been found to survive in naked space outside of the International Space Station.

• The process of detecting living microorganisms is elegantly simple. It is derived from the process that Louis Pasteur developed in 1864. This process is in daily use by health authorities around the world to examine potable water for microbial pathogens. The Viking LR sought to detect and monitor ongoing metabolism through a very simple and fail-proof indicator of living microorganisms. This strongly supports the reliability of the LR Mars data that microbial life was detected. Still, the results were debated and then abandoned.

• In addition to the direct evidence for life on Mars obtained by the Viking LR in 1976, subsequent missions to Mars have conducted experiments that support the existence of microbial life. The Phoenix and Curiosity landers found evidence that the ancient Martian environment may have been habitable. The CO2 in the Martian atmosphere should long ago have been converted to CO by the sun’s UV light; thus CO2 is being regenerated, possibly by microorganisms. Surface water sufficient to sustain microorganisms was found on Mars. Spectral analyses by Viking’s imaging system have even found lichen and green patches on Mars rocks.

• What is the evidence against the possibility of life on Mars? The astonishing fact is that there is none. Still, NASA has already announced that its 2020 Mars lander will not contain a life-detection test. Levin has formally proposed that the LR experiment be sent to Mars to confirm the existence of life. Moreover, the Chiral LR experiment could determine whether any life detected were similar to ours, or whether there was a separate genesis. A small, lightweight Chiral LR has already been designed. It could readily be turned into a flight instrument. Such an experiment on Mars might confirm that the Viking LR in 1976 did in fact discover microbial life. At a minimum, the study would produce guidance for NASA’s pursuit of life outside of the Earth.

[Editor’s Note]    So NASA discovered microbial life on Mars in 1976, but then immediately denied it. Then over the ensuing 43 years, NASA has not attempted to repeat its Labeled Release (LR) experiment to confirm life, but has instead maintained that life on Mars was still theoretical. Over the past four decades these experiments detecting life have certainly become more precise and sophisticated. Is NASA trying not to find life? Are they worried that using highly sophisticated instruments to search for microbial life might detect undeniable evidence of far more developed life on Mars? Is this just part of the ongoing cover-up by the Deep State of the advanced lifeforms that live on and underneath the surface of Mars, of which the elite NASA scientists and administrators are well aware?

On October 16th, NASA “refuted the explosive claim” by Gilbert Levin in an article published on the FoxNews.com website (see here). In an email to Fox News, NASA spokesman Allard Beutel said “the large majority of the scientific community does not believe the results of the Viking experiments alone rise to the level of extraordinary evidence.” “[W]e have yet to find signs of extraterrestrial life.”


            Gilbert V. Levin

We humans can now peer back into the virtual origin of our universe. We have learned much about the laws of nature that control its seemingly infinite celestial bodies, their evolution, motions and possible fate. Yet, equally remarkable, we have no generally accepted information as to whether other life exists beyond us, or whether we are, as was Samuel Coleridge’s Ancient Mariner, “alone, alone, all, all alone, alone on a wide wide sea!” We have made only one exploration to solve that primal mystery. I was fortunate to have participated in that historic adventure as experimenter of the Labeled Release (LR) life detection experiment on NASA’s spectacular Viking mission to Mars in 1976.

On July 30, 1976, the LR returned its initial results from Mars. Amazingly, they were positive. As the experiment progressed, a total of four positive results, supported by five varied controls, streamed down from the twin Viking spacecraft landed some 4,000 miles apart. The data curves signaled the detection of microbial respiration on the Red Planet. The curves from Mars were similar to those produced by LR tests of soils on Earth. It seemed we had answered that ultimate question.

When the Viking Molecular Analysis Experiment failed to detect organic matter, the essence of life, however, NASA concluded that the LR had found a substance mimicking life, but not life. Inexplicably, over the 43 years since Viking, none of NASA’s subsequent Mars landers has carried a life detection instrument to follow up on these exciting results. Instead the agency launched a series of missions to Mars to determine whether there was ever a habitat suitable for life and, if so, eventually to bring samples to Earth for biological examination.

NASA maintains the search for alien life among its highest priorities. On February 13, 2019, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said we might find microbial life on Mars. Our nation has now committed to sending astronauts to Mars. Any life there might threaten them, and us upon their return. Thus, the issue of life on Mars is now front and center.

         NASA’s Allard Beutel

Life on Mars seemed a long shot. On the other hand, it would take a near miracle for Mars to be sterile. NASA scientist Chris McKay once said that Mars and Earth have been “swapping spit” for billions of years, meaning that, when either planet is hit by comets or large meteorites, some ejecta shoot into space. A tiny fraction of this material eventually lands on the other planet, perhaps infecting it with microbiological hitch-hikers. That some Earth microbial species could survive the Martian environment has been demonstrated in many laboratories. There are even reports of the survival of microorganisms exposed to naked space outside the International Space Station (ISS).

NASA’s reservation against a direct search for microorganisms ignores the simplicity of the task accomplished by Louis Pasteur in 1864. He allowed microbes to contaminate a hay-infusion broth, after which bubbles of their expired gas appeared. Prior to containing living microorganisms, no bubbles appeared. (Pasteur had earlier determined that heating, or pasteurizing, such a substance would kill the microbes.) This elegantly simple test, updated to substitute modern microbial nutrients with the hay-infusion products in Pasteur’s, is in daily use by health authorities around the world to examine potable water. Billions of people are thus protected against microbial pathogens.



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Aliens Do Exist and We Can’t Be Unique in Universe, Says Ex-Head of MI6

Listen to “E139 Aliens Do Exist and We Can't Be Unique in Universe, Says Ex-Head of MI6” on Spreaker.

Article by Oliver Pritchard                     October 10, 2019                    (dailystar.co.uk)

• Britain’s former top spy and ex-head of MI6, Sir John Sawers (pictured above) told the Digital Transformation EXPO in London October 1st that given the universe’s infinite size it would be “extraordinary” if comparable life doesn’t exist elsewhere. Said Sawers, “I think we should go forward on the assumption that nothing on this planet is unique.”

• The views of Sir John, who was Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service from 2009 until 2014, are backed by more than half the UK public. A YouGov survey in 2015 found that 58% of Britons believe intelligent life exists, but is too far away to contact. A marginally lower number think that human beings are not yet advanced enough to communicate with aliens.

• But one in five Britons are convinced that we have contacted intelligent life but the government has covered it up. In September, British scientists discovered the first planet warm and wet enough to support life. It is called K2-18b and it is 110 light years away. The late British scientist Stephen Hawking said the search for extra-terrestrial life was “the most exciting quest in 21st-century science”.


Britain’s former top spy has amazingly claimed that aliens do exist.

Sir John Sawers, the ex-head of MI6, shared his views at the Digital Transformation EXPO in London. He said the universe’s infinite size means it would be “extraordinary” if comparable life doesn’t exist elsewhere.

He said: “I think we should go forward on the assumption that nothing on this planet is unique.”

The views of Sir John, who was Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service from 2009 until 2014, are backed by more than half the UK public.

A YouGov survey in 2015 found that 58% of us people believe intelligent life exists, but is too far away to contact.

A marginally lower number think that human beings are not yet advanced enough to communicate with aliens.

Meanwhile nearly one in five people are convinced that we have contacted intelligent life but the government has covered it up.



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‘Top Secret’ Radar Upgrade Reportedly Allowed US Navy to Finally Spot UFOs

Listen to “E138 10-22-19 'Top Secret' Radar Upgrade Reportedly Allowed US Navy to Finally Spot UFOs” on Spreaker.

October 10, 2019                    (sputniknews.com)

• Kevin Day, now retired, was the US Navy Senior Chief Operations Specialist who served as a radar operator on the USS Princeton, part of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group that encountered the “Tic Tac”-shaped UFO during exercises off of San Diego in November 2004.

• During a recent interview on the “Truth Be Told” podcast (see below for the full interview), Day says that radar detection of the UFO group (the Tic Tac UFO was a part of a group of UFOs flying in formation) was made possible by an upgrade to the warships’ spyware. Day told the Daily Star, “There had been a top-secret upgrade of our system. …They upgraded our cooperative engagement capability and did some tweaking on our spy radar and the way that it all works. I think because of these upgrades we were suddenly able to see things that had always been there.”

• Day hypothesized that the older radar detection systems were simply unable to spot UFOs, which would explain why “everyone is seeing them” now, once the radar upgrade was introduced “fleet-wide.” Day mused that these UFOs might’ve been around for quite some time before the Nimitz incident.

• When the podcast’s host asked Day whether he thinks that the object they encountered back then was an extraterrestrial craft, Day said yes. “This was non-Newtonian, it was non-classical physics we’re seeing so it had to be something,” said Day. “What other explanations are there?”


It appears that the infamous encounter of an unidentified “Tic Tac”-shaped object by the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group was made possible due to a certain upgrade introduced to the warships’ spyware, according the recent revelations made by a retired US Navy Senior Chief Operations Specialist named Kevin Day.

      Ret. Navy radar specialist Kevin Day

During a recent interview on the “Truth Be Told” podcast, Day, who served as a radar operator on the USS Princeton, part of the aforementioned carrier group, mused that UFOs might’ve been around for quite some time before the Nimitz incident, when mankind upped its detection game.

“There had been a top-secret upgrade of our system that had gotten underway”, he said as quoted by the Daily Star.
“They upgraded our cooperative engagement capability and did some tweaking on our spy radar and the way that it all works. I think because of these upgrades we were suddenly able to see things that had always been there.”

Day also remarked that the hypothesis about the older detection systems simply being unable to spot UFOs might explain why “everyone is seeing them” now, after the radar upgrade in question was introduced “fleet-wide.”

And when the host asked him whether he thinks that the object they encountered back then was an extraterrestrial craft, Day said yes.

“This was non-newtonian, it was non-classical physics we’re seeing so it had to be something”, he said. “What other explanations are there?”

30:38 minute video of Kevin Day discussing the “Tic Tac” UFO incident (‘Truth Be Told Radio’ YouTube)


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NAZCA 3-FINGER MUMMIES: The Saga Continues – News after October 20, 2019

OCTOBER 20, 2019. A national or public university in Peru has taken custody of some of the three-finger Palpa-Nazca “mummies” and promises not only to eventually exhibit them to the public but to promote their RESEARCH, open to adequate, honest and accredited national and international scientists.

This University is the “Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga”  (abbreviated as “UNICA” and colloquially known as “Universidad de Ica” because it is located in the Department of Ica, a region where the Nazca Geoglyphs, the Palpa Geoglyphs, the Paracas skulls, the Chincha Culture and other archeological remnants are located).

In spite of opposition from some archaeologists and media reporters, who even went to this university to prevent such a decision, this university has opted for the scientifically correct path. The Vice-Rector of research Dr. Martin Alarcón wants to investigate. This is the correct scientific attitude.

On November 6th, 2019 there will be a press conference to officially announce this decision by the university.

Mr. Jaime Maussan and Peruvian reporter Jois Mantilla (perhaps the only major Peruvian reporter covering this important development) declare that GAIA TV will not control the research process.

According to biologist José de la Cruz Ríos López, new tomographies have confirmed the presence of internal organs and Inkari Institute lead by Thierry Jamin sent teguments and bones to an institute in Paris.  Spectrometry was conducted revealing tissue that once belonged to living beings showing a natural biochemistry instead of any evidence that the bodies studied in France had been artificially assembled with modern substances. The analysis liberated water showing that there still was some natural fat content.

Mr. Jaime Maussan invites once again the participation of skeptical scientists and even the scientists that rejected the possible findings and investigations from the start. Quite likely, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov from Russia (said to have clear images of embryos inside eggs in one of the specimens) will come to Perú to participate along with other Russian scientists.

Further News: The New GEOGLYPH

Recently the discovery of a large three-finger geoglyph in the Atacama Desert in Chile, has taken place. It seems to depict one of the smaller (60cm long) three-finger “mummies” found in the Palpa – Nazca area. I learned about this news in the beginning of October, 2019. To me, it looks genuine but – of course – experts should study it. The geoglyph also has a sphere above the left shoulder.

“A Tridactyle Geoglyph (25 meters length approx.) was found in the north of Chile, which represents a humanoid being with three fingers very similar to the so-called “Mummies of Nasca”. The presence of this geoglyph adds to the long list of archaeological evidence that supports the existence of these beings on the South American coast. Similar representations have been previously found in cave paintings, ceramics, looms and petroglyphs from different Peruvian cultures. In addition, this discovery could establish a link between Chilean geoglyphs and the so-called Nasca Lines.” (Report by Peruvian researcher Eng. Alex Sender).
Courtesy: FICCV CHILE.

From the FICCV web site: “The International Foundation for Culture and Life Sciences is pleased to share the present material that corresponds to a tridactyl humanoid-looking geoglyph very similar to those publicly known as “The Mummies of Nasca” in Peru, in this case just over 800 kms (from Nazca-Palpa) in the commune of Huara, Tarapacá region of Chile.

FICCV is a non-profit foundation and has been created six months ago and with limited resources has managed to find this unique geoglyph in the world of a tridactyl humanoid being known to date, we share it as a grain of sand in support of all who have been investigating the well-known mummies of Nasca. We also invite you to watch the video published in the CSF Television section.” (Translation with Google Translate) https://www.ficcv.info/

Original Image by FICCV.

The following image was highlighted by biologist José de la Cruz Ríos López.

One of the feet shows a 90-degree angle similar to the feet in the larger three-finger “mummy” called “María.”  If María and the 60 cm entities are genuine could the former be a hybrid between a human and the smaller 60 cm beings that have more significant reptilian characteristics?

La imagen puede contener: exterior

Left side tomography of María


OCTOBER 25, 2019

There was an irregular, sudden incursion of archaeologists associated with the Ministry of Culture and local representatives of this ministry accompanied by 8 policemen trying to have access to the room where the mummies are being kept inside the university. They wanted to confiscate the 3-finger Nazca bodies (including the large mummy “María”) but could not because the person with the keys was not available. This move may have been illegal because there was no previous notification and the university has its own autonomy and rights.

The people doing this give the public impression that they want to do it because they are sure that the case of the three-finger mummies involves the illicit use of prehispanic bodies and animals. But the other impression which they give is that they do not want to give an opportunity for a scientific institution to conduct formal, careful research in Perú. Is it prejudice? A lack of mental flexibility? A defense of what they believe is the spoilage of national heritage to commit fraud? Or is it jealousy that they didn’t make the discovery under conventional circumstances? All of the above?

Since the beginning, the Ministry of Culture and associated scientists were invited in person and in writing many times when the three-finger bodies came to light but they either didn’t reply or were convinced from the beginning that the bodies were fake. Most of their objections have been answered by the scientists that (unlike them) studied the most important samples up close.

The individuals trying to take the specimens away may return to the university during the weekend or on Monday 28 in order to try to confiscate the remains.

Major local news services tend to side with the conventional position and do not seem to understand the importance of what such a discovery may be or to care about it besides their need to occasionally cover the news for ratings. The skeptic side seems to get more air time repeatedly.

Reporter Jois Mantilla is one of the few reporters that cares and is trying to do something about this. Other scientists quietly researching the “mummies” (even if convinced that at least some mummies can be genuine) still do not want their names to be known. New genetic results and other new results (due to tests performed after the person who found the bodies surrendered them to the university) were going to be revealed. I hope that they are revealed ASAP to show that confiscating the bodies would be a big mistake.




‘Fleet’ of Strange Glowing Objects Seen Off North Carolina Coast


Article by Katy Gill                     October 20, 2019                      (dailystar.co.uk)

• William Guy was travelling on a ferry across the Pamlico Sound on the Outer Banks of North Carolina when he spotted a “fleet” of fourteen luminous objects in a cluster in the western sky as the Sun was setting. Guy immediately began recording and the sight. (see 3:16 minute video below)

• The video begins with the sight of the sky at sunset. Guy pans the camera across the horizon to see the cluster of UFOs floating aimlessly. Guy asks, “Can anybody tell me what that is?” “We’re in the middle of the ocean, on a ferry.” Guys later said that the objects disappeared from sight before coming back some two minutes later.

• YouTubers commented, “Earth is under heavy observation” and “[T]he Earth is swarming with alien advanced craft.” One YouTuber skeptically claimed, “It’s not a UFO, they’re training targets for military aircraft.”

{Editor’s Note Update]  The thing is, I’m from Virginia Beach and have spent a lot of time on the Outer Banks of North Carolina.  This flotilla of lights doesn’t look like they are “in the middle of the (Atlantic) ocean” to me, as the ‘out-of-towner’ claims.  He points at the sunset.  The sunset is west.  Then he shortly pans left to see the lights.  This must be south-southwest. The writer reported that they were in a ferry crossing the “Pimlico Sound lagoon”. Well its the “Pamlico Sound” and it’s no lagoon. It is a huge body of water – so wide that you cannot see across it.  So it looks a lot like the ocean.  But its the sound. And they were crossing it from Ocracoke to Swan Quarters North Carolina as it says in the YouTube video description.  Therefore, these lights would be situated over the Croatan National Forest.  Beyond this forest is the city of Jacksonville, NC and Marine Corps’ Camp Lejeune. 


A “fleet” of bizarre objects has been captured hovering off the coast of North Carolina.

William Guy was travelling on a ferry across the Pimlico Sound lagoon when he spotted 14 bizarre objects in the sky.

He immediately started recording and the footage has left the conspiracy world in shock.

The video begins with the sight of the sky, seemingly showing the sun setting.

William pans the camera across the horizon showing nothing in sight.

“Look, nothing in the sky, at all,” he said.

As he cuts across the sky the lit up cluster is seen floating aimlessly.
“Can anybody tell me what that is?” William asks.

He adds: “We’re in the middle of the ocean, on a ferry.

“There’s nothing around, no land, no nothing.”


3:16 minute video of UFO fleet over the Atlantic Ocean off of NC (‘Only Real UFOs’ YouTube)



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Humans Will Not ‘Migrate’ to Other Planets, Nobel Winner Says

Listen to “e137 Humans Will Not ‘Migrate’ to Other Planets, Nobel Winner Says” on Spreaker.

October 9, 2019                   (phys.org)

• Swiss scientists Michel Mayor (pictured above) and Didier Queloz were recently awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for their research refining techniques to detect exoplanets. When asked about the possibility of humans moving to other planets, Mayor told Agence France-Presse Madrid, “If we are talking about exoplanets, things should be clear: we will not migrate there.”

• Mayor reasons that humans will never migrate to a planet outside of Earth’s solar system because it would take far too long to get there. Says Mayor, “These planets are much, much too far away. Even in the very optimistic case of …few dozen light years, which is not a lot …the time to go there is considerable… using the means we have available today.”

• “It’s completely crazy,” the 77-year-old Nobel laureate said. We will not be going to another “liveable planet if one day life is not possible on earth.” “We must take care of our planet. It is very beautiful and still absolutely liveable.”

• Using custom-made instruments at their observatory in southern France, in October 1995 Mayor and Queloz discovered the first exoplanet outside Earth’s solar system. It started a revolution in astronomy. Since then over 4,000 exoplanets have been found in our home galaxy. Mayor said it is now to the “next generation” to answer the question of whether there is life on other planets.

[Editor’s Note]   They key phrase here is “using the means we have available today”. The Navy videos of UFOs performing “impossible” maneuvers that were released to the public and recently confirmed as authentic prove that there exists technology that defies our earthly “Newtonian” physics. And the US Navy has revealed its knowledge of these advanced technologies by the recent publication of US government patents. See these articles by Dr Michael Salla: US Navy Patent for Nuclear Fusion Reactor Supports claims of Mile-Long Space Carriers; US Navy Regards Electromagnetic Propulsion & Tesla Shield Patents as Operable; US Navy Disclosing Secret Space Program Technologies through Patents System.


Humans will never migrate to a planet outside of Earth’s solar system because it would take far too long to get there, Swiss Nobel laureate Michel Mayor said Wednesday.

Mayor and his colleague Didier Queloz were on Tuesday awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for their research refining techniques to detect so-called exoplanets.

“If we are talking about exoplanets, things should be clear: we will not migrate there,” Mayor told AFP near Madrid on the sidelines of a conference when asked about the possibility of humans moving to other planets.

“These planets are much, much too far away. Even in the very optimistic case of a livable planet that is not too far, say a few dozen light years, which is not a lot, it’s in the neighbourhood, the time to go there is considerable,” he added.

“We are talking about hundreds of millions of days using the means we have available today. We must take care of our planet, it is very beautiful and still absolutely liveable.”

The 77-year-old said he felt the need to “kill all the statements that say ‘OK, we will go to a liveable planet if one day life is not possible on earth’.”

“It’s completely crazy,” he added.



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China Developing ‘Gene-Edited Super Soldiers’ in Biological Warfare Revolution

Listen to “E136 10-20-19 China Developing 'Gene-Edited Super Soldiers' in Biological Warfare Revolution” on Spreaker.

Article by Anna Savva                  October 9, 2019                     (dailystar.co.uk)

• International security experts Elsa Kania and Wilson VornDick say that China is developing biological weaponry, including bionic robotics, intelligentised exoskeletons and gene-edited soldiers as part of its long-term military strategy. In their ‘China Brief Volume’, Kania and VornDick write: “While the potential leveraging of CRISPR (gene editing) to increase human capabilities on the future battlefield remains only a hypothetical possibility at the present, there are indications that Chinese military researchers are starting to explore its potential.”

• Kania and VornDick say that China is harnessing many aspects of biotechnology as part of a multi-disciplinary project, “combining industry, academic institutions, and military programmes.” The concept of a national effort to command dominance and superiority in biology in China is known as ‘zhishengquan’. This vision is “starting to become more prevalent in writings on future warfare of varying degrees of authoritativeness.” A key focus is the development of ‘brain-machine interfaces’ which may one day allow human’s to control weapons through the power of thought.

• There is speculation that gene editing is being used in China as part of a state sponsored exercise to enhance cognitive abilities of animals. China is also gene-editing animals to grow human-like organs, possibly creating an organ harvesting industry. Kania and VornDick claim that Chinese police have already used gene therapies to create “highly muscular dogs for use in policing” which “illustrates the potential for gene-edited animals to contribute to state coercion.” A dead cat was also cloned for a distraught pet owner willing to pay a huge sum. Monkey-human clones are also reportedly being researched in China.


China is prioritising cutting-edge research into biological warfare as part of its long-term military strategy, international security experts say.

              Elsa Kania

It’s believed the eastern superpower’s focus is on developing biological weaponry, including bionic robotics, intelligentised exoskeletons and gene-edited soldiers.

Writing in China Brief Volume, Elsa Kania and Wilson VornDick, say China has now made it a national project, with the military drawing on and funding commercial research.

Wilson VornDick

They also believe research into gene editing, to advance soldiers’ performance is being taken very seriously.

They write: “While the potential leveraging of CRISPR (gene editing) to increase human capabilities on the future battlefield remains only a hypothetical possibility at the present, there are indications that Chinese military researchers are starting to explore its potential.”

There is speculation too that gene editing is being used in China as part of a state sponsored exercise to enhance cognitive abilities of animals.



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Michael Sheen Claims He and His Family Spotted UFOs Near Their Home in Port Talbot

Listen to “E135 10-20-19 Michael Sheen Claims He and His Family Spotted UFOs Near Their Home in Port Talbot” on Spreaker.

Article by Amie Gordon                     October 16, 2019                      (dailymail.co.uk)

• The actor Michael Sheen (pictured above) claims that his home town of Port Talbot in Wales UK, population 37,000, is a ‘hub’ for extraterrestrial life. Sheen is famous for his roles in films such as ‘The Damned United’, ‘The Queen’ and ‘Frost/Nixon’. Said Sheen on Richard Herring’s Leicester Square Theatre podcast, “I think Port Talbot, where I come from, is on some weird alien map. It’s like some sort of stop off, it’s like a lay-by.”

• Sheen relates a story about his neighbor in Port Talbot: “The lady who lived next door, who was a very respectable lady and someone who wouldn’t make up stories, told us that one morning she was in the kitchen which overlooked the back garden. She said she was standing there making a coffee and a flying saucer came down and hovered over her back garden and then went. Of course, you think that’s nonsense but she was a very serious lady.”

• Sheen says both he and his father had had similar close encounters with UFOs. “One day I was coming home from school. I got off the school bus and I was walking up my street… and coming round the mountain [near his house] was a formation of lights… coming round and going out across the sea then disappearing.”

• “And then years later on New Year’s Eve,” says Sheen, “… my dad, who had not had a drink that night, went up to bed. He said he saw a thing in the sky with lights going around it – it was there for ages then it shot off. My dad is a character but is not someone who would make this up. I think Port Talbot is some kind of hub.”


Michael Sheen claims Port Talbot is a ‘hub’ for extraterrestrial life after spotting UFOs flying in the Welsh town.

            Port Talbot in Wales UK

The actor, 50, grew up in the Welsh community before finding fame in films including The Damned United, The Queen and Frost/Nixon.

Speaking on Richard Herring’s Leicester Square Theatre podcast today, Sheen said his hometown was a ‘stop-off’ for alien life, like the ‘Little Chef of the galaxy’.

Herring described Sheen as ‘the fantastic UFOologist’ as he joked about his extraterrestrial experiences growing up.

Sheen said: ‘I think Port Talbot, where I come from, is on some weird alien map. It’s like some sort of stop off, it’s like a lay-by. It’s like the Little Chef of the Galaxy.

‘The lady who lived next door – who was a very respectable lady and someone who wouldn’t make up stories – told us that one morning she was in the kitchen which overlooked the back garden.

‘She said she was standing there making a coffee and a flying saucer came down and hovered over her back garden and then went.

‘Of course, you think that’s nonsense but she was a very serious lady.’

Sheen continued by saying both he and his father had had similar close encounters.

He said: ‘One day I was coming home from school. I got off the school bus and I was walking up my street.

‘I was just about to turn up the path to my house and coming round the mountain [near his house] was a formation of lights.

‘I stood there looking at it thinking, ‘this is going to be some sort of weird reflection’.
‘There was a formation of some things coming round and going out across the sea then disappearing.’



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New Coin Featuring Shag Harbour UFO Incident Sells Out in Two Days

Listen to “E131 New Coin Featuring Shag Harbour UFO Incident Sells Out in Two Days” on Spreaker.

Article by Kathy Johnson                 October 9, 2019                  (thevanguard.ca)

• A $20 silver coin commemorating the infamous October 4, 1967 Shag Harbour USO incident in Nova Scotia, Canada was launched by the Royal Canadian Mint on October 1st. Only 4000 coins were minted, and they sold out in two days. But organizers of this year’s Shag Harbour UFO Festival, October 4 – 6, made sure there were plenty of coins available for festival goers.

• This coin follows the 2018 release of a Royal Canadian Mint coin commemorating the equally infamous Falcon Lake UFO incident. Said Christa Bruce, product manager at the Royal Canadian Mint, “[A]fter the success of that coin we had many of our customers sending us emails …[asking] us to do the Shag Harbour incident.”

• The ‘Falcon Lake’ coin and the new ‘Shag Harbour’ coin are part of the Canadian Mint’s ‘Unexplained Phenomena series’. The coins have a ‘sci fi glow’ when illuminated with a blacklight flashlight.

• “We really wanted to pay homage to the people of Shag Harbour,” said Bruce. “The coin features fishermen on a fishing vessel staring in awe at a UFO plunging into the ocean.” Shag Harbour UFO eyewitness Laurie Wickens and UFO researcher Chris Styles, were instrumental in the development of the coin.

• Styles says that the Shag Harbour UFO incident “… is history not just ufology.” He has heard from graduate students who use the incident as a topic for university dissertations or doctorates in folklore and history.

• One of the highlights of this year’s Shag Harbour UFO festival was the release of documents related to the search in the days following the USO sighting. Styles said that it revealed the names of American Navy divers that he hadn’t seen before. Stiles wants to track down these divers to glean new information, if possible.


SHAG HARBOUR, N.S. — While a new collector’s coin featuring the Shag Harbour UFO incident released by the Royal Canadian Mint on Oct. 1 sold out in two days, organizers of this year’s Shag Harbour UFO Festival made sure there were plenty for festival goers to purchase.

The $20 silver coin was officially launched and celebrated on the opening night of this year’s Shag Harbour UFO Festival, which was held Oct. 4 to 6.

The coin is the second in the Unexplained Phenomena series, and features black light technology adding a sci-fi glow whn illuminated with a blacklight flashlight.

“This coin came about by popular demand,” said Christa Bruce, product manager at the Royal Canadian Mint.

“Over the course of the last year many have asked us why are we making another UFO coin and why did we choose the Shag Harbour UFO coin. The answer was quite simple,” said Bruce. “The Royal Canadian Mint issues coins that has shaped the Canadian experience and this includes coins of unexplained phenomena such as the Shag Harbour Incident. In 2018 we launched the first coin in the series based on the Falcon Lake incident and after the success of that coin we had many of our customers sending us emails and feedback and had actually asked us to do the Shag Harbour incident.”



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What We Know About The Army Teaming Up With Rockstar Tom DeLonge’s UFO Research Company

Listen to “E134 10-19-19 What We Know About The Army Teaming Up With Rockstar Tom DeLonge's UFO Research Company” on Spreaker.

Article by Joseph Trevithick             October 17, 2019             (thedrive.com)

• In a press release on October 17th, Tom Delonge’s ‘To the Stars Academy’ (or “TTSA”) announced a cooperative research deal with the US Army. They plan to combine their resources in researching metamaterials and other high technology fields that border on the realm of science fiction. It is called the ‘Cooperative Research and Development Agreement’ or “CRADA” and ultimately falls under the Army’s ‘Futures Command’. It will be handled through the ‘Ground Vehicle System Center’ in Warren, Michigan.

• The Army’s Deputy Product Manager for Science and Technology at the Army’s Ground Vehicle Systems Center, Dr. Joseph Cannon said, “Our partnership with TTSA serves as an exciting, non-traditional source for novel materials and transformational technologies to enhance our military ground system capabilities.” “[W]e look forward to this partnership and the potential technical innovations forthcoming.” More specifically, the Army is interested in cutting-edge developments in material science such as active camouflage, space-time metric engineering, quantum physics, and beamed energy propulsion.

• The press release mentions “novel materials” possessed by TTSA that could refer to certain ‘metamaterials’ – i.e.: engineered composites that have structural and conductive properties alien to this planet. In a 2018 SEC filing, TTSA reported paying EarthTech International, Inc. $25,000 on a “beamed energy propulsion launch system” and $35,000 for a “material analysis” program which included the “scientific evaluation of materials samples the company obtained through reliable reports of advanced aerospace vehicles of unknown origin.”

• In July 2019, TTSA announced that it had acquired metamaterials as part of its Acquisition and Data Analysis of Materials program, or ADAM. They claim that these metamaterials of unknown origin have been floating around the UFO community for years. The were originally given to paranormal radio host Art Bell, who gave them to Linda Moulton Howe, who passed them along to Tom DeLonge, who sold them to TTSA for $35,000. Earlier this month, TTSA official Luis Elizondo told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that the organization was already conducting tests on these objects.

• It is unclear whether TTSA has actually developed any advanced technology from its research to date, but they do have the resources at their disposal to make the US Army take them seriously. Chief Operating Officer Steve Justice, who is coordinating the effort between TTSA, the Army, and EarthTech International, had previously worked at Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works research facility. EarthTech’s founder and President is Hal Puthoff, Ph.D, who is also TTSA’s Vice President of Science & Technology. Puthoff worked for the CIA and the DIA on paranormal research including remote viewing, and has studied UFOs, extraterrestrials, and the Skinwalker Ranch.

• Former Skinwalker Ranch owner and billionaire, Robert Bigelow of Bigelow Aerospace has also been affiliated with TTSA since the days of working with Luis Elizondo under the Pentagon’s ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ UFO study project and its’ predecessor, the DIA’s ‘Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications’ program. Bigelow is renowned for his interest in UFOs and paranormal phenomena. Under these programs, Bigelow hired Puthoff and Eric Davis, Ph.D. of EarthTech International to author research reports on advanced technology, including virtually all of the topics mentioned in the TTSA press release regarding CRADA. Mainstream scientists have deemed these advanced technologies as “junk science”.

• Under this ‘Cooperative Research and Development Agreement’ no money is exchanged between the Army and TTSA. And there will likely be no end product. The research will only yield studies and reports. So what does DeLonge and his curious group of decorated insiders from the military-industrial complex and the intelligence services expect to get from this partnership? TTSA’s COO Steve Justice said, “While the Army has specific military performance interests in the research, much of the work is expected to have dual-use application in support of TTSA’s path to commercialization and public benefit mission.” TTSA bills itself as a “revolutionary collaboration between academia, industry and pop culture to advance society’s understanding of scientific phenomena and its technological implications.” This collaboration certainly raises the profile of TTSA which is at the center of a History Channel series on UFOs and has recently announced a new round of stock offers worth up to $30 million. But the Academy’s Entertainment Division is also poised to exploit the potential commercial value of any technology breakthroughs.


The U.S. Army has confirmed that it has signed a cooperative research deal with former Blink 182 frontman Tom DeLonge’s To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science, more commonly known as TTSA. Far better known for its activities investigating reports and sightings of UFOs, which are increasingly referred to as unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAPs, this new agreement covers research into metamaterials and other high technology fields that border on the realm of science fiction.

    Tom DeLonge  (Photo by Joby Sessions/Total Guitar Magazine via Getty Images)

On Oct. 17, 2019, TTSA announced the Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with Army’s Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC), which is now part of that service’s Futures Command. The public affairs office at CCDC’s Ground Vehicle System Center (GVSC), situated at the Detroit Arsenal in Warren, Michigan, subsequently confirmed to The War Zone that this CRADA exists and that it will be responsible for executing it.

CRADAs are unlike typical contracts and “no money exchanging hands at all” between the Army and TTSA under this present agreement, a public affairs officer at the GVSC told The War Zone. There is also “no articulated deliverable” and if a product comes out of this process, it will most likely be a written study or another similar type of report.

The ostensible goal is for Army researchers to work directly with individuals from TTSA in exploring various high technology developments, sharing resources, and any results. “TTSA’s technology solutions, which leverage developments in material science, space-time metric engineering, quantum physics, beamed energy propulsion, and active camouflage, have the potential to enhance survivability and effectiveness of multiple Army systems,” TTSA’s own press release says.

TTSA bills itself as a “revolutionary collaboration between academia, industry and pop culture to advance society’s understanding of scientific phenomena and its technological implications.” It also has an Entertainment Division that publishes works of fiction about UFOs and the paranormal, serves as the holder of intellectual property rights related to DeLonge’s new band, Angels & Airwaves, and is responsible for merchandising associated with all of these enterprises. The actual origins of the organization are murky, to say the least.

“Our partnership with TTSA serves as an exciting, non-traditional source for novel materials and transformational technologies to enhance our military ground system capabilities,” Dr. Joseph Cannon, the Deputy Product Manager for Science and Technology in the Vehicle Protection Systems division of GVSC, said in a statement. “At the Army’s Ground Vehicle Systems Center, we look forward to this partnership and the potential technical innovations forthcoming.”

This reference to “novel materials” strongly suggests that at least part of the CRADA is concerned with metamaterials. This term refers to engineered composites that have properties that do not appear in nature. It is the structure of these new materials, more than their composition that gives them these attributes, including the ability to have unique impacts on electromagnetic waves.



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Ronnie James Dio’s 1978 Close Encounter With a UFO in Connecticut

Listen to “e133 Ronnie James Dio’s 1978 Close Encounter With a UFO in Connecticut” on Spreaker.

Article by Cherry Bomb                      October 14, 2019                      (metalinjection.net)

• In April 1978, rock singer Ronnie James Dio (pictured above, died 2010) had just moved to New Canaan, Connecticut with his wife Wendy. The guitarist in his band ‘Rainbow’, Ritchie Blackmore and Ritchie’s wife Amy Rothman had also moved to Connecticut along with the rest of his band. Late one night as Dio and Wendy were unpacking, Dio saw what he thought was a large moon shining brightly in the sky. But it kept getting bigger and closer.

• Their new house was in a forested area, and he could see a car driving down the hill toward this light. When the car got to the hovering light, the light went out. “It was as if someone had taken a black curtain and gone “woosh” and off it went,” says Dio. “I thought now I know that was the presence of a UFO and we were blown away. The next day in the newspaper 20-45 people saw the same thing and then heard a large explosion with light after it. So it wasn’t just me, and I know it was that. I mean, I am absolutely positive that it was that.” Dio didn’t merely believe in UFOs. He told Swedish journalist Mike Eriksson that he “wouldn’t even care” if the UFO landed on his roof and “took him away.” (see 2009 video of Dio discussing his UFO sighting below)

• Not to be outdone, a couple of months after Dio told of his UFO account in 2001, guitarist Ritchie Blackmore told Trouser Press, “We’re just bordering on being invaded by UFO’s, which I think certainly will come in the next five to 10 years. … They’re right here now, so it’s just about ready to happen, I think. They’re obviously watching us now.”

• Connecticut has a long history of UFO sightings. In 1639, James Everell and a few other men were rowing a boat up the Muddy River when a “great light” appeared in the sky, shifted in shape and maneuvered about the boat for several hours before suddenly disappearing. Everell and his companions found that they were a mile from where they first saw the light, but had no idea how they got there.

• There have been thousands of unexplained UFO sightings in and around New England. In 2018 there were 100 documented UFO sightings in Connecticut. As of September 2019 there have been 84 UFO sightings in Connecticut. Connecticut is considered one of the best places to perhaps catch a glimpse of a UFO.


This interstellar story about Ronnie James Dio’s account of seeing what he believed was a UFO from the window of his home in New Canaan, Connecticut back during his Rainbow days starts with a short history lesson.

      Ronnie James Dio and Wendy Dio

In 1639, James Everell, an individual described by Massachusetts Bay Colony governor John Winthrop as a “sober, discreet man” reported seeing a “great light” in the sky. Everell and a few other men were rowing a boat up the Muddy River when the object appeared, shifted in shape and maneuvered about the boat for several hours. When it disappeared, Everell and his perplexed pals were a mile from where they first saw the light, but had no idea how they got there. This event would mark the beginning of thousands of unexplained UFO sightings in and around New England, including Connecticut. In 2018 there were 100 documented UFO sightings in Dio’s one-time home state; this year Connecticut’s UFO sighting count is at 84, and it’s only fucking September. As it pertains to extraterrestrial life truth-seekers, Connecticut is considered one of the best places to perhaps catch a glimpse of a UFO. And now that I’ve gone full Carl Sagan on your asses, let’s get to Dio’s UFO sighting, which likely occurred sometime in 1978.

                  Ritchie Blackmore

Swedish journalist (and the founder of the Deep Purple Forever fan club in Sweden) Mike Eriksson met with Dio in Stockholm in April of 2001 where he was performing along with Alice Cooper and Ratt at the Johanneshvs Isstadion in support of his eighth studio record Magica. The incredible, in-depth interview with Dio (which has been republished several times since 2001), was filmed by photographer Michael Johansson who came along with Eriksson for his chat with the formidable vocalist. At the conclusion of the interview, Eriksson lobs the question at Dio inquiring if he is interested in the “UFO mystery,” to which Dio responded with unbridled enthusiasm. Now, RJD didn’t just believe in extraterrestrial life, he was into the idea of a UFO landing on the roof of the building where the interview was taking place saying he “wouldn’t even care” if they “took him away.” This leads Ericksson to ask Dio if he has actually seen a UFO himself with Dio quickly responding, “Yes I have.”

Ronnie James talks about UFO sighting in the late 1970s (Michael Johansson/Michael Eriksson Video)



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The Weird History of Unidentified Submerged Objects


Listen to “E132 10-19-19 The Weird History of Unidentified Submerged Objects” on Spreaker.
Article by Kyle Mizokami                      October 9, 2019                        (popularmechanics.com)

• Recent public appearances by former U.S. Navy Commander David Fravor, the pilot who first encountered the “Tic Tac” UFO off of the coast of San Diego in November 2004, has brought up the subject of ‘Unidentified Submerged Objects’ or ‘USOs’. Whether optical illusions, mechanical malfunctions, secret government craft, or extraterrestrials – there’s a long history of USO sightings.

• In a recent appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Fravor related a story that a fellow retired Navy helicopter pilot told him. This fellow was based at Naval Station Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico. While recovering spent practice munitions from the water, the helicopter pilot twice spotted USOs. In the first incident, the pilot saw a “dark mass” underwater, described as big and “kinda circular”. He was certain it wasn’t a submarine. In the Navy helicopter pilot’s second incident, a practice torpedo that the pilot was sent to recover was “sucked down” into the depths of the ocean in the presence of a similar underwater object, never to be seen again.

• Fravor also says that a 79-year-old woman contacted him and told him that her father was a naval officer based at the naval station in San Francisco in the 1950s. When she was a child, her father showed her a telegram that stated unidentified objects had been seen going in and out of the water at a certain location. Her father told her, “We get these all the time, and it’s always in the same area.”

• This topic came up in the conversation because Fravor himself witnessed a USO on the day he was chasing the Tic Tac UFO off of San Diego. In fact, the only reason he noticed the Tic Tac UFO was because it was hovering over a large mysterious object sighted underwater. Fravor described the object as cross shaped and approximately the size of a Boeing 737 jetliner. He described the water above it as though it were “boiling” or “frothing,” and said the USO disappeared after it caught his attention.

• As covered in Ivan Sanderson’s 1970 book: Invisible Residents, devoted to USO sightings, on April 19, 1957, crew members aboard the Japanese fishing boat Kitsukawa Maru spotted two metallic silvery objects descending from the sky into the sea. The objects were estimated to be ten meters long, without wings of any kind, and violently hit the water.

• In 1963, during an anti-submarine warfare exercise off of Puerto Rico with the USS Wasp carrier group, a submarine broke off from the formation to pursue a USO. Sonar operators on one of the smaller vessels followed the chase. The operators wondered whether the USO may have been planted there by the Navy as part of the exercise, except that the object was traveling at over 150 knots (e.g.: about 175 miles per hour; modern Naval submarines can travel at 40 knots maximum) “[N]o less than [thirteen] craft,” including anti-submarine warfare patrol aircraft, tracked the high-speed [USO]” to depths of 27,000 feet. Technicians kept track of this object for four days.

• In 2007, a guest on a cruise ship off of California reported to the National UFO Reporting Center seeing three “nearly spherical objects” “evenly spaced” and “softly glowing” hovering just above the ocean surface as the ship passed by them. As she watched the objects, one of them “splashed down into the water and disappeared.”

• Another NUFORC report from April 2019 stated that an object resembling a “small white boat” flew up out of the ocean near Imperial Beach, California, and promptly “flew south at a very high rate of speed.”


This past weekend, former U.S. Navy Commander David Fravor was a guest on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. Fravor, who was the subject of a New York Times article about his 2004 UFO sighting, discussed a spooky new sighting a fellow pilot revealed to him after they were both out of the Navy.

  Navy Commander David Fravor (Ret.)

According to Fravor, the eyewitness was a former pilot of the MH-53E Sea Dragon, the Navy version of the Marine Corps’ CH-53E Sea Stallion, based at Naval Station Roosevelt Roads, on the island of Puerto Rico. Twice while recovering spent practice munitions out of the water, the pilot spotted a weird underwater object.

In the first incident, the pilot saw a “dark mass” underwater as he and his team retrieved a flying practice drone. The pilot described the object as a “big” mass, “kinda circular,” and he was certain it wasn’t a submarine. In the pilot’s second sighting, a practice torpedo that the pilot was sent to recover was “sucked down” into the depths of the ocean in the presence of a similar underwater object. The torpedo was never seen again.

Elsewhere in the interview, Fravor reveals that a 79-year-old woman contacted him after his sighting went public. The woman explained that her father, a naval officer, was at one time based at the naval station in San Francisco in the 1950s. When she was a child, her father showed her a telegram that stated unidentified objects had been sighted going in and out of the water at a now forgotten set of latitude and longitude coordinates. The woman’s father told her, “We get these all the time, and it’s always in the same area.”

These sightings are similar to Fravor’s own sighting. According to the retired Navy pilot, the only reason he had seen the now-infamous “Tic Tac” UFO was because it was hovering above a mysterious larger object that was sighted underwater. Fravor describes the object as cross shaped and approximately the size of a Boeing 737 jetliner. He has further described the water above it as though it were “boiling” or “frothing,” and said the object disappeared after it caught his attention.
In 1970, biologist Ivan Sanderson published the book Invisible Residents. Sanderson, a noted student of unusual phenomena, devoted the book to sightings of what were later called Unidentified Submerged Objects, or USOs. USOs are defined as unknown craft that are sighted in the water, sighted rising up out of the water, or diving into the water. Sanderson catalogued scores of reports of USOs:

On the 19th of April, 1957, crew members aboard the Kitsukawa Maru, a Japanese fishing boat, spotted two metallic silvery objects descending from the sky into the sea (original emphasis). The objects, estimated to be ten meters long, were without wings of any kind. As the hit the water, they created a violent turbulence. The exact location was reported as 31° 15’ N and 143° 30’ E.



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E130 The Navy Has Admitted That UFOs Exist – Will USOs Be Next?

(10-18-19) In September, the US Navy confirmed that while the Navy videos of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (or UFOs) were not meant for release to the public, they were authentic. John Greenewald, Jr of ‘The Black Vault’ website was the man that got the Navy to discuss the videos, leading to the video confirmation. The Navy, however, didn’t know what these phenomenon were.

E125 UFO Lobbyists Are Trying to Get the Truth From Congress, and They’re Winning

(10-13-19) Registered lobbyist Teresa Tindal has recently joined Bassett in fighting for greater transparency about UFOs. They want nothing less than ‘full disclosure’ where the government admits to the extraterrestrial presence and the massive cover-up to hide the truth from the public. Says Bassett, “A significant percentage of all people on Capitol Hill are convinced there is an ET presence. They are just not able to speak to it publicly.”

The Navy Has Admitted That UFOs Exist – Will USOs Be Next?

Listen to “E130 The Navy Has Admitted That UFOs Exist – Will USOs Be Next?” on Spreaker.

Article by Alex Hollings                       October 9, 2019                     (sofrep.com)

• In September, the US Navy confirmed that while the Navy videos of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (or UFOs) were not meant for release to the public, they were authentic. John Greenewald, Jr of ‘The Black Vault’ website was the man that got the Navy to discuss the videos, leading to the video confirmation. The Navy, however, didn’t know what these phenomenon were.

• Similarly, there is another unusual phenomenon that gets far less attention in the press: ‘Unidentified Submerged Objects’. A ‘USO’ is a catch-all term used to describe anything seen operating beneath the surface of water that defies explanation. Legends of USOs have permeated the maritime community for centuries. Many UFO witness, including military aviators, have suggested that UFOs operate just as well underwater as they do in the sky.

• Christopher Columbus reported seeing a USO sighting during his 1492 voyage to the New World. According to Columbus’ log, he spotted “a small wax candle that rose and lifted up, which too few seemed to be an indication of land.” They soon determined that it wasn’t a light source from land, but had instead come from the sea.
• In 1967, witnesses in Shag Harbor, Nova Scotia Canada, reported a UFO crashing into the harbor’s waters. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police launched rescue efforts for a ‘downed aircraft’, which turned up nothing.

• Earlier this year, Tylor Rogoway of ‘The War Zone’ website interviewed veteran U.S. Navy submariners, some of whom were SONAR operators with first-hand experience spotting these USO anomalies. That story can be traced back to Marc D’Antonio who, during a ‘courtesy ride’ on a U.S. Navy fast attack submarine, watched as the sub’s sonar operator detected a “fast mover” moving at hundreds of knots under the water in close proximity. Such a scenario of a fast moving, unidentified underwater object spotted by Navy personnel and then disregarded, rings true with veteran American submariners. Said one former submariner, “We were instructed that nothing is ever ‘unknown.” “[So] we usually logged it as seismic or biologic.”

• Such underwater anomalies typically go ignored unless they represent a threat to the vessel or an obstacle to the crew. The ocean is full of man made ships and living creatures. So encountering ‘strange’ objects is just a part of business when you’re operating a fast attack sub. One infamous unexplained ocean phenomena was the “Bloop” – a massive underwater sound recorded in 1997. (see 3:37 minute video of the “Bloop” below) The Bloop sound was so loud that it was recorded simultaneously on underwater microphones located more than 3,000 miles apart.

• As a policy, the Navy doesn’t investigate strange sonar readings, so unusual underwater phenomenon largely go unreported so long as it doesn’t interfere with the mission. But sub-mariner accounts confirm that ‘weird stuff’ is normal in the dark depths of Earth’s oceans. But ‘weird’ doesn’t necessarily mean alien, it just means unexplained… for now.


Last month, the United States Navy confirmed formally that two high profile videos allegedly captured from the nose of an F/A-18 Super Hornet attempting an intercept on an Unidentified Aerial Phenomena were real and notably, weren’t meant for release to the public. The Navy did not suggest that the strange craft shown in the videos was alien in origin, but rather did acknowledge that they truly didn’t know what they were seeing that night in January of 2015.

“I truly thought the official word on these videos would be ‘drones’ or something similar; but explainable,” John Greenewald, Jr, who runs the popular website The Black Vault, told SOFREP at the time. Greenewald was the man that got the Navy to discuss the videos, leading to a landslide of headlines throughout the media in the weeks that followed.
“We have official documents that have surfaced through FOIA that state just that. However, for the Navy to contradict that, and say that this ‘phenomena’ represents something ‘unidentified’ – that’s pretty amazing to me and proves yet again why we can’t lock ourselves into any one way of thinking or assume anything.”

Reports of unusual lights in the sky date all the way back to the beginning of recorded history, but there’s another unusual phenomena that often seems to coincide with these strange sightings that gets far less attention in the press: USOs, or Unidentified Submerged Objects. Like UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects), USO is a sort of catch-all term used to describe anything seen operating beneath the surface of a body of water that defies explanation. Legends of USOs have permeated the maritime community for centuries, and remain a common facet of discussion among UFO researchers to this day. In fact, many UFO witness statements, including those provided by military aviators, have suggested that the unusual crafts they’ve spotted flying in the sky seem to operate just as readily in the far denser medium of water — suggesting that these unusual objects can function beneath the surface of the ocean just as well as they can in the air.

3:37 minute video of “the Bloop” sounds from the Deep Pacific Ocean (‘AS N’ YouTube)



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Nobel Prize in Physics Awarded for Research on Exoplanets and the Structure of the Universe

Listen to “E129 10-17-19 Nobel Prize in Physics Awarded for Research on Exoplanets and the Structure of the Universe” on Spreaker.

Article by Sarah Kaplan                 October 8, 2019                 (washingtonpost.com)

• On October 8th, the Nobel Prize in physics was awarded jointly to James Peebles of Princeton University who theorized the existence of ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’ to explain what makes up the 95 percent of the universe that we do not yet understand, and Michel Mayor along with Didier Queloz of the University of Geneva who in 1995 discovered the first extra-solar ‘exoplanet’ orbiting around a sun-like star.

• When astronomers stumbled upon a cosmic radiation that suffuses throughout space, fifty years ago, it provided a road map of the history of the universe since the “Big Bang”. In short, in one-millionth of a second, “lumps” of matter were created which would evolve into galaxies.

• Crediting the research of his contemporary Soviet astronomers in the 1960s, Peebles theorized that something must exist – an invisible force – that drives the expansion of the universe while holding the galaxies together. Yet everything ever detected by a scientific instrument and everything that has yet to be found makes up only 5 percent of the universe. Thus dark matter/dark energy was born to fill the void. However some argue that it was Carnegie Institution astronomer Vera Rubin who proved the existence of dark matter but was never credited with an award.

• Mayor and Queloz are credited with finding the first exoplanet outside of our solar system in 1995. They did this by measuring the wobble in a distant star by the shifts in light it emitted. From this they could determine the size and distance of a companion planet, both orbiting a common center of mass. The planet they found, dubbed 51 Pegasi b, is large, gaseous and hot like Jupiter, but is so close to its star that it takes just four days to complete an orbit. Queloz was a graduate student working with Mayor, a Professor Emeritus.

• “New science is very rarely done by just one person … and there were a lot people who made important contributions before and since then,” said Johanna Teske, an exoplanet astronomer at Carnegie Observatories. But Mayor and Queloz’s discovery “was really a turning point for the field.” Once the method was devised, astronomers across the globe were looking for the telltale wobble of a planet-hosting sun. Over 4,000 exoplanets have been found to date.

• Nobel Committee member Ulf Danielsson noted that ‘somewhere in the vast and inscrutable universe, on one of those strange and distant worlds, it’s possible that some other form of life exists’. “Our view of our place in the universe will never be the same again.” It might take years, or centuries, or even millennia, Danielsson said. But he holds out hope that one day humanity will find evidence that we are not alone.


A cosmologist who revealed that the universe was made mostly of invisible matter and energy, and two scientists who detected the first planet orbiting an alien star, were jointly awarded the 2019 Nobel Prize in physics Tuesday.

                  Michel Mayor

By studying the earliest moments after the birth of the universe, James Peebles of Princeton University developed a theoretical framework for the evolution of the cosmos that led to the understanding of dark energy and dark matter — substances that can’t be observed by any scientific instruments but nonetheless make up 95 percent of the universe.

              Didier Queloz

Fellow laureates Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz of the University of Geneva revolutionized astronomy, the Nobel Committee said, when in 1995 they announced the discovery of a large, gaseous world circling a star 50 light-years from our sun — the first extrasolar planet found around a sun-like star. In the decades since, scientists have detected thousands more of these exoplanets, and astronomers now think our universe contains more planets than stars.

“This year’s Nobel laureates in physics have painted a picture of a universe far stranger and more wonderful than we ever could have imagined,” Ulf Danielsson, a Nobel Committee member, said at a news conference Tuesday. “Our view of our place in the universe will never be the same again.”

               James Peebles

For almost a century, scientists have theorized that the universe began with a big bang, growing from a hot, dense particle soup into the current collection of dust, stars and galaxies flung across a vast and still-expanding space. Fifty years ago, a pair of radio astronomers stumbled upon the signature of those earliest days of expansion: the cosmic microwave background, a faint form of radiation that suffuses the entire sky.

This radiation is a “gold mine” for physicists, the Nobel Committee said. By analyzing tiny variations in this ancient afterglow, scientists can peer back in time to understand how the universe evolved. Peebles studied the temperature of the cosmic microwave background to understand the matter that was created in the big bang.

“It was, conceptually, a door-opening event,” said observational cosmologist Sandra Faber, a staff member at University of California Observatories. “It showed that known laws of physics could explain the universe when it was only 100 seconds old. Isn’t that amazing?”



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E128 10-16-19 Pilot Who Chased UFO Reveals A Lot More Of The Story

Retired Navy Commander David Fravor, who was one of the fighter pilots who chased a ‘Tic Tac UFO’ off of San Diego in 2004, was on the Joe Rogan podcast show on October 6th giving more details about the remarkable encounter for nearly two hours. Rogan and Fravor were joined by Jeremy Corbell, the filmmaker who recently released a documentary about Bob Lazar of Area 51 fame.

Pilot Who Chased UFO Reveals a Lot More of the Story

Listen to “E128 10-16-19 Pilot Who Chased UFO Reveals A Lot More Of The Story” on Spreaker.

Article by Jazz Shaw                         October 6, 2019                        (hotair.com)

• Retired Navy Commander David Fravor, who was one of the fighter pilots who chased a ‘Tic Tac UFO’ off of San Diego in 2004, was on the Joe Rogan podcast show on October 6th giving more details about the remarkable encounter for nearly two hours. (see 1:54:25 video below) Rogan and Fravor were joined by Jeremy Corbell, the filmmaker who recently released a documentary about Bob Lazar of Area 51 fame.

• Among the interesting details, Fravor said that pilots in multiple encounters with UFOs on both the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts report that the UFOs are blocking their state-of-the-art radar systems making it impossible to get a lock on them. This is proof that some sort of intelligent source is controlling these UFOs. Fravor noted that in his 2004 encounter with the Tic Tac UFO, his F/A-18F Super Hornet jet was not equipped with live missiles, but only a 20 mm rotary cannon.

• Fravor also reveals that he has personally been summoned to Washington multiple times this year for private, confidential meetings with “high ranking government officials,” and government investigations into these incidents are far from over.

• At the 49-minute mark in the interview, Fravor tells a story about how he and other Navy pilots would occasionally pretend to be UFO’s for campers in remote parts of southern California. Said Fravor, “We used to fly night vision goggles… [and] you can see a campfire from like fifty miles away. So we would go out at night flying around on goggles. You’d see a campfire and go, ‘Oh. UFO time’”. “[Y]ou get the airplane going around 600 knots and then you pull the power back to idle so you can’t hear it. Then you get zinging toward the fire and you turn the lights all down because we’re in a restricted area so you can do that. There’s lights on it you can only see if you’re on vision goggles. So the other airplanes can see us, but no one else can see us. Then you go zinging at it and right when you get to the campfire you pull the airplane into vertical and stroke the afterburners, let ’em light off, you count to three and then you just go away. Instant UFO reporting.” How many MUFON reports from campers in the Superstition Mountains near El Centro California have just been debunked?


By this time you may already be familiar with Cmdr. David Fravor (US Navy, retired) as the fighter pilot who engaged what’s come to be known as the white Tic-Tac UFO back in 2004, leading to one of the remarkable videos released by the Pentagon over the past couple of years. He’s given a number of interviews to various mainstream news outlets recently, talking about his remarkable experience. But yesterday he showed up on the Joe Rogan show for a nearly two-hour discussion and it turned into a serious deep dive. I’ll embed the full video of the interview below, but first I wanted to cover a few of the highlights. (The entire show is worth your time, however, even if you’re already familiar with the story. Fravor goes into a lot of details we hadn’t heard before.)

   Retired Navy Commander David Fravor

Also on the show was filmmaker Jeremy Corbell, who recently released a movie about Bob Lazar. (Ugh.) He briefly derails the conversation a couple of times talking about Lazar and some Ancient Aliens type stuff, but also adds in several good details about the recent revelations.

Sometimes when people go on Rogan’s show it turns out to be something of a disaster. Just ask Elon Musk or Tom DeLonge. Joe has a way of dragging them down various rabbit holes or getting them to engage in antics that wind up being embarrassing. That didn’t happen with Fravor, who maintained an air of cool professionalism throughout. (Well, there’s one possible exception I’ll get to in a moment.) But here are some of the highlights.

One detail he revealed early in the interview while describing the Tic-Tac encounter was that his F/A-18F Super Hornet was not equipped with any live missiles. Dummy loads were installed because they were scheduled to go on a training mission. This would have presumably left him with nothing more than his 20 mm rotary cannon if things had gotten tense with the unidentified craft.

Another fascinating detail he included was that during multiple encounters with the Tic-Tacs on both coasts, pilots were able to determine that the objects were actively blocking their radar systems, making it impossible to get a lock on them. And we’re talking about one of the newest, best radar systems in the world. This is interesting because it at least implies an actively engaged, intelligent force controlling the Tic-Tacs. (Whether that’s local or remote, biological or AI-driven we don’t know.)

1:54:25 full Joe Rogan show with David Fravor and Jeremy Corbell (‘PowerfulJRE’ YouTube)



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