E187 Will 2020 Be the Year We Find Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life?

So far, astronomers have found more than 4,000 exoplanets and more are being discovered, suggesting that every star in the Milky Way galaxy hosts more than one planet. Space.com asked top SETI experts whether they will detect life elsewhere in the galaxy or even intelligent extraterrestrials?

E184 Mystery of Six-Minute ‘TV Broadcast From Alien’ Remains Unsolved on 42nd Anniversary

Explaining that the Earth was moving into a new era which could usher in an age of peace and harmony for all mankind, the voice warns that it was time to ban all weapons of mass destruction: “All your weapons of evil must be removed. The time for conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the higher stages of its evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this. You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill.”

e182 Aliens Smell Like a Fart

NASA’s roving Martian science lab, Curiosity, has detected dimethyl sulfide, methanethiol, and trace amounts of oxygen on Mars, along with the compounds we already know about, like nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. This is the same chemical composition as flatulence.

Giant Chinese Telescope Joins Search for Alien Radio Signals

Listen to “E196 Giant Chinese Telescope Joins Search for Alien Radio Signals” on Spreaker.

Article by Dirk Schulze-Makuch                    December 10, 2019                         (airspacemag.com)

• After more than three years of testing, the world’s largest single-dish radio telescope—the Five Hundred-Meter Aperture Spherical Telescope, or “FAST” in southern China (pictured above) – is about to become operational. Chinese officials claim that FAST is already three times as sensitive as the Arecibo observatory in Puerto Rico, the second-largest single-dish telescope in the world.

• While the FAST trials have focused on detecting neutron stars, one of the goals during the telescope’s operational lifetime will be to search for signals from intelligent extraterrestrials. Do they exist? Are they bound by a non-interference ‘prime directive’? Many claim that UFOs and alien visitation has been covered up by the government, such as the 1947 Roswell UFO crash. Of course, this was only a high altitude balloon used by the U.S. Air Force for Project Mogul.

• In fact, 99 percent of all UFO reports can be easily explained as natural atmospheric phenomena like sprites – which produce dancing flashes of bright light when lightning is exciting the electrical field above a storm. Scientists focus their investigations on the one percent of UFO events that are stubbornly difficult to explain – not that the investigators have any evidence of aliens. But any scientific investigation has to be based on experiments and reproducibility. And when it comes to alien visitations, those standards can be difficult or impossible to apply.

• Considering that we still have no answer for the Great Silence of the elusive aliens, we have to leave open the possibility that aliens have been visiting Earth. From a practical standpoint, science may be better suited to analyzing alien artifacts or possible alien objects in space, such as the interstellar asteroid ʻOumuamua’. As our observatories improve, and better telescopes like FAST come online, we may find ourselves with many more such mysteries to solve.

[Editor’s Note]   Wow. This writer has guzzled so much of the deep state’s kool aid, he is completely mind controlled and devoid of independent thought. He accepts without question that the Roswell crash was a weather balloon. He believes that 99 percent of all UFO sightings are mere atmospheric phenomenon. It is hard to take anyone with such cognitive dissonance seriously. Hopefully, Chinese astronomers won’t be as hampered by deep state propaganda as are the hapless scientists in America. Humanity will welcome the truth for a change, regardless of where it comes from.


The world’s largest single-dish radio telescope—the Five Hundred-Meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) in southern China—is about to start operation after more than three years of testing and commissioning. While the trials have focused on detecting neutron stars, one of the goals during the telescope’s operational lifetime will be to search for signals generated by intelligent extraterrestrials. Since Chinese officials claim that FAST is already three times as sensitive as the Arecibo observatory in Puerto Rico, the second-largest single-dish telescope in the world, we surely expect new discoveries.

We don’t know, of course, whether the giant telescope will detect signs of extraterrestrial technology. But we’d love to have an explanation for what’s been called the Great Silence, also known as the Fermi Paradox: If there is intelligent life out there, why don’t we see any evidence of it?
There are many possible answers, including the idea that we live in a kind of designated nature preserve, or zoo. Or, if you like Star Trek, maybe the aliens are applying their version of the prime directive and trying not to interfere with life on Earth.

When I was in New Mexico recently for a workshop on extant life on Mars, I also visited the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell. While the museum did have some interesting exhibits, including artwork and depictions of aliens in science fiction movies, its focus on the famous 1947 Roswell UFO incident seemed to suggest a government cover-up of an alien visitation. Never mind that the Roswell event likely has a much more mundane explanation: the crash of a high altitude balloon like the ones used by the U.S. Air Force for Project Mogul.



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Recently Retired USAF General Makes Eyebrow Raising Claims of Advanced Space Technology

Listen to “E195 Recently Retired USAF General Makes Eyebrow Raising Claims of Advanced Space Technology” on Spreaker.
Article by Brett Tingely                         December 11, 2019                         (thedrive.com)

• US Air Force Lieutenant General Steven L. Kwast (pictured above) served as Commander of the 47th Operations Group at Laughlin Air Force Base and the 4th Fighter Wing at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, and had support within the Armed Forces to be appointed as the Commander of the Pentagon’s Space Force. Instead, Kwast retired this past September. On November 20, 2019, Kwast gave a lecture titled “The Urgent Need for a U.S. Space Force” at Hillsdale College in Washington, D.C.

• In his talk, Kwast claimed that China is already building a “Navy in space” complete with the space-based equivalents of “battleships and destroyers”, and that the US is not keeping up. We know that China has been rapidly expanding its presence in space in recent years, placing a lander on the Moon last year as a possible first step toward a permanent Moon base. China has also been developing “mothership” aircraft from which to launch ‘space planes’ and other payloads into space. China has been investing heavily in manned and unmanned space technologies that rivals, and in some ways, exceeds our own. Kwast believes we need a Space Force in order to counter Chinese advances and win the competition over the economy of the future and, as an extension, the political values for the future.

• Kwast says the “the power of space will change world power forever” and that it’s up to the United States military to leverage that power. The nature of the power of a competitive advantage is “you either have it and your values rule or you do not have it and you must submit. We see that play out again and again in history and it’s playing out now,” Kwast argues. “[China] will pass us in the next few years if we do not do something. They will win this race and then they will put roadblocks up to space.”

• Around the 12:00 mark in the speech (see video below), Kwast makes the somewhat bizarre claim that the U.S. currently possesses revolutionary technologies that could render current aerospace capabilities obsolete: “[M]ost Americans and most members of Congress have not had time to really look deeply at what is going on here. … [T]echnology can be built today (that can)… deliver any human being from any place on planet Earth to any other place in less than an hour.”

• Other military leaders have made curious comments lately alluding that we could be on the precipice of a great leap in transportation technology. There are many within the U.S. military and analyst community who feel a great need to boost investment in American space technologies and the U.S. military’s presence in space. That vision is taking root across the Defense Department.

• Kwast has published several op-eds in recent years pushing for the U.S. military to take on a greater role in space in order to ensure American economic dominance and what he sees as the continued proliferation of American values. Some have said that Kwast was blacklisted and prematurely relieved of his duties after speaking out on space-related issues in violation of a service-wide gag order. Kwast declined to comment.

• Is all this setting the stage for a new space race that will benefit mankind by furthering scientific and technological development, or is it ushering in the conditions for the first great space war?


Recently retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General Steven L. Kwast gave a lecture last month that seems to further signal that the next major battlefield will be outer space. While military leadership rattling the space sabers is nothing new, Kwast’s lecture included comments that heavily hint at the possibility that the United States military and its industry partners may have already developed next-generation technologies that have the potential to drastically change the aerospace field, and human civilization, forever. Is this mere posturing or could we actually be on the verge of making science fiction a reality?

Who Is Steven Kwast?

According to his official USAF biography, Lt. Gen. Kwast graduated from the United States Air Force Academy with a degree in astronautical engineering, and also holds a master’s degree in public policy from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. Kwast previously served as Commander of the 47th Operations Group at Laughlin Air Force Base and the 4th Fighter Wing at Seymour Johnson AFB. Kwast boasts more than 3,300 flight hours in the F-15E, T-6, T-37, and T-38 and over 650 combat hours.

Lt. Gen. Kwast most recently served as Commander of the Air Education and Training Command (AETC) at Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA), but retired in August. According to some reports, Kwast was prematurely relieved of his duties at JBSA and blacklisted for promotion after speaking out on space-related issues despite a service-wide gag order. Kwast declined to comment on the reports and retired on September 1, 2019.

Despite the controversy surrounding his removal from his post at AETC, some defense analysts and Lt. Gen. Kwast’s own supporters within the Armed Forces were suggesting prior to his retirement that he should be appointed as Commander of the Pentagon’s budding Space Force. Kwast has published several op-eds in recent years pushing for the U.S. military to take on a greater role in space in order to ensure American economic dominance and what he sees as the continued proliferation of American values.

Gaining The High Ground In Space

Kwast delivered a lecture at Hillsdale College in Washington, D.C. on November 20, 2019, titled “The Urgent Need for a U.S. Space Force.” Kwast’s wide-ranging speech described the power of new technologies to revolutionize humankind, referencing the competitive advantage the discovery of fire offered to early humans and the strategic value that nuclear weapons offered 20th-century superpowers. When it comes to current revolutionary technologies, Kwast says the “the power of space will change world power forever” and that it’s up to the United States military to leverage that power: “As a historian, reflecting on the fact that throughout the history of mankind… technology has always changed world power. But the story of rejecting the new and holding and clinging to the paradigms of the past is why no civilization has ever lasted forever, and values are trumped by other values when another civilization figures out a way of finding a competitive advantage. The nature of power, you either have it and your values rule or you do not have it and you must submit. We see that play out again and again in history and it’s playing out now.”

As has been common as of late, Lt. Gen Kwast cites rapidly growing Chinese military and technological advances as the reason why the United States must invest heavily in new space-based technologies. “We can say today we are dominant in space but the trend lines are what you have to look at and they will pass us in the next few years if we do not do something. They will win this race and then they will put roadblocks up to space,” Kwast argues, “because once you get the high ground, that strategic high ground, it’s curtains for anybody trying to get to that high ground behind them.”

1:06:24 video of Steven Kwast on the Need for Space Force (‘Hillsdale College’ YouTube)



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Newsletter Institute for Exoconsciousness December 2019 Vol 1, Issue 5

We are building an Exoconscious Civilization and welcome you to join us.

The Institute for Exoconsciousness is the first sustainable nonprofit organization focused exclusively on humans co-creating technology, education, art, and healing with extraterrestrials and multidimensionals.

Exo Institute Programs

Our Exoconscious Human—ET and Multidimensional  Co-Creative Programs include:

  • An EXO Incubator for Inventors and Artists–mainstreaming innovations created by Experiencers
  • Scientific teams who research the Exoconscious Human Reality–Psychokinesis, Telepathy, Star Language
  • Exoconscious Academy–Digital courses and webinars
  • Galactic News Wire Service–ET Multidimensional Communication
  • Exoconscious Healers Association
  • Social Media
  • Marketplace, “Amazon for Experiencers”–featuring goods and services created by Experiencers

Exoconscious Entrepreneurs

Exoconscious Artists and Writers

Mia Feroleto is creating a residency program for artists and writers at Thunderheart Center in Wasta, SD, near the Badlands. Plans are for thirty artists and writers at a time coming for one to six-month visit. Additional buildings will provide studio space, a conference center and gallery space for exhibitions of art created by the visiting artists as well as shows curated by invited guest gallerists and critics from around the globe. For more information please contact Mia Feroleto at mia.feroleto@gmail.com or by phoning 802 952 6217

SUPERHUMAN:The Invisible Made Visible

Based on experiences of individuals with extra-sensory powers that defy the laws of physics, Caroline Cory’s award-winning documentary film “SUPERHUMAN: The Invisible Made Visible” takes you on an extraordinary journey to discover tangible and measurable proof of seemingly miraculous phenomena.


The Transgression of Fact

New Observations, an art and culture magazine, published by Mia Feroleto, features a spiritual examination of reality–from lower to higher realm. Click on PDF Download to read the magazine.

Forbidden Questions: A Guide to Human-ET Contact

Hypnotherapist, Gwen Farrell’s, book honestly addresses the questions of experiencers, possible experiencers and the general public about contact with extraterrestrial beings. This new expanded edition contains updated material not available before, while still getting to the heart of human-ET contact compassionately, directly and honestly.

Welcome to the Wide Open Wonders (W.O.W.) Podcast hosted by Katie Cook. Katie covers everything from U.F.O.s and Aliens, to Bigfoot and Crop Circles, and just about everything in between.

Star Origin Readings

Jacquelin Smith, a Star Language Communicator, will connect you with your Star Family directly as to your soul’s first expression when it became individual after leaving the Creator. You’ll be told your core frequency, as well as your star family’s frequency. This will assist you in communicating with your star family. Jacquelin also does Star Language.

FREE ENERGY FOR A BETTER WORLD. Hidden Energy readies you for humankind’s next leap-tapping into an abundance of truly clean power, the ultimate renewable. Making the leap is more about mindsets and a consciousness shift than technology.

We need your support to build an Exoconscious Civilization.

Cosmic Consciousness Conference: Uluru Australia, January 11-13

Join our Exoconscious Community who are traveling to Uluru for the conference. Visiting a site such as Uluru, especially to mediate and make ceremony, can result in strong connections with Gaia.  It will also activate your energy system, bring immense personal healing and advance your spiritual awakening.

SpiritFest 2020: The Flip Side of the Coin

Sheila Seppi welcomes you to Spirit Fest 2020, June 26, 27, and 28 in Leadville Colorado. Give the gift of conscious awakening! Early bird special $199 through December 31.

Consciousness and Contact Conference

July 23 through 27, 2020, in Wasta, South Dakota, on the edges of the Badlands National Park at the Thunderheart Center for the Arts and Conference Center. Speakers include Whitley Strieber, Linda Moulton Howe, Barbara Lamb, Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, David Louis, Tolec, Victor Viggiani, and Juliano Pozati. For more information please contact Mia Feroleto at mia.feroleto@gmail.com or by phoning 802 952 6217

We partnered with Amazon’s Smile program. Please register at Amazon Smile and select Institute for Exoconsciousness. Then, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the Institute for Exoconsciousness. To have your donation apply you must register our name and shop through Amazon Smile website. All the prices and Amazon prime eligibility remain the same.

Trump signs Space Force Act – Stage Set for Secret Space Program Disclosure

President Donald Trump signed the Space Force Act into law yesterday night. It was included in the omnibus 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) funding Pentagon operations for another year, and officially creates a sixth branch of the military – US Space Force (USSF). Trump’s signing sets the stage for some amazing disclosures of what the USAF has secretly deployed in space for decades.

The budget allocated to Space Force is a paltry $40 million for its first year of operations, which effectively covers little more than the costs of hiring 200 new personnel and changing signs for personnel transferring from Air Force Space Command to the new Space Force. Approximately 16,000  civilian and military personnel will transfer from Air Force Space Command, which currently hosts 26,000 personnel, to the new Space Force.

On the surface, there appears to be little to be excited about with the creation of Space Force, which will continue to operate with largely the same personal and commander of the current Air Force Space Command – General John “Jay” Raymond.

Space Force will operate under the authority of the Department of the Air Force as an independent military branch, a temporary compromise, according to President Trump who would like to see the creation of a Department of Space Force eventually.

Critically, General Raymond is also in charge of US Space Command, the Pentagon’s newly created combatant command, which integrates the aerospace resources of the USAF, Army, Navy and USMC in combat operations around the world and outer space.

For the first year of Space Force’s existence, General Raymond will be dual-hatted as Chief of Space Operations and Commander of Space Command. This will allow Space Force to closely coordinate with other branches of the US military that have assets in space.

The big change that lies ahead is what the USAF plans to do with the highly classified space program it has secretly developed and deployed with futuristic aerospace technologies dating back to the 1970s. Lieutenant General Steven Kwast (USAF ret.) recently mentioned some of the cutting edge technologies developed in classified Air Force laboratories in a November 2019 lecture:

The technology is on the engineering benches today. But most Americans and most members of Congress have not had time to really look deeply at what is going on here. But I’ve had the benefit of 33 years of studying and becoming friends with these scientists. This technology can be built today with technology that is not developmental to deliver any human being from any place on planet Earth to any other place in less than an hour.

Less than a week before Trump signed the Space Force Act, the Secretary of the Air Force, Barbara Barrett, and Mike Rogers, one of the Congressman who co-sponsored the original bill for Space Force, both called for the USAF to declassify the advanced space technologies it has developed. Barrett said:

Declassifying some of what is currently held in secure vaults would be a good idea… You would have to be careful about what we declassify, but there is much more classified than what needs to be.

All the assets and personnel that clandestinely operate within the USAF secret space program will be transferred over to Space Force and the authority of General Raymond.

This will be welcomed by the commanders and personnel in the secret space program whose space activities have been classified so highly that it has negatively impacted career advancements and benefits when compared to their peers in more conventional Air Force programs.

The creation of Space Force sets the stage for the official disclosure of major components of the Air Force’s secret space program which I have discussed in detail in the US Air Force Secret Space Program. Disclosure is likely to begin with antigravity vehicles such as the legendary TR-3B, a flying triangle that was first sighted in the late 1980s, and newer rectangle-shaped flying platforms, which were photographed near McDill Air Force base in 2018.

There are also disk-shaped flying saucer craft and stealth space stations that were jointly developed with the National Reconnaissance Office. More incredible are the “stargates” or traversable wormholes that have been secretly developed and used for decades according to multiple insiders.

The disclosure of these and other advanced technologies will be mind-boggling and revolutionize the aerospace industry. More importantly, for the Trump administration, they will help re-industrialize America and establish Space Force as the leading military power in space for decades to come.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

‘Giant UFO’ Over California Reportedly Seen ‘By More Than 100 Witnesses’

November 9, 2019                           (sputniknews.com)

• On October 19, 2019, over 100 people witnessed a UFO hovering over Menifee, California, located inland between Los Angeles and San Diego. The silent UFO sported a vast amount of lights, with the glow leading viewers to think it could be a drone lurking in the clouds. But as the UFO hovered at least 2000 feet high, it could not have been a drone. (By law, drones are not allowed to fly above 400 feet.) And the object hovered at the same height in the sky, so it wasn’t skydivers. ”At one point, the huge UFO was just hovering in the same spot for over five minutes before it speeds off into the night sky,” writes a witness on YouTube.  (see 1:25 minute video below)

• Another YouTuber commented: “The world is gonna get a big wake up call!”


The internet has of late been in a frenzy over a weird object hovering above the small California town of Menifee. Footage that first emerged on YouTube on 3 December, despite originally being shot on 19 October, sported a vast amount of lights, with the glow leading viewers to think it could be a drone lurking in the clouds.

The assumption, however, was instantly dismissed taking into account the above average height it flew at, equal to “2,000ft in the air”.
On top of that, the object seemed to be silent, stuck on the horizon without changing its position, making conspiracy theorists likewise rule out skydivers.

In the caption to the video, the uploader claims the object, which many deemed to be some stealth craft, had seen by “over 100 witnesses”.

“Whatever it is it’s Not a CGI hoax. Difficult to tell if All the lights are connected to one object”, another suggested.

“At one point, the huge UFO was just hovering in the same spot for over five minutes before it speeds off into the night sky”, uploader UFOS & Aliens Santana wrote, while another suggested that if so, “then that is impressive footage”.

Users appear to be taking the perfectly realistic craft video seriously: “I’m sharing this!.. Ufo activity is increasing so fast! The world is gonna get a big wake up call!” one exclaimed, whereas a second left some room for a bit of irony:

“Another floating broken light bulb that needs to be replaced! New ladder almost ready! Lol”

1:25 minute video of UFOs over Menifee California (‘UFOS & ALIENS SANTANA’ YouTube)



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Barrett, Rogers Consider Declassifying Secret Space Programs

Listen to “E194 Barrett, Rogers Consider Declassifying Secret Space Programs” on Spreaker.

Article by Nathan Strout                   December 7, 2019                       (defensenews.com)

• On December 7th during a panel at the Reagan National Defense Forum, Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett remarked on the need to declassify a large amount of information about America’s military space programs to both intimidate foes and encourage support among the public. “America is the best there is in space,” said Barrett. “[O]ur capability in space was predominantly built at a time when we thought space was a benign environment.” “[T]here is much more classified than what needs to be.”

• Fellow panelist Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala) responded that he met with the Secretary Barrett earlier in the week to discuss that very issue, calling the information on space programs “overwhelmingly classified.” Rogers cited overclassification as one of the reasons it’s been so difficult for him and others to build support both in the public and with other members of Congress for a Space Force, a sixth branch of the military under the Air Force uniquely focused on space as a war-fighting domain.

• “As members of the Armed Services Committee and the defense appropriators, …we have to have our colleagues in the Congress to be supportive of us making the changes we need and the resources we need” for our space program, said Rogers. “It’s not going to happen until they understand the threat and the dependence we have. And I don’t think that can happen until we see significant declassification of what we’re doing in space and what China and Russia are doing, and how space is in their day-to-day lives.” Once Americans have access to that currently classified data, they will throw their support behind a Space Force, he said.

• Barrett and Rogers declined to say how much of the black space portfolio could move into the public, nor when changes would start happening. But Barrett pledged that it would be a focus for her office moving forward, a sign that progress could come during 2020.

• The intelligence community is also moving to declassify more information in order to combat threats posed by China, Russia and other nations. Then-Principal Deputy Director of Intelligence Sue Gordon stated in June that declassification is key to combating attempts by foreign powers to target American civilians for data collection. That same month, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., called on the intelligence community to declassify more data to combat the growing threat that China’s government poses to American businesses.

[Editor’s Note]   This article doesn’t even appear in a Google search. Someone doesn’t want the door opened to our highly classified secret space programs. I’m sure that Secretary Barrett and Congressman Rogers have no idea the can of worms they are prying open here. Barrett’s quote is interesting however: “[O]ur capability in space was predominantly built at a time when we thought space was a benign environment,” she says. Yes, the US secret space program was indeed built long ago. It began in the 1950s when the American military industrial complex secretly partnered with Antarctic German Nazis and the Draco Reptilians who provided the Germans with their advanced spaceship technology. When this technology was not forthcoming, Nordic extraterrestrials offered to assist the US Navy with an American secret space program which was developed in the 1960s. It was built during the 1970s in underground caverns under the Wastach Mountains in Utah. And the resulting eight kilometer-long, cigar-shaped spaceships of the top secret space program, ‘Solar Warden’, was deployed in the 1980s. Learn all about the extraordinary hidden history of the United States’ space programs in Dr. Michael Salla’s four-book ‘secret space program’ series.

And in case you missed it, see Dr. Salla’s December 13th article on this profound news story here.


SIMI VALLEY, California — The U.S. Air Force’s top civilian and a key member of Congress agreed Saturday on the need to declassify a large amount of information about America’s military space programs to both intimidate foes and encourage support among the public.

Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett

“Declassifying some of what is currently held in secure vaults would be a good idea,” Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett said during a panel at the Reagan National Defense Forum. “You would have to be careful about what we declassify, but there is much more classified than what needs to be.”

Fellow panelist Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala., said he met with the secretary earlier in the week to discuss that very issue, calling the information on space programs “overwhelmingly classified.”

     Rep. Mike Rogers

For Rogers, that overclassification is one of the reasons it’s been so difficult for him and others to build support both in the public and with other members of Congress for a Space Force, a sixth branch of the military under the Air Force uniquely focused on space as a war-fighting domain.

“As members of the Armed Services Committee and the defense appropriators, we get it. But we have to have our other colleagues in the Congress to be supportive of us making the changes we need and the resources we need into this,” he said. “It’s not going to happen until they understand the threat and the dependence we have. And I don’t think that can happen until we see significant declassification of what we’re doing in space and what China and Russia are doing, and how space is in their day-to-day lives.”

Once Americans have access to that currently classified data, they will throw their support behind a Space Force, he concluded.



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Four of Billy Meier’s Original UFO Photographs Were Sold at Auction


Article by Paul Seaburn          December 6, 2019         (mysteriousuniverse.org)

  • On December 3rd an online auction was held at Sotheby’s where a set of four of Swiss ET contactee, Billy Meier’s photos of UFOs sold for $4,375. The photos became famous when one of them was featured on the “I Want to Believe” poster featured in The X-Files TV series.

  • Eduard Albert “Billy” Meier is an 82 year-old Swiss farmer who claims to have been in contact with extra-terrestrials named the “Plejaren”, formerly known as, the “Pleiadians”. What made Meier different from previous UFO contactees is that his photographs were sharp images of structured craft rather than the blobs or streaks of light.
  • Meier claims to have had his first contact with an elderly-looking alien named Sfath at age five. Sfath took him on trips around the world and through time on his spaceship until his teens, when Billy turned to crime and served time in prison. The contacts resumed when he met Semjase, the granddaughter of Sfath, and other aliens he called the Plejarens from the planet Erra.
  • In the mid 1970s, Meier claimed to have received permission from the Plejarens to photograph them and their ships – classic metallic disc-shaped flying saucers. Meier also released photos of dinosaurs which he claimed he took while time-traveling with Sfath.
  • Meier has been criticized and debunked on many counts. His ex-wife claimed that Meier made the ships from trash can lids, pans and other household objects. The photographs of Plejaren women were actually real human women who danced in a group known as ‘The Golddiggers’ and performed on television. The dinosaur pictures were identical to those found in picture books.
  • Nevertheless, Meier established a UFO religion and continues to preach to his followers the ways of peace, love and truth he was given by the aliens. Meier claims to have foreseen the Iraq wars, the AIDS epidemic, climate change and the rise of terrorism. Despite the debunking, there are people who still believe at least some of the photos to be real.


             Billy Meier

Whenever UFO reports contain pictures, those lamenting their quality, fuzziness and pixelization would be wise to remember the photos submitted to the public by Billy Meier. They were (and still are) some of the sharpest and clearest UFO photos ever – immediately rendering them to the category of hoaxes despite (or perhaps because of) his incredible tales of a lifetime of contacts with extraterrestrials. Despite numerous debunkings, the photos are back in the news once more. An auction was held this week at Sotheby’s and a set of four of Meier’s pictures sold for, well, take a guess. Let’s hear the story of Billy Meier one more time first.

Eduard Albert “Billy” Meier is a 80+ year old, one and a half armed, Swiss farmer. He was born in 1937 and he claims to have been in contact with extra-terrestrials named the “Plejaren” or, formerly known as, the “Pleiadians”.

His claims of extra-terrestrial contact were first published in the late 1970s/early 1980s. What made Meier different from previous UFO contactees is that his photographs were of, what appeared to be, structured craft rather than the blobs or streaks of light that were the most common types of UFO photographs up to that time.The biography at billymeierufocase.com gives this

introduction to Billy Meier, who was born in Bülach,

Switzerland and claims to have had his first contact with an elderly-looking alien named Sfath at age five. He claimed Sfath took him on trips around the world and through time on his spaceship until his teen, when Billy turned to committing crimes and serving time in prison. The contacts eventually resumed when he met Semjase, the granddaughter of Sfath, and other aliens he called the Plejarens from the planet Erra. In the mid 1970s, he claimed he received permission from the Plejarens to photograph them and their ships, which he called “beamships.” Those beamship photos (look like classic flying saucers – disc-shaped, domed and metallic. Meier also released photos that appeared to be dinosaurs which he claimed he took while time-traveling with Sfath.



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In the Early 1950s, D.C. Was Obsessed With UFOs

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Article by Sianna Boschetti                       December 9, 2019                           (dcist.com)

• On Saturday, July 19, 1952, Washington National Airport radar picked up a group of UFOs flying over Washington, D.C. That evening the UFOs remained, hovering over the capitol. “There was an attempted intercept,” says Dr. Kevin Randle, ufologist and author of the book: Invasion Washington: UFOs Over the Capitol. “But the (fighter) planes got there and everything was gone.”

• One week later, on Saturday, July 26th, the same crew operating the radar at Washington National Airport saw the same blips on their screen. The crew called for another fighter plane interception. Said Randle, “It seemed that every time the fighters showed up, all the uncorrelated blips disappeared from the radar. In other words, all the UFOs went away. When the fighters returned to base, the blips came back.”

• The incidents over D.C. were turned over to the Air Force’s ‘Project Blue Book’ investigation. Project Blue Book is currently commemorating the 50th anniversary of the investigation’s end in 1969 with an exhibit of declassified documents in the National Archives.

• According to Rebecca Charbonneau of the University of Cambridge (in Cambridge, England), and an ‘expert’ on the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, also known as SETI, Project Blue Book was more than an attempt to follow up on UFO sightings. With the Cold War looming, Project Blue Book was a way to see if these UFOs could actually be technologically advanced Soviet aircraft. In the early 1950s, tensions with the Soviet Union were increasing and American surveillance technology was far less effective than today.

• Statistics supplied by the National Archives list 12,618 UFO sightings investigated by Project Blue Book between 1947 and 1969. All except 700 of those cases were readily “identified”. According to the Archives, Project Blue Book arrived at three major conclusions: 1) none of the UFO sightings posed a threat to US national security; 2) the technology present in all UFO sightings did not suggest otherworldly advancements to aircraft technology of the day; and 3) there was no evidence suggesting that the UFOs were from outer space.

• By January 1953, Harvard University astronomer and prominent UFO debunker, Dr. Donald Menzel, announce the CIA’s findings regarding the UFOs seen over D.C. and recorded on radar the previous July. The official explanation was temperature inversions, which occur when a layer of hot air moves over a layer of cool air and bends radar beams. Says Randle, the “so-called experts” came in and told the National Airport radar crew ‘what they really saw’.

• Regardless, Washington, D.C. was in the throes of UFO excitement. The Washington Post regularly reported updates on the sightings. “All’s Quiet Along the Potomac On the Flying Saucer Front,” read one headline in late July of 1952. They reported that a girl in Northwest D.C. saw a saucer in August. The American University student paper reported sightings over their campus in October.

• But one Vienna, Virginia resident wondered what all of the “whoop-de-doo” was about. In a Washington Post letter to the editor on August 15, 1952, he wrote: “I don’t see anything astounding about (flying saucers) at all. The air and the sky around us are full of wonders much more spectacular than saucers.”

[Editor’s Note]   Where do I begin? These UFOs flew over Washington DC on two consecutive weekends, and hovered over the city for everyone to see. When fighter planes got near them, they disappeared from radar, and came back when they left. But all of this is “explained” as layers of air that can “bend radar beams” by the CIA and a Harvard astronomer who never met a UFO that he couldn’t debunk. Then a ‘SETI expert’ from Cambridge University, another deep state institution, defends Project Bluebook by pointing out that the Air Force was more interested in monitoring Soviet technology than actually explaining UFOs. What could be more important than a national security threat? Except that Project Bluebook’s conclusion was that these D.C. UFOs posed no threat to national security.

Furthermore, according to Project Bluebook, UFO technology across the board was no more advanced than the ordinary aircraft technology of the day and there was no evidence suggesting that the UFOs were from outer space. If you believe this, then you need to have your head examined. This is clearly a government cover-up straight out of the Robertson Panel Report of January 1953, and the Condon Report of 1968.

In reality, the CIA and the Air Force didn’t want the public to know that the UFOs buzzing Washington, D.C. were actually German Nazi-built spacecraft using extraterrestrial technology that was meant to coerce the US government into covertly joining with them and their Draco Reptilian allies, which the military industrial complex did. This began the deep state elite’s secret space program, which has developed over the past seventy years beyond anyone’s imagination. When the deep state is defeated by the higher consciousness of a (still mind-controlled) human population, all of these advanced technologies, including aerospace, medical, and food production technology, will become available to the planet.


On Saturday, July 19, 1952, the crew at Washington National Airport saw something unusual, according to the next day’s national headlines.
“Saucers Swarm Over Capitol,” read the front page of the Cedar Rapids Gazette. That headline, among many others that day, expressed an anxious curiosity as to why a group of unidentified flying objects spent their Saturday night hovering over D.C. just five years after the now-legendary incident in Roswell, New Mexico.

While other sightings may have eyewitness testimony or indirect evidence of the objects moving through our world, these UFOs spotted at National Airport were undeniably present on a radar.

              Dr. Kevin Randle

It’s the reaction to the blips on the radar screen that really sets D.C.’s alleged alien incident apart, says Dr. Kevin Randle, a prominent ufologist and author of Invasion Washington: UFOs Over the Capitol. At one point, Randle says, fighter planes tried to head out to the UFOs’ locations.

“There was an attempted intercept,” he says. “But the planes got there and everything was gone.”

One week later, on Saturday, July 26, the same crew was working at the radar facility, Randle says. This time around, though, they were prepared for the potential of seeing UFOs. Sure enough, the blips reappeared on the radar screen, and the crew called for another interception.

      Rebecca Charbonneau

“It seemed that every time the fighters showed up, all the uncorrelated blips disappeared from the radar. In other words, all the UFOs went away,” Randle says. “When the fighters returned to base, the blips came back.”

The incidents over D.C. was one of a number of UFO sightings across the country that the Air Force investigated via Project Blue Book, a study that began five years prior in Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. A code name for the country’s most well-known investigation into UFOs, it eventually became a household name for alien enthusiasts.

The investigation staff tracked sightings and wrote summaries of reports from around the country, according to the National Archives. In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the investigation’s end, declassified documents from Project Blue Book are now on display in the East Rotunda Gallery of the National Archives.

Project Blue Book was a systematic attempt to follow up on UFO sightings, says Rebecca Charbonneau, a Ph.D. candidate and Gates Cambridge scholar at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge. She is an expert on the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, also known as SETI.

With the Cold War looming, the 1950s was a fascinating time for these sightings to have taken place, she says.



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Pentagon: Our Secret UFO Program Wasn’t About UFOs

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Article by Jazz Shaw                             December 7, 2019                            (hotair.com)

• On December 6th in an email to John Greenewald’s ‘Black Vault’ website, Pentagon spokeswoman, Susan Gough, wanted to ‘correct the record and clear up some inaccuracies’. Now the Pentagon is saying that neither the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) nor its progenitor, the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) were related to investigating UFOs.

• According to the Pentagon’s email, “Neither AATIP nor AAWSAP were UAP related.” “The purpose of AATIP was to investigate foreign advanced aerospace weapons system applications with future technology projections over the next 40 years, and to create a center of expertise on advanced aerospace technologies.” This announcement comes after two years of constant media buzz following the bombshell announcement in December of 2017 that the Pentagon had been investigating UFOs.

• Either the Pentagon or the people at To The Stars Academy (specifically Luis Elizondo) are lying. TTSA has consistently claimed that Elizondo not only ran the AATIP program but that it definitely involved investigating UFOs. In fact, Elizondo said he left government service because of his frustration over the slow pace of those UFO investigations. But Susan Gough has previously stated that Elizondo wasn’t even involved with AATIP.

• Elizondo is given the benefit of the doubt here because it’s the Pentagon that’s been changing their story. They’ve been telling reporters for two years now that AATIP was created at the request of Harry Reid to investigate unidentified aerial phenomena. Then the Navy came out and affirmed that the objects in those three famous videos were indeed UAPs because they had no other clue what they were.

• Two possibilities come to mind. The first is that the DoD has grown uncomfortable with how close TTSA and others are getting to uncovering the truth about UFOs and have decided to shut down any sort of “disclosure”. The other possibility is that the Pentagon is aware of these UFOs belonging to secret military programs in the US, China or Russia. But this is unrealistic because it would require an unimaginable leap in technology that most scientists don’t think possible. Until the government offers any further clarification, this just doesn’t add up.


After two years of constant media buzz following the bombshell announcement in December of 2017 that the Pentagon had been investigating UFOs (or UAPs, as they prefer to call them now), the government dropped another bombshell yesterday. Or perhaps we should call it a “curveball,” as John Greenewald jr. of The Black Vault described it. According to a Pentagon spokeswoman I’ve also worked with in the past, neither the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) or its progenitor, the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) were related to investigating UFOs.

             Susan Gough
         John Greenewald

Claiming they want to correct the record and clear up some inaccuracies, the Pentagon now says AATIP was not a UFO or UAP program.

“Neither AATIP nor AAWSAP were UAP related,” said Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough in an e-mail to The Black Vault. “The purpose of AATIP was to investigate foreign advanced aerospace weapons system applications with future technology projections over the next 40 years, and to create a center of expertise on advanced aerospace technologies.”

Since 2017, details have been scarce. However, the DoD’s latest position that AATIP wasn’t a UFO program, seems to represent one of their most dramatic about-faces on the issue since the program was first revealed.

This caused quite the stir in the ufology community last night as you could probably imagine. Some were pointing out that the language used in Gough’s email seemed carefully worded and left some wiggle room for them. It was noted that the phrase “foreign advanced aerospace weapons system” is somewhat ambiguous because “foreign” simply means “not from the United States” in this context, and that could extend to the rest of the universe, not just “foreign countries” on Earth. But that would seem to be in direct contradiction to the opening statement saying that neither program was “UAP related.”



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Researching UFO’s? You Can Start With a New Display at the National Archives Museum

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Article by Amanda Horowitz                           December 6, 2019                            (wjla.com)

• In recognition of the 50th anniversary of the end of Project Blue Book in 1969, from December 5th through January 8th the National Archives Museum will display a sampling of the Air Force’s declassified UFO investigation program in the East Rotunda Gallery in Washington, D.C. The bulk of the thousands of pages of Project Blue Book records remain at the National Archives College Park, Maryland location. These include home movies that people from all over the United States shot between 1952 and 1967.

• But these Archives may only be the tip of the iceberg. According to UFO historian Richard Dolan, “Serious research must also include the many thousands of pages of documents released over the years via the Freedom of Information Act.” Dolan pointed to criticism of Blue Book, “Frankly, (Project Blue Book) was designed to explain UFO reports away, rather than actually explain them.”

• According to an Air Force website, the conclusions of Project Blue Book were: “No UFO reported, investigated and evaluated by the Air Force was ever an indication of threat to our national security; There was no evidence submitted to or discovered by the Air Force that sightings categorized as “unidentified” represented technological developments or principles beyond the range of modern scientific knowledge; and there was no evidence indicating that sightings categorized as “unidentified” were extraterrestrial vehicles.”

• However, a representative for the National Archives said “Our mission is to make records accessible, not to draw conclusions.” Ryan Faith, space and defense policy expert said, “At the end of the day, it’s kind of immaterial what UFOs are until we can somehow, of our own initiative, interact with them.”


Washington, D.C. — You can become a UFO researcher starting with a new display at the National Archives Museum.

In recognition of the 50th anniversary of the end of Project Blue Book, the code name for the Air Force program that investigated UFO sightings, the National Archives Museum started displaying a selection of Project Blue Book records Thursday.

The records are a just sample from thousands of pages of unclassified records and items related to Project Blue Book that the National Archives has in its possession. Including things like unedited, unaltered home movies used in the investigation that people from all over the United States shot between 1952 and 1967.

You can access the bulk of the Archives Project Blue Book documents at its College Park location. But if you want to reach full-on ufologist status, what the Archives has may only be the tip of the iceberg.

“Serious research much also include the many thousands of pages of documents released over the years via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), UFO historian and author Richard Dolan said. “One can learn much more by studying the declassified literature on this matter via a number of public sources and websites.”

Dolan said the Project Blue Book archives are a good resource. He also pointed to criticism of Blue Book. “Frankly, it was designed (especially after 1952) to explain UFO reports away, rather than actually explain them,” he said.



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143 UFO Sightings in North Carolina So Far in 2019

Listen to “E190 143 UFO Sightings in North Carolina So Far in 2019” on Spreaker.

Article by Kimberly Johnson                            December 4, 2019                             (patch.com)

• UFOs have been seen in the US since at least the mid-20th century when Kenneth Arnold, piloting a small plane, saw nine high-speed, crescent-shaped objects zooming along at several thousand miles per hour “like saucers skipping on water.” Although the objects weren’t saucer-shaped at all, his analogy led to the popularization of the term “flying saucers.” Ever since, the idea that aliens are circling the planet in strange-looking spacecraft has fascinated us.

• The National UFO Reporting Center’s website receives thousands of UFO reports annually. Here is one account from Gallipolis, Ohio: “A husband (former law enforcement) and wife (scientist), while sitting outside their recreational vehicle at a public campsite, witness a very bright light approach their campsite from the south in an erratic manner, appearing to slow or stop on several occasions as it drew near. It got within 50 yards, they estimate, of their campsite, at which time, out of a sense of alarm, the husband reached for his .45 caliber sidearm, but he felt unable to use his arm, or lift the firearm. The object, estimated by the witnesses to have been approximately 20 feet in diameter, hovered nearby for approximately 8 seconds, and then suddenly accelerated toward the west, and disappeared very quickly to the west.”

• At least 143 reports have been filed in North Carolina so far in 2019. For instance, On October 9, 2019 in Mooresville, North Carolina: “I was taking my dog out and I just by chance happened to see a bright flash in the sky. I looked up to see what I can only describe a ‘scrambler’ ride from the fair spinning in circle like a top and every time it spun around the arm had some “meteor blue” lights on each arm that swung around.. It didn’t have a repeating movement it was very erratic, but it just moved slowly right across the sky.”

• On October 12, 2019 in Huntersville, North Carolina: “I was driving on Saturday night… (when) I spotted several Orange pulsating orbs moving in straight line across the sky. These where not Chinese lanterns, flares, or airplanes. I could see directly into the orbs and they appeared to be generating some type of energy pulse. These objects where completely silent. They also appear out of nowhere and quickly disappeared once they passed by my direct view. The sighting lasted about 5 minutes one after another.”

• On November 25, 2019 in Wilksboro, North Carolina, a witness reported a “Circle looking silver object was hovering in the sky. … I thought I was crazy and even sprayed my windshield and wipers but it was still there. Weather was great and no clouds absolutely no way it was aircraft because it was there then it was gone so fast and not moving in the sky.”

• The idea of intergalactic UFOs got a boost when it was revealed that in 2007, Democratic Senator Harry Reid from Nevada, home of Area 51, funded a $22 million, multi-year Pentagon program to study UFOs.

• Then, in 2017, it was revealed that retired Navy Commander and pilot David Fravor had seen an oblong craft flying erratically through his airspace at incredible speed off of the coast of California in 2004, maneuvering in a way that defies accepted principles of aerodynamics. Fravor described the wingless object as about 40 feet long, shaped like a ‘Tic Tac’, and “other worldly”. When Fravor’s radar jammed and he flew closer, the craft zoomed upward and disappeared.

[Editor’s Note]   Speaking of UFOs over North Carolina, an Updated Exoarticle from October 21st exclusively reported that the “fleet” of lights which a tourist on the Outer Banks described as coming “from the Atlantic Ocean” was actually coming from the direction of Camp Lejune Marine Corp base and Jacksonville, NC to the southwest, and not from the ocean, due east. See Exoarticle here.


NORTH CAROLINA — The idea that we’re not alone and aliens from another galaxy are circling the planet in strange-looking spacecraft has long fascinated us. Thousands of reports of unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, are filed every year. In North Carolina, at least 143 reports have been filed in 2019.

The National UFO Reporting Center’s website is filled with accounts like this one, from Gallipolis, Ohio:
“A husband (former law enforcement) and wife (scientist), while sitting outside their recreational vehicle at a public campsite, witness a very bright light approach their campsite from the south in an erratic manner, appearing to slow or stop on several occasions as it drew near. It got within 50 yards, they estimate, of their campsite, at which time, out of a sense of alarm, the husband reached for his .45 caliber sidearm, but he felt unable to use his arm, or lift the firearm. The object, estimated by the witnesses to have been approximately 20 feet in diameter, hovered nearby for approximately 8 seconds, and then suddenly accelerated toward the west, and disappeared very quickly to the west.”

Intrigued? Don’t be jealous of those folks in Ohio. Here’s some of what’s been reported in North Carolina:
• On Oct. 9, a Mooresville resident reported seeing an object moving north to south in the sky, saying: “I was taking my dog out and I just by chance happened to see a bright flash in the sky. I looked up to see what I can only describe a ‘scrambler’ ride from the fair spinning in circle like a top and every time it spun around the arm had some “meteor blue” lights on each arm that swung around.. It didn’t have a repeating movement it was very irractic, but it just moved slowly right across the sky.”

• Three days later, fireball shaped orange pulsating orbs were spotted in Huntersville. “I was driving on Saturday night 10/12/19 at 9:30pm in Huntersville North Carolina. I spotted several Orange pulsating orbs moving in straight line across the sky. These where not Chinese lanterns, Flares, or Airplanes.. I could see directly into the orbs and they appeared to be generating some type of energy pulse. These objects where completely silent. They also appear out of nowhere and quickly disappeared once they passed by my direct view. The sighting lasted about 5 minutes one after another,” the report said.

• Nov. 25, an unidentified object was reportedly spotted in Wilkesboro, North Carolina. “Circle looking silver object was hovering in the sky as I was driving past chick fil a towards Boone on 421 I thought I was crazy and even sprayed my windshield and wipers but it was still there. Weather was great and no clouds absolutely no way it was aircraft because it was there then it was gone so fast and not moving in the sky,” the report said.



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US Navy Vet Who Served on USS Nimitz Saw ‘2-Mile-Wide UFO’ Over Base

Article by Simon Green                           December 4, 2019                            (dailystar.co.uk)

• Lee Adams is a retired 14 year veteran of the US Navy. He served as a supply officer on the USS Nimitz between 2012-2015, so he wasn’t there in 2004 when the Nimitz encountered a ‘tic tac’ UFO off of San Diego. But before he was assigned to the Nimitz he did have a strange encounter in Virginia Beach, Virginia when he was stationed at the Master Jet Base Oceana (pictured above).

• Talking with ‘Mike and Maurice’s Mind Escape’ podcast last July (see video below), Adams said a group of pilots were watching a mysterious plane fly over the jet base and disappear over the tree line, landed outside of the base behind the trees (in the pitch dark at 2:00 am). They mentioned this to Adams. Then Adams looked up and was amazed to see a gigantic two-mile-wide, shimmering and translucent UFO floating over the base. Adams described it as looking like a jellyfish or a clear trash bag, hovering but having “defined attributes”. (Adams said that 15 people saw it, but they made no official report on it.)

• Adams doesn’t think that it was necessarily an extraterrestrial craft. But it definitely wasn’t gas or a cloud. Said Adams, “I think that the government knows about it – why would it be right next to a military base?” “The military would know.” (Adams says that no one told them not to say anything about the incident, “[But] nobody cared. We’ve got real stuff to worry about… I’ve got a life to live.”)


A US Navy veteran who served on the famous USS Nimitz has revealed how he once spotted a gigantic two-mile-wide UFO hovering over a military base.

The aircraft carrier became a household name in 2017 after incredible footage of a UFO being chased by fighter pilots from the ship was leaked online.

It sparked a huge number of US Navy pilots to come forward with their encounters, including Lee Adams.

Lee served as a supply officer on the USS Nimitz between 2012-2015, eight years after the infamous tic-tac incident.

And, while he never witnessed the UFO on that day off the coast San Diego, he did see perhaps an even more staggering “craft”.

The veteran was stationed at a military base in Virginia Beach, Virginia, US, when a group of pilots spotted a mysterious plane flying over the area before disappearing into the trees.

Speaking to Mike and Maurice’s Mind Escape podcast earlier this year, he said: “I look up and it’s like a giant trash bag floating over the base.
“If you could imagine a trash bag that’s two miles in diameter floating, translucent.

“It was doing that – I could see parts of it but at the same time parts of it were gone.

“It was shimmering in the sky, two miles in diameter.”

Adam’s account of the incident starts at 15:45 (‘Mike and Maurice’s Mind Escape’ YouTube)



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