Space Force’s Gen. Raymond Charts Service’s Galactic Mission

Article by David Vergun                                  October 22, 2020                                 (

• “A war that begins or extends into space will be fought over great distances at tremendous speeds, posing significant challenges.” This is among the remarks that Space Force Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond (pictured above) provided at the virtual Air Force Rapid Sustainment Office Advanced Manufacturing Olympics on October 22nd. Noting the challenges of the ‘Great Power’ competition with Russia and China, Raymond outlined Space Force’s role in the National Defense Strategy. “Today, we’re entering a defining period for this country in space. Our nation is leading an expansive spirit of space exploration and experimentation.”

• Space Force’s area of responsibility extends from 100 kilometers above Earth’s surface to the outer edge of the universe. On-orbit capabilities move at speeds greater than 17,500 miles per hour. Direct ascent and satellite missiles can reach low-Earth orbit in a matter of minutes. Electronic attack and directed-energy weapons move at the speed of light.

• Raymond said his guidance to Space Force’s military professionals is to be bold, innovative; use the outstanding talent the service has; and be lean, agile and fast. “Since establishment, we have slashed bureaucracy, delegated authority and enhanced accountability,” he said. Space Force is working with industry and academia to find the “disruptive innovators and incubators for change.” (‘Disruptive’ means innovations that are new, and not simply upgrades or retooling old technologies.) “Today our space capabilities are, by far, the best in the world,” said Raymond. “But they were built for an uncontested domain.”

• The U.S. needs a more defensible architecture, one that is equipped for offensive operations should deterrence fail. All of this capability has to come at an affordable price. Advanced manufacturing is rapidly transforming the way space capabilities are designed and delivered. Spacecraft fuel tanks, antennas, structures and engines are already being produced via techniques with materials uniquely tailored for space. “These technologies allow us to move rapidly from capability design to prototyping,” said Raymond.

• Raymond points out that America is a spacefaring nation and has long led military, civil and commercial space centers. “Today, we’re entering a defining period for this country in space. Our nation is leading an expansive spirit of space exploration and experimentation. And we are strongest when space is secure, stable and accessible to enterprising Americans for scientific, economic and security interests.”


The chief of space operations and commander of U.S. Space Command discussed challenges the U.S. is facing in space and the Space Force’s efforts to address them.

Space Force Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond, provided remarks from the Pentagon today at the virtual Air Force Rapid Sustainment Office Advanced Manufacturing Olympics today.

“A war that begins or extends into space will be fought over great distances at tremendous speeds, posing significant challenges,” said Raymond, noting Great Power competition with Russia and China, outlined in the National Defense Strategy, which could pose future challenges.

Spacecom’s area of responsibility extends from 100 kilometers above Earth’s surface to the outer edge of the universe, he noted.

Today, we’re entering a defining period for this country in space. Our nation is leading an expansive spirit of space exploration and experimentation.”
Space Force Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond, commander, U.S. Space Command

On-orbit capabilities move at speeds greater than 17,500 miles per hour. Direct ascent and satellite missiles can reach low-Earth orbit in a matter of minutes, Raymond said. Electronic attack and directed-energy weapons move at the speed of light.

In response, Raymond provided a galactic roadmap to what his service is doing. He said his guidance to Space Force’s space professionals at all levels is to be bold, innovative; use the outstanding talent the service has; and be lean, agile and fast.

“Since establishment, we have slashed bureaucracy, delegated authority and enhanced accountability,” he said.



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Miley Cyrus ‘Chased Down’ by a UFO

Article by Cole Delbyck                                  October 10, 2020                                   (

• Pop singer Miley Cyrus has said that believing humans are the only beings in the entire universe is a “form of narcissism.” In a conversation with Rick Owens for Interview magazine on October 5th, the Cyrus recalled once seeing a strange craft following her car in Southern California. “I was driving through San Bernardino with my friend, and I got chased down by some sort of UFO,” said Cyrus. “I’m pretty sure about what I saw, but I’d also bought weed wax from a guy in a van in front of a taco shop, so it could have been the weed wax.”

• “[T]he best way to describe it is a flying snowplow. It had this big plow in the front of it and was glowing yellow. I did see it flying, and my friend saw it, too.” Cyrus said that perhaps the most unsettling part of the encounter was locking eyes with the being piloting the UFO. “I didn’t feel threatened at all, actually, but I did see a being sitting in the front of the flying object. It looked at me and we made eye contact, and I think that’s what really shook me, looking into the eyes of something that I couldn’t quite wrap my head around.”

• Cyrus noted that a “couple of other cars” witnessed the event, too – more than enough evidence that what she “saw was real.” “I was shaken for, like, five days. It fucked me up,” she added. “I couldn’t really look at the sky the same. I thought they might come back.”

• Aliens seem to be preoccupied with Disney Channel alums as of late. Demi Lovato also recently shared that she’d made contact with the great beyond while visiting Joshua Tree with Dr. Steven Greer. (see ExoArticle here)


              Miley Cyrus

If extraterrestrial beings were ever to make contact, they could certainly do a lot worse when it comes to earthlings than Miley Cyrus.

The pop star revealed that she once had a close encounter of the peak Miley kind after being “chased down” by a UFO while traveling through Southern California with a friend. Or, you know, maybe it was the “weed wax” she admittedly bought from a “guy in a van” beforehand.

In a conversation with designer Rick Owens for Interview magazine published on Monday, Cyrus recalled the experience in vivid detail.

“I was driving through San Bernardino with my friend, and I got chased down by some sort of UFO. I’m pretty sure about what I saw, but I’d also bought weed wax from a guy in a van in front of a taco shop, so it could have been the weed wax,” she explained. “But the best way to describe it is a flying snowplow. It had this big plow in the front of it and was glowing yellow. I did see it flying, and my friend saw it, too.”

Cyrus said that perhaps the most unsettling part of the encounter was locking eyes with the being piloting the UFO.

“I didn’t feel threatened at all, actually, but I did see a being sitting in the front of the flying object. It looked at me and we made eye contact, and I think that’s what really shook me, looking into the eyes of something that I couldn’t quite wrap my head around,” she said.

The “Midnight Sky” singer went on to add that a “couple of other cars” witnessed the event, too, which, in her mind, is more than enough evidence that what she “saw was real.”

“I was shaken for, like, five days. It fucked me up,” she added. “I couldn’t really look at the sky the same. I thought they might come back.”


3:32 minute video clips of celebrities who believe in aliens (‘Page Six’ YouTube)



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Researcher Amazed With Evidence of ‘UFO Type Craft’

Article by Charlie Bradley                                   October 23, 2020                                (

• Ancient cave drawing found in caves in the Charama region of India discovered in 2014 could indicate people from thousands of years ago had similar ideas about extraterrestrial beings as today, according to archaeologist JR Bhagat. “The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen or imagined beings from other planets which still create curiosity among people and researchers,” says Bhagat. “Charama presently doesn’t have any such expert who could give clarity on the subject.”

• “The paintings are done in natural colors that have hardly faded despite the years,” said Bhagat. In some paintings, “[t]he strangely carved figures are seen holding weapon-like objects and do not have clear features… the nose and mouth are missing. In few pictures, they are even shown wearing space suits.”

• “The fan-like antenna and three legs of vehicle’s stand (in one image below) clearly shows a similarity to UFO type craft,” stated Bhagat. “We can’t refute the possibility of imagination by prehistoric men but humans usually fancy such things.” (see here for previous ExoArticle on Charama UFO rock art)

• Bhagat noted that a similar find was made in 2012 when the deep-sea salvage company Ocean Explorer found a spaceship-like object at a secret location between Sweden and Finland. They captured an incredible image more than 80 meters below the water’s surface (see image below). Team leader Peter Lindberg said that his crew thought they had discovered a UFO. Said Lindberg, “I have been doing this for nearly 20 years so I have seen a few objects on the bottom, but nothing like this.” Using side-scan sonar, the team found a 60-metre diameter cylinder-shaped object, with a rigid tail 400 meters long. The disc-like shape was languishing 200 meters below the surface. “We’ve heard lots of different kinds of explanations,” said Lindberg, “from George Lucas’s spaceship – the Millennium Falcon – to ‘it’s some kind of plug to the inner world,’ like it should be hell down there or something.” (see here for previous ExoArticle on the Baltic Sea anomaly)

         image of a gathering of beings

According to archaeologist JR Bhagat, who found the paintings of aliens and UFOs in the caves, the

           Charama rock art of space craft

findings closely resemble pictures used in Hollywood movies. The caves, which were subject to the 2014 discovery, are located 30km from Raipur. Professor Bhagat said the discovery could indicate people from thousands of years ago had similar ideas about extraterrestrial beings as today.

He said: “The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen or imagined beings from other planets which still create curiosity among people and researchers.

“Extensive research is needed for further findings.

“Charama presently doesn’t have any such expert who could give clarity on the subject.“

             Charama region
                 Baltic Sea anomaly

The expert also said some of the other features of the paintings were unclear and the characters appeared to be wielding weapons.

He added: “The paintings are done in natural colours that have hardly faded despite the years.

“The strangely carved figures are seen holding weapon-like objects and do not have clear features.

“Specially, the nose and mouth are missing.

“In few pictures, they are even shown wearing space suits.

“We can’t refute the possibility of imagination by prehistoric men but humans usually fancy such things.”

Mr Bhagat added it is a coincidence that such ancient images have such stark similarities to depictions of aliens and UFOs today.

Mr Bhagat added it is a coincidence that such ancient images have such stark similarities to depictions of aliens and UFOs today.



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UFO/UAPs: The State of Play

Article by Come Carpentier de Gourdon                               October 21, 2020                                  (

• The UFO/UAP enigma presents a unique case in human history. Earth`s governments, religious organizations and scientific bodies seem to know no more about it than they did in the 1940s, even though they claim every now and then to launch an investigation only to close them on the grounds that nothing of value or substance has been found. What other unexplained multiple happenings taking place again and again during decades before millions of witnesses and often leaving material traces, in many countries, and yet remain a mystery?

• With the multiple statements from government-affiliated officials regarding their observations of vehicles and buildings on the Moon for which some provided photos and videos, and the persistent testimonies and visual proofs of US Navy jet close encounters with craft reportedly not from this Earth since 2004, reported on the New York Times and other major media and eventually confirmed by the US Navy and the Pentagon as being authentic, there is obviously something going on. The Pentagon has officially been monitoring UFOs at least since 2007 under a Congressionally funded program that still exists today. Recently retired high-ranking military and civilian Intelligence officers have devoted their lives and reputations to the disclosure of the UFO/UAP enigma. And more recently it was reported that the US legislators were informed that certain agencies and/or corporate entities are in possession of materials and substances of ‘non-terrestrial origin’ and not human-made.

• A number of high US ranking politicians and military officers have voiced publicly their awareness of the existence of UFOs after being briefed by scientists. But this public concern is only the latest in a very long series of official and public reports and statements that go back to the Second World War, if not much earlier. The lack of intellectual curiosity in the UFO phenomenon in modern times goes back to 1942 – the `battle over Los Angeles`; 1947 – the Roswell UFO crashes; and 1952 – the UFO fleets over the Capitol in Washington D.C. But behind the scenes, the UFO phenomenon has been a constant matter of concern at the highest levels of government and the military.

• The severely limited amount of unclassified data that has managed to see the light of day already proves without a doubt that there are advanced space-faring machines operated by superior forms of intelligent life, biological or `artificial`, circulating in our planetary environment. The US government has known about it for decades and has done all it could to deny or avoid officially recognizing it. Meanwhile, these craft enjoy complete freedom to operate in the atmosphere and under our oceans. These UAP craft frequently fly over army forts, navy bases, Air Force stations, ICBM silos, strategic defense headquarters, power plants, and even the residence of the US President. They sometimes jam the radars and command and control systems which is regarded as a technical impossibility by the system operators.

• The secrecy and cover up surrounding the UFO enigma has also rendered the scientific community inert, intimidated by the threat of losing their valued reputation within the scientific community by giving credit to the topic. Those who work on expensive mainstream projects looking for alien life in the cosmos tend to ignore any information provided by competent researchers and even military sources. They prefer the promise that some evidence of life on a remote planet will emerge in the next ten or twenty years.

• Rather than reveal to the public the truth, the powers that be still cling to an official denial of the very existence of the UFO phenomenon, which has seeped into our cultural norms, relegating it to a “fringe” topic. But in reality, governments have ascertained since the forties that there indeed are several `Alien` intelligent life forms in our ecosphere. They are so far ahead of our human species that we are entirely at their mercy. So profound a change this would make on our collective self-perception and our conceptions of the universe, life and mankind, the government felt it better to not reveal it to the people at large. Now they have hid it for so long that disregarding the legal requirement that the government should share relevant information with its citizens has become the norm.

• Perhaps some agreement was reached between the government and these Alien beings, with an exchange of knowledge and technology taking place for some good or service provided by the humans involved. Secrecy may have been a condition of the transaction in order to avoid unpredictable public interference. Multiple confirmed reports of human abductions by `Aliens`, sometimes supported by material evidence but apparently ignored by official authorities, over the last several decades, lend credence to the belief that governments are powerless to do anything about it or are complicit at some clandestine level.

• The evidence of an official policy of UFO secrecy cannot be ignored. Even the most garrulous high officials and heads of state have not made any positive statements about it. President Trump told his son in a television interview that he had learnt `some very interesting things` about what happened in Roswell, but declined to say what he knew. No person in a high position of any major country has stated in plain terms that he knows that UFOs are `extraterrestrial`, intelligently operated and pertain to a superior living system. All pronouncements in this connection are ambiguous, elusive and wrapped in doubt or humor. At their own peril, political leaders might say that they `believe in aliens” or that they have seen UFOS, but they will never affirm that there is evidence for their existence and `alien` nature. This is where the line is drawn between belief and awareness.

• In conclusion: The USA and some other major powers know a lot more than they let out on the matter of UFO/UAPs. They have evidently accumulated a lot of information and `know-how` since the end of the Second World War on this topic but have kept most of the world`s population in the dark while pretending every now and then to make efforts at investigating the mystery. Is this policy of denial and obfuscation masquerading as a lack of interest part of a larger plan? And who are the ‘unidentified insiders’ who are continually making these policy decisions, apparently keeping the ultimate secrets from heads of state and even the President of the United States?


A brief update on the matter of (so-called) Unidentified Aerial Phenomena which is now a regular feature in the major mainstream media is in order,. especially since it has been acknowledged by NASA that life appears to exists in the Venusian atmosphere and that it was in fact detected as far back as 1978.

No direct connection between this recognition, which follows decades of often acrimonious disputes about the presence of extraterrestrial microorganisms on meteorites the multiple statements from government-affiliated officials regarding their observations of vehicles and buildings on the Moon for which some provided photos and videos. and the persistent testimonies and visual proofs of US military close encounters with craft reportedly not from this earth since 2004, reported on the New York Times and other major print and audiovisual media and eventually confirmed by the US Navy and the Pentagon as being authentic (all those facts are documented in official documents and articles in major mainstream media, including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, CNN, NBC, Fox News etc…).

           Come Carpentier de Gourdon

The coming to light of the existence of the Congressionally funded AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program at the behest of then Senate majority Leader Harry Reid between 2007 and 2012, the foundation of the TTSA (To the Stars Academy) with the participation of high-ranking recently retired military and civilian Intelligence officers and the subsequent acknowledgment by the Pentagon that it maintains a UFO monitoring desk k are only a few of the many milestones on the road to the public disclosure that, among other data:
1-There are very advanced space-faring machines operated by superior forms of intelligent life, biological or `artificial` circulating in our planetary environment and at least one Government, the US Government, knows about it since decades and has done all it could until recently to deny or at least avoid recognizing and publicizing it.

2-The official information now available is that those craft enjoy complete freedom to operate in the atmosphere and under our oceans, arguably because of the inability of governments to control them with any of the means currently available. The craft also land every now and then and can usually not be intercepted or stopped.

3-Some of those crafts frequently fly over army forts, navy bases, Air Force stations and other sensitive and protected facilitiess such as ICBM silos, strategic defence headquarters, power plants, the residence of the US President and they sometimes jam the radars and command and control systems which in the words of some of the pilots and ICBM staff can be regarded as a hostile manoeuvers although they were apparently only intended for self-protection, On various occasions UAPs temporarily switched off the firing mechanisms of ICBM which is regarded as a technical impossibility by the system operators.

4-The Pentagon has been ordered by the US Congress`s Intelligence Committee in a directive as part of the Defence Authorization Act to provide within six months from July 2020 a report disclosing some of the hitherto classified information it has gathered about the nature, origin and objectives of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenal. It is however to be noted that the delay granted and the virtual discretion given to the Military as to what information they will release indicate that not much new information may come out and most of the press echoed the official line about the fear that the UAPS may in fact be Chinese or Russian vehicles, which is an old but long discredited hypothesis intended to elude the real issue at hand.

5-A number of high US ranking politicians and military officers have voiced publicly their awareness of the existence of UAPS (Senators Marco Rubio, Mark Warner, Mark Walker among others) after being briefed by scientists from AATIP but this apparently new wave of concern is only the latest in a very long series of official and public reports and statements that go back to the second world war if not much earlier. This time however it is reported that the Legislators were informed that certain US agencies and/or corporate entities are in possession of materials and substances of non-terrestrial origin and not human-made.
Even if we discount the historical records that allude to observations of and encounters with `alien` or strange craft and beings that take us back hundreds of years and possibly millennia, the series of confirmed events that took place between 1942 (the so-called `battle over Los Angeles`) and 1954 (the Roswell UFO crashes and retrievals in 1947, the UFO fleets over the Capitol in Washington D.C. in 1952), the press conferences by top US Army, Air Force and Navy Commanders, the multiple government-commissioned investigations et al. prove that the UAP (formerly UFO) phenomenon has been a constant matter of concern at the highest levels along the last several decades. Long spells of official silence and dismissal have been periodically interrupted by waves of statements usually pleading ignorance while admitting the reality and the outlandish nature of the incidents but always stopping short of affirming their non-human, extra-planetary character.



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Aliens ‘May Have Already Spotted Us!’ Astronomers Announce

Article by Sebastian Kettely                                  October 23, 2020                               (

• A pair of astronomers associated with the Carl Sagan Institute have published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society a radical proposition that if we have the means to examine distant exoplanets looking for biosignatures that indicate a presence of life, then possible alien civilizations on those distant worlds could have the means to see us too! Indeed, we may have already been spotted!

• Since the first exoplanet was discovered in 1992, astronomers have learned there are more planets out there than the stars dotting our night skies. Missions like NASA’s Kepler and TESS have uncovered thousands of these worlds in hopes we can catch a glimpse of their make up for possible biosignatures, all within the so-called habitable zone where conditions may allow liquid water to exist. These starts containing potentially habitable exoplanets are all found within 300 light-years of Earth, meaning they are close enough for us to scan their potential planets. Conversely, planets within this catalog will also have a direct line of sight to Earth, which implies aliens could be scanning our world for signs of life as well.

• Lisa Kaltenegger, an associate professor at Cornell University and a co-author of the paper, says, “Let’s reverse the viewpoint to that of other stars and ask from which vantage point other observers could find Earth as a transiting planet.” Transiting planets are worlds that pass in front of a star, through the observer’s line of sight. Space telescopes like NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) can see these transits by detecting the dips in brightness they cause. “If observers were out there searching, they would be able to see signs of a biosphere in the atmosphere of our Pale Blue Dot,” referring to Earth.

• “In our search for life in the Universe, we ask a little bit of a different question in this research,” says Kaltenegger. “We ask who could have actually spotted us? Who could have found out that Earth is teeming with life from their vantage point?: They would know that we have liquid water, and the potential for life. “What would they think?”

[Editor’s Note]   Speculation that another civilization on a distant exoplanet may be at the exact state of technology as we are, and could therefore detect on our Earth what we are able to detect (or not detect) about their planet, passes for ‘science’ these days. Brilliant. It is nothing more than another deep state exercise in futility and a waste of time. These type of SETI studies are only funded so that they can release ‘scientific papers’ to reassure the mind-numbed public that smart people at top universities are studying the extraterrestrial/ UFO subject, but darn it, they just haven’t been able to find any intelligent extraterrestrials out there. (I think the Cornell University’s “Carl Sagan Institute” was a dead give-away. Sagan has been revealed to have been a major deep state disinformation agent during his career.)


Scientists hunting for signs of alien life have concentrated on our nearest corner of space, such as Mars and Venus, and planets orbiting stars far beyond our reach. Since the first exoplanet discovery in 1992, astronomers have learned there are more planets out there than the stars dotting our night skies. Missions like NASA’s Kepler and TESS have uncovered thousands of these worlds in hopes we can catch a glimpse of their make up for possible biosignatures – chemistry that could be created by life on the surface.

         Lisa Kaltenegger
      deep state scientist

Now, a pair of astronomers in the US has proposed that if we have the means to see these worlds, potential alien civilisations could have the means to see us.

And if advanced life exists somewhere out there among the stars, chances are we may have already been spotted.

Lisa Kaltenegger, an associate professor and director of Cornell University’s Carl Sagan Insitute, and Joshua Pepper, associate professor of physics at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, have identified 1,004 close stars similar to our Sun.

These stars might be orbited by Earth-like planets within the so-called habitable zone where conditions are ripe for liquid water to exists on the surface.

All of these stars are found within 300 light-years of Earth, meaning they are close enough for us to scan their potential planets for biosignatures.

Planets within this catalogue will also have a direct line of sight to Earth, which implies aliens could be scanning our world for signs of life as well.

Professor Kaltenegger said: “Let’s reverse the viewpoint to that of other stars and ask from which vantage point other observers could find Earth as a transiting planet.”



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Aleph Farms’ ‘Aleph Zero Program’ to Grow Steaks in Space

October 21, 2020                                   (

• Aleph Farms is a food company that specializes in cell biology, tissue engineering, and food science to grow real beefsteaks from non-genetically engineered cells, isolated from a living animal, without antibiotics and using a fraction of the resources required for raising an entire animal for meat. Under the ‘Aleph Zero’ program, the company will produce fresh quality meat anywhere, independent of climate change and of availability of local natural resources.

• The ‘Aleph Zero’ program follows the success of the company’s first experiment of producing meat on the International Space Station a year ago, in collaboration with 3D Bioprinting Solutions. This proof-of-concept marked a historic milestone in sustainable food production, resulting in new capacities to cultivate real meat directly from various types of cow cells, under micro-gravity and far from any natural resources.

• “The constraints imposed by deep-space-exploration — the cold, thin environment and the circular approach — force us to tighten the efficiency of our meat production process to much higher sustainability standards,” notes Didier Toubia, Co-Founder and CEO of Aleph Farms. “The program ‘Aleph Zero’ reflects our mission of producing quality, delicious meat locally where people live and consume it, even in the most remote places on Earth like the Sahara Desert or Antarctica. Providing unconditional access to high-quality nutrition to anyone, anytime, anywhere,” adds Toubia. “When people will live on the Moon or Mars, Aleph Farms will be there as well.”

• Aleph Farms newest initiative is centered on introducing quality meat in the most harsh and remote extraterrestrial environments, such as space, where food production has been a barrier for long-term space missions. Aleph Farms is securing strategic partnerships with technology companies and space agencies for long-term collaborative research and development contracts that will ensure the integration of Aleph Farms’ innovations into leading space programs. The company plans to eventually apply the lessons learned in space to earthbound sites.

• Aleph Farms’ BioFarms™ will pave the way forward as a leader of the global sustainable food ecosystem. In May 2019, the company raised a US $12M from strategic partners and venture capital. Aleph Farms was co-founded with The Kitchen Hub of the Strauss Group and with Professor Shulamit Levenberg of the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. Together with agri-food partners in Europe, Asia and Latin America, Aleph Farms will be launch its pilot BioFarm™ production in 2021 and its commercial launch by the end of 2022.

• Aleph Farms is backed by some of the world’s most innovative food producers, such as Cargill, Migros, and the Strauss Group. It has recently received top accolades for its contribution to the global sustainability movement from the World Economic Forum, UNESCO, Netexplo Forum and EIT Food.

[Editor’s Note]  Is Aleph Farms the vanguard for the long-awaited public release of well-established food replication technology that secret space programs have been using for decades?


REHOVOT, Israel, Oct. 21, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Aleph Farms, Ltd., the leader in growing quality steaks

         Didier Toubia

directly from non-GMO cells, isolated from a living animal – is taking a bold new step toward accelerating extraterrestrial food production, which has been a main barrier for long-term space missions. The company announces the launch of its ‘Aleph Zero’ program. This project will forward its vision for advancing food security by producing fresh quality meat anywhere, independent of climate change and of availability of local natural resources.

The core mission of the new initiative is centered on introducing new capabilities for locally producing fresh, quality meat even in the most harsh and remote extraterrestrial environments, such as space.

To the achieve this goal, Aleph Farms is securing strategic partnerships with technology companies and space agencies for long term collaborative research and development contracts that will ensure the integration of Aleph Farms’ innovations into leading space programs. These programs will leverage the company’s deep-rooted know-how in cell biology, tissue engineering, and food science to establish BioFarms™ in extraterrestrial environments, enabling the company to eventually apply the lessons learned in space to earthbound sites.

“‘Aleph Zero’ represents the mathematical symbol of the smallest infinite number, and how Aleph Farms brings space infinity closer by supporting deep-space exploration and colonization of new planets. The term also represents the company’s vision for producing meat with near-zero natural resources,” explains Didier Toubia, Co-Founder and CEO of Aleph Farms.

56 second promo for ‘Aleph Zero’ program for cultivating meat (‘Aleph Farms” YouTube)



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Questions Linger Over 1954 UFO Sighting in Northern Ontario

Article by Diane Armstrong                                     October 21, 2020                                         (

• In 1954, during the Cold War, employees of Hydroelectric Power Commission of Ontario or “Ontario Hydro” in northern Ontario, Canada were among the reliable government employees who were trained as the ‘Ground Observer Corps’ to watch for, identify and report to the Royal Canadian Air Force base in North Bay, a description and time of all planes flying overhead. Among these employees were a small ‘colony’ of ‘Hydro families’ who lived at the top of a hill near Ontario Hydro’s Wawaitin generating station, southwest of Timmins, Ontario.

• There was no TV reception up there, so people would gather socially, often with families from the Department of Lands and Forests. On the evening of Sunday, August 29, 1954, Chief Forest Ranger George Sheridan and his wife Gloria, and Don Ouimet, operator for Ontario Hydro and his wife Lois, met at the home of Ken and Shirley Kitchen who also worked for Ontario Hydro. At about 9:30 pm, George ran in saying, “Come quick! Do you want to see something strange? It just might be a flying saucer!” All three couples went outside with a pair of binoculars to view the brilliant, reddish-orange ball of light that appeared to be about eight or 10 miles away. The object kept dipping up and down, while swooping over the trees. “It was going very slowly and that’s what amazed me. You always hear reports of anything like this travelling very fast. This was so slow!” said Don Ouimet. Whatever it was, after about 20 minutes the object slowly disappeared to the southwest over Lake Kenogamissi. Sixty-six years later, Don and Lois Ouimet remember the incident vividly. They still wonder what that ball of light was that swooped up and down near Wawaitin.

• The incident was also seen by the Deputy Fire Ranger, Jack Russell. The Regional Director of the Ground Observer Corps, James Morton, was notified, as was the RCAF in North Bay. Just before dawn the next morning, a similar sighting was reported by Henry Durdie, a Royal Canadian Navy veteran, employed at the Military base in North Bay. Durdie said, “The great glowing ball of light hovered over the RCAF base while shooting out tremendous sparks like knitting needles of lightning.” Durdie said he was frightened at first, then called Tony McLeod, Leo Blais, George Noble and Manley Bailey to watch with him.

• Four months later, on December 26th, Cobalt, Ontario resident John R. Hunt, a reporter for the North Bay Nugget newspaper, received a telephone call from Willis St. Jean who was working the evening shift at the Agaunico (Agnico) Mine. “John, for God’s sake get out here! There’s a flying saucer overhead spitting out light all over the place!” Hunt sped to the mine on the shore of Lake Temiskaming and found St. Jean pointing up to the sky. “The thing came down low and scared the blazes out of me,” said St. Jean. The sighting was confirmed by St. Jean’s wife as well as William Montgomery of West Cobalt, and Hugh and Annette Montgomery, visiting from Kitchener. The light and antics were observed by the six people for over an hour.

• In his report to the Nugget the next day, Hunt said, “The light was emanating from a giant rotating disc of pure light. The light was not just spinning, but flying in circles. The cone of light suddenly reversed and the disc sent its blinding light straight up into the sky. It moved from the east to the west and stopped motionless, directly overhead. We watched the light come and go, dance in the sky, hover and dart as no airplane nor star nor meteor has ever behaved.” “What it was that this reporter saw last night I do not know. I was stone cold sober and so were the others who witnessed the phenomena. As far as I am concerned, a flying saucer flew over the mine and I saw it.”


Today, nearly everyone carries a cellphone with a camera. Those cameras can record proof of whatever people see, which might have sparked their interest. Without such proof, a single verbal description is lost unless more than one person can corroborate the event or sighting. Today’s column has been corroborated by many.

Now on with the stories: Let me take you back to the year 1954. Not counting the RCAF base in North Bay, there were only two airports in Northern Ontario; one in Porquis Junction and the other in Earlton. Highway 11B (now Highway 101) ended in Timmins. There were wide expanses of remote nothingness.

This was the era of the Cold War during which time the federal government established the Ground Observer Corps where reliable members of the public, including Ontario Hydro and other government employees were trained to watch for, correctly identify and report to the RCAF base in North Bay, a description and time of all planes flying overhead.

In 1954, there was a small colony at Ontario Hydro’s Wawaitin generating station, southwest of Timmins. The Hydro families there and those living at the top of the hill who worked for the Department of Lands and Forests often met socially. There was no TV in 1954. The evening of Sunday, Aug. 29 was such a night when Chief Forest Ranger George Sheridan with his wife Gloria, Don Ouimet, operator for Ontario Hydro and his wife Lois, met at the home of Ken and Shirley Kitchen. Ken was also an operator for Hydro.

At about 9:30, George ran in saying, “Come quick! Do you want to see something strange? It just might be a flying saucer!” He had been watching the phenomenon for three or four minutes already. Quickly, all three couples went outside with a pair of binoculars to view the strange, brilliant, reddish-orange ball of light that appeared to be about eight or 10 miles away. The object kept dipping up and down, while swooping over the trees.

Ouimet said, “It was going very slowly and that’s what amazed me. You always hear reports of anything like this travelling very fast. This was so slow!” The object, whatever it was, slowly disappeared to the southwest over Lake Kenogamissi after about 20 minutes. The incident was also seen by the Deputy Fire Ranger, Jack Russell. The Regional Director of the Ground Observer Corps, James Morton, was also notified, as was the RCAF in North Bay.

Just before dawn the next morning, a similar sighting was reported by Henry Durdie, a Royal Canadian Navy veteran, employed at the Military base in North Bay. He said, “The great glowing ball of light hovered over the RCAF base while shooting out tremendous sparks like knitting needles of lightning.” Durdie said he was frightened at first, then called Tony McLeod, Leo Blais, George Noble and Manley Bailey to watch with him.



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Space Force Swears in First Recruits

Article by Steve Beynon                                October 20, 2020                                (

• Space Force has roughly 2,000 “space professionals” serving in the military branch at the moment. While all of these members were transfers from the Air Force, the first seven enlisted Space Force recruits were sworn in Tuesday by Gen. David Thompson, the vice chief of space operations.

• “Today is an important milestone as we stand up the Space Force,” Thompson said in a statement. “Until now, we’ve been focused on building our initial ranks with transfers from the Air Force. With these new recruits, we begin to look to the future of our force by bringing in the right people directly to realize our aspirations of building a tech-savvy service that’s reflective of the nation we serve.”

• Among the recruits, two are women and five are men, two are Black and five are white. They are from Colorado, Maryland, and Virginia, and range in age from 18 to 31. All seven of the new recruits hold a 1C6 military occupation specialty — space systems operations, according to Lynn Kirby, a Space Force spokeswoman. The job focuses on detecting sea-launched ballistic missiles and tracking satellites to assisting in rocket launches and space flight operations.

• After being sworn in at Baltimore Military Entrance Processing Station at Fort Meade, Md., the Space Force recruits are bound for seven and a half weeks of Air Force basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio. As there are no Space Force recruiting stations yet, the Air Force is recruiting for both branches. Space Force hopes to recruit 300 enlisted service members in 2021, and along with Air Force transfers, they hope to have 6,500 members overall within a year.

• “We’re excited to see this happen,” said Chief Master Sgt. Roger A. Towberman, senior enlisted adviser for Space Force. “The Air Force team at basic military training has been outstanding and deserves most of the credit for making this happen quickly. To watch these first Space Force recruits take their oath for the first time is something I will never forget. They are the future, and it’s incredible to be in their service!”


    Gen. David Thompson

WASHINGTON — The first seven recruits for Space Force, the military’s newest service branch, were sworn in Tuesday by Gen. David Thompson, the vice chief of space operations.

 Chief Master Sgt. Roger A. Towberman

Space Force has roughly 2,000 “space professionals” serving. Until now, all the branch’s members were transfers from the Air Force. These new recruits are the first service members to enlist directly into Space Force.

“Today is an important milestone as we stand up the Space Force,” Thompson said in a statement. “Until now, we’ve been focused on building our initial ranks with transfers from the Air Force. With these new recruits, we begin to look to the future of our force by bringing in the right people directly to realize our aspirations of building a tech-savvy service that’s reflective of the nation we serve.”

The new recruits all hold the 1C6 military occupation specialty — space systems operations, according to Lynn Kirby, a Space Force spokeswoman. The job focuses on detecting sea-launched ballistic missiles and tracking satellites to assisting in rocket launches and space flight operations.

“Space Force leadership has previously stated diversity among its ranks is one of its priorities in standing up the new service,” according to a service statement.



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Military-Industrial Complex Should Drop UFO Secrecy

Article by George Noory                                    October 20, 2020                                 (

• On “Coast to Coast AM”, radio host George Noory had Whitley Strieber on his show to share updates on his anomalous experiences. Strieber recounted his experiences of seeing into a parallel or mirror world at Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota in 2019.

• Traveling in a car, Strieber says, “I saw… a completely different version of the world when I closed my eyes.” He described traveling on a dirt road that was different than the highway they were on whenever he closed his eyes. These experiences continued for three days. Strieber also detailed the strange occurrence of visitors that bypassed his home alarm system and placed an ‘alien’ implant in his ear, which he credits with providing him with information and inspiration.

• Former US Senator Harry Reid (Nevada) recently remarked that the US is holding back UFO information. Strieber suggests this could be for several reasons: 1) the “aliens” insist upon it; 2) the news is overwhelmingly terrible (and they’re not interested in the UFO phenomenon); or 3) it’s classified by the government because weapons technology could be developed from it. This secretive policy has created a culture of lying and denial that has long been in place.

• “Conspiracy theories are blooming like mushrooms right now,” Strieber added, correlating the rise of such theories with the 2017 Pentagon UFO revelations. People began to wonder what was being kept from them. This gave rise to many wild speculations that are now taken to be true. To counter this, Strieber says, “we have to end the whole process of secrecy” which has become the playbook of the military-industrial complex.

• If any president can get to the bottom of this mystery it’s President Trump. Trump recently was recently asked about UFO’s and he replied, “I don’t know but I’ll find out.”


President Trump recently was recently asked about UFO’s. He replied, “I don’t know but I’ll find out.”

                     Whitley Strieber

On my radio show, “Coast to Coast AM,” author and chronicler of “The Visitors” saga of continuing contact, Whitley Strieber, shared updates on ufology, and his anomalous experiences.

Former U.S. Senator Harry Reid (from Nevada) recently remarked that the U.S. is holding back UFO information, and Strieber suggested this could be the case for several reasons: the “aliens” insist upon it; the news is overwhelmingly terrible; or it’s classified because weapons technology could be developed from it and a policy of lying and denial has long been in place. “Conspiracy theories are blooming like mushrooms right now,” he added, correlating the rise of such theories with the 2017 Pentagon UFO revelations.

People began to wonder what was being kept from them, he commented, and many wild speculations are now taken to be true. To counter this, he said, “we have to end the whole process of secrecy” that has become the playbook of the military-industrial complex.



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Hunting Earthlike Exoplanets

Article by Rick Robinson                                  October 19, 2020                                     (

• The search for life on earth-like exoplanets far beyond Earth continues. In the search for extraterrestrial life, water is the Holy Grail, according to Northrop Grumman’s Robert Lockwood, project manager for NASA’s TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) mission. Liquid water is so friendly to complex organic chemistry that it’s regarded as the most likely environment for life elsewhere in the universe.

• We know that Mars once had seas and rivers, and liquid water still occasionally flows on its surface. Jupiter’s moon Europa has a smooth, icy surface, beneath which lurks a hidden ocean deeper than any on Earth, scientists believe.

• Currently, TESS’s mission is examining candidate stars within about 300 light-years of Earth — close enough to allow for future follow-up examination of the exoplanets that TESS discovers. What is TESS looking for? In a nutshell, they are looking for “Goldilocks” conditions where planets are roughly earth-sized, big enough to hold an atmosphere, but not so big as to be mostly gas or liquid, like Jupiter or Neptune. Moreover, the planet must orbit within its parent star’s habitable zone, hot enough that oceans don’t freeze, but not so hot that they boil away.

• Lockwood notes that even the most powerful instruments don’t allow astronomers to actually see exoplanets. Instead, astronomers must currently suss out planets by observing indirect effects, like the planet’s bulk blocking part of its parent star, slightly dimming the star’s light — the technique used by the TESS mission.

• This will change next year, when NASA‘s James Webb Space Telescope is scheduled to launch into orbit. The JWST will be able to take spectroscopic images (separating light into its individual wavelengths, or spectrum) of the light from the star as it interacts with the planet’s atmosphere. The wavelengths of light will allow astronomers to search for telltale signs of water vapor in a planetary atmosphere. JWST observations will mark a giant step forward in the search for habitable planets beyond Earth.

• The University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo has identified 55 leading exoplanet candidates. One is substantially smaller than Earth, while 20 others are moreo earth-sized. The remaining 34 are classed as “super-Earths” and “mini-Neptunes.”

ScienceAlert reported the recent discovery of two prime candidates orbiting a dim red dwarf star called Teegarden’s Star. They orbit their parent star every few days, much more frequently than Mercury orbits our Sun (once about every 80 days), but the star is so faint that both planets are still within its habitable zone. And Teegarden’s Star is a mere 12.2 light-years away. If we learn to build space probes capable of approaching the speed of light, a mission to this pair of worlds would take about the same amount of time as other interplanetary NASA missions have taken.


The search for life beyond Earth continues within our solar system; the search also extends far beyond the solar system, where we aim to discover earthlike exoplanets.

Water, Water Anywhere

Water is the holy grail in the search for extraterrestrial life, says Northrop Grumman’s Robert Lockwood, project manager for NASA’s TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) mission. Liquid water is essential for terrestrial life; it’s so friendly to complex organic chemistry that it’s regarded as the most likely environment for life elsewhere in the universe.

Within the solar system, we know that Mars once had seas and rivers, and liquid water still occasionally flows on its surface. Meanwhile, Jupiter’s moon Europa has a smooth, icy surface, beneath which, scientists believe, lurks a hidden ocean deeper than any on Earth.

Oceans Beyond the Sun

The search for potential life beyond the solar system is in some ways simpler, but it’s incredibly demanding due to the enormous distances involved. Currently, TESS’s mission is examining candidate stars within about 300 light-years of Earth — close enough to allow for future follow-up examination of the exoplanets that TESS discovers.

What are TESS and other extrasolar survey observations — both space-based and ground-based — looking for? In a nutshell, said EarthSky, they are looking for “Goldilocks” conditions, just right. That means planets that are roughly earth-sized, big enough to hold an atmosphere, but not so big as to be mostly gas or liquid, like Jupiter or even Neptune.

Moreover, the planet must orbit in its parent star’s habitable zone, hot enough that any oceans don’t freeze solid, but not sThe search for life beyond Earth continues within our solar system; the search also extends far beyond the solar system, where we aim to discover earthlike exoplanets.



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Demi Lovato Has Been Chatting With Aliens

Article by Francesca Bacardi                               October 20, 2020                              (

• On October 17th, pop singer Demi Lovato, 28, shared on Instagram that she, along with a group of close friends, recently spent a few days in Joshua Tree with Dr. Steven Greer — “one of the world’s foremost authorities on the subject of UFOs, ET intelligence, and initiating peaceful contact with ET civilizations.”

• “Over the past couple months I have dug deep into the science of consciousness and experienced not only peace and serenity like I’ve never known but I also have witnessed the most incredibly profound sightings both in the sky as well as feet away from me,” Lovato wrote. (See her Instagram message here, with a video of a UFO she posted.)

• Lovato, Greer, and his CE5 (Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind) team, are encouraging one percent of the world to “meditate and make contact” with aliens so that governments would have to “acknowledge the truth about extraterrestrial life among us,” Lovato posted. “[I]t took me several sessions to tap into a deep enough level of meditation to make contact!) Happy communicating.” She didn’t reveal what she and the aliens conversed about, but we can only assume she caught them up on her dramatic last few months from ending her engagement to Max Ehrich releasing a new song, “Commander in Chief,” rebuking President Trump.


                 Demi Lovato

Why use ice cream and sad music to get over a breakup when you can talk to

                    Dr. Steven Greer

aliens instead?

Demi Lovato, 28, shared on Instagram that she recently spent a few days in Joshua Tree with Dr. Steven Greer — “one of the world’s foremost authorities on the subject of UFOs, ET intelligence, and initiating peaceful contact with ET civilizations,” according to his Instagram bio — and a group of close friends to connect with aliens.

“Over the past couple months I have dug deep into the science of consciousness and experienced not only peace and serenity like I’ve never known but I also have witnessed the most incredibly profound sightings both in the sky as well as feet away from me,” she captioned a series of photos and videos of UFOs in the night sky.

Lovato, along with Greer and his CE5 (Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind) team, are encouraging just one percent of the world’s population to “meditate and make contact” with aliens so that governments would have to “acknowledge the truth about extraterrestrial life among us.”



3:32 minute video clips of celebrities who believe in aliens (‘Page Six’ YouTube)



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Chris Mellon Reveals He Was Handed Three Infamous UFO Videos in a Pentagon Parking Lot

Article by Luke Kenton                                October 20, 2020                                (

• A documentary film by James Fox, The Phenomenon, released on October 6th has reignited the fire in the UFO community with firm confirmation of the government’s knowledge of still-unexplained ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon’ (UAP), more commonly known as UFOs, Along with some new information as well.

• In the documentary, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, Chris Mellon (pictured above), explained how came to possess the three infamous Navy UFO videos. The 63-year-old Mellon said that unnamed Defense Department official met him in a Pentagon parking lot and handed Mellon a package with the three UFO videos captured by Navy pilots in 2004 and 2015. Mellon tells the filmmakers, “This is a case where somebody bent the rules a little bit, and they did so for the larger good, and we’re absolutely all better off because of it.”

• The three videos were the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO seen by Navy pilots off of San Diego in 2004; an anomalous UFO rotating while in flight and a small UFO darting across the water below, taken by Navy pilots off of the East Coast in 2015. Nimitz carrier pilots Commander David Fravor and Chad Underwood both saw the Tic Tac UFO on November 14, 2004. In the January 21st, 2015 video of the small UFO darting across the Atlantic Ocean, a Navy pilot is heard to remark, “what the fuck is that thing?” as it passes below him. (click link NY Times ExoArticle below to see the three Navy videos… again.)

• Mellon shared the videos with Luis Elizondo, the former head of the classified Pentagon UFO program called the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’. (The two men had moved on from government work to become colleagues in “To The Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences’, formed in 2017 to investigate and promote UFO data.) In late August of 2017, Elizondo worked with the Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review to have the three videos declassified.

• On October 4, 2017, Elizondo and Mellon had a meeting with New York Times journalist, Leslie Kean, who also appears in the documentary. Kean was informed by Elizondo about the about the secret Pentagon UFO program, and Mellon showed her the UFO videos on his laptop. This information went on to form what would become the bombshell NY Times article of December 2017 (see ExoArticle here) Kean said she ‘knew this was breaking news for the front page of the New York Times as soon as Mellon informed her about the clips’ existence.

• The Pentagon’s ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ (AATIP) was conceived in 2007 by former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and morphed into the ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force’, under the Office of Naval Intelligence, after 2012. Apparently, for over a decade, the Pentagon has been conducting classified briefings for Congressional committees, aerospace company executives and other government officials. The briefings were centered on sightings, video footage, and radar logs by military pilots of ‘unexplained aerial phenomena’ which seemed to transcend existing flight technology – such as an aircraft with no visible engine at 30,000ft, traveling at hypersonic speed.

• The Department of Defense officially released the videos in April this year, nearly two-and-half years after the NY Times report, in order to ‘clear up any misconceptions’ about the video’s veracity. “The aerial phenomena observed in the videos remain characterized as ‘unidentified’,” the department said.

‘The Phenomenon’ analyzes the history of UFO sightings in the US since the 1940s. In the film, Senator Reid claims that the US government has been hiding key details about UFO encounters from the public for years. ”Why the federal government all these years has covered up …everything, stopped it, I think it’s very, very bad for our country.” Reid says that most of the government’s evidence of UFOs still “hasn’t seen the light of day”.

• Reid, however, stops short of confirming other-worldly activity, tweeting in August that “we must stick to science, not fairy tales about little green men”. In the film, Reid tells Fox, “Nobody has to agree why [the UFO phenomenon is] there. But should we at least be spending some money to study all these phenomenon? The answer is yes.”

• The documentary film also goes into the US military’s investigation of UFOs in the late 1940s, as sightings of UFO discs began cropping up in mainstream news reports. The Air Force investigated over 12,000 UFO sightings, ‘explaining’ all but 701 of them. One of those unexplained incidents occurred over Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana in 1967. Ten ICMB missiles situated underground beneath the base suddenly become inoperative. Similar sightings and results were also reported at nuclear sites in the former Soviet Union and in Great Britain.

• Robert Jamison, a retired USAF nuclear missile targeting officer, told of several occasions having to go out and ‘re-start’ missiles that had been deactivated, after UFOs – mysterious glowing red objects in the sky – were sighted nearby. “If they had been called upon by the President to launch, they couldn’t have done it.”


Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, Chris Mellon, has revealed that he was the

      Commander David Fravor

source who provided the New York Times with the three UFO videos it famously published in 2017.

Mellon, who served in the senior intelligence role under the Bill Clinton and George W. Bush administrations, made the bombshell admission in a recently released documentary, The Phenomenon, which is directed by James Fox.

The 63-year-old told Fox that he met with an unnamed individual in the parking lot of the Pentagon months earlier and was handed a package containing three videos of ‘unexplained aerial phenomena’ captured by Navy pilots between 2004 and 2015.

                           Leslie Kean

‘I received the videos, the now famous videos in the Pentagon parking lot from a Defense Department official. I still have the packaging,’ Mellon is heard telling the filmmakers. ‘This is a case where somebody bent the rules a little bit, and they did so for the larger good and we’re absolutely all better off because of it.’

The three videos went on to form what would become the basis of one of the most significant and

             Luis Elizondo

revealing articles about UFOs in recent years.
One of journalists who worked on the story, Leslie Kean, also appears in the documentary.

Kean said she ‘knew this was breaking news for the front page of the New York Times,’ as soon as Mellon informed her about the clips’ existence.

In its bombshell December 2017 article, the Times unveiled a classified Pentagon UFO program called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), overseen by the likes of former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

                        Harry Reid

Though at the time the government said the program, secretly commissioned in 2007, was shuttered due to a lack of funding in 2012, the Times later confirmed it continued its existence under a new name, the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force, within the Office of Naval Intelligence.

For more than a decade, the Pentagon had been conducting classified briefings for congressional committees, aerospace company executives and other government officials.

The briefings were centered on sightings, video footage, and radar logs by military pilots of ‘unexplained aerial

                          Tic Tac UFO

phenomena’ which seemed to transcend existing flight technology – such as an aircraft with no visible engine at 30,000ft, traveling at hypersonic speed.

The Times also released three clips captured by Navy pilots across an 11 year period.

          UFO seen off of Florida in 2015

The first of which, known as the ‘Tic Tac’ incident, was captured by F-18 pilot Chad Underwood off the coast of San Diego on November 14, 2004.

The Tic Tac UFO – so-called because of its rounded shape and white color – was spotted by Underwood flying erratically over the Pacific Ocean.

‘fast’ UFO skimming above the ocean off of Virginia in 2015

‘It was going from like 50,000 feet to 100 feet in like seconds, which is not possible,’ Underwood said back in December 2019, breaking his 15-year silence over the encounter.

To this day, officials still have no idea what the recorded object was, with weather phenomenon, man-made craft and birds having all since been ruled out.

Two other videos recorded on January 21st, 2015, were also released.



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Ask Trump and Biden About UFOs

Article by Jazz Shaw                               October 20, 2020                                     (

• On October 22nd, NBC’s Kristen Welker muted the microphones and scrapped the foreign policy focus of the debate to again pour over the pandemic, racial inequity and police reform. But when will a moderator bring up the topic of UFOs, now that the Pentagon has created a UAP Task Force. Would either Donald Trump or Joe Biden release government information on UFO incursions into our air space?

• An article on (see here) asked “is it really unrealistic that the topic of UFOs could surface at the next presidential debate?” Would Weller set aside her anti-Trump agenda long enough to field a topic like UFOs? No. There are still too many people in mainstream media who are afraid that broaching the subject would make them appear unserious. or even unhinged. Welker has never publicly touched on the topic.

NBC’s Kristen Welker

• But that doesn’t mean that it’s not worth asking about or somehow not a valid point of debate. The Newsweek article shows how far the UFO topic has migrated from the realm of paranormal research into the mainstream media. Tucker Carlson hits the subject regularly on Fox News. Both Jake Tapper and Michael Smerconish have done serious segments about UAP incursions on CNN. The New York Times and the Washington Post have both done multiple articles covering these strange craft without making jokes about it.

• President Trump has been asked multiple times about UFOs. He’s never given us an answer beyond saying that he would “check into it”. But at least he hasn’t brushed it off entirely. But we’ve yet to hear anything from Joe Biden on the topic. writer Bryce Zabel published a UFO briefing memo (see here) for Joe Biden earlier this year, although there’s nothing to indicate that Uncle Joe looked it over.

• One reporter in New Hampshire kept asking every Democratic presidential candidate during the primaries about their position on UFOs, but somehow never got around to Joe Biden. So we really don’t know if Biden HAS any position at all. If he does wind up winning the election, he really needs to get up to speed. According to former Senator Harry Reid, there is a ton more UFO evidence that the public hasn’t seen, and that UFOs have even shut down some of our nuclear weapons facilities in the past.

• On the other hand, what if President Trump dropped a truth bomb in the run up to the election? Wouldn’t that be a totally ‘2020’ thing to happen right about now?


                    NBC’s Kristen Welker

We’ve already learned some of what we should expect from the final presidential debate this week. For

        Fox News’ Tucker Carlson

one thing, we know that the candidates’ microphones are going to be muted at times, possibly to avoid any “spicey” encounters. We’ve also heard that the original, scheduled focus of the debate, foreign policy, has been essentially scrapped by Kristen Welker. She will instead go back to the same list of topics that were dealt with last time, such as the pandemic, racial inequity, police reform, etc. But there’s one subject missing from the list. When will a debate moderator ask the candidates about the Pentagon’s UAP Task Force and whether or not they plan to release government information on UFO incursions into our air space? If you think it’s just me and the ufology enthusiasts asking about this, think again. The question popped up this week at Newsweek.

                  CNN’s Jake Tapper

“2020 has been a shocking year, to say the least, so is it really unrealistic that the topic of UFOs could

        Fmr. Nevada Senator Harry Reid

surface at the next presidential debate? Believe it or not, some Americans want to see President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden address the topic of national security in a totally new way on Thursday night.

Bryce Zabel, writer and producer of NBC’s Dark Skies, published a Medium article on Monday that questions if debate moderator and NBC reporter Kristen Welker could bring up the topic of UFOs during the final presidential debate before the 2020 election.”

Zabel makes many good points as usual, but then again, UFOs are sort of his beat. So do I think that Welker will set aside her anti-Trump agenda long enough to field a topic like this? No. I would say the chances are basically zero. There are still too many people in mainstream media who are afraid that broaching the subject would make them appear unserious or even unhinged. I was doing some searching this afternoon and couldn’t locate a single instance where Welker has even touched on the topic.



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The World of Back Engineered UFO Technology

Article by Ryan Dube                                   October 16, 2020                                  (

• When one considers the world of reverse engineering, it is often assumed that this is done in secret government DARPA facilities. Nicholas Evans points out in Military Gadgets: “…airplane, tank, radar, jet engine, helicopter, electronic computer, stealth technology and internet, none of these that transformed warfare in the 20 and 21st century owed their initial development to the military but were accelerated into service by DARPA.” With an annual budget of $3.5B, compared to that of NASA at $22.6B, DARPA is limited to what it can afford to do.

• In 1987, Robert Lazar went on television claiming to have been part of an operation that worked on alien technology at the S-4 facility in Nevada where at least nine alien spacecraft were parked. He claimed EG&G hired him to help reverse engineer the technology. In the process, Lazar discovered a rusty, heavy substance he called “Element 115” that powered the alien spacecraft as an energy source which would produce anti-gravity. A vehicle producing this anti-gravity distortion could alter its own relation to the space around it, allowing it to dramatically shorten the distance between itself and its destination. As element 115 is not naturally found on Earth, Lazar suggested that our stocks of the element 115 were a gift from an off-planet civilization to be used as fuel for our own spacecraft.

• In 2004, a team of American and Russian scientists succeeded in producing element 115 as an unstable isotope, confirming the existence of such an atom. However, the isotope has virtually none of the qualities that Lazar described. Even ufologist Stanton Freidman debunked Lazar saying that there’s no evidence he ever attended CalTech or MIT as claimed. Other academic physicists and engineers found the alleged propulsion system to be “critically flawed”.

• In 1997, Philip Corso published the book, The Day After Roswell (co-authored by William J. Birnes), relating how he stewarded extraterrestrial artifacts recovered from a crash at Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947, at the direction of the first Director of Central Intelligence, Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter. Different parts of the Roswell craft were sent to various defense companies, who reverse engineered their properties, and that this led to the development of achievements such as accelerated particle beam devices, fiber optics, night vision equipment, lasers, integrated circuit chips and Kevlar material. Corso also said that the Strategic Defense Initiative in the 1980’s was meant to disrupt the electronic guidance systems of incoming enemy warheads, as well as enemy extraterrestrial spacecraft.

• A DuPont lab chemist, Stephanie Kwolek, is credited, however, for inventing the liquid crystalline that could be spun into fabric known as Kevlar. And the contractors who reverse-engineered these technologies were told that the parts were stolen from Russia. The ‘Klass Files’ and reviewer Tom Mahood say that much of Corso’s account has minor factual flaws, or are simply “uncheckable”. Said Mahood about Corso, “Is it some sort of “disinformation”? Many will say it is, but I don’t know. Honestly, I’m not completely sure just what to make of it. I know it’s not the truth, that he’s likely a loon, but beyond that….”

• Richard Boylan includes the TR3-B triangular craft among twelve US classified aircraft that employs anti-gravity technology. The November 2000 issue of Popular Mechanics identifies it as a ‘Lenticular Reentry Vehicle, a nuclear-powered flying saucer – the first version of which allegedly went operational in 1962’. defense industry alleged insider Edgar Rothschild Fouche claimed that the TR-3B generates an intense magnetic field that reduces its weight by 89 percent. But that it does not have a an antigravity propulsion system. It merely uses the Biefeld-Brown effect to reduce its weight so that more conventional propulsion systems such as scramjets can give it amazing speed.

• ‘Morphing metals’ are materials which have the ability to bend on command, “sense” pressure, transform from liquid to solid when placed in a magnetic field, and shape-memory polymers. Memory materials are used in alloys like Nitinol, which have the stiffness of steel but can return to its previous shape when heat is applied. Anna McGowan, program manager at NASA’s Langley Research Center, says that “This is technology that most people aren’t aware even exists.”

• NASA science teams at the Langley Research Center are currently working on intrinsically “smart materials” which can perform self-diagnosis and self-repair. These “self-healing” materials are human-made (not alien-made) of long-chain molecules called ionomers which react to penetration, such as a bullet, by closing behind it. The implications of this technology for space flight are tremendous.

• Philip Corso, Robert Lazar and Richard Boylan all claim that our latest technologies come from the reverse engineering of alien craft and artifacts. But each of these technologies have seemingly verified ‘human sources’ that prove otherwise. Consequently, there is no fast, hard evidence to support any of these reverse engineering tales. Instead, these stories generate questions about the creators of these tales and their motives for doing so.

[Editor’s Note]   And the deep state spin on debunking alien technology continues…..


         Stephanie Kwolek

The world of reverse engineering is indeed a strange one. It’s a landscape of claims and counter claims. Fantastic stories and skeptical analysis. The characters are legendary and the truth elusive.

              Robert Lazar

One constant is the proposition that DARPA may be the agency responsible for any advances in the technology. While DARPA does have a hand in a lot of advances in technology, they only push projects forward – they don’t do the work.

As noted by Nicholas Evans in Military Gadgets: “…airplane, tank, radar, jet engine, helicopter, electronic computer, stealth technology and internet, none of these that transformed warfare in the 20 and 21st century owed their initial development to the military but were accelerated into service by DARPA.”

And they work with a limited budget.

A quick look at the DOD fiscal 2020 budget report shows the research budget for DARPA at a little less than 3.5 billion per year. NASA had a 22.6 billion per year operating budget of which the shuttle takes a third.

                       TR3-B craft

Robert Lazar and Element 115

     Edgar Fouche

Back to the characters.

In 1987, Robert Lazar shocked the world when he went on television claiming to have been part of an operation that worked on alien technology. Lazar said that the government has possession of at least nine alien spacecraft at a base called S-4.

He claimed EG&G hired him to help reverse engineer the technology in the alien craft for use in U.S. military vehicles and power production. In the process, he discovered a rusty, heavy substance he called “Element 115” that powered the alien spacecraft.

        Philip Corso

Lazar explained how the atomic element 115 (or ununpentium (Uup)) served as a nuclear fuel for the propulsion of the

      Anna McGowan

alien craft. Element 115 provided an energy source which would produce anti-gravity under particulate bombardment.

As the intense strong nuclear force field of element 115’s nucleus was properly amplified, the resulting effect would be a distortion of the surrounding gravitational field. A vehicle producing this distortion could alter its own relation to the space around it, allowing it to dramatically shorten the distance between itself and its destination.

Lazar speculated that element 115’s probable absence on Earth was due to the fact that the supernovae in Earth’s region of the galaxy were insufficiently massive to produce nuclei of this density. He postulated that other parts of the universe could be richer in this element. Lazar indicated stocks of the element 115 were a gift from an off-planet civilization to be used as fuel for our own spacecraft.



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Russian Scientist Says Earth Is Alien Experiment

Article by Mike Adams                                     Octobber 16, 2020                                (

• It’s impossible not to wonder, “Are we alone in the universe?” Evidence has surfaced over the decades showing that there’s a pretty good chance other civilizations exist. Religious adherents often scoff at the idea of life outside our planet. Their guidebook doesn’t say anything about big-headed, beady-eyed aliens. Some believe that advanced extraterrestrial may be our master controllers, and we’re all just part of one big project assembled for their amusement. Could we be walking around in an alien ant farm? Are we test-tube specimens who couldn’t possibly understand life as we know it?

• Alexander Panov is a top scientist at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University. He is the leader of the SETI scientific and cultural center under the Council on Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), and chairman of the Life and Mind in the Universe department of the Council on Astronomy of the RAS. Panov told the Russian state media outlet RIA Novosti that the reason humans haven’t been formally introduced to alien civilizations is that we’re just an experiment.

• Panov believes that extraterrestrials have the whole of humanity under Earthly imprisonment, and they do not want to interfere with our natural progression to see if we will evolve into anything worthwhile, or whether we’ll just destroy everything in our paths on a quest for answers that have always been beyond our reach. We are essentially cosmic entertainment. “It lies in the fact that highly humanized civilizations do not interfere in our development and have created a quarantine zone around us, a radio silence zone so as not to interfere with our independent development,” Panov told RIA Novosti.

• If Panov’s theory is accurate, the we humans are down here making art, writing books, and hoping that our social media followers will “like” our stupid photos. We think we’re at the top of the food chain. All the while, interplanetary beings are up there tapping on the aquarium glass, giving us stupid pet names, and talking about how cute we are. They must be amused at how we use different interpretations of manmade texts to wage wars against each other, commit acts of terror, and otherwise keep us from getting along.

• Our extraterrestrial overlords must marvel at how Americans now have two presidential candidates fighting over a political office that neither would be able to find, if not for GPS. If Earth really is just entertainment for a superior class of extraterrestrials, they are getting their money’s worth. Why would they want to reveal themselves and ruin a good thing?

• So it’s probably for the best that we keep the aliens laughing. Otherwise, they might get bored, swoop down here with ray-guns blazing, and show us what it’s really like to live in a dystopia. The last thing any of us need is to become sex slaves to a society of malevolent green anarchists.


If you hang around outside long enough at night, it’s impossible not to wonder, “Are we alone in the universe?” Especially if you’ve just consumed a handful of magic mushrooms and are listening to “Echoes” from Pink Floyd’s Meddle album. Oh, and if there happens to be a couple of dogs barking incessantly in the background, forget about it. That’s when those deep thoughts really start to make a man feel like a lost character in the last twenty minutes of the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, and he’s catapulting at speeds through unseen dimensions only to end up at the death bed portal known as the end. You can almost smell the door that leads to the other side.

           Alexander Panov


Let’s just say they were really good shrooms, and leave it at that. But it goes without saying that even without mind-altering chemicals coursing through the old noggin, the question remains: Are we the only “intelligent” life floating around in outer space? Religious nuts often scoff at the idea of life outside our pissant planet – their guidebook doesn’t say anything about beady-eyed men — but evidence has surfaced over the decades showing that there’s a pretty damn good chance other civilizations exist. And maybe, perhaps, quite possibly, those big-head bastards aren’t huge fans of humanity. Or better yet, maybe they are our master controllers, and we’re all just part of one big project assembled for their amusement. Yikes! The apostles didn’t write anything about that, did they?

It might sound a bit far-fetched to suggest that we are actually walking around in an alien ant farm and that life as we know it cannot be explained because we’re nothing but meaningless specimens of test-tube tomfoolery. But that could be the case. No, this isn’t some warped idea that I conjured during a psychedelic trip underneath the starry skies. It is one that a leading Russian scientist would be willing to bet his left nut and a bottle of vodka on. Well, we didn’t actually ask him whether he’d give up a testicle if his theory proved to be a load of caca, but he seems pretty confident.
So we’re betting by proxy.



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Space Force Built for War?

Article by Ryan Faith                                   October 16, 2020                                  (

• Space Force keeps a tight lid on its military intentions. Therefore, Russian or Chinese space warfare theorists might assume that a ‘kinetic’ (ie: shooting) war could be in the works. As in the US Air Force, the purveyors of kinetic mayhem tend to be culturally dominant. And Space Force has been no exception. These kinetic mayhem purveyors present a louder, more muscular, aggressive face of the Space Force. The non-kinetic approaches to space dominance get little discussion. The overall message suggests a Space Force with a strong bias towards kinetic warfare.

• At the same time, the US Space Force does not discuss the activities of its potential foes, and publicly there’s little to suggest that US opponents are hostile and aggressive. This makes the cultural bias in Space Force towards kinetic action appear to be an itchy trigger finger, not a response to real-life aggression.

• Kinetic action in space comes with an immense risk associated with orbital debris. In 2007, China demonstrated an anti-satellite weapon, and created more than 3,000 bits of space shrapnel in space. At immense orbital speeds, an impact by even a small bit of debris can have a devastating effect. This in turn creates more orbital debris in a sort of feedback effect called the Kessler Syndrome. This in itself creates some talk of strategic deterrent to an orbital debris chain-reaction that results in unintentional mutually assured response and destruction.

• The US Space Force would probably benefit by clarifying that a kinetic response must be in response to a legitimate threat or attack. Secondly, the US has a variety of tools at its disposal to manage the escalation of a space conflict without blowing a space asset to smithereens.

• But these suggestions are just a small part of the extensive political-social-media context of space operations as the backdrop to combat operations for the foreseeable future. The reality of a space conflict today may be a matter of winning the security battle versus losing the messaging war tomorrow.


If I were a Russian or Chinese space warfare theorist, thinking about a future war with the United States, it might be reasonable to bet that the newly-minted U.S. Space Force was planning for a kinetic space conflict, starting on Day 1.

Understandably, the Space Force keeps a tight lid on broader discussions of its capabilities. There isn’t a lot of direct information one way or another. Without a clear understanding of what the U.S. can do, an analyst might start trying to figure out U.S. intentions.

The culture of the Space Force might still be unformed and changing; it does bear at least a family resemblance to its sister services in at least one significant respect. In the services, the purveyors of kinetic mayhem — the shooters and the killers — tend to be culturally dominant within their respective services. The Space Force has been no exception to this.

Whether or not the Space Force shooters want to or not, they present a louder, more muscular, aggressive face of the Space Force. Conversely, non-kinetic approaches to space dominance get little discussion indeed.

Between the relative boldness of the kinetic space warfare community and the comparative silence of the non-kinetic warfare practitioners, the overall message suggests a Space Force with a strong bias towards kinetic warfare.

Compounding this problem, the USSF does not speak a lot about the activities of its potential foes. In public discussion, there’s little to suggest that U.S. opponents are hostile and aggressive and that need a muscular response. Keeping malicious actions secret makes the cultural bias towards kinetic action appear spontaneous — that it is not a response to unfortunate real-life conditions, but more of an itchy trigger finger.



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Space Force Developing Offensive Capabilities in Space

Article by Frank Wolfe                                       October 19, 2020                                   (

• In 1958, the United States was the first nation to test an ‘Anti-Satellite’ (ASAT) weapon, launched from a bomber. Since then, Russia, China, and India have demonstrated their abilities to destroy orbiting satellites as well. US Air Force and Space Force officials have largely promoted the resilience and redundancy of US space assets and protecting them from enemy attacks. At last year’s Space Symposium, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein stated, “If …your country is interested in participating in manned spaceflight, then you should not be …creating (a) risk to manned spaceflight. So demonstrating any capability that would create more (dangerous space) debris, in my mind, is a step in the wrong direction.”

• That type of thinking may have changed in 2007 when the Chinese demonstrated their anti-satellite weaponry on one of their own satellites, creating a swarm of space debris. “That was a clarifying event,” said Air Force Lt. Gen. B. Chance Saltzman, Space Force’s deputy chief of space operations. “I can almost chart from there the establishment of the Space Force, because suddenly space was contested.” “[T]hat kinetic attack on a satellite really shook the foundations that this is no longer a benign environment, and we started asking the questions about are we properly structured and organized and doing the right kinds of things to be able to maintain our advantage.”

• “[T]o some degree, the aggressive behavior of our competitors has clarified what we need to do as a nation and in the Department of Defense,” Saltzman continued. “They awoke the great giant that is the United States. [W]e are now moving rapidly toward developing capability to ensure that we maintain that strategic advantage…for a long time.” “I think the best defense sometimes is a good offense.”

• In April, after Russia tested a direct-ascent ASAT, John “Jay” Raymond, the Space Force’s chief of space operations, called it “further proof of Russia’s hypocritical advocacy of outer space arms control proposals designed to restrict the capabilities of the United States, while clearly having no intention of halting their counter-space weapons programs.”

• A recent ‘Roadmap for Assessing Space Weapons’ report from Aerospace Corporation‘s Center for Space Policy and Strategy said that the U.S. should not rush headlong into the development of new space weapons. “To avoid Russia and China imposing unnecessary costs on the United States, US decisions on space weapons should not be made simply in reaction to China and Russia’s space weaponization. US decisions on space weapons require an exhaustive comparative analysis of the value to US national security to develop, build, and deploy any type of space weapon, and the downsides to such a decision. Is the United States better off with or without space weapons of any type? …The analysis might lead to a conclusion that certain types of weapons or certain functions of such weapons are advantageous while others are not.”


 Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein

The U.S was the first nation to test Anti-Satellite (ASAT) weapons in 1958 with bomber-launched ASATs, and three other nations have demonstrated the ability to destroy orbiting satellites — Russia, China, and, most recently, India, with a test in March last year. Officials from the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Space Force have largely confined themselves to talking about building the resilience and redundancy of U.S. space assets and protecting them from enemy attacks, such as ASATs.

At last year’s Space Symposium, Air Force leaders discussed space deterrence through a lens of rapid response to adversary actions, and then Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein told Via Satellite sister publication Defense Daily that an ASAT test “absolutely isn’t the way” to demonstrate a space deterrent capability.

  Air Force Lt. Gen. B. Chance Saltzman

“If you take the long view and your country is interested in participating in manned spaceflight, then you should not be contributing in any way, shape or form to creating risk to manned spaceflight,” he said. “So demonstrating any capability that would create more debris, in my mind, is a step in the wrong direction.”

That thinking may be changing.

                John “Jay” Raymond

“I was on the ops floor in 2007 when the Chinese shot their own satellite down,” Air Force Lt. Gen. B. Chance Saltzman, Space Force’s deputy chief of space operations for operations, cyber, and nuclear, said during an Oct. 16 Aerospace Nation forum sponsored by the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies. “That was a clarifying event, and I can almost chart from there the establishment of the Space Force because suddenly space was contested.”

“We knew there was other kinds of [space] contesting going on, but that kinetic attack on a satellite really shook the foundations that this is no longer a benign environment, and we started asking the questions about are we properly structured and organized and doing the right kinds of things to be able to maintain our advantage,” Saltzman said.

“And so, to some degree, the aggressive behavior of our competitors has clarified what we need to do as a nation and in the Department of Defense,” he said. “They awoke the great giant that is the United States, and we are now moving rapidly toward developing capability to ensure that we maintain that strategic advantage. We’re going to be able to compete in that area for a long time.”



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The US Coast Guard’s Future is in Outer Space

Article by Michael Sinclair                                    October 15, 2020                                    (

• The Coast Guard serves as the United States’ Arctic governance presence. This requires of the Coast Guard the ability to communicate ‘over-the-horizon’. In December 2018, teamed up with the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Division and SpaceX to launch two small cube satellites (“cubesats”) — Yukon and Kodiak — over the Arctic as part of the ‘Polar Scout program’. While the Coast Guard lost its communications link to the satellites shortly after their launch, the fact that the service looked to space to meet its mission objective is a forerunner of things to come.

• These two cubesats were intended to serve as the vanguard of enhanced telecommunications coverage in the Arctic. As the warming climate melts the ice at the north pole, this increases the international shipping access by the US, Russia and China. This increases the strategic significance of the Arctic, and the need for increased governance.

• The second great Space Age will be turbo-charged by computer processing and commercial space markets. The Coast Guard should take advantage of the increasingly affordable access to space that commercial space opportunities provide. Space-based surveillance can assist with many Coast Guard missions including maritime law/drug enforcement, intelligence, buoy tending, vessel traffic management, and icebreaking. Coast Guard icebreaker vessels should serve as ocean station sentinels. And the Coast Guard should add additional satellite link stations such as the one in New London, Connecticut.

• Next, the Coast Guard should develop a ‘Space Operations Strategic Outlook’ to establish space competencies across the entire Coast Guard. The 2019 Coast Guard Authorization Act includes statutory language that would extend Coast Guard ‘Captain of the Port Authority’ beyond its twelve nautical-mile limit to facilitate safe and secure space operation support at sea. The Coast Guard should partner with Space Force to provide space ‘search and rescue’.

• Government, military and commercial space entities fully intend a rapid increase in human space flight. Space Force should have the capability to render assistance to distressed space farers. This is consistent with the Outer Space Treaty and the Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, both to which the United States is party. Currently, there is no specific statute authorizing a US agency to conduct such rescue operations in space. The Coast Guard’s broad search and rescue would provide excellent models for developing a foundation for the Coast Guard assist with Space Force/Space Command in space-based search and rescue operations.

• On their face, “outer space” and the “Coast Guard” are two terms that do not seem to have much in common. But with the ready access to space in the 21st century, now is the time for the Coast Guard to consider how to alter its planning to capitalize on the opportunities and to meet future challenges in space.


In December 2018, the U.S. Coast Guard joined the space faring community. It teamed up with the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Division and SpaceX to execute the launch of two small cube satellites (“cubesats”) — Yukon and Kodiak — as part of the Polar Scout program.

These two cubesats were intended to serve as the vanguard of enhanced telecommunications coverage in the Arctic, a domain that has always been important but is of increasing strategic significance today because it is at the intersection of great power competition and global climate change. In short, a warmer climate results in greater access; greater access results in greater maritime traffic, including by Russia and China. The Chinese, in particular, are constantly pressing to exploit resources the world over, be it living marine or hydrocarbon-based. Likewise, greater traffic means more need for increased governance presence to ensure safe, rules-based operations within the Arctic.

The Coast Guard is statutorily charged with serving as the United States’ Arctic governance presence. This means the Coast Guard increasingly requires the ability to communicate over-the-horizon — thus, Polar Scout. And while the Coast Guard lost linkage to Yukon and Kodiak shortly after launch, the mere fact that the service had the vision to go boldly to the heavens to meet that need should be a forerunner of things to come.


Space issues are a hot topic in 2020. Indeed, we are at the start of a second great space age, one that is shaping up to be turbo-charged by the commercial market and the seemingly never-ending, exponentially increasing power of computer processing. The United States is pursuing the Artemis Accords, the Space Force is getting off the ground, NASA is looking towards Mars (but first to the moon! To stay!), and commercial space pursuits are booming. The Coast Guard has already gotten in the game, but it must continue to seriously consider space as it develops budgets and strategies for the future.

To succeed as an information-age military service and total-domain governance agency in the 21st century, the Coast Guard should view space through three lenses. First, how can the service best capitalize on cheap, ready access to space to facilitate its missions, as it had already started to do so with the Polar Scout launches? Second, how do commercial space efforts interact with the maritime industry and maritime domain; and to what extent, if any, does the Coast Guard need to adjust or modify its extensive suite of operating authorities and regulations to ensure that any risk to the safety and security of the maritime is adequately addressed? And third, how can the Coast Guard, as part of the joint force, assist the Space Force in executing the latter’s own responsibilities?



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Elon Musk Breaks Silence on UFOs and Alien Tech – ‘I Have Seen No Evidence’

Article by Sebastian Kettley                                       October 13, 2020                                       (

Fox News anchor Maria Bartiromo recently asked President Trump if there are UFOs, seeing that the Pentagon has set up a UFO/UAP Task Force. Trump said: “Well I’m gonna have to check on that, I mean I’ve heard that, I heard that two days ago, so I’ll check on that. I’ll take a good, strong look at that.”

• Bartiromo then tweeted a thanks to the President, and tagged Elon Musk (pictured above) and Jeff Bezos in the tweet: “Thx @POTUS @realDonaldTrump will f/u on this. Humans want to know. Has earth been visited. @elonmusk & @JeffBezos as earth great space explorers, what do U think? Have we been visited. We will discuss tomorrow @MorningsMaria @FoxBusiness 8a.” “Earth great explorers” refers to Musk’s ownership of SpaceX and Bezos’ ownership of Blue Origin, two leading spacecraft manufacturers and operators.

• “I have seen no evidence of an advanced civilization visiting Earth,” Elon Musk replied in a tweet. “Fuzzy pics that are worse than a 7/11 security cam frame grab don’t count!” “[T]here are literally >1000 percent more cameras than 10 years ago, but still zero clear photos.”

• Musk, 49, is no stranger to controversy. In July this year, he warned that artificial intelligence threatens to overtake humanity “in less than five years”. He was also among 28 people who in 2015 signed a statement warning against “intentionally signaling other civilizations in the Milky Way”. The document, published by the Berkeley SETI Research Center at the University of California, Berkeley, was in response to SETI’s sister program, METI (Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence) actively calling out to beings in space, not just listening and observing.

• The SETI statement reads in part: “We know nothing of ETI’s (extraterrestrial Intelligence) intentions and capabilities, and it is impossible to predict whether ETI will be benign or hostile. …[I]t is likely that other communicative civilizations we encounter will be millions of years more advanced than us. …As a newly emerging technological species, it is prudent to listen before we shout. …Intentionally signaling other civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy raises concerns from all the people of Earth, about both the message and the consequences of contact.”

[Editor’s Note]   What is more plausible? That Elon Musk travels among the world’s super-elite but has never heard about the multitude of intelligent extraterrestrial beings that have been working with the military industrial complex since the 1950s; or that Musk is a puppet of the deep state and is doing what he is told? Let’s take a closer look. Musk didn’t really say there are ‘no ETs’, just that he’s seen “no evidence” of them. This is the standard lie that the deep state has been propagating since the inception of the CIA right after the Roswell UFO crash and cover-up in 1947. This also gives Musk some wiggle room if he’s ever cornered about lying. He’s covering his bases.
Then Musk arrogantly repeats another standard deep state lie – that there are no good images or video of UFOs. Actually, there is a TON of good images and video of UFOs. (see recent ExoArticle about the 1990 Calvine UFO incident in the Scottish highlands where the photos were so good that the British government has refused to released them until 2070.) But the deep state wants people to think there are no compelling photos.

Another deep state tactic is to keep people afraid of unknown hostile extraterrestrials. The Berkeley SETI Research Center and the University of California, Berkeley are well-known deep state institutions. The deep state created METI, just as they did SETI, and used it to instill fear in the minds of the public. Elon Musk was right in line to sign this SETI statement of hostile aliens, even though he claims not to believe in aliens.

Finally, Musk is at the forefront of alerting/alarming the public about artificial intelligence taking over the planet. These are all fear tactics that the deep state employs to convert the benign extraterrestrial presence into an extraterrestrial enemy, and that the people of Earth can only turn to the deep state to save them from this existential threat. This is simply a new manufactured threat to humanity, replacing the old “Cold War” threat which the deep state concocted in the 1940’s when they labeled the Soviet Union/Russia as the bogeyman.


               Jeff Bezos

SPACEX boss Elon Musk has shot down conspiracy theorists and UFO truthers, saying there is no convincing evidence alien extraterrestrials have ever visited our planet.

       Maria Bartiromo

Elon Musk, 49, is no stranger to controversy and he has been responsible for some bizarre statements over the years. In July this year, he warned artificial intelligence threatens to overtake humanity “in less than five years”. He has also co-signed a document warning of the consequences of recklessly attempting to contact alien civilisations beyond our solar system.

And yet, it appears as though the South African tech mogul behind SpaceX and Tesla draws the line at one thing: reports of UFOs visiting our planet.

In a series of revealing tweets, Mr Musk shared exactly what he thinks about unverified sightings and “fuzzy pics” of supposed alien spacecraft.

His comments were prompted by Fox News anchor Maria Bartiromo asking the US President Donald Trump about reports the US Department of Defense has set up a UFO task force.

When asked outright if there are UFOs, President Trump said: “Well I’m gonna have to check on that, I mean I’ve heard that, I heard that two days ago, so I’ll check on that.

“I’ll take a good, strong look at that, but I will tell you this, we now have created a military the likes of which we have never had before.”
Ms Bartiromo then tweeted the President’s response to Mr Musk and Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon and Blue Origin.

She tweeted: “Thx @POTUS @realDonaldTrump will f/u on this. Humans want to know. Has earth been visited. @elonmusk & @JeffBezos as earth great space explorers, what do U think?



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Pentagon Taps Elon Musk’s SpaceX to Track Hypersonic Weapons from Space

Article by Nolan Peterson                                  October 6, 2020                                 (

• The US Department of Defense has awarded Elon Musk’s ‘Space X’ a $149 million contract to build satellites to track hypersonic missiles, as part of the Space Development Agency’s planned “mega-constellation” of weapons-tracking satellites. Both SpaceX and L3 Harris Technologies Inc. will produce four satellites for the Pentagon each. The satellites will be equipped with ‘wide field of view’ ‘overhead persistent infrared’ (OPIR) sensors.

• The commercial-built satellites will form the first layer of a planned surveillance network to track hypersonic missiles. Under the Space Development Agency’s National Defense Space Architecture, the US will put into orbit a constellation of hundreds of satellites, primarily in low Earth orbit, to track maneuverable hypersonic missiles — a weapons technology currently under development by both Russia and China.

• In 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin unveiled new weapons that he touted would be able to defeat US missile defense systems. Among those new weapons was the ‘Avangard’ hypersonic glide vehicle, supposedly capable of flying at Mach 27. The Avangard reportedly went operational in December.

• In August, China tested a ballistic missile capable of carrying a hypersonic glide vehicle. The flight paths of intercontinental ballistic missiles can be easily predicted after launch. Hypersonic missiles, however, can be steered in flight, making them much harder to track and a more evasive mark for anti-missile defense systems.

• Some experts warn that the Pentagon’s ‘Hypersonic and Ballistic Missile Tracking Space Sensor’ program doesn’t have enough funding and is plagued with challenges when it comes to integrating with other missile defense systems and linking to advanced interceptors and directed energy weapons.

• The US Space Force already possesses missile-tracking satellites in high geosynchronous orbits. The new satellites will operate from much lower orbits and will therefore have a comparatively limited field of view, requiring the creation of a constellation of satellites that can effectively hand off tracking responsibilities as they follow the flight path of a hypersonic weapon from horizon to horizon.

• SpaceX and L3 Harris are expected to deliver their first of eight satellites by fall of 2022. Initial operating capability is expected by 2024. The entire missile-tracking constellation is planned for completion by 2026.

• SpaceX has already launched two NASA astronauts to the International Space Station aboard a SpaceX Dragon capsule, powered into orbit by the company’s Falcon 9 rocket. It marked America’s return to active spaceflight operations after a nine-year hiatus following the last space shuttle flight in 2011. SpaceX was recently selected by the Space Force to carry out national security space launch missions over the next five years. SpaceX’s Starlink program is currently creating a mega-constellation of small satellites in low Earth orbit to provide global broadband coverage for high-speed internet access. SpaceX anticipates Starlink will achieve “near global coverage of the populated world by 2021.”


                         Elon Musk

SpaceX has won a $149 million Department of Defense contract to build satellites to track hypersonic missiles, marking the first government contract for building such equipment for Elon Musk’s groundbreaking commercial spaceflight company.

As part of the Space Development Agency’s planned “mega-constellation” of weapons-tracking satellites, both SpaceX and L3 Harris Technologies Inc. will produce four satellites for the Pentagon to track hypersonic weapons. The L3 Harris contract to build its four satellites is reportedly valued at $193 million.

The eight commercially produced satellites will be equipped with wide field of view (WFOV) overhead persistent infrared (OPIR) sensors. Those satellites will form the first layer of a planned surveillance network to track hypersonic missiles.

Under the Space Development Agency’s National Defense Space Architecture, the US will put into orbit a constellation of hundreds of satellites, primarily in low Earth orbit, to track maneuverable hypersonic missiles — a weapons technology currently under development by both Russia and China.

In 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin unveiled new weapons that he touted would be able to defeat US missile defense systems. Among those new weapons was the Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle, supposedly capable of flying at Mach 27. The Avangard reportedly went operational in December.



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Did Trump Threaten Aliens With Military Action?

Article by Kyle Mizokami                                October 14, 2020                                 (

• On October 11th, Fox News anchor Maria Bartiromo asked Trump, “Can you explain why the Department of Defense has set up a UFO task force? Are there UFOs?” “Well, I’m going to have to check on that,” Trump replied. Trump then took the opportunity to boast about the power of the U.S. military. In August, the Pentagon established an official ‘UAP Task Force’ to investigate UFO sightings, following confirmed UFO sightings by US Navy pilots between 2004 and 2014.

• “I will tell you this,” said Trump. “We have now created a military the likes of which we have never had before. In terms of equipment, the equipment we have, the weapons we have, and hope to God we never have to use it. But have created a military the likes of which nobody has, nobody has, ever had. Russia, China, they’re all envious of what we had. All built in the USA. We’ve rebuilt it all—$2.5 trillion dollars. As far as the other question I’ll check on it, I heard about it two days ago actually.”

• So what, exactly, was Trump getting at in this interview? Was this just about touting the $2.5 trillion Trump spent on defense with no real increase in America’s overall military strength and number of weapons? Or was it about warning extraterrestrial forces – or more likely, the foreign governments behind the UAPs that the Pentagon is investigating – with military action? If Trump considers aliens a threat, that would likely explain the sudden rush to establish the Space Force.

• Could the Pentagon fend off a UFO attack? It seems unlikely. Even America’s most high-tech military hardware and the thousands of nuclear weapons that make up our strategic nuclear forces would almost certainly be powerless against any technology advanced enough to travel between stars.

• Consider the progress in weapons technology over the last 200 years. Military forces of the 1820s, complete with muskets, horses, and field guns, would stand no chance against the armed forces of the 2020s. Alien civilizations could easily be thousands, or even millions, of years more advanced, with weapons that might seem miraculous to us. The unfortunate truth is Earth is likely ripe for the taking by any alien race technologically advanced enough to travel here.

• If anyone on this planet knows the real truth about UFOs and extraterrestrial life, it would be the President of the United States. So what might Trump someday reveal?


President Donald Trump, when asked about a new Pentagon task force for studying UFOs, replied that he would look into it—and then began boasting about the power of the U.S. military. Some observers saw this as Trump touting his funding of the Department of Defense, while others saw it as a threat to extraterrestrial beings.

       Donald Trump / Maria Bartiromo

In an interview on Sunday, Fox News anchor Maria Bartiromo asked Trump, “Can you explain why the Department of Defense has set up a UFO task force? Are there UFOs?”

“Well, I’m going to have to check on that,” Trump replied. “I mean, I’ve heard that. I heard that two days ago. So I’ll check on that. I’ll take a good, strong look at that.”

Trump then went on to talk about the U.S. military: “I will tell you this: We have now created a military the likes of which we have never had before. In terms of equipment, the—the equipment we have, the weapons we have, and hope to god we never have to use it. But have created a military the likes of which nobody has, nobody has, ever had. Russia, China, they’re all envious of what we had. All built in the USA. We’ve rebuilt it all—$2.5 trillion dollars. As far as the other question I’ll check on it, I heard about it two days ago actually.”

In August, the Pentagon established an official task force to investigate UFO sightings, following confirmed UFO sightings by U.S. Navy pilots between 2004 and 2014. The Pentagon’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Task Force (UAPTF) will investigate the sightings of UAPs, also known as UFOs.



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Scientists Call for Serious Study of UAPs – ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena’

Article by Leonard David                                 October 12, 2020                                     (

• The US Navy recently admitted that strangely behaving objects caught on video by Navy jet pilots, radar operators and technicians are genuine ‘UAP’s or ‘unidentified aerial phenomenon’. In August, the Navy established a ‘UAP Task Force’ to investigate the nature and origin of these UFOs and to determine whether they pose a threat to U.S. national security.

• These observed UAPs (or UFOs) can purportedly accelerate in the 1000’s of G-forces – far more than a human can survive. Furthermore, there’s no air disturbance visible and they don’t produce a sonic boom.

• Philippe Ailleris, a project controller at the European Space Agency’s Space Research and Technology Center in the Netherlands, has created the ‘Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena Observations Reporting Scheme’, a project to facilitate the collection and study of UFOs reported by both amateur and professional astronomers. This comes as more scientists are calling for a more scientific study of the UFO phenomenon.

• “There’s a need for the scientific study of UAPs and a requirement to assemble reliable evidence, something that could not be so easily ignored by science,” Ailleris told Recent technological advances in open tools and software, cloud computing and artificial intelligence with machine and deep learning offer scientists new possibilities to collect, store, manipulate and transmit data.

• Ailleris points to orbiting civilian satellites as a good way to search for UFOs. One avenue is to tap into the ‘free-of-charge’ imagery collected by the European Union’s Copernicus satellites, managed by the European Commission in partnership with ESA. More and more Earth-scanning spacecraft are being launched by private companies that can be used to view the planet and detect possible UFOs. “This evolution will stimulate forward-thinking ideas across different domains, including controversial topics,” Ailleris said. “And why not the UAP research field?”

• Kevin Knuth is a former scientist with NASA’s Ames Research Center and is currently an associate professor of physics at the University at Albany in New York. Knuth is working with Ailleris to employ satellite imagery to detect and monitor UFOs. “We are looking into using satellites to monitor the region of ocean south of Catalina Island where the 2004 Nimitz encounters occurred,” Knuth said.

• The Catalina Island area will also be the target for a 2021 UAP expedition (see here for UAPx website) carried out by Knuth and other researchers “to provide unassailable scientific evidence that UAP objects are real, UAP objects are findable and UAP objects are knowable,” according to the UAPx website. Knuth’s UAPx team includes military veterans and physicists, as well as research scientists and trained observers that will use specialized gear to observe possible UFO activity.

• “I certainly think that (UFOs) deserve to be studied, just like we would do with any other problem in science,” said Jacob Haqq-Misra, an astrobiologist with the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science in Seattle, Washington. In August, Haqq-Misra helped organize a NASA-sponsored interdisciplinary workshop, called TechnoClimes 2020 (see here for website), that sought to prioritize and guide future theoretical and observational studies of non-radio “technosignatures” – observational manifestations of technology that can be detected through astronomical means.

• Ravi Kopparapu is a planetary scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. “There’s a fundamental problem that we have right now to scientifically study UAP,” Kopparapu said. “We do not have proper data collection of this phenomena that can be shared among interested scientists to verify claims and filter out truly unexplainable events.” He views the UAP/UFO phenomena as a scientifically interesting problem, driven in part by observations that seem to defy the laws of physics. But Kopparapu is wary of using the term “extraterrestrial”. “That’s because there is absolutely no concrete evidence that I know of that points to them as being extraterrestrial,” he said.

• The entire UFO topic has been maligned by being associated with ET, says Kopparapu. This prevents a thorough scientific investigation by the science community because of a taboo surrounding ET claims. “I think people immediately think about ‘aliens’ when they hear UFOs/UAPs, and I want scientists to not fall for that,” Kopparapu said. “[D]on’t let preconceived ideas cloud judgments. Have an open mind. Consider this as a science problem. If it turns out these have mundane explanations, so be it.”


          Jacob Haqq-Misra

The U.S. Navy recently admitted that, indeed, strangely behaving objects caught on video by jet pilots over the years are genuine head-scratchers. There are eyewitness accounts not only from pilots but from radar operators and technicians, too.

                          Kevin Knuth

In August, the Navy established an Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Task Force to investigate the nature and origin of these odd sightings and determine if they could potentially pose a threat to U.S. national security.

The recently observed UAPs purportedly have accelerations that range from almost 100 Gs to thousands of Gs — far higher than a human pilot could survive. There’s no air disturbance visible. They don’t produce sonic booms. These and other oddities have captured the attention of “I told you so, they’re here” UFO believers.

           Ravi Kopparapu

But there’s also a rising call for this phenomenon to be studied scientifically — even using satellites to be on the lookout for possible future UAP events.

Philippe Ailleris is a project controller at the European Space Agency’s Space Research and Technology Center in the Netherlands. He’s also the primary force behind the Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena Observations Reporting Scheme, a project to facilitate the collection of UAP reports from both amateur and professional astronomers.

There’s a need for the scientific study of UAPs and a requirement to assemble reliable evidence, something that could not be so easily ignored by science, Ailleris told

It is necessary to bring scientists objective and high-quality data, Ailleris said. “No one knows where and when a UAP can potentially appear, hence the difficulty of scientific research in this domain.”

New tools

Recent years have seen rapid advances in information and communication technologies — for example, open tools and software, cloud computing and artificial intelligence with machine and deep learning, Ailleris said. These tools offer scientists new possibilities to collect, store, manipulate and transmit data.

Ailleris points to another potent tool. “The location over our heads of satellites is the perfect chance to potentially detect something,” he said.
Working in the space sector, it occurred to Ailleris that Earth-observation civilian satellites could be used to search for UAPs. One avenue is tapping into free-of-charge imagery collected by the European Union’s Copernicus satellites, an Earth-observing program coordinated and managed by the European Commission in partnership with ESA.



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UFO Exposed on Antarctica Due to Melting Ice

Article by Dave Basner                                   October 13, 2020                                 (

• The melting polar ice cap on Antarctica might have just uncovered proof of extraterrestrial life. The receding ice has revealed a flying saucer on Google Earth. (see 9:19 minute video below)

• YouTuber MrMBB333 was sent the coordinates of the craft by a follower and created a video showing the strange, seemingly perfect circular shape, partially obscured by a rocky overhang. He says, “This appears to be a 60-foot-wide disc sticking out of the ground apparently being recently revealed by the melting snow and ice. There is the object, it looks like it was intelligently designed.”

• To support his theory, he alters the colors of the image and proposes that there is an “elevated circle” on the top of the structure. YouTube commenters say, “It doesn’t look stuck in the ground, it looks like it’s hovering,” while another added, “The black area under it looks like a shadow and if you look to your left, you will see a light source which looks like it’s coming from inside the cave or tunnel.”

• One ‘never UFOer’ skeptic insists, “It is just a small pool of water. If you look around at the other features locally you will notice that the other bodies of water also have a similar hue.” You be the judge.


The melting polar ice caps are causing many problems, from rising sea levels to extreme weather events to the extinction of certain species and the loss of fresh water for the world. However, they also might have just uncovered proof of extraterrestrial life. That’s according to one conspiracy theorist who claims the receding ice has revealed a flying saucer on Google Earth.

YouTuber MrMBB333 was sent the coordinates of the craft by a follower and created a video showing the strange, seemingly perfect circular shape, which is partially obscured by rocks. He states, “This appears to be a 60-foot-wide disc sticking out of the ground apparently being recently revealed by the melting snow and ice. There is the object, it looks like it was intelligently designed.”

To support his theory, he alters the colors of the image and proposes that there is an “elevated circle” on the top of the structure.


9:19 minute video showing GE images of saucer craft on Antarctica (MrMBB333′ YouTube)



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Top Secret Photos of Calvine UFO Sighting Left Me “Shell-Shocked”

Article by Nick Pope                               October 10, 2020                                    (

• The top secret color photographs of the so-called ‘Calvine Incident’, when a flying saucer was clearly seen in the skies above the Scottish Highlands in August 1990 were set to be released in 2021. But now the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) has postponed the photographs’ release for another fifty years. Nick Pope worked for the Ministry of Defence for 21 years, from 1991 to 1994, and ran its UFO office. Pope (pictured above) tells the inside story.

• Two men had been out hiking near Calvine in Scotland. Suddenly, they saw a massive UFO hanging in the sky, silent and motionless above their heads. Awestruck, they shot six photographs before the object accelerated away, vertically, at immense speed. The hikers sent the photos to a Scottish newspaper. A journalist contacted the MoD press office looking for a comment. The MoD managed to extract all the photos and the negatives from the newspaper, who never got them back.

• The photos had been taken in broad daylight and showed a large, crystal clear, diamond-shaped craft. At the government intelligence photo lab, the images were enlarged and analyzed. The analysis revealed that the photos had not been faked. They showed a structured craft of unknown origin, unlike any conventional aircraft. There was no fuselage, no wings, no tail, no engines and no markings of any sort. The size of the craft was estimated to be 100 feet in diameter. An enlargement of the photos revealed two military jets in the background. It wasn’t clear if they were escorting the UFO, trying to intercept it, or whether their presence was coincidental and the pilots had been too far away to see it. Pope’s predecessor at the MoD-UFO office had been prevented from tracing the military jets in the photos. This suggested that someone inside the MoD had sabotaged the investigation and blocked the UFO project from getting to the truth. Dark forces were at work.

• The MoD’s standard line on UFOs was that the phenomenon was of ‘no defense significance’ – a meaningless Whitehall soundbite that meant whatever we wanted it to mean. At best it was misleading, and at worst it was a downright lie. Pope says that the MoD consistently played down the true level of its interest in UFOs, telling Parliament, the media and the public that the subject was of little interest, “while all the time, behind closed doors, we struggled to make sense of cases like the Calvine incident”.

• MoD officials never found a definitive explanation for what was seen at Calvine. Of the several hundred UFO sighting reports received each year, most turned out to be misidentifications of satellites, meteors, Chinese lanterns and other ordinary objects and phenomena. But around five percent of the cases remained unexplained. “We didn’t assume these unexplained cases were extraterrestrial,” says Pope, “but neither did we rule out the possibility.”

• In the mid-nineties, a ‘believer faction’ had emerged at the MoD. This led to some extraordinary scenes. One time Pope and his boss walked over to Defence Intelligence Staff headquarters building in Whitehall. These were the ‘spooks’ who provided scientific and technical advice. A military intelligence briefer pulled out a copy of one of the Calvine photos from a folder. The intelligence officer ran through the possibilities. The object in the photograph wasn’t Russian. And it wasn’t American. That only left one other possibility. The briefer pointed straight up. Nothing further was said, and Pope and his boss walked back to their office in silence.

• A bitter struggle between UFO skeptics and UFO believers had erupted within the MoD. In relation to the Calvine photos, the only possible skeptical theory was that the object was a secret prototype aircraft or drone. Could it be American? The U.S. authorities were asked if they’d been testing a secret ‘Aurora’-type aircraft over the UK, but the U.S. denied any such prototype craft over Scotland. Since this was the skeptics’ only possibility, they persistently asked again. The Secretary of the US Air Force, Donald Rice, was ‘incensed’ by the questioning and the implication that he’d lied to the US Congress when Rice told them Aurora didn’t exist.

• Until now, a clear color photo of the Calvine UFO adorned the office wall at the UFO division of the MoD. But due to the diplomatic dust-up between Britain’s RAF and the US Air Force caused by the photos, the head of the division took it off of the wall. This division head still believed that it had to be a secret American craft. It couldn’t have been an extraterrestrial UFO, because they don’t exist. So he locked the photo in a safe, and it’s rumored that he later put it through the shredder.

• Plenty of other copies of the Calvine UFO survived, however. Pope came out of retirement in 2008 to help publicize the declassification and release of the MoD’s UFO files. But when the relevant files were released, the Calvine photos were missing. All that remained were some poor-quality black and white photocopies of a line drawing of one photo. It was as if the MoD wanted to ridicule the subject. A few years ago, Pope teamed up with a graphic artist in Los Angeles. They reconstructed the photo for a TV show, using the line drawing and memory as a guide. The result was spot-on, but it’s still not the real thing.


           image of a Calvine photo

The top secret colour photographs, said to show a flying saucer above the Scottish Highlands in August 1990 – the so-called Calvine Incident – were set to be released in the New Year.

However, they have now been blocked for a further 50 years.

Here, former MoD official Nick Pope, who previously ran its UFO project, tells The Sun the inside story…

In the cult sci-fi series The X-Files, Fox Mulder has a poster of a UFO on the wall of his basement office. Underneath are the words “I want to believe”.

In the Ministry of Defence office, which served as the nerve centre of the UK’s UFO project, we had something very similar. But our picture was real.

Most UFO photos are either obvious fakes, or blurry and indistinct – a vague light in the night sky, or a fuzzy dot in the distance.

Not this one. It was up-close-and-personal, had been taken in broad daylight, and showed a large diamond-shaped craft.

       Nick Pope back in his ‘MoD days’

I soon got the story out of my predecessor and read the file myself. It was an extraordinary tale: two men had been out hiking near Calvine in Scotland.

Suddenly, they’d seen a massive UFO hanging in the sky above their heads, silent, motionless and menacing. Awestruck, they shot off six photographs before the object accelerated away at immense speed – vertically!

The shell-shocked witnesses sent the photos to a Scottish newspaper and a journalist contacted the MoD press office, looking for a comment.

Somehow – perhaps using a D-Notice or perhaps using some real-life Men-in-Black trickery – someone at the MoD managed to extract all the photos and the negatives from the newspaper, who never got them back.

The MoD’s technical wizards leapt into action. The images were enlarged and analyzed, using the full resources and capabilities of intelligence community specialists.

Even now, years after these events, I can’t discuss the details of this process, as so much of the information is top secret.

The analysis was nothing short of sensational. The photos hadn’t been faked.

They showed a structured craft of unknown origin, unlike any conventional aircraft. There was no fuselage, no wings, no tail, no engines and no markings of any sort.


8:44 minute Nick Pope lecture on the Calvine UFO incident from Nov 3, 2015  (‘The Vortex’ YouTube)



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