Regularly Occurring UFO Outran Jets Says Former Yugoslav General

by Alejandro Rojas             August 23, 2017                (

• In January and February 1975, Yugoslav Air Force fighter jets encountered a multicolored glowing orb over the former Yugoslavia

• “It was attracting attention on purpose,” speculated Yugoslav Air Force General Zvonimir Jurjevic

• Many pilots saw it although it did not show up on radar

• The Yugoslav Air Force along with Soviet MiGs hunted the orb

• Military and commercial aviation professionals typically avoid reporting UFOs due to ridicule


On several occasions in 1975, Yugoslav Air Force jets saw a strange multi-colored glowing orb, but every time they tried to investigate, it would outrun their jet fighters. Finally, after failed attempts to get a closer look, and facing ridicule for reporting the incidents, they chose to ignore it.

This is according to General Zvonimir Jurjevic, former commander of the Air Force and Air Defense of Yugoslavia. The story was first revealed in 2011 in a book on the 172 Aviation Regiment, which was lead by Jujevic. He recently discussed the UFO encounters again in an interview with Sputnik International.

According to Jujevic the UFO encounters began in January, 1975 and lasted for several days. Every night, 50 minutes after take off, he would see the object.

“The object looked like a glowing orb, very well visible, maybe ten times lighter than the brightest star at that moment,” Jurjevic told Sputnik International. “Color constantly changed: white, yellow, light red, orange, again white, and so on. It appeared from nowhere, unexpectedly.”
“It was attracting attention on purpose,” Jurjevic speculated.

Jurjevic was not the only one to see the object, many of the pilots in his regiment also reported it. However, it never turned up on radar.

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Video: More Photos of Antigravity UFO near MacDill Air Force Base

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Three more photos of a triangular UFO taken near MacDill Air Force Base were taken around 9:50 am, on September 4, about 10 miles from MacDill, which is the home of US Special Operations Command. The photographer, JP (a pseudonym) says that he took the photos over a three second period, and observed the craft for about 9 seconds in total.

The above is the video version of the article “More Photos of Antigravity UFO near MacDill Air Force Base” published on on September 4.

Video: Photos of Antigravity UFO Near MacDill AFB support claims of USAF SSP

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Six successive photos taken on August 31, 2017, show a triangular craft near MacDill AFB “powering up”. The way in which the craft moved and the energy pulse it created suggests it is not an airplane, but an antigravity craft similar to a TR-3B, as described by Edgar Fouche, who worked at Area 51.

The above video was published at ExoNews.TV on September 5, 2017. It is the audio version of an article published on on September 1.

Wikileaks Disclosure About Ultra Secret NSA Military Base at Pine Gap (Area 51 of Australia)

by Lucien Cometta           August 29, 2017               (

• Classified NSA Documents on Pine Gap Base in Australia, and others, as leaked by WikiLeaks

• The U.S. funded Joint Defense Space Research Facility is hiding “something real big”

• Even the Australian Parliament doesn’t know what is going on

• Pine Gap descends five miles below ground, used as a “giant antenna” and computer system interconnected with U.S. bases around the world

• The Rockefeller Foundation is setting up an international headquarters in Canberra

• Information on every citizen of the world is collected in Deacon Center, Canberra

• The Cabal is orchestrating a global financial collapse, global chaos


Pine Gap Base: World Context (Area 51 of Australia)

“In order to understand the case of the Pine Gap US base (near Alice Springs, Australia) better, I feel compelled to give some explanations beforehand. I hope these explanations will help to increase the general awareness of the extraordinary importance that facility has for mankind as a whole. “The majority of people, all over the world, are not lingering in doubt as to whether UFOs and ETs are real. They know they are real. Here in early 1989, no one questions their existence. The case for UFOs and ETs aroused passions, controversies and grandstanding for many years. Some of it has not been quite rational. The matter being relatively settled, public opinions should cool down. It is with a serene and clear mind that we ought to be thinking of our future relationship with the peoples from space. However, the public mind is not at peace. It vaguely feels that the governments are hiding “something real big”, and it wonders where our leaders are going to lead mankind. “During the process of research and study of UFOs and aliens, researchers who do not take the explanations of the scientific establishment at face value have discovered unsettling facts; these facts have started the lifting off (of) the lid of the coverup. The value and prestige of their sources of information do not leave any doubt about the truthfulness of these reports; the main outlines are summarized below.”


“The United States has three major bases in Australia. One is in South Australia (Nurranger, near Woomera, T.N.), another in New South Wales, and the third (and by far the largest) is located within about 230 km (143 miles) of the geographical center of the continent, not far to the west of Alice Springs (Northern Territory), at the foothills of the southern slopes of the MacDonnell Range. This base is completely underground, with barely visible entrances to the surface.

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UFOs of the Cold War Era, and Other Mystery Objects of Military Origin

by Micah Hanks               August 31, 2017                  (

• During the 1960’s, the Soviets developed an intercontinental ballistic missile that looked like an orb capable of delivering a 2 to 3 megaton thermonuclear weapon against the United States.

• Many UFO sightings are actually top secret military projects, satellites, space debris, and other reflective objects.

• Skeptics use these cases of mistaken identity to claim that all UFO’s are of a terrestrial origin.


It’s a bird… it’s a plane… it’s… it’s… a UFO?

While birds and planes have certainly been mistaken for UFOs over the years, there are far more interesting things that have been mistaken for saucers, too. As history has shown, a lot of these mysterious skybound objects were secret military prototypes and other technologies, some of which were even operating outside the bounds of existing nuclear test treaties.

Popular Mechanics recently featured a piece by Kyle Mizokami, which discussed Soviet tests back in the late 1960s that dealt with such technologies. Residents in the Soviet Union reported six incidents where a strange, crescent-shaped object roughly the size of the moon appeared in the night sky, and to much attention from the press and regional UFO groups.

It was later revealed that these “UFOs” had a very terrestrial source:
The “UFO” sightings were actually test launches of the R-36 Orb, a secret nuclear space missile. Developed from the SS-9 Scarp intercontinental ballistic missile, the R-36 Orb was designed to rocket into low earth orbit and de-orbit over the United States. Launched in a southern direction, the weapon could pass over the South Pole and then come at the United States from the direction of Mexico, bypassing the network of early warning radars facing north. The trip would be longer but would catch the Americans by surprise, allowing the Soviets the chance to detonate a 2-3 megaton thermonuclear weapon wherever they might choose.

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Nominee for Chief Scientist Once Saw a 5,000-MPH UFO


  • Trump’s nominee for Chief Scientist at the Department of Agriculture, Sam Clovis, Jr, encountered a UFO as an Air Force fighter pilot

  • Clovis later served as Inspector General of the U.S. Space Command

  • Clovis didn’t publicly reveal his UFO encounter until 2014

Those who thought that potential discussions of UFOs in the White House ended with the defeat of Hillary Clinton and her campaign manager, John ‘We’ll Open the Secret Files’ Podesta, have new hope. The nominee for chief scientist of the Department of Agriculture claims he once had an encounter with a UFO that he believed was traveling at 5,000 miles-per-hour. Will he pursue the release of the files that might identify what he saw?

We’ll leave the discussions about whether former radio host and economics professor Samuel H. ‘Sam’ Clovis Jr. is qualified to be a chief scientist to the political blogs and instead focus on whether the former US Air Force F-16 fighter pilot, former Inspector General of the United States Space Command and alleged UFO witness is qualified to be our inside guy for opening the X-Files.

According to a 2014 report in the Des Moines Register, Clovis was running for one of Iowa’s US Senate seats when he admitted to host Simon Conway at WHO Radio that he once encountered a UFO. From Conway’s account in the Register:

“His radar locked on it, and it was doing things our technology couldn’t do, he explained. The UFO was traveling toward him at 5,000 mph — and we’ve got nothing that does that. It came to a complete stop, he said, then reversed away at 5,000 mph.”

Clovis served in the Air Force for 25 years from 1971 to 1996 and, although he doesn’t give a date, this incident probably occurred earlier in his flying career. There’s no indication that any other pilot or ground crew member saw the UFO nor heard what would have been at least two sonic booms. According to the article, pilot Clovis handed the radar report over to his commanding officers and doesn’t seem to have said anything about it publicly until 2014.

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Exopolitics Diploma Courses Start on Sept 11

[Aug 28, 2017 – Kaimu, Hawaii] The Exopolitics Institute is pleased to announce that classes begin on September 11, 2017 for a number of educational programs designed for those interested in developing professional qualifications in exopolitics; and/or acquiring analytical tools, research methods and investigative techniques for evidence concerning extraterrestrial life. Our experienced faculty of educators and trainers collectively offer decades of experience in the teaching profession and in researching extraterrestrial life; and offer you the opportunity to apply exopolitics in a number of unique areas.

Classes offered for the Fall 2017 Semester are:

For 2017/2018 schedule visit: click here. Some comments from students completing earlier courses.

  • Exo-101 is what exopolitics is all about; this is a comprehensive overview, but with a plethora of amazing details, of all crucial aspects and issues regarding the UFO phenomenon and the ET presence on planet earth – P. Dermentzoglou, Spring, 2014
  • This course will not only expand your knowledge and awareness of the subject but also provide intellectual and emotional stimulation and challenges that can hone your perspectives and the ability to communicate them clearly and effectively. Karen Kael – Exo-102 – Summer 2013
  • We covered a broad range of topics about the motivations, activities and intentions of various ET groups and our ‘elites’ and humanity’s best response to them in the form of citizen diplomacy; they not only made us realize how much there is to take into consideration to obtain the whole picture and act appropriately, but also had I think a huge psychological/emotional impact on each student. – Nevenka Likar, Slovenia – Exo-102 – Summer 2012
  • You’ll learn of a variety of professional people’s experiences that –taken together- build a good case for the reality of extraterrestrial visitations on Earth – Giorgio Piacenza, Peru – Exo-103 – Summer 2012
  • If you would like in depth, first hand, best evidence information from Witness Testimonies about the ET Presence, Paola Harris’s class is the one to take.. – Michele Magnum, Michigan, USA. Exo-103- Summer 2009

For more student comments on past courses click here Whether you plan to be or are a journalist, a diplomat, educator, artist, scientist, historian, researcher, lawyer, policy maker, or health, government, religious, or business professional, you will find a suitable way of incorporating evidence concerning extraterrestrial life into your chosen profession. The certification program offers a two-tiered system of courses that culminate in an Exopolitics certificate or diploma.

Exopolitics Certificate – Entry level certification provides the core conceptual understanding so you have basic competency in writing about, researching or investigating exopolitical issues.
Exopolitics Diploma – Certification designed for those intending to teach or train others in exopolitics.

These certification programs are competitively priced and provide you the opportunity to learn and practice exopolitics in a way that is suited to your interests and career. With a minimal investment of time and energy, you could soon be on the way to acquiring the skills and training to set you off to a path that will establish you as an exopolitical pioneer in your respective fields.

Explore our certification program then register for the certificate program that will open your path to exopolitical knowledge and training.

Website: click here. Email: Phone: +1 202 470 0140

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The Exopolitics Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization based in Kalapana, Hawaii. Website:

Video – William Tompkins Last Request – Secret Space Program Whistleblower

Teresa Yanaros from Divine Frequency discusses William Tompkins last request concerning full disclosure, and the disclosure impact of strong women and other figures from the UFOlogy/exopolitics community. Tompkins transitioned on the morning of the full solar eclipse on August 21, 2017.

Note from Teresa about William Tompkins:
He was such a kind hearted man with a hugely important message for the world. It was his mission to bring about disclosure on this planet. In this video, I reflect on experiences and community, and discuss how we WILL continually and relentlessly move toward illumination of the darkness.


Bill Tompkins, Richard Dolan & the Future of UFOLOGY

By Rich Scheck
The sudden death of Bill Tompkins on the day of the total solar eclipse provides a
fitting moment to evaluate the current state of UFOLOGY.
The on-going controversy surrounding the bona fides of those like Corey Goode
and Andrew Basiago claiming to be part of the Secret Space Program’s (SSP) 20 and
back Operation Pegasus is a major concern to many in the Disclosure Movement.
Richard Dolan, Bill Ryan and others have essentially demanded more concrete evidence 
in support of such claims of participation before they can sign off on their legitimacy and
relevance to UFOLOGY.
Michael Salla has attempted to address the Dolan group’s concerns and has been a
strong voice championing them through his many articles covering various aspects of 
Goode’s account.
His confidence in their legitimacy has been fundamentally bolstered by the work of Bill
Tompkins who spent the last 2 years of his life sharing his extraordinary experiences
during a long life that appears to include a major role with the Navy’s SSP.
As the well respected historian of the SSP and the inventor of the term Breakaway
Civilization, Dolan’s low comfort level with the Goode/Salla/Tompkins position has
had an impact on the Disclosure community that remains unresolved.
His dissatisfaction with Tompkins book which he refused to publish because he thought
it was poorly written does not refute what appears to be clear evidence that the former
Navy ship designer was indeed part of the SSP.
Bill’s extensive interviews on the Jeff Rense show are fully archived and available for
evaluation by everyone interested in this topic.  Having listened to him many times on
Rense, I was convinced he was speaking honestly about his role.  The combination of
humility, humor, intelligence and thorough knowledge of the material lent considerable
strength to his claims.
Now Bill has moved on with his dramatic transition on the day of The Great American
Eclipse.  Whether that is just some cosmic coincidence and/or his way of confirming
he was the real deal remains to be seen.
It would behoove those in leadership roles like Salla and Dolan as well as Stephen
Greer, Paola Harris, Steve Bassett, Grant Cameron and others to bring some degree
of closure to this issue in the spirit of enhancing the future of UFOLOGY and the
Disclosure Movement.
What that looks like and how it is achieved remains to be seen.  But resolve it they
must at the risk of undermining an important discussion in modern life.  It would also
be a fitting testament to the memory of Tompkins, the recently departed Jim Marrs
and the countless truth seekers among us who have labored long and hard in the
UFOLOGY arena.

Intriguing ‘Eclipse Like’ Crop Circle Shows Up In Essex

By  Joe Martino – August 20, 2017

It’s just days before an eclipse of a lifetime and as the world readies for the sight and some for the energetic shifts, a new crop circle has appeared in a field at Sutton Hall near London Southend Airport. The circle was discovered on August 17, 2017 but it’s meaning, if any, is not yet fully understood. A crop circle with meaning you might ask? Yes, evidence has shown time and time again that many of these circles have incredible scientific anomalies and thus people believe the formations come from somewhere or something else.

On the scientific side, the electromagnetic field over the area where a circle appears is usually electrostatically charged. There is also a rare form of electromagnetic energy called an “ionized plasma vortex,” also known as ball lighting, involved with these formations.

Let’s have a closer look at this and imagine for a moment. In this particular formation, it appears the overall appearance resembles a “radio broadcast tower” with a “satellite dish” near the top. In this case, its “satellite dish” resembles the usual symbols for a “solar eclipse.” Interesting considering we will have the Great American Eclipse  in just a couple days  on August 21, 2017.

So what might this mean? Could we be receiving some sort of radio message from somewhere or someone at that time? Might it simply mean that new frequencies are coming onto our planet as a result of the eclipse? As we explored deeply in our latest documentary The Collective Evolution III: The Shift, celestial bodies, including the sun, have a great impact on our physical bodies, minds, and consciousness. This eclipse will be no different, and our in-house astrologer Carmen DiLuccio has outlined how this eclipse may affect you in his latest article about the eclipse.

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Types of Contacts and Exopolitical Considerations

Types of Contacts

First we have to assess how many types of contacts with intelligent non-human beings there might be. Since there might be other intelligent beings that we could consider as “human,” by “non-human” I mean non-homo sapiens as the intelligent species predominant on the Earth’s surface.

Classical contacts” (with human-like beings), voluntary conscious contacts, typically with “older brothers.” Typically by invitation and telepathy. They are more communicative. In many cases, classical contactees (like George Adamski, Sixto Paz) are asked to write a book, give lectures or share in other ways a positive, transformative message.

“Abductions,” but most would not be abducted by negative beings although morbidly some researchers and in films tend to emphasize that. In many cases they include teaching or preparation, transmission of symbols and languages, sometimes children. Often, “abductions” evolved to acquire the characteristics of “classical contacts.”

Contacted by the fact of participating in highly classified unacknowledged ‘government’ extraterrestrial research and/or in secret space programs. It is a very controversial subject that currently divides ufology. Persons like Bill UHouse and possibly persons like Corey Goode, Dan Burisch, Andrew Basiago, Randy Cramer, William M. Tompkins represent this possibility. Testimonial evidence is admissible as when inside a court the jury seeks to evaluate the consistency or contradictions between the testimonies and may use any documentary and physical evidence that supports or contradicts the testimonies.

“Inter-reality” physical and inter-reality non-physical (often simply called “Interdimensional” which may include mental, astral, lucid dream contacts, contacts during deep hypnosis or during near-death experiences.

“Experiencer” contacts (general term referring to the person living experiences of contact with intelligent non-human beings. A Category that covers a wide range of events (including contacts with physical beings of diverse appearance and level of development, with forms of energy as well as non-physical contacts) and subsumes the previous four forms of contact. Some experiencers describe what seem to be more spiritually evolved entities giving loftier messages others describe more matter-of-fact, perhaps scientifically inclined entities and still others describe entities engaged in human-like (and movie-like) civilizational conflicts and alliances amongst various groups even with human military and secret factions.

In all cases telepathy seems to play a common role. The importance of consciousness as a key factor transcending and connecting realities is generally acknowledged.

As for contacts with perceptible physical beings, people generally describe energetic and / or spheroid forms, human form, small gray, tall gray, reptilian, insectoid, animal, and other forms.

The F.R.E.E. survey in which thousands of persons (who preferably recall in a conscious manner their experiencer memories and who anonymously describe them by responding to hundreds of quantitative and qualitative questions) reveals that a majority of contact experiences are considered not to be “evil” or “negative.”  Besides that, most tend to have a positive, life transforming effect.  Moreover, the varieties of beings most described are: energy beings and/or orbs, beings with a human appearance, short grays, large grays, reptilian, insectoid, animal-like forms, others.  The F.R.E.E. link is 

In most cases all types of contacts are initially described as surprising and/or scary and generating difficulties in terms of sharing the experiences with family, friends, spouses, co-workers, and society at large. While there may be some negative and perhaps “evil” experiences, most are found not to be such after the initial phases of fear and surprise are overcome. What is most important is how we as humans react or respond to these situations.

Exopolitical Considerations – Part I

There are many descriptions about the alleged unity, disunity and variety of beings within the cosmic community apparently visiting or interacting with us; descriptions competing for what can be considered important to be of exopolitical relevance. Are some or all of them benevolent, evil, both or neither? What are thousands of persons experiencing or claiming to be experiencing around the world? Who among these alleged “visitors” should we try to purposefully contact to establish a peaceful and constructive civilian exopolitical relationship?

Exopolitical Considerations – Part II

In the F.R.E.E. survey, besides some information about MILABS (human military abductions associated with some “experiencers”) there has thus far not been much of a description about a secret space program (at least of the more astounding kind) as described by persons like Andrew Basiago, Corey Goode, Randy Cramer, William Tompkins. In my view, this doesn’t necessarily invalidate these descriptions of the Secret Space Program (SSP) just like F.R.E.E. doesn’t necessarily invalidate some or all of the information acquired through hypnosis by researchers that receive more traumatized abductees. What it shows is that the SSP information and the traumatized abductee information may be gathered by researchers focusing on persons that come to them to give to them those specific types of information. They might still be a subset of the general experiencer population not reflected in a survey like F.R.E.E.’s.

Since we are on a data-gathering stage my approach tends to be inclusive and non-dismissive of the various aforementioned descriptions, mostly gathered from contactees, abductees, experiencers in general, and whistleblowers. I try to withhold dismissing judgments and to maintain a neutral attitude until enough corroboration or rebuttal of particular claims is available.

My opinion is that we need to learn to be integrative; that is, to live under the underlying principles behind a science that understands the coherence between subjective and objective aspects of reality. And this requires of us to stop thinking so exclusively in terms of an either-or dualistic, dichotomous logic. This would involve being able not to react so emotionally and to suspend judgment even when we hear particular descriptions about the extraterrestrial presence which we find “preposterous.” The quite eager degree of mutual dismissal among individuals within the various branches of what could be called “the disclosure movement” may signal to other intelligences that we are not psychologically ready to integrate the many facets of our human-non- human connections.

Since contact phenomena appear to refer to a deeper level of meaningful connectivity existing in the cosmos, we would also need to change our cultural epistemological foundations toward a deeper cultural understanding to non-destructively harness a conscious non-local access to a science and technology that transcends the classical limits of space-time. Such a science and technology would require from us to get acclimatized to living under non-classic laws, easily experiencing phenomena that now seem strange, laughable, silly or outrageous to us.

Showing a greater degree of unity within the community of individuals exploring UFO, exopolitics, experiencer and related matters would reflect a greater resonance with a coherent, non-local information matrix. It might signal a greater arising degree of maturity in our species for which we would be treated more as sovereign beings and less as immature, self-destructive children playing with fire.

Thus, how do we unlearn to react in the same old ways always seeking self-assertion of our beliefs, premises and identities while easily dismissing whatever truths others may be expressing?  Perhaps by beginning to move in another way.

Scientists and experiencers coming together with mutual respect in order to establish solid evidence would also signal this move toward the maturity needed for an open disclosure to be supported by some of our “visitors” who might – in turn – shown up in more objective and undeniable ways.

In my opinion, we need to attempt to establish an easier communicative relationship with all plausible non-human intelligences but it would be easier to start doing so with more human like beings by working with CE-5 approaches inclusive of open-minded, respectful scientists working a few bona fide contactees.

Exopolitical Considerations – Part III

These are trying times for sustaining the basis of a reasonable and rational civilization at large.Since exopolitics, experiencer research and ufology touch upon issues whose content for many already constitute “fake news”  we are facing a greater challenge to establish and coherently connect the kernel of truth behind all of what is being testified, known or believed.

We seem to cherish finding immediate reasons to dismiss each others’ beliefs, assertions, and truths if they compete with our preferred truths just as many of us compete for being the most influential voices among the segment of the population that cares about whether we are actually being visited or not.  What we are seeing now in an era in which truth is being challenged by fake news and in which belief often trumps objectivity and the foundations for a civilized public discourse extends into exopolitics. In a year that marks the 70th anniversary of the beginning of the “modern era of UFOs” and after decades of needing “physical evidence” that there might be other intelligent non-human civilizations, many are self-righteously jumping into dismissive condemnatory remarks about such plausible evidence emerging, for instance, under the alleged discovery of humanoid mummies in Nazca, Peru.  It is like a test to see if we are able to withhold conclusive judgments and to come together in the name of truth.  The same may be happening in relation to how “wild” the Secret Space Program may be. Different forms of evidence are acceptable in law and in the social sciences beyond the requirements of vidence from the natural sciences but should listening to all proposals about the SSP be included in a discussion within serious institutions like MUFON which (to their merit) takes pride in seeking objective evidence? I think so because the interactive UFO phenomenon includes objective and subjective experiences and interpretations whose claims are always challenging some standardized belief. It is always challenging us to expand our considerations in a rational, critical-but-experiential and intuitive way to eventually be able to “connect the dots” (as my friend Paola Harris might say).

  1. Kenneth Arnold showing a drawing of what he saw. 2. Photo by José María Fernandez Martinez. Guayama,Puerto Rico 1995. 3. 1938 Photo fromPoland (cortesy of Robert Bernatowicz) 4. 1943 Photo from Huanuco, Peru. 5. Depiction of human and non-human “space brothers” from the Nonsiamosoli organization. 5. Drawing of a “Blue Avian” described by Corey Goode due to his involvement with one of the “Secret Space Programs.” 6. Alleged humanoid mummy found in Nazca, Peru. 7. A 1927 UFO photo from Oregon Junction, USA. 8. A variety of other beings described




Star Nations



UFO Research: The Developing Approach

By Giorgio Piacenza
UFO research must be turned into a more interactive – experimental activity. Let’s not only continue with a reaffirmation of old paradigms and techniques used. And this does not mean by any means abandoning objectivity and rationality. Working with some “contactees” could be very useful to obtain evidence, although most scientific-minded analysts are not even interested in this.And we can also work as participatory scientists as anthropologists capable of gathering objective evidence and personal insight through greater immersion with a different civilization. An expanded ufological methodology based upon a respectful participatory attitude is the key.

This is not something completely new but is something that I’m resonating with. And it can be refined and improved. And consciousness connects across reality levels and across the vast distances and crisscrossing eons of spacetime. Dr. Steven Greer has been training persons in a CE-5 approach with various degrees of success and there always is room for improvements.

Going out with electronic detection equipment and with night shot and infrared as well as with a team of witnesses and investigators sufficiently trained to make observations objectively and respectful of the contact’s techniques and beliefs of successful contactees could be productive. Practically, a more complete experimental method that reflects the subjective-objective interconnected nature of the interactive phenomenon. It would be great if the opportunity for working in CE-5s and also with highly successful contactees arose for capable scientists like Mr. Mark D’Antonio, developer of the UFOTOG device.

Let us try not to disdain people who claim to have contacts especially if there is enough evidence or reasonable hints that they are indeed interacting with a conventionally unknown phenomenon. The scenario that recognizes the possibility that there are some serious and credible contacts capable of coming up with evidence should not be forgotten. It does not matter if they speak of spiritual aspects that they try to interpret in their own way also under their own limitations and prejudices. We need to stop judging in an irrational manner to support a rational approach. And let’s try to be respectful of their beliefs and practices as well.

I think the next step in UFOLOGY is about our own consciousnesses willing to thread itself into a larger fabric of information or a universal participatory information matrix. As the Buddhists say, we do not exist in isolation. Isolation is a false view that binds us. And many quantum theories like the Quantum Hologram Theory of Consciousness resonates with this. Therefore, there should be a more interactive stage, equally involving subjectivity and objectivity in balance with each other, one in which objectivity is born in the kernel of subjectivity and vice versa and there should not just be a greater accumulation of photographic evidence, testimonials, documentation, and the like.

We can very well spend another 70 years with inconclusive awareness and knowledge about the “unknowns,” or instead interact with them more intimately and know more about them under a new subjective-objective scientific approach…creating a new paradigm or procedure to disclose what we are dealing with. Discovering that -in essence – we are co-equals…making “them” more inclined to manifest more overtly.

Although purely objective investigation is highly valid and important too many decades have passed without establishing or officially proving to the public a possible ET presence or taking the issue with the rigor and seriousness it deserves; a rigor so intense that it must also include the consciousness based, subjective characteristics also often associated with sightings, along with its “high strangeness.” Lest we do this, “science” will remain as a covert belief system, in its polarizing, attitudinal, anti superstition infancy.

Thus, the move towards a more integrative paradigm that opens up to multiple physical, extradimensional, mental and spiritual factors with science and ethics is the more rational approach because it reflects the connectivity about which the UFO phenomenon at large is telling us. Our research should reflect a greater understanding of integration and connection.

Then, in greater sync with its subjective aspects that appear to be involved in a more advanced form of modification of time and space, let’s acquire more interactive evidence. For instance, repeatedly asking for maneuvers or effects that can be filmed under different angles, with EM spectrum devices and the like. I think that the more we behave as a coherent collective (especially for starters within the forefront of UFO research), the more we will gain a credible status of political sovereignty before the eyes of “the others” (that seem to have always been part of us).

Thus, we would be signaling to cosmic intelligence a greater intuitive and conceptual understanding of the inherent unity and interconnectedness all around/within us. And I think that we need to be willing to share the results openly with no strings attached other than a fair and precise reporting with little ego and – as much as possible – no UFO researcher infighting involved. Is that too much to ask for?

UFO over a gentleman in the town of Huanuco, Peru…1943
Scientists Mark D’Antonio and his UFOTOG wide array detector

A photo of one of my contactee friends, Jose María Fernandez Martinez. 1995. Taken in Guayama, Puerto Rico. He told me about the importance of resonance and of working with the conscious and subconscious methods and interpretive medium/language that resonate with the intelligences behind genuine, otherworldly, UFO phenomena. If we worked like this, I’m sure that a greater degree of success and exopolitical understanding would ensue.

Corey Goode Update – US Special Forces take on Satanic Pedophile Group

I have recently had meetings with a highly placed contact. I met him in the FEMA Mass Casualties response course when I was still in the Texas State Guard. He stopped talking to me when I began Cosmic Disclosure. He suddenly contacted me again right after the elections had concluded. He shared a cluster of Intel with me before going dark again… Until now.

I had reported that there were teams of US Special Forces that were conducting “domestic surveillance and investigations of a Satanic group that had infiltrated all aspects of government agencies and the military. These Special Forces teams have been in place since the middle of the election cycle.

He gave me this report about a week ago and contacted me again stating it was important to get some of it out to the public. I was informed that a secret report on how pervasive these infiltrations are is more shocking than what was expected. Strangely, this report also had notes from several secret grand juries that are active right now in D.C.

The report states that the conspiracy involves the majority of powerful people in within the UN, EU, US, State and local (City) power structures. These government organization are completely complicit in what is going on. All the way down to local Post Offices and Police Offices. I have to tell you, this was a very creepy report.

These military investigators have expressed their shock and anger to their superiors as well as their desire to take them down. They report that it is so systemic that they are at a loss of how to counter and defeat these people with out a military coup, which would involve US Special Forces and trusted “Military Contractors” that come from Alliance countries (and are already in place in the US).

Some of these Special Forces Investigators have been removed from the investigation because they are HIGHLY suspected as being involved in torturing and killing some of these low level “Pedo-Gate” suspects. The scope of this cult take over of government is shocking to even the people that think they have seen it all. They can’t figure out how the government was infiltrated to such a degree.

I also recently met with Gonzales and Ka Aree. Gonzales told me that if North Korea and the US got into a war. It would most likely be a way to disclose a “new aircraft” or “weapons platform”. I’m told that if these unacknowledged weapons platforms were not used in a first strike against North Korea that nothing could be done to prevent tens of millions of people from being killed in Seoul, South Korea.

We should not be surprised if we see more saber rattling between Cabal controlled and Alliance countries.

As I already reported, according to Ka Aree, the Anshar are going to be meditating with everyone during the eclipse on August 21st. Ka Aree didn’t even try to hide the playful smirk she had when discussing the meditation. It brought her out of the anxiety that she was wearing on her face just prior. The Anshare are obviously excited about this mass meditation event.

This mass meditation seems very important to Anshar. So, as many of us are meditating on peace and a positive timeline for Humanity. So shall be the Anshar. She did say that this Eclipse has potential to be very positive yet the energy could get hijacked by the negative side who will be raping, torturing and sacrificing children. I guess as many people as we can muster for this mass meditation the better.

Addendum: “I received ANOTHER warning for US (Everyone I work with) to NOT report on the R&D or Space Port facilities in Antarctica…. Info on Ancient Civilizations is fair game, info on the R&D Facilities is deemed too sensitive to report. If we continue to report on this topic they will attack us relentlessly and make it impossible to get any of the other information out.”

Corey Goode, 8/9/17 – SphereBeingAlliance

MUFON Symposium 2017 – Panel Discussion Video

Panel Discussion featuring Andy Basiago, Dr. Michael Salla, William Tompkins, Corey Goode and Richard Dolan on the final day of the MUFON 2017 Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, July 23, 2017. Debate ranged over a number of issues concerning eyewitness testimony, standards of evidence, investigating secret space programs, and multiple space programs.

Operation Right to Know is Back

Press Release – Article by Ed Komarek
Operation Right To Know (ORTK) is an activist grassroots UFO/ET disclosure organization dedicated to political solutions as a remedy for a very serious human evolutionary political problem the UFO/ET cover-up or Truth Embargo.  ORTK was very active in the 1990’s and got widespread mass media attention during its many demonstrations in Washington DC, around the US and even in the UK. 
Pictures of these demonstrations are still being used by mainstream media when discussing disclosure issues.  ORTK disbanded even after many successes because it was not successful in sparking a widespread UFO/ET political movement.  Now after over 25 years since its inception in 1992 we have decided to try once again to assist in the still ongoing gathering momentum disclosure process.
Some of the ORTK members have been involved in the UFO community for as long as 50 years and have seen the gradual extraterrestrial awareness of the UFO community, media and public at large over time.  Still, most people remain confused and amused by pervasive Deep State media propaganda operations and individual hoaxing and scamming about not only what is going on behind their backs, but what is really at stake for the individual and for humanity as a whole. 
Briefly, those few of us that have been able to develop abet a vague overall picture of the core situation know from the evidence that the Universe is full of intelligent life.  We believe other top predators like ourselves have evolved on other worlds, developed space travel and have come upon earth in their travels to covertly interact with us.
As could be expected credible whistle-blower testimony indicates that some of these beings have evolved beyond predator-prey relationships, but others have not yet evolved to a peaceful co-existence and are a threat to humanity.  Over the past 70+ years whistle-blower testimony indicates that the governing elites that control nations through military action, finance and propaganda have sorted through the maze of who is friend and who is foe to some degree. 
Secret treaties and alliances have been made with several ET civilizations, some which are a serious threat to humanity’s future.  Some elite covert factions of humanity and aliens strive out of self-interest to suppress overall human evolution even while others try to aid human evolution on earth.  Consequently our human future is caught up the larger exopolitical sphere of opposing forces making it very important that the general public is fully informed to help tip the balance in humanities favor.
The government’s own declassified and leaked documents show Elite covert control is accomplished through a cover-up policy of ridicule and denial initiated by the CIA in the early 1950s.  This all the while exploiting control of special access to advanced ET technologies using special access need to know programs (SAPs) and suppressing other technologies that threaten established industries like the fossil fuels industry. 
Consequently these predator actions of the few against the many have been destroying humanities Star Trek future for a Mad Max one.  (This assessment of the situation is of course controversial even among ORTK members, but it is believed that it best represents the best model of the situation to date to help guide our actions forward.  Only a full and honest disclosure will ultimately settle the matter and in that we are unified.)
ORTK is currently organizing itself in the social media to hold future political actions such as a proposed demonstration in front of the White House and maybe a march to Congress in July 2018. 
We have a website and our Facebook group where interested parties can join us or get up to date information on our activities.  We have ORTK posters and signs at our website that can be used with articles.  You can Just click on the SIGN icon top right of the home page.

Are Aliens Hacking into Our Data Systems to Study Us?

Cybercrime appears to be so common an occurrence that we dismiss it as the work of petty hackers in computer labs and cafes all across the world. Certainly, we should be concerned about our data, but when extraterrestrials and other threats are out there, identity theft and having to get a new credit card shipped to your door don’t seem like such huge problems.

Continue reading

Brazilian Psychologist’s Phoenix Presentation on UFO ET Experiencers

Dr. Monica Borine’s Exopsychology of Anomalous Experience

Dr. Monica Borine, a Clinical Psychologist from Brazil, will speak on Exopsychology, Friday evening 7:00 pm, July 14, 2017,  at Mind Body Medicine Center in Scottsdale, Arizona, sponsored by the Institute for Exoconsciousness. Dr. Borine will present research from her recent postdoctoral degree (in progress) at the University of Hawaii. During her 25 year practice in clinical psychology, Dr. Borine’s clients included numerous people contacted by UFOs and Extraterrestrials, which led to her creating the field of Exopsychology. Her presentation also includes a guided meditation to connect the mind, heart, and cosmos.

Dr. Borine’s post-doctoral work in psychology of ET UFO contact is ground-breaking academic research, which indicates increased openness of academic institutions to support Exoconscious oriented research and experiencers.

We welcome you to our new Institute for Exoconsciousness home in Phoenix and look forward to meeting you at our event.

Monica Borine photo

Brazilian Psychologist Addresses UFO ET Experiencers:

ExoPsychology of Anomalous Experience

Friday Evening, July 14, 2017 at 7:00 pm

Mind Body Medicine Center

             13951 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 100

             Scottsdale, Arizona 85254

Tickets: Requested Donation $10. At the Door or through Eventbrite

Eventbrite Tickets Here

Dr. Monica Borine is an internationally recognized Clinical Psychologist and consciousness researcher of anomalous phenomena including UFOs and ET contact for over 25 years. Recently she completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Anomalous Psychology at the University Honolulu (in course). She is a specialist in Orgonomist (William Reich), Bioenergetics analysis, Core Energetics, Yogatherapy and Clinical hypnosis.

Dr. Borine founded the Psychoenergetics of Consciousness in April 2002 and the field of ExoPsychology in 2014 Currently, she is Director of the Exopsychology Institute in Atibaia, Brazil, and the Core Energetics Institute of Brazil.

Monica Borine client

She is the founder and Editor of “ExoScience” an academic Journal about Anomalous Phenomena Consciousness, which examines UFOs, Extraterrestrials, and contact experiences. Dr. Borine is also a member of Exopolitics Institute in Hawaii USA.

Dr. Borine’s education includes a Doctorate in Health Psychology Assessment in Mental health and Psychopathologies from San Francisco University, São Paulo, Brazil; a Masters in Health Psychology in Neuropsychology of Consciousness from São Paulo University and UMESP, São Paulo, Brazil. She completed postgraduate studies in Psychology of Consciousness and Transpersonal Psychology. She is a member of the ASSC (Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Pasadena, California, USA) and a Founding member of the Association of Health Psychology, São Paulo in 2005.


Thanks for reading — I’m Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, founder of the Institute for Exoconsciousness. Our mission is to support ET Experiencers. The Community for the Exoconscious connects ET experiencers with an international network of experiencer groups.

My signature is exploring what it means to be an Exoconscious Human — how we form an ET identity and create ET-Human community. My personal ET contact began in early childhood and continues today.

70th Anniversary of Modern UFO Era: We Still Need to Unite

Kenneth Arnold

Today (June 24, 2017) is the 70th anniversary of Kenneth Arnold’s sighting that initiated the “Modern UFO Era.” 70 years ago the pilot Kenneth Arnold while seeking a fallen airplane over the Cascade Mountains saw 9 boomerang-shaped objects that moved as saucers skipping over water. Thus, the term “flying saucer” was born and widely used until (along with the confirmation of a variety of shapes the “unknowns” had) within the USAF’s Project Blue Book, the term “Unidentified Flying Object” was coined.

But what have we learned thus far? It depends who you are inclined to listen to. In my view, both ufology and contacteeism have many valid items to offer. There is serious evidence that non man-made and non-natural UFOs exist. There have been distorsions and exagerations and a need to believe and to dismiss what seem to be another person’s acknowledgement of evidence but we also have several credible contactees, some producing photographic and even collective evidence. There are credible, normally functional abductees; in a word “experiencers” having various kinds of conscious contact experiences with alleged beings from otherworldly realities. And there are credible whistleblowers and documents that have been almost verified besides several crucial research institutions with good evidence such as MUFON, not to speak of air force and/or government-associated institutions in various countries investigating UAPs/UFOs and clearly finding that a certain percentage is not rationally explainable as misperceptions, hoaxes or delusions. Moreover, the U.S. Government (usually covert) interest has been sufficiently documented by researchers such as Richard Dolan and Michael E. Salla.

Documentaries in cultural channels and some shift in UFO reports and in research modes and data gathering. Besides evidence through well practiced hypnosis and experiencer testimonies we now also have a more sizable survey conducted by F.R.E.E. ( in which a few thousands of individuals have anonymously answered hundreds of questions about their alleged contact experiences and the results indicate that most of these are life not evil, but instead life-transforming in a positive way. Thus, it appears that, in spite there being some encounters clearly deemed “negative,” these are of a minority of reported cases and that an opportunity to reconcile “all are good space brothers” and “all are evil abusing” ETs emerges. We need to learn to think in terms that”SOME” ETs may be negative and we would probably stop separating ourselves into – for instance – camps that support or agree with Dr. Steven Greer and camps that support or agree with Dr. David Jacobs since the may be a middle ground on this issue.

As of today, a greater % of the world population may be more receptive to the idea of finding life in exoplanets and the Catholic Church seems theologically open to the possibility either of this or that we are already being “visited.” There are emerging scientific models partially able to include information and/or consciousness and some integrative meta theories may assist us to integrate physics, the “paranormal,” consciousness and psychology providing an explanatory basis that could be useful if big “D” Disclosure or a series of small “d” disclosures occur.

But we must learn to unite as researchers, as persons interested in knowing the truth about what is going on and – overall – as a species even in the era of fake news and self legitimizing online cultural “tribes” and narratives. The need to learn neither to be extremely gullible nor close minded remains crucial. And if we do not acquire new cultural norms learning to live together respecting all life forms with a deep sense of interconnectedness we may devastate our beautiful life-teeming jewel planet.

There have already been attempts to verify unique humanoid remnants such as the Be Witness humanoid researched by three accredited forensic doctors (under the promotion of Mr. Jaime Maussan) and the Atacama humanoid researched (under the promotion of Dr. Steven Greer) by bone structure and genetic analysis experts and the results have been ambiguous, conclusive in favor of anomaly to some and conclusive in favor of normalcy to others.  But few critics in favor or against seem to have carefully consider all the variables involved. And, along with new developments in ufology & exopolitics such as the so-called “Secret Space Program” we tend to conclusively opine (often in character-destructive ways) either in favor or against without being able to temporarily suspend that blasting judgement and without sufficient attention to pro and con details. I seriously take the view that this is a shortcoming which we must definitely grow out of this in order to be more ready for an unequivocal worldwide revelation that we are being “visited.”

I also pray that in relation to the unique mummies of Peru, careful, appropriate scientific research to disclose the objective truth is furthered and allowed to continue, even beyond Gaia’s and Mr. Maussan’s and Dr. Korotkov’s, et al reports, including duplicating research procedures and verifying or dismissing results and may also the mutual cynicism among researchers and within the UFO, experiencer, exopolitics communities and among these communities and academic communities subside! We have to wait for the best possible research findings before emitting conclusive judgement! Let’s be supportive of the research Gaia and colleagues are conducting now! The implications for humanity are highly important. Hopefully, this research will continue and the objective truth will be firmly established.

Also, may the Peruvian Gov allow further research involving first of all Peruvian scientists that honestly bring the unbiased truth out to the world. May they work in tandem with the scientists already conducting this research in spite of the possibility that archaeological sites and remnants have been utilized without official permission. I believe that this is a test to understand how mature we all are, at least all of us who care about the the origins and causes of humankind, its role in the grand scheme of things, how far can our human potential become a more life-enhancing expression, whether we share genetic material with extraterrestrial civilizations, how may the divine and sacred remain with us as a guiding force amidst cultural premises-shattering discoveries and other such issues.

It has also been 70 years of human courage, to a great extent a courage inspired by good ethical values. We must also recognize the ethics courage of all sincere UFO and contact/experiencer witnesses and also researchers (including accredited scientists) that dedicated themselves to bring the truth to the public sometimes with great risk to their personal careers and social lives.

Whether any of the alleged mummies are genuine humanoids or not this clearly needs to be known. Whether they are genuine humanoids or not this process is like a social test, a way to “measure the disclosure readiness or level of maturity” of the UFO, consciousness mysteries, exopolitics, experiencer, integral communities and various segments of the public at large.

Is this situation an Exopolitical Readiness Test? A test of our degree of unity awareness? Are we ready to be sufficiently unified as a species to digest disclosure and/or publicly acknowledged contact?

We tend to accuse each other of hidden purposes, fraud, or of being motivated by financial interests and we do this if our brothers care about or consider real something that seems to contradict or compete with what we do or care about most. Too many unnecessary, divisive negative attitudes. However, in this case we simply need to promote adequate scientific research and learn to respect each other more! If the mummies are of unknown humanoids will religions crumble? Some ? Perhaps the more conservative, orthodox, fundamentalist?

After all, will most people care little about this? Will government and military and some academic personnel begin speaking out loud about what they know in terms of extraterrestrials and UFOs? Will there be a gradual re-thinking of cultural convictions and our place in the universe? Or will people in general simply go on with their excessive divisions adapt and go on with their “business as usual?” Whether any of the mummies are (surprisingly) humanoid from a developmental line not directly related with homo sapiens or not, I consider this process as a test for all of us, including the segments of humanity which are more aware. Can we come together rather than dismiss each other’s efforts in a cynical manner?

So after 70 years of exploration in the “Modern UFO Era” (or “Modern Era of UFOs”) we now have the possibility of a major discovery. But again, how we go about it. How we manage to remain reasonable without attacking each other may be the genuine test we need to pass before further disclosure takes place or, perhaps, is allowed. We need to unite in purpose and also learn to respect and listen to each other much more.

If it turns out that the “humanoid mummies of Perú” were hoaxes, we will not only grow more cynical about events that reminds us of “physical proof of contact of extraterrestrial life;” we will also know a bit more clearly how we react when such a possibility arises. Thus, what is important is not just assessing what we actually know after 70 years since Kenneth Arnold’s sighting; it is the state of our social integration and associated ethical integrity.

May the sacrifices and efforts of experiencers witnessing the scope of their truth, of genuine patriotic whistleblowers and of serious researchers attempting to bring to light some understanding of various UFO, experiencer, exopolitical aspects continue flourishing and coherently integrating for the good of humanity, healthy emerging exopolitical relationships and life on Earth!
Giorgio Piacenza​


“María” in a pose that may suggest a heartfelt embrace for humanity

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