Tom DeLonge Says the Government Has Information That Would Change the World
Article by Emily Brown June 29, 2020 (unilad.co.uk)
• Tom DeLonge, 44 (pictured above), former member of the rock band Blink-182 and currently a founding member of the UFO research organization ‘To the Stars Academy’, grew up in a ‘hardcore’ Christian family. But once he was touring with his band, there was ‘nothing to do but read books’ and his eyes were opened to different belief systems. He was consumed by an obsession to find out why we’re here on this planet and what it’s all about. The subject of aliens and UFOs seemed to encompass everything he wanted to know – dealing with religious beliefs systems, the potential for life out in the universe, and different ways of thinking and understanding new technologies.
• DeLonge says there are ‘thousands and thousands of documents and pieces of evidence (about UFOs) that have come out from the [US] government’, whether they be from ‘flag level (military) officers, or CIA declassification, or people that work on programs’. He is convinced that government officials are hiding information that could change life as we know it. He and fellow ‘To The Stars’ researcher, Luis Elizondo, who headed a Pentagon UFO research program, have created the History Channel show, “Unidentified”, which just began its second season. The show discusses sightings, patterns and experiences that suggest we’re not alone in the universe. “Do they have things that I think would blow it wide open and change the world in 10 seconds? Yes, I [think they] do,” says DeLonge. “But I don’t have any evidence of that myself, and I can’t prove that to the world. But I have my reasons, and I hope that one day that does happen, in a constructive way that doesn’t scare people.”
• DeLonge believes the government has its reasons for keeping information classified. It could be ’embarrassing or scary’, or even dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands. But he stressed that government officials ‘don’t have a monopoly on info’. He says that his own research academy has ‘a great deal of information’ it’s hoping to release ‘when the time is right – when it makes sense and when [they] can do it respectfully and in a way where it’s not adversarial with [their] partners in the US government.’
• DeLonge says that humans are making ‘gigantic strides’ on the subject of extraterrestrial life. Through ‘To The Stars’, he hopes everyone will be ‘part of this awakening’ in a way that is ‘scientifically accurate, scientifically based, and credible.’ He points to a memo by US Air Force General Nathan Twining in the early 1950s, in which Twining states, ‘not only are these (aliens) real, but they’re not visionary, they’re not fictitious’. Said DeLonge, “I remember reading that in my early 20s and I was just floored by it, I was like ‘oh my God’. People [ask] ‘where’s the evidence?’, well (Twining) came out and said it. That’s just one of tens of thousands of documents that have come out on the stuff but… that was one particular piece that I’ve always remembered.”
• In his UFO research, DeLonge started to notice patterns emerging. Then he started to draw attention from ‘a lot of people from the government’ and found himself in ‘a little hot water’ as a result of his findings. While he couldn’t go into detail, DeLonge admitted to finding something that ‘really scared him’ during his research. “If you’re in the ocean and you saw a great white shark, does that mean everything in the ocean is a great white shark? No, it means that one particular species is pretty dangerous if you’re dealing with it in a certain environment. It doesn’t mean that blue whales are dangerous, or that dolphins are dangerous. You’ve got to think of the universe as teeming with life and different types of supernatural forces.”
• “I think that we’re dealing with multiple frequencies of existence as well as linear travel,” explains DeLonge. “So my analogy is: you’re in the ocean and you see a jellyfish, then you see a dolphin, then you see a blue whale and you think you’ve seen it all. Then, all of a sudden, a coke can drifts by and you’re like, ‘What’s that? What the hell?’, when you don’t even know there’s land and humans making cans of soda. You’ve got to think of the universe that way – it’s not just one group, it’s not just one thing, it’s everything. It’s infinite, so I just think we have to wrap our heads around that.”
• The government might have details that would blow our minds, but it’s key that those in charge understand it first. DeLonge admits that he would ‘absolutely be thinking the same thing’ when it comes to keeping information classified and making sure ‘people don’t lose control of their emotions over a subject that we don’t even understand yet’. The government is not ‘one symbiotic, perfect functioning organism. There may be some people who agree with keeping information secret while others are keen to share it. But DeLonge says that, ultimately, ‘what everyone’s after are peaceful, progressive conversations that don’t scare people [and] that can help us achieve the things we need to achieve with regards to (the extraterrestrial) subject.’ Until then, the best we can do is explore the evidence and keep an open mind.
DeLonge, 44, has long been open about his interest in aliens; a subject he first delved into while on tour with Blink-182 before the days of smartphones, when there was ‘nothing to do but read books’ during long trips.

The musician grew up in a religious household, his mother a ‘hardcore devout Christian lady’ who made the family go to church multiple times a week, so it wasn’t until he started touring that DeLonge realised his mother’s beliefs weren’t upheld by everyone.

DeLonge told UNILAD that learning about different belief systems really ‘opened his eyes’ and incited an ‘obsession’ with finding out ‘what is this all about? Why are we here? Is it really an accident?’
The UFO enthusiast was determined to discover how humans could ‘change the way we think so we can progress as a species’, and found that the subject of aliens seemed to encompass everything he wanted to know, dealing with ‘religious beliefs systems, the potential for life out in the universe, different ways of thinking and [the] potential for understanding new types of technologies.’
DeLonge ultimately put music on the backburner to focus on his research with the help of his company To The Stars Academy, and in recent years the team has made waves with their work, one of the most recent accomplishments being the release of three videos showing UFOs.
The former frontman further explores the subject alongside Luis Elizondo, who headed the US government’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) between 2007-2012, in the new series of Unidentified.
In the show, airing on BLAZE between June 29 and July 4 as part of UFO week, the researchers discuss sightings, patterns and experiences that suggest we’re not alone in the universe.
While it can be hard to wrap your head around the idea of life beyond Earth, DeLonge has stressed there’s ‘thousands and thousands of documents and pieces of evidence that have come out from the [US] government’, whether they be from ‘flag level officers or Central Intelligence Agency declassification or people that work on programmes’.
In spite of the abundance of information that’s been made public however, DeLonge is convinced officials are holding some information close to their chests; information that could change life as we know it.
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Blink 182, CIA, General Nathan Twining, History Channel, Luis Elizondo, Pentagon, To the Stars Academy, Tom Delonge, US Government