Article by Brynley Louise September 7, 2020 (
• In the online FBI files known as ‘The Vault’, there is ‘Memorandum 6751’. The memorandum dated July 5, 1947 was sent to the FBI. (On July 8, 1947, the Roswell Daily Record published the first newspaper story on an alleged UFO crash at a nearby ranch.) The 70 page memo was declassified in 2010. The Roswell crash was quickly ‘debunked’. Likewise, the memo itself, which makes claims of inter-dimensional beings and flying saucers, states that “the writer has little expectation that anything of import will be accomplished by this gesture”.
• The writer of the memo believed that while we live in three dimensions that we call width, breadth, and height, an inter-dimensional being would add a fourth dimension – “space time”. The multiverse theory wouldn’t be popularized by Bryce DeWitt until 1957, so the writer may have been referring to an alternate universe rather than a fourth dimension of this universe. Hard to tell. But this is what the writer had to say about these inter-dimensional beings:
1. Part of the disks (spacecraft) carry crews, others are under remote control. 2. Their mission is peaceful. The visitors contemplate settling on this plane. 3. These visitors are human-like, but much larger in size. 4. They are NOT excarnate earth people but come from their own world. 5. They do NOT come from any “planet” as we use the word, but from an otherio planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us. 6. The bodies of the visitors, and of the craft also, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our . . . matter. 7. The disks possess a type of radiant energy, or a ray, which will easily disintegrate any attacking ship. They reenter the otherio at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without trace. 8. The region from which they come is NOT the ‘astral plane’, but corresponds to the Lokas or Talas. Students of osoterio matter will understand these terms. 9. They probably cannot be reached by radio but probably can be by radar, if a signal system can be devised for that.”
• It’s a lot of fun to dig through the old UFO related documents on the FBI’s online database. You can even read the official single-page document regarding the 1947 Roswell incident, with surprisingly little redacted.
Do you love a good UFO story? We hope so, because we have a doozy for you. If you spend a lot of time genuinely searching out answers on the existence of real aliens and UFOs that are extraterrestrial in nature, then it’s possible you’ve heard this one before, since the FBI documents we’re talking about were released all the way back in 2010.
However, if you have a passing fancy for the idea of aliens, or just enjoy interesting stories, then this is exactly the right article for you. A decade ago, a seventy page document was declassified by the FBI and put into their online database called The Vault. (How very cinematic of them.) This document is now frequently referred to as Memorandum 6751 & makes claims of inter-dimensional beings and flying saucers.
It’s important to note that the FBI did not write this memo. It was written and sent to the FBI, who were then forced to archive it. So, while everyone likes to claim this document is proof the U.S. government confirmed the existence of extraterrestrials all the way back in 1947, they are, alas, very wrong.
Claims of Memo 6751
The letter very kindly has a list of nine bullet points, which makes picking up the important bits of the old scanned document a little easier as you squint your way through the slightly blurry & faded photocopy with handwritten notes in the margins. We transcribed the fun part as best we could.
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Article by Aila Slisco August 4, 2020 (
• On August 4th, President Trump was interviewed by Lou Dobbs, the host of ‘Fox Business’. Dobbs asked Trump whether he would release new information about UFOs, despite the efforts of the deep state working against him. “A lot of my friends are very concerned about what the federal government is doing with regards to UFOs,” said Dobbs. “[S]o if I could just ask you… are you going to commit more resources to exploring UFOs and open the documents to the public?”
• “Well I think you’re… the UFO expert,” replied Trump. “So, I’m going to be guided by the great Lou Dobbs. And I will tell you that I’ll do whatever you ask me to do, including total transparency.” (see 1:31 minute video clip below)
• Trump has been asked many times about UFO disclosure, and he has remained taciturn an unengaged. In June, when Trump’s son Donald Junior interviewed his father, Junior asked the president “what’s really going on” with UFOs and the 1947 Roswell crash? “I won’t talk to you about what I know about it, but it’s very interesting,” said Trump. “Roswell’s a very interesting place with a lot of people that would like to know what’s going on.”
• When asked last year by NBC‘s George Stephanopoulos about U.S. Navy pilots spotting UFOs, the president said he had been briefed on the issue but did not seem convinced that anything of great interest had happened. “I did have one very brief meeting on it,” replied Trump. “But people are saying they’re seeing UFOs. Do I believe it? Not particularly.”
• In a Fox News interview with Tucker Carlson last year, Trump was asked about UFOs. “I don’t want to get into it too much, but personally I tend to doubt it,” Trump said. “I mean you have people that swear by it… I’m not a believer but I guess anything’s possible.” When Tucker persisted and asked the president whether the government was keeping “wreckage” from an extraterrestrial UFO, Trump said that he was unaware of it, had only heard about alleged UFO wreckage on Carlson’s show, and that “it has not been a big thing” in the government.
President Donald Trump has pledged allegiance to “UFO expert” Lou Dobbs, vowing to do “whatever” the Fox Business host asks.
Trump made the remarks during a Tuesday interview with Dobbs, one of the president’s most outspoken admirers. Dobbs invoked a popular right-wing conspiracy theory by praising Trump for being “transparent” despite the efforts of a supposed “deep state” working against him before asking him about whether he would release new information about UFOs.
“A lot of my friends are very concerned about what the federal government is doing with regards to UFOs, so if I could just ask you… are you going to commit more resources to exploring UFOs and open the documents to the public?” Dobbs asked.
“Well I think you’re probably… in this country, you’re the UFO expert,” replied Trump. “So, I’m going to be guided by the great Lou Dobbs. And I will tell you that I’ll do whatever you ask me to do, including total transparency.”
Donald Trump: “Well, I think you’re the — probably in this country — you’re the UFO expert, so I’m going to be totally guided by the great Lou Dobbs…I’ll do whatever you ask me to do”
— Jason Campbell (@JasonSCampbell) August 4, 2020
The interview was the second recent time Trump has been asked about the possibility of releasing allegedly hidden information concerning UFOs. During a June interview with his son Donald Trump Jr. he was also queried about “what’s really going on” concerning UFOs and delivered a similarly vague answer when asked about an alleged 1947 incident in Roswell, New Mexico.
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• At this point, President Trump is far from assured of winning a second term. He has plenty of work in front of him between now and November. Could the President have a Trump card up his sleeve?
• In a recent article on, writer Bryce Zabel poses the question, what would Trump do if he looked like he was going to lose to Joe Biden in the election? Well, UFOs have become a popular and legitimate subject for news coverage lately. Zabel believes that Trump might just “play the wildest card in all of human history” by telling America everything he knows about UFOs, top secret government research programs, and the presence of extraterrestrial life on Earth in a wild, last minute attempt to deflect, distract and scare enough people to win the election. We all know that Donald Trump is just crazy enough to do it.
• We know that Trump is a master disruptor who cares not one bit for traditional political rules. And we know that he’s a showman who knows how to play the press. Every time he’s mentioned the subject of UFOs he’s made headlines. Zabel speculates that the President might decide to let the cat out of the bag right in the middle of the final debate on October 22nd.
• But the key phrase here is Trump telling ‘everything he knows’ about UFOs and the extraterrestrial presence. What does Trump know? He’s hinted that he knows some things about Roswell that he found “very interesting.” It is highly doubtful, however, that the government’s intelligence agencies would tell Donald Trump, or any other president, much of anything about their greatest intelligence secret. After all, Presidents come and go. The military-industrial complex is dug in like a tick.
• Disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence would be a massively disruptive, potentially ‘world-changing’ moment. Could this result in Trump winning over voters to reelect him as President for a second term? And how might Joe Biden respond? Would Biden jump on the UFO bandwagon and say that he would also be a disclosure president? Would it even matter to the electorate once they’ve been given a good reason to not vote for Uncle Joe? There isn’t a chance that Trump wouldn’t try for a last ditch “October Surprise” if he thought it could carry him over the finish line on November 3rd.
• [Editor’s Note] Trump planning an October surprise to win the November election? At this point, this is all but assured. But if so, wouldn’t Trump be planning this now? What if UFO disclosure was only a part of a world changing “surprise” that Trump had up his sleeve? What if he was in on the planning of a complete ‘global financial reset’? A restructuring of the Federal Reserve and US Treasury? The elimination of federal income tax; debt forgiveness on bank loans, mortgages and credit card debt; and the introduction of a new US currency under a global ‘quantum financial system’? What if Trump was planning to reveal the insidious deep state syndicate, arresting its satanic leaders? And wouldn’t it be prudent to disclose all of this, including the extraterrestrial presence, this month so that Trump could begin to build the momentum he needs in the run-up to the November election? This would certainly cause the American electorate to sit up and take notice. I’m just saying…
While some recent movement in the polls shows the presidential race tightening in the battleground states, there’s no denying that President Trump is far from assured a second term at this point and he has plenty of work in front of him between now and November. And if the pandemic keeps the economy in the dumps across much of the nation and the employment numbers don’t start bouncing back, that could be a tough job indeed. But does the President have a Trump card (pardon the pun) up his sleeve in that event?
Over at Medium, Bryce Zabel raises this interesting question. What might Donald Trump do if it looks like he’s actually going to lose to Joe Biden? Bryce suggests in all seriousness that Trump just might “play the wildest card in all of human history.” And what card is that? He could tip over the entire apple cart by emptying the bag and telling America everything that’s known about UFO study programs and, just possibly, the presence of extraterrestrial life on Earth, either now or in the past.
We all know that Donald Trump is just crazy enough to do it.
And by “do it,” we mean throw the entire UFO issue into the upcoming presidential election at the last minute in a wild attempt to deflect, distract and scare enough people to win the election.
That’s right. Unidentified flying objects dumped smack into the middle of a presidential election by a sitting president who actually loves the idea of how disruptive it could be.
It sounds crazy. It’s not going to happen. Right? I mean, right?
Even Bryce admits this is a long shot, but it’s not off the table. He notes, as we have discussed recently, that UFOs have become a legitimate subject for news coverage and there’s been a lot of it recently. In addition to multiple articles in the New York Times, CNN has done two segments on the subject this week alone, with both Jake Tapper and Michael Smerconish. NBC News just published an opinion piece on the subject of both UFOs and the possibility of extraterrestrial life visiting Earth (which I’ll have more to say about this week), something unheard of for them for quite some time. This is something that’s happening right before all of our eyes.
So with that in mind, would the President throw this wildcard on the table in October in an attempt to shore up his reelection chances? And if so, would it work?
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• In Episode 4 of Netflix’ “The Umbrella Academy”, we’re introduced to “The Majestic 12.” We’re told that they’re a secret committee of science, military, and Deep State members, and that John F. Kennedy was the first president to try to publicly reveal their existence and “push them into the limelight”. Look how that turned out. They are powerful and well-connected.“They are are not to be trifled with,” we are warned.
• Also known as “MJ-12”, this group is at the center of a number of UFO conspiracy theories. They were formed in 1947 by an executive order issued by President Harry Truman. Their mission was to investigate and recover, if possible, alien spacecraft – beginning with the crashed Roswell craft in 1947. • Their very existence was only revealed in 1984 when a documentary film producer by the name of Jaime Shandera claimed that someone anonymous had put an envelope containing a roll of film in his mailbox. When Shandera developed the film, it revealed eight pages of classified government documents. These documents supposedly showed not only the government’s investigation of alien craft, but the creation of The Majestic 12.
• Debunkers pointed to supposed flaws in the documents like incorrect ranks, the use of “media” instead of “press” and formatting that didn’t match the formats of other government documents of the era. The FBI later announced that the pages were bogus and wrote “BOGUS” in all caps over the documents.
• Today, it has come to light that the US government and military have continued investigating UFOs, although not the ‘alien’ type, they say. The US Intelligence Budget for 2021 includes a mandate for the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force, under the Office of Naval Intelligence, to submit a report of all their collected information within 180 days from June 17.
• While the idea of a secretive “Majestic 12” isn’t at the forefront of the American’s zeitgeist right now, there is indeed a renewed interest in UFOs. A recent article in the New York Times reported that the Pentagon may have obtained vehicles or parts of vehicles that aren’t from Earth. Eric W. Davis, an astrophysicist and consultant for the Pentagon’s UFO program, said he gave a classified briefing in March to a DoD agency about retrievals of “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.” And on April 27th, the DoD authorized the official release of the three infamous videos of UFOs taken by Navy pilots.
In Episode 4 of The Umbrella Academy, we’re introduced to the concept of “The Majestic 12.” You might be interested to know that they exist in real life too. Read on to see the photo of them that was shared in the fourth episode and to learn more about the group in real life.
In Episode 4, we’re shown the photo above of “The Majestic 12.”
We’re told that they’re a secret committee of science, military, and Deep State members. According to the show, President John F. Kennedy was the first president to try to push them into the limelight. “They are are not to be trifled with,” we’re warned.
The photo above shows 11 out of 12 of the members of The Majestic 12. Apparently they are powerful, well-connected, and pull some serious strings. We’ll learn more about them on the show, but this article only focuses on what was revealed about them in Episode 4 (and what we know about them in real life.)
The Majestic 12 in Real Life
The mythology of The Majestic 12 is every bit as intriguing as their story in The Umbrella Academy. Also known as “MJ-12” among conspiracy theorists, this group is at the center of a number of UFO conspiracy theories. The myth is that they were formed in 1947 by an executive order issued by President Harry Truman, and they include scientists, government officials, and military leaders. Their mission was to investigate (and recover if possible) alien spacecraft. Supposedly, their first mission was to recover the craft in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.
The first idea of their existence came from “leaked” government documents in 1984. Jaime Shandera, a documentary producer, said that the leaked files were dropped in his mail slot in an envelope in 1984, Slate reported. Shandera said he received a roll of film that, when developed, revealed eight pages of classified documents. These documents supposedly revealed not only the investigation of alien craft, but the creation of The Majestic 12.
Some people pointed out that the documents had flaws, like incorrect ranks, the use of “media” instead of “press” (when “press” was the more common term at the time), and formatting that didn’t match the formats of other government documents, Slate reported.
The FBI later announced that the pages were bogus and wrote “BOGUS” in all caps over the documents.
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“I want to believe.” These are the words of notorious X-Files hero Fox Mulder, who convinced an entire generation that the truth is out there – we just have to find it. But on July 2, it won’t only be sci-fi enthusiasts trying out their ET sleuthing skills, as everyone on planet earth will have to opportunity to celebrate World UFO Day.
UFOs have been the stuff of legend for centuries, but it wasn’t until the 1950s that freaky flying saucers grabbed national and international mainstream attention. Since then, UFOs have captured the minds of old and young alike, and witness’ stories have proliferated around the world.
World UFO Day serves as a way for everyone to come together and watch the skies on the same night in search of UFOs, but that’s not its only purpose. Many see the holiday as a way to spread knowledge and awareness of UFOs, making a case for their existence, and hoping to make disciples out of the dubious.
So why July 2? For many, this date represents the anniversary of the famed and all-but-confirmed 1947 incident in Roswell, New Mexico. Believers claim a UFO crash landed there, deep in the American southwest, but that the government has been covering it up ever since. What do you believe?
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Article by Christina Stock March 2, 2020 (
• At the end of World War II, the U.S. Government brought a number of prominent German scientists to America under what was called ‘Operation Paperclip’. One of these scientists was the now legendary Wernher von Braun (pictured above), who functioned as a key figure in the design of American rocket technology, including the Saturn rocket that first took us to the moon in 1969.
• When a UFO crash occurred northwest of Roswell in early July 1947, President Harry Truman needed to make some quick decisions. As we all know, he ordered the military to cordon off the area and take control of the crash site. Truman also decided to bring in civilian scientists to examine the crashed UFO. This may have included Robert Oppenheimer and Wernher von Braun. In his book, “Is E.T. Here?”, UFO researcher Robert Trundle indicates that von Braun was indeed one of the scientists Truman brought in on the Roswell UFO crash.
• In the book, Trundle cites an account given by Clark McClelland, astronaut and former science officer with the Kennedy Space Center, who describes a memorable exchange he once had with von Braun. During one of many meetings of Cape Canaveral launch crews, McClelland and von Braun stepped outside onto a patio for a chat. The conversation drifted to the 1947 Roswell incident. Von Braun and his colleagues were working at the White Sands Testing Range near Roswell, testing captured V-2 rockets. McClelland asked von Braun whether the rumored Roswell UFO crash really happened.
• On condition that McClelland wouldn’t repeat any of it while von Braun was still alive — a pledge which McClelland kept — von Braun told McClelland that in fact he had been asked to help inspect the crashed UFO. Von Braun described the craft’s material as being a thin, unfamiliar substance more resembling some sort of skin than metal. Some pieces were like silvery chewing gum wrappers, von Braun said.
• [Editor’s Note] Wernher von Braun died in 1977. In 1978, investigative reporter Stanton Friedman interviewed former Air Force intelligence officer Major Jesse Marcel, a Roswell eye witness who said that it was no weather balloon that crashed in the desert, but a UFO. Thus, the legend of the Roswell UFO crash entered the public zeitgeist. And the silvery ‘chewing gum wrapper’ like material that von Braun mentioned? Jesse Marcel hid several sheets of it in his hot water heater at his home in Houma, Louisiana. It may still be there today. (see ExoArticle here)
When the UFO crash northwest of Roswell occurred in early July 1947, President Harry Truman, upon receiving that fateful phone call in the wee hours, must have needed to make some quick and shrewd decisions about what to do. As we all know, this obviously ended up including a cordoning off of the crash site and the control of that site by the military.
Clark McClelland
Some other actions must have been needed as well, notably including the decision to bring in some civilian scientists to examine what had to be the most remarkable object ever encountered in human history.
Various speculations and inferences over the years have been made as to who some of those experts might have been, for example, my own conclusions about consultation with Robert Oppenheimer. In addition, another interesting choice has come to light.
At the end of World War II, the U.S. Government brought a number of prominent German scientists to America, in what was called Operation Paperclip. One of these scientists was the now legendary Wernher von Braun, who functioned as a key figure in the design of American rocket technology, including the Saturn rocket that first took us to the moon in 1969.
Recently, UFO researcher George Filer has explored, published in his online journal Filer’s Files, an account given by Ufologist Robert Trundle in his book, “Is E.T. Here?” to the effect that von Braun was one of the scientists Truman brought in on the Roswell UFO crash. Trundle cites an account given by Clark McClelland, astronaut and former science officer with the Kennedy Space Center, who describes a memorable exchange he once had with von Braun.
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Article by Sarah Scoles February 29, 2020 (
• A 2019 Gallup poll revealed that 68 percent of Americans believe that the government is hiding information about aliens and UFOs from the public. Thirty-three percent of respondents said that they believe UFOs are alien spacecraft from other worlds. So why then would the government lie about aliens? Sarah Scoles, the author of the book: They Are Already Here: UFO Culture and Why We See Saucers,offers perspective and possible answers.
• The government alone has the means, motive and opportunity to maintain a cover-up of aliens and UFOs. Even US presidents’ security clearances are need-to-know. On Jimmy Kimmel Live in 2014, Bill Clinton revealed that during his time in office, he’d asked his people to look into both Area 51 and the Roswell files. He was denied access to those secrets. When Kimmel asked whether Clinton would tell the public if he discovered that extraterrestrials, or ‘ET’, were here, Clinton replied, “yeah.” Is this simply part of the cover-up?
• The government’s primary means of cover-up is its authority to classify information, making it a crime to disclose to the public. Such secrets can be sequestered to massive military bases. The notoriously secretive Area 51 Air Force installation in Nevada spans 2.9 million acres – twice the size of Delaware. Military guards at Area 51 are authorized to use “deadly force” against civilians who try to storm the base. This is a lot of security for a base whose existence the Air Force denied until 2013. There must be something truly incredible going on inside there.
• The government has proven that it is adept at cover-ups. When the public rumor-mill heard about a “UFO” crash near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947, the Air Force used this as a cover-up for what the crash “debris” really was – a spy balloon under the ‘top secret’ Project Mogul. The point is that the US government is not above resorting to decades-long cover-ups.
• Is the government’s motive to cover-up the ET presence due to a fear of hostile ETs, or the fear of benevolent ETs ushering in an era of peace? The existence of any sort of extraterrestrials would unite us Earthlings. It would transcend national borders as we contemplated our place in a galaxy possibly teeming with life. What if benevolent ETs brought us technologies like free energy devices, warp drive propulsion, self-contained life support systems and the blueprints for spaceships? Such a technological renaissance would be a high-tech respite from international conflict.
• But under such a benevolent scenario, those currently benefiting and making a fortune off of the fossil fuel energy status quo would oppose it. A truly global society could topple national-level leadership. While ET technology would be good for the little guy, it would negatively affect the ‘powers that be’. Or perhaps the ‘powers that be’ already have such alien technology and want to keep these only to themselves. Perhaps the government wants to hide free “zero-point energy” from the public to keep big companies in business, and therefore keep the people poor and dependent on them. Or maybe the US military wants to keep this advanced technology hidden from foreign nations, giving the US an unbeatable advantage.
• No one really knows how the public would actually react to the sudden existence of extraterrestrials. In 1953, the CIA sponsored a small group of scientists and military personnel to evaluate the national security risks UFOs. Known as the Robertson Panel report, these experts warned that the public’s revelation of the existence of extraterrestrials among us would give the Soviets an opening to sow mass hysteria and panic in the United States. This sort of reasoning concludes that such hysteria could result in ‘more spying, more assassinations, the dissolution of religion’ and an increase in radicalism. This gave the government a legitimate national interest to protect.
• Alternatively, these extraterrestrials could represent an apocalyptic threat as in the movies War of the Worlds, Independence Day, and The Day the Earth Stood Still. Or maybe these aliens are benign or anti-social, and the government has determined that we are simply better off without them without making a big deal about it. The possible answers to why the government would choose to cover up the extraterrestrial presence spans a whole spectrum: They’d cause too much peace, make too much chaos, give too many people too much technology, or they’d just be a real disappointment. Believers can choose the one that makes most sense to them or tick off “all of the above.” But all of this has one certain result – there is enough of a narrative here to give ET/UFO conspiracists solid ground to support their conspiracy theories.
If you think the government has more information about UFOs than it’s letting on, you’re not alone. In fact, you’re in the majority. A 2019 Gallup poll revealed 68 percent of people feel that way. Thirty-three percent of all respondents said that they believe UFOs were built by aliens from outer space.
The Venn diagram center of those two groups clings to one of the most enduring conspiracy theories: The Government (it’s always with a capital G for believers) is squirreling away information about alien spacecraft. This idea appears, and has for years, on internet forums, social media, TV shows, memes, movies, and, of course, fiction, like Max Barry’s “It Came From Cruden Farm.”
Almost as interesting as any government secret is why it’s kept secret. And for alien UFOs, the conspiratorial answers span a whole spectrum: They’d cause too much peace, make too much chaos, give too many people too much technology, or, maybe—as is the case in Barry’s story—just be a real disappointment. Because the why here has so many potential answers, believers can choose the one that makes most sense to them or tick off “all of the above.”
Even powerful politicians, it turns out, think there may be more to the saucer story than meets the public eye. That’s why, when presidents become presidents, sometimes they, too, take an interest in the extraterrestrial. On Jimmy Kimmel Live in 2014, for instance, Bill Clinton revealed that during his time in office, he’d asked his people to look into both the Area 51 and Roswell files. “If you saw that there were aliens there, would you tell us?” Kimmel asked.
“Yeah,” said Clinton. (But if you’re inclined to believe in a cover-up, isn’t this affirmative just further evidence of disinformation?)
The president in Max Barry’s story similarly uses his power to seek out ufological secrets—immediately after his inauguration. The Air Force chief of staff, to the president’s surprise but perhaps not the reader’s, confesses that, yes, there is a specimen from space. It is, just as last year’s would-be raiders suspected, tucked away inside Area 51, a notoriously secretive Air Force installation in Nevada, whose existence wasn’t officially acknowledged till 2013 (although, you know, we knew).
It makes a certain sense that in this story, and in popular consciousness, the government holds these celestial secrets. After all, it alone meets the classic criteria of guilt: Means. Motive. Opportunity. Those elements make the conspiratorial conviction feel juuuust plausible enough. And if a hypothetical narrative is juuuust plausible enough, adherents have juuuust enough ground to remain standing on it—which is part of why this conspiracy theory has long, sturdy legs.
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Article by Sarah Pruitt January 17, 2020 (
• Like Area 51, the legend of Hangar 18 at Wright Field – now Wright-Patterson Air Force Base – outside of Dayton, Ohio is one of flying saucers, extraterrestrial remains and even captured aliens secretly being held in a sealed and guarded warehouse called ‘Hanger 18’ or “the Blue Room”.
• Wright Field was home to the Air Force’s UFO investigation effort, Project Blue Book, from 1951 to 1969. Senator Barry Goldwater, Republican nominee for president in 1964, notoriously tried to gain access to the Blue Room through General Curtis LeMay, and was soundly rebuked. In 1974, a UFOlogist named Robert Spencer Carr publicly claimed that the Air Force was hiding “two flying saucers of unknown origin” inside Wright-Patterson’s Hangar 18. Carr claimed to have a high-ranking military source who saw the bodies of 12 alien beings as autopsies were being performed on them. A 1980 movie, Hangar 18, helped to cement the legend of Wright-Patt as a hotbed of the government’s UFO-related activities.
• The stories of Wright-Patterson go back to its alleged involvement in the cover-up of a UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. At the time, a Roswell Army Air Field press release said the Army had recovered a “flying disc” and sent it on to “higher headquarters” at Fort Worth. But Fort Worth immediately recanted the story saying it was only a weather balloon. Many UFO researchers believe that some of the debris from Roswell were sent to Wright Field and stored in Hangar 18.
• One military pilot, Oliver Henderson, told his wife that he flew a plane loaded with (flying saucer) debris, along with several small alien bodies, from Roswell to Wright Field. Children of another pilot, Marion “Black Mac” Magruder, claim that their father saw a living alien at Wright Field in 1947 and told them “it was a shameful thing that the military destroyed this creature by conducting tests on it.”
• The Air Force has categorically denied any of the rumors tying the Ohio base to UFOs and aliens. They even deny there is a ‘Hanger 18’ at Wright-Patt, although there is a ‘building 18’. In an official statement in 1985, the Air Force said, “There are not now, nor have there ever been, any extraterrestrial visitors or equipment on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.”
• And as to the crashed saucer outside of Roswell which the Army/Air Force later claimed was a weather balloon? In 1994 the Air Force changed its story, again, saying that it was actually debris from a surveillance “balloon device” (called “Project Mogul”) that was designed to spy on nuclear research sites in the Soviet Union. (see July 1994 USAF Roswell Report featuring the Project Mogul balloon explanation here)
As home to Project Blue Book, ground zero for government investigation of UFOs from 1951 to 1969, Wright Field (now Wright-Patterson Air Force
Jesse Marcel with “weather balloon” debris
Base) outside Dayton, Ohio, ranks up there alongside Area 51 as a subject of enduring speculation.
Many of the rumors surrounding Wright-Patt, as it’s known for short, involve what might have gone on inside a particular building, known as Hangar 18. UFO enthusiasts believe the government hid physical evidence from their investigations—including flying saucer debris, extraterrestrial remains and even captured aliens—in this mysterious warehouse, specifically inside a sealed, highly guarded location dubbed “the Blue Room.”
The legend of Hangar 18 goes back to the supposed crash of a UFO in the desert near Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947. According to a press release issued by the Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) at the time, their personnel inspected the “flying disc” and sent it on to “higher headquarters.” A subsequent press release from an Air Force base in Fort Worth, Texas (assumed to be the aforementioned headquarters) claimed the disc was a weather balloon—a claim the Air Force acknowledged was untrue in 1994, admitting it had been testing a surveillance device designed to fly over nuclear research sites in the Soviet Union.
But in addition to Fort Worth, many UFO researchers believe some of the materials from Roswell were also transported to Wright Field after the crash and stored in Hangar 18, based on unsubstantiated reports from former military pilots. One, Oliver Henderson, reportedly told his wife that he flew a plane loaded with debris, along with several small alien bodies, from Roswell to Wright Field. According to the children of another pilot, WWII ace Marion “Black Mac” Magruder, their father claimed to have seen a living alien at Wright Field in 1947 and told them “it was a shameful thing that the military destroyed this creature by conducting tests on it.”
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• UFO-themed tourism has become big business. From Roswell, New Mexico to Sri Lanka, Chile, Russia, Japan and Australia, tourists are booking UFO hot spots for their vacations.
• After the “Storm Area 51” Facebook challenge that went viral this past summer, the Area 51 military facility where many believe spaceships, alien artifacts, and even the remains of alien bodies are stored has become another “must see” for the UFO tourist. Nate Arizona seized the moment and started an Area 51 guided tour where he brings clients to the gates of Area 51, under the constant scrutiny of security cameras and “cammo guys” wearing mirrored sunglasses and driving white SUVs. “Don’t worry,”says Nate. “[A]s long as we don’t enter the base proper, we’ll be absolutely fine.” Nate’s ‘Paranormal Tour of the US Southwest’, which also takes in the nearby Extraterrestrial Highway and the town of Rachel, Nevada, eight miles from Area 51, recently became one of Airbnb’s official ‘experiences’, and bookings are landing quickly.
• Airbnb’s head of Adventures, Caroline Boone, says the company is “delighted” with the demand for Nate’s paranormal tours. But it is the committed conspiracy theorists that’s driving the current trend — causing a rise in bookings both in Rachel and other UFO hotspots. Cody Theising, the manager of the ‘Little A’Le’Inn’ in Rachel, says that she has also seen an uptick in bookings. “There’s definitely been an increase in business out here in the last couple of years. We’re seeing a lot more tours… coming through.”
• Armando Martinez from Denver says he ‘absolutely loved’ Nate’s Nevada tour. Armando thinks paranormal tourism is growing for one simple reason — more people are believing in it. “Improvements in technology, particularly mobile phones, means there’s far more evidence of the paranormal being collected. There’s so much documentation out there now that you have to really step back and re-evaluate things, and tours like this are great for that kind of perspective.”
• Roswell, New Mexico is the site of perhaps the most famous UFO crash in July 1947, and what many believe is the mother of all government cover-ups. UFO tourism has kicked into hyperdrive of late and the ‘grey dollar’ is being spent as never before. Dennis Balthaser runs extraterrestrial-themed tours in Roswell, twice daily, five days a week. “By the end of this year I’ll have cleared 300 tours,” says Dennis who books visitors from the UK, China, Australia, South Africa and Japan, as well as most US states.
• Other UFO hot spots in the US include the Pacific Northwest, where the National UFO Reporting Center received three times the annual average of reported UFO sightings in 2018; Kecksburg, Pennsylvania where a car-sized, acorn-shaped metal object covered in hieroglyphics fell to earth in a fiery blaze in 1965; and Sedona, Arizona which hosts some of the most frequent UFO sightings in the world.
• In 2008, Chile opened a UFO Trail near the town of San Clemente, an ET hub that’s generated hundreds of sightings. Arguably the best way to experience it is with one of the local horse-riding operators, which carry telescopes in their saddle bags and teach you about the stars while discussing the Earth-bound craft that supposedly came from them. These extra-terrestrial sightseeing expeditions typically end with an intergalactic debate over pisco sours around a campfire.
• Sri Lanka’s UFO tourism focuses on ‘alien mystery tours’ in the North Central Province. Japan’s own UFO tourism capital is Asuka, a tiny village famed for its mysterious carved granite monoliths including the Rock Ship of Masuda, a 15ft-tall, 800-tonne block with a straight central ridge and two one-metre square holes cut from it.
• The self-proclaimed UFO capital of Australia is Wycliffe Well, locate in the Northern Territory where there is a recorded UFO sighting every couple of days, on average. Visitors can stay in cabins at the Wycliffe Well Holiday Park where the walls are covered in newspaper clippings of UFO sightings. Stay more than 48 hours and you’re ‘guaranteed’ a sighting of your own.
• Russia’s answer to Area 51 is the remote village of Molyobka, 600 miles east of Moscow. Here in the foothills of the Urals, locals have reported seeing a range of phenomena, including hovering lights, strange symbols written across the sky, and even translucent beings. There are persistent rumors of people developing enhanced intelligence or superhuman powers after visiting the area.
From the gate, Area 51 looks deserted. It would be so easy to simply step over the dotted line in the road here, to enter America’s most mysterious military installation. But Nate Arizona knows better.
“Don’t even think about it,” warns my previously jovial guide, brow furrowing under his neon-coloured bandana. “You’d be face first in the dirt with a gun to the back of your head before you knew what was happening.”
Rachel, Nevada’s ‘Little A’Le’Inn’
For alien enthusiasts, this is ground zero. The secret air force base in Nevada has been at the centre of extra-terrestrial speculation since the 1940s. Many believe UFO wreckage from the infamous Roswell Incident of 1947 is hidden inside this perimeter — along with the remains of its intergalactic pilots. Others speculate that the facility is dedicated to the reverse engineering of recovered alien technology, or even time travel. Whichever way you cut it, an awful lot of people believe that if the truth is out there, it’s probably in here.
Roswell’s UFO Museum
The ‘Storm Area 51’ Facebook joke, which went viral earlier this summer (with two million people signing up for the mass invasion of the facility in order to ‘see them aliens’) put this highly classified military base firmly back in the public eye. But another trend has been growing out here too: that of UFO tourism.
Nate’s own tour, which also takes in the nearby Extraterrestrial Highway and the tiny town of Rachel — a hub of purported paranormal activity — recently became one of Airbnb’s ‘experiences’, and bookings are landing faster than the Martian invasion force in HG Wells’ classic sci-fi novel The War of the Worlds.
Kecksburg’s ‘acorn’ UFO replica
“People get very excited about coming out to Area 51, but once we arrive at the gates, they realise how serious the whole thing is,” says Nate as we march along the perimeter, looking for a better vantage point. “The US government didn’t even officially admit this place existed until 2013, after all. There are motion sensors and cameras everywhere, and they follow your every move. Don’t be under any illusion — there are multiple guards watching us right now.”
alien monument near Molyobka, Russia
Those guards are what ufologists call ‘camo guys’ — the real-life equivalent of the Men in Black from the Hollywood film. I’ve heard these defenders of the Earth drive unmarked white SUVs, sitting sphinx-like behind mirrored sunglasses as they trail visitors from a discreet distance. Sure enough, as we approach another gate, Nate spots a white SUV parked on a bluff, which flashes its headlights as we approach.
“The camo guys are just letting us know they’re there,” says Nate. “Don’t worry — as long as we don’t enter the base proper, we’ll be absolutely fine.”
Under these watchful eyes, we continue our exploration, Nate pointing out satellite towers, barracks and even a bizarre mirrored pyramid visible within the perimeter. As we pass, mounted cameras grind and whir in our direction and the inscrutable SUV maintains its vigilant watch.
the Rock Ship of Masuda in Sri Lanka
Shadows slowly lengthening, we finally retreat to Rachel — a dusty, one-horse town a bumpy, eight-mile drive from Area 51. At its only motel, the appropriately monikered ‘Little A’Le’Inn’, manager Cody Theising says they too have seen a noted uptick in bookings as UFO tourism has taken off.
“There’s definitely been an increase in business out here in the last couple of years; we’re seeing a lot more tours like yours coming through,” says Cody, as I sip one of the Little A’Le’Inn’s signature ‘Spiced Abduction’ cocktails next to a sign that reads ‘Earthlings Welcome’.
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Article by TV News Desk November 19, 2019 (
• HISTORY’s hit drama series “Project Blue Book” from A+E Studios and executive produced by Robert Zemeckis returns for season two on January 21, 2020 (10pm ET). The historical UFO series emerged as the #1 new drama series on cable, averaging over 3.2 million total viewers during season one. “Project Blue Book” is inspired by the personal experiences of Dr. J. Allen Hynek, a brilliant college professor recruited by the US Air Force to spearhead this clandestine program to research thousands of cases.
• The ten-episode sophomore season will delve deeper into themes of global conspiracy and how UFOs have impacted the evolution of our nation’s military practices and technology. It will kick off with a deep dive into the UFO wreckage found in Roswell, New Mexico, and the top secret government facility at ‘Area 51’ – a magnet for paranormal events and UFO-related activity. Ensuing episodes involve the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah, the Kelly-Hopkinsville encounter in Kentucky, CIA mind-control experiments. One episode will follow Hynek as he serves as expert consultant to the film Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
• Based on the true, top secret investigations into UFOs and related phenomena conducted by the US Air Force from 1952-1969, each episode draws from actual case files, blending UFO theories with authentic historical events. Says Eli Lehrer, Executive Vice President and General Manager for HISTORY, “Our drama series delves into infamous cases like Roswell and Area 51 and offers a retrospective look at the rich history behind UFO phenomena. Through this season’s entertaining and compelling storytelling, viewers will become immersed in these strange occurrences that are inspired by real events.” Over 700 of these cases remain unsolved to this day.
HISTORY’s hit drama series “Project Blue Book” from A+E Studios and executive produced by Academy Award and Golden Globe(R) winner Robert Zemeckis (Forrest Gump, Back to the Future, Contact) returns for season two on Tuesday, January 21 at 10PM ET/PT.
At a time when UFOs and related phenomena have piqued worldwide attention and public intrigue, season two will take a dramatic look back at where the UFO conspiracy first began and highlight real cases that ignited America’s fascination around the topic. Based on the true, top secret investigations into Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and related phenomena conducted by the United States Air Force from 1952-1969, each episode will draw from the actual case files blending UFO theories with authentic historical events from one of the most mysterious eras in United States history.
“UFOs have sparked a cultural conversation that has infiltrated recent news cycles, but the truth is, the allure with this topic goes back decades since the creation of Project Blue Book,” said Eli Lehrer, Executive Vice President and General Manager for HISTORY. “Our drama series delves into infamous cases like Roswell and Area 51 and offers a retrospective look at the rich history behind UFO phenomena. Through this season’s entertaining and compelling storytelling, viewers will become immersed in these strange occurrences that are inspired by real events.”
“Project Blue Book” is inspired by the personal experiences of Dr. J. Allen Hynek (Aidan Gillen), a brilliant college professor recruited by the U.S. Air Force to spearhead this clandestine operation (Project Blue Book) that researched thousands of cases, over 700 of which remain unsolved to this day. The ten-episode sophomore season will find Dr. Hynek and Captain Michael Quinn (Michael Malarkey) on a dangerous quest for the truth and delve deeper into themes of global conspiracy, touch on how UFOs have impacted the evolution of our nation’s military practices and technology and lean into the nostalgia of the 1950s. It will also kick-off with a deep dive into two of the most well-known UFO cases in US history: Roswell, New Mexico where a rancher claimed to have found mysterious wreckage on his property thought to be a UFO and Area 51, a government run location in Nevada historically rumored to be a magnet for paranormal events and UFO-related activity.
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• Nuclear physicist and ufologist Stanton Friedman devoted his life to researching and investigating UFOs since the late 1960s. He was credited with bringing the 1947 Roswell Incident back into the mainstream conversation. Friedman died in May at the age of 84.
• In the months leading up to his death, Friedman began donating his vast collection of records to the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, in Eastern Canada. Archivist Joanna Aiton-Kerr has received about 300 boxes so far and expects several more cargo vans to come. Aiton-Kerr welcomes this treasure trove of a thorough researcher and a kind-hearted individual that reflects a brilliant, curious mind. She told Shift New Brunswick, “This has been a real education for me, and I don’t know if I’ve ever enjoyed helping to process something more than this one.”
• While Friedman was many things – an accomplished writer and lecturer – he wasn’t much of a filer. “I would say he was more of a stacker,” says Aiton-Kerr. “He would stack records up. And so when we get each cargo van coming to the archives, we have a team of archivists and we just start going through it.” The team has thousands of documents to examine and organize — from subject files with titles like “Soviet Space” to piles of publications he’s gathered over the decades. Aiton-Kerr estimates that they will “have our hands on each piece of paper five or six times before we finally have it organized in a state where we can say, ‘OK, it’s done and researchers can come in and start taking a look’.”
• Kathleen Marden, a UFO researcher who co-wrote three books with Friedman, noted that Friedman “was an outstanding researcher, highly intelligent and had a great sense of humor.” “He did his homework.
• Among the more fascinating aspects of the collection are the thousands of letters written to him from all over the world by people of all ages, many from non-believers sharing unexplained experiences. Aiton-Kerr says that Friedman “was regarded as such a warm, welcoming man” by an affectionate community. One fan sent a papier-mâché mask of an alien head that also resembled Friedman. A colleague asked him if the mask should go in the collection. “He …shrugged and said, ‘Well, I don’t wear it often, you know’.” That marvelous sense of humor coming through.
• “I believe it’s the only collection of its kind,” said Aiton-Kerr. “[C]ertainly in New Brunswick, certainly in Canada, possibly even worldwide, to have such a mass of UFO research by such a respected nuclear physicist.” She hopes to be able to share it with the world in the not-too-distant future.
In the months leading up to his death, nuclear physicist and ufologist Stanton Friedman started donating his vast collection of records to the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick.
And he had a lot of records.
Joanna Aiton-Kerr
Archivist Joanna Aiton-Kerr said they’ve received about 300 boxes so far — that’s about 60 metres if you line them up single file, she said — and she expects several more cargo vans to come.
But the daunting task of archiving the records has been anything but a hardship for her team, she said. It’s a treasure trove that reflects a brilliant, curious mind, a thorough researcher and a funny, kind-hearted individual.
“This has been a real education for me, and I don’t know if I’ve ever enjoyed helping to process something more than this one,” Aiton-Kerr told Shift New Brunswick.
Friedman, the famed UFO researcher based in Fredericton, died in May at the age of 84.
A nuclear physicist by training, Friedman had devoted his life to researching and investigating UFOs since the late 1960s.
He was credited with bringing the 1947 Roswell Incident — the famous purported crash that gave rise to theories about UFOs and a U.S. military coverup — back into the mainstream conversation.
Friedman was many things, including an accomplished writer and lecturer, but what he wasn’t “was much of a filer,” he told Aiton-Kerr.
“I would say he was more of a stacker,” she said. “He would stack records up. And so when we get each cargo van coming to the archives, we have a team of archivists and we just start going through it.”
The team has thousands of documents to examine and organize — from subject files with titles like “Soviet Space” to piles of publications he’s gathered over the decades.
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Article by Bryan Keogh July 19, 2019 (
Astronomy professor Jason Wright is a participating scientist with SETI, the ‘Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence’, and the 2018 winner of the Frank Drake Award that SETI bestows on its researchers who are “dedicated to understanding humanity’s place in the universe”. “Believe me, no one wants to find evidence of extraterrestrial life more than those of us in this field,” says Professor Wright. “We scour the skies for evidence of such extraterrestrial technologies with some of the most advanced equipment in the world for understanding what’s going on in the sky, and we haven’t found anything compelling yet.”
With regard to the recent interest in “Storming Area 51” to emancipate aliens, Wright says, “I don’t know very much about Area 51, but I can say that the intense interest in the goings on there related to aliens reveals a deep public interest in what kinds of life might exist elsewhere in the universe.” Wright finds the most fascinating thing about Area 51 is Project Mogul, where the government floated balloons to detect Soviet nuclear testing in the 1940’s. Says Wright, “When one of those balloons… landed in a farm in Roswell, New Mexico it helped fuel the whole alien craze we’re still living with today.”
SETI’s space telescopes are designed to detect “biosignatures” with signs of microfossils or metabolism in the atmospheres of distant planets. But SETI is a privately funded operation. NASA and the National Science Foundation spend next to nothing looking for intelligent life in the universe, including technological life.
Says Professor Wright, “I see this (Frank Drake) award as validation of my work to help elevate the field of SETI as an academic discipline, and to persuade Congress, NASA and the public that it is worthy of public investment. It is, after all, the scientific approach to answering one of the most profound questions ever asked: Is Earth life unique? Or are there other beings like us out there in the universe?”
[Editor’s Note] Frank Drake was a founding member of SETI and developer of the “Drake Equation” in 1961, which uses a list of subjective variables to determine that the number of planets similar to the Earth that could possibly host an extraterrestrial civilization advanced enough to use radio-wave communication is astonishingly small. This is the basis for SETI’s nearly 60-years of searching for extraterrestrial intelligence.
As the most recent recipient of the Drake Award, Professor Wright is shilling for the re-establishment of SETI funding from the government which ended in 1993, even though SETI’s research has existed since the early 1960’s and they have found exactly nothing through this process. It seems that the purpose of SETI is to appear to the public to be scientifically searching for extraterrestrial civilizations, while actually finding nothing that might upset the Deep State’s cover-up of a long-standing extraterrestrial presence in our solar system. Wright pretends to know nothing about Area 51 or the Roswell crash, recognizing only Project Mogul which the Deep State used to cover-up the Roswell crash. This, apparently, is the primary criteria for being awarded the Frank Drake Award.
This is further evidence that SETI is nothing more than a Deep State disinformation program to give the public the impression that serious scientists are doing serious work to locate extraterrestrial life, but there simply isn’t any in this universe to find besides humans on planet Earth. The “scientists” at SETI believe that they should be paid handsomely by the US government for doing the Deep State’s bidding.
What started as an internet joke has generated a stern military warning after more than a million people “signed up” to “raid” Area 51 – a secretive military installation in Southern Nevada long fancied by conspiracy theorists to be hiding evidence of a crashed UFO with aliens. The purpose of the planned raid is in order to “see them aliens.” In the following Q&A, astronomy professor Jason Wright discusses the public’s interest in answering the age-old question: Are we alone?
Professor Jason Wright
Since you have a longstanding scholarly interest in extraterrestrial life – and even wrote about the possibility of advanced civilizations in the distant past on Mars or Venus – I presume you’ve canceled your classes for Sept. 20 and signed up to go to the “raid” on Area 51?
To be honest, I was completely unaware of this “raid” until you brought it to my attention! I work in SETI, the scientific search for extraterrestrial intelligence, and believe me, no one wants to find evidence of extraterrestrial life more than those of us in this field. We scour the skies for evidence of such extraterrestrial technologies with some of the most advanced equipment in the world for understanding what’s going on in the sky, and we haven’t found anything compelling yet. But we’re not paying much attention to what happens in Area 51.
Do you think the public knows enough about Area 51? Or is the widespread interest in this raid a good barometric read on how frustrated people are that the government appears to be hiding something there?
I don’t know very much about Area 51, but I can say that the intense interest in the goings on there related to aliens reveals a deep public interest in what kinds of life might exist elsewhere in the universe.
Have you yourself ever tried to do any real research into the happenings in Area 51?
Not Area 51, exactly. The closest I’ve come was a talk I heard by a physicist describing the fascinating science carried out by the military back in the late 1940s, especially Project Mogul, which launched microphones on balloons to see if they could detect nuclear testing going on in the Soviet Union. It’s an amazing story of physics and engineering ingenuity. When one of those balloons with its disc microphones and radar reflectors landed in a farm in Roswell, New Mexico it helped fuel the whole alien craze we’re still living with today. It’s a shame, because the science-fiction-inspired “aliens” conspiracy theory is – from my standpoint – so much less fascinating than the story of the research that was going on then.
There was a time when the federal government provided researchers with money to search for – and teach about the search for – extraterrestrial life. And you’ve lamented that that is no longer the case. If you had your way, how much money do you think the federal government should give America’s researchers to search for aliens or evidence of aliens?
The search for life in the universe is a major priority for NASA and American science. Many of our missions to Mars and our space telescopes are designed with the detection of biosignatures in mind – “biosignatures” being signs of life like microfossils or evidence of metabolism in the atmospheres of distant planets. But despite the billions of dollars spent on these missions, I think many members of the public would be surprised to learn that NASA and the National Science Foundation spend next to nothing looking for intelligent life in the universe, including technological life that might, after all, be easier to find. I think the level of funding for the field should be determined the way the rest of science is, by competitive peer review of proposals for research. So, I don’t know what the “right” level is, but I know it’s not zero.
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• On July 2nd, US Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH, pictured above) was in North Conway, New Hampshire where she confirmed receiving a briefing as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee on reports by Navy fliers of UFOs in the skies over both the East and West Coasts. Said Shaheen, “It was a classified briefing so I’m not allowed to talk about it. But if you were to ask me personally do I believe there are UFOs, I think that there are events that have happened that have not been explained adequately.”
• UFOs have been in the news quite a lot in recent years. The New York Times has reported a secret Pentagon UFO program from 2007-12 (and beyond), and released Navy cockpit video footage of a “tic tac” UFO flying over the Pacific Ocean in 2004. That Navy pilot was Windham, New Hampshire’s own David Fravor who has also told his story on the History Channel’s television show “Unidentified.” Last October, The Guardian reported that the Senate Armed Services Committee was briefed on the 2004 incident described by Fravor.
• Earlier this year, Navy pilots on the East Coast also were also interviewed by the Times about encounters with UFOs. The Navy has recently relaxed its UFO reporting policies. ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos asked President Donald Trump about UFOs. Trump confirmed that he was briefed on UFOs and didn’t “particularly” believe in them.
• Shaheen happened to be in Conway on “World UFO Day”, commemorating the July 2, 1947 crash of a UFO in Roswell, NM. The goal for the day was to raise awareness of UFOs and to promote what enthusiasts call “disclosure” of the same.
U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen she confirmed during her trip to North Conway Tuesday, which was “World UFO Day,” that she’s been briefed on unidentified flying objects.
July 2 was chosen as World UFO day because it “commemorates the supposed UFO crash in 1947,” said Wikipedia, making reference to an alleged incident in Roswell, N.M.
The goal for the day was to raise awareness of UFOs and also to promote what enthusiasts call “disclosure” of the same.
Shaheen is on the Armed Services Committee of the U.S. Senate. She was not aware of World UFO Day. However, she confirmed a briefing on them.
“We have been briefed,” said Shaheen. “It was a classified briefing so I’m not allowed to talk about it. But if you were to ask me personally do I believe there are UFOs, I think that there are events that have happened that have not been explained adequately.”
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• July 2nd was “World UFO Day”, commemorating the July 2, 1947 UFO crash in Roswell, NM. Seventy-two years later, people are still fascinated with the UFO phenomenon.
• In a New York Times exposé , two Navy pilots revealed that they had spotted UAPs flying over the East Coast almost daily for more than six months between 2014 and 2015. Experts have many theories as to where UFOs come from, ranging from glitches in radar technology to spacecraft belonging to other nations. Although the Navy pilots’ reports are credible, they do not link these objects to extra-terrestrial beings. In fact, there is no evidence that does so. The Roswell crash itself was officially just debris made up of rubber strips, tinfoil, and paper.
• Origins and cause aside, how can people actually spot a UFO? Astronomer Chris Rutkowski says that a place with a good view of the sky is crucial, and the later at night the better. “Most UFO sightings came between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m.” “I’d personally recommend simply finding a dark location at night, away from city lights, and watching the skies.”
• According to Rutkowski, places with higher populations tend to have more sightings. But “(UFO) ‘hot spots’ come and go from year to year,” says Rutkowski . “So in some years, the state with the most reports by population could be Vermont, while it might shift to Missouri another year.”
• Rutkowski also suggests using tracking app technology. “There are many planetarium and satellite tracking apps you can get that can help you pick out objects in the sky, and see which ones aren’t stars and planets!” he says. The app store lists a number of helpful ones with high ratings, including Orbitrack and ISS Detector.
• Jan C. Harzan of MUFON says knowing the places where UFOs are often spotted is key. “On a per capita basis Maine and Arizona are the two best states to see a UFO,” Harzan says. “But UFO sightings happen all over the world.”
• Rutkowski is of the opinion that UFOs are not aliens from another world. Harzan does believe in extraterrestrials. But both men agree that the chances of a civilian spotting a UFO in the United States are good. Says Rutkowski, “Polls have shown that 10 percent of all North Americans believe they have seen UFOs — in the USA alone. That’s about 33 million people.”
• [Editor’s Note] What I find disturbing is that the new normal which the mainstream is pushing is that, yes it is now undisputed that UFOs exist. But these thousands of UFO sightings cannot be of an extraterrestrial origin, because extraterrestrials do not exist. Once again the skeptics use the fact that the government has been hiding evidence, ridiculing witnesses, and covering up the ET presence for the past 72 years – to argue that there is no “actual” evidence of extraterrestrials. But the evidence is there for anyone who cares to do a little research.
On July 2, 1947, a rancher in Roswell, New Mexico, stumbled on what appeared to be debris from a “flying saucer” made up of “rubber strips, tinfoil, and rather tough paper.” Baffled, he turned the materials over to the sheriff, who began an investigation. The event, later known as the Roswell UFO Incident, would eventually be recognized as the first sighting of an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) in the U.S.
Seventy-two years later, the rancher’s discovery is one that is still commemorated, a day that is now officially known as: “World UFO Day.”
Chris Rutkowski
Aimed at both awareness and fun, the day celebrates the original sighting, while also recognizing how many have been recorded since. Although the vast majority of these have been shared by civilians, the U.S. government has confirmed its own encounters with what it calls “unexplained aerial phenomena” (UAPs).
Last month in a New York Times expose, two Navy pilots revealed that they had spotted UAPs flying over the East Coast almost daily for more than six months between 2014 and 2015. To be sure, although their reports are credible, they do not link these objects to extra-terrestrial beings. And in fact, there is no evidence that does so. Experts have many theories as to where these objects do come from, ranging from glitches in radar technology to spacecraft belonging to other nations.
Origins and cause aside, how do people interested in UFOs actually spot one? In honor of World UFO day, Yahoo Lifestyle tracked down two experts to find out.
Find an open view of the sky
While it’s important to note that places with higher populations tend to have more sightings, longtime ufologist (UFO expert) and acclaimed astronomer Chris Rutkowski says that “a good view of the sky,” is crucial. “Especially a horizon,” he tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “So downtown Manhattan might not be better than Mesa, Arizona, overall.”
Jan C. Harzan
Know the states where it’s most common
According to Jan C. Harzan, executive director of the nonprofit MUFON (a UFO investigation & research organization), knowing the places where they’re spotted the most is key. “On a per capita basis Maine and Arizona are the two best states to see a UFO,” Harzan tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “But UFO sightings happen all over the world.”
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• Stanton T. Friedman, nuclear physicist, lecturer and world-renowned devotee of extraterrestrial existence, died at the age of 84 on Monday, May 13th. On his way home to Fredericton (New Brunswick, Canada) from a speaking engagement in Ohio, Friedman passed over at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport. Friedman’s daughter Melissa Friedman did not disclose the cause of death. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made.
• Friedman grew up in Linden, N.J., and was employed for 14 years as a nuclear physicist by companies including General Electric, Westinghouse and McDonnell-Douglas. He first became interested in UFOs in 1958 and began lecturing on the topic in 1967. ”I have never seen a flying saucer, and I have never seen an alien. But remember, I chased neutrons and gamma rays for a lot of years as a physicist and never saw one of them either,” Friedman said in 2007.
• Friedman’s belief in extraterrestrials was based on data about UFO events he found buried in U.S. government documents over the years. In 2007, the City of Fredericton declared Stanton Friedman Day to honor him. Friedman said he owed his personal success to the fact that people have an endless fascination with space and the unknown. “Can you think of anything that touches more deeply on who we are, where we stand and the mystery and the cover up?” he asked. “People are excited because it opens up the universe to wonderful possibilities.”
• Kathleen Marden, a friend of Friedman for more than 30 years and co-author of three books on UFOs with him said, “When he knew the truth, he told the truth.” “He was the original civilian investigator of the Roswell crash. Stanton was a man who did his homework. He always criticized the debunkers because they hadn’t done theirs.”
FREDERICTON — Stanton T. Friedman, nuclear physicist, lecturer and world-renowned devotee of extraterrestrial existence, has died at the age of 84.
The famed UFO researcher died Monday at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport, his daughter Melissa Friedman confirmed Tuesday. She said he was on his way home to Fredericton from a speaking engagement in Ohio.
She did not disclose the cause of death and asked that the family’s privacy be respected.
Stanton T. Friedman
Friedman built a reputation as a leading authority on unidentified flying objects, alien abductions and the so-called Roswell incident, considered by many to be the definitive UFO event.
He said his belief in extraterrestrials was based on data about UFO events he found buried in U.S. government documents over the years.
Friedman grew up in Linden, N.J., and was employed for 14 years as a nuclear physicist by companies including General Electric, Westinghouse and McDonnell-Douglas.
According to his book, Flying Saucers and Science, he first became interested in UFOs in 1958. He began lecturing on the topic in 1967, but he never actually saw one himself.
”I have never seen a flying saucer, and I have never seen an alien. But remember, I chased neutrons and gamma rays for a lot of years as a physicist and never saw one of them either,” he told The Canadian Press in 2007.
”In fact, I’ve never seen Tokyo, but I’m convinced it’s there.”
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by Emma Parry December 18, 2018 (
• Steve Bassett (pictured above left), an American UFO lobbyist, told the (Scottish) Sun Online that the 41st US President, George Herbert Walker Bush (pictured above right), knew the truth about the extraterrestrial presence on and around the Earth, and could have ended the UFO cover-up. Bush was a former director of the Central Intelligence Agency and had been briefed daily by CIA agents while in the White House. Bush-41 would have been the “ideal” president to disclose the truth about UFOs as he was so well informed. But he kept all his UFO knowledge a secret right up until he died last month at age 94 at his home in Houston, Texas.
• According to Bassett, Bush-41 “…would have been the ideal ‘Disclosure’ President… The Cold War was over and the door was now open to end a very expensive and complex truth embargo.” “[I]t is my view the military/intelligence complex would have been quite comfortable with ‘Disclosure’ taking place during a second term of President George H. W. Bush.”
• Former US President Jimmy Carter pledged that he would disclose to US citizens what the government knew about UFOs if elected after witnessing a strange light while governor of Georgia in 1969. But while director of the CIA, Bush is said to have blocked President Carter’s attempts to obtain UFO information during a briefing on November 19, 1976. Bush told the president-elect he didn’t have the need to know but if he wanted information he should ask the Congressional Research Service (CRS) to prepare a briefing for the new administration. Bassett thinks Bush rebuffed Carter because he knew some UFOs were extra-terrestrial in origin. “Carter fired him shortly thereafter,” says Bassett. “One might ask, ‘If there was no truth to the extra-terrestrial hypothesis, why would Bush disrespect a presidential request?”
• Bassett also claims that “…Bush was quite knowledgeable about the history of the extra-terrestrial presence to the extent he required. Did that include the July 1947 Roswell events? Almost certainly yes.”
• While campaigning with his son Jeb Bush in the 1980s, Bush-41 was asked about UFOs by a journalist. He replied, “Americans can’t handle the truth.” During a presidential rally trip to Rogers, Arkansas, in 1988, Bush was asked: “Will you tell the people the truth about UFOs?” Bush replied: “I know some. I know a fair amount.” Later, Bush included in a speech: “We will travel to neighboring stars, to new worlds, to discover the unknown.”
The 41st President of the United States, who died last month aged 94, was a former director of the Central Intelligence Agency and was briefed daily by spooks while in the White House.
And according to UFO researchers he would have been the “ideal” president to disclose the truth about UFOs as he was so well informed.
But he kept all his UFO knowledge a secret right up until he died at his home in Houston, Texas.
Steve Bassett, an American UFO lobbyist, told Sun Online Bush knew the truth about extra terrestrial life and could have ended the UFO cover-up.
He said: “The consensus among researchers is George H. W. Bush would have been briefed on the extra-terrestrial presence to whatever extent he so desired.
“There is no clear evidence George H. W. Bush wanted ‘Disclosure’. That said, it is my view the military/intelligence complex would have been quite comfortable with ‘Disclosure’ taking place during a second term of President George H. W. Bush.
“He would have been the ideal ‘Disclosure’ President from their perspective. The Cold War was over and the door was now open to end a very expensive and complex truth embargo.”
While director of the CIA, Bush is said to have even blocked former president Jimmy Carter’s attempts to obtain UFO information during an alleged briefing on November 19, 1976.
Bush told the president-elect he didn’t have the need to know but if he wanted information he should ask the Congressional Research Service (CRS) to prepare a briefing for the new administration.
Carter had pledged he would disclose to US citizens what the government knew about UFOs if elected after witnessing a strange light while governor of Georgia in 1969.
Bassett, the executive director of UFO campaign group Paradigm Research Group, thinks Bush rebuffed Carter as he knew some UFOs were extra-terrestrial in origin.
He said: “We do know the newly elected President Carter approached CIA Director Bush regarding a study the White House wished to initiate regarding the extra-terrestrial issue.
“Bush declined to cooperate and referred him to another agency. This may have guaranteed he would not be able to stay on as CIA Director – or not.
“Carter fired him shortly thereafter. One might ask, ‘If there was no truth to the extra-terrestrial hypothesis, why would Bush disrespect a presidential request?'”
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• David J. Halperin, Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, will teach a course early next year on “UFOs – Encounter, Mystery, Myth.” The course will be offered through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Duke University.
• As a professor of Judaic studies at UNC, Halperin’s specialty has been religious traditions of heavenly ascensions and otherworldly journeys. He has authored five books on Jewish mysticism and two on UFOs, both fiction and non-fiction. He claims that “UFOs are a myth,” emerging from the depths of our unconscious and bearing vital messages. “And myths are real,” says Halperin.
• The OLLI course will study the UFO landing at Westall High School in Melbourne, Australia, in April 1966, the myth of the “Men in Black”, the experience of alien abduction, and the enigma of what happened near Roswell, New Mexico in the summer of 1947. The concluding session will analyze the new respectability that UFOs have attained since the 2016 election, and what it means.
• [Editor’s Note] The good news is that this could be a crack in the academic world’s refusal to treat UFOs and the extraterrestrial presence seriously, particularly at the university level. The bad news is that a religious devotee is teaching it from a theological point of view. Will this professor’s students walk away from the course believing that UFO’s are some sort of figment of the imagination in order to validate a narrow religious perspective? Or will it cast aside preconceived religious paradigms and view the extraterrestrial influence on earth as a reality with serious consequences to our civilization if we don’t wake up, accept the truth, and utilize our mass consciousness to protect our sovereignty as a species before it’s too late?
DURHAM, N.C. — David J. Halperin, Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, will teach a course early next year on “UFOs – Encounter, Mystery, Myth.” The course will be offered through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Duke University and will run from January 7 to March 25, 2019. All interested persons are welcome.
“UFOs are a myth,” says Halperin, “and myths are real.” Like collective dreams, they emerge from the depths of our unconscious, bearing vital messages for us. The question to ask of them is not “Where do UFOs come from?” or “How do they fly?” but “What do they mean?”—for us as individuals, as a culture, as a species.
David J. Halperin
Halperin was a teenage “UFOlogist” back in the 1960s. He received his Ph.D. from Berkeley in 1977, and from 1976 until his retirement in 2000 he taught Judaic studies in UNC’s Department of Religious Studies. His area of special interest has been religious traditions of heavenly ascensions and otherworldly journeys. He’s the author of five books on Jewish mysticism and messianism and a novel, Journal of a UFO Investigator, published in 2011 by Viking Press and translated into Spanish, Italian, and German. His non-fiction book Intimate Alien: The Hidden Story of the UFO will be published in 2020 by Stanford University Press.
The OLLI course will begin with a case study: the supposed UFO landing at Westall High School in Melbourne, Australia, in April 1966. It will explore the myth of the “Men in Black,” the experience of alien abduction, and the enigma of what happened near Roswell, New Mexico, in the summer of 1947. The concluding session will pause to notice the remarkable new respectability UFOs have attained since the 2016 election, and ask once more: what does it mean?
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• Last December, when The New York Times reported that the Pentagon had authorized a UFO research from 2007 to 2012, and the Department of Defense released a Navy F-18 cockpit video of an encounter with a UFO, some in the media were exclaiming that this was the first time that the government had acknowledged UFOs. But the belief that the U.S. intelligence community had been previously unaware of the exotic nature of UFOs is just bogus.
• The U.S. government has known about UFOs since at least Roswell (and the other New Mexico crashes) in 1947, but it chose to hide this information from the American people. A declassified Air Force document from September 23, 1947 by General Nathan Twining acknowledges reported that flying discs “are real and not visionary or fictitious” and because the discs were “evasive when sighted … Some of the objects are (intelligently) controlled.” Since then, the U.S. military has had dozens of reports from experienced military pilots, FAA controllers and ground personnel of UFOs that displayed technology far in advance of our own.
• The deep intelligence state has known for at least 70 years that some UFOs were real, yet it has chosen to keep the information confidential or denied that it even existed. When this writer called for UFO disclosure in 2008, he says that his professional colleagues in law and economics thought he had lost my mind. The Cato Institute abruptly ended its 20-year affiliation with him as an adjunct scholar the day after his first UFO article appeared.
• The decades-long policy of secrecy and denial on a subject as important as UFOs is foolish and dangerous in the extreme and puts our entire democratic process at risk. The good news is these perverse attitudes are changing somewhat. The New York Times’ Pentagon project revelations have created an important opportunity for more serious media coverage of government UFO research. We must take advantage of that opportunity now and push for open Congressional hearings and full disclosure.
On Dec. 16, three experienced journalists posted a bombshell story on the New York Times website: The Pentagon had authorized a secret research project (2007-2012) to study unidentified flying objects.
Even more importantly, Luis Elizondo, the Pentagon project coordinator and a career intelligence officer, later asserted that in his opinion some UFOs were real objects and appeared to demonstrate a technology that the U.S. did not have and did not understand. To highlight that point, the Pentagon also released “gun camera” film of a Navy pilot’s 2004 close encounter with an object that displayed wildly unconventional flight characteristics.
The mainstream media was caught completely off guard by the sensational Pentagon revelations, although they should not have been. Some breathlessly opined that never before had a U.S. intelligence agency acknowledged UFOs were solid objects that defied conventional explanation. Well, not exactly. While that assertion is true in some narrow sense, the belief that the U.S. intelligence community had been unaware of the exotic nature of UFOs until the recent Pentagon study is just totally bogus.
In point of fact, they have known about the unconventional nature of the phenomenon for decades and have chosen to hide the bulk of that information (dozens of military gun camera films, for example) from Congress and especially from the American people.
Contrary to the media coverage of the Pentagon story, the U.S. defense and intelligence communities actually have known about the exotic nature of UFOs since at least 1947. There exists, for example, a once-secret document (dated Sept. 23, 1947) written by Gen. Nathan Twining (Air Material Command) that acknowledges reported flying discs “are real and not visionary or fictitious” and that the discs “must be considered evasive when sighted … which lends belief to the possibility that some of the objects are (intelligently) controlled.”
And since the U.S. military had dozens of reports from experienced military pilots and FAA controllers and ground personnel that the discs could hover, turn on a dime and then accelerate at incredible speeds — unlike any technology that existed then or now — it was implicit even in 1947 that these flying objects were not ours.
In short, the deep intelligence state has known for at least 70 years that some UFOs were real; yet it has chosen to keep the information in support of that conclusion either confidential or simply denied that it even existed. But a decades-long public policy of secrecy and denial on a subject as important and mind-bending as UFOs is foolish and dangerous in the extreme and puts our entire democratic process at risk.
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by Arjun Walia November 18, 2017 (
It’s impossible to say whether UFOs represent a genuine threat to humanity or not, but to assume they do without learning more is unwise.
Take, for example, possibly the most infamous of UFO crashes, the Roswell crash. When it came time to back-engineer the craft, no engine was discovered. When the ET pilots placed their humanoid hands in slots on the pilot’s chair, they would guide the craft using their mind.
Both Stanton Friedman, a retired nuclear physicist and longtime UFO researcher, and U.S. army veteran Colonel Philip Corso have pointed out that the Roswell craft was adorned with characters from the Greek alphabet and Egyptian Hieroglyphics.
University of Nebraska Physics Professor, Dr. Jack Kasher, was quoted as saying “There is another way, whether it’s wormholes or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re here shows us that they found a way.”
Former Director of National Intelligence, Louis Elizondo, and former director for Advanced Systems Development at Lockheed Skunk Works, Steve Justice, both now members of To The Stars Academy – have stated that the UFO phenomenon is indeed real and involves a physics we have yet to understand, and that there are technologies within the Black Budget world that could benefit humanity.
It’s great to see the topic of UFOs and extraterrestrials amass more credibility as the years pass. It receives little attention from the mainstream, at least beyond ridicule, so this may come as a surprise to some, but there are hundreds of high ranking people who have come forward to tell the world that UFOs are not only real, but also that some of them are in fact extraterrestrial in origin.
There are too many examples to choose from, such as a former Chief of Defence and Chairman of the NATO Military Committee telling us that “we are being visited, and have been visited by people from outer space.” More recently, Louis Elizondo, a former National Counterintelligence Executive and Director of National Intelligence, became the Director of Global Security and Special Programs for Tom Delonge’s recently launched To The Stars academy, just one week out of retirement.
Other high ranking executives from the intelligence and aerospace community have also joined this program, including Steve Justice, the recent director for Advanced Systems Development at Lockheed Skunk Works. They aim to let the world know that we are not alone, and that there are highly advanced technological objects in our atmosphere performing maneuvers that defy our laws of physics.
In a recent video of them speaking during a live broadcast, Elizondo mentions that through is work, he learned “the phenomenon is indeed real” and it deals with a physics we have yet to understand, and also that there are technologies within the Black Budget world that could benefit humanity.
“There is another way, whether it’s wormholes or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re here shows us that they found a way.” – Dr. Jack Kasher, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Nebraska
“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. . . . We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time. . . . I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.”– Doctor Edgar Mitchell, 6th man to walk on the moon
For someone who hasn’t spent time researching this subject, it might be hard to believe that an actual extraterrestrial craft crash landed on planet Earth. But when you take into account the above statements, especially the most recent coming from Tom Delonge’s team, along with hundreds of thousands of documents that show these objects are commonly tracked on radar, and military jets are constantly scrambled to check them out, it becomes far more plausible.
The Roswell incident is one of dozens, if not hundreds of downed extraterrestrial craft resulting from human aggression. This is better explained by Paul Hellyer, Canada’s former Minister of National Defence: “Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about where we were headed and offered to help. But instead, we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after.”
Hieroglyphics found on Roswell craft
Elizondo shares a similar story, stating that one of his jobs was to track and observe these objects, as he was head of the program which investigates “aeriel threats.”
To The Stars will be working directly with the U.S. government to release authentic videos and images of real UFOs to the public, but there are already many credible videos and photos of these objects, and it’s a shame they must come from a government authority in order for people to deem them credible. This is a problem within itself, as our government has deceived us on so many topics, on so many levels, making it extremely difficult to trust their intentions on any subject, be it UFOs or terrorism. For now, we’ll just have to wait and see where this initiative goes.
Again, threat is the main word here. It’s impossible to say whether these objects represent a genuine threat to humanity or not, but to assume they do without learning more is unwise.
Bottom of Form
There is evidence proving the existence of this kind of exotic technology that dates back to before the Second World War. A classic example would be the CIA keeping tabs on developments in Germany, as explained by this document, which looked into “a German newspaper” that “recently published an interview with George Klein, famous engineer and aircraft expert, describing the experimental construction of ‘flying saucers’ carried out by him from 1941 to 1945.”
Then there is the story of a large UFO hovering over L.A., which was witnessed by one million people. Dubbed the “Battle of Los Angeles,” it was an event that showed us how the U.S. military was learning to lie about UFOs five years prior to the Roswell Incident, which occurred in 1947.
So, as you can see, there is a lot to this.
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by Nick Redfern October 30, 2017 (
• Last week, a major portion of CIA and FBI documents on the JFK assassination were declassified and released. Many of the JFK documents however, have been destroyed over the decades. These were, most likely, the most incriminating of the documents. It turns out that this is a common problem.
• In 1993, a New Mexico Congressman tasked the Government Accountability Office with digging up all of the documents pertaining to the Roswell UFO incident. The GAO discovered that all of the correspondence from Roswell Army Air Field between 1945 and 1951 were missing. The National Archives and the Air Force Roswell documents were also gone.
• In May 2011, a search for documents pertaining to the Rendlesham Forest case in England were missing, and an internal UK Ministry of Defence showed that they suspected “a deliberate attempt… to eradicate the records…”
• In 1973, the CIA Director, Richard Helms, ordered all of the records pertaining to the MK Ultra mind control program be destroyed. He ordered an agent to go to the CIA records installation in Warrenton, Virginia which housed hundreds of thousands of pages of MK-Ultra-themed documents, and have them all burned. Helms also sent out a directive to all agents, colleges and universities involved in the program to burn anything linked to MK Ultra.
The new release of a large batch of files on the JFK assassination of November 22, 1963 amounts to a welcome addition to what we know about the still-controversial and mysterious affair. There are some genuine nuggets contained in the declassified material. A few friends have asked me what I think about all of this. Well, I think the release of any number of files – large or small – on the killing of the president is a good thing. But, there is one important issue that must be addressed.
While the now-available files have been extensively studied and commented on by the world’s media, less commentary has been made with regard to a far more important issue. Namely, the deliberate destruction of files on the death of Kennedy – and decades ago, no less. So, yes, I’m encouraged by this new release of files. But, it should not overlook the fact that someone, somewhere, went out of their way years ago to ensure that certain files that might have proved valuable (they may even have been definitive smoking-guns) will now forever be out of our hands. Before I get to the matter of the JFK assassination, in part-1 of this article I’ll demonstrate that files are destroyed under mysterious circumstances all the time. Then, in part-2, I’ll address the matter of the events which went down at Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas – just a short drive from where I live.
In 1993, the mysterious Roswell affair of July 1947 caught the attention of Steven Schiff, at the time the Congressman of New Mexico – the state in which the Roswell event occurred. Far from happy by what he saw as some kind of cover-up, Schiff approached the Government Accountability Office (at the time, it was known as the General Accounting Office) and asked them to look into the Roswell affair and see what might be found. The GAO was enthused about the idea of looking into Roswell. It was, however, not so much what the GAO found that intrigued them, but what they couldn’t find. As the GAO dug deeper and deeper, they learned to their amazement and concern that every single outgoing message from the old Roswell Army Air Field, from 1945 to 1951, could not be located. The files were gone. All of them. The GAO approached the Air Force and the National Archives for answers. There were no firm answers. Only puzzles, theories and opinions. The National Archives checked their files: no luck. The Air Force came up blank, too. The mystery remains.
It’s much the same in the U.K., with the nation’s most famous UFO incident: the alleged landing of an extraterrestrial spacecraft at Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, England in December 1980 – an incident which involved numerous military personnel from the nearby Royal Air Force Bentwaters facility. Witnesses saw a strange, roughly triangular-shaped object come down. Strange lights filled the skies over the base, and a huge cover-up was put into place.
What was certainly the most amazing – and suspicious – aspect of all this reared its head in May 2011. Freedom of Information Act documents on the Rendlesham Forest case surfaced that caught the attention of not just UFO researchers, but the U.K.’s media, too. The files were notable not because of what they said about the case specifically. Rather, they were files which revealed that there was a massive gap in the Defense Intelligence papers where the Rendlesham papers should have been kept. Internal memos released via FOIA legislation showed that the Ministry of Defense suspected that “a deliberate attempt had been made to eradicate the records covering this incident.” Precisely who had done the eradicating was never proved. Or why.
In early 1973 large amounts of MK-Ultra “mind-control” files were destroyed on the orders of the CIA director at the time, Richard Helms. The reasoning behind the destruction was simple: the program was in danger of being compromised by the U.S. media and the U.S. Senate. And, as the work of MK-Ultra, by 1973, had long been perfected, the now, old, historical records – which told the stories of the controversies that went on in the program – were deemed vital to be destroyed. But, how did this situation come about? Let’s see.
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by Paul Seaburn September 7, 2017 (
• Raymond Szymanski worked at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base for 39 years.
• In his first days on the job, his mentor asked him if he’d heard about their aliens recovered from the Roswell UFO crash.
• “Everybody who works on base knows.”
• Not one single person ever denied that there were alien bodies on base.
• Szymanski never actually saw the alien bodies. Nevertheless he wrote a book about it.
Here’s a well-known mystery: many people believe that aliens and their spacecraft from the Roswell incident are hidden in special tunnels at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. Here’s a little-known fact: Raymond Szymanski worked at Wright-Patterson for 39 years and wrote a book published in 2016 called 50 Shades of Greys about what he saw there. Here’s a new mystery: why is the book suddenly back in the news? Is someone getting us ready for full disclosure?
A number of media outlets revisited (or visited) 50 Shades of Greys recently after its author was interviewed by Sun Online. In the book, published in January 2016, Szymanski begins with details of his first days on the job at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in 1973 when a mentor named Al introduced him to the Avionics Laboratory’s Management Operations Office by asking, “Have you heard about our aliens?”
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There appears to be no end to the determination of researcher – one Stephen G. Bassett to challenge the Obama administration to live up to its promises of greater transparency in government.
By posting his fifth in a series of “We the People” petitions to the White House dealing with the UFO/ET issue it may represent an obsession with government prevarication, or a truly genius search for the truth that no one else is willing to take on; or both.
This time Bassett is demanding that the US government re-investigate the multiple and suspect military explanations around the crash near Roswell New Mexico in 1947. Bassett has once again placed yet another demand before the President and constitution-watchers.
Similar to other White House administrations, and despite immense evidence, the Obama administration has shown itself to be abjectly silent on any and all public discussion of the UFO/ET issue. Bassett however is abjectly determined to continue knocking on the White House door until he receives an answer. Although one of Bassett’s petitions did extract a comment from the Office of Science and Technology Policy, it failed to ignite any further media discussion about the UFO/ET matter.
One could argue that the historic Roswell incident is the key issue here. Quite the opposite. Bassett seems to have cleverly positioned the entire UFO/ET issue on the much larger American political agenda by using the popular and iconic Roswell event as a lightning rod into a deeper examination of government transparency, secrecy and media manipulation.
In an election year, where a second term for Obama is by no means guaranteed, Bassett may have provided Obama a perfect opportunity to end the silence – even if only a little – to give the American electorate a tiny taste of UFO goings-on. The chances of this – remote? – of course, however the abundant and growing evidence from highly credible military officials, astronauts and intelligence community insiders demonstrate the increasing flimsiness of the cover-up’s sustainability and the blatant use of government secrecy, in tandem with intimidation, to keep well equipped insiders quiet about the UFO reality.
In the petition Bassett points to documented and unshakable testimony by military and intelligence officials:
Lt Col. Philip Corso (USA) “I came into possession of the Roswell File. This file contained field reports, medical autopsy reports and technological debris from the crash of an extraterrestrial vehicle.â€
Capt. Edgar Mitchell (USAF/NASA) “Roswell was a real incident, and that indeed an alien craft did crash, and that material was recovered from that crash site.â€
Chase Brandon (CIA) “It was a craft that clearly did not come from this planet.â€
Lt. Col. Richard French (USAF) “There were actually two crashes at Roswell.â€
Needless to say, under any other set of circumstances, testimony of this magnitude by the likes of a former NASA astronaut-USAF pilot, a former CIA agent and American and foreign military officers would be taken as prima fascia evidence in a court of law. However because it just so happens to be about craft of non-Earth origin, it is all ignored, ridiculed and dispensed with – case closed – no discussion.
How does this happen in a democracy? One explanation, as Bassett appears to be implying, is that government is writing the news of the day for the press. If this is a shock to you – then you haven’t been paying attention.
The mainstream media has a distinct role to play in this matter – but they’re not. The press must be the public agent asking the dynamic questions that constitutionally require not only a response, but the truth. There is a difference.
Regrettably the media has remained silent on this matter – giving government a free hand in lying to its citizens about how NASA, the Navy, Air Force, the Army and FAA have engaged off-world-craft on a regular basis.
It is worth noting how the following statement by Bassett – made years ago – rings true today. He stated: “Governments have constitutionally always been allowed to keep secrets but they have never been granted the right to lie to its people.”
It is here that Bassett parts ways with many in the UFO research community in demanding that the American government uphold the constitution and cease prevaricating about the extraterrestrial presence engaging the planet.
A political act if there ever was one.
Larger groups like MUFON (The Mutual UFO Network) for example, can take a page or two from Mr. Bassett’s playbook and step forward to profile these questions in a more public and political manner – especially in an election year in which an issue like this could thrust itself onto the Presidential campaign agenda in a heartbeat.
Therefore three things need to happen:
1. The US government must be engaged in a positive and cooperative manner to come forward and openly inaugurate public discourse about all evidence in this matter, examine the testimony of its own military officials and ultimately admit they have been wittingly or unwittingly part of an extended generation of liars.
2. Amnesty must be offer to all and every individual within the military and intelligence community who may wish to come forward about their experiences or part in the cover-up.
3. The mainstream media must set aside their indolent corporate conscience and get to work on exposing every aspect of the cover-up. Transparency in government was a corner stone of Obama’s new residency in Washington at the time of his election. However the truth be told, no other bounce-back rhetoric catches Barack Obama in his tracks than his January 2009 statement on transparency.
Will a new investigation of the Roswell crash be a response to Obama’s transparency promises? Maybe. Will the constancy and determination of Stephen G. Bassett knocking on the White House door jar loose a few rafters at the White House - revealing cracks in the truth embargo and an end to secrecy?
The short answer – One thing is for sure – Bassett won’t give.
The long answer – Bassett’s onslaught of now five separate petitions to date on the UFO/ET issue are perhaps less significant individually than they are collectively. Because the whole is greater than the sum of all its parts, Bassett’s ‘petition’ messages to government and media are clear: Fulfill your mandate both constitutionally and journalistically and let’s get on with a new era of truth.
Roswell, New Mexico – June 30, 2012 – [ZNN] Captain Robert Salas USAF (Ret) – currently speaking in Roswell New Mexico – has announced that the office of Congressman Peter King (R), NY has acknowledged receipt of affidavits from retired Air Force officers and other documents pertaining to multiple, unauthorized incursions over US nuclear installations and the disabling of nuclear missiles at these installations by craft of unknown origin.
These evidentiary documents are directly related to national security concerns.
These documents have been submitted to Congressman King for his consideration as the Chairman of the House Committee for Homeland Security. Copies of these documents and correspondence have been sent to other members of the Committee for Homeland Security.
Kevin Fogarty Chief of Staff – 202.225.7896Â – e-mail:Â
[Members of the press may access affidavits and documents by contacting Captain Robert Salas or Victor Viggiani using the contact details below.]
For further information, contact:
Captain Robert Salas USAF (Ret)
((805) 798 0813
Victor Viggiani M.Ed.
(905) 278 1238
The Most Rev. + Chrysostomos
Robert Geis S.S.B., New York
ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork
Toronto Ontario Canada
ZlandCommunicationsA news service that takes you to the edge… and beyond.
Toronto, Canada [ZNN] Chase Brandon, a senior 35 year veteran of the CIA’s elite Clandestine Service unit, confirmed in an interview on Coast to Coast AM on Saturday June 23rd, 2012 that the event commonly known as the Roswell Crash actually occurred.
Brandon stated: “I absolutely know… that there was a craft from beyond this world that crashed at Roswell, that the military picked up remains of not just the wreckage but cadavers and all of that was made public for a short while…”
Brandon continued, “One hundred per cent guarantee, in my heart and soul I say – Roswell happened. There was a craft… absolutely cadavers.”
To back-up his claims Brandon indicated that he had once visited the CIA’s Historical Intelligence Collection (HIC), an archive of over 23,000 volumes of intelligence history. While there, he located boxes of material.
Brandon went on to say, “I went into the side room and looked at all those boxes… I only had a chance to look at one – I pulled the one down that said ‘Roswell’ and I looked inside… there were materials, there were papers, there were other items…” Brandon declined to specifically describe the items he saw.
It remains unclear as to whether or not this unofficial disclosure by a former CIA agent is a rogue action by an elite, senior undercover covert operations officer or, if it has, in some manner, received the tacit authorization of the CIA.
One thing is clear however, the statements made by Chase Brandon in the interview do not represent his opinion but, are a matter of fact.
Brandon is well acclaimed as a CIA consultant in the Hollywood film industry, having served as a technical consultant for movies and television shows, including The Bourne Identity, Mission Impossible, Alias, and 24. It is also well documented that the CIA has influence and significant control over films about UFOs and extraterrestrials. According to a reliable source, Chase Brandon still maintains some contractual ties to the CIA.
In communication with international authorities on the career of Chase Brandon, ZlandCommunications has been assured there will be more details forth-coming on this major event. ZNN will publish more details as they transpire.
The hour long interview included other bombshell statements about the nature of the UFO cover-up and why and how it was covered-up.
ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork
Toronto Ontario Canada
A news service that takes you to the edge… and beyond.