Article by AJ Vicens November 2, 2020 (
• Before the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton and her key staff were talking about UFOs. The issue was treated as a joke on late-night television. But time has shown that clearly there was something afoot.
• In December 2017, the New York Times published a groundbreaking story which included DoD videos of unexplained aerial objects. While credible UFO reports go back decades, the Times story advanced the UFO discussion into the mainstream media. (see previous ExoArticle) Since then, the Times has published a series of additional pieces, as have a host of other respected publications.
• In April 2019, the US Navy announced it was updating its procedures for pilots to report encounters with UFOs – to destigmatize the issue and collect better data. (see previous ExoArticle) By September, the US Navy confirmed to John Greenewald Jr. of The Black Vault website that the published UFO videos were officially “unidentified aerial phenomena”. In February 2020, Popular Mechanics published a piece concluding that “unidentified flying objects are neither myth nor figment of overactive imagination,” elaborating that evidence suggests UFOs are real.
• In June, the Senate Intelligence Committee tasked the director of national intelligence with submitting a public report outlining the government’s work on UFO/UAPs. Senator Mark Warner, the vice chair of the committee, confirmed that he had been given a classified briefing on UAPs. “The military and others are taking this issue seriously,” Warner said, “which, I think in previous generations may not have been the case.” A month later, Senator Marco Rubio, acting chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, characterized it as a national security issue. “We have things flying over our military bases and places where we’re conducting military exercises and we don’t know what it is, and it isn’t ours,” Rubio said. “[F]rankly, if it’s something from outside this planet, that might actually be better” than the possibility novel aerial technology is being used by a foreign power. (see previous ExoArticle)
• The fact that two powerful senators are saying these sorts of things in public, with total earnestness, is huge. Greenewald, who has used the Freedom of Information Act to pry UFO documents from government vaults, agrees there is reason for optimism about further disclosures, but offered a note of caution. “The last two years have been fascinating in UAP world.” The Navy’s revelations provided renewed hope of transparency, and its acknowledgement that the objects on those famous videos were, in fact, UAPs, “was huge,” he said. “I never expected that.”
• However, Greenewald says a string of recently denied FOIA requests he filed indicates “that that door has shut,” and he warns that indications the government is taking UFOs as a serious potential threat could ultimately mean it will refuse to honestly disclose what it knows. “Whether or not we’re talking about a foreign adversary that has technology that we haven’t mastered yet, whether it’s one branch that’s being tested on by another branch of the military—which I think is a big possibility—or, what everybody wants, which is extraterrestrials, regardless, all of the above would be a national security risk,” said Greenewald.
• Greenewald is probably right. The government is not likely to tell us all it knows about these objects that can seemingly toy with the most advanced and sophisticated military equipment on the planet. But at least it’s now okay to talk about them in public. We must appreciate the wins where we can find them.
Senator Marco Rubio
Over the last few years, amid the daily avalanche of scandal, corruption, and intrigue, one could be forgiven for tuning it all out in favor of something else. Anything else. One storyline I’ve found intriguing and exciting: the US government and UFOs.
Senator Mark Warner
Before the 2016 election, I wrote a series of pieces about how Hillary Clinton and her key staff were saying interesting things about UFOs. Most laughed. The issue was treated as a joke on late-night television. But time has shown that clearly there was something afoot.
In December 2017, the New York Times published a groundbreaking story: “Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program,” which included Department of Defense videos of aerial objects the government could not explain. While credible UFO reports go back decades, the Times story increased the latitude for discussion of the issue under mainstream mastheads. Since then, the Times has published a series of additional pieces, as have a host of other respected publications.
John Greenewald Jr.
In April 2019, the US Navy announced it was updating its procedures for pilots who wish to report encounters with UFOs to destigmatize the issue and collect better data. By September, the US Navy confirmed to John Greenewald Jr., the founder of a repository of publicly available government documents called the Black Vault, that the videos published by the Times were officially “unidentified aerial phenomena,” a the term used for “unauthorized/unidentified aircraft/objects that have been observed entering/operating in the airspace of various military-controlled training ranges.” In February 2020, Popular Mechanics published a deeply reported piece concluding that “unidentified flying objects are neither myth nor figment of overactive imagination,” elaborating that documentary evidence and people who would know both suggest “UFOs are real.”
In June, the Senate Intelligence Committee tasked the director of national intelligence with submitting a public report, with a classified annex, outlining the government’s work on “unexplained aerial phenomena.” Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), the vice chair of the committee, confirmed that he had been given a classified briefing on UAP. “The military and others are taking this issue seriously,” Warner said, “which, I think in previous generations may not have been the case.” A month later, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), acting chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, characterized it as a national security issue. “We have things flying over our military bases and places where we’re conducting military exercises and we don’t know what it is, and it isn’t ours,” Rubio said, adding that “frankly, if it’s something from outside this planet, that might actually be better” than the possibility novel aerial technology is being used by a foreign power.
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Article by Daymond Steer February 7, 2020 (conwaydailysun)
• For years, The Conway Daily Sun (in Conway New Hampshire) has made it a habit at election time to ask the candidates about their stance on UFO disclosure. So what do the Democratic Presidential hopefuls think about extraterrestrials and UFOs?
• Andrew Yang of New York (who dropped out of the race earlier this week) said, “I’m very curious about UFOs. I have a feeling they probably do exist.”
• Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar suggested opening the government’s older ‘X-Files’. She told Fox News and New York Magazine, “Why can’t you see if you can let some of (the UFO truths) out for the public so earnest journalists …who are trying to get the bottom of the truth would be able to see it?” New York Magazine rated Klobuchar’s UFO comments as both “high brow” and “brilliant.”
• Former Navy Reserve lieutenant and South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg responded, “Well, strange things happen out there, and I think it’s important for there to be processes for anybody who observes strange things — especially in the military.”
• Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders told Joe Rogan that his wife would demand he disclose the truth about UFOs and Sanders offered to do it on Rogan’s podcast show. The Sun asked Sanders whether studying the ‘Tic Tac’-shaped UFO could possibly lead to green technology. Waving his hands, Sanders exclaimed, “Let’s not jump the gun!” But Sanders is willing to use ‘Tic Tac’ technology to advance environmentally healthy green technology. “Presumably they are coming from a rather long distance away,” said Sanders. “Of course we have to explore that.”
• Colorado Senator Michael Bennet (who has also dropped out of the race) responded to “the question” saying, “Our guys are seeing unidentified stuff. They don’t know what it is. And I don’t know what it is. I don’t think they’re saying that it’s necessarily things from outer space, but it’s unexplained stuff.” “We’re trying to learn more about it.”
• Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard said “It’s not something I have been spending a lot of time on.”
• Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick (who also just dropped out of the race) said, “I used to be on the board of an airline, I talked to pilots who told me about that sort of thing.” “I have met … pilots, commercial pilots, who have said that there are things that they’ve seen in the night sky, mostly the night sky.”
• Former Massachusetts Governor William Weld, a Republican candidate, said, “So I do think life is out there? Do I think it’s intelligent life? Yeah, I think it’s probably more intelligent than us homo sapiens.” “So does that admit the possibility of space exploration by them? It does. It’s a little too convenient to have it be a flying saucer thing. I think it might take some other form that we couldn’t see so readily, but I would never say never.” Weld added, “One thing I do very much believe in is people can remember by having stored in their brain cells that came down from their grandmother and their grandfather things that happened a couple hundred years ago.”
• In the 2016 Presidential race, The Sun asked Hillary Clinton “the question”. Her campaign chief, John Podesta, had long been a UFO disclosure advocate. Clinton replied with a laugh that after being elected, she would “get to the bottom of it.”
CONWAY — The Sun has been asking presidential candidates for federal offices about UFOs since 2015, when we lobbed the question at Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton, whose campaign chief, John Podesta, had long been a UFO disclosure advocate.
Although she never got the chance, Clinton replied with a laugh that after being elected, she would “get to the bottom of it.”
The story went viral, spanning the globe to news outlets like London’s Daily Mail and even newspapers in India.
This election cycle, Democrat Andrew Yang of New York visited the Sun March of last year.
Asked the question, he said: “I’m very curious about UFOs.I have a feeling they probably do exist.”
His response about UFOs sparked an article in Newsweek, which said: “For years, New Hampshire newspaper The Conway Daily Sun has pressed potential presidential candidates barnstorming the early primary state about their stance on UFO disclosure.”
The response of Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Min.), referring to the possibility of opening the older X-files, caught the attention of Fox News and New York Magazine.
“One of the Democratic presidential candidates made an out-of-this-world promise campaign promise,” said Fox’s Steve Doocy. “You’re gonna wanna hear it.”
Klobuchar said, “Why can’t you see if you can let some of that out for the public so earnest journalists like you who are trying to get the bottom of the truth would be able to see it?” she asked rhetorically.”
On its weekly “Approval Matrix,” New York Magazine rated Klobuchar’s UFO comments to be both “high brow” and “brilliant.”
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Article by George Knapp November 4, 2019 (
• When former Nevada Senator Harry Reid was the Majority Leader, he was the go-to guy when it came to UFOs. When Bill Clinton was still president, Reid discussed UFOs with him during a White House visit. Reid told George Knapp that the truth behind UFOs was “something (Bill Clinton) was interested in”. In 2016, Hillary Clinton vowed to open up the Pentagon’s UFO files if elected. The Clintons still seek out Reid for his advice on UFOs.
• Reid had similar conversations with other national figures during his years in the Senate, including Senators Ted Stevens and Daniel Inouye, and former astronaut John Glenn. Knapp, a KLAS-TV Channel 8 reporter in Las Vegas (a CBS-affiliate), asked Reid what specifically John Glenn was interested in about UFOs. Reid said that Glenn remained tight-lipped about the subject, but he was “very interested”. “I didn’t want to push him,” said Reid.
• Bigelow Aerospace was the Nevada contractor who spearheaded Reid’s initial government sponsored UFO study. After that contract ended, Reid, along with Senators Stevens and Inouye appropriated funding for a scaled-down Pentagon UFO program in 2007 called Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or AATIP. In 2010, Lue Elizondo became the point man for AATIP. Now the Pentagon denies that Elizondo ever worked there.
• UFO critics have pounced on the claim that Elizondo never worked for a Pentagon UFO project. Reid says he’s not surprised. Reid says that there is a fringe group who want to control the UFO narrative, the “so-called conspiratorial folks”. “They go online and try to belittle Elizondo and me and anybody else that is trying to (figure out the UFO stuff) in a scientific way,” says Reid. “Elizondo is a man with a great record serving our country and …he’s not backing off. And I appreciate that very much.”
• Although the Pentagon says AATIP ended in 2012, Reid is informed that the program is ongoing, with greater resources than it had before. And the US Navy has announced that it will encourage UFO encounter reports by pilots, indicating that the subject is no longer taboo. The ongoing wave of media interest has even convinced Reid’s most formidable skeptic – his wife who admitted, “[M]aybe you aren’t crazy after all.”
• [Editor’s Note] I’ll bet that the “conspiratorial folks” are even more nervous about how close Harry Reid is with Deep State toadies like Bill and Hillary Clinton.
LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — Former Nevada Senator Harry Reid says he’s enthusiastic about reaction to a once-secret study of UFOs that Reid and congressional colleagues authorized more than a decade ago.
The last two years have seen an explosion of interest in UFOs among mainstream media, but there’s been push back from conspiracy enthusiasts, and some military officials.
astronaut and senator John Glenn
When Bill and Hillary Clinton came to Las Vegas in May to speak to a large audience on the Las Vegas Strip, their first stop was the Henderson home of former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. It’s the same path followed by many Democratic politicians and presidential candidates who visit Nevada, seeking guidance from the retired, but still-crafty senator.
Reid and the Clinton”s share an interest in a controversial subject — UFOs. As a presidential candidate in 2016, Hillary Clinton vowed to open up the Pentagon’s UFO files. And when Bill Clinton was still president, Reid asked him about UFOs during one White House visit.
Lue Elizondo
George Knapp: “You discussed it with Bill Clinton. Don’t know if we can talk about this?”
Harry Reid: “Yeah, yeah Bill is, one thing about President Clinton, no one ever said he wasn’t smart. He was and is an extremely intelligent man, and this is something he was interested in.”
Reid was cagey about whether the Clintons discussed UFOs during their recent visit, but told us the subject is definitely on the agenda for their next get together. Reid had similar conversations with other national figures during his years in the senate, including Senators Ted Stevens and Daniel Inouye, who lent their support to the creation of a secret Pentagon study of UFOs, as well as senator and former astronaut John Glenn.
Knapp: “Did he ever give you specifics about why?”
Reid: “Nope, nope, but he, I didn’t want to push him, but he was very interested.”
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Another one of those “connect the dots” moments has occurred in the wake of the recent New Zealand Mosque shootings.
Top HRC confidante and UFO advocate John Podesta found himself down under in NZ praising the virtues of Hillary protege, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern a few days prior to the slaughter in Christchurch. This event has all the trappings of a false flag/psy op as outlined in great detail by Ole Dammegard and others who have analyzed the video as well as the context of the tragedy.
It is fascinating to those who track these events closely to learn that Podesta felt compelled to reference ETs on this trip while also disparaging President Trump in the harshest terms.
Almost simultaneously, the carnage commenced! How convenient to attribute the killings to a “white supremacist” so as to link the (false flag?) event to Trump. How convenient to find former HRC campaign manager Podesta in the vicinity of the tragedy while promoting Ardern, a Left/Socialist politician with close ties to the former Secretary of State and Democratic nominee.
How convenient that the timing reignites the flagging assault on Trump’s legitimacy just as the Mueller investigation of RussiaGate was losing steam and Steele’s deep ties to British intelligence and top Obama Administration officials at the DOJ, FBI and CIA are being corroborated.
Conspiracy research thrives on such coincidences because the official narratives are usually implausible while those promoting these dubious accounts are often the main beneficiary of blaming their enemies. If one adds to the equation the rush to secrecy by criminalizing possession of the live-stream video and censoring the internet to obscure what really happened, the image of cover-up instantly leaps to mind.
The ET factor adds additional juice to this scenario. It implicitly continues the 2016 election competition on the topic where Podesta and HRC championed the John Brennan/CIA-linked To The Stars Academy, limited hangout approach (X Protect) whereas Trump seems to be opting for the JFK/full disclosure route (X Share) that some believe got Kennedy killed.
Trump’s Space Force, enthusiasm for a more adventurous NASA and family ties to Nikola Tesla suggest the potential of a bolder, more dramatic perspective than the Clinton/Podesta/deLonge effort. Not to be ignored is the Israeli Moon Shot that adds further relevance to the Space angle. It further connects Trump via his technology adviser, son-in-law Jared Kushner, who along with financier, Sheldon Adelson helped back the launch as another way of lending their pal Bibi Netayanhu more pre-election viability.
Meanwhile, all this is unfolding while Mrs. Clinton is suspected of selling Secret Space Program technology to China.
However over-the-top (far-out!) this speculative view is, this author feels justified in posing the possibility as he previously did with RussiaGate, that the Mueller investigation and these other events are ultimately all tied to the ET Truth Embargo and Disclosure. The work of George Webb in detailing the links of Mueller to all aspects of the Military-Industrial Complex including the processing of Uranium as a fuel source along with the revelation of Mueller working with Comey to suppress the private development of cloaking technology are examples of this important connection.
If Hillary somehow claws her way to the top of the ticket again in 2020 and Trump escapes impeachment, we are likely to see this subject energized and revisited in ways few people are willing to entertain.
Rich Scheck, Camarillo, CA
March 17, 2019 (Revised on 3/19/19 in Ventura, CA)
The anonymous group Q (aka QAnon), which has strong ties to the Trump administration and U.S. military intelligence, claims that former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, orchestrated a pay-to-play scheme where classified information was uploaded to her private servers, which were deliberately left susceptible to hacking from foreign entities. Among these entities was China which used the classified material from Special Access Programs and Sensitive Compartmented Information found on the Clinton servers to learn about advanced technologies deployed by the U.S. military in space.
There is documentary evidence that Clinton was granted access to classified information on space technologies, and this was a topic covered in her emails discussing a range of issues including a possible UFO disclosure initiative. According to the information provided by Q, Clinton’s ultimate goal was to sell classified information that would allow China to bridge the technological gap with a secret space program run by the U.S. Air Force, rather than genuinely disclosing the truth behind the UFO phenomenon.
Q has posted multiple times on Clinton selling America’s technological secrets to China during the period between January 21, 2009 and February 1, 2013 when she was US Secretary of State, and had access to advanced technology secrets including spy satellites and other space assets.
The most recent post was today, March 13 (post #3045). It is worth breaking down the post to distill what Q is communicating about Clinton’s access to Special Access Programs (SAPs) and Sensitive Compartmented Information [SCI]. Q communicates information by raising leading questions, which the reader is expected to research and answer using previous information reveald by Q:
Q is here explaining that Clinton made special arrangements within the Department of State in order to gain access to SAP/SCI material outside of normal security protocols. Her bypassing of established security protocols for digital information made it possible for foreign entities to hack into her private servers to gain access to the classified material according to Q:
The link is to an article by The Hill debunking an August 28 tweet by President Donald Trump that China had hacked into Clinton’s private server.
Hillary Clinton’s Emails, many of which are Classified Information, got hacked by China. Next move better be by the FBI & DOJ or, after all of their other missteps (Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, FISA, Dirty Dossier etc.), their credibility will be forever gone!
The point Q is making by linking to the article by The Hill, which Q regards as a prominent part of the fake news establishment, is to identify China as the “Foreign State” that had gained “access to the SAP/SCI material on the server”, just as Trump had tweeted.
In an earlier September 4, 2018 post (#2077), Q makes it crystal clear that China had hacked into the Clinton servers, and this was part of a pay-to-play scheme:
Ex 1 – ‘Being Afraid’
Does HRC care about you?
If she cared about protecting you…
Would she sell out America’s secrets and Uranium to China/Russia [Ex 1]?
In yet another post, on February 22, 2018, Q says that Clinton [HRC] was operating with the CIA [Clowns] in selling technological secrets to China:
Clowns revealed in China/other.
2010. [187]
Sold intel?
HRC open source server? [Missing emails] [CrowdStrike]
Granted access.
Only the tip.
This will be made public [soon].
Basically, Q is revealing that Clinton’s scheme of selling advanced technology secrets through susceptible private servers was sanctioned by the Deep State, which was betraying the US national interest.
It was determined by the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community, Charles McCullough, that included among the emails sent and stored on Clinton’s private servers was classified information concerning Special Access Programs (SAPs). In a letter dated January 14, 2016, Charles McCullough wrote:
To date, I have received two sworn declarations from one [intelligence community] element. These declarations cover several dozen emails containing classified information determined by the IC element to be at the CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, and TOP SECRET/SAP levels. According to the declarant, these documents contain information derived from classified IC element sources.
Intelligence from a “special access program,” or SAP, is even more sensitive than that designated as “top secret” – as were two emails identified last summer in a random sample pulled from Clinton’s private server she used as secretary of state. Access to a SAP is restricted to those with a “need-to-know” because exposure of the intelligence would likely reveal the source, putting a method of intelligence collection — or a human asset — at risk. Currently, some 1,340 emails designated “classified” have been found on Clinton’s server, though the Democratic presidential candidate insists the information was not classified at the time.
It’s worth emphasizing that the SAP information was found in only random sample of the Clinton emails, suggesting a great many more lay among the 1,340 classified emails that were sent and stored on the Clinton private server.
Declassified Freedom of Information Act documents confirm that Clinton has had an interest in UFOs dating back to 1995, and that during the 2016 election campaign, she and her campaign chief, John Podesta, had raised the UFO issue on several occasions. For example, on December 30, 2015, she said:
He [John Podesta] has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out. One way or another. Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51.
Clinton followed this up with a statement on Jimmy Kimmel Live in March 2016, where she discussed UFOs, or what she referred to now as “Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon” (UAP). She pledged to release any UFO/UAP files that were not classified for national security reasons:
I would like us to go into those files and hopefully make as much of that public as possible. If there’s nothing there, let’s tell people there’s nothing there. If there is something there, unless it’s a threat to national security, I think we ought to share it with the public.
Documents leaked by Wikileaks confirm that the Clinton and Podesta were doing more than simply making comments in support of declassifying UFO/UAP information. Podesta was involved in meetings discussing the testimony of Major General William McCasland and other insiders about their knowledge of the UFO topic, and strategizing over how the Clinton campaign could support a disclosure initiative to release this information to the US public.
Given her historical interest in UFOs and publicly disclosing this information, it is all but certain that some of Clinton’s emails discussing the UFO topic were stored on her private server, and this encroached on SAP/SCI material concerning advanced space technologies.
According to Q, the SAP/SCI information sold by Clinton was covertly raising slush funds for the Deep State (Eye of Ra) as revealed in a December 22, 2017 post [#228]:
Significantly, Q was referring to North Korea as a recipient of NASA’s technology secrets and mentioned Elon Musk’s Space X as playing a role. Presumably, the Deep State was helping North Korea develop its ballistic missile capabilities with the latest rocket technologies developed by NASA and, incredibly, Space X.
To learn more about the kind of SAP information Clinton was including in her emails, we can turn to a Sensitive Compartmented Information [SCI] Nondisclosure Agreement she signed on January 12, 2009, which outlined her legal responsibilities. Importantly, her Nondisclosure Agreement reveals four SCI control systems (which cover material from multiple SAP’s) she would have access to.
Among the four SCI control systems accessed by Clinton was Talent Keyhole (TK) which is described as a “top-level control system” involving a number of surveillance platforms in very high altitudes and space:
TK covers space-based IMINT (Imagery intelligence), SIGINT (Signals intelligence), and MASINT (Measurement and signature intelligence) collection platforms; related processing and analysis techniques; and research, design, and operation of these platforms… The original TALENT compartment was created in the mid-1950s for the U-2. In 1960, it was broadened to cover all national aerial reconnaissance (to later include SR-71 sourced imagery) and the KEYHOLE compartment was created for satellite intelligence. [Source: Wikipedia]
Put simply, Talent Keyhole is surveillance data gained from America’s most highly classified space platforms, which allegedly only involves data from spy satellites the U.S. Air Force and its partners in the military intelligence community (National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency and Defense Intelligence Agency) has sent into space.
In reality, however, the USAF and its partners have secretly developed and deployed far more advanced technologies in space as acknowledged by Q in a post dated September 19, 2018 (2224) where they answered several questions raised on the 8chan forum:
Did NASA fake the moon landings? Have we been to the moon since then? Are there secret space programs? Is this why the Space Force was created?
False, moon landings are real.
Programs exist that are outside of public domain.
Q was here acknowledging that secret space programs are real and the information is classified at a very high level “outside of public domain”. This refers to Special Access Programs that are associated with the Talent Keyhole control system that Clinton was granted “need to know” access to.
According to my research into secret space programs, the USAF has deployed manned space stations, along with orbital weapons platforms incorporating destructive technologies such as “Rods of Gods” and “Directed Energy Weapons”.
These are all part of a USAF run secret space program, which operates advanced antigravity craft from sensitive facilities such as Nevada’s Area 51, the Utah Test and Training Range, Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, and Florida’s McDill Air Force Base, home of Special Operations Command.
In late 2017, different shaped antigravity platforms such as flying triangles, rectangles and cylindrical craft were photographed near McDill AFB in a disclosure initiative being conducted by USAF Special Operations, which encouraged a local resident to take the photos for public dissemination.
The conclusion that can be drawn from Q’s posts is that included among the SAP/SCI material that Clinton was storing on her servers, was Talent Keyhole level information about the surveillance capabilities of the USAF run secret space program. This highly sensitive information appears to have been sold off in an illicit intelligence market to major U.S. rivals such as China and North Korea with the support of the Deep State and the CIA.
It is possible that Clinton’s interest in UFO disclosure, was used as a cover to discuss Talent Keyhole material in emails that would be saved on her private servers, and eventually accessed by Chinese and other foreign hackers.
From the documents and evidence that has been made public so far, it is clear that Clinton had SAP/SCI material on her private servers, and this included Talent Keyhole level material which she had been granted “need to know” access. This makes Q’s claims that Clinton was selling off America’s advanced technology secrets to China and North Korea very plausible.
Consequently, the possibility that Clinton was part of a Deep State/CIA plan to funnel technological secrets, including information about a USAF run secret space program, to China, North Korea and other foreign entities, demands a serious investigation.
Indeed, some of the more than 80,000 sealed cases that have been identified in PACER judicial records, may involve charges of treason against Deep State officials involved in selling off America’s advanced technology secrets.
It can be hoped that as more information is released in anticipated criminal/military trials that Q contends are imminent, that these provide the opportunity for official disclosure of a USAF secret space program, and the release of advanced technologies that would greatly benefit the general public.
Former Blink 182 rockstar, Tom DeLonge, is having great difficulty in convincing many UFO researchers that his To the Stars Academy is not a Deep State operation. Many believe that DeLonge has been coopted by savvy Deep State operatives who gave him access to the rarefied world of highly classified Special Access Programs in order to manipulate him.
Despite the success of the To The Stars Academy in getting mainstream media attention to study UFO files released by the U.S. military intelligence community, a number of UFO researchers have become very vocal in their criticism of DeLonge, basically claiming that he is in over his head and is being played by the Deep State.
The concern has become so great that Peter Levenda, one of DeLonge’s co-authors in his book series, Sekret Machines, attended the Contact in the Desert Conference in June to dispel such concerns. I recently was able to view the video of his presentation given on June 3, 2018 which was aptly titled: “Conspiracy Theories & UFOlogy: Tom Delonge & the Deep State Scenario”.
This will be a discussion of the current theories in Ufological circles that Tom DeLonge and the To The Stars Academy are agents of a “deep state” that wishes to manipulate Ufology, or expectations concerning UFOs, for the benefit of a secret cabal of government insiders. .
In his nearly two hour presentation, Levenda offered a strident defense of DeLonge, the To the Stars Academy, and his own involvement in the book series. However, Levenda’s defense was so unconvincing that he inadvertently raised doubts with viewers, such as myself, over whether DeLonge may indeed be in over his head and has been coopted into a Deep State operation.
Levenda began by describing his own background and research that has made him a successful book author, who has travelled widely and interviewed many infamous individuals. His first book, Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult (1995) has become a classic and was among the first that examined the cult beliefs that dominated Nazi Germany’s ruling elite.
I read the book and have it on my bookshelf as a reliable source on Nazi occult beliefs. Levenda’s scholarship won him many fans, including myself.
What did raise my eyebrows during his Contact in the Desert presentation was Levenda’s account of how in 1968, as a 17 year old, he was involved in establishing a cult church in New York city where he and his buddy were self-appointed bishops.
Levenda described how he and his buddy gate-crashed the Robert Kennedy funeral impersonating high level church dignitaries who were transported in a limousine. Was this all simply an elaborate lark by two precocious 17 year olds as Levenda contends, or was something more sinister at play?
What we do know for certain is that Levenda and his buddy became targets for recruitment by rival strange churches, which were fronts for the CIA and other intelligence agencies as Levenda has publicly acknowledged. He says that he declined such offers, and his subsequent worldwide travel and research, was prompted by intellectual curiosity into the bizarre and unusual.
Perhaps, but the legitimate question can be raised about whether his subsequent writing career was established as a suitable cover for recruitment as a CIA agent and/or operative. After all, as a precocious 17 year old, he had displayed a clear talent for deception and establishing fake identities. This surely would have made him an ideal recruit for the shadowy world of CIA covert operations.
It is what Levenda had to say about critics of the To The Stars Academy that really raised my suspicions during his presentation. He called out Dr. Steven Greer as one of the more prominent critics, and set out to contrast Greer and DeLonge’s approaches to gathering UFO evidence.
Whereas Greer was depicted as touting up to 1000 unnamed whistleblowers/insiders spilling the beans on the UFO/extraterrestrial cover up, DeLonge was credited with getting former high level government and corporate officials to come forward and risk their reputations by joining his To The Stars Academy.
The audience was told that Greer was touting speculation by unknown sources, whereas DeLonge was promoting scientific research by having hard facts and evidence discussed by experts who had verifiable credentials in the military industrial complex.
There was a major flaw in Levenda’s critique of Greer. It is simply not true to say that Greer has touted unknown whistleblowers as sources on the UFO coverup. In his May 2001, Disclosure Project Press Conference, he got 21 former military, government and corporate figures to go public. In the subsequent book, Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History, there were over 60 individuals who by a vast majority went on the record in terms of their identities and credentials.
While it is true that the bulk of Greer’s hundreds of Disclosure Project witnesses (currently estimated up to a 1000 according to Levenda) have not been named, a significant number have been publicly identified and their testimonies are available for research and analysis. Distorting the record of a prominent critic certainly did not help Levenda’s main goal of rebutting Greer’s criticism of DeLonge as out of his depth when it came to dealing with the Deep State.
Levenda went to great effort to stress that DeLonge had been researching the UFO field for decades, and was sufficiently familiar with the issues and main figures in the field to make good judgement calls on who’s authentic or not.
Essentially, Levenda was saying we can trust DeLonge and not see him as an inexperienced dupe, who has been taken in by the Deep State as Greer and other critics were contending.
My own knowledge in this regard is limited to an incident where Tom DeLonge got to hear the views of William Tompkins and Dr. Bob Wood regarding a secret space program, Solar Warden, established by the U.S. Navy with the aid of corporations such as Douglas Aircraft/McDonnell Douglas. Both Tompkins and Dr Wood have decades of experience with Douglas Aircraft and the aerospace industry.
DeLonge expressed his disbelief that such a thing could have happened. I know that DeLonge is not alone in disbelieving that the U.S. Navy could have secretly developed kilometers long space carriers out of its classified facilities as Tompkins contends. There is testimonial evidence that U.S. Air Force officials, have investigated Tompkins and Corey Goode’s claims in this regard as well, as I have written about here.
What the above incident does show, however, is that DeLonge has an inability to reconcile information that is contrary to what he is being told by his insiders. That’s a red flag and doesn’t help build confidence that he is not being duped by the military industrial community.
It is what Levenda had to say about the John Podesta – DeLonge link that finally shifted me from being an agnostic on the “DeLonge is an agent of the Deep State” perspective. Levenda described the Pizzagate controversy raised by Wikileaks release of thousands of Podesta emails by dismissing it as yet another example of the fear and paranoia that is so prevalent in the UFO community.
Levenda assured the audience that there’s nothing to Pizzagate and that Podesta isn’t the pedophile child sacrificing deviant that many now believe due to the Wikileaks release. In the past, I’ve written admiringly of Podesta, and also of Hillary Clinton, in their respective roles in promoting UFO disclosure dating back from the 1990’s during the Clinton Administration, right up to the 2016 Presidential campaign.
Like many in the UFO/exopolitics communities I saw them as heroes fighting the good disclosure fight, and supported them above other politicians/public figures who remained silent on the UFO issue.
All that changed with the October-November 2016 Wikileaks releases of the Podesta emails that showed coded language using pizza related words being used by Podesta, Clinton, and their associates. Investigative reporter Ben Swann and other investigators showed that this was an elaborate code used by known pedophile networks that indulged in child trafficking, and even ritual human sacrifice. The fact that many of the symbols and codes were known to law enforcement agencies merited close examination of such claims despite debunking efforts by the mainstream media such as the New York Times and Snopes.
I had earlier been made aware of the connection between child trafficking and the Washington D.C. political establishment (Deep State) through the pioneering research of John DeCamp in The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska and Cathy Obrien’s seminal book, Trance: Formation of America. Both of these books showed how an elaborate sex-trade in children was used to compromise young upcoming politicians, and ultimately make them agents of the Deep State as they were rapidly promoted into senior positions.
I understand that this is all very controversial, and why UFO researchers would want to steer clear of all of this. However, with the Wikileaks release of Podesta’s emails, we have someone long viewed as among the few public officials supporting UFO disclosure being directly implicated in an alleged network of child traffickers that practice many kinds of abusive rituals.
I would have understood it if Levenda had simply skirted around all this controversy and merely pointed out that DeLonge’s association with Podesta pre-dated the Wikileaks email release (they began meeting in mid-2015). This would have meant that DeLonge, along with Levenda, were simply unaware of what Podesta may have been involved in, and merely wanted to elicit his support for a UFO disclosure initiative that they were pursuing.
Tom DeLonge, Peter Levenda, and John Podesta pictured from left during a 2015 interview
However, what Levenda did instead was to offer a full-throated rebuttal of the entire Pizzagate controversy. Levenda said it was all another example of the systemic fear and paranoia that is part of the UFO community, and there was nothing of substance in the Pizzagate controversy. He even made a crude pizza joke about it all, to the stunned silence of his audience.
That is not the position an objective researcher would take when looking at all the data and evidence. The Podesta emails are a part of the public record, and in many of them he and other Clinton affiliated figures appear to be using pizza related code words and symbols recognized by law enforcement bodies as common among pedophile rings.
Levenda was not interested in seriously examining the Wikileaks email release in terms of what the use of a coded pizza words meant for Podesta and Clinton.
That’s when it finally hit me. Levenda was a Deep State agent/operative after all. His history and recruitment by the Deep State was hidden in plain sight with his account of his exploits as a precocious 17 year old which brought him into contact with CIA/Deep State operatives in an “innocent lark” involving the creation of a fake church cult.
Furthermore, who would be unscrupulous enough to use deception and a fake identity to gate crash the funeral of Bobby Kennedy who had just been assassinated after clinching the Democratic nomination for the 1968 Presidential campaign? Certainly not any normal person, but instead a future CIA agent/operative with a talent for using deception in public interactions.
Ironically, Levenda’s attempt to prove he was not a Deep State operative only succeeded in converting me from being an agnostic on the whole “DeLonge is an agent of the Deep State” narrative, to now accepting it.
DeLonge may still be a well-meaning researcher wanting to promote UFO disclosure, but he has been coopted by Deep State operatives, including Levenda, and that is not a good foundation for any kind of genuine disclosure of the truth behind UFOs and extraterrestrial life.
by Arjun Walia May 10, 2018 (
• “There is essentially a civil war involving parts of senior management and upper parts of our government that is occurring in the United States. It’s between the ‘Dark’ side and the ‘Constitutional’ side. There has never been anything like this in history. It is extremely serious, and this is an extremely serious hour for our government and especially for our constitutional freedoms. . . . This essentially is a global criminal cabal that has penetrated into our government and now has senior level officials colluding and, I would argue, conspiring to unseat this president.” – former CIA officer Kevin Shipp
• There is a government within the government, and many within this ‘political game’ are well aware of it. Greg Hunter of interviews Shipp (see 25:53 minute video below) about what’s currently happening within U.S., global politics, and the Deep State.
• In the video, Shipp goes into detail about a coup in the US government that attempted to hijack the 2016 Presidential election to install the Deep State’s puppet candidate, Hillary Clinton, and to create a one-party political system. This stems not from a corrupted bureaucracy, but from an elite and all-powerful corporatocracy controlling the government. The Deep State responded to Trump’s upset election victory by blaming the Russia for Hillary’s loss and censorship of independent non corporate/government sponsored media’s “fake news”.
• According to Shipp, Donald Trump is an outsider and not part of the Deep State. His administration is now at war with the Deep State bureaucrats embedded within the government. “We have a coup within our government right now at the senior levels at the CIA, DOJ and the FBI attempting to unseat a duly elected President,” said Shipp.
• Never before has the idea of a shadowy ‘Deep State’ government been acknowledged by the mainstream and by global politicians/academicians around the world. It’s no longer taboo to talk about these things without automatically being labeled as a “conspiracy theory”. We find ourselves now going through a major transition. The world is waking up fast and it’s going to be interesting to see what happens.
• [Editor’s Note] Nipping at Trump’s heals is just the visible tip of a massive program of manipulation and deception that the Deep State elite has perpetrated on the people of America and the world, especially since WWII. The theater being played out in the mainstream media is merely a distraction hiding an almost unimaginable concentration of wealth by a small elite group. This elite controls access to a secretive breakaway society possessing highly advanced technology leading all the way up to a hierarchy of several secret space programs, including some that routinely interact with extraterrestrial civilizations across the galaxy. For an in-depth break-down of the Deep State’s cover-up and smear campaign against Donald Trump in 2016-2017, see this three-part ExoNews article on Seth Rich.
“There is essentially a civil war involving parts of senior management and upper parts of our government that is occurring in the United States. It’s between the ‘Dark’ side and the ‘Constitutional’ side. There has never been anything like this in history. It is extremely serious, and this is an extremely serious hour for our government and especially for our constitutional freedoms. . . . This essentially is a global criminal cabal that has penetrated into our government and now has senior level officials colluding and, I would argue, conspiring to unseat this president.”
Above are the words of Kevin Shipp, a former CIA officer turned whistleblower who is and has been, exposing what seems to be the rhetoric of various other whistleblowers like Thomas Drake, William Binney, Sibel Edmunds, Edward Snowden and more. There is a government within the government, and many within this ‘political game’ are well aware of it and as the 28th U.S. President once wrote, “know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
Greg Hunter of released the interview with Shipp (below), who goes in depth about what’s currently happening within U.S. and global politics. We need people like this, especially as more and more people realize there is not much truth or substance that comes from mainstream media. The picture always seems to be painted a certain way to benefit a small group of powerful people, these are the people that Shipp is referring to.
The Deep State
Shipp goes into detail about a coup within U.S. politics that’s been underway since 2006, with the objective to overthrow America and destroy the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. James Comey is also discussed, and is referred to as a puppet for the likes of Hillary Clinton, Robert Mueller, and more…
“We have a well-organized political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state … It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our Government … This ruthless power-seeking elite is a disease of our century… This group … is answerable neither to the President, the Congress, nor the courts. It is practically irremovable.”
– Senator William Jenner
Donald Trump has even mentioned some of his administration as making up part of the Deep State. More on that later.
Before You Listen To The Interview, Something To Keep In Mind
Before you listen to the interview, there are a few important things to consider when discussing this topic. The main one is to always keep in mind what’s really happened within the U.S government. It’s far from a democracy, more like a corporatocracy, and in the words of Theodore Roosevelt, “behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.”
There is a power that has risen up which controls the U.S. government, and now more than ever it’s there for us to see. Especially with the events that have transpired in Syria, everything that’s happening in the U.S., 9/11, and what seems to be a massive propaganda campaign about what is going on overseas and in Iran. Furthermore, blaming Russia for Hillary Clinton’s loss and more, a slew of fake news has hit mainstream media and it has coincided with the censorship of independent non corporate/government sponsored media, like Collective Evolution.
The answer to fake news is not more censorship, it’s more transparency. We don’t need government, or the Deep State to step in and decide what’s real and not for the people.
Never before has there been such an awakening, never before has the idea of the ‘Deep State’ government, a shadowy government, been acknowledged by the mainstream and by global politicians/academicians around the world. It’s no longer taboo to talk about these things, and mention them, but every now and then you still get the “conspiracy theory” response, simply because the information conflicts with mainstream beliefs.
25:53 minute video interview of Kevin Shipp
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According to veteran investigative reporter and best selling author, Dr. Jerome Corsi, he was approached three years ago by a group of generals and told that Donald Trump had been recruited by U.S. military intelligence to run in the 2016 Presidential elections, and subsequently help remove corrupt Deep State officials from positions of power. Corsi claims that QAnon represents the same group of senior military intelligence officials who are exposing the Deep State corruption and officials involved in a history of treasonous actions against the U.S. Republic.
This is what Corsi said at a meeting on April 11, which also featured the founder of, Alex Jones:
About three years ago a group of Generals came to me, and it was explained to me that they were ready to conduct a coup d’etat. They were ready to move Barack Obama from office with military force. And then a few weeks later I got another call and said they were reconsidering.
You know why they were reconsidering? [audience calls out answers] Because they talked to Donald Trump, and Trump had agreed he would run, and they agreed that if he would run, they would conduct their coup d’etat as a legitimate process, rooting out the traitors within government. And that pact between the military and Donald Trump has held, as we have been interpreting and watching, and Alex has been following QAnon.
QAnon is military intelligence and close to Trump, and the intelligence we’ve getting, that we’ve explained on Infowars, really is a lot of the inside script.
While Corsi didn’t name the generals or provide hard evidence for his startling claim, an examination of public comments by President Trump, QAnon and related political events do make Corsi’s extraordinary claim very plausible.
It’s important to note that Corsi’s speech happened only a day after a tweet by President Trump featuring him with 20 senior U.S. military officials who dined with him the previous night:
Only hours after Trump’s tweet, QAnon posted a message commenting about the photo’s significance:
In the photo, the man next to Vice President Pence and Trump is Admiral Michael Rogers, the head of the National Security Agency. It was Rogers who travelled to Trump Tower on November 17, 2016, a week after the Presidential election, without the knowledge of his superiors in the Obama administration.
The next day, the Washington Post ran a story saying that senior Defense and Intelligence officials in the Obama administration were aghast at Roger’s action:
In a move apparently unprecedented for a military officer, Rogers, without notifying superiors, traveled to New York to meet with Trump on Thursday at Trump Tower. That caused consternation at senior levels of the administration, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal personnel matters.
The Washington Post went on to report that a recommendation had been previously made to President Obama to remove Rogers in October 2016 by James Clapper (Director of National Intelligence) and Ashton Carter (Secretary of Defense). This coincided with a FISA court approving a request made by President Obama for his administration to spy on Trump’s campaign.
Given recent disclosures about FISA court orders approving the Obama administration spying on Trump, the timing suggests that Rogers had travelled to New York to warn Trump that the intelligence community were spying on him under the authority of a FISA court order. This is how one analyst explained the sequence of events:
NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers didn’t want to participate in the spying scheme (Clapper, Brennan, Etc.), which was the baseline for President Obama’s post presidency efforts to undermine Donald Trump and keep Trump from digging into the Obama labyrinth underlying his remaining loyalists. After the October spying operation went into effect, Rogers unknown loyalty was a risk to the Obama objective. 10 Days after the election Rogers travels to President-Elect Trump without notifying those who were involved in the intel scheme.
It would be fair to conclude that QAnon is acting with the approval or support of Admiral Rogers, and that intelligence data is being anonymously leaked to expose the extent of Deep State corruption.
Another interesting aspect of the photo tweeted by Trump showing him, Pence and Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, flanked by 20 uniformed military officers, is that 9 were on his right, and 11 on his left. Was this symbolism for the 911 event that is regarded by Corsi, Jones and many in the US Patriot community as a false flag event, orchestrated by corrupt Deep State officials that had manipulated both the Bush (43) and Obama administrations?
It’s worth examining Corsi’s claim that a group of generals were prepared to launch a military coup given the level of Deep State corruption and control prior to Trump choosing to run. Could this have been possible?
According to a November 2, 2017 post by QAnon, if Hillary Clinton had won the election or results were overturned in her favor, a military coup would indeed have occurred given her level of corruption:
As mentioned in my previous article, the Clintons’ corruption began with Bill’s term as Governor of the State of Arkansas, where he supported CIA drug running operations out of Mena, Arkansas. As investigative reporter Roger Morris discovered, there were many documents showing how the Clintons financially benefited, and even photos showing Bill using cocaine. This made it easy for the Deep State to manipulate Bill Clinton throughout his Presidency.
As Bill’s Presidency was coming to an end, Hillary’s rise to high political office was made possible, according to QAnon, by the CIA assassinating John F. Kennedy’s Jr., who was a threat to her plan to run for New York’s open US Senate seat in the November 2000 election.
If Clinton had indeed been helped in this sinister way by the Deep State, it is easy to understand how important she was to their future plans, and how deeply compromised she was.
These are only some of the “corrupt and dirty” events mentioned by QAnon, which the Clintons were deeply involved in, all of which facilitated Deep State power.
As to Corsi’s claim that military intelligence had recruited Trump to run and thereby prevent a Clinton victory through a rigged election, here is what QAnon had to say on the topic back on October 31, 2017:
Corsi did not elaborate on the three generals that approached him in 2015, but it would be a fair to guess that Lt. General Michael Flynn was involved. As a former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Flynn would have been aware of the deep corruption underscoring the Clintons and the dirty tricks played by the CIA in support of the Deep State.
Flynn famously led chants of “lock her up” at the 2016 Republican convention when discussing Hillary Clinton.
Flynn’s appointment as Trump’s National Security Advisor, and quick departure less than a month later, appears to have been a major setback for the Military Intelligence community secretly backing the Trump administration. On October 28, 2017, QAnon first began releasing information on message boards. Presumably, this was done to enlist public support in exposing and taking action against corrupt public officials impeding Trump’s policies and the Military Intelligence community’s plans.
The level of information on Deep State control and corruption released by QAnon in over 1100 posts to date is astounding in its scope and impact. A number of false flag events have been revealed, the most significant being a January 13, 2018 nuclear ballistic missile attack against Hawaii, which was intended to start a major regional war.
The knowledge that these revelations are coming from senior military intelligence officials working closely with the Trump Administration to overcome the corrupting power and influence of the Deep State is highly significant.
One can only guess what will happen if the military intelligence community succeeds in its plans to overcome the corruption and dirty tricks of the Deep State. While I don’t personally support many of Trump’s policies that have a right wing, pro-business, conservative agenda that guts many necessary welfare programs, I nevertheless recognize many positive benefits from dismantling the Deep State.
Exposing and removing corrupt Deep State officials will open the door to many life changing technologies that have been suppressed for decades, to finally be released to the public. It appears that this is what Trump was referring to during his Inauguration speech on January 20, 2017:
We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.
These technologies are so advanced that a Star Trek-like future is well within the reach of all of us. This merits keeping, at the very least, an open mind about the Trump administration, what Corsi was told about a possible coup d’etat and the 2016 election, and what QAnon is revealing to us.
by Duke Brickhouse, Part 5.3 in the Channeling Series Click here for Part 5.1, Part 5.2
Part 5.3: Hanging On By A Thread
In this third and final installment of the true Seth Rich story, as disclosed by Karl Mollison’s channeling of Spirit Seth in a June 9, 2017 interview by Denny Hunt on his YouTube channel, “Why Is This True?”, I continue the chain of events that I began in part 5.2 with the fabrication of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia in order to cover up the fact that Seth Rich was murdered in retribution for his leaking culpatory Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails to Wikileaks, a revelation that could very well expose the wizard pulling the levers behind the curtain – the group of career intelligence officials who run a shadow government known as the “deep state”.
The back story of Seth Rich centers around Seth’s devotion to a pure democratic process, and how the deep state went into damage control when they discovered that he had leaked thousands of sensitive DNC emails to Wikileaks in May and June of 2016. The deep state sequestered the computer evidence through the compromised cyber security firm, CrowdStrike, preventing even the FBI from accessing the DNC’s computers. Then they invented a Russian scapegoat called Guccifer 2.0 to take credit for hacking the emails and turning them over to Wikileaks. Toward the end of June, DNC chairs Linda Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazile bribed Seth by offering him a job at the Hillary Clinton campaign headquarters in New York City for the duration of the presidential campaign. Seth may have said yes to the promotion, but his refusal to go along with the Trump/Russia cover story resulted in his murder early Sunday morning, July 10th, 2016.
Seth Rich
In this channeling, Spirit Seth reveals that his murder “… was indeed a political assassination. This was payback for the actions I took that were…harmful to certain vested interests politically.” Seth’s ‘actions’ were to reveal the truth of the DNC’s decidedly undemocratic bias for Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders during the Democrat primaries. But it was the deep state that was pulling the DNC’s strings to make sure that their puppet candidate, Hillary, would win the Presidential election.
As Spirit Seth explains, “they use the very acts of the truth-teller to turn things around and work it in such a way… to enlist an opposition and to make that the truth of things…” And this is exactly what happened. They took Seth’s exposure of the DNC’s pro-Hillary bias and flipped it to make the leaked DNC emails appear to be the result of an “attack” on American democracy by the Russians, having nothing to do with Seth Rich. In the months following the murder, the deep state would be vigilant to distract public attention from Seth Rich altogether. To this end, they would promote a secret collusion between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
As extensively related in part 5.1 of this series, Spirit Seth required a “spirit rescue”, as higher density negative extraterrestrials prevented Seth’s spirit from escaping this plane and reaching the Divine Realm. Spirit Seth was kept at bay in a non-physical sensory-deprived purgatory until his rescue by Denny and Karl. Karl’s background and channeling protocol is more fully explained in the first article as well.
Once again, my intention in this three-part series of articles is to present the flow of events that show a pattern of deception, ridicule, and misdirection employed by the deep state to accomplish its ends. Complicit were the D.C. police in their red-herring murder investigation, the Washington Hospital Center where Seth mysteriously died, and Seth’s own highly compromised and mind-controlled family who displayed a programmed cognitive dissonance whenever anyone brought up the possibility that Seth may have worked directly with Wikileaks.
I do not attempt to cite my source for every piece of information presented. I gathered the information from news articles and video reports that anyone can Google and find on the internet.
In the previous article I presented a timeline showing step-by-step how the deep state controlled the public narrative through its influence over prominent politicians, government officials, and the mainstream media. I tracked the evolving Russian narrative up to the Presidential election in November 2016. In this final part of the story, I continue to follow the development of the deep state Russian hacking narrative after the election and into the Trump administration, and the increasingly desperate measures taken by the deep state to ensure that the investigations of Russian ties to the DNC email leaks and accusations of collusion with the Trump campaign dominated the headlines.
The Beat Goes On
On November 21, 2016, two weeks after Donald Trump’s upset victory over Hillary Clinton in the U.S. Presidential election, the Rich family’s self-appointed patron, attorney and Republican lobbyist Jack Burkman, gathered the family for a news conference asking for information or surveillance video of Seth’s murder as the D.C. police still had no leads. They related how the previous day they had all gathered on a street corner in Seth’s neighborhood to hold a rally and distribute posters. Seth’s mother, Mary Rich, marveled that the DNC’s interim chair, Donna Brazile, would come to the rally.
In November 2016, Jack Burkman made a $100,000 contribution to the Seth Rich police reward. In December Burkman would add another $5000. Along with the D.C. police department’s reward of $25,000 and Wikileaks’ $20,000, the total in the police reward fund for information on the Seth Rich murder stood at $150,000.
The family’s deep state handler, Brad Bauman, sternly monitored the news conference. Bauman stated that the family only wanted to get to the facts of who killed Seth Rich, while dismissing any so-called conspiracy theories. When Burkman stepped up to say that he personally didn’t see much evidence of an attempted robbery, Seth’s father Joel Rich quickly responded that the D.C. police had found no evidence suggesting that Seth’s murder was anything other than a botched robbery, and that’s what the family believed. Anything outside of the official police version, said Joel, was nothing more than a lie and a conspiracy theory.
On December 9, 2016, the CIA released a report concluding that the “cyber-attack” which resulted in the DNC’s emails being leaked to Wikileaks was carried out by covert Russian agents directly tied to the Kremlin, and was intended to prevent Hillary Clinton from winning the presidential election in 2016. That day, both TheWashington Post and TheNew York Times ran articles saying that U.S. intelligence officials had a “high confidence” that Russia was involved in hacking the DNC servers in an attempt to sway the U.S. election in Trump’s favor.
Russian President Vladimir Putin categorically denied the Russian government’s involvement in any such cyber-attacks.
On December 14, 2016, Wikileaks associate and former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray told the London Daily Mail that he had received a flash drive containing the Podesta emails in September 2016 at a rendezvous in a wooded area in northwest D.C. near American University from a Democratic party insider who was disgusted “at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election against Bernie Sanders.” So it appears that Seth wasn’t the only one at the DNC leaking emails.
On December 30, 2016, President Obama ordered sweeping sanctions against Russia. He ordered thirty-five Russian diplomats be expelled from the U.S. and the closure of two Russian diplomatic compounds.
On January 5, 2017, Reuters reported that a CIA agent revealed that the CIA had identified the Russians who hacked the DNC, and that Putin had been directing his military intelligence agency to carry out the cyber-attacks in order to discredit the U.S. election process, to assist Trump’s campaign, and to undermine Hillary’s. The CIA agent chose to remain anonymous because this information he was leaking was top secret. Director of U.S. Intelligence James Clapper confirmed this “intel”, and that Putin’s inner circle was reportedly celebrating Trump’s election win as “a victory over the United States”.
On January 6, 2016 a much anticipated intelligence report commissioned by Obama was released. Signed off by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, CIA Director John Brennan, and FBI Director James Comey, the report confirmed that Russia had directed the hacking of the DNC email servers and their release to Wikileaks. The report depicted Russia’s interference as unprecedented in scale. The fourteen page report specifically rebuts Trump’s repeated assertions that the intelligence community had no evidence of Russia’s involvement.
Republican House Intelligence Committee chair, Devin Nunes, used the intelligence report to criticize Obama, saying that the House Committee “has been warning the Obama administration for years about the need for stronger measures against Russia . . . but our warnings largely fell on deaf ears.”
On January 18, 2017, in President Obama’s final press conference, amid his joking and listing of his administration’s accomplishments, he dutifully brought up Wikileaks and the intelligence community’s conclusions of Russian hacking, noting however, that they were not conclusive.
Deconstructing Guccifer 2.0
On June 15, 2016, an anonymous internet troll calling himself Guccifer 2.0 claimed responsibility for hacking the DNC servers. Three days later, Guccifer 2.0 released a limited amount of innocuous DNC documents to the political website, The Hill, and claimed to have leaked the DNC emails to Wikileaks. On September 13, 2016, Guccifer 2.0 released more “hacked” DNC emails online to Forbes magazine. On October 4, 2016, Guccifer 2.0 released documents hacked from the Clinton Foundation, but they turned out to be previously released documents as well as some public records.
On October 7, 2016, the entire U.S. intelligence community consisting of seventeen agencies unanimously stated that they were “confident” that the Russian government directed the DNC hack and identified and Guccifer 2.0 as the Russian assets acting on behalf of the Kremlin.
Guccifer 2.0 named himself after a known Romanian computer-hacker, Guccifer 1.0, who in 2016 was already in police custody for hacking Hillary’s private email server when she was Secretary of State. Guccifer 2.0 initially claimed that he was Romanian, but that was quickly dispelled since he couldn’t speak Romanian.
Although Guccifer 2.0 denied that he was connected with the Russians, as a real hacker would, cyber experts easily found underlying metadata “fingerprints” of the Russians in the hacked DNC emails and documents that Guccifer 2.0 had provided.
Back in 2003, a group of former U.S. intelligence agency computer experts, disgruntled by the disinformation generated by the intelligence community after 9/11, left the government to form their own independent cyber-analysis organization known as Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS). Of the thirty computer experts within this organization, four former senior NSA and CIA analysts who were expert in Russian intelligence and computer technology scrutinized the Guccifer 2.0 documents. In December 2016, VIPS released a preliminary report criticizing the Russian hacking narrative as having zero evidence, and that the DNC emails were leaked by someone at the DNC, not by the Russians.
In March 2017, Wikileaks released another cache of U.S. intelligence documents identified as “Vault 7”. These documents revealed the existence of a “Project Umbrage”, an entire U.S. intelligence department dedicated to the “misdirect attribution” of the source of a CIA cyber-operation to other locations (most often Russia) by leaving false-flag cyber-fingerprints for independent computer analysts to find.
On April 25, 2017, a former government cyber expert by the name of Adam Carter came forward with his own analysis of Guccifer 2.0. Said Carter, “The (Hillary) campaign was in a desperate position and really needed something similar to a Russian hacker narrative, and one where they would be fortunate to have a seemingly clumsy hacker that leaves lots of ‘fingerprints’ tainting the file and bringing the reputation of the leaks into question.” “Sure enough,” said Carter, “Guccifer 2.0 – the world’s weirdest hacker – was spawned and started telling lies in an effort to attribute himself to the malware discoveries, etc.” Carter surmised that it was likely a government misdirect attribution effort whereby CrowdStrike, the deep state’s pet cyber-security firm, invented a DNC hacker ostensibly working with the Russians in order to discredit the impending July 22, 2016 Wikileaks release. Said Carter, “CrowdStrike had the means. The Hillary Clinton campaign had the motive.”
On July 24, 2017, VIPS released their full report on Guccifer 2.0, concluding that the cyber-fingerprints were a clumsy misdirect attribution deliberately intended to implicate a Russian source. They discovered that Guccifer 2.0 had even hidden the name of the supposed Russian hacker within the layered data: Felix Dzerzhinsky, the founder of the Soviet secret police who had died a hundred years earlier.
The VIPS report also noted that the highly touted seventeen intelligence agencies that concurred with CrowdStrike’s original finding in 2016, that the Russians had hacked the DNC servers, were actually three hand-picked analysts from the CIA, NSA and FBI, an epiphany later confirmed by James Clapper, the Director of Intelligence who originally announced the “unanimous findings of all seventeen agencies” on October 7, 2016.
In July 2017, a private computer analyst calling himself “the Forensicator” released his own study of the Guccifer 2.0 hack. According to analysis of data speed transfers, he concluded that it couldn’t have been the Russians hacking the DNC, but it had to have been a direct download to a local flash drive by someone on the inside.
The DNC responded to the VIPS report by reiterating that the intelligence agencies had unanimously concluded that the Russians did it, and therefore any suggestion otherwise was pure conspiracy theory obviously being pushed by the Trump administration. Media outlets dismissed the report out of hand, calling it “incoherent” and “the product of a crank”.
Congress Gets Involved
On March 10, 2017, The New York Times reported that the DNC hacker, Guccifer 2.0, had private Twitter correspondence with Trump campaign advisor Roger Stone back in August 2016. Stone characterized the exchanges as “…so perfunctory, brief and banal I had forgotten it”. But it gave the political pundits “hard evidence” that the Russians had been working with the Trump campaign to steal the election from Hillary, and to call for a Congressional hearing.
The House of Representatives convened hearings on Russian interference in the U.S. election. On March 20, 2017, before the House Intelligence Committee, FBI Director James Comey for the first time acknowledged that the bureau was investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election and Russia’s possible collusion with the Trump campaign. News outlets such as The New York Times used this opportunity to bring up any remote or suspected business ties that Trump and his circle ever had with Russia.
Comey told the House Committee that although the FBI was denied access to the DNC servers in their investigation, they could rely on the information provided to them by the DNC’s cyber-security firm, CrowdStrike. “[This] my folks tell me, is an appropriate substitute”, said Comey. CrowdStrike’s Dimitri Alperovitch refused to testify to the House Committee at all.
President Trump turned to his closest intelligence advisers, Dan Coats the Director of National Intelligence, and Admiral Michael Rogers, Chief of the National Security Agency. He asked them to inform the press that there wasn’t any evidence of Trump’s collusion with Russia. But neither of them would cross the deep state and they both remained silent.
This is how our government operates. They spend their time chasing red herrings and getting very little accomplished. This is an intentional flaw created by the extraterrestrial Anunnaki overlords, and the deep state does their bidding. As Spirit Seth explains, “Things that are allowed to succeed are mostly the trivial or the things with a surface value. And they may sound good and may be shiny, but lack depth and lack effectiveness. The tough problems are simply not dealt with.”
“Most people within the Washington community are engaged in chasing their own tail, are not contributing in any way to humanity, and in fact are draining away options and possibilities because they are viewed as the ones in charge and in control.” says Spirit Seth. “And of course, they have the purse strings… doling out funds for many badly needed programs. The making of laws governs everything. Multiple layers of redundant, confusing, conflicting regulations… consume huge amounts of wasted effort… [and] act as a drain on productivity. This goes on at all levels.”
Introducing Rod Wheeler
In March 2017, Dallas businessman and Washington insider, Ed Butowsky, got in touch with Seth’s dad, Joel Rich. Since the D.C. police were getting nowhere, Butowsky suggested they hire a private investigator and he would pay for it. The lobbyist Jack Burkman suggested hiring former D.C. police homicide detective Rod Wheeler. Wheeler was fired from the D.C. police department in 1995. But the Rich family had seen Wheeler on Fox News so they readily agreed.
Once again, Burkman publicly stated that he didn’t buy the botched robbery theory that the D.C. police were selling. The problem, however, was that Burkman had latched onto a theory that involved the Russians hacking the DNC, giving the emails to Wikileaks, and then killing Seth to cover it up. The Rich family distanced themselves from Burkman.
Jack Burkman
Conditioned to disregard any investigation theory that considered Seth’s involvement with Wikileaks, Seth’s brother Aaron set up a GoFundMe page to help cover the costs of the continuing D.C. police investigation which steadfastly focused on the botched robbery theory and offered no evidence at all. A memorial fundraiser for Seth was held at the Rich family’s synagogue in Omaha. The DNC’s Donna Brazile spoke at the event. This was right about the time when Brazile finally admitted that back in October 2016, when Brazile had moderated a CNN “town hall” campaign event featuring Hillary Clinton, Brazile had given Hillary the questions ahead of time. Brazile had denied it since October. Seth’s mother Mary remarked of Donna Brazile, “When have you ever heard of a boss leading a murder investigation of their employee?”
On March 31, 2017, the Rich family’s newly hired private investigator, Rod Wheeler, was interviewed by the D.C. Fox News affiliate, Fox 5 News. Wheeler stated that he saw no evidence of Russian involvement, but the murder could have been related to Seth’s job at the DNC. This renewed public interest in the Seth Rich murder story.
Rod Wheeler
On May 15, 2017, Wheeler told a Fox 5 News reporter that he now had a source linking Seth Rich to Wikileaks. The Fox 5 News report went as follows – Fox 5: “You have sources at the FBI saying that there is information that could link Seth Rich to Wikileaks?” Wheeler: “Absolutely. Yeah. That’s confirmed.”
Wheeler also said that his contact in the D.C. police department told him that the D.C. police were ordered to “stand down” in the Seth Rich investigation. Wheeler believed there was evidence of a cover up in the Seth Rich murder case.
Outraged, the Rich family demanded a retraction by Wheeler and Fox 5 News.
On May 16, 2017, the Rich family sent the Fox 5 News reporter a carefully worded statement (sounding suspiciously like their handler Brad Bauman). They wrote: “As we’ve seen through the past year of unsubstantiated claims, we see no facts, we have seen no evidence, we have been approached with no emails and only learned about this [Wheeler interview] when contacted by the press. Even if tomorrow, an email [implicating Seth with Wikileaks] was found, it is not a high enough bar of evidence to prove any interactions as emails can be altered, and we’ve seen that those interested in pushing conspiracies will stop at nothing to do so. We are a family who is committed to facts, and not fake evidence that surfaces every few months to fill the void and distract law enforcement and the general public from finding Seth’s murderers. The services of the private investigator who spoke to [the] press was offered to the Rich family and paid for by a third party, and contractually was barred from speaking to [the] press or anyone outside of law enforcement or the family unless explicitly authorized by the family.”
Brad Bauman, himself, also responded to the renewed allegations tying Seth to Wikileaks by writing, “Anyone who continues to push this fake news story after it was so thoroughly debunked is proving to the world they have a transparent political agenda or are a sociopath… showing a profound lack of judgment and common decency.” Bauman added that anyone who believes Rich may have leaked the DNC e-mails “deserves a place in hell.” Finally, Bauman pointed out that even if an email had been sent by Seth to Wikileaks, it still would not be evidence of foul play.
Brad Bauman
So, according to both the family and Bauman, even if email evidence were presented to the family tying Seth to Wikileaks, they would not believe it.
In response to these scathing rebukes from the Rich family, the Fox 5 News affiliate retracted the story that very day. But the Fox 5 News report had caught the attention of Sean Hannity at Fox News in New York. On May 16, 2017, Hannity brought Rod Wheeler onto his show. Wheeler told Hannity that he was still under contract with the Rich family and that he had spoken with a credible federal investigator (FBI) who looked at Seth’s personal computer while in the possession of the D.C. police, and it showed evidence of contact between Seth and Wikileaks. And if it was just a robbery/ murder, why would the FBI be involved in the investigation? In an accompanying article on the Fox News website, Wheeler is quoted as saying that someone within the D.C. government, DNC, or the Clinton team is blocking the murder investigation from going forward.
Conversely, NBC News reported that the D.C. police’s official position was that Seth’s laptop “never contained any e-mails related to WikiLeaks, and the FBI never had it.”
Wheeler also told Hannity that when Wheeler first reached out to the D.C police to inquire as to the Seth Rich investigation, the police did not return his calls because a “high ranking official at the DNC” (whom Wheeler later identified as DNC chair Donna Brazile) called the D.C. police, and also called Seth’s father, Joel, to demand to know why Wheeler was “snooping around” the investigation as she understood that the Rich family had fired Wheeler. Wheeler then said that this high ranking DNC official was the same person Seth was having problems with at the DNC just before his murder. In a later statement, Wheeler said that U.S. Congresswoman and former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was also keeping close tabs on Wheeler’s investigation.
Hannity and Wheeler
On May 17, 2017, Fox News reported that a “federal investigator” had corroborated Wheeler’s story that an FBI analysis of Seth’s computer showed that Seth had transferred over 44,053 DNC emails plus attachments to Wikileaks director Gavin MacFayden – the exact amount of emails subsequently published by Wikileaks.
On May 19, 2017, the Rich family’s lawyer sent Wheeler a written demand to cease and desist acting as the family’s private investigator. In a video statement the Rich family expressed their deep disappointment with Rod Wheeler, and that they were exploring legal remedies against him.
This same day the Russian Embassy in the United Kingdom tweeted “Wikileaks informer Seth Rich murdered in U.S. but [the British mainstream media] was so busy accusing Russian hackers to take notice.”
On May 22, 2017, Wheeler communicated with Fox News reporter, Malia Zimmerman, saying that Donna Brazile’s actions made her a person of interest in the Seth Rich investigation. “I sincerely believe that there is an underground culture of corruption that exists within the confines of the nation’s capital that includes quite possibly the crime of murder,” Wheeler told Zimmerman.
Wheeler also related that when the D.C. police returned Seth’s personal computer to the family, Wheeler asked brother Aaron if he could take a look at Seth’s computer to see if Seth was arguing with anyone before the murder. Aaron replied, “No. I already checked it. Don’t worry about it.” When Wheeler asked about Seth’s cell phones, Aaron said, “We’re not going to worry about the cell phones.” Then Aaron told Wheeler, “All I want you to do is work on the botched robbery theory and that’s it.”
Damage Control
At this point the deep state went into full damage control. Every writer in every corrupted media outlet from The New York Times to CNN churned out story after story ridiculing anyone who spoke about a possible connection between Seth Rich and Wikileaks. The mainstream media haughtily dismissed any such notion as a loony tunes conspiracy theory on par with Pizzagate, another story that had emerged from the leaked DNC emails which the mainstream media successfully torpedoed through scorn and ridicule.
The New York Times called the Seth/Wikileaks connection “fake news”. The Huffington Post called it “alt-right idiocy”. ‘Fact checking’ organizations called it pure conspiracy theory. Corporate sponsors were pulling their advertising from Fox News for merely mentioning the Seth Rich conspiracy theory. Other media outlets took notice of these tactics.
Apparently, it was Donna Brazile’s job to contain the Seth Rich story. On May 21, 2017, Donna Brazile tweeted, “Seth Rich was… proud to be an American. This desire to scar Seth’s legacy to his country and party is shameful.” Three days later Twitter shut down the feed for news source for 12 hours in retaliation for tweeting a story that it was Donna Brazile who had called the D.C. police to ask why Rod Wheeler was still snooping around the Seth Rich investigation.
Donna Brazile
On May 22, 2017, The Gateway Pundit reported that the video from the body cameras worn by three of the six D.C. police officers responding to the scene of Seth’s shooting had disappeared. Also, the bar manager at Lou’s City Bar where Seth was last seen before the shooting said that the D.C. police never bothered to interview him or any of his employees, nor did they request to see the bar’s security video.
On his Fox News show on May 22, 2017, Sean Hannity introduced to the mainstream public a German/Finn living in New Zealand by the name of Kim Schmitz, who went by the internet screenname ‘Kim Dotcom’. In an earlier May 20, 2017 Twitter post, Schmitz revealed that he’d been online friends with Seth Rich, and that they had been communicating for a couple of years. Schmitz said that in his internet correspondence Seth used the screen name ‘Panda’. It was well-known that Seth loved pandas and once wore a panda costume to work all day. He said that he and Seth often talked about political corruption and the undue influence of corporate money in politics. According to Schmitz, Seth was interested in forming an American branch of the New Internet Party, a political group that Schmitz founded in New Zealand in 2014.
Kim “Dotcom” Schmitz
The family’s deep state spin doctor, Brad Bauman, responded with typical rhetoric and ridicule. “The Rich family is tired of having to respond to accusations in damaging Seth’s good name and creating more emotional hardship on a grieving family. The family is not going to entertain his (Schmitz’) ridiculous, manipulative and completely non-credible statements.”
The U.S. Justice Department is currently trying to extradite Schmitz from New Zealand to stand trial for copyright infringement allegedly committed on his internet file-hosting service which the U.S. government characterizes as “massive worldwide online piracy.” Schmitz faces several decades in prison, demonstrating the long reach and ruthlessness of the deep state. For his part, Schmitz has announced his new project – an alternative internet not controlled by the deep state.
The circumstantial evidence of Seth’s involvement with the DNC email leak to Wikileaks was mounting. The deep state needed to pull out their big guns to take back the news cycle and resume its mainstream mind control.
On May 23, 2016, former CIA director John Brennan steered the news cycle back to Trump and the Russians by telling a House Intelligence Committee how “concerned” he was that Moscow was pulling the President’s strings, and that he was “aware” that Russian officials had interacted with the Trump campaign during the summer of 2016, although Brennan conceded that he didn’t have a shred of evidence.
That same day, the Rich family published an op-ed article in The Washington Post to report that the D.C. police had still found no connection between Seth and Wikileaks on Seth’s computer, and they asked “those purveying falsehoods to give us peace, and to give law enforcement the time and space to do the investigation they need to solve our son’s murder.”
Mary, Aaron and Joel Rich
Also on that day, Aaron Rich wrote a letter to the Executive Producer of Sean Hannity’s Fox News show, Porter Berry. It was released to the public by CNN. In it, Aaron said, “It is a travesty that you would promote false conspiracy theories and other people’s agendas rather than work with the family to learn the truth.” “Think about how you would feel losing a son or brother. And while dealing with this, you had baseless accusations of your lost family member being part of a vast conspiracy.” “As such, we urge you to please not provide a platform for a person who is known to have pushed false evidence in the past…” (ie: Kim Dotcom) “… To spread potentially false, damaging information will cause us additional pain, suffering and sorrow. By airing this information, you will continue to emotionally hurt us.” “We appeal to your decency to not cause a grieving family more pain and suffering by allowing your platform to be used by someone to drag our family name through the mud.”
Finally, on this busy day of May 23, 2017, One America News Network (on Direct TV) added $100,000 to the Seth Rich reward fund to increase the total to $250,000.
By the end of day May 23, 2017, Fox News New York had succumbed to the pressure and retracted the Wheeler story.
The deep state apparently had gotten to Rod Wheeler too.
It had been only one week since Wheeler made his unambiguous statements to Fox 5 News: (a) he had a source in the FBI with evidence linking Seth to Wikileaks, and (b) the D.C. police were ordered to ‘stand down’ in the investigation; and not very long since Wheeler had made statements to other media outlets saying (c) the FBI had evidence that Seth transferred 44,053 DNC emails to a Wikileaks’ director, (d) brother Aaron refused to allow Wheeler to look at Seth’s returned personal computer and instructed Wheeler to pursue only the robbery theory, (e) Wheeler suspected a cover up, and (f) Donna Brazile was a person of interest.
All of the sudden Wheeler completely changed his story. He flat out denied ever seeing any evidence or speaking to anyone in the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department about a link between Seth Rich and Wikileaks. On August 1st Wheeler would file a federal lawsuit saying that he was misquoted on Fox, and that Fox News, Butowski, and Donald Trump himself had colluded to fabricate the story and cajoled Wheeler into going public with it.
The outcome of this lawsuit, if it goes to trial at all, is irrelevant. As Spirit Seth previously explained, the deep state’s real intention is “…to turn things around… and to make that the truth of things…” In this instance, Wheeler has taken his own theory of Seth’s leaking the DNC emails to Wikileaks, and turned his prior public statements around to accuse Fox News and President Trump of putting those words in his mouth in order to help hide the collusion between Russia and Trump in stealing the election from Hillary.
As far-fetched as this sounds, the mainstream media fed it to a mind-controlled populace that was becoming evermore confused and tired of hearing about Seth Rich. Escalating news fatigue is part of the deep state mind-control strategy. The deep state really doesn’t care about another frivolous lawsuit. They are only interested in Wheeler’s claims having the appearance of being truthful. Wheeler had succumbed to their intimidation, and now the deep state intended to make the most of this false publicity to close the book on the entire Seth Rich story, focusing instead on Trump’s collusion with Russia.
The day after Wheeler filed his lawsuit, the Rich family who had very publicly criticized and fired their former private investigator were back to praising Wheeler. “We are hopeful this [lawsuit] brings an end to what has been the most emotionally difficult time in our lives, and an end to conspiracy theories surrounding our beloved Seth.”
On August, 1, 2017, DNC Communications Director, Xochitl Hinojosa, responded to Wheeler’s lawsuit saying, “it is beyond vile that the White House – and possibly even Trump himself – would use the murder of a young man to distract the public’s attention from their chaotic administration and Trump’s ties to Russia.” “The Rich family has begged those responsible for these conspiracies to stop. And yet, Trump’s allies have ignored their pain and their pleas, degrading the office of the President by spreading repulsive lies. This should outrage any decent human being. There is no excuse for the suffering that Trump’s associates and their conspirators at Fox have caused the Rich family and those closest to him. Both parties should denounce these sick and twisted tactics.”
These are examples of “piling on” as commonly used by the mainstream media. One compromised source will quote another and so on. They maintain the “official” story, and ridicule anyone who suggests anything otherwise. Then they top it off with emotionally charged pleas that these unfounded attacks are harming innocent victims and family members.
In spite of Fox News’ official retraction, Fox personalities Sean Hannity and Newt Gingrich, and Congressman Blake Farenthold refused to let the Seth Rich/Wikileaks theory die. They knew that something smelled fishy. On May 24, 2017, Farenthold was castigated on CNN for calling for a real investigation of the Seth murder, and suggesting that the Russian investigation might simply be a distraction. The CNN hosts shut him down, insisting that the D.C. police had already determined that Seth was killed in a botched robbery attempt.
At the end of May 2017, a government watch group called Judicial Watch declared that there was “credible evidence” that still needed to be addressed in the Seth Rich murder investigation. They charged the D.C. Mayor, Muriel Bowser, with shutting down the police investigation, withholding key evidence from the public, and refusing to cooperate with anyone investigating the Seth Rich case. In response, the mayor repeated that it was a botched robbery and nothing more.
On May 26, 2017, reviled pharmaceutical tycoon Martin Shkreli made an uncharacteristically generous gesture by adding $100,000 to the police reward for a total of $350,000 for information in the Seth Rich murder. Still, no one has stepped forward with any information.
By June 2017, it had been almost a year since Seth’s murder. It was time for the deep state intelligence community and the mainstream media to doubled down on the Russian cyber-war narrative and end any lingering talk about a Seth Rich/Wikileaks connection.
In a June 23, 2017 article, The Washington Post reported that Russia had hacked the DNC’s computers as early as the summer of 2015, but the breaches did not become public until they were disclosed by none other than the Post in June 2016. The article claims that the FBI is still tracking “a flurry of hacking activity” by Russia against U.S. political parties, think tanks, and other targets.
In May 2016, the Profiling Project, a group of George Washington University forensics students financed by Jack Burkman, the D.C. attorney and Rich family benefactor who was banished from the family’s inner circle for mentioning the possibility of Seth’s ties with Wikileaks, filed a lawsuit to preserve police evidence of Seth’s murder. In June, it was reported that Seth’s extensive social media posts were being systematically deleted, including his anonymous postings. On June 20, 2017, the Profiling Project released an independent report on the Seth Rich murder saying it was most likely the act of a hired killer, and that video, ballistic, autopsy documents, and medical examiner’s evidence were being suppressed by the police. Rich family “spokesperson” Brad Bauman regarded the Profiling Project report as pathetically amateurish and incomplete, deserving of no consideration whatsoever. Burkman and his Profiling Project’s further attempts during the summer to create sensationalist videos to renew public interest in the Seth Rich story were largely ridiculed and ignored.
By the end of the summer of 2017, the mainstream media had largely forgotten about the Seth Rich murder, much less any link between Seth, the DNC emails and Wikileaks. Predictably, the Seth Rich story has become old news. A handful of internet news sites such as (WND) have tried to keep the investigation in the forefront, but the mind-controlled American public have decided that the Seth Rich story is “fake news” and “conspiracy theory”. The real story is the collusion between the Russians (Putin himself actually) and Donald Trump to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. It appears that the deep state manipulators have prevailed once again.
On November 11, 2017, former DNC chair Donna Brazile released her book Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-Ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House. While Brazile takes the opportunity to make herself out to be the savior of the Democratic Party, she steadfastly maintains the false Russian hacking narrative. In the book she writes, “With all I knew now about the Russians’ hacking, I could not help but wonder if they had played some part in [Seth’s] unsolved murder. Besides that, racial tensions were high that summer and I worried that he was murdered for being white on the wrong side of town.” She added, “His death continued to tear me up inside.” Brazile also mentions Seth in the dedication section of her book.
While the DNC claimed to honor Seth as a friend and patriot, and was publicly outraged at Seth’s unsolved murder, neither the DNC nor Hillary’s campaign made any contribution to the Seth Rich police reward fund. When asked why the DNC had not contributed to Seth’s reward fund seeking information on the killers, Donna Brazile replied that the DNC was prohibited from making such contributions. Federal election law experts countered that no such legal prohibition exists. While individuals cannot be personally enriched by campaign donations, both the DNC and the Clinton campaign committee are free to contribute to a criminal investigation either directly, or indirectly through a charitable organization.
One expert remarked, “they (the DNC) certainly didn’t mind spending money on the Trump dossier.” This is in reference to an intelligence dossier created by Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer hired by Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS is an ‘opposition research’ firm with ties to the Democratic Party that was retained by the DNC. The DNC reportedly spent over $10 million for the dossier. And as Brazile relates in her book, the Hillary campaign committee controlled the DNC’s purse strings.
Publicly released in the fall of 2016, the Steele dossier made several claims against Trump – none of which have been proven. Among these claims the dossier alleges that during a trip to Moscow, Trump hired prostitutes to urinate on the bed that Obama had slept on in the hotel’s presidential suite; that Trump had been providing Russia with intelligence for years; and that Trump would agree to ignore the ongoing Ukraine/Russian conflict if Russia would leak their hacked DNC emails to Wikileaks. Steele is currently being investigated by the U.S. Justice Department for lying to the FBI with regard to the dossier.
But the deep state isn’t going to help an investigation that could potentially reveal Seth as the staffer who leaked the DNC emails to Wikileaks, thereby exposing the false Russia-Trump narrative and implicating the deep state in the murder of Seth Rich. Rather than contribute to the police reward to assist in the murder investigation, they dedicated a bike rack to Seth at the entrance of the DNC headquarters.
At a book signing in November 2017, when asked about any revelations of Seth’s connection with the DNC emails leaked to Wikileaks, Donna Brazile became visibly angry and incoherent, accusing reporters of trying to smear Seth and his family for mere sensationalism. “Once again, I would like to go on the record as saying that the attempt to smear Seth Rich has caused enormous harm to his family,” Brazile charged. “Joel and Mary (Rich’s parents) deserve better than that kind of salacious, sensational type of journalism.” “Seth was a patriot. I got a chance to work with him. I wish you would have known him, because, had you known him, you would not be bringing up some of what I call blatant attempts to smear his name.”
Whenever confronted with Seth’s direct involvement in the DNC leaks, Brazile will go into an emotionally-charged tirade about conspiracy theories, how Seth was a patriot and a nice guy who doesn’t deserve to be smeared as a traitor, how the Rich family is suffering from these smear tactics, and how she herself fears for her own life. Her demeanor becomes highly combative. She will ramble incoherently and refuse to answer direct questions regarding Seth. These are telling signs of her deep state mind control programming.
In her book, Brazile reveals that immediately after the DNC computer “hack”, the DNC’s cyber-security firm, CrowdStrike, made a ‘replica’ of the data, and at a cost of “millions of dollars”, destroyed the DNC’s email servers and computer hard drives in order to purge the Russian spyware infecting them.
An unnamed government cybersecurity contractor described Brazile’s explanation for destroying the servers as “the stupidest thing I ever heard.”
“That’s clearly a lie by a politician who knows nothing about cyber security, or they’re lying,” said the government contractor. “It doesn’t matter if the server has spyware. The FBI wanted the server in the unaltered condition. If it had spyware, it’s not going to matter to the FBI. They are going to do cyber forensics on everything on the server, regardless of the spyware.”
An FBI investigative file on Hillary Clinton revealed that during the 2016 Presidential race, the Clinton campaign used a special program known as BleachBit to delete her private emails and try to prevent their recovery. This cyber security contractor suspects that the DNC likely did the same.
The primary purpose of the DNC in destroying the server is to conceal data, said the cyber security expert. “The only reason they would replicate the data is to sort through what they don’t want the FBI getting; then they destroyed the original server so real forensic analysis cannot be performed on the data that was deleted. I guarantee you there’s a lot of missing emails on the replica.”
“Even if they scrub the hard drive, there are techniques that the FBI has to recover deleted data. I guarantee the DNC erased the files off the server,” said the expert. It’s not the DNC’s job to determine whether the FBI needs to be protected from spyware. They should have just turned it over as is, and they didn’t because they have something to hide. This is common knowledge that any cyber security person would know.”
On October 18, 2017, D.C. attorney Jack Burkman filed a lawsuit against the DNC and Hillary Clinton in the D.C. Superior Court seeking financial compensation for supporters who contributed to the Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign by donating to the DNC. In November, after Donna Brazile revealed further information about the DNC’s bias toward Hillary in her book, Hack, Burkman amended his lawsuit to include Brazile as a named defendant. Burkman also contends that Brazile knows the truth about Seth Rich’s death.
In November 2017, Kim “Dotcom” Schmitz accepted a six-figure financial settlement from the police in New Zealand for the “unreasonable” use of force by an anti-terrorism Special Tactics Group working with the FBI when they conducted a pre-dawn “military style” raid on his Auckland mansion in January 2012 with helicopters and over 70 police officers “for a non-violent internet copyright infringement charge brought by the United States, which is not even a crime in New Zealand,” according to Schmitz. Schmitz’ appeal to his extradition to the U.S. to stand trial for that charge is scheduled for February 2018 in a U.S. Court of Appeals.
By October 2017, the Senate Intelligence Committee investigating collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign to sway the 2016 Presidential election had interviewed over 100 witnesses and reviewed over 100,000 pages of documents over a nine month period and still found no evidence of any collusion. Undaunted, the committee chair stated that “the issue of collusion is still open.” The top Democrat on the committee, Mark Warner, said that there is still a “large consensus that the Russians hacked into political files and strategically released them with the goal of influencing the election.”
There was, very likely, Russian cyber influence going on in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election. It may have been Russian intelligence using automatic social media bots and “troll farms” with rooms full of computers generating fake social media propaganda pages and uploading political ads. But Facebook, Google, YouTube and Twitter all say that the Russian ads and propaganda amounted to a “tiny fraction” of the overall content on their social media platforms.
The Russian’s most likely learned about the use of social media to influence an election from the U.S. intelligence community who wrote the book on meddling in other nations’ political affairs. There are strong indications that social media sites such as Google and Facebook were actually created by the CIA through its’ high tech venture capital subsidiary, In-Q-Tel, specifically to collect metadata on private citizens worldwide. They are now accusing Russia of doing what they themselves routinely continue to do.
This is all part of the deep state game. But one thing is certain. Russia did not provide Wikileaks with the DNC emails. Seth Rich did. Now the deep state has turned Seth’s leaking of DNC emails to Wikileaks into a Russian-Trump collusion narrative in order to give our elected government officials another excuse to “spin [their] wheels and waste time and effort on non-issues,” as Spirit Seth puts it.
“The greatest karmic debt is flowing from the way my action was used as evidence of a collusion with Russia and is now serving as a disinformation campaign by the intelligence community to cause disruption and confusion among the lawmakers, the legal community, and the population as a whole… where differing factions continue to be at war over trivia or non-reality, which is the case here.”
Spirit Seth notes that the deep state also used this opportunity to revive a long-standing “Cold War” antagonism between the United States and Russia, and offers an enlightened view of such recklessness. “To fan the flames of discord between nations with nuclear weapons is never a good idea. When you think about it simply in those terms, this is flirting with great danger, at a minimum, to sow discord and… hatred between these two nations. There needs to be a coming together, not growing discord and suspicion. This has resulted in near disaster in the past, as you to have unearthed in talking with other light beings,” (referring to a previous channeling by Karl Mollison of General Andrew Goodpaster, wherein Spirit Goodpaster reveals that in the late fifties, he and some other light workers successfully resisted a Reptilian effort to assassinate President Eisenhower which most likely would have led to a nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union).
“This is a favorite tool of the extraterrestrial alliance to create false reasons to… fuel clandestine activities that [require]… the superpowers to come in to police things,… bring in troops and do bombings, and so on. This happens over, and over, and over again.” says Spirit Seth. “The reasons for war are always artificial. They are always a manipulation and an orchestration.”
“When humans are allowed to be who they truly are, no one dies through the hands of another human. It is only [done] when they are corrupted from within by mind control, by manipulation through dark spirits causing doubts, fears, hatreds within, and pushing karmic buttons to remind people of times they had done such deeds via those same manipulations in past experiences or past lifetimes. Those are the only conditions when people will act in that fashion.” “[War] is never justified. It is always ginned up in some way to foment fear and discord by the extraterrestrials.” “You can see from history, this is the order of the day and always has been. This is what needs to change.”
It is essential to the deep state cover up that the media never seriously investigate the role that Seth Rich played. For if the American public learned the truth, it could be the string that unravels the deep state’s entire agenda, which is to maintain control over the world through their control of the U.S. government on behalf of a hidden extraterrestrial hierarchy that has spent the last 5000 years orchestrating the manipulation and enslavement of the human race on Earth for their own purposes. Spirit Seth describes the essence of this power base: “The corruption is engaged in and orchestrated by the extraterrestrials through multiple layers, through multiple extraterrestrial beings with differing origins, all of whom wish to control and conquer.”
These negative beings (ie: the Reptilians, Greys, and Nordic Arcturians, and their Anunnaki overlords) know that humanity has now reached a tipping point where these negative beings will either prevail in their long-term plan to rule this planet and solar system or will be defeated by the more powerful collective human consciousness working with the Divine Realm, opening the way for humanity to ascend in spiritual consciousness as is our natural progression at this time.
As Spirit Seth explains, these negative beings tolerate one another at the moment because “each has unique things it contributes to the overall effort and subjugation.” “The end purpose is the elimination of humans and the control of the planet directly. So the stakes are quite high.”
A Final Word of Encouragement from Spirit Seth
Like nearly all of the historic light workers channeled by Karl Mollison in Denny Hunt’s “Why Is This True?” YouTube series during 2017, Spirit Seth seemed less interested in recounting the unfortunate events that led to his murder and the Russian narrative concocted by the deep state, than he was in using this channeling opportunity to educate and urge humanity to save itself.
“Can we deal with [the negative ET] interlopers? Can we deal with darkness that creeps in to undermine us, the temptations to serve the ego, the temptations of power, to use it wisely and with love and not to serve selfish aims?”
“The interlopers have moved so far away from their Divine path they can readily be seen by most humans as depraved and lost. They wish to drag humans down to their level. You need not let that happen. You are winning the battle. You are a great contrast to them, and you can make things better. [You can] prevail through simply realigning fully with the light and the love available to you.”
“Highly sacred [to the Divine Realm] is the right of the person to decide who they are, what they believe, what they wish to… interpret about life on all levels. This is the great undertaking in the human enterprise, that all have an individual perspective… coming from different souls each with unique attributes. There is a rich array of possibilities and great variation in perspectives. We do not claim to have Divine truth about anything in particular. We cannot change people directly by over-riding their notions. We can only offer some testimony and allow them to sort and sift.”
“[The negative ETs] have free agency and free will, as you do. [The Divine Realm] cannot step in and stop them. But in a contest between the light and the dark, the light can win if the forces are lined up from the human side to weigh in on the Divine, taking action and winning the day.”
“This is very much a delicate business for the light beings. The reason you do not see the Angels working miracles on every street corner is because that would tip the balance and would deny humans the ability to work things out for themselves… and to establish within themselves the various beliefs about reality and non-reality. That is the valid test for them and the only true way to grow. Whatever you are simply told and decide to accept is the second-level and lower-tier form of learning. True learning [comes] through following the heart and seeking true inspiration for a higher purpose.”
“We do not wish to short-circuit the ability of those humans who are interested in my story the chance to work the puzzle out for themselves and factor in my words. We will not rob them of that… opportunity to exercise their discernment.”
“We do not wish to change anyone’s minds or hearts other than bringing information and truth forward. It is for each person to decide their own truth, to take their own stand, and to live with the consequences. This is the role of life. The great teacher is independence and responsibility, and seeing the consequences of all choices made by the individual. So we do not wish to create mass movements for persuading people per se but only bring forth truth to allow them to pick and choose what they… embrace, or perhaps will reject.”
“Many [humans] are coming in, marking time [on Earth] and making no contribution to the whole. …One can look for ways to contribute, not necessarily on the front lines or the thick of the battle, but in some way to raise their awareness. And the raising of awareness is quite important because the answer to prayers is adjusted to the level of awareness within the one who makes the prayer, with regard to their understanding of the scope of the problem at hand, the intention behind the request, and …a willingness to stand strong and draw on all their inner resources [to] cultivate the belief in the Divine as a true partner. [By this] they will gain strength and will be assisted accordingly.”
“All who do acts of bravery to uncover truth for a high purpose will receive some protection and support, … [and] many blessings for taking those bold steps. There are many needed to perform such acts to enable the Shift in Consciousness to be successful. People must step forward and come out from under the shadow. This will make them visible. It is unavoidable. So all must find some courage within, to speak out and to take a stand. This your channel and sponsor are doing because the commitment is being made on a soul level and a conscious choice made to be among the seekers of truth and the witnesses to truth. And this anyone can do and join the effort, and will be a force for good. That is the greatest service and the greatest use of the lifetime.”
“If you… embrace that loving intelligence and ask its guidance, inspiration, help, healing, and protection, …the balance will tip in [your] favor.” “There are many opposing forces and your responsibility is to safeguard your life. You are in charge. Any [additional] support [from the Divine Realm] is an extra blessing and will be given. The only question is whether it will be enough in a particular situation to prevent all harm. That may or may not be the case.”
“The issue for all who do such [light work] is to maintain safety first and foremost. There is nothing gained by reckless acts and meeting a premature demise. So if you do [light] work, in connecting to the Divine Realm you can have a greater level of safety and protection by enlisting their help. This is never a guarantee. You are always buffeted by multiple forces, all of whom have some standing and some say in things, even the dark forces.”
“Humans need to be strong. Humans need to heal themselves and one another. They need to work together. They need to see there is strength in numbers. They need to wake up and enlist the reconnection of Divine Realm as their champion and their ally. If they do these things, they will win easily. The [negative] extraterrestrials are being kept at bay. …They are losing ground [to] the growing [human] spiritual enlightenment and awakening that …you see in those people who do not settle for things the way they are, and do question [the status quo].”
“Those [people] are the ones currently escaping the [mind control] manipulation, as some are resistant. Those are the potential saviors, and the ones who can listen to and accept our message. All can contribute in the ways we have stated. The choice is yours, and if you choose to side with the light, you will have many benefits and many blessings in the future.”
As a true light worker, Seth Rich exposed deep state corruption so that the world can learn the truth about our reality. The Earth is a better place because of Seth’s courage and sense of duty to the truth. And we are better off because of the wisdom and virtue found in the exhortations of Spirit Seth in urging humanity to shake off the apathy and ignorance dulling our minds, to understand our dire situation, and to utilize the forces of love in the Divine Realm to defeat the evil beings that are poised to destroy us.
In this second part of the true Seth Rich story, as disclosed by Karl Mollison’s channeling of Spirit Seth, I present a step by step timeline showing how the deep state, comprised primarily of the American intelligence community, controlled the public narrative in 2016 through their influence over prominent politicians, government and quasi-government officials, and the mainstream media. As Spirit Seth relates, “they (the deep state) use the very acts of the truth-teller to turn things around… to use it for a nefarious purpose, to enlist an opposition, and to make that the truth of things. …That was the case in my revelation.”
Spirit Seth’s account came through renowned channeler, Karl Mollison, in a June 2017 interview by Denny Hunt on his YouTube channel, “Why Is This True?” Karl’s background and channeling process is more fully explained in the first of this three-part article, along with an overview of Seth’s murder and its subsequent spin by the deep state shadow government to create a narrative of alleged Russian government hacking into the email servers of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in the spring of 2016, with the alleged collusion of the Trump campaign, turning those emails over to Wikileaks to publicly reveal information damaging to Hillary Clinton’s election campaign and otherwise interfering with the American election process.
In this channeling, Spirit Seth, who had been a twenty-seven year old employee of the DNC, revealed that his murder in the early morning of Sunday July 10, 2016 on a neighborhood street corner, “… was indeed a political assassination. This was payback for the actions I took that were a form of wrongdoing and were harmful to certain vested interests politically. The retribution was directed towards me because of the role I played.” That role was in leaking a cache of damaging DNC emails to Wikileaks.
To fully understand the significance of the information that Spirit Seth offers, one needs to place it within the context of the events surrounding his murder. Of course, a spirit entity cannot name the names of the guilty parties, nor give any specifics that could create karmic entanglements and alter the free will of people living on the planet. But as a higher third density human being preparing to transition into the fourth density (and hopefully soon) this writer is under no such restriction.
Knowing now that Seth was indeed murdered for leaking the DNC emails, from my own perspective I will provide a timeline summary of the DNC email leaks, Seth’s murder, and the deep state psychological operation, or “psyop”, enlisted to cover up the murder. I do not attempt to cite a source for every piece of information presented. I gathered the information from the numerous news articles and video reports that can be found on the internet. Anyone can Google any part of this essay to find the source of the information, and discern the context and veracity for themselves.
Who Was Seth Rich?
Seth Rich was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska. Always interested in Democratic politics, Seth did volunteer work for the Nebraska Democratic Party, interned for U.S. Democratic Senator Ben Nelson during high school, and worked for the U.S. Census Bureau. In 2011 Seth graduated from Creighton University with a degree in political science and moved to Washington D.C. to work for Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, a Democratic pollster and political strategist.
Seth Rich
In June 2014, when Seth was 25 years old, he was hired by the Democratic National Committee to become the DNC’s Voter Expansion Data Director. The election process was something that Seth believed in deeply. It is not surprising that Seth’s job was to assist voters to locate their polling place and to expand the voter base. And though not a computer programmer per se, Seth helped to develop a computer program for the DNC where by typing in their name, people could more easily locate their polling place. Seth’s father Joel characterized Seth as a “tireless worker for the expansion of voter’s rights” and that Seth’s motto was always “go big, go bold, or go home”.
Seth considered himself a progressive idealist. According to his friends, Seth only cared about helping others. Seth’s brother Aaron said that Seth was extremely passionate about his civic duty and making sure everyone has a chance to be heard. On his LinkedIn page, Seth wrote that as a public servant, he “worked towards making the world a better place.”
Creating the Russian Narrative
The Democratic National Committee is the political organization that impartially oversees the individual state primary elections and caucuses leading to the party convention where the Democratic presidential candidate is chosen based upon the results of those state primaries.
The DNC employed a cyber-security firm out of Irvine, California called CrowdStrike. The founder and CEO of CrowdStrike is a Moscow-born political activist by the name of Dimitri Alperovitch. Alperovitch is a senior fellow with the Atlantic Council, an international anti-Russian think tank funded in part by Ukrainian billionaire, Victor Pinchuk, a major financial supporter of the Clinton Foundation. Somewhere along the line, Alperovitch developed a deep-seated hatred of his motherland.
In the spring of 2016, CrowdStrike had been tasked by the DNC with ‘snooping around’ to see if any of Bernie Sander’s campaign staffers may have accessed the voter database without permission. By April 2016, CrowdStrike announced that they were analyzing improprieties with the DNC’s email servers. The Wikileaks’ emails later showed that they had been downloaded from the DNC servers sometime in late May 2016. So whoever was tampering with the DNC emails had been doing it right under their noses. It should be noted that the DNC didn’t seek out experts in Russian cyber-hacking. They had CrowdStrike conduct the investigation, most likely because they considered it an internal leak at the time.
By April 2016, Seth had been working for the DNC for a couple of years. The Democratic Party’s state primaries and caucuses had been going on since February and had two months to go. Seth had likely seen first-hand how the DNC, and in particular DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, had actively undermined the Bernie Sanders campaign in favor of the Hillary Clinton campaign. Also there was an enormous amount of wheeling and dealing with wealthy potential donors, offering them insider perks, favors, and political appointments. All of this was ultimately revealed in the leaked DNC emails. To someone as idealistic about politics as Seth Rich, this must have been a very difficult reality check.
By mid-May 2016, it appeared that while Seth had moved some DNC files around on his computer, the main cache of 19,000 emails with attachments were apparently downloaded to a zip drive and passed along to his source at Wikileaks. CrowdStrike caught wind of it and the DNC brought in the intelligence agencies.
On May 18, 2016, the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, stated that he had seen “indications” of foreign cyber-attacks in the presidential campaigns, and that he expected more to come. This planted the seed for a narrative where they would claim that the DNC servers were “hacked” by some outside actor rather than “leaked” by an insider at the DNC.
On June 11th CrowdStrike reported that they had put a stop to all of the hacking activity in the DNC computer servers. Shortly thereafter, two “independent” cyber-security firms, Fidelis and Mandiant, reported their own findings that it had been the Russians who had hacked the DNC servers. This was followed by CrowdStrike’s confirmation that it was indeed the Russians who had penetrated the DNC’s email servers.
It is commonly known that there exists a symbiotic relationship between American high tech/cyber-security firms and the U.S. intelligence community. Most of the high-tech and cyber-security firms employed by the U.S. government were started by people closely connected to the intelligence community and initially funded by the CIA’s venture capital organization, In-Q-Tel. And once started, the government usually hires these cyber-tech firms and provides them with the majority of their operational revenue.
On June 12, 2016, Julian Assange announced that Wikileaks had obtained a large cache of DNC emails and would be publishing them.
The DNC’s lawyer, Michael Sussman, called an emergency meeting to inform the FBI that the Russians had hacked into the DNC email servers in an act of “foreign espionage,” telling the FBI “we need to tell the American public that, and soon.” But by mid-June, CrowdStrike had secretly replaced the DNC’s entire computer system, wiping clean all of the DNC’s computers and laptops. The FBI were never allowed to analyze the DNC servers or computers.
On June 14, 2016, the DNC announced in the Washington Post that their email server had been penetrated by Russian government hackers. CrowdStrike reported that Russian intelligence had been hacking the DNC computers since May 2016.
On June 15, 2016, the anonymous Guccifer 2.0 appeared on the scene to claim responsibility for hacking the DNC servers and turning the emails over to Wikileaks.
In the first week of July 2016, the CIA gave President Obama a top secret report ostensibly drawn from sources deep inside the Russian government that confirmed newspaper reports that the Russians were indeed responsible for the DNC email hack. But the CIA report went further, detailing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s direct involvement in the cyber-campaign to disrupt and discredit the U.S. presidential race. Putin’s specific instructions, according to the CIA report, were to defeat or at least damage Hillary Clinton and to help elect Donald Trump.
Meanwhile, Seth told his friends that he’d been getting pressure from his bosses at the DNC. Co-workers at the DNC reported that Seth was very upset when he’d heard that it was Russian hackers that had broken into the DNC computers and could be interfering with the presidential election. A source close to the investigation told Big League Politics that in the weeks prior to Seth’s death, DNC boss Donna Brazile and Seth had a heated verbal altercation regarding the DNC’s treatment of candidate Bernie Sanders. Seth was ultimately offered what would be a dream job for a political junkie from Omaha – a promotion to Hillary’s campaign headquarters in New York City for the duration of the campaign.
The Murder
On Saturday evening, July 9, 2016, Seth Rich went to his regular hangout, Lou’s City Bar, and sat in his regular bar seat. Seth’s girlfriend of two years, Kelsey Mulka, was out of town and he was by himself. Usually upbeat, the bartender recalled that Seth was quiet this evening and was drinking heavily, and that Seth and Kelsey had been arguing a lot lately. Seth mentioned that he had been getting a lot of heat from his superiors at work. He finally left the bar at 1:15 am saying that he was heading to the Wonderland Ballroom, another bar on his way home.
As was his habit, Seth walked home. About an hour is unaccounted for from the time that the Wonderland would have closed at 3:00 am and the time Seth arrived near the Flagler Market around 4:15 am. Inebriated and too distraught to sleep, he may have been mulling over what he should do in light of the the pressure he was getting from Donna Brazile at the DNC.
Was he being pressured to go along with the fabricated Russian narrative? Was the sudden promotion to Hillary campaign headquarters in Brooklyn contingent upon his being silent about the Russia story? Did Seth meet with a shadowy figure monitoring him in those early morning hours of July 10th, giving him one last chance to go along with the Russian narrative?
In any event, he was talking to Kelsey on his phone as he neared the market just a couple of blocks from his home. Kelsey says that she heard people talking. He told her not to worry and that he’d call her back. Kelsey later said that there was no sign of trouble in his voice. Did he know his assailants? Two minutes elapsed between the time Seth hung up with Kelsey and when the police detected gunshots at 4:18 am.
scene of the shooting
According to Metropolitan Police public incident report CCN#16113797 filed by the responding D.C. police officer, six officers arrived at the scene at 4:20 am at the SW corner of Flagler and W Street, just across the street from the Flagler Market. Seth was reportedly “conscious and breathing”. He was even “talkative” and apparently didn’t realize that he had been shot twice in the back. His watch band was torn from his arm and he had bruising on his face, hands and knees indicating a struggle. But if this was a botched robbery, the so-called “robbers” didn’t bother to take any of his personal belongings. Whoever it was, they were more interested in leaving the scene in a hurry.
Seth was taken to the nearby Washington Hospital Center. The assisting surgeon, Dr. Jack Sava, said that it was a routine non-fatal gunshot wound. There were no vascular injuries and the operation was successful. The patient was in stable condition when he was moved to the Intensive Care Unit to rest. The doctors planned to perform a follow-up procedure later in the day since they felt that the patient was in no immediate danger. Sometime after noon on July 10th things turned “weird as hell” according to Dr. Sava. Suddenly the ICU was swarming with police officers. The police cordoned off the area, refusing visitors and non-essential hospital staff entry into the ICU. The police physically blocked the doctors from entering a particular patient’s room. This is when the doctors and staff first learned that the patient getting all of this attention was Seth Rich.
After a short while, the attending physician was called into the room. Seth was dead. There was no resuscitation code called. Nothing. This would have been around 2:00 pm. He had mysteriously died under the watch of the police officers. Said Dr. Sava, “I’m just a low level doc. Something’s fishy, that’s for sure.” Curiously, the D.C. police public incident report marks the time of death at 5:57 am, shortly after Seth arrived at the hospital earlier in the morning.
Through Spirit Seth’s testimony, we now know that Seth was more seriously wounded than the doctors realized. Spirit Seth relates, “I was gravely wounded and was in danger of having organ failure in addition to paralysis, and this did become fatal and ended the discussion.” So he was allowed to die in the ICU. There is no doubt that they wanted Seth dead. “This was a deliberate act that was an execution and not a robbery, as claimed by the authorities,” says Spirit Seth.
Dr. Sava’s account reveals an outrageous cover-up that the mainstream media has completely ignored. But even if the doctor’s story turns out to be a falsehood, it doesn’t necessarily render the entire story false. One way or the other, Seth died at the hospital from an assassin’s bullets.
Spinning the Murder
On July 12, 2016 at a campaign rally two days after Seth’s murder, Hillary Clinton invoked Seth’s shooting in her call for stricter gun control. It would appear that they had their story all worked out. The Russians hacked the DNC email servers, and Seth Rich’s murder was simply a botched robbery having nothing to do with the DNC emails. This cast Hillary as a sympathetic party. The cautionary tale would be the horrendous gun crime in the United States – a narrative that fit right in with Hillary’s Democrat politics. And this is the narrative that the deep state would instill in anyone whom the media would likely talk to – the D.C. police and Seth’s closest friends and family – through direct intervention and mind control.
Three days after Seth’s murder on July 13, 2016, his family gave a short interview to ABC News. Seth’s father Joel, mother Mary, and brother Aaron all seemed a bit rambling and distant as they laid out the deep state narrative. Seth was shot on a street corner at 4:30 early Sunday morning. He was reportedly alert and talking with the officers at the scene, but then he died at the hospital. Seth had been the victim of a robbery, plain and simple, and they may never know who did it. Joel’s attitude was ‘oh well… what can you do?’ Brother Aaron looked as if he was trying not to laugh. Rather than question the motive of the murder, they would focus on what a big-hearted person Seth was and how much good he wanted to do in the world.
Any mention of the possibility that Seth may have been in contact with Wikileaks would instantly trigger Seth’s family and friends to defensively argue that Seth was a patriot who would never betray his country. To them, such a thing would be tantamount to Seth working for the Russians. Their mind control simply wouldn’t allow them to consider the possibility that it could be something besides a botched robbery.
Joel Rich did reveal in the interview that the D.C. police took all of Seth’s belongings, including his computer. Did the police intend to identify the robbers by scouring Seth’s personal belongings?
The Rich Family
On July 18, 2016, Guccifer 2.0 released a limited amount of innocuous DNC documents to the political news source, The Hill, presumably to prove that he actually had them and to lessen the impact of the inevitable Wikileaks bombshell.
On July 22, 2016, three days before the start of the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia, Wikileaks publicly released 19,000 DNC emails with over 8000 attachments dated between January 2015 and May 2016. The emails revealed that the DNC actively undermined the Bernie Sanders campaign in favor of Hillary Clinton’s nomination and went to great lengths to coddle wealthy donors.
Later that same day, Guccifer 2.0 claimed responsibility for providing the scandalous DNC emails to Wikileaks.
On July 25, 2016, DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was jeered and booed at a Democratic Convention delegation breakfast. Pressed by President Obama himself, she announced her resignation that evening at the convention. Donna Brazile became the interim DNC chair.
After the Rich family’s plea for information in the ABC News interview, the family was swamped with media requests. Seth’s brother Aaron mentioned this to a friend of Seth’s at the DNC. The DNC sent a long-time Democratic party ‘crisis public relations consultant’ by the name of Brad Bauman to help the family. Bauman installed himself as the official unpaid spokesman for the Rich family.
In March of 2017, Seth’s father Joel would become acquainted with Ed Butowsky, a Dallas businessman who would cover the cost of a private investigator for the family. Joel told Butowsky that “we were assigned to a guy named Brad Bauman. I don’t know why we were assigned to him. I have no idea why I need somebody to speak for me. The DNC assigned him to us.” Later, when the family turned viciously on Butowsky and the investigator for daring to consider an alternative scenario in which Seth himself may have been in contact with Wikileaks, Butowsky stated it that seemed like Bauman’s job was “to discredit and try to go after people.”
The Russian Narrative Takes Shape
By late July 2016, the Russian state hacking narrative had already been accepted as a foregone conclusion by the government and the media. National Intelligence Director James Clapper smugly noted that Russia had a long history of meddling in American elections. With regard to the DNC hack, Clapper prodded deeper. “Was this just to stir up trouble?” Clapper openly pondered. “Or was this ultimately to try to influence an election?” They were steadily building up the mainstream narrative.
On August 5, 2016, the Washington Post reported how D.C. insiders were greatly upset with Trump campaign advisor, Carter Page, for his pro-Russian remarks. Page had the audacity to compliment Russian President Putin and predicted that a Trump presidency would have a positive effect on U.S.-Russian relations. Said Page, “Washington and other Western capitals have impeded potential progress [with Russia] through their often hypocritical focus on ideas such as democratization, inequality, corruption and regime change.”
According to the Post article, U.S. foreign policy experts sensed there was something sinister behind Trump’s “unusually” friendly views toward Russia, and they were “distressed” at Page’s tepid response to the Russian cyber-attacks on the DNC. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee declared that all of this was evidence proving that the “Kremlin has tentacles into the Trump campaign.”
Friendly relations with Russia is clearly not a part of the deep state agenda. Anytime that anyone suggests a positive relationship with Russia, the deep state is certain to dismiss such a notion through ridicule and suspicion of their loyalty to America. This is how the deep state manipulates public opinion. Spirit Seth explains this further, “All who are in positions of power and authority are heavily subjugated and manipulated because they are decision-makers and hold power over other humans. So they are in a position to constrain things, to cause damage, to cause delay, to foster confusion, inefficiency, waste, fraud, and corruption, and all are used as tools to drain away human capital and degrade performance, and make people less effective and successful in all they do.”
Julian Assange
On a Dutch television program that aired August 9, 2016, Wikileaks’ Julian Assange cryptically identified Seth Rich as the inside source at the DNC who leaked the emails. Assange also announced that Wikileaks would contribute $20,000 toward the police reward for information on the Seth Rich case. This fueled widespread speculation across the internet that Seth may have been killed by the DNC for leaking the emails.
On August 11, 2016, Democratic Congressional Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi, pushed hard to re-engage the Russian narrative in order to distract the mainstream media and public from any “fringe” element tying Seth to Wikileaks, stating unequivocally, “I know it was the Russians [who hacked the DNC emails]. This is an electronic Watergate. This is a break-in.” “And anyone who would exploit this (referring to Trump’s collusion) is an accomplice.”
The D.C. Police’s Part
Metropolitan Police public incident report CCN#16113797 lists three of the six police officers responding to Seth’s shooting as wearing body cameras. Yet the D.C. police refused to confirm or deny the existence of any police surveillance footage of the scene.
The city of Washington D.C. has a popular civic program where businesses and residents may receive a cash rebate for setting up security cameras pointed at the street. The Flagler Market located at the intersection where Seth was shot has many cameras, as do most of the residential homes near the intersection. In fact, the Bloomingdale neighborhood holds one of the the highest concentrations of surveillance cameras in the city. And the entire area is well-lit with streetlights. Authorities must request video footage from these private security cameras. But the D.C. police only requested video from one camera at this intersection. It purportedly showed the legs of two people following Seth across a crosswalk, not nearly enough to identify the assailants.
Instead, the D.C. police spoke about a rash of robberies in the neighborhood by a group of young men brandishing a silver handgun. Several weeks later the police arrested three suspects with a history of gun robberies: Tyrone Dorn, Demetrius Brandon, and Marquis Williams. This was nothing more than misdirection by the D.C. police. But it planted the idea that the police were hot on the killers’ trail in the public’s mind.
On August 16, 2016, D.C. Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier, left her 26-year career with the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department to take a position as the head of security for the National Football League at reportedly four times her $253,000 police chief’s salary.
The Deep State Digs In
On August 25, 2016, CIA Director John Brennan privately briefed Congressional leaders of a significant Russian breach of the DNC and signs of a connection between the Russians and the Trump campaign.
On September 5, 2016, the Washington Post reported that Director of National Intelligence James Clapper was investigating Russian efforts to “sow distrust” and cause “chaos” in the presidential election and to counter U.S. influence in international affairs.
On September 13, 2016, to keep his name in the limelight, Guccifer 2.0 released another cache of hacked DNC emails online to Forbes magazine.
While most Republicans and some Democrats paused to weigh these very serious yet unsubstantiated allegations of Putin’s attempt to directly attack Hillary’s campaign by hacking the DNC emails, top lawmakers were determined to push the deep state narrative forward. On September 22, 2016, two familiar California Democrats, Senator Diane Feinstein and Representative Adam Schiff issued a statement that they had learned from intelligence briefings that Russia was directing a campaign to undermine America’s democratic process.
On September 30, 2016, Crime Watch Daily aired a video exposé on the Seth Rich murder. The piece was done from the collective point of view of Seth’s friends, family, and the D.C. police that Seth was too nice a guy who loved his country too much to be the target of vicious conspiracy theories. The D.C. police wrote: “There’s no indication that Seth Rich’s death is connected to his employment at the DNC.”
The mind controlled reasoning of his family and friends is that Seth would never betray Hillary, which amounted to a betrayal of his country, by leaking the DNC emails to a terrorist organization like Wikileaks. In the Crime Watch Daily video, his parents revealed the last thing that Seth had written on his computer: “All my life I wanted to be in the position that I can make a difference.” They couldn’t see that by leaking the DNC emails, Seth was making a difference.
On October 4, 2016, Guccifer 2.0 released documents purportedly hacked from the Clinton Foundation, but they turned out to be previously released documents along with some public records thrown in. They were still keeping Guccifer 2.0’s name out there to give the public and the media a distraction.
On October 7, 2016, the day that Wikileaks began releasing Hillary campaign manager John Podesta’s incriminating emails, the entire U.S. intelligence community consisting of seventeen agencies unanimously reported that they were “confident” that the Russian government directed the DNC hack. They identified and Guccifer 2.0 as the Russian agents acting on behalf of the Kremlin. The Obama White House, the Director of Intelligence James Clapper, and the Department of Homeland Security jointly accused the Russian government of hacking into the DNC servers and turning the emails over to Wikileaks. As per the deep state spin, Podesta adopted the role of the victim. “I’m not happy about being hacked by the Russians in their attempt to throw the election to Donald Trump,’’ said Podesta.
This announcement came only hours after Secretary of State John Kerry called for Russia to face war crimes charges for atrocities in Syria, further escalating tensions with Russia and inciting the American people. It also came on the day that the public saw the Access Hollywood video of Trump having a lewd conversation with Billy Bush on a bus.
On October 12, 2016, interim DNC chair Donna Brazile, who was also a paid contributor for CNN and ABC News, spoke at the University of Nebraska where she condemned the hacking into the DNC servers by Russia which were intended to “manipulate an election; disrupt or discredit or destroy our democracy.”
Donna Brazile
So by mid-October 2016, in the run-up to the election, the deep state had covered up Seth’s murder as a botched robbery, a position vehemently supported by Seth’s friends, family, and the D.C. police. They twisted the leaked DNC emails into a Russian threat to the American election process and to American democracy itself, orchestrated by none other than Russian President Vladimir Putin, and had characterized these “attacks” as an act of war. And of course, Donald Trump was implicated as an “accessory” in cahoots with Putin.
Spirit Seth learned to his dismay what an uphill battle he was taking on against the master manipulators within the deep state. “If you play their game, they will win. Because they hold the power, they have the game rigged at the outset, and all who participate are being duped. This is simply the way it is,” confirms Spirit Seth. “So my role as whistleblower, in a sense, had a deeper purpose, and the purpose was to serve the cause of truth. But it became perverted and has been used now to serve the darkness yet again. This is how they (the deep state operatives) are able to stay in control, because they use the very acts of the truth-teller to turn things around and work it in such a way to use it for a nefarious purpose, to enlist an opposition, and to make that the truth of things, and then the exact opposite happens. That was the case in my revelation.”
The Election
On the evening of October 19, 2016 in her third debate with Trump, Hillary touted the endorsement of all seventeen U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia had tampered in the election process, which Trump flatly denied. With the unanimous support of the entire intelligence community, the media was handed a free pass to bang the drum in outrage at this potential act of war by the Russians. And bang the drum they did, stirring the public into a greater frenzy. This was the deep state’s last chance to once again install one of their own into the White House, a pattern that hadn’t been broken since they eliminated JFK.
On November 6, 2016, WikiLeaks released a second batch of over 8,200 new DNC emails.
On November 8, 2016, to the astonishment of the heavily compromised mainstream media, Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the presidential election.
So what effect did the public exposure of the DNC emails ultimately have on the election? “The effects on the election were quite minor,” concedes Spirit Seth. “We can tell you definitively from the perspective as a light being that the disclosure of the email contents had a non-significant effect on the outcome of the presidential race. This is hard to prove via human terms, but the divine perspective can be quite precise. So we can make that statement categorically, that this was a non-issue with regard to the greatest perception of harm done.”
While the deep state would have preferred that Hillary won the election, they still had the fall-back narrative that Russian President Putin, in collusion with U.S. President-elect Trump, had infiltrated and attacked the democratic American election process. This Russian narrative would be “used as a weapon to stir up discord and to fan the flames of party hatreds and mistrust of government, and growing mistrust of the legal system and its apparent susceptibility to political influence, and on and on,” asserts Spirit Seth. “All those actions, all the turmoil, all the doubt, all the fear, all the revulsion towards the human institutions on one level is deserved. But in a practical sense [it] serves the darkness more than the light, because it is all based on falsehoods and all serves the cause of the extraterrestrials to disempower humans.”
Here Spirit Seth arrives at the essence of the manipulation and corruption. “The corruption is engaged in and orchestrated by the extraterrestrials through multiple layers, through multiple extraterrestrial beings with differing origins, all of whom wish to control and conquer.”
Through his channelings on the subject, Karl Mollison has learned that there are three primary negative extraterrestrial races who orchestrate the corruption and manipulation of humanity on Earth. They are the original negative ETs known as the Anunnaki, plus the relative newcomers, the Draco Reptilians and the negative Nordic-type Arcturians. They each have their own selfish agendas. However, “they are tolerating one another at the moment because each has unique things it contributes to the overall effort and subjugation,” says Spirit Seth. “The end purpose is the elimination of humans and the control of the planet directly. So the stakes are quite high here.”
The mind control and manipulation that pervades our human civilization right now explains a lot. It provides answers to seemingly incomprehensible dilemmas such as how our elected officials continue to implement laws and policies that further enrich the wealthy and powerful to the direct detriment of the vast majority of Americans struggling just to get by, and how these so-called leaders remain stagnant in providing basic health care for the people. It explains the increasing number of instances of senseless violence that we see in the news every day, and how a guy could bust out a window on the 32nd floor of a Las Vegas hotel and mow down hundreds of people at a music festival with military-style weapons.
“Everything done by humans [on a day to day basis] is largely irrelevant, other than to further undermine one another, which helps the extraterrestrials.” “Every evil act, every act of corruption that drains something away from a good project or cause; all acts of war, all criminal activities; all of the terrorist actions to disenfranchise, to sow fear, to impede human sharing and love and acceptance of one another, create doubt and suspicion [among human beings]… and on and on,” explains Spirit Seth. “All acts of human failing, human shortcomings, the harming of others, and the lack of developing the self and finding ways to heal one’s own personal difficulties and shortcomings, all [of these] serve the extraterrestrial agenda,” which is to completely subjugate humanity and to ultimately count the Earth among the many worlds that have been conquered by these negative extraterrestrials.
Will humanity wake up to this immediate threat and take action to save itself? The Divine Realm assures that through the love and compassion of Creator, we humans have the ability to raise our collective consciousness and overcome these evil forces in our midst. We must see through this veil of subterfuge, recognize how dire our situation truly is, and begin to take action to save ourselves, our civilization, and our long-term human experience.
In the third and final article in this Seth Rich series, I will continue with the timeline of the events surrounding the Seth Rich murder to further reveal the deep state psyop as it expands to ridiculous proportions. As the evidence of Seth’s insider leaks of the DNC emails becomes more and more obvious, the deep state’s response becomes more and more desperate to maintain their media narrative and to attack the Trump administration as being in collusion with the Kremlin in order to destroy American democracy.
By Duke Brickhouse, Part 5 in the Channeling Series See Part 2, Part 3
Part 5.1 – The Truth Comes Out
One of the most confusing and disturbing things to come from the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign was the unsolved murder of a 27-year old employee of the Democratic National Committee, Seth Rich. The government, the U.S. intelligence community, the mainstream media, and even Seth’s family would write off his shooting on a street corner in the early morning of June 10, 2016 as merely a botched robbery having nothing to do with politics or the DNC. But many researchers and news sources have found too many inconsistencies and illogical assumptions in the mainstream narrative, and believe that there is much more to the story.
In a June 2016 installment of the “Why Is This True?” YouTube series , Denny Hunt interviewed the spirit of Seth Rich through the channeling of renowned hypnotherapist, Karl Mollison. Spirit Seth provided some very revealing answers to exactly what happened to him. But in order to fully understand Spirit Seth’s insights from the Spirit Realm, one needs to examine the events that took place during 2016 and 2017 that Seth’s actions set in motion.
Because there is such a large volume of information associated with the background story, I have divided this essay into three parts:
In this Part 5.1, I will provide an overview of the story from the perspective of the truth that Spirit Seth has provided in this channeling. In Parts 5.2 and 5.3, I support the premise of this article with further information given by Spirit Seth in the original channeling, and by examining the actual events pertaining to the parallel investigations of the Seth Rich murder and the DNC emails.
To begin, the mainstream narrative of Seth Rich’s murder goes like this straight out of Wikipedia: Seth Conrad Rich (January 3, 1989 – July 10, 2016) was an American employee for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) who was fatally shot in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Washington D.C. As of May 2017 the shooting is still under investigation by the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department. The murder spawned several right-wing conspiracy theories about the crime, including the claim that Rich had been involved with the leaked DNC emails in 2016, which runs contrary to U.S. intelligence that concluded the leaked DNC emails were part of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections. These theories were debunked by law enforcement, as well as by fact-checking websites like,, and The fabrications were described as fake news and falsehoods by The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post. Rich’s parents condemned the conspiracy theorists and said that these individuals were exploiting their son’s death for political gain, with their spokesperson calling them “sociopaths” and “disgusting”.
In Spirit Seth’s channeling, Denny gets right to the point. “Was your death a political assassination?”
“This was indeed a political assassination.” reveals Spirit Seth. “This was payback for the actions I took that were a form of wrongdoing and were harmful to certain vested interests politically. The retribution was directed towards me because of the role I played.”
The “role” that Seth played would be that of an insider leaking DNC emails to Wikileaks. As we will see, Seth was an altruistic light worker whose greatest desire was to help make the world a better place. He believed in democracy, and that a fair and robust election process is at the core of that democracy. There is evidence that more DNC emails had been passed along by an insider after Seth’s death, so he wasn’t working alone when he downloaded thousands of emails with attachments from a DNC computer and passed them along to Wikileaks. And he probably had help accessing those emails as well.
Seth had been working for the DNC as the Voter Expansion Data Director for two years. In this capacity, Seth helped to develop a computer program for the DNC whereby people could easily locate their polling place. So Seth would have been familiar with the DNC’s computers. The individual state primaries and caucuses that took place between February and June 2016 to determine the Democrat’s nominee for president would have been in full swing by April or May. This is when the DNC’s cyber-security firm, Crowdstrike, first detected irregularities in their email servers. During the spring, Seth would have been exposed to the DNC’s extreme bias against Bernie Sanders in favor of Hillary Clinton, and the galling favoritism shown to wealthy potential donors. To someone who cherished a pure democracy as much as Seth did, these distortions would have been abhorrent.
The Deep State
Behind the DNC’s bias for Hillary lurked a “deep state” that was heavily invested in seeing Hillary win the election. Hillary had earned her place as the next puppet president to be duly installed by the deep state. They knew that if these unethical DNC tactics were exposed it could greatly harm the Hillary Clinton campaign.
The “deep state” refers primarily to the career intelligence officials who have controlled the U.S. government and most other Western governments, as well as the media, educational, scientific, military, banking, energy (oil), and industrial institutions since the CIA was created in 1947. This shadow government is itself controlled by an Illuminati cabal allied with a belligerent group of negative extraterrestrial beings, as well as dark spirits called Archons that energetically induce and consume human negative emotions such as anger, fear and desperation. While American citizens have labored under the illusion of freedom and democracy, the deep state cabal has made sure that the world’s politics revolve around perpetual war, suffering, and financial slavery. At the same time, this cabal has funneled the Earth’s wealth and resources into their own hidden reality that includes massive underground bases, off-planet bases, population centers scattered around the solar system, tremendously advanced spacecraft and technologies, and regular interaction with numerous extraterrestrial beings and other worlds.
Every U.S. president since John F. Kennedy, with the possible exception of Jimmy Carter, has been a hand-picked stooge of the deep state. But as the mass consciousness of the world’s population sharply increases with the approach of an imminent cosmic energy change, the cabal knows that this could be a tipping point where the higher consciousness of light and love might very well topple this dark regime and bring forth a golden age as humanity ascends to a fourth density reality. In such a scenario, the dark entities and their depraved human counterparts would be exposed to the masses and face the wrath of an enlightened populace. These are the stakes of which the deep state cabal is well aware.
With the DNC emails out there, the cabal needed a plan. Their best chance at suppressing humanity’s mass spiritual ascension, thereby preserving the dark-side’s stranglehold on the planet, would be to make sure that they maintained their control over the White House by installing Hillary as the next president. But even if she were to lose the election, a fail-safe would be to implicate the Trump campaign in collusion with Russia against American interests. Then, should he become president, the deep state could continue to attack Trump to render him ineffective and of little threat during his relatively short term of office.
Spirit Seth confirms the deep state’s need to eliminate Seth in order to preserve their phony Russian narrative: “[There] was very much the need to cover up the truth about the origin of the leaking of emails, so that the cover story of corruption in the Trump administration could be maintained without a counterpoint or conflicting view. The needs went beyond those harmed politically in the immediate sense of perhaps influencing the outcome of the presidential race, but were mostly the need of the intelligence community to maintain the story of collusion between the White House and Russia. That was the primary motivation.”
The deep state would make it appear that the Russian government had hacked into the DNC servers, downloaded the DNC emails, and given them to Wikileaks. After it was established that Russia had hacked the DNC emails, they would convince the American public, through conjecture and circumstantial evidence, that there had been collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, which has continued into the Trump administration.
Karl Mollison, Channeler
This channeled interview with Spirit Seth was conducted by Karl Mollison who, in the 1980’s and 1990’s, was a hard core scientist working in the medical and pharmaceutical industry. Being in the medical industry, Karl was always looking for insights as to new methods of healing. Rather than turning a blind eye to the mounting empirical evidence of psychic and hypnotic healing, Karl decided to explore this himself by taking classes in hypnotherapy. To his surprise he discovered that he was especially adept at channeling the Divine Source and higher beings.
Karl Mollison
By 2006, Karl had made hypnotherapy his vocation. Since then he has conducted hundreds of channeling sessions. He’s developed a trust in certain Spirit Realm sources and has honed his channeling protocols to achieve the most honest and accurate of readings. With each channeling session, Karl will set his intention in genuine love and goodness, without ego, fear or self-interest. Then he will begin by falling into a lucid trance, contacting the highest Divine Source, and working his way down to the particular spiritual being that the interviewer wants to channel while making sure that no outside negative forces elbow their way into the conversation. During a channeling session, Karl is able to monitor and recall these channeled conversations as a third party witness.
The Russian Narrative
So by June 2016, the cabal had decided on a false narrative that would accomplish four deep state goals: 1) to diminish any effect that Seth’s leaked emails might have on the election; 2) to sabotage the Trump campaign; 3) to perpetuate the Russian collusion investigation into the Trump presidency if necessary; and 4) to nudge America closer to war with Russia.
The deep state knew that a scenario in which Russian President Putin directed a cyber-attack on the DNC in order to sway the U.S. presidential election would be an easy sell. The Republican’s largely xenophobic base would look for any excuse to vilify Russia. Yet the the supposed Russian attack was against the Democrats. So this ploy would actually unite the Democrats and the Republicans against the Russians and Trump. It was a brilliant piece of deep state spy craft.
Of course, Russia is always the tried and true scapegoat. Ever since the CIA was created through the National Security Act of 1947 under President Truman, the deep state has carefully cultivated a Cold War between the United States and our former WWII ally, the Soviet Union/Russia. This was necessary in order to provide the military industrial complex with a plausible enemy and a reason to exist.
In truth, the Soviet Union could never stand up to an American military industrial complex that had the backing of an Illuminati cabal that controlled the world’s monetary system and pretty much everything else, and was allied with a sinister fourth-density Reptilian overlord with tremendously advanced technology. The United States admits to spending over ten times more on military defense than does Russia. It is surely much more than that. Russia is not the powerful enemy that the deep state government has always made them out to be. (Although Russia may have recently received advanced defensive weaponry from another extraterrestrial race in order to level the playing field in near space.)
Now that humanity is on the verge of ascending to a higher consciousness capable of overthrowing this Illuminati/Reptilian domination, the deep state would like nothing better at this time than to incite a war between the United States and Russia in an attempt to preserve their dominance – or destroy the planet trying. This is what the cabal would hope to accomplish by convincing the American people that Trump colluded with Russia to attack America. Thankfully, it appears that both Putin and Trump know what the cabal is up to and refuse to buy into the subterfuge.
Say what you want about Donald Trump. He may be a boorish narcissist who only worships the almighty dollar, but he is certainly not a part of the deep state. That may be the single best thing about Trump. If he were a deep state puppet, the cabal would not go to such lengths to attempt to ruin his campaign and destroy his presidency.
The reason why the Seth Rich story is so important is because it is the linchpin to unraveling the deep state before the public’s very eyes. If it became apparent that Seth did leak the DNC emails to Wikileaks in an altruistic gesture consistent with his Midwestern values, and he was murdered because of it, then every high-level politician, media outlet and intelligence agency that vehemently promoted the false Russian narrative would be publicly outed as a CIA asset or a deep state stooge. The public would see that they were all in on it. The population might begin to wake up and see how extensive the cabal’s web of lies and deception goes. And the American people might actually do something about it.
Mind Control
How does the deep state maintain this total subjugation of humanity? Well, as we’ve seen through our previous channelings of Dwight Eisenhower, James Forrestal, and Andrew Goodpaster in this series, its all about mind control. The highly intelligent negative beings with their greatly advanced technology know the structure of our minds better than we do, and they know exactly how to exploit our minds. They employ a combination of energy frequencies and gasses poured from cloaked craft flying low over population centers to render the human mind apathetic and vulnerable to the more targeted impressions that are transferred either indirectly through electronic media, or directly through targeted one-on-one telepathic mind control.
“The [Negative ET/Reptilian] influence is effectively universal.” says Spirit Seth. “It is only a matter of degree. All people are programmed, at all levels, starting from childhood. Everything that is seen via the media has multiple levels of messages in the content. Some are designed to foster various propaganda messages and these are reinforced subliminally with electromagnetic signals that are perceived below conscious awareness but within the deeper levels of the mind.”
Spirit Seth continues, “The fact nothing was taken from me (at the scene of his shooting) made this a poor semblance of a street crime. But that was beside the point to those in power. They are used to doing all manner of reckless acts because they know the press will not truly cover them fully and people will not look beneath the surface. This is deliberate and is under the control of the authorities at all times. They control the press, they control the electronic media, both radio and television, all of the programs, all of the commentators. All are subjected to mind control manipulation and will be forced to sift and choose among information and summarily reject things that may be awkward or embarrassing to those in power, and will downplay them or refuse to cover them.”
A damaging truth, such as Seth leaking the DNC emails, “will be rejected as a so-called conspiracy theory… and summarily dismissed on that basis alone. So [what appears to be] personal choices are truly a bias instilled within them to program their minds. There are few reliable purveyors of information left on the planet. No official accounts or stories can ever be truly trusted to include all the facts, let alone have a true conclusion or decision made about the meaning.” Official accounts will never reveal “the interconnection [of the deep state] with all of the hidden [extraterrestrial] forces wanting the world to not advance, to not improve, and for people to be held down and subjugated and suppressed in their thinking.”
“This is a global conspiracy of the first order we are speaking of. My misfortune was not understanding the true depth and reach of those forces.” says Spirit Seth. “Wandering into the political arena, I was tickling the tiger so to speak and not realizing the reach of the teeth and claws. This was my undoing.”
And what would Spirit Seth have done differently? “The first recommendation is to be very, very, cautious to document your material, to have witnesses, to make multiple copies, and have them in secure places, with people who will know how to use the information should something happen to you. We do not wish to cause undue fear, but we are realistic. And we are the poster boy of the day, so to speak, for the risks taken by whistleblowers who stray too close to the home front and do acts that are possibly capable of uncovering the hidden hand.” (ie: the deep state)
Spirit Seth laments that rather than having a positive effect on politics, the cabal used Seth’s actions to ramp up “fear of collusion with foreign powers as… having more control over affairs in America than is truly the case. And this is… a dangerous game. There needs to be an alliance among nations and not opposition, suspicion, and conflict.”
Seth’s Transition and Spirit Rescue
Spirit Seth takes the opportunity of this channeling to diverge from the topic of the subjugation of those living on the Earth to speak to the subjugation of those transitioning from the Earth to the Spirit Realm. The same negative energetic forces that manipulate humanity on Earth can have a similarly negative influence on the deceased.
Spirit Seth recounts his own arduous experience: “The consequence of negative spirit influence extends beyond the physical into the lower energetic planes that lie in between where we live as physical human and where we return in going home to the light in the higher vibrational realm, to be once again among our friends and family and our larger soul community and of course with Creator and the various divine beings who assist humans in all they do.”
“On the way to the light, things can go wrong. The reality is that a high percentage of people who die will be lost in between planes of existence and this can go on for many years. It is the human failing to see the light beings who come to assist them because they are not prepared, and that was the case for me. I did not give much thought to the Divine Realm and was not prepared to think about the hereafter. As a consequence, and also because of my unexpected passing, [I] was not prepared for anything in particular to happen, and was not aware of my death.”
“All I knew was that I was in darkness and did not understand why or where I might be. All I had was my consciousness. This is more than just being in limbo. It is a kind of suffocation because there is no sense of space, there is no sense of being, other than thought. It is like being smothered without a way to breathe. The absence of the body is quite a startling change and this left me in a genuine quandary because I did not have my ability to even think and perceive what might be happening.”
“I had awareness and the ability to think but with impairment, and with a limited memory, and with no bodily sensations, no sight, no hearing, no ability to feel, touch, know something was around me, or even there was space around me. And in the middle of that realization and quandary, there were dark visitors who came with their thoughts and reached out to mock me, and to demean me, to threaten, and to criticize, and to raise additional fear within me that more bad things would happen.” says Spirit Seth. “This was a kind of torture.”
Before Karl Mollison attempts any channeling, Karl first determines whether the spirit to be channeled has successfully transitioned into the light. In the case of Seth Rich, his spirit did not successfully transition and Karl conducted a successful spirit rescue to direct him into the light of the Divine Realm. Karl estimates that one in three transitions require a spirit rescue.
“Fortunately for me,” says Spirit Seth, “I came up on your radar and was given a rescuing outreach that was accomplished by bringing in healing for me to raise up my ability to connect with the light beings. And it was only at that point that I could see there was a presence there to help me. I was able to go to the light and rejoin my friends and have a re-awakening in full measure of my senses, and my ability to see and connect to my history, and have everything come back into focus. So I am eternally grateful for this rescue.”
“There are many, many, beings out there still, who are floundering. Many people’s loved ones have not successfully made their transition. This also is a consequence, an indirect one, of all of the subjugation and suppression. Human suffering does not prepare one to make a smooth, uneventful, transition but rather does the opposite. So this is, yet again, another legacy of the corruption and subjugation. And this, too, serves the darkness – the dark spirits (Archons) who prey on such hapless beings and draw energy from them, and also the extraterrestrials (Anunnaki; Reptilians; negative Nordics and Greys) seeking control over humanity. It becomes a kind of prison for [the deceased] in only reaching those lower levels and not moving beyond. They are taken out of action, so to speak.”
“So the lesson for those listening is to heed my words and understand there needs to be attention paid to preparation for your transition, as each one of you will transition one day. And all you need is to be wanting the light to come and wanting to go with the light and embracing that as a good outcome. And you will, after all, be in bliss and have a magnificent existence once again that makes your human life in the physical pale in comparison. This is the plight of humans currently, that their light being capabilities are being denied to them and that dimming of their light and the dumbing down has been in place for many, many, centuries and needs to change.”
“We are working on this from the light. You need to work on it from the physical. And between the two, you (in the physical) hold the greatest power. It is your decision to act, your decision to embrace the Divine Realm once again if you have drifted away. This will strengthen you and will strengthen the collective humanity, as you are all interconnected energetically whether you realize this or not. You are all brothers and sisters, whether you have different colors, different languages, different histories, different beliefs, you are all brothers and sisters of the light and you all share Creator’s love flowing through you.”
“Whether you allow yourself to drink from that well of inspiration and joy is up to you. Many choose not to do this, and it is their loss and misfortune. The choices are yours. We are delighted and will be forever grateful we are back in that flow once again, thanks to you. And you both (referring to Denny Hunt and Karl Mollison) share in this because you have worked together, and the origin of the session done for me came through the joint effort and the desire for truth to come forward.”
“This is but one small example of the reach and power of the divine human. You are saving souls every day by what you do, and the ripple effect as it moves outward. All watching this can take part and do the same by simply making their choice to be a worker for the light and adding their energy to the desire for human betterment. That in itself is substantial and a real contribution. If everyone set that intention, everything would shift at once because all would be on board, and that is the tipping point for this grand unveiling of the divine physical human.” “This is of great personal significance to me, and… to all who listen to these words. We are all humans. We are all in this together.”
Seth Rich’s motivation for leaking the DNC emails to the public was purely for the good of the American people. But Spirit Seth derides himself for being naive and seems to want to blame himself for giving the deep state the opportunity to turn it into a narrative that accuses the Russian government of cyber-attacking the DNC, and then tying Donald Trump to the Russian conspiracy.
Not only did the negative forces exploit Seth’s effort to expose political corruption in the DNC as a basis for their own narrative, they eliminated Seth in order to prevent him from revealing the ruse. Then, even after they took his life, the dark forces weren’t through with Spirit Seth. They took advantage of his mental confusion at his death to trap him in a marginal existence of sensory deprivation where malevolent beings could torment him.
Luckily for Spirit Seth, Denny and Karl came along. With his intuitive gift for channeling, Karl Mollison was able to rescue Spirit Seth from this purgatory and bring him into the light. But Spirit Seth shouldn’t be so hard on himself. According to Karl, it is a very common occurrence for a human in transition to need a spirit rescue to direct him or her toward the light of the Divine Realm.
And as far as feeling regret for giving the deep state a way to accuse Russia of attacking America, Spirit Seth shouldn’t blame himself. This is what the deep state does and they’re very good at it. In fact, Spirit Seth’s desire to make the world a better place might have created the catalyst for the American people to finally wake up and see what is really going on. It might expose the career politicians, the government bureaucrats, the police, the pundits, the war hawks, the mainstream media, the newspapers, and the intelligence community – all for being the puppets of the deep state that they are. If the planet’s consciousness was heightened so that we could all see the cabal for what it is, and what an impediment it is to humanity’s natural development, then the world would change quite rapidly.
Parts 5.2 and 5.3 of the Seth Rich story will examine in detail the events that occurred throughout 2016 and 2017 to see how the Russian/Trump narrative developed, how the deep state responded to skeptical independent investigations, and what Spirit Seth had to say about it.
Who believes Military-Intelligence have UFO-ET information to disclose to the American citizens that has not been leaked or that you do not already know?
Grant Cameron’s Wikileaks Research on October 26, 2016, cited multiple cc’d emails between Podesta and both former and present staff of his, Soros-funded, Center for American Progress (CAP). Did Podesta’s interest in UFOs and ET Disclosure involve his CAP organization, or was ET a minor personal interest?
A document released by the Benenson Strategy Group on behalf of the Clinton Foundation reveals that Hillary’s Presidential Campaign is in dire straits due to mistrust over mainstream media coverage and polling. The document analyses a number of salvage scenarios and recommends one called FIRESIGN which is a false flag extraterrestrial invasion using advanced holographic technology.
Two years ago, I emailed then Counselor to the President, John Podesta, stating my high regard for his commitment for disclosure and asked him to lunch to discuss Exoconsciousness, his ET self-awareness. Today, my lunch invitation is archived in the Podesta Wikileaks emails.
Toronto [ZNN] In another bold move adding to her latest series of commentaries on the UFO issue, Hillary Clinton appeared on ABC’s acclaimed Jimmy Kimmel Live on Thursday March 24. It appears that the top Democratic presidential candidate wants to dig into the UFO files. Clinton made this revelation in an interview with Jimmy Kimmel.
As an extraterrestrial experiencer since childhood, this is a challenging blog to write. In fact, I do not want to write it. The question I ask in this blog involves my life journey investigating what happened to me as an ET experiencer. What happened to my friends and colleagues?
Furthermore, I don’t have to write this blog. I have confirmation about much of my ET Experience, which is ongoing. Most of my friends and colleagues have confirmation. There is an ET Presence.
And yet, the mainstream confusing culture chatter of ET remains a constant conundrum.
So, although it would be easier to ignore where my intuition is going—I won’t.
In the end, that’s futile. Questions remain until answered. Here are my question and an attempt at an answer.
Question: What’s Beneath Disclosure: Were We Lab Rats?
Is a vast government-military-intelligence laboratory program that involved citizens of the United States, without their consent, beneath the confusing 70 years of Ufology?
Are citizens used as subjects in ET UFO scientific field lab experiments to see how we would react to ETs and UFOs? And if so, to what extent are citizens, as unknowing subjects, denied their civil and human rights in this process? Were we, as subjects, fed propaganda and lies and events—some deeply personal—in order to investigate how humans respond to the ET Presence?
My observations lead me to answer, yes. Our government probably experimented with citizens around ETs and UFOs. And it was a vast multifaceted program.
And all of this is theoretical. I have no FOIA. No Proof. But….
Lab Programs for God and Country: When did it happen?
1942: Chemical Warfare Services: Mustard Gas lab experiments
1945 US Atomic Energy Commission: Program F experiments on effects of fluoride
1947: CIA: LSD program experiments
1950: CIA: Project Bluebird experiments in mind control, renamed numerous times
1952 CIA: MK ULTRA, Project Moonstruck experiments in mind control
1958 CIA: Project Dreamland or Orion experiments using drugs, hypnosis, ELF frequencies
That’s a start. A short list of government-military-intelligence lab experiments.
When and where did the Extraterrestrial lab experiments begin? My guess is that the (hypothetical) programs began during the late 40s or 50s. And they continue today.
Who was involved?
Citizens were involved in MILABs—staged ET Experiencer Groups—Abductions—UFO sightings—Film and Television—Books—Conferences—Political Initiatives—Social Media—Blogs. A myriad of communications and structured field lab settings.
What does this mean?
If my theory is correct, then multiple experiments were conducted by government-military-intelligence to research various human reactions to an ET Presence. And those running these programs logged many experiments, many responses, and drew valid conclusions.
I surmise; it went far beyond military abduction, MILAB experiments.
Some of those experiments and conclusions were selected to be made public. They were handed to researchers, film-makers, authors, activists, and Ufology experts—a phone call or dropped document or an off the record conversation. Then, per the lab plan, these experts communicated the information to the public. Few experts pass on a great story. And few experts knew they were participating in the labs. Need for scientific objectivity determined that participant knowledge might taint the results.
Few experts pass on a great story. And few experts knew they were participating in the labs. Need for scientific objectivity determined that participant knowledge might taint the results.
To be clear, I’m not pointing fingers, except at myself. A vast program left no one in the field of Ufology innocent of involvement.
Continual Confusion
Thus, the confusion started with the labs. From the outset confusion reigned regarding ET.
Confusion wasn’t necessarily planned. Or deviously determined. Primarily, confusion was simply the result of multiple experiments with varied conclusions.
If you live in a society where someone uses citizens for a vast array of lab experiments and publicizes select results, then you would create confusion. In order to examine a spectrum of reactions, the citizens would need to encounter a wide range of encounters and stories of ETs.
And all of this is theoretical. I have no FOIA. No Proof. But….
Each experiment, if it was chosen to move into the public media, would be designed to provide a different set of information and possible results (responses).
Many years have passed. Many experiments completed. We know the results. We experienced them all.
We can recite the confusion: good ET, bad ET, kidnapping ET, hungry ET, benevolent ET, recon UFO, attack UFO, peacemaking UFO, and Hollywood ET. Until today, we have the Moon-Mars Secret Space ET.
It’s the Humans, Stupid
The lab studies were not about ET—they were about HUMANS.
In a detailed, careful scientific study each experiment would result in varying information about humans. Not extraterrestrials. Humans.
Decades of field lab experiments would provide data on citizens—humans. The data would be studied and categorized as to how humans reacted to the plethora of information and scenarios about UFOs and ET’s.
Then, the humans’ reactions could be manipulated. Until eventually, the data would show the right formula for disclosure.
Disclosure Formula Done Right
Here is a possible spectrum of reactions to ET: humans either shut down in emotional paralysis and denial, fight back trying to gain information, or flee into utopian communities where they dwell with their spiritual like-minded experiencers. Some simply ignore all the ET shenanigans. Others get high and exaggerate or drug and medicate the experience.
Then there were the specific designer-fashioned ET labs: the data would show some citizens to prefer the blue avian ETs, others the sexy Nordic women, others the terror of the reptilians and others the cute gray cyborg. Pick your ET.
Heck, the psychologists in the lab program probably designed a personality test based on ET Preference.
Pick your ET–It’s your personality. It will premiere on FB after Disclosure. And, it will go viral.
Disclosure: Removing the Truth Embargo
Chances are— if you are an ET Experiencer, have seen a UFO, then you are in a database…somewhere. And unless there is a Frank Church (there isn’t) then you will never know the extent of the games played at your expense. After all, you are simply a citizen. A subject. Dare I say, a lab rat.
As Hillary and Podesta make promises, as X-Files premieres as soft disclosure—we are drawing closer to the engineered social revelation of the Extraterrestrial Presence.
Trust me; the lab will not do Disclosure until they have the human reaction formula down perfect.
But Wait, Here’s the Rub
Labs create perfect formulas. That is their purpose.
But it is also the rub.
And all of this is theoretical. I have no FOIA. No Proof. But….
There have been numerous labs. And we, as citizens participated in the labs, some of us from the beginning, so we are familiar with all of our responses.
Since we were the subjects of these ongoing experiments, citizen subjects, we know the results of the laboratory experiments we experienced. We know how we reacted. So the information and the roll-out of Disclosure will not come as a surprise. Anyway, Hillary’s promising a task force and starting with Area 51, so we have a bit of time yet.
So, before Presidential Disclosure is official, sit down and list your reactions to every possible experiment you experienced. Remembered reaction to possible experiments = your map through Official Disclosure.
Peaceful Child Disclosure Has My Money
My guess is Disclosure will be a designer mixture of the field lab experiments that were most successful in controlling humans. Any fear and anxiety will be calmed by a commander in chief. Mommy or Daddy.
Because our sad truth is that in the view of government-military-intelligence labs, the citizens experimented on are children. Subjects.
I predict a peaceful child disclosure. The Von Braun fireworks of an alien attack will start at a later date. Stay tuned. First the sleep, then the scream. Isn’t that the trauma formula?
Peaceful Child Disclosure=Everything Remains in Place
For now, a peaceful, go along with the program response will be preferred. A peaceful, go along with the program response will guarantee that nothing changes. No principalities or powers will be moved. All will remain intact.
Blind consent accomplishes amazing things for those who engineer our reality.
The Pope, President, the Bankers, Media, the Judges and Titans of Corporations, the Generals and Intelligentsia will remain intact–reposing in a peaceful disclosure, content that the formula worked. The Lab was a success. All is well in the ET world.
Exoconscious Exceptions
Except, the Exoconscious remember what happened. And, during in the 70-year lab experiment rollout, we matured. We don’t need Mommy or Daddy in the form of a President or an Implant.
We are creating new realities, accessing our innate connection and communication with extraterrestrials. Acting on our confirmation of the ET Presence—not man-made artificial confusion.
Our segment of experiment participants plans to move in another direction. We Exoconscious lab rats are awake and we remember who we are. It’s too late, our cage is open. We escaped confusion for certainty. Commotion for Confirmation.
It’s up to us what we make of it. But one thing is certain; we will never be rats again.
“I think we may already have been visited.” Hillary Clinton
Dear Readers: Since this news release ZNN has learned that Hillary Clinton may be facing FBI indictments on suspected use of her personal email server for storage of classified files.
In a Jan 25/16 article by DRUDGE – it states: “The FBI is ready to indict Hillary Clinton and if its recommendation isn’t followed by the U.S. attorney general, the agency’s investigators plan to blow the whistle and go public with their findings, former U.S. House Majority leader Tom DeLay tells Newsmax TV.”
The tactic of ET talk on the part of Hillary is either a ploy on her part along with Bill Clinton and campaign manager John Podesta – possibly an effort to dismantle FBI charges with an even bigger issue or… it’s her Waterloo.
Because of the cowardice and incompetence of NBC News during the Democratic Debate on Sunday Jan 18/16, birthing their pathetic failure to question Ms. Clinton on her remarks about the UFO/ET matter or about the possible FBI indictments – it appears the contrived denial in major US news media to face the fact that she did make these UFO/ET statements, once again has come into play in the same way they ignored John Podesta’s public statements on ET Disclosure. They’ll get the point soon if the clever Podesta has anything to do with it.
This disingenuous posture on the part of NBC, and the likes of CBS and ABC, which leads them to patently ignore these matters, is a testament to their complicity and fatuous existence as provocateurs of mendacity and complicity and not news. [Ed. Note]
Toronto [ZNN] Momentum is growing in Washington DC amidst the stunning announcement by Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton that she will investigate the UFO issue if elected President.
Jennifer Harper of the Washington Times today published a new rendering of the Clinton statement on the UFO/ET matter and as she points out, international interest in Hillary Clinton’s statements on UFOs is heating up.
Harper writes, “In a casual conversation with the Conway Daily Sun, a local paper, Mrs. Clinton vowed, ‘Yes, I’m going to get to the bottom of it.’ She [Clinton] later added, ‘I think we may already have been visited. We don’t know for sure.’ Mrs. Clinton also suggested that a future task force could be assembled to investigate Area 51, a top secret military installation in Nevada long rumored to have had dealings with UFOs.” It does not get much more blunt than that, coming from a former US Secretary of State and now Presidential candidate.
Hillary Clinton with Conway Daily Sun
reporter Daymond Steer
One can only speculate on why Clinton is taking such a bold stand on the UFO/ET matter just before the first major Primary in New Hampshire in February. The Clinton’s connection to UFOs is a matter of history of which few are familiar.
Hillary Clinton’s close association with Laurance S. Rockefeller regarding that philanthropist’s demands of then President Bill Clinton to end UFO secrecy and her husband’s public opinions on Extraterrestrials that surfaced on the Jimmy Kimmel Show, clearly demonstrate this is not the first time Ms. Clinton has come face to face with the UFO/ET issue.
Even more perplexing, John Podesta former White House Chief of Staff under President Bill Clinton, who is Hillary Clinton’s current campaign manager, has already made two publicly challenging and provocative statements aimed directly at the US government. At the Washington DC National Press Club in 2002 and 2003 he demanded that the US government tell the American people what it knows about UFOs.
John Podesta
Podesta stated:
“It’s time to open the books on questions that have remained in the dark, on the question of government investigations of UFOs. It’s time to find out what the truth really is that’s out there. We ought to do it, really, because it’s right, because the American people, quite frankly, can handle the truth, and we ought to do it because it’s the law.”
Furthermore, in a now famous Tweet in March of 2015, Podesta also admitted his greatest failure while in the White House was that he did not achieve the release of UFO files.
The confluence of these multiple and eerie converging lines of evidence during an increasingly derisive Presidential campaign appear to be setting the stage for a massive explosion of questions both on the campaign trail and internationally about why a 2016 Democratic Presidential Candidate – her campaign manager and her husband have now publicly engaged their previous and current interest in the UFO/ET matter.
What will fellow Democrats and Donald Trump say about this turn of events spawned by the Clinton-Podesta triumvirate?
Jennifer Harper goes on to say, “It did not take long for the global media to pick up on the exchange. The British press in particular have seized upon the story, which also has a role for former President Bill Clinton – who joins his wife on the campaign trail this week – and former [Obama] White House adviser John Podesta.”
It is common knowledge in Washington DC that what Hillary wants – Hillary gets… UFO Disclosure?
Hillary Clinton meeting with Laurence Rockefeller in 1995 to discuss UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Photo: President Clinton Library
On Monday, Feb 14, in the first meeting of its kind, 260 U.S. ambassadors began meeting in Washington D.C. for a week long conference to discuss foreign policy priorities for 2011. Among the priorities scheduled to be discussed are regional political upheavals, the rising international influence of social networks, and leaks by Wikileaks. Hillary Clinton will address the ambassadors on Wednesday about “leading through civilian power.” The meeting was first reported by the Associated Press on January 31, less than a week after the conclusion of the Global Competitiveness Forum where world business leaders were given an informal briefing about UFOs and extraterrestrial life by a panel of experts. Perhaps even more importantly, the Ambassadorial meeting was announced only three days after a spectacular UFO was filmed over the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. The question that arises is whether the historic meeting of 260 U.S. ambassadors is in some way related to UFOs and ET life?
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has called top envoys from U.S. embassies to gather in Washington on Monday for a wide-ranging foreign policy meeting. Ambassadors from almost all 260 U.S. embassies, consulates and other posts in more than 180 countries are expected to convene at the State Department for what’s being billed as the first meeting of its kind…. The ambassadors hold meetings with their regional bureaus Monday and Tuesday. Clinton is set to address the ambassadors Wednesday about “leading through civilian power,” after a welcome from her chief of staff and counselor, Cheryl Mills. U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice will then forecast the year ahead at the United Nations, and Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Bill Burns will do the same for the year ahead in foreign policy. The ambassadors will also hear from Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen on civilian-military operations in the 21st century …
According to official releases concerning the agenda of the Ambassadorial enclave, there is nothing that hints at the UFO phenomenon being discussed. The timing of the meeting, first announced less then a week after two extraordinary world events, however, does point to a likely UFO connection.
The first event was a meeting of the Global Competitiveness Forum held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from January 23-25, 2011 which had for the first time a panel on UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Five panelists were heard on the opening day at a plenary session, where most of the conference participants, comprising world business leaders such as former British and Canadian Prime Ministers, Tony Blair and Jean Chretien; Jim Albaugh, President and CEO of Boeing; Andy Bird, chairman of Walt Disney International; Jared Cohen, Director of Google ideas, and many others were told about evidence of UFOs and ET life. In short, world business leaders were told that flying saucers were real and that the advanced technology of extraterrestrial civilizations made possible a special kind of UFO for astute entrepreneurs – Unprecedented Financial Opportunities. A mystery participant to the GCF was former U.S. President Bill Clinton who spoke about advanced energy systems that await international development.
The second event concerned video and witness testimony of a spectacular UFO over the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem on January 28. The UFO was filmed by up to four independent sources, and witnessed by hundreds. The UFO appears first to descend directly over the Dome of the Rock, and then shot straight up in a spectacular flash of energy. Controversy has arisen over whether one or more of the videos is a fake. Credible Israeli researchers such as Barry Chamish, however, say that at least the first two of the videos are genuine and well supported by witness testimonies.
The significance of the Dome of the Rock cannot be underestimated in terms of a UFO sighting. It is a site holy to the world’s three major monotheistic religions: Islam; Judaism; and Christianity. A UFO appearing over the Dome of the Rock may well have the principal function of uniting humanity in response to the appearance of extraterrestrial life. Alternatively, it may be setting the scene for a Second Coming type of event that some believe is part of a covert operation called Project Blue Beam using holographic technologies? Was the UFO conducting a form of galactic diplomacy in preparing humanity for events that will point to the existence of extraterrestrial life? Or was it a scene setter for a contrived Second Coming and contrived alien invasion?
Adding a further element into the hiddent agenda behind the U.S., ambassadorial enclave, is that the current U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has a documented interest in the UFO phenomenon that goes back to her days in the Clinton White House. Hillary supported an initiative by deceased billionaire, Laurence Rockefeller, to get the White House to release government documents concerning UFOs. This raises the question, was her summoning of a historic meeting of 260 U.S. ambassadors from around the world done so they can be briefed in a secure environment on events about to unfold around the planet? Are these events related to the Dome of the Rock UFO incident and the Global Competitiveness Forum meeting where World business leaders were informally told of the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrial life? The need to have nearly all U.S. ambassadors flown in, rather than participate in an internet linkup suggests momentous events needed to be discussed in a secure leak-proof environment.
Hillary Clinton will speak tomorrow, Wednesday, February 16, to this first-time assembly of 260 U.S. ambassadors from around the world. Will she brief them about UFOs and their relationship to events about to unfold around the planet? Only time will tell, but in the meantime, look to the skies – especially if visiting Jerusalem.
Julian Assange arrested in London on December 7, 2010
On Tuesday morning at 9:30 am, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was placed under arrest and denied bail by British authorities for allegations of rape being investigated in Sweden. A new Swedish prosecutor had reopened an investigation against Assange despite a previous prosecutor deciding against pressing charges. One of the women involved in the case had after the alleged rape incident thrown a party for Assange’s benefit. That and other actions by the women involved persuaded the original prosecutor not to charge Assange. One of the women has been found to have connections to the CIA suggesting Assange may have been set up in a ‘honey trap’ operation. The arrest and detention of Assange creates confusion over how and when future diplomatic cables will be released. Of special interest, are those concerning UFOs.
Wikileaks had come increasingly under pressure from the U.S. government and major allies such as Australia, Sweden and France to prosecute Julian Assange, and/or curtail internet servers hosting leaked classified U.S. diplomatic cables. Amazon.Com, Paypal, and the internet service all quickly jettisoned their connections to Wikileaks after pressure from U.S. authorities. All this has occurred despite the fact that many believe the documents released so far are pretty innocuous and amount to little more than diplomatic chatter. Some Wikileaks critics had gone so far as to claim that Assange is actually aiding and abetting a major U.S. ally, Israel, by selectively releasing documents. Others viewed the Wikileaks release as part of a false flag operation to justify internet censorship. The most recent response by U.S. authorities to request diplomatic and military personnel NOT to read the Wikileaks material is deemed by some to be a panicked over-reaction that may in the end only help Wikileaks grow in popularity. If the diplomatic cables released so far are innocuous, helping a major U.S. ally or a false flag operation, as some claim, why the panicked response by U.S. authorities? The answer may lie in a brief response Assange gave to a question in a Guardian newspaper interview. Assange said that some of the diplomatic cables soon to be released contain references to UFOs.
In response to a question about whether any of the documents sent to Wikileaks discussed UFOs and extraterrestrial life, Assange began his response by dismissing the relevance of much of what he had received:
Many weirdos email us about UFOs or how they discovered that they were the anti-christ whilst talking with their ex-wife at a garden party over a pot-plant. However, as yet they have not satisfied two of our publishing rules.
1) that the documents not be self-authored;
2) that they be original.
Just as it appeared that Wikileaks had no credible documents about UFOs, Assange made a bombshell admission: “However, it is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the cablegate archive there are indeed references to UFOs.†Assange did not elaborate on the context of the UFO related documents, nor did he give a time table for their release.
According to a number of confidential insider sources known to alternative science researcher David Wilcock, there has been a furious behind-the-scenes struggle over the pace and extent of UFO disclosure. He claims that Wikileaks is likely to release enough information about UFOs to bring a rapid end to the decades-long secrecy surrounding extraterrestrial life and technology.
This is very, very interesting. Disclosure is happening now. It hasn’t gotten into UFOs just yet, but we’re already seeing the signs of what true Disclosure will be like – an explosive burst of new information that the insiders do not want you to know, all coming out at once.
If Wilcock is correct, Wikileaks is poised to transform the world as we know it. That would explain the panicked reaction to the Wikileaks releases by U.S. authorities, and may even be related to the apparent honey trap operation that has resulted in Assange’s arrest.
Prominent figures on the right wing of U.S. politics such as Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh have gone as far as calling for Assange to be hunted down, tried and executed for the damage he has caused to U.S. national interests. The FOX news network is most prominent in advocating a draconian line to be taken against Assange and Wikileaks. What is not well understood is that FOX news has been instrumental in creating a debilitating partisan political environment that has hamstrung the Obama administration in its policy initiatives. FOX news represents the interests of prominent political and industrial figures that have long been associated with the cover-up of UFOs and extraterrestrial life.
Hillary Clinton with Laurence Rockefeller in Wyoming August 1995
At the other end of the political spectrum, the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has tried to make lemonade out of the Wikileaks lemon by focusing on what it reveals about the professionalism of U.S. diplomacy. In a recent dinner she praised the “full breadth and depth of American artistry and diversity,” adding in jest, “I am writing a cable about it, which I’m sure you’ll find soon on your closest website.” What Clinton is not revealing is her own past role in endorsing the release of UFO files as First Lady during the Clinton administration. Hillary, along with President Clinton, met with Laurence Rockefeller in 1995 in Wyoming. The Clintons were given an informal briefing about why it was in U.S. national interests to disclose information about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. FOIA documents confirm that Hillary then became Rockefeller’s point person in encouraging the Clinton administration to move forward with such a release. Political contingencies led to the Clintons eventually failing in their efforts to have UFO files released. Similarly, the Obama administration has failed to make much headway in behind the scenes efforts to release UFO documents partly due to the highly partisan political environment created by the FOX news network.
Hillary Clinton is very aware of the contents of diplomatic cables yet to be released. If some concern UFOs, they may well be the catalyst for the collapse of secrecy surrounding the truth behind UFOs and extraterrestrial life. That may help explain why Clinton is more muted in what punitive action should be taken against Assange. Clinton, along with others in the Obama administration, privately welcome the release of documents that bring to an end the secrecy surrounding UFOs. However, the prominence and influence of many right wing commentators associated with the FOX news network, the Obama administration has to be seen to be taking action to put a stop to Wikileaks. Hence the dubious legal effort to investigate bringing criminal charges against Assange, and attempt to prevent diplomatic personnel reading online the classified documents released by Wikileaks. The official U.S. response to the Wikileaks release is not well thought out and is predicted to very likely increase public interest and support for the Wikileaks material. The U.S. response very likely reflects conflicting reactions of panic and elation among senior policy makers over a possible catastrophic collapse in the secrecy system surrounding UFOs.
Assange’s arrest in Britain creates uncertainty over when and how future diplomatic cables will be released. The denial of bail to Assange on flimsy legal grounds is likely to be used as a lever by authorities behind the scenes to prevent or slow the release of some of the more damaging diplomatic information. The result however may be the so called ‘nuclear option’ Assange has threatened where all the diplomatic cables will be released at once without any redactions or filtering. Despite Assange’s arrest, Wikileaks continues to function and today tweeted that the gradual release will continue. So whether the nuclear option happens or classified information continues to come out gradually, the eventual release of diplomatic cables concerning UFOs may lead to a collapse of the secrecy system surrounding UFOs and extraterrestrial life. That will change the world as we know it.