by Katherine Hignett February 19, 2018 (
• At a press conference on February 19th, during the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Arizona State University psychologist Michael Varnum presented new unpublished data with regard to Americans perception of meeting extraterrestrials. The results suggest, said Varnum, “If we find out we’re not alone, we’ll take the news rather well.” “We would actually be pretty upbeat about it.”
• Varnum analyzed media coverage and public reaction to hypothetical revelations ranging from the discovery of microbial life off planet, or that the interstellar object ‘Oumuamua’, ie: the cigar shaped asteroid that recently traveled through our solar system, was in fact an extraterrestrial spacecraft.
• Varnum’s results suggested that the individuals question believed that humanity as a whole would react more positively than negatively to news of intelligent alien life.
Humans are fascinated by aliens. Whether they’re chest-bursting assassins or cuddly childhood friends, pop culture is awash with extraterrestrials. Science, too, has been looking for little green men for years with the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute and more recently with Breakthrough Listen.
But what would actually happen if we encountered alien life? Would humans greet the news with pitchforks or embrace our extraterrestrial cousins?
A group of recent studies have suggested the latter. If news broke of alien life, it seems humans would be cool with it.
Arizona State University psychologist Michael Varnum presented new unpublished data at a press conference Friday during the AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) annual meeting.
“If we came face to face with life outside of Earth, we would actually be pretty upbeat about it,” said Varnum at the press conference. “So far, there’s been a lot of speculation about how we might respond to this kind of news, but until now, almost no systematic empirical research.”
Interstellar Objects, Martian Microbes and Earth-Like Exoplanets
Varnum analyzed recent media coverage of the interstellar object ‘Oumuamua—first spotted flying through our solar system in late 2017—for positive and negative emotions. Specifically, Varnum was interested in the public’s response to reports that the visiting asteroid might actually be an alien spaceship. His results suggested humans would react more positively than negatively to news of intelligent alien life.
These unpublished data build on recent evidence from Varnum and colleagues suggesting humans would be happy about the discovery of alien microbes. The results from three studies were recently published in Frontiers in Psychology.
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by Joe Martino November 24, 2017 (
Cambridge University professor and evolutionary biologist, Simon Conway Morris, believes aliens are not only real, but look just like us, and notes how interesting it is that we have yet to find or come in contact with human-like beings given the number of Earth-like planets we have discovered so far.
Says Morris, “…given the number of potential planets that we now have good reason to think exist, even if the dice only come up the right way every one in 100 throws, that still leads to a very large number of intelligences scattered around, that are likely to be similar to us.”
“More problematic is that many of these solar systems far, far pre-date our solar system. They would have, in principle, a major head start of hundreds of millions, if not billions, of years.”
“We shouldn’t be alone but… all the evidence suggests we are. Maybe [aliens] are hiding.” “My suspicion is we have only begun to scratch at the surface of reality.”
Can we take Professor Morris seriously? Given the amount of evidence, case studies, and experiences that have been documented, it’s not at all unreasonable to believe that aliens not only exist, but could be among us already.
The topic of extraterrestrials secretly interacting with humans is so widely discussed now that it’s only a matter of time before big answers will come.
[Editor’s Note] The masthead graphic above is a photo of an alleged over-sized, but human-looking, extraterrestrial who interacted with a group of Italians during the 1950’s, known as “The Friendship Case”.
Evolutionary biologist Simon Conway Morris has shared his belief that aliens are not only real, but look just like us, and notes how interesting it is that we have yet to find or come in contact with human-like beings, given the number of Earth-like planets we have discovered so far.
Professor Conway Morris is best known for his study on the Cambrian explosion, which saw a sudden evolutionary burst of complex animal life occur around 542 million years ago. Morris, a man of both religion and science, has also been challenging popular scientific theories with an open mind for quite some time. He feels that many theories, when pulled together, can help explain how we all got here, but on their own paint only an incomplete picture.
Given his history, it’s unsurprising that Morris also delves into the ET realm. He feels that because many of the planets we have discovered are similar to our own, harbouring the distinct possibility for life, it is likely life has already emerged: “I would argue that in any habitable zone that doesn’t boil or freeze, intelligent life is going to emerge, because intelligence is convergent. One can say with reasonable confidence that the likelihood of something analogous to a human evolving is really pretty high. And given the number of potential planets that we now have good reason to think exist, even if the dice only come up the right way every one in 100 throws, that still leads to a very large number of intelligences scattered around, that are likely to be similar to us.”
He continues: “Fermi’s paradox seems to be coming rather sharply into focus. If I’m on the right track then the likelihood of intelligence is evolving and actively engaging in some sort of transgalatic expeditions doesn’t seem to be completely beyond the realm of possibility.”
“What Fermi didn’t know when he asked that famous question was that the number of Earth-like planets is absolutely gigantic now. More problematic is that many of these solar systems far, far pre-date our solar system. They would have, in principle, a major head start of hundreds of millions, if not billions, of years.”
“The problem is exceedingly acute: we shouldn’t be alone but, famous last words, all the evidence suggests we are. Maybe [aliens] are hiding, the Arthur C Clarke idea, or as Stephen Baxter mischievously suggested we live in a virtual world. I don’t honestly know. My suspicion is we have only begun to scratch at the surface of reality, for want of a better word.”
But are they hiding? There’s been so much evidence of “someone else” that the statement “maybe they’re hiding” seems misplaced.
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(We need a more constructive, participatory approach that can also be objectively verified)
Conscious Ufology: Like the study of meteorology, UFO phenomena are not easy to reproduce at will. Like social groups it is also difficult to predict how the phenomena are going to behave. However both meteorology and sociology are practical and valid fields of modern science with useful degrees of predictability. But the key to a more advanced ufology doesn’t rest in forcing or attempting to reproduce phenomena at will but instead to work as a new breed of scientists in a more participatory way. And, yes, it is in part like in the social sciences. The subject becomes involved with the object (and vice-versa) but what would correspond to social effects becomes physically visible in a way that deeply affects the ordinary behavior of matter expressing internal aspects that appear to “change reality.”
What we normally call “reality” can shift as subjectivity interacts with deeper material potentials. Here subject and object affect each other more deeply. Unlike the patterns of physical matter studied by classical physics, the physical patterns of genuine “anomalous,” otherworldly UFO phenomena are not completely stable but instead malleable and interactive, more inclusive of what seem to be more involved quantum macroscopic effects through mental coherence. That which is not normally detectable in common physical patterns becomes momentarily detectable as physical matter itself seem to show aspects that are normally hidden. The interplay between consciousness and being becomes more ALIVE and modifies stable physical matter and spacetime.
Retrocausal spacetime cancellation (accompanying the greater effect of subjectivity) also seem to be at work here.The regular scientific method is useful for many of ufology’s aspects once a trace, record or modification has been left but it is also insufficient in terms of a live interactive situation. Therefore, serious ufologists need to evolve their “proto science” accordingly (let ‘s think of “proto science” as a field of inquiry with emerging scientific aspects and with the potential to become a full-fledged science). And with this, the scientific method itself (as applicable to a whole new range of natural phenomena) can also evolve.
If we were to learn to respectfully summon genuine, otherworldly UFO phenomena in a participatory way by blending our subjective intelligence with the intelligences behind UFOs and were able to record the evidence, we would begin the next stage of ufology that would be more experimental and more participatory. And now that we are talking about “participation” in which subjects are involved, we need to talk about rights, respect and rules of engagement, both for humanity-respectful, intersubjective, inter-reality ET intelligence and for the small % who may not be in our best interests; not over-emphasizing the negative as this may be way too limited, an extension of the old warmongering mentality and deleterious in the long run for humanity.
There is a room for the military, even for defense against some ETs and for keeping some technological secrets from the public but the new approach must be about BUILDING COMMUNITY, finding and teaching a more connective universal paradigm. More members of humanity should grow to the point of not being vicariously represented by people with a traditional dichotomous mentality, however well-intended some may be. Unfortunately, predominant, classical military mindsets seem to be in those capable of being culturally influential and willing to take UFO-ET matters seriously. And they count with great material resources. Most other institutional cultural leaders do not care or want to risk getting involved. Revealing, communicating and educating is great but NOT with the Evil alien mindset underneath! This will expose humanity, the U.S., “them” and all of “us” to a continuity of problems. Like begets like.
It’s as if every time there is a massive institution involved, the discourse is distorted towards mass marketing, you name it: the Church or churches, universities, the film industry, the military, aerospace corporations handling UFO and retro engineering for better weapons, even the largest civilian UFO organization as it expands is falling into this. Big institutions suffer from a disconnection syndrome from the common folk, whom they are suppose to benefit. The practical, decision-making political power of the common man is almost nil compared with that of corporations and their lobbies. For the most part, the needs of the latter are heard over the needs of the former. And the first victim is the truth itself that should serve The People to make good assessments, to evolve in solidarity and choose wisely. That barrier between large, recognized institutions and The People prevents and stalls a beneficent outcome as per the extraterrestrial situation. And this lingers on and on year after year, all the while the small voices of The People, the grassroots having experiences is shared with modest repercussions. It is time for a major grassroots revelation, not manipulated under an “evil alien” institutional presentation. It is time for The People to prevail over the institutes that should in fact represent them much better under a “representative democracy” but which are controlled by “the few.” It is time for a very serious consciousness shift. To stop reinforcing through entertainment, catering to fear-based narratives or by excessively propping up marketing through negative news and views, or else we will remain behind the times.
For a proper Galactic Diplomacy to succeed we need much more comprehensive assessments. And we need a more constructive, participatory, intersubjective approach that can also be objectively verified. And, along new scientific perspectives, we need to evolve our ways of feeling, judging, relating.
Hasn’t Tom DeLonge heard something credible about the need for “Conscious Evolution?” Tom needs to think about learning to work peacefully with our forefathers, in fact, space relatives; specially those aligned with the expectation that humanity will succeed in developing its full potential. This doesn’t discard God or the possibility that several ET civilizations intervened our developing species in the past some for good, some for illth. But the overall picture emerging shows that we do not need to over-emphasize the negative aspect. Neither deny but nor over-emphasize.
Hasn’t he studied the many, in fact thousands, contactee-experiencer testimonies about mostly pro-humanity extraterrestrials given by sane people (even anonymously) whose voices cannot be denied and also HAVE TO be seriously considered? Unfortunately, his assessment of the situation – however popular it might get – seems to be really skewed by personal preconceptions, biases that incline him towards an “us vs them” limited and selective way of seeking information. Experiencers at large and dedicated, long-standing research such as Mary Roswell (author of “The New Human: Awakening to our Cosmic Heritage”) show that our perspectives and our conscious capacity to handle multiple perspectives without being dominated by an “us vs. them” mentality is key to work a healthy exopolitical relationship with multiple ET intelligences.
The enormous possibilities that Consciousness brings are applicable to humanity, to its awakening, (even for being respected by the few less respectful ET varieties without the need to over-rely on technology) and are much greater than a classical over-extended, dualistic, military-technological approach.
The anonymous survey by FREE ( expands our personal (preference-biased) assessments into a more reasonable overview: See the 2016 initial research data summary at
⦁ Overall, 85% have stated their contact with NHIBs have been “Positive”;
⦁ 84% do not want their Contact experiences with the NHIBs to stop.
⦁ 9.7% believe the NHIBs are Bad or Malevolent.
⦁ 62% have stated that the NHIB have tried to help them.
⦁ 71% feel Expanded Consciousness in the presence of the NHIBs.
⦁ 66% have felt Love from these NHIBs.
CONJECTURES about APUNIAN MESSAGES on a Creative Conscious and Intentional Use of the TESSERACT (HYPER CUBE)
Giorgio Piacenza
Part of the information received since 1974 from the Apunians (and from other associated beings) is that humanity has a unique creative potential for manifesting and modifying reality without the aid of any external technology or, at any rate, a high degree of it.
These messages also said that humanity has an enormous spiritual potential that may provide a vast example on a better way to live, something that even advanced extraterrestrial civilizations would be unable to manifest because they had become excessively dependent on technology and mental over spiritual feeling-based approaches to life. Thus, they might not have the capacity to interact with the highest levels of existence as we still have and their evolution may have almost stopped or halted for both extraterrestrials favoring and opposing humanity and its expected role.
However, allowing both factors (creative manifestation and spirituality) to flourish in humanity is either desired or opposed by different extraterrestrial civilizations, some of which want to stop humanity from coming into full fruition as much as others want to give humanity a chance to do so.
My friend Ricardo Gonzalez apparently received telepathic information from one or more beings (associated with a planet commonly called “Apu,” known by several Latin American contactees). The messages asked about working with the visualization of a Tesseract (hypercube) in order to manifest intention, while in a coherent group effort synchronized with deeper levels of mind. They mentioned that the smallest and most fundamental particle before emptiness (called “Minius” by previous contactee engineer Vlado Kapetanovic) was susceptible to being manipulated in a creative way through visualizing and working with the Tesseract.
“The Minius is the primary source of energy, the essence of the origin of the universe. It is the key of the beggining and its proyection: An equation from eternity t¿which allows to act in that which is visible and invisible. You must not interpret it only as a scientific knowledge about the nature of te cosmos. It is, beyond that, a spiritual message, beyond its practical application in the technology and of space journeys.” (Ivika, from Apu).
Thus, perhaps the “Minius” is fractally connected across dimensional levels with geometrical forms that in turn are connected with the Tesseract which can be more easily visualized than other forms in higher spaces. Therefore, perhaps how our minds focus on the Tesseract might be a means to start working with our consciousness, subtle energies, manifestation and an interphase with multiple realities in non-mechanistic ways…to start training our creative psychic potential (apparently inherited from many extraterrestrial species that contributed their genetic material to enhance more primitive human beings).
Not every extraterrestrial civilization involved agreed with this plan – and some of the extraterrestrial genes even originated in aggressive species – but they allegedly needed to promote a form of life that one day would show them how to live in a dense material plane and to discover advanced forms of technology without becoming excessively mental or technological.
Thus, I delved some into geometry and found a relation with what Dr. Nassim Haramein explains about the “Vector Equilibrium” connected with the 64 Tetrahedron Grid. So here we go:
The Rhombic Dodecahedron formed by diamond-shaped faces is inscribed in the Vector Equilibrium also known as “Cube Octahedron.” The Vector Equilibrium would be a most fundamental geometric form which combines with the 64 Tetrahedron grid maintaining in balance and symmetry the multi-directional forces at the Zero Point energy or Quantum Vacuum. It would also connect energetically and informationally all the physical universe in a fractal manner where toroids as vortices circulate going within and without physical manifestation.
Each point of the Rhombic Dodecahedron points to a face of the Vector Equilibrium or Cube Octahedron and both geometric forms complement each other. But the Rhombic Dodecahedron not only is inscribed in the Vector Equilibrium or Cube Octahedron but it also is the “shadow” or 3D geometrical projection of the Tesseract hypercube in 4D.
In all of these cases we are still speaking only of “spatial dimensions” and these types of dimensions should not be confused with whole physical and non-physical realities. Technically speaking, “dimension” is not synonymous with “reality,” plane of existence or anything like that. It is a necessary parameter (offering restriction and possibility) within a reality system.
According to messages received by another credible contactee friend (Luis Fernando Mostajo), there would be a dodecahedron at the center of the Earth.
Now, the geometric “dual” of the rhombic dodecahedron is the Cube Octahedron and the Cube Octahedron is the “shadow” or lower dimensional 3D projection of the 4D Tesseract. This is analogous to how a 2D hexagon is the shadow of a 3D cube.
Could we (conventional, Earth’s surface humanity) be gradually receiving or becoming aware of the first steps on how to mentally use geometries that allow connections of vortices situated between physical and non-physical realities? That is, between the mental and the physical realms?
Perhaps the nodes where lines cross in a 4D Tesseract correspond (in lower 3D spatial projections) to some of Earth’s so-called “power points.” These nodes would also point to the faces of an even higher dimensional 5D form which would not only relate with matter and energy but with information according to the physical theory of Burkhardt Heim (pointed out to me by Mr. James Fellow). Heim’s theory proposes spatial dimensions for concrete matter, for energy levels, and for information.
In various countries there have been more successful, voluntary, friendly, peaceful encounters with Apunians and other associated beings since the Tesseract was included in group practices. Even without a profound intellectual understanding of the principles, mathematics and physics involving the use of the Tesseract, these practices (involving, visualization, group coherence and intent) may be useful to increase the level of constructive resonance with many extraterrestrial intelligences, perhaps a holographic type of resonance cutting across temporal and spatial differences between their state of reality and ours. Thus, the use of the Tesseract in meditation, visualization and associated practices may also be considered as an exopolitical tool to relate with them resonating under a common or universal geometrical-consciousness-based language.
If, in any duality based state, Being and Consciousness are mutually necessary for each to be defined under independent definitions, whilst Being is understood as the experiential contents of Consciousness (with various degrees of exteriority) and Consciousness is understood as the capacity to experience Being (and, conversely, as the experiential capacity of Being), by experiencing the Tesseract in Consciousness (the Tesseract as a universally interconnected and interconnecting geometrical form of Being crossing spiritual and mental reality levels even into physicality) we may be able to recognize “objective reality” as both mental and physical. In fact, we may be able to consciously reconnect with a deeper knowledge and function as the distinction between exterior and interior reality experiences is consciously reconciled (Giorgio Piacenza).
Visualizing a Tesseract in specific ways on specific spots of the Earth, perhaps at specific times and in group – coherent ways connected to the subconscious mind and in a state of intentional spiritual connection may be a means for our consciousness to access the information level that would, in turn, connect with the concrete physical level. This type of “consciousness enhancing technology” may be less dependent on external or artificial means if the Tesseract connects our embedded focalized consciousness with universal organizing patterns derived from universal consciousness and spirit in manifestation.
The “Tesseract” has different functions used to work holographically with the Minius, “replicating” that which is naturally found within you. This “spiritual technology” will be a form of work from now on.” (Ivika, from Apu).
Astronomer Eamonn Ansbro, PhD, specialist in Solar System Astronomy and instrument maker is a member of the Royal Astronomical Society, SETI member in the UK, discoverer of a Moon quake, past Vice President of the International Union of Amateur Astronomers. His scientific accomplishments include discoveries of a hydrogen envelope around the rings of Saturn. Dr. Ansbro also explores a form of proactive interaction with extraterrestrial intelligences (or CE-5) modulating hiperluminal, longitudinal EM waves based on consciousness resonance, a form of potentially instantaneous and simultaneous communication with more advanced civilizations which would not use regular transversal EM radio waves to communicate.
The frequency (compression and expansion) is modulated with voltage. They have been working for about 10 years and are now in Ireland. Ansbro and team are applying an apparently more effective form of CE-5 based on what they call “Co Creative Science” by Machaelle Small Wright and Catherine Ansbro tuning first with nature in order to achieve communication. They also use very advanced conventional detection instruments (multi-directional visual, gamma rays, infrared, etc).
The non orthodox effort is associated with a more conventional SETI effort at SETI KINGSLAND, an Optical SETI research center. It includes five, sixteen and thirty-six inch reflectors, with specialized CCD cameras.What should matter for more conventional SETI scientists still working with radio waves and optical SETI should be…RESULTS. Thus, his unorthodox research into ET communication and UFOs is tolerated.
Apparently they have been quite successful. But soon (perhaps by November of this year) they will have 2 devices ready for non-conventional communication and may experience more dramatic results. This effort expands ufology way beyond the traditional “nuts and bolts” approach, combining science and consciousness under shared patterns. Through the combined use of resonance based on a nature-aligned consciousness modifying longitudinal waves (which are more closely related with natural living processes),ufology is expanded, becoming more interactive, experimental and capable of finding direct answers, both with scientific instruments and with the use of conciousness. We could perhaps call it “conscious contact ufology.”
After many years of research, Ansbro is certain that we are being visited. He claims to have found 660 paths which UFOs use intersecting the Equator in synchronous motion around the Earth, as large motherships wait, for instance, in the upper stratosphere while sending down smaller probes for sort term operations.
Superluminal LONGITUDINAL WAVES are important. Professor Konstantin Meyl working with Tesla’s technology has been able to produce them. His also transmit electrical energy wirelessly.
We need to learn how to produce longitudinal waves in a useful manner and how consciousness and living patterns interact with them. That would be a step forward in understanding how advanced ETs not limited to spacetime may operate and may be a way to solve the Fermi Paradox.
In this 2016 lecture, astronomer Eamonn Ansbro didn’t say how the longitudinal wave producing devices were made and how to couple these waves with consciousness and intention (after it has attuned with nature) but this information should be easy to locate. He may be experimenting with optical Bessel beams forming X-waves that have a focused superluminal component that could be considered longitudinal. I don’t know, but this information should be easy to locate.
We also need to find the mathematical and conceptual compatibility with the Quantum Hologram and with the other theories considered that connect mind, matter, consciousness across levels of reality. Longitudinal Waves (associated with EM waves) also seem to directly carry entropic and negentropic energies modifiable by intention ultimately originating in the non-physical realm of existence. They may be used to communicate, inter phase and to re-program.
Dr. Monica Borine’s Exopsychology of Anomalous Experience
Dr. Monica Borine, a Clinical Psychologist from Brazil, will speak on Exopsychology, Friday evening 7:00 pm, July 14, 2017, at Mind Body Medicine Center in Scottsdale, Arizona, sponsored by the Institute for Exoconsciousness. Dr. Borine will present research from her recent postdoctoral degree (in progress) at the University of Hawaii. During her 25 year practice in clinical psychology, Dr. Borine’s clients included numerous people contacted by UFOs and Extraterrestrials, which led to her creating the field of Exopsychology. Her presentation also includes a guided meditation to connect the mind, heart, and cosmos.
Dr. Borine’s post-doctoral work in psychology of ET UFO contact is ground-breaking academic research, which indicates increased openness of academic institutions to support Exoconscious oriented research and experiencers.
Dr. Monica Borineis an internationally recognized Clinical Psychologist and consciousness researcher of anomalous phenomena including UFOs and ET contact for over 25 years. Recently she completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Anomalous Psychology at the University Honolulu (in course). She is a specialist in Orgonomist (William Reich), Bioenergetics analysis, Core Energetics, Yogatherapy and Clinical hypnosis.
Dr. Borine founded the Psychoenergetics of Consciousness in April 2002 and the field of ExoPsychology in 2014 Currently, she is Director of the Exopsychology Institute in Atibaia, Brazil, and the Core Energetics Institute of Brazil.
Dr. Borine’s education includes a Doctorate in Health Psychology Assessment in Mental health and Psychopathologies from San Francisco University, São Paulo, Brazil; a Masters in Health Psychology in Neuropsychology of Consciousness from São Paulo University and UMESP, São Paulo, Brazil. She completed postgraduate studies in Psychology of Consciousness and Transpersonal Psychology. She is a member of the ASSC (Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Pasadena, California, USA) and a Founding member of the Association of Health Psychology, São Paulo in 2005.
Thanks for reading — I’m Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, founder of the Institute for Exoconsciousness. Our mission is to support ET Experiencers. The Community for the Exoconscious connects ET experiencers with an international network of experiencer groups.
My signature is exploring what it means to be an Exoconscious Human — how we form an ET identity and create ET-Human community. My personal ET contact began in early childhood and continues today.
Has Earth’s time-line been manipulated without us knowing it? Does the United States government have diplomatic relations with Extraterrestrials?
A new book due to be released on September 1, 2016 by two Canadian authors appears to have captured the answers to these and other staggering questions about the ET phenomenon and time travel.
Bob Mitchell and Jason Quitt, co-authors of the book DISCLOSED: Chronicles of John Titor ll, have distributed the following press release about John Titor II’s personal chronicle of time travel and inconceivable details about the influence Extraterrestrials have had on Earth’s past, present and future. If the testimony in this book by John Titor II is true – it will change history and much, much more.
[Note: This press release contains information that may be disturbing to some people. Read at your own risk.]
TORONTO, Ont. – (Aug. 29, 2016) – The United States spends millions of dollars every year covering up something they say doesn’t exist – Extraterrestrials.
In fact, the U.S. military not only recognizes three alien species but for nearly 70 years has been working with the Greys, the Reptilians and the Tall Whites under signed treaties. America also has diplomatic relations with the Anunnaki.
But the cover-up goes even deeper.
The U.S. military has the capability of time travel using interstellar spacecraft capable of flying faster than the speed of light.
Based at Area 51, John Titor II began travelling through time on missions for a highly-secretive arm of the U.S. Air Force in 1979 and served as commander of the 177th Time Travel Division from the years 2030 to 2036.
His life story is told for the first time in “Disclosed: Chronicles of John Titor II” – a new book co-written by Canadian authors Bob Mitchell and Jason Quitt.
“In return for allowing the Greys, the Reptilians and the Tall Whites to have hidden bases on Earth with unlimited access to resources – and the U.S. never revealing to the public they exist – the ETs have provided black technology to the military beyond anybody’s wildest imagination,” Titor II said.
Titor II reveals the hidden truths behind humanity’s biggest cover-ups.
These include;
• The existence of at least two different off-world colonies. • The U.S. military has a fighting force of thousands of genetically-engineered cloned super soldiers. • Who really killed President John F Kennedy? • Our timeline has been changed without us knowing it. • Humanity’s extinction and Earth’s inevitable environmental Armageddon.
Mitchell, Quitt and John Titor II will discuss their mind blowing book for the first time on Coast to Coast with George Noory on Sept. 1, the same day it goes on sale on Amazon. .
“Once you read this book you will never look at the world the same way again,” author Bob Mitchell said. “Parts of it scared the hell out of me, especially when John revealed what our future will be like.”
“Disclosed has the potential to shake up the entire conspiracy/UFO world,” author Jason Quitt said. “People all over the world are demanding disclosure. This bookwill push the boundaries.
Disclosed:Chronicles of John Titor II is a perfect follow the international sensation “Forbidden Knowledge-Revelations of a multi-dimensional time traveler,” which was co-written by Mitchell and Quitt and released in March 2016.
“It’s important to understand that John Titor II isn’t the John Titor, who suddenly popped up on the Internet in 2000 claiming to be a time traveler with so many outlandish predictions,” Mitchell said. “In our new book, John Titor II doesn’t make predictions. He has experienced what has and is about to happen.”.
“John Titor II is the real deal,” Quitt said.
Although no longer time traveling, John Titor II continues to consult with the Department of Defense. He lives in a heavily-secured compound with 24-hour security in southern California.
CONTACT Bob Mitchell – Jason Quitt –
This film is more about the interviewer, Joe Bilbow, than the interviewee, Neil Gould. Joe Bilbow is Neil Gould’s nephew who is challenged with ADHD and Asbergers Syndrome and under the care and support of the local council.
In this interview it is clear that Joe is exoconscious and more suited to the new and forthcoming cosmic reality, a stark contrast to the mundane and depressing skewered world around him which he rejects and challenges for all the right exopolitical reasons.
Joe tackled the exopolitical questions in great depth challenging his uncle, covering the ET issue; abductions, super technology, disclosure, holographic universe and religion. His challenged mindset leads the interview into areas, which include ADHD cosmic awareness that the very people who support him, are unable to even perceive.
It was 8 years ago, over lunch with computer guru Larry Lowe, Phoenix Lights researcher, Lynne Kitei and peace activist, Terri Mansfield–together, we birthed a vision for mobile phones as a means of tracking UFO’s.
The four of us knew 3 things regarding UFOs, consciousness, and technology:
1. the effectiveness of crowdsourced data gathering, 2. the connection of handheld mobile phones and 3. the power of a community of conscious intention.
Our idea was to create a text-based system to track a UFO sighting whose trajectory would be traced via individual mobile phones with geographical coordinates and images. Then Larry would recreate a geospatial animation of the UFOs journey, eventually creating a map of multiple sightings.
We envisioned the Phoenix Valley as an illuminated map of UFO craft and exoconscious participants.
SETI Breakthrough Listening
That was 8 years ago. Today, SETI announced their $100 million grant from billionaire social media investor, Yuri Milner, that involves smartphone crowdsourcing of the data of universe’s entire electromagnetic spectrum gathered from two telescopes, Green Bank and Parkes.
It’s a funny feeling to see a vision you and your friends held come to life–in a different way. It’s like thinking you know how your newborn will look–only to be delighted by its distinctive appearance at birth. You experience a death of your expectations and a birth of new possibilities. All so TS Eliot.
This set down
This: were we led all that way for
Birth or Death?
Connection of Frequencies, Question of ET Contact
SETI wants to explore frequencies across the universe’s electromagnetic spectrum and we wanted to explore UFOs. Different focuses, and yet, we both see consciousness and how humans are connected to the universe.Exoconsciousness.
Today I follow the unfolding of SETI’s venture with enthusiasm. It wasn’t always so.
When SETI first began its work, I questioned why they didn’t ask ET experiencers what we know about the universe and the extraterrestrial presence. It seemed an obvious route to information.
Well, I made peace with those questions that were entangled with feelings. Peace came because I have a deeper understanding of consciousness. Extraterrestrial exploration is like healing our bodies. One consciousness needs drugs and surgery to heal. Another consciousness needs oils and energy medicine to heal.
SETI consciousness needs telescopes and computers to interact with the extraterrestrial presence. Exoconsciousness needs telepathy and psychic-heart connection to interact with the extraterrestrial presence.
Exoconsciousness is about merging consciousness science and extraterrestrial experiencers (including those who witness UFOs). In that respect, SETI’s ability to explore across the universe’s entire electromagnetic spectrum is important.
Extraterrestrial experiencers need science
We ET experiencers are aware of dimensions and frequencies that science is researching via advances in technology. How the exoconscious human experiences the full electromagnetic spectrum is central to energy healing, telepathy, and how we create connection. Technology advances consciousness. And consciousness advances technology. It’s not an either or.
Both SETI and ET Experiencers are about acknowledging, integrating and advancing our connection to our planet Earth, the universe and the extraterrestrial presence. For the Exoconscious the path lies within. We are extraterrestrial and as such our consciousness connects to other extraterrestrials and their field of information.
SETI and ET experiencers have different paths. A different conscious guidance. A different experience of contact. Yet, we live in a home of similar frequencies.
Our paths diverge and then merge in this field of information. It’s what creates a pattern so we all can see.
FREE (Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters) is conducting a distinctive large-scale survey dedicated to experiencers of direct contact with intelligent, ‘non-human’ extraterrestrial beings. This survey is anonymous, with easy to respond questions, producing statistics displayed in pie charts. It can be done in 15-20 minutes.
We recognize the research thus far conducted but intend to reach many more people directly. Instead of waiting for particular researchers to gradually illustrate The People of the world with assessments about what they understand what the contact experience is about and who is who among alleged extraterrestrials, this survey attemptstobringFIRST-HAND KNOWLEDGE from experiencers themselves and, if possible, from experiencers from all over the world. This survey unbiasedly accepts information from persons claiming to have experienced ANY VARIETY OF DIRECT EXTRATERRESTRIAL ENCOUNTER EVENTS.
If you are a genuine experiencer, through this survey you can directly contribute to humanity’s greater understanding about what may be really happening. It can provide greater evidence to the conventional mindset that many healthy and normal indiduals are reporting and having unique, physically-interactive experiences with non-human extraterrestrial intelligences. It can also improve our information about the varieties of the contact experience, plausible intentions, modus operandi, messages, effects on people, and other details needed to work for an intelligent, constructive and mutually respectful exopolitical response.
The objective of this study is, for the first time, to have comprehensive statistical and cross- tabulated data findings about the phenomena of ET Contact as well as interview data to back up the quantitative data. We also strive to extend this survey to non-English-speaking countries and expect to have an initial publication of our findings by the Spring of 2016. After the publication of this initial report, all of our data will be placed in the public domain in our new FREE website (not yet available) to be used by all researchers and the public.
ANONYMITY: Confidentiality and Anonymity is extremely important to us. As a participant in our 2 surveys and formal interview, the Participant has a choice to remain completely “ANONYMOUS”. There will not be a way for anyone to find out who is the Participant, where they live, or any other personal information to identify you. In addition, the Interviewer will not have any personal identifying information about you. Instead, the Participant will be given a Respondent Number. During your Interview you will not be asked any information to identify who you are (name, address, or other sensitive personal ID information). All of the voice interviews will be audio taped and later transcribed to paper via appropriate software. This is the reason why it is important to maintain complete anonymity. After the voice files have been transcribed, they will be destroyed. What will be left is a transcribed document that will not have any personal identifying information except for the Respondent Number.
This survey (The FREE Experiencer Research Study) is the first ever long term, comprehensive, statistical ACADEMIC research study on the ET Contact Phenomenon. No one has ever attempted this type of study before. It will involve two comprehensive quantitative surveys totaling more than 600 questions and a follow-up formal interview comprised of 50 open-ended questions. Phase 1 is our initial simple survey, comprised of only 125 questions that can be completed in 15-20 minutes. At that time you can chose whether to participate in our more extensive quantitative survey, our Phase 2 survey, which totals approximately 450 questions and will be provided to those individuals that choose to participate in our research study and have completed the Phase 1 survey. The formal interview will be the Phase 3 component of our study and will involve a series of 50 “open ended” questions. So far, FREE has received over 1,200 responses as of June 1, 2015 to our Phase 1 Survey and of these 97% have indicated a willingness to serve as a participant in our research project. We have also received 543 responses to our Phase 2 Survey.
The Mission of FREE will focus on “Research and Education.” Our primarily focus will be on scientific investigation through surveys and interviews on individuals who have had UFO related contact experiences with non-human sentient beings (commonly known as “ET Contact”) and to compare this group with individuals that have had other types of “paranormal contact experiences” through the following: NDEs, OBEs, Hallucinogenic/ Entheogenic natural substances, hypnotic regression, Mystical Meditation Travel, Channeling, Remote Viewing, and human encounters with non-human intelligence, and related paranormal contact experiences.
FREE has been established by various academics, Ph.D. physicists, Ph.D. psychologists, various scientists, medical professionals, researchers and a diversity of “EXPERIENCERS”, working under one umbrella, to bring together diverse voices in the subject areas of human encounters with non-human intelligence and related “paranormal” phenomena, and “Consciousness Studies.”
All FREE Board of Directors endorse the Post-Materialist Paradigm(PMP), promulgated by Dr. Edgar Mitchell since the early 1970s who helped to establish the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), a paradigm that firmly believes that consciousness is non-local and independent of the brain. This view of non-local consciousness allows us to possibly explain a wide variety of special states of consciousness and all the so called “paranormal” contact phenomena. A more advanced science will understand these ocurrences as “natural” and we strive to come to a better understanding of that science.
In addition, FREE will also uphold the views established by the field of “Transpersonal Psychology” that investigates the “Spiritual” aspects of our reality with openness and to help others who have had direct personal contact experiences to integrate these experiences into their daily lives and possibly into their spiritual practice. To this end, FREE will continue to support all “Experiencers” of paranormal experiences through the “FREE EXPERIENCER BUDDY PROGRAM” and other support services.
Please inform all “EXPERIENCERS”, individuals that have had any type of UFO related “ET Contact” with a “Non-Human Intelligent Being”, about our FREE Experiencer Research Study and encourage them to take our initial survey.
The field of Ufology is moving forward and EXOPOLITICS is also becoming more recognized and talked about in this move. At the well-led forum by Mr. A.J. Gevaerd, the “Foz de Iguazu Letter 2014” intended for Brazilian representatives and senators was perfected and signed to ask them to begin to openly discuss UFO issues. The forum’s emphasis was on the social implications of the extraterrestrial presence. There also was an emphasis in speakers that proposed using effective psychic and “espirita” (spiritist) means to develop verifiable human-extraterrestrial interactions.
While there were several outstanding researchers (like France’s CNES’ Jean Jacques Velasco and Professor Erling Strand of the Hessdalen Project and Østfold University College) objectively substantiating the high probability of advanced, intelligently directed objects behind some UFOs, definitely the tenor of the event was not about whether the ETs might be here but about moving forward now that it was clear for most researchers that they were. Next (from notes taken personally at the conference) I’ll give a few summaries of three specific presentations more specifically relevant to exopolitics.
From the presentation by Mr. Thiago Luis Ticchetti (co-editor of “Revista UFO” from Brazil):
QUESTION:What will happen after disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence? Some possible answers:
After 1 min: Call relatives and tell them about the news. After 1 hr.: Billions of emails. After 1 day: More serious questions are asked.
First reactions
Are they similar to us? Are they intelligent but non-human? What are their goals? Are they benign or malignant? Are we safe?
Handling of disclosure information
Will it be handled stealthily? With how much aperture to the public? Will only a few of the secrets held be given to the public or all of them? Will this information be given voluntarily? A total radical aperture including the good and the bad?
What will happen with the political conflicts around the world? Will some be set aside to face as a species the new challenges? Ufologists will become important.
If there’s a partial (controlled) aperture it may be because governments fear a generalized panic. How will the world financial markets be affected? How will they be affected by extraterrestrial technology thereafter?
Most likely there’ll be a “false,” deceiving aperture because “nothing is certain in a trillion dollar industry filled with cover-ups. But changes do take place. Perhaps the population will have about 6 days to digest information that will change life forever.
Martial Law will be declared in a number of places in the world. The media will say that UFO stories were true after all. INTERNET will be working at maximum capacity. There will be some technical problems.
In Budhism, Hinduism and Spiritism there’s belief in extraterrestrial existence. Some other religions may have a problem with that.
There will be opposing and favorable opinions about ufological opening. Opposing: More armament will fall into aggressive hands. In favor: Technology can help people.
By the time of that dialogue/controversy perhaps more will be known about who the ETs are and what they want?
Who are they and what do they want?
Are they a threat or are they friendly? Are they in fact “extraterrestrials?” Are they intelligent machines? Are they terrestrial entities? Are they “extra” or ultradimensionals? Are they angels or demons? Are they time travellers? Are they from the future and cannot interact with us openly so as not to alter the future?
Are we like laboratory rats? Are they in a rescue mission? Do they want our DNA? Do they want to create a new type of species and-or save their own species? Do they want to eat our meat perhaps like the mutilated cows? Some evidence indicates that they were alive when they were eaten. 30,000 persons disappear every year.
Do they want our souls? Do they want our “oasis” planet? Perhaps they want nothing? Do they have empathy towards human beings? What technological level do they have? Have they already infiltrated in our society? Would some hybrids be able to pass for us easily?
Giorgio Piacenza: I’ll add: Do they want us to teach them something (let’s not assume that they can’t learn some things from us). Do they want to have our capacities, even capacities which we have not clearly recognized in us?
Institutional, Social & Cultural Questions
Will some cultural foundations crack? Will some institutions suffer credibility problems for having previously hidden this reality? How much did they know inside the government? Who knew?
There will be a new “energy equation” (new sources of energy affecting societies, productions, the economy).
How will the legal system of countries with extraterrestrial presence change?
In the coming Age what is liberated-disclosed will determine what is going to happen.
How will the day-to-day life of people continue? How will the educational structure change?
History will be re-evaluated. With respect to anthropology and archaeology we will ask: What is true or false? Psychology will have questions like: Is it possible to control experiences and memories like some ETs have shown?
Exopolitics will grow. All politics will be global. Since Brazil is the 5th country in terms of population and area and with several ufologists it will become a ufological power.
From the presentation by Dr. Alexandre Dittrich Buhr “Proposal for an Ethics for the Encounter with Cosmic Civilizations”:
Dr. Buhr is a professor and a judge, with a MsC in legal sciences and lives in the Brazilian State of Santa Catarina (where important crop circles have been regularly appearing in the past few years). He’s also had a long-time interest in Space Law, is the author of “Direito Espacial” (Space Law) and clearly includes important Exopolitical considerations.
We have to consider Space Law, Ufological Events and Ethics: Space Law regulates how countries and businesses use space. Ufological Events need to be understood under a legal perspective and Ethic need to be developed for encounters with cosmic civilizations.
By convention In Aeronautical and Space Law the limit where space starts is at 100 Km over sea level. Space technology is present in daily life. Economy, agriculture, airplanes already use space related technology.
There is Public International Space Law; Public Internal Space Law and Private International Space Law.
Space activities tend to be messy. However, there have been some treaties like the foundational 1967 Space Treaty, the 1968 Agreement on the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space, the 1972 Space Liability Convention (how states are responsible when satellites fall), the 1974 Registration Convention (only 62 signing states have to inform the UN of satellites launched and their orbits but military satellites are not controlled), the 1979 Moon Agreement (subscribed by very few countries). But the 1967 Space Treaty is for the good and interests of ALL countries, stating that nothing from Outer Space can be an object of national appropriation. But the U.S. probably places weapons in space even if the UN is in agreement with the spirit of the 1967 Treaty.
Brazil has already celebrated treaties with the European Space Agency (ESA), Germany, Argentina, Chile, China, Colombia, France, India, Russia, Ukraine and the US. Brazil has been a member of the United Nation’s COPUOS (Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space) since its foundation in 1959.
It is currently considered that private activity is not contemplated under Space Law. This includes activities like space tourism, asteroid mining exploitation and rendering services to space agencies. There also is the issue of space waste. Also militarization of outer space is prohibited but it is done. There are unilateral and multilateral considerations. There’s the possibility of “space terrorism” (like attacking necessary satellites). There also is the possibility of encounters with hostile cosmic civilizations.
For most aerospace legal authorities there is no UFO phenomenon to consider. However, the violation of air space requires a legal interpretation. Also the issue of human contamination due to contact with extraterrestrial organisms requires more understanding. Moreover, the Penal Code would apply to implants, as a form of creating damage to the human body. It would also apply for sexual experiences during abductions and to the sanctity ofhome space violations. Some UFO-ET related events typified in the (Brazilian) Penal Code are implants generating corporal lesions (art 129), subtraction and/or placement of genetic material (213), kidnapping and withholding a person (art 150), illegal subjection of a person.
Mario Nogueira Rangel who wrote “Secuestros Alienígenas” (Extraterrestrial Abductions) made clear that many symptoms associated to the Abductions are violations both of the Penal Code and of Human Rights. However, we should recognize that there also are positive types of contacts. Think of Ezequiel’s experiences and of Elizabeth Klarer’s reference to the extraterrestrial Akon from Alpha Centauri. Interestingly J.J. Hurtak provided additional insights to the revealed names present in Klarer’s case.
But how should we position ourselves before a variety of extraterrestrial encounters? We need to develop an ethical understanding, a philosophical understanding and Interplanetary Space Law. We need to identify who they are and if they correlate with our basic ethical norms. We need to develop the philosophy of Interplanetary Space Law. For instance was the European civilization that brought modernity but enslaved so many in the New World good or bad? Are older extraterrestrial civilizations that have been interacting for a long time with us but which violate our rights good or bad?
From the presentation by Dr. Michael Salla “Exodiplomacy: How will Humanity Negotiate with the Extraterrestrial Visitors”:
“Exodiplomacy” is defined as the profession, activity or skill of managing diplomatic interplanetary relations by national and/or planetary representatives. There are many events signaling an increasing recognition of issues dealing with the extraterrestrial presence. Exoplanets are being discovered; in 2009 the Pontificial Academy of Sciences held an astrobiology conference; followed by the Royal Society conference on the Scientific, Societal Agenda on the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life. On September 18-19, 2014 there was a NASA -SETI – Library of Congress symposium called “Preparing for Discovery.” The message (in agreement with the Royal Society is that it is important to prepare.
Dr. Salla announced that the Reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii, a sovereignty independence political movement dedicated land to welcome the extraterrestrial visitors and could be a lead which governments could follow.
Regarding the practice of exodiplomacy who will represent the Earth? The UN? Major nations? Amnesty International? Popular Individuals? The Dalai Lama? Is there a role for private citizens? We can speak of “second track” exodiplomacy which includes non-official efforts to establish lines of communication. We need to educate society. However, discovery of extraterrestrial life may have already happened and secret negotiations may have taken place. For instance, Canadian Engineer Wilbert Smith found that UFOs exist and that they were the most highly classified matter in the U.S. Also, whistleblowers claim that President Eisenhower had two secret meetings with extraterrestrials (one at Edwards AFB in 1954 and one at Holloman AFB in 1955). Moreover, former Canadian Minister of DefencePaul Hellyer believes (as stated in his 2014 “Money Maffia” book) that secret negotiations with ET races have taken place. First-hand testimonies also suggest that alien technology has been reversed-engineered.
Dr. Salla informed us that – according to the U.S. Constitution – the U.S. senate has to ratify International Treaties but that “Executive Agreements” “other than treaties” are allowed. If such agreements had been held in 1954, 60 years would have passed until today (2014).
However, “Galactic Diplomacy” or extraterrestrial contact is also already happening through private citizens and perhaps we already have enough information to start preparing as citizens for more open contact with ETs. We can also educate and prepare other private citizens.
Photo 1: Meditation contact group pointing at ETI craft in Teotihuacan, Mexico on July 19, 2014 (with contactee Sixto Paz)Photo 2: One of the several metallic craft observed at Teotihuacan, Mexico on July 19, 2014 after telepathic messages were received.
To develop Exopolitics we need to know who the ETs are. Developing a more proactive-interactive approach which is both verifiable and trust building we could find out more. We need to RELATE with them more and with greater awareness and equality.
Genuine contactees can contribute to this by assisting with the applications of scientific procedures. Furthermore, objective results would also legitimize their contact claims. It is 2014 and high time to shift ufological tactics first by relaxing many psychological, ideological and social prejudices and, quite simply…by attempting toscientifically verify the extraterrestrial presence with the assistance of some of these beings and their contactees.
With the growing abundance of documentaries on extraterrestrial life people are getting used to entertaining ideas and news about extraterrestrials, UFOs and contacts. Conventional documentaries sell the expectation of an eventual intelligent extraterrestrial contact mostly through technological means and the unconventional clearly suggest that it may be actually happening through means which often include mental, psychic, spiritual and-or advanced spacetime/reality manipulating means.
It is time to bring both consciousness and scientific approaches together to detect and measure unconventional flying vehicles in an objective manner and to augment any verifiable interaction with their designers.
we need to be bolder and to move into a more proactive, experimental stage blending scientific verification means and the mental-psychic-social contactee means. I do think so after considering that already – on occasions – some degree of collectively verifiable human-extraterrestrial interactions have taken place through contactees in agreement with intelligent extraterrestrial varieties. It is not so much a matter of possibility but of overcoming the prejudicesinhibiting us from even attempting it.
It is an issue of thinking beyond fears, a matter of surpassing social control mechanisms and limiting self-centered ‘comfort zones’. It is also a matter of intersubjective agreement. Instead of dismissing serious contactee efforts that may provide evidence but may also seem to be “pseudo-religious,” to the premises of our particular identity “tribe” let’s go out to the fields and find repeatable, objective evidence through experimental interaction! Empirical results are possible and the implications are vast. A new stage of Ufology suitable for Exopolitics is possible. Integrative Ufology: scientific, activist and psychic. The field demands this integration.
We seem to be dealing with a phenomenon that bridges the gap between purely physical and purely psychic-social experiences and explanations of reality. However, to begin dealing with this adequately, first of all, the very term “extraterrestrial” must become legitimate and not the butt of jokes in the perspectives of social actors.
Under the build-up of social awareness on ET issues, any dramatic UFO phenomenon event may spur enough social demand and the possibility of some kind of citizen or government-induced public “disclosure.” But before that first, it would be good to try to find out who’s who among the ETs to be disclosed.
I think that certain types of extraterrestrial intelligences (or “ETI”) interacted with through a few serious contact groups may become more disposed to show up (materialize? temporarily relocate?) their vehicles less ambiguously and more regularly under telepathically established place, date and time. Some ETI may be willing to work with well-meaning, balanced individuals to boost a scientifically verifiable kind of Ufology.
We ought to initiate a new stage of research. Ever since the beginning of the modern era of “Ufology”, some researchers went on to work with contactees, telepaths and experiencers and others went on to work with classical “nuts & bolts” approximations establishing themselves as more “scientific” and dismissive of the former. Today, there’s evidence that each approximation is valid for different aspects of a reality that encompasses them. Thus, these knowledge worlds must merge. Genuine contacteeism should not be further dismissed as stemming from illusion and-or crank cases especially if independent researchers and media reporters are objectively verifying it.
The ETI connection between physical reality levels might occur through a non-physical, mental, information realm related to our subconscious minds and with which we are always connected. ETIs would be able to reach “our planet” not only by “tunneling” or quantum jumping between sectors of our universe but also among reality sectors, time rates and other parameters between various physical universes. This is why the concept of “ETI” would have to include the possibility of “transdimensionality.”
Let’s remember that the term “UFO” is an easy-to-use, but often imprecise, acronym pertinent to objects that have not been adequately identified, but if we have enough evidence that some of these objects are used by ETI, we should find another definition that applies to that. If we repeatedly verify in a reasonable way an intelligent interaction with objects connected with ETI after communicating with them we should apply another term, such as “ETV” (extraterrestrial vehicle) or such. Understanding these vehicles and the intelligences linked to them may be best done through a lessening of classical scientific strictures. The reason may be that, in order for them to function in our reality frame, subjective, probability-modifying, qualitative connections would also have to be in operation.
There are no clear statistics but I have the impression that for every few hundred or so typical abduction accounts (a la Budd Hopkins) there may be one that qualifies as communicative, friendly contact through invitation and respect of conscious choice. The requirement may be to possess a more permeable subconscious while in the conscious state. These types of contacts now seem to be less common and, due to our minds often being set on thinking of these encounters as truly “alien” and even manipulative they seem to be too nice to be true. However, generally speaking – even with benevolent, “space brother,” “classical contactee” cases – it is “them” (the particular extraterrestrial group involved) who generally decide how and who to initiate contact with.
For the most part, it seems that we are still too primitive, emotionally attached to simplistic, dichotomous views of reality and too unpredictable but – according to some contactees – we can still evolve way beyond that situation without co-dependent attachments to ETI.
Some ETI would be “benevolent” in the sense that they would believe that we can still “catch up” by awakening to actualize much greater dormant potentials. They would thus keep an eye on us advising and protecting our possibilities to evolve through a conscious effort. Moreover, these ETI varieties seem to be willing to communicate at least with a few of us a bit more under our communication styles as respectable entities of equal worth.
Other ETI groups not knowing what we may become and observing not only that we are destroying our ecosystems but that we have not yet obtained a decent planetary coherence as a species may have the right to take advantage of us, for instance by hybridizing with us to “enhance” us by producing hybrids. However, whether we see “eye to eye” with them or not this “taking advantage” may also be beneficial to us as future incarnating souls as we blens with another species perhaps generating a more balanced one.
However, I think the highest path for us relates to consciously chosen, VOLUNTARY forms of contact in which fear and limiting attachments are overcome and important information is consciously gained. As most ETs seem to be benevolent or neutral (and playing by non-undue interference rules) according to most experiencers, most ET contacts also seem to lead to spiritual and personal development.
Let us find some bona fide contactees that seem to work with varieties of ETI willing to interact more openly in a mutually respectful manner. It would beeasier to interact with human-looking ETs. Some called them “Adamic Race” ETs.
In George Adamski’s time, few other witnesses (like Madeleine Rodeffer) were able to see and film the craft or to accompany the main protagonist to a contact experience. Most of the alleged physical contactees from the 1950’s had experiences almost exclusively reserved to them as it’s been known through their individual testimonies. It seems that when the possibility of making these experiences more collectively verifiable was increasing, the “CONTACTEE ERA” (a window of opportunity in time) was questioned to the point of almost coming to a close. It didn’t make much difference even if some pictures (like for instance Paul Villa’s) really looked outstanding.
The many alleged contact cases with human-looking, conversant and friendly ETI known in the 1950s were almost forgotten and contacts with other kinds of ETI naturally surged from the 1960s on. We don’t need to condemn that but to understand it as a natural shift after easier contacts were rejected. Apparently, society and those in the know within Government would not believe such lofty propositions. Their values and intersubjective agreements would have to evolve to accept heartfelt information for them to get more objective evidence or to permit social change.
The first human-looking ETs seemed to invite us through a feeling of trust towards a higher form of living and it was not a mind thing. Grays and other ETs seem to be less healthy and needier but most may not actually be “negative.”
For various reasons the tendency in the world’s northern hemisphere was -generally speaking – also unable to match the more flexible – even if less analytical – adaptive mindset in some of the best (albeit few), coherent, idealist, Latin American contact groups, able to blend spirituality, some degree of intellectual coherence and hard work with a natural, easygoing INTERSUBJECTIVE connectivity and acceptance of the extraterrestrial presence as “elder brothers” or simply…as friends. Thus, a different contact plan with a different subgroup of ETIs was implemented in Latin America in the 1970s.
While most contact procedures in the Northern Hemisphere apparently became more, instrumental, intrusive, matter-of-fact, one-sided and result-driven, the ones in the Southern Hemisphere became subtler, more open to voluntary participation, but also at times tending towards sociological forms of psycho-spiritual cultism and over-idealization. However, contacts were real…even physically so and occasionally verifiedin a collective way.
And today there’s a slowly growing awareness that a dynamic middle ground compromise accepting greater objectivity (while maintaining spiritual idealism) can be achieved. In the beginning, mostly due to a non-scientific attitude and to great respect for the “extraterrestrial guides” only in very rare instances did people bring along their cameras to try to document the ETI presence. Now, there’s a mildly growing interest in using video and photo cameras to document what is happening and with it there are more opportunities for a more modern kind of worldwide recognition.
Ufologists and scientists in the more rigidly intellectual “north” should at least suspend judgment as much as possible and go see what is happening with a spirit of genuine scientific exploration and straightforward sincerity. This is what Michael Salla (political scientist) and Paola Harris (investigative journalist) did through a particular serious contactee as reported in and in They verified the possibility of a peaceful, interaction with ETI.
In my view, those experiences can be repeated and improved in different countries with the respect and CONSENT of the particular friendly (and more human-compatible) extraterrestrial beings directly associated. That would be more exopolitically convenient for humanity at large since these beings seem to respect our self-determination much more markedly. Moreover, it should be repeated in a progressive manner with the aim of building genuine, amicable relationships of trust and respect, not only with the ETI but with ourselves, growing, learning and respecting the process involved.
Contact would also induce us to think of ourselves as a single species or family worldwide, overcoming hyper nationalisms and, if we connect more with each other like this, the various groups of ET (acting different plans and provisions in case of different eventualities) may see as a whole that we are more deserving of sovereignty.
Our worldviews, premises, and paradigms (now mired in conflicting views, materialism, lack of trust and even excessive post-modern relativism) will definitely receive a refreshing expansive influence after “first contact” becomes unequivocally clear in a conscious, worldwide sense or after a socially impacting form of disclosure is widely acknowledged. However, we still need to learn much more about benign forms of contact which not only are easier to assimilate by honest, rational human minds but also offering a communicative broad-spectrum picture. We need to converse with them’ and to know ‘who’s who’ among them. For this, we would need to psychologically move beyond the traditional “let’s first consider them as potential enemies” military-like, approach and this shift in view could even officially take place through gradual, voluntary contacts and interactions establishing trust.
We can bring together useful intelligent, QUALITATIVE approaches that, due to our self-investment in the partial solutions of dichotomous thinking, only SEEMED UNREAL AND NON-CREDIBLE. What can arise from this is not only a form of “scientific contacteeism” and a more “proactive exopolitics” but also an “experimental ufology” and, in the latter case (with increasing degrees of cooperation from ETI) we could have more opportunities to measure energy fields and other aspects related to various scientific theories that may begin to explain the physical, “trans physical” and-or “interdimensional” nature of devices that operate across levels of reality. The bulk of the effort, of coming together and research would fall upon human shoulders, not upon the “space brothers” (a perfectly valid term) who – in my view and that of a majority of contactees (in spite of detractors prejudices) are not here to “save us.” They are not here to save us as is often generalized among intellectuals and researchers that often OVERSIMPLIFY contacteeism.
Through specific contactees and through their psychic-psychological-ethical, group-based contact methods (however “naïve” and “soft” they may seem) there may rise opportunities for accredited scientists and for objective “citizen scientists” to verify the interactive contacts; also greater opportunities to interact and communicate with ETI first hand. That is important and that is a possibility. A step forward to look up to.
I understand that contacts through genuine telepathy and telepathic, instrumental psychography are generally more respectful of human dignity and more accurate and I understand that, through them, the contact can sometimes be verified, for instance, through consecutive and simultaneous communication receptions, synchronicities and sufficiently unequivocal specifically expected verification sightings. However, to be fair, I must say that it is known that psychiatrist Mario Dussuel (advisor to Chile’s formal UAP/UFO research office CEFAA) carried on some proactive scientific contact experiences through the use of voice channeling. He requested a particular extraterrestrial group to provide a way to analyze the substance of “foo fighters” and apparently was soon given a PHYSICAL SAMPLE through another person and the analysis was performed. Therefore, there may be other methods but we must be careful so as not to deceive ourselves or be interfered by negative ETI groups or other entities.
The fear of being made fun of by peers inside academic, political and other modern institutions and then shunned from opportunities has been a powerful deterrent against serious research into genuine contacteeism. There simply is a stubborn resistance to consider something as crucial, especially through means outside of recognized academic methods. But the evidence for a reality that urges to be recognized will eventually win out against avoidance, closed-mindedness, denial, and fear.
Let me state that I do admire the work of regular scientists revealing the cosmos in other specific, valid, necessary, objective and conventional ways. I’m all for SETI, ESA and NASA’s continued discoveries and look forward to the launch of the Tess and James Webb Telescope Missions. The scientists’ revealing of patterns in the known physical universe may reflect deeper aspects of the non-physical cosmos. Their discoveries are necessary. In fact, connecting with ETI through alternative telepathic and contactee means may not necessarily reveal to us all there is to know as some ETI may want to avoid propitiating co-dependencies or not be willing to inform us of everything they know. Thus scientific research (also open to open dialogue with the humanities and social sciences) should remain just as important in order to develop our understanding even after widely acknowledged verification or disclosure.
However, (even if not coinciding with current theoretical frameworks or being taken seriously by most individuals with PhDs) credible evidence for an intelligent extraterrestrial presence does already exist, should be carefully looked into and should be creatively approached. Scientific but non-conventional methods are called for. If institution-based scientists remain unwilling to work with contactees to verify human-ETI interaction with a new breed of “citizen scientists” also providing objectively-gathered evidence can promote knowledge and disclosure.
The next step is to try to develop a rapport with the extraterrestrial entities willing to establish a dialogue, gradually but clearly allowing us to verify their presence. It is not something naive because it has already been gradually happening on a small scale. We can take the small-scale methods and what was learned and try to verify even more publicly.
“They” may be willing not only to appear with their craft at a set location, date and time but to eventually – for instance – facilitate us filming or taking pictures of their vehicles, perhaps during the daytime. That’s were science and scientific equipment can come in. Some reporters have even been occasionally able to witness and-or film anomalous aerial objects through some contactees. “They” may agree to move their craft in a certain way or produce certain energy emissions following our requests and a type of experimental verification could take place.
CITIZEN SCIENTISTS may be able to work with some open-minded, respectful accredited scientists but if the latter don’t show up the “CITIZEN SCIENTISTS” could produce serious evidence so that academic interest in actually verifying and communicating with ETI through contactees may follow. Of course, the work of citizen scientists can also be scientifically valid and deserve due respect and also being reproduced.
We would have to come to terms with the legal status of ETI as much as with our own legal status in the cosmos (or analogous concept) according to ETI procedures and understandings. For instance, we would have to understand whether existing in a physical-but- non-completely physical form and materializing more to coincide within our reality frame exempts ETI from our legal prohibition against flying over our nation’s skies without permission.
We would have to come to terms with the likely fact that “they” have been coming and going before we even thought what a “legal status” was in the modern sense of the word. We would have to consider that perhaps “they” (how many and why?) have influenced our cultural and biological evolution over eons. We may have to understand that we already share the planet with them. We would have to learn to communicate with them also according to their understandings.
It is time to make direct contact, solidifying the evidence in an undeniable way, dialoguing together with verifiable events to build our knowledge of who ‘they’ are, what their plans are, their differences, agreements, excesses, and so forth.
We also need to know who ‘we’ are in relation to ‘them’ and who expects what from us in the larger scheme of things.
I think that treating contactee and UFO research in a non-trivial way will be a first step crucial to be treated by most ETI varieties as incipiently or sufficiently responsible, intelligent, or as equals and sovereign, beings whose conscious minds deserve to be respectfully consulted before interactions.
It is time to think much more inclusively. This is not wishy-washy thinking. It is vital to survive. The contact experience itself doesn’t need to be limited to individuals without scientific training. It can take place both with a subjective-intersubjective approach as well as with an objective evidence-gathering approach.
Both skeptical, materialist scientists claiming that there’s little or even “no shred of evidence” that we are being ‘visited’ and small segments of humanity claiming to already be involuntary contact with ETI needs to come together recognizing the merits of each other’s methodologies as their exclusivist attitudes become passé. The phenomenon itself may decide to increase its demonstrations worldwide because it may be urgent for us and them that we do not to destroy the Earth’s ecology. They may not want to show up in a shocking way but may also try to legitimize their presence by appearing to members of formal institutions.
Knowing when and where extraterrestrials may become detectable would give accredited scientists and “citizen scientists” time to prepare for careful data gathering including the use of measurement devices such as infrared, gamma-ray, x-ray, detectors. Perhaps the decay of spacecraft produced particles into gamma rays expected by theorists like Robert L. Schroeder can be tested. The role of consciousness, the subconscious, premonition, why some individuals can clearly see an ETI vehicle and someone next to them can be better understood. How can science grow by understanding UFOs? Is it a science of resonance in which consciousness is paramount?
Taking simultaneous pictures at a known distance between two cameras preferably in the daytime and with some clouds for reference and (with ETI consent) could be useful to triangulate the distance from materialized ETI objects establishing that they are indeed three dimensional, of a certain size and apparent distance as they become detectable in our spacetime reality.
I also take the proposal of working with bona fide contactees and willing extraterrestrial entities as an enhancement over already interesting and partially successful CE-5 methods because of the particularity of being friends with ‘them’, knowing who ‘they’ are, and when and where they will manifest. This would lead to more repetitive, experimental opportunities. What is need the most is not to dismiss offhand the requirement to work in a respectful manner with the finest available contactees, whether we agree or not with their ideologies or with their more qualitative, subjective-intersubjective methods. Contactees, contactee supporters, accredited scientists, citizen scientists and also the general public, cultural leaders and politicians al need to grow up. Given that most people may not be serious enough, nor ethically motivated or sufficiently easy-going about full-blown, open contact interactions, most likely the process would have to be relatively gradual. However, it needs to get on its way. We need to learn to think like an intelligence observing us observing outside of our historical routines to stop the stupid destruction of our lives, political systems, and environment.
Verified, objective interactions connected with associated extraterrestrial information could also gradually inform our exopolitical considerations. We could assign more credence to some of the information imparted about cosmic history, human history and the structure of an intelligent cosmic community. Some of us could even have onboard contact opportunities and ETI ambassadorship may gradually manifest. The UN would have to establish a multinational research office and congressional hearings would ensue.
Practical, empirical results that can be analyzed would help scientists overcome their prejudice against the possibility of directly affecting physically verifiable phenomena through an interactive “space” not limited to a rigid external reality. Even the possibility of scientists experiencing some degree of verifiable physical and-or “trans physical” contact themselves could happen.
Not facing these mind-expanding challenges would probably signal that we are an unviable, closed-minded species, incapable of adapting beyond close-at-hand realities (local realism) or facing current planetary challenges as a whole.
Photo 1: Meditation contact group pointing at ETI craft in Teotihuacan, Mexico on July 19, 2014 (with contactee Sixto Paz)Photo 2: One of the several metallic craft observed at Teotihuacan, Mexico on July 19, 2014 after telepathic messages were received.
To develop Exopolitics we need to know who the ETs are. Developing a more proactive-interactive approach which is both verifiable and trust building we could find out more. We need to RELATE with them more and with greater equality. Let’s try it! Discard it if its false but also accept it and change our prejudices if it is not! Genuine contactees can contribute to this by assisting with the applications of scientific procedures. Furthermore, adequate, objective results would also legitimize their contact claims. It is 2014 and high time to shift ufological tactics first by relaxing many psychological, ideological and social prejudices and, quite simply…by seriously attempting toscientifically verify the extraterrestrial presence with the assistance of some of these beings and their contactees.
With the growing abundance of documentaries on extraterrestrial life people are getting used to entertaining ideas and news about extraterrestrials, UFOs and contacts. Conventional documentaries sell the expectation of an eventual intelligent extraterrestrial contact mostly through technological means and the unconventional clearly suggest that it may be actually happening through means which often include mental, psychic, spiritual and-or advanced spacetime/reality manipulating means. It is time to bring both approaches together to detect and measure unconventional flying vehicles in an objective manner and to augment any verifiable interaction with their designers.
Can we move into a more proactive, experimental stage blending scientific verification means and the mental-psychic-social contactee means? Yes, I think so after considering that already – on occasions – some degree of collectively verifiable human-extraterrestrial interactions have taken place through contactees in agreement with extraterrestrial varieties. It is not so much a matter of possibility but of overcoming the prejudicesinhibiting us from even attempting it. It is a matter of thinking beyond fears, a matter of surpassing social control mechanisms and limiting self-centered ‘comfort zones’. It is a matter of intersubjective agreement. Instead of dimissing beforehand contactee efforts that may provide evidence but may also seem to be “pseudo religious,” let’s go out to the fields and find repeatable, objective evidence through experimental interaction! Empirical results are possible and the implications are vast. A new stage of Ufology suitable for Exopolitics is possible.
The Context
We seem to be dealing with a phenomenon that bridges the gap between purely physical and purely psychic-social experiences and explanations of reality. However, to begin dealing with this adequately, first of all the very term “extraterrestrial” must become legitimate and not the butt of jokes in the perspectives of social actors.
Under the build-up of social awareness on ET issues any dramatic UFO phenomenon event may spur enough social demand and the possibility of some kind of citizen or government-induced public “disclosure.” But before that first it would be good to try to find out who’s who among the ETs to be disclosed.
I think that certain types of extraterrestrial intelligences (or “ETI”) interacted with through a few serious contact groups may become more disposed to show up (materialize?) their vehicles less ambiguously and more regularly under telepathically established place, date and time. Some ETI may be willing to work with well-meaning, balanced individuals to boost a scientifically verifiable kind of Ufology.
The Proposal
I think that we can and ought to initiate a new stage of research. Ever since the begining of the modern era of “Ufology” some researchers went on to work with contactees, telepaths and experiencers and others went on to work with classical “nuts & bolts” approximations establishing themselves as more “scientific” and dismissive of the former. Today, there’s evidence that each approximation is valid for different aspects of a reality that encompases them. Thus, these knowledge worlds must merge. Genuine contacteeism should not be further dismissed as steming from illusion and-or crank cases especially if independent researchers and media reporters are objectively verifying it.
The ETI connection between physical reality levels might occur through a non-physical, mental, information realm related to our subconscious minds and with which we are always connected. ETIs would be able to reach “our planet” not only by “tunneling” or quantum jumping between sectors of our universe but also among reality sectors, time rates and other parameters between various physical universes. This is why the concept of “ETI” would have to include the possibility of “transdimensionality.”
Let’s remember that the term “UFO” is an easy-to-use, but often imprecise, acronym pertinent to objects that have not been adequately identified, but if we have enough evidence that some of these objects are used by ETI, we should find another definition that applies to that. If we repeatedly verify in a reasonable way an intelligent interaction with objects connected with ETI after communicating with them we should apply another term, such as “ETV” (extraterrestrial vehicle) or such. Understanding these vehicles and the intelligences linked to them may be best done through a lessening of classical scientific strictures. The reason may be that, in order for them to function in our reality frame, subjective, probability-modifying, qualitative connections would also have to be in operation.
There are no clear statistics but I have the impression that for every few hundred or so typical abduction accounts (a la Budd Hopkins) there may be one that qualifies as communicative, friendly contact through invitation and respect of conscious choice. The requirement may be to possess a more permeable subconscious while in the conscious state. These types of contacts now seem to be less common and, due to our minds often being set on thinking of these encounters as truly “alien” and even manipulative they seem to be too nice to be true. However, generally speaking – even with benevolent, “space brother,” “classical contactee” cases – it is “them” (the particular extraterrestrial group involved) who generally decide how and who to initiate contact with.
For the most part it seems that we are still too primitive, emotionally attached to simplistic, dichotomous views of reality and to unpredictable but, according to some contactees we can still evolve way beyond that situation without co-dependent attachments to ETI. Some ETI would be “benevolent” in that they would believe that we can still “catch up” awakening to actualize much greater potentials. They would thus keep an eye on us advising and protect our possibilities to evolve through a conscious effort. Moreover, these ETI varieties seem to be willing to communicate at least with a few of us more in our communication styles as respectable entities of equal worth. Other ETI groups not knowing what we may become and observing not only that we are destroying our ecosystems but that we have not yet obtained a decent planetary coherence as a species may have the right to take advantage of us, for instance by hybridizing with us to “enhance” us by producing hybrids. However, I think the highest path for us relates to consciously chosen, VOLUNTARY forms of contact in which fear and limiting attachments are overcome and important information is consciously gained.
Let us find some bona fide contactees that seem to work with varieties of ETI willing to interact more openly in a mutually respectful manner. In George Adamski’s time few other witnesses (like Madeleine Rodeffer) were able to see and film the craft or to accompany the main protagonist to a contact experience. Most of the alleged physical contactees from the 1950’s had experiences almost exclusively reserved to them as it’s been known through their individual testimonies. It seems that when the possibility of making these experiences more collectively verifiable was increasing, the “CONTACTEE ERA” (a window of opportunity in time) was questioned to the point of almost coming to a close. It didn’t make much difference even if some pictures (like for instance Paul Villa’s) really looked outstanding.
The many alleged contact cases with human-looking, conversant and friendly ETI known in the 1950’s were almost forgotten and contacts with other kinds of ETI naturally surged from the 1960’s on. We don’t need to condemn that but to understand it as a natural shift after easier contacts were rejected. For various reasons the tendency in the northern hemisphere was -generally speaking – also unable to match the more flexible – even if less analytical – adaptive mindset in some of the best (albeit few), coherent, idealist, Latin American contact groups able to blend spirituality, some degree of intellectual coherence and hard work with a natural, easygoing INTERSUBJECTIVE acceptance of the extraterrestrial presence as “elder brothers” or simply…as friends. Thus, a different contact plan with a different subgroup of ETIs was implemented in Latin America in the 1970’s.
While most contact procedures in the Northern Hemisphere apparently became more, instrumental, intrusive, matter-of-fact, one-sided and result-driven, the ones in the Southern Hemisphere became subtler, more open to voluntary participation, but also at times tending towards sociological forms of psycho-spiritual cultism and over-idealization. However, contacts were real…even physicallly so and ocassionaly collectively verified and today there’s a slowly growing awareness that a dynamic middle ground compromise accepting greater objectivity can be achieved. In the beginning, mostly due to a non-scientific attitude and to great respect for the “extraterrestrial guides” only in very rare instances did people bring along their cameras to try to document the ETI presence. Now, there’s a mildly growing interest in using video and photo cameras to document what is happening and with it there are more opportunities for a more modern kind of worldwide recognition.
Ufologists and scientists in the more rigidly intellectual “north” should at least “suspend judgment” as much as possible and go see what is happening with a spirit of genuine scientific exploration and straightforward sincerity. That is what Michael Salla (political scientist) and Paola Harris (investigative journalist) did through a particular serious contactee as reported in and in
In my my view, those experiences can be repeated and improved in different countries with the respect and CONSENT of the particular friendly extraterrestrial beings directly associated. That would be more exopolitically convenient for humanity at large since these beings seem to respect our self-determination. Moreover, it should be repeated in a progressive manner with the aim of building genuine, amicable relationships of trust and respect not only with the ETI but with ourselves, learning and respecting the process involved.
Our worldviews, premises and paradigms (now mired in conflicting views, materialism, lack of trust and even excessive post-modern relativism) will definitely receive a refreshing expansive influence after “first contact” becomes clear or after a socially impacting form of disclosure is widely acknowledged. However, we still need to learn much more about benign forms of contact not only easier to assimilate by honest, rational human minds but offering a communicative broad-spectrum picture. We would need to psychologically move beyond the traditional “let’s first consider them as potential enemies” military-like, approach and this shift in view could even officially take place through gradual, voluntary contacts and interactions establishing trust.
We can bring together useful intelligent, QUALITATIVE approaches that, due to a sense of self invested in the partial solutions of dichotomous thinking, only SEEMED UNREAL AND NON-CREDIBLE . What can arise from this is not only a form of “scientific contacteeism” and a more “proactive exopolitics” but also “experimental ufology” and, in the latter case (with increasing degrees of cooperation from ETI) we could have more opportunities to measure energy fields and other aspects related to various scientific theories that may begin to explain the “transphysical” and-or “interdimensional” nature of devies that operate across a vaster cosmic reality. The bulk of the effort, of the coming together and research would fall upon human shoulders, not upon the “space brothers” (a perfectly valid term) who are not here to “save us” as is often generalized among intellectuals and researchers that often OVERSIMPLIFY contacteeism.
Through specific contactees and through their psychic-psychological-ethical, group-based contact methods (however “naïve” and “soft” they may seem) there may rise opportunities both for accredited scientists and for objective “citizen scientists” to verify contacts; to interact and communicate with ETI (and-or to verify interactions and communication events) first hand. That is important and that is a possibility.
I understand that contacts through genuine telepathy and telepathic psychography are generally more respectful of human dignity and more accurate and that through them the contact can sometimes be verified, for instance, through consecutive and simultaneous communication receptions, synchronicities and sufficiently unequivocal specifically expected verification sightings. However, to be fair I must say that it is known that psychiatrist Mario Dussuel advisor to Chile’s CEFAA carried on some proactive scientific contact experiences through the use of voice channeling. He requested a particular extraterrestrial group to provide a way to analyze the substance of “foo fighters” and apparently was soon given a PHYSICAL SAMPLE through another person and the analysis was performed.
The Fear
The fear of being made fun of by peers inside academic, political and other modern institutions and then shunned from opportunities has been a powerful deterrent against serious research into genuione contacteeism. There simply is a stubborn resistance to consider something as crucial, especially through means outside of recognized academic methods. But evidence for a reality that urges to be recognized will eventually win out against avoidance, closed-mindedness, denial and fear.
Let me state that I do admire the work of regular scientists revealing the cosmos in other specific, valid, necessary, objective and conventional ways. I’m all for SETI, ESA and NASA’s continued discoveries and look forward to the launch of the Tess and James Webb Missions. The scientists’ revealing of patterns in the known physical universe may reflect deeper aspects of the non-physical cosmos. Their discoveries are necessary. In fact, connecting with ETI through alternative telepathic and contactee means may not necessarily reveal to us all there is to know as some ETI may want to avoid propitiating co-dependencies or not be willing to inform us of everything they know. Thus scientific research (also open to an open dialogue with the humanities and social sciences) should remain just as important in order to develop our understanding even after widely acknowledged verification or disclosure.
However (even if not coinciding with current theoretical frameworks or being taken seriously by most individuals with PhDs) credible evidence for an intelligent extraterrestrial presence does already exist, should be carefully looked into and should be creatively approached. Scientific but non-conventional methods are called for. If institution-based scientists remain unwilling to work with contactees to verify human-ETI interaction a new breed of “citizen scientists” also providing objectively-gathered evidence can promote knowledge and disclosure.
The Opportunity
The next step is to try to develop rapport with the extraterrestrial entities willing to establish a dialogue, allowing us to verify their presence. It is not naive because it has been gradually happening on a small scale. They may be willing not only to appear with their craft at a set place, date and time but to eventually – for instance – facilitate us filming or taking pictures of their vehicles, perhaps during daytime. That’s were science and scientific equipment can come in. Some reporters have even been occasionally able to witness and-or film anomalous aerial objects through some contactees.
If “CITIZEN SCIENTISTS” produce enough serious evidence, then an academic interest in actually verifying and communicating with ETI through contactees may also follow. Their work may also be scientifically valid and deserve due respect and being reproduced.
We would have to come to terms with the legal status of ETI as much as with our own legal status (or analogous concept) according to ETI procedures and understandings. We would have to understand whether existing in a non-completely physical form within our reality frame exempts ETI from our legal prohibition against flying over our nation’s skies without permission.We would have to come to terms with the likely fact that “they” have been coming and going before we even thought what a modern “legal status” was. We would have to consider that perhaps “they” (how many and why?) have influenced our cultural and biological evolution over eons. We would have to learn to communicate with them also according to their understandings.
It is time to make contact, solidifying the evidence in an undeniable way, dialoguing in tandem with verifiable events to build our knowledge of who ‘they’ are, what their plans are, their differences, agreements, excesses, and so forth. We also need to know who ‘we’ are in relation to ‘them’ and who expects what from us. I think that treating contactee and UFO research in a non-trivial way will be a first step crucial to be treated by most ETI varieties as sufficiently responsible, intelligent, as equals and as sovereign whose conscious minds deserve to be respectfully consulted before interactions.
It is time to think more inclusively. The contact experience itself doesn’t need to be limited to individuals without scientific training. It can be both with a subjective-intersubjective approach as well as a careful, objective evidence-gathering approach. Both skeptical, materialist scientists claiming that there’s little or even “no shred of evidence” that we are being ‘visited’ and small segments of humanity claiming to already be in voluntary contact with ETI would have to come together recognizing the merits of each other’s methodologies as their exclusivist attitudes become passé.
Knowing when and where extraterrestrials may become detectable would give accredited scientists and “citizen scientists” time to prepare for careful data gatheringincluding the use of measurement devices such as infrared, gamma ray, x ray, detectors. Perhaps the decay of spacecraft produced particles into gamma rays expected by theorists like Robert L. Schroeder can be tested. The role of consciousness, the subconscious, premonition, why some individuals can clearly see an ETI vehicle and someone next to them cannot could come to be better understood
Taking simultaneous pictures at a known distance between two cameras preferably in the daytime and with some clouds for reference and (with ETI consent) could be useful to triangulate the distance from materialized ETI objects establishing that they are indeed three dimensional, of a certain size and apparent distance as they become detectable in our spacetime reality.
I also take the proposal of working with bona fide contactees and willing extraterrestrial entities as an enhancement over already interesting and partially successful CE-5 methods because of the particularity of being friends with ‘them’,knowing who ‘they’ are, and when and where they will manifest. This would lead to more repetitive, experimental opportunities. What is need the most is not to dismiss offhand the requirement to work in a respectful manner with the finest available contactees, whether we agree or not with their ideologies or with their more qualitative, subjective-intersubjective methods. Contactees, contactee supporters, accredited scientists, citizen scientists and also the general public, cultural leaders and politicians al lneed to grow up. Given that most people may not be serious enough, nor ethically motivated or sufficiently easy-going about full-blown, open contact interactions, most likely the process would have to be relatively gradual. However, it needs to get on its way.
Verified, objective interactions connected with associated extraterrestrial information could also gradually inform our exopolitical considerations. We could assign more credence to some of the information imparted about cosmic history, human history and the structure of an intelligent cosmic community. Some of us could even have onboard contact opportunities and ETI ambassadorship may gradually manifest. The UN would have to establish a multi national research office and congressional hearings would ensue.
Practical, empirical results that can be analyzed would help scientists overcome their prejudice against the possibility of directly affecting physically verifiable phenomena through an interactive “space” not limited to a rigid external reality. Even the possibility of scientists experiencing some degree of verifiable physical and-or “transphysical” contact themselves could happen. Not facing these mind-expanding challenges would probably signal that we are an unviable, closed-minded species, incapable of facing planetary challenges as a whole.
As in the movie CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND, I was invited.
This 1977 film began my life as a researcher because I went to find the father of Ufology, Astronomer Dr. J Allen Hynek, and I worked with him for 6 years until he died. So it is logical that the film invitation would be followed by a invitation to experience actual contact 34 years later on September 21st, 2014.
This past year, I was researching Contact from the Stars and Spacebrother / Human-type alien interactions when I encountered Ricardo González from Peru. I interviewed him for my Italian magazine X-TIMES.
His Extraterrestrial contact is the three meter tall, muscular Spaceman named ANTAREL from the Alpha Centauri system.
Ricardo is perhaps one the most prepared, brilliant researchers in the world. He is impressive with his commitment to world peace and his search for truth and his many travels around the world. He is a Peruvian who lives in Argentina with his companion SOL SANFELICE , who has the singing voice of an Angel.
Ricardo has a group of 7 confidants, including SOL SANFELICE, his companion. Corinna Muzi was my Spanish interpreter as she speaks Italian, my first language. She was another of the 7 confidants — friends who travel with Ricardo and with whom he has recently returned from ALTAI in Russia. They all were very aware of the precarious, geopolitical situation that interests, not only us, but the star people. In three days on Mount Shasta, we surrounded the planet with light, chanting OM and meditating and praying for peace.
In August of this year, Ricardo wrote me that he was holding his annual Mount Shasta meditation seminar and that Antarel asked I be present. I have always wanted to go to Mount Shasta, and for three days that I was there with 165 Spanish speaking participants. It was an emotional experience.
We were sleeping in tents under the stars, fasting — with little food — to raise the vibration, and meditating on WORLD PEACE most of each day. It was here that I experienced a life changing moment. I was quite content to be part of this wonderful group of Hispanic light workers, knowing that Extraterrestrial craft was flying over our heads — at times captured by Ricardo’s night vision equipment. At 20:00 hours, two UFOs flew parallel over our heads as predicted [see video above]. It was an omen of things to come.
Around 22.30 PM, the night of the Autumn Equinox, Ricardo asked us to do a most unusual exercise. We were to chant OM in the Sand Flats under the stars, not using any flashlights, with no full moon in total darkness. We were then to disperse and walk in a limited area for one half hour. In that time we were to select a small rock to place on the peace flag which was created out of stones in the main camp site. Then we were to return to our chairs.
I noticed my interpreter, Corinna, was missing. It was that moment that Ricardo rushed over to me and said “Antarel is here. My people are with him, do you want this contact? Can you handle it? Can you come to the Forest Area with me?”
It was a terrifying, split second decision that would change my reality forever. My heart was beating very fast.
Antarel had invited 2 more ladies and all three of us held hands, walking toward a corner of the dark forest on Mt Shasta. Ricardo shouted back to his Group to continue meditating with a friend, who he put in charge. It was quite unexpected for him as well. I was on the right side of the group and as long as I my right hand was in the hand of the other woman, I felt safe. From far away, I saw a light mist rise from the ground, on the left side of a spruce tree. Ricardo explained to me that a porthole had opened called a Zendra.
I then saw Corinna and, next to her, Sol Sanfelice, whose arms were stretched out. She was standing still, looking at at a three meter giant in the woods. Sol was inching her way towards him because that was the first time she had seen him in the physical form. She told me later she wanted to embrace him. I was asked to drop the hand of the woman on the right. As I stood in the darkness, that was perhaps the most terrifying moment of all, that feeling of being alone. I could hear Ricardo chanting in the background, as he was not to be part of this encounter.
It was an invitation of CLOSE ENCOUNTERS and a moment in time that transformed a human like me to awareness that the forest, the people, the stars, Antarel and the group were ONE!
Antarel spoke in a language I could not understand. It was an echoing voice, much like a radio transmission. I tried so hard to hear his words that were coming from high on the trees to the right of me. Two words were very very clear “THANK YOU”! They echoed in perfect English. They were perfect and clear and came in an Echo.
We all felt him, some saw him…and he spoke to me. It was Contact. “Thank you” was for all of us. It was what this phenomena is all about. There is no separation.
As terrifying as the darkness, the forest and the situation was, it is that moment which changes everything. I remember when I first met Colonel Corso in Roswell, New Mexico in 1997. He told me that he had contact with an Alien being in Red Canyon and that the ET being asked the colonel to come aboard the ship. The Colonel asked him “What do you have to offer me?” The Extraterrestrial being answered “A NEW WORLD, IF YOU CAN HANDLE IT.”
Seventeen years later, Ricardo González asks Paola Harris,“Can you handle this contact tonight?” It comes full circle in the human experience of my research.
The answer is “YES!” Yes to contact and yes to the Paradigm Shift.
Grazias, Ricardo and your friends.
Thank You to Antarel.
Addendum I recently found out that there was a psychic transmission, on September 16th, of this event, which one of Ricardo’s friends drew on paper. There are 3 drawings depicting this very event with my name, marked “Harris,” standing next to that spruce tree in the exact spot I was standing on September 21st. It was all pre-programmed. All I needed to do was to say “Yes!”
The state of the world “Switch on the news and you see record-breaking protests, historic uprisings and riots on once-calm streets – there’s no doubt that growing income inequality is an issue of central importance.”
This is not a quote from a recent article in a magazine for social change, but the opening statement of chapter 2 in the recent Outlook on the Global Agenda 2014 report from the World Economic Forum, best known for its annual meeting of the global elite in Davos. World leaders are finally becoming more aware of the dangers of the enormous, and widening, gap between rich and poor, and that this trend cannot be allowed to continue unchecked was also reflected in President Obama’s State of the Union speech of January 2014: “Today, after four years of economic growth, corporate profits and stock prices have rarely been higher, and those at the top have never done better. But average wages have barely budged. Inequality has deepened. (…) The cold, hard fact is that even in the midst of recovery, too many Americans are working more than ever just to get by – let alone get ahead.” He then went on to outline policies meant to address the dangers inherent in the growing disparity in income and opportunity.
George Adamski with,Venusian Orthon
One way that people with a heart and some common sense often express their disbelief about humanity’s dysfunctional ways of relating to itself and the planet is by taking the perspective of an outsider: “If a Martian were to visit our planet…” followed by an observation of the way humans have complicated life for themselves or other creatures that makes no sense on any level beyond a profit motive. Perhaps it is not surprising, in this context, that it has taken world leaders so long to recognize the dangers engendered by these social inequalities. While many readers of these pages will be aware that we have been visited and are being visited by people from other planets, many might not know that these same visitors have repeatedly voiced their concerns about the way we have chosen to organise society around the need to earn money for daily living and pursuing the “dream” of limitless wealth, no matter if it kills the planet. For instance, in 1954, during his sojourn on a mothership, George Adamski was told by his hosts from space: “If man is to live without catastrophe, he must look upon his fellow being as himself, the one a reflection of the other.” After many years of sustained contact with the people from other planets Adamski added in December 1964: “[T]o have a healthy and prosperous society, that which causes the most trouble must be removed. As we all know, this stigma is poverty in the midst of plenty. It is the cause of sickness, crime, and the many evils that we know…”
Encounters with people from space
Daniel Fry
A civilian consultant with the military in the late 1940s, Daniel Fry was contacted July 4, 1949 by a saucer pilot who landed in front of him in the desert after Mr Fry had missed his bus home. At some point during his contact, which he claims included a ride in the saucer from California to New York and back, Mr Fry was told, “With freedom from want comes freedom of fear and your civilization would be safely past the critical point in its development.”
Likewise, Truman Bethurum, a road worker from California, was contacted late July 1952. His contact did not involve a trip in the ‘scow’, as he called the saucer, but he was invited aboard for discussions with its captain on seven or eight occasions. Of these, he said he “got the impression that cooperation among all of their people is an inherent feature of their lives, and that poverty is unknown. Also, that what we call riches or wealth is certainly more evenly distributed than on our earth.” As a result, the captain tells him, there are no criminals or conmen on their planet (identified as ‘Clarion’). “Not even speculators. (…) If we had them on Clarion it would soon be of small worth; we’d have mansions and slums, as you do.”
Buck Nelson, a farmer and saw mill owner from Denver who was first contacted late July 1954, wrote after having visited some of the planets in our system: “Some of our commonly used methods of making a living would be absolutely unacceptable to them. One of these methods is our practice of making money from money in so many different ways.”
Finally, Brazilian contactee Dino Kraspedon (pseudonym for Aladino Félix), who had his experience around the same time that George Adamski had his famous encounter in the California desert in November 1952, was told quite unequivocally even then: “…wars take place against the wishes of most people, because poor people do not fight easily. Carnage has become the perquisite of the rich and powerful… Abundance blinded them, gluttony clouded their vision. Strife is the product of egoism.”
In the event, governments and the military managed to discredit the experiences and information that these men were asked to share with the world in the midst of the Cold War. Yet, in the 1960s one contactee was given unprecedented insights into the social organisation of the home planet of his contactors.
The story of a businessman
Stefan Denaerde (left) Wendelle Stevens (right)
Dutch businessman Ad (short for Adrian) Beers and his family were sailing the Oosterscheldt, a large estuary in the south west of Holland, one summer evening, when his yacht’s compass seemed broken. While sailing back to the harbour, he was suddenly staring into a strong blue-white searchlight. Switching the engine into reverse, full power, could not prevent the boat hitting something solid. Upon closer inspection it seemed as if Mr Beers’ boat had hit the hull of an overturned ship and he saw a body floating in the water nearby. As he jumped overboard with a lifeline, he landed on a hard surface at a depth of just three feet. Shortly after he had secured the lifeline to the floating body someone in a similar outfit as the drowning person, which looked like a space suit, came wading through the water to assist him in his rescue efforts. He then describes how the sight of an “animal-like face, with large square pupils in the eyes, which were both hypnotic and self-assured” struck him like a thunderbolt.
It was only then that he realised they were visitors from another planet who, out of gratitude for his rescue efforts, went on to offer him detailed information about their world. Over the course of two days he was shown vivid images of the way society on ‘Iarga’, as they called their planet, was organised accompanied by detailed explanations of the underlying philosophy.
Being the director-general of the Dutch importer for Swedish lorry manufacturer Scania, Mr Beers presented his story as science fiction under the pseudonym of Stefan Denaerde (‘Steve of Earth’), in the hugely successful book Buitenaardse beschaving (‘Extraterrestrial Civilization’) in 1969. In 1977 the first English edition was published as Operation Survival Earth, while an expanded edition was published five years later by the late Wendelle Stevens as Contact from Planet Iarga.
With his own background as a business executive Mr Beers was immensely impressed by the, what he considered terrifying, efficiency of the planet’s social organisation: “This must be a universally governed planet, but seemingly so strictly governed that everything was streamlined and standardized. What a terrible thought!” Yet, in deploring what he perceives as a lack of the characteristic that lies at the core of the ills of present-day society, at the same time he witnesses to some degree of perfection what the participants in the Italian Friendship Case were taught by their contacts from space, and which seems to be the aim for humanity as we respond more and more to the Aquarian energies of unity and synthesis: “Their weak point is the development of their individuality. They do almost everything in groups, they think collectively and they obey the laws of their society to the letter. They live for and through the friendship and love within the group.”
Planetary governments and social systems About the level of attainment of his hosts the writer says: “Their definition of the word civilization or culture has nothing to do with the scientific or technological development level, but with the manner in which the community takes care of the handicapped or weaker beings. The word superculture defines the situation that arises when through individual effort, a group structure has arisen which abolishes any discrimination against any individual.”
Reminiscent of the findings in the Brandt Commission’s 1980 report North-South: A Programme For Survival, that the only way out of our problems on Earth is a recognition of our mutual interdependence and the need for global policies to ensure the basic needs of every human being, Mr Beers’ contacts from space tell him: “Our cosmic universal economic system can be compared to both communism and the capitalist Western economy. One can also say that our cosmic economics can’t be compared to either. (…) It is only through this system that a race can achieve a cultural level of social stability.”
While the people on Earth at present are caught in a grossly skewed system that reduces them to servants of ‘the economy’ and where austerity measures that cut deep into social services are justified by politicians as “necessary to stimulate the economy”, the strictly regulated economic system on ‘Iarga’ serves the needs of the people and even helps the author, as an exponent of the free market system, to see how a system based on justice also helps freedom to flourish: “The universal economic system shows itself in practice to be an efficient production system of goods and services, placing prior importance in the sectors housing, nutrition and transport. (…) The aim of this system is to free the individual as much as possible from non-creative, servile work.” Indeed, “the universal economic system that exists by a great many intelligent races, does not concern itself with money, possession, or payment. The aim of this system is to free the people from material influences and motivation”.
In response to questions about the means of exchange and systems of governments on other planets, George Adamski wrote in October 1957: “Their means of exchange is a commodity and service exchange system, without the use of money. All production is for the benefit of everyone, with each receiving according to their needs. And since no money is involved, there are no “rich”; there are no “poor”. But all share equally, working for the common good. (…) The needs of the people are considered impartially by [a body of representatives elected from every district and every walk of life], and problems are solved for the common good of all.” This sounds like the advanced system of barter that esotericist and futurologist Benjamin Creme has foretold as the means of distributing resources on a global scale after the economic meltdown that is about to hit humanity, and it can also be found in the accounts of several other contactees.
Likewise, Ad Beers is told: “…we have no money, but everyone can go on holiday (…) if they wish.” And: “Nothing is paid for on Iarga, only registered. What a consumer uses is registered in the computer center (…) and this may not exceed that to which he has a right.” His contacts from space explain to him that on ‘Iarga’ two worldwide consumer organizations “stimulate the [production] trusts to produce the goods that are needed. The trusts are not permitted to advertise or exert any influence on the consumer, as this could never be objective” because “[i]n a socially stable society, you would have not only freedom of speech, but, even more important, freedom of thought. Propaganda, repeated one-sided information, damaged the freedom of thought…”
When Mr Beers asked the visitors from space for more specific technological knowledge to advance Earth’s civilization, the reply could not have been clearer: “The last thing that you need is technological information to increase the gap between your intellectual development and your almost non-existent social development. Carry on playing with your Mars probes for the moment, as half of your world’s population lives in poverty and hunger. The only information you need lies in the field of societal standards.”
Based on the descriptions that Mr Beers gives of the information that is shared with him, the current writer, whose previous research indicates that the ET presence on Earth originates from planets in our own solar system, would speculate that the crew of the ship that Mr Beers sailed into were actually from the planet Mars, which Truman Bethurum described as “a great manufacturing planet”. Benjamin Creme has said that Mars is at the same level of evolution as Earth, but “Mars has not made as many mistakes as we have, which is why it has a technology unbelievably ahead of ours. They are masters of space, masters of energy. They make most of the spacecraft we see and call UFOs, from small scout ships to gigantic motherships. Even some of the Venusian craft are made on Mars to Venusian specifications.” (Readers who are still under the illusion that Life can only be carbon-based and express itself exclusively in dense-physical form are referred to Chapter 5 of my book Here to Help: UFOs and the Space Brothers for an explanation of the concept of life on the etheric (subtle) physical planes of matter, which science is looking for as “dark matter” or “dark energy”. Another interesting clue as to the reality of the etheric planes was reported early July 2014 when astrophysicists announced that their research shows there is 400 per cent more light in intergalactic space than could be attributed to known sources.)
Exopolitics redefined
Despite the focus in Ad Beers’ story being on the more mundane aspects of life on ‘Iarga’, his exchange with the space people included some ‘philosophical’ points that will ring a bell with readers who are familiar with the teachings on detachment of, for instance, J. Krishnamurti: “Happiness is being at peace with oneself and one’s surroundings. This is determined to a large extent by one’s success in achieving self-set goals, in other words, by a ruthless appraisal of oneself. This individual striving to reach a self-chosen goal [as opposed to competing with others; GA] is the creativity in man.” And: “The body with all its selfish demands is just a shell. We are only concerned with the creative intellect, the soul that is capable of unselfish thought. How do we educate children for freedom and happiness? Freedom is the absence of the effect of compulsion on the individual’s behaviour. Freedom cannot be obtained with a weapon in the hand. It can only be obtained by the parents’ careful mental forming of their children, by the correct conception of good and evil.”
So, while the world is poised, even unknowingly, for the final act in the planetary drama that is being played out as the collapse of our defective systems erodes any semblance of democracy and forces humanity to once again face the spiritual realities of life and join hands to demand justice and freedom for all, it is interesting to note that not only Life and the human kingdom are universal occurrences throughout Cosmos as I have documented elsewhere, but so apparently are the Laws that govern their expression in right human relations as the foundation for a sane social system that ensures the survival of the race and the safe progress of its civilization.
With much more information along the same lines from these and other contactees, which I will be presenting in my upcoming book, a new definition of exopolitics presents itself. The simplest definition of ‘exopolitics’ at the moment goes something like: “The study of the political actors, processes and institutions associated with extraterrestrial life.” For some this presupposes the existence of extraterrestrial life, for others merely the possibility of such. Readers who are familiar with my books will know that I take the extraterrestrial presence on Earth as an indisputable fact, based on a triangulation of correspondences between the information from the original contactees of the 1950s, humanity’s shared wisdom of the ages, and the experiences of dignitaries and officials in recent decades, against the background of the changes engulfing our world today.
Based on the information in this article, and its pertinence to the state of the world today – which has also been pointed out by Paul Hellyer in his 2010 book Light at the End of the Tunnel – A Survival Plan for the Human Species – a much more practical definition of the term ‘exopolitics’ seems appropriate, which goes back to the original meaning of its constituents, with ‘exo’ meaning “(from) outside” and ‘politics’ meaning “matters concerning the state or its citizens”:
Exopolitics [noun, uncount]: People from other planets showing humanity alternative, saner ways of organising society, without imposing their views.
This makes ‘exopolitics’ at once a much more urgent concept, as it places the ET presence on Earth solidly in the context of the crises facing humanity today – political, economic, financial, social and environmental.
By Gerard Aartsen M.Ed.
Sources and references: Gerard Aartsen (2011), Here to Help: UFOs and the Space Brothers George Adamski (1964), Cosmic Bulletin George Adamski (1957-58), Cosmic Science for the Promotion of Cosmic Principles and Truths. George Adamski (1955), Inside the Space Ships Truman Bethurum (1954), Aboard a Flying Saucer Willy Brandt (ed.; 1980), North South: A Programme for Survival Benjamin Creme (2010), The Gathering of the Forces of Light – UFOs and their Spiritual Mission Stefan Denaerde (1977), Operation Survival Earth Michael Franco (2014), ‘Universe’s missing photon sources baffle scientists’ Daniel Fry (1954), The White Sands Incident Paul Hellyer (2010), Light at the End of the Tunnel – A Survival Plan for the Human Species Dino Kraspedon (1957), My Contact With Flying Saucers Buck Nelson (1956), My Trip to Mars, the Moon and Venus
Adapted for ExoNews from an article that was first published in Share International magazine, Vol. 33, No.6, July/August 2014.
Gerard Aartsen has been a student of the Ageless Wisdom teaching for over 30 years and his research in this area resulted in a comprehensive online catalogue of teachings. He also writes regularly about the extraterrestrial presence on Earth and is the author of two books on the subject, which have both been published in various languages. He has been a member of the Exopolitics Institute’s Advisory Board for Research and Education since 2011, is a regular guest on international radio shows about UFOs and related phenomena, and has lectured in Europe, America and Asia.
Gerard Aartsen (1957) has a Master of Education degree from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands, where he has held a teaching position in the department of secondary education since 2001.
On Sept 7, 2014, political representatives of the Reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii formally approved a set of Contact Protocols for extraterrestrial visitors to Hawaii’s Star Visitor Sanctuary in the Puna region of the Big Island of Hawaii. The Sanctuary was first proposed in a Declaration that was approved by five representatives from the Reinstated Kingdom on May 28, 2014. The Declaration is an official invitation to extraterrestrials, aka “Star Visitors,” to appear and meet with representatives of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the general public at the Sanctuary. The newly approved Contact Protocols are the first time representatives of a sovereign state have publicly approved official measures in response to the appearance and/or contact with extraterrestrial life.
The Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary was formally launched on June 27 by Naliko Markel, the Kingdom’s Minister for the Interior at a ceremony attended by up to 200 people that participated in native Hawaiian traditions for blessing the designated land for its special purpose of hosting “Star Visitors” to Earth. Coincidentally, the nearby Pu’u O’o crater began a new lava flow on the same day of the launch as though signaling the volcano goddess Pele’s support for the Kingdom’s initiative.
The seven Contact Protocols outline the formal steps the Kingdom of Hawaii will take for various ways extraterrestrial visitors may appear and/or interact with Kingdom representatives and the general public. The Protocols use an extraterrestrial contact classification system first proposed by former USAF Project Bluebook consultant Dr Allen Hynek that was popularized in the film, Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind. The protocols describe four distinct ways in which Star Visitors can interact with Kingdom of Hawaii Representatives and the general public.
A close encounter of the first kind is a sighting of an extraterrestrial vehicle at a distance of less than 500 feet. A close encounter of the second kind is where there is physical evidence of a landing by an extraterrestrial vehicle. A close encounter of the 3rd kind involves sighting an extraterrestrial being. Finally, a Close encounter of the fourth kind represents direct physical contact with extraterrestrial entities.
The protocols are based on the legal authority of the Reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii to establish diplomatic relations with Star Visitors in conformity with Hawaiian traditions and history as a sovereign state. The Contact Protocols authorize the creation of a delegation comprising Kingdom of Hawaii officials and experts that will meet with extraterrestrial visitors. The delegation will issue summaries of various forms of contact on a website, and coordinate with members of the general public having a close encounter. In the case of a contact event with significant global public interest, a full report will be prepared that will be submitted to the United Nations Secretary General and the General Assembly.
The Kingdom of Hawaii Contact Protocols are a significant development from earlier efforts by astronomical organizations to develop protocols for the discovery of extraterrestrial life through radio signals. The best known of these is SETI’s “Protocols for an ETI Signal Detection” that outlines international coordination when radio signals from an extraterrestrial intelligence are detected. The SETI protocols do not however cover the contingencies raised by extraterrestrials actually visiting, flying over and/or landing on Earth.
The Kingdom of Hawaii was the first sovereign state to proclaim its status as a neutral state in 1854. Now the Kingdom can add to its list of firsts, a set of extraterrestrial contact protocols that have been adopted by political representatives of a sovereign state. The Hawaii Contact Protocols provide a model that can be used by other members of the international community preparing for a future where extraterrestrials show up and interact with humanity.
New Course Exo-109 returns to the Contact of the 1950’s
Paola Harris, Med, instructor for the Exopolitics Institute has created a 14 week course with an international perspective that highlights contact with Human –type aliens and also messages given to contactees in a 1950’s possible nuclear annihilation scenario.
The return to the southern California Giant Rock Conferences sponsored by George Van Tassel included numerous contactees receiving precise messages and warnings at a crossroads in our civilization. These writings are relevant even today. According to the communication given by the Venusian space traveler Orthon to George Adamski in the early 1950’s, Humanity could have transitioned from a “war economy” to a “rocket travel among the stars economy” that would have been equally lucrative. By now,we could have entered the proverbial cosmic neighborhood to meet our neighbors and we would have avoided the path to self destruction that we are on today.
Likewise, according to Dr. Frank Strangess, spokesman for the Venusion Commander Valiant Thor who spent three months advising Eisenhower and Nixon at the Pentagon( Book: STRANGER AT THE PENTAGON), we could have altered our lifestyle and our diet so we could live longer. But it seems our institutions are based on promoting stress, sickness and ill health as a form of population control and an economic dependence on drugs and pharmaceuticals.
If we review this material today, we find also that according to messages given to Howard Menger in Highbridge, New Jersey in 1954, we should keep our blood alkaline to avoid cancer and other diseases, and eat a diet of organically grown fruit and vegetables to prolong life. In those days, these extraterrestrial races walked among us undetected, and according to the Giant Rock contactees and the Giant Rock Convention literature, they were our “space brothers”!
This events have not only occurred in the American scene of 1950’s, but we know now that similar human-alien interaction was also taking place in Pescara, Italy in 1956 . According to the late engineer Stefano Brescia who wrote the book “Mass Contacts”, recently translated into English, a unique situation was taking place on the Adriatic coast of Italy. To promote and promulgate a friendship experiment, a selected human group of contactees in 1956,were asked to maintain URREDA, a technology of love and harmony created by the extraterrestrials. Appropriately named the W-56’s, this ET group was able to interact with the Italians for a number of years before conflicts set in. A similar friendship case is recorded in Chile and other places in Latin America where contactees are presently engaging the space brothers.
Engaging the human population in any kind of relationship seems to have irritated the management group of UFOLOGY who found a chance to switch the contact scene exclusively to the fear based alien abduction scenario after the onset of the Betty and Barney Hill case of 1961. The entire field of Ufology has fossilized into this stereotypical view ever since the 1960’s, alienating us from our possible cosmic relatives.
However, a ray of light surfaced in 2009, when Vatican Jesuit Astronomer, Father Funes stated that the “Just as there is a multiplicity of creatures on earth, there can be other beings, even intelligent, created by God. This is not in contrast with our faith because we can’t put limits on God’s creative freedom… “Why can’t we speak of a ‘brother extraterrestrial’? It would still be part of creation…”
Perhaps, is time to return to the past to study the future, to study those past messages and bring back a more balanced perspective to the entire UFO research community.
Information about Exo-109 – Messages from Space – Past and Present contact is available here.
To learn about the Exopolitics Institute Certfication program, click here.
What are some of the basics behind the different kinds of ET craft that seem to come in and out of our physical reality frame, to counteract gravity and inertia, to create MACRO QUANTUM effects and so on? All ET may have to behave according to some rules and most seem to be respectful toward us. Perhaps a minimum degree of a more ORGANIC consciousness would be necessary to be allowed to operate on Earth (and inside) whether positively or negatively inclined. That consciousness would go hand in hand with a science that probably makes use of a realm that transcends and includes what we normally experience as the “Physical Realm.”
To understand who is positive and primarily in “service to others” or negative or primarily in “service to self” would be innacurate based on the more dichotomous judgment standards we employ along with a common sense and science based on our classical physical experience. We would need to beging to understand retrocausality applicable to the Physical Realm but ultimately stemming (along with regular time-forward causality) from a higher non physical symmetry. However (as a brief comment diverging a little from the main theme of this article) I think that there should be much more recognition of benevolent extraterrestrial groups, similar in typology to Earth humans. By “benevolent” I mean respectful of consious free will choice and not only of subconsious free will. Also respectful of a preparation for contact process.
In spite of the interest in abductions (whether Et or human made) and a sense of reality that only validates an “us vs. them” mentality) these friendlier, conversant, respectful contacts (which have been ridiculed and misunderstood) are also real and would be highly beneficent for humanity helping us to (re) insert ourselves into a vast cosmic community; a vast galactic “family.” Those ETs of similar typology and human demeanor, character and ‘feel’ may be for us (at this point in our individual-collective awareness) easier to contact as was the case of the 1950’s contacts. However, not all ‘space brothers’ need to be “Nordic” as mindlessly repeated in some places and eventually not all of them need to be human. And -while still benevolent and quite sufficiently human-looking – not all of them need be as easy to relate with psychologically as the kind space ‘friends’ George Adamski met. But that’s another theme. However, don’t miss it: Carefully check out and check out Steckling video interviews like
Now, regarding the “Ethereans” (Etherean ETs) sometimes referred to in (non classical physics “nuts & bolts” limited UFO literature): This should be clarified to get a more scientific idea of it so that people may not think that space brothers (blond human shaped or not) is not a wishful thinking situation: Thinking about “ethereans” for some years I think that various rates of physical density (degrees of limitation into time forward space time experience) exist as the larger Physical Realm (a realm predominantly organized according to specific space time principles, material causality and its logic) interacts (in corresponding various degrees) with the Subtle Realm (also organized under space and time inclusive principles, another form of material causality and logic). In the Subtle Realm interiors (subjectivities) and exteriors (limiting material correlates to experience) would be causally co-equal and posses another form of substance; a space and time transcending and including “mental substance” (some of its sublevels are called the ‘astral subplanes’).
The nexi or intermediate combinations between the space time exteriorly experientially expressed Physical Realm and the null space time exteriorly expressed Subtle Realm is what we may call or experience as the “physical” etheric planes. They are stable intermediate states that retransmit the vivification of experiential menaing from the Subtle Realm into the Physical. They are actual but only perceived as potential from our ordinary causally time-forward, conscious experience. However, these intermediate “etheric” states transduce the retrocausal aspects (transcended and included under a higher metaphysical symmetry in the Subtle Realm). These retrocausal aspects are needed to materialize physical substance under space time parameters. They are expected under some quantum mechanical solutions that incorporate Einstein’s relativity (like the Klein-Gordon solution to Einstein’s original equation which in itself included physical momentum under a square root that gave a positive time-forward causal result and time-backward causal solution).
The internal, non-local, holographic universe would originate in a Subtle Realm state prior to an experiential subdivision of time-forward and time-backwards complementary causalities. Also, inasmuch as the time-forward and time-backward physically relevant causalities cancel each other, we experience a partial return to the Subtle Realm state from which physical experience and the Physical Realm stem from. Both degree of duality experience (and experiential decoding/interpretation (or epistemology) and exterior reality (ontology) co-exist inextricably. Only pure, non-dual “Consciousness” includes them both (and is not limited to subjectivity and epistemology).
The ETs are of the Physical Realm which is subdivided into various “densities” and rates of vibration according to how it stably relates with the Subtle Realm. Many ETs (while still physical and within space time exterior material causal predominance, thus still needing physical technology) originate in less “dense” alternative stable physical sub realms, with less inertia, entropy and other space time dependent physical parameters. The subtler (or more connected with the Subtle Realm) a physical reality is, the more negentropy, syntropy or self-organizing (converging) tendencies are experienced in a conscious manner from what could be today understood as “quantum potential retrocausal influences.”
We may perceive almost as spiritual forms and-or as luminous forms (from our ‘denser’ perspective) some of the less physically dense ETs (beyond what’s been termed “4th density” which still experience 3 Space directions of ‘distance’+ 1 Time rate of experience combining time-forward and time-backward to various degrees for the conscious mind). These can more easily be called “ethereans” (especially from our less etherean perspective) as some early contactees and researchers (Mead Lane comes to mind) did. However, we would also be “ethereans” to a lesser degree that normally limits us experientially to a linear (time-forward related) causality, greater exterior inertia (and less of its opposite “initia”) and so forth. However, as said, even if the more etheran ETs can make more conscious and psychic use of Subtle Realm causality through a more conscious mental aactualization/manipulation of (normally subsconsciously experienced) retrocausal physical aspects, they are not purely Subtle or discarnate beings.
There’s been more UFO activity reported in Lima, Peru recently. There are some expectations here and there because the beginings of Mision Rahma contacts was 40 years ago. The contacts multiplied and several contactees appeared besides the first contactees, Sixto and Charlie Paz. Each brings a new complementary perspective and information. Out of 7 events witnessed by reporters (with varying degrees of success due to excessive excitement or lack of respect and preparation on the part of curiosity seekers and attendees), according to Sixto Paz, perhaps only 10% of the reporters were courageous enough to speak up and to hold on to their witnessing of craft. One of them was J.J. Benitez who wrote his experience in “OVNI: S.O.S. a la Humanidad,” lost his job and started an incredible career researching and writing about mysteries.
Thankfully, even in today’s highly commercial and modernizing Peru, there’s also somewhat more awareness and respectability for the UFO issue and a larger segment of the population is being informed by UFO programs like those from History Channel and so forth. Besides, some people are aware that the Air Force has recently opened an Anomalous Aerial Objects Research Office.
Recently, some photos were taken in downtown Lima by a RPP radio network reporter and have been circulating. Whether lens flares or not, it raises the issue in people’s minds.
Besides those photos taken by an RPP Radio reporter (the largest radio network in Perú), recently several callers reported that on Dec 14 UFOs were also dramatically seen at around 8PM on a (crowded) northern part of Lima, Peru between the Panamerican Higway north and a street called Habich. The event its said to have stopped traffic for a while because many people stopped to watch the display. Some callers even mentioned a large, multi colored (rugby football-shaped) object which was suddenly seemed to be hased or circled by a smaller star-like one until it had to leave. The reports were received on Radio Capital program “Viaje a Otra Dimension” conducted by UFO and paranormal investigator Anthony Choy.
Also, colorful lights constantly appearing, dissappearing, moving and changing positions with respect to each other lights in the District of Cieneguilla, Lima, Peru. The sincerity of the peoples’ dialogue during filming is quite telling that it doesn’t seem to be pre-planned or faked. (part one) Two sets of videos were posted on You Tube Dated 15 December, 2013 and 18 December, 2013
Cieneguilla has been a place where UFOs have been seen before.
On Dec 9 Anonymous Peru informed that an object had crashed near Cieneguilla Peru. That created some stir but that report has not been confirmed.
Now we have this cell ph video taken in the District of San Miguel in Lima, Peru dated Dec 23, 2014. It shows a helicopter and what SEEMS to be a metallic disc hovering nearby to the left of the chopper. The film is from Gladys Cordoba. The link is During a very brief fraction within the first second of the video there SEEMS to be a metallic disc hovering to the left of the helicopter. Then, it disappears from view because the camera moves to the right. The sunlight seems to shine on the left side of the object which coincides with how it shines on objects casting shadows (toward the right) on the ground.A blow up photogram of that brief moment is included.
It’s too early to tell but, if this is a lasting trend that will continue beyond ocasional sightings but, perhaps, some Latin American contactees connected to a spiritual perspective will eventually show that some UFOs are indeed ET and that a better approach toward friendlier, respectful contacts with extraterrestrial beings is not only possible and necessary, but can be objective and politically viable. They will probably show along with the effort of so many other researchers that a TABOO on this matter is BEHIND THE TIMES and that without panic, adoration or condemnation, we can engage in more intelligent exchanges with extraterrestrial beings.
A probable connection with a distant – but always latent – past in which knowledge about ancient beings coming from the stars and-or living underground as survivors of old, wise civilizations exists. Thus, in old traditions there are memories of the “Paco Pacuris” (illumined beings that live in special undergound sites) and of the “Ñaupas” (the ancestors who dressed in white came from the the sea). When on November, 2010, my friend, colleague, reporter and researcher Marco Barraza was investigating at the famous “Aramu Muru” Portal or the “Hayumarca Door” in Juli, Puno, Peru two seemingly anomalous objects moved behind him while he was mentioning specific words as seen here. From minute 5.30 on when he especifically said “There are places in the planet surrounded by myths, magic and mysteries ” a mist-like thing appeared moving behind him from left to right. Next, when he says “there are places where one can even perhaps feel the presence of the so-called extraterrestrial deities” a UFO appeared, also moving from left to right behind and above him. The link is at
I think that modern society needs to recuperate the highest memories of a wiser past in which ETs were not a threat as seen today. Not everyone ‘out there’ or inside here( (inside the Earth’s crust) is a threat and we must evolve beyong our extreme warrior-like projections on them. After considering the experiences of some contactee friends with eyewitnesses accompanying them, and after thinking of information contasined in ancient lore and current “wisdom keepers” I am certain that there are benevolent masters of wisdom and extraterrestrials waiting for us to become aware of who we are and to responsibly participate in a cosmic community. While in our fantastic cultural milieu “benevolence” might sound like gullibility and a non-realistic attitude I’d say that the overall emphasis on negativity and aggression is exagerated.
Sixto Paz, one of the main contactees objectively verified by witnesses (and succesfully preparing other people to experience their own contacts), estimates that, out of about 60 extraterrestrial “races” interacting with Earth and humanity, only 5 don’t want the original cosmic plan for humanity to suceed. First, we need to find who we are and is the highest thing expected from us to “suceed.” We also need to think less dichotomically, more intelligently and to choose our direction wisely.
The time to focus more on our friends and less on our probable foes (perhaps in some cases beings that might need our assistance without allowing them to exploit us) is at hand. Let’s contact them with integrity and no fear!
The Seres Agenda is a fiction based on fact novel that aims to expose the secret extraterrestrial control of Earth. A negative faction of Reptilian aliens has conspired with national elites over centuries to have a stranglehold on political and economic power. David Icke would be proud of the way Scott Lemriel spins a tale of malevolent human eating Reptilians with shape shifting technologies manipulating unwitting human elites. The pay day for the Reptilians is when they either succeed in manipulating the Earth into joining their vast empire, or engineering a planetary collapse where they can freely exploit a war torn planet.
Into this alarming situation emerges the good guys, the “Galactic Inter-dimensional Alliance of Free Worlds” that have been recently empowered by mysterious golden pyramids emerging throughout the known universe. The pyramids deliver a strange golden light, a new Ray, that instantly transforms evil into good by way of uplifting consciousness into higher dimensions. In short, the Ray transmitted by the golden pyramids is creating a universe wide ascension process whereby individuals, groups and civilizations can be uplifted into higher dimensions.
The Galactic Alliance has been successful in developing new technologies that act as conduits for the golden pyramid “ascension” Ray. The most nasty Reptilians imaginable are instantly transformed into back slapping good guys after being exposed to the golden light Ray of the pyramids which are spontaneously emerging in different places and sizes, and are being channeled through various technologies connected to the pyramids.
It emerges that the Reptilians were not all that different to the humans they were manipulating insofar as both had been exposed to subconscious programming – trauma based mind control – that prevented one from connecting to one’s higher self or “atman.” The Ray from the Golden pyramids immediately cut through the subconscious program and allow the connection between the higher self and conscious mind. Additionally, the Galactic Alliance has “mind liberation” technology in their advanced deprogramming chambers that removes the subconscious programming by exposing the painful traumas that were inserted at some point in a person’s history that can stretch several lifetimes.
In the novel, we are given a steady dose of key characters and villans being subjected to the Galactic Alliance’s mind liberation technology or the golden pyramids’ new Ray as the means by which they see the light of day. There is no payback or revenge in this novel as transformed heroes, human elites and ruthless Reptilians all recognize how they were each duped by more manipulative beings that inflicted mind control on them. For the Reptilians, it’s been 500,000 years since they were subjugated by a white winged Reptilian species from another dimension who manipulated the former into becoming the scourge of our galaxy.
The Seres Agenda is a heady mix of factual events, mysterious scientific phenomena and unbridled optimism. There is certainly much evidence to support the book’s core premise that humanity is secretly being manipulated by extraterrestrials. One can read Jim Marrs well researched book, Rule by Secrecy to see how far back in human history one can go to discover elite human cooperation with an extraterrestrial group known as the Anunnaki, which Marrs suggests are Reptilians. More recently, we have had agreements reached by human elites and extraterrestrial groups in the US and other countries. These negotiated agreements are described in Exposing U.S. Government Policies on Extraterrestrial Life (2009). The idea of negotiated agreements between human elites and extraterrestrial burst into mainstream consciousness with a recent article by Iran’s Fars News Agency that the US was controlled by Tall White aliens that were previously aligned with Nazi Germany. The Washington Post, Forbes, and many other mainstream media articles were now discussing a possibility that previously was considered too ridiculous to even consider let alone publish.
There is also much evidence to support the book’s other key premise that positive human looking extraterrestrials are trying to assist humanity from behind the scenes. These human extraterrestrials have largely been cut out of the loop of elite decision making for the future of the planet earth due to the mendacity of elites who have secretly negotiated agreements with manipulative non-human extraterrestrials – Grays and Reptilians. The book, Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET, reveals the main extraterrestrial races involved in both manipulating and assisting the Earth. It is the latter category of extraterrestrials that receives little international media coverage given the dominant media focus on alien abductions and cattle mutilations.
In addition, it is also being discovered that the universe is experiencing a strange new phenomenon in the form of powerful bursts of information coming from black holes. Previously it was thought that black holes merely absorbed energy, now astronomers are confirming that they are being observed to emit powerful bursts of energy. Alex Collier, an alleged contactee with extraterrestrials from Andromeda, was among the first to claim that black holes are transmitting energy. He was told by his Andromedan contacts that the universe is experiencing new energies from black holes that are having a transformative effect on consciousness throughout the galaxy. Here we can think about universal ascension, the rapture, and similar concepts found in various new age and religious literatures. This energy coming out of black holes has some similarities to the new Ray being transmitted by the golden pyramids depicted in The Seres Agenda.
What I found fascinating was how the golden pyramid Ray altered DNA to the extent that individuals began being transformed into Ascended Beings that could instantaneously travel through space and time by the power of consciousness alone. I have described such beings as Celestials that according to Nikoli Kardarshev’s typology of extraterrestrial civilizations are Type IV. In The Seres Agenda, the Seres are a group of very ancient Ascended Beings that are behind the ascension process that has Earth as a focal point for a universe wide ascension process. The Seres Agenda is an excellent primer for the fantastic opportunities that lie ahead for those willing to ride the wave of Universal Ascension.
Unfortunately, where the book fails to be persuasive is in its depiction of humans and aliens alike being immediately transformed by the ascension energies being transmitted by the golden pyramids. We are expected to believe that the free will choice of all when exposed to the Golden pyramid Ray is to be transformed into back slapping good guys in touch with their true self where they recognize the unity of life. To me that sounds overly optimistic. I think a more realistic scenario is depicted in a new book called From Contact to Ascension, where the “ascension energies” basically lead into a universe wide split in terms of a fundamental choice all intelligent life will need to make. There will be those that choose to “ascend” into the higher realms of unity consciousness and instant manifestation of ones most heartfelt desires, and those that like things pretty much the way they are in terms of dualistic belief systems. I certainly don’t see adherents of fundamentalist religions making a free will choice to embrace and manifest the Higher Self, Atman or “God” within. Fundamentalists see such ideas as blasphemy and Luciferian, and will be only too happy to separate from the “unbelievers” of an all-powerful transcendent God that benignly rules over us as long as we follow the guidelines of a sacred text.
TheSeres Agenda is thought provoking, entertaining and provides powerful insights into the hidden control system of planet Earth. It is particularly helpful in depicting the extent to which elites and their alien partners will go to maintain their power over the planet, even destroying it out of spite when their plans fail. The book does a fine job in describing the countervailing power of human looking extraterrestrials and Ascended Beings assisting our planet despite the constraints placed upon them by the negotiated agreements between human elites and their Reptilian/Gray extraterrestrial partners. The book’s most important contribution is that it describes a near future based on the ideas of full disclosure of extraterrestrial life and a universe wide ascension process. Imagine a future where you live in a utopian world with greatly enhanced personal abilities where you can instantly manifest your most cherished dreams. While ascension might not be for all, it undoubtedly will affect all. I highly recommend the Seres Agenda as well worth reading and preparing yourself for life changing events in a corner of the galaxy close to you.
[Exopolitics Institute: Dec 3, 2013] The latest edition of the Exopolitics Journal has just been released, and is available online for free. Here is what Manuel Lamiroy, the Special Edition Co-editor had to say in his introduction:
This second volume of the fourth edition of the Exopolitics Journal continues with the theme of “Extraterrestrial Contact.” This time, the focus is on “Galactic Diplomacy.” While “Official Contact” still is the subject of science fiction, Extraterrestrial Contact already is happening, has been happening for a long time, and is ongoing, on a large scale. Indeed, to date, thousands of individuals have had contact experiences, and the indications are that this phenomenon will increase. As such, there is a growing need for galactic diplomacy; not only for official – or “track I” – diplomacy, but also for “Track II” or “Citizen Diplomacy with Extraterrestrials.”
This special edition of the Exopolitics Journal contains seven articles along with an introduction. You can learn more about what experts and practitioners have to say about Galactic Diplomacy by visiting the Exopolitics Journal at:
Tour Master Jake Gould, Cheuk Fei and Neil Gould, with the Chinese Group.
On 12th October 2013 a historic event took place in Exopolitical arena, a group of 20 Chinese UFO enthusiasts departed from Hong Kong and China en route to the USA under the tutelage of Neil Gould – Director of Exopolitics Institute, Cheuk Fei – HK media host MJ13, Jake Gould –Exo-filmmaker and Stan Ho – Exo Cert., for the exo-tour of a lifetime. The objectives were to engage in discussions with top exopolitical researchers, contactees and experience the paranormal at the infamous Bradshaw Ranch, UFO sightings and to take part in human initiated ET contact -CE5 (close encounters of the fifth kind), a program endorsed by the Exopolitics Institute Certification Program.
2 weeks before departure workshops were arranged in Hong Kong to train the participants in CE5 protocols and to prepare them in facing new and altered realities. The CE5 was performed inside an office on the 14th floor in Cheuk Fei’s WebTV studio downtown Hong Kong. Stan Ho had provided reading material beforehand. He then prepared a series of lectures to the group, which included, Contact, 6th man on the moon Dr Edgar Mitchell’s work on the Quantum Hologram and historic aspects of Exopolitics including a document on Einstein and Oppenheimer. Stan Ho holds an Exopolitics Certificate; he is working towards his Exopolitics Diploma. Neil and Jake led the CE5 and within seconds each of the radars went off individually, indicating an ETV lock-on. After the group meditation was over half the participant were dizzy and several reported vivid dreams.
Bigalow’s Aerospace Complex with Alien Insignia
Upon arrival in the USA the first visit was to Janet airlines, then to Bob Bigalow’s aerospace complex, then finally ending up at Area 51. The secret airline ferrying staff to and from Area 51, the Alien insignia on Bungalow’s rooftop; the shocking discovery that a shadow group was in control of a facility where should one cross the line, the use of deadly force is authorized; these issues stunned the Chinese group. Many simply became angry, some were deeply upset as they were forced to reevaluate their worldview. They now understood the structures and constructs that allowed the CIA to operate at Groom Lake; under the cover of “Indian Territory” to facilitate secrecy and its quasi legality.
ETV Following the Tour Bus – Credit Stan Ho
The following day the destination was Sedona; almost immediately as the coach left the luxurious Luxor Hotel in Vegas, silver daylight disks followed the bus the whole 3 hour journey, hovering both sides of the bus at perhaps a few thousand feet altitude; the group taking as many pictures as the “visitors” would allow. Upon arrival at the Enchantment Resort the group pondered the many rumors surrounding this controversial resort then headed for a group initiation and welcoming by the Sky-People through a local Shaman; his dancing and clapping rituals were physically exhausting leaving most of the group out of breath.
Shaman initiating the Hong Kong Tour Group
Up early in the morning the group headed for Sedona’s “Energy Vortices” and “Portals”, taking the opportunity to meditate and climb to the highest possible point hoping to adjust their minds in preparation for the CE5 that evening. Just before sunset the convoy of Jeeps led by Cheuk Fei headed for a clearing to set up for human initiated contact. Kim Carlsberg and Jake Gould set up the boom box to broadcast the “Call Tones” and the TV monitor and over the next few hours over 50 craft flew high up overhead; some craft were quite low facilitating good video opportunities. The following night the second CE5 produced 17 further sightings and a transdimensional manifestation on the ground less than 20 meters from a small group. As the dome shape object twinkled on the ground it attracted Kim Carlsberg to walk over followed by Andrew French, a student at the Exopolitics Institute Certification Program. The outline of a life form leaving the ship was clearly visible to those standing nearby.
CE-5 Galactic Diplomacy Preparations.
Neil facing an Interdimensional Being – Bradshaw ranch
Stan Ho Captures on Film a Grey Manifesting through Syncronicity at the Bradshaw Ranch
Tom Dongo, Sedona’s veteran UFO and paranormal researcher held the group spellbound with accounts of anomalous events around Sedona and on the Bradshaw Ranch. This prompted a visit by the group to the Bradshaw Ranch; interdimensional beings were photographed and videoed walking in front of Neil Gould; Stan Ho caught the beings in photographs as synchronicities pulled at the fields of consciousness drawing out the ET faces from the local scrub. The group caught orbs, lights and faces that formed from a smoky etheric substance. All these events were topped when Kim Carlsberg appealed to the beings to give a sign that they were truly there; the group’s attention was transfixed on the windmill, which was stationary. At the end of Kim’s plea, the windmill began to turn without any evidence of wind. These phenomenon’s will be available in the video release of this Exo-tour.
Abductee – Travis Walton and Silian Wong
An encounter with Travis Walton shed tears amongst the Group; a painful account of his life and the years of having to come to terms with being accidentally hit by an energy beam from an ET craft. Travis spent the afternoon with the Group and brought them to the actual site of his abduction.
Cheuk Fei, Dr Kitei, Neil Gould, Paola Harris, Yan Jin
There was one last stop before returning to Hong Kong and China; Phoenix, home of Dr Lynne Kitei who gave a superb presentation on the Phoenix lights. This was followed by a huge surprise for Stan Ho and Andrew French, both are students of Paola Harris a well known researcher, instructor and Director at the Exopolitics Institute Certification Program; in walked Paola, unannounced, hugging her students, their jaws dropping to the ground, they were blown away, a surprise prepared in secret by the hosts.
Paola Harris meeting her students; Stan Ho and Andrew French during the Exo- Tour.
Neil Gould & Cheuk Fei with TOUR MASTER: Jake Gould [Farewell at Airport in Las Vegas]
The Exopolitical tour had been a total success, each of the participants had confirmed that they had experienced a true shift in consciousness and each person realized that they had a difficult journey ahead to convince their friends and family about what they had experienced…….however….they have it all on film!
The UFO USA TOUR will be made into a Chinese TV Documentary with cutting edge footage never caught on film before.
Is a practical, universal ethics compatible with ethically advanced, benevolent, cosmic civilizations possible for humanity? Does it require the slow progression in psychological developmental stages of a majority of individuals? If so, what if the social system and culture (s) regress from slowly developing (and challenged) democracies to pre-modern stages? If we have the wherewithal or potential to be substantially different, does it require a shift in attitudes that can be stimulated worldwide thanks to the dire environmental circumstances (and other so-called “hypercomplex,” “wicked” problems) that we are provoking and for which we must adapt or perish? Or does it require AI to surveil and control our lives, perhaps in combination with massive genetic engineering, hybridizing with specific extraterrestrial species, or (as some channeled material mentions) will inevitably come about as some sort of “ascension” process thanks to vibratory frequency shifts forcing us to change? We need to be realistic and consider all reasonable possibilities.
What kind of ethics do we need to establish a constructive rapport with the kind of extraterrestrials that may be the most respectful and positive to our long-term well-being? Harmonious universal values and principles become personally binding and not just “lofty words” disconnected from “reality” and soon to be forgotten IF our sense of belonging, our self-identityexpands beyond irrational, pre-integral exclusivisms and we become intimately connected with levels of trans-rational (not non-rational), integral inclusivism. These levels include and transcend the “either-or” physical logic of distinctions and may even transcend and also transcend and include the “both-and” relational logic of the subtle worlds of energy and life. They vibrate with the heart of love as a higher, more inclusive form of logic that may be known in the Orient as “neti-neti” or “neither-nor.”
After years of reviewing contactee literature, I’d say that many alleged extraterrestrials seem to have an expanded sense of belonging, not only in a cognitive sense and in ways of dealing with complexity and multidimensionality but also in heartfelt, spiritual, and instinctive a-rational (not irrational) terms. These types of ETs seem to be more human-compatible and to offer the most human-enhancing and whole free will-respecting contacts. The question is can we rise to the challenge and get a grip of such an ethics as exopolitical ambassadors representing the whole human species?
There’s an ethical understanding called the “Bredam.” The ‘Bredam’ or “Cosmic Song of the Universe” is not found in any particular place but is everywhere at once. It is not written in any language, books, manuscripts, or codes. Its place and expectation is from always. There is no secret needed to find it because as it is it is without you (as a separate being). It is a perennial form of energy and all have access to it when the time arrives (this is an alleged ET transmission to a contactee within Mission Rahma).”
Within the (international but mostly Latin American) ET contact group called “Mission Rahma” (originated in 1974 by Sixto Paz Wells, his family and friends inside the (now extant) Peruvian Institute of Interplanetary Relations “IPRI” (founded by his father Carlos Paz García Corrochano in 1955), the “Bredam” is alleged to be a moral understanding and a set of “laws” adhered to in every planetary civilization that functions under the spiritual authority of the24 Elders of the (Milky Way) Galaxy. I suppose that it would also apply to civilizations that follow the spiritual advice of an even higher council of the Nine of Andromeda.
The following extract is a conceptual transmission that allegedly took place during a contact experience in which a physical and inter-dimensional transference to “Morlen” (Ganymede, the moon of Jupiter) was achieved through an artificially generated dimensional gateway called “Xendra.” I translated the following passage inspired on the “Bredam” from
“One can only see well with the heart
One can only identify correctly with intuition
One can only understand well with respect to reasons
One can only judge well with an understanding of motivations
One can only dialogue adequately with tolerance to diverse opinions but,
above all, one can only teach well through example.”
“Mission Rahma” is one of several contact missions that relate with specific varieties of our extraterrestrial forefathers/elder cosmic brothers. These particular “forefathers” admit that in the past they committed several mistakes that hurt humanity. Nonetheless, this particular group currently seems to be aligned with the love-based esoteric teachings of the world religions and to be very respectful of Master Jesus the Christ in particular because this being is one with the “Cosmic Christ” or Logos, the firstborn in an ultra-terrestrial Universe. The latter element seems to be a reason why they found a more receptive human community among Spanish-speaking, idealist, spiritual seekers willing to consistently work with a lofty mission without excesses of fanaticism.
Why can’t we be motivated by lofty values, feelings, understanding and spirituality and not be fanatics? The motto currently used in this contact experience goes something like this: “Rahma is to love, God is love, Christ is the lord and the Mission is for Humanity. Why can’t this also be important for intelligent, wise, technologically advanced extraterrestrials? Why can’t there be a level of consciousness capable of balancing the dichotomous excesses to which pre-integral human minds tend to fall?
In the word “Rahma” “Ra” symbolizes the “Sun” and “Divine Light;” “Ma” symbolizes “the Earth” and the letter “h” symbolizes our “humanity” capable of bringing light and wisdom to Earth but also to the Cosmos and, furthermore, of acting as a “bridge” to the highest dimensions of existence which extraterrestrials themselves do not reach. Even if the group is numerically small (perhaps in the thousands over the years in more than 20 countries), the unity of altruistic purpose and collective spiritual “work” is deemed an effective representation in the name of humanity.
Allegedly, according to physical contactees from this group, Ganymede (the moon of Jupiter) harbors a technologically-sustained intentional community (a multi-faceted colony of colonists from many civilizations which did not adhere to the Orion rebellion). The colony (called “Morlen”) is thought to be located in another time frame and subtler vibratory level of physical reality. It is also considered to be the local seat (or at least a local seat) of the “Council of the 24 Eldersof the (Milky Way) Galaxy.” After preparing themselves a group of individuals was transported there all at once and also Sixto Paz Wells may have been taken there by himself.
The truthfulness and objective reality of the Mission Rahma contacts are validated by decades of shared experiences of people that have followed the same contact methods and obtained similar interpretations without being abused according to common sense human standards. Some “anomalous” sightings were verified collectively even with the presence of news reporters. Hundreds of people have experienced various kinds of contact including holographic, physical, energetic, and telepathic and, while the sense of mission and the information indeed has a spiritual pseudo-religious-sounding appearance, this doesn’t mean that genuine contacts don’t surpass physical and psychical components and are capable of going into the spiritual heart of the matter or into crucially important spiritual reasons.
The point is that spirit and not technology or power-seeking, unending distrust-enhancing and manipulation are keys to these kinds of high-level, loving, and mutually respectful contacts with friends we can trust. Even so, what might seem as simple pseudo –religiosity and none else to rigid, modern “rational” minds and feelings are not accompanied by a rigid “follow the leader” scam. They are usually accompanied by order, freedom, coherence, voluntary work, and sufficient rationality. Let’s not confuse spirituality with fanaticism and technology-power seeking contacts with genuine contacts. There are instead many kinds of contacts and beings in a complex range of interactions across the globe.
While I’m quoting ideas expressive of the “Bredam,” this “code” is more like the “spirit of the law” thought to be felt and understood by the spiritual heart and through common sense. Some of the sayings that follow (allegedly communicated by extraterrestrial “guides” and by some of their spiritual “masters” during telepathic transmissions) may give us a better sense of this unwritten “code”:
Close your eyes to see; Open your heart to understand; Seal your lips to vibrate; Feel the Christ presence to shine.
The beginning of reason is logic and the logic of its beginning is its end. Reason doesn’t rest in knowledge but in wisdom.
The goal of a wise master is not that his disciple equals him but to be surpassed by him; in this way he will have an opportunity to become a disciple once again.
What you understand with the heart is integrated with the mind and is communicated with the sublime act of love.
These guidelines were extensively used within the Mission Rahma contact groups, especially during the first years. Ideally, the guidelines which serve to judge the truthfulness and positive contributions of an extraterrestrial message could also give us some hints on the “Bredam” that inspires whom we would call “benign” or “life-enhancing,” “freedom-respectful” extraterrestrials: 1) A genuine life-enhancing message is coherent and logical (in the classic rational sense). 2) It possesses a simple and yet profound wisdom. 3) It is positive and provides options for change and improvement, never falling prey to catastrophism. 4) It always provides a new contribution or something new and isn’t simply the repetition of previous messages, or contradicts the previous messages but, rather, expands and deepens upon them. 5) It is outside of time: Its knowledge transcends time. 6) It brings an intuitively perceived subtle contribution which quite often reason (classical reason) cannot understand. This is a sense of light and spirituality which is felt upon relating to the message. 7) A genuine message is universal and not personal or exclusive. It doesn’t exalt the “antenna” or receiver above the rest of the participants whose role in harmony is just as crucial. It doesn’t over-differentiate. 8) It can propose specific spiritual tasks or a change for the good but never impose them on others.
Some Personal Reflections: Is a Cosmic/Universal Ethics Humanly Possible?
It seems that – in relation to most ET groups coming to Earth/our physical time frame – whatever their orientation might be they at least perceive themselves as part of a coherent planetary species as a group. Their consciousness is sufficiently integral to operate under a universal concern that goes along with the capacity and responsibility to manipulate space-time. The different groups seem to agree with shared engagement rules even if they might have serious differences among themselves. Thus, it is not easy to judge them under our simpler “either-or” incipient rational parameters. We would need to mature a level of consciousness that identifies with larger living-intelligent wholes, like with the whole of Earth and with the whole of our Earth human species. Only then we might achieve a form of cosmic sovereignty and respect from other species who might want different things from us. Only then can we expect some varieties of ETs not to manipulate us for us to give them permission to intervene us as inferior creatures. Only then and when we understand the power of our free will and creative potential can we safely engage with the whole variety of ET groups and not just with those that respect us the most (as the ET groups that have been operating through Mission Rahma volunteer participants).
Reflecting on what causes self-reflective, intelligent beings to behave for the benefit of others I realize that a most crucial ingredient is the shared values of the groupwe participatewith in a vital or personally important way. If our self-identity depends on valuing being humans and our group implicitly says “humans are tough” we’ll try to show toughness. If we are Americans and our self-identity depends on groups that implicitly say that “Americans are predestined by God” we’ll support that. Every value we support, if it is partially true will not just negate its opposite. It will support our core sense of self-identifications and also leave out other partially true values. Nevertheless, the more UNIVERSAL and INCLUSIVE our sense of self and group-related values are, the more these values will partially coincide with other people’s. It may be a matter of gradually expanding our inclusivity along with greater values with which our sense of self-identity can coexist with.
Can we expect ETs to risk openly contacting us in our own terms any time soon? Can we live by a universal and unspecified ethics like the “Bredam?” Can we listen and resonate with the “Song of the Universe?” I think that we already do it to a greater or lesser extent in so far as we value others besides ourselves to whichever degree. Nonetheless, I also think that that to do so in a similar way as the alleged extraterrestrials mentioned in this essay more importantly requires an expansion or leap in the spiritually (Monad presence) “heart-felt” and constitutionally (gross and subtle bodies integration) “instinctively-felt” self-identity. These are the spiritual and fundamental sides of our conscious capacity to include. Secondarily it requires a cognitive expansion into a trans-systemic, integral-level understanding. In other words, cognition and mental understanding may be necessary and useful but not as fundamentally important as spiritually-inspired feelings and structurally-inspired instincts. This may be why benign extraterrestrials often choose not just people who don’t have a personal stake in institutions but also who are not very intellectually inclined. Their good feelings and good instincts about their contacts are in these cases what matters most.
While cognitive expansion of our conscious “space” would deal with extraterrestrials (and any other form of life) in depersonalized, Third Person-objective, inter-systemic ways (like a “Vulcan” from the TV series “Star Trek” would) spiritual and instinctive conscious expansion would deal with extraterrestrials in personal, First Person-subjective ways. Both ways could be necessary but the latter would be more fundamental since even subjectivity may be ultimately linked to the Universal Conscious Presence that gives rise to everything, including objects and the intelligence needed to understand them.
Perhaps a basic “gentlemen’s agreement” kind or respect in our relations with ETs may require our self-identities to embrace a healthy cognitive respect for the vital integration of all systems (terrestrial and extraterrestrial) but a kind and superior alignment with the highest good for everyone, in the long run, may require a self-identity extended by an opening of the heart. This opening of the heart may lead to a more coherent and profound logic cohering different ways of knowing interpenetrating realities/realms and not to a fanaticism as is erroneously assumed by some proud modern rationalists which oversimplify the issue.
Contactees within Mission Rahma (as well as contactees from other groups, theosophists, new agers, and channelers) have generally privileged the former kind of leap and within Mission Rahma, it has been called a leap into the “Fourth Dimension of Consciousness.” This appears to be a level of consciousness in which individuality is not lost but in which there’s a healthy interest in the good of the whole in which an individual participates.Planet-wide challenges call for this kind of consciousness in which integral solutions can be applied and in which local or personal closed-minded preferences inimical to the harmony of the whole (as a species and the planet’s life forms) are reorganized for the good of all individuals as participants in that greater unit. Different world and culture transforming collectives need to start recognizing each other, coming together, and integrating their advanced ideas into an even greater level of unity-coherence-knowingness.
Preparing the planet for open contacts is about integrating the Good, True and Beautiful elements of many complementing integrative ideologies and movements.
In fact, this expansion, this development or perhaps “leap in consciousness” might also correlate with the research and theories put forth in the work of several coinciding developmental psychologists like Dr. Clare W. Graves’ and his “Levels of Existence” (, Dr. Elizabeth Cook-Greuter and her “Action Logics,” Dr. Jane Loevinger’s and her “Stages of Ego Development” ( and Harvard Professor in Adult Learning and Professional Behavior Dr. Robert Kegan’s and his “Orders of Consciousness” ( Research like this being recognized by Integral Theory followers (who tend to be psychologists) also needs to be incorporated into the exopolitical and world transformation discourse.
In relation to a cognitive and self-identity level of awareness capable of dealing with the world as a whole (and in my view even perhaps) with extraterrestrial contact Professor Kegan refers to the possibility of an emerging “Inter-Individual Order of Consciousness.” Consciousness and cultural evolution is possible and a universal tendency according to Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory. While success is not pre-determined we can make use of the cosmic tendency to develop more inclusive forms of life, downloading higher potentials from subtler levels of existence and actualizing them through choice in “bottom-up” evolution. At least all of these researchers using different kinds of structuralist methods through psychological tests and other approximate objective ways of quantifying human psychological development coincide with one of the fathers of Humanistic psychology, Dr. Abraham Maslow ( who thought that higher stages of human development were indeed possible
I think that each particular group of self-aware and self-reflective beings on Earth (and elsewhere) admit values which themselves are degrees of understandings which ultimately derive from the original explicated Source, the sound and light sustaining all of creation, universes, densities, realities and materiality. As that which provides essential meaning, coherence and order it has been variously recognized in different religions as: All inclusive love, the Logos/Christ, the Word, AUM, the compassionate Buddha Mind, and even by esoteric mystics as a vibratory essence of MIND behind the seven Hermetic principles given in “The Kybalion” (which may have been written or telepathically received by William Walker Atkinson but still remains hauntingly inspiring).
The human sense of order, of right and wrong, of better and worse, of more or less harmonious, of what to value, include or to exclude so as to choose and evolve would emerge from this original vibration at the Heart of all that is manifesting or may manifest relatively to each other entity. The ability to recognize the vibration surpassing definition but aligned with Truth, Order, Beauty, and shared Harmony would always be with us (however we may have been genetically modified for the worse) because without it intelligent living systems would not flourish. It would be naturally encoded within our bodies and our DNA blueprint. This knowingness would enhance and harmonize with all forms of constructive harmonious meaning-making, logic, and order and so we would know that it is not foible and self-deception.
If we felt it as a single thread connecting our body, mind and spirit essences and their corresponding “bodies” we would be potentially capable of acting more inclusively and kindly to all of life, extending our vital participating self (and absolutely necessary) sense of belonging and participation to the entire Cosmos made of living entities at all levels sustauined by the Creator Source, God, Oneness, Being, LOVE.
Atkinson, William W. & Philip Deslippe (edit) (1908/2011). The Kybalion. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin: Los Angeles.
This is a news report which I’m translating from contactee Ricardo Gonzalez. Citizen contacts with benevolent beings are indeed happening and increasing in Latin America. Talampaya is a special energy vortex and mystical-spiritual place in Argentina. Information of friendly and BEAUTIFUL contacts like these should also be known to counteract so much negativity and information about aggressive ETs, misguided secret control groups, technological abuses, enslaving Annunakis, dangerous, atrophied, service-to-self ETs (of which – to be fair with a large amount of credible data – there are some) and things of that nature. Positive encounters which are gradually on the rise also are objectively genuine and only irrational predispositions toward paying more attention to sinister aspects of Human-ET contacts will give us an incomplete picture keeping us in a state of fear or a fixated willingness to fight. As much as fear-based events do occur, LOVE-based ones are more substantial, verifiable and promising of freedom, truth and justice in the long run and as a wiser form of Exopolitical development in human-ET relations. We can truly say that simple, well-intended humanity is also being gradually contacted accross the world in a form of unofficial disclosure as groups of people are verifying good, beautiful and truthful forms of contact happening now. The ensuing healing associated with these good types of contact (contacts that involve gradual preparation and respect) should be encouraged much further in order to awaken to our best capacities as a unified human species and wiser citizens of the Cosmos. The nature of these contacts is not about depending on ETs or about putting them on a pedestal. It neither is about condemning them or perhaps going to war with them. It is not about being assimilated or destroyed as a civilization. It’s about ending the conflicts and achieving an equally respectful, caring friendship with ourselves and with all of life. It is about waking up to our most wholesome potentials and not allowing abuses while healing and becoming examples that heal ancient conflicts in the Cosmos. It is about allying ourselves with defenders of the original human plan and with its Divine purpose.
The encounter suggested by the extraterrestrial Guides has been an extraordinary and unforgettable event. Us, more than 250 persons from 16 countries (arriving from different places of Europe, Canada, the U.S., Mexico, Caribbean and a large part of South America) gathered from 7-9 September in that important sanctuary of the White Brotherhood in order to radiate light to the world.
The dates had been given by the elder brothers of the Cosmos. And so we informed others about it since the moment of receiving this information more than half a year ago in a place called “Sierra de la Ventana.” Later on, they gave us more information telling us about the importance of Talampaya in order to envelop the world with peace.
As we remember, the dates of the encounter “coincided” with the crisis in Syria. The extraterrestrials had anticipated it and, for some reason, they wished that country not to be attacked on those dates. This is a theme that I’ll further develop later on. Moreover, Pope Francisco requested a day of prayer for the tension in the Middle East for September 7th, the same date we had been given. If this weren’t enough, Obama waited the for the approval for the military strike on the 9th. Today we can see that none of this occurred.
It depends on us maintaining the energy and optimism to affect world events. Some of them can be avoided and the intensity of others can be diminished or be postponed in order to secure a better evacuation of the civilian population. Be as it may, the saying that we can create what we believe becomes a fact.
That was the main objective of the international encounter in Talampaya. An encounter that was open, free for every walker in the path that resonated with that task. We gather without names and labels. There, all of us were a single group.
The elder brothers allowed themselves to be seen during different sightings. Some of these apparitions were registered by two professional photographers, Christian Belluco and Matías Zubrzycki, both equipped with cameras which were sensitive to the light. Thanks to them we obtained extraordinary registers in which we can see the trajectory of the luminous UFOs glistening the starry laden sky in Talampaya. The light of these objects was so intense that it stood out over that of the stars. We signaled them out with a powerful laser light in order to have a reference point in the photographs, in the same manner as we had previously done in Sierra de Ventana. The support of the (ET) guides during the three nights was unequivocal.
On the 9th, 60 of us went to Ciudad Perdida (Lost City), an earth energy enclave located at the Talampaya National Park. We had received telepathic instructions to go there and to perform a connecting task at the pyramidal hill in order to connect it with the blue crystal found in the underground city of Erks (in Capilla del Monte, Argentina). This hill is the ancient nucleus of a volcano that protects one of the 13 solar discs. This experience – which was supported by the other participants forming the remaining group at base camp in Talampaya – was extraordinary…
It has allowed us to understand why Talampaya was the first place where the intraterrestrial retreat of Erks functioned; why for some time it was separated from the sanctuary of the Uritorco Mountain (in Capilla del Monte, near ERKS) and why they “joined” now as a single center of power.
The presence of the guardians from Talampaya and Uritorco was remarkable. We could hear their voiced singing mantrams while an aroma of flowers inundated the pyramidal hill. Furthermore, some persons were touched by invisible presences that made them feel a profound level of peace.
The support group that remained at the campground also lived through very important experiences. Not all of us could go because the National Park only provided authorized transportation for 60 persons. Here I must say that a large part of the contact group in Buenos Aires – a group that had been preparing for the encounter since January – gave up their place for brothers from other countries to be able to go to Ciudad Perdida (Lost City). This was an attitude of responsible surrender-commitment which I value and admire very much.
We created the (adequate) conditions to receive communications in a simultaneous manner. The contact took place and in the communications we were announced that in the second half of 2014 there would be an expedition to Belukha, in the Altai Mountain range. This would be a journey which, according to the extraterrestrial Guides would allow us to complete the crucial information about the Cosmic Plan and the human role in the new time.
Furthermore, the received messages – half a dozen receptions – notified about an experience for 9.00 PM. According to the Guides, some persons would receive the Cesium Crystals and other, an ethereal element, a sort of small crystal made of a rhomboidal shaped light which would act as an “amplifier” of the faculties of the Pineal Gland, which – as we know – relate with co-creation and healing. As far as we understood, this element would be temporal and only to show us what we are capable to do if through discipline and a mystical preparation we activate our psychic abilities through our own merits.
And thus it occurred: At 9.00PM, after the presence of the Guides in the skies of Talampaya, persons in sets of tens received this initiation that was coordinated among the extraterrestrial Guides and the guardians of Uritorco and Talampaya which, by the way, during an excursion to the canyon, I could photograph. I’m referring not just about those guardians shown to tourists but the original/previously unknown ones. I had already obtained a partial register of that in 2002 but during this journey I was able to take high resolution pictures of the “prohibited” petroglyphs.
Due to the importance of the experiences we have lived, the information received and the images achieved, I feel that I must write with greater detail about what Talampaya really is for it to be known. Starting tomorrow I’ll write a small book about all of that hoping to publish it in about two weeks. People will be able to download the text – which will be illustrated with images – for free. The message must reach everyone.
The encounter finished with an atmosphere of much peace and also of nostalgia due to the farewells. I got to known extraordinary persons and it was beautiful seeing different spiritual groups, contact groups, UFO research groups (as the friend from the Pedro Romaniuk Foundation) or persons unconnected with these themes but imbued with a strong sentiment of participating by working all of us, united.
After the encounter at Talampaya ended, we got into our vehicles and took the return road. While in the route, our minibus driver pointed toward a violent accident. We could see a wrecked car. Perhaps its driver had lost control and turned over. That route was veru dangerous and had many precedents of cars that came off the road due to speeding, animals crossing, etc.
Later on we found out that four of the participants in the encounter had been in that car… We found out that two of them were well but that the other two had suffered grave blows. They were in a serious condition and had been urgently taken to the Enrique Vera Barros Regional Hospital where they would be operated upon.
After gathering once again at Capilla del Monte, more than 30 persons performed a healing task. We asked help to the guardians of Talampaya and to the extraterrestrial Guides. In this way we could visualize our brothers healing and coming out well in spite of the serious situation.
Later on we received a phone call: Our brothers had recuperated. The doctors could not believe it…They had very serious internal wounds and these had healed. Bewildered, the physicians didn’t carry on with the surgery and they were released from the hospital. We have the previous evidence and all the documents that give credit to this.